#also sorry this is not very good. i woke up this morning sick as a dog so >:/ i couldnt look at my screen very long w/o getting a headache
cheriboms · 7 months
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doctober day 24: record player
something something, replaying your own death like a broken record, etc etc
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arminsumi · 8 months
↳ GOJO さとる + fem!reader
you and Satoru falling in love despite a language barrier.
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Chapter index
Summary : you've come to visit Japan to meet these two boys you met online. Though Satoru can't speak English and you can't speak Japanese, the two of you still fall in love. Very cute. Very cheesy. Oh no... wait is there a tension between you and his best friend, too? Oh boy...
Warnings : romantic tension with Suguru / potential love triangle, cat scratch
Note : i think of this fic a lot and i found the continuation hiding out in my drafts sooo here 👍
🍒 More from Jay : Gojo works / Gojo fave works / JJK works
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Satoru blinks awake to see your face. His heart beats harder.
結局昨日は夢ではなかったのか? Yesterday was not a dream after all?
He's not an early bird at all, but from the first day of your visit he magically woke up early as if his soul was too excited to sleep when it knew you were right there, in the flesh. No screen. Just you.
When the first day starts, it feels like you've always been together. Was there ever a screen separating the two of you? And were you really going to disappear behind one again in just a month?
今のところ、彼女はここに留まるように感じています。彼女が訪問を終えて出発するとき、私は空港で赤ん坊のように泣くことになると思います。 For now, she feels like she's here to stay. I think I'm going to cry like a baby at the airport when she leaves after her visit.
Morning routines are carried out. The sky is cloudy at first, threatening rain, and by the time you three cluster into the kitchen to make breakfast together, it starts raining.
You and Satoru banter like two cats. Suguru's morning rasp is very strong.
"Satoru... uh... sugar?" you ask, preparing to make yourself a second one and automatically making Satoru another one, since he looks still very bleary-eyed even after spending an hour freshening up in the bathroom.
"...? Yes?" he tilts his head, then you raise the sugar cube jar. "Yes. Uh... four. Thank you."
Suguru's blushing because of the cute tension between you and his best friend. It fills the whole kitchen, which already felt full with their two bodies and a third one now. Everyone keeps bumping elbows and yet not complaining about it, in fact it's enjoyable to be squished together. Maybe because you three waited so long to be together in person, you don't mind it. There's a silent, ever-present comedy in the air about the tight proximity.
You hum happily, tossing in one, two, three... four? That's a lot of sugar. "Suguru, tell Satoru he mustn't have so much sugar all the time. It's not good for his health."
Suguru laughs. "I try to tell him that every day. But his sweet tooth is incurable."
"His dentist must hate him." you smirk at Satoru, who's been looking at you blushingly after hearing his name mentioned.
彼女の声が今では一番好きな音だと思います。 I think her voice is my favorite sound now.
もう一度私の名前を言ってください。 Please say my name again.
"Satoru? Coffee?" you interrupt his lovey-dovey thoughts and he suddenly reanimates himself, because for a moment there he zoned out and just stared at you with those pretty eyes.
"Mmm... thanks." he takes the coffee from you with a noticeable timidness that you can't quite explain. There's a lot about him that's indescribable, you're having a small internal crisis; aren't you supposed to be fluent in English? And yet you can't even begin to describe just how sweet and gentle Satoru behaves. The most you can do is use metaphors that barely justify him.
"Suguru, tell her... her voice is nice, and also sorry for cuddling you in my sleep (and that she can definitely kick me away at night if it bothers her.) Also!" (the three of you head into the living room, and Suguru habitually trips over the cat who stalks under his feet too quietly to notice) "Also tell her... if it rains today, does she still want to go out? Because if we go out in the rain, she might get sick. And I don't want her to get sick on her trip. Not that I'd mind taking care of you, Y/n, of course."
Suguru lets out a long sigh and pulls a funny face. You smile amusedly.
"...It's too early to be a translator..." he grumbles in English after Satoru overloads him.
"What? C'mon tell her everything I said!"
"Let me have my coffee first. How about the two of you write to each other?" he suggests, putting the rim of the cup to his lips and sipping languidly.
"Eh, fine." Satoru pouts, and stalks off into his bedroom to get his phone.
Then, when he's in his bedroom, his chest flutters for some reason when he sees your suitcase standing there opened and emptied into the free cupboard space. He takes his phone, smiles at the homely feeling of seeing your belongings in his room, and leaves.
"Oh..." he has a sudden idea, and remembers the magnetic drawing board that's hanging in the kitchen. He and Suguru usually use it for writing reminders to each other, like get milk or you're an idiot or sometimes it has doodles of Mint the cat with sunglasses on.
So he returns to you with this magnetic drawing board, and points at it meaningfully, then holds one finger up and bows his head as he begins writing very slowly.
Suguru's checking the weather forecast and muttering sour complaints under his breath to you. "Of course it would rain for three days just when you arrive... at least by the weekend it will be clear and sunny..."
"Mmm... it's alright. A little rain never hurt nobody." you respond.
"I like your optimism." Suguru compliments flippantly at first, but then continues; "It's really uplifting. I think Satoru said something about you being a joy once, he said it really poetically but I can't recall it now."
"Aw..." you dip your head beneath your coffee cup, hiding the bashful expression on your face, which Suguru chuckles at.
And then, for a long moment, you just stare and watch Satoru writing on the board. You're completely captured in this moment, completely captivated in his enveloping presence as he sits next to you. He has slow, meticulous wrist movements. His knees press together, like he's worried that he'll invade your personal space if he sits too comfortably close to you. Funny, considering he cuddled you all night and you had no complaints about it.
He's writing very simply and neatly, just like how he texts you. You're a bit baffled by the characters he's using, though he's trying his best to avoid using any kanji knowing that you don't know a lot of it. He's sure you can figure things out by slowly pronouncing each hiragana character, or at least he hopes.
"Here." he hands you the magnetic drawing board, and then raises from the couch to go feed the cat.
"Minto-Minto... " he calls after the cat and makes a small cute sound to lure her out.
You're trying to read each hiragana character, eyes squinting a bit.
Suguru leans in close to you. He just takes a look, but the proximity for some reason gives both of you butterflies.
"Ooh... that's cute." Suguru comments after reading what Satoru wrote. His voice reaches deep in your tummy.
"Hm... I'll spell it out and... figure it out... anyways, why did you name your cat Mint?"
"Oh... well. There's two reasons. So the first..." he sets down his coffee, like he's about to tell you a great story, "Is because Satoru watched this show called Tokyo Mew Mew growing up, and he liked the character Minto. So he calls her Minto. And then I agreed on calling her that, but I call her Mint, because I hate mint the herb."
"You — haha, wait what? You call her Mint because you hate mint?"
"Yes. I hate mint, both the herb and the cat. She hates me too, clearly." Suguru raises his hand to remind you of how the cat scratched him the night before.
"Such a cute Hello Kitty sticker..." you tease.
"Thank you. Only the manliest men wear Hello Kitty Bandaids."
"How did she scratch you anyways...?"
"Oh, she likes to hang out in the washing machine if Satoru accidentally leaves it open. And when I try take her out of her comfy spot, she scratches me."
You sympathize, "Poor thing."
"What, the cat or me?" Suguru laughs.
"The cat." you lie teasingly.
"Wow! And here I thought you were being sympathetic!" he raises his brows.
You giggle and look at him, eyes finally making contact — ooh no that's bad bad bad, better break it immediately. So the two of you look away like you've both just indulged in a taboo intimacy. His stomach flips.
"Minto has been fed. She gave me cuddles." Satoru comes back into the room, and you admire the feeling he brings with him.
"No scratches?" Suguru asks.
"No, obviously, she loves me more than you." Satoru cheeks.
"Fuck you, haha."
Satoru makes his voice lower and leans to Suguru, "(Did she figure out what I wrote yet?)"
"Y/n did you figure out what he wrote?" Suguru asks.
"I'm trying so hard. What does this part mean...?"
Suguru shakes his head and puts his hands up. "Like I said, I'm not Mr Translator in the mornings."
"But you've had your coffee! Please, just this part..." you beg, and he can't deny that sweet begging. He easily folds for it, just like when Satoru begs for anything.
"Okay, where — this? Uh... Satoru your handwriting isn't usually this neat, is it...? That part means... 'voice'."
"Oh... ohhh!" you suddenly realize, and then the boys swoon over you when you pronounce the characters out loud to yourself.
"Uh... I think I know what it means..." you feel your cheeks warm up from the crown to your jawline.
あなたのこえがすき。 a-na-ta-no-ko-e-ga-su-ki.
"I like your voice, too." you respond to Satoru, and he half-gets it and gives you a thumbs up.
You look at each other and then promptly look away with shy smiles.
"You two are cute." Suguru comments.
"Ahah... ahah shut up... hey, the sky has cleared up." you point out.
"Ooh... it cleared up 'cuz Satoru walked back into the room."
You awe at what he said.
"Hey, Translator — (stop talking about me behind my back!)"
Suguru chuckles, "I wasn't! I was just — never mind. Let's get ready to head out."
And so you head into Satoru's bedroom to get ready, and Suguru heads into his bedroom, and Satoru himself goes into the cramped bathroom. Poor boy. He's really too tall for that archway, he bumped his head again.
彼女に花を買ってあげるべきでしょうか?それともちょっと多すぎますか? Should I buy her flowers? Or is it a bit too much?
(なんてことだ)、なぜこのシャツには穴が開いているのでしょう? (Oh my god), why does this shirt have holes?
The door slides open, he steps out of the bathroom half-dressed, and intends to quickly slip into Suguru's bedroom to borrow a shirt instead of awkwardly knocking on his bedroom door and disturbing you.
But oh, you know what? The cheesiest possible thing happens instead. The universe likes making Satoru's life a little more fun in odd times. So the two of you encounter each other in the hallway; you're fully clothed and he's got just pants and socks on.
He stutters once, swallows awkwardly, and even more awkwardly places his hand on your head as if to say sorry for this inconvenience.
But you laugh in response to the funny situation.
ああ、またあの美しい笑い声。 Ah, that beautiful laugh again.
"Sorry." he mutters, and disappears to go get a shirt from Suguru.
"It's okay." you reply.
The image of your pretty smile is burned in his head.
You can hear him telling Suguru something in the other room, and then you hear Suguru's muffled laugh as a response.
"(Don't laugh! I'm embarrassed! She's seen me shirtless now! No one's seen me shirtless except you!)"
"(You're such a virgin.)"
"(Say that again, I dare you.)"
"(Sorry, I don't understand you. I don't speak virgin, only English and Japanese.)"
You're wondering why Satoru sounds so embarrassed and annoyed, and then he groans down the hallway. It feels like you're their roommate, it's funny.
The two of you encounter each other in the hall again. This time he has a shirt, yes. And this time Suguru is there, too, and he's holding back an amused smile. He fluffs Satoru's hair as a way of embarrassing him more.
So Satoru leaves, and he leaves in such a way that it's super comedic, making you and Suguru laugh. Ooh, what a laugh that boy has; his Addam's apple shifts up and down deliciously.
"Ah... Suguru? I need help with the washing machine..."
"...this kid on the plane who sat next to me, he spilled strawberry juice all over my shirt and now it's sticky."
"But at least it smells like strawberries, right?" he jokes. "You can put it in the washing machine, I'll be doing the laundry in a second anyways..." there is a small moment of eye contact shared, then Suguru looks down, and frowns at something he sees, "(SATORU YOU LEFT YOUR SOCK ON THE FLOOR AGAIN!)"
"(Haha, sorry.)" you hear Satoru half-heartedly apologize from the other room.
So Suguru picks up the sock like an annoyed mother and goes to lecture Satoru.
"(You're embarrassing me in front of our guest. For the love of god, don't leave your goofy ass socks on the floor. What if she slips on them?)"
"(You're such a mother, Suguru.)"
You're calmly and casually going to put your juice-stained shirt in the washing machine like Suguru said, but then...
(the boys are talking and there's just this hilariously dramatic scream from the laundry room)
"(Did the cat scratch her?)"
"Ow, y-yeah!" you whine.
Suguru's the first one at the crime scene, and he picks up the cat and proceeds to lecture the cat as if it understands Japanese. It licks its lips and nubby nose and has an evil stare. You giggle.
"I'm so sorry... come, uh — (Suguru, we still have Hello Kitty adhesives somewhere, right?)" Satoru instinctually holds your hand that got scratched.
And he holds it so tenderly and caringly that it makes your whole chest quake for him.
彼女の手の傷はとても小さなものですが、それでも私は心臓がチクチクするのを感じました。 Although the wound on her hand was very small, I still felt my heart tingle.
He leads you to his bedroom, picking up some adhesives and antiseptic on the way, and sits with you on the unmade beds. You watch his fingers nimbly peeling the plastic off the adhesive, admiring how swiftly and perfectly he does even the littlest things. He has such a great attention to detail, it makes you self-conscious; is he thinking of you with the same attention to detail as everything else? Yes... he is.
He dabs some antiseptic on your small scratch, and then gently wraps and pats the Hello Kitty adhesive around it. You're pretty sure he's the one who bought them. Oh, if only you could ask him, but where even is your phone? Lost in a void somewhere, probably.
"Thank you, Satoru."
His eyes light up. His heart thumps. Why did those small, simple words have such a great effect on him?
"Mhm." he hums in acknowledgement. "You're welcome."
あなたの傷がもっと良くなるようにキスしたいです。 I want to kiss your wounds to make them better.
A second after thinking this and looking at your hand, he brings it to his lips and presses a very delicate kiss to the edge of your wrist, where the small cut spanned up to the base of your palm. Can you even call it a kiss? It's more like his lips graze your skin, hovering timidly.
And for some reason... the atmosphere becomes very intimate. Is it because of the place where he kissed you? The inner wrist has never occurred to you to be an intimate spot, and yet you're feeling as if he just kissed you on the lips.
You hear him audibly swallow, like he's conscious of this, too. The both of you become very aware of the tension in the atmosphere.
And then he looks apologetic, as if he overstepped a boundary. So you mutter a small, whispery "thanks..." which lifts his heart up into his throat and reassures him that you don't mind the intimacy.
"Mmm..." he blinks at you, pursing his lips.
His eyes linger on your lips for a moment, and it feels like he's about to... well you know his body just wants to... he sort of...
"Hey, how's the wounded patient?" Suguru interrupts, and you and Satoru spring apart like you're elastic bands that just got released after being stretched.
"Ahah, I'm okay. It's not a bad scratch." you lift your hand, "I'll cherish this Hello Kitty Bandaid forever, thank you."
"Yeah, Satoru bought 'em so you can thank him."
"I knewww he bought them, haha! So expected... cutiepie." you admire Satoru, and he's pretty sure that the last thing you said is some cute nickname, so he smirks.
"Okay, well... anyways, let's head out before the sun rises too high and it gets too hot to walk."
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© arminsumi
Do not plagiarize / repost / translate / copy layouts / etc.
Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
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copper-16 · 27 days
I'm Sorry
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Elena wakes up with a fever, and her need to wake her mothers up in the middle of the night brings up some worrying emotions.
(a/n: I was just speaking with a friend today about how her nieces loved to be cuddled when they were sick...and well one thing led to another and here we are! Hope you guys enjoy this :) I didn’t proofread it in the slightest…oh well!)
Elena was, historically, very very good about sleeping through the night. 
She had been ever since she was a baby, both of the women honestly a little shocked by how lucky they had gotten. 
“Are you sure she isn’t yours biologically?” Ingrid had joked when they were standing over her crib one morning, looking over at her wife with a teasing glint in her eyes. Mapi had rolled her eyes easily at that, scoffing slightly. 
“I don’t know what you ever could mean,” Mapi fired back quickly, though she shrank just slightly when the Norwegian fixed her with a pointed glare. 
“During our last away game, you slept through a fire alarm. An ENTIRE fire alarm,” Ingrid pointed out, and the Spaniard rolled her eyes, letting out a weak chuckle. 
“Man, you sleep through a fire alarm ONE time!” Mapi muttered, but she knows damn well she’s lost the argument. 
And it was true, because if there was one thing Mapi loved more than her family, it was her beauty sleep. A trait that she seemingly had passed to their daughter, who after a brief regression when she was one year old, generally slept well through the night. They kept a good bedtime routine that Elena was used to and was working well. 
She had never really gotten nightmares, or come into bed with the Barcelona defenders. Ingrid had always been pretty strict on no co-sleeping, apart from the occasional allowance, Elena knew that it wasn’t something to ask for. 
And normally, that wasn’t really a problem. Her mothers would put her to sleep, and then by the time she woke up when the sun was shining through her curtains, someone in the house would already be up. There was no deficit, no problem that needed solving for the little girl. 
That was, until she woke up one morning long before the sun had begun to stream in through her curtains. In fact, her entire room was dark, save for the little night light that was kept on the far side of her room. 
Elena shifted under the covers slightly, realizing just how poorly she felt. Her entire body felt icky, her skin clammy and pale as her baby hairs stuck to her face. 
The little girl pulled the covers up over her body, despite the fact that she herself was radiating heat, trying to will her body back to sleep. She wasn’t really sure if she should get out of bed. She knew she wasn’t really supposed to get out of bed, but she also knew that her Mami told her if she needed anything, she could always come to her. 
Elena knew it would make Mama upset though, so she tried to settle back in bed, burrowing under the covers and closing her eyes. 
But it seemed to be to no avail. Sweat beads drip down her forehead onto the pillow under her, and she shimmies as she tries to get more comfortable. Her entire body is radiating with a dull ache, and she feels tears beginning to well up in her eyes. 
Her resolution to be a good girl is overturned in favor of slipping out of bed, pushing her almost closed door open and making her way slowly toward her parents room. She leans against the wall slightly, suddenly feeling woozy for a moment before she regains her balance, continuing on her journey. 
Luckily, Mapi and Ingrid’s door is slightly ajar, and so Elena can push it open easily, surveying the scene in front of her. Her Mama is closest to her, but she also knows that Mama is going to be upset that she is awake right now, so the toddler quickly chooses to make her way around the bed to her Mami’s side. 
Mapi is turned toward the middle of the bed, her back to Elena, who reaches forward to very lightly tap on her Mami’s back. When Mapi doesn’t respond, Elena tries a little harder, but she’s rapidly feeling worse and worse, and her inability to wake her Mami up only adds to her stress. 
Tears are dripping down her cheeks now, and she’s caught both with the intensity of how poorly she feels and the fear of realizing that she needs to wake her Mama up. She once heard her Mama speak about how hard it was to wake Mami up when she was sleeping, and now seemed to be no different. 
It’s with a nervous air to her movements that the little girl walks back around to the other side of the bed, coming to stand by Ingrid’s side. Unlike her wife, the dark haired woman is lying facing the edge of the bed, so Elena can see her face. 
The little girl reaches up hesitantly, tapping Ingrid’s hand, which is placed out in front of her. Tears are still trickling down her cheeks, and her head pounds painfully. 
“Mama?” Elena tries instead, tapping slightly more furiously. “Mama!” The little girl says more sharply, and it’s this which wakes Ingrid, who is up in two seconds flat at the sound of her daughter finally penetrating her through her sleep. 
“Elena?” Ingrid asks, still confused and sleep ridden, noting quickly that it’s nearly four in the morning. When she looks back at her daughter as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she finally notices the tears and distress of her daughter, and she’s hardly even thinking before she’s scooping the little girl up. 
“Mama I’m so sorry,” Elena wails quietly, and Ingrid’s heart plummets when she feels how warm her daughter is. “I-I didn’t mean to wake you up, I’m sorry!” The curly haired girl insists, and Ingrid is quick to shush her gently, pulling Elena into her easily. 
“No, no, my little love there is nothing to be sorry about, you can always come get me if you need me,” Ingrid promised, her heart cracking at the fact that her daughter was apologizing for needing her. She kicks herself for not making it clearer to the little girl, but resolves to focus on the situation at hand for right now, and do better in the future. 
“I don’t feel good,” Elena admits quietly, pressing further into Ingrid and relishing in the way her Mama’s arms tightened around her. She still didn’t feel good, but she felt better here, with her mother. 
“I–I tried to wake Mami up, but she didn’t move,” the little girl continued, and Ingrid barely managed to repress the annoyed noise that bubbled up in her throat. 
“María!” Ingrid hissed, lashing out with her foot and kicking her wife in a vague attempt to wake her up without letting go of their daughter. 
Luckily, the center back jerked awake at the feeling, looking around wildly. 
“What! What is it?” Mapi sputtered, her hair tousled by sleep. She clocks the fact that Elena is in Ingrid’s arms with the swiftness only a mother could have, and her eyebrows are furrowing instantly. 
“She’s sick, I think she has a fever. Can you get the thermometer and some medicine?” Ingrid asked gently, keeping her voice low for Elena. The Norwegian feels a little more grounded knowing that her wife is awake, the Spaniard quickly slipping out of bed as Ingrid rocked Elena back and forth. 
She begins to hum softly, rubbing over Elena’s back soothingly as their daughters eyes flutter closed, and she let out a small huff of air. There’s a crease in her forehead, and she’s clearly still in pain, but she’s no longer squirming in Ingrid’s arms which is good. 
“‘M sorry Mama,” Elena tries again quietly, and Ingrid pauses her movements to lean her daughter back, running her hands over Elena’s forehead gently. 
“Jenta mi, you can always come get me if you need me, you do not have to say sorry, ever. Mama always wants you to come get her if something is wrong, okay?” Ingrid implored, her voice just a hair desperate. She had never felt worse about her parenting in her entire life, she was pretty sure. 
But Elena’s face seemed to soften at her words, and she nodded very gently. 
“Love you Mama,” she rasped, coughing gently. Ingrid pulled the little girl back into her, cradling her in her arms before she leaned down to press gentle kisses to her daughter's forehead. 
“I love you so much Elena,” Ingrid insisted as she pressed another kiss to her daughter's forehead. She couldn’t help but cringe at how warm she was, and it was clear even without the thermometer that the toddler had a fever. 
But luckily, it was as she was finishing her sentence that Mapi came back into the room, a whole host of things balanced in her arms. She leaves Ingrid with the medicine, taking the washcloth she got into the bathroom to run it under some cool water. 
The Norwegian turned on the bedside table lamp so that she can get the correct dosage of medication, before sitting Elena up to take it. The little girl throws a face at the taste, and Mapi swoops in with a little bit of juice she had brought with her from the kitchen, having expected that reaction. The brunette pressed the cool wash cloth against Elena’s forehead, letting out a small breath of relief at the way her daughter seemed to lean into the feeling, her body releasing some of the tension that it was holding. 
“Please don’t–don’t wanna go back to–please,” Elena whined with no real annunciation, and Mapi’s brows furrowed with confusion while Ingrid was quick to quiet her daughter, rushing to assuage her fears. 
“Don’t worry, you aren’t going back to your bed. You will stay here with me and Mami in our bed, okay?” Ingrid promised fervently, and Mapi watched as Elena’s entire body relaxed, melting into Ingrids as she nodded, whining softly. 
Mapi removed the washcloth that had grown warm, settling back in bed as she offered to Ingrid that she could take their daughter, if the Norwegian needed her to. But Ingrid shook her head very tightly, clutching Elena as though Mapi was going to take her away from her. 
The Spaniard backed off immediately, instead helping Ingrid lay back down with the little girl curled into her, the defender turning on her side, using her arm to keep Elena pulled into her body. The toddler cuddled into her mother easily, shifting uncomfortably every few minutes. 
It took several minutes of Ingrid rubbing her hand up and down Elena’s back soothingly for the little girl to drift back off to sleep, her breath coming in hot puffs against Ingrid’s collarbone. 
Mapi’s brow was knitted in concern, her voice low as she spoke. 
“What happened?” She inquired, hoping to be filled in on what was going on. Ingrid shook her head very gently, making sure not to jostle their daughter. 
“She came in a few minutes ago. She tried to wake you up but you didn’t wake up, so she woke me up instead,” Ingrid explained, and Mapi blanched, a guilty look blooming on her face. 
“Shit, I really need to work on that,” Mapi scolded herself, but Ingrid once again shook her head. 
“María, you can’t control how heavy of a sleeper you are,” the dark haired woman reasoned, and the center back relents slightly despite the fact that she still hated this part of herself. 
“What happened then?” She asked instead, knowing that there was more to the story. Ingrid’s face fell just slightly, confirming the brunette’s suspicions. 
The dark haired woman holds their daughter tighter to herself, leaning down to kiss the top of her head lightly. When she speaks, there is clear emotion in her words. 
“She felt bad about waking me up. She thought I was going to be mad at her, and kept apologizing. I didn’t realize I made her feel like she couldn’t come to me,” the defender admitted with a small voice, and Mapi softens in sympathy as she reaches forward to place her hand on Ingrid’s chin, tilting her head up so that the Norwegian is looking at her. 
“Hey, she still came to you when she needed you, because she knows that at the end of the day you love her more than you could ever be mad at her,” Mapi murmured soothingly, and Ingrid nodded as she tried to take in her wifes words. “It was never your intention to make her feel this way, and now that you know you can work to change it moving forward. We’re all just doing the best we can with this parenting thing, and clearly she still adores you regardless,” the center back emphasized, gesturing to the way their daughter was currently clinging to her wife. Ingrid’s face relaxes at that sentiment as she cuddles into Elena. She’s struggling to keep her eyes open any longer, sleep beginning to pull at her once more, even as she fights it. 
“Sleep, mi amor,” Mapi urged, and Ingrid nodded gently as allows her body to relax, pulled back into sleep as her daughter rested against her. 
When Ingrid woke up the next morning, the bed was entirely empty, devoid of both her wife and daughter. 
The Norwegian had never been out of bed so quickly, half walking and half running toward the kitchen. She entirely speeds past where Elena and Mapi are on the couch, until she hears a little, slightly subdued giggle from behind her. 
She turns back to see Elena laying on top of Mapi, the two of them laid out on the couch together. 
“Mama, why are you running?” Mapi teased in an overly conspiratory voice, and their daughter’s laughter at her words turned into coughing before she managed to recover, despite the anxious look of her two parents. 
“Yeah Mama!” She tries to say, but it’s slightly breathless and wheezy. Ingrid walks over to the two of them, crouching down and feeling Elena’s forehead. Warmer than it should be but not as bad as it had been last night. 
“She just had more medicine about thirty minutes ago when she woke up,” Mapi explained, and Elena perks up slightly. 
“Mami woke up when I did!” Elena says softly, and Ingrid looks up to find that her wife is looking overly proud of herself, if the large smile spread across her face is any indication. 
Ingrid fights the urge to laugh at the sight, choosing instead to lean forward and kiss Elena’s cheek softly. 
“Maybe a warm bath would help?” The defender postulates, and Mapi nods before passing their daughter over to her wife. Elena is like a ragdoll in Ingrid’s arms, laying against her mothers shoulder as she’s led back into the bathroom. 
The bath is short, but the warm water does seem to bring some relief to the little girl, who remains quiet and reserved even as she’s pulled out of the tub, Ingrid beginning to dry her off. 
“Mama?” Elena asks softly, her voice small. 
“Yes my love?” Ingrid responds instantly, helping her daughter into some lightweight pajamas. When she’s finished dressing her, she notices the downcast expression her daughter is wearing, and her brows are instantly furrowing in ferocious concern. 
“Is everything okay? What is it honey - you can tell Mama, I promise I won’t be mad,” Ingrid assures, her words gentle and soft. Elena looked up at her through her eyelashes, a slightly crinkle in her forehead. 
“Can we cuddle more in your bed? I’m tired,” Elena admitted softly, and Ingrid is quick to swoop her daughter into her arms, carrying her right toward the bed. 
“We absolutely can. We can do whatever you want to do today - anything!” Ingrid promised, her voice low but filled with truth. The little girl thinks for a moment before shaking her head, looking toward the bed. 
“Just want to cuddle with you. Can Mami come too?” Elena asked hopefully, and the defender nodded quickly, reaching for her phone as she sat down in bed, shooting Mapi a quick text. 
It still amazed her sometimes, what it felt like to love this little human being so much. To know that she could have anything, but all she wanted was Ingrid and Mapi when she didn’t feel well. It was a different kind of love, genuinely. 
“Absolutely love. Mami is on her way, come on let's get you all snuggly,” Ingrid promised, laying down and bringing Elena to lay on top of her. The little girl laid her head sideways on Ingrid’s sternum, held in place securely by the Norwegian’s hands on her back holding her firmly in place. 
Her whole world in that moment was her Mama, and she felt endlessly safe and protected. She still didn’t feel well, but nothing seemed quite as bad when Mama held her like this, like she was the only thing in the world that mattered. 
“I heard we were having a cuddle puddle!” Mapi whispered rather loudly as she entered the room, Bagheera in her arms as she came around to the other side of the bed. 
“Mami!” Elena breathed out, her voice tired but excited still, and she was reaching for Mapi instantly. The Spaniard set their cat at the end of the bed to curl up as she slid next to her wife and daughter, reaching out to engulf Elena’s little hand in her own. 
Elena relaxed fully only once both of her mothers were pressed against one another, and she could open her eyes and see them both. 
“We love you Elena,” Ingrid murmured softly, and the little girl smiled softly as she cuddled into her Mama, letting out a soft, content sigh. 
“Sleep, mi sol,” Mapi urged, smiling gently up at her wife as their daughter finally relaxed fully into her, safe and asleep in her mothers arms. 
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joeys-babe · 6 months
Joey B Imagines: Kiss Me*
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Summary: Another Joe prank! After engaging with so many couple pranks and trends on Tiktok, your FYP just keeps giving you more ideas! This time it's wiping your lips after Joe kisses you…
Warnings: fluff, unserious/funny, pranks, smut at the end.
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine universe: Into The Mystic
*no particular date for this blurb!*
(y/n’s pov)
Today was a slow, boring, rainy day. Joe was downstairs making dinner and playing with the boys while doing so. My parents were coming down for dinner tonight and Joe has always felt the need to make a three-course dinner for them every time they come over, even though he’s had their approval for several years now.
I sat upstairs on the bed. It was that time of the month and I was also coming down from a stomach virus, not fun at all. The only positive was Joe playing sexy nurse for me, bringing me soup, and tissues, checking my temp, holding my hair when I got sick, just all around being the best husband ever.
The sounds of giggles spewing from my twin boys playing with their daddy warmed my heart. Their laughing patterns had me guessing what was going on down there. My hypothesis was Joe was “chasing” the boys, catching them, trapping them on the couch, and tickling the daylights out of them.
I was contemplating going down there to find out but the giggling stopped, and before I knew it Joe was walking into our room. He respectively knocked and when I told him to come in he did.
“Hey. You doing okay, mama?” - Joe
“Mhm.” - you softly smiled
“That's good. Do you need anything? If you're not feeling 100% we can cancel on your parents, I'll even call them myself.” - Joe
“No, I’m okay Joe. I appreciate your offering though. Can you come here for a sec?” - you
“Mhm.” - Joe
Joe softly smiled at me as he made his way over to the bed and got under the covers on his respective side.
I rolled over into his chest and got comfortable as Joe rubbed my back.
“I love you, J.” - you
“I love you more. I've got dinner mostly done, a couple of pieces of chicken aren't up to temp yet but the sides are finished.” - Joe
“Good job Mr. Chef.” - you giggled
“Mr. Chef? Sounds kinky.” - Joe chuckled
“Joseph Lee!” - you leaned up and gave him a dirty look only to find him laughing with his head back.
“Sorry, I had to. You should know by now that if there's an opportunity for a dirty joke Imma jump on it.” - Joe
“I know it, and your jokes are funny. Just get it out of your system before your in-laws are here, Burrow.” - you laughed
“Yes ma'am!” - Joe laughed along with you.
Joe went to lean down for a kiss and a memory flashed in my mind from this morning.
This morning when I woke up alone in bed the shower in the bathroom told me that Joe was in there, I scrolled on TikTok for a little bit and ended up in my collection of videos saved with the title “Do with Joe.”
It consisted of all the couple trends and pranks that I've already done on him plus ones I wanted to do but haven't yet.
Due to the gloomy weather outside, I felt like a prank would be fun to do today. This one specifically was going to be very fun.
Joe and I kiss maybe 10,000,000 times a day. That's definitely not an exaggeration either. Before we were even a couple we loved little pecks or even long make-outs; kissing each other was just essential when the feeling of each other’s lips felt like two puzzle pieces fitting together.
What this prank was is every time your partner kissed you, you'd wipe it off. Whether it be a hand kiss, a cheek kiss, a forehead kiss, or a kiss on the lips. It was to be wiped off.
Now that Joe was going to kiss me for the first time it was a perfect time to let the ranking begin.
His smooth pink lips were on mine softly and before I knew it he was pulling away.
Joe smiled down at me as he started to lean up from the bed but paused when I wiped my lips with the back of my hand.
The small smile on his lips faltered and he furrowed his brows at me.
“I've brushed my teeth this morning, so I don't have morning breath… what's up?” - Joe
I shrugged and Joe frowned.
“Are you worried you're gonna get me sick? Because you know my immune system is like a brick wall… even if you were still a little sick we could have a full make out and I promise I’d be fine.” - Joe
“Mmm, okay.” - you giggled
Joe smiled at me giggling at his response, hoping that meant he had convinced me to let him kiss me. It was a few seconds later that Joe leaned in again, pressing his lips with a little bit more force than the first time.
“I love yo-” - Joe stopped when you wiped his kiss off again
“Baby, I’m fine to kiss you.” - Joe
“I know.” - you
“Then why do you keep wiping my damn kisses off??” - Joe whined
“Just don’t feel like it today.” - you
He looked hurt and taken aback by my reasoning. Joe knew I loved kissing him so this was weird to him. Was it something he did?
Eventually, Joe walked out of the room playing with his bracelets anxiously. I'm going to absolutely smooch him to death later because even though I'm choosing to do these pranks, he always takes them personally and it makes me feel bad.
After getting out of bed and ready for dinner, I walked downstairs to find Joe setting the table. Tyson and Miles were already dressed in their usual matching fashion and their hair was fixed. My heart warmed since their hair had recently started getting curlier, and they now both had one singular blonde hair hanging over their forehead. They're just like their daddy.
“Thanks for getting the boys ready.” - you smiled at Joe
“Oh, you're welcome. I didn't want you to have to do it so I went ahead and did.” - Joe
I nodded and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and laying my head on his chest after he put the last plate down.
“Have you heard from my parents?” - you
Joe laid his head against mine and mumbled a “Mhm”.
“They said they'd be here in around 30 minutes.” - Joe
“Okay sounds good. Do you need help with anything?” - you
“Nope, I've got it all. Dinner is done, the table is set, the boys are ready, and drinks are in the fridge.” - Joe
Pulling away from his chest, my smile gleamed as I looked at my man.
“You are the best husband ever, Joe.” - you
“I try to be, baby. You deserve nothing but the best and that's what I try to be.” - Joe
“Gosh. I love you so much. You make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world, Joe.” - you
Joe was grinning and rubbing my back, he went to lean in and kiss me but awkwardly paused and pulled back.
“Sorry I… forgot.” - Joe
God I was supposed to be pranking him but now all I wanted to do was grab him, throw him on the couch, cuddle him, and whisper in his ear how much I loved him as I kissed all over his face.
“You make this so hard.” - you sighed
“W- what?” - Joe
“I’m supposed to be pranking you by wiping my mouth after you kiss me but now I just feel bad. You're too sweet and cute for your own good. I'm sorry for pranking you again. I think it's going to be funny but then you make me sad.” - you
“Sorry for ruining your prank, baby.” - Joe giggled
“You didn't ruin anything… you're just too… perfect.” - you
“Def not perfect. I'm not gonna lie though, I'm a little sad about your prank.” - Joe
“I'm so sorry. After my parents leave we can do whatever you want, I won't complain.” - you
“Bye guys, see you soon!” - you
“Bye, get home safe!” - Joe
“Bye, gamma!!” - Tyson
“Bye, gwampy!” - Miles
My parents waved bye at us one last time before Joe opened the front door and gently guided the boys inside.
“Mama, tuck me in?” - Miles
“Of course, sweetie!” - you grinned at your boy
“Me too mama!” - Tyson hugged your leg
“I’ll tuck you both in don't worry.” - you smiled
“Why do you guys not want Daddy to put you to bed?!” - Joe
Joe held his arms up in defeat, waiting for Tyson or Miles to answer as they hugged at my legs.
“You don't read as good as Mama.” - Miles giggled
Joe’s mouth hung open from how distraught he was that his boys were turning away from him. I giggled at the look on his face before bending down to rub the boys’ backs to get their attention.
“Say goodnight to Dada and then we’ll go upstairs.” - you
Tyson was the first one to detach from me and run up to Joe, who happily scooped him up with one arm. Ty laid his head on his dad’s shoulder and Joe leaned over to kiss his cheek. He ran his fingers through the light blonde hair that was identical to his when he was their age.
“G’night, Dada.” - Tyson
“Night night buddy.” - Joe handed him over to you
Joe squatted down and Miles immediately walked into his father's embrace, wrapping his tiny arms around Joe’s neck as he hugged him. Joe had one hand on Miles's back and the size comparison was insane, his hand covering his son’s entire back.
“Night, Daddy.” - Miles
“Goodnight, Mi-guy.” - Joe
Miles wiggled out of Joe’s arms and back over to me. Joe stood back up at his full height and towered over me in such a delicious way.
“Stay down here. I'll be coming back down soon.” - you
The smirk forming on his lips told me he read between the lines and he realized the promise I made earlier was more sexual than he had originally thought.
Anything I want, Joe thought.
The boys went to sleep rather quickly but before I went downstairs I made a beeline for the bedroom. I grabbed a hairband put my hair up, just in case, and took my clothes off. I slipped one of Joe’s shirts over my naked body and went downstairs.
Joe was sitting on the couch, manspreading in his usual fashion as he watched the TV in front of him.
The light from the TV showed off every beautiful curve in his face and accentuated his chiseled jawline.
After giving him a slow look up and down, my eyes lingered on his crotch where a clear bulge had formed in his slinky shorts.
He's definitely been thinking about what he wants to do.
Walking out of my hiding spot on the stairs, Joe’s eyes averted from the TV to my frame and a smile graced his lips when he saw my ponytail.
“Hey…” - you sat down next to Joe
Joe flicked the TV off, and now the room was only being lit by the small table lamps, this lighting made Joe look ridiculously sexy.
He looked over at me and licked his lips.
“What are we gonna do?” - you smiled
I watched Joe fist his shorts and pull the legs of them higher up, showcasing more of his gorgeous muscular thighs. God, those thighs.
“Since you didn't want those pretty lips touching my lips. We're gonna use them somewhere else. Sound good, mama?” - Joe
Nodding, a smirk formed on Joe’s lips as I lowered onto my knees.
I palmed Joe through his shorts causing him to groan, and satisfied I pulled them and his boxers down his long legs.
Joe’s dick was already hard, swollen, and slightly wet from the precum beading at the red tip.
Gesturing for Joe to lift his arms, I pulled his shirt over his head and almost moaned at the familiar sight of his erect cock laying against his chiseled torso.
Taking his base in my hand I finally did what Joe had been wanting, kissing his tip sloppily.
“Oh god. Fucking suck it baby.” - Joe groaned
That was all the praise I needed to take his length into my mouth, sucking on it as I bobbed up and down. Joe was groaning and cursing left and right.
“Your mouth baby… your lips, wish I could have ‘em around my cock 24 fucking 7.” - Joe
His words only made me moan around him, causing Joe to moan out himself.
Joe was letting me do the work, for now. It wasn't long after I thought that when he grabbed my ponytail and started moving me on his cock.
“Atta girl, mama. Makin’ me feel so good.” - Joe
Minutes later Joe’s hips started bucking, signaling to me that he was close so I doubled my efforts. My hand moved on his base to stimulate what I couldn't get in my mouth and Joe’s moans told me he appreciated it.
“Gonna make me fuckin’ cum.” - Joe moaned
It was soon after that, I tried to quicken my pace even more and Joe was an absolute mess. He was choking on his own groans and was so close.
“Baby! I'm cumming!” - Joe grunted out
Shortly after his warning he released in my throat. I stayed with his dick in my mouth as I watched him through my lashes.
Joe looked completely blissed out and his chest was heaving and glistening with sweat. His forehead was also sweaty and the veins that ran through his body were bulging out.
He pulled at my ponytail, telling me to get off, and when I did I grabbed a tissue out of the box on the end table to clean him up.
After I cleaned Joe up and slipped his boxers back on, I went to wipe my mouth off but Joe grabbed my forearm.
“Dont you fucking dare wipe your lips.” - Joe
Feeling the abundance of saliva and precum on my lips and chin, I sucked in a heavy breath.
“Kiss me.” - Joe
Authors note: guys even I'm giggling at the ending.
Request for this fic; (anon I literally took your idea and RAN with it. I actually have no way to defend myself on how this turned into a BJ.)
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Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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anticanonsposts · 3 months
Protective Konig HCs?
hehe once again so sorry this took a minute
cw: nsfw under the cut-mdni, above the cut sfw
Simple gestures like having an arm over the shoulder of a chair or couch wherever you are 
If you’re out somewhere and someone raises their voice at you he usually stands up 
He matches his walking pace to yours even though he can walk significantly faster 
Always walks you up to doors when dropping you off anywhere 
Always opens doors for you, car doors, building doors, bedroom doors, etc 
He wants to shield you from everything bad in the world
He takes care of you when you’re sick
Or when you’re drunk 
Your goofy ass will be pawing at him, pulling him closer to you, rambling about how hot he is, how hot you are, how hot you two are together and he just smiles and nods back at you, slowly moving you about the apartment, pulling your clothes off, helping you take your makeup off, getting you in the shower then in your pjs 
He would hold umbrellas above you, squeezing you very close to him
If your feet hurt because of your heels or something he will carry you home 
If you trip/fall get any sort of bruise, cut, scrape, scratch he turns into a nurse and ‘dresses your wounds’
Bro you are drinking water during sex or he will stop 
Like normal dirty talk is like keep your eyes on me or i'll stop, nah this man will stop if you don't take water breaks
He’s also very conscious about his size, his body and his dick 
Will always make sure you are good and warmed up before he gets inside of you 
Bc one time you both were a little drunk (consent had been given by both parties prior) and you had insisted that you were ready but in the morning you woke up quite sore
And he felt, so bad
For like a week after, foreplay lasted twice as long as it normally does
He waited until you were dripping before putting himself inside of you 
Like i said he’s also very conscious of his body size on you 
If he is bracing himself against you, gripping you, leaning his weight on you or anything he always makes sure to check in 
Iiiiiiiii think that he wouldn’t be very happy about any bruising he may accidentally inflict on your body, he would have to make sure that you weren’t actually hurt and he would defo be more careful going forward
I also think the first few times you two have sex, he would be very focused on your body language, noises, facial expressions, and check in a lot
the first time he really got you going and you let out these choked moans that almost sounded like sobs he was very concerned but you were just having a really good time
Requests are still open!!
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the girl next door 19
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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You stare straight ahead, to humiliated to look at the man next to you. You haven't since you woke up. 
You wallow in confusion, trying to piece together the void in your mind. It's all blank after the shower. No matter how much you try, it just makes your head hurt. 
"You didn't eat much. You feeling okay?" He breaks the silence as he comes in view of the hospital. 
"Yeah, not very hungry," you murmur.  
"You know, I read the insert with the pills, that's one of the side effects. Plus it can really knock you on your butt. Must be what happened last night." 
"Please," you beg; just the mention has you squirming. 
"And fatigue can be a symptom of depression so that might also be why--" 
"I'm sorry," you hide your face in your hands, "I don't remember. I don't want to talk about it." 
"I told you, sweetie," he slows and finds a spot among the lot, "we just slept, alright? I just wanted to keep an eye on you otherwise I would've let you have the bed." 
You curl your fingers and dig them into your eye sockets. He doesn't get it. She doesn't hate him. 
"Please," you sniffle and sit up, "don't tell my mom.' 
"Don't tell--" he hits the button to kill the engine and unbuckles his seat belt, "there's nothing to tell, right?" 
"Yeah, but if... if she thought..." you stammer as you swipe away a glimmer of tears, "she's sick. I don't wanna m-make it worse." 
"Alright, sweetie," he reaches between the seats and squeezes your shoulders, "it can be our little secret." 
You nod a gulp. Your chest racks with the air trapped inside. He lets his hand brush down your arm. 
"Sweetie, it's okay. I'm going to take care of you. You and your mom," he retracts his touch, "now let's go say good morning." 
You undo your belt and get out as he opens the back door. He takes out the balloon and flowers he stopped to pick up on the way. He had you sign the card but your mom will know it wasn't your idea. You're too stupid to think of that. 
You offer to help but he waves you off. You go through the visitor's entrance and up the elevator. He approaches the nurses' station and greets them easily. He makes you feel worse for how sure he is of himself. The world isn't scary to him. The world doesn't mind him being there. 
As you get to your mother's room, you stop short. He nearly collides with your back and he chuckles. 
"Here, honey, you take the flowers," he offers the bouquet, "she's going to love them." 
You turn and take them without argument. They're your only defense. You enter slowly and Steve follows. 
"Morning, honey," he chimes past you, "surprise!" 
"Emf, Steve?" She gurgles as she turns her head one way then the other, "oh, Steve, you're here." 
"Just like we promised," he goes to her and kisses her forehead then gives her the card, tying the balloon to the bed rail. "Brought some flowers." 
"Shouldn't have done all that," she's back to her act, smiling for him as she sits up with an exaggerated effort, "I'll be coming home." 
"I know, just wanted to brighten your day," he shrugs, "we were real worried. Both of us." 
Your mother's eyes skim in your direction and narrow, "she didn't give ya too much trouble, did she?" 
"She's perfect, hon," he assures. "Really, she's been a lot of help. I was in a state and she took good care of me." 
"She did?" She wonders.  
You try not to react. He's lying but you wouldn't want him to tell the truth. You just keep your mouth shut and come forward to offer the flowers. 
"Here," you say, "love you, mom." 
She takes them with a brittle silence then quickly resumes her preening, looking at Steve as she inhales the scent, "oh, so lovely." She lowers them and rests them on her lap, "you didn't happen to bring coffee? I'm dying for a cup." 
"Ah, gee, you know, it slipped my mind," Steve says, "guess there were bigger things." 
"I'll... I'll go to the cafeteria and get some," you offer and feel around your pockets. You forgot your change purse. Shoot. "Erm..." 
"Here," Steve reaches in his back pocket, "it's on me. If you can grab me an orange juice and something for yourself. Thanks, kiddo." 
He hands you a folded twenty from his wallet. You take it reluctantly and glance at your mom. Her eye twitches but she keeps a placid expression. You turn to leave as she quickly forgets you. 
“I missed you so much,” she whines. 
“I know, honey, but we should talk...” 
Those words chase you out the door and prickle the hair along your neck. What are they talking about? He said he wouldn’t tell her. 
You can barely see straight as you walk the halls, losing yourself several times before getting to the elevators. When at last you’ve reached the cafeteria, you struggle to remember what you’re there for. You grab the coffee and an orange juice and pay, keeping the change clutched tight. 
You head back up, lightheaded from the motion of the elevator, and float through the halls, unseen and unbothered by the bodies around you. You feel invisible. Sometimes, you wonder if you’re even a part of the same world. 
You stop outside your mom’s room, the door open. 
“Steve, it’s a lot...” she mutters gloomily. 
“Trust me, Holly, alright?” 
You cough and step through. You put the coffee on the table near your mother’s bed and turn to offer Steve his juice and change. He accepts them as they both stay quiet, almost as if they’re not telling you something. 
“Thanks, kiddo,” he speaks at last and tucks the money away, “you didn’t get anything?” 
“No, it’s okay.” 
You glance at your mother, expecting a gripe. ‘Good you don’t want her spending all your money’. She just reaches for the coffee, a tick in her cheek as she finds no sugar or cream with it. Another mess up.  
“Well, I’ll go get the doctor, have him check you out and see if you’re ready to go,” Steve claps his hands. 
“Sure,” your mother hums and pops the lid off her coffee, “you’re a life saver, honey.” 
Steve drives you and your mother home, a layer of exhaustion settling around all of you. You don’t think your mother got very much sleep at the hospital and your own did little to nip away at your constant sluggishness. Even Steve yawns as he pulls onto the avenue and pulls into your mother’s driveway. 
You get out as he helps your mother from the front seat. You trail them up the porch and skirt around to open the door. Even as you try to be helpful, you feel like you’re in the way. 
Your mother’s hand is shaking pretty bad as Steve gets her into the recliner. You watch from the archway and wring your hands. It feels like forever since you’ve been home. The break in routine has you restless. 
“I’ll stick around for a bit but I got a buddy stopping by later. I’ve been putting it off and he’s starting to get pushy,” he explains, “but you can always call me. Kiddo,” he stands straight, hands on his hips, “you got my number? So you can text.” 
“I don’t have a phone,” you frown. 
“I’ll call ya,” your mother insists over you.  
“Okay, well, I’ll make you something to eat before I head out. Did they give you your meds at the hospital?” He asks. 
You see your mom hesitate. She’s never been one to be coddled. She always told you to back off but with him, she can’t break the facade. Her cheek ticks and she flutters her lashes, her tremour worsening. 
“Oh, Steve, I don’t feel so well. Do you have to go?” She moans. 
“Honey, did you take your meds?” He repeats more firmly. 
“Ugh, yes, okay?” She huffs and drops back on the recliner. “You don’t have to remind me I’m sick.” 
Steve crosses his arms and tilts his head, “I’m making sure you don’t get worse. Don’t talk to me like that.” 
“I’m sorry,” she heaves and hides behind her hand, “I’m so stressed and it’s just... horrible to not be able to stuff on your own.” 
“Doesn’t mean you get to take it out on everyone else,” he reprimands. He sounds mad. You’ve never heard him like that. “Look, I gotta get moving around here. You think about what we talked about.” He turns and winces as he sees you, almost like he forgot you. “Kiddo, why don’t you go chill out? It’s been a long morning.” 
You nod and quickly retreat, thankful for the opportunity to be alone. 
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lives-in-midgard · 1 month
Taking Care Of You
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Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Summary: When Chris finds out that you're sick he wants to be there for you.
Word Count: 1165
Request: I saw requests are open can I ask for a fluff one with Evans and reader is sick and he's there to care for her? It can be hubby/wife and bf/gf or even best friends up to you. Thank you!! [See request here]
A/N: Thank you for sending me this request! I hope you like it! The picture above inspired the parts were they were facetiming.
Divider made by @saradika-graphics
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It’s already been two months since your boyfriend Chris Evans left to film his new movie. You missed each other a lot but face timing and texting made it more bearable. Chris tried to call you as often as possible and when he didn’t have time, he sent you a text message. Because he was away filming Chris and you decided that it would be the best if Dodger stayed at your place and when you were at work his brother would look after him.
After picking up Dodger after work, you weren’t feeling well, so you decided to take Dodger for a walk. You thought that it would help when you suddenly sneezed. When you got home you suddenly felt cold and decided to go to bed and watch a movie while cuddling with Dodger. After a while your phone rang and when you looked at it, you started to smile because it was Chris.
“Hey, honey.” He said with a smile.
“Hey, babe.”
“You’re already in bed?” Chris asked a little worried.
“Oh yeah, I wanted to lie down for a while…work was really exhausting today.” You said because you didn’t want to worry him.
“Oh, honey, I’m sorry you’ve had such a hard day.” Chris said softly.
“How was your day so far?” You asked and suddenly had to sneeze.
“Bless you, my love.” Chris said and made you blush.
“Well, my day was pretty good. Filming is going great so far.”
“That’s amazing Chris.” You said and sneezed twice and then started to shiver.
“Are you sure you’re okay, sweetheart?”
“It’s probably just a little cold.” You said, trying to smile.
“But please promise to let me know if it gets worse.” Chris told you in a worried tone and you nodded.
“Okay, I promise.” You talked for a while about everything that came to your mind and Chris also told you a lot about his day and his new co-stars.
“I miss you so much and can’t wait to be home with you again.” Chris said after a while.
“I miss you too, babe.” You said and you both said I love you, before saying goodbye because Chris had to go.
When you woke up the next morning, you felt so much sicker than the day before. Now you weren’t only sneezing, but you also started to cough and felt slightly dizzy. You decided that it would be the best if you stayed home and called in sick at work. After calling at work, you called Scott to ask if he could pick up Dodger because you were sick.
Most of the time you stayed in bed all day and only got out of bed to get something to eat. When you were lying in bed again with at least two blankets, you suddenly heard your phone ringing. You started to smile, but it quickly faded because you knew how worried Chris can be sometimes, especially when he is away. But you didn’t want to ignore his call, so you picked up and tried to smile.
“Hey, sweetheart.” You greeted each other and Chris knew immediately that you weren’t feeling well. There was no chance of denial, so you told him how you really felt.
“Oh no, I wish I could be home and take care of you.” Chris mumbled with a sad expression in his eyes.
“Should I come home?” Chris then suddenly asked.
“No, Chris it’s okay… really.” Then you told him that Dodger is staying at his brother’s home because you didn’t feel the energy of going for a walk with him and thought it would be the best. Chris understood that and hoped that you feel better soon. You only talked for a few more minutes because you felt so tired. Chris understood that, but he was also so sad that he couldn’t be there for you. You didn’t sleep very well that night, you woke up a few times because you were either too cold or too warm. You felt a little better in the afternoon than in the morning. Later when Chris called you, he sadly couldn’t facetime, so you could only talk without seeing each other. You talked for a while when you suddenly heard a knock on the front door.
“Wait, someone is at the door, I’ll call you back babe.” You said, wondering who was at the door. You walked to your apartment door, a bit slowly because you were dizzy. When you opened the door, you couldn’t believe who was standing there.
“Chris, what are you doing here?”
“I came here to take care of my girl. I couldn’t stay away from you any longer, especially when I knew that you’re sick.” Chris said as he walked closer to you.
“Oh, Chris thank you.” You said and started to shake.
“Come on honey, let’s get you to bed.” When he noticed that you were getting dizzy, Chris put his hand on your back and guided you to your room. You laid back down in your bed and Chris gently kissed your forehead.
“I’ll go and make you some tea.”
When Chris came back a few minutes later, he placed the cup of tea on your bedside table. You took a few sips and Chris held your back.
“Now let’s cuddle.” Chris said with a smile.
“Are you sure, I don’t want you to get sick.” You asked as Chris already made himself comfortable next to you.
“I’m sure, sweetheart.” You smiled and Chris then wrapped his arms around you. You slept for a while until you felt Chris touching your forehead.
“Sorry that I woke you up honey, but you have a fever.” He said in a soothing voice.
“Oh” You mumbled tiredly, and Chris tucked a hear behind your ear with a worried look on his face.
“Do you have any medicine here?” He asked and you nodded and told him where to find it.
“I’ll get it quick.” Chris said and gave you a smile. After a few minutes he was back with the medicine in his hand.
“Can you sit up for me, sweetheart? Just for a second, so you can take your medicine.” Chris asked and you nodded. Then he helped you to sit up, so your back was leaning against the headboard of the bed. Chris helped you take your medication and then you laid back down.
“Thank you for coming home to me.” You said after you cuddled again.
“I would come home anytime for you.” Chris held you tight and rubbed your back softly.
For the next few days, he took care of you as best as he could. Chris made sure you took your medicine, made you a bath, cooked for you and was there to give you cuddles. A few days later you felt so much better, but Chris still didn’t want to leave you, so he stayed another week to spend some time with his girl.
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@marvelogic | @rogersbarber | @eviebuggg | @nicoline1998enilocin | @kandis-mom | @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 | @cutedisneygrl | @buckys-wintersoldier
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Request: Pedro coming to pick you up for a date but you’re kid is sick, maybe they’re 2 and Pedro has never met them but you’ve told him about them & he helps you take care of them because he can see you’re stretched thin
a/n: I love this. I hope I did it justice.
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x reader
Warning: ...pedro pascal's charm?
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It was one hell of a morning.
You woke up to the sound of Mateo, your 2 year old, screaming, and a phone call from the babysitter saying that he couldn't make it. You had to rush to make breakfast, shower your kid, and also making some calls in hopes that you could find a new babysitter.
No one was available.
Mateo wasn't feeling too well, the 2 year old had a fever and despite him burning up, somehow he's still able to run around screaming.
"Teo, you need to rest." You carried him over to the sofa since he refused to go in his room.
"Not tired," He giggled, escaping your grip and running towards the kitchen.
"Teo...." You sighed and got up to get him again.
There was a knock on the door, and you wondered who it could be, this early in the morning. The realization only hit you when you checked your phone -- it was almost lunch time, which meant..
"Hola señorita."
You had forgotten you had a lunch date with Pedro today. You were so preoccupied with Mateo that you forgot the lunch date you promised Pedro, and you'd originally saved the date since last week.
"I.. I'm so sorry." You covered your face, clearly embarrassed.
"Everything okay?" Pedro asked, "I don't mind waiting if you need some time-"
"Mama," Mateo tugged your pants and leaned against your leg, "Mama, I tired.."
You carried Mateo in your arms. "I'm so sorry, Pedro.. Mateo got sick, and the babysitter couldn't come.. and I totally forgot about our date, and I-"
Pedro shushed you, rubbing your arms up and down. "It's alright, it's alright. Come on, let's get you both inside."
Mateo was still in your arms as you sat in your kitchen, Pedro making you both coffee. You've been seeing each other for almost a year now, and Pedro has only been in your home a few times.
You felt bad, but you did it because Mateo is old enough to understand things now. You didn't want Mateo to think you're giving your attention to someone else.
"I'm really sorry-"
Pedro gave you a reassuring smile, "Don't worry about it. It's just lunch. But speaking of lunch, I'm sure you both haven't eaten yet."
"Yeah, I'll just make Mateo something quick..."
"Peanut butter," Mateo mumbled in his sleep, "Want peanut butter."
You chuckled.
"You don't have to stay, you know." You told Pedro, "I know you're busy and today's your day off. Which is why I feel bad for ruining it... but I'll make it up to you, I promise."
Pedro kissed your forehead. "I want to be here.. will you let me stay?"
You've been a single mother ever since Mateo was born. His father left you when you found out you were pregnant, and you didn't want to abort the baby.
You've done everything on your own, and Pedro's words are affecting you in ways you didn't know could.
"..Yes!" You snapped out of your thoughts, "Yes, of course you can stay."
"Okay," He smiled and slowly picked up the sleeping Mateo from your arms. "Now, I'm going to order some food, and you go shower."
"Are you saying that I smell?" You joked.
Covering Mateo's ears, he whispered to you. "I don't want Mateo to hear this... but yes. Yes, you smell."
Gasping, you smelled yourself but smelled nothing. You rolled your eyes and got up, "I'll be quick."
"Take your time."
You showered quickly, worrying that Mateo might wake up in the hands of Pedro, whom he's never met before. What if Mateo panicked? You want his first impression of Pedro to be good, and it'd be-
"Mama, look!" Mateo showed you an origami. "es un avión!"
Mateo seemed to have more energy now, but he was still very sick. You could tell because Mateo would barely speak Spanish.
"He speaks Spanish pretty well for his age," Pedro commented.
You sat next to Pedro on the sofa, and Mateo immediately rested his head on your lap. "I thank you for it. No matter how hard I try, this boy would never speak Spanish with me."
"Mama, I'm hungry."
To your surprise, Pedro spent the entire day with you and Mateo. He helped you play with Mateo as you cleaned the house, helped you give Mateo his medicine because the boy refuses to take them from you, and overall.. Pedro acted like a father to Mateo today. Like a husband to you.
You slapped yourself to stop your thoughts. You couldn't think of those thoughts, firstly because Pedro is being so nice helping you out with Mateo on his day off, and secondly, you're not even sure if your and Pedro's relationship was that serious!
"You alright, cariño?"
You looked at Pedro who just put Mateo to sleep, on his own bed, for once. "Yeah, I'm.. I'm great. Thank you, for everything."
"It's nothing." Pedro shrugged.
"No, I mean it." You smiled and closed Mateo's door. "I'm so used to taking care of Mateo by myself that I forgot what it feels like.. what it feels like to have someone by my side."
You gulped, "I didn't mean that to sound like I'm pressuring you into anything. We've only been dating for a year, and I don't want you to-"
Pedro shut you up with a kiss. His hands held your frame close to him as if you'd disappear, and eventually picked you up to carry you to the bedroom.
"Wait, Pedro-"
"Stop apologizing for everything, cariño." Pedro sighed out, "I'm doing this - staying with both of you, taking care of you, I'm doing all of this because I want to. I'm not backing out."
"I'll always be here," he continued, "if you'll have me. Both of you."
Your hands reached the back of his neck, playing around with his hair while your foreheads touch. "Okay."
"Good." He sighed in relief, "Now, let me take care of you."
a/n: there's so many pascal requests, I'm living for it
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stuniolvs · 4 months
Heyy I came across your page and I have a request can you do like one where Chris is dating Y/N but they get it a fight and Chris makes it up to her (Smut or not idc)
arguments + cats
hey! thank you for your request but this is a little different from your request but it still follows the same line. i hope you enjoy and please leave more requests!
chris has his license in this!
the second chris woke up he felt like shit.
his head was pounding and his nose was stuffy and you weren’t next to him.
he reluctantly rolled out of bed and changed into actual clothes because he had to go to 5 different meetings today, 2 for his and his brother's channel, 2 for his personal brand, and one for the podcast. which meant he also wouldn’t see you all day.
when he walked into the kitchen he noticed it was a mess which immediately added onto his stress levels so he began cleaning up everything and about halfway through cleaning his body starts aching from whatever sickness he had but her continued anyway.
he wakes up his brothers and they go on their way.
the first two meetings went good but when it came to the ones for his brand everything went to shit. they we bombarding him with all this information and he didn’t understand what any of it meant and when he tried asking questions they would just cut him off.
he left his fourth meeting with his shoulders slouched feeling a million times worse.
matt drives him and nick to their last meeting and they all go in.
chris is silent for the whole meeting, zoned out almost feeling like he was going to pass out.
they leave the final meeting and chris immediately rushes into his room. pulling open his computer and starts brainstorming ideas for his brand.
you were so exited to see chris after not seeing him for over 24 hours so you enter the triplets shared house with a smile on your face.
“hey y/n just so you know chris is acting really weird i this he’s sick or something but just warning you.” nick tells me from the couch. i grow concerned as i nod.
i walk down to chris’ room and i open the door seeing him sitting at his desk typing aggressively. “hey baby, what’s-"
“god can you just shut the fuck up! im trying to focus and all you ever do is talk! get away from me!”
you finally take a look at his appearance. his nose is red, his hair is pulled in every direction and his eyes are bloodshot and glossed over.
you turn around and exit his room your eyes filling with tears as you leave his house.
“fuck” chris whispers as tears fill his eyes. he doesn’t even know why he just yelled. but all the stress from today built up behind a dam and it had suddenly burst the second he saw the one thing he needed.
he sits up quickly making him dizzy he grips onto the edge of his desk. grabbing the minivan keys and leaving the house.
he stops at the flower stand he regularly visits and picks up a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
he drives to your apartment and knocks at the door. a couple seconds later you open the door wearing his t-shirt and shorts.
he immediately start “i'm so sorry ma. i’ve had a very stressful day and i think im sick. and i wanted to see you all day and the second i saw you i took it out on you. im-“ you cut him off “chris, baby its okay i know you weren’t actually mad next time can you just talk to me please?” you reply “i promise” he says handing you the flowers, you blush and walk further into your apartment putting the flowers in a vase. chris picks up your cat (who hates him but he loves her)
“can we go back to your place i hate it here?” “sure, im taking the cat tho.” he replies taking the cat down to his car, you following behind.
“will you drive? i feel dizzy.” he asks “sure baby lean your seat back” he kisses your cheek. you drive back to his place but before you exit the car he asks “will you move in with me? i wanna wake up to you next to me in the morning.” he turns to you “of course. can my cat come?"
“yes ma. the cat can come."
chris rushes out of the car, into his house, up the stairs "meet y'all’s new roommate!” he shouts to his brothers holding up your cat.
“chris.” you roll your eyes at him “this is exactly why she hates you."
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ensn4r3d-d0ve · 1 year
Reader trying to get Leon to sleep with her but he’s not getting the hint. Instead of Ashley being the one getting saved it’s reader. Till Luis starts to tell Leon if he isn’t gonna take a hint he’ll have sex with her.
But what if i switch it up ay the end where leon gets a little possessive over the reader?? 🤭
Sub x Dom dynamic w Re4r Leon and the fem! Reader
Summary: He’s saving you (instead of Ashley & your his mission) you are the president’s daughter, and giving him hints you wanna be with him but he doesn’t get it, so Luis tells him that you wanna fuck him although you just want to get together w him basically bf and gf!
— Needy Princess
Since the mission of saving you, the president’s daughter, even started Leon has been extra protective over you and determined to keep you safe. Besides the point you are very restless and sore from running all this way, fighting, and even meeting new people like luis. It is also obvious how tired you are since Leon has to carry you to the nearest save room, you have flirted with him countless times and even gave him hints having still never taken a hint. You invited him to lay next to you as you pat the bed beside you.
He can only shake his head while he stares at you with shining eyes ‘Can’t slack off on a mission, sorry y/n’. causing you to frown and nod at his own wishes right now, luis comes in walking up to you as your sleeping, leon walks closer to luis and pushes him against the wall pinning him there in frustration “What do you think your doing?!” He asks luis who just shrugs at him, a look Leon gives can easily make someone die.
Luis said crossing his arms against his chest “Maybe if you took the subtle hints Y/N gave you we wouldn’t be in such a situation. Jeez she clearly wants you, so if you can’t take the hint, I’ll just have sex with her!” The brunette says cockily, causing Leon’s cheeks to flush with anger but at the same time he could feel himself getting turned on by luis bold statement about Y/N, making him chuckle darkly “No way, no way are you going to sleep with her, I want her. So shut your mouth and go away.”
With those words Leon pushed luis out of his way making the brunette glare at Leon but not before mouthing “I’m still waiting for my turn, you don’t have a claim yet and she’s mine.” and then walking down the hallways to continue the mission. It makes Leon feel weird, it made him uncomfortable that luis seems to want you and not him. Leon shakes his head and goes back to check if you woke up, which you did but then again you weren’t really awake since you were half asleep.
Leon gently touches your forehead to wake you up a bit more when you start to stir, and you blink up at Leon before you smile softly at him and give him a little peck on his cheek “Good morning Leon” you mumble softly.
“Morning, how do you feel?” He asks.
“Better actually, I haven’t felt as tired for days” You answered.
“That’s good. How long ago did you take to wake up though?” Leon asks and your face turns red a bit, he must notice your expression, because Leon laughs lightly at how cute you looked embarrassed.
“Y/N, what happened? You know that I love you right?” He says and you nod hesitantly and very slowly.
Did you hear that correctly or are you just imagining things?
Leon leans down slightly and puts his lips against yours and kisses you sweetly “And I’m going to protect you always.” he finishes and you smile shyly at him “Leon… You’re going to get sick of carrying me around!” You say and you lean up to kiss him again but it didn’t last very long “Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean I won’t carry you around” Leon says with a smirk before planting kisses on your neck.
You blush profusely but then laugh softly when Leon starts to leave butterfly kisses around your throat making you giggle “mmh!” you let out an unexpected whper. You can’t really hear yourself but just Leon laughing “Sorry princess, I didn’t know I was that good at kissing.” Leon says with a smug grin and licks at your earlobe and you giggle again “Mhm! Just like what I imagined” you whisper to Leon who smiles at you warmly and kisses you once more before laying you on your bed and climbing on top of you.
He leans down and whispers to you “Do you wanna stay here or go upstairs?”. His voice is husky and low and sends goosebumps all over your skin. Your breath hitches as you gulp before replying “Uhh….” You mumble, you’re blushing hard and your voice comes out in a stutter so that makes Leon chuckle quietly as he leans down to your lips. He captures them with his own one, moving slowly LG and giving you time to react but you don’t. All you can do is moan into his mouth when his tongue slips into your mouth. Leon chuckles and wraps his arms around your waist pulling you close.
He presses a lingering soft kiss to your temple as he pulls away from you, looking at you intently “Is that better?” he asks in a huskier voice.
“Much” you whisper to him lovingly.
“Good. Now let'me show you what I'm capable of, princess” Leon whispers back and he lifts you up, pressing you against him as he climbs off the bed. His hands are under your thighs making it easy for him to pick you up bridal style, he carries you to the door and heads to your bedroom where he lays you onto the bed.
He stands up as he looks at you for a moment before leaning over you taking a few moments to admire the way your body is exposed to him and your red face is hidden behind your hands, “Please be gentle...” you say shyly. And Leon nods before bending down to kiss your forehead tenderly, making you shiver a bit “Will be princess~.” He whispers before leaning down again pressing his lips to yours and this time, his kisses are passionate and possessive.
This time, you can’t help but gasp and squirm under his touch as he pulls apart from you, his hands roaming over your curves. Leon smirks at your reactions and kisses his way to your neck “Are you ready, princess?” he asks huskily against your earlobe. A shiver runs down your spine and you nod eagerly.
He places another kiss on your mouth as his hand slides down to caress you through your dress, “Then let’s see if i can make you come.” he murmurs as he moves to pull away. However, he gets pulled down instead by you who immediately latches on his mouth again in order to try and keep him down “Don’t go yet~” You whine. Leon groans as he pulls you close to him, holding you against his torso as you straddle him. “But princess~” he moans against your neck as he kisses you deeply. You can feel his erection rubbing against your ass through your dress, you feel like you might lose control any second.
“Please Leon, stop teasing” you whine, Leon just chuckles softly and kisses the side of your neck again “Only when you tell me to~” he replies between kisses and bites, causing you to whimper “I will...but not until you give me some attention~” You admit. Leon raises an eyebrow and hums softly, his gaze becoming heated “Alright, alright, I’ll listen.” Leon replies while he kisses along your jawline, trailing down to the curve of your neck leaving wet marks as he goes down to your breasts “Mmf!” You gasp out as you feel his wet kisses down your chest.
As he keeps licking and biting down at your nipples, he grabs your left arm and hooks his fingers on the wristband to lift it. Your other hand goes to grab at him as he starts sucking on your breast as well, causing your hips to start bucking against him. When you reach for him and tug at his hair with your left hand, you let out an involuntary noise when he bites down on your nipple, making you arch your back slightly.
Leon takes the opportunity to press his body against yours, feeling his bulge brush against your center. “Oh God please don’t make me cum like this!” You plead with him, you wanted him but you needed to hold on for just a little longer so that you won’t come too soon. And he just laughs lowly “If only I could. Then I would” he says and you can feel his hardness pressing against your core. You bite your lip and try to hold back a moan as you feel him rub against you, making you feel even more aroused. Leon notices your struggle and stops teasing you, he pulls away from you and looks at you with lust filled eyes “I’ll give you whatever you want, baby~” Leon says as he cups your chin softly and brings your lips together in a hungry hungry kiss, his mouth slanting across yours.
It’s hot and rough and everything you have ever dreamed about. And Leon never fails to surprise you. “…Want you..want you inside me.” You manage to say, He breaks the kiss suddenly after you beg him to enter, breathing heavily “So impatient princess~” he says amusedly before continuing to pound against you. After what felt like hours of fucking, Leon lets out a breathless pant before pulling away from you “Damn you’re tight, (y/n)..” he pants as he continues to pump himself against you.
“Warmth..warmth inside me..” you breathe and moan loudly when he finally slams himself into your core. Your hands were gripping the sheets tightly enough that it was white and it would definitely tear anytime soon. But that didn’t matter anymore, your mind was focused on Leon’s thrusts and moans which are coming out as shaky breaths, they sounded sexy and desperate.
The pressure builds up within you and you feel your orgasm coming closer, your legs tighten instinctively as you start rocking against Leon’s member. “Ah~!~ I’m gonna cum, Leon! Don’t stop! Ah~~ Mnn~!~” you shout in pleasure and you feel a sudden warmth spreading through your body as you came and came hard and fast. Leon grunts as his seed fills your insides.
He holds you close, resting his chin on top of your head, his hand playing with your hair gently, kissing your skin lightly. He was panting too, but his breathing calmed down quickly. You both lay there in silence for awhile, listening to each other's heavy breathing and relaxing completely. You move in the crook of Leon' s arm so you're laying next to him instead of hovering above him. “Thank you…” you murmur sleepily. “Anytime, sweetheart..” Leon mumbles as he pulls you closer and nuzzles your hair lovingly. You snuggle into his embrace as the two of you fall asleep in each other's arms with a blanket over both of you. Luis leaning against the doorframe smirking and saying ‘I knew it.’ with a smirk
The next morning you wake up early with a yawn as you glance around the room. Your eyes widen and your heart skips a beat when you realize you weren't alone, Leon was still sleeping beside you, still hugging you close and smiling sleepily. Your blush creeps up to your cheeks as you watch him sleep, enjoying the sight of him. You smile softly and lean forward to kiss his cheek, whispering “Good morning!”. Leon stirs a bit and opens his eyes, blinking a couple of times before he smiles at you and kisses your forehead.
“Morning, princess” he whispers back. You smile and snuggle closer to him “How long have we been asleep?” you ask curiously. Leon doesn’t reply straightaway as he runs his fingertips lightly down the side of your stomach, tracing patterns on your bare skin “Well…it must’ve been late” Leon answers casually.
“And the sun hasn’t risen yet...” He adds, giving you a peck on the forehead before sitting up and stretching, “We should get dressed princess, it’s too dangerous for us to be out here naked” Leon says sternly, giving you a look as he reaches over and tugs on the hem of your skirt. He puts back on his gear and bulletproof vest before he grabs his backpack and turns back towards you “Do you need some help princess?” He offers. He picks you up bridal style and cradles you close to his chest as he helps you put your clothing back on and buttoning it all up neatly.
“Now let's continue the mission of getting you home.”
……………………………………. …………………………………
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woso-fan13 · 9 months
Sicktember 2023: 11
Beginner’s Guide To Faking Sick
In an effort to assess the team’s fitness and any improvement in performance, someone thought it would be a good idea to have fitness testing twice- once on the first day and once on the last. You would really like to talk to the person who made this decision, because they need to know that they just made twenty-some new enemies. 
Everyone had been complaining about it since it was announced, and you had been very vocal about how much you were not looking forward to the beep test specifically. 
Andi had the pleasure of being your roommate, which meant she also had the pleasure of being the person who had to drag you out of bed in the mornings. She’s lucky you’re relatively easy to get out of bed, she could have been stuck with a lot worse. 
“Y/N, come on. You need to get up, the bus leaves in 20 minutes,” Andi’s voice woke you. 
You groan, “Ands, my head really hurts. Can I please go back to sleep?”
You hear footsteps before you feel a hand pressing against your forehead. 
“You don’t have a fever, you’re fine.”
“Andi, please. It really hurts,” your voice is quiet. 
“Y/N, I’m not stupid, I know you’re trying to get out of fitness testing. Next time, commit fully to faking sick if you want to skip. It’s a little embarrassing, I was better at faking sick when I was in elementary school.”
“‘m not lying, I promise. My head feels like it’s going to explode.”
“I’m leaving,” Andi sighs, “be downstairs and ready to go in 15 minutes. Take some Tylenol if your head hurts that bad, and get up. If you really want to stay in your bed, you’ll have plenty of time when you’re dropped from the team for skipping.”
With that, you hear the door open and shut as Andi leaves. The girl really was all about tough love, which was usually good. She could always push you to reach a new best, never accepting any excuses.  
Just this once, you wished she would. But you knew she was right, Coach had dropped people for less than missing fitness testing. So you pulled yourself out of bed, got yourself together, and headed to the lobby. 
Your steps were slow and somewhat wobbly. Which made sense, because your head was spinning and felt like it was being split in half. But you made it to the elevator and stumbled into the lobby, joining the group of players. 
Andi, noticing your presence, walks over and slings her arm around your shoulder. Leaning down, she whispers to you. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t need to be so harsh this morning. I was just frustrated and I really couldn’t put up with your antics. We’re fine, right?”
You force a smile onto your face, “of course, Ands. Sorry for being so stubborn.”
If Andi hadn’t believed you earlier, you knew she wouldn’t believe you now. So you decided that you would mind-over-matter your way through the situation. If you pretended you felt normal, you eventually would feel normal, right?
You didn’t even make it through the warm up. You managed through stretches, but you only made it about halfway around the field when your body decided to prove to Andi that you weren’t a liar. 
With a thud, you dropped to the ground. Everyone froze for a moment looking towards you, as if waiting for you to stand up. Instead, you began seizing. 
Everyone took off running, the vets crouching around you and shooing the younger players away. Andi, who had crouched by your head, watched in horror as you began throwing up, your seizure still not breaking. 
As the medics arrived, they quickly pushed everyone back. Andi begged to stay, and she was finally allowed to if she promised not to get in the way. She was directed to your feet, and she grabbed your ankle tightly. 
She watched as they shine a flashlight in your eyes, speaking rapidly. She catches words such as “dilated” and “uneven” and she knows enough to know that those aren’t good. 
But she doesn’t know what could have happened. A headache wouldn’t cause this, and you were fine yesterday. You had played the full 90 and scored two goals against the Canadian team. You had been totally fin- oh. 
Andi’s thoughts screech to a halt. In the 91st minute, you had gone in for a header and had been instead met with the goalie’s fist. You had landed on your feet though, and you seemed okay. There had only been a few minutes of injury time left, and the ref had waved off the medics and resumed play. 
By the time that the final whistle blew, it seemed that everyone had forgotten about your injury. The medics didn’t come or pull you aside in the locker room, Coach had been too busy doing whatever he does to check in on you. And your teammates had been distracted with celebrating the win to remember that you had taken a serious knock. The only person who seemed to remember was the goalie, who had asked mainly out of guilt if you were fine. 
(of course, the fans remembered. when you were finally cleared to use screens, you would see edits of you being hit and then swaying on the pitch as everyone forgot about you. not how you wanted to go viral.)
No one had noticed that you had skipped out on the celebrations to go to bed once you had returned to the hotel. The only person who had any clue that something was wrong had told you off for lying. No one even knew until you hit the ground. 
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daintyys · 7 months
in sickness and in health
fem!reader x remus lupin, 648 words, VERY LIGHT swearing
tw for throwing up and other sick stuff. also in this the daughter is named gracie!
Your daughter was a germbag, and you knew that, but as a mother, of course you had to take care of your baby. So when you got sick from her, it was no surprise to you or your husband Remus.
It started with a cough, which Remus immediately pointed out.
"Love," He said as you walked through the front door hacking loudly. "how long have you had that cough?"
You cleared your scratchy throat and shrugged. "Woke up with it, probably just allergies." Hanging up your scarf, you felt two strong arms snake their way around your waist.
"Hi handsome." You breathed, turning to look up at Remus. He smiled, his curly hair falling over his eyes perfectly.
"Y/N, I really don't like the sound of that cough, you have the same one that Gracie had." He looked worried, and you didn't like that.
"I appreciate your concern, Remus, but I'll be alright. I'll run a bath and maybe that'll help clear my lungs." You kissed your husband's lips quickly and made your way upstairs.
You ran a hot bath, and tried to relax. It was working until your daughter Gracie burst into the bathroom, tears streaming down her face. Remus ran in after her, trying to pull her out of the bathroom. "Gracie, Mama needs some quiet. Can we please just go read in your room?" He pleaded.
You stayed quiet, not wanting to make the situation worse, until you were suddenly overcome by nausea. "Remus, please get out with her right now." You squeaked, grabbing your towel.
"What's wrong? Oh-" He began as he watched you run to the toilet.
You hated vomiting, and Remus knew that, so he immediately called your parents to come pick up the kids.
"Good thing Gracie doesn't have school tomorrow." He whispered, rubbing your back and sitting with you next to the toilet. You let out a small laugh, and then immediately vomited again.
"My beautiful, sick, lovely wife," Remus cooed, pulling your hair back. "I am so sorry for you." You turned your head toward him, with a slight grin on your face as you proclaimed: "You're next".
After finishing up in the bathroom, Remus lead you to your bedroom. "What pajamas do you want, baby?" He asked, going through the drawers of your dresser. "The fluffy white ones." You sighed, shivering profusely.
"I love these on you," Remus said as he helped you get changed. "you look like a polar bear in them."
"A polar bear who feels like shit." You groaned. Remus laughed, grabbing your hairbrush. He brushed your hair back into a bun and helped you into bed.
"I can do this stuff for myself, you know, but I'm not complaining." You giggled, cuddling up in the blankets. Remus smirked, laying down next to you. "I love being at your service." He purred, kissing your cheek.
"Oh don't do that! You'll get sick too!" You gasped, pushing him away slightly. He gasped dramatically, and pulled you closer. "If getting sick means I get to spend more time with you alone, then I'm all in." Remus professed, gently playing with your hair.
You couldn't fight him on it, so you let him stay, and when you woke up in the morning, he was already out of bed.
Along with waking to being alone, you now also had an awful headache, and a stuffed up nose. You jumped a little as the door opened and Remus walked in, shirtless and holding two hot mugs of tea.
You blushed, still feeling that girlish crush for him even though you were married. Remus noticed, and laughed quietly, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
"How are you, Y/N?" He asked, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you took a mug from him.
"Well, much better now that you're here." You said, kissing him tenderly.
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lemony-snickers · 1 year
hey lemony!! woke up thinking about sick!kakashi. i partially think he would be the type to ignore sickness until it cannot be ignored, and i think when he gets sick, before he gets into a relationship, he would be very good and quick about getting himself better just so he could be sent on missions quicker or whatever. however, after he gets into a relationship, i think he would be the whiny, needy type that drags out his sickness/symptoms just so he could soak up all the care and affection he could get from his partner :)
sorry lemony! one more thing to add to sick kakashi anon is that his dogs would know if he was faking it because they could smell the sickness, and by day 4, pakkun would probably say “you don’t smell sick anymore” while the partner is out of the room and kakashi would just glare at him
hey, anon. i think this is very cute & you are absolutely right.
Kakashi glares at Pakkun as the dog huffs again, already wrinkled brow furrowing. "It's unfair to keep expecting them to wait on you hand and foot."
He sighed, letting his head fall back against the pillow--which you had perfectly placed and fluffed and put a new case on while he bathed that morning. "I know, I know. Just a little longer, okay?"
The pug growled lowly, but said nothing else.
And Kakashi did, in fact, know Pakkun was right. That allowing you to continue caring for him--pampering him, even--was perhaps a little selfish.
There was a time Kakash would never in a thousand years have considered feigning illness. In fact, when he was younger, he was much more likely to feign not being sick even as a fever raged within him, turning his skin pink and sticky, cool to the touch, as ever muscle in his body screamed for respite.
"I'm fine," he would grumble to Tenzo or Yugao, swatting away their hands when they tried to feel his forehead or neck to confirm their suspicions.
But that was a long time ago. That was before he met you.
He never swatted your hands away. Rather, he yearned for your touch the moment it ceased, sometimes whining faintly so you would brush your fingers through his hair, over his cheek soothingly.
Kakashi did not think he had ever craved anything as much as your touch. Not his favorite foods or books. Not even the bleak release of death during his darkest moments.
When you were near him, the awful thoughts quieted, the weight of the world--of his loved ones' sacrifices--lifted just a fraction. He felt like he could breathe easier as long as the two of you shared the same air.
The first time he'd fallen ill, there had been no pretense. He'd simply returned from a mission in rain-soked Amegakure with wet feet and an awful, racking cough. He hadn't even thought to tell you, to take himself off the active duty roster to recuperate.
But then you'd showed up at his door, expression immediately concerned as you reached out to press your wrist against his forehead, frowning when you felt the heat radiating from his skin.
"Are you sick?" you'd asked. He'd shrugged even as his teeth chattered. And then, to Kakashi's utter surprise, you'd dedicated yourself wholly to taking care of him. You made him miso soup, wrapped him in warm, fuzzy blankets you brought from your own house (Kakashi had no such thing in his apartment). You put soothing balm under his nose, made him tea steeped with echinacea. You stopped at the Hokage Tower to let the chunin at the mission desk know he needed to be put on sick leave.
It had all felt so natural, even as it was also foreign. Kakashi could not remember someone ever taking care of him in such a way, though he was sure there had been a time when Sakumo had done so--gingerly placing a warm cloth on his son's forehead between misssions. Kakashi wondered if his mother had ever done the same, when he was far too small to remember.
And it had felt good to be cared for. Fretted over. The warmth of his fever was nothing compared to that which bloomed in his chest as you bustled around his apartment, tidying up because he "needed to rest." You were so naturally good at taking care of others--taking care of him. It made him all the more grateful to have found you.
So the next time he was sick, he didn't think anyone could blame him for milking it just a little. Forcing his coughs to sound a bit raspier, looking up at you with pleading, pathetic eyes when he told you he was cold and could you come here and warm him up.
Now, though, Pakkun had clearly caught on to his game. Kakashi was grateful his summons had at least waited until you left the room to thoroughly sniff his cheek and then gruffly accuse him, "You're not sick anymore, what are you doing?"
What was he doing? Surely you had more important things to attend to than warming a bowl of soup for him and sitting beside him on the bed as he feebly ate.
But wasn't he allowed to be just a little selfish? All those years pushing through the pain of injury and illness... didn't he deserve a little extra care now that he'd found the person who made him feel worthy of it?
You returned to the room with a steaming bowl in one hand and a glass of water in the other. Kakashi recognized the telltale fizz of one of the electrolyte tabs you sometimes dropped in "to make sure you're well-hydrated."
They turned his urine a strange shade of pale orange, but Kakashi didn't have the heart to tell you they were probably just overpriced B-vitamins.
"He isn't sick anymore."
Betrayal, white hot and instantaneous, lanced through him. Kakashi's head whipped toward Pakkun who scratched at one ear with his hind paw, utterly unconcerned.
Kakashi expected you to frown, to chastize him for taking advantage of your goodness.
Instead, you chuckled, which grabbed both his and Pakkun's attention.
When he met your gaze, your smile was full of love Kakashi thought his fever might have returned full force with how warm he suddenly felt, basking in it.
"You think I don't know that?" you asked, and Kakashi felt his cheeks flare with new heat that had nothing to do with his cold. "I don't mind indulging him a little."
You crossed the room and set his lunch on the bedside table, perching on the edge of the bed as you leaned in to kiss his cheek. You combed your fingers through his hair, still smiling, as you added, "Besides, I know he'll make it up to me in other ways."
Pakkun grumbled something vaguely insulting as he hopped off the end of the bed and padded his way out of the room.
Kakashi didn't bother to ask him to repeat himself or chide him for his rudeness. Instead, knowing full well he was no longer sick and so he couldn't pass his illness to you, he pulled you into a sweet, lingering, grateful kiss.
You were right, he would certainly be making this up to you and more.
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lionlena · 8 months
Unforgivable mistake (JoelMillerxreader) Part 10
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Summary: Reader is much younger than Joel and is in love with  him. One night, after arguing with Tess and getting drunk, Joel spends  the night with a reader, but in the morning he breaks her heart…  She  runs away from Boston hoping that she will never meet this cold bastard  again in her life. But almost six years later, she unexpectedly sees  Joel in Jackson. She decides to hide herself and her little secret from  this asshole.
Warnings: age gap (reader is about 28 years, Joel 58),  strong language, swearing, past trauma, bullying, attempted rape, memories of sexual abuse, unprotect p in v,  dom!Joel, Joel is asshole, ANGST, hurt, sadness and heartbreaking, sexual harassment, women abuse, violence, injury, sickness.
I'm sorry you had to wait for this new chapter for so long. I hope I will write 11 much faster ;)
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Part 10
You spent a few more days with Anna and Toby, helping them and making sure they would be ready for winter.
You were surprised at how well you all were doing. You fell into a nice rhythm. You got up first and made breakfast for everyone with Anna's help. Ellie also helped you sometimes. Teddy would get up and go straight to Joel. He often spent a few more minutes napping with his dad. Then Joel came to the kitchen with his son. Meanwhile, Toby also showed up. You ate breakfast and together planned the work that needed to be done. Once you were ready to go to work, Teddy was left in the care of Ellie and Toby.
You were positively surprised by how you all worked together. No arguments or misunderstandings. You worked together like a family.
In the evening you came back for dinner and you all spent time together playing games and having fun. If you weren't very tired, you went for a short walk with Joel.
You noticed that he was trying to give you space, but he still couldn't stop himself from hugging you and kissing your cheek, but you didn't mind.
The day always ended the same. You fell asleep in Joel's arms wearing his T-shirt and woke up in the morning.
But last night you couldn't sleep. You lay next to Joel, who was snoring lightly, and you thought about how surreal this moment was.
It's as if everything Joel did in Boston happened to someone else.
Sometimes you imagined things would have turned out differently. Joel approached you at the bar and asked if he could walk you home. Of course, you agreed. On the stairs, Joel tripped and you held him. He kissed you… Passionately and gently. Then he took you to his apartment and made love to you… No, he didn't fuck you… He was gentle and caring, and after it was all over, you fell asleep together in each other's arms. But in the morning Joel sobered up and realized that he had made a mistake. He apologized to you and told you that he wouldn't leave Tess, that you were just a child to him and he shouldn't take advantage of your naivety. Of course, that would break your heart too, you would scream and cry, but then you would calm down. The next day you would set out with Claudia into the unknown and... What would happen then? Did you fall in love with someone else?
You sighed heavily and rolled over. After a while, you felt a gentle kiss on the back of your neck and heard his hoarse, sleepy voice.
"Is something wrong, darling? Can't you sleep?"
You were silent for a moment, not sure if you should share your thoughts with him. You knew that was what a good relationship was all about, but… You also knew that Joel felt really bad about himself. He wanted to forget about how he treated you. But the problem was that it was impossible to forget. This had to be worked through.
“I think,” you finally said. "Would... Would we be here now, together, if our first time had been different? Or maybe I would have already had someone... A boyfriend, a husband... I don't know, these are stupid thoughts..."
You could feel how Joel was tense. Like you caused him physical pain, but he still wanted to be supportive of you.
"Hey, hey baby, it's not stupid… I…" His voice became almost a whisper. "Sometimes I think what would have happened if you had stayed in Boston... I don't know if it would have been better... I'm actually happy that Teddy was born here. He wouldn't have had such a happy childhood in Boston."
You nodded because you knew he was right. You wouldn't want to raise Teddy in this dirty and violent place.
You felt Joel hug you tighter and press his face into your back. You didn't want him to be so sad. You gently stroked his hand that rested on your stomach.
"What happened... It had to happen... for us to be where we are now and... We just have to live with it and move on."
Joel placed a gentle kiss on the back of your neck again.
"I don't deserve you. You're too good, too sweet, too caring... You're perfect."
You smiled softly.
"You may not deserve it, but it's what you get. Deal with it."
After a while, you added:
"There's something else."
What you were going to say was a distortion of reality, but you felt the need to say it.
"If Teddy ever asks about our beginnings, we will lie to him. Do you understand? I'm not doing it just for you, but mainly for him. I want him to know that he was created because his mom and dad loved each other... Then we argued over something stupid and we broke up before we discovered I was pregnant. But we wanted to have children, we loved each other..."
Joel murmurs softly into your neck:
"Thank you."
You couldn't see his face, but if you turned around you would see tears in his eyes.
The next day you said goodbye to Anna and Toby and promised them you would come back soon. Even Ellie seemed sad to leave them.
When you entered the gates of Jackson, it was already evening and you were all tired. You hoped that you would put your baby son to bed quickly and rest, but... Tired Teddy was sometimes cranky. You helped him get to the ground and he immediately was clinging to Joel, whining and looking at daddy with pleading eyes. Joel picked him up and rubbed his back soothingly.
"What's the matter 'bear cub'?"
"I want you to sing me at bedtime." The baby boy whined.
Joel laughed lightly and ruffled Teddy's hair.
"Of course."
You just rolled your eyes, already knowing what was coming. And you were right. It didn't end with one song. Teddy also wanted you to tell him a story and hug him. Then he wanted his dad to bring him something to drink and hug him. Then he wanted both of you... Then again only dad. And he said all this while looking at you with those sweet but tired brown eyes of his, so neither of you could even get angry at him.
Joel sat down next to you on the couch with a huff after singing a song to his son for the fourth time.
"He fell asleep..."
You giggled slightly.
"Well, apparently he inherited my fondness for your voice."
Joel smiled to himself. He couldn't deny that your words brought a pleasant warm feeling to his chest.
"I think that's not the only thing he inherited from you. He's sweet, but sometimes he's…"
Joel looked at you and you frowned. Feigning indignation you said:
"You mean he's stubborn like me."
Joel looked at you, flustered, and scratched the back of his neck.
"No... that's not what I meant...what I meant was that he's relentless."
You laughed and gave him an amused look.
"Relax. I'm just joking."
Joel sighed and leaned further into the couch. He closed his eyes.
"I'm tired."
You nodded.
"Me too. I'll fall asleep as soon as I put my head on the pillow."
With a groan, Joel stood up and leaned down to give you a kiss on the cheek.
"Good night. See you tomorrow."
You closed your eyes and whispered.
"Good night."
However, some time later you discovered how wrong you were. You were tired, and yet you were rolling over on the mattress for an hour. You couldn't find a comfortable position on the bed and it was ridiculous. The bed at Anna and Toby's house was uncomfortable, and yet you slept perfectly well... Did you really get used to Joel's presence that quickly?
You groaned in frustration and got out of bed. You remembered Joel's warmth and scent, his solid chest...
“Ugh…Y/N, pull yourself together.”
You decided to go to the kitchen and get something to drink. You poured yourself some water and leaned against the kitchen counter. You felt that your drowsiness had completely left you. You were still extremely tired and wondering what you could do when you heard a soft knock. At first, you froze. A shiver of fear ran through your body. Who could be knocking on your door so late? You carefully looked out the window and immediately took a breath. Even in the dim light, you would recognize who this silhouette belongs to. You opened the door with a slight smile.
"Joel, what happened?"
You were sure he had gone to bed long ago. You stepped aside to let him in and you noticed that he looked tired.
"I wanted to ask the same thing, I noticed you had the light on in the bedroom and the kitchen and... I wanted to check if everything was okay with you, and Teddy."
You nodded and looked at him gratefully. It was nice to feel that someone cared about you and your son. You led him to the kitchen, where you sat down across from each other.
"Teddy's sleeping... I can't sleep..."
And then suddenly something hit you. Joel wouldn't be able to see your bedroom window and kitchen from his house, which meant...
"Joel? What were you doing exactly? Wandering around? I thought you were already asleep."
Joel shrugged and rubbed his face.
"I can't sleep," he muttered quietly.
You raised your eyebrows and huffed in amusement.
"You? You never have trouble falling asleep."
He looked at you as if you had offended him. "I don't fall asleep on watch." Then, a little shyly, he replied: "The bed seems too big to me."
You felt your heart beat faster, understanding what he meant, but you decided to tease him some more.
"Have you tried falling asleep on the couch?"
Joel gasped in surprise. "I... Umm... Maybe I really should."
You started laughing and stood up from your seat. You walked up to him and stood in between his legs, resting your hands on his shoulders and looking down at him.
"I think I slept better with you next to me."
Joel sighed in relief and gently placed his hands on your hips. "Me too, honey... Do you think... Do you think we can sleep in the same bed tonight?"
You bit your lip and smiled. You had another idea.
"It does not make sense."
Joel looked at you with sadness, even fear. He started to wonder what he had done wrong and was about to remove his hands from your body when you said:
"Living next to each other, instead of together." Joel's eyes lit up. "I think I'm ready... The last week we spent together showed me that this would be the best and easiest thing. Let's be honest, Joel... We won't be able to sleep tomorrow either... And the day after tomorrow."
Joel very carefully began to stroke your sides. "Do I understand this correctly? Will you and Teddy live with me and Ellie?"
You smiled and replied, "Yes."
Joel pulled you closer to him and hugged you tightly. You started stroking his hair and slowly felt sleepiness coming back to you. You were about to ask him to go to the bedroom with you when you heard his hesitant question.
"Y/N, what are we exactly? Don't get me wrong, I don't want to force you to define our relationship... I just don't know. Are we boyfriend and girlfriend?"
You giggled at his expression. Joel wasn't the best at these kinds of conversations, but he sure was sweet.
"I don't know." You answered honestly. "We are the parents of a wonderful baby boy, that's for sure. We've become friends, despite our complicated past... And I guess we're partners... You know, I mean... Friends don't do that..."
You leaned up and lightly kissed him on the lips and he grunted in pleasure. His hand ran through your hair. When you pulled away from him, you both sighed in contentment. You rested your forehead against his and sighed. His large hands caressed your sides and back. You felt the heat coming from his body and for you, it was like sleeping pills. You moved away from him a bit and muttered:
"I don't know how to define exactly what's going on between us. But does it matter? We'll figure it out later but for now... Let's go to sleep."
Joel eagerly followed you to the bedroom. He stripped down to his boxers and t-shirt. As you lay down next to him, a wave of peace immediately washed over you. All he had to do was wrap his arms around you and you immediately began to drift off to sleep. Before you fell asleep completely, you felt Joel kiss your head tenderly.
A few days later, you officially moved in with Joel and Ellie. You were sure of your decision. You really felt like it was the right thing to do. Not only did it make taking care of Teddy easier, but it also made your relationship with Joel stronger and took it to a new level. Not to mention that your son went crazy with joy. You've never seen him pack his things so quickly. And he didn't even complain. With a broad smile on his face, he moved his things to the new house and new room. Seeing his happy face filled you with joy and peace.
You thought that nothing could disturb your peace. But you were wrong.
You were feeding the horses when Ellie ran into the stable.
You looked carefully at the teenage girl. She looked nervous and you immediately stopped what you were doing.
"Something happened?"
Ellie took a deep breath as if trying to steady her nerves.
"Well... Did you hear that new people have arrived?"
You nodded and wondered why that would be a reason to be nervous. You thought it was good that the community was growing. You calmly replied:
"Yes, Sofia has already told me everything. Two older women, one younger with a little daughter, and two teenage boys. Is that right?"
Ellie still didn't look calm.
"Yes and umm... This young woman..."
"What about her?"
Ellie opened her mouth, closed it, opened it again, and took a deep breath.
"She's fine, she's just..."
You both looked at Maria as she entered the stable. You smiled slightly when you saw her pregnant belly. You still had a tense relationship from the moment you stood up for Joel, but you still wished her the best.
Maria gave you and Ellie a weak smile and immediately decided to get to the point.
"Is your old house available now?"
Her question surprised you. The truth was that you left a few things behind because... Despite the feelings you felt for Joel and the certainty that you had made the right decision, you wanted an emergency exit. You felt you had the right to do so after everything you had been through.
"Uh... Actually... I left some summer clothes there and... A few other things."
Maria raised her eyebrows. "I thought your move to Joel's was permanent."
You felt an unpleasant pang in your chest. "Because it is." You said quickly and maybe a little too loudly. "I just didn't have time to move everything, so I decided some things could stay there for now."
"I understand, but I would like you to take everything away. Your old house will become a new home for our new resident, her daughter, and her elderly mother."
You felt like you were out of breath. You were sure that you would have a happy future with Joel, but... The uncertainty was still inside you and it was hard for you to come to terms with losing your safe oasis that was your home so quickly. But you knew there was no point in arguing about it. You tried to look casual as you said,
"Oh... Yeah, sure. I'll do it soon."
Ellie looked at you sympathetically and quickly added, "I'll help you."
Maria nodded. "Okay. I'll come with them soon."
Before you left the stables, Ellie grabbed your arm.
"Maybe let's talk to Joel so he can talk to Tommy. It's not fair that Maria is taking your house. There are several other empty houses in the city. She's doing it maliciously."
You sighed heavily and shook your head. "No, Ellie... I don't want Joel to know that I wanted an escape route. He's trying so hard to make things better between us. I don't want him to think that I doubt him... That I assume that it won't work out. Maybe it's for the best."
Ellie nodded and you both started walking towards your old house. You saw that the teenage girl was thinking about something. She obviously wanted to tell you something, but she didn't know how. But you didn't have time to ask her about it. You focused on getting all your things as quickly as possible.
With Ellie's help, it went really smoothly. You were just taking the last box outside when you noticed Maria with three new Jackson residents in front of the house. You almost dropped the box and looked at Ellie. You realized that was what she was trying to tell you.
The young woman who stood next to Maria looked like a younger version of Tess. You felt a knot in your stomach and swallowed hard. You wanted to scream at the universe and ask why it hated you. Then you woke up. Just because she looked like Tess, didn't mean Joel would abandon you. But still, you couldn't help but feel uneasy that a woman who looked like your partner's former lover would be living next door. You heard Ellie lightly clear her throat as she tried to bring you back to reality.
"Oh, hello... The house is empty now."
Maria nodded. "That's great. I present to you Emily, her mother Lucia, and her daughter Rose."
The little girl waved at you shyly and you tried to smile. She was a similar age to Teddy, so Joel... You mentally cursed yourself for your ridiculous thoughts. Joel was in love with you and Teddy was his world. He wouldn't abandon you just because some woman looked like Tess and had a daughter.
“I'm Y/N, this is Ellie…” You felt your voice shake slightly. "We live next door with my son Teddy and... My... My partner Joel."
You tried to make the word "partner" sound as loud as possible. Ellie looked at you with her eyebrows slightly raised. Well, you will be going to explain to her what "marking territory" means when she is older.
"How old is your son?" Emily asked.
"He'll be seven soon."
"Oh, that's wonderful. Rose turned six a month ago... I hope that once we get settled and rest, we'll get to know each other better."
You stuck a fake smile on your face.
"That would be great, now... Let's go now. We still have a few things to do, right Ellie?"
The girl nodded nervously. "Yeah, sure... We have to make dinner for Joel..."
"That's right. See you later."
As soon as you entered the house, you threw the box in the corner and immediately stood by the window in the living room, where you could see your 'old' house.
"Is this what you wanted to tell me?" you asked, quickly glancing at Ellie.
The girl nodded and carefully approached you.
"She is not that similar... On closer view, she is actually completely different."
You smiled slightly at her attempts at comfort and looked out the window again.
"She's very similar" you muttered sadly.
Ellie immediately tried to distract you from your bad thoughts.
"Hey, let's go to the kitchen... I'm hungry and... Standing by the window won't change anything."
You nodded and moved towards her. Ellie was right. Standing by the window and staring at Tess's doppelgänger didn't change anything. But there was something else you needed to know.
"Ellie, has Joel seen her yet?"
The teenage girl shrugged.
"I do not know, probably no."
"Okay. Let's go get something to eat."
For the rest of the day, you tried to keep your mind occupied. But no matter what you did, you always glanced towards your former home.
When Joel returned, you began to watch him carefully and waited for the right moment to talk. He acted very normal. He gave you a kiss on the cheek to greet you, he played with Teddy and, unlike you, he didn't constantly glance towards the window. You started to wonder if he had seen Emily. If not, maybe you can somehow maintain this state longer. Then you rolled your eyes... That was a ridiculous idea. How would you implement this plan? You would lock Joel in the house, or maybe you would cover his eyes? Tess's doppelgänger literally lived on your doorstep.
His deep voice brought you out of your thoughts. You were sitting on the couch and looking out the window.
Joel sat down next to you and gently placed his hand on your knee. He looked at you worriedly.
"This is about your house? Right."
You blinked your eyes in shock. Well, Joel may not have gotten to the heart of the problem, but he was close.
"I... It's not..."
Joel gave you a reassuring smile.
“It's okay that you wanted to still have a safe place. I don't blame you for that and…” He gently lifted your chin so you were looking straight into his eyes. "I want you to be aware that if things don't work out between us, I will move out. You don't have to worry about not having a home."
You felt a surge of gratitude. It was surprising how well Joel already knew you. But not being able to return to your previous home wasn't the only problem. You had to bring this up. There was no point in running away from it anyway.
"Have you seen our new neighbor?" you asked quietly and he nodded. “She reminds me of Tess,” you said even more quietly and swallowed.
You watched Joel's face carefully for any signs of nervousness, but he still looked at you calmly. Not a muscle in his face even twitched at the mention of Tess.
"I don't know... Maybe a little. Does it matter?"
You gave him a look like, "Seriously?"
"You were in a relationship with Tess."
Joel looked at you surprised. He was still trying to figure out what this had to do with your new neighbor.
"Yes, I was in a relationship with Tess and it was... A specific relationship. We were comfortable together. You know? Tess was a convenient option for me in Boston. We worked and slept together." Joel grabbed your hands. "But I don't know if that relationship would last here. I think I would probably be too interested in you and would like to spend time with Teddy."
You could hear the genuine sincerity in his voice and it calmed your nerves a bit.
"Okay. I guess I got a little carried away with anxiety and the ridiculous idea that you and Emily... It's stupid."
Joel pulled you to him and kissed your forehead.
"Wait... What were you afraid of? That I would abandon you as soon as I saw someone like Tess." Joel couldn't hide the slight amusement in his voice. "Honey, she's just a woman of similar looks like Tess... I don't know her. And her looks don't matter because I only have my eyes on one woman."
He gently brushed his lips against yours.
"Only you."
You sighed and relaxed in his arms. For a moment you forgot about your anxiety. Joel wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tighter. You rested your head on his chest and tried to focus on his heartbeat, but deep inside you still felt this unexplainable fear. You felt the shadows of your past return and you were afraid they would consume you.
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Part 9
Part 11
Taglist: @casa-boiardi @noisynightmarepoetry @ihavetwoholesforareason @sloanexx @creedslove @orcasoul @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @i-workwithpens @milla-frenchy @liatome @jojo-munson @pascalislove @goldenhxurs @elliaze @aestheticangel612 @cheyxfu @prestinalove @stevengmybeloved @faith-alons26​ @harriedandharassed @this--is--music ​@joeldjarin @elliaze @ajeff855 @anislabonis-love @quality-lust @sarahhxx03 @sofiparallel @misshoneypaper
*I don't know if tags work ;( If anyone knows how to make them work, let me know
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watermelonlovershigh · 9 months
Can you write something where Reader had taken care of Harry all night because he was sick and then she has to wake up to care for their child and maybe the child wants to give Harry cuddles to make him feel better.
Sick Daddy /concept/
AN: had this in my inbox for a while but am trying to clear some of my requests out so here you finally go. its very short because this ask just felt like it didn't need to be crazy long. hope you enjoy still. send you feedback. xoxo
This story contains: mentions of throw up, the rest is fluff
{ husbandrry - dad!harry - any harry era }
word count- 566
You and your son Oliver make Harry a breakfast to hopefully feel better because he'd been sick the previous night. Then after Harry's better, you and Ollie catch the same bug and Harry takes care of you both as you did for him.
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You'd been up off and on with Harry all night. He seemed to have caught some type of stomach bug and nearly every hour of the night woke up to be sick. Though Harry insisted you just stay in bed, of course you were gonna be right by his side. Placing a little clip in his hair to hold his bangs out of his face and rub his back as he heaved over the toilet.
Now it's eight in the morning and your little one, Oliver, who's five, is awake. Though you're dead tired from you lack of sleep, you go into Ollies bedroom and help him get dressed and brush his teeth. Once that's all done, Oliver asks, "Where's daddy? Wanna go see him."
Kneeling down to his level, you reply, "Daddy's feeling a bit ill today, loves. He'll probably be in bed for a while. But, how about you help mummy make daddy some tea and toast to hopefully feel better."
With a concerned look on his small face, Oliver nods, "Alright, mummy. Then can I cuddle daddy? Daddy cuddles me when I don't feel very well so it might make him feel better."
Thinking for a moment, you answer, "Maybe. We'll have to see. I don't want you catching whatever bug he has though."
Oliver helped you prepare an easy breakfast for Harry. One that will hopefully not bother his stomach. Once it's ready, you carry it on a tray and Ollie walks up the stairs beside you, excited to finally see his daddy today.
When you walk in the bedroom, Harry is curled up under the covers sleeping, a thin layer of sweat coating his skin. You set the tray down and nudge his shoulder, "Harry babe, wake up for me. Got you something to drink and eat that you'll hopefully be able to keep down."
Harry slowly turns over and sits up. With his very messy bed-head, he croaks out, "Awe, thank you, m'love. I'll try to eat some of it. Not really that hungry though."
Oliver steps to the side of the bed and asks, "Daddy sick?"
Harry looks down and answers, "Yeah baby, daddy's tummy hasn't been well. But mummy is the best doctor around so I'm sure I'll be good to go in no time."
Harry sat in bed and munched on his plain toast and sipped his tea while you and Oliver sat at the foot of the bed to keep him company. After some persuasion, you finally let Oliver cuddle Harry. You knew it was a risk of him getting sick too but you were also at risk from just being in the same house as him.
Luckily Harry was able to keep that food down and with some more rest, got to feeling better within twelve hours. Unluckily to you and Ollie though, two days later you both woke up to sick tummies and it was Harry's turn to play doctor. With the amount of vomit he had to clean up he should become a professional cleaner.
It got so bad that he had to migrate everyone to the living room where he could watch you both at the same time. One moment holding up the barf bucket for Oliver and the next moment holding it up for you. He gave y'all tons of cuddles and extra love and within a day everyone was well again.
(no more tags are allowed because i've hit my number limit. sorry : ( )
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @hsfanficsrecss // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @itfeelslikemytherapisthatesme // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptress // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe140  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore97 // @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran
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My Masterlist Masterpost
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willalove75 · 9 months
Alcina's New Maid Pt. 17 Lady Dimitrescu x Reader
Summary: You have your final few days of training and the morning of the meeting finally arrives.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI. Very brief mention of suicide (while talking about Donna's past and her parents). No details mentioned, just mentioning the act itself. If you want to skip that part, skip to the dialogue after the paragraph starting with **.
Tags: fluff, light angst
Notes: Part 17! Sorry for the teeny tiny cliffhanger but we were reaching 5k words so I had to cut it off. Next chapter will dive straight into the meeting! Also, I re-read most of this the other day but I'm sick and don't have the mental capacity to go over it again so apologies for any errors!
Click here for the rest of the series
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The following morning Cassandra woke you up before sunrise again for your last full day of training. Once you were warmed up she started sparring with you again and showing you different ways to get out of different kinds of grapples.
After breakfast she brought out one of her old daggers and handed it to you and taught you how to use it properly now that Karl was making you one of your own. Cassandra showed you how to wield it, and the different ways you can use it for defense and the occasional attack. Once she was satisfied with your movements she ran inside and grabbed a wooden dagger and used that to spar with you.
The first hour of the sparring session ended with her poking you with her wooden dagger in at least eight different places that would kill you. She grabbed Dani and used her as a model to point out where the main arteries in the body were and how to hit them to either kill your opponent or cause massive damage.
She continued sparring with you and teaching you how to block the most important parts of your body to avoid death or severe injury. After a few hours you were finally getting the hang of it and you decided to take a quick break for lunch. Zina brought out your lunches again and Bela and Daniela joined the two of you, all of you eating in the courtyard.
When you finished eating Cassandra quizzed you on the locations of the major arteries again and had you practice sheathing and unsheathing your dagger while you digested. After about an hour it was back to sparring. Once more you sparred with Bela and Daniela but this time they had the wooden dagger. Bela was hard to hit due to her defensive nature and you were able to get a few hits on Daniela because her moves were so erratic and chaotic. None of the hits you landed would have done much damage - no less kill someone - but the fact that you were able to hit her at all meant you were progressing well.
"Okay, now you'll have mother, Aunt Donna and Uncle Karl there to help you if shit goes sideways so you won't have to fight Miranda alone." Cassandra says.
"Which is a good thing because if you fought her alone you would definitely die." Daniela adds in.
"Oh yeah, without a doubt. You'd be super fucked. But even with the three of them Miranda is still stupid strong so it'll still be a really hard fight. Lets team up, you and Dani and me and Bela and we'll do a team match. This will encompass everything, grapples, defense, the daggers, you gotta be on your toes."
The match started and Daniela immediately went after Bela and Cassandra headed directly for you. You were able to fight her off for a decent amount of time before she grappled you. When you realized her grip on you was too strong you were able to grab your dagger and stab her in the leg and get out of it. Even though you missed the artery it was still enough damage to knock her off her game for a moment and get out of her grip.
It felt wrong attacking the girls. Even though you knew a stab like that was the equivalent of a papercut to them. Attacking them wasn't something you enjoyed. Although if you were being honest, attacking anyone wasn't something you enjoyed so at least when you go to stab someone else when they attack you you won't feel as bad as you do when you stab one of the girls.
Bela was able to knock Daniela down and headed over to you to assist Cassandra. Two on one was tough and you didn't last long at all. Although you lasted longer than you thought you would - meaning you were able to fight them off for about a minute instead of immediately being subdued. Bela managed to pin you down and when Daniela finally got over to you, Cassandra was quick to pin her, winning them the match.
The sound of applause rang through the air as Alcina walked over.
"Well done girls. Cassandra, your swordsmanship with the dagger was fantastic, Bela, wonderful defense, Daniela, I don't know how you always manage to keep your sisters on their toes, even after all of these years. And draga, you did a fantastic job, you held your own well. I'm very proud of all of you." She says with a smile. "Now girls, go get washed up, dinner will be soon."
The girls swarm up to give their mother kisses on her cheek and head inside. Alcina walks over to one of the benches and sits down. She pulls you into her lap and holds you close.
"I am very impressed draga mea, truly."
"You are?"
"Yes, I saw you stab Cassandra in the leg to get out of her grasp. Your quick thinking was impressive my love."
"Thanks. I really hope a fight doesn't break out at the meeting. It's one thing sparring with the girls, but with Miranda? I don't know, it makes me nervous."
"It makes me nervous too draga mea. But I'll be there with you and I won't let anything happen to you. Donna and Karl also swore to help protect you so you will be okay." She says.
"I'd hate to be the reason anyone got hurt."
Alcina kisses you on the head and you look up into her golden eyes. She smiles down at you and places a knuckle under your chin and leans down, capturing you lips with hers.
"I won't let anything happen to you, draga mea. I promise." She whispers against your lips.
"I know." You reply before kissing her again.
Alcina nuzzles you and the dinner bell rings.
The two of you walk into the dining room and the girls swarm in. Hunger hits you the moment you smell the delicious food and as soon as your plate it piled you dig in.
Alcina lets you sleep in a little the next morning and just as you're getting dressed the breakfast bell rings. After breakfast Cassandra reviews some of the things she's taught you over the last few days and the two of you finish up right before lunch.
The rest of the day goes by pretty quickly. Cassandra does another quick review with you after dinner and once the two of you are finished you head into your room and find Alcina drawing herself a bath.
"Ah, draga, there you are. How was it?"
"It was good, I was able to retain almost everything she taught me."
"Good, I'm glad to hear it. Would you like to join me?" She asks as she finishes taking off the rest of her clothes and steps into the tub.
You nod and pull off your clothes and toss them in the hamper. Alcina lifts you into the tub and sits you down in her lap with your back against her chest. Once you're comfortable you let out a sigh and lean into her. Alcina wraps her arms around you and kisses your neck.
You're completely enveloped by her, by her scent, by the feeling of her skin against yours, her warm breath skating across your neck. As stressed as you are over tomorrow's meeting you can't help but feel relaxed in her arms. When you're with her like this you feel more safe than you ever have in your life. Even after everything - all of the pain, the hurt, the heartbreak, she's still the one that brings you more comfort than anyone else ever has. If you tried making sense of it you'd surely get a migraine. But right here, in her arms, you're safe. And that's all that matters.
"How are you feeling about tomorrow?" You ask her.
"It's difficult to know how to feel when I don't know what her intentions are, draga. If it were solely about the hunters I would say I am prepared and looking forward to coming up with a plan to deal with them. Although yes, the hunters will certainly be discussed because they are a topic of concern, I know Miranda and I know she's not asking you to be there to solely take notes."
"Are you afraid of her?"
Alcina pauses for a moment to contemplate your question as her fingers mindlessly trace patterns across your skin.
"Yes and no."
"How so?"
"I am not afraid of her for myself. She is incredibly powerful and even though it would not be easy, she could certainly kill me. But I know she won't. She needs myself and the rest of the lords to keep the village under her thumb as she searches for her perfect vessel. And since I do most of the work she knows that killing me would be a mistake. But I fear for the day that she deems us unnecessary because when that day comes, she won't hesitate killing all of us. Her power is nearly limitless and I have no doubt that she will do anything and everything to succeed in finding a suitable vessel for Eva. Even if it means destroying everything around her to do so. Until then she will do whatever she feels is necessary to keep us, the lords, in line. I'm also worried that she is going to try and hurt you to hurt me. I wouldn't put it past her to do something like that again and that scares me, draga mea."
She sighs and holds you tight, nuzzling her nose into your hair. As you take in her words, the word "again" sticks out.
"What do you mean 'again?'"
"Lets finish up in here and I'll tell you in bed."
You nod and you both finish bathing. After drying off and putting on pajamas you crawl into bed and curl under Alcina's chin. Alcina holds you close and continues.
"Many years ago, decades ago at this point, Karl had a paramour. It wasn't someone he truly loved but he did care for them. They were a worker at his factory and the two of them began spending time together. Karl began slacking off to spend more time with them; Mother Miranda got wind of it and she was less than pleased. One day they went missing. Mother Miranda called a meeting and none of us knew why until we arrived and saw Karl's paramour chained down at her feet. She said they were nothing but a nuisance and they were only causing trouble, distracting Karl from her goal of finding a perfect vessel. She ordered Karl to kill them and he refused. Mother Miranda was going to kill them but instead I offered. Karl was furious but I knew that whatever Miranda was going to do, she was going to make them suffer horrifically because Karl refused her. She relented and I was the one who killed them. It was the only time I ever apologized to someone before I killed them. They knew that this was a mercy kill and that Miranda would have done much worse so it was also the only time someone had thanked me for doing it. Miranda was pleased and allowed me to take their body back to the castle to do what I pleased with it. Karl came over the next day and he was so angry, he thought I drained their blood and turned them into one of the vineyards scarecrows. But I didn't, instead I cleared a small spot on the edge of the woods and had them buried. Karl was grateful and after we had a conversation he understood why I did what I did. Karl was still relatively new and hadn't seen Miranda's wrath like I had. He knew refusing her would anger her but he didn't realize she would have taken it out on their paramour instead of himself."
"Is that why he hates Miranda?"
"One of the reasons. He hated her well before that incident. She had kidnapped him and infected him with the cadou when she found out that he was one of the descendants of the four founders of the village. He never got a say in the matter like I did. She just took him and forced it upon him."
"That's so horrible. Why didn't he just leave after he got the cadou?"
"It's difficult to explain but in the end he wasn't able to. Miranda would have hunted him down. Once we were given the cadou, whether or not we had a choice in the matter, we were forced to stay. She was also able to influence him to stay."
"What do you mean?"
"Everyone takes to the cadou differently. I have a theory that those with a higher affinity to the cadou are less affected by Miranda's control. To a certain extent, Miranda controls the mold because her powers were given to her by the Black God, which is where the mold comes from. Since the cadou contains the mold, by extension Miranda has a certain amount of control over it."
"So can she control you?"
"Not necessarily. I believe she has a certain amount of influence over me, but no, she cannot control me because I have a higher affinity to it. For example, the moroaicǎ and lycans have almost no affinity to the cadou so Miranda can control them if she wanted to. In the past she has, but she generally she views them as a waste of time so she gave Karl the job of overseeing the lycans and myself the moroaicǎ."
"So how can you tell who does and doesn't have a higher affinity to it?"
"My theory is that the more mutated the subject, the less affinity they have towards it. The moroaicǎ and lycans are at the bottom, they are the most mutated and most easily controllable therefore have the lowest affinity. Next comes Salvatore, whom you haven't met yet. He is severely mutated and will do anything to please Miranda. Next I believe is Donna. Although her only mutation is on her face, she is very mentally unstable which leads me to believe that Miranda can more easily influence her."
"How is she mentally unstable?"
Alcina lets out a sigh as her fingers dance across your skin.
**"It is quite a tragic story. Many years ago, before she received the cadou, her sister, Claudia, died. Donna was very young when it happened and her parents were unable to deal with the death of their child so they committed suicide together leaving Donna all alone."
"Oh my god, that's horrible."
"It was horrific. After they died she isolated herself and developed severe depression and anxiety. When she received the cadou, she took part of hers and put it into Angie and now primarily uses Angie to speak when she's around mixed company."
"Wait, so Donna is that chaotic?"
Alcina laughs and shakes her head.
"Gods no, Donna uses Angie to speak but the cadou granted Angie her own personality. Part of me believes some of the things Angie says are the thoughts Donna would never say out loud but that is just mere speculation."
"So how do you know when it's Donna talking or Angie?"
"Donna's voice comes through Angie."
"Oh, got it."
"Yes. So because of Donna's mental illness, she is more easily influenced by Miranda but since her and I have formed and alliance that influence has been fading."
"How about you and Karl?"
"Based on my mutation theory, I would be next given," Alcina gestures to her body. "and Miranda does have some influence over me, but not much. I have retained enough of my own cognitive abilities to not fall completely under her influence. There are times where I can feel her influence and if I so chose to I can ignore it. But the pull is there."
"Is it hard to ignore?"
"In the beginning it was, but now not so much."
"Can she tell when you ignore it?"
"Yes, but only because when I do, I am not doing what she wants so she knows her influence on me has failed. Whether she knows I consciously ignore her or not is still a mystery."
"So Karl has the highest affinity to the cadou?"
"As much as I loathe to admit it, yes. Which is also why I refuse to relay this theory to him because I would never hear the end of it. But he has no visible physical mutations, at least that I am aware of. And he hates Miranda more than any of us. He refuses to do anything she asks unless it directly benefits him and he has no desire for her acceptance or approval."
"Do you have any desire for her acceptance or approval?"
Alcina pauses for a moment and you look up at her. She has a faraway look in her eyes before she looks down at you and sighs.
"Truthfully? Yes." You feel the hairs on your arms raise at her answer. Not that you're completely surprised, but hearing her say it out loud makes it real, too real. "It's complicated. There is a part of me that yearns for her acceptance. There's a part of me that's willing to do nearly anything for her. I understand how ridiculous that may sound but after so many years of being under her rule, it's difficult to not want acceptance from the person who essentially created you. And since she rarely shows her approval of anyone the thought of being one of the few becomes almost addicting. She has done a lot for me. She saved my life, although it was under false pretenses. Still, I am still alive because of her. She gifted me the girls, gave me the castle, the vineyard, and the business so I had a way of supporting myself. She has done a lot for me, for my family. In a way in feel indebted to her for those things. But at the same time I hate her. I can't stand what she's done to me, how she's manipulated me and used me over the years." She tightens her grip around you as she thinks back on her past history with Miranda. "I despise how she treats my daughters poorly. I hate that after everything I do for her, after everything I've done, she still views me the same as the rest of them. It aggravates me to no end."
"So you hate her, but at the same time you want to be her favorite? You know that sounds crazy, right?"
Alcina chuckles and rolls her eyes at you.
"I said is was complex, draga."
"Complex is an understatement." You say with a laugh.
Alcina shakes her head and runs her fingers through your hair. An unsettling energy fills the room as the two of you think about tomorrow's meeting.
"Even though I feel that pull of her influence, even though I crave her acceptance, I will never let her hurt you. I don't want you to think for a moment that I won't do everything I possibly can to protect you, draga."
"I know." You say, cuddling into her more.
"Good. Now try and get some sleep draga mea. Tomorrow is going to be a long day."
Her fingers comb through your hair and you feel her nails scratching at your scalp. She holds you a little closer after pulling the duvet over the both of you.
Even though you're tired you can't seem to fall asleep. Anxiety begins to creep its was into your chest and you cling to Alcina a little tighter.
"Rest, draga. I can hear your heartbeat from a mile away."
"I'm sorry, I'm just nervous."
"So am I, but you need to sleep."
"I can't."
Alcina lays you on top of her, resting your head on her chest. One of her large hands scratches at your scalp as the other traces patterns across your back.
"Close your eyes, draga mea. I have you. I will protect you, I promise."
"I know you will. And I love you so much for that."
"I love you too."
Alcina starts singing, her fingers moving perfectly in time with the song and your eyes start to flutter shut. Even though you don't know what song it is since it's in Romanian, whatever she's singing is soothing and begins to lull you to sleep.
Alcina hears your breathing and heartrate settle and knows you finally drifted off. She finds herself having a hard time falling asleep - she's too anxious about tomorrow's meeting. But the soft sounds of your snores help her to relax and a little while later she dozes off into a restful sleep.
The following morning you wake up in the same exact position you fell asleep in; laying on top of Alcina with her arms wrapped tightly around you. Alcina feels you stir in her arms and brushes the hair away from your eyes.
"Good morning, draga mea." She says with a kiss to your head.
"Good morning." You say with a yawn as you stretch out on top of her and curl back up in her arms. "Did you stay here all night or did you get up to work and pull me back on top of you when you came back to bed?"
"No, draga." She says with a chuckle. "I stayed here all night with you."
You didn't say anything in response, just a light chuckle and then you nuzzled your face into her neck. Here in bed, in her arms, it was safe. You were safe. There wasn't a single part of either of you that wanted to get out of bed this morning. Neither of you wanting to leave the comfort and safety of each others embrace. The thought of starting the day made you a little anxious but after taking a deep breath and filling you nose with the scent of Alcina's skin and shampoo, your anxiety melted away and you relaxed into her.
"Can we stay here forever?" You asked as your lips brushed against her skin while your face was buried into her neck.
"I wish, draga mea. I wish." She sighed.
Reluctantly, the two of you finally got out of bed. The meeting was taking place in the chapel at the castle shortly after breakfast so both you and Alcina started getting yourselves ready for the day.
Alcina put on her usual floor-length cream dress, leather gloves, pearls, and her hat. The two of you decided that it was best that you wore the uniform that her handmaidens normally wear. She was sure that Miranda knew the relationship between the two of you was past the point of you just being her handmaid but in order to keep appearances up you both decided wearing the uniform was the way to go.
Once Alcina was finished fixing her hair and makeup the two of you headed down to the dining room for breakfast. Just as you were walking in the girls swarmed in and appeared in their seats.
"Good morning mother!" The girls said in unison.
"Good morning daughters." She said.
You could tell the girls wanted to ask how you and Alcina were feeling about the meeting but none of them dared to. They could tell Alcina was already on edge and they didn't want to make her worse. The nerves in your belly slowly but surely began to build as the time to leave creeped closer. Even though you weren't hungry you forced yourself to eat a decent meal because you knew you were going to need the energy.
Breakfast was quiet and the tension in the air steadily built as the time passed. Every so often you would look over at Alcina and every time you did you noticed she was further and further away mentally. You could tell that her mind was heavily focused on the meeting and that the newspaper in her hand was just a front. The only reason you knew that was because she stayed on the same page throughout the entire meal yet burned through at least four cigarettes. She looked as if she was rereading the same sentence over and over again as her mind wandered. By the time breakfast was over her eyebrows were so closely knit together they nearly became one.
When the girls finished eating they all kissed their mother on the cheek and wished her luck at the meeting. Daniela and Bela gave you a hug before they left and Cassandra punched you on the shoulder and mumbled "don't die." before swarming away.
As the girls left Zina entered the dining room.
"Pardon me, my Lady." She said to Alcina, whose eyes were back on the newspaper. "Lady Beneviento and Lord Moreau have arrived."
Alcina looked up and nodded before taking a sharp inhale and putting the paper down. She took one final drag of her cigarette before putting it out in the ashtray and downed the rest of her wine in one large gulp. Removing the napkin sitting on her lap, she carefully dabbed the corners of her lips and looked towards you and back to Zina.
"I made sure the chapel was stocked with extra wine. One bottle of sanguis virginis and the rest of your finest vintage, my Lady."
"Thank you Zina, your fine attention to detail never goes unnoticed."
"My pleasure, my Lady."
"Ready, draga?" Alcina asks you. You nod in response and she stands up. "We shall be off then."
As Alcina walks past Zina, Zina hands her her cigarette holder with a lit cigarette already sitting at the end. Alcina nods at Zina with a small smile and leaves. As you walk past Zina she stops you by putting her hand on your shoulder.
"Be careful." She whispers with a small squeeze before removing her hand and heading back towards the kitchen.
Alcina expertly guides you through the castle halls. Once you leave the main part of the castle you notice that the halls are less ornate. The smooth stone walls slowly turn more jagged and unkept and the cracks in the floor grow until the stones beneath your feet are uneven. You've never seen any part of the castle in such a state of despair before. Alcina doesn't say a word the entire time. The juxtaposition of her and your current surroundings is a fascinating one. Her steps are purposeful and she's as elegant as ever as she strides through her domain. Alcina is a woman of elegance, of nobility, she's a queen roaming the halls of her castle. Yet the current surroundings show evidence of disarray. The further down the hall you walk the worse it gets. Alcina would never let the main areas of the castle look like this. If a spec of dust is left behind she throws a fit. You wonder why she's allowed this area to fall apart so much, seemingly without care.
She leads you to a large door and turns towards you. As you finish taking in your surroundings you look up at her. There must have been a look of confusion on your face as you took in the crumbling walls around you because you hear Alcina sigh.
"As you know, I take pride in keeping my castle in top shape so I am sure the passageway has been rather out of the ordinary." You nod your head in response. "This side of the castle sustained extensive damage during the war and I was never able to properly conduct the repairs. The dilapidated state ended up keeping wandering maids away and it warded off unwanted visitors. It was far too much trouble to repair it and since it provided almost guaranteed privacy for these meetings I allowed it to remain in such a despicable state."
"Got it. That makes sense." You say with a small smile. Alcina returns the gesture but her smile doesn't reach her eyes.
She takes a deep breath and exhales. Her eyes stay on the floor and she looks like she is having trouble saying something.
"Are you okay?" You ask.
"Yes. I have something to ask of you, and I hate that I have to ask this of you."
"What is it?"
"In order to attempt to keep appearances up, I don't think it would be wise for you to," she pauses for a moment. "for you to call me Alcina during the meeting." She says quietly. Her eyes flick up to yours and they're filled with concern. "I know we are well past formalities but I'm worried about Miranda as it is and if she hears you call me by my given name, I fear it will make things worse."
Alcina starts to ramble a little and you take a step forward and reach out to grab her hand.
"Hey," you say, looking into her eyes. "I get it, it's okay. I promise."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course, my Lady." You say with a smirk.
Alcina releases a breath that sounds like a sigh of relief and she cups your face with her hand.
"I truly don't know what I ever did in my life to deserve you, draga mea." She whispers.
The two of you share a moment as you gaze into each others eyes. Angie's cackle rings out on the other side of the door, effectively ruining the moment the two of you were having. Alcina closes her eyes and takes a grounding breath before adjusting her posture and putting her "countess" mask back on.
"Stay by my side and do not do anything unless I give you the okay. Understand?"
"Yes, my Lady."
She nods in approval and looks at the door and back to you.
"Shall we?" She asks.
You nod in response and she pulls a key out of the band around her hat. The door unlocks with a soft "click" and swings open. Alcina returns the key and she ducks under the doorframe, making her way into the chapel.
"Here goes nothing." You think to yourself before following behind her.
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