#and can't decide which version of len to use
Me: Ugh, New 52 is so dumb
Also me: Oh no, he’s pretty.
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justafriend-ql · 1 year
rewatching my school president with the knowledge that homophobia does in fact exist within the universe of the series is such a crazy experience because it adds an extra layer of meaning and interpretation to so many lines and moments that we often either overlooked or explained away during the first watch-through.
first off: the music club's rule about not having lovers as a kind-of-sort-of metaphor for society not being accepting of LGBTQ+ couples (i.e., main obstacle in tinn and gun's relationship)
the fact that tiwson knows about tinn's massive crush on gun before the beginning of the series (meaning tinn trusted tiw enough to tell him)
gun's stunned silence when tinn admits he's hitting on him during the pool scene and the kind of scared look on gun's face when he gets flustered after looking into tinn's eyes in episode 3
tinn pointedly asking gun "are you okay with that?" after he indirectly confesses his feelings by the pool in episode 5/6
gun saying "you can't control something like this, can you?" after tinn's previously mentioned confession of feelings at the beginning of episode 6
gun's anxiety about what it means to accept that tinn likes him and he likes tinn back (e.g., "has it ever occurred to you that there are things you want to ask, but you're too afraid to?")
the look of trepidation on sound's face after filming the medal kiss scene with win in episode 6 and realizing he has Feelings
everyone in chinzhilla being on board with filming a bl version of the 'just being friendly' music video (because they're all gay or allies lmao)
tinn interpreting gun's mention of the dating rule after his implied love confession as rejection + gun clarifying that "it doesn't mean he feels bad about it" in episode 6 (music club dating ban as a metaphor for homophobia again)
tinn and gun having to hide the fact that they are seeing each other while at the aquarium with yo and nook, who can openly date (ostensibly because of the music club dating ban, which oddly enough doesn't prevent yo from pursuing nook - there's that music club dating ban metaphor again)
gun repeatedly voicing his concern that it would be easier for tinn if he decided to hit on someone else (e.g., a girl)
tinn's out-of-control gay fantasies as a possible coping mechanism for the fact that he can't be open about his feelings with his family or anyone at school (besides tiw and gun)
yak telling sound he has to accept "what he's really into" in order to write a good love song (and sound clearly glancing at win afterwards)
gun telling tinn "be patient. when i win hot wave, everything will get better. at least with our friends" when they hide from tinn's mom outside of tinn's house at the beginning of episode 10 (music club dating ban metaphor again + hints at concern that tinn's mom may not accept their relationship)
tinn feeling comfortable enough with gun's mom to tell her about his crush on gun while keeping it a secret from his own mom
tinn's mom not knowing tinn could sing as an allusion for how she doesn't know about other aspects of tinn's true self (i.e., his sexuality) either
gun telling tinn that after hot wave, "whatever shitty rules there are" can't stop them (foreshadowing the hostile reaction they get to their relationship in episode 12)
there's probably more but these are the ones i can think of off the top of my head. many of these comments/moments could make sense in the context of a universe without homophobia (i.e., due to general shyness/anxiety about relationships, the music club's dating ban, etc.), but it's neat to interpret them through the lens of heteronormativity/homophobia too.
it's interesting to me that we as a fandom didn't really pick up on the fact that there was homophobia in the universe of the series as it was airing despite all these "signs." it's almost like the show was leading us to ignore or explain them away, just like many of the characters do before they're forced to confront homophobia in episode 12.
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otterskin · 7 months
Does you actllty like odin because I thought everyone hated him.
...Why would people hate him? I struggle to understand that, even now. I have my theories, which I've spoken off in other places.
I think, and I don't like to say this, because there are certainly takes that aren't, but in general, that opinion is very juvenile. There's a desire to want to 'defend and protect' people from him, which betrays a lack of understanding of the dynamics in the films, and a tendency to side with children over adults, even grown children, and to see older people as symbolic of institutional power, as well as parental power, over them, and therefore a yoke that needs throwing off. There's a childish 'shut up, DAD!' to the criticism. More seriously, the desire to paint him as abusive reminds me of the problem of people confusing conflict for abuse, something that's a major issue in online spaces and real life. Outrage and extremism are rewarded and sought after, so everything is heightened. In that lens, a father who tried to do right by his children but who was in a unique circumstance because of his desire to challenge the status quo and fated enmity of two warrring peoples, a king who can't put the needs of his children over the suffering of his people and risk to his kingdom, now becomes a monster who delights in playing favourites and abusing them for kicks. It's disheartening.
There's precious little sympathy for characters like him, especially in this genre. Superhero fare is pretty black and white, and even characters like Loki rest pretty firmly in the 'good' side of that. But Odin is that rare character who not only doesn't play by that simple dichotomy, he doesn't get to live in a world so neatly divided. It's part of his isolation from the others. So usually, people see the gray and decide he must not be 'good', and if he's not 'good', he must be 'bad'.
The films have little time to explore him or his motivations or how he chooses to navigate his murky situation, and it's all the worse because he's a secretive person who actively disguises his motivations and goals. He's a minor character in screen time, but looms large over the plot and other characters' motivations, so most of what we see of him is what other people tell us he is. Most of which is, of course, untrue. That's the Odin that lives in their heads, and not the actual man, who is the rare character in the MCU you actually have to watch and pay attention to to understand. In universe, no-one bothers to do that - they are content with the version they've created to hate. So the audience thinks that version is also the real one, because it's easier to understand and categorize.
I love Odin, in mythology, and in the MCU. He's a much kinder person in the MCU for sure! But I'm glad that, even in a fairly straightforward world, they gave Odin no clear answers. He remains contradictory and deeply flawed, a thoroughly miserable person but with something compelling him to try and change the destined end of the world. How could I not love someone like that? How could people who say they like Loki not like a character who is so similar?
I get depressed when I encounter Odin haters. I feel like they've completely misunderstood and missed out on a fundamental part of the story, and I worry that if their sentiments infect the actual MCU, it will besmirch the efforts of those who came before and the humane story I fell in love with. Odin was not intended to be a bad parent or a bad person, and I don't think he is. He is intended to be someone that people IN UNIVERSE see as a full villain or as a full hero, but he is neither. He is a person who was faced with difficult choices, and he chose to do some radical things that many others of his kind would never do. He paved the way for a better future and better choices for others by defying the prejudices and traditions of his people, but because he was a trailblazer, he did not have the benefit of learning from others' examples, like Thor and Loki have because of him.
Comparing him to Thanos or other actually abusive parents is repellant. Never once have I seen anyone who claims to hate him actually engage with the character as depicted, nor how they would cut through the Gordian Knot of compromises the character had to contend with. They handwave away the moral questions as 'actually super easy to solve', which is something I abhor in fiction (it's also why I deeply dislike Spider-Man: NWH, which handwaves away the motivations and tragedies of villains from previous series). No, nothing was easy to solve about the choices presented to Odin, and I think the character had both logical and emotional rationale for his choices. He actually made pretty bold and forward-thinking plans, they just all tend to suffer from his fatal flaw - he thinks about them as logical, but they're really motivated by emotion that he keeps at arm's length, which leads to him showing vulnerability and being punished for it.
This is something that goes by so fast in the films, but I loved it because it is such a fundamentally male experience. Odin is someone being crushed under pretty much every expectation of masculinity, from man to warrior to father to husband to king, and whenever he tries to show regret, fallibility or vulnerability, the other characters find it disturbing and swiftly reject him, forcing him back into the performance and the misery that comes with it.
Odin may ponder what is the correct decision, but does not mistake that for what is the most moral decision. He is someone who is both logical and emotional but who hasn't integrated those two halves of himself together very well.
If you hate the character, I'd be happy to talk about it. It is okay to just not like characters! Including gray ones. But for me, I can really think about Odin, and I like that he can't be easily written up for a bland Fandom page that requires everything be spelled out or it 'doesn't count'. He exists in the between spaces of the story, and it is a very sad and lonely tale.
TL;DR : He's a complicated man in a simple story. In the Squid Game of Sugar Cookie, he got the Umbrella. I am sad that such a fundamental character to the foundation of the THOR franchise's quality and themes is so misunderstood and unappreciated by this fandom. I don't think you can love this franchise and not have some care for Odin.
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cosmica-galaxy · 6 months
How would the alliance react if the human fall sleep over them
(Can you do a matriarch version too pls? :D)
Camron would be surprised by the sudden weight that leans on him. But the moment he finds his human friend sleeping on his shoulder, he quickly gets a little flustered. You just seem so peaceful sleeping there...and like hell he was going to disturb you. He can't really blame you...today was a long and grueling fight with the skibidis. What could a little recharge hurt? So he leans back on the human, resting his own head against theirs while they sleep, closing his own lens to get a few moments of rest. Funny...aren't you supposed to dream when you're already asleep? DJ was jostled by the sudden weight that leaned on him and upon looking at his sleeping human friend, he could only imitate a silent chuckle. The human must've been so tired after today's mission...he can only imagine their aches, especially since he can feel the stress on his own metal joints. He allows the human to sleep there peacefully, hushing any speakermen that get a little too loud and start disturbing his friend's nap. It's the least he could do...well...also being a pillow too. Not that he minds. Vee is startled by the sudden weight that appears on his shoulder and he could only let out a brief sigh when he discovers that it's his human companion snoozing on him. Pity that you're so tired, but today was a long day. Both for the alliance and their only human, it seems. He adjusts the human slightly to make sure their neck wasn't going to be stiff when they woke back up, using his shoulder as a proper armrest. From a shoulder to a human pillow...hilarious. If any units happen to walk in on him and the human, he signs a very firm "not a word" before ignoring the unit all together. Either for the sake of his pride or the human's sleep remains unknown. Survei is shocked by the sudden weight on her, to which she turns and finds the lone human taking a snooze. She considers gently moving them off of her, but decide against it. It was a brutal fight out there today...and the human was sporting some injures from the fight, judging by the bandages on their arms and some on their face. Survei doesn't complain and when a few units look at her, she could only give them a gentle wave and a thumbs up. Hopefully when the helicopter lands, they will wake up again. The speakerwoman could only pause from nodding to her music when she feels something press on her shoulder. Upon looking over, she could see the lone human in the alliance leaning on her, completely out cold. She tilts her head a bit in response but finds herself understanding. It's was an exhausting day for the units and the human...the human especially. They didn't even make it back to base before powering off. The moment they got into the helicopter, the human was already sitting and out like a light. She feels bad for the human, so she doesn't wake them up. Besides...they look so peaceful when they sleep. The TV lady would jump at the weight, immediately thinking it was that brown-coated cameraman again, but upon looking over...she was surprised to find that her human companion had nodded off and accidentally fell on her. They were awake not a few minutes earlier, but the look of exhaustion was obvious to all of the units in the helicopter. They probably crashed while she was lost in her thoughts. They looked so peaceful like this...so she didn't bother to move them. Her two bodyguards; however, took notice and one even signed with his hands "why are you putting up with that", to which the tv woman respond with "mind your business". The other bodyguard then signs a long "Ooooooooooo" to which she just gives him an angry "òwó" in response. The Black Cameraman and Speakerman would have similar reactions. To which they would jolt in surprise but would look over to see the human accidentally leaning on them. They would consider knocking them off of their form...but if they hit the floor and get hurt, having a squishy body and all, they would no doubt feel bad. So they tolerate the human and the stares they get from enduring such a thing. You owe them one when you wake up.
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insomniac-101 · 1 year
I have to say, as a person that grew up watching Doctor Who and eventually lost interest, only to then pick it up as an adult again; the nuance of the portrayal of many of the relationships in the RTD era had to be one of the most surprising discoveries for me upon rewatch.
For a show that is silly ha ha for a large portion of it's existence, the human aspect of the RTD era is something I didn't truly appreciate until i watched it through my adult lens. You have such iconic companions such as, Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Donna Noble all of which embrace both the negative and positive aspects of what it's like to be human. Their importance lies in their existence, and their ability to grow and learn from their experiences with the Doctor, who in turn is not above being portrayed as a flawed and traumatized person.
His trauma leads him to make decisions that may not always be the best, and the narrative goes out of its way to show that he's not always in the right. They affect his relationships to said companions, and in the end, it's these decisions he makes that lead him to regenerate alone. Because by not sharing the burden of his duties with the people that love him, he punishes himself to never truly heal from all the baggage and he pushes them away.
I believe this is why, although heartbreaking, it only made sense why the 10th doctor ultimately ends up alone.
He tells himself that he is cursed to live a lonely existence. That no one will truly ever understand what it's like to live as the last of his people, and although he may have a point in thinking that rules of his existence are drastically different from that of a human, he is wrong in assuming that we too don't also suffer from the same burden. And so, this is why him ultimately choosing the fates of those around him, against the wishes of those affected, is so unfair (and why he's often punished for it).
Not every human lives the entirety of their life span. It's the very short lives we live (in comparison to that of a time lord, I mean) that help us put into perspective what is truly important. We live our lives knowing that any day may be our last, but instead of wallowing in it, we continue on because that is one of the strengths of humanity: our ability to keep going. We don't forget our pasts, we confront it and carry it with us.
An aspect of humanity that we see him envy through out the run. The slow path, a simple life that is deprived of all the danger he loves but carries the security he lacks. He puts up a front, alienating himself from his companion's lives because he claims they're not worth the time of a time lord but in truth, he can't help but get involved regardless. Because he is not above the basic desire of companionship and love, and by attempting to deprive himself of it (by not being honest about his feelings to himself and those around him) out of an act of self preservation, he is left to wonder what would his life had been had he given in. Would his separation from them been any less hurtful than it was in his final moments: left to watch them live their lives from afar as he returned to a console room empty of the people who loved him? Perhaps, but the undeniable truth is that in never allowing it, he'll never know and that must hurt a lot more in retrospect.
This is ultimately why Tentoo gets his happy ending. Him, being an amalgamation of all the human traits the time lord tried so hard to stunt through out his run. It's this version of himself that is able to be honest with the people around him. He feels fear, making an impulsive decision to end a threat out of the need to protect those he loves. In doing so, ignoring his duty as a time lord to conserve the wellbeing of the universe. He is able to tell the woman he loves that he wants to spend his life with her. Give her the choice to decide what her life would be, even if it didn't include him without the threat of permanent separation. He may have been born out of war and hatred, yet the reason why he exists is because the doctor wished to have more time with that very same woman. Putting his regeneration energy into his hand as a means of not changing into a man unfamiliar to her and potentially losing all of the feelings he held for her in the process. This version of himself, was also born out of the love he had for humanity but what makes him different, is that he embraces it (symbolically and literally lol). Which is why, his time lord self resents him.
His story is a cautionary tale. A reminder of why it is important to treasure the people who come into our lives and to respect their ability to make their own decisions. To live in the moment rather than hide in fear of what the future must bring, because the pain the unknown will bring will never erase the joy felt in those precious memories spent with the people we love.
He realizes this, in his final moments. How much more terrifying it is to be alone than with his beloved friends, in spite of knowing how much it'll hurt to lose them one day.
"I don't want to go"
His final words are a testament of the tragedy/irony of his situation. A man born out of the love he has for humanity, yet he loses his way by not embracing the very thing that once saved him.
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scarlet--wiccan · 2 days
Do you think Wanda would make it in the new Ultimate Universe? And if so, what are your ideas for a reimagined Scarlet Witch?
I've been turning over a few ideas. My main hope is that if Wanda and Pietro are featured in the new Ultimate Universe, that their cultural ethnic background won't be too heavily distorted. We know some characters have already been significantly changed, but I think the only ones who've had their race altered are white characters, so fingers crossed.
A big part of the premise for this iteration of the Ultimate Universe seems to be asking what the world would look like if the "age of marvels" never happened, or at least, didn't start happening until the present day. We know that the Maker used time-travel to systematically prevent super heroes and villains from emerging the way they have on Earth-616, while simultaneously imposing his own systems of control. So if we assume, for argument's sake, that the X-Men, Brotherhood, and Avengers have never existed, and that the Darkhold has been neutralized and contained along with most of the world's "power catalysts" (like Peter's spider), where does that leave Wanda?
Well, if the circumstances of her birth and upbringing are mostly similar, then I assume she and Pietro would still be living in or near Transia, which is very close to Latveria and would be part of the larger European territory controlled by the Maker himself. Now that the Maker has disappeared, however, I assume that region will experience a major upheaval. It would be cool to see Wanda and Pietro resurface as freedom fighters or asylum seekers from the area, and it might be a good opportunity to revisit the depictions of marginalized Roma from the 60s and 70s with a more modern lens. As far I'm aware, we still don't know where the real Victor von Doom is in this world-- the "Doom" that joined Tony's team is actually a variant of Reed. So I'd really like to see them team up with him and do something cool with their similar backgrounds.
I can't decide, personally, if I think the twins should be mutants or not in this universe. Part of me feels like this is Marvel's chance to have their cake and eat it too-- stick with the retcon in 616 canon, but use 6160 to maintain a version of the twins that are still Magneto's kids. But I know this fandom, and I doubt that would satisfy the majority, plus, I think the writers are going to avoid using Magneto or Xavier for as long as possible, since the state of mutantkind is so different in this world.... and I don't think World War II happened.
For me, Wanda being a witch and her connection to chaos magic is more interesting and more important to her actual character than her being a mutant, but mutants and magic are more closely related than ever in the new Ultimate universe. The Maximoffs being both mutants and magical would actually work really well here, and I guess they could do it anyways, even without Magneto. I still I still need to learn a little bit more about Earth-6160's mutant population before I can say for sure, but at the end of the day, this sort of thing is up to editorial, and I have no way of knowing what kind of rules or mandates are still in place with these characters.
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island-in-the-shadows · 2 months
Hi! Fellow Saltburn enthusiast here! I have a question, and I’ve actually already sent it to a couple of accounts who also write extensively about Saltburn. I’d love to hear your views!
Why do you think Oliver didn’t try to kidnap/imprison/blackmail Felix into being with him instead of just jumping to murder? He was clearly capable of manipulation and probably could have found a way to keep an unwilling Felix around if he managed to get away with so many murders? I feel like even in the haze of desperation and panic it sort of should’ve struck him that killing Felix meant a lifetime of misery? It wasn’t exactly a spur of the moment kill, there was some amount of premeditation involved. I was honestly confused at how quickly Oliver made a decision that basically ensured he’d never feel a sliver of happiness ever again. How did he even manage to sleep after, knowing what he had done to Felix? The whole sequence where they look for Felix and eventually find the body is so gut wrenching to me. The music, the foreboding, the cinematography ughhhh.
Thanks for the ask anon! Ok so, I'm going to break this down in sections because there's a few different points to tackle!
Oliver does have the capability of doing horrible things, but I also do not think he's a great planner. He can only think ahead so much. And while I think that he could, arguably, find a way to kidnap Felix or find a way to blackmail him, this is contrary to what I think his goal is. I quote Cheap Trick (though I prefer the Letters to Cleo version): "I want you to want me/I need you to need me/ I'd love you to love me/ I'm beggin' you to beg me." Oliver isn't like the one guy from 365, he wants Felix to cede of his own accord and his own will. Yes, there is a level of emotional manipulation re: the lies about his family. However, I do think that when Oliver says: "I'm still the same person!" he is right. Outside of the way in which he hooked Felix, he would have no reason to be different. Stands to reason, in my opinion, that he is who he is with Felix bar exaggerations and implications of his past.
Let's talk about murder...Oliver only murdered Elspeth. He facilitated the deaths of Felix and Venetia. Murder not only requires intent, it requires certainty beyond a reasonable doubt of direct action. I was raised by lawyers so I view things through that lens. At most, if we were going by American law, which is the one I know, he would arguably fall under the category of voluntary manslaughter. Why? Because he did not directly do an act which led to Felix and Venetia's deaths. Rather, he put the dominos in place and that can be classed as a provocation; he provoked them in a way that led to their deaths. (Note: I am not delulu, I am aware that all of this is wrong. I'm just trying to put it forth from a legal POV.)
When it comes to Felix, he hastily put cocaine in the champagne and I do not think he thought it through way in advance. Secondly, he had the bottle in his hand for large parts of the maze conversation and deciding to give it to Felix was a spur of the moment action. Third, he had no way of knowing whether Felix would drink or not. Fourthly, Felix had ALREADY been doing drugs and you cannot specifically pinpoint, beyond a reasonable doubt, that it was the little bit of cocaine he drank (which, from research, would actually have been less potent and less quick to get into Felix's bloodstream than the lines he snorted) that caused him to OD. Fifthly, I am not entirely convinced that Oliver knew it was going to foolproof kill Felix. The way he wakes up the morning after still has the stink of hope. So, I can't be certain either way if his intent was to kill or to simply cause Felix to OD to the point he was taken to a hospital and then Ollie could Nurse Nightingale the situation.
When it comes to Venetia, Oliver did not tell her to use the razors. He placed the razors on the tub. He did so relatively impulsively (likely, imo in a bit of rage) and at the last minute. He had absolutely no way of knowing whether Venetia would take the razors and he had no way of knowing that she would use them in a deadly way rather than in a way to hurt herself but not kill. Further, from the bit that we get of the crime scene in the bathroom (I did pause it so I kinda memorised), there is no indication in the scene that Oliver was actually the one to use the razors. The scene would look entirely different and his clothes would be soiled or he would have blood on him, etc.
That being said, Oliver's desperation and panic and anxiety regarding the situation with Felix likely led him to the following thought: he would rather exist in a world where Felix ceases to exist, than exist in a world where he is inexorably removed from Felix. Felix was and continues to be Oliver's whole world. He likely thought that he was going to lose Felix either way. But, in Felix dying, he and Felix stay inherently connected. He can leave Saltburn but now he and Felix are forever linked. Elspeth, for example, automatically associates Oliver with Felix. It's why Oliver knew he had an in with her all those years later. Further, and I think I wrote this elsewhere, Felix's headstone will ALWAYS have Felix's date of birth, and the date of Oliver's 20th birthday. They are linked in this way as well.
I think it was all very rushed and confused when he did any of it. I think there might've been a chance for him and Felix even in the sense of friendship. But Oliver reacted emotionally and impulsively. He didn't plan putting the cocaine in the bottle probably until a couple of minutes before he did it. He didn't plan the thing with Venetia. He didn't plan getting Saltburn from the start. The only thing he planned and orchestrated was a Romcom style meet-cute. That was it. The rest he made up as he went along from noticing all the little details about Felix. But ultimately, above all, this weird little man wanted to be wanted and wanted to be loved by the object of his affection. Forcing the matter with kidnapping and/or blackmail was not going to get him what he truly wanted anymore than Felix's death did.
How does he manage to sleep? Self-medication, certainly. Pretty sure he yo-yo's uppers and downers like crazy. Coke to dance like the lonely mad king he is in the afternoon, Xanny or weed at night to come down and sleep. What's more, Saltburn is an extension of Felix and it, likely, comforts him to be in a place that represents Felix. A place that is haunted by the ghosts of memories he shared with Felix to which we are not privy.
Also, yes. Finding Felix's corpse, the whole scene, is stunning and staggering and heartbreaking. Absolutely stunning film craft involved all the way around.
Sorry for the loooong response, but I am a lawyer's daughter and an English Literature major, so I had to write my mini essay with some level of (certainly biased) evidentiary support.
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the heavenly yard blog infomine, part 1: Discussion of Daughter of Evil et al, Initial plot notes
For a while now I've been meaning to translate mothy's producer blog so that it's another piece of creator commentary and Evillious history that isn't locked behind a language barrier. Frankly though that's way too much to translate (and I don't find a personal blog particularly fun to translate anyway), so instead I am just reading the blog when I have the inclination and then writing quick notes on what's there (mostly when it relates to Evillious).
The purpose behind this is to give the basic information for those who find it interesting, and to give a guide to where the information can be found for those who'd like to examine mothy's words more closely but would rather not dig through years of blog posts to do it.
Click here to visit the blog yourself
Without further ado, here is the first round under the cut:
22 June, 2008 ~ 7th August 2008
----June, 2008---- 22nd
Starts blog to more easily give info about his songs and ideas
23rd Page 1
-mothy talks about 10 Minute Love (took him 2 weeks to make since he wasn't familiar with the programs he used)
-made it thinking a cute, girly song would get popular on NicoNico (it wasn't)
-lot of mistakes were made when making the video
-probably won't make a song like it again but he'd also kind of like to give it another shot sometime
Page 2
-mothy talks a bit about Wordplay (such as being a song he made for himself rather than for an audience)
uses Beethoven's 9th symphony in the climax of the song
drew the image himself
even though it wasn't very popular it's his favorite song so far
Page 3
mothy talks a little about the inspirations behind Clockwork Lullaby (such as following the trends of electronic music being popular on NicoNico at the time)
-suggests that Rin in the song as being the same one from Wordplay, making a song with the words she's discovered (or rather, he seems to think of her as just being Rin the VOCALOID rather than a separate character?).
-Drew a Len version of the song's image which he used as his social media icon
Page 4
-mothy shares the songs that he's made up to this point so people can download them
-hints at his upcoming song (Reticent You, I think)
-mothy talks about the leadup to making Daughter of Evil, how he wanted to improve as a producer and make something that would be seen and appreciated by more people.
-he decided the best way to do that was to make something that would be emotionally impactful
-more discussion of the making of Daughter of Evil
-Riliane's laugh was inspired by Satoko's laugh from Higurashi: When They Cry (the anime), which was actually quite tricky to do because VOCALOID isn't made for talking. Her famous line was to make the laugh flow better into the song.
-basically the opening of the song was written before the rest of it
-mothy expresses a desire to interact more with the broader VOCALOID community, but hasn't been able to just yet (still has his day job)
-also replies to some comments talking about his illustrations, his blog posts, if he's gonna get karaoke for his songs, etc. It seems he's quite busy
-can't reply to people because he's working on a video
---July, 2008--- 2nd
-Might upload video tomorrow
-Uploaded Girl of the Miniature Garden (part of the delays were because this is one of those videos that had multiple artists working on it).
-He tells people they can think of it as unrelated to his "of Evil" series, but hints he might make them connected eventually.
-Apparently this song was inspired by Rozen Maiden, even though he's never read it himself.
-he returns to discussing the making of Daughter of Evil--he started from the main line and worked out from it that he wanted a Doronjo-esque, female villain protagonist who was also an uninhibited, Marie Antoinette-like queen ignorant of the ways of the world (but made her a princess due to Rin's age).
He also thinks Doronjo inspired the style of the song being a Showa-esque ballad as well.
he wanted it to have a solemn, orchestral feel, but also the cheap quality of a young girl performing at a musical festival (which is con-ven-ient because he lacked the skill to make it sound good).
first stanza was an introduction, he gave her a horse named Josephine because he couldn't give her a Road Roller due to time period. He made Len a servant rather than a prince because he didn't want his presence to reduce the feeling of Rin as the song's protagonist (at the time he didn't think much of Len as a program and wasn't planning to ever use him).
-shares Servant and Daughter of Evil's rankings and answers some questions (used to be in a band, has diverse music tastes but likes Western (non-Japanese) music, etc).
-Someone asks if "Len" really killed "Miku" (because some fans seem to interpret him as secretly saving her), mothy hints that he'll be exploring that later but refuses to confirm or deny it.
-more on making Daughter of Evil. Making the lyrics got complicated quickly, so he decided to come up with a basic plot writeup first and base the lyrics on that.
-Because of Len's inclusion he brought in other VOCALOIDS.
-He accidentally made too much plot for just the one song, and wound up creating 8 basic chapters. 1) Princess making a mess of things, 2) Famine, 3) Feud between swordswoman and princess, 4) jealousy makes a war break out, 5)The aftermath of "blue" and "green", 6) the revolution, 7) The ending, 8) the epilouge
-Mothy cut most of it for the song so it wouldn't be too long, but he would like to work with the full story someday. As such, he's going to upload his plot writeup to the blog, though he cautions people to view this as an in-progress plot rather than a final draft.
15th Page 1
-Mothy shares his notes on the song's first "chapter". The backstory for the kingdom is pretty much like his final version (king made country, died, queen took over and was great, died, daughter took over and was terrible, also had servant, etc etc). Most of this was just a bonus, he never intended to put it in the song.
It sounds like Rin's mother was always intended to be Sweet Ann.
Page 2
-muses on when he'll receive RinLen act 2, answers some misc questions.
-Encourages someone making a DoE PV to make the story how they want to rather than strictly adhering to his plot outline.
-RinLen Act 2 came in, discusses how it sounds for a minute
-The second "chapter" of Daughter of Evil. Again pretty much like the original--Rin is a queen in all but name, there was a famine, she was indifferent to her people's suffering, etc.
-mothy admits he made this part solely so he can have her say the "let them eat cake" line. He shares a Wikipedia quote that specifies that the original French for that quote actually says brioche, etc etc. (and of course brioche shows up in Servant of Evil). Also that Marie apparently never actually said that any of that.
-He wanted it to deliberately parallel the war to come later and her reactions to it, showing that she can't learn from her mistakes. In the end, though, all of it, including the famous line, got cut because it didn't fit in the song.
-He's going to rerelease Daughter and Servant of Evil with RinLen act 2
-does the rerelease for Daughter of Evil
31st Page 1
-does rerelease for Servant of Evil
-He got Gackpoid in and is thinking of using it.
-He got Adobe Premier Elements 4
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-Answers more questions. Apparently some people thought he was a woman, he clarifies he's a man (though not a beefcake or anything).
-another ask about JOYSOUND karaoke, which is still a no-go.
---August 2008---
-discusses the third "chapter" of daughter of evil. Again very like the final story, has the captain of the guard from the previous monarch oppose the princess to relieve the famine (also intended to be Leon even at this early stage, though mothy notes he is nothing like the popular depiction of him). Princess summons him to her chambers at night, heavily implied her servant killed him, he's dead on the river the next morning. The girl in red, his daughter, vows revenge.
-even here mothy has omitted some of the story to preserve some suspense (like how the servant killed the guard). the girl in red is implied to be Meiko.
-Most of this was cut for a variety of reasons, but one that he gives is that it was more about Len than Rin (and also that it was weakened by cutting chapter 2).
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-now it's "chapter" 4, again very similar to what comes later. Princess falls in love with the "blue" Prince, she sends a minister to propose (I guess they weren't already engaged in this version of the story), he rejects her because he loves a girl in the "green" country. Princess goes mad with jealousy and, not knowing WHICH green girl was his love, has all of them killed. She isn't bothered at all.
-mothy refuses to elaborate on the "blue" and "green" people, but he does have specifics in mind for them.
-I'm a little confused by this next bit, I think I'm misunderstanding it. He says that he wrote a little side story for the minister who shows up in this chapter that has him as the protagonist while he was gathering illustrations for Servant of Evil after uploading the song on Piapro? I think he's referring to Twiright Prank, maybe?
-The most important part of this chapter is Riliane going "Oh, it's teatime/snacktime" at the end (which was originally supposed to contrast with "then let them eat cake" from earlier).
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-"chapter" 5 of DoE--again not much different here. green country is destroyed, but the "green girl" is alive because the servant sheltered her in a well (as he too loved her) thinking he could just hand her over to the "blue" man to keep her safe once things had cooled down. princess uses a wish in a bottle to tell him to kill the girl (and it was him who taught her the legend that caused her to start doing that). Later "blue" guy sees his love dead in the well and vows revenge also.
-again mothy keeps things hidden for tension. He suggests that people came make up their own answers if they want to. He also makes a comment about the glass bottle which makes me think it's some kind of obscure reference or in-joke or something.
-Though he cut it, he really liked this part which is why it wound up in the next song after it.
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-Now it's "chapter" 6. Basically the same again, a rebellion starts led by the "blue" man and "red" swordswoman. They overwhelm the tired army, surround the palace, and capture the princess, who was abandoned by her ministers.
-He cites this as the climax of the story. He makes a veiled reference to the twin switch that happens here.
-He's happy he got to redo the "You isolent thug!" line with RinLen Act2 since it was very poorly delivered with Act1
-on "chapter" 7 of DoE, it's pretty much the same as the end of the song. princess gets executed publicly with bells ringing, gives her "teatime" line rather than any apology or begging, everyone thinks she's dead etc etc
-apparently he struggled a lot with whether to write "her" or "princess" in the lyrics (they're very similar words in Japanese) and what that would imply tonally. during the reprise at the end he also made her reign past tense as well (it's present tense in the first stanza), which he's really chuffed about having done.
-we're finally on "chapter" 8, the epilogue. It seems that originally it was supposed to be a reveal at the end of Daughter of Evil that Rin pulled a twin-switch with Len. It got cut from the song because (in addition to the issues of length that plagued the other chapters), he figured her execution was a better ending for it as a standalone song. Naturally he does end up making it the subject of Servant of Evil.
-mothy discusses the twin switch idea a little, noting it's pretty common and citing Eve and Alexandra from "Master of the Game" by Sidney Sheldon as a particular inspiration.
-Anyway, the plot chapters he's shared are what he used to craft the lyrics for Daughter of Evil.
He has more to tell on the series, but I think that's a good stopping point for this infomine for now.
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deadeyedaisy · 2 months
Tales of Destiny ~PROUST~ Forgotten Chronicle rough summary
I wasn't sure where else to post this, and Tumblr seemed like the one that would get the most use out of it.
So, I streamed my blind run through TODDC with Kio for the past several months. I ended up getting really into TOD from how much cleaner the presentation of the story and characters were over the PSX version, and was really frustrated that nobody had translated the drama CD, which had been hiding like 95% of Leon's characterization until the remake came along.
I kept a notepad of stuff to talk about during those streams. Sometimes it was off-topic things, sometimes it was little tangents about parts of the game that I thought of over the week until we'd play again. Sometimes it was summaries of supplemental material that was never localized. But most of the time, that material was translated by a fan.
Nobody has fully translated Proust. I wanted it to be translated. So I listened to it as hard as I could and summarized as best I could. The following are the unedited notes as I wrote them to be read during stream, rather than a direct translation or anything formal. I'm not good enough at Japanese to fully translate it. I'm so not good at Japanese that there's probably a lot of errors throughout this summary, too. I hope someone eventually comes along and gives us a full translation.
Also note that I'm not great at recognizing the voices of anyone that isn't the main cast of protagonists, so I probably mix up the antagonists or the generals' identities a lot.
So I went back through the drama cd, and I think I've got a few more little details. I could be wrong about a lot of this since there's no translation and I am really fucking bad at Japanese. But this should actually clear up a lot of misconceptions that we, or I had throughout this entire game. Foolish me for just believing everything TVTropes told me instead of trying to comb the drama cd myself.
(track 1-01 Thunder + track 1-03 Lullaby) Chris tried to escape with both children, but Hugo sent the goon squad after her?? and they managed to take Leon and mortally wound Chris. She drags herself back to the mansion to see Leon again and asks him not to hate Hugo, because this certainly isn't the same kind person she married. [I previously summarized it based on this post, which does a much better job of summarizing track 1-03: https://jeredu.tumblr.com/post/136918641610/so-after-the-horrible-sad-feels-from-the-emilio]
(track 1-02 History That Was Forgotten is just Leon saying the title of the CD)
(track 1-04 Yes, My Lady) Less than 2 years before the game starts. The girls in Leon's class aren't very good at dance lessons yet, so he complains to Marian that all the girls are stupid-- oh but not you Marian, it's only other girls that are dumb. lol I can't catch why Leon's mad at Hugo this time, but Marian sticks up for Hugo, since he's the one who pretty much discovered how useful Lens could be to further technology and make modern life easier, and has for the most part made it all affordable. She's also grateful that he hired her when she had nothing. Marian wants Leon to make friends with the girls because she's worried he'll be all alone. Leon says he's fine alone and that he'll only grow stronger, and to distract Marian, decides to teach her the dance he learned, calling her "my lady". At the end, he says he'll be fine as long as he has Marian. Hugo walks in on them and Leon quickly makes an excuse but Hugo just puts him down for hanging with the staff and tells him to get to sword practice. Leon seems excited for it. Leon whispers to Marian that they'll practice dancing again. Marian says she's looking forward to it, but when he leaves, she sadly mumbles that he's a pitiful child. (Not in a mean way)
(track 1-05 True) [Oops I didn't cover this one. It's just villainy anyway. Who listens to Proust to hear Mictlan-Hugo monologue?]
(track 1-06 Man of the Mask) I forgot about this detail and its MASSIVE importance. In the original, Leon and Hugo's relation wasn't known for a long time. In the remake, their relation is paraded around loudly. Hugo will not let anyone forget that Leon is his son, and Leon's motivation is to not be a nepo baby. But in the original, specifically in the drama CD, Hugo doesn't want their relation known. He doesn't want Leon around while he's doing business because it might reveal their relation. He reprimands him for coming home while he's doing business and tells him not to come home so often. Leon was actually excited to let him know of one of his missions' successes, on his 15th birthday no less. Chaltier tries to comfort Leon when he's basically told to gtfo, but Leon tells him he's not sad at all, and that he just wants to be acknowledged by someone as skilled as Hugo. His cadence is fairly fond as he says all this, but he's awfully insistent about it. Like thou-doth-protest-too-much insistent. Leon thinks he saw a masked man, but Chaltier says he doesn't sense anyone. They go on their way, but a filtered voice of Hugo calls Leon's name.
(track 1-07 Emilio) The following track makes it more clear that yes, he was actually very fucking upset about it. I already talked about this track since it was one of the only 2 tracks that were fully translated by someone else. Where Marian has a little private birthday party for him and he breaks down. With the added context of the previous track, the breakdown makes a bit more sense. He's just been told and brushed off again by Hugo even after so many smashing successes. Took it upon himself to put up a strong front in front of Chaltier. Then Marian does this gesture of kindness that I guess makes him feel like he's being treated like a child or mocked, and that's the last straw. Marian is of course calling him Emilio, and he refuses that name because Emilio is worthless, nobody needs Emilio, and he's all alone. He insists he's Leon Magnus, because he's at least useful as a tool for Hugo. Marian doesn't like him calling himself a tool. Says he's her precious Emilio. And Leon cries. [Previously summarized based on this post, which actually has a full translation!: https://jeredu.tumblr.com/post/136880537875/jeredu-spoilers-for-tales-of-destiny-for]
(track 1-08 Family) Next track takes place a year later and has Leon being the wunderkind beating everybody and being taken under Finley's wing. They've all got praise for him but are a little put off by him being so uptight. Late at night, Leon sneaks into Marian's room through her window because of the lecture he got about COMING HOME TOO OFTEN jfc. He's excited to tell Marian about officially working with the knights, and asks to dance with her. I think I skipped a bit. Leon only started trying to become a knight because Hugo told him to, so that he'd have a pawn within the castle to help further Oberon's goals. I think he moved out of the mansion after the last track to dedicate himself more fully to cementing his position there?? I'm probably wrong. But he's been a lot happier this way. Later that night, Chaltier tries to suggest that Leon just continues living like this and become a full fledged and honest knight instead of working for Hugo, because all of the generals seem to like him and are nice people. Buuuut Leon's already fallen asleep. Boo
(track 1-09 Nightmare) Next track has Leon and Finley talking and they think Greybaum's sus. They meet with Greybaum and Chal also thinks he's sus. That night, Leon has a nightmare where a man is telling him he can save Rutee. Except Leon doesn't know who Rutee is yet, or her name. The man is wearing a mask like the one from the mansion. It seems to be the real Hugo. He attacks Leon when he knocks his mask off I think?? and I guess Leon wakes up and is back at the mansion temporarily? I have no idea what's going on here but Hugo's not doing great and Leon rushes to his aid but Hugo basically tells him to gtfo his house again. I think real Hugo is fighting Mictlan, because Leon says something about Berserius. Belserius. Berselius. Fuck it. Scene change and Leon's at a tavern or something. The waitress fawns a bit, showing his good reputation has spread. Leon thinks about the nightmare and what the heck a Rutee is. Then he overhears some guy talking about a demonic lens hunter dude and the waitress is like oh nah you mean that girl Rutee? and Leon all but trips over himself to go violently interrogate the waitress. The guy she was talking to gets mad and tries to attack Leon and a fight starts. Finley shows up and slaps Leon and reprimands him and I think threatens him?? But Leon got the information he wanted out of the waitress.
(track 2-01 Masquerade) Next track. The villains talk stealing the Eye of Atamoni. A masquerade ball is held in Seinegald. Leon's all ready to be big bad security but Finley says he should blend in and dance. But he ain't got no fancy clothes! So Finley arranges to get him some fancy clothes. He's about to arrange for a partner too but Leon's like nah I got a girl for this and yoinks Marian up. She's worried she's not allowed to attend such a party, but Leon assures her she's part of the mission so it's fine. She tries to make excuses to not go but he shoots them all down. He sounds like he's having just oodles of fun on the carriage ride with her to the ball. He's laughing and smiling and it's just great. This moment is probably literally the happiest Leon will ever be in his entire life lol He… sneaks her in through the BACK DOOR and gets stopped by guards who ask who dis. And he says, "my partner" and they say they can't let randos in and he says NO SHE'S MY PARTNER and they say :/ that's not good enough bro, come on, and Marian takes his arm all suggestive like and says "What part of partner don't you understand ;)" and they let them in??? okay But Marian hasn't received her dress yet, so Leon's waiting for her to get dressed. And Chal teases him a bunch implying Leon's nervous to see her in her fancy dress. Leon tells him to shut up but Chal notes he's blushing really hard. But, Leon suddenly sees the masked man again, and this time Chal sees him too. Leon attacks but he disappears. He hears the voice and he's big mad 'cause he thinks he's being jerked around so he shouts a lot. Marian hears him shouting and rushes to him and real-Hugo goes whoops sorry about that I guess lmao and goes away. The ball gets into full swing and allll the girls are wowed by how pretty Leon's partner is. Marian says she feels awkward and Leon tells her she's beautiful, but she still doesn't think she should have come. He asks her to dance, she tries to make excuses not to, but he keeps asking, calling her "Lady" again like when they danced alone ;A; aaaa So they dance, and Leon is just so entranced and whispers that he wants to go far far away together to a place with only them, that's quiet and warm. He says something like he lost such a promised place inside of him a long time ago, but feels that it's also right there with her, and he's about to say something that MIGHT have been a confession, but they're interrupted by an attack and are separated. SO YEAH I'D SAY HIS FEELINGS FOR HER ARE PRETTY ROMANTIC. HOLY SHIT. I felt like I was listening to one of those listener-POV CDs where they do nothing but sweet-talk you, gosh. Whether his feelings are actually romantic or not, he's still just entirely fucking smitten with her. oh my god.
(track 2-02 Venomous Snake) Next track, I have no idea what's going on because I'm not familiar enough with all the villains' voices, but it's villain stuff. I think it's Greybaum mostly, and they're messing with King Isaac, the Phandaria King. And Greybaum is evil monologuing but Leon was hiding in the room and ambushes him. Hugo shows up before Leon can do any damage and something happens or is talked about, idk, villains get away. Leon's like what the fuck, dad, they tried to kill the king. Hugo says Isaac's spent too long in office and ain't doin his job right no more. So it's fiiine just let it go, besides, Graybaum's gonna be a useful tool. And the word "tool" sets Leon off 'cause it's always about tools with Hugo, and Hugo goes YEAH, A TOOL, A TOOL JUST LIKE YOU. I'VE BUILT HIM UP AND I'M TAKING ADVANTAGE OF HIM, JUST LIKE I DID TO YOUUUU. And he demands Leon apologize but Leon says no, he's done being Hugo's puppet, he's going to live for himself, he's not going to accept this shitty fate anymore, he's going to carve his own path and make a place for himself in Seinegald. And Hugo goes "Ohoho what silly thoughts Finley's put in your head. Sure, you could do all that, you could escape me no problem, you're good enough for it, but I wonder how Marian is doing~ Sure hope she's okay after getting separated from you. It's just such a scary world out there, you never know when or where such a fragile little thing like her could get got." So basically the ongoing threat on Marian's life has begun. It's not explicitly stated, but obviously the implication is that Leon could leave and take Marian with him, but Hugo will get to her one way or another. Then it's just 20 full seconds of Leon desperately calling and looking for Marian.
(track 2-03 Requiem) Next track, he finds Marian and clings to her and sobs in relief that she's okay. She says yeah it's okay I'm fine, but Leon just cries harder. Later after he's calmed down, he brings up that far away warm place he spoke about. He wonders where that could even be anymore. Probably somewhere further than the moon. He wonders if he can go there. Then it's very suddenly Finley's funeral. People are crying. The priest is praying. People are swearing vengeance. Hugo, Chaltier, and Finley's voice echo in Leon's head. Hugo coercing Leon into poisoning Finley. Chaltier asking him not to do it. Finley telling Leon they're alike in that they both lost their parents at birth. That he'd like for Leon to think of him as his father, because he thinks of Leon as his son, I think. Hugo reminding him where his place is, and that that's never going to change. Finley succumbing to the poison, in disbelief that it was Leon, and desperately asking why. Leon's sure he's never going to get to that place. Hugo and friends do some villain talk and make some snide remarks at Leon, and he just says it's fine. He's defeated at this point.
(track 2-04 Rutee) Next track has Leon on his way to Cresta to look for whoever Rutee is. Chaltier recognizes the name a little but doesn't remember. Rutee runs into him and runs away, but Chaltier recognizes Atwight on her back right away and they give chase. Rutee's giving gifts to the kids at the orphanage, is asked how she made the money for this and she's like "eehh I worked really hard :D" Chal finally remembers Rutee was the name Chris spoke of before she died and he's super excited that Leon's not all alone, that he still has his sister. But Leon just runs away. Chal's like what the fuck, where are you going, and Leon says it's been 15 years, so it doesn't matter, they're not family. Chal keeps trying to get him to go back to Rutee, insisting she must have been looking for her family for a long time, and that he should reach out to her. Leon admits that he's scared that Rutee won't accept him. Chal tells him that's stupid. Leon admits he's scared of Rutee also betraying him like Hugo did, and cries that he's truly all alone. The track ends.
(track 2-05 Flow of Fate) Next track, it's revealed Greybaum's theft of the Eye of Atamoni was actually not in the plan. He did that on his own and betrayed them. They plan for Leon to lead the investigation and gather the swordian users. Leon asks if Hugo knows who wields Atwight, and Hugo, like a fox, says mmmyessss. During Leon's first real meeting with Rutee, while she goes off on him, he's thinking to himself that he wishes he met her sooner, but he's too dirtied to face her for real by now. Chaltier insists to him that it's not too late, but Leon refuses. A bunch of scenes of Leon traveling with Stahn's group pass. Leon thinks about how Rutee has good friends and a home and family to return to, and feels even worse that he can't be happy for her. He hates himself for it, but he can't help it. Chaltier tells him he could become a part of her family. Leon says it'd be nice, since he's being shown such a warm place, but he can't escape his fate. More scenes pass, and Leon is moved by Stahn's resolve. He thinks maybe he was wrong about fate, because everyone is fighting. More scenes pass, and Leon is even moved by Batista and Greybaum, because they went against Hugo. Even if they couldn't win against their fates, they still tried. He's confused and doesn't know what to do, but Chaltier doesn't have answers for him. The only thing he knows he can do is protect Marian. The only reason he has to keep living is Marian.
It continues in the mines. Hugo and friends say they need to buy time to escape Stahn's group. He tells Leon to stall them as long as possible, and then detonate an explosive. Tells him exactly what will happen, down to the sea water flooding in. So Leon absolutely knows he's going to die if he agrees to do this. Leon asks to be alone with Marian, as his first and final request as Hugo's son. Marian observes that Leon doesn't want to go through with this. Leon says it's fine, he'll just do what he's told. He asks why Marian is here, why she's still a maid for Hugo. Marian answers it's because Hugo was trying to save the world, or whatever. She owes him a lot. So she'll do whatever she's told, too. Leon asks what'll happen if he dies. Marian says she'll probably never stop crying. Leon asks how much, for how long, because it's not possible to cry for him for her whole life. Says she'll probably cry for a bit, but eventually she'll meet someone he doesn't know, fall in love, get married, and have children, and she'll forget all about him, and then he'll truly be gone and not exist anymore. He'll disappear. Leon cries, really hard. He pulls himself together, apologizes, says she should go. She goes, but she calls after him that it was fun. That being with him was like a dream. He says quietly to himself that, yeah, it was like a dream to him, too. (The wording is different from the opening song! Important to note because the remake did a full on title drop in its climax. The opening song is 「夢であるように」, but the wording here is 「夢みたい」. But it's still probably a 100% intentional reference to the opening song.) [I cut off here because I previously summarized these two posts about the end of this track, which is an exchange with Chaltier: https://jeredu.tumblr.com/post/136997902840/i-dunno-if-its-possible-to-fall-in-love-with-a https://jeredu.tumblr.com/post/137057162215/checked-with-a-friend-who-knows-more-japanese-and]
[I yada-yada'd track 2-06 Father, Friend because I already summarized it previously based on this post: https://jeredu.tumblr.com/post/143045097730/i-finally-typed-up-a-summary-of-father-friend]
(track 2-07 -Epilogue- Yes, My Lady) In the final track, Rutee is visiting Marian. She asks Marian to live with her. Marian declines, saying she has to keep Emilio's room clean for him for when he comes back. Rutee says he's already gone, but Marian interrupts and asks Rutee to dance. She teaches her how to dance. She calls Rutee "My lady" like Leon did with her.
May I just say, if Leon retained his character from the drama CD in the remake, he absolutely would have broken down crying after Stahn convinced him they could work together to save Marian. And maybe hugged him or held his outstretched hand with both of his. While crying. Drama CD Leon is a huge crybaby and I'm so here for him. I was disappointed he didn't get to cry through the remake.
And also that hot damn, Hikaru Midorikawa was allowed to emote SO MUCH MORE in the drama CD than in the entirety of the remake, not even counting all the crying he does.
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not-too-many-eyes · 2 years
CW: Mentions of Self-Harm, Child Abuse and Suicide, not discussed in depth just mentioned.
Something Really Irritating about how Shuuji was received is something I've said a lot, people want sanitized versions of trauma they can baby and infantilize and make aesthetic, so immediately once characters get out of that circle of "good ways to process trauma" people get angry. I've seem people look at this obviously traumatized child projecting onto someone and go "He's an irredeemable bastard who deserves to die" and you can see how this manifests with Lopmon too, Lopmon is someone that people can coddle and is cute and sweet and can be easily infantilized, people talk about how they wish they could save Lopmon and not Shuuji.
But Lopmon and Shuuji are explicitly, two halves of a soul, all the characters and there partners are two halves of one soul, it's not subtext is told to you right after Part 5...it's almost like the game wants you to make the connection and realize what happened with Shuuji and Lopmon.
The really upsetting thing about this is how Obvious it is, the game isn't hiding this, Part 5 starts with a nightmare with Shuuji remembering how his father abandoned him, Shuuji, says things like "When will I be good enough" and "Let me prove that I'm not worthless/useless" and so on...which echo things Shuuji says to Lopmon and what Lopmon thinks about themselves, him kicking Lopmon (who is established RIGHT AFTER to be the second half of his soul) and him dark evolving is a metaphor for how Shuuji's has been treated/treating himself and how that's hurting Shuuji, you can even read it as self-harm. Right before this Shuuji did offer himself up as a sacrifice because he didn't think his life was worth "that much" and again, Lopmon is a part of him.
But no, since Shuuji's way of expressing trauma is ugly (and it is, it's perfectly understandable why you would dislike him) people just decided, to not read into his character even though the game is pushing you understand Shuuji and his character, and this is troubling cause Shuuji's is a very real portrayal of someone with trauma, I relate to Shuuji on multiple levels, he's a well written depiction of what trauma can do to someone, and to see all of that disregarded because the way he acts isn't sanitized or aesthetically pleasing really sucks and hurts both Lopmon and Shuuji's characters.
Your not supposed to think Shuuji is justified! He DIES because he wasn't able to improve, the way he gets snapped out is Ryo punching him in the goddamn face and telling him what he's Doing, no sugarcoating, just the Truth, and I love that Digimon Survive does this.
Digimon Survive went "Yeah your doing terrible things, and yes you have to take responsibility for your actions, but you can still Become Better, you are not a Lost Cause" that's why they extend the same hand towards Aoi and Kaito later on, there doing something terrible but we can't just abandon them and I love Digimon Survive for that.
So it's infuriating that people are using a black and white lens of morality when reading into it, it's not a black and white story, heck the original Adventure isn't a black and white story, most Digimon series aren't black and white actually, there's usually some layer of complexity to them. There's a reason why there's hundreds of posts dedicated to analyzing this franchise in detail.
And on less, Digimon focused things, the trend of having a Good Victim and Bad Victim in fiction is harmful for many reasons and I'm really happy Digimon is shooting that concept in the foot, but it really sucks that people are trying to make Shuuji into a "Bad Victim" or Lopmon into a "Good Victim" when at the end of the day there both...Victims, the moral categorization of people who've suffered trauma and if there "justified" or not in there actions is a troubling trend in fandom spaces, and the overemphasis on morals in character analysis and how bad or good a character is, not great. That's a bigger issue but I thought I'd mention it.
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Index Of Writings on Safety & Consent
Included in this list will be some adjacent posts that aren't explicitly about safety or consent. I will put them in a "related content" section below to separate them out, as they are information, education or opinion-related topics related to kink in general without being overtly sexual, but aren't specifically about either safety or consent.
... okay okay okay they are mostly about other stuff right now but I will fill that out in due course...
Writings on Safety and Consent:
On Trust: A writing about the place of trust in the hypnokink community, and specifically about the idea of proximal trust (read for more), and whether I want you to trust me implicitly (I do not), and where I think accountability lay for abuse (with abusers).
Towards a Safe(r) Hypnokink: a prelude to the second post on this list, it details a number of the Best Practices that the second post elaborates on even further.
Layered Best Practices in Erotic Hypnosis: This is exactly what it sounds like, covering a whole array of best practices starting from the very beginning going to the very end to keep you and your partner safe and make sure you have as enjoyable a time as possible in your hypnokinky scene.
Five Lessons: Five Lessons gained while I was having active discussions with people, putting myself out there as a hypnotist specifically focused on doing trances for safety suggestions and to help ameliorate the effects of hypnokink scenes gone awry.
Making Dreams Come True: Dropped By A Stranger: In this writing I talk about how to feasibly and safely make the fantasy of being dropped and used by strangers into a reality. It's not exactly the same as the version that people often envision, but this one comes with 100% fewer internet randos deciding to use you in ways you did not consent to being used!
Writings on Safety and Consent by Other Hypnokinksters
Here are some of the better and more comprehensive writings on the subject by other hypnokinksters. I will add to this list as I run across other posts on the subject, and people are free to send some to me as well.
"They Must Have Wanted It": A post about arousal non-concordance (that is, how physical arousal does not correlate with or imply consent and how that disconnect happens) and how that applies to hypnokink as well, and can be broadened to more phenomena than just sex. (Originally by @writtenbynath)
Can a Hypnotist Make You Do Things You Don't Want?: Answering, essentially, the question right there on the tin. This delves into the somewhat layered answered to whether a hypnotist can do that, and why they both can and can't in different scenarios, and the complexities of consent. (Originally by @writtenbynath)
Hypnosis Ethics: Setting Aside the Myths: Ethical Hypnotists Use Safeties - A post discussing how intrinsic safeties - that is, safeties that work within the trance itself and are laid down in the trance itself - are not by themselves enough to minimize the risk from hypnokink. I also added a bit at the end. (originally by @sweetsurrenderdoll)
Hypnosis Ethics & Safe Practice Advocates: Be Careful Who You Listen To - A short primer on the idea that you should be careful who you listen to in the hypnokink safety and consent space, and make sure that you are consciously judging and scrutinizing the advice you receive to be sure it is good. I added my own thoughts at the end, also. (originally by @sweetsurrenderdoll)
Resources to Avoid and Deprogram from Cult Thinking: A multi-author post that is exactly what it sounds like, an extensive list of resources and tools to prevent and break people out of cult-like thinking and avoid it yourself, as well as that discusses some stuff around Gen Z and TikTok. (By several contributing authors)
Guidance on Reality-Altering Hypnokink and Psychosis: This post focuses on the "Goncharov" fake fandom as a lens through which to talk about the potential impact that blurring the line between reality and unreality can have on people, especially people with psychosis (ex: schizophrenia). (Originally by @misscammiedawn)
Shutting Down a Scene: A short guide on a set of circumstances in which a Dom would want to stop a scene, when it is clear that their partner has lost the capacity to provide ongoing, meaningful consent. (Originally by @instructor144, though his blog has since been deleted)*
How to use self hypnosis to change or remove hypnotic suggestions on yourself: Exactly what it sounds like, a guide on how to use self-hypnosis to remove adverse suggestions in your own mind without any outside assistance (Originally by @writtenbynath)
Safety Thoughts from Vulnerable Experiences: Starting with a bit about NNPP, Yoyo talks about subject agency and reclaiming yourself after your limits have eroded because of abusive hypnotists and unsafe hypnokink practices. (Originally by @yoyomindloops )
The Hypnofetish Trust Pyramid: This lays out a model for trust and rapport in hypnokinky relationships, that encompasses the explicitly consensual, dubiously consensual, CNConsensual, and others, as well as discussing aftercare and out-of-scene interactions and the importance of having and building a healthy dynamic. (Originally by @fallinginward)
Unethical Files, Content Warnings, and Dubious Consent: A rather lengthy breakdown of some of the potential dangers of some free files, and things to watch out for if listening to them. (Originally by @rainytigerdinosaur)
Patterns of a Predatory Hypnotist: This is another lengthy breakdown on dangers in the hypnokink community, this time the general patterns of behavioral escalation to look out for to keep yourself safe. (Originally by @rainytigerdinosaur)
Signs of Hypnotic Abuse: And this is the third file in RTD's safety set, this one on the signs to look out for in yourself which can indicate to you that you are in a potentially unhealthy dynamic. (again, Originally by @rainytigerdinosaur)
Thoughts on Consent - Best Practices, and When Those Aren't Necessary: Like a lot of other articles here, it's exactly what it says on the tin. It describes some best practices of consent in hypnokink - or kink in general, really - and some cases where those best practices aren't really necessary. Life is complicated, and you don't always need to play with the absolute highest level of safety as you would with a new, first-time partner. (Originally by @daja-the-hypnokitten)
How to do Kink as a Disabled Person / Spoonie: A long list of tips from multiple creators on how to do various kinks and sexual practices if you are a disabled person, and for various meanings/iterations of disability.
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
"Oh, Justine! forgive me for having for one moment distrusted you. Why did you confess? But do not mourn, my dear girl; I will every where proclaim your innocence, and force belief. Yet you must die; you, my playfellow, my companion, my more than sister. I never can survive so horrible a misfortune."
"Dear, sweet Elizabeth, do not weep. You ought to raise me with thoughts of a better life, and elevate me from the petty cares of this world of injustice and strife. Do not you, excellent friend, drive me to despair."
"I will try to comfort you; but this, I fear, is an evil too deep and poignant to admit of consolation, for there is no hope. Yet heaven bless thee, my dearest Justine, with resignation, and a confidence elevated beyond this world. Oh! how I hate its shews and mockeries! when one creature is murdered, another is immediately deprived of life in a slow torturing manner; then the executioners, their hands yet reeking with the blood of innocence, believe that they have done a great deed. They call this retribution . Hateful name! When that word is pronounced, I know greater and more horrid punishments are going to be inflicted than the gloomiest tyrant has ever invented to satiate his utmost revenge. Yet this is not consolation for you, my Justine, unless indeed that you may glory in escaping from so miserable a den. Alas! I would I were in peace with my aunt and my lovely William, escaped from a world which is hateful to me, and the visages of men which I abhor."
Justine smiled languidly. "This, dear lady, is despair, and not resignation. I must not learn the lesson that you would teach me. Talk of something else, something that will bring peace, and not increase of misery."
1818 edition
"Oh, Justine! forgive me for having for one moment distrusted you. Why did you confess? But do not mourn, my dear girl. Do not fear. I will proclaim, I will prove your innocence. I will melt the stony hearts of your enemies by my tears and prayers. You shall not die! —You, my playfellow, my companion, my sister, perish on the scaffold! No! no! I never could survive so horrible a misfortune."
Justine shook her head mournfully. "I do not fear to die," she said; "that pang is past. God raises my weakness, and gives me courage to endure the worst. I leave a sad and bitter world; and if you remember me, and think of me as one unjustly condemned, I am resigned to the fate awaiting me. Learn from me, dear lady, to submit in patience to the will of Heaven!"
1831 edition
This, the largest difference between the two editions this chapter (except the very end, where 1818 Elizabeth is reassured by Justine's conversation and Victor calls himself a wretch while 1831 Victor announces Justine's death immediately after her final line, then goes on for several paragraphs describing their failed entreaties on her behalf and grief afterwards - something I suspect may be folded into the start of the next chapter in the original version). And it's another very interesting edit to me in how it changes the characterization of those involved.
Starting right at the beginning, 1818 Elizabeth is already grieving and hopeless. She says she will "force belief. Yet you must die"; not believing her own assurances any longer than it takes to say them. She's getting caught up in her own grief for having lost Justine while the woman still stands in front of her. 1831 Elizabeth, in contrast, is in denial. She doesn't plan to force belief, but to beg and pray, and insists it will work because she can't bear the thought that it won't. She speaks of Justine's death as a terrible looming possibility, but not a decided fact ("I never can/could survive so horrible a misfortune." 1818/1831)
1831 Justine is resigned already. She faces her death bravely and uses the lens of religion to frame her coming execution as an end to suffering. She emphasizes submitting to the will of Heaven, echoing Elizabeth's own language of begging and praying - both are more passive in this later version.
In 1818, Elizabeth and Justine both know there truly is nothing to be done. But neither are initially resigned to it. Elizabeth is furious, going off on a long rant about the injustice of the situation despite Justine asking her for comfort. She can tell her that she hopes Justine is blessed with resignation (something 1831 Justine apparently has from the start) but Elizabeth's thoughts are constantly drawn back to the lack of hope for any saving grace, to the point that she proclaims she would prefer to die herself than to helplessly witness such men in power. Justine has to lightly scold her that this isn't helping either of them, that this is despair talking.
1818 certainly does end the chapter with Elizabeth feeling more reassured (saying "my heart is lightened" and "I am consoled" now that she knows Justine is innocent) versus the abrupt whiplash of despair in 1831 (literally going "'...be happy, and make others so.' And on the morrow Justine died."). And sure, in both versions Justine ends up being the one to comfort her friends by claiming them knowing of her innocence is enough for her. But the overall effect of this changed passage makes the 1818 version far more effective for me.
Elizabeth isn't naive or in denial. She understands the kind of world in which she lives. She knows the limits of the power she has. And her dearest friend, her "more than sister" (vs. just "sister" in 1831) is suffering for a crime she did not commit, for the murder of someone almost like her own son. Elizabeth loses it, she gets mad, she wishes she were dead, she can't offer proper consolation – it's all so much messier than the innocent denial of 1831 Elizabeth, and it brings her to life as more of a person as a result. The dialogue with Justine saying that's not comfort, try again, so vividly brings to mind a much closer relationship for me as well as a model of how they may have talked together, vs. saintly Justine of 1831. They both seem more watered down in the later version, more idealized and thus less real.
And, notably, taking away this passage greatly minimizes the emphasis on injust/inadequate systems that is so prevalent throughout the entire chapter. It's not just a lack of proof, it's people who look on Justine as being risen above her station and greedy despite that. It's an eagerness to assign and then punish otherness as monstrosity. It's the court of popular opinion in which Justine's honesty and inability to speak prettily prejudices others further against her. It's the joy of punishment, of exacting "retribution" as Elizabeth so clearly calls out - patting themselves on the back as they turn their backs on Justine's friendship, as they force a false confession out of her, as they punish someone else to feel better about themselves.
All these themes directly relate to the Creature, whose act of punishing an innocent to revenge himself on someone else will become fully apparent later. They apply to Victor too, with his immediate and proofless certainty of the Creature's guilt mirroring the general reaction to Justine. But even outside this specific instance, they resonate with the breakdown of larger communities/systems so prevalent throughout the rest of the book. Societal, school, family, and legal systems are all shown to have flaws or be generally lacking in ways that contribute to help worsen the situation or shape the kinds of people who can't help but further their own misery, with a recurring emphasis on isolation and perception.
Even/especially those people who see what is going on are powerless to change the public perception. They're left isolated with no recourse. And so we have Justine suffering with only two people who know/believe her story, Elizabeth raging at the injustice of it all, while in the very same room sits Victor privately thinking about how he's worse off because he knows even more of the story and can't tell anyone since they won't believe him, leaving him even more isolated than they are. And they all know (or think they know, in Victor's case, a perhaps self-fulfilling prophecy) they can't change the situation, can't prevent the inevitable death and suffering on the horizon. All they can do is wait... to die, to lose someone, or to spot an opportunity to seek their own retribution, thus continuing the cycle.
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somewhereinneptune · 9 months
The string within shadow and light
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Credits : Art belongs to Gabriela Wasiewicz, and other aesthetic pics belong to their respective owners.
‘’ Evil is natural. It is innate in all humans. But while it can't be defeated... it can be controlled. In order to control it, and live the life of a true hero, you must learn to see with eyes unclouded by hate. See the good in that which is evil, and the evil in that which is good. Pledge yourself to neither side, but vow instead to preserve the balance that exists between the two.”
Hayao Miyazaki
Greetings! Hope all is well, and if not, I hope it will be very soon. This is the first post of a series I’ll be posting regarding the 12th astrological signs where I write my own personal (not factual, obviously) takes on the signs in terms of their Yin and Yang sides, or their shadow and light, however you wish to perceive it. This is written from a place of acknowledgement that all humans possess a blend of human emotions which vary in essence and intensity, as well as the level of healing and awareness one has accumulated, and there is absolutely no judgement or a stereotype such as ‘’This sign is better/ this sign is good/ this sign is bad’’ , if anything, one of the reasons I decided to begin this series is to shed light on false bias and stereotypes regarding signs and how astrological charts work. If you proceed with reading, hope you do so from an open mind.
PS : I’d like to note that a person with prominent placements of a sign may act on the Yin trait and its very opposite at the same time as everyone is human and humans are usually fluid in nature. This series’ aim is not to create two split versions of the signs which people may only exist on either, but rather to show the two sides and what goes within. Thank you!
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Season Date: March 21st-April 19th
Element: Fire
Modality: Cardinal
Ruling Planet: Mars
Ruling House: First, Ascendant
Body Part Association: Head
Other: Masculine
Occupation association: Athlete, physical - activity related jobs
Beginning this series with the first astrological sign of the 12th; Aries. Ruling the first house known as the Ascendant or the ‘rising’, we begin briefly with the theme of ‘I’ with this sign; This sign is our first introduction to individuality, self-concept, and recognizing ourselves as individual parts forming webs of societies within this world. It is also the point where the world perceives us from its own lens and how we reflect fragments of ourselves to that world. To each person, the sign sitting on the cusp of the first house will be different depending on the different birth information, but today we will focus on Aries as a whole, especially the way it manifests itself within light and shadow aspects.
Now, what do I mean when I say ‘light and shadow aspects? As mentioned above in the introduction of the series, this refers to how the sign manifests itself in an individual’s chart depending on the level of inner work/ growth they’ve undergone and how Aries varies within its different fragments. You might have stumbled upon the term ‘Developed/Underdeveloped’ and this is sometimes a debate within the Astrology community. In my own personal opinion, this term presents itself in how much maturity one possesses within a specific area of life, and how far in their growth have they gone regarding a specific part which can be seen reflected in the astrological chart through certain signs, houses, aspects, etc.
The Arian fragments within the light
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Aries in its ‘Light’ or more Yang energy is the child full of enthusiasm, optimism for life, the days ahead and the million possibilities on the horizon. If you’re into Tarot, ‘The Fool’ card is a good representation of Aries here. Aries here shows us the endless potential which starts with a spark and grows into a wildfire of ideas, potential paths and projects to explore. Aries is a very adventurous sign, running on Adrenaline rush and quick impulses, leaving little to no care for calculation and strategy.
Individuals with prominent Aries placements are usually those on the extroverted / loud and chatty side, those who want to live life to the fullest, explore and try all that there is to try, go after whatever increases their inner fire. Anything daring and even ‘crazy’ is within Aries’ cup of preference. Another trait to note is that of being a Go-getter; Aries is a cardinal sign, which means once they’ve set their eyes on something (or someone) they won’t stop until they reach what they’ve set their eyes on.
Aries is also very fun to be around. Those people usually exist on the surface of things; Though they’re very fiery and hot- tempered, they rarely take things too seriously and they mainly concern themselves with having a great time, exploring the world, and testing their limits, which are rarely limited or restrained.
With connections, when it comes to those individuals Aries care so much for, they take the label of ‘ride or die’; Those individuals are the ones who wouldn’t fear standing up for you in the middle of a crowd doesn’t matter how intimidating the atmosphere is- I almost forgot , this sign is heavily associated with leadership since it rules individuality, so those people are usually the ones who prefer to call the shots, take initiative whether its speaking up, planning a trip or a hangout, or leading a cause or project.
Romantic connections wise, Aries placements are usually the pursuers and the initiators; With prominent Aries placements, these individuals are usually the ones who go after their person of interest as they usually possess more daring elements and love the idea of having something to go after, it adds more fuel to them that they go after a goal and see it through. Apart from that, due to their Mars and fire-like nature, these individuals love passionately- not exactly deeply, but more intensely especially on the physical and sexual side, though when truly falling for someone, they can be devoted.
Extras :
Not caring what others think or tell them what to do, risk takers, detached from structure and law, confident, self- assured/ self- certain, independent and self- reliant
The Arian fragments within the dark
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Coming down to the shadow or Yin side of Aries, this is where traits mentioned are taken to extremes, taking the toxic route of things; One of Aries extremes is their impulsivity which can manifest in various ways, from getting them in serious troubles due to their lack of thinking and mere adrenaline rush, to their emotional impulsivity which manifests in explosive anger and harsh treatment of others.
Aries on extreme cases struggle with anger issues; You’d see these individuals breaking things around, screaming at everyone irrationally, punching walls, or in very extreme cases breaking in physical fights or abusing those close to them. Thing is, Arians snap out of the blue, they have a quick temper that suddenly gets to them at times for things considered ‘little’ and that’s due to their fire nature, anger that comes fast, wrecks them and everything around them and goes just as fast. That’s one of the reasons those with prominent Aries placement are advised to channel their anger and energy through a healthy physical activity like work-out or a certain sport where that inner energy can balance out or stimulate itself in non- harmful ways.
A second of their extreme traits is their petty behavior due to over- confidence; This can manifest as someone constantly throwing the blame on others, always believing they’re right. Another reason for this is their over- competitive nature which drives them to want to win everything at any cost including discussions, debates, and even normal confrontations or one on one conversations as they’re prone to seeing everything as a battle they need to win and prove themselves through. This can manifest in childish and immature behavior where one individual is unwilling to cooperate.
To expand on the last line, Aries is sometimes associated with the phrase ‘My way or the highway’ as another of their extreme cases is their control issues where they take the leader role too far, dismissing others’ needs and different takes on things. They can get too commanding and expect things to go their way always without seeing the other side.
They can also take having fun too far and discard seriousness in the right time altogether, meaning they might want to exist only on the surface, caring so little about the deeper and more mature side of things, especially regarding situations that requires taking accountability, reflecting on different aspects of a situation or looking within.
Lastly, I’ve observed within prominent Aries placements that some of them might only go after someone and love- bomb them for the sake of the thrill chasing brings (the adrenaline rush chasing after a goal brings) yet once they get it, as in once their person of interest reciprocates the effort, they tend to lose interest. For some, they love the idea of someone that plays hard to get and the idea of the person giving in and wanting something with them is a turn off since there is nothing to chase and strive for anymore.
Final observations
I’ve noticed an interesting thing between certain signs where one reflects the lighter or surface-y side of things, while the other mirrors the deeper side of them.
An example is Aries and Scorpio: Both are ruled by Mars (Scorpio is originally ruled by Mars, and later on by Pluto) and though They vary in elements (Scorpio being of the water element), Aries seems to be the surface mirror to Scorpio, while Scorpio is the deeper mirror; Aries has quick - lasting temper, while Scorpio stays silent for long then holds grudges for years. Aries loves both intensely and sexually, but the focus is more physical intimacy, while Scorpio takes sex to a deeper sense of exploring the person and almost desiring to merge their being with their person of interest through sexual encounters.
Aries feels and goes with the spark fast, while Scorpio take their time to form intimacy. Scorpio hates the surface and surface- level individuals, while Aries cares so little for depth.
They both possesses similar traits, but they harness and express them so differently and I find that interesting.
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simp999 · 1 year
Bloopers/Notes from "A New Home!"
☆I don't have anything too silly until ch. 15 :(
Ch. 1, Where am I?:
☆I started this fic at like, 2 am, just on complete impulse. Everything here just summoned itself from my 2 am brainrot.
☆I didn't really chat this chapter out with any friends, so nothing too silly.
Ch. 2, Meeting New People?:
☆I was planning on making reader more of a Simp, but I talked to my friends and we decided against it, since it would be difficult for reader to get along with characters more genuinely.
☆At the end of the chapter, "If I go to sleep here, will I wake back up in the real world?...", I was thinking of just posting chapter 3 where it said: You wake up, story over. The end.
Ch. 3, We are the Army.:
☆Army was an octoling since the beginning! You can see that in the banner. The background is made up of octopi instead of squids, and you can see a bit of a tentacle.
Ch. 4, If memory serves wrong...:
☆Bro I suck at writing flirty stuff. End me now, Aloha's difficult for me to write
☆The "nothin' personal, kid", was a total reference, and I plan on adding many more. I'm going to try my best to add some iconic vines that still suit the scene.
Ch. 5, Descisions, decisions.:
☆On the other hand, I looove drawing aloha! He's so cute and silly! I like to draw his tentacles very round and bubbly and man, his eyes are so pretty!
☆This was the chapter that made me start thinking about giving reader teammates, mostly because they needed someone other than a bench to sleep.
Ch. 6, Hoooow Anoooying.:
☆Can you tell he's my favorite?
☆I wanted to make him a little silly, giving him more of a personality. He can't be scary all the time, I really do think part of it is an act.
☆Another anime reference: the lens of his gasmask shining, just like in an anime.
☆I was torn between what to do for the banner. I already used Mask with his mask on for chapter 6, and I planned on using his maskless version for what's now chapter 13. But then I remembered another one of my favorite boyos, Desi! I know he isn't featured too much in this chapter, and I'm sorry, but I needed something!
☆Anyways, I know this entire battle by heart. I know all of Mask's voice lines. Save me.
☆I try my best to not show bias in my fics, but I will relentlessly show it outside of em'.
☆Ugh, can't wait for team cyan moments fr
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Ch. 8, Newfound Family.:
☆I was stuck between just giving reader nameless teammates, incase ya'll already had your own ocs in mind of something, but I HATE nameless characters. And characters that don't have a personality. I figured that I'd already have to give them personalities, so why not go all in.
☆Soooo, I threw in my beloved OCs! I've had these guys around for YEARS, so I know them and their personalities like the back of my hand, which makes writing for them super easy and fun!
☆bro they look so cursed with splatoon 1 hairstyles to me. I didn't have the heart to snatch their iconic hair, so ignore that.
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Ch. 9, Shopping Spree!:
☆I actually wrote this and the last chapter at 1 am by accident. I was like oho let me write a few notes down for tomorrow so I don't forget. But here we are 2k words later.
☆After seeing that the next day, I realised that the squad tm would take up 2 chapters total. There's 3 of them. So then I had to figure out how to do the banners. I worked it out, though!
☆Tasha's hair's longer I swear, it just didn't fit on the banner smh
☆Damn she and skull look a lot alike, huh
Ch. 10, Skull's Territory.:
☆I knew I couldn't have reader simp, but that doesn't mean I can't have some simpery!! So I have Milo, Leo and Tasha to do it!! They get to express my true emotions <3
Ch. 11, A Misunderstanding?:
☆sTEAAAALTH!!! <3333
☆My sweet boy
☆So the poll for background characters was mostly for him ngl
☆I also may have colored them green by accident the first time and had to start over.
☆I reaaaally hate making characters like Rider go OOC, but I need the story to continue! I'm sorryyyy
Ch. 12, Getting Too Comfortable.:
☆Also, blushy rider. ♡♡
☆He wants that battle, dude
Ch. 13, Player Two?:
☆May have made a 9 hour mask playlist to write to.
☆I was planning on going in official meeting order for these uhh "getting closer with the S4", (Rider, army, aloha, mask, skull.) but my clear bias for Mask got me to write for him first.
☆I struggled to choose which song, but the idea came to me because I learned all the lyrics to Kick Back(chainsaw man), not too long ago. But I figured I'd just go with one of the most well known series/openings.
☆Didn't make the cut:
-Was gonna have reader and Mask walk in the rain together. That's why reader grabbed Milo's umbrella, cause it was the biggest one.
-c'mon, that would have been cute
Ch. 14, ...You Didn't See that.:
☆I was planning this since the start to be honest. Not exactly this scenario, but I knew I wanted to throw this headcannon in there.
☆After seeing how much love my fic was getting, I was almost going to abandon the idea, afraid that my readers wouldn't like it, and leave.
☆Jeebus those tentacles took me way too long to draw.
Figuring out what to do for Army's meetup+scrapped ideas:
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Ch. 15, Sweetheart.:
☆I only made it to 1k words with Skull's part, he really doesn't talk a lot so it's hard to fill up space.
☆You guys asked for it: Avi time!
☆Now finally, here's some of the discord chats I had with my friends. Plans for story along with memes. Blanked out hints for the next chapter.:
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Ch. 16, An Unexpected Meetup.:
☆I completely winged it. I knew I wanted like- a dummy kinda where we'd see all the S4 at once
☆Sorry for minimal aloha time, we got him earlier in the series though! (Bias game strong, he's not my favorite s4 member :( )
☆I'll try for more aloha time soon I'm sorry
☆The kind of rivalry/jeasoulsy between them wasn't planned and I kinda don't like it, but it is canon that they don't really like eachother so
Ch. 17: Not Much of a Choice, Huh?
☆Ughhh this feels like a dating sim now and I hate it
☆But characters catching feelings ♡♡♡
☆Not to figure out how they deal with them and how readers gonna figure that out
Ch. 18: Challengers Approach!
☆ oOoo they catchin' feelings!!!
Ch. 19: The Freshest Squid on the Block!
☆ Hehe, we love making Leo happy
☆ Ugh, Emperor. I was not looking forward to writing him. I personally don't have him as a favorite, I was never able to like his kingly attitude. (I looove his design as somebody who draws nd does character design, though! Well made character.) Buuut...(see ch. 21)
Ch. 20: The Absolute King.
☆Yesss! Reader showing more emotion!!
☆Someone's gettin' angyyy
☆Ohoho does this count as angst? Berly, but I'm enjoying it
☆ Did you guys know that I half specialise in angst? Yeah enjoy that info
Ch. 21: A Crushing Defeat.
☆ Making you guys hate him off the bat is a lot dunner to write! He was shitty and mean in the first bit where he was shown anyways, so suffer! He'll have to go through some character development eventually, but until then, he's your most despised rival mwahaha
☆I hope the wat I write him makes you wanna deck him in the face :)
Ch. 22: It Only Gets Tougher, I Promise
☆ ... what no, what makes you think mask is my favorite. I show no bias ever. (How many times have I said that, now?)
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lantern-hill · 9 months
hello! i love your photos, i just added a bunch of your posts to my queue <3 i love your shots of the nature in org. you dont have to answer but i wanted to ask please what camera did you use for “cat on film” ? ive been thinking about getting a 35mm camera but i don’t know which one would give me that soft warm fuzzy look your photos of your cat had :’) thank you
hi, thank you!
the camera i took those on is a chinon gaf memo 35ee,..
...but i wouldn't recommend getting one, to be honest, especially if you're new to film photography. it's a rangefinder focus, which means instead of just turning a wheel around the lens until the image is sharp, you have to line up two tiny versions of what you see in the center of the viewfinder and then take the picture. like this:
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you see the tiny yellow rectangle in the middle of the frame? in order to focus the camera, you need to line up the two images within that tiny amount of space. there's a whole bunch of other reasons i don't love this camera, and a few things i like, but i won't go into it. i don't really use this camera anymore.
the good thing is that the "soft warm fuzzy feeling" you want to replicate really has almost nothing to do with this camera. it's more related to the film you use, the settings you use on your camera, and, of course, the lighting in the area where you're taking the photo.
here's another photo i took that has a similar warm, fuzzy vibe, despite the fact that it was taken on a different camera and with different film.
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i'm not a film photography expert by any means, but i would say when you're trying to get this type of vibe, the actual lighting in the place where you're taking the photo is the most important.
you also probably want to use a camera that doesn't have fixed focus. Some cameras, especially the really easy to use instant film or disposable film ones, don't require you to focus; you just press the button and move on. that's fixed focus. part of what gives you the warm fuzzy feeling about the photo above is that not every part of the image is sharp.
a lot of the pictures in that cat post are also slightly over- or under-exposed, but none of them use flash, so you probably want a camera that doesn't automatically set off a flash if it detects the lighting is too low.
in terms of getting your first film camera, that can be tricky because there's basically no new ones out there for sale- unless you want to get a tacky plastic disposable or shill out 1000s for a Leica. you're most likely going to have to buy secondhand from a camera store or just some guy online. facebook marketplace is really good for this in my experience.
some buying tips:
-decide if you want a point-and-shoot (you just look through the viewfinder and press the shutter button, done) or a SLR that lets you manually adjust the shutter speed, iso, etc. both are great and i have one of each for different situations.
-in my experience, don't bother paying more than 40$ CAD for a 2ndhand point-and-shoot or $100 for a full film camera unless it's something ridiculously amazing or unless you're buying secondhand from a camera store.
-look up the specs of your camera before buying it and pay attention to the degree to which the camera is automatic. film cameras use a light meter to measure what the shutter speed should be in different situations to capture the right amount of light, but the way they use the light meter differs. if a camera is fully automatic, that means that it measures the light in the room and then automatically adjusts the shutter speed to be correct.
this sounds great, but it also usually means you can't manually change the shutter speed. this can be a problem because, again, you're buying a secondhand camera that's probably at least two decades old. there's a high chance the electric components that automatically measure the light will be corroded or broken or will soon break down, and when they do repairs may be very expensive or even impossible, since you just can't find some repair parts anymore.
the more manual your film camera is, the better it can stand the test of time, because even if the camera's light meter fully breaks down and can't be repaired, you can buy a handheld light meter to tell you the right shutter speed and then manually change the shutter speed on your camera. this isn't to say to avoid all automatic features- all my cameras are to some degree automatic and i like it a lot- but its something to be aware of.
-look up your camera on lomography.com, which has a ton of film photos that you can sort by film and by camera. (i also have my own lomography account, where my photos are sorted by film and by camera.)
-when buying a camera that has a battery slot, open it up and check for any rust or corrosion inside. don't buy it if there's any green or brown on the parts the battery connects to.
i have three other cameras that i have and like a lot:
nikon EM (SLR) - 80 bucks on FB marketplace
yashica fx-3 super 2000 (SLR) - belonged to a relative
samsung ff-222 (point + shoot) - 30 bucks on FB marketplace
i also like the canon T series a lot, my friend has a canon t70.
and the films i tend to use are:
fujifilm superia (my fave; relatively cheap color film. the cat photos are on this.)
kodak ultramax (slightly more expensive. not that different results wise, maybe a little more pastel.)
portra - expensive but pretty
ektar - expensive but pretty
ilford hp5 b&w - cheap. good for testing a new film cam so you can see results without splurging too much.
you can look them up on lomography to see the differences between them.
hope this helps!
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septembersghost · 11 months
I'm wondering about the music rights too (because why WOULDN'T you use his version of Blue Suede Shoes in the trailer?), and the website mentions covers? wouldn't it be weird if they didn't let Steve have the music/footage for a doc though?
the website is specifically talking about (i think) the tribute special they did five years ago on NBC for the 50th anniversary? it mentions the documentary using darius rucker's cover of heartbreak hotel ("highlighting the Special’s influence on [Elvis'] artistry"), but it doesn't read to me like all the music will be reinterpreted.
Reinventing Elvis will showcase Steve's interface with Elvis on the production process to accomplish an evergreen and game changer result. The documentary also premieres many new filming innovations, such as capturing an artist performing music unplugged as well as the first use of handheld cameras to film music performance, all pioneered by Binder. We are using the title to show viewers that Binder teamed with Elvis to overcome the objections and obstacles of Elvis manager, Col. Tom Parker who challenged every idea Steve had which Elvis supported.
The story will be even further revealed in our film. The assassination of both Dr. Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy within months of each other in 1968, sent shock waves around the world. Elvis was from Memphis where Dr. MLK was killed which made the tragedy ever more personal. From Binder’s unique lens and knowledge, having gotten super close to Elvis, Binder knew Presley was feeling super despondent and talked to Steve for hours about the effect that the assassination(s) had on him, especially King’s. Against Parker’s wishes, Binder, got his musical director, Earl Brown, to write a custom song for Elvis to sing that spoke directly to impart the message of hope they both wanted to put forward to the world in that time of grief. The iconic “IF I CAN DREAM” is that song.
Binder has The most unique and informed perspective on how this landmark show was made and the events which transpired during production.  Elvis bravely stood up and supported Steve in order to have the Special completed and broadcast.  The success of this Comeback show propelled the course of Elvis' life and career to the next level. (x)
that said, i can't explain the use of a cover in the trailer, so it's hard to say! i don't know about the legalities of his music rights and licensing, or how the estate decides when/where the songs can be used, but it would definitely be strange to me if they blocked steve from using clips from the program he literally directed and produced. maybe they're just saving that because they want it to be experienced in the doc itself. we'll find out soon!
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