#and also his relationship with oliver and the empathy and love he has for that character
lorephobic · 3 months
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emerald fennel rly truly gets it
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kiisstuff · 8 months
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"Soulmate" is an interactive fiction story that follows the journey of Reyan, a high school girl who has recently been transferred to a new school. Eager to find love and belonging in this unfamiliar place, she encounters five potential romantic interests: Ava, an artistic girl with a unique sense of style; Daniel, the charismatic jock known for his athletic prowess; Gea, the popular girl who seems to have it all; Robert, the brilliant nerd who's passionate about academics; and Maxine, the troublemaker known as Max, who has a rebellious edge. Amidst navigating high school drama, friendships, and secrets, players will help Reyan make choices that shape her future, leading her towards her one true soulmate.
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Players will face a variety of choices throughout the story, allowing them to guide Reyan's actions and shape her destiny. These decisions will impact her relationships, friendships, and ultimately determine her soulmate.
Character Interaction:
Interact with the five romantic interests, Ava, Daniel, Gea, Robert, and Max, through engaging dialogues and choices. Get to know them better, uncover their personalities, and discover shared interests.
Character Development:
Each romantic interest has a unique character arc and growth throughout the story. Players will witness their personal development as they navigate the challenges of high school life.
Multiple Endings:
"Soulmate" features multiple endings based on the choices made throughout the game. Players can experience different outcomes, including finding Reyan's true soulmate or exploring various paths of her high school life.
Relationship Status:
Keep track of Reyan's evolving relationships with the romantic interests. The game provides a relationship status tracker, allowing players to see how close they are to each character.
Backstory Unveiling:
Delve into the pasts of each romantic interest as Reyan gets to know them better. Uncover their secrets, dreams, and insecurities, leading to a deeper emotional connection.
Emotional Engagement:
"Soulmate" aims to evoke a range of emotions, from joy and laughter to heartbreak and empathy. Players will become emotionally invested in Reyan's journey as she seeks love and belonging.
Meeting Other Characters:
In addition to the romantic interests, players will interact with a cast of supporting characters, including friends, teachers, and rivals. These interactions will shape Reyan's overall high school experience and influence her choices.
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Ava - The Artistic Soul
Ava is a free spirit with an artistic soul. She's imaginative, creative, and has a deep appreciation for beauty in all forms. She's also known for her kindness and compassion.
Appearance: Ava has long, wavy auburn hair that falls gracefully down her back, complemented by emerald green eyes that seem to hold entire galaxies within them. Her skin is porcelain-pale, and she often wears bohemian-style clothing, adorned with vibrant colors and flowing fabrics.
Daniel - The Jock with a Heart of Gold
Daniel is the jock with a heart of gold. He's confident, outgoing, and passionate about sports. Despite his popularity, he's down-to-earth and approachable.
Appearance: Daniel has a tall, athletic build, with short, sandy blond hair that matches his striking blue eyes. His sun-kissed skin reflects his time spent on the field, and he typically wears his sports team's jersey.
Gea - The Popular Queen Bee
Gea is the epitome of popularity. She's charismatic, social, and always the center of attention. Beneath her confident exterior, she harbors insecurities and secrets.
Appearance: Gea has long, flowing black hair that cascades down her back, framing her enchanting hazel eyes. Her complexion is a warm olive tone, and she's often seen wearing the latest fashion trends that accentuate her natural beauty.
Robert - The Nerd with a Brilliant Mind
Robert is the school's intellectual powerhouse. He's a bookworm, tech genius, and excels in academics. He's shy, introverted, but incredibly kind-hearted.
Appearance: Robert has messy, chestnut-brown hair and wears thick-rimmed glasses that emphasize his intelligent gaze. His skin is fair, and he dresses in comfortable, casual attire, often sporting graphic tees and jeans.
Maxine (Max) - The Troublemaker with a Rebellious Streak
Max is the enigmatic troublemaker, known for her fearless attitude and rebellious spirit. She's a bit of a mystery, with a tough exterior hiding a softer side.
Appearance: Max has a punk-rock style, with short, jet-black hair and intense, stormy gray eyes. Her dark skin adds to her edgy appeal, and she's usually seen in leather jackets, ripped jeans, and combat boots.
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demo: https://dashingdon.com/go/15340 (01.01.2024)
forum: https://forum.choiceofgames.com/t/soulmate-wip/147221
Tumblr: Soulmate-If , TBFamily-If
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Castlevania matchup pls <3
I am a 19 years old, 5'3 tall girl, i have a short brown hair with two bigger strands in the front, olive skin, slim and slightly curvy body and i am a mixed IPOC. Also i am straight and cis. I am a neurodivergent and an INFP.
I love nature, i love painting, writting, singing, reading and studying scientific topics. I am very emotional (i cry too easily lol) and i like to take care of the ones i love. I love phylosophy, mythology and analytical psychology. I wouldn't say i am very fisically affectionated, but i offer support through words and acts of service lol. Some people say i am too naive and can't see people's bad intentions.
A/N: Okay my Emotional INFP Anon! I think your best match is… Alucard! 
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Alucard would be a wonderful match for you! He’s more introverted, but also extremely empathetic. As such, he doesn’t give or require constant outward displays of affection. He understands that caring for someone and being affectionate is much more than physical touch. He is always up for offering insight or support and will act however he can to aid you. He’s a dhampir, after all, so he’s got supernatural abilities that make certain tasks much easier for him than for you. 
You’re an INFP and he’s an INFJ, which makes you very compatible. You’re both Intuitive Feeling types, so you desire a profound, authentic, almost idealized relationship. A partner is not something you’d consider lightly, it’s a serious decision. You’re both motivated by compassion and empathy. You mention you like to take care of the ones you love, so much so that you’ve been called emotional in the past. Alucard is similar in that he cares very deeply for the ones he loves once he’s decided to love him. He also tends to become overwhelmed at times, especially by grief. But that’s why you’re such a good pair! He’s very understanding of why you’d feel the need to cry, and you’re extremely supportive when he cries. 
I don’t believe Alucard has a physical ‘type’. That's not to say he doesn’t find you beautiful, just that he appreciates you for much more than your looks. He loves how interested you are in reading, science, and painting- especially the painting. He has a rather artistic side that he doesn't get to utilize often. We see him draw in the dirt once with a stick, and it’s presumed he drew the pictures inside Lisa’s locket, but other than the Trevor and Sypha dolls he constructed, he doesn’t appear to have an outlet for his creativity. He’s very grateful you’re there to encourage him to paint and draw as often as he likes. 
He loves going out into the forest surrounding the castle, with a freshly packed picnic basket for a lovely afternoon date where the two of you can pick out different things for the other to paint/draw. 
It may sound silly, but Alucard’s rather relieved that you’re on the naive side. He’s been taken advantage of before by some very cunning and overly cautious people. The fact that you assume good in other people assures him you have only the best of intentions for your relationship with him. He does do his best to protect you from those who would cause you harm, though. He teaches you some basic defensive moves to escape or evade an attack. And he gifts you with your very own weapon. The fact that you have it makes him feel better, even if you never use it lol.
He cares deeply for you. He thinks you’re such a wonderful bright light of a human being. From your art to your singing, to just your presence, you’ve made his life all the more worth living. He hopes his companionship brings the same kind of joy into your life. He would do anything just to see you smile. 
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"I wish everybody could hang out with Armie... he's an instinctual caretaker, which is part of his incredible performance in the film: his character wants to succumb to his love and desire for another human being, but also doesn't want to hurt him. It's best epitomized in this scene towards the end where I'm sleeping in bed, before the farewell at the train station. Oliver sits on the bed next to Elio and you see about 6,000 emotions go across Armie's face: love, empathy, regret, and fear. There's so much Armie in that moment; so much love there..."
"... and I knew seconds after meeting Armie that I was in the best hands."
"He allows you to trust him, as an actor and as a man."
"I don't think I'll have an acting experience as immersive as that," he says. "I came of age as an actor during my time with Armie. The relationship that blossomed out of it is the most precious gift."
"When asked if he has ever experienced the sort of love chronicled in the movie, Chalamet assumes a wistful tone: 'I have, actually. It was the summer I was working with this actor named Armie Hammer..."
'I love him so much. Every time I look at him it makes me so happy."
".. Armie is a great actor. He's so good. He just embodies the character and is so good. I love everything does in this film."
".. Armie might take up a hundredth of the frame, he's tiny in that shot, and yet, he is everything."
"... I mean, look at him right?"
... and if ALL OF THIS is not a real, mad, unconditional love, then what is love really? ❤️
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denimbex1986 · 4 months
'Ever since his breakout role in lockdown TV smash Normal People, Paul Mescal, a Screen Star of Tomorrow in 2020, has proved himself to be an alluring presence, capable of enormous empathy and range, be it on stage or screen.
In Andrew Haigh’s All Of Us Strangers, a haunting adaptation of Taichi Yamada’s 1987 novel Strangers, Mescal vividly portrays Harry, neighbour to Andrew Scott’s Adam. The two men live in the same east London tower block and meet one evening when Harry drunkenly turns up at the door of Adam’s apartment, where he is rebuffed. Eventually, the two men begin a relationship, as Adam, a lonely screenwriter, revisits his suburban childhood home where he somehow meets his mother and father (played by Claire Foy and Jamie Bell), who died in a car crash when he was nearly 12.
All Of Us Strangers — which Searchlight Pictures opened in the US in December and the UK in late January following its premiere at Telluride — was a no-brainer for Mescal, offering him the opportunity to work with Andrews Haigh and Scott — “it would be difficult for a film with those two people at the centre of it to go wrong” — as well as the chance to play someone “a little bit more forward than other characters I’ve played”.
Mescal opted to have Harry, whose family have effectively disowned him for being gay, come from Leeds. “There’s something interesting about him escaping some place like Leeds and coming to London, hoping for a more expansive life, and having a smaller one when he gets there,” explains Mescal. “I can relate to that feeling of leaving a place, hoping for something because it’s been dictated to you that life happens in the big city. But if your family doesn’t accept you, doesn’t give [you love], you’re fucked before you begin. So, I was working back from that. A lot of acting should feel intuitive.”
By the time the film ends, a major revelation — spoiler alert — recalibrates our view of Harry. When Mescal first read the script, he was floored by what is revealed. “Then it made total sense, because it’s not about what’s real, what’s not. It’s about what do we feel?” As such, Mescal plays Harry as a real person rather than, say, a ghost. “Because he’s also unaware of what’s going on. For all intents and purposes, he is as real as Adam is. That would have been one of the only things that would have made me not want to be involved — if there was a prerequisite to do ‘spooky acting’.”
As Adam’s memories and reveries coalesce with his reality, he reconnects with his dead parents, which allows him to open up and find connection and romance with the mysterious Harry. “We knew each other a little bit. Grew to know each other quite well during the filming, and have been getting closer and closer and closer,” says Mescal of Scott. “What he does in this film is an absolute joke in terms of the standard of performance and how lightly he wears it.”
Connective tissue
On screen, the two Ireland-born actors have what critics and casting directors like to call ‘chemistry’, in much the same way Mescal and Edgar-Jones had ‘chemistry’ in Normal People, even if he bristles at the term. “It’s not a word that actors [use],” Mescal insists. “But you must endeavour a little bit to try and fall in love, in whatever that capacity is. And Andrew is a very easy person to fall in love with. He’s kind, generous, talented. We shot the film at the perfect junction in our friendship where there was a lot we didn’t know about each other, but there was mutual admiration and respect. And a similar sense of humour.”
Remarkably, the pair had no rehearsal time together. Did they know instantly that their onscreen relationship was working? “Yeah, it felt fizzy when we were acting,” says Mescal. “Especially with that first scene at the door — it’s so well-written. You feel like you’re dancing through the scene, you can go in loads of different ways, and if I went one way, Andrew would go another. If that’s what chemistry is, I was aware it was happening.”
While All Of Us Strangers was nominated for six Baftas, including outstanding British film and supporting actor and actress for Mescal and Foy, Scott was, surprisingly, overlooked by the leading actor jury. “It’s the stuff of dreams to make a film that is independent, and for an organisation to recognise the film and your performance, Claire’s performance and Andrew Haigh,” begins Mescal, choosing his words carefully. “[But] I’m perplexed and confused. How can an institution recognise all those things and neglect that? It doesn’t make sense.
“This is not a criticism of anybody else’s performance in that category. It’s not even a criticism of Bafta. I think a mistake happened.”
In the aftermath of Normal People, while Edgar-Jones largely pursued opportunities in the US, Mescal stayed mostly in the UK doing smaller films, among them Aftersun (for which he was nominated for best leading actor by both Bafta and Oscar) and theatre (winning an Olivier Award for A Streetcar Named Desire). He says he was offered several big movies but, as both actor and viewer, is drawn to indie films.
One massive movie that did take Mescal’s fancy, however, was Gladiator 2, Ridley Scott’s upcoming sequel to his Oscar-winning epic, which Mescal recently wrapped following a strike-imposed hiatus. “You would struggle to find a single actor on the planet who would say no to Ridley Scott and Gladiator, because Gladiator was an amazing character study.
“I loved every second working with him,” he continues. “I loved having to adjust the way I’ve worked, particularly in the last couple of years, to work with somebody who’s the master of what he does. You don’t have to imagine anything. He gives you scale, he gives you extras, he gives you horses.
“Having said that,” adds Mescal, “I’m looking forward to doing something that will probably be predominantly single camera, a $7m-$8m film in the next couple of weeks.”
That film is Living director Oliver Hermanus’s The History Of Sound with Josh O’Connor, which has been in the works since 2020, and Mescal has already started shooting Richard Linklater’s musical Merrily We Roll Along, which, similar to the director’s Boyhood, is a years-of-filming odyssey. He also has Chloé Zhao’s Hamnet, in which he plays William Shakespeare, booked for later in the year.
While the likes of Hermanus’s film “will always feel like home”, Mescal notes regarding his Scott epic: “I felt an immense relief that the job still felt like the job, doing something like Gladiator, as it did on Aftersun, as it did on All Of Us Strangers. That was the big thing I didn’t know going into it — whether it would still feel the same.” Fortunately for Mescal — and for the breadth of roles the experience potentially opens up — it did.'
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the-empress-7 · 1 year
That defense anon post was blinding!
Dear Empress the defense anon post was STUPENDOUSLY GOOD is there any way you can disseminate this to all the other blogs? I would love a decent journo to read it and use it! We know they come to tumblr and Reddit for their information we've seen it!
Now while I know that Sussex PR always refers to reconciliations and olive branches, I have a nasty feeling that Charles wants that too. What do we know about him? He is super sensitive to his image, has huge sense of guilt and has an unhealthy relationship with confrontation or lack of it. He reminds me of that kid hiding under the bed sheets willing the monster to go away. He thinks he is hidden yet the monster sees his every move. I am afraid this strategy does not work. The reason why Harry has twisted him around so cunningly is because he cannot distance himself from his own lonely neglected childhood. He has transferred those emotions (which at times can be useful in forging empathy) to Harry's deluded view point.
Yes Harry was neglected just as Charles was but while one was over disciplined by his father, the other was not. Charles is again adopting that, "you can't see me" philosophy with all of us who are watching this tragedy. We saw that Charles failed during and after the Diana years (but so did she, luckily her death canonized her. In many ways by not addressing his son, so did he) and yet he seems to think that by letting time soften the pains, that we suddenly see him as the good father. (Just because time warmed us to Camilla, Charles thought this largesse was extended to his son. No. Camilla earned respect, Harry did not).
We see the reality that he was in a hard spot, dealt with it badly, tried to overcompensate, thought all was well just like the acceptance of Camilla and could not see it was backfiring. Back under the blanket he went. In short he was a parent struggling and because he projected his own childhood neglect onto his son, was doomed to be a slave to him. This is where we are now and Harry knows it. Sadly Charles seems to think that correcting his son after his Diana failings is hypocrisy. As long as he does this and fails to accept his son is lost to him, he will feel pain and not heal, so I think Harry and Charles are linked in a way that William and Charles are not. William made this wise acceptance a long time ago and healed himself.
Dealing with confrontation is not a bad thing. It is not weakness to stand up for yourself and adapt the morality rules of the game if you are fighting for the greater good.That is how Charles has been bested by his son and DIL, they play two different games. For them confrontation though it may be passive aggressive at times is their way of reinforcing their self worth. BUT despite all of this doom and gloom part of me wishes someone would step in and shake Charles, he is Denethor from LOTR right now! There is the long game but then there is also the 'floodlights have gone off and the pitch is empty' the key is to get the balance right.
Personally I think Harry is trying to kill off his father and become King. Illogical I know but remember this guy thought he was the spare all this time and is still living in a time where he was number 3 anointed by God. In his mind William is an avatar that does not exist, much like in his beloved computer games only there to be wiped away.
Another great submission. I agree that he is slowly trying to eliminate one competitor after another. These are not family members to him, they are obstacles to eliminate in order to get to the throne. He is doing to Charles what he did to The Queen, except he is doing it much more aggressively since the Queen was far more popular than that Charles is currently. When Charles is out the picture, he will do the same to William. Again, it will be far more malicious.
PS: I am posting it this way to protect the sender's anonymity.
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greatwesternway · 2 years
For the bingo thing, what about my man Dougie?
For the bingo thing, what about my man Dougie?
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I'm a great proponent for the CGI, but one of the choices it made that I didn't like was reducing Donald and Douglas to just brothers who bicker. For one thing, it's an important part of their characters that they get along as well as they do, so to negate that is to disregard the core of their relationship. For another, we already had that dynamic in Bill and Ben.
The thing about having twins in a show is that so often it ends up being two people treated as one unit, but Donald and Douglas were not originally written that way. In fact, the episode in which the brotherly bickering is first introduced, "Twin Trouble", also had the most iconic line about that topic: "I am only one engine, Sir," said Donald." From the very start, Donald and Douglas were separate entities in their stories even when they were both involved.
So Douglas then.
Of the two of them, Douglas is the one who had not been purchased by Hatt and had been meant to be scrapped. Donald is likely the one who proposed the idea that Douglas should come with him to Sodor anyway, because Donald is usually the one who comes up with the schemes (excepting that both their crews also seem to be more active in machinations than most engines' as well). And while this might be a result of Donald just having the more assertive personality, it's also a luxury of being the one in the less precarious position. Donald was legitimately bought by Hatt so he feels a lot safer in engaging in hi-jinks than Douglas does.
Which is not to say that Douglas isn't willing to participate or that he does so only under pressure from Donald. The situation is such that much of those antics are in his interest. When they swap tenders in attempt to fool Hatt, it's to cover for a mistake Douglas made. A mistake he made because he was preoccupied with worrying about his tenuous position on the railway at that.
Even now, long after the matter has been settled and his place on Sodor secured, Douglas probably is the more sensible of the two of them. Not that there's that a wide gap, just that Douglas is more grateful for the existence he has than Donald is. He appreciates it more and is less willing to behave frivolously about it. At the same time, the two of them might be clever enough to recognize that Hatt loves some train bullshit (it might even have been what convinced him to pony up for Douglas too, finding their trickery charming) and so a measure of harmless shenanigans are not out of order.
For this reason, Douglas is also the most fortunate of the engines to have happened upon Oliver. While nearly any of Hatt's engines would have likely attempted the same, Douglas has personal interest and empathy for Oliver's situation. More importantly, Douglas' crew (having played this game before) were ready and willing to leap into some heist movie shit to steal Oliver and his train from the yard. I rather suspect the twins' crews enjoy this sort of chicanery and if any of the other engines had tried this operation, their crews may not have succeeded.
I think it's a neat detail too that Douglas worries about telling Hatt about Oliver. He remembers how sternly Hatt discouraged interference after the deputation and bringing not just another stray engine but a whole train of stolen stock home who will have accompanying financial complications to sort out may not be appreciated. I don't think it's something Donald would have been concerned with had it been him instead.
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lovedaisy02 · 2 years
First Kill, thoughts/review. Elaborating on my spoiler free post
Spoilers ahead
A big critique I have of the show is a lack of world building and coherent plot points. There is an established organization for hunters, the Guild, and for the original vampires the Legacies . It's hinted at that there are multiple legacy families that are all part of a counsel.
So then it's illogical that monster hunters and Legacies don't have ways of fixing these kinds of events or contacts within government. They were quick to be turned on and lose control of the situation on both ends. Although I found it very interesting that the concept of the supernatural is one understood by the current society they just disappeared for a while. The MAAMS group was an interesting addition and I liked that time wasn't wasted with cover ups or convincing the town that monsters aren't real.
Given that Margot states she has been essentially exiled by the family because she married Sebastian, it may be understandable that the other families wouldn't jump in to help them however it seems unlikely they'd be so on there own concerning the murders.
Also, it seems odd to me that the Guild and the legacies don't have an established treaty or agreement considering both have been around since the garden of Eden. All the thousands of years and no wars? Two forces living near each other, hunting each other, at odds, with the same origin point and story not having some kind of protocol or history? No meeting between the two? No form of communication at all? It seems unnatural.
For having a guild the hunters appear disorganized and the structure hasn't been explained. Plot exposition may be obvious but at least it's helpful in understanding the world. There may be explanations to a lot of these points but so far it only seems convenient to the plot not to explain it, which makes the writing appear messy and lazy.
Big Pros of the show is the realism or some commitment to realism:
The police officer that stopped them wasn't represented as a complete idiot mostly that was a good dose of realism.
There were many parts that felt realistic and I genuinely appreciated it. I also liked that Ben stood up for himself against Noah and said he was worth more instead of wasting countless episodes on a relationship that isn't going to work.
I actually liked Elinor and Oliver a lot more than I thought I would. When Oliver first appeared rebellious and that long hair I just wanted him to tuck it behind his ears so bad it was hanging in his face but I didn't take him seriously. He's kinda interesting and Elinor is enjoyable. It is hinted that she's clearly not morally sound or filled with empathy but she's shown to have emotions. It's better than the usual ruthless family member dynamic. Margot has a similar characterization. At first she seems like the type to force her daughters into decisions but she is revealed to have defined her own path, she fell in love with a human and she accepts Juliette's decision. It took me by surprise that she was quick to force Elinor into her agreement. I thought because of her past she would want Elinor to choose differently but in a way it makes sense that she doesn't always show her best self to her children (no parent does).
I like Elinors progress throughout the season. She's not shown to be completely right but not quite wrong. She lies and appears callous when underneath she isn't. She was going to walk away and leave Apollo and Theo alone until they attacked. She didn't try to kill them and honestly just dodged an attack. She could have told her sister all of this but chose not to protecting her idea of power. She was disappointed her sister didn't identify with her beliefs in seeing humans more as food. This can be described as psychopathic tendencies but she's shown to have emotions. A lot of her situation is caused by her idea of not being seen as weak combined with her reckless and often cruel attitude. For a family that throws a gala after you've murdered someone I don't see Elinors actions as too much of a stretch.
I was unhappy with them leaving Elinor in jail. You're really going to have sex while your daughter sits in jail? Really? But that's personal preference not a critique.
Oliver and Elinors story needs more explanation. Why did he kill his turtle? What would she have possibly said to get him to kill his turtle? Suggest he see inside? Just because she told you to do something doesn't mean you should do it? Apparently killing the turtle was your own doing but the other two weren't? Even though you did both? Bud why do you have the turtle shell that's a little weird? Elinor must have felt rejected by her twin too.
Half of that is my personal preference not a critique.
My second biggest concern is the feeding. Legacies can tolerate human food but do they need it? They're shown only feeding once a day and it's only Elinor, can they survive with blood packets? Normal food? Does normal food provide any nutrients at all? How long can they go without blood? What do they do for blood during the work day? What does age have to do with their feeding? Does it mean they don't need blood as children? Why do they have to kill someone when they come of age? Is it a creed of their own making or a requirement? Elinor is seen feeding and erasing the persons memories so it's possible not to have to kill to feed although not everyone can make them forget but it's possible to feed and take just a little. There are servants that provide 'food' but that isn't explored. Why is the kill itself necessary? What is the snake? Why did it merge instead of just biting the father? The bite is what is said to have the effect of creating Lilith unless Lilith became a snake? Or is the snake an entirely different creature unlike vampires? How does turning work? What makes the one feeding different from any others?
Oliver said Margot bought the pills off the "black market" but so far there's been a disconnect between them and anything supernatural. How can they stay hidden but have blood pills to buy let alone find someone to buy them from in a place that's supposed to not have monsters? Who makes these pills? Who else is buying them? Are there other vampires in the town? Why can't they make their own? Or get blood donations? What does Margot do for work again?
What about babies? Do they still breast feed after birth? Do they need blood?
Humans have a lot of blood don't you get full?
Ok those last two aren't related to the show that's I've just been thinking about it.
To conclude, there's not plot holes per say since there really isn't a plot. Not yet, kind of a hint of one but season one did very little to set up for it. Clearly Oliver is going to attack the town in some way and although it's an interesting idea not to go for the "monster of the week" formula while the girls try to find out who is doing it for the entire season like 90 percent of these kind of shows having them do everything and nothing doesn't help either. If someone asked me what this show is about I would have a lot of speculation but not a real answer, the only thing I'd have is "vampire girlfriend and hunter girlfriend".
It felt like it was falling apart near the middle but the pay off in the finale brought it back although the last line Oliver delivers is dumb and none of the plot and reasonings make sense.
Overall I really enjoy the freshness, and ingenuity of the narrative, what little we have so far, and the final episode was very well done. I actually became very emotional when Talia refused to kill Theo and when Cal threatens Juliette to get out of her life. It was heart wrenching both scenes.
Not great, not bad, and did things differently which I respect a lot.
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lovecolibri · 1 year
SaL anon here friend and well, we knew this week would be grim but I wasn't expecting last night's truly spectacular level of stupid. KR really is going the full RNM with "you know what this character needs? to regress!! for the drama...". It seems her true talent lies in finding new and increasingly annoying ways to employ guest actors. Also who wrote this lady's dialogue, how did they not cringe when they edited it? Anywho, tonight's LS isn't looking much better since its combining two of my most loathed Owen storylines, his LI and distinctly-not-firefighting-related detective work. Yay. At least Paul will get some screen time out of it. We're not even at the wishing luck on episodes stage anymore, its just pure "let's hope we don't do permanently damage to our liver getting through this". Anyway cheers bestie, here's to all the amazing fic writers (yourself included!) who manage to find ways to fix this shit into something sensible 🍷🍷🍷.
Bestie that was some of the biggest cringe-fail interactions I've seen in a looooong time. (Oliver, blink twice if you're bombing your chemistry with these potential love interests on purpose, we won't tell anyone, promise!) And even besides the lack of chemistry nothing about this character worked. Oh, we need a character who helps the elderly and dying find peace? Maybe you shouldn't have a bright-eyed bushy-tailed youngster who acts like she's never met someone who has been clinically dead before? Maybe have someone with an ounce of empathy who doesn't treat someone's death experience like a sideshow when they're clearly uncomfortable and barely able to get the words out? IDK that whole conversation was so icky to me. And I *might* could go with it as intentional if it wasn't for the cemetery scene and kr banging on about Buck continuing this pursuit for the next several episodes. I have always loved Buck even in his awkward moments because he always felt genuine and earnest, but that cemetery scene felt like someone shoving words into his mouth to push the idea of this new relationship, and completely disregarding Buck as a character and his other relationships in the process. Another instance of kr twisting characters around to fit a plot idea instead of allowing the characters to drive the plot and actually move forward. At least Madney are still cute and funny even if their storyline is kinda trash too. And don't get me started on the stuff with Shannon. At least we have the sperm donor mess, L return, and a possible tay kay jumpscare to look forward to! 🙄🙄🙄
As for LS, I'm just ready to mindlessly stare at the tv for an hour, have a chuckle or two, and then erase every pointless bit of Owen from my brain.
Cheers my friend, we are gonna need it! Also, I maaaaay be working on a fic. An AU not fix-it, but I'm pretty excited about the idea (SaL based, of course) and some of the things I've come up with for it (suuuuper stoked personally for how I worked the chapter titles because I think I'm clever), so hopefully I can work on that and get something to tease soon!
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van-zieksy · 2 years
Hello Zieksy! I hope you're doing well. I've always wanted loved your interpretations of Barok's character and how well you portray him. I've been wanting to ask you about your insight on a particular matter so here I go :
What do you think Barok would do when someone close to him is not feeling well morally, more precisely if they were venting their feelings to him. Do you think he's the kind of person who would first offer emotionnal support or would he offer advice? And what do you think he would do if the person cries? Would he offer them physical comfort like a hug for exemple? Or something else?
I'm just really curious about your thoughts and opinion on this.
Hello, Anon!
Thank you so very much for your words of encouragement. I am happy to hear from you. <3 Further, as Barok may say: Pray forgive my late reply to your enquiry. I would have liked to respond sooner, but it simply wasn’t meant to be with so many personal matters currently requiring my attention. I thank you for your understanding.
You do speak my mind, by the way! One aspect I like about Barok is that he offers emotional comfort to people because he is understanding of their situations. We have already seen Barok provide words of comfort to witnesses, friends and other characters. A few examples that come to mind: Olive Green, John Garrideb, Gina, Albert, Roly Beate, Kazuma, Drebber, Gregson. He even tried to extend his support in situations where people weren’t particularly nice to him, yet he approached the situation with understanding and emotional intelligence because he could relate to the feelings that must have overwhelmed these people (e.g. Gina accusing him without tangible proof in the antechamber before his own trial). Because there has been precedent (even to strangers), and because it’s apparent that he’s a caring person, I believe he would do anything within his power to support the people closest to him.
What does this support look like? I like to think that it’s a combination of emotional support and advice. Sometimes advice can even take on the form of emotional support, or vice versa (think Olive Green and how he suggested to her to treat everything that has happened as a nightmare in order to be able to move on, which is comforting advice; or when he voices his empathy for her, yet at the same time he makes her aware of the implications of lying on the witness stand, as advice and as a sign that he cares).
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(in the last photo we see him with a lowered head + NO crossed arms -> a sign of empathy, even slight sadness, as he is appropriately relating to the person in question)
While Barok is someone who generally values actions more than words in life, he is very well aware of the importance wisely-chosen words can have in particular situations. When someone is seeking out our assistance, then we should try to put ourselves in their shoes, if we are able to, that is. It’s not what we want; it’s how the other person wants to be treated. Though, also being mindful of our own boundaries, of course. It also depends on Barok’s relationship with said person. No doubt he’d be more open and direct with family and to some extent friends, but he may approach a mere acquaintance with more caution. Yet if he feels some close connection (emotional, mental, transcendental…) with an acquaintance, he may be slightly more forward. Barok is a stickler for etiquette, so he would assess the situation with social proprieties and his status as a noble in mind (nobles were still seen as people who were expected to set a positive example and attempt to behave appropriately at all times). I would say that Barok is able to tell if someone requires more emotional support or more advice based on the emotional intelligence he has displayed on various occasions.
Let’s take Albert, for example, as he is one of the closest people to Barok despite their decade-long separation from each other. During the trial, Barok picked up his old friend when he was feeling down. He told Albert precisely what he needed to hear. Here we have someone Barok hasn’t seen in a very long time, and no doubt they aren’t the same people they used to be, yet what he said was exactly what Albert was craving.
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In the subsequent weeks and months, I don’t doubt that Barok will help help our scientist to get back on his feet.
Albert: „I just don’t know what to do with my life, Barok. I feel like I have lost everything I have ever believed in. I have lived a lie. You have told me to not give up, so I won’t. But...but let’s not forget I have no money to continue my research! Sometimes I wish I could be you…“
Barok: „Albert, whilst I do understand your concerns, allow me to get something out of the way. Being me comes with its own set of challenges. Money and status do not solve everything in life...You should not see what happened to you as a permanent barrier or a failure. Open your eyes to realise that it was merely a minor setback, something we all have to face in life sooner or later. You still have your eagerness, your intelligence, your determination and your sincerity. No one can take that away from you. What makes us human is that we keep moving forward and treat such incidents as crucial experiences that are required to help us grow. If we did not experience setbacks in life, we would not even know what constitutes an achievement. If we did not face negativity, we could not possibly claim to know what positivity means. One cannot exist without the other. As a scientist, I am sure you understand the concept of dualism...Rest assured, I will always be there for you. You are welcome to stay at my manor while you try to get back on your feet. I can provide you with the financial support needed until you find new guarantors. If you long for someone to talk to, I am here by your side. I will do what I can to assist you, yet please also know that I won’t be able to walk your life for you. I will help you so you can help yourself. I am very grateful to have a friend as wonderful as you, Albert.“
As far as the aspect of someone crying is concerned. That is a very interesting thought, I must say. While I do not think that Barok would readily provide a hug or similar without hesitation, he would be willing to do so if he deems it appropriate. Not everyone is appreciative of receiving physical comfort, so it also depends on the person who is in need of emotional support. We are all individuals with unique needs and desires. Barok would do his best to read people and try to do the right thing. I can see him offer a hug to someone like Iris, as she’s a child and family on top of that. I can vision him hesitantly provide a hug to a friend like Albert, but only as a last resort. Other forms of physical affection I can picture him providing: taking the hands of the individual seeking comfort between his own, gently putting one of his hands on their shoulder, tenderly caressing someone’s hair (if it’s Iris or someone much younger, or his spouse or similar), carefully wiping away their tears with his thumb. His healing process will take a while, so as he slowly rebuilds a close social circle for himself, he will also become more open to physical affection. A lover he would definitely let close and hug in times of need without even questioning it. But for everyone else who is not family, Barok will probably always choose actions, quality time and even words over physical affection. He’d rather guide a friend through a difficult situation. He’d rather spend time with them if they are in need of some positive distraction. He’d rather let them know that they are not alone and can always rely on him to lend a listening ear and offer his shoulders for them to lean on. However, if he truly senses or is aware that the other person values physical affection, he would be glad to provide it as long as it is appropriate. By the same token, should his counterpart reach a point where they don’t feel comfortable talking or being vulnerable anymore, he would respect their boundaries and not force anything. It’s a fiduciary relationship.
Thank you so much for your ask! I hope you enjoy the rest of your week!
Kindest regards,
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sneezefiction · 4 years
please don’t go
Ushijima x Reader - Scenario
@moonlightaangel‘s event request: “congrats on reaching 600 followers!! 🥰 can i request ‘please don’t go’ with ushijima, if it hasn’t been requested yet! i need some angsty feelings in my life”
a/n: mmmm angsty Ushijima is my aesthetic :,,)) i also messed around with some flashback formatting, so i hope you enjoy!!
warnings: angst, breakups
wc: 1640
“Please don’t go.” It’s a soft, tearful whisper.
“I thought you would understand, y/n. We had established this.” His reply was blunt. Like a dull knife to the chest, digging deeply only to pull right back out, leaving you gushing and writhing at his words.
“Please don’t.” Your cry reached his ears this time.
“I need to focus.” He sighs, twinging with guilt. 
Why didn’t you understand? Had you not known that his career would come first? Above everything else?
Or had he misspoken at some point, giving you the false assurance that this relationship would work forever? That he could always treat you as though it were possible to balance both you and his life’s work.
“Then I won’t distract you! Just don’t leave me. Please.” You begged, knees painfully falling to the cold floor, but your cries fell on deaf ears. 
He remains resistant to change. Without accommodations. Nothing left to give or take.
“Maybe someday, y/n. But this isn’t working out for me anymore. I have to leave for now.” Ushijima’s response is icy. 
He meant for those words to somehow be heartening. Promising, even. That maybe this was just the wrong time and place for a relationship. Where time could ebb and flow and someday he would be able to draw you back into his life.
Yes, there would be a day where you could take priority.
Because he wanted you… but not above his first love. Not above his skills and lifestyle. Not enough.
Volleyball comes first. Plain and simple.
And for that, he wouldn’t compromise.
White, crisp linens and fresh lemony scents.
Fluffed pillows fitted with new covers and soft patterns. Feather filled duvets. Curtains drawn to keep out the early morning light. 
Everything has stayed clean, clear, and Pristine. Even the dust particles, dancing around the room, have always seemed to find their own peace, settling mildly in gentle formations.
You sleepily blink open your eyes, rustling your arms over the bedspread to what should be a happier sight. Soft pillows hugging your sides, the gentle birdsong outside your window, a conceivably delicious cup of coffee to be made in the kitchen.
Yes, you should be filled with contentment. You were safe. Physically you were fine, and nothing was on your checklist for today.
In fact, things had appeared fine for months now...
Yet all you notice is who’s missing.
There’s no longer a delicate divet where his dozing head used to lay. The scent and shape of the pillow had only recently dissipated thanks to your citrusy laundry detergent and the slow passing of time.
You don’t awaken to a recently showered, olive-green eyed boyfriend. You could still picture the water droplets, hanging freshly on the tips of his tufts of hair. How the towel draped around his neck, over his shoulders, catching the drips and drops as they fell.
That warm smile he shared with you before placing a chaste kiss upon your forehead, caressing the side of your face. It was pure. You can almost feel the ghost of his lips. Still lingering. Mocking you.
You were liberated from his presence… but you never wanted to be.
Being absorbed in his chaotic life had kept you busy, but you had never minded it. There was never a doubt in your mind that volleyball would be his first priority. That he would follow his passions. His plans. His abilities.
You just wanted to tag along. To sincerely celebrate his victories and mourn his losses. Supporting him and holding onto him when he needed it. Yes, he got home late at night, left early in the morning, and only connected with you on his very few off days… but you cherished every second of it.
Because you loved him. You poured your soul into watching him flourish and thrive. It made you feel whole.
However, eventually, to Ushijima, you started to rival volleyball, becoming a distraction. He had made space for you in his already complicated life. And at first, it was a welcome change. A breath of fresh air to his methodical and planned out character. You were complex, bringing new perspective and sunshine into his typically boring apartment. Beautiful in a natural, yet eye-catching way. Furthermore, you somehow knew how to keep up with his hectic pace along with his gruff personality. 
In every aspect, you were perfect.
Expect one.
You were a diversion from the life he had in mind.
And even though you never pushed him to give you more… he longed to give you more of his attention. More time. To share his success with you. To love you deeper. To give you what you deserved. Because you are a profound being… and it burdened him to have to choose between his two greatest desires.
But, as most things do, these thoughts of love and devotion go unspoken, coming out all wrong. Mangled, unemotional, and misrepresented. Looking back, Ushijima wishes he’d been able to express it to you with empathy. To erase the tears that followed his brutal narrative. But softness isn’t his strong suit… and he needed you to know that, as powerful as he was, he wasn’t strong enough to balance you and volleyball.
“Ushijima, if you leave…” You take a deep breath, tears slipping down your face, “... you have to promise me you’ll never come back.” You choke out, your request came out in a sobering snarl.
For a moment, you question your own words- but your dignity was on the line.
“You can’t just break up with me and expect me to be there when you get back. I’m not disposable, you know?”
His body goes rigid. He hadn’t meant it that way.
You meant more to him than words could express… so why couldn’t he get it out clearly enough? How could he make you understand the gravity of his choices?
“...Y/n, it doesn’t have to be like that. I just need to concentrate right now.” The alarm, though subtle, shines in his eyes.
His usually composed, confident figure began to show cracks of uncertainty. He didn’t want you out of his life… Not at all.
He just needs you out of his mind for the time being. Just until he had things settled. You could come back at some point and he could love you so well. Just the way it was supposed to be.
But clearly he’d struck a deeper chord. He’d selfishly assumed you would wait for him. You weren’t some prized pony.
You’re a person. Someone with worth, plans, and dreams, just like him. He’d failed to acknowledge just how demeaning the truth of his actions were. But it’s too late.
You haven’t replied and the pain is etched intricately across your face.
“Okay, fine.” He breathes in deeply, letting out one final exhalation of defeat, “I... I’m sorry, y/n.” His brows furrow in deep, conflicted thought, but his mind is made.
He won’t be back.
Ushijima’s life hasn’t changed much.
It’s the same old routine. The standard, grueling workouts. Typical volleyball practice, group meetings, finances, paychecks, physicals, doctor’s appointments, fan meet-n-greets.
The usual.
But there’s a void settling like glacial frost in his soul. A snowy blue that seemed to melt into his bones, slowing him down.
He didn’t go a week… a day...  a minute without thinking of you.
Even now, lying in bed, the room cloaked in a tranquil darkness, you rest on his mind.
It’s not just the emptiness of the bed or the lack of physical touch. It’s the bitter, clawing memories of what he’d done to you and your gentle spirit. His body is frigid and forever frozen in the recurring visions of his foolish explanations, by how heartless and indifferent he’d seemed.
He’ll never get over the venomous tinge to your words.
You’d felt used.
He’d never meant to make you feel that way.
But since he moved out of your apartment, everything has felt glaringly hollow. The icy, barren tundra he crosses every time he realizes he won’t come home to your sunbeam smile and those thoughtfully lit candles, wears on him. How you would lavish him in comforting words, lulling him into a restful sleep.
Ushijima hardly remembers the last time he slept well.
Those dark circles under his eyes follow him everywhere. His whole team can see the exhaustion seeping into his execution of serves and spikes. He’s never struggled with his game performance before, but somehow the crashing reality of you leaving him has broken his patterns and systems.
He’s weary from searching for an answer to his emotions. Your warmth gave him life… and with that gone, what was the point of all of this?
And then it struck him, the realization sinking its needle-sharp claws into his soul, shredding it in seconds.
He’d found something far more valuable than any unique skill. More remarkable than the legacy he’d built as a world-class volleyball player. Someone who wanted to be with him just for the sake of… love.
And for the first time since he was young, he lets a tear slip into his white pillowcase.
Just one.
But it’s for you.
Because in chasing after what made him feel known and alive...
He’d lost the only person who had ever wanted to show him that he was important all along. The only person who was satisfied with his bizarre schedules. Someone who expected nothing more than gentle kisses and weekend dates.
But you were right.
You aren’t dispensable. Nor are you someone to drop for the purpose of picking up later, like loose change on a sidewalk. You deserved to be cherished. Held tightly. Given the love that you offered others.
He wishes he’d listened when you’d pleaded with him to stay. That he’d thought it through and functioned on more than just logic and reasoning. If only he’d known what it really meant to choose you.
Because if you were here now, he’d be the one begging,
“Please don’t go.”
tags: @cherryonigiri, @yams046, @kaidasen, @miss-rin
(comment or send an ask to be added to my general tag list) 
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binniesthighs · 3 years
can u do an enemy to lovers au with han jisung where they are in a hidden fwb relationship? thank u~ 🥺
I really look some creative liberties with this one HA but the product...hehe, I hope that you enjoy it love! I also kinda accidentally made it a period piece??? Like 50′s-60′s? Idk how this happened but the vibe and the music I was listening to while writing really put me in that mood haha
blue velvet | reader x jisung |
Paring: self insert, gender neutral reader x han jisung
Genre: smut n’ angst
Tags: stripper!jisung, stripper!reader, bi!jisung, enemies (competitors) to lovers, secret relationship, friends with benefits, explicit language, mentions of alcohol, degrading names, choking, spanking, v mild spit play, unprotected sex (wrap it before you slippity slap it friends), creampie, cum eating, scratching, oral (reader receiving) semi-public sex, hello yes this one is kinda filthy ooooops
Word count: 3.2k
Recommended listening: Blue Velvet by Bobby Vinton
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Fuck. It’s hot in here. Too fucking hot.
Reconnaissance. That’s what you were doing. It was fucking disgusting. Everyone in the room was just as fake as the pleather belts that held their guts in. You had never seen anything more embarrassing in your whole life. Desperation was sweating off the walls and sunk into your skin. It made you feel sick.
You scoffed and took a long sip from your drink.
“One more?” An attentive maître d' asked you--if he could even been called that in a place like this.
You covered your hand over your glass. You refused to pay for any more of that cheap tasting shit.
Next to you a rapt group of men in suits wagged their tails at the view. She wasn’t even very pretty.
Rolling your eyes, you scoped out the rest of the room, adorned in red velvet and gold nearly everywhere. What was this? A high school musical? Even those had more class than this place.
You checked your sliver wristwatch lined by dainty diamonds. You always did like gifts. Too bad rarely anyone would get anything in return.
The girls on the stage twirled around, giving the audience the best view that they could, tiger-prowling to those waving bills in their grabby hands. They were tanned and fashioned into strappy and lacy pieces that looked like they all must have shared them. Pathetic.
“You come here often?”
He swirled some clear looking liquid in his crystal glass, the little string of olives clinking the side.
“Are you speaking to me?”
“No, I’m talking to them.” He head nodded to the same group of greasy businessmen. “I haven’t seen you here before.”
“It’s my first time...and likely my last.”
“Huh. Tough critic.”
He didn’t look like the rest of them. Younger, reeking less of starved attention. He had golden blonde hair, and a silk white shirt unbuttoned far into a deep V. He was toned: the muscles on his arms were visible under the thin fabric and his abs made a show thanks to the abandonment of buttons. He wore dress pants perfectly fitted for his thighs. He was...attractive...but not your type.
“What’s not to like? Beautiful people, drinks to make you forget your mistakes? Not your scene?”
You rested your chin in your palm. “It’s my scene, but not this scene.”
“Suit yourself.” He took another swing, pivoting his body towards you, legs spread wide. “I think I know someone who can change you mind though.”
“In this place? Unlikely.”
“Come on...just stay a little bit longer and they’ll come out. They’re the last act of the night for a reason.” He signaled to the maître d' and whispered something into his ear. “Drinks on me. If you’ll stay?”
“Free drinks?” You put down your empty glass. “I suppose I can’t say no to that.”
╚ ——————————————— ╝
It was thirty minutes till closing, and you had stayed much longer than you had liked. After all the drinks you had to pass the time, you were starting to feel a little buzz, but nothing much really phased you these days. You started to wonder if he had been pulling some kind of prank. Nothing you had seen was what he had hyped it up to be.
The lights dimmed behind you, making the room dark enough for the tiny white candles at the tables to provide the only light. Spotlights flashed on from behind you too, illuminating the U shaped stage. With the lights, the music faded into something much more sultry.
The first two girls stepped out, both of them wearing white sets that were nearly identical with sheer robes. Two others stepped out after them, this time wearing red and black. It was the same thing you had been seeing all night.
The spotlight tightened.
It was him.
He was wearing a button down and those same pants, everything seemed so tight on him, accentuating every curve of his body. Strangely, when he walked out, he was greeted with wolf-whistles and hoots. He winked back at his spectators, nearly falling out of their chairs to see him better. It was even stranger considering the audience was filled with men.
He walked around the girls on stage as if he was inspecting them, his eyes eating up every bit of their skin. He confidence was unparalleled. He would run his hands down their sides, digging his fingers into their hips. They circled around him until his body was covered with their hands, teasing the audience, just barely touching around his dick, which with his pants...there was little room for imagination.
Silent moans left his lips once they started undressing him giving him their full attention. The cheers grew even louder. Before long, he was nearly fully undressed swaying to the music. He wore nothing special, just some briefs, like any normal person would. It was...confusing.
He took turns “giving attention” to every girl, looking at them like he worshiped the ground the walked on. They would grind their bodies together, or he would pick them up in his arms, and they would wrap their long legs around him. He would pantomime fucking them from behind, screwing up his face as if he really was. Everyone went crazy for that.
It didn’t last for very long and the lights soon went all the way down, leaving the stage scattered with sweating bodies, panting as if they had just cum, entangling themselves all in eachother.
You were a bit unenthused, but it was different. There was something about him that was different.
╚ ——————————————— ╝
“Were the drinks enough for you?” His voice called to you just as you were about to leave. This time, he returned wearing the same silk shirt.
“I hope that I didn’t make you pay for too many.” You pouted with faux empathy.
“And the show?” He grinned a little.
“Interesting. Considering a place like this.”
He laughed a little. “I help with...the imagination.”  
“So they pretend that you’re them. I’ll admit, it’s smart.”
“You’d be surprised, somedays I get more male customers compared to most of the girls here.” He bit his lip as if recalling a memory. “They pay well too, pay for whatever they aren’t getting at home. Who am I do deny them that when it’s my job?
“You sleep with them?”
“The ones I like.”
“Sounds exhausting.”
“Can be. In a good way.” He let out a sharp laugh. “So. Did I prove you wrong?”
“Hmmm. I could do better.”
He popped his brows up. “You could?”
He was intriguing. You decided to give him a bite. “I dance at La Rose Rouge.”
“You dance at that overpriced, snotty ass place?” His words turned poisonous.  What’s it like dancing for a guy who’s got a stick so far up his ass--”
“--The price is right, and you get what you pay for there...especially if its me.”
“How am I not surprised?”
“I need to go, I’ve seen all I could here.” You bowed at him a little.
“Wait.” He grabbed at your arm. “I’ve still got one more thing to show you. Follow me.”
 ╚ ——————————————— ╝
Your insides were on fire as he fucked into you. Every time that he thrust into you, he was relentless and unforgiving. He was going so fast you could barely catch your breath. You were bent over some dusty old sofa in an equally dusty dressing room. You would kill him if he left bruises on your hips from how hard he was holding you.
“fuck. shit.” He panted, then reached one of his hands around to rub at your sensitive sex, slick with your excitement.
He was so fucking cocky, but he knew what the hell he was doing. He bent over your back, sucking into your skin, wrapping his arms around you to tweak your nipples. He was wrecking you from the inside out, devouring you like he had never tasted anything like you.
He kicked your legs open even farther. “Fucking moan for me, slut.”
You had barely let him hear more than a few gasps, he didn’t deserve it. You wanted him to moan for you.
“Who are you calling slut?” You said with venom.
You shoved off of him, and he looked devastated. He was cute. He even frowned regretfully like he had done something wrong.
The metal of your rings dug into his neck when you grabbed it, squeezing as hard as you could. Your hot breath snuck into his ear, “No, you fucking moan for me...slut.”
You attacked his lips, tracing the insides of his mouth with your tongue. He moaned right into you and grabbed handfuls of your ass with his two hands. Your teeth bit his lip and pulled. His dick trembled between the two of you and he rutted against your stomach to get some kind of relief.
He took one of his hands to your hair before resting his glossy brown eyes on you. “I’d do anything for you.” His voice quivered. “You ruin me.”
“Get on the floor.” You commanded him, and he did as he was told without a question, laying his bare body on the cold concrete.
The chill of the stone stung your knees, but that didn’t matter, you just wanted to see him unravel. You straddled down onto him, taking him in as you sunk down.
“oh shit,” slipped off your tongue without you having much control over it.
You rolled your core over him, back and forth, circling yourself and bouncing up and down as he rolled his eyes back, licking his lips while you did everything that you wanted. As you bounced he held on to your ass, digging his fingertips in. You had your eyes closed, so you didn’t see it when he rose is hand to slap you hard. It burned beautifully.
“—Jisung? Are you done yet? The rest of us are going out.” A female voice called, and rattled the locked door.
“FUCK OFF.” He groaned, and held onto your ass even tighter.
You let out a unamused tsk. “Jisung? That’s your real name?”
He didn’t say anything, but instead swiftly took you in his arms to lay you down. The chill of the floor startled you into wince, but it felt amazing compared to how hot you were. He entered you immediately again, then slung your legs over his shoulders. His blonde hair appeared to bounce a little with each thrust.
You knew exactly what you were doing when you dragged your nails down his arms, waterfalling pink, perfect, lines. His whole body seized at the sensation, sending him into a fury. He licked his hand from palm to fingers, not breaking your gaze as he used it to rub relentlessly at you.
You were on the edge.  
“Want my cum, you whore?”
You were close as well, and it clouded your senses--you felt yourself slipping into him after holding back for so long.
“ye-yes, I want it.”
He came in seconds, doubling over you when he did, panting like a dog, with you gasping just as hard from your own orgasm. He seemed to shake a little as he came down, nearly suffocating you with his body weight. You jiggled your hips just a little to get a rise out of him. You had guessed correctly, someone like him couldn’t take overstimulation.
“Fuck, wait, wait. I-I can’t take anymore.”
You laughed a little and stopped. “You’re no fun.”
“I thought I literally just proved to you that I’m loads of fun.”
“Mmm, I suppose.”
“You liked it?” He ran his hand through his sweaty roots.
“You made me cum, so...usually I have to fake it.”
You nodded.
“I’m honored.” He grinned a little pridefully.
You reached down to your hole to catch a few drops of his cum on your fingers, stretching it out a little and playing with it. He watched you as you did so, eyes wide. You stood to grab his jaw, sticking your fingers in his mouth which he eagerly sucked.
“Where have you been my whole life?” He looked up at you in wonder.
“I’m gonna pretend you didn’t just say that...Jisung.”
He watched you then as you dressed, careful not to forget your gorgeous silver wristwatch.
“I won’t be coming back, so don’t expect that this will happen again.”
“Wait--” He stopped you before you grabbed the door handle. “You didn’t tell me your name--”
“--That’s something you don’t need to know.”
╚ ——————————————— ╝
“Darling, is there anything that I can get you?”
Your manager swept a caring hand to hold you by the small of your back.
“No, thank you though, love.” You shone brightly back to him.
“Just let me know? So far we’ve got a queue for you. Four gentlemen and three ladies. I expect that the tips tonight will be generous...it’s payday.”
You politely nodded. “Of course.”
“Have you been having a hard time with any of the new faces?”
You took a sip of your brandy. “Some of them have some mouth, but I’ll make them dignified. You can trust me.”
“I always do.” He gently kissed your cheek. “Ah, I forgot to mention, one of your customers brought you a gift. It’s in your dressing room; he wants you to wear it for your dance tonight.”
“I do love gifts.”
“Go get ready darling, you haven’t got much more time.”
Once you were in your dressing room, a medium sized white box waited for you on your vanity. There was no labels; no indication that it was from a luxurious brand. You opened it, and the shirt was wrapped in light pink tissue paper. It was too short to be a robe, but it was silk and white with buttons that looked more decorative rather than useful. You figured it must have been your customer’s: many of them got off to you wearing their clothes. It wasn’t your usual style, but you knew how to make anything work.
╚ ——————————————— ╝
“And for our last act of the night: the wonderful, the illustrious...”
You walked out to the silent stage: meant only for you, the stage lights yellow, shrouding you in their brilliance. Your chest was bare, save for the silky shirt falling off your shoulders. They were cheering for you, throwing paper bills at you and calling your name, but you couldn’t hear them at all. You had never felt so whole in your life since being on the stage. It seemed like the rest of your days were just spent chasing some kind of feeling that merely resembled that.
Barefoot, you pranced along the stage, twirling like a ballerina even, letting the shirt billow up just so they could see your perky bottom. With all of their eyes on you, you felt like an absolute vision--like an ethereal being, desired, but impossibly attainable.
The jazz song played on by the live players, a muted trumpet and violins accompanied you. Your eyes swept across the blue velvet curtains of the booths, to every man and woman looking at you in awe. You let the shirt slip just a bit farther, revealing your back, winking. You never had to show them much. It was your charisma that they thirsted for--and that they could only get a small taste of.
╚ ——————————————— ╝
“Darlin’ you’re a catch, an absolute catch.” Your manager snuck up behind you taking your makeup off to hand you the ridiculously fat stack of bills. “You keep us afloat baby, you know that I can’t thank you enough.” He bowed.
“Stop flattering me.” You remarked with a smirk. “I know.”
Your manager left, then the curtain to your room screeched again. He slowly stepped into the light, applauding slightly.
“He’s right you know? Even I can’t get enough of you.”
It was him, cocky smile, swept blonde hair and all.
“You again? I’m surprised that you even made it in here at all. Considering who you are.”
“What? The competition? You didn’t tell them about me, did you?”
You patted some serums into your face. “Better leave soon before they rid you of that handsome face of yours.”
“You saying that I’m handsome?” He snarked.
“What are you doing here anyway?”
“Seeing you, I thought I made that clear? Isn’t that what you were doing when you came to my club?”
“Like what you saw?”
“I stand corrected.” He let up, advancing towards you at your vanity. “And you look just as stunning in my shirt as I thought you would.”
“Your...this is yours? How the hell did you mange that?”
“I have my ways.”
“I suppose you want it back then.”
“No...you can keep it...if you promise me one thing.”
“And what would that be?”
He reached out for your hands, which you tentatively took. He swept you up, pulling you into his chest with eyes dipped in lust.
“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.” He spoke onto your lips with heated breath.
You would’ve been lying if you had said his lips didn’t look appetizing.
“One more time.”
“Bold of you to assume that I’d want to fuck you again.”
“You haven’t been thinking of it too? My hands on your body...”He caressed your body down, “My lips on yours?” He pulled you in by the chin to carefully part your lips with his. “My dick filling you up?” He pulled you in closer to feel his pulsating dick. “You don’t think about it?”
“What do you want me to say?”
“That you want me. All you have to do is say it and I’m yours.”
“You’re looking to get killed if they know you’ve touched me.”
“I’d happily die for you.”
“I’ll pretend you didn’t say that...Jisung.”
His lips fell to your neck where he pressed slow kisses onto it. “Just say it...”
The cool of his saliva on your skin met the air, tingling. You couldn’t believe you found yourself considering...
“I know you want to...”
“This won’t be a common occurrence.” You got out, suppressing your moans.
“Is that a yes?”
“And we’ll see about that.” He slyly grinned, meeting your lips once again.
He swept you up, and your legs naturally wrapped around him. He carried you out of the dressing room to the main hall, pulling you both into the nearest booth, drawing the blue velvet curtains behind him. His eyes devoured you, casting aside his silk shirt that loosely clung to you. You threw your weight onto the table, opening your legs for him, inviting him. He chuckled a little at the action.
“I can imagine you must’ve been thinking of this as well then.” He kissed down your stomach, removing what underwear you were barely wearing. He kissed and sucked at the skin in your inner thighs, kindling your excitement. Spit gathered on his tongue, which he let drip down to your sex which glistened for him.
Your core begged for that feeling once again, that feeling only he could give you: the one that made you feel alive, like you weren’t just chasing some impossibility.
He lapped at you slowly with his tongue, awakening your whole body.
“I fucking want you.”
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toushindai · 3 years
do you ever see a conversation so good that you HAVE to meta about it?
post-credits spoiler below.
Persephone: Tell me something, Zagreus... sometimes I fear... do you hate him? I mean your father. Regardless of his intentions... it sounds like he made your life extraordinarily difficult. All his pent-up fear and anger... you bore the brunt of it.
Zagreus: Do I hate him...? Mother, I don’t know that I hate anybody, really. The tales of him and the Olympians rending their immortal Titan parents to bits... I can’t relate to how they must have felt. But, I resented him, for sure. And... I don’t know if I’ll ever get over that, entirely.
Persephone: I understand. I think that when Hades told you he asked no forgiveness, he understood as well, and meant it. Well, for all his failings, I’m thankful that he did not teach you how to hate. For your own sake, if not for his.
Zagreus: Sometimes I think he tried.
I haven’t talked about it much but I really love the pain that’s still present in the relationship between Hades and Zagreus post-credits. I am infinitely glad that Hades was made a sympathetic character without negating or denying his abuse of Zagreus or expecting Zagreus to swiftly forgive him, and I think that they exist in a state of mostly uncomfortable truce, Hades trying to be better (sometimes failing, or I suppose frequently failing if you zipped through the game and are getting most of his not-specific-to-post-credits dialogue interspersed with the post-credits stuff) and Zagreus feeling how he will feel about all of it. Zagreus probably offers the occasional olive branch, just because of who he is as a person, but even that is probably awkward.
This conversation is more of the same, but I also find it revelatory about Persephone. Because here’s the thing... I don’t think she should be as relieved by this answer as she seems to be, in much the same way as I don’t think she should have managed to stay convinced that the eternal winter was just a local issue for as long as she did.
Look, I myself have people-pleasing tendencies, though I hope they are not quite as persistent as Zagreus’s. So when I hear Zagreus answering Persephone’s question about hatred this way, I hear echoes of my own difficulty with, for example, directly telling someone I care about that I’m angry with them. If asked, I will downgrade the emotion to “frustrated.” So that’s what I, at least, get out of Zagreus’s use of the word “resented” here. He’s hedging. (To say nothing of the absurdly high bar he sets for the definition of “hatred,” and how he halfway meets it anyway--he may not be chopping Hades into bits permanently but he is, you know, fighting him to death on the regular.) I don’t think that Zagreus is intentionally lying to his mother, but I do think he’s softening what he feels--looking at it through a gentler lens, even--in order to not hurt her, to lessen the fear that she’s just confessed to. And probably in order to be “good,” in her eyes.
And even so, his concluding line here makes clear the depth of the pain Hades has subjected him to. It’s less, I think, that Hades did not teach Zagreus hate and more that Zagreus has fought hard not to learn hate. He is someone--he has chosen to be someone--who does not dwell in hatred, who offers friendship to just about anyone and will only withdraw the offer if you truly mistreat him consistently (Hades, Alecto, Theseus); someone who, when Hades explains his actions, even without asking for forgiveness, extends empathy anyway--I think, honestly, without being able to help himself. And there’s something to be said, maybe, about the uncomfortable experience of feeling empathy when you’re not done with your anger yet, and this is the story I want to keep writing about Zagreus and Hades post-credits.
But all of this... I think Persephone misses it, here. I think she lets herself be relieved by what Zagreus says. The conversation ends with Zagreus’s line, but I wonder what her response to that would be? I know mine was to say “OOF” very loudly, because to me, it negates any reassurance that Zagreus’s earlier line could have offered. It indicates that Zagreus was uncomfortable with the question, uncomfortable at being asked to reassure, uncomfortable with the conclusion she reached. Zagreus told her that things with Hades were not as bad as they could have been; I think part of him fears that what she heard was that things were not that bad. His last line calls attention back to the fact that even if Hades was not as bad as he could have been, he’s still the worst part of Zagreus’s life. And, again, based on the dialogue here and the fact that the conversation continues no further, I would say that Persephone didn’t hear all of what Zagreus feels.
Like I said towards the beginning of the post, I see Persephone’s missing the point here very much in line with her professed desire to believe that the eternal winter around her cottage was just around her cottage. In either situation, there’s further information available. Persephone could have wandered and explored, while she was living on the surface. She could have not asked Zagreus for this reassurance to begin with, or noted that there are shades of hatred that may be less destructive than that which drove the Olympians to chop up the Titans, but no less acute. But she didn’t. This is perhaps a tendency of hers, one she would be better off facing eventually. And in this conversation, I think she failed Zagreus--not to the extent that Hades has, but in a common, everyday way. And I like that glimpse of not-perfection. I like the post-credits world as a story of a family, trying. Not always succeeding.
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denimbex1986 · 4 months
'British filmmaker Andrew Haigh tells stories about real flesh-and-blood people who are often at a crossroads in their lives. With great empathy he knows how to unravel the complexity of interpersonal relationships. Haigh first made himself heard in 2009 with Greek Pete , his chronicle about a gigolo who roams the streets of the English capital. In Weekend, the maker of the acclaimed TV series Looking sketched an unaffected portrait of the budding love between two gay men and the question arose whether there was a future for them together after their one-night stand. Haigh reached the height of his powers with 45 Years , the moving account of a third-age couple whose happiness is sorely tested in the run-up to their forty-fifth wedding anniversary. The director then traveled across America for a road movie and coming-of-age film in one, centering on a teenager who loses his heart to a race horse. Although there is a great deal of variety in this journey, the filmmaker always remains true to his own style and Haigh's latest print is no exception.
In the endearing All of Us Strangers we meet Adam (Andrew Scott), a lonely screenwriter who lives in an almost empty, half-under-construction tower block on the outskirts of London. He is working on a script about his parents - who died in a tragic car accident more than thirty years ago - and is still struggling with this painful loss. As a result, the introvert in his forties lives almost like a hermit who has emotionally cut himself off from the outside world. When the fire alarm goes off in the complex one evening, Adam is approached by Harry (Paul Mescal), a bachelor from the sixth floor who suddenly appears at his door and starts flirting in a slightly intoxicated state. Initially, Adam rejects the advances of his nonchalant neighbor, but later the two grow closer.
Harry, who has always felt like the odd one out, and the more calculating Adam are in fact opposites - and there is also a significant age difference between the two men. As their relationship blossoms, Adam returns to the sleepy suburb where he lived as a child. To Adam's dismay, the parental home seems to be frozen in time. In fact, his mom and dad, whom he bumps into there, haven't changed one bit.
Andrew Haigh leaves open the question of whether the meetings between Adam and his parents (roles that are cleverly played by Jamie Bell and Claire Foy) only take place in the protagonist's head. As a result, All of Us Strangers quietly transforms into a kind of modern ghost story in which the past and present become intertwined and an unresolved trauma resurfaces. So it is not surprising that the film exudes a surreal, almost supernatural atmosphere at times.
All of Us Strangers is loosely based on the Japanese cult novel Strangers by Taichi Yamada, which was also the basis for The Disincarnates ( Ijin-tachi to no natsu ) from 1988. Haigh gives his vulnerable picture a sometimes dreamy character, but shuns reality not. It is at the same time a film about grieving, sexual attraction, the gap between two generations and a changing image of the times. It is partly supported by the impressive acting of Andrew Scott and Paul Mescal. Scott is best known for the popular Fleabag , while Mescal gave his best in the beautiful miniseries Normal People and also shone in the critically acclaimed gem Aftersun .
The self-reflective characters are given plenty of breathing space. This makes the emotionally charged All of Us Strangers a candid character study that never goes overly sentimental. Everything is meaningful with few words, moving in its simplicity and has a beauty that is also translated into the beautiful visual accents. DOP Jamie Ramsay has already teamed up twice with Oliver Hermanus ( Skoonheid , Moffie ) and provided the eye-catching photography of the otherwise mediocre Mothering Sunday . In All of Us Strangers he paints with light and darkness, which is supplemented with some surprising color experiments and carefully thought-out editing.
All of Us Strangers has already won several awards and is almost unanimously praised. Most viewers are even moved to tears by the film. The apotheosis to the sounds of Frankie Goes to Hollywood's The Power of Love will certainly not leave you unmoved.
0 notes
robin-the-enby · 3 years
Hey! I love your matchups and I really want one with on the black butler characters.
I am ISTJ and even though I was born in America I come from a Mexican family. So I am fluent in Spanish and English. Along side of Mandarin Chinese (still learning) and Japanese (still learning)
Appearance wise, I have olive skin, long wavy/curly hair that reaches my tailbone (i like putting it in side braid). I also have long bangs that quite often fall over my glasses. And just too lazy to move them. I also have dimples when I smile. I will bite anyone who try poke them.
Personality: I can get hard to know at first because I have trust issues (my heart has been broken okay) . Not too mention people don't try to get know me because of my major Resting Bitch Face. They think I am judging them or that I am scary. But I am not... I am attentive so I will stand up for myself and anyones else. I am patient. Also, after you get to know me you will realize I am a chaotic crackhead with a melodramatic persona. Like "your star is here!" "The stage is calling for me. Move out of my way" "the spotlight is on me so could you move you crusty face?" I like to tease and flirt with the people I am close to. I zone out or daydream a lot. And in the worst times. It could be a serious meeting and I am chuckling because of something in my head. Which have scared people. It could be during a conversation and I will stop listening. But I will always feel bad and apologize.
I also like to scare people. Like tell them the unsolved cases or horrific cases that I know (I love unsolved cases) . This is also why my little siblings hate me. Turns out talking kids murder cases and disapperinv cases was not appropriate for bed time story... woops.....
I like to pop out of nowhere and either flick or playfully punch my friends and say boo. I do accidentally roast people. I don't think before I say things. And don't realize until hours or days later. And I am like "shit"
I am sarcastic and that has gotten me in trouble before. My friend asked for my advice and I didn't know she was being serious. So I gave her a sarcastic advice and she came back to me mad. I was like "shit you believed me?"
Likes/hobbies: i like my anatomy class and I like to read, write, meditate (because I get stressed a lot). I really like to dance and listen to music. Which my music taste is everywhere: Kpop, classical music, jazz, jpop, Spanish songs, rock, metal. Every music genre except for country. I like to play the violin.
My passion lies in the arts and crafts. I would like to do illustration and photography. More specifically street fashion photography and and event photography. Like weddings and funerals. Yes funeral photography does exist and I will like to do it. Since it is also special event. I draw a lot of portraits and landscapes. I have been told that my art is either scary or mysterious. Though I can get a little caught up with my passion. I practice to get better with no rest.
Flaws/toxic traits: I am not empathetic or sympathetic. People always thought I didn't care about my friend's issues. I do i just don't understand them. My compassion does make up for this and will give advice. My other flaw, is the high walls I build to protect myself. I am there for other people. But people were never there for me. People have manupliated me and that cause me trust issues. I don't know how to handle negative emotions like depression, anxiety, self doubt, procrastination. So I just isolate myself in these moods. They really take a toll on me and make me think I can't do my passions. I am afraid of commitment because of toxic relationships i had before.
Love language: I am not obvious with affection. (Because no one ever gave me it). I show it through my teasing and flirting. My love language is however Act of Service. I will help my s/o with anything they need. Chores, work, advice, etc. Sort of the mom of my friend group. But a Savage mom as I have been told. "Stop crying, here I made you a cookie" "do I need to hurt someone" "don't worry I can get coffin with a lock in it". I am also an aggressive supporter. Like "No YOU are beautiful. YOU are gorgeous!" (This happened when someone gives me affection and time try to turn the attention to them as way to hide my fluster)
I will call my s/o like "stupid" "idiot" but in a endearing way. Okay. Occasionally I will use "beloved" and "Cariño/cariña"
I am not good receiving verbal affection or physical affection. I was never given affection so I am not used to it. I will start blushing and stop working. I will also probably say "idiot" or turn the attention to them like "no.. u" but I think fails because I am terrible at hiding my blush. I get easily flustered with affection okay. But I won't ever admit that I like it. Though it is obvious.
Sexuality: i am bisexual so it doesn't matter what gender I am paired up with.
Funt fact i guess?: I love small plants, plushies, and banana milk. Like I have hundreds of different kinds of plants and they each have their own name. Like GGmo, Lily, Melody, Edward. I love Banana milk as I said. I drink it every evening. It always get me happy so when I am sad or had a bad day. I drink banana milk and I am happy. It is also to make up for my coffee addiction. I am addicted to coffee. My friends said no coffee and I was like fine banana milk then :)
This is getting long now... bye.
I'm glad that you like my matchups, I'm trying my best tbh😅 I match you with:
Sebastian Michaelis
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Sebastian is very curious in nature, so he definitely wants to know what you're really like, not the front you put on.
He's also very charming when he wants to, he makes it very easy to open up to him and get comfortable around him.
Sure, he, as a demon, doesn't really care much for humans, so when he doesn't have to play the polite, kind butler, he probably has a RBF as well, however, I think that changes when he's interacting with someone he loves.
His sweet words may have been a mask at first, so he could see the real you, but the closer you two become, the more he means every word of praise, encouragment or comfort he utters.
He would most certainly be amused by your crackhead self once you do get comfortable around him, but it's not really his vibe. He wouldn't scold you for being loud, brash or inapropriate, like he does the other servants.
If he's in a really good mood or when the situation calls for it, he can be dramatic as well. Sometimes he'd do it just to get on Ciel's nerves XD
One big pro of being with Sebastian is that he lets you off the hook a lot. If he was talking to anyone else and they'd space out, oh honey, he would stare them down so hard, it's sending chills down my spine just thinking about it. But if it's you it's like a complete 180, Sebastian can't possibly be mad at you, everyone spaces out sometimes, those things just happen.
The other servants make sure to be on your good side so that you could intercede with him on their behalf.
You can't scare him with your true crime stories, but you sure as hell can scare the others. And you can bet your ass Seb's gonna help! The plan is: You tell the story and then he's gonna pop up out of nowhere behind them, giving them mini heart attacks.
If you try to scare him though, you'll need to be on guard 24/7 until he gets you in return. And even if your on guard all the time, he finds a way to scare the life out of you.
Your humor is practically the same, I mean, Sebastian is great at off handed remarks/roasts and sarcastic comments that you have to look for to really see them. You two could be talking shit about anyone and everybody would be like "Oh yeah, normal conversation, yes"
Sebastian would love to dance with you. And trust me when I say this, he is good at any type of dance. If you two are ever at a ball, prepare your feet, because he's not gonna let go of you the whole night (unless his master is in danger of course).
He would be your #1 supporter, he'd go with you out to take photos, and if you asked him to look at some, he'd take a good long look at each and every one of them and describe in detail how he feels about them. Also would go to any art shows you'd host if it came to it.
When it comes to sympathy and empathy, Sebastian also has a hard time showing these feelings. He's been alive for far longer than any human on Earth and he's a demon. He's never had any of the problems humans have, so naturally he doesn't kniw what it feels like to have them. Plus, before you came into his life, he didn't care much for them either.
However, he's gonna be there for you whenever you need him, emotionally or practically, even though he doesn't get your feelings.
You both have walls put up, you because of bad past experiences, him because as a demon, he has major issues with being vulnerable in any way. And I'm not talking just emotionally here, but demons are almost undestroyable, yet they have very few weaknesses that they just need to hide away.
It's rare Sebastian has a problem, but even if he had, you wouldn't know, because he thinks you, as a human, wouldn't understand and so he won't burden your mind with it. However, he's very perceptive and so if your behaviour changes, be it due to anxiety or a depressive episode, he'll know.
Now, he's not the type of person to try and break down your walls by force, but in situstions like these, where he's not sure how to help, you gotta talk to him and he won't leave you alone until you tell him how he can help.
He's not above carrying you around and doing everything for you until you're embarassed enough to tell him
He is very appreciative of your help around, since the other servants are good at everything but what they're supposed to do.
You with your tough love and Sebastian with his teeth rotting compliments and affection, it'd be honestly really funny to watch. He adores how you show affection, because it's different from most people he's known. But on the other hand, you can't expect him not to spoil you afte all the hard work you do every day?
He would really shower you in love and affection, because you deserve it and because it makes you flustered XD
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icepower55 · 3 years
Hi, sweetie. Here I go again. These days, I have looked for some works of the same type as what you think is right, but I found that you wrote the best. I have been looking through them several times recently. You explain to me last time why Theo was so hostile to Hermione. According to your explanation, I put myself in Theo's emotions to understand this plot, I will relatively less hostile to him, but I still feel sorry for Hermione's isolated state, so I do not forgive him!
This time I have some new question to ask you, 1. In chapter 12, when Hermione hears Draco's friends come to the Manor looking for him, Draco and his friends are happy and in harmony until she arrives at the conservatory. Extrapolating from the later episodes, were Pansy and Theo then explaining to Draco the things they had threatened Hermione while he was in hospital? Is Theo's friendliness to Hermione at that time genuine? Or is it just because Draco was there at that time? As well as the next chapter, the three of them wrote to Hermione in the hope that they can meet with Hermione this behavior, but also because they have changed their mind about Hermione?
2. We all know that Hermione who was not involved in them, in part because of her own, she have to go to parents' home to pack up something, I read another meaning, is Hermione don't want to destroy the atmosphere of joy, because she felt Draco and his friends will be very happy, with her together always very pain, After all, the two of them haven't been communicating well for a long time. I think the two of them are just hiding from each other, from their problems. I don't know if this is accurate?
Last question~ Again from chapter 12, which I really have a lot of questions about this chapter, sorry. Hermione turned down Theo and Blaise's invitation because she was going to her parents' house, at that time Draco ask her “Do you need me to come with you?” Heimione rejected, Draco also did not retain her further, Personally, I felt that Hermione was at her most vulnerable, alone in a house full of her parents' life, and that the memories were extremely painful for her. If Draco really loved her, why didn't he go with her? Was he still subconsciously angry with Hermione at the time? I wonder what Draco was thinking at that moment?
I hit a long list, really very sorry, hope you don't dislike me too much talk🥲But I SUPER like your work. Thank you for your wonderful creation~😘🥰💪
Hey there! I'm so sorry this is so belated. My real life has been crazy lately, but I hope to do your wonderful questions justice:
1. I actually figured Pansy and Theo were just trying to cheer Draco up at that moment, possibly with Hogwarts-era memories (the early years!) or something of that sort. I did not imagine that they were talking about their behavior towards Hermione in that moment. If they had confessed to Draco what they had said to Hermione, he would have been furious.
Theo's behavior towards Hermione is an olive branch of some sort. Both Theo and Pansy had been friends with Hermione prior to Draco's accident, but when push came to shove, there was a clear division of alliances...for Theo, Draco always came first, as a brother, and Hermione was someone who grew to care about because he loved Draco. Hence, his loyalty–though perhaps misguided–was always with Draco, and in his mind, his actions towards Hermione are justified because his ultimate goal was to keep Draco alive, at whatever cost.
However, once Draco moved back to the manor to convalesce, Theo had some more time to reflect on the situation, which in turn allowed him to see Hermione's situation with much more empathy. His latent contrition in that scene is genuine. Pansy's as well. They really do want to repair their relationship with her.
2. Yes, you're spot on. Hermione feels like an interloper in that scene. For the first time in a very long time, Draco seems to be enjoying himself. She doesn't want to ruin that.
3. I'm not sure if what Draco felt at that moment was anger, but maybe dejection. I think he was exhausted, in pain, and unsure of how to proceed with his wife. I think he would have accompanied her, for sure, without complaint, but I think he no longer knew if his presence was helpful for her. He no longer knew if she wanted him around, and she no longer knew if he wanted her around. This really is a story about the poverty of language, I think, and the ways we lose each other because of that.
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