#also sorry for hidden my third answer
Hi!!! Just wanted to say I love your blog, I adore the story you’re creating with your OC and Flint! As someone who also has an AU that involves Scroop I’m excited to see what you do next!!
My question is, how did you discover Treasure Planet? How did Flint become your favorite? And where did the idea of your OC come from?
Sorry if this is a lot 😂 but thank you in advance! Have a good evening!
pffft nah your good I'm happy you are enjoying my blog! :'D
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umm I think I already answer this but quick summary lol
1. I discovered it when I saw it on vhs trailer when i was a kid. I thought was awesome to see the Crescent moon looking like a spaceport and more cool to see ships flying through space 🤩🌌✨It won me over on wanting to check out the film for myself 👏🏻👏🏻
2. Well mostly is his design that got me to make him one of my fav TP characters 😆. and also he's an interesting character that leaves me wanting to know more about him. And fun fact thanks to him I found out he's the reason I got into wanting to watch and read treasure planet adaptations 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻.
You can read my full thoughts on him here
3. Oh well um... I really dont know how to answer this.
Some depressed stuff ahead be aware.
you see back then, I remember making my OC/sona/self insert after the Covid 19. So long story short since that event happened so much stress has been piling on me then. I don't want to go into details but I almost lost someone I cared about that lead me to depressed and hatred on myself.
Then I decided to watch Treasure Planet clips on youtube along Flint and I forgotten how amazing the film was along feeling my heart be restolen by Flint. 💖 I finally made a decision on doing my silly self insert wanting to just jump in their universe and be away from anxiety the world has given me. And it gives me opportunity to do a unique fanfic on going to their universe with Flint being alive for my small comfort.
I guess I can say is I'm thankful for the movie along Flint to exist . :')
Anyway dont feel bad for me. Its all in the past I want to put behind me! XDD
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alexias-putellas · 2 months
the proposal // l.wälti x reader
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l.wälti x reader
based on this request! lia and caitlin never dated in this and i added my own little flair to make it that little bit fluffier. also i’m being vague about the ring so you can picture any one you want :))
“what about this one? ooh, that one’s pretty. look at that one though. would it be cringe of me to get one with a red diamond? i just think she looks incredible in red–“
“jesus, stop and take a breath,” beth laughed, placing her hands on your shoulders and shaking you gently. “this is lia we’re talking about. you could propose with a haribo ring and she’d say yes.”
“still. she deserves a pretty ring, bethany.”
“and we will find the prettiest,” leah reassured you, popping up at your side. “if not in this shop then the next. we will find the perfect ring.”
“i’m not sure we will,” you sighed, nibbling on your lip. “i mean this is the third shop we’ve been in and we’ve found nothing.”
“because you’re overthinking it.”
“of course i’m overthinking it. you only get one ring, beth. i can’t buy one, propose, and then change my mind about it. it has to be perfect—everything has to be perfect.”
“and it will be,” leah piped up again and you turned to her. “i think we need to take a little break. we can get food, coffee, whatever and talk about what it is you’re looking for because i don’t think you know the answer to that right now.”
you wanted to argue but ultimately leah was right. you really had no idea what you were looking for. the three of you found a nearby restaurant and you practically collapsed into a chair as beth patted your back sympathetically.
“why is proposing to someone so much work?”
“just wait until you plan the wedding,” leah snorted, lowering her head when both you and beth glared at her. “sorry.”
you turned your attention back to beth when she tapped you. “i meant what i said earlier. i know that you think that you need to do something extravagant but you really don’t need do. lia’s gonna say yes no matter what.”
“i hope so,” you muttered under your breath. “i still want to do something nice. i mean we’re in the public eye, people are going to ask questions and i don’t want her to have some stupidly lame story for an answer. i have to do something.”
“okay,” leah nodded, sitting forward a little. “let’s brain storm. three heads will be better than one, right? if we work together, we can definitely come up with a plan and find a ring.”
and over a giant pizza and a share bowl of chips, you did just that. since it was nearing summer and london was growing warmer, you’d come up with the plan to take lia on a romantic picnic somewhere, somewhere you could hang fairy lights and make the set up really fancy. with the help of leah and beth of course.
as for the ring, as soon as you’d outlined to the girls what you were looking for, beth had found the perfect one in the next shop you went to.
“it’s perfect,” you’d whispered, staring down at the ring in awe, the added red ring box an added bonus. “beth, oh my god, it’s beautiful.”
“see?” leah grinned, nudging you playfully. “told you we’d find one.”
“thank you. thank you, thank you, thank you,” you whispered continuously, throwing your arms around both blondes and squeezing them tightly. when you pulled away, you quickly hid the ring box and wiped at your eyes. “sorry i don’t know why i’m crying.”
“if you’re crying now what the hell will you be the like when you propose?” beth laughed.
leah nodded, a laugh escaping her own lips. “we’re definitely staying. i want to see the entire thing.”
you rolled your eyes and for the rest of the shopping trip, you found yourself at the receiving end of their teasing. you simply decided to be petty by taking a little too long choosing shoes or trying on clothes.
your arms were filled with bags when you finally headed back to yours and lia’s house, having took the shopping facade a little too far.
you made sure the ring box was hidden before heading into the living room, finding lia sat on the sofa, doing what you assumed to be uni work.
the brunette glanced up at you, not at all surprised at how much you’d spent. “have fun liebling?”
with a huff, you dropped all of the bags onto the other sofa, placing your hands on your hips. “i spent the entire day with leah and beth, you tell me.”
lia laughed softly and you dropped into the seat next to her, leaning your head on her shoulder as you watched her type away.
after a few more minutes, you pressed a quick kiss to her cheek before hauling your shopping bags into your shared bedroom. you made quick work of sorting everything into its new home and took a seat on the edge of the bed, glancing at the door to make sure lia wasn’t there. and when you were sure that she wasn’t moving, you pulled the ring box from your pocket and opening it.
for a moment, you had the urge to just burst back into the living room and dropping to your knee then and there. but you couldn’t, you had a plan and you were going to stick with it.
after training the next day you were ambushed, a loud yelp falling from your lips as someone grabbed the collar of your training shirt and yanked you into an empty room.
“what the hell are you doing?” you stared at katie with wide eyes, watching as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“what are you three planning and why am i not part of it?” she asked and you immediately rolled your eyes.
“i don’t believe you,” she told you. “you’ve been whispering and giggling about something all day and i want in.”
“my god, fine! but you cannot tell anyone and i mean anyone!” you said sternly and she nodded. “i’m gonna propose to lia.”
katie grinned. “really?”
“yes and if you promise to keep your mouth shut, you can have in on the plan.”
and with a quiet promise that she wouldn’t tell anyone, even caitlin, you swiftly informed her of the current plan. and as the two of you walked towards the locker room, you answered any questions she had, motioning for her to be quiet once you’d pushed the door open.
katie headed to her cubby and you headed to yours, deciding to have a shower when you got home. you skipped over to lia once you’d grabbed your bag, throwing your arms around her. she playfully pushed you off with a grimace, her hair still wet from the shower she’d obviously decided to have.
“lia!” you half-whined, half-laughed as she pushed you away again. “stop! i wanna hug!”
as your girlfriend finally gave in and pulled you into the hug you wanted, there was only one thought swirling through your mind.
you could not wait to make her your wife.
the whistle blew and the crowd erupted, your teammates practically bowling you down as they jumped on top of you. after all it wasn’t everyday you scored a goal that secured a champions league victory.
“we got the treble, baby!” you heard katie shout and your teammates burst into cheers, lia helping you up once the pile had disappeared.
she hugged you tightly, swaying you from side to side as you held back tears. the brunette just about managed to kiss your head before you were whisked away to go round shaking the other teams hands and getting ready for the medal ceremony.
as always, you stuck close to lia, comparing your gold medals as you headed to the rest of the team awaiting the trophy. the two of you found yourselves near the middle of the team, cheering loudly with the fans as soon as kim and leah lifted the trophy.
katie wasted no time covering everyone with champagne and by the time everyone had wandered off to celebrate with fans or family, you had been her target multiple times.
you and lia managed to find a quiet-ish corner away from the chaos that katie was still unleashing on your unsuspecting teammates. you laughed softly as alessia squealed, running away from the champagne spray.
“i’m so proud of you.” lia whispered, bringing your attention back to her as she brushed your wet hair back from your face.
you swallowed thickly, the words falling from your mouth before you could stop them.
“marry me,” your heart was pounding in your chest as you realised what you’d done but it was too late to turn back. “this wasn’t the plan—i have a plan, i have a ring, but i can’t wait. i love you too much to wait any longer—oh god, lia please marry me.”
it felt like forever had passed before the brunette responded. “only if you marry me.”
you blinked. it certainly wasn’t the response you were looking for. “what?”
“i have a ring too.” lia admitted and your eyes widened.
“really?” you asked.
“you sound surprised.” she noted with a laugh.
“i am a little but i also thought going ring shopping with beth and leah would be easy so what do i know?”
lia laughed again and you pulled her into a hug, resting your chin on her shoulder. you breathed out in relief, eyes fluttering shut as she pressed a featherlight kiss to your jaw. “i can’t wait to marry you liebling.”
you nodded in agreement, whispering the words back to her before pulling away, turning around in time to see leah, beth and katie all grinning at you like chesire cats.
with the adrenaline from the win and incredibly recent engagement running through your veins, you couldn’t really focus on one thing at a time but there was one thing you did know.
none of them were helping you plan the wedding.
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starsomens · 20 days
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 8・𝓥.𝓐.𝓝
̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿   ‿ ̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿
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Warnings: Use of guns, speak of threats, language, slight implied smut, but not really, blood mention, poorly written action I’m sorry
̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿   ‿ ̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿
You sat in the cool leather seat. There were a few folders set in front of you. Nick and Jolly sat across from you while Ruffilo and we’re standing near the wall. They draw the shades and dim the room. A projector goes off behind you as the word V.A.N appears.
“Y/N, as you know we’re in mafia organization. We are well-known, but we are also hidden. Violence against nature and those who don’t remain that way.” Noah started
“As a mafia, we have our own branches that deal with money, arms, silencing, and punishment. Each division is in a different section of the city. We’re at the center of the city so we are the main branch, nearly all branches come and answer to us but we have a single higher up.” The slideshow swaps to the picture of a rough looking man. He had a single scar going from the corner of his left eyebrow down to the bottom his lip. His mean mug didn’t make the picture any more pleasant
“This is Lucian, the founder and head of V.A.N. Directly under him is Noah which is why he deals with so many things and has so much power over certain areas. Now in the case of you being targeted….”
Noah walks beside you and opens the three folders with pictures of people two faces of which you recognize and one you had not seen before. First Denise. You had even thought of her since the event you attended to with Noah.
“Denise Thompson. She is the daughter of Lucian and Heiress of this entire mafia. Whoever marries her gains control of the entire organization.” Noah explains “ I know you remember her going off on you and how she was supposed to be with me, but I declined the marriage.”
“Why? You’ve gained so much you would’ve been in charge of everything…” you asked
“ That was an option for me yes, realistically, I didn’t want to be married to Denis. On top of that, your father was in debt to me so I took advantage of my options,” he said closing her profile “Denise was raised to be an absolute spoiled brat. She gets everything her way when she wants it no matter what needs to be done. Knowing that you two had such a great introduction, she was the first suspect.”
This was the most silent you had ever been. Even Noah, who was speaking to you, was taken aback by how little you had spoken in the past ten minutes. That morning, you had been quite talkative with him, yet now you seemed lost in thought as you sipped your coffee.
“Next,” opening the next file you see a very familiar face as well “Jared Conti. another nepo baby to add to the chain. Although he was raised with a silver spoon in his mouth he also inherited his fathers greed taking what he wants from who he wants no matter what it may be”
You thought back to the party were you first met him and how he just couldn’t take a no for an answer
“So you’re saying he’s targeting me because I said no?” You raised a brow at Noah
“Not entirely. We only recently found out Denise’s father arranged for the two to marry, since there’s that connection he’s a natural suspect since you had a bit of a run in with him” Nick chimed in “but we also suspect because of his past with Noah that it may be a way to get to him through you”
You pause for a moment to process the information you've just received. Knowing the potential suspects brings some relief, yet you can't shake the feeling that this might be a trivial matter or, conversely, something far more significant. Your gaze drifts to the table, where one last unopened folder catches your eye.
"who's this one?" you said flipping it open to find written statements but no name, picture or anything
"that's the fun part," Noah said sarcastically "third party, and we have no idea who it can be......but we are suspecting some inner work being done."
"you mean-"
"Someone who's working in the system against us, yes" Jolly chimed in "we have tried fingerprinting, but it looks like they've been using gloves, no hair was left behind, no blood...."
"So in the meantime we may relocate to my other property for your protection" Noah says as he walks towards you and sits one of his legs on the table "do you have questions?"
You take a deep breath "how....on a scale how at risk is my life?" he could see it was starting to get to you a bit
"Y/N, you're safe as long as-"
"Noah.....just tell me...."
"....a 9." he said bluntly. He noticed how it was all registering in your head now. Looking at the guys he gives them a knowing look. They silently take their leave and just you and Noah were left in the room, he comes down to kneel in front of you and softly speak "listen....you're my wife, and that means nothing to going to touch a hair on your head. Understand?"
You nod your head "where are we going to go?" you asked him
"I have a home in upstate New York, it'll be just for the time until we get this matter settled...now come on, the guys brought breakfast," he said standing and offering his hand for you to take. You walk towards the door hand in hand already hearing the commotion coming from the kitchen. Followed by Velma Tell them they were going to ruin he nice silverware that way. You couldn't help but chuckle coming into the kitchen watching Folio drown his waffles in syrup
"Hey there they are, we got you, your favorite!" Jolly said holding up a tray with a breakfast sandwich you really liked from the place Noah buys from "we made sure it's the way you liked, if not Noah would have kicked my ass,"
"Oh really?" you smile taking the food seeing some pink appear on Noah's ears
"Mhm, he always checks your food to make sure it's perfect," Nick said taking a mouthful of waffles
"Well, that's nice to know" you giggle loving to hear how attentive he was about you even when you weren't around. You sit down and take a bite from your sandwich; the savory and warm food honestly made you forget the entire ordeal for just a moment. That was until a smell had caught your attention in the wrong way. Looking around you see Noah eating an omelet with some veggies in it and cheese. You never thought the smell of eggs would throw you off like that. Shaking your head lightly you go back to your sandwich and ignore the smell. After some time eating and joking and of course them teasing Noah with how smitten he was by you, they still had jobs to do.
As they were saying their goodbyes, you were helping Velma to clean up the kitchen. Nothing too crazy most of the containers were disposable. The front door closes and no walks back into the kitchen
“Y/N, come on I wanna show you something “
“Oh boy I wonder what it is,” you chuckle as you walk to him and he rests his hand on your lower back. He leads you down the hallway to the backyard, but instead of heading to the gardens as usual, you turn right into a large shed just off the path. You've often seen Noah and the guys enter here on late nights. He opens the door and leads you into what appears to be a private gun range. This must be their spot for practice or stress relief. It also clarifies why you sometimes hear gunshots. You thought you were imagining things, but you weren't!
“Sooo…. You’re showing me the second part of the tour of our property. Now I know those gunshots I heard were real and I wasn’t going insane.” You joke as you walk up and down the aisle where you would stand and shoot.
“Well, yes but,” grabs a gun off of the table and releases the magazine, leaving it empty, “this time, you’ll take a shot”
“Pun intended?” You smile as he dangles the gun in front of you. You take a hold of it and look it over. It was much heavier than you were expecting. Of course your mother would never allow your father or any of her kids to be around. It was a strict rule that she had so this was your first time actually holding one.
“How’s it feel?” he asked with his hands in his pocket as he stands just a bit closer to you.
“Mmm, heavy and foreign,”
“Well, like I said you’re gonna take some shots today. Because if I’m ever not around, I want you to be able to defend yourself even though I always want to be there to protect you,”
Which he always will be! But he needs to think if worse comes to worse he needs to weigh of you being protected enough until he gets to you.
“ of course I’ll always be there, but this is just a precaution, now come on,” he places his hands on your hips and lines you with one of the isles. He put some protective earmuffs on you and loads of the gun. He shows you how to hold it and how to align your shot.
“Alright good, I’m gonna let go and when you feel ready, you pull the trigger okay,” he said softly completely contrasting your action. You are feeling much more nervous than you would have thought. “Just breaths dns hoot baby,”
You pull the trigger and and you’re jolted back just a bit. You squint at the target and see that you had aimed a bit higher, and punctured a hole just above the shoulder. Noah says,
“ Better than I thought for your first time,” He then puts his hand over yours to show you how to put a new bullet into the chamber “ give another go,” he stands back and gives you some room this time. He felt a bit more confident with your stance in your hold of the gun. You do as he says take your time, you take a deep breath….. and pull the trigger once again.
This time you got a hit into the neck! You give a small bounce in victory, feeling Noah comes closer behind you as his hands trace up the sides of your body and his neck cranes down to your ear as his lips gazes your ear
"Good, you're getting it," he said in a low voice, his back slightly against yours and his hands come up to caress your arms and hold the gun with you "just a bit higher and you'll get it,"
His fingers rests over your own on the trigger as you both pull the trigger, finally hitting the target in the head dead center. You lower the gun feeling a sense of power and self confidence. You were by no means a marksmen, but you could defiantly grab one if needed. He kisses the bottom of your ear
"Did so good baby, better than I thought," he chuckles
"Oh and you can do better?" you smile as you turn your face to him, the gun forgotten on the small table in front if you as his hands come to your hips and wrap around your waist
"Oh I know I can," he whispers against your lips "Maybe I should just show you, hm?" his lips open to capture your lips with his. One of his hands coming to cup your jaw as he deepens the kiss. You head felt light as you melted into the sweet moment.
He pulls back and whispers "fuck.." he dives back in backing you up against the table and hoisting you on to the table. He pulls you closer to the edge so that he was slotted between your legs. He moves your head up so that his eyes were staring right back into yours. But before anything could escalate his phone ring and he groaned in frustration.
As he side, he let his head rest onto your shoulder. You giggle slightly at his frustration of being cock blocked by his own business. He reached for his phone in his pocket and pulled up the screen to his face to see who was calling. Nicholas’s name showed up on the screen and he said deeply
“Looks like it might be a lead. I have to take this. But we will revisit your aim, flower “ he helps you to get off of the table and walks back out with you from the small gun range. After locking up the area, he takes you back inside as the sky begins to darken. It look like it was going to be quite a storm he sat on the couch watch him throw on his trenchcoat, and slip a gun into the waistband of his pants
“Do you have to go?” Well leaning your head on your hand. He as he walks over and kisses your forehead.
“I unfortunately have to. It’s for your own good. I have to go so I can see what kind of lead they have going on.” Looking at his phone he saw that his ride was outside “ I’ll be in contact okay? you call me if anything happens. Anything.” he made sure to raise his eyebrows on the word anything emphasizing his seriousness when he said absolutely anything. You could hear a mouse squeak in the house and he would want to know about it.
“I know….be safe.” You as you snuggle into the couch, the fire still roaring proudly in the fireplace as your finger saves the spot in your book that you were currently on.
“No promises,” he smirks at you as he closes the door, locking it behind him. He put his hands into his pockets as he leans over to one of the guards at the door.
“ She does not leave the house and no one gets in, understood?” There was a major difference when Noah was speaking to you and speaking to men who worked for him and that’s how cold he was and how threatening he was. “ Any movement, noise, any person near here is reported to me immediately.”
“Yes sir.” he he goes down a few steps before he stops and looks over his shoulder and says “anyone that comes on the property, you. No hesitation.”
After getting into the car, Noah drives off to the next location. Honestly, he considered ignoring the call to stay home, but he realized that doing so would hinder his progress on the case and only extend the risk. He preferred to eliminate the risk entirely.
“Koda,” you call for your adorable companion. Even though you knew he was supposed to be your protection and a threat to others couldn’t help but think about how cute he was. His he comes into the room with his tail, wagging behind them, the sofa near your feet to jump onto “come on boy,”
He hops on up and makes himself at home at your feet. Keep having Koda around honestly helped with how much was going on. Of course, well-being a furry companion with the most adorable eyes in years. He also guarded you and alerted you of anything.
As your gaze flitted over the pages of your book, your vision began to blur. Your fingers relaxed, losing their grip on the page. The warmth of the fire, the rhythmic patter of rain against the windows, and Koda's endearing snores gradually lulled you into slumber. You yielded to the comfort of the couch for a peaceful nap.
As the hours passed, you took a restful nap while the fire slowly died out. Awakening to the mansion's chill, your feet remained warm, nestled under your furry companion. Stretching your limbs, you enjoyed a satisfying stretch. Sitting up, you began to gently pet Koda's head.
He let out a toothy yawn as he scratch a nice part on his head.
“Good spot huh boy?” You smile. Looking around you must’ve not turned on any of the life since it looked pretty dark aside from the log in the fireplace that still burned orange was dying out. Stand up on the lamp of the couch.
It clicked a couple of times, but no light came on….weird. Maybe this must’ve burned out. So you walk into the hallway and flip the switch up for the elegant to be illuminated.
“Did the storm knock the power out?” You ask out loud padding the side of your leg you call Koda “here boy, watch.”
You gave him a command in which he walks along side you to watch for any potential threats. He quickly comes to your side and keeps his body close to yours as he scans the area with you. Pull out your phone and try to call it wrong and wrong, but it went right to his voicemail. He decides to send him a message and let him build up. The power has gone out and try again in about two minutes.
Your heart was pounding, yet the reason was unclear. The silence was deafening. Every door was securely locked, with Noah's men stationed outside. Perhaps it was an overreaction, or maybe it was just nerves.
“Vilma?” for the elderly woman “Vilma are you here?” no answer. But she was here when you went to sleep, how could she just vanish? "Vilma please, answer me!"
The rain began to pour down even more intensely upon the house, accompanied by the growling thunder in the distance. Frustrated, you pull out your phone and attempt to call Noah once more. Pacing through the house, you search for any functioning light switches. The kitchen's switch is unresponsive, the stairwell's remains inactive, and your call drops. You groan and punch in his contact again.
You let out a heavy sigh "Oh thank god! Noah, the powers out and Vilma isn't here, nothing is turning on and-"
"Y/N? Y/N? Are you there hello?"
"Noah! Noah hello?!" you were starting to panic a bit
"Y/N I'm going to call security..." he hangs up
"No! NO!" you were so frustrated and stressed you could cry. Of course things can only go from bad to worst in these situations...Koda was on edge. You could see him whip his body around his vision focused on something in the far end of the hall. His low growl was not a good sign. You turn on your flashlight and slowly bring it up the long carpeted hall. A pair of shoes....trousers....it was...Alfred?
"Oh god Alfred....you scared me," you said resting your hand on your chest "do you know if there's a breaker where we can get the power back up?"
He remained silent.
"Alfred?..." he starts to walk to you "Alfred this isn't funny....." Koda starts barking as he inched closer and closer, taking his time, face vacant of emotion.
You reach down for you phone once again to call for help "it will be useless to try and call him Y/N...."
"but the guards must-"
"be gone? A simple hack really...they've left their posts. Noah can't reach a signal from you. Just surrender, come with me and things won't have to get ugly."
You couldn't believe it....Alfred. You stop in your tracks, standing your ground and thinking of what to do next
"So it was you huh?...the letter? the threats?" you ask as he got closer and closer
"no, no of course not. I was simply the messenger delivering the letter and giving information.....I have my own pawns to play with"
He was just a few steps from you and just before he could take another step you give Koda his Release word
"ON!” Koda jumps into actions and locks down on to Alfred's leg as you hit him over the head with a vase, shattering the pottery. Buying you some time to run. “KODA OFF!” You yell his release word
Indeed, you wanted him to buy you some time, and he didn't want to involve him in the process. Even though he was trained for this, you cherished him like a pet. You head to the backyard and dash toward the shed, only to twist the knob and discover it's locked.
“Come on! Fuck! Why?!” You keep jiggling the lock as if it would magically open. The rain soaking your clothes and hair blocking your view. Your turn left to keep running through the garden as lightning strikes in the distance. You look back to see if he was still following you. The other way, nothing, the other still nothing.
Something finally covers your mouth as you try and fight him off, Alfred holds a clothe to your mouth and nose as you lose consciousness. Slowly slipping away. Gazing into the eyes of who you thought you could trust. The person Noah let into his home, his life, your marriage. God only knows if he did something to Vilma as well.
"that's it...that's it..." your finally tranquil on the ground feeling even your hearing starting to muffle "just wait until Lucien hears about this..." your vision fades into black.....your phone rings forgotten on the hallway floor.
Noah's name on your screen for the 5th time in a row, but no answer from you. Noah stares down at his screen feeling his heart drop down into his stomach.
"I'm leaving," he mumbles letting his chair spin as he gets up from the seat abruptly "Something isn't right,"
"Wait Noah! What about him?" Looking over into the chair where one of Jared's goons sat. His face bloody and bruised, his nose crooked and most likely broken. They were trying to get any information possible and of course resort to violence once the goon had referred to you as "Noah's whore"
"Water board him, sab him, hang him upside down I don't care I need to go and get Y/N," he grabs the keys to the car and run out into the rain. The guys looking back at the goon and then each other. Folio holds up a set of keys with a smile
"Wanna go into his secret drawer?" as he wiggled them
"Yes!" jolly exclaimed "No." Nick folded his arms
"Niiccckkk" they both whined at the long haired man, wanting him to "be fun for once"
As for Noah, he was currently breaking any traffic laws as he cut through traffic. His phone ringing and ringing. The cameras weren't on, Vilma wasn't answering and none of his guards were either. The longer he waited for a response the harder his foot pressed down on the gas. He ran 7 red lights, crossed 6 lanes and cut off a couple of trucks on his ways over. He pulls into the driveway with no men to be seen
"what the...Y/N?" he runs up to the house and twists the knobs open. No forced entry, but you wouldn't just let someone in. He steps inside to see none of the lights working "Y/N?" he called again
As he walks down the hall he sees the broken vase and what looks to be...blood? Wait where was Koda?
"Koda! Koda?" he hears scratching and barking from the closet at the end of the hall in the closet. Opening it up the young dog comes out sniffing around Noah looking around frantically.
“Y/N?!” He called again as he walks he steps on something as it cracked under his foot, it was your phone. He bends down to pick it up and waves in front of Koda
“Koda, smell,” Koda comes over to his and takes a few sniffs of the phone “good. Now, track”
Koda sniffs the ground around Noah for some trace of a scent.
“Come on…come on….”
Koda whimpers as he sits. His signs of finding no trace of your scent.
“FUCK!” he walked towards the front door again. Pushing the doors open and stepping out into the rain. He looks up into the sky and starts to question the gods of his misfortune.
He clenched his fists and screams
̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿   ‿ ̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿
[Taglist🥃] @darling-millicent-aubrey @daylightlvrs @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @gretaswhore28 @cowpokeomens @lizzyanthony3 @cookiesupplier @lma1986 @lust-for-sacher @missduffsblog @thecartelqueen @twyftwyt @thenoahsebastianfiles @sorrowsofsilence @chemicallady @chemicaltendancies @shilohrosechicken @thefallennightmare @crimson-calligraphyx @calleyx13 @iknownothingpeople @lilhobgobbler r @niicoleleigh @badomensls @ladispo0p @skulliecadaver-blog @malixxxmizer r @kageyasma @samanthasgone @the-ancient-fae @lacktoesandtoddlerants @blackveilomens @thebadchic @badomensbabe @dsireland86 @ebechnasheim @somewhere-diamond @hayleylatour @raydenrrobertson @sundamariis @red-ace-in-space
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soccer-love · 2 months
Weddings make lovers
Mala Grohs x reader
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Magdas and Pernilles weeding was a thing the whole Bayern team was looking forward to.
The were getting married on a Saturday after the last game of the season.
Everyone helped to make this day perfect.
They offered to let other guest stay at their apartments, helped to decorate the location, picking out the cake and food and helping each other to choose outfits.
The ceremony was beautiful and besides the familys, Tuva was the one to cry, and every five minutes someone else had to hand her a tissue.
After the ceremony and the dinner, the big party started.
Jovi had offered to be the DJ and she really did a great job.
At first she played the song, Magda and Pernille had picked out for their first dance and then more songs you could dance to.
During that, Caro and Georgia took over the bar and tried to give everyone there own cocktail creations, while also being a little bit tipsy already.
Linda was the one to take pictures of everything and everyone.
Syd and Klara where joking and fooling around, making everyone laugh and encouraged everyone to dance.
And I was somewhere in the middle of all of that.
I was already a little bit tipsy, thanks to Caro's newest creation: The Amortentia Potion, inspired by Harry Potter. And maybe that was also the reason why I walked towards Mala as I saw her on standing the side of the dancefloor.
"Mala." I say and smile at her.
I don't know who helped her pick out her outfit, but it was incredible hot.
A blue suit, with a read tie and black shoes.
"Come dance with me." I say and grab her hand, it's warm and fits perfectly into mine.
"What happened to the shy and calm Y/N?" Mala asks laughing as she starts to dance along with me.
"Maybe this is the true and dark me?" I answer and place her hand on my shoulder.
"You have a dark side?"
"Dark and dusty, hidden deep inside me."
"I am impressed."
We dance for some more and I really enjoy the feeling of her hands on my shoulder.
I like her, more than I should.
More than she likes me.
"Y/N! Sorry Mala but G and I need her." I hear Caro's voice next to me and turn around.
She points over to the bar, where Georgia is standing together with Magda, Linda Sembrant and Zecira Musovic.
"Zecira brought some drink called Akvavit, and you absolutely have to try it." Caro explains and I nod.
"Sorry Mala." I say and let myself get dragged away by Caro.
"This is literally so good!" Georgia says and hands me a shot glass.
The cold liquid burns in my throat but it's also really good.
"Oh my gosh this is really good." I say making them laugh.
"Told ya." Georgia answers, pouring me another shot glass of it and drinking one her own.
"Better be careful." Magda warns, Pernille appearing behind her.
"Careful with what?" she asks, sliding one arm around her wife.
"They are trying Akvavit." Zecira explains, pointing at the bottle.
"Uh yeah you should defiantly be careful, that stuff is really strong." Pernille warns while Georgia and I drink our third glass of that stuff.
"Nah we can handle that, we are big girls." Georgia says and wraps one arm around me.
Caro serves us a round of drinks and Pernille and Magda leave to talk to some people.
The party keeps going till it's late at night, around midnight most of the people started to leave and now there are only some friends, some team members and the brides left.
"I need to go to the restroom." I say to Caro who is still standing behind the bar with Georgia, singing along to a German party song, Jovi finally decided to play.
"Der Zug hat keine bremse." she sings in reply and I cant help but laugh.
The floor on the way there is really uneven and as I come back I see someone coming towards me.
"You're good?" I hear Mala asking, fuck is she hot.
"This floor isn't built right." I say instead of answering her question.
"You know what a friend of mine is a carpenter I think he knows how to fix this." I say and pull my phone out of my pocket.
"Y/N, it is 1am I don't think he will like it if you call him now."
I put my phone back into my pocket and look at her.
"I think you should go home and sleep till you're sober." Mala says "I can drive you home."
"You are so smart." I step closer, how can someone actually be so smart? I mean she is studying....something. I know she is studying something you have to be very smart for. But right now I cant remember its name.
"There is so much knowledge inside your beautiful head." I say, pressing one finger against her forehead.
"And your skin is so soft." I feel the need to touch her cheek.
"Yeah you defiantly are druck, come on let's get you home." she says laughing and wraps one arm around me, trying to get me to walk towards the exit.
"Wait." I say and grab her by her jacket, pulling her against me.
Her warmth surrounds me and I feel like I could pass out just from that feeling.
"Yes?" her voice is so soft, like she is an angel.
"I really want to kiss you." I say, looking at her lips for some seconds before I look up into her eyes.
"That's because you're drunk." she says but not letting go of me.
"No! I mean yes...I say that because I am drunk but I want to kiss you even when I am sober."
"I am in love with you, Mala."
A small smile curls up on her lips and she softly grabs my chin.
"If you really mean that, then say it again when you are sober." she says, stepping back.
"But don't play with my feelings Y/N."
I slowly nod, suddenly feeling really tiered.
"Let's get you home." she says and I follow her down the hall, we say goodbye to Magda and Pernille and some other people and I see Magda whispering something to Mala while looking at me but I cant hear what they are saying.
Mala drives me home and waits outside until I am inside my apartment.
We have two final training sessions before everyone is going on their summer vacations and as usual I am one of the last ones to be there.
Malas place in the locker room is directly opposite to mine and normally we talk a little while getting chanced and she helps me doing my hair.
But today is different.
Yesterday morning I woke up with my head feeling like it had doubled in size but unfortunately I could remember everything that had happened.
And I feel like she also did.
The training is good but it feels different without Mala talking to me and making jokes all the time.
At the final training it is the same and I definitely know that I don't want to go into summer brake like that.
I try to be the last one to go into the locker room but she is already waiting outside as I get there.
"We should talk." she says and I nod.
I follow her around the corner so we won't get interrupted by any of the other players.
"I don't know how much you remember of the party night but-"
"I remember everything." I interrupt her, leaning against the wall.
"And I am sorry for telling you that but..." I look at the floor, I could just deny it, deny my feelings, deny the fact that I didn't say all of that because I was drunk.
"I...I cant tell you that it was because of the alcohol, because .... because it is true. Everything I said." I say and look up.
I am surprised by the way she looks back at me, not mad or hurt but with a small smile on her lips. Her beautiful lips.
She steps closer.
"What is true?" she asks.
"That I am in love with you and that I want to kiss you."
"And what did I say after you told me that?"
"To tell you that again when I am sober?" I ask, confused about her reaction.
"No after that."
"To not play with your feelings." I repeat her words, realizing that I completely forgot about that till now.
"Because I cant have you telling me, that you like me back and not meaning it." she explains, taking another step towards me, my body now trapped between her and the wall.
"You...you like me too?" I ask, but scared of what she would say I look down at our shoes.
"How could I not like you." she whispers in the space between us. And like she did at the weeding, she grabs my chin and softly pushes it up.
She leans forwards, searching in my eyes for the permission to do it.
I close my eyes, waiting for her lips to meet mine. And they do.
Her lips feel so soft against mine. She tastes a little like Powerade, lip balm and her.
I can't believe I am kissing her.
As we brake apart, a big smile forms on my lips.
I open my mouth to say something but someone else is faster than me.
We look to the side and I feel one of Malas arms around me like she wants to protect me from anything that could happen now.
At the end of the hallway, there are standing Magda and Pernille, both ready to go home.
"Soon enough." Magda says, coming towards us, followed by her wife.
I just look at them, to stunned to speak.
"Magda." Pernille says in a warning tone.
"What?" She says laughing "You also knew about this."
"You...what?" I ask.
"I told them about my feelings." Mala says and looks at me. So that was what they were talking about at the weeding.
"Well, weddings make lovers." Magda says and smiles at us like a proud mom.
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dmercer91 · 1 year
I need more of subby!matt!!! Please
closer, mk23
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18+!! (1.1k) sorry this took so long! thank you for requesting <3
plot? who is she
this man spends his days rotting my brain
“it literally could not have been any less your fault, matty. only one team wins it,” you mumbled, matthew tucked into your arms with a pout since the leafs had been eliminated from the playoffs
he’d been clingy since the concussion, always wanting to be in your arms and you were enjoying spending time with him, but you also knew it was because he felt guilty
this was something you had dealt with since you'd started dating matthew - he had a great sense of responsibility, but sometimes it went too far and that quickly soiled into guilt
“what can i do to help, baby?” you ran your fingers through his hair, then cupped his face so he’d look up at you.
he shrugged in return, mumbling gibberish into your chest after he’d hidden himself back away into it
you bit your lip, trying to think of things that might cheer him up, but you came up short, so you just rubbed his back soothingly.
eventually he hummed and tapped your arm, grabbing your attention
“want you closer,” you smiled softly, his request endearing, but not possible
“you’re on top of me, matty,” you giggled and he whined in response, clearly not a fan of the answer you had given him. nonetheless, he just squeezed you harder and closed his eyes again.
again, a few moments later, he tapped your arm, now looking up at you hopefully.
you tilted your head, as if to ask what he needed
“y’ could warm me? you’d be close, that way. closer to me,” he was already tugging at your panties, adjusting himself so your hips were aligned and he’d be able to slip inside of you
you raised an eyebrow and he gave you a begging look, wanting to be quite literally attached to you
“ok, baby. yeah, i can warm you if you want,” you cooed, letting him do the work of undressing you and himself.
he used some of the lube off your night stand, and you flinched at the cold, but quickly recovered when he wasted absolutely no time before pushing into you, whining softly when he bottomed out.
“s’ that better, matty?” you asked once he’d snuggled back into your arms, your height difference making it so his head was set on top of yours with your new position.
he hummed in response, a content smile now on his face.
your position lasted maybe thirty seconds until he was pushing his hips further into yours, a small huff falling from his lips and his eyebrows furrowing at the pleasure.
"matty," you warned him quietly, shooting him a look of disapproval. he murmured an apology, explaining that he just needed to adjust, but you knew he was lying to you.
you knew because he was throbbing inside of you, and he was flushed with need from head to toe.
you knew because he did it again as soon as you looked back towards the screen of your phone.
you knew because he looked down at you to see if you noticed, but you had ignored it.
you knew because when he did it a third time, he whimpered into your hair and did it again, this time involuntarily, his hands clenching into fists
"matthew!" you held the back of his head, moving him so he was forced to look at you.
he frowned, blown eyes begging you quietly to let him keep going.
"m' sorry, baby. it feels so good, m' sorry.. it's so-" he cut himself off with another thrust and a small whine, eyes falling shut. he tugged his head away from your hand, hiding his face into you so he didn't have to face you
"can i- can i please keep going, i want.. i wanna keep going i need to cum, baby, please," you grinned to yourself and shook your head at him.
he let out a shaky breath and nodded to tell you that he understood, hips coming to a halt and arms squeezing around your waist.
he did well, not budging at all, but when you looked up at him, his face was scrunched in concentration and you could tell that the only thing going on in his head was listening to what you'd told him
so you made it harder.
you squeezed around him, and he just kissed your head, muffling the sound of the whine he was begging to let out.
so you did it again, squirming in your place as if you'd been adjusting.
"ah, fuck," he whimpered, head tilting up and jaw clenching slightly.
"sorry, matty. it's my ribs again," he shook his head, eyes squeezed shut and mouth falling open and closed a few times before he spoke
"it's okay, baby, it's- mh, fine, promise" you hummed appreciatively at him and kissed his cheek, cupping his face and looking up into his eyes
he looked panicked, like he'd done something wrong and felt like you were about to ban him from touching you for the rest of the week.
"so good for me, hm? d' you want kisses?" you asked, stretching out your words to make it seem like you were about to give into him and let him fuck you.
he recovered quickly from the small disappointment, blinking the surprise out of his eyes and nodding eagerly
you kissed him sweetly, fingers moving to twist his hair, but the second you swiped your tongue along the bottom of his lip, his hips snapped.
he pulled away from your lips and shook his head to himself, apologizing quietly
“m’ sorry, you feel so- ngh, you feel so good ‘round me, baby, your pussy s’ like heaven,” he choked out, cock throbbing so intensely inside you, you thought he might cum.
“please, can i move, baby? wanna make you feel good, please. n’ i won’t cum t’il you tell me, i promise. promise i’ll listen real good for you” he was just babbling now, continuing on and on about how he’d behave if only he got to rock his hips
“oh, baby. you can’t control yourself? i can get off, if you need,” you teased and he shook his head rapidly, hands instinctively moving to your thighs and squeezing, pulling you tight to him so you couldn't move away
“no! no, no. i’m okay, baby, don’t need to get off” you smiled and kissed matt on the cheek, loving the feeling of his breath shaking and his fists gripping your shirt
“go ahead, matty”
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Strong Dragons (Part One)
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(Gif not mine)
Fandom: House of the Dragon
Masterlist Here
Pairing: Daemon x Fem!Reader x Rhaenyra
Warnings: NSFW! 18+ only! Smut, mature themes and language, P in V, arranged marriages, unprotected rough/raw sex (wrap it before you tap it), virginity loss, incest, daemon growls (enough said), angst, mentions of period blood, infertility struggles, threesomes, etc. (I’m so sorry if I miss anything I’m just writing the warnings down as I remember them)
Word Count: 4,032
Summary: Lady Y/n is chosen by Princess Rhaenyra for some would say a dangerous, maybe even an impossible task... and it requires marrying her uncle.
Request by: @ivy-targaryen​
Author’s Note: I just so happened to be writing a Daemon x Reader x Rhaenyra fic when this request came in so thank you so much for the added inspiration! For context, Fem!Reader will be a Strong for later obvious reasons, Rhaenyra is still married to Laenor, Daemon stays in King’s Landing and never marries Laena, so their daughters are never born (I’m sorry). This is a VERY long one (that is most definitely getting a second and third part cause this originally had over 10,000 words) so strap in and I hope you enjoy it!
(I do not consent my works to be reposted/copied)
"What troubles you?"
Lady Y/n, daughter of House Strong, looks up from her embroidery to locate the source of her brother's voice. Looking around the gardens, she found him walking towards her, stepping into the gazebo she had hidden in. She tilts his head up at him, "Do I look troubled?"
Ser Harwin Breakbones lets out a snort full of snark, "I hardly see a sour look like that on your face, sweet sister."
Upon mention, Y/n feels the furrow of her brow lighten, straightening her posture when she realized she had been slouching. Blinking rapidly to try and veil her brooding expression, she clears her throat and nods towards the nearest seat for her brother. When he takes up the invitation to join her, only then did she voice her worries, "... If you were given an impossible task, would you do it?"
Harwin's eyebrows furrow, an expression fairly similar to Y/n's. By all accounts, apart from their genders, they were twins, and Y/n is reminded of this as she watched her brother similarly shift in his seat before replying, "Awfully vague question. If you truly want advice from your brother, wouldn't you want to be a bit more specific?"
"If I wanted advice, I'd go to Larys," the quick remark forces out a snort from Harwin. Y/n faintly smiles before urging him on with a stiff nod, "Just answer the question."
Silence lingers as he ponders on said question. Harwin listens to the wind brushing through the vines that have climbed the pillars of the gazebo. He answers boldly, like the strong soldier he was, "Nothing is impossible. Not for me. Not for us. House Strong knows no task that is too impossible to accomplish."
Y/n looked back down at her embroidery to hide her disappointment. She was afraid he would say that, furiously pulling the needle and threading through the fabric. Despite hiding her emotions, Harwin took her silent response as a recoil, worrying him further as he leans closer to her, talking quietly in case the question was for a more personal matter, "Can I ask who gave you this burden?"
The needle paused in Y/n's hand, her eyes still examining her threaded pattern as she mumbled, "The princess."
Harwin's worry eases some, shoulders visibly relaxing under his armor. He smiles warmly with encouragement, "Princess Rhaenyra would not have asked... whatever-it-is from you if she did not believe you could do it. She's also smart. I don't believe anything's impossible for her either," when his sister remained unconvinced, Harwin reaches out to still her hand from stabbing her embroidery with the needle, "She is to be our queen someday, Y/n... Whatever she wants from you, as long as you are not to be harmed, I believe you should do it."
Y/n's shoulders rise and fall as she sighs through her nose, watching Harwin's hand before finally looking up at him, "She wants me to go with her if and when she leaves for Dragonstone."
Not a complete lie, but one nonetheless, and it only added to the weight already heavy on her burdened shoulders. Harwin's eyebrows furrow again, but more so in confusion, "And why is that such an impossible task?"
"... Convincing Father of it is one, and being unwed is another. I doubt Father would let me go if he intends on finding me a husband."
Ser Breakbones scoffs, "Father cannot deny the princess, Y/n. He'll have to agree if she asks you to go with her."
"But the King--"
"Princess Rhaenyra has the King wrapped around her finger. She will get her father to agree to this arrangement, and then our father will really have no choice."
He stands suddenly, remembering that he had the City Watch to attend to and he had only meant to bid his sister a good day. Before he leaves, however, he smiles down and pats Y/n's shoulder, "It's an honor to have the heir to the throne request your service. Politically, the relationship between our houses would strengthen if you choose to accept the princess' proposal. Give it some thought, sister. I know in the end, whatever you choose, I'll believe it to be the right choice."
Her brother wasn't at all helpful in her struggles, but Y/n had appreciated his words, nevertheless. She knew she wouldn't get his full support if he had known the full truth, but he had answered as she knew he would with what she had given him. That night, as instructed, she slipped into the secret passageways of the Red Keep. Following the drawings that were quickly scrawled onto a piece of parchment, Y/n wandered cautiously down the tunnels, avoiding any source of light she caught sight of. Eventually, she makes it to a small stairwell and climbs up, finding the outline of a door on the top of the stairs. Ignoring the dust and cobwebs, Y/n places her hands on the door and gives it an experimental push. When it didn't budge, she pushed harder, quickly catching herself when the door gave in.
She nearly stumbled into the chambers revealed on the other side. Looking around, her eyes widen in amazement to find herself in Princess Rhaenyra's chambers, the very same Targaryen who was watching Y/n expectedly from her seat next to the hearth on the far side of the room. When Y/n's gaze caught hers, the Strong woman straightened her posture, quickly brushing the dust off her skirt and bowing respectively, parchment paper still clutched in hand.
Rhaenyra smiled, amusement shining in her eyes unless Y/n had mistaken it for the fireplace reflecting off her violet orbs. The princess rose from her chair and slowly crossed the room to the other woman, hands clasped in front of her, "Find your way here well enough?"
"Yes, Princess," Y/n curtly answered. She was nearly startled out of her manners, however, when a large hand reached around her and snatched the parchment from her hands. Dark hair falling over her shoulder as she spun her head, Y/n nearly lost her bravery when Daemon Targaryen stood beside her, seamlessly emerging from the shadows of the room. The prince barely acknowledged her presence, staring down at the small map he had drawn for Y/n as it crinkled in his hands.  
Finally, he looked up once Rhaenyra had joined his side, the two Targaryens both staring at Y/n with their matching eyes, looming over her with a fierceness so similar to a dragon. Daemon allows a small smirk to grace his lips, "Incredible architecture, wouldn't you agree?"
Y/n quickly nodded when she guessed that he was referring to the secret tunnels, now slightly shaking, "Yes, my prince."
"Maegor the Cruel had the secret tunnels and passageways built throughout the Red Keep back when he was King. They say after construction was finished, he threw a grand feast for the hands and minds behind the building process," Daemon took the parchment and held it over a lit candlestick stationed on a pillar beside him, watching the remnants of his maps slowly disappear into flames before freeing his hand off it and fixing his gaze back on Y/n. The young woman tried her best not to cower in fear as he took one step closer to her again, "And after three days, he had them all killed so no one but him would know how to navigate the tunnels and trapdoors."
A hidden threat, veiled by his intention. Y/n forced her hands to stay still by folding them in front of her body, unable to meet the prince's eyes when he stepped far too close to her, close enough to feel his breath on her face as she whispered, "I will not breathe of word of this to anyone."
Daemon tilts his head, smirking as though he was playing with his food, "And what made you think I would suggest such a thing?"
"Daemon," both his and Y/n's eyes remember Rhaenyra and look to face her. The princess appeared patient, encouraging her uncle with a brief nod, "I trust her."
Once her uncle had stepped away and dutifully stood at her side, Rhaenyra turned back to Y/n, thinly smiling, "Have you made a decision?"
"I have, Princess..." Y/n nods again, trying to catch her breath after Daemon has stolen hers. She basked in her personal space, able to think straight without the two dragons lingering ever so close to her. Taking a deep breath and regaining her courage, Y/n lifts her chin and turns to Daemon, "I will marry you. I will wed you and bed you. I will give you the children you and Princess Rhaenyra so desire and pass them off as hers with Ser Laenor."
Rhaenyra's eyes were the only thing to give away her relief and veiled excitement. Daemon, however, remained impassive, unwilling to share whatever emotions he was feeling with the stranger in the room he did not yet trust. He keeps his gaze hard, staring deeply into Y/n's as if trying to fish out a lie, "You understand that while you will be the one to bear them, you will not be the one to raise them. When they are born, you promise to not hold motherhood over them and entrust this to the Princess Rhaenyra."
It was not a question or a request, more so a demand. Despite Daemon's bluntness, Y/n nods obediently, "If that is the princess' wish, yes."
Rhaenyra glides over to the woman, gingerly taking her hands in her own. Y/n couldn't find herself able to stare directly into the princess' gaze and so glanced down at their conjoined hands. Rhaenyra's skin was fair and much paler than hers in comparison. Y/n had a few small scars littered over her hands from various stories of her childhood, while Rhaenyra's was visibly flawless, apart from the feel of her palms. They were rough, as Y/n observed, most likely from the use of dragon-riding.  
Y/n forces herself to look up, only to be rewarded with a grateful nod from Rhaenyra and a kind smile, "Thank you, my lady. You have no idea how much this means to me."
The next day, Daemon approached the King and asked for Lady Y/n's hand in marriage. Viserys was delighted that his brother had found a new wife so soon after Lady Royce's death and after the scandal with Rhaenyra and immediately confided in Lyonel Strong for his approval. His Hand, of course, agreed to this proposal between his daughter and Prince Daemon and so a ceremony was quickly planned to take place within a fortnight.
Preparations were made and everyone appeared to be excited about the event, bustling about and whispering with joy amongst themselves. Many of the ladies of the court giggled and gossiped with each other, fawning over Prince Daemon and commenting on how Lady Y/n was incredibly lucky.
If Harwin had a suspicion, he never showed it. Instead, he congratulated his sister on her proposal and promised to be her ally against her future husband should she ever need it. On the day the ceremony was set to take place, Y/n found herself surrounded by maids and other ladies of the court as they helped her prepare for her wedding. Just as they had fully dressed her in a white dress filled with embroidered dragons in red thread, the doors of Y/n's chambers opened to reveal the princess and Ser Harwin. The ladies and servants all bow and made a quick escape when Rhaenyra asked them to leave. Once they were alone, Rhaenyra nodded to Harwin and fondly watched as Ser Breakbones crossed the room to gather his sister up in a tight embrace.
"You look beautiful," he compliments, petting down her hair while looking her in the eyes, "The princess wishes to do your hair, but I will be just outside if you need anything."
Y/n nods and briefly smiles in answer. Before she could even say a word, Harwin had left the room and closed the doors behind him. Rhaenyra waits a moment before joining Y/n at her vanity mirror, instructing the bride-to-be to sit down while she took a brush to her dark hair.  The two women were silent for the moment as Rhaenyra ran the brush through Y/n's hair, time and time again until it felt like silk running through her fingers. Then, the princess moved on to braiding certain locks and forming a halo on top of the bride's head, similar to something a Targaryen would wear.
"I understand what we are asking of you is a heavy burden," the princess spoke gently, "And I understand it will be difficult, but I want you to know that I owe you my life for this. You have my gratitude and I will never forget this. You're a true friend to the crown. Daemon may say whatever he likes, but as for me, I still want you to be a part of the children's lives. To them, you will be a distant cousin and an aunt, but to me, you will be every bit of a mother to them as I."
Y/n doesn't nod in an attempt not to ruin Rhaenyra's work on her hair. The curiosity got the best of her as she opened her mouth, "How will we hide any pregnancy? Will we have a maester we can trust?"
"We have a plan," Rhaenyra doesn't elaborate beyond that, "And we will act on it once we are sure you are with child."
"Will Ser Laenor be in the know of it?"
She nods, "He knows."
"And he approves?"
"He does," Rhaenyra finishes the braids, her hands finding rest on Y/n's shoulders. The two women stare into each other's reflection in the mirror, a small shadow taking over the princess' eyes as she spoke, "We did try, you know. Many times, in fact. But nothing came of it. When I turned to Daemon for help... still, nothing happened. As the future queen, it is vital that I have heirs of my own someday. If I am truly barren, well..." she squeezes Y/n's shoulders, "At least this way, the children will still have Targaryen blood running through their veins."
Y/n bites her lip, not voicing what she truly thought to the princess. Daemon never hid his disgust for his first wife, Rhea Royce. Everyone heard him spit terrible things about her, darkly stating his wife to be 'his bronze bitch' among other profanities. With one look at her own reflection, Y/n wanted to flinch away at her Strong features. It didn't take a fool to know that Prince Daemon had a taste for women with silver hair, but not just any woman. Some speculated that Daemon had only ever loved one woman, and could never have her. All the lords and ladies in court looked no further than Rhaenyra herself, knowing that she could ask Daemon to take over the world for her, and her uncle would do so without question. Y/n had once speculated these rumors, and now her arrangement with the uncle and niece only confirmed it.
Finally, Y/n turned away from the mirror to look up at the princess with as much honesty as she could muster, "I cannot guarantee the children will have silver hair."
Rhaenyra faintly smiles, her hand hovering over Y/n's hair as if wanting to run her fingers through it, but wisely decided against it, "We will cross that bridge when we come to it."
The wedding went by quickly, Y/n could scarcely remember it whenever she looked back. The ceremony played out like a rehearsal, vows full of monotone and kisses exchanged in practice. The celebration afterward was one so grand that Y/n had a moment to forget her sorrows. The feast was large and not only was wine being served but also ale and mead as well. Y/n had her father to thank for providing her favorite drink, her cups mostly filled with a honey mead sent from Dorne. She danced her troubles away with anyone and everyone, but not her new husband. Daemon barely paid a mind to her, instead seating himself beside the King as they joked and laughed as if they were boys again. Y/n wasn't too bothered by this as practically everyone danced with her. Her father and Harwin were the first to do so, her younger brother, Larys, was unable to take part in the dancing. Members of the King's small council danced with her, and their sons. The Sea Snake himself, Lord Vaemond, and Ser Laenor all danced with her. With knowing eyes, Laenor passed the bride off to his wife once a new song began, and Y/n was too stunned to remember her manners as Princess Rhaenyra took her hands and led her into a lovely, slow dance.
"I suppose this makes me your aunt now, Princess," Y/n finds herself speaking her mind more than usual, her mead finally dulling her restless mind.
Rhaenyra huffed out a laugh, linking her arm through Y/n's opposite as they spun around each other in a circle, "It does, my lady. Although from this moment forward, I would like to call you a friend as well."
"Whatever you wish for, Princess."
The bedding ceremony was not as enjoyable as the feast, but suppose that is why Y/n drank many cups of mead before that. She was horrified at the idea of everyone in court watching her, including her brothers and father, but was relieved to learn that Daemon had forbidden the court to watch. Y/n will later hear that Daemon himself spoke to the King about this, stating that he had every intention of consummating his marriage with his second bride, seeing as she was the one he chose, unlike Lady Royce, and that there was no need for his brother to watch and make sure. The lords still brought the bride to bed and the ladies brought the groom, but there was no undressing or an audience during the consummation.
Well, all but one audience.
Later, after the lords and ladies had gone, Rhaenyra slipped into Y/n's chambers, undetected by anyone outside. She sat near the bed, watching with interest as Daemon stripped himself and his new bride down to their night clothes. Her face red with embarrassment, Y/n doesn't comment and instead turns her head away to observe the far wall of her room, nearly jumping out of her skin when Daemon pulled her nightgown up, exposing her naked form to the cool air.
Y/n's eyes screw shut and her entire body stiffens when she felt the tip of Daemon's erection run over her folds, barely giving enough time to prep her before he completely sheaths himself inside of her. It's tight and it burns, causing Y/n to throw her hand over her mouth to stifle the cry of pain forced out of her. Daemon lets out a small growl and doesn't give her time to adjust, moving back out of her only to slide back in. His hips meet hers once she's able to take him fully without much resistance, and yet all Y/n can do was either shut her eyes or watch the wall, wanting to hide her body and shame into the very mattress Daemon began to fuck her into.
"Relax, Lady Y/n," Rhaenyra softly soothed the woman, her voice closer than what Y/n remembered. Turning her head, Y/n found her now sitting on the edge of the bed, hovering over the newlyweds' writhing forms. Rhaenyra's eyes appeared curious, intrigued by whatever she finds when Y/n's gaze meets her. The princess leans forward and finds Y/n's hand, sliding her own fingers in between Lady Strong's, "If you relax your body, it will hurt less."
Y/n tries to listen and obey, taking a few shaking breaths to calm herself, despite Daemon's hips snapping harshly into hers, forcing her breasts to bounce. The slight friction of Y/n's skewed nightgown brushing over her nipples sends a chill down her spine, and for a moment she forgets the pain, shivering as her hand tightly holds Rhaenyra's, briefly forgetting her embarrassment. Daemon grunts at the feel of her walls tightening around him, ever so slightly, slick sounds now filling the air instead of raw, dry claps. For the most part, he had been focused more on thrusting instead of acknowledging his wife, keeping his eyes lowered as he watches his cock disappear into her wet cunt with each snap of his hips. He refused to watch Y/n as he beds her, more focused on his goal than on pleasure.
However, after a long stretch of time, the prince found it harder and harder to peak, desperate for release as he starts thrusting harder and faster. Y/n bites the inside of her cheek so as not to scream, forcing her eyes closed again to stop the unshed tears from falling. Daemon's grunts were less pleasurable and were more out of frustration, still avoiding his wife's face and body out of a stubborn will.
Rhaenyra can see the exhaustion on her uncle's face and so she takes matters into her own hands. Still hanging onto Y/n, the princess uses her free hand to cup Daemon's face, forcing him to look up at her. Daemon's eyes meet hers and she could see the lust for her pooling in his hard gaze. She could see his desire but also his frustration. Rhaenyra leans in and kisses Daemon, moaning straight into his mouth.
He had spilled inside of Y/n soon after that, the Lady Strong relieved for it to finally be over.
However, she quickly realized that it would be far from over. She had promised to bring forth a child for Rhaenyra and Daemon Laenor, and until she did so, she would have to let Daemon back into her bed. It's not as though Rhaenyra wanted Laenor to share Y/n's bed, although Y/n was sure that she was far from Laenor's fancy anyway, but Daemon was now her lawful husband, and a child from him would be perfect for Rhaenyra. Besides, Y/n was positive that Rhaenyra would prefer to have a child from Daemon over her own husband.
For several nights after her wedding, Y/n would be accompanied by her husband and her newly appointed niece. And for several nights, after Daemon was finished, both he and Rhaenyra would leave her chambers, alone and sore in her bed. The nights weren't so bad after a fashion, and perhaps that was because Rhaenyra made it bearable for Y/n. Every morning after, Y/n was visited by the princess, and a tray of food and drink would come with her. Y/n was surprised but also inwardly delighted by Rhaenyra's kindness. Both of the women broke their fasts together so much that it became a tradition every single day. It even came to a point where even if Daemon didn't bed Y/n, Rhaenyra would still visit with her aunt the morning after.
A month had gone by and Rhaenyra sat in her normal seat at Y/n's table, sipping on her morning tea while staring out the balcony. The peaceful silence that usually followed this routine visit was oddly charged and heavy. The princess sensed this, glancing over to Y/n only to find the other woman staring down at her lap as if in shame.
"What is it?" She found herself asking, although her stomach turned with the suspicion that she already knew.
Y/n looked up, sighing in exhaustion, "My flower came this morning."
Disappointed, Rhaenyra only blinks, nodding while setting her cup down, "I can't say I'm surprised. It was foolish to get my hopes up that everything would happen right away."
Y/n nods as well, although the lines on her forehead didn't go away. Rhaenyra wanted to reach out with her thumb and soothe it over but had to pinch herself in order to refrain from doing so. She watched Y/n's face continue to fall into despair, the Strong woman gulping down the soreness in her throat when she felt her eyes begin to water, "Am I doing something wrong, Princess?"
The weakness in her voice nearly shattered Rhaenyra's heart, for once unable to reply with all the things she was supposed to say. Instead, a fire raged within her belly, and with it revealed the dragon within her. Y/n didn't notice, but Rhaenyra felt a cloud in her mind as she reached over to take Y/n's hand.
"No, it's not you, Lady Y/n. It's not you."
She had an idea of who was really to blame for her aunt's distress.
A/N: So, uh... I'm DEFINITELY making a Part 2, whether ya'll like it or not. Hope you enjoyed!
Go to the Masterlist to see what chapters are posted!
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live-love-be-unique · 26 days
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One More Time
Summary: It was supposed to be a one time thing. Then it became a second time. And then a third, you really need to learn how to say no to him.
While I’m waiting to post my Ghost x reader submission for @glitterypirateduck #GhostChallenge and thanks to @cordeliawhohung and her PSGaz series for the Gaz brain worms, you’re welcome 😉
Parings: Gaz x f reader
Warnings: none.
It was meant to be a one time thing after a mission gone south. Just scratching an itch you both said. Huddled together in a hidden corner of an abandoned building. It was rough and dirty. His large warm hand covering your mouth to muffle your moans. That was the first time.
The second had been when the team visited a bar off base, you’d both been a little too drunk and a little too handsy and that was how you found yourself in the backseat of his car in the bar parking lot while the rest of the team were inside.
The third, well the third was when he’d called you to his room to check out a new video game he’d gotten. And that was how you found yourself bent over the arm of his couch. You probably should have known better once you realized Soap wasn’t there.
You tried to be strong, tried to tell yourself that this needed to end, that it wasn’t a good idea…but oh that man! He knew how to play your body like a fiddle. It also really didn’t help that he looked like he was carved from marble and that he almost knew exactly what to say and how to say it to send you over the edge.
You’d accepted a date from one of the orderlies from the base medbay. The date had gone well, he was sweet and smart and he was definitely interested in you, he’d even brought you flowers. So you weren’t sure why you’d found yourself standing at his door in the middle of the night after your date had dropped you off.
Gaz answered, gray sweatpants hung low on his hips and a towel draped over his shoulders. And of course he was shirtless.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt” you muttered, hand still raised mid knock.
“How was the date?” Gaz smirked, leaning one arm against the door frame.
“It was good. He was nice” you shrug, dropping your hand.
“You don’t do nice” he smirked.
“I could” you said weakly, even you could hear the resolve in your voice crumbling. Gaz hummed his disapproval.
“How long are you going to pretend there’s nothing here?” He said, bringing his hand up to cup your cheek, thumb brushing gently over your bottom lip “come inside, we can talk”
“We won’t be talking” you smirk up at him and he offers a grin in return. Busted.
“Would that be so bad? We’re good at not talking” he smiled that smile that made you agree with anything as he took your hand, pulling you against his broad chest as he closed the door behind you.
One more time and that was it. You really meant it this time.
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tyran-the-tyranical · 3 months
That one line from Raphael's Second Diary will never cease to get me 🥺 LIKE MIGHT I ADD- these are his private thoughts, separate from his manipulation attempts and so he, with his full chest, admits so much in his second diary, like when he says "never have I been so attracted to mortals as I am to those infested by the tadpole." AHH, (my delusions are so real, trust)
BUT WHEN HE SAYS "They gestured to the melting hooks, suddenly glanced my way, and in their face I saw they had the best of me." look, I get the subtext behind all these quotes, but a girl can just ignore all that media literacy and take it for face value, OK? 💅 but also reading into it, he does admire Tav to a certain extent, and I have to wonder, why? Tav isn't an origin character and Tav's actions and character basically changes with every playthrough (Same with Durge, as they can change too) So I have to wonder if it's because Tav is controlled by the player, since, Raphael does end up breaking the fourth wall in his epilogue speech, so perhaps that's what he sees.
Another way to look at it is, either way, no matter what the playthrough, he sees something in Tav, something that makes them stand out much brighter than their companions (For some reason???)
To further that statement, what is the best of Raphael? I mean, if its an evil playthrough, that would be obvious, but if you're playing a good playthrough, what then? perhaps what he sees is someone he can finally use to get the crown, that's also very likely. Still though that's a very to the point (IMO) not as interesting of a reading since it's literally just his end goal for us, BUT STILL A VALID ONE, because, it is true, that's what he wants from us the most.
Also his third diary where he just straight up admits that he's being so honest with us so he can manipulate us, love that for him, "I am master here. A prince of bargains cloaked like scarlet satin. All that hidden under sublimely obvious truths that cannot be discounted." Which also makes me wonder, is Raphael actually an honest person? I mean, Korilla thinks he's at least decent, but honest? outside of helping us, if we look at Yurgir, he really fucked him over lol. Obviously, Raphael isn't what he seems, even if he's honest with us, to what extent? he says it himself, he's honest about "...sublimely obvious truths..." but what about when he says he's grown quite fond of us in his own way, HMMMM?
I wish this man got a proper story arc in the game, outside of the whole deal for the hammer and House of Hope, that's all plot related for the hammer, but a storyline about Raphael as a character? I mean yea, maybe that would whisk away some of his mystery, his intrigue, but I'm sorry- you cant just end it with him fucking himself (poorly) and trying to break Hope (making her a metaphorical symbol of hope anyway, I think....) AND LEAVE IT THERE?!?!? at the same time, I do like the ambiguity of his character, you could think of him as a cruel bastard after seeing what he's done in the House Of Hope to his debtors and Hope herself or perhaps just a Pathetic lil guy who's shit in bed lol, or maybe even soft, if you go off Korillas words and what he does for us in game he can come across as quite nice, especially after we've interacted with Mizora who's is the only other Cambion example we can go off of.
I also just think it's interesting that he sees anything in Tav/Durge at all. Ofc he says he sees the best of him (Always gotta relate back to himself lol) but that especially a mortal is what he could see himself, the best of himself, but then again he does see potential and ambition as admirable (?) or just something he appreciates, you can see that with Mol and Gortash to some extent anyway, But what ambitions does Tav have outside of just trying to survive? Like, the obvious answer is he wants us to give him the crown and we're the underdog in the story but then why does he refer to Tav so differently then? I fear this has turned into another rant again, lol.
Just a final thought here, but, if he did ever get a story arc, similar to the companions, would they give you multiple directions to take his character? i mean with Shadowheart for example, you could help her break from shar or have her fully convert into shars chosen, but even then, if you free her from shar theres the point of saving her family or freeing her from Shars (curse?) there's multiple ways for her story to end. Though, Raphael isnt a companion, so would he have something similar to idk a minor companion like Halsin or Minthara, who don't really have that much of a diversion (I think) in their endings, they don't really have the option, only really if the player decides to be evil or not, they kinda just follow them either way, it doesn't really impact their own stories. Obviously, I would prefer something with nuance but also, HE ISN'T A COMPANION 😭 and pressingly some of the companions need more work done than he does atm lol. Maybe that's me just projecting lol, once again, me wanting to have my cake and eat it too, anyway, that's me done... for now lol
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fayes-fics · 2 years
Lessons Taught
Lessons Series Masterpost PREV | NEXT
Pairings: Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader, Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader (threesome)
Summary: Anthony and Benedict team up to teach some lessons
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Warnings: 18+ smut, minors DNI, threesome, d/s relationships, nipple and clitoral restraint, spanking, impact play, face-sitting, overstimulation, light bondage, vaginal sex, slight voyeurism, slight exhibitionism, masturbation, mention of public sex, no incest.
Word Count: 6.7 k (whoops)
Authors Note: My darling @iboopedyournose has waited patiently for MONTHS while I wrangled this, the third instalment of Lessons. I’m sorry it’s taken so long. I really don’t like it, I think because I have stared at it for too long, but I hope you do <3 . Thanks as ever to my patient and lovely beta @makaylan :) Also please note, Regency era hairpins are not like Bobby pins, just an fyi for this fic lol.
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“Are you seeing this, brother?” Anthony asks discreetly, tipping his head over his shoulder in your direction.
Benedict hums in the affirmative.
“Well, what are you going to do about it?” Anthony challenges.
“Me?” Benedict frowns in surprise, “I thought she was your girl?
“She is. But you said you wanted to be more involved in teaching?”
“Well, yes…”
“Then I think you better be the one to tell her this sort of thing isn’t acceptable to us,” Anthony says pointedly, raising an eyebrow.
Benedict nods, comprehending, “Right, you are, brother.”
“And Benedict…”
“Happy birthday” 
All you can think to yourself is this plan had better work. 
It’s been a month since your last encounter with both Bridgerton brothers, and, well, to say you are looking for an encore is an understatement. They’ve both been out here in their country retreat while you’ve been stuck in London. Now you’re here at the fabulous Aubrey Hall for the annual Hearts & Flowers ball, and you’ve come prepared. Or, more precisely, underprepared—-in that, you wear no underwear, chemise or stockings—just your thin dress and stays. An extra frisson of excitement for you and hopefully them too, if they’re amenable.
You're not sure the other part of your plan is working. You’re trying to get their attention. So you’re being risqué with your behaviour. Flirty, laughing slightly too loud at the jokes of men you couldn't care less for, filling your dance card and drinking perhaps a touch too much champagne. Hoping to make them just a little jealous and realise what they are missing out on. Hoping maybe they’ll teach you a lesson not to do this sort of thing in future. God, you really hope they do that. Your mind reels with possibilities of just how you would like them to tell you off and discipline you for such behaviour. You crave it.
However, they seem to have left the room. Disappointed, you take your leave from the main ballroom, heading to reapply your rouge when a hand suddenly grabs your arm and drags you into a hidden alcove in the hallway. Your back is pulled tight against a warm solid mass. 
“What do you think you are playing at?” A familiar voice snarls in your ear from behind.
Oh yes, please.
“I’m not doing anything… Sir,” you answer, pouting to stop the huge grin you feel tugging at your lips.
“It doesn’t look like nothing to me; it looks a lot like you are behaving like a wanton little hussy. Is that what you are?” His voice is a sharp hiss.
“No, sir,” you respond, pressing back against him, already feeling breathy from this encounter.
“Are you sure?” He questions, “if I find your nipples are peaked, I know you’re lying to me,” he argues, sliding a hand into your dress.
Of course, they are—they pebbled the instant he touched you.
“Well, what do you know,” he purrs dangerously as he lightly runs a finger over it, “a liar and a hussy.”
You whimper at his expert touch but make a performance of resisting his hold a little bit, squirming, playing up as if this isn’t exactly where you want to be right now. Your thighs sliding easily against each other, already slick.
“Do you know what happens to little hussies who lie to us?” He questions, banding an arm around your waist to quell your wriggling. Oh, the word us is music to your ears. 
“No, sir.”
“They get taught a lesson,” he slides his hand out of your dress, moving to hold your wrists against your side.
“I don’t need to be taught anything,” you challenge over your shoulder with a brattish tone.
“Like hell you don’t,” another voice cuts in, rounding the corner to stand in front of you. 
Oh, hell yes.
“But I’m a good girl, my lord,” you reply, looking at the new arrival with a challenging smirk.
He tilts his head and gives you a disbelieving look. “You are being the exact opposite tonight. Flirting, dancing with every man in that room like a hussy when you know full well who you belong to,” he asserts, grabbing your jaw and crowding into you so you are pinned firmly between their bodies. You feel the heat of Benedict’s cock nestling between your bum cheeks.
“Good girls get to go back to the party; bad girls get taken elsewhere to learn how to behave.” He continues pressing his pelvis against your lower belly, so you feel the outline of his cock now too. “So, which are you?” His thumb hooks into the corner of your lips and pull down, opening your mouth slightly.
You stay silent and peek out your tongue to lick across the top of his thumb.
“Silence suggests the latter,” Benedict opines from behind you, still holding your wrists firmly locked against your sides.
“Hmmm, I tend to concur,” Anthony hums, watching your tongue lathe against his thumb. “She looks like she needs to be taught a lesson.”
“I know just the perfect place,” Benedict offers.
“Lead on, brother,” Anthony responds.
The moment you are out in public view, their hold changes. It’s a respectful loose arm link from both as if they are helping you to navigate the party. Your gloved hands rest daintily in the crook of their elbows as they guide you up a staircase and along a long corridor. 
As the sound of the party fades further away with each step, their hold changes to a firmer grasp, and suddenly you are spun around and sandwiched between them, Benedict in front of you, walking you backwards against Anthony, bumping into a door.
“Hello, my girl, did you miss us?” Anthony purrs into your ear.
“So much,” you whisper back.
“We missed you too,” Benedict replies, reaching past you both to open the door.
All three of you almost tumble through the doorway, and Anthony kicks it shut as they both back you against the wall, Anthony on your right, Benedict on your left. From a glance, you appear to be some kind of art studio.
“It’s Benedict’s birthday tomorrow,” Anthony murmurs, “and getting to fuck you is my present to him. What colour do you think of that, my girl?”
“Green,” you answer, as they each remove a glove from your arm.
“Do you want me to fuck you too?” Anthony asks as Benedict busies himself kissing down your neck. 
“Yes, please, my lord” you feel Anthony’s hand snake around your back and pull open the buttons on your dress as you kick off your slipper shoes.
You can’t wait to have both of them. 
“Hmmm, thought so, you greedy little thing,” Anthony clucks as you close your eyes to the pleasure of Benedict’s lips.
Anthony pulls your gown off one shoulder and attacks the skin there; Benedict does the same on the other side. These brothers are team-working now—they obviously have something planned together. 
With a tug of both their hands, your dress falls. And they both reel back in surprise.
You are entirely naked save for the smallest stays you could find. They don’t even cover your nipples; they just provide the uplift you need for the neckline of your dress. You breathe heavily as they stare at you, eyes so hungry.
“How dare you attend a ball in my house, so scantily clad,” Anthony growls. 
“How dare you flirt with other men with your cunt exposed,” Benedict adds. “You need to be taught a lesson about how to dress as well as behave.”
“Go right ahead, brother,” Anthony cedes, enthralled he gets to watch you be disciplined.
Benedict advances on you. “A good girl keeps her nipples inside her underwear,” he opines, “otherwise look what could happen.” He suddenly pinches both nipples and pulls them upright roughly, so you are forced onto your tiptoes. “Any stranger could grab them and touch you just like this.”
Gasping at the sensation, you look over at Anthony, now casually leaning against a column, arms crossed, watching you being taught your lesson. “You won’t find any sympathy here, girl. He’s right.”
“Sorry, sir,” you say through clenched teeth, looking back at Benedict, “I won’t let it happen again, sir.”
“See that you don’t,” he demands, releasing his hold so you sag back against the wall. Your nipples ache from his rough treatment as he walks away and picks up a paintbrush from a nearby table.
“A good girl wears a chemise, so all of her skin is not exposed,” he tutors, as you feel the bristles of the paintbrush feather against your ribcage, swirling patterns over your ribs and belly, your nerve endings fluttering and goosebumps erupting in its wake. A laugh bubbles up in your throat. “Stay silent while my brush is on you. If you make a sound, there will be consequences,” he warns.
The brush runs teasingly up your side, and you writhe and bite your lip, fighting the urge to giggle—it’s where you are most ticklish. You manage to hold it together until he does the same on the other side, snagging against a weak spot, and you can’t stop the little burst of laughter. You instantly tuck your lips under your teeth and bite down, knowing you have broken his rule.
“Can’t even obey a simple instruction, can you?” he sighs, his eyes glittering with a heated menace. “I forbade you from making a sound, yet here we are.”
“I’m very sorry, sir,” you rush out. “It tickles.”
“Hmmm,” he runs an appeasing eye over your hair, swept into an updo. “What do we have here?” his voice silken as he runs a hand up the nape of your neck and pulls out a hairpin, then another two.
“Should I take my hair down, sir?” You query, confused by his apparent change of direction, one eye on the paintbrush now snagged between his knuckles.
“No need,” he replies. “I have what I need right here.” 
You have no warning as he drops his head and sucks on your left nipple, pulling it between his teeth. You cry out at the sudden, fierce sensation. Before you have your bearings, he backs off, and with a dangerous smirk, he slides one of your hairpins down over the damp pebbled peak he just created. It pinches and burns, the ache a direct line down to your clit. You hiss at the feeling as he does the same to your right nipple, diving in with teeth and suction, trapping it between the metal prongs. 
“Hmm, maybe this will teach you…,” he flicks at one prong, “to follow…”, then the other, “my orders….”
With each flick, you gasp, the snag against your skin just the right side of painful. 
“And maybe now you’ll remember to wear your chemise,” he surmises, admiring his handiwork.
“Yes, sir, I will,” you demure, adjusting to this new continual sting.
“Don’t her nipples look so beautiful like this, brother?” Benedict opines over his shoulder, “I’ve half a mind to leave them like this all night.”
“Oh, you definitely should,” Anthony agrees from a few paces away.
Then the paintbrush is back on your skin. Lower this time, sinking beneath your belly button. You know better than to make a sound now, biting your lips and fighting the tremble from the ticklish sensation, heightened all the more by your aching nipples.
“A good girl wears undergarments in public,” he lectures, the brush now smearing down the furrow where your leg meets your body. Your breathing speeds up as he flicks the lightest of touches against your clit hood with the bristles. It’s not enough and too much at once. “Otherwise, any man could touch you here,” the brush teasing as he strokes agonisingly light over your clit.
Cresting a moan, you arch your back, desperate for friction. 
“Please, sir,” you breathe, trying to appeal to his good nature, to touch you properly and give you what you crave. 
You look over at Anthony, who is watching you with hooded eyes, palming his obvious erection in his trousers. The fact that he is so turned on watching you get disciplined makes you mewl, your trapped nipples burn, and your cunt clenches around nothing.
Benedict drops to his knees before you hook your left leg over his shoulder and then buries his face between your legs, sucking your clit so firmly that you see stars.
“Oh god, yes, sir,” you call out, “that feels so good. Thank you, thank you.”
You feel him laugh almost menacingly against your heated flesh as he teases your bud outwards with his pursed lips. Then you sense it, a squeezing pressure as he slips the final hairpin he stole right over your distended clit—it throbs instantly.
“Oh, that’s just perfect,” he preens, “look at your poor little pearl all swollen and trapped. Gosh, if we so much as….” he spears the lightest of touches with the tip of his tongue and makes you squeal. ”Maybe now you’ll remember to wear undergarments in public,“ he counsels, dropping your leg to the floor and standing back up, nodding to Anthony.
“Yes, sir,” you stutter, fighting the strong urge to whine as your clit starts to pulse with every heartbeat.
Anthony steps forward. “Well, now you have learned how you should dress; perhaps now you need to learn how to behave.” 
His arms wrap around your waist, and he walks you into the room. With every step, the pin over your clit snags against your flesh, and you moan at the sensation.
“Oh, my poor girl, all pinned and aching,” he whispers in your ear as you reach an oversized velvet chaise longue, obviously placed in the centre of the room for live art modelling. He walks you around to the tall end. “Hold on here,” he instructs, encouraging your feet apart. 
You obey, fingers sinking into the plush velvet at hip height as he stands behind you, smearing a hand roughly down the length of your back until it rests warm and foreboding on your bum cheek. 
“What do you think you were doing out there tonight? With all those men, hmm?” His voice is pitched low and with a hint of menace.
“Nothing, my lord,” you answer, trying your best to hide your smirk.
“She is lying to you, brother,” Benedict warns from a few feet away, his turn to watch now, “the little hussy has a smile on her face.”
“Is that right?” Anthony clicks his tongue disapprovingly, grabbing your jaw and moving your head to the side a little. “Then maybe this little hussy needs to learn how to behave.” 
Benedict barks a laugh and rolls up his sleeves at that.
“Does a proper lady flirt with strange men?” Anthony interrogates, rubbing his hand over the swell of your bottom.
“No, my lord,” you respond, breathless with anticipation.
“Hmm, correct. And does a proper lady fill her dance card with all sorts of cads and bounders without a care for her reputation?” his fingers kneading the flesh of your bum.
“No, my lord.”
“Then you are not a proper lady, and you need to be taught to be one,” he snarls. That’s all the warning you get before his hand lifts and then descends roughly onto your cheek.
“Owww,” you wail. That was a harsh first blow; your trapped nipples and clit thrum in time with the spank of his hand.
“No! You don’t say oww, you thank me for teaching you a lesson in appropriate conduct,” he lectures. When you don’t respond, he crowds against you and grabs around your throat, “I'm waiting….”
“Thank you, my lord,” you grit out.
He pulls your head back a little further, and his lips land on yours. His kiss is possessive and bruising, as if he is branding you as his. Plundering your mouth, the hand curling strong around your throat, you feel the vibration of your groan against his palm. 
As he pulls away and you breathe heavily, he spanks the same spot again, his grip lingering and grabbing your flesh. “I need to hear it again, my girl.”
“Thank you, my lord,” you gasp; the hand at your throat is not restricting your breath but a constant pressure that reminds you who is in charge.
He spanks your other cheek open-handed, his fingers splaying out wide. “Again”, he orders.
“Thank you, my lord.” It's a breathy plea against his lips as he holds your head back, staring into your eyes.
He releases his hold from around your throat and then uses both hands to spank your cheeks, the sound ringing out around the room with your panting. The burn makes you writhe. The ache throbbing in your nipples and clit.
“Do you think you’ll remember your lesson?” Anthony demands, his breath hot on your cheek.
“Yes, my lord,” you stutter.
“Hmm, it's funny, but I don't believe you. I don’t know that my hands are enough for this lesson,” Anthony wonders aloud. “I think we may need something stronger; what say you brother?”
“I think you might be right; you once said she has never learned a thing from all the spankings she’s had. I kept a leather strap from a shipment of art supplies,” Benedict voices, “I think that might make a useful tool.”
“Excellent choice, brother,” you hear Anthony agree. 
You crane your neck to try and see what they are talking about, nerves flaring in your body at the thought of being struck with something. Benedict pulls you back against him with a strong arm around your waist. You feel his cock branding against your lower back, knowing he will be fucking you later.
“You see this, my girl,” he runs a tan leather strap between your breasts, ”what colour for this?”
“Yellow,” you waver, being honest.
Instantly his hold softens. “Okay, darling girl, don’t be nervous. I’ll go gentle, I promise,” he whispers and kisses your cheek, “you’ll tell me if you want me to stop, won’t you?”
“Yes, sir,” you sigh.
“You are such a good brave girl for us,” he compliments, “we want you to feel pleasure from this.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“Are you okay to continue?” he checks.
“Yes, sir,” you nod, and he pulls away again.
He wraps the leather strap around his hand and confers with Anthony quietly. You smile softly, knowing they are planning to ensure your comfort and well-being. Anthony moves to lay on the chaise, and Benedict takes your hand and guides you lightly to straddle him.
“We think this could be a good oral lesson for our naughty little pupil,” Benedict tutors softly, “so why don't you take a seat here, right on his face?”
You gasp and flood down your thighs, the idea of being eaten out while you are disciplined so utterly appealing. You feel Anthony's breath warm on your inner thighs as you settle over him, Benedict guiding your hands to grasp the top of the chaise above Anthony's head. 
“Come here,” Anthony's honeyed voice drawls from between your thighs as he kisses the sensitive skin where your leg meets your body, “are you ready to try this, my brave girl?”
“Yes, my lord,” you assure, nerves melting a notch with his sweet attentions, pulsing with anticipation that he will remove the hairpin and give you a reprieve.
“Oh darling, no,” he teases, reading your mind, “this stays in place.” He tugs on the metal, and you cry out. “For now, at least, it's only coming off when we fuck you.”
With that, he flattens his tongue, lapping against your distended swollen clit, the heat and delicate tease of it hurtling you so close to orgasm it's startling, the sensation so magnified.
“My lord,” you gasp, “I'm going to come already.”
“So soon, my girl,” he huffs, “oh darling, I'm not going to stop just because you come. I'm going to keep going until you cry pretty tears all down your lovely face,” his voice a dangerous promise.
He licks again, allowing the end of his tongue to morph into a point that lingers and flicks against you. You whine, thighs already shaking as the approaching orgasm flickers at the corners of your mind.
Just as your focus is wholly on Anthony and his tongue taking you into oblivion, there's a snap of leather against your butt cheek. You squeal in surprise, having almost forgotten Benedict's plan. It drives you over the precipice, and you scream, convulsing hard against the hairpin, panting breaths. Your vision whiting out as you collapse forward over the end of the chaise. 
“Oh, that's it,” Benedict gruffs, “scream for me,” but it sounds so distant behind the rush of blood in your ears.
Before you’ve had a chance to recover, there’s another jolt of leather. Slightly stronger than the last aimed directly over where Anthony's hand had spanked you earlier. Your hips stutter, and you collapse onto Anthony's face, his tongue questing inside your channel. It's too much sensation.
“Oh fuck,” you exclaim loudly, overstimulated, as once again you feel a sting on your cheeks.
“She is loving this brother,” Benedict glowers, watching your mouth fall open, and your eyes roll.
“More, sir,” you implore; you don't recognise your own slurred voice. 
“You want me to flog you again, my girl?” Benedict's voice is gravelly and laboured.
“Yes, please, sir, give me more,” drunk on the utter tide of sensations, Anthony's tongue swirling inside you, spiralling you again, your clit and nipples throbbing in their bindings, your bum glowing.
Benedict growls, and the next blow feels wonderful; you scream thank yous as you move on instinct, grinding down onto Anthony, his tongue a sinful swirl of wonder, tears prickling your eyes as the pleasure and pain meld into one intoxicating pulse over your body.
You are floating now, leaking into Anthony's mouth as he mumbles praises deep into your cunt, Benedict panting as he reigns in the desire to flog you senseless, his arm shaking from the restraint and the unbridled lust of watching your skin bloom and you experience one long extended orgasm, fracturing while overwrought - a creature of lust and submission. 
“She looks fucking beautiful, brother,” Benedict gasps, dropping the strap, pulling your hair until your head tilts back and smashing his lips onto yours. His kiss is desperate and plundering; his hand descends to flick his thumbnail against your nipple. To have both their tongues inside you at either end pushes you over the edge even more, screaming into his mouth and shaking and crying.
Benedict sweeps you off Anthony and into his arms, still kissing you as you curl up into his hold, not fighting the blissful state you are slipping into.
You don't recall the next few moments; all you hear are soothing voices and soft touches. You come around, wedged between their bodies, as they kiss your face, shoulders, and neck.
“Well done, our wonderful precious girl,” Anthony praises, and you twist around to curl into his chest, familiar and so warm. “You took your lesson so well”. 
“Are you ready for your next?” he whispers warmly.
“What else did I do wrong, my lord?” you ask.
“Oh, nothing at all, my darling girl; you did so well taking your punishment. Now it's time for your lesson in pleasure.”
“Mm, that sounds wonderful, my lord.”
“Indeed, you have two teachers to please and please you.”
“As a treat, who do you want first, my good girl?” he nuzzles against your cheek, “I think you want to try Benedict's cock don't you?”
You bite your lip and nod meekly.
“Well, there's just one more surprise. Recline back on the chaise, my love,” he instructs gently, knowing you are still coming down from your intense experience.
Holding his hand gingerly, you crawl into place, hyper-aware of your nipples and clit. It feels like anything could make you scream again. You slowly settle down in a mostly reclined position. They are both watching you, unwinding their cravats. 
“Open your legs wide,” Benedict orders softly, and you obey on instinct. “Well, would you look at that brother? That truly is a work of art,” he adds, both of their gaze heavy between your legs.
They round different sides of the chaise and grab an arm each. You lay legs splayed as ordered, watching as they both loop their white evening cravats around a wrist each, tying a bow. They both kneel, and Anthony grabs your chin, his thumb swiping over your lips.
“We are going to tie you up, my darling, so you are completely at our mercy while we fuck you. What say you?” He asks.
“Green,” you enthuse, and he smiles warmly at your response. 
“And how are your nipples and bud, my darling?” he inquires sweetly. “I bet you are positively aching.”
“Yes, my lord, please make it better”, you beseech, writhing very slightly.
“Just a little while longer; it will be worth the discomfort, my darling,” he promises with a smile before leaning in to give you a soft kiss.
Benedict takes your arm to the side, bending it slightly above your head and loops the other end of his cravat around a brass ring at the top corner of the chaise; Anthony does the same. It is not uncomfortable, and you have room to move your arms a little but not much.
“I wish we had two more cravats,” Anthony contends. “We could tie her legs open too.”
“That's okay, brother; she can't close her legs with that pin on her body anyway,” Benedict points out, leaning down and pulling on it slightly.
You instinctively tug against your binding, crying out at the sensation it causes, gasping a breath. Benedict winks and moves away, pulling off his shirt.
Anthony hovers over you and kisses you, pulling your focus solely on him. 
“Oh, my darling girl,” he traces the contours of your face with his fingers, “I’ve never shared you with anyone like this. I trust you and my brother more than anyone; we make a beautiful team, don’t we?”
You nod.
“I’ve fantasised about watching you get fucked right before me. But don’t forget who you belong to,” he sighs, and you see the vulnerability in his eyes, a fear this step might change your dynamic.
“I’m always yours, my lord,” you breathe, reaching forward against your binding to chase his lips. He places a quick kiss, then pulls away slightly to your right. 
Your line of sight is now full of one thing. A very imposing, very naked Benedict, standing at the foot of the chaise looking down at you hungrily. He stripped while you had your moment with Anthony. Your breathing speeds up, realising what is about to happen. Your eyes fall to his cock, which he squeezes slightly in his hand. Memories of taking him down your throat flood back as he crawls slowly over your prone, tied body. 
His lips land on your neck, surprisingly tender, and your whole body lifts, chasing his. As his lips drag down onto your breast, your gaze falls to Anthony, 
“Does that feel good, my girl” Anthony’s voice is gruff, his hands busy undoing his shirt.
“Yes, my lord,” your answer morphs into a scream as Benedict teeths your trapped nipple. A large hand smears down your stomach between your legs and cups around your flesh.
“I think it’s time to remove this pin, don’t you, my girl?” Benedict’s voice is low and sweet against your breastbone.
“Please, sir,” you implore.
He gently eases the hairpin up and tosses it aside. The rush of blood to your clit is instant and shocking. You gasp, your eyes going wide.
“Oh, you feel that, don't you, my girl” Benedict gloats as he shifts between your legs.
“Yes, sir.” 
“What about this?” His tone is dangerous.
It’s the last thing you hear before he suddenly invades your soaked cunt. One strong, swift thrust buries himself deep inside you, a stretching, all-consuming invasion, your fingers and toes curling. 
“Oh fuck,” you and Benedict exhale almost in unison.
He feels different to Anthony seated inside you. You can’t articulate it; it’s just… a different stretch. No less intoxicating, though. 
“How is that, my girl?” Anthony pants as you stare over at him. He’s shirtless now, and his hand is at his trousers, roughly undoing buttons.
“So good, my lord,” you answer honestly, watching him undress as Benedict kisses your neck softly, your swollen clit pressed against his public bone. It won’t take much to make you come again.
Benedict cups your jaw to draw your attention to him, moving his face closer to yours. “I’m going to move now, my girl. Are you ready?” he whispers against your lips.
“Yes, sir,” you nod, meeting his hazy blue eyes.
He withdraws slowly, and you inhale, anticipation burning. He surges back into you, going even deeper this time somehow. As he makes contact with your clit you groan loudly.
“More, sir, please,” you petition, desperate to have him repeatedly slam against your swollen bud.
“Not yet,” he smirks, curling himself into the left side of your neck as you notice Anthony is now naked and taking a seat in a wingback leather chair a few feet away. Your skin prickles with excitement at the sight.
“Look at me, my girl,” Anthony calls as Benedict takes another stroke into you. You watch as he leans backwards and fists his cock. Oh god, he is going to touch himself while watching you get fucked. “You look so beautiful. Beg for him, beg for him to fuck you harder; I love to hear you desperate,” he implores. You are entranced by his hand moving steadily on his cock. You long to touch it, taste it. “Beg my girl,” he reminds.
“Please, sir, please fuck me harder,” you entreat to Benedict, your eyes pinging between him and Anthony, your voice cadence rising and falling with the roll of your body as he fucks into you slow and deep. The drag of him against your insides is so intoxicating.
“Oh, I love it when you beg,” Benedict gloats, a thumb sweeping your lips. “Do you like being tied up like this, my girl?” He questions, spearing into you more forcefully, smiling as you nod and moan. “Tell me how much. Tell me everything you like about this.”
“I love being at your mercy, sir,” you whisper, meeting his gaze and briefly sucking the thumb at your lips. “I love that my nipples are aching because you did this to me, sir,” you burble around his thumb. He growls at that one and moves to bite your earlobe. “I love that we are being watched, sir,” you confess breathily.
“Oh, does my dirty girl love an audience, hmm?” Benedict asks, cupping your jaw. “How would you like to be tied up and fucked outside, my girl? Where anyone could watch?”
“Yes, please, sir,” you enthuse, the thought making you gush more around him. A new thing you never knew you wanted until he said it.
“Do you hear that, brother?” Benedict says louder as he keeps pushing into you. “Our precious girl wants an audience watching her be pleasured.”
You look at Anthony and watch him lick his lips, moving his knees wider, his hand speeding up around his cock. “You filthy little girl”, Anthony growls approvingly. 
Benedict’s lips descend onto yours, and he captures your mouth as he increases the strength and pace of his thrusts; you are panting and whining into his kisses as he hits your distended throbbing clit more and more. It propels you fast towards the edge. You hear Anthony groan, knowing he is watching you, palming his cock. But you can’t see him as Benedict surrounds you, his arms encasing you close against him, the heat of his body intense, his chest glancing against your restricted nipples, aching so badly.
“Oh god, you are going to come, aren’t you, my girl,” Benedict moans, feeling your flutter around him.
“Yes, sir,” you grit out, writhing and chasing your peak, your grip wrapped around the cravats tying you down.
“Do it, come on my cock,” he commands, and all you can do is obey. You tussle against your bindings as you tense all over. The white-hot throbbing in your clit fanning out across your body, a static buzz at the back of your head, your toes curling, crying out as you pulsate hard.
“Oh fuck,” he exclaims, “you are like a vice, my girl; I can’t last.”
He groans deeply and suddenly withdraws from your body, spilling onto your belly, shuddering.
“You are amazing,” he pants as he grabs your face and kisses you some more.
“Happy birthday”, you whisper to him,  and he breaks into a killer smile.
“Thank you. You are the best gift I could receive,” Benedict compliments with a quick final kiss.
He moves gracefully off your body but twists to sit on the floor next to the chaise, reaching under it and grabbing some cloth, tenderly cleansing the mess he made on you. 
“I'm not going anywhere,” he assures, as you see Anthony rise from his chair and stalk over to you. 
Still quivering from the orgasm, you need a little time to reset. As he often does, Anthony senses that and lowers himself onto you gradually. His cock nudges against your body as he covers you, but he does not push in. Just resting against you. A hot solid weight against your inner thigh.
“You look so beautiful being fucked, my darling girl,” he gusts and runs his nose tenderly over your cheek, kissing along your jaw. Gentle, calming sensual movements.
Sitting beside the chaise, Benedict grabs your bound hand and holds it sweetly, pulling it towards him and kissing your knuckles, almost chaste. 
Anthony slowly kisses a trail down your neck as you sigh and feel his smile against your skin. He works his way lower, peppering your skin with little kisses until he reaches the swell of your breast and your breath a little more ragged; he’s skating close to your nipples, still throbbing within the hairpins.
He faintly holds his tongue against one, and you inhale sharply and let out a long whine. The lightest of touches feel like liquid fire searing you. 
“God, I've never seen you like this,” he groans and surges his hips against you, his tip nudging your entrance. “This was a genius idea, brother,” he concedes without looking at him.
Benedict just chuckles, looking up from kissing your hand. “You wait until we take them off”, he crows.
“When will that be, sir?” you ask.
“When he’s inside you, and it’s time for you to come again my girl”, Benedict replies with a crooked grin, kissing up your bound forearm. “I'll decide when that is,” he adds with heated mischief. 
Anthony huffs a laugh at that and takes himself in hand, lining up and pushing into you just a little bit. You sigh and close your eyes as he slowly slides into your body, Benedict's lips warm on your arm. 
“You are soaked, my girl”, he growls as he pushes into your hilt. That familiar feeling of being so held open by his warm solid cock is something you always treasure.
Anthony moves slowly at first, whispering gently into your ear about how good you feel, how it’s been too long, and you moan in agreement, wishing you had your hands to run into his luscious hair and grab hold; that always makes him buck a little hard inside you. 
Benedict shifts to sucking each of your fingers in sync with Anthony’s thrusts into you, his eyes trained on the movement of both your hips. The swirling of his tongue makes you long for the next time he goes down on you as he did before, holding you down forcefully. There is so much more you want to do with these talented boys and revisit—you will never tire of them.
Anthony increases the pace of his thrusts, hands smearing down your body to your knees, hitching your legs up and wider apart, making you gasp, moan, and writhe under him. You are fighting against the silky cravats' hold against your wrists, desperate to touch him, feel his warm skin under your palms.
He changes position, sitting up and hauling you bodily onto his thighs, hands wrapped around your hipbones as he pulls you onto him, hitting a new angle inside, the head of his cock spearing against that spot which drives you to madness.
“Please, sir, I need more,” you plead to Benedict between moans.
“What do you need, my girl?” he questions, licking his lips and scanning your body, watching your back arch, shoulders dragging against the velvet of the chaise. 
“Whatever you can give me, please, sir,” you implore, desperate for more sensation—a tide to sweep you away again.
“Hmm, then I think it's time for this…” is the only warning you get before he reaches and slides one hairpin off your nipple, immediately sucking it deep into his mouth as it revives. You scream loud at the rush of blood and sensation; clenching tight around Anthony’s cock he cries out.
“Fuck darling, do that again.” 
“Oh, she will.” Benedict gloats and switches attention to the other nipple nearest to him. Discarding the hairpin and enveloping it in a hot strong pull of his lips. His fingers snagging against the nipple that his mouth abandoned.
Anthony groans loud, fingers digging into your hips so hard he will leave marks as you scream and bear down on him again. Benedict surges up and captures your lips with his as he pinches both nipples, swallowing your screams and cries. For all the punishment you were metered out, there seems to be a balance more of pleasure as you climb quickly towards another orgasm. 
“Do it,” Benedict orders quietly against your lips, knowing you are so close you just need something to push you over the precipice, and he's decided to use his voice and hands.  “Do it now, come on his cock just like you came on mine, our beautiful filthy girl.”
Anthony's fingers find your clit, and it's too much at once. You stop hearing their voices and encouraging sounds; it all fades into black as a rush of blood fills your ears and your eyes close. You are swept away by the strong palpitations of your core, tensing and releasing all your muscles, notching up your spine, curving off the chaise, pulsing hard in your aching nipples.
Anthony grunts loudly and loses all finesse in his movements as he stutters and growls, pulling out just in time to spill himself onto your public hair. He collapses on top of you, gusting breaths, his head resting on your breastbone, your thighs still draped over his legs.
“Fuck. I’d forgotten what that feels like,” he pants. “We can't go so long without our girl again,” he admits quietly between deep inhales. 
Benedict kisses the dewy skin of your shoulder as you shudder delicately, sensations still rippling across your skin.
“You should never be out of our beds,” Anthony states, rubbing his nose unhurriedly over your swollen nipples, making you moan again.
“Our beds?” Benedict queries, a tinge of something hopeful in his voice.
“Yes, brother,” Anthony sighs, “I trust you with our girl. She's ours now, if the lady permits, of course,” he demures.
“Hell yes, she does,” you murmur. They both laugh warmly in response. 
“And yes, that means I permit you to spend time with her too, without me, on occasion, just as I do,” Anthony says sincerely, untying one of your wrists.
Benedict swallows heavily and nods his thanks as he does the same to your other wrist, freeing you completely.
“But I want both of you,” you pipe up, moving your arms to run your fingers into both of their hair, “all the time.” You add as they both sigh heavily at the sensation of your fingernails scratching their scalps.
“Well, that certainly…. can be arranged,” Anthony smiles up at you from your chest as Benedict nuzzles against your neck.
Your beautiful boys.
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Anthony & Benedict taglists: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @wysteria-clad @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @chaoticcalzoneranchsports
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mlm-writer · 2 years
Pins and Needles (Peter Parker x M!Reader)
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Pairing: Peter Parker (A.G. ver.) x Virgin Cis Male Reader Rating: Explicit   Words: 1548 POV: Third Summary: Peter gets put in jail for crimes he did not commit. At least his cellmate is a nice dude. Note: For the prompt ‘virginity kink’.  See my kinktober 2022 masterlist here.   Tags: prison AU, virgin reader, the virginity kink is barely there I’m sorry, blowjob, frotting, hint of body worship, weirdly fluffy, Peter was a hoe in college (hinted) and facial
The uniform was a great fit for his well-built frame. It was all the positivity Peter could find in himself as he was guided through the long hallway in handcuffs. He had expected the other inmates to leer at him, but it was awfully quiet in this prison. Maybe the heavy metal doors were soundproof. 
When he and the guards arrived at the door with a white ‘420’ painted on it, Peter could not help but snicker a little. However, his smile vanished with the look one of the guards gave him. The black metal door opened with a heavy creak. Peter was met with the sight of a small cell consisting of two bunk beds, two chairs, a sink and a toilet. “Finally! I was getting lonely, boys!” A masculine voice called, before Peter saw a man jump from the top bed. He was handsome, Peter noted. There also was an aura of dominance around him, as if this prison was the hotel he owned. 
The handcuffs were unlocked and the guards left Peter alone with the stranger. “I would give you my real name, but then I’d have to kill you,” the man spoke cheerfully. Peter swallowed the lump in his throat. He shifted on his feet, body trying to take up as little space as possible. “Oh don’t look like that, we will have a blast!” The man stepped closer and tapped the collar around Peter’s throat. “So… a mutant, huh?” 
Peter nodded nervously and hummed. “Yeah…” The man offered his hand and Peter slowly took it. “I’m Peter,” he offered, but he did not expect a name back. He noted that the man had no collar around his neck. 
“They call me ‘Pins’ around here. You’re so skinny, boy. From now on, if anyone asks, your name is ‘Needles’. As long as you stick with me, nothing will happen to you, all right?” Peter nodded as he shook the man’s hand. 
“Pins and Needles, huh?” Peter tried to joke, but it was obvious that was the gist. 
Pins made Peter hold the inside of his pocket most of the time. Peter followed his cellmate diligently, hung around with the other guys Pins associated himself with. They were a decent bunch, though they liked to mess with the guards from time to time. They were harmless pranks. Peter got to know them all by first name and what they were in for. However, getting information out of anyone about Pins was impossible. Even Pins avoided answering any question about himself directly. All Peter got to know was his favourite song, which was at least a decade or two old. 
It was another evening in their cell, the moonlight shining through a tiny window. Pins was humming his favourite song again. Peter was enjoying the background noise, when it suddenly stopped and Pins’ head appeared upside down as the man hung over the side of the top bunk. “Hey, Needles, can I ask you something?” He still sounded jolly, but Peter recognised the seriousness hidden in his voice. That same tone was there when Pins asked if anyone or anything was bothering him. It was that same tone when Pins asked if Peter slept like sleeping beauty. Peter nodded and sat up in his bed. “Would you kiss me if I asked you to?” Pins whispered.
Peter frowned. Pins had never asked him anything like that. “Uhm…” Peter started. He then crawled over to Pins and framed his face with his hands. The last time he did this, Peter was the one hanging upside down. He leaned in slowly, allowing Pins to push him away in case the man had been joking, but Pins stayed still. His lips were chapped, but warm against Peter’s. When they parted, Pins smoothly jumped off the bunk bed and kissed Peter again. 
Peter got so easily lost in Pins’ kisses. They were full of passion, as if Pins had been waiting for this. It was at this moment that Peter realised he had been waiting for this as well. He grabbed his cellmate by the neck and dragged him onto his bed. Their heated kisses were put on hold, when Peter pulled both the orange and white shirt over Pins’ head. Pins could not speak a word, before Peter was pulling him in for another kiss once more. Peter ran his hands over Pins’ chest, determined to remember what he felt like. When Pins pinned him down by his throat, just above his collar, Peter let out a very soft ‘oh fuck’.  
“Where is this going, Needles?”
“Well I have not been able to masturbate or have sex for the last few months, so feel free to… you know… do whatever.” 
Pins was awfully quiet and unmoving. Peter wondered if he had been too forward. His fears only seemed to be confirmed, when Pins let go of his neck. “Would you let me fuck you?” Peter hummed affirmatively. “Needles… I… must confess something.” Peter sat up and took Pins’ hands in his own. “I’ve actually never done anything like that. You know… have sex.” 
Peter blinked at his cellmate, who was avoiding eye contact. “Have you ever had a blowjob?” Pins made a sound that definitely meant ‘no’ and Peter’s mind was reeling. “Handjob?” Same sound. “Not even with a woman?” Same sound. Peter could not believe it. Pins, the baddest inmate he knew, was a total virgin. It was a strange thought, but at the same time, Peter not only wanted to be Pins’ first, he needed it. “Then… may I?” 
Pins seemed hesitant with his silence, but eventually, he guided their entwined hands to his crotch. Peter felt the bulge there. He explored its shape in the dim light of the moon, after Pins let go of his hand. It was a slippery slope from feeling Pins through his uniform pants to Peter being on top of the other man and rubbing their bare cocks together.
The scary criminal was no longer here. Peter muffled Pins’ sounds with feverish kisses that got them drunk on pleasure. “Needles, I’m gonna cum real soon if you don’t pause for a second,” Pins whined. Peter remembered how soon his first time was over and he wanted this to last at least a little longer, in case his innocence was proven tomorrow and he would never get this chance again. 
Peter climbed off his cellmate and completely rid himself of his uniform. He heard Pins doing the same. “Can you do something for me?” Peter asked, while he climbed back onto his thin mattress. Pins pulled him down onto his chest. It was weirdly intimate for the image Pins built around himself, but Peter liked the idea that he was the only one to see this side of him. 
“What do you want?” Pins whispered while his fingers traced lines across Peter’s skin. Peter snuggled into the other man’s chest. He smelled of the standard bland prison soap and a hint of just Pins. 
“Can you call me Peter? Just for tonight?” Peter did not get an answer for a moment. The fingers stilled on his bare shoulder. He was afraid he asked for too much. Then he felt Pins’ lips brush the shell of his ear. Warm breath hit his skin as the man whispered a name to him. Peter repeated it under his breath. It was beautiful. It belonged to the man he had fallen in love with. 
Peter shifted and kissed down Pins’ body. Peter had already seen it every time they took a shower, but now he also got to touch it. He slid off the bed and pulled Pins’ hips to the edge of the bed. When Peter reached the other man’s cock, he licked a long stripe up the length. Pins let out a delicious sigh. Peter savoured the taste of him, wettening his cock with his tongue, before taking it into his mouth. It had been some time since the last guy he fooled around with in college, but Pins seemed to enjoy the little graces of teeth. Pins had his hand in Peter’s hair. Peter relaxed and let Pins guide him. 
“Fuck, this feels so good… Peter,” Pins whispered through his teeth. Peter could hear his breathing and recognised the laboured breath of a man trying not to cum too soon all too well. He started stroking himself. It did not take long for Pins to pull Peter off his cock. Peter awaited the inevitable with his tongue out, stroking himself vigorously. Warm cum hit him in the face and Peter had to cover his mouth so the entire cell block would not hear him moan out Pins’ real name. 
When he finished covering his own hand in cum, Peter dropped his head onto Pins’ thigh. He sighed and kissed the skin, contented in his post-orgasmic bliss. A hand ran through his hair, massaging his scalp. “Did you cum?” 
Peter chuckled. “That’s so typical of you to ask,” he giggled as he closed his eyes. “But yeah, don’t worry. How are you? Don’t regret your first time?” Peter could feel Pins shift. Then warm lips kissed the top of his head. 
“You can be my first everything, Needles.” “I’ll hold you onto that, Pins.” 
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sangonohyuka · 2 years
Beomgyu being so obsessed with his girlfriend he always touching her, ALWAYS. And beomgyu is a gamer right? He even spend a lot of money for his games, the way he ready to drop his game, just for u because no matter how good the game is, u always be the number one priority. Also, maybe this is just me projecting but I think beomgyu rarely call his gf by their real name, he always have cute nickname for u!! And, you expect him to be vanila and soft in bedroom, coddling you and everything, but turn out he is mean and a TEASE. I love this dynamic and it suit beomgyu so much😆
💭 gamer! boyfriend beomgyu but the catch is he's a sucker for your existence? SIGN ME UP ANON UR SO BIG BRAIN ILY MWAH <33
warning: NSFW, sub! afab reader, use of feminine nicknames, dom! beomgyu, fluff at the beginning, degradation, praising, orgasm denial, lots of teasing, dacryphilia, dumbification, humiliation, a lil thigh pinching, mating press yass
again, wrote this at 2AM so sorry for the mistakes 😭
gamer! boyfriend beomgyu who's quite the geek for his beloved video games— always so competitive in his gameplays, setting the 'win and earn that winner title' as his top priority. but when we're talking about you on stake? simple: his choice would always be you.
no matter how important the ranked match he's competing in, he's ready to drop it there and then if you call for him. you can ask him to cuddle with you when he's in the middle of a game and he'd happily oblige, immediately shutting his computer down— sometimes even forgetting to save his gamefiles.
beomgyu is surely the sweetest boyfriend you could ever ask for! always so loving, caring, and attentive— his soft and gentle demeanor led you to believing that beomgyu is without any doubts, a vanilla person. i mean, how can't he when he's almost like the human embodiment of an angel?
oh, how naive you had to be.
of course, his sweet personality was no facade, yet it perfectly kept the beast hidden within— fooling you into thinking that beomgyu would be coddling you with his sickly intoxicating praises.
here you are now, straddled underneath with both of your hands pinned right above your head as you whimpered from the feeling of his hot breath trickling on the skin of your neck. not to mention, your entire state was a complete mess now: cheeks drenched in tears and drool, face burning red from the humiliation, and every part of you growing overly sensitive over the amount of teasing beomgyu tortured you with.
"what's wrong baby?" he cooed, voice full of innocence and faked emphaty as if he hadn't just denied your orgasm for the third time this night.
"beommie what? use your words baby. you're not that dumb, aren't you?" he taunted in reply, satisfied with your pathetic state underneath.
nothing but incoherent noises left your throat, your cheeks heating up out of embarassment from your inability to even form proper words.
a dissapointed sigh left his lips, "not even halfway through and you're already slobbering like a dumb whore." the cruel nickname earned a whine from you, tears brimming at the corner of your eyes only for you to hear a mocking snicker from above.
"aww, is this too much for my baby?" he wrapped one of his hand firmly around your jaw, a sinister gaze boring into your teary ones.
"want me to be nice with you, hm?" he offered as he gently wiped your tears away with his thumb, the sweetness of his tone filled you with a hope that you've finally acquired his mercy. yet, you sensed something off, very off— especially the fact that beomgyu is now forcing your legs up, pushing them right against your chest as he adjusted himself infront of you.
"i asked you a question, answer me." he pinched your thigh softly, yet just enough for you to let out a pathetic yelp.
"y—yes! p-please," you begged as you felt your body aching for his touch, desperate for him to let you reach your high just for once. a laugh erupted from beomgyu, satisfied with the desperation in your hoarse voice.
with a sinister smirk plastered on his lips, beomgyu thrusted his hips in— filling you full only with a sharp thrust, going impossibly deeper as he held both your thighs, keeping them spread open. the tip of his cock felt like it's grazing on your cervix, earning a lewd whimper from you as you threw your head back from the overwhelming pleasure. with his cock still burried deep inside, his face leaned closer to yours— his lips brushing soflty against your swollen one with an unnoticeable gap between them.
"too bad darlin', i'm not done just yet with my fun."
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Cold fingers
Chapter 2:
Raph x reader story A/N:Another part is out! it is currently 5am but oh well, i started writing and then just didn't stop. But here we go, I love all April's they are my pookies.
Chapter 1/ 3
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The week had been going great, hanging out with his brothers and his friends, not much work either since the city had been fairly peaceful. Raph was laying on the couch just scrolling through his phone when a notification caught his attention.
-Hey! Vern is going to a club today and invited me, Case is gonna be there too
-And I thought you and the guys would wanna come!
-It’s gonna be fun!
He smiles at the text, going out did sound fun and it was a chance to relax and possibly mingle… alright maybe not that last part as much but the thought is what counts. He stretches lazily and answers her.
-Yeah im in. Sounds fun enough.
Raph gets up and texts his brothers to check if they would be joining him, Donnie and Leo were a very unlikely yes but even they had to be slowly descending into boredom madness.  He didn’t have to wait very long though, cause they all pinged him with a resounding “YES” to the afternoon plans. ‘Welp, time ta change then’ even if changing meant putting his nicer pair of pants and boots, maybe his jacket too (even if to only put it around his waist-).
When the time for the party rolls around the four of them are already waiting for their friends and the front door, the place was nice, the outside looking kinda fancy but also casual enough that there wasn’t a crazy line waiting for them at the entrance. Soon enough they see April and Jones approaching, with a surprise third party who none of them had met before except… ‘There’s no fucking way’ he thought. But lo and behold, there she was clear as day, the girl from the place he went to a week ago, smiling just as she had when they first talked. This time she wasn’t in some fancy get up but a more relaxed look, looked more at ease too, once she caught his eye she waved at him.
“Hi guys! Sorry we’re a bit late, we went to pick up my friend (y/N). She was a last minute addition to our little group, hope that’s alright?”
“The more the merrier! Don’t sweat it angelcakes!” As always, Mikey was ready to welcome any new members with open arms, Donnie and Leo nodded in agreement, never the ones to be rude to anyone but also not as energetic and out there as their younger sibling. (Y/ N) turns to them and chuckles.
“Thanks you guys! Really means a lot, I was just ITCHING to go out but had no one to go with, y’all are my saviours today.” She said shaking hands with the three of his brothers. Getting to him she sends him a playful smirk “Long time no see, big guy. Thought that was gonna be the last I saw of ya.” Her hands lingered on his, the tips of her fingers freezing against his but still just as gentle as the first time they had met.
“Heh. Could say the same about ya.” 
“You guys know each other?” Of course Jones had to ask something, guy made being annoying his whole career, Raph sighs and rolls his eyes  “Yeah we  met last week when we went to that bar we went  to. We talked for like two minutes.” He gives them, getting a collective nod of satisfaction from his answer ‘fucking weirdos. Always up in someone’s business’ he smiles.
As they head they start looking for Vern, not that the guy was hard to find but in the current lighting they had the task at hand proved to be difficult as they eyed the tables at the place. April and (Y/N) were giggling away at something on their phones and already asking for drinks, a look of mischief on their faces ‘oh this is gonna be great’ he thinks, making his way to them quickly, since Jones had left them to go keep looking for Vern.
The group eventually does find him, at one of the tables hidden away at the corner, sipping away at his drink and finishing up some conversation. They all sit down and he smiles at them excitedly.
“Oh I’m glad you could all come, I was starting to get bored of not doing anything with you guys! How are you finding the place? This is my new little nook, the vibes are great here.” He lays back, relaxed look on his face.
“This is much nicer than I was expecting I gotta admit” Donnie says, his posture much more calm than when they first got there “Normally parties aren’t my thing but this has been very okay so far, their drinks are great too.”
“Yeah! I missed hanging with people at a nice club.” (Y/N) says leaning on April, she looked in her element, comfortable and at ease. Raph smiled at them as she leaned in, a conspiratory look on her face “But I’m really feeling the need to dance! Who’s coming with me?!” she says already dragging April with her ‘well, not much choice there’ he chuckles. Mikey obviously follows suit and links arms with the ladies.
“Oh I am in! Let’s show these people how it’s done!” he shouts as they head to the dance floor.
Mikey's POV
 As they get to the floor, they try to find a little space for them all to dance in comfortably, which proved to be harder than they thought . Finally, thankfully they find and just let loose, each of them finding their own rhythm and laughing amongst each other.
(Y/N) turns to look around and stops in her tracks, the scene in front of her leaving her frozen in place.
“Hey? You okay?” April asks, Mikey also stopping his dancing to look where (Y/N) was looking.
“Am I hallucinating or is that Brad with a random girl chewing on his face?” She asks in a tense tone, and yup, it only took April one look to confirm that that was in fact Brad. (Y/N) holds her hand tightly and sighs, her eyes closed.
“Who’s Brad? What is happening right now?” Mikey asks, kind as ever after noticing his friend’s distressed look.
“THAT, is my supposedly his place boyfriend… sucking on that girl’s lips.” She says, looking annoyed now.
‘Oh. OH!’ Mikey’s eyes widen ‘Well shit, that sucks.’
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feyre-darling92 · 1 year
Hi I was wondering if you are still asking for requests in fics. Feel free to just forget about this. If you are I would love to see Azriel(acotar) and prompt two in angst’Don’t do this to yourself’ again feel free to leave this and not even look at it.
Hello! This was a pleasure to write and I hope you like it. Feel free to correct me if this isn't what you meant.
Also this is not beta read so sorry in advance
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You were sure , he was avoiding you.
Everytime he would enter a room and you happened to be there he would leave. Everytime you had to work together he wouldn't talk to you unless he had to. He wouldn't even look you in the eyes.
You'd be a liar if you said you didn't miss him. You did, a lot in fact. Your love for the shadowsinger was a secret you had kept well hidden but you couldn't deny it.
But how could you love someone who kept pushing you away?
You had been so frustrated that you couldn't help but ask Feyre. "Have I done anything wrong?" you asked her one morning when no one was home.
"Well, firstly goodmorning. Secondly, what happened?" she placed her cup on the table and gestured you to sat down next to her.
You did so and continued, "Azriel. What have I done to him?"
"C'mon, don't say you haven't noticed him avoiding me!"
"Oh. Yes. Have you tried to ask him?"
"Like he would answer" you sighed in desparation and supported your head on your hands.
"Do you- Do you like him?" she raised an eyebrow.
"He is family. Of course I like him"
"You know what I mean"
"If I said no, would you believe me?"
"No" she said and added after a few seconds, "Just try to talk. I'm sure you can clear this out"
"Maybe you're right"
"I am always right" she laughed got up, leaving you alone.
And so you did, the same night asking him to talk just after he, Rhys and Cassian had returned from a diplomatic mission.
"What is it?" he asked once you got outside.
"Why have you been avoiding me?"
"Is this what you wanted?" he asked you disappointed, but seeing you serious he spoke again, "I haven't" he lied easily. You didn't believe him.
"Please, don't act like a fool" you scoffed annoyed by his attitude.
"Why do you even care?" he raised his voice so slightly but enough for you to get angry, "Because I love you damn it!" the words came out of your mouth before you could think about it.
"I don't"
You froze. What?
"I do not love you" he repeated himself. You opened your mouth to speak but no words left. Instead you ran away, leaving him alone standing in the dark, regretting his words.
The truth was that he couldn't face you because you were his mate. That's why he was avoiding you, because he was afraid. The shadowsinger was afraid.
And so the next day he asked Rhysand to send him to a mission, whatever that was, he just wanted to go away for a while.
And his brother, although worried, did sent him away. You, however, were left behind, devastated from his words.
Only when he came back many days later did you decide to try again. You were known for many things but giving up was not one of them.
"Open the door, I know you're inside" you knocked for the third time after not receiving a response.
"Why can't you justt leave me alone?" he yelled from behind the door.
"Why won't you listen to me?" you yelled back.
"I said I don't love you" he finally opened the door facing you.
"Just go" he moved to close the door but you stopped him,
"Why are you doing this to yourself? Why won't you let me love you?"
"Because-" he looked you in the eyes, "Because you're my mate" he whispered and your heart stopped. "What?"
"You're my mate"
"Then why-"
"Because I will hurt you" he cut you off, "I know that one day I will hurt you and I would rather die than do that"
"But you won't" you took his hand in yours and held it tightly "You can't"
"You don't know that" he looked at his feet and you brought your hand to his cheek, making him look at you again, "You could never hurt me"
He considered your words for a few seconds and before you could know it his lips found yours, capturing them in a soft kiss.
"I love you" he admitted for the first time out loud, "Stars, I love you"
"I love you too"
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weixuldo · 2 years
Adjustment// Anakin x Reader
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Based on this ask by @tommyshawawesome1976
(A/N: Sorry it was such a long wait, but here it is!!! In this the reader is taking the place of Padme and this is in between the end of AOTC and TCW)
Anakin has a hard time getting used to his new arm, but you’re there to help him. 
Warnings: loss of limbs, injury recovery, phantom pains, swearing, cannon typical violence
The moon was hidden behind a cover of thick rain clouds. You and your newly wed husband laid soundly asleep between the silk sheets of your bed on Coruscant.
Wonderful dreams of rolling fields and your lover beside you ran through your head. You were contempt when you felt a jostle from the other side of the bed. You woke and turned quickly to see a startled Anakin panting. 
He was sitting up with a fearful look in his eyes, a thin sheen of sweat covered his torso and face. You gently called his name but he didn’t respond so you slowly reached to touch his shoulder. He whipped towards you in a defensive movement until he noticed it was you.
“Y/N?” he panted.
You nodded and pulled him into a hug, “Shh, it’s me, my love”.
He melted into your touch and sighed into your chest, “i-it hurts”.
“Is it your arm or is it the phantom pain?” you asked him as you ran your fingers through his curly hair. 
“Phantom. It won’t go away, I can't stop it” he groaned as he grabbed at the metal appendage dawning his right forearm.
You tightened your arms around him and held him close, “It’s all going to be ok, Ani. It’s in your head”. 
“it’s so painful” he winced.
You looked out the window to see the rainfall, “it’s probably the rain, Ani. You know your arm acts up in this weather”.
He screwed his eyes shut and cried as you rocked him. 
The next morning he didn’t speak of the events of the night, rather he ignored them. You knew he had been upset since his injury but you also knew he needed to talk about it. Whatever this was, was not healthy.
He was perched on a bench looking over the busy traffic of Coruscant as you walked up to him. His hair was starting to grow out and his old padawan braid was slowly unraveling, he looked quite nice. You placed a tender hand on his shoulder and planted a kiss on his temple. 
“Good morning, my love” he greeted you.
“Morning Ani” you answered, taking your seat next to him. 
You reached to grab his prosthetic hand but he flinched away. You furrowed your brow and attempted to grab his hand again.
“Y/N, what are you doing?” he asked, perplexed.
“I wanted to hold your hand’
“You can hold this one” he said, crossing his good hand over to meet yours.
“Why can I not hold that one?” 
“Because it’s not real!” he snapped.
He observed your worried expression and reigned himself in, “..It’s not me”.
You ignored his good hand and held the mechanical appendage tightly with both of your hands, “Yes it is Anakin, this is you”.
He cast his gaze downward, embarrassed.
“I’m weak. I failed, and now I can’t even wield my lightsaber properly”
You placed gentle hands on his cheeks and looked into his eyes,
“oh Ani, this prosthetic changes nothing about you, You will fight again, it will just be…modified”. 
He released a breath and went to caress your cheek but halted once he saw he was reaching with his prosthetic. You noticed and drew the hand to your cheek, “I love you Anakin”.
The practice droid’s stun beams ricochet off of the walls of the training room as Anakin maneuvered around them. He was working on defense and avoiding hits.
His wielding style had shifted, he wasn’t as accustomed to his new addition yet, so his swings were less accurate than before. His master watched through the viewing window as his padawan struggled to gain the upper hand.
Anakin swung his saber, deflecting two shots but missed the third. He doubled over in pain as the shock of the blast hit his side. The droids were paused and Obi-wan entered the room. Anakin was still hunched over on his side muttering curses. 
“Anakin, you mustn't focus on recreating your former style, you need to adjust” Obi-wan spoke as he helped his padawan to his feet.
Anakin grunted as he stood straight, “I am trying, master. I just… It's difficult”.
Obi-wan nodded, “No one said it would be easy Anakin.”
Anakin huffed and reignited his lightsaber, “Again”.
Obi-wan’s face slowly turned to a smile, his padawan was not a quitter.
“As you wish”.
And with the push of a button the droids started up again.
It was getting late and Anakin still wasn’t back. You knew he was training with Obi-wan today but you had passed Obi-wan on your way home. You set the table and tried to take your mind off of things. He’d be home soon…
After a few more hours you grabbed a cloak from your closet and set out to find your husband. You decided to check the jedi temple first, he would often spend time there into the late hours of the night, though you doubted he would be thinking after a long day of training.
He was definitely an overachiever so training days usually ended with him coming home, taking a shower, eating dinner, then falling asleep in your arms. You worried he pushed himself too hard.
You made sure to hide your face as you wandered through the temple, you definitely were not supposed to be in there and you were definitely not supposed to be married to Anakin. 
After searching around you heard noise coming from a training room.
There he was.
He was drenched in sweat, the outer layers of his jedi robes discarded on the floor. He staggered around the room and his swings were uncoordinated. Your eyes widened as you realized there was no one in the control room to operate the droids. 
You quickly ran to the panel and began to search for the power button. Before you could push it you saw Anakin get blasted with a beam and crumple to the floor with a pained wince. You smashed the button and the droids immediately powered off.
You picked up the trail of your robes and ran into the room. It was mostly dark except for an overhead spotlight in the middle of the room. You kneeled down and scooped your husband into your arms. 
“Anakin what are you doing!?” you frantically asked.
His blue eyes blinked open and granted you a confused look as he panted, “Y/N?”
“Yes, I was worried about you, you never came home”
He began to sit up but stopped as he winced. You placed a hand on his back and helped him the rest of the way.
“I was just training,” he responded.
“Anakin, it's 3 in the morning! You said you’d be home around 10’.
He squinted at the clock across the room, “Is it really?”.
You nodded and brushed his damp hair from his forehead, “What were you thinking?”.
“I wasn't good enough, I just needed to practice more”
“Practice is good, but you're exhausted Ani, you're just hurting yourself at this point” you dabbed at his sweaty face with the end of your cloak.
He sighed and leaned into your chest, “I need to get back to how I was. If I don’t….i’m worthless”.
Your heart broke at his words, you pulled him into a tender embrace, “Oh, Ani, Don’t think that way, You aren’t, maker, you could never be worthless”.
The two of you stayed there for a moment before he began to drift off to sleep. You tried to wake him, the two of you could not be found like this in the temple.
But he was deep in sleep and you couldn’t move him alone. Begrudgingly you sent a contact to Obi-wan…he was the only one you could trust with your secret.
Not soon after an annoyed jedi stormed through the practice room doors. Obi-wan stood in front of you two with his hands on his hips. His eyes softened as he saw how exhausted Anakin was. 
“What was he thinking?” Obi-wan sighed. “I thought he went home”.
You shook your head, “I’m really sorry Obi-wan, But I didn’t know who else to call, because-”
He held out a hand, “I understand Y/N. It’s ok. I’m more concerned with his state right now, maker knows how long he had been at it after I left”.
You nodded and allowed Obi-wan to help you up from the floor. The older man grunted as he swung the sleeping Anakin over his shoulder. “Let’s get this reckless boy home, shall we?”. 
The next morning came quickly and Anakin woke with an intense pain in his arm. He shot up as he grimaced, you were quick to enter the bedroom once you heard he was up. 
“Anakin, what’s wrong?”
“My arm….It feels like it's on fire”
You sighed and brought him some tea, “Here darling, drink this. It should help with the pain.”
He nodded and quickly sipped the beverage.
“Anakin, You can��t train without someone to spot you again, alright?” you scolded.
“I was fine” he retorted, blushing because he had been caught.
“Well your limp body on the floor said otherwise” Obi-wan's voice said as he rounded the corner into your shared room.
“Master?!” Anakin exclaimed. 
“How do you think you got back here last night? Y/N certainly didn’t carry your body all the way back from the temple.”
Anakin turned with embarrassment.
“Anakin, you are a great Padawan and a strong Jedi, but you need to learn how to progress in moderation. Ruining your body will not help you become better. Allow us to help you, that’s what we're here for”.
Anakin stole a glance at you and saw as you nodded along with Obi-wan. He sighed and agreed, “Alright, master. I’m sorry”.
Obi-wan let out a hearty laugh, “Don’t thank me, thank her. If she didn’t call me, you would have been found in the temple and definitely would be in deep trouble with the council”
He turned to you and extended an arm. You took his hand and squeezed it before he drew you in for a quick kiss. 
“Thank you Y/N” he smiled.
“Always, Ani” 
Obi-wan cleared his throat and the two of you turned to look at him. 
“I’ll be off now, but don’t think that the stunt you pulled last night will be a recurring ordeal Anakin. The two of you could have been caught last night”, the man said before leaving your apartment.
Anakin turned his attention back to you, “I’m sorry my love, I shouldn’t have put us in that position”.
“It’s alright, what matters is that we didn’t get caught and you're ok” you beamed at him.
“I love you so much Y/N” he breathed as he pulled you into his chest. 
You entangled your hand with his robotic one and smiled, “I love you too Anakin”.
(A/N: I loved writing this and i hope you enjoyed!! thank you for the ask!! also i really need to get back into writing for cannon!! i def missed it :))
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chloeangelic · 5 months
Chloeeeeeeeeee!😱 OMG! Crescentina! I don't know if I should kiss you or punch (a friendly shoulder punch) you for writing that chapter. It was such a scrumptiously porny sequence, so damn hot and filthy with such an ending. How Joel ties her up and manhandles her is jaw-dropping in the best of ways. It made me go feral, squealing and squirming, lol! I'm so happy you're you, and you have the brain you have that comes up with such beautifully deliciously hot writing. I loved every word, not only the smutty parts (Joel feeding Ladybug felt like a pre-smutty part), but the shared intimacy made my heart burst with love for these two, plus Joel being that said gorgeous example of healthy masculinity that cries over ''Finding Nemo'', even if, from the first word, my mind kept telling me something would happen at the end. There was no way this blissful piece of heaven they found themselves living in could span the whole weekend they had planned.
I could keep gushing my love for the chapter forever if my brain could stop overthinking what the ending means for these two. I'm not asking for answers, but who is better to share my thinking than the person who's writing the story?
-I think I already made a comment on it, but is there something more about how much they like each other's smell, be it the clean one with shampoo/gel/cologne or the sweaty one? And how Joel smells her ovulation? I find it really hot, but I tend to be a bit hopeless in identifying metaphors and hidden images, and I cannot help but wonder.
-Who is at the door? A part of me wants it to be Gwen, so everything is finally out in the open. But just the idea of telling his wife he has been cheating on her has Joel hurting so much that it makes me want to wish it was someone else, like Tommy or Ellie. Despite the state of their relationship, there's still care and love (not necessarily romantic) between them, and Joel telling her he has cheated would be a harsh blow. If you add seeing him in the act doing things with an intensity, I get the vibe he has never done with Gwen, which ups it all to a whole new level. But who else would open that door when, by the feeling I got, the noise they were making left nothing to guess about what was happening in that room? Everyone else would go in the opposite direction. Unless the room is soundproofed, which I don't think it was.🤔
-Why do I feel like the plan B pill is not in their minds anymore? It might be quite complicated sometimes to get pregnant, but it can also take one time, and they have gone at it like rabbits.
Thanks for the chapter. It was mindblowing! I cannot express my need/desire/desperate beg (with no intention of being pushy) to read the next chapter.
Sorry, but not that much sorry for the ramble I'm just sending you! That’s how much you’re making me think. Love you! ♥️♥️♥️
hiii!!! im working on seeking 6 as we speak so i figured this was the perfect time to discuss ch 5 !!! first of all, thank you so much for your lovely words as always <3 i am SMILING reading through this for the third time
that punch is gonna move from my shoulder to my face really quick, believe me :S wouldn't it be absolutely psychotic if i wrote a chapter where absolutely nothing went wrong?? hahah
them liking each other's smell is honestly just my personal kink, though i think there's a strong compatibility thing around liking the smell of someone's sweat. no deeper meaning behind that - i'm also terrible with hidden meanings, so your first guess is usually right when it comes to my stuff.
you'll see who is at the door pretty quickly in the next chapter ;)
they have fully forgotten about the plan B HAHA and that is also mentioned in ch 6, which - if i get my shit together - could realistically be posted in a few days.
love YOU !! <3 <3
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vashtijoy · 1 year
I am so sorry if I missed it somewhere but is it confirmed that Akechi killed Wakaba? It is heavily implied but I am curious if you translated the moment when Akechi and Shido mention Wakaba?
And the second question: Is there something interesting in Feather Seeker?
Thank you in advance!!
Hi, anon, I'm so glad you asked as this one has been on my mind a lot lately. I think this is long enough without me getting into Featherman Seeker, lmao, but if you want to drop me another ask about it, I'll hopefully get to it soon.
To answer your question up front: yes, it is pretty much confirmed that Akechi kills Wakaba. Here's Sae, interrogating Joker about Kaneshiro:
Sae 若葉の死は2年前⋯『あれ』が起き始めた時期とも一致する⋯ wakaba no shi wa ninenmae... "are" ga okihajimeta jiki to mo icchi suru... Wakaba's death was two years ago... That also coincides with when the incidents started occurring...
IIRC this is the line that the idea that Wakaba was the first person Akechi murdered comes from. It's not explicit that she was the first victim—in this line, Sae has only just realised Wakaba didn't kill herself—but if she wasn't, she may very well have been the first to immediately die.
What gives far more credit to the idea that a. Wakaba was the first person Akechi killed, and b. that he feels bad about it to this day, are the various mentions of her that he sprinkles through his dialogue. And that's what the rest of this post will largely be about—though page down to see more about the Shido scene you asked about.
akechi and wakaba
Akechi mentions Wakaba by name several times. I talked recently about how Akechi's use of ellipsis can be important, how it sometimes indicates something deeper going on—surprise, or shock, or a hidden emotion. Or that he's just taking his time—sometimes an ellipsis is just a pause for effect, and Akechi does use them a lot.
But ALL FIVE of Akechi's mentions of Wakaba by name—two in the first year, and three in the third semester—have an ellipsis. They have that pause that indicates he's for some reason thinking more about what he's saying.
Let's take them one by one.
8/28 in leblanc
NB (2023/05/21): putting a quick note here to say that I'm pretty sure now that the mention of Wakaba on 8/28 is not out of surprise, he's prepared for it and intending to mention her all along. So he doesn't open up until Joker and Futaba ask him (without words) what's wrong. At some point I'll rewrite this whole section (hopefully), but for now see below! for the continued WAKABA ANGST.
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This one is pretty easy to cover: Sojiro cuts him off as soon as he mentions Wakaba. I don't know about this scene. I never know how much he's genuinely surprised, how much he doesn't expect to see Futaba out of the house, how much he's just being a bitch, prodding and poking because he can, to get a response, like he does.
The interesting thing is that, of course, seeing Futaba segues into his notorious "trauma dump"—he ends up telling Joker and Futaba about his childhood, about how he was an orphan passed from place to place. Did he walk in intending to do that? I very much doubt it. And one more thing before we move on:
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... they ask him what's bothering him. They look at him like "? dude sup". The trauma dump is not as unprovoked as it seems.
And there's no sign that he connects with Joker over it—of course—but you know who he does connect with?
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Yep. Futaba sees the similarity between his story and her own. And it looks like Akechi sees the similarities too. That suggests IMO that his background is not dissimilar to hers—that, as the anime suggests, he was fostered by a succession of family members who neglected and probably abused him, as Futaba's story describes.
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... and we get another ellipsis. Just a pause as he reaches for her name, perfectly innocuous. Except he knows her name; he's been talking to Sae about her.
I don't know. This is an incredibly hard scene to read. He has that performatively-sad cut-in that I don't trust at all, for a start; he could be being purely malicious, or sharing more than he intends; he could be genuinely shocked to see Futaba, or fascinated to see one of his living victims face-to-face. Or the whole thing could be a performance for Joker's benefit. It's an interesting scene, that's for sure.
shido and akechi
This is the scene you asked about, of course. Strap in. Shido talks about pulling the plug on cognitive psience, Akechi touches his chin and leans back, and he says this:
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Akechi 一色若葉⋯でしたっけ? あの研究者。素直に従えば、死ぬことはなかったのに。 isshiki wakaba... deshita kke? ano kenkyuusha. sunao ni shitagaeba, shinu koto wa nakatta no ni.  ...Wakaba Isshiki, was it? That researcher. She wouldn't have had to die if she just complied. It was ... Wakaba Isshiki, yes? That researcher? If only she'd been more amenable, she might have lived.
This is pretty well translated in the localisation. Some notes:
We have that kke—Akechi is not saying "do you mean Wakaba Isshiki, Shido-san", in case you were wondering, he's saying "am I remembering right that her name was Wakaba Isshiki".
sunao ni shitagaeba—literally, "if she could have meekly obeyed", but in English, unless we want to sound like murderous psychopaths (cough), we say "if she could have complied; if she could have been amenable".
Lastly, we have that no ni, at the end, which gives the statement a sense of regret, which turns that "if she could have complied" into "if only she could have complied". "She might not have died; what a shame". In the Japanese audio (and for all I know btw, this happens in the English audio too), Akechi's tone and manner change on this line, from sinister and self-satisfied to something slower and more preoccupied. On his next couple of lines, his speed and smuggery progressively pick back up.
Here's the scene—it's fascinating to listen to his voice shift, especially to how dark it gets when he tells Shido how he agrees with his ideology and supports him politically. (lol) Plus, watch out for the evil wink, as he mocks his public image.
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This should be "celebrity ace detective", by the way—while karisuma does mean "charisma", a karisuma is a person, a celebrity. It's often translated correctly in P5, just not here.
ok but back to wakaba
So what's going on here as regards Wakaba? First of all, Akechi does remember her—he's been talking about her with Sae since at least July. Shido knows Akechi murdered Wakaba—that's not the point. Shido knows Akechi is pretending to investigate the shutdowns and breakdowns—so the mere fact that Akechi knows her name is not the point either.
No, what's going on here is that Akechi doesn't want Shido to know he thinks about Wakaba. That, after two years, he still has her name at his fingertips. And so we get exactly the same style of pause as in the Leblanc scene with Futaba, when he pauses for just a moment to act like he doesn't properly know her name. We get that moment when his voice shows that he's feeling something and concealing it beneath his mask.
That's a pause that implies remorse or guilt, IMO. The mask he shows Shido is essentially Cognitive Akechi—gleeful, remorseless, sadistic, relentless. Make no mistake, there's a lot of Akechi in it, like there's a lot of him, despite what he'd like to think, in the detective prince. There's a lot of how Akechi aspires to be in his mask for Shido, and a lot of what he truly values about himself. But it is still a mask. And one of the things it's hiding is that Akechi still thinks more about Wakaba than he wants Shido to know.
This, IMO, is what implies that Wakaba was his first murder—this odd little moment where he has to pretend he doesn't properly remember her.
the third semester
The third semester is where it all gets a little more complicated. Akechi mentions Wakaba three times here; the most emotion he shows is when he first sees her. And the likelihood is strong that anything he feels about her is overshadowed by his own predicament—namely, being dead.
First of all, here's that moment when he first sees her. And you can see him understand: he looks at her for a long moment, then he touches his chin and has one of his "...... putting-it-all-together" thinky moments:
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... and then he puts on his bright smile and the detective prince voice to get Joker outside. That's to say: he comes in without his customary pleasant-boy mask, sees Wakaba, and then drops straight back behind it—when he must have known there were others present on the way in. Like he needs a heavier mask to make sure he doesn't fuck up. Or to hide something.
Let's look at those three times Akechi mentions Wakaba, one by one:
1/2 in the launderette
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The only thing I'd pick at in the localisation of this little exchange is the missing ellipsis on the last line, so let's take the rest of it straight:
Akechi: But, what's even more unbelievable to me is... Joker: Wakaba. Akechi: That's right.
Akechi ⋯一色若葉。 ... isshiki wakaba Wakaba Isshiki. ... Wakaba Isshiki.
Here's the scene. All we really have for his Wakaba textbox is the ellipsis, but listen to the first one—"what's even more unbelievable to me is...", and compare his tone to the preceding lines where he's been all business and matter-of-fact. Do you hear his voice thinning? It's by far the most unsettled he sounds all scene; Wakaba's presence is difficult for him.
And it's not his own death that's in question. If you ask him "how are you alive", he'll deal with it then—he looks away with the sad sprite, but then picks himself up fast. Even his model looks away, which is a bit of a tell—but as for traces in his voice of what's really happening, no, there are none.
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1/8 at leblanc
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There are no interesting vocal tricks here—a week later, Akechi is well on top of the reality around him and his own situation. And he doesn't like it—this is the "it makes me want to puke / I'll be the one to choose my path" phone call. It's only at the end of the call that some emotion creeps in, as he asks what's happening with the other Phantom Thieves, and if Joker is still on course.
Let's take a look at the original first line:
Akechi 死んだはずの若葉や奥村⋯彼女らは本当に『生きている』ことになってる。 shinda hazu no wakaba ya okumura... kanojora wa hontou ni "ikiteiru" koto ni natteru It seems that Okumura and Wakaba are both considered alive by all accounts.
I'm not sure what's going on with the noun order here, on wakaba ya okumura—it's been rendered "Okumura and Wakaba". I can't track down a reason this would be grammatically necessary (anyone know?); more than that, Akechi clearly considers Wakaba the more important of the two—he goes on to group them with kanojora, "her and her group".
There's possibly a bit of foreshadowing here, too—lists with ya tend to be incomplete lists; they have a sense of "et cetera". So wakaba ya okumura is "Wakaba, Okumura and so on". Who's Akechi's unnamed "and so on"? Yeah. But see below on 2/2—he may well just mean "no doubt there are lots of other cases like this".
So that's probably the real reason he trails off here—it's not about Wakaba, it's about him. Likewise, when that bit of feeling creeps into his voice at the end of the call, that's still about him, and whether Joker is going to follow through. But Akechi is still thinking primarily about Wakaba, rather than Okumura, who was, by all accounts, an asshole almost as bad as Shido.
2/2 at leblanc
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Akechi 一色若葉や奥村のこともある⋯そこに違和感を覚えないほど、僕は馬鹿じゃないさ。 isshiki wakaba ya okumura no koto mo aru... soko ni iwakan o mienai hodo, boku wa baka ja nai sa There were also the cases of Wakaba Isshiki and President Okumura... Of course I'd find all of that suspicious. And then there was Wakaba Isshiki, and Okumura... I'm not so stupid as to not find their presence unsettling.
Man, once again Okumura has been promoted by the localisation. Someone really likes this guy. Akechi says isshiki wakaba ya okumura—the same usage as before, despite that he's been outed as dead—"Wakaba Isshiki and Okumura". But in English, Okumura is suddenly President Okumura, presumably so we don't mix him up with Haru. Make no mistake, though, Akechi is not giving Okumura the benefit of his title.
Wakaba is up front again, of course, coming to Akechi's mind first. Maybe because if he just said "Isshiki and Okumura", we wouldn't know who he was talking about?—even in Japanese, Wakaba always gets her full or given name. Maybe so. Or maybe not.
Also note the very Akechi usage boku wa baka ja nai sa—"I'm not that much of an idiot, you know." This is rolled into the rather more bland "Of course I'd find that suspicious", probably to fit it into the textbox.
And yeah, the ellipsis. That pause, and the word Akechi uses that's rendered as "suspicious"—iwakan. Not a detective's suspicion, but unease; a sense of incongruity, of wrongness, almost uncanny valley. It's the unsettling feeling that something is out-of-place. The sentiment "I killed them, and yet there they are, walking about" is very iwakan.
yes, Akechi certainly kills Wakaba.
yes, the exposition sequence with Akechi and Shido supports this.
... yeah, it really seems like he feels bad about it. Not bad enough to overshadow his concern for himself, perhaps, and never badly enough to get in the way of his current obsession, of course. But he's not wholly without conscience. He still thinks about her, and there are slight suggestions he might even think about what he does to Futaba—like when he sees her, and thinks of Wakaba, and promptly trauma dumps all over the Leblanc counter. Like when his voice gets a bit softer when she comes up.
also the localisation loves Okumura way too much
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