#also the seekers one is really the one I’ll probably be working on for a while because it’s mspaint and I really need to get CSP again
leefyberrybread · 9 months
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Stuff I’ve been working on over the past couple months and whatnot.
I have many WIPs and this isn’t even all of just transformers related WIPs. God I have so much stuff I want to do and finish loll
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birdiewriteslit · 5 months
“are you jealous?” “jealous? can’t be.” with Charlie Weasley maybe if you are like really close friends with the twins because you were school friends 👀💕
yessss omg i love charlie!!
This is not where you saw yourself when you graduated. That was nearly six years ago. You love the Weasley twins dearly, but the joke shop was probably one of your least favorite places in the world right now.
The twins had managed to make you agree to helping them out in the shop on your holiday from work. It made you wish you were back in Romania, and it had you longing for where you were supposed to be, with Charlie, relaxing at home.
Being friends with the twins at Hogwarts (and in the same year) had caused your current predicament. You had to thank them, though, for they were also the reason you met your boyfriend.
Charlie was four years older than you, and you always had a crush on him. He was head boy and Griffyndor’s seeker. He was immensely charming and dripping with charisma.
When he left Hogwarts, you were forced to give up on your dreams of being with him. That was until you ended up on the same reserve as him a few years after graduation. The rest was history.
You were currently moping at your station outside of the store, unenthusiastically selling some sort of bewitched toffee.
“Y/n, your energy is a little low for my liking,” Fred said, poking his head through the door to the shop.
“Sorry, I’ll do better,” you said heartlessly, forcing a smile.
“Missing Charles too much?” he teased.
“Yeah, actually,” you confessed.
Fred looked sympathetic, and a little guilty. He took the box of toffees from your hands. “Go home, Y/n. These aren’t very good anyways. George and I can take it from here.”
You smiled at him, feeling grateful for his understanding nature. “You sure?”
“Good, because I’m not coming back.” You disapparated before he could respond.
Appearing at the door of your flat, you turned the key and walked inside, relieved to be greeted by the smell of dinner on the stove.
“Charlie?” you called, taking off your shoes and shrugging off your coat. He didn’t answer, but you found him in the kitchen, concentrating on the pot he was stirring.
“How was your shift?” he said shortly.
You shrugged. “It was fine. How was your day?”
“Fine,” he said, not looking up.
You furrowed your brows. “Is something wrong?” you asked, brushing some of his fiery hair out of his eyes.
“No, nothing. You’ve been spending a lot of time with my brothers since we got back,” he observed coldly.
You suppressed a smirk. You should’ve known. Charlie had fallen victim to envy many times, and Fred and George had been the accused before.
You poked his arm. “Charlie, are you jealous?”
“Jealous? Can’t be,” he said, still not taking his eyes off of the pot.
“Charlie,” you said teasingly, moving to wrap your arms around his waist from behind. He tensed a little before relaxing into your touch. “You can be honest with me.”
You were sure that he wanted to, but he was stubborn and still wouldn’t let up.
“I was thinking about you all day,” you whispered into his ear, which had gone pink. You trailed your fingers down to his waistband, which made him finally turn to face you.
“Merlin, you minx,” he murmured. “It’s just- we get one break from the reserve, and the twins have you doing work for them. I want you all to myself. Is that too much to ask?” he admitted.
Your arms still around him, you pressed a hand into his back and brought yourself closer. “I’ll be yours for the rest of the week, I promise.”
Charlie grinned. “I’ll hold you to that.” He dipped down to kiss your lips. You responded enthusiastically, as if you hadn’t seen him for days. It had only been hours.
You were looking forward to the rest of this week.
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arsene-fixates · 2 months
waves at you from across the street. how did u and the informant meet? also is there a story behind ur engagement owo (this is @lotusdearest )
quickly saying first off that there isn’t a story behind the engagement (yet) since i don’t really have a linear storyline for me and him, i mostly follow the lore. i’ll probably come up with something once i get a puzzle ring vv
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OKAY UMM i’m going to tip toe into ‘how i started liking them’ territory too because it goes hand in hand, i’ll explain in a bit
my lore follows very closely to the source but i have to admit. that i. don’t fully remember how his meeting goes in the game, all i remember is that he wanted to work together with the seeker so that we could catch the main antagonist & he did something of a test like a puzzle to see if i was worthy enough & i was ^_^
so i’d say meeting him was like that but it wasn’t really a ‘proper’ one. my lore mirrors my experience with the game, meeting him was about the same as starting to like him
i had a complicated relationship with the game, used to only play it for the gameplay and leveling up and nothing more (didn’t play it for the plot) only until when i accidentally had my data all wiped & had to restart did i start looking into the plot a little
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these screenshots were the ones that really brought me out of the grinding mindset, it’s where i’d say i ‘properly met’ him
something about the amount of kindness coming from a man who looks as guarded as he is.. it captured me a lot.
so in the lore, my s/i used to be an absolute workaholic, focusing solely on getting tasks done without a second thought.. until informant says one of those things and it snaps them out of that mindset, taking a genuine proper look around them for once.
He saved them, in a sense
And he saved me too
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teshamerkel · 2 years
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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Seekers of Soul
[Chapter 39] (26 Pages)
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Tobias researches Giratina, and has an unexpected chat with Xander.
“Any changes?” Maggie asks as soon as she walks into Fen’s quarters.
Tobias looks up from where he’s been staring aimlessly at the open book in his lap. Reading about Giratina usually works well enough as a distraction, but Nia’s fever spiked higher this morning and he can’t seem to focus on anything but making sure she’s still breathing from moment to moment.
Even seeing Sage trail in after Maggie, the ivysaur giving Tobias a weak smile and a nod, isn’t enough to rile up his emotions.
“Her fever’s worse,” Tobias says tiredly, rubbing at his eyes and glancing over at the riolu.
She’s as still as she has been for the past four days, her breathing raspy. She almost looks smaller somehow, her short fur flattened by how long she’s been lying down. She’s probably losing a bit of weight too, since Fen and Maggie can’t keep her awake long enough to actually eat anything. They’re lucky when they can get her to take a few sips of water with her medicine.
At least she’s not whimpering like she does sometimes. That always makes him feel particularly helpless.
Maggie looks heartbroken as always at the update, moving to Nia’s side to feel her forehead for herself. She sighs. “We’d better give her another dose. Sage?”
The ivysaur steps forward, pulling open a small pouch with vials of medicine and carefully popping one open with his vines.
While Sage works under Maggie’s close supervision, she murmurs quietly to Tobias. “Why don’t you go take a walk? We can stay with her for a while and it looks like you could use a break.”
Tobias’ immediate thought is to decline, but he hesitates. Seeing the same space over and over again hour after hour, day after day, with only his brief trips to the training floor to work off steam and to the archives in search of more books...well, it is kind of driving him a little crazy.
“I’ll be back in a bit,” Tobias grudgingly agrees, standing and trying not to feel guilty for leaving. Sage has finished shaking Nia awake enough to swallow her medicine and is now rubbing a vine over her back as she coughs and falls back into an uneasy sleep.
“Take your time,” Maggie says, giving him a tired smile and craning her neck down to nuzzle the side of his face. He grumbles a wordless complaint they both know is for show, and heads out of the room.
His feet take him down the stairs and towards the training floor on instinct. He wonders if Val and Azami are there today, not that he really feels like talking to either of them. The two Pokemon had stopped in yesterday to see Nia, and even Val’s blank expression had seemed strained as she kneeled at the riolu’s side and murmured some kind of prayer for her recovery. Azami had tried to strike up a conversation with Tobias, but it was clear her heart wasn’t in it.
August had also stopped by the other day, expression uncomfortably grave as he sat silently by the riolu’s side. It was like he’d already resigned himself to the worst, which was both unwelcome and unexpected from the usually optimistic Pokemon.
The guild master had gone next door on his way out to speak with Maggie, their voices too hushed for Tobias to make out from a room away. Eventually, though, Maggie’s voice had raised with something like fury, shooing the rillaboom out like a misbehaving child. Maggie had come over to check on Nia immediately after, her eyes just a little too wet. Tobias knows that Maggie and August have a long history together, but he’s not sure he’s ever heard her snap at him like that.
Then again, she’d also seemed an inch away from physically throwing Archer out of the medical quarters the other day, when the breloom had inevitably found Tobias to yell at him for destroying that training dummy. Maggie is clearly at the end of her patience at the moment, so Tobias tries to listen when she tells him to take a walk or eat.
Tobias shakes his head and takes a deep breath, focusing on the cool air blowing through one of the open lattice windows he passes. A flying type glides by, throwing a shadow over the floor.
And in trying to think of something else to brood over, Tobias finds himself thinking about Giratina.
It’s hard not to, when that’s pretty much all he’s been thinking about the past few days. Alistair had sent a disappointingly small stack of books up to Fen’s quarters for Tobias to flip through for more information about the banished legendary, and what he has found hasn’t been particularly useful. Most everything he’s found so far they already knew or suspected from their trip to Ghatha. And while that information actually lends credence to the idea that Giratina might be following Nia through reflections, Tobias is almost too tired and emotionally wrung out to muster up the energy for fear at the moment.
Before they can worry about Giratina, Nia has to actually survive this illness.
Tobias swallows hard and stops at the threshold of the training floor, looking inside at the teams sparring and practicing their moves. He feels a bit nauseous, and not at all like fighting. He thinks idly about when he last ate. Probably yesterday, when Maggie made him swallow down a tasteless lunch.
Tobias keeps walking, all the way down to the mission boards, then past those  and into the blue glow of the tunnels. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. He has no end goal in sight, and eventually he just sits against the cave wall, staring blankly at the crystals embedded in the rocks and dirt across from him. The last time he’d been down here was after his argument with Maggie, when Nia calmed him down. He’d been a mess, and she’d stepped up and taken care of what needed to be done.
Tears sting his eyes, and he buries his face in his arms.
What is he going to do if she dies? If she doesn’t get better and just keeps getting worse and worse until her raspy breaths stop and she goes silent and cold?
He thinks for an instant of Vivi, of the little charmander’s vibrant orange skin dulled to a sickly hue, of her tail tip without a flame and her hand in his being so, so cold.
Tobias’ breath hitches.
Despite Maggie and Fen insisting otherwise, he still can’t help feeling like this is his fault. Like if he had just been more insistent, had remembered Fen’s warning, had gotten Nia to Fen and Maggie sooner, that she never would’ve gotten this bad. And now he can’t do anything to help aside from watch her and make sure she gets her medicine on time. Try to will each breath to be followed by another.
He’s a terrible partner, just like Andyn said. And a terrible…
Nia had called him her friend, hadn’t she?
He didn’t want to admit it before, uncomfortable with the very idea after nearly a decade of loneliness, but…she’s his friend.
He has a friend.
Honestly, she’s probably the closest friend he has other than Maggie. Kind of pathetic, considering he’s only known the riolu a little over a month, but…but he finally found someone his own age who doesn’t hate him and who he actually likes and trusts enough to call his partner, and now she’s going to die and leave him all alone again.
Tobias knows, distantly, that that’s such a selfish way to think about the riolu’s potential death. She has so much life left to live, a family to reunite with, so many stupid books to read. But he can’t bring himself to care when he’s so tired after days of emotional turmoil and terrible sleeping patterns.
So he lets himself cry for a while. He thinks Nia would say that he needs it.
When his tears have run their course and his eyes are tired and dry, Tobias stands on stiff legs and walks back to the medical wing in a daze. Not too much time has passed as far as he can tell, from the angle of the light pouring in through the windows.
He returns to Fen’s room. The leafeon is back from their morning rounds and Sage has gone off somewhere, likely on errands of his own. Maggie is curled up next to Nia, stroking her back with a vine. The meganium gives him a worried frown when she sees him, but he waves her off.
“I’m fine, Mags,” Tobias sighs, flopping down and trying to make himself comfortable in the flattened nest he’s been using the past few days. He grabs the book he’s currently reading, to make himself look busy if nothing else.
He opens it back up to the page where Nia’s silly little furret bookmark rests, holding his place. A scratchy ink illustration stares back at him from the book’s pages. Piercing eyes and a long, segmented body. Angular wings and nightmares visualized, darkness dripping from the creature.
A banished god.
Tobias still doesn’t know exactly where he stands on the matter of the gods, of legendaries that supposedly used to roam among everyday Pokemon and protected them from harm hundreds of years ago. He’s not sure if he believes they still exist, or ever existed, or if they were just regular Pokemon.
And it’s not like they have many Pokemon to actually ask nowadays. The legendaries have been dormant so long that most of the Pokemon who were supposedly alive to see them are dead by now, aside from maybe some particularly long-lived species like torkoal or ninetales.
Some part of him still feels ridiculous for even entertaining the thought of Giratina’s existence at all when the legendary seems more like a scary story to frighten little kids than an actual living creature. But he knows he’s seen something…odd, in the reflections around Nia.  And as much as Tobias doesn’t trust Will, he doesn’t think the ghost type would bring up Giratina as a tangible threat without reason.
So he’s erring on the side of caution, and trying to prepare himself with as much information as he can scrounge up. If this supposed legend wants to get to Nia, he’ll have to get through Tobias first.
So he takes a cue from Nia. He reads, and he takes notes, until he feels he at least has some pieces of the puzzle, even if it isn’t the full puzzle itself.
The book that Alistair gave him goes into the most detail on Giratina’s banishment itself, but even that information is frustratingly vague. He attacked another legendary and was exiled to the dimensional rift by Arceus and the Lake Trio, but there’s not much detail aside from that. How about an explanation as to why he attacked? Or even which other legendary was his target? It’s all just so vague! It’s like even the author didn’t have the full story of what happened.
It’s frustrating. How can Tobias get answers if there are no actual answers out there? If the books don’t know, then who would? Is it possible they really are just stories? But if Giratina is real and genuinely trapped in another world, there has to be a reason.
One thing the books all agree on is that Giratina was banished to the Distortion World by the Lake Trio—Mesprit, Azelf, and Uxie. The legendaries who supposedly make up Pokemon consciousness itself, emotion and willpower and memory. If Tobias could speak with them he’s sure he’d have a clear answer, but that doesn’t mean much when they’re supposedly dormant as well.
Tobias flops his head down into the book, groaning in frustration. Why is this so hard? Maybe the details behind Giratina’s banishment aren’t even important, but the fact that it’s all so vague feels important to Tobias.
Like somewhere along the line, information was withheld. Like someone is hiding something.
Tobias lifts his head again and swaps out books, rubbing at his temples and giving Maggie’s concerned look a dismissive wave before diving back in.
There’s also the strange fact that Giratina was apparently still tasked with guarding the dimensional borders even in his exile. Why would Arceus entrust such an important-sounding job to a violent Pokemon that was literally banished? Surely the god of gods could just…create a new being to take his place?
Something is definitely missing in this story.
Tobias shakes his head and reviews his notes for the tenth time, wishing Nia were awake to help him with a fresh pair of eyes. He doesn’t want to worry Maggie, though, and no way is he going to anyone else for help if he can avoid it.
He finally decides to put that aside for the time being and focus instead on what Giratina can supposedly still do to physically affect them.
The books back up what Fliss and Will said about reflections being direct portals to the distortion world. Giratina was able to access the Pokemon world through them before his exile, and even now he can still peer through them to see what’s happening on this side of things. Is that what he’s been doing? Watching Nia? Is that the silhouette Tobias saw on the surface of the ocean?
The few illustrations of Giratina, most of them serpentine with long tendrils and sharp red eyes, only reinforce that thought. But if Giratina is real, and not only awake but actively following Nia and other humans, then…why?
He recalls Nia’s words on their flight, asking Fliss if humans showing up in the Pokemon world meant something had gone wrong in Giratina’s domain.
Could he be after Nia and the rest of the humans because they’re messing with the borders between dimensions somehow? What could he possibly do to fix that, though? Most humans seem to want a way back home, so surely if Giratina knows that and wants to just…put them back somehow, he could figure out a way to do that?
It’s confusing, and stressful to ponder. He doesn’t think Giratina could actually harm Nia, but he isn’t sure on that, either. One book warned to never touch a reflection that Giratina appeared in, implying that if you did he could make contact, even post-banishment.
Not a pleasant thought.
Otherwise, there’s still little actual information out there. Granted, there’s not a ton of information about legendaries in general, but most of them still have ten times more information available than Giratina’s sparse little blurbs that sound more like spooky campfire stories than actual research.
In his desperation for some kind of information, Tobias writes down a few notes about the legendaries that come up the most in relation to him. The Lake Trio, of course, as well as Arceus, the creator of Giratina and the one who had the trio banish him to the Distortion World.
Surprisingly enough, two other Pokemon are often mentioned alongside the exiled legendary—Dialga and Palkia, guardians of time and space and Giratina’s apparent siblings. Tobias has heard of the other two before, of course. They’re considered to be powerful gods intertwined with the flow of reality itself, but it feels strange to consider Giratina as a third element to that dynamic.
Tobias supposes that the dimensional border of the Pokemon world is just hard to grasp as a concept, abstract and intangible. If Giratina, a Pokemon on par with the literal gods of time and space, was tasked to keep that barrier safe and whole, apparently it’s pretty important for keeping their world (and the Pokemon in it) safely in equilibrium. He doesn’t know what would even happen if something like that were to go awry.
Tobias rubs again at his eyes and takes a five minute break since his head is starting to feel jumbled. Maggie gets up to leave shortly after, giving him an affectionate goodbye and an order to eat supper when the time arrives. He answers with a distracted hum before continuing his research.
It’s not until at least an hour later, when he hears a high and unexpected chorus of voices yelling his name from the doorway, that he jumps from his thoughts. The shinx kids are charging into the room and tackling him into the nest in a giggling, wiggly, soft pile.
Tobias chuckles despite himself, gently shoving them off so he can sit back up. “Hey, gremlins. Where did you three come from?”
The answer comes through the door a moment later on brisk paws, his black fur spiked with stress.
“Kids, I told you you had to be quiet!” Xander scolds, shooting Nia’s sleeping form a worried glance.
The shinx cubs crouch low with pinned ears, looking suitably guilty. Tobias sighs and waves away the luxio’s concern so they stop making that face. “She’s out like a light. Trust me, we’d love for her to wake up for a while and actually eat something.”
“She’s not hungry?” Luca asks, frowning and peering at the riolu.
“Remember when we got sick last year?” Leor answers his brother, padding closer to sniff at Nia’s fur with a frown. “We didn’t want to eat, either.”
“You remember that?” Laine asks, bewildered.
Leor blinks. “Uh…yeah?”
“He remembers all kinds of boring details like that,” Luca scoffs, but he almost sounds proud of his brother. “Especially if it’s about sickness stuff! I bet he could be as good a medic as Fen.”
While Leor squeaks at Luca to be quiet, Xander pads over and sits down near Nia, giving her a worried once-over before reluctantly tearing his eyes away to look at Tobias. “Sorry, I guess I should’ve asked before bringing them up. I wanted to check in on her, and Felix and Avery have been asking for updates. The kids insisted they come along once they heard where I was going.”
Luca rolls his eyes and leans in to stage-whisper to Tobias. “He actually asked us to come. He said you needed cheering up and that we’d be the best at it!”
Laine hisses and elbows her brother. “You aren’t supposed to tell him that part!”
Xander moves a heavy paw over his eyes. “Thank you, kids. Always a pleasure working with you.”
Tobias pointedly ignores that conversation (why would Xander want to cheer him up?), and instead turns to the kids, asking them what they’ve been up to.
Predictably, it’s a lot of the same. They’ve been working on writing recently, using their claws as tiny quill pens, as well as working on the basics of controlling their abilities and moves. Of course, they also tell stories of their playtime and driving Arlo up the wall. That drampa has the patience of a saint.
The triple stream of chatter is only interrupted when Luca wanders behind Tobias, to where his small stack of books sits.
“You’ve been reading?” Luca asks with a scrunch of his nose. “I thought Nia was the one who liked reading.”
“Been doing research,” Tobias explains, amused by how Leor and Laine are inching forward to try to catch a glimpse of the book he was reading before they arrived, still lying open at his side. He flips it closed. “Trust me, they’re not fun stories.”
The kids give protesting whines, but Tobias just puts the book back on top of the pile. They don’t need to be having nightmares about Giratina tonight.
Unfortunately, being denied the chance to scar themselves for life, the cubs slowly ratchet up the chaos in their play until they’re practically shouting and tackling each other across the room. Tobias glances at Nia, but she seems oblivious to the racket.
Xander clearly isn’t convinced, and finally calls, “All right! Settle down. Come here.”
The shinx kids reluctantly listen, although Luca sends one more playful swipe at his brother.
“Would you three like to go visit Avery for a while in the archives?”
The kids light up, clearly growing bored of the quiet room and Tobias and Xander not leaving Nia’s side. “Yeah!”
Xander sighs. “All right. They said you can go play with them for a little while until I come to pick you up. Can you get to them without causing any trouble?”
Three energetic and not at all convincing nods.
“They’ll tell me if you don’t show up.”
Three slightly more hesitant nods.
Xander gives the trio a doubtful look, fighting off a smile, but finally flicks his tail towards the doorway. “All right. Go on, then—they should be just a few flights down. You remember the way to the archive floor, right?”
The kids chorus their assent, already scrambling to their paws to run for the doorway. They toss excited partings of, “Bye, Toby! Bye, Nia!” over their shoulders, a tiny stampede.
And then they’re gone, and it’s quiet again.
Tobias gives Xander a suspicious look, wondering why he decided to stay behind. Especially when he’s staring after the kids with an almost anxious expression.
“Surprised you let them go on their own,” Tobias prods.
Xander shrugs, but his ears flick back with…embarrassment?
Tobias narrows his eyes. “What.”
“Avery is going to tell me when they get there,” Xander admits, clearly trying not to sound like an overprotective parent. “I didn’t want them to disturb Nia, so I asked them a few minutes ago if they could watch the kids for a bit.“
Tobias must look as puzzled as he feels by that statement, because Xander straightens up and points to his head with a paw. “Ah, sorry, I forget that—telepathy. We have a pretty strong mental link so we can do short sentences even a few floors apart.”
Tobias scrunches up his nose, thinking of Nia’s aura powers. What’s worse—having someone look at your soul or your mind? “That sounds awful.”
Xander looks genuinely confused, frowning. “What? Why?”
Tobias frowns back. “You want someone who can tell what you’re thinking at any time?”
“They don’t just jump in and look at my thoughts without permission,” Xander says, blinking with something like bewilderment.
“But they could?”
“They could, but I know that they won’t.”
Tobias snorts but turns back to watching Nia breathe. He can’t imagine being so comfortable trusting his innermost thoughts to someone like that. Although judging by the fact that neither Xander nor Avery have made a move on their obviously mutual affection over the years, Tobias grudgingly believes that the kirlia has restrained themself from peeking.
Would Tobias ever have that level of trust with Nia?
As soon as the thought enters his mind, Tobias pushes it away. It’s silly, because the answer is obviously no. She can keep messing with aura stuff, but Tobias will not be a part of it, thank you very much. She can practice on her own and with Val.
As long as she survives this.
Xander must sense his shift in mood, because he tentatively pads closer to lie down at Tobias’ side, paws politely crossed in front of him. Looks like he’s staying for a while. Great.
They’re both silent for a minute or two. Tobias is debating on pulling one of the books back out when Xander speaks up.
“What’re you reading?”
It’s such an obvious, flimsy attempt at small talk. Tobias gives him a look. “The kids aren’t here. We don’t have to play nice.”
Xander sighs. “Tobias, I know we haven’t exactly been friendly with one another, in the past. But it would be good for the kids—and Nia—if we could at least try to get along.”
Tobias’ lip curls. “Or I could just fling myself into the sun.”
Xander seems dangerously close to rolling his eyes. Instead, he takes a deep breath through his nose, tail lashing. “Look. I don’t know why you hate me so much, but if you would just tell me then maybe we could work past it.“
“Doubt it.”
Xander seems caught off-guard by the immediate response. His expression is quickly colored with irritation, though, teeth flashing as he talks. “Trust me, if it weren’t for the kids I wouldn’t even try. But they’re getting old enough to notice the tension between us, and I don’t want them feeling like they have to pick sides.”
At that, Tobias’ sharp retort shrivels up on his tongue. He frowns, glancing at Nia. The riolu may be able to juggle the two at-odds relationships just fine, but the shinx triplets are only eight years old. They’re still little, easily swept away in arguments and feuds and picking sides. Yeah, he could see that getting messy. Like a pair of mates splitting up and fighting over their kids.
Ugh. He hates when this stupid furball has a point.
“Fine,” Tobias grumbles. “Whatever.”
Xander gives him an unimpressed look. “Look, I talked to Nia a while back about her partnership with you, and it made me realize that maybe I…hadn’t given you much of a fair chance. I would like to actually try to be civil.”
“That makes one of us.”
Xander glares at him. “Can you take this seriously for five minutes?”
“I am,” Tobias snorts. “It’s not exactly a secret that I don’t like you.”
“Then tell me why you hate me so much!”
Tobias can tell that not being liked is getting under Golden Boy’s skin, and that satisfies some kind of sadistic streak in him.
But he’s not being stubborn just for the sake of it. Because in order to explain to Xander why he makes him so mad—not the petty annoyances, like him being a stick in the mud or a perfectionist, but the real reason, Tobias would have to tell him about his past, at least to some extent.
About Vivi. And that is not happening.
“It’s none of your business,” Tobias says.
“It is my business, actually,” Xander growls, clearly losing his patience. “Considering it’s me you can’t stand. Do you want to tell me or do you want to explain to the kids why two of their favorite Pokémon look like they’re about to duke it out every time they’re in the same room?”
That is finally enough to give Tobias pause. If there’s one thing worse than explaining his resentment to Xander himself, then it’s explaining it to the shinx cubs. He doesn’t want them to know how he failed one little kid already in his life. What if they don’t even want to be around him anymore?
The thought makes Tobias’ empty stomach sour.
Even if it isn’t quite that bad, the best case scenario would still have the kids prying to try and figure out why he and Xander don’t get along, and he doesn’t want to get mad at them, either.
Okay, fine. Hypothetically, would it be so bad to tell Xander about his biggest regret? It’s not like he cares what the guy thinks of him, and it’s not like he can tell anyone who he does care about the opinion of. Maggie knows, Nia kind of knows after he blew up about it on their trip to Ghatha. Heck, Junie knows, and even she didn’t throw it back at him. And it’s almost kind of nice, having that secret out in the open with Nia, knowing that she knows the reason behind his burning drive to hunt down Team Zenith.
Tobias sighs. His softhearted partner must be rubbing off on him.
“I don’t hate you,” Tobias grumbles. Xander’s ears perk, and to the luxio’s credit he doesn’t interrupt with the doubt that’s clear on his face.
Tobias takes a breath. “I just…hate that every time I’m around you, you make me feel…” Guilty? Ashamed? Weak? “Angry.”
“But why?” Xander presses, staring at Tobias with a furrowed brow, clearly trying to figure him out. “Did I do something?”
At that, Tobias hesitates. Because that’s it, isn’t it? Xander did do something. Something that Tobias couldn’t.
“I’m not angry at you,” Tobias admits, quiet. Then, before Xander can interrupt, he asks, “You and the kids came to the guild from a bad situation, right?”
From the corner of his eye, he can see Xander’s head snap up with a spark of startled static. “…Did Nia—“
“Nia hasn’t told me anything,” Tobias snorts, almost offended that Xander would even think as much. “I was there that first night, when August brought you guys to Maggie and Fen to get looked over.”
“Oh.” Xander takes a shaky breath. “That was…over seven years ago. I didn’t think you would remember that. Although I don’t recall saying much about our…situation, at the time.”
The suspicion is clear, and Tobias rolls his eyes. “You showed up at the guild in the middle of the night, a half-starved teenager with three cubs in tow who were barely old enough to walk. Not hard to guess you were running from something.”
“So why are you bringing it up?” Xander asks, clearly cautious. He puts on a good show, but Tobias catches the nervous way his tail tip flicks, a bit too quick to be as at ease as he would like to appear.
“You asked why you make me angry,” Tobias says, still refusing to look at Xander. His throat tightens. “I guess the simplest answer is that you’re…a reminder.”
Xander’s frown deepens—a silent prompt, a question.
Tobias takes a shaky breath. Looks steadfastly at Nia. “You got your siblings out. I didn’t.”
A heavy silence falls as the implications of that seem to sink in. Tobias can feel the luxio’s stunned gaze burning into the side of his head, and he refuses to meet it, instead fiddling with a piece of straw.
Why is he even telling him this again?
Finally, Xander speaks, slow and quiet. “I’m…I’m so sorry.”
Tobias scoffs, ignoring how the genuine grief in Xander’s voice tugs at his chest. “Shut up. It’s not your fault I was too weak to save my sister.”
Or his parents. But Vivi has always felt different. He was her big brother—he was supposed to protect her. And instead he let her die.
There’s a heavy beat of silence. Tobias can practically hear the klinklang turning in Xander’s head.
“You got here only a little before I did, right?” Xander asks. “To the guild.”
Tobias shrugs. “‘Bout a year.”
“You were…what? Eleven?”
“Arceus,” Xander murmurs. His claws slide out, digging subtly into the wooden floor. His golden eyes are burning. “You were so young. That…never should’ve been your responsibility in the first place. No one could expect you to single-handedly save your sibling—“
“You did,” Tobias growls, clenching his fists into the bedding. “You did exactly that, three times over.”
“When I was fifteen. And I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told that I was far too young to have to deal with that, even then.”
Tobias snorts. Doesn’t matter how old either of them were. Vivi trusted Tobias to take care of her and keep her safe, and he failed to do so.
Xander falls silent, visibly getting a rein on his emotions. When he speaks again, his voice is hesitant. “I…Leor almost didn’t make the journey to the guild. He was the runt of the litter, believe it or not. He kept getting sick, and he couldn’t keep food down. I could’ve lost him—lost all three of them—so easily.”
“But you didn’t,” Tobias argues. “In the end, that’s all that matters.”
Tobias thinks of small orange hands and bright green eyes and a warmth to match his own. His chest aches like his ribs are caving in. He would have gone through anything for her to just survive.
Tobias slams down on the thought before it can get away from him, blinking fiercely to get rid of the first sign of tears.
“I’m done. You got your answer.”
“Tobias,” Xander starts, voice soft and reaching. It feels like pity, even if he knows it’s not. “It wasn’t your—“
“No. I’m not talking about this anymore,” Tobias says.
“If one of the kids had died,” Tobias hisses, glaring at Xander with all the venom he can muster. “Do you really think it would’ve helped you to hear someone say it wasn’t your fault? That doesn’t bring them back.”
Xander doesn’t wince, but it’s a near thing. Still, he holds eye contact, mouth shut but clearly wanting to say more.
“Just drop it,” Tobias reiterates, tired. “I don’t even know why I told you.”
After a few seconds, Xander finally looks away, back to Nia. His ears are low. “I’m glad you did. I won’t bring it up anymore.”
“You’d better not,” Tobias mumbles, only a halfhearted attempt at threatening.
Just to give him something to do, Tobias grabs the nearby book, flipping open to the page he left off at, and flings it into his lap. He stares at the pages, not actually seeing anything.
The quiet is heavy, broken only by Nia’s rasping breaths.
He hears Xander open his mouth, and has a half-second to think, Arceus, just shut up before the luxio speaks. “I’m sorry, for never reaching out in all the years we’ve been here together.”
“Oh, don’t start this now,” Tobias growls, slamming the book shut again. “I don’t want some kind of pity offer—“
“It’s not pity,” Xander says, cutting him off. Something about the emotion on the luxio’s face—reflective and dark—keeps Tobias from getting too angry about the interruption. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you ever since Nia made me realize that there was more to your behavior than just…belligerence, for the sake of acting out.”
Tobias narrows his eyes at the luxio. “I was a jerk.”
“Oh, you were,” Xander agrees. “But I was old enough to recognize someone in pain, if I’d bothered to look.” His eyes slide over to Nia, regretful. “And we both know you weren’t always the one antagonizing the other kids. I tried to break it up when I saw it happening, but I didn’t go out of my way to see if you were okay afterwards.”
“I probably would’ve just been even more aggressive with you,” Tobias dismisses.
“Probably. But you needed a friend, and I should’ve seen that.”
“You had enough on your plate,” Tobias grumbles, mortified by the hot tears gathering in his eyes. He takes a deep breath, trying to keep them in. “It wasn’t your job to babysit a traumatized, angry kid.”
Xander gives him a tired, self-deprecating smile. “It wasn’t. But I could have at least tried to understand you. I was letting my own hangups with my m—with my past color how I saw you.”
Tobias snorts. “Past trauma influencing your behavior? Can’t relate.“
Xander chuckles, and for once it puts Tobias at ease.
“I still don’t like being around you,” Tobias says, but his tone doesn’t have any of the usual teeth. “You’re annoying even on a good day. But if nothing else, I’m glad you’re here to help watch out for this danger-prone mess of a Pokemon.” He flicks his tail in Nia’s direction.
Xander looks fondly at the riolu. “She certainly has shaken up our lives here at the guild, hasn’t she?”
“We definitely wouldn’t be having this calm of a conversation if she hadn’t decided to go catch a cold.”
Xander, annoyingly enough, must be able to hear the tightness in his voice, because he gives Tobias a soft look. “She’s a fighter, you know. Fen said she’s not doing any worse than this morning, right?”
Tobias swallows against tears, refusing to cry in front of Xander. They’ve had enough Sharing Time today. “Not any better, either.”
Xander hums, but doesn’t argue.
The silence that falls is a bit easier then. Nia shifts a bit in her fitful rest, causing the cloth on her head to slip off. Tobias picks it up and, feeling how hot and dry it is, wordlessly moves to the nearby bowl of water to soak it through and wring it out, ignoring the uncomfortable sting against his skin. He replaces it, then sits back down. He can feel Xander watching him again with piercing eyes, but doesn’t acknowledge the luxio.
Tobias doesn’t know how much time passes before Xander finally sighs and rises to his paws. “I’d better get going. I think Avery is about to lose it if the kids nearly topple one more book shelf.”
Tobias huffs a quiet laugh. “Yeah, yeah. Go see your creepy mind mate.”
Xander looks ruffled by that. “They’re not—it’s not creepy!”
“Sure, and you weren’t more embarrassed by the ‘mate’ part of that sentence.”
Xander’s fur actually fluffs with embarrassment. “We aren’t—“
Tobias barks a laugh. “Please. Pretty sure everyone in the guild knows that you’ve been padding after Avery for years.”
“I have not!” Oh, Xander’s voice breaks in the most delightfully embarrassing way.
Tobias grins, merciless. “Sure. And I’m a water type.”
Xander opens his mouth to retort, then seems to think better of it and snaps it closed again.
“Great storm clouds, you’re as bad as Felix,” The luxio mutters. Then, louder and clearly trying to bulldoze past his own embarrassment, he says, “I’m gonna…go. Watch over Nia.”
Tobias rolls his eyes and waves him off. “What do you think I’ve been doing the past four days? Get out of here.”
Xander gives him a strange look, somewhere between irritated and biting back a smile. Then he turns on his paw, very purposefully whipping Tobias in the face with his star-tipped tail on his way to the door. “I’ll stop in again soon. Talk to you then, Tobias.”
It’s almost a friendly parting.
Xander is already long gone by time Tobias realizes he’s staring after the luxio with a furrowed brow and conflicted feelings. “…Talk to you then, I guess.”
After that entirely too emotional talk, Tobias decides to try and catch up on some sleep. Fen isn’t back yet, but Tobias should be able to hear if something goes south with Nia. He curls up next to her, draping the tip of his tail over her wrist, and wills himself to sleep.
He doesn’t wake again until the evening, to a pair of soft paws shaking him. Groggy, he lifts his head and squints, face-to-face with Fen. What—
“What happened?” Tobias asks, immediately filled with panic and pushing himself up in the nest. He glances at Nia, but can’t see any immediate change. She’s still breathing. So he looks back to Fen.
The leafeon’s voice is filled with disbelief, brown eyes wide. “Feel Nia’s temperature. I…need a second opinion.”
Tobias stares at them, bewildered and nervous. Then, he moves forward to touch Nia’s fur for himself, then her nose. He does it twice, almost not daring to believe what he feels.
She’s no longer hot to the touch. Instead, she almost feels cool.
“Her fever broke,” Fen whispers, seeing the look on his face.
Tobias blinks. “…What?”
“Her! Fever! Broke!” Fen whoops, skipping to their paws and doing a little happy dance.
The relief hits Tobias like a boulder, and his whole body slumps with relief, limbs tingly and light. He knows this doesn’t mean she’s out of the woods entirely, but he can’t help taking this win and running with it.
Her fever broke. She might actually be okay.
Oh no, now he’s tearing up. This stupid riolu is slowly making him an emotional mess. Tobias sniffs and wipes at his eyes, glad at least that it’s only Fen here to see him and not Sage or Andyn or Xander.
“We still have to keep an eye on her of course,” Fen says, words picking up into an excited babble. “And it could potentially get worse again, but this is definitely a good sign and if she continues to improve—“
Tobias tunes Fen out, just trying to get his emotions under control as he stares at Nia. She’s still quiet and motionless, but he thinks her breathing might even be a bit less raspy. Fen hurries over to their desk to write something about this development down.
Tobias leans down to whisper to the riolu, voice an encouragement and a threat. “You’d better wake up soon. I’m tired of worrying about you. It’s not a good look for me.”
Nia murmurs something, probably responding to a dream more than him, but it still makes him huff a relieved laugh regardless. He knows he shouldn’t get ahead of himself, but he’s riding high right now, feeling more hopeful and awake than he has for days. He might even eat a full meal tonight. He can’t wait to tell Maggie.
Nia might actually wake up. He might get his partner back. And this time, he won’t waste it. He’ll be a good partner and watch out for her, for Giratina and illnesses and whatever else comes their way.
He’ll even try to be a good friend.
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So I’ve been building some ideas for League of Legends OCs, one per region. Except Bande City because I don’t care for Yordles.
Aside from Fletcher, my demon OC who lives with cartoon logic and goes around to spread mayhem, I’ve been building up some ideas as it goes.
I’m not really sure about Bilgewater, she’ll either be some creepy hybrid monster-girl or a fierce assassin and pirate with a cute physique. If the latter is the case I want her to be a cool rebel.
For my girl from Demacia, however, I have no doubt: Sylas’ proud and beloved henchwoman, a mage he saved and who fights by his side. Sylas is a king and deserves love. I may base her off Karli Morgenthau from The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, except she’s treated as if she’s right and she gets to live.
Ionia’s side will have a healer, someone who lost enough from the war and tries to mend wherever she can, even though she knows sometimes violence is indeed the answer. I’ll try to find an Asian culture that’s not China and Japan to build her from.
Ixtal has the dubious honor of containing my least favourite LoL character, Zyra. So I’ll create a character who’s hell-bent in hunting and destroying her for the good of the world, all the while she debates herself about Zyra’s own sentience.
I’m also indecisive when it comes to Noxus. On one hand I like the idea of creating a villainous character – Fletcher kills people but she’s not evil, she’s just a demon – but on the other hand Noxus offers more potential for a complex heroine and I shall indeed take it.
My Piltover character – and probably token white character, unless I decide to create that Noxian baddie – will be a high-end gentlewoman thief with a classic double life. Probably a cyborg. Probably spat in Camille’s coffee out of spite
Shadow Isles: this is the character I’ve worked on the longest, so much so I gave her a name (Vivienne). She’s Senna’s older sister, who blames herself for her fate as older sisters do. After shutting herself off from the world she gave all she had in fighting: now she occupies a high rank in the Sentinels of Light and needs to find herself a greater purpose than “protect my sister and my bil with my own life, and on the side curb-stomp Thresh’s head”, thus living for herself. She also exists to fulfill one of my greatest fantasies: hug Senna and tell her she’ll be alright.
When it comes to sweet Shurima, I’m browsing a bunch of ideas and cultural inspirations. I already made a SWANA Oc in Genshin Impact, and since I don’t want to copy her (especially her name, since we already have a Samira) I’ll try to make something that’s the opposite of what she was. My Samira was self-conscious, responsible and insecure: this one will be an extroverted thrill-seeker who needs to undergo a Puss in Boots II arc about life and responsibility and, on the side, slap some sense into a certain bird of dubious smarts.
I need to look up more into Targon, but if I do end up making a full villainess, this one will be it. An anti-Pantheon of sorts, and someone who doesn’t care about the Moon or the Sun: just herself.
The Freljord will bring home a unique character: an old, worn warrior who’s lived through plenty of battles and knows a thousand ways to survive. She’ll probably be my only older character.
Not sure if I’ll even consider the Void.
And finally Zaun: this one already has a unique backstory, having been kidnapped as a kid from a rich Piltovian family and raised by ChemBarons to work as an errand girl. But will cynicism prevail, or will the brave local youth show her a different way?
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justtluffythings · 1 year
“Fine, Dora! I can have one more butterbeer, but then I really need to get going. Charlie’s going to kill me if I’m late one more time.”
Tonks chuckled as she ignored Veronica’s eye rolling and ushered Madam Rosmerta over to their table. Just then, Athena came flying into the pub through an open window and landed on Veronica’s arm that had been resting on the table. “What is it, pretty girl? You have a note for me?” Athena extended her leg out to her in response, and Veronica carefully removed the parchment. Her eyes widened as she read it.
“What is it, Veronica? Who’s it from?”
“Emily. She wants to have an emergency Quidditch meeting right now to talk about something urgent. She wants us at the pitch ASAP.” Veronica sighed heavily as she rubbed a hand down her face. “What am I going to do with Charlie? I don’t have time to go down to the lake to tell him.”
“Shouldn’t he be finishing up Quidditch practice right about now?”
Veronica’s eyes widened in realization. “Yes, of course! If I leave now, I can probably catch him leaving the change rooms. Can you do me a favor?”
“Depends what it is,” Tonks chuckled.
“Can you keep Charlie company until I’m done with practice? I don’t know how long this meeting is going to be. It could be 10 minutes but it also could be 3 hours. You never know with Emily. And I don’t want Charlie to be alone doing nothing on a Saturday afternoon.”
Tonks shrugged. “Sure, why not? Tell him to come find me here.”
“Thank you!” Veronica quickly pulled her friend in for a hug, before rushing out of the pub. “I’ll see you later!” She yelled over her shoulder as she ran out the door.
Minutes later, Veronica arrived outside the Quidditch pitch, breathing heavily from running all the way there. Just then, Charlie came out of the change rooms laughing about something with a few of his teammates. Once he saw her, he grinned and jogged over to her without another word to them. Veronica watched as his teammates rolled their eyes playfully and laughed at his antics before they walked away.
“What’s the matter, love? Am I late?”
“No, no. You’re fine, but we have an emergency Quidditch meeting that just came up. I wanted to make sure I caught you before you left.”
“Oh okay, no worries. You don’t know how long it’ll be, I suppose?”
“No, I don’t even know what it’s about. But I asked Tonks if she would keep you company until I’m done, so she’s waiting at the Three Broomsticks. I can come get you when the meeting’s over.”
“Okay, no problem. You didn’t have to do that Ronnie, I could have waited for you by the lake, but thank you. I’ll be there when you’re done.”
“Singer, hurry it up! Let’s go!” Veronica looked over to find Emily standing at the entrance to the change rooms tapping impatiently at the empty spot on her wrist where a watch would typically be worn.
“I’m coming! Alright Charlie, I’ll see you later.” Charlie gave her a quick hug before she was practically ripped away by her teammates.
“Don’t worry, Weasley!” Emily yelled. “I’ll get her back to you ASAP.” 
Charlie chuckled before making his way down the path towards Hogsmeade.
* * *
“So what’s going on, Em? What’s the emergency?”
“Maribelle, I think you should be the one to tell them.”
Veronica turned her concerned gaze to the Ravenclaw Seeker. “Everything okay, Mar?”
“Oh yeah, I’m fine. It’s just… I won’t be playing Quidditch with you lot for a while.” Gasps could be heard around the room as the team looked around at each other.
“What? Why?”
“Well… Unfortunately, my marks in Charms and Transfiguration aren’t where they should be, so Flitwick is taking me off the team until I improve them.”
Before the team had a chance to protest, Emily interjected. “But don’t worry! We’re working on getting her marks up, and she’ll be back on the team before you know it. But, until then, our reserve Seeker, Walker Mathis, will be taking her place. I know he’s only a second year, but you all saw him at tryouts, he’s good. Not to mention, Veronica was a second year when she joined the team, and she was amazing, so we can’t judge players by their age.” The team nodded enthusiastically as Veronica blushed at the compliment. “Now, Walker is actually waiting for us on the pitch, and I want us to have a quick practice with him so that we can adjust to the change in our lineup. It’s a big one, but we’ll get through it, and like I said, it won’t last long because Maribelle is going to get her situation sorted ASAP, and she’ll be back playing with us in no time. So, let’s go.”
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hwnhyerin · 2 years
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hello hello!! i’m super excited to be here with princess of the charms major ( she likes to say it’s because she’s so charming 💖 ), baekho seeker and hopeless romantic shin hyerin !! i’m still working on her pages but i have some info about her as well as some plots under the cut, i would love to write with everyone so please like this and i’ll come to your ims! i also have twt and discord if that’s easier for anyone!
shin hyerin, 21 years old, a libra!
the oldest of three siblings!
her family is solidly middle class and her life wasn’t really anything too glamorous unfortunately
reliable, determined and ambitious, hyerin has been a go getter ever since she was young and tried to make fake love potions and sell them to her classmates
she was found out pretty quickly but it’s not about the destination it’s about the journey....
now she’s just as ambitious! but she’s just a little bit smarter about it and tries not to do things that will get her in trouble
started liking charms just bc she thought it was kind of cute and fun? but then ended up being good at it and really liking it so she made it her major
well known throughout the school that she takes the best notes — they’re all color coded and organized and they can be your’s! for a small fee
the kind of person who would write other people’s essays for them if she could figure out a way to not get caught
anyways, other than the small little blips she’s nice and outgoing, social and is the type of person to introduce herself first to people!
takes tenacity to an extreme — she wasn’t the most naturally talented player trying for the baekho seeker spot but she was so determined to get it that she tried harder than anyone else and made her way onto the team
has this same mindset for relationships...if hyerin decides that she wants to be your friend/thinks you’re cute/whatever she’ll put herself out there until it happens
just seems to know everyone + their moms, kind of in everyone’s business, has a strong need for attention lol
always seems like she’s running around being busy just doing a million things
generally a nice person, just a bit sneaky and resourceful. honestly she thought she might not get sorted into baekho just for this but her family legacy really carried her through on this one
also a bit of a hopeless romantic and especially has crushes on athletic boys...don’t look at her like that it’s just her type okay
also rich boys...wants them to pay for her food
love language is gifts and will show up with a random little thing that she got just bc it kind of reminded her of you
but also needs money so she’s half jokingly looking for a sugar daddy
has a cat named bbangi who’s kind of a bitch but hyerin loves her very much
a bestie that she’s had since her first year or so, probably met by accident bc she hit you with her broom or something and now you’re inseparable
baekho friends? you guys just chill in the common room together and talk about things
exes who broke up bc hyerin was never available or because she’s poor or something idk but either way she still feels some kind of way about it maybe
or maybe they’re just friends now!! anything works!!
a flirtationship bc she doesn’t really have a lot of time to date right now but she does love having a good time
you drag daeun to parties bc she’s always running around doing things and she probably needs to go and have some fun
her cat bbangi hates everyone but somehow made her way to you?? and hyerin found her sitting on your lap like okay???
you remember she was kind of extremely mid at quidditch but how is she now the baekho seeker???? didn’t she literally fall off her broom in her first year???
honestly running out of ideas but please feel free to hmu for any plots 💖
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flecks-of-stardust · 2 years
hmmm Lemm, the Hunter and... Zote, please? ^^, i'd also send the Collector but I know you better than that itjfjgf
[ask game referenced] [link to ask box]
The Collector: How obsessed are you with this game?
yeah i think it's pretty fuckin obvious, no? /lh
Relic Seeker Lemm: Favorite piece of lore? Favorite theory?
honestly i don’t have a damn clue, but i skimmed through the lore tablets just now. i think the ones in the sanctum still hit the hardest, tbh, especially record cenda. the wording still sounds... idk. it just very much makes me think that the atrocities that happened in the sanctum were originally done out of desperation and a genuine drive to find a solution where there was none, before they fell to the radiance too and had their intentions twisted. i think this is becoming less of an unpopular opinion, but it’s personally way more interesting for me to explore the sanctum as the epitome of ‘good intentions pave the road to hell,’ because so many things about the structure of the sanctum itself and the city imply it wasn’t just a greedy grab for immortality. but also the implications of phrasing it as ‘through their grace we are evolved’ is. man. their grace. like. does that imply the bodies we see were, at least initially, willing sacrifices? there’s so many directions you could take this and hfrgbfhhjdfdrg
i don’t know if i have a favorite theory so much as just... uh... the entirety of my au, lmao?? like everything that’s vague or inconsistent i just took and made it Better. lmfao. i think the one i’ve worked with the most though is that hallownest’s ‘the only kingdom’ thing is pure and utter bullshit. cause first of all, pharloom exists, so that already makes it out to be a lie. and cloth, tiso, cornifer and iselda, quirrel, etc had to have come from Somewhere. it can’t just be wastelands for miles and miles. even if it Is mostly wastelands, there were clearly small settlements interspersed throughout. i just kinda took that and made a bunch of kingdoms lol. at this point there’s at least four known kingdom clusters in my au, and there’s Definitely more than that, so. none of that ‘one and only kingdom’ bullshit, not even from hallownest itself.
The Hunter: Favorite/least favorite enemy you encounter? What is your favorite journal entry?
yeah like i said earlier, i do not pay attention to field enemies enough to have a favorite enemy. i would say for least favorite i would put great husk sentries, because they’re massive and annoying to deal with. my low% scuffed run has put me in fear of them permanently. (do Not fight these pricks with nail 0 and nothing but vs. it’s Awful.) but otherwise i really don’t know. if i had to answer it would be a boss, but i think you know what i think about those already fkjghjks
favorite journal entry would be one of the zotelings ones, i think. especially the volatile zoteling. but yeah i don’t read the journal very extensively fgkhjs
Zote: Least favorite character? Or which unpopular character do you like?
... probably divine, if i had to pick. not that i hate her or anything, she just. uh. why... does she make the sounds that she does. i do not like them. at all. i don’t remember my exact reaction to the first time i used her services but i doubt it was anything positive lmfao.
is greenpath vessel considered unpopular? because they’re the only character i can think of that would be considered unpopular in any way. a lot of them i’m just sort of ambivalent to, or i really like them and they’re a popular pick. i don’t often see stuff about greenpath vessel though, so i suppose that. like, often when it’s something with the vessels and hornet, it’s just lost kin and not greenpath vessel. i think i’ll always be more of a lost kin lover than a greenpath vessel lover, but it is Close. they’ve both stolen my heart lol
i had an idea for a new profile picture featuring them both, actually. it’s been bouncing around my head for months, i just haven’t found the time to draw it. they deserve the love <3
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msommers · 2 years
Fic Author Self-Rec
rules: when you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass it on to at least five other writers. let’s spread self-love! tagged by: @haledamage​, thank you!! unfortunately, my almost all of my writing braincells abandoned me many years ago and i’m eternally in headcanon central—so instead i’ll do graphics! tagging: anyone who sees this and wants to share their own works!!
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i believe this started because one day i decided to try my hand at manips and knew i had resources for these two at hand, so i went buckwild collecting dozens of shots that i vibechecked as compatible and tossed ‘em together until it looked good. i still very much love this set because it was a Lot of work, looks pretty damn nice and each gif actually has the correct Energy for these two instead of feeling off in some way. (i also managed to get one of them both in the same shot?? so that’s a miracle to be remembered.)
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i don’t know, i just really like this one!! i like having the details in the two headers of the backgrounds having the arkham images (the book of lore card art, art of arkham city, art of an eldritch journal), i quite enjoy how the color scheme turned out and it was a fun exercise in making up two new characters (allegra and aurora) on the spot while editing just because i had the images on deck. so much of this little personal arkham horror story exists solely in my head so it was fun to put bits of it into this set.
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another of spencer’s just because this is probably the height?? of my self-indulgence when it comes to graphic making history. maybe only 3 people total understand the stats and game references behind it, but it was fun creating a silly and probably overpowered fake investigator card for lil miss descendant seeker. mandy would be proud of her stats and deckbuilding <3
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big time known fact: i love this au!!! it’s evolved a bit since the set was made, but it’s still perfect. the vibes are still there and sometimes when i see the thing it sends me down an emotional spiral of remembering everything that’s been discussed about the verse. it started as bullying maeve & dietrich for how they’d be opposites in handling the scenario and somehow spiraled into a top tier romance with thottycule offshoots and plenty of angst.
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i don’t think about house westenra as much anymore because the campaign for them is long abandoned and most thoughts are now solely of elide in a twd au, BUT!!! this set still holds a special lil spot in my heart. they’re up on the shelf with wheezy, but this family is still golden tier and on the receiving end of adoration from me. (except ulrich, who can choke). it was a lot of work hunting down shots to use for the set and picking out fcs that i could see for westies, but it turned out lovely!
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aries-wants-anarchy · 9 months
Aries ghost talk screaming essay
Yeah this was on another post but I decided to shove it here so I’m not working out the weird as way this starts and I don’t know my grammar shit this is word soup at its worst and I refuse to fix it now please enjoy it don’t ✨
Less caps now but still the ghoulettes don’t deserve the hate they get when the preform. Same thing for papa and any of the ghouls too all of them do a great job but so many people will hate on the ladies so much worse I’ve seen. I’ve seen people go to the show and praise everyone but the ghoulettes it’s so unnecessary and most of the time it’s just straight up misogyny . A lot of the post I’ve seen of this nasty shit had a common topic of them singing out of tune or louder than papa or Swiss and even half assed like they didn’t try as hard as they should have. It’s fucking shit man first of all if it is off key they are still doing their best on stage to preform for you be grateful you are able to attend and hell they are probably tired and exhausted up there wearing full costumes and mask dancing moving around singing in this summers fucking boiling weather I was at the St. Louis ritual and people were fucking passing out from just the heat before the show hell I have having a hard time for a bit but I was lucky my friend got us vip tickets so we were able to get to the lounge. I can’t imagine how it was for them up there as papa himself said it was hot as balls out there. we are all just human and mistakes can happen but I’ll tell you the whole band fucking took it like champs and did a beautiful job for the people who paid to see them and they damn well delivered for us. Along with weather as far as I know they all got their own ear piece or something similar so that they can hear the part they are singing or playing up there. So with that it means it’s harder to hear the other band members so that could make it a little harder for them if they are trying to play and sing at a certain volume on top of that the thousands of screaming fans that are yelling and singing with them (and the pyrotechnics and boom shit that we won’t talk about scaring the hell out of me each time)
Imma talk bout some shit from the LA ritual that people couldn’t film inside of so if you don’t want to see that shit don’t read the pink v
So I hear at the LA ritual and seen some photos of the ghoulettes had different outfits I am not sure if it was specifically for the if you have ghost or for more of the show but it was not their regular outfits they preform in (also they were gorgeous and stunning and I love them so much) I’ve seen many people hating that too saying it was stupid some even called this well put together outfit low budget and ugly made for trying to be a attention seeker or something I still can’t fathom where they got that. God forbid the ladies get a outfit change for a song as papa changes constantly in a show. Slightly off the current topic but I remember when the band first changed the ghouls outfits from the silver mask to the newer helms and everyone hated it too calling it a ugly design and seemingly unnecessary and uncomfortable for preforming in luckily this opinion died out quickly and hopefully this one of the ghoulettes will also die out faster soon.
No more la shit from here on I hope bleh
As before said it’s unnecessary hate for no reason and it happens to all the members but I keep seeing most of the hate lately and even before thrown at the ghoulettes for stupid reasons mostly seems to be they really just want to hate on the ghoulettes for no reason. Not saying it’s all coming from people like this but most of the time I’ve seen with my eyes say this has been straight ladies that never let a drop of criticism for the men come out of their mouths and I wonder if it were a man up there doing the ghoulettes jobs of you would still be saying the same thing but I’ve also seen it from other demographics (is that the right term to use?) as well. I really hate that when you put the hate side by side for the ghouls and ghouletts a lot of the time it adds up heavier on the ladies side of it and if you are comparing popularity among fans I would think it’s fair to say from what I’ve witnessed the men are more popular. As I first said a lot of this is brought down to being misogynistic and I really hate that and I hate that that’s what it is and what it comes down to. Same topic but different point (la shit referenced but no names mentioned but is a good point anyway because it’s also a current problem)
Don’t even get me started on peoples reactions to the word going around about the supposed kiss between the two some stuff has just been straight up disgusting to read or hear said about them on stage and it’s leaked over to them going on about their personal lives off stage and separate from ghost as well. There really shouldn’t be any hate for this but it’s especially so when it comes down to their personal lives outside of the band and outside of the character they preform and play on stage as.
I took a break for a second from writing this to chug something to drink and realized holy shit maybe I can write a easy but also probably not good to do it on another post so imma make this one separate but here’s what I’ve summed this brain melt dumpster fire that makes me angry every day.
Lots of unnecessary unexpected hate towards the band but mostly seems to be the ghoulettes and it is just straight up misogyny and nitpicking at every aspect of what they do and how they do it and even how they look because you don’t like women you don’t like them as much as the guys the ghoulettes preform worse than the others and don’t preform right ew they had a outfit change and I don’t like it personally so it’s bad shit like that. Well it wasn’t made to fit your specific taste now was it? Sorry that not everything was perfect to your likening to those who have had complaints about the shows. Really the only people who most of us can agree had a right to complain were people attending shows more south who had weather related issues and even so that was mostly on the actual venues half for being very lacking on the communication with the fans and the band itself ghost even posted on social media explaining this as well even getting a lot of their equipment ruined I’m not sure about Amon Amarth I actually never checked their pages
Separate side note about Amon Amarth I know we all bought tickets to go see ghost and not a lot of people know Amon Amarth including me I knew like 2 of their songs max but never knew their name till the show. Not seeing much about their performance being bad or something of the sort but there has been a few times I’ve seen it out in the wilds and same thing as before they did a damn good performance for the crowd and it was a awesome performance that deserves praise I believe(fucking epic Viking fight on stage I have a video of and dudes voice felt like it’s own bass inside my flesh it was cool)
I should be done with my large essay thank you for coming to my ghost talk and I will keep screaming about it for a long time
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bad-knees · 1 year
happenings / on my mind
1. i think i might have adhd, and i want to see someone about it to get a proper diagnosis. apparently it’s a common thing for trans women to uncover it once they get on hrt. plus my life has been dizzying with decisions / plans / wondering about this and that. my fears are about being seen as a drug seeker or a hypochondriac. But im tired of being scared about what people might think about me.
2. taking nudes, sending nudes to friends. not even sexual, just aesthetic, happy about my body, the curves and smooth. and the glow after working out.
3. thinking about ffs but i should wait. my work health insurance covers it so im wondering if i should speed run that. when the lighting’s right and im in the right mood, i kinda like the shape of my face. im looking more indian and i love it.
4. using femme voice a lot more, though im not so sure how femme it really is. mostly practice via vrchat. i should post to the trans voice subreddit for feedback.
5. trying to lose belly. cardio every day for 30-60min. also doing leg strength stuff because it helps with the knee pain. i want to lose belly fat so i can gain weight again and it goes to my chest and hips instead. also cardio is just good for my brain.
6. wanting to cook more, trying to at least. wanting to eat good food without having to resort to icky unhealthy restaurant food. want to eat more potatoes. want to learn how to make chicken curry.
7. told my boss im trans. it was awkward haha.
8. want to get the ball rolling with bottom surgery, given how long waitlists can be. though nervous since i won’t have anyone to take care of me, and i’ll probably have to miss a lot of work. well i can get the hair removal done whenever so might as well start that now. the hard part is timing it with potential ffs and when/how i want to come out of the closet more.
9. trying a todo list thing where i make a mind map of all the things i want to get done this week. break things down into smaller tasks and related things and unanswered questions and the reasons im procrastinating. it’s exploded of course, but feels good.
10. i keep trying to write songs but struggling to find words or feeling. well all i can do is listen and capture it when i find it.
11 . i think im done with drinking. one drink im bubbly and want to keep the feeling. two drinks and i get into a mood. three drinks and im horny and reckless. and it ruins the next day too.
12. being bi is dizzying. liking guys is easier. like how do you say “i wanna make out with you” to a girl friend and it not be weird?
13. i need to find a new book to read, fiction of course. things on my mind i want to explore: non-white feminism, trans women experiences, queerness in general, masochism kinks, femme sexuality, that thing people call womanhood, neurodivergence.
14. ill have to go to a christmas party with all my cousins on friday and ill have to pretend to be a straight man. or ill just be myself and let them think im the f-slur. whatever.
15. i want to buy a binder and a hole puncher to catalog mind maps and the ideas i have. so much living in random scraps of paper and in notebooks. i need to get better at developing ideas and connecting them. silly me, always sort of starting from scratch.
16. it’s hard to say what i really want. like what i want the future to look like. i see glimpses and try to piece together a vision. though so much is outside my control. and i get scared of wanting too much and letting myself down. today i see a house somewhere quiet, cuddling in the backyard till the mosquitos piss us off, romantic sex and i love you’s, a big bookshelf full of names I’ve never heard before, letters and calendars and a very full life.
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mellowrants · 2 years
I sent this blog to a mutual and she just said it was mario & sonic at the olympic games but with plot so godammit ill make one more post before i dissapear into the abyss.
So TLR, talked about it last post. I aint got a single fucking clue how to describe its appearance, ill have to draw it out. Until then, ill just explain what it is. Its a self sustaining place where people who have had their worlds destroyed can go. Its also got pretty much everything; restraunts, shops, housing, jobs, etc. Yeah, ill leave it at that.
Anyway, the owner there likes regulation. She requires every person who can travel to different multiverses be registered into a system to like, prevent crime or smth. Theres also a mercenary for hire system in there too that she set up, and goddam i’m biased to like mercs. Lemme tell you bout em.
First theres these two rapscallions, these absolute scoundrels Cathy and Chromas. One is a mad scientist, the other is gay. I really want to leave it at that but fuck yall i love these fuckers. Cathy is a woman who dont give a shit bout what people think so she aint got much of a filter for her words and actions. Chromas is a ghost controlling a metal body, and he’s the voice of reason. They’re both smart and not normal. Cathy makes a bunch of experimental tech and somehow it works most of the time (She’s missing her right lower leg it got blown off). Chromas makes drones and other weaponry. They even got different fighting styles too i could go on all day bout these fuckers but i aint cause theres others.
Then there’s, uh, a group of 7. I aint got a name for em yet. I started at the most developed and im going down. I based most of em off the tf2 mercs, thinking that I cant just put the tf2 mercs in a game ima be sued. Then I realised yes you can just put the tf2 mercs in a game but i didnt wanna scrap em i had already developed a buncha (sorta) unique characters and a buncha unique character interactions. I’ll list em all off from most developed to least developed: Beastmaster, Seeker, Healer, Bomber, Tank, Inventor, Scope. Ima talk about them in a separate post since theres just a lot to cover (and ive barely developed the last couple at all)
Lastly, there two birds and a walking plant. All anthro btw. Theres an owl, a falcon, and a floran from starbound. I havent touched these fellas much, specially the falcon, but the owl has a shotgun, so thats something.
There’ll probably be more in the future, but for now, thats all
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tran10tran · 2 years
Need not a Shmogi, Getting Yoga Back
From Shmoga Back to Yoga There are some very good news and We have some bad news. I'll start with typically the bad news. There has been an attempt in order to hijack and kidnap yoga from us all. And after this the great news, you can take it in return. Several practitioners call themselves yogis or yoginis but they took the sacred practice of yoga and even changed it to an inaccessible and inauthentic training. They are who I call Shmogis(ginis), or phony yogis! Many of these types of Shmogis have attempted to take yoga away from the particular masses by distributing myths concerning the training and I want us to get yoga back. Pilates is over 4, 500 years of age and utilized by men, females and children almost all over the world. Yoga could be the yoking or weaving collectively of mind, body and spirit. So why would it suddenly be subject to rigid formulations, mysterious rituals or incredible physical feats? Yoga encompasses several aspects including actual physical postures, study involving sacred philosophies, mindfulness, discipline, and yoga, acknowledging wholeness, mention just a few. I personally feel that you will find rewards to the recommended general guidelines in addition to paths to yoga exercise. But as you will see below, some of these types of have morphed in to myths that seem to keep yoga exercise exclusive only to those who follow quite specific paths plus keep all other seekers away. We should request, why do a couple of insist on portraying yoga exercises as something being done by typically the young, physically gorgeous, fit and acrobatic? How I discovered Pilates and You Can Too Back in 2000, We were grieving typically the sudden death associated with my mother coming from a rare cancer, adapting to moving across the country from New York to San Francisco. During that period, I had no everlasting job or resources, and was working with other ouverture that lead in order to my physical, psychological and spiritual malfunction. Choice to attempt yoga as a pressure management strategy. I practiced alone within my apartment because My partner and i didn't have the particular money to venture to a new studio and failed to want to reveal my broken self to others. Slowly and gradually I realized in addition to found that yoga has been much more than bodily poses. At some sort of certain point I actually became confused mainly because I didn't understand its philosophical or even spiritual components really well. I learned through watching videos, reading books, along with other literature the diverse ways to practice that would benefit me. I'm pretty uncooperative so I chosen to do my personal practice and customise it to fit my physical in addition to financial limitations. Really been more than a decade and i also still consider myself to be in the beginning phases of my yoga exploration since an integral part of my life. We have also discovered that yoga while practiced in typically the western world has brought in few long-winding turns away through TRUTH. I would like to prevent other folks from feeling the discouragement I felt at times simply by exposing the misconceptions and propaganda perpetrated by shmogis and even industries that possess over-business-fied yoga. Many well meaning practitioners earnestly believe these kinds of myths and perpetuate them further exacerbating the issue. You could have completely different factors and desires to be able to explore yoga and even every one's course is individual. In case any of the myths below dissuaded you previously, probably you can today return to what is definitely your rightful place in the world of yoga. Myths Of which Discourage the General Inhabitants From Practicing Yoga exercise Paying for Yoga--I believe in power exchange and reimbursement for any goods and services. But an individual will be able to practice yoga exercises even if you can't manage it. T here are usually some studios that allow you to pay what you can. As long as you could give something together with honor and inside your means you might have access to their yoga studio. This kind of arrangement obviously runs better than having to pay sky high prices. It is likewise possible to become a simple practitioner. You could exercise by yourself employing various resources that are offered and some usually are here. When your current circumstances change you can then pick to get a studio that fees Incredibly elusive and mysterious practices-Some individuals or groups try to hide yoga in unknown rituals and vocabulary and that frightens many seekers apart. Yoga brings so many benefits, bodily, emotional and spiritual and like everything with so many opportunities, it need to be open to anyone at any kind of level. Yoga can be as simple as finding a place to stay for 5 minutes a new day to be still or just as complex you would like. The point is You decide on not some others. You should be thin, super flexible and sinewy-Yoga can be done by anyone of any age, size and physical condition. Yoga is far more than just physical poses. So sometimes when doing certain hand gestures named mudras, or simple breathing exercises, an individual are in importance doing yoga. Effective one to do pilates just one specific way-There a wide range of types involving postures, breathing techniques, meditation levels, philosophical depths which can be investigated in yoga. But yoga is approximately lifestyle and it's done up the balancing, yoking and going in your own pace. Diverse yogic practices nowadays emphasize different items. Some focus in reaching enlightenment, an additional on mastering control over one's mind and body, others on adoring kindness, and many other focuses. So this is best to discover what needs controlling in your lifestyle hence which type of yoga to be able to begin exploring. Insisting group yoga will be superior to solitary practice-- Why is usually group yoga emphasized? Be in a group if you so elect to but certainly not because you think it is absolutely necessary or superior to practicing in your own. Yes it is imperative to know how in order to do certain poses correctly and to recognize the philosophy in addition to history. Many people young and old who practice yoga in groups carry out indeed feel it is useful, beneficial and a really positive. However performing group yoga is a way not the only way to practice yoga exercise. Gender-izing yoga-An optical illusion has been created of which practice of yoga is mostly regarding women. By offering mostly woman in the media, mags, and advertising, this kind of myth is perpetuated. Yoga has already been practiced for thousands of years by simply men, women and even children several. Sadly many men disassociate with yoga feeling silly for even considering practicing it. Furthermore men may worry feeling out of place gonna courses which are women dominated. But that is not fair to any individual. Yoga is with regard to all and most can benefit from that Over-commercializing-Just one check out any yoga exercises related material will certainly quickly take the searcher to a planet where s/he is usually drowned in specialty advertisement of yoga-specific clothing, jewelry, luxury props, philosophies, clubs, travel spots, excursions and events. But this unnecessarily monetizes a sacred practice. Many of these kinds of "things", devices plus such do have there are many benefits and place but the price and placement is definitely suspect. Insisting yoga exercise be done with a guru-A expert is someone who has undergone the proper involving passage, so to speak, in a particular course in life. An individual who has ascended to a location of wisdom in addition to hence the capability to lead other folks who are unskilled and students to the same passage involving growth and understanding. But is this a total necessity? Very likely not. Having a guru is very private and only you will know if and when you want one. Exotic retreats that are treated as requirements-Retreats are lovely plus a nice way to get centered, comfortable, and rejuvenated. This is not some sort of requirement for acquiring spiritual enlightenment. Consequently not necessarily a great or honest method to sell an excellent00 priced luxury travel plan, Quoting expensive pose names and even philosophies in Sanskrit-Sometimes some people employ fancy names, conditions and philosophies to be able to intimidate the average person from exercising yoga and diving deeper into it is philosophies. Thanks to technology, the good aged fashion library or book store you can translate almost all terms yourself. Sometimes pronunciation has come to be a big hoopla. Just consult the original Sanskrit when possible or call it by its converted name. For example don't worry regarding saying Tadasana, just remember it will be also called Hill Pose. As time passes that all comes together similar to other dialect. Featuring advanced postures as being the ideal in order to attain as a correct practitioner-The truth is of which one has to move within the particular limits of ones own body. Several believe, and i also consent, in the concept that it is healthy and balanced to enhance ones do it yourself beyond what we all believe to become each of our imitations. So long as we all are careful plus listen to exactly what our body wants and even needs, you can be living yoga. Complicating the process needlessly together with naming types associated with yoga practices plus gurus associated using each. -There will be a huge listing of the several varieties of yoga you can practice. It can easily be very overwhelming. It is both interesting and useful to learn about the history of pilates, philosophy, branches, individuals who are powerfulk inside the yoga local community, and so forth As extended as you don't let this figure out whether you'll practice at all or perhaps become snobbish once you do find out a specific approach that works ideal to you. That all depends upon what your goals usually are at any given level during your exploration of yoga. Over-Sexualizing Yoga-One of the most interesting issues that features happened to yoga is the more than sexual-ization of this. Tantric yoga is definitely very ancient plus revered branch of pilates. It is in addition complex and exciting. But if you ask the particular average person or even do an easy search on the internet, it will be considered and dealt with like a sexual practice akin to the Kama Sutra. Sexuality is a good integral facet of Tantric yoga, as is breathing, meditation, right action, and so in. Sexuality is part of our humankind but noesn't need in order to dominate it, in any other case we become out of kilter and get into the myth trap. Making it into competitive events-There is yet another movement to generate yoga competitive events. These types of events could have persons competing for form, complexity, flexibility and even all sorts associated with acrobatics. Perhaps it would be intriguing and entertaining nevertheless I'm not confident it would turn out to be within the spirit of yoga's intention, which in turn is whole in addition to abundant living, Launching circus type equipment-there seems to end up being a limitless way within which yoga seems to develop and develop. A lot associated with people use stage sets, which is products to assist the doctor in his/her ability to move into certain postures. But also in a new funny way, even more "props" have recently been introduced and their very own function appears to be inside the creating more of a circus-like atmosphere as opposed to aiding or increasing the yoga exercise. That's fine as long as it shouldn't discourage anyone coming from focusing on their particular own yoga procedure no matter exactly how simple or sophisticated that process may possibly be. Certification found in Yoga- To be considered a yoga tutor, there is a certification process. That is quite different coming from being adept at pilates. Again, the ancients we learned about nowadays who brought people yoga didn't move through the established certification process of which exists today. Although the process will exist and once again has its positive aspects like ensuring positions are done effectively, knowing some associated with the philosophy, confidence and guidance on specific issues. But ultimately when you discover simply how much it costs to have certified, it is clear the real reason this particular certification process is available. I respect the time, money and strength certified practitioners have put into getting to being yoga teacher certified. Yet are they "the" way to yoga salvation? No AN INDIVIDUAL are. You decide that a person want to get a way of living your living within a holistic, caring, balanced way in addition to you are yogic. Only you might make your yogi or yogini not necessarily a piece involving paper of endorsement from an business that is capitalizing from your money. Getting Yoga Back Right now that you have read of many of the myths you can create control back and explore yoga to the degree that you want. There is so significantly information available but weeding through the fluff will make the procedure easier. So in the event that you obtain a mag and go through several pages of ads on yoga have on, studios, retreats and many others., you can still enjoy the substance of what yoga is intended to end up being in some associated with the articles involved in the periodical. You need to will find all kinds involving writers subscribing to the myths, but you will recognize better. At the very least we have the freedom to look from the material in addition to choose what works for all of us and precisely what does not. I actually find exploring yoga exercises can be and so enjoyable and right now there so many resources in order to learn. Sources of info on yoga include online streaming videos, books, yoga lessons (there are free of charge introductory or donation-based classes), Magazines, and even Websites/blogs/newsletters. I may claim to be considered a yoga master certainly. However, I do know what I have learned throughout these years and that will yoga is accessible to everyone and even anyone who prefers to explore that with an open center and open brain. If we keep stay flexible in the guidelines rather than getting them inaccessible, VIP only routes to enlightenment, then yoga exercise remains in typically the spirit of precisely what I think is usually its real goal. That is, in order to act as a surprise to us in addition to the path to be able to liberation, truth plus awakening. Whatever your reason is intended for exploring yoga, I believe you should have the freedom to follow it in a new way that is most compatible for an individual. As I like in order to say, life liberty and And Yoga for All.
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starryhyuck · 3 years
limit. (m)
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pairing: gryffindor!mark x reader
words: 3.4k+
summary: with gryffindor on a continuous losing streak, you have no choice but to push your quidditch player boyfriend to his breaking point.
genre: smut
warnings: public sex, overstimulation, squirting, oral sex, degradation, daddy kink, face slapping
“If you keep pushing him, he’ll snap.”
“That’s what I’m hoping for.”
You observe Mark across the Great Hall, fingers clenched tightly around his spoon. The other Gryffindor seated beside him are eyeing him warily, afraid the resident happy Head Boy was slowly losing his mind.
This, of course, is partly due to you.
You’ve refused to give Mark an orgasm until Gryffindor wins a Quidditch match, which has effectively been very hard since the team has been on a losing streak. You and Mark aren’t animals, per se, but the two of you fucked regularly and the fact that he hasn’t gotten the chance to touch you in weeks is taking a toll on him.
Lucas swings an arm around his shoulder and whispers something to him, but Mark’s eyes are locked in on you. You could almost feel the magic radiating off of his form. You smile deviously, arm reaching to wrap around Donghyuck’s, who gladly accepts your touch. Luckily, Donghyuck enjoys pushing Mark’s buttons almost as much as you do.
Donghyuck’s in the middle of feeding you a bite of his chicken when all of the glasses in the Great Hall shatter. A jumbled murmur of shrieks and gasps of surprise echo at the performance of wandless magic. Students whip their heads around, frantically trying to find the source of the fiasco. You already know who the culprit is, watching as Mark stomps out of the Great Hall, fists clenched tightly.
Donghyuck snickers beside you.
“You’re really asking for it. Wearing Slytherin gear and sitting with the snakes? He’s going to ruin you.”
You roll your eyes, brushing off his comment and adjusting the green tie wrapped around your neck. You briefly lock eyes with your irate boyfriend, who is currently on the Quidditch pitch, waiting for the match to begin. You smile and wave at him innocently, only to receive the nastiest look in return.
Donghyuck laughs again at the exchange. “I’ve never seen Mark look like that. Are you sure you’re ready for the consequences?”
You grin as the game begins, the cheering sounds from the Slytherin stands almost drowning out your voice.
“He needs a little push. Gryffindor has lost three games in a row already.”
You prove Donghyuck right a hour into the game. Mark has been scoring goal after goal since the match started. Slytherin’s Keeper tries to block every single throw, but Mark is clearly on a mission, showing no mercy to the Slytherin house. He almost looks like he would Avada someone on the spot just to win.
Every time he scores, he makes a point to look straight at you before zooming off. You smirk to yourself, already feeling your panties dampen at the sight. One part of you is slightly afraid of what Mark will do to you once Gryffindor wins. The other part of you is unabashedly excited.
The Slytherins around you groan and complain as Mark continuously scores. Donghyuck is enjoying the show, knowing you’re truly in for it later after seeing the murderous look painted on Mark’s face.
The game ends after two hours, with the Gryffindor Seeker securing the Snitch and winning the match. The sea of red erupts in a roar of applause and cheers, while the Slytherins grumble and curse their luck. It was the first loss of the season for the Slytherins, and they could all thank your boyfriend for that.
Usually, when Mark wins a game, you would wait outside the locker rooms and congratulate him with a kiss. This time, you want to make him work for it a little more.
Donghyuck chuckles when he sees you turn the opposite direction of the locker rooms.
“You’re in for it now.”
You’re laughing at something Doyeon’s telling you when you feel the abrupt tug on your arm. You hiss at the contact, ready to hex whoever it is. Realization seeps within you when you see the look of fury on Mark’s face as he tugs you away from your friends.
“I’ll see you guys later!” You call out, already feeling the slick of your wetness coating your thighs.
“Okay! Great game, Mark!”
The Gryffindor boy doesn’t even thank them, pulling open the door to the empty Potions classroom and shoving you inside. You put on your innocent persona.
“That wasn’t very nice. I was having an interesting conversation with Doyeon, if you must know.”
“On the desk. Now.”
The anger laced in his tone has your body vibrating. You decide to push him even further, frowning and clutching your books tighter to your chest. You still have Donghyuck’s Slytherin scarf wrapped around you, which Mark is heavily glaring at.
“I don’t even get a please? Where are your manners, Mark?”
You gasp when he steps forward, fingers bunching around the locks of your hair and pulling. Hard.
“You think this is so funny, don’t you? Watching me fall apart, breaking all the glasses in the Great Hall and receiving detention for it? How about wanting to injure someone on the field just so we could win? Just so I can come back to you, fuck you so hard your tight cunt stretches out.” His fingers grip the fabric of your skirt and he growls. You swear you can feel your juices start running down the inside of your thigh with how wet you are. “And what about this? This stupid fucking little skirt. You think you could get away with that too?”
You placed a charm on your clothing early this morning, making your button-up shirt just a little tighter around your chest and your skirt a little shorter than normal. You smile and try to raise your chin as much as possible, struggling as Mark continues to pull your hair.
“Daddy likes it? I did it just for you. Just so Daddy could win today.”
Mark’s eyes are the darkest they have ever been, and you try not to glance down at his trousers, which are probably straining from his growing erection. You only play the Daddy card once or twice, mainly because once it’s out in the open, Mark fucks you until you can’t feel your legs. And most days, you would prefer not to limp from class to class.
Another gasp rips out of your throat when he discards your clothing with the flick of his wand. He casts a silencing charm on the room, and you know you’re done for.
He leaves you in your undergarments, and today, you have chosen to wear a nice lacy number in Slytherin green. The sight makes him hiss in frustration, and it isn’t long before he slams you down on a nearby desk. You whimper at the contact, but Mark hardly cares about your well-being at this point.
He snickers at the sight of your ruined underwear, snapping the garter you’re wearing against your skin as you yelp.
“Look at you. Greedy little slut. Who got you this wet?”
“D-Donghyuck,” you manage to say, gathering enough courage.
The answer earns you a slap across the face and you cry at the pain.
“Wrong answer. Try again.”
“Y-You, Daddy. Just y-you.”
He hums in contentment. You shudder when you feel a finger run up and down your slit. “I’m going to make the rules very clear today. You’ll do your best to obey them, or else I’ll use your body how I please without letting you cum. Understood?” At your timid nod, he continues. “I’m going to fuck your tight little cunt raw. I’m going to cum as much as I like, and make you cum as much as I like. If I hear any protests, I’ll add an extra orgasm to the list. I don’t care if you’ve reached your limit. I don’t care if you can’t handle any more. I’ll do whatever I like, and there will be no arguments about it.”
You chew on your bottom lip. Mark has never fucked you raw before — you both always use Muggle condoms or contraceptive charms.
“But, Mark-“
He slaps your clothed slit and you gasp loudly. “That’s another orgasm added to the list. Do you want another one? We’re already at five.”
Your eyes widen. You’ve never been able to take more than three orgasms from him without passing out. You immediately shake your head, sealing your lips tight.
“Good. Bend over.”
You scramble to follow his orders, shakily positioning yourself over the desk. Another flick of his wand and you’re completely naked. You whimper at the vulnerability, wondering if he also cast locking charms on the doors too. Anyone could walk in and see you bent over like this.
Mark usually likes to see your face when he fucks you so you’ve never really tried this position with him. Goosebumps rise on your skin when you feel his hands exploring your backside.
“Wish everyone could see you like this for me. Bent over during dinner while I fuck you into the table. They always tease me about you. Gryffindor Head Boy could never satisfy his partner. They think I’m such a goody-two-shoes.” You almost scream when a finger unexpectedly pushes into you. “I wonder what everyone would think now — having you bent over the Potions desk like this, eager to be fucked like a little whore. Waiting for my cock to split you apart, isn’t that right?”
“Y-Yes, Daddy,” you garble.
He adds another finger, the squelch of your wetness causing you to grow even warmer. He thrusts his fingers inside of you, skillfully digging them into the spot you love.
“Do you know how many times I’ve thought about your cunt? Ever since you made that ridiculous bet with me, I knew I was done for. I had to excuse myself so many times from class just to rub one out in the bathroom. Seeing you in this cute little skirt, so eager to earn House Points, so willing to please the professor. I imagined how tight your pussy would feel when I wrapped a hand around myself, how many of those sweet moans I could bring out of you.”
When he pushes a third finger in, you shriek as you cum without warning. You were probably moaning without any sense, writhing on top of the desk as Mark fingers you through your orgasm. He drank up every single one of your sounds, gazing down at you with a feral look in his eyes.
Even as your orgasm subsides, Mark doesn’t stop fucking you. You almost request for him to give you a break, but you know it’ll just earn you another orgasm.
He watches you, waiting for you to beg for him to stop. He smiles when you obey, continuing to thrash and whine as his digits pump into you.
“So pretty, perfect for me. You’re always so tight, it’s not fair to me, you know? I could fuck you every single day and you would still need to be stretched out regardless.” He leans over your frame, mouth beginning to press open mouthed kisses at your throat. The sensation has you jolting, his fingers grinding down to rub at your clit. “But you would like that, wouldn’t you? So hungry for my cock.”
This was true — you couldn’t seem to get enough of Mark on a daily basis. Even if you didn’t fuck every single day, you always had the urge to get on your knees for him and suck his cock. It calmed you in a way. Before exams, Mark would pull you into a nearby alcove and let you suck him off until your worries disappeared.
You could feel your high approaching again. “P-P-Please,” you stutter, gasping and pushing yourself further down his fingers. “Please, Daddy.”
At the sound of your begging, Mark sinks to his ground. He jerks your body until you’re halfway off the desk, pushing your thighs apart so he can see you fully. He takes a moment to marvel at how pretty you are before licking a stripe up your cunt. You groan, fingers tangling into his hair, which is still slightly damp from his after-game shower.
He hums against your folds, exploring them with his tongue. Mark could eat you out for days and remain unbothered by the outside world. There have been multiple times where you’ve woken up to his head in between your legs as he snuck into your dormitory room early in the morning to get a taste of you. There’s also been a few occasions when he would convince you to sneak out while he runs patrol in the hallways, just so he could prop you against a wall and eat you out until you cry.
Your eyes flutter closed as you revel in the feeling of Mark’s mouth on your cunt. He’s groaning with you, hands cupping your thighs and bringing you closer to him. His nose continuously nudges your clit as he licks you, slurping on the remnants of your orgasm.
It doesn’t register for a few seconds that he’s still talking to you.
“This is mine. My cunt for fucking. I’m the only one who’s allowed to see you like this, understand? The only one who gets to make you cum.”
He is, indeed. You topple headfirst into your second orgasm, juices spilling into Mark’s waiting mouth. He cleans you up as your body attempts to recover. You’re lucky he remembered to place a silencing charm, your voice almost giving out with the amount of screams you’ve emitted. He decides to spare you this time, rising from the ground and licking his lips.
“Tastes so good.” He smirks down at you, watching as your chest rises and falls from heavy panting. You feel like you’ve run a marathon, but he looks like he’s only just started. His fingers brush stray hairs away from your face. “Poor baby. All fucked out already? I haven’t even given you my cock yet.”
You blink deliriously in response and he laughs. His fingers dig into your hips once more as he adjusts you on your back again.
“How about you answer a question for me? If you answer correctly, I’ll give you my cock. If you fail, I’ll add another orgasm to the list.” You blink again in response, brain fuzzy. He grins. “Why don’t you tell me what a bad girl you’ve been these past few weeks?”
He slaps the inside of your thigh to jolt you out of your reverie. “I-I was a b-bad girl, Daddy.”
“Hm? And why’s that?”
“I ignored y-you,” you whisper as his hand cups your breast, tweaking your nipple between his fingers. “I cheered for S-Slytherin when I-I should have b-been c-c-cheering for Gryffindor.”
Your breath grows more shaky as Mark’s other hand inches towards your entrance again.
“And I f-f-flirted with D-Donghyuck when I’m o-only s-s-supposed to have e-eyes for y-you, Daddy.”
“And I charmed m-my clothes t-to tempt you.”
“Because I’m a whore.”
He smiles in contentment. “That’s right.”
Instead of pushing his fingers inside of you, you’re taken aback when the tip of his cock sinks into you. You moan loudly, not even noticing he had taken off his trousers.
“Fuck,” he curses, watching himself push into you. “Such a tight little cunt. Only for Daddy’s eyes, right?”
“Y-Yes, Daddy.”
His fingers find their way to your throat, curling and gripping your windpipe. You gasp and hear his sinister chuckle.
“There’s my little whore. Back in her place.”
He almost pushes you off the desk with the force of his thrusts. You have another small orgasm when Mark fully bottoms out, and he laughs when he realizes.
“Already? Looks like you’ve been just as desperate as me, baby.”
You’ve never taken more than three orgasms before. Since Hogwarts was a big school with many prying eyes, it was hard to get alone time with Mark like this. You often had to face the judgmental glares from the portraits whenever Mark fingered you behind one of the tapestries. Now that he has you all to himself, however, he intends to make the most out of it.
You’re pushing on the border of exhaustion, watching as your boyfriend continues to furiously push into you. He moves his hand from your throat to your cheek, slapping you once more to wake you up.
“Have to stay awake, baby. We still have two more to go.”
You mumble incoherently in response, past the point of comprehension. Once the tip of his cock rubs against your sweet spot, you cry out in pleasure. He grunts, angling himself so that he keeps hitting that spot inside of you. Over and over.
���M-Mark, I-“
“I know. Let me feel you, baby. Want to feel your cunt cum all over Daddy’s cock.”
You can’t begin to explain the tightening feeling in your stomach. You feel like you’re flying up to your peak at an unsteady rate. It almost feels like you need to use the bathroom, but before you can warn Mark, you fall apart.
You think you black out for a bit. You blink dazedly, body twitching and nervously moving on top of the desk. You get the strength to lift your head and check on Mark. His cock has slipped out of you, his gaze locked on your pussy.
“M-Mark?” You ask softly.
“Fuck, baby. You just squirted all over me.”
You gasp. You’ve never been able to squirt before and you eye the mess you’ve made all over Mark’s chest. He grunts, fingers pumping up and down his cock.
“Fuck fuck fuck. How can you be so perfect?”
And then he’s pushing back into you. You scream loudly, still trying to recover from such an intense orgasm. You realize that you’ve started crying, tears spilling down your cheeks.
“Perfect girl for me,” he hisses, hand returning to paw at your breast. “Cunt is so so sweet. Can never get enough of you. Just give me one more, baby. One more.”
You want to tell him you can’t, you’ve reached your limit and can’t push it any farther. You squeal when he pinches your clit.
“Daddy, please-“
“Daddy wants another, baby. One more for me.”
His thumb circles your clit while his cock pistons in and out of you. When he finds your sweet spot again, he doesn’t rest. He’s on a mission to get you to orgasm again, the same expression painted on his face from the Quidditch game just a hour ago. He’s determined to see you fall apart, filth spewing from his mouth.
“I wish I could take you like this every time. Push you up in the hallways, fuck you until you’re a sobbing mess for me. Having everyone watch while I make you squirt, showing them I can fuck you better than anyone else can. I bet they would all be jealous. They could never have you falling apart for them, begging for them to fill you up with their seed.”
It dawns on you that Mark still hasn’t cast a contraceptive charm of any kind. He seems to be on the same wavelength as you, digging his heels to the floor and thrusting harder at the thought of cumming inside you. The lewd sound of your wetness fills the room, along with his grunts and your whimpers from oversensitivity.
“I want to fuck you everywhere before we leave this place. Want you to ride me in the middle of the Quidditch pitch for everyone to see. Want all the Gryffindors to watch as their Head Boy plows into his girlfriend in the common room. Want you to bounce on my cock during every meal. Fuck, I want you so badly, baby.”
When you squirt this time, you’re coherent enough to watch it happen. Drops of your slick pour out of you, gushing onto Mark’s cock and the floor. The sound of his thighs slapping against yours only grows louder and wetter with your orgasm.
Mark hisses. “Want my cum, baby?”
“Yes, Daddy,” you echo back to him, barely staying awake.
He groans when he reaches his high, pushing deep inside of you to empty his load. He cums more than you expected, but you suppose he’s been holding it in for weeks. He finally finishes a minute later, collapsing on top of you. He subconsciously places kisses on your neck.
“Never act up like that again. I don’t think I have the stamina to do another round.”
You giggle, about to respond when the booming voice of your Potions professor echoes throughout the room.
“Mark Lee! What on earth do you children think you’re doing? Fifty points from Gryffindor!”
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slytherbun · 3 years
pairing: cedric diggory x hufflepuff!reader
summary: you weren't too sure what to think when a new eye candy transfers to hogwarts and becomes the new seeker of the hufflepuff's quidditch team but you realize in time that he is all of what you hoped for.
word count: 3.7k
tags: @specialagentsoftie
note: so this is all just a bunch fluff. i'm not sure how i feel about it in terms of cringey and hope y'all like it! figured i'd post this anyways either way though lol. i made up the way reader and cedric met at hogwarts so, it's non-canon from the movie.
another note: italics are flashbacks! :)
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it was cold.
you could see everybody’s breath in the air outside and knew it was a crime to be out and about now with freezing and chilly weather.
the snow outside coated the ground by inches and the black coats zippered up and wrapped around you only helped so much. you were the type to freeze easily and the climate at hogwarts didn't help your situation at all.
minutes ago before you walked outside, you knocked on the door to his dorm after surveying the hufflepuff’s common room and noticed there weren't very many people around. and when cedric opened the door after you rapped on it a few times—he took in the view of your body wrapped around your blanket before pulling you into his room.
pathetically enough, you were shivering in the halls even with your mitten covered hands stuffed in the pockets of your coat. you weren't about to admit the doubled up socks on each of your feet either underneath the knee-length boots you wore today.
"are you cold?" cedric successfully taunted you when you reached your arm out of the pocket of your jacket and then under the blanket to slap his arm. he hissed and glared your way playfully while rubbing his arm dramatically.
you shrugged with a smirk on your lips and he plopped down onto his soft bed. “don’t get too comfortable.” he suggested when noticing you trying to sneakily get underneath his covers. 
“what i’d do for one of those thermal blankets the muggles use.” you sighed dreamingly while watching him walk towards his closet.
“imagine having a postal company deliver the package to hogwarts? dumbledore would have an aneurysm.” cedric replied and you couldn’t help yourself when imagining the scenario playing out in your mind. 
he turned to the side to admire your smile while you were a little distracted while pulling out a coat. then he closed the closet up and walked back over, holding it in your direction to offer an extra to put over your body. you gladly took it with a smile. "thanks ced."
cedric backed up a few steps and brushed a hand through his brunette hair. not being able to help himself he joked, “can’t have you walking around with your blanket wrapped around you. your height already makes you look so adorable.”
you got off from the bed when he exaggerated with your blanket in hand and scoffed. cedric bit his lip nervously while continuing to back up before he felt the wall pressed against him.
he rubbed the back of his nervously while you held the blanket up to his height and above your own head. “i’m just kidding.” he gulped before you took it and put it over his face.
when he tugged it down from his face he spotted you innocently standing by the door with his jacket around you. “i was going to leave it here anyway. just put it on the bed and i’ll come get it later after we get back.”
while you zippered it up you noticed this particular jacket was the one that you often saw him wearing before he ended up buying a new one for the upcoming winter that you were suffering in now.
and it was longer than the one you had previously put on about twenty minutes ago so, you couldn't argue with him on that steal.
"alright.” he laughed and added with a more serious tone. “oh and by the way—you don't need to thank me. you're my best friend, wildflower."
today was the first quidditch match of the season and you were sitting at the edge of your seat in anticipation. the hufflepuffs didn't score well last season and you were hoping they wouldn't come out with last place again for the year.
y/g/b/f (your girl best friend) sat down on the stands next to you with an umbrella in her hands. you turned and looked at it with a confused face. but she just smiled at your contemplating thoughts and looked up at the sky once before supplying you with an answer.
“well it looks bright now but i have a feeling it’ll rain later.” she always had a suspicion for when it was going to rain or snow and you never second guessed her because every single time she was right.
“did you know we’re having a new seeker play on the team today? i believe he’s going to be captain too if he plays his cards right this game.” she asked. you didn’t know that.
“wait is he the new guy everybody is talking about? i heard the rumors but you know how they are. i didn’t want to take it seriously until i saw it with my own eyes.” you stated and she nodded. 
“yeah he’s a transfer i think but i’m not too sure. his name is cedric diggory though.” after her reply, you glanced around the stands to see if anybody had diggory signs for the game but with no avail you sighed. before you could respond you felt a few droplets on your shoulder. 
your friend gave you a smart-ass grin and popped out the umbrella to hold it over the both of you. “guess we’ll see how good he is.” you mumbled before seeing the players come up to the playing area with their brooms.
butterbeer was pretty popular during the winter season. many students from school usually went and got some to help regulate their body temperature and keep warm.
everybody else must have gotten the same memo because you were inside the three broomsticks now for some butterbeer and it was crowded.
almost every table was filled with peers and that’s probably why you didn’t see many people in the school. with just one glance around the area, you could already tell the divided area’s of where each school was seated right away. 
your tables were to the left area, the slytherins must have come earlier because they grabbed the back ones, some of the ravenclaw’s were off to the right, while harry and the other gryffindor’s had the middle area.
cedric nudged your side to grab your attention and nodded towards the hufflepuff area. “want to grab us some seats and i’ll get the drinks?” he asked and you nodded. “sure, could you get me a snack too if you don’t mind?” 
he smiled and tucked his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “i suppose i could.” cedric walked away with a wink and you shook your head knowing he was just humoring you.
little did you know he already had planned to get you something else even before the two of you left the dorms. it had gotten to the point where asking him for little things hadn’t bothered you because you reciprocated all of the time.
but sometimes cedric would give you little excuses when it was your turn to pay, just so he could end up paying for whatever you guys were having or getting. he always spoiled you.
"ah the golden girl is here." hermione scoffed and watched you walk towards the hufflepuff area. your other best friend was seated already and started talking to you when you sat.
the brunette from the red colored house didn't particularly dislike you since you were always nice. sometimes you chatted with her while working on a project that you were paired for. then other times you gave her a soft smile when catching her eye while walking in the halls towards your next class.
she definitely couldn’t help but respect and admire you.
but the reason she didn’t put herself out there and try to befriend you was because you were one of the girls known in school for your smartness, quick reflexes, and witty attitude. 
when people from school talked about you and referred to you as the golden girl instead of your name most of the time—it wasn’t that you were golden per-say but the fact that it matched up perfectly with the school’s color that you sorted it.
hufflepuff was known for its represented yellow color.
and there’s no doubt about it that hermione was also known around the school. but, she felt it was for all of the wrong reasons. despite not having it any other way as one of harry's best friends, she wondered if not for him that in an alternate lifetime that she would be you. 
“why is she wearing cedrics jacket?” ron asked after following hermione’s stare. harry thumped him on the back of his head and then shook his own. “why does it matter?” the one with a thunderbolt on his forehead replied.
“well it is interesting, isn’t it?” the brunette said in defense of ron’s question. the one who didn’t seem curious at all took a sip of the butterbeer in front of him.
he licked his lips, thinking then replied to them with a response. “i mean it’s not our business but it is an odd find now that you pointed it out. maybe he’s just being friendly?”
“as if! cedric has had a crush on y/n since he met her. she’s just oblivious to it all,” she paused and tapped her chin. “—or is she?” ron gasped at her accusation but took a sip of his own drink before she could hear his outburst.
harry noticed her getting riled up once again and sighed. “well i don’t know what else to say. maybe you should just introduce yourself already and ask her instead of me.” he shrugged and hoped to end the conversation there.
you knew exactly who cedric diggory was when he swiftly passed by the hufflepuff area during the game. of course, he was wearing yellow. 
the game has been going on for a decent amount of time now and he was stacking up the scores on the quidditch board—easily passing by the score of the gryffindor’s team.
cedric was undoubtedly the new eye candy for the whole school with the gasps and ‘awes’ from the other girls sitting in the stand. your friend was so busy watching harry that she didn’t catch the commotion.
you didn’t really pay attention to him to get a good glance at his face so, you thought he was just another arrogant rich boy and rolled your eyes.
what you didn’t notice was the way it was like a slow-motion love at first sight situation for him when he went by. since it stopped raining through the middle of the game he was able to catch a quick view of you. 
the week wasn’t done yet so it was possible he’d be seeing more of you in another class he hadn’t had yet. and cedric hoped you were because he couldn’t help but look over in your direction throughout the game to catch another glimpse of your face.
it was still humid outside and you tried wiping your makeup a few minutes ago since it was under your eyes now, but you only smudged it further. your robe was drenched with your wavy and half-dried hair now lying down the back of it. 
but he didn’t care what you thought about yourself because he knew without a doubt that you were the prettiest girl there.
“cedric’s looking pretty good today.” y/g/b/f voiced for the first time today. you played with the napkin in your hand while trying to get a glimpse of cedric. 
“i don’t think you would know even if he was—since you spend all your time looking at harry.” cedric was up to the counter now waiting for your butterbeer and food.
“uh huh. don’t think i haven’t admired cedric before from afar though.” after a moment of not answering her, y/g/b/f noticed that you weren’t paying attention. you knew exactly what she was hinting towards.
cedric did look good.
his hair had that ‘just woken up’ style to it and he always managed to look even more attractive then he should have. the yellow scarf wrapped around his neck was the one that came with every hufflepuff’s supplied uniform clothing.
he usually wore it when you sat with him in potions on a chilly morning and you caught yourself wanting to take it off of him and wear it sometimes.
he always smelled good and it comforted you in ways a best friend shouldn’t have the ability to.
you seemed to have let your guard down and stared longer then you should have which confirmed what y/g/b/f already knew. “i knew it!” she chuckled and stated more loudly than the last comment to snap you out of the zoned out state you were in. 
“know what?” you asked while placing the napkin back down on your table.
cedric was reaching the table and you wanted the conversation to end quickly. you usually dragged out conversation topics like this so you had time to think of another one to distract her with. but, she always found a way to circle it back around again. 
you had to shut it down before he could hear, already knowing exactly what she wanted to talk about again.
“i’ll tell you later before our curfew.” y/g/b/f smirked and you sighed knowing she would in fact take the time out of her night to find you before bed. lucky you.
“hey y/g/b/f. how has your day been?” he asked your other friend while sitting down and placing your refreshments in front of you and then doing the same with his. 
she grinned at you then glanced over at him, “pretty good i guess if it wasn’t for this weather i would say great. how about you? and how’d you manage to get this one out?” she gestured towards you, causing you to roll your eyes. 
here we go again.
you were walking down the path back to the hogwarts dorms with y/g/b/f and some others. there was going to be a small celebration in the hufflepuff’s common room and other students were trying to hurry back without raising suspicions with any professors nearby.
“hey, i’ll be right back y/n/n. i see luna and i’m going to go ask her if she has a hair tie.” she said and pointed to the curly knots that she had on her shoulders.
you nodded and continued along the path while she walked over to the other side. it was quiet for a moment and you surveyed the peaceful area, a few feet over in the grass was a small patch of flowers.
you were about to take a quick look at them before feeling someone tap your shoulder. it was sudden and you couldn’t help but quickly move to the side and form a fist. you were about to throw it but stopped when you stared wide-eyed at the person who scared you.
cedric felt awful and only after he startled you did he realize that you were looking off in the distance of the area. the way you jumped though seemed that you were quick on your feet and he couldn’t help but smirk at the new name he had for you. 
“hey i’m sorry for startling you wildflower but i just wanted to introduce myself. i’m cedric diggory.” he introduced with a panty-dropping smile.
you weren’t sure if it was some kind of joke so you treaded carefully. “uh it’s okay, it’s my fault really for not paying attention but i’m y/n y/l/n. nice to meet you ced.”
cedric held out his hand for you to shake and you took it, giving him a firm shake. after you let go he smirked and questioned. “ced, huh?”
he crouched down to pick up a flower that you were looking at earlier and it reminded you to ask, “wildflower, huh?” you met his statement equally and folded your arms together so they were across your chest to look more tough.
his cheeks tinted a minor shade of pink and tried to hide his embarrassment by ducking down and ignoring your question. instead he glanced back up to tuck a hair behind your ear and then placed the flower there.
“yes, wildflower.” 
and how could you argue with him when he was being so sweet?
the two of you made it back to the common room after an hour of eating, then chatting with cedric and your other best friend. he was sitting on the bed with you sitting next to him.
you’ve been sitting for only about a minute or so—only enough time to shrug off your jackets and place them on the desk chair between that time after walking back to his dorm.
“would you like to lay down for a few minutes?” cedric asked when he noticed the tiredness shown clear as day on your face.
“sure” you agreed and you laid down while he shook your blanket out for the two of you to use. his eyebrows scrunched together when he realized it wouldn’t make much of a difference in comfort with how small it was.
you chuckled watching him trying to maneuver it around and he glanced your way with a smirk of defeat. “hmm, seems this blanket is a little small. would you like to go under the covers?”
cedric was giving into what you wanted earlier before the two of you left and he knew that too. the three broomsticks' food was delicious as always and you just wanted to relax for a few minutes after getting teased by your friend.
he grinned watching you get comfortable after the both of you were situated under the sheets and yellow comforter. there was a hufflepuff patch ironed onto it and you rubbed your thumb over it while laying down.
it wasn’t that awkward since you’ve fallen asleep in his arms a couple of times before already. class exams were frustrating and took a lot out of the students so he took comfort in you and vice versa when there was some down time during the weekends throughout the school year.
with an arm around you—he pulled you close to the point where you could feel his warm breath along your neck. “i don’t think you realize how much i treasure these moments y/n/n.”
he spoke breathlessly and you gulped slowly. you were dumbfounded with how seriously he said that. as if it had some kind of hidden meaning behind it. “me too.” you agreed and wondered if he would leave it at that.
but you knew better and cedric never left well alone when he wanted to get a point across. he turned your body slowly with the arm he had around your middle and you faced him with confusion.
he glanced down once before looking back up and continued on with his confession while staring into your doe eyes—a color he deemed his favorite the day that he met you.
“i’ve been fighting myself for a while on whether or not i should tell you this because i didn’t want my feelings to ruin our friendship. i’d rather be your friend than not be a part of your life at all. and i always look forward to seeing you e-everyday.” he paused when his voice cracked.
after cedric cleared his throat he continued, “and i totally understand if you don’t share the same feelings with me but i just couldn’t go on another day without telling you how i—” you cut him off by leaning in and brushing your lips against his.
he moved closer on the bed, so his skin was touching yours. cedric wanted to get as close to you as he possibly could. your hand swept through his brunette curls and you surprised him by tugging it.
he never knew what you were going to do and his friends teased him that you were a wildcard, to which he’d correct them and say you were his wildflower.
cedric smirked into the kiss and you groaned knowing he was being a smart-ass. but in return, he shocked you when he placed a hand delicately on your cheek to cup it rather softly.
he rubbed your cheek while your hand massaged his curls and then moved them downwards to the nape of his neck.
cedric pushed the hair back from your neck with his hand and then placed it back so his thumb splayed across on your cheek in a loving gesture. and you only wanted him closer after feeling sensitive about the whole astonishment that still had you stunned to the core.
you tugged the collar of his shirt and he pulled away with puffy, red lips and a smile. “what’s wrong?”
“i don’t know, i’m just emotional.” you voiced squeakily and full of embarrassment about it. cedric shook his head and before patting his chest, he held up the comforter over the both of you and let the minimal cold air in.
“oh, baby it’s okay. come here and let's cuddle a little before curfew.”
you bit the bottom of your lip and nodded, giving him a smile in return to the one he gave you and then crawled onto him. “i think i like baby better.” you voiced and laid on his chest with your head over his heartbeat.
he let go of the comforter when he noticed you were settled and tugged it firmly around both of your bodies. “better then what?” he asked.
“wildflower.” you admitted and hummed nervously while awaiting his response. you felt cedric shake his head and he put his arms around your body so you were pressed firmly against him before he kissed your forehead.
“you’ll always be my wildflower.” you closed your eyes after giving him a quick kiss on the cheek in response.
after a moment of laying back down you could feel his chest rising up and down in an odd pattern so, you put your head up to see him laughing again at you.
“what now?” you questioned trying to keep a serious facial expression but failing when he grinned.
“guess you got what you wanted, hmm?” cedric said—referring to the fact that you were finally under the comforters and you smirked.
“of course i always do. including finally getting you, ced.”
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19. “Why did you wait until I moved on?”
You really chose violence with this one anon, and I respect that energy. Some James x OC at the beginning, but I guess that's to be expected for this prompt no? 🙂🙃
“–that’s when Hooch decided to blow the whistle, can you believe it?”
Shit, it was time for him to say something back, James realized too late.
“No way.” He tried to recall anything from the past 15 minutes.” You think she did it on purpose?”
His lucky remark earned him approximately ten more minutes as Elaine started to chatter excitedly about it.
It’s not like he wasn’t having any fun on this date, really, he was. He was just having a small concentration problem.
He gave himself permission to steal one more look to the table at the corner.
“–and I think she really has it out for me. But I guess you’re McGonagall’s favorite so you wouldn’t know, would you?”
He had no idea how the conversation came here from Quidditch. “Can you please repeat that again in Sirius’ vicinity too?” He needed to start paying more attention. “I think hearing it from someone other than me can finally make him accept the truth.”
Elaine’s eyes brightened instantly with the prospect, a giggle falling from her lips.
There. She was pretty, too.
Of course, James knew that when he accepted a date for the Hogsmeade weekend, he was just too busy spending the time in between comparing her, something he knew he ought not to do.
But now, sitting in a corner booth with seemingly no distractions, he could finally say that yes, she was pretty.
He tried to overcome the urge to correct that statement when he saw a flash of green eyes again. She truly wasn’t making his job easy.
“It’s probably because you’re the Gryffindor captain. I heard she was also a Quidditch fanatic back in the day herself.”
“She still is. You might want to try your chance next time by mentioning you have an upcoming match too”–not that he thought it would work–“as long as it’s not against Gryffindor.”
And they had a lot in common too, something he should be grateful for. They were both Quidditch players in their house teams, although she was a seeker, and they were both fans of Puddlemere. He racked his brains to find more common ground - something not Quidditch related. It was very hard to think when he could feel a pair of blazing eyes on him. He gave in to the temptation again.
“I don’t know how you do it James, managing both being the captain and the Head Boy.”
Was that firewhiskey in front of Lily at 2 bloody pm?
“Yeah, I have a pretty good team and an amazing Head Girl by my side thankfully.”
He saw the redheaded witch get up from her seat and walk towards the toilets.
“Hey, mind if I leave you alone for a moment to go to the loo?” He didn’t wait for an answer before adding, “And I’ll bring some fresh butterbeer on my way back.”
There was no time to spare a glance back to the confused girl as he followed Lily’s hurried steps.
He just managed to stop her with a hand on her arm before she opened the door. “What the hell was that?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” sputtered Lily, two bright spots on her cheeks betraying her feigned ignorance.
At least that’s what he thought before he remembered her new day drinking habits.
“I mean what are you doing here, at a table by yourself, drinking firewhiskey all alone?” and watching me, he’d wanted to add, but he didn’t think neither of them were ready for that to be said yet.
She visibly flinched before his eyes. “I didn’t know… I wouldn’t have come if I– “a shaky breath before finally whispering, “I thought you’d be at Madam Puddifoot’s.”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
But apparently, that was the wrong thing to say.
“And what are you doing here?” she bit out. “Aren’t you supposed to be on a date right now?”
The flush on her cheeks spread below her neck, a glint in her eye warning him on his answer, but she wasn’t the only person in this narrow corridor with anger simmering in their blood.
“You can’t just do this, Lily. Not when I– Why did you wait until I moved on?”
The minute he said it he wanted to take it back as he watched helplessly all the fire dying from the girl in front of her, what was once bright becoming dull with pain.
“You’re right, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to– “She looked lost for words as she struggled to croak out, “I’ll just… go now.”
Something finally snapped into action inside James when he saw her moving to do just that. He realized with a start he was still holding her arm, noticed by her as well when she couldn’t go more than a step away. He decided to take advantage of that to put both his hands on Lily’s shoulders, a move she seemed ready to object before he cut her off.
“Look, Lily.” He tightened his hold on her shoulders once to show her he wasn’t letting go. “I’m now gonna go to the bar to buy one more butterbeer and take that to my date. We’ll probably wait until she finishes her drink to leave, and after that I’ll walk her to her common room because, unfortunately, I have excellent manners.”
She looked willing to be anywhere but there, her eyes shifting all over the place with desperate need to flee.
He paid it no mind. “Then I’m gonna find you and ask you out for the next Hogsmeade weekend.” She finally stopped moving around, standing stock still between his arms. He took a deep breath to compose himself before continuing,“But for this to happen I need you to leave my line of vision before I give up on being a gentleman, okay?”
The light that went out before was back, burning stronger than ever in her eyes. “And if I said, ‘fuck being a gentleman’?”
His face twisted in pain, voice coming out hoarse when he answered, “My mother would be very disappointed in me, but I suppose I could make it work.”
“Go back to your date, James.” There was a smile on her face for the first time since he saw her in Three Broomsticks. “I’ll leave as soon as my drink is finished.”
He couldn’t imagine going back to speaking with Elaine now, under Lily’s watchful gaze, and he guessed she saw that in his face too when she felt the need to add, “I’ll sit on the other side of the table.”
He dragged his hands away from her shoulders slowly, stopping briefly to give her hands a squeeze. There was a lightness to his steps as he walked to the bar.
Euphemia Potter would better be fucking proud of him.
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