#and I haven't slept help
immunetoneurotoxin · 2 months
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I never thought it would be my turn to make one of these posts.
Sunday night, my 6 month old kitten, pickle, had a really bad fall down a hardwood staircase after getting startled, and upon impact with the first floor, his little femur took the entire force of the impact and it snapped clean in half. My heart dropped to my stomach when I heard him thump hard against the ground and he began to cry, we immediately dropped everything and rushed him to the emergency vet nearby.
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Turns out, the injury was worst than we thought. He needs orthopedic surgery to fit his femur with a metal plate. This will help him recover faster with the best successful outcome for his quality of life, but this is going to cost a staggering $4,000 dollars. He hasn't even celebrated his 1st birthday yet, he's still just a baby and this terrible accident happened. Pickle is truly my best friend, he has been my little beacon of light through it all, he is the one who sits with me while I write long chapters for my novels, and I will do absolutely anything for him.
My heart is fucking shattered seeing my normally happy and high-energy baby have such a traumatic injury like this. I know this is hard on his mental health, too. Please, if you can, help us help pickle. If anyone is willing to donate to our GoFundMe to help us alleviate the burden of surgery costs while I'm literally still desperately job hunting, it would help me and my partner more than you can imagine. If you can't financially support it at the moment, don't worry, I completely understand. But please, share this post as far out into your friends list as you can. Sharing will still help us out so so much.
Whether you donate or share, Pickle thanks you for helping his little leg get better. ❤️‍🩹
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CA$HAPP: $EricEdrington
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w0rmeater-tbr · 7 months
Yesterday was frustrating to watch, no fault of anyone, just because my streamer wasn't having fun for a while.
What I do want to say is huge fucking thanks Philza and Roier, they both did everything in their power to help Baghera and Etoiles when it felt like everything was against them. Roier has been Etoiles' emotional support since day 1 and he always manages to at least make him laugh when shit gets annoying in purgatory, and Philza kept a clear head the whole time.
Now from a roleplay standpoint, it was also really nice. Roier, who can see his friend struggling to find any reason to keep going, who knows how Etoiles works and thinks, and who does everything he can to be useful and help. Even more, Roier then wiped the slate clean and made it so that the one thing he and his friend like doing (pvp) is now more fun and less frustrating to lose.
Philza, who kept his cool the while time. Any time anyone said it was useless or hopeless, he was quick to shut it down. I liked this especially with Etoiles because we all know he's married to the darkness but with Phil there patiently saying "no, we're going to get your stuff. Calm down, it's okay" I think it's kind of hard to not believe him. I think this is amplified because of Etoiles respect for Philza.
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not-eli · 6 months
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forgot to post this *passes out*
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raven-delamuerte · 1 year
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You don't understand!
Tyler is literally a half-French Hyde!
They're made for eachoth-*gets thrown out of the writers room*
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l1linya · 1 year
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I'm back from the dead yes. Been busy with presentations so here y'all go lol.
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Rosekiller Moodboard
Here is more Rosekiller because i am absolutely obsessed
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icarus-star · 10 months
thinkign about kissing Jack rn
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spidey-official · 5 months
she radium on my potassium til i zinc
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thelikesoffinn · 7 months
Hi Miss social worker!
Help settle a debate: my boyfriend and I are disagreeing on astarion and poly relationships. He says that Astarion just says he's okay with it but doesn't want to disappoint Tav, I say he is okay with it for real.
We both rly liked your analysis, so we figured we'd ask you to help us settle this. So what do you say?
(We really loved your analysis btw, and we agree wholeheartedly! ♥️)
Awww Miss Social Worker!? Melted. Consider me a gooey puddle now.
As for your question: Difficult! I see why your opinions would drift apart in that regard, for I myself am slightly torn on it as well.
On one side, I can definitely see Astarion lying about this topic in order to make Tav happy. Especially early-game Astarion, because that boy is confidently unconfident, at least where relationships are concerned.
However, I do believe that he would, as soon as he's more comfortable with Tav, tell them the truth if he actually was uncomfortable with this arrangement. He's not as good at holding his tongue as he'd like to believe.
So yes, I do think Astarion is actually okay with poly relationships (or even short flings).
His reaction to Tav's walk-of-shame after shagging Mizora is quite telling in that regard. He was as playful and sassy as ever; he was quite humoured by Tav's potential fear of losing him, and I was actually surprised at how relaxed and chill he was with Tav cheating on him. The only thing he wanted to know is why, and once Tav reassured him that it has absolutely nothing to do with him or anything he does, he's completely relaxed.
(Now, on a personal level: I abso-fucking-lutely hated that reaction of his, and to me, this just shows that Astarion has a long way of healing yet to go, BUT that's a whole 'nother issue that I'll happily ramble on about if anyone wants to hear it.)
His reaction when Tav talks to him about Halsin is also similarly laid back. He's joking, he's smug and he seems to genuinely enjoy this conversation. He needs a little reassurance once again, as traumatised babes often do, but then it's all chill, which seems rather genuine and telling to me.
So, to sum it up, I do think late-game Astarion can be trusted when he says that he's okay with Tav dragging another fella into this.
Early game Astarion, however? Yeah, he'd lie just to keep Tav by his side and happy.
Which essentially means I can't break ties here because I agree with both of you in different ways! I'm sorry petal!
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kazumaple · 5 months
hi my mind is consumed by ares!alhaitham and aphrodite!kaveh so here's my headcanons for those interested:
all the other gods are always underestimating kaveh thinking he's too sensitive and alhaitham's just like no wtf guys. stop. or else I will destroy everything you love forcefully with my giant holy spear
them sneaking off to sit and be in love while important things are happening: "haitham we're supposed to be solving the famine in sparta." "and??"
them also sneaking off away from hephastus and kaveh feeling super bad )): he's so sweet oml but alhaitham doesn't care. kaveh is his grrr >:(
kaveh eating the things off alhaitham's plate that he doesn't like at banquets since he knows he's a picky eater )):
alhaitham having such adverse reactions to things whereas kaveh having such gentle reactions to things - they balance each other out so earth is not destroyed by the god of war or destroyed by lack of intervention from the god of love
their ways of taking care of things on earth being so different: kaveh gets upset by the way haitham handles things sometimes so he stops so as to not upset his love
they are so crazy about each other. prove me otherwise.
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rosielav · 7 months
My little sister passed away in a car accident last night. I need to get up to New Jersey and I'm not in a financial place where I can afford to do that.
If you're in a position to help and have maybe seen my doodles on here and they made you smile, or you found a new podcast you love through my recommendations, or would maybe like some art or something anything please consider donating or grabbing a commission from me. If you'd like something in my style but something other than what I offer please reach out and I'll gladly see what I can do.
Thank you for any and all help. I need to be with my brother. It's just me and him now.
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zennyzach · 1 year
Smacking blorbos and my OCs together like barbie dolls and making kissy sounds like god intended
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fizzycherrycola · 2 years
I hope I’m just late to the game on this. But does anyone else think that Tsar Alexander I and Napoleon Bonaparte would have made a fantastic (albeit tragic) gay ship or have I just completely lost my mind.
I mean look at this.
The very first thing Alexander said to Napoleon was probably well-calibrated: “I hate the English as much as you do”. Their meeting lasted two hours. Despite waging wars against each other the two Emperors were very much impressed and fascinated by one another. “Never,” said Alexander afterward, “did I love any man as I loved that man.”
And this.
Napoleon was charmed by Alexander, describing him as “especially handsome, like a hero with all the graces of an amiable Parisian.”
And wow.
“If Alexander were a woman,” Napoleon wrote to Josephine, “I would make him my mistress.”
There’s even fanart of them from the 1800′s.
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This complicated historic bromance has Enemies-to-Lovers-to-Enemies written all over it.
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darklight-owl · 3 months
Sometimes I think "i hate the state of this country and i want to move" but then i remember we have teeny tiny deer does Europe and. United State have teeny tiny deer? No it doesn t. And i can keep going.
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babyblue-nymph · 1 month
I'm so overwhelmed with classes and assignments. I need a daddy who cuddles me while he tells me that everything's going to be alright.
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m0ntylee · 1 month
Silly thing...
I first read The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde when I was in sixth grade. (loved it sm!) But I didn't know there was a Musical, and a couple of years later or so I was randomly introduced to it through a friend who had it on BLAST! And I was so confused! Next thing I knew, we were JAMMIN, I've never been the same. (and I'm okay with that)
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