#although there are a couple of bad husband moments that are probably also bad parent moments
thatnerdinthecorner · 7 months
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fuckyeahmarkgatiss · 1 year
The recent Times article on Mark & Ian
The article is behind a paywall but I still had some access so here you all are!
Mark Gatiss & Ian Hallard: ‘I proposed on the afternoon we met.’
The League of Gentleman star and his actor husband on dating at the dawn of the internet and coming out to their parents.
Ian and I met online back in 1999, long before Grindr, when online dating still had a certain stigma attached to it. “Poor you! You can’t find anyone in the real world, so you have to go scrabbling around on the internet.” I didn’t tell my family how we’d met for several years.
You also have to remember that gay men didn’t necessarily go on dates in search of eternal happiness. Dates were fun and exciting. So, when we met in the glamorous surroundings of Finsbury Park Tube station and went back to my flat, I didn’t think it was anything serious. But it was. Ian loves to tell people that I asked him to marry me that afternoon. With hindsight I think I was probably joking, but I certainly had high hopes: “Maybe he’s ‘the one’.”
Having said that, it did take a while to get used to the idea of being a couple. All my previous relationships had sort of … fizzled out. With Ian it was the opposite; we seemed to grow closer and closer. We’ve even collaborated on several projects and I’m directing his first play at the moment [the Abba-inspired The Way Old Friends Do, which Ian wrote and stars in], but there’s never been any sense of rivalry. We get asked if it’s difficult living and working together, but why would it be a problem to spend time with the person you love?
I grew up in a working-class town near Durham, my dad worked at the pit. Telling people you were gay in that situation wasn’t easy. I came out to my friends when I was 15 and there were a few comments at school, but I was never bullied. The real problem for me in the Seventies and early Eighties was that I had no idea what to do about being gay.
Apart from the occasional storyline in [the drama series] Play for Today, the only gay men on TV were John Inman and Larry Grayson. I play Larry in the new TV drama Nolly [about Noele Gordon, a star of the soap Crossroads] and understand why John and Larry were regarded as torchbearers. But some gay activists in the Seventies saw them as the enemy: screamingly gay, but at the same time a sort of neutered Saturday-night camp.
Somehow I managed to put off telling my parents to the point where my mam was the one who brought it up. I was home from university and she simply asked me. It was a huge relief. I said, “Hadn’t we better tell Dad?” Mam looked at me. “Oh no! It’ll kill him.” So we didn’t.
A couple of weeks later I was talking to Mam on the phone and she said, “I told your dad. Ooh, we had some snow overnight.” Initially I thought that had saved me from having to talk to him about it, but it had just been popped at the back of a drawer.
Dad struggled at first, but considering his background it could have been a lot worse. Although it was a bit awkward when he met Ian, we never had “issues”. Sadly we lost him in 2021. The weird thing is that as he got older he became much more tolerant. Even after he lost Mam — his loneliness seemed to soothe his prejudices. He understood that love is where it falls.
It sounds like a complete cliché to say, “We make each other laugh all the time,” but it’s absolutely true. Our shared sense of humour has become the glue that has bonded us. Ian’s definitely more together than me when it comes to admin, and I’m pretty sure he did most of the organising when we had our civil partnership in 2008. The main problem is that, left to our own devices, we can be as bad as each other. We make all these grand plans, then we decide to take Bob [the labrador] for a walk instead.
Ian and I did have a brief period of broodiness, then we quickly realised that neither of us was responsible enough, so we got a dog. The ideal scenario would be that a fully formed, well-educated, extremely polite grown-up knocks on our door and declares that they are the fruit of my overeager teenage loins. We get to be parents without the hard work!
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The couple in 1999, the year they met
Remember when Stelios from easyJet started his internet cafés? Without Stelios I wouldn’t have met Mark. I didn’t have the internet at my flat in London, so I would go to a Stelios café every day to check emails and log on to gay.com. Back then online dating didn’t involve pictures; it was just messages and a phone call. When Mark and I finally clapped eyes on each other, there was that awful moment of tension, trying to decide if we fancied each other. If not, I guess we would have headed off on our separate ways.
Mark was only the second man I’d made contact with online and the first one I’d met. I did sort of recognise him because The League of Gentlemen had been on telly, but I hadn’t actually seen it. That was probably a good thing. Had I been a massive fan, I’m not sure things would have worked out.
Mark’s career has taken a different trajectory to mine. He has been involved in a lot of high-profile projects and around the time of Sherlock [Gatiss was co-creator, co-writer and appeared as Holmes’s brother, Mycroft] things did go a bit crazy. That one-sided success can cause havoc in a relationship, especially with actors — lots of arguments and jealousy. Some relationships seem to thrive on that constant drama. Not us! I’ve never seen Mark have an argument with anyone. He’s unfailingly polite to the point of diffidence.
I hit my teens when TV was full of adverts about Aids — huge icebergs, tombstones. My parents were your typical easy-going, middle-class Brummies. There was no hint of homophobia but, in that climate, you can see why they might be concerned about having a gay son. What kind of future did I have? I was either going to die of Aids or kill myself out of loneliness and depression.
When I eventually told them I’d met someone and talked about bringing him home to meet them, they were very happy. I told them he was in this fantastic programme called The League of Gentlemen and proudly told them it had won a Bafta. Unfortunately they decided to watch it. They saw this collection of psychopaths and monsters and thought, “What’s he got himself involved with? Is it a cult?” Mum rang me up and said, “Please tell me it’s not him who plays that weirdo Mickey.” I paused for a second and then said, “Yes, Mum, that’s the man I’m going to marry.”
The Way Old Friends Do, Lyceum, Sheffield, Tue-Sat; Park Theatre, London N4, Mar 15-Apr 15; and touring until Jun 10; thewayoldfriendsdo.com
Strange habits
Mark on Ian
He’s incapable of keeping his side of the bed tidy. I call his pile of dirty clothes “the Bedroom Monster”
Ian on Mark
He worries about us travelling in the same car in case something happens to us both and Bob becomes an orphan
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frankcastleonlyfans · 2 years
hello! so i've read all of your dad!daemon fics in one night and 1) your works are SO beautiful I cried so many times! feel all of it! 2) since daemon has/had have neglectful tendencies and in the part 1 on hcs for having children you mentioned rhaegon and alyssa being more of daddy's children i've got an idea. (not totally your au i guess but whatever) daemon's wife has always been worried about being bad mother (mb since not having good relationships with her own). when she gave birth to the first son she had some kind of postpartum depression (not really but). she cried a lot and felt tired and even envy of daemon being her child's fav parent (seeing herself as not enough). that made her even more emotionally distant but she tried her best to support her son and to not let him see her inner conflict. however, her husband was able to comfort her! and a couple of years was full of pure joy to have a little lovely family.
but then the second child came. a daughter. this was even harder bc this child is female and all the concerns doubled up. daemon's pure adoration of her was no help. although mom!reader had already felt twice as bad as a parent and twice as not loved by the children, she started to feel neglected by her own husband. lots of cries, silent moments and even alcohol (actually i can imagine daemon's wife standing by the window looking at rhaegon running after his father who's holding alyssa and laughing, looking awfully tired, sad, with the bags under her eyes and a goblet of wine in her hand). probably, daemon needs to comfort her again (can see her also not talking to him as much as before). or she finds her peace only when maegon is born. or rhaegon sees it and has to make his father (who's occupied with the daughter) see it too. there's obviously a happy ending but i was too focused on the emotions and daemon x reader dynamic. it'd be great if you liked it and maybe write smth bc your works are like- my pure love and respect. but pls don't feel pressed! no intention to make you feel uncomfortable! sorry if it's too much. i just achingly like this idea. thanks for listening(?), though. have a nice day/morning/night! take care!
hello my love!! how are you doing? first, omg thank you for binge reading my stories 🥹 💖
i can totally see the vision. poor mom!reader has been through so much, postpartum depression would make sense. you totally got me at the alcohol part, it's so cersei of her to cry with wine on her hand.
i think maegon's birth comforting her is the perfect thing, like she bonded with him instantly just like daemon and alyssa did.
the daemon x reader dynamic is very interesting, bc when one person is depressed in a relationship i like to call it a crisis. like, daemon is not very good with feelings and it takes him a while to realize there is something wrong.
i could write that, i'm in my angst era and i'm loving it. thank so much for your amazing idea.
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dailylogyn · 3 years
Logyn Meta: Loki & Sigyn’s Family in Myth and Marvel (Comparison)
Photo Source: https://www.deviantart.com/youkai-no-shimo/art/Colouring-LOKI-s-FAMILY-260392721
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The family that is ready to begin Ragnarok in order to defend your honor. It’s a tragic tale, but family is something worth fighting for!
Follow me as we explore this crazy, wonderful family that is probably the most famous of the Myth’s. 
We may not know much about Sigyn’s side, but Loki’s side is one that legends are made of. 
From the Norse Myths, to Marvel Comics and the MCU, we will see the similarities and differences for each member in the different universes as well as learn facts about each one and why they are important. 
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Laufey (or Nál) - Loki’s Mother 
She is Loki’s Mother in Mythology.
Mostly mentioned by the matronymic, “Loki Laufeyjarson” meaning: Loki Laufey’s Son.
Her name (Laufey) is typically thought to mean leaves/foilage. Nal means Needle. 
Not much is known about her. We don’t even know if she was a Goddess, human or giant so it is assumed Loki gets his godhood from her. 
In the poem Sörla þáttr, Nál and Laufey are portrayed as the same person: "She was both slender and weak, and for that reason she was called Nál [Needle]." 
Laufey is listed among Ásynjar (goddesses) in one of the þulur, an ancestry that perhaps led her son Loki to be "enumerated among the Æsir", as Snorri Sturluson puts it in Gylfaginning.
Related to nature like forests and leaves.
Laufey is Loki’s Father in this universe. 
As Loki was born small, a motive of embarrassment for his parents, his existence was kept a secret.
A younger Loki sends Laufey into a fateful battle between Odin, leading the All-Father to claim Loki as a son. Laufey was left for dead, wounded, but alive, leaving a future Loki to kill him. 
A group of Frost Giants try to revive Laufey by retrieving his skull. It ends with Malekith performing a spell to resurrect King Laufey. 
Laufey hates Loki and thinks of him as a disgrace
It ends with Loki killing his father again after he tries to steal the Casket of Winters and kill Frigga. 
Same as Marvel Comics Counterpart. Appears in the first Thor movie. 
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Fárbauti - Loki’s Father
He is Loki’s Father in Mythology. 
Attested in the Prose Edda and in Kennings of Viking Age Skalds.
A Jotunn
The Old Norse name Fárbauti has been translated as 'dangerous striker','anger striker',or 'sudden-striker'.
Related to lightning
Mother of Loki in this universe.
Gave birth to an unusually small child to the annoyance of her husband.
It is said the night Loki was born that she stabbed her own heart with an ice dagger, but Loki suspects Laufey is the one who killed her. 
Appears as a figment taken on by a parasite. She’s mostly deceased in the comics. 
Does not appear or have a reference in the MCU
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Loki Laufeyjarson - Son of Laufey & Farbauti. Lover of Sigyn & Angrboda (and many others honestly)
Everyone already knows the tales about Loki, so I won’t repeat it all again. It’s pretty lengthy. I’ll just point down the basics for him with it. 
He’s famous for causing trouble among the gods as the Trickster and God of Mischief. Not a bad guy, but misinterpreted that way, although he can be a dick too. Despite how much he causes trouble for them, he also helps them out of situations too. He just wants to have fun, even if he takes it overboard at times.
Some sources put as Jotun and some say he is Half-Jotun, Half-Aesir (on his mother’s side.) 
A well-known Shapeshifter who can be anything: Salmon, Male, Female, Horse. The list just goes on. 
A really handsome being who loved to get it on. *finger guns*
Blood Brother’s with Odin. How? We don’t know. It’s interpreted as a friendship or foster-brothers. It’s unclear really.
Gonna start Ragnarok for valid reasons honestly after having his entire family taken away from him or killed by the Gods. #TeamLoki
Far too many appearances to document here from 1942 to present. There has been some retcons as well with the fact the current Loki has been reborn in a new incarnation also known as Ikol.
In the comics Loki is the adopted son of Odin and Frigga and Adoptive brother to Thor & Balder. 
He’s depicted as being the God of Evil in the classic comics serval times. In fact, it’s one of his titles. 
Depending on the writer for the classic comics, Loki can have moments of humanity, but all around he causes trouble.
Just wants to rule Asgard and get rid of Thor who is his enemy. 
He’s honestly a bad guy most of the time in the classic comics #VillianTrope
I personally have yet to read any current comics of Loki that aren’t the classics so this is where my knowledge and research stops. 
First off, Tom Hiddleston as Loki is just *chefs kiss* perfection. 
Pretty much the same as comics except for the fact he isn’t really a villain. He plays tricks on people for fun and laughs and truly cares about his family. 
However, things change when he discovers the truth that he is a Jotun and has been lied to about it his whole life despite being told countless stories of how Jotun’s are monsters to be slain (You fucked up a perfectly good kid, Odin. Look, he has anxiety and trauma.) 
He develops major identity problems on top of others things, but despite it, Loki tries to still do best by his family as he wants to belong. Yes, he becomes a villain in The Avengers movie, but not for the hell of it. #Thanos
Honestly, he just deserves better. That’s where this leads. Thank you.
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Angrboda - Loki’s Consort/Lover (Fenrir, Jormungandr & Hel’s Mother)
She is only mentioned once in the Poetic Edda as the mother of Fenrir by Loki. The Prose Edda describes her as "a giantess in Jotunheim" and as the mother of three monsters: the wolf Fenrir, the Midgard serpent Jörmungand, and the ruler of the dead Hel.
A Jotun known as Mother of Monsters and Giantess of Ironwood. 
In Old Norse, Angrboda means: 'the one who brings grief', 'she-who-offers-sorrow', or 'harm-bidder'.
According to scholars, the name Angrboða is probably a late invention dating from no earlier than the 12th century, although the tradition of the three monsters born of Loki and a jötunn may be of a higher age.
Some scholars say she was a very powerful witch and that she had the ability to see into the future. She was confined to Hel and would not be released from the realm of the dead until Loki was unbound.
In some versions of the Myth’s she knows her children will bring about the end of the world (Ragnarok) as well as being a witch set on fire three times before Loki eats her heart. 
A giantess of Jotunheim and a Witch.
Born to Elderspawn Vârcolac and Echidna.
She mated with Loki and gave birth to Fenrir and Jormungadr. Legends say she also gave birth to Hela, but it seems to be nothing more but legends. 
Angrboda died of unknown causes and was sent to the Underworld of Hel. 
When Thor needed to know how to get to Hela's realm because she had been taking mortals to Niffleheim, he went to the Hlidskjalf and summoned Angerboda from the underworld, forcing her to tell him how to get there. Once she revealed to Thor the path he had to follow, she tried to take him with her to the underworld.
Only has one appearance in the comics -- Thor #360 (1985)
Does not appear or have a reference in the MCU
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Sleipnir - Loki’s Son
Attested in the Poetic and Prose Edda. In both Sleipnir is Odin's eight-legged steed and child of Loki by Svaðilfari. He is described as the best of all horses.
The Prose Edda contains extra information saying he is grey. 
Old Norse meaning: Slippy or the Slipper. 
Sleipnir is also mentioned in a riddle found in the 13th century legendary saga Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks, in the 13th-century legendary saga Völsunga saga as the ancestor of the horse Grani, and book I of Gesta Danorum, written in the 12th century by Saxo Grammaticus, contains an episode considered by many scholars to involve Sleipnir. Sleipnir is generally accepted as depicted on two 8th century Gotlandic image stones: the Tjängvide image stone and the Ardre VIII image stone.
Scholarly theories have been proposed regarding Sleipnir's potential connection to shamanic practices among the Norse pagans.
Sleipnir was born when Loki shape-shifted into a mare and became pregnant by the stallion of a giant, as is recounted in the tale of The Fortification of Asgard.
There are two different origins for Sleipnir in the comics: 1. Thor fighting off an army of the undead on Midgard. He promised to help as long as his horses weren’t eaten, however, Thor was betrayed and took his horses remains back to Asgard, coupling it with Asgardian Magic to create Sleipneir. 2. Loki had hastily agreed to let a Frost Giant re-build the wall around Asgard, in exchange for the Moon, the Sun, and Freya, only he had to do it in six months. The Frost Giant had only asked to use his grey stallion, Svadilfari. Right as the last brick was about to be placed, Loki transformed into a beautiful white mare, and lured Svadilfari off. Loki later gave birth to Sleipnir. (Just like in the Myths.) 
Odin’s eight-legged steed. 
Sleipnir’s origins are unknown. He appears in the first Thor Movie. 
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Fenrir Wolf - Loki & Angrboda’s Son
Attested in the Prose and Poetic Edda as the first son of the Jotun couple. He is a wolf destined to kill Odin. So, they bind and seal him when he's still young, with Tyr losing his arm in the process. When Ragnarok comes, he indeed kills Odin, but is killed by Odin's son Vidar in return.
Fenrir is the father of the wolves Sköll and Hati Hróðvitnisson. 
In the Prose Edda, additional information is given about Fenrir, including that, due to the gods' knowledge of prophecies foretelling great trouble from Fenrir and his rapid growth, the gods bound him, and as a result Fenrir bit off the right hand of the god Týr.
No chain can hold him, except for Gleipnir, a rope made by Dwarves containing the roots of a mountain, the breath of a fish, the sound of a cat's footfall, the sinews of a bear, the beard of a woman and the spittle of a bird, all of which were impossible items to obtain.
Pretty much the same as his Mythos with some additional storylines. 
When Raganrok happened, Fenrir was reborn with the other gods on the New Asgard universe on Midgard. No details of his fate on Earth have been revealed.
Fenrir helped the mutant Wolfsbane as she was carrying the child of one of his descendants. 
It is one of the few individuals believed to be more powerful, or equally as powerful, as Dormammu; the others being galactic entities like The Beyonder.
Fenrir is Genderfluid in the comics. 
Fenris is a giant Asgardian Wolf who serves under Hela and is portrayed as Female. She resurrects her as they take over Asgard. 
Instead of being her brother, Fenris is her loyal companion and mount. 
Fenris ends up getting into a fight against Hulk as he pushes her off, sending her falling into the void below to her supposed death. 
Appears in Thor: Ragnarok. 
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Hel - Loki & Angrboda’s Daughter
Attested in the Prose and Poetic Edda. She is a giantess/goddess who resides over the Underworld that is also called Hel, a place where many of the dead reside. She is the daughter of Loki and Angrboda, sister to Fenrir and Jormungandr and usually depicted as the youngest of the three.
Goddess of Death and Graves and ruler of Hel who welcomes the souls of those who died of old age, disease or by accident.
Hel is described as having been appointed by the god Odin as ruler of a realm of the same name, located in Niflheim.
The Prose Edda details that Hel rules over vast mansions with many servants in her underworld realm and plays a key role in the attempted resurrection of the god Baldr.
Old Norse Name Meaning: Hidden
She’s mostly mentioned only in passing. Snorri describes her appearance as being half-black, half-white, and with a perpetually grim and fierce expression on her face.
Renamed Hela in the comics.
Allegedly the daughter of Loki and Angrboda, but it’s never made clear or stated. Hela's genealogy is the subject of controversies and retellings. 
Her path pretty much follows her Mythos where she is destined to do terrible things and Odin makes her the ruler over the dead in the realms of Hel and Niflheim until maturity. 
At some point, she was considered the daughter of Odin and of a long-lost goddess.
Honestly, she usually tries to expand her powers, wanting to rule over Vahalla and obtain Asgardian souls. 
Appears in Thor: Ragnarok as Odin’s firstborn and only daughter. Sister to Thor and Loki.
Kinda pissed her dad locked her away and wants to rule Asgard and take revenge.
The cause of Ragnarok and supposedly dies on Asgard after everything is said in done in the movie.
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Jormungandr - Loki & Angrboda’s Son
Usually depicted as the middle child of Loki and Angrboda, he is known as the Midgard Serpent or World Serpent who is a giant snake. When Odin takes Loki’s kids away from him, he tosses Jormungadr into the ocean that encircles Midgard. The serpent grew so large that is was able to surround the Earth and grasp it’s own tail. When it releases it’s tail, Ragnarok will begin and he will fight his arch-enemy, Thor. 
The major sources for myths about Jörmungandr are the Prose Edda, the skaldic poem Húsdrápa, and the Eddic poems Hymiskviða and Völuspá. Other sources include the early skaldic poem Ragnarsdrápa and kennings in other skaldic poems; for example, in Þórsdrápa, faðir lögseims, "father of the sea-thread", is used as a kenning for Loki. There are also several image stones depicting the story of Thor fishing for Jörmungandr.
Both Loki and Angerboda were descended from the Frost Giants of Jotunheim and were of humanoid appearance; however, the sons Angerboda bore Loki, Jormungand and the Fenris Wolf, did not. It has been suggested that Jormungand and the Fenris Wolf were born as sentient animals because their parents each had the magical ability to change his or her own shape. Hence, Jormungand and the Fenris Wolf each bear the form of the animal that their parents had assumed at the moment they were conceived.
Jormungandr follows the same as his Mythos to a certain degree with his fate to fight Thor during Ragnarok as the God of Thunder would die from his venom. 
Does not appear or have a reference in the MCU
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Sigyn - Loki’s Wife
Sadly, not many stories that have Sigyn in them have survived to this day. She is only attested in the followings works: Poetic Edda & Prose Edda. 
The most famous of her story tells of how Loki has been bound by the gods with the guts of his son, Nari, and how his son, Vari, has been turned into a wolf. The Goddess Skadi fastens a venomous snake over Loki’s face, from which venom drips. Sigyn, stated as Loki’s wife, stays by his side and holds a basin under and catches the venom so it won’t drip onto her husband, but when the basin grows full, she pulls it away to empty it, during which time venom drops onto Loki, causing him to wither so violently that earthquakes occur that shake the entire earth.
In the poem, Gylfaginning, Sigyn is introduced in Chapter 31 as being married to Loki and that they have a son by the name of “Narfi or Nari”. She is then mentioned again in Chapter 50 where events are described differently than in Lokasenna; Vali, described as a son of Loki only, is changed into a wolf by the gods and rips apart his brother, “Narfi or Nari.” The guts of Nari are then used to tie Loki to three stones, after which the guts turn to iron, and Skadi places a snake above Loki. Sigyn of course catches the venom in a bowl. This process is repeated until he breaks free, setting Ragnarok into motion.
In the poem, Skáldskaparmál, Sigyn is introduced as a goddess, an Æsir, where the gods are holding a feast for their visitors and in kennings for Loki: “husband of Sigyn” and “cargo [Loki] of incantation-fetter’s [Sigyn’s] arms.”
Old Norse Name meaning: Victory Girlfriend. 
Lonely and looking for female companionship, Loki ends up coming across Sigyn and plans to make her his. However, she is already engaged to a warrior of Odin’s Crimson Hawks -- Theoric. Hence, Loki sets up a trap to have Theoric killed during a mission so Loki can disguise himself as Theoric. Once they are wed, Loki reveals himself and despite Odin attempting to annul the marriage (which goes against Asgardian Law)), Sigyn tells the Allfather that she will follow the duties of a loyal wife since she is Loki’s now. 
This is when Odin proclaims her to be the Goddess of Fidelity. This was a thing first started by the Marvel Comics.
Sigyn doesn’t have much of an agency in the comics except being a loyal wife to Loki, sometimes going along with his plans or getting on him for it. 
I personally haven’t been able to find any evidence of Sigyn’s parents being Iwaldi and Freya in the comics, so I’m not sure if this fact is Fanon or not. 
Sigyn has suddenly seemed to vanish from the comics with her last official appearance being in 1996. It has been allueded at that she died or was killed during Ragnarok. 
Her relationship with Loki in the comics is...complicated and changes a lot depending on the writer. 
Does not appear or have a reference in the MCU
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Narvi/Narfi & Vali - Loki & Sigyn’s Sons
Not much is known about Narfi and Vali except for being Loki & Sigyn’s sons with Vali being transformed into a wolf by the gods and killing his brother whose inners are used as a chain to bind Loki in the cave. 
Narfi and Vali are referred to in a number of sources. According to the Gylfaginning section of Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda, he was also called Nari and was killed by his brother Váli, who was transformed into a wolf; in a prose passage at the end of the Eddic poem "Lokasenna", Váli became a wolf and his brother Nari was killed.
Snorri also names "Nari or Narfi" as the son of Loki and his wife Sigyn earlier in Gylfaginning, and lists "father of Nari" as a heiti for Loki in the Skáldskaparmál section of his work.
Narfi’s name could mean “Corpse” in Old Norse, relating to how he was killed by his brother. 
There's no mention of what became of Vali after he became a wolf.
Narvi never makes an appearance in the comics and is only mentioned in: Free Comics Book Day Vol 2018 Avengers. 
There is a Vali in the comics called Vali Halfling. He is the son of loki and a unnamed mortal woman. So, I don’t consider this to be the same Vali that is the son of Loki and Sigyn. 
Does not appear or have a reference in the MCU
Thanks for reading everyone. This required a bunch of research, but I hope this helps and has been educational. We only have what we can work with considering the surviving myths, but there is so many stories out there that we don’t know of that aren’t clear because of it. 
I tried my best to cover everything I knew about them in Marvel too, but sometimes so many retcons is too much to keep up with. I know there may be some errors in places, but it’s the best I could get this with what we have to work with.
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paisley-print · 3 years
Near The Water’s Edge:   Chapter Four
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After fleeing your abusive husband, you find yourself in the small coastal town of July, North Carolina. Soon you meet Frankie Morales, Air Force Veteran and single dad. As the two of you grow closer, you begin to let go of your past and learn to love again. That is until a strange man shows up in town, and you ’re forced to choose between your safety or the safety of the people that you love.
Inspired by the novel “Safe Haven” written by Nicolas Sparks.
Series Master List
Frankie Morales x Female Reader Rating: 18+ / Heavy adult themes eventual smut. Trigger Warnings: Domestic Abuse, Mentions of death, PTSD, anxiety, mentions of police case, police.  Word Count: 
Note: Another heavy chapter, but things will let lighter as the chapters go on. Enjoy the first half of the beach day. 
Tag List:@qytyy @winter-fox-queen​​​​ @sherala007​​​​@inkededucatednnerdy @quica-quica-quica​​​ @hnt-escape​​​ @giizhkens-cedar​​​@heythere-mel​​​ @toomanystoriessolittletime​​
The ride passed in comfortable silence, the three of you listening to the radio and Lucy looking out the window at the cars in the next lane. All Frankie could think about was how nice it was to have someone else there to spend the day. He knew Lucy must have been feeling the same way, since he hadn’t seen her so excited about a beach trip in a long while. 
He appreciated how patient you were with her; it was something he noticed even on that first day. The way you refused help until you knew she was alright. That moment had stuck with him more than anything else. 
The memory of what Will said earlier surfaced in his mind. He shifted in his seat and glanced at you. Yes, you were beautiful. Strikingly so. A woman who could walk into a room and turn every head in the place; both men and women alike. Of course Frankie had been taken with you. He tried to suppress it, scolding himself whenever he was alone in bed at night and found his thoughts wandering.... 
His only goal right now was to be your friend because he cared for you and knew that you needed help. He wasn’t sure what kind of help, but he sensed that you were alone and at some point in your life something very bad had happened to you. He wouldn’t pry though, he would wait until you were ready to share. 
The beach wasn’t too packed; it was still early in the season and  the tourists hadn’t moved into their summer homes yet. The boys had done an oddly efficient job at setting everything up. When Ben and Will got into a little spat about how to sink the umbrella into the sand , Frankie simply rolled his eyes and continued to spray Lucy with sunblock. It made you laugh, they all seemed so comfortable with one another. 
The day was hot and everybody seemed eager to get into the water, everyone except you and Frankie.  You had bought a bathing suit at the store, intending on going in... but somewhere during the car ride you changed your mind. 
“You can go in if you want,” you told Frankie “I don’t mind just watching.”
He shrugged, “I don’t normally go in either.”
Then just like that the two of you were suddenly alone, both woefully unprepared for any sort of conversation.
You thought of something quickly, filling the silence “the marina was packed today.”
“Yeah, It’s always like that on memorial day. Most of the summer too, be prepared for the restaurant to start getting busy.”
“I prefer it that way. It makes the shifts go faster. So I’ve been meaning to ask, what exactly do you do? I assumed you owned the marina?”
He paused for a moment. “Uh, technically I do. It was a wedding gift from my parents. An uncle had died and left it to them. I think they just wanted to get rid of it, but I have an office manager that does all the upfront stuff….. normally I just work on repairs.”
Married. That wasn’t what you were expecting, but still no ring. “Did you go to school for that?”
“Kind of. I had training for planes, but you would be surprised just how similar the two are.” You gave him a look. He glanced at you and laughed sheepishly. “What?”
“I’m sorry, did you say planes?”
“You fix planes?”
He smiled and crossed his arms, trying to seem much cooler than he actually was. “I fly them too.”
“You fly pl-....do you take constructive criticism?”
He laughed, “Of course.”
“Lead with that next time.”
He looked at you skeptically. “How am I supposed to lead with that, exactly?”
“You say, hi my name is pilot Frankie …..” 
He shook his head, grinning. “Morales,” he informed you. 
“Hi my name is pilot Frankie Morales, nice to meet you.”
He played along, “but how will I know if people actually like me for me, or they just want me to take them for a ride in a plane?”
You shrugged “it's tough being a celebrity, I don’t make the rules.”
“Oh yeah, celebrity, that’s me,” he said sarcastically. 
You kicked at the sand with your foot. “Also I liked you before I knew you had the coolest hobby in the world. So, you know that you can trust me.”
He glanced over at you and immediately noticed your smile. He had seen you smile before, but they would never quite reach your eyes. This one, he could tell, was real. He opened his mouth to speak when, in the distance, a wave crashed and Lucy squealed with laughter. Both of you turned your heads to look.
“Will Lucy be okay out there?” you asked. She had on a life vest and was being supervised in the shallows by the rest of the adults. Santi was holding onto a boogie board Lucy used to keep herself up. 
“Yeah, I know they seem like idiots but they are good men.” Frankie reached into the cooler to grab a bee and popped the cap off with the bottle opener. “Do you want one?”
You shook your head, “No thank you, but I’ll take a water bottle if you have it.” He set his beer down in his cup holder and reached into the cooler again. The bottle was freezing cold when he handed it to you. Perfect for a sunny day.
You wiped the condensation off on your dress. “Can I ask you something? It’s okay if you don’t want to answer.”
“Yeah, sure,” he said, taking a sip of beer. 
“Lucy’s mom is she….? Are you two still….? I don’t mean to pry, I guess I’m just a little confused.”
“You and I both,” he said with a sigh. “I’m married but we are not together anymore, haven’t been for a few years.”
“Oh,” you said simply, not finding any clarification in what he told you. If anything, you had more questions, but you didn’t want to push. Besides, it didn’t matter anyway…. you couldn’t, you were married as well. “Does your family live in the area?”
“Nope, they live up north. Katie never really knew her family. She grew up in the foster system and was bounced around until she enlisted at eighteen. It’s just me and Lulu now, and the guys when they find the time to travel here.”
“I’m sorry,” you said honestly. “It must be hard not having your parents support.”
He shook his head and took another sip. “I expected it, even when I was younger, it seemed as though they were only interested in keeping me alive.” He looked down and started to peel off the sticker on the bottle as he spoke. “They are both doctors, mom is an archaeologist and dad an engineer. He actually helped design parts of the international space station…. I think they valued their careers more than anything else... they still do. The only time they ever came down to see Lucy was right after she was born, aside from that it’s usually a phone call on a holiday and a card with money in the mail.”
Although he tried to play it off as if it were just another part of life, you could see that it still affected him deeply. For a moment you thought about reaching out to take his hand, but you stopped yourself. “It really is their loss, they are missing out on two wonderful people.”
Frankie adjusted the baseball cap on his head, a sheepish little smile playing on his lips at the compliment. “Well, thank you. Lucy and I could say the same thing about you. You’re great with her.”
You glanced back at the little girl. She was smiling happily as Ben pulled her along on the boogie board. “I think little girls need to be protected, but not only that - they need to be seen and heard. She is already so independent and fierce. I can see how you encourage her to be her own person and not fit into any one mold. That’s important for little girls to learn.”
He laughed, “Yeah, she definitely gives me a run for my money, that's for sure. She can already repair an engine better than most men I know.”
A large gust of wind came through and took hold of the multi-colored beach ball beside you. Both you and Frankie sprang from your seats to race after it. The thing was fast, and you could not stop it from crashing into the waves. You noticed just how much cooler it was near the water’s edge. Although the temperature outside was sweltering, the Atlantic still held that winter chill. Both of you stared at the ball as it bobbed up and down with the tide. 
Frankie waved it away with his hand and squinted in the sunlight. “It’s fine, it’ll probably just float down the beach to another family or something.”
You smirked at him “or choke a poor dimwitted sea turtle to death.”
He paused and shot you a pretend glare, then took off his hat, dropped it in the sand and reached for his shirt. 
You giggled “no, no I’m joking. I got it.” You said, starting to strip down to your bathing suit also.
“Well, you gotta be faster than that,” he said, half jogging to the water.
You slipped off your dress easily and ran straight past him into the waves. Frankie was not far behind. You two were pushing against the tide as you reached for the ball. Fingertips just barely brushed against the plastic before it slipped a couple more inches away. This left just enough time for Frankie to swoop in and grab it.
Your stomach hurt from laughing so hard “hey!”
He shrugged, “I’m sorry that I care more about the environment than you.”
You splashed him with water playfully.
The two of you swam for another fifteen minutes, chatting about the town and volleying the ball back and forth. Frankie pretended not to see the way the droplets of water clung to your skin and sparkled under the sunlight. When he noticed the little lace pattern on the bottom of your swimsuit, he knew he had been staring for too long and forced himself to look away. The very last thing he wanted to do was scare you away, or make you believe he had some sort of ulterior motives to helping you. 
You both dressed again before walking back up to the chairs. When the two of you returned, the group had already come back from swimming. They were passing around Tupperware full of fruit while Santi was starting up the tiny little grill he had brought. 
“You guys really don’t play around for beach days,” you mentioned to Frankie. 
“I tried to warn you,” he said with a smirk. 
Will had Lucy thrown over his shoulder, carrying her easily with one arm. “Has anyone seen Fry?”
“I’m right here!” Lucy’s little voice drifted out from behind him.
Will started turning, pretending to look for her “Fry! Fry! Where are you!”
Lucy was hardly able to speak through her fit of giggles, “I’m behind you!”
He put her down on the sand, pretending as if he had seen her for the first time. “Jesus Fry! You scared me!”
“Lulu,” Frankie said, “come here so I can put more sunscreen on you.” Frankie took the bottle from the bag and sprayed her again, making sure to get her ears and the tops of her feet as well. He sprayed some in his hands, and Lucy scrunched up her nose as he applied it to her face.
Watching the two of them together made you smile. You were reminded again just how different Frankie was from your husband. David would have felt emasculated by having to take care of a child. If he had attended today, you would be sitting beside him silently the entire time, only getting up to fetch him a beer.
“Do you want some?” Frankie asked, and you were suddenly snapped right back to reality.  
Even though you weren’t threatened by a burn yet, you figured it would be a good idea. “Yeah, thank you.” You offered him your arms, then the front of your legs.
“I used to be terrible with remembering sunblock until I got sun poisoning in Iraq, god never again.”
“Iraq?” you asked, and turned so he could get the backs of your legs.
“Yeah, with the air force” he told you, assuming you already knew. 
Breath hitched in your throat as he brushed your hair over your shoulder. You cringed at the feeling of the warm sunscreen hitting the back of your neck and jerked away. It was enough for the others to notice. You laughed and lied quickly “damn horse flies hurt when they bite. They say you should wash off the bite with soap to get it to stop the swelling. Is there a bathroom here?”
You sounded believable. Becoming an expert liar had been the only thing keeping you alive for so long. 
Frankie felt horrible. He didn’t quite know what he had done to trigger you, but he knew it was something. “It’s pretty far, I can walk with you-”
You shook your head, a wide smile still plastered across your lips. “Nope, I just need a direction.”
Santi jumped in quickly. “That building when we first came in, near the tennis courts.”
You nodded and started forward, tears stinging at the corners of your eyes. Why was this happening right now? You were fine a moment ago and now you felt as though you couldn’t catch your breath. You shivered, remembering the feeling again and putting your hand on the back of your neck to stop it.
A soldier…. it made sense. You were too stupid to have seen it, the nicknames and the holiday...... 
Thankfully, they were single stall restrooms; you pulled the door shut and locked it behind you. The bottom of the floor was disgusting and filled with wet sand. You lifted yourself up onto the counter and sat, trying to calm down. A soldier, a soldier, you kept repeating to yourself. It was too similar. The anger, the potential for violence…. just like your husband. 
You placed your head in your hands, and suddenly you were back in New Jersey. It was a bitter February, snow still on the ground. You were in your bathroom hiding as David raged in the living room and screamed at his coworker on the phone. A little boy had been killed by his father weeks ago. David was assigned to the case. When the trial came, the jury found the man innocent and let him walk free, even though all the evidence pointed to him as the killer. It was an embarrassment to David and the entire homicide unit
“God fucking dammit, y/n! y/n!”
You pulled yourself up on shaking legs, straightened your dress and walked out. David was red in the face waiting for you. “I thought I told you to call Comcast, did I not?”
“They said that they could get someone out here Wednesday because of the snow-”
He took the television remote and threw it at you as hard as he could; he aimed for your face but it hit your shoulder instead. The plastic connected straight with your collarbone. You doubled over in pain, holding it as it throbbed. He stalked up to you and you moved back, the fear evident in your eyes.
His voice was teetering on the edge of lunacy as he screamed at you.
“I give you a simple fucking job to do and you can’t even get it done. You’re a lazy fat fucking bitch.” he shoved you hard but you manged to keep standing. “Spend all day sitting on your fucking ass while I have to go to work for the both of us! I need the television because I need to see the news coverage of the fucking case! You knew this! Or would you like me to get fired and the both of us live on the fucking streets!” He shoved you again, and you fell against the stone fireplace. Your hands came up to shield your face as he picked up the remote and hit you with it repeatedly. It caught your lip, busting it open. 
You didn’t care about the blood, all you could think about was the gun still holstered in his belt. You got the television fixed the next day-
You stood quickly and wiped away the tears from your cheeks, pretending like nothing was wrong. “Yeah?”
“Are you alright?” 
It was Frankie. 
You shook your head and smiled in the dingy plastic mirror in front of you. “Yeah, why?”
He could hear that you had been crying. He pushed on the door but it was locked. 
You didn’t like that at all; you slipped off the counter and sat on the floor, against the door. Bracing it closed with your body “I’m fine-”
“You’re crying-”
“No, I’m not I- I get allergies and that horsefly hurt. I am such a baby I’ve always had a low pain tolerance-”
“If it’s something that I did -”
“Nope, it’s nothing that you did. I’m fine, I’m really, really fine I promise. I just got overwhelmed and needed some air. I’ll be back in a few minutes, and you guys can eat without me. Don’t let me hold you up.”
Frankie wasn’t convinced, but he didn’t want to force anything. “Would you like me to save you a plate?”
“Yes, please.”
You could hear his footsteps start to retreat and relaxed a little. 
Frankie was about to say something, but he thought better of it. He figured it was better to let you have your space now.
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saintobio · 3 years
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love, always. (9)
↳ oikawa tooru x f!reader
description: 3 years since the accident and you’ve regained most of your memories back, but there’s still one missing puzzle piece that only your boyfriend’s best friend can complete. the question is, will you let him?
genre: angst, past lovers, amnesia
warnings: mentions of blood and illness
a/n: important note, i know i said before that there are only 10 parts but i changed it to 12 parts in total, so there’s still 3 parts left! :)
The honeymoon stage has always been the most exciting part for newlywed couples. Just something about being new to this whole ‘married life’ gave you something to look forward to every day. Moments with your husband were always sweet and intimate and you always craved for each other’s presence like you couldn’t get enough of one another. It was such a beautiful feeling.
Your first few weeks together as husband and wife were truly blissful. Aside from the never-ending dates that you two spent together, you also loved waking up next to him, you enjoyed cooking for him, doing errands, shopping for your weekly groceries, and typical housewife things. This went on for the next 2 months as you two lived like the normal married couple you were.
Oikawa as a husband was a dream. A really perfect one. He never missed a single day without telling you how much he loved you and he was very appreciative of simply living under the same roof as you—his beautiful wife as he always described.
Eventually, Oikawa’s closest friends had found out that the two of you got married. They were certainly very happy for him, including your kindhearted angel Iwaizumi, who had expressed his satisfaction at the fact that Tooru didn’t runaway this time.
You, however, have not spoken to your parents or even Karina for that matter. It wasn’t because you were hiding it from them, instead you were just being cautious. Your mom and Karina would probably be supportive of your decision, but your dad? You didn’t even want to think of the fuss he’d make about it.
Although, your dad had practically given up on you after the accident. He never explicitly told you but you just knew that he grew tired to even care. He probably had a hard hit realization that none of his two daughters would ever become the successor to his prideful career. That was the reason why you freely got to date Iwaizumi after you moved out of your parents home because your dad simply became indifferent about you.
But sometimes, it crossed your mind if he would have had the same reaction with you dating Oikawa again the same way he reacted with Iwaizumi. It just seemed like he wasn’t particularly fond of Tooru since high school.
And speaking of the guy, you saw your husband at the kitchen that morning trying to make himself a cup of coffee while watching a live game broadcast from his iPad.
You sneaked in and slipped your arms from behind, enjoying the warmth from his body. “That smells good.”
He slightly turned his head to you with an angelic smile. “Me or the coffee?”
“The coffee,” you teased, grabbing his mug to take a sip. “Maybe a little you as well.”
With that, he leaned in to give you a sweet kiss. “Morning, baby.”
It felt nice, God, to kiss him in the mornings and have his mere presence beside you. You were genuinely sure that this wasn’t something you’d ever get tired of. “Morning, mister. What are we watching?”
He showed the live game that was currently streaming on his iPad. “Just watching a random game. I miss playing.”
It really had been awhile since he last played because he was obviously doing his husband duties with you and he barely had the time to focus on other things, much less play. You had to admit that you did feel bad that you were taking all of his attention, but it wasn’t like you demanded it. He willingly gave you his 100% attention by his own choice.
“Didn’t Hajime ask you to play with them the other day?” you asked, finding it a bit humorous how you could casually say your ex’s name to your husband without inciting anything.
Your husband shook his head. “Nah, Iwa-chan’s gonna make me play with the national team.”
“And?” You shrugged. “Will be fun. You know most of them.”
“Baby!” he whined as if you didn’t get his point. “I don’t wanna see that bastard Ushiwaka’s face, plus there’s Tobio-chan! If I wanted to crush them, I’d rather have it in an official match.”
You simply laughed at how petty he was being but you understood where he was coming from. If anything, your husband would rather protect his pride above all.
On the other hand, you wanted to tell him that he was already the best and that he didn’t need to overwork himself even more because he had already proven everything he could to the world. Yet, even at that, Tooru just wasn’t one to be easily satisfied.
“What’s gonna be our plan, love?” you inquired, sitting at the kitchen island while holding onto your husband for support.
You knew for sure that he wasn’t going to permanently stay in Japan—not when he still had a life to return to in Argentina—only now, he was no longer alone because he had you by his side.
Just like the vows you’ve exchanged, you made an oath to always be there to support him.
“I’m gonna have to process some paperwork for my visa,” he explained in an exhausted manner. “Jeez, I hate doing those stuff!”
You pulled him closer so he could stand between your legs and look at your eyes directly. “You’re gonna bring me with you, right?”
The thought of him leaving and being in a long distance relationship made you feel dejected. There was definitely no way in hell you could live with that.
“Of course,” he answered straight away. “I mean, only if you want to...”
“Are you kidding?” You cupped his cheeks. “I do wanna come with you! Take me wherever you want. I don’t care as long as I’m with you.”
You could tell that your eyes were shining as you gazed at him sincerely. He seemed to be happy to hear how sure you were at being with him that he instinctively kissed you.
“That makes me happy,” he claimed, running a thumb on your lower lip. “Just so you know, I have a huge penthouse apartment back there and you’re gonna be living like a rich housewife.”
A loud chuckle came out of you. “Exciting.”
“You should be,” he boasted. “I have a king size bed and a jacuzzi.”
“Oh, wow.” You fake-gasped. “I bet your hookups had the time of their lives with you in there.”
It was hilarious how he immediately had a defensive stance. “Stop bringing that up!” he complained. “I don’t bring girls to my apartment.”
“That’s not what Mina told me,” you replied, crossing your arms.
“My wife is jealous~” he singsonged, attacking your face with loving pecks. “Mm.. Give me a kiss.”
Your face heated up at the sudden affection. “No.”
He didn’t listen. He continued trailing kisses on your jaw until his soft lips met yours and you just melted into the kiss.
“Let’s make a baby,” he later whispered with a wink, pulling away slightly.
You had to suppress a chuckle at that. “Okay.”
While his days became busier with all the requirements he was trying to complete, going back and forth to update his ID’s and renew his passport, you were keeping yourself busy with your newfound love for cooking.
You’ve always loved cooking but you didn’t fully enjoy it until you started cooking for your husband and you were always delighted whenever you see his satisfied expression.
They said a way to a man’s heart was through his stomach. Well, that was partly right, other than the fact that the man also has to be completely in love with you in the first place, too.
Either way, your plan for the day was to go get some ingredients and do some grocery shopping while your husband was running on his personal errands.
You’ve made a mental note on which ingredients you needed for the Chimichurri Steak that you were going to cook for dinner to surprise your husband with. You were actually excited when you reached the supermarket and started shopping.
And when you almost finished getting what you needed, you received a text message from your husband.
Tooru: Hey, beautiful. I’m sorry I can’t pick you up. They’re taking ages to release my passport :(
You smiled as you typed in a reply.
You: That’s okay. I’ll see you at home! :)
It had only been a few hours but you already missed him so terribly. You couldn’t understand why you felt this way when in fact, you see his face every single day.
Perhaps Cupid hit you hard as if your feelings for your husband were completely renewed. Somehow, it really did feel brand new since you lost your memories of him, regained them, and now you could only think about how good it was to be in love with him.
You would have kept a smile on your face the entire time until your headache started kicking in again.
It got so bad that you decided to rush home and wait for your husband to soothe your pain.
At 8 in the evening, Tooru was already on his way home after a long, exhausting day and he wanted nothing but to give his wife the best cuddles in the world.
Seeing your face really completed his day. It made him feel at ease, like all the stress he had would be gone with just one look at you.
However, he wasn’t expecting that you would dial his number and start sobbing through the phone.
“W-Where are you?” you cried in what sounded like intense pain. “Please come home s-soon.”
At that moment, Tooru felt like his heart skipped a beat.
“Babe? What’s going on?” he asked worriedly. “What’s wrong?”
His mind was literally going haywire at thinking of whatever was happening to you because the pain in your voice scared him.
You weren’t even responding. All he could hear were muffled sobs and it broke him in half.
“Hey, hey. I’m near, okay? I’ll be there soon, okay?” he reassured, panicking inside. “I’ll get there soon, baby. Wait for me.”
Tooru almost lost a shoe when he ran with his life just to get back to his apartment. All he could think of was to get to you fast enough and make sure everything was fine.
And no, it wasn’t fine.
He found you whimpering while you were curled on the floor, gripping your head in excruciating pain. You were pulling on your hair like it was the only way to stop the extreme ache on your head. He had no idea what was happening but he was spitting out every curse word he could think of when he carried you in his arms much to the terror that he was feeling.
“H-Head hurts...” you cried through heavy breaths.
“I’ll take you to the hospital,” he said, wiping your face and constantly reassuring that everything would be okay.
By almost midnight, he still heard no word from the nurses and the medical staff that took you to the emergency room since he brought you to the hospital.
They kept telling him to stay where he was and simply wait but he couldn’t just fucking sit around without hearing about what was happening with his wife.
He was about to lose his mind.
He barely even noticed that your family came rushing to the ER soon after. They were complete—your dad, your mom, and your sister—and they all shared the same anxious face that he had.
“Tooru?” Karina asked in surprise. “What’s going on?”
He could only shake his head, backing into a wall. “They’re not telling me.”
Your mom looked like she was going to cry while nervousness was painted on your dad’s face. Tooru had seen it before.
He had seen the same expression 3 years ago when they almost lost you from the accident.
Your dad narrowed his stare at Oikawa and gave him an interrogative look, “Why were you with my daughter?”
“Dad,” Karina restrained. “This isn’t the time.”
Tooru kept his guard on. “We—”
“Good evening,” the doctor interrupted, approaching him and your family, quickly receiving the eager eyes that they all had. Eyes that were dying for answers. “I assume you all are the family of the patient?”
A “Yes,” was collectively heard from the four of them.
“Is she okay?” Tooru asked desperately, followed by a series of questions from your family.
“Doc, she’s fine, right?”
“How is she?”
“Where’s my sister?”
The doctor requested for them to relax and listen to her words as she discussed your case, “We requested an emergent CT scan and found that the patient has suffered intracranial hemorrhage. The blood vessel within her skull has ruptured and we are currently doing measures to prevent the leak,” she thoroughly explained. “Based from her previous records, the patient had obtained a severe head injury that has resulted into weak vessel walls through time.”
Your mom’s hand flew to her mouth while your sister held her tight.
Tooru felt like he couldn’t breathe. All these information had suffocated him to the point that his chest was physically aching.
His fingerstips were cold and his brain wasn’t functioning as it should.
Because, why?
Why, out of all the things you two had already gone through, did you still have to be tortured by another round of suffering?
Why couldn’t it just be him?
“I have to inform you that this is a medical emergency,” the doctor added, regrettably. “For now we placed her on medication as the affected area is still considered minor, however we do recommend her to undergo surgery so we can drain the blood and minimize risk factors. This will depend on the family’s decision before we proceed—”
“Do it,” your father ordered, impatiently. “Do everything you can. Give her the best neurosurgeon you have!”
“We can have the surgery performed as soon possible,” the doctor was interrupted when a nurse came to her side and whispered something before she turned back. “In the meantime, the patient has been transferred to the ICU.”
The nurse looked at all of them. “She has regained consciousness, but she’s slightly immobile. Perhaps we can let a family member visit her?”
Tooru looked at the doctor with hopeful yet pleading eyes. “C-Can I see her?”
“She said a ‘family member’,” your dad emphasized, taking a step forward.
Tooru decided to stand up for himself and for you like he promised, turning to your father with a pained but unwavering look on his face. “Exactly. I have the right to see my wife,” he emphasized in return, showing his wedding ring to their shocked faces. “I hope that’s enough for you to let me be here for her, as her husband.”
Tooru told himself that he couldn’t be weak, at least not in front of you, because he had to be strong so you wouldn’t feel his pain. He had to be resilient so you could get some strength from him.
The thing was, it was difficult.
Especially when he saw you in your hospital bed looking absolutely frail. Your eyes have sunken and your face was pale—it devastated him. It ruined him to know that one unfortunate incident could change your life forever.
“Baby.” He approached you hastily, reaching to place a light kiss on your forehead. “Hey, how are you feeling?”
You fully opened your eyes and looked at him weakly, so he then held your hand and kissed it comfortingly. He knew that the sedatives or whatever sleep-inducing medicine they gave you was causing you to lose your consciousness but he had to remind you that he was here.
For you.
And he would never leave.
“You’re gonna be okay,” he reassured, kissing your hand once more. “You’re strong and you’re amazing. I promise you that everything will be fine because you’re a fighter.”
But the surprised expression on his face couldn’t be helped when you suddenly pulled your hand away and asked,
“Wh-Who are you?”
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kadhis-stuff · 3 years
You can’t keep a secret forever
Summary: How is a woman supposed to tell her husband, who has been married to her for almost 7 years now, that she can read minds? That she has been able to since the first moment they met?
This is a gift for @nonokoko13​! (AO3 link). I hope you enjoy it! Here’s my little contribution to the Damianya part of the fandom :)
Anya’s unstoppable right foot shook so hard that the dining table moved to her tune, causing a metallic sound from the table legs hitting the floor. Her hands joined forming a fist that was holding her chin. She was staring at the ceiling of her house, looking for some inspiration on what to do. As if the ceiling tiles were an almighty god with all the answers willing to share with mere mortals.
Anya was concerned. A concerned 26-year-old woman. A concern police officer in these peaceful times. She never told anyone about this. Not even her parents. It was an intrinsic part of herself. It grew to be normal on her. Part of what defines what Anya Forger-Desmond is.
How is a woman supposed to tell her husband, who has been married to her for almost 7 years now, that she can read minds? That she has been able to since the first moment they met?
What people has always said about her is that she is a very perceptive person. And as the years went by, she got better at hiding it. No one has been able to hide a secret from her for long. And that is something that, today, was making Damian miserable.
Damian decided that this year was going to be the year. He will blow her mind with the most astonishing surprise ever. He will prove to her that he still has it, after all these years of marriage. For her to remember the feeling of being on the lookout and not knowing what to expect. The knowledge of something coming her way without a clue of what might that be.
Two things were wrong with Damian’s assumptions. First, he has never, ever, surprised her. Not on purpose at least, not by planning something out. He shouldn’t need to prove that he still has anything in that regard. And secondly, she doesn’t know how it feels to be non-puzzled because people usually think about the surprises while they are being planned or revealed. She hasn’t figure it out a way to put a spoiler alert tag on people, so she just deals with it.  
Why was Damian getting so frustrated about this lately?
The worst part is that his poker face is too good. There are times in which she knows what Damian is truly thinking just because she can read his mind. Instead, she is an open book.
Faking surprise? Yeah, that has never worked out for her before.
After faking a face, she is always hit by the thoughts “Oh, she saw it coming” “She knew about it” “Surely Becky told her” “Surely Damian told her” “Am I this bad at lying?”
His husband was feeling insecure and he did not tell her, she knows it because she is able to read. His. Mind.
What to do? What to do?
She growled at the ceiling tiles.
She truly thought she was going to be able to take this secret to her tomb. She never told Mama and Papa, and the only one that -probably- knew it, was Bond.
She took a sip of the hot chocolate she prepared to help herself think. Why did she decide to keep it a secret from them all these years?
Right. That night. When she was just an 8-year-old.
She had the popcorn’s bowl in her lap. Mama was on her right, watching the movie. Papa was on her left, reading a book. Bond was lying in front of her, eyes closed, unfazed by the fighting sounds coming from the TV. It was the latest Spy Wars movie. One of the bad guys had the ability to read minds with a machine.
Loid and Yor already knew about each other secret lives and after a bit dramatic fight, they accepted each other identities and decided to live together after all.  Which made possible for Anya to live a real life with them. And she was pondering the possibility to tell them. To also come clean of secrets. For them to be the first people in her life to know. So, she gathered courage, her hands forming fists and asked with the most casual tone she could gathered “Isn’t that cool?”
“What, Anya?” Asked Yor cocking her head with closed eyes and her always gentle smile, who was paying attention to the movie.
“Being able to read minds”. No, she cannot do it. Oh shit, she was already doing it. Panic. She ate a handful of popcorn at once. Swallowed it quickly to continue. “What do you think about that?”
Loid was the first to reply, in his detached matter-of-fact way of speaking, so serious and yet so smooth “Well, even if it is certainly an advantage it might be dangerous. It seems that the machine could blow out at any minute now”
Not the answer she was hoping. Anya wanted to divert the attention from the movie. Was Papa even paying attention to it? He was supposed to be reading. “But think about it in real life” she took her mother’s hand. She wanted to ask ‘what if I was the one reading minds’ but she was too scared to hear the answer, so she said the next thing she thought about. “What if mama were able to read our minds all the time?”
“M-Me?” A soft pink colored her cheeks, and she gave it a thought. “It could be a little tiring I guess, not being able to focus on my own mind because everybody is thinking around me”
That was an accurate way to describe it. Although Anya was getting better at handling it.
“It will probably be weird for the people around her.” Her father got her attention in a second, now we were talking. “I wouldn’t be able to look Yor in the eyes the same way again.”
“Why?” And her voice was probably a pitch higher than before.
“If a person can read your mind, they will know you better than anyone else. They will know what you think even if it is not what you chose to say, so they will not only know the person you want to be or the one you are trying to become, but they will know the true you. And that is something terrifying somehow. Not all people will be able to handle that.”
“Will you get away from mama if she was able to read minds?”
“No, I don’t have secrets from Mama anyway”
But Anya could read minds. And she knew what Loid’s real answer was. She still tried one more time.
“And you Mama, will you stay with Papa even if he was able to read your mind?”
“Of course, sweetheart”
But the devasting truth was that both were terrified of the idea. And although they didn’t directly think “yes, I will leave”, they both imagined multiple situations in which they would rather die from shame than letting the counterpart know their deepest secrets.
“I see” was all that Anya was able to say, while shrinking more into the couch.
“Why are you making that face Anya?” Yor asked, hugging her shoulders with one hand. “Nobody is able to read minds, so you don’t need to worry about it”.
But she did worry about it. Because at the short age of eight, she swore to herself to never reveal her deepest secret to anyone. It was something bad. It was something to be ashamed of. Anya would rather die than letting anybody know about it and let them treat her differently because of it.
But here she was. Pondering her options. Because maybe the truth was what Damian needed right now. Maybe he could be the first. Maybe she could trust him to not destroy her feelings with utter rejection.
Two weeks ago, Becky invited her for lunch and, as usual, she was telling her about the latest sweetheart she was dating. The conversation ended up shifting to Damian and Anya’s long-term relationship. This year they were going to celebrate the 7 years anniversary.  
“There’s a saying, you know?” said Becky casually, taking the dessert spoon when the waiter brought her ‘Golden Opulence’ sundae. “If a marriage remains together after seven years, they will be together forever.”
“Non-sense, there wouldn’t be divorces after 10 years then.”
“I mean it, Anya. It’s called The Seven Year Itch”
Anya rolled her eyes and started to eat her own dessert. “And what’s supposed to happen on the 7th year?”
“Monotony. Love ends. People get bored. They feel like the compatibility is no longer there. That the other person just ‘don’t get it’ anymore.”
The last part caught Anya’s attention. Why was that ringing a bell on her head?
And then she remembered all the times along the year that Damian tried to do different things for her, which all ended up in a frustrated husband.
Could Damian fear they were not compatible anymore?
Anya face twisted like an open book to Becky.
“How is it going with Damian, Anya?” She had concern in her eyes. And Anya knew it was real concern. Becky took her hand over the table “Everything ok at home?”
“Yeah,” she tried to dismiss it with a smile “everything is fine”
But hey, she was friends with Becky for over 20 years now. And Anya did not really know how to lie to save her life.
Becky insisted.
“Okay, well, there might be something” twirling her fingers in rounds, looking to the ground pouting, Anya mumbled indescribable words to Becky before finally saying it: “I think Damian is a bit concern about the fact that he can’t surprise me”
“Nobody can surprise you. You are too good at reading people. And a terrible liar.”
“And he has known about it for years now!” Yes Becky, agree with her. It was not her fault. It was not her fault. “It shouldn’t be that big of a deal, right?”
“Then why do you think he is concerned about that?” Becky was confused.
Because she knew.
A couple days back, Damian got up earlier to cook her favorite breakfast and took it to her bed. But Anya knew that it was going to happen before hand because he bought and hid the ingredients the day before, so she did her best sleepy surprised expression and started to eat.
Damian’s thoughts were loud in his head “Loser. I cannot even surprise her when she is half asleep. Nothing works”
But he did not tell her that, instead, he kissed her forehead and walk out of the room with the excuse of meeting his brother early that day. Lie. He just wanted to be out of there. Away from her.
Anya replied: “He told me he feels bad because he can’t surprise me, I just want him to know that it is not his fault”
“Well, there’s a limit on how perceptive a person can be. I had surprise you before. It’s hard, yes, but possible. It might be kind of his fault” Actually, Becky surprised her on a moonless night.
“It is not” Anya hit her head into the table with a defeated expression on her face “I need him to understand that”.
She can only get surprised on moonless days. But how to explain it without telling the truth?
And here she was.
Did it worth the risk?
She was so deeply scared about how hard she wanted to tell him. How hard she wanted to trust him. To believe he will love her no matter what. She has known Damian since he was 6 years old. She knows how good or bad he can be. The deepest secrets of his heart. What makes him happy even if he has never openly said so. There is no human being that she knows better than him.
Damian was certainly going to panic.
But will he overcome it? Accept it?
She was so scared that she picked today, a moonless day, to do so. She wasn’t strong enough to hear the rejection coming from him. Her heart wouldn’t handle it. No matter if he later thinks twice about it and accept it. She couldn’t stand the idea of hearing him fear her.
She heard the doorknob opening and her mind went blank, her back ran cold and her hands got sweaty. Was it right? Would it help him to know? Would it make it worst? She doesn’t know.
“I’m home”
He immediately noticed the distressed on his wife. “Is everything alright?”
“No” elbows on the table, she just holds her forehead with her fists. Eyes closed “Can you please take a sit? We need to talk”.
Damian did as requested, showing a hint of concern in his face.
Although a part of Anya appreciated the silence for her to gather her thoughts in order, the other part wanted to peek into Damian’s head and see what he was thinking.
“I know you have been mad a lot lately”.
She looked at him right in the eyes. It seemed to take him aback.
“Me? Mad? About what?” He deviated his gaze quickly, as if looking for a better answer. He was also a terrible liar, somehow.
“About the fact that you can’t surprise me”
Damian’s eyes turned sad, avoiding her gaze he just stared at the table. “Am I that much of an open book to you?”
“No- Yes. Err, something like that”
Still avoiding her gaze, he moved his eyes to the window next to them. “I’m sorry for not being able to do the same for you”
She took his hand over the table; he was still refusing to look at her.
“Damian, please look at me”
She squeezed his hand. He finally did.
“There’s something important I need to tell you. It might sound crazy, but it is the truth. And I’m terrified of telling you. Nobody” and she repeated the word with all the emphasis she could gathered in her voice “Nobody, knows about this. It is my most guarded secret and I swore to myself that I will take it to my tomb”
That got Damian’s attention. Momentarily forgetting how shitty of a husband he was feeling lately.
“I love you, Damian. And I trust you” she was scared. So scared that Damian’s hand was wet with her sweat now. “And I will tell you”
This is it. She will say it. Her heart was beating faster than ever. She was going to reveal her deepest secret.
“The reason why neither you nor anyone can’t surprise me is because…”
Silence. She bits her lip. She cannot face him. She stops to stare at his eyes and lowers her gaze.
Damian squeezes her hand softly this time, encouraging her to talk.
She sighs. Shuts her eyes harder. Takes a big breath and hold it for a couple seconds, until finally releasing it, talking as fast as she could “BecauseICanReadMinds”
Damian asks her to repeat herself, slowly this time.
“Because I can… read minds”
Of course, Damian doesn’t believe it. He drops her hand and stand up from the table. So much mystery and expectation for a joke. He was truly feeling bad about it and Anya wanted to do one of the weird jokes in an honestly bad time.
Damian was feeling insecure. He heard about the Seven Year Itch at work early that year. And he realized that without space for doubts Anya was the person that knew the most about him. But did he know about her the same way? Did he pay enough attention? And what about the relationship? Was he getting monotonous? Will Anya look for other men that can provide her the excitement she so dearly appreciates in her life? How much can she stand his own inaptitude?
So yeah, Damian is pretty pissed off. He gives her his back and walks towards the bedroom for some cooling off time.
“I’m telling the truth!” he hears her say.
He stops on his track and looks at her sideways. “Yeah? What am I thinking right now?”
She feels like stabbed. She didn’t think he was going to assume it was a lie. She was worried about a bunch of other scenarios. “I don’t know! It doesn’t work on days without moon!”
“How convenient. Should I assume today is a New Moon day?”
Damian was already reaching the shared bedroom when Anya took his hand to stop him. Once he entered the room, he was going to shut the door and keep her out for a couple hours until to cool down. He always did it when he was truly pissed off. She knows it and doesn’t want to let him do it. Because once he cools off, she could get cold feet and now that she has resolved to tell him, she did not want to brush it off as a joke or something like that.
“Damian, look at my eyes”
He ignored her.
She took his head with one hand and made him face her. “Look at me”
He finally did.
“I’m telling you the truth. I am adopted. People did things to me when I was a kid, in a lab. I can read minds since I am 3 years old. I had read your mind since the first time I met you. Every day. Except on days when there’s no moon in the sky”
And Damian does know something about his wife. She cannot lie to him to save his life. That is why even if she has tried to act surprised for years, he has always known when she was faking it. He thought it was because she pitied him. He was bad at surprises, and because he couldn’t properly catch her off guard, she fakes it. What Anya was just saying…? Could it be true?
“Why are you telling me this on the day you can’t prove it?”
“Because I’m terrified on what you might be thinking about me.” After saying that, she broke the eye contact with him “I do not want to hear your rejection.” She lets his hand loose “I might still hear it tomorrow, because you can’t trick your own thoughts. I will know the truth. But I couldn’t do it today.”
Damian knows with certainty; he does love his wife. He has loved her for many years now and undoubted he will do it for many years to come. He could not stand watching her like this. It broke his heart. He holds her in a tight hug.
The moment he hugged her Anya started to cry. He spoke softly into her ear “What you are telling me right now is so nonsensical, absurd. Crazy. But I want you to know that no matter what, I love you. And I won’t reject you even if you were an alien from another planet”
Her shuddering sobs started to calm down “Even if I came from Pluto? It is not a planet.”
“Even then, Anya”
She holds him tight “I am sorry”
“About what”
“Being unable to fake my surprise face and making you sad about it”
He removed a tear from her cheek before placing a small kiss on her lips “I preferred it that way. That makes me enjoy more when I see you genuinely surprised. Maybe that’s why I try so hard.”
They stood there for a while, in a comfortable silent hug.
“So how does it work?” He asked.
“Well, I can hear what you think in front of me. If I concentrate enough, I can hear a specific person several feet away”
“Can you know something about a person that is not actively thinking it in that moment?”
“Like look into a person’s memories?”
“No, I can’t. Just what they are thinking at that time.”
“I see”
Silence again.
Damian broke it, again. Flustered this time “So you have been able to read my mind all this time?”
“W-were you able to read it when I was thinking of kissing you for the first time?”
“Every time until you finally did it” She laughs.
Damian was full red-faced at this point “Did you also read it on Becky’s 18th birthday party?”
Anya’s cheeks dyed pink at the memory “Y-Yeah”
This time Damian covered his face with both of his hands. “Did you read it on our wedding?”
“No” That got him out of the ashamed-zone for a second.
“I ensure it was on a moonless day. I didn’t want to get myself overwhelmed by all the guest’s thoughts on such special day”
“That makes sense”
More silence.
“So, you can’t read them today even if you try hard?”
“Not a single word”
He nods with his head.
“I think I get it”
“Are you not like… feeling weird?”
“Yes, I am”
“… Would you have preferred for me to not tell you never about this?”
He denied with his head “Thank you for telling me, it must have been hard”
“Not even my parents know”
Anya didn’t need to read his head to know that he was feeling pretty cocky about it. It was painted all over his face.
More silence.
Out of the blue, Damian started to laugh. He brushed his hair with his fingers and looked at her with sparkles in his eyes.
“I swear I will surprise you this Christmas”
She laughs.
“And how are you going to do that?”
“Now that I know how you do it, I will train myself from here to December. I will need your help, though”
“I will gladly help”
She smiled.
“I love you”
He smiled.
“I love you too”
She figured it out it was okay to tell him the other secret not even her parents knew. If we are coming clean, we are coming clean about everything.
“You know… I am also two years younger. I lied about my age for my papa to adopt me.”
Damian thought about it for several minutes. Face full red again once he talked.
“Y-You were sixteen on Becky’s party!?”
After that day back in August, they set up a calendar on the fridge door marking the moonless days. The day after “the talk”, Damian spent all morning having a talk to her. Or more like, keeping his mouth shut while she was keeping the conversation out loud with Damian playing with the fact that he can hold a conversation with her without pronouncing a single word.
It had been fun, somehow, watching Damian adapt to his new life over the months.
He soon realized Anya probably knew about all the people he had wanted to kill at some point. She also knew when he thinks about another woman being pretty. She totally knew when he lied to her about enjoying some new food she cooked. She knew when he was being mean with people in his head without reason.
He sometimes forgets and still lies to her. Then, he gets self-conscious about the fact she already knows the truth and apologize for lying.
He has also caught her off guard and surprised her already a couple times. The trick is to think about literally anything else near her and plan the surprises when she is not close by. A bit more difficult, but definitely more gratifying.
She knew all the good and all the bad that was in his mind, and after seeing everything she still loved him. She has always known, since he was a child, and after all this time she was not only still his friend but accept him as a partner to spend her life with.
How can he ever have doubts about her feelings again? How if she already knew everything about him and accepted him as he is?
Is it fair to be blessed in this life with the sincere and absolute love of a person that truly knows you?
For Anya, the feeling was mutual. The first weeks she cried of happiness almost every day. Damian didn’t leave her. He accepted it. Looked for ways to make it work. Embraced it as a challenge to surpass together. As a team.
On the Christmas day Anya woke up with an alarm’s sound coming from Damian’s side of the bed. She tried to move him to shut it off, but she just found an empty space next to her. A note left in his pillow. She opened her eyes and started to read it with a sleepy face, after shutting the damn thing off.
I’m sorry I was not there to kiss you a good morning today. I needed the alarm so you could eat your breakfast while it was still hot. Please get out of the bed and go to the kitchen. There’s a surprise waiting for you there”
Anya’s smile was big in her face. What? She was enjoying the fact that she had zero clues about this.
She didn’t put shoes on and went out of the bedroom in a second, to the kitchen. The first thing she noticed in the hallway was the strong smell of roses.
The image that welcomed her left her speechless. There were fresh flowers everywhere and in her seat of the dining table there was a full set of plates and another note.
“There is fruit, fresh baked croissants, fried eggs and bacon. Plenty of orange juice and a big peanut can. You can either finish the peanuts after breakfast or carry them with you along the day for a snack. And because I didn’t want you to eat in silence, please go to take the TV remote and turn it on.”
She took a bite of one of the croissants and did as commanded. A video of recaps of their wedding day played with Bryan Adams’ “I do it for you” acoustic version playing in the background. After certain pictures there was a message.  
The first photo in the video was one of Anya entering the church. “The moment I saw you step into the hallway, I cried”. The next one, was a photo of Damian crying in his suit. “Because the only thing that was crossing my mind was that I was the luckiest man in the world. You looked like an angel. The most stunning woman was walking in my direction, to declare to myself and the world that she willingly will spend all her life next to me. You continuously make me the best version of myself, Anya”. A third photo: Anya signing the official documents. “Or that’s what I would probably have been thinking if my brain hasn’t done shortcut at that moment”. The next photo that flashes across the screen was one of both exiting the church holding each other hand. “I swear to you I couldn’t think of anything. My mind was a loop of ‘wow’ until the priest started talking and I then I was forced to focus to remember my vows”.
Anya was shaking. A couple tears were rolling down her cheeks. She got pretty emotional watching the video. Several pictures of the party followed without any more messages until the end of the video. She finished the breakfast and took the peanuts can. A message showed up on the TV: “I know the bed is tempting on a Christmas day without responsibilities. But please go and get yourself ready. It is a sunny beautiful day, what about a walk in the park? Make sure to wear comfortable shoes.”
She went back to the bedroom, took a quick shower and got a pair of jeans, a white t-shirt and her favorite sneakers. On top of them, another note.
“I knew you would pick these ones. They are old Anya, let me give you new ones with the same color and style. Your refusal is non-negotiable this time around.”
Anya laughed, no. She will keep them until they are torn, and her toes shows at the front. What is a little worn shoe sole and colorless sections? She loves those shoes. He gave them to her a few years back, when she broke a heel in a night outgoing and the only opened store only sold sneakers. The note continuous
“A boy selling newspapers will be waiting for you in the park. He’s wearing a red t-shirt”
So, to the park it is.
It was a sunny day indeed. A lot of people with the day off were having a blast with their families, kids playing with dogs, old people playing chest, fathers and mothers teaching her kids how to use a bicycle for the first time. She wanted to be reunited with her family too.
It was easy to find the boy. He was so nervous that his thoughts were louder than the people around him “Pink haired woman, give it only to a pink haired woman that uses old shoes. Pink haired woman.”
“Hello there, are you the newspaper boy I’m looking for?”
He took a quick glance at her shoes and then cleared his throat looking for a newspaper in his bag. “They told me the job-hunting section was filled with important information, agent Peanut.”
Anya smiled. So that is what this is about. “Thank you, have a good day.”
While she was getting away to search for a free bench to sit on, she heard the thoughts of the boy running in the opposite direction “I need to tell the man I already did it”
She opened the newspaper, there was a pen marking the start of the section the boy mentioned. She read over the lines carefully until she noticed the pattern. The same they used in episode 703 of “Spy Wars”. The secret code was easy to decipher. Each line had two dots marking each one a letter. The letter that was in the middle of the two marked ones was the one she needs to mark in a circle. And reading it from bottom to top, she will get the message.
“Train station. 53. Seat 9A.”
Anya closed the newspaper and run towards the train station. Laughing her heart out. Such a fun morning. What was Damian planning to do?! She opened the peanuts can that brought with her and eat a few “Crazy man.”
She found out the train she was supposed to take was going to the city borders. In the seat 9A there was an envelope. She opened it.
“Agent Peanut, we have captured your husband. We will torture him until he reveals your deepest secrets. Do not even try to come to the old peanut’s abandoned factory outside the city where we have our secret liar. Coordinates: 51.08342, 10.423447”
The envelope also had the ticket for the ride. Anya rolled her eyes. Damian loved to make fun of the fact that the villain always gave its secret liar address to the good guys as if screaming “go and get me if you dare”. It was never this painfully obvious in the show. Except on episode 113, the one about ‘Bad-Man and the pâtissier heist’.
The train was already in movement when she heard a voice. “Ticket, please?”
She stared at the man and could hear his thoughts “Pink hair, green eyes”. “Are you Miss Peanut?”
A light blushed enlighten her face. It was ok for the newspaper boy to say it but having a fellow adult calling her that was a bit shameful “Yes”
The man took a backpack from the compartments above her seat. “This is for you”
The man left after marking her ticket, leaving her alone to explore the inside of the backpack. She covered her mouth with her hands. “Oh my god”
There were a couple toy guns with 30 bullets each. A belt to hold them. A water bottle, a black t-shirt, cap and sunglasses. There was also another envelope.
“Hey, don’t you dare abandon me.”
A quick sketch of a Damian tied to a chair saying ‘help’ was on the upper right corner of the paper.
Anya bit her lower lip and whispered the answer to herself: “Never”
She was able to change her clothes before reaching the destination. From the station, it was just a 15 minutes’ walk.  
Her heart was beating fast. This was exciting. Damian was giving her surprise after surprise and she was loving it. It wasn’t even a moonless day. How come he did not think about this the previous days? He (his mind) usually won’t shut up whenever there’s a big surprise coming. Now that he knows she can read minds; did he take extra precautions? He on purpose force himself to think about everything but this? He was literally thinking about the Christmas lunch and where to go. Planning dinner with her parents. Was it a trick? Or will they go after this? What is it? She took some things for granted today and thought about the surprise being a gift in a box that she’ll open in the family dinner. This was a thousand times better.
She finally reached her destination. A bunch of voices caught her attention.
“Mister Damian is too sweet” Was one of the female voices.
“At least I’m getting paid twice for working on Christmas” another voice.
“I hope Anya doesn’t get hurt” A third one.
“I should have gotten a bigger breakfast this morning” A fourth one.
How much people did Damian had there?
But suddenly, a voice shut out: “Enemy on sight, enemy on sight!”
An alarm started to ring, and Anya’s heart felt like to explode from the adrenaline.
“Don’t let her go to the second floor!”
So that is where she was supposed to go.
Anya entered through an open window and suddenly a lot of gas started to fill the warehouse. Anya saw that the people inside was armed with the same guns she had in the backpack. She took one from the belt and started to shoot. The people she was shooting started to fall and ‘die’. She ran across the people in the middle of the smoke to the stairs when a big guy was waiting for her like a wall.
Anya was a 26-year-old police officer. She was mildly offended that there was only one guy. She easily passed through him and reached the second floor.
Fifteen-armed (with toys) people were waiting for her. Damian was tied in a chair with a smirk in his beautiful face, thinking for her mind only: “Are you going to rescue me or what?”
But the biggest surprise of all was the villain.
“Uncle Yuri?”
“Oh! You have finally find my liar, Agent Peanut!” he ignored her question, getting full in character “But you are late, your husband refused to give us information, so he is useless now. I have decided that he is going to die in 5 minutes!” A bomb with a clock was chained to Damian’s chest.
“I won’t let you!” She was full on combat mode now. Following the game. “Leave my husband alone! This is between you and me!”
“Soldiers, kill her!”
But Anya was too good. She didn’t stop laughing while fighting with the people they hired for this. When she was finally done with the ‘guards’ she faced her uncle: “Now it is your turn!”
“You think you can take me down in 4 minutes and a half? Keep dreaming! You’ll face your end at the hands of – he sighed and though “I can believe I’m going to say this but agh, whatever” - Bad-Man!” She was 100% sure they stopped the clock for dramatic purposes. Also Uncle Yuri performance, top notch!
Anya run to her uncle and kick him with all her might. He easily blocked it with his hand.
A bunch of kicks and fist fighting followed. Yuri was enjoying it as much as Anya. They trained together many years ago, but after Anya grew up and become a member of the police department, they stopped to have the sessions. There was no particular reason for it, they just didn’t have the time anymore.
So being here fighting each other was like a jump back in time. And Yuri’s eyes get a little bit to shiny and his smile was a bit too big while defending up from her attacks.
Finally, Yuri fell with a dramatic scream when Anya shot him in the chest with the toy gun. (it probably hurt, though. She was mere inches away from him).
There is no way in hell that the fight took less than 10 minutes. But when she run towards Damian the clock has a minute left before the explosion.
She took the tape out of his mouth and dramatically kissed him. “Are you alright?”
“Hurry Anya! The bomb is going to explode any second now!”
“What is the key?”
There was a circular padlock holding the timer. Anya looked around her and run to Yuri’s pockets. Empty.
“Have you seen something that circular today?” Damian asked her.
She tried to read his mind, but all she found was “I won’t tell you. I won’t tell you. I won’t tell you” repeated as a mantra.
35 seconds.
Think Anya, think.
And then it hit her. She opened the backpack and took the peanut can. Could it be?
She pushed the can against the padlock and the timer stopped.
She beamed at Damian with a smile in her face “Take that!”
He was, however, staring at her with a loving gaze “You did it wonderfully”.
She then released him from the chains and hugged him. “I love you so much”
He replied to her with a thought in his head: “No more than how much I love you, Anya. Merry Christmas”
“You, big dork” was all she could say in a voice faltering with love.
“That hurts, Peanut” Yuri’s voice was behind her “No hugs for the boxing bag you just defeat and keep ignoring?”
She turned around and hugged her uncle without saying a word. She then removed a couple traitor tears that escape her eyes. “So, what’s next?”
“The helicopter is waiting for us behind the building.”
“I just wanted you to live the full experience” was her husband reply.
She intertwined his fingers on hers “Thank you for today”
But there was a final surprise.
Damian’s sweet smile was not showing all the embarrassingly intense passionate thoughts he suddenly sent her way about the plans for the rest of the day and night. Anya’s face grew red in an instant. One of the downsides of the new discovered power was that Damian enjoyed making her blush on public. His smile shift to a cocky one once he saw his wife reaction.
“Did you really though my plans ended up after lunch? It is as if you don’t know me at all”
“Well… I do have the rest of my life to do that”
Hope you like it! Happy holidays!
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perseabethj · 3 years
i don't really have an explanation (ii.)
One might argue that Percy was not a very bright student; he could only get As in Latin, about which, for some unknown reason, he was extremely passionate, telling his friends that he had chosen Latin over German or Spanish because it was a family thing. However, nobody could say that he didn’t try hard. Whenever he had a free period, he could be found in the library studying, and he always told his friends that he had readings to catch up with during the weekends when they tried to make plans (he couldn’t really tell them that, most of the time, he had to go to a magical camp that they wouldn’t be able to see because more claimed children were showing up everyday and he had to make sure everything was in order). Not only did he try hard with school, but with everything in his life. He knew his school record had to be good to get into New Rome University, and he also did not want to be kicked out of the swim club. He liked his new friends and his new school where no monsters were trying to kill him, but his favourite thing was having a place to swim and forget about his problems for a little bit. His friends knew how much he liked the swim club and how much he trained, which is why they were excited to attend his first meet.
Percy had told them to meet him at the door before the meet, since his coach was giving the team a few minutes to say hi to family and friends before the first meet of the season and, when they arrived, they found him with his face being held by his girlfriend.
"Remember, breathe and get wet," they heard Annabeth say. "Don’t be an asshole and show off or your dad will show up and nobody wants that."
His friends saw him laugh softly and remove Annabeth’s hands from his face before quickly pecking her lips. They hadn’t seen Annabeth since the homecoming game at the beginning of September, more than a month ago, and they were still trying to get used to to the idea of secretive Percy having an even more secretive girlfriend.
"Hey, man," Louis said before Percy had a chance to say something to Annabeth.
Percy’s eyes lighted up as he took in his friends, grinning widely.
"You made it!" Percy exclaimed. "My mum and my stepdad are already inside saving seats for all of you. Annabeth can take you."
"Hey," Annabeth greeted softly, one of her hands still holding Percy’s.
Just as Percy was about to say something else, his coach called him from behind the closed doors.
"Jackson, time to warm up!"
Percy kissed Annabeth’s forehead quickly and smiled at his friends before waving and running into the building, trying to take off his sweatshirt at the same time but not quite managing.
"Let’s go," Annabeth said, rolling her eyes fondly at the scene in front of her. ‘’Percy’s mum will be glad to know her son died because he didn’t know how to take off his clothes.’’
Even though Matthew, Kayla and Louis asked Annabeth all sorts of questions about her life, they could tell that she was only telling them what she wanted them to know -she hadn’t been to many schools, since she had been homeschooled most of her life, she met Percy when they were twelve, which his friends already knew, she was one of the kids that were kidnapped alongside Percy when he was twelve (they had looked up the story online and, when they saw a picture, had placed bets on whether that was Annabeth or somebody who really looked like her), and her family lived in San Francisco. By the time they reached Percy’s mum and stepdad, she was more of an enigma than she had been before.
"Hi, honey!" Percy’s mum said to Annabeth when she sat down next to her. She then leaned forward a little bit -as much as her pregnant stomach would allow-, and smiled at the others. "You must be Percy’s friends! He’s told me a lot about you. I’m Sally and this is Paul, my husband."
A man sitting next to her smiled and waved, and they waved back at him.
"Is everything alright?" he asked Annabeth. Percy’s friends then looked at her, noticing that she was sporting a serious expression and her grey eyes seemed stormy as she looked around the gym.
"Yes," she said softly. "Don’t worry."
"Are you sure?" Sally asked.
"I just have a bad feeling, but don’t worry about it," she told her. "Besides, you know about yesterday, so I doubt we’ll see any more of them in a few days."
Percy’s friends didn’t understand what she meant, but Percy’s mother seemed more alert after Annabeth finished speaking. Before they could ask, however, an almost naked Percy ran up to them and threw his jeans in Annabeth’s face.
"Hey!" she exclaimed.
"Sorry," he said sheepishly, but he didn’t look sorry at all. "Will you keep my jeans in handy? I have a bad feeling and I don’t want to leave them in the locker room."
Annabeth straightened up at this but, before she could say anything, Percy turned around and ran towards the pool, ignoring the glances some of the girls and boys were sending his way.
"I feel really weird about people ogling my son," Sally said.
"If it makes you feel any better," Annabeth told her, "he’s probably way too stupid to realise and let it get to his head."
Sally laughed at this and took Percy’s jeans from Annabeth’s hands, carefully folding them before placing them on her lap.
"Why does he have so many scars?" Kayla suddenly asked. She hadn’t meant to be so loud -she only wanted Louis and Matthew to hear, but Paul and Sally’s gaze moved to her and Annabeth ’s body visibly tensed before she turned around to look at her.
"Our summer camp is a little bit ruthless," she told her.
Kayla wanted to ask more, but knew better and simply looked back at the pool, where Percy was with the rest of his team. She knew she was probably not the only person to wonder; Percy did, undeniably, have a nice body, but scars plagued his chest and back. They were not very dark, which meant that they were probably old, but they also didn’t look like the kind of scars you got when you fell off your bike. Kayla also noted the way Annabeth crossed her arms and let herself be pulled into Sally’s side-hug, but she knew it would make the blonde uncomfortable if she asked. Louis and Matthew, however, looked at her questioningly; they also wanted to know, but they, too, knew better than to ask somebody who clearly didn’t want to talk about it. When they looked back at Percy again, he was talking to another guy. They appeared to be arguing, and Percy looked cross. His face was, for once, serious, and his eyes seemed to scream "danger".
"Who is that?" Annabeth asked them.
"John Robinson," Louis told her. "He was the star of the team until Percy showed up, and he is quite resentful. Since this is a friendly meet, it’s going to be relay races, so I’m guessing he’s trying to rile Percy up so Percy gets a worse time."
"That won’t work," Annabeth told them, her eyes scanning John. "Percy always works best under pressure, and even more so in the water."
As if hearing his name, Percy looked at Annabeth from afar, who smiled and waved at him. John saw this interaction, smirking before saying something to Percy that made his face go serious again. Before Kayla could let Annabeth know how much of an asshole John was, the water in the pool suddenly overflowed, wetting the ground all around the pool where the teams were standing. Annabeth quickly rose up and moved towards Percy, ignoring his friends’ questioning glances. While the cleaners took care of the water, Annabeth whispered something to Percy, who quickly answered with an annoyed look in his face. Although Annabeth’s back was the only thing they could see, Matthew, Louis and Kayla noticed her turning towards John and saying something that made the other boy lose his smirk, slowly walking away from the couple and making Percy grin in the process. He stopped grinning, however, when Annabeth turned towards him again, but he started smiling again the moment she turned around and started walking to her seat.
"He’s a seaweed brain," she softly mumbled when Sally looked at her. "Two months reminding him to be careful and he practically blows it today. If his dad shows up, it’s definitely going to be his fault."
"I truly doubt Poseidon will show up to his swim meet," Paul meekly said.
"With our luck, the whole family will show up, and then both of us will have to do something and leave another school year unfinished," Annabeth huffed.
"Enough is enough", Matthew thought, finally building up his courage to ask what the hell they were talking about. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, the meet started, taking away his chance to understand what Annabeth and Percy’s parents meant.
Percy’s friends had never seen him swim; they never went to see him during training, because they just didn’t care about swimming that much, so they were surprised when they saw him relay John and make a record time for his school with enough time to spare. He didn’t look human when he swam -his body moved fluidly, and the water seemed to move with him, gently pushing him forward but embracing him at the same time. If they didn’t know that it was impossible to cheat in swimming (excluding the use of drugs), they would have deemed him a cheater.
"He’s cheating," Annabeth told Sally, as if reading their thoughts.
"Is he?" Sally asked critically.
"I’ve timed him during regular training, and he’s definitely cheating. He just wants to make that John guy mad," she said.
His friends didn’t even bother questioning her; they had already accepted that, if they wanted to understand what the hell Annabeth was talking about, they would probably have to ask Percy. By the time the meet was over, however, they were told by Sally that it would be better if they waited for him outside. Annabeth seemed to be looking at somebody sitting on the other side of the gym, her hand resting on her bag.
"Sally, give me Percy’s jeans," she said. "We’ll meet you outside."
Sally nervously looked around, but nodded as Paul rested his hand on the small of her back and led her and the other teenagers outside. They didn’t really know why she’d need Percy’s jeans so urgently, but they, once again, let it go.
"He’s a great swimmer," Louis politely told Sally, trying to make small talk. "Does he get that from you?"
Sally laughed loudly and rested one hand on her stomach as she dried a few tears from her eyes with the other hand.
"Definitely not," she said. "It’s all his father."
"Poseidon, right?" Matthew asked.
"Yes," she said, surprised. "Has Percy told you about him?"
"No, not at all," Matthew told her. "I overheard you say his name before. Percy doesn’t really talk about him."
Sally nodded sadly and looked at Paul, who looked a little bit uncomfortable.
"They don’t see each other much, but Percy tries not to blame him. He knows it’s not his dad’s fault, but their relationship is difficult, to say the least."
"Why did Percy and Annabeth not want him to come to the meet?" Kayla asked, receiving a slight push from Louis. It was not her fault that she was curious, but Louis did not seem to appreciate it.
"I wouldn’t say they didn’t want him to come," Sally slowly said. "It’s just… Percy doesn’t see him often, so, when he does, he likes for it to be private. He’s not really comfortable introducing him to others, and Annabeth is a little bit protective over Percy. They’ve been through a lot together, and they always want to make sure the other is alright."
A silence followed this declaration, and Kayla, Louis and Matthew stood as they let Sally and Paul sit in a bench in front of the gym, waiting for Percy and Annabeth to get out. Once both teams were out, but there was no sign of neither of them, they started to worry.
"Should we go look for them?" Louis asked Sally.
"No!" Paul quickly said. "They’ll be out shortly, I’m sure. Percy has probably misplaced his shoes."
Sally seemed uneasy about this, but didn’t say anything. Louis didn’t want to pressure her, so he simply looked at his friends and shrugged, dropping the topic. A few minutes later, however, Annabeth and Percy finally exited the gym. Just as his friends were about to congratulate him, they noticed scratches on both their faces and a bleeding cut on Annabeth’s hand.
"Is everything alright?" Sally quickly asked.
"Yes, Sally, don’t worry," Annabeth told her, smiling softly.
"Dude, what happened?" Matthew asked Percy, looking at Annabeth’s bleeding hand.
Percy looked at him like a deer caught in headlights, and Matthew could tell he was not going to get an answer from him.
"We were kissing next to the pool, but it was slippery and we tripped. Turns out he’s only good with water when he’s inside the pool. Right, Seaweed Brain?"
Percy smiled at his girlfriend and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, not at all embarrassed about the fact that his mum had heard that explanation (he knew she knew that was not what happened, so he didn’t feel the need to blush), and kissed Annabeth’s hair.
"What can I say, Wise Girl," he told her. "You make me nervous."
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hmslusitania · 3 years
I see we're going ape over buddie and Choices tonight so
Yknow in 2.07, when Shannon comes back and her and Eddie have their first scene together? The argument at the end, after Eddie says it wouldn't be a good idea for her to see Christopher bc she left them, she says she needed him, she needed a husband and a co-parent - and "I needed someone to have my back!"
To which EDDIE says, "I always had your back"
*insert Incredibles "coincidence? I think NOT" gif here*
(Also side note, I do like that the show doesn't try to sugarcoat what Shannon did being messed up, and that Eddie's own actions weren't really the right thing either[thinking about his conversation with Buck where he says he got to pretend he left for a noble cause even tho he was running], and that it was just a sticky situation that neither of them were equipped to handle in any way, and snowballed. I do kind of wish we could've gotten post-divorce Shannon and Eddie and Christopher interactions, figuring out how they fit together, if at all, bc I like those intricate and messy situations but I could see how that might get too close to retreading old ground re: Michael and Athena's divorce. But I do hate how ive seen the fandom like. Seem to oversimplify things with Shannon sometimes? And make her the ultimate villain, and Eddie Did Nothing Wrong, Ever)
Hi Anon!
The decision to have Buck and Eddie's first bonding moment end with "You can have my back any day" and "or, y'know, you could have mine" only to then six episodes later find out that at least a contributing factor to Eddie's marriage dissolving was that he "didn't have her back" is like. Such a galaxy brain chaos move for them to take, honestly. Like?? They could've had the phrasing be literally anything in 2x07 but instead they had it directly echo Buck and Eddie in 2x01. What was the reason? Why did they do this?
As for the rest of your ask:
(gosh this got long and, uh, opinionated. It is Not Pretty below the cut)
One of the things I really liked about Eddie Begins is that we did get to see him at the beginning of his journey in being Chris's dad because it gives us an opportunity to appreciate how amazingly he's grown as a father. Like, he didn't start out as a perfect dad and he was definitely kind of lost in the woods at the beginning there when it came to the whole "how do I parent" thing. And before Eddie Begins, we'd only ever seen the end result of the growth he's gone through, where he really is a fantastic dad whose son is basically his entire reason for being. Before Eddie Begins, we get to hear him say things like "I left first" and "I've failed that kid more times than I can count but I love him enough to never stop trying" but we kinda have to take that on faith? Because we hadn't actually seen him be anything besides a good dad until we saw his Begins episode. (And even then in his begins it's like "area man in his early 20s unsure how to care for small child while also coping with PTSD and a toxic support system" which like. yeah. no shit. there's one hell of a learning curve there)
The thing about Eddie and Shannon as a couple and as parents that always gets to me is that they were so fucking young. We don't know exactly how old Eddie is in the show, but we can guesstimate pretty safely that he's around the same age as Ryan which would make him between 23 and 24 when Chris was born, and it seems reasonable to believe Shannon was around the same age. It's also a pretty common reading in the fandom -- although I'm not sure how much canon support there is for it because we really, really don't know anything about their relationship pre-Christopher unless I'm forgetting something -- that they got married because Shannon got pregnant and that was the Done Thing. And when you're 23-24, baby on the way, freshly married, that is just like. So much. It sure as hell ruined my parents' relationship when they did that exact thing, and then they disliked each other until they were 27 and then they got divorced, and no one was happier than me about it, I have to tell you.
Back to the show, I can only give you my impressions, obviously, but the impression I have always gotten from the whole "I left too" conversation and the context that goes into it and the different behaviours we see exhibited by the characters is that Eddie "left" first and it comes across to me that he was basically an early twenty-something kid running scared from the abstract concept of being a father in general, and then when he was forced home by an honourable discharge, and was confronted with the reality of Christopher, he managed to step the fuck up and become Christopher's dad. It's there in 2x02, right? "Oh, you've got a kid? I love kids!" "I love this one." Eddie doesn't strike me as a Swiss Army Knife all-purpose Dad(tm) the way Bobby is. Eddie is Christopher's dad. (and like, of course, he's obviously moved by kids when he's on a call, we've seen that enough times to know that if there's a child who can even glancingly remind him of Christopher, Eddie's sense of self-preservation goes out the window, and I love that about him as heart-stopping as it can be in practice)
Shannon, on the other hand, didn't run from the idea of being a mother -- at first. When she left, it wasn't from the abstract. She left Chris (and "gave up" on Eddie, thanks Helena). She was not running from a concept, she was running from a reality. I think Shannon is a fascinating character to include in a television show as a side character, because she really isn't a one note character. Like, she was unarguably a bad mother, and from what we saw, she was a questionable romantic partner to have (but as you said, anon, Eddie was also not 100% the best romantic partner when he was with Shannon either; their entire relationship so far as I can tell was built on sexual chemistry which, uh, super does not sustain a relationship), but she also seems to have been a devoted daughter? I mean, yeah, it's entirely possible that her mom being sick was a convenient excuse to bail -- and obviously she didn't come back after her mom died, and didn't, y'know, contact her son or husband in the interim, so yes, I can see that being a valid way to read the situation. I don't think she's the Ultimate Evil, because she strikes me as a very human character in all the ways that people are more often than not really fucking flawed.
But then we get back to the actual break-up scene. The first time I watched it (and second, and third; then the fourth time the person I was watching with was like "I mean, sure, but it could also be read in this light") her "I'm just learning how to be someone's mother" speech really bothered me? Partly because it was the abstraction of it, right? Eddie doesn't like kids, he likes Christopher, and Shannon sort of had the inverse journey there, I guess, where it went from she didn't know how to be Christopher's mother, to she didn't know how to be a mother. And that speech bothered me because it always sounded to me like she was bailing again. She begged Eddie to let her back into Christopher's life (guilt? I guess?) and like, straight up bribed him with sex which was sure a choice, and then decides -- for a second time -- that she's out. It sounded, to me, she was handing Eddie papers and maybe, in a few years, possibly, once she'd had "time" to "figure out how to be someone's mother" she would try again. Just like she had in the interim between leaving when Christopher was little and the time of season 2.
And like, that could totally be a misunderstanding of the scene and what she was saying. It's what I took away from it, but that could very well be influenced by the fact I was raised by divorced parents and my dad had custody and if you count up all the time I spent with either parent when I was a minor, I was predominantly raised by my father and have had an especially tempestuous relationship with my mother that is mostly (sometimes) repaired now that I'm in my late twenties and have not lived with her since I was sixteen.
Back to the show, and to your comment that the fandom tends to treat Shannon like the Ultimate Evil and act like Eddie Did Nothing Wrong, I mean. Yeah. Fandom as a rule tends to shirk nuance. We're all fools here on the internet sitting in our blue industrial waste container crying about a wee woo show. I personally believe a more nuanced take on that might be that Eddie has shown a great capacity to learn from his mistakes (sometimes to make fun, shiny, new ones, but for the most part, just like ends up doing better the next time) and Shannon did not show that capacity in the time we knew her.
I think, depending on what they did with it, there was potential for an interesting storyline if they'd played through the divorce. I don't think it would've been rehashing ground covered by Michael and Athena's divorce because I can't see Eddie and Shannon having reached a point of amicability and friendship. The only thing we know they had in common was Christopher, and frankly, when you boil it down, the ways they engaged with Christopher as a person were so disparate that -- to me -- it really didn't seem like they had Christopher in common when you get right down to it. But I wouldn't have wanted to see Christopher and Eddie dragged through an ugly divorce process. They deserve better than that.
There's also a conversation to be had about Shannon's blatant ableism towards her own son, but that is extremely not my lane since I am not disabled myself. But even from an outside perspective, basically their entire parking lot conversation in Haunted, uh, haunts me with it's repugnance and the fact that instead of calling her on any of it, Eddie "Chronically touch starved" Diaz's response was to kiss her? Gosh golly do I wish that was one of the mistakes he learned from properly instead of finding a new, shiny version.
ANYWAY this got long, tl;dr (although if you clicked on the read more, you probably read it) version is No, Shannon is not the Ultimate Evil, she's a shitty mom not a demon in a skin suit and a pretty yellow sundress; and No, Eddie is not a flawless human who's never done wrong in his life but holy fuck is he trying and he'd be the first person to tell you he's made mistakes (and often has been); and no, sorry, I don't want to see the divorce storyline play out because we probably would've had to see either Eddie Bashing, Shannon Redemption, or Shannon turning up again like a cardboard cut out of a cartoon villain the way Eva did and I want to be witness to exactly zero of those things.
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obsidianfr3sk · 3 years
Shooting Star
@renegades-ship-weeks - Renegades Ship Week #1 | Humon - Dancing
Summary: Maybe it was the fact that Simon wasn’t aware of Max’s weird tendency to sleep when they played upbeat songs. Or maybe that he had never heard that song. He had seen him dancing at public events, with him or with other members of the Council. He had also seen him dancing during their wedding day, and he was dancing with him. But he hadn’t seen him dancing like that before.
Ok, so this... is kind of a songfic (? I thought the format fitted the prompt better. The song I choose for this is Shooting Star by Owl City (thank you, Dawnie, for letting me know about its existance uwu). I’d recommend you hear the song before reading this or when the dancing scene arrives (you’ll know, don’t worry). 
None of this would be possible without the help of the amazing  @greasicookies. Thanks for hosting this event✨ I don’t know if there has been another thing like this before, but this is actually my first ship weeks in this fandom and I’m so exited!! I hope we can get a lot more! And for those who are still thinking about participating or not, go for it c:
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoy!✨
Tag list: @honey-hippie-harper @healing-winston-pratt @lackadae @the-wee-woo-rita @dt-everwoods @greenalmond 
When the sun goes down and the lights burn out,
then it's time for you to shine
brighter than a shooting star.
So shine no matter where you are.
Enough time had passed for him to forget the first time he danced with Hugh.
It was one of the downsides of knowing someone for a long time. The first time they probably danced together was to some tune they heard on the radio in the living room of one of their houses, the park, or the street, but it happened when he was so young, that now, Simon couldn’t remember what song it was, if the sky was blue that day, or how the concept of dancing looked like for them at that age.
But one of the advantages of knowing someone for a long time was that you were constantly making memories with them. So, for him, the first time he really danced with Hugh, was during their wedding day. And it was beautiful and romantic, and if he could live inside a moment for the rest of his existence, it would be that one.
And he didn’t even feel embarrassed while he was doing it.
Not that he was embarrassed to dance with his husband in public. It was something he had… thought about. That maybe there was still someone inside of him that was constantly telling him he was wrong, that his feelings were wrong, and that everything that Hugh represented was also wrong, and since he was thinking about that stuff in the middle of the night, he woke up Hugh to tell him that he loved him (to which Hugh responded, “Okay. I don't love it when you wake me up though.")
The next day, Adrian was invited to a birthday party. He was super excited because it was the first birthday party he attended after the Age of Anarchy. Adrian hadn’t looked that happy in months, and even though Simon didn’t feel like going, he did, just so he could share that little moment of happiness with his son. The three of them walked down the street to the house where the party was being hosted, and it didn’t take long for Adrian to join the other kids.
Hugh and Simon sat down at an empty table. They didn’t mind being the only ones there because, at least, they could talk to each other. Although, now that Simon remembered, they were, like, a feet apart from each other, and that morning, after he got out of the shower, he saw Hugh standing in front of the mirror while wearing a random shirt.
As soon as he walked into the room, he asked him:
“Do you think this shirt looks too… gay?”
And Simon just said:
“Love. Everything you wear looks gay.”
He ended up wearing another shirt anyway. And khakis.
Luckily, it was a one-time thing.
At that moment, he was feeling a little bit awkward because they didn’t know anybody at that party, but everyone else seemed to know each other. Simon was pretty sure that the only reason they weren’t actively trying to talk to them was that they weren’t sure if they could, not because those suburban mothers and their husbands were hate-criming them or something.
They definitely weren’t hate-criming them. And he wasn’t being sarcastic. Simon was also wearing khakis that day, plus a purple polo, so they ended up looking like a couple of straight friends who decided to adopt a kid to strengthen their friendship or something.
He was eating a brownie he had gotten from the candy bar when they both received a message from Kasumi about something that was going on at Headquarters and that she needed one of them to be there (adding “pretty please” at the end of the sentence so it didn’t sound too harsh).
They looked at each other and Hugh raised an eyebrow.
“Do you want me to go?”
Simon shrugged. “I can go if you want to.”
“No, I’ll go. You stay with Adrian. Let me say goodbye to him.”
Adrian got out of the trampoline as soon as he heard his name. Hugh explained the situation to him, but then assured him that they would see each other at the house, and then Adrian asked him if he wanted him to save some cake for him. He smiled, told him that would be nice, and kissed his forehead before going with the mom that was hosting the party to thank her for inviting them (only because Simon told him he had to, since he had seen enough movies to know that if he didn’t, those evil white mothers would hate them for the rest of their lives and wouldn’t let their kids play with theirs).
Adrian returned to the trampoline soon after that, and since Hugh hadn’t finished his brownie, Simon didn’t see why he couldn’t do it for him. He stayed there, doing his best not to think about all the things others may be saying about him for sitting at a table all by himself and fighting against his instinct to disappear.
Which he ended up doing when he heard some kid saying “ Pops ” right next to him.
It took him longer to realize that kid was Adrian and he was talking to him.
They stared at each other for a while before Simon said, “What’s wrong, darling?”
Adrian was smiling. There wasn’t anything wrong with him. “Can you enter the competition with me?”
But when he looked at where his kid was pointing, he realized there was something very wrong with that competition.
First of all, the judge was a clown that had been going around the party giving balloon animals and doing typical clown stuff with the kids, and he didn’t know why, but Simon had always had an irrational… not fear, but distrust towards clowns. Maybe it was because when he went to his first birthday party at the age of four, his animal balloon popped after just a few seconds of having him, and the clown, being completely done with him, gave him another and told him: “Don’t be gay, kiddo” , in a really rude and condescending tone (but who knows.)
Then, it was a dancing competition.
Dancing .
In front of another fifteen kids and their parents.
And Simon wanted to say no because he knew he didn’t have to do anything that would make him feel uncomfortable in any way…
But he ended up saying yes. Because he wanted to see Adrian happy,  and he knew Adrian would be happy if they participated in the competition.
So he just nodded and let him guide him to the center of the dancefloor, which was only a small portion of the garden that was covered in gravel. Then, Adrian extended his hands towards him, Simon grabbed them and waited until the music started to play.
It wasn’t… that bad. Honestly, Simon has done more embarrassing things during his lifetime. For example, when Queen Bee punched him during a fight while she was wearing not one, but three rings, and she started to laugh as soon as she saw the first tears running down his face. Simon turned invisible so no one could see him, but it was already too late and everyone there already knew Dread Warden was crying like a little kid because a lady had punched him a little too hard.
And no one was laughing at him for that (except Queen Bee because, as his enemy, that was her job), but he felt like every single one of those people, who were more busy trying to escape the bees that were buzzing around during the fight, were actually paying enough attention to him to laugh at his tears. So that's why, that afternoon, while Adrian was having the time of his life trying to win that competition with his dad, he could only think that bunch of seven-year-olds was making fun of him (the same way those four-year-old made fun of him when the clown called him gay).
It felt like a lot. And they didn't win, but as soon as they got eliminated, he waited for Adrian to go back with the other kids, turned invisible, made his way to the bathroom, and proceeded to puke his guts out as soon as he kneeled in front of the toilet. He spent a good ten minutes waiting for the panic attack to pass before deciding he could go back to the party as nothing had happened.
The first thing he saw after returning to the backyard, was Adrian looking around, totally lost in that sea of people. And as soon as he noticed Simon was there, he let go of the balloon animal he was holding, and just ran towards him and hugged him tightly by the waist.
Simon immediately hugged him back.
A little confused. But he didn't hesitate to hug him back.
“Pops… I'm feeling sick” Adrian mumbled.
“You're feeling sick?” he nodded slightly. That was his chance. “You know, I'm feeling a little bit sick too. What if we… just— go home?”
Adrian was super on board with that idea and didn't let go of Simon while he did his best to look normal while he said goodbye to the birthday boy and his parents. They had served the cake while he was gone, so the mom gave him four pieces inside a small plastic container, which only meant he was going to go back to that house to return it to her.
When they arrived at the house, Adrian grabbed him by the waist again and he refused to let him go, even after Simon kindly asked him to do it so he could make some tea for the two of them (because, for what Adrian told him while they were in the car, he was dizzy and had a stomach ache). But Adrian grabbed him tighter, so Simon had to be extra careful while making the chamomile tea because he was terrified of burning his kid with the boiling water. Then, he put both cups in a small tray and slowly walked to the living room, where he put it on the coffee table and sat down with Adrian on the couch.
Adrian grabbed his cup (that was shaped like an orange and had a smiley face) and Simon realized it was the first time he drank tea with him.
“Be careful, darling.”
“I will…”
And while he saw him sipping his tea, he just knew he had to ask him.
“Adrian— did something happen while I was gone?” he whispered. Adrian didn’t turn to see him. “Did— the kids laugh at you? Did someone there make you feel… bad? You can tell me.”
Adrian continued sipping his tea a little bit before putting it back on the tray. After that, he finally looked him in the eye, opened his mouth to answer, and—
He started crying.
When he finally managed to calm down a little, he explained to him that he got scared when he went to the table to ask him if he wanted cake too because he thought something bad had happened to him.
Adrian— well, he thought that Simon had died.
And it broke his heart because it wasn’t like Adrian didn’t have a completely valid reason to believe that.
So they stayed there, on the couch, hugging each other, until Adrian stopped crying and told him he wanted to go play with his toys.
His tea was already cold by then. But Adrian had finished his’, so that was a good thing. He knew chamomile tea helped to reduce anxiety levels.
It didn’t help him though.
Hugh called Simon to tell him he was going to stay at Headquarters the rest of the day and Adrian suddenly developed supernatural hearing because he was able to hear his dad’s voice from the other side of the house. He asked Simon to pass him the phone and stayed a couple of minutes talking with Hugh, telling him about how awesome the party had been and that he wanted to see him again soon.
Then, the rest of the day went as normal. Except that, occasionally, Adrian left what he was doing and went to where Simon was. Just... to make sure he was still there, he guessed.
At least he wasn’t saying anything about the fact of Hugh not being there with them. Because Adrian only had two moods when it came to the relationship with his dads, and one of them was “If I don’t see you and my daddy in this exact moment, right in front of me, I’m literally gonna cry and scream until I explode” , and it would have been a little bit difficult to deal with that at the moment.
He didn’t say anything when he put on his pajamas and went upstairs to wait for Simon to finish his chores so they could go to bed together. It took him a little bit longer than he expected because he was organizing the fridge (he spent like forty minutes trying to remember the very specific organization system Hugh had implemented the first minute they moved to that house), but he eventually did and when he entered the room, Adrian was already falling asleep.
So he kissed him goodnight and tried to sleep too.
He was about to do it when Hugh opened the bedroom’s door.
Instead of saying “I’m home” , “Hi, love” , or even asking “What’s the kid doing here?” , he greeted him with:
“Did you clean the fridge?”
And Simon immediately knew he had messed up the organization system.
“Yes, I did. It smelled like eggs.”
“The cheese goes next to the eggs. Animal products go together.”
He didn’t sound mad.
He sounded condescending, but he kind of knew he didn’t mean to.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he answered.
He heard him taking his uniform off before putting on normal clothes, and he laid next to Adrian. He slightly opened his eyes and a small smile appeared on his face; then he rolled over and got closer to him.
They waited for Adrian to fall asleep again before they started talking about their days.
“So, yeah,” Simon said after finishing the tale of how he had a panic attack so violent that he ended up puking in a very elegant and suburban bathroom at a stranger’s house. “I think dancing is not my thing.”
“Dancing sucks,” Hugh said. Adrian was drooling a little bit on his shirt, but either he didn't notice or he just didn't care.  “I have never had… a panic attack over that, but… I don’t like it. It feels unnatural. And I’m not very good at it anyway.”
“You don’t like doing things you’re not good at.”
“Not gonna lie, it kind of hurts my ego.”
Simon snorted and Hugh smiled a little bit.
A day after that, Adrian asked Simon if they could go eat at that fast food restaurant they had passed by last week when they were going to Headquarters. He agreed and the three of them went to the exact place Adrian said. It was located in a… “not very nice zone” and apparently, all the parents of the city had decided to bring their kids there too, which meant it was loud and messy, and those employees were obviously overworked.
Hugh and he would have turned around as soon as they saw the state of the place, but Adrian was in a weird mood, and it was Simon’s turn to make dinner, something he didn’t feel like doing. So he told Hugh to pick something at random (after he spent a whole minute looking at the options) and order a combo with a toy for Adrian, plus twenty nuggets that Simon was not willing to share with any members of his family.
Adrian’s order arrived first. He had already finished his burguer when his dads got their meals, and he announced to them (because he wasn't going to ask for permission) that he was going to go play at the playground. Hugh told him to be careful, but Adrian practically ignored him and took off before he could even finish saying “... and don’t you dare take off your socks while you’re inside that thing”.
Simon started to play with Adrian’s toy (a cheap action figure of a random white man that wore a green jacket and was winking at him) while Hugh saw through the glass that separated them from the playground area, probably making sure Adrian didn’t get hurt or took off his socks, which in his head, would have been worse.
When Hugh was finally able to calm down, he turned to see Simon.
“So— you really eat those twenty nuggets by yourself.”
“Nineteen,” Simon corrected. “This—” he showed the nugget to him “—is the last one. Do you want it?”
He had his own nuggets and a cheeseburger he hadn’t finished yet. “Only if you don’t want it.”
“Nah. I do want it,” he answered. “I was just trying to be nice.”
Simon put the nugget inside his mouth and while he was chewing it, he realized Hugh was staring at him, but he couldn’t figure out why until he blurted out:
“I'm sorry I wasn't there for you during the party.”
He wasn’t expecting that.
“Oh—” he took a sip of his soda “—Don’t worry. You didn’t know.”
“Next time call me. So I can help you.”
And he promised himself (and Hugh) he would do it by taking his hand under the table and nodding, before resting his head on his shoulder.
“Do you think I shouldn’t have eaten those twenty nuggets?” he asked after a while.
“Not all at,” Hugh assured him. “Actually, it was very sexy of you.”
“I feel very sexy right now, not gonna lie.”
“Good. Because I think you should kiss me. If you’re in the mood for that.”
Simon was in the mood for that. He first kissed Hugh’s cheek, but he thought it wasn’t enough, so he decided to go for his lips. He wasn’t able to stop when he felt Hugh’s putting his hand on his knee, and before they could start making out in the middle of a restaurant as if they were a couple of straight teenagers, he heard a pitched voice say “Ew!”, which immediately made them break the kiss and go into fight mode, ready to be kicked out and banned from ever coming back there.
But it was only Adrian.
“Ew, pops, don’t do that,” he kept saying. “Why are you kissing him?”
“Because he’s my husband, Adrian. And your dad.”
Adrian crossed his arms and frowned.
“Well, I don’t like it—” he extended his hand “—Can I have some ice cream, pops?”
“You didn’t finish your fries, son,” Hugh pointed out. But he didn’t listen to him, again, and asked Simon once more if he could have some ice cream, making a lot of emphasis when he pronounced “pops” .
And there it was, Adrian’s second mood: “I only love you, pops, and if someone gives me enough candy bars, I would throw Captain Chromium down the stairs.”
A year has gone by since then. Therapy and meds had helped him a lot so he had never needed to call him during a panic attack, mostly because when that happened, someone was always willing to help him. For example, one time Tamaya and Simon went to a departmental store during their lunch break because she wanted to buy a bag of eggnog gummies that were only sold there, and Adrian decided to join them. There, Simon turned around for a quick second to check a mirror that would look amazing at their house before realizing that his kid had disappeared. He could see Tamaya looking at some little bird statues that they sold there (being extra careful as to not hit anything with her wings), but Adrian was nowhere to be seen. So obviously he started this frenetic search for him, which lasted, like, five minutes, because Tamaya eventually found Simon, and told him that Adrian had been with her the whole time, just that he was too short for Simon to notice him. They had to go to the restroom and Tamaya grabbed Simon’s and Adrian’s hands while they both calmed down, telling them from time to time that everything was all right (but deep down, Simon knew it really wasn’t; they were in the ladies restroom and there was a mother with his kid that looked at them in a weird way).
Tamaya must have told Kasumi about the whole thing because she taught him a few strategies she had learned to control her own panic attacks. She had been going to therapy too but read a few books about spirituality and meditation, not because she was super into it, but because she thought some concepts were interesting. One time, Evander was the only one there and since empathy wasn’t his strong suit, the only thing he kept saying was “Breathe, Simon, breathe, for fuck’s sake”. He wasn’t yelling, but he wasn’t being nice either, and honestly, that attitude only worsened Simon’s state; he even began to scream that he needed to go to the hospital because he thought he was dying, and Evander began to panic too because he had never been alone when Simon was in that state. Eventually, Simon remembered the promise he made and tried to reach for his phone while mumbling something about calling Hugh, but Evander told him not to worry about it, that he was going to call him.
And Evander, instead of grabbing his phone and doing that, opened the door, and after making sure no one else was there, he yelled:
Hugh was there in a matter of seconds.
Most of the time, he was there in a matter of seconds.
He kind of knew that if he ever needed the same kind of help, Hugh was going to call him but he never did. Not until a couple of months ago.
They were at a Women’s Day event. There was a group of dancers that was going to do a kind of opening number; a performance in honor of the victims of femicide. Tamaya was going to give a speech about the issue and how that day wasn’t of celebration, but of reflection and remembrance. Kasumi was hugging her ukulele case (she was going to perform a song she had written during the Age of Anarchy, which she refused to show the rest of the team), Evander was reading a pamphlet someone had given him, and Simon was holding Hugh’s hand, trying to hide the fact they weren’t doing much.
Suddenly, Hugh asked him: “Why is it so hot in here?”
They were at Cosmopolis Park and it was March. He didn’t feel it was that hot to be honest.
Evander turned to see them and smirked. “I’m sorry.”
Kasumi rolled her eyes and Tamaya hit him in the back of the head, without even bothering to take her eyes away from her notes.
Hugh didn’t think it was funny. “I’m being serious— It’s really hot.”
“Change into your civilian clothes after the inauguration,” Kasumi said.
The five of them were wearing their uniforms. Tamaya had a purple kerchief (that represented the feminist movement) around her wrist and Kasumi had a green one (that represented the fight for reproductive rights). Evander and Simon had talked about changing their clothes and put on the gray t-shirts the male members of patrol units were wearing. Only the female members were wearing their full uniforms because when the sun started to go down, there was going to be a march and they were going to be the ones protecting the people there. Tamaya and Kasumi had told them that the feminist organizations they were in contact with had told them they didn’t want any male patrol units during the march, but said that if Hugh, Simon, Evander, or Adrian wanted to go, they could. Simon was the only one who told them he accepted, Hugh and Evander remained quiet, and he wasn’t even sure if Adrian was aware of the situation, since he had decided to stay at Headquarters with Prism.
But Simon was about to tell Hugh about what Evander and he were going to do when Hugh said: “ No .”
Because he was working. And when he was working, he had to wear his superhero suit.
Tamaya and Kasumi had more important matters to attend to, so they dismissed Hugh and continued with their plans. The leader of the dance group told them they were ready, and the five of them walked to the stage. Instead of being the first one to talk (like he did at every event) Hugh stayed back and allowed Tamaya to do her thing.
He didn't seem like he wanted to do a lot of talking anyways. Simon could tell that pretending he wasn't uncomfortable wearing his suit that day was taking a lot of his energy, and he even began to think his husband was going to faint in front of all the cameras (but it was probably just his anxiety talking, like always).
When Tamaya finished, they watched the whole performance with the rest of the public. The dancers were wearing black clothes and purple kerchiefs, but six of them had white dresses with red paint that pretended to be blood. They danced while other women in the background sang the song and played some drums. At the end of the performance, a little girl entered the stage and yelled: “Justice for Lady I!” , before letting go of the six balloons she was holding.
Simon clapped until his hands were numb.
And until he realized Hugh was gone.
“Where is he?” Simon asked Tamaya.
She knew exactly what he was talking about.
“In the middle of the performance, he told me he wanted to go somewhere else,” she said.
Then she went quiet again. So Simon added: “Did he tell you where he was going to be?”
“I didn't ask him. I just said 'Elope, bitch' . And he did.”
Simon started to look for him in the crowd until he felt his phone vibrating on his pants. He didn't see who was calling but, for some reason, he knew it was Hugh.
The other side of the line remained quiet.
For a second, Simon's imagination started to run wild and he was already imagining a scenario where someone had kidnaped Hugh (somehow) and he wasn't able to talk because if he did, they were going to hurt him or someone else. But then, he saw him in the distance, near some trees and a little bit far away from the event, and Simon walked towards him. Without hanging up the phone, just in case.
He only did it when he was right next to him.
Hugh didn't say anything for a long time. And Simon didn't, either, mainly because he was waiting for the answer to his question of “Is there anything I can do for you?” , an answer that never arrived.
Then, he proved with:
“Did you see the whole performance?”
Hugh turned to see him. They were both sitting under a tree, gazing at the distance.
He said, with a monotone voice and an emotionless expression:
“I will never understand contemporary dance.”
After a couple of minutes, he asked him if they could go back home ( home ; not the Headquarters) and Simon accepted. Hugh went the whole way without talking to him, massaging his temple, and when he asked him if there was something wrong, he told him he had a headache, but in a very… weird way.
He was irritable. To say the least. So Simon decided that the best thing he could do at that moment was to not intervene and just keep driving.
Hugh went upstairs and locked himself in their room, while Simon waited for Prism to take Adrian back home before the march started so she could go join them. He managed to keep Adrian downstairs so he didn't go and bother his other dad. It wasn't until 11 PM, when Adrian was already asleep and Kasumi told him the march had ended, that he decided to go check on Hugh.
It was pretty late but the TV was on and he was completely awake.
It didn’t surprise him at all.
“Are you feeling better?”
But instead of answering, he asked back: “How are you feeling?”
“Fine. I just— I stayed downstairs. I guessed you didn’t want to be bothered.” Simon tried to recognize the show that was on, but couldn’t. “What are you watching?”
He sat down on the mattress and Hugh got closer to him. Simon took it as a sign he wanted to cuddle, so he laid next to him and rested his head on his chest.
“You know what other thing I will never understand?”
Contemporary dance.
“People who go out with their partners to take dance classes. And dance competitions.”
“Everything that has to do with dancing, then.” He nodded. “Don’t worry. After the clown thing, I’ve hated  anything that has to do with dancing too.”
“It’s too… complicated.”
“You need a lot of coordination”
“You do.”
“And people are looking at you.”
“They definitely are.”
Hugh smiled a little bit. “No, they’re not. Don’t be silly. People don’t care.”
After that, Simon could at least be sure that Hugh would never take him to dance classes or make him enter dance competitions. It just… wasn’t their thing.
Maybe, their thing was to stay at Headquarters until very late at night, finishing their paperwork, with the rest of the Council.
Like they had been doing the last couple of hours.
Tamaya had been the first one to go home. Her husband had called her and said that her kid didn’t want to go to sleep if his mom wasn’t there to read him a bedtime story. Hugh said that Evander could finish her share of the paperwork and before he could refuse, she answered: “Well, thank you very much, Blacklight” and left. After that, Evander spent a good entire minutes bitching about how Hugh couldn’t just give him more responsibilities just because, to which Hugh responded “Yes, I can” , and Kasumi had to tell both of them to stop because Adrian was there. According to her, if they started to yell curse words to each other, he was going to start repeating the same words every time he was angry and kids weren’t supposed to swear (even though she was ten when Simon heard her say “Oh, fuck” for the first time).
After Evander and Kasumi finished their respective share of the paperwork (plus Tamaya’s) they decided they were going to spend the night there because it was already too late. Simon and Hugh were distracted for a little while, discussing something related to what they were doing, when suddenly, Kasumi and Evander were already inflating a mattress with a pump they had taken out of nowhere. When they asked them where they got those things, Evander just answered they hadn’t revealed all their secrets yet.
Suddenly, the air pump broke at the same time the crayon Adrian was using to color a couple of butterflies did, and Kasumi and he whispered, at the same time:
“Oh, fuck.”
Simon thought everyone was going to die of laughter right there. Everyone except Kasumi. She was going to die of embarrassment.
After she apologized to Adrian for swearing in front of him, Evander got a couple of blankets for them to put on the mattress so it was a little bit more comfortable for them. They asked Adrian if he wanted to sleep with them, but Adrian said he wasn’t sleepy yet. Still, Kasumi told Evander to leave a small space for Adrian in case he changed his mind.
They fell asleep almost immediately.
And soon after that, the baby monitor Simon carried around practically everywhere let them know that Max had woken up and was crying.
“Yes, I’ll go. Wait here.” He got closer to the door, but then he turned around to see Adrian, who was still drawing. “When I’m back, you better be asleep, Sketch.”
Adrian rolled his eyes and growled, but instead of getting angry or something, Hugh laughed and left.
Five minutes went by.
Then, fifteen.
Then, half an hour.
Forty minutes.
An hour.
Simon felt his eyes were burning and his whole body felt like it didn’t belong to him. Luckily all the paperwork was gone now, and Adrian was holding the baby monitor in his small hands.
Max wasn’t crying anymore, but he could hear Hugh’s voice, although he couldn’t understand exactly what he was saying.
“What’s going on?” he asked Adrian.
Adrian looked more tired than before, but not that much. They definitely were messing up his sleeping schedule. “Daddy has been trying to put Max in his crib a couple of times but when he tries to leave he starts crying again.”
Simon nodded and tried not to think about it.
He really tried not to think about it.
“Pops,” Adrian called him. “I’m tired. I wanna go to bed.”
“Well—” and an idea popped into his head “—let’s go with your daddy and Max to tell them we’re leaving. So you can say goodnight to them too.”
Adrian agreed to do that and being extra careful as not to disturb Evander and Kasumi, they walked through the practically empty corridors, holding hands and feeling like ghosts in an abandoned building (although he knew it was not abandoned, there were some people still there, just not in that area specifically).
They arrived at Max’s quarantine area and all the lights were out. It took him more than a second to notice Hugh sitting on the floor, in the middle of the room, barefoot and only wearing his undershirt and his blue leggings. He was holding Max close to his chest and had an empty bottle in his left hand.
He looked done. He looked so freaking done, but Max, on the other hand, looked very pleased with himself, sucking on his pacifier and with his brown eyes wide open.
Simon tried to hide his laugh. “What happened you guys?”
“Ask your kid,” Hugh answered. “He started it.”
“Just leave him in the crib,” Adrian said, a little bit impatient.
Hugh stood up, walked towards the crib, and, without taking his eyes away from Adrian, he put Max there. And Max, obviously, began to scream so loud that Adrian covered his ears.
“I can’t,” Hugh said. He hugged his baby once more and his screams turned into really quiet sobs. “He’s being a real Westwood right now.”
Simon pretended not to be offended by that joke (a joke Adrian was too young to understand and too tired to care about.)
He put his hands on his kid’s shoulders. “Adrian wants to go to bed,” he told Hugh. “And honestly, me too.”
“And I would love to join you,” Hugh said, “but, you know… your baby is holding me hostage. The Westwood genes—”
“Okay, don’t get mad.” He pulled Max closer to him. “He won’t close his eyes. And I’ve already tried almost everything.”
Adrian bumped his head against the glass and Simon imitated him. If Hugh hadn’t been holding Max, he would probably do that too.
When looked up again, he wanted to wish him good luck with the Max thing and that he should ask Evander and Kasumi before getting in their improvised bed (if he didn't want to sleep on the floor and preferred something a little bit more comfortable) (although he suspected Evander was going to get all defensive and Hugh was going to have to sleep in the floor anyways.) But he couldn't because the first thing he noticed was that the room was covered in a dark blue light that came out of a small sphere that was one of Max's night lights.
Hugh didn't notice Simon's confusion.
“Love, don't you think that's going to have an opposite effect?” he asked him, doing his best not to sound too… rude.
“No, not at all,” Hugh answered. “He likes it. I don't know if it's the colors or what but he likes it.”
“Good, but the point it's for him to fall asleep,” he insisted. “Not if he likes it or not.”
But he pretended as if he hadn't listened to him and turned on the other night light.
Immediately, the room was filled with yellow stars that contrasted with the blue veil that filled their vision.
At that moment, Simon realized Max was looking at him. He smiled at him, his baby smiled back, and then hid his face on his dad's chest. Then, Simon turned invisible, and when Max looked at him again, he reappeared, making him giggle.
And he hid his face again.
It was a game they constantly played when he was visiting him. And he hoped they would never stop playing it.
“What are you doing?” Adrian asked Hugh, who was scrolling through his cellphone, almost mindlessly.
“I'm searching for a— for a song… a song Max likes,” he mumbled. Then, he clicked his tongue. “Max likes a very specific song, and I play it when nothing else works. It is so energetic, it makes him very tired. But… I can't find it right now.”
Max turned his face around and Simon appeared once more.
“Why don't you sing it to him?” he wondered.
“Oh, no, he cries every time I try to sing a song for him—” he stopped looking at his phone for a second “—Every single time, Si. I don't know what's with him and my singing. He just goes crazy and it's impossible to calm him down. Won't try again, zero out of ten.”
After a few more scrolling, Hugh ended up finding the song and smiled. He put his phone on a small table, and he and Simon made eye contact for a moment.
“You'll see he'll fall asleep after playing this,” Hugh told him. “Don't worry.”
Then, the song started playing.
Hugh sat Max inside his crib, but this time, he didn't cry. He just looked back at his dad, waiting for something to happen.
Adrian grabbed his hand and tried to pull him away. Then, tried doing the same with Simon's cape. But Simon was way too intrigued by Hugh's strategy. Mainly because he had never heard about it, even though he said it wasn't his first time doing it.
And he tried not to think about that.
So instead of walking away, he pulled Adrian closer to him and silently told him to stay still. Just for a while.
Hugh grabbed Max’s wrist very carefully and started moving them around.
Close your tired eyes, relax, and then,
Count from one to ten and open them.
All these heavy thoughts will try to weigh you down,
but not this time...
Simon wished he had brought a camera with him. Because Max looked as if he were dancing to the song and it was freaking adorable.
Way up in the air you're finally free,
and you can stay up there right next to me.
Hugh let go of Max’s wrists and stepped back a couple of meters. Max, once again, didn’t start crying and continued dancing  in his baby way, wiggling his body and staring at his dad with a smile on his face.
All this gravity will try to pull you down,
but not this time...
Maybe it was the fact that Simon wasn’t aware of Max’s weird tendency to sleep when they played upbeat songs. Or maybe that he had never heard that song. He had seen him dancing at public events, with him or with other members of the Council. He had also seen him dancing during their wedding day, and he was dancing with him.
But he hadn’t seen him dancing like that before.
The chorus started and he lip-synced the lyrics while moving his feet. The stars moved around the room and the blue light gave the impression of him being in the middle of the space, among the universe that had made him and every single prodigy out there the way they were. He flapped his arms as if he was trying to imitate the shooting stars the singer was talking about. Colorful sparkles and rainbow comets seemed to appear all around him, surrounding him in a weird but beautiful whirlwind. But he didn’t even bother to look at them like he didn’t care about the things that were going on around him because at that moment, the only thing that existed there was him and the beat.
During the small bridge between the chorus and the next verse, he opened his eyes again, and their gazes crossed once more.
And since Simon knew that face as if it were his own, he could notice he was starting to feel embarrassed.
Adrian pulled his cape once more.
“Come on, Adrian,” he said, grabbing his older son by the wrist, “let’s show your brother and the Captain how we dance.”
Hugh started laughing and Adrian tried to kick him. “Noooo, let me go,” he complained.
“Hey, don’t be like that, it will be fun,” Simon insisted. Adrian stopped yelling and let his dad grab both of his hands, frowning and pouting. “Are you gonna let my husband dance better than us?”
He didn’t want to appeal to any of his two moods, but apparently, he did.
“No,” he answered immediately. “I’m the best dancer in this family.”
“Prove it,” Hugh said from the other side of the glass, casually leaning against Max’s crib. “We’re waiting.”
He remained completely still for a couple of seconds, gazing at him, and Simon started to move Adrian’s hands around like Hugh had done with Max before. His expression dulled little by little, and when he was finally convinced, he let out a very loud “UGH, FINE!” , with the same tone he had used to be homophobic at the restaurant. Simon laughed out loud and Hugh took his imaginary hat off, to let him know that the floor was his.
Gaze into my eyes when the fire starts,
and fan the flames so hot, it melts our hearts.
Oh, the pouring rain, will try to put it out,
but not this time…
First, Adrian moved his arms as if they were dancing a weird version of one of those vintage dances Simon had only seen on TV, similar to what they were doing during the party he constantly thought about. Then, Simon made him spin and they let go of each other, so Adrian could start giving it all, dancing like the guys from the (kind of) cheesy movies he liked to watch, which the professional actors made look cool but when he did it, were hilarious and lovely.
Let your colors burn and brightly burst
into a million sparks that all disperse,
and illuminate a world that'll try to bring you down,
but not this time...
“Pops, you’re not dancing!” Adrian suddenly yelled while pointed at him with an evil grin on his face. “You’re not dancing! Your husband is going to take us down if you don’t dance!”
Hugh had been moving up and down slightly because he knew that was Adrian’s moment to show off, but when he heard Adrian yelled that he got closer to them, dancing with more emphasis and pointing at Simon, like daring him to a duel. Adrian grabbed him by the waist to shake him up a little, and Simon just yelled: “I GOT IT, I GOT IT!”.
Because he got it. He knew he had to dance too.
Even if he wasn’t sure of how to do it.
And it was probably so obvious that Hugh noticed that small detail because as soon as the chorus started once again, he raised his arms, and Simon, without doubting, followed his lead. Then, he spread them, and it reminded him of when they were little and liked to think that they could develop flying abilities if they pretended they were planes. Simon moved a little bit to the left, then a little bit to the right, and realized they matched with the song and he didn’t look dumb at all while doing it.
Especially because Hugh was mirroring each of his movements and he was smiling and laughing, and even began to sing, just a little bit.
“The judges said that singing is not allowed during the competition,” said Adrian with a teasing tone of voice.
Hugh spun two times and Simon spun one.
“The evaluation criteria is completely arbitrary,” Hugh grinned. “I don’t understand it, it doesn’t exist to me.”
Adrian shook his head with fake exasperation and proceeded to shake his head from side to side, while snapping his fingers and singing the lyrics too, pretending he had a better singing voice than his dad did. Which was true.
Simon was about to make a joke about it, when he saw something moving in Max’s crib.
And he realized he had been completely terrified of not being there when that eventually happened.
He was holding onto the crib bars as if his life depended on it. His pacifier had fallen off his mouth, but he didn’t care and was staring at the rest of his family, completely poker-faced because obviously, he was so little he didn’t comprehend how amazing it was what he was doing.
Max was still too young to understand how amazing he was.
A thousand heartbeats beat in time…
Hugh turned around violently and Adrian pointed at his little brother immediately after noticing too, squealing and jumping. “He is! He really is!”
And when all the eyes went on Max, instead of hiding like he did every time someone who wasn’t the Council or his parents visited him, his whole face lit up and Simon could hear his baby laugh from the other side of the glass even louder than he could hear the music.
It makes this dark planet come alive...
Adrian continued to cheer his brother, stomping his feet and using the glass that divided them like a drum, and Hugh threw a glance at Simon, before looking at Max again and opening his arms as if Max was able to run to him and hug him.
“Max, you’re standing!” Hugh repeated. “Congratulations, love!”
So when the lights flicker out tonight...
Max's smile widened even more and he began his body up and down, with an intent to join the party. Simon couldn’t help but imitate his movements, and suddenly he got an idea.
You gotta shine...
He grabbed an invisible mic, pointed at the baby that was giggling so hard he had his eyes closed, and began to sing:
“When the sun goes down and the lights burn out, then it’s time for you to shine! Brighter than a shooting star! So shine no matter where you are! ”
Max's movements became quicker and his laugh louder. Adrian took out his imaginary guitar, and continued to stomp his feet while making guitar noises with his mouth because he was sure that he had just become an amazing musician and nothing could stop him.
And he looked so convinced that Simon believed him, because Adrian was as amazing as he believed he was, and he would never let anyone make him believe otherwise.
“Fill the darkest night with a brilliant light, 'cause it's time for you to shine!”
Finally, he saw Hugh grabbing two drumsticks that only existed inside his head, and beginning to play the battery, making all the stars and colorful sparkles jump around him, leaving small traces of their existence all around his face. He threw the drumsticks in the air, spun once more, and finally caught them in the air, before continuing playing his instrument.
Simon knew that Hugh was completely aware of how amazing he was. Prodigies with powers like the ones he had weren’t born every day, and prodigies who also had the exact combination of characteristics that allowed him to go as far as he had been able to go were even fewer.
But sometimes Simon did wonder if he knew he was also amazing when he wasn't being Captain Chromium.
Captain Chromium would never be able to make those rainbow sparkles shine as bright as Hugh Everhart was doing it right now, and Simon thought it was one of the most beautiful views his eyes would ever be able to see.
So when he spun again and tripped with his own feet, leaning against the glass to not hit his head with it, Simon pressed his hand against the glass.
And we wondered again.
Do you know it?
Do you know how amazing you are being right now?
Please tell me you do.
But he never did. The singer, Adrian, and Max mumbled “Tonight” at the same time, although Max did in a way only he could understand and without even noticing what he was saying.
Simon smiled at Hugh, and he smiled back at him, as he always did.
When he walked to Max's crib and carried him in his arms, he noticed the sparkles were completely gone. But he still grabbed Max's little wrist and waved goodbye at them, while his baby's eyelids started getting heavy. Then, before he could do the same thing with Adrian, he threw a kiss at them, before hugging Simon's arm and asking him if they could go to sleep now, again.
Simon looked at Hugh one more time. Hugh tilted his head, smiled a little bit more, and said:
“Good night, Si.”
And Si laughed under his breath.
“Good night to you too. Shooting Star.”
He never called him like that again.
But it was alright because Hugh never danced like that again. And no one could see the same shooting star twice.
Still, Simon wanted to believe that someday he would.
Maybe someday.
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star-lemonade · 3 years
Happy New Year
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Series rating: R  (AO3: E)
Warnings: polyamory, pegging, threesome, voyeurism, smut
Word count: 5k
Genre: Smut, romance
Female Reader x A.C.E Byeongkwan, Female Reader x A.C.E Sehyoon
beta-ed! Thanks so much to @Alexing1061
Masterlist | Chapter Index
Summary: You admit your crush on Sehyoon and after an apparent rejection, Sehyoon has to make a confession of his own.
If you don’t enjoy reading about relationships that involve more than two people, this story is not for you
Taglist: @Multistan-Net
You entered the restaurant and walked up to the waiter standing by a small, high desk.
“Hello, reservation for Kim SuA.”
He checked in his book and gestured for you to follow him. The big room was divided by short, ornamented walls making each table into its own little room, still open but also with some privacy. SuA was sitting at a table next to a big window, and next to her was her husband. SuA fit in perfectly with the restaurant. She was fancy and her pantsuit screamed management soon. Her husband, clearly older than her, wore a shirt and a sweater that made him look even older. A grandpa out with his niece. SuA waved when she saw you.
You took off your coat and sat down opposite them.
“Hey how have you?”
SuA smiled. You were not sure why she asked you here. She liked you or at least she pretended to like you. Sometimes she would come to your office and talk but it was always superficial, small talk. It made you wonder if there was something she wanted from you or use you to get something. If this was the case you had not found out yet.
“I am good. Thanks. How about you?”
“Same old, same old. Much work.”
She waved it off.
“Isn’t your boyfriend coming?”
“He will be here soon.”
A waiter appeared next to you and you ordered something to drink.You felt odd by yourself. Even though you had known her for sometime you were not close with SuA.
Thankfully she was good at talking for everyone else as well. Her husband on the other hand was very quiet. He seemed content just to watch his wife’s monologue.
Sehyoon arrived not much later.
“Hello I’m Kim Sehyoon, nice to meet you.”
He smiled but it was a bit reserved. When you had first met him, he had been much more shy, more like the Sehyoon that was greeting SuA and her husband. Somehow you had grown closer over time. Seeing him this guarded made the progress you had made in your relationship visible. He trusted you enough to show you his cute side, his sexy side but most importantly his vulnerable side. Stress at work had made him gain some weight that he was uncomfortable with and you could not stress enough that he always looked fantastic. Like today. The jeans he wore with the suit jacket and white shirt made the look more casual. His dark hair had gotten longer and he had parted it in the front. Absolutely stunning.
The waiter came and you all ordered food.
The conversation was mainly between you and SuA. She asked about your work and had some in depth questions.
When the food came the talking ceased and the digging in started. It was good although the portions were a bit small even for your taste. As the restaurant was so expansive, you did not want to order more. Maybe you could stop by a convenience store on the way home.
SuA eyed Sehyoon over the edge of her wine glass. He seemed to have noticed too and stared back.
“I was quite surprised when I saw you.”
SuA looked at him then at you. A smile spread on her face. It was unsettling.
“Why were you surprised?”
You did not have a good feeling about this. SuA looked like a hyena who was circling a wounded animal.
“Well I thought he would be the guy from the wedding.”
Sehyoon looked up from his plate and echoed:
SuA pulled out her phone and showed a photo. Your face was burning. The photo was of you and Byeongkwan. His arms were tightly wrapped around your waist, yours around his neck, your faces were so close, in kissing distance. It felt way too intimate.
“I mean this guy, who is he?”
What should I say? ‘Oh he is my boyfriend’s partner who I also sleep with’??
Sehni grabbed the phone and inspected the photo. SuA and her husband had expecting expressions on their faces as ithey got ready for a show.
“Are there more photos from the wedding? Can you send me this one?”
Sehyoon looked at SuA with sparkling eyes and she was taken aback.
“Awesome thank you.”
He beamed. Sehyoon had asked for photos from the wedding but the married couple had not released them yet. The photo on SuA’s phone had been taken by someone who was not the official photographer. It was not unusual for people to take photos of course but it put you in a difficult position.
“So, who is he?”
SuA‘s husband pressed. He had leaned forward. I don’t know what to say. I can’t tell them. You did not say anything and the silence weighed heavy on you. The mixture of voices from other tables made the lack of words more obvious. You really could not say “he is also my boyfriend”.
“My … friend.”
You felt bad the moment the words had left your mouth. My friend. You had publicly repudiated that Byeongkwan was your boyfriend.
“It was really nice of Byeongkwan to accompany you to the wedding.”
Sehyoon's smile was adorable but his tone clearly signaled that this topic was over. To your surprise the other two did not dare to ask about this again even though they were clearly still curious. The miserable expression on your face must have been enough for them. Sua pretended like nothing had happened but she seemed a bit disappointed. You skipped dessert and paid.
Outside cold wet air hit you in the face. The weather fit your mood perfectly. Miserable.
“Are you okay?”
The cold rain drummed on the umbrella as you and Sehyoon walked to his apartment.
“I don’t know.”
That answer did not satisfy him, you could tell by the way his lips were pressed together.
“I have to talk to Kwanie.”
Byeongkwan sat on the couch when you entered Sehni’s apartment, focused on his phone. You sat down next to him.
He looked up, alarmed by your tone. You had heard it too. You had almost sounded like you were about to cry. If you were honest that was the case. He sat up straight.
“What happened?”
You hugged him and he pulled you onto his lap.
“I’m not sure.”
Sehyoon said behind you.
“I feel terrible. I’m so sorry.”
“Why? What happened?”
“They asked about you and I said nothing.”
His hands ran over your back and your chin rested on his shoulder. It was a terrible thing to deny him in front of others.
“I was afraid of what they would say if I said you were my boyfriend.”
He pushed you away so he could look at you.
“Boyfriend? You have never called me that.”
Your face felt like it was on fire.
“I’m sorry I thought you felt that way too..”
You tried to stand up from his lap suddenly uncomfortable with the closeness. The way he said your name made you sit back, all soft, like it was something sweet.
“No, no! That’s not what I meant.”
He cupped your cheek and pressed a kiss full of reassurance on your lips.
“I was just surprised, that’s all.”
“We haven’t really talked about this so don’t feel bad.”
Sehni ran his hand up and down your back.
“I’m happy that you think of me as your boyfriend.”
You buried your face in his neck. He held you tight.
“I got you an early Christmas present.”
You turned around to find Byeongkwan standing in the kitchen with you. This evening you would go out to a fancy restaurant. All three of you. After the debacle with your colleague you needed a good time with your partners.
“A present?”
He handed you the box. It was wrapped in black paper. Hmm what is this? The present was not heavy but also not light. You had not asked for anything nor were you aware that there would be gift giving this year. At your parent’s house this was not a thing any more.
“Open it.”
I have a bad feeling about this.You opened the bow and removed the paper. The box inside immediately told you what was inside in big pink letters.
It was as if lighting hit you. You felt hot all over. It was from a conversation that you had almost forgotten about.
“I thought you probably didn’t have one.”
It was true. You did indeed not have a strap on. A nervousness rose in your chest but also excitement.
He beamed and hugged you. In your ear he whispered:
“We can try it out later.”
You swallowed hard. He let go and took the box to the bedroom. An image came to your mind. Byeongkwan bent over, moaning while the dildo entered him. No,no, don’t think about it now. You fanned your face. This man will be the death of me.
The restaurant that Sehyoon had booked for the three of you was a familiar place. It was the one where he had asked you to be his girlfriend and where you had seen Byeongkwan for the first time. You entered one of the private rooms in the back. The walls were painted in traditional style depicting a peaceful mountain scene.
Last time you only had drinks but the food was delicious.
“This place feels a little bit like the places where the noble men go in period dramas.”
Sehyoon thought about what you had said.
“You mean like a gisaeng house?”
Byeongkwan seemed amused.
“No, I mean… I guess?You know, with the whole private rooms thing.”
Byeongkwan smirked and stood up.
“Sir, Lady, I will quench your thirst for entertainment tonight.”
Sehyoon giggled and you sat down next to him so Byeongkwan had the other side of the table to himself. He put on some music and laid his phone on the low table. In a graceful, fluid motion he raised his arms and like a wave he flowed to the ground. An arm snuck around your waist and you leaned into Sehyoon. He watched his boyfriend, transfixed by the delicate yet powerful movements. You were so captivated by the way Byeongkwan's body moved that you did not notice the waiter until the door was audibley closed shut. You and Sehyoon exchanged looks and laughed.
Byeongkwan was unaffected and continued his performance. With a split he showed off his flexibility and that of his pants. His hands grabbed the hem of his sweater and pulled it over his head.
“Wow, don’t start stripping!”
Your voice was a loud whisper. Your face was burning and prayed that no one would come in now.
“What if the waiter comes back?”
Sehyoon‘s statement was not there to support yours, that much was clear from the smile on his face. Byeongkwan eyed the door. It remained shut. In sync with his body waves he slowly pulled up his shirt as if it was swept up, and revealed a bit of his firm stomach.
You hissed and he let go of the shirt. It slid back down, covering him again and not too soon the door slid open again and the waiter peeked inside. He set the drinks you had ordered on the table and left as fast as possible without running.
Sehyoon and you could not hold your laughter.
“How are you feeling?”
You pulled the zipper of your coat higher and hid inside the collar.
“Can’t wait to get home.”
The food had left you full and the drinks with a light buzz that would have faded by the time you reached Sehyoon‘s apartment.
“Are you tired?”
“Not really.”
“Then why the hurry?”
You looked at Byeongkwan.
“I wanna see the rest of your dance.”
For a moment he stared at you blankly. It was almost like you could see the gears turning in his head.
You giggled. Sehyoon did not say anything and you were not sure he had even heard. He watched the cars passing by as you walked along the street. You had one arm hooked around his arm and one around Byeongkwan‘s. Without actively thinking about it, your steps had synchronized. A smile crept onto your face.
The warm air in the subway made you so sleepy that you took a nap on Sehyoon‘s shoulder. It was just enough rest that by the time you arrived at the apartment you felt awake.
“So, you want to see me dance again, huh?”
You nodded eagerly. One thing you had noticed in the time that you had been involved with your two partners, Byeongkwan loved to feel wanted. The more openly you showed the fact that you found him attractive the better. Sehyoon on the other hand, liked it when you pretend to be unaffected so he could seduce you. This was much harder because he was attractive. Hiding the fact of how much he turned you on in those situations was quite the task.
“How about you put on my gift and Sehni brings a chair to the bedroom.”
Sehyoon looked up from his phone. His mouth opened. When no sound came out he closed it again. Byeongkwan smiled evilly.
Sehyoon set the chair down in the corner of the room. It had been his wish to watch you and Byeongkwan have sex for some time, so now that It was about to happen, a gentle smile had appeared on his face.
You stood in front of the bed and stared at the box. You were not sure what to do with the strap on. Should you take off your clothes first? Leave something on. An arm wrapped around your waist and lips pressed a soft kiss to your neck.
“You okay?”
With Sehyoon holding you like this there was nothing in the world that scared you.
“Should I ... wear this over my clothes?”
“As you like but maybe taking the pants off would be a good idea.”
His hand slid down and opened the button of your jeans. You let him take the pants off. Sehyoon left kisses on your thighs and stomach.
“Should I help you with that?”
Byeongkwan had returned from the bathroom. He had changed clothes. The skin tight pants and loose white shirt were begging to come off.
Byeongkwan helped you put on the harness for the dildo.
Sehyoon sat down on the chair and his lap seemed like a good place to watch the show from. You sat down on his thighs and his arms held you in place securely.
Byeongkwan turned on the music and started to dance. Because there was no possibility of unexpected visitors now, he let all restrained go. There was a fine line between being sexy and being unintentionally funny but Byeongkwan did perfect.
Like a deja vu he made the same moves as at the restaurant earlier. The waves for his body swept the white shirt up and over his head. He threw it to the side. Now his dancing was even more captivating. You could see his firm muscles working under the skin. He gestured for you to stand up. Your mouth felt dry and your underwear did not. You left the comfort of Sehyoon’s lap.
Byeongkwan wrapped his arms around you. Suddenly you were pressed up against his hard body and your faces were close. You kissed him. This whole situation was exciting but also a bit overwhelming. Having both your partners in one room and about to have sex left your head spinning. Kissing Byeongkwan now grounded you again. It was familiar and safe.
“Did you like my dancing so far?”
You did not trust your voice and just nodded.
The kissing gave you time to breath. His dancing had worked you up a bit too much if you were honest. Byeongkwan is too good at this and I am too weak. If you had not been kissing him, you might have laughed at this though.
You ran your hands down his bare back and landed on his ass. So firm and round.
“You think you’re ready for that?”
His breath tickled your neck. The kissing and sucking made it hard for you to formulate a coherent thought.
Sitting on the bed brought Byeongkwan’s hips into focus. You opened the button on his tight pants. They hugged his thighs so nicely that you had to run your hands over them. An urge took over and you wrapped your arms around his hips. Your cheek rested on his stomach. He petted your hair. Despite the wetness between your legs a strange feeling of affection bubbled up. Byeongkwan waited for you.
He ran his hands soothingly over your arms.
You kissed his abs. They were still as perfect as the first time you had seen them. The soft surface and hard underneath was still your favorite combination.
Byeongkwan’s pants and underwear found their way to the ground. He helped you with installing the dildo in the harness. It was an odd sight.
“I think if you come in from behind it’s the easiest.”
You felt excited. He gave you a condom and sat down on bed. You pulled the latex over the dildo.
Byeongkwan had shifted into a lying position that showed off his ass. Legs angled so you could see a gem. A plug.
“You like it?”
He smirked. How could someone who was about to get fucked be so smug? You ran your hands over his butt. It was wonderful. The plug had to go first. You grabbed it and pulled on it gingerly.
“You don’t have to be that careful. Pull slowly.”
This time you pulled with a bit more force and the plug actually moved. You pulled it out accompanied by a soft moan from Byeongkwan.
You grabbed the lube and spread some of it on the strap on. Now came the scary but also exciting part.
“Maybe it’s better if I just hold still and you … go at the speed you want?”
Byeongkwan looked over his shoulder and nodded. You aligned the dildo and he pushed against it slowly. The sigh that accompanied the movement was part pleasure, part pain.
“Kwanie, don’t hurt yourself.”
You rested your hand on his ass.
“It’s all good.”
He went as far as possible with the harness and rested his head and chest on the bed. His back was arched and he breathed audibly. You ran your hands over his body in what you hoped was a reassuring manner.
“You're doing so good. You took it all in.”
He moaned.
To emphasize his point he pushed back a little. Tentatively you pulled your hips back. The movement was so foreign and familiar at the same time. It was like a song you had heard often and now you heard it used as a sample in a new song. Byeongkwan had his eyes closed. You watched his face closely. There was nothing you wanted less than hurting him.
You pushed back in. There was noticeable resistance but his face remained relaxed. Encouraged by his content expression you began setting a pace. It was an odd experience to be at the other end of the literal stick. You felt powerful but also wary. Byeongkwan was in a vulnerable position and if you made a mistake he could get hurt.
“Are you okay?”
He had opened his eyes and looked at you over his shoulder.
“Then can you go faster?”
“I will try.”
You felt clumsy trying to move your hips faster and somewhat regularly. Byeongkwan sighed a moan. The sound made your underwear wet. You closed your eyes and concentrated on the movement of your hips. Your hands held his hips and you drove into him faster.
Behind you the chair creaked. It was the first time since you had started that Sehyoon had made a noise. When you opened your eyes, he was standing next to the bed and Byeongkwan was looking up at him expectantly.
Sehyoon cupped his cheek. Byeongkwan had propped himself up and ran his hand over the very noticeable bulge in Sehyoon’s pants. Byeongkwan pulled down the pants and wrapped his lips around him.
“This is your fantasy now.”
Sehyoon sounded almost accusatory as he grabbed his boyfriend’s hair.
“You should help her a bit more. She will be sore tomorrow.”
That was probably true. Byeongkwan pushed back at you, whimpering around Sehyoon's hard penis. You tried to keep your pace but your muscles were already starting to ache from the unfamiliar movement. Byeongkwan pushed back faster and moaned. The sound went straight between your legs. He shuddered to a halt and let go of Sehyoon. You pulled out and Byeongkwan let himself fall onto the bed. He breathed heavily.
You wanted to be filled so badly now. The moans had you so riled up you did not know what to do with yourself.
“Don’t worry I will take care of you.”
He pulled his shirt off and pulled his pants down all the way. You did not know how to react to seeing him naked. He looked so good and you were desperate. You fumbled with the strap on but you had no patience left. Sehyoon pushed away your hands and helped you out of the strap on. The rest of your clothes landed on the ground.
He lay on top of you and his kisses drove you mad.
“Take me hard, please.”
Sehyoon just nodded. He slung your legs over his shoulders and entered you. You were so worked up already he entered with ease and you moaned. Finally, your neglected hole was filled. You clenched your inner muscles for even more pleasure. His pace was hard and fast. Exactly as ordered. The harsh contact of your hips that came with each of Sehyoon’s thrusts was perfect. You held your breath as the pleasure built and almost screamed when a wave of bliss rolled over you. After a few more thrusts Sehyoon collapsed on top of you and you kissed his cheek and shoulder.
After a quick shower all three of you fell into bed.
The city was bustling with people wanting to buy a last minute present as you made your way to Sehyoon’s apartment. All of you had taken the day off and you looked forward to spending time with them. Cheesy Christmas movies, take-out food and cuddling on the couch was everything you wanted from this holiday.
Last year you had spent it alone and would have never guessed that this year would be so different.
Sehyoon opened the door and you hugged him. He wore very comfy looking pants and a sweater. You buried your face in the soft fabric and let his warmth envelope you.
“It’s cold.”
Your voice was muffled by his sweater.
“We’ll get you warm.”
Sehyoon rubbed your back and laughed. His smile was the thing that warmed you the most.
“Kwanie is in the kitchen, can you make sure he doesn’t burn it down?”
You nodded and pecked his lips. Unfortunately you felt so good in his arms you did not want to let go and go to the kitchen. He chuckled as you hugged him tighter.
“Soon. You will get to hug me even more.”
“Can’t wait.”
Sehyoon began moving backwards and you followed inevitably. It was silly, the way he moved you in the direction of the kitchen without letting go. You both laughed and giggled as Byeongkwan turned around. He looked at you with an unchanged expression. The containers he had arranged on the counter were filled with food. He set the one he was holding down and came over. He hugged you from the other side and knocked the air out of you in the process.
“Too tight!!”
The embrace loosened but you could hear the pout in Byeongkwan‘s voice when he said:
“It’s so nice, when it’s tight.”
“That’s what she said.”
Sehyoon hollered at your retort and laughed. Byeongkwan let go and you turned around to hug and kiss him. It still felt a bit overwhelming when both, Byeongkwan and Sehyoon, were close to you. Your head was spinning a bit from all the happy juice your brain pumped out.
“Who made all of this?”
You inspected the food containers. Someone had made a lot of different side dishes that looked fantastic. You doubted that they were made by either Sehyoon or Byeongkwan.
“My parents and Sehyoon‘s parents send us food for Christmas.”
That explained a lot. Byeongkwan had said something about visiting his family. His family lived in the city but his parents would visit other family members over the holidays. They could see Byeongkwan whenever.
You changed into comfortable clothes and helped Byeongkwan arrange the side dishes on plates. They filled almost the entire coffee? table when you brought them over. Sehyoon had not bought a third chair yet, so you decided to eat on the couch. It was not the best but it worked. Sitting on the floor actually worked better than sitting on the couch. It felt more like being at a traditional restaurant.
You all sat down around the table but no one started eating.
“Last year I did not think that this year would be so different.”
You looked in the eyes of Sehyoon, then at Byeongkwan. Yes this was different. In one year you had gone from no boyfriend to two boyfriends and it was good.
“Thank you for being in my life.”
You had made it awkward but you grabbed your glass and said: “To us. I love you.”
Sehyoon smiled his shy smile while Byeongkwan beamed at you and raised his glass too.
“To us.”
“Your mom makes good food.”
It was true, the dishes Byeongkwan‘s mother had provided tasted amazing and you ate way too much. Your stomach hurt and if you did not have to move for a few hours, that would be optimal. Sehyoon cleared the table and you heaved yourself into the couch. He did it in his calm, carefree way. There was no hurry in his steps when he brought some plates to the kitchen. Byeongkwan sat down next to you. He rested his head on your lap and you combed his hair with your hand.
“How about we go to sleep?”
Sehyoon looked at the two of you on the brink of a food coma.
“I have to move for that. That a no no.”
You really did not feel like moving. Just staying put seemed like the best option now.
“Let’s watch something and go to bed after.”
Byeongkwan did not want to move either so he simply laid on Sehyoon‘s and your lap. About 20 minutes into the movie your eyelids felt extremely heavy. You could barely keep them open. I will just close them for a second.
A moment later you were gingerly picked up and you woke up from that.
“I wasn’t sleeping.”
Your voice sounded groggy even to your own ears. Sehyoon chuckled.
“You slept for the last 90 minutes, but it’s not good if you stay on the couch all night.”
You nodded and held onto him. He carried you to the bedroom Byeongkwan was lying in bed already, apparently still asleep. You helped Sehyoon to take off some of Byeongkwan‘s clothes. It was fascinating to see that he did not wake from this.
You laid down in the middle. Even though the heat in the middle was too much, you were the one who was least bothered by it. Sehyoon turned off the dim light on the nightstand.
You wrapped your arms around him and kissed his cheek. He turned and hugged you back. In his arms was still one of your favorite places to be. His lips found yours in the dark for a soft kiss.
“Good night.”
“So, what do you think?”
“This was the best one. The right amount of space, bit pricey, but still okay.”
Byeongkwan nodded, agreeing with your assessment.
“I like this one best. Until when do we have time to decide?”
Sehyoon blinked. He had contacted the landlords first so he should know.
“I think they said tomorrow, but if you have already made a decision, maybe it is better to tell them now.”
If they did not get this apartment, there were not that many other options. The ones you had looked at yesterday were either too small or much too expansive. Sehyoon and Byeongkwan both worked so they could afford a bigger apartment, but it had limits. Housing prices had risen dramatically and having two apartments but only using one was just not a good option.
“If we get this apartment, you can come by more often.”
Byeongkwan slung an arm around your shoulders and you reflexively leaned into him. They would indeed live much closer to your place and you had a feeling that he was right. The apartment would be in walking distance. It had a room that Byeongkwan would use as his room but it would have his old sleeping couch. If someone needed to stay there but not be cooked alive between the other two, there would be a good alternative now.
“We could go to work together.”
Sehyoon smiled more to himself and it was the cutest thing. You took his hand. A warm feeling spread in your chest. So the new year would start with moving and being closer to your two boyfriends, both physically and emotionally. You looked forward to all the good times that awaited you in this new part of your life.
It would be a good year.
A/N: This was the last chapter! I hope you liked it! Thanks to everyone who has given feedback on this! I would like to thank Alex again for reading my error riddled drafts and for always being my hype person! Thank you so much ;-;
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lassieposting · 3 years
💘💘💘💘 + ghasdug
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send me 💘 + A SHIP and i’ll tell you—
where they first met and how
So Skug says they stowed away on the same ship, but this is...not exactly true.
He stowed away on that ship, because he was running away from home and he was a snobby little lordling who'd never had to fend for himself a day in his life, so the furthest ahead he'd actually thought to plan was "they won't want to turn around and drop me off once they're underway".
Ghastly was not stowed away at any point during that trip. Ghastly was signed on for the journey as a deckhand, because Ghastly's mother told him he needed to, and it had to be that particular ship. Ghastly gets seasick, and did not want to go to sea in the slightest. But Ghastly's mother has visions and so Ghastly does as he is told. Apparently there was something important waiting for him on that ship.
Anyway Skug pops out once he thinks they're far enough away from shore that they'll leave him be rather than take him back to port, and he is incredibly mistaken. The captain is in favour of turning him around right there and then, because he's clearly some rich lord's brat, and whoever his father is will probably pay handsomely for his safe return. Ghastly manages to talk the ship's crew into letting him stay on, provided he pulls his weight like the rest of them.
Needless to say, even before they're attacked by pirates, that voyage is a rude awakening for poor Skug, and good lord does Ghastly hear all about it. He has blisters. His feet hurt. This shirt was expensive and now it's all sweaty. His hair is in his eyes all the time. He's tired. The guy in the next bunk snores. Some of these people look like they have lice. He didn't realise he'd be doing manual labour, this is servant stuff, how dare they.
Ghastly does. Not realise at that point what he has let himself in for.
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved
Poor Ghastly gets to pine for years. Baby Skug isn't a great boyfriend. He's less invested - he loves Ghastly, but they have two totally different outlooks.
Ghastly is ugly. He's always been ugly. He's got a face he believes only his mother could love. He's never believed he'd find someone who saw past that or loved him regardless. So as soon as he gets Skug into bed, he's over the moon and ready to commit. He's like 17, and would absolutely settle down there and then given half a chance.
Skug, on the other hand, was a weird-looking child who only recently grew into an attractive adolescent and he is loving it. For the first time in his life, girls are noticing him. He doesn't want to settle down, he wants to play the field and sow some wild oats and have fun. So there are periods of exclusivity with Ghastly, interspersed with periods where Skug basically drops him to chase after the latest pretty bit of skirt.
who fell for who first ( if applicable )
Ghastly's smitten by the time they make it back to Ireland - Skug is a bit soft and allergic to hard work and a pain in the arse, but he's flashy and charismatic and funny and pays attention to him without gawking at his face (past the initial "good god, what happened to you?") - but Skug is well and truly settled into living with Ghastly's family by the time he actually gives Ghas the come-on.
where their first date was and what it was like
They went to the local tavern and got drunk, and then rode home in the pouring rain once it kicked them out at closing time.
When they got home, Ghastly's parents had long since gone to bed, but that wasn't necessarily unusual - once Skug, who has a considerable allowance, is old enough to start drinking, Saoirse institutes a rule that if they're not home by the time she and her husband turn in for the night, she'll leave blankets in the barn and they can sleep there instead. She's not having them barging in, wasted, at all hours of the day and night, waking her up after a hard day's work.
So they put the horses away and give them a quick rub down, and Ghastly is trying to look anywhere but Skug because Skug's shirt has gone kind of see-through and poor Ghastly is an awkward, horny teenage boy, but he keeps shooting him these furtive glances over the horse's back and Skug notices because Skug notices everything and lowkey teases him about it. "Want me to sit for a portrait? It'll last longer," sort of teasing, and Ghastly tries to laugh along but he's also vibrant red because he's been caught staring, so obviously Skug realises something's up
And he's precisely as tactful about it as he ever is about anything, and jokes, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you wanted me," and Ghastly's ears burn and he doesn't deny it quick enough and now Skug's eyebrows are inching towards his hairline and Ghastly panics because like, he's ugly, Skug is going to be disgusted or laugh at him and he can't cope with either, so he just? Freezes?
But like. Skug was a weird-looking, unfortunate child who very recently grew into an attractive adolescent, so he fucking thrives on attention. So his response to this awkward not-quite-a-confession is actually a moment of silence while he mulls this new information over (this feels like an eternity to poor Ghastly) followed by an early attempt at using The Hot Voice and, "If you want me, have me."
So, they end up having sex in the hayloft on the blankets Ghastly's mom left out for them. Ghastly has never even been kissed and doesn't admit that he has no idea what he's doing until he realises Skug is expecting him to take the lead. He also blurts that he loves Skug when he nuts, so like. It's your typical painfully embarrassing virginity loss.
It can't be all bad though, because Skug's up for doing it again.
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? )
So in my endgame-ghasdug AU, they get back together post-TDOTL. Ghastly survives being stabbed, but the blade nicked his spinal cord, so he's in a wheelchair for quite a while, and then has to do A Lot of physical therapy to relearn how to walk. Skug shows up at the hospital/facility where he's recovering every day unless there's an emergency, because Ghastly is very depressed and struggling with survivor's guilt over Anton and doesn't see the point in doing his physio because it hurts and he's exhausted and he shouldn't be alive anyway. And Skug annoys him into doing it, mostly by heckling him from the other side of the room, because he's not great at the whole emotional support thing. Ghastly will mutter, "Christ, I want to hit you," and Skug will tell him, "Well, if you come over here to do it I won't even duck." And if Ghastly gets his ass up and uses the walking frame support thing to cross the room, well, then Skug will take a punch like a man and be happy about it because Ghastly walked.
They also talk a lot during this period. Ghastly feels like shit, and he reminisces a lot about the good old days and how he never saw Ravel's betrayal coming and memories he has of Anton, and sometimes that veers into memories they share from when they were young men. And Skug, at this point, is old enough and has been through enough to admit that he wasn't great to Ghastly when they were boys. He was flighty and selfish and high-maintenance, and he would've hated to be treated the way he treated Ghastly. And he tells him that, at one point - that he's sorry, and if he could go back and do it differently, he would, assuming Ghastly was daft enough to be willing to put up with him a second time.
And Ghastly laughs and tells him, "I'd still have you now, you stupid bastard."
who proposes first
Ghastly. They're 19/20. Skug thinks he's joking.
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away
Neither - they don't announce it, but it's not exactly a secret either. Ghastly's parents notice pretty much straight away, but other than a few parental pointers on what is and isn't appropriate, it's not really a topic of conversation.
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? )
Skug's sister Confelicity accepts the first proposal she gets at the age of 16, because she's desperate to get out of their parents' house and away from their toxic relationship and controlling behaviour. Their father disapproves and refuses to attend the wedding (and, of course, their mother is not allowed her own opinion), and Carver is out of the country, so Skug stands in to a) pay and b) give away the bride. He takes Ghastly for moral support, because he doesn't like most of his relatives and also doesn't like the groom (Thurid Guild - their relationship doesn't improve when Confelicity divorces him a few years later to marry a baronet). While they're watching the couple say their vows, Ghastly murmurs, "We should get married."
Skug is right in the middle of his hoe phase and does not realise Ghastly's serious.
who’s more dominant
Generally, Skug. He is one hell of a force of personality and Ghastly does get steamrollered quite a bit, although he does eventually learn how to say no. Skug always gets things his way, always does whatever he likes and be damned to the consequences, and Ghastly is always there with a handful of the back of his shirt, pulling his ass out of whatever fire he started.
In bed, though, it's Ghastly.
how into pda they are
As teenagers, Ghastly's mother has to reprimand them occasionally for being too all over each other, but teenagers be rabidly horny. As grown men, they're just sort of casually affectionate. Comfortable with each other. When they're relaxing in camp after a day of travelling, Skug will lean against Ghastly to read a book or put his head on Ghastly's leg while they chat. They can have a silent conversation just by reading each other's faces. They'll nudge each other when something reminds them of an in-joke. They have that easy intimacy that comes with having known each other forever.
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable )
As boys, Ghastly has a particular flowery meadow he likes to take Skug to for picnics, because he's a romantic. Skug at that age is considerably less so, and more interested in whether they can screw there without getting caught.
In the modern day, they go to see old movies. Ghastly was very into the early films of the late 1910s and the 1920s, after the war finished. He associates them with a time where he finally got to just set up his shop and live the life he always wanted to live. Skug hasn't seen most of Ghastly's favourites, because he spent that period of history fighting the truce and then spiralling into a black hole of trauma and misery, but he got very into the noir detective era to the point that he's still clinging to the aesthetic like 80 years later, so they'll alternate who picks the movies and catch each other up on their favourites.
who’s more protective
They've both spent their fair share of time fretting in the chair beside a hospital bed. After Ravel's betrayal, though, it's Skug. Ghastly retires as soon as he's considered fit to make the decision, and decides he wants to go back to Dublin to reopen his shop and just sort of try and forget Roarhaven exists. And Skug is absolutely adamant that he gets to do it. There's a lot of interest in Ghastly for a while - groundbreaking healing magic was used to fix what should've been a permanent injury, people want to know if he suspected Ravel, they want his advice on how to rebuild after Devastation Day. He's more approachable than China, and a lot more popular. But he can't cope with it all, and anyone who tries to hassle him in Dublin will have Skug to deal with.
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’ )
The first night Skug stays at Ghastly's family home. Ghastly is an only child, and his family isn't wealthy - their house doesn't have a guest room. It's sleep with Ghastly or sleep on the floor, and Little Lord Priss isn't going to be sleeping on the floor.
Honestly, he's relieved there isn't a spare room for him. He's never really slept alone before. Like most children of very wealthy families back then, he grew up in a nursery with his four oldest brothers and sisters, and when he was too old to live with The Children, he shared a room, first with Carver and then with Francis. The thought of being on his own in a strange house is pretty intimidating.
He moves to his own bed as soon as they get him one, but he stays in Ghastly's room, and he's perfectly happy with that.
(Ghastly is less happy. He's very much crushing on Skug and he's terrified he'll say something incriminating in his sleep.)
who steals whose clothes and how often
Skug gets to steal Ghastly's clothes for a year or two after he moves in with Ghastly's family. After that, they're built too differently. Ghastly is built like a brick shithouse of muscle. Skug is lean and toned and tall. When they're younger, he can more or less wear Ghastly's clothes as a nightshirt, but after Skug's final growth spurt, Ghastly's clothes don't sit right on him at all, and he's gotten too vain and fashion-conscious by that point to just wear them anyway.
what their usual coffee / tea orders are
Ghastly is fussy about his tea. Plenty of milk, two and a half sugars, leave the teabag in.
Skug just inhales it black, which Ghastly thinks is an abomination.
if they ever have any children together
Ghastly thanks his lucky stars every day that they have a 0% chance of accidentally spawning a skuglet. One of him is plenty.
He's very involved with Skugbab when he comes along, though. He's godfather and a very present uncle.
if they have any special pet names for each other
Skug doesn't do nicknames, and would rather not be given them, either. Ghastly gets away with "Skul", primarily because he's the only one who's known Skug since he was all of 16, but also because "Skulduggery" is a mouthful when all your blood is rushing to your downstairs brain and it's his own damn fault that he didn't think of that before he picked it.
if they ever split up and / or get back together
So many times. They're on and off again more frequently than Saracen's clothes. Every time Skug spots someone new, he ends it with Ghastly to pursue them, and then comes back when he loses interest or it doesn't work out.
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? )
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Ghastly's family home is an old farmhouse on the outskirts of Dublin. It's simple, but cosy, and Ghastly's dad is incredibly houseproud, so it's very well-looked-after. Skug prefers it by miles to his own palacial, but cold and unwelcoming, family home, and he tries to replicate the vibe later on with Wifey. It's pretty small compared to what he's used to, so it sort of feels like they're all living on top of each other, and he has to get used to not having any servants and drawing his own water to heat his own bath etc, but he's loved there, and that makes all the difference.
what their names are in each other’s phones
They're both old-ass men about some things, and this is one of them. So no emojis or anything - they're "Ghastly Bespoke" and "Skul". How romantic.
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first
Ghastly wakes up first: he's used to rising early to get started on his chores. Skug is absolutely not a morning person at this point in his life and Ghastly frequently has to turf his ass out of bed by pulling his quilt off/dumping water on him/yelling in his ear.
Reversed with modern day ghasdug: Ghastly still wakes at a sensible time, but damn it he left the army a century ago and now he likes a lie in. Skug never really stopped being a soldier and still has most of his military habits, so he's up with the sun.
who’s the big spoon / little spoon
Ghastly is the big spoon. Skug likes to be Held.
who hogs the bathroom
Skug. The boy is vain as all fuck. There is a grand total of one cloudy looking-glass in Ghastly's family's home and Skug spends a good chunk of the morning hogging it to fuss with his hair and peacock at his reflection. Ghastly is under strict orders Never to mention this to Fletcher.
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Halloween tales
31 Days of Spooktober
Day 12/31
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-Present day-
Aelin laughed, resting her back against her husband’s shoulders.
It was Halloween night, and despite the fact that both of them maybe were too old for this, Aelin and Rowan were celebrating the night as they always had.
The movie was already set up on the television, and both were just going to the kitchen to grab the candy, popcorn and beers when they heard the front door opening and closing.
“Mom? Dad?” The unmistakable voice of their eldest son sounded through the house, and Aelin half turned her face to Rowan, raising an eyebrow.
“In the kitchen, Nino.” Rowan shouted back, hugging Aelin as they waited for Nino to come to them. It was surprising Nino was visiting them at that time at night, specially on Halloween night when he should be enjoying some party with his friends and fiancée.
The surprise only got bigger when they saw all of their kids walking in, none dressed up as anything or even hinting that they planned on celebrating Halloween. Aelin knew her kids well enough to know that they adored Halloween, so whatever this was, it was serious.
Rowan must have noticed too, because he hugged Aelin tighter. “What happened?”
Aurora and Kiara crossed their arms, and Theo simply rested against the fridge, looking at his older brother. Nino’s face was grave, and Aelin took a step forward, coming out of Rowan’s arms, to place her hands on Nino’s face. “What happened, baby?”
“Nino wants to talk.” Aurora explained.
“We gathered as much, Auro.” Rowan said, brows creasing as he looked at Aelin and Nino. “Specifying about what would be good, though.”
Nino sighed, forcing a smile to Aelin and then raising his eyes to Rowan. “Can we sit down?”
Aelin turned her head to stare at Rowan, brows high. None of them seemed hurt, but she couldn’t feel calm until she listened to what he wanted to say. Even after years being carefree and chill most of the time, Aelin had learned a long time ago that her kids’ wellbeing was a fast way to change that.
Rowan put his hands on Aelin’s hips, guiding her to the living room as their kids followed right behind them.
“Whatever it is, it’s gonna be ok.” Rowan whispered on her ear as they sat down on the love seat facing the bigger sofa. Nino was he first one to sit down, followed them by Aurora. Despite the few years in between them, the two had always been extremely close to each other. It was no surprise she was here to support him with whatever it was. Then, the twins sat down. Kiara was by Aurora’s side, Theo occupying the last seat on the sofa.
After a few moments of silence, Theo cleared his throat. “So, is anyone gonna say something and end the awkward?”
Kiara hit him in the back of the head, mumbling for him to shut up. If the situation was different, Aelin would have laughed. Nino had been a calm and easy to deal, and although Aurora was the most energetic, she wasn’t bad either. Kiara was more like Nino, delicate and calm, but Theo was just… Different. He was the troublemaker of the family, the one who always wanted the last say.
Too much like Aelin, Rowan would always say.
She’d always grin in return.
Nino sighed, placing his face on his hands before looking at his parents. “I’m engaged.”
Despite the situation, Rowan snorted. “Yeah, for seven months.”
Nino looked at his siblings, a pained expression overtaking his face when he looked back at his parents.
Aelin knew that, whatever he was about to say, he was afraid it would disappoint Rowan. She knew it from the instant he looked back at them and his eyes fell solely on her. Throughout his whole life, Nino had done everything to get Rowan proud. Rowan wasn’t by any means a harsh or mean father, and Aelin could count in one hand the amount of times Rowan raised his voice at the four sitting in front of her. Even though Rowan had been the absolute best father anyone could ask for Nino, there was still something in her son that made him want to be even better in his father’s eyes.
It’s not that Nino didn’t care about Aelin’s opinion. She knew that he loved her unconditionally, but with Rowan it was… different. And so when Nino couldn’t even bear to look at his dad, Aelin knew that he was either afraid or ashamed of what he was about to say. Judging by the way Rowan squeezed Aelin’s shoulder, he had also noticed.
“I don’t know if I want to. I don’t know if I want to be engaged.” Nino said quietly, bitting his lower lip. “I just…”
Aurora and Kiara looked at Nino with pity on their faces, but Theo was staring straight at Aelin and Rowan. He raised his eyebrows minimally, jaw clenching. He was the spitting image of Rowan, and so Aelin had seen that expression a million times already to understand that, whatever Nino was going through, wasn’t a thing of the moment. He had thought this through for a while now, and that’s probably why all his siblings already knew.
Probably why she and Rowan were learning about it.
“Nino.” Rowan’s voice was grave and quiet, but also holding the natural gentleness it always possessed when talking to the people he loved. “Why?”
Nino rubbed his face, groaning quietly before replying. “I don’t know. I just… I’m just different. Or maybe Phedre is different? I don’t fucking know. I loved her so much, but now it’s… boring. It’s not exciting. And I know she feels the same, and I don’t know what to do. I talked to Auro first, a few weeks ago. I was feeling strange for a while and I thought I should ask for second opinion.”
Aelin turned to her first daughter. “And what did you say?”
She shrugged. “I said that he should talk to Phedre. I never had this problem with Emerson, and I didn’t want to fuck it up. He said he had done that already and that she said everything was fine. So we talked to Theo and Kiara. As we all know, Theo has the sentiments of a rock and Kiara is the most emotional person ever,” Kiara narrowed her eyes at her older sister while Theo simply smiled. “So no one came up with a solution.”
“So why not ask to the fairytale come real couple?” Theo asked, but despite the words, there was no sarcasm on his voice. He could be different from his siblings, but Theo appreciated his parents’ love just as much as the other three. “The two of you are a match made in Heaven, happily married for almost thirty years now. Share the knowledge.”
Normally, Aelin would have said something sarcastic to that question that would have made her kids groan and Rowan roll his eyes. She didn’t know what to say to this specific situation, though. She never imagined that Nino would have this type of issue with Phedre. Both had been in love since high school, perfect for each other.
She was saved from saying anything when Rowan decided to answer. “That’s normal.”
Nino raised his head to his father. “It is?”
“Of course it is, Nino.” Aelin said, a smile on her face.
“But I don’t think I love her anymore. I don’t know what to do.”
There was a beat of silence before Rowan relaxed against the loveseat. “Me and your mother almost got divorced once.”
“What?” All four heads snapped to them, voices variating in volume and incredulity.
“The fuck?”
Aelin snorted, resting her back against Rowan’s chest. “Your father could have been more delicate about it, but yes, we almost got a divorce. I was even living with aunt Lysandra for a while. You were around two, Nino, and the rest wasn’t even born yet.”
“Why?” Was all Nino replied.
Rowan shrugged. “It got boring. I didn’t know if I loved her anymore, she didn’t know if she loved me anymore.”
“But you guys are married still.” Kiara said cautiously.
Both Aelin and Rowan smiled. “Yes.”
Theo adjusted himself on the sofa, a grin playing on his lips. “I feel a Halloween story coming. I wanted to be at a frat party right now, but I think hearing about my parents almost divorce will do.”
Rowan smirked at Theo, and Aelin winked. “It’s not a Halloween story.”
“If it’s told on Halloween, it’s a Halloween story.”
“You’re so annoying.”
“Mother and son through and through.” Rowan butted in.
“And the thought of mom and dad separated is scary enough to be a Halloween story.” Kiara sided with her twin.
Theo smiled smugly at his mom.
Rowan rolled his eyes. “But going back to your brother’s issue…”
“How did you fix it?” Nino asked almost disperately.
Aelin looked up at Rowan, eyebrows raised. He winked quickly at her, and both turned back to look at their kids.
-Years before-
“And that should be all.” The divorce lawyer said, standing up. “So much easier dealing with a couple who doesn’t hate each other.”
Aelin tried to force a laugh out, but Rowan’s face didn’t change at all.
For a quick second, Aelin allowed herself to look at him, to look at the face of the man she had loved.
Rowan was breathtakingly beautiful. Defined jawline, high cheekbones and deep pine-green eyes, Aelin couldn’t deny that he was the most handsome man she had ever met. The only difference was that now he looked so cold, so distant. It was like when they had first met, but that had been years ago and Aelin didn’t know how to deal with his coldness anymore. He was still polite, still cordial but…
But he wasn’t the man she had married.
It was confusing, really. Both she and Rowan had come to an agreement regarding the separation. Things weren’t the same anymore, and stuff that usually made her heart beat faster was just pissing her off now. And she knew it was the same to him. They were getting the divorce because, it turns out, neither of them liked who they were anymore. Rowan couldn’t love the girl he had fallen in love with years before, and neither could Aelin. And yet, seeing this cold and detached Rowan made her want to punch a wall.
For the past month and a half, she had been trying to figure out her feelings. They hadn’t tried to fix anything, hadn’t tried to go to therapy together because there wasn’t anything broken in their relationship. It had just… died.
The man she thought she’d love forever just didn’t love her back. And so she stopped loving him too.
There wasn’t a specific moment, or a specific reason. Aelin didn’t hate Rowan, much less regretted him. To be honest, if it depended on her, they would have never fallen out of love.
But they had and now she was forced to hear a stupid divorce lawyer make jokes about something that was crushing her inside.
Aelin turned to Rowan giving him a polite smile. “How’s Nino?”
She had dropped off their son with him yesterday, and Nino was gonna spend the weekend with Rowan.
At the mention of their kid, Rowan smiled minimally. “Fine. I was thinking about taking him to see my mother tomorrow.”
Aelin maintained her polite smile as she got up. “That’s good.”
She internally counted to five, and when he didn’t add anything, she just gave a small wave and left.
Divorce was so exhausting.
Part of her wondered if she hated Rowan, everything wouldn’t be easier. But truth is, she didn’t and she also didn’t want to. She wanted to love him, and wanted for him to love her back. She wanted her perfect wedding back, but that was apparently out of the game.
There was also the fact that Aelin had a date.
The thought was so strange and foreign to her, that she didn’t really know what to think. Rowan had agreed that it was ok if they wanted to see other people while the divorce was happening, and the guy at the gallery seemed nice enough for her to accept having a coffee with him the following day. She was still thinking about it as she drove to Lysandra’s home.
It was strange, really, going through a divorce with the love of your life and having a date with a complete stranger at the same time. Aelin barely remembered what people were supposed to do in dates, and it was probably the fear of making an absolute fool of herself that made her go through her old college shit.
She had kept some journals throughout the four years she studied arts and human behavior, and so maybe something in there would give her an inkling in what to do tomorrow. For the past years, all her dates had been with the same guy.
She started looking through her shit, but quickly got lost in the memories. There were so many pictures that Aelin couldn’t help but take a moment and look at all of them. They were separated by categories. With the friend group, with her cousin, with Lysandra… and finally with Rowan. The pictures with Rowan were the thickest pile, and she set all the other ones down to take a look at them.
Rowan absolutely hated taking pictures, so Aelin let out a small laugh every time he looked absolutely pissed in the pictures. There was some of them in the sports games, a few from Halloween. A bunch from their spring breaks trips, the pictures of when they traveled together to Italy during junior year summer. Pictures of them in the lake house, Aelin wearing his enormous red hoodie while he hugged her from the back. Sitting around the fire during Christmas, kissing in New Year’s Eve, getting plastered on Saint Patrick’s. The pictures from her wedding day were the ones that shattered her heart, though. In none of them Rowan appeared anything other than beaming, always looking down at Aelin. Them dancing, cutting the cake, laughing, just hugging… The pictures then shifted for them in their first house, then pictures with Nino.
And then they stopped.
Because there was no more.
No more pictures.
For the first time since they mutually decided to get a divorce, Aelin felt a strong urge to cry. Her throat constricted and her eyes were watering uncontrollably. She had loved him so, so fucking much and it was over. And all she had were pictures.
Aelin wanted to love Rowan so bad. Sp, so bad. She wanted more pictures.
But there was no forcing love.
Not wanting to cry over something that was out of her control, Aelin put the pictures gently aside and picked up some of her old human behavior notebooks. Most of it were just notes almost impossible to read, drawings and scribbles around the pages, some sticky notes every now and then. Aelin smiled remembering her college years, how everything was so much easier.
She spent hours going over stuff she didn’t even remember she had learned, and when she picked up the last notebook, it was almost dinner time.
The last one had been for one of her favorite classes, and she could notice that just by how the handwriting was ten times better in this one. She read over the words carefully, taking her time to remember everything she shouldn’t have forgotten.
She closed the notebook, holding it forcefully as she got up.
As she grabbed her car keys.
As she left home.
“You know what this is?” She raised her notebook, shaking it.
Rowan’s green eyes appeared confused after the glasses. “A notebook?”
“No shit, Sherlock.”
Rowan leaned against the doorway, rolling his eyes. “What’s on the notebook?”
Aelin felt suddenly nervous, and she dropped her hand, bitting her lower lip as she decided what she should do. “Can I come in?”
Rowan eyed her strangely before taking a step back, letting her enter what once had been her house. Rowan said she didn’t need to move out, that he could go somewhere else, but Lys had offered and she needed her best friend, not an empty home.
She looked around awkwardly, fidgeting with he notebook edges. “Is Nino sleeping?”
“Yeah.” Rowan said from behind her, voice low. “What happened, Ace?”
She sighed, walking to the couch. She sat down, crossing her legs and playing with the pants soft and loose fabric. She could feel her eyes watering, and when she looked up at Rowan, his expression immediately softened. He walked up to her, sitting down on the sofa. She shifted to stare at him, sniffing a little.
“I wanted to love you forever.”
“I know.” Rowan said, a sad smile on his face. “I wanted that too.”
“Did you know that most people fall out of love for the same reason they fall in love?” Aelin asked, closing her eyes when she felt Rowan’s thumb brushing away a tear. “That once you thought that me being carefree was cute, but now it’s just careless. That when I loved you for being always quiet, it just became hard to always guess what you were thinking.”
Rowan didn’t say anything, just stared at her. He didn’t take his hand from her face, and so Aelin continued.
“I don’t know. It’s kinda sad and tragic, isn’t it? Losing love because of the things that made you gain it. Sounds like a fucking cosmic joke.”
She laughed, but it wasn’t funny at all. Rowan’s face morphed into sadness. “Ace…”
“But,” she said, trying to give him a somewhat hopeful smile. “It got me thinking.”
Rowan adjusted himself on the couch, smiling softly at her. “Yeah? What?”
“It’s because people change. I’m not college Aelin anymore, so of course I don’t love exactly what she does.”
“And so I’m not college Rowan anymore?” He asked, trying to go along the lines of what she was saying even though he seemed kinda lost.
“Yeah, that’s why it doesn’t work. But…” She took a deep breath. “But we could try. I think love is a choice. I don’t think it’s absolutely out of our power, and I don’t want to lose you, Ro. I never wanted, and if I have to start it all over again, to love you all over again, then I’m willing to at least try. I can’t love what college Aelin loved, and you can’t love what college Rowan loved, but if we grow together, I think we can fall in love everyday with whoever we are then.”
Rowan sighed, passing an arm around Aelin’s shoulders and pulling her to his lap. Aelin curled herself into a ball, resting her face on the crook of his neck. Rowan petted her hair, resting his cheek on the top of her head. “I love you. It’s not like before, but a part of me will always love you.”
Aelin nodded, eyes watering again. “I know. I understand.”
Rowan kissed the top of her head, still playing with her hair. “If you want to try, I’ll try with you. For as long as you want to try, fireheart.”
Aelin sniffled loudly, smiling against Rowan’s skin. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” She could feel his smile on his voice. “I’ll always do anything for you, Ace. And if you want to stop the divorce and try to figure this all out, I’d be honored to fall in love with you everyday. Even though I just know some versions are gonna be a pain in my ass.”
Aelin laughed, raising her head. Aelin’s eyes were puffy, a few tears streaming down her cheeks. She loved Rowan, she really did. Although she didn’t like the relationship anymore, Rowan had been correct when he said a part of them would always be in love. And she didn’t hate that, instead she wanted to like the relationship again, wanted that blinding love again.
Aelin hesitant and tentatively stretched her face forward, pressing her lips softly against Rowan’s. He put some pressure back, hands softly cupping her face. The kiss was feather-light, but it calmed every single nerve inside her body that had been screaming for the past weeks.
Without opening her eyes, Aelin whispered against Rowan’s mouth. “Together, then?”
“Always. And to whatever end, fireheart.”
-Present day-
“And then what?” Theo asked.
Aelin shrugged. “We fixed it.”
“But how?” Kiara pressed.
Rowan laughed, rubbing his thumb over Aelin’s shoulder blades. “There’s no how. It was natural. Your mom was right, for a marriage to work, you can’t hope love will last forever. It has ups and downs, and with time it becomes more ups than downs. A marriage is not without sacrifices, and we both did a bunch of them in the following months after the conversation. Both adapted to better fit the other one.”
“And it worked.” Aelin said, a beaming smile on her lips. “There’s no formula, it’s just what works best for you. And sometimes it won’t work, and that’s also alright because not all loves are meant to last forever. That doesn’t make them lesser or not important. It was important, it will always be important, but it’s over.”
Rowan smiled gently at Nino, holding his son’s gaze. “I’m proud of you. Many people wouldn’t recognize that there was something different, and they’d just keep forcing and forcing until it was so indifferent, it didn’t matter anymore. Acknowledging that there’s something wrong with a love you held so dear for so long is very brave, Nino. And if you fix it, or if you move on, nothing will change my opinion.”
“We love you, baby.” Aelin added, a mother smile on her face. “All of you.”
Nino tried to force a carefree smile, but Aelin could see his throat constricting and eyes watering. Theo also realized how close his brother was to crying, something Nino hated, and so he decided to be his natural self.
“So you two do have problems in paradise.” He said and Rowan jokingly sighed. “Was that a recurring thing?”
“Nah.” Aelin said, putting a hand on Rowan’s knee. “Only major issue. Everything after that was just stupid arguments, but nothing that came close to divorce.”
“Nice. If you two had divorced I wouldn’t be here and that’s a shame to the world.” Theo said, and Kiara snorted. He looked at his twin, grinning at her. “And my dear Kiara, too, of course.”
“If I knew your mother was gonna birth the devil’s spawn years later, maybe I would have divorced her.” Rowan said, eyes narrowed at Theo. Aelin pinched his knee.
Theo simply smirked. “A condom would have done the work, old man. And you love me.”
“Theo’s ability to transform dad in a seven year old is baffling.” Aurora said, a hand rubbing Nino’s back, as she smiled at her father. “Embarrassing.”
Rowan shook his head, looking almost hurt that his daughter hadn’t taken his side. He looked down at Aelin, eyes narrowed. “This is all your fault, you know.”
She smiled, comfortably resting against his side and chest. “Yes, I do. You are very welcome, by the way.”
When Nino finally seemed to recompose himself, he looked at his parents, a weak smile on his face. “Thank you.”
Rowan smiled at him, and Aelin winked.
“You want to talk more about it, baby?”
Nino shook his head, smile becoming a little bigger. “I think the rest is something I need to deal with Phedre.”
Rowan nodded, but seconds later the whole cute moment was over.
“Now, everyone out.”
“Why?” Kiara and Aurora said in unison.
“Lovely to spend time with you two, too. I love these heartfelt moments.” Theo said and Nino grinned.
Aelin rolled her eyes. “We’re busy. Halloween marathon. Go do whatever is that you all do.”
Kiara and Theo got up immediately, faces almost shining. “Oh, my god. Does that mean you guys bought candy?”
Rowan sighed. “Yeah, but—“
“We’re staying!” Kiara said as she and Theo rushed to the kitchen. Despite their ages, the two sometimes acted like the kids they still were in their parents’ eyes.
Aelin snorted, looking at her two eldest. “You two staying?”
Aurora shrugged. “Yeah, why not?”
“Call Emerson, I miss her more than I usually miss you bunch.” Rowan said.
Aurora faked indignation. “I’m your daughter.”
“You should miss your daughter companion more than you miss her girlfriend’s companion.”
“Emmy is nicer than you.” Aelin chimed in.
Aurora looked in between her parents, both biting their cheeks to keep a smile in. Aurora huffed, getting up. “I’m calling her, but after this you guys are prohibited to see her until you like me more.”
“So dramatic!” Aelin shouted as Aurora left the room. Nino and Rowan laughed softly before Aelin turned back to her son. “You could call Phedre.”
“And don’t act like it’s whatever if she comes or not.” Rowan said. “Say you want her to be here.”
Nino stared at Aelin and Rowan in silence for a few moments before nodding shallowly. “Yeah, I think I will.”
As one, Rowan and Aelin smiled.
A/N: This is somewhat in the lines of what one of my best friends have been begging me to do, so maybe this will make her calm the fuck down. I’ve had this idea on my mind for a while now and decided to finally write it. Hope you guys enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing!
@in-love-with-caramel-macchiato​ @jlinez​ @courtofjurdan​ @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln​ @ladywitchling @lexflame​ @sleeping-and-books @annejulianneh111​ @perseusannabeth @linshryver​ @mu-si-ca-l @camilamartinezdunne @dank-queen7 @minaidss @starborn-faerie-queen @booksofthemoon @loveofbooksandwine @jesstargaryenqueen @bluejaberry @multifandommessblog @yesdreamblog @superspiritfestival @ireallyshouldsleeprn @woollycat22 @julemmaes @claralady @abookishfreak @faerie-queen-fireheart @maastrash @morganofthewildfire @queen-of-glass @heirofthenightcourt @booksbqueen @heirofthrnightcourt004
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thefeelswhale · 3 years
The Nervous Energy in Everything - Part 4
Author’s Note: TW for narcissist parent. 
It was the most magical moment of his entire life so of course Hitoshi’s dad had to barge into it.  
“Why don’t you show Hitoshi your room?” He said to Izuku who jumped guiltily at the reminder that other people were in the room. 
“Oh! Um.” Izuku turned bright red and some of Hitoshi’s instant and embarrassed irritation with his father must have leaked through their connection because he gave Hitoshi a concerned look before tugging him away. It was clear to everyone involved -except his father who didn’t question it when he got his way- that Izuku wasn’t obeying an adult so much as he was getting Hitoshi away from his dad. “Here, it’s this way.”
Izuku’s room was little and would have been plain except for all the All Might posters.
“Wow.” Hitoshi turned a slow circle. They were still touching, but switched to holding hands. To his surprise they were still getting a little bit of transmission, but not to the degree they’d gotten from touching their marks. 
“Ah, haha.” Izuku rubbed the back of his head. “I’m a little bit of a fanboy.”
Hitoshi had a strong recollection just then of when he was twelve and still had his bedroom walls plastered in band pictures. They’d been torn down after he turned thirteen and got into a fight with his dad. Hitoshi didn’t remember what it was about, but he remembered what came after. It was one of the few times his uncles had been forced to intervene. Uncle Shouta had appeared in the doorway with a kind of stillness about him that Hitoshi never wanted to see again, took in the wreckage of the bedroom, and quietly said “I want a word” while maintaining eye contact with Hitoshi’s father.  
Hitoshi never found out what they talked about, but his dad never set foot in his room again. They didn’t even make eye contact for a week afterwards. His dad had offered to replace the posters a couple of times, but Hitoshi hadn’t trusted him not to do it again the next time he got mad so his walls had been bare for the past two years.
“It’s good.” He said, unable to convey his weird gratitude that his soulmate was allowed to like what he liked at home. 
Izuku cupped his own cheek with his free hand and Hitoshi was enveloped in something that felt like a hug from the inside out. 
“Woah.” Hitoshi wobbled on his feet and landed on the bed, hard on his butt. “You’re going to have to show me how to do that.” It felt amazing. “I had to sit out of bond management class in grade school.”
“It’s not hard.” Izuku sat next to him. “I’ll teach you whatever you want.” He promised. “I don’t have a lot of practice though. Ka… my old soulmate. He wore a cover all of the time.” He rubbed his wrist like it was an old aching wound. 
No guesses about where his first mark used to be. The skin was a little paler there when Hitoshi caught a glimpse of it.
His heart sank a little bit at the reminder that he wasn’t Izuku’s first. It didn’t matter, he reminded himself, because he was going to be the only one from here on out and anyway who in their right mind wore covers? Izuku’s old soulmate sounded like an asshole.
Hitoshi had had his soulmark for less than a day and it was amazing. He never wanted it sealed off. If the material of his shirt wasn’t thin enough to transmit bond contact he’d be shirtless at that very moment. Maybe it just went to show that any level of privilege could be taken for granted if you were born to it.
“What happened to him?” Hitoshi asked, but Izuku shook his head.
“Nothing. He’s fine.” There was a rich and terrible vein of unanswered questions in that statement. Hitoshi had no idea where, if anywhere, to start. “We just broke.” Izuku looked down and started to fidget with his hands. “You don’t have to be jealous.” He turned his face away. “I’m the one who gave up.”
Interestingly, Hitoshi realized he could tell when Izuku was telling the truth and when he was lying. That hadn’t exactly been a lie. Izuku didn’t really believe he’d been the one to break his old soulbond, but he didn’t have any better answers either. 
Hitoshi remembered the feeling that had crossed over to him when his soulmark came in; the grief, the disbelief, the… he didn’t really have a word for it. It had been like falling in love, but in reverse. ‘Giving up’ was one way to describe it, but to feel like that and then be able to truthfully say the other person was ‘fine’? He couldn’t believe it had been so simple.
“Hey.” Hitoshi had no idea what he was doing except that he didn’t like the idea that his soulmate’s first instinct was to not touch him. He caught Izuku’s wrist and gently tugged him closer. “C’mere.”
Izuku hugged like he’d heard of the concept or maybe seen it on TV once, but had rarely put it into practice himself. He was reluctant and awkward at first, but sank into Hitoshi’s side with enthusiasm as soon as he’d figured out where his arms went. 
He’d meant to keep the conversation going -to learn everything about his soulmate that he’d missed before they found each other- except he didn’t have a lot of experience with this kind of hugging either. He got plenty of affection from his uncles and his mom whenever she could slip it in past her quirk; turns out it was very different when the person you were hugging was both a cute boy and your soulmate. His brain shut down and it was kind of like being affected by his mom’s quirk, except way nicer and he was aware of everything going on. 
Someone tapped at the door and Izuku sat up to say, “Yes?”
When the door opened Hitoshi was aware just long enough to recognize his mom’s pinched and unhappy expression before everything whited out. 
He came back to himself alone in the room with an unhappy, anxious Izuku.
“You’re back.” Izuku cupped his face and titled Hitoshi’s face this way and that; checking his pupils, Hitoshi realized. When his mom quirked someone their eyes went totally white. 
“I… what happened?” He looked around. “Where did my mom go?”
“She left.” Izuku wet his lips. “I don’t know what happened. She wouldn’t talk to me.”
“No, she wouldn’t.” Hitoshi shook his head to clear it. He felt weird. Usually his mom’s quirk felt like the first few seconds of waking up from an amazing nap. This time it was… not like that. “Her quirk activates whenever she pays attention to someone.”
It was an amazing villain’s quirk if you were inclined that way, but super debilitating if you were an ordinary nice person. There were lingering side effects too if she accidentally used it on someone too many times. Hitoshi was immune to that part. He already loved his mom as much as he could, but strangers got weird obsessions with her. As a result she didn’t get out much and was totally reliant on her husband, who was also immune to her quirk by dint of being her soulmate.
“Oh yeah? Is it eye contact or just any amount of…” Izuku clapped a hand over his mouth. “Not the time.” He muttered and refocused on Hitoshi. “She hugged you really tight. Then she left. Maybe…” He gave the bedroom door an uncomfortable look. “...maybe we should check?”
Hitoshi was starting to get a bad feeling too. His dad had been trying to get rid of him earlier. That wasn’t a good sign, but he’d been too blissed out by meeting his soulmate to pay attention.  His mom couldn’t intervene whenever he started acting up without making it worse. She was stuck as a bystander.
“Yeah.” He grabbed Izuku’s hand. “Just for a minute.”
Only, his parents were gone by the time they went into the living room. A little round lady with Izuku’s features, softened by age and gentleness, looked up from where she was locking the door. 
“Oh, there are my boys.” She went over to pat their cheeks. “What an exciting day! How do you feel about something special for dinner? Do you like pork, Hitoshi-kun? We like katsudon for celebrations here, but I’ve got a full fridge. We can probably make anything you like.”
“Am… am I staying for dinner?” Hitoshi asked with a sinking stomach. He was pretty sure he knew what had just happened.
“Well, your father mentioned how much you’d like living with your soulmate.” She chuckled. Yup. She’d been Persuaded. “I just knew Izuku would love having you around too so I offered to let you live here.”
That… person had hustled him out of the room so there was no one around to stop him from manipulating Izuku’s mother into taking Hitoshi off his hands. His dad’s quirk, Persuasion, was incredibly difficult to protect someone against. The only way to stop him was to know about his quirk in advance. Usually Hitoshi knew to interfere before it was a problem --just, not today.
For whatever reason, Hitoshi’s dad had never liked him and made no bones about the fact that Hitoshi needed to have a new living situation lined up as soon as he turned eighteen. He was jovial most of the time and seemed to be kind of aware that he wasn’t acting right. Sometimes he’d try to make half-hearted overtures or make up for whatever awful thing he’d done or said recently. He wasn’t violent --much. He hadn’t ever hit Hitoshi, but he would break stuff or call him names or misrepresent him to people; making Hitoshi seem stupider or more trouble than he was in reality. 
Hitoshi knew the root of the problem was his mom although he could never blame her for it. She was the one who’d wanted a kid and his dad, for all his other faults, would move heaven and earth to get her anything she asked for. It just turned out that sharing her attention was the one thing he absolutely could not do or fake.
“Ma’am. I’m really sorry.” He gulped, realizing he didn’t know her name yet. “My dad used his quirk on you. It’s called Persuasion. He can talk anybody into agreeing with him or into doing something to make him happy.”
“I… what?” Izuku’s mom blinked slowly; the artificial happy buzz leftover from giving in to Persuasion was fading. Sometimes telling a person about his dad’s quirk right after helped them shake it off. It looked like this was one of those times. “I… I may need to sit down.”
“Mom, over here.” Izuku seemed to know what to do when she wobbled on her feet. “Hitoshi, there’s a little bottle in the end table over there. Could you grab it?”
The bottle contained honest-to-god smelling salts when Hitoshi got it. Izuku accepted it and cracked it open under his mom’s nose. The smell was ghastly, but startled her into clarity. She blinked hard and patted Izuku on the shoulder.
“Thank you, dear.” She patted her cheeks to settled herself. “Did…” She looked at Hitoshi and something in his expression made her pivot from upset to concern. “...honey, are you okay?”
His dad had just ditched him with strangers. That hug from his mom had been goodbye and he wasn’t even awake for it. No, he was not okay. 
“I can call my uncles.” Hitoshi swallowed on a hard, sore lump in his throat. “You don’t have to worry.”
“I’ll let that pass because we don’t know each other that well yet.” She got up and patted his cheeks with both hands. He had to bend over so she could do it, she was that tiny. “I’m going to worry. Ask Izuku. I worry about everything and this is definitely worth worrying about. Call your uncles please. Then we can discuss the situation.”
“It might be a bit before they can come get me.” Hitoshi apologized. “They’d have been here, but they had to work.”
“That’s fine, dear. You can have dinner here and we’ll work everything else out as it comes.” She glanced at her son. “Izuku, don’t forget to make that other call.” 
Izuku’s shoulders turtled up. “I won’t, mom.”
They had to split up to make their phone calls. Izuku seemed no more enthusiastic about makin his than Hitoshi was to call Mic’s station office. 
Ami-san, the agency-side receptionist, picked up on the first ring. “Present Mic agency and radio station!” She chirped. “If this is an immediate emergency then tap the line and I’ll start a trace on your number.”
“It’s Hitoshi.” He usually liked chatting with her, but his heart wasn’t in it right then.
“Oh, hi, honey!” Ami-san cooed. He’d known her since he’d been born and had spent more than one afternoon in a bassinet under her desk as a baby when his uncle’s station/agency had been located in the back of a garage. “What can I do for you? Mic told me the good news! Did you want me to slip him a note?”
“Could you?” He decided to just rip the bandage off. “My dad used his quirk on my soulmate’s mom.”
“You’re joking.” Her good mood evaporated. “He’s on probation! He knows he’s on probation!”
“He talked her into offering to take over custody of me.” 
“Oh, sweetheart.” She got real quiet. “I… I’ll let Mic know. Don’t call Eraserhead until Mic can talk to him first. If she presses charges….” Ami-san let the sentence trail off without finishing it.
Quirk misuse laws operated on the three strike principle. If they reported it, this would be his dad’s third strike within five years. He’d gotten off with petty fines the last two times he’d gotten caught; convincing a cabby driver to pick him up over someone else and talking a panhandler into leaving him alone. Most people didn’t notice Persuasion, but sometimes someone with a really stubborn will or certain mental illnesses could shake it off by themselves and if they did they knew he’d tried to quirk them. If Izuku’s mom pressed charges then his dad was going to jail this time.
Hitoshi didn’t actually care about that much except for the ways it would affect his mom. She couldn’t work. She couldn’t talk to people. She had a small disability stipend and did some work as a freelance writer, but it hardly brought in anything. If his dad went to prison, even for a few months, then she would be the one who suffered most. 
The one thing his dad could be counted on was to not work against his soulmate’s interests. This time he either hadn’t thought far enough ahead or was banking on Hitoshi protecting his own mother over a stranger.
“We’ll make it work.” Hitoshi decided out loud. His uncles were proof she could live with other people. It wasn’t ideal, but they used a whiteboard and messenger apps to talk. 
“I’ll have Mic call you as soon as he’s off the air.” Ami-san promised. 
Hitoshi sat in the little tatami room he’d used to make his call. Someone had turned it into a computer room at some point, but it had a curious empty feel to it; like it belonged to someone who was long gone.
Izuku was finishing up his own call when Hitoshi went looking for him.
“...not yet.” He was saying. “The officers took my statement and samples off me at the second incident. The paramedics didn’t say anything when they sent me home, but Death Arms and Kamui Wood were… um… yelling so it was hard for them to talk. I’ll go if you think I should… yes, sir. Under the Dooku foot bridge. Through the manhole there. No, he had to leave once I came to. He left his autograph.” He paused and gave a dry little laugh. “Yes, sir. It was in two soda bottles. I noticed the one with the eyeballs in it was still moving. That’s why I hit it in the eyes afterwards.”
“Bakugo Katsuki.” Izuku was still talking. “Yes, it probably got into his mouth. That’s how it happened to me; the nose and mouth. I wasn’t… I couldn’t breath. I don’t think he meant for me to live.” He wrapped his free arm around his knees. “He said something like ‘twenty seconds and it’ll all be over.’”
Hitoshi stood frozen in the door. He’d thought what his dad did was the worst thing that could possibly happen to him that day, but as he listened he realize Izuku was describing a villain attack; an attempted murder on himself. 
They had been within inches of never meeting each other in this life.
There were a lot of reasons Hitoshi wanted to be a Pro Hero. His uncles were a huge influence on him, but part of it was to prove to himself that he was nothing like that man. Now there was a whole new third reason.
“Yes, I’ll come in tomorrow after school if that’s okay.” Izuku said to the police officer he was apparently talking to. “Oh, um, the registry matched me up today. Ah, haha. Yes. Thank you. It was really good timing, actually. Okay, thank you. Goodbye.”
He ended the call, tossed his phone onto the bed, and flopped face first onto the mattress. 
Hitoshi suddenly understood why Izuku’s first instinct was to comfort him through their bond before. He had no idea if touching was good or bad right now. It looked like he had a lot to learn about being a soulmate. 
He tapped on the doorframe and Izuku looked up at him. The helpless smile that eased across his face did a lot to sooth Hitoshi’s exposed nerves.
“Hey.” He sat up and smiled, a little tired looking. Now that Hitoshi was looking he noticed a line of road rash up the outside edge of Izuku’s forearm, ending just below his elbow. It looked red, angry, and fresh. “How much did you hear?” 
“Enough to have a small heart attack.” Hitoshi felt like he was getting a green light to go over there so he did. Izuku catted into his touch so that his palm skated over the handprint on Izuku’s cheek. He got a brief window into his soulmate’s state of mind: he was tired for sure and running out of steam, but secretly (guiltily, even) glad to have Hioshi around for even just a little bit longer. “How did I not feel you get attacked?”
“Oh, that was me.” Izuku squirmed guiltily. “You’re supposed to pull away from the bond if you’re in danger and you don’t know where your soulmate is or what they’re doing. What if you were on stairs or handling a knife or something?” 
This was getting complicated.
“I guess I’ve got a lot to learn.” Hitoshi admitted. 
He was kind of angling for another extended hug, but a faint call of ‘supper!’ echoed down the hall. He could smell food too; really good food too. His mom tended to cook really healthy and he liked that, but the smells coming from Izuku’s kitchen were rich, fatty, and indulgent; comfort food on a day when no comfort could possibly be enough. Maybe he needed to move in with them after all…
Uncle Mic called while he was helping clean up. Izuku waved him off with a smile.
“Where are you?” There was wind in the background. “That son of a bitch isn’t answering his phone.”
Oh boy. Present Mic was swearing. This was bad.
He rattled off Inko-san’s address. “I’m okay.” He said. “My soulmate’s mom is mad at dad, but she seems okay with me. She fed us and said I can stay as-as long as I need to.”
“Okay, that’s ---good?” Mic took a breath and Hitoshi could picture him tugging on his hair. “Then I’ve got time to get out of costume. She’s probably not up to having a pro hero showing up on her front step, huh?”
“It’s been a rough day.” Hitoshi agreed and shielded the receiver so his voice wouldn’t carry. “Izuku, um ---my soulmate. He got hit by a street killer today. He’s okay. There was a hero in pursuit, but Inko-san almost fainted earlier. I don’t think it’d be a good idea to push it.”
Present Mic was, objectively, A Lot.
“By a… a what?” Mic snapped. “I thought you were in Aldera?”
“I am, I am.” 
“Hang on.” Mic carried multiple phones and Hitoshi could hear him get out the one he used exclusively for internet. It had a distinct noise when you unlocked the screen. “Aldera… street attacks…” He was quiet for a moment. “...well, alrighty then. This went down while I was on air. No wonder I missed it. Your boy is scrappy. He beat the crap out of some guy trying to kill a middle schooler with his backpack. All Might was responsible for the takedown. Okay, I’m a little less worried. The villain was a purse snatcher who escalated. That’s less terrible than a possible serial killer in the area.”
Hitoshi compared that to what he’d heard. “That sounds about right.” If he was right then that was the second incident. The first incident must have been when All Might caught the guy the first time. “Could you… could you talk to him about it? I don’t think the police really interviewed him.”
Hitoshi only had second hand knowledge of working with the cops, but he’d never heard of one taking a statement over the phone. Plus there was the matter of Mic’s official report only mentioning the second attack. There was a good chance that officer had just pretended to take the report and had really blown Izuku off. It wasn’t entirely negligent. People sometimes tried to insert themselves into big incidents, especially if it showed up on TV or a big name hero was involved.
“Sure can, buddy.” Mic’s tone went concerned. “Are you all right?”
Hitoshi couldn’t find words to describe how he was feeling. It had been easier to have opinions about Izuku’s problems. “It’s nothing I didn’t already know.” He said at last. 
“We’re coming to pick you up.” Mic promised. “If Hiroshi thinks he can kick you out of the house then he’s got another think coming. We’re gonna make this okay.”
“Okay.” Even Hitoshi could tell he didn’t sound convinced.
The doorbell rang about thirty minutes later. Izuku had pulled him over to the TV to watch the nightly Hero Report and got super into it. Hitoshi liked getting his after action breakdowns from spotter blogs and podcasts. Listening to his soulmate talk about the action on TV was like that, but better. Inko-san watched with them -alternating between that and an embroidery project- and seemed to amuse herself by asking her son questions about what was going on even though she clearly knew the answers.
Uncle Shouta stood at the door sans Uncle Mic and he looked pissed.
“Hitoshi.” He stared into the house over the top of Inko-san’s head. “We’re leaving.”
Hitoshi started to look for his shoes, but drew up short when Inko-san san said, “No. I don’t think you are.” 
She sounded like she was just barely keeping her knees from knocking together and when she stared up at Hitoshi’s uncle she looked like a bunny trying to stare down a Balrog. 
“Excuse me?” Uncle Shouta was dressed down for the evening, but spiritually channelling Eraserhead more than he normally would when faced with a middle-aged homemaker. 
“I am not comfortable sending Hitoshi-kun back into that house.” She didn’t back down and Hitoshi’s heart did something complicated and painful. “How does that --man act at home if that’s how he treats a stranger? Hitoshi-kun is my son’s soulmate. That means I have equal rights to him and I don’t want him back under that man’s roof.”
“It’s not his roof.” Uncle Shouta’s tone was a little less obstreperous than before. It might not seem like it, but Hitoshi’s maternal uncle responded best to logic and that was a good counter argument. “It’s my roof and all his shit’s gonna be in the yard as soon as I get home.”
That… answered some questions Hitoshi had been nursing about his family’s living situation. His dad had a good job and made good money, but he deferred to Hitoshi’s uncles in ways that made no sense --unless he was living in their house. 
Inko-san’s chin wobbled, but firmed up. “Then you can have Hitoshi-kun back as soon as he’s gone.” 
Uncle Shouta’s unsettling black gaze slid towards Hitoshi. “You okay with that?”
Hitoshi found the strength to nod. “Don’t kick mom out.” He probably didn’t need to ask. Uncle Shouta had been looking after his sister long before her soulmate or son came into the picture. Like Hitoshi, he wasn’t totally immune to her quirk but he didn’t get the creepy side effects from it. 
“I can’t stop her if she decides to go.” His uncle warned him and that was exactly what Hitoshi was afraid would happen. He looked back to Inko-san. “I’ll be back with an overnight bag for him.”
“Thank you.” Inko-san relaxed slightly. “I don’t know if we have anything comfortable to lend him for the evening.”
“It’ll be taken care of.” Uncle Shouta stepped back into the shadow of the open air corridor outside Inko-san’s door and vanished like Batman. She carefully shut the door when she realized he wasn’t going to say goodbye and was quiet until she got into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water.
“Your uncle is… an intense person.” She said at last.
“He’s an Underground Hero.” Hitoshi explained and Izuku bopped a fist into his open palm.
“Eraserhead!” He realized out loud. Somehow it wasn’t surprising that Izuku knew about Eraserhead. He didn’t have a big following and was mortally embarrassed by what fandom he did have, but the people who knew about him at all often knew him very well.  
“Is he?” Inko-san relaxed a little further. “Well, then I hope he punches your father right in the nose.” Both her hands flew up to cover her mouth as she realized what she’d said.
“He might.” Hitoshi was a little worried about that. As ever, he didn’t really care if his dad had to deal with negative consequences except for how it affected his mom. 
Mic showed up with a packed overnight bag and his school stuff right about the time Hitoshi was wondering if he was going to have to sleep in his boxers. The upshot was that Inko-san had laid out a double futon in the living room floor without having to be persuaded to let them bunk together. She might have even let them share Izuku’s bed, except there was no hope in hell that they’d both fit on his undersized twin mattress at the same time. 
 Izuku did not recognize Mic, who was harder to spot out of costume because -unlike his husband- he actually put effort into it. He swept in and dazzled Inko-san straight off. Turned out she was weaker to a megawatt smile than to intimidation.
Despite that, Mic looked tired and kind of sore. Hitoshi REALLY hoped it wasn’t actual physical soreness from beating someone up. He still swept Hitoshi up in one of his big bear hugs. “Heya, kiddo.” His voice was a little raspy. “We’re working things out at the house. Shouta’s with your mom. Your dad… well. He’s, uh… he’s checking into a hotel.”
Inko paused as she set down a cup of tea on the coffee table for Mic. “Without Ayame-san?” She asked, confused.
Mic coughed. “Yeah, without Ayame-chan.” He sounded a little down. “She locked herself in the bathroom and wouldn’t come out unless he left. Shouta was still getting the story out of her when I had to leave. I think your dad still has her phone. I’m gonna go get her a new one after this and then you guys can text again.”
His dad keeping his mom’s phone for her wasn’t quite as creepy or controlling as it came off as, but Hitoshi couldn’t deny his dad liked gatekeeping his mom’s access to other people more than he should have. 
Hitoshi’s mom’s quirk was called ‘Siren’ for a reason. She could stun anyone she concentrated on, but the more subtle obsessive secondary effects weren’t universal. Hitoshi, Uncle Shouta, and Uncle Mic were immune because they were all either related to her, super gay, or both.
They’d figured out some loopholes that let her talk to other people. She could text so long as she didn’t hit ‘send’ herself or carry the phone around. Emails were safer, especially if they used a service that routed her outgoing mail through a couple of servers before delivering it. 
“Oh my.” Inko-san sat back on her heels. She glanced at Hitoshi. “I’ll let you two talk.”
“No, I…” Mic took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. “...sorry, this actually concerns you too.” He glanced at Hitoshi. “I don’t think there’s a good way to bring this up so I’m just gonna do it.”
Well, that wasn’t unnerving at all. 
Izuku leaned into his side. He’d been quiet since Mic showed up, but stayed very close to Hitoshi. His presence was more settling than words could describe.
“Your mom says she wants a divorce.” Mic spoke slowly and carefully “Your Uncle Shouta is prepared to ram it through as soon as he possibly can. Knowing your dad though, he’s going to make it as ugly as possible. Some stuff is going to come up and we didn’t want you to have to know about it, but if I know Hiroshi he’s going to drag it all out into the open.”
That was how his dad operated when he wasn’t getting his way or felt under attack so Hitoshi didn’t necessarily agree. He knew his family situation was weird and most of it could be explained away by the fact that his mom needed a lot of support, but could be exposed to too many people. 
Not all of it.
Hitoshi’s dad made really good money. He could afford to buy whatever services she needed. They didn’t need to live with Hitoshi’s uncles, but they did.
“You’re not worried that he’ll try to get full custody of Hitoshi-kun, are you?” Inko-san asked. “I’ve heard of men doing that sometimes, even if they don’t get along with their children.”
“That’s, uh, not a concern for us.” Mic coughed and rubbed the back of his head. “That’s what I came to talk about really. You see… ah…” He squinted at Hitoshi and tried to smile. “Hiroshi isn’t your father. I am.”
Izuku reached over without a word and clapped a hand over Hitoshi’s sternum, squelching his first furious response before it could even happen. Hitoshi covered his soulmate’s hand with his own, holding it there and making use of the soothing vibrations of their bond for a couple of seconds before he could ask questions that weren’t ‘Are you out of your goddamn mind?’
“It’s not what it sounds like.” Mic hastened to reassure him. “You see, Ayame-chan wanted a baby really badly. Hiroshi turned out to be infertile. I was just a donor. You were born through IVF.”
That was way less bad than what Hitoshi had first assumed, given the way Mic had phrased that. For one awful moment he thought Mic had cheated on Uncle Shouta ---with Hitoshi’s mom no less.
“We thought Hiroshi was okay with it.” Mic went on to explain. “He seemed to look forward to you at first, but things changed when you were born. I think it wasn’t real to him before that or he hadn’t thought about what it would mean to be a father so…” He fought to keep an uncharacteristically grim look off his face and only met with middling success. “...he refused to let his name be listed on your birth certificate. Normally it doesn’t matter, but he made such a stink about it that the hospital agreed to put my name down. I’m your legal male parent and I share custody of you with Ayame-chan. Hiroshi isn’t involved.”
Holy crap.
Did that mean Uncle Shouta was both his uncle and stepdad? How did that even work?
“It’s going to be hard to get the divorce decree.” Izuku piped up. “I heard there’s precedent now for not granting separations to soul mates if one of them has a quirk disability and there’s no evidence of abuse.”
“Oh believe me, little li--guy...” Mic slid his glasses back on. “...my lawyers are used to way higher stakes. They’ll chew him up and pick their teeth with his bones. Shouta’s been after this for a long time too. No one was going to take her soulmate away from her, but if Ayame wants him gone then we’ll run him out of town on a rail.”
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mirismuffins-ovo · 3 years
Plant Palace pt 5🌿
[There was a time skip from the last chapter]
John and Eddie's relationship had been good and if anything they got closer as John's pregnancy progressed. There were some nights when John couldn’t help but be in pain feeling the rushed growth of the three babies stretching his belly. The maroon sweater and a few other articles of clothes were the only things left that really fit John's growing tummy. John had started to struggle working with such a large amount of weight. And his sensitivity had gone up immensely touch wise and whenever he touched plants they’d sprout out of proportion. Eddie had been more concerned about John and kept saying John should really start staying home. John always insisted that he was alright but after he had a harder time at work and a few rude customers came in they decided it was time to start planning for a visit to John's godparents.
John and Eddie were packing the car for the trip to his parents,it wasn’t super long but they were cautious for the sake of John. Knowing John needed lots of water snacks(sugar) and light,not to mention the weather had gotten colder recently. John adjusted his clothes as he sat down in the front seat,he was embarrassed of the weight he’d gained in his hips and some in his chest. As John did this Eddie got into the car and started the drive,John gave a soft smile at Eddie and rested his hands on his distended belly rubbing it gently. “I’m sorry if they act weird by the way,they are regular humans though”
Eddie was actually excited for the little road trip they were going to have. He was super proud of John and how far he had gotten over the past several weeks. He loved snuggling up to his boyfriend at night and playing with the babies, which he was still waiting for his turn to feel the outward kicks.
“I’m sure they’ll be splendid.” Eddie smiled. “I’m pretty excited to meet your family, know how you grew up or were raised. It could help us take care of the little ones.” An idea popped in his head. “Speaking of the sprouts, have you decided to name them?”
Eddie felt a small chill so he turned on the heater to warm them up a bit. He also planned to stop by a drive through coffee shop to grab some hot cocoa for the road. The older man was sure his boyfriend would love the surprise treat.
John gave an awkward look at first when he mentioned how he grew up and he focused on the second question. “I haven’t yet,I want your help with that if that’s alright?,I’m not sure what the little fruit gummies will look like when they’re here.” He smiled warmly and patted his belly feeling one of them kick. John was pretty excited to see the babies. “ Henry and Quinn are good people they’ll be pretty helpful,but do not listen to them when they say baby names” He laughed softly “not the best judgement with names,we had a cat named Pringle’s” He smiled at the memories,still gently patting his round belly. Nearing the small coffee shop Eddie pulled off the main road and John was a bit confused until he realized this was a surprise stop. His face lit up “Oooo are we getting cocoa” he couldn’t help but excitedly fidget. They were maybe just a bit farther out from his childhood home.
“Of course cocoa.” Eddie smiled, ordering two with extra whipped cream and marshmallows. Sprinkles for John’s. “I might have a few ideas on the baby names, but I’d want to see them first to confirm if they’ll fit.”
Then they took off down the road again. The two enjoyed the scenery, watching as they drove further north towards John’s godparents place. Finally after 6 hours of travel, they arrived just after the sun had set. Eddie could see John be a little nervous about seeing his family after he assumed it was a while. Eddie took his boyfriend’s hand as he turned off the car.
“It’ll be okay. I’m here with you and we can turn around now if you want to leave.”
There were a lot of memories in that house “no no it’s okay...I just don’t know how they’ll react to um “he looked at his tummy and then Eddie “I know they won’t be mad but it’s still awkward” he shrugged and took a deep breath as they got out of the car Eddie helping John down making sure he wouldn’t fall. Eddie grabbed their bags and John grabbed bittys carrier,she let out a soft tired meow waking from her nap. They walked up to the front door of a nice looking house,it was surrounded by large tall trees,there seemed to be no neighbors around for a distance. John hesitantly pressed the doorbell and he heard a shuffle from inside.
The door clicked open to reveal a tall man just a bit shorter than Eddie,he wore glasses and had brown hair and a sweater on his face was slightly scruffy and showed a few signs of graying with a few streaks in his hair. His face lit up brightly when he saw John “My little Johnny!” He said lovingly just before realizing that the small redhead had quite the large tummy covered by his sweater. Another person shorter than John and androgynous looking opened the door more “Oh my..John you’ve gotten fat” they said a bit shocked as they allowed the couple to step in from the cold.
John felt his face get hot with embarrassment “hello to you too Quin”
Henry had pulled John in for a hug trying to be careful with John's tummy “so is this your handsome husband?” He gasped slightly and looked at John with a raised eyebrow “I see you’ve inherited my taste in men John” he said teasingly. John was an embarrassed little mess dealing with his godparents.
Eddie blushed and felt a little bad for John. He wanted to speak up to correct the older man, but he kept his lips tightly closed. Instead he just smiled and helped with the bags. When they greeted the other man, he blushed a little further when he heard the compliment.
The house was lush and cozy, growing into a grandparent’s aesthetic, but also manly. He quite liked the subtle decoration. He stayed close to John as they were shown around the house. He dropped off the bags in their room for the weekend and continued to stay close. Although he knew these people were safe, he couldn’t help but feel protective of John. He offered John the chance to return home, but he was the one who wanted to hide and protect him and the babies.
Once the house tour was over, they all decided to relax in the living room for the evening until they had to go to bed.
It was the next morning and John woke up in the arms of his lover,who he’d found tiredly rubbing his plump tummy in a loving manner. “Morning” John smiled softly and nuzzled his face into Eddie's shoulder inhaling the lovely scent of him. John struggled to sit up with the weight of the babies,he huffed as he slouched in bed. “I can’t wait to meet them,but we should probably tell Henry and Quinn and see if they’ll be able to take care of them” John sat up and struggled to grab the clothes out of his bag on the floor,he wasn’t able to bend down,and had been needing help getting dressed. “I can’t reach it” he sighed, cradling his bulging tummy that rested in his lap while he sat back on the bed. He heard a light knock on the bedroom door and he heard Henry call for them to come to breakfast. Eddie had helped John get dressed and they went to breakfast together sitting down at the table that was covered in pancakes and assortments of fruits. Quinn set down a cup of tea for John and the coffee pot in the middle of the table.
John had proceeded to eat his breakfast and a large amount at that. He decided to speak up “so I’m pregnant..if you couldn’t tell” he cleared his throat glancing or a moment at Eddie still nervous,but he heard Henry squeal with joy and come over to and get on his knees “your having a baby????” He softly poked his tummy. Quinn humpfed and rose an eyebrow at this,it was obvious that Quinn didn’t like John too much.
John gave a soft laugh “three actually” he was shy about it but Henry couldn’t help but smile and place his hands on John's tummy and placed his ear close and lovingly listened. He could hear the shifting of the babies and laughed happily before giving John a big hug and looking at Eddie “congrats your two!” Quinn had started to clean up the table not saying anything
“It might be too dangerous to raise them in the city,there’s a chance that they might look too plant-like..so we were wondering if you could take care of them part time?” Henry looked like he was about to say yes,but Quinn’s voice rang out “No!” John looked startled and Henry whipped his head back to look at his partner.
Eddie didn’t bother to correct Henry’s joy when John brought up asking to help raise them. When Quinn shouted ‘NO!’ It shook them a little. Eddie noticed Quinn wasn’t too pleased to see John and with him being a complete stranger to the two, he could understand a little of the frustration. Clearly there was something here that Eddie was missing.
“I’m not sure of what’s going on between you and John, but I know little to nothing about Abnormals, Abnormal pregnancies, let alone plant children.” Eddie voiced. “I know it sounds so short but I’ve known John for over a year now and we’ve been together for a good four months or so, all he’s doing is asking for help.”
Eddie could see anger boil in Quinn’s eyes. Henry and John became quiet. He looked at all three and sighed. “Could we at least talk about this before making a final decision? If anything, think about John, when he shouldn’t be having stress on him. Both of us are unsure about all of this, the unexpected rock tossed into our short relationship but we’re both trying our best to figure this out. We’re not dumb teenagers who went and got ourselves knocked up. I just happen to be here when it’s brought up. We’re both functioning adults as much as we would love to care for the babies like any other family should when given the opportunity, there’s just that barrier, especially with America having a tight ass about things.” He looked over them all. “I deeply care about John, so just hear us out, please.
John was upset and he moved closer to Eddie for comfort. Henry was distressed about how his partner had reacted,Henry was more than happy to help John but then Quinn spoke again. “We’re not raising anymore abnormals Henry,I don’t know how you pamper him” Quinn raised a hand to point towards John with anger “DO YOU NOT REMEMBER WHAT IT WAS LIKE RAISING HIM” they sighed with anger and shook their head. “Three more!? Continuing his bloodline,you know his parents and his past,another Prince-“
Henry snapped “that is quite enough” John could feel it hard to not cry but he kept calm and looked away at the floor,grabbing into Eddies hand.
“If they find we’re associated with the Prince family,which keep in mind could have happened while we raised him,but that never happened. There’s still places to hide them Quinn” Henry shook his head “I’m sorry about this John” He muttered to John and Eddie,seeing the small pregnant man looking upset.
Quinn continued “this is johns problem were not responsible for him anymore”
John took a shaky breath and tried to pull Eddie away “w-we should get going..it’s a long drive back” he said in the middle of the silence “im..sorry for asking about it”
“What…” Eddie was shocked at what just went down. He was forming more questions than answers. But John was already on the move pushing past them with tears in his eyes to pack the clothes he took out for the night while Eddie quietly gathered Bitty. He didn’t want to say anything but he now understood why John was nervous in the first place about even telling him.
What had John gone through growing up? Was Quinn always this rough on him? What is Quinn’s fault that John was so scared of humans? Where were they going to go now for help? He knew a ticket to Canada wasn’t cheap and to live there was too long a process. If the pregnancy was going how John said, faster and quicker, especially with three, they were pretty much out of time.
John was already 2 months gone into his pregnancy and could have them after the third. Plus with winter approaching, John was starting to lose his energy, another reason why Eddie wanted him to stop working. He was at a loss as he packed the car while John said farewell to Henry. A pit in his stomach formed for John, feeling that this would be the last time he would see the people who helped raise his boyfriend.
The younger man was sniffly and red-eyed by the time they got into the truck, Bitty settled between them. The ride was tense, silent. All Eddie could do was hold his hand. He was sure there was something they could do to solve this problem. But he promised he was going to stick by his boyfriend until the end, even if they were old in age.
“We’ll be okay.” He said, hoping the words would help a little, but knowing how things were, he pit in his stomach never left and wasn’t any time soon.
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GinTae and KatsuMatsu
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I realize that there are some parallels between these two couples. I want to talk about it because they are probably two of the most plausible hetero ships in Gintama and I love both of these ships so much, although I also ship Gintoki and Katsura with each other and other people (among everything, I even ship Gintoki/Shouyou and Katsura/ShigeShige; please don’t hate on me guys).
First Meeting
The first time both of these couples met, the women beat up the men (though for good reasons).
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The next scene took place in the women’ home.
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Then the bad guys who often came to the house to harass the women appeared. They demanded money or/and the women’ home (The loan sharks wanted the dojo while the evil brother-in-law wanted the ramen shop).
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The women even had an awesome moment where they punched/slapped the bad guys in the face.
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The men then defended the women.
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Then the women were taken away by the bad guys to be sold.
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And of course the men came to rescue them and solved their problems with the bad guys.
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The story ended with the women seeing the men in a different light.
There are also some similarities between Tae and Ikumatsu. Both women lost their parents and their first love (for Tae it’s Obi Hajime and for Ikumatsu it’s her husband Daigo). Both of them inherited a run-down place that they are determined to keep running (for Tae it’s the dojo, for Ikumatsu it’s the ramen shop). Both women also have strong relationship with their fathers.
My teacher once told me and my fellow students that guys should find a girl who loves her father, because if she respects her father, she will likely do the same with her husband. Likewise, girls were told to find a guy who loves his mother, because if he loves and respects his mother, he will do the same with his wife.
While this advice can certainly apply to Gintoki and Katsura (since both women love their fathers so much), I think it can also apply to Tae and Ikumatsu. Both men have strong relationship with their mother figures so they (mostly) respect women in general. While we don’t know much about Katsura’s relationship with his parents, he did have strong relationship with his grandmother, who was his only parental figure after both of his parents died. He kept his grandmother’s words to heart to this day and mentioned her in some scenes. And while it doesn’t look like it at first glance, Gintoki does have a strong relationship with Otose. He is really loyal and protective of her not only because of his promise to her dead husband, but because he genuinely cares for her like a son to his mother.
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I think among Gintama hetero ships, these two couples have the highest chance to end up together in a long-lasting relationship in the future. And I don’t mind if that happens because I like both Tae and Ikumatsu (they’re awesome). They even have my favorite light-haired x dark-haired trope. Both couples have a domestic aura to them and honestly, I can picture them married with kids and living next door to each other (that would be hilarious).
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