#and by playlisting i mean playing wicked game covers
playlisting from the swamp
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Love me or hate me, both are in my favor (Miguel O’Hara x Fem! Reader [HS Academic Rivals AU])
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Hiii! It’s been a second cuz I’ve been so busy, so I apologize. So enjoy! Not proofread
(L/N)-Last name, (Y/N)-Your name.
Cursing, mentions of death, fake stab wound, comfort/hurt/comfort, Miguel being mean :(
Word count: 3k
Series Masterlist Series playlist
Chapter 9: What a wicked game you play, to make me feel this way
“Did you forget the next line? It’s: Thus with a kiss I die…”
You let out a groan after a moment realizing his hesitation, getting up from your lying position on the floo as you open your eyes, causing Miguel to scoot away from you from his kneeling position over you.
“Why’d you stop?” You asked curtly as you crossed your legs, raising a brow up at him.
“I’m not gonna kiss you, (L/N).”
You had finally gotten Miguel to show up to do a practice run of the scene, the presentation was happening in the following day, and thankfully you’d both practiced it apart, but the odd tension between you both you still couldn’t desphire wasn’t helping the process go on any easier. Countless pauses and time-outs, you two have been going through the scene over and over, like a broken record that kept falling over into the same scratch devit, skipping, repeating, but never finishing.
“Does it look like I’m jumping at the idea, O’Hara?” You countered as you grabbed the pillow you had placed on his carpeted dorm floor and placed it onto your lap, taking your hair out from your hair clip before reaching to place it on his nightstand, deciding it was too unbearable to lay on any longer before continuing. “We’re not gonna make out with each other in front of the whole class. It’s just a small peck.”
“Oh like how that kiss with Spider-Man was a ‘small peck’.” Miguel was too busy doing air quotes for him to catch the pillow as you threw it at his chest. His eyes rolling at the childish act while you felt your cheeks burn with embarrassment at the memory.
It’s not like you regretted it or anything, it was just annoying when he brought it up.
“Okay, whatever. We can fake it-what’s that thing they do in theater?-oh stage kiss. We can do a stage kiss.” You suggested but Miguel's facial expressions clearly show he had no idea what a stage kiss was, making you groan and roll your eyes as if it was common knowledge. “Do you know what that is?”
“No, I’m not a geek unlike you.”
“That’s ironic coming from the science nerd.”
Now it was him rolling his eyes with a scoff.
“Are you going to explain it or not?”
“Okay, okay.” You put your hands up in defense as you shift to sit on your knees, before going to explain. “A stage kiss is basically just a kiss for the stage, but we can make it look like we’re kissing without our lips actually touching.” Miguel raised a brow, a silent ask for you to explain further. “Like, you tilt your head a specific way or you put your thumb on my lips and you kiss your thumb.”
Was Miguel’s next question a risky one? Maybe. Did he want it to be an excuse to get close to you again? Maybe, even if he can’t get the sweet relief of tasting your lips again, he’ll take whatever crumbs you’ll toss his way. Even if he had to pretend he didn’t enjoy it. So with a quick clearing of the throat, he shifted a bit closer, careful to not startle you as he approached you as if you were a wounded animal.
“May I?”
His felt his heart began to pound a little bit faster as he watched confusion cover your face for a split second before you realized what he means, and he thinks for a second you’ll say no with the way you bite your bottom lip ever so subtlety in a way he doesn’t think even you notice, and the way he noted your hand fidgeting with the hem of your shirt despite not breaking eye contact, but eventually you nodded.
Your voice was soft, meek, gentle, something that it never was towards Miguel. It took all of him to not rush towards you and kiss your lips for real, but he knew better. So with slow movements, silence envelopes the air around you both. It was very faint, the way the atmosphere in the room shifted as he placed his hand on your side of your face. Praying to god that he didn’t feel the way your jaw flexed as you swallowed the lump in your throat as his thumb grazed and stopped in the middle of your lips. His eyes dropped to them for a split second before they were back on you, and finally, they closed as he leaned in. Warm spreads through your body, seeping into the pit of your stomach, as your eyes naturally close as well. Despite his thumb separating you both, you can still feel the phantom presence of his lips on yours. In your head, they tasted like Spider-Man’s.
After a while, you felt him finally pull away, bringing you back down to earth as you blink up at him, if it wasn’t for the dark lightning in his dorm you would have both noticed the fleshing in his cheeks. He cleared his throat, “Like that?”
“Yeah, like that.” You nodded as you tried to play off the whole situation nonchalantly. “Let’s try to go through the whole thing, and when you die on me don’t rest all your weight on me please? You’ll crush me.” You attempted to lighten the mood with a joke as you took the forgotten pillow and placed it back to its original spot. Grateful when you heard him stifle a snort under his breath.
He should stop this.
He knows he should.
He’s made a habit out of it now, and habits are hard to break. You’ve even started to keep your widow unlocked for him, how could he resist himself? It’s obvious you wanted him to stop by. So, here he was, outside your window. You having just left his dorm not even a full hour ago, your hair clip and copy of Gravity’s Rainbow still sitting in his dorm where you left them, forgotten on your way out the door.
He always had this small mental battle with himself as he slipped his finger through the small crack in the window. Knowing how dangerous it was to get you involved with Spider-Man, if he wasn’t careful, it would only lead to danger. Still he couldn’t help but continue to spin his web, entrapping you in it without you none the wiser. He was given the opportunity to become closer to you in a way he couldn’t as himself, and he’d be foolish to not take advantage of it. At least, that's what he told himself to justify his actions when finger finally pulled your window up almost every night.
He didn’t see you at first, and it made his chest tighten in panic, but the feeling quickly died down, once he heard the doorknob to your front door open. He let out a sigh of relief when he realized he had gotten there before you. When you opened the door to your dorm you let out a small startled yelp when met with the familiar red and blue costume, you hand shooting up to your chest to help calm down your shot up heartbeat once you realized the intruder wasn’t a threatening one.
“Jesus… you scared me…” You mumbled as you closed and locked the door behind yourself.
“Sorry about that, I didn't know you were out.” He lied as he shot a glowing web to turn on your overhead light, you not even flinching at the moment, having grown accustomed to it, despite your many pleas to not web up your room for the sake of convenience.
“I told you to stop doing that. You know how long it takes for me to take that off? It always sticks to my hands.” You whined as you went to try and take it off, and Miguel couldn’t help but let out a laugh as it does, in fact, stick to your hands.
“Here I got it…” He murmured as he moved to takes your smaller hand in his, picking at the webbing under the neon red no longer covering your palm, once it was cleaned, he turned it over and placed a small kiss over your knuckles.
“Thanks.” You said with a small smile once you pulled your hand away. “I can’t stay up too late, I have that-“
“That project tomorrow, I know. You’ve been talking about it non-stop.” He interrupted, causing you to laugh. “It’s fine though, I shouldn’t let our little visits cut into so much of my patrol time anyways.” He admitted, a faux hurt expression fell over your features.
“If my company bores you, you can just say so-“ You were silenced by a web covering your mouth, knowing despite his face being covered underneath his mask, he was giving you a playful smirk. You gave him a glare as you attempted to rip them from your lips.
“Shush. You know, for a smart girl, I’d expect you to not say stupid shit like that.” His head tilted slightly, before he walked over and ripped the webbing from your mouth, letting out a small hiss at the sensation as you went to soothe the area with the back of your hand.
“Do me a favor.”
“Wear a coat tomorrow, we’re going to take a little trip.” Was all he said before he slipped back through your window, not even letting you respond back to the request, as you stood there in confusion, just staring at the open window.
“O happy dagger!” You grabbed the toy retractable knife that was in Miguel’s pocket, raising it in the air with your right hand, while he played dead in front of you. “This is thy sheath:” You were thankful that Ms.Covey had turned on the harsh stage lights, flooding out the rest of your classmates so it gave the illusion of empty seats, although they couldn’t distract you from the occasional scribble of a pen on paper from your teacher in the otherwise quiet room. You bring the toy knife down and press the fake blade against your abdominal, faking a grunt of pain as you slowly push it till it sat flesh against you, before putting it back away from you. “There rust, and let me die.” You finally finish and you succumb to your faux wound, collapsing onto Miguel's torso.
After a beat, applause spreads through the air, making you release an unknown breath that you were holding in your rest and you finally getting off of Miguel, both of finally standing up as the stage lights dimmed slightly enough to reveal your teacher.
“Good job you too, nothing but the best as always-“ Her praise was interrupted when the bell rang, signaling that class was over, causing all the students to fill out and off to elsewhere. You quickly go to grab your book bag from the wing of the stage, a big grin on your face as you weave through the crowd, feeling accomplished as you try to catch up to your rival to congratulate him.
“Hey! O’Hara!” You smiled brightly as you caught up to him, ignoring the side eye he gave, too focused on the project you both nailed. “We did so well! I was surprised that-“
“Oh my god why are you still pestering me?” He hissed, turning to glared daggers at you that made you falter. “All you do is pester me!” You took a step away from him before even registering the movement in your head properly. He looked so pissed off, it was a bit unnerving, you had done a lot worse to make him upset and he’d only ever give you back a sarcastic comment or something along the lines of friendly fire. How did doing well in a project together be the thing to set him off?
“Sorry-sorry, I just wanted to say that I’m glad we-“ You didn’t get to finish before being interrupted again.
“Can you just shut up.” You were glad that the once full courtyard was now barren, reduced to only you and Miguel. You didn’t need prying eyes on you to worsen the humidity of Miguel ripping you a new one for seemingly no reason. You weren’t sure if it was the lighting from the sun or your brain short circuiting from confused and slight fear but you swore Miguel’s brown maroon eyes looked almost as if they were growing a more pure red color.
“I’m-I’m sorry...” Your words fell on deaf ears as your face once again with Miguel’s back, watching him walk away.
He always walks away.
“What’s your problem with me? I understand we’ve never really gotten along with each other but you're acting like you hate me.” The pit in your stomach disappears once it was swallowed up with the anger that started to seep into you, taking a few steps towards him.
“Because I do hate you (Y/N).”
I’m in love with you (Y/N).
“I hate the way you’re always around.”
I love the way I know you’ll always be near.
“I hate how you always try to one up me in class.”
I love how you challenge me, I haven’t been challenged in a long time.
“I hate the way you quote your stupid poems and books you always read.”
I love the way you’ve changed my perspective on the world.
“I hate you.”
I love you.
“Your voice.”
Your voice.
“Your laugh.”
Your laugh.
“I hate everything about you.”
I love everything about you.
You couldn’t hear anything, you couldn’t let him see the way your eyes started to sting with your forming tears, so you walked away.
He didn’t know why he couldn’t shut himself up. Why he kept spewing false garbage from his mouth, he couldn’t handle it anymore. The lies, the confusing feelings, the late night visits. It’s all too much, he couldn’t get himself to leave you alone. He needed to push you away, as far away as he possibly could. That includes Spider-Man.
He knew he wouldn’t be able too, and that’s why the second the sunset turned the sky from its usual blue to orange and yellow hues, he found himself outside of your window, pulling up your window before he felt the guilt from his words earlier swallow him whole.
“Your favorite spider is here-“ But unfortunately, the guilt ate him up anyways when his eyes immediately fell on your figure, curled up in a ball with your face stuffed into that fox plushie of yours, small whimpers leaving your slight shaking form. “Hey…Hey… what’s wrong?” He didn’t need to ask, he already knew what was wrong, and you didn’t answer, didn’t even look up as you shook your head, opting to bury it deeper into white tummy of the stuffed animal, it surely damp with your tears.
“I don’t wanna talk about it…” You croaked with a sniffle, and Miguel let out a heavy sigh as he carefully approached your bed, taking a seat at the edge where your legs were curled up, and began to rub soothing circles into your back.
“We won’t talk about it then…” Miguel was afraid if you did, mostly because he wouldn’t know how to react. Taking a beat of silence before bringing his hand up to your chin, and lifted it gently for you to face him. You retaliated with a small whine before moving to hide your face once more.
“No, I don’t want you to see me like this, my-my face is are all red and puffy, my mascara is all fucked up, and-“
“Hey,” His hand goes to your chin to turn it towards him once more, but this time you didn’t move it away, although your eyes didn’t meet his, “look at me.” After a moment you did. “You are the most beautiful…” You looked away with a giggle, his hand he was holding you with turned your head towards him again as his gloved thumb came up to wipe away a lingering tear. “beautiful…” he repeated, “amazing… most intelligent and wonderful women I've met.”
“Thank you…”
“Of course, now get up.” He said as he stood up from the bed, grabbing the fox from your arms and placing it where he was just at on the bed, chucking a bit when he noticed the confusion on your face. “What? Don’t tell me you forgot about your surprise, did you?”
“My surprise?” He nodded with a hum as you slowly sat up, and went to place on your shoes.
“Yes ma’am, put a coat on we’re gonna be swinging there.”
“I’m not gonna drop you.” He laughed.
“I’m never gonna get used to swinging!”
“Well you better try!”
“Can I open my eyes yet?”
“Not yet… gonna place you down first…”
You had no idea where he was bringing you too, the only clues you had were the noise of Nueva York that surrounded you, which wasn’t much help. You let out a sigh of relief when he placed your feet down onto a solid surface, most likely a rooftop.
“Are you dizzy?”
“You sure?”
“Yes, yes just let me open my eyes please.” You laughed as you reached out towards the sound of his voice and hit the air around him as a signal to hurry.
“Alright, open up.” You smiled as you did so, and once your eyes focused on the view in front of you, you let out a gasp.
“You did not…”
“I did, do you like it?”
“Like it? I love it. Thank you, thank you thank you!” You quickly pulled him into an embrace, one of his hands went to the small of your back as the other brought his mask up to his nose, before pulling you into a kiss.
In the distance, in front of the orange and yellow hues that illuminated the sky, was the Brooklyn bridge. Sprawled across the cables were three words written in red webbing.
I love you.
Taglist: @famouscattale @oharasfilipinawife @mxltifxnd0m @loser-alert @homewreckingwreck @dumb-gemini @cowboylikeevie @thedevax @codenameredkrystalmatrix @strawberryjuice9 @maomaimao
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immortaljackal · 1 year
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@lovepurposed asked: [ blonde ] what is your favorite type of music? favorite artist? favorite song?
💌 colourful interview [ meme - accepting ]
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Have I ever mentioned I'm a musician? And a multi-instrumentalist at that? xD
But when it comes to simply listening to music, I have extremely eclectic tastes. We're talking everything from Classical to Gregorian Chant to New Wave to Heavy Metal. Seriously, if you want to see some of the details, you can check out my spotify profile, which I've had for so long I actually have a proper username.
Though I will say that I tend to favour hard rock and metal the most, but what I'm listening to at any given moment can be pretty much anything. Except at the holidays, when to drown out the annoying carols being played everywhere, I'm usually listening to Finnish metal covers interspaced with the Muppets and such. (Pretty sure my Eclectic Holidays playlist is public, if you wanna see what I mean by that.)
Favourite artist is a bit more difficult… Overall, if I had to pick just one… I'd probably actually go with 'Weird Al' Yankovic, simply for the range of styles and he's been a consistent go-to for listening to the discography since I was a kid.
But I also listen to a lot Queen, David Bowie, Rockapella, Daft Punk, Nightwish, Halestorm, the BeeGees… I also listen to a lot of Beth Kinderman & The Player Characters, but I'm a bit bias there because Beth is a dear friend of mine.
Though looking at the tags on this blog should also show my favouritism towards Malinda from Twisted Translations on youtube, considering that's where most of the tags come from. I'm also ridiculously fond of Postmodern Jukebox, but I suspect that's got a lot to do with the bouncy tambourine guy in the vids. xD
Like everything else, there's not a simple answer for favourite song. It really depends on my mood at the time. So here's a little extremely random playlist of some of my faves:
Walk Like A Dinosaur • Was (Not Was) - early childhood favourite
Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego? • Rockapella
Everybody Loves Me • OneRepublic
To Kill A King • Hungry Lucy
Light That Fire • Oh The Larceny
Natural • Imagine Dragons
Robot Rock • Daft Punk
Legends Are Made • Sam Tinnesz
Into The Darkness • The Phantoms
Under Pressure • Queen & David Bowie
Magic Dance • David Bowie
Human • Rag'n'Bone Man
The Wanderer • Dion
War • Poets of the Fall
Creeping In My Soul • Cryoshell
White Rabbit • Egypt Central
Soldiers • Otherwise
Renegade • Styx
Carnival Of Rust • Poets of the Fall
We Didn't Start The Fire • It Lives, It Breathes
That Man • Caro Emerald
Wicked Games • The Hot Damns
Troublemaker • Grizfolk
Amen • Halestorm
Glitter & Gold • Barns Courtney
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afrival · 3 years
Hetalia Characters and Their Music Tastes
I’ve been in the hetalia fandom for like a year now and I stg thinking abt what these bitches listen to NEVER gets old
no warnings
will feature mostly modern day music, like 1950s-2010s
I don’t know a lot of artists that don’t sing in English so there’s probably A LOT that I’m missing on here, not even including shit from like the 1800s
The Allies
Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood, The Chain by Fleetwood Mac, Crazy In Love by Beyoncé
- Listens to basically everything, but particular fond of like 80s rock and early 2000s shit
- Likes country music bc ofc he does, a huge fan of Carrie Underwood, Sam Hunt, and The Band Perry
- Got his love of rock from England 💀 Especially during the like the 60s-80s when Queen, The Beatles, and Elton John really popular
- They really only bond over their love for this period of music lmao like they would absolutely go ape during karaoke
- He loves more mainstream artists like Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, all those iconic mfs
- Probably enjoys old wartime music just for nostalgias sake. Shit from the 40s and he listens to Civil War tunes (Union Dixie lmao)
- Definitely listens to musicals and forces Ivan to as well. His favorites are Hamilton, Hairspray, and Chess
- LOVES LOVES LOVES The Backstreet Bogs holy shit. This man had a whole phase where he dressed like they did. Don’t even dare play I Want It That Way because he WILL sing along
- Speaking of which he’s actually a really good singer, like he probably used to sing at clubs and shit back in the day
- It’s very specific but I imagine his voice to sound like Taron Egerton’s cover of “Crocodile Rock” by Elton John
Killer Queen by Queen, Set Fire to the Rain by Adele, Tiny Dancer by Elton John
- Old man who had a weird punk phase in the 90s. Definitely listens to The Beatles and Gorillaz
- Like I said, he and Alfred bond over Queen and Elton and Bon Jovi and FUCKING Michael Jackson
- Refuses to admit he really likes Elvis
- Oh boy. He had so much fun in like late 2000s and early 2010s— Panic at the Disco, MCR, Green Day, he absolutely got his ears pierced during this time
- Doesn’t listen to like current mainstream music that much he will sob to Adele and probably really likes the Cry Baby album by Melanie Martinez.
- Francis plays so much Lady Gaga in the car that at this point he really likes her music
- He likes Ed Sheeran I am so sorry </3 and he absolutely gets bullied for it
- He can sing too honestly? I know I just said he listens to Ed Sheeran but I honestly think he kinda sounds like him too just maybe a little deeper
- Listen to Galway Girl and you’ll get a basic idea of what I imagine he sounds like
Dance and Cry by Mother Mother, Baby One More Time by Britney Spears, смерти Больше нет by IC3PEAK
- THIS MANS MUSIC TASTE MAKES NO SENSE. It ranges from fucking Aerosmith to Ic3peak to Lady Gaga
- Literally has every Mother Mother album downloaded and probably on Vinyl bc he’s a fucking dweeb
- Also a huge musical stannie, loves Wicked and Hairspray
- He and Al will split the parts to sing along to in the car
- Alfred made him listen to Britney Spears ONCE in like the 90s and now he’s obsessed
- Speaking of the 90s he went absolutely fucking ape during this time. The USSR wasn’t very big on western music but when it fell there was a HUGE influx of it and suddenly like it was just his favorite thing ever
- Alfred also got him into Carrie Underwood, literally lost of his music taste comes from Alfred forcing him to listen to shit
- During the 70s/80s he got really into Fleetwood Mac and Aerosmith, maybe even a little bit of disco but not a lot
- Went to a club with Al a few times and he won’t ever forget dancing to Footloose by Kenny Loggins at like one in the morning and having the absolute time of his life, easily one of his favorite memories
- Like I get so soft thinking about him just letting loose and actually having fun, even though he was very stiff and shit during the 1900s
- He can’t sing LMAO but my friend and I said once that he could lowkey rap really well and now it’s all I think about
From Eden by Hozier, La Vie En Rose by Edith Piaf, Primadona by Marina
- If you look up the gay agenda his playlist would just show up
- I mean seriously he has it all: Lana Del Rey, Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, and Lorde
- HOWEVER she does really enjoy softer sounding music. Edith Piaf, Louis Armstrong, and Vera Lynn are favorites of his
- Listens to the Les Mis soundtrack like once a month
- REALLY REALLY loves Hozier, like a whole lot. He’s probably one of his favorite artists along with Sufjan Stevens
- Even more of his homo playlist includes Marina, Madonna and Troye Sivan
- Bullies Arthur for liking Ed Sheeran but he also really likes Ed Sheeran, just refuses to admit it
- Stromae ofc 🙄🤚 can’t just not include like the most popular French musician or whatever
- He can also sing but he sounds kinda raspy, it’s nice tho
- I don’t think he listens to music LMAO, if he does it’s probably instrumental
The Axis
Elastic Heart by Sia, From Now On from The Greatest Showman, Natural by Imagine Dragons
- Also doesn’t really listen to music but my friend said that when he does it ranges from classical to heavy metal
- For some reason I think he really likes Sia, he seems like a Sia kind of guy
- Doesn’t listen to Hozier but really loves Take Me to Church
- Most of his music listening comes from giving Feli the aux in the car
- The whore listens to Imagine Dragons like he fucking loves them
- When The Greatest Showman came out he had the soundtrack on repeat for a solid month, From Now Onis one of his favorite songs ever
- Cannot sing Jesus Christ do not let him near a mic
Thank u, next by Ariana Grande, Break My Stride by Matthew Wilder, Bella Ciao by Manu Pillas
- Pop music! So much pop!
- Loves Ariana Grande and Conan Gray
- Probably listens to A LOT of classical because of his time with Austria
- His music taste is kinda all over the fucking place and it’s mostly happy and peppy shit
- Weirdly tho he listens to GRLwood? Like it’ll just shhow up on shuffle and suddenly he’s an entire different person
- Will listen to absolutely everything just to find something that Ludwig likes, was so proud of himself when Ludwig really ended up loving The Greatest Showman
- Doesn’t sing but plays like 5 instruments. Violin and piano are his faves
It’s Been So Long by The Living Tombstone, Faded by Alan Walker, Ophelia by The Lumineers
- The fnaf songs are his guilty fucking pleasures, he fucking loves them
- Loves loves loves the Undertake Soundtrack
- Listens to a lot of anime openings 💀 Me too tbh they’re so good at for what
- Big fan of TheFatRat
- In general he enjoys techno shit? Idk what the word is but it’s a lot of instrumental
- Listens to regular music as well (The Lumineers especially)
- Likes listening to Elvis because it makes him happy to see Alfred having fun
- Feli also introduces him to a lot of music but he can never fucking remember the names of the songs or artists
- He hums a lot rather than sings, and it’s really soft and gentle
If anybody wants any more characters lmk bc I love coming up with these, also I do have playlists for these bitches 😎✌️ Spotify is in my linktree (bio)
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leechonspeeddial · 3 years
Midnight Shift: Singer's Blood
Summary: Something wicked might have come to the Burger King. Either that, or someone really needs deodorant
wc: 1.7k
Read on ao3
"And just like that? I'm in your game?"
"Eh, 'just like that' is like not it, Gucci, but basically. Yeah, dude," I watched as sprite mini-me walked all over the map — a pixelated version of East Laddle's last remaining Burger King, complete with a rat king decomposing in the parking lot and Not Kevin's monster of a car covering an old blood stain.
"Call me Gucci again and I'll burn down your secret edibles stash"
"Nah, dude. The invitation for your family's gala was written in gold, and the card was imported from France. I think I'm entitled, yeah?" I rolled my eyes and cursed as the date to Alice's stupid party drew to a close. Two more days before the humans unknowingly walked into a vampire lair.  
It was cliché to say that I just wanted to be a normal kid, and there was a part of me that would be happy to explain everything I felt with the cliché. But I knew that wasn't it — spending a decade in high school made you realize how stifling normal could be. What I truly wanted was to be left alone; I was fed up of Alice treating my like one of her dolls and everyone enabling her. I was tired of having no thought that was truly for myself and Edward violating my privacy on a whim. It hurt to see Rosalie go from a doting mother to a distant figure when I no longer looked like a child, much like it hurt to see Bella see me as an extension of her beloved husband. 
Being able to hear all of them have sex only made everything much worse.
"Whatever. Just show me my final boss form. You said your roommate was hardcore into Junji Ito"
"Alright, but we only have the concept art for it, though. Abby got super pissed at us for smoking her artisanal weed, so she's not like making the sprite until we get her more, 'kay?" Straight Kevin minimized the game and navigated through his discord server. I left him to his search so I could refill my mello yello; it was always a good shift when Gay Kevin and Not Kevin were away from the store. They were objectively entertaining men, but they also got a little too intense about work here. Neither would let us blow off work in favour of our personal projects. 
Not since Wrestlemania Condimentalooza.
I slurped at my drink and absentmindedly wiped at the counter. Straight Kevin had his phone hooked to our sound system and he was blasting his playlist. His taste in music was…was one would call eclectic if one was feeling charitable – and boy, did I feel like I was making a million dollar donation. In the past hour alone, we had listened to swedish rap, some Nancy Sinatra, Blackpink, Tibetan throat singing, quebecois death metal, and Maroon 5. 
Fucking Maroon 5. 
But none of that compared to the song that was currently playing. It was less of an auditory experience, less of a musical treat, and more like being forcefully turned into a robot that was in the middle of short circuiting. Not only could you feel the beat, but you could see it too. It looked like flashing lights, and I was certain in that moment, that if it continued I would soon be able to taste sound.
And it was during that assault of my senses that I smelled it. Something unlike anything I had ever smelled before and an immeasurable sense of dread washed over me. The pit in my stomach felt like a black hole as I stood ramrod straight and saw a man I had never seen before enter the building alongside Jeremiah.
Nothing about him particularly stood out. He looked like any other white guy that just got out of the office. He was tall though, taller than anyone else here. Not unnaturally tall, mind you, but...something about his aura felt dangerous. I was on edge and no longer breathing, was this how it felt to be near il tuo cantante?
I made eye contact with the man and tried to place the smell, the flavour of it. It didn't taste enticing, if anything the rat king out back called to me more than the man did. But if this was what Bella smelled like when she was human, I had many questions for Edward.
"How's it hanging, Carrot top? Still working on that game, I see Shaggy," Jerimiah appeared oblivious of my behavior. Then again, glaring to our customers wasn't uncommon for me.
I looked away from the man and I saw Jerimiah set up a chess game on his table. Oh no.
"My man C.J. here is buying me lunch, so you can tell your anxious manager not to have a panic attack over more 'non-paying customers'"
"Nah, it's all cool, dude. Kev and Not Kev are on a supply run. Another of our suppliers dropped us like a hot potato"
"Cello beach, that's what they say, no?" Jeremiah shrugged and the man tilted his head.
"C'est la vie?" He questioned using a register of voice I had not expected. I hated it.
"Languages were never my thing. Math, now that's my jam," he dropped onto his chair and I decided I needed to clear my airways. I needed to get out of here. 
"Kev, take their order. I'm going to deal with the raccoons"
I didn't even wait for a response before I hauled ass out of there. Luckily, I had enough self control to not vampire yeet myself. 
Once outside I took a deep breath.
It was a deeply offensive smell, but at least it was a familiar one. Trash, raccoons, and decay, baby. 
Though, on second breath. Way less raccoons than last week. Significantly less. Maybe Gay Kevin had finally bested them, which shame if true. 
I leaned on the dumpster and tried to focus. It was important for me to figure out what the hell was going on, because damn if some paper pusher was the reason we left East Laddle. The Cullens would jump at the opportunity to decrease my autonomy if I ate some guy. 
Which, yeah. Murder shouldn't be taken lightly, but I'd never be able to have as much freedom as I did now.
God, it'd be fucked. They'd make me go back to school and somehow rationalize that decision as a good one. Somehow surrounding me with hundreds of humans after murdering one would make sense because they'd be there to keep an eye on me...
I was getting sidetracked again, back to the matter at hand. 
About three things I was absolutely positive. First, that man stank. Second, there was a part of me – and I didn’t know how potent that part might be – that wanted to murder him in cold blood. And third, I was deeply and irrationally terrified of him.
A trash can fell over with a loud clang and a empty jug of bleach rolled pass my feet. My eyes widened in realization – Jake had once told me that to him, the smell of vampires made his nose burn. It was an unpleasant odor that clung to everything a vampire touched. Similarly, Alice had gone on at length at how much she didn't like how the shifters smelled like.
The man didn't smell like a shifter, which only served to make me more uneasy. He clearly wasn't a vampire, his eyes were bright blue and I heard his heart beat, but my nose felt like burning back there. 
The more I stood in our nearly empty garbage zone, the more questions I had. The last time I felt this level of terror, the freaking Volturi had crossed the Atlantic to personally execute me. It was horrifying.
And exciting. This was something new and unheard of, a break from the monotony of the past 15 years. I needed to solve this mystery and I needed to do it stat. Not only because this was potentially life threatening – and I didn't mean just the vampires, whatever that man was could be a danger to the whole town – but also because the moment the Cullens found out about it, we'd be out the Minnesota, nay, the States, before I could even think to protest. 
I was so not letting the Cullens ruin this for me. This could be my Riverdale moment; Betty who? Resentment Cannibal was on the case. 
Ok. That was a bit cringe, but fuck it. I walked back in to the building with a mission in mind. I also washed by hands with our heavy duty soap for at least 20 seconds.
"–that incident he got kicked from kitchen duties. Which sucked, cuz CJ has some wicked knife skills," Jeremiah's voice carried to the back of the kitchen and I mentally prepared myself to go back to ground zero. 
"How didn't you notice the taste? Catfish smell so bad when you rupture their guts"
I walked to our registers just in time to see the man shrug. The chess game was still on going and they had pushed another table besides Jeremiah's to make space for the food. There was only one meal on the tray.
"You should have seen Tammy's face. She wanted to blow up so bad, but she couldn't because Susan was there," Jeremiah pitched his voice up and put on the worst British accent I had heard in my life, "'Oh, it's fine Mr. Singer. No big deal. Not a problem. Honest mistake. Happens to everyone!'" 
He took a bite from his burger before continuing. "That woman is so gone on CJ it makes her look stupid."
The man made a face while Straight Kevin laughed.
"She isn't 'gone' on me"
"'Oh Mr. Singer, is that a new coat? Did you do something new with you hair, it looks spiffing! What a nice strong man you are,'" Straight Kevin dissolved into giggles while Jeremiah kept up his imitation. "You have to tell her your taken, man. For all of our sakes"
I stepped forward to join the conversation, when my phone blew up, vibrating as if its life depended on it. I would have ignore it, but the notifications just kept coming. The three men looked back at me.
I fumbled as I took the phone out from my pocket and I checked the messages, all of the Cullens had send me a text and they all said the same thing.
Family emergency. Alice had a vision. Come home.
Double fuck.
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justcallmefox89 · 4 years
Truth or Dare Part 3
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It’s Arianthi’s birthday and Diavolo has decreed she can have anything the Devildom can provide.  She requests a slumber party at the House of Lamentation; her, the brothers, the angels, Solomon, Diavolo, and Barbatos.  Asmo has suggested a game of Truth or Dare and everyone is ready to play, but things quickly spiral when secrets and risky dares collide. 
TW: body image issues. eating disorders
Written from the perspective of my female MC, Arianthi.  
I’m adding a different mood playlist to each installment of this series, just songs that I listened to while writing and feel embody each part of the story.
Blackpink - Playing with Fire
Ursine Vulpine - Wicked Game (cover)
Dark Sarah ft. JP Leppaluoto - Dance with the Dragon
Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know
Hollyn - I Wasn’t Good Enough for You
Everyone refreshes their drinks and we all gather in a circle on the floor; Belphie immediately lays his head in my lap and Asmo cuddles up on my other side.
“Hey sleepyhead, you have to play too,” I say, ruffling Belphie’s hair gently.
He gives me a lazy smirk.  “I will.  I can’t wait to learn all your secrets.”
“Oi!  I wanted to sit next to Arianthi!”  Mammon complains.
“Too bad!” Asmo and Belphie say in unison, wrapping their arms around me. 
I shoot Mammon an apologetic smile and he grumbles as he walks away and sits next to Simeon. 
“Ok, what are the rules to this human game?”  Diavolo’s eyes are glittering with excitement, while Lucifer looks like he’s trying to hold off a migraine. 
“Super simple,” I answer.  “Everyone takes turns asking another person truth or dare.  If you say truth you have to answer whatever question you’re asked, no matter what it is.  If you say dare then you have to do the dare, no exceptions.”
“Ok!  Everybody is clear on the rules so let’s go!  Birthday girl gets the first turn!”  Asmo squeals in excitement.
I take a glance around the circle and settle on Beel, innocently eating cake. 
“Hey Beel, truth or dare?”
He looks up from his plate in surprise.  “Ummm, dare I guess?”
You truly are a kind and generous God.  Good lookin’ out. 
I shoot my eyes heavenward for a moment, then refocus on Beel.
“I dare you to streak around the House of Lamentation.  Twice.”
“Urk!”  Beel chokes on his cake, and Mammon slaps him on the back.  Eyes watering and cheeks flushing Beel looks at me.  “For real?”
“It’s the rules.”  I shrug innocently.  
Asmo is cackling with glee next to me, Diavolo is snickering, Lucifer looks like he wants to die, Solomon and Satan are wearing matching smirks, Simeon looks scandalized, Belphie is silently shaking with laughter, Leviathan is red to the tips of his ears, Mammon is glaring at me, and Barbatos is stone faced. 
Beel shoves his plate away and heaves a sigh as he gets to his feet.  He slowly starts stripping down, until he gets down to his boxers.  He starts to walk to the front door before I stop him.
“Uh uh Beel, boxers too,” I say with a smirk.
He blushes all the way down to his chest and quickly steps out of his boxers.
“Goddamn Beel!” I exclaim without thinking.  I already knew he was ripped but this....... this is perfection. 
“Arianthi!” Mammon claps his hands over my eyes while Beel rushes out the front door.  
We all rush to the windows to watch Beel complete his laps around the house. Mammon stays close behind me trying to cover my eyes every chance he gets.
“I could give you something to look at that you’d like better than Beel,” he mutters in my ear angrily.
I turn around and look him.  “Do you really mean that Mammon?  You want me to see you like that?”
“W-w-well I mean,” Mammon stutters are he turns bright red. 
He’s saved as Beel sprints back into the house and slams the door behind him.
I roll my eyes, frustrated with his emotional constipation.  “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”  
I turn and start walking back into the living room.
He grabs my arm to stop me.  “Whaddya mean by that?” 
I try to jerk away from him but he holds tight.  
“C’mon, answer me.”  Blue eyes meet mine, pleading.
“Let her go.”  
We both jump at the sound of Diavolo’s stern voice behind us.  Mammon opens his mouth to argue, but Lucifer’s presence next to Diavolo stops him.  He lets go of my arm and takes a step back.
“It’s fine guys, we were just talking.”  I give them a quick smile.  “Let’s get back to the game.” 
We all settle into our places in the living room.  
“Ok Asmo, since this was your idea it’s your turn,”  I tell him.
Asmo grins, slowly looking around the circle until he settles on Solomon.  “Solomon, who has been your best lover since you’ve come to the Devildom?” 
I roll my eyes and laugh a little.  
Typical Asmo.  He has to know the answer will be him. 
Solomon takes a sip of his drink, his expression serious.  “Definitely Arianthi.” 
Oh shit.
“What?!”  Mammon’s yell is so loud everyone winces. 
The rest of the group immediately starts bombing Solomon with questions. 
Asmo turns to look at me, his expression equal parts shock and pride. “Seriously?”
I shrug and take a long drink.  “Yeaaaaaah.”
“I’m both jealous and intigued,” Asmo says, curling a lock of my hair around his finger.
“Asmo!  Get your filthy hands of Arianthi!”  Mammon yells again. 
He whirls around to look at Solomon.  “When the hell did this happen?” 
Mammon turns back to look at me.  “I thought I was supposed to be your first man?”
I stare into my drink, knowing I have nothing to feel guilty about but feeling guilty anyway. 
Solomon looks at him and shrugs calmly.  “It was Asmo’s turn and he’s asked one question.  I believe that’s all I’m obligated to answer.”
“You motherfu-” 
“Ok, so I think it’s Diavolo’s turn,” Asmo interrupts.
“Solomon, truth or dare?”  Diavolo looks unusually serious. 
The brothers and Simeon all turn to look at Solomon, waiting on his answer.
Well, damn.  
I chug some more of my drink, already dreading where this is going.  
Goddamn you Solomon.  Goddamn you and your magic dick and your pretty face.
“When did you and Arianthi have your little encounter?”  Diavolo’s tone is cool, his expression unusually serious. 
Lucifer tenses next to him, while Barbatos is almost smiling.  
Once again, Solomon is the epitome of calm.  “The first week of the exchange.”
Solomon directs his next comment at Mammon.  “At that time I believe you were still refusing to call her by her name and doing anything you could to avoid your responsibilities towards her.” 
Solid point Solomon.  Solid point.  
Mammon starts to stand but is yanked down roughly by Beel.  
“Your turn Mammon,” Diavolo says, not taking his eyes off of Solomon.
These motherfuckers. 
I realize what’s happening a moment too late. 
They’re working together.  Assholes. 
I scowl are the carpet. 
Belphie wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me.  He realizes what’s happening too.  I relax a little more when I feel Asmo's hand squeeze mine.  
“Solomon, truth or dare?”
Of course Solomon isn’t going to back down from their little game.  
I finish my drink and start in on Belphie’s. 
Lucifer attempts to cut in. “Maybe you should choose someone who hasn’t gone twice in a row Mammon.”
“Nonsense.  We play by the human rules,” Diavolo answers before Mammon can.
Lucifer sits back and waits for Mammon’s question like the rest of us. 
“Where did this little hook up happen huh?  ‘Cuz it sure didn’t happen here, I woulda known about it.”  Mammon is straight up pissed and my guilt is slowly turning into annoyance. 
He has no right to be angry over something that happened months ago, before we had even started hanging out.  He didn’t have a claim on me then.  Shit, he doesn’t even have a claim on me now.  
“At the library.”  Solomon smirks.  “If you would like specifics on where in the library- on one of the study tables, against a bookshelf, in front of the window that looks out over the quad, and in one of the armchairs.”
Diavolo and Lucifer look like they’re in shock, Simeon looks like he desperately wants to be anywhere else, Beel is still eating cake not even tuned into what’s happening, Levi turns red and stares intently at the carpet, while Asmo, Belphie, and Satan are outright giggling.  Barbatos just looks at me with a smirk.
“Wha-?”  Mammon is so angry he can’t even speak.
“It was a busy afternoon.”  Solomon takes another drink, looking at Mammon over the rim of his glass.
I snort into my own drink, laughing, Asmo’s giggles infecting me. 
Mammon looks at me, a mixture of rage and hurt on his face.  “You really think this is funny?  Him just spouting out your business like you’re just some -”
“Some what?”  Belphie interrupts, suddenly alert.
Mammon bites back a response.  “Nothing,” he mumbles.  
Belphie looks up at me from his position in my lap.  “I think I’d like to take a turn now.  Arianthi, truth or dare?”
There is no way possible this night can get any worse.  Might as well just go hard in the paint.
“I dare you to kiss,” Belphie trails off as he looks around the group.  “Levi.”
Levi’s head shoots up so fast I’m afraid he cracks his neck, while Mammon lets out a low growl of pure rage.  
I shrug and finish off Belphie’s drink, before I slowly crawl across the carpet to Levi.  When I reach him I throw one leg over him and straddle his lap.  
Levi is blushing so hard I can almost feel the heat radiating off his face.  
I put my hands on his shoulders and lean down to whisper in his ear.  “Hey, if you’re uncomfortable or you don’t want to do this we don’t have to.  I’ll make Belphie give me something else.”
Levi doesn’t say anything for a long moment, refusing to meet my eyes.  
“It’s ok Levi, I don’t want this if you don’t,” I reassure him as I move to get off of his lap.  
His hands shoot out and grip my hips, firmly settling me down into his lap.  
“I want this,” he whispers so softly I can barely hear him.
I can feel everyone’s gaze on us as I tip Levi’s chin up so I can look at him.  He’s still a little flushed, looking nervous but also excited.  I can feel his hands shaking as he holds onto my hips.  
I gently bring my mouth down to his.  I can hear the wolf whistles and Mammon’s shout of anger before I devote my full attention to the kiss. 
Levi is clumsy at first, pressing his lips a little too roughly against mine.  I lick at his lower lip, encouraging him to open his mouth, flicking his tongue with mine when he allows me access.  He moans into my mouth at the intimate contact, sliding his hands under my robe to stroke my back, before pulling me down while simultaneously thrusting up against me.  
My eyes fly open at the contact and I gasp, giving Levi an opening to fully explore my mouth with his tongue.  I eventually pull away, giving his lower lip a little bite before I rest my forehead against his. We’re both panting a little, and I reluctantly pull away from him to return to my spot next to Asmo and Belphie.
I sneak a look at Diavolo and Mammon.  Diavolo looks extremely displeased and Mammon looks like he wants to murder Levi.  Mammon glares at me with something like betrayal on his face.  I return his look with a stubborn one of my own.  
He doesn’t own me.  He can’t even admit that he cares about me.  
“Damn.” Belphie smirks at me as I reclaim my seat.  
“Ok Satan, your turn,” he calls across the room to his brother.  
“Mammon, truth or dare?” 
Oh no.  That’s the smile that means nothing good is about to happen. 
I try to telepathically beg Satan to forget whatever he has planned.   
“Truth I guess.”  Mammon shrugs.
“How do you really feel about Arianthi?”  Satan asks. 
Oh no.  No no no no no.  Belphie and Satan are trying to force Mammon to say how he really feels about me.  On one hand, yes, he needs to admit it or quit trying to claim me.  On the other hand.......this could be a total disaster.
Every eye in the room is now fixated on Mammon.
“Whaddaya mean?”  Mammon scowls.
“It’s pretty obvious that you have a crush on her.  Do you want to date her?  Will you miss her when the exchange program is over?  Or would you want her to stay?” 
Mammon shrugs.  “What do I care what some stupid human does?  She leaves and it’ll be like she was never here.  Not like I’d ever date her, I’m THE great Mammon after all.  I’m a damn model............. if somebody’s going to be with me they have to look good.  I’m one of the lords of the Devildom, why would I settle for some chubby, average looking human?”
Suddenly all the air is sucked out of the room.  I can only focus on Mammon.  I halfway register Belphie sitting up and Asmo gasping next to me.  I can’t breathe.  He could have broken one of my bones and it would have hurt less.  Suddenly the old chorus of doubts begin running through my mind. 
Not good enough, not skinny enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough, never never never enough. 
I’m on my feet before I realize what I’m doing.  “I uh, I’m going to run to the bathroom real quick.”  
I’m faintly aware of Diavolo trying to grasp for my hand before I bolt out of the living room and up the stairs to my bedroom.  
Solomon looks at Mammon stoically.  “You really are the stupidest demon in the entire Devildom.”
“I can’t believe you said that,” Simeon scolds.  “That was unnecessarily cruel Mammon.” 
The twins glare at him while rage twists Asmo’s delicately pretty features.  “You asshole!  You complete and total scumbag!  If I could set you on fire I would!” 
“I didn’t know this was going to happen,” Satan says softly, a guilty look on his face.
“No one blames you,” Lucifer reassures him, while Barbatos and Diavolo nod in agreement. 
Levi glances nervously at the door, wondering if he should go after Arianthi. 
I don’t want her to hurt herself.  I don’t know how she’ll take this.  And I’m the only one who really knows........
“Why’s everybody all mad at me?”  Mammon asks, throwing his hands up in the air.  “I just answered Satan’s damn question.” 
Levi snaps.  “You know why?  Because we all know it was a bullshit answer!  We all know you want her but for whatever stupid reason you won’t admit it!  She cares about you even though you’d sell her for a fucking Grimm and you bounce back and forth between being jealous and treating her like she’s replaceable! She’s deserves so much more than you.  So much fucking more.”
Levi launches himself at Mammon and the room erupts into utter chaos.  
I open the door to my room as quietly as I can and sigh in relief when I see Luke is still asleep.  I pass my hand over the closed door, murmuring the words to the spell that Solomon taught me to ward the door against demons.  Only humans and angels can pass through. 
I can’t handle seeing the boys or Diavolo right now.  
I numbly gather up some clothes as I make my way to my bathroom.  Belphie’s sweats.  Beel’s t-shirt.  Levi’s hoodie.  
I drop the clothes on the tile floor and softly click the lock.  I lower the robe Asmo gifted me and look at myself in the mirror.  
Fat arms.  Thick legs with cellulite on my thighs.  Love handles.  
I pinch at the excess skin and fat on my stomach and feel the oncoming sting of tears. 
It’s stupid to be surprised by this.  So fucking stupid.  Stupid to get your hopes up.  Of course he doesn’t care about me.  He’s right.  He’s absolutely right. 
Panic starts to rise as my shoulders tense up and my stomach clenches.  I struggle to control my breathing as I remember everything I’ve ate and drank tonight.  
Get it out, get it out, get it out.  Do better, be better, be worthy. Get it out.
I turn on the shower to drown out any noise and I reach for my toothbrush on the sink.  I kneel in front of the toilet as I gag myself.  I’m vaguely aware of someone knocking on the door and I think I hear Luke’s voice.  I ignore it.
Get it out.  Do better.  Have more control.  Be better.  Be worthy. 
Luke runs out of Arianthi’s room and down the stairs, speeding towards the living room where he can hear raised voices.
“Hey!”  He gasps, screeching to a halt just inside the doorway.  
He’s momentarily speechless watching the scene unfolding.  Mammon has a bloody lip, while Levi has the beginnings of a black eye.  Beel restraints Levi and Lucifer holds onto Mammon.  Everyone is screaming except for Barbatos and Simeon who are backed into a corner, out of the fray.
“Hey!” Luke shouts.  He shrinks back as every gaze in the room turns to him. 
Simeon crosses the room to stand next to him.  “What’s going on Luke?  Is everything ok?”
“I-I woke up in Arianthi’s room and I heard her in the bathroom.  I think she’s sick,” Luke answers softly.
Levi’s head snaps up.  “What do you mean sick?”
Luke hesitates at the intensity in his voice. 
“What do you mean sick!”  Levi shouts. 
“The shower was on so I couldn’t hear very well but I’m pretty sure she was throwing up.  And crying.  I knocked on the door but she wouldn’t answer me and it was locked, and I was worried so I came looking for you guys because I didn’t know-”
Levi wrenches away with from Beel with a sudden burst of strength and sprints out of the room, moving towards the stairs.  The brothers and Diavolo hesitate for a moment before chasing after him, leaving Luke, Solomon, Barbatos, and Simeon behind.
Luke looks at the others, worried and confused.  “What’s going on?  Is Arianthi going to be ok?”
“I really don’t know,” Simeon whispers. 
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emometalhead · 3 years
Love this! Thanks for the tag, Fiona!! @odearjohn
1. Who was your first favourite artist?
Technically my first favorite song was Since You Been Gone by Kelly Clarkson, so I'll go with Kelly! My obsession with Dance Dance by Fall Out Boy came at about the same time, so I'm going to count them both lol.
Who are your current favourite artists?
Taylor Swift, Fall Out Boy, Linkin Park, Seether, Shinedown, Stone Temple Pilots, Guns N' Roses, Grandson. I could go on lol.
Are you into musicals? Which ones?/Why not?
Not at all. I wasn't raised on them. They don't interest me. The only musical I like is Grease, and even then I make fun of it relentlessly.
Are there songs you consider so special you only listen to them very rarely?
Used to be One More Light by Linkin Park, but now I'm not able to listen to it at all.
What's your preferred way of listening to music? (time of day, medium, situation)
I'm constantly listening to music. I prefer to have it blasting from speakers. When my family is home, I prefer headphones for certain music if I know they don't like it.
What would you say is the most niche music you listen to?
I don't even know lol. And One? Mars Argo? Tribal Ink?
What's your favourite music related movie/TV show that's not a musical?
I love Bohemian Rhapsody and The Runaways! Do those count? If not, then Scott Pilgrim lol!!
Albums or playlists?
Usually playlists, but it depends on my mood!
Favourite albums?
Everything by Taylor Swift, Fall Out Boy, Linkin Park, Twenty Øne Piløts, My Chemical Romance, Imagine Dragons, and Vince Neil. Also Appetite For Destruction and Use Your Illusion (GN'R), Poison the Parish and Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum (Seether), Thank You (Stone Temple Pilots), OK I'm Sick (Badflower), The Black Album (Metallica), Rubber Soul and Help! (The Beatles), Come Clean (Puddle of Mudd), No Shame (Lily Allen), Wanted On Voyage (George Ezra), Mis-An-Thrope (Ded). Should I go on? 😂 Those are the ones I listen to all the way through most.
Is there an artist you're trying to get into?
Not currently.
Whose music do you find overhyped?
I don't want to say 😂. Okay I'll bite. Van Halen,
What's an underrated song?
Save My Soul - Seether
Lovely - Twenty Øne Piløts
All In The Suit That You Wear - Stone Temple Pilots
What's a thing a bunch of songs do that you love every time?
I love when songs fade out at the end. I love a good bridge. I love a little bit of talking in a song.
What song is better acoustic?
Literally no song ever. Some acoustic songs I do enjoy are: Simple Man by Shinedown, Wicked Game by Stone Sour, and Shots by Imagine Dragons. (I didn't mean for 2/3 of those to be covers lol.)
What's the worst song of all time?
Idk something by Justin Beiber probably. I'm probably repressing something.
Do you put individual songs on repeat? If so, for how long and how often?
Every single day. It depends on my mood. Sometimes I'll only listen to a song like 5 times, and other times I'll have one on repeat for 3 hours.
Do you make your own playlists? If so, what's your most entertaining playlist title?
I do! I prefer my own playlists to ones made by others. I don't think my titles are particularly entertaining, but the most interesting are probably:
W (D) <- that stands for Women (Derogatory) lol
Drugs are bad. You shouldn't do drugs. Mkay?
Songs I Can Rap AKA White People Rap
Headphones or earbuds?
Earbuds. Headphones feel too bulky. Also I used to wear headbands all the time, and headphones don't work well with them.
Do you always sing the lead vocal or do you harmonize sometimes? If you harmonize, do you ever invent your own harmony?
I tend to only sing the lead vocals. Sometimes I hum guitar solos lol.
A music confession.
I do not care where I am or who can hear me. If a song I like is playing, I will sing along. I was caught singing along to a Weezer song at work yesterday lol.
Tagging: @metallicasbian @losers-yurio @bad-seamstress-blues @crashdiet
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emmerrr · 4 years
Possible prompt if you’re interested could be Declan finally seeing one of the portraits Jordan does of him! Alternatively, jordeclan moving in together and creating a space where neither of them has to hide themself in an attic
i can’t resist a moving in fic and i’m sorry this took so long
It’s late afternoon when the final box is removed from the moving van, and just for a moment, the excitement is overshadowed by the overwhelming task of unpacking that lies ahead.
Boxes, boxes, everywhere. Declan closes the front door and follows a trail of them to the bedroom where he finds Jordan, curled up on top of the bed they’ve not long finished making. Her eyes are shut, her breathing even, but Declan isn’t fooled.
He crosses his arms and leans nonchalantly against the doorframe. “Faker.”
Jordan affects a snore which makes Declan laugh, and she opens an eye, that wicked grin that stole his heart spreading across her face. She pats the empty space beside her. “You know you want to.”
He really, really does. He kicks off his shoes and crawls up beside her, his feet instantly grateful for the reprieve. He groans happily, sinking his face into the softest pillow in the world. He feels Jordan press her face into his arm and turns his head, and for a moment they just watch each other.
“We have so much unpacking to do,” Declan finally says.
Jordan nods. “We do. Don’t worry, it’s not going anywhere.” She lifts Declan’s arm and tucks herself underneath, then kisses his collarbone.
He sighs, happily resigned to his fate. The house is still a mess of boxes, they need some more furniture, and the whole thing is still too new and alien for it to quite feel like home. But with Jordan in his arms, nodding off to sleep in the bed they now share in the place that’s just theirs, it’s the closest to home Declan’s ever felt.
“What do you think?”
“It’s hideous.”
“Isn’t it?” Jordan says dreamily. “Sit on it.”
Declan eyes the armchair dubiously. It’s some kind of paisley print in the most garish of colour schemes; bright pink and orange, smatterings of yellow and turquoise. “It won’t go with the rest of the living room furniture,” he tries.
“Your doubts are duly noted,” Jordan says sagely. “Sit.”
“...This feels like a trap.”
Declan sits.
It’s the most comfortable chair he’s ever had the pleasure of sitting on, and he does everything he can not to let his face give that fact away. He shrugs. “It’s alright.”
Jordan grins the grin of the triumphant, and Declan knows they’re getting it.
He tries to imagine it in their space, and suddenly finds that he can. He can picture where it will go; at an angle, equidistant from the fireplace and the TV. He can picture them in the winter, him and Jordan cuddled up together, blanket tossed over them, snow falling outside, the light of the fire covering the whole room in a cozy glow.
He thinks he might be going soft, and he thinks that might be okay.
“I told you we’d find something in a thrift store,” Jordan says, her fingers twined through his as she leads him to the checkout counter.
He pulls her hand to his mouth, kisses it gently. “So you did.”
The furniture is pulled back from the walls and newspaper covers the floor as Jordan and Declan stand, paint rollers in hand, transforming their bedroom walls from a bland and safe off-white to a lovely deep forest-green.
Jordan’s phone is playing music through wireless speakers, a playlist that seems to jump from Rihanna to Metallica to Taylor Swift to Arcade Fire to some K-pop band Declan doesn’t know the name of, and so on, in no discernable pattern that he can follow.
“What playlist is this?”
Jordan smiles wryly. “It’s all songs that Hennessy hates.”
Declan thinks about that, and about all the canvases in the spare room that Jordan has set up as her art studio, original pieces that she started and then aborted.
“Is there still a part of you,” he says carefully, “that thinks everything you like, or create, or choose, is really just some facet of Hennessy’s personality and not truly your own?”
Jordan’s expression hardens, and he knows he’s hit a nerve. “That depends,” she says evenly. “Is there still a part of you that thinks this is doomed? You and me?”
It’s Declan’s turn for a wry smile. “Touché.”
Their love story is a unique one, and Declan can’t deny he’s had his moments of thinking that it’s all going to end in flames. But through it all he also knows that he’d still be here, even if they were heading towards their inevitable end. He wants this, for as long as he can have it.
It’s hard to stop constantly thinking about worst case scenarios, because it’s so ingrained in Declan to do just that. But Jordan quiets that part of his brain with a touch, or even a look. Just being in her presence is a balm to his heart and his mind.
They’re happy. And maybe they’ll be okay. Who’s to say?
“For the record,” he says at last, “I don’t think this is doomed.”
He shakes his head. “No. And also, you are your own person, independent of Hennessy.”
“You think?”
“I know.”
Jordan puts down her roller, and cups Declan’s face, bringing it down to hers as she kisses him. She’s probably getting paint on his face, but he doesn’t care; not now, not ever.
“For what it’s worth, you are the best choice I ever made,” she says fiercely, her forehead pressed to his.
He kisses her again, soft. “It’s worth everything.”
“When are you going to put your paintings up?”
It’s a fair question. They’ve been here almost four months now, and everything from Declan’s attic in the D.C. house is still leaning up against the wall in Jordan’s art studio, covered over.
“There’s no attic here.”
“Ha, ha,” Jordan says sarcastically.
The truth is, he doesn’t know quite why he hasn’t gotten around to it. At first it was for practical reasons; they had painting and other repair work to do in several rooms, so it made sense to wait until that was all finished.
But it is finished now, and it has been for weeks, and other art pieces and photographs have gone up; some of it Jordan’s own work, some that she bought (or stole) once upon a time, some that they bought together. But nothing from his own collection, nothing that he had kept locked up for his eyes only until Jordan had shown up and gently prised the key from his hand.
His silence drags for so long that Jordan drops the sarcasm. She puts her hand on his chest. “This is our place. Yours and mine. You don’t have to hide here.”
Because he has been hiding away, for years, so much so that it’s habit more than anything that seemingly forbade him from doing anything that wasn’t cookie-cutter.
But Jordan sees him, she knows him; the real him behind the slick, designer veneer, and that’s the part she loves.
The part that wears fancy shoes.
“Come on, then,” he says, taking her hand. “You can help me decide where they should go.”
“I’m so glad you said that because actually I already have some ideas,” she says, and that's how they spend the afternoon.
They take Declan out of the attic, one piece at a time.
It’s quiet when Declan gets home. He takes his shoes off by the door and hangs his coat up, then makes his way through the house, peeking in each of the rooms in search of Jordan.
She’s not in the living room, where Declan’s favourite hideous armchair now lives. Matthew fell asleep in it on New Year’s Eve, and Ronan drew a monocle and handlebar moustache on his face. It had been a quiet one; they’d played games most of the evening, almost all of which were won by Adam, and at midnight Ronan and Hennessy had been in charge of the dream fireworks they set off outside.
The kitchen is also empty when Declan scans it, his eyes lingering on the slight chip in one of the floorboards from where Jordan had dropped the admittedly ridiculously heavy cast-iron skillet when they were unpacking. He remembers accidentally flipping a pancake right out of the pan and onto the burner. He remembers burnt toast and spilt coffee and broken crockery, and various other messes, but most of all he remembers the laughter that went along with all of it. The dancing in the kitchen at 2am, the doing the dishes in companionable silence, the domesticity in helping each other prepare a meal.
These are the things Declan now thinks about when he thinks about the concept of home. Maybe it’s a place where the good memories you make outweigh the ones that hurt. Maybe home is what you make of it, the stamp you put on it to make it your own. Maybe home is a person. 
Maybe it’s a combination of all of those things.
Declan finds Jordan, inevitably, in her studio. She has headphones on which explains the quiet, and she’s working on a painting, the canvas almost as tall as she is. There’s no reference that Declan can see, and it’s not a copy. She’s painting just for the sake of it, a complete original.
He moves carefully around until he’s in Jordan’s eyeline, and the laser focus in her eyes shifts to a smile of delight when she spots him. There’s paint splattered on her overalls, specks of it on her face and in her hair, but she never looks more radiant than when she looks at Declan like this.
“You’re home!” she exclaims, pulling her headphones down.
“I am,” he agrees, warmth settling in his chest.
“I’d kiss you but I’m all painty.”
“I don’t care,” Declan says, and he closes the gap between them, sweeping her up into his arms as he kisses her, swallowing up her delighted little “oh!”
“You’re in a good mood,” she says with a laugh when he puts her down.
“Just happy to be home.” It’s so strange to finally be able to say that, and to really mean it. He’s home with Jordan, where he belongs. “You about ready to take a break? I was going to make coffee.”
“I’ll be out in a minute. Make me a latte?”
Declan smiles. “For you? Anything.”
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bellesque · 4 years
Sweet Dreams (Loki x Reader) Chapter 5: Smell
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Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 // Read on AO3.
Spotify playlist here.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 7.4K woooo
Warning/Tags: Incubus Loki, Sex Pollen (sort of—surprise!!!), Dom/Sub Dynamics, Fingering, Hand Jobs, Bondage/Rope Bunny, Spanking, Dirty Talk, Edging/Orgasm Delay, slight Exhibitionist Kink, lil sprinklings of Cock Worship and Cum Facials, it’s filthy don’t tell me we’re surprised
A/N: This took a completely different direction than what I was planning during the early stages. Like it’s not even that centered around smell anymore but we’re gonna roll with it okay
Tag List: @shiningloki @imnotrevealingmyname @wolfsmom1 @hanyasnape @lukeyirwy @toozmanykids (Tag List is currently open! If you’d like to be a part of it, let me know!)
THE SILK TIES aren’t by your pillow or above your head where you expect them to be. Just like the previous night, they’re folded on your nightstand when you wake up.
It’s still too early for your brain to process how exactly they ended up there, so instead of falling into the rabbit hole of hypothesizing just what kind of magic Loki has, you swing your body over the side of the bed and make for the bathroom. Not even two steps forward, your muscles ache with the evidence that you finally got what you hoped for—or at least, something close to it. You haven’t exactly been fucked yet.
But ah, the sweet soreness. The greatest tangible reminder of a mind-blowing night. Last night. Touch.
Loki’s touch.
As you get into the shower, you replay the events of last night. Each drop of water that slides down your body is a reminder of the cold, melted ice cube that swirled around your breasts. Even the sigh that echoes in the bathroom is a reminder of your breathy pleas.
Your folds begin to slicken, and it’s not from the water.
You’re tempted to stay in this morning. Take a warm shower only to burrow back under the covers. It’s not that you’re tired—work on Fridays is always a little more relaxed, and everyone’s allowed to come in anytime as long as it’s before noon. You’ve sometimes taken advantage of that but you much prefer it if they let you out early.
Still, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to go back to bed.
What are the odds Loki would make an appearance?
You’ll lose momentum, the rational part of you counters. There’s a manuscript that’s sitting on your desk, desperate to be chucked into the “Done” pile. You just have two more chapters to go.
It’s just two chapters, the more physical part of you rebuts in turn. You can finish it in the afternoon, no sweat. Today, this morning, right now, the more important thing is Loki.
The smarter part of you flares up again, with a very good question armed and ready: but what if he doesn’t come?
You remember the time you slept like a baby through the night, wearing fucking lingerie for Loki, only for him to revisit you a week later. You’ve gotten stood up before, but even in your dreams? It’s embarrassing if it happens to you a second time.
You’re on autopilot, however, when you clamber back into bed and pull the duvet up to your chin. Thoughts of Loki and all his wicked words and ways fill every crevice of your mind. Emotions coupled with arousal crash over you, and with a shaky exhale your hand travels down between your legs.
The steady rhythm of your fingers, however, do not send you into orgasm—you drift back into sleep.
Your eyes snap open. In the hazy morning light that peeks through your curtains, you find Loki sitting cross-legged on the ottoman by the door.
Loki… here? Are you dreaming, or—wait, that wouldn’t—
Your brain hurts.
It’s so strange, seeing him here like this. Not cloaked in darkness, not illuminated by the moonlight—he’s an unfamiliar presence, almost otherworldly. A jarring image that sticks out from the normalcy and utter mundaneness of your room.
He cocks his head, lip curling in amusement as he regards you with wandering eyes. Uncrossing his long legs and leaving them spread open, he leans against the wall lazily.
“My, my, sweet. This is a pleasant surprise. A summons, at this hour.”
With a wave of his hand, the duvet falls away from you. Your heart leaps into your throat when you realize your hand is still buried between your legs. Loki’s eyebrows raise, the shock on his face equally as clear as his delight.
“A very pleasant surprise indeed.”
You’ve already pulled your hand away, but the mortification lingers in your system. Not for long though. The weight of the reality of Loki’s presence sinks in and your heart rate slows to normal.
“Summons?” You yawn, sitting upright to see him better. His pronounced features are more defined, crisper and clearer. He’s even more stunning like this. Breathtaking.
“I’m here, aren’t I?”
The simplicity of his statement jolts you awake. Or at least, as fully awake as you can be in this state.
He is here. At a time that isn’t in the wee, ungodly hours of the night. There’s fucking light outside, and even though he never said there were rules as to when he’d appear, you half expect him to spontaneously combust.
“I’d ask if I’m dreaming, but I don’t think the answer would be very helpful,” you mumble.
Loki lets out an amused huff, his green eyes twinkling at you. There’s something that looks eerily close to fondness in those eyes. A quiet undercurrent that you’re in no mood to analyze right now.
Yeah, the more time that passes with him in the room—dominant, unimposing, sexy—just makes you horny.
You’re not sure what takes over you when you slide off the bed, placing one foot in front of the other until you’re standing in front of Loki in your rather sheer nighttime ensemble. If you have him here, now, in the light of day, you want to burn this image before you into your brain. Commit every slope of his face, every fleck in his eyes, each line in his lips to memory.
“You’re a smart woman,” Loki tells you, one hand extending out to stroke your forearm. “You’ll figure it out.”
“Hmm.” You plant your knees on either side of him and sink your ass onto his lap. “Maybe later.”
The hand that was around your forearm slithers to cup your ass, closing the distance between you. His cock strains against his black pants and impulsively your eyes flick downwards to where your crotches meet.
You realize you haven’t seen it. Not yet, at least. You’ve felt how big he is, how strong and unyielding of a force of its own it is. How must it look? Feel against your naked skin, in your hand that’s tiny in comparison? How must it taste?
Oh. Oh, shit, just the idea of it makes your mouth water. Your lips wrapped around the head of his cock, swirling and sucking and hollowing your cheeks until he cums.
Fuck, his fucking cum.
While your gaze has been lingering on his erection for definitely more than a few good seconds, Loki’s hands are rubbing the sides of your ass in hypnotic circles. “What’s going on in that dirty little mind of yours, sweet?”
Cock cock cock cock cock. That’s what’s going on in your mind.
“I want to see you,” you say instead, pressing your cunt against his erection. “Please, Loki, l—”
“Now where did this confidence come from?” Loki’s tone shifts, his expression hardening along with something else. As if it were even possible. “You are a cock slut. My little cock slut. Do you want me to take you right now? Right here?” His strong forearm hooks behind your waist, knocking the air out of you and sending a shudder down your spine. “I am a patient man, and I had hoped you would be patient as well.”
Arousal, thick and hot, simmers in your belly. There’s something about now that makes you think this is more a game than anything else. One that you’re definitely willing to play.
“Please, it’s been so long.” Your voice comes out like a plea. An impertinent whine. “Please—just fuck me already.”
Loki exhales hard, tightening his grip around you, his pants practically about to burst at the seams. He stares into your eyes, tongue tracing the tips of his teeth before he brings your face close to his and hisses one harsh yet titillating word: “No.”
He holds you. Just like that, your bodies meshed together, separated by clothes, your breaths mingling as you hover millimeters away from him. You could kiss him. Rake your hands in his hair. He could slide his hands over your ass over and over. But Loki doesn’t do anything, which somehow—some-fucking-how—makes you want to be petulant.
With your eyes locked in a challenging gaze, you begin to rotate your hips on his twitching cock.
You watch his eyes widen minutely, pupils dilating, and the muscle in his jaw jumps. A small sense of victory sparks in you at his reaction, but you can’t relish the satisfaction because Loki’s lifting you off his lap, turning you around lightning fast as if you weigh nothing, so you’re straddling him with your butt to his crotch.
Maybe, you think as your breathing hitches when you realize you’re fucking naked, maybe this is your victory. This is what you wanted all along.
Loki snakes an arm around your waist and pulls you to his strong chest with an audible thump. His breathing comes heavy and labored by your ear while his hand claws at your breast. “When I say no,” he growls, pinching and rolling your nipple over and over, your juices beginning to leak onto his pants, “it means no. You cannot out-seduce me. Not yet.”
His hand glides down your abdomen until one finger swipes against your slit. Fuck, it makes you dizzy. You spread your knees wider, your neck falling back against his shoulder, as you flatten yourself so his fingers can reach inside you.
“Look at you. At this. You’re so fucking wet.” He shoves the pad of his finger against your clit roughly, and you nearly arch away from him at the sudden stimulation. But Loki has you in a hold of steel, unable to move even an inch away from him.
It vaguely registers that this is the first time you’ve heard him curse. Fuck, you think with a fresh rush of arousal, you want him to curse again.
“To the floor,” Loki commands, emphasizing his words with a firm push forward.
“I’m sure you heard me the first time, sweet. To the floor.”
Loki holds your thighs as you bend forward, until your arms are braced against the soft gray rug. The upper half of your body hangs off Loki’s legs and slopes towards the floor, where your spine curves gently as your face and chest press into the rug. The thread tickles your breasts and goosebumps prick up on the skin surrounding it, spidering out and making you shiver. This is so new, so erotic in its novelty, that you don’t think it can get better.
But it does. Loki shifts your bottom higher, and your clit pulses painfully against his hard length. He brings your knees further apart, spreading you, until there’s a whisper of cool air against your blistering heat.
“Do you think you can tell me what to do?” He roughly grabs the meat of your ass, molding it against his hand and letting it bounce when he takes his hand way. “Tell me when to fuck you?”
You know it’s coming before it even happens. It’s like you’re in sync, in a spontaneous dance you both know the next steps to.
A loud and sharp smack fills the room, the familiar vibrations in this new angle causing you to contort your face as you hold back your moan. Loki can see your ass and your sopping cunt from where he sits, all on perfect display for his enjoyment. He deals another blow to your other ass cheek and then rubs his hand over the mounds of flesh with barely restrained strength.
“I decide.” He traces the swollen lips of your cunt, and you begin to writhe and whimper as he teases you ever so agonizingly with the tip of his finger. “Do you understand?”
“Y-yes,” you stutter, only to sharply mewl when Loki punctuates your response with another slap.
“Good. So you can scream, whine, beg me all you want, but you will take what I give you, when I give it to you. Let me make that crystal clear, sweet.”
Oh, it is. You really want to grind down on him—up, whatever direction—the logistics don’t matter as long as your cunt connects to his cock. He spreads your cheeks away and then towards your back, digging his fingernails into your soft flesh before he releases and smacks your bottom again, your toes curling.
“You will follow my orders when I give them, and you will not disobey me.”
There’s a polarizing debate that’s happening between your mind and your cunt right now: you’ve been pretty submissive up to now, and an obedient one at that. Maybe it’s because Loki’s here at a time that isn’t usual that makes you think that the rules don’t apply—or at least, there’s some leeway—but you want to deviate. Just a little. Just to see how far he’ll go.
Fuck, how horny are you?
Your dilemma of whether to grind or not is taken away from you, which, in the foggy depths of your mind you’re not sure if that’s a relief or a disappointment.
But Loki plunges two fingers knuckle-deep inside you without warning, leaving you with no coherent thoughts and a simple, broken, “Fuck!”
He curls his fingers around your warmth, hooking around to hit your G-spot as he pumps in a sinful rhythm that’s got you moaning his name into the rug. The friction on your breasts makes you wetter and you present your ass to him like a humble offering.
“This glorious pussy,” Loki mutters, hips flexing to grind into your clit for a torturous split second. He pumps faster and deeper, the sounds of your sex obscenely filling the room. Your fingers claw at the rug as your hips stutter skyward, trying to meet the rhythm of his fingers thrust for thrust.
“And my little cock slut.”
“Fuck, Loki, please—”
He slaps your ass crudely, fingers still wrecking you from the inside out, and you cry out in a muffled whine. Sweet mercy, that felt fucking good.
He somehow manages to go even deeper at this angle, hitting spots you didn’t even know were there let alone would make you cry and beg hoarsely, all the while brushing against your clit with the base of his fingers. It’s like pure magic and sex and lust and before you know it, you’re climbing into orgasm.
Loki pulls his fingers out of you with a growl, grabbing your hips and pulling your torso back up and against him. The abrupt shift has you stuttering forward, nearly losing balance, but Loki holds you securely.
With a searing kiss to the side of your neck, he spreads his knees so you spread even further, your ankles automatically anchoring around his hips. He pushes your pelvis out, shoves his hand back between your legs from behind you, and gives you a single order in your ear that melts you.
Sinking onto his fingers, you do as you’re told, a sigh expelled from your lungs. You gyrate your hips, clenching your floor muscles, all the while trying not to moan and beg and curse all at the same time. Loki lets you do most, if not all of the work. A steady rhythm builds inside you, and then he takes you by surprise and brings a hand to the front of your mound, slipping inside the soft flesh and making contact with the nerves under the hood of your clit.
“Loki!” you rasp when his hands work in tandem. The hand in front of you works on your clit in steady, controlled circles and the one behind you strokes right into your G-spot. It’s a simmering pot of heat and pleasure, your body warming up as it prepares for orgasm.
“Faster,” he commands, curling both his fingers around your weeping cunt. Your eyes roll back and you reach behind to grip his hair.
Your mouth falls open as you increase your tempo, your legs beginning to falter and shake. Loki’s practically holding you up, the forearm behind you now slick with your juices from your rigorous riding. He plants an open-mouthed kiss to the hollow of your shoulder, a sharp little nip to the skin, and he’s upping his pace while you bounce on top of him.
“L—Loki,” you pant, eyes lidded and vision hazy while the sensations burn white hot and seem to expand inside you, “Loki, I—”
“Cum,” he coaxes, sucking on your skin. “Do it for me.”
Your thighs shake with the tide of orgasm, and soon you’re quivering and babbling as your walls clench around Loki’s fingers, your cum seeping down and onto the crotch of his pants. Loki pulls you through your pleasure with dirty nothings and a slowed pace. You ride out your high lazily, sated and sweaty and out of breath. Your knees hurt from being bent for so long; you’re so tired you don’t think you can move. He places your feet flat on the ground and you remove your vicelike grip from his hair, limbs shaking like a leaf.
You didn’t expect a quickie like this, if you could even call it that. You fall limp on his lap, shifting so you’re more comfortable, and Loki tips your chin towards him and kisses you hungrily while your walls flutter post-release. His tongue swipes against the seam of your lips, his hands skimming over the sides of your hips.
You can feel your cum still on his fingers, which he paints your skin with, and arousal surges through like a bullet.
“You are amazing.”
The compliment catches you entirely off-guard. It’s as if he wasn’t just playing your body like an instrument in a filthy concert hall. Still, warmth floods your chest and you sleepily look up at him.
“I don’t know where this is coming from, but I’m sure you know you’re fucking phenomenal.”
Loki’s chest shakes with laughter, and then without another word he’s hooking an arm under your knee, the other around your back, and he carries you back to bed.
“Glorious woman.” He pauses when he pulls the duvet over your still naked body. “Might have to do something about that, however.”
“Nothing, kitten. Just go to sleep.”
You notice the succinct kiss he presses to your hairline before your consciousness slips completely from you.
You’re an idiot.
It’s not that you mind that you were late for work. Other than a clipped, “Make sure it doesn’t happen again,” from your boss, work was fine. You finished everything you were supposed to, which was a feat considering you came and left for work horny and thinking of Loki.
But still, you’re an idiot.
Not because your mind was elsewhere than at the office. Having Loki in your room during the day was an opportunity to really look at him. Memorize him. Something tells you that you’re not going to have an opportunity like that again, and you wasted it.
Well, not really. But this morning went in a completely different direction than what you initially planned.
You should have just sat in bed staring at him. Admired his beauty from afar. But somehow, you just gravitated towards him like it was instinct pulling you to.
Damn it, you just wanted to see him up close.
Still, this morning was incredibly hot—so you’re not beating yourself up over it too much.
You’ll see him again tonight. And if you don’t, well, he did say you summoned him. Even without you knowing. Maybe you could do it again.
Your mind churns with questions and thoughts as your hands fiddle with the silk ties he left. When you agreed to this, you didn’t think you would be obsessing over it the way you are now. You thought it’d be mindless sex, not something you’d be thinking about every waking moment now. How does it work? Summons? Who is he? Will you ever see him in the light of day?
You don’t mean to fall asleep on the couch with the TV in the background, but you do.
Something tickles your ankles.
You jerk your foot in an attempt to swat it away. Maybe it’s a fly.
Or not. The sensation returns, and while you try to ignore it your mind is already beginning to wake up.
You don’t expect to see Loki on the far side of your couch, your legs sprawled over his lap, his hands tracing delicate, arbitrary patterns over the bone of your ankle and eyes glued to the TV that’s still on.
“Late night television is awful. I pity the humans who are awake at this hour and have no good viewing selections.” He swivels his head to face you, an amused expression donning his features. “Why are you sleeping here, pet?”
You sit up and attempt to pull your legs closer to you, only Loki’s grip tells you that you shouldn’t. His lips curve in a gentle smile and you recall why you fell asleep here in the first place. Even illuminated by the unflattering light of your TV, Loki is beautiful. Without a doubt, he’s the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen.
“Just fell asleep without meaning to.” You stretch your arms above your head, top riding up and exposing your skin. You note the way Loki’s eyes travel from yours down to your navel, and heat bubbles in your core.
“It’s not very comfortable here,” he murmurs, setting your feet on the floor so he can climb on top of you with ease. “Or are you developing a taste for uncomfortable positions?”
His lips latch onto your neck while the memory of you this morning, ass up and face down, flashes behind your eyelids. The heat that started in your core rockets down into your cunt.
Loki sucks a bruising kiss into your skin, and he pulls away to admire the way your skin flushes red. “Come, sweet. Your bed is far more comfortable than this lumpy thing.”
You follow him into the bedroom, him strutting in front of you as if it’s just as much his place as it is yours. He stops in the middle, whirling round to face you with an expectant eyebrow quirked.
“I took the liberty,” he says, a note of pride in his tone.
Your face scrunches up in confusion. “Of?”
“Replacing that terrible excuse for a bouquet with something more tasteful.”
Your eyes dart to the corner where you had put the flowers Jacob gave you and sure enough, the vase and its contents are gone. Granted, they were singed and charred and really mostly dying, but part of you feels bad and maybe even a little guilty. It ebbs away somewhat, however, when you can see that Loki’s put something so downright beautiful in its place.
There’s a single flower in a glass that looks like it came straight out of Beauty and the Beast. It glimmers in the pale moonlight, and maybe you’re tired, but you swear it looks like it’s pulsing.
You’ve never seen a flower with so many hues and shades, or one that looks like it’s glittering, like this one.
“It’s beautiful,” you breathe, bending forward to marvel over it up close. Your hand makes to lift the cover, but Loki stops you.
“I’m glad you like it, sweet, but I don’t think you should open that. Not yet, at least.”
“Why?” you immediately ask, head snapping up to meet his eyes.
He gives you a secretive, sly smirk. “I don’t think you’re ready for it yet. Now. Get on the bed, sweet.”
Shooting one last lingering look to the flower, you do as you’re told. Once you lie down, legs splayed open wide, Loki’s gaze settles thoughtfully on your nightstand. “I’m quite sure I left something right here, pet.”
“I think it’s on the couch,” you recall. “Can’t you—”
“No magic tonight, I’m afraid I drained my energy procuring my gift for you, which is why I need you to cum tonight so I can replenish myself.”
Well. If you weren’t wet before, you sure are now.
Loki leaves the room to fetch the silk ties, presumably to restrain you once again, and your blood pumps in excitement. He’s left you alone.
And you know you should listen to Loki, but after today’s events, there’s a huge part of you that just wants to be rebellious.
What did he mean, you’re not ready? It can’t possibly be anything you can’t handle. Your eyes flit back to the glass on the corner table.
It’s just a flower.
As quickly and quietly as you can, you slink off the bed and towards it, eyes trained on your bedroom door just in case he comes back and you get caught.
Do you want to get caught?
Gingerly, you lift the glass, peeking under it just to see what the glittering particles are. A strong, sweet smell instantly invades your nostrils, and you set the glass back down soundlessly.
His footsteps draw closer and you fling yourself onto the bed, spreading your legs like you were earlier and raising your hands above your head like an obedient child.
“Very good,” Loki purrs, sitting on the edge of the mattress as he ties one wrist to the headboard. “Such a good kitten.” His mouth closes over yours, tongues mingling, and you feel the air shift and your head throbs twice.
Wow, what a kiss it must be for it to extract such a reaction from your body.
With your eyes still closed, he wraps the ever-so-familiar silk around your eyes. It’s… did he put some kind of perfume on it?
“Did you put something on the blindfold?” you ask as he double checks the tightness around your other wrist.
“Yes, sweet. What does it smell like?”
You lick your lips, mouth going dry. It’s getting hotter, and your heartbeat’s speeding up. “Something sweet,” you answer. “Like vanilla. And a little bit of cinnamon?”
“Very good,” Loki praises, his hand traveling down your naked body. Your clit throbs and your walls clench. And you… you just want to be filled to the brim with his cum.
“How do I reward you for every correct answer, sweet?”
“Your cock.”
Okay, that—that was not what you were intending to say. Sure, you’re thinking it, but you weren’t planning to blurt it out loud so shamelessly. It’s like your mind and body are out of sync, your urges taking precedence and leading your mind that follows a beat too late.
Loki lets out an entertained, short laugh. “Eager little one today. You will get it. In time.”
He spreads your legs further apart and settles between them. You can feel your slick seeping out of your slit and onto the bed, wetter than ever. Fuck, what’s happening? It’s like you weren’t horny before, but you were—but it pales in comparison to the state you’re in now.
His nose bumps against your soft flesh, and you lift your hips off the bed and promptly rub against his snout.
It’s like you can’t help yourself. Loki has to fight a little to push your hips back onto the mattress, and your lower half falls with a soft thump. You’re breathing heavily and your body—fuck, it feels like it’s on fire. Wherever Loki touches, he leaves fire in its wake. And there’s something in the air—something musky, masculine, smelling like pure sex—
You just know it’s Loki’s arousal.
And hell, does it turn you on. Breaks the scale, if there ever was one. It’s a thick, potent smell that fills your lungs and makes you lightheaded.
He’s tired. Drained of his magic, and he needs you to fill him back up again. And you… you have all this sudden, pent up energy you didn’t know you had…
“Untie me,” you demand. Your voice is husky and your throat is dry, but it doesn’t sink in because you feel like your entire being is just Loki’s arousal and nothing else.
His hand stiffens over your thigh. “Sweet, didn’t we agree—”
“Untie me,” you repeat. You leave no room for discussion. “Even just one hand. You don’t have to do anything.”
There’s a pause where you spread your legs even wider. You lick your lips, heat flooding your cheeks and your cunt.
“Y-you can just watch me.”
You can feel Loki’s exhale fan your wetness, and it makes you shudder in anticipation.
Before he can protest, you continue, “I know you need me to cum so you get your energy. You—you can just take over when I’m about to…”
You don’t finish your sentence. Loki’s untying you with one hand, and then with the gentlest hold around your wrist he guides it downwards. “It appears you’ve disobeyed me. Well, consider it your lucky day that I am in no mood to scold you.” He rests it against your stomach, stroking a finger over the center of it.
“Go ahead,” he murmurs after a while. “While I have the perfect view.”
At his words, you clench. Slowly you bring your fingers to your cunt and trace over your swollen flesh. An echo of Loki’s own ministrations this morning. Only you don’t have as much patience as he does, and so you plunge your finger inside your warmth without any resistance.
Masturbation is not something foreign to you. But the knowledge that Loki’s head is still between your legs, with an unfiltered and clear view to your movements, has your body swimming to orgasm faster than ever. Your fingers fall into a familiar rhythm, dipping into the dependable spots and nerves that have consistently gotten you to orgasm before. Perhaps the eroticism of this exhibition—in front of Loki, no less—ignites an intensity within you that makes it seem like these spots aren’t familiar at all.
His fingers. His lips. His cock. You imagine them all inside you, on your clit, everywhere—it spurs you on, your fingers flying faster, your walls tightening as you race towards orgasm—
Loki gently pulls your hand away, and while you expect to be filled by his instead… there’s nothing. A frustrated huff is expelled from your lungs and Loki only brushes his fingertips against your sides.
“Release? So quickly?” He tuts playfully. “The gift I brought must be more potent than I’d imagined.”
“Please.” It’s a word you’ve been repeating so many times today. At this point, it feels natural spilling from your lips. “Please, I need to cum—you need me to—”
“You will cum when I say so,” he cuts in with a dominant finality that sends tiny sparks along the insides of your legs. “And I say… not yet.”
You let out a quiet whimper. You’ve never wanted to cum and hold it off at the same time as much as you do right now. And fuck—Loki’s tying the silk around your ankle and an urgency surges through you. You know what he’s doing. The smell gets even stronger now too, that musky, addictive aroma—you want to bask in it from the source—
You’re vaguely aware of the silk tie slipping away from your wrist and making its way to your other ankle. Loki’s strong hands run a delicate trail along your body and all you want is his cock ramming into you with his hand wrapped around your neck.
“Touch yourself,” he commands as soon as your ankles are tied to each corner of the bedframe. Your hole is gaping wide—it feels that way, since you’re aware of every breath Loki takes and exhales because of his proximity to you. “And do not cum unless I say so.”
Fuck—that’s what scares you. You’re so fucking turned on that you fear even just one stroke, you’d be a goner. But would punishment from Loki because you came really be all that bad? You’re not sure if you want to test him just yet.
And there’s a new smell in the air, mingling with the heady masculinity of Loki’s arousal. It’s a bit fruity, perhaps even reminiscent of the tanginess of an orange.
It’s yours.
“Touch yourself, sweet, or I’m going to have to leave you like this all night.”
Without further encouragement, your fingers dive back into your folds and your body relaxes with a sigh. Your hips gyrate over your hands as you root yourself in the fact that Loki’s watching you. He needs to see just how turned on you are, how he’s the one who does this to you.
“Use both your hands,” he instructs. “Go deeper. And massage your clit slower. Slower.”
You do as he tells you, alternating your long strokes with circular motions, and fuck, is it agony. It takes a whole lot of self-control not to buck your hips like a madwoman, so you bite down on your bottom lip. Heat prickles over your entire body and briefly you wonder how long you’re going to go like this and if you’re going to cum from this at all.
“Now focus on your clit,” he says after a while. “Shorter. Faster. Harder. How you want it, kitten, as fast as you can go…”
Finally, you think, fingers speeding up and your orgasm gaining momentum. It doesn’t take long for it to build, begin to crest—
“Hands off.”
No—not the words you wanted to hear. Begrudgingly you force away your hands from your swollen sex, slick with your own juice, and wait. You wait for his next instruction, as patient as you can be as a woman chasing orgasm, and then Loki finally says the magic words.
“Go on.”
It continues like this for a while. For how long exactly, you don’t know. Time has blurred and it’s only differentiated by moments of languid strokes and furious pumping, moments of pause that feel like forever, and then back again. He draws you close to orgasm, then away like it’s forbidden fruit, until you’re certain the minute Loki puts even just one finger on you, you’ll come undone.
Your fingers work hard at your cunt, coated in your warm slick, until Loki finally, finally lets you grow taut with the tension of building release. It’s strong, you can feel it. You’re already so sensitive and even if your muscles are growing strained, your need for release is overpowering enough that you don’t mind it in the least.
Loki rips your hand away, shoves his fingers inside you in perfect sync, and you cry out in ecstasy. Your fingers can only do so much, but Loki—he’s pure magic, pure sex that nothing could ever compare or replace him.
His thumb flicks over your clit harshly and your walls clench against his fingers. And the air—oh fuck, it’s the intoxicating smell of his arousal—you just want to rip off his clothes, suck him dry—
In some inexplicable way, Loki manages to leave you teetering on the edge of orgasm. Just between that space of cumming and winding down. So close, yet so far. Your breath comes in shallow pants while your hips rotate to meet him. He has to let you cum, you remind yourself. He has to.
Before you can gasp it out, Loki says, “No.”
Fuck, how many times are you going to hear that today? Your clit is pulsing, your walls fluttering in a sporadic rhythm as you hang in the ripping limbo of trying to hold in your release and let it go at the same time. It drives you mad, tears welling up in the corners of your eyes from the guttural need that needs satiating.
A wave of Loki’s arousal wafts fresh and heated towards you. Your mouth hangs open while his thick arousal hangs in the atmosphere, dizzying and fueling your need to have your fill from the source.
And then without warning, Loki plunges his fingers into you knuckle-deep, moving fast against your clit at the same time while knocking your G-spot over and over until your mouth hangs open, no sound coming out—your back arches off the bed with the overpowering, all-consuming need for release—
The single syllable he utters has you unwound, undone—little white dots explode before your eyelids while your body convulses with the soul-stealing release he’s bestowed upon you. Toes curling, body tense, you’ve never experienced anything as blissfully shattering as this. Every nerve ending in your system has sizzled out, sensitive to the lightest gust of air.
Loki lets you ride out your orgasm on his fingers that continue to coax out your release. With the blood pumping in your ears, you can vaguely register the sounds Loki’s making. He’s muttering to himself, whispering—and once the pounding recedes from your ears you can make out a few lines.
“Yes, sweet, cum… cum all over my fingers, that’s it, you sweet girl… this perfect cunt, so warm—the way my cock—inside, yes, more…”
You clench tightly, and make a risky decision. One you clearly have no foresight to.
You sit up, and while the quick change in position has your cunt convulsing in stimulation, you ignore it. You’re still horny, yes. It’s as if that buildup to your seismic orgasm wasn’t enough, and while you would love another (or three more), there’s something else you want.
His cock.
Sitting up like this, you can smell his arousal coming from somewhere near the floor. Which, your lustful brain calculates, makes sense because his lower half should be sprawled across the floor.
Some kind of strangled noise comes from the back of your throat, and your hands reach out to fist, well—whatever you can reach. You can’t exactly see.
Your hands actually land in his hair, and your nails dig into his scalp. Loki makes a deep, throaty noise, satisfying you.
“Kiss me.”
Loki doesn’t chastise you or tell you no—instead the mattress creaks with his weight. He pins you down, his tongue delving into your mouth which you welcome instantly. The aroma of his arousal fires you up into a frenzy, especially when you feel his hard length pushes against your swollen clit.
Your hand boldly moves to squeeze his ass, bring him closer to you. Yes, having your arms in a full range of motion is better. Sure, you can’t see or close your legs, but you can touch him. Smell him. Loki bites down on your lip, groaning softly when you tug on his hair and pull him against you by the ass again.
Touch him.
Your brain is on autopilot. Like it’s got a mission it needs to see through to the end, regardless of whatever obstacles are to come its way. While Loki’s taking this opportunity to moan against your neck, telling you how he would just love to fuck you right here, right now, your hand moves from his ass, down the side of his hip, and to the front of his pants.
Loki freezes.
Whether it’s good or bad, you don’t care. You take this opportunity to palm the bulge you’ve felt, a soundless sigh escaping your lips. Your fingers grip around the outline, from what you think is base to tip, and a trickle of your juices flows out of you when you feel him shudder.
It’s all the encouragement you need. You slide your hand over the hard bulge once before your fingers dip underneath the waistband of his pants. Your breathing shallows when the tip of your finger comes in contact with a bead of wetness.
The strong, potent smell of Loki envelops you, and while it feels like you’re already bathing in him and his essence it doesn’t feel like it’s enough. You want more.
Loki hovers above you while you slip his pants down, his breath warming your neck. Licking your lips in anticipation, you finally lay your hands on the prize you’ve been dreaming and drooling about.
Your fingers wrap around his shaft, and as crazy as you sound, you might actually cum from just holding it.
Blood beats searing hot in your veins, your arousals mingling and fueling the other’s. You pump his shaft, once, twice—and you’re distantly aware that you’re speaking now.
“Need to,” you breathe, “t-to smell it. Up close, just—oh Loki, please, I need your cock on my face, just let me—”
Somehow this state you’re in has Loki speechless. You’re begging, though assertive at the same time. Loki lets you lead him until you’re lying down on your back, and he straddles your face, his thick cock hovering just inches from you.
Oh, fucking hell.
Your fingers skim the column of his shaft, savoring the feel of his hard length. You can’t see it yet, but you’d like to imagine how it looks before you do. Your fingers bump against the ridge around the head; veins that traverse his cock bounce against your touch; you trace a finger down the slit of him, collecting precum and trailing it over his frenulum.
Loki bucks his hips against your hands, hissing.
“What are you doing, pet?”
Tentatively, you bring your nose to the base of him and inhale deeply. Your cunt flutters in response and your mind deigns to feed you an image of his cock inside you, stretching you—maybe even wrecking your throat.
A wanton thrill shoots through you, and you drag your closed lips along his cock and then part your lips, salivating as you draw closer to him—
“No.” Loki pulls your hair gently, stopping you. Only it’s almost… reluctant. Like it’s more for himself than for you. Breathing hard, he continues, “Not tonight. Touching, just touching is… is enough.”
You settle for dragging your nose along the underside of his cock, inhaling the sweet, sweet scent of victory. “Alright.”
And then somehow you’re talking again. “I just love your cock,” you whisper mindlessly. “So thick… hard… I just want you, Loki. You can put your cock in my mouth… my pussy needs you a little more though…”
His cock twitches at your statement, and you hum against his groin, smile blooming on your lips. You pull your head away and your hand closes around him. You begin stroking, fisting his cock and twisting your wrist as you get closer to the head and loosening your grip when you get to the base. Soon he’s rutting his hips into your hand, and you relish the way you can feel him tense. All because of your touch. There’s a surge of pride at this new dynamic unlocked.
And his cock—it’s even better than you imagined. You tell him how you love his cock, you’d have it anywhere, anytime, whenever he wants—and Loki’s hips grow more frantic in his movements. You cup his balls, fondling him, and Loki fists your hair roughly, rasping out, “Hold still. But keep going on my cock. Faster. Harder.”
You and Loki work together to reach his orgasm, and soon you can feel his balls slapping against your hands and his movements go stunted, his cock tightening—the incoming smell makes you even dizzier, and you angle your head upward—
White hot ropes of cum splatter onto your face. Your forehead, your cheeks, your chin. Some of it dribbles down onto your chest and you have to fight yourself not to scoop some up and shove it into your cunt.
Loki groans all while he cums, until he’s running his fingers through your hair and tells you absently, “Sweet, glorious woman. An absolute sex kitten.”
His fingers swipe at his cum on your face, and then you realize it isn’t arbitrary—he’s pooling it together for you to eat it. Eagerly you open your mouth, sucking on his finger coated with his cum. Once your face is mostly clean, your tongue darts out the corner of your mouth to collect a drop you missed. No cum should go to waste.
Your heart practically leaps into your throat when you feel his tongue flatten against your sternum, collecting cum that’s dripped down your chest in a straight line going up to your face, and then he kisses you
His taste mingles with his seed, and you relish how delicious he is. You sigh into his mouth and are about to wrap your legs around his waist, only you’re brutally reminded that your legs are tied up.
You hope you wake up like this.
Your hands go to his still-hard cock, and Loki’s surprised, “Already?” has you giggling as you start pumping him again.
When is the next time you’re going to have all this energy after all?
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39. What type of music do you like?
Honestly, a bit of everything really. I can pull up the "my mix" playlist YouTube threw together for me and find all eras of Taylor Swift mixed in with some Owl City, a dozen different Broadway musicals (from Mean Girls to Les Mis to Wicked to Finding Neverland to Seussical) and a dozen different cartoons (from Phineas and Ferb to Sofia the First to The Backyardigans to MLP to Hazbin Hotel) and a dozen different movies (from Trolls to Moana to The Greatest Showman to Muppets Most Wanted), some pop rock, a bit of Babymetal, some Lindsey Stirling, a bunch of english covers of anime or vocaloid songs, some creepypasta fan songs, a heck ton of upbeat pop songs, a bunch of more acoustic songs, some DCOM soundtracks, some Starkid, a few Minecraft song parodies, a few sea shanties, a few songs from decades ago that my parents listen to, those songs Elise Ecklund wrote from people's random comments, some indie music from YouTube songwriters (from Dodie to Emma Blackery to Malinda Reese to Madilyn Bailey), some literal parodies of Disney songs, some fan songs for video games (most of which I’ve never played), some fan songs for cartoons I watch, fan songs for a particular horror podcast I’ve listened to, a bit of The Crane Wives, a bit of Lemon Demon, a bit of Kalafina, a bit of Panic! at the Disco, a bit of Nsync, a bit of Thomas Benjamin Wild Esq., a bit of Carrie Underwood, a bit of Avenue Beat, Alec Benjamin, Emilie Autumn, Kacey Musgraves, Parry Gripp, Weird Al, Evelyn Evelyn, Aviators, 4everfreebrony, Karliene, CG5, OR3O, AJR, The Amazing Devil, Brian David Gilbert, Sara Kays, Bo Burnham, Tom Cardy, Ginny Di, Aurelio Voltaire, Rachel Rose Mitchell... You get the idea. My music taste is super varied.
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mae-gi-writes · 4 years
Deobi Playlist (EP 2) | The Boyz Imagine
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The Boyz x Hospital Playlist inspired drabble series.
Episode 2: in which Hyunjae is a drama queen.
Genre: fluff, friendship, slice of life
EP 1 | EP 2 | EP 3 | EP 4 | EP 5 | EP 6 | EP 7 | EP 8 | EP 9 | EP 10 | EP 11
Hyunjae is in the middle of playing a battle game when the sound of someone busting the door open causes him to yelp, fingers slipping over the keyboard as he watches his character die in front of his very eyes. 
He swivels around in his seat, glowering with anger, “KEVIN!” 
“Oops,” the said man slides in, totally unfazed by the glare that would’ve killed anyone else off, before looking around at the empty office that is stacked with piles of paperwork, most of them probably belonging to Hyunjae since he had always been messy. 
“Where’s everyone?” Kevin frowns while checking his watch, “I thought we were having dinner tonight.” 
“Too slow, romeo,” a voice chimes from behind. The pair turn around to see Mae holding up three takeaway bags. Kevin squeals in delight, rushing over to throw his arms around her in a hug.
“You are the best,” Kevin singsongs before grabbing one of the bags. Mae tuts at him, “woah wait a minute Kev, that’s not--” 
Too late, for Kevin’s hands have already opened up the box. He stares at the multitudes of shrimp on a bed of fried noodles, and a grimace falls over his face, “ew no, that’s not mine--”
Mae proceeds to snatch it away, “that’s why I told you to wait,” she huffs, handing him his rightful dish; fried pork and vegetables with rice. 
“Wouldn’t mind having him choke on some shrimp,” Hyunjae mutters gloomily, still sulking in his desk chair like a five year old child being denied cookies. Mae’s brow quirks up in curious amusement, before they flicker towards Kevin. 
The latter, already stuffing his face in like he hasn’t eaten for days, mumbles out through a mouthful of rice and meat, “he’s mad ‘cause I distracted him and his character died. The usual.” 
“You always lose, anyway Hyunjae. It wouldn’t have made a difference,” Mae opens up her own takeaway, a Chinese Korean dish named Jajangmyeon. She motions him over, “come on.” 
But Hyunjae’s pout only deepens. He slides into his seat, unwavering.
“You sure you don’t want it?” she taunts him, “I ordered it specially for you.” 
Still, the caramel-haired man twists his head away adamantly. Mae huffs, turning back to roll her eyes at Kevin, “fine then, suit yourself. I’ll just--” 
Hyunjae’s out of his seat in mere milliseconds, grab his dish, and sits down onto the shared couch with crossed legs and face looking as though he’s going to murder anyone who even tries to get within touching distance. 
“By the way, you remember the patient I was telling you guys about?” Kevin says, chewing on a mouthful of food, “the one that had a weird extra bone in her foot?” 
“The one who kept asking you to marry her?” Mae confirms. 
“She mustn't have high standards,” comes Hyunjae’s mumble, causing Kevin to cluck his tongue at him in disapproval before answering, “yeah, we had to shave it off cause she’s a rising ballet star. Her mother was livid when she heard that she wouldn’t be able to dance for a good six months.” 
“Sunji, was it?” Mae asks. 
“She came to see me today,” Kevin beamed, warmth practically alighting over his face, “gave me flowers and a box of chocolate.” 
“Did she give you a ring too?” Hyunjae adds mockingly.
“At least she likes me,” Kevin retorts while sticking out his tongue.
“Please! It’s not like she had a choice. You’re the only doctor she sees.” 
"Just a game, Hyunjae," Kevin reminds him, gesturing towards the computer with a roll of his eyes since he knows exactly why the older man is being salty at this particular moment. 
“Do you know how much time and effort I took into staying alive all that time?!” Hyunjae shoots back, leaning forward in his seat, “It was my fifteenth time!” 
“It. Is. Just. A. Game,” Kevin’s words punch through like staccato notes.
“I care about that game, like it or not!” Hyunjae moans, “now my life is over!” 
“Shakespeare needs to see this,” Mae mumbles behind her bowl of noodles, “he would’ve loved to write a story about you.” 
“I think that’s the greatest compliment you’ve ever given me,” Hyunjae smirks.
“It’s...not a compliment.” 
“I hate you. I hate you both,” Hyunjae sniffs before pouting and looking away, once again the very picture of a spoiled brat. The pair meet each other’s eyes before Kevin throws Mae a shrug. 
“Don’t look at me, I didn’t raise him.” 
The week, it seems, keeps getting worse for the titled drama queen, who proclaims that the heavens must be against him this week and that his astrological must be definitely off balance. Hyunjae’s shifts seem longer, tougher to handle this week, while the line of patients have suddenly multiplied by a tenfold the moment he thought that he could use a bit of a break. A few nurses have taken some time off for some last-minute vacation, meaning that he’s had to scramble around for help with no assistant by his side to jot down his every day needs. 
Most of all, he still hasn’t been able to finish that damn game, and he has no one else to blame but dear Kevin for that. 
“You look like shit,” is the first thing that pops out of Juyeon’s mouth the moment he stumbles into their shared office. He’s looking particularly dapper, with his freshly cut bangs and his usually hooded eyes alight with a sparkle that can only mean one thing:
“Did you guys kiss or something?” 
Colour blossoms across Juyeon’s cheeks, hooded eyes widening in alarm, “What?” 
Seemingly undisturbed by lack of sensitivity, Hyunjae proceeds to shrug off his beige coat as he opens his locker, “you look like freshly snogged material." 
“I--That’s--That’s not--” Hyunjae can’t help but smirk at the flustered expression on the younger man’s usually bland face. One of his favourite pastimes is to make fun of Juyeon, mainly because he seems so much younger than what he appears to be, for they are only a few months apart in age. Not to forget the fact that he's so innocent, despite his mature, bedroom eyes and the lazy, sensual smile he gives to women. It's, as Hyunjae had once stated, incredibly misleading.
"Want to shadow my surgery?" Hyunjae asks, picking up his clipboard to scan the patient's profile. The younger man stretches out in his seat and yawned, "what kind?" 
"Brain tumor I believe."
"Hm, I might shadow noona--"
"Oh right, loverboy's got a girlfriend now," Hyunjae rolls his eyes and lets out a soft sigh, "ah well, I'll just get one of the newbies on board. I love teasing them."
"They're all scared of you, you know," Juyeon can't help but point out.
"Oh really?" Hyunjae flashes a wicked grin.
Juyeon proceeds to roll his eyes, "that is not a compliment."
"You know, Mae said the exact same thing."
"No surprise there."
A few hours and a long trail of patients later, Hyunjae lets out a loud, noisy sigh when he finally allows his body to flop in his office chair, his feet aching from constantly running back and forth between wards. Mondays are always especially tiring, but he's quite satisfied that most of his patients seem on the track to recovery. 
His hand quickly darts towards his mouse, when his phone suddenly rings. 
Pressing the device to his ear, he murmurs out a quiet, "hello?"
"Son," his mother's terse soprano echoes through the receiver, "how are you?"
"Are you stressed, Ma?" Is the first thing that pops into his mind. There's only two reasons why his mother would call; either 1) she wants to give him food or 2) she has fought with his father yet again. 
It is no secret that Mr. And Mrs. Lee have been living apart for more than seven years now. The scar that Hyunjae still bears is now covered by nonchalance, and the fact that his two parents have kept an amiable relationship has helped balance out his upbringing. He has to admit that for a child with divorced parents, they handled him pretty well.
"Can't I call to ask about my son?!" Mrs.Lee retorts back. 
"Alright alright," she huffs, "I might have made some extra Kimchi stew and--"
"Ma, I told you not to cook so much," Hyunjae groans, one of his hands going up to ruffle his hair, "can't you just freeze it?"
"Freeze Kimchi Stew? Are you insane? I would never! Anyway, I already let the leftovers with--"
Knock knock!
Hyunjae glances back just in time to spot Mae standing in the doorway,  holding out a cooler towards him. 
"Ah," Hyunjae gestures for her to come in, "you met Mae?"
"Right right! Such a wonderful girl that one! Are you sure you've never had anything for her?" 
"No no, if you're going to tell me that you're just friends, I don't want to hear it."
"Listen Ma, she's--"
"I can't believe you didn't even try it out with her--"
"Hey Ma, I got a surgery soon," Hyunjae hurriedly says while watching Mae stuff the cooler inside the fridge he shares with Juyeon and two other doctors. He holds out a finger for her to wait, "I'll talk to you soon  okay? Okay. Bye."
Cutting off the call right before she's about to keep on insisting how amazing Mae would be as a wife, Hyunjae lets out another trepid sigh before shaking his head at the said woman, who's gazing at him with raised eyebrows. 
"My mother really wants me to go out with you," Hyunjae rubs a hand over his face, clipboard in hand, before following her out into the corridor.
"Yeah I know, she told me the exact same thing when I bumped into her in the lobby," Mae shoves her hands in her pockets, smiling slightly. 
"I mean, if you weren't so much into Kevin, maybe--"
He doesn't get to say anything more because of Mae's hand slamming down atop his mouth. He groans in part pain and part protest, "that hurts!"
"I should've sewn your lips shut when I still had the chance," Mae hissed under her breath, careful to drop her hand and smile as they pass by a group of older doctors. 
"You guys are like turtles. By the time you ask him out, you'll both be dead," Hyunjae mutters loud enough for Mae to hear. 
She scowls back, "last I checked, I was the only one who decided what I could and could not do with my love life."
"You're doing a terrible job of it."
"I am not!"
"Okay, then where are the four children you said you wanted!? That's all you could talk about in college!"
"I was young and stupid, as were you."
"Ah, to be young and in love again--"
The pair turn instinctively towards the sound only to fall upon a familiar face, a face that Hyunjae remembers almost instantly as one of the girls who had pined after him for years' on end. He briefly recalls breaking her heart once and for all when she'd decided to give him a box of chocolates during their second year Valentines. 
"Oh," Mae seems to be thinking the same thing as he does, for she doesn't waste time to smile up at him, clap him on the back and say, "see you then!" 
 And she's off, running down the hallway and leaving him to deal with the awkward aftermath of a rejected confession. 
I honestly just love Hyunjae because he's so loud and annoying and straight up transparent. Surprisingly, I wasn't attracted to his physique as much as I was to his natural genuine personality.
Hope you enjoyed this one! Next Ep will be out on Monday!
Episode 3: in which Juyeon has a complicated relationship with food.
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Everlasting Peace (Favored Ones, Part 30.)
Series description: Many things were surely fucked up in the year 2038, but no-one ever told anyone how all of it went down. What happened before a group of people left for Seattle to handle personal matters? Why did one girl refuse to leave all of it be? And why there were so many dead in the end?
Quote for the chapter: “ Now. We are one. In everlasting peace.” - Radiohead
Part summary: Finally, you were at the last stop of your journey - and just as you told Lev, you didn’t plan to let Abby die. But you also knew that you will be walking on mighty thin ice when you’ll be trying to change Joel and Tommy’s mind.
A/N: Well, we have one last chapter in front of us and it feels good to be almost finished with the series after all the hard work that went into it. But I already feel it’s dragging a lot.
Warnings: Depiction of torture, bone breaking, depiciton of blood and manslaughter, anxiety, rage, anger
Word count: 3.5 K
Tagging:   @nemodoren @xxgoldenhour @missdictatorme @davnwillcome @pickleriiick @jodiereedus22 @gladiosamicitias @tamkashi @eternallyvenus @avengerssstuff @fangirl-inthe-us @avery-miller @mikah-writes @mad-hatter-98 @sadiaafrin99 @flavorishy @gabymiller
Series master list: H E R E
Joel Miller’s playlist for the bonfire occasions: H E R E
Youtube playlists: JACKSON DAYS | SEATTLE DAYS
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Seattle, day three - midnight:
You were back in the next few minutes, putting the bow safe into the boy's arms, making sure the kid's holding it. Frantically, you told him to try it out - you needed to know that no matter what happens in the next ten minutes, at least he will walk out of the situation on his own. It was a strange feeling of wicked solidarity. If everything would be going as planned, you wouldn't feel anything against the enemy. But your brain already realized that the boy is a lot of things, but lastly, he's something like your enemy. It was just a damn kid in this apocalyptic world. 
How did you plan to save Abby's life? You hadn't got a single idea. You didn't understand how could you do something as bad as saving her damn life - well, it wasn't exactly bad to save someone's life, but your brain still kept on remaining you this fucking woman sat you down on a chair and beaten you up with her friends. Just like Owen told you, you were surely losing your mind.
One thing you did know. You knew that once this will be all said and done, you needed to pack and leave the whole place at once after it. Tommy's reaction was unpredictable - this man demanded to seek your revenge even when you told him that you've already been through enough. In some way, Tommy was more or less obsessed with the goal that led you to the city in the first place. And now, when he had a chance to get his hands on a woman because of whom his leg and arm got irreversibly damaged, you were sure he wouldn't just let her go. And what Joel thought about the whole situation now, you didn't know. Whether he was just making sure you won't be hurt by Abby again or if he was caring more about himself - all you were sure of was that the man was in there with his brother... And Abby. And you also knew that he has his revolver tucked behind his belt on the small of his back.
"We'll go for her, okay?" - You whispered to Lev, hoping that somehow, no-one else will get hurt apart for Abby. - "You'll stick behind me and you won't aim at anyone. I will handle the situation since it's mine... It's my fault you're here." - You weren't sorry for what happened, not exactly. You were just sorry for Abby and Lev, let alone Mel, for coming back after you. But Lev didn't say a word, he just caught your elbow in his palm. He was a vulnerable kid - and his gaze told you everything you needed to know.
Lev could understand why did you use him as a shield against Abby. It wasn't a personal thing - you just knew that these two knew each other in one way or another and that if she cared about the boy, she wouldn't be physically able to hurt him. If you would be in that situation and someone would be holding Ellie, Dina, Joel, or Tommy under their necks, you wouldn't shoot at them under any circumstance. Abby did exactly what was expected of her, she acted just like you wanted her to react. For which, she was now paying in one way or another. - "Let's go." - You told yourself to hype your mind in some way, wiggling from under Lev's warm touch.
Abby's screams were accompanying your journey through the upper floors of the theatre. Just like before, Joel didn't see sense in hurting Mel - but it was clever to put the woman in a nearby room, showing her what could happen to her too without actually giving her some visual interpretation. The door to the room where they first dragged Abby into was opened up - they had taken her to another room. There was another unlocked storeroom at the end of the floor - and your suspicion of Abby's presence was confirmed by a low growl and a blunt blow, probably from some kind of a bat or another kind of wood. Just when you put your palm on the doorknob, you turned to the kid once more, sighing from the depths of your lungs.
"You're not going in there, we clear?" - You asked quietly, getting yourself ready for seeing Joel in action. Now, you've already seen Joel killing other human beings, yes, but you've never seen him hurting someone for the sake of torturing. - "Listen, I know you want to save Abby because she's your friend... But these men are my friends too, okay? Abby didn't do only good things and neither do we do good things, understood? I'll signal you and you'll cover me, but until then..." - "I'll be here, in cover, making sure no-one's coming." - Lev stepped away from you, nodding at you as he kneeled. By giving your bow to Lev, you showed him that you mean it with the boy. And the weapon was better than his last bow. This one was perfectly balanced and the boy could feel the wood responding to every small movement of the strings.
With that, you finally opened up the door, making both of the men inside the room freak out a bit. Tommy put a palm on his chest and Joel quickly looked away from you, having a suspicion of why you were there with them. But you stopped your gaze on beaten up Abby. You were right - they were beating her up with a wooden cue. How long was it since you talked? Half an hour, roughly an hour? You wouldn't be able to recognize her now - his face was slowly swelling, blood was dripping from a small rip on her lips, and another one on her cheek. They were just about to try something else, but to you, even the cure thing was more than brutal. Surely, they put Abby in the same position you were in when you were at Baldwin - her tugged out top was indicating that they had already punched her stomach like a punching fucking bag.
With a short sigh, you looked at Joel, making sure his back is in your reach every time. Of course, you didn't let your eyes wander down to the man's lower back. You weren't that dumb to give yourself away so quickly, since you felt Tommy's gaze on your face. So you quickly looked back at him, looking tired as ever. - "Whatcha doin' here, huh? I thought you don't wanna have anythin' common with this." - Your brother-in-law cleaned his palms, furrowing at you. Yeah, you did tell him that. - "Have you change your mind, girl?" - Tommy sighed and precisely tidied up the things laying on the table.
You knew that Tommy isn't a fucking psychopath and you were even able to understand what was most likely going on in his mind. From his point of view, this was completely understandable, basically a logical response to everything that happened in the last few months. Tommy was simply in a dark place now. Let alone he was alone for the last couple of weeks - he was alone until Ellie and Jesse bumped into him. He had nothing but a mess in his head at the moment. But that wasn't an excuse to continue the rampage. If you hadn't seen what this seeking of revenge can put you into by massacring Owen in the aquarium, you would be probably in the same mindset the man was in too.
What happened the day earlier showed how did Seattle corrupt the way you were perceiving the reality. You felt emotionless, empty, and cold until Owen made you realized what a monster you had inside your head - which, naturally, made you conclude that whatever this was, it has to stop already. You have done precisely what you wanted to do - Abby was alone, vulnerable and she quite literally didn't have anyone and anything. But Tommy didn't see it at all. Joel most likely understood both sides of the problem, but he carried on with killing Abby before siding up with you.
"I had changed my mind, yeah." - You nodded, putting your palms on your hips as you marched in front of Abby, catching her jaws in your fingers to look her in the eyes. All she did was that she gave you back a grin as the fought for another breath. - "I change my mind." - With a furrow, you looked her in the eyes and that was precisely when she saw it. The small hint of humanity, of that so-called solidarity. Funny. You were very funny.
"You deserve it, kid, come on. Let's strike back." - Tommy tried to hype you up - and to Abby's surprise, she saw the hint of unwillingness and slight despair in your face as you thought about what you should tell the man back. And because you weren't dumb and you knew perfectly that Joel registred that your hesitation, no matter how slight it was. Slowly, you let her face go, gritting your teeth as you turned to Tommy, still making sure to stand close enough to Joel.
Simply, you shook your head as you stared into Tommy's eyes without a single drop of emotion on your face. To show Tommy that you're not playing along with his small game, you crossed your arms on your chest, slowly moving in front of the woman, yet still keeping Joel in the radius. - "No-one's dying tonight. Not me, not you, not Joel, not the kid, not Mel... And certainly not Abigail." - And ever since, there was the tension building up in the air. - "This needs to stop... Right now, Tommy. It's not fun anymore." - "This was never fun." - The man answered quietly.
He was trying to figure out if you're just fucking with him or if you're for real about the words falling out of your mouth. Sure, Tommy did agree to leave Abby alone and to leave Seattle with you, but you hadn't talked about the instance of this woman coming to you on her own. This, in his eyes, was enough to reason why he was allowed to do what he came to do. - "She killed Jesse, huh? Don't you remember?" - Tommy answered. Now, Joel almost wanted to leave the room - he didn't want to be dragged into a fight going on between his girlfriend and his baby brother.
"And we killed everyone who was hinted to know her, come on. We made maybe double, even triple the damage. Jesse was my friend, yes, and I will miss him very fucking much - but death was something we all signed up for by coming to Seattle, did you forget?" - Now, you were putting up one of your mocking tones with which you tried to get a hold on the situation. And Joel could see and feel you keeping him around and keeping him close for a reason. He didn't know whether he was too afraid to move, in case he would attract your attention, or if you were feeling better when having him that close, but he more or less just leaned his back into one of the walls, waiting for the whole situation to play out. - "It wouldn't matter if I would die, if Ellie would or if we would kill the little kid who is here with Abby... The outcome would still be the same. Someone would be dead. Some life would be lost." - You tried to reason with Tommy, being grateful for the whole situation not going downhill... At the moment.
"What is your point? If I remember correctly, you and Ellie were the ones who wanted to leave. Why did you want to see this one dead, huh? Because she wants my damn brother dead, who, if I may remind you, is your lover by the way." - Tommy pointed a knife he was holding in his palm in Abby's direction, growling at you in the process. - "What were you talking about? We all knew what we were signing up for? This is what you signed up for. We're... This close to finishing it. She's here." - The man pointed at Abby once more, trying to get his point across more clearly than you did. Yet in the meanwhile, Abby was starting to grasping what in the world was going on inside the room. For some unknown reason which just... Crossed your mind all of a sudden, you were refusing to kill her for the sake of your redemption. Which was sweet and all...
Yet Tommy was a realist. Tommy had seen, talked, and worked with people who were like Abigail Anderson - who had told her cute daddy story to them as well. The woman, as soon as she would get better would come for you again... And again... And again. She would get closer and closer each day until she would slice your throat. And sure, maybe it was naïve of you to trust some strange boy, but you did put your trust into him.
"I'm kinda getting bored with you and me going back and forth, again and again, Miller." - That was all that you said just seconds before you finally revealed why did you keep Joel so close the whole time. Your palm tugged the loaded revolver from his jeans as you defused it right away, putting the barrel right to Miller's face.
This was maybe too fast and too harsh, but you didn't want to go through the same debate you've had yesterday. Your hands were shaking, yes, but there was no way Tommy or Joel wouldn't believe you that you'd shoot one of them in case anything would go off the rails. - "Because we already talked about this, Miller. What do you feel now, huh?" - You asked and moved away from Joel to keep him inside your frame as well. - "Speak or shit letters, come on."
"What the fuck are you trying to do?" - Abby sighed from under you and without hesitation, you gently kicked into her leg to keep her silent. You were most likely going crazy, who could know? But aside from that, both the men were quiet for a moment, both holding their palms up in the air to let you know they aren't armed or dangerous. - "Baby girl, that's enough, huh?" - Joel rose both his eyebrows, making the first step forward to take the gun away from you. - "If you wanna leave, fuck, let's just leave together now. But now, you're dangerous, come on, come to me." - One of his palms patted a small place next to his heart to let you know he means it. - "We've talked about it and you know I understand you. You're not a monster, are you, huh? We're goin' back to Jackson." - Sure, you almost fell for your man trying to lower your attention enough for Tommy to circle the room before taking the gun out of your palms - but suddenly, you looked at the other brother, letting him know that Joel failed with his mission.
"I understand what you're going through now, Tommy, I do. Because we're on the same page here, remember? You've told it yourself - we left for Seattle because of the same reasons. And I was at the same place you were at. I had to lose it with Owen before to everything click in place. Because I don't feel anything now. I would shoot you and feel absolutely anything. And Joel? He went just because he knew I'd get killed without him." - Quickly, you acknowledged everything Joel was doing for you in the past few days, nodding at him. Slowly, you aimed the gun into the ground - but you still let both the man know about the revolver being defused. - "Joel, yeah, he was scared of a possibility that there's someone who is after him and he was terrified of the someone coming after his family..." - Joel opened up his mouth to oppose you, but you just gave him a tired look. - "Shut up, will you?
And I thought I was coming here to kill this woman, but... That isn't it. I came here for a conclusion. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't walk, I was messed up. I didn't realize what I was doing... How many lives I've impacted and fucked up by killing one person - let alone how many I ended up killing in the end. This isn't a solution. Killing Abby won't make you feel better. It won't make you forget about what happened. It won't heal you, it won't do shit." - Now, you finally fused the gun and defused it right away, playing with it as you spoke. - "You don't know the last thing about me or him, girl. So don't try to play someone who knows everythin', will you?" - Tommy answered to make concentrated on something else, while Joel watched your fingers on the fuse of the gun. - "Forgiveness will free you. I swear." - You promised, looking at your brother-in-law. And just at the moment when you fused the gun again, Joel quite literally ripped it out from you.
You watched the man dragging you from his brother, holding his arms around you as he did so. All he was trying was to stop you from freaking out. But the tighter he held you, the more you try to wiggle out - at least, the gun fell on the ground, so Joel's baby brother wasn't now in danger. Joel was telling you something, but you were still gritting your teeth, trying to push him off of you. You wouldn't be able to walk out of the room and look Lev in the eyes if they'd simply murdered Abby.
"And you? What is even on your mind, huh?" - You got out when you finally calmed down enough to just hang from Joel's arms which were circled your chest. - "Go on, Joel, speak. I hadn't heard any of your thoughts in the past few days... I had heard some, but now, you have time so speak." - Finally, you felt the man letting you go. But he was just staring back at you. Tommy stayed quiet in the corner of the room, watching it playing our while Abby was slowly gaining back her strength to at least breathe.
"I see, Miller, I see." - You nodded before putting your palm on his heart, concentrating on the rhythm of his heartbeat to feel it. It was calming you down most of the time - but this was a definite exception. Jesus, you couldn't believe that you're about to sink so love. Emotional extortion as the last source was maybe too far and very lame too, but honestly, you didn't know any other way to stop this from happening. - "Lemme tell you this... Yea? If she dies, we're done here." - And as far as it seemed, you seemed to be serious.
This dirty move threw Joel off the rails. Usually, he was the one using emotions as extortion. He used emotion as an excuse for murdering a whole hospital of Fireflies, he used emotion to still keep the relationship with Ellie alive. Joel was an emotionally abusive person when it came to him being threatened in some way - he proved this time of his persona time after time with Ellie and the Fireflies. But never had happened that someone would be as smart as him, pulling the emotional card as well. But you were standing in front of him, staring him in the eyes, showing him that you can pull out the same card as he did. - "This is just fuckin' ridiculous. You can't be serious." - Tommy called you out on the shitty, shad move - about which you knew is shitty and shady.
But if you had at least one chance with saving Abby, you needed to direct the chance on Joel. He was the one you had to put pressure on -mainly because Tommy was already knee-deep in the shit he was doing. But as you were looking at each other, Joel knew that you were perfectly serious. - "You can be better than you are now, Joel. Come on. Walk away from it and let her live. We proved ourselves and Abby has two, almost three, people to protect now. And these people will die if you kill her. Think about that. Now, it's on you." - You pulled him in for one last kiss, not knowing how it plays out as you were leaving the room and Seattle as a whole.
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maatryoshkaa · 5 years
Stray Kids as Roommates | Thread
some roommates-to-lovers fluff coming at you!
Bang Chan
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You guys are the pair that n e v e r sleep
Turned his room into a home studio; probably would have thrown out his bed and turned his room into an office if you hadn’t stopped him
You often fall asleep to the sound of his humming and tracks muffled through your bedroom wall
You see the most of him during exam season, while pulling all nighters
He’s always in the kitchen making his 14th cup of coffee when you get up to go to the bathroom at 3 am
Lots of deep, meaningful conversations over late night snacks
You swear you’ve heard him talking to his Goku figurines during the unearthly hours of the morning
You’re the only one Chan lets ruffle his fluffy dandelion bedhead in the morning
Takes care of you more than he takes care of himself
Always asks you how your day went when you get home and insists on listening even when he’s been awake for over 48 hours
Always there to give you advice and comfort you when you’re feeling down! A living breathing mental health hotline
Walked into your room when you were studying for finals at 2am
You were in your pajamas, hair a mess and eyes barely open
And that was when Bang Chan decided he was in love with you
Ah, the couple with matching bags under their eyes.
☽ Read the rest of the boys under this cut! 
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Fried chicken takeout for dinner is a big Friday night thing
Kind of like a big moral support teddy bear, his hugs are the greatest
You steal half his closet in the winter because his hoodies are the comfiest
Literally the dad of your household
Checks up on your health and how you’re doing every now and then
Pushes you to finish your work and makes sure you’re not procrastinating
Honestly, your grades are soaring thanks to him
Helps you with homework
Your parents love him
Always saves and brings you good things to eat
Tucks you in at night when you can’t sleep nyahh i’m soft
And a couple times, when you wake up shaking from nightmares, homesickness or stress, he’s always there to comfort you, lying there until you fall asleep again.
“Yeah? Shh, don’t worry, I’m here.”
You always sit outside the bathroom and listen to him sing in the shower
Until he suddenly opened the door in nothing but a towel and you couldn’t face him for weeks
He thought your furiously blushing face was the cutest thing he’d ever seen and teased you about it, 
Until you finally kissed him to make him shut up
Hint: it worked wonders.
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Saturday night dance battles are a t h i n g
Doesn’t do any chores unless he notices you’re feeling tired
Tried to cook once and probably accidentally gave the both of you food poisoning
Remember when he cooked rice cakes in the unwashed metal pan I’m--
Likes you a lot more than he lets on
Like, you’d mention craving a certain food or not having saved up enough money for something, and voila, the next day it’d be sitting on the kitchen table.
“What? It was on sale, just lying around. Don’t think too much of it.”
Clowns you for every little thing, but the moment he hears someone make fun of you, it’s on sight
Bicker like an old married couple, lots of back and forth catfights
Evenings falling asleep on the sofa, both tipsy and giggling while his two cats snuggle up around you
Arguing over who the cats love more
Endless crackhead antics; the neighbours probably hate you
Insists on walking his cats around the apartment complex, when in reality he just wants to spend more time with you
Everyone already knows you’re basically dating but you’re both too stubborn to admit it
Probably hooked up once or twice, or more than once or twice ;)
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Honestly when you first got him as your roommate, you were terrified
Because this 5’6 ball of dark is intimidating as frick
Realized how soft he really was when he whipped out his Munchlax plushie
Petty arguments with him are impossible because he speaks so fast
So you just let him win
Makes you kill the spider
Always manages to convince you to watch horror movies at 1 am
Probably as an excuse to have you in his arms if you get scared ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) he thinks he’s slick
Perfected the “stretch and put his arm around your shoulder” move
Made a special playlist for everything you do together: good vibes for breakfast, upbeat jams when doing the chores together, chill indie mixes for cozy evenings in doing work
Insists on helping you around the house
Bringing you fresh ice coffee, cookies, and convenience store hauls whenever he gets off work
“B-but the Peperos were on a buy one get one free sale 👉👈”
Suggests playing the pocky/pepero kiss game to which you smack him in response
But you end up giving him a quick peck anyways, and he freezes, stunned
You run off, face red, Changbin chasing after to you with a wicked grin
“What was that? Is that buy one get one, too, because I want another oneeee!”
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The chillest roommate, but when he gets hyper oh m y
I ain’t gettin no sleep cos of y’all, y’all not gettin sleep cos of me
You have to wake him on the weekends because this boy would sleep until the evening
You want to let him rest, though, since he’s always out and working so late ;(
Secretly takes so many candid, soft pictures of you and saves them as his wallpaper
Loves to take you shopping and dress the both of you in matching #OOTDs
Hypes you the heck up
“She’s sister snatched today! Skin glowing, outfit on point -- oh look at that SMILE! Do the thing again -- oh my gosh. You’re killing it, y/n!”
Gives you fashion advice and beauty tips, although you keep bugging him for his skincare routine cuz damn
Probably share skincare products
Always do face masks together but fail at keeping them on because the two of you keep laughing at the stupidest things
Sometimes he has to put you to bed when he comes home late, and you’ve fallen asleep on the couch waiting for him to get back
Can’t resist kissing your forehead sometimes when tucking you in
At moments like these, he finds himself wishing for a sliver of a chance that you might feel the same way he has
He’s honestly so damn obvious though, getting you matching “roommate” things when he goes out -- plushies that remind him of you, little snacks when you’re down, cute accessories, you name it
This boy also forgets that he talks in his sleep -- and is very hard to wake up
So one morning, you’re leaning over his bed, about to shake him awake, and hear him mumble
“y/n, y/n, y/n...i like you sooo much...what do i do?”
You nearly choke on your toast, effectively waking the boy up, and he stares at you, half-awake and mortified.
“What? Did I--did I say something in my sleep?”
The smug, blushing smile spreading over your face is enough to send him diving back under the covers as you begin to tease him
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So comfortable to be around, he’s basically your best friend from day 1
Except for the fact that he’s so. Damn. LOUD
Noise complaints filed from the neighbours, the landlord, the neighbour’s dog, you name it
Another soft bean whose bedhead you love to ruffle
I mean have you seen My Pace dance practice? That boys mane has a mind of its own--
Brings you lots of cakes and pastries from cute bakeries when you’re stressed
A responsible boi™ ! always helps you out around the house.
Grocery shopping together? What a concept
Except he piles the cart with chips and snacks when he thinks you’re not looking
Lots of late nights binging movies on Netflix
This boy loves moves
But he loves them even more when he watches them with you ;D
Afterwards, you’re both too lazy and comfortable to move, so you end up falling asleep cuddled up against each other
Always runs away and hides when you ask to see his songs
You find scraps of hastily scribbled lyrics and ideas strewn around the house all the time
Little phrases like “i think i love you” and “my heart beats impossibly fast when i’m with you”
So you manage to collect enough to bring them to him and tease him about it
Jisung gets all quiet, though, instead of whining like he usually does, and you quickly apologise, thinking you’ve gone too far
You reassure him his writing is amazing
“It’s not that.”
He finally looks you in the eye, the intensity of his stare making your heart stop for a moment.
“They’re about you.”
Oh, how the turn tables.
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i hate him sm, blease
Why did you even agree to room with him
Rooming with Felix is a one way trip to insanity -- we going ✈️✈️ acid trip
You can hear him yelling yeets and yeehaws when he plays Fortnite while you do your homework, and you swear you’re t h i s close to putting his head straight through his screen
Video game marathons when you’re not busy though, you have to admit, are the bomb
Probably convinced you to make TikToks with him
Makes you do all the viral challenges, including the couple trends
Honestly the most fun guy to be around ever
Your daily dose of memes and sugar
Knows when to be down to earth and serious, though!
Gives the best massages when you’re overworked and runs you a bath, promptly ordering your favourite takeout and making sure to feed you
Building pillow forts together on rainy days and snow days, and having sleepovers!
Binging vine compilations together during said sleepovers
Sending each other memes at 1 am when you’re both simultaneously procrastinating on homework
You basically became a couple without really going through the confession stage; it just sort of happened
“Hey, ‘lix?”
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“I think I kinda like you.”
A sideways smirk. “Well, yeah, you’ve dealt with me for this long.”
The best-friends couple: soulmates, and, more importantly, partners in crime vine
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Sweetest roommate!! Honestly you feel bad for even asking him to do chores
Has a bit of an evil side, though
One second he’s flashing you an angelic smile, the next he’s roasting you for your selfie skills on your recent Instagram post
You make one (1) complaint about the living room being messy, next thing you know you wake up and it’s spick and span
Cooks?? Really hecking well?
Sometimes you wonder if you signed up for a roommate or a housekeeper
Your apartment is so clean
Taking evening strolls together after dinner and taking pictures at the park
Walks you to and from work/school like a little puppy, and gets anxious if you’re late coming home
Doesn’t know how to show how much he cares about you and gets frustrated with himself
So he indulges in the little things, like packing you cute little lunches with sticky notes on the containers
Little notes around the house on days he stays out working late, like make sure you’re eating! And don’t sleep too late!
Honestly, you fell for him the moment he first smiled at you
Once, he was working overtime nonstop, and you didn’t get to see him for over two weeks
When he finally came home on time, you couldn’t help tackling him in a big bear hug
After he got over his initial heartbeat racing a thousand miles per hour, he dropped his head into the crook of your neck, hugging you back tightly
No words were needed, you missed each other’s presence so much, it seemed to say itself
I love you, and I missed you.
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Is this boy even old enough to rent out a room? He is babie
So incredibly shy when he first meets you, but warms up quickly
Owns animal-printed pajamas and onesies
You both had a mini celebration when he got his braces off, complete with banana milk and animal crackers
You are both babie
An early bird, always wakes up before you
You wake up to him shaking you and laughing at your scrunched up face
“Wake uuppp, y/n, you’re going to be so late!”
Can’t clean to save his life; always ends up breaking something or knocking things over
So he’s in charge of doing the laundry
Had a fat mental breakdown when he realised that meant your underwear
Your apartment is littered with figurines and plushies that both of you collect and don’t have the heart to clean out
“Jeongin, where are y----” you stop. “Why are you lying face down on the ground?”
“...we’re out of banana milk.”
Another hidden evil bean who clowns you for everything you do once he warms up to you
Baby boy!Jeongin switches to Savage!Jeongin in a matter of seconds
Also makes you kill the spider
Helps you cook, but only if you tell him how to do everything or he’ll freak out
Putting mukbang channels on the TV while eating together and watching in comfortable silence
Loves watching you eat and has a million derpy pictures of you saved on his phone
Poor boy has no idea how to tell you he’s falling head over heels with you
Accidentally blurts out “I like you” during a screaming contest
Lots, I mean LOTS of awkward laughing as Jeongin feels his face heat up, watching yours do the same
The longest moment passes, and Jeongin is getting ready to disassociate when you’re finally able to open your mouth and scream back,
“I like you, too!”
Baby boy found his soulmate.
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aellafm · 4 years
           hello  !  i’m  cc  &  i  simply  have  no  brain  !  currently  stuck  in  a  head  empty  ,  no  thoughts  mood  –  idk  how  i  always  have  muse  for  new  muses  ,  but  here  i  am  anyway  with  aella  ,  who  –  basic  rundown  ,  cause  this  is  so  fucking  long  ,  is  the  only  daughter  of  the  duke  &  duchess  of  sutherland  (  i  ?  am  not  english  but  i  am  reaching  ,  call  me  out  )  &  as  the  sole  heir  ,  has  adopted  the  title  of  marchioness  of  stafford  but  has  decided  to  just  spend  her  days  as  a  conniving  socialite  until  she’s  ultimately  married  off  .  but  ,  if  you’d  like  to  plot  ,  please  like  this  &  i’ll  be  on  my  zippity  way  over  .
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 stats  .
there’s     aella     huntington     -     keene   !     though     on    their     socials     they     go     by     @365aella     .     i     heard     she     is     originally     from     london     ,     england     ,     but     made     the     big     move     to     los     angeles     to     join     TWENTIES     .     you     haven’t     heard     about     it     ?     well     ,     apparently     their     dream     is     to     marry     someone     that     pisses     off     her     parents    &    enjoy     a     life     as     a     trophy     wife   ,     but     they     have     no     chance     unless     they     quit     being     so     avaricious     &     devious     .     that     said     ,     those     behind     the     scenes     have     said     they     can     be     loquacious     &     spellbinding     too.     guess     we’ll     have     to     watch     and     find     out     !   ━     &     overflowing     glasses     of     bubbly     champagne     to     hide     welled     up     tears     in     solemn     eyes     ,     toes     digging     into     the     sand     whilst     angry     tears     fall     into     the     earth     ,     hiding     behind     an     air     of     ditz     to     pretend     she     isn’t     calculating     someone’s     downfall     &     exchanging     secrets     as     a     form     of     payment     ;     learning     that     enigmas     are     worth     much     more     than     gold     .  (     park     chaewon     ,     cis     female     ,     she     /     her     )  
𝓲.     𝕒𝕓𝕣𝕚𝕕𝕘𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥   .
birth   name   :   bomi  kim current   name   :   aella  huntington  -  keene nickname(s) :   bomi  –  to  close  loved  ones  only  ,  marchioness  ,   age   :  twenty gender   /   pronouns :  cis  gendered   female   /   she  /  her  /  hers orientation   :  bisexual   /   biromantic hometown   :   london  ,  england faceclaim :  park  chaewon  (  gowon  of  loona  )
fun facts  :   genuinely  has  a  collection  of  crowns  –  just  like  –  a  closet  full  of  crowns  ,  just  genuinely  feels  like  a  Beacon  of  Death  but  she  doesn’t  even  talk  about  it  ,  swears  up  &  down  she  was  almost  casted  in  riverdale  (  for  what  ?  that’s  not  impressive  ,  aella  )  ,  is  an  oxford  graduate  actually  but  also  ?  just  doesn’t  mention  it  ,  fully  believed  in  mermaids  until  like  two  years  ago  ,  aella  just  smells  like  the  sea  &  that’s  just  how  it  be  ,  really  good  at  knitting  &  knits  those  huge  blankets  when  stressed  but  doesn’t  give  them  away  so  just  has  a  closet  full  of  blankets  ?  –  &  speaking  of  closets  ,  aella  just  has  like  fifteen  closets  .
aesthetic  :  overflowing  glasses  of  bubbly  champagne  to  hide  welled  up  tears  in  solemn  eyes  ,  toes  digging  into  the  sand  whilst  angry  tears  fall  into  the  earth  ,  hiding  behind  an  air  of  ditz  to  pretend  she  isn’t  calculating  someone’s  downfall  ,  exchanging  secrets  as  a  form  of  payment  ;  learning  that  enigmas  are  worth  much  more  than  gold  ,  her  own  personal  graveyard  with  everyone  she’s  ever  loved  who’s  left  her  too  early  ,  searching  for  the  love  she’s  never  been  shown  only  to  force  it  out  when  she  finds  it  &  baby  blue  tulle  covering  a  silk  dress  worth  hundreds  of  thousands  of  dollars  .
playlist  :  she  says  by  eve  owen  ,  to  die  for  by  sam  smith  ,  kings  &  queens  by  ava  max  ,  wicked  game  by  grace  carter  .
𝓲𝓲.     𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕝𝕖   .
trigger  warning  :  death  .
            happiness  is  worth  more  than  riches  ,  the  kims  have  unlocked  that  simple  secret  in  their  lifetimes  .  butler  to  a  family  of  nobility  ,  jason  kim  met  mary  hwang  while  working  for  the  huntington  -  keenes  &  got  married  within  months  of  meeting  each  other  .  ‘  when  you  know  ,  you  know  ’  they  said  &  in  a  year  ,  they  had  bomi  .  the  huntington  -  keenes  were  ecstatic  for  the  kims  ,  loving  bomi  as  their  own  –  the  kims  are  family  ,  an  arm  away  from  nobility  .  when  tragedy  strikes  one  month  after  bomi’s  birth  &  the  huntington  -  keene  estate  is  burned  to  the  ground  with  her  parents  inside  ,  bomi  is  taken  in  by  the  duke  &  duchess  .  their  youngest  child  ,  she’s  renamed  aella  &  welcomed  in  by  a  family  of  nobility  .  she’s  not  nobility  by  blood  ,  but  they  raise  her  as  one  ,  her  siblings  (  twins  ,  the  sole  children  of  the  duke  &  duchess  )  treat  her  as  their  own  blood  .  she  gets  a  crown  &  gets  the  opportunity  to  rub  shoulders  with  royal  blood  ;  even  if  some  don’t  look  at  her  as  true  nobility  .  the  huntington  -  keenes  are  always  the  first  to  stand  up  for  her  if  she’s  looked  down  upon  ,  reminding  the  world  that  aella  is  nobility  &  she  is  one  of  them  .  as  the  youngest  ,  nearly  a  decade  younger  than  the  twins  –  edmund  &  augusta  –  aella  is  ,  babied  .  stuffed  in  courtesy  classes  &  given  passes  every  time  she  turns  into  trouble  ,  it  takes  a  while  for  her  to  fully  grasp  that  she  is  royalty  ;  nobility  while  running  in  the  halls  of  buckingham  palace  ,  but  one  day  spent  with  augusta  ,  she  learns  from  lady  augusta  huntington  -  keene  that  women  have  a  crucial  role  in  court  .  while  edmund  will  assume  the  title  of  duke  ,  she  &  augusta  will  marry  up  ,  become  duchesses  in  their  own  right  &  sent  to  fight  dirty  .  secrets  are  worth  more  than  gold  ,  women  are  the  deadliest  soldiers  .  aella  will  always  wonder  what  augusta  uncovered  after  her  marriage  ,  because  while  on  her  way  to  a  gala  with  edmund  ,  the  twins  of  sutherland  were  killed  in  a  horrific  accident  .
            the  funeral  is  closed  casket  ,  aella  stands  with  her  parents  with  a  stone  cold  face  as  the  cameras  take  photos  .  the  twins  are  buried  together  (  ‘  at  least  they  died  together  ’  one  tabloid  says  –  the  reporter  is  fired  in  seconds  )  while  aella  ,  at  fourteen  is  gifted  a  courtesy  title  of  marchioness  .  marquess  edmund  of  stafford  has  died  &  now  she  is  the  sole  heir  .  it’s  a  title  aella  never  wanted  ,  now  thrust  into  the  place  of  her  brother  as  her  parents  teach  her  twenty  -  five  years  worth  of  information  to  catch  her  up  to  his  pace  .  gone  are  the  gentle  souls  who’ve  always  crooned  in  her  ear  &  held  her  in  their  arms  before  nighttime  .  the  horrific  ,  terrifying  deaths  of  their  children  are  enough  to  transform  the  duke  &  duchess  into  empty  shells  of  who  they  used  to  be  .  the  palace  transforms  from  day  to  night  ,  curtains  closed  as  monsters  roam  the  halls  ,  leaving  aella  to  twist  from  sweet  ,  adopted  -  into  -  nobility  lady  of  the  house  ,  into  lethal  marchioness  .  augusta  teaches  her  even  from  beyond  the  grave  ,  diary  locked  words  reminding  aella  of  her  role  as  a  woman  of  nobility  .  play  the  role  ,  laugh  at  the  jokes  ,  gain  their  secrets  ,  report  back  to  the  duke  .  there’s  a  shift  when  aella  turns  sixteen  ,  hardened  by  the  deaths  in  her  life  –  parents  ,  siblings  –  she  gains  a  quick  reputation  that’s  quite  the  opposite  of  her  .  ditzy  ,  bubble  brained  ,  a  bit  lost  ,  in  over  her  head  in  the  world  of  royalty  .  but  underneath  the  duke  ,  they’ve  taken  down  enemies  &  corporations  ,  simply  because  of  a  misunderstanding  or  a  misconstrued  look  .  aella  is  deadly  ,  but  so  is  the  duke  &  at  nineteen  after  a  slight  mishap  in  the  ruining  of  someone’s  career  ,  she  is  threatened  by  him  –  reminded  that  she  is  not  nobility  by  blood  .
            &  aella  is  pissed  off  ,  understandably  .  her  biggest  insecurity  brought  to  light  by  her  own  father  ,  the  one  who  she  always  thought  was  on  her  side  .  aella  finds  solace  in  her  handmaiden  –  the  girl  gifted  to  her  as  a  child  ,  her  only  real  friend  &  she  loses  her  two  days  before  her  graduation  from  oxford  .   she’s  found  dead  from  a  freak  health  accident  &  aella  is  left  with  the  duke  who  refuses  to  see  her  as  she  is  (  though  ,  her  lockscreen  is  still  of  her  &  her  best  friend  )  .  turned  from  a  loving  father  who  used  to  braid  her  hair  &  buy  her  any  jeweled  crown  she  wanted  ,  into  a  ruthless  duke  who  sits  in  an  empty  estate  with  nobody  but  an  un  loyal  butler  by  his  side  .  so  aella  graduates  ,  ignores  the  wilting  duchess  as  she  takes  off  for  the  united  states  .  all  of  her  friends  are  doing  it  ,  noble  women  who’ve  accepted  their  lives  as  just  women  ,  living  as  influencers  &  modern  day  title  holders  before  their  betrothals  are  announced  .  it  takes  barely  months  to  gain  traction  ,  to  hold  a  sizable  following  on  social  media  because  aella  is  likable  –  ditzy  ,  fun  loving  ,  nobility  that’s  infiltrated  england’s  hierarchy  with  her  bubbly  attitude  .  friends  with  celebrities  &  other  socialites  ,  aella  is  at  the  heart  of  every  scandalous  drama  that  comes  out  –  she’s  the  common  factor  that  connects  all  the  tea  ,  but  people  just  don’t  see  it  ,  enamored  by  the  crown  ,  the  title  ,  the  baby  face  .  the  producers  know  ,  a  sixth  sense  for  shit  stirrers  &  dangerous  secret  holders  ,  they  contact  her  &  aella  knows  it  will  piss  off  her  parents  –  nobility  sleazing  it  on  a  reality  show  ?  producers  make  her  promise  drama  ,  so  she  takes  it  ,  unaware  of  how  dangerous  it  is  to  bare  her  soul  to  the  world  .
𝓲𝓲𝓲.     𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟   .
            exterior  .  marked  by  tragedy  ,  aella  refuses  to  be  seen  by  the  publicness  of  her  life  .  a  public  figure  ,  her  story  is  known  by  many  –  a  sweet  girl  with  dead  parents  ,  adopted  into  nobility  only  to  lose  her  siblings  ,  only  to  lose  her  best  friend  .  she  refuses  to  let  them  see  her  as  sad  &  aella  puts  forth  an  image  of  kindness  .  a  giver  to  charity  ,  a  lover  of  children  ,  a  sweet  girl  who’s  a  little  slow  in  the  head  but  always  means  well  .  aella  is  likable  ,  she’s  sweet  &  people  think  her  authentic  .
a  social  butterfly  ,  one  of  her  most  well  -  known  features  is  that  aella  seems  to  know  everybody  .  they  all  know  her  ,  she’s  mutuals  with  all  the  big  names  as  well  as  the  small  influencers  &  she’s  at  the  center  of  everything  .  the  life  of  the  party  ,  the  marchioness  sheds  her  title  even  if  her  mannerisms  are  still  noble  .  it’s  obvious  she’s  nobility  from  her  speech  ,  her  accent  ,  how  she  sits  at  the  dinner  table  –  but  aella’s  the  fun  one  ,  the  trustworthy  one  because  she’s  never  told  you  someone  else’s  secret  ,  so  why  would  she  tell  anyone  yours  ?
            interior  .  sly  ,  conniving  &  morally  gray  .  her  lips  are  sealed  until  they’re  not  .  good  at  gaining  trust  from  her  charm  &  friendliness  ,  aella  is  quick  to  garner  secrets  as  payment  for  –  anything  .  she  lets  go  of  them  very  rarely  ,  holding  them  close  to  her  in  case  anything  just  happens  to  go  wrong  &  she  needs  ammunition  –  but  behind  the  ditz  &  the  kindness  &  the  likability  is  who  aella  really  is  .  incredibly  angry  ,  so  fucking  hurt  ,  stuck  in  the  process  of  grief  .  she’s  incredibly  smart  ,  extraordinarily  observant  &  a  master  of  manipulation  ,  but  very  few  people  know  the  real  aella  .
she  holds  anger  in  her  palm  like  seawater  &  she’s  an  invincible  liar  .  always  caught  in  some  sort  of  drama  nowadays  ,  though  the  spotlight’s  never  quite  on  her  (  in  other  words  ,  she’s  not  cancelled  yet  –  in  fact  ,  they  praise  aella  for  being  “scandal  free”  )  .  for  example  ,  she’s  the  friend  who  was  told  by  another  friend  to  stop  seeing  the  first  friend  –  or  ,  she’s  the  girl  who  saw  her  friend’s  boyfriend’s  hand  on  someone  else’s  ass  .  aella  is  connected  ,  a  finger  dipped  into  everybody’s  life  even  if  aella  happens  to  be  one  of  the  loneliest  people  she  knows  .
𝓲𝓿.     𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤   .
these  are  all  most  wanted !  
            skinny  love  ,  someone  who  knows  aella  as  she  truly  is  –  angry  &  sad  &  just  a  fucking  mess  .  we  can  plot  this  out  &  all  the  knitty  gritty  ,  but  just  some  good  ol’  angst  where  their  hearts  are  together  but  they’re  physically  not  &  there’s  a  lot  of  pining  &  hurt  uwu  .  think  carla  &  samu  from  elite  ,  percabeth  in  tlo  ,  u  know  :  spicy  angst  .
           rich  kid  trio  (  0  /  2  )  ,  the  one  percent  of  the  one  percent  ,  they  knew  each  other  before  this  simply  because  of  wealth  .  where  aella’s  nobility  ,  these  muses  either  also  are  ,  or  they’re  simply  super  fuckin’  rich  enough  to  interact  with  nobility  &  they’ve  been  friends  for  ever  –  they’ve  had  their  ups  &  downs  &  they  argue  &  fight  but  they  always  end  up  having  each  other’s  backs  .
          drama  /  scandal  partners  ,  aka  the  ones  that  have  been  involved  in  drama  before  –  probably  because  of  her  –  but  they’ve  made  it  out  with  her  still  on  their  side  &  they  laugh  at  it  now  like  “  haha  remember  when  that  drama  channel  on  youtube  cancelled  you  ?  haha  bitch  !  ”
           current  s  /  o  &  exes  ,  the  one  that  aella’s  currently  dating  –  probably  to  make  her  parents  mad  ,  probably  to  up  views  &  gain  followers  ,  or  maybe  it’s  real  –  &  the  exes  that  she’s  had  rumored  flings  w  (  confirmed  or  not  hehe  )  .  just  give  me  all  the  angst  please  so  we  can  hurt  together  &  hurt  each  other  !  love  this  for  us  !
           everything  else  ,  another  londoner  where  they  hang  out  &  her  accent  just  unleashes  ,  party  buddies  who  get  fucked  up  together  ,  confidant  who  she  goes  to  the  beach  w  &  cries  with  ,  hangover  buds  who  just  lay  in  bed  together  all  day  ,  will  they  -  wont  they  where  they  tease  viewers  &  fans  ,  ex  friends  ,  current  friends  ,  anything  &  everything  !
𝓿.     𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕔𝕝𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟   .
i’d  love  to  get  all  these  plots  filled  up  ,  or  any  ones  that  you  might  have  bc  ,  lmk  !   but  if  you’ve  read  this  whole  thing  jesus  ,  you’re  amazing  &  i  love  u  sm  .  please  like  this  &  i’ll  come  to  u  or  lmk  if  u  prefer  disc  & we  can  go  there  !
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sandriinehebert · 4 years
1-17 xo
1. a song I associate with my muse’s personality
into the unknown from frozen (especially aurora’s version, which is superior). the whole mix of fear and hope and bravery and hesitation works. i know it’s cheesy and silly because oh wow frozen, so immature (i’m elsa’s biggest stan so obviously i must force frozen on my muse). it describes the state of transition she has been in the past few years, she takes risks, but she is still very doubtful yet something pulls her to greater things and encourages her to expose herself to her own vulnerability, even if the chances of being hurt again are high. she does not know how many more punches she can take before calling it quits and changing her opinions on humanity, but she feels like she has to keep on risking it all. on the surface, sandrine has this very flat dimension of unicorns and rainbows, but she has a lot going on in her mind & heart and this song tells it all.
(the rest is under the read more, i’m so sorry!!!!!! i’m so dumb! i also took most of the descriptions out or else this would have gotten realllll long!)
2. a song I associate with my muse’s past 
sometimes you can’t make it on your own by U2 (is it obvious i love this song very much?) or time to say goodbye by andrea bocelli and sarah brightman.
3. a song lyric that describes my muse
“What do you want? 'Cause you've been keeping me awake Are you here to distract me so I make a big mistake? Or are you someone out there who's a little bit like me? Who knows deep down I'm not where I'm meant to be?”
4. a song that makes my muse sad
dark paradise by lana del rey.
5. a song that makes my muse want to dance
balam pichkari. so one day she got real bored and watched some old performances on the voice and stumbled upon a cute lil kid covering how deep is your love by calvin harris with a twist. she looked it up, and even though she has no idea what’s going on, this song will make her jump to her feet and dance at the first note. yes, she knows all the dance move of the girl and the guy she’s got a mean hip thrust what can i say! (is it cultural appropriation???? i’m so so so sorry if it is!)
6. a song that my muse always sings along to
everybody by backstreet’s boys (her favorite member is the dude with the tattoos, i forgot his name, but she’s always had a crush on him).
7. a song that makes my muse feel nostalgic
je suis là (me voilà) / here i am by bryan adams. she was like 15 when spirit the stallion of the cimarron came out but BOY DID IT CHANGE HER LIFE. we both prefer the french version, but i put both! the scene where spirit’s tongue gets stuck on the ice is big dumb sandrine energy.
8. a song that reminds my muse of their family
one, by U2.
9. a song that my muse might listen to when angry
he mele no lilo by mark keali'i ho'omalu from lilo and stitch. she doesn’t like being angry and will listen to something to calm her down.
10. a song dedicated to on of my muse’s ship
she’s never been in a serious relationship so i don’t have a ship to base it on, but since i loved the whole dynamic with erik apsley, i’m gonna go with wicked games by chris isaak. please note she was the one imagining all of their romantic potential, so she made a huge deal out of nothing and she’s in her feels whenever she hears this song.
11. a song that my muse would sing to their children
blackbird by the beatles.
12. a song that my muse would play at their wedding
or maybe lucky, still by jason mraz and colbie caillat (special mentions to glee’s version and performed by these angels). idk what’s up with her and jason mraz.
13. a song that my muse can’t stand
anything rap. anything justin bieber. anything céline dion in general. the song she really can’t stand is my heart will go on.
14. a song that makes my muse think of your muse
here comes the sun by the beatles. she’s the sun. she will melt his winter and expose him to sunshine even if he will turn into a vampire.
maybeeeeeee creep by radiohead, in the sense she really admires him and puts him on a pedestal because he’s everything she’s not and some lyrics fit like she thinks he’s so special but she also feels like she doesn’t belong around him. (i’m only going to link glee’s cover which is one of my top 5 songs of all time i’m sorry).
15. a song that plays while my muse trains/works-out
anything one direction, really! drag me down being her favorite.
16. a song that plays while my muse studies/works
disney movie soundtracks, especially frozen’s and tangled, and barbie the princess and the pauper’s soundtrack as well. she can listen to the nutcracker’s symphonies or to this melody from barbie and the twelve dancing princesses.
17. a random song from my muse’s playlist 
love is a battlefield covered by the angel that is luke evans. i don’t even know why. because she longs for an intense love story? because luke’s voice is smooth like honey? because she’s tired of hearing the original version that her parents adore and luke offers the little twist she needs to appreciate the lyrics?
music meme
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myhockeyworld87 · 5 years
Careless - Jamie Benn
Requested: No
Word Count: 3107
Warning: Cursing
Song Inspiration: Nickelback - Next Contestant
Notes: So confession, I sometimes just throw my playlist on shuffle to see what comes up. This song came up on the way home from work and I just couldn’t stop picturing Jamie Benn. I just feel like he’d be super protective with his woman. So here’s my take on it. Still working on Nervous Regrets but just had to write this first. Let me know what you think.
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 Slipping on the skimpy cocktail dress, that left nothing to the imagination; you checked the mirror one last time before gliding out onto the bar room floor. Picking up the tray, you mouthed a quick hello to Isaac and Carl, tonight’s bartenders; sashaying over to one of your tables, you got to work. It wasn’t a bad place to work, it was upscale, somewhat classy; though some nights you couldn’t tell by the clientele. That they allowed you to get up on stage every weekend and have your music heard, was a bonus. It was a win, win for the both of you. Traffic definitely picked up on those nights, when you were standing behind the microphone; and most times you didn’t mind helping out before or after your set. Tonight, was one of those nights. You’d just performed for the last hour, now it was time for the DJ to take over and keep the party going. As for you, you’d make sure that the customers were satisfied and the alcohol continued to constantly flow.
After grabbing a few drinks for a couple tables; Kelsey, your friend and co-worker came up to you. “Great set tonight (Y/N). You know, Careless is my favorite song you do.”
 “Aww, thanks Kels. I love that one too.”
 “Hey before I forget, table 18 is asking for you. I think a few of them have a thing for you.” Batting her eyelashes at you. “Switch me tables, I’ll take 23. I’m a sucker for the nerdy type.”
 Chuckling, “Mmm Hmm…I know you. Look out Sheldon Cooper, here comes Kelsey Brown.”
 “Ooo a man with a brain is so hot. Stop turning me on. We’ve still got hours here.” With that she swayed over to the table to work her charm on the semi-attractive guy in glasses.
 Glancing over to the table Kelsey had mentioned moments ago, you were half tempted to go trade her back; for you weren’t sure you could handle all the male testosterone coming from there. What looked to be about eight overly good-looking athletes all sat, laughing, joking and drinking way over priced liquor. Tray in hand you made your way over, but not before some guy at one of your other tables grabbed your ass; which unfortunately was not an uncommon event. Smiling prettily, you removed his hand and put on that southern charm, “I’ll be right with you sugar. Just gotta grab that table right there.” You’d just filled all their drinks and knew they’d be good for at least the next twenty minutes.
 “Hurry back.” He called after you; what he didn’t see was the eye roll you gave him or the mental fuck off finger you had popping up in your brain.
 Tonight’s win had you all ready to celebrate, and so when someone suggested heading to the bar; you were all in. This wasn’t your usual hangout; normally someone would suggest some up and coming trendy nightclub, and that’s where you’d all end up. Rads, however had mentioned he’d been here before; and enjoyed the atmosphere. You could see why, when the beauty up on stage belted out some song, that could easily be playing on the top one hundred charts; you couldn’t take your eyes off her. While her looks initially drew you in, it was her voice that kept you mesmerized; soft, silky smooth notes floating out of a mouth you just wanted to kiss for days. It seemed like she no sooner started then she was off the stage; replaced by some obnoxious DJ, who played a little too loud for his surroundings.
 “That girl is amazing, in every way.” It was a statement that didn’t come from your mouth but one that you could totally agree with from Tyler.
 “Yeah, she sing here almost every weekend,” this from Rads. “She’s waited on me couple time.”
 Needing to know more you asked, “Wait she’s a waitress too? I thought she was just a singer.”  
 “Yeah, you know she like does both.”
 Just then your waitress came up asking if you needed more drinks. “Hey, is the girl who was just singing, working tonight?” leave it to Seggy to just cut to the chase.
 “Yeah, she is, want me to send her over?”
 “Absolutely” the man was not subtle at times.
 “Not that you aren’t great and everything.” You added, hoping not to hurt her feelings.
 “It’s no problem.” She said with a wicked wink.
 Watching the waitress move towards the songstress, you saw them speak briefly; then watched as she made her way to your table, but not before some asshole pawed at her ass. Anger seethed inside you. Being out of earshot you couldn’t hear her response to the mongrel; what you did see was the slight eye roll she gave as she turned. Briefly you wondered how many encounters like these she had a night; you didn’t have a chance to contemplate it before she was standing beside.
 “Gentlemen, nice to see you all. I’m (Y/N), what can I get you tonight?”
 That’s when Seggy decided to make a bigger ass of himself than most times. “I don’t know, what’s on the menu? Me -N -U?” Wincing, you knew the pickup line had to be one of the worst that ever came out of someone’s mouth; while most of the guys laughed, inwardly you groaned.
 “I’m pretty sure Me-N-U didn’t make it past your ego, but if you’d like to order something else, I’d be happy to help you.” Ouch, she could hold her own; it was more of turn on then you wanted to admit.
 Hoping to make up for the rest of the jerks at your table, you politely asked; “We’ll just have a round of beers and some shots of Don Julio Real, please.”
 “I’ll be right back with those.”
 “Segs, you gotta do another one of those when she comes back.” For a big man, Olesksiak couldn’t hold his liquor well or his tongue for that matter; lord knows Tyler didn’t need any encouragement.
 “Leave her alone man, she probably gets tired of the bullshit all the time.”
 “Aww Chubbs, we’re just having a little fun. No harm. Besides she seems to give as good as she gets.”
 “Just try and act like a decent human for once in your life, will you Segs.” The odds of that happening were slim to none.
 She came back to the table then, handing drinks out one by one. Each time she leaned forward, her dress gave you a nice glimpse of her full round breasts; that they were on display for everyone here to see had you fighting the urge to cover her with your suit jacket. Tyler, glided a finger up her arm, causing her to turn and look at him with questioning eyes. “Screw me if I’m wrong, but don’t I know you?”
 (Y/N) paused for a second, as if truly wondering had they met before. “Hmmm. Does your ass get jealous of the all the shit that comes out of your mouth?” The table erupted in laughter, Seggy included. “Thank you, gentlemen, I’m here all night. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got other customers. I’ll be back to see if your pick up lines get any better.”
 Your teammates chatted endlessly about her; each of them trying to come up with a better pickup line for when she came back. Concentrating on the woman, instead of some hyped game of whose line is better; you watched her take some orders, then head over to the bar. Long strides had you at her side in no time. “(Y/N) isn’t it?” when she nodded, you continued; “Look I just want to apologize for the other assholes at my table. We’ve probably had one too many. It’s just they were a little excited with the win and everything…” you were rambling. “Not that, that’s an excuse or anything. Ummm…anyhow I just wanted to say I’m sorry for the way they’ve been acting.”
 She smiled sweetly at you, and it melted your heart. “Don’t sweat it. It happens all the time.” She touched your arm then, an unconscious gesture but one that went straight to your groin all the same. “I’m used to it, but thank you for the apology.”
 Turning back to the bar, she dismissed the conversation as over; but you weren’t ready for that yet. “I also wanted to say…your voice…I mean….” God you were terrible with women; it was like you turned into a babbling idiot. “It was beautiful. Did you write those songs?”
 “Awww thank you, yes I did. Which one did you like best?” she seemed genuinely interested; that you had her full attention, had you elaborating more.
 “I’m not sure of the name, but something about….don’t be careless with my heart, for although we’re worlds apart, I still need you here with me…I’m not exactly sure of the right words. It has a great melody; you should be on the radio.”
 Her cheeks turned a soft shade of pink. “Wow I’m impressed you were listening. The songs called Careless; it’s one of my favorites too. And thanks for the compliments, the band and I have been working on cutting an album, but that takes money. Speaking of which, I gotta get these drinks out. It was nice to talk to you….”
 “Jamie,” you supplied.
 “Nice to meet you Jamie. I’ll be back over at the table a little later.”
 Jamie, it suited him, with his large frame you expected it to be Jim or James; but no Jamie fit him perfectly. It spoke to the softer side of him, one that you could see in that first encounter. He wasn’t like the rest of them at his table; it was a nice change of pace. The rest of the night went pretty much as expected, a hand placed here or a comment there; the lewd looks from different men as they ogled your breasts. Jamie was different though, no raunchy remark or crude stare; though he did look, it was just more with appreciation then lust.
 All night you waited for him to make a move, ask you out or maybe even try and hold your hand, for it seemed more in his wheelhouse; but he didn’t. So, when he showed up the next night, it took you by surprise. He was by himself this time, but still grabbed a table none the less; though he seemed to have a knack for not picking your section.
 “Your boyfriend from last night’s here.” Kelsey tormented. “He’s asking for you again.”
 “Kels he’s not my boyfriend. He barely said a few words to me.”
 “Doesn’t change the fact he’s back again tonight and asking for you.”
 Shaking your head, you strolled over to his table. “Miss me already?” you said teasingly.
 “What…uh…ummm.” He was cute when he was flustered.
 “Relax I’m just kidding with you. So, what can I get you tonight Jamie?”
 “Oh, you remembered my name.”
 Playfully you answered. “I try to remember all my cute customers.”
 Blushing at your words, his cheeks turned a becoming shade of red. “I’ll just have a beer.”
 “One beer coming right up.” It literally took all of ten seconds to get the beer, so you were back at his table in no time. “Here ya go, anything else I can get ya?”
 “No, I’m good.” He seemed to hesitate, as if there was something more he wanted to say. Finally, he spit it out. “So are you going to be singing tonight.”
 Maybe he just liked your music and not you, it was somewhat refreshing; that was if you didn’t think that he was totally sexy as fuck. “Sadly no, I usually only sing here on Friday or Saturday night. The rest of the time you just get me as your server.”
 He smiled, and heat pooled in your nether regions. “I’m ok with that.” Looks like you were wrong and he was interested; well you’d just have to see how the rest of the night went.
 “(Y/N) drinks for table 7 are ready.”
 “Duty calls. I’ll be back in a bit.”
 Sunday night usually wasn’t that busy, so it afforded you the chance to get to know Jamie more. You found out that he was a professional hockey player for the Dallas Stars, that he enjoyed cooking and had a great appreciation for music. If you both had been on the same dating website, you would’ve been matched in an instant; though for some reason Jamie seemed reluctant to ask you out. Staying until closing time, he walked to you to your car; where you were sure he’d at least kiss you. Disappointment coursed through you when he didn’t.
 The next several weeks were pretty much the same, Jamie showing up on nights that you worked and he was free; always the gentleman, but never asking you out. You started to wonder if you were reading him wrong; maybe he was just lonely and seeking friendship. That was until one particular night.
 It was crowded, you’d finished your set, put your uniform on, if you could call a skin tight dress a uniform; and headed out to wait tables. The men were handsy that night, one particular table being down right obnoxious. Pickup lines were the least of your worries with them. It was a grab of your ass here, someone pulling you by the waist there; but the icing on the cake was the hand that traveled up your inner thigh. It was cringe worthy and had you gathering your wits each time you headed back to the bar.
 Making your way to Jamie’s table you stopped to check and see if he needed another drink. “Are they bothering you?” His arms were folded across his chest, and you could tell he saw the whole thing play out.
 “It’s fine Jamie, I can handle it.” You weren’t sure how true that statement was, but you’d see how the night played out before you went calling for help.
 Anger boiled inside you; the only thing tamping it down was the fact that you didn’t want to make a scene in front of (Y/N). What you really wanted to do was rip the assholes into shreds. They mauled at her, made lewd remarks; yet she took it all in stride. You hated that she had this job, even the damn dress that was supposed to be her uniform had you seething. She was a goddess and deserved to be treated that way; why you hadn’t made a move on her, you weren’t sure. Only fear of rejection had kept you silent. The woman could have any person, man or woman if she wanted; all she had to do was say the word. Yet in the few weeks that you’d known her you hadn’t seen her with either sex.
 Over the last few weeks you’d watch men buy her drinks, trying to garner her favor; she declined them all. Pickup lines were non-stop, and God bless her, she had a witty comeback for each one. Tonight, just seemed like a culmination of everything all rolled into one; they all wanted in her pants, metaphorically and literally speaking. You weren’t about to let that happen.
 Hours passed and with each minute, the temperature of your blood rose. The rowdy bunch of twenty somethings continued their torment, even as the crowd thinned down leaving just a few stragglers behind. Eyes trained on her; she made her way over to the table for last call. One of them grabbed her and pulled her hard onto his lap; causing her to drop the empty tray. You couldn’t hear his words, but you saw his hand snake up her side and cup her breast. She twisted in his arms in an attempt to break free; you were out of your seat before you even knew what was happening.
 Before he could make another move, you placed your hand firmly on his shoulder and squeezed the bastard as hard as you could. “Is that your hand on my girlfriend?” His eyes bulged out of his head as you loomed over him. When he neither released her or said anything, you repeated it. “Is that your hand?” He let her go then, and she scrambled off his lap.
 “Look man we were just having fun.”
 “Mmmm…want to try it again and see how much fun it will be with me outside? Because I’d love to just bash your head in right now?” You tighten your grip on the little asshole; and he winced in pain.
 (Y/N) tugged on your arm. “It’s not worth it Jamie.”
 “I think they’re ready to close their tab, aren’t you boys?” They all nodded. “Good, I expect you’ll be generous in your tips for all the hassle you’ve given my girl tonight.” With that you released the pipsqueak, and took (Y/N)’s hand leading her away.
 She dumped the tray on the bar, and pulled you into the back. “Jamie, you didn’t have to do that, but thank you. The girlfriend part was a nice touch, though.”
 “I didn’t say it for affect. I said it because I want it to be true.” You hadn’t asked her out, didn’t even know how she felt about you. All you knew is that you wanted this woman to belong to you and you alone.
 Her lips turned up in a what you could only describe as the sexiest smile you’d ever seen. “I think that can be arranged.” She slid her hands up your chest; instinctively you wrapped yours around her waist and drew her closer to press up against your body. Leaning down you molded your lips to her, in a sweet and devasting kiss. She opened easily for you and your tongue swept in to taste the essence that was her. She was sweet and sass all rolled into one, and you took your time to explore her mouth. Demanding more as the kiss went on; she met you every step of the way. She moaned helplessly into your mouth and it was your undoing. If you didn’t stop now, you weren’t sure you ever would. Gently you pulled back from the kiss, thumb softly caressing her cheek as your harsh breathes mingled. “Let’s get out of here.” She whispered to you and you thought you’d died and gone to heaven. Only you were wrong, that would come later when she was under you writhing in pleasure, as she cried out your name.
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