#and as much as i am a huge follower of the I'm Cringe But I'm Free lifestyle i just‚idk i cant stop it from holding me back for some reason
bonyato · 1 year
i'll see shows w/ the silliest goofiest character designs imaginable & be like You're Going To Become A Vital Part Of My Existence Now.
#ТVDINT‚ M!ІK‚ Kоnjiki no Gаsh Bеll . . . just to name a few.#this post is Specially abt KNGB tho bcuz It Has Done Irrepairable Damage To My Psyche; and also! i've been reminiscing on it recently :-)#a friend reignited my interest on it <3#I've mostly been revisiting the JPN opening sequences bcuz they go So Hard..ooughfjghh they r so!! thrilling to me.#MIENAI TSUBASA SPECIALLY UGHHHJFGHJ IT IS SUCH A DAMN MASTERPIECE FOR REAL ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ GOES CRAZY ETC. it just sets the tone of the arc So Well#ive been tempted to post them here because of it but as cool as they are to me i feel like KNGB's style just isn't for Everyone#from its eccentric characters that tend to misguide ppl into thinking it's a children's show at 1st glance#to the opening's more comedic sequences‚ to how much the whole thing very much feels like a product of its time — overwhelmingly so#MIND YOU these are All aspects i love abt them To PIECES but. yeah ♡#i wouldn't be surprised if i got weird looks from y'all when you saw me going This Thing Goes So Hard#over the most incomprehensible borderline cocomelon-esque footage you've ever seen HSJFHSKFJ#WHICH. FAIR. AND ALSO IT WOULDNT EXACTLY BE ANYTHING NEW COMING FROM ME EITHER but i feel like it'd be the last straw for so many of you(?)#and as much as i am a huge follower of the I'm Cringe But I'm Free lifestyle i just‚idk i cant stop it from holding me back for some reason#THEY RULE SAURRRRR VERY MUCH THO n' so does the whole series in general i hold it v close to my heart <3#i need to pick the manga back up at some point..hopefully soon. I'll be sure to go insane abt it btw so consider this a Warning /hj#wondertext
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abbysbunny · 6 months
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warnings: none! bit of cursing:)
word count: 0.6k
notes: hai guys:3 here's some ellie hc's! kinda proofread !!
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-used an iphone 6 till it completely died and then she couldn't decide what phone to get because she didn't want to get a "fancy" one. you had to drag her to Mediaworld because she was basically refusing even though she hadn't used a phone in almost a week😭 (she'd been having to use your phone)
-has about a thousand hoodies and wears three of them, she buys them everytime she goes to the mall but then she uses the ones she bought when she was a teen. she doesn't even notice if you're wearing one of her hoodies because she didn't even know she had it
-she has a clear phone case and the only thing in it is a polaroid of you guys on your first date:') she hasn't changed it since that day
-still wears the same converse she's had for god knows how long, and when you asked her if she wants a new pair for her birthday she looked at you with the nastiest side eye ever. she couldn't even think about changing the pair
-has a private Instagram where only friends follow because she's scared of other people commenting on her post, like what if they say something mean? or what if they flirt with her? so she keeps it private and post a story maybe once a month
-even through she's not on Instagram that much she is always on tiktok, like you'll wake up at four in the morning for some water, turn over and her phone is inches away from her face the screen lighting up her face.
'ellie go to bed!' you mumbled as you got up and rubbed your eyes
'babe look at this borzoi' she tapped your arm and you rolled your eyes
-expending on her interest with borzois, after they become a meme she's just completely obsessed over them, if you're out with her and you see one you bet she's running up to it and awkwardly asking if she could pet it and then pets and plays with it for 5 straight minutes making you stand by her apologizing to the owner for her taking so long
-popeyes lover !!!! if you don't know what to have for dinner she'll order pop eyes (without) your permission, and suddenly the bell will ring and she's speeding down the stairs and running back up with a huge bag and the cutest smile on her face
-okay so if u have a fyp like mine then you know about mulch, so I think her fyp is full of mulch and lobotomy videos, and sometimes while your having a nice moment she'll say
'ugh I am so full of joy and sandy loam'
you'll look at her with the most judgemental look ever and lightly punch her shoulder
-loves I mean LOVES dried apples, will munch on them for hours !! she sneaks them into movie theaters and basically annoys everyone in the room because she's so fucking loud. also loves dr.pepper ! if you'd give her a bag of dried apples and a can of dr.pepper she'd be the happiest girl on earth
-can't cook for shit, like it's actually scary, somehow she'll burn everything she puts on the stove or in the over, she either puts the heat too high or just forgets she has something cooking at all. but will put the most amount of effort in a date night dinner !
-sometimes if you're lucky she'll get sappy and serious, like you'll lay down on her and fall asleep and she'll whisper something like 'I'm gonna marry you one day' then she realized what she said and cringed at herself
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f-t-e · 6 months
I started watching SUPERNATURAL in November 2020. I know, I know. My partner and I had been isolating alone since March. The timing felt right. I went though a wild amount of upheaval and trauma over the next year and SPN was there for me through it all. It was THE show at THE time and it kept me afloat when I needed it the most. Since November 2021 I've written just about 110,000 words of SPN fanfic, a number that seems unbelievable to me, and that too has been a real blessing to my creative life, no matter what haters say. (why didn't I write my own novels in that time? Because I have a hobby, Karen, and I love it.) And I've read about 500000x that much fanfic, which has been the biggest blessing of all. (ETA: oh right, if you want to read my fic, you can find my stuff here, I wrote a fic where Dean reads books. Lots of books.)
I know I'm a nobody in this fandom but I thought on this, our #DestielDay, I would submit my own humble rec list. I've curated this very deliberately: every fic here has just about 4000 hits or less (most under 3000) and all were published in 2020 or after. So, sort of a rec list for some lesser known and newer fics, something you maybe haven't stumbled on yet. Especially thank you to @jewishcharliebradbury, her rec lists gave me a place to start back in the day and I have tried to model the depth and quality they brought to their lists. I tried to link to everyone's tumblr, but if I missed one, let me know.
Most of all, thank you to everyone who has EVER created something for this fandom, from 2005 to 2023. I am so thankful and, honestly, honored to be among your number. You're not supposed to be cringe and say a show saved your life...but SUPERNATURAL saved me, it really did. See y'all when the movie/reboot drops, to quote Ryan Gosling in The Notebook: IT WASN'T OVER, IT STILL ISN'T OVER. And I'm glad.
Finale Fix-It & S15 and Beyond
What The Moon Was Saying by Amiril (@runawaymarbles)
This is hands-down one of the coolest “Dean Rescues Cas from the Empty” fics I have ever read and the concept is brilliantly structured to mirror the literal and metaphorical things Dean needs to give up and let go to get free. Every scenario is very satisfying and they make sense, is there any better feeling? Dean is very open in this, but in a believable way that still has edges. And, oh, the reunion is so good. Plus all the family stuff. Just excellent, exactly what you want in a fic like this: lovely, well-written, smart, fulfilling, all the pieces clicking, the show but better.
Awake and Annoying by skycruise
I love the use and passage of time in this one, it has some real impact, and I love the way Dean gets into the Empty (so smart, fits just right) and what I REALLY love in this one is the way it lets Dean be really clear-eyed and honest about his relationship with Sam, both the strengths and the weaknesses. And the last line, very clever and moving inverse of one of fandom’s favorite things. 
Living the life you chose by allthismusic
THEEEEE post finale Sam Winchester-Outsider-POV this fandom needs. Sam is absolutely awesome in this, the most believable, loving, realistic mix of “I knew all along” and “I had no idea” versions of Sam, landing somewhere I think that’s really true and in character. It fills in and develops so many gaps and silences in what the show let Sam know in the absolute best way. Best Brother Sam is a weakness of mine and he really shines here, there for Dean in the best ways but also coming into his own, I love it so very much. (this author also has a very great 2022 Big Bang fic, hugely recommend that one too.)
your ear to the wound that whispers by EmandFandems (@lazarusemma)
Who doesn’t love a HANDPRINT FIC?!? And boy this is such a good one. It follows Dean and his thoughts on the handprint from the first touch all the way to fixing the finale and it simply buzzes with longing and desire, tenderness and rawness. It’s great insight in lot of ways into Dean’s journey. It’s short but fulfilling and oh that very perfect last line. (this author also has a lot of great Jupernatural content.)  
Somewhere Off in the Dark by magickastiel 
Another awesome fic that traces Dean’s shifting/growing feelings for Cas from when he shows up in his hotel rooms to a HEA fix it after canon. Dean, again, is handled so deftly in this one, his confusion and sorrow at all the times Cas is slipping away from him all the way through the things he won’t let himself know. He feels really true in this one, sharp and tender in the best Dean ways. Also it has an agonizingly romantic end, you love to end up there.
Pins and Feathers by theskywasblue (@buttherewasnogod)
This author has so many freaking good SPN fics, omg it was almost impossible to pick just one to include on this list. Go treat yourself with their entire list because there’s so much good stuff there! But this one, oh I am a sucker for a finale fix-it that lets Dean be this tender. While I LOVE fics where he just jumps right into Cas’s arms (and write them lol) I also feel like this is so true to Dean too: that “maybe I misunderstood, maybe I shouldn’t say anything, maybe he doesn’t still –” And on top of all that, it’s a “they go the beach” fic and it gets the details of it so right, sand in your toes and all. Tender, amazing slow-burn, real, hot, full of heart and longing and everything unspoken and just waiting. Very satisfying!
i loved you first by kalmialatifolia
A set of four short fics that create an entire world of feeling and emotion. These feel like little whispered stories told under the covers, very atmospheric. There’s one very sexy one, a haircutting one (so good) and they’re just intimate. All together a great set and did I mention they’re in the “Cas saves himself” genre which is mmmm an underrated treasure.
no other faith is light enough for this place by anonymous 
A fix-it fic that has a particularly unique and beautiful visual of both how and why Cas comes back. The mechanics behind it are fairly standard but the way this author creates the visual of it, the sheer emotion and force behind it and how it happens, it really stood out to me and stuck with me. It’s Dean being brave enough to really feel and the way that just blossoms – lovely, aching, full-tilt wonderful.
 no proof, one touch by TakeThisWaltz (@watchinghimrakeleaves)
One thing I absolutely cannot get enough of is fic where Cas is hiding out from Dean in heaven. It just hits. And the only thing better is Dean chasing him down and the WAY he does it in this fic, methodically and – well the method (sobs) it is so endearing and OBVIOUS and gives Dean a chance to shout in all the best ways. This one is just real sweet and kind of goofy and if they have to be in heaven, I want them to still be these same two dorks.
Stay by redbrickrose
This is a post S15x18 from Cas’s POV and I think it’s very true to where he would be in the moment of getting yanked out of the Empty: resigned, hesitant about what he has in front of him, still a little in shock. And then. And then. Sweet and simple and Dean gets a chance to say, say, say it. This author has a good post series AU and a lovely little spate of S15 codas, all good. And then wrote this in real-time in the week after 15x18 Despair and right before 15x19 Inherit the Earth aired (could you just sob over the possibilities?!) and then hasn’t wrote anything since and that’s a shame but, like, yeah I get it.
like a one-two punch by Muir_Wolf (@muirmarie)
Don’t you love a short fic that feels like it’s a whole novel? This goes AU after 14x20 Moriah but it is a truly delightful twist on how Chuck could’ve reacted there and it makes Dean sharp as a knife, which is one really resonant image woven through this fic. Great imagery here and so many clever solutions for the lazy plotting of S15, including simply one of my all-time favorites in any fic ever solutions to Cas’s deal (genius) and getting rid of Chuck. Brilliant like a puzzle box yet still full of so much fucking joy.
maybe i like pleasure pain by tothewillofthepeople (@kvothes)
The fact that this was written in October 2023 and is so agonizingly good fills my heart with joy and tells me Destiel will never die lol. Cas, in particular, is great in this – he’s having a hard time adjusting to being in a body and with all the fuzz of the world. I love fics where Cas struggles with coming back from the Empty and this uses a really unique approach to it: Cas facing sensory overload and not knowing how to feel but wanting it all. Lovely, hot, Dean is just right in this too.
Earlier Canon (pre S15)
Proverbs 13:12 by starlingcas (@angelcasendgame)
Many might say I am biased because Renu has beta’ed everything I have written in the SPN fandom and they can read my brain and make everything I write better. But it’s not just that. Renu has done something beautiful and delicate in this fic, which is about Dean and Cas getting trapped in a net together (forced proximity trope, yes please) and weaves a web of its own; pulling you in just as they are pulled together. This is set mostly in early S14 (before fixing the finale in the most heart-healing way) and captures that feeling so well. There’s so much that’s unsaid between them yet still conveyed and Renu absolutely nails that, along with the tender longing that was always there. This is a fic to relish.
you may tire of me (as our december sun is setting) by deludedfantasy
You know how the show just sometimes is like “uh so anyway uh then Cas…uh…left.” and it just doesn’t make one lick of sense? FINALLY FINALLY a fic where Dean says “I’ll go with you,” and then goes because he actually would do that. This is a post Tombstone fic so it is exactly where/when he WOULD go and it is tender and hesitant and aching in just all the ways it would be between the two of them at this time. It’s about needing to keep someone in sight, it’s about having another chance to say something so important, it’s slow and soft and just right for the characters in this place. I could read this one about 100 times.
the anatomy of flightless birds by cowlovely (@dollhousemary)
This fic is basically the way you feel when you get all cozy and snug underneath your favorite blanket. This is a domestic-life-in-the Bunker S9 fic where everyone behaves like they are in character and not just like they have to get Cas off screen because the writers panicked. You’ll just want to curl up in this fic and savor it the way you wrap your fingers around a hot beverage on a very cold day, there’s no better way to describe it.
virtue by JenTheSweetie
I think I’ve read this about 100 times and it still gets me everytime? It’s a five things fic about Dean and Cas hooking up and it’s all you’ve ever wished for. This is set in an amorphous S8 and it is not just agonizingly hot but also romantic and very funny. It feels really in character! Sam is hilarious, Dean is clueless but bowled over and letting himself be swept up, Cas is delighting in every second and smarter than he lets on and it ALL feels fated and lovely and sexy and just splendid. (this author only has 3 SPN fics but they are all so good and if you try sometimes, well you just might find is an absolutely brilliant deconstruction of Dean learning the differences between “needing” and “wanting.”)
Romance at the Motel 6 by shelia_amour 
This fic makes me feel like Stefon from SNL. This fic has everything: Cas and Sam pretending to be married, just the right amount of jealous Dean, Dean randomly pretending to be married to Cas, Dean realizing maybe this isn’t so fake after all, motel vibes, Cas in Dean’s clothes, Cas getting bee slippers. If you are not sold on this already, we are very different people. So good, aches just right. (set in a kind of “whenever” of canon, but I like to put it somewhere in S8.)
que sera sera by Purple_Starflower (@hauntedpearl)
The epitome of how fanfic unfolds for us all the things that COULD happen. You can’t PROVE to me Dean and Cas never snuck off to snuggle and feed Dean’s touch-starvation early in S13. I had to check when I finished because I just couldn’t believe this fic was under 4000 words because it feels so full of touch, longing, the things unspoken, and all the ways Dean was reaching, reaching, reaching. The best kind of ache, and everything by this author is lovely. 
the hard edge that you’re settling for by lesspopped (@trekkiedean)
This is some S10 Demon!Dean that made my stomach hurt and my heart ache and I absolutely loved it and I absolutely hated it and it all felt so REAL with who Demon!Dean was and could have been. There’s a TW for mildly dubious consent in this, but to me, Cas was so agonizingly true to who he was/where he was at this point in canon too. This fic is gloriously, claustrophobically intimate. I say unbearable because as a reader you know that this closeness, this intimacy, is what Dean wants/craves/deserves but can only give himself as a demon and the author does an exquisite job at getting all that across. Hurts so good! 
four of swords by sundryvillians (eurythmix) (@perenial)
Can the world ever have enough post 12x12 fic? The answer is, of course, no. Dean and Cas bake bread and in the soft space of creating something with their own hands, get so close to the words Cas said. It’s about healing and anger and making something just because you are so tired of everything breaking. If that alone isn’t enough to convince you, let me also throw in this is another one of those “possible off-screen moments in canon” that gives them something honest and tender and raw and it feels so very possible. 
Fifteen Prayers From the Faithless by koyas_cat
Short, achy, that sweet sting. A set of prayers for Cas from the beginning to the end, full of all the things Dean doesn’t let himself say outloud and just reflecting the changes in their connection over alllll the years. So good.
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genericpuff · 4 months
Why is the art so unappealing in lore Olympus now Persephone looks like a highlighter and maybe it’s just me but the proportions like the fingers in arms are soul over the place I don’t think they used to be this bad. Am I just looking at it with nostalgia or am I crazy ?
Honestly, nostalgia does play a huge part in it, even to this day there are times I look back on old S1 panels and go-
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Actually here's a great example that literally just happened yesterday in the ULO Discord that nearly had me on the floor LOL This is from Episode 70:
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Like I didn't even believe that that was real until I was told what episode it was from and I was just. Astounded and flabbergasted. The over-shading of the blanket that just makes it look like a really bad edit. Insane.
And yeah, there are a lot of old panels that hit different now that the rose-colored glasses have been removed, crushed, and thrown into the trash compactor.
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I think that's why it makes it all the more amusing when people come into my inbox and ask me "wait, why did you like LO to begin with?? It's always been ugly as shit, I think you're just romanticizing it" because like... there's something to be said about art and subjectivity, even if something is ugly to one person doesn't mean it isn't beautiful to someone else. It's why I try not to be too mean towards the fans of this comic for still enjoying it, because while I definitely have strong opinions about how "LO has gotten worse" and what kind of following Rachel has cultivated (cough cough), there are also just as equally valid arguments that LO has never begin good to begin with that I can't necessarily disagree with now that I'm looking back on it with a more critical eye.
That said, there's tons of media that I enjoy that is objectively awful. Like y'all, you don't need to take my opinions about a dumb pink x blue fantasy romance comic seriously, I like Starfox Adventures-
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Like yeah it's a badly made rushed piece of shit that was developed right on the ass end of Rare's glory days and was really an original IP (Dinosaur Planet) that got Frankenstein'd into a Starfox game so it could "sell better" for Nintendo, but I don't give a fuck, I love Starfox Adventures and some day I wanna be in the top 10 speedrunner leaderboards for it, which I know doesn't mean much because no one is speedrunning Starfox, but I do and no one can take that away from me dammit-
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Anyways. Lore Olympus has, in many regards, always had "bad art". But "bad art" can and should still be enjoyed by those who find joy in it.
And in LO's case, the world it existed in when it launched was a lot smaller than it is now - more specifically, the world of Webtoons. We can look back and see how 'bad' LO looks and reads now because there are genuinely way better comics surrounding it. It was unique and refreshing and experimental back then... now it's just "that stupid blue and pink comic for horny teenagers".
In most cases I would consider that "cringing in hindsight" feeling a good thing because normally it means something has grown and that it seeming "bad" in hindsight would mean that it's outgrown itself and moved onto bigger things. But LO has the more unique problem of "its current stuff is shit and it's making us want the old stuff more, even if the old stuff wasn't good either". In that regard, LO is closer to being like Harry Potter. Remember when The Cursed Child came out at the height of Rowling being exposed for being a TERF and even people who liked Harry Potter didn't like The Cursed Child because it was just objectively worse overall (with or without Rowling's bullshit attached)? It made a lot of people go back and re-read / rewatch Harry Potter with a more objective lens and go "wait a minute guys, I think we only adored these books so much because we were 12 when we read them". Often times it's the good memories we have surrounding certain things that make us have the opinion about them that we do.
Of course, LO is definitely not as politically weaponized as Harry Potter is, so that's where that comparison ends. But my point is that LO is definitely in a situation where it's been riding off the same privileges it had back in 2018 - having an 'experimental' art style while also utilizing tropes and characters that were VERY popular at the time (remember that 2017-18 was when Tumblr was at its height of H x P "Hades was a chill accountant guy who wore socks and sandals and didn't cheat on his wife like Zeus did" fantasizing) - and thinks that those same tricks and tropes will still work today.
Because of this, the art in LO really, really hasn't aged well, even the stuff that we look back on fondly. But I think it's the panels that we specifically think of when remembering "old LO" - the ones that stuck in our memories the most - that are the ones that make us miss or just not care about the panels that don't look good (the panels that make people question why we ever liked it to begin with).
We liked it because of how it made us feel to look at panels like these-
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Those genuinely wonderful panels that we think back on the most don't exist separately from the bad panels, they exist in spite of them. Even if we can look back on panels like these and pick out problems in the lineart or the proportions or the color travelling outside of the lines, that can't and shouldn't change how those panels made us feel at some point or another. And that's why when people ask me "why were you even into LO in the first place" I don't have any one answer, because I can't fully explain how something made me feel to justify why it's good to someone who can see from the outside - without rose-colored glasses - that it evidently isn't. It's very much a "you had to be there" type of thing.
Unfortunately, nowadays even the 'best' LO panels in S3 still don't come close to what the S1 panels accomplished - because for many of us, the rose-colored glasses are gone, we can't appreciate the good among the bad because we know now how bad it truly is and so the good just feels like wasted attempts at trying to recreate something it can no longer be. It "came back wrong" so to speak.
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LO came back just regular. But our journey to resurrecting it changed us to such a degree that even its closest intimacies are now foreign to us. Sorry dude.
This is still probably one of my favorite panels out of the entirety of S3 for being as close to "old LO" as I've seen since S2, and even it feels like a mistake, an accident, how could a panel like this exist in S3 when so much of it is a dumpster fire? It's like a flower growing in the ruins of an apocalyptic wasteland.
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But wasn't that always the case? Isn't that 'always' what LO has been, since the very beginning? A poorly cobbled together mess of writing and panels that, every now and then, manages to leave an impression that makes you feel something? Did we ever truly know LO? Or have we just been relying entirely on an idea of it that we've built up in our heads that when it does do exactly what it's evidently always done (even if not made apparent until looking back on it in hindsight) we think it "came back wrong"?
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radiosummons · 1 year
My sister has been showing me episodes of OG Trigun--mostly in preparation for Trigun Stampede--but also because it's one of her favorite manga of all time.
And holy SHIT I cannot even begin to explain how fucking batshit this show is. Just hearing Johnny Yong Bosch's voice alone immediately sent me back at least fifteen years.
I have watched all episodes of OG Trigun while drunk, high and sober. And regardless of my state of inebreiation, I was always left with the exact, inescapable feeling of wanting to fucking die from the sheer nostalgic cringe and insanity of it all. I hate this show. I love this show. I'm fucking obsessed.
So, to all those who are curious (or would just like a mini idea of how to compare OG Trigun with Trigun Stampede)--here is my comprehensive list of things that ACTUALLY happened in Trigun that make me go absolutely batshit just thinking about them:
The sheer insanity of the--balls to the walls, barely held together with ducktape, spit and shoestring--of a plot, all with apparently little to no accuracy to the manga whatsoever. This both amuses and horrifies my sister.
The absolute refusal on the part of the anime to actually explain literally anything. Like the fact that the show takes place in space. Or why humanity is on a desert planet. Or what Plants are, why they're important, why they're there, literally ANYTHING.
Seriously, if you've only ever watched the anime you would have no fucking clue what the Plants are or what they even do. And THEY'RE LITERALLY ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT BITS OF LORE/A HUGE PART OF THE PLOT OF THE ENTIRE FUCKING MANGA.
A major bit of Trigun's lore/setting is just straight up the events of Wall-E.
Johnny Yong fucking Bosch as Vash's English VA. Enough said.
Vash--by simply existing and (mostly) through no direct fault of his own--is capable of wrecking such sheer and complete utter devastation that there's an actual insurance policy people can file after their town is destroyed in the aftermath of him visiting. Iconic.
Monev is just Spiderman's Venom but with a purple and orange reskin. This was intentional on part of the creator as he is obsessed with Venom. Good on him.
This is only specific to the English Dub (we switched to the original sub for the more "serious" episodes, calm down), but HOLY FUCK the absolutely atrocious line deliveries somehow make the show even worse and yet ultimately so much funnier all at the same time!
Millions Knives is the name of Vash's twin brother.
Vash is bisexual. There are multiple occassions where he will call a random male character "Cute" or "Cutie." Somehow, I am not the least bit surprised.
Christianity exists. And the Church trains orphans to be assassins. This makes perfect sense.
In the second episode of the series (English Dub), there's an actual scene where an old man and his grandson LOUDLY lament the absolute devastation of their home in the most inappropriately cheerful and candid way possible. And then the fucking kid follows that up by just singing out of fucking nowhere "~Bad times are here LALALALALA!!!!!~"
Vash is part gun.
According to "company regulations," as insurance workers Milly and Meryl are not allowed to take part time jobs. They later take part time jobs. My broke ass resonated too fucking hard with this bit.
"Oh, maaaan! Why can't I just get a break?! Death and poverty like me so much, they've brought friends!" Fucking. Mood.
At one point, Vash does the crab walk to dodge a barrage of bullets. This is, surprisingly, quite effective.
"I'll whack you, mister!"
Legato's introduction is him sitting down on a bench and then PULLING A HOT DOG OUT OF A PAPER BAG WITH A HUMAN HEAD IN IT!!!!
Legato has his own personal saxophone player that just follows him everywhere???????
"Oh my. I'm about to go down in ~fllaaaaaammeesssss!~"
In EP 16, someone just starts randomly scatting in the background for no reason. No explanation is ever offered.
"My name is .... VASH DA STAMPEDE-DUUUH!!!!!"
Also in EP 16, one of the villains for that episode sounds, deadass, exactly like Jar Jar Binks. I am not joking.
Legato can blood bend.
There's a mini episode dedicated to Milly and Meryl. Vash shows up for five seconds hiding in a trash can. The joke writes itself.
"The DEADLY DODGEBALL HEAD!!! A simple technique to hold the ball in place with INTENSE SUUUCTION!! Try this at home! ;)"
Knives eats an apple, cuts his own hair and enters his impromptu emo arc.
Legato gets horny over the idea of Vash crying. Idk what to tell you, man.
Wolfwood shoots a child. Granted, said child was gonna try to kill Vash and a bunch of orphans. But still.
Vash makes up a dark song about murdering and killing people. The villains of that episode proceed to roast him for his shit lyrics.
Wolfwood doesn't understand why everyone is mad at him for KILLING A CHILD.
"I meditate diligently every morning. The subjects are life and love ... I quit after three seconds."
The actually downright amazing OST, that has no right to be as good as it is. No joke, one of the best anime OSTs I have ever heard in my life.
"And if you're still having doubts, check out my 100% accurate gunmanship!" *proceeds to shoot directly at the sky only then for a black cat to fall directly on his head. The cat's fine btw*
At a certain point, Vash fakes his identity, gets a disguise and goes under a false name. Said false name being "Eriks." He looks like if someone ran Hohenheim through the washer and then hung him on a clothesline for a week. I have ... no fucking words.
"What is this strange phenomena? Is it some sort of strange and twisted Christian science!?"
For as menacing as they make Legato out to be, he sure does shit all in the grand scheme of things. Also he looks like he raids Seto Kaiba's closet on the DL and duels monsters on weekends.
Vash will randomly have Bishie eyes. Arguably, his most Bishie moment is right after Wolfwood punches him in the face. I'll let you infer what you want from this.
Rem randomly appears out of nowhere to taunt Vash with nonsense riddles and haikus. No explanation is ever given until EP 17 for who Rem is, why she keeps reappearing in Vash's mind, if she's even a real person or just someone Vash made up, etc. Because of this, it just looks like Vash keeps receiving American Beauty-style rose shower psychic attacks while a random woman just spouts absolute nonsense at him. There is no way this explanation will prepare you for the actual experience of watching it.
 "I am known as Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz-" *prolonged pause* "-Gombigobilla Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andri Charton-Haymoss Ivanovici Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser the Third. Don't hestitate to call."
Vash gets adopted by an old woman and her granddaughter. It's actually kind of sweet.
A minor villain in EP 18 demands that Vash strip and then act like a dog. He proceeds to do both without a single objection. Wolfwood pulls down his sunglasses and leers at Vash's naked ass. My sister has informed me that this is actually canonical.
Rem is a hyper Christian.
Wolfwood takes personal offense to a burlesque dancer being absolute shit at dancing. Honestly ... I can't even argue with him.
"Hey, 'Thou Shalt Not Kill,' REMEMBER!? WHAT KIND OF CHURCH MAN ARE YOU!!!?"
Vash saves a town's Plant through the power of Bishie.
While trying to save a child, Vash and Wolfwood both get sucked into quicksand. Said child just watches them go into the ground. I would have done the same.
Milly, Vash and Wolfwood decide to share drinks and before any of them even take a single shot, Milly decides to strip naked. Vash and Wolfwood are very pleased by this. Meryl is not.
"WHOSE idea was it to USE THE GRENADE!!!?? He can't be identified for the reward if he's a pile of pulp, YOU DUMBASS!!!!"
Wolfwood calls Vash pathetic. This kickstarts yet another existential crisis within Vash.
"Thank GOD you asked! It's a long story, although it's kind of a short one."
For literally no reason at all, child Knives decides to embrace his Anti-Christ symbolism and goes full Joker mode. This is not at all accurate to the manga.
Vash and Knives are aliens/Plants. Rem thinks they're actual Christian angels. Deadass.
Milly forces Wolfwood to pretend to be her baby daddy for a whole episode. For pudding. Yup.
Vash enters a dom/sub relationship with a Pokemon gym leader looking lady and they engage in extremely explicit pet play.
Anyway, watch OG Trigun. If you've ever watched any sort of anime abridged series, it will definitely make things a little easier for you. There are definitely too many points at which this show feels like a YouTube Poop and I mean in that best and worst possible way.
Also Meryl is Best Girl. I will not budge on this.
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irondadgroupie · 3 months
Tony being a notoriously crazy driver. He will get you where you need to be but to him speed limits are suggestions. Hey, if the road is free why not revv a bit?
With Peter on, Tony will not compromize safety. He still goes with the flow but is more careful and attentive and doesn't speed as much. Alright, he still speeds much more than the average driver but only when it is safe to do so.
"Shit..." Tony mutters when the light turns yellow. He could still stop but that would mean immediate breaking and he thinks 'fuck it'.
"Mr Stark!"
"Old greens, Pete." The man waves his hand. "Everyone does it."
"You're really bending the rules."
Once they cross the intersection, Tony hears a siren and sees a flash.
"Oh shit." Peter says and Tony bops him on the forehead.
"Hey! You never tell me off for cursing!"
"Yeah, well, a police man is coming our way, we don't want to appear anything more than law abiding citizens."
Tony rolls his window down and smiles slightly.
"Good evening, sir. Did you notice you ran a red light."
"It was still yellow when I entered the intersection-"
"It turned red while you were there."
"I know, my bad, I am usually more careful."
Peter snickers a bit despite his anxiety. Or maybe due to his anxiety. He glares at the boy, tells him wordlessly to shut up.
"Driver's licence, please."
Tony hands him the plastic card and the officer raises an eyebrow.
"What?" Tony asks. "I live here, you know."
"Yeah, I know. I noticed the resemblance but I thought-"
"Yeah, that's the thing with meeting celebrities. You never think it will happen to you."
"Well, I love what you do as Iron Man."
He nods and smiles, his gesture more genuine than before.
"Wait here, please."
Tony sighs and sink back against the seat.
"... How long will you be in jail?"
"In- what? Kid, you don't go to jail for what I did!"
"But I've heard-"
"Look, I've not gotten a ticket in- what- two years. This was just one tiny mistake. They won't even fine me and if they do it's not the end of the world."
And what would you know, the officer comes back with his licence.
"Okay, everything was in order. Given your record and the nature of the mistake I'm going to let you go with a warning but if this happens again-"
"I will assure you, I'll be more attentive in the future."
But the officer is no longer watching him. Instead his eyes are glued on Peter. Or rather-
"Your kid isn't wearing a seat belt."
"What?" Tony jerks his head to the right and to the innocent looking child with no seat belt. "Peter!"
"You left in such a hurry and I had a hard time clasping it-"
"You must always wear a seat belt in a car! That is the number one rule!"
"I know and I always do but I think it got jammed or-"
"You should have told me! Screamed! Something to let me know!"
"I didn't want to bother you-"
"You're definitely getting a ticket now."
"What?!" Tony snaps and points at Peter. "He is the one not following rules! Why am I being punished?"
"Because you're a driver and he is a minor under your care. You should have made sure the seat belt was on."
"I'm sorry, Mr Stark." Peter's face was red with embarrassment. "I can pay it."
"Oh, you will, kiddo." Tony glares at him. "You're in lab scrubbing duty for a month."
Peter cringes. Tony's lab was huge, with the tables and delicate surface cleaning it was a real pain. "Can't I just give you money."
Tony gives him a blank look and shows him the ticket. Peter pales at the sum.
"Umm..." he does some mental calculations, adds up his allowance and the worth of his Star Wars figurines. Yeah, there was no way he was going to get the money in a reasonable time. "Lab duty?" he smiles at his mentor and Tony rolls his eyes but his look is now much softer.
"Well, I guess I made the right choice. A couple of hundred dollars versus you flying through the windshield... I've faced worse odds."
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kotawolf · 4 months
some us!papyrus fanart (my first ever, despite him being my fav) for the soul, with some personal biz under the cut if you're interested
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undertale as a whole has been like. a huge comfort media for me ever since it came out. I listened to the music forever, created a bunch of 'fanart' (I traced cause I didn't know any better) and I enjoyed all the stories and comics early undertale provided. but, once one of my close friends (who also was very big into undertale) and I eventually drifted away, I got much more. closeted about my love of undertale and eventually it's au's. I didn't even share this love with my new pals that came along, and I felt so. guilty and embarrassed by it that it took years into a serious relationship to be able to talk about it and share it with my partner.
I'm not sure why, tbh. I was never bullied about it, or picked on. nobody said it was bad to like. but after I lost the one person I shared my enjoyment of it with, I just closed that part off. It was even difficult for me to like posts or follow accounts that posted it, id just ghost follow by remembering their usernames and repeatedly look them up
but now!!!! Im breaking my silence. I will draw art I will read self indulgent works and I will follow the accounts that post the things I like.
I am cringe, but I am free.
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lcngdays · 2 months
Positivity anon here! Could I ask you to shout out to your five fave blogs? Just to make someone smile today and let them know you love their blog! Maybe even say a little about why!
Hello Beloved Positivity Anon! Sorry for the late reply, I don't get much done during the week, but the weekend is where I thrive! Now, it's hard to pick JUST FIVE FAVES. So I may have included a few more <3
@plcasantnights // While Corpse isn't active on tumblr anymore, he's still my absolute best friend ever. I love him with my whole heart and we've written countless stories together, we've met irl multiple times, and I just. Don't have enough good to say about this man. An incredible writer, a patient and understanding person, and someone I trust with my whole, authentic self. Long days and pleasant nights, bestie. <3
@cxldblxxded / @yxkanna / @striigon // MOOP!!! A very cool writer with a very keen sense of character creation. I love reading about their silly little guys and I love talking with them ooc! I feel like I can throw any must at them from my EXTENSIVE roster and they're down for it, no matter how silly it is!
@handgiven // WHAT IS THERE TO SAY ABOUT KAI!!!!! emmanuel is SO sweet and SO precious and I hold him so dear in my heart. One of the few characters that can put up with my more annoying characters with a smile on his face, the way Kai is able to write such a beautiful, well thought out angel is incredible. I love reading the eloquence of Emmanuel and love seeing everything Kai puts on the dash
@fangmother // HI HUNTER HI HUNTER!!!! hunter is so fucking cool you guys. they have the coolest posts both ic and ooc and i light up each time they come on the dash with anything new. rainer is so cringefail girlboss and i don't care how many times hunter tells me i'm wrong to love her, i'm still GOING TO!!!
@freekzout / @hungryyheart // VIV MAKES ME NOSTALGIC FOR THE NINTIES AND I WAS BORN IN 1997 SO THAT'S WILD!!! everything about the worlds that Viv has created makes me insane. be it cute little vampiis or straight up government coverups viv is SO creative and so nice ooc! puts up with me even though i forget to answer dms a million percent of the time!! ALSO PUTS UP WITH ANGEL SO A HUGE PLUS RIGHT THERE
@burdenedwithfaith // every day it makes me insane that Prince isn't more popular on tumblr. i don't know anything about the series their character is from and yet and YET I am so so so INVESTED with him! I'm so invested with each little character moment and arc and I love writing with them to see where they're going to take it and take John!! even if you don't know the game their muse is from I highly encourage you to check them out because they're EPIC
@soulmissed // I haven't written a lot with Ruben (YET) but his character is SO well written. Ruben also always pops into my dms when I make a sad/venty post and checks on me and he has no idea how MUCH i appreciate that so i'm saying it here. thank you <3
@mr-pulvis // Ruth. Oh Ruth!!!!!! Ruth has known me since the beginning. Since I STARTED on tumblr! They have followed me through countless blogs, countless cringe, countless silliness and revamping and bad writing. I love Miles to death, I've always loved Miles, but Ruth doesn't get enough credit (from me at least!) for how cool and nice they are and how good of a writer they are. here's to many MORE years of knowing each other!!!
@pistolsister + many more blogs in their pinned! // Even though we've followed each other for a long time, we've only JUST started writing together. AND I HAVEN'T EVEN FULLY RESPONDED TO ANYTHING YET I DON'T THINK IT'S ALL IN THE QUEUE! but mille is very cool, very easy to bounce ideas off of and i love each and every one of their characters. SO well thought out, SO easy to write against and just a sweet person over all!
@wehavefoundthestars // EVE!!!! I LOVE OUR SLOWBURN BOYS!!!! But I also love writing with them with ANY of my characters! we're always in each other's dms after each response excitedly chatting away! a very fun person to write with and be around!
@lovepurposed // hi orion :3 orion and I are also a duo who have known each other for a long while. not as long as some of the people on this list, but we've always seemed to find each other on tumblr some way and some how, despite moving blogs or just falling out of certain fandoms. orion is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet, and I'm looking forward to writing with orion for a long, long time to come.
@amischiefofmuses // NEVER DID I EVER EXPECT TO FIND SOMEONE IN SO MANY OF THE SAME FANDOMS AS ME. homestuck, invader zim, undertale, hazbin, you NAME it we have it in common. magpie is SO fun to write with, and i think they're just RLLY COOL NGL AND SUCH A GOOD WRITER
@spokewar // MARCI!!!!! so good at writing it makes me insane that they even write WITH me. i followed them originally with sass and their sam winchester but things just blossomed from there into an epic scifi adventure with a little alien prince and obi-wan (AND I HAVENT EVEN SEEN STAR WARS LMAO) marci is super cool and super fun to be around and is a very comforting presence when i get worried about wanting to do something new!
@dumbthink // KC i have followed all over tumblr. i love writing with them, i love all the stories they create, i LOVE all their silly little characters and how well they can analyze LITERALLY ANYTHING!!!!
@null-siren / @honeyhogger / @notsohumerusnow / @badmusejail : THE UNDERTALE CREW!!!!! I write with them mostly on my undertale rp blog but i wanted to give all of them a HUGE SHOUT OUT for being so cool and friendly and fun to write with, even though i'm VERY SLOW over on my undertale blog!!!
@bittcnneck / @r-adio / @bloodsalted / @velvetineblue / @swervdcity / @rcjoice / @deceivesthem / @starbeambully / @ourcwnside / @beastbitten / @heaven-said / @thehazbins / @vitalphenomena / @captivates / @ruinedmyself / @miidnighters / @lcve0n / @hellfrozen / + ALL MY LOVELY MUTUAL!!!! // I LOVE ALL MY MUTUAL I LOVE ALL MY WRITING FRIENDS AND I WANT TO GIVE YOU ALL A HUGE HUG AND AWWWWAAA !!!! i could never name everyone unfortunately, but everyone here is a great writer and friend and i'm happy to be hanging out with all of them even if we've only JUST started talking or writing together!!!
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drdemonprince · 10 months
are there any medium articles or other essays you've written that you have a different perspective on now? Whether a small bullet point or the entire objective of a piece. It's interesting following your journey while catching up on the archive
Ohhhh yeah. In a big way. My thinking on nearly all matters continues to evolve, so much so that I always cringe a bit at some phrasings in my books by the time they are out.
In my work on Medium you can see a strong inconsistency in how I think about several topics -- I've gone through periods of disparaging my family, to extending them grace, to thinking I have a moral responsibility to fight with them, to regretting my rage at them, to calling my parents abusive, and on and on. On this topic, it's not so much that my feelings have changed, so much as each point of view represents one facet of the same gem I'm spinning in my mind's eye.
My thoughts on sexual assault and justice have evolved a ton. Around the time of the Weinstein and Ansari accusations, I wrote a lot about rape and coercion. Then a dear friend experienced an assault and was not believed by a huge friend group that we shared and I took on an even more hardline, believe-all-victims-and-take-action-swiftly-to-protect-them stance. I was more traumatized and dysphoric back then too.
My hardline stance eventually came into conflict with my abolitionism, and my growing respect for the importance of personal discernment that emerged more and more over the course of the pandemic. I just saw too many people who were afraid to exercise their own discernment on a wide array of topics and who amplified vague callouts of all kinds without skepticism (god, remember the Wayfair conspiracy?), and I saw how such formless accusations harmed the marginalized in particular. And all the gormless attacks on "narcissists" as the cause of abuse really chilled me. all that strongly tempered my dogmatism.
But I have also witnessed the "anti cancel culture" squad fail to live up to any value system whatsoever and I have fought with them a lot quite openly over their frequently racist, transphobic, theory-free views. All I know today is that navigating these waters is very, very hard, and that I am only in control of living by my values and being outspoken about them and that attempts to manipulate a moral response out of other people don't work and that information is only as good as my knowledge about who and where it came from. I think my evolution on all this closely tracks with the shifts in the zeitgeist -- it's rare for me to be that on pace with the average person I meet.
My perspective on how a meaningful difference in the world is made has changed. In 2016 I was calling politicians for an hour every day on livestream to protest this or that conservative bill. Now i'm an anarchist with minimal regard for electoral politics or any formal institutions. I did vote for Brandon Johnson though.
But by far the piece that least reflects my current understanding of things is one from 2020 called "Against Community." But that one was never meant to be a prescription for how people should live their lives. It was just a description of where I was at emotionally, having watched multiple friend groups disintegrate over abuse, triangulation, and bad boundaries. I'm glad I don't have to feel that way now. It was the growth after that experience that led to my revelation that communities are just relationships you build, and keep building, not static places you find.
On the whole I am less angry now, less dogmatic, less inclined to believe that electoral work matters or that posting is activism, less hellbent on making everybody agree with me, more comfortable with mourning, more radical, more patient, less grandiose and less hung up on what other people think of me. Despite all that i am still a very arrogant angry neurotic stressed out self superior insecure person.
Thanks for this great question. When I hold fake interviews with myself in the shower, it's being asked things like this that I fantasize about.
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cloudysonder · 3 months
On "Daddy Issues"
Ok, I know I'm a bit late to the game here, but I was gathering my thoughts after experiencing episode 5 and 6
Let me preface this with the fact that I am a Hazbin Hotel fan; it's cringe and it's not the best writing in the world, but I love the characters and the concept and the art. I know a lot of people disagree and completely despise it and hey, you do you, but this is a silly little thing I enjoy and think is fun
but oof. episode 5 and 6 were rough, execution-wise. Also worth mentioning that episode 5 followed on the heels of episode 4, which was dealing with a lot of heavy topics and gave Angel a lot of character development very quickly and had a wonderful song and a budding relationship between Husk and Angel that was fantastic, so to get a confusing and overwhelming yet completely inefficient episode (ep 5) and then an episode with SO MUCH HAPPENING that it absolutely bowled you over with plot points and world building that weren't given a single second to breathe was really disappointing. I'll put the meat under a read more, but that's the thesis
this post is just gonna be on episode 5, and I'll make another one on episode 6 bc christ almighty both of them are gonna be long
Episode 5 was something I was really looking forward to-- Of the main cast, Charlie and Vaggie seemed the least intriguing to me (oh, did I say "seemed" past tense? haha! they still most definitely are the least interesting!), and I wanted to see how they would introduce something they've been building up to for a while: Charlie's famed "Daddy issues"!
Turns out, instead of actually keeping it as a point of intrigue for Charlie's character and using it as a point of tension to show that hey, Charlie isn't actually a perfect person, and she's also in pain with the rest of the sinners because her own family relationships are falling apart, they solve it in a single episode. That's right! The long-awaited, complicated, divorced parent and child relationship that twisted Charlie into a validation seeking, people pleasing princess that "wants to fix other people so she doesn't have to deal with her own daddy issues" (quote by Husk) is solved with a charming performance by Jeremy Jordan and a song!
Look, it's no secret I'm a huge fan of Loser, Baby-- I clearly have no qualms with storytelling through song. But you cannot song-plain this one away. We've established over 4 episodes that Charlie and her father have kept in minimal contact for seven years. That's a Long time (don't go trying to be like, oh time to charlie works differently, bc that shit's not established, and everyone in the show still treats seven years like a long time). We know that the last time they called each other was 5 months ago.
"More than Anything," solves basically everything by making the following points
Charlie was inspired by her Dad's dreaming
Lucifer was ashamed of his failures and hid away from her
Lucifer does, however, want so so deeply to know Charlie
Charlie wants to know Lucifer
They love each other <3
these are fine endgame points. Dare I say... good endgame points to arrive at?? But you can't stuff ALL these revelations into a single song and call it a finished relationship arc when they haven't spoken for real in 7 YEARS. Also, making Lucifer so goofy and silly and fun and charming is Not helping the establishment of his character as a self-hating former dreamer who doesn't want his daughter to make the same mistakes he did. It just turns him to tumblr sexyman cute quirky sympathetic never did anything wrong and loves his daughter, completely downplaying his absentee parenting.
You can't have him turn from "I do not care about your life. I do not care about your project. I will not ask about your passions and your dreams. I am already ashamed of my own." to "ur so right bestie!!! dreaming is so slay mama!!! I love you so much you're my little baby girl I love you so much, you're right and I will support you!!!" in the course of a single episode without like.... at least 3 real, in depth conversations happening. The song is beautiful, but you can't poetry your way out of an actual relationship arc.
BUT! But, but but! The fault does not lie completely with Lucifer, but also with Charlie. girl just forgave him??? For everything????? Despite having been so scared to call him at the beginning of the episode? It's very unrealistic for a kid to just accept that a parent loves them apparently so so deeply when they've never seen proof of it in the last idk just spitballing a number here SEVEN YEARS. If you want to make the crux of a failed parent-child relationship miscommunication, you're gonna have to get into the ugly--- the grieving of what you could've had earlier, the wondering why you didn't reach out earlier, the anger at why they've suddenly changed now--- and you're gonna have to explain why the miscommunication went on so long.
sometimes, if you have a pair of completely uncommunicative people, seven years may be reasonable. But Charlie is open about her passions! She's public! She constantly reads about "The Story of Hell" and paints Lucifer in a positive light! And Lucifer is quick to reciprocate any interest Charlie shows in him! He's quick to offer help, to spoil Charlie and show love! (Lucifer's points are two points that make SEVEN YEARS of MINIMAL CONTACT and MISCOMMUNICATION make ZERO SENSE).
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additionally, Charlie's lowkey only point of intrigue that was set up (her relationship to Lucifer, the King of Hell) is now just... kapoot. solved. pish posh. now she's a done character.
THEN EXPLAIN WHY I STILL DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT HER???? I haven't seen her actually struggle in a way that's not played off as a bit, we don't get a real charlie breakdown monologue, there are no stakes for me as a hazbin hotel viewer to want everything to go well for charlie besides my acab rad leftist ass being like redemption and forgiveness is good and ultimately benefits society
she's fun, she's bubbly, she's kind! but those are all basic things we knew from minute 1 she was on screen. I need to see her struggle. For a main character, she sure as hell doesn't feel main. And I expected better female characters from female writers (feat. in my next post, Vaggie????? What the hell?).
goodnight new york city, you've been great!
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Hey! Can I request Recom lyle wainfleet x shy!reader pls? I love you!! <3
I didn’t think I would be doing requests since I’m pretty busy with school and my small business but this was adorable and I couldn’t resist so thank you anon! I really feel like Lyle would be be pretty chill around a shy person but I also feel like the more he gets to know them he would be into teasing them a bit more. I hope you enjoy! ( ^-^)/💕
Lyle Wainfleet X Shy! Human Reader
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* You were hoping to get the chance to work on Pandora as a scientist but when you found out what your job entailed you got really nervous. Your main job would be to oversee the recombinant team and make sure their mission went smoothly. This involved a lot of one on one interaction with a bunch of marines... Yeah. You were *so* nervous you might have lost sleep over it. You had very limited experience with soldiers and you knew that they were often rough around the edges to say the least.
* You were determined to make the best of the situation, even if you had a million what-ifs running through your head. Your first day on the job was waking up the recoms. For safety purposes, you could only wake two at a time so if anything malfunctioned or they had issues you could correct the problem before risking any of the other bodies. Round one was Mansk and Lyle who both woke up a little confused but were pretty easily managed.
* You introduced yourself quietly and found making eye contact was harder than you imagined so you focus on your clipboard.
* "I am y/n, I am part of the science crew that you'll be working with. My job is to make sure your bodies are functioning as they should and treating any injuries you may face." You glance up at the two marines and realized just how big they were. You were already kind of short but hanging around with giants really sent it home.
* Mansk nodded his head and started his reflex testing with one of your colleagues. Lyle however sat down on the nearest surface and stared at his huge hands. He looks over at you with big eyes and a twinge of worry in his voice. "Doc, what... Why? What happened?" His confusion actually calmed you down a bit and made him seem less intimidating.
* "I know this is umm what's the word... Jolting?" You fumble for words as Lyle peeps up. "Freaky is more like it." You were a bit hesitant to keep talking so you gripped your board tighter and cleared your throat. You made yourself look into his eyes and tried your best to be comforting.
* "I suppose that's a way of phrasing it too. Um... How much of your last life do you remember?" You realized quickly that was a personal question and followed it with a rushed, " Don't feel like you have to tell me any details, but sometimes it takes a little while for memories to come back after first waking up." Lyle looks at you and rubs his hand on the back of his neck, looking mildly stressed out.
* You don't know what made you do it but you offered your hand out for him to take. He pauses for a minute but places his hand in your small one. At first, he brushes his fingertips against your palm and when you didn't pull back he slowly put his whole hand in yours. His yellow eyes are watching you and suddenly you feel a bit silly.
* It was like your mouth stopped functioning properly and you try to choke out a sentence to make the silence less intense. "Umm, just so you know I'm here for you." It sounded sappier out loud than you thought it would and mentally cringed a bit. Lyle didn't say anything but squeezed your hand and gave you a nod. He seemed to be at a loss for words too.
* "I have a copy of all your previous video logs leading up to the... um... you know" You motion your other hand awkwardly in the air, not wanting to mention his death so soon after waking him up. "So if you want to see any of them or access your personal belongings they're in my office. You're welcome to visit anytime... As I said, I'm here for you." You flash a small smile in hopes of cheering him up a bit. It seems to work because he takes a deep breath and removes his hand slowly.
* "So what now Doc?" Your face got hotter as he leaned forward into your personal space. You stumbled over your response a bit, "I'm not really a doctor, I just do um sciencey stuff. As for what you're going to do next. You'll be working with Marq over there and he'll lead you through some exercises to see how well your body is doing. And hopefully, after that, you'll be able to get some food and rest." You trail off a bit at the end of your sentence but add some more soft words.
* "The first day is the hardest, so just take it easy tonight okay?" You move backward and you feel your heart race a bit as Lyle continues to stare at you even after you've broken eye contact with him. When he stands up you move out of his way quickly and do your best not to trip over your feet. When he reaches Marq he looks back at you and you give an encouraging thumbs up.
* Lyle does what he's told for the rest of the day and relaxes as much as he can in his new freakishly large body. His mind keeps running back to you and your quiet words. Being a marine he's pretty used to being barked orders and following them with no questions. He was terrified when he woke up but the longer he was awake his memories trickled back in. He didn't realize how much he needed someone to be soft with him at that moment but was ever grateful you took the time to comfort him when many others would have ignored him.
* At lights out he can't sleep and starts wandering the halls, going back to the science lab he met you in earlier. You were probably asleep but Lyle was hoping that you were there and he could spend some more time with you. He trails along slowly and gets lost in his thoughts when he almost runs face-first into a doorway.
* He felt a sharp tug on his pant leg and stopped suddenly, turning his head around to see what had touched him. It was y/n from earlier. She was dressed in casual clothes and carrying a mug of what smelled like hot chocolate. She had a worried look on her face and she suddenly let go of his pants as if he was on fire.
* "I um, you... You uh were going to hit your head" She points to the doorway about a foot away from his face. It was his turn to feel silly this time. "Well it's good you caught me when you did then. I didn't even see it, my mind was elsewhere you know?" He felt like smacking his face with his hand in embarrassment but held back.
* Y/n shifted her feet a little and glanced at the floor. "Couldn't sleep?" The words were so quiet he almost didn't catch them. He couldn't think of anything to say other than "Pretty much. You said you had some of my stuff?" She glanced up and nodded and then motioned with her hand to follow her. "Yeah I do, let's go to my office."
* Lyle walked slowly behind her in hopes that he could spend more time with her. The base was a big place and he still managed to feel claustrophobic. When you were with him it didn't feel so bad. You might not have much to say to him outside of work-related stuff but Lyle was happy with any conversation because it meant he didn't have to be alone in his thoughts.
* When you got to your office door you fumbled with your keys and dropped them. Before you could lean down Lyle had his hand on your shoulder and stooped down to pick them up for you. Your face felt hot again and he made your heart rate pick up. His big hands were slow and gentle as he placed your keys back in your hand. "I didn't want you to spill your drink. Here." You take the keys and hold them firmly this time to not let them slip through your hands. You unlock the door and walk in, making sure to remind Lyle of the height of the doorway.
* "Just watch your head okay, I don't want you to hurt yourself. The new height is going to take some getting used to." Lyle was grateful for the reminder and ducked his head carefully. He watched as you hurried around your desk and set your drink down. "So I didn't personally collect your things, if something is missing please let me know and I'll do my best to find it for you. The cleaners were under strict orders not to throw anything out."
* You placed a box on your desk and waved Lyle closer. He took a peak inside and looked over what belongings he had left behind. A couple of magazines (thankfully nothing dirty he thought as he snuck another glance at y/n). There were some clothes, his dog tags, a jar of protein powder, and his wallet. Nothing of particular importance to him now that he was in a new body. He picked up the small leather wallet and opened it to see his driver's license. His hand started to tremble and he felt his anxiety spike again.
* He was never going to be human again. He was never going to drive his car, wear his clothes, or do anything "normal" ever again. His mission was the only thing that mattered now and his breathing hitched. Y/n could only watch as Lyle's face distorted into a panicky expression.
* You weren't one to normally touch people you didn't know very well but you wanted to do something to comfort him. So you walked to his side and put your hand on his lower back and reached up with your other one to grab the wallet out of his hand. You seemed to have startled him from his trance and his arm jerked away from you involuntarily. You step back and start apologizing profusely.
* "I'm sorry I shouldn't have-" Lyle brings his hand back and grabs your hand gently. "No, you're fine... I just... Thank you for pulling me out of my thoughts again. It's just-" You grasp his hand back and interrupt him for a change. "Just going to take some getting used to. You don't have to explain yourself but I do want you to know that we have a trauma counselor available. I think it would be a good resource for you and maybe some of the others." You pause and when he doesn't reject the idea you continue quietly. " I just know that when things happen that way, it can be nice to talk to someone about it."
* You remove your other hand from his back and put it over his blue one, sandwiching him between your tiny palms. "I want you to know... I am also here. I know I keep saying it but it's just... I guess." You shake your head frustrated and unable to find the right way to word your intentions.
* Lyle throws his wallet back in the box and kneels down in front of you, his hand still entrapped in yours. He looked like he wanted to say something but he let out a rough sigh. He was also trying to figure out how to word his intentions. You fidgeted a little with his hand and he heard your breathing hitch a bit. He worried for a minute that he was holding you too tight but quickly realized it was your sudden proximity that had you nervous. Lyle backed up, but you kept ahold of his hand which he took as a sign that you didn't want him to leave.
* "Can I stay with you? I really don't want to go back to the dorms right now. You... You make me feel safe y/n and right now everything is just... Fuck." He brings his other hand up and covers his face in shame. He was so forward and sounded so much needier than he wanted to. She probably thought he was pathetic or clingy or weird or all of the above. He held his breath and waited for you to tell him to get lost. Instead, when that never came he glanced at your face.
* You looked about as anxious as he did at that moment which gave him some relief. You were undeniably happy that Lyle had come to see you again. Granted the circumstances weren't great but you were glad he was here. You couldn't get him out of your head either and you felt the incredible urge to hide your face with your hands, which at the moment were tied up with his.
* So instead you quietly mumbled, "I don't think you'd fit in my bed." Lyle let out a small laugh and covered his mouth with his hand. "I wasn't asking to sleep with you, but it's nice to know that's an option even if your bed wouldn't hold me." You pulled your bottom hand away from his and covered as much of your face as you could with your fingers. "That's not what I meant and you know it!" Lyle couldn't help but smile at how embarrassed you looked with your hand covering your pretty face.
* "Don't hide beautiful, I'm just teasing." He pulls your hand back and gives you a small kiss on your knuckles before laughing at your expression. Lyle had a feeling that as long as he had you, things would be just fine.
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arkiwii · 2 months
i am here to cause violence and get you discourse'd. so questions 9, 10, and 13 for the violence ask game, let's start strong lol
Yippee, violence!!!
9. Worst part of canon
whatever the fuck Heart of Surging Flame was. I think I've never cringed so hard at an event. if I keep pretending that it doesn't exist, it will stop existing.
10. Worst part of fanon
reddit users
listen I don't know how to describe this. extremely horny people who will waifufy any female character and reduce her not even to a trait, but to just a walking pair of boobs. I don't mind people having waifus or doing self shipping, don't get me wrong! but I'm talking like. I've seriously seen comics or art of characters like Saria or Kal'tsit going full on tsundere waifu mode "i-it's not that I love you, b-baka dokutah..!!" like how can you fail a character at this point. thank god these people are absent from Tumblr but open Reddit for a bit and count to ten while scrolling, chances are you will end up on some mommy posting or horny art in the spawn of these ten seconds. AND I'm not even gonna talk about characters who are canonically minors because holy fuck
it's not something I consider really bad, like I can easily ignore it, but it emplifies the fact that Arknights is a gacha and really brings shame to me as a fan because I can't talk about how I like a gacha game without being mistaken with these people
13. Worst blorbification
imma ban this question i still dont understand it /j
ok with some comments and seeing other people reply to it I got to understand kinda what it means? so I'll say mmm Exusiai, perhaps. I'm not placed to be Exusiai's Strongest Warrior because honestly, I was in the same bag as the blorboficators until last week. but huge shout-out to @/annierosaart for making me realize how incredibly fucked up Exusiai is. the fanon (and me included for a huge part) shows Exusiai as quite a happy lived go lucky girl who thinks about party and apple pies. which is also pretty much what I understood of her character too when I followed the events she's in and looked at her files! so I can't blame them. but by the Law when you start reading between the lines and put more thoughts into it, her character is extremely sad. for exemple the fact that Everyone in Laterano seems to straight up hate her, that her school celebrated it when she was gone, that rumors about her are so wide spraid that even Archetto is scared of her?? what the fuck girl. to be considered a danger by LATERANO is an achievement that deserves duscussion and a therapist
and also the implication that if Mostima refuses to tell her about Andoian is not only because she's not allowed to, but also because Exusiai would be ready to go hunt this man to hell. and one extremely angry and full of revenge red haired girl is enough, let's not add another one
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otomiyaa · 2 months
Ittorou Miss Hina fic reupload? 🥺
Ms. Hina's Advice
Gorou x Itto
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[Fic Reupload] - There you go! At least, I hope you mean this one because I think I remember writing another fic with Ittorou ft. Ms. Hina ^^ But this one seemed to be the obvious choice! (Also on AO3)
Word Count: 1.7K
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Making his way downtown, walking fast, walking faster ー Gorou did not know how much faster he should walk, but it was already too late. Of course his tail was hard to miss, as were his ears. And of course Itto would already spot him from that far, with crowds between them.
Gorou could hear the loud familiar voice call out behind him, followed by a sea of apologies, soft and subtle “Sorry! Coming through!” as Itto pushed his huge body past many people to reach Gorou.
Ah, great. There he was again. For some reason, lately it was always like this. Did Itto find this magical way to track him everywhere he went? Gorou had a hard time handling Itto’s energy, but above all, there was one other reason why he didn’t like hanging out with him.
“Gorou, stop walking so fast! Ms. Hina says it is bad to rush and you should slow down for a more peaceful set of mind!”
THAT. Gorou could feel his cheeks heat up and he cringed so badly at his very own words. Damn Yae Miko. Damn her and the Ms. Hina thing. As if it wasn’t bad enough that he landed his unfortunate butt into Yae Publishing House business, it brought the non-existent Ms. Hina character to life and brought him his personal biggest fan as a bonus: Arataki Itto.
Not that Itto realized Gorou was actually the writer behind those advices, which was something Gorou would never admit to him either. After having mentioned that Gorou did look like Ms. Hina -- which sparked their meeting in the first place, Itto seemed to be more keen about bothering Gorou with the very own advices he had written.
Gorou groaned. "I'm not rushing, I am just busy.” 
“It's also not good to just be too busy all the time! You should take a break, I can join you!” Itto said, chasing after him for absolutely no reason at all.
“No! No need,” Gorou said. Still, somehow he did end up taking a break with Itto by his side, after failing to shrug him off even as he exited the city. The two of them sat on the beach near the water, and he sighed, accepting the lollipop that Itto had fetched on their way, and he tasted it. Hm. Not bad.
“Heh! Feels nice to take a break, doesn’t it?” Itto sighed. Gorou rolled his eyes.
“Just why are you following me around anyway?” he asked, enjoying the lollipop. Itto looked at him and shrugged.
“I don’t know. You’re nice company! I like you,” Itto said bluntly, causing Gorou to almost choke, and he coughed softly. 
“I see... I see,” he muttered shyly, wondering why those silly words made him feel like this. Itto chuckled and sucked on his lollipop, looking dreamily ahead of him. 
“I know you said you don’t know her, but I can’t stop thinking about Ms. Hina and the words she wrote to me. Ever since I started writing to That’s Life, and heard her words of advice and encouragement, I’ve become a better man,” he said, chomping off the final bits of his lollipop. 
Gorou wanted to groan. Why again Ms. Hina talk! This had to be his curse for fooling people like this with a false persona, a curse directed at the wrong person because this wouldn’t be happening if it wasn’t for Yae Miko!
It all started with her forcing him into this situation, where under the alias of Ms. Hina - an alias that was not even created with his approval, he would run a column for her popular magazine, in which he would offer advice and support to readers, helping them in their times of need.
How could he have known the columns would gain so much popularity, and attract so many fans? With gang leader Arataki Itto being his biggest fan? Gorou could. not. believe. it. And he was already thankful that Itto did not seem to suspect anything about his identity, but it seemed that there were other ways to be punished and tortured, such as Itto following him around and reciting every bit of advice Gorou himself had written for him. Talk about embarrassing.
“What are you frowning for? Hey, cheer up! Today is a sunny day!” Itto said, suddenly poking Gorou’s side, making him shriek like a cat whose tail got stepped on. 
“Ho! Ticklish? Heehee, Sorry. Oh but that’s good! Ms. Hina also says you should laugh out loud at least once a day! I am ticklish too, we can make each other laugh! I can go first?” Itto said, spreading his arms. Gorou was too busy being flustered though, bending forward and hugging his tail defensively.
“I’m not ticklish, and I don’t wanna lau-GHhAHhahah!” he giggled when he could feel how thick fingers started to poke his sides. 
“Oh alright then. I don’t mind if you want to go first! Laughing is healthy. Even if there’s nothing to laugh about, it’s good to let it all go,” Itto lectured, and suddenly he was all over Gorou, his fingers wiggling against his sides. Worst of all was that Gorou remembered writing all these exact same words. This really was his way of getting cursed! 
“Pfffahahah! Hehehey!” Gorou laughed, and he tried to jump away in surprise, but Itto held him tightly and pinned him down in the sand. 
“Theeeere is that laugh! This is nice. Ticklish people are made to get tickled,” Itto said matter-of-factly. 
“You’re crahahahazehehe-aahahha!” 
Gorou couldn’t remember the last time he got tickled like this, but definitely didn’t remember it could make him cackle and snort like he was doing right now. His own lollipop lay miserably to the side where he had dropped it in the sand, and he still had his arms wrapped around his middle which was his automatic reflex that did not help him at all.
“Heehehehee Ittahaha! Waha-wai-wahahait!” He kicked his legs and shook his head hysterically, and he howled when Itto started to pull at his arms, trying to uncover his tummy.
“Plehehease not thehehere!” Gorou giggled. Itto had only tickled his sides so far and he did not want to know what it was going to be like if his tummy would get the same treatment. Itto was too excited though, and he continued to try to pry Gorou’s arms away.
“Just for a little! I promise that after I’m done, you can tickle me!” It did not make things better, but Gorou’s strength failed him too as Itto finally managed to break through his barrier to tickle his stomach. The ticklishness he felt was absolutely insane, and truly he couldn’t remember ever laughing this loud.
“AHahah! Hahahang on nahahaah! Wahahah!” His hands desperately chased after Itto’s fingers, but the ticklish shocks surged through his body and in the end all he could do was laugh. 
“Whew! That was so cute,” Itto said when he finally lifted his wiggly fingers off Gorou’s shuddering body. Gasping for breath, Gorou clutched his chest and couldn’t help but still giggle.
“Y-you’re ー uneblievable,” he panted.
Itto took it as a compliment and said, “I know right? Feels good right? You know, you actually have Ms. Hina to thank for this. She is right. It’s good to laugh everyday, so even if nothing funny is happening, it can be done through tickling. We are blessed to be ticklish, it is a like a gift from the Archons,” Itto said. Gorou blushed and clutched his chest tighter, trying to calm down his racing heart. 
“Well? Are you not going to tickle me?” Itto said, spreading his arms. Gorou blushed. How was he supposed to...? All his eyes could focus on was that bare skin he was too shy to touch. 
“I surely can’t tickle myself,” Itto said impatiently. Gorou knew that. He shyly reached out and started to poke Itto’s lower side.
“Heehee!” That was fast. Gorou hesitated and looked at Itto who was smiling like an idiot.
“Do it again,” Itto encouraged. Gorou rolled his eyes and started to tickle him with more determination. It was hilarious how Itto flopped back, laughing like a child. 
“That tihihihickleeees!” It felt as if he was exaggerating, but the moment Gorou started to feel less shy and actually dared to climb on top of him so he could attack him with fierce tickles as a payback for all that nonsense, it sounded absolutely genuine. Itto was indeed very ticklish.
“Hahahahaha! Ohohoho feheheels gohoood to lahahaugh!” Fortunately no one was out fishing today or hanging around at the same place, because it must’ve been the strangest sight.
“Yeah? Ready to give up yet?” Gorou asked, wishing to tickle Itto at least until he would surrender, but seemed like this ridiculous oni had no such plans. He shook his head and laughed freely.
 “Keeeheheeep goiihihing!” he laughed. Gorou couldn’t believe it when in the end, he was the first one to stop the tickle attack, he was too flustered to continue. Luckily Itto didn’t persuade him to tickle him further, and he rolled onto his side and watched him with a smile.
“Thank you, Ms. Hina,” he sighed with a smile. Gorou blushed and gasped. “Wha?!” he yelped. 
Itto shook his head. “I was just feeling thankful towards Ms. Hina. Thanks to her advice, I got to have this tickle fight with you. Who would’ve thought? It’s crazy,” Itto said dreamily. 
It was indeed crazy, Gorou thought.
“So, tomorrow again?” Itto suggested. Gorou frowned, but Itto continued: “Like Ms. Hina said, laughter is good for you at least once a day. I think this is my favorite way to laugh. Just a good old tickle fight, and I can do it to you as well,” Itto said, poking Gorou’s side and making him squeak.
“J-just... no! Ms. Hina is wrong,” Gorou protested with a blush on his face, but this earned him to have a vengeful oni pounce on him.
“Whaaat did you say?!” Itto roared as he started tickling Gorou again. 
“NAhaahah I sahahaid she’s wrohohong! GAahahah!” And thus continued Gorou’s apparent mission to dig his own grave. 
Then again, something inside him told him he didn’t mind that much to spend so much time with Itto, and now that he seemed to have this new mission to include lots of laughter in their meetings, he couldn’t help but feel warm and fuzzy. 
Maybe his advice ー er, Ms. Hina’s advice wasn’t so bad after all. He smiled. Indeed, in the end he really had himself to thank for this... Himself, a wicked fox, and an oblivious, crazy and adorable oni... Eh, did Gorou just think that? No. No he didn't. He would never.
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pinkxlicious · 10 months
Yule Ball P.2
Part 1
*Doesn't follow timeline*
I was gonna make this mushy but I have a 3rd part planned and I need things to be angsty.
Words: 2.2k
"What do you mean by that?" She asked, slightly offended and confused.
"Oh maybe its the fact that he's a player you have no idea what you're getting yourself into," He scoffed at her, "I'm actually surprised you haven't heard the stories about him, maybe you are really just a nobody."
"Oh that's really sweet, Malfloy. It's just a dance, and why do you care so much? Jealous?" She snapped, obviously irritated.
"Jealous? Why would I be jealous, I couldn't care less about who you go with," He lied, digging his nails into his palm, trying to prevent himself from saying anything stupid. Unfortunately, Draco was one to give in to impulsive thoughts and he would blurt things out without thinking.
"Oh really? Then why are you pissed that I'm going with Blaise? I don't think its a big deal, but you're acting like it is,"
"How am I acting like its a big deal? I'm just trying to tell you how he is!" Draco shot back,
"Since when did you care? I don't understand why you're acting like you care when you obviously don't! What is your problem, can't you just let me live in peace and make my own decisions??"
"No, I won't. Not unless you tell Blaise that you're not going with him," He said angrily, cringing at his own words.
"Who do you think you are??" She said in disbelief, "Why would I just ditch my date just because you told me to! For all I know, you're just trying to sabotage me!"
"Why would I sabotage yo- oh nevermind," He mumbled,
"Exactly, for the past week or two that I've known you, you've been nothing but insufferable and rude! You're constantly trying to make my life harder than it already is. And you wonder why I won't take 'advice' from you," She got up and left, she was beyond pissed and somewhat in disbelief. Who does he think he is?? Telling her what to do. What a slut.
Draco walked swiftly into the Slytherin common room, and angrily searched for his 'best friend' who he currently resented with much passion.
"Blaise," Draco said angrily and flatly, "how dare you, how fucking dare you."
Blaise already seemed to know what he was going on about.
"Look man, I know you're worked up but I have a reason-"
"No you don't!" Draco snapped angrily, "You know I like her, and you went out of your way to ask her out right? Why would you do that to me?!"
Blaise held up his hands in defense, the two seemed to be oblivious to the stares from their peers.
"Look, Draco c'mere man," Blaise guided Draco to the back of the common room with a shit eating grin. "Just hear me out on this."
"I'm not sure if I want to," Draco said lowly, following him reluctantly.
"Look I asked her out because I have a plan, a super brillant plan. I'm not gonna tell you the details because I know you're not gonna approve... But just wait, you're gonna swoop in at the right time and sweep her off her feet. Okay?" Blaise said proudly with a huge smile on his face.
"No, you have to tell me the details, Blaise. You and I both know I don't trust you enough to make decisions on your own-"
"No you just gotta rely on me this one time, you'll thank me I swear I won't mess this up. Plus, I've dealt with these situations before," Blaise smiled proudly at his words, hoping his best friend would take him up on his offer. He had a good feeling that this would go in his and Draco's favor.
"I... fine. If you screw this up I swear I'm gonna murder your entire family line. This is important to me, she is important to me," Draco warned, pointing a finger at him before sighing in exasperation. "You stress me out."
"I know,"
A day before the Yule ball, Y/n and Draco were still scrubbing cauldrons. Professor Snape decided to prolong their punishment once again, but thankfully he was merciful enough to let them off for the dance the next day. But for now, the two were stuck scrubbing their arms off on the dirty floor of the potions class room.
Y/n seemed to be extremely stressed, scrubbing the life out of her cauldron while half zoned out. She hadn't even responded to Draco's sarcastic remark to her frantic movements.
"Y/n?" Draco questioned, looking at her again genuinely concerned. Her eyebrows were furrowed slightly as her scrubbing intensified. "Y/n."
"Huh?" She snapped out of her trance, blinking her eyes in confusion. "Sorry, what?"
"Are you okay? You're like, acting weird, weirder than normal,"
"Ha ha," She said sarcastically, "I'm fine, just- I dunno."
Draco raised his eyebrows, surprised she didn't have a well prepared answer for him... Like she always had.
"What is it?"
"Why would I tell you," She scoffed, "you'd make fun of me."
He rolled his eyes, "Just tell me I don't care."
She fell silent, contemplating on whether or not she should tell him. "Did you really mean what you said yesterday? That... Blaise would just play me?"
Draco looked up, surprised she was so nervous over something he said. "Um, I'm surprised you actually took my words to heart," He said sheepishly.
"Were you just trying to get through my skin or did you actually mean it?" She said, staring him down as he scowled.
"Both, but honestly... it really has been a while since he's seen anyone. I don't know," Draco shrugged, but genuinely, he truly had no clue. He knew Blaise would play any girl. But this was Y/n and Blaise had told Draco explicitly that he had a plan. And he had no idea what this plan was.
"Are you just saying that because he's your best friend? Or are you being serious, not like you'd actually tell me the truth anyways," She mumbled quietly, Draco looked at her.
"Look, I really don't know. Just… just don't worry about it," Draco wanted to punch himself, wanting to say more but he couldn't. "Why are you worried anyways?"
"It's really not a big deal honestly..." Y/n thought about it for a sec. "It's just a dance," She thought for a few moments before laughing. "It's just a dance it's not like he asked me to date him! I don't know why I was so worried."
She smiled to herself before continuing with her scrubbing. This time she was a lot more relaxed and gently scrubbed in more fluid motions.
"Uh- how are you and Pansy?" Y/n asked, trying to fill the silence. Draco cringed and almost gagged.
"I cancelled last minute, I'm going alone," Draco admitted, slightly embarrassed that he didn't have a date. "She was just so persistent."
Y/n laughed, "I think she's rather pleasant, but yes she can be a little persistant."
"Pleasant? Are we talking about the same girl?" Draco asked in disbelief, a faint smile of amusement painted across his face. She laughed, leaning her head back, silently enjoying their brief bonding time.
"She truly isn't horrible if you really talk to her! I was her potions partner last year. She was a bit insufferable at first I'll have to admit but through it all she's a very genuine person if you take the time to know her," She said, speaking fairly high of this supposedly persistant crazy girl. Draco shook his head and scoffed.
"Whatever you say..."
"No really!-"
"Okay, okay..." Draco cut her off, she smiled in satisfaction. Draco couldn't help but stare back at her with almost a smile, staring into her eyes. He just couldn't help himself but lean in just ever so slightly. She stared back, her lips parted gently as she got lost into his gaze. His gaze flickered to her lips for a second before he turned away, breaking the tension instantly. Her breath caught in her throat before she quickly returned back to scrubbing her cauldron.
"So uh..." Y/n trailed awkwardly, "Do you know what you're wearing tomorrow?"
Draco raised his brows and scoffed, "Why is that all you talk about?" she stared up at him, offended.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that's all you talk about, do you even have a personality outside of that?" Draco sneered, he wanted to shut himself up but after that moment of vulnerability he couldn't help himself.
"I- I was just curious, is that too much? I thought we were actually getting along, why are you acting up now?" She shot back, then she added softly, "Why do you ruin everything?"
Draco, looked at her with disbelief, "I ruin everything? Have you even taken a look at yourself? You can barely contain yourself."
"Now you're just projecting," She said angrily, “Look at yourself right now! You’re barely containing yourself as it is right now. And don’t you dare talk to me like that, you and I both know that I did absolutely nothing and I’m NOT taking your shit today.”
Cleared. Silence filled the room for a bit. Draco then cleared his throat.
“Uh, a tux… you?”
She smiled to herself softly, “I found this super cute pink dress when I was at hogsmeade. It’s gorgeous but not too over the top but not super basic. It’s got this lovely detail design and it’s beautiful,” She spoke enthusiastically, Draco looked at her with amusement.
“Did you only bring up the topic to rant about your dress?” He asked chuckling near the end of his sentence as she smiled sheepishly.
“Maybe…” She said, the two were bonding again. She liked it like this, she liked it a lot actually. Then suddenly a thought crossed her head. “Do you think Blaise likes me? Or…”
“Why are you bringing up Blaise?” Draco said a little flatly, but still curious and interested into what she had to say.
“Because you know him the best,” Draco shrugged and nodded in agreement. “He is rather dreamy I guess, sounds cliche and corny I know. But like he doesn’t act like a player.”
Draco held his tongue, fighting himself internally. Preventing himself from insulting his best friend out of jealously.
“Oh yeah?” He forced out, “How so.”
“He didn’t just ask me to go to the dance and never talk to me again. He talks to me everyday, and he’s really sweet actually. Does he normally do that to other girls?”
Draco’s breath hitched. Whatever Blaise’s plans were, he wasn’t enjoying it. But he trusted Blaise enough not to steal his girl.
“I mean no not normally,” Draco sort of huffed out, frustrated slightly. She examined his facial expression.
“Are you okay? You seem mad,” She asked cautiously, although they weren’t exactly on friendly terms, she wanted to care.
“Why do you care,” Draco said coldly, she seemed upset by his words.
“Why are you being so mean again, we were just bonding like not even five minutes ago,” She said perplexed by his mood swings.
“Bonding? You call that bonding?” He scoffed and laughed coldly, “All you did was talk about your stupid dress and hooking up with Blaise. And look, to lay it out for your small brain. Blaise is gonna break your heart, just because he treats you better than the other girls doesn’t make you special.”
She seems taken aback by this outburst, she seems confused, then hurt, then angry. Her brows furrowed and she looked him in the eye.
“I didn’t say I was special or different, I was just asking you if you thought I…”
“That you what?” Draco asked coldly,
“If I had a chance, okay?” She said quickly, peeking up at his expression.
“Why??” Draco asked with so much confusion.
“He seems like a genuine person, I don’t know…”
“Y/n I thought you were smart, I guess you’re actually insanely stupid. If you haven’t heard, Blaise is a big fat player who’s bored. So all I know is that he’s only asking you because he thinks you’re another pretty face to play with,” Draco said staring her down. “You’re no different than all the girls he’s ever been with.”
Her heart broke slightly at his words, “Look I don’t need you going so low when giving me the truth. And what if you’re wrong? Maybe he really likes me? You’re so impossible, you’re always just making things so hard.”
She kept her eyes down, taking in her embarrassment and and hurt from his cruel but possibly true words. She wanted him to be wrong so desperately.
“Don’t come crying to me when he shatters your heart in a million pieces because I won’t be there to listen to your dumb fucking rants. And your dress is probably hideous like every part of you.”
She got up and left without another word, she couldn’t let him get any satisfaction of her tears. Even though if he had saw them he would feel the exact opposite. Draco didn’t know why he said such cruel things to her. Especially this one, this one was much worse than all the others. And right now he wished he had just kept his mouth shut and listened.
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vee-beeee · 7 months
Crappy Mornings
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Okay soooo
I had so much fun writing the other fic that I wanted to do it again LOL
So the premise is you're late and have had the WORST morning, and Nines and Conner are worried. Also you knit.
again SORRY if this has been done before
Let the games begin
Warning: Fluff with a CAPITOL F, misunderstandings kinda, shorter than the last one, slice of life I think, very sweet or cringe take that as you will
You were running late
This seemed to be a theme in your life.
You were supposed to be at the station at 7 am, and it was currently 7:55 am. This wouldn't have been to much of a big deal, if your work partner was anyone else.
Unfortunately, your work partner was your adoring and sometimes overbearing boyfriend Nines.
And your other boyfriend was an overly-anxious, very caring Conner.
So today, you accidently upset 2 punctual androids.
But you had a good reasons to be late!
First, your alarm went off 10 minutes late for absolutely no reason.
Second, your hot water heater was acting up again so you had to take the coldest shower of your life.
And third, probably the worst, you totally accidently dropped your phone in your sink...That was filled with water after you had washed dishes the previous night and forgot to un-plug the sink to drain it. So this meant you had no way to contact Conner or Nines to let them know you were running late.
To top it off, your knitting supplies was totally eluding you. It just disappeared. And you may have looked for it for 8 minutes. But eventually you found it, now you were even more behind.
You hadn't even left home yet.
Walking out of your apartment, you almost got tripped up by a group of bikers. 5 looong minutes of standing in the middle of the sidewalk like an idiot while hearing a bunch of "excuse mes" and "coming throughs".
Then, the good people at your favorite coffee place had also misread your order. It honestly wouldn't have been a big deal but they insisted they fix it for you. Another 6 minutes.
(And you maybe stopped to pet a huge fluffy husky and that may have taken longer than it should've.)
Finally, FINALLY you made it to the station. But you were terrified to face the wrath of anger, from your anxious androids.
Lo and behold, loitering around your desk, immediately spotting you when you entered the office, was 2 very annoyed androids. Well, one was pissed and one had worry written all over his features. Which is worse in your opinion.
"Where have you been" Nines sharply asks, giving you a hard stare while taking in your form, most likely scanning you. His LED a steady yellow with flashes of red, conveying his worry without him realizing. Or he was just REALLY mad.
"You haven't been answering your phone, and we have been worried for your well being" was Conner's response to you being late, his LED also yellow and red. He was giving you the puppy dog eyes that ate at your soul. You held your hands up, guilt written all over you as you rushed to explain your horrible no good morning.
"Guys I'm so sorry, my alarm didn't go off, my phone died, there was an incident with some bikers, and the coffee place got my order wrong and they wanted to fix it, there was this Husky.." and as you continued to ramble about your unfortunate morning, Nines and Conner just stare at you waiting patiently until you were finished. What you didn't notice was there blinking LED's, and an unheard secret conversation.
"Your tone was to harsh, she is clearly having a hard time today." said a sympathetic voice in Nines head.
"Whatever. She scared us, didn't respond to our messages, and she was late. We have important work to do and she cant spend her time letting a missed alarm get to her."
Conner gave Nines a glare after that comment and followed it up with a statement thats outcome would unknowingly make you feel worse
"Your being kind of an ass right now Nines"
Nines scoffed, which accidently caught your attention. If you weren't red before, you sure were now. You knew that they would be pissed at you being late, and his scoff hit somewhere inside you that made you shrivel a little into yourself, even if you didn't know at the time that it wasn't meant for you.
And Nines had his pissed off look activated, and was avoiding your gaze.
You went quiet, not knowing what to say to fix this, which Conner immediately noticed. Cutting off his inner conversation with Nines, he did another scan on you. Your face was flush, and you showed signs of embarrassment. Brief but distinct increase in heart rate, flushed, fidgeting, and you had now started averting your gaze. Without all the scans, and by just looking at you, he could tell you were tired. So he did the most logical thing his programming could come up with to soothe you.
He hugged you.
You immediately softened. The hug was warm and filled with love, you could feel his soft breathes and his synthetic hair ticking your neck. You were guessing Conner had now forgiven you. You let out a sigh and sank deeper into the hug, enjoying it after your rough morning.
You noticed out of the corner of your eye Conner's LED blinking yellow.
You then looked over his shoulder at Nines, who looked like a big baby at the moment. His LED was also blinking, and he was drilling holes into the back of Conner's head with how intently he was staring at him. You took one hand from Conner's back and waved it a little. This caught the RK900's attention, and he looked at you, LED still flashing. And all you did was smile with all your heart at him.
And he instantly softened, and returned it.
And then you took your other hand and did finger guns at him while making a stupid-ass face. You had to make a joke out of a slightly depressing situation.
And then he hardened at you, trying to look angry, but he was totally shaking and you could see him restraining his laughter.
Conner released you, giving you one last look before turning to gaze at Nines. You saw them glaring again and decided to stop it. So you took Nines hand in yours, and rubbed a thumb over his knuckles. He eased up again and Conner did too.
"Well wasn't that just the cutest shit I've ever seen" you heard someone grumble from across the bullpen. You laughed and Nines bristled, while Conner went blue, returning to Hank.
Eventually you got to work, but you smiled while doing it. Your morning turned out to be better than expected.
Wait, you totally forgot you need a new phone. Dang.
sorry for any spelling errorss
I have found that I like writing lol
Sorry its shorter, but i hope its not to cringeee!
okay bye
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asterefflores · 7 months
I saw the post about angst in your story. I want to put a comment but mine might be just too long and this app is just not ready for it xD, so I drop it here.
For me, the angst in ur story tilts towards the darker side. It's not just sad, unhappy stuff. I don't know how to articulate it in human language (istg), but I find it remarkably balanced and just feels right. It feels fitting, somehow.
Each arc in your story unfolds at the perfect moment, revealing itself in due course (what am i talking about). Tbh, your story might be considered heavy. I said this numerous times already (maybe) but I love the world-building in it (even tho my brain needs to restart every time).
The characters' backgrounds and the reasons why they are in their current state are intriguing. Moreover, although you introduce certain angsts, what I admire is that you never dwell on them excessively. They are relatable, logical, and not exaggerated or cringe-worthy. They are in the right amounts.
It's like, the story holds multiple layers of surprises each time you unveil the answers to the readers' questions of "why." Also, the angst within goes beyond than just sadness, contain/hiding various emotions and elements of irony.
I remember how the other readers and I went crazy (for fun) with theories in the comments when it was first revealed that Cale had a connection to the Secret Kingdom. We all anticipated something light and fluffy, but oh my goodness, jahahshfhf it took a darker turn that caught us off guard in the most unexpected moment. I love that aspect, and the transitions between each arc are incredibly smooth.
I also love every one of your original characters, (wait you already knew this ajshfkh) but duh, I've never had this much love or enthusiasm for fanfic before. I have a huge crush on your art and writing. It's therapeutic for me to see and read them. Thank you for the artwork and stories, even your daily shenanigans at your office @Xwitter are entertaining to follow up. Love isn't enough to describe how fascinated I am with your work.
I know, I throwing so many compliments for you on this one. I can't help it. I hope you don't mind🧍🏻‍♀️if you mind, I'd still going to do it. So I hope you still don't mind.
Please have a good day 🍀 (Please rest...)
I like to keep the characters realistic with logical responses in any case according to their traits and their back stories and whatnot, I don't like dwelling on anything too much in the plot, sure the angst part is important but if used too much it'll ruin the story not only for readers but also for me lol, it'll feel like I'm forcing it on the characters when, logically thinking, they wouldn't stay depressed for long or behave in certain dramatic ways, based on the way their brain works and all.
And yeah, well, my fanfic was indeed meant to be simple at first you know, but I naturally turn any plot I write heavy and dark with time, and it gets worse gradually but I try to hold back and be reasonable before I mess up at some point lolol
I didn't know you find my transitions between each arc smooth, I'm really happy and thank you for letting me know, all this time I stare at my stories and ask myself "Are there even arcs? Isn't it all a mess? Does anyone notice the transition? Is there even a transition?" Then laugh at my own writing and say it is what it is and keep writing anyway while confident that I'm doing everything wrong somehow XD
And you know, when I introduced OCs in my fanfic I was very sure no one gonna care or pay attention to their parts (except maybe my close friend lol) so I'm really glad to see some readers come to love them eventually, though I think Tristan is getting most love than the rest but that's expected considering his character and his role with Roksoo and Cale lol, I expected many readers would hate his role as their father but now the majority is cheering for him xDD
About my office shenanigans, you just made me recall how my followers on Instagram used to like and anticipate my stories about my daily life at work lolol I didn't think anyone would find joy in them also on twitter/X but glad you enjoy my comical work life 🤝🏻
Lastly, ofc I don't mind, at all, you don't know how many times I read your message and made me smile the whole time, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me 💕💕💕
And I'm trying to rest, I think I'm resting— ok, the fact I don't even know if I'm resting says enough lol but I'm working on it *cough
Thank you again and take care you too, have a good day 🌸🌸
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