#also i read almost all that fanfiction in 2 days as i desperately completed my comment_bingo
xonceinadream · 1 year
January in Review
388 pages of original fiction in 5 hours, 9 minutes
>>388 pages of Worth Any Price by Lisa Kleypas
137,416 words in 33 fanfictions from 23 authors in 10 fandoms
>>14 (38,853 words) in the Glee fandom (Blaine/Sebastian)
>>3 (10,395 words) in the Harry Potter fandom (Hermione/Ron, Draco/Harry, Remus/Sirius)
>>3 (12,565 words) in the Hunger Games fandom (Katniss/Peeta, Gale/Katniss/Peeta)
>>2 (9,860 words) in the Life With Derek fandom (Casey/Derek)
>>2 (10,810 words) in the MCU fandom (Bucky/Steve)
>>1 (2,635 words) in the Once Upon a Time fandom (Emma/Neal)
>>2 (31,012 words) in the Star Wars fandom (Cassian/Jyn, Ben/Rey & Finn/Poe)
>>3 (8,501 words) in the Stranger Things fandom (Chrissy/Eddie, Billy/Steve, Jonathan/Nancy/Steve)
>>2 (9,037 words) in the Toy Story fandom (Andy/Sid)
>>1 (3,748 words) in the X-Men fandom (Charles/Erik)
>>>>30 were new to my memory, 3 were ones I'd read in recent history
19,765 words written in 13 days
>>17,548 words of fanfiction
>>>>11,164 words of Seblaine
>>>>882 words of Reylo
>>>>540 words of Drarry
>>>>164 words of Joel/Rose (Smile 2022)
>>>>4,798 words of Dead Dove content (Blaine/Cooper, Blaine/other, HP Chan Fest)
>>2,217 words of original fiction
6,912 words published on ao3
>>6,912 words of Seblaine
>>>>5,375 of I Didn't Know What I Was After
>>>>1,537 of Sweeter With Time
Other Online
Changed my tumblr skin
>>Changed my about page
>>Added a wip page that I will be finishing next month
Added several fics to my fic rec page
Worked 100 hours and 39 minutes in 14 days.
Slept 264 hours, averaging 8 hours and 27 minutes a night.
Drove 46 hours and 21 minutes, including 22 hours and 20 minutes driving from Washington to Arizona.
Got diagnosed with strep throat that I'd been nursing for a week+ and took antibiotics.
Moved home to Arizona after spending 7 weeks in Washington state.
Spent 4 hours and 35 minutes at my little sister's high school watching her perform as ensemble in Matilda twice. She was one of three sophomores chosen to perform in the upper-class play.
February Goals
Read 2 novels
Write more original fiction
Finish my wips page
Edit at least 5 old one-shots
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thewillowtree3 · 3 months
Y’all, I have read…SOO much Wenclair fanfiction lol. I’ve read like at least 30-31% of all the fic, last I calculated ;_;. I don’t remember being THIS obsessed with a ship for a while but I kinda get why lol.
I first heard about the show on Twitter like 6 days after it came out. I wasn’t gonna watch it, but then I saw posts about it and I was like “OMG THEYRE SOO FUCKING CUTE LOOL.” And I kinda get why?
I’ve never really been into enemies-to-lovers but I TOTALLY GET IT NOW LOOL. It’s the eventual understanding of one another, the breaking down of barriers to really understand one another, and I think that’s SOO fucking sweet lol. And I’ve never really been into the goth-sunshine thing either, but I GET IT. I get why opposites attract and it’s adorable to see them overcome it.
But I think why I love Wenclair SOO MUCH is because of how ADORABLE they are. I think it’s SOO fucking adorable how one is a goth, and the other is a sunshine and they have to work together. I think it’s SOO adorable that they HAVE to compromise and really find out what they love about each other. I think it’s SOO adorable that they grow to love each other, that the girl who was literally born to love, but fucking hates it, is with a girl who LOVES SOO MUCH, but DESPERATELY needs some of her own and doesn’t have it. It’s a story of a girl who was born to love, but hates it, and a girl who loves to love, but doesn’t have it. They both provide what the other needs- love and understanding.
And I LOVEE that they have to make it work. I haven’t read many ships where they HAVE to make it work- where they’re almost complete opposites where it’s almost impossible for them to get song. But they DO. They DO get along. They have to make it work, but they DO. And it’s SOO ADORABLE when they do lol.
I LOVE that they create something new out of their friendship- a relationship where Wednesday is softer and Enid is more understanding. It’s achingly adorable how they have to change SOO much to adapt to the other, but it’s SOO cute because they WANT to make that change.
Wednesday wants to understand Enid, so she becomes kinder, softer. She tries to understand her through all the ins-and-outs, all the color, the music. And Enid wants to accept Wednesday. She has to look past all the darkness and gore and find the hidden, sweet soft center inside.
And it’s ADORABLE because they try SOO hard. They try SOO FUCKING HARD to really find the things they adore about the other, and maybe it’s hard at first, but it becomes easier after time. It’s ADORABLE to see them trying SOO fucking hard and making SOO much effort to love one another, and it’s worth it :’)
Also the confession scenes AHH!! THEYRE SOO FUCKING ADORABLE LOOL AHH!! THEYRE SOO FUCKING CUTE!!! I’ve read SOOO many fics in which Wednesday confesses and it’s SOO FUCKING CUTE LOOL!! She says the most, all these flowery poetic beautiful things and I can’t imagine anyone else but her saying them. Like I can’t IMAGINE ANY OTHER SHIP I READ to say something so flowery and dramatic and poetic.
Wednesday Addams is such a SPECIFIC character to write for. You have to get her EXACT tone to write down- you have to write her as morbid, as serious, cold, cutting, sarcastic, and there’s a very specific way she acts and it’s honestly really hard. If you veer off course, I feel like it’s really easy to make her OOC lol. And that’s why the confession scenes hit so hard!! Because she’s this way, it only makes sense if SHE’S the only character to confess this way hehe.
So yeah- my thoughts on Wenclair and why I’m so obsessed with them. It’s 2:16 AM LOOL!! 🤣🤣
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la-was-here · 2 months
A note about Loki and Thor
After years of reading fanfiction where Loki is portrayed as a psychopath and a cunning scoundrel (for some reason this is the majority of fanfiction in my bubble?), I accidentally decided that this trope was canon. But damn, how wrong I was. Hiddleston's Loki is a very sensitive, vulnerable character who needs support and love.
Unfortunately, his mother's recognition and love are not enough. The boy needs recognition from the male part of the family. He always felt abandoned. I would like to read more fanfics where Loki is a sensitive character.
(His vulnerability is so desperately visible. The 2012 version of Loki is brutal, but we don't know what crap and heartache the character went through.)
Loki's in the series.
Disney's Loki reveals even more of the character's sensitive side. We see his pain as he looks at his life story, we see his sincere friendship with Mobius (honestly, it's amazing)
And we see how he wants to keep Sylvie safe, which could also be a hint that he is finally ready to support himself ( literally damn he supports himself) and we see his sacrifice for the sake of all loved ones and strangers.
This is what Loki would have ended up with if he had not died in Thor 3. One way or another, this version of Loki would have become the god of stories (whatever that means).
And I would also like to see a more interesting Thor, who often thanks his brother, consults, and treats him with respect.
Thoughts on Thor. We know that Thor cares about Loki, but I got the feeling that for a very long time, before Thor 1, he treated Loki like a child who doesn’t understand anything (while Thor is a teenager) and this prevents Thor from accepting him as an equal and allowing him to show Thor's mistakes.
After the 1 chapter, Thor finally matures through grief over the loss of his brother.
I really don't see much of a role for Jane Foster in his changes. I think initially he treated her as one of his hobbies, respected her intelligence, but still... I think she was more fascinated than he was.
(After all, in The Avengers he 100% had the opportunity to drop by for tea, which he didn’t take.) I think the fact that he had a lot going on and the loss of his brother played a role in his attachment to Foster.
In The Avengers and Thor 2 we see that Thor does not know how to communicate with Loki, his brother grew up the same way as him, there is awkwardness around.
Later on Sakaar we see Thor let his brother go. I imagine that he doesn’t want to witness another fake death, doesn’t want to relive it again. He is calmer knowing that Loki is somewhere, he is alive and doing his insidious deeds.
In the third part there is a feeling that they are finding a connection and an understanding of how to communicate, although this is not the end yet. Loki returned to Thor precisely when Thor let him go, allowing his brother and himself to “be themselves,” took up the affairs of his people, and took responsibility.
At this point, their growing up against the backdrop of a showdown can be considered almost complete.
I think in the end they would manage to become a good team. But it would take them a long time to learn to fully accept each other’s shortcomings. And I think one day Thor would say that he got too excited by blaming Loki for his father's death.
Oh I don't know, I just want a fanfic written by a psychologist XD
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CFWC Writer of the Month: Jamespotterthefirst
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Each month CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers, and this month’s writer of the month is @jamespotterthefirst! We hope you will enjoy learning more about her and her work below! The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
Quick Links:
Tumblr Blog: Jamespotterthefirst Blog Masterlist
1- When did you start playing Choices? What's the first book you played? 
I started playing back in 2018. I kept seeing this thing called “playchoices” trending as number 1 on Tumblr (lol remember those days?). This would happen, without fail, almost every week! When I clicked on it, the posts were all about the finale of a royal story (The Royal Romance!). People made the most hilarious posts, complete with memes. I had no idea what it was, but I gathered it was an app. I downloaded it, and the rest is history. 
The first book I played was Desire and Decorum. It was absolute torture because it wasn’t completed yet. So I binged the available chapters. Yes, I spent real money on keys and diamonds, telling myself at least I wasn't spending that money on drugs. It was so much fun waiting for a new chapter every week, even if I’m an impatient mess. 
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I joined the fandom almost immediately after downloading the app. 
As I sat in my living room, tapping my foot and waiting for the new D&D chapter to drop, I went back into the playchoices tag for content. It felt good to find other people who loved the story as much as I did. There were other users out there who were also waiting impatiently for the new chapter, writing fics and discussing theories in the meantime. There were also some of the funniest memes I have ever seen in my life. At first, I would quietly read and reblog. Then, I slowly started posting my own thoughts and theories (which were not very good lol but hey, this is tumblr after all).
3- How did you pick your url name? 
My life is one hyperfixation after another… The one before Choices was Harry Potter. More specifically, the Marauders era. I used to write for the pairing called “Jily”, composed of Harry Potter’s (dead) parents. Kelsey (@takeharryandgo) is a witness of just how much I love James Potter, Harry’s (dead) dad. In fact, our shared love for the pairing and character is one of the things that brought us together. 
In short, this URL is a reference to James Potter the first, Harry’s (dead) dad. Not James Sirius Potter the second, Harry Potter’s (living?) son. 
I saved it as a sideblog, meant only for writing resources for me to use at a later time. One day, I decided I didn’t want the followers on my main page to see all the Choices spam I was posting, so I resurrected the JP blog. 
4- Go back to your archive and tell us about the first post on your Choices blog. 
My first Choices post was a shitty theory about Desire & Decorum: 
5- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
I’ve been writing fanfiction since I was a literal child. I used to write in a notebook and my friends would read during recess. It was awful but they were into it. One day, I used up the whole notebook and my friend was desperate for the next part of the story. I told her I needed to wait until my mom took me to the store (literal child) to get a new one. My friend got me a new one by the end of the day lol.
TL;DR that puts me at about 20+ years of writing. 
6- What is your favorite Choices book to write about?
Without a doubt, Open Heart! 
7- Share the first fanfic you wrote with us. Do you still like it or would you change anything about it?
Oh god, the first fanfic I wrote was Lily Evans and James Potter from the Harry Potter universe. I forgot the exact title, but it was named after an Avril Lavigne lyric. Again, I was a child, don’t judge me lol. It’s handwritten in a notebook I still have somewhere, but I will never open it again lest I die of cringe. 
My first Choices fic, on the other hand, was a Desire and Decorum fic called “A Wedding Gift” that only like 5 people read at the time. 
8- What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Oof. This answer changes depending on the day you ask me. I always overthink it and end up saying picking a favorite fic is like picking a favorite child. To avoid being here all day, however, I’m going to say: Fake Husband, She Walks in Beauty, and Lovely.
9- Do you have a fic that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to be but could use a little more love?
Definitely, the fic I didn’t expect to do well at all if my first Open Heart fic: Lovely. 
I was so naive back then, knowing nothing about the Open Heart writing fandom. I had no idea what format or tags to use when posting. I was afraid there would be no readers out there who wanted to read a silly little story about my MC posting a thirst trap. All I knew was that the latest chapter of Open Heart Year 2 inspired an idea that wouldn’t leave me alone until I wrote it. 
I posted it and I was so incredibly lucky to receive so much support. Words cannot explain how special that was. To this day, I cannot verbalize how grateful I am for that. 
There isn’t really a fic I can think of that could use more love. It always amazes me that anyone gives my fics their time. So any feedback my fics get will always be valued and treasured by me. 
10- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
Oh no. 
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If forced to choose, I’d say fluff. 
11- Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
Absolutely! While I try to make every MC different, I often pull from experience when I write. My Open Heart MC and I have a lot of things in common (heritage, hometown, astrological sign, etc.) But I also wanted her to be her own character with life choices that are different from mine. Since I'm very boring, it definitely makes for better fiction that way. 
12- What element of writing do you struggle with most?
It depends on the day. Some days I struggle the most with dialogue. Others, my biggest struggle is descriptions. It's rare when I feel confident in both when I write. 
13- Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
*laughs nervously in unfinished series*
There are a few series I have yet to finish. Once again, I apologize for leaving them untouched for so long! I plan to get my shit together soon! 
14- If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first? 
I don't think I could look anyone in the eye if they read some of the stuff I've written, especially for Choices. 
15 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing?
I strongly believe that one of the best ways to learn as a writer is reading. As such, I believe I've learned from most pieces I've read, particularly published rom com novels. In the fanfiction world, I admire my lovely friend @takeharryandgo. I've had the absolute joy of following her writing for over a decade. And with every work, I am still amazed by her masterful way with words! And her characterization is always spot-on. I simply love to read her spellbinding work and learn from the master! 
Other writers/creators I admire are:
@heauxplesslydevoted- one of the first OH writers I've ever read! Her smut is top-tier!
@jerzwriter - her stories, dialogue, and characterization are a delight to read. Her angst is painful. Her smut is sizzling hot! 
@liaromancewriter - a true master at romance! Her writing style is magical and synonymous with the best of rom-coms! 
@genevievemd - I bow down because the amount of love and care she puts into every piece truly makes her work special! 
 @lucy-268 - I have always respected the amount of research she puts into every piece. She pours so much care into it so that the narrative flows seamlessly! 
@a-crepusculo - her writing is so vivid and immersive. Reading her work is like listening to the most beautiful of symphonies!
@writer-ish - she is such a master at the craft! Her characterization is so vivid that the reader will fall in love no matter the format. Her text edits are legendary! 
@bex-la-get - such a talented and dedicated writer! She also pours hours of research into her work, ensuring every detail makes sense! 
@potionsprefect - she's such a creative and talented writer. She develops writing ideas like no one else I've ever seen! 
@headoverheelsforramsey- I love her storytelling and characterization! She's created a beautiful, inspiring, and intelligent MC for all of us to adore!
@gryffindordaughterofathena - her writing style is one of the most original I've ever seen. Reading her work feels like reading the loveliest of poetry! 
@coffeeheartaddict2- the dedication she puts into her work blows me away! She's daring when exploring themes in her writing, and she's not afraid to pull from personal experience. 
@lsvdw-blog - the person I'm sending my therapy bill to. Just kidding! Her writing is beautiful, even when it's the most painful angst. 
@trappedinfanfiction - she is such a lovely writer. The amount of detail she's given both of her MC's back stories has my absolute respect! 
@quixoticdreamer16 - I adore her MC and the wholesome, beautiful background she's given her! 
@mysticalgalaxysstuff - Another MC that has stolen my heart. I am so happy she started writing this past year because she's a real talent! 
@peonierose - love her beautiful MC and the beautiful love story she built for her with Bryce! 
@cariantha - a brilliant writer with talent for days! 
16- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
I would love to see She Walks in Beauty along with its series (1800s AU) in live action. Imagine Ana de Armas and David Gandy in period costumes? That alone would be worth it! 
17- Do you write original stories? 
I've crafted and outlined original stories before but I've never actually written them. One of my biggest goals for the new year is to finally start. Wish me luck! 
18 -  What other hobbies do you have?
I love reading, hiking, and dancing! 
Yes, I picked the most “impressive” of my hobbies to seem cool. On most days, you'll catch me cuddling with my dog or bf watching YouTube/TikTok/Hell's Kitchen reruns lol. 
19 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
I used the orange 🧡 and purple 💜 hearts a lot because they're my favorite colors!
20: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
For the record, I am also contractually obligated to read anything Kelsey writes 😘 
Thank you so much to every single reader who has given my work a chance these past three years!
Thank you to the wonderful mods of CFWC for all you do to support writers in the Fandom! 
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rafaelblackbird15 · 3 years
Teen Wolf Fic Recs Part 2: Steter
It took me quite awhile to gather all these together, so please enjoy discovering more parts to the incredible world of Teen Wolf, provided to you by the wonderful writers of our fandom.
Leave comments and kudos for these writers if you can, they really deserve it, they're wonderful. And it's my honour to try and share their creations with tumblr.
These are Steter, Stiles Stilinski/Peter Hale fanfictions. Read them at your will. Check the tags on the actual fics for warnings and such.
I have included links to authors that write a lot of Steter as well, and some of their fics for examples. I'm sorry this post got so long, haha, but enjoy the stories, they're worth it.
If any of the links don't work, just comment and I'll fix it.
Check out my other Sterek fic recs [Part 3] and [Part 4] and Steter fic recs [Part 1]
Broken Bones and Broken Bonds by twothumbsandnostakeincanon(somanyofthekids) on Archive of Our Own
Words: 20148
Chapters: 4/?
Stiles kind of wished that he’d at least tried weed before this. 
Or something, you know? Maybe taken up a graffiti hobby, or even just skateboarded in front of City Hall often enough to get a citation. 
He wished he’d done something to be deserving of the looks people gave him now, rather than just being the recipient of his dead father’s unused power. 
Stigmata by twothumbsandnostakeincanon (somanyofthekids) on Archive of Our Own
Words: 1661
Chapters: 1/1
He feels so hollow that he almost wonders if he's been turned inside out. This emptiness he feels; is it the vastness of the entire world?
How do you fill a world? With people, he supposes. But his people no longer want him.
He needs people.
Beefcake Mountain by twothumbsandnostakeincanon(somanyofthekids) on Archive of Our Own
Words: 14565
Chapters: 7/7
Shortly after moving back to Beacon Hills, the left hand of the Hale Pack opened a text from a mysterious number.
"Is there a mirror in your pants? Because I can see myself in them."
What the f—
Steter Week 2019 by twothumbsandnostakeincanon(somanyofthekids)
Works: 4
Complete: No
There isn't a summary listed so I've included the first fic underneath:
Marvelous Miss and Magnificent Mischief by twothumbsandnostakeincanon(somanyofthekids)
Words: 3346
Chapters: 1/1
also Part 1 of the Magnificent Mischief series
“Marvelous Miss and the Magnificent Mischief!” the carnival barker shouted just outside the corridor with all the food tents. “Come see Miss Paige do amazing tricks with her talking raven! He not only speaks, but he jokes! He teases! He philosophizes!”
Author: twothumbsandnostakeincanon(somanyofthekids)
This author has a lot of wonderful Steter fics, and their writing of the pairing is really worth having a good look through.
Blood Runs Cold by Smalls2233 on Archive of Our Own
Words: 111408
Chapters: 22/22
“So then why are we letting Scott and Derek search for it if you know it's useless?”
Peter looked down at Stiles and cocked his head with a grin. “Because I think seeing my nephew and your best friend run around like headless chickens while I think up a plan is hysterical.”
“And the plan is…?”
Trusting Peter Hale is something that Stiles had repeatedly told himself to never do. He had seen first hand the results of Peter's plans and schemes, but when a shadow began tormenting Beacon Hills, he found that sometimes he'd have to to play along with Peter's games.
This story does include a dose of Chris&Stiles interaction about midway and carries on throughout, and then Chris/Peter towards the midend, which also carries on. And it kind of dissolves into Chris/Peter/Stiles. If that's not your taste, that's fine, because the majority of the story is Stiles/Peter, and that majority is really really good Steter.
No One Listening Tonight by Smalls2233
Words: 6985
Chapters: 1/1
That left… well it left Peter and only Peter. Relying on Peter for help was only slightly better than stabbing himself through the eye with a hot poker. But desperate times called for desperate measures.
Of course, there was always the option of packing up and letting whatever was trying to destroy the town succeed this time. Stiles snorted under his breath as he thought about how that would probably leave him with fewer injuries than dealing with Peter would. But unfortunately, that wasn’t an option. Stiles knew he needed to head downtown to Peter’s apartment and pray the man was willing to work with him.
Stiles stumbles into a magical trap forged by a wannabe warlock.
Author: Smalls2233
Blue by Wynnebat on Archive of Our Own
Words: 3179
Chapters: 2/2
Derek brings both Scott and Stiles to the hospital to prove a point about hunters, but Stiles isn’t sure the point he’s getting is the point Derek’s trying to make. Especially when his black and white world explodes into color the moment he looks into Peter Hale’s eyes.
The Long Way Around by Wynnebat on Archive of Our Own
Words: 15569
Chapters: 3/3
When Peter leaves Beacon Hills for good, he expects that to be it for the broken bonds of the last remaining members of the Hale pack. Fate and Stiles Stilinski aren’t of the same opinion.
Prowl by Wynnebat on Archive of Our Own
Words: 3454
Chapters: 1/1
Laura's body is never found, but instead of continuing with his murder spree, Peter gets distracted by the scent of his mate. Stiles gets very distracted by the huge wolf that starts showing up at his house all the time.
Author: Wynnebat
This author writes some really interesting, deep stories about Steter that are really beautiful.
your last white lie (everything is not alright) by snowdarkred on Archive of Our Own
Words: 4023
Chapters: 1/1
Stiles says yes, and things go downhill from there.
reflect by snowdarkred on Archive of Our Own
Words: 569
Chapters: 1/1
Part 1 of the dig your teeth in and tear until you taste (peter/stiles oneshots) series
(previously posted to tumblr)
When he dreams, he can sometimes still hear his mother’s voice, explaining it to him: Reflections are the price we pay for what we are.
sentire by snowdarkred on Archive of Our Own
Words: 1027
Chapters: 1/1
Part 2 of the dig your teeth in and tear until you taste (peter/stiles oneshots) series
[to feel]
Stiles hears the whisper of death before it strikes.
This author writes some really intense, interesting stories about Peter and Stiles. Not as long as some fics are, but they're really good adaptions of Steter with a lot of feeling.
The Striking Complication by aurevell on Archive of Our Own
Words: 27235
Chapters: 4/15
The smile slips off Stiles’s face. “Hey, um. Why am I here?” he asks, voice unsteady. “I’m—I have this weird feeling like I shouldn’t leave you. I’ve felt all day like...” He can’t finish the thought.
Peter looks as surprised as Stiles feels. A strange expression passes over his face, there and gone before Stiles can decipher it.
Stiles snaps awake each morning with the sense that he’s missing something. Weirder still, he can’t wrap his head around his sudden, inexplicable trust in Peter Hale, who seems to know way more than he’s letting on. Nor can he guess why a half-remembered nightmare seems to haunt his every move.
Rinse and repeat. Because time loops suck, apparently.
Author: aurevell
This author has 11 Teen Wolf fics under their belt. 5 Sterek and 6 Steter. Happy rummaging!
the teeth right down to the blood by sazzafraz on Archive of Our Own
Words: 2133
Chapters: 1/1
‘We’re pretty fucked right now.’ Scott says. Stiles doesn’t speak but there’s something singing in his bones that says Scott got the message anyway. (In which both are bit and things are gruesome.)
This has a sprinkling of Scott/Stiles, Scott/Stiles/Peter, and Scott/Allison as well as Steter, but it's worth the read, a good story with an interesting concept.
Author: sazzafraz
This author doesn't have that many Steter stories, although they do have a few. Although they do have some pretty lengthy Teen Wolf fics about other characters of the show.
Everything goes (wow) by midmorning_bomb on Archive of Our Own
Words: 8215
Chapters: 5/5
Part 1 of the Aranea & Babewolf series
It was supposed to go like this:
1. Peter summons demon to the circle.
2. Demon remains in said circle until Peter outlines their contract.
3. Demon agrees to elegantly crafted contract, becoming loyally bound to Peter and Peter alone.
Instead, the creature steps casually out of the circle, tosses its things onto the leather sofa, and starts immediately meddling in Peter’s immaculate space, touching all of Peter’s very expensive things.
It's only by midmorning_bomb on Archive of Our Own
Words: 2905
Chapters: 3/5
Part 2 of the Aranea & Babewolf series
“Darling, please don’t pout.”
“You’re pouting.” Stiles pouts, from the upper corner of the library, everything from his hip bones down an angry mass of hissing fangs and venomous chelicerae. “Why would we ever go back to that garbage town? Everyone there is the worst, the only good thing is the very rad and awesome curse I laid.”
You are a memory by midmorning_bomb on Archive of Our Own
Words: 900
Chapters: 1/1
Part 2 of the Little glimpse series
If he has to bleed to breathe warmth back into Peter’s icy body, he will.
Because Peter’s done the same for him.
Author: midmorning_bomb
This author has 16 Steter fics. A little unfriendly to some of the other characters, but it's only kind of obvious because it's not subtle about it, and not exactly underserved. Has some really interesting ideas as well as some kind, well developed Steter. Definitely have a read through.
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fangirlshrieks · 3 years
Spring Break part 1
a/n: This is my first official post on here and I don't know how it will turn out. Tik Tok really made me obsessed with Harry Potter 😭.  Now I am a simp for Neville. I got a soft spot for quiet, nerdy, shy, and subby boys. I don't usually write fanfiction because my ideas are usually super long and I have no time to write them out but I decided to write this one. I will also be posting this on my wattpad account. I read @omg-imatotalmess sub!Neville fic back in December and I've been obsessed with the idea of Neville being a sub. *internally screaming* 
Part 1, Part 2, part 3
Word count: 2,519
Pairings: Neville Longbottom x female reader
Warnings: Mensions of sex, Innuendoes, mentions of plant boy's insecurities
The sunlight intruded through your dorm room windows. It shined at just the right angle so the light hit your eyes, abruptly waking you up. In annoyance your turn onto your stomach and bury your head under your pillow desperate for just a few more minutes of sleep but the memory of it being the last day of school before spring break entered your mind. You peaked from under your pillow to check the time. It was around 7:05. You huffed. It was too early to get up. Unable to go back to sleep with the light in your eyes you reluctantly got up out of bed and got ready for the day. You could hear the deep snores of your dorm mates sleeping quietly as you got ready. It was times like these where you enjoyed getting up earlier than everyone else. There was always a sort of peace before the hustle and bustle of everyone rushing to the bathrooms to find a mirror or use the sinks. You made sure to be as quiet as possible. Having gotten ready you decide to head to the great hall for breakfast. 
Sitting down at the Y/H table you grabbed a toast and some butter and jam. There were a few students around but not enough to fill the hall with loud noise. None of your friends were up yet, that's for sure, so you scanned the room to see if your boyfriend, Neville Longbottom, was there.
'Who am I kidding he's probably still asleep too' you thought.
But just as you turned to eat your food, Neville had entered the great hall. He spotted you and quickly walked over to where you were sitting. 
"Hello love" he gave you a quick peck on the top of your head before sitting down next to you. 
"What are you doing here so early?" His tone is full of amusement, knowing you aren't normally one of the first students to enter the great hall in the morning. 
"I could ask you the same thing" you said, giving him a teasing look. 
"Well I couldn't really sleep last night. Too excited for holiday, I guess." He responded with a bit of nervousness in his voice. You didn't seem to notice however.
"Well I was rudely interrupted from a wonderful sleep by a disgusting thing called sunrise." The sarcasm in your voice made the two of you laugh slightly.
"I'm sorry you didn't get to sleep in."
"It's fine. That just means I get to spend more time with you today." You said nudging him with your shoulder. "By the way did you ever tell your gran that I would be visiting the two of you at the lake house."
Neville's grandmother was invited by an old friend to stay with her at her lake house. The lake house was relatively close to where you lived in London but it was obviously in the wizarding world. You had asked Neville about two weeks ago if you could visit him and his grandmother while they were there. You had never been to a lake house before and you wanted to spend your first Holiday with him as his girlfriend since you two had got together.
You had only been going out since December but you had been friends since 1st year. When his grandmother heard the news about the two of you finally becoming an official couple she was ecstatic. She always believed there was something more between the two of you. Even when you were in your previous relationship with a boy from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic your fourth year, there was always something there but neither of you believed that other could ever like you in that way. But after you broke up with your ex at the end of your fourth year, the tension between you and Neville was undeniable. It was not until the start of 6th year after Neville had an encounter with Death Eaters at the Ministry of Magic and it was revealed that Voldemort had returned that you and Neville had actually acted on your feelings. Now here you are actually together.
You had visited him and his grandmother before during other school breaks but only every as a friend. This time would be different. Your mind sometimes wondered about taking your relationship to the next level but you only ever mention that once before and Neville seemed nervous the entire time so you dropped the subject. You assumed it was because he was a virgin and unfortunately to your dismay it was a well known fact that you had lost your virginity to your ex who had bragged about it when you were a couple (but that is a story for a later time).
"Oh yeah." He seemed anxious and grabbed a toast to shove in his mouth to try and drown the worry in his voice, but it didn't help. "Gran said you are welcome anytime."
More students started filling the hall as you finished your breakfast. Dean and Seamus had also entered the hall and made their way towards the two of you. 
"Hey guys." Neville greeted them.
"What are you two love birds talking about?" Dean said while leaning over your shoulder.
"Just making plans." You said nonchalantly as you turned your head towards him.
"Plans for Holiday I assume?" Seamus piped in with a raised eyebrow. From behind your back, Neville gave him a look almost as if he was pleading with him not to make any inappropriate jokes. 
"Yes, actually" you answered.
Seamus pushed on, "Care to elaborate?" 
"I'm sorry, but I actually have to pack, which I would advise you three to do the same." You turned back to Neville. "I'll meet you at the Entrance Hall so we can head towards the Express together, yeah?"
"Sounds like a plan." And with that Neville watched you headed towards your dorm to pack.
He was thankful you left before Deam or Seamus could mention anything about what had happened last night. The three of them all walked over to the Gryffindor table to eat.
"So you and y/n are you and going to be sharing the same room?" Seamus asked.
Neville choked on his juice he was drinking and coughed a few times before finally recovering.
"Relax mate, it's natural to be nervous your first time." Dean added.
"I already told you too, me and y/n are not doing anything during break. She's just visiting me and gran for a day." Neville had a slight red hue over his cheeks.
"Alright, alright " Dean said amusingly.
"But just so you know spring break is when couples usually…" Seamus didn't get to finish.
"I get it, Seamus! Do you have to be so loud?" Neville cut him off. "I think I'm going to go pack now, see you guys later."
"Just remember to pack the rubbers Seamus gave you." Dean laughed under his breath.
Of course how could Neville forget the rubbers.
------ The night before in the boys dormitories ------
"Yeah, it's going to be great. Y/N is joining me and gran for a day at the lake house. It will be nice to not be the only person my age there. Plus I can show Y/N all the cool plants around the lake." Neville was beaming talking about his plans for Holiday with you and his grandmother. His smile was radiant and by the expression on his face you could totally tell he was smitten by you.
"Wait let me get this straight. Y/N is going to be staying at your grandmother's lake house with you." Dean was trying to make sense of the situation.
"Technically it's my gran's friend's lake house."
"That doesn't matter." Seamus said bluntly. "The fact is you and Y/N are going to be at a lake house together during spring break."
"What are you going on about?" Neville was completely dumbfounded about what was wrong with the situation.
"Seamus, will you just tell him." 
"I got a better idea." Seamus walked over to his dresser and opened a drawer. He searched inside for a small box. Once he found it, he grabbed it, and threw it towards Neville. When it landed on his bed, Neville grabbed the box and read what it was. He saw the figure on the box was a warrior and the name 'Trojan' written at the very top. His eyes widened and he immediately fumbled the box before he dropped it. He could feel his cheeks warm up as Dean and Seamus laughed at his reaction.
"Wh.. Where did you get those?" Neville distanced himself from the condoms.
"It doesn't matter." Seamus said, still laughing.
"Are you serious? I can't take those with me." Neville was embarrassed for having never even thought that something like that would happen while on Holiday with you. "Wait, this trip isn't even about that. Me and Y/N haven't even done anything yet. I haven't even done anything yet!" Seamus insinuation had clearly caused Neville to freak out and rethink his entire plan of having you visit him during break.
"Chill out mate." Dean was trying not to laugh but it wasn't really helping.
"Mate we know it’s your first time, we just thought you could use some pointers." Seamus suggested.
"I really don't think that's necessary. We're not going to…" this time Neville was cut off by Seamus.
"Listen, when you put the condom on make sure you pinch the top so there is a bit of room there and then roll it down. If you don't it just might break and we don't want that happening do we."
"Also don't forget to use a new one every time. Apparently they are not reusable." Dean chimed in. 
Neville was in shock and the color of his face matched the color of his house's signature color. 
"Please stop." He was pulling at his hair in agony.
"We're just trying to help a friend out." Seamus said smugly.
"This isn't helping. This is making it worse." Neville shoved his head in his pillow from embarrassment. 
The other boys continue to laugh. Neville, extremely embarrassed by his friend's insinuation, tried to come up with a reason to leave his dorm and got up and grabbed the closet textbook near him.
"Uhh... I forgot I need to catch up on my studies" and with that he rushed to the Gryffindor common room. 
At this time at night the common room was empty. Only the fireplace lit the room with a warm glow. He sat on the sofa in front of the fireplace and ran his fingers through his hair to ease his nerves.
"How could I be so stupid?" He asked himself aloud. 
The signs had been there all along. He just hadn't put all the pieces together until now. You had originally asked him if you could spend the night at the lake house but he didn't understand why at the time because you lived close by. Then there was the conversation the two of you had a couple of weeks ago. You had asked Neville how he had felt about moving your relationship on a more intimate level and he had completely freaked out by the sudden suggestion. He had certainly thought about you in that way occasionally (even before the two of you were officially together) but he never imagined it to ever come to fruition. Then when the two of you had finally gotten together, he felt inadequate in that particular area because he had never been with anyone romantically. He was relieved when you dropped the subject but knew it would be a topic to come back again. 
He also noticed how touchy you had become lately in private. You two were definitely not a pda couple but preferred to show your love to one another in private. Neville thought back to the time last week when it was just the two of you sitting by the lake while he read you a chapter in his herbology book. The two of you had sat right under a tree and you had sat next to him leaning your head on his shoulder and placed your hand on his thigh. 
As he read to you, your hand slowly made its way higher and higher towards the area between his legs. At first he was completely oblivious to your actions until he had set his book aside from in front of him and noticed how close your hand was to his crotch. It had made him freeze and he felt his face heat up. You had looked up at him and leaned in to give him a kiss which eventually turned into a heated make out session. Neville couldn't recall how you ended up on top of him or how your hands had slipped under his shirt but they did. He untimely stopped the moment when his crotch was becoming increasingly annoying as you rested your weight on him. He sensed that you had felt a little disappointed despite your reassuring words. 
Neville rubbed the back of his head in frustration as he recalled the memory. He didn't want to stop but his insecurities got the best of him. He remembered how self conscious he felt when you started to rub up and down on his chest and stomach. Neville knew he did not have the most muscular built nor was he very slim. He often wondered what you even saw in him. 
He hated when he started to overthink. He quickly shut out those thoughts and ended up thinking about you and your smile. How he loved your smile and how bright you beamed every time you looked at him like he was the greatest person in the world. 
"That has to count for something right?" He whispered to himself. 
'Wait what if she does want to have sex this week?' He pondered on the possibility. 
His mind wondered about the idea of losing his virginity to you and smiled to himself as another thought entered his mind. 
You were riding him like your life depended on it. It was really a sight for sore eyes and he found himself more open to the idea. Then his eyes went wide with the sudden realization that he doesn't really know anything about the female anatomy. He didn't really know where his penis was supposed to enter or where the clit was. At this point he had wished there was some sort of sex education at Hogwarts.
His nerves seemed to oscillate from high to low with his constant thinking.
"This is going to be a long break." He said to himself rubbing his temples.
That night he kept twisting and turning in bed and couldn't get much sleep. He ended up sleeping for only 4 hours and was woken up by the sunshine entering the windows. He reluctantly got out of bed and got ready for the day. 
Heading out of Gryffindor tower he left towards the great hall for breakfast. 
a/n: Hoped you like it. 😊
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mrstaeminlee · 3 years
Mission Complete Ch 2
You had two goals in life. One: Complete your squad training without dying. Two: Fuck Levi Ackerman
Pairings: Levi/f!reader
Warnings: Swearing, eventual smut, lmk if I need to add anything~
Seven months later
Training under Captain Levi was a bitch. Rewarding as hell, but a fucking bitch. To make it worse, your time with the man was making your seemingly one sided thirst turn itself into something more, which you were absolutely unprepared for. It almost made you miss your training under the commendant, nasty death breath be damned.
You found that while it certainly drove you to your physical and mental limits, you genuinely liked the man you had spent the past few months trying to impress, even if he made your life a living hell by constantly asking more of you than he did any of the other prospective additions to his prestigious team. Wondering why, you briefly entertained the thought that maybe he held some sort of physical or emotional attraction towards you, but as you reflected on your interactions with the captain the past seven months you couldn't pinpoint anything that would be considered fanfiction worthy. There had been no lingering touches, no longing gazes from across the training grounds, not even so much as a wanting glance at your breasts that you tried so desperately to flaunt as naturally as possible when he would observe you all sparring. No, all you had to show for the past 212 days was having your face slammed into the dirt more times than you cared to count and an intimate connection with somehow always getting punished to deep clean the mess hall.
When some squad member whose name you couldn't be bothered to remember dropped by to give you a notice to be on the training grounds three hours earlier than normal, your best guess was that you had found some way to fuck something up without realizing and you would get to clean that fucking hall - again.
Unable to sleep for more than a few hours, you decided to forget trying to sleep, and a couple of orgasms courtesy of your well used friend later you decided to say fuck it, and got out of bed, grabbing your things to shower and get ready for the day even though not even the fucking sun had decided to grace the compound with it's presence. After cleaning yourself up and making sure all of your straps were secure you made your way to the training grounds, making a side trip to steal a thick chunk of bread and some cheese for your breakfast. With still a half hour to spare before the time you were supposed to be on the grounds by, you took your time making your way there, appreciating the empty halls and the quiet. Between training, having roommates, and a shared mealtime, quiet wasn't really something you got to experience anymore. Even your showers were normally noisy since private shower stalls appeared to be out of the military budget. Figures, a government run by men, you bet they thought about you hot female scouts showering together all the time. You took in the smell of the early morning air and took a hearty bite of the bread, shoving the thought of perverted and corrupt old men out of your mind and grabbed your water bottle to wash it down as you made your way across. Deciding you'd had enough sightseeing of the place you had literally spent over half a year you decided to just wait for whoever was supposed to meet you and you quickened your pace to get to the training field, chomping down the last of your breakfast.
After you arrived and had verified no one else was there you plopped down angrily onto a grassy area, figuring at least one other person should be there by now. Looking back, you didn't recall anyone else receiving any type of notice after dinner. You groaned loudly, running your fingers through your still damp hair. "Mother fucker, if one of those fucking fucks tricked me into waking up early I swear to-"
"You have quite the mouth on you, don't you Scout? I don't recall hearing you speak like that even after getting pounded into the ground by Reiner."
Choking on your spit from surprise and also wondering why the fuck he decided he had to word it like that you sprung to your feet, turning around and forming a proper salute. Oh Jesus.
"I-I'm sorry sir, I thought for a moment that someone had pranked me. I won't swear like that again, sir!" I swear to God if you make me clean the mess hall one more time I'll-
Levi smirked.
Holy shit.
"Relax, Scout, we both know you're lying about that. I'm the one that sent the notice for you, did you even bother noticing my signature at the bottom?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms over those deliciously strong chest muscles.
Your eyes widened. To be honest, all you had seen on the notice was the time and place to be, you hadn't even thought of looking to see who had sent it. "You...you sent for me, sir?" Your confused tone seemed to amuse him, if his cocked eyebrow was anything to go by.
"Yes, you dumbass brat. You need to start reading things thoroughly," he frowned then, "I didn't take you as the type to be so thoughtless. Now, do you have any idea why I would have sent for you so early?"
Because clearly if you don't get to sleep none of us fucking do.
"No sir!"
"Put down the fucking salute, Scout, it's just you and me here."
You obeyed immediately, shifting into a more relaxed stance as you crossed your arms under your chest. You were almost positive you imagined him glancing down for the briefest of seconds but just as quickly brushed off the thought. You could only be so lucky; this wasn't some badly written fanfiction, after all. "No offense Captain, but I have no idea why I'm here. Did I do something to piss someone off? Did I piss YOU off?"
Levi rolled his eyes. "No. I want you-"
Holy FUCK-
"-to join my squad."
Was it the moment you'd been training for for almost 3 years?
Was it something you ever thought would happen?
Not quite.
Were you a little (okay, a significant amount of) disappointed when he continued to speak after the word 'you'?
You grinned anyway.
"I thought you'd never ask, Cap."
Tags: @levisbebe @dannylothbrok
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birthdaysentiment · 3 years
hi its the anon that asked for fic recommendations! I’ve read some of them and IM IN LOVE so if you have more (with any storyline) I’d like to read them as well 🥰
hiii anon! i'm so happy you liked the fic recommendations. all of them is some of my personal favorites, so i was happy to share them with you. oml of course! i love talking about fics, so i would love to recommend more. i made a list underneath (because it got pretty long...), and i've tried to divide them as good as i could into tropes to make it a little easier. hope you’ll enjoy these fics too! ✨
robbe and sander: strangers to lovers (multi-chapter fics)
l. rotten work by aholynight on ao3. this is a complete fic with 5 chapters and it’s one of my all-time favorites. i've read it so many times, and it was also one of the first fanfictions i ever read. just the fact that robbe is a fire breather in this is enough to make it absolutely amazing, and just every chapter is so good and you just keep wanting more. there’s so much tension between robbe and sander and ahhh it’s just so good, i want to read it again!
ll. the night we met by @bxbyi (themoongirl on ao3). another complete fic, this time with 7 chapters with robbe as a writer. it’s such a sweet little detail, and i love it so much, because it sort of helps robbe to deal with some of the things he’s going through, and idk i just love the idea of robbe as a writer. the fic is also centered around liminal spaces and insomnia and how robbe and sander sort og bonds over it. again, another one of my favorites
lll. paint me in trust by @bxbyi (themoongirl on ao3). a complete fic with 7 chapters and vampire!sander that you never know you needed. this fic kinda has everything in terms of fluff and angst, and the fluff in the last chapters is just so good that i often go back to read it, just to jet my fix lol. the relationship between robbe and sander is so good and it’s so nicely written and another favorite of mine, because it’s so ahhh!
llll. money is (not) everything by @jxoxsxsxi (loenaadamson on ao3). a complete fic with 10 chapters, where sander is the rich kid with all the money and opportunities, but a life with no love and purpose until he meets robbe. this is the kind of fic you can read in a day because its so good. love the banter between them in the beginning and how in love they are. i remember that a chapter was posted every day for 10 days and oml what a ride!
v. the finest of the meadow by allforyoumylove on ao3. a complete fic with 6 chapters and probably one of the softest sobbe fics out there, where robbe and sander fall in love while meeting in a meadow. i love this so much, and everything about it is just so soft and sweet. how they’re both there for each other, how they take care of each other too, and just how amazingly sweet they are. and they’re stargazing, so... yeah that killed me
vl. remember my name by @sobbefairytales (ijzermans on ao3). another complete fic with 9 chapters and another personal favorite. who knew the reveal of a name could mean so much and possibly change so much for two young boys. this fic is another perfect example of pure fluff and angst and how well balanced it is. every chapter left you hanging, just desperately wanting to read the next one. it was such a journey and i still remember how empty i felt when i had read the last chapter. just love this one so much!
vll. swimmer sander by @bijvoorbeeldja - a complete fic here on tumblr with 4 chapters and a epilogue. sander as a swimmer is something i never knew i needed to see, and to have robbe take swimming lessons from sander too... i mean it was everything i wanted and more. this is so sweet and just to see them navigate through their relationship with sander’s carer on the side too. such a sweet fic full of fluff as well
vlll. i see you when you run from the light (within your eyes) by @womenstan (womenstan by ao3). this fic is a work in process, but it already has 2 chapters. this is another example of an au i never knew i needed until i read it, because seeing blind!sander and robbe fall in love is just the cutest thing ever. there’s so much fluff already and i'm so excited for every chapter to come. the way sander ‘sees’ robbe through touch makes me so emotional and ahhh i am already so hooked on this fic
vllll. waiting down at the station by ivy_seas on ao3. another work in process with 2 chapters already. seeing robbe and sander fall in love on a train is the cutest thing ever and when they start to see each other, outside of the train ride, i can just feel my heart starting to become a fluttering mess. it’s such a sweet story and i am so in love with the first two chapters and how the pacing is so far. there’s so much fluff already and we had a little taste of angst, so i'm excited to see what happens next!
x. five out of thirty by @tyrusmwm (tokenmwm on ao3). a work in process fic with a total of 18 chapters so far, where robbe and sander is having a long-distance relationship since robbe travels a lot for work. it’s written from robbe’s point of view in a first person narrator and i love that, because robbe’s thoughts and self-commentary is the best and funniest thing ever. sander is so in love with robbe, where robbe sometimes has a hard time expressing that, even though we know he’s so gone for him. this is a fic i'm always looking forward to reading the next chapter of
xi. ground control to us by @hopelessromanticvirgo. a complete social media au, with a couple of fic-style chapters too. this was one hell of a ride and i remember reading this in “real-time” and oml it was the best thing. it was also the first so/me au i read and i've been hooked on them ever since. sander is a famous singer, who starts to text with his biggest fan, who happens to be robbe, but robbed just doesn’t know it’s sander he’s texting with. there’s so much angst in this oml, but it’s all worth it because the fluff and their relationship is so good
sobbe: established relationship (multi-chapters)
l. to the one i love: fuck you by @hopelessromanticvirgo (reddlene on ao3). a complete fic with 13 chapters and one hell of a roller-coaster ride. i remember reading the first 11 chapters in one day and i didn’t know what to do with myself afterwards. in this fic you never really know what to believe and i love that, how you never really know what is going on until you get the answers. there’s so much angst but the ending is worth it
ll. vrijdag 21:37 by @wasteourdays (wasteourdaysdreaming on ao3) - complete fic with 7 chapters, but there could be more (as far as i understood). its centered around the same party, but in each chapter you see the party from a different characters point of view. this is actually the first sobbe fic i read and i still love it so much. there’s so many amazing scenes in it and all of it is so in character for them. love it so much and it’s just so good!
lll. visitations by @lucidpantone (lucidpantone on ao3) - another complete fic with 6 chapters where it’s sort of an established relationship, but also not, because this fic is quite a journey. it varies between scenes from the present and scenes from the past, but when we don’t know when they are in the past. the past is sort of helping the reader into understanding the present and what is happening, but it’s definitely a fic that gets better the more you read it because you start to understand everything more. it’s just such a good fic!
llll. "do i know you?" by @srta-pepa (srtapepa on ao3) - a work in progress with 15 chapters and only one to go. this fic has been a journey and oml what a ride. robbe lost his memory due to a car-crash and he doesn’t remember his relationship with sander, so already there there’s a lot of angst, but the fluff is there too and oml i am never getting tired of it. it’s such a sweet fic and it makes me sad to think it’s almost over, but i can’t wait for the last chapter either
sobbe: established relationship (one-shots)
l. the sun came up and i was looking at you by allforyoumylove on ao3. one of my all-time favorite one-shots with robbe and sander waking up on a sunday morning, just staying in bed, kissing and cuddling, and of course sander just being sander. love this so much and it’s just so full of fluff and everything you love and hold so close to your heart. i read this on a weekly basic because i just need that fix of sobbe fluff
ll. paper rings by @wlwharrys (thekardemomme on ao3). when sander has a bad day and robbe is just there for him, like he always is. there is so much fluff in this that your heart almost can’t take it, and even though there’s a very light slip on angst, it only makes the fluff better and ahhh it’s the cutest thing ever. sobbe in an established relationship always makes me go through the feels, to see how comfortable and safe they are with each other
lll. fizzy colas by @foxsake5 (foxsake5 on ao3). another one-shot that just makes you smile because it’s so sweet and so... heartwarming in a way. tipsy!robbe is one of my favorites and he’s just the absolute sweetest person on this earth and to see sander be so in love with him only makes it better. who knew a trip to the store to buy some candy could make you feel so much
llll. hold all my cliches on the tip of my tongue by @phascinationphases (nbrook on ao3). a fic that saved us from what happened on valentine’s day and brought back sander’s bleached hair, something that we all are hoping for (but something we’re probably never going to get.. *signs*). this is so cute and full of fluff and banter and teasing and just sobbe being best friends and boyfriends too. and the one-liners sander comes with is enough to make you get through the day
v. one night (and love) so young and beautiful by @birthdaysentiment (birthdaysentiment on ao3... yeah me)... well i had to do a little advertisement for my own little one-shot lol. idk it’s definitely not the best out there, but people who know me, knows how much i need to see robbe and sander make out against a wall and slow-dance together, so i wrote a one-shot about that and just included everything that i love... so yeah enjoy i guess
sobbe: other tropes
l. you're my stars... and everything in between by @robbesdriesen (aurorawinds on ao3). a one-shot with the trope secret relationship (a trope we don’t have enough fics with). this is so amazing and it’s inspired by romeo & juliet so do i even need to say more? they’re so in love and when they’re held back from being together, the angst is just right there, but the fluff that comes after... i mean my heart is melting just thinking about it
ll. just friends by @sincerelysobbe (sincerelysobbe on ao3) - a complete fic with 4 chapters and robbe and sander being friends with benefits, until they realize that they just want to be together. this is such an amazing fic, and to see sander be so head over hells in love with robbe is just the best thing. they’re so sweet together, the way they can’t help but look at each other and just wishing they were more than just friends. i just love it!
lll. this isn't our first time around by noobishere on ao3. one of my favorite one-shots that idk how to explain lol. but it’s just robbe and sander traveling through different alternative universes where they always seem to be together or have some kind of connection, but just not in the one they’re living in, but maybe all the traveling can change that. i love the whole concept of it and it’s just so clever and i need to reread this again asap, because it’s so good
llll. if i asked you first, would you be my prince? by @sonderthroughthestreets and @to-enter-polaris (createdforyou and isaksliveterna on a3). a work in progress with t2o chapters already. i’ve always wanted a ballet!sobbe fic, so when i heard about this fic i was already hooked. in this universe robbe and sander are a part of the same ballet company and they’re both fighting for the same spot in the next big play. it’s an enemies to lovers fic and even though it’s mostly angst right now, i can’t wait for the fluff to take over, because it’s gonna be so good
v. sincerely, always yours by @hopelessromanticvirgo. this is a social media au with a couple of fic-style chapters. this was such an emotional roller-coaster, not just for robbe and sander but also for you as a reader. the lack of communication from them was driving me crazy and the amount of times i wanted to pull my hair out just shows that this au was so good and one you just couldn’t help but get invested in. it’s sort of a best friends to lovers but also with a little enemies in it and just a lot of angst (like so much), but also a lot of fluff, that was just the best!
and... a couple of days ago i made a little overview over some robbe and sander fics with the tropes enemies to lovers and friends (best friends, childhood friends etc.) to lovers too, so if you want to, you can check that out here.
there’s over 800 sobbe fics at ao3 right now and so many drabbles and so/me au’s here on tumblr and all of them are just so amazing! (this is just a little snip of them all), so if you want more recommendations, or more sobbe stuff to read, then go to ao3 (under the sobbe tag) or try and search for them here on tumblr (under sobbe fic or wtfock fic). there’s so many amazing stories and the writers deserves all the credit for them!
so, once again i just want to say a massive thank you to every fic and drabble writer and just to all the content creators, because you keep me alive during this drought and the undeniable lack of sobbe. thank you for blessing me everyday and just thank you for everything you’re doing. sending you all lots of hugs and kusjes! ✨
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envision-fandom · 3 years
Isaac Lahey fanfiction 
Reader x Isaac Lahey
Prompt - This fanfiction is based loosely off of Teen Wolf Season 2, where Isaac first becomes a werewolf. You are new to Beacon Hills High School and you can’t help but develop a crush on your Chemistry partner. But how will your relationship evolve, once your crush is bitten by Derek and becomes a werewolf?
It was your first day at Beacon Hills High School. 
Your mother had dragged you with her, out of the country and away from your comfortable, ordinary life in England. 
You were conflicted. Part of you was excited to begin this new adventure, but the other part of you was terrified of being thrown head first into the unknown. 
You walked along the fast paced corridors, looking around with curiosity at the different atmosphere of an American School. You made your way to your locker and took out the slip of paper with your locker combination on it. 
You entered the code and exhaled with relief when you heard the click of the locker opening. You emptied out your bag, keeping only the books you would need for your first two classes in your bag.
You had decided to get to school early so you could get to know your surroundings and you still had time before your first class. You gazed out at the crowd of teens filling the halls, all laughing and joking with one another and you let out a long sigh. 
“Classes haven’t even begun yet and you already sound fed up. That’s not a good sign.” You jump slightly at the sudden voice coming from behind you and spin around. 
You were met by an amused look, and the guy smirked across at you. “Hi, you must by Y/N, the new girl from England. My names Stiles. My dads the Sheriff.” He offers his hand out to you and you shake it, glad that you had someone to talk to. 
“Hi Stiles. My name is Y/N, I am from England and you sound pretty proud that your dad’s the Sheriff.” You smile at him, wanting to make a good first impression. 
He laughs “Yeah, I guess you could say that. So what’s your first class?” He asks, continuing your conversation. 
You pull out your class schedule, but before you can even answer, Stiles takes the paper from you and begins scanning the page. “Hey, my first class is also Chemistry, let’s go together, I can show you to the classroom!” He beams at you and you smile in return.
As you enter the classroom together, you were laughing at a joke Stiles was telling you. You were thankful that he had approached you and you were beginning to feel more at ease, until a stern voice cuts off your conversation. 
“I see you’ve already latched yourself onto the new girl Stilinski? I hope you’re not planning on distracting her during my class and bringing her down to your level?” He looks down his nose at Stiles, before turning to face you. “My name is Mr Harris, I am you Chemistry teacher and I will not tolerate any misbehavior in my classroom.” 
“M-my name is Y/N Y/L/N.” You stuttered, slightly intimidated by Mr Harris’s glare “And I promise to behave.” 
“Yes, I know who you are Miss Y/L/N... and I will keep you to that promise. Now take your seat.” 
You nodded in understanding and followed after Stiles, he pulled out the chair next to him, offering you a seat, but before you could sit down Mr Harris let out a condescending laugh. “Yeah, that’s not happening. Miss Y/L/N, please can you take a seat towards the back, next to Mr Lahey?” 
You looked behind you and saw a tall, wavy haired boy look up suddenly at the mention of his name. The seat next to him was empty, so you assumed he was Lahey and you were meant to sit next to him. You looked back at Stiles and let out a small smile of apology and he smiled and shrugged in response.  
You carried on walking to the back of the classroom and awkwardly sat next to the tall, wavy haired boy. He shuffled away from you slightly as you sat down and you couldn’t help but feel slightly offended. He was clearly uncomfortable having you sit next to him, but you didn’t want the rest of the year to be as awkward so you plucked up the courage to talk to him “Hi, I’m Y/N.” You introduce yourself and smile in his direction. He risks a glance at you and his eyes widen suddenly, before quickly looking a way. 
You were about to look away feeling slightly defeated, until he whispers under his breath “Isaac... that’s my name.” His cheeks suddenly flush red and you’re shocked to feel a small tingling of butterflies forming in your stomach. 
You tried to communicate with Isaac a few times throughout the lesson, but he would only respond if you asked him a question about the work and not once did he make eye contact with you. Usually you would find his behaviour rude, but you couldn’t help but find him endearing. Every time you spoke to him he would either play with his hair awkwardly, or a blush would form on his cheeks and you would find yourself thinking about how cute he looked. 
You couldn’t help but wonder if he behaved this way with everyone, or with just you. So throughout the rest of the day, you couldn’t help but scout out the area, trying to catch a glimpse of him interacting with someone else.
You sat with Stiles and the rest of his friends at lunch. Glad that he also had some female friends you could speak to. Allison was the more welcoming of the two, but after half an hour, you could feel Lydia beginning to warm up to you. You tried to focus on the conversation at hand, desperately wanting to make a good impression and hopefully become part of the gang, but the sight of the slender boy sitting alone in the corner kept pulling away your focus. 
You hear Stiles chuckle next to you, finally pulling your attention away from Isaac. You look away from him quickly and turn to face Stiles, not wanting to make it obvious you were staring. Except it was clear that the whole group had already noticed “I feel there may be a lot of actual Chemistry happening in Mr Harris’ class this year.” Stiles jokes, nudging at your arm. 
You couldn’t help but blush and hit him back playfully “Yeah I agree, I could feel the sexual tension radiating between you and Mr Harris. I’m sure you’ll make a great couple.” You cause the rest of the group to laugh, glad to take the attention away from you and your obvious crush on Isaac. 
It was finally time for your last class of the day and you were honestly surprised at how well your first day at Beacon Hills high School had gone. You had actually managed to make some friends and you had made a good impression in most of your classes. 
You entered the classroom and looked around for an empty seat. There was no seating plan for this lesson and you noticed most students had already formed small groups and were sitting beside their friends. You spotted a free seat next to Scott and was about to approach him and ask to sit there when you noticed Isaac at the back of the classroom, with another student sitting alone in front of him.  
You had noticed the other boy earlier at lunch, when you were scanning the room for Isaac and he had also been sitting alone then. You began to sypathise with him, knowing that if Stiles hadn’t approached you that morning then you might have been in the same position. Sitting alone with no one to talk to. You made up your mind and approached the large boy. “Hi I’m Y/n. Do you mind if I sit here?”
He looked up, clearly shocked that someone was communicating with him “O-oh, yeah...sure.” He responded. 
You smiled warmly at him and began asking questions about himself. You found out his name was Boyd and he worked nights at the ice rink. You were glad to find him opening up to you as the lesson progressed and nearing the end of the class you were even laughing together like close friends. You couldn’t believe he had no friends at School, but he told you about how he got suspended last year for fighting, even though it was self defense and since then everyone else had been too afraid to approach him. You sort of understood why, as it was almost hard to believe Boyd was still in high school due to the sheer size of him. But luckily you hadn’t heard the false rumours about him yet and had gotten to know his true personality for yourself. 
You were glad you had made another friend at school and you had gotten on that well together, that you had barely even registered Isaac sitting behind you both. However, you couldn’t help but risk a quick glance behind you before the lesson ended and you instantly made eye contact with Isaac. You swiveled around in your chair so fast you thought you had given yourself whiplash. How long had he been looking at you? Surely it was just a coincidence? Maybe he was actually looking at the board and you just thought he was looking at you? Or maybe he was just drawn to the movement of you turning around? Yeah that was probably it. I mean he had barely even looked at you during your first class. You let out a small sigh, and tried to calm down the beating of your heart. 
Boyd glanced at you and smirked knowingly, passing you a note. You read it and your heart instantly began to beat out of control once again. It read ‘Isaac is a lucky guy.’ You scribbled a hasty response ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ You thrust the note at Boyd and he leaned over and whispers in your ear “You know what it means.” 
Over the next few weeks you had grown closer to both Boyd and Stiles and his group. Sadly, the one person you did want to get closer to was still barely paying you any attention and would mostly ignore you during class, unless you asked him a question about the work. That’s why, you were surprised when you showed up to your first class on Monday morning and Isaac was in his usual seat next to you. Except the aura surrounding him had completely changed, as well as his outfit and the way he was sitting. He was now sporting a black leather jacket, black jeans and converse. He was leaning back in his chair, rocking back and forth with his head held high, as he looked around the classroom. You noticed Scott glaring daggers in his direction and Stiles was looking back and forth between you and Isaac on the edge of his chair, as if he was readying himself to jump between the two of you. You looked back towards Isaac curiously and your heart skipped a beat when you noticed his dark eyes looking you over, a slow smirk beginning to form on his face. 
You held your breath, not knowing how to react. He had never looked at you that way before and the seductive way he was staring at you caused your whole body to heat up. You began to walk towards him, almost as if you were in a trance. You were drawn in by his allure and you found yourself wanting to just give yourself to him there and then. You cautiously sat down beside him and it took all of your strength to greet him the same as usual “Hi Isaac. I hope you had a good weekend?” You internally screamed at how faint your voice had come out. It was so clear you had no control in this situation. 
He chuckles darkly, the seductive sound causes a shiver to run through your body “My weekend was great. You could even say one of the best. But nothing compares to today...” He leans forward and whispers into your ear “This is my favourite class after all.” 
You spent the rest of the lesson literally on the edge of your seat. A flood of emotions had passed through you in the space of an hour and just when you had begun to calm down, Isaac would lean in and whisper something into your ear or would “accidentally” brush his knee with yours. 
You had no idea what had come over him. The quiet, shy Isaac you had come to know and like, had completely disappeared over night and was replaced with an overly confident, flirtatious persona. You had no idea which Isaac was the real one anymore, but either way you found yourself attracted to him.  
You sat with Scott, Stiles, Lydia and Allison at lunch and Isaac was the main topic of conversation. “I think he’s better this way.” Lydia announced “He actually seems attractive now.” 
Stiles looked at you “You better be careful Y/N, or Lydia is going to swoop in and steal your man.” 
You punched Stiles lightly on his arm “He is not my man!” You turn to face Lydia “And he was attractive before! You just didn’t know the real him.” You confront her. 
“And you did?” She responds “He barely even spoke two words to you before today.” She rolls her eyes at you. 
You were about to respond before Scott interrupts “The main point is, he’s changed suddenly and I’d like to figure out how or why he’s suddenly acting different.” He gave the rest of the group a cryptic look and you let out a sigh. 
You had a feeling there was something the rest of the group was hiding from you and you only hoped they would trust you enough soon, to be able to tell you what it was. 
It was once again your last lesson of the day and you smiled at Boyd as you entered the classroom. You decided not to look at Isaac, as you couldn’t take another moment of his alluring stare. 
It was only a few minutes into the class however, when you felt a sudden kick to your chair. You looked behind you and noticed Isaac's foot on the back of your seat. You turned back around and decided to ignore it. It wasn’t causing you too much of an issue and you weren’t feeling strong enough to face the new Isaac at the moment. 
A few moments later you felt another kick, but you just rolled your eyes and carried on writing. However, after the fourth kick, you had had enough. You looked over your shoulder at Isaac, but he pretended not to notice and acted like he had done nothing wrong. You made eye contact with Boyd and rolled your eyes, causing him to chuckle. Isaac suddenly kicked your chair again, however this time he kicked it with some force and you were pushed harshly against your desk, bruising your ribs. You let out a grunt of pain and for a moment you were shocked that Isaac had hurt you. 
However, your shock didn’t last long and you found yourself suddenly angry at his actions. You pushed your chair back with force, causing him to remove his foot from your chair and you twisted around ferociously, glaring daggers at him. For a moment he looked like the usual Isaac you had grown to like. You saw a flash of remorse and worry spread across his face and for a moment you thought he was going to apologise. 
But then Boyd also turned to face Isaac protectively and you were glad to have him by your side as a trusted friend. Isaac looked towards Boyd and then back to you, a sadistic smirk slowly spreading across his face. He chuckled lightly and rolled his eyes at you, before leaning back in his chair and looking out of the window. 
You had decided to sit with Boyd at lunch the next day, as you had plans to go over your history homework. You couldn’t help but glance over at the table where Isaac usually sat alone and were shocked to see him sitting beside a blonde girl. His arm draped casually over her shoulder. Did Isaac get himself a girlfriend? 
You quickly looked away, not wanting to get caught staring. Especially after what went down between you two yesterday. However, Boyd had noticed you looking over at Isaac and even he seemed to be shocked at what he saw “Are Isaac and Erica dating now?!” He exclaimed. 
Your eyes widened in shock “Wait, that’s Erica?!” You risked another glance over at them and quickly turned away. Both Isaac and Erica were staring in your direction, both of them smirking wildly. 
You looked up at Boyd and noticed him still looking over at them. You grabbed a hold of his arm and yanked at him, causing him to look away “Why did you do that?” He asked. 
You whispered harshly at him “Because you were staring! Do you want them to know we were talking about them?!” 
Boyd whispered back “I don’t really care either way. And is that why you’re whispering?” 
You rolled your eyes “Well I do! And yes obviously.” 
Boyd began to laugh “Y/n, they’re sitting at the other end of the hall, I really doubt they can hear us.” He reasoned, no longer whispering. 
You sat up straight and flipped back your hair “Yes, well... I guess you’re right.” Soon enough you were both laughing at your stupidity and you were glad for the distraction. You didn’t want to think about Isaac dating anyone else, even after how much of a jerk he was being. 
Your laughter was interrupted not long after, when Scott and Stiles approached you both. “Hey Y/N, hey Boyd.” Stiles waved before sitting opposite you. 
“Hey guys.” You respond “What can we do for you?” 
Scott suddenly spoke up “Well actually we are here to receive the keys to the ice rink off Boyd.” He beamed at Boyd, clearly trying to charm him with a bright smile. 
Boyd leaned forward “I told Stilinski it would be 50 dollars.”
Stiles moved forward to meet Boyd half way “I’m pretty sure you said it would be 20.” He slides 20 dollars across the table. 
Boyd huffs and slides the notes back towards him “I said 50.” He was holding his ground. You watched the exchange with amusement. 
“Okay, how about 30?” Stiles asks hopefully. 
“50.” Boys responds. 
Stiles sighs and gets out his wallet and counts his money “Look I’ve only got 40 and...” He searched around in his pockets and pulls out a chocolate bar “some chocolate?” 
Boyd stays silent for a while, before taking a set of keys out of his pocket “Deal.” He trows the keys to Stiles and reaches for the money and chocolate bar. 
“What are you guys doing at the ice rink?” You finally ask, breaking the silence. 
Scott smiles at you, we are taking Allison and Lydia on a double date.” You smile back at him, before turning to Stiles, smirking slightly. 
“Does Lydia know it’s a date?” You ask and he stumbles over his words. 
“Not exactly, but hopefully she will realise half way through and will see it as the best date she’s ever had.” You can’t help but laugh at his optimism. “We were gonna ask if you wanted to come actually, but we thought it would be awkward if you didn’t have a date of your own...” 
Scott chimed in “You’re still welcome to join us though... if you find a date.” Scott looks away sheepishly.
Stiles glances over at Isaac, who was now sitting alone “Why don’t you ask him?” 
You can’t help but sigh “I probably would have, but not anymore. He’s become a real jerk and I don’t date bullies.” A sudden idea springs to mind “Hey Boyd?” Your friend turns away from counting his money from Stiles and looks at you. “Want to go on a date with me?” You ask. 
Boyd lets out a laugh “Sure thing!” He exclaims excited. 
Stiles lets out a low groan “Are you serious? We basically just paid him to go on a date with you!” 
You and Boyd look at each other and laugh “Yeah I guess you did!” Scott and Stiles walk away in defeat “We will see you tonight!” You call after them still laughing. Boyd opens up the chocolate bar from Stiles and splits it in half, handing you a piece. 
You accept it gratefully and begin eating contentedly, looking forward to your date tonight. 
You picked Boyd up on your way to the Ice rink. You were meeting the rest of the gang there and you were glad that Boyd had agreed to come with you, as you wanted him to get to know your other friends and maybe even join the group himself.
Everyone else was already there when you arrived and you were impressed at Lydia’s ice skating abilities. Whilst she was spinning around on the ice like a professional ice skater, Scott was barely managing to stay upright and was grabbing hold of Allison for support. You turned to Boyd and held your hand out to him, “Care to take me on a tour of your work?” You ask and he gladly accepts your invitation. Soon enough you were both skating along the rink, laughing merrily.
After a few hours of skating around with everyone, your toes were beginning to get too cold, so you and Boyd decided to head home. You made your way out of the entrance of the ice rink and out into the car park, still laughing happily. You were glad Scott and Stiles had invited you out, needing the distraction to keep your mind off Isaac.
However, just before you reached your car. A black SUV pulled into the car park and skidded to a halt in front of you both. The driver door opened and a muscly, dark haired man got out. He began walking towards Boyd with purpose. You grabbed hold of Boyd's sleeve on instinct, slightly intimidated by the unknown man. The passenger door and one of the back doors of the car then opened and to your surprise Erica, followed by Isaac got out of the car and stood beside the dark haired man.
You couldn’t help but stare at Isaac, but after glancing in your direction once, he didn’t even look at you again. Erica, however, was smirking at you. Her full focus drawn in your direction. You glared back at her, not wanting her to think she managed to get under your skin. After a moment, you turned your attention back to the mysterious male.
He walked forward slowly “Hi Boyd, my name is Derek Hale. Is it okay if we can talk? Isaac here has told me all about you.” He gestures towards Isaac and smiles at Boyd.
You were surprised at Derek's words, why was Isaac talking to this man about Boyd?
“Erm... sure.” Boyd replies, before turning to me “Are you okay to wait here for a minute whilst we talk?”
You nod at him and look back towards Derek, who is finally acknowledging your presence “Actually, this may take a while. I can drop Boyd home, so you can go on ahead. We wouldn’t want you to stay out too late.” He smiles at you, clearly trying to be friendly. But for some unknown reason, it causes a tingle down your spine.
“I don’t mind waiting.” You say, not wanting to leave Boyd alone “I can just wait in the car if it's private-” You were about to continue when Isaac suddenly cut you off.
“Y/N. Just go home. This is none of your business.” He was so abrupt with you, that it caused a pain in your chest. He didn’t even bother to face you, but instead turned his head to the side away from you and crossed his arms in annoyance.
“Oh.. okay.” You say quietly and Erica lets out a laugh, but you decided to ignore her and instead turn to face Boyd “Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t have to stay you know.”
He smiles down at you “I’m sure it will be fine. I will just hear what they have to say.”
You smile back at him and let go of his sleeve “Okay then, but text me when you’re home?” He nods in response and you turn back towards your car. You risk one last glance at Isaac and the others, but he refuses to look at you.
“It was nice to meet you Y/N.” Derek calls after you and you smile back at him.
“Don’t worry we won’t keep your boyfriend long!” Erica calls after you, but you carry on walking to your car. Not caring enough to respond.
You received a text from Boyd an hour later, saying he had gotten home safe. You sighed in relief, and finally allow yourself to drift off to sleep.
You had planned to ask Boyd about what had happened at school the next day, but he never showed. You dropped him a text during first period in case he was just running late, but he didn’t respond.
“You know, if you keep frowning like that you’ll get wrinkles.”
You jumped at the sudden voice beside you and glance down to see Isaac with his head on the desk, facing towards you. He had been sleeping through most of the class, so you were surprised to hear him speak.
You let out a sigh and face the board, ignoring Isaac.
“Hey, don’t ignore me.” Isaac sat up suddenly, but you continued with your work.
He let out a light chuckle “You know it’s rude to ignore people...”
You quickly cut him off “If you know it’s rude to ignore people, then why did you ignore me last night?” You instantly cursed yourself for responding. He was clearly looking for a reaction and you had given him one.
He smiled darkly at you “Is that what you’re mad about? If you want me to give you attention, all you have to do is ask.” He places his hand under the desk and reaches over to put his hand on your knee.
You are frozen in place. He edges towards you, his hand slowly moving up your thigh. Your heart began to beat out of control. A range of emotions washed over you. Panic. Pleasure. Anger. Lust. You finally got your thoughts into place, just before he reached a certain private spot. You reached under the table and grabbed his hand and thrust it away from you with as much force as you could muster.
You then stood up abruptly and smacked Isaac hard across the face. The sound echoed throughout the whole class room and everyone turned to face you in shock.
Mr Harris rounded on you in an instant “Miss Y/L/N! Make your way to the headteachers office this instant!” You were about to argue, when you were cut off “And Mr Lahey, you will come see me after class. Now go.”
You picked up your stuff off of the desk and threw it into your bag, before glaring down at Isaac, who was still sitting there stunned. You then stormed out of the classroom, not bothering to look back. 
Luckily you weren’t in trouble with the headteacher, after explaining what had happened. And even more surprisingly, you found yourself defending Isaac so he wouldn’t get expelled. His punishment would be a week of detention instead.
After skipping your next class, you decided to study on the bleachers. The weather was nice, and you thought a Vitamin D boost would help. You had managed to get most of your homework done and you were glad to keep yourself distracted. Your mind had been whirling with thoughts of Isaac and also worry for your friend Boyd, who had yet to text you back.
You decided to try calling Boyd, but it went straight to answer phone. You let out a heavy sigh and looked out across the field. A group of boys began sprinting across the field in their jerseys. You had completely forgotten that today they had practice for Lacrosse. Which meant the whole team, including Isaac, would be on the field. You began to pack up your homework, not wanting to bump into him, but someone called out to you, stopping you in your tracks.
“Hey Y/N!” You were glad to see Scott and Isaac coming towards you. “We heard about what happened in class, are you okay?!” Stiles asked, looking genuinely concerned.
You smiled at him, glad that you had good friends you could rely on “Yeah, I’m fine. Just an issue involving a certain someone getting a little handsy.” You nodded towards Isaac who had just made his way onto the field and was clearly trying his hardest not to look in your direction.
This time Scott spoke up “Wait, he put his hands on you?!” He was beginning to look mad and you smiled at him, trying to show him that you were okay.
“I’m fine, he only touched my leg. I stopped him before he could do anything worse.” You let out a sigh “Anyway, you guys have practice, so I’m going to go. Good luck to you both!” You patted them both on the shoulders and went to stand up.
Suddenly there were police officers on the field, being led by Stiles’s dad, the Sheriff. “I wonder what’s going on?” You say out loud.
“I don’t know.” Stiles admits.
You watched from the bleachers as Stiles’ dad approached Isaac. Suddenly Isaac was being escorted away, a shocked look on his face.
“Why are they taking Isaac?” You ask, slightly panicked.
“Because his dad was murdered.” Scott answers “And they think he’s a suspect.”
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Chapter 1
Description: Chris Evans becomes obsessed with you when he realises he can't have you. Eager to be with you in some form or the other, he starts writing fanfiction, where both of you are passionately in love with each other. But what happens when his imagination starts to merge with his reality in his subconsciousness?
Warnings: This entire mini-series will contain smut, bad language and angst. ONLY PROCEED IF YOU ARE 18+
This first chapter is inspired by the GIF below from @navybrat817 and @stargazingfangirl18 's ShamelessHoesForChris writing challenge. Click here to know more
A/N: I do not know Chris Evans personally. This fic is a work of imagination and should only be used as such. It doesn't comment on Chris or anybody else personally. It is also not meant to destroy his reputation or paint him in a bad light. I admire the guy and he really seems like a genuinely nice person. Again, I repeat, THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION SO TREAT IT AS SUCH!
A/N 2: I did search quite a lot on the internet and didn't come across a fic like this. Which makes me nervous and also kind of excited that I get to do something unique? Please please give me your criticism and feedback on this! Would love to hear your thoughts.
A/N 3: I have used a few big words throughout the series because this fic is from Chris' POV and we all know that he's a bit of a wordsmith 😅 I had never even heard these words before in my life. So please let me know if I have used them in an incorrect manner. 
My Main Masterlist
I don’t consent to have any of my work published or featured on any third party app, website or translated. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but Tumblr and AO3, it has been reposted without my permission. In that case, please do share the link and let me know.
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The best thing about shooting Defending Jacob? Chris got to stay in his house in Boston. The worst part about working on the set? He was currently stuck in a room engulfed in hot, angry flames of fire. The fire had abruptly started due to a short circuit and spread across the set in the blink of an eye. Coughing, Chris doubled down on the floor, his breathing becoming more laboured with each second. 
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The smoke stung his eyes as he looked around for a fire extinguisher. He tried calling for help, but only small grunts managed to escape his lips. Just as he was on the verge of losing consciousness, he heard a voice. Your voice.
"Is anyone here?" you called out, your voice faint in his ears. "Hello?" 
Chris tried to shout again, but only sank further towards the floor.
Luckily, you opened the door of his room and found his almost crumpled body on the ground. Using the fire extinguisher, you managed to douse as many flames as you could, while also covering Chris with a thick blanket. As the room was still filled with smoke, you pressed a wet towel on his face, asking him to breathe through his nose. 
Slowly, you managed to drag him out of the room and into the corridor, the fire reduced to embers in most places thanks to your fire extinguisher. Chris being a heavy man, you tried your best to support his weight as much as you could, your body almost stooping to form a right angle.
Just as you thought you might be in the clear, you heard a crack from above. Looking up, you realised that the ceiling was about to cave in and so, on impulse, you pushed Chris out of the way, as portions of the false ceiling fell on you, knocking you unconscious. 
Chris, in his state, vaguely realised what happened, before he lost his balance and fell to the ground a few feet away from you, his left arm stretched towards your limp body, as if reaching out.
Sirens of the firetruck and the ambulance filled the heavy air. A deep groan escaped his lips as he attempted to crawl towards you, a failed effort. Where did it all go so wrong? he thought. I was supposed to be the one to save you angel! You should be falling in love with me!! And break-up with your good for nothing fiancé! 
Overwhelmed with emotions, Chris started drifting off to sleep, your name leaving his lips in the form of a desperate whisper.
Chris met you for the first time at the table read for Defending Jacob. You didn't strike him as anyone special. Being the Junior Assistant Scriptwriter for the series, you were just in the room as a formality. It was your job to jot down the minutes of the meeting, and have the parts of the script marked which were supposed to be changed slightly. 
You managed to stay invisible for more such meetings. An introvert by nature, you kept to yourself even when the shooting started. 
It was in the Week 4 of the shooting when Chris actually started to notice you. He realised you were always absent from his house parties, never stayed around on the set for after-work shenanigans and, you never hung out with any of your crew-mates for a drink.
What really drove his attention towards you were your random acts of kindness. He once saw you feeding a homeless man in the alley behind the set. Unknown to you, it was where Chris often hid from his cast and crew to smoke. 
Then there was the bit with setting up of a mobile blood donation camp on the set, which was completely your idea. He had also seen you distribute fliers for animal adoption centres and NGOs who fought for climate preservation.
You always made sure everyone on the set ate before you did, and the ones who couldn't due to work, you were sure to help them and share their load so they could have lunch.
But one particular incident made him see that you were no ordinary woman. 
It was a particularly tough day on the set. They were shooting the 35-second sex scene between him and Michelle. While these scenes looked easy on the screen, they always made Chris feel uneasy about himself. "What if my body is not upto the mark?" , "I don't want to hurt Michelle in any way" , "God I hope I don't touch her inappropriately by mistake" and more such troubling thoughts clawed at his mind. After the scene finally ended, he felt the lustful eyes of the crew feasting on him, admiring his body on display. 
He hurried towards his van, avoiding to look at anyone, until his eyes met yours for a total of 5 seconds. He expected to see the same smirk to be reflected in your eyes as everyone else's. Instead, he saw a completely different emotion. He saw sadness, sympathy, and most importantly, recognition of his discomfort etched on your face.
After that, Chris started to keep a close eye on you. You always wore comfortable clothes, with loads of pockets. Yet somehow, they always fit you well. He also noticed that you always got your own lunch, refusing to eat the food available on the set. 
A few days after filming the sex scene, he decided to try to speak with you. Palms sweaty, he headed towards you and gently said your name. 
"Hi," he said, and stopped. 
"Hello Mr Evans," you greeted him back, a little surprised that he knew your name. 
He continued to look at you, bright cerulean eyes bearing into yours, apparently lost. You blinked twice, unfazed, and a little uncomfortable, "Can I help you sir?"
Chris shook his head slightly. He was so used to women fawning all over him, that your utter lack of excitement on seeing him deterred him a bit. 
He cleared his throat, a little flustered, *Ahem yeah… I wanted to ask… something… karaoke!" he managed to mumble, "It's karaoke night at my house. Tomorrow. Will you come? At night?"
"Umm… No Mr Evans. I am sorry I will not be able to make it," you politely declined while taking a small step back.
"Oh. Uhh… well we can have it any other night if you want," he cleared his throat again, sweat starting to gather on his forehead as he noticed your movement, "You never visit any of my house-parties."
You smiled a bit, "I like to go home early. I want to spend as much time as I can with my fiancé and my cat."
Chris raised his eyebrows at that revelation, "Fiancé? I… I don't see a ring."
"That's because there isn't one," your smile widened as you pulled the chain around your neck and revealed a locket. It was an intricately carved sunflower locket, with small, delicate curls nestled inside the petals. 
Chris glanced at it with disdain. It looked hand-made, cheap, "Is that… is it made from clay?"
"Yes Mr Evans," you beamed at the locket, admiring it with love and pride, "My fiancé is a potter and he made this himself. It took him over 6 hours just to carve all the petals. But he still made it because he knows how much I love sunflowers."
"So he's too poor to give you an appropriate ring?" Chris snapped at you. 
Offended, you looked at him in shock and anger as he continued. "You deserve someone who can afford to give you an expensive engagement ring. Not some cheap craft project."
You grit your teeth at his comment, "Unlike some people, I don't look at the price of the gifts, I look at their value. While this," you held the locket in front of his eyes, "is worthless for you, it is priceless for me."
You placed the locket back inside your shirt and walked away. Chris stood rooted at the spot, biting his cheek hollow. He hadn't meant to drive you away. He had just wanted you to see him as a prospective partner. 
As he turned towards his trailer, an idea popped into his head.
Next Friday saw you and your fiancé walk into the bowling alley. The production house had organised a "Bring Your Partner to Work Day" and you both were excited to step out of your routine lives. 
A few people on the set recognised your fiancé Aiden from his YouTube channel. Kenneth, an Assistant Set Designer, drooled over him, "Maaahhnnn! I love your pottery videos! They are so calming dude. How do you make them so relaxing?"
The ever shy and soft-spoken Aiden gushed at the compliment, turning a shade of red which you always found adorable. Aiden was almost the same height as you, with a lean figure and a kind, freckled face. Your friends always told you that Aiden's looks were nothing to brag about, but you disagreed. Because for you, this man was the most handsomest, cutest and sexiest person in the world. 
And you knew he felt the same way about you. That's why, even after being together for almost 5 years now, you two still looked at each other with heart eyes.
As the party progressed, you made sure to avoid Chris, and so far, you were successful. That was until he softly said your name. 
With dread in your stomach, you and Aiden turned around to face the man. Aiden knew of your previous encounter with Chris, and tried to square his shoulders as much as possible, but Chris' towering physique and personality literally made it impossible for Aiden to appear tough.
You gave Chris a curt nod and received a sweet smile in response. 
"I believe I owe you an apology," he confessed, "I am sorry. My behavior that day was inexcusable." He paused for reaction, but looking at your hesitant faces, he continued, "It was quite a hectic day on the set and I guess I took it all out on you," he looked towards you, "You know I am capricious by nature. It takes me some time to become gregarious. But," he raised his hands in the air, "I repeat, the way I acted was inexcusable. I am sorry."
He extended his arm towards Aiden, "You are a porter I believe."
"Potter, sir," Aiden corrected while shaking his hand and introducing himself.
You bit your tongue, knowing that Chris was mocking you with his false apology. 
He invited Megan to join the conversation, "Megan loves handmade ceramics. Maybe she would be interested in your work."
Introductions were made again, and as the conversation pursued, it arrived at the topic of your marriage.
"Have you guys decided on a date yet?" asked Megan as Chris looked at you. 
"We are planning to get married as soon as the shooting ends for DJ," you smiled.
"Oh really? Wow that's… unusual," Megan tried her best to hide her surprise.
"We don't know exactly when will the shooting end," Chris said with a frown on his face.
"That's not an issue Mr Evans. We are actually planning to get married at the courthouse," revealed Aiden.
"You know if money is an issue then we would be more than happy to help you guys out," Chris offered in a sincere tone. 
"Oh no no Mr Evans. Money isn't an issue," you clarified, "We have decided to donate the money we had intended to spend on the wedding."
"But thank you so much for the generous offer, we really appreciate it," Aiden added with a sincere smile.
"You know a lot of couples are doing that nowadays. It's a trend I believe," Megan commented, "Where are you going to make the donation?"
"The local orphanage where I grew up. We both love kids and, it just seemed to be the perfect choice," Aiden beamed at you. 
You mirrored his expression while Chris scowled. "I think everybody should get the wedding of their dreams, and you" he stated, pointing towards you, "deserve much more than a courthouse wedding. Don't you want to get married in a beautiful church? Walk down the aisle in a gorgeous white gown? And get married to a man who can actually fulfill your wishes and desires?"
Squaring your shoulders, you looked at Chris dead in the eye, "I am marrying the man of my dreams Mr Evans. The wedding ceremony doesn't matter to me. What does matter is the beautiful life we will begin together. Now if you will excuse us," you linked your arm with Aiden's, "we need to leave."
Chris watched you leave as Megan tried to distract him with something else. Tonight did not go the way he had anticipated.
He left the party shortly after you, directly heading for his home. Standing under the cold shower, he tried to reason with himself. He was acting out of character. There was no reason for his behavior. You had made it ample clear that you loved your fiancé and that nobody in the world could sway you.
Then why was he so hell-bent on claiming you as his?
Because she's perfect for you, a voice answered him. 
Yeah, but she belongs to someone else, he argued.
So what?, the voice urged, Fight for her. You saw her wimp of a fiancé. You can break him into two pieces without breaking a sweat. She is made for you. Just you, and nobody else.
"I… Just… No," Chris stammered loudly as he shook his head, trying to get rid of the voice in his mind.
He tried to meditate, but it didn't work. Dodger too, was unable to distract him. Even his books on self-help and mental health were of no use.
As a last resort, he opened his laptop, but his fingers halted at the search bar, the cursor blinking back at him.
He was too tempted to search for you again. The last time he had Googled you, he had been satisfied with the results. You often volunteered with a few NGOs, coordinated multiple donation drives, visited orphanages and taught underprivileged children. His heart had melted at a particular photograph- you were holding an 8-month-old girl in your arms, while looking over a painting drawn by a 4-year-old boy as the child looked up at you with a toothy smile. 
It reminded him of everything he wanted to have, but still couldn't. 
He closed his eyes and started kneading his forehead with his palms. Everybody he knew always only had the best things about him. Right from Scarlett to Mark to Olivia to every fucking person he had ever worked with, everybody said he deserved to have a loving wife, a stable family. 
And yet, here he was, on a Friday night, home alone with a beer bottle, on the verge of anxiety. 
Was it just anxiety though?
Who the fuck is Aiden and why does he deserve to be with her? the voice in his head was back.
They love each other, they want to get married, Chris reasoned.
He doesn't hold a candle next to you, the voice persisted, People love money more than they love others. She will come to you. But you need to let her know you are available. You need to take her to-
"No," Chris interrupted the voice loudly, "No. This is unhealthy. No."
Reaching for his phone, he searched for his therapist's number, when the voice chuckled, You really think a shrink is going to help you with this? Eh? They are only going to ask you to fuck another pussy, or read more books. And I will be damned before you touch another book about trees. 
Chris shook his head again, but in vain. Unable to find the number in his contacts, he turned to Google for the second time that night and started searching for therapists in his area. The voice tut-ted, Yeah, as if the psycho doctor is going to shut their trap about Chris Evans crying over a girl.
Chris almost crushed his bottle in frustration. He couldn't let the voice take over. Not now. Not after working his ass off to get where wanted in his career. Taking a deep breath, he looked at the screen again and came across the headline- "Why Do People Write Fanfiction?" The word fanfiction seemed vaguely familiar to him. He was going to ignore the article and scroll downwards, but the brief underneath the headline made him stop- …mostly, people write fanfiction to stay in touch with the characters they love," says leading Psychologist Andrea Williams.
Intrigued, he opened the article and started reading. Then he opened another, and another and by the time he was done, he had read 6-7 articles on the concept of fanfiction and what it entailed.
Sighing, he opened a new word document. He was reluctant to type a letter, let alone a whole fictional story. He had tried everything and yet, you chose to occupy a rent-free space in his mind. 
Now all he needed was a reference.
He minimised the document, and opened a new tab on his browser. His hesitant fingers typed the words - Chris Evans Fanfiction - into the search bar, and he instantly winced.
Millions of search results were displayed before him, and as he read the descriptions of each one of them, he realised that 99% of these stories were porn. There was no sugar-coating it. On the 5th page of the search results, he luckily found a story sans the erotica. It was a cute one-shot about him going on a first date with the reader. He read it with squinted eyes, afraid that a sex scene might jump out of the blue, but luckily, nothing of the sort happened. 
Chris liked reading it. It was an innocent story filled with romance. 
But the only problem? It was written from the reader's point of view. He checked a few others, and realised they were all written from the women's perspective, not his.
He sat back in his chair, turning his head such that he was looking at the ceiling, contemplating his options. 
You want her, the voice whispered.
Reluctantly, he typed the first word that came to his mind. Your name. 
Chris rested his chin on his palm, wondering where to start. If this were fiction, would tonight have gone different? Would you have visited his house for karaoke that night? 
Tapping his fingers on the desk, he bit his tongue in thought. Thinking it was better to start at the beginning, he started typing from his POV-
The first time I saw her I thought she was pretty. I saw her during meetings and the shooting. Then one day I saw her giving food to a homeless man-
Deleting his words, Chris shook his head. This was insane! Right? You were a real human being and it was unethical of him to write this! He needed to learn to handle his feelings. 
If you don't have the balls to fight for her, then be with her in the stories you write. Grow a spine Evans, whispered the insulting voice.
Hesitating, he tried to write another paragraph, which ended up getting deleted. 
Try again, the voice coaxed him. Pour your heart into this. Write better. 
Taking a sip of the beer, Chris started typing again-
It was lunchtime when I saw her arranging some equipment on the table. Her back was facing me as I carefully approached her, afraid to startle her. I breathed in her scent, light, floral and fresh, before whispering her name.
She turned around, a bit surprised to see me, but she smiled nevertheless. Oh gosh her smile. I had seen her smile a few times on the set, but in person, it took my breath away. 
"Hi," I managed to greet her shyly. She matched my response.
"I was wondering if you would like to sing karaoke with me? There's a karaoke party tonight at my house if you would like to come," I asked her hopefully.
Her expression turned remorseful as she apologised, "I cannot come Mr Evans. My fiancé won't let me."
Imagine my surprise when I found out about her fiancé. "I didn't know about your fiancé. Why won't he let you come?" I asked her, concerned as she started sniffing a bit.
"He's… he's very strict Mr Evans. He doesn't like it when I go out with my fri-friends or co-workers," she shared between her light sobs.
My heart broke into pieces on hearing her confession. I had often noticed her taciturn behaviour on the set, but I had no idea about the reason behind it.
I raised my hands to cup her face. I was itching to wipe her tears with my lips, but instead, I used my thumbs. 
"I want to help you. Please let me," I requested.
"Nobody can help me Mr Evans. I am stuck with a monster." She pulled a chain from underneath her shirt and I got a glimpse at the marks on her neck. "Aiden gave me this chain and locket instead of an engagement ring. He said it will be better than a ring. And now he-" she started sobbing harder. I pulled her into my chest, running my right hand through her hair as my left hand soothed her back.
"And now he uses it as a leash," my angel whispered, horrified, "he says I do not deserve a ring."
I hugged her tighter and thankfully, she buried her face in my chest, "You are no longer stuck with him. Are you listening to me?" I bent my face to bring my lips near her ears, "I will make sure that you are free of him."
She shook her head, reluctantly pulling away from me, "No Mr Evans. I cannot-"
"Yes you can," I interrupted her. "You are going to come to my house for karaoke tonight. Message Aiden right now, and tell him that I will be dropping you home. Okay?"
After some coaxing, she agreed. I held her close as she typed out the message, her hands shaking around her mobile phone. Finally she clicked on the SEND button.
I brushed a kiss on her forehead, "Wait for me in the back alley after the shoot, okay? I will pick you up from there."
She nodded gratefully in response.
I couldn't wait for the shoot to be over that day. In my eagerness, I even messed up a few takes, mumbling over my lines like an idiot. But eventually, I got through the day. 
I was excited when I picked her up after the shoot. I could see she was nervous and maybe a little bit scared, but she still entered my car anyway. So I made small talk with her and tried to put her mind at ease.
Finally, when we reached my house, she was in awe. 
"This is the most beautiful house I have ever seen Mr Evans," she gasped as I led her inside, "I don't think I have ever seen anything like it before!"
I chuckled, "I am happy you like it. It… it just feels empty sometimes, you know? I find loneliness ubiquitous in this house."
You looked at her puzzled expression and smiled. "Ubi-what was that word Mr Evans?" 
"Ubiquitous," I replied, "it means something that is present and is found everywhere."
"Ahh okay," she nodded, "thank you for teaching me."
"I will accept your gratitude only on one condition."
She tilted her head ever so slightly, "And what would that be Mr Evans?"
I smiled as I slightly bent down and held her hand, "You need to start calling me Christopher."
Visibly flustered, my angel looked down at her feet. "I-I can't Mr Evans," she said in a low voice.
"Why can't you?"
"I respect you too much sir," she confessed.
"Hey," I gently nudged her forehead with mine, "I want you to say my name. Please?" 
I stared into her eyes as she met mine. God.
There was something about her eyes that was absolutely riveting. The depth of her eyes pulled me in towards her as I read the plethora of emotions hidden within them. Her gaze searched my face for malice, deceit, but only found love and trust in return.
I slowly cupped her face as her breath hitched in her chest. I could feel my own heart race. Bringing my face as close as I could to hers, I whispered, the distance between our lips fast closing, "Please."
She parted her lips ever so slightly. I felt her warm breath on mine as she obliged, "Christopher."
I closed my eyes as I heard the most melodious symphony, my name draped in her sweet voice.
I dipped my head to kiss her, feel the shape of her lips, but she stepped back.
"I-I am st-still engaged Chris-Christopher," she stammered.
I straightened myself, my hands no longer cupping her face, "I understand. I am sorry. Would you like-"
Before I could finish, a car honked outside. While I was curious at the intrusion, her eyes widened with fear. 
"That's him," she gasped, "Aiden is here. He found me."
"How is that possible?"
"He has a location app installed on my phone through which he tracks my location," she revealed, visibly shaking at the thought of greeting her fiancé.
"Stay here. You will be safe inside. Let me handle him," I said, squeezing her shoulders.
I walked out of the house and towards the car. The vehicle didn't look in good shape, it's owner even more so.
Aiden manually rolled down his window and spat on the ground. Fumes of cheep alcohol and stale cigarette smoke escaped through the window. "Where is she?" he hollered.
"That's not your concern anymore. She's breaking up with you," I crossed my arms and stood facing him. "If you know what's good for you, you will leave her alone and stay out of her life."
Aiden exited the car at that threat, the door of the vehicle rattled as he opened it. "She said that?" he scoffed, "Color me surprised, I thought the little mouse had no fight left in her. Bring her out here. I want to hear," he wriggled a finger at me, "whatever the fuck you are saying from her own fucking mouth."
"Not going to happen Aiden. You followed her here against her own wishes. Now scoot off before I call the cops," I warned.
"You think I will be scared of some Hollywood prick who shits diamonds?" he sneered. 
"No. But you should be scared of the law. You are currently harassing the owner of this private property, not to mention you have clearly abused your girlfriend mentally, emotionally and physically. So be sensible," I took a step towards him, "and fuck off."
"STOP," she shouted as she trusted towards us. She stood in front of me, as if to guard me from her monster of a fiancé, "Please don't hurt him. I will come with you. Just let him be," she pleaded with him as he smirked. 
Before he could react, I pulled her behind me, making sure my body was shielding her from Aiden.
"She's a gold-digging bitch. You stay away from her," he pointed at me as he tried to reach her. 
I pushed him away once and kept my hand on his weak, thin torso. Turning my head, I asked her for the last time, "Are you sure you want to go with him? I can save you. I will protect you, provide for you and keep you happy!" I urged her.
She looked at me with hope and helplessness. Slowly, she glanced at Aiden who looked like he was ready to commit murder. Sobbing uncontrollably, she removed the chain with the sunflower locket and threw it at his feet. 
"Leave me alone," she managed to mumble at him.
Furious, Aiden growled and tried to pounce at her. Fortunately, I intervened on time and punched his sorry excuse of a face into the ground. 
She gasped as Aiden fell with a thud. Embarrassed, he slowly got up and dusted himself, muttering under his breath as he sat inside his wreck of a car. 
"Don't bother coming back to gather your stuff! I am burning it all tonight you cock-sucking bitch!" and with that outburst, Aiden was finally gone.
She was sobbing and shaking uncontrollably at what had just transpired. I wrapped her in my arms to let her know she was safe. Within moments, I felt her ease into my body. 
I closed my eyes and smiled, my nose buried into her hair. My angel was safe. My angel was mine.
Chris blinked his eyes as he re-read his story. He already felt a whole lot lighter, his anxiety at ease, and mind exhausted. Clicking on SAVE, he finished the last of his beer and went to sleep, hoping that this was the end to his problems. Little did he know about the horrors that awaited him, behind the door he had just opened by writing that fictional story.
Permanent tag: @donutloverxo
Chris Evans and his characters taglist: @onetwo3000
This story: @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @carpediemm-18
(If you guys don't want to be tagged in this, just let me know. No hard feelings 😊)
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cloudaura93 · 3 years
Fall for You Pt.2 - Cindy/Alice Fanfiction (FEAR STREET)
Synopsis: SPOILER WARNING. Please don’t read if you haven’t watched the whole series. The second part of this story. Picks up at the end of the first part and covers the ending of the 1978 massacre flashback. I have an idea for a smaller final story to wrap everything up. Cindy and Ziggy are trying to reunite Sarah Fier’s hand with her body to stop the curse meanwhile Alice is helping in her own way as best she can given the circumstances. AU with alternating POVs between Alice and Cindy. 
Alice’s POV:
I hear Cindy and Ziggy flee the cabin as I struggle to subdue Tommy, my former friend and current possessed killer. He throws me off, recovers, and lifts me up by my neck slowly squeezing my windpipe, and then decides to toss me through the front doors of the cabin instead of strangulation. I land hard with a thud on my back while also smacking my head on the ground.
“Ouch.” I say under my breath as I slowly sit up and start scrambling to my feet. I see Tommy slowly approaching with the axe in hand, and I realize I either need to run away or find a weapon. A weapon. Of course. I reach down and remove the knife from the sheath Cindy used as part of the splint to support my fucked up leg.
“Here goes nothing.” I whisper as I launch myself toward him. When I’m a couple feet away, I throw the knife toward his face where it hits its mark squarely in his left eye as I dodge to the right, narrowly avoiding the impact from the axe swing. It momentarily stuns him as I start hobbling away to hide. I hope I bought Cindy and Ziggy enough time. I hope they are still alive because I’ll be damned if I let some stupid ass curse ruin my life further especially after I just got my girl back. We deserve happiness too.
I expect Tommy to continue pursuing me, but instead I turn around and realize that he is heading in the opposite direction.
“Oh shit!” I exclaim as it hits me that I was only a distraction, and the main target is Ziggy who is at the Hanging Tree with her sister trying to reunite Sarah Fier’s hand to her body. I instantly swivel around and limp behind killer Tommy moving as fast as I can. I try to keep up to hopefully have a chance to warn the girls as they try to stop this carnage once and for all.
We are approaching our mutual destination a few minutes later, and I notice out of my peripheral vision that I’m too late to help. I watch my beautiful snitch getting brutalized by her ex-boyfriend’s axe at the same time Ziggy is being repeatedly stabbed by the Milkman. It’s like some horrible plaguing nightmare, all playing out in slow motion while I’m about thirty seconds away, but hopeless to do anything to help. 
“NOOOO!” I scream out in agony as I collapse to the ground on my knees ignoring the piercing pain in my leg.
As I’m crying for a few seconds, it suddenly goes quiet and I glance up to see all the Shadyside killers have disappeared. I instinctively crawl on my knees toward the girls’ bodies hoping to say goodbye. I’m almost to Cindy when I hear the rustling of footsteps next to me. 
“Alice?!” He says, and I recognize the voice. Nick Goode. Of course he’s here. Fucking Sunnyvale’s prodigal son. The savior. The knight in shining armor trying to rescue the poor surviving Shadyside campers.
“Save her Nick! Save Ziggy!” I shout through choked back sobs willing him to understand my meaning as I sadly reach my girlfriend, and grasp her hand letting the tears flow down my cheeks. I couldn’t save Cindy, but I can at least attempt to keep her sister alive.
“I will. I promise. And Alice? I’m sorry.” Before I can even react, I feel a stinging sensation in my back and as my vision fades to black, I realize that this is how I’m going to die. With a whimper, not a bang. Alone and betrayed by Nick fucking Goode. A literal backstabber. You unimaginable bastard. We were so close. Not that it matters anymore. No one will remember us, and our sacrifice. This will just be another unfortunate and bloody tale of the cursed town of Shadyside. The infamous Camp Nightwing massacre of 1978.
Cindy’s POV:
As Ziggy and I are digging down to find Sarah Fier’s body, we stumble upon something hard that we hit with the shovels. 
“I found something!” Ziggy states excitedly. I hold my breath as I help her unearth whatever was buried underneath the tree. It’s a rock with an engraving on it.
“The witch forever lives.” I shakily gasp out.
“The witch forever lives.” My little sister repeats the statement before following up with “Cindy, what does it mean? Cindy?!” She asks worriedly.
“I don’t know.” I answer softly.
“What...where is she? Where’s the body?” 
“I don’t know.” I replied. We share a look first at each other and then at Tommy who is on our tails.
“This way. Come on.” I continue as I grab Ziggy’s arms and drag her up so we can attempt to run away. We turn around and realize that the other Shadyside killers are also here quickly approaching from every direction.
“What do you want, Sarah Fier? You want this?” As I hold up her hand. “You can have it. Just let my sister live. Just let my sister live!” I plead. I drop the hand next to the hole we dug in frustration and grab one of the shovels.
I realize sadly that there is no escape, at least not for me. But I can protect Ziggy as best I can and give her a fighting chance.
“You bled on the bone. They are after you. Get ready to run.” I tell her sadly. I’m so sorry Ziggy. I’m so sorry Alice. I wish we had more time to spend together, to make up for lost time. I tried my best but I failed both of you again. I love you so much. I’ll see you again.
“No Cindy no!” I hear her cry out at the realization of my decision. I hurriedly take hold of her arm again and we start sprinting together. At the last second however, I push her aside and swing the shovel at Tommy where I connect with his head but he immediately retaliates with a smack to my head with the axe’s blunt end. 
I fall down onto the ground hard helpless as I glance out of the corner of my eye to hear Ziggy screaming while being attacked by the Milkman at the same time the axe collides with my chest piercing my insides. Tommy strikes me repeatedly and as blood begins gurgling out of my mouth, I turn my head to face my baby sister who I notice is reaching out her hand toward me. I reciprocate the gesture and say one last thing to her knowing this is the end. 
“Nothing...will...pull...us...apart…” I gasp my final breath as the world goes dark and my eyes slowly close and I feel myself fading away. 
Some time later…
Cindy’s POV:
“Cindy. Wake up. You need to see this...to understand.” A disembodied voice whispers in my ear. I struggle to regain consciousness as I hear the faint sounds of terror around me.
“This is important. Please wake up.” The voice repeats itself. I stir and slowly attempt to stand as I’m feeling wobbly on my feet. Once my balance returns, I instantly realize that I feel different than I did when I was alive not too long ago.
“Where...where am I?” I ask the voice which has a feminine tone to it.
“Not quite sure. All I know is this is where the poor unfortunate souls who have attempted to thwart the Goode family’s treachery end up after they die. It’s sort of like limbo and you are a ghost observing the effects of the curse until one day it can finally end.”
I nod in understanding as I look around and realize that I’m standing at the edge of the clearing where the Hanging Tree is located.
“Sarah Fier.” I reply, finally figuring it out. 
“Yes. It’s me. I tried to warn you. I’ve always tried warning everyone who stumbles upon the curse. No one has ever figured it out completely. You were the closest, but alas you ran out of time just like the others.” She answers sadly.
“Will she live? Did I save my sister at least?” I inquire as I stare at Ziggy who is slowly dying.
“No. You did your best, but ultimately failed. Your girlfriend fared slightly better, but will still pay the ultimate price.” Sarah replies as she teleports us closer to the tree. I stare in shock as I notice my dear sweet Alice stumbling toward my body.
“Alice! No! I have to help her!” I cry out desperately wanting to save her from her fate as Nick Goode drives a knife deep into her back where she collapses onto my corpse, the light leaving her eyes as she bleeds out.
“She’s gone, but your sister will live. Nick Goode will see to it. Take solace that she survives. And your dear Alice will join us shortly so you will be reunited. You won’t share this existence alone..” Sarah nonchalantly explains. 
As if on command, I hear soft footsteps from behind and spin around to face my badass and brave girlfriend.
“Hey snitch.” She greets with a smirk. I race over and embrace her by wrapping my arms around her neck, tears misting at my eyes. She instinctively wraps her arms around my waist and pulls me closer. We hold each other for a couple minutes until I have to ask her a very important question.
“What took you so long?” I whisper in her ear echoing the last time I said that to her when we were still alive. She pulls back from the hug and grasps both my hands with her own.
“Three guesses. Besides, I couldn’t leave you to face this uncertain future alone. You are stuck with me now princess. For better or worse. Not letting you go this time” She beams.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” I smile and close the gap between us to gently kiss her on the lips. 
Despite recent events, I still have hope. Alice and I get to spend eternity together even though we are both dead, and Ziggy lives even with survivor’s guilt. It’s not a perfect happy ending, but I’ll take what I can get. It’s better than what most Shadysiders get to experience in their lives.
And since we have been given a second chance to fix our mistakes and help prevent the spilling of more innocent bloodshed, it means we have a chance to help the next generation. To help Sarah stop the Goode family from continuing to enact this curse over Shadyside. Alice and I just need to watch over Ziggy until she’s ready, and then bide our time until the opportunity presents itself to intervene. This time we will be ready, and revenge is a dish best served cold. We are coming for you Nick Goode, one way or another.
The End?
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savrenim · 3 years
hi hi hi. so I just got into the Hamilton fandom, I swear I am four years late where did everybody go, and, well. I am apparently a hamburr shipper. bcs that is my life now. anyway I saw your fic ifmlam and I swear it is my favourite of all the fics I've ever read (and trust me I've read literally thousands). I love it so so much, how do you write fics like that??? I cried about four times during the whole thing, I stayed up till 4am reading it even when I had to wake up at 7 because it is just. that. good. I could not stop thinking about it for days afterwards and ifmlam has just ruined me. I can't think of listen to Hamilton without thinking of ifmlam anymore.
on to my qursttion: is it abandoned? of course it's perfectly FINE if it is. don't let anyone tell u differently, your fic is YOURS and u are amazing.
but pls I really need closure from ur fic, it has been haunting me if its abandoned or ongoing and I've read ur other fics and they are just chefskiss and thank you so much for writing them all. thank you thank you thank you, I will never be able to thank you enough for writing this fic and for everything it's done for me. I am probably thousands of miles away but I am sending you virtual jugs through a co.puter screen right now.
(don't feel pressured to reply to this or update it flam, I know how overwhelming it can get with so many messages and after a while u get desensitized to it. u can literally reply "thx. itfmlam is abandoned" and I would still be amazingly star struck. anyway has gotten way too long and I need to sleep and I'm sorry u probably won't see this so I'm just talking to myself right now but bye!!)
and thank you so so much for writing itfmlam.
aaaah hello anon!
thank you so so much???? I am so??? honored??? that ifmlam rates so highly to you, and also that you've read my other fics??????
the answer to the "is ifmlam abandoned" question is probably the worst possible one, which is pretty much "I do want to finish it, both for the folks that still want closure as well as it bothers to me have abandoned projects that are in the public eye/ already partially published, but also, it is last on my current writing projects list"
my current actually active writing projects list, kind of in order of priority, is
I'm literally three chapters away from being Actually Fully Done with the not-quite-first-not-quite-second let's call it 1.5th draft of an actual?? full?? original?? novel?? Opus which of course then goes out to beta readers and then gets who-knows-how-much edited and then maybe beta readers again if a lot does change and then a copyeditor my mom, my copyeditor is my mom, and maybe my little brother he's one of the betas but is very good at catching typos and then I!!! get to publish it!!!! which is the single thing I am most excited for!!!!!!!!! this should be closed up in the next week or two, and then take a while for people to actually read the draft and get back to me.
I really desperately want to finish my open-but-like-90%-written fic, which means we raise it up, the final chapter of to the bottom of the river bc I realized that it was kind of incomplete, and the second chapter of a buried and a burning flame because any more work there will need to wait until the author publishes the next book in the series. this should be closed up in the next month or two.
Speedwrite the draft of the second book of the Opus series so that hopefully by the time book 1 edits are happening, I have an almost complete draft of the second book. this is mostly me side-eyeing myself about taking nearly four years to write the first book, but that is solidly in part because I had so many other open projects which point 2 is about clearing that docket. this should be done in the next year.
And then just have my major projects be, at least until books 1-5 are written and published, books 1-5 of that because that is arguably the first major 'plot arc' of the series, so if I'm looking for a pause point on writing, that's probably where to stop.
There are two or three other short side projects (a weird fun second person short story tentatively titled witch-queen, a collection of four short stories Memoirs about a not-so-evil necromancer and the shenanigans he gets up to trying to rule a kingdom, working title Perfectly Normal Recipe Blog which is a collaborative project about a perfectly normal recipe blog that definitely doesn't include anything out of the normal) that will happen when they happen
There are other projects that are on the backburner -- The Numanok Files, a series of probably 12-15 short novellas about a mercenary/ bounty hunter esque person in space whose specialty is dealing with hauntings, but, like, 80% of their jobs is actually "you are effectively a space home inspector pointing out faulty wiring reacting to solar flares/ there's a weird alien fungus/ it's carbon monoxide okay change your atmosphere filters" and 20% of it is punching ghosts; there's a post-post apocalypse novel that I want to write that I know characters and general pacing and half the setting but need to work out the other half and figure out how much aesthetic I want to commit to; there's Strangeside7 aka spacerace book that is my reaction to how much I love how Redline the anime movie commits itself to "no we are about a race, like 60% of the screentime is just fully going to be an utterly ridiculous sci fi space race"; there's even a ridiculous YA trilogy that I would have to completely transplant the setting but might end up writing because the interplay between angel-physics and physics-physics was one of my favorite things in the world. and I guess the weird ridiculous technically a sequel series to ifmlam that was going to be published as original books that was basically me having fun with 'okay I fucking love star wars prequels old rotting space bureaucracy galactic republic style' except with seers and that also still might happen because it does have some of the coolest sci fi concepts and honestly I thiiiink that's all?
but the tl;dr of that timeline is I'm trying to finish a punch of projects Right Now, so that I can write books 2-5 of Opus, and then when I'm done that (which honestly, my average fiction-writing output is close to 100k a year. if I'm concentrating purely on one project, and writing books that are about 100k, we are talking four years. although my job situation is super up in the air in that period and writing might get put solidly on the backburner as I try to make it in academia, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) I will re-evaluate which projects go next, and that's when ifmlam is likely to come up for review.
I do not have any expectations that I will make it as an original author. I'm planning on posting all of my stuff online for free, but, like. it is incredibly difficult to convince people to try out even a piece of free and easily accessibly original work even if one has a huge following, I am a very small fanfiction author, and from what I can tell the majority of the people who are interested in my work are mostly interested in me finishing ifmlam. writing is a hobby for me, and while I'm writing mostly for me--and hence the for me bit at least for the next five years is pretty solidly going to be this series that I am deeply excited about and have sunk my heart and soul into every single aspect of--I'm human, and I don't really like shouting into the void, and I expect if I spend five years publishing to absolutely no response I will either stop writing for a while and do other things gods know my life is busy enough, return to fandom in general to write some other fanfic about whatever I get deeply into, or return to a work that I actually get response to. so ifmlam will probably start getting worked on a bit at that point one way or another. unless, of course, we are in the incredibly rare timeline in which I do make it as an original author, there are people who are deeply hyped for my original works and an actual demand for them, in which case as you may have noticed there are enough ideas there to keep me busy for a decade or two, and they will just get my full attention instead of fanfiction*. in this timeline, I will do what I was considering doing a few years ago, which is officially declare ifmlam otherwise abandoned and make one more giant chapter update which is a full and cleaned up outline of what I was going to write, interspersed with the scenes already written, and have ifmlam be given at least that closure.
*I want to make it clear that I very much love fanfiction and am proud to have been a fanfiction author and in my heart of hearts would keep writing it forever, I just also have a lot of ideas for characters and settings and magic systems and Aesthetics and I have been biting at the bit to write something that is //mine// and all mine and only mine for a while, I don't see original work as superior so much as there are a dozen fandoms that I am currently in and bursting to make content about except oops these fandoms currently only exist in my head, and I want to correct that
of course given how much as writing is my vent activity and I write what I'm in the mood for, there's a chance I'll feel ifmlam cravings before then, just... expect it to take a couple of years for an update, but also for there to be an update one way of another in a couple of years? but as for right now, I'm turning to original writing, because that is what brings me joy.
but I am really deeply honored that it brought you so much joy!!! and while I will never publish spoilers in a public place, if you message me off anon I am perfectly happy to give a run-down of my current plans for the ending, bc I know "wait a couple years and see" is not the most satisfactory of answers! and hey maybe you'll be like me and once you've given Opus a try you'll decide you like it better too, it does have Seers although they are deeply different Seers than in ifmlam but imo it's very gay and fun and at least politics on one side
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sing-in-me-oh-muse · 3 years
Fanfiction Year in Review - 2020 by sagansjagger
Fanfiction Year in Review - 2020 by sagansjagger
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Whoo, I love me some tumblr ask games! Thanks for the tag, @ladyofthenoodle!
1 List of fics completed this year in the order they were finished:
I am so sorry about this, but I'm just going to link my entire profile because I started writing MLB fic in April 2020 and ended up with 72 fics. If I listed and linked them all, I'd be here all day.
My works (ao3 link)
I suppose what I could do is list out statistics.
As of January 2nd, 2021, I have to my name:
72 total fics - 4 long fics, 1 drabble series, 67 one shots
7 series - Domestic Cavities (married life fluff), Sex Education: Kwami Style, She Was Certainly the Spark for All I've Done (Crash universe), Kiss the Viper (Vipermouse), CYOA: Life is What You Bake It (Choose Your Own Adventure stories), It’s the End of the World as We Know It (Chat Blanc), Bad Dad’s Club (Adult XY & Adrien friendship
16 gen, 12 Lukanette, 6 DJWifi, 4 Riceflour (Tom and Sabine), 3 Adrigami, and 47 Lovesquare. If the math doesn't add up in this it's because sometimes these are background pairings.
2 Number of words written:
3 Your most popular fic:
Definitely Welcome to the Scene of the Crash, my first fic in the fandom and the birth of the Spark series. This is a 63k monster that I wrote in six days, focusing on the effects of starvation on the body and mind. Crash has two sequels, And He’s Gotta be Fresh from the Fight and Into Your Heart, I’ll Beat Again, both of which are complete.  
4 Your personal fav:
Tough choice... I’d probably have to say Crash because it’s my baby. As I’ve said before, I woke up at 4:30am with a song in my head (Take Me to the Hospital by the Prodigy) and the first line: “Adrien was starving.” Crash is what started me writing for the fandom and how I made almost all my new friends here.
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5 Your fav scene:
Oh, this is hard. I’ve actually written so much that I don’t recall all the scenes I’ve written? But I can say that I was so ready to write the last chapter of Heart. It’s tooth-rotting Christmas fluff that was Adrien and Marinette’s happy ending after 260k+ words of angst. That scene isn’t my favorite scene by far, but it was one of the most satisfying to write.
6 A fic or scene that challenged you:
Definitely Couffaine Coffee Conundrum, a Lukanette & Adrigami piece. My server anniversary giftee, Rikka, requested a fluffy double date with the pairings, but all my brain wanted to do was make it angsty. I had to write the fic twice.
7 A line of writing you’re proud of:
This is from my as of yet unpublished Sleeping Beauty AU (publication date: February 1st, 2021!). I’m proud of this line in particular because I don’t often write lines that are just... pretty. I nail body language, but most of my writing is straightforward and if not ugly, certainly not beautiful. 
Anyway, here’s the line:
Winter passed with one last, lingering gasp, the bony fingers of cold clinging to the days.
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8 A comment that touched you:
I’ve gotten several comments that have touched me, but the most recent one was from a reader of Fight. They told me they liked my use of therapy in the fic and that they were considering getting therapy because they could see how much therapy had helped Adrien.
Another comment along the same lines was someone who realized that they’d been starving after reading the symptoms of starvation Adrien experienced in Crash. Being able to educate someone while entertaining them blows my mind.
9 Something that inspired your writing:
Definitely the good people on the Miraculous Fanworks Discord server, specifically @ladyofthenoodle​, @sseagully​, Rikka, and Sibby. I’ve developed so many stories because of those lovely ladies, and have received so much support and encouragement from the members of the server. One of my most popular recent fics, have the stars blotted out in a brilliant Morse code, started based on a discussion in the #writing-chat on that server, and @theladylu​ even drew some lovely fanart for it (featured below).
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10 Your proudest accomplishment (that one scene; finally finishing that one fic; posting your first fic; etc):
Definitely finishing Heart. That happy ending was a long time in coming.
11. Do you have any writing goals for the next year?
Yes! I want to finish the second Choose Your Own Adventure story, a pre-reveal, post-relationship Adrienette fic focused on baking pies with Tom and Sabine. I also want to finish the Sleeping Beauty AU, which I’m on track for. Desperation would be a great fic to finish; I started that one, got to chapter 5, and quit because it was too sad, haha! And I’m working on an original work that started out as an Adrienette Witch AU titled Must Be the Season of the Witch that I’d like to finish sometime in the next six months.
Tagging @itsagrestebug​, @purpleflower04​, @torilovesmiraculous​, and @sseagully!
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simply-not-an-egg · 3 years
Harry Potter’s Sister Cliches
Alright so I wanted to look up some cliches and see how they compare, if they exist in my line of fics and if they did, how have I done them justice. All credits to this cliche list go to @/Purplemist14 on Wattpad from the third chapter of ‘Everything Wrong With HARRY POTTER Fanfictions’. I may do some more of these, but we’ll see. 
Of course, featuring dearest Willow-Violet Potter along with spoilers for future unreleased books so, you have been warned!!
1. The sister always has red hair and green eyes. Basically the exact replica of Lily.
- Alright, so, I’ll admit, I did fall down the trap of blessing Willow with the red hair and green eyes, and it is mentioned many a time throughout the fics that she looks like her mother BUT here’s a fun fact, if we were to rid her of the red hair, green eyes and obscene amount of freckles, she does actually look quite similar to James, arguably more so than Harry, specifically her smile of all things. In other words, the only reason she looks like her mother is because of the red hair and green eyes. Dye her hair and give her coloured contacts though along with a pair of glasses and she will basically just look like a freckled version of James Potter.
2. Either Harry’s twin, a few months younger or almost a year younger in the rare case.
- Willow is eleven months younger than her brother, although this fits timeline wise. She was also quite obviously an accident - Lily and James wanted another kid, but not during the time they were living in for obvious reasons. Of course she was not told this information, and either way she was loved by her parents and godparents.
3. Either dropped off at an orphanage, taken to Minerva, Remus or Snape, or just completely forgotten about until she starts Hogwarts.
- This is where the first cliche is really broken. Yes, she is initially taken in by Severus (later revealed that this was a plan done by Voldemort, as since discovering the kid existed he was like ‘hey she could turn on everyone she’s supposed to love and serve me’ and so wanted her to be taken in by his most faithful Death Eater) but, contrary to what most fics have, this f*cker abandons her with the only people he knows where to put her and that’s with Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy!! Some people who have not read the series or my previous posts may be confused as to why they would ever even consider taking this half-blooded kid in, but I’ve explained before and will do it again; Narcissa is a mother, she has very maternal instincts which have been seen throughout the main HP series, and Willow, at the time was barely five months old. To add to that she was found practically dead on their doorstep having been left out in the freezing cold with nothing but a thin blanket overnight. Narcissa was prejudiced, most definitely, but completely heartless? No (I mean, she risked her life to save Harry’s life in DH). And she was sure to make Lucius raise Willow the same way they were raising Draco because Narcissa was also a Black; I think she can see well enough and feel well enough what it’s like to be raised different from the other siblings.
She is, upon turning eleven, adopted by Remus but of course, naturally, he is her godfather and therefore rightful guardian, later parent.
4. She has a lightning scar on any other part of her that isn’t her neck, aka, the Girl Who Lived trope.
- Completely eradicated. Voldemort was there to kill Harry, not Willow. It’s as simple as that. Read your canon children or, if you really want to do this trope, please for the love of god develop a suitable plot in which this can take place.
5. Sorted into either Gryffindor or Slytherin.
- Now this one I did use BUT the thing is, the house she was sorted in matches with her personality and traits (Slytherin). So in this case it’s excusable, but if it’s just being done for the hell of it ... yeah, I’m not impressed.
6. Socially more active and is friends with the Trio, the Malfoy gang, the Weasleys and almost the entire school population.
- Guilty as charged, although once again I have done it in a way that makes sense according to canon. She considers Draco a brother because they spent eleven years being raised together; Crabbe and Goyle aren’t even friends of Draco in this fic, as Draco ultimately grew up a little less prejudiced knowing who and what Willow was; yes, Willow is friends with the Weasleys, specifically Fred and George, but none of their relationships are the whole nice straightforward sh*t you read about in every other fic. The three of them have perhaps the most complicated relationship between them ever (toxic to some degrees, sometimes even, especially as the 2WW takes place), something actually realistic that keeps to all of their characters. Now when it comes to the trio, Willow isn’t really friends with either Ron or Hermione?? She was one of Ron’s better mates to begin with, as he was one of the first friends she had, but they drifted apart more as they grew (and also after they broke up because Willow was honestly left pretty heartbroken after that), and Hermione, well, she’s only ever really been a mutual up until Willow’s fifth year and her sixth when they begin to form more of a friendship due to her (Hermione) being so alone all the time, and Willow needing someone that can emotionally support her when need be.
7. Sister nearly always replaces Hermione in the trio.
- Willow barely ever interacts with the trio. I could honestly count all the times they properly interacted on my fingers. 
8. Loneliest person alive, if she’s in Slytherin she’s bullied, and nearly always ends up in dangerous situations.
- In the series Willow is never actually alone, although feels that she is during her later teenage years, due to the simple reason that no one can truly understand what she has to put up with (also she does sorta force herself to be allienated from others, due to wanting to protect them and keep them out of harms way). She is bullied, yes, but once again it’s entwined into the canon, and by her fourth year no one f*cks with her because they all know that if they do she will not hesitate to bite back and hard. Now I suppose she does end up in dangerous situations, but once again, it isn’t always, and when she does it fits the canon. 
9. Always falls for Draco Malfoy.
- I was guilty of this in the very first drafts, 100% but now that I’ve grown and matured and learnt to understand characters more all I can say is that a) they’re basically siblings (covered in a previous point) and b) you honestly cannot convince me otherwise that Draco is one of the gayest beings in existence. Like you cannot tell me this f*cker isn’t at least a very male-attracted bisexual. You just, you can’t. It’s not possible.
10. Or the other love interest is Cedric Diggory.
- Literally ew. I could not, for the life of me, think of Willow and Cedric as a couple. Best buds? Hell yeah. F*ck buds? No way. They loved each other, sure, but it was purely platonic.
11. Lily’s brain, James’ attitude, brightest witch of her age.
- It is true that Willow has higher-above-average intelligence for someone her age but, here’s the thing, she’s autistic! This is never explicitly mentioned until the eighth book, which partially follows her adult life, but, yes, she’s canonically autistic (as is Remus Lupin, Arthur Weasley and, he isn’t autistic, but James Potter has ADHD). Now when it comes to personality and traits, I’d say she’s a healthy mix of both, but there is also that bit of influence from the Malfoys (she is, to say the least, quite prejudiced towards house-elves, for example). There was also a sub-point about knowing hexes and spells and jinxes which can only be found in restricted books, but both Narcissa and Lucius were quite proud to have a kid as smart as her, and if she wanted to learn something, they just let her, which meant there was a LOT of her reading in the library at the Manor about all of the Dark Arts and objects and such like that.
12. Involved in every major event that takes place in the books, and she always saves the day.
- Once again, guilty as charged, although it all works with the established plot and characters and in her case the later things happen from a different and arguably more entertaining perspective (the perspective of a teenaged, forcbly created Death Eater who’s trying her best to save her friends and family while also not accidentally getting murdered by Voldemort in the process). She also never actually saves Harry. I don’t think there’s ever a time where she saves Harry from anything really, especially not the major things that have been mentioned in the HP series.
13. Minerva gives her a timeturner and she goes back to fall in love with Tom Riddle.
- I’ve never actually seen this cliche before, but oh god if this is one that anyone out there uses, once again, please read the canon; Tom Riddle cannot fall in love, timeturners only work for minutes at a time, not to mention if future Riddle saw MC time would f*ck itself up, and also that is a bit creepy imo (the whole MC with Riddle thing).
14. Hermione and Ginny are made jealous individuals who would do anything to rid the sister.
- No chance this will ever happen, nor has it ever happened. That is very OOC, thank you very much, and you ain’t seeing me take characters OOC unless the canon can make up for it.
15. Ron and Neville are never paid attention to; more or less just desperate crushes.
- While it is true that both Ron and Neville are in relationships with Willow at different times, this serves the plot and their character developments. They are also not forgotten about; Neville is barely mentioned after the break up as neither of the two have the courage to interact with one another again (until after the war where they become friends again) and Ron, as I mentioned, slowly drifts out of Willow’s friend circle, after the break up and as they grow older and develop different personalities.
16. Draco Malfoy is OOC.
- Anyone who has read my so far published books knows that Draco, seemingly is a lot better behaved in my series (which, to a degree he is), but all I have to say for this is that once Harry crushed the dude’s heart to bits in the summer before fifth year, this motherf*cker became one of the biggest d*ckheads you would ever meet. Usually he didn’t mean to be, but the dude lost the love of his life, and of course soon after war shit was happening; basically he was more or less going with the flow of things, but yeah, no, Draco sucked, a lot, in the later WV books. Until after the war and his mental state is a little healthier, but until that point, from age 15 onwards, he was more or less of the asshole you see in the HP series.
17. Severus Snape does not hate her.
- Haha, lol. Snape absolutely despises Willow, because she’s never let him live down the whole ‘leaving her on the doorstep to die’ business and you know, she sees enough of how much of a c*nt he is to other students and she may as well give him a taste of his own medecine.
18. All the professors adore her.
- There is only one, and that is Minerva, but even then that isn’t made a major thing until book four. Aside from that, every professor treats her the same way they treat their other students, as they should.
19. Hagrid is not mentioned, or barely mentioned ever.
- The only reason for this in my series is that he is not pivitol to the main plot. If he was, it would be a different story, but he isn’t, so there is no real need to mention him.
20. Cho Chang is either the best friend or Cedric’s possessive girlfriend.
- Too tired to go further into detail with this, but there is a whole-ass character arc I have for Cho in the series, that abides by canon and plot and character and actually does her justice. 
Anyway, this was really fun to do, I think I’ll do some more but we’ll see. I’m tired now - it is sleepy time. Goodnight guys!
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Thoughts on LUCIDS Part four
Once again, I took forever to post this, sorry. Spoilers for LUCIDS Part four under the cut.
1.  I love the little chimes when the apple pops up into view as he throws it. I just think the opening scene is really cool.  
2.Wait if they met in Elementary school, does that mean in this universe Benjamin could go and talk to a little Isabelle?
3. I definitely have to copy down his speech about everything constantly existing for theorizing purposes.
4. Benjamin writing his proposal speech is the sweetest thing I have ever scene, and I am absolutely in love with their relationship now. I desperately wish that there were more fanfiction writers in this fandom so that I could read so much fanfiction about it! Unfortunately, we have a grand total of like one person, so I guess I will have to suffer. 
5.Aghhh I love Isabelle's voice! 
6.Oh my god its the scene from the epilogue!
7.I LOVE THEIR INTERACTIONS SO MUCH! Oliver making for of Benjamin for being dramatic is quite possibly my favorite thing ever. I’ve probably mentioned this already, but Characters and relationship dynamics are always my favorite things in any series, and little things like that, and them knowing there is going to be a PowerPoint when Ms. Hills talks to them gives me so much joy.
8. Ms. Hills back at it again with the stellar memes! Also, the roasting of Benjamin’s jokes is so good.
9. Wait, its been at least 3 days, and neither of their parents have gotten at all suspicious that they haven’t seen their child? I’m slightly worried by this information. 
10. I know that I’ve been talking about like, every other line so far, but they’ve just been so good that it feels wrong for me not to comment on them. Anyway, the shot of Oliver calling dibs on Benjamin’s bed, Benjamin protesting, then it immediately cutting to Oliver sitting on Benjamin’s bed while joking with him is one of my favorite scenes in this whole series, and this episode has already managed to surpass part 2 as my favorite episode at only like 5 minutes in.
11. Oliver’s facial expressions when Benjamin is going on about the dreamscapes are so incredible, and I just- UGH! I can’t express how much I love this series. 
12.Ok, I already addressed how I’ve been talking about every single line and how redundant I am in this post, so I’m just going to say how much I love Benjamin and Oliver’s dynamic one more time, and then I’ll shut up about it for this episode. 
13. Ms. Hill’s facial expressions and mannerisms are one of my favorite things about this frickin series. Her little proud shift when she tells them that she made more “Dank memes” and her smirk at Oliver’s terrible joke are so good.
14. Ok, now we’ve caught up to the point where everything in Jasper, the Epilogue, and the Trailer have happened, so there is literally zero knowledge of what is going to happen going forward, and I am so excited for it!
15. Did Quinn not recognize Benjamin from the cult? Or was he just asking about Oliver?
16. I did say I wasn’t going to praise Benjamin and Oliver’s dynamic anymore, but I have to give some appreciation to Jasper and Quinn. Gosh it’s great. Like we only got one scene, but gushing about a show together is one of the best examples of friendship. Also, I’m so glad that Oliver got to hear people gush about his show like that. He deserves it. 
17. QUINN IS A LUCID! I lowkey expected that, but I didn’t expect him to be like... practiced at it. Also, my friend mentioned this when I rewatched it with her, but the swear filter is such a great detail.
18. Why was this scene cut into Jasper episode 6? Does time move that much quicker in Jasper’s dreamscape? Does this give an indication of how time works as far as dreamscapes go? Does time move quicker in some dreamscapes than others? Did he not actually see this when he was knocked out at that time, and that was just foreshadowing?
19. Hey, he referenced the discord! Cool!
20. Oliver getting winded after like 5 seconds of running is a mood. Like same dude, same. 
21. Time for your regularly scheduled loving the music in this series mention. It is so incredibly good! I’ve actually been paying more attention to it lately, and I am completely blown away. I don’t know if that is because this is like par for the course, and I haven’t really thought about the soundtrack for shows that much in the past, or because this series in particular is really good, but either way I enjoy it immensely. 
22.I do not talk enough about the cinematography in this thing. Once again, it might not be more than what most shows do, but this is all done by like one guy! It is amazing!
23. I just realized that Oliver and Benjamin probably just straight up passed out in the Whole Foods in the first episode of TAOBAO. 
24. I wonder if Jasper is going to address what Oliver told him with Quinn later, or if he’s just gonna be like, “oh well,” and keep on livin. 
25. It is moments like these where I wish the fandom was bigger. Normally, I would have been reading Oliver/Benjamin and Quinn/Jasper fanfiction this entire time, and then after this interaction I would have been able to enjoy the brand new flurry of Jasper/Oliver fanfiction, but once again, all I can do is suffer.
26. Wait, why didn’t Ms. Hills realize that Quinn was a Lucid before? Are there certain criteria you have to meet to technically be a Lucid?
27. Was weird time jumping shenanigans going on? Why did we get a clip of Benjamin waking up? Are we going to learn more about how LUCIDS do time stuff in the future?
28. The Ah! A tree! guy was funny enough on his own, but Nick later explained it on the livestream, and gosh, that was a layered joke. 
29. What the actual fuck Ms. Hills. God I have so many thoughts and feelings about this scene. First of all, I almost cried the first time I watched it. Second of all, how are Benjamin and Oliver going to handle this information? Oliver especially? Like that is brutal man. Third of all, who did Quinn meet? Did he find another Lucid who trained him? What happened? Fourth of all, does Arthur know about this? Also, this was an observation from someone in the Discord server who wasn’t me, but does this have any implications for Arthur leaving and then Ms. Hills telling Oliver that “he always comes back”? Holy shit man, this scene is so crazy.
30. Benjamin cheated on Isabelle!? When they had a daughter together!? That scene was like two punches to the face, finding out about what Ms. Hills did, and then what Benjamin did. I can’t believe that he would open with that 2 minute shot making me fall completely in love with their relationship, and then just rip out my heart and completely stomp on it like that. 
31.Before I go into my closing thoughts, I just have to mention how much I love that ending music. Its so sweet and calming and comforting, and I want to be able to listen to the full version as soon as possible. This episode took everything I loved about Part 2, and then ramped it up to a ten. The soundtrack felt even more impressive, the characterization was pure gold in every single line, the character dynamics felt so real and natural, the plot twists were so incredibly insane, and the ending music makes me feel even more like I’m going to cry than the one from Part 2 did, but like in a good, comforting way.
32. Every single character in this series has to have an angsty backstory and moral complexity, don’t they? Like I can’t think of a single main character that those things don’t apply to in at least some way. 
33. Apparently Isabelle is voiced by a fan called astronautdancer (I think that is right) on TikTok who made a spinoff series about Isabelle, which I’m really excited to watch! (Nick did say it probably wasn’t canonical though)
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fics-of-my-mind · 4 years
Trust - Chapter VI.
'Touch yourself.'
These two words were the only thing he said after long minutes of silence. He didn't move, his tone sounded imperative.
'Gee, thanks, how have I not thought of that?' I asked sarcastically. 'It's not–'
'Touch yourself now,' Nick repeated, cutting into my witty answer. It wasn't a suggestion, but rather a command, his voice sounding a bit deeper than before. I was looking at him with my lips slightly parted as I tried to recover from the shock his words had caused.
'You want me to–' I started, my voice barely more than a whisper, but he didn't let me finish.
'I want you to pleasure yourself,' he said, not missing a beat as he leaned even more forward, closer to the screen. His voice wasn't angry anymore, rather excited and commanding.
'And you want to watch,' I clarified. I thought that after these two months Nick Jonas couldn't surprise me anymore, but he just did. I couldn't pull my mind together yet, it was still all around the place from the shock Nick's words have caused.
'Well, where would be the fun in it if I wasn't watching?' he asked, a smirk playing around his lips.
Warnings: mature content, BDSM content Pairing: Nick Jonas / Other Female Character This fanfiction can also be found on Wattpad by fnntth
I don’t own Nick Jonas or any other recognizable characters. This fanfiction is completely fictional, its only purpose is entertainment.
Chapter VI. - Baby, you got me like, oh, umm
Nick’s texts are bold
Milla’s texts are italic
As April came, people in my country started to get fed up with the coronavirus. I started to get fed up with the coronavirus. I didn't even read the news anymore, I wasn't as panicked as before. I still had my job, still worked from home office, still missed my friends and family, but Nick was quite good at taking my mind off of things.
We kept on texting every day, but since they introduced bigger restrictions in the US, we haven't had the chance to talk on the phone or FaceTime for weeks now. Priyanka was the reason for it, it was obvious, even though we haven't mentioned her in our texts. Nick clearly didn't want to talk about his wife and I didn't want to horn into their relationship any more than I've already had.
We flirted through texts. I tried to deny that it was flirting at first, but thinking back, we've flirted through all of our acquaintance. I guess Nick was just that person and he always brought it out in me. He was cheeky and didn't know any limits, and I've almost completely let go of the embarrassed and awkward feelings and was able to respond to his cheekiness most of the time.
what are you doing?
Swiping left and right.
Not even a minute after sending that message my phone's screen lit up with Nick's name. He wanted to FaceTime. Without thinking, I hit the 'accept' button. I was dying to see his face, it's been almost a month since our last FaceTime call.
'Why are you calling me at 2 in the morning?' I asked after some quick math. It was 11 o'clock my time, so it was the middle of the night in Los Angeles. Not that I was really surprised, Nick usually felt safest from Priyanka's prying eyes in the middle of the night.
I examined his face. He looked extremely handsome with his subtle and his undone hair. He was wearing a plain white T-shirt which complimented his upper arm muscles. There were some circles under his eyes, but his orbs were wide awake, glistering in the semi-dark of his home studio. I missed seeing him so much.
'Why are you on Tinder?' he asked, dismissing my question. His face was quite interesting, he was frowning and looked at me with disapproval.
'Cause I'm bored,' I shrugged. I don't know that me being on Tinder why was a big thing. 'And... a bit horny.'
We got to the point of our relationship, when I barely ever felt embarrassed with him anymore. Maybe it was the fact that this has been going on for two months now, or that we kept talking constantly, or that I've already shared with him almost everything about my sex life and fantasies. It just didn't seem like a big deal anymore, admitting to him that I was horny.
Truth is, my sexual excitement was there mainly because of Nick. The things we've talked about, the way things were going... It was all making me feel aroused and I felt like just my fingers weren't doing the trick anymore. I missed sex – it was ridiculous. I went two or three years (I didn't even dare to count exactly) without sex, without constantly missing sex, but a few talks with Nick managed to make me feel crazy and frustrated.
Which he normally enjoyed, so I had no idea what his problem was now.
'And you're looking for a hook up on Tinder?' he asked, sounding incredulous and irritated.
'I'm not looking for a hookup,' I sighed a little bit confused about his reaction. 'I've never actually hooked up with anyone on Tinder. It's just nice to see my options,' I explained. His tone started to irritate me. 'What is the big deal about it?'
'Maybe the fact that you keep telling me that you don't want to just have casual sex with a stranger, that you have principles, yet you are scrolling through Tinder, trying to find, oh, a hookup,' he replied, sounding annoyed and sarcastic.
'I do have principles!' I snapped. This conversation wasn't exactly going as I've expected. 'But having principles doesn't exactly help with being horny!'
'So feeling a bit horny is a good excuse to let go of your principles and degrade yourself on Tinder?' he asked, his voice still incredulous. His face looked irritated, his jaw was tense as he looked at the screen.
'What else should I do then?!' I asked, and I hated how desperate I sounded. 'I can't exactly help it that you're making me feel like a horny teenager all the time,' I exclaimed.
This was actually the first time I've admitted that he was making me feel things. I mean, I'm pretty sure that he's already known about his effect on me, I've just never really expressed it in words. I wasn't feeling embarrassed as I'd expect it, rather vulnerable.
'Well, I don't know,' he started in a sarcastic tone. He also seemed a bit smug at my confession. 'Maybe if it's me that's making you feel things, you should come to me.'
'Oh, really?' I asked ironically. 'Because you're just going to jump on a private plane and come here to satisfy me, huh? You're Nick Jonas, regulations and travel bans just don't apply, right?' I was extremely annoyed with him and I couldn't hold myself back. Who was he to question my principles and say that I was degrading myself? He was the one that I've had to blame for this situation, yet he was making me feel guilty. How was that fair? 'There are just no obstacles in your way, are there?' I still couldn't stop my mouth from talking. I was, in fact extremely frustrated and horny, also annoyed with Nick. 'Fuck coronavirus! Fuck being more than 6000 miles away! Fuck you having a wife! Who cares?'
Nick listened to my outburst in complete silence, with an expressionless face, yet I could see that he was getting angrier by the minute. I kind of expected him to just disconnect the call and never talk to me again. I really couldn't handle my emotions at the moment, and I hated the fact that this little interlude with him only made me feel even hornier. Seeing his stiff and strict demeanor only made me long for sex even more. I hated this effect of his, that he didn't even need to talk to make me feel things.
For minutes, it was quiet. Nick did not disconnect the call, but he didn't move from his position or said anything either. He was sitting at a desk, elbows on his knees as he was leaning forward, towards the screen, stroking his subtle with one hand.
I felt even more frustrated from his silence. I had no idea what was going to happen. Maybe me feeling comfortable enough around him to give him a piece of my mind wasn't necessarily a good thing. Maybe I'd just screwed this up, whatever this thing was.
We were looking at the screens in complete silence for about five minutes. I didn't dare to move, I just fixed my glance on him. Only some slight panting could be heard from my side, as I was still catching my breath from my heated little monologue.
'Touch yourself.'
These two words were the only thing he said after long minutes of silence. He didn't move, his tone sounded imperative.
'Gee, thanks, how have I not thought of that?' I asked sarcastically. 'It's not–'
'Touch yourself now,' Nick repeated, cutting into my witty answer. It wasn't a suggestion, but rather a command, his voice sounding a bit deeper than before. I was looking at him with my lips slightly parted as I tried to recover from the shock his words had caused.
'You want me to–' I started, my voice barely more than a whisper, but he didn't let me finish.
'I want you to pleasure yourself,' he said, not missing a beat as he leaned even more forward, closer to the screen. His voice wasn't angry anymore, rather excited and commanding.
'And you want to watch,' I clarified. I thought that after these two months Nick Jonas couldn't surprise me anymore, but he just did. I couldn't pull my mind together yet, it was still all around the place from the shock Nick's words have caused.
'Well, where would be the fun in it if I wasn't watching?' he asked, a smirk playing around his lips.
I stayed quiet for a long minute, weighing my options. Then I realized that I wanted this. I was excited, aroused, and Nick was looking at me with such longing in his dark eyes that it was clear I was going to say yes. This was a new level, even more dangerous than what we've been doing so far. But I wanted it so bad.
'I'll do it if you do it,' I said eventually, biting my bottom lip. He wanted a show? Good. Then I wanted a show. I wanted to see him at least partly naked. I wanted to see the emotions on his face. I wanted to see him come undone.
Normally I wouldn't have wanted him to see any more of me than the clothes shown. I wasn't perfectly happy with my body, there were some parts that I'd rather they stay hidden from his eyes. On the other hand, I wanted to see him and I knew than I needed to show something in exchange.
'Wouldn't have it any other way,' he replied, smirking. My heart was beating hard against my chest and I felt my mouth go dry. We really were doing this.
I watched as Nick stood up from his armchair briefly, only to take off his shirt. He was wearing some sweatpants which hung dangerously low on his waist, the waistband of his white Calvin Klein boxers showing under them. I could clearly see his bulge, even in the semidarkness of the room. After throwing his T-shirt somewhere, he also got rid of the sweatpants, leaving him only in his boxers. Those stayed on, at least for now.
'Take off your clothes,' he gave the order while sitting back into his armchair and slightly adjusting his Macbook, so now it showed his upper body, his face and barely anything of his lower parts. So we were playing this game like this, okay.
He looked extremely hot. His body wasn't as toned as a few years ago, when he did those photoshoots, but it still looked amazing. His chest was slightly hairy, his V-lines were still noticeable, he looked like a real man and nothing like the little curly haired boy.
'I said,' he started, sounding quite entertained, yet still with authority in his voice. 'Take off your clothes,' he repeated.
I swallowed before obliging. Taking off my sweatshirt was nothing. Taking off my yoga pants was also almost nothing, since he couldn't see it. Taking my top off meant that I revealed a bigger part of my body to him that he's ever seen. I felt so aroused that I did it anyway.
The fact that Nick took control of whatever was happening, even with him being more than 6000 miles away excited me even more. I wanted to do what he said, I trusted him more than I've ever trusted anyone in my life.
When I was left in only my black bra and panties, I readjusted my position on the couch. He had a view to my face and chest, but I tried not showing him any more. His gaze lingered on my breasts before turning back to my face.
'You can't touch yourself until the moment I give permission,' he said. It wasn't really a request, so I instantly nodded. He wanted to dominate. I wanted to submit to him. 'I want to hear you say it.'
'I won't touch myself until you give me permission,' I repeated his words. He seemed satisfied with my answer.
Truth is, it was already pretty damn hard to stop myself from touching my most sensitive spot. I'm pretty sure that I was already wet and the fact that Nick looked amazing, didn't exactly help my situation.
'Last time you were the one that described what you think I'd do to you,' he stopped, wetting his lips. I swallowed hard. He was taking his time, speaking slowly, his voice deep and sexy. It was clear that Nick was enjoying this at least as much as I did. 'Ever since it's been constantly on my mind what I'd actually do to you.'
I liked where this was going. Hearing his deep voice has already sent chills down my spine. Seeing his muscles tense a bit as he was talking, made me feel things that I've never really felt.
'And what is that?' I asked, my voice barely audible, but he's heard it just fine.
'Ohh, all kinds of things, really,' he smirked. 'Nice things. Not so nice things. Everything in between.'
'Care to explain?' I asked, slightly raising my eyebrow. A smile was around my lips, just as around Nick's. We were heading towards untouched area, so we were being careful with our words.
'I'd start all nice,' he said, a smirk playing on his face, eyes glistering with danger. 'I'd kiss your lips, take my time with them. You see, I love kissing.' As he was speaking, he ran a finger around his lips, making it harder for me to breath calmly. 'Then I'd deepen the kiss, use my tongue and start to discover your body with my fingers.'
I could almost feel it, his fingers playing on my skin all around my body, touching, caressing, pressing. When he said the word 'tongue', I had to swallow again. I wanted to close my eyes and imagine this properly, but then again, I didn't want to deprive myself of the sight of Nick. He looked so amazing, even more so as he was describing what he'd do to me.
'Then I'd pay attention to your neck and to the spot behind your ear,' Nick continued. 'Taste your skin, probably graze it with my teeth. Mark you as mine.'
We were only at kissing, for God's sake, yet I was already breathing heavily and really really wanted to touch myself. I've also had a feeling that he'd find the way to punish me if I did it without his permission.
'Nick–' I started, but he didn't even let me finish.
'Not yet,' he chuckled quietly, clearly enjoying my distress. I grunted and tried pressing my thighs together as hard as I could. 'Patience, dear.' The pet name he'd just used, didn't exactly help either. 'Where was I?' he asked, but didn't wait for an answer. 'Oh, right, marking you,' he chuckled, never turning his glance away from mine. 'I imagine you couldn't stay still and you'd try to touch me wherever you could, which would rush things.' It was like Nick was telling a story. His deep voice was calming and thrilling at the same time and it made my insides clench. 'So I would have to hold your hands behind your back. That is, of course, if I don't just tie you up.'
The thought of being restrained has always excited me. Now, hearing Nick talk about it enhanced my curiosity even more. I wanted to touch him, almost as much as I wanted to touch myself. Yet, the thrill of not being able to was extremely arousing, just like waiting for his ratification to use my hands.
'I'd use my other hand to explore your body. Your waist, thighs, ass, breasts,' he continued, slightly shifting in his seat. 'I'd touch your skin everywhere as I breath kisses down your neck, on my way to you breasts,' he dropped his gaze to my cleavage once again. I was so happy to be wearing a lacy bra that complimented my full breasts.
Nick seemed to appreciate them as well, as he slipped a hand down to his boxers to adjust himself. I was holding my breath, I desperately wanted to see him touch himself, and to see his manhood in its entirety. He did have control though unfortunately, so a second later his arm was back on his knee. I moaned in frustration, which he only acknowledged with a self-righteous half-smile.
'Meanwhile I'd pull you as close to me as possible so you'd feel my erection pressing into your abdomen.' He was killing me. I thought in the beginning that this would be fun. It wasn't. Hearing him talk, sure, but the misery of not being able to touch myself... I just hoped that this was worth it. Just the thought of his hard-on being anywhere near me made my mind and body go crazy. I shifted in my place once again but didn't find any relief. 'Stop fidgeting,' he ordered, which made me roll my eyes at him. It wasn't that easy to stay still. 'I'm pretty sure I've already warned you about rolling your eyes at me.'
Uh-oh. He had warned me before about that.
'I need to–'
Looks like cutting into my words was a habit of Nick in dominant mode.
'You don't need to. You just desperately want to,' he replied. 'If you ever roll your eyes at me again, I'll punish you, do you understand?' Nick asked, his voice free of any playfulness this time. I believed him. Also, part of me wanted to push him for some reason.
'Yes, Sir,' I replied, intentionally calling him that. My words clearly stroke a nerve, it seemed like Nick forgot to breath for a second. He straightened up and rubbed his palms together. In this pose I could see his chest even better, and also the top of his underwear band.
'I'd slap your ass so hard that it would instantly turn red.' I had a feeling that this wasn't just a part of his fantasy, but also his desire to do right now. 'It'd be a pleasure hearing you moan, maybe even scream.' He knew what he was doing, so when I took in a sharp breath, he looked at me with satisfaction in his darkening eyes. 'Then I'd take your nipple in my mouth and suck it hard, probably bite it too.'
You see, I've stated that I wasn't a boobs girl. That I wasn't that aroused when someone touched my boobs. Just the thought of Nick taking my nipple in his pink mouth and doing things to it made me take that statement back. I felt like whatever Nick wanted to do to me, my body would want it.
'Put a hand on your breast,' he commanded and I instantly did it, placing my left hand on my boob. 'Now pinch it. Hard.' I obliged, moaning right away. He liked that, the smirk playing on his face told me. My nipple was sensitive and hard, even through the bra. 'You can leave that hand there.'
How nice of him. I was burning up with desire, wetness pooling between my legs. I felt like I could come the moment he let me touch myself. This was so hot, so extremely hot. I was pretty sure this wasn't only affecting me, but Nick too, there was no way he wasn't rock hard by now, even if he had greater self-control than I did.
'I'd grip your ass hard,' he returned to the fantasy. Imagining his fingers on my ass was a turn-on I've never expected. 'And then, I'd make you kneel.'
Just like that, I couldn't stop another moan leaving my mouth. I knew he was doing this on purpose. He wasn't going let me touch myself until we weren't at the point in the fantasy where he would touch me there. He was postponing that moment just to torture me.
The mere thought of being on my knees in front of him made me close my eyes and imagine it. My face that close to his groin, that I could see the outline of his manhood in its entirety. I could touch him, taste him, try to regain some of the control I've so freely given him.
'Eyes on me, Milla,' he said, making me open my eyes and return my glance to his. I was breathing heavily, and I could see his chest rapidly rising and falling too. 'Now, you said you were a giving type of girl,' Nick stated, recalling our last fantasy talk.
'I am,' I nodded, my voice much hoarser than I would've imagined. Nick just nodded.
'First I'd let you explore. Taste me, maybe I'd even let you touch me,' he said, mainly to himself. 'Then, after a while I'd take back the control and fuck your pouty little mouth. Hard. I'd make you swallow my cock completely and not let you move until you have no air left.'
'I want to see you,' I blurted out pleadingly, which made him chuckle deeply. He was going to be mean, I could tell. This whole thing was making me feel even hotter and hotter. Imagining giving a blowjob to Nick was driving me wild.
'Not tonight. Good things take time,' Nick said, clearly satisfied with my reaction.
'At least touch yourself, please,' I asked, almost begging, but I didn't care. If he still wouldn't let me touch myself, I wanted him to help himself at least. I wanted him to strike his shaft, to make himself feel good, or at least a little relieved.
Nick looked at me for a long minute, clearly weighing if he was going to listen to my words. Luckily for me, his desire won. He raised his right hand, and I could see him slipping it into his briefs. I could see the upward motions as he ran his hand slowly on his shaft a few times, making me a bit satisfied.
The sight was making my mouth go dry once again. Seeing him masturbating was not a thing I've never imagined seeing. He looked like an angel as he sighed in relief, biting his bottom lip. I wanted to touch him, to touch myself, to kiss him or do anything. This was really a torture.
'I'd pull you back up by your hair,' Nick continued, his voice sounding hoarser and full of bliss. I wanted that, I wanted to feel that. I ran my tongue on my lips when realizing, they were almost completely dry. 'Kiss you again, with my hand on your throat. Then,' I wanted him to say it. Wanted him to finally say it. 'I'd run a finger down.'
There was a pause and it was making me crazy. Nick knew it, he did it on purpose. He wasn't hurrying anything, as his hand was already slowly stroking his cock, making him much more collected that I was.
'First I would only touch you through the panties. Then, when I could already feel your wetness coating my fingers, only then would I take it off.' I'd probably already be so wet that my juices would be dripping down my legs, but I didn't want to correct him. 'Milla?'
'Hm?' I asked, so fixated on him, and what his hand was doing to his shaft that I even forgot to breathe. Even though I couldn't see it, I could imagine it from the movements and his rapid breathing.
'You may touch yourself now,' he said, finally granting permission to what I was longing for. 'Two fingers, on your clit,' Nick ordered. Who was I to resist? I slit two fingers into my panties and finally, after hours of longing, touched my most sensitive point. I couldn't stop the sigh leaving my mouth, which earned a chuckle from Nick. I didn't care. 'I want you to keep doing that, but you can't come. Do you understand?' he asked slowly.
'I can't come,' I said, whimpering. I was so sensitive that the second my fingers touched my clit, I could've come. I had no idea how I was going to do this any longer.
'I'd sip a finger into your tight little pussy,' Nick continued. I could see that he was starting to lose his composure, so he's slowed his hand down on his cock. 'Then another. Then I'd raise my fingers to my mouth and taste you.' I moaned so loudly, that I even surprised Nick. The friction against my clit has eased the tension in my stomach a bit, but the desire to come put me into another kind of misery. 'I'd throw you on the bed and part your legs. I'd kneel on the bed, my face would be in level with your pussy, but I wouldn't kiss you there just yet.'
I groaned again. He was an ass.
'First I'd mark your thighs. Lick them, bite them, love them.' Of course, he'd want to mark his territory down there as well. 'I'd make you whimper, beg for me to kiss your pussy and only then would I do it. I'd play with your clit for a while, work you up completely, but wouldn't let you come.'
'Nick, please,' I didn't even say anything else. My fingers on my clit, the slight of him, the fantasy on my mind... The sensations were too much to handle. I wanted to come desperately.
'Yeah, you'd beg exactly like that,' he smirked, satisfied with himself. 'How close are you exactly?'
'Please, I need to come,' I whimpered. I was a mess, but I didn't care. The only goal I could see was the long-awaited orgasm.
'I think you can wait a little bit,' Nick said, continuing to run his hand on his cock. I wanted to see him do it, I wanted to see his manhood. I hated that he wouldn't let me. 'When I'd finally enter you,' he continued, his voice almost completely hoarse now. He was getting close, I could tell and I've never seen anything sexier than his face as he was still in control of every word, even though the sensations were affecting him very much. 'At first I'd be slow. I'd make sure you can feel every inch of me inside of you. You feel how I'm filling you up perfectly.'
I felt drunk on him. The miles between us didn't matter, I was clinging onto every word. I wasn't able to turn my eyes away from his pretty face, he mesmerized me completely. If I had any composure left I would've asked how many inches exactly was every inch. I wanted to know the answer so bad, even though I didn't know by heart how many centimeters were there in an inch. Americans...
'When I'd start to move, I imagine you'd go crazy, whimpering under me. You'd want to touch me, but I'd hold your hands above your head, so it'd make you even crazier,' he said, licking his lip as he started to go faster with his hand. His upper arm muscle was tense and I felt like I was going to explode, so I stopped moving my fingers. 'Keep playing with your clit,' Nick said, instantly noticing my lack of movement. I moaned.
'I can't. I need to come,' I whimpered. I've never felt like this, so on edge, so close. My body felt confused from the denied orgasm.
'Soon,' he promised, his eyes glistering with authority, excitement and pleasure. 'When you're close to orgasming, I'd suddenly turn you over and thrust into you from behind.' The only thing that satisfied me was that it seemed like Nick was breathing harder by the minute as well. 'I'd start thrusting into you rapidly, yet deeply, so you'd scream my name,' he continued. My extremely sensitive clit felt like it couldn't take anymore, I was constantly whimpering and asking Nick for permission, which he ignored. 'Milla.' My name fell from his lips, making me try to concentrate on his eyes for a moment and not on the hotness in the pit of my stomach.
'Nick?' I moaned.
'You may come now. Come with me,' he said and it was like my body instantly let go. 'When we'd come, I'd feel your pussy contracting against me, which would send me over the edge. I'd come in you, fill you up with my come,' he continued, even dirtier, and his words were more than enough to make me orgasm. I've never felt such sensations in my life, never have I ever had an orgasm so hard. I'm pretty sure I was loud, moaning Nick's name again and again.
And by the time I was able to concentrate on him, he was grunting deeply, his arm moving much faster than before on his shaft. I looked into his eyes the moment before he came undone, and I've never seen anything so beautiful and pure before. Some of his come was dripping down on his toned chest, he was groaning with closed eyes. He looked like an angel.
For minutes, only our constant panting could be heard. My wetness was dripping down my legs, but suddenly I felt so tired that I didn't find it in me to clean myself up, I didn't even feel able to move. Nick was more vigilant, I watched him clean his mess up from his chest before laying back in the armchair, his breathing slowly calming down.
'Wow, maybe I should use Tinder more,' I chuckled, and Nick joined in, still trying to calm his breathing.
When I came to my senses, my mind instantly started racing. What was this? What have we just done? This was probably the most intense sexual experience of my life, and we weren't even on the same continent. He was making me crazy, doing things to my body when he was thousands of miles away. This wasn't normal...
I wanted to ask Nick what we were doing. Yet, the moment I really looked into his tired eyes, I wanted nothing more than for him just to go to sleep and have some rest.
'Go to bed, Nick,' I said, not even wanting to think about 'bed' meaning another woman, meaning his wife. He looked like he wanted to oppose, but as soon as he opened his mouth, I spoke up. 'C'mon, you need your beauty sleep.'
Truth is, I was extremely scared to talk about this thing that was happening between us, and I didn't think that post-sex bliss was the time to do it.
'We'll talk tomorrow?' he asked, his voice still a bit hoarse and I could almost hear some doubts in it.
'Of course,' I said.
'Good,' he answered with a soft smile on his face. 'You're so beautiful when you come undone.' It was the last thing he's said before disconnecting the call.
I couldn't help but laugh, even if I was alone. I've just had FaceTime sex with Nick Jonas. The world was really turning upside down thanks to this virus.
A/N: Hi guys,
I guess now, after 6 chapters you have a feeling of what this story is going to be like. Do you like it? What's your opinion? Could you please give me some feedback, so I know I'm not the only one enjoying this story? :)
Take care,
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