#also... haechan fan?? <3
dkbtho · 3 months
just reaching back to talk some more abt the ateez poll: i just love the versatility of ateez songs! they really explore some different genres and it's so nice to see them creating bangers thanks to that... i mean, i go completely insane listening to precious and i dont even know if it can be considered edm music or just pop lmao
that being said, it's impossible to choose bc they fit in so many of my moods. for example, normally i blast songs like matz/the leaders while driving to the gym (i work out around 6:30 in the morning), and when im doing my skincare routine at night, i like to listen to stuff like treasure/take me home... but sometimes, i'll scream mist at the top of my lungs during my way to the gym, and have some relaxing time with guerrilla at night. it's like, although take me home is OBVIOUSLY a different style from matz, they're weirdly the same bc they're perfect in their own way and they bring me so much joy and comfort when i need..............
making me choose between bouncy and halazia is like making me choose between my parents and my sister... CRUEL!
I am in love with you
Lol to be real for a second THANK YOU for coming back to talk to me about music (and specifically ateez)♥️💓💘💝💞❣️💘💗💝!!!!!! I totally 100% agree!!! I always tell people kpop isn't really a genre word at all because different groups have such different genres and some groups explore tons of genres and styles (such as ateez!).
Also I totally get relaxing to guerilla lol!! Sometimes I get hyped for my day with hard bangers and sometimes I get hyped with soft ballads 😌
ALSO!!!! We crowd source our brackets! I love seeing the tags (particularly in round one haha) of people saying how dare we put this song against this song, because we put out a form to rank all the songs and go with that for the bracket. Plus BOUNCY was actually kind of a huge upset! BOUNCY ranked 8th! Answer was #1 and was anticipated to go against #2 Halazia, but BOUNCY pulled through against answer somehow!! (I'm sure my sister (admin suji @belovedbinnieboy ) will talk about the upsets in her stats post coming after the end of the bracket)
Anyway thanks for stopping by !!! I love chatting and talking about music <3
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jentlemahae · 1 year
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winwintea · 26 days
dreamies as your flight seatmate + ratings
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PAIRING ▸ boyfriend!dreamies x reader 
TAGS ▸ none, crack, established relationship, haechans is the worst someone drop him out of the plane please
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸inspired by an insta post i saw for 127 and thought the dreamies deserved their own version.
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Mark Lee
mark and you have 3 hours on this flight, so get ready for 3 hours of straight yapping from mark lee himself. he’s gonna show you pictures he has saved on his phone and goes into every single detail about the photo. you honestly just want to chill and listen to music, but if it seems like he’s given up, 5 minutes later he’ll bring up another subject. even if you’re gonna try to fall asleep he’ll wake you up, “yo, did you hear what i just said?” and you can’t get mad at him, who wants to see him sad? (4/10 seatmate, sometimes cooks, most of the time idk what he’s talking about)
Huang Renjun
renjun is probably one of those insane people on planes. he can get through the whole flight not talking to a single person, not listening to any music at all, not even looking out the window, just staring straight forward, lost in his own thoughts. if the flight map is available he’ll watch it for fun, otherwise he can pretty much entertain himself for however long the flight is. renjun would even read the safety manual for fun??? however if you needed him for anything, or if you wanted to watch a movie he’d be down you just need to ask, otherwise he’s gonna be in his own zone. (6/10 seatmate since he’s insane, but points only bc he’ll do anything if you ask him too)
Lee Jeno
jeno would be in your personal space, BUT IT’S NOT HIS FAULT DON’T BLAME HIM. he’d take up the armrests too but that’s because his arms are so big… and you wouldn’t want him to be uncomfortable. and lowkey you’re fine with the personal space invasion thing too cause he smells good. (you’re coping) and maybe during the middle of the flight he’ll put the armrest up and hold you in a big hug, just so you can feel more comfortable cause he feels bad for taking up so much room. “i hope this is comfortable enough for you, it’s just a few more hours, you can take a nap on my shoulder or legs if you want” (7/10 seatmate, he feels bad and i would feel guilty if i gave him anything under a 6)
Lee Donghyuck
haechan is an armrest hogger… and he doesn’t even need to. instead of talking to you though, he’ll be on his phone the whole entire trip, watching tiktoks OUT LOUD on his phone. you honestly wanted to watch a movie with him, but you aren't even going to consider it now. and when you catch him peeking over your shoulder trying to watch whatever tv show you’re watching, you give him an annoyed look, and turn the device so you can’t see him. (-127/10 seatmate, just wait until he takes off his shoes cause then you’re both getting kicked off by the stewardess)
Na Jaemin
jaemin is the embodiment of the BEST seatmate ever. he’s always checking in on you, making sure you have ample leg room, let’s you use the armrests even if you don’t want to. he brought a whole bunch of snacks to for you two to share and snack on. downloaded a bunch of movies and tv shows for the ride, but if you don’t want to watch a movie, that’s fine. want to sleep? he brought a neck pillow. want to just talk? he can do that. (10/10 seatmate this is why i have high standards in men)
Zhong Chenle
chenle’s company could either go one or two ways. one, he could spend the whole entire flight watching the basketball game with the third person in your row that somehow was also a golden state warriors fan? to which… fuck him cause how tf did you become a third wheel? or two, he and you spend the whole entire flight just shit talking the other passengers on the plane with each other. chenle and you would probably be whispering to each other and giggling away. (3/10 cause the first outcome is more likely. we know even if there’s no other person to watch it with, as long as there’s a game on he’s watching.)
Park Jisung
jisung… it’s a little too quiet… and a little too tense. the mood is almost way too awkward? “jisung… you can talk to me you know?” you turn towards him, and his cheeks flush with embarrassment. “oh i wasn’t sure if you… wanted to talk or… maybe you were gonna sleep-“ you shush him with your finger, and lay your head upon his shoulder. His whole body begins to relax and he no longer feels cooped up in the seat like he was at first, “Whatever we do, let’s do it together alright?” (8/10 seatmate, very awkward, originally it’s way too close for his comfort but he gets into it and will do anything you want <3)
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ghostofhyuck · 20 days
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NCT Dream finding out that their idol! gf overworked. 
Mark Lee
Mark learned that you've been promoting your comeback with a fever when one of your co-members told him. You're passionate about your job and this comeback is one of your favorite because of the concept, that's why you couldn't bear to miss the promotion. So when your boyfriend show up to your dorm uninvited, you knew that you don't have to hide it from him anymore. He bought you (and your co-members) food! plus medicine and energy drinks for you. He lets you rest and while you rest, you two talked about your situation calmly. Mark understands your sentiments but asks you to promise him that you won't overwork yourself. 
Huang Renjun
Same case with Mark, I feel like you'll hide that you're promoting the comeback with a fever! Not to mention, you've been working nonstop since the start of the year. Comeback, concerts, solo activities, and another comeback. It's bound for your body to shut down. So when Renjun found out through your co-member, I feel like he'll be mad at you! Why didn't you tell him!? So when he visited you, bringing care package like food, and medicine, it'll come with lots of lots of lecture (lovingly) from your boyfriend! He loves you so much but you should look after your health. Renjun also told you that do it not for him, but for your fans. You only nod, thinking that you're lucky that Renjun's there for you. 
Lee Jeno
Jeno would be shocked when he learned that you went on a short hiatus due to health concerns. He didn't notice it because you would convince him that you're fine everytime you two would meet up or talk. Once he learned the reason why behind you went hiatus, Jeno immediately called you. You already accepted that Jeno will be mad at you, but the first thing he asked was, "are you okay?" and that made you cry. You couldn't help but to vent on your boyfriend who silently comforted you. You told him that your health is declining these days and you couldn't properly function anymore. Jeno understands your sentiments and could only assure you that your health should come first. He then tells you that he'll drop by at your place so that he can take care of you personally. <3
Lee Donghyuck
"You've been coughing every minute, are you okay?" Haechan sent the message and then glances at the screen on his laptop. You're having a random live with a fellow member at the moment. She's building a lego set and wanted you to join, so despite having a cough and fever, you helped her. But it was quick to notice how you glance at your phone from time to time because of your boyfriend's messages. Haechan can see how your forehead creased when you read his message so he sent another one, "don't be angry, im supposed to be angry! why didn't you told me you were sick!?" once the live ended. You have to face an angry Haechan who nagged you for hours because you hid your sickness from him. In the end, you apologized to him because you knew he's just concerned for you. 
Na Jaemin
You thought that it wouldn't be obvious but when you saw how Jaemin's face went from smiling to a concerned look, you knew that you were bad at hiding. "You look pale," he pointed out. "Pale? what do you mean, I'm always pale," you lied, laughing awkwardly. But Jaemin crossed his arms and then stared at you with a serious expression. That's why you have no choice but to tell your boyfriend that you actually came back from the hospital because you have to take a medicines for your health. Once Jaemin learned this he'll be disappointed that you hid your sickness from him. "You got me worried you know that? Tell me next time so that I can accompany," he said to you. "Babe, if you accompany me, they'll know that we're dating." "I don't care about that, I care about your health." 
Zhong Chenle
You're promoting at the same with NCT Dream, and during your promotions, you accidentally injured your legs. You tried to brush it off thinking that it's just a mild sprain, but after your pre-recording stage, you couldn't help but feel that the pain is striking on your whole legs already. So when you got off the stage, you were limping until you reached the backstage where Chenle is coincidentally at the hallway. He'll be surprised to see you, but then helps you have seat first. He'll ask if you're okay and you tried to brush it off, that's when your boyfriend became angry, "what do you mean it's nothing!? you're limping! stop forcing yourself or it'll get worse," his tone was a bit harsh but you know that he's just worried about you, and you couldn't help but to hug him to seek comfort. Chenle, even though he's still mad, hugs you back. 
Park Jisung
It was late when you realized that you made a mistake of giving your fans an update through bubble message because Jisung also suscribes to your bubble! So when he called you a few minutes after you sent those message, you just realized what you have done. "What do you mean you're sick?" he asked with a concerned tone. You told him that it's just a fever and you were advised to take a few weeks to rest, "a few week rests for a fever doesn't sound good to me." his tone became more serious, that's why you immediately apologize to him because you knew that Jisung's always there to remind you about your health and well-being! So learning that you're sick means that you just ignore his words. "Take care of yourself okay? I can't be there because I'm out the country but please, please take care of yourself okay?" you only smile as you said okay to him. 
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oraclemoontarot · 19 days
what kind of idol would you be in the kpop industry 𓂃⊹ pac tarot reading
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from left to right, top to bottom -> pile 1, pile 2, pile 3, pile 4
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pile 1 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
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cards pulled: three of wands, page of wands, eight of cups, four of wands, hierophant, page of swords, knight of swords, five of pentacles, page of cups
you would aim really high and likely achieve a lot within the industry, you're someone who would have a lot of confidence and energy, as well as creativity. you may be a trendsetter within the industry, and may even write your own songs, or create your own choreographies. with the page of wands, you may even be the biggest flirt, your fans would constantly be flustered, there's this cheekiness to you that stems from your confidence, it's not arrogant, but more so fun.
within the industry, you could be picky in the projects or commercials you take on. if something doesn't feel right, if the compensation for your work is underselling you, or if it's not to your standards, you wouldn't hesitate to reject or leave it behind. it’s giving it girl/boy energy.
you would be so supportive of your members (if you're in a group) and your fans. you would be the pillar almost, and hearing others out and lending a hand. you would love to bring people together. there would also be a sense of wisdom to you, you would have so much knowledge and yet there would be something so mysterious and intriguing about you, like you would catch everyones attention as soon as you'd walk into a room. it may be that you'd end up being an experienced idol and may be in the industry for a long time - you could even end up being a mentor, such as appearing on survival shows as a judge, or helping out rookies within your company.
equally, as an idol, you may have a sharp wit, amazing communication skills and be incredibly intellectual - this reminds me of someone like haechan, who has unique yet funny answers to certain questions or situations. you would offer interesting conversations to interviews and your lives, where people would be fascinated by your mind and your view on the world.
of course, working in the industry comes with its own challenges, you would face setbacks and moments where you feel stuck, however you would get through them easily and come out stronger. you would face any challenge head on.
overall, with the page of cups, you would be creative, fun, compassionate and very empathetic. you would connect with your fans on an emotional level, which would form strong bonds and have people respect you a lot as a result.
pile 2 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
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cards pulled: six of cups, queen of cups, knight of wands, ace of cups, two of pentacles, ten of pentacles, two of cups, fool, strength
there are a lot of cups in this pile, so you would definitely be the kind of idol who would connect with fans and others emotionally, this may even lead to people connecting with you due to that sensitivity and nostalgia you bring. you would surprise fans and create memorable experiences for them, overall such a sweet energy. you would uplift people and be someone positive and supportive, possibly coming up with your own projects to be closer with fans - maybe things like a free fan meet/calls, collaborating or appearing in your content/music videos etc.
you would be the queen of cups in terms of your idol persona - nurturing, compassionate, empathetic, warm, and supportive. you would create a safe space for your fans and express yourself emotionally really well. you would be really approachable. but you would also be the knight of wands, with an abundance of energy and passion, it's like you can't sit still, you need to work on your skills and your career, and you would be a risk-taker. there's this sense of balance in terms of your idol persona.
but this doesn't seem like it's just a persona, it's more so genuine. you would be yourself, you would express your emotions genuinely and truthfully. whether you like or dislike something, you would be vocal, but respectful. your positivity would be contagious and people wouldn't be able to stop smiling when you're around, you would brighten peoples day almost instantly.
your idol life would be incredibly successful due to this, people would love working with you and people would be equally inspired by you, you may be someone others look up to. you would harbour a lot of meaningful connections, this may aid in your popularity as people would love you.
with the fool and strength, you would have a sense of adventure and almost a child-like wonder, you would love your career, fans and the music you put out. you wouldn't be afraid to try new things or take risks, you would be incredibly courageous and resilient, you would be able to get over any challenge or obstacle. an idol that came to mind for this pile is chuu, as she has really good relationships with fans and is incredibly positive/warm.
pile 3 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
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cards pulled: strength, magician, queen of swords, tower, devil, king of swords, six of swords, seven of pentacles, queen of pentacles
as an idol you would have a lot of courage, resilience and determination. you would be inspiring due to this inner strength. like the magician, you would be able to turn your dreams into reality and be incredibly innovative, you may be known for creating things, so you could have your own clothing/makeup brand too, or be a trendsetter. maybe coming up with an iconic pose or choreo.
the king and queen of swords appeared, so its either you would be known for your relationship with another idol and being the it couple, or it simply doubles down on your intellect, independence and ability to express your thoughts with words - you would be an incredible conversationalist who would keep others on their toes. there is also the sense of rationality, you would be quite a thinker and a logical person, especially paired with the number of pentacles and swords in this reading, you would be grounded, stable and practical.
during your idol career, you would have gone through numerous changes and shifts in your character, you would come out stronger and would embrace change. your story may be inspiring to people, similar to someone like iu or hanbin/b.i.
with the devil, during your career, you may have a lot of struggles internally, this could be addictions or negative thoughts in regards to fame and power specifically but, paired with the tower and strength, you have the ability to overcome any of these. six of swords follows, which shows you would go through a period of healing and a renewal - a new sense of self.
as an idol, you would constantly watch your fancams, content etc to assess what you can improve on and where your abilities are at currently, you would also have an incredible amount of patience and wouldn't be too hard on yourself. you would be willing to put in the effort.
overall, with the queen of pentacles, as an idol you would be down to earth, and be business focussed, yet you would be known for your generosity. you may even donate to causes/charities, or invest in businesses - maybe even help fans like paying for their education.
pile 4 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ
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cards pulled: four of wands, knight of cups, king of pentacles, queen of pentacles, strength, world, lovers, death, page of wands
you would be the ideal idol - like a poster idol or the perfect idol. someone like eunwoo or wonyoung, you would embody achievement, success, recognition and creativity. as an idol, you would be known for your emotional sensitivity and romantic nature, there's something very charming about you - think the visual of the group or the centre. there's something inspiring about you and you have the ability to bring people together.
your idol life would lead you to find someone who is your match and eventually would get married - so many people would be rooting for this couple, it's like the it couple and you may have a family together - like those shows where celebrities film content and introduce their kids and their home, it's really cute and so many people would think of this couple/family as the ideal, the word ideal is pretty significant in this pile.
you would be known as someone nurturing, practical and down-to-earth, you have this grace and classiness to you. you would also be incredibly strong and determined, courageous and compassionate. you would be inspiring.
you would also be someone who would pursue not only music, but entertainment and acting, maybe even filming a lot of commercials. you would be seen doing a lot of things, participating in a lot of activities, events or charity organisations. it's like you would be on the news all the time and people would be wondering, 'what will they be doing next?'.
you would form deep connections with others, connect with people well, and have a strong relationship with your fans. I feel like your idol career won't last as long, maybe because of choosing love over your career, or you may choose to pursue acting instead, similar to what rowoon did.
overall, with the page of wands, you would invoke creativity, and enthusiasm in others, which would mean you're incredibly inspiring as an idol. there's this enthusiasm and energy in your step, and you would be open to any challenges or would take a lot of risks if it means furthering your place in the industry.
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hugs2doie · 9 months
nct dream spotting you in their concert .
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anon’s request: hi!! i just found your account and omg i love it so much <33!! i was wondering if i could request a fic/headcanon about surprising nct dream on tour 👉🏻👈🏻🥺 like maybe surprising one of them after the concert, one of them spotting you in the crowd, etc ^^
genre: fluff
warnings: none
nini’s notes: rhis is so short im sorry i didne havw muxh ideas on this 😓 but thbak u anon i love u anf i hope u liek this :333
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⌗ mark
he’d be so excited byw
he’d gasp and allat
most of the times he’d be around your area just to see you
it would be without realizing too so the other members would literally push him/drag him away 😭
like poor boy wants to havw his eyes on you the whole time
but dating rumors and the idol industry 😡😡
would gush to his teammates abt u visiting and stuff like that later
afterwards he’d tell his manager or smth to ask you to stay so yall can spend timw :((
would probably just listen to you talk and giggle or smile big when u tell him how proud ure of him
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⌗ renjun
would be very surprised
wave at the fans in your area to not make it seem like it was just for you
when singing some of the cute lyrics he’d glance at you 💔
would bring his other members on your area so when he passes more often he won’t be as suspicious (work smarter not harder)
would love seeing your reactions omg
and ur eyes better be on him the whole time
or else he’ll be calling you out after you meet!!
would take a video of the whole crowd and slow down at ur area
for the memories and how u surprised him in his concert yk
would ofc love the feedback <3
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⌗ jeno
he would probably tell jaemin and he’d smile at you too
jaemin would also the one to remind him of reality if he stares at you for a long time
or stays in your area for a long time ofc
would show his abs/reveal his body more than usual
he’d get shy abt it later on though
boy how much he wants to stare at u for the whole concert :(
but he can’t!!! so he does other things to involve u and stuff
like taking pics of the crowd (OBVIOUSLY with u in it)
loves u sm and cant wait to meet u later so u can tell him abt ur exprience
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⌗ haechan
this little shit bye
would do the sexiest thing EVER
then turn to see your reaction and if ure surprised or anything like that he’d have that proud smirk
he’d be more energetic on stage and wants to give 100% of him
he wants to impress u sm (which he does ofc), hes like a little high school boy for u
he’d be extra touchy w/ renjun & the other members to make u “jealous”
which the members (and u) notice and just burst out laughing
idk i’d be a fun experience
oh and u better only look at him or he’ll give u a sassy attitude when u two meet
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⌗ jaemin
love eyes
and id mean it like his pupils would grow and all that
if u brought signs he’d read them out loud so it would seem like ure just a fan
and if u brought plushies AND are close to the stage??? he’s getting ur plushies first!!
will be VERY focused on the performances cause he knows that u distract him (for good like he loves u)
but he also wants to be amazing for u <3
would love if u hyped him up (u better lol…)
or if u sang along like he’d be so happyyyy
he wants u to enjoy the concert sm
he loves that u surprised him like a lottt
all that practice payed off bcz you’re there in the crowd <3
not that he doesn’t appreciate your support just by words too btw
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⌗ chenle
idk why i feel like he’d know abt it
i dont have anythint specific abt it its just how i feel like he’d def know somehow
so if he spotted u in the crowd he’d have like a happy and proud smile like yawppp i knew it!!!
but would be so happyyy
after any performance or anything he’d do he’d look back to u to see if u liked it or not
would also pretend like ure not there sometimes cause jaemin pulled him aside and told him that he were taking MANY glances in your way HELP
so for some mins he stopped even looking ur way 😭 let alone go in that area
would bring jisung along later but would not tell him that ure there cause jisung would make it pretty obvious
you’re a big distraction to him 😓
(he loves that but he would never tell u)
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⌗ jisung
theres the thing
he’d either
1) stay around ur area ALL the time
2) not even glance in ur direction
but if u guys havent seen e/o for a long time he’d pass most of his time there
however would ask for advice to his other members and often ask them if its too obv that he’s starring at u a bit too much
also he’d either
1) get super shy (stan new jeans)
2) be the opposite and get his sexy on (pls tell me yall know what song im talking abt)
but both things would get reactions out of u and that’s exactly what he wants :3
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najaemism · 8 months
we never go out of style! [01]
PAIRING. haechan x fem!oc
SYNOPSIS. what happens when one of the famous professional volleyball players of the country publicly shoots his shot at a global popstar? well, she shows up to his game with his mother, of course! [or alternatively: the whole world watches as a popstar and an athlete fall in love.]
— fake subtitles!
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01: JUST GIVE HIM A CHANCE! | prev / materlist / next
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NOTE. sooo lumine’s ex of two months is just some nameless dude… but know that he was shitty and is the m*tty he*ly ex :p the ex that she dated for 3 years however…….. you’ll find out soon enough 🤩 also, her fans are called lumieres! it’s cute idk 😔 HAHAHA
TAGLIST. @radiorenjun @bluejaem @pink-but-rosie @renjun-pretty @holdinbacksecrets @rynshyuckies @jelllyjae @jenyongcas @whyisquill @beemarkie @morkxlee @hibuki-chan @moonwalkun @lyyhyuck @baekhyunstruly @lilacdreams-00 @ridinhyuck @archivedmkl @najaeminluvbot @rensiu @morkleetrash @neo444 @hrjchive @keemburley @soobin-chois @yiz-yo @juune04 @nctasdfghj @studywoo @jun5ui @smolpeyy @kkotjia @yoonhanzjaem @en-boys @stopeatread @goldryush @hibernatinghamster @shwizhies @zgzgzh @bbymatz @eyantice @w0nderr @dinonuguaegi @neozon3nha @mnlylonely
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joonggphilia · 6 months
NCT Dream Hard Thoughts
Ot7 main kinks ———————————————————————
Mark definitely has a praise kink. He loves to let you know how good you’re taking him while he absolutely rails you. He’s also into body worship, kissing you from your head to your toes, while telling you how much he loves you.
Renjun has a bondage kink. On the outside it doesn’t seem like it, but he can get freaky. He’ll tie your wrists and ankles to the bed posts so you can’t touch him or yourself. He likes having his way with you, not talking, just pleasure. He wants you to feel good and he wants to bring his fantasies to life.
Jeno screams size and minor degradation. He loves watching his big arms flex as he holds your hips and pounds into you. He loves watching your stomach bulge at the mere size of his cock. He loves letting you know that you’re his slut. After, he becomes a completely different man and apologizes <3
Haechan is a big fan of overstimulation. He likes the thought of being able to make you feel pleased till the point where you’re unable to function. He overstimulates with a loving mindset, wanting to make you feel the best you’ve ever felt. He also enjoys oral, watching you swallow his seed is so hot.
Jaemin absolutely loves mirror sex. He wants you to see how beautiful you are. To him you’re an angel sent from heaven. He’ll never admit it, but he kinda likes the thought of tainting that beauty, making you cry and drool over his skill in bed. Jaemin is a sweetheart, but also a tease. He likes to call you cute names while edging you over and over. He just loves observing you during sex.
Chenle loves marking you up, almost too much. You’ve got a crazy amount of hickeys and bites after sex. Sometimes he’ll make hearts and smiley faces on your chest and thighs. He also loves kissing you. Kissing is more intimate than actually having sex, in his eyes.
I don’t make the rules, Jisung loves nipple play. He loves to tease your chest as he kiss up and down your body. He chuckles when you shiver at his actions, his long fingers gliding over your sensitive buds. Sometimes he’ll suck on your chest, indulging in the way you whimper under him. Along with teasing your chest, he loves giving you hand jobs every now and then.
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mazeofyeni · 6 months
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(intro). there are so many ships in nct dream but rence will always be the top fav, here's 4 fan fav moments ENJOY 🤍!
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➩ CLIP #1 PLAYING… 📼 !
late night walk vlog
*during their atlanta stop on tour* "renjunnie" *knows that name doesn't mean anything good* "what is it cece?" *smiling* "let's go on a walk." *renjun thinks she's joking* *she's dead serious😑* "cece it's late" *knows a way to get him out* "fine i'll ask jeno." *already up* "let's go"
"my feet hurt." *he's gonna make it everyones problem* "stop complaining." *turns the camera* "he's cursing at me with his eyes" *grabbing his hand.* "renjunnie , don't be mad." *acting cute is his kryptonite* "don't act cute , let me be mad at you" *but he's smiling*
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➩ CLIP #2 PLAYING… 📼 !
touchy renjun
*renjun: never initiate skinship* *renjun when cece is around: suddenly is the skinship king*
*cece minding her business , sitting on the couch* "cece" *renjun also minding her business* *lays on her lap* "what is it?" *cece teasing him* "what are you doing?" *annoyed renjun* *slaps her leg😭* "ow" "you're not being funny" *moves her arm , tucks himself under her arm*
*literally just listens to her talk while he's laying there , staring into space... rubbing her arm* "why are you so clingy today?" *look at her smile , she loves putting him on the spot* "shut up" *aggressive love😭* "im going to sleep" *literally turns facing her stomach* "we'll eat dinner soon" *she still sat there and let him sleep , she even slapped haechan who tried to jump on him😭*
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➩ CLIP #3 PLAYING… 📼 !
renjun giving her special privileges
1. *haechan trying to hug him* "stop touching me" *sulky hyuck😭* *15 minutes later* "renjun" *literally clinging to him like a koala* "are you hungry?" *straight bf vibes* *haechan is feeling hateful rn*
2. *cece walks in with renjuns jacket on* "isn't that renjun's" "i don't know i found it in my closet" *please , cece so casually drops that renjun leaves his things at her apartment* "you sure he's gonna like that?" *cece doesn't care* *renjun walks in* "where did you get my jacket?" *cece shrugs* "it was in my closet" *renjun not even bothered* "ah , i was wondering where it went" *everyone is confused how she gets a pass*
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➩ CLIP #4 PLAYING… 📼 !
jealous renjunnie
*jaemin and cece had a dance unit together* *renjun is not happy, why can't good things happen to him?* "jaemin and cece come one" *renjuns doesn't want to let her go* *let's go but is sulky* *look at him in the mirror😭*
*glaring at them the entire time , even mark has to slap his leg* *finally the dance is over* "good job let's continue after." *jaemin and cece still messing around* *jaemin goes to twerk😭* *cece see cece do* *doesn't see renjung get* *drags her to sit down* *everyone laughing* *once again renjun is dead serious* *cece smiling like she didn't just cause chaos*
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(outro). Honestly this video could be hours long, but i got a feeling jeno stalks these videos and he's gonna report it, jeno we still love you and cece 😭...
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jenjibear · 3 months
What I think the dreamies twitters would look like
A bullet point imagine
This idea came randomly to me and thought it was a cute concept lmao
so i hope you enjoy my mind
2am quotes, drunk thoughts, poems or just how he is feeling he always manages to say the deepest things at 2am
guitar videos, hes just practising silently humming the melody along with his playing
he posts his song wips hoping to find inspiration from the people who read them and offer advice
if he isnt posting his likes are filled from his time spent doom scrolling
just a bunch of sad quotes in those likes
artistic is the only way to describe it, proudly shares his art with everyone also offers commissions for some money on the side
laughs slightly when a nctzen asks for a drawing of a member not knowing its him doing the commission
loves sharing his art with everyone
shares tutorials and videos of supplies he reccomends
very artsy
this account is barren
you'd think it was a bot acc honestly
mostly posts about his bike and the things he sees out on his bike rides
genuinely forgets it exists posts every 3 months if that
he's just a pure soul and doesn't really use the app that much
meme lord #1
he's posting candids he's taken of the members like he's a menace
he interacts with nctzen's and is living for the memes they post too
exposes the members on the tl constantly
i'm talking out of context screenshots of convos and starting random hashtags
cat pictures hourly
literally has alarms set up to remember to post a picture of his cats
doesn't matter what he's doing he will drop everything to post on the tl to not let the fans down
replies to the fans as if hes the cats like "thank you - luna"
very proud cat dad
meme lord #2
unlike haechan hes fully making memes and reaction pics
is the most followed nct meme acc on twitter and no one knows its him
very very proud of himself honestly
almost exposes himself in a video because he was editing a meme he takes his meme lord position seriously
he doesnt really know what hes doing so just posts like most of stan twitter does
joins in on all the quiz thread trends
interacts with the fans, hes became a nct fan acc of himself without realising
people think hes a sasaeng because he posts unreleased photos and is at the same events
he comes clean and does a space to reveal its him and gains millions of followers
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chaoshoranghae · 11 months
attractive things that dreamies do that makes me love them
not this being 1.2k words
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Being giggly
his word usage
like him saying dude to fans or like
his jokes???
I laughed at the five guys joke
his quotes????
one of them was literally my senior quote
his reactions also
the undercut
his raps
bf coded
copying fans
yk on the fan calls and stuff, please
his bubbles
his spider verse msg pleaseeee
I really like his nose haha
his relationship with the dreamies???
the dance he does in the dingo video I love it
he's caked up of course
just realized I don't pay attention to his physical features???
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his hair
I absolutely love when he had the Oreo hair I think it looks so good on him
and personally I had that same exact hair style during covid because of narcissa malfoy, I just love that hair
the opposite of that hair too I love it
how soft spoken he can be
when he gets mad or annoyed
his voice
his eye brows???? I strangely like them
his pictures????
totally would draw you all day and then give it to you
the little artist in him
he's funny tooo
his dynamic with all of his members and how it varies
he gets excited and it's so
or when he's over it with the dreamies haha
like when spoilers come up
him hating mtbis
when he wears his hats backward like during the dance practices
okay, I saw the video where he took those bad pictures of Jaemin
but hear me out
I feel like he would totally take the perfect candids of you yk
like have jaemin teach him so he can just be ur little own photographer = love language???
his insta posts??? please I love them
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how reserved he is compared to dreamies???
how different he is when it's one on one
him with jaemin
the weird noises he makes
his back???
his eye smile <3
and his smile <3
that is literally what my mom called him the first couple of months
his oral fixation????
the funny faces he makes ????
he's really funny
how loud he can be?????
him holding grudges?????
me too king me too
being so calm yet chaotic
the care he has for his members
him counting down and then scaring us????
the episode of 7illin' in the dream where he's in the dog house entertaining himself with the light
when he also response to jaemins doggie call
him with dogs in general
him jumping on the bed with chenle and laying completely on top of him
he's so playful
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The way he dances
his mood maker energy
quick thinking
lowkey his style???? I'm not a big fan of tight pants but
his airport style???? I love it
bro got the dogs out but it's so comf
His hair when he's all natural
it looks so fluffy
when he's barefaced and cooking and he has his hands on his hips
I always tell my mom he looks like a middle age mom but I find ur endearing
the way he's bratty???
and cuddly
his weird thumb?? was it?
that he broke and it's different
the way he tells stories, please
his better than gold performance dude please
his fluffy hair with the slight waves
him wearing sunglasses
he's so smart ?????
the way he watches himself as he dances, dude the intense stare oh my god
he is so on point with memorization???
he has such a distinctive voice?? i love it
the way he doesn't let anyone else dip??? but only him???
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He was my first and only bias in dream for a long time so he holds a special place
Nana vs na jaemin
the way he bounces on the beds yk
like how annoying he is in a good way????
Always telling fans to eat
his now cat pictures
How caring he can be
the video where he went cycling with jeno yk that entire video just makes me love him
his obsession with twerking????
i love his part in candy
my mom and I specifically love his part in boom and all the iconic one-liners, when we got to hear it in concert-
his hair!!!! i love it
the blonde? the pink?? i actually liked the blonde with the blue in the middle haha
oh he is also bf coded? but in a different way from mark
bro.... his lats???
his arms????
his shoulders
bro bias wrecked me so hard at the concert
the video of jaemin and jeno cooking.... just jaemin completely in that
he's so funny and weird in a good way
the video where he gave us jaemins foot cam
the way... the way where he sees his fan cams and locks eyes with them and stares at them continuously through the performance ...ugh
his hobbies????
the photography????
him grilling for all of the dreamies first and then eating
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how different he is with other members, like the way he treats mark vs jisung
the way he responds to marriage proposals 😭 the are so funny
how he is with daegal
his thing with basketball???
How he points during his notes??? I never noticed it until a fan pointed out how haechan, renjun and chenle all do their notes and he kinda just points??? like I love that
how excited he was to prank jisung with mark, and then was deciding between pranking mark or jisung the way he was so happy
I also like his nose!!!
his face when he's judging
his side eyes
his grammar??? like how strict he is with it
ik for a fact bro would be correcting me all day long but
when he talks, like bro won't stop
like yes please keep talking I will listen
unbothered king
his laugh please
when he was on the fan call where she had a sign that said if you know me to blow a kiss and she showed him the video and he was laughing so hard
kinda want him to teach me chinese
his laugh
his own type of comedy
how honest he is
the way he uses jaemin as a pillow
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how he's a little confused with the world
him talking to trees
is that just him talking to himself but he just stands in front of trees???
him saying ubb
the fact that he's only older then me by a little bit is crazy
the way he is about dancing
specifically popping
his dance breaks
how he had a bunch of ramen in his closet but still asked jaemin for a baguette
his clumsiness
jisung with the dominos
his reactions
i loved his ridin' hair
being awkward????? just like me fr
the way he gets so embarrassed
especially from his members
him being fascinated with the world
him showing us how to take off a ring and then struggling
his little gestures
everyone being whipped
this was hard fo renjun for me
I just love him
like I don't have a lot of reasons why
I just love him
I tried to do equal amounts for everyone i have yet to convert to jenoism but writing all these things for him and trying to find a picture makes me want to convert
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kpopsexstories · 2 months
Final Stretch: Most Memorable Sexual Experiences of NCT returns! 😄😍
It's finally time! My NCT smut series Most Memorable Sexual Experiences of NCT will return with stories for the six remaining members 😄
I'll post a new story every Monday starting next week (April 8). Two of the members – Jaemin and Lucas – will get a two-part story. That means 8 weeks of awesome content that I can't wait for you to read!
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The stories for the 6 final members have been written and scheduled. The first will be posted on Monday, April 8:
April 8, 2024 – Xiaojun Goes camping when a girl he's just met sneaks into his tent.
April 15, 2024 – Lucas Pt. 1 (Former Member) Has a threesome with his Chinese girlfriend and her best friend.
April 22, 2024 – Lucas Pt. 2 (Former Member) Sleeps with Haechan's sister.
April 29, 2024 – Jeno Is jerked off by his girlfriend while her parents are nearby.
May 6, 2024 – Taeil Has a foursome with Doyoung and their respective girlfriends.
May 13, 2024 – Jaemin Pt. 1 Meets and bonds with a troubled fan.
May 20, 2024 – Jaemin Pt. 2 Changes a fan's life by having romantic sex with her.
May 27, 2024 – Winwin Has sex with Jeno's aunt (MILF).
Of these 6 newly scheduled members, which are you most excited to read a sex story about?
The previous stories
In case you've missed them, here are the members whose stories I've already published in the past. You can read them right now!
Renjun fucks his makeup artist.
Jungwoo shares a girl with Johnny.
Hendery brings a screamer to the WayV dorm.
Chenle loses his virginity in a sweet scene.
Doyoung cums in front of his mother.
Mark gives his girlfriend anal.
Kun gets a blowjob by a fan.
Jisung masturbates to the mental image of Haechan's sister.
Jisung gets naked with Haechan's sister in a pool, then fucks her in his suite.
Johnny fucks his dance coach in the studio every week after practice.
Ten is fucked raw by a gay fan from Grindr.
Yangyang has sex with his girlfriend while Ten is invited to watch.
Yuta meets his childhood sweetheart for some quick sex.
Yuta plays football naked with his friend with benefits.
Taeyong loses his virginity to a hooker who teaches him about sex.
Haechan gives Mark and Jungwoo handjobs in the shower.
Jaehyun has cyber sex with his American girlfriend.
Jaehyun joins the mile high club in a private jet.
Click here to learn more about the series and check out the full posting schedule.
What about the Quick Fix series?
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The Most Memorable Sexual Experiences of NCT series will run on Mondays. My ongoing Quick Fix Dirty Kpop Imagines series – with shorter sex scenes featuring NCT and non-NCT members – will continue to run on Wednesdays for the next three weeks (until the last already announced story has been published). You can still look forward to these four members:
Wednesday, April 3: RIIZE Shotaro comes in your mouth.
Wednesday, April 10: BTS Taehyung (V) has his shaft pleasured by a vibrating teddy bear.
Wednesday, April 17: BTS Yoongi (Suga) fucks you on a bathroom counter.
Wednesday, April 24: TXT Hueningkai thrusts his great cock inside you.
What happens once the "Most Memorable Sexual Experiences" series is over?
I have a number of plans! 😃 First and foremost, I will celebrate the fact that I've written the equivalent of a full novel in length, only counting the Most Memorable Sexual Experiences of NCT series. That's pretty insane!
Next, I will at some point announce Season 3 of the Quick Fix Dirty Kpop Imagines series. I will also sporadically post a few non-kpop sex stories from my Mixed One-shots series. This is a series with one-off stories about any celebrity I feel like writing smut about.
If you have wishes for the Quick Fix or Mixed One-shots series, requests are open!
The most exciting news, however, is that I will announce what k-pop group I will be doing a "Most Memorable Sexual Experiences" series on next!
I already have numerous drafts and ideas for several groups that I'm sure you'll love 😍 Exactly which group will be next is still a secret, but I'll be dropping some hints when the time comes.
As always, thank you for reading and engaging with me, your presence means more than you know.
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ggukkiedae · 5 months
2023 Recap of Everyone’s Favorite Boy Group Girls
8:00PM || January 1, 2024
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There is no doubt that 2023 was a big year in the K-Pop scene, but there were moments with our favorite boy group girls that seem to have affected their lives greatly during the last 12 months.
Let’s take a look and see what has changed for them.
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MIYA - Graduation, Comeback, and Enlistments
BTS Miya had been on hiatus from being an idol ever since the end of the short digital promotions of ‘PROOF’ (aside from the 2022 Yet To Come concert and the last few months as MC of Show Music Core alongside NCT Jungwoo and SKZ Leeknow).
With the finals of her senior year in university ending in the first week of July, Miya marked the end of her idol hiatus by featuring on groupmate Jungkook’s single ‘Seven’ with a verse that surprised fans with its suggestiveness.
She then had her graduation, one all seven members of Bangtan were able to attend alongside her biological and her adoptive brothers. The BTS members posted a video of Yoonmi while they all gathered around her singing the song cover they had made in their earlier years entitled ‘Graduation Song’.
Not only did she graduate university, but it seems she graduated from the innocent makdungie image she had earned in her childhood and made a solo comeback for the first time since 2020 with a sexy concept.
Finally, the biggest change in Miya’s life may be the fact that she is facing life for the next half a year without any of her members by her side as the members of BTS all chose to enlist at relatively similar times in order to come back as eight as soon as possible.
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HANNAH - New Roommate, Song Writing, Styling
NCT Hannah admitted on an Instagram live towards the end of December how one of the biggest changes in the past year had been her living situation. Although living in the same building as always alongside the rest of NCT and WayV, her roommate situation changed.
For the first time after six years, Hannah and groupmate Mark stopped being roommates. Although Mark now only lives in the room next to hers, the space he used to occupy was filled by the one person Hannah likes to call her twin flame: Haechan.
The singular girl of NCT showed off her writing skills, filly taking over writing the lyrics for NCT Dream’s ‘Broken Melodies’ with some help from Mark. Though somewhat participating in writing before, this was the first time she had worked on verses that aren’t her own and worked on a whole song.
Hannah was also given the opportunity to become a stylist for the now 21 member group for the NCT 2023 comeback for ‘Golden Age’, ‘Baggy Jeans’, and the track videos and concept photoshoots the group had.
This opportunity extended to the NCT NATION: To The World concerts as well as to the Neo City The Unity tour which will continue into 2024. Hannah is rumored to be working on a product launch possibly for NCT merch of her design sometime in the following year, although sources are not 100% accurate.
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SERI - Kittens and Hollywood
TXT Seri is well-known in her fandom for wanting her own pet. She was fond of previous pets kept in the dorm such as Taehyun’s snake Aengdu and Soobin’s hedgehog Odi. She even expressed some affection towards Beomgyu’s parrot Toto despite having a fear of birds.
In the past year, the TXT dorm had earned a new pet to live with them: Seri’s cat Haengbok (or Bokkie, as called by her members). Haengbok was a 3-year-old cat that suffered a loss of home before Seri adopted him.
Haengbok not only accompanied them in their dorm, but throughout their tour as well. Members noted that, since adopting Haengbok, Seri had become less stressed and more efficient with managing her time and keeping herself on track.
Seri also faced a big opportunity in being presented the chance to sing for the official soundtrack of ‘The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes’.
On a track produced by BTS Miya, Seri was able to showcase a different color of her vocals as she showcased her musical background and brought the story of Lucy Gray Baird to life through the song ‘Can’t Catch Me Now’.
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ARI - Provider and Disney
Enhypen Ari has been the most quiet of the four in the past year, but fellow groupmate Sunoo revealed on Weverse live that Ari had taken a much bigger role in her family.
Beginning 2023, Ari had apparently decided to shoulder the tuition fee of her little sister for the rest of her school life. Sunoo noted that, while Ari’s parents told her she didn’t have to do so, Ari insisted she wanted to in order to repay them for their support towards her dance and now idol career.
Ari’s family financial background is not uncommon knowledge to many in the K-pop community, being a story of success through hard work and dedication. This fact alone was enough to make the community proud, whether a fan of her or not.
Ari was also given the chance to portray a brand new beloved Disney character by singing the Korean version of the official song of the movie ‘Wish’ entitled ‘This Wish’.
This was a showcase of Ari’s vocals that caught the attention of many people who only previously recognized her for her dance skills and stage presence. Because of this, Ari is now being seen as one of the 4th generation idols with the most star potential.
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The year proved to be one of growth for the four boy group girls, posing them with opportunities to be tapped into for the next year and many more to come.
We wish them the best of years ahead and look forward to what they have in store for us in 2024.
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taglist: @sunflower-0180 @seaoffangirling @yourwonderbelle @1-800-enhypennabi @kamiiyou @strwberrydinosaur @uraveragefangirlsposts @caratinylyfe @1-800-minji @one16core @kimhyejin3108 @chansols @akshverse @toriluvsfics @billboard-singer @stopeatread @allthings-fandoms @world-full-of-roses @choisoobiniscute @jkebabayy97 @niafics @90sni-ki @wtfhaechan @luv4gyu @hiqhkey @toriluvsfics @layzfeelit @jammingjaem
drop an ask or a dm if you wanna be added or taken out of the taglist 🥰 requests are also open!
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neonacity · 1 year
Summary: You’re a forensic psychiatrist assigned to one of the country’s high-profile criminals. You want to unravel him, but he’s set on catching you in his web instead.
Warnings [PLEASE READ]: crimes, blood, weapons, toxic dynamics, psychological themes, personality disorder, mental health disorder, dissociative identity disorder, death, smut, semi-public sex, unprotected sex [wrap it, IRL please], sub-Haechan, dom-Haechan, switch!reader, slight breeding kink?, overtimulation, slight sub-space. Reader is torn but consents to everything. Please, please, please, do not interact if you are a minor.
Disclaimer: This work is not meant to romanticize any personality disorders or toxic dynamics. This is a work of fiction and I am not implying any likeness between the characterization here of the characters to their real life counterparts. I reserve the rights to all my work and I do not post anywhere else other than tumblr.
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“Is the doctor in?”
The soft rap on your door made you look up from the open cardboard box in front of you. Almost instantly, your lips curved into a small smile as your eyes landed on the man currently leaning against the threshold, his arms crossed over his chest. You have no idea how long he had been standing there, but Jungwoo finally gave a soft sigh and let himself in your small office once he finally got your attention.
“I’m pretty booked for the day, but for you I can make some time,” you lightly teased as you waited for him to join you over at your almost empty table. For the past hour, you’ve been hyper-focused on stripping your small office clean of all traces of you. Jungwoo’s eyes roamed around your almost empty space now, his silence loaded.
"So… this is it, huh? A good couple years of your life packed in a single cardboard box?" Your best friend asked lightly as he nodded towards your things. He sounded casual, but you could still make out the tinge of sadness in his tone. You shot him an understanding glance as you lowered a framed photo—an image of you and him—on your pile of belongings.
"Well, I do have half a dozen boxes just filled with documents waiting for me outside, but yeah you're right. These are basically all my valuables."
He fixed an unreadable look on you but didn't say anything else. You can't really blame him for feeling a little out of it, to be honest. After weeks of obsessing over a case, your decision to let go of it AND resign from your post at the police department seemed like a punch out of nowhere. You know Jungwoo is not particularly against the move, but you also doubt he was expecting you to entirely step off. He’s never asked you the whys behind all of it since you told him that you’re leaving, and for that, you’re incredibly thankful.
"So, can I know now if something happened? Now that you are officially leaving?"
Well… Until now.
Your hand froze in the middle of trying to fix your piled books almost immediately. You didn't need to look up to know that your best friend was staring at you—and you did not dare meet his eyes out of fear of him seeing through your front. With a soft clearing of your throat, you closed the lid of your box and started fumbling for a tape to seal it. 
"Didn't you want me to stop?"
"That's not answering the question and you know it."
You were trying your best to keep any emotion from giving you away, but you still couldn't help the slight tremble of your hands as you tried not to drop what you were holding. As much as you hated it, the question was enough to trigger memories that were still so vivid you could almost taste them in your tongue.
His blood red hair.
Hot breath fanning your skin.
Long, graceful fingers… Buried in the deepest parts of you.
"Nothing happened." Your voice sounded stiff and painfully unnatural when you answered. To your ears, it seemed like you were convincing yourself—and you have no doubt Jungwoo heard the same. The way he looked at you almost made you want to curl up on yourself, and you coped by avoiding his probing gaze.
"I just realized you were right," you continued before he could even have a chance to say something again. "It wasn't healthy for me anymore so I decided to just step back a little bit."
"To be honest, I don't think it was just his case. My job… It can get too much and I've been working non-stop for years. I figured it was time for me to take a quick break. Just unload things and have a clean slate."
Oh, darling. You weren't tired. You are scared.
"Besides, his case is done. I've done my part and I didn’t need to be unnecessarily involved with him anymore."
Scared of him.
"So I'm letting go. It's the best decision for me."
…And of yourself.
The tearing sound of the packaging tape as you sealed your box shut silenced the unwelcome voice in your head. The truth is that you've been fighting so hard to keep yourself together ever since what happened in the interview room. The incident confirmed something that you’ve always known all along but tried desperately to deny. That boy is after you, and you need to run as far away from him as possible before it’s too late.
"What's your plan now? Where are you going?"
Jungwoo's change of topic restarted your breath and brought you back to the room. You shrugged and gave him a small smile.
"I don't know. The plan is to not have a plan. I will probably leave the city for a bit. Vacation somewhere and stay there for a few months."
"So… that means I won't be seeing you for a while… right?"
The hesitance in his tone made you momentarily pause. Before now, he’s never really opened the topic of goodbyes. Not that you couldn’t blame him when you couldn’t do the same, but you both know it’s something the two of you would have to talk about before you left. You may have only known Jungwoo for a few years, but he is closest to what you have as a family. As hard as it is, deciding to leave this place also means giving up your connection with him, albeit temporarily. 
"I will be back. Of course, you'll see me again. I can't shake you off just as much as you can't get rid of me,” you said now as you reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze. He didn’t look the least bit convinced, but smiled anyway. Slowly, he wound his fingers with yours and pulled you into a hug. You laughed with him as he rocked the two of you slightly in place.
"I guess I'll have to give you your 'I have to go and find myself again' moment then. As long as you promise you'll be back."
He didn't see it, but your smile froze and wavered at the edges with what he said. At the back of your head, the same voice you’ve been trying to push back nagged and jeered at you again.
Find herself again? Oh, darling...
She’s leaving to escape from it. 
Your arms held on tighter around Jungwoo for a moment before you forced yourself to let him go.
"I promise. I’ll be back before you even know it."
******* Thud. 
Dark brown eyes stared blankly at the black rubber stress ball as it bounced between the wall and into the ready palm of its thrower. Donghyuck caught it in his hand effortlessly, having already perfectly calculated his throw. The chill of the rough cement was sharp against his back, but his mind was not at all in the small four corners of his jail cell. He threw the ball again, harder this time, and the impact it made against the wall made a louder bang that reminded him of the day that changed his life forever.
'They' were only sixteen years old. 
It happened one snowy day, while he was on duty as a proxy cleaner for one of the most expensive hotels in town. Back then, he and Haechan survived by jumping from one job to the next, switching between each other depending on whatever front was required of them. More social set-ups would have Haechan take over because he is a better speaker, but situations that are more labor-intensive have him, Donghyuck, taking control. 
That night, it was him on the ‘spotlight,’ because Haechan couldn’t care less to spend hours scrubbing the floor clean. It was a slow shift, and he remembers mindlessly doing his job on autopilot as he whiled away the remaining hours in his duty. The front desk was still open for the evening, so when he looked up to see a black-clad figure step into the lobby, he didn’t think too much about it at first. However, he was curious enough to watch the new guest as they crossed the entrance, their black hooded coat sweeping the floor as their boots silently led them to the middle of the hall. It was only for a split second when he saw something silver glimmer under the stranger’s jacket... before the floor he was standing on shook as a loud explosion tore the room in half. 
The initial impact was strong enough to throw him on the ground. He remembers the shrill ringing in his ears as he tried to pick himself up from the floor and the painful cries of the wrecked bodies that unfortunately got the brunt of the explosion. It was a horrific scene—with the smell of burning flesh and cement raining down on him—but he had half the mind to drag himself away from the thick of the billowing smoke despite the splitting pain on his side. One of his ears have turned temporarily deaf and his had started to water from the stinging fumes billowing in the air. 
"There's a bomber on the loose! Someone call the pol—"
A sickening thud cut off the breath of one of the moving survivors just a few feet away from him. Looking up in horror at the direction of the sound, Donghyuck watched as a silhouette stepped out from the settling smoke and rubble, their leather gloved hand still holding up their smoking gun. The person was the same hooded stranger he was watching earlier, but now they had their face covered in what looked like a black ski mask. Momentarily, his eyes zoned in on the small chip at the underside of the stranger’s face cover—a damage probably caused by the explosion—but his attention was ultimately distracted when he started feeling Haechan panic in his head. Gritting his teeth, he tried his best to push him back before the boy could even take over.
Donghyuck, what's happening there?
He ignored him, his eyes set instead on the figure in front. The person was still looking at the now dead body a little ways from him, gun still up in the air. There was something unnatural about the way the attacker stood—unmoving, as if they were a soulless statue. Donghyuck sat there, petrified, afraid to move out of fear of catching the gunman’s attention.
Shut the fuck up. If you want to survive, keep your mouth shut.
The exchange happened in his head, but it almost seemed like he said it out loud with the way the black figure turned towards him. Donghyuck felt his blood freeze in his veins the moment their eyes met. With sickening slowness, he watched as the stranger moved their arm and pointed the nose of their gun right at his head. He raised his hands shakily in response, his heart beating hard against his throat. He didn’t dare breathe and he waited painfully as seconds passed in silence, one heavier and more frightening than the last.
This is it. 
One click. And then he's done for.
"Stop it. That's enough!"
He froze the same time the other did when he heard a new voice. Frowning in confusion, he watched as the person slightly looked back towards the settling smoke behind them. He could barely see through the mess himself, but he kept his breath bated as he watched things unfold.
"We have to kill him. He saw us," a lower voice answered the first. Donghyuck's eyes widened, this time for an entirely different reason. Realization slowly sank on him like the sharp shrapnels of debris cutting up his knee and palms.
This person… 
They're not alone.
"No! You've caused enough damage already. We need to go—"
"Or else what?"
"Or else I'll shoot you myself."
The silence that followed was like a death sentence. It seemed like everyone and everything came to a standstill, him included as he stayed unmoving on his spot. Inside of his head, Haechan was also quiet, though he couldn't care less about the boy at the moment as they both watched the scene play out in front of them. For a while, nobody moved or said anything, until finally, the masked figure slowly turned their attention towards him again.
"Let him go."
"Just do it. We need to get out of here before the police comes."
One second. Two. Death for them is still a trigger away. 
Three seconds. Four. Finally—
Donghyuck closed his eyes and waited for the splitting pain from the bullet cracking his skull open. However, he was soon opening them again when he heard soft laughter come from somewhere. He watched, stupefied, as the  person lowered their gun to their side with an amused tilt of their head. 
"Empty barrel. Lucky you."
It felt like his heart stopped and restarted again repeatedly in the next few seconds that followed. The person in front of him gave him one last assessing look before sheathing their gun back to their waist holster and pulling a new one. Instead of pointing it at him though, they stepped back and turned to leave.
"Looks like you live today, kid."
That was the last he could remember before the black-clad stranger disappeared again in the smoke.
That, and a fiery glimpse of red.
"You do know that whatever happens to your case, you'll end up dead, won't you?"
Donghyuck barely moved his eyes towards the sniveling guard peering at him now from between the thick bars of his cell. He was so caught up in his head that he didn't realize he wasn't alone, but he honestly couldn't care even as the man openly snarled at him from the safety of the hall. It doesn't come as a surprise for him that most of the prison staff hated him, knowing what he has done and the kind of plea his case was bargaining on.
"You think so?" He asked calmly back with only the slightest tilt of his head. The evident lack of concern in him only made the guard bristle more.
"I don't care what those stupid doctors and lawyers say. We know you're faking it. Even if they throw you in a psychiatric ward, someone there is already waiting to put a knife in your neck. You'll be dead meat in no time."
He listened to him quietly, expression never changing. The man is right. Never did he think there is a good end for him regardless of whether he gets thrown in jail or in a mental ward. But then again… who said he was planning to stay on either one?
Slowly, the corner of his lips tipped into a smile. He threw the ball one last time against the wall and caught it cleanly in his palm.
"Oh, I'm sure someone will end up dead soon…"
"But it's not going to be me."
******* The cacaphony of noises seemed like something straight from a nightmare. If he didn’t know better, Haechan would have thought he was dreaming as screams and the sizzling sound of melting metal filled the once dead silence of the prison. Instead, he calmly opened his eyes and sat up on his bed just as another resounding explosion shook the walls of the building. Beyond his bars, his guard on duty stumbled backwards, hands shaking as he raised his armalite towards the hallway. His face was streaked with fear, the opposite of the amused and knowing smile that crossed his.
Finally. It’s happening.  
“Who the fuck—”
The poor man didn’t even get the chance to finish as a small silver cylinder came rolling between his feet from out of nowhere. Seeing it, Haechan quickly slid off from his bed and went to the other side of his room where he flipped back a small table to duck behind it. He took cover just in time as another explosion shook the ground, this time just outside of his cell. It wasn’t as loud as the previous one, but what it lacked in impact was compensated by the piercing screams of the guard now writhing on the floor. Peering through the smoke, he tightened his hold over the fistful of his shirt that he had clamped over his nose and mouth to keep the sharp fumes from getting to his system. It was the same smoke that wrapped him six years ago, a signature attack move that only one person, other than him, can pull off. 
Smoke bomb. And…
“Acid. Don’t worry, you’ll have at least three more minutes before you die.”
As if the scene was the exact repeat of that night at the hotel, Haechan felt himself freeze at the sound of the same cold voice that he heard back then. Unlike before when he was gripped by fear, however, his heart started drumming harder in his chest instead. Even with the heavy smoke still clinging in the air, he stood up from his hiding place to come face to face with the silhouette that had haunted his dreams for years. He watched, entranced, as long fingers slowly pried off their black mask, revealing a face that made his blood burn hot in his veins.
“Hello, kid. Long time no see.”
Blood red lips slowly smiled at him, beautiful and sinister at the same time.
******* Some would call it obsession.
He calls it loyalty. Maybe even love.
What do you do when you meet someone exactly just like you after a life of isolation? When you are given the window to find your pair after years of suffering alone, you don’t let that chance go. No… You kick that window open, maybe break it down, even by force.
That is exactly the route he took the night that he met her. Ironically, the day he thought he would die was the same one where he felt the most alive. He wasn’t only given the chance to continue living when she decided to spare his life, she gave him a new purpose, too. He knew it the moment he saw her speaking to herself, her voice changing in pitches and tone as she stood there alone in the middle of the carnage she caused. She was exactly just like him… Maybe even worse. 
To give her credit, she was a true master of her craft. It took him months to find out clues of who she could be—and even until now, he doubts he would have tracked her down if her mask didn’t accidentally tear that night. In a way, she dug her own grave when it came to him. When she decided not to kill him, she also gave him an invite to tear that proverbial window open and turn it into a fucking door. 
In the years that followed, he made sure to keep tabs on her. She provided a certain kind of twisted assurance that he is not alone in his madness, that there is someone probably more fucked up than him in this world. She became his heroin, and oh did he make sure he got his fix. It started with him doing everything he could to know more about her, until he decided it wasn’t enough and he needed to get close to her. Gradually he resorted to following her around, close enough to stave off his hunger but still far to keep himself at a safe distance. It was also during this time when he found out that he had an innate skill of being someone’s shadow, a talent that lets him get into someone’s head if he really wanted to probe.
For years he was alright with the way their lives were entangled. Yes, he craved for her, but he also enjoyed the anonymity that his cover provided as he continued worshipping her from a distance. He was satisfied with what he had, that is, until the time came when she suddenly decided she wanted out. 
When he first realized that she stopped, it was like his life had gone entirely dark again. She was his lifeline so it entirely threw him off orbit when the woman he came to know started slipping from between his fingers. It scared him to think that she was turning her back on their shared madness, that she’s cutting the cord that connected him to her. When you’re like him who started to love someone for their fire, you would do anything just to keep those flames burning.
And so he burned. He wanted her to see the beauty of her madness, so he made a decision that was in all ways mad but made the most sense to him. He took on the mantle she left, copying everything she used to do from what he had learned as her shadow. It didn’t matter to him if she decided to stop, he would make sure that he continues until she would have no other choice but to see marks of her everywhere she looks. So for years that’s what he did, hoping his next crime would make her come back to the life meant for her. He orchestrated discord after discord, ripping cities apart and leaving wreckage in his wake. He didn’t have any rhyme or reason for his plans, all except for the goal of getting her back.
That went on for years and years. Every new crime he committed was worse than the last as his desperation and longing for her grew. Ironically, she found herself a job in the police department, which should have played in his favor because it means the world she is now living in is not entirely detached from his. He laid all the right traps for her, but not one of them caught her attention.
And then, the realization finally hit him. 
She’s not coming back not because she doesn’t see them. 
It’s because she had learned to forget.
He didn’t think it possible at first. He didn’t know how she did it, because despite the torture he had to live with, it never crossed his mind to suppress any side of him. He may be a broken man, yes, but that brokenness is also what made him survive. The thought of her banishing her other half when she could be so much more powerful was his last straw. Bitterly, it sank to him how he would never be able to catch her, unless he changes his course. It was a dangerous option, but one he was willing to put his bets on. 
If he can’t run after her, then he’ll make her come to him instead. 
All of his carefully laid out plans brought him now to this moment, standing face to face with the woman he’d spent years trying to catch. The pair of eyes that stared back at him now were sharp and calculating, a far cry from the gaze of the girl who wanted to try and ‘fix’ him. The person in front of him now reeked of coldness and ruthlessness, a force willing to burn anything on her path should she want to. 
“Well? Are you just going to stand there and stare at me like a fool? Isn’t this what you wanted, Donghyuck? To tease me out?” she was the first one who broke the silence as he stayed petrified on his spot. Even the sound of her voice alone made his stomach twist in knots. 
“Circe,” he answered in a whisper, his gaze unwavering on her. “That’s what I’ve always called you in my head.” 
Her brow lifted curiously at his reply.
“The goddess of poisons and transformations. I don’t think The Apothecarist fits you. The name is too rough. Ugly.”
The way her lips quirked made a thrill run deep into his bones. As someone who had always been on the other side of power, it is an indescribable feeling to finally stare someone down of the same footing. His blood thrummed heavily in his veins as she slightly leaned her head to side to size him up. When she stepped over the now melted bars of his jail and started stalking towards him, ne watched her breathlessly as if he was afraid that she would disappear again.
“You… You’re not Donghyuck, aren’t you?” her eyes, shining with dark amusement, danced across his features as she stopped just inches away from him. His breath tickled her skin, eyes dropping towards her lips painted in the same blood red he’d always loved on her. “It was never him who was after me… It was you all along...”
For the first time, Haechan finally allowed himself to smile. Of course, she would know. He could fool the world about how much of an innocent victim he is, except for her. Donghyuck had always been the stronger and violent one, but he is still the core. The madness was born from him. The madness is and will always be him.
“I had to do something. I was getting tired running after you so much,” he said, his voice soft and almost longing. Now that he can drop the act, it was like every single emotion he had for her was magnified. There was excitement. Surrender. Love.
As if she read what’s on his head, her lips curved more into a slow, knowing smirk. Haechan tried to keep himself from melting as he watched her slowly lift her hands and start to graze her fingers down his chest. She knew exactly her effect on him, knew exactly how her presence alone can slowly undo him by the seams. 
“You were very persistent. She worked so hard on keeping me suppressed for years, but you knew the right buttons to push. All those years of study and training to tie me down, gone because of you. It’s… evil. You ripped her safety from her.”
Haechan knew he should feel a strain of guilt, but he couldn’t, not with the way she was pinning him with her gaze. Everything about her screams power and control, and it took him everything not to melt to his knees and kiss the ground she’s standing on. His body was already on fire and she had barely even touched him. 
“Where is she now?” he managed to ask despite the growing heat consuming his veins slowly like poison. She chuckled in answer as her nails started to graze the waistband of his pants. In that moment, Haechan became even more painfully aware of how tight he felt in them, his hardness already straining under the fabric. He felt almost pathetic at how his body reacted just by being close to her. 
“Sleeping. She was able to erase me from her memory so she could lock me up somewhere. Unfortunately for her, forgetting about me doesn’t mean cutting off my existence.” She sighed softly as a wistful but satiated expression danced across her face. “I guess in a way… I have you to thank for releasing me again. Sparing your life a few years ago wasn’t such a bad idea after all.”
Haechan tried to swallow back the taste of bitter guilt that stained his tongue. He was hyperaware of the way her fingers moved lower and lower, and he flinched when her knuckles finally grazed the curve of his still clothed cock. His reaction earned a laugh from her as he tried to hold back the yearning moan wanting to escape his throat. 
“She’s… She’s still there, right? You won’t chase her away?”
At first he didn’t think she heard his question as she forewent giving an answer to finally pulling the fabric separating her hand from his waiting dick. Effortlessly, his length sprung free in her hand, hard and hot against her ice cold palm. The contrast of their body temperature made him hiss, but she paid him no mind as she quickly wrapped his fingers around him and gave his cock a squeeze. She then started running his thumb in gentle circles around the head of his dick, a satisfied smile twisting her lips as more pre-cum started leaking from him. Haechan cursed and stumbled a little backwards at the overload of emotions, the back of his head pressing against the wall while he tried his best not fall to his knees.
“How rude. I’m about to beat your meat and you’re here asking for another woman… I thought you wanted me. Or is it Donghyuck who wants her?”
She phrased it as a question, but the dancing amusement in her eyes when he met her gaze told him she had seen through him from the start. Haechan felt Donghyuck stir inside of him, but he tried to push him back by grabbing her hips and digging his nails on her as a distraction.
“We want all of you.”
The satisfied hum she gave was like music to his ears. Slowly, she started grinding against him, his now stiff cock pressed against her stomach as she used his arousal to smoothly work his length with her fingers. She alternated between pumping and twisting his cock, stopping every now and then to cup his balls now heavy with his arousal. He was on the verge of begging to let him feel her when all of a sudden, she guided one of his hands to the zip on the back of her protective suit. Taking that as a clear invite, Haechan quickly pulled it down and started pushing her clothes off with his trembling hands. She laughed at his desperation, but managed to gracefully step out of them without almost missing a beat from pumping his cock.
“Your clothes. Off,” she ordered as she momentarily let him go. Quickly, he scrambled out of his uniform while she worked on undoing the last of her undergarments. By the time Haechan grabbed pulled her hips in again, her hands were once more wrapped around his cock. 
The feel of their bare skin pressing against each other made them both break off into moans. He closed his eyes from bliss, but soon enough he was cursing as she felt a different kind of warmth wrap around his tip. Looking down, his eyes widened as he watched her start to use his cock to play with her clit, his head slipping between her folds shallowly again and again. She was teasing him... using him for her own pleasure like it was the only thing he deserved. Painfully, he dug his teeth against his lower lip just to keep himself from grabbing her right then and there and burying the rest of him inside of her to the hilt.
Her soft laughter as she watched his torture barely pierced through the growing haziness of his mind.  
“You’re so pathetic. You want to fuck me so bad even with people dying around you?”
Her words barely made sense to him, but he somehow managed to open his eyes again before he finally snapped. Unwittingly, his gaze landed on a mass on the floor outside of his cell, the dead carcass of the guard with half his body melted off by the acid. It was a gruesome sight but instead of flinching back in discomfort like how he would usually do, Haechan felt himself stiffen instead. He took the image in... 
Until finally, he snapped.   
He didn’t know what got into him, but in that moment, the combined smell of smoke, acid, and death dissolved the remaining rational thoughts in his head. It was sick how his body reacted to the carnage around him, but he didn’t dare question it anymore as he fully allowed his instincts to take over. As if a switch was flipped inside of him, he suddenly grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to his bed without warning, before pushing her roughly towards the thin mattress. The suddenness of his actions obviously shocked her too, because it took a second before she tried to pick herself up again. She had barely only managed to prop herself up when he circled one of his hands around her ankles and dragged her unceremoniously on top of the bed until she was bent on all fours. The next sound that tore the room were their collective gasps as he unceremoniously buried his cock inside of her, filling her to the hilt. 
“W-Wait. Haechan—”
“Fuck... Fuck.”
Her words barely pierced through the bliss that washed over him as her velvety walls swallowed the rest of him. Eyes rolling to the back of his head, he moved to hunch over her form until he was almost draped over her back. His body loomed over her smaller frame and his fingers desperately tried to find something to anchor on by grabbing her hips. Slowly but deliberately, he grinded himself deeper inside of her, not stopping until he was sure she could almost taste his cock in her stomach.
“You’re so fucking tight for me,” he growled through gritted teeth. She made a sound torn between a yearning moan and a sob as he slowly but deliberately pulled himself back, the veins of his cock running through her walls. 
"Don't move yet. I'm—"
Her voice cut off into a half scream when he all of a sudden slammed himself inside of her again. The force of his thrust almost made her collapse, but Haechan wrapped one of his arms around her waist to keep her steady. Grunting, he pressed his lips against her shoulder as he pulled back again before burying the rest of him inside of her. His balls slapped against her ass, adding to the sickening sounds now filling the room. 
"Noona. You feel so good. I can't help myself."
Maybe it's the way he started letting his primal instincts take control, or the way his voice sounded low but whiny in her ear, but he felt her walls squeeze around him tighter for a good few seconds. She clamped so tightly around him that he actually had to stop thrusting for a moment, his body almost shutting down from the pleasure that almost made him nut inside of her. She can act all she wanted, but he knew she was enjoying this just as much as he does. Slowly, he tried changing his pace into deeper strokes to make himself last. Her body reacted to it almost immediately and she reached back to try and push him back slightly.
"Too deep—stop. You’ll make cum."
A low growl came from him as her words went straight to his dick. Instead of stopping, Haechan maneuvered himself on top of her and pushed her down until her legs gave way and she was pressed flat on her stomach against the mattress. Barely missing a beat, he lifted himself up again and planted both his feet on the sides of her hips before plunging deep inside of her again and again and again. The new angle let him reach new parts of her that made the two of them curse at the same time. 
"Take it. Just take it," he growled as he grabbed her hips to give himself more leverage. He was beyond saving at this point, his primal instincts taking over as he pummeled her again and again from above like an animal. In that moment, all his desires were concentrated on only one thing. To finally claim her once and for all. 
Haechan was so lost on the power that he had over her that he barely noticed when she slowly lowered her hand that had been trying push him back. Looking down on the smooth skin of her back, his relief was shattered when a choke of pain was all of a sudden torn from his lips. Just when he thought she couldn’t get any tighter, her walls started squeezing him so tightly it almost was impossible for him to pull back again without being in pain. He whimpered as his thrusts started losing pace from the rhythmic clamping of her walls. 
“What’s wrong? I thought you wanted to fuck me.” 
Her voice was taunting, and he didn’t dare answer back as he finally realized the gravity of the situation. He was never in control. He could only take what he wants from her if she lets him do so. 
"I-I want to cum, noona.” 
Her low laughter made goosebumps erupt all over his body. 
“You can’t until I say so.” 
He choked back a pitying groan as he pressed his body closer against her. Unable to help himself, he settled in making shallow, aborted thrusts just to keep himself from filling her up with his seed. Below him, her walls also started fluttering around him more uncontrollably, a sign that she was also on the verge of her own release.
"B-But I'm so close. Noona—"
"I don't fucking care. You think you could just get whatever you want from me? You’re not allowed to cum until I’m done."
A shuddering gasp left him at the order. At this point, he was almost mad with need, but there was also a part of him that wanted to see her come undone first. Wincing from how heavy his balls had gotten, he tried to slam harder inside of her again and again. He was in pain, but the sounds she started to make was enough to stave off his desperation for his release.  
“There. Right there. Deeper. Harder.” 
Her coaxing made a string of curses spill from his lips as he did exactly what she said. When a louder whine left her after a particularly deep stroke, Haechan knew that he finally found her sweet spot.
"Is this it, noona? You’ve gotten so much tighter. You're near. I know it," he said, whispered against her shoulder as she shuddered under his weight. When her hips slightly lifted to start matching his pace, he took it as his chance to slip his fingers down and draw circles around her clit. It wasn’t long until finally, she buried her face entirely on the mattress to try and suppress her screams. She barely succeeded when her body finally locked around his cock as her orgasm hit.
“H-Haechan. Haechan—!”
He kissed her temple and let his hot breath wash over her cheeks as he whispered sweetly to her ear. 
"Noona, I love you."
It took a while before her body finally stopped convulsing around him. Through her high, his hips didn’t stop moving at all, stroking her insides to prolong her pleasure for as long as she could hold on to it. By the time he felt her body relax around him, he was already half mad from desperation for his own release. She noticed, because he was almost sure he heard her give a soft chuckle beneath him even in her exhaustion.
"Noona, please—"
"Do you want to cum, baby?"
The term of endearment almost made him collapse and lose his last strand of control. Nodding wordlessly, another whimper left him as he felt the knot on his tighten. 
"Please, please, please let me cum."
"Where do you want to finish?"
"Mm… Do you think you deserve it?"
"Yes. Shit. Yes."
A pause. 
"Then cum. Fill me up."
The sound that was ripped out of him was almost inhuman. Eyes squeezing shut, his body stiffened on top of her before he convulsed as he started emptying his balls straight to her womb. He pinned her down with his body weight, not caring for a moment about anything else other than flooding her to the brim. The way he throbbed inside of her must have set her off again, because not long after he was finishing, her walls started fluttering around him again. By the time the two of them have gotten off their high, they were both exhausted and shivering from the after shocks of their climax. Tiredly, Haechan pressed another  kiss at the corner of her lips as his vision started to blur. 
Exhaustion started taking over him, fast and swift. He was on the verge of blacking out when he realized what was happening, the all too familiar darkness taking over him just as he heard his voice.
Play time's over.
My turn.
******* It felt like waking up in an entirely different reality altogether.
The last memory you could remember was of you, sitting in front of the small vanity in your room. You were cleaning up the polaroids that you've pasted there, when out of nowhere your reflection caught your attention. You weren’t sure what it is that made you stop and stare, but for a split second, you thought you almost didn’t recognize the girl looking back at you. The pale yellowish light of the lamp on your bedside table didn’t really do any favors to your already tired features and you sighed before slightly shaking your head and tearing your gaze away from your reflection. Of course you were just imagining things. Gathering the photos in your hands, you then pushed back from your seat and stood up from the table. 
You were just about to step away when something from your peripheral vision caught your attention. A chill ran down your spine as you slowly turned your head back from where you were standing. You knew it before your gaze even clashed with your reflection again, but it still didn’t keep your heart from dropping when your eyes landed on the perfect image you... 
Still sitting in front of the vanity, with blood red lips tipped into a smile. The girl in the mirror bared her teeth into a full on smirk. 
And then everything faded to black. 
You now stirred in the same dark void you were cast into as your consciousness slowly caught up with you. You have no idea where you are, but you are vaguely aware of muted sounds and smells that seem to be hovering around you. You frowned and tried to reach your hand in the darkness, only for your fingers to close around air. 
Oh hello there. I wasn’t expecting you to be waking up so soon. Are you here to join the fun? 
You stilled at the sound of the voice that punctured the silence surrounding you. It was a woman, and it sounded close enough that you thought you actually felt it come from all around you. Confused, you turned your head from side to side to try and see who it belongs to. 
Who are you...?
A soft chuckle came on, and then the woman was speaking again, this time closer to where you are. You were starting to panic, especially since you still couldn’t see anything at all. You know that voice... You’ve heard it before.   
Oh? Are we still playing this game? 
Her lilting, almost taunting tone finally made you flinch. As if her voice alone unlocked something inside of you, memories started creeping in like poison to your veins. 
No. No, this can’t be. You’re...
Back. I am back. Did you miss me, darling?
A sense of overwhelming fear washed over you, reducing you into a shaking mess. You tried to wrap your arms around yourself, only for you to realize that you have no body at all. You were... nothing. Just a part of the darkness that you’ve been trying to grab on.
What have you done to me? 
Nothing yet. I’m just taking over for a while. You’ll let me right? After all, you’ve been hogging the spotlight to yourself for ages. 
You’re not real. You’re not real. 
Aww, you're hurting my feelings.
I've banished you. You can't be here!
Silence dropped around you, heavy and suffocating. You could hear your heart drumming against your chest, like a bird trying to escape its cage. When she finally spoke again, you felt fear wrap around you, invisible but strong. 
You can’t run away from me forever, and you know that. If you want to kill me, you’ll have to kill yourself first. You and I, we are the same... No matter how hard you try to suppress me. 
No… Please. Please, go away.
I am not going anywhere.
Let me go, let me wake up.
I don't think that's what you want right now.
Wake up.
Wake up.
Wake up!
Your eyes shot open the same time your chest swelled from the sudden breath that filled your lungs. As if a dial was turned, the muted sounds you could hear earlier from far away came into focus all at once—that, and a weight in your chest you still couldn’t understand. It took you a moment, but your vision finally focused in front of you even in the midst of your confusion. The moment you realized what you were looking at, your heart sank again to the pits of your stomach. 
Donghyuck's smirk widened just as he buried his fingers deep in your cunt.
"Finally. I've been waiting for you."
******* You were convinced you've finally gone insane. 
Your body writhed from the combined shock and pleasure as everything crashed on you all at once. It felt like there were two separate halves of you at the moment—your mind that was recoiling from confusion over what was happening, and your body which seemed to be caught and locked under the delicious runs of pleasure coursing through it in waves. Reaching out, your hands automatically closed around Donghyuck's wrist as he continued fucking you with his fingers. You have no idea how long he’d been at it, but all of a sudden, you were painfully hyper aware of the mess now coating the insides of your thighs and staining the bed under you. The smell of sweat, smoke, and sex filled the air, and there was also a feeling of tightness in your stomach that you know could only mean one thing. 
You're seconds away from cumming, and no, this isn't going to be the first time you’re doing it tonight.
Your moans came in broken gasps and whines as your lower body twitched under his hold. He wasn't grabbing you into submission or forcing you down, and yet you felt weak under him, unable to push him away. Over you, his gaze pinned you on the spot as he peered at you from between the deep red locks that have fallen over his forehead. He was beautiful and terrifying, the exact personification of her worst nightmare and her sweetest dream come to life.
His lips curved gently into a smile before he leaned over to run his nose down the arch of your jaw. The gentleness of his gesture threw you off, causing your fingers to tighten around his wrist that was still snapping in and out of you. 
“Please what? Do you want me to stop?”  
Instead of giving him an answer, you felt your walls tighten around his fingers in response. You were absolutely broken, your mind wanting one thing while your body begged for another. Donghyuck must have sensed your dilemma because he paused momentarily to scissor his long fingers inside of you, before pushing back and digging them against the spongy spot that always made your toes curl. You screamed in response, spots of white blooming from behind your closed eyelids. 
"Come on. I'm doing you a favor. Haechan couldn't be bothered to do this earlier."
Your mind numbed at his words. Haechan? What does he mean by that? You and him... Did you two just...
"I'm cumming.” Whatever thoughts were swirling in your head disappeared as your lips formed the words before you could even realize what they mean. You barely even had the chance to brace yourself as your body suddenly locked around him, squeezing around his fingers that continued to stroke your walls. Waves and waves of pleasure like you’ve never tasted before made you tremble, unbound and raw. At the back of your pleasure-muddled mind, you knew your undoing was also your surrender—a fact that he also knows as you felt him smile against your skin as he helped you ride your high. Every now and then he would nip at your jaw in satisfaction and whisper something against your skin you couldn’t even catch anymore. It felt like every cell of your being was burning, and you were being torn apart and put together again and again under his mercy.
That lasted for a moment, until your body seemed to have finally reached its limit and started softening around him. The pleasure left you shivering though and your eyes fluttered close as your chest heaved to catch your breath. You were still trying to wrap your head around what happened, when all of a sudden, you felt him pull his fingers out of you. The sudden loss of fullness made you wince, but you were soon moving on from it, with what he did next. Without warning, he lifted your legs up and hooked his arms under them until your lower back lifted at an angle from the mattress. That immediately made your eyes open as you realized what he was about to do.
"W-wait. What are you—"
Donghyuck answered by propping himself up on one hand for balance and grabbing his cock to guide to your folds. He didn’t bury himself in you, but he pushed just enough for you to feel the tip of his cock prodding your entrance.
"Say no if you don't want this. Again, just say it and I'll stop."
A shiver ran down your spine at his gravelly tone. He was running his tip against your slippery folds in slow circles, but he didn't push any deeper just as he promised. You know he wanted nothing more than to sink himself in you from the way he trembled, but he braced himself, waiting for your answer. He was giving you a choice… A chance to escape. 
Except you don't want to.
No. You want this. Just as much as he does. 
"Last chance. At the count of three."
Your body stiffened as you felt him slip an inch into your wetness. Your hold on his stomach remained, but you did nothing else to push him back.
"Two," a few more inches in made the two of you break off into moans in unison. He was shaking on top of you harder now from the strain and you reacted by finally moving your hands to circle on his neck instead. Your silent reaction was his last straw and he gave a low growl before he finally let go.
He sheathed himself inside of you completely and deeply, like a puzzle finally fitting in.
"Fuck. That's my fucking good girl."
The sound that you made was unlike anything you’ve ever heard yourself make before. The moment he filled you to the brim, your legs locked around his waist, heels digging against his back to push him deeper inside of you. Everything was happening too fast, but all you could think of was the delicious burn of him splitting you and the way his cock perfectly kissed the deepest part of you. He perfectly fit inside of you, that you did not only feel full. 
You felt complete, finally. 
"Please. Donghyuck."
His name leaving you made him freeze on top of you. You were about to beg him to start moving, when all of a sudden, he grabbed both your arms and pinned them painfully to your sides. Shocked, you watched as he reared back, his eyes wild with a fire that made your breath caught in your throat. The way he looked at you made the knot in your stomach curl tighter, the hunger there making you want to flee and carve him into your bones at the same time. 
"Say it again. My name."
You took a shaky breath but didn't look away. You met his fire with yours, finally eye to eye with each other.
“Scream it.” 
“Donghyuck! Please, fuck me!”
Your next breath was cut off into a scream as he suddenly pulled himself from you completely before cramming his cock inside you in one motion. As if he'd finally lost all sense and reason himself, he let his full weight drop on you before he started pistoning his hips in and out of your cunt. He was entirely squeezing you with his body weight, your face pressed to the side as he buried his face into the crook of your neck.  You could feel teeth and tongue against your skin and nails biting against your soft flesh. All the while, his lips pressed kissed against you, broken only by the whispered words you could only catch here and there in your own state of pleasure.
"Tight. So tight."
"Pussy made for me."
"Fucking mine."
It didn't surprise you at all when your body finally exploded again into another orgasm. Toes curling, your limbs stiffened and locked under him as you once again went under the waves of pleasure that made you vision go white. You were shaking, crying, maybe even begging as your walls locked around him painfully again and again like a vice. Donghyuck cursed on top of you as you convulsed around him without missing a beat in his thrusts. You were clamping around him so hard that he winced just from trying to fuck through your walls, but he pushed through, splitting you again and again.
You didn't know how long you were stuck in that moment of bliss. You were floating, falling, the rest of your senses numbed from overload of stimuli. You were cocooned in that sweet state for what felt like an eternity, until finally, your consciousness was forcefully snapped back when you felt a dull pang of pain in your shoulder. Something was digging against your neck—the hard press of fingers and nails around the column of your throat.
"One more. Just give me one more."
The words traveled slowly in your fuzzy head, but a growing sense of panic started creeping on you as you realized what it means. Like a lens brought back to focus, your vision focused again on Donghyuck's face hovering over you. He was panting and his eyes were clouded and dark. One look at him and you know exactly what he wanted, which caused you to whimper and slightly wriggle under him.
"N-No… I can't anymore…" you said weakly as you tried to move your arms and push him away. Your head was swimming from the lack of air, but he let go of your throat just in time before you dipped into unconsciousness again. Instead, he moved his hold to pin you down by your hip bones, the new angle giving him the leverage to pummel you in faster thrusts. His pace was desperate. Bordering on mad. You knew from the way his cock dug and twitched against your womb that he was near—and that he is planning to take you with him again as he comes undone.
"Stop lying. Your pussy's squeezing me like it's begging for my cum."
As if your body had a mind of his own, your walls did clamp tighter around him in reaction to his words. You sobbed and gasped the same time he cursed under his breath, your vision spinning as your stomach painfully started tightening again. In the midst of it, you felt him drop one of your legs so he could reach out for your clit. You screamed, your eyes squeezing shut again as you felt your body start to convulse for the third time that night. You were spiraling once more, teetering on the verge of another undoing that you barely noticed his lips finally ghosting over yours as if to swallow your cries.
"I want you to cum while I fill you up."
"You’ll let me, right? Pump you full until you break?"
“When I get you pregnant, you won’t be able to run away from me anymore.”
You didn’t get the chance to answer as your vision unfocused at the force of the pleasure that hit you. For the third time that night, your walls locked around him and you were falling... falling until you crashed and splintered into a million pieces. You could feel nothing and everything, especially the warmth that filled and drowned your every crevice. He wasn’t too far behind you, it seems, his cock thrumming against your walls as he made a few more thrusts until he was stilling on top of you. Donghyuck moaned in your ear as your pleasure melted with each other, making two halves finally become one.
You felt something inside of you break, freeing you finally. By the time you collapsed, you felt lips gently ghost over your exposed breasts, collarbones, and finally the corner of your mouth.
"Mine. Finally."
Your lips parted wordlessly as the last of your energy left your body. Vision still hazy, you watched as he slightly leaned back to look at your face. His eyes were probing, slowly running through your features as if he was wanting to forever burn this image of you in his mind. You didn't flinch, knowing that whatever you do, you can never escape him anymore.
He was right. You are his now.
You always have been.
"Do you still want to run away from me?" He asked all of sudden, his voice surprisingly soft. It took you a beat to answer, which gave him the chance to drop his fingers to your lips. The tips of them grazed them gently, teasing them open to give him a reply.
"Will you let me go?"
A shadow of something passed his eyes at your words. As you watched him quietly, you also felt a shift in your consciousness that felt oddly familiar. It was a sense of surrender, an acceptance of a side of you that you've struggled against since you first met him.
"No. I can't."
"Because you're mine. Even if you try to deny it, we're both sides of the same coin. You belong to me and you know it."
Yes... You do. You've always known since the moment you first met him. You were scared, because you knew deep inside that he would be your undoing.
"Haechan wants her… Not me."
His hand lifted from your lips and moved to cradle your cheek. The heat of his palm clashed against the deathly cold of your skin as he ran his thumb over the dried tear tracks there. Ironically, his softness hurt you more than his roughness did.
"You and her are the same. Just like me and Haechan are one person. You can't just see that yet, because you refuse to accept her."
You closed your eyes, unable to fight back anymore. Tears welled up again behind them, but he reached out to catch them before they even fell. You were still scared, probably the most terrified you've ever been in your life... But you also didn't feel like running anymore.
"What am I going to do now…" your words oddly didn't feel like a question when you let yourself speak one last time. Your consciousness started blurring at the edges, before you could even come up with an answer.
He was the one who gave it to you.
"Just go to sleep…" Donghyuck said as he wrapped his hand around yours.
"And when you wake up, everything will be so much better," Haechan added, sealing his promise by pressing his lips against yours.
And so, you slept.
A/N: So... yeah. Finally coming out of hiding just to publish this. It is almost 5AM and I still am not satisfied of this version, but I’m also just DONE because I’ve been working on this for weeks. Why is smut so hard to write like ???? Anyway, this is the end of Haechan’s short story so for those who were still waiting for this, enjoy. 
Taglist:   @negincho, @jhornytrash, @aaasteroidsky, @huangberryyy, @marijmin, @ashkuuuu , @lostlovesoul11 , @johnniverse , @traint0tokyo , @lilyinthewinter , @byunniebaekhyunnie , @ellatizw , @bettyschwallocksyee , @stopeatread , @jacetheworld​, @glitching-wren,   @tyongf-sunflower99, @chelzinha26, @vaerinri, @minshookie29, @grandmasterslickfox, @coconuttiez8d, @haechanalpha,  @markleemelonn, @kpopgirl124127, @txoru​, @kacyyz​, @matchahyuck​, 
Untaggable for some reason: @sirnuttcracker,  @hyukiebb, @kpopstanforlifeuwu
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ghostofhyuck · 28 days
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NCT Dream when you're a bookworm!
AN: As a bookworm, I am so in love with this request! <3
Mark Lee
He's really into it! I feel like Mark's also a book reader, but he leans more on self-help or nonfiction books. He thinks that it's cute when you finished a book and you started reviewing the book to him! Doesn't judge when you're immersed to the book, especially when he sees you reading and you're tearing up or squealing in glee. Also loves to buy you books. He'll pass by the bookstore, enters there, and just scans around the aisle. If he sees one that he thinks you'll love, he'll buy it and gives it to you. 
Huang Renjun
Just like Mark, Renjun's really into it! He sometimes would just bug you whenever you're reading because he wants your attention but he just ends up cuddling you while you read. Also bookstore dates are a must! Renjun knows that whenever you two are out on a date or on the mall, you'll end up dragging him to the bookstore and just spend hours to read a few chapters or look for a book that you'll add on your reading list. 
Lee Jeno
I feel like Jeno leans more on playing games, so he's not much of a book reader BUT he understands why you love it and he finds it endearing whenever he caughts you cursing at a character or maybe crying because you just finished the book you read. He'll ask you how was it, and he'll be there attentively listening to your rambles about the book, and your review about it. Jeno just keeps on nodding but at the same time his hands just travels around you, wrapping you for a hug. 
Lee Donghyuck
Thinks that as a good boyfriend, Haechan should also try to invest to your hobbies the same way you invested to his hobbies (playing games.) so when he tried to approach you and ask for book recommendation, you were so HAPPY about it. You'll recommend him your most favorite, a classic novel that you've been reading ever since you were young. While Haechan finds your love for book cute, he tried to get into it, but knew it wasn't for him. So he just spoil you by buying you books instead. 
Na Jaemin
Jaemin is a very attentive boyfriend. I feel like as an introvert, his past time is also reading books. So he'll be the type to read the books that you recommended to him. Some may be cheesy especially those YA romance novels, but I feel like Jaemin's personal taste leans more on the mystery side of a novel. So when you two meet, he'll tell you that he just finished the book you gave to him, and you'll be overjoyed when you hear your boyfriend's review about it. 
Zhong Chenle
I feel like Chenle understands your love for book. He often spoil you too by buying books whenever you two stop by the bookstore. He also loves giving you space whenever you're reading a book OR he'll be beside you just doing what he wants. (like leaning against you or maybe playing with your hair.) but I feel like Chenle is also the type to judge your personal taste when it comes to books. "what do you mean you like the male lead, isn't he a killer!?!?!"
Park Jisung
LISTEN. Jisung is also a bookworm. Actually he's more of a manga reader. I think that he's a huge fan of anime, so he also reads manga or maybe manhwa. That's why your past time sometimes just involved books. You two will be in the living room, reading books quietly. Then suddenly one of you stops halfway frustrated because the flow of the story, that's why the latter will stop reading too just to listen to the former's rant. OH. And you two have a shared bookshelf in your apartment. It's full of manga books and novels! <3
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misunhye · 5 months
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책에 적힌 글자들이 현실이 돼
가슴이 곧 터져 버릴 것 같아 [ 0:39 — 0:46 ]
Let me talk about love [ 1:14 ]
Yeah I’m talking to you [ 1:16 ]
알딸딸한 게 뭔지 난 아직 모르지만
너에게 취한 것 같아 [ 1:50 — 1:56 ]
(HAECHAN/MISUN] 넌 나의 나의 마지막 [ 3:04 — 3:05 ]
(HAECHAN/MISUN] 넌 나의 나의 마지막 [ 3:14 — 3:15 ]
덩크슛 한 번 할 수 있다면
내 평생 단 한 번만이라도 [ 0:59 — 1:07 ]
덩크슛 한 번 할 수 있다면
내 평생 단 한 번만이라도
얼마나 짜릿한 [ 2:07 — 2:18 ]
It’s a dunk shot [ 2:42 ]
덩크슛 한 번 할 수 있다면
내 평생 단 한 번만이라도
얼마나 짜릿한 그 기분을 느낄까 [ 2:59 — 3:18 ]
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thank you for the support. I appreciate all of you.
oh GOD
this was the WORST era for rory
actually second worst right after we go up but we'll get into that later
she absolutely hated it for one reason:
jaemin wasn't there
she was absolutely heartbroken when they told the group he had to go on hiatus for his herniated disc
they obviously didnt show it on camera but her and jaemin were very close
he would always cheer her up
she was just not feeling this era
she talked probably even less than chewing gum
at least in chewing gum, jaemin would encourage her to speak up
the other members tried too, but it was always him who made her feel best
she’d catch herself playing with the boys and being happy and then she remembers and gets sad
she feels bad that shes enjoying herself when jaemin cant be there
she’s down for most of this era :( jaemin had to end up talking to her to reassure her (and himself) that he would come back and they’d be eight again
okay anyways .. besides the hurt and empty feeling she felt all this time
she grew an inch so she was happy abt that
her hair was still dirty blonde, not much change but she had forehead bangs this time
umm 2 fansites opened up for her this era! 'B' and 'SUGAR CREAM' !!
once again, red velvet and nct dream's promotions clashed again!!
when rookie won, joy gave a huge kiss on rory's cheeks and rory blushing was all over twitter
once again the fucking SKIRTS
this was especially bad because they had to get on the floor multiple times during the choreo
thank god for her safety shorts
actually most of the time though, luckily, she was in the back of the choreo
even though she was literally .. one of the main dancers but anyway still grateful since she mostly wore skirts during this era
also she probably had the most almost wardrobe accidents this era
so many times there was a lot of wind and her skirt would almost blow up but either she'd notice or the other members would and would quickly cover her
that happens almost every era though but like it was bad because all they wore were their fucking uniforms to perform mfal
for ppl who wanted to put her in the back to make her one of the guys and not stand out,, u werent helping with making her wear a skirt
or yknow. the only girl in a group full of boys
okay right
so she still got major hate this era. it didn’t help that her character on the mfal mv was clingy
nothing new with that
intl fans and korean fans alike were angry at the fact that she had to wear a skirt while being on the floor
but sm never changed the choreo so :/
(dw it gets better now she never wears skirts or dresses whenever they have to get on the floor for choreos)
in chewing gum era, she stuck the most to mark and jaemin
however this time, she was closest to mark and jisung
one fav moment from this era is when misun said she thought renjun's snaggletooth was cute and for him to never get it fixed to which he promptly began blushing
yeah she lowkey got cocky after that LMAO
oh during the mv
at the start she was walking with jeno and when he turned to look at the teacher, she was still talking and when she noticed he wasnt paying attention she hit him in the arm
the whole mv is just her being annoyed by the boys not paying attention to her and focusing on the teacher more
during her part w/ mark she follows and tugs on mark's arm for his attention but he doesnt give it to her
when they run for the teacher's mug and almost drop it, she's the one who quickly grabs it from smashing on the floor
the camera pans to her with a disgusted look on her face
either from how the boys were acting or the fact that the teacher left her lipstick mark on it
oh during the car thing .. she's literally just shaking her head in disappointment but helps them anyway
when they get outside and she sees the boys' disappointment to the teacher having a child and husband .. she's literally just sitting there laughing
.. until she sees the husband's face and is in awe
and then the boys make fun of her
and the end
actually her character in the mfal mv makes knetz think she’s even more of a brat and in love with the boys bc of how annoyed she acts
which sucks and she emphasizes in lives that it was just a character
for dunk shot she's pretty much neutral on this song
but she does like that she got to wear either jeans or shorts for performing it :D
when renjun throws the ball and like then haechan is supposed to catch it,,
misun is in the middle and jumps to hit the ball to haechan
her fits for dunk shot, similar to the boys she’s wearing jerseys/sport shirts with actual shorts underneath 😭 sometimes they’d be long jerseys and cover her shorts but she was always wearing shorts
sporty misun >>
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