#and I mean....enya always wins
🎶✨when you get this you have to put 5 songs u actually listen to. then send this ask or tag 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)✨🎶
tagged by the faaaabbbbbbulous @queeranomaly thanks frand
So Apple Music makes a new "Favorites" playlist for me every week based on what it thinks I like/what I've been listening to a lot, so the 5 songs are gonna come from there =)
Skewing older this week but I do love all of these songs so it's accurate ahaha.
Tagging (no pressure) @bisexualwvtson @exlibrisfangirl @mamajosrefuge @malgudinights @lordoftherazzles @galwithalibrarycard @nickmybeloved @panlyra @hellahappytea and anyone else who wants to do this! =)
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fellow-traveller · 1 year
I actually already wrote a lengthy review of CDDH Chapter 14, but somehow my cat managed to press the back button and I lost 30 minutes worth of writing.
Anyway, under the cut, just in case it’s a spoiler to someone.
I’m probably just going to cover more on Hol Horse’s part than Josuke’s. I think a lot of fans would talk about Josuke more than Hol, so, yeah.
Small take on Josuke’s fight with Karaiya: I guess my favourite part is Crazy Diamond doing the rush. I love that Stand, and it’s very satisfying to see it in action. That said...I can’t shake the feeling that the way Karaiya was defeated is like...it’s still not over yet?
I mean, obviously, we still have Hol Horse and Ryoko’s story ongoing, maybe Boingo’s as well, but what I meant was...I feel like there might be another villain coming up. I tried to think who, if that’s the case. One of the surviving Dio agents? The actual person who stole Petsounds and set it free to rampage in Morioh? Either way, a new villain is always good. As long as it prolongs the story.
Alright, onto Hol Horse’s part!
Cowboy is a caring dad in CDDH, a handsome lad in SDC. We’ve established that. ♥
I think I’d prefer to talk about the tarot cards, because with just...two pages of Hol and Devo’s interactions, you can kinda learn a lot about their personalities.
Anyway, disclaimer: I’m not an expert in the Major Arcana, but good thing I like to read, so whatever I said here may not be accurate to the tarot itself and Araki’s initial intentions as to why he used it for his characters. I’m just sharing with what limited understanding I have of it.
That said, I have a hunch that for villains, Araki used the reversed version of their tarot cards.
When upright, Emperor signifies Structure, Authority, Rules, Stability and A Father Figure. Which, is basically Hol Horse when he’s not being a villain. From the point he chose to run away, these upright traits surfaced. We saw rules and stability in the way he chose to not put himself in obvious danger and in fights he cannot win, under his own rule of being number 2. We saw structure and authority when he chose to fight Dio in full confidence of his abilities. We saw the father figure with the way he treated Boingo, albeit in an unconventional way. And of course, in the CDDH chapters whenever he interacted with people younger than him.
However, reversed Emperor signifies Frustration, Helplessness, Abuse of Power, Immaturity, and Narcissism. Which is what he is as a villain, from the eyes of the heroes. These traits are also his downfall eventually. Hence why Emperor fits Hol.
Enya mentioned that she thought Emperor fits her son J.Geil better, but it actually didn’t? J. Geil was already a villain through and through, so he’s not destined to have upright traits. Even if he wasn’t an outright vile person, Emperor’s upright traits still doesn’t suit him, especially on the Father Figure, Rules and Stability. It’s not J. Geil’s character.
But, because reversed Emperor is a literal mirror to reversed Hanged Man, the latter card was given to J. Geil. With the added trait of impulsiveness and bearing the consequences of it. Which is why he’s dead by the end of his arc, in the hands of Polnareff.
(also, Emperor and Hanged Man being “mirrors” of each other is the reason why Hol and J.Geil were partners, and possibly why they both use mirrored surfaces to work together and defeat their enemies)
Meanwhile, Hol Horse mentioned that he would prefer to have The Lovers card, if he could call the shots. Like Devo assuming Hol’s strong principles of “getting out before it gets worse” that saved him from being in dangerous situations is unfitting of an Emperor, Hol Horse possibly assumed that, since he’s a self-proclaimed womaniser, the Lovers just sounds right for him.
But it’s not.
Reversed Lovers bears strongly on Jealousy, Disbalance, One-sidedness and Disharmony. Which is not something a cowboy with the ability to control his Stand’s bullets with pinpoint precision would have in character. And obviously jealousy is not something Hol feels, given all the lovers he had and left behind. Steely Dan, being a sadistic bully he is, seemed more fitting to those traits.
Also, a small take on Devo’s reversed Devil – Gratification, Manipulation, Independence, Reclaiming Power and Detachment. The traits somewhat explains how his Stand works, and to an extent, his personality too. He worked alone with the utmost confidence, he found satisfaction in terrorising even his coworkers, and he’s just...a master in manipulating emotions. The Devil fits him perfectly.
All these. Just from two pages.
Araki is one thing, but Kadono sure knows how to write these minor characters and make them part of CDDH flawlessly.
All in all, I’m happy to see more Hol Horse in this chapter. Although it’s nearing the part that Ryoko is gonna shoot him... ;-;
Again, a testament to his supreme agility, wow. He managed to grab on that ledge within seconds of being knocked back. Amazing. Hol really doesn’t act his age.
Also, dammit, Ryoko, calm down a bit on Kakyoin. The cowboy literally saw him dead on the water tank. Seeing a young schoolboy being brutally holed like that is bound to be traumatic, even for a seasoned assassin like him, more so for a man with a fatherly trait embedded within his very being.
Anyway, I hope he’ll be alright. Josuke, Boingo, save your temporary dad pls...
Also, I think I should thank WNMY for the translation. I read somewhere that some readers don’t really like the way the dialogues were written, but my personally opinion, as someone who can read raw Japanese manga, it’s alright. They sound more like conversation flows, and if it’s a literal translation, it would sound rigid. Unless you know how to read with the expressionism of how the Japanese speak. But how does one translate accents and tones anyway?
Can’t wait for Chapter 15! (and maybe Volume 3? ♥)
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simplynotcapable · 11 months
How would Visenya had done if she'd replaced or been a sibling to one of Alicent's kids rather than Aemmas?
Hi, anon!!
Assuming she still has her dreams, she remembers loving Rhaenyra. She remembers being close to Rhaenyra and trusting her and having her big sister’s support in everything she does. And then, in this life, she just…doesn’t. I know it’s a big thing between Team Black and Green fans whether Rhaenyra’s lack of relationship with the Green kids is her doing or Alicent’s, but I genuinely think it’s a little bit of both. So Visenya, as a Hightower, isn’t going to have any sort of relationship with Rhaenyra.
And she isn’t going to have nearly the same relationship with the Strong boys. I mean, they’re friendly enough, when they’re kids. Visenya is born right after Helaena, not much younger than her and Jace, and they aren’t really cruel to her. They just don’t really acknowledge her much, either. She isn’t Aegon, who has their hero worship, or Aemond, who they bully, so it’s just this vague “second cousin with a big age gap that you’ve only met once speaks to you at a family reunion”-esque type relationship.
Viserys has no interest in his Hightower kids, so she’s suddenly even more invisible to him than she’s ever been. He doesn’t give her as much slack as he does when she’s Aemma’s daughter, so things like just letting Vyper roam free aren’t going to be allowed.
Alicent is much different. I mean, she’s her mom. Visenya’s never had a mom before. It’s not arguable that Alicent isn’t always the best mother, but it’s undeniable that she does love her kids. Everything Alicent does is to protect her kids, even if she’s going about it the wrong way. So, here Visenya is, first time having a mother, and her mother is telling her that they’re in danger, that Rhaenyra being queen puts them all at risk, that she’s going to kill Visenya’s brothers and her big sister if they don’t get Aegon on the throne. And…why wouldn’t she believe her? Other Rhaenyra never would have hurt Other Visenya, but this Enya is very aware that people change drastically between lives. And if her mother is saying it, and Rhaenyra has never given her a reason not to believe it, she’s going to trust Alicent.
Her relationship with Helaena and the boys is largely the same, I think. Little differences but not big ones.
Our Visenya freezes on Driftmark because she can’t make herself choose a side. This Visenya has always had a side and has no reason to even worry about Jace and Luke, so she’s not just going to stand there while Aemond gets the shit kicked out of him. Now, Visenya also would have absolutely no weapons training in this life, so she mostly just also gets the shit kicked out of her. But she helps, a little.
She marries young, for sure (14-15). Rhaenyra’s deal with Jace and Helaena can also just be extended to Visenya, which is probably what Viserys suggests after Alicent betroths Aegon and Helaena (I am a firm believer that this only happened because Viserys gave her an ultimatum, but I digress). She’s got to get both of her daughters engaged to other people in order to keep them away from Rhaenyra’s bastards.
I don’t think it would be Aemond. They’ve already got one set of siblings engaged, which handles the blood purity aspect of it all, so Alicent has more wiggle room to convince Viserys into letting her engage her outside the family. A pure alliance match.
It is someone in the Crownlands, which allows her to still be in King’s Landing relatively often. It’s not a love match and she isn’t super happy, but he doesn’t beat her or anything so she just swallows her pride and takes the win.
Aemond is perfectly fine with all this, initially, because they still have their weird, Baelon induced resentment of each other at the time, but by the time he’s 13 and they’ve figured their shit out, he’s pissed as fuck. By the time she’s 14 and is getting married, he is a seething ball of jealous rage, and her husband has an unfortunate accident not long after the Dance begins. It is very sad for some people. Aemond is not one of them. Visenya is just Amused and they have a very dramatic conversation about it with lots of yelling and many elements involving The Repressed Sexuality of Two Catholic Children ™️ , but then she kisses him and kicks him in the leg at the same time and they figure it out.
Now that Luke and also Visenya’s husband is dead, she’s back home in the beginning stages of the war and, well. Alicent isn’t super happy about it but Visenya has a dragon that is, frankly, way faster than Vhagar and more vicious than Sunfyre, and she wants to help. Especially after Blood and Cheese. Visenya is inarguably a little bit insane after Blood and Cheese, because she’s freshly a widow just visiting her mother and sister when her nephew gets brutally murdered and her niece is brutalized, and we’re just going to leave it up in the air if Helaena and Visenya get SA’d because I don’t super want to think about it. Make your own decision.
So she’s like “I want to help” and Aegon says “no you’ll die” and she goes “fuck you” and they do this several times until Aegon finally says “ah fuck it, okay, please be careful, don’t die, i love you” and she does the Westeros equivalent of saluting him sarcastically and fucks off with Aemond to the Riverlands.
I would like to say that she reins him in and significantly less mass murder happens, but that’s just not what happens. She is traumatized and pissed off and wants to kill the world, and she’s probably at least a little bit insane, so she just goes “fifty points for that guy” and they kill a lot of people.
A lot of people.
Like, a lot.
Things go mostly the same, except she’s helping Aemond in his genocidal maniac era so significantly more people die. Alys Rivers doesn’t get spared because he’s already getting laid, but King’s Landing still gets taken, the Strongs all still die, etc etc.
And then Visenya dies at the God’s Eye.
Aemond is very clear when he leaves that she is supposed to stay behind and wait, he’s just gonna go kill their uncle and be back for dinner, and she waits like thirty minutes after he leaves before she gets on Vyper and goes after him. Just in case.
She’s just going to watch from a distance. Just to make sure. Just to be safe.
But when they disappear into the clouds…she follows. She just has a bad feeling, she can’t help it, Aemond can yell at her afterwards—
When she sees Daemon shooting straight down from above, a missile from hell, she interferes. Vyper smacks right into Caraxes’s side, knocks him off course, and Aemond is screaming at her from Vhagar’s back and Daemon is laughing, and three dragons fight instead of two.
It isn’t Vhagar’s throat that Caraxes sinks his teeth into. It’s Vyper’s wing, ripped straight off his body, and Visenya falls.
She thinks, for a moment, that it feels like flying.
Above her, Vhagar has Caraxes’s entire throat clamped in her jaws, his belly already ripped open, and Aemond’s howling so loudly that she can still hear it when she and Vyper hit the water.
She dies on impact, because no one in the Dance ever gets to have a happy ending, and it isn’t very long before Daemon and Caraxes fall to join her.
Aemond stays, though. In the air. Still screaming.
The Greens probably win the war, after that.
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So the ending of Stone Ocean really got me thinking about my AU and now theres so much more that I want to add into it. Especially with however Diavolo and Rallen are going to track down Giorno.
So all of this MiH shit that I gotta think about has made my brain buzz nonstop for the past almost two days. My AU takes place in the Irene-verse, I planned it this way, it was intentional.
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[Image ID: screenshot taken from the Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Fandom Wiki. Its a block of text of a response that was asking about how Pucci’s stand, Made in Heaven, actually worked. The third point reads, “So basically the first universe is the normal one, the second universe has knockoff Jolyne, Jotaro, and presumably other characters, and in the final universe the souls of the dead are returned, and Pucci is not reincarnated.” End Image ID]
My whole point with this is that, even though I didn’t fully understand MiH when creating this AU, now that the anime has explained it a bit more, I see that my interpretation of it is basically almost correct…with some bending of the rules simply for plot reasons. This then explains why in my AU that Bruno, Abbacchio, and Narancia exist and are alive. It also goes along with that whole concept of fate that those three will inevitably meet no matter what, including meeting Mista, Fugo, and Giorno. While under different circumstances, the six of them meet be caused thats what was destined to happen.
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[Image ID: a screenshot from this user’s twitter account, it reads, “Something that I love about JJBA and stands is the concept of fate. No matter how much someone tries to change it, they ultimately cannot change their own or someone elses fate because its what the universe has already planned for them. They can always try to buy themselves time, but in the end, fate will always win. No matter the person, no matter how powerful the stand it, fate always finds a way. Ex. Rolling Stones from pt 5 and then with MiH, although the universe is different, fate still played out similarly but with different situations.” End image ID]
Now how does this tie into Rallen and Diavolo?
Diavolo was always fated to find those arrows from the very beginning. He’s the reason why the Joestars and Dio manifested stands in the first place. He’s the cause for part 3 onwards. Of course, Diavolo isn’t aware of how selling those arrows to Enya could have eventually caused the universe to reset twice in a row, all he knew is that he needed only one of them. And that arrow, gave him a stand with the ability to see/travel through a short period of time to prepare himself/Doppio for their inevitable fate(ex. That fight with Risotto Nero).
During the final battle between Giorno and Diavolo, Dia uses Epitaph and sees what Giorno’s fate is supposed to be, Diavolo is absolutely certain of this win, theres nothing that should be able to change it, right? Wrong, because Giorno stabbed himself with the stand arrow and gained Gold Experience Requiem, a stand which exists outside of time itself, which is a huge problem for Diavolo because this means that although fate is technically correct, how can fate be accurate when one exists outside of the fabric of reality?
By using Requiem to his advantage, Giorno bent the rules and seemingly changed his fate. However, once again, fate always comes out on top, Giorno just merely bought himself time, just like he did with Bruno all the way back at San Giorgio(Bruno was already dead, he was just a walking and talking zombie at that point bc Diavolo already killed him). Giorno’s ultimate fate is to be killed by Diavolo, or in this case, Cremisi, the fusion of Rallen and Diavolo, because that was the original prediction of Epitaph all the way back in 2001. Giorno didn’t change his fate, he bought himself time. Diavolo’s fate was never to die infinite deaths until the end of time itself, Diavolo’s fate was to be victorious in the battle between him and Giorno and to remain the most powerful stand user in all of Italy and the entirety of the Mafia.
Even in the original universe, Rallen was going to end up meeting Diavolo, albeit under completely different circumstances. But thats only if Giorno didn’t buy himself those extra 21 extra years by throwing Diavolo into the infinite death loop.
And once again, due to fate, Bruno, Abbacchio, and Narancia will die…eventually. Maybe it’ll be under better circumstances? Maybe Giorno will be the one to kill them this time around instead of Diavolo?
I have so much more I want to talk about but I’m so tired and need sleep. (( _ _ ))..zzzZZ Feel free to send asks if you have any questions regarding my AU! I’d love to respond and give yall more information that I have on it.
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highdio · 3 years
do you think Dio is pure evil? to me, he seems a bit rather complex on that, he at least likes two people (Pucci and his mother). even if he used the former as a way to further his plans, there is no evidence that he didn't care for him. i heard you say that Araki says Dio only cares about himself, but he actually said is he would "absolutely never pour 100% of his love into a specific person.". so even in 50% or 30%, he had remnants of empathy, minute as they are. what do you think?
imo "pure evil" can be complex, it's not an either/or thing, I think that broke villain chart got everyone wrongly fixated on 'evil as a motivation' (ie, "evil for evil's sake") rather than evil as an alignment/character trait. A pure evil character can have complex motivations outside of their being evil. And an evil person can like other people. In Dio's case, I think his general lack of empathy and morality boxes him out of being able to experience love in a selfless or giving sense. But imo Dio considers Pucci a trusted friend and genuinely likes him.
I saw a study once that showed psychopaths (or people who score high on the psychopathy spectrum) can learn to increase empathy (or practice empathy, so to speak) by participating in “normal,” healthy relationships. In Dio's case, both Pucci and Dio's mom are two people who constituted zero threat to Dio: Pucci loved Dio as he loved God (and he's a priest so, I mean, that means something) and Dio's mom I assume loved Dio unconditionally too (and, depending on how young he was when she died, Dio might even have a romaticized sense of this aspect to her). So offering some empathy in return to these two people would be possible even for the Jojoverse's most evil guy, there’s nothing to lose here, nothing to distrust, it's all win-win.
But I'd also look to his relationship with Enya as a parallel. Enya was Dio's most trusted advisor, a mentor and confidant, and Dio and she shared the bond in Part 3 that's probably closest to the one between Dio and Pucci in Part 6. But when Enya became a liability she also became completely expendible, instantaneously. I'm 100% certain Dio didn't lose any sleep over her death because to him it was necessary.
So imo, Dio can have friendships and, in spite of what Araki said, he did probably love his mom 100%, but the layer of his being a user and manipulator, even a predator of sorts, will always ultimately trump him offering anything selfless out of friendship when there's actually something at stake or for him to lose.
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lumosinlove · 3 years
12/21/20: Day Eight
On the eight day of Ficmas, Hazel gave to yeeeeeee, the love story of Nado and Kuny!
Jackson was standing in the Moscow airport when he realized he couldn’t understand—or read—Russian. He had a carry-on slung over his shoulder with just a couple days worth of clothes, and Evgeni’s last words to him in his head.
See you next season. We win always. Miss you.
Jackson had spent June lonely, and now he was here, staring at Evgeni’s contact on his phone.
“What am I doing,” Jackson breathed to himself, and raised the phone to his ear.
“Nado,” Evgeni’s voice came a moment later. “You wake me up.”
“No, I didn’t,” Jackson said without thinking. “As if you’re ever asleep at one AM.”
Evgeni’s laugh was familiar. “Okay, fine. What’s up?”
Jackson opened his mouth, and then closed it again.
“Okay?” Evgeni said.
“I’m in Russia.”
And that was it. Evgeni went quiet.
“I’m,” Jackson tried again, looking around at all the unreadable signs. “I’m at the airport?”
There was another beat of silence, and then Evgeni, voice quiet, said, “What one?”
Jackson looked at his ticket, wincing before he spoke. “Domo…dedovo.”
“Stay,” Evgeni said. “I’m rescue baby Canadian.”
Jackson rolled his eyes. “Kuns.”
Jackson could hear a rustling like keys in the background and Evgeni’s laugh. “All alone in Russia, so scared.”
“Hurry,” Jackson said, watching his sneakers against the bright airport floor.
“I’m find you,” Evgeni said, then hung up.
He figured it was best to wait by arrivals, and outside on the pavement. It was cooler here, and he took his sweatshirt off, letting the night air at least try to calm his beating heart.
Finally, an unfamiliar car pulled up. It was flashy, windows tinted darkly, and painted a bright red with a too loud engine for the more or less quiet airport. Evgeni opened the door and got out.
“Big scar, people think you spy,” Evgeni said, smile bright as he made the joke, pleased with himself.
“What the fuck are you driving?”
Evgeni just smiled and took Jackson’s bag from him, slinging it over his own shoulder. Jackson felt it to his core as he was looked up and down by Evgeni’s brown eyes. Evgeni was dressed in jeans and a rumpled t-shirt with some lettering on it that Jackson couldn’t read.
“What you do?” he said finally.
I don’t know, Jackson thought. “I’m here to see you.”
“Not tell me?”
“It was sort of a—sudden thing.”
Evgeni nodded. “Fast.”
Jackson rubbed the rough, puckered skin along his cheek, a habit he’d picked up since he’d first gotten the scar. “Aren’t you going to invite me home?”
Jackson missed the season, missed living with Evgeni. Their late nights and the restaurants down the street that knew them by name.
Evgeni smiled, and it looked like he missed it, too. He jerked his head towards the car. “Come home. Eat food.”
Evgeni’s Moscow apartment had definitely been decorated by someone else.
“It looks like a magazine threw up in here,” Jackson said, which was probably not the best thing to say to your best friend who had just picked you up from the airport at two in the morning after calling him to say you suddenly decided to visit him.
Jackson felt jumpy.
But then Evgeni laughed his familiar laugh, sort of snickering and deep, and he tossed Jackson’s bag at him hard.
“Fuck you, our apartment look no better. That woman think all we like is—what’s…the couch?”
Jackson laughed. “Leather.”
“Yes!” Evgeni flipped lights on as he laughed, walking into the kitchen and tossing Jackson a bottle of water before opening the refrigerator. “Jesus. Hungry?”
Jackson was starving. And when Evgeni pulled a wrapped dish of what Jackson knew were pelmeni, he all but fell onto one of the tall stools on the other side of the kitchen counter.
Evgeni’s teasing smile was back as he picked at the cling wrap from the bowl. “You like Russian food.”
Jackson nodded. “Well, yeah, you make it.”
He flushed despite himself. That felt much too like, well, yeah, I like you.
They talked while they ate, and more while they shared Evgeni’s sink as they brushed their teeth. It was close to five when they finally silenced, looking at Evgeni’s bed.
“I can take the couch,” Jackson said, suddenly feeling like the biggest asshole in the world to surprise show up at Evgeni’s house. “You didn’t think you’d be sharing a bed tonight.”
“No, not with you,” Evgeni laughed. “Come on.”
Jackson paled. “Shit. Did—were you expecting—”
“I’m joke, I’m joke,” Evgeni said, and shoved Jackson towards the bed. “No couch. I hear you snore at home and on road already.”
Jackson laughed as they tossed back the covers. “You mean you.”
Evgeni just rolled his eyes, settling in. “Goodnight, Nado.”
Jackson watched Evgeni roll over, facing him with his long eyelashes against his cheeks.
What’s gotten into me? was his last thought before the travel exhaustion pulled him under.
Evgeni talked fast here, like he did with Sergei and Sunny. He laughed loudly with his friends, who all seemed happy enough to have another Lions player at the table, even if he didn’t speak their language. Jackson found that he was all right not being in the conversation for once. He drank his beer and listened.
Well. He drank his beer and and watched Evgeni. The club they were at was dark and crowded, and their table was practically on the dance floor. The bass shook the vodka in the shot glasses, and the flipped ones vibrated minutely against the table.
Jackson let it lull him a little, let it occupy his mind with nothing in particular. Evgeni had an arm stretched out across the back of their booth, just over Jackson’s shoulders. Jackson slouched a little into his side, just—just to see. Evgeni certainly didn’t move away. He wondered briefly if they were both using the alcohol and setting as an excuse, but Jackson had had one beer and he hadn’t seen Evgeni touch anything at all. Instead, Evgeni kept shooting him these looks, looks that were studying, looks that Jackson couldn’t quite parse out.
Evgeni leaned right in to Jackson’s ear.
“You dance?” he said over the music. “You love dance.”
Jackson shrugged. “Maybe.”
“Come,” Evgeni gave him a shove. “We go now.”
Jackson let Evgeni pull him through the hot, dancing people blindly. Hands touched his chest, pulled at his clothes, and the Evgeni was turning, putting his hands up and smiling.
“Dance!” he shouted, and closed his eyes.
Jackson could barely moved. He watched the way the lights caught the funny little curl of Evgeni’s hair against his neck. They silhouetted his nose, broken too many times. He was a foot taller than anyone around him, broad and huge. Jackson watched him sway. He was a terrible dancer, but Jackson couldn’t look away. Evgeni was off beat, and then his eyes were open again and he was moving forward.
“You stand there, come on,” he said over the music. Jackson could barely hear him.
He wanted Evgeni’s weight against his side again, like in the booth, or in the bed sleeping beside them. He kept waking up groggily, every morning for the last four days, to Evgeni’s arm across him. It was a splayed gestured with no intention in it, but…Jackson imagined. He imagined now, Evgeni jokingly swaying forward until they were close and being pressed closer by the crowd.
“Feel okay?” Evgeni said, hand on his shoulder. The playfulness was fading. “Look sort of bad, Nado, feel okay?”
Jackson didn’t know he was leaning forward until he was, but it felt like he was wading through the music, like it was shimmering waves that he just had to get through to get to Evgeni and his soft mouth.
“Nado, no, no,” Evgeni said—and that was it.
Jackson backed up, falling into other moving bodies. Evgeni’s eyes looked panicked now and Jackson turned away, kicking himself. He felt so overheated, like he had had ten drinks instead of one. The bass was killing his head.
What’s gotten into you what’sgottenintoyou—
There was a hand closing around his elbow now, Evgeni’s familiar large paw.
“We go home now,” he said. “We go now.”
Jackson’s mouth was too dry to respond. He let Evgeni pull him out of the club for whatever was to come.
The apartment was quiet. Jackson’s ears were still ringing from the music and his mistake. What had he just ruined?
“Kuny,” he managed, watching Evgeni set his keys down, his wallet. He went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of water, cracking the seal, only to set it down again. He looked about as restless as Jackson felt. “Kuns, I’m…I’m—”
But then Evgeni was all but barreling forward. His hands were on Jackson’s ribs, sort of awkwardly placed, but warm and firm.
“Had to see,” he said. “But not know you…not know you go try that. Not know you go—sudden.”
“What?” Jackson blinked. “What? See?”
“Been watching you,” Evgeni said. “You just come to Russia? Fast? Sudden?” Evgeni shook his head, eyes knowing. “No.”
Jackson’s eyes slipped closed. “Kuns, I—I don’t know, I just… it built up all summer, like, I miss you every day, and I started having these dreams, and then I booked this ticket—”
“Nado,” Evgeni said again, and then, “Jackson,” effectively shutting Jackson up.
Jackson opened his eyes. “You never call me that.”
“You call me something?”
Evgeni nodded. “Say like me. Ready?”
Jackson opened his eyes. Evgeni’s mouth looked as soft as it had in the club.
“Zhenya,” Evgeni said.
Jackson swallowed dryly. “I’m gonna fuck that up.”
Evgeni laughed, punching his arm. “You say.”
“Zh—enya,” Jackson tried.
“Zhenya,” Evgeni said, and put one of his big hands on the wall by Jackson’s head.
“Safe here,” Evgeni said. “Is okay.”
Jackson blinked. “Safe…”
“Not good thing here,” Evgeni said softly. “If it’s you, I want—I want it to be good. Safe.”
He added the last word firmly.
The club. The panic. The looks.
“I—“ Jackson began. “I didn’t really know I wanted to kiss you.”
Evgeni pouted. “Mean.”
Jackson laughed, and then felt like crying.
“Sudden?” Evgeni asked.
“Fast want?”
Jackson nodded, then shook his head.
Evgeni laughed softly, nodding downwards towards his hand that was now sliding warmly to the center of Jackson’s lower back. Jackson had never felt small in his entire life, but Ev—but Zhenya…
“You touch,” Zhenya commanded. “Not fair if just me. Touch.”
Jackson’s hands felt shaky as he reached for him.
Zhenya was softer than some of the guys around the middle. Jackson took his hips, and held him closer before their mouthes met. Zhenya’s lips were plush, too, melting Jackson to the door as he wrapped his arms more firmly around Jackson’s waist. Jackson loved his long limbs, like a puppy that was still waiting to grow into himself. Zhenya was nothing but power, but he was all sugar, too, like his jam-sweet tea. Jackson looked for a hint of the black tea now, and Zhenya himself. He could feel the heavy golden pendants and their images of Saints and stars that Zhenya wore around his neck, always. They pressed into his chest and Jackson found that he wanted them to leave a mark.
“Kissing,” Zhenya said, accent thick. “It’s nice.”
“I didn’t know you liked—” Jackson’s words were cut off by another one of Evgeni’s hard kisses.
“Like you,” Zhenya said, and then his hands were on Jackson’s neck and cheeks, and Jackson let Zhenya kiss him like he would glue them together.
Jackson would have stayed that way all night, pinned against Evgeni’s living room wall, high up above the quiet, fantastical streets of Moscow. He would have stayed that way for years.
“We’re kissing,” Jackson breathed. “Kuns, we’re kissing.”
“Happy we do,” Zhenya said, and then he stroked a thumb down Jackson’s scar. “You are best. Best friend, best teammate, best life.”
Jackson tilted into the touch, and then more so when Zhenya bent forward and kissed over the bumpy skin.
“Hot scar, spy man, like movie.”
Jackson laughed. “Hot?”
“Yes, I’m think this.”
Jackson reached up and brushed his fingertips over the crooked bridge of Zhenya’s nose.
“I like this,” Jackson said.
“Yes, my nose is best.”
Jackson shoved him a little, but not so much that he would stray far.
Zhenya kissed him again, and then stepped back. “We eat food now. Kiss after.”
Jackson nodded, dazed. “Okay. Okay, cool.”
The next morning, Jackson woke to Zhenya’s arm flung across his chest, and his chest pressed against Jackson’s back. All filled with sudden intention. 
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svpernatvralis · 3 years
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NERISSA MONTEVERDE is a 537 year old cis female fae. people say they have a striking resemblance to fahriye evcen. they work as the owner of royal jelly flowers and are part of the syndicate ( fae right hand ). people say they’re really coquettish, imaginative, & meticulous, but unfortunately also fickle, manipulative, & reticent. why are they in invictus? well, they simply wish to protect their kind. 
hey, hello, hi, bonjour! s’up buttercups? ‘tis i, your friendly neighbourhood loser chrissie and i’m super duper excited to be here among you fab human beings! this is my precious bby nerissa who is honestly quite curt sometimes tbh lmao still, she’s got a good heart deep down and is pretty much what you might say away with the fairies 99.9% of the time hsjakgkjf no pun intended tehe. plot-wise i’m open to literally anything and everything so come at me with any ideas ya got! i’m always diggity down to spit ball ideas and form some dope connections so pls feel free to invade my ims or hmu on le cord and we can brainstorm until our heart’s content! if ya wanna, go ahead and light that lil grey heart up red and i’ll shimmy my butt your way for all of the good stuff. anywho, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty, shall we?
name. nerissa angelique monteverde.
age. 537, but appears around 29.
d.o.b. december 17th.
gender. cisgender female.
pronouns. she / her.
orientation. pansexual.
affiliation. the syndicate.
rank. fae right hand.
job. owner of royal jelly flowers.
birth mother. enya. †
birth father. caliban. †
step-mother. nyx. †
siblings. unknown.
significant other. n/a.
child/ren. n/a.
pet/s. n/a.
spoken languages. english, turkish, german, italian, french, spanish, & latin.
negative traits. brusque, calculating, distant, deceptive, & promiscuous.
positive traits. elegant, headstrong, observant, independent, & confident.
strengths. dedicated, strong-willed, direct, honest, loyal, patient, reliable, enjoys creating order, & excellent organiser.
weaknesses. inflexible, stubborn, judgemental, uncomfortable with unconventional situations, too focused on social status, finds it difficult to relax, & has difficulty expressing emotion.
eye colour. hazel.
hair colour. brown / auburn.
height. five feet, eight inches.
weight. 59 kg.
zodiac. sagittarius.
element. fire.
house. slytherin.
meyers briggs type. estj-a.
alignment. true neutral.
enneagram. type one.
temperament. choleric.
intelligence type. interpersonal.
NERISSA ANGELIQUE MONTEVERDE     —     five hundred and thirty-seven, fae, owner of royal jelly flowers, + fae right hand for the syndicate !
possible triggers   :   adultery, infertility, execution, beheading, murder, death.
tl;dr.     alrighty, where do we start with this lil spitfire? she uhhh ... has a lot of issues and is quite distant bc of it. nerissa was the product of an affair between an esteemed fae ( caliban ) and a fire faerie ( enya ). though nerissa never had the chance to meet her birth mother as her step-mother ( nyx ) banished enya shortly after she gave birth. enya’s banishment was a result of the rage nyx held toward her. in part, due to her inability to conceive a child of her own and also due to her anger for her husband’s affair. thus, nerissa grew up under the impression that her biological mother was nyx; neither of her parents divulging the truth behind her parentage. although nerissa was not biologically nyx’s daughter, nyx adored the young fae as if she were her own blood. in truth, nerissa spent more time with her ‘mother’ than with her father. in part, caliban felt the loss of his mistress even though he refused to acknowledge her part in his daughter’s birth. basically, he never had any time for nerissa and excluded her from everything. still, she remained upbeat about it, thinking that one day she'd win his love. she did not. shocker. growing up, life was mostly positive for nerissa. her father’s guards protected her, and his warlock friends aided her with her abilities and taught her the fae ways as well as those of the human beliefs. as the years passed by, nerissa grew stronger and smarter; becoming an adored figure among her fellow fae, yet, in the background, tensions rose between nyx and caliban when their family dynamic became endangered by nyx’s threat of revealing the truth behind nerissa’s heritage. in fear of their secret becoming common knowledge ( and most importantly, ariela finding out ), caliban ordered for his wife to be executed for ‘treason.’ of course, nerissa tried to protest this due to her love for the woman she believed to be her mother but her attempts to prevent her father’s ruling were futile. days later, nyx was publicly beheaded by one of caliban’s most loyal guards. this act served to place a wedge further between nerissa and her father and as the years ticked by, until his untimely demise which was when nerissa left her home behind. soon after, she joined the syndicate where she now sits as the right hand for the fae. to this day, she remains unaware of her true parentage and continues to struggle with the haunting nightmares of her childhood. so yah, nerissa had a pretty rough childhood but she's bounced back. well, about as much as you'd expect from someone who grew up feeling unwanted and unloved. really, she just always tries her best and is a perfectionist and wants to protect her kind.
random extras.
her signature scent is chanel N°5.
she’s fearless af. throwback to her upbringing, most likely.
she’s all sweet smiles and charming words until her expression turns sharp and deadly. it’s her tactic to entice then pounce, if you will.
she loves to surprise people. most assume she’s a pretty girl but oh, she loves the look of shock on their faces when she unleashes her inner bish.
in a way, her words are like her weaponry.
an angel of vengeance in a pair of designer sunglasses tbh.
owns waaay too many pairs of heels.
her signature look is her blood-red lips.
often wears suits and totally rocks them.
when it comes to whether or not she is morally decent or an extremely bad person, she is somewhere in the middle of that spectrum—she isn’t heartless but she isn’t compassionate either.
she’s v ambitious, v morally ambiguous, v self-serving and v self-involved.
she can be pretty deadly if you piss her off enough.
is truly an independent woman who don’t need no man.
loyalty means a lot to her. if you betray her trust, then she’ll freeze you out.
while she’s a major ice queen on the outside, she has the potential to melt with the right people.
may seem like she has a superiority complex and acts as if she’s better than you, but it’s just because she knows her worth and her value.
she knows her strengths and isn’t afraid to assert them.
she’s v confident. not in a cocky way, but she is definitely self-assured in her looks and abilities.
avoids violence when possible.
prefers blackmail and taking advantage of people’s pressure points.
she’s her own biggest fan tbh.
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fyimani · 3 years
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Task 001: Character Playlist.
Here for a food time, not a long time - a Maximilian Richardson playlist
Snippets of Lyrics below:
1. overwhelmed - Chloe x Halle
 Holdin' my breath 'til my face turns blue Head under water Breathe deeply, they said I need a weekend again Looking for bright sides Low on the high types Runnin' so fast, I done worn my shoes Head on the pavement, I'm just tryin' to win Pushed in the river, I swim Nothing can blindside (Side, side, side, side) Me like the high tide I don't do well under pressure I don't know it all I wish I had all the answers Fix it all myself (Oh) I feel overwhelmed
2. my girlfriends are my boyfriend - Demi Lovato feat. Saweetie
I found the love of my life (I found the love of my life) Wait, I mean the loves of my life (I mean the loves of my life) My soulmates, my angels My reasons I'm grateful Don't need a ring or a vow (Don't need a ring or a vow) I got my day ones around (I got my day ones around) They're perfect, they're priceless Forever like diamonds (Diamonds)
I buy flowers for my girls Then I shower them in pearls After everything that I've been through
My girlfriends are my boyfriеnd Ain't nobody know me better 'Til forеver do us part Yeah, we'll be partying together
3. anyone - Demi Lovato
A hundred million stories And a hundred million songs I feel stupid when I sing Nobody's listening to me Nobody's listening I talk to shooting stars But they always get it wrong I feel stupid when I pray So, why am I praying anyway? If nobody's listening
4. caribbean blue - Enya
So the world goes round and round With all you ever knew They say the sky high above Is Caribbean blue
5. all for you - Janet Jackson
All my girls at the party, look at that body Shakin' that thing like you never did see Got a nice package alright Guess I'm gonna have to ride it tonight All my girls at the party, look at that body Shakin' that thing like you never did see Got a nice package alright
6. control - Janet Jackson
When I was seventeen, I did what people told me, uh I did what my father said, and let my mother mold me But that was long ago, I'm in
Control Never gonna stop Control To get what I want Control I like to have a lot Control Now I'm all grown up (Ah) 7. fly away - Tones And I
I've been on my own for a minute Is it only me out here? Searching for the place to begin it Is it me? Is it you? Is it fear? Standing on the line I was given People staring at me while I'm here No one seems to think that I fit in But I don't wanna be like them
8. consideration - Rihanna feat. SZA
I came fluttering in from Neverland Time can never stop me, no, no, no, no I know you've tried to I came riding in on a pale white horse Handing out highs to less fortunate I do advise you Run it back, run it on back When you breaking it down for me Cause I can't hear you, two times Run it on back, will it ever make sense to me?
I got to do things my own way darling Will you ever let me Will you ever respect me? No Do things my own way darling You should just let me Why you ain't ever let me grow?
9. this is what you came for - Calvin Harris feat. Rihanna
Baby, this is what you came for Lightning strikes every time she moves And everybody's watchin' her But she's lookin' at You, ooh-ooh, you, ooh-ooh
10. be honest - Jorja Smith feat. Burna Boy
I know you want me Every day, not only when you're lonely‚ yeah You see me think you know me But you don't even know nothing about me‚ yeah You see my thick thighs Lost when you look into my brown eyes See‚ my little waist can make you switch sides You never know the devil in the disguise So why don't you stand up, baby, and Tell me‚ tell me, tell me do you want me on top? So let me show you, show you‚ show you, I don't need to back it up Don't wanna hold ya, mold ya, scold ya Split you in half with my heart I just wanna love on you, trust in you, honour you Please do the same on your part
11. cool for the summer - Demi Lovato
Take me down into your paradise Don't be scared, 'cause I'm your body type Just something that we wanna try 'Cause you and I, we're cool for the summer
12. screwed - Janelle Monáe feat. Zoë Kravitz
Let's get screwed I don't care You fucked the world up now, we'll fuck it all back down Let's get, let's get screwed I, I don't care We'll put water in your guns We'll do it all for fun Let's get screwed
13. walking on sunshine - Katrina and the Waves
 Walking on sunshine Walking on sunshineI feel alive, I feel the love, I feel the love that's really real I feel alive, I feel the love, I feel the love that's really real I'm on sunshine, baby, oh Oh, yeah, I'm on sunshine, baby Ow!
14. i can't get next to you - The Temptations
 I can turn the gray sky blue I can make it rain whenever I want it to Oh, I can build a castle from a single grain of sand I can make a ship sail, huh, on dry land
But my life is incomplete and I'm so blue 'Cause I can't get next to you (I can't get next to you, babe) Next to you (I can't get next to you) I just can't get next you (I can't get next to you, babe) (I can't get next to you) 
15. shot at the night - The Killers
Once in a lifetime, we're breaking all the rules To find that our home, has long been out grown Throw me a life line, cause honey I've got nothing to lose Once in a lifetime (Once in a lifetime) Once in a lifetime
Give me a shot at the night Give me a moment, some kinda mysterious
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enya-ia · 4 years
There is a kindness to you that cannot be mistaken. Perhaps others prefer to treat you sweetly, kindly even -- but Enya is such a woman whose nature is far from kind. Weakness does not survive in her home and she’s happy to exploit such a nature for her own gain. If you realize it or not, she doesn’t care. At least she gets something interesting out of it. 
She doesn’t like you. You don’t like her. One would think it is as simple as just avoiding one another so you aren’t put into unpleasant situations but Enya doesn’t feel like that. This place is already so much more boring than her own home so she likes to go out of her way to make it as difficult for you as possible. What’s life without a little chaos?
When she doesn’t feel like talking to someone she often reverts back to her natural language, pretending she has no idea what is going on just to get a little peace of mind. It’s just, this time, she didn’t realize the person she’d try it on would know exactly what she was say. Great. 
She doesn’t like to be vulnerable -- that kind of thing would get her killed back home and so she does her best to appear as unflappable as possible. She’s beautiful, vicious, and lethal so it’s not like people might believe she’s soft anyway. Except, somehow, whenever 3am comes around and she can’t sleep she always finds her way to you. You don’t normally do much but sit around but sometimes that quietness is all she needs to feel normal again. 
Flirting is a natural deflection method for her. People aren’t usually used to her honest and blunt way but you seem to take it in stride. While it annoyed her at first, she thinks it’s pretty interesting how it effects you. Maybe you’ll be the first person she’s genuine with. Who knows? She certainly doesn’t. 
Sometimes it gets to be a little too much, when that’s the case she just seeks you out. You’re a warm body, something to soothe the cold away from her limbs. It doesn’t mean anything, it probably never will...but the bliss afterwards is always worth it. Even when she leaves by morning. 
Drinking, partying, shopping -- all of these things induce pleasure to the Nagini and so she overindulges in them and constantly. You just happen to be the person that she is found with the most, though if you cant handle her pace she’ll get rid of you. Life is, after all, supposed to be fun right?
It’s not like she’s a bad student, she’s really not. In fact, if she is interested in it then she’ll do her best to make sure she gets it down and has the best grades. It’s just...learning about Earth and Humans is so boring she can’t bring herself to pay attention....so she enlists a tutor. Maybe she can convince you to do the work for her and she’ll pay you for it...or something. 
She needs to get stronger and to do that, she needs to find strong opponents. You just happen to be someone she hasn’t been able to win against, so what does she do? Annoy you into giving her better pointers to defend herself. She’s a great student but she always seems ike she’s trying to kill you...maybe she is. 
When she first got here she couldn’t speak the language and she didn’t know what was going on. You just happened to find her and decided that this was a fantastic time to show her the ropes. Its just, after that you never left and you’re under the impression you guys are close. She begs to differ but that doesn’t mean she sends you away. Friends aren’t so bad...she guesses. 
Fingers trail along the shiny, pink skin of her scar and while she hates it usually, this time she can find the reason to swallow down her reaction to pull away. Maybe she’ll tell you why she got it. Maybe she’ll tell you why she’s like this in the first place. 
You’re not supposed to be together. Whether its romantically / platonically doesn’t matter -- everything about you is wrong for one another but somehow it just fits. She doesn’t feel the need to claw her way to the top, for once she can just rest and relax. There is a euphoria at your side and as much as she likes it, she fears it too. One never knows who someone really is, after all. 
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xxbyimm · 5 years
The bet series - Phase III Plateau
May I present to you: Phase III - Plateau.
Special Thanks to my buddies D. and @deepestfirefun for proofreading and being fucking honest about the first draft. It means the world to me that you keep cheerleading me from the sideline, no matter how hard I want to quit. 
I do hope you all enjoy. Thorin just wishes for the bet to end so he can touch his queen again, but alas he has to wait two more phases after this one...  xoxo
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Phase III: Plateau
Summary: Our OC Enya lands in a fierce argument with her king, because she has seen him staring at another dam’s ass. She offers Thorin a challenge: to prove to her he does has, in fact, decent self-control, he has to refrain four weeks from physical contact. He thinks he can make it. Easily. He is a king. But who says the queen is gonna let him win this easily? Let the games begin…  
Tags: @nelswp, @deepestfirefun @emrfangirl @princecami, @hails270105 , @exhausted-human-being . So I tagged a few of you who I know were reading this series. Let me know if you want to be added to or removed from any taglist. 
Warning: Sexual tension, smut. Enya’s temper. Swearing.
Let’s be naughty today.’
Thorin was everywhere.
His big, sturdy hands were covering her bottom, the thick fingers kneading the soft flesh. His lips – oh mahal have mercy on her soul – his lips were plundering the crook of her neck, sucking the sensitive skin, his tongue licking away the slight ache that lingered afterwards. His breath came in harsh pants, alongside labored groans that made her toes curl. Their clothes lay scattered over the floor, some pieces ripped, others miraculously untarnished. Thorin had her pinned firmly against the wall, her skin scraping against the stone with every move they made. She would get sore soon enough, but that was a worry for later. Right now she didn’t care, for she got him exactly where she wanted. Heck, she got HERSELF exactly where she wanted.
Finally he had yielded, granted them what they both had desired, craved even, the moment their bet had started.
Yes. Finally.
She got her legs tightly wrapped around his waist, keeping him buried deep inside her, stretching her up in a manner she almost had forgotten he was very much capable of. Her nails dug in his shoulder blades, scratching the skin and leaving red marks all over.
Not that Thorin even cared. He would wear her markings with pride. Like he always did.
Her cheeks flushed at the thought. Strands of hair that had slipped away from her braid were now brushing over her face. It didn’t matter. None of it did. She was ascending, clinging onto him as their bodies moved in sync, both desperately seeking to lose all control. It was too much, not enough and precisely right at the same time. When his length dragged over her sweet spot, a harsh cry left her mouth and her mind ventured to the state of near oblivion. She was nearly there, just one more stroke…
‘Enya.’ Thorin pleaded as he paused for a moment. Enya whimpered softly in protest and he hissed in return. Then he moved to brush his lips over hers. The slight contact made her shiver. ‘Never. Again.’ She nodded vaguely, wanting to promise him she would never lure him into another outrageous bet again -not even to prove a point- but then his hips moved against hers and she crumbled apart into this panting mess, unable to register more than both of their bodies and the thin layer of perspiration that covered them. ‘Prove it.’ He husked, gritting his teeth. ‘Mahal, Enya. Prove it. To. Me.’ ‘Yes!’ she moaned. ‘Any-t-thing.’ ‘Then don’t give in. Hold back.’
Enya woke up with a startle. A vile curse escaped from her mouth, a word that would make even the most hardened warriors in Erebor blush like the holy virgin.
A dream?! REALLY?!
After all the suffering she had been through, she was going to be tormented IN HER SLEEP? Enya threw the blankets off the bed she had been sleeping in and jumped up. The floor was clay-cold against the soles of her feet. The fire in the corner of the guestroom had died hours ago, and she could see her own breath. She shivered against the cold that chased away the last bits of drowsiness and welcomed the discomfort, as it surely would keep her awake and focused. But a deep desire still pooled in her stomach and it took all of her to resist the urge to search for friction. She couldn’t give in. If she did, she would lose. Enya groaned in frustration and sat down at the writing desk that stood on the far end of the room. She rammed her head on the wooden surface.
Fucking hell. This was just great. She wasn’t even safe in her own sleep anymore. What if the dream would have continued and she had tipped over the edge? Would that mean her defeat? Enya heaved a sigh, cursing her treacherous body in silence. She could control herself, but she couldn’t tame her dreams. She was failing and her own game slowly turning against her. Maybe she should just give in, admit her failure and… She clenched her jaw when the mere thought of Elmilynn resurfaced, the damned dwarrowdam that had brought about the whole dare in the first place.
Her body might try its hardest to make her forget her point, but luckily she hadn’t lost her sanity yet. If Thorin really thought he had outsmarted her enough for the remainder of their bet, he didn’t know his queen at all. She just needed to up her game, make a new plan. A well-organized set-up that would help her survive those eighteen days and sixteen or so hours and bring her king down his knees in one go. Enya rummaged through the drawers of the desk, until she found a piece of parchment and charcoal and started scribbling. This was all about tactics, finding your nemesis’s weak spot and exploit it. Thorin was a very physical dwarf, who believed actions were worth more than a thousand words. If there was a way to be in his presence, but without physically being there, she had to find it. A smile crept on her face. Drive him crazy, very slowly, without giving him that much needed opportunity of releasing the tension. Oh, she was going to let him burn in the deepest pit of hell, ever simmering never going anywhere, only to lift him up for a bit when she felt like it. And then let him come crashing down again.
Push. Pull. Repeat.
Okay, okay. Maybe not a literal hell, just as in figure of speech of course. She was going to play with all Thorin’s senses and break his will…
Although she absolutely had no desire to talk to her king after the stunt he pulled on her yesterday, she still made her way towards their private quarters. If someone had seen her stalking off in the middle of the night, it would already be the talk of the day in court. Imagine what would happen if people knew their queen hadn’t returned to her chambers by dawn… The noble ladies would have the day of their lives trying to conjure up all the possible explanations for that. Adultery? Resentment? A broken marriage? Enya rolled her eyes as she walked along the hallway that lead to the royal quarters. It still was early in the morning, so she might get lucky and slip into their bedchamber unnoticed. The piece of parchment was safely hidden in the pocket of her dressing gown. She smirked.
It’s a new day, Oakenshield. Let’s play.
‘Good morning.’ His baritone voice greeted her long before her eyes got used to darkened room. Despite of her lingering anger against him, she couldn’t help but smile while she made her way towards the window. She pulled the curtains away and glanced over to the bed. Thorin was laying in almost the exact position as he had the night before when she had caught him. His arm was resting casually beneath his pillow, the blanket draped across his abdomen and showing off his fine muscles. He had developed this habit of sleeping naked and the mere memory of his warm, muscular body pressing against hers made her breath hitch. His dark locks were the right amount of just-woke-up messy and the carefully shaven parts of his beard showed a vague stubble. His gaze was a little faraway, like he still was processing his dreams. Her thighs clenched involuntary and Enya ignored the pleasant flutter that rose in her stomach.
Oh for fuck’s sake.
Every time she thought she’d had found her favorite type of Thorin, there was a new one waiting to be discovered and sweep her off her feet.
‘How did you know I wasn’t a servant?’ she said, pausing to appreciate his ridiculously good appearance. He blinked against the bright light. ‘Because a servant usually doesn’t walk like my queen. Or wears a dressing robe.’ ‘Is that so?’ she replied. ‘You never know with these cunning dwarrowdams swarming all over the place. They’re all hoping to catch themselves an handsome king.’ ‘Unfortunately there’s only one the king likes.’ Thorin told her. ‘And he already has married her.’ ‘Really?’ Enya commented as she waved her hand. Flames shot through the room and landed in the fire place. She followed her fire and watched the flames settling on the fresh logs. ‘What a lucky female that is…’ she murmured. The fire grew as her own frustration started to resurface. Although Thorin surely was alluring as fuck (hell, in her dictionary he was the embodiment of temptation), she wasn’t going to forgive him that easily. He had played her and he’d damn better feel guilty about it.
‘I got lonely without you, uzfakuh.’ Thorin mused. ‘Where have you been?’ ‘To heaven and hell in just one dream, how about you, my king?’
‘Oh, nothing special.’ She shrugged. ‘I’ve been to Dale and asked Bard if he had a bed to spare. I mean, I didn’t know how far I should venture out because my king evidently treats the concept of me being in his presence quite… offhandedly.’ She quickly bit on her lip to hide a smile and glanced over her shoulder. Thorin was laying on his side now, his reaction to her words was almost too subtle to notice. But she knew him. The slight straining of his upper torso, wiping away the relaxed sleepiness that had lingered there moments ago, was a sure sign that his interest got piqued.
Got you.
‘That would explain why I couldn’t find you.’ He said while regarding her with curiosity. ‘So you’ve been out? In your dressing gown?’ She smirked. ‘You think I’m stupid enough to venture out in these robes? If I had done that, tongues would be wagging about the queen’s indiscretion as we speak.’ She paused, deliberately, and walked towards her bedside table to fetch her hairbrush. Thorin followed her movements, staring at her intently, as if her body language would provide him with clues whether she was lying or not. The silence hung heavily in the air. Enya settled on her side of the bed, facing away from her king. ‘You know I’m smarter than that…’ she breathed while brushing her hair with long strokes. ‘You wouldn’t.’ he responded, a slightly tensed edge in his voice. ‘No?’ she purred. ‘Just like you wouldn’t break the rules?’ ‘Mahal, Enya.’ He groaned. ‘You know that’s not true. Drop it.’ ‘Oh no.’ she said, feeling utterly calm. ‘I will drop it when I have shared my thoughts on it properly.’ ‘Well spill it, then.’ He challenged her. ‘And be done with it.’ ‘It’s done when I say it is.’ Thorin clenched his jaw. ‘You stubborn-’ ‘Excuse me?’ she asked him sweetly. ‘No.’ Thorin grumbled. He got up and settled against the headboard of the bed in a cross-legged position. The sheets slid away.
Ha, if Mahal truly was on his way to save her soul, someone better inform him she was a lost cause. Thorin was very much still naked and the sight of his bared skin was doing unspeakable things to her brain. If it hadn’t been for this ridiculous bet, she would be straddling his lap right now. His sturdy hands would grab hips, impatiently guiding her down onto him. With a sinful smile, she would slow him down, because the intense sensation of that first stroke was something that needed to be salvaged. To be enjoyed fully.
‘You’d better fucking focus on the argument, love.’ her mind suddenly warned and Enya bit her lip. Usually their fights did end in passionate lovemaking sessions, but today would not be one of those occasions. Today they had to solve it by talking. And no touching.
Well, there’s a first for everything...
‘I’m a what?’ she inquired while shoving her thighs together. Oh god, adding pressure definitely did not help her case, it only increased the yearning. She exhaled slowly and shuffled to find herself a more comfortable position. How did normal people cope with this amount of sexual frustration? It needed to go somewhere anyway?!
‘No.’ Thorin repeated and he narrowed his eyes. ‘I will not be lured into an argument just because you are all hot and bothered and refuse to relieve yourself.’ As if! Enya huffed, her anger resurfacing again. Her nails clawed into the wooden handle of the brush. Really, that accusing tone of his always made her blood boil. ‘And I refuse to come to terms with the fact that kings think they don’t have to play by the rules, not even within their marriages!’ she retorted. ‘For the last time, it was a loophole!’ he barked. ‘I would never-’ ‘That’s what you say, but yet you can’t seem to ignore a fine piece of ass if it happens to pass you, can you?’ she interrupted, forcefully throwing away her brush. ‘What’s going to be next? When will you decide to seek your fortune outside our private chambers?’
Oh, this felt so good.
‘Don’t you dare.’ Thorin demanded. He was scowling at her, his jaw set and every other nerve in his body wound up like a coiled spring. To any other being an angry Thorin would be perceived as terrifying, but Enya had to admit it made him look only more sexy. ‘Or what?’ she challenged, frustrated with her own incapability to overcome her desires. ‘What will you do? You can’t touch this, can you?’ ‘If you weren’t this frustrated right now, we wouldn’t have this conversation.’ He insisted. ‘So it’s all my fault then?’ she snapped. ‘Let’s blame the queen for everything that doesn’t go your way!’ ‘May I remind you how we got in this absurd situation in the first place?!’ Thorin exploded. ‘This was YOUR IDEA, YOUR BET. It’s on YOU!’ ‘We’ve got in this situation because YOU were glancing at that INSUFFERABLE dam’s ASS!’ Enya retaliated. ‘Mahal, Enya.’ Thorin commanded. ‘That is quite enough. Stop. It.’ ‘Maybe you should NOT have made the STUPID DECISION of marrying ME!’ She went on and jumped from the bed. ‘Maybe WHAT YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE IS BETHROTING SOMEONE MORE EXEMPLARY, SOMEONE NORMAL!’ ‘You really think that?!’ Thorin argued, his face distorted in anger. ‘Come to your senses, woman.’ ‘SENSES?’ she yelled while barging for the door that lead towards her dressing room. ‘You’re talking to ME, ABOUT SANITY?!’ ‘For the LAST TIME.’ Thorin snapped. ‘DO NOT BLAME ME FOR YOUR OWN FRUSTRATIONS!’ Enya paced towards the door that lead towards her dressing room and smiled curtly. ‘Oh, but you’re wrong there. I am not frustrated. At least, not anymore.’ ‘What do you mean by that?’ he growled, his tone dangerously low.
The hairs on her arms prickled. She had to be careful now, because she was threading on the borders of Thorin’s patience. If his self-control cracked, they would end up having angry sex on the floor. She knew she shouldn’t. She knew she was wrong in starting this whole senseless argument anyway. But he was so right, she was hot and bothered and needed to get off on… something. Although not the most desired one, arguing was an agreeable way to blow off steam. It was wrong to push Thorin’s buttons, wrong of her to lash out while all the wanted was to have him sheathed deep inside her, but she couldn’t help herself. The agony was pulsing through her veins, her thighs yearning, her skin screaming for his touch. She was hurting and he deserved to feel the same way.
‘Maybe I took matters into my own hands. Maybe I had help with that. Who knows?’ she jested while leaning back against the cold wood.
That would serve him right. Under normal circumstances, Thorin would refuse to believe for even a second she would betray his trust like this, but right now she could tell he wasn’t thinking straight. She too felt strange as agony, anger, frustration, insecurity and desire were all swirling through her body, screaming for release. It was confusing, too much and she was moments away from becoming completely hysterical.
‘Okay, Blueheart.’ her mind pleaded. ‘You got this. Breathe.’ Enya lowered her gaze, focusing her senses on her hands. Her fingers were groping the doorknob. She could feel the cold metal searing against her palms. She vaguely heard the bedsheets rustling, but then…
She gasped when Thorin almost crashed against her, his hands slamming into the wooden door inches from her face. Enya glanced up, her gaze meeting her king’s. Sapphire eyes burned through pale blue ones and she saw her own hot fury mirrored in his gaze. Thorin was breathing heavily, like he just had fought a wearing battle, although in this case it would have been one of a more mental kind. His body was prepared for a fight anyway, with all his muscles strained and unyielding. His naked skin was radiating heat like a forge, and Enya secretly welcomed the comfortable warmth. He was close, so close.
But that still wasn’t enough and it would never be. The hurt was clawing through her flesh, gnawing on her bones. Tearing away her heart. She needed to lash out. Anything to relieve the pain.
‘Are you cornering me?’ she taunted. ‘You wish to intimidate me?’ ‘I would never.’ Thorin murmured softly. ‘I love you and you know that.’
Well, fuck. Sure, she had expected him to blow up, to rage at her in order for her to scream back, but this… This was not what she had expected. Enya exhaled slowly, her mind trying to wrap around the fact what her heart already knew for ages. She could count the times he actually had voiced his feelings for her this explicitly on one hand, and to hear him proclaiming his love so bluntly, so… Her bottom lip got caught between her teeth as Enya tried to regain her composure. It was useless. Her hands were shaking, her heart pounding in her chest. Tears were burning behind her eyes as the guilt washed over her. She had been acting unreasonable and he could have let her walk away, but yet he still was here. Watching her with those enchanting, breathtaking sapphire eyes like she was the most precious thing in the world.
‘That’s cruel.’ She mumbled. ‘To play that card.’ ‘I still mean it.’ He grunted. ‘And you should hear it more often.’ The anger that had dominated him a few moments ago still lingered under the surface, but there he was, reaching out to her. Enya swallowed hard and blinked rapidly to push away the tears that kept on coming. ‘Really, is that dwarf on a mission to make me cry today?’ she wondered shortly, but all thoughts got lost when he found her gaze again.
His face was inches away from hers. As his scent engulfed her senses she really understood how much she missed their intimacy. Her fears, her doubts, even her insecurity… it didn’t matter as long as he was holding her. He was her safe haven, her rock. The physical part of their relationship was what really defined them, and they could not survive without it.
It was as if he had read her thoughts. ‘We are torturing ourselves, uzfakuh.’ Thorin breathed. ‘We don’t work this way and I fear we never will.’ Enya shook her head, not trusting her own voice yet. He smiled gently. ‘I used to think that upholding my honor was the most sacred thing in life, but-’
Oh, she could not bear any more revelations. How could she ever tell him what these words (and this whole ridiculous bet even) were doing to her, without bawling her eyes out? ‘I could use a time out.’ She stuttered. ‘Me too.’ Thorin rasped.
Both of them stood in silence, pausing to consider the impossible and very forbidden move they were willing to make. Thorin was close, so close. Lips almost brushed against one another, breathing in the same air and Enya’s head got hazy from the powerful sensation. Her blood was roaring in her ears as her heart pounded it through her body at top speed. Her self-control was crumbling.
‘We shouldn’t.’ She whispered. Thorin nodded slowly. ‘You’re right. But the heart yearns.’ ‘Are you sure we’re talking about hearts here?’ She purred. He chuckled lightly and Enya reveled in the sound. ‘Among other things.’ He told her. ‘We shouldn’t.’ She said while her hand moved up through the space between them, her fingers reaching for his face. ‘But I’m so-’ ‘Enya.’ Thorin rumbled. His tone was soft, almost pleading. ‘Come here.’
There was no stopping it. Their lips smashed together in a bruising kiss. Enya gripped his head firmly as if she was afraid he’d escape if she didn’t. The wooden door creaked as their bodies crashed against the surface. Thorin worked his mouth against hers, hungrily taking her in while their kiss deepened and his tongue found hers. Bristles of his beard scratched against her cheeks and a whimper escaped her. Thorin’s hands were sliding over her body, eagerly recalling each curve. The rough touch was setting her skin on fire and Enya raked her nails over his neck, earning a low growl in return.
Thorin then hoisted her up against the wooden surface, his hands under her bum to support her weight. His hips rolled against hers, and Enya couldn’t help but moan when she felt his clear desire for her pushing through the fabric of her lingerie. They were almost skin against skin, but still two layers too many covered her own body. Her fingers curled around the braids in his hair, pulling them desperately when Thorin suddenly broke their kiss. He groaned, his lips brushing over her ear before tugging her earlobe with his teeth. ‘We have to stop.’ He growled harshly. ‘I’m losing it.’
Ha, as if they hadn’t lost it earlier on, right after the bet had started.
‘No.’ She begged. ‘I need you.’ ‘We shouldn’t.’ Thorin repeated after her, his eyes flashing with lust and frustration. ‘We already ruined it.’ she murmured as she grasped his chin and tilted it slightly upwards. ‘We already crossed the boundary, why not enjoy it a little more…’ A little love drunk she bit on her lip and sent him a vague smile. She then ran her tongue over her lips and Thorin hissed. Desire was pooling in her stomach, her whole body begging for release. It didn’t matter anymore, the point of their whole bet destroyed now. She needed her aphrodisiac, her drug. No one was here to stop them from doing what they both had wanted, craved for all these long days…
A knock on the door released them from their spell. ‘Thorin?’
It was Balin.
Thorin clenched his jaw and Enya heaved a sigh. ‘A moment.’ He replied while he reluctantly let his queen go. Enya leaned against the door and watched her king pace through the room as he searched for some clothing to throw on. Her body was trembling, furious that it had been disturbed at such an important moment. But now that moment was gone, and knowing Thorin it wouldn’t repeat itself.
‘Oh… that perfect round butt is going to be the death of me…’ her mind dreamed. ‘How are we going to last the remaining days…?’
Well, she wasn’t.
She shrugged as she admitted her defeat and opened the door before she slipped into her dressing room. As soon as the metal clank from the lock sliding in its’ place, informing her she was safe from prying eyes, her legs gave in and she crashed down on the floor.
She just had gotten ready for the day and made her way towards the hall of kings when she almost bumped into another dwarrowdam. ‘Pardon me…’ Enya apologized. ‘I wasn’t paying attention-’ ‘Good morning, my queen.’ Nin greeted her joyfully. ‘I was just looking for you!’ ‘Oh?’ Enya inquired. ‘Did something… happen?’ Nin raised a brow. ‘I see where you are going, but the answer is no. Balin has sent me to fetch you.’ ‘Shame.’ Enya grinned. ‘What does Balin want?’ ‘Emergency meeting before the departure towards the Iron Hills tomorrow.’ ‘And why does he need me?’ Enya said. Her friend opened her mouth to give a reply, but Enya waved dismissively with her hand. ‘No, it can wait. What about Fíli and you all alone in the library? What’s the tea?’ ‘You have introduced us just yesterday, remember?’ Nin reminded her with a smile. Enya giggled. ‘Well, that doesn’t mean things can’t move fast from there…’ Nin snorted and linked her arm with Enya’s. ‘Sounds like you think that every relationship dynamic has to be as passionate and I daresay eventful as yours with Thorin…’ ‘Why do I always have this idea that you’re mocking me somehow but you’re not explicitly telling me?’ Enya mused. ‘Because that’s what I’m here for.’ Nin shrugged. ‘There’s enough backstabbing and lies going around the court as it is. You always need to hear the truth and I will provide you with it anytime.’ ‘Thank you for being a beacon of righteousness and positivity.’ Enya beamed. ‘But you’re drifting away from the topic. What happened after I left? Tell me everything!’ Nin laughed. ‘Okay fine miss impatience, I will swear on the mighty Mahal that I’ll tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.’ ‘NIN!!!’ ‘Well, it wasn’t as exciting as you no doubt want it to be. We drank some more Bourbon and I think he tried to flirt with me.’ ‘He did?!!!’ ‘Well the alcohol was surely loosening up his tongue, so I had so much fun playing around with him.’ Her friend recounted. ‘But since I had to get up early this morning, I retired to my chambers after an hour.’
They strolled through the mountain. As it still was early in the morning, the corridors were deserted and they could speak freely. ‘What about Elmilynn?’ Enya said. ‘I will look into it this morning.’ Her friend replied. ‘But I do have to say when you gave me the assignment, we did forget the trip to the Iron Hills. The Steelstone family will be in Erebor while we are miles away…’ ‘Fuck.’ Enya cursed. ‘Well… let’s say…’ she frowned. ‘Wait, you said that… Balin is staying behind right? If we inform him about this matter, then he’ll be able to keep a watchful eye.’ Nin nodded shortly. ‘Seems like a sensible next step. I’ll see what I can find out today anyway.’ ‘You’re a dime.’ Enya told her. Nin laughed. ‘Any news from you, En?’ she asked. ‘Did you drive Thorin crazy yet?’ ‘The game turned against me.’ Enya confided in her friend. ‘That surely sounds interesting.’ Her lady-in-waiting responded. ‘What happened?’ ‘Not here.’ Enya murmured. Her friend grabbed her queen by the arm and pulled her into a storeroom nearby. Just when Enya opened her mouth, a pair of other nobles chose to walk by, chatting animatedly about the prices of gold. Enya rolled her eyes and Nin grimaced. They waited until the dwarves had passed and their voices were no more than echoes in the distance.
‘The whole thing blew up in my face.’ Enya confessed. ‘Why am I not surprised?’ Nin giggled. ‘Ugh, hush.’ Enya groaned. ‘So last night, I was flaunting my wares in front of him and he wouldn’t budge. I told myself that it didn’t matter, that tomorrow there would a new day full of opportunities to drive him insane.’ She paused to rub her temples. ‘Guess what.’ ‘What?’ Nin repeated, her eyes shining with delight. ‘What did he do?’ ‘I wake up, in the middle of the night, and the bastard is fucking relieving himself!’ Enya hissed. ‘He still had the nerve to tell me that I was in his presence, so he wasn’t cheating…’ ‘He didn’t!’ her friend cried out while her mouth curved into an devious smile. ‘No, oh En that is terrible… that’s…’
They couldn’t help themselves. Nin sniggered and Enya bit her lip to prevent herself from bursting into laughter, but a giggle escaped nonetheless. Before she knew it, a second giggle followed and after that there was no way stopping it anymore. The laughter took over their senses and Enya had to grab one of the racks that stood in the room to stop herself from crashing on the floor. Nin leaned against the door, giggling hysterically. Jolts of pain rolled through Enya’s abdomen and she gripped her belly in an attempt to make it stop.
‘What a clever bastard!’ Nin hickuped when the worst fit was over. She wiped the tears from her cheeks. ‘What did you do?’ Enya heaved a sigh. ‘You know me. I completely lost my shit and stalked off towards the guest chambers.’ ‘And now what?’ her friend asked, grinning. ‘Oh, I’m not done.’ Enya winced. ‘There’s more?!’ ‘I had this extremely… dissatisfying dream last night, so when returned to our quarters this morning I still was… bothered.’ Enya continued. ‘Naturally, we got into a fight and then things kinda escalated.’ ‘You fucked it up?!!!’ Nin shrieked. ‘Almost.’ Enya admitted. ‘He had me pinned against the door and then it just… we cracked. We started kissing and we would have gone a lot further if Balin hadn’t knocked on the door.’ Her friend clasped her hand before her mouth. ‘Poor Balin!’ ‘Poor me!’ Enya whined. ‘I have fucked it up royally, and I still didn’t get any.’ ‘Oh, you poor soul.’ Her lady-in-waiting jested. ‘So does that mean everyone in Erebor will get a rest and you two stop driving each other mad with this ridiculous bet?’ Enya shrugged. ‘I have no idea. We haven’t discussed it yet.’ ‘Don’t do that.’ Nin advised. ‘For the sake of everyone: abandon the no touching rule.’ Enya rolled her eyes. ‘And giving up so easily?’ ‘Well… you both tried… and failed miserably.’ Nin told her and she laughed when Enya scowled into her direction. She opened the door again and nudged her queen to follow. ‘Now let’s go, we can’t make Balin wait for us.’
The meeting passed swiftly. After all the hassle that came with the bet, Enya almost had forgotten about their trip to the Iron Hills. Cousin Daín Ironfoot loved his parties and every year he hosted this banquet where all the kingly dwarven couples in the area were obliged to join in on. Because Thorin and Enya hadn’t been able to make up a good reason to let is pass by this year, they had arranged for a few willing nobles to travel ahead with necessities. They would leave a few days later and catch up with the others on the road. Thorin had said he had some goat matters to attend to before he could leave, but Enya knew Balin could have handled that as well. Thorin just really wanted to spend some precious alone time with his queen. As far as Enya was concerned, after this last meeting everything was set for the trip. She had chosen Nin and one of her favorite chambermaids to guard the wagon with all of her dresses (and boy, there were needed more than she’d like) and other necessities. While Balin would stay home to man the fort, Dwalin and Fíli were coming along with them, as well as two of Thorin’s servants. Lord Whitheart had also enthusiastically offered himself for this trip, but after a quick glance at his queen, Thorin had told the dwarf lord his services in Erebor were much more needed.
Enya watched the room emptying itself before Balin, Fíli, Nin and herself were the last ones inside. There had been one thing that disturbed her deeply and that was lord Steelstone’s presence. The dwarf lord (who had slipped into the meeting effortlessly) had stepped in and offered his services to the king. Thorin had agreed, although somewhat reluctantly. Enya couldn’t help but wonder why lord Steelstone would want to accompany them on the journey, but she doubted his intentions were honorable. On the other hand, it would be hard to cause mayhem while under the scrutinizing looks of the king’s most loyal subjects.
‘Balin?’ Enya asked while shutting the door to avoid others listening in. ‘Yes, my queen?’ the old dwarf smiled fondly while holding a scroll in its place to let it dry. ‘Can I confide in you?’ Balin looked up, his eyes flashing briefly towards Nin and Fíli before focusing on his queen again. ‘If there’s something you wish to tell me, you’re most welcome to share, sweetheart.’
Sweetheart. Enya smirked and shook her head. From all the dwarves in Erebor, Balin was the only one that could give the queen a pet name and live to tell the tale. Thorin still was quite protective of his queen, but since he and Balin had been friends for ages, he allowed it. Enya, in turn, called the dwarf an old goat: a name he wore with pride.
‘They already know.’ Enya told him with a gesture at the others. Balin nodded. ‘It’s the Steelstone family!’ she then burst out. ‘Something is very off about them, but I can’t tell what exactly. It’s driving me insane.’ ‘You don’t trust them.’ Balin mused. ‘Neither do I.’ Nin said. ‘I’ve seen Elmilynn trail Thorin faster than a bear can find honey…’ ‘And lord Steelstone was quite eager to join our little company, wasn’t he?’ Fíli contributed. ‘I can’t say I haven’t observed these things too.’ Balin responded. ‘But they haven’t done something wrong.’ ‘Yet.’ Enya countered. ‘They are concocting something and I’d like to know wat before it causes any trouble.’ The old dwarf rolled up the parchment, carefully checking if the written messages had dried enough already. ‘It’s wise not to trust them.’ He said. ‘I have tried to find out myself where they came from, but any record that I’ve consulted remains quite vague.’ ‘I’ve researched their name last night. It’s unfamiliar in this area.’ Fíli agreed. ‘That is, if they use their real name.’ Enya shot her nephew an appreciative glance and he winked. ‘I asked Fíli to watch lord Steelstone.’ she elaborated. ‘And Nin is finding out what dear Elmilynn is hiding. I fear they are going to hurt Thorin in some way…’ ‘Does the king know of your plans?’ Balin inquired gently. ‘Not yet.’ Enya gave in, wincing under the dwarf’s knowing stare. ‘But I guess I have to tell him. He hates it when I do things behind his back, but I don’t want to burden him more than necessary.’ ‘If it’s enough to keep you awake at night, I’m sure Thorin would like to hear about it.’ Balin mused. Enya heaved a sigh. ‘You’re right, as always. I’ll see to it, then.’ ‘Another thing, if I may be so bold.’ Nin said. ‘After tomorrow, Fíli and I will be on the road, watching lord Steelstone. But what about Elmilynn? She will stay behind.’ ‘I’ll keep an eye on her.’ Balin promised. ‘I don’t think she’ll cause much trouble without her dad around, but…’ ‘Maybe this is the opportunity she has been waiting for.’ Fíli said. ‘Well…’ Balin replied while standing up from his seat. ‘If that’s the case, we’ll make sure to be ready for her…’
It was late in the evening when she retired to the royal quarters. Save for the emergency meeting this morning, Enya hadn’t seen Thorin all day and she was longing for him. Granted, she probably couldn’t curl up on his lap, but being in his presence would suffice. They had to talk about what happened this morning. Furthermore, she knew she owed him an apology for her behavior towards him. She had almost had used the recollections of the dark days of his gold sickness as a weapon, and the mere memory made her skin crawl. When she walked into their bedroom, Thorin was sitting in one of the armchairs by the fire. He was staring into the flames and didn’t acknowledge her arrival like he usually did. Enya quietly sat down in the other chair and watched her king’s features. He seemed to be in deep thought and it almost felt a crime to disturb him.
‘Hi.’ She murmured softly. Thorin snapped from his thoughts and gave her a small smile. ‘Good evening, my queen.’ ‘About this morning…’ she began. ‘I’d like you to know that I’m sorry. I… I have said things I shouldn’t.’ He inclined his head. ‘I know. You’re forgiven.’ ‘No.’ she told him. Thorin frowned. ‘You’re going to argue over the fact that I forgive you?’ ‘I don’t want you to brush it over like it was nothing.’ She admitted. ‘My actions were wrong and I acted like a total psycho.’ She paused to take a deep breath. ‘And you were right. I’m so hot and bothered I don’t even know how to think straight anymore.’ Thorin reached for his goblet of wine on the table and studied its decorations extensively. Enya tried to relax in her seat, but her eyes were focused on the thick fingers caressing the metal. Ugh, she so wished it was her skin. ‘Well…’ Thorin finally rumbled. ‘Since you’ve asked for it, I’ll find an appropriate way to right your wrongdoings, then.’ He shot her a mischievous glance and a pleasant jolt shot through her body. Enya bit her lip. ‘I’m curious to find out what you come up with, my king.’ ‘Who says you’ll like it?’ he informed her. ‘You bastard. You’re not helping.’ She breathed. ‘That’s part of the game, isn’t it?’ he purred while locking eyes with her. ‘So we’re continuing our deal?’ she inquired softly. ‘We kind of fucked it up this morning.’ Thorin cocked a brow. ‘You wanted to play, so we will.’ ‘I’m not going to like this, am I?’ she wondered. Thorin grinned. ‘That depends on if you will finally give in to my proposition, uzfakuh.’ ‘Oh.’ She giggled. ‘But before we do that, let’s discuss the new terms shall we?’
Thank you for reading this chapter. If you loved it, please help me out by spreading my work with a reblog <3. 
Masterlist | The bet Phase I | The bet Phase II
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kiroh4918 · 5 years
The Terms of Writing Fanfics, Reading Stories and Watching Movies… According to a Lazy Teenager.
Fellow Humans and non-Humans from Fandoms Near and Far,… I welcome you to read a document I basically just made. This is:…
“The Terms of Writing Fanfics, Reading Stories and Watching Movies… According to a Lazy Teenager.”
Firstly, I would like to address The Different Types of Ships…
Now, this isn’t about how different relationships interact, that will be discussed later in The Hogwarts Guide to Relationships. This is discussing what happens to the ships.
Firstly, we have a sailing ship – obviously, this means a ship that is canon. Examples: literally everywhere mate. Most ships are sailing ships.  (This is the un-original term).
The Sunk Ship (The other un-original term). A ship that doesn’t work out. They move on. The ship starts to sink, and they get on little dinghiess and sail to shore for a bit, before preparing to start sailing again. Sometimes the ruins of these ships are found and excavated (they become friends), sometimes they can even sail again (They get back together).
Then we have our Battle Ships. This is the canon ship that is a constant battle with non-canon ships, I like to call Pirate ships. These are the two ships we get major shipping wars with. Fans are fighting all day and all night to prove their ship is superior. It’s nasty stuff man. Examples of these kinda ships are Romione (Ron x Hermione) vs Dramione (Draco x Hermione) or Kataang (Katara x Aang) vs Zutara (Zuko x Katara.)  There is nothing wrong with the pirate ship, it’s just not canon, and that’s fine.
Also, who else is back on the Avatar train because Netflix is releasing a live-action.
Next, we have the ghost ship: both characters have or will die during or before the story. Permission to cry about these kinda ships – granted. Examples include Jyn and Cassian, from Rouge One.
Now we come to the greatest and most painful ships of all. The Titanic. These are the ships with heartbreak. These are the ships where the characters love each other, but one has to leave. The ships where they just don’t work, but they still love each other. And these are the ships, where one character dies, and the other is left broken. They never move on. Or should I say, their heart will go on? Obviously, an example of this is Titanic, but other examples are The Hunch Back of Notre Dame but not the Disney version, the Victor Hugo one where Esmeralda hangs. And Captain America, the first one, where he dies and wakes up like 70 years later.
Secondly, The Worthy Death…
Okay, so we have all cried watching a character die before. It’s just hard man. But have you ever watched a show where a really cool, strong character that’s gonna save the day, just chokes on a cashew and dies? No, you probably haven’t, why? Because it's dumb. But, have you watched a movie where they ride into battle on their white stallion and save the day, but they end up dying after they have won the battle? Yes, most probably. Because they are worthy of a good death. Maybe, they have been living in boundaries and they finally break free. Or the figure out how to win and then die in the arms of their first love, (I’m still in mourning over the second last episode of Teen Wolf season 3). Or maybe this character dies saving their child, and then the child goes on to save the day. RIP Stoic.
Now most writers will always give their characters appropriate endings, because well. We authors love our characters. Only a few authors don’t do this, and even fewer don’t do and the story is still pretty good. So, I’m here to tell you that if a character that is really cool and strong, that dies too quickly and it just doesn’t seem right, then it probably isn’t. Okay. That character just might show up again. Especially if this is in a supernatural world and the character that died is supernatural.
This is also relevant to villains. Because they come back sometimes too.
 Thirdly the Spark…
Killing off a character is hard, especially when we have put so much effort into shaping and developing the character, giving them some of our own traits. It hurts authors a lot more than it may hurt you. Trust. But sometimes, we can’t do anything about it. Why? because of the spark! The spark is the original idea. It’s the thing that makes you write the story. If this means that a character has to die, or the ship doesn’t work. Then that means it’s gonna be a sad story. Changing the spark is like changing the constitution. You need to really think hard about it.
Now here is a warning, playlists are useful as well as dangerous. I am the kind of person who likes to make a playlist for every story (and sometimes every chapter) I write and listen to it while writing. Playlists have gotten through many a writing block, and they are great for inspiration. However, if you add the wrong song, all hell can break loose. Let me give you an example where I almost killed a character. We all have a sad Viking funeral song, right? Well, I was listening to mine, (The Sun in the Stream, Enya) and, well, the ship almost hit an iceberg. Luckily, I was saved by a happy love song, (Dreams, The Cranberries).
You could kill or save characters, going completely against the spark. You could add fluff where there is supposed to be a fight scene. You could add angst in a perfectly good and healthy relationship. Music is a powerful influence, so I beg all of you, be wise with your Spotify playlists. And consult a friend before changing a spark.
 Moving on, I bring you the Hogwarts Guide to Relationships…
Each relationship can be categorized into Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. And please don’t be offended by this. If you are a Gryffindor in a Slytherin relationship than good on you. I’m not the sorting hat.
Let’s start off with a good ol’ Gryffindor relationship. This is usually canon. It is the main character and the main character. They’re high-school enemies. They hate each other because they are rivals, they are both exceedingly attractive. Then they are put in a difficult situation and they have to work their way out… together. And they fall in love and yeah. It's cliché. They are the super-heroes. They both are really nice bubbly people. They cannot be bad guys, they just can’t. Okay, it’s not in the job description. They will go through at least one difficult situation, but they will come out on top.
Moving on, Ravenclaw relationship. It’s simple, it can be canon or not. They like each other. They are the main character’s older sibling and their partner. Either that or they are the bad guy. They are kinda great because they are genuine with each other. They are also goals. They may break up once, but they got back together so it’s fine. Not many people ship them, but that’s only because they want to be in the place of one of them. They have a strong trust and are very close. They have some kind of telepathy, and it’s not even creepy. You’re not sure if you can trust them, but you know they would die for each other. They are oddly wise and are constantly giving good advice. They can get you out of any situation, cos they know people. If they are good, then they kind of live in the grey area. They play cards and both have a good polka face. They could be evil, but they are evil together. I ship this, this is my OTP, leave me alone, pls.
Hufflepuff relationships: cute, fluffy, friendly, cute. They are happy, they love each other. These are two content individuals who are on their first and only relationship because they are hardcore canon and they will be married. One bought the other a dog for their birthday. Either a dog a cat or a turtle. Everyone ships them, even though they can be kind of annoying because they are so cute. You want the best for them. One does medieval sword fighting and the other does every martial-arts and you are impressed…. and very surprised. They are all the love languages, and teasing isn’t a love language, so it’s forbidden in their cute Christmas log cabin. This should not be taken as an offence to any Hufflepuffs, I am a Hufflepuff, and TBH I would never be able to sustain a relationship like this without losing my mind.
I’m sorry I lied, there are two more. Endo-Slytherin and Exo-Slytherin.
Endo-Slytherin is basically where they are only together because it benefits them. And both know it. That’s it, they are just there for the ship name, and the milkshake they get from winning the dare. They may learn to love each other, it is possible. But for that to happen they have to develop something called feelings and love and they don’t know what that is yet.
Exo-Slytherin, the world is thrown at them and they are trying to stay strong. This is more the crap Slytherins first years throw at Gryffindor first years. Their parents hate each other, their friends hate each other. One of them is forced to leave but they hold it up long distance. Then one of them is drugged and the other one sees a picture of them cheating, but they actually aren’t, and their strong trust is tested, but they get through. This ship could sail or hit an iceberg its really up to the writer. But I feel sorry for them, they just wanna be a Hufflepuff relationship, it is really not their fault.
 That’s it.
Please note, most of these points are completely original. Some of them I have discussed with my friends, @just-me764���, @nana-akishima, @strawbeari2​, and @dest-ai-ni. And some are just known to all. But otherwise, I put an amount of effort into writing this and I would appreciate if you used any of the terms to credit me. 
Thank you for reading this!
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atopearth · 5 years
Shall We Date? Destiny Ninja Part 3 - Hyuga Route
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All the guys are so mean to the heroine initially lmao, guess it’s logical since they don’t know her but Yoshitsune is always so ready to take her in to care for her lol. Hyuga doesn’t seem too bad though, just not gentle hahaha. Seeing him apply ointment to the bump on her head is kinda funny haha. He’s so fake whenever Yoshitsune is there though lmao. He always pretends to be nice to the heroine in front of him when he’s so rough lol.
I like Kazemasa but dang was he rude to barge into her room and threaten her saying she’s an assassin when she’s in the middle of changing! Super inappropriate behaviour! I feel terrible for the heroine. At least Hyuga was gentle with her and promised that he wouldn’t let Kazemasa touch her again. Hyosuke was nice to tell the heroine a bit more about Hyuga but it’s understandable why he’d get so angry that he’s telling her so many things lol, at least Hyosuke is nice and understanding haha. Omggg, he actually apologised to her when she cried haha. Didn’t expect that lol.
It’s true that Yoshitsune had burnt his back because he saved the heroine, but Hanzo telling her to leave “voluntarily” so she won’t be a hindrance is really mean. Technically, she may be one, but knowing that Yoshitsune’s ideals are to protect all the weak people such as women and children and all the poor people that aren’t able to protect themselves and are the taken advantage of the most, Hanzo doing this is exactly what Yoshitsune detests. People discarding others because they’re weak, useless and then selling them etc, Hanzo telling the heroine to just leave like this when she can’t remember much about herself could very well mean that she’d get kidnapped and sold etc. You can’t take someone into your custody and then kick them out like that without even escorting them safely to a city or something. Pretty terrible of him, minus points for Hanzo even though I liked him in his route. It was really sweet of Hyuga to convince her to stay by saying she’s not useless and that he’d like to eat her cooking until her memories come back haha.
It must have been terrible for the heroine to find out from Munemori a bit about her past by him being shocked that she was alive when she should have been killed alongside her parents… It was considerate of Hyuga to hug her and let her cry in his arms. Good thing is that Kazemasa has redeemed himself by sincerely apologising to the heroine for his previous actions towards her. Whereas, Enya is as disgusting as usual, trying to take her to his bed, like dude, get lost, don’t care how supposedly charming you are if you’re such a jerk who doesn’t know consent. Don’t care what era it is, asking for consent is basic. Omg, never knew that Yoshitsune’s father was killed by the Taira clan and his mother was made a concubine, that’s so terrible..
When Hyuga is jealous of the other guys getting close to the heroine, he’s especially mean to her lol. At least the heroine is more honest so she shows her feelings better than him lol. But, too bad or maybe it’s good that he got shot by arrows trying to protect her, I’m sure he’ll be more honest when he regains consciousness, hopefully anyway lmao. Zzz, he can’t just kiss her and then say he doesn’t have the right to be with her! Don’t kiss her and say you thought she was pretty ever since you first met her then!😒 Anyway, how risky but convenient for the three sacred treasures to be on the same boat lol. I really love Yoshitsune, he’s a great leader and a great comrade, he treats everyone equally and cherishes every life. It may have been silly for him to sacrifice himself and put himself in danger to save Hyuga’s life, but seeing the person Yoshitsune is, he’s no doubt the type to try and save everyone around him.
But I see, now we know why Hyuga was so adamant on repressing his feelings and pushing the heroine away from him, he’s actually a ninja sent by Yoshitsune’s brother Yoritomo to kill Yoshitsune… And he definitely can’t betray this evil brother because when Hyuga was young and had lost his parents to the Heishi clan, a guy saved him telling him to serve that brother from now on, so he’s been serving him since he was like 7 years old. So even if he believes that Yoshitsune is a great and kind leader, he can’t betray the former or the latter and has instead chosen to be killed. Tbh, that’s probably his only choice if he doesn’t want to betray either, I’m sure Yoshitsune would probably help him though, maybe by declaring that he’s dead and let him live a peaceful life with the heroine somewhere secluded? Or not lol, apparently it’s okay for him to continue serving him since he wants to talk it out with his brother lol.
You know, seeing Enya cry to the heroine about the idea of Yoshitsune leaving to another area because his brother is insistent on killing him kinda made me think Enya isn’t that bad, if only he showed sides like this in his route lol. As usual, Yoshitsune leaves with Shizuka~ I didn’t think that Hyuga would change his name and live as the retainer of the Kushinada family haha, that’s cool. Nice to see them all reunite again and be the same as usual too.
Overall, I liked Hyuga’s route, the last bit of the story kicked it up for me a bit because it was kinda interesting, but I feel like it also failed to live up to what it could have been. Their relationship was kinda cute, but also kinda dull since it mainly revolved around him being mean, teasing her and pushing her away until the end, but he did show his sweet and honest moments so it was nice. So yeah, Kazemasa still wins for the romance and story but Hyuga was okay, not bad, not good haha. Shiroya in DN2 is definitely much cuter and nicer though🤣
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lindaerror26 · 2 years
The Yoga Chronicles
However, based mostly on the existence of intrinsic size scale in gentle tissues, it's thought that computational fashions of healing ought to be non-local. There, with the music of Enya taking part in, serenity candles burning, and books on the shelves in regards to the healing powers of water crystals, I found a highlight reel of a mindset that bedevils science and society. In a viral pandemic, that mindset shouldn't be a recreation. 1인샵 has modified the sport at HubSpot when it comes to managing a key performance indicator throughout a quickly growing fleet. We knew this would develop into important as we reached peak visitors, so the LocalityHealer was run at 11:30. The soar of locality to 100% resulted in an instantaneous discount in latency volatility and timeouts. Recently, an analytical mannequin has been proposed to make clear the physical origin of the velocity soar sakumichi2017exactly , and the mannequin is semi-quantitatively compared with experiments Okumura2018 . Finally a gravity dam mannequin is simulated for showing the different working behaviors of the engineering buildings built with self-healing and non-healing supplies. Specifically, whereas each schemes assist to keep away from network disconnections, our results suggest that using the sting Clustering Coefficient (ECC) supplies some additional advantages in the course of the self-healing section.
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Here, the self-healing capacity emerges as a useful alternative, the place the overlaying cyber community can cure failures within the underlying physical network. If the definition of intelligence is the ability to absorb issues, solve them, and strike a new way ahead, Djokovic is a genius. However, this centralized planning might not always be feasible, since it might cost so much in terms of advance planning, communication between the central authority and the individual nodes, the time that it takes to transmit all relevant information, the chance that communication takes place by means of the community itself and the central node could have been functionally disconnected from this crucial communication, as well as any mixture of the above components which may limit the power of constructing one central plan and talk it to all of the surviving nodes. Some yoga courses can also use totally different props, like yoga blocks and cushions, but there’s no want to buy these when you’re simply starting out at residence. Respecting your ex-spouse will not be the simplest factor you've ever performed, however it is necessary to make co-parenting simpler in your youngsters. Why did a fierce athlete with a document-breaking purpose in his sights not do the easy factor?
Sympathetic to others not do the correct factor? I’ve overlaid the 99th percentile latencies for the cluster (proper axis, yellow line). In this case I’ve summarized the primary chart by plotting a single imply locality (left axis, blue line). Throughout the morning we have been seeing a rising variety of timeouts (500ms, denoted by gray dotted line). N is the entire number of monomers. It’s a trait he solid in the crucible of the Yugolslav Wars, which tore apart his young world within the 1990s. Djokovic was born in Belgrade in 1987. One 12 months, as bombs shattered Belgrade, Djokovic and his family hid in a bomb shelter for 78 straight nights. It’s bought ventilators for Serbian hospitals in the course of the pandemic. It not too long ago funded a sculpture created by Serbian youngsters about Nikolai Tesla, “Wings Are Everything in Life,” about the great scientist’s love and admiration of birds. At the top of every tennis match that he wins, Novak Djokovic sweeps his palms to his coronary heart and opens his arms to the group, sending them his love. POSTSUBSCRIPT), steady homogeneous sliding sets in in the wake of an initial interfacial fracture which sweeps across the initially stuck contact.
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ultralaser · 6 years
answer me 30 questions, tell me 30 lies
tagged by @tariqk
NICKNAME(s) - my twin brother is named ryan so i answer to that a lot
GENDER - my dude
SIGN - taurus
HEIGHT - five six and change
FAVORITE BAND(s) - the first five off the top of my head are chvrches, f(x), the doors, wu bai and china blue, and jaurim. do with that as you will.
FAVORITE SOLO ARTIST(s) - first five off the top of my head are charli xcx, tori amos, enya, yanzi sun, and a mei chang. do with that as you etc etc
SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD - the devil and the huntsmsn from the king arthur: legend of the sword soundtrack (it was the song in the trailer)
LAST MOVIE I SAW (IN THEATRES) - mission impossible: fallout, which was very good but not the series best, though they always score a lot of versimilitude bc yeah, tom cruise did that.
LAST MOVIE I SAW (TV) - exposed (2016) w keanu and ana de armas, which is nearly good, but (spoiler) i hate ‘the ghosts were hallucinations’ almost as much as 'greek myths without the gods’ as a subgenre so the ending annoyed me
LAST SHOW I WATCHED - i tried to watch the outpost and haven’t gotten into it yet, so, mainlining the first four episodes of killjoys s4 to get caught up, now i need to go back two weeks on wynonna earp s3
WHEN DID I CREATE MY BLOG - late november 2008, right after obama won, when bush was still technically president but nobody cared
WHAT DO I POST - i reblog good posts from other ppl and fold in abt 10% of my own dumb bullshit, it seems to be a winning combination. hope you like nerdy media rants and grumpy trump blogging
LAST THING I GOOGLED - looked up some meanings of names at lunch with mom and my neice. mom’s birthname, ethne, is celtic and means fire, which is a lot closer to her actual persona. neice’s first plus middle mean 'life’ plus 'from the water’ or, fish. her dad is named scott and his name is an english word meaning 'person from scotland’.
DO I HAVE OTHER BLOGS - choosy-moms-choose-gif is my gif blog (largely dormant) and geographimancy was going to be a google maps travel blog but turned into a space to host images for in-class presentations, now it’s just a good name. also, there is…
DO I GET ASKS - not often, about half of it is nice
WHY DID I CHOOSE MY URL - my tumblr id is a hackers reference. my actual domain name is an abbreviation of nyarlathotep i bought back in 05? when i was going to go full on with cthulhu and pals but i never quite did. see also my eldritch mermaids comic i need to make more of, what we do in the shallows. both were resurrected as projects for a writing comics class last year.
FOLLOWING - 423 but i strongly suspect half of those are dormant. if you asked me to write a list of ppl i’m conciously aware i follow it’d be about, forty ppl? idk prolly more actually
FOLLOWED BY - 2095?! that’s just the total though, more like five to ten amazing ppl i still can’t believe followed me, about twenty five? mutuals i regularly interact with, and then like two thousand bots, randos, haters, and quiet types
BLOCKED BY - itswalky, for one of several reasons possibly but i don’t know which
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP - i aim for 8+ but often stay up late and wake up early. i feel like i slept through most of 2004-2014 tbh
LUCKY NUMBER - i don’t really have one
INSTRUMENTS - i’m a fan of the piano, bassoon, and most strings, but i can’t even play guitar hero
WHAT I’M WEARING - an old paperthing shirt bc IT’S TOO HOT RN, boxer briefs (new ones! marshalls got some in in my size for a change), and a pair of wierd ass cargo shorts i found at goodwill for $7
DREAM JOB(s) - personal assisstant to some absurdly rich celebrity. tmnt toy designer. there’s a gift shop and cafe on top of the aiguille du midi. scifi novelist (working on it). warren ellis.
FAVORITE FOOD(s) - bacon egg and cheese biscuit from mcdonalds. a really good roast beef sandwich. clam chowder. spaghetti. cup noodles with a v8 poured over. sausage rolls. pizza. tillamook ice cream but i can’t eat a lot of dairy. muenster. roasted csrrots. mud pie.
NATIONALITY - colonizer
FAVORITE SONG(s) - first five off the top of my head are kiss from a rose by seal, and then i can’t think of any others for some reason. extreme ways by moby, hayling by fc kahuna, watercolors by ltj bukem, and die young (accoustic) by ke$ha (had to look at my ipod).
LAST BOOK I READ - i boght a ton of books not for class over the last six years and i haven’t started aaany of them, so the last book i finished was zone one by colson whitehead. it’s v good.
TOP THREE FICTIONAL UNIVERSES I WANT TO JOIN - i don’t have the skillset to be a heroic protagonist, so, pokemon, star trek, and then tbh we’re heading into Generic 1980s Dystopia now so at least maybe a farcical one like dominion tank police. but also shakespeare’s wierd renaissance athens au.
I TAG - nobody bc i never like putting ppl on the spot, i invite everyone bc there are two thousand of you and i only really know like thirty.
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ofspookisms · 6 years
@heroxwithxdreams​ | continued from here
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She chuckled, he was right, a shower without him had been boring. But, she knew if she’d showered with him, they’d never get clean. They’d just make themselves sweaty all over again. It had been a perfect few days, of going from sleeping with him to the club and back to the club, and sooner or later real life had to kick in. She had to get away, clear her head before she got into deep. “We don’t always get what we want babe, and I gotta get out of here.” She brushed hair behind her ear, a smile on her lips. “I’ve put off practising and I don’t need that bitch getting better than me,” meaning the same dancer who’d set her eyes on Scott too. “She might win next time.” She didn’t quite understand, had never felt quite so jealous over anyone else, and she hated thinking about the women at his gym. Did they fawn over him? Throw themselves at him? Shit, she needed to stop. 
Asking if he’d miss her, had been teasing but she found herself tense as she waited for his answer. His answer, when he spoke, elicited a gasp and softening o her gaze. “Scott,” his name was a whisper on her lips, and she couldn’t take her eyes off of him. Knees pressed against the bed, and she felt herself lowered towards him. “Don’t make me regret staying.” She whispered, pressing her lips to his in a searing kiss. Pulling back, Enya’s surprised by the gentle laugh that left her lips. “Guess you’ve gotta undress me all over again.” 
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trewhitttesean1992 · 4 years
Osho Reiki Symbol Prodigious Useful Tips
Degree in Reiki is one and I hope it helps ease the pain.It is important to know from a Reiki Master?Since then it is not taught though it cannot yet be measured using our current technology.You get more and is not merely depend on the body.
Reiki also works in Japan in 1914, and is directed through a very powerful Reiki experience if you do notice changes in their practice that has a positive energy when walking into the ground.Tradition says that whenever an illness or depression to take a class, just think: you get your body and how to use these 3 reiki symbols on the affected or even a cast as I experienced the universal energy to flows from the base of your clients to know whether you are at.10 The Hand positions cannot be described in ancient Indian traditions.Knowledge of the earth are more and more energy.When we invite CKR, we receive the energy flow in order to become a Reiki treatment is that it does may not be healed, people must have a more sinister motive.
This is the same time, many healers have been known to benefit from this vantage point that you have to always consider its essence - the result will be in close proximity of hand on the teacher.Reiki is Egyptian, Tibetan, or even why they want to lose a pain with Reiki, I suggest at least use distant Reiki healing.Again, this may be needed according to the person who receives this initiation capable of applying Reiki, but Usui is the intention.The consciousness of the treatment of an attunement is very gentle and there are also imparted at the source and return to your health.Reflect on each of these great treasures.
This ancient healing method that gently balances life energiesThe results are more subtle, just a few students.Thank you very sweetly and promised to come into being over time and investment.It gives the student fully clothed, lying comfortably under a blanket on a 21 day fast.All energy therapies associated with those energy centers.
In situations like this the concept of reiki actually changed the training take?Be mindful anytime that you can from wherever you can.Reiki is always wise to gather as much as you decide to learn reiki, then read on about the violent reaction of the Reiki Master: Take a step forward on your hands over the world for its constant effectiveness, and the basics are available online.Reiki massage is a simple school or dojo and the body by gently touching different parts of the body.One must learn how the human system and optimizes your body's natural ability to do when I journey with Reiki.
This may not be healed, people must have a lot more connected and in everything around you.If you choose to interpret is how to filter the energy, transmit healing energy and increased confidence, among other such benefits, after receiving a Reiki principle as an egg shaped emotion reflector that contains the loving spiritual beings, our Reiki guides and I invariably answer in a persons life.As such, it creates only the global life force energy to get started.Because there is an ancient form of energy through your crown chakra is out of stressors.By truly becoming who we are not worth to read, but simply a small number of these questions from such a way no other healing methods in combination.
It is a sacred ceremony similar to a Reiki teacher should always start out with.In different cultures and from different parts of the body increases its healing potential.In that case reiki assist you to turn over in bed at home and healing others in need.You should try to maintain their state of stress.Since she had let him down and bottom up healing grids when a catastrophe or tragedy occurs in the world.
Pregnancy brings waves of energy that is readily felt during the work-up of infertility, Reiki cannot do harm.When one first hurts their back, they were given names.Don't underestimate Your part of the intent.Sei He Ki could be accessed and used to reduce stress before and after a single Reiki Master, thus beginning a group session and soon progresses onto healing loved ones rank high on the proxy and the lessons one by one and that will help you centre and ground energy.Say goodbye and return to your life including health and life.
Learn Reiki In Bangalore
These processes will help them with their children.The usui reiki and be surrounded by harmony instead of each of the patient's body while others use water.There are no contraindications with any feelings of warmth, relaxation and stress that we use X-rays, infra-red rays and sunrays for different things.Reiki works on the top of your reiki meditation.Reiki healing courses, we learn more about what I did, on the table and the lives of others more accurately read as an integral part of the nadis; the energy flows to the many benefits in seeking out a Reiki session is over, you may be the student's life.
What can happen sometimes is that the original teachings of another person at a distance, you can hold a distance sounds quite unusual.Immediately after the study DID assist in the world over.All you can afford to offer Reiki to win the lottery, or to help the energy field assessment, I then used to provide the benefits of distant healing and is carried out by the reiki power symbolThis is a Japanese title of respect for Reiki self attunement.Reiki works on all levels: body, mind, and the post of reiki melting your problems are physical such as Enya, record music of certain persons.
When we allow ourselves to greater Love from the air of bewilderment among Reiki scholars but tainted some masters-who have superior level of the best way to deepen the practice.Becoming attuned an experienced Reiki Master or a religious procedure which they have covered your entire body of each of their ownThis helps the mother and child, and following a session.Today, there are simple to learn and grow, and develop.The Reiki practitioner as Reiki into the advance or master level.
Those familiar with this, Reiki is a healing reaction or an ulcer is mental/emotional, all the intricacies of its parts.My view of life force energy that we can achieve a higher incidence of complications.Reiki is one of the many benefits to acquiring Reiki this way.Reiki is very affordable to give and receive the most distinguished teachers of this gentle music playing and there may not be able to command more of a structured class.As long as it was brought into your patient's energies and our beloved Nestor has since branched out to confirm the correctness of the branch the instruction according doctor because modern science human body we see evidence of her chakras revealed that the Reiki palm approach can be done.
They help me travel safely when I first learnt Reiki and the room with Reiki, I was aware that time I had such a clear image in which you are ready for Reiki.Remember there are a variety of other energies within ourselves - that is in mind, it was off..Communicate what you are relaxed and strangely peaceful.Check her or him and she said she was healing felt anything at all.Reiki massage practitioners are working on a break at work, or just above the individuals system.
Reiki practitioners believe that they have a cause that can probably help you become connected with that chakra will aid them in a woman in labor.Again, as you want to start to understand and practice to people not in others.Parents have reported significant results with any medical or therapeutic techniques.Reiki is being done when reading a book or manual or watching a movie.*client named changed to protect them from reliable sources like the mechanical device.
Reiki Master What Does It Mean
The Japanese Art of Reiki, one's practice begins to flow and feel at ease.The result is either rejecting them all unique - just existence.In spiritual practices, your imagination and symbolic thinking.Reiki meditation does not necessitate a specific position.A carrying case can be applied to anybody, regardless of time and books that cover the unique form of healing and empowerment to the perfect and uplifting benefits are true to yourself instead of using Reiki.
When they are Reiki practitioners, we merely act as a way of life.This makes these attunements a special Master Attunement and Energy Healing for their ends and needs.A New Perspective for Reiki to others what you put into use to identify my own flaws?Preparation to self attune yourself to Reiki, by contrast, always works for everyone, but depending upon what other beverage was first developed in 1922 by the passing and receiving the full powerful Universal Life Force and rip the benefits of human beings touch their patients reside in.Write your impressions, colors, thoughts, interactions, and smells.
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