#also look how easily she got along with others - yet she is perfect to be the no-bullshit person around
lovecanbesostrange · 8 months
ouattober2023 Day 11: Girl Power
This is the OUaT prompt, so many moments, scenes, relationships, full episodes come to mind. So let me present what I like to call the Belle's Angels moments.
Belle alone is a great character for girl power moments. But look at what happens when she gets teamed up. :3
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2x11 The Outsider One of the flashback episodes for Belle. She's having an adventure! And she's pissing big dudes off by being a smartypants (I love her). Luckily Mulan is there. Who appreciates Belle being a know-it-all, after being very irritated at first. Books can be useful and sometimes monster are people, too. An important lesson. They even trade their signature weapons for a moment.
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3x07 Dark Hollow First off all, such a good beginning for Belle and talking about why she was left behind when the others sailed off (also that cloaking spell would have fit with the S2 storyline of hiding from the real world and not make it about Pan). She is so down on herself and Ariel is a hilarious partner to bounce off of. Optimistic, curious, but ultimately a bit clueless. Hilarious team-up. Yet, of course the word "love" comes up and Belle is invested in that right away. (Honestly, tell this woman your quest is either about love or has to do with beasts and she's in, it's scary.)
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4x06 Family Business Somehow teaming up Belle and Anna seems so logical. They both dream about adventures and then get into situations. Wildly different ways of solving problems though, but together there is one functioning braincell and the biggest ever heart. Love that for them. (They should have started their trip by using the sauna though. Also a trip to the gym would help.) I do like that the topic of Belle not seeing herself as a hero comes up again, now paired with a different lady. It's also hilarious knowing how Anna just met Rumple (and successfully stole from him) and warns Belle about him. Well... Bonding over dead mothers (parents) is very Disney of them.
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5x06 The Bear and the Bow Getting kidnapped/chained-up is a thing for Belle (ask around, so many instances), why not add one more as a first meeting? I hope Merida and Mulan can talk about their vastly different experiences they've had with "meeting Belle on the wrong foot first". It's kinda funny. Except Belle probably won't laugh. If there ever was a character desperately in need of having someone with a brain beside her, it's definitely Merida and it's hilarious how Belle is willing to help. We can also talk about the timeline and wonder once more, because when Belle and Merida are in the witch's hut, where is the wolf??
Okay, you may have noticed I kinda skipped something, because in a way it's a two-part punch. The other eps has Belle meet the girls for a brief moment mostly or just this one story beat. But then there are also:
2x04 The Crocodile and 2x07 Child of the Moon Because with Ruby it hits different. First Ruby helps Belle a bit (finding a purpose, but also a bed for the night; ending with driving the getaway car from the mines) and then in reverse Belle tries to help Ruby during an uncertain wolfstime (oh look, she gets chained up as a thanks).
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This is what was missing from Belle's life - a steady friend(ship). Is there anything as heartbreaking as Ruby visiting Belle in the hospital in 2x13 Tiny? Meaningful friend moments over three different episodes. And oh, the things they could have solved together! True Girl Power Couple!! (Belle is the most proficient magic-user without being a witch and she can use a strong bodyguard.)
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hughes86-43 · 3 months
“Wifey” | J.Hughes
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warnings - none! just some grammar mistakes!
The off-season had just started a little over two weeks ago, with everything from getting stuffed packed to trying to get everyone in at the same time, you and Jack were finally able to get everybody around for an end of season party at the lake house.
That morning you got everything ready for the day with getting the food that was being catered that day correct to Jack setting up extra table and chairs with Quinn and Luke. You easily had at least 50 people coming tonight. With family members coming and everyone’s friends coming, you had to make sure everything was perfect.
Ellen and Jim arrived earlier in the day to help set everything up. It was around 5pm, when several people began showing up. Trevor, Cole, and Alex showed up with extra beer and wine. Your parents and brothers showed up closely after. Soon enough, there a good mixture of your family and friends and a bunch of hockey players that the guys knew were around and that were their friends.
You were sitting on Jack’s lap in the backyard talking to Trevor, Cole and Alex. Jack has his arms wrapped around your waist and playing with a loose string on your crop top. You had one hand wrapped around his neck while also drinking a few sips of your beer with the other.
“Dude! I had no idea the lady was even right there! I just bumped right into her!” Trevor says while recounting a story about how he accidentally bumped into a lady causing her to spill her drink everywhere.
Cole’s laughing at him. “Did you at least pay to get her another drink?!”
“Yeah, yeah I did. Although, she could’ve at least said she was behind me so I didn’t bump into her!” The whole situation has you and Jack in a complete laughing fit.
Trying to catch your breath, you say, “Or she recognized you and planned it all along so that she could talk to you!” Trevor all of a sudden gets wide eyed which causes the boys to laugh even more.
“You know, I think you’re right! She kept looking at me up and down like she was checking me out!”
“Trev, you were literally wearing the weirdest outfit combination…. Sweatpants with your suit jacket and a button up shirt!” Cole says, causing even more laughter.
Deciding that you needed to check on everyone else to see if they were okay, you get up off of your boyfriends lap. He gives you a pouty face as you do. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back I just want to check up on everyone else and also use the bathroom.” You run your hand through his hair.
He gives you a nod and squeeze to your thigh. “Okay, just don’t be long! I can only be around Trevor for so long!”
“Oh, you know I only joke!” Jack says to a pouty Trevor. “She’s my wife, of course I’d want her around more than you!” You just laugh and tousle his hair again when he calls you that.
“She’s not your wife yet! You two aren’t even engaged.” Trevor says trying to lift his feelings up.
“Well, she will be soon enough! We live together, we may as well be married!”
“Okay, boys,” You say trying to calm them down. “You two continue arguing, Cole and Alex I expect you two to stop them from fighting, I’ll be back in a bit.”
“Let me know if you need me, wifey!” Jack says with a smirk, while also turning to see Trevor’s reaction. He just shakes his head.
You couldn’t help but to laugh to yourself as you walk into the house to talk to everyone.
While your gone, Trevor and Jack have stopped arguing for a bit.
Trevor asks Jack, “So, you’re going to ask her to marry you, aren’t you?”
“Well, yeah. I asked her dad earlier tonight while she was busy. It seemed like the perfect time to ask him since everyone is here and she wouldn’t notice. I have the ring hid in the back of my closet under some hockey stuff.”
The boys are smiling so big at him. “She’s definitely the one for you Jacky.” Cole says while patting his shoulder.
“Yeah, she’s the only that has ever laughed at your jokes, even when they’re so bad!” Alex jokes.
“Oh, shush! Just don’t say anything or be suspicious about it. I still don’t know when I’ll fully ask.”
“Ask what?” You say when you made your way back onto Jack’s lap.
Wrapping his arms tighter around you, he smiles, “Oh, just when I’m going to ask Luke if he has a crush on that one girl he has been talking to.” He hopes he played that off well.
“Oh yeah! He’s totally into her, you should see them inside!” Seeing that he played it off well, he lets out a breath and lays his head on your shoulder, laughing at your story of Luke and his seemingly new crush inside.
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blvckswxnji · 1 year
Can’t Get Enough of The Wrong Thing
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Pairings: [Hobie Brown x (f) Reader]
Genre: toxic (?) romance, exes that won’t leave each other alone, unhealthy relationship, (18+)
Warnings: some angst, strong language, heavy tension, smut.
Summary: You’re Hobie’s guilty pleasure and he’s secretly yours, yet you won’t admit it. He’ll make you, one way or another…
Word Count: 4.2k
You won’t look. You can’t. He wants you to, you can feel it across the table. But you won’t. No more giving in, not this time. Hell no.
You made a truce with yourself to stop seeing him after the last time and you’ve been proudly holding up to that truce for a whopping three weeks. You couldn’t fumble it now.
When Pav decided on the group hanging out after a successful mission on capturing a tough anomaly, you knew he’d be here. It was honestly inevitable, but throughout the whole night you’ve maintained a good amount of distance from him. Although you were able to avoid his presence, you weren’t able to avoid his lingering gaze. You tried brushing it off and focusing your attention on the rest of the gang having fun and chilling out, but it was hard.
The thing was, you hadn’t told Hobie you were going to stop hooking up with him. You had kinda just ditched him after your last interaction. If you were being honest, you knew you couldn’t keep seeing him, you both broke up months ago and you couldn’t let yourself continue to mess with your ex any longer. No matter how much you loved it, it wasn’t healthy.
A live band had been playing tonight in the random joint you guys attended. There were many people, but it was enough where you could get around easily. Many of them swayed and bobbed their heads to the music and you decided this was the perfect distraction to occupy yourself from the man burning holes in your face.
Surprisingly, Hobie didn’t try anything after you began avoiding him. Little did you know he knew you’d pull some bullshit like this, so, he let you have your fun. Let you think you guys were over, when he knew he’d pull you right back into his greedy hands soon enough.
“Hey Gwen, dance with me?” You pleaded to the girl not wanting to be by yourself. Hobie lifted his head in amusement. Amused at the way you were trying to get away from him. Still, he didn’t utter a word to you. You were grateful.
She returns a panicked look, “Oh no, I don’t dance y/n!” You roll your eyes with a smile on your face to mask being on edge.
“Just come on, it’ll be fun!” With that, you got up and pulled her into the crowd of bodies moving along to the music. Gwen looks like a lost puppy, but your positive energy seems to loosen her up eventually and sooner or later, she gets the hang of it.
After a few songs, you started getting a bit tired so you both decided to meet back with the rest of the group at the table. You were glad to have relaxed and take your mind off of things, and for once throughout the night, you actually felt like you were having fun.
Once you two made it through the crowd and towards them, you noticed Hobie nowhere to be found. You decided on not asking though, it would be weird to. It’s not like you should care anyways, because… you shouldn’t.
“Where’s Hobie?” Gwen asks, looking around as we both sit down.
“Oh, he went to go dance with some pretty lady that offered like 10 minutes ago.” Peter answered casually. You froze. You curse yourself for doing so but you did. You also cursed yourself for looking around to see if you could spot him. Pathetic really on your end.
Gwen’s eyes widen slightly, “Oh wow, go Hobes!” she said, to no one quite in particular.
Did you also forget to mention no one in the group really knew of the relationship you and Hobie had? Because they didn’t, and right now you wish they did so they could just shut the fuck up. In all honesty it’s not like they were completely clueless, they knew you both liked flirting with each other but nothing really past that. Hobie wasn’t/isn’t one for labels or pda and neither are you.
Your eyes finally land on said man. Your heart annoyingly drops. He’s holding the girl by her waist loosely as she practically throws herself all over him. Luckily for you he doesn’t look super interested in her dancing but he doesn’t seem bothered by it, which bothered you.
You cursed his spidey senses because almost like clockwork, as soon as you caught the two, he made eye contact with you. You quickly avert your gaze but not quick enough as you could already feel the smirk etched on his face targeted to you.
Hobie was honestly enjoying this. His bastard self. He loved to see you crack under the pressure of his being, his gaze. He wanted to watch you crumble under the desperate urge for him and only him. Which is why he pulled the girl even closer, just to get further under your skin.
“You alright y/n?” Margo asks from beside you.
You turn your head to her, “Yeah of course I’m fine I jus-”
“Hey, I saw you back there on the dance floor with your friend, you’re really pretty, mind if I take you for a drink?” You’re cut off by an unfamiliar voice. You turn around to see a decent looking man standing in front of you. He’s pretty tall (not as tall as Hobie), but somewhat attractive all the same (although doesn’t beat Hobie’s beauty).
Y/n what the fuck!? Shut up!
“Oh um…” you look to the others to see if it’s a good idea, Pav giving you a smirk and looking as if to tell you to do it, while everyone else just looked to see what you were going to say. You take a final look at Hobie across the room who seemed to notice the interaction before you finally decided… fuck it!
“Sure why not.”
And then you were off. A faint smirk plastered on your lips as you were more than happy to piss Hobie off. You could practically feel his glare from a mile away. You’re walked up to the bar where you two sit down and the guy finally introduces his name.
“I’m Colin by the way, you?”
“Oh, I’m y/n, pleasure.” It wasn’t necessarily but he seemed alright, so why not at least try to be nice.
“Please to meet you y/n, what would the pretty lady like?” He asks as he scans the array of bottles lined up behind the bar and further looks for a nearby bartender.
“Um, a classic martini would be nice.” You shoot him a flat smile.
“Lovely.” He makes eye contact with one of the bartenders, “two classic martinis please, on the rocks!” The bartender nods and goes straight to work.
You would’ve like to say you didn’t find the conversation of getting to know Colin that followed soon after interesting, but for some odd reason you actually kind of liked the guy. He was quite funny and you don’t know if it’s because of the amount of martinis you’ve drunken since the first round, but you found yourself more relaxed and more willing to give him a shot. Hell, you might’ve become slightly more attracted to him. But you believe that’s due to growing intoxication of your mind and body. Either way, you found yourself laughing at his jokes and more keen of his flirting advances.
“Ya’ know, I think I kind of like you.” You blurt out without really thinking much of the words. Colin smirks.
“I’m quite fond of you myself y/n.” You bite your lip as you lean in a bit closer to him. The tipsiness in your veins making you a little bolder than usual.
The same case can be said for Colin as he moves to whisper in your ear. “Wanna get outta here and go to my place?” Followed by a light brush on your thigh. You don’t know what the hell kicked you into high gear to wake the fuck up but suddenly reality seemed to hit. Should you be doing this? You mean sure he’s a cool guy but was this really want you were ready for? Plus Hob— stop, enough with him y/n! Get a grip, no more of him.
Colin seemed to sense the way you stiffened up because he’s immediately filled with concern and regret. “Oh, fuck, I shouldn’t have I’m sor—”
“No no no no, it’s not you I’m— look I’m sorry, Colin, for everything really,” you stumble over your own words trying to let him know you weren’t offended with him, “I’m sorry you were really great but I need to go.” You hurry and shuffle from your seat at the bar towards the public restroom near the back of the joint.
You felt bad and embarrassed. You basically screwed that poor guy over what, because of some bastard you’re not even with anymore!? What the hell were you doing?
You made your way to the women’s restroom where you entered through the marked door and shimmied your way into an empty stall. You think you’re going insane. You stand in there for about a minute to catch your breath before your senses slowly come back to you. You hear the bathroom door open then shut and presume it’s the lady you saw when you first entered, leaving the sink.
You quickly open your stall door and make your way to the sinks directly across. You turn on the cold water and give your face a quick splash to sober yourself up. You lift your arm as a lazy attempt to dry your face, placing both your hands on the counter to steady yourself. You hear the distant thumping of the base of the music playing from outside the restroom. It’s quiet as you close your eyes and soak in the silence for a moment.
“Ya’ done now love?”
It was as if someone had screamed the highest pitch ever, directly into your ear. The speed your body had jolted, in the mere shock of the voice that emitted from the other side of the bathroom. Your head snapped so fast you thought you were about to break your neck. Your heart literally dropped.
“What the actual fuck Hobie?! You’re not supposed to be in here!” You shouted in a mix of shock and anger.
He smirked. “Now since when do you ever remember me following the damn rules?” He was leaning on the tiled wall, arms folded in one another with his head tilted to the side as he questioned you.
You didn’t answer, turning towards the paper towel dispenser to dry your hands.
Hobie huffs out laugh. “How much longer you gonna keep this cheap act up ay’? It’s getting bloody borin’ if you ask me.”
“What act?” Shrugging your shoulders, feigning ignorance.
“Playing clueless are we?”
“Letting random girls grind on your dick are we?” You shot back, looking him straight in the face. Instead of offense, satisfaction seemed to over take Hobie’s features.
Damn it.
He smiles in amusement. “Jealousy ain’t a bright look on you sweetheart. And correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t over at the bar about to get that lad’s dick wet before you choked?” He taunts.
This damn bastard.
“Fuck… you Hobie, like actually fuck off.” You spit as you make your way closer to his form. He wasn’t intimidated in the slightest and it pissed you off.
He abruptly pushes off the wall and sweeps his hands out of his pockets, moving forward which made you move back a bit. “Oh I know you’d love to do that again darlin’. I’d fuck me again too if I’m honest.” His smirk stretched even wider as you found your back coming in contact with the sinks behind you.
“You’re gross.” You counter, a futile attempt to hold your ground.
He moves even closer to you, so much so that only a few inches were left in between your bodies. “You weren’t sayin’ that when you were takin’ me from behind in the alleyway near HQ a few weeks ago, now were you?” His eyes grew a shade darker, daring you to deny. You hate how your heart rate began to speed up.
“And that’s the last time I’ll ever do anything with you again.” Hobie lets out a dark chuckle, his head falling low as if you just told the world’s most hilarious joke. You just stare. As his laughter dies down, he puts his hands on either side of you and on the edge of the counter. He lifts his head slowly and brings his face mere centimeters from yours, staring with dilated eyes. It feels as if you both are in that position for an eternity, before suddenly he lets go all together and pulls back.
He doesn’t say anything. You stay frozen in your spot as he turns away from you and walks away. You think he might actually leave it at that and exit the bathroom, but you become more confused when you see him entering the farthest stall away from the entrance.
The hell?
You take this as your chance to leave and quickly make your way towards the exit.
Almost to the door, suddenly, you feel your shirt get hit with something or stuck to something? You don’t have time to dwell on it as you feel your body jerk and get pulled all the way to the other end of the restroom. You let out a yelp at the unexpected movement and feel yourself about to fall backwards, but before you do, you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist. It doesn’t take you longer than a second to realize it was Hobie.
Before you can resettle your feet to the ground, you’re pulled once again, inside of the stall where Hobie locks the door in front of you. You feel his chest behind you and before you can melt into the all too familiar touch, you turn around and push him back with not much success.
“What the fuck are you doing, let me out!” You yell as you spin around to turn the stall lock. Although you were too slow, as before you could even touch the lock, sticky web was shot on the knob, covering it completely. So now, you were quite literally trapped. You hate the funny feeling in your stomach you get from the fact if you were completely honest, but your annoyance kind of overshadowed it.
Hobie presses his front to your back once again, resting his hand on your stomach. His other coming up to your mouth to silence you. He then leans forward, lips brushing your ear as he finally whispers something.
“Shhh, love.”
You shudder at the warmth of his breath. You’re slightly confused as to why he would tell you to hush, but you then hear the swing of the restroom door as it opens, and the click when it shuts. You hear two girls talking and from what you can make out, it seems they’re fixing themselves up in the mirror. You couldn’t really find the need to care about they’re conversation, not when you feel Hobie’s hand start to slip under your shirt.
You immediately grab a hold of his hand in a death grip, warning him to stop. You even try to mumble to get him to halt what he was trying to do, but he only tightened his grip on your mouth.
“Knock it off before I make this harder for you.” He warns.
Huh? Make what harder for you? What is he about to do?
As you dwell on your thoughts in pure confusion, Hobie’s hand creeps further up your shirt to finally settle his grip on your left breast.
Oh. OH….
No fucking way. He’s not serious with this right now is he? Your eyes widen in complete shock and panic.
You reach up to grab his hand but are immediately halted with a harsh squeeze to your chest. The action forcing a low grunt from your throat. You feel Hobie lean his face forward to whisper something again into your ear.
“You’re gonna stay quiet for me love, y’ got it?” He looks dead serious and you don’t know if being turned on by the look is something to be ashamed by, because damn did he look good. But at the same time, this was so wrong, on so many levels… shit. So, for the sake of your modesty, you give him a look of ‘what the hell, you’re insane!’
He ignores it, rendering the whole action as theatrics as he knew deep down, you wanted him. He cranes his head to start layering kisses to your neck. You shiver at the coldness of his lip ring and the way it drags on your skin. You try to resist the tingly feeling crawling through your veins at the touches, but in the end, it felt way too good. After met with some resistance, you eventually ended up falling into the feeling of his lips on you. You even lull your head to the side to give him better access.
He smirks and whispers, “There’s my girl.” As he begins to play with your other breast, lifting your shirt even higher so it rested atop both of them. You moan lightly.
You still hear the chitter chatter of the girls still present in the restroom, but they’re conversation is becoming all to foggy for you to even comprehend a word being uttered from their mouths.
Slowly, little by little, Hobie’s hand that gripped rigorously at your chest, made it’s way lower and lower. Eventually making it to the waistband of your jeans. He tugged at it, teasing you. Your breathing becoming heavier and slower. Unconsciously, you brought your hips backwards in anticipation. You hear a groan deep groan in your ear, followed by the swift pop of your button coming undone. His hand travels down to cup your heat, now fully engulfed in his hand through your underwear.
“Can’t believe you were keeping her from me for three whole weeks. You shouldn’t even be allowed to have my fingers after the crap you pulled.” You whine into his hand covering your mouth.
He snags the side of your panties with his index and middle finger, pulling the piece of fabric upward, giving you delicious pressure to your clit. Your head falls back and you try closing your thighs together but Hobie hooks a foot on your ankle, pulling it to the side to keep your legs apart.
“Ah ah ah, keep them open.” From the tone of his voice, he wasn’t asking you, he was commanding you. So with your strength, you swallowed your pride and did as he said.
His hand then teasingly travels to the waistband as of your underwear before finally arriving at the destination you want (need) him the most. His long fingers tease your folds. Collecting an embarrassingly large amount of arousal that had pooled there. You hear Hobie huff out a quick laugh.
“Ya’ know for someone so cryptic on wantin’ to be left alone, you sure are drenchin’ my fingers, huh’ love? She’s lit’rally throbbin’ f’me.” He teases smiling in satisfaction on how your body reacts to his touch. He removes the hand from your mouth to rest on your throat for a brief moment to hear an answer from you.
“Shut up.” You whisper in defeat and clouded lust. At this point you couldn’t really care for his annoying comments. As much as you didn’t want to admit it, all you wanted to feel was him in you. That’s why before he could even respond back, you took his hand that was between your legs and guided his fingers to rub your clit. You needed to be worked up.
Seems he got the message because he soon he was rubbing fast and tight circles on your nub. It was so hard to keep quiet when he was practically working magic between your thighs. You were now glad he picked the farthest stall from the entrance.
“Fuck Hobie, I need your fingers inside me.”
“No problem darlin’.” At that you felt the first finger protrude at your entrance. Your mouth hangs open at the feeling.
Fuck, you really almost forgot how good his digits felt. These damn girls need to get out of here before they hear something they don’t want to.
“Shit your so tight. Thought you’d be fuckin’ some other losers while you were off avoiding me.”
You scoff. “Thought about it, I just… decided against it.” He added another finger. Your head falls back on his shoulder again, as he soon curls his fingers to get to that delicious spongy spot inside you. He quickly covers your mouth as you let out a loud, yet muffled moan against his palm. You grip his wrist tightly as a form of leverage.
“Good, no one could ever make you feel as good as me.” There was a hint of possessiveness in his tone. “Plus, if you let another man touch you, there would have been hell to pay. For the both of you.” Your stomach flipped at the comment. His fingers began to speed up and your other hand finds purchase on his forearm of the hand covering your mouth. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he curls his fingers effortlessly into your cunt, at a pace that makes your knees buckle.
Shit, is this what heaven feels like?
If the girls didn’t hear your muffled moans by now, they sure as hell heard the squelching of your pussy echo throughout the restroom.
The pleasure becoming so much, that you ended up having to hold on to the stall door. Your knuckles turning white at the amount of ecstasy you were experiencing. Your ass grinding onto Hobie’s clothed member, sitting half hard in the confines of his jeans.
Hobie ended up moaning loudly in your ear at the friction you had caused. The chattering of the girls in the bathroom had halted, but you couldn’t give less of a fuck and neither did he anymore. You soon heard an awkward shuffle of footsteps rush out the door, rendering you and Hobie finally alone at last.
Hobie breaks his whisper. “You’re mine y/n. Ya’ understand?” His hand coming to sit at your throat, squeezing around it. “All fuckin’ mine!”
“Yes, H-hobie, fuck… I’m sorry alright!” It felt so good to yell. Moan in pure pleasure. His fingers were working you so good and the band in your abdomen was only becoming tighter.
“You’re damn right you’re sorry.” He breathes heavily. His eyes scanning the way your body submitted to him. He smirked hard. It was a pretty sight.
“I think I’m getting close!” You panted out, still using his arms as leverage. In response Hobie let go of your throat and positioned his hand back to your breasts as he knew they were sensitive by now.
“Let go for me angel.” He whispers breathily. Fondling your nipples and fingering you with pure desire you thought you would pass out. The feeling so overwhelming, it brought you to the edge.
You practically screamed as the exploding sensation bursts across the nerves of your body.
“That’s a good girl, ride it out.” You hear his voice, it’s almost soothing as you embrace your high.
Fuck did you miss him.
As you came down from your high, your senses slowly but surely started to clear up. You flinched at the feeling of Hobie pulling his soaked fingers from your heat. You sluggishly turn around to properly face him and you’re met with him looking straight at you. You see him bring his fingers up to his mouth before sticking his digits inside of it, sucking your juices as if it was his last meal. All the while maintaining eye contact. It made you fluster up a bit.
“Mmm, absolutely divine.” He closed his eyes before opening them back up slowly. “You’re perfect.”
“Alright, alright it’s embarrassing.” You look away in slight annoyance.
“What? Can’t take a compliment?” He tilts his head to the side, leaning over your frame.
“Oh whatever.” You rolls your eyes although you’re not necessarily upset at his statement.
You lean your back on the stall door as Hobie moves closer to your body. A hand grabbing your hip.
His face leans in closer until your lips are centimeters away from colliding. Your hands take a hold around his neck as you bite your lip.
“We really shouldn’t be doing this.” You say it, but you can’t bring yourself to listen to your own words. The man in front of you, with an allure so captivating, the only thing you want is to be suffocated by it.
He doesn’t answer you, instead he just chuckles, before he smashes his lips to yours. His hand grabs the back of your hair as he pulls you deeper into him. Tongues messily colliding, entangled in one another. You can’t help but moan. He’s so intoxicating…
and you can’t get enough.
Part 2???? 🥱 Also y’all this my first ever completed fiction!! (what?? omg) Anyways hope y’all enjoyed, I may make a part 2 but I need to figure that out lmao. I’m thinking of maybe taking requests but I’ll need to think that through too lmfao… (I love me some Hobie <33)
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takenbypeter · 1 year
Hiii i love ur writing!!!
I was wondering if you could write a young Kurt Wagner x fem!reader hc or fic about kurt liking the reader who is really cool and funny and he thinks shes way out of his league, it doesnt help that some of the more extroverted students are always flirting, and he doesnt get how it comes so naturally to them. Anyways he's lowkey jealous and insecure (esspecially bc he looks so different compared to her and the other students) and oblivious to the fact that the reader only has eyes for him!! Angst and fluff are my faves ugh
(+bonus if peter tries to give him advice on how to hit on a girl and its a total trainwreck bc kurt is so obviously not acting like himself and shes lowkey freaked out and trying not to laugh in his face💀)
Stick to the Plan
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Kurt Wagner x reader
Words: 1486
Authors note: I totally forgot about the jealousy aspect of this whole thing sorry but I hope you still like it and this is like my first Kurt fic so yayyyy!
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Kurt was already easily known as the nervous type around people. Didn’t always know what to say, didn’t want to do the wrong thing.
But with you? He was terrified.
Now he knew you weren’t perfect, no one is. But he was pretty sure you were just about close to it.
You were quite beautiful yet weren’t afraid to wear silly expressions. Your laugh was very infectious that even when he wasn’t a part of the conversation, he could feel his cheeks uplifting at just the sound that he recognized from far away.
Kurt didn’t talk to you much but he did always find himself coincidentally in the same area as you. He found it quite admirable how it seemed like you got along with practically everyone and never let anything get you down.
You could say he had a crush.
He wanted to talk to you, to connect about anything, but like mentioned earlier…he was scared. It also didn’t help that he could tell that he wasn’t the only one who had a thing for you. He knew of at least two other guys who were very obvious in their likings of you. But unlike himself, they actually had the guts to talk to you, you’ve laughed with them, shared jokes.
It also didn’t help that Kurt couldn’t help but feel like he looked like a freak most of the time. The tail, the teeth, the blue, sometimes it was hard for him to believe that people could accept him this way—that you could accept him this way.
Despite what he felt, he believed he kept his feelings well hidden, but that wasn’t exactly the case because a certain speedster had caught on quickly.
Kurt had just watched you leave the small group that you had been chatting with, you just about stepped out of the room when a voice suddenly appeared right beside Kurt’s ear. “So when are you planning on puttin’ the moves on?”
Kurt jumped, shocked at the question, “excuse me?”
“Come on, you’ve been pining for weeks, just make your move already.”
Kurt freezes for a moment, but then grabs the man unexpectedly and disappears as a puff of smoke left behind practically dissolves into air. He teleports the two to Kurt’s own room before releasing the speedster.
“You will keep what you know, only between us,” Kurt insisted but Peter was already nodding. “Don’t worry your secret’s safe with me. I actually wanna help you.”
“You want to help me?” Peter nodded again and Kurt couldn’t stop a scoff from escaping past his lips, “because you’re so good at this type of stuff?” Kurt added, tone more sarcastic than positive.
“Hey at least I can talk to ‘em.”
He’s got a point there.
Despite everything in Kurt telling him not to take Peter’s advice he still hung his head in defeat. “Alright, I will accept your help…but what do you get out of this all?”
It was hard for Kurt to believe that Peter was doing this out of the good of his heart, but Peter shrugged. “Bored,” is all he said before clapping his hands together, “okay let’s get started.”
Kurt should’ve known better than to trust Peter. He taught him strange things that he guaranteed would “woo” anybody’s heart and although it all seemed unlikely, Kurt took each and every one of his advice to heart.
The strange way of talking, the attitude that he should carry, all of it he took in until Peter deemed the blue mutant ready.
It wasn’t until the next day while you were seated in a corner of a busy room that the plan went into action.
You were clearly occupied with your head buried in a graphic novel but your attention got deterred when a body sat directly across from you.
Eyes leaving the pages, you were met with a set of bright yellow eyes taking you by surprise, but you quickly collected yourself.
“Oh hey Kurt,” You were trying your best to conceal your surprise at the sight of the man in front of you, especially since typically it seemed like the boy did his best to avoid you, “what’s up?” You asked, setting your book down in your lap but with your thumb holding your place.
Kurt could already feel himself wanting to duck underneath his shoulders and disappear from your view but he fought every urge to do that.
Fighting his instincts he slumped his shoulders down and leaned back trying his best to look what could possibly be perceived as cool. And in that position he let out a line he’d practiced in the mirror the night before, “something must be wrong with my eyes because I can’t take them off of you.”
Your mouth forms a little oh shape as your eyes widen and your eyebrows lift. Kurt obviously can see how shocked you are by his words and he himself could feel his body getting ready to prepare for the cringe he was beginning to feel, but he pushed through and delivered another line, “hey, you’re pretty and I’m cute. Together we’d be pretty cute.”
Oh God, your expression told him all he needed to know about that one. He instantly regretted that one.
Your face contorted from confused to surprised then half amused before you started cracking up.
You were laughing.
You were laughing at him right to his face.
Kurt pushed his teeth together before muttering, “I’m sorry,” he was about to disappear as it seemed that was the only thing he was good at, but you rested a hand on his shoulder stopping him from doing so.
Once you controlled yourself you let out, “I’m sorry, you think I’m pretty?”
His whole demeanor flipped, his shoulders leaned up, his arms suddenly were in his lap as he brought his hands together in the middle.
He knew he said those words but it felt so strange hearing you repeat the line when he technically hadn’t even confessed his feelings yet.
At Kurt’s silence that’s when you spoke up, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean anything by…that,” you said, referencing to your more than little laugh session, “it was all just…unexpected. This,” you waved a hand in the air motioning towards whatever that display was, “just doesn’t seem like you at all, are you okay?”
He felt the air in his throat hitch as he began to panic about what to say next, should he just confess now? Peter didn’t cover this. Should he just relay back to the things Peter had taught him? But with all this thinking he couldn’t come up with something fast enough and instead finally let out a breath.
“It’s not me.”
“Yeah I know,” you chuckled.
He finally seems to relax for the first time since your interaction began and his eyes drift down to your book still in hand.
“What are you reading there?” he asks and your eyes follow where he was looking. “Oh this? It’s just a murder mystery.”
“How is it? Do you like it?”
“Yeah I love murder mysteries, I love when there’s a twist ending but I also love when it ends in a real cliche way. I’ve actually read this one before but the movie for it just came out so I’m rereading it before going to watch it later this week.”
“I’ve actually read that book before too, it’s pretty good.”
“I didn’t know there was a film for it,” Kurt truly meant nothing by that statement, if anything it was more just a way to continue the conversation with you.
“Yeah…did you want to watch it together?”
There was nothing on earth that could’ve predicted this moment for him. He truly had to take a moment, and when he finally came to he just nodded, shock still written on his face. You mirrored his nodding with a smile, “great, it can be a date.”
“A date?”
“Yeah, and you can continue telling me how pretty I am.”
Again he seemed to still be in a daze, “yeah…wait what?”
With that you packed your things and stood up from your spot, “okay I have to head somewhere now but we’ll make plans later, but um, I’ll see you later?”
He blinked a couple times coming out of the trance you seemed to put him under, “yeah.”
“I’ll see you,” you added, taking steps backwards as you exited the room.
“See you.”
“Okay—sorry,” you said to the chair you had accidentally bumped into while you were walking backwards and with that you gave a last wave before finally turning around.
As soon as you left the room in came Peter who surprisingly actually wasn’t listening.
“How’d that go? Did you make your move?”
“…yeah,” Kurt responded eyes stuck to where you last waved to him.
“Did you get a date?”
“Is that the only word you know right now?”
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1970sgothfreak · 2 months
Since I’m so nice you all get a sneak peek at the first chapter <3 also my fellow goths (and non goths) pls provide some ideas much appreciated
Sneak peak of The Goth and the System
You had just moved into a new apartment after getting a place at your dream job after working hard to save up and move out, you were in the middle of unpacking when you heard a noise next door. The noise was your new neighbour, you decided to go over and introduce yourself and also see if he or she is okay.
You walked out and knocked on the door opposite, a voice could be heard and it sounded as if they were telling someone to shut up before the door opened. A man with messy hair and almost puppy like eyes opened the door and he straightened himself out before smiling up at you.
“Oh, hello, sorry about all that noise if that’s why you’re here I mean it probably is because that’s what everyone is normally here for, I’m rambling aren’t I sorry. I’m Steven and you are?” He asked after his cute little ramble before pausing and taking a good look at you…
You were dressed in a long black skirt that was decorated with lace spiders, a corset that perfectly matched the skirt along with tights that hugged your body as if they were perfectly made for each other. Your hair was Matted (or braided depending on your hair type :>) and it suited you perfectly, your corpse paint both freaked him out yet fascinated him with how perfect it was.
“Uh hello?” You said with a wave of you hand snapping him out of his trance, it was cute how easily distracted he got.
“Like I said I’m Y/n, I just moved in it’s nice to meet you Steven” you smile and shook his hand, he couldn’t speak, you looked like an angel in his eyes…a creepy angel but an angel non the less.
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xerith-42 · 3 months
Redesign the Nine
[This post is very long. Just a heads up.]
I'm a member of the Jury of Redesign, proud member of fleshing out previously left to rot or forgotten content. It's a hobby. A passion. I have and will continue to go into entire novellas to describe the inter personal relationships of characters we know next to nothing about, but what about characters we know literally nothing about?
We know only 6 members of the total 9 that belong to the Jury. Technically seven if you include Garroth, but that last for like twelve seconds, that doesn't count. And one of them is only made known as a member in Rebirth (which I really like and I like Rebirth). That means there's three entire characters just waiting to happen! How have I never thought of this before?!
This idea really struck me when I was looking at the Jo9 wiki page and saw this comment
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The rest of the comment goes on to their whole theory about Ein killing Blaze, but I am mostly against the idea of killing Blaze because nobody ever gives it enough story significance, weight, and meaning. Only I get to kill Blaze, you all lost your privileges.
That's not what's important though. What's important is that I actually love Teony and Ein. I think they're some of the most wasted Aphverse characters, and that's saying something considering how I literally never shut up about Blaze. So let's flesh them out in a... different setting.
I imagine Teony being in a very similar situation to Katelyn and Jeffory. She has someone she deeply cares about that Zane knows about and is threatening to put in danger. For Jeffory and Katelyn, it was family. For Teony, it's similar, but just a slight flavor different. A gay flavor different.
Teony belongs to a high ranking noble family in O'Khasis, like one step below the Ro'meave family. Originally the plan was for her to be married off to one of the Ro'meave heirs (probably Zane), but then she did something weird. She uhh... She started training to be a guard. And got strong enough fast enough that nobody could really stop her because Teony would just challenge them to a round of armed combat about it despite being literally 12.
So she was allowed to go to guard academy and go through full training. She was never going to be a lord, and she could still easily join the Jury and serve the same purpose with less arranged marriage. Also if they tried to arrange Teony into a marriage she might just pull a sword on them about it. She learned very quickly that her parents wouldn't be allowed to abuse or control her if they feared her. Caused a different kind of trauma compared to the other children of nobles.
And then she found out she was gay. While she was at the academy the person who was writing the Jury recruitment list was the newest member of the Jury herself; Ivy the Venom Scythe. Teony fell in unending sapphic love from first sight. Even if she had become wise to her parents controlling nature in search of power, she still respected and revered the Ro'meave family, and the Jury of Nine. She was set up for it, and she wanted that. And now that she was finally experiencing love for a member of the Jury of Nine.
As always, things in Teony's life were set up for perfection. And she was such an overachiever, are you kidding me? Top ranks in all her classes even though she didn't need to. She would half ass it sometimes and still get the highest scores on every test. When she put her all into something, there wasn't any competition. She was just showing off for Ivy, and she did not hide that in the slightest. Ivy was fully aware that Teony was not only showing off, she knew that Teony was in love, or at least lust with her. Teony is not subtle at all, it's just not a concept to her yet.
On the last day of her training at the academy, Zane Ro'meave himself shows up. I imagine Zane and Teony were almost sort of childhood friends. Zane didn't really like having friends, but he and Teony were personable and able to get along when they were forced to spend time together by their parents. He has a sort of fondness for Teony in a "I'll see where you're going with this" sense. He's heard how passionate she is about fighting and being a guard. And he knows it's not for a violent sake, but because of that nobility that is her bloodline and the baseline of her identity as a person.
She may be overzealous, she may be a know-it-all, she may be a show-off, but Teony always fights with honor. She always showers her classmates a great amount of dignity and respect when they fight her. To her combat is an art form, one that she takes very seriously. She won't attack unless provoked, and more often than not will just skip the talking it out phase and just jump to the dueling stage because that's the part she understands best.
She's autistic. That's what I'm saying. Teony is an autistic lesbian. Look at her go! However, Zane is terrible and evil and so is Ivy. When telling him the candidates, he brings up that Teony is a no brainier. Which is when Ivy tells him that Teony is in love with her and was fighting to earn her attention. She willingly threw away some of her nobility in the name of love. Which means she can do it again if provoked to.
What better way to provoke her than to give it to her and then threaten to take it away? Zane and Ivy literally manipulate Teony, putting her on the Jury, assigning her to work with Ivy, and Ivy starts actively feeding into it in a rather coy way just to drag her along. And right when Teony is ready to fess up, her parents show up at the Ro'meave manner. Teony remembers what they expect of her. That they don't know the truth about her.
She knows beyond a shadow of a doubt they'd disown her. Jury members aren't supposed to have family anyway. For a minute she thinks about outing herself to sever her ties. But then she learns that her mother is pregnant again. She... She has a little sister on the way. And if she cuts ties with her family now, she'll never get to meet her. She doesn't know Zane invited them at first, but when he talks to her later, she pieces it all together.
Zane says he'll let her family live, even let them be known as her family if she wants, but she isn't allowed to be with Ivy in any non-professional manner. Otherwise she'll give herself away, and while he doesn't exactly threaten it, Zane makes it very clear he will out Teony to her parents if she doesn't do as he orders from now until the end of time. It's then that Teony realizes she's trapped. She went from one gilded cage to another.
Until it got to be too much for her. Remember how Jeffory was apparently on the Demon Warlock Island in Gal'ruk? And it was literally never explained. What if he was there to find her? What if it became too much for Teony after meeting her sister, and she ran away? Zane doesn't know what happened when Teony met with her younger sister, but it was enough to shake her that she barely responded to Zane's taunting when she returned. And then she left that night.
Jeffory was sent to follow her trail. And he actually found her before she managed to break the Demon Warlocks curse. On a completely different continent, no guard escorts, and no way that Zane can hear them, they talk openly. They confide in one another. And they work together, as friends, to break the curse and get themselves back home. Teony moves to a different island in Gal'ruk, and tells Jeffory to give Ivy a letter the next time he sees her.
And he's not allowed to let it leave his hands unless it's Ivy taking it. No messengers. No leaving it somewhere she'll find it. Jeffory never learned the contents of that letter, but he did manage to deliver it to Ivy. Only she and Teony knows what's contained in those pages.
(Final note, idk what her funny anime villain name or her weapons would be. I would love council/jury/anyone to give input here. Same for the next member)
Ein being a big heroic softie is the best thing ever to me you don't understand.
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Much like the doll anon, this anon changed my life. I love this idea so much. Listen, I like unrelentingly evil characters, just look at Zane. But that's the thing. Zane's already there. And so is Janus. And Ivy. And probably Lilian. And another character I've yet to get to. And even more characters when we get out of the Jury. We need more innocence that becomes corrupted in the Jury, everyone likes being evil too much.
So I want to make Ein a big ol' softie. He grew up in the Brightport Wolf Tribe with his best friend eventually turned lover Blaze. They mostly stayed within the confines of their tribe, which was small, but spacious enough for two wolf children prone to rough housing to get their energy sufficiently out. It was only when they were older that they started waking up to the... less than ideal circumstances of their relationship.
After being friends and being incredibly close and physically affectionate, when the two started thinking about mating and all that dumb romantic nonsense, it just made sense that they would be with each other in that way too. It's how they got through everything else in life. It was at the ruiner and creator of gay romances, that Irene forsaken Guard Academy that things got... worse.
Because Ein is definitely a very well rounded fighter. He's decently studious, wanting to keep up on speaking both the werewolf language and the more common language, and making sure that Blaze does the same. But Blaze finds these things to be dreadfully boring and doesn't put in more effort than Ein makes him. This is fine when they were kids and their plans weren't more ambitious than protecting their tribe. But their Alpha wanted to see if humans and werewolves could truly get along.
If anyone could prove that werewolves are just as human as they are, it would be these two dorks. But uhh, people are racist. And homophobic. So it doesn't go great. Couple that with the fact that the academy prioritizes individual excellence over collective greatness and suddenly things are just doomed to go wrong for these two. Ein naturally excels, and Blaze who's used to having someone to rely on starts falling behind without the consistent support system.
That was his emotional support nerdy jack of all trades boyfriend! How could you take that away from him? And Ein is stripped of his absolutely pure of heart dumb of ass boyfriend. They don't even get to stay in the same bunks as each other, and barely have any classes together. It's just awful. But Ein finds... something else. After doing particualrly well on a certain test, one of the teachers pulls him aside and tells Ein he might be able to qualify for the Jury of Nine position. Or at least be their bench warmer.
Ein's ambitions in life never went too far beyond the borders of their childhood home. He was the one who always pressured Blaze into going further than they were allowed, but Blaze was easily convinced anyways. But Ein was always an ambitious person. He just didn't know enough about the world to realize them. The highest he'd ever gone was thinking "Wow, it'd be cool to be the Alpha." And like that's it.
Suddenly he's told that if he somehow gets better than he already is he could hold one of the highest positions in the entire fucking continent. It's a no brainier. He has to go for it. He doesn't realize it means he's only being further isolated, pulled away from his few meet ups with Blaze to study, to practice, to do something that only a top student does and a near drop out student doesn't.
In fact the last time they see each other is, like with Teony, the day before the Jury posting for their class. Ein is sure he's on that list. Maybe not the top spot, but defiantly in the top five. Just as he's about to go introduce himself to Zane Ro'meave, try and make a good impression to sweeten his chances, he gets intercepted by Blaze.
Who just hands him a letter. And he whispers a single word under his breath as he's leaving; "Goodbye."
Ein reads the letter immediately, heartbroken to read that Blaze flunked out and is going back home without him. Blaze says he's proud of Ein for being able to go so far, and hopes he gets on the Jury. Ein knows he's lying. He tries to chase after Blaze, to try and make it up to him, but then suddenly Zane's there. He's caught Ein in a dangerously vulnerable moment, and while Ein manages to recover, he never gets the chance to wipe the tears from his eyes.
He never learns what rank he got on the Jury list. Just that he was one of the two who were filling vacant seats from this class. It's painfully bitter sweet. It's everything Ein wanted, but he realized that he never made room for Blaze in these dreams of grandeur. He tried to help Blaze at first, but Blaze eventually rejected his offers. And Ein couldn't even blame him. He'd been ignoring and neglecting the most important relationship in his life. And if Ein keeps going down this path, he realizes he'll destroy it even more.
In spite of that, he accepts the invitation and starts working as a Jury member for Zane. One month into his stay at the Ro'meave Manor as Zane's personal body guard, Zane asks him an odd question. A name he's apparently heard Ein muttering to himself and in his sleep. "Blaze."
Ein tries to say it's nothing, just an old friend he was thinking of reaching out to. That's when Zane makes it clear that Ein has absolutely no control here. Because he saw what happened between them. He asks if this old friend happened to be the one that gave him "that love letter". Ein tries to find it where he keeps it tucked into his armor, but Zane is holding it. He knows everything. And he's known the entire time he's had Ein in the Jury. It was all a test of loyalty.
If he reaches out to Blaze, he will fail. And again, Zane doesn't directly state what the penalty is, but he makes it abundantly clear that it's death for both Ein and Blaze. Ein was always easiest controlled when he was isolated. After this he was only paired up with two members of the Jury Zane trusted enough. Lilian, and the last member of the Jury. We'll get to him in a second.
As a result, Ein desired but never sought freedom. He knew Blaze was capable of a great life, he had a future, and was probably going on incredible adventures without him. He never forgot where he came from, and who he accidentally left behind. When Zane and Lilian disappeared... Ein was set free. His leash was just dropped for the first time. Mr. Mysterious wasn't even there to pick it up.
And he ran straight home.
There's only one threat that's unknowingly standing in the way of Ein's happiness. And his name is
Zachary the Plague
Nobody knows where the title came from. They don't want to. Zachary is one of the oldest members, sometimes referred to as the "shadow member" of the Jury. He's rarely seen, and scarily little is known about him.
And that's because he doesn't directly work for Zane. Unlike the others, who were all put under Zane's command after the other Ro'meave heirs died, Zachary stayed under the command of Garte. He did work for Zane here and there, Garte didn't get out much and was content to leave it all to Zane. And Zachary took a liking to Ein when they met, and when he requested that Ein train under him for some time, Zane wasn't in a position to object.
The only people who would be able to give more insight into Zachary are Garte, Janus, and Ein. Garte won't talk. Ever. Zachary is his most trusted guard, and that is all anyone needs to know. Janus just says they respect Zachary. It says enough given what it's known that Janus values. Ein freezes when he hears the name. Even when he says it.
He's only told Blaze what he knows, and neither one will willingly give up this information. He's a quiet fear in the back of Ein's mind, but Zachary stayed with Garte. Even when Zane disappeared, he stayed with Garte. He was never relieved of his duties officially or unofficially. The reason he abandoned Ein is because Garte told him to. He always followed orders.
It's unknown where he or Garte are now.
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itsnothingofinterest · 11 months
So, overall thoughts on 393 & predictions for 394:
I really liked 393 for the most part. I do have one gripe/concern with the current situation (and I’m gonna talk a lot more about that than anything else; that’s just how the internet is sometimes); but overall I really liked a lot of what this chapter did.
First off, the flashback to the League; the camaraderie, the stupid jokes, Dabi being a pretentious jerk who thinks these people aren’t his friends when they totally are. It’s all just *chef’s kiss* perfect, no notes. Other’s have gushed enough for this scene and analyzed all the interesting things it says about these characters so I’ll just add:
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“Dudes...Being Dudes!” Can’t believe I didn't see that until now.
But moving on from the “dudes”: Uraraka has earned my praise for having done easily the best to reach out to her villain of any hero kid in the entire arc; not least of which because she’s the only one having any back and forth, and because she seems to be genuinely trying to help Toga. Uraraka’s position isn’t quite perfect, still room to improve for reasons we’ll get too; but she has by far done the best at talking to her villain out of the entire class thus far. Her blood offering™ especially is really big for Toga.
Although, briefly moving on to predictions for the next chapter: my hottest take of a theory is that...I’m honestly not sure how Toga will take Uraraka’s offer. Because having someone in her life who understands her and is willing to offer her blood was, once upon a time, everything Toga ever wanted. But now there’s a bigger question on her mind that Uraraka hasn’t really answered properly yet. 
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What will she do with Toga? What will happen to Toga if she goes along with whatever Uraraka wants her to do now?
This is basically my biggest and only remaining concern for this plot-line: Toga still absolutely believes she’ll be sent to death row if she’s captured, and her prospects genuinely don’t look good from an objective view. And when Toga brings this up, Uraraka…doesn’t really go against her claim. I mean she makes clear she doesn’t want to murder Toga like Hawks did Jin; but her still going to death row seems a part “the obvious truth for both of [them]” and she “can’t wipe [Toga’s] slate clean”. So what will/can she do for Toga’s very real fear for her life?
It's possible Uraraka doesn’t have any good answer for that. I know some readers are interpreting the dialogue to think she does, that she’ll keep Toga from going to prison if Toga gives up; but putting myself in Toga’s shoes, it doesn’t sound like she’s willing or ready to go against the legal grain like that. And if she doesn’t then, for as much as she’d like that lifetime’s worth of blood, Toga may not give up here if she thinks her lifetime will be a few weeks that way. Heartbreaking as that’d be for her. (Which makes the drama queen in me consider this outcome even more.)
And also just in general, when the Todoroki’s fumbled saving Dabi as bad as they did; I can’t help but doubt Ochako’s chances of fully reaching to Toga in turn just a little.
Although…all that being said; Uraraka’s specific terms on the blood offering™ aren’t for Toga’s surrender. That’s just all of us reading between the lines, and maybe even jumping the gun. Ochako is asking to talk about love, so there may be a twist to expectations there where Toga still fulfills her end of the bargain without just giving up the fight for her life in exchange for blood.
What might come from that I can’t say. Well besides maybe discussing Uraraka’s feelings for Deku but I don’t know anything interesting that’d come from that. Although, maybe it’ll come back around to Toga’s fear for her life if she brings up her loved one, Twice, getting killed by a hero and who Toga is trying to avenge. And maybe this’ll get Uraraka to contemplate the kind of double standard she & her side have been applying to which actions warrant consequences. I mean if Hawks & Endeavor got off scot-free for their wrong doings (not to mention the currently ongoing Operation: Kill Shigaraki); maybe being lenient with the League in turn would be fair. That’s one way I think their conversation could go anyway.
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kokomos · 11 months
✧`. - 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙈𝘼𝘾𝙃𝙄𝙉𝙀 ᰍ ·˚ *
emma mountebank relationship headcanons
+ Definitely a tease, a confident one at that and she sees it as a challenge to make you blush/stutter as much as possible.
+ Loves to admire you from afar, she's always got that lovesick look on her face when she catches a glimpse of you.
+ Totally shameless about it too if anyone catches her staring.
+ Very!!! into PDA. You're her girlfriend so she thinks everyone should know it.
+ Lowkey a laidback gf, she doesn't get jealous easily and if she does she'll do everything in her power to hide it.
+ She HATES looking vulnerable in front of you. She wants you to see her as a perfect person, the perfect girlfriend... and she thinks expressing any negative feelings would ruin that image.
+ It's ironic that she claims communication as important for your relationship because when it's time to talk about something serious, she tends to focus only on how you feel while pushing her own feelings aside to avoid confronting them.
+ She can't stand being in a bad place with you, it kills her when you guys fight even if it's over/about something small.
+ Prefers to move on quickly rather than mope in her feelings or hold a grudge.
+ This definitely gets in the way when you guys have a fight and she thinks a little 'im sorry' means everything is all better now.
+ Although she cherishes the relationship you two share, she still struggles with commitment issues. Her dread of getting close to someone on a deep, emotional level can force some self-sabotage tactics into play.
+ On a lighter note, she loves pranks!!! Good luck to you. It doesn't matter how much she likes you, you're still getting pranked. She'll let you off easy and keep the footage away from her fans, you're welcome.
+ Somewhat enjoys the act of groveling after you when she inevitably makes you mad (definitely because of one of her many pranks).
+ "Come on, pretty (girl), talk to me please."
+ Speaking of, the decision whether to be involved in that part of her life is entirely up to you! She doesn't mind if you want to keep the relationship private and 100% respects the choice to stay out of the spotlight. If you say yes, she'll be ecstatic declaring you two to be the best couple on social media (even if she is yet to even touch her phone ever since Chris took them away).
+ She loves to show you off, she really thinks she's been blessed with the prettiest girl in the world.
+ Obsessed with giving you a kiss in front of the other counselors/your friends just to see how fast your face gets red.
+ It wouldn't be accurate to say her main love language is physical touch but it's definitely the easiest for her to express. Big fan of holding your face in her hands, she's also known to put a hand on one of your knees or a lazy arm around your waist to pull you closer to her.
+ Emma has a sort of natural dominance to her character that goes a little underappreciated. Not by you though! You'll get to see first-hand what that dominance is like in private.
+ Although she's known to complain about having been with Jacob, she does work best with someone who takes on a more submissive role in the relationship (not someone who wants her to be their mommy).
+ Tough girlfriend. She's pretty strong physically meaning she will take on a lot of responsibility in protecting you if the situation ever calls for it.
+ She isn't big on pet names, she'd much rather just say your name or give you a nickname that only she can use.
+ Emma is someone who doubts whether or not true love and happy endings actually exist, it isn't until you come along that she starts to gain faith in it all.
— ♡☆
a/n: this is a little self-indulgent so i used some feminine terms but any reader is free to enjoy and request for emma, thank you for reading!!
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Yan! Harold (Music man) Head cannons
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Yan! Harold who originally came to Iowa to scam the people out of their money. After all, what was he supposed to do if he didn’t have a hand in someone’s wallet?
Yan! Harold who only start chasing after Marian so he could have a fling before he left. He didn’t intend to stay until his facade eventually was chipped away and his real feelings got mixed in to the matter and he ended up starting to actually fall in love with Marian, along with her falling in love with him.
Well… that was until he saw you.
There you were, sitting behind him on a seat without a care in the world. He hadn’t talked to you before, you were just sitting there, oblivious to what was happening. But just you… your aura, it unraveled everything he stood for.
Yan! Harold who after he was freed from being proved innocent much to mayor Shinns anger, started acting “weird”. He just couldn’t get you out of his head! Who could blame him though? After such a pure angel descended behind him, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. Your scent… your aura… everything! You could easily walk past him and not even look at him but cause him to be starstruck easily. And probably kiss the ground you walked on to! After all what could be more holy than the ground his soon to be beloved walked on?
Yan! Harold who loses feelings for Marian almost instantly upon one glance on your face. She tries to knock on the door of the house he rented out, and even bring a freshly-baked homemade apple pie to give to him. Yet he doesn’t answer, and instead cuts off ties with her completely. He’s too busy hunting down information about you to be bothered with external annoyances people!
Yan! Harold who, when he finally leaves his house, is a completely different person. His eyes are now sporting clear eye bags under his eyelids, and his hair is now messy strands that Marian could’ve possibly played with in the future until he met you. YOU YOU YOU ALL HE CAN THINK ABOUT IS YOU~ <333333
Yan! Harold who immediately starts heading to the place where you work at like it was on his bucket list for his whole life. He can’t waste any time to see that glorious face again, even though people are shooting him weird glares. Sure, he knows he doesn’t look the same as before, and that his reputation probably needs to be mended a bit now, but that doesn’t matter, and it’s not like he cares anyway! As he gets closer to where you work, his heart can’t help race as his pale cheeks dust with blush. Would you smile at him? Maybe ask him if he was alright since you haven’t seen him? Oh how his heart flutters at the thought! Have you been thinking about him about him as much as he has been thinking about you? Because he can’t keep his mind off of you no matter how hard he tries.
Yan! Harold who now has a slew of photos from when he first visited you, and oh how kind you were! You also happened to work at the library just like Marian, but you were much more… pleasant. Instead of a cold demeanor like the manager you worked under, you had a warm aura, drawing him in like a moth to a flame. 
You smiled at him, and asked him how you could help him and oh god he just wanted to kiss you right there. Those perfect lips were another thing that could keep him up at night, wondering how they’d taste. 
He couldn’t help but stutter in your presence, after all you were an angel near him! One who’s committed many sins and scammed many! God must have really smiled upon him to ignore all of his sins and send someone holy to live the rest of his days with him! But it’s ok! He’ll restart over with you in his arms, and everything will be ok.
Yan! Harold who starts leaving little “gift bags” at your desk either before you check in or when you’re away and before you check out. The gifts normally contain candy and a bit of money, wrapped up in decorative wrapping paper closed with a nice silk bow. Sure, some people may be hesitant to give other people money as a gift, but he doesn’t care! He was saving money for a train ticket out of here, but now that he’s here to stay, he doesn’t need such an excess amount anymore! Sure his pockets may not be deep, but he’s willing to take up any job and amount of shifts to buy you whatever you want!
Yan! Harold who gets frustrated after a while when your guys relationship isn’t progressing as fast as he wants it too. Is it because he doesn’t look like the rest of the River City citizens? He can fix that! He’ll change anything… anything for you.
It shouldn’t be too surprising that one day you wake up in a room that looks like a basement recently turned into a bedroom. Pillows and blankets are neatly organized around you as you remain bound to the wooden chair. 
Inspecting your surroundings more, you notice that your favorite scent is being emitted from a diffuser nearby, making it clear that whoever kidnapped you had been stalking you for a while. 
You try to tighten the muscles in your wrist and jerk your hands forward in an attempt to free yourself, but you remain bound to the chair. With a… strange weight… around your foot?
You look down only to notice your most frequent customer, or Harold, curled around your foot, causing you to jump back a bit into your seat in surprise. However your action wasn’t without consequence, with the consequence being that you awoke a Harold, his face instantly breaking into a smile when his eyes meet yours. 
“Don’t worry love we’ll be together now!”
He says happily as he cups your face in his hands, chatting as casually as one might would in a normal conversation outside a coffee shop.
“I’m sorry I didn’t notice you before angel… but I did and now I know everything about you! What you like… what you hate… everything so now I can be your perfect boyfriend!”
He cuddles into you as if this situation was a normal one.
“Now you can be in my arms, and you’ll never leave me~.”
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estherruth-jonsatrash · 7 months
Arya's Brother
Written for @jonsa-halloween event!
Oct. 30th: Costume Also on AO3
(Partially inspired by the song "Cate's Brother" by Maisie Peters)
Sansa knew she and Arya were unlikely friends. Truly, if they hadn’t been roomed together freshman year of college they likely wouldn’t have been more than passing acquaintances, at best. And in those first few weeks of dorm life, they were so different from each other both had secretly appealed to get a dorm-mate switch before being told they would have to adjust. Sansa and Arya had laughed together about it, and whatever differences they had, they found the other to be a good influence and shared a few important things. They had similar senses of humor, and Arya’s determination on her soccer team was much like Sansa’s commitment to her studies.
Arya helped Sansa learn how to stand up for herself and not allow being polite to make her a pushover. Sansa helped Arya rein in her temper and be a little more diplomatic at times.
By their sophomore year, the girls were thick as thieves. A fact Sansa was grateful for when she decided to throw a Halloween party and Arya had been the first to RSVP, even if Arya said she thought RSVPs as a concept were “fucking stupid.” Arya had appreciated Sansa’s handmade invitations with an orange and black color palette (obviously) and little cartoon witch and black cat.
Of course Gendry was a given plus-one, but Arya also mentioned off-handedly she was bringing along her brother Jon who had just moved to the city. Sansa knew Arya loved her older brother Jon a lot even if she’d never met him, and she’d told Arya to definitely bring him along.
Sansa was dressed up as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, ruby red slippers, the dress and even the little basket, even though Lady couldn’t possibly fit in it and pass for Toto. She remembered she’d told Arya her costume when she spotted the short girl with the dark hair, a witch’s hat and green face paint, as she realized Arya had themed their costumes together. She smiled and when Arya’s face lit up, she rushed to hug Sansa.
“Sansa!” Arya excitedly said as they embraced. “You look great! I have to steal your slippers tonight!”
“It’s good to see you too, Arya,” Sansa said with a laugh. They hadn’t seen each other as often since they had graduated months ago. “And I don’t think the Wicked Witch ever gets the slippers in the story.”
Arya scrunched her nose and raised her voice to a shrill pitch. “I’ll get you, my pretty! And your big-ass dog, too!” she said, motioning to Lady in the corner, who raised her head slightly as Arya pointed at her.
Sansa giggled as Lady laid her head back down and Arya muttered some guard dog.
“Where’s Gendry?” Sansa asked as she got some punch for herself and Arya.
Arya rolled her eyes. “He’s talking with Hot Pie. You won’t believe this: he wouldn’t be my flying monkey!” she complained.
“And you didn’t break up with him on the spot?” Sansa asked incredulously.
Arya’s eyes gleamed as they fell back into their repartee easily. “No, but I did warn him he’s on thin ice.” Arya chuckled and took a look around the room before turning to Sansa once more. “Sansa, did you meet my brother?”
Sansa had nearly forgotten about the guest she’d never met. “No, I didn’t,” she said, eager to put a face to the name she’d heard so many times.
“Jon!” Arya yelled into the morass of the crowd, waving him over.
And Sansa saw what was quite possibly the most handsome man she had ever seen.
In what was quite possibly the silliest costume.
Jon’s perfect features were twisted with an adorable embarrassment as he ambled over, the little black wings jostled with each step. His curls were pulled back and a small blue hat rested on his head, with a matching blue miniature vest.
“I made him my flying monkey!” Arya said with delighted laughter as Jon blushed.
“Ha, ha, I’m glad you’re having so much fun Arya,” Jon said as he scowled at his sister.
It was for the best that his eyes hadn’t met Sansa’s yet—even in his absurd outfit Sansa’s heart seemed to flutter at the sight of him and the gravelly sound of his voice.
“I really am,” Arya confirmed wickedly. “This is my friend Sansa.”
Then Jon looked at her and if her heart had fluttered before, it seemed to take flight now. His stormy grey eyes lost the edge he’d had and softened into a kindness that made her feel weak. “Hi Sansa, it’s nice to finally meet you,” he said with a sincere smile, offering his hand for her to shake.
“Hi Jon,” Sansa returned and shook his hand. It might be a cliché to say that Sansa felt sparks, but she felt it from her head to her toes, the feel of his hand in hers electric. “And likewise.” Her eyes were looking in his, and he didn’t let go of her hand. They lingered until Arya coughed and Sansa and Jon shook themselves out of it.
“Um, can I get you something to drink?” Sansa asked, attempting to go back into hostess mode and tamp down the blush she was sure must be rising in her cheeks.
Jon looked at the table with punch and other snacks and gave her a smirk. “Actually, maybe water, so I can try and melt this one,” he said pointing to Arya.
“Hey!” Arya scolded as Jon and Sansa laughed together. Oh. She really liked the sound of his laughter, butterflies in her stomach now. “I’m not going to melt but I’ll be damned before I let you ruin this green makeup!” Arya barked.
Soon after, Arya left the two of them. She asked Jon how he was doing since his recent move and learned Jon taught literature at a nearby high school.
Sansa had known from Arya that Jon was a teacher, but not that he taught literature. Swoon.
“I guess you must have a problem with the ruby slippers, like the movie instead of the book,” Sansa said.
At her words, Jon looked her up and down with heated eyes that made her feel flush. “Well, normally I would. But those slippers go so well with the red hair,” he said, daringly reaching out to lightly brush a lock of her hair with his fingertips. Jon would normally never be so bold, but he had felt an immediate connection to the gorgeous redhead, had wanted to touch her, and something within him told him she’d be receptive.
Sansa swayed toward him and took a sip of her punch to keep her from jumping him then and there. Though from the looks of it, Jon wouldn’t mind.
She and Jon talked all night.
And okay, she didn’t set out to date Arya’s brother.
But when Jon asked her out, Sansa wasn’t about to say no.
She will later tell Arya the same. Also that she and Jon had simply tripped into her bed.
But Arya doesn’t really mind, in the end. Especially when Sansa becomes her sister-in-law.
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blitz0hno · 15 days
For the ask game: general 1, 3, 6, 7. Prisoner, 1, 3 (Amane), 4 (mikoto) I didn’t ask too much questions did I
I AM SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG RAHHHH I got the notif, forgor, got another ask for this like a day ago, forgot again, and finally check my inbox today lmao you asked the perfect amount of questions no worries!!
1. My favorite prisoner? It really is Mikoto I cannot tell a lie 😭 why? He's just... So heartbreakingly earnest. And when I was on Milgram Twitter back in 2021 I really didn't want his story to be a DID story. I wasn't about to discuss that stuff on a pretty public account no matter how intrigued we were. However, as time went on, and we thought about how all the other prisoners are "mentally ill" in some form or another, we held out hope that the whole "DID murderer who doesn't remember" thing would be subverted in some way. We came to really really look forward to his second trial, and after Purge March even moreso. In our opinion, Milgram team fuckin DELIVERED when Oct. 25th came around. While I personally relate more to John, Mikoto's story and how it's being told are very important to me. The extreme ambiguity of it all makes it better honestly; it's strikingly realistic in that sense. A host who has no idea what's going on or how to deal with it, in a boat with a bunch of presumable singlets who feel the same way, strikes a chord that few other medias have. Plurality is a very difficult topic to do justice, but I think Mikoto's narrative is very humanizing.
3. Favorite headcanon has gotta be the sibling-type relationships, particularly Amane and Fuuta. I love the idea of them stirring up trouble together. Trans headcanons are also my favorite anything ever (transmasc Fuuta and Mikoto/John and nonbinary Amane are my personal favs but transfemme!Fuuta, transfemme!Kazui and other trans headcanons are all GOATed imo)
6. RAHHHHHHH DIFFICULT favorite MV? siiiigh it probably is MeMe. Surprise tone-shift? Check. Tarot motif? Check. THE CRIME IN BRUTAL DETAIL? Check. Lyrics go crazy. Color palette goes crazy. Outfits go crazy. Although I will say "I Love You" is criminally underrated and provocative. Also LOVVVVED Harrow, Tear Drop, INMF, Purge March and Deep Cover. It's so hard to pick!!
7. Who I would get along with? Ironically, probably Fuuta. I think I would put up with his gruff attitude better than most, and we'd probably have similar worldviews regarding justice and the systems in place in society. I've been in similar (thankfully less serious) positions regarding his murder. We both enjoy video games and ramen lol he's still a little shit tho. I also feel like Yuno and I have very similar worldviews and would get along just fine.
1. What do I think of Amane? Easily one of my favorites. Why? SHE IS SO REAL THAT'S WHY. She's thoroughly heartbreakingly indoctrinated but STILL trusts herself enough to do what's in her best interest in protecting herself. She denies herself so much joy to honor her devotions, even though I'm almost sure she will come to realize that the only "god" looking out for her is her. She just wants everyone to have the "heaven" of infinite happiness she's been promised, and doesn't yet understand that it's something one must make for themselves and that no one can see and know her every move and judge her like that.
3. Amane's first verdict was cruel, but I understand why it happened. Magic's very vague about who she killed and it seemed like she did it simply because the doctrine said to. It was almost like she'd been manipulated into doing it and didn't feel bad at all. When really, she was just joyous that she got to punish her abuser for once, using the rules THEY told her; not the other way around. I still do regret voting "unforgiven," personally. Her second verdict though? Based. I was in the trenches w y'all for that shit. Purge March my beloved. She had every right to punish someone who would torture a child and I don't see how Kotoko doesn't get that??? Amane inno sweep all the way they better treat my girl RIGHT from now on.
4. What do I wish people understood more about Mikoto? Woooo boy. How do I word this.
In the fandom: Mikoto is just a host alter - he's as capable of being mean and aggressive as John is capable of being nice. And his response to John and anger towards the protector is as natural as it is unfair. He's not immune to being a flawed human and deals with stress very differently from John despite sharing a body. Mikoto's denial keeps him going along "normally," but it's doubtless that "he," Mikoto, is truly the responsible one for the crime (as hosts often are the ones making big decisions). And idk, people seem to understand overall?? But there still seems to be confusion sometimes, about how John isn't "just" a protector, but a completely separate person/ego state. Neither one is the "main" alter, or a "nicer"/"better" alter. They're rounded people like the rest of the prison.
In-universe: I wish they understood him and John. I wish they knew he switched sometimes, and that though they're different they aren't dangerous just by virtue of being like that. I wish Mikoto wouldn't shame himself for not "measuring up," and accept himself and what he's done. But we're going to superhell so idk about that.
Thanks for asking!
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Well, you know what - I am absolutely exhausted now. That's the thing about double Casualty nights. I went off them quite a while ago because it gives me a lot to talk about afterward, making typing up my thoughts take longer, and because while I like to think I have a good enough attention span it can only last so long. Also I was more triggered by the eps than I thought I'd be (my fault though, I misjudged how I'd feel).
Yet! I am glad. We went two entire eps without Faith turning up at all. My second-least fave, Iain, was there but primarily playing the only role I like him in: Jacob's friend who tries to look out for him. And thus, even he was likeable tonight.
And of course, Jacob is finally, finally getting focus again!! It's been long enough.
But before I get into all of that, thoughts on ep 1:
Rash's storyline was... well, it's very intense. A lot more so than I would have expected. His whole breakdown about everything being broken was incredibly sad to see. Poor, poor Rash.
I didn't think this would lead to him leaving but I'm not sure now, I could easily see this being an exit story. I hope not - though, on the other hand I want him to be happy, enough that if he has to leave for that I'd go along with it.
Neet Mohan was brilliant. He's one of Casualty's best when he gets the chance to be. I'm pleased it seems the show is finally acknowledging that, even if it means Rash getting a sad storyline for now. Also, I tend to like an ep that partially revolves around a character being in therapy. I hope we get one for Jacob eventually.
I'm... intrigued by Patrick. I really don't know what to make of him, though I don't think I'm meant to. He's definitely an unknown quantity of sorts so far. I thought he'd remind me a lot of Henrik and he does, albeit mostly in different ways than Max did. Patrick makes me think of early Henrik. The grumpy, not exactly nice new man in charge who just wants everyone to focus on their work, with just the tiniest hint of a gentler side beyond all the rudeness. The scene where he talked about Rash being like him, however, was not very Henrik of him. I don't think early Henrik would ever have opened up even that much.
I continue to like Tariq as a character so far. I enjoy his dynamic with Rash a lot, still. Their borderline-brotherly dynamic is very interesting. And I have to say, he was cast really well - he feels like such a believable cousin for Rash!
Ngozi continues to be great, as well. I adore her.
I thought the way this ep depicted how busy the department was was incredibly well done. I don't have much more to say there, but I wanted to point it out.
And as for the second ep:
I'd almost forgotten just how good Charles Venn is when he gets to do dramatic acting! Not that I don't enjoy the comedy/lighthearted stuff too, but there's been hardly any of that recently either - it's just felt like nothing but "Iain, I am now going to prop up your storyline because you're not interesting enough to carry it alone, I hope you don't mind". But he got to be brilliant again tonight.
And Jacob gets the focus he deserves. It's about time Blake came up again! I wonder what's going on with Blake, he did sound very upset. And I wonder what Elle is doing. I hope she doesn't get forgotten.
Jacob's line about how him and Blake haven't really talked for a while was very intriguing. I'm glad him being basically never acknowledged for like, forever is seemingly being incorporated into the storyline rather than glossed over.
Nicole is an excellent character so far. I love her.
Rida was fantastic tonight. Incredible acting from Sarah Seggari! Some very upsetting moments, undeniably, but the writing and performance were pitch-perfect. Wow. She's amazing.
Siobhan is wonderful. I've definitely come around to her.
Anyway, that's most of what I can think of to say about tonight but I'm sure I've left a lot out that I can't remember at the moment. Basically, however, the TL;DR version of all this is: I love Jacob.
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i-just-like-goats · 2 years
It’s amazing! I love my request. But I can’t help but my satan veins are tingling, for a part two. Uh kinda believe in a dazai suffering route. I know I was also in the suffer team before but unfortunately I believe cheaters need to suffer. Can you do a part 2 where dazai like suffers like idk. Oh! Idk if this is a reason of firing but I think Fukuzawa would fire Dazai for his heartless action to Y/N and make him like idk alone. And when he sees Y/N he tried to ask for another chance but is welcomed by Chuuya kissing her just like how Y/N saw with his girl. And Y/N looking at him with a cold and annoyed look like he did before. And like probably he tells her he regrets his actions but she refuses to be with him again.
'the way it works is like y/n would act as if she can give a second chance and does the exact thing to him. Remember how dazai didn’t take her out on dates? Same thing! And he would see HER with chuuya. And later find her kissing him. In a way of saying how does that feel.'
Hello can I request a part 2 to oneshot of cheater dazai and chuuya. I'm curious what would dazai do when he learns about reader's new relationship.
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Due to popular demand, here is part 2. Changed the original ask to fit with @voyagewiththesatan 's new idea in the comments of the original post
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Dazai x Female Reader x Chuuya
Summary: the cheated cheats on the cheater
Warnings: cheating
WC: 0.7k
Main masterlist Part 1
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Dazai thought that letting you go was the best course of action, after all he no longer loved you, right? That was what he wanted to say. Yet seeing you smiling for another reason other than him made his heart ache.
Back before he cheated, he was the reason for your smile, but somewhere along the way he found himself getting bored and he no longer cared as much as he used to. So he stopped putting in the effort, he kept cancelling on your proposed dates.
He thought he found the person for him and back then he thought it wasn’t you. How wrong he was. His new girl wasn’t you, she cared only for his looks and was after whatever money he owned, her disappointment after finding out he wasn’t as rich as she previously thought was immense, and he was left alone, all over again.
Guilt and sadness consumed him. You were the one for him, you were perfect, you were right there in front of him and he discarded you so easily. He wasn’t entirely sure what came over him, but he found himself walking towards you.
He had no control, his body took over and he was suddenly in front of you and your new lover. Chuuya.
“I’m sorry,”
“I am too,”
You walked off with Chuuya clutching your hand. Dazai stood there watching you walk off. It was pitiful that you went from him to Chuuya.
In his eyes, he was the clear better option for a boyfriend.
“You didn’t tell me that your ex was Dazai,” Chuuya whispered.
“I didn’t think that it was necessary information, and how do you know him?”
“He’s my old partner,”
“I have a bone to pick with him, why don’t you and I toy with him a bit?”
“What were you thinking?”
The next day you were walking past the agency alone. Dazai looked at your eyes hopefully. You didn’t make a look of disgust, so he slowly approached you to test the waters.
“I was foolish,”
“Go on,”
“You didn’t deserve that all. I was blind, you’re perfect and I realised too late that I love you, so so much. Will you please take me back?”
“I have a boyfriend you know,”
“I’ll be much better than him and I’ll be much better than before, just please give me a chance,”
“Alright Dazai, I trust you,”
His eyes brightened considerably and you almost felt bad for doing it, but the memories of all the pain he caused you, motivated you to move on.
The following day, Dazai knocked on your door with flowers clutched in his hand. He smiled as you opened your door tiredly. It caught you by surprise that he was actually putting in effort.
But he was too late.
You put on a strained smile.
"Good morning Dazai,"
"Hi Y/N. I got flowers for you,"
"Thank you,"
"So I was thinking we could go on a date after work?"
"Oh. Sorry, I promised my friend that i would go to her baby shower,"
A lie, but he didn't need to know that.
"Right, sorry. It's alright, maybe another day?"
With one last look at his face, you closed the door and retreated further into your home. 
After work, Chuuya came to pick you up. He looked over your shoulder with a smirk and started planting soft kisses on your forehead, then your nose and cheeks until he met your lips.
The thud of a box of chocolates dropping made you turn around. Dazai stood, his gaze locked on your figure. Anger and betrayal swirled in his eyes.
"So that was what this was? Revenge? Well congratulations, because now I know how you felt, perhaps even worse. I hope it was worth it Y/N. This is where we say goodbye for real. I wish you the best and I hope to never see either of you again,"
With one last look of anger, Dazai stalked off. You wish you could say that you felt bad for putting him through that pain, but all the memories of how hurt you were only led you to feel one thing: annoyance.
How could he be this angry when he was the one who broke your devoted heart?
You had Chuuya now, and that would always be enough for you now. Still, you couldn't ever fully repress the bubble of guilt surfacing from within your subconscious…
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1970sgothfreak · 1 month
I had just moved into a new apartment after getting a place at my dream job after working hard to save up and move out after a bad argument…it was thundering and raining outside. I was in the middle of unpacking when i heard a noise next door, probably my now neighbour, i decided to go over and introduce myself and also see if he or she is okay because it sounded like severe arguing.
I walked out and knocked on the door opposite and waiter for a few seconds as I could hear someone scrambling about as if they were getting dressed or trying to tidy up the place, a voice could be heard and it sounded as if they were telling someone to shut up before the door opened. A man with messy hair and almost puppy like eyes opened the door and he straightened himself out before smiling up at me, I could see his shirt was all crumpled and he looked disheveled so that must have been the noise.
“Oh, hello, sorry about all that noise if that’s why you’re here I mean it probably is because that’s what everyone is normally here for considering I’m constantly making some sort of noise, I’m rambling aren’t I sorry. I’m Steven and you are?” He asked after his cute little ramble before looking up at you properly after his ramble and froze taking a good look at his new neighbour…
I was dressed in a long black skirt that was decorated with lace spiders, a corset that perfectly matched the skirt along with tights that hugged my body as if they were perfectly made for each other. My hair was Matted (or braided depending on your hair type :>) and it suited my face perfectly, The corpse paint both freaked him out yet fascinated him with how perfect it was.
“Uh hello?” I said with a wave of my hand snapping him out of his trance, it was cute how easily distracted he got.
“Like I said I’m Y/n, I just moved in it’s nice to meet you Steven” i smile and shook his hand, he couldn’t speak, you looked like an angel in his eyes…a creepy angel but an angel non the less. He shook your hand and you both enjoyed a nice little chat before you decided to cut that convo short and head back to your place and unpack.
Steven’s POV:
I waved goodbye as she left, the was closed before I locked it and happily walked back to the sofa before I heard a voice.
“I know that look Steven, she’s just our neighbour and nothing more” Marc.
I looked to the fish tank where Gus two was swimming and saw his reflection in it with his usual stoic face and sighed.
“I know Marc but did you see her…she was perfect looking as if death came and blessed her with the beauty of it and don’t act like you weren’t checking her out to, you may not have been in control but I know you”
“I was at least more subtle about it, you were practically drooling over her not to mention I had to stop Jake from taking over to body, you need to be careful….” He spoke, I sighed knowing he secretly cared about me and didn’t want to end up getting hurt like how he was after things ended with Layla.
I was fully unpacked and laid down on my sofa, my eyes looking up towards the ceiling as I remembered Steven, he was quite cute especially with his rambling but the arguing…who was he arguing with?, he was alone when he opened the door…maybe I was just overthinking I mean I talk to myself all the time hell I’m doing it now.
I got up and had a shower, I didn’t both washing my hair as I couldn’t be arsed to, soon I ended up in my bed dressed in comfy warm bat pyjamas before sighing.
I closed my eyes and decided to get some sleep, I’m excited about this new place I feel like I’m going to enjoy living here.
Writer note: (So sorry this took so long, family issues, starting a new job and planning my proposal anyway here’s part 1, would love some ideas for the series <3)
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m-v-tique · 1 month
🌷👹Alex = ENTJ📈🏆
Btw these headcanons are heavily inspired plus agreeable to @/cornedbread’s headcanons to Alex
- Alex is possibly a Deep thinker, sometimes dissociating a bit or would stare blankly. [*N**/Intuition]
- He’s possibly an abstracted and drastic creature to create something so ridiculous, intriguing and as well as… Life threatening. [Intuition]
- Strategic and unpredictable, like how in his true form he waits for the perfect moment to pounce. [Dom Te -> Aux Ni -> Ter Se]
- He has NO EMPATHY to others at all and lacks personal concerns, but interestingly he has an “intimate friendship” with Dolly. Since Real Alex known her and so is she. [Inf Fi + SO/SX + Choleric]
- Power hungry and authoritarian in secret. There’s a hidden thirst for order and the strong ambition of achievement (A goal we possibly have not known about yet). As said or mentioned by Scrina. [ Enneagram 3 + SX8 ]
- Likewise, they’re fascinated by the wonders of biology and zoology. It’s either something sinister or “lighthearted” if he would look at some organism. Just curiously keeping an eye… Even aware of its actions. [ Enneagram 5 + Ni-Se ]
- Although mostly aggressive, he finds joy in things like biology/zoology, nature, aloe vera, and right awnsers. It’s not just that though. [ Secondary Sanguine ]
ENTJ (The Commander)|| 3w4 - SO/SX - 385 || Choleric-Sanguine || SLOEI
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Alex is an ENTJ, The Commander type.
ENTJ’s are highly strategic, intelligent and influential people able to create, plan and lead. ENTJ’s by strength can be very caring and supportive of ideas, but as for an Unhealthy version can be aggressive and controlling.
(Abbreviation; Extroverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging.)
Along with 3w4 “The Proffesional”, SO-SX, 385 “The Solution Maker” as his enneagram, instinct and tritype;
Social 3’s appear to try and take a liking from others by first glance, and it appears to be a manipulative approach later on(*Unhealthy 3), they gain admiration and recognition for either achievements, charm or so on.
Then here, Sexual 8 craves possession, power and control, which could mean both head(3) and heart(8) are unpredictably cunning, and it’s dangerously lurking inside of him ambiguously.
By gut, 5/Five’s are curious, private and intelligent individuals, so by action Alex decides to let Olivia explore as she walks, almost unheard, for a chance to either catch her or trap her in his realm. It’s also his sense of hiding his physically true form, securing that reality from within.
His temperament is just pure wrath and sadistic joy, he takes pleasure from beating up Scrina to make her do as he says, successfully taking control of a whole entire school. And, Olivia getting an awnser wrong is intended for him to devour her whole. Though “lighthearted” joy is usually established from aloe vera(?), biology/zoology and possibly Dolly.
Besides his other traits; Social, Limbic, and Organized, He possibly possesses an Ego, not pun intended, but he really does set himself high in a low profile as a Teacher. And other hand possibly inquisitive, as he’d borrow an idea to create effective motives on going. But I also like to think that he got heavily inspired by two teachers, since they’re somewhat in the same universe.
That is to make inquisitive in SLOE-“I” a strong proof.
Other notes/Trivia:
- Alex is easily mistaken for an ENTP “The Debater” type for Fandom Portrayal, and ISFP “The Adventurer” type or INFJ “The Advocate” for his fascination for Biology and Zoology.
- It’s likely Real Alex is an ISFP/INFJ. Given by links and such.
- Although 3w4 is now a confirmed type, there are times where Alex seemed SX1 (The Reformer/The Zealous) for the fact he, like Baldi would teach the player solo, and it’s possibly preferable to him.
- Another reason for Alex to be mistaken for an ENTP is his Temperament, Instinct, and possibly his attitude. (*Which I’m yet to study and learn of)
- Overall, Alex likely has an Unhealthy/Immature Personality. Possibly because of his Morality (True Evil).
Limbic = SLOEI - Upon reading the wikipedia more, it’s determined that he’s more of a Limbic rather than Calm. As Alex appears to be aggressive and as well assertive, than his stoic demeanor which is a façade.
(A/N: You can find Enneagram 8 and 5 in the same website too)
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eunjidrabbles · 1 year
30 Reasons Why
Chapter 13: You deserve an award for...
Warning: None
Word count: About 1k
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You really shouldn't be here despite all the members badgering you to sit in on the practice session. You knew that the company didn't like it when you could be easily seen by the public but the members didn't pay it any mind. So here you were sitting in a corner of their studio and watching in awe as the group ran through their dance routine part by part, pointing out even the slightest of errors in their movements.
It wasn't long before they decided a break was needed and the majority of them just plopped onto the ground with little to no intentions of moving while your girlfriend was nice enough to gather their bottles of water for them after coming over to give you a quick peck. Seeing the display of affection, Bora hopped over to where you were seated to push Yoohyeon back to the members and to grab at both your hands, enthusiastically encouraging you to join in on learning the choreography. All it took was a gentle smile and a shake of a head saying that you want for them to focus on their dance practice for her to pout at you before going back over to bother your girlfriend.
You watched as her affectionate member got a little too much for her before Yoohyeon wriggled her way out and hid behind her leader, complaining loudly that they should all be saving their energy to practice. That was when the teasing started from the youngest in the group, chiming up asking since when was she so serious about light practice. Picking up on the ploy, the rest of the group ganged up on her teasing, bringing you into the conversation all the while you were happily sitting by the side spectating the whole bullying.
Yet despite all the playing around, the moment one of the older members mentioned that it was time to go back to practicing, your girlfriend could only have the time to spare to shoot a pout your way at the lack of intervention before the music started playing. As the clock ticked by, you could also tell the patience and energy running low with everyone’s tones as they correct little parts of the routine to perfection. Perhaps it wasn’t a good day but you could tell everyone tried to make the best of practice they could, and you watched with increasing worry as Yoohyeon went around during each short break they took to compliment and cheer up the other members when they got quiet. At one point of time, she even had the main dancer to chase after her again as she ran around the room despite being tired from the practice which led to a more lively run through of the routine right after.
Practice ended when everyone ended on the studio floor panting from a full day’s of work and the energy died back down again as murmurs of what to get for dinner were shared. Watching your girlfriend pluck herself off the ground at the mention of food, you couldn’t help but chuckle and her eyes immediately flickered onto you as she gives you a big grin before attempting to sexily slow crawl her way towards you. It only led to a whole bunch of screeching as the younger members direct the attention away from the topic of food and onto her. Giving up on holding a straight face, you fell to the ground cackling along with her members as Yoohyeon whined and quickly got up to run next to you in an attempt to hide behind you. Seeing how her pout deepened, you quickly gathered yourself and passed your slightly upset girlfriend her bottle before pulling out a towel to wipe away her sweat, gently booping her nose at the end. You got yourself a nip on the finger for daring to linger longer as you looked into her eyes.
You were both dragged out from your own world when you heard the teasing sounds of cooing and gagging from the group. Choosing to ignore them this time, you rolled your eyes as the rest picked up their belongings; choosing to abandon the bottles which were behind the both of you as they slowly started to empty out of the room, leaving the two of you alone.
There was a moment of silence where the both of you were staring at one another before the automatic lights flickered out but you stayed staring at her in the dark. Without the ability to look at her, you could only feel the intimate warmth of her presence and hear the sounds of both your breathing.
You could barely feel the brush of her lips against yours before she pulled away slightly and whispered, huffs of breaths teasing you yet her words spoke otherwise.
"Let's out on a date."
Raising an eyebrow questioningly, you chuckled at the sudden change of mood.
"Right now? Where to?"
There wasn’t a moment of hesitation before she leaned in to close the gap once more leaving you slightly light headed at the affection. Grabbing at her back of her shirt to hold on as she leaned further into you, you could feel yourself being pushed backwards with her weight on you and knowing it was inevitable, you let the both of you fall onto the ground. Giggles and embarrassed whines were shared as the both of you sat back up and Yoohyeon clambered off of you before leaning back in again, this time more careful of her weight distribution.
Even through the darkness, you could feel the way her lips curled into a smile against yours as she nuzzled into you again before pulling away. You could almost see the way her eyes shined as she stared at you adoringly before pulling you up onto your feet and tugging you towards the door excitedly.
“Yes, right now! Anywhere you want to go as long as it’s with you.”
You deserve an award for brightening up everyone’s day
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