#alt text for asks in image description
mickules · 2 years
Dangantober asks
So, you may or may not have seen, I've been posting Dangaronpa Ghost Photos as a daily october drawing and writing challenge
This is just a collection of asks about them, and I'll be posting a little breakdown of my thought process behind each character tomorrow
But first, the most pressing question:
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I'm afraid not, it's just gonna be THH and SDR2 but I do appreciate the enthusiasm👍! I'll be honest, I kinda ran dry on the ideas front. It might be different if I'd planned it all out in advance, but since v3 isn't a direct sequel, it doesn't slot in as neatly with the prev 2 games. I'd have had to do a lot more juggling to fit it in and I hate to admit it, but I was already starting to repeat myself a little bit. There's always next year tho perhaps...
Rest of the asks below!
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oho! (referencing Chiaki's photo) you certainly did see what I did there It was honestly a toss up between that, and sonic.exe which would have been HILARIOUS. (also not sure if anyone caught the ref to one of my fave youtubers)
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Fair point, Well we know what happens when you break ALL of them, But if you break a few all at once I think it'd the first option. They won't come for you at the exact same time though, the haunts cascade, one after the other depending on when you broke the rule, and how fast the ghost haunts you.
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I did try to make most of the rules things that'd probably get you in trouble anyway if you were caught, but there's gonna be that one unlucky fecker who accidentally throws a new pen away and gets their ass ghost stalked by Nagito, no idea of what's going on.
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@cat0901h3 Originally I was going to include a bit with Makoto as the headteacher The idea was that Junko lured you into the headteacher's office to kill you THERE, essentially framing Makoto, and starting up her whole campaign of despair again. I decided to leave it more ambiguous instead like the ending of THH, and have Junko be your unreliable narrator instead
Course this au crumbles a little if you look too hard since the sdr2 lot are actually dead and not in a simulation (and I did not plan this lol) I like to think of it like a Battle Royale situation. Junko set up the killing games but it never got outside Hope's Peak, it was kept under wraps. there wasn't an actual apocalypse.
In this scenario I do see Makoto as the headteacher, he'd probably know about the hauntings, hence why there are school policies in place that match the 'rules', I figure Hiro helps out a fair bunch working out the haunting parameters, they're trying to help their friends rest in peace.
thanks so much! super glad you like! Working fast was what I was most known for in school lol, it helps if I've got a solid visual in mind, otherwise I can meander with the best of them.
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AHH?? THANkS SO MUCH! I'm so pleased folk liked them! I've gotta admit when I started I was like 'ha ha this'll be a laugh' and halfway through it was very much 'WRITING IS HARD' Lord, pour one out to the fanfic authors, I cannot do what they do!
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Thanks so much! it really makes my day to see folk waiting for the next one :) Hope celeste lived up to your expectations ;)
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Sorry for leaving these too late to answer! I didn't want to stop and answer in between the dangantober posts in case I lost momentum But I wanted to acknowledge it, I'm pleased I sparked your interest! :)
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[EDIT this ask came literally as I pushed post]
@emberz7 AH!! Thanks so so much! I'm blown away to hear that folk were actually spooked! A little creepy vibe was definitely was I was going for I think I like Chiaki's picture the most, I just really like how it came out with the screenshot vibe. In terms of story, honestly Sayaka's it was the one that inspired me to start the whole thing, and at the beginning it was the only one I had! I think it's also the most robust in terms of flow, it feels like an actual ghost story someone might tell.
Also, I see you, you absolute GEMS who reblogged each one?? and left tags??? you don't know how much that means to me
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not gonna lie that's a big reason why I didn't run out of steam sooner <3
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nonbinary-arsonists · 4 months
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my favorite poly ships :3 crazy how the ship containing the most humans is the one that looks like it has none.
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(click for better quality!)
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krsc2 · 17 days
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5. cowboy for @forlorn-crows! this one was very fun, thank you for the suggestion!!
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mycoblogg · 10 months
can terfs interact?
no lol i will hunt you for sport. fuck off
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shyhandart · 2 months
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the besties
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ask-thearchivists · 1 month
Hello! It’s quite interesting to see new Archivists. There’s so many of you, it’s a bit hard to try and keep track of all your titles. Would you mind introducing yourselves, if that isn’t too much to ask?
- Frog
(Ahaajahhajak im so excited! The art is amazing as usuall. Can’t wait to see what kinds of interactions happen! But make sure to take your time. <: thanks for the event it’s super cool and I hope to send in asks when i have time. Have a good day!)
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Uncle Coor: I am a Coordinator, but you may call me "Uncle Coor" or just "Coor" since there is already a Coordinator you are all familiar with. I am the eldest at over ten Comets old, which is over 1 million of your mortal years. I use he/him and masculine titles exclusively.
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The Compelor: I am a Charmer but I will be going by The Compelor for the duration of my stay, I am tied for second eldest with my twin, the Copyist. I am over 200,000 of your mortal years old. I use it/he and masculine titles exclusively.
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The Copyist: I am the Copyist, I use it/she and feminine titles exclusively.
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The Conservator: ...hhmm? Oh. I am the the Conservator, my job is to study the behaviors of mortals and relay that information, in detail, to the Copyist, I am the third eldest, born in the sunrise ring of the Eclipse galaxy about 157,400 of your mortal years ago. I use it/its exclusively and will take any titles regardless of perceived gender.
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The Cataloger: I'm usually a Curator but I'll be using Cataloger since it's the same thing. I'm the second youngest and about 3500 years old. I use ze/zir and feminine and neutral titles.
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The Cartologist: Oh! Uh! I'm the Cartographer...usually. But I was told I need to go by Cartologist while I'm here...I'm the youngest, at about 2150 years old. I use he/e pronouns and any titles.
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krscblw · 8 months
thank you for the ask! this one is about halfway done, and if i ever finish it it's supposed to match the one i did of nimbus a while ago.
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ask-spectrum-coding · 15 days
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Your questions have been recieved, and will be answered the moment we're all on break. In the meantime... meet the team! And don't go spreading these files around just anywhere, buster. This is highly classified data.
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animunerdery · 1 year
hi pls don't use the ALT image option as an extra caption, that's meant to describe images for visually impaired users!
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Ok, so… some thoughts on alt text and visual impairment.
The original purpose of alt texts are indeed to offer the visually impaired an opportunity to experience an image.
However. How does one experience an image? What is the purpose of the image?
So, to reveal a little about myself. I am visually impaired. I have one severely myopic barely functional eye, and the other is an indiscernible soup of color and shape.
From the functional eye, I try to take in whatever minor little detail. From the nonfunctional one, I suppose adaptation is in order, as the visual world no longer has depth, the realms of the other senses intersect along the crossroads of imagination in order to see that which you cannot.
We feel and experience through so called trivialities and minutiae. Onomatopoeia of scritching along finely toothed margins.
Description itself, the thick kind that oozes with the flavor of the experience, is in a way a practice of inducing nostalgia.
My purpose, however, is to offer alternate hints for immersion. Did you miss out on this? Here’s a little something else for you to experience.
With technology, AI can already efficiently offer basic descriptions of images.
As a maker of things, immersion goes beyond a mimesis of that which exists. The experience is the tone, the mood, the absurd little notes in the margins.
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afoxysunny · 2 months
It's been a while, but I'm back with a special!
Surprise! Here are animals that ppl other than me and my twin came up with:
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• Thanks to @thehoneybunny1 for having a Honey flying squirrel as her pet in our own irl dnd campaign I just had to draw that lil guy (his name is Melzie)
• Thanks to @thealmightyscreech for leaving these cool tags on my Fish cats post
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I discovered that I love drawing skunks so also thanks for that xD and the leopard came out surprisingly cool- it outperformed my expectations. The idea was even better in practice than in concept!
• Thanks to @autistic-yuri for leaving these adorable tags on my Jelly snails post, that was so sweet and I smile every time I read it. What a bombastic compliment
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And drawing jellyfish comes pretty naturally to me so I ofc had to bring your ideas to life as well! I loved how naturally the jello box design lend itself to be turned into the eye like looking pattern inside the real life box jellyfish
I really hope y'all are fine with being tagged in this post.. I'm so sorry I didn't ask ahead. I wanted this to be a surprise and it's been so long since you reblogged my posts, but I only now got around to doing a collage page like this..
I don't know if I would consider these animals possible canon? As calorum is very euro-centric based and none of these animals exist on that continent. Which is one more reason I would've never come up with them and love them even more bc of it now!
Again - thank you so so so much for reblogging my art and it's such an honour and pleasure to see it inspiring you to come up with your own calorum fauna. I hope you like the lil guys I made for you and that they at least look a little bit like you imagined
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everett-true-daily · 1 month
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reinanova · 8 days
so you're new to ao3
and want to learn how to find and filter fics. then boy oh boy is this post for you
(this is going to be a Long post so I'm adding a read more break now)
but where to begin? i personally like to search by fandom or by ship. there are two ways to go about this:
search the fandom, then click on the first link for the fandom you find:
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2. click on fandoms in the upper left corner and find your fandom in the giant list of fandoms
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(Same concept applies for searching for a specific ship)
Great! now you're in the search results of all the works in that fandom! I'm now going to introduce you to your new favorite button: Filters
When you click on the filters button, the filters menu pops up. There are two main ways to filter works: including tags and excluding tags.
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the Include Filter
before we begin: keep in mind that ao3 shows you the most popular tags under each filter. if what you're looking for isn't listed, you can use the search boxes under each filter category to find what you want
Ratings and Warnings
If you want to read a fic with a specific rating or a specific warning, this is where you select that. I personally prefer to use the exclude filter to filter out the ratings/warnings I don't want, but that's up to you. (Notice how you can only pick one rating: if you want to only read one rating, this is great for you. if you want to read anything except a certain rating, that's when exclude is your friend)
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Categories and Fandoms
This is great if you want to read a specific slash or a crossover with a specific fandom. (I personally don't use these filters)
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Characters and Relationships
this is the good stuff. here is where you can pick the relationship(s) you want to see. If you select more than one, you will only see results that include all of the selected options. The relationships filter is my favorite include filter--utilize it!!
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Additional Tags and Other tags to include
want to read fluff? hurt/comfort? this is where you go. If the tag you're looking for isn't on the list under Additional Tags, you can search for the tag you want. ao3 will start to suggest tags, so you can select what you want from that list.
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we have now reached my favorite part of the ao3 filtering system:
the Exclude Filter
ao3 operates on a don't like, don't read principle. the exclude filters exist for a reason: USE THEM!!!! i love the exclude filters and use them for every single search
Ratings, Warnings, Categories, and Fandoms
This seems pretty self-explanatory. Let's say you don't want to read fics that are not rated and fics that are tagged as major character death, but every other rating or warning is fair game. Boom, you've excluded them from the search results.
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Characters and Relationships
Don't want to read a fic with a certain character or ship? You can get rid of all of them from the search results. For example, if you don't want to read any /Reader fics, you can filter those out here
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Additional Tags and Other tags to exclude
Anything else you don't want to read about? maybe it's something that is a trigger for you, or something you just aren't into. Maybe there are specific relationships not listed under the relationship filter that you want to exclude. you can exclude those tags here. The exclude tag search feature is great for this.
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More Options
there are some more ways to filter fics, including crossover status, completion status, word count, date updated, and language. Let's say you don't want any crossovers and you want to read a work in progress. you would select Exclude crossovers and Works in progress only here.
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One last thing before you hit sort and filter!
You can sort the results by a variety of different features, like date updated, hits, and kudos. Be careful tho--sometimes some of the best fics you'll read will be the ones that don't have the same number of hits and kudos as the "popular fics" so don't judge a fic by it's numbers
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That's it!! Now you're ready to sort and filter the results to your heart's content! This button is at the top and bottom of the filter tab for your convenience :)
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Based on the filtering, your new search results will appear. Now you can read what you want and ignore the rest!
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In summary:
Including: will show you only the results that have ALL of the included tags
Excluding: will show you results that have NONE of the excluded tags
Don't like, don't read! ao3 is an archive, not an algorithm--you have to search out the content you want yourself. hit the back tab if you don't like the fic you're reading
Remember to leave comments and kudos to make an author's day!!
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werewroammin · 4 months
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do you think they’ve ever been in a situationship
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imjustli · 4 months
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Session 8
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nackels · 2 days
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If you watched the Knuckles series ( by the gods you should have pirated) and enjoyed it:
Watch Out!
They were luring you in with the cute cartoon character you love, to use him as an accessory, a prop to another's story, and a very distasteful one. It's not just that the writing lacked Knuckles centric plot, but that it was done so a white Israeli cop with a sister in the FBI who probably also fits an antisemitic stereotype ("cowardly, weak, a loser") would get mild character development, done by a company that supports Israel among other awful things.
People have the right to be mad their fave characters that typically represent an oppressed group are being used as a prop to the oppressive figures. Don't come at me like this is all innocent.- the US police train the IDF. What purpose would Wade serve?
Here's a counter you can do: Get familiar with the boycott list and why they're there. You can download the No Thanks app or visit the BDNaash website.
Don't let them make you forget, don't let them make you comfortable with this.
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*going down on zzl for the first time*
Damn boy this pussy is concerning
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