#also her shirt in the video is my favorite. I am obsessed with it!
storyofmychoices · 26 days
How to not be someone's friend... (yes, that's okay!)
I've been quiet about the latest round of fandom drama. I had hoped it would subside, but just like with all arguments this fandom seems to get into, there have been "sides". I've had people from both "sides" come to me for advise. There are people in this fandom that don't want to choose sides but they are afraid of others being upset or mad at them for choosing to be friends with someone someone else doesn't "like".
We don't all have to agree. It's okay to have different views on an issue. It's okay if some issues are black and white for you while other people have areas of grey. It's okay to make mistakes. Everyone here is human. Not one person here is perfect. It's okay not to like everyone. It's okay to block people and tags you don't enjoy.
It is NOT okay for anyone to tell anyone else who they can be friends with or who to interact with. That is bullying. It's NOT okay to tell anyone else who they can interact with to be your friend. That is bullying. It's NOT okay to send anon hate to someone. That is bullying.
It is okay to not be someone's friend...except we're never really taught how to do that! We're taught how to be friends, but what happens when we can't?
Well, I was reminded of this video today and I want to share it with you. We share this with students heading to middle school, I know we're not 11 or 12 here, but I hope we can watch this with an open mind. Remember that we are all people and it's okay to not be friends, but do it with respect. Everyone deserves respect.
Note: this is not about ANYONE in particular. I just watched this with my students today, and thought it was worth sharing. Please don't reply with hate or negativity. If this post isn't for you, please ignore it and move on. I truly wanted to try to share how not to be friends in hopes it could give some people some peace and find some enjoyment here again. I don't want to lose anyone.
We have to exist together, we don't have to be friends, and that's okay! This fandom is small and everyone deserves a place, let's coexist and share our love of this silly little app. 💖
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supercantaloupe · 10 months
don giovanni at wolf trap opera! this is long <3
right to the top of my list of don giovanni productions! while it does not take the place of my absolute favorite this was a REALLY solid production that i THOROUGHLY enjoyed; it might just be my new second place! desperately wish it was recorded for streaming or at the very least not a one-night-only performance but alas, at least i get to feel special about having been able to see it at all. director john de los santos you will always be famous to ME
the orchestra was definitely lacking some of the Oomph i really love in a good live performance but i think this is purely do to the acoustics of the theater being open air rather than the fault of like. the orchestra themselves. i thought they did a good job other than a couple of points when they were a little bit out of sync with the singers. great mandolin solo in deh vieni!
vocally speaking i thought ottavio (lunga eric hallam) and anna (renee richardson) were the standouts but everyone in the cast was very well suited to their roles. don giovanni (cory mcgee) was great but i am just personally not as into deh vieni being sung with That Much vibrato and grandeur behind it (i prefer it to sound more intimate) but that's me picking nits here
okay leporello is always gay in my heart but this is easily the most OVERTLY gay i've seen him yet. dramatic af. limp wristing everywhere. you can absolutely see why he follows the don around despite the Everything Else; he's obviously in love. it was pretty neat to see that played as obviously as it was for once!
definitely these are not MY versions of the characters exactly; leporello is a bit too "willing/enjoying the don's shenanigans", elvira a bit too bitchy, etc for my own personal interpretations of them. HOWEVER the production really COMMITTED to its characterization and i respect that. even if my own interpretations are a bit different, it was easy to follow along and still like the characters as they were presented. so kudos for that!
they made the don so. flamboyant is not exactly the right term for it because he wears mostly black with a bit of gold/dark purple accents throughout the show. but. there was a very strong Energy to him. the slightly silly mustache. the eyeshadow. the dangly earrings and sparkly necklace. the see-thru lacy black shirt. the way he moves like a dancer. being SHIRTLESS in the lass scene, possibly with glitter on his bare chest. Mother Fucker. absolutely captivating to watch. i hate him and i'm obsessed
this also has to be the FUNNIEST production i've yet to see; possibly this is due to it being the first production i've seen live in the theater surrounded by an audience, which i think always heightens the energy as compared to watching a video at home or even in a cinema, but regardless this was a really funny production of don giovanni. i'm a big fan; don giovanni IS a dramma giocoso, and i think a LOT of productions these days tend to forget that it's supposed to be at least kind of funny here and there. it should still be dramatic and emotional at times, yes, but you can (and should) strike a balance. and while this production was perhaps slightly less emotional than others, it was really funny in a way i haven't seen before in don giovanni, which thrilled me.
a lot of it came down to little acting choices (blocking, gestures, tone of voice, etc; elvira threw a lot of shit across the stage in anger in this. good for her), some of it on creative liberty with the translation (eg. elvira calling the don a straight up jackass and bastard at Multiple Points lol), and a couple of tiny additions that amused me. there were SO many little moments that amused me.
i'd say the biggest thing that disappointed me with this production was the number of cuts they made. it seems like they were working with a very strict deadline of "final curtain at 11pm sharp" (to their credit, the show ended At 11pm Sharp) and decided to trim some bits deemed the most inessential for that reason. with that in mind i think the choices they made make Sense, but it's still kind of disappointing when you're expecting a particular aria and it never shows up, or if you're a weirdo like me who basically has the score memorized at this point and you're like "wait a minute there's supposed to be more recit here". the show started at 8pm but it was originally scheduled for a downbeat at 7:30; i'm not sure what the reason for the change is, but i can't help but wonder if those cuts wouldn't have been made if they'd had those thirty extra minutes to work with.
at any rate, if this production ever got revived (either here or somewhere else, ideally without cuts), i would be THRILLED to see it again, and heartily recommend it to anyone else who's even remotely interested. cuts aside (and really that's my only big criticism of the entire production) it was a FANTASTIC experience and i LOVED going to see it so so much <3
also final note on the venue. glad i brought my little handheld fan because an open air theater in virginia in august is STIFLING lol. that heat and humidity really lingers after sundown! but the seats were SURPRISINGLY comfortable for the three hours, moreso than a lot of, like, proper theaters i've been to lmao.
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kkkkkkkitty · 9 months
Kitty, adult, she/her, main @kittyyyyyyy
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You are not permitted to train AI on my artwork. Reposting, tracing, inspiration, & whatever else is A-okay👍Friendship. 🌈🩷🏳️‍🌈
I don't have a DNI. Please do not involve me in drama or discourse...this is an art blog.
Spam liking is okay, liking without reblogging is okay
I draw on my phone with MediBang paint
I can be found all over the web
I'm in my 2nd year of college for my neuroscience degree... I am a certified medical assistant & phlebotomy technician via the NHA. Watch out ! Your phlebotomist may know who Sollux Captor is
I like bugs, love caterpillars 🐛 I bike everywhere...I enjoy going to antique stores...I collect ceramic cat figures & Sonic the Hedgehog memorabilia. My favorite animal is the kindly capybara & my favorite microorganism is the tardigrade 🦠. I love Annie Proulx. I have made quite a few personal websites... am currently working on another. I have a Surf's Up (2007) pride shirt🐧. I currently have 71 tabs open on Firefox. I can't stop pirating media !
I can do this
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I enjoy almost any subject... am particularly interested in art in all forms & neurology (Epilepsy & dementia...I suppoooose psychology would also fall under this? I'm very interested in mental disorders.)
I don't know. Fandoms. Currently obssessed with Homestuck...My favorite character sort of oscillates between Jade, Kanaya, & Calliope but if you ask I will probably say Jade...smiles. I have written Homestuck fanfiction but I shan't post it
TWIN PEAKS NO. 1...!! 🌲
Succession, Pathologic (classic [HD]), & Sonic the Hedgehog are multi-year favorites... Emphasis on dearest Sonic. Sort of getting into Disco Elysium. I appreciate My Little Pony G5 & Warrior Cats for being some of my first true obsessions 🐴🐈...I also like Severance, Breaking Bad & BCS, S1 of Raised by Wolves (2020)...Romantically Apocalyptic (😢), Grim Fandango, Metal Gear Solid, Fallout, OFF...there are many !
I tried sprinkling some emojis in there to make this less of a slog.
Some 'Tube videos
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cosplayinamerica · 2 years
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So my cosplay origin story started back when I was in fifth grade. I was 10 and my mom told me she couldn't afford to get me a Halloween costume that year. So I stayed up all night being really sad about it and then suddenly I had an idea.
So I ran around my house and found a bunch of different pieces of clothing and put them together. I found a white shirt I found the blue vest I found the baseball cap, and at the time I was obsessed with Digimon so everywhere I went with me I had a little demiveemon with me. So I actually even made him a mask and I put the mask on him and I had a pokeball from Burger King when they were doing those gold Pokemon cards and I put him in the pokeball and I went to school the next day as Ash. That was when I first got started I didn't know that it was called cosplay.
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That was around the time [high school]that we had learned about Anime Vegas so I grabbed my cousin and then we of course did our little closet cosplays cuz of course there were no wig stores or cosplay shops or places to get costume pieces like there are today.
And we took the bus down to Vegas. I think we were 15 at the time and we were so excited when we got there and there was a whole line of people also in there closet cosplays that they put together waiting to get in. That's when I really got into cosplay when I first went to Anime Vegas cuz I knew there was a name for it and I knew I wasn't the only person that liked dressing up like anime characters.
My current cosplay: so right now at the School of Cosplay I am working on my Crow cosplay. He is from a show called show by Rock and he is a rockstar hedgehog LOL. He has a lot of spikes a lot of studs leather pants leather jacket a tail the whole nine yards. He is what I am working on for an upcoming competition at LVL UP Expo for this upcoming February and then after him I'm actually going to work on a pretty exciting and ambitious cosplay for Crunchyroll expo.
It's going to be a remake of Lelouch from Code Geass. And it's a remake because I made him a long long time ago way before the school even existed and looking back on it I hated how it turned out LOL and I want to take it up like a million notches
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[School of Cosplay] It's just a nice safe space to work and it's very spacious and of course having an instructor there to answer any questions you may have is always helpful. I've always wanted to improve any time I've done a masquerade and I go to feedback I would always be told you have to take your costume up some more your performances are great but you got to improve on your costume work. And I would never know how to do that.
A lot of people can go on YouTube and watch videos or some people went to college for it. I'm more of an in-person learner so the school has really helped me in teaching me everything I need to know when helping me improve.
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My number one [favorite cosplay I've done] would have to be Anthy from Utena. And there's just something about that costume that I just love. I think it has to do with the fact that growing up besides being a black cosplayer it was hard to find female cosplays that I thought looked good on me.
The first time I made Anthy, I thought she looked really cute on me and so once I started going to the School of Cosplay I wanted to remake her because I had learned so many skills there and so I made her a second time and she came out better but there was still something that I needed to perfect on her.
So that's what I made her a third time and that's the one you saw in the studio I'm really proud of how she came out. Ahe is perfection and she looks extremely good on me which always surprises me.
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Photos by @midnight_pursona_photography
So my number three would have to be Motoyasu from the Reprise of Superhero. So me and my friends had done a shield hero group at Anime Los Angeles right before the pandemic. And my friend was going to be Naofumi, who I love but the next character in line that I was going to be Motoyasu. But I hated his personality so when I was making his first costume I was looking for any reason I could find to not hate him. That's when I found out that he had a side manga series called the reprise of spear hero where he actually redeemed himself and I actually started to really really like him. So after I did his first costume I did his second costume from the side manga and it came out so nice it was one of my most difficult cosplays to make. 
My second favorite Tokiya from uta no prince sama. I adore idol anime especially if it's male idol anime. And I have an obsession with a Japanese voice actor named miyano mamoru. So I like the cosplay characters he voices. 
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Advice I would give to my younger self would probably be more along the lines of masquerade because my younger self did not understand masquerade. I didn't know how it worked assume that you going and getting up on stage is an automatic award. I would tell my younger self to make sure to always continue putting your best foot forward to not be afraid to cosplay outside their comfort zone and that of course anyone can cosplay do not let how you feel about yourself getting the way of what you love. Because there have been times where I have not done a cosplay because I was worried about how I would look to this day there is still a costly that I've wanted to do since I was a teenager that I have not done yet but I will soon.
Amazon School Teacher List https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/37LJSGUKTW2ZH?ref_=wl_share
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nightfallrevel · 1 year
Sitting in between Hitoshis legs and playing video games together as a married couple (age like 22) and your playing animal crossing and you give him a shirt in game that says "Number 1 Daddy" and hes all confused thinking it’s supposed to be kinky but actually reader is preggo
I am finally posting this. I originally had this nearly done back when it was first requested, but then it all got deleted when my laptop decided it was time to update itself and shut down. I was so mad that I couldn't even come back to this for the longest time.
I hope you don't mind that I strayed from using second person and instead wrote it as an unnamed and as generic as I could make her OC. I really have come to despise second person POV and avoid writing it where I can.
Please enjoy!
CW: none, all fluff
Words: 1,141
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They’d been married for just over a year and Shinsou Hitoshi couldn’t remember being happier. He’d met his wife a few years ago in a rather normal way and they had slowly become friends over time. The fact that he was a hero had never affected her opinion of him or swayed her feelings one way or another. She was understanding of his fluctuating hours and supported him on the hard days. In return, he gave her what she needed to chase her own dreams and career. They were a perfect match.
Of course, they fought, as all couples do, but they were always able to work things out. Communication and compromise were the keys to making their day to day lives work in the hardest of times, not that they had many of those. To anyone else, they probably looked like a pretty boring couple. Shinsou didn’t think so and he also liked to imagine that they were able to work as well as they did because they made sure to set aside time to spend together, not to mention a healthy sex schedule.
One of their favorite things to do together when they could was to play games. Anything from co-op to games that brought out their more competitive sides. Nothing made him happier to hear her laughter as she tried her hardest to beat him with every level they played - or accidentally hit a wrong button. Recently, though, his little wife had an obsession with a new game. A little slower paced than they usually went for, but it was cute and his wife was obsessed, so he played along to keep her happy. Not that he would ever admit that he actually loved the game, too.
“Hitoshi! Look! I finally caught the swordfish!” His wife gleefully shook her Switch screen in front of his face from between his legs where she sat on the floor. He grinned at her, seeing her character show off the catch with the silly pun in the speech bubble.
“Great job, babe. Make sure Blathers pays you handsomely for the time you spent looking for it.” He snickered as she rolled her eyes with a smirk. They’d been playing Animal Crossing for the past couple of months straight and she was obsessed with collecting all the bugs, fish, fossils, and crafting recipes. She would also spend hours creating new designs for clothes or tiles to make their shared island as perfect as possible.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll be sure to collect on all the other things I’ve donated, too.” She turned back around, hunching over her Switch in her lap. “Now I can go back to making a new shirt.” Hitoshi smiled softly at the back of her head, feeling his affection for her welling up inside him. He’d have to cuddle her later, maybe after dinner.
Turning his attention back to the TV screen, he went back to collecting crafting materials and having fun with tormenting the villagers while he left his wife to her newest creation. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed before she finally perked up. His gaze dropped back to her, noting the warm glow to her cheeks that always appeared when she was particularly pleased about something.
“Done! I’ve turned this into a shirt for you, so c’mere and I’ll give it to you.” A giggle left her, excited for him to have the shirt. He chuckled, knowing that particular giggle meant one of two things. Either she’d completely outdone herself and was extremely proud of herself, or it was something outrageously silly that he was being tricked into. He didn’t mind either way and immediately turned his character to meet her outside of the tailor shop.
“Alright. Do your worst, babe!” He snickered as she lightly swatted his shin. The shirt dropped on the ground and he picked it up. Going into his inventory, the name of the shirt simply said ‘1’ and he raised a brow before putting it on. His character made a flourish as the shirt changed and Hitoshi froze, unable to properly process what he was seeing.
The shirt itself wasn’t anything special, just a solid purple that matched the color of his hair. What threw him, however, were the bright words that were on proud display. “Number One Daddy”. He blinked a few times before his gaze slid down to his blushing wife, turning his raised brow on her. “I thought you weren’t into that kink? In fact, I think I specifically remember you vehemently stating how much it grossed you out.” His mouth kicked up into a teasing smirk as she blushed even brighter and hid her face against his knee.
“I do hate it!” She was quiet for a long time and he waited patiently for her to explain herself. “It’s not about the kink.” She finally said, her voice small as she peeked up at him. Hitoshi stared at her, brain refusing to pick up what she meant for several heartbeats. Dawning washed over him and his mouth fell open wordlessly. “Surprise?”
He blinked and his brain finally rebooted enough for him to close his mouth and swallow thickly. “Are you serious? Is this real? Are we… Are you… Babe. I need you to tell me right now if you’re trying to tell me what I think you are.” Nervously, she set her Switch aside on the coffee table and brought her hands to rest in her lap.
“Hitoshi, love of my life, I’m pregnant.” She gave him a small smile. “We’re going to have a baby.” Hitoshi sucked in a sharp breath, his chest tightening with emotion. They had talked a couple of times about kids, but never in too much depth. They both wanted to have one or two, and never really discussed much else; how soon they wanted one hadn’t come up. They hadn’t been trying, but they didn’t regularly use protection, either. It didn’t matter.
Moving forward, he gathered his wife in his arms and pulled her into his lap. “Babe, that’s amazing. I can’t believe it. You’re… seriously? You’re not pulling my leg here?” She laughed and nodded, leaning into him. He brought her in for a kiss, their lips melding together passionately. They broke apart and Hitoshi felt himself overwhelmed with emotion. “I’m gonna be a dad,” he whispered. “The best dad,” his wife whispered back, happy tears filling her eyes. He chuckled softly and reached up to wipe them away. His chest swelled with love and pride in the woman in his arms, the woman he called ‘wife’. They’d started a life together just over a year ago, and now it would only continue to grow as they brought new life into the world for them to cherish and raise. Together, just like in everything else they did, always together.
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babygorewhore · 11 months
Hey idk if you're still doing the 'tell me about yourself and I'll ship you with an evan thing' so ignore this if you don't wanna do any more but ty if you do!
I'm non binary, I use all pronouns in my every day life cause I'm from a non-English speaking country, but I prefer they/them the most, im queer sexuality wise, i want top surgery more than anything else rn, I'm currently OBSESSED with across the spiderverse, I love video games, nostalgic shit (I just got a DVD of the first few episodes of a childhood show of mine lol), manga, comics, fashion designing (hoping to make it a career!), lego, makeup, plushies and musicals! (So you like show tunes, doesn't mean you're gay, it just means you're awful. I watched all seasons of glee... I hate myself. /j) Oh and cats. I love cats. Specifically hairless ones and cheetahs. (THEY COUNT IDC).
I have short (pixie cut) super dark brown hair that I usually dye blonde or other colors, I have greenish-brownish eyes, and no piercings cause I'm a wimp and to add to the wimpiness I am 5'3 (most of my friends are taller than me I am in HELL). I like to dress in all sorts of clothing, androgynous, masculine, feminine, y2k, goth, pastel. When I'm in fem clothing I either dress in like an elegant goth, cute pastel stuff with mostly green, pink or orange, but whatever I wear the earrings always have to be Giant. In my every day life though most of my clothing is fun T shirts, long sweat pants or shorts and a hoodie. Oh and sandels. Lots and lots of sandels. I love winter because I get to wear all my favorite hoodies, and get to snuggle up in my bed eating soup while watching some dumb Christmas movie no one wanted to see but Netflix made cause money.
I have ADHD and generalized anxiety disorder and currently trying to figure out with my psychiatrist what else I have. I'm a very sensitive person but I usually mask so if I'm hurt I will not show it, but I'm also very petty and spiteful? I don't act on it though. I'm a morning eagle AND a night owl, I'm just a ball of chaotic energy that doesn't die, I AM HELLFIRE INCARNET! BOW BEFORE- coffee? We dont know her. I try to be funny? My friends think I'm funny but idk. You tell me.
Again tysm if you do this and have a nice day!
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Okay bet. So Kyle here would absolutely love your interests and he would absolutely LOVE MUSICALS. I feel like people wouldn’t think so because he’s a frat boy but he totally would.
He would be really supportive in your expression of style and he would love having a non binary partner! I feel like he’s extremely accepting.
He would have such respect for you for sticking to your authentic style and oml…HE WOULD LET YOU BORROW HIS HOODIES!!!! He would love how they hang on you he would find it so cute!!!
He would love to see you design for your fashion and even give you a little fashion show of all his fits! I feel like he also has a lot of energy that he’s dying to show. He would love to stay up late for you so much.
And he’s very sweet so since you’re a sensitive person, he would be very protective of you and give you lots of kisses if you unmasked! WE LOVE OUR BLONDE ANGEL BABY KYLE!!!
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rank the fob and mcr albums or i'll smash your kneecaps
Love you too bestie <3
I had to drag out my laptop to type all this but they are under the cut...
Three Cheers is my fav ever, thanks for the venom is my all time favorite it is never not playing in my head, I have the 3cheers shirt and everything. also ykwtdtgluip is another fav and helena just... i cry. and headband. it is a solid album start to finish.
Then I'd also have to do bullets because drowning lessons? sunsets? did i metion drowning lessons? A fav that has got me through some SHIT.
Black Parade is iconic and bangers front to back I am still spiralling cancer disenchanted I DON'T LOVE YOU (and it's GORGEOUS video). And blakc parade. My first karaoke song ever, sang it for my first acting class bit and put on eyeliner while doing it... I was a legend that day.
Danger Days. My love. The whole concept here though a wildly different color vibe from others was so good. My old discord name was dstroya after the song. It really ties with TBP if im being honest and again bangers cover to cover, s/c/a/r/e/c/r/o/w and bulletproof heart and nananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananana and need i go on, you get the point. (edited)
now, FOB. FOB is my baby and everything they do slaps and i like being kept on my toes for the vibes.
From under the cork tree is my #1 always, i have a tattoo based on olmuctnotsswwgs it is my ALL TIME fave song ever. the first album of theirs i ever owned. Nobody puts baby in the corner and sophmore slump are some favs and of couse sugar. I mean, com on.
Next I'd probably ( god I hate ranking my CHILDREN) Folie a duex. So many good ones, some Urie vocals. Coffee, idc, nosebleed, america's sweethearts, DONNIE my baby... need i say more?
3) take this to your grave. I will be buried with this album solely for it's title but also Dead on Arrival is my fav banger here, saturday, grand theft, reinventing... I like their early sound and the unhingedness of these songs
then I'd have to say... shit. um. Save rock and roll and AB/AP are a tie, these two bleed together for me and idk why but Centuries reignited my obsession with them and there are too many bangers here between the two: jet pack blues, alone together, young volcanos, ELTON FREAKIN JOHN, and sue me i think demi in irresistible was so good. I like the version with her and i will not apologize for that. Both albums bop equally hard for me.
Hot take. I hate putting it so low but I do love MANIA. Some of the songs i could take or leave but the others I am living for (because of), wilson is easily my top on this album, church, young and menace (ha, me), the begining of stay frosty when it just hits. Actually, looking at the track list again, i like more songs than I dislike here. My initial reaction to the more mainstream sound clouded my judgment at first and i didn't like the album, but everytime i listen to it I find new songs i like.
Now. Infinity is also full of bangers. Im like a lawyer (WERE THE NEW FACE OF FAILURE), hum halleluiah, bang the goldrums, ginasfs, and all the iconics that are on this album.
I know this is a ranked list but really they all tie for first and second place, I have my most faves and then the slightly lesser faves becasue my mans pete wentz and his crew can do no wrong. **I didn't rank Stardust because, well, but i alraedy know i am going to live for it. i love everything they do, I don't dislike any of thier songs, though some of the mainstreamers do rub me the wrong way if im in a bad mood because im sad they were a bit overplayed. Except for sugar, that one never is unwelcomed.
Also, some fun immages I feel you would appreciate
FOB is my baby and everything they do slaps and i like being kept on my toes for the vibes.
From under the cork tree is my #1 always, i have a tattoo based on olmuctnotsswwgs it is my ALL TIME fave song ever. the first album of theirs i ever owned. Nobody puts baby in the corner and sophmore slump are some favs and of couse sugar. I mean, com on.
Next I'd probably ( god I hate ranking my CHILDREN) Folie a duex. So many good ones, some Urie vocals. Coffee, idc, nosebleed, america's sweethearts, DONNIE my baby… need i say more?
3) take this to your grave. I will be burried with this album solely for it's title but also Dead on Arrival is my fav banger here, saturday, grand theft, reinventing… I like their early sound and the unhingedness of these songs
then I'd have to say… shit. um. Save rock and roll and AB/AP are a tie, these two bleed together for me and idk why but Centuries reignited my obsession with them and there are too many bangers here between the two: jet pack blues, alone together, young volcanos, ELTON FREAKIN JOHN, and sue me i think demi in irrisitable was so good. I like the version with her and i will not apologize for that. Both albums bop equally hard for me.
Hot take. I hate putting it so low but I do love MANIA. Some of the songs i could take or leave but the others I am living for (because of), wilson is easily my top on this album, church, young and menace (ha, me), the begining of stay frosty when it just hits. Actually, looking at the track list again, i like more songs than I dislike here. My initial reaction to the more mainstream sound clouded my judgment at first and i didn't like the album, but everytime i listen to it I find new songs i like.
[8:09 PM]
Now. Infinity is also full of bangers. Im like a lawyer (WERE THE NEW FACE OF FAILURE), hum halleluiah, bang the goldrums, ginasfs, and all the iconics that are on this album.
I know this is a ranked list but really they all tie for first and second place, I have my most faves and then the slightly lesser faves becasue my mans pete wents and his crew can do no wrong. **I didn't rank Stardust because, well, but i alraedy know i am going to live for it. i love everything they do, I don't dislike any of thier songs, though some of the mainstreamers do rub me the wrong way if im in a bad mood because im sad they were a bit overplayed. Except for sugar, that one never is unwelcomed.
also, some images i know you'll appreciate...
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always-andromeda · 2 years
Heyo lovebug🐛♥️ I hope ur having a great day, congrats on 500 u deserve so much more bbs!! I was wondering if I could request Louisa for Paul dano characters pls
Btw sorry if this is messy I’ve never done this before…..
I’m 19yr, I’m petite and very pale ( I look like a vampire lowkey) my height is 5’2 I use she/her pronouns, 99% sure i have ocd but it hasn’t been confirmed yet, I have short brown hair with highlights ( it used to be pink highlights but they’re gone now loll) I wear glasses, I would describe my style to be kind of 80s a bit mixed with goth and a hint of  cottagecore my aesthetic is so weird, I’m tomboyish but also a girly girl at times too I loveeee wearing baggy shirts and some sweat pants ( it’s my go too) I also have a few ear piercings, I love reading comics and playing video games ( lost of us is probably my favorite), and puzzles too I’m probably the biggest nerd you would ever meet lolll ( I like collecting figures and comics)  I’m obsessed with music I could talk about it for hours if given the chance too, the song I’m currently obsessed with is bad habits by Steve lacy ( my favorite band is mook of course 😤and my favorite artist is Mac DeMarco) , I hope to pursue something in art in the future,I like to think I’m a creative person and oh I’m a movie nerd too
how I would describe myself : I’m the mom/funny friend, I’m ambivert but leaning into an introvert ( for some reason I’m not shy around introverts i suddenly get this boost of confidence… Idk tbh) I like having a small friend group, when u first meet me I’m shy and quite but when u get to know me I’m a total goofy ball lmaooo,I’m a very good listener, I’m also very supportive and loyal ( im the friend u can call when u need to bury a dead body loll ) i do have a resting bitch face sadly so I look intimidating it makes it hard for people to approach me🥲 ( i promise im nice cries) I’m very goofy I absolutely love making others laugh I thrive on it , I’m very determined person once I set my mind on something I have to do right , I’m very protective over my loved ones I would literally kill for them😀 I’m such a hopeless romantic I like listening to lovey dovey songs and create fake scenarios in my head ( I live in my head 24/7) a few of my bad habits is that i don’t know how express my emotions well anddd I hate crying in front of others…… I’m also very moody too ( I’m working on it I promise 🥲) oh my god I loveeeeeeeee showering people with complements and love I’m very affectionate towards my loved ones I love animals especially cats and birds,I like to think that I’m a very responsible person, I’m a very honest person too ( i don’t really like sugarcoating things but I have to at times) I can be really stubborn at times too, I would consider myself to be really chill, calm and lowkey sensitive.
Hobbies: reading, painting I can knit a bit but I’m better at crocheting ( I like making mushrooms for some reason) baking and cooking too I also used to play the piano but I stopped, ( I ALMOST FORGOT I ADORE FLOWERS SO MUCH ONE DAY I WANNA OWN A HUGE GARDEN) I think that’s it ( I’m a sucker for riddles I ain’t the best at them but I love how it keeps me thinking) I hope this is enough luv please take ur time and don’t forget to take breaks!!
Thank you!!!!!!!
Author's Note | first of all, you adding on your love for Hot Freaks in that separate ask wasn't dumb at all because I gave them a listen and now I'm in love with them too!! seriously, your vibes are fucking immaculate?? like fuck dude I wanna be your friend?? thank you for giving me so much to work with here!! I really hope you enjoy your matchup!!
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I am pairing you with ✨ Edward!! ✨
You and Edward would be adorable together, I know it. For one, your loyalty and support would mean a lot to him (you did say you're the friend to call when a body needs to be buried /j). Truly, though, your love, honesty, and kindness would make him so incredibly happy. Edward is an introvert but he would feel so comfortable with you.
Edward would come up with different riddles for you to solve. And if he thinks up a particularly good one, he has to write it down. Even if you can't figure it out, he'll gently nudge you in the right direction every time. He just loves watching the cogs turn in your mind as you decipher something he put together since he's a huge geek himself.
Decorate his life with your crocheted mushrooms, comics, and figurines. He'd properly adore and cherish every mark that you've left on him in a way only Eddie can.
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spideyswebhead · 1 year
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I posted 924 times in 2022
147 posts created (16%)
777 posts reblogged (84%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 287 of my posts in 2022
#indie rambles - 94 posts
#stranger things - 22 posts
#shannon💙 - 15 posts
#cassian andor - 9 posts
#andor spoilers - 5 posts
#gilmore girls - 5 posts
#star wars - 5 posts
#eddie munson - 5 posts
#steve harrington - 5 posts
#stranger things 4 spoilers - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 63 characters
#queerbaiting was the worst word the internet got their hands on
My Top Posts in 2022:
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13 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
I swore she would outlive all of us
14 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
I need someone to figure out where Mark and Ethan got their shirts
Cause they look so cool and I'm obsessed
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17 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  Intro  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Welcome to my tumblr!
I'm a pansexual, demisexual writer who loves to write about their favorite characters in her spare time.
Who will I write for? (coming soon)
You can request anything you would like! Just nothing too heavy, mainly cause I know I won't do it justice and I'd rather not spread misinformation! I'm autistic and I know how it feels to read another fic of wrong information.
But also when you request anything please let me know what pronouns and gender of the reader you'd like! Otherwise I'll assume it's Gender Neutral <3
name : Indie
age : 21 (march 8th)
pronouns : she/they
triggers : gore, surgery (imagery mainly), Clair de Lune
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| Gaming Shelf |
| Movie and TV Shelf |
| Bookshelf | wip
See the full post
19 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Stargazing | Robin Buckley
Pairing | Robin Buckley x F!Reader
Summery | Robin got an unexpected visitor at her window at 2 AM, asking her to go stargazing.
Content Warning | Robin being a complete simp for y/n, love confession, first kiss
Word Count | 1.6k
AN | while I was writing this I found this playlist that's perfect for this, so you can listen to it while reading! <3 and this was inspired by this prompt list
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[ gif belongs to - @songs4themoon ]
Tap, tap… tap, tap
Robin breathed as she cracked an eye open, turning in her bed and looking out the window, seeing a finger tapping gently with some eyes poking underneath. For a second Robin tensed as she stared as her brain processed what was happening, who was at her window? And was it a murderer just starting to freak her out? She tugged her blankets closer to her chin.
Then the head popped up and Robin recognized the girl and she felt like she could breathe. It was just Y/N.
Then the second thought came to her, why was Y/N here?
Robin’s eyes flicked up to her alarm clock - 1:45 am - she should be asleep, they had work tomorrow. She pulled her covers off and walked over to the window, sliding it open to look at the girl standing outside her window. “It’s almost 2 am, what are you doing here?”
“Want to stargaze?”
Robin blinked at her owlishly, not expecting that coming out of the girl's mouth. Robin and Y/N have gotten quite close since she started working at the video store, she seemed to be on the more impulsive side as she always tells stories of some wild adventure she went on, constantly talking about just going out on drives without a plan of what she would do. Robin loved hearing her tell those stories when it was a slow day and Steve was busy doing inventory or putting tapes away.
When Robin didn’t seem to have an answer, she continued. “I can’t sleep and the stars look really pretty today - or tonight really - and I don’t want to go alone, so you’re the first person who came to mind.”
“We have work in the morning.”
“So?” She shrugs with a grin, “c’mon, it’ll be nice!”
Robin debated it in her head if she should sneak out her window tonight and stargaze with her co-worker at 2 in the morning, knowing she would be exhausted since she had school in 3 hours and her entire shift, she hoped it would be another slow day so she wouldn’t need to use her brain too much cause it was tempting to say yes.
So Robin decided to follow Y/N’s many storys and be impulsive. Just say yes. “Okay,”
The smile on Y/N's face warmed her insides, the excitement seeming to build in the girl as she stepped back from Robin’s window. “Let’s go, Buckley!”
“Alright, alright, let me put on some shoes.”
Robin slipped on some socks and her sneakers, grabbing a large hoodie to keep warm, despite the hot weather of the last bit of summer the night could sometimes still be cold, but she tied it around her waist and climbed out of her window.
Y/N guides Robin through the darkness to her car where she slides into the driver’s seat, Robin settling in the passenger side. Y/N drove them into the night. The soft sound of music drifting out of the radio on low volume. Neither moved to turn it up or down.
Some part of Robin worried the car of Y/N’s car would wake up her parents, but none of the lights came on as she backed up so they had to be in the clear. Robin wouldn’t be in trouble.
Another part of Robin wondered where the girl would be taking her to stargaze? When Robin thought she would stop she continued. She didn’t say a word either as she stared straight ahead at the road.
Robin turns her head to watch Y/N side view, her eyes running over the outline of her profile, the dip from her forehead to the bridge of her nose, all the way to her lips.
Every once in a while she would bite or lick her lips to rehydrate them, a reddish hue developing on them the more she did it.
Robin snapped out of looking at the girl's profile, looking ahead at the road and wringing her hands together for a moment. “Why can’t you sleep?” Robin speaks first.
Y/N glanced over before returning her gaze forward again, shrugging her shoulders. “Brain won't shut up. So I decided to instead stare at my ceiling, stare at the stars instead.”
Some parts of Robin related to the feeling. When her thoughts wouldn’t stop and sleep wouldn’t overcome her. Usually she would do something else in her room, like study some piece of music or work on homework she had left over. Why did she think of her?
See the full post
287 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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baconpncakes · 1 year
@palewhitehorse tagged me in this at the end of 2022 and I am finally getting around to it! Thanks Vi 💕 It’s long so it’s under the cut
What book are you currently reading? Smoke Gets In Your Eyes by Caitlin Doughty
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year? The Batman
What do you usually wear? Usually a t-shirt or button up with high-waisted jeans and converse
How tall are you? 5'7"
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? Virgo and I was born on 9/11 😬
Do you go by your name or a nick-name? I only really go by Samantha but Pancakes is an old nickname of mine!
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? In terms of who I am as a person? Absolutely! My younger self would think that I am so cool. In terms of career, not really, but it’s pretty close to some of the ones I tossed around when I was little.
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one? Nope and none!
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at? I am good at literary analysis and I am bad at reading music. I was in band for years and have played a number of instruments, but all of that knowledge has left my brain. One day I’ll get back into it
Dogs or cats? Both! Genuinely can’t choose
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year?
I am a video editor! My favorite thing I edited this year is probably my Avenue 5 Lost Again video, but I also really loved my Wilson Fancam lol
And my favorite line I wrote was from my queer Madeline Bassett and Bertie heart-to-heart, which maybe I’ll post some day:
Madeline snapped. Something in her eyes was much more fearsome than anything I'd seen in Stiffy's, Honoria's, or even Florence Craye's. Madeline looked like she could be someone's aunt.
What’s something you would like to create content for? I need to finally finish the Spider-Verse video I've had in the works for literal years before the next movie comes out lol
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with? Unfortunately, the song A Freak Like Me Needs Company from Spider-Man Turn Off The Dark
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year? I took a trip over the summer with my roommates and while the trip itself was a big success, the train ride was not as fun as I was hoping lol. We were on there for like ten hours each way and my friend I was sitting next to and I just could not sleep for more than half an hour at a time
What’s a hidden talent of yours? A lot of people don’t know that I’m a good actor! I did theatre for most of my life and though I am largely remembered for my contributions in tech crew, I spent a lot of time on stage too
Are you religious? Nah
What’s something you wish to have at this moment? More hours in the day lol
Thanks again Vi! And in return I will tag @plangentia, @jaskierstransmascswag, @parseisflat, and @szept-sosna!
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musicthrob · 8 days
Fake Happy - Paramore (Live in Manila 2018)
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May 11 / May 24, 2024
For fans of Paramore, Hayley Williams, 2010s pop and nostalgia, Billie Eilish, and Enya Umanzor
I woke up this day thinking about my celebrity crushes. After going through a list in my head that I will not disclose for now… Hayley Williams popped up on my Twitter feed and it all came back to me. Suddenly, I was thinking about my high school-self and how much has happened since then.
After school, almost every Wednesday, my aunt would pick me and my sister up and take us to her house. She would buy or cook us food and often toasted lots of bread with butter for us. My sister and I would do our homework across from each other on this big dining table, sitting on chairs with cushions covered in plastic. Over long periods of time, sitting on these chairs kind of got uncomfortable because we both wore skirts to school and the plastic would ride on our thighs. I don’t know why it never occurred to us to bring an extra change of clothes or leave some at her house.
I remember that I loved doing my math homework. I loved doing math homework because it was the only homework I could really do while listening to music or watching Youtube videos. I would often play songs and music videos on repeat that probably annoyed my sister. But watching concert videos was my favorite because I could pretend like I was there experiencing it too. 
I am pretty sure I only got into After Laughter by Paramore because of the monthly playlist videos that Enya Umanzor used to post on Youtube. So thank you Enya. I immediately became obsessed with some songs on that album and searched for live performances to watch while doing my math homework. And soon, I found, right before my eyes… Fake Happy - Paramore (Live in Manila 2018). 
I wish I could watch it again for the first time. I remembered being so captivated by Hayley and her voice and her energy and the crowd’s energy. I remember my jaw dropping to the choreo she did especially at timestamps 1:10 and 3:04… These parts still get me every time. Whoever is reading this, you are obligated to watch the whole thing because it will change your life. (This video is at the top of my Youtube playlist of live performances I wish I was in the crowd for.)
I am just really glad to see new videos of Paramore performing on my feed because they are opening for Taylor Swift on the European leg of The Eras tour right now. They recently even performed “Pool” which they haven’t done in a while (Hayley forgot some of the lyrics lol). Also, I only started listening to “Pool” when I relistened to the whole album on this day of remembering my celebrity crushes. Somehow I used to not pay attention to songs like this and “Grudges” in high school? But now they have been on repeat for me and the bridge on “Pool” is my favorite omg. That bridge is literally perfect. I have to watch “Pool” Live in Manila now. 
Pause… I just started watching their recent performance of “Pool” in Stockholm and Hayley just said it was the 7th anniversary of After Laughter on May 12th… What are the odds I revisited the whole album a day before… wow
Hayley said After Laughter is her favorite Paramore album and it's definitely mine too. In the best way, listening to After Laughter feels like Christmas and I think the best songs feel like Christmas.
I was supposed to make this post on the 11th, but I’m glad I didn’t because I would not have added my thoughts about “BIRDS OF A FEATHER” by Billie Eilish in relation to this. First of all, this song also feels like Christmas. Second, people made comments that it feels like a song that belongs on After Laughter and that it would be cool to have Hayley Williams feature on it and I wholeheartedly agree. 
Lastly, in the 2018 Fake Happy performance, Hayley Williams is wearing a Talking Heads t-shirt! It’s so cool to see that, knowing that they released a cover of “Burning Down the House” on the Talking Heads tribute album produced by A24 this year. Plus, David Byrne also did a cover of “Hard Times” by Paramore. I just love when things come full circle.
Enya Umanzor playlist videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P72yku3ubpI&list=PLawPp9LCEFgbUCFN8KJVf-FgTriG5lFTn
Pool - Paramore (Live in Manila 2018): https://youtu.be/LWYaExyW2Mc?si=RwT6b6gg246uEXm2
2 POVs of Paramore performing Pool in Stockholm (2024): https://youtu.be/mrdc-OVAna8?si=VqjIW5O5MZVZwOcq https://youtu.be/Jr0jnwnaj_Y?si=9Jr0ovBFG9f4pGqF
Billie Eilish - BIRDS OF A FEATHER (BILLIE BY FINNEAS): https://youtu.be/1IUCyniCWzg?si=jUhNyqcoW30zgthg
Paramore - Burning Down the House (Behind The Scenes): https://youtu.be/A73voVPhMfY?si=otTYtgL1y91Khruf
Paramore - David Byrne Does Hard Times (Official Visualizer): https://youtu.be/hG72N2leG7s?si=l_bxdoC5iShILCE9
Another song that feels like Christmas to me: https://open.spotify.com/track/4f22oWm76LYThaa1FpDuUw?si=901a5d873ae84960
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raplinesmoon · 3 years
The Test Kitchen (KSJ x Reader!)
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❅ Holiday in Handcuffs ❅ hosted by @bangtanbathhouse
⤖ Spaces: [8I,3I,3J, 10G, 10H]
Pairing: Husband!Kim Seokjin x YouTuber!Reader
Genres: floof
AUs: established relationship, holidays AU
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: oc breaks glass, some kissing, otherwise super cute fluff
Ratings: G
Summary: Tiktok made you do it… again. Luckily Jin is there to help you have some fun in the kitchen.
A/N: It's basically December, so I can post this... right? I had this cute idea for husband Jin lovingly helping his YouTuber spouse with their cooking channel, and it was so cute I think I nearly died writing it. This is based on my favorite Youtube channel, Rachhloveslife, who does tons of vids testing out hacks with her absolutely adorable husband! Srsly, they’re goals and you all should watch them for a smile. Thank you to the wonderful Moon (@lavienjin) for looking this over for me <3 I hope you enjoy! 🥺 Lots of love, Isi 💜 Banner made by me.
Taglist: @jinpanman @sunshinerainbowsbts @joheunsaram @kithtaehyung @jjksblackgf @minyfic
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“Helloooo my lovely people, it’s December and you all know what that means! It’s basically the most wonderful time of the year!” you accentuate your intro with jazz hands as you slide on the red Santa hat you’d dug out of the basement especially for this video.
“And everyone, look-, look, I decorated!! Just to get in the holiday spirit!” you excitedly gesture to the string lights and tinsel you’d hung up for the video, paling when you realize half your string had gone out and was now dangling limply from the cabinets.
“Or, at least I tried. You know, because holiday cheer is all about spirit anyway! A for effort.”
Nice save.
“Now, today, I’m very excited because we’re going to be diving into the vast world that is holiday Tik Tok. A world that, until recently, I didn’t know existed, until my husband showed me all these cute little DIYs and recipes and decorating hacks. You guys, I AM OBSESSED. So I thought it’d be fun to try out a bunch of different recipes for you guys, and of course, we’ll have Jin come in and try them too!”
Speaking of Jin, you had a long day of filming ahead, and he was supposed to be arriving any second with your daily cup of Dalgona coffee. As a native, he’d initially been all grumpy and grumbly when the trend had hit the interwebs, mumbling under his breath that it wasn’t even “authentic” to traditional Korean dalgona.
A few trials later, and the two of you had become hooked on the sweet, foamy beverage. You made Jin eat his words as he got up every morning to prepare the two of you a cup before heading off to his office to work from home in a crisp white dress shirt and fleece pyjama bottoms.
Hearing him pad into the kitchen with two cups, you smile as he slides you your cup out of the camera’s eagle-eyed view.
“Madam, your coffee,” he smirks with a whisper.
“Okay, now that I have been deemed caffeinated, it’s time to spread some Christmas cheer! And I feel like now, more than any other holiday season, we really need a bit of cheer. So come on and cosy up, grab some fuzzy socks or a blanket, maybe grab a mug of tea, or maybe even hot chocolate, ooooh that sounds so good right now. Also this hat, this hat is getting very hot, and I’m wearing fleece pyjamas and the heat is on and let’s just not talk about the poor planning here and jump right into it!”
Jin shoots you a warm smile before taking a seat at your kitchen table behind the camera. As a raging introvert, sometimes having a bubbly YouTuber for a wife was a lot to handle. But his favorite days of the week were the times he got to sit down and help you test and film and edit. His heart always fluttered at seeing you so passionate and invested in doing what you loved, and bringing joy to your hundreds of thousands of subscribers.
“So for recipe #1, we’re gonna be making these shortbread cookies, but they’re not just shortbread cookies. Look everyone, they’re also little lids!! Like these cute little lids that you could just put on a mug of hot chocolate to keep it warm! How genius is that?”
Jin had a couple of questions about the shortbread cookies. He was doubtful that 1) they’d be as cute and adorable as Tik Tok made them seem (the app had a bad habit of overselling anything and everything), and 2) whether they’d actually keep anything warm without turning into a soggy mess. For now though, he’d just sit back and enjoy the way your eyes widened and lit up over the recipe in question.
“Now, to begin, we’re gonna roll out some dough,” you grunt, as your ball of shortbread dough smacks onto the counter with a satisfying thunk!
“Does this rolling pin in my hand make me look menacing?” you ask the camera, but really you were asking Jin.
Jin shakes his head vehemently. You were too cute, you couldn’t even be scary if you tried.
Your shoulders drop and you pout slightly at his response, but decide to keep chugging along.
“So the funny thing about shortbread actually, is that baking it during the holidays is kind of a tradition in my family. My dad had this really good shortbread recipe that he used to make when I was a kid with lemon zest, rosemary, and orange zest. I remember I got so upset one year because when Jin and I had just started dating, his parents taught us both how to make songpyeon for Chuseok, and the same year, my dad taught Jin the holiday shortbread recipe but not me! I threw such a fit, and my dad was like, “you’ll just have to keep Jin around so he can teach you one day.”
Jin remembers your first holidays together like it was yesterday. Although it had been a whirlwind, flying to Korea for Chuseok and staying there for a few weeks, and then flying back to spend the holidays with your family, he wouldn’t have traded your sleepy, puffy cheeks and jet-lagged cuteness for anything. That was the first time he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.
“And now, I couldn’t find a cookie cutter that fit my mugs perfectly, so I’m just gonna use this glass bowl to stamp out the shapes,” you hold it both hands, palms flared outwards, showcasing the glass bowl as though it were the most precious artifact.
Jin’s eyes widen as your hands slip, and the bowl wobbles, tumbling into the air. Poised and ready, he darts into the frame, pushing you out of the way of the falling glass as it falls to the ground and shatters into hundreds of tiny crystalline pieces.
He looks up to see your despondent face as you take in the disastrous sight, reaching over his broad frame to cut the camera.
“We can always edit that out,” he says gently, noticing how tears glisten and cling to your lashes.
“I’m always so clumsy,” you sob, wrapping your arms around him and burying your head into his chest. “I can’t even hold a bowl straight, I ruin everything!”
Jin learned the hard way that filming recipes for YouTube meant more than your fair share of kitchen disasters, often resulting in the air smelling like burnt dough, or the stand mixer going haywire, causing batter to hit the walls. No matter how many times you edited it out with the “oh no no no” sound from Tik Tok, he knew you took each little failure to heart, lamenting at how you couldn’t be like those aesthetic influencers you saw scrolling on your phone every day.
“People love you because you’re real, baby, not because you’re perfect,” he presses a kiss to your hair. “Accidents happen. What matters is that no one got hurt.”
He smooths your hair and gives you another kiss, running to your supplies closet to grab a broom. Sweeping up the evidence of your transgression, he gives you a wide smile and reaches to take your hand in his, wiping the smudged mascara from under your eyes.
“Now, let’s roll the camera. We have some cookies to bake, don’t we?”
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“Okay guys, we are back! And recovered from our little mishap,” you chuckle. “Just to recap, while we were away, Jin helped me finish up the cookies and put them in the oven! And now, we are gonna get started on the next recipe, which are these adorable peppermint spoons to go with our cookie lids!”
“So this recipe is from Tiktok," you recall, “but my mom actually does this at home using chocolate during Christmastime with our little nieces and nephews!! So, you know, maybe if this hack turns out to be a success, Jin and I can incorporate it with our little ones someday!”
Sputtering as he takes a sip of water right when the words come out of your mouth, the tips of Jin’s ears turn red. Yet another holiday season where the whole family would ask about when you were planning on having kids. It wasn’t that he didn’t want kids, of course. Jin’s heart swelled at the thought of you, him, and a little baby, making pancakes on a Sunday morning, the small squeals and giggles along with the clapping of tiny hands. But there was no pressure in his mind. You were both still young, and enjoying each other’s company. Children could come later.
“So I got these crushed up spoon moulds from Amazon,” you continue on, “but that’s not the cool thing. Look what I found!”
You hold up the bag of crushed up candy canes. You’d jumped up in delight when the two of you had gone shopping together for this video, not even excited about the hack, but more excited to tell the world about the amazing new revelation that was crushed up peppermint.
Now, all you had to do was sprinkle them into the mould and pop them into the oven, and then your viewers would love these cute spoons that took no effort at all.
“I was just thinking,” you ponder, “these are so easy, you could totally make them, and package them up with a cute little mug, and maybe some hot cocoa mix and give it to friends. We should totally do that! Right, Jin?”
Looking beyond the camera, you see Jin nod and give you a thumbs up. You’re unsure whether he’s agreeing with your suggestion or merely telling you that you’re doing great, but you don’t mind his encouragement either way.
“Jin is too shy to talk right now, but he agrees with everyone. So don’t steal this gift idea from me!” you joke.
Finishing up the candy spoons, you pop them into the oven and cut the camera once more, happy that this hack seems to be working out so far.
“Nice recovery,” Jin says from behind you. “I told you everything would be okay, didn’t I?”
“I know,” you sigh, “but I always make you say it every time. I somehow can’t believe my own brain, but totally melt from the encouragement from my awkward, dorky husband.
“Omg, melt?!” you nudge his arm. “Do you get it?”
“Babyyy,” he tugs on your arm, grinning as he pulls you away from the counter. “You’ve been working so hard since you got up. Let’s take a break and eat. I made some kimbap yesterday, and we can play some Mario to unwind before we start filming again.”
Jin has barely finished persuading you to come along when you lean over and press a kiss to his pink lips, his face flushing at your bold actions.
“Lead the way, handsome.”
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“AAAND NOWWW, for the grand finale! It’s a Christmas miracle!” you yell, gesturing to the side as if you’re presenting a magic act. “Everyone, after months of persuading, I have finally convinced, the one, the only, my darling husband, Kim Seokjin to join us for our taste test!”
“Everybody give him a big round of applause,” you jump up and down, making crowd noises with your mouth as Jin awkwardly stumbles into the frame, greeting the camera with a small wave.
You usher Jin over, proudly presenting your hot chocolate themed creations to him. He takes in the scene, his chest swelling in pride as he takes in your cute cookie lids, peppermint spoons, and the ever famous Tik Tok hot chocolate bombs that he’d helped you frantically finish after the two of you spent too much time lazing around, playing Mario Kart.
With a glint in his eyes, he nods his head, his eyes glancing over at the pile of dishes that rest in the sink. You let out a tiny gasp, catching onto his mischief, and slowly press a finger to your lips and let out a small “shhh!”. Not even one minute into his camera debut, and his chaotic side was already making an appearance.
“I had a crazy thought,” Jin blurts out. “What if we put the hot milk on these chocolate bombs, and it just turns into a big gloopy mess? That seems pretty likely.”
“Jiiinnnn,” you whine. “Everybody, tell my husband to stop being a pessimist just because he’s the better cook.”
You grab the measuring cup full of hot milk, and drop a hot chocolate bomb into two mugs, one for you, and one for Jin. Pouring the milk into each cup, you feel your breath hitch, Jin’s heavy breathing behind you, as both of you wait for the long awaited surprise.
“I-, wait, oh, I see it-, oh,” your voice drops, taking in the melted chocolate that looks more like sludge at the bottom of the cup.
“I guess it kinda worked,” Jin scrutinizes. “But let’s be real, drinking this would clog our arteries. So it looks like all our efforts were in vein!! Get it?”
He guffaws, nudging your shoulder as giggles escape you too, the both of you doubled over in laughter from his dad jokes.
Still, determined to save this, you reach over and grab one of the peppermint spoons, stirring the hot liquid with it. You let out a tiny “oops” as half of the spoon completely melts away, dropping into the sweet liquid, and turning it an even more unappetizing color.
“Well folks,” you say, looking up at the camera with a smirk, “we struck out on 2 out of 3 of these recipes. Now, for the grand finale, will these cookie lids work?”
They look cute enough, you think, as you grab one of them from the baking tray, plopping it on top of the cup.
“Aaaand salvaged!” Jin announces, hand meeting yours in a high five. “They had us in the first half, not gonna lie, but my amazing wife manages to make everything work.”
“And there you have it folks,” you declare, wrapping up the video. “Tik Tok baking hacks that kind of, semi-worked? That was more anticlimactic than I thought it’d be, but we had so much fun! See you all in the next video!”
You reach over to turn to press the button to stop recording, but not before Jin’s “Aish, kids these days” sneaks into the A-roll.
“Ugh," you groan, rubbing your temples. “I was so excited for some of those, I thought they’d work! There’s like hundreds of videos on Tik Tok about them!”
“It’s not you baby,” Jin wraps his arm around your waist. “They’re just bad recipes that somehow happened to go viral. Maybe next time we should bake some of the recipes from your family cookbook? And I can ask my mom for some of hers. I’m sure the viewers would love that.”
“You know,” you sigh, a sleepy yawn interrupting your train of thought. “That’s not a bad idea. My dear Jinnie, you always know what to say to make me feel better.”
“That’s what I’m here for,” he says softly, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Now, I think someone is a little tired, don’t you think? Let’s go to bed.” He supports his weight, the two of you lumbering up the stairs sleepily to your cosy bedroom, changing into your matching flannel pyjamas.
As he listens to your quiet snores, Jin looks out the window, silently watching the snow fall outside, painting a magical scene in your front yard amongst the twinkling lights. Soon enough, there’d be another day waiting for the two of you in the test kitchen. In his heart, he knew this holiday season would be your best yet.
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A/N pt 2: Thanks so much for reading! As always, any comments or feedback are much appreciated, but I appreciate you all anyway <3
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: July 10th
I really let asks get away from me lately. I was super focused on working on that Patreon Moment. With that done I can finally think about doing other things, so here’s a new collection of answers!
Thank you for sending in questions everyone ^^.
For the new Patreon moment, will you be able to reference it in step 4? Or just like a tiny nod to it if you pick certain choices?
There won’t be. I’m sorry if you were hoping for that! The Patreon moment is meant to be entirely optional, it’s not something that gets you extra content in the main game.
Is the new CG artist the main one now? :0 I’ve noticed theres been a difference in the art style recently. Is the old CG artist still going to make art for the game? :0
The original artist still makes CGs for the game sometimes, but he mainly focuses on character sprites.
Are you going to put the NSFW our life moment on a website other than patreon? I would love to get it but I can't use patreon atm.
I don’t know. I'm afraid we can't release the Patreon Moment on a normal game storefront because we can't mix 18+ content with our family friendly game. If there's some other place similar to Patreon where it's not the normal type of full-scale public content releases we'd consider using that, but I’m not sure if there is another site that’s better than Patreon in that regard. I'm sorry.
Out of curiosity, in all of your games so far, which characters in each were the most fun to write? They obviously don't have to be your favorite characters!
Buffalo Seer in AFA, really everyone in XOD/XOBD is pretty equally entertaining to write, The Guide in LoV, and Cove in OL!
idk if you accept "personal" questions, but is there anything you've been watching/ listening to lately
Mostly, I’ve been watching/listening to Authortube videos as of late! It’s people who talk generally about the process of how books become traditionally published and/or share their own experience as they attempt to be published. I don’t have an interest in writing normal text based books, but it’s really interesting to hear about that world. I’m listening to a video about royalties right now as I answer these asks.
Will one of the desserts we get to pick be fudge? That'd be such a cute reference! 
Haha, yeah, it should. Unless I completely blank on it and forget when trying to include the various referential food options.
I don't know if this has been asked previously but what would be the approximate heights for the presets MC can choose from Step 2 ~ 4? Are there any measurement you had in mind? Sorry if I didn't make myself clear kk I've been struggling with my English lately 💀 
I don’t know, ahah. I didn’t have any numbers in mind for that. So it’s whatever you imagine it is!
I noticed a bug with the Patreon moment when it comes to what your character wears. When Jamie and Cove are kissing while my character only had dresses selected, I had both the option to remove the dress or to remove the shirt... Picking one of the options to interact with Cove, after he removed his shirt, it had Jamie remove their shirt followed by ther pants despite only having dresses picked. 
Thank you for reporting ^^
I keep refreshing steam to see when the new doc for xobd will be released. I noticed you haven't posted anything about it in quite some time. Would it be possible to ask about a timeline/potential date? (If it's even this year—) I know you and your team are probably working super hard, I'm just super curious! ~Thank you!~ 
There are more stories done, I just haven’t gotten around to publicly releasing them. Hopefully I will have a chance to spend the time on that sooner rather than later!
hello!! i’m not sure if it’s an update but i’ve just replayed our life and at the end i can’t propose to cove anymore? :(( i’ve actually tried playing twice but the options are not there anymore, did you guys remove the options? i’m sorry if you’ve answered this before!! thank you and have a good one :) 
I’m afraid things haven’t been changed or removed, so I think you might’ve accidentally picked the wrong things somewhere along the way and locked yourself out of being able to propose by mistake. Sometimes you meant to say you want to get married but instead you mis-click and have it so the MC isn’t thinking about marriage or something. All I can suggest is starting from the beginning of Step 3 and making sure to follow the steps listed in the FAQ. I’m sorry for that.
Did yall remove some of the options for when youre making out with Cove in the charity moment? I could've sworn you could grab his bonkadonk and its not there anymore 
This is the same situation as the above. We didn’t remove things and you’re not wrong that there are sometimes those options. But there are various choices you have to make to get those options and it sounds like you accidentally missed something. If your relationship isn’t long-term, you can’t do it for example.
Thank you for getting it!
Is Shiloh super totally straight bc I’m very gay and a huge Shiloh fan, would my man make an exception?😩
Sadly, he is one of our super straight characters. I’m sorry.
Hi, I have a very dumb question. In Step 2 does Cove not wanna share his drink with us at the mall (or rather why he stops drinking it) because it's an indirect kiss? Or is it like ...weird to him to share? Because if I remember right he eats off our spoon in the birthday scene right? 
Yeah, he’s awkward about it because he likes the MC and it feels very personal to share a straw with his crush.
Hi! If you don't mind me asking, who is the artist for OL2? Their style is so pretty! 
Thank you for saying so! This is her Twitter- https://twitter.com/redridingheart
Do Beginnings & Always and Now & Forever exist in the same universe? 
Yep! XOXO Droplets also exists in the same universe. It’s one big GB Patch world, haha.
Do Pran's parents regret the way they raised him? Do they feel ashamed of it?
No. They’re the type of people best cut out because they’re not gonna change. Which is why Pran does go very limited contact when he’s an adult.
Hi! I just wrapped up my second playthrough of Our Life, and I absolutely adore it, but I had a question. I went to the gallery and found I was missing 2 CGS (specifically Step 1-3 and 2-3) and I had no clue where they would've shown up. Which moments are those found in? 
You get it by telling Cove about his dad offering you money to be his friend in Step 1 and Step 2. You can’t get both in one playthrough, since you can only tell Cove the truth once. I’m really glad you liked it!
Hi hi! Please, how tall is Baxter and Derek? Love the game so much and I can't wait to see more! 
I don’t know, aha. I think Baxter was around 5′10 and Derek was like 5′8/5′9, maybe. I really am not one who has specific heights for things in mind.
is adult cove a bottom, top, or switch? 
A switch, though would choose the top if he had to pick.
I was wondering if there is a way to transfer save data? Even if through the game files. I wanted to be able to transfer my save data from my desktop over to my laptop so that I could continue playing right where I left off from but I'm not entirely sure how to go about that. 
If you save the save folder/persistent data of the game from your desktop and put it into the game folder on your other device, that could work.
Hi! Is it possible for us to know the date when our life: now and forever comes out on steam? Sorry if you've mentioned it before but I haven't seen it and I'm looking foward to that happening and just wanted to know :) 
It’s gonna be a long time, I’m afraid. There’s no estimate right now.
I started playing Our Life with my sister a while ago, and I think you guys should know that we discovered your secret. >:)
L from death note and Cove are clearly the same person, and this whole game is just an origin story!!
I’ve never seen that show so I’m sorry to say I don’t understand the connection/reference you’re trying to make. I’m pretty out of the loop when it comes to media. I don’t watch movies or TV.
Will OL2 have options for disabled MCs?
I understand if it's too complicated, just curious
Unfortunately, it’s not really something we have a plan for. We couldn’t finish the game if we tried to include every disability and have it be meaningful. It’d just be too much content to create. But if we decide to only include a few, how would we choose which disabilities get to be represented and which are left out? I don’t know. It’ll probably have to be something we don’t include as an option again, sadly. I’m sorry.
playing our life > anything else 
Haha, I’m glad you’re enjoying it.
Honestly, I would like to thank Our Life for helping me come to terms with my sexuality. Before, I never would've actually thought that it was possible to like boys romantically and still be asexual. Almost all of the BL visual novels I've read had unskippable sexual content in them and it honestly just didn't click with what I feel. I'm glad I found Our Life. I love the game, the developers, and this fandom so much. Now, I can safely come out as homoromantic AND asexual (at least anonymously here anyway; my parents are still huge homophobes 😂). 
Aw, it’s great to hear you felt comfortable being yourself in the game! That’s wonderful. I’m really sorry about your parents, though.
Will the demo for OL2 be on android? Really not sure if I could wait any longer than I have to aha 
Yeah, it’ll be available for Android once we eventually release a demo!
Do all these reveals perhaps mean development is progressing ahead of schedule? Please let that be the case I'm already obsessed with Qiu 
No, sorry, aha. Art comes along much faster than script/programming-work for us. It’s gonna be a long time before the game is a finished thing you can actually play. But at least we can look at the beautiful images.
Hey! First of all I wanna say I reallllllyyyyy loooovvveeee Our Life and XOXO Droplets! I have over 300 hours of playtime on Our Life… Anyways, I was just wondering, are the Derek and Baxter DLCs going to come out at the same time? If not, which one do you plan to release first? :3 
They will come out separately and Derek will be first! Glad you like the game.
I keep replaying Our Life to get every possible iteration and I am loving it <3 I was wondering if Cove gets locked out of his confession because MC was talking to Lee, would it be possible to confess to him in step 4? 
Yeah, you can avoid the confession in Step 3 and then get it in Step 4.
Hi, my Cove wears bracelets through step 2 and 3 but I still don't get an option to give him a bracelet? I didn't even know that was possible until I seen someone else ask about it lol 
Hm, did you use the Cove creator? Maybe there’s a bug where using the creator to add bracelets doesn’t fulfill the requirement to give Cove a bracelet in Step 3.
Wait, I'm dense, when does Baxter appear in step 2? Is it from big park firework? I feel so bad since i really love Baxter and waiting to buy his dlc. 
It’s in the Soiree Moment. You have to be just friends with Cove, indifferent, or crushing but not ask Cove to the dance at all. Then while there you can find someone new to dance with. But if you bring Cove to the dance while crushing, the MC won’t wanna dance with anyone else so you can’t get the scene.
In step 2 when we go to the soiree I made my mc go alone and baxter chooses the mc to dance, i'm curious, why did he pick the mc? sorry if this has been asked before! 
Because the MC looked to be around his age, seemed to also be searching for a partner, and had nice legs. A perfect option for him.
I read some of the FAQs, and I saw that we could tell Baxter about the condo that he rented there was previously the mean old grandparents. how do we get the mc to tell him that? 
It happens in the DLC Moment “Late Shift”. If you don’t have a job you instead get a longer scene with Baxter.
I don’t know if you’ve addressed this or not, but are you planning on paying voice actors for our life: now and forever? 
Yeah, we pay our VAs in all our projects.
hey can i ask how you did the moments thing in ol? im trying to get into making visual novels and while im VERY sure its out of my comfort zone and all that atm i kinda wanna know just for the future, bc im p sure it would work well for something i wanna do :O but its also fine if you cant say for other reasons :> 
I’m afraid I’m not sure what you mean. Are you asking how we programmed the screen or something script related? Adding Moments like that is pretty straightforward, though. You just have buttons that open to different labels and then the scripts are essentially individual short stories/vignettes. Good luck with your VN!
Since Autumn becomes gender fluid later in the game, will there be a character who remains as he/him to romance in game? 
OL1 has the he/him LIs, OL2 is all about other genders.
I don't want to impose on your creative plans, but a parrot could possibly make a good pet in an OL-type game? They're pretty long-lived and likely to still be thriving by the end even if the MC got them back in step 1. 
I do appreciate the suggestion, but I’m afraid it’s not likely going to happen. I understand there are technically some animals that could theoretically live long enough to last the whole game that or we could have the MC only get a pet after some years have already passed. But the many things that would have to be considered/accommodated for makes it just something we probably can’t manage adding. I’m sorry.
As time passes will we be able to see Qiu and Tamarack's other stage arts as well?
They are both so cute i can't wait to be friends with them!
Yeah, we’ll show content from other Steps in the future. It’ll be a little while from now, though.
Can you date Cove and still have your family comfort you in the car?
You can’t get Cove’s Step 3 confession scene if you have the family comfort you in the car. But that’s not the only way to date him. You can get together with him earlier in the game or later on in Step 4.
Is Mc always going to be the one walking down the aisle or could Cove do it? Also could you choose to have one of your moms walk you? 
No. Cove wouldn’t want to walk down the aisle like that and the MC automatically respects that. And the MC also gets to have their preferences respected, so it’s up to you whether they want to do an aisle walk or not. You also can pick who, if anyone, walks with you.
Once step 4 is out, will you be able to go the whole game on crush/love without either of you confessing? 
Yes, as long as you tell the game you don’t want to progress the relationship. Even in Step 4 it won’t force you to officially get together.
Howdy, so in Step 4, there will be any Romance with Derek that is not part of any dlc? 
He’s only a friend unless you get his romance story.
Will the step 4 in OL2 be one big step or are you considering moments? 
Step 4 is just an epilogue in both games.
hi kind of a weird question but!! we know tht cliff doesn't start dating again but. wht abt flings? like does he ever do 1 night stands or anything? thank u!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Nope. Cliff has a very small interest in sex. If he’s not in a real relationship with a partner he’s crazy about it simply isn’t something he feels a need for, so one night stands wouldn’t even cross his mind.
sorry if you've already answered this, but i was wondering if there were plans for there to be bonus love interests in OL2 like how we have derek and baxter in OL1.
Maybe! There are side characters who could be given romance stories, but whether or not it will happen depends on funding and how long everything else takes to finish.
I don't know if i'm allowed to ask about ol2 here yet, if not u can ignore this or answer it later. My question is can you date one of them and be good friends with the other? I don't want to be strangers with the other bcs i love them both a lot :<
Yes you can!
what patreon level do i have to be to unlock the nsfw moment? im on the $5 one right now, will that give me access to the moment, or just access to the moment progress? 
That’ll give you access! Tier 2 and anything higher allows the player to download it.
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titan-fodder · 3 years
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Prima Vista Part II
[ previous ] 
Rating: E (explicit; mdni) Pairing: Mike Zacharias x fem!reader wc: ~ 10.2k
Warnings: specific character attributes (not appearance, mentioned favorite color, movie, etc.), oral, rough sex, multiple orgasms, Erwin is kind of annoying, semi-exhibitionism, too much testosterone  A/N: And, here we go again. Thank you to everyone who enjoyed the first part and told me about it. This one’s for y’all~
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Mike immediately notices when you start to avoid him. You had already been doing it, but now it's to the point of ducking into buildings you have no business being in and walking a little too briskly when you catch sight of him somewhere on campus. You also won't get anywhere near the Pi Kappa Alpha house.
 And, he gets it. He fucked up that night. Or, he didn't fuck up, but he opened up. Too much. Showed that he was willing to be vulnerable, and you obviously had not liked that. 
 The first week of watching you duck and cover from afar isn't so bad. He's a little bummed, yeah, but he figures you'll come around, if not for him then at least for his dick. 
 But, one week turns to two, and Mike gets irritated, a little angry even. Because it's not like he did anything wrong. It's not like you haven't wanted it every time. 
 He doesn't know your class schedule exactly, but he does know when you get out of your 11 AM and have to cross the courtyard to your dorm. It's where Mike caught you last time when he was playing frisbee with Nile, and it's where he catches you now. 
 Your speed walking is no match for his normal stride, and he easily closes the distance between you two and grabs your wrist to tug you toward a more private area by the library. 
 "What the fu—what are you doing?" You spit, pulling yourself free. 
 "What are you doing?"
 "Trying to get to my fucking room to nap! Is that okay?" 
 Mike ignores it, glances over his shoulder to make sure no one is watching, then asks, "Why are you avoiding me?" 
 Scoffing, you mumble an unconvincing, "I haven't been avoiding you."
 "I've just been busy, okay? Midterms are coming up, and I'm falling behind…" He can tell you're lying by the way you can't meet his eyes. "I need to focus."
 "Am I that big of a distraction?" 
 You don't miss a beat—"Yes," and your eyes widen at your own answer like you're surprised by it. 
 Mike raises his eyebrows, taken off guard, and you try to cover your tracks. "I mean, like, I don't have time to be fucking frat boys. And, I know you have the pick of the litter, so it's not like you'll go without." 
 He has to bite his tongue, a confession right on the tip of it—I pick you—but knows that's the last thing you want to hear. It's too early for thoughts like that anyway. You're too closed off, and he's too transparent. It's not like anything serious could work out anyway, and even if it could, he shouldn't tie himself down. 
 "I mean, yeah, but—"
 You hold a hand up, take a deep breath. "Look, I'll be honest with you. You seem like an okay guy, but you should find some other girl to do this with. I don't wanna be another notch on your bedpost—"
 "Then, don't be. We can just hang out."
 "Yeah, we tried that at the party and still ended up sleeping together."
 "We can make it a rule then." He's trying too hard, he knows, but he can't help it. "No fucking. I won't come onto you, and you won't come onto me."
 You snort and pick at the hem of your shirt, obviously not buying any of this. "Why do you wanna be friends so bad anyway? Is it the hard-to-get thing? Is it that I'm making it difficult?"
 "Maybe but not entirely."
 Why does he want to be your friend so badly? You haven't given him any real reason to. You can bond over nerd shit here and there, but other than that, you don't have a lot in common. 
 You just seem… Cool. Aloof. Like you don't give a shit about anyone or anything, and Mike never thought he'd find that attractive in a girl, but apparently he does. 
 "Just come over one more time. We can watch something again or—"
 "I'm not going into your room again!"
 "You don't have to," Mike says, speaking with his hands to emphasize his point. "We can stay in the living room. Totally public. Any of the guys could walk in."
 "Has that ever stopped any of you before?"
 Not a hundred percent of the time. Mike has definitely seen more of Erwin and Gelgar than he'd like, but he can tell a little white lie.
 You stare up at him, a skeptical look on your face, and then, "I'll see if I can pencil you in." 
 "Fuck yeah, I promise I'll show you a good time without, like, showing you a good time." 
 "Yeah, whatever." 
 You're unimpressed, turn to walk away, but Mike is feeling a little too triumphant, a little too bold, and catches you before you can get too far. 
 He premises, "Just to get it out of my system," then bends down and kisses you. Palms covering your cheeks, fingers curling around the back of your head kisses you. He uses both of his thumbs, just under your mouth, to part your lips so that he can slide his tongue past them, and you push at his chest half-heartedly, no real force to it as you let him lick into your mouth. 
 The first whimper that escapes you is what makes you break away, your hands stronger against him to shove him back, and Mike smirks when you glare at him. 
 "You're on thin fucking ice, Zacharias. Thin ice."
 "I'll keep it in mind."
 With that, you leave the little alcove the two of you were in, grumbling and cursing the whole way. Mike just watches the sway of your hips and licks his lips. 
 You come over on a Saturday afternoon. Mike can tell you've tried to make yourself look not cute in loose, ripped jeans and a t-shirt, but it doesn't work. Mike still smiles, and you still roll your eyes at him before kicking your shoes off by the door. 
 "Okay, so what are we doing?" You ask, sitting two cushions away from him on the couch. 
 "I brought my Switch in here, so we have that…"
 "Oh, do you have the SNES games downloaded?" 
 "Dumb question. Of course I do."
 "Rude. Open that shit up."
 He does, and you demand to play Donkey Kong, which Mike has no problem with, but, "A please would be nice."
 You click your tongue, holding your hand out for the second tiny controller and tell him, "You don't get to hear me beg anymore."
 Mike feels his shorts tighten, but all he does is kick a foot over his thigh and warn you, "Best not test my self-control like that."
 "Is that a threat?" You laugh, toggling down to 'Two Player' on the screen and clicking it. 
 "Not a threat." He bobs his head to the theme music. "Just lettin’ you know."
 You get as far as Mine Cart Carnage together, but Mike ends up getting tossed from the cart, leaving you to take over as Diddy. He watches the way you move with your character, sitting up straighter, raising the controller to your chest, swaying one way then the next as if your body is tied directly to the game. 
 Erwin walks in a little while later when you're focused on Stop & Go Station. He sits down in a plush chair, phone in his hand that he ignores in favor of asking, "What are you guys doing out here? Shouldn't you be in Mike's room?"
 Mike glances at him, gives him a look and shakes his head, but you're much less subtle when you snap, "Can it, Smith," eyes never leaving the screen. 
 "Don't count on that," Mike snorts. "I think it’s physically impossible for him to keep his mouth shut for longer than four seconds." 
 "Wooow," Erwin drawls, thick eyebrows high in offense. "I'm supposed to be able to trust you, and now you're just talking shit right in front of me."
 "For some reason, I get the feeling your ego can't get bruised that easily," you muse out loud. 
 "I'll have you know I can be very sensitive," Erwin informs you matter-of-factly. "I have a heart. I have feelings. And, I've been told on multiple occasions that I'm more considerate than most men, so there."
 You laugh, a silly sound that gets stuck in your throat. "Oh, really? And how many of those women—'cause that's what they are, I'm sure—were left behind after they built you up like that, hm?"
 Biting both of his lips, Erwin sits back in his chair and crosses his arms. "I plead the fifth on that one."
 "Uh huh, that's what I thought."
 While you're fixated on the screen, Mike glances over at his friend, sees blue eyes shining as Erwin stares at you, a tell-tale smirk on his face. He's amused by you. Interested, even. 
 You stay for about an hour longer before going back to the dorms. As soon as the front door shuts, Mike swivels around and points a finger at Erwin, uttering a low, "Don't you dare," that makes the blond chuckle. 
 "Wouldn't dream of it."
 You mostly hang out on weekends and only in small bursts. Alternating between movies and video games, it's a little hard to speak to one another, but Mike is still able to pry some information out of you and share more about himself. 
 You're majoring in geological and earth sciences while Mike is working toward a degree in environmental science— "Kinda weird we haven't run into each other before." 
 You played basketball for a year in high school before getting annoyed by the other girls. Mike, on the other hand, made some of his best friends on his old soccer team. 
 You had a ferret growing up and now you'll "Never get another pet again 'cause when he died, I died a little with him." (It's the first time Mike has ever seen tears in your eyes, but you blink them away at record speed). He tells you about the dogs his family has had and how the one at home with his parents now is actually his. (Her name's Scout, and I would take a bullet for her.") 
 Hitch is your best friend even though she irritates the shit out of you, and Mike says something similar about Erwin. "He's a good guy. He's just… Passionate about so many things. He gets obsessive. Drives me insane."
 "Obsessed with that pussyyy," you joke in a deep, stupid voice. 
 Mike snorts, "Perv," and keeps watching the movie that's playing. 
 And, speaking of movies, your favorite Disney film is The Fox and The Hound— "Good taste," while his is Lion King— "Classic." As far as other movies, though, the two of you spend half an hour arguing over which Mel Brooks is the best, end up having to agree to disagree (Young Frankenstein vs. High Anxiety).
 Your favorite color is green. Your favorite food is pizza (“What are you, twelve?”). Your favorite animal is the pangolin. They’re all little facts that Mike stores away, and by the end of the semester, he actually feels like he kind of knows you, and somehow, against all odds, you've managed to not hookup through it all. 
 That's not to say it hasn't been hard (that he hasn't been hard). Sometimes you come over in skin tight jeans or crop tops, outfits that accentuate your body in all the right ways, and Mike is pretty sure that you do it on purpose. 
 You're both careful not to drink too much at parties, aware of the likely consequences, but you hang around him enough to gain people's attention—jealous girls watching in disappointment, curious guys sizing you up. 
 Questions inevitably arise. You complain about Hitch pestering you for details that you will not give her, and he tells you how he has to keep brushing off his brothers. 
 "She doesn't, like, know we've had sex—would never fucking leave me alone if she did. But she and all her other little friends are so annoying about it."
 You're on the steps outside of the frat house, jackets zipped up, nursing steaming cups of cocoa you got from the nearby shop. 
 "So, what do you tell them?" Mike asks. 
 You shrug your shoulders. "That we're not fucking. Just friends. They don't believe me, but that's my story, and I'm sticking to it, dammit."
 Mike laughs through his nose and takes another drink. "I mean, it's not a lie since we're not fucking and we are friends."
 You make a high pitched noise, doubtful, challenging. "Friends is a strong word."
 He's used to you doing that now, denying him every chance you get even in a joking way. You've never once admitted to any type of feelings out loud, and he isn't sure why, some kind of avoidance behavior, but he won't complain because he knows you're at least a little fond of him. You wouldn't keep spending time with him if you weren't. 
 Deciding to change the subject, Mike prompts, "So, Erwin's party over the break," and you glance at him over your cup with interest. "You're coming, right?" 
 "I don't know. Isn't it at, like, his ranch house in bum fuck nowhere?" 
 "Kinda. It's only about a two hour drive from here, but it's definitely off the beaten path."
 "I'll have to see. Need to spend time with my mom while I can." 
 Understandable. He's looking forward to seeing his own parents (and Scout, of course). 
 The last game of the season is played and won, then finals pass after too many all-nighters and too much Red Bull. Mike actually sighs in relief when he slides into his white Wrangler, all packed up and ready to make the drive back to his house. 
 He sends one text before pulling out onto the main road—Be safe—and hopes he won't have to wait an entire month to see you again. 
 Staying with your mom is nice but always slightly depressing. The house is empty with just her in it, less lived in than ever before. You can tell exactly which spots she spends most of her time in—her office to work and the couch in front of the TV to wind down. 
 You sleep in your old bedroom, spend most evenings texting Hitch after your mom goes to bed, but a few conversations with Mike slip in too. He sends you several pictures of Scout—beautiful but always wearing one of those perpetual Boxer frowns—and in return, you send him pictures of the pretty betta your mother has in her office. It's the best you can do. 
 After a week of being in your hometown, you're ready to leave it again. It's not terrible or in a bad part of town. It's just… lacking. You'd never tell your mother this, but you have a feeling she knows. It's probably why she doesn't put up a fight when you tell her you're gonna run off for a couple days to attend Erwin's party. 
 "I promise I'll be back. It's just one night and then the drive back."
 Her tone is very serious when she tells you to stay out of trouble, but then she walks you out to your car and hugs you, watching and waving as you drive away. 
 You text Erwin on the way there to ask if it's okay to arrive early—like a few hours early cause I needed to get out of my house—and he replies enthusiastically.
 Absolutely! Mike and Levi are already here 😃
 You have no idea who this Levi is outside of hearing Erwin mention him a few times, but you very quickly find out when you get to the large but secluded house. You see Erwin's stupid (gorgeous) vintage Mustang parked in the gravel driveway as well as Mike's white Jeep and an unfamiliar, black Prius. 
 All three of them are on the porch occupying outdoor chairs that probably cost more than your fucking dorm expenses, but Mike and Erwin both stand when you make your way up the sidewalk. Staying seated, or really sprawled out with his hands behind his head, is a fairly small man (boy, maybe) with inky hair and sunglasses covering his eyes. He’s dressed much differently than the other two, ripped jeans, Doc Martens, and a striped long sleeved shirt under a short sleeved band tee. 
 “What in the e-boy fuck…” You mutter to yourself, nodding at the blonds and letting Mike take your backpack—not that you really have a choice considering your grip on it is no match for his. 
 “Was the drive okay?” He asks, swinging the bag over his shoulder and making it look incredibly small. 
 “Yeah. Once I hit the backroads I could start going, like, eighty-five, so that shaved some time off.”
 Mike snorts. “You sound like Erwin. Dude’s always speeding.”
 “Don’t fucking start with me. I was in the car with you when you almost hit a pedestrian on a crosswalk.”
 “We don’t talk about that.”
 Everyone follows Erwin inside the house. It’s just as nice as you thought it’d be, sprawling and open with wood floors, plush furniture, and rustic decorations. There are moose antlers mounted in one room and a god damned bear head in another. It makes you roll your eyes, but to say you’re unimpressed would be a flat out lie. 
 “Not everyone is staying the night, but I know you have to, so just pick an upstairs room,” Erwin tells you after the grand tour. “I can take you around on the golf cart once you settle in.”
 You see Mike roll his green eyes and amend, “We can take you around.” 
 “Yeah,” Erwin nods. “That’s what I meant.”
 Levi is making a face up at Erwin, furrowed brow, squinty eyes, and a little grimace. He hasn’t said more than two words to you since you’ve arrived (“I’m Levi.”), but he doesn’t seem like the chatterbox type, a little more standoffish, and you can’t blame him for that. 
 “Just in case you’re wondering, I’m in the middle room,” Mike tells you with a grin.
 “And why, pray tell, would I be wondering that?”
 He basically sings in his deep voice, “No reason,” then walks back downstairs with Erwin and Levi, leaving you to make yourself comfortable. 
 You take the bedroom at the far end of the hallway out of spite more than anything, but you figure the farther away you can be from Mike the better. After setting your things down and organizing deodorant, perfume, and every day jewelry on the dresser, you join the guys downstairs to find them huddling over the kitchen island talking about plans for the night. 
 “Should we get a keg? It won’t be that many people, but it might be easier to just pour from one,” Erwin thinks out loud. 
 “Don’t bother getting a keg if it’s gonna be the same shitty beer you guys have at Pike parties,” you chime in, hip checking Mike so that he’ll scoot over and allow you join their little meeting. 
 Levi lets out a little laugh, the most expressive you’ve seen him so far, while the other two pout at your criticism. 
 “Why don’t you pick the beer then?” Erwin prompts. “Since you have such refined tastes.” 
 Eyebrows lifting, you laugh. “Oh, we’ve got a smartass in the house tonight.” The blond smirks and dusts off his shoulders, making Mike groan in either annoyance or embarrassment. You can’t be sure which one. 
 “Fuck, is this what it’s always like between you three?” Levi asks, looking between all of you. “Just constant bickering?”
 “More or less.”
 “That seems exhausting.”
 “It is,” you confirm. “‘S’why I can only hang out with them in small doses.”
 “Anyway,” you let your head hang so that all they can see is your shoulders shaking as you giggle, and when you look back up, you make sure that the smile is mostly wiped from your face. “I’m not saying I’m some kind of beer expert, but I at least know that the shit you serve at parties is rancid.”
 “And yet, you always seem to forget,” Mike teases. “I always end up having to finish yours.”
 “You don’t have to. You choose to, you fucking alkie.”
 It’s hard to come to any sort of decision with the non-stop push and pull of the conversation, and eventually Levi just walks away to let the three of you work it out. Erwin orders a keg of Rolling Rock, says something about, “Dad won’t mind me splurging a little since I downsized this whole thing for him,” and you scoff at him. 
 He’s well aware of his privilege, talks about it in an ironic manner that’s both maddening and hilarious— “Father is going to let me take the yacht out this weekend,” and, “Oh, that’s not country club appropriate.” It makes you laugh every fucking time, but it also usually earns him a smack or two. 
 The next few hours are spent gathering party supplies and getting the house ready (as in moving some furniture around and hiding valuables). Erwin leaves to pick up the keg after assuring the vendor on the phone that he can drive to them and pay extra for the short notice. You don’t know how he manages it, but you assume his confidence has a lot to do with it.
 Only about twenty people are supposed to come, “An Erwin Smith exclusive,” Mike jokes with you as you stash a couple of vases in the kitchen cabinets. 
 “Oh, does that mean I’m special?” You play.
 There’s something churning in your gut as you move around downstairs with Mike and Levi, an omniscient feeling, like you know how the night will end, but you’re going to fight it every step of the way. You’ve made it this long without a slip-up, and you’re determined to make it one more night. 
 Erwin gets back with about three hours to spare. He and Mike disappear to change into what you assume to be their usual douche-y attire, and you and Levi sit alone in the large living room waiting quietly. 
 You’re surprised when he speaks first, stating, “You don’t seem the sorority type.”
 Turning, you try to make sense of it, respond, “Well, I’m not.” You’re almost offended that he’d even consider you were.
 “Then what are you doing hanging around with those frat boy fucks?”
 “Oh, that.” You sigh. “Uhh, my friend made me go to one of their parties, and I just… Made an impression, I guess.”
 “You fucked one of ‘em, didn’t you?” Levi is smirking, so sure of himself that you don’t really see the point in denying it.
 “Rich boy or the giant?”
 You look over at him, defenses rising like they did your first night in the Pi Kappa Alpha house. “The fuck is it to you?”
 Holding his hands up, Levi chuckles, “Alright, alright, forget I asked.”
 You cross your arms over your chest, stare off as you wonder if it’s actually that hard to tell. You figured it would be obvious that you’re more comfortable with Mike than with Erwin, but you have been getting more used to the other brazen blond over the last few months, just like you’ve been getting a little more used to Nile and all the other brothers. You haven’t sucked any of their dicks, though. 
 “How’d you meet Erwin?” You try.
 You’re not surprised when Levi snarks, “The fuck is it to you?” 
 You can’t tell if the two of you are going to leave this ranch house as mortal enemies or as friends, but it’ll definitely be one of them. 
 “‘Cause you don’t seem the type to hang out with them either,” you tell him.
 It's definitely odd. He and Erwin have to go back some time to have been able to stick together through their college years and all of their superficial differences. 
 Levi admires the black polish on his nails then informs you in a bored tone, “We’ve been friends since we were kids, but it’s no big deal. Just can’t get rid of him.”
 The corner of his mouth turns upward, so he can’t be too heartbroken over it. You understand that, haven’t quite been able to shake your puppy-dog of a friend since the beginning of the semester, but you’re not as annoyed about it as you pretend to be. 
 “They certainly do get attached,” you hum.
 The two men in question join you once again, looking much more palatable in jeans and v-necks. Erwin has a button-down hanging open and rolled up to his elbows while Mike is wearing a black and white flannel in similar fashion. It’s the most casual they’ve been at a party, and you can’t help but joke, “Wow, look at you two. More human, less lizard people for once.”
 Erwin rolls his eyes while Mike mumbles a Doctor Who reference that makes you suck on the inside of your cheek to keep from grinning. 
 He’s got his charm turned on tonight, the kind that appeals to you, which will definitely pose a problem.
 People start arriving at around eight, some you recognize from the college, some you don’t who you assume to be some of Erwin’s older friends. Gelgar taps the keg within minutes of walking in then plays the role of bartender for the next ten minutes as everyone lines up for a drink. There’s liquor and mixers set up on the counter, and you consider just making your usual, but you figure you should have at least a little of the beer since you’re the one who fought for the more expensive brand. 
 When you get your cup, foam nearly overflowing past the rim, you take one sip only to cough it back up when Mike shows off his usual party trick—appearing out of thin air—and asks, “You gonna finish it this time?”
 You splutter as you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand then glare up at him. “I’m gonna try, but it’s gonna be pretty fuckin’ difficult if you keep making me spit up like a god damn baby.”
 He’s amused, light eyes dancing mischievously, and you know you’re in for a long night. 
 Erwin has a playlist filtering through the house’s sound system, a nice balance of several different genres playing at a bearable volume for the first time. Games start up in the kitchen, rage cage around the island, beer pong at the table, and while you’re content to just wallflower in the corner, Mike drags you into it. 
 “You’re just as bad as Hitch," you complain, but he isn't fazed, just plants you in an open spot at the island and stands right beside you. He's gonna regret doing that; rage cage is one of the only competitive games you're actually good at, but he'll find that out. 
 It's fast-paced, full of screaming and laughing, jumping and shoving. You get to slam your cup into Mike's on several occasions, drawing curses from him every time. 
 "Honestly, it's a little embarrassing," you ridicule with a smile. 
 He downs the small amount of beer in the cup he pulls, adds it to the stack, then challenges, "I'll show you embarrassing. Just wait." 
 You've had maybe two beers altogether, but it still sends a jolt down your spine. 
 The two of you play another couple of rounds, and Mike does seem to catch on a little more, but he eventually bows out and pulls you away with him. 
 More beer. Meandering around the party. It's pretty tame in comparison to all the Pike events you've attended, but the later it gets, the rowdier everyone becomes. Music gets turned up to dance. The keg stops being used for pouring and starts being used for stands. You have the absolute pleasure of watching Erwin hold Levi upside down as the smaller man chugs as much as he can. He beats Nile's record, raises his arms in victory as Erwin shakes him by the shoulders in excitement. 
 "They're pretty close, yeah?" 
 Mike looks down at you as you stand on your tip-toes to get closer to his ear as you speak. 
 He nods. "I don't really understand them, but yeah. They've been friends since, like, elementary school, I think."
 "No shit?"
 "No shit."
 You play beer pong against Gelgar and Nile, end up losing by quite a lot, and by the time you finish the remaining cups and another full drink, you're feeling good. Warm, happy, dangerously giggly. 
 Mike stands too close as you make your rounds to talk to people, many of them asking how the lacrosse season went. He puffs his chest a little, tries and fails to act modest, but instead of getting irritated like you usually do, you find yourself resting your cheek against his arm as you shake your head. You don't know if the action is to disagree with him or to get closer, but it makes Mike chuckle and shift so that he can wrap that arm around you and pull you to his chest instead. 
 He smells nice—woodsy with a sweet little bite. It makes your mouth water. You try to call back your determination from before, that readiness to fight and deny, but Mike's body is firm and massive and hot against yours, and he's also drunk and smiling sideways. His eyes are hazy and gorgeous when he peers down at you. His stubble has grown into that perfect length, the kind that feels incredible between your legs, and you can already see your hands tugging at his shaggy hair as he flips it from his face. 
 "You okay?" He rumbles, tongue darting out to lick his lips. 
 He knows. You know he knows. And, he knows that you know that— 
 Fuck. Stop. Just…
 "What do you think?" You're aware of what you're saying. The words make perfect sense. You just can't stop them from falling from your mouth is all. 
 "I don't know," Mike says, a playful lilt to his voice. "Why don't you tell me?" 
 You're not sure if he's asking for your consent or if he just wants to humiliate you by making you spell it out for him. 
 "I mean…" Your gaze travels from his face to his neck to his pecs and downward. "The semester is over."
 "It is," he agrees, hand moving from your waist to your hip. 
 "Don't really need to be, uh… What's the word…" You squeeze your eyes shut, splaying your fingers on his stomach. "Studious," you snap. "Don't need to be so studious on vacation."
 Mike very slowly starts walking backwards toward the staircase, holding you at arms length by both your hips now. 
 "No, you really don't." 
 Voice of reason fading away, you step around him but grab his hand, taking the stairs two by two until you're on the balcony that wraps above the living room. Once you slip into the closer room, yours, you lock the door. 
 Mike's mouth is familiar in its desperation—tastes like beer and want and him. He pulls his flannel off behind him by the sleeves just in time for you to start pushing his shirt up over his abs, in awe all over again at the muscle group. 
 It's really not fair. 
 You pause between kisses to strip, smiling and groaning whenever your lips meet again. You've missed it on some level—the heat, the fucking attraction you just can't shake. All the times you hung out with him, purposely keeping distance, avoiding flirting and touching and staring—you figured it would come to a head. You even guessed there was a good chance that it would be at this party. 
 But, that doesn't mean you're prepared when he throws you onto the bed, doesn't prepare you for the way he bites your lip and sucks on your neck and pinches your nipples until you moan his name and grind against him, and it certainly doesn't prepare you for the way he spreads your legs, runs his nose up the inside of your thigh, then drags his tongue over your slit. 
 "Fuck, Mike." 
 He groans, quick to slide the muscle into your pulsing cunt to taste you. His fingertips are digging into the fat of your thighs, keeping you still save for your trembling which makes the feeling of his mouth even more intense. You want to buck against his face, want to put out the fire raging inside of you by moving somehow, letting some of the energy out, but you can't. All you can do is lay there as Mike licks around your hole and nibbles at your clit and laps up your juices. 
 "Missed this fuckin' pussy," he breathes, sucking on one of your lips and then the other, pulling blood to the surface and making them puffy and sensitive. 
 You card fingers through his hair before fisting your hand in it and shoving his face further into your cunt, trying as hard as you fucking can to ride any part of him you can manage—his tongue, his nose, anything that will give you friction. 
 The sound he makes at your pathetic attempt is bestial, a low, throaty grunt as he rubs his chin up and down your slit, drenching himself in your slick and quickly overstimulating your swollen clit with his stubble. 
 "Oh fuck, oh fuck—"
 "You wanted it," he grits. "You pushed your sloppy little cunt right in my face, so now you've gotta take everything I give you." 
 You cry as he continues the motion, pussy drooling as the little bud starts to grow raw. "Mike, please, please…"
 "Gonna make sure you feel this tomorrow." He stops only to lean back down and suck your clit into his mouth. The tip of his tongue is soft in comparison to the coarse hair, but it still makes your hips twitch, and when he grazes his teeth over it, you squeal and kick. 
 It's so close to hurting, right on the edge, but it's that helplessness that has you steadily leaking on the bed. It's what makes it easy for Mike to push a finger into your clenching hole, pump a couple times, then slide another one in beside it. 
 Your climax is coiling in your gut, compressed like a spring and only getting tighter with every thrust of long, thick fingers and every measured flick of his tongue. 
 Gripping his hair again, you ride it out. Mike loosens his grip just enough to allow you to undulate in time with the waves that wash over you, and you moan loudly as he moves to flatten his tongue over your entrance so that you come on and against it. 
 He gives you some time to settle down, but you know he isn't done yet, and since you're not quite ready to take his cock in your sensitive pussy, you pull your legs from the sides of his head and crawl to lay with your head off the side of the bed. 
 Mike gets the picture immediately, and you hear a huff of air leave him all at once before he clambers off the mattress to position himself at the edge. You're a little too low, so he grabs all four pillows to shove under you, and as he does, you lavish his bobbing cock with kitten licks, going as far as sucking on his balls when he leans over you. 
 "Jesus fucking—" 
 You can feel the way they tighten, his cockhead dripping pre that lands just below the notch of your sternum. It isn't until he's thoroughly coated in spit that you stop and let him straighten, then open your mouth and relax your shoulders. 
 Mike is careful as he slides his tip past your lips, letting you adjust to the weight of his cock in your mouth before he pushes in a little further. Your eyes start watering as soon as he passes between your molars, making you stretch your jaw and drool from the corners of your mouth. 
 He pulls out then, taps his cockhead on your cheek, leaving a mix of precum and spit on your skin before lining himself up again and sliding back in. 
 He repeats the process a few times as if it'll actually get you used to his size, but it's just not possible. You gag and gurgle, slurp back drool when you're given the chance, and your entire body throbs when Mike tells you, "I'm gonna give you more now, okay? Wanna see your throat bulge with my cock."
 You moan around him, try to make the passage of your mouth and esophagus as straight as possible then let your eyes roll back as he slips into the tighter sleeve for a few seconds. Your toes dig into the bedspread, fingers clawing at the material as you fight back the panic that comes with not being able to breathe. 
 Mike pulls out panting, and you wish you could see his face, the look in his eyes, but you can't. All you can do is lap at his cock until he pushes it into your mouth again. 
 This time when he slips into your throat, he reaches down to press a hand to your neck, letting out a deep, disbelieving laugh as he feels the way his length moves in it. "Holy shit. I could—" he just barely gives you more, and your responding whine is completely muffled by him, "—Could come like this."
 The thought makes you tingle. Or maybe that's the lack of oxygen. You are feeling a little lightheaded. But the idea of him coming down your throat, right into your stomach, fuck, it makes your cunt pulse again. 
 Mike pulls out, and you suck in deep breaths, a little sob making your chest heave. Tears are streaming from your eyes, getting caught in your hair, and you have to wipe other various fluids from your face. 
 He helps you sit back up, rubs your shoulders and kisses the back of your neck as your heart rate returns to normal. As soon as he sees you relax, though, he's tugging you from the bed and bending you over it. 
 The scream that's pushed from you is hoarse as you're split open on his cock. Mike holds you by the hair, pulling your head back as he snaps his hips forward and back relentlessly. He slides in and out of you easily, but that doesn't mean he isn't stretching you to your breaking point. 
 You shake on the bed, thankful when he lets go of your head so that you can fall back to the mattress, crying and moaning all you want. 
 "Feel so good, baby," Mike groans. "So good."
 He punctuates it with a slap to your ass that causes you to squeeze him, and that only encourages him to repeat the action until both your cheeks are radiating heat and stinging from his hands. 
 He flips you like a doll, and you're finally able to see his face clearly as he stares down at you with a dropped jaw and heavy lids. You know you're a mess, fucked out and sloppy, but as he abuses your g-spot with the ridge of his cock, all you can do is grin drunkenly and let your eyes roll. 
 "So pretty when you smile," he praises. Fingers grip your chin, and when you're able to focus your gaze again you find Mike leaning over you, face level with yours. "Open your mouth for me." His tone is soft yet demanding, and you don't hesitate for a second as you do what you're told. 
 Mike pushes spit through his lips, letting it drip and stretch until it lands on your tongue. It makes you feel cheap and disgusting, but it doesn't stop you from squirting around him. 
 Devolving into nothing more than grunts and groans, Mike continues to fuck into you but straightens so that he can reach your clit better. He flicks it back and forth until your true orgasm hits you, and then he keeps going. 
 You cry out, squirm wildly beneath him, but all it results in is two fingers being shoved in your mouth. Stroking over the back of your tongue, more saliva pours from your mouth just like the slick that pours from your pussy while he toys with your clit. 
 You come again. And again. When Mike finally removes his hand from between your legs, you're nothing more than a puddle, moaning and crying for him. 
 Every orgasm has made your walls swell around him, his cock feeling longer and thicker than ever as he kisses your cervix with every thrust. That lightheaded sensation is back, white dots dancing around your eyes, and you just barely manage out his name, tapping in his forearm. 
 "Need… need…"
 "What do you need, babe?"
 Your arms curl up by your head, fingers moving and spasming as every one of your senses is overwhelmed.
  "Need you to—t-to—to come. Need you to c-come." 
 You've never had to tap out before, but you can't take him anymore. His size. His expression. His lack of fucking mercy.
 "Yeah?" He coos, but his cock is still dragging in and out of you. You nod, but Mike draws it out, asking, "Where do you want me to come?"
 "Don't… Care…"
 "You don't care?" He's still moving, fucking you absolutely stupid as he lists out, "Your face? Your tits?" He gropes your chest, pinching both nipples, and the fact that you don't even whimper must clue him into the fact that he's about to lose you. 
 Your mind is swimming, fading every time he pulls out only to be brought back online when he pushes back in. 
 "What about your pussy? Want me to come all over your pussy?" 
 You moan, the simplest part of your brain apparently finding that appealing, so after a few more thrusts, Mike pulls out entirely and jerks himself off until he covers your folds in hot cum. He gets some on your thighs, some on your pelvis, soaks your peaking clit so that you take in a stuttering breath. 
 His hand is between your legs again, fingertips spreading the viscous fluid around and dipping into your slit.
 Your eyes shoot open for the first time in God knows how long, a panicked, "M-Mike," tumbling from your lips, but he hushes you.
 "I'm not pushing it inside or anything. Just having fun."
 And, fuck, tonight is the night you learn how filthy he is. Mike spends a few solid minutes rubbing his seed over your puffy lips, fingers the raw tissue around your hole so that you leak for him, then uses it to massage your clit slowly and softly, pulling one last orgasm from you that makes fresh tears spring in your eyes. 
 You're going to be in a world of pain tomorrow, but you can't regret it—not when your legs continue to shake long after your climax, not when you can already feel that satisfying ache deep inside of you, not when Mike crawls to sit on the bed and lifts you into his arms. 
 "You okay?" He asks into your hair. 
 He's rubbing soothing circles on your stomach as you drift in and out. You know you need to shower, but you're so tired and so wrecked, you doubt you'll be able to stand for long enough to clean yourself. 
 "Did I hurt you?" 
 "Mm, little bit," you tell him honestly. You can actually feel his heart start to beat harder in his chest, so you reassure him, "Liked it, though."
 You think something like twenty minutes pass, but you can't be sure as you keep dozing. It's hard not to with Mike rubbing your stomach, his body rising and falling in rhythm with every breath he takes. 
 When your eyes open more than halfway, you begin to move, grimacing at the soreness between your legs as well as the mess. 
 "'m gonna hop in the shower," you announce. 
 Mike sits up too, stretches his arms and asks through a groan, "Want me to come with?"
 "You've done enough coming tonight," you snort. "But nah, I can clean myself on my own."
 His eyebrows furrow, but he doesn't say anything, just lets you get up and walk to the bathroom on shaky legs. 
 The hot water almost puts you back to sleep. You manage to rinse off where you need to, step back into the room fully expecting to see Mike passed out in your bed, but he's nowhere to be found. 
 As you crawl under the covers, you try to swallow the feeling of disappointment that's stuck in your throat. 
Mike is up before almost everyone in the house the next morning, so he spends most of it trying to clean up alongside Levi, though he apparently isn't doing a very good job of it according to the smaller man. 
 "Jesus, have you ever mopped a floor in your life?" 
 "Oh, so we're just throwing everything in the same trash bag? No recycling? Your future kids will thank you for that, I'm sure."
 "No, there's no way I’m letting you wipe down the counters. Just move." 
 Levi is lucky Mike is as laid back as he is otherwise he would have thrown the little fuck into the koi pond behind the house a long time ago. 
 Erwin wakes up around nine and walks down looking a little rough, but Mike has definitely seen him in worse states. 
 "Thanks for cleaning up," he says, bent over the island and holding his head in his hands. "Pretty sure I would have thrown up if I'd tried. Several times."
 He tells the other two that pretty much everyone else started heading out at around three and that he has a list of party-goers he needs to text to make sure they made it home in one piece, "When I can actually fucking see straight."
 Naturally, the conversation turns to Mike. Erwin, with his cheek now pressed against the cool, granite countertop, smirks up at him and asks in a sly voice, "So, how was your night?' 
 Mike bites his lip to hide a smile, leans out of the kitchen to make sure you aren't stumbling down the stairs or traipsing about the house, then looks back to his friend and laughs, "Fucking mind-blowing, dude." He doesn't go into explicit detail—that's never been his style—but he does whisper about you taking him better than any other girl and that he's, "Addicted, dude. I genuinely think I am addicted to her pussy." 
 "Don't be fucking dramatic, Zacharias," you pop out behind him, slapping his back as you pass him to get to the fridge. He can see the ghost of a smile turning your lips up, but it's hard to feel satisfied at that when his own face is beet red. 
 Looking at Erwin, Mike throws his hands out by his side, mutters an incredulous, "Dude," that makes the other blond chuckle. 
 You grab a water bottle from the refrigerator, making Levi grumble, "Are none of you guys concerned about the planet? God damn."
 Standing between Mike and Erwin, you take a few gulps, all eyes on you until you swallow and question, "Can I help you?" Now that you're right next to him, Mike can hear a scratchiness to your voice, almost as if you're getting sick, but he knows better, knows exactly where it came from, and fuck if it doesn't make him twitch in his sweats. 
 "Have a good time at the party?" Erwin pries once again. 
 You look at him with a deadpan expression, then answer, "Seems like you already got the deets, so sure. I had a grand time."
 Mike isn't sure if you're being sarcastic about it just like you are everything else. You had just kind of left him hanging when you'd gone to shower. He hadn't thought too much into it even if he'd been a little bummed, but he thinks he understands. You just need more space than he does. 
 Or, it could have been that you hadn't enjoyed yourself. Oh god, what if you'd just been faking? What if you'd lied to him when he asked if he hurt you? What if you're in pain right now and just hiding it? 
 Mike zones out while you talk with Erwin and Levi about plans for the day, works himself into a nice little panic but is still able to hear you tell them you're just gonna head back to your mom's. 
 "You sure?" Erwin asks. "I know you only planned to stay one night, but you're more than welcome to hang out for longer. We’ll be here for at least another few days."
 Levi adds an, "Unfortunately," that earns him a hair ruffle he swats away. 
 "No, it's cool. I can't leave mom alone for the holiday or she'll start to think I don't like staying at the house."
 "You don't, though."
 "Yeah, but she doesn't have to know that."
 Mike stares after you as you take your water bottle and return upstairs, and it doesn't escape the notice of the other two men. 
 "You're so fuckin' whipped, man," Erwin teases. 
 Mike doesn't deny it, just holds up a middle finger. 
 Erwin isn't entirely wrong, though. Mike has been trying to deny it or play it off as nothing more than lust, but there's more to his feelings at this point. He tries not to be obvious around you, to keep his cards close to his chest because he knows you just want to keep things casual—barely even want that if he's being honest. 
 So he can hide it. He can pretend it isn't happening. In fact, Mike should be thankful that you only want sex (sometimes) because it leaves him to do whatever he wants. He could fuck other chicks left and right, and you wouldn't even bat an eyelash. That's a good thing, right? 
 That worry about last night still has him on edge, though, so before you can leave, Mike catches you in your room as you're packing up and closes the door. 
 He expects you to make some kind of comment about not being able to go again, but all you do is tilt your head to the side in a dangerously cute way. 
 "Hey, I, uh… I just wanted to make sure you felt okay after last night." 
 You blink at him, pause in folding your clothes, then show a wide, real grin. 
 "Yeah, I'm fine. Sore in various places—like, super sore—but I'm fine."
 Mike's mouth twists to hide his smirk, and he mumbles a low, "Sorry."
 "Don't ever apologize for your monster cock," you tell him, setting your shirt down on the mattress before pacing over to him. "Like, unless there's tearing of some sort, which there really shouldn't be since you're good at preparation, whoever you fuck should be okay. Sore but okay."
 His eyes go a little wide when you stop in front of him, looking up with an expression he's really never seen before—or maybe that you've never allowed him to see before—and the longer he stares, the more he realizes that you're god damn glowing. 
 Taking a chance, he finds your waist with his hands, inches just a little closer, then leans down when you stand on your toes and tug him by the shirt. 
 You taste like peppermint and already smell like the perfume you wear every day, the scent that has made Mike dizzy for the past few months. He moves a hand to your back to press your body into his, and when you take his bottom lip into your mouth, biting and sucking, he groans and pulls back before he can get too hard. 
 "What's all this? Why are you so perky this morning?" 
 "I get giddy after good sex," you say with a shrug. "Sue me."
 "That why you run away every time I fuck you?" He questions.
 You nod. "Couldn't run away this time, though."
 "I'm sure it's really bruising your pride, letting me see you all warm and gooey." 
 "I am not warm and gooey," you protest. "I was last night, but—"
 "Aw, gross, why'd you have to say it like that?" 
 You giggle—giggle—then remind him, "You're the one who felt the need to fucking fingerpaint."
 Mike vividly remembers the way your pussy looked covered in his cum, the way it felt to smear it and play with your swollen entrance and clit, and now… Now he is definitely hard again. 
 "Better stop before you end up on that bed again."
 Your eyes are dancing, tone mischievous when you respond, "Only if you're gentle."
 He's got you naked and spread on the mattress in less than thirty seconds, tongue buried in your cunt as he soothes every part of you he can reach. 
 It would be cruel to actually fuck you again. He knows you're probably a little more tender than you're letting on, so Mike settles for licking into you and flicking your clit, never using teeth as it swells in his mouth so that you pant and moan, and promise, "I can handle it, Mike, I can…"
 "I don't care if you can or can't. Just lemme do this."
 And, it's not like he hasn't pulled his cock from his pants, pumping it and coating his length in the pre-cum he drips at the mere sight of you.
 He can tell you're getting close when your thighs start to tense. You alternate between shifting your hips and going slack. It's the latter that you leak the most, pussy opening around his tongue only to clench a few seconds later. 
 "Just one finger, Mike, please, I want—I need something inside me, please, please," you moan. 
 Mike turns his face to kiss your thigh, sighing but giving in easily when he acquiesces, "Only one."
 The noise you make as he slides his middle finger into you is like music, high pitched and drawn out, with an awe one would sing hymns with. 
 "Yes, yes, yes, thank you, fuck, tha—"
 He understands why you wanted it so badly when he pulls it out and sees his finger coated in white, considers fucking you with it to the point of tears, but before he can, the door to the bedroom swings open and fucking Erwin walks in to ask, "Levi and I are going to the store—"
 “Jesus fuck, Erwin!" Mike swears. "A little busy here!"
 His friend is unfazed, but more importantly, you are too, arching your back, pulling Mike's hair to get him back where you want him, then moaning his name like you never have before as you come. 
 You tremble and take in stuttering breaths, and Mike does his best to hide your exposed pussy from prying eyes as he looks at Erwin and barks out a furious, "No, I don't need anything from the store. Get out."
 The blond shrugs and turns, walking out without shutting the door, and Mike swears he's gonna kill him. He's too bold and too entitled and now he's seen far too much of your body, and Mike doesn't like that. 
 "Did you come?" You ask in an airy voice. Mike guesses you could feel the rhythm of his hand on his cock, probably pushing his face harder against you with every pass. 
 "Uh, no. I don't know if you noticed, but Erwin walked in."
 "I noticed," you snort, sitting up on your elbows. "Why do you think I moaned your name like that?"
 "What?" It had seemed a little odd. Mike knows he's pretty good at oral, but you've never made a sound like that before. 
 "Fucker wanted to see what we were up to, I decided to show him. Now he knows how good you are."
 Mike stands, peers down at you skeptically and says, "You're being too nice to me today. It's freakin' me out a little."
 He doesn't think it's necessary to add that Erwin is already aware of his sexual prowess considering they definitely had a threesome with a rather adventurous girl back in freshman year. It's just not pertinent information. 
 "Soak it up, Zacharias. I'm sure the good mood will be gone by tomorrow."
 "Why, cause I won't be at your mom's to fuck you stupid every night?" His voice comes out cocky, but it's stifled by the way you squeal when he slaps a hand over your wet pussy.
 "I'm sensitive, you asshole!" You're smiling even as you whine. "And, here I was about to give you head to get you off."
 "I mean, you can still do that."
 You glare up at him the whole time you slide off the bed to your knees, warn, "Better hope I don't bite."
 After you leave (and after making out against Mike’s Wrangler for a little too long), he goes back inside to find Erwin and Levi lounging in the den with a movie playing. He wastes no time in snapping his fingers at Erwin and commanding, "We're gonna talk."
 "Oh, are we?" Erwin doesn't even look away until Mike grabs the back of his shirt, and only then does he move from his spot. "Okay, okay, watch the wrinkles, bro."
 He follows Mike into the kitchen, out of earshot unless either of them raise their voices which… Could happen. 
 "What the fuck was that?" Mike hisses. 
 Erwin looks at him with big blue eyes and plays dumb, "What the fuck was what?" 
 Taking a deep breath through his nose, Mike makes sure his voice comes out low and steady, "Smith, I swear to God, it's been a long time since I've punched you, but you're fuckin' testing me, dude."
 Erwin smiles, face lighting up with what looks like excitement but could also be fury. 
 "Mike," he starts. "Don't tell me you're getting violent over a girl." His tone is patronizing, his eyebrows are high, and his grin is downright menacing. 
 "I haven't gotten violent yet," Mike grits. 
 "Hey, how was I to know what you two were doing up there?" 
 "It's not about you walking in, dude! It's about you just fucking standing there!"
 Erwin chuckles and blows him off, "Mike, I've seen your dick before. You've got nothing to worry about."
 "That's not what I'm worried about. You just, like, came in when she was in a vulnerable position, and that's fucked up."
 "She didn't seem to mind."
 Mike sucks his teeth, takes another grounding breath, then asks again, "Why? Why did you wait to leave?" 
 "You want me to be honest?" Erwin rolls his neck then his shoulders. Mike has seen him do that many times before lacrosse games to loosen up—to get ready for a fight. 
 Mike's fist clenches at his side. "Yeah, I do."
 "You've been making yourself crazy over this girl since the start of the semester, and I want to know why."
 "What do you mean?" Mike doesn't know why he asks, has a pretty good idea of what Erwin is alluding to. 
 The blond still dodges the question but in about the worst way possible. "It's not like you two are exclusive or anything."
 Mike feels the way his lungs fill to the point of burning, how his jaw clenches until his molars begin to ache under the pressure, and before he really knows what's happening, he's bowing up to his best friend. 
 Erwin matches him, only a couple inches shorter, chin tilted, that maddening light in his eyes. 
 "Walk away, Mike," he warns. "And, we can forget this little spat even happened."
 Mike peers down his nose at him, trying to rein in his emotions because Erwin is right. You two aren't exclusive. You don't want to be. You told him it was because you need to focus on school, but it could be that you want other options. 
 But fuck, Mike doesn't want Erwin to be one of them. He's stolen more than a few girls right from under Mike's nose with his stupid charm and stupid face and stupid money. He doesn't want you to fall prey to all of it too. 
 Mike doesn't even register the quiet footsteps padding into the kitchen, but Levi's smartass, "You guys about to kiss or somethin'?" definitely snaps him out of his head. 
 Stepping back, Mike resists the urge to punch the counter and break his fucking hand, then turns and strides out. 
 He's supposed to stay at the ranch house for a couple more days, but Mike needs to distance himself before he does something stupid. 
 When he comes back downstairs with his bag on his shoulder and his keys in his hand, Erwin seems to realize his error on at least some level and stands from his place on the couch. 
 "Mike, come on, I'm sor—"
 "Let me cool off, dude,” Mike snaps.
 Erwin shuts his mouth and sits back down, smart enough not to follow Mike outside.
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comradekatara · 3 years
gaang + favorite types of memes? (i personally am partial to the idea that aang is technically kinda their equivalent of a boomer so he enjoys the type of cat memes that were popular in the early aughts. zuko unironically enjoys them with him. katara likes facebook minions and sokka loves wordplay and dril)
there's no way katara likes minions. they're spineless (the word "minion" is literally their name) corporate shills & also uggos. overalls with no shirt on underneath? that's certainly a bold look, but idk if u can pull it off, sweetie.... also i'm not sure how "wordplay" counts as a meme? that's just a style of humor... and cat memes are always good. seeing an image of a cat and being like :) !! is timeless fuck you. anyway i'm not really a meme expert because i find most trends to be inane. but i'll try.
aang really likes that he man whats going on video. thinks it's the height of comedy
katara is a big proponent of meg's hot girl agenda. "what can i say officer, it's my hot girl summer. i'm simply doing hot girl shit." "miss you blew up a factory"
sokka and toph are both obsessed with shrek (and also the sequel bc it's equally good if not better!) in a simultaneously ironic yet deeply sincere way. whenever they talk on the phone sokka always answers by being like "DONKEY?!" and then toph goes "WHATRE YOU DOING IN MY SWAMP??????"
zuko learns about rickrolling like ten years too late and is utterly delighted by the prospect of using this power for evil. he sends a text to azula that's like "omg did you see on the local news that sokka robbed a jewelry store at gunpoint????" and azula's like "HA! SEE! I KNEW HE WASN'T AN ANGEL!!!! I KNEW ONE OF THESE DAYS THE WALLS OF HIS PERFECT FACADE WOULD FINALLY CRUMBLE, EXPOSING HIS TRUE MORAL DEGENERACY... HE..... wait.. what??? what is this?????? what the fuck?????? ZUKO!!!!!!!"
suki only likes that niche absurdist comedy that u have to be on like 17 layers of irony to understand. sokka finds her memes funny and no one else does.
mai loves that vine that's like "look at this graph ." it makes her lose her shit every time she thinks about it. if mai is ever caught emoting in public, rest assured it's because she's thinking of "look at this graph"
ty lee loves that meme that's like "the grey sweater virgin girl and the pink dress spray tan tits out girl aren't enemies. they're in love actually." it makes her happy
azula thinks internet humor went downhill after rage comics stopped being a thing. they were fun
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curtain call, m | myg
pairing(s): yoongi x reader
summary: You know that TikTok trend where girls would drop their towels in front of their gamer boyfriends? As expected, Min Yoongi didn’t until he was informed by his six troublemaking friends. In this case, his girlfriend was the pro streamer and he was the guy in the towel... so what’s the result?
warnings: rated M (18+) for language, tiny bit of crack; sexually explicit thoughts; smut (fem reader, handjob, cowgirl); very fluffy; non-idol!AU - established relationship, music producer!Yoongi x LoL streamer!reader
“Hahaha, oh my god, chat, did you see that? He bounced so many times from the CC, he literally went sky, holy shit!”
Min Yoongi opened the front door of his apartment to the jovial, laughing voice of his girlfriend. He shut the door, smiling to himself. Her streaming room was in the extra bedroom. The door was open, and he could see the bright RGB lights of her computer tower reflecting off the walls. He took off his black coat, placing it on the hanger in the hall closet.
“Stop cursing because it’s not ladylike?” He heard her scoff. “No, fuck you.”
Yoongi smirked. That’s my girl.
He pulled out his phone from his pocket, scrolling through social media. His friends always told him to reply to their posts, but Yoongi was a lurker. The only reason he even had any social media was because his friends set it up for him. He literally only followed six people – his six friends. Everyone else he just stalked from memory, even his own girlfriend. Mostly because he didn’t want random people following him for no reason, because they most certainly would with how popular she was.
When she had asked him what he thought of her full-time video game streaming, Yoongi told her to go for it. She had been obsessed with League of Legends for over nine years, even before she met him. At their first date, she first question was if he knew what League of Legends was.
“Uh… I got to Gold in season 2?”
Later, she told him his answer had seriously tilted her and she even considered not going on a second date.
“But you did. Because of this face.”
She had laughed and nodded.
She had been playing solo queue for a long time. When she finally started streaming her games, her channel grew slowly. She would immediately start playing after she got home from work. Hours and hours, growing a fanbase. Yoongi later learned she was startlingly good – “I was Master for a long time, got Grandmaster this season” – and when she asked him if she could quit her job, he pointed to her bank statements.
“Do you even need to ask? You might make more than me at one point and I’m Big Hit’s top music producer.”
And she did end up making more than him, at least some months, because the team that picked her up as a content creator this year was none other than T1, the most beloved (and hated) organization in Korea. Had she ever met Faker? No, but it was cool to say she was under the same umbrella as him.
Yoongi rounded the corner, knocking his knuckles on the doorframe.
You looked up from your game, grinning. Twitch chat had just said some dumb shit, but your eyes were on Min Yoongi now. The love of your life, standing in the doorframe, looking amused at your antics and dressed sharply in a white dress shirt and black slacks with a matching black tie. Very different to your black T1 hoodie and sweats.
“Whoa, fancy, fancy,” you teased, eyes going back to the game. You pushed back one of your headset’s earcups to hear him better. You clicked rapidly, autoattacking the towers swiftly. You were about to win after a hectic Baron fight. “Why are you dressed like that, Yoongi?”
Your chat was exploding with cat emojis. They had only seen Yoongi a few times and someone had compared him to a cat once. It stuck and now every time Yoongi spoke, your chat was spammed with cats. You even had a custom white cat emote made with Yoongi’s signature black hair.
Yoongi appeared next to you on the cam, only his slacks and bottom of his shirt visible next to you. He patted your head.
“Meeting today,” he said simply in his lovely deep voice. The chat was exploding due to Yoongi’s appearance. Everyone was thirsty for him. You couldn’t blame them. You too. “Looks like T1 Curtain Call is kicking ass.”
You fired the last shot at the Nexus, earning fifty gold. Was it necessary since that was the end of the game? Absolutely not, but it gave you bragging rights. You sat back, smirking. You were in your promos to Challenger, the highest rank in the ladder. It would be really exciting if you could make it to Challenger this season.
You turned to Yoongi as you honored your support Nami. “Chat wants you to say hi.”
Yoongi stuck his large hand out in front of the camera and waved it once. “Hey everyone.”
You chuckled as Yoongi retreated his hand. You clicked on the stats for the chat to read before reentering the lobby. T1 Curtain Call. That was your in-game name, or IGN. It was named after your favorite champion, Jhin, the Virtuoso, mercenary gunman with a sniper ultimate and an obsession with the number four. Your IGN was Jhin’s ultimate ability name. You were an attack-damage carry main, also known as ADC.
You felt Yoongi ruffle your hair, messing it up under your headset.
“Going to take a shower before making dinner. Bye, chat.”
Yoongi stuck his hand in the screen again, right in front of your face.
You leaned forward to read the chat as you queued up. It was going to be a long queue, so you answered questions in the meantime.
“Ask Yoongi to play with you?” You chuckled. “Trust me guys, I’ve tried, even if it was just normals. He’s confused as shit.”
Yoongi worked the shampoo in his hair, feeling the hot water hit his back. Before getting into the shower, Yoongi had gotten multiple texts from the group chat. Normally he would ignore them, because he always ignored the group chat. This time, however, he saw his girlfriend’s name pop up in the texts, along with his name with multiple exclamation points. He frowned at it, opening the chat. He did not like his friends typing her name heedlessly.
It was some dumb TikTok trend.
“Hyung, you gotta do this to noona,” Jeon Jungkook had typed with multiple ‘kekekeke’ behind it. The youngest was an idiot for even suggesting this.
“Please do it,” Kim Taehyung typed with multiple laughing emojis.
“I want to know her reaction,” Park Jimin typed with a bunch of winking faces.
“The fuck is this?” Kim Seokjin had typed. “Oh my god, you have to do it, Yoongi.”
“But don’t film it,” Kim Namjoon warned. “Don’t want to make her look bad or anything.”
Jung Hoseok had just typed multiple laughing symbols. Yoongi could hear him laughing through the phone even if he wasn’t here.
It was a stupid trend where girls wrapped themselves in towels after a shower and then dropped said towels in front of their gamer boyfriends while they were playing, with varying reactions. Yoongi had sighed, putting his phone down. He shouldn’t have clicked on the chat. Those guys were loons. Besides, his role was reversed in his situation. A guy’s flaccid dick was a thousand times less interesting than his girlfriend’s perky tits and round ass. And her squeezable thighs. And her glistening pussy.
Yoongi rinsed his hair off, muttering to himself.
Why would he even consider distracting her like that anyway? He rubbed soap on his arms and legs. She took her games seriously and Yoongi wanted her to win them. It would just be dumb to be the reason that she dies in game. It was her job, after all. It was true they had less sex, but that was also partially his fault. He had been working on an album and it ran long hours. He had to finish before the deadline after all. Yes, sometimes Yoongi woke up late at night with a massive hard-on and her warm body next to him, only in her underwear. Sometimes he took her hand and wrapped it around him, considering on waking her up to do it.
But her peaceful, sleepy face was too cute to wake up, so he never did.
Yoongi puffed his cheeks as he rinsed off, thinning his mouth and eyes into lines. They used to mess around, right here in the shower, where he would jerk off on her face and chest, just to watch it drip down her body. He could see her pretty face in his mind, cum sprayed across her cheeks and chin, mischievous smile on her lips. They had different schedules now, so she always showered before her stream, while he was at work.
Yoongi clicked his tongue and turned the water off, body still hot. He grabbed the white towel from the rack and dried his hair, making it stick up in every direction. He rubbed himself down, wicking the water away. It made him remember how her hair used to stick to her body after their shared showers and how he would lift it away to play with her nipples.
He huffed, seeing his phone on the bathroom sink. His friends needed help. How could they even suggest such nonsen–
Yoongi tried to wrap his towel around his waist. He could feel a draft. He looked down, raising his eyebrows.
His dick was pitching a music-festival, VIP-member-only sized tent.
He pursed his lips. He shouldn’t be that surprised. He had literally been thinking about his girlfriend’s naked body the entire time. His eyes glanced to his phone once again before he opened the bathroom door. He heard her sigh loudly.
“Noooo, that’s the third dodge! Am I ever going to play a game, chat?” she whined.
Yoongi padded out into the hallway. Technically he was already halfway there. Might as well. Was this the stupidest shit he was ever going to do? Maybe. But she wasn’t going to expect it, that’s for sure. The thought made Yoongi smirk.
“When is Jungkook going to duo with me again? I don’t know guys; he said he has finals soon so he has to focus on school.” He heard her click her tongue. “Get him on cam again? Oh, I see, that’s what you all wanted... At least let him get through university.”
Yoongi stopped at the doorframe. Her hands were on her chin and she was sighing, looking depressed at her long queue time.
“Ah, so unlucky. It must be everyone’s dinnertime.”
He called her name in the same tone he usually used.
Her head lifted and her eyes floated in his direction.
Yoongi dropped the towel.
In less than a second, her eyes grew three sizes, jaw dropping. His wet hair stuck to his forehead, shading his eyes a bit. He cocked an eyebrow, slow smirk on his lips.
“Anything you want for dinner?”
You heard your queue pop, but you were frozen in place, gawking open-mouthed at your boyfriend standing in the doorframe of your streaming room, butt-ass naked, cock hard as a rock, towel on the ground. Did he just..? What the…? This was Min Yoongi. Your mild-mannered, somewhat-lazy, preferred-to-be-asleep boyfriend. Not suddenly-trying-to-send-you-to-horny-jail-in-front-of-three-thousand viewers boyfriend! You blinked at him, stuttering.
Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit. Your voice was a little too breathless, a little too shocked. And slightly too needy for Twitch chat. Your face was heating up fast. You whipped your head back to the screen, realizing you missed the queue. At this point, you didn’t give a single shit.
“You know what, guys,” you said shakily, laughing awkwardly. “I better help Yoongi with dinner and be a good girlfriend.” You rose, feeling the wetness between your legs. “See you tomorrow!”
And you immediately turned off the stream, fuck, you turned off your whole damn computer, mashing the power button, and throwing one of your spare hoodies over the webcam. You exploded from your T1 gaming chair, literally shooting it back three feet into the League plushes behind you, ripping your headset off, tossing it onto the keyboard. Yoongi looked surprised, as if he expected you to be demurer about it.
Yeah, that’s not kind of woman you were.
“Min Yoon-gi,” you hissed, stressing every syllable of his name. “How the fuck do you think you can just show up naked and not expect me to want to immediately fuck you?”
Yoongi chuckled. “I wanted to see your reaction.”
You narrowed your eyes, pressing him against the door with your body. “You don’t watch TikTok. Who put you up to this? Jimin? Taehyung? Jungkook?”
His voice was low and husky. “You know the mankae line are trouble.”
Your hand snaked up into his damp hair and you pulled him down for a sensual kiss. His soft, pink lips parted and you nipped at his lower lip, grinding deliciously into his hard cock. Your sweatpants and underwear were in the way, but you moaned into his mouth, tongue grazing against his lips.
Mentally, you thanked the three mankaes for giving Yoongi this wonderful idea.
He breathed against your lips, smirking.
“How many pieces of clothing are you wearing?” he purred.
You grinned into his kiss, tongue between your teeth. “Four.”
“On brand for you.”
And then you two stumbled into the hallway, Yoongi’s hands on the hem of your hoodie, pushing it up as you kissed him over and over, whispering his name, telling him how handsome he was, how perfectly sexy he was with his wet hair and soft skin. His lips curved upwards under yours, basking in your compliments, drinking them up.
“Count for me,” he drawled, pulling the black T1 hoodie up.
You slipped out of it, sliding down, hands splaying over Yoongi’s chest.
He tossed it aside as your hand wrapped around his cock. A sharp gasp left his lips feeling you stroke him slowly, your hand snaking around his neck and bringing his face close to yours, lips on lips. His hands curled around your waist, moving up, grasping the hook-and-eye of your black bra. All the while slowly making your way to the bedroom, nipping at his lips, sucking on his tongue.
Yoongi pinched, releasing your bra. You released his cock, letting it slide off your shoulders.
“Two,” you moaned, feeling his hands on your breasts, rolling your nipples in between his fingers.
“Hah, your body is so fucking hot,” Yoongi murmured. “Missed fucking you.”
You snickered, licking his lips. “Why don’t you actually try to wake me up for once instead of using my hand to jack yourself off at two in the morning?”
His dark brown eyes went wide, shock creeping into his voice. “W-what? How did you…?”
You pushed him through the doorframe of the bedroom. “You think I don’t notice your dick in my hands?” You reached down now, gripping it again, sighing softly at his hardness. “I’m a light sleeper.”
He sputtered at you, fingers curling under the waistband of your sweatpants. “No, you’re not.”
You grinned. “Yeah, you’re right, but this your cock we’re talking about, and I love your cock, Yoongi, fuck,” you continued, pumping him slowly as you felt his length twitch in your hands, his hands pushing down your pants, sliding down your legs.
“Three,” he breathed softly.
You took his larger hand and wrapped it around yours, stepping out of your pants.
“Go on, Yoongi. Show me what you do when you think I’m asleep,” you said softly, nudging him to the bed and laying him down, down, crawling over him, staring into his beautiful dark eyes, falling more and more in love with him every second. Yoongi bit his lip, looking back at you, shifting your hand up and down his cock, whimpering as he jacked himself off, but with your hand and your eyes on him.
“Fuck, you look so pretty,” he mumbled. “Such perfectly shaped eyes.”
You leaned down, squeezing him a little harder, a tiny gasp brushing against your lips. “That’s you, my love.”
He smirked, his free hand hooking on the side of your panties.
“Hit me with the fourth shot,” Yoongi teased, grinning.
You kissed him lightly, smiling. “That’s going to be a critical hit.”
“Better be a critical hit all over my dick.”
You laughed, reaching over to the nightstand and pulling out the drawer, taking out a condom. The two of you pulled down your black panties, Yoongi completing the final number.
“Four,” he exhaled, nearly moaning at the sight of your juices snapping against your thigh.
“Me on top?” you asked, ripping the condom open.
Yoongi’s naughty smirk grew. “You do love me.”
You slid the condom down his length, both of you gasping as his cock throbbed in your hands. You slid up, holding him with two fingers as you sank down on him, tipping your head back at the feeling of Yoongi’s cock buried deep inside.
“I’ve determined we don’t fuck enough,” you muttered, rolling your hips at the delicious sensation of being stretched out by your lover.
“I should wake up earlier,” Yoongi hissed, hands twisting in the sheets. “So we can shower together again.”
“You miss that?” You began to move, riding him deliberately slow but rough, slapping your hips together. You were leaking all over his crotch and balls, adding to the sound. “Miss me on my knees for you, wet from head to toe?”
“Hah… I was thinking about it in the shower,” he panted, feeling you lean down to change the angle, rolling the entire lower half of your body to fuck him hard, fast, intensely squeezing his cock at every descent. “You look so good covered in my cum, my love.”
You smirked, arching an eyebrow. “Yeah? Take some pictures. Show your friends.”
Yoongi laughed, that attractive raspy laugh that showed his pink gums and his pretty white teeth as you rode him, chasing your orgasm and determined to get him to his. “They fucking wish they could see this body,” he growled, a touch of possessiveness in his voice that made your spine shiver deliciously. “Bet they wish they could see you riding my dick right now, your perfect tits and ass bouncing on top of me.”
You clenched him harder and he moaned, head pressed into the pillows, eyes closing, drowning in the feeling of you.
“Ask them,” you snickered. “I already know Jimin’s answer.”
Yoongi gave you an open-mouthed smirk. “That fucking pervert.”
You slammed your hips together tightening your jaw and your core, sucking in his entire length, every contour imprinted into you, every vein pulsing into your walls, Yoongi so fucked out and gone under you, the best image in the entire fucking world. You leaned your head back, gasping triumphantly as the pleasure finally dropped, showering over you, your hips shaking, pussy throbbing all around him, splattering onto his crotch. Yoongi groaned, smacking his fists against the sheets as he shot up into you, cock swelling against your walls, choking out your name due to the strength of your orgasm. You felt your pussy milking him for every drop, draining him. Yoongi’s hips jerked involuntarily up towards you, squelching loudly and lewdly.
Fuck, you loved him.
You bent down, hand between your bodies, holding the condom down as you kissed his open mouth, tongue sliding in to stroke his, murmuring to him how much you loved him. Yoongi panted into your lips, hot erotic breaths that made you moan as you slowly removed yourself from his softening cock. He opened his eyes, half-lidded, drunk with pleasure. His voice was breathless, content.
“I love you.”
You smirked.
“Drop your towel some more, but maybe when I’m not live streaming.”
Yoongi laughed and you laughed too, because in the end it was still hilarious.
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