#amber coffman
whiteshipnightjar · 12 days
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Joanna Newsom, Masonic Lodge at Hollywood Forever, Los Angeles, Night 7, May 27, 2024
📸: Debi Del Grande
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pettybourgeoiz · 2 years
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nofatclips · 1 year
Gun Has No Trigger by Dirty Projectors, live for Like A Version
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knightofleo · 2 years
Dirty Projectors | Two Doves
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ssound · 1 year
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i’ve had such a weird fuckin morning. okay so for context my Great Grandmother who imma call my Gran is 107 years old and has been in and out of hospital/sick every now and again whenever like an important date has come up that she wants to die on happens (like to the point the family places bets when she gets sick abt weather or not she’s actually gonna die this time) and it happened again recently when the anniversary of my great uncles death was coming up and so she’s in hospital rn as i type and i had a weird fuckin thing happen to me this morning so imma talk abt that. 
okay so i woke up very suddenly and checked the time it was 9:48 and at first i was like “why tf am i awake i usually don’t wake up till like 11 on my break” and then i heard my dad moving around and i put 2 and 2 together and curled back up in bed. but Then i had a crystal clear thought which was: “oh, great gran is gonna die today.” and Then while one part of my brain was looking at the rest going WTF? the rest of my brain was trying to figure out what i could wear to the funeral, an i was thinking abt that for a while before i kinda slipped back into sleep and i was woken up by the sound of my Grandad (great grans son and my dads dad) calling over to the house. so i listened in on the conversation between him and my dad from my blanket burrito as they sat downstairs and they were talking abt my Gran and how she had caught a chest infection but otherwise she was kinda fine and they talked on abt her for a while going through their usual rigmarole of “she’ll probably be fine the same as every other time we’ve gone through this” Until my Grandad got a call from a nurse saying they were taking my Gran off the drip and all the other things they had her hooked up too but not because she had improved and could go home they have just decided to stop intervening (she didnt say the part abt them stopping intervening but we all now pretty much suspect that she’s just dying and they feel that if they keep giving her help to stay alive she’ll just suffer longer than she needs to).... so like... imma update later if she dies or not... but yeah it was and still is fuckin weird.
EDIT: she died, she died a while after i made the og post at around 6 in the evening, and i’m just back from the hospital... i didn’t think she would, i didn’t think i was gonna be right i thought this would just end up some silly text post and nothing would come of it but she actually died.
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ohrenoir · 3 months
Clothing - Kingdom (featuring Amber Coffman)
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y-vna · 6 months
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✣ ﹒﹒ 💌 ⭒ ☖     She knows    She knows͏͏͏ ,   @p-oisn
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div by v6que / locs by plutism
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starkeysheart · 4 months
Dating Rafe Cameron
A Playlist 🎀
1:36 ━❍──────── -3:18
↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺
Devil’s Advocate - The Neighbourhood
House of Balloons / Glass Tables - The Weeknd
All For Us - Labrinth
Happier Than Ever - Billie Eilish
You Don’t Own Me - SAYGRACE, G-Eazy
NEW MAGIC WAND - Tyler, The Creator
Never Be Like You - Flume (Ft. Kai)
Star Shopping - Lil Peep
She Knows - J. Cole, Cults, Amber Coffman
Stargirl Interlude - The Weeknd
Sippy Cup - Melanie Martinez
Wonder - Lana Del Rey
Don’t Blame Me - Taylor Swift
Let The Light In - Lana Del Rey
Dark Red - Steve Lacy
High By The Beach - Lana Del Rey
Black Out Day - Phantogram
Falling Down - Lil Peep, XXX
Star Shopping - Lil Peep
Super Rich Kids - Frank Ocean, Earl Sweatshirt
Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High - Arctic Monkey
Softcore - The Neighbourhood
i’m debating on writing separate stories for each song, i did it in 2021 with she knows by j cole and people liked it- so let me know if i should 🤭
also any songs i should add !!
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silly-little-gooses · 14 days
inej ghafa playlist
I made a kaz one, it’s fair I do inej
~ look what you made me do (taylor swift)
~ seven devils (florence + the machine)
~ me and the devil (soap & skin)
~ white flag (bishop briggs)
~ you’re on your own, kid (taylor swift)
~ vigilante sh*t (taylor swift)
~ she knows (j cole, cults, amber coffman)
~ labour (paris paloma)
~ would’ve, could’ve, should’ve (taylor swift)
~ the fruits (paris paloma)
~ survivor (2wei, edda hayes)
~ these boots are made for walking (nancy sinatra)
~ as good a reason (paris paloma)
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whiteshipnightjar · 13 days
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Amber Coffman, Joanna Newsom, and Robin Pecknold in their Albini uniforms
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szagaloree · 1 year
His Wife…
Quaritch x OC teaser
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Contains: angst/mentions of death/ sadness/ weapons/blood
Warning ⚠️
This contains avatar the way of the water spoilers! Heavy on it please do not read if you have not watched it to not be spoiled and be confused on the story!
The the slowly rising ringing in her ear as she slightly wakes up, groaning she sees blurry figures in front of her, she gasps instantly jolting him hissing before she was grabbed “amiya! Hey hey calm down,” one of the guys said “you’re okay, calm down,” somebody else said “who the fuck are? What are you- what’s going on?” She questioned glaring at them “you died and now you’re brought back as one of those savages,” one of the marines said I raise a brow looking down I notice my hands were blue, not… white? I’m an avatar?! How did this happen, I thought… I died? “How did-I died-what the fuck!” I freak out.
“Well why don’t you asks these scientists they’re the main ones who thought you back,” one said with his arms crossed. “Besides you have other things to worry about, you’re back and that’s what matters,” one of them said, I huff, after changing I wore s green crop top with a army cargo pants, my hair was out. Al I could do was stare at my new self, being an avatar… it feels weird, having a tail and cat ears, it’s actually cool, I cannot see what the others fucking crying like weak bitches see, I was brought to the main area where the other avatar people that were brought back as well were.
I stood off in the corner not wanting to be around them, “we have been brought back as our former enemy,” a familiar voice spoke, soon a man walks into view leaving me wide eyed, “we’ll find them and destroy them and everything they know,” quaritch said menacingly, I couldn’t believe my eyes it was him he was back too!!! I stood off in the back watching everyone and didn’t feel comfortable nor didn’t want to be around them so I leave walking down the hall, “lost young lad?” He questions making me stop in my tracks, i looked forward before turning my head “why would I be?” I ask sarcastically, “I feel like I know you, you look very familiar,” he says, “we’ll keep feeling maybe you’ll actually see,” i sassed and attempted to leave to leave till he grabs my arm yanking me back “you smart talking me girl?!” He hissed “yea and what about it… don’t talk to me like I’m one of your bitches in that room, they maybe sucking your dick every damn day but I sure as hell ain’t one of em, so I suggest you let me go before I snap your jaw off your skull killing you again and making sure you don’t come back the next time!” I threatened harshly, the boys ooed snickering around as quaritch only gave me a smirk and let me go.
But I elbowed him in the stomach making him wince grunting in pain, I walked away angrily.
The next few days I was watching videos of the old me, I couldn’t believe I was brought back to life because of this sick humanity, storing my memory just to make a puppet! It angered me so much, I looked out looking around the forest, noises came from above and the men aimed their guns at the prolemuris “scared of prolemuris?” I smirked shaking my head, they side eyed me but I could careless because it wasn’t my fault they were really a bunch of pussies that claim their the top dawgs. I walk forward and look around, i come across a old shack or something, I went over there and looked around and went inside my eyes go wide realizing this is the school. The school they shot innocent children, “what is this place?” One asked “you should fuckin know what it is,” I said with a snappy tone.
“Watch the attitude,” he said, “or fuckin what?!” I walked up to him he aimed his gun at me but I continued walking forward “if you can’t fight me fist to fist like a real man then you shouldn’t be existing, all y’all know is shoot, so scared to loose a fight so y’all shoot,” I said …
To be continued👀?….
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j0kers-light · 11 months
His Lighthouse: She Knows (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
She Knows
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series summary:  
Y/n is an aspiring writer living in Gotham City and struggling to find her next muse. Her recent novel is getting all the buzz, earning her far more attention than she signed up for. But when a chance encounter results in her nursing The Joker back to health, will she find the time to write another best seller or will her own story become front page of the Gotham Gazette?
chapter summary:
A series of events led you to this exact moment where you and Joker's worst nightmare finally came true. She knew and you had no doubt she would tell the world.
author’s note:
Wow! Funny how I’m late but updating on a Wednesday of all days... anyhoo hope everyone had a great Fourth of July if you’re state side. Be petty and listen to She Knows by J. Cole. I had way too much fun adding in memes and pop culture references into this chapter! If you don’t understand one, do message me! I’d be more than happy to explain!
@blackreaderatrisk @twinkledinkle @clemdango04 @l3ejm @tears-of-amber @what-an-angel @darthjokerisyourfather @thatsnoteii @dollster  @cheetahspy @kaidennnnn @urdariingdoll
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!    
Last Chapter  |  Next Chapter 
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A series of events led you to this exact moment.
You were in your apartment being accused of everything to Metropolis and back. The accuser happened to be your friend and she wasn't holding anything back.
"How long have you two been together? Y'all were on some secret bull___t that night at the club, I should've known then! Of all people why him, Y/n? Have you lost your mind?!"
The questions kept coming with no end in sight.
Florence was in full rage mode, pointing her coffin acrylics in your face, well on the verge of hysterics. Your audience wasn't too far behind. It was utter chaos in your dining room. Neo braved the fray and tried to tone Florence down but she smacked his hands away and whirled on him instead.
"I don't wanna hear s__t from you!"
"Flo baby—" He tried again until Florence dismissed him with a flip of her middle finger.
"F__k you! I'll deal with you later! Right now, Y/n gotta own up to her s__t! It's the least she can do!"
You glanced at the group of people gathered around your dinner table and sighed. This was beyond embarrassing but unfortunately it was happening all because Dick couldn't keep his mouth shut.
The culprit sat watching the drama unfold with a smug grin on his face. Times like this you hated him so much..
This was all his fault.
He backed you into a corner that you couldn't run from. You were tired of hiding and lying to everyone but that wasn't the point. It wasn't Dick's business to tell and now you were in the hot seat because he decided to meddle. They deserved to know the truth.. but how would you begin to clear up the air and set the facts straight?
"Florence.. please just calm down, and let me explain.."
The sad thing is; you never got the chance to.
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Four days ago...
You looked up at Dick when he leaned his forearms on the counter. "So, Y/n? When do I get to meet Prince Charming?"
You were speechless. All you could do was blink as your brain did a full Windows shutdown. You felt like throwing up, curling up into a ball, and screaming out into the ether all at once.
In no way, shape, or form, was this happening. You shook your head and glanced down at the gossip magazine still in your hands. Did Joker know about all this? Was this the mysterious contents of the manila folder you found back at the beach house?
No, you were confident that J would've told you if he knew beforehand.
This was bad news for both you and his career. You were a popular author nationwide with a cult following on social media. You were set to frontline GothCon in a few months and promo ads and interviews about your most recent book were still circulating within the media. Despite all of the buzz, it had been a while since you were followed by paparazzi. You weren't the most exciting person, so you weren't entirely sure what piqued their interest.
Joker would be livid when he found out he was captured twice on camera.
He was still a wanted criminal, going almost three months strong in hiding. This could ruin everything between you and him. Right before it could officially start.
You were rereading the article when Dick spoke up. "Oh and I talked to your mom."
You almost snapped your neck with how fast you looked up. He mentioned it so casually as if he didn't already drop a bomb on your Monday. "You did what?"
"Y/n, please keep up with me here. I talked to Mom. You haven't called her in three weeks! That's tots not like you. Anyways, she and I got to scheming and get this–"
It concerned you with just how close Dick was to your parents. More on that later you suppose. Something told you this next bit wouldn't be good.
"They're coming to visit! I know, I know. It's very last minute, but your dad and I are gonna bbq and I already invited everyone else so you don't have to worry." He beamed from your island counter.
Such a shame you were anything but ecstatic.
Was this a prank of some sort? Did you hit your head over the weekend? Was this a fever dream? You lived in Gotham City for a year now and your parents never came to visit. Not because they didn't love you, more so, both parties involved had conflicting work schedules.
They couldn't have picked a better time to visit. This was all way too much for your brain to process.
"Dick, what? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Run that back! You can't just make plans with my parents at my place and NOT TELL ME!" You shouted.
You watched him roll his crystal blue eyes, the same ones girls in this city, (and in Blüdhaven) swooned over. When you first met Dick you had to admit, his suave demeanor piqued your interest too.
You quickly got over that silly crush. His attitude was a piece of work. Speaking of... He smirked, "I just did."
As much as you loved Dick Grayson, you wanted to kill him right about now. You sat the magazine down and wiped your face with a groan.
"Hooooooooo my God! You're just like Cindy making it impossible for me to rain check things! When is this happening? Not like my input matters but it'll be nice to know when."
You just spent a relaxing four day vacation away from the city only to return and be forced into a family reunion. What joy.
Dick shrugged his shoulders, "This Thursday." He knew you would panic but the temper tantrum you were having was over the top.
Your neck rolled as your lashes fluttered in disbelief. He popped another snack into his mouth and waited for the inevitable outcry.
"Richard John Grayson!" There it was.
"Using my full name? Now that's sexy." He easily dodged the magazine you threw at his head.
It knocked something over on the counter behind him but neither of you paid it any attention. Dick glanced at you and cringed. He knew that face all too well. You were pissed.
"C'mon, Y/n. It's the perfect weather for a get-together; everyone is free, all you gotta do is unlock the door and look cute. Which wouldn't be too difficult." He added with another one of his boyish smiles.
Unfortunately, you were immune to his charms. This was not how you wanted to spend your week.
Your apartment was in desperate need of a deep clean, you knew Dick depleted your fridge, so that meant more grocery shopping, and quite honestly, you wanted to relax with Joker and spend time with him— not entertain guests!
But Dick went ahead and made plans for you. Without your permission! You had enough and started to chase him around the kitchen and into your living room.
The police officer had the upper hand and always stayed just out of your reach. His laughter floated up to the high ceilings and the husky sound only fueled your anger.
You got even more frustrated from going around in circles and stopped to catch your breath by leaning on the couch. Dick bounced on the balls of his feet, not winded in the slightest.
Since when were you so out of shape?
"Were you out of shape when you took J's dick a day ago?" The devil on your left shoulder asked out of the blue. "Cuz he folded us like a lawn chair." She cackled to herself.
"And we took it like a champ too!" The angel added after she materialized on your right shoulder.
In a rare gesture, she sided with her archnemesis. That's when you knew it was bad.
It was official. You were making a therapy appointment this week. Having full blown conversations with figments of your imagination really needed to stop. You refused to turn into the mentally ill.
Although you'd fit in perfectly within Gotham City and you doubted Joker would mind a looney girlfriend. Woah. Stop right there.
You had yet to tell J that you loved him! What business did you have putting labels on things? You physically shook those thoughts away. Back to the matter at hand.
"Who else.. did you.. invite?" You wheezed out in Dick's direction.
He faked to his left but you predicted his movements and almost got a hold of him if you didn't stumble on the decorative rug. Thankfully your colorful ottoman nearby, thus preventing a bad fall.
"Whatever do you mean Y/n?" He laughed after he knew you were okay.
He thought this was a game. Stupid agile former acrobat..
"You.. know what I mean Grayson!" You shouted as you dived over the dining table but Dick just vaulted over it with the grace of his family's name. You crumbled to the floor on the other side but quickly ran after him back into the kitchen, grumbling along the way.
"Annoying, extroverted, pain in my—"
"Oo! Bad Y/n! No swearing in the apartment!" Dick chided you.
You weren't going to catch him so you looked around for an equalizer.
Dick huffed when you hit him dead in the face with a roll of paper towels. He smacked them aside and raised his arms in surrender when he noticed you found something heavier to throw.
"S__t! Easy! Easy, Y/n! Okay, I'll explain! Just don't hurt my face!"
You lowered the bread box back down onto the counter with a heavy thud. It was solid wood, an heirloom from your mother's side of the family.
"Lower your voice. How about we take this conversation to the balcony?" He suggested.
You jutted your hip and crossed your arms, "Why? You scared?"
Dick chuckled to himself. You were a spitfire when you wanted to be. He didn't want to admit it aloud, but your aim was better than a quarterback.
"Yeah.. there's not much out there you can throw at me." He confessed.
The both of you shared a laugh and the tension between you both dissipated. "Alright, fine. I won't hurt that pretty face of yours. For now. Lead the way." You said.
He walked over to hold out his arm like a proper gentleman but not before tipping your chin up with his index finger. "You think I'm pretty, Y/n?"
"Mhm." You hummed, "Pretty annoying."
Dick just laughed and guided you out onto the balcony.
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A random breeze tossed your hair as you sat your glass down on the table. Your hands were damp from the condensation and you wiped them off on your jeans as you faced Dick.
He was already staring at you with those clear blue eyes of his. They accessed you like he knew something you didn't. His knowing gaze and the gossip magazine he showed you earlier; your anxiety was at an all time high.
"So... Are you gonna explain or just stare at me all afternoon?"
He sat his own beverage down with a smirk before leaning back on the patio couch.
"The latter sounds like time better spent but.. you do deserve an explanation. Like I said earlier, your parents and I organized this get-together for Thursday. They haven't visited since you moved here and you deserve a breather from work. We all do. It's just our close friends, nothing serious Y/n, so don't go decorating or doing anything extravagant."
"I'll admit, I haven't been around lately since I picked up more shifts back home and.." You blinked in shock watching Dick Grayson, of all people, falter.
He always had the right words to say. You wrung your lip as he nodded to himself and returned your gaze.
"I don't want you lifting a finger, Y/n. Don't fight me on this! I'll clean the apartment for you, just relax these next few days and let me take care of things while I'm here."
You paled. Two months ago if he dropped by wanting to stay over, it wouldn't have been an issue. Dick came and went as he pleased— never staying more than a week at a time, but things were different now.
You had Joker.
And Dick Grayson, a police officer stationed in Blüdhaven with strong ties to Gotham City, could not find out about Joker staying here.
You could fool Barbara and the girls, but Dick with his natural perceptiveness and fondness for being nosy would definitely find incriminating evidence if he stayed over. You couldn't allow that.
"Uh... wow.. I'm uhh shocked that you, of all people, want to clean. Alfred must be clutching his pearls right about now. But um.. you don't have to stay with me Dick. I-I can clean the place and have everything ready by Thurs—-"
He waved off your excuse like a fly. "Nonsense, Y/n/n! I've been here since Friday."
Your ears were ringing and your hands felt clammy. When did it get so hot? Dick didn't notice the early stages of a panic attack occurring right in front of him. "Huh?" 
He took your startled reply with a grain of salt.
"Yeah, I arrived in town late Friday night but I had to check in with the old man and Alfred. That took longer than expected. Then Barbara texted me n' said that you were still out of town, so I crashed at your place instead of going home. I've been chillin over here ever since!"
Your right eye twitched. "H-Here? You slept here?"
Dick quirked an eyebrow. "Yes, Y/n. I just said that. I don't see the problem, I used to stay over in the past, no biggie. I didn't go in your room if that's what you're freaking out about, geez."
Like him going into your room was the issue here. You trusted him in that regard. You were panicking because Joker had temporarily moved into your guest room and the bathroom therein.
All it would take was one out of place item and Dick would ask who was staying with you, or worse. He'd deduce exactly who your roommate is and ruin everything for you.
You had to warn Joker not to come back. Scratch that. You needed to check his room and see if he left anything out.
You stood up abruptly and mumbled out an excuse.
"You know what? I really need to um, get caught up on.. uh laundry. Yes! Laundry and dusting! And have you seen those plants of mine? Dry as a bone! I should ahhh... do that. Water that. Them, I mean..."
You turned to make a beeline inside but Dick's voice halted your steps.
"Stop." He stood and eyed you pensively as he got closer.
"You ramble when you're nervous and it's rare that you let your place get so far behind on chores. Which tells me that you haven't been home in a while. Just how long have you been gone, young lady?" You avoided his gaze, picking you apart.
'Honestly Y/n, make yourself look more guilty.' You groaned internally.
Dick's eyes shifted to your shoulder to the array of bite marks finally healing from the weekend.
"You have been naughty, Y/n!" You flushed red and pushed him away.
Dick hardly moved. "Finally got laid huh? Was it Prince Charming? Did he fly you out so you could get some D? D__n Y/n, he must be really good then."
Technically he was right. Joker did in fact fly you out to Massachusetts and his stroke game was immaculate... but that wasn't the point here!
Dick laughed even harder when you rolled your eyes. "But we both know that's not the full truth. He stays here too."
He smiled at your horrified face. "Uh huh. I saw his stuff in the guest room. Woah, easy here Y/n! Don't go passing out on me!"
You swayed on your feet and Dick's arms shot out to catch you.
"Geez, dramatic much? I'm happy if you're happy, but I still want to meet him. I gotta talk to him and all."
The sun on the balcony was frying your head. Dick was talking out of his neck at this point. "T-Talk? About what?"
Dick just shook his head and drew you in for a hug.
"Y/n. Despite the hard time I give you, you're like a little sister to me. So if this guy means a lot to you, well. I wanna meet him. Someone's gotta give him a good Blüdhaven warning and I volunteer since I have all this natural intimidation going on."
You didn't have the heart to tell Dick that Joker was taller than him and far more intimidating. You simply snorted and accidentally spoke aloud.
"Tuh, good luck with that."
Dick leaned back so he could look down at you with a purple Riddler mark on his face.
"Nothing, I-I didn't say anything." Something flashed in his clear blue eyes but it was gone before you could question what.
He was back to himself in record time.
"O..K.. Hey! Why don't you go get your laundry sorted out and I'll start dusting the ceilings, yeah?" You jumped and shined your e/c eyes up at Dick.
"You'll dust for me?! Last time I almost died going up the ladder."
Dick sighed and rolled his gaze upward. "Y/n, you are too accident prone to be on anybody's ladder."
You awkwardly laughed and hugged your brother. You never had a sibling before. It was new and exciting until too much physical contact got overbearing.
"Mkay, that's enough." You pushed him away to begin the aforementioned chores.
Thankfully Dick wasn't insulted and left you to your own devices.
You watched him mosey back inside and disappear into your storage room, most likely, to fish out the cleaning supplies. While he was distracted, you sprinted to your bedroom with your phone.
You were grateful that Joker gave you his number over the weekend. However he said it was only to be used for emergencies. You considered him coming back and accidentally meeting Dick an emergency. You had to avoid them meeting at all costs.
You sealed yourself in your bedroom and made sure you dialed the one-call number correctly and waited.
It rang and rang and your stomach felt like it was sitting atop a rollercoaster hill, waiting for him to answer.
And without momentum, you rolled back to the station. It rang to a generic message. You weren't sure how you felt about leaving a voicemail but you already came this far, you couldn't waste the dial you made. So you took a deep breath and began.
"J.... It's me. Um. I have a friend over. Like staying over over. It's not safe for you to come back anytime soon. Please don't be upset with me. I also have a big family dinner this Thursday that I can't back out of so, please. Please, J! Don't come back until I give you a signal. I'll find a way.. I lo.. Ahhhh, um uh b-bye!"
You ended the call with shaky hands.
Did you almost say that on a freaking voicemail? Of all the worst times to confess, that would have been so anticlimactic. Thank goodness you caught yourself from making a complete fool of yourself.
Joker deserved a better declaration than some halfhearted mention on a voicemail that he'd probably would never listen to.
'Y/n, pull ya together girl. He's probably just busy.. '
He did sacrifice an entire weekend of his time to kick it back with you. He was probably drowning in whatever stuff a psychotic crime boss did at the office. Did Joker even have an office?
You pictured him behind an executive desk stacked high with papers and quickly wiped that image from your mind. It was replaced with J sliding down stacks of counterfeit money and torturing people in seedy back rooms. That was a better reality than Joker in an office setting.
You sighed and programmed your brain to focus on laundry and not on a certain criminal that vexed your heart and soul.
Little did you know— your mental imagery of him was spot on.
Joker was in fact working overtime to make up for his weekend vacation with you. In the short timeframe the two of you parted ways, he met up with Frost to go over pressing matters.
Joker knew about the photos.
It was upsetting that there were images of him floating around but it was more damaging to you. He tried to stop it on Thursday night, but the pap gave him and his men the slip.
Joker made sure you were safely tucked in at the hotel before he and Frost tore Atlanta apart trying to find the scumbag.
Joker thought that flying out of state would shake the trail, but this photographer was good. Too good, as if they had inside intel that helped them stalk you and Joker to Martha's Vineyard. Joker hated lots of things but he hated a rat the most.
Finding the snitch within his own organization proved to be difficult when Joker wasn't in Gotham City, so he had to wait until Monday to continue his investigation. He played things off and calmed your nerves at the beach house after that envelope came and made things worse.
Joker did not like being taunted. He needed to get to the bottom of this issue quickly. It was already irritating him.
The second he landed the jet at the Archie Goodwin International airport, outside of Gotham City proper; your security detail was there and waiting. You were sent off to your apartment and Joker immediately got to work.
Back to reality it seems.
Joker questioned if it would be easier to just whisk you away to some remote location until all of this blew over, but he knew you wouldn't go for it. You were independent and stubborn. You wouldn't hide like a coward. He admired that about you.
Too bad this was a serious threat that needed to be addressed and being stubborn about it could get you killed.
Some of your freedom would be sacrificed in order to protect you. Hopefully you would understand.
A pep rally, a test of loyalty, and a mass execution later, Joker weeded out the loose ends within his gang. One managed to give good information before croaking over and Joker saw red.
The bad feeling he had back at the airport was coming true. Things were far worse than he expected.
He followed the lead and lo and behold, it led back to his current best friend, Ivan Burbanc. Granted, Ivan didn't feel honored being Joker's friend, in time, maybe they could warm up to each other.
He already had the best seat in the house; a rickety chair underneath a light bulb, tucked away from prying eyes— although Ivan couldn't appreciate all of this since he had a sack over his head. His arms and legs were tied down and he was a frantic mess assuming the worst, until a door opened a little ways off.
Joker nodded at Mac to leave. The blond was standing guard and tossed over his shoulder, "We ruffled him up a bit during the grab. He's all yours, Boss."
Joker hummed in response. Quite honestly he didn't care about the lesser details. He just wanted to get the intel he needed and move on.
The more time he spent working was another minute spent away from you. Joker was like a drug addict needing his fix and you were an island over, blissfully unaware that Joker was getting his hands dirty, all to keep you safe.
The less you knew, the better. But he needed to see you soon.
He approached the paparazzi with calculated steps. The poor guy was nearly pissing himself in fear but Joker needed him to choke on it to get the answers he sought.
Ivan knew someone entered the room. Their exact location was unknown.
He jumped when he heard an eerie voice to his immediate right. "I just wanna know why. Why? Whyyy did you do it?"
Such an ambiguous question but it prompted the desired response. "Why what? I-I don't know what you're talking about man! I'm just a photographer! Please, you gotta let me go!"
"Just a pho-to-graph-er? Hm.. so uh, stalking and harassment are just perks of the eh.. job? You see. You tooK a picture of someone. Thursday. Night. And that... thaT. That is a big problem, uh Ivan? Is it?"
By this point, Ivan realized he was in deep s__t. This wasn't just some average Gotham City misunderstanding.
It wasn't out of place for a citizen to find themselves snatched from the street if they dabbled in crime. Being a paparazzi at times required him to get his hands dirty, but he was still a well rounded guy! This could all still be some misunderstanding! Maybe they nabbed the wrong guy?
He knew he shouldn't have taken that side gig but money was tight this month. It was just a simple shot, nothing too crazy! He was already in Atlanta so what did he have to lose except so much to gain?
He felt something sharp drag over his bare arm and panicked when it pierced the skin there. A simple graze, although deep enough to draw blood.
Whoever kidnapped him meant business. It was in his best interest to start talking.
"Ow! Alright, alright I-I was hired man!" The unknown voice asked by whom and Ivan scrambled to remember.
"Uh it was uh. S-Some anonymous tip! It wasn't through my normal means of intel but it said Y/n L/n would be flying out to Euphoria. They wanted a scandalous shot of her or something equivalent. I was already in the area so I acted on it! S-She's a high price celeb since she's so sheltered. One pic of her can go for like, thousands if it's good! E-Easy money!"
Joker's lip curled in a snarl. Was that all you were to these people? A dollar sign? Was he the only one that cared about your well being?
"You think my Light is just some quick buck?"
Ivan cringed further back into his chair at the declaration. Great, now he had an angry bf to deal with. "Okay.. l-listen buddy.. I didn't know she was your girl.."
Joker ripped the bag off from Ivan's head. It took a minute for his eyes to adjust to the room's dim light, but once he recovered and saw who was in front of him, he knew he was a dead man.
"The Joker! S__t, okay.. okay! I–I'm sorry alright! I can't r-retract the spread, but we can make a deal right? Right?"
He was stumbling over his words so badly that Joker hardly understood the useless plea. He was busy thinking of ways he wanted to end this pathetic life to listen fully.
He still needed a name though.
"Fine. I li-ke deals. Who gave you the tip?" Joker asked.
The blade in his hand twinkled in the light as he locked eyes with his prey with an unreadable look. His reputation alone explained what was going to happen here if Ivan didn't respond. It motivated him to babble out nonsense.
"I.. ah.. uh some third party! I told you, I dunno! It was mad sketchy bro, but I took the risk!"
"Hmm. Well uh eye-van? Was it worth the risk?" Without warning, Joker jammed the knife into Ivan's thigh and just like he expected, this guy was a screamer.
Good thing the walls here were thick. It had been a while since Joker heard the sweet sound of sheer terror. It washed over him like a fond memory, yet he itched for more. Joker cracked his neck and waited for the screams to die down.
"Oh Ivan. Ivan, Ivan, Ivan, look at me! Hi.. you think thaT was bad. No. No. WaiT, till I take it out. Yeah? So! Who? Gave. You. The. Tip?" Right at the last word, Joker yanked the knife out.
Outside the room, Mac and another goon were placing bets on how long it would take to get results. All that was heard was muffled screams and Joker's maniacal laughter. It was good to hear the boss happy again.
"I dunno.. Boss is in a good mood today n' you know how he gets with a screamer. Maybe an hour?"
Mac nodded sagely. "Good point. Fifty says he'll drag it out."
In total, it only took twenty eight minutes.
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Joker knocked on the door twice and emerged composed and cordial to the two goons stationed out front.
One of them offered him a towel to wipe his hands with and they were wise enough not to comment on the gory mess Joker left inside.
They could see it from here.
"If ya don'T mind.. Uh cleaning up my errr.. yeah." Joker vaguely pointed over his shoulder. He didn't stick around to hear them agree.
He got the name he wanted but unfortunately, it wasn't one that he knew. More digging around which meant this would take a lot longer than he had anticipated.
Joker was slightly limping down the hall when his coat pocket chimed. His leg was giving him problems again. He sighed and leaned his bodyweight on the wall and fished out the pesky device. Sure enough, one voicemail was left on his burner phone. Frost knew better than to make such a rookie mistake so that meant...
Joker had the phone up to his ear in record time. Your sweet, melodic voice instantly calmed his nerves. That is until he actually listened to what you had to say. The two of you really had terrible luck.
One of your friends must've been staying over and you were so bent out of shape thinking he would be upset. He was, but it was so refreshing to hear you say please, that Joker didn't catch your last sentence for what it (almost) was.
This break would actually work out in his favor. He still needed more time to hunt down this thorn in his side and finally get to the bottom of his security leak. There was still a rat scurrying around that he needed to catch.
Thursday would give him plenty of time to do just that without being distracted— worrying about you.
Joker knew you wouldn't leave the apartment after being away for so long and your family dinner thingy would assure that you stayed in one place and not land into any trouble. Joker still had security cameras installed in your apartment if he really wanted to check in with you.
He couldn't help to be a little curious about your folks.
Now that he thought about it, you never mentioned them before. He wondered what your relationship with them was like and how they treated you in kind. Maybe he would tune in and check in on things..
Four days apart after such a wonderful weekend with you would be utter torture but Joker nodded to himself with conviction. He could(n't) do this. But he had to.
He also had to destroy this burner phone since you left a voice message on it so— he didn't see the harm in sending you a text before dumping it.
That was the only explanation he had for taking a risk, not just to soothe his separation anxiety, but yours as well.
OK see u Thurs my Light 🃏
You were shocked to see your phone light up with an unknown number messaging you.
Then you saw the playing card and instantly knew who it was. You weren't expecting a response from J. The fact that he did, felt like you were finally going down that rollercoaster at full speed.
Never mind the fact that he sent it an hour after your call or that his message was cut and dry. Despite how busy Joker was, he took the time out to text you back. That's what mattered. 
He listened to your voicemail! (and hopefully didn't catch your word fumble at the end.) You didn't care that you were in front of Dick when you smiled wide.
"Oooooh. Someone's in love."
And cue the record scratch. You watched Dick descend the ladder to face you. He set the duster down and crossed his arms at your high pitch reply.
You immediately denied it. "N-No no I'm not! You don't know what you're um talking about!"
"Y/n. You can't see your face right now but you're glowing and not that, I just finished writing a novel, glow. Whoever this guy is, he's got you down bad."
"I am not down bad..." You echoed.
Dick fixed you with a, "why is you lying" look. You huffed and scurried over to your floor length mirror to see for yourself.
You looked the same in your opinion. After talking on the balcony with Dick, you changed into some old cleaning clothes and tied your hair up and out of the way. A few curls peeked out from under your bandana to frame your face, leaving you with a messy, but natural, look.
Your skin did look aglow and fresh but that could very well be from your stress free weekend with J. Other than that..
Dick came up behind you and rested his hands on your shoulders. "Ya see it? You look in love."
You were still unsure yet the longer you stared, that unknown but familiar, feeling bubbled up to the surface. All the feelings that you kept bottled up since the beginning, festered front and center before reaching a tipping point.
You weren't supposed to let Joker in. He wasn't supposed to have a chance with your heart. But he found a way in, no matter how many walls you erected to keep him out. Joker still managed to tear down each one to get to you.
And today, you looked at your reflection in the mirror and let the last wall crumble down.
"You're right. I.. I'm in love." You whispered to your reflection. The smile that stared back confirmed it.
It was the only thought on your mind for three days straight. In the meantime..
You finally got around to cleaning your apartment– from the vaulted ceilings down to the decorative rugs. Every nook and cranny in between had been cleaned.
The balcony doors were left open to circulate fresh air into the place to expel all of the strong chemicals you mixed to clean while Dick kept his promise and helped when something was out of your reach or too heavy to lift.
He became concerned when you opted out on wearing a mask to mix Pine-Sol and Comet together.
"Are you trying to kill us?!" He coughed and gagged when you added bleach and Ajax into the strong concoction. Was it supposed to sizzle like that?!
"I'm tryna kill the germs, yeah." Men were such lightweights. You'd been mixing chemicals to clean since you were a kid.
He's lucky you didn't bust out the Fabuloso.
As the fumes died down, you made an extensive grocery list and glared at Dick for depleting your fridge and cupboards in such a short amount of time.
Did he not eat at home? You knew he stayed at Wayne manor periodically and Alfred was a beast in the kitchen, so there was no excuse there.
You didn't know his living situation back home in Blüdhaven but still. Why did he raid your fridge every time he came over?
He laughed it off and mentioned he would foot the bill plus the delivery cost since it would be too much for the both of you to haul back on your own. He went ahead and included the necessary things for the scheduled dinner party and you cringed at the total.
He didn't bat an eyelash at the number and swiped his black credit card. Dick Grayson got moneeeeeeey!
Mind you, you did too, but old money tends to hit a lot more differently.
With the penthouse clean enough to meet your high standards and everything prepared for Thursday, you and Dick spent the remainder of the week catching up and lounging around.
Dick preoccupied his time by watching a popular tv series. You bid yours toiling in front of your laptop. The sound of your fingers flying over the keys floated throughout the penthouse and it was just like old times.
There was a sense of calmness that you hadn't felt in quite some time. You almost forgot that you were deeply involved with Gotham's City's most wanted criminal. Almost.
A startling reminder of your predicament flashed on the tv screen late Wednesday night. You were working on your wip on the floor while Dick relaxed on the couch after dinner.
You recognized GCN's nightly female reporter's voice as she drowned on about some political news before getting to the segment headliner.
"Now onto developing news. Sightings of the notorious Joker shook the Roanoke Mall early this afternoon. Local shoppers were terrified to discover the clown was among them, not as a terrorist, but as a consumer. Our correspondent Emily Vega reports. Emily."
The coverage panned from the studio to a blonde who was standing next to an eyewitness.
Emily nodded for a full minute before giving a delayed greeting. She then recapped the situation before handing the mic over to the witness.
GCN flashed their name and title on a banner yet you paid no attention.
"It was crazy! One minute everything was fine, the next The Joker and a few of his crew came strolling in, lookin' around! I thought they were gonna rob the place but get this! He just walked up to the counter and asked for one of my coworkers. I was scared because you don't just talk to The Joker without you know." They made a throat cutting gesture before continuing.
"Yeah, him and Rick just talked in the corner and right when I thought, yeah we're gonna die, keep in mind Rick ain't the best talker; The Joker bought somethin'! Paid in cash, asked for gift wrapping, and everything! You know when I stop and think bout it.. he's actually a nice guy..."
Emily jerked the microphone back and quickly ended the segment. "Reporting live from Jacob and Co. back to the studio."
The time on the clock tower behind her put the initial interview around midday.
Apparently this happened earlier and GCN was resharing the information, you surmised.
"Very scary. Thank you Emily. Management at Jacob and Co. known for their pricey custom jewelry, refused to comment on what exactly was discussed and purchased by The Joker, but the GCPD has since taken over the investigation with hopes of his recapture being imminent. As of today, The Joker remains at large for three long months. When more information arises, count on GCN to report it to you live. Now onto the recent missing persons report of a controversial photographer Ivan...."
You jumped when Dick spoke up.
"A nice guy? Are they even talking about the same Joker? Him and nice in the same sentence? He probably threatened the employees to keep quiet. Geez, when will the people of Gotham learn that The Joker is extremely dangerous?" Dick preached from your couch.
You enjoyed when Dick got passionate about things and ranted but this anger felt personal somehow..
You trailed your eyes away from him and back to the tv screen.
The reporter was going on about the missing paparazzi but your mind was elsewhere. Dick looked at you when you hummed aloud. "Huh. I wonder what he bought."
You locked eyes with Dick who looked anything but amused by your random thought. "What?" You asked.
"That's what you're thinking about Y/n? Not the fact a wanted man walked into a jewelry store and walked out without the authorities being called, but about what he purchased?No one sees the problem here! On that note, I'm going to bed and you should too. We got a big day tomorrow."
Dick turned off the tv and stepped over you to head to bed.
You were left stunned in the dark after his outburst but still thinking about what J bought.
Jacob and Co. was rather pricey and it just so happened to be the same jeweler you bought most of your favorite pieces from.
What was Joker up to?
"I'll know soon enough I guess." You mumbled to yourself. Dick did have a point though.
Tomorrow was a big day and you needed all of the rest you could get. Joker looked alright on tv so that put your mind at ease to start your nightly routine for bed.
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Finally it was Thursday.
You really didn't want to entertain guests today but the sooner you did, the faster you could send everyone home and call for Joker to return.
You were missing him more and more by the day.
It was the mantra that motivated you to wake up and get ready. Dick stated all you had to do was look pretty and open the door, so you followed his instructions.
Once you washed up, you donned a simple but stylish denim jumpsuit. You didn't bother with shoes and let your freshly painted toes add a pop of color to your ensemble.
You also choose to wear your hair down for a change and tucked the excess back behind your ears.
When you opened your bedroom door, an explosion of smells hit your nostrils. Dick was already in the kitchen with his Kiss the Cook apron on (it looked better on Joker) over a pair of shorts and a simple tee.
Dick's natural looks could make anything look high end. He noticed you hesitating in the archway and beckoned you over with a loud greeting.
"Good morning Y/n/n!! I'm just chopping up some veggies and finishing up the marinade for the meat. Wanna help?"
You shrugged and walked over. It was then you saw the unorganized chaos Dick was orchestrating.
"Chile, what's on the menu?" You chuckled.
"I'm glad you asked! Your dad and I are bbq three types of meat, the slaw is in the fridge; ready to mix. Beans are prepped for the oven. Mom is bringing the greens since I couldn't find collards in this wretched city to save my life... We'll have pasta and potato salad as vegan options for her. I do need you to make cornbread and the Mac and cheese however." He grinned at you.
Your eyes bugged at the menu presented. Good thing you went ahead and decorated the table against Dick's instructions. Nothing serious he said.. this was a banquet!
But then you replayed his speech and stopped short.
"I thought I wasn't supposed to do anything but look cute and open the door, Grayson?" You crossed your arms with a playful grin.
He noticed it and groaned. Of course you caught his quickly spoken request.
"C'mon.. Y/n! You make the best Mac and cheese I've ever tasted and I.. always overcook the cornbread." He looked away, dejected.
You snorted and got out the necessary ingredients before tossing your insult over your shoulder. "That's because you ain't got no ancestors to tell you how to season."
You laughed at his butthurt face.
"Funny. Real funny." He griped.
The two of you quickly found a rhythm in the spacious kitchen to finish preparing everything before the guests arrived. Time got away from you both but around noon, there was a knock on the door.
Dick was elbows deep in potatoes so you quickly wiped your hands clean and made for the front. "Coming!"
You opened the door to Barbara and Morgana's wide smiles.
"Did someone order your favorite dessert?" Barbara sang while pointing to the big travel container in her lap. You squealed and let them in. "You baked?!"
"I sure did! I made all your favorites and Dick asked for a pie. Weirdo." She let Morgana push her in so she could keep a good grip on the sweets.
You eyed Morgana empty hands and arched an eyebrow. "Uhhh what did you bring?"
"Myself, thank you." She jokingly quipped.
You held back a laugh. There was always that one person at the cookout who came empty handed. You never guessed it would be her.
Though not surprising, Morgana busted out bottles of alcohol from thin air and started mixing a fruity sangria and a separate nonalcoholic lemonade batch for the party. You just shook your head at your friend. Where she kept magically procuring alcohol from, you'll never figure out.
You left the two girls to their mixing to help Dick back inside the kitchen.
More time passed and the penthouse was abuzz with more delicious aromas and laughter. You barely heard the doorbell since Barbara tapped into your speakers and started a playlist for everyone.
Luckily Morgana heard it and moseyed over to answer it. She opened the door, drink in hand, but quickly dropped everything to help the esteemed guests inside.
"Grayson! Those ribs better be on the grill!"
You and Dick froze after hearing the loud, but familiar, bellowing voice.
He dropped a mixing spoon on the floor and locked eyes with you. After that, it was a race to see who could hug them first.
Naturally he beat you to the living room simply because you stopped about halfway at the sight.
You hadn't seen your parents for an entire year and my, how nothing changed.
Your dad was still tall and imposing with his split eyebrow and sharp features. He had a protective arm wrapped around your mother who literally seemed to be invincible to age. The only factor to hint at it was the tasteful streaks of grey in her luscious hair. And quite frankly, it could pass as a money piece hair dye.
Other than that, the two of you could be twins.
Time seemed to stop when two pairs of e/c locked paths. The bushel of greens in her hands were passed off to her husband the moment she saw your eyes water.
Everyone in the room watched the long awaited reunion. You didn't care how old you were; you hadn't seen your mother in a year. So much happened since then that your emotions simply got the better of you.
You moved out for the first time to a completely different city. You were held at gun and knifepoint, almost killed at your charity, rescued from said event and then abducted from your home by a schizophrenic, former district attorney. You've been through so much without your mother's shoulder to lean on.
Everything just came pouring out. You weren't making a lick of sense, but she just hugged you closer and petted your hair.
"My baby! What did this mean ol' city do to you? Dry your tears, love. Oh don't you look so beautiful, doesn't she honey?" She twisted a bit so your father could join the hug.
He too was a little misty eyed but real men didn't shed tears. Okay, maybe one or two.
"Yeah she does! Both of my girls are." He kissed both your forehead and his wife's before smiling down at his armful.
The family was back together.
"C-Can I join the family hug please?" The three of you looked over at Dick who was bashfully waiting his turn.
Morgana and Barbara both called him an idiot but much to their surprise, he was snatched up by your father and inducted into the hug. Apparently he was part of the family after all. Who would've thought?
Your mother let you go with a wet chuckle and started to dote on Grayson.
"And look at you! Ack! You look so pale! Have you been getting your necessary nutrients? What about you Y/n? You both look so skinny! Lemme go put these greens on so y'all can eat. C'mon on Y/n! We can catch up while we pick 'em!"
You wiped your face dry. "Yes ma'am."
You weren't that skinny right? You shared a look with Dick who— mind you, was all muscle, and fit as can be. He rolled his eyes not believing it either.
You look fine, he mouthed to you before your dad slapped him loudly on the back. It sounded like a clap of thunder. Dick hardly budged at the impact.
"I'm serious boy. If them ribs ain't on the grill by now, you done screwed up." Your dad bellowed.
They shared a laugh as they made their way to the balcony where the grill was indeed steady cooking the various meat for the feast. That left the girls to gather in the kitchen, sharing laughs and jokes about your year so far living in the city.
Your mom was placing a lid on a boiling pot when Barbara continued the recap. "We finally got her to go out clubbing with us!"
Morgana quickly swallowed her drink and added, "Yeah Mrs. Y/L/N, we were flown out to ATL and had a blast!"
"Really? My Y/n at a club? I'd pay money to see that." Your mom joked. You flushed red and whined, "Ma.."
"Don't Ma me. I'm so used to you indoors with a book in hand. Or better yet, writing one. I'm still waiting for a tour of the place. Your royalties but be something else to afford the top floor."
You jumped to attention and did just that.
Even though Barbara had been over numerous times, she came along as well as Morgana. Being the new friend of the circle, Morgana didn't have the opportunity to venture past your living room and was excited to see the rest of the place in its entirety.
"Four bedrooms, one of them is empty at the moment. Two and a half baths. A massive storage room, my own laundry room, two private balconies and have you seen this view?" You led everyone past your sunroom and out to the balcony where Dad and Dick were glazing the ribs with bbq sauce.
Your mother gasped in awe after you mentioned the view.
She could see Dini Highway from here, it was incredible. Yet the verdict was still out. "Are you happy here?"
You were stealing a taste of the sauce while your dad wasn't looking but heard the question. "Uh.. yeah! I love it here, Mom. I tell you and dad that all the time when I call."
"Then why didn't you show us your room?"
Morgana choked on her drink. Barbara and Dick pointedly looked away and your Dad noticed all of this and addressed the elephant in the room.. or correction; balcony.
"Y/n. You're not isolating yourself again are you? We talked about this... It ain't healthy." He sighed.
Your mother, being a doctor, nodded in agreement alongside him.
You were on your own since your friends weren't entering this fight but thankfully the doorbell ringing saved you. You dodged that awkward bullet. Saved by the bell.
You padded back inside to the foyer and opened the front door, although you quickly wished that you hadn't.
"Ayyyyyy!! Sorry we late! We bought Tequila!" Florence cried out before giving you a hug. She bounced you around in a circle yet your attention was on her plus one standing behind her.
Neo held up the two decorative tequila bottles and winked. Lovely. Florence and booze. What could possibly go wrong?
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By the time Florence and her date arrived, the food was ready.
You called everyone over to your dinner table where the vast spread spanned the massive table. Dick brought over the steaming cuts of meat and set them center stage around the other side dishes and fixings to eat.
"This is a lot of food.." Barbara awed.
"Yes indeed! We can thank Grayson for buying and cooking it all but most importantly, let's thank Him. May we bow?"
The table nodded and began to bow their heads. As you were closing your eyes, you spotted Neo rolling his.
Rude, but what could you say? You weren't about to force your family's religion on anyone. It was optional.
Your mom ended Grace beautifully and prompted everyone to dig in. Her and Dick really worked hard to get everything on the table and you could hear multiple stomachs growling; everything looked so good.
The sound of fine china rattling and polite chatter filled the air.
"Mr. Y/L/N, Y/n told me that you don't drink so I made a nonalcoholic version for you." Morgana said while pouring your dad a glass.
She was making her way around the table, filling up everyone's glasses with their selected drink before taking a seat next to you.
"Heh, thanks. Twelve years and I don't wanna get yelled at by my girls." As soon as he said that, you and your mom stared him down like a hawk.
"My point exactly." He laughed while taking a sip. "Mmph, that's good! Might steal that recipe from you Morgana!"
"See Y/n. My non-alcoholic drinks are just as good as the original." She raised her glass to your father at the head of the table, opposite of you.
Your mom was seated to his left and sipped his choice just to make sure. Not bad at all.
She remembered you saying on a call that Morgana and Florence were the heavy drinkers of the group. Not that she didn't trust them, but the virgin drinks looked the same as the alcohol infused one that Florence was tipping back.
Florence looked over at your mom who was seated to her right and smiled. Dick was serving Neo a portion of bbq at the end of the table, on your right.
Dick didn't know the guy but he came with Florence so he couldn't say much. He honestly just seated him next to you since it was the only empty seat left.
Once Dick sat down in his own seat, (on your dad's right and Barbara's left) he whispered in her ear asking who Neo was.
"Florence's client/boyfriend. He's the one that flew us out to Atlanta." Barbara whispered back.
Dick nodded briefly and sized the guy up.
His experience as Nightwing told him this man was bad news. But you seemed to be at ease around him if the pointed glares you sent his way were any indication. You were a good judge of character so Dick wasn't that worried.
Everyone was eating and tossing stories back and forth over dinner when the doorbell rang again.
You frowned and sat your fork down, looking down the table at Dick. "....You expecting anyone else? You only said eight plate settings."
He was already asking Barbara and Morgana to slide down to make room. Not like they needed to move, since your table was already long enough and technically could seat twelve— but you were curious as to who else he invited.
"Aren't you going to answer the door sweetheart?" Your mother scolded you.
She taught you manners so you scooted your chair back to go answer the door. You didn't check the peephole before swinging the door open.
You blinked a mile a minute when Bruce Wayne stood in your small hallway holding a black bag. "Bruce?"
"Good evening. I apologize for being late. Work held me longer than I was expecting. May I come in?" He was dressed casually in a dark shirt and slacks and dang it, he looked good.
"Uhhhh.. I guess?" You stepped aside to let him come in as you mentally berated yourself for thinking about Bruce in such a way.
That chapter is closed Y/n. You have Joker now. Why are you even looking at Bruce like that? He's easy on the eyes, but girl! J is built different out here! He all types of daddy.
You nodded to yourself and closed the front door. When you returned to the dining room, everyone had greeted Bruce (except Neo of course) with open arms.
"Y/n!! You didn't tell me you knew Bruce Wayne!!" Your mother was over the moon at the possibilities.
You fixed her with a deadpan glare and gestured to Dick. "Mom. Dick Grayson is right there, whatchu mean?"
"She has a point, babe." You dad came to your defense. The two men were a packaged deal.
Dick waved at his guardian when he sat down at your left. Of course Dick updated the seating so this could happen. Sneaky little..
"This food looks amazing! Once again I apologize for arriving so late." The businessman mused as your mother personally fixed him a plate.
You joined Neo in giving Wayne an annoyed glare. Florence noticed the two of you shared reactions far too similar for it to be a coincidence.
Bruce asked for a little of everything and leaned over to ask you a question. "Is that your mother or your sister, Y/n?"
Your mom laughed and gave him a generous serving of potato salad after overhearing his genuine query.
"Y/n! Is he always this gregarious?" She swatted his broad shoulders as she made it back to her seat.
Everyone was off in their own sidebar conversations but you still attempted to reply to your mother from across the table. "Uh, sure I guess. I-I mean, I wouldn't know.."
"You don't know? Dick told us you stayed with Wayne for two weeks." Your dad said at the head of the table.
Your mom agreed with him and added, "..and you said you enjoyed this past weekend away out of town. I thought it was with Bruce."
Neo snickered into his glass and thus stole the table's attention. He had been quiet for the duration of dinner but he couldn't contain his comment any longer. "Oh she enjoyed her weekend alright. Not with him tho."
The entire table went dead silent.
You weren't the only one staring at the club owner in shock. Was he being serious right now? You kicked him under the table but he didn't seem phased.
Florence was also quiet, reading into things more than she should've, and grew way too curious over time. She had to know about this weird chemistry between you and Neo.
"How would you know? You told me you had business to attend to over the weekend." Her nails tapped erratically against her glass, making Barbara and Morgana tense.
Neo scoffed. "I did. Someone had to keep Princess safe."
Your mother choked on her lemonade and Bruce narrowed his eyes at this shady guy. He didn't like how he used a pet name so casually with you.
Your jaw dropped and stared at Neo as if he grew a second head. He hadn't used that nickname for you in ages.
Florence eyed Neo briefly and laughed at your bewildered face. "Oh.. okay! Okay. I see what's good. So y'all f__king, huh?"
"Oh s__t." Barbara smacked Dick's arm for interrupting but returned to watch the drama unfolding. That didn't stop his mouth from running. "Wait.. is this Neo guy your Prince Charming, Y/n/n?"
"What?! No!" You denied.
"D__n right. I ain't no prince." He replied over a forkful of beans.
You glared at him. "You aren't helping." He just shrugged and returned your kick under the table, although a lot harder. You blinked back the pain.
"Wooooooow. And here I thought we were friends, Y/n. Going behind my back? After you encouraged me to get with him at his club." Florence chuckled once, it was filled with pent up frustration.
She was getting heated and the alcohol wasn't helping things. "This some real snake behavior." She added.
"Sweetheart, is this true?" Your mother asked gently.
Finally someone was doubting things here! You grabbed onto her lifeline and didn't let go. "No, Mom! Neo and I aren't even like that...." You gestured wildly between you and him.
Why did Dick seat him at your right hand side?! This looked worse than it was.
"Then what the f__k are you two then? Cuz to me, y'all way too close with y'all knowing glares, him calling you Princess and s__t. Why is he protecting you'over the weekend' and why you just sitting there acting all hush hush and shady b__h?"
Your father coughed into his fist. He swore like a sailor but this conversation was getting a little rowdy even for his standards.
A few seats down, Morgana was still eating, watching everything unfold like it was a tv drama. Traitor..
"What you gotta say in all this?" Florence fired at her date, "Ion like how you sitting there looking all smug."
Neo pointed to himself and laughed. "Ohhh, you want me to speak now?" He asked.
"Yeah! Yeah I do. So speak!" Flo fired back.
He nodded and caught your eye. "You want me to tell them the truth, Y/n?"
All eyes turned to you. You were choking on air, unable to breathe. This was not happening. "Y-You... We can't.. Neo.. don't." You gripped the table till your knuckles turned white.
"Okay, I think Y/n needs some fresh air right now." Barbara began. Florence shot down that suggestion real quick.
"Nah she don't need s__t except a good explanation or her feelings won't be the only thing hurtin. I suggest you start talking hoe."
"Watch it now, Flo." Your dad warned.
He didn't like where this conversation was going but he'd do his best to keep the peace and get to the bottom of things, civilly.
The Haitian scooted back from the table to take a breath. She started counting under the breath. No one was ready for when she reached ten.
"Y/n.. seriously this is getting weird.. are you and Neo.. you know.." Barbara hesitated.
"NO! I don't even like the guy! Not after the crap he pulled at Luigi's.."
He tossed his head back with a groan. "Bruhh. That's in the past Y/L. Can we please move on from dat?"
"Lugi's pizza? Y/n. Did this happen the same time we went on a date? Now that you mention it.. You came back from that bathroom break quite distraught." Bruce quickly rounded on Neo. "What did you do to Y/n?"
"None of your business, Wanye." Neo bit back just as fiercely.
"Not you pulling two pulling two hotties at the same time Y/n. You is devious!" Morgana cackled. Dick waved her off and she eyed him until he spoke.
"That'll be an incorrect calculation my dear, Morgana. It's actually three judging by the clothing size I found in her guest bedroom."
You buried your head in your hands. Whhhhhhyyyyyy did Dick have to open his mouth?
"OH! SO YOU BEEN SLEEPING HERE TOO?!" Florence shouted at her now ex.
Neo looked distraught when she stood up from her seat and stormed towards your guest rooms.
You had to think for a second before getting up too. Joker's clothes were still in there. Why didn't you move his stuff into your room earlier?!
"Flo, wait!!" You ran after her. Bruce wanted to see this for himself and followed behind you.
Your father tossed his napkin on the table as he shook his head at his wife.
"I didn't raise no hoe, (your mother's name.)" She winced but laughed to lighten up the mood. "Hmm, that is true but you married one."
Morgana snorted when Dick gagged. "You're acting like they're your parents.
"They are." He was still cringing when a series of shouts came from the back. Everyone still seated at the table waited for anything since they couldn't hear what was being said.
Florence stormed back into the dining room to thrust a dress shirt into Neo's face. He was a pillar of stone. His visage never wavered at the evidence literally being thrown in his face.
"Why did I find the shirt I bought you in her closet?!"
You finally caught up with Florence in the dining room, who staring at her date venomously.
Bruce stood behind you, silently demanding answers as well, but for his own selfish reasons. He saw some things in your guest bedroom that made him question who this lover of yours truly was..
"A black dress shirt Flo? That's rather vague to use as evidence." Barbara sighed. "Every guy owns like a dozen of them."
"Aht. Try again. You got me messed up if I don't remember my purchases. This Armani baby and Giorgio ain't cheap. Is this the dress suit I bought you a few months back?" She asked her stoic date.
Everyone looked at Neo who was mid sip of his drink. He glanced at the label before looking up into your pleading eyes behind Florence. "Yeah it's mine."
He didn't comment that she bought the wrong size. She was already fired hot, including that fact would be more insult to injury.
You didn't understand why Neo was lying. Joker only wore his custom purple suits and the casual clothes that he bought.
You knew he had an array of disguises at his disposal and that black suit was the same one he wore to Euphoria. You had no clue it was actually Neo's, given to his boss last minute to blend in with the employees at the club.
It suited Joker better than Neo if you were the judge of things but now was not the time.
Unfortunately, Neo being the owner was the truth and that did not help your case right now. Your silence, the newfound evidence.. It all pointed at you and Neo having an affair behind Florence's back.
And you refused to lose one of your friends all because of a misunderstanding.
For starters, it was hard for you to make friends and you and Flo were childhood friends at that. The two of you argued over the years and had some fights, but nothing like this. It was never over a guy.
She was the popular cheerleader in highschool. You were the quiet girl from the poetry club; two different circles that would never share the same love interests.
Morgana's gasp and Barbara's look of distrust was breaking your heart.
You broke the girl code and by default, they were taking Florence's side. These were your only friends in life.
Was Joker worth this heartbreak? How could you fix this complete misunderstanding while also keeping Joker a secret?
You felt Bruce's hands settle on your shoulders and the weight of it didn't feel comforting. Everyone in this room was against you. How could he be any different?
It was the worst feeling ever being all alone against the odds. You had the instinctual urge to run.
Bruce didn't give you the chance. "Y/n. It might not be appropriate to ask, but is he the reason why you broke things off with me?"
Everyone jumped when your mom groaned in pain. "Babe, are you okay?!" Your dad asked. Now was not the time for medical emergencies!!
Your mom clutched her chest in agony. "No, I am not OK! Our baby fumbled the bag with The Bruce Wayne for this common street thug? Where did we go wrong?" She sobbed.
"D__n, I'm right here." Neo grumbled. He overlooked how everyone here assumed he was a thug. They weren't wrong.. but dang.
Dick came to his adoptive mother's aid. You should've known anything else from his mouth tonight would be unhelpful. Dick lived for drama.
"Exactly ma! I can see why you don't wanna date the old man, Y/n, but I'm not convinced this guy here is your lover boy. He doesn't look anything like Prince Charming from the gossip magazine!" Dick said.
You wanted to choke him right then and there. Then, you wanted the floor to swallow you up. The entire room was confused until your mother spoke up. "What gossip magazine?"
"Dick, please.." You pleaded in vain.
Nothing would stop him when he was the center of attention. He grinned wide and rushed into the kitchen to grab that long forgotten magazine and held it up for your parents to see.
"This one! Our dear Y/n had quite the weekend with her Prince Charming."
Your father snatched the mag from Grayson and read it over. His eyes widened before he passed it around the table.
One after another your friends and family read about your privacy being violated, printed for the whole world to see, before the magazine landed in Florence's hands.
She took the longest to read the article and for good reason.
"He looks familiar..." She mumbled.
You and Neo paled at the same time.
Florence was drunk that Thursday night at Euphoria but she got a good look at Joker even with his disguise in place. The VIP floor was dark but not dark enough to conceal noticeable scars like Joker's. Your panic attack was back and raging harder than before.
"How... how long have you two been together, Y/n?" She asked you. When you didn't answer, she continued. "Why did I even ask? It doesn't matter. Y'all two were on some secret bull___t that night at the club. I knew I recognized him from somewhere!"
She didn't say who the him in her sentence was but it was practically obvious. Your greatest fear was being realized.
Neo must've come to the same realization because his entire demeanor changed. Flo quickly crossed the room to get into your personal space. "How long Y/n?!"
Florence was in full rage mode, pointing her coffin acrylics in your face, well on the verge of hysterics.
Your audience wasn't too far behind given the sudden change in the air. Florence wasn't messing around anymore. It was utter chaos in your dining room. Your father was scolding Dick for starting all of this, whereas your mother, Barbara, and Morgana were screaming at Florence to chill.
Much to your shock, Bruce was a silent brick wall behind you. He didn't offer you protection or a means to escape. You were rooted in place by his strong hands on your shoulders.
Neo saw your distress and braved the fray to try and to tone Florence down but she smacked his hands away and whirled on him instead. "I don't wanna hear s__t from you!"
"Flo baby—" He tried again until Florence dismissed him with a flip of her middle finger.
"F__k you! I'll deal with you later! Right now, Y/n gotta own up to her s__t! It's the least she can do!"
He didn't let Flo get far and grabbed her before she could whirl back on you.
"Get the f__k off me Neo! I know! And how could you let her!! Of all people, why him, Y/n? Have you lost your mind?!"
"Florence.. please just calm down, and let me explain.." You pleaded. That seemed to ignite her anger more.
Nothing was making sense. She couldn't seem to understand why you were so calm about all of this. Maybe she guessed wrong? No! She knew who she saw....
She broke free from Neo's hold and snarled right in your face. "Both of you are insane. You two deserve each other."
With that said, she grabbed her purse from the foyer closet and walked out, slamming the door behind her.
You were left with chills running down your spine. Florence knew. She had to. Both of you are insane.
Her harsh words echoed in your ear. She knows. She knows. She knows. She knows. She knows. She knows. She knows. She knows.She knows.She knows.She knows.She knows.
Neo was on the same wavelength since a dark shadow crossed his features before he took off after her.
You couldn't think straight amidst all of the chaos. Your own thoughts and fears were drowning out the mayhem that was in your dining room.
Everyone was talking over one another but to you, it all sounded like you were underwater. Those two words were on repeat in your head.
Florence knows. She knows about Joker.
And if the night wasn't theatrical enough, you fainted right into Bruce's awaiting arms.
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ryukandmorty · 1 month
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"I'd never heard it before." is what she says. And it's true. It doesn't mean she didn't hear it after.
I love Abigail as a character. Because she is manipulative, but she's also young and somewhat afraid of her future. "She withholds information to gain information" as Alana said, she is smart and cunning and would make a fantastic psychopath. This scene particularly lets you see Abigail's mask of emotion slip and it's where the Abigail & Hannibal dynamic starts to blossom. He knows she knows, and he needs to deal with it. Nick Boyle is just a fortunate oppoetunity...
(don't judge the poor quality I'm a mediocre fic writer and nerd not a gif maker)
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y-vna · 5 months
meow meow im here ; when you get this ask you have to put 5 songs you listen to, post it, then send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positive vibes are cool)🎶
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