#alt history writing prompts
solarfaesblog · 1 year
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RotB Mirage x Teen!Reader
Prompt: Fluff🌸
Summary: Mirage decides to take you on a joyride to clear your mind. (Also, your about 15-16 years old in this.)
You were sitting at your desk, doing the 2-page essay your History teacher gave you a few days ago. You, of course, had started on it 2 days before the due date. You weren't able to start on it sooner because of some unexpected family issues appering in your life. You've been sitting at your desk for hours now, trying to get this stupid essay done. You should be asleep right now, but you decided thatgetting this essay done was mkre important than sleep at the moment. Your thoughts were running through your head aboit 100 mph, trying to think of what to write next, while worrying about upcoming school events at the same time. Highschool was a pain in the ass half of the time in life. Making you stressed over stupid sfuff like essays, projects, and other shit.
You dropped your pencil on your desk, and put your head on your hands, overwhelmed by the amountbof hours you've spent on this essay, and your thoughts running through your head. You looked at your phone, only to see that it was almost 1:00 in the morning. All of a sudden, you hear a light tapping noise against your window in your room. You stood up from your chair, stretching from sitting for so long, and walked to your window, opening it, only to see Mirage leaning against the railing of your apetment balcony.
"Hey kid, you doin' alright in there?"
He asked, as he gave you a small look of concern. You climbed through your window and onto your balcony, giving him a small nod, telling him that you were working on something for school that was due in a few days before it would need to be turned in.
"How long have you been working on it?"
He asked, as you counted how long you've been working on it with your fingers. You told that you've been working on it ever since this afternoon.
"Shit kid, have you took a break at all??"
He asked in concern, as he quickly became worried about your physical health. You looked away from him, embarrassed about you now taking a break like you should've.
"Come here kid."
Mirage said, as he picked you up from your balcony, placed you on the ground, and turned into his alt mode. You asked him on what he was doing going jnto his alt mode.
"Were goin' on a joyride. You need to take a break from whatever your working on, and let your mind rest for a bit. It's good to take a break every so often."
He said, as you hesitantly climbed into the passenger seat, with the seatbelt clamping around you, and into the seatbelt slot. He then drove out of the gravel road that led to your apartment, and drove off into the streets. You asked him on where you both were going, and all he said was that y'all were gonna cruise around the streets. For someone who likes to go fast, he wasn't really going that fast down the streets. The longer he drove, the more you both talked about whatever came onto y'alls minds.
After a few hours of driving around the city, he brought you back to your apartment so that you could get some rest since it was now close to 4:30 in the morning. You thanked him for making you take a break from your school work, and from life in general.
"Anytime kid, you need rest. Dont force yourself to do something for anything."
He said, as you climbed back through your window, thanking him once again for not only being your protecter, but you best friend as well.
"Your welcome kid, and goodnight Y/n."
He said, right before you said goodnight to him and closed your window, and crawling into your bed, getting some well needed sleep. You'll worry about finishing your essay tommorow.
This is my first fanfic, so I hope you enjoyed it!
Have a good day/night! 💜💜
Please repost my posts so that it can help me create more amazing content for others to see!
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Mark your calendars because Kira Appreciation Week returns October 28-November 03 2023! We’ve got 4 weeks to prepare fic, gifs, edits, meta, and more to show our favorite kitsune some love!
To participate, simply create Kira-centric content during the week and use the tag #KiraWeek2023 and/or tag us in the post (@KiraYukimuraAppreciation)! Written works can also be submitted to the event’s Ao3 collection. See suggested prompts for inspiration below.
Writing Prompts:
Day 1, You Came Back: We never got to see it on screen, but Kira returns! When, how, why, where...you decide. Day 2, There's a Reason You Kept It: With particular focus on Kira's tails, today's a day to explore identity. What makes Kira who she is? How do kitsune attributes, like tails, interact with that identity? Day 3, They Did Something: Kira and family, friends, romantic partners…but what about the baddies? This prompt explores Kira’s relationship with villains on the show. Day 4, Trickster-or-Treat: Notoriously, kitsune are trickster spirits. Use this day to explore Kira’s mischievous side! Day 5, What if Wednesday: Missing scenes, AUs, fix-its, any idea born of the question “What if…?” Let your imagination run wild with possibilities. Day 6, History Echoes: In what ways do we see Kira's story/character connect to and/or parallel others in the show? Are there ways her life echoes Noshiko’s history? How might Kira’s present echo into her (indefinitely long) future? Day 7, It’s Alright to Cry: Today is about trauma exploration. We see Kira suffer a multitude of traumas, but we don't see the fallout. How is she affected? Where is the resolution?
Alt 1, Have you ever heard of something called a Kitsune?: What does lore say about kitsune and how would this impact to Kira? (Types of kitsune, relation to Oni or the wild hunt, foxes & wolves dynamic, tails, etc.) Alt 2, I Printed It Out: Anything relating to Kira and school or nerd!Kira. (Research, topics of interest, extracurriculars, etc.) Alt 3, My Family and I Moved Here Three Weeks Ago: All about Ken, Noshiko, and Kira as a Yukimura unit. (Family members we don't see in show, family dynamics, Kira's childhood...bring on the Yukimura family feels!) 
Visual Prompts:
Day 1: Fav Scene(s) OR Kira + Kitsune Attributes (tails, fox spirit/aura, lightning, etc.) Day 2: Poetry, Lyrics, Quotes OR Significant Objects Day 3: Color/B&W OR Kira + Villains Day 4: Trickster!Kira OR Nerd!Kira Day 5: Dealer's Choice OR Lie-Ability (Use footage to Lie™ about what happens in canon--visual AU’s, fix-its, missing scenes, etc.) Day 6: Back in Style (Throw-back to any past editing style you miss.) OR Something New (Got an editing style you’re dying to try out? Go for it!) Day 7: Hurt/Comfort OR Parallels
All daily themes can be found in greater detail here! Be sure to also check out our rules and submission info.
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pineappleciders · 2 years
pineappleciders masterlists/introduction!!
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hello!! i've been posting for a bit now but i decided i'd do a re-introduction and masterlist.
you can call me pineapple or cider, i use he/him and i'm 16! i don't put alt text on every image post but i try to do the ones i can!!
you can follow me on tiktok as @pineappleciders2 (i dont rly post there)
please DNI/DNF if you're homophobic racist zionist proshitter etc. NSFW blogs can interact but please don't follow!!!
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writing reqs: open!!
drawing reqs: open!!
matchups: closed!!
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what do i post?
i post my art and writing (mainly x reader headcanons!) i will also babble about anything and i will answer questions :)
i try to tag spoilers and trigger warnings on general things (like blood etc.)
fandoms i write for
OMORI (no romantic for the HS kids, but will do platonic!!)
south park (platonic only for the kids, yes i will do non-platonic post covid adults!)
project sekai
requirements/what i will not write?
anything NSFW/smut
anything proship (pedophilic, incest, big age gaps, etc.)
yandere/toxic relationships (unless it's apart of a side story, such as contributing to the main relationship)
romantic x readers with characters 13 or under (this includes south park and omori headspace kids, platonic only)
graphic depictions of suicide or extreme gore
certain ships! i'm a huge multishipper but certain ships i'm just not as big of a fan of. so feel free to ask my opinions on a ship!
what do i prefer to write?
angst, fluff, headcanons/drabbles, fanfics, x readers and character x characters, and even stuff self harm or eating disorder related.
i will do matchups for OMORI, eddsworld, and project sekai. feel free to specify if you want a platonic one or not
what about drawing requests?
i take drawing reqs!!! moreso like drawing ideas or prompts and less like free commissions. i might draw your OC or AU characters!!!
examples of a good request:
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example of a bad request:
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can i use your art?
yeah! i think it's really cool when i see my art in a pfp and stuff. there is no need to credit me, but you can if you'd like :)
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how you can help 🍉
call for ceasefire
daily click to donate
🍉 children's relief fund
resources on 🍉 history
resources1 and resources2
call for ceasefire
sudanese organizations to donate to
master document on palestine, the congo, sudan, haiti, yemen etc. (please check this out!!!)
verified 🍉 gofundmes
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ty for reading :-)
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motleyfolk · 1 year
Craft/Lifestyle Bookmarks
Since tumblr mobile tags play up, just compiling all my bookmarks here, so I can use it on mobile and find things easier. None are like fact-checked, using them as inspo or starting points. Some are taken from solarpunksoup’s soup.
Last updated: 14/12/23
Herbology and Nature
Alchemy Works - Herb and Resins for Magic Enyclopedia Type Thing (found from this post)
Bee Friendly Garden
Bird Feeding
Free Seeds
Gardening for Climate Resistance
Guerilla Gardening
Heirloom Seeds
Plant Insiders Knowledge
Plant Dye for Fabrics
Recommended Reading
Seed Saving
Veg Growth Cheat Sheet
Pinkies Parlour - Janky old website but has info on flowers and religious symbology.
Physical Craft/Hobby
Toilet Roll Satchel
Cleansing and Another
Sewing, Mending, Craft
Projects & Patterns
Misc Projects
Making Stuff & Doing Things Book Rec
Miracle Hands - Free hobby and craft craftbook and pattern downloads
Practice Prayer  - Lil affirmation/helpful customizable tool for whatever hobby you have.
Tips for writing
Poetic/Thought Provoking
The weird little kid
Worshipping The World
How To Sleep Better
Wardrobe Management + Misc
Thrifting Online
Make Your Own Socks
Mega Cooking Help
Random Life Skills (how to unclog toilet n stuff)
Upcycling Jumpers
Misc Recipes/Craft Stuff
Baking With Brain Fog and/or Arthritis - Includes tips for other disabilities
Solarpunk Masterlist - Cool SP list by @evilautisticsociety​
Journaling Prompts - Inspo if you don’t like writing diary entries and wnat other ways to journal.
More Journaling Prompts
Unfuck Your Habitat - How to clean your house, get rid of shitty habits in a gender neutral, inclusive of the mentally ill, students, full time job-ers, etc that fts small or large challenges, simple cleaning checklists, etc.
The Order of the Good Death - The current western funeral practices are bad for the community and environment, this site discusses that and gives you several ways to change it, from small personal to wider community.
New Year Resolution alt mindset
How to keep yourself warm in cold houses or outdoors
Mental/Physical Health
You feel like shit. - Simple interactive, flow chart questionnaire to help you identify why you’re feeling like shit right now and to make sure you’ve done basic self-care. *
the quiet place - 90 second relaxation exercise on stepping back from social media *
Pixel Thoughts - Put your worry in a star and watch it disappear in 60 seconds. *
Meditation Basic Instructions - Helpful detailed guide on meditating.
A Soft Murmur - Ambient Sound Mixer
Baking With Brain Fog and/or Arthritis - Includes tips for other disabilities
Self Care Checklist
softheartclinic - Cutesy self care fun
Scarleteen - Inclusive sex education website
The Analog Brain - Helps with executive dysfunction, figuring out if this is an impulsive decision. Lil question tool thingy
Taking care of your spine
Year Ahead Tarot
Anatomy of a Spell
Basics of Spellcraft
Magic Circle for Spellcasting
Seeds of The Future Spell
Spell Design
Spell Dictation
Writing Spells for Beginners
Grimoire/Shadow Work/Exercises
Dig Through The Ditches
Grimoire Prompts and Another and Another
Home Brews
Make Your Own Folklore
Shadow Work Prompts
Organising Study Materials
Quantifying Your Craft
A neurodivergent witch's guide to starting a grimoire
Misc Resources
Witchy Resource Doc - Includes books, websites, yters, ingredients, etc.
Online Research
Research Jumping Points Inspo
How To Ward and Another
Recommended Reading  
Cailleach’s Herbarium - Scottish Folk Practitioner, lots of Scottish based history, folk magic, folklore, etc.
What is Sympathetic Magic - Infographic and links
Historical Scottish Beltane
Witchcraft on a budget
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autumnslance · 5 months
Do you have any preliminary headcanons for your character going into Dawntrail? If not, have you ever had ideas for your character(s) based on upcoming expansions and how did they morph/change as you played through the story?
I actually, really don't!
I don't plan out how/why my characters pick new jobs up; I want to see how the new job plays and what it's lore and story actually is before deciding how and why my gals might get to it, or if I want to tweak it at all. I'm not spending too much effort on baseless plot and NPC speculation and making intricate plans that will be jossed by level 93 and how MSQ actually does unfold.
The closest I ever came to pre-planning anything for an expac was "we're going to Thavnair; I'll finally get lore to flesh out some of Aeryn's family stuff and decide how to fit in my headcanons for them" (as I purposefully made them a minority ethnic group in Thavnair for the reasons we had only a little lore for so many years, and no nation is a monolith anyway, and then the writers' discussion at previous FanFest 2023 panels really drove home how they tried to make Thavnair a diverse melting pot culture due to its history and trade position, so that worked out). But even then I waited until I actually played through MSQ to really decide what to adjust or keep.
A reason I go through with Dark Autumn first is to just enjoy the story (or not) as it comes, to get my own knee jerk reactions and feelings out of the way. And then I go through again on Aeryn or C'oretta and see how the story's constructed to reach the finale, and consider my WoL's reactions, thoughts, and feelings, and where that takes her story. Sometimes my opinion on certain things may even change, or I get a different idea for how it looks and works when seeing it again and considering the IC angles on that new run.
I might still do so when going through my 3rd or 4th time on alts or in NG+, even years later, as I've changed since then and also seen later storyline and how they go together now.
And then I probably spend a few years playing within those lines and scenes and ideas in my fanfic. But I also tend to keep my WoL fairly close to the canon storyline for the most part and with as close as I can get to the canon depictions of the NPCs. Other, own story stuff tends to happen based on interactions with friends and their writing, or random ideas at random times and deciding if they work or not (like Corran's history and Avengret hitting me out of nowhere based on prompts).
Also it's kinda nice to just open the expac on Day 1 with no real expectations or preconceptions, just letting story and gameplay roll in and sweep me along with them. Frankly, I think more folks really ought to give that a try, instead of pitching fits over how the expansion wasn't all they hoped and dreamed and so was a giant disappointment based on...what? Fanon? Headcanon? Speculation? Hopes for complicated plans they made for their OCs based on out of context lines and screens from FanFest and the trailers?
Just try experiencing a story for what it is and what it's trying to do, not self-hyped preconceptions, in any direction.
I dunno. A lot of words to say that I just like seeing how the world is written and presented, as it hits my characters and determine their plots that way, not ahead of time. I want to be inspired by the gameworld, not try to twist it into something it isn't (and will never be) when I can just write in my own original settings for that. My creation in FF14 is fanfiction on the story and characters presented.
Also I really am just tied up in my original writing at the moment, new MSQ will be a break and brief bout of new fandom creativity.
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merge-conflict · 5 months
year in review
2023 is on its way out, and it's been... a year. First full year that I've actually been active on social media (i.e. not just lurking), and first time in fandom.
My first fic of the year? when her edges soften – the longer I wrote for Valentine and the more her relationship with Johnny got weird and intimate and full of casual innuendo the more I needed to write something where they were reunited. Also my first ever experience writing smut and self-indulgently adding a whole fencing scene. Goddamn that was fun! Feels like it's older than a year.
My favorite fic of the year? thread-safe – I became engrossed with cyberpunk because of Jackie but I imprinted hard on Takemura after that traumatic heist mission and perhaps the rest is history. Valentine's story has had a lot of tinkering and reworking and it was the thing that got me back into writing, but the original story in my head was something bittersweet and angry and grieving, one night only no encores, parting badly– and I finally was able to capture that in thread-safe and it feels so good.
Most fun experiments?? There are several of these. When I got stuck and discouraged and tired of working on the longfic and plotting things out I ended up working out a "shenanigans au" (fleeting fits of reason) where I could put Johnny and Kerry and V (and Alt and Rogue it turns out) together and just have them interact without plot. Well the plot crept in, but writing some loosely connected 1-1.5k pieces focused on a single scene or idea with minimal polish was incredibly freeing. Then I recorded some of my own podfic! I wrote a chapter of thread-safe in second-person! I wrote imago and decided to incorporate pieces of it into my longfic. Playing around like this has really kept writing fun for me when I don't have the concentration to play the long game.
Additional musings and personal reflections under the cut:
2023 the year sucked ass. It has been god awful. Just the fucking worst! Cyberhanami was in February? March? I remember finishing up some of my prompts that week while I was in another state with friends who were out and about while I was in bed too nauseated and weak to move. Writing was the only thing keeping me from going insane. My health has been shoddy, I had to cancel a much anticipated two weeks of international travel, spent at least two week long periods this year with anxiety so intense it made me almost physically incapable of eating. I had an incredibly expensive panic attack, and the world... things have been better!
I find it difficult to be honest about that sort of thing– my primary instinct is Not To Talk About any of that shit, because well... it's personal! And I handle reassurance about as well as I handle compliments (awkwardly. half in panic. friendly self-deprecation). But it feels disingenuous to celebrate accomplishments without acknowledging the yawning abyss we all struggle with from time to time. I remain cynically optimistic, as always, and I'm seriously grateful for all the connections and shared art and braincells and excitable messages, especially from folks tolerating my tendency to ramble onto tangents and use an oddly formal tone. I don't know what I'm doing, but who does? It comes easier with practice. It has to, right?
See you cool cats in 2024. :3 😼
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nooblord9001 · 9 days
Are there any particular types of asks that you would mostly want in your inbox?
Questions about my amateur attempts at writing and/or game development (OCs, Settings, Thematic Intentions, Inspirations, etc.) would be the Dopamine shots directly into my bloodstream.
NSFW questions are also a topic I'll gladly get into if prompted; years ago, this account was supposed to be my NSFW alt, after all.
Speaking of which, I will acknowledge requests to elaborate on specific parts of my history on the internet over the years and how that's affected me as a person For-Better-and-For-Worse-- including matters of politics, drama, content creators I've engaged with over the years, oversharing about my personal life (within limits), etc. --provided everyone in said discussion agrees to behave themselves. I will attempt to hear out criticisms of my own behavior over the years that's made in good faith, and I'll at least flippantly respond to criticisms I sense were being made in bad faith... but I will NOT dignify attempts to weaponize me or my words against the people whom associate with me either online or offline.
Generally interesting questions or even just little Icebreakers, while not at the top of my wish list, would be appreciated as well.
Last but not necessarily least, I'll gladly attempt to provide hot takes on this-or-that media, provided I've actually engaged with enough to comfortably have opinions about. In fact, I might as well provide a non-exhaustive list under the cut:
Stuff I've engaged with and am confident enough in my experiences with it to have Opinions on:
TCoA&L (Duh)
Huniepop 1 (LMAO)
Doki Doki Literature Club
Wizard 101
World of Warcraft
Kingdom Hearts
Nier: Automata
Metal Gear Solid
Deus Ex (not quite as much the first game, but definitely HR & MD)
Halo MCC (Fucking SOMEHOW!?!)
Mass Effect Trilogy
Star Wars
Portal Duology
Most Nintendo Stuff (remind me to elaborate at some point. or don't. whichever floats your boat)
Most Superhero Films (remind me to elaborate at some point. or don't. whichever floats your boat)
Most Pixar Films (remind me to elaborate at some point. or don't. whichever floats your boat)
Owl House
Hazbin Hotel
Various, Assorted Science Fiction Films
Dungeons & Dragons 5E 😒
Stuff I haven't directly engaged in, but thanks to cultural osmosis I've absorbed enough information second-hand to have Strong Feelings About (almost always negative, unless specified):
Soulsborne games
Anything made by David Cage
Stuff I've engaged with, but for one reason or another, would struggle to provide anything remotely insightful or interesting to say about them other then either "yeah i like it" or "yeah i should finish watching/playing that at some point":
Honey Girl
The Big Bang Theory
Horizon Duology
Fighting Games (Namely SoulCalibur, Tekken, with a bit of Street Fighter and Skullgirls)
Resident Evil
Fallout games
Sanic stuff
Final Fantasy XIV
Magic: The Gathering
Pathfinder 2E
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in-sufficientdata · 10 months
The Stuff I Do Around Here
@accessible-tumbling: Transcribing things that need alt text. I share different posts on that blog than on main, so go follow over there if you want to see more stuff i like to share.
@does-the-mashup-slap: Polls to vote on whether a mashup slaps or sucks.
@ErrantPedantry: Linguistics blog by a (not really) reformed pedant who likes to explain things.
@HumanCellTournament: Tournament to vote on which of your body's cells (or their chemical components) is the best.
@music-interpretation-review: Daily song reviews & polls, looking at music & how it was played/sung. Also home to a tournament pitting song covers against each other.
@MythologyOlympics: Mythological figure tournament. All pantheons eligible.
@QueerDotEDU: This only has posts about asexuality on it right now but i want to expand it to educate on things like bisexuality as well. I'm still researching for that.
@rp-visions: This is kind of a DWRP thing, but it's images for visualosities. You create a page on your character journal with images that make you think of the character. All the images are sourced or reblogged from the op.
@StarlightPrompts: Daily writing prompts.
@TheCenter-CannotHold: Moodboards and stuff.
@under--deconstruction: Deconstruction blog run by an exvangelical former cult member.
@Warren-TheRealG-Harding: Politics from a Marion native (if you're from Marion yk)
@YouMightBeAutistic: Reblogging posts about autism to educate and inform.
journaling tag | memes i relate to | other stuff i relate to | yet more stuff i relate to | even more of that | writing advice | writing shitposts | stuff i wrote | stuff i made | stuff i sang | my polls | talking to people | discussion | asks | my former tweets | random trivia | observations | recommendations | advice | tutorials | memes | jokes
sharing: encouragements | art | music | memes | audio shitposts | animals | stories | poetry | photos | signs | gifs | reaction images
informative: language | linguistics | etymology | lgbtq | history | science | interesting stuff | parenting | autism | adhd
cws: political | current events | chronic illness | mental illness | religion /exvangelical / cult deconstruction | discourse
fandoms: star trek | the stand | the hunger games | stranger things | lotr | dc | marvel | death note | minecraft | russian doll | our flag means death
(Thanks to @DrunkonSchadenfreude for making it way easier to remember what I even blog about.)
Post under construction.
[2023.8.25: Taglist project started.] [2023.12.6: Blog names updated & alphabetized.]
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walkitoffrogers · 11 months
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⍟ main ⍟ bio ⍟ face ⍟ muse ⍟ starters ⍟ wishlist ⍟
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
In general, I follow an MCU timeline with Steve and mix in comics connections/plots as needed, unless specified in an AU verse. All details vary based on verse, and I'm happy to write him into AUs and fandom crossovers. However, I do not include Endgame/Old!Steve in any of my interpretations unless it's a fix-it verse. Regardless of verse, I pretty much always include Steve's Remender comics backstory of an abusive, alcoholic father, but I default on his MCU history with Bucky and transformation into Captain America.
wanted connections:
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I can roll with most muses as far as basic interactions. I'm happy to ship Steve with other Marvel characters and OCs/fandom crossovers based on chemistry, but unless they're on my OTP list, they need plotting and interaction first. There is never any pressure to ship with me, even if they're on my list.
OTPs: Bucky Barnes (happy to write and rewrite every AU for my favorite idiots), Natasha Romanoff, Natasha Stark Possible Ships: Sam Wilson, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Scott Lang, Thor Odinson, Matt Murdock, probably most of the Avengers NOTPs: Peggy Carter, Sharon Carter, MCU Wanda Maximoff (I will play against her, but he thinks of her more like a little sister), MCU Peter Parker, most muses who are significantly younger (I enjoy writing Nomad!Daddy on request, but keep in mind that's going to work better with canon AU muses, since Steve isn't the type to go picking up coeds. If he's calling them "kid," he's gone parent-mode, sorry.) Family: Dad!Steve is one of my favorites, so I'm always happy to play against his canon (Ian, James, Ellie) or OC kids Other: all Avengers, Kobik, Mantis, Logan Howlett, Yelena Belova, Howling Commandos
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default verses:
catfa: An MCU verse with any events that take place during or before Captain America: The First Avenger, including any with pre-serum Steve, before the Valkyrie crashes.
catws: An MCU verse with any events that take place during Captain America: The Winter Soldier or relate to Project Insight.
cacw: An MCU verse with any events that include Steve's search for Bucky while he's on the run, leading up to and including the Avenger's Civil War and his time in Wakanda.
endgame: An MCU verse with any events that take place during the Blip or the second fight with Thanos. The primary verse for Nomad!Steve.
mcu: An MCU verse with any events taking place after Steve comes out of the ice, usually divergent from the above timelines.
alt!postblip: A post-Endgame canon-divergent MCU verse where Steve passes the shield on to Sam and stays in the current timeline like a character who didn’t just undo 3+ movies of development. He’s there to help Bucky and Sam re-adjust to the world post-blip and learn the ropes on being Cap.
616: A mix of 616 and headcanons, typically written for comics muses who don't acknowledge things like the MCU Civil War or Thanos. It may reference other comics events, like the time Steve spent in Kobik's mindscape with Red Skull controlling his body.
multiverse!madness: Various comics universes collide, whether Marvel/DC/etc. have always existed on the same Earth, or other-dimension shenanigans are at work. Duplicate friendly!
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I'm happy to write these, but since they're more specific AUs, I don't default on them for asks/memes. Please feel free to request them.
mcu/comics aus:
alt!firstavenger: An MCU AU where Stephanie “Stevie” Rogers poses as a man to join the army after she’s laughed out of the enlistment office. Erskine decides to give her a chance anyway. Who knows? There are already so many big men fighting this war. Maybe what they need now is a woman. (fem!steve / fc: kat mcnamara)
alt!tfatws: An MCU AU where Steve returns to the past in an attempt to alter the timeline to keep Bucky from Hydra and Natasha from the Red Room. Instead, he’s captured by the Time Variance Authority and held for four months, until he conspires with Loki to break out. He returns to his own timeline the night of Sam’s Captain America speech.
castaway: An MCU/616 mashup where the events of Castaway in Dimension Z happen two and a half years into the Blip. Steve is abducted to Dimension Z, a twisted sci-fi dimension ruled by Arnim Zola and his mutates. Steve rescues an infant from Zola's lab and raises him as his son, Ian, for ten years on the run, and often ends up in other universes using the multidimensional elevator. Duplicate friendly!
dad!verse: Any MCU/616 mashup AU where Steve has canon or OC children. While I'm happy to accept children from any muse, please do not assume Steve is still with the other parent in the present timeline without prior discussion (e.g., I do not ship him with Peggy or Sharon and will not write him in a current ship with them, although they may have been together in the past).
dark!hydraworld: A comics AU set in Earth-85826, where fascist dictator Arnim Zola rules the world with Hydra. While the real Steve Rogers leads an underground resistance, Hydra is unable to isolate and replicate the serum from his DNA and instead creates a clone. Captain Hydra is raised on fascist ideologies and knows nothing else, until the multiverse elevator explodes and tosses him into various universes/timelines. (hydra!cap)
dark!winterverse: An MCU AU where Steve and Bucky both fall from the train and are captured and brainwashed as Winter Soldiers. They work together for decades until Steve starts to regain his memories. (winter!soldier)
earth-3490: A blip comics universe where Steve is married to Natasha Stark (Iron Woman). When he discovers the Winter Soldier file, he takes it to his wife, she has time to adjust to the idea, and the Avengers’ Civil War never happens.
hydra!world: A comics universe set in Earth-85826, where fascist dictator Arnim Zola rules the world with Hydra. Steve Rogers leads an underground resistance alongside the Avengers and his kids, Ian and Ellie Rogers.
superhusbands: An MCU AU where Bucky doesn’t fall from the train in the Alps. Steve catches him, and they go after Red Skull together. They’re both on the Valkyrie when it crashes into the ocean and wake up together seventy years later.
welcome to westview: Roughly a month after Endgame, Steve ventures into Westview to investigate and gets stranded there in a false happily ever after scenario.
what if: For Steve Rogers, the fight with Red Skull for the cube and the the Battle of New York are only two weeks apart. Feeling disillusioned by fighting the same fights and getting nowhere, he looks for other ways to help. When someone jokingly suggests he run for Mayor of New York City, he decides to give it a try, expecting to lose but gain experience. Instead, he wins by a landslide and is started on the path to presidency. (president!rogers)
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modern/realistic aus:
almost famous: A no-powers AU where Steve is an actor, primarily the well-known star of superhero action movies.
bodyguard: A no-powers AU where Steve is an ex-Army Captain who now works in private security.
college!verse: A no-powers AU where Steve Rogers transfers to a new school in his junior year after the death of Sarah Rogers to finish his art degree
welcome to new york: A no-powers AU where Steve graduates from the NYC School of Visual Arts and works as a graphic novelist.
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fandom specific aus:
​fortune & glory: An Indiana Jones AU set in 1941 where Professor Rogers is sent after the Ark of the Covenant.
gods & avengers: An MCU AU where the Avengers are reincarnations of Greek gods, and Steve accepts the mantle of Hades during the battle of Wakanda to defeat Thanos and stop the snap from happening. (hades!steve)
part of your world: Captain Rogers is already causing a stir as one of the youngest successful sailors in the country when he learns through chance that mermaids of folklore are real.
safe haven: After the Battle of Wakanda, Steve walked off the battlefield, picked up his infant daughter, Ellie, and disappeared. Three years into the snap, he owns a quiet seaside inn called Blue Haven.
twd!verse: A Walking Dead AU where Steve defrosts at the start of the apocalypse. He's never known the modern world without the undead in it.
you jump, i jump: A Titanic AU set in 1912, where artist Steve Rogers wins a ticket on the Titanic in a card game and hopes to finally return home to New York City.
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sunkissed-mogai · 2 years
iiiiiiit's mogai month! y'all know what that means!!
as some of you guys may know, july is mogai month! which means, as a respectable member of society, i've gotta do my part to make this one great. therefore... 31 days of mogai! let's go!
anyone and everyone who would like can do this challenge! some prompts are aimed at coiners, but there's always gonna be a non-coiner alt for everybody to join in the fun.
1 - what’s your favorite gender you’ve coined? non-coiners, what’s your favourite gender you’ve requested?
2 - what’s your favorite pronoun set that you use? that you’ve seen?
3 - share your gender hoard with us!
4 - coin a self indulgent gender! non-coiners, describe your “dream gender”!
5 - coin a gender as a gift for somebody else! non-coiners, tag someone who’s making this mogai month special.
6 - what got you into the mogai community? what was your “mogai awakening”?
7 - what are your favourite parts of the mogai community?
8 - what’s your go-to naming strategy for genders? non-coiners, what draws you to a gender when you see it?
9 - do you use any alt terms for “gender”? ex gendie, gemder, etc
10 - what do you use to make your flags? non-coiners, try your hand at coining something!
11 - describe your gender for us without using the words “feminine,” “masculine,” “neutral,” “cute,” “little,” any food, color, or any animal/plant (the more poetic the better!)
12 - if you could make a flag symbolising yourself, what colours would you use and why?
13 - describe someone close to you, like a best friend or significant other!
14 - artists, do a quick doodle using the colours of your flag or the colours of the mogai flag! writers, write a poem relating each colour to something in your life.
15 - make a mogai moodboard!
16 - if you could make MOGAI (marginalised orientations, gender alignments, and intersex) stand for anything else, what would it be? go wild
17 - share your favorite piece of queer media!
18 - what's your favorite hyperspecific xenogender?
19 - do you identify with any attraction/sexuality terms under the mogai umbrella?
20 - who introduced you to the mogai community? alternatively, who was the first mogai creator you followed?
21 - give a shoutout to a small or new blog! shouting out yourself is completely acceptable <3
22 - do you have a tagging system? if so, what is it? how did you come up with it?
23 - do you plan on celebrating this month with anything special? have you already done so?
24 - what's the most visually appealing flag in your opinion?
25 - mogai-fy your favorite animal! that's up for any interpretation you care to give it.
26 - do you have any mogai friends irl?
27 - when did you get into the mogai community? where?
28 - describe your mogai journey! were you ever an exclus? what changed your views? (no pressure to answer those last two questions!)
29 - favorite plant themed term? favorite animal themed term?
30 - how much of our history do you know? trivia bonus: what was the first ever mogai acronym and what did it stand for? no googling!
31 - back to the beginning! what's your favorite term you've coined? non-coiners, what's your favorite term you've requested?
i can't wait to see what you all do! please tag me in your posts and/or tag them all with "31 days of mogai" and "mogai day [x]" so i can see them!
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determinedwriter · 8 months
Whumptober 2023 Day 18: Alt Prompt 11: Panic
It’s fine. You’re fine. Ro, you’re fine.
I keep trying to tell myself this, my heart beating way too fast. Why does it have to happen on the day I turn in the essay worth half my damn grade? I’m terrified. I know it’s a good essay, but my teacher can be really strict and harsh about the small things.
I gulp as my teacher slaps my essay on my desk with a frown and a big red F covering half of the first page. “You’re lucky I don’t expel you for this, Potts.”
“W-What?” I gasp. “Sir, I worked on this for an entire month. I put a lot of effort and a ton of hours into this. Why are you giving me an F? I’ll fail this class if-”
He holds his hand up to stop me from talking. “Please, don’t embarrass yourself further in front of the class. This was clearly written by someone else. You either plagiarized it or had someone else write it for you.”
The students around me giggle.
My jaw drops. “W-Why would you think that? I swear, I wrote it all myself. Please, I-”
“Get out of my classroom if you decide to continue disrespecting me.” My teacher. Mr. Carson snaps.
My cheeks go hot and I feel my anxiety reach its peak. “I…I s-swear I…”
He points to the door. “Out. Now. Please, everyone, take note of what NOT to do and what I will NOT tolerate in my class.”
Legs shaking, I stand up and grab my essay, looking at the big red F in shame, listening to the snickering of my classmates until I’m outside and running to the bathroom to cry. I worked so hard on this paper and I’m being called a cheater. It’s not fair.
Contemplating calling my dad, I let my finger shakily hover over his contact name. “Get it together, Aurora. You’re fine...don’t freak out…it’s okay…”
The bell rings, signaling the end of the class. I need to get to my next one, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to sit through it without bursting into tears. I’m so embarrassed. I don’t know what to do now. I can’t skip, but I can’t stay.
I’ve been anxious about that essay all day. Of all the things I thought could happen, I didn’t imagine this. I’m heartbroken. Like the perfectionist I am, I have straight A’s. I’m Tony Stark’s daughter. I have to be impressive. Even if the general public doesn’t know of my parentage, I still hold myself to an impossible standard.
Looking down at my phone, I try to decide what to do. I can’t talk about my essay. I’m too scared to admit what happened. And I’m not even sure if Dad would believe my side of things. Sometimes he just…doesn’t understand.
I’m not an effortless genius like him.
Forcing myself to go to my next class, I try desperately to ignore the stares that follow me down the hall. Peter sits at the desk beside mine and smiles before noticing my demeanor. “Ro? Hey, what’s wrong?”
I struggle to keep my breathing even and normal. “Everyone thinks I’m a cheater.”
I put my essay on his desk. “I got a big fat F for cheating or not writing my paper. That’s what my teacher Mr. Carson said. I swore up and down that I didn’t cheat but he humiliated me in front of the whole class. I worked so hard, Peter.”
He frowns and looks at my essay, flipping through it. “This is really good, Ro. Maybe he thought it was so good that you couldn’t have written it yourself? I mean, that’s not a good reason to give you an F though. I’m really sorry.”
I nod. “My dad is gonna be so disappointed. I’m…I’m not like him.”
“You’re my best friend. I know how amazing you are. Your teacher is wrong. He’s just plain wrong.” Peter reassures me. “I’m sorry he doesn’t believe you.”
I exhale, deflating in my chair. “Yeah…thanks.”
The teacher from my English class walks in, making me go pale. I look at Peter. “That’s him…” Why is he even here? He doesn’t teach history.
He frowns sympathetically and grabs my hand from under the desk. “I’m sorry.”
“Hello, class.” Mr. Carson says. “I’ll be taking over for Mr. Dell today. He had a family emergency and had to leave. I’m Mr. Carson and I will be your substitute history teacher for the last class of the day.”
I gulp and he makes eye contact with me, recognition washing over his face. “Today we’ll be talking about Jacob Epstein and his famous case of plagiarism. My specialty is literature so I thought I’d bring something from history that involved what I know best. It’s a nice change of pace for you all.”
He looks at me again. “Plus, Miss Potts here knows a lot about plagiarism so it shouldn’t be a difficult assignment for her.”
My lip quivers as the students around me snicker. “Mr. Carson, I swear I-“
“In fact, why don’t we study Aurora Potts’ essay as an example?” He interrupts.
I hold back the urge to throw up, eyes darting to Peter. He squeezes my hand. “It’s okay. Ro, it’s okay. Look at me. Everything is going to be alright.”
“Mr. Parker, do you have anything you’d like to share with the class?” Mr. Carson asks him.
Peter looks surprised. “U-Uh…well, I just don’t…I don’t think you should jump to conclusions about Ro’s essay. In fact, I know how hard she worked on it. It’s not fair to give her a failing grade and tell the whole class that she plagiarized or cheated or whatever.”
God, I love Peter Parker. I’m so glad he’s by my side. I don’t have the mental strength to fight for myself right now. This day has caused too much anxiety already and I can’t take much more before I crack.
Mr. Carson slowly nods. “I see that you like to stick up for your friend here, and I’ll commend you for that. But a cheater is a cheater.”
Peter tries to rebuttal, but decides against it and holds my hand again. “I’m sorry.”
I am silent with a lump in my throat as Mr. Carson tells us to take out our notebooks, beginning to write on the board behind him.
Plagiarism Cases in Modern History: Aurora Potts
My stomach clenches and I’m almost certain I’m about to puke. Peter notices my quickened breath. “Hey. Hey, I’m here. I’m right here with you.”
I want to appreciate his words, but this is sending me over the edge. I can’t breathe. I can’t do this. I can’t take the sound of my classmates giggling and taking pictures of the whiteboard.
Unable to take it anymore, I stand up from my desk, gaining the attention of Mr. Carson. “Miss Potts, you’ll have to wait until the bell rings to be excused.”
My voice shakes as I answer. “I-I c-can’t.”
“These are the consequences of your actions and you have to get used to that before you’re out in the real world. Nobody’s gonna hold your hand, and your parents are only going to be disappointed. What would your mother and father say?”
“M-My mother…” I squeeze my eyes shut at the painful memory. “My mother is d-dead.”
His face changes slightly and I think he may tone it down a little. “Have any siblings?”
I shake my head. “N-No…”
Mr. Carson sighs. “That’s a real shame. I guess your father will just have to live with a daughter that cheats her way through life. If you were my daughter, I’d be very, very disappointed. Your dad should be too. I’m sure he will be.”
That’s the straw that breaks the camel’s back. I burst into tears and run out of the classroom, desperate for refuge.
I hear Peter calling after me and it only makes me more anxious. Slinging my backpack onto both shoulders, I run for the exit and don’t stop booking it until I’m home.
Peter has called me a few times now. School will be out soon enough. I feel badly for worrying him, but I just couldn’t take Mr. Carson’s cruel words.
Sobs with my face in a pillow, I find it hard to breathe and hug it instead. He’s right. My dad deserves a better kid. Someone much smarter and stronger than me.
With all of this on my mind, I sob and heave heavily, unable to catch my breath. “I can’t do this. I can’t do this. I can’t. I can’t. I can’t.”
“You seem to be in distress. Would you like me to notify Mr. Stark?” FRIDAY, the compound's AI assistant asks me.
I quickly shake my head. “N-N-No! No…don’t bother him.”
I sit on the floor next to my bed and find a shoebox under it. Oh yeah. I forget I had this. It’s been so long since I felt I needed it.
Opening the box, I see a razor blade and an old Polaroid of my mom. God, I miss her so much. I miss her more than anything.
Fidgeting with the razor in my hands, I contemplate using it. I’m such a disappointment. I can’t deal with all of this pain. Not anymore. Not without punishing myself for my own failures.
I slash horizontally across my wrist a few times, finding it almost comforting to see the blood trickle down. It’s what I deserve.
There’s suddenly a knock on my door and I begin to panic again. “Ro, are you okay? You’re home early.”
Dad. No, no, no. “I-I’m fine. I j-just…felt sick.”
“Can I come in?” He asks.
I shove the razor back in the box and put it back under my bed before rolling my sleeves down. “Y-Yeah.”
Dad enters my room, looking surprised at the state of me. “What’s wrong? Kid, what happened?”
Starting to cry all over again, I cover my face in embarrassment. “I’m sorry I’m such a f-failure.”
He sits on the floor beside me. “You’re not a failure.”
“B-But I…m-my e-e-essay, it…” I try to explain, anxiety getting the better of me. I hyperventilate and pull at the ends of my hair so harshly I might rip some out.
“Hey, hey, hey, stop. Ro, stop. You’re gonna hurt yourself. Take a deep breath.” Dad tries to persuade me.
I’ve already hurt myself, so there’s another disappointment to add to his list. I can’t stop myself from spiraling.
Small clumps of hair come out as I continue to pull, worrying Dad more. “Stop! Stop! Why are you doing this? Come on, look at me. You’ve gotta stop.”
His raised voice makes me crumble and he tries to grab my hands, causing me to cry out in surprise and panic. “No! No! No! Don’t touch me!”
He pries my fingers off of my hair, finally getting me to stop. He holds my hands gently as I shut my eyes tightly. “Ro, it’s alright. What’s going on, mini?”
Mini. Like Mini Stark. It’s one of my nicknames along with Tiny Stark, Micro Stark, Little Stark, etc. Anything to do with being the miniature version of my father.
But I’m not like him. I’m not strong, smart and confident. I’m just…me. “I can’t breathe.”
“Okay…alright. Look at me. Everything’s fine. You’re safe. Just look at me, okay?” He requests.
I slowly and fearfully open my eyes, looking into his. He’s kneeling in front of me now. “Good, Ro. Copy my breathing. Can you do that for me?”
I nod and he gives a small smile. “Okay. Breathe in…”
He does an exaggerated breath in. “Breathe out…”
This continues for a bit until I’m able to copy him long enough for me to calm down. I sniffle. “I’m sorry.”
Dad hugs me, tenderly cradling me in his lap as we sit on the floor. “Oh, mini…it’s alright. Can you tell me what happened today?”
I gulp nervously, clinging to him. “I got an F on my English essay. Because my teacher thinks I cheated…he thinks I plagiarized it or something. He berated me in front of my class and then he filled in for my history teacher and made an example of me there too. Everyone laughed and took pictures. Well…except for Peter. I ran out of class and he tried to chase me but I just kept running until I got home.”
He massages my hair. “I’m so, so sorry, Ro. I know you didn’t cheat. You worked really hard on it. I remember. And your teacher…I’m gonna have to have a word with him. I’m gonna fix this for you, alright?”
“It seemed like the whole school was making fun of me…laughing…gossiping.” I whimper.
“Kids are assholes.” Dad replies. “There’s always gonna be people like that and you can’t control it. You just have to believe me when I say it’s not your fault. You did nothing wrong.”
“Thanks…” I mumble.
He situates himself beside me again, looking down as his hand bumps into something. “What do we have here?”
Dad pulls out the shoebox and I instantly panic. “Nothing. Nothing. It’s private. Please, it’s-“
He opens it and sees the Polaroid and razor, face darkening. “Ro…”
I’ve disappointed him for real this time, haven’t I?
Examining the blade, he lightly gasps. “There's blood on this. Fresh blood.”
Wrapping my arms around myself for comfort, I bow my head and cry. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I deserve to…I…I should be hurt.”
“Show me.” Dad mumbles softly.
I know what he means, but I hug myself tighter and hide my arms. “I don’t wanna…”
“Let me help you. Please, let me help you.” He replies.
I don’t protest as he carefully takes my arms and rolls up my sleeves, seeing the cuts on my left wrist. “Oh, baby…baby girl. It’s alright now, Ro.”
“It’ll never be alright.” I say mournfully. “I’m never gonna be as smart or as strong as you. I'm not like you…I’m hardly a Stark. I shouldn’t have this name.”
Dad helps me up and wraps an arm around my shoulders. “Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up and we can talk.”
We go to the bathroom and he has me sit on the toilet seat while he gently cleans my cuts with a warm washcloth. He’s so tender and focused.
“I'm sorry.” I say quietly as he works.
He doesn’t look up at me. “Don’t ever be sorry. If you ever feel like doing this again, you call me. You tell me.
No matter what time it is or where I am, you’ve gotta tell me so I can help you. Can you do that for me?”
I nod. “Mmhm.”
“Good.” Dad replies. “And for the record, you’re not a disappointment. If anyone deserves the Stark name, it’s you. You’re empathetic and wise beyond your years. And incredibly smart and strong willed. You’re everything I could ever hope for, baby. I promise you that.”
Sighing, I shrug my shoulders. “Okay, Dad…”
“It’s true.” He reiterates. “You’re going to be a great woman all by yourself. You won’t even need me.”
“I’ll always need you.” I counter, almost urgently.
Dad smiles. “I’ll always need you too, kiddo.”
Applying medicine and wrapping my wrist with bandages, he kisses it softly. “There you go.”
I’ve never seen him so soft and caring. He grabs my hand and lifts me from the toilet seat, wrapping his arms around me as we stand there.
He sighs contently. “I love you endlessly, mini.”
“Love you tons.” I reply, burying my head in his shoulder. “Thank you.”
“Don’t sweat it. What do you say we order some cheeseburgers and watch something? Anything you want.” Dad offers.
I grin, wiping my eyes after all of the crying. “Yeah, okay.”
He grins back. “Let’s get downstairs. I’m starving. You go pick the movie and I’ll order us some grub.”
Nodding, I go downstairs to find what I want to watch. And I’m actually smiling.
My dad loves me endlessly. He said as much.
That gives me more comfort than anything ever will.
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Just 7 days left to prepare for Kira Appreciation Week 2023 (Oct 28-Nov 03)! We're excited to see all your wonderful creations!
To participate, simply make Kira-centric content during the week and use the tag #KiraWeek2023 and/or tag us in the post (@KiraYukimuraAppreciation)! Written works can also be submitted to the event’s Ao3 collection. See suggested prompts for inspiration below.
Writing Prompts:
Day 1, You Came Back: Kira returns! When, how, why, where...you decide. Day 2, There's a Reason You Kept It: Today's a day to explore identity with focus on Kira's tails. Day 3, They Did Something: Kira’s relationship with villains on the show. Day 4, Trickster-or-Treat: Kitsune are trickster spirits. Use this day to explore Kira’s mischievous side! Day 5, What if Wednesday: Missing scenes, AUs, fix-its, any idea born of the question “What if…?” Day 6, History Echoes: In what ways do we see Kira's story/character connect to and/or parallel others in the show? Day 7, It’s Alright to Cry: Today is for trauma exploration—the events, the fallout, the resolution.
Alt 1, Have you ever heard of something called a Kitsune?: Kira & kitsune lore. (Types of kitsune, relation to Oni/the wild hunt, foxes & wolves, tails, etc.) Alt 2, I Printed It Out: Anything relating to Kira and school or nerd!Kira. (Research, topics of interest, extracurriculars, etc.) Alt 3, My Family and I Moved Here Three Weeks Ago: Family members we don't see in show, family dynamics, Kira's childhood...bring on the Yukimura family feels!
Visual Prompts:
Day 1: Fav Scene(s) OR Kira + Kitsune Attributes Day 2: Poetry, Lyrics, Quotes OR Significant Objects Day 3: Color/B&W OR Kira + Villains Day 4: Trickster!Kira OR Nerd!Kira Day 5: Dealer's Choice OR Lie-Ability (Use footage to Lie™ about what happens in canon--visual AU’s, fix-its, missing scenes, etc.) Day 6: Back in Style (Throw-back to any past editing style) OR Something New (Any style you want to try out) Day 7: Hurt/Comfort OR Parallels
All daily themes can be found in greater detail here! Be sure to also check out our rules and submission info.
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Tag someone you want to get to know better...
I was tagged by @read-and-write-! Thanks :)
Favorite color: blue, but also a sucker for a good teal or evergreen
Last movie: in theaters, Barbie; at home, a movie with my parents that had the worst ending and that's probably why I can't remember its name it made me that mad
Last song: You Belong with Me-Taylor Swift (funny b/c I'm not a huge Swiftie but I love to belt to this; I have a big playlist that I constantly have on shuffle to drive to when I'm nannying and this was the last one that came up, most of the songs are way more random than this)
Currently watching: Sex Education (it's slow going though), also my fam watches Wrexham (new episode tonight!)
Other stuff I watched this year: Drive to Survive (how I got into F1), season 1 of Wrexham
Shows I didn't finish: Heartstopper (I will finish one day I promise)
Currently reading: I alternate between books and fanfic....
I last read but didn't finish Enemies of the State by Tal Bauer (I probably will one day, I was working through all his books but kind of lost momentum on this one)
I'm also currently re-reading @14carrotghoul's RWRB fics because 1) they're great and 2) I don't have the time commitment for a long multichap rn
Bonus: the book I want to re-read next is A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes before the movie comes out
Currently listening to: nothing this second besides the sound of construction outside the office building I'm in
Currently working on: My last unfinished FPW prompt, Claremont 2008 which is a WIP, alt-history that's kind of a 5+1, and PJO collaborative AU with Manu and Beas (@inexplicablymine). The WIP list is long and there are a few other fics that have scenes/outlines/or simply live in my head.
Current obsession: RWRB lmao, also a big F1 and NBA fan
No-pressure tagging: anyone who sees this and wants to do it consider yourself tagged!
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liminal-zone · 8 months
2008. 2009. 2010. 2011. 2012. 2013. 2014. 2015. 2016. 2017. 2018. 2019. 
HIIII. I LOVE YOU. THANK YOU. It’s yuletide; it’s the best time of the year. I’ve been gone for a minute but I’m back, baybeee, back with the matrix fandom amongst others. So let’s fucking go! Thank you thank you and thank you.
Likes (generally): I love kisses and angst and smut and darkfic and tension and hurt/comfort and a good adventure and heroism and sacrifice. I love every flavor of sexuality. I love women in dominant roles (including but not limited to domme). I prefer fics in canon or canon divergence. I enjoy the following kinks: enemies to lovers, sex pollen/fuck or die, Stockholm syndrome, voyeurism, fingering, conditioning. Dubcon and non-con and dead dove is always welcome (pls tag it).
Dislikes (generally): Watersports, scat; omegaverse; mpreg/pregnancy/breeding; submissive female characters; domestic fluff; kid fic and curtains; mundane AUs; super sugar ending; hurt no/comfort or utter hopelessness or despair as the final beat of the story (beloved in the opening or middle of a story!)
It’s Yuletide, baybeee, so if you want to write any of these prompts fully gen: I’m so happy to read it!!
THE PROMPTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Matrix (Movies)
If you could please write me a character study of Trinity; dig deep into the character and show me something vulnerable and new and wonderful about her. 
My favorite things about Trinity: she is powerful, vulnerable, steadfast, competent, anxious, loyal, brave, and a twinge of cunt. She’s my favorite character ever; a touchstone, a rock, an icon. Tell me a story about Trinity. 
If the muse strikes, feel free to ship her with Neo, Ghost, Switch, Bane, or Groff!Smith. 
Very emotional that The Matrix is a YT fandom for perhaps one reprise since ffn.net fics were thrown out re: eligibility. I’m a historied Matrix fandom old; this is bittersweet to be eligible again perhaps one last time. Hi, I love you, Matrix fandom <3
The Wheel of Time (TV)
If you could please write me a character study of Lanfear; dig deep into the character and show me something vulnerable and new and wonderful about her. 
My favorite things about Lanfear: she is powerful, vulnerable, terrifying, terrible, cruel, full of desire, and that she’s a complete cunt. She makes my heart flutter. Tell me a story about Lanfear. 
If the muse strikes, feel free to ship her with Lews, Rand, Moiraine, Moggy, or Ishamael. I don’t mind book spoilers!
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (TV 2022)
Galadriel | Artanis 
If you could please write me a character study of Galadriel; dig deep into the character and show me something vulnerable and new and wonderful about her. 
My favorite things about Galadriel: she is powerful, vulnerable, terrifying, terrible, kind, and sometimes a bit cunt. She’s the dom femme of my life currently. Tell me a story about Galadriel. 
If the muse strikes, feel free to ship her with Sauron, Gandalf, or Celeborn. 
IDK how TROP was eligible this year, but LFG.
Chronicles of Narnia (Movies)
Edmund Pevensie
Lucy Pevensie
Bless my problematic heart but I really want an Edmund/Lucy fic, like. In that way. Any canon era (I am partial to HHB). 
If that’s too rich for your blood, forgive me, and write me a non ship duet about them. I WILL LOVE ANY FIC WITH THEM CODEPENDENT. 
My favorite things about them together is that they are complementary; he is tainted and a spymaster and Jadis marked him, she is blessed and valiant and Aslan marked her. Tell me a story about Edmund and Lucy Pevensie. 
If the muse strikes, and you need alt ships: throw in Caspian for either, and I have a soft spot for Lucy/Tumnus or Lucy/any woman. Edmund/Jadis is my true love.
A bit emotional that Narnia films are a YT fandom for perhaps one reprise since ffn.net fics were thrown out re: eligibility. LFG.
Willow (TV 2022) 
Elora Danan
Jade Claymore 
Kit Tanthalos
I am desperate to see Jade evolving into Elora’s General Kael; a glorious mirror of her father as a warrior, a leader, and an absolute terror. 
Background (or foreground) Jade/Kit is wonderful, and mixing Elora in there is great if you enjoy that too! My favorite thing about Jade Claymore is that she’s surprise the new General Kael and I’m so obsessed with that concept. 
Dune (2021)
Duncan Idaho 
Paul Atreides
Bless my problematic heart but I really want an Duncan/Paul fic, like. In that way. 
My preference is for the film character dynamic transposed into a book spoiler (so if you know it - that’s my dream; I’d love to see that), and I would also love something messy in current film canon.  
If that’s too rich for your blood, forgive me, and write me a non ship duet about them. I WILL LOVE ANY FIC WITH THEM CODEPENDENT. My favorite things about them together is that Duncan is so loyal (and for what?) and Paul is so needy for that loyalty (and soon, for what?). 
If the muse strikes, and you need alt ships: I also adore me some Duncan/Leto and Paul/Chani. 
Xoxoxo love you forever!
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stick-named-figure · 1 year
Sorry about the horrors. It will happen again.
last updated 2023-05-28
primarily an avm blog. i also enjoy various other stick figure content.
i take requests, but i'd like a little more prompting than just characters.
please let me know if i forget alt text on an image!
if you call real people freaks, degenerates, deviants, similar, you are not welcome here. you are welcome to do the research yourself on the history of queerphobia, ableism, and anti-semitism those terms carry. i don't care who you're referring to when you use those words. i do not want you around me.
personal | stick figure genders | on analysis | animators i like | shimejis | minecraft worldbuilding wiki
tags i use under the cut
i tag characters as "avm <character>" and ships as "avm <character/character>" where the characters are in alphabetical order. i also tag it as #avm
#music analysis
#not avm
#self post
#self art
#self animation
#self video
#self writing
#self audio
#musing - various thoughts about avm and whatever that aren't analysis
#blorbo posting - disaster tag of my king syndrome for the most part. also darkposting in there
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vvolfstare · 11 months
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✪ main ✪ bio ✪ face ✪ muse ✪ wishlist ✪
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
All details vary based on verse, but in general I play Bucky based on an MCU timeline with 616 plots/connections added as needed. Specifically, I almost always include his history with Natasha in the Red Room, whether that relationship was romantic or platonic.
wanted connections:
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I can roll with most muses as far as basic interactions. I’m happy to ship Bucky with other Marvel characters and OCs/fandom crossovers based on chemistry, but unless they’re on my OTP list, they need plotting and interaction first. There is never any pressure to ship with me, even if they’re on my list.
OTPs: Steve Rogers (happy to write and rewrite every AU for my favorite idiots), Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson, Clint Barton, Brock Rumlow Possible Ships: Natasha Stark, Matt Murdock, Tony Stark, probably most of the Avengers NOTPs: Peggy Carter, Sharon Carter, Howard Stark, Alexander Pierce, MCU Peter Parker (he thinks of him more like a son or a little brother), most muses who are significantly younger (if he's calling them "kid," he's gone dad-mode, sorry) Family: I have a lot of love for Dad!Bucky and Brother!Bucky, so I'm always happy to play against his canon or OC kids and siblings Other: all Avengers, Kobik, Ian Rogers, Logan Howlett, Howling Commandos
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default verses:
catfa: An MCU verse with any events that take place during or before Captain America: The First Avenger, before Bucky's fall from the train.
winterverse: An MCU/616 verse with Bucky's time as a captive, first with the Soviets and then with HYDRA. (winter!soldier)
catws: An MCU verse with any events that take place during Captain America: The Winter Soldier or relate to Project Insight. (winter!soldier)
cacw: An MCU verse with any events that include Bucky's time on the run, including the Avenger's Civil War and his time in Wakanda, leading up to the battle against Thanos.
alt!postblip: A post-Endgame canon-divergent MCU verse where Steve passes the shield on to Sam and stays in the current timeline like a character who didn’t just undo 3+ movies of development. He’s there to help Bucky and Sam re-adjust to the world post-blip and learn the ropes on being Cap.
tfatws: An MCU verse that takes place during or after the events of The Falcon & the Winter Soldier.
thunderbolts: An MCU post-TFATWS verse where Bucky continues trying to atone for the Winter's Soldier's actions by joining the Thunderbolts.
mcu: An MCU verse with any events taking place after Bucky breaks from HYDRA, usually divergent from the above timelines.
616: A mix of 616 and headcanons, typically written for comics muses who don't acknowledge things like the MCU Civil War or Thanos.
multiverse!madness: Various comics universes collide, whether Marvel/DC/etc. have always existed on the same Earth, or other-dimension shenanigans are at work. Duplicate friendly!
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I'm happy to write these, but since they're more specific AUs, I don't default on them for asks/memes. Please feel free to request them.
mcu/comics aus:
captain!barnes: Any AU verse where Bucky takes the serum in Steve's place, or Steve falls from the train and Bucky picks up the shield.
dad!verse: Any MCU/616 mashup AU where Bucky has canon or OC children. While I'm happy to accept children from any muse, please do not assume Bucky is still with the other parent in the present timeline without prior discussion unless they're on the OTP list.
earth-3490: A blip comics universe where Steve is married to Natasha Stark (Iron Woman). When he discovers the Winter Soldier file, he takes it to his wife, she has time to adjust to the idea, and the Avengers’ Civil War never happens. Also open to a poly ship with Steve/Toni/Bucky in this verse.
hydra!world: A comics universe set in Earth-85826, where fascist dictator Arnim Zola rules the world with HYDRA. Bucky works deep undercover as a double agent within HYDRA while secretly helping the resistance.
superhusbands: An MCU AU where Bucky doesn’t fall from the train in the Alps. Steve catches him, and they go after Red Skull together. They’re both on the Valkyrie when it crashes into the ocean and wake up together seventy years later.
welcome to westview: Roughly a month after Endgame, Natasha is dead and Steve has returned to the past. Devastated and struggling with rehabilitation, Bucky ventures into Westview with Wanda for a false happily ever after scenario.
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fandom specific aus:
bodyguard: A no-powers AU where Bucky is an ex-Army Sergeant who now works in private security.
horror!verse: Bucky is infected with lycanthropy during his time as the Winter Soldier. (werewolf!bucky)
super!mcu: A mash-up of the Supernatural and Marvel Cinematic universes, where the Winchesters manage to stop the first apocalypse shortly before Thanos snaps away half the universe.
twd!verse: A zombie apocalypse AU that follows a Walking Dead timeline. Bucky may still be a prisoner of HYDRA or surviving on his own.
you jump, i jump: A Titanic AU set in 1912, where Bucky is being forced to marry a woman he barely knows to preserve his family's name and fortune, but he meets someone aboard the ship who has him dare to imagine a different life.
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