#also guess who never wants to help push the boat into the water
anarchosluggism · 1 year
This whole submarine thing is a perfect spotlight on how the super wealthy take on an "I'm bulletproof" mentality, which makes sense considering how money can insulate you from pretty much anything.
Then when some guy offers to take them to see the Titanic for $250 000 and makes them sign a waiver that screams THIS TITANIUM AND CARBON SAUSAGE THAT YOU WILL BE BOLTED INTO FROM THE OUTSIDE IS CONTROLLED WITH A BOOTLEG PS3 GAMEPAD AND HAS NOT BEEN PROVEN SAFE BY ANYONE WHO KNOWS THEIR SHIT. THERE IS A VERY REAL POSSIBILITY YOU COULD DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH they go "not me, I'm rich 😗✌" and climb right on.
I've seen this in recreational diving circles too. The richer the clients, the worse they are at listening to you when you end the dive to prevent people running out of air and/or getting the bends. Sure there are the ones who get really into tek, see/hear about someone dying and go "oh shit maybe these limits exist for a reason" and actually start listening but I have pulled out my hair over rich assholes ignoring safety instructions enough to know oceangate had it coming. When social consequences have never existed for someone, they tend to forget that the sea doesn't give a shit who their dad is.
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pegasussomnus · 8 months
Why Bernard fails as a love interest for Tim
So this write up will explain why Bernard ultimately fails as a love interest for Tim
First off, he makes no sense to be paired with Tim. He only appeared in six issues and none of his interactions with Tim gave us insight into who Tim was as a character or lead to any meaningful developments. The whole 'he represents the War Games era of Tim in terms of uncertainity' or 'his civilian life before losing his dad' is just untrue as we never see Tim seriously appreciate his friendship like he does with say Ives, or the people at Brentwood as something that keeps him grounded or as a distraction from the hero life/normaly he needs nor do his interactions with Tim show said uncertainty like the struggle of balancing the civilian/hero life that we saw his above friends do. All of his appearances are either comic relief or a springboard/exposition for more important developments such as Tim's relationship with Darla (ugh)
There is also how he wasn't a close friend of Tim and more often than not, Tim was shown to not like him too much. At best they were casual friends and none of their interactions went beyond that. The nicest thing Tim said about him is that he "THINKS he's going to END UP LIKING" him not that he actually does so which at best shows Tim is willing to give him a shot.
At worst? Well
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Yeah. The first panel is his first impression of him while the last three are the LAST interactions/mentions Tim has with him and occur after saying he 'thinks he's going to end up liking him'.
It makes no sense why Tim would even want to reconnect with him let alone date him. Tim's opinion of Bernard went from "I guess we can be friends but this guy is sus to "maybe he's not so bad and deserves a shot" to "nah screw this guy". It's telling we keep getting sold a false meta history of them being super close friends and have Bernard essentially replace Ives to try and sell the pairing.
And being honest? The notion of Tim dating the guy who perved on his stepmom who appeared in six issues and this is being pushed as his OTP over Stephanie is just an absurd concept.
 Second of all. Like it really doesn't do anything for Tim at all.
Bernard doesn't help Tim grow as a character, or even as a person relationship wise as Tim is still doing the same faults he did in past relationships with civilians not telling them he is Robin, keeping secrets, cutting dates/missing them, etc). but they are "resolved" by just making Bernard some ultra perfect guy who knows Tim's identity
Aka the resolution he had with Stephanie in terms of the civilian/hero life balance of having someone who knows both, so Tim is getting a balance he already had and not to mention you can't even say Tim progressed in this manner or learned from his mistakes as he never revealed his ID in the first place, so it requires no growth on his end) (never explained how he does, not to mention watering down Tim's competence in keeping his ID) so it's all moot.
Tim also doesn't progress in his civilian life at all. Like he lives on a boat and (it is said that Bernard helped motivate him to do this but never shown/explained at all and all we see is Bernard saying he likes it and the people there)? Like he doesn't even meaningfuly develop a connection with the people there aside from friendly neighbors at best. As an example There was this "subplot" of them being in danger of being evicted but Tim just doesn't care at all or do anything. Like why not use some of his wealth from his dad or something to like buy people's boats and resell them at a cheaper price so the people can stay?
The people on the boat don't even offer him a meaningful civilian connection as like I said he just doesn't connect with them and even then that civilian connection is kind of moot in the last issue when they all know his identity as Robin so that balance or finding a solution is rendered moot for the same reasons as above as he already found that balance with the Batfamily/YJ friends who know both aspects of his life and again he didn't even it reveal it to them.
Like what do they offer him? People to chill in a non-vigilante way? Like he can already do that with the Batfam/YJ and not to mention that as the series showed the Marina got involved in a lot of Robin related stuff because of Tim's ID, so it's also moot.
Another point is how Bernard for a 'relationship for Tim beyond Robin' really is a relationship where the substance largely comes from Robin. Like aside from Robin is how they got together which Bernard even states in issue 3, in the beginning of issue 7 when Bernard list why he likes Tim all the things he likes about him are reflective of his role as Robin. Like his whole trusting Tim to keep him safe, Tim being special, and Tim being his lucky charm, the examples he uses are of Tim saving him as Robin/being Robin.
And issue 7 also shows like I said above that what saves the relationship is Bernard knowing that Tim is Robin. Not to mention how he really only opens up to Tim/confides in him seriously when Tim is Robin as shown in issue 3 and 9. Hell in issue 3 when he talks about wanting to help Tim, knowing that he knows his ID, when he talks about Tim 'taking too much on his own and not asking for help and loosing himself or whatever' we know it's about Robin.
And issue 10 the grand saving moment for their relationship after the 'falling out' in issue 9 was Bernard saving the day in a Robin related mission and getting the ID reveal (but not really)
Issue 7 highlights how Tim really doesn't do anything for Bernard as Tim. Like all he does is tell him that his parents suck, he's great to make him feel better, and tell us a bunch of stuff about Bernard we've never seen before.....twice and given how the issue kept emphasizing this point (to the point where villains commented on it) and how over the top his parents/with Bernards heroic it felt generic and like the bare minimum and Tim felt like an exposition device.
Tim never really talks to him about his issues with his parents or actually substantially helps him as after Tim does the above it immediately cuts back to their relationship for cute moments. Like Bernard giving him the necklace isn't even connected to Tim 'helping' as he was gonna do that anyway.
Tim as a civilain is just the BF and the real substance comes from Robin (as it was a Robin related mission and Tim saving civilians as Bernard which lead/inspired Bernard trying to save his parents and oh look Robin once again is tied to their relationship)
TLDR: Bernard doesn't make sense as a pairing, doesn't do anything for Tim as a character nor fulfill the purpose he was supposedly brought back for
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ae-neon · 17 days
The House of Mirrors
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Chapter 11
Nesta tried to push down on the growing knot of panic in her gut. She kept her gaze ahead, but it didn’t help, there was nothing to see beyond the privacy screen that cut the car in half. And looking out either window meant chancing eye contact with the men beside her. So she focused her efforts on breathing, on not bouncing her leg or picking at her nails or pissing herself.
Finally, the car seemed to pull into its destination, and she was let out – admittedly surprised by the rather quiet, opulent seaside neighbourhood. She’d expected to be taken to a warehouse and gutted like a fish.
The house sat on a hill overlooking a small port, a dozen boats – mostly catamarans and bowriders – sat anchored and waiting, swaying gently in the biting night breeze. They must have been in another upstate enclave, not unlike the one Rhysand had grown up in. She turned back to gaze up at the house, the cold wind already sapping the fight from her body as her nose and cheeks turned pink. It was painted a yellow Nesta guessed might have been pretty in the sun, white lining bringing to mind the bright, colourful homes that dotted the Kirakolos Islands. The information only useful if she lived to recall it.
She was escorted inside, where the Kirakolosi theme seemed to extend beyond exterior styling. The house itself was modelled after those ancient homes, flat and square with an open courtyard just beyond the entrance. A statue of a long dead god sat in that exposed space, the white marble cracked with a scar that ran along half its face.
The man who owned this house was rich enough Nesta did not doubt the statue was an authentic relic, and mad enough that he would take pride in letting it crumble before him, day by day.
She was taken down a long corridor and a set of stairs into an underground bathing chamber, the bath – a pool by modern standards – took up most of the floor, steam rising off the clear water, a tiled mural dancing below. Warm light flooded the room and soft folk music played somewhere behind her, all a carefully crafted ambiance.
He sat at the corner of one end, removing a half-smoked cigar from his mouth when he spotted her. Nesta tried not to look at the bath, tried not to stumble as she left her escorts halfway and continued along the edge, stopping just out of reach.
His thinning hair and stubble were whiter than the last time they’d met, his skin further aged and freckled but the muscle underneath still held a whisper of what his prime had been, “Miss Archeron.”
He corrected himself with a small smile, “Nesta. Forgive me, I wasn’t sure you’d still consider me a friend after everything that happened.”
She didn’t. Never had. Only Tomas had fooled himself into thinking getting in the water had also made him a shark.
He glanced at his watch, then over her shoulder at the two men who’d brought her hear, “You’ll have to forgive my men, I had intended to see you after the gala, but I suppose the opportunity presented itself.”
Nesta looked back at them, both were new, meaning his nephews were either in hiding or in custody. Either one should have meant he was not ready to make a move. So why was she here?
“How did you know where I was?” She’d put herself back in the spotlight yes, but the tabloids had not yet printed.
“He booked the tickets under your names. Seems you’ve fallen on that old habit of siding with reckless men.” He took a drag of his cigar and gazed out at the water, knowing she would follow his lead, “Thought I’d taught you better…” it sounded almost listless, almost reminiscent.
It made her sick. Made the world tilt and slide, darkness edging her vision as the water called, and some broken part of her mind screamed. In her periphery she watched him rise, water dripping from his white shorts as he made his way over. She wanted to run but her body froze, knew better than to entice a reaction from him even as he cupped her face and turned her away from the water.
Silent tears threatened to slip from her eyes as she met his. Even if she weren’t intimately familiar with how insane he could become at a moment’s notice, if he did not lower his hands to her neck and fit them there like a collar, if she hadn’t seen him empty a syringe of opium into Clare… his eyes alone told of the monster he was.
Nesta blinked hard, took that second of reprieve to force air into her lungs, to curl her hands into fists and slip that familiar mask into place. When her eyes opened, she saw him register it, brows raising a little at the eyes that stared back at him.
“There she is,” he whispered, almost proud.
Again, bile rose, and again Nesta warred with her instincts. If she so much as twitched he might break her skull against the pool wall. “Why am I here, Victor? As you said, we’re no longer friends.”
He frowned and released her neck, “No? I suppose you’re right. Our business concluded rather nicely. Rare. You know that? There are men who have spent their lives doing business – balancing the lives of others, the economies of small cities in their hands – and they shrivel at the first smell of blood. Start losing their minds when the inevitable happens to those closest to them.” Again, that sick warmth that was so near pride, “But not you. You took it in such stride. I think… it truly made you better.”
Her head began to clear with the forceful, even breaths she took, helped when Victor moved away to sit on a stone bench beside the edge of the bath. “This new one, your soon to be brother-in-law, do you think he is like us? Or do you think he will break, like your Tomas?”
She pushed away the memories, the blood, “I think if you’re asking me, you have already guessed the answer yourself.”
His gaze slid to her again, pulled on his cigar as he waited. In the brief time they had worked together, it had been this way. She had become someone he looked to, not because he needed her, but almost as if he were performing a superstitious rite. She was a token, another artifact he would rather destroy than allow to be in the hands of men he saw as less than.
“I think…” she recalled Amren’s ominous warning, the way Rhysand had slipped under her guard when they first met and even after that, how he’d gone around her, “This game will not go your way. He already has too many cards at play.”
“Then you will steal one away for me.”
“I told you, we are not- you promised me, I can’t do it again.”
He rose and stepped towards her and Nesta couldn’t help the way her body tensed, still too close to the water. His hands came up again but landed gently on her exposed shoulders. “Shhh, shhh, karninya. It will not be like last time, I keep my promises. This time will be easy.”
She made the mistake of reaching for his wrist, of trying to pull away. His hands moved, became a vice at her throat, not pressing but strong enough to remind her he could snap her neck or fling her into the stone bench, or put her under…
A small sob past her lips before she pressed them together and forced her trembling hand away from him. In turn, his hands softened slowly. The nauseating unease she felt in his presence bolstered by the fact that not a muscle in his face had moved in that moment.
“What do you want me to do?” she asked, forcing a flat tone.
“I want you to stop the wedding.”
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dragons-eat-people · 1 year
Deep Sea Desperation: Tale Of Splashy
"Seems I really can't get over this feeling, hmm. I guess it can't be helped!" Splashy rambles, transitioning into a giggle. The dragon stroked his belly gently with his claws. Muffled speaking arose from beneath the surface of his stomach, which his ears tuned to listen.
"You want to hear my awe inspiring story again? Well, who would I be to turn you down? I'll do it. It all started-
In this very town! Obviously. Only so many people know of this tale, so I'm practically a living legend! Boy, your seafarers sure are brave, and also scaredy cats, huh! Just like you, too.
"I prefer to be called 'Timid', actually..." The voice interrupts. "Shh! Quiet down!" Splashy insisted.
Before we met, I always had a lovely routine to my eventful life. I'd always gone small, acting sly as I caused harmless trouble. But that wasn't enough. I wanted more. Way more. So one day, I decided I'd wreak havoc on your town's boatmen! Using the powers bestowed upon me, I gave them all the worst fright man couldn't hope for. At night, usually just a single boat would leave from the docks. I was never far behind. Leaping into the waters, I swam after my target, steadily increasing in both size and speed. I dunno if it was something I ate, but my body contained some bioluminescence, so I could be seen underwater as I swam toward them. Now here comes the best part...now the ocean is absolutely huge. Taking water from it is practically unnoticeable. This made me get huge. Like, real huge. I resurfaced above the water, appearing right before the water vessel. Its bowsprit poked me right in the knee, but the crew was already and high alert by the time they heard something in the water. Oh! Their faces, their fear... Simply delicious. My job was easy. With a large expanded maw, I swallowed up the entire boat in one gulp! Ah I remember it like it was yesterday...that lovely bulge that sunk through my throat and into my belly.
Splashy couldn't contain his giggles and snickers any longer. He let it out, only stopping when there appeared to be abrupt movement in his belly, forcing a grumble or two out of it.
"Hey, I thought it was quite funny. Plus, you don't have to push so hard. Relax!" He suggested, merely.
"Y-yeah yeah, sure. And you let them go after?" The voice asks another question. The besuru nodded, patting his belly rhythmically.
"Course I did. Though it would've been nice to keep them to myself, I let them go. After that, I couldn't help myself though! So I kept doing it, night after night, any opportunity I could." He continued. His prey jerked around in the dragon's stomach a bit more.
"How long have you been doing this?"
"Weeks, probably a month or two by now. I haven't harmed anyone though. At least, not physically. I'm a predator, not a monster!" Splashy insisted, smiling mischievously.
"Alright, that's enough Splashy." Another voice spoke, approaching from the darkness. The besuru looked over, noticing the figure. A lady.
"Oh, Sapphire. Come to take back your work partner? Darn, so this must've been a distraction to keep me from keeping you overnight. Boring move, boring prey. Fine." Splashy complained, standing up. The dragon was already larger than normal, so he stood high over the woman. His stomach bubbled momentarily, before a medium bulge began to rise upward inside his throat until it reached his mouth. Then- Ptooey! Out came Sapphire's partner, Jasper. Covered in wet saliva, he picked himself off the ground, slipping in the process.
"You've had your fun, but now it's time for us to work. You two can play another time." Sapphire offered.
"P-play?! I doubt you'd call getting eaten a game! He tricked me after all..." Jasper cried.
Splashy mere giggled, shaking his shark-like tail behind him. "Don't expect me to stop, either. Y'know, eating people and boats and such. This is merely the beginning!" The big dragon warned, grinning.
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Chapter 2: Pursue the Waves
Narrated by Aeon.
Narrator: On the day I saw the sea, I also met someone.
Youth: Hi, bro! Are you from somewhere else?
Aeon: Um... I guess so.
Youth: No wonder. That’s why I’ve never seen you before. Besides, your skin is too pale to be a local.
Narrator: This brown-skinned teenager was the first person who came over to talk to me.
Narrator: He looked very enthusiastic. He was wearing a cap and had a big ear piercing with an accessory I had never seen before.
Aeon: This sea is so beautiful. Does your family live around here?
Youth: Yes, my hometown has the prettiest sea. Look, where else are such beautiful waves?
Youth: I’ve lived by this sea ever since I was a child, and I’m familiar with every coral reef here.
Youth’s Father: Duka! Come help me push this boat!
Youth: Coming!
Youth: By the way, my dad and I are going out to sea. Do you want to come and see it with us, outsider?
Aeon: Ok. Let me introduce myself, my name is Aeon.
Youth: Aeon... that sounds like the name of a foreigner. My name is Duka.
Youth: My dad is standing over there. He is the best expert at weaving fishing nets in the village!
Narrator: I walked to the moored fishing boat with Duka. His father, bent down, was gathering his fishing nets.
Duka: Aeon, after catching some fish, you can join us for some BBQ.
Duka: Or, you can go out to sea with us. When the boat reaches the middle of the sea, we can go surfing or snorkeling!
Duka: Aeon, let’s check it out!
Narrator: After helping the father and son clean up together, we jumped on the boat and sailed towards the middle of the sea.
Narrator: On the calm sea, Duka’s father stopped the boat. Duka immediately took out a pair of swimming goggles and handed them to me.
Duka: By wearing these, we can swim in the sea with the fish.
Narrator: After saying this, Duka leapt into the sea like a fish.
Narrator: So I followed his lead, taking the swimming goggles out and jumping into the sea.
Narrator: The water quickly reached over my head. I opened my eyes and looked at were I was through the transparent swimming goggles.
Aeon: The sea of Miraland is completely different from the Ocean of Memories.
Choose “Ask for description of the Ocean of Memories” or “Agree that the Ocean of Memories is completely different from an ocean.”
If “ask,” ...
You: What does the Ocean of Memories look like in your eyes?
If “agree,” ...
You: Yes, I think the ocean in Miraland and the Ocean of Memories must be completely different.
Narrator: The seabed of the Ocean of Memories is very deep.
Narrator: Apart from the water, there is only an endless abyss and infinite darkness.
Narrator: In this sea, the water is so shallow, so there’s no darkness. I can clearly see the fish swimming by.
Narrator: The gentle sea water surrounded me, and the sun made me feel so warm.
Narrator: The cyan coral reef slumbered at a deeper place, and the bubbles floating from the bottom reflected a light turquoise color.
Narrator: Everything in front of us was lively.
Narrator: After a while, Duka’s shout came from not far away.
Duka: Aeon, the waves are coming. Let’s go surfing!
Narrator: Duka had quickly climbed back on the boat, picked up his surfboard, and jumped into the water again.
Narrator: Although I wanted to try “surfing” with him, a sport I had only seen in books, this seemed to be impossible without a surfboard.
Narrator: This seemed to be impossible without a surfboard.
Narrator: So I got back on the boat, sat with Duka’s father, and looked at the blue sky with numerous seabirds flying in the distance.
Narrator: The Ocean of Memories’ sky is also beautiful.
Narrator: But there are no seabirds chirping overhead, and no such beautiful scenery.
Aeon: I’m so jealous you can live by the sea. Everything looks so interesting here.
Duka’s Father: Our ancestors settled by the sea, and the people in the village now live beside it. The sea is our family.
Duka’s Father: However, lad, though the sea is wide and beautiful, it’s also the most dangerous place I’ve ever seen in my life.
Narrator: As Duka’s father said this, he gathered up his fishing nets.
Duka’s Father: Duka! Let’s go home!
Narrator: The electric boat’s speed was amazing, and we soon returned to the beach.
Duka: Aeon, will you come out to sea with us tomorrow?
Aeon: Yeah. Thank you for inviting me, I had a great time today.
Duka: Why don’t you come to my place to have some BBQ tonight?
Aeon: Thank you, but maybe next time.
Narrator: I had to go back to the Ark. If Marina found out I wasn’t there, she’d be really mad.
Narrator: It was getting late and the sun was setting in the west.
Narrator: When I looked back at the sea again, I found the originally blue water had gradually dimmed.
Narrator: The color was similar to the sky above the sea, which reminded me of the Ocean of Memories.
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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arizonalonelyheart · 1 year
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My dad is in the hospital yet again. His body torn into to fix him. Metal pins placed in him to hold him together like putting screws in an aging set of wooden stairs to keep them from collapsing. Fifteen years… fifteen long years of taking care of him. Half of my life all I have known is that the one person who stuck around, the one person who didn’t abandon me was in pain and agony. His body failing him after years of putting it on the line to take care of others. I didn’t stay out of guilt or necessity, I stayed out of love, out of admiration. He is my hero, I know he isn’t perfect and I don’t worship him. He has his faults and some days I can’t stand to be around him. The worst days are when he lashes out at me. I know it is because he is in pain, but that doesn’t make his words sting even less. Sadness fills my heart when I think of all the people that should of been here with him. Family, friends, hell my own mother, but they all left. Abandoned him when he needed them most. He didn’t push them away… he just lost his worth to them. My dad spent his whole life helping people and when he needed them… they weren’t and still aren’t there.
Recently I have been thinking a lot. All my friends. Even though we were so young, literally half my life ago, I thought we would always remain close. I haven’t spoken to any of them in years… but for lack of trying on my part. Like my dad I know I am not perfect, I have made mistakes again and again. Maybe I deserve to be alone, but regardless I am trying to be a better person. Maybe selfishly out of loneliness, but I like to believe it is out of genuine love for those around me. I guess I didn’t realize how special it was when I had it. Then again I am also learning not to blame myself for every bad thing that happens in my life. Some times people just drift away from each other. Maybe the tides bring you back together or sometimes they push you to sea’s on the opposite side of the globe. The waters in my life our rough, and a storm seems to haunt me, my own personal albatross. I keep my head above water. Lashing myself to my dad’s old battered raft. The wood old and failing, the sails tattered and worn. I know that there is a chance if he goes down in the torrential storm and that it might drag me down with him. No safe shore in sight. I can’t bring myself to cut him loose. I refuse to be the last person to abandon him in his life. I just wish someone would see how hard I am trying every day.
I just want someone to help me. I am so tired and so lost. Just looking for a ship or a lighthouse, or some bird to guide me to shore. The sad thing is that I am not afraid of drowning. I made peace with it a long time ago that we all sink to the bottom of eventually, consumed by the world around us. I just don’t want to be forgotten. A lone raft that has long since been a drift aimless and without hope.
If I could only go back, use sturdier materials or stay close to the group. Anything to not be so alone and scared. The thoughts of drowning myself and giving into the cold dark embrace have passed a long time ago, but the loneliness consumes my every waking minute. I am so sorry. I hurt so many of you but that was never my intention. If I deserve this than I accept that but all I wish is for a friend. A boat to come along and help me. I’m not asking for anything more. Then again I don’t deserve to ask for anything. So like a ghost ship I should just leave this account. Let it drift in hopes someday someone will discover it, even if the sad broken person who was manning it has long since been consumed by the sea. Maybe at least then someone will mommy story. Maybe then even if just for a floating moment in the vast time of the universe… I won’t be alone.
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avenging-fandoms · 3 years
OMG! Friends to lovers with “ If I don't kiss you right now I might die” with Rafe please love 💕 💕
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friends to lovers with ''if i don't kiss you right now i might die'' vibes
- project buddy, college!rafe (fluff)
*college!rafe is so much more different than the rafe we actually see. enjoy very soft rafe!!<3 -- "what do i wear to a study session with my partner, but also say that this might be a date on his boat?" you asked yourself as you stared at your closet, moving pieces of clothes and mumbling to yourself.
yn: rafe, i’m gonna be honest. i’ve never been on a boat before. what do i wear?
rafe: Let me ask my sister.
rafe: She said jeans and a shirt. I normally wear a polo and shorts. It’s really up to you.
yn: okay, thank you! can’t wait for later :)
you picked out a few things, then stuck with a nice flowy top and jeans with sandals, complimented with a jean jacket. you thought about it being cold on the water, on a boat, so you thought your jacket would be good.
you grabbed your things and headed into your car, letting rafe know you were on your way and he replied with a smiling emoji. rafe was different than what you've heard of.
your roommate's boyfriend told you rafe was a dick, and that he was a rich asshole who bragged all the time, but you never saw it. you only hung out with him once, but you would think he would've bragged the first time he spoke to you.
you parked your car and rafe stood down at the end of his backyard. you smile and take out your phone, texting rafe to turn around. rafe turned to look over his shoulder and smiled, jogging over to you.
"hi stranger" rafe smiled and gave you a hug, and you couldn't help but blush. rafe smelled like expensive cologne and just a hint of weed, and you could keep your nose in his neck for hours. "so i figured i could take you around the water, show you a few things then we can dock in the middle of the water and study?" rafe asked as you two walked towards the dock.
"sounds like a perfect date. uh, study date" you smile as your cheeks turn red, rafe getting onto the boat first, taking your bag then holding out his hand. your hand fit well into his, his skin rough but smooth on the palm as he helped you onto the boat.
rafe's hand held your waist as you stepped over the side of the boat, slipping a bit but rafe caught you. you inhale sharply and grip rafe's shirt, and he chuckled softly. "i got you, don't worry" his words were calming, and you tap his chest as you pull away. "feel free to look around, i'm going to get things going"
you nod and run your hand over the railing, leaning over and staring at the view as rafe untied the boat and started the engine. you went over to where rafe was, standing next to him and looking out at the water.
the sun reflected off the water and you shielded your eyes, not even realizing you were leaning against rafe as he drove the boat slowly in a circle around the water.
after a half an hour of him bringing you around, rafe stopped the boat in the middle of the water and you two sat on the chairs with the little table in between. you unlock your phone, but you had no signal.
"rafe, there's no service out here so we can't do our project" you look at him and he shrugs, sucking air through his teeth.
"guess we'll just have to chill here. the project isn't due for a week anyway, we can just hang out" rafe smiled and you chuckle, shaking your head. "so, where'd you grow up?"
you and rafe talked until the moon was high above you two in the sky, and you two just talked about one another's lives. "it's nearly midnight, rafe. i think i should head back to my dorm"
"so soon?" rafe winked and you smiled, shaking your head. "dance with me real quick" rafe put on some john mayer and you blush as he holds out his hand. you grab it and stand up, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"rafe.. can i tell you something?" you picked your head up and looked at him, your nose barely touching him. "i've heard things about you"
"oh?" he spun you slowly and brought you back into his arms, and you felt a wave of butterflies in your stomach. "and what have you heard, gorgeous?"
"that you're the complete opposite to who you are right now" you answer and look up at rafe whose mouth was in a line. "i'm sorry, i shouldn't have-"
"i am different around different people" rafe spoke and you look up at him, pushing your fingers in between his with the other hand on his shoulder. "i'm an asshole around those guys because their fathers are some professors and i want a leg up, even though i do my work"
"i'm sorry, i shouldn't have said anything" you shake your head but he touches your chin softly, making you look up at him.
"do you think i'm an asshole?" rafe asked softly, and you licked your lips softly, eyes meeting his. his eyes were more blue than the water, and you could drown in them.
"i think you're an asshole for not kissing me" you whisper and he smirks, holding the back of your neck as he kissed you. you immediately grabbed his face, your lips moving slowly against his.
rafe was gentle, until you initiated more. you let out a breath through your nose and pushed your body against him, pushing him against the wall of the boat and tugging at his shirt. rafe smiled and grabbed your hands, and pulled away slowly.
"maybe another time, sweetheart. it's late. are you sure you don't want to sleep over?" you shook your head and he kissed you quickly before bringing the boat back to shore.
you leaned over the edge of the boat, dragging your fingers through the water and rafe couldn't keep his eyes off of you. he docked the boat and did everything to tie it up, then helped you off onto the dock.
"we didn't get any work done tonight" you spoke and rafe shrugged again, and you smile as you lean against your car. rafe's arm pressed against the top of your window, looking down at you. "are you free to study tomorrow?"
"i'll always have free time for you, sweetheart" rafe spoke and you grab his shirt, pulling him down to kiss you. there was something intoxicating about his kiss, and you never wanted it to stop. "get home, sweetheart. i'll text you in the morning"
"goodnight, rafe" you whisper and he kisses you once more before heading towards his front door. he waited for you to leave before he went inside.
you flopped on your bed with a smile, pushing your shoes off and taking your jacket off. your phone buzzed and you pulled it out of your pocket, smiling from ear to ear.
rafe: I thank the stars and the professor we were put together. I never want us to finish this project. Good night, or good morning, yn. I'll see you tomorrow.
yn: we can make up our own projects, rafe. i never want this to end. good night handsome
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teddy06writes · 3 years
Platonic ranboo x enderman/human hybrid reader, two bros bonding over being half enderman
platonic! ranboo x enderman hybrid!reader
trigger warnings: none
premise: one day while wandering the forest you stumble into Philza, who upon seeing you immediately decides you need to meet Ranboo, and takes you back to the AAC to meet him
{also my basic thinking for an enderman hybrid would be: also bad at eye contact like Ranboo, (wears goggles to combat this?), can teleport but only small distances usally does acidently when startled, purple enderman like eyes, has the same silk touch thing as ranboo but like, half, so it only applies to certain things, also water doesn’t bother them as much, its like a minor inconvenience}
{also I know Edward is dead now, just let me have this}
“blep” talking
“Blep” Ender speak
You hummed quietly to yourself, watching the fat snowflakes drift through the sky as you moved through the forest.
Shivering you tugged at your overcoat, peering around to try and find more berry bushes, Enderpearl, your arctic fox, following along, hoping you would find more food.
A few minutes later you found another bush, quickly stooping to fill as much inventory as you could with the berries, ears seeming to prick up at the sound of someone walking through the snow.
Standing up fully you adjusted your tinted goggles, looking around to try and find the source of the noise, still shivering at the cold.
“Are you alright mate?”
You jumped, purple particles surrounded you as you teleported a few yards away in surprise.
“Woah! How did you do that?”
You turned to see a blond avian hybrid, dressed mostly in green, “Oh- uh- h- hello.”
“How’d you do that?” He repeated, still looking a bit in shock.
“Why?” You asked, quickly defensive, you may have been a good 9 inches taller than him, but you weren’t too keen on fighting him.
“Oh- hey- hey, it’s alright mate, I just meant it was cool,” He held up his hands, as if to say he meant no harm, “Are you a hybrid too?”
Slowly you nodded, Enderpearl quickly running over to you, and you quickly scooped her up, holding her close to your body, still trying to keep the both of you warm.
“I’m Phil.” He offered, smiling.
“(y/n).” You were nearly stuttering from the cold.
“Are you cold (y/n)? You don’t seem very prepared for the climate.” Phil observed.
You nodded, “Enderpearl and me, we normally don’t come out this far, but Enderpearl likes berries and they only grow here.”
Phil nodded, “Are you an Enderman hybrid, by chance?”
“Y- yeah.” You said, reaching up and adjusting your goggles again.
“hmm, I know another enderman hybrid. You seem very cold (y/n), I don’t live to far from here, if you’d like to come warm up. It’s not very safe for you to stay out here.”
You bit your lip, wary, but looking down at Enderpearl, who was trying to curl further into your jacket, you didn’t want her to be cold, “Uh, sure, I guess.”
Phil nodded, turning and motioning for you to follow him, “Come on, You can meet Ranboo.”
“Ranboo?” You questioned, following him through the snow.
“He’s the other Enderman hybrid I know- well, part enderman part something,” Phil explained, “But that parts not important, I don’t think he can teleport but other than that he seems a lot like you.
“I’ve never met someone like me before.” You mumbled.
Phil smiled sadly, “I think that's the case for a lot of hybrids. Come on, it’s just past this clearing.”
A few moments later, as you emerged from the clearing, a rather large cottage came into view, smoke rising steadily from the chimney.
Phil gestured to the small building beside it, “That's where Techno keeps the hound army, Ranboo normally lives in a house he built just past it, but it’s far too cold for me to let him stay out there.”
You nodded, still looking around in slight awe as you followed Phil up the front steps.
“Tech!” Phil called, swinging the door open, “I’m home! I brought company!”
There was no response, and the man sighed, stamping snow off his boots and motioning for you to come all the way into the room, “There probably downstairs messing with the villagers. You can sit by the fire to warm up, I’ll go get them.”
You nodded as he went to climb down the ladder attached to one wall, slowly moving over to the fire and sitting down, Enderpearl on your lap.
“Young one.”
You jumped at the voice, turning to see an Enderman sitting in a boat in the corner of the room, “Oh- uh, hello. Are you- Are you Ranboo?”
The enderman shook his head, warbling, “I am Edward. Take off your coat child, it is far too wet to do anything but dry.”
“I’m (y/n).” You said, quickly shrugging out of your jacket.
~~ “You found another kid?” Techno crossed his arms, “Phil you’ve gotta stop bringing home strays.”
“Techno you can’t even say that, you’re the original stray.” Phil argued.
“He just doesn’t want to be replaced,” Ranboo quipped quietly, pausing to look up from sorting through a chest, “Wait- does that mean I’m a stray?”
Phil chuckled, “Yeah, it does.”
Technoblade groaned, “Phil you can’t just keep bringing kids into my house!”
“Well at least come meet them before you throw them out?” Phil asked, “And let me find them a better jacket. Its too cold for them out there.”
Ranboo watched as they had a silent staring contest, a silent discussion passing between them, until eventually Technoblade relented, grumbling something incoherent.
“Well come on then.” Phil said, motioning to the ladder.
Ranboo stood up, already starting to climb as Techno said, “I hope I don’t regret letting you do this Phil.”
“You won’t.”
Phil’s voice was partially drown out as Ranboo reached the main floor, his ears now filled with the sounds of warbled enderspeak.
He turned to see Edward deep in conversation with someone sitting hunched in front of the fire.
“You speak end?” He asked cautiously, almost hearing Phil chuckling from below.
The person jumped, purple particles flying around there head for a moment before they were gone, reappearing across the room, now next to Edwards boat.
Edward made a noise close to a chuckle, reaching one long arm out of his boat to grab your shoulder to stop your trembling, “That one is Ranboo.”
You nodded slowly, as Ranboo seemed to study you, “Your an enderman hybrid. That's so cool! I’m an enderman hybrid too! I can’t teleport though- its really cool that you can!”
You pushed your goggles up a bit from where they had slipped in the teleport, “Your eyes- why is that one red?”
“Oh- I- we think its whatever my other half is. Are your eyes green too?”
You shook your head, “Purple. How’d you mean you can’t teleport?”
“Haven’t figured it out yet- who taught you?”
You shrugged, “Just kinda knew. I usually only do it when I’m scared though.”
“Maybe you could teach me?” He asked excitedly.
Smiling you nodded, “Sure.”
It was a while later, after the snow had stopped falling, and the sun had partially come out, you and Ranboo headed outside (not before Phil supplied you with a thicker coat), to try and teach him how to teleport.
Phil turned to Techno, who was watching from the window as you and Ranboo were running around laughing, trying to figure out the best way to teach him, “I know what you said about endermen in the house but we could help them with a different house, or they could stay with Ranboo proper-”
“They aren’t staying in the house,” The piglin interrupted, “Well- maybe when its cold- but other than that- not in the house.”
Phil smiled, “I knew you’d come around.”
Technoblade huffed, “I mean it’s probably safer for them here. Besides the kid needs someone like him besides Edward around here.”
The enderman in the corner nodded, also observing you and Ranboo from out the window.
Phil nodded, “Sure, sure.”
Outside you laughed again, “No! Not like that! You’ve gotta feel where you are, and where your gonna be and then just...” You trailed off, particles flying around your head again as you disappeared only to pop out on his other side.
“Okay okay, I think I get it.”
Ranboo squeezed his eyes shut, trying to do what you’d said.
You watched as the faintest of particles began to appear around his head, growing stronger- stronger- and then he fell face first into the snow.
“I don’t think this is working.” His response was muffled by the snow.
“Just a bit,” You said helping him up, “Here, hold onto me, and I’ll teleport. That normally works with Enderpearl.”
He nodded, grabbing onto your coat sleeve.
You concentrated, focusing on a spot on top of the dog house, slowly particles filled the air and then- pop! you were both standing on top of the house.
“Woah!” Ranboo exclaimed, looking around, laughing, “That felt weird!”
You nodded laughing, “Now try to teleport off the roof.”
After a while longer of failed attempts, and after being side tracked by Ranboo’s ability to move more than just dirt blocks, the sun began to set, and you headed back inside, still laughing as he recounted the time that he and Techno had spent a whole day wander around collecting spawners.
Sometime later, after dinner, both you and Ranboo had ended up sitting next to Edwards boat, the three of your quietly talking as you started the drift off, Enderpearl back in her spot on your lap.
Phil chuckled, looking over at the three endermen crowded around the boat, two mostly asleep.
Edward looked at him, noding once and warbling out something Techno couldn’t understand, “What’d ‘e say?”
Phil smiled, “Family.”
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
The Princess and The Pogue (pt. 2)
Pairing: JJ x Reader / Topper x Reader
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: swearing, underage drinking, mild fluff 
Part Summary: After the Labor Day Gala, the Pogues take Y/N back to the Chateau. There, JJ takes the chance to finally talk to her and Y/N starts to show the group that not all Kooks are the same. 
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JJ offers you his hand as you climb off of the HMS Pogue. He takes note of how soft your hands are, silently loving how tightly you're squeezing him. It makes him feel needed, but then he starts to wonder why would a girl who has everything possibly need him? You have the world at your feet and he only has loose change in his pockets.
The ride over to The Cut helped your intoxication ease up. You're still not confident enough to drive a car but capable of staying awake and be witty. You and the gang of Pogues approach the chateau, a place unlike anything you’ve ever been to. It’s colorful lights illuminate the yard and fire pit waiting to be used. JJ presses his palm to your back, worried that you may lose your footing, whether it be because of the uneven ground or your state of mind. Kiara leads the way into the house while John B and Pope linger behind, observing as JJ dotes on you. As he arm wraps around your waist slowly but surely, they exchange knowing looks. What JJ might see as progress, you view as a friend of Sarah’s being helpful. It’s not that you don’t find JJ attractive. You’ve noticed him around over a dozen times. You’ve always been friendly, but JJ has been nothing but reserved around you. You just wish you had spoken before tonight, under these circumstances. You figure he must view you as most Pogues do Kooks, as stuck up and spoiled. The screen door leading to the porch squeaks, breaking the silent stroll.
"OBX Princess has probably never been on this side of the island before," Kiara teases playfully as she enters the house to fetch you something to drink.
"I have actually," you state loud enough for Kiara to hear from the kitchen. "There's a little shop I like over here but even then, I will confess, it’s a rarity that I get to see this side of the island.”
“You talk about The Cut like it’s something worth seeing,” Pope jokes.
“Of course it is,” you reply though knowing he was only messing around. “It’s far more natural looking than what we call “nature” on the Figure 8. John B’s yard is more welcoming than the meticulously gardened one at my house,” you giggle lightly as you look around the porch. 
The three boys all exchange quick glances, surprised by your backhanded comment about your half of the island. They would’ve predicted that you’d have nothing bad to say about your well-do neighborhoods considering you’re supposed to be the ultimate Kook.
"Sorry, it's a little messy in here," John B apologizes as he begins to toss things- from bathing suits to cereal boxes- off the couch.
You still linger by the front door with JJ close beside you, watching his best friend fuss. "It's perfectly fine, John B," you assure the boy with a soft smile. "Thank you."
"You never clean up for us," Pope mocks his friend in passing as John B heads inside with his pile of clothes.
"Oh shut up," John B nudges Pope in the shoulder, making him fall back into the armchair. His action only making Pope chuckle harder.
Shyly, you step over to the old couch, taking a seat at the end closest to Pope. JJ rocks on his heels nervously, unsure where to put himself. He wants to sit next to you and place his hand on your leg but he also doesn’t want seem like a total creep. Awkwardly, he determines to lean against the frame of the screened-in-porch. He's thankful that your attention is focused on Kiara as she returns, handing you a water bottle.
"Thanks," you smile, earning a similar expression from the Pogue. She settles down on a folded chair across the coffee table from you, watching as you crack open the bottle lid.
"How are you feeling?" JJ checks as you swallow.
"My heart feels like it's in my throat," you confess, swallowing hard, wondering if that would help. "But the fresh air from the ride helped immensely."  
Pope frowns in the chair just beside you. "How many grams do you think you smoked?"
You shrug, starring off at the coffee table to think. "Couldn't tell you. It felt like I was in that locker room for ages though. I think Rafe buys his joints from a buddy of his from this side of the island," you glance between the three Pogues.
John B pops back out of the house. "Well, I suggest never taking anything from Rafe again," he exhales deeply as he settles down on the spot at the opposite end of the couch from you.
JJ internalizes a scream as he watches his best friend share the couch with you. ‘Look how easy it is you idiot!’ He thinks to himself. ‘All you had to do was sit next to her, it wasn’t like you had to put on a performance or anything!’
"Noted," you nod with a chuckle. Your brows scrunch together as you reach up into your hair. "Geez, this thing hurts," you huff under your breath. You begin to remove all the bobby pins your mom shoved into your hair and place them in your lap. She insisted on you having your hair up to show off the dress she picked out. Your hair begins to fall naturally in strands. Relief already spreads across your head.
JJ's lips part as he watches your perfectly shiny Y/H/C hair fall over your shoulders. If it didn't sound so creepy, he'd ask if you'd need help. He squeezes the wood panel behind him, suppressing his urge to run his fingers through your hair. "If you... uh..." he stammers, capturing your attention.
When your Y/E/C eyes meet his blue ones, it only makes him blush more. His fellow Pogues stare at him with a confused expression. Kiara wonders to herself what he was even trying to say. John B slouches in his seat as he turns his face away from you, begging for his friend to pull himself together.
JJ clears his throat, "if you... uh... want a change of clothes I could grab you something."
You nod, appreciative of his offer. "That would be great, thank you!" You hated this dress and everything required underneath it. You much rather be in shorts and t-shirts all day if you could. There's always been a piece of your that's been envious of the Pogues, it doesn't exactly matter what they wear as long as it's functional. Being a Kook means being done up 24/7.
JJ presses his lips together, giving you a sharp nod before jogging inside to find you something to change into. John B follows behind him, claiming that he's going to grab a case of beer for everyone. He watches as JJ has a quiet but expressive hissy fit all the way down the hall to the guest bedroom.
“Oh my God! Could I be anymore ridiculous!” The boy jumps up and down.
"JJ and Y/N sitting in a tree..." John B sings over his best friend's shoulder.
"Shut up, man," JJ grumbles, shoving his buddy away from him.
John B doesn't leave him alone, following him to his bedroom and standing in the doorway. JJ's room at John B's is utter chaos. He's in and out constantly that it's never been completely put together. All he has is a bed, an old butterfly chair from Kiara, and a chipped dresser. JJ's satisfied with though, as long as he doesn't have to go back to dad's house.
"You haven't stopped starring at her since I picked you guys up," John B snickers, watching his friend dig around his drawer for something clean. "Since when do you let people borrow your stuff?"
JJ stops his actions, pressing his palms down on the dresser. "She's... I don't know..." he struggles to find the right words as he focused down on his ring-covered hands. "I mean, you’re seeing it right? She's not like the other Kooks. I don't why she hangs out with those guys."
"Have you spoken to her before tonight?" John B asks, moving to sit on the end of JJ's bed.
JJ turns, leaning against his dresser with his arms crossed over his chest. "No, but you remember that night at the Boneyard?"
"How could I forget? You wouldn't shut up about her for weeks!" John B teases.
JJ grins, recalling the first time he ever saw you. "I didn't even know her name. Then, I saw her at the Cameron's here and there. I learned her name from Topper of all people. He called for her to join him in the pool. Whenever I was over there, she's smiled and waved at me. Then again, does that with all the workers the Cameron's have over there I guess. She’s just a nice person, treats everyone the same. I kept telling myself that the next time I saw her I'd talk to her... obviously I chickened out each time. Have you talked to her before?"
"Uh yeah, on occasion," John B exhales, trying to recall the times. "The first time I met her after the Boneyard, she and Sarah were tanning on the Cameron's dock while I was cleaning their boat. Topper and Kelce came over and Sarah went to go get them. I accidentally dropped a wet cloth on Y/N while cleaning off the side railings. Any other Kook girl would've had a fit, but Y/N just laughed. I don't know if she would've reacted the same way if Sarah and others were there, but I like to think she would've."
A soft smile appears across JJ's lips, his admiration of you only deepening. He envisions you laying out and the wet rag landing on you. No doubt John B freaked out and rushed out random apologies. You wouldn’t have been pretentious or hostile about the accident, that's not you. A reassuring smile would’ve immediately appeared on your face as you tell him it's alright.
"She tossed me the cloth with the brightest smile," John B continues with a soft snicker, proving JJ’s prediction. "And actually offered to help. Right when she was about to lend me a hand, Rafe and Topper came jogging down the dock. They got all defensive and led Y/N toward the house. It was ridiculous."
"I honestly hate those guys," JJ clenches his jaw.
"Y/N's cool though," John B tells his friend, pushing off his bed to stand up. "One of the most real Kooks I've come across."
"I can't believe I've never talked to her before," JJ huffs, tossing his head back.
"They're untouchable, you know? It's always been us vs. them," his buddy pats him on the shoulder as he heads toward the door.
"Not anymore. I don't care if it's impossible. I have to know her," he states with determination.
"She's here now, use that to your advantage," John B advises.
"Plan on it," JJ mutters to himself as his friend steps out into the hallway.
He had you here, within reach. JJ wasn't going to just let this opportunity pass him by. Topper, Rafe, the guys he hated that constantly have you in their hold aren't anywhere near here. He may never get a chance like this again. JJ's had this overwhelming feeling in his chest since he first saw you last summer. He knows you're meant to be his, not Topper's, not Rafe's, his.
As you and Pope continue your conversation about the history of the island, JJ appears in the doorway. He offers you a neatly folded stack of clothes ranging from an old AC/DC t-shirt that he stole from his dad to some old shorts of his that no longer fit. The Pogues wonder how long it took him to perfectly fold everything together. Your hands glide over his during the exchange and he ponders the sensation of your skin against his.
'You're so warm,' he thinks to himself.
"Thanks again, you have no idea how uncomfortable strapless bras can be!" You giggle as your rise to your feet to go change.
"The actual worst," Kiara agrees dramatically as she stands from her seated position. "Hey, I'm gonna come with you, I left my change of clothes in the bathroom!"
"Awesome!" You grin, following the girl inside.
Once you and Kiara have disappeared JJ plops on the couch next to where you would've been. He rests his elbows on his knees and hides his face in his hands. “Jesus and all that is good!" He yells, muffling the noise into his palms.
"What?" Pope laughs at his friend's expense. "Hoping she'd ask you to help undress her? 'Oh JJ, you're so sweet!' 'JJ, brush my hair!'” Pope mocks in a high-pitched voice.
“‘JJ, I loovvee you'," John B adds to the mix, pretending to pucker his lips at his friend.
"I think I'd actually go for a dive in the swamp if she asked me too," JJ concludes, coming to terms with how bad he has it.
"Just tell her! Put yourself out of this misery," Pope advises, earning a laugh from John B.
"It's not that easy," JJ groans, resting his head on the back of the couch.
"Why not?" John B presses.
"Because I don't wanna scare her off!" JJ snaps.
John B hosts a reality check for his friend. “Dude, you and almost every guy in the OBX are pleading for Y/N’s attention, including Topper and Rafe! You’ve seen how close Topper is to her, that’s what you’re competing with,” he reminds, making JJ’s heart sink. “Pull yourself together and impress her!”
“Be yourself of course,” Pope adds, ever the level headed mind. “But yeah you really need to step up your game. You’re sinking like the Titanic,” Pope mocks.
“It’s painful to watch,” John B adds with a laugh.
JJ exhales deeply, taking in his friends advice. How could he possibly compete with boys from the Figure 8. They’re your closest friends and have so much more to offer you. What you have with Topper is what JJ wants with you. Now he’s stuck wondering how he’s going to get it.
After you finish changing, you find everyone outside. JJ swings in the hammock while Kiara and Pope sit on a log by the firepit talking. You approach the pair, feeling much better in JJ’s clothes.
"So, what did I miss?" You ask, clasping your hands together.
JJ didn't hear you coming, so when he glances in your direction and sees you in his clothes for the first time, he feels as though his head just exploded. His shorts are nowhere to be seen underneath the t-shirt that lands just above your knees. The collar is so worn that it nearly hangs off your shoulder, completely bare. Your loosely curled hair rests tucked over your one shoulder. He sits up to get a better look at you and nearly loses his balance in the hammock. The object rocks to the side and JJ curses loudly, catching himself from almost falling out. When he looks up, you and his fellow Pogues are staring at him, suppressing your amusement.
"Anyway...." Kiara breaks the silence and answers your question. "We were just about to start a fire. I actually promised Pope I'd help him find sticks-" she explains, rising from her seated position. "-He's afraid of going into the woods by himself," she adds in a whisper as she passes by you.
You giggle. “Anything I can do to help?" You offer.
"Nah, John B is looking for the lighter and more beer, so I think we're all good," Pope sighs and gives your arm a gentle squeeze. "Rest!"
As the pair disappear into the woods, you turn your head in JJ's direction. Right as he sees you turn, he falls back onto the hammock, pretending to have not been paying attention. You approach the blonde boy with a charming smile. JJ feels his heart skip with each shift of gaffle beneath your feet.
You stand over him, hands interlocked in front of you. "Can I join you?"
"What-" JJ's mind goes blank, forgetting how to speak English for a second. "Oh! Yeah! Yeah!" He rushes out, sliding over to the far side of the hammock to make room.
You lay down beside him, your body pressing against his. JJ finds it hard to breathe with you so close. You simply stare up at the stars. They're not as visible on the other side of the island with everyone's mansions blasting out so much light pollution. Your hand brushes against JJ's and he holds a ruthless internal battle. Does he hold your hand? Does he not hold your hand? What if you don't want him to hold your hand? But what if you do want him to?
"So, when you're not making drinks for Kooks, what do you like to do in your free time?" You ask the boy, not realizing that he's losing his mind.
JJ remembers what Pope and John B said, he has to pull himself together. He swallows hard, trying his hard to speak to you without stuttering like before. "Surfing mainly, hanging out with my friends, taking the boat out," he lists fluently, internally patting himself on the back. "What about you?"
"I love to travel, swim and go sailing," you name and there's a pause between you two.
JJ longs to hear more, but your mind begins to wonder as you stare up at the stars. JJ turns his head to the side, admiring how the glow of the Christmas lights in the trees shimmer against your tanned skin.
"Sometimes I'll be on my parent's boat by myself, and it takes every bit of me not to sail away," you mutter quietly, distant-mindedly. "It doesn't matter the destination. I find myself looking out to the horizon and dreaming of sailing out forever. I don't even think I'd look back..." When JJ shifts, you embarrassingly comprehend how much you rambled on. "Sorry, that just got really deep."
On impulse, JJ places his hand over your's giving it a slight squeeze. "No, no, I liked it! Tell me more?"
Your eyes flicker down to his hand resting over yours on your thigh. JJ hadn't even realized what he had done until he followed your gaze. He prepares to move it, but then you begin to flip your hand over, allowing your fingers to interlock. A rush of electricity rushes up JJ's arm from your hand. A wave of peace consumes him, something he hasn't felt in... well... forever. JJ watches as your eyes glide up and meet his own, the ones that made you awestruck on the boat ride here.
"What would you like to know?" You whisper into the small space between you two.
He shrugs, starting to feel relaxed around you and not a total spaz. "What else do you like? What's your favorite song? Movie? Show?" He lists one after the next.
You giggle at his enthusiasm, earning a grin from the boy. "Um okay..." you lick your lips, deep in thought, not noticing how the action made JJ swoon. "Well, that's kinda a hard one because I can't really select just one movie or song or show. What about you?"
He raises his brows, not having expected to answer himself. "I like The Beach Boys, Rusted Root, The Animals, Simon & Garfunkel-"
"Ah, Mrs. Robinson," you name with a smirk.
"You know them?" JJ looks surprised.
You laugh, kind of offended. "Do you think the Figure 8 is under the water like Atlantis or something?" You joke as your eyes fall shut with laughter.
JJ grins, glad to see you coming down from the events of earlier tonight. He was really worried for a while there. "I like your laugh," he mumbles before he has the chance to stop himself.
Taken aback, you turn to attention back to him. His eyes pour into yours with such admiration that it nearly makes you lose your breath. "I like your smile... when you show it," you add at the end with a smirk.
"I smile!" JJ pops himself up on his elbows, smiling with amazement at your remark.
"I think I may have seen it one time ever and that was earlier tonight," you describe with a giggle. "I always smile and wave at you whenever I see you with John B at Sarah's and you just ignore me. If you didn't help me tonight, I would've thought you hated me," you admit shyly.
JJ's face falters. He never realized that his shyness could make you think he ever hated you. If he wasn't kicking himself before, he surely is now. As you avoid his gaze, he lays back down beside you. Your eyes remain up toward the starry sky, too embarrassed to look at him.
Turning onto his side, JJ reaches out and tucks his fingers under your chin to make you meet his gaze. You do so, seeing his blue eyes starring into yours with a glimmer of guilt. "I don't hate you, Y/N... that would be... impossible," he whispers.
His words make your chest sink, but not with dread, with longing. How is it that this is the most you and JJ have ever spoken to each other? When you're with him it feels so normal, natural even. "Well good, I'm glad," you reply, feeling your cheeks warm up.
JJ leans forward, closing the space between you two even more. His brows scrunch together and his hand glides across your cheekbone. "You care about what I think of you?"
"Of course, why wouldn't I?" You wonder. You cared about what everyone thought of you, as every teenage girl does. Yet, for some reason, you care most about what JJ thinks. You suppose because of the circumstances of how you met. You'd hate for him to judge you or make assumptions because of a bad night.
"I'm just some Pogue," he shrugs, dismissing himself as nothing. "And you're..." he swallows hard, his eyes falling from your eyes to your lips.
"I'm what?" You press further, eager to hear what he has to say.
"The Princess of the OBX," he recites your nickname across the island.
You roll your eyes, focusing your eyes back toward the sky. "That name is so superfluous." You hated being called that. It made you feel like you were constantly on display, for everyone to gaw at, or worst, ridicule. Plus, it was Sarah's title first. It feels like you're always being compared to her, especially when you're out in public with Topper.  
"I don't know what that means but I bet it is," JJ snickers.
You giggle lightly at his confession. You appreciate his quickness to agree, despite not knowing what he's agreeing with exactly. Growing more confident as he talks with you, JJ gains the courage to reach up and brush strands of your hair away from your face. Subconsciously, you lean into his touch, your lips brushing against his palm.
"I like your hair. It's so shiny and soft," he compliments softly.
Your eyes flicker in his direction as you turn your head into his hand. "I like your eyes. I like how blue they are, they're the bluest eyes I've ever seen. They remind me of soft blue sea glass." They're intoxicating to you. If weren't so shy around JJ, you'd be staring at him every second.
"I like how nice you are, even to those you don't have to be," JJ names next.
"I like how generous you are, even to a Kook like me," you continue the exchange of compliments with a self-deprecated snicker.
"No, don't say that," JJ shakes his head repeatedly, disapproving of your remark against yourself. When you roll your eyes, dismissing his words, he slips his other hand from yours and brings it to your face too. "I like you!" He confesses, much to your surprise and his own. "...Even if you are a Kook," he adds jokingly under his breath.
Your heart races as your chest rise and fall rapidly. JJ's eyes flicker about your face, anticipating some sort of reaction. Even if it's a rejection, he needs to know what you're thinking for his sanity.
"I like you too," you lick your lips nervously. "Even if you are a Pogue," you smirk.
JJ chuckles softly at your play on his words and is in disbelief that this is happening. For a year he's been so obsessed with you and one night has opened you up to him. He's afraid that he'll wake up soon and it was all a dream.
JJ props himself up on his elbow again, bringing his other hand down your cheek to glide around the side of your neck. "I'd like to kiss you," he mutters a matter-of-factly, his eyes locked on your lips.
Gently, you bring your fingertips to his hairline, brushing his disheveled blonde locks away from his face. "I'd like that too."
Goosebumps course over your skin before JJ even brushes his lips against yours. The anticipation is enough to drive you wild. Despite wanting this moment since forever, JJ is hesitant to make a move. Slowly, he brings his face closer to yours, hovering mere centimeters from your lips. With hooded eyes, your focus remains on his lips, eager to feel them against your own. After reminding himself of how much he wants this, JJ swiftly presses his lips against yours. They're as soft as silk and taste of spearmint. Your fingers slip through his hair to the back of his head and your gather the strands into a fist, deepening the kiss. JJ releases a deep moan at the action. Needing more, he moves to hover over you. As his legs become intertwined with yours, he glides his free hand down your side to grip your waist. You bring your hands to the back of his neck, pulling him down closer to you. You feel as though you'll never be fully satisfied. His touch is like a drug to you.
"We got the sticks!" Kiara shouts as she and Pope emerge from the woods, startling you both.
"Got the beer!" John B announces he steps off the porch.
JJ breaks the kiss, flying up from his position too quickly. He loses his balance on the swinging hammock and sways to the side. "Oh fuck, here I go!" He swears, rushing to catch himself on the ground.
You yelp as JJ falls off the hammock onto the dirt beneath you. Followed by a thud, you lift yourself up, peeking over the edge of the swinging object. "JJ! You okay?!"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm good," he groans, his eyes squeezed shut as he catches his breath. "But I think my leg went the wrong way there for a second."
Kiara and Pope are oblivious to what just happened to their friend as they start up the music and fire. You slide off the hammock and land on your feet. "Here, take my hands!" You offer the hurt boy as he continues to exhale shakily.
"I don't think-" Before JJ can finish, he's flying up off the ground with a good yank on the arms from you. "Damn, Kook! You're strong," he compliments, making your heart race. Grinning ear to ear, he presses his palm to your lower back and pulls you into him.
"Are you sure you're okay?" You check again, worry woven in your tone and on your face.
"Absolutely Baby," he nods, leaning in to plant a kiss on your forehead.
"Come on guys!" Pope calls over to you, tossing sticks into the pit. He does a double-take, processing that he just saw JJ leaning down and giving you a kiss. "Did you guys see what I just did?"
"Yep," John B rushes out as he clears his throat awkwardly.
"A thousand percent," Kiara confirms, pretending as though she didn't.
"And here it goes!" John B exhales deeply to his fellow Pogues. Despite being happy that his best friend finally has his girl, he and the rest of the Pogues are well aware that a pairing like this comes with severe consequences. 
Tags: @starkeythinker @bethii1 @thegunnerkelly @cc13723things
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yoongiseesawmp3 · 3 years
punch me - jungkook
back again with another self indulgent fic! enjoy
summary: daycare worker jungkook invites you, his favorite coworker, to the lake with his friends. why the lake? he wants you to see his new sleeve and whipping his shirt off in the classroom isn’t quite acceptable. plus he just wants to spend more time with you. there’s no harm in that.
warnings: none i think! 
word count: 3.5k
you work at a daycare, which isn’t a bad thing. it’s pretty chill, you like the kids and you can take off work pretty easy because there’s tons of subs. but also, not many people are bringing their kids in lately. so that means you and the other staff have been digging into the snack closet so “they won’t go to waste.”
jungkook was the one who suggested it. well, maybe suggest is the wrong word? he got caught up to his elbows in the bin of sweets, so when he turned to face your boss he immediately went into charming mode so he wouldn’t get in trouble. and once jungkook said it, everyone else thought it was a good idea too. hell, you’ve stopped buying snacks for yourself because you just sneak them from work now. wait. don’t tell anyone that. 
anyway, it was a great idea, but that was two weeks ago. now the snack closet is empty and you have a room full of toddlers on the verge of anarchy because of it. because of jungkook.
you just watched him pass by your room, arms laden with cheez-its and rice krispie treats, and you know for a fact he doesn’t have a class today. he’s only here to touch up the mural he’s been asked to paint near the front desk, so all of those snacks must be for him. 
you get the teacher from next door to keep an eye on your kiddos so you can sneak to the front and steal a couple bags of cheez-its (the kids don’t need their own bag, they’ll never know). but you get there and find yourself distracted from completing your mission.
jungkook is wearing old sweats, spattered with paint here and there, and he’s stooped over a bucket of water with a paintbrush between his teeth. it’s cute. 
“jungkook,” you semi-shout to get his attention. you get a sort of “hmgpfh?” in response, and that’s enough for you. “do you seriously need this many snacks? just for yourself?”
“i’m a growing boy, y/n,” he replies, taking the paintbrush out of his mouth so he can dip it into a paper plate covered in red shades. “you can have one.”
“i need three, actually,” you reply, picking them up as you speak. 
“are you a growing boy too?”
“no, i have six little kids with bad attitudes waiting for me in my room so i’ll be taking these off your hands,” you explain, finally turning to look at the work jungkook has put on the wall. “wow.”
“you like it?” jungkook asks, turning to look at you with a smile and a dancing light in his eyes. “is the tree too much?”
“no, oh my god, this is really good, jungkook,” you assure him, tracing your eyes over the wall full of characters and scenery from various children’s books.
“thank you,” he replies. “it’s better than wiping asses all day.”
“watch your mouth.”
“why don’t you watch it for me?” he quips back, peeking up at you with a smirk.
“what does that even mean, jungkook.”
“just thought i’d try to make you blush,” he says with a shrug. “didn’t work this time.”
“i don’t think it works anytime, actually,” you mumble, but he ignores it.
“hey, are you busy this weekend?” he questions, inspecting a bottle of green before squirting some directly on the wall. 
“are you sure you know what you’re doing?” you ask with a laugh. you watch him frantically spread the paint around to resemble a bush.
“shut up. are you busy this weekend?” he asks again. 
“i don’t think so, why?”
“come to the lake with me,” he says as he stands up to meet your eyes. “one of my friends convinced his uncle to let us borrow his boat. it’ll be fun.”
“do any of you know how to drive a boat?” you ask. “the safety of all this is what would keep me away.”
“i’m sure yoongi hyung will be able to do it,” jungkook says halfheartedly. “but still, the boat could just stay docked. it would be fun either way.”
“when are you going?” 
“saturday, so i could come by yours and get you on my way?” he asks with a lot of hope in his voice. you shrug before responding.
“why not? sure.”
so, jungkook texts you late friday that he’ll pick you up at 7am saturday. what the fuck. you wouldn’t have said yes if you knew you had to leave that early, but jungkook explained that he’s the only one the uncle trusts to have the keys, so he has to get there before the world wakes up. but also, has this man met jungkook? jungkook, being trustworthy with small, easy to lose items? please.
nevertheless, you’re up bright and early on saturday with a very large thermos of coffee. jungkook texts you right at 7 that he’s outside, and when you walk out you see him at the back of his car trying to force something into the trunk.
“whatcha doin?” you ask as you approach, noticing his strong legs in his (surprisingly) short swim trunks. you’re now realizing you’ve never seen him in anything other than baggy pants, so his legs are a little...distracting. 
“trying to keep the beer bottles from rattling,” he says through clenched teeth.
“and you’re trying to fuse them together with sheer force?”
“no, i’m stuffing a towel in between them in the box but it’s really tight.”
“if hoseok were here he’d make a ‘that’s what she said’ joke,” you jest. 
“i thought about it,” jungkook replies. “so i guess that counts?”
as he talks, he rearranges the other things in the trunk so it can close easy, and as he lowers the door he turns to you.
“you look nice,” he says, eyes drifting over you quickly. he notices the coffee cup in your hand and smiles. “any chance that has the sickly sweet creamer in it that i like?”
“how would i know what coffee creamer you like?” you ask, slightly annoyed that he just assumes you pay that much attention to him but also annoyed that you got caught. 
“because you like me,” he replies, grabbing the thermos and taking a sip. “oh my god, i love you.”
“you better be talking to the coffee,” you warn him as you grab the coffee back from him. 
“i’ll say it to you someday,” he promises, walking around to the passenger side of the car before opening your door. “if you let me.”
“what’s gotten into you lately?” you ask with a smile. you’d be lying if you said you didn’t have a little crush on jungkook, and recently it’s gotten worse. after you started working together, you noticed how many shared friends you have, so you’ve been hanging out more and more the past few months. jungkook has always been more than nice to you, but these flirty little comments are a welcome change. you hope they keep coming.
“is it cool if we stop at the gas station real quick?” he asks as he gets into the driver’s seat. “it’s an hour drive and i need gas and snacks.”
“fine with me. how about cheez-its and rice krispies?” 
“i had my fill of those at work this week, thanks,” jungkook laughs. 
at the gas station, you offer to get the snacks while jungkook stays at the pump. you’re looking for your favorite gas station snack, a crappy fruit and cheese danish that you could eat every day. jungkook finds you bent over in the sweets aisle, ass poking out too much for him to pass by and not push your face right into the premade baked goods. he considers it, because funny, but mean. he also considers passing behind you and smacking your ass as he does so you’ll move. tempting, but maybe too far. he opts for just bending down next to you to see what’s so interesting.
“what are we looking for?” he asks, scanning the labels for something to try.
“cherry and cheese,” you tell him, moving a blueberry danish out of the way, hoping to find what you want, but no luck.
“what? that sounds gross,” jungkook replies as he stands. “you like that?”
“it’s one of my favorites,” you tell him as you move into a squat. jungkook slides behind you and looks for his favorite jelly candy as you keep searching. “what’s so gross about it? they go well together.”
“like us.”
“huh?” jungkook asks, staring down at you with a glint in his eyes. the glare you give him is definitely ignored as jungkook looks back up and spots something on the top shelf. he grabs it and hands it to you. “this what you want?”
“yeah, it is,” you reply. “thanks. get another one for yourself.”
“why?” he asks, screwing his face up in disgust.
“because i know you’ll want to try some even with the way you’re acting right now, and i don’t like sharing.” 
“whatever you say,” he grumbles with a roll of his eyes. “now help me find the sour worms.”
jungkook tried the danish, and he hated it. 
have you ever seen a baby eating a lemon? it was like that, except jungkook spat what was in his mouth into his hand and then tossed it out the window of his car as he drove. sure, that whole part was gross, but he looked cute when he didn’t like the danish. who doesn’t love babies making silly faces? 
“i can’t believe you like that, but i can’t believe you convinced me to try it,” jungkook complains.
“kook, i think if i told you electrocuting yourself was fun you would try it just because i said i liked it,” you reply. he thinks about it for a moment before nodding, a slight tint gracing his cheeks.
“you’re right, but that’s not gonna make me finish your gross choice of snack.”
“fine, more for me,” you say, grabbing the discarded treat in the cupholder. you take a bite, not really caring that jungkook’s mouth was on it before you.
“did you just say ‘omg’ out loud?”
“yes, why?”
“you’re a loser,” you laugh, taking another bite, causing jungkook to gasp again. “what?”
“it’s like we just kissed,” he replies, almost giggling through his toothy smile.
“what do you even mean by that.”
“we just swapped spit.”
“you’re disgusting. stop talking.”
“hey, you’re the one that wants to kiss me,” jungkook says with a shrug. you want to protest, but you don’t want to convince him that you’re totally against kissing him. you’d actually very much like to plant your lips on his and never let go, but life doesn’t always give you what you want. jungkook notices your silence and smiles. “you’re not denying it.”
“i’m being polite.”
“mmmhmm,” he replies, failing to hide how pleased he is as he pulls into a treacherously sloped driveway. “we’re here.”
it’s turning into a beautiful day. the morning chill is starting to slowly melt away, and you find yourself sweating slightly as you help jungkook move all of the junk from his car. he insisted on doing it himself, but you felt super weird just standing there while he huffed and puffed carrying things back and forth, so you finally jumped in. it’s still just the two of you here, the friend’s uncle had successfully given you both a crash course on how to handle the boat, and you’re confident the two of you can share that info with yoongi when he gets here and hopefully no one will get hurt. 
speaking of yoongi, he said he was a few minutes away, and that was more than a few minutes ago. maybe he and hoseok got lost. the final four (as they’ve been calling themselves all morning) will be here later because taehyung didn’t have a swimsuit and they had to make a pit stop at walmart to get him one. you’re familiar with jungkook’s friends, and comfortable with a couple of them, but you don’t know much about taehyung aside from his interest in art and now his view on the boxer vs briefs debate (he was apparently very picky when trying on said swimsuits). but whatever. they’ll get here eventually. 
before you know it, you and jungkook have unloaded all of the snacks, alcohol and water accessories from his car, so all that’s left to do is hang out until the boys get here. 
“you ready?” jungkook asks, offering you his hand. you give him a questioning look and he motions to the boat. “c’mon, we’re not gonna sit here in the sun while we wait for them. it’s hot as balls.”
“but it’s hot as balls on the boat too,” you counter as you take his outstretched hand and let him pull you behind him on the dock.
“yeah, but at least we’re on a boat.”
he leads you to the edge of the shaky dock and let’s go of your hand momentarily to steady himself as he steps over to the boat. he turns back and offers his hand again, giving yours a squeeze as he guides you over the gap of water. the boat is slippery, so you lose your footing slightly and jungkook reacts quickly by wrapping you in his arms. the boat is bobbing a little too much for your liking, but jungkook is giggling and that distracts you enough from the fact that you could’ve fallen just now. 
as you both stand there awkwardly staring at each other, you don’t notice yoongi’s car pulling up to the top of the hill and its two passengers walking out toward the water. 
“oooh, what do we have here?” hoseok asks as he sees you holding onto each other for dear life. you separate quickly, making the newcomers laugh.
“don’t stop because we’re here,” yoongi replies.
“yeah, i can hug yoongi if it makes things less awkward for you,” hoseok offers.
“please don’t do that,” yoongi quips back.
“i’ll get you when you least expect it, hyung.”
jungkook, still standing very close to you, clears his throat and waves yoongi over. you scoot around them to help hoseok with the bag of food in his hands.
“are you sure you know how to drive a boat, yoongi?” you ask. 
“i’m a fast learner,” he replies.
“that’s not very reassuring.”
“i’ve done it before, y/n,” he laughs. “just not with this kind of motor, but it won’t take long to figure out. everything will be nice and safe, i promise.”
“besides, we have jungkookie here to save you even if hyung throws us overboard,” hoseok jokes.
speaking of jungkook, he’s rustling around the boat, trying to figure out how to put the suncover up. his jacket from this morning has been tossed aside, and he’s in a baggy tank top. you allow yourself a moment to admire the way his muscles ripple as he works when you notice -
“you finished your sleeve?” you ask him. his head snaps up in your direction and he smiles.
“enjoying the show?” he teases.
“answer the question.”
“honestly, i wanted it to be a surprise,” he replies, stretching the arm out and turning it around as best he can.
“so what, you were gonna take your shirt off and punch me and that’s how i was supposed to find out?”
“are you offering?”
“i’m just mad you didn’t take me with you! i was gonna get something this time,” you complain with a slight pout, which jungkook scrunches his nose at. you’re really cute, he thinks to himself.
“my artist called me last minute and said they had an opening, so i went in as soon as i could. i think you were still handling six hungry toddlers,” he explains.
“so is that why you invited me today?” you laugh. “you couldn’t think of a reasonable way to take your shirt off in front of me so i had to come with you to the lake for the big reveal?”
“jungkook, if you say yes, then jin and i are giving you the sex talk. you gotta up your game,” yoongi mumbles.
“no,” jungkook insists, ignoring yoongi. “i invited you today because i think it’ll be fun and i wanted you to be here.”
“and he wanted to see you in a swimsuit,” hoseok adds, pulling some cookies out of the bag of snacks. he offers them to you and you gladly accept. then he turns and pops one into yoongi’s mouth as he yawns, before he tosses one over to jungkook, happily shouting “a cookie for kookie!”
“that’s cute,” you smile, liking the way hoseok babies jungkook. it’s got him flustered, and it’s kind of adorable.
“kook, did you hear that? y/n thinks you’re cute,” hoseok sing-songs.
“i- that’s not...i didn’t say that,” you stumble. “the rhyming was cute. if anything, i called hoseok cute.”
“everyone thinks hobi is cute,” yoongi replies. “but jungkook? eh.”
“eh?!” jungkook shouts. “i’m just eh to you hyung?”
“now you hurt the boy’s feelings,” you tell yoongi, and he shrugs.
“you should’ve just called him cute.”
you look over and notice jungkook is staring at you, an eyebrow quirked in a challenge. hoseok is watching and munching like this is a movie, and yoongi looks between you and the so-called cutie and laughs to himself.
“well?” jungkook asks.
“i mean, yeah, you are cute, sometimes,” you begin. “not when you’re being annoying though.”
“i’m not annoying!”
“yes you are,” hoseok and yoongi agree in unison. jungkook huffs at that and looks back at you.
“now my feelings are hurt again. talk more about me being cute,” he pleads as he finally gives up on the suncover and joins you on the wraparound couch of the boat. he’s looking at you with the absolute worst puppy dog eyes, so you keep going.
“uh, you’re cute with the kids i guess? like when they use you as their personal playground and you’re all giggling. that’s cute,” you offer. “or when the little girls get hurt, they always run to you first and you cheer them up with sweet songs.”
“hmm, family planning perhaps?” you hear hoseok joke with yoongi. 
you would go on (or deny how often you’ve thought about jungkook being a dad) but the other car of boys has finally arrived, so the two instigators leave the boat to help them unload. that leaves you next to jungkook, who’s not done talking about the cute stuff.
“i didn’t know you noticed all of that,” jungkook whispers, suddenly sitting very close to you. you try to act like it’s nothing, but he stops you. “ah ah, now it’s my turn.”
“your turn? for what?”
“for talking about how cute you are,” he says like it’s the most obvious thing ever. if he had his way he would be pulling up a whole powerpoint presentation right now, but he has to rely on his words, which is fine. “first of all, you have great style. you’re maybe the only person who can make the daycare uniform look like a capital o outfit everyday you come in. and the way your eyes light up when a kid tells you a story, or shows you something they made? that’s my favorite. wish you would look at me like that someday.”
“you...what?” you almost can’t believe where this conversation has gone, but it’s making your heart beat faster and you’re not ready for it to stop.
“i wish i could make your eyes light up like i’m the only person you can see,” he clarifies, locking eyes with you. he holds your gaze for a moment before his eyes flick down to your lips. you wouldn’t have noticed if you weren’t so close, but the movement was obvious. jungkook wants to kiss you. 
“and what would you do if they did?” you challenge, repeating the same glance from his eyes down to his lips. your gaze lingers a little longer, and when you look back up at jungkook you know what’s coming next. that doesn’t mean it’s not shocking, though.
kissing jungkook is like pulling down a piece of the sun and slamming it into your chest. the warmth that he exudes, and the softness of his lips as they caress yours, it’s perfect. but - 
“wait,” jungkook mumbles against your lips. you pull back, worried.
“i did that wrong.”
“wha..how? jungkook, i thought that was nice,” you assure him but he shakes his head.
“i did it wrong,” he insists, looking at you and noticing the shine in your eyes that he was hoping for. “can i kiss you again?”
you nod and let out a quiet “yes” before jungkook is cupping your face and connecting your lips again. this one is stronger, more intentional and you’re glad he wanted to try again. not that the first kiss was bad, your mind is still reeling from that first one. but this feels like a kiss full of love. it feels like a kiss from someone that’s been pining for you over bags of cheez-its and funny kid stories, but they didn’t know how to tell you how badly they wanted to do this. jungkook didn’t know how to tell you, but now he doesn’t have to because this kiss tells you everything you need to know.
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brain-deadx0 · 3 years
Blood in the Water
Summary: Virgil is kidnapped for ransom, but when his captors don't get what they want they decide to get rid of him.
Characters: human Virgil, mer Logan, oc villain
Warnings: Kidnapping, restraints, hostage, injury of a main character, implied torture, attempted murder, drowning mention, near drowning, noncon kissing(?)/mouth to mouth, knife, uh… let me know?
 Virgil had never given much thought to his father. Sure as a kid he thought the man was cool as hell. But he was more like that rich uncle you never see who sends you cool toys on Christmas and your birthday. 
 As he got older he came to realize this but didn't care all that much. Sure he thought he would've liked to have an actual relationship with the guy, until he got old enough to realize his mom was the only one who was actually supporting him and paying the bills. So he decided the guy wasn't worth it anyway since despite all the money he seemed to have he never tried to help out. 
 Virgil knew his father was a bastard. 
 Virgil thought he was simply a rich yet deadbeat dad up until his mom got sick. The two had never once asked him for anything, but when Virgil was a broke college student who couldn't afford the growing medical bills he reached out. Hoping that if nothing else the man would help pay for her treatment. 
 He didn't even go to the funeral. 
 So yes. Virgil knew his father was a bastard. He just didn't realize how much of one he actually was. 
 Virgil was currently tied to a chair on what he could only assume was a boat. Or at least he hoped it was a boat or else his concussion was worse than he thought. 
 He didn't bother testing the restraints. He was too tired at this point and every attempt before had ended in pain. 
 He didn't even know why these people had suddenly grabbed him off the street and shoved him into a trunk. Sure his estranged father was rich or something but it's not like either of them had been in contact for years. Virgil didn't even get gifts anymore since his mom died and he told the man to not even bother. 
 He really hoped these people didn't actually know who he was because if they tried to ransom him he was definitely going to die. 
 The sound of the door slamming open startled him from his thoughts. 
 Virgil glared despite the new ball of anxiety sitting heavy in his stomach. 
 "So," a man in a pristine white suit said as he walked through the door, "You must be Virgil." 
 "Who's asking?" Virgil growled. 
 He almost regretted it as one of the guards made a move for him, only to be stopped by the man holding up a hand. 
 "You can call me John." 
 "Because that's totally not a made up name." 
 'John' just smirked, "Remind me: what was your father's name again?" 
 Virgil cursed, "Look man, if you're looking for money you kidnapped the wrong guy. I haven't had contact with that bastard in years. He didn't even pay child support!"  
 "I asked for his name, not your life story." 
 Virgil huffed, "George Storm," he ground out, "why are you even asking me? You obviously know already." 
 "Just wondering which alias he used on you." 
 "Now Mr. Storm-" 
 "It's Sanders. I got rid of his name when I told him to fuck off." 
"Fair enough," the man said, "regardless of your name the fact remains that you're still his son and that means you're worth something." 
 Virgil couldn't help but laugh at that, "Didn't you hear me? He won't give you any money. He probably forgot I even existed by now." 
 "Then let's remind him shall we?" 
 Virgil couldn't help but flinch at the sudden sound of ducktape. 
 "- and if you don't? Well your little boy might just have a little accident." 
 Virgil's screams came out muffled as the cattleprod was once again jammed into his side. 
 Virgil shook as he tried to recatch his breath. 
 "Well Mr. Sanders, you played your roll quite well." John told him. 
 Virgil just glared back. 
 Virgil wasn't sure how long he had been in the small room. It had to have been a couple of days at least. They had taken a few more videos after his fathers response or lack thereof. Each time Virgil was beaten or tortured just shy of unconsciousness. 
 He wasn't restrained anymore at least. It's not like anyone thought he could do anything at this point. 
 He laid on the cold metal floor hoping it might somehow make his body feel less like a puddle of pain, but if it did it wasn't noticeable. 
 He flinched and curled into himself when he heard the door open. Several sets of heavy foot steps made their way towards him. He tried to curl up tighter in a meager attempt to protect himself but inevitably failed as a rough hand pulled him into a sitting position. A bright flash let him know they were taking another photo before the hand in his hair began pulling him towards the door. 
 "Hello again Mr. Sanders." John greeted pleasantly as Virgil was thrown to the deck. 
 Virgil coughed as he pushed himself to his knees, "I'm guessing he won't give you anything?" 
 "No." John hummed, "I guess you were right. He really doesn't give a shit about you." 
 "Will you let me go now?" He couldn't help but ask. 
 John smirked again in the way Virgil had unfortunately become familiar with over the last however long, "Seeing as you aren't worth any monetary value I see no reason to keep you." 
 For a brief moment there was a flicker of hope in his chest. 
 "But I've wanted to kill that father of yours for a long time now. And you do bare quite the resemblance." 
 Virgil screamed as a heavy net was suddenly thrown over him. He tried to fight off the men surrounding him as they began to wrap rope around the mess he was quickly getting tangled in. 
 "Any last words for your father?" John asked as he stood over him with a camera. 
 "I hope you both burn in hell!" Virgil hissed. 
 "I suppose we'll just have to meet you there." The man told him before nodding to one of his goons. 
 Virgil screamed out a slew of curses as he was dragged the short distance to the side of the boat. He managed to suck in a breath as he felt himself be hoisted over the side and tried not to lose it as he hit the freezing water. 
 Logan's nose twitched as the faint scent of blood traveled on the weak current around him. Normally this would be a sign of an easy meal. A struggling seal, perhaps a fish that made a narrow escape, the occasional whale injured by human vessels. 
 He knew there was a boat in this area. He had been following it of course. Humans were dangerous but they were interesting and it was rare for them to be in this area. 
 Unable to resist his curiosity he quickly followed the scent to the boat. 
 The surface churned as the boat sped away but Logan barely paid it any mind as his eyes caught on something heavily tangled in one of the cursed human nets. 
 Logan knew humans used them to catch large amounts of fish. He wasn't sure why they needed so many all at once but that was one of life's great mysteries. He also knew that other creatures often got caught in them. If they were lucky the humans would let them out. If they weren't they often drowned. 
 He swam closer to the poor creature that was still struggling in the net. Whatever it was had obviously been left for dead. 
I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die…
 Virgil struggled as the net seemed to get tighter around him and his lungs screamed for air. 
Oh god I'm gonna die!
 He had to get out he had to get out of the net. 
 Despite his mind telling him to struggle and get out so he could breathe, his limbs started to fail him as he sank deeper into the cold water. 
 He barely felt the nudge of panic that shot through him as a shadowy figure that looked too close to a shark came closer. 
'Sharks are cool…' he thought as his vision turned dark. 
 Logan wasn't sure what he expected to be in the net, but he knew 'human' wasn't on his list. 
 The human's unfocused eyes landed on him for only a moment before closing. Small bubbles of air began to escape from their face as they went limp.
 That was… not good. 
 He quickly grabbed the net and tried to pull it upwards to the surface but barely slowed the descent caused by the heavy weights. 
 Logan looked up to the sky that grew farther and farther away. He needed to cut the weights off but the human would surely die before they would make it to the surface. There was only one thing to do if he intended to save them.
 He hesitated a moment before leaning forward and pressing his lips to the humans. 
 When he pulled back the human drew in a sharp breath followed by a short coughing fit. Logan was a bit concerned they didn't wake up but at least they weren't about to drown. 
 Logan reached into his bag and pulled out his knife before moving to cut the ropes. The heavy weights quickly disappeared into the dark below and Logan began pulling the human back to the warmer water near the surface. 
 Virgil woke up cold. It took him a moment to realize he was soaking wet. Another moment passed and he realized he wasn't alone. 
 There was someone next to him, humming in an odd tone, and seeming to be messing with something covering him. 
 He managed to crack one of his eyes open just in time to see a blurry flash of what looked like a knife. He quickly closed his eyes and curled into himself causing the person above him to stop humming. 
 Logan knew he should've fled back to the water as soon as the human showed signs of waking. He was only part way through cutting the human out of the net when the human's eyes opened. Only for them to immediately close again and for the human to retreat into themself. 
 Logically this would be the next perfect opportunity to leave. 
 "It's alright," he said instead, "You're safe now." 
 The human flinched at the sound of his voice but made no move to look at him. 
 After a minute Logan realized he wasn't going to get an answer, "You're stuck in a net," he told them, "I was in the process of removing it when you woke up. May I continue to use my knife to get it off?" 
 The humans eyes remained screwed shut but after a moment they nodded. 
 "Alright, I'm going to start near your abdomen is that acceptable?" 
 Another nod and Logan began to cut through the plastic ropes once more. As he worked the human gradually began to relax slightly. By the time he finished the human was only marginally as tense as they had been when they woke up. 
 Logan stored his knife back in his bag, "You should be able to get out now." 
 Once again the human flinched at his voice but thankfully didn't seem as scared as before. After a few seconds, the human began to shift cautiously. 
 By the time the other person had spoken again Virgil was pretty sure they didn't intend to murder him. But he was still confused. The last thing he remembered was being thrown overboard and left to drown. 
 Had another boat just happened to be near enough to see it and help him? It wasn't likely but that was all he could think of. 
 Until he finally got the courage to sit up and open his eyes. 
 The human gasped as their eyes locked onto the sharkmers tail. They seemed to freeze for a moment before their eyes rolled back and Logan lunged forward to try and catch them.
 "Oh dear," Logan said as he looked down at the once again unconscious human. 
 He looked around the area, unsure of what to do next. The sky was beginning to shift to a morning grey and more humans would undoubtedly start making their way to the currently empty beach. Logically he should leave now and let the other humans deal with it. 
 Logan was feeling very illogical today. 
 He gently laid the human back down and waited. 
 It was a bit concerning how long the human remained unconscious a second time. Logan knew it was likely due to their injuries, both seen and unseen, but for some reason he couldn't help but hope they would wake up soon. 
 Logan kept a sharp eye on the beach. Just as the sound of voices started to travel down from the cliffs the human began to show signs of waking. 
 Logan hesitated longer than he probably should have before quickly making his way back to the safety of the ocean. 
 He hid some nearby rocks and watched as the small group of arriving humans seemed to notice the figure in the sand. When they got close the group picked up speed and surrounded the injured human. 
 It wasn't long before humans in matching dark clothing appeared and took the first away. 
 Logan took that as his queue to leave as well. 
...some time later…
 Virgil stared out at the ocean as the sun slowly sank below the horizon. 
 He wasn't sure why he felt compelled to come back to the beach so often. Honestly you'd think the almost drowning in it would make him more wary of the ocean. And while there were many things he'd rather forget, and a few he probably had, he couldn't help but think about the person he saw. 
 He had met the people who found him on the beach, how he got there was still a mystery, and while they were nice people, none of them were the one he'd first seen. The one who he was pretty sure saved him and cut the net. 
 So here he was, sitting on the dock, waiting for something to happen. 
 As the sun finished sinking into the ocean he almost swore he saw a large fin break the water. 
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o-wyrmlight · 2 years
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All right, let me see... keep in mind that this is specifically for Crumbled Castles Madeleine. AKA 'A side-plot in a comic I've only barely started and have been putting way too much thought into'.
Madeleine comes from the Republic. This is a fact that one cannot object to. However, his dream isn't to be a knight--it's to be a fisherman, because he just strikes me as a cookie who loves the sea and takes great interest in what lies under the ocean.
He actually was a fisherman at one point--he had his own boat that he took out to sea, and when he was a fisherman, he had his hair cut short! It was only when he decided to become a knight that he really let it grow out.
Madeleine and Espresso have been childhood friends since they were--literally--children. Espresso's sharp-tongued demeanor slides off of Madeleine like water over plastic, and Madeleine balances it out by pushing him to take better care of himself and pause in working every now and again.
Espresso will never, ever say it to Madeleine's face, but he is somewhat fond of Madeleine's company.
Madeleine's boat isn't the one that got lost in the storm that left him stranded. He made the executive decision to help out some short-handed crab fishers, which would have been an interesting and fresh experience--he usually fished for tuna and clams.
As far as he knows, Madeleine is the only survivor. And as far as he knows, he's the only cookie outside the army and well-off officials who knows the (as-of-yet undetermined) 'secret' that the Republic keeps hidden from its people.
The first thing he did when he made his way back to the Republic four or five months later was go to Espresso's house. Espresso, of course, was shocked to see him and very quickly noticed that something about him changed. Even though Madeleine made a very good effort to play it off.
Madeleine is a secret-keeper, and he is a fantastic liar. He's also a cookie who is very determined to keep concealed what he wants to be concealed. 'Keep it simple, stupid'.
(TW: Abuse Mention) His tendency to lie actually started when he was a child. He lived in a somewhat abusive household with an abusive father, so he learned from his mother that the best way to keep the waters calm was to lie so that they don't rock the boat. Frankly, that's a horrible thing to teach a child, but go off, I guess.
Madeleine is trans and very comfortable with that fact. It's one of the few things he's actually comfortable about in regards to himself, and he fully acknowledges that he used to be a girl. It's a part of his history and a part of who he is, after all.
The name 'Madeleine' is a carry-over from his childhood through his transition.
Madeleine staged a coup in the Republic and is now very much wanted by Republic officials. They've painted him out to be a villain because Propaganda Exists, but some of the cookies of the Republic are now aware of the fucked up shit that's going on behind the scenes and are working their asses off to kick the government in the face. As a result, Madeleine cannot go home.
Madeleine's not afraid to kill someone.
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plainbrunettelbl · 4 years
(A) Half Octopus Shota Aizawa x (O) GN Reader Inky Tentacles
Word count: 3876
Warnings: Attempted murder. 
Title: (A) Half Octopus Shota Aizawa x (O) GN Reader Inky Tentacles 
Summary: You get thrown overboard and an Alpha with inky black tentacles and hair to match saves you. 
(Gif not mine) (Sho when you give him attitude the first scene.) 
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💤-You had thought it would be the best week of your life. 
💤-You had just gotten married to a charming Alpha and you were supposed to spend the week on an island in honeymoon bliss. The thought of hanging out on the sand with your mate made your heart warm. 
💤-If only you found out about your Alpha’s evil intent. 
💤-The three months of courting and spontaneous proposal and here you were. Getting sea-sick on a boat in the middle of nowhere. There were only three people on board. 
💤-You, your Alpha, and the captain. 
💤-It was supposed to be a romantic boat ride to watch a pod of dolphins but you spent half the time with your head over the side of the boat. 
💤-“Alpha, I think we should go back. I’m not feeling too good.” You sadly crooned, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. 
💤-“Aw, are you sure we can’t wait it out? I know how much you love dolphins. Just think about how you will get to see them jumping around and hearing their little trills. We are almost there after all.” They soothed, rubbing your back. 
💤-You don’t remember telling them that you liked dolphins. You felt bad that they had planned this and you were ruining their thoughtful gift. 
💤-“Yeah, I can tough it out.” You croaked, giving them a shaky smile. 
💤-“Great.” They smiled. 
💤-If only you were able to distinguish the darkness in their smile. 
💤-One second you were leaning over the boat once more and the next you felt a forceful bump from behind and you went headfirst into the cerulean colored water. 
💤-Your chirps of surprise mixed with the sounds of the lapping water. 
💤-“Alpha! Help! I’ve fallen overboard.” You cried, thrashing in the water. 
💤-You weren’t a strong swimmer. At that moment you regret agreeing with your Alpha in foregoing a life jacket. They had convinced you that it would look weird in all of the pictures you would take. 
💤-You realized now it was just a lie to make sure you sank to the bottom of the ocean. 
💤-Your Alpha merely smirked at you as the Captain pulled away. Leaving you stranded in the middle of the ocean. You didn’t bother holding back your sobs and whimpers. Your arms were getting tired and it hadn’t even been ten minutes since your Alpha ditched you. 
💤-You heard a small splashing sound a few feet away from you. 
💤-“Who’s there? If you’re a shark, please go away! I’m already having a terrible day.” You cried, frantically splashing your arms in the water. 
💤-“Not a shark.” A deep voice uttered. 
💤-You yelped and turned in their direction. A male, with black hair and eyes, peered over at you. 
💤-“What are you doing here?” You stuttered, your brain not comprehending why there would be a man swimming out here.  
💤-“Fishing.” He calmly said, moving a little closer to you. 
💤-“This far out?” You felt yourself inching towards him as well. Underneath the strong smell of sea salt, you smelled the familiar scent of an Alpha. Your Omega was eager to seek comfort in the Alpha. 
💤-Don’t you think Alpha’s should be on our shit list right now? You reprimanded, glaring at your love-struck Omega.  
💤-Not this Alpha, he smells safe. She crooned, giving the Alpha heart eyes. 
💤-“What are you doing this far out?” He lifted a brow, sending you a questioning look. 
💤-“Sunbathing.” You flatly stated, glaring at him. You were in no mood to talk to an Alpha. Being thrown overboard by one would do that. 
💤-“Well, I’ll leave you to it then.” He deadpanned, making like he was gonna swim away. 
💤-“No, wait!” You chirped, quickly swimming onto him and latching on. 
💤-His muscled arms wrapped around you, pulling you into him. Your tired legs were quick to wrap around him as well. Your feet felt something soft brush against them. 
💤-One of your hands reached down and pulled the thing up. 
💤-“Tentacle.” You uttered, staring at the black tentacle in disbelief. You looked down and saw eight others along with it. 
💤-Your brain was done with the stress of the day. Your vision went fuzzy and then you went slack in the arms of the black-haired Alpha. 
💤-You woke up on soft sand, your hands scrunching in the white grains. 
💤-“Good, you’re up.” A voice called, their tone soothing. 
💤-You rolled your head to the left and saw the same man from before resting his arms on the flat rocks near the water. It looked like you were in a cave of sorts. The water sparkled a brilliant turquoise, much lighter than the deep cerulean of the ocean. 
💤-“Hi.” You mumbled your limbs felt heavy and weak. 
💤-“I can hear your empty stomach from here.” He rumbled, his inky eyes noticing your weakened state. 
💤-You saw his inky tentacles swish in the water behind him. You sat up in a hurry, shuffling on your butt away from him.  
💤-“Don’t eat me! I won’t taste good.” You cried, looking around for a rock to throw at him. 
💤-He merely sighed at your fear. 
💤-“If I wanted to eat you, I would have done it when you were passed out.” He drawled, leaning his head on his arms. “I wouldn’t have saved you from drowning either.” 
💤-You blinked at his words, thinking them over.
💤-True, he could have left you stranded in the ocean, but instead, he swam you to land. 
💤-“Oh... sorry.” Your voice was small. 
💤-“It’s okay. I’m used to it.” He tilted his head back observing your meek frame. 
💤-Your stomach decided to make itself known. The whale sounds bouncing off the cave walls. You felt your cheek warm. 
💤-“I got enough fish for both of us. I already ate my share.” He stated, pointing a finger to the big pile of fish a few feet away from you. 
💤-Their dead eyes staring at you. You suddenly felt green, your eyes darting away from the scaly pile. 
💤-“I think I’ll pass.” You cringed, holding your knees to your chest. 
💤-“Omega, you need to eat.” The inky-haired Alpha reprimanded, his eyes narrowing. 
💤-You sat straighter, his words calling at your Omega. She wanted to obey but the smell of raw fish was too much for her as well. 
💤-“I can’t, Alpha. I can’t eat raw fish.” You tucked your head down. 
💤-“How else do you eat it?” He questioned, leaning forward a bit, your sweet smell was making his tentacle shiver in delight. 
💤-His species didn’t have many females, and the ones that he has come across were very aggressive. They only have two things on their mind, mating and dominating. 
💤-They were very possessive of their space and couldn’t handle a male around them for long. He guessed that was why his species was slowly dying out. A small voice in his head told him that Omegas like you would help solve the problem. 
💤-No. You were meant for land, just as he was for water. He would take care of you until the upcoming storm passes and then he would drop you off near a local beach. 
💤-“Cooked. Well, I guess there is sushi, but it’s bad to eat it raw in case of parasites.” You formed, resting your chin on your knees. 
💤-He stared at you in confusion. 
💤-“What’s that?” He rumbled, frustrated that your differences were already showing. 
💤-“It’s when you cook it on the oven.” You replied, looking around at the cave and realizing there would be no pan-searing happening anytime soon. “Or over a fire.” 
💤-“What’s fire?” He questioned, his brain not connecting the word with anything. 
💤-You offered a quick explanation of the flickering element. 
💤-“Oh, so you need wood. I can go find some driftwood.” He pushed away from the edge of the water, getting ready to dive under the water and swim through the tunnel connecting his cave to the sea. 
💤-“It kinda has to be dry.” You said, unraveling yourself from your legs and standing up. You spotted a small entrance to the cave. You would have to crouch a bit to get out but at least you would be able to find firewood. 
💤-“I’ll go get some.” You wiped off the sand from your clothes and headed over. 
💤-“Are you sure that’s a good idea? What if it is dangerous?” His eyes held slight panic, the thought of not being able to see you. 
💤-What if you made a run for it? What if you went away and never came back? His strong arms lifted himself from the water.
💤-“I’ll come with you.” He stated, trying to get all of his tentacles on land. 
💤-You watched him struggle to find his balance on the slippery sand. You felt yourself slightly shiver looking at his huge form, seeing just how big and intimidating he was. 
💤-An Alpha indeed. 
💤-“Don’t worry about it! You stay here. I’ll be quick.” You encouraged, pointing him towards the pile of fish. 
💤-“If you can skin those and gut them I would be grateful.” You tried to persuade him using his caretaker instincts against him.  
💤-He realized he wouldn’t be much help on land away and conceded, dutifully going over to the pile and getting to work. You nodded and went out. You came back quickly, not wanting to worry the poor Alpha. 
💤-Once you walked back in the inky-haired male sent you a tiny smile before going back to his task. He made sure not a single scale was left. 
💤-You dropped the firewood down onto the sandy floor before going around the cave, picking up rocks to put around the fireplace. You got it the fireplace settled but the part of lighting the fire was more difficult than you thought. 
💤-“Ugh! I can’t get it.” You whined, tossing the sticks down. 
💤-You had been rubbing them for five minutes and not a single strand smoke greeted you. 
💤-“What are you trying to do?” The quiet Alpha asked, looking up from his task of gutting. 
💤-“Making fire, or at least trying to.” You grumbled, glaring at the useless sticks. 
💤-“Can I help?” He moved to your side, picking up the sticks. 
💤-You showed him what to do and soon enough a small flame graced the cave. Your eyes take in the flickering flame. Your Omega was happily purring. 
💤-See, he’s a great Alpha. He can make fire. She cooed, eyeing up his strong arms. 
💤-Don’t go all cave-women on me. You hissed, not willing to admit you were also impressed with his fire-making skills. 
💤-He winced against the heat. Since he was done with the fish he slipped back into the water. His body sighing in relief as the cool water hydrated his skin and tentacles. 
💤-You got to work on cooking the fish, soon enough you had two wonderfully grilled pieces of fish. You looked over at him and offered a piece to him. The face he made after eating it was priceless. 
💤-It was like the face of a baby who was given a lemon for the first time. 
💤-“I guess you are not a fan.” You giggled, chewing on your unseasoned fish. 
💤-“I’ll stick to raw.” He shook his head. 
💤-It had been two days since your Alpha tried to kill you. Shota had told you that he wouldn’t be able to take you to civilization just yet. A big storm was coming and it would be hard to get you to shore with the rough waves it brought. 
💤-You had spent the days in the water with Shota or on the island collecting firewood and coconuts. You had yet to find freshwater so coconuts had been your main source of water. 
💤-You had a rough time opening them but Shota was quick to excellently crack them open. Your Omega was all too pleased to point out, once again, about what a great Alpha he was. 
💤-“I made this for you.” You held up a hair tie that you had made. You spent the day weaving it together. Sho had been gone most of the day so it was easy to surprise him with it. 
💤-He looked at the hair tie in awe. You had added tiny shells to it to make it more pretty. 
💤-It was clearly a mating gift, or at least he thought so. First, you shared a bit of your food with him, something only mates did, and then you made him a courting gift. 
💤-Now all that was left was for you to solidify your interest in him by touching his gills. Something that you unknowingly did not even ten minutes after you gifted him the hair tie. 
💤-“Let me comb your hair a bit. It looks like a rats nest.” You chuckled, sitting on the edge of the pool, with your legs dipped in the water. 
💤-He was hesitant to turn his back to you. It was a big taboo with his kind. You never turned your back on anyone outside of your pod. “Come on. I don’t bite.” 
💤-He slotted his shoulders between your legs. He didn’t relax until he felt your fingers weave their way into his knotted hair. You felt his chest rumble at your soothing touch. 
💤-“I figured it must be difficult to see when you're swimming.” You hummed, enjoying the way his obsidian locks felt like silk.
💤-You tied back his hair once all of his knots were untangled, you swept back the few strands that escaped from the tie, unknowingly tracing his gills. Shota shot out of your grasp, flustered at your bold actions. 
💤-“I’ll go get us dinner.” He stuttered, quickly swimming out of the cave. 
💤-“But you just came back from fishing?” You said, surprised at his abrupt departure. 
💤-He was gone before you could even finish your sentence. 
💤-“Thank you for the crab, Shota.” You hummed, cracking open the scarlet leg. 
💤-“No problem, there were a bunch of them not too far from the cave.” He leaned against the rocks. His eyes not quite meeting yours. He fibbed a bit, he had to swim quite the distance to get them. 
💤-He was just happy to give you something that you wanted. You had mentioned the pointy little creatures and he was all too eager to see a smile on your face. The cute little chirps you made while biting into the sweet meat struck him right in his three hearts. 
💤-Ever since your fingers grazed against his gills he had been more affectionate. 
💤-You usually slept near the fire at night but you would somehow wake up near the pool wrapped up in his tentacles. He was even more worried when you left the cave for any reason. 
💤-He particularly didn’t like it when you bathed away from him. He knew about the dangers of the ocean so he was more on edge to leave you in it by yourself. He had also taken to bringing you back beautiful shells and rocks. 
💤-Shota was hesitant to tell you that the storm receded and he could take you back now. It didn’t matter, you were courting, basically mates at this point. 
💤-“Shota....” You trailed off, your eyes not able to meet his. 
💤-“Yes, Omega?” He rumbled, he picked up on your scent, it was uneasy. 
💤-“I was wondering when we were gonna go back to shore.” You asked, flitting your eyes over to him. 
💤-“Back to shore?” The words felt itchy against his throat. His tentacles coiling in the water, wishing to hold you close in his arms. You can’t leave if you are tangled in his limbs. 
💤-“Well, I need to get back. I don’t know how long my back can handle sleeping on sand another night.” You rubbed your aching back. “I miss curling up in bed, warm tea, and reading books.” 
💤-Each word was like shark's teeth ripping into him. He supposed he would miss the waves of the sea if he was on land. You both were still too different. His Alpha was howling in his head. 
💤-She can’t leave! She is ours! He howled. 
💤-Ours or not. She needs somewhere better to live. Shota sadly argued. Our cave wasn’t suited for a human Omega. 
💤-Wait a damn minute. That blond still owes me a favor. He thought, not believing he didn’t think of him sooner. 
💤-Yeah! Make that Beta build our Omega a home. His Alpha yipped. 
💤-“I know a friend who has a place around here,” Shota said, happy that you wouldn’t be leaving him anytime soon. 
💤-The Alpha didn’t waste any time pulling you into the water and swimming you to his friend’s beach house. 
💤-“What do you mean you want me to build her a house!” The blond’s eyes widened, he stared at his friend in shock. 
💤-“You make her a house on your island so she can stay here,” Shota explained again, you would think he was talking about the weather with how calm he was being. 
💤-He was glad you were using the blond’s shower. He didn’t want you around for his annoying yelling. 
💤-“I can’t just build a house for an Omega you found in the sea! Next thing I know I’ll have to build an apartment complex.” The blonde huffed, running his hand through his long hair. 
💤-“No apartment complex. I want a house for my Omega.” The dark-haired male glared, angry that the blond would even suggest he would stray from his Omega. He wouldn’t even consider it. 
💤-Plus, It’s not like the sea was filled with unmated Omegas after all. 
💤-“Your Omega? Like your bonded Omega?” The blond lifted a brow, not quite sure his ears were working properly.  
💤-“Yes. My Omega. My forever mate.” The Alpha rumbled his chest warming at his words. 
💤-“Mmm. I suppose I can see what I can do. It might take a couple of weeks though? Are you fine with her staying here with me?” Hizashi questioned, knowing the Alpha male well. 
💤-The Alpha growled at him. 
💤-“You stay on your side of the house and I won’t have a problem.” He glowered, lunging slightly out of the water to intimidate him a bit. 
💤-“Woah, there big guy! No need to threaten me. I’ll be on my best behavior.” The blond backed away from the patio’s edge. 
💤-The patio was flush against the sea. A perfect spot for the millionaire to lounge out in his speedo. 
💤-“Good. I’ll consider your debt paid.” Shota hummed, eyeing your freshly showered form making your way over. 
💤-“Wow, you have a great shower Hizashi.” You beamed, rubbing a towel to your wet hair. 
💤-“Thank you. Please be sure to help yourself to some food. I doubt this guy had anything besides fish in his little damp cave.” The blond teased, making sure to move a safe distance away from the male in the water. 
💤-“Thank you!” You chirped, making yourself at home in his kitchen.
💤-Shota enjoyed the bright smile on your face as you threw a meal together. He did get a little concerned when you brought out a knife to chop vegetables but you seemed comfortable with the blade so that calmed him some. 
💤-He was content in leaning over the patio’s edge, happy that you were happy. He felt like he could be here, watching you from the water’s edge, for the rest of his life. 
💤-Two weeks later and the little beach house on the other side of the island was built. You almost didn’t believe it when Shota swam you to it. 
💤-“This is mine?” You gasped looking at the wooden beach house. It looked like it cost an arm and a leg to make. 
💤-“Yup, Hizashi owed me a favor. He got drunk one night and decided to go night fishing. I saved the dumb fool from a hungry shark and brought him back home.” He rolled his eyes at the blonde’s antics. 
💤-“But why?” You asked, wondering why he used his debt to make you a house. 
💤-Surely he knew you would have to go back to your old life sometime soon. During you stay with Zashi’s house you had informed him of your previous Alpha’s actions. The billionaire was all too pleased to put the Alpha behind bars. It took a while for the police to investigate so you were invited to stay with him while everything was sorted out. 
💤-They kept the fact that you were alive a secret from the public. They wanted the Alpha to think he got away with it.  
💤-The Alpha was claiming you both were on the boat when the storm came and knocked you overboard. That they tried to get to you but you were too far away and they got separated from you. 
💤-It wasn’t until the captain of the boat folded and told them what had happened, that the Alpha was finally cuffed and sent to prison. 
💤-“Because we’re courting obviously.” The black-haired Alpha stated, his eyes lovingly connected with yours.  
💤-His three hearts truly beat for you. 
💤-“Courting? Since when?” You leaned back, surprised at his words. 
💤-“Since you gave me a courting gift and touched my gills.” He said, perplexed by your reaction.
💤-“I don’t remember touching your gills?” You tilted your head to the side trying to recall if you ever did. 
💤-“When you would put my hair up. You would always touch them. Did you not mean to?” His voice grew small as he realized you didn’t know what the touch would mean. 
💤-“I didn’t mean to.” You said, your heart picking up. Did he think you were courting the entire time? 
💤-“What about my courting gifts? You accepted them.” He pushed, nervously swimming forward.
💤-“Your seashells and rocks? I didn’t think they meant anything.” You mumbled, your eyes looking down in your lap. 
💤-You didn’t think he would be interested in you that way. You were a human after all. Didn’t he want to be with someone his kind? It wasn’t like you hadn’t thought of spending the rest of your days with him but you never truly accepted the fact that it could be a reality. 
💤-“Oh.” He sank into the water, his nose submerged. 
💤-The action made you think he was about to swim away and you would never see him again. You nearly broke the poor man’s neck jumping on top of him the way you did. 
💤-“Wait! I didn’t say I wouldn’t court you.” You exclaimed, holding onto him tight.
💤-“Really?” He breathed, the light in his eyes flickering again. 
💤-“Yes! I’ll be sure to make you an actual courting gift. Though I’m having a difficult time thinking about what it should be. I usually gave my other Alphas a crocheted scarf.” You blinked, realizing the man had no use for one.
💤-“Other Alphas.” He growled, his tentacles squeezing you possessively.  
💤-“Don’t worry about them. They are long gone. You are the only Alpha I’m thinking about now.” You hummed, pecking him lightly on the lips. 
💤-You felt a spark shoot down your spine at the small touch. 
💤-The pleasant purr that came out of his chest made you giggle. 
💤-“More.” He purred, leaning forwards. 
💤-“Anything for you Alpha.” You said, leaning forward to meet him. 
I mean there could be a few more Omegas stranded at sea. Who knows. 🤷‍♀️ Lol I almost didn’t post this so I hope you like it! Please be sure to leave a note and tell me your thoughts on this AU. 
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missmonsters2 · 3 years
Close to You
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Edit: gif by giuliacommissions
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader/OFC
Prompt: I’ll keep you warm. Hold me closer.
Note: As we all know, Wanda Maximoff is the love of my life. A break for softness bc Between the Lines will be angsty and sad for a while 👀
Warnings: this is fucking soft™
Genre: Fluff
Count: 3453
The world is beautiful. 
The sunlight's warmth caresses your cheek, a light wind running its breeze through your hair. The only sound you can hear is the soft music playing and a light snore. The smell of pine wafts through the air as you drive at a steady pace. There's no rush; you are exactly where you want to be. 
You hear a slight mumble to your right, and you turn over to see Wanda shifting slightly in her seat but doesn't wake. Her eyes are closed as she curls as much as she can in the passenger seat. 
Your lip curves upward gently as you turn your attention back to the road.
You think of the girl beside you. 
The world is beautiful.
And it was worth saving. 
You constantly have to remind yourself of that fact. Otherwise, you don't think you could get up anymore. 
Defeating Thanos had taken everything. 
Natasha was gone. Tony was gone. Vision was gone. Steve was not gone, but his hip would probably break if he moved the wrong way, so fighting was out of the question for the old man. 
So many people were still gone, and the world never felt so lonely. 
You lean your head against your fist towards the window, feeling more of the wind against your face and hair. Taking a deep breath in, you let it out slowly through your nose. 
Another noise beside you draws your attention back, and you find Wanda waking slowly. She's a little disgruntled, and the side of her hair has lifted and looped from her sleep. 
You bite your tongue, holding in the words that want to come out. 
Wanda is absolutely charming.
Still, Wanda turns her head to you a little too quickly, unintentionally catching your thoughts. Her cheeks dust a light rose color as she runs her fingers through her hair to straighten herself out. 
"Hey," she rasps, still groggy. Grabbing the water bottle between the two of you, she takes a long gulp, finishing with a light sigh.
"Hey, sleepyhead," you smile. Wanda looks apologetic, but you just chuckle it off. 
Wanda looks out the window, breath hitching just ever so slightly at the view. She likes that it feels like the world could go on and on forever in the car with you. The trees look lusher, the air seems crisper, and even the sky seems a little happier--if that makes sense. 
"Where are we heading today?" Wanda asks patiently.
Every few days to a week is always new, and Wanda has been on the road with you for a while. She's learned that sometimes you have a place in mind and the other times? You're just driving until you decide you like where you are.
"To Lake Cushman," you tap the steering wheel with your index finger in a slow, steady rhythm. Wanda hums as she rolls down her window too to feel the breeze on her skin. 
The rest of the drive is serene. The two of you enjoy the ride, listening to the same song over and over again.
When you get to the lake, you park the car, and Wanda goes to the trunk to help you carry things out. Wanda spends her time at the edge of the lake blowing up the inflatable boat you packed along manually. 
You smile.
It wasn't always like this. In fact, Wanda wasn't even someone you were really close with. Of course, you were a team, and you wouldn't hesitate to have her back in a battle. But Wanda used to have her own world with Vision, and that world existed far from you. 
It wasn't until the funeral that the two of you really noticed each other. 
The funeral left you with a hollow feeling. You stood with Clint and Wanda for a minute more before you turned to leave, muttering about contacting you if something happened. 
You were a traveler, always have been. Being an Avenger never changed that. 
You hugged Morgan and Pepper before you went to your car to pack things up.
"Can I come with you?"
The sudden words made you turn around. 
Wanda stood there, the rim of her eyes red from crying and also trying to hold in the tears. Her legs stood together straight, but she held her hands together in front of her tightly, revealing she was worried about you rejecting her. 
You stared at her for a long moment.
"Of course."
The first few weeks to two months of traveling was strange. You're not sure what possessed Wanda to ask you if she could tag along. You're not sure what possessed you to say yes.  
Wanda didn't talk much, still grieving just like you. That left the road trips with tons of silence. You weren't really sure of what to think about the company or her specifically. The only time Wanda had ever seemed happy was with Vision, and now he was gone. 
But still, you think you could pinpoint a certain day that things seemed to change. 
"No powers."
Wanda frowned. "Why not?"
"It's my rules when traveling. If you want to tag along, no powers unless we really need it." You stood firm with your stance. 
The two of you were on a hike, particularly a long one with a lot of inclines. Wanda wanted to float her way up--generously offering to take you as well, but you said no.
"You think showing our powers would be dangerous?" Wanda scrunches her brows together with a slight frown on her lips. 
"No," you blinked. 
"Then, why?" Wanda asks exasperatedly. 
You sigh, looking at the girl before you. "Wanda, there are times when efficiency is good. Like when our lives are at stake, or we're in a battle or a mission. Powers are wonderful when we need to save others."
You turn your head to look around the scenery. "But look around here," you tell her, your peripheral vision catching Wanda doing as she's told. "Right now, it's just you and me on a hike. The world isn't falling apart, no fight that needs to be fought, and we have absolutely no rush to be anywhere."
You turn your head back to Wanda's, catching the other girl's vibrant but confused eyes. "For people like us, we generally don't have the luxury to waste time. But if we get the chance the smell the flowers along the way, shouldn't we?"
Wanda stares at you. Blinking once, then twice. 
And then a tentative, shy smile blooms. 
"I used to hate the sky."
The comment is said so quietly you almost miss it, but it breaks you out of thought. 
You move your head further to the side, catching Wanda, who is still staring at the sky. The two of you lie on your backs on opposite edges of the inflatable boat. 
"Yeah?" You say as you move your head back to look at the sky along with Wanda. A warm leg moves and presses against yours, and you think about how wonderful it is to be able to share the same sky with Wanda. "Why?"
Wanda is silent, seemingly shocked because no one has ever asked why. So, she presses her lips together, trying to formulate her answer.
"I guess...I hated that the sky always seemed to pass by," Wanda sighs as she closes her eyes. "It was like time was passing by, and I didn't get the chance to notice it. I'd wake up when it was still dark, and by the time I was done the day, it was dark again."
At this point, Wanda can't tell if the warmth against her leg is hers or yours. All she knows is that she wants more of it. 
"I guess you don't hate it anymore?" You chuckle a little, knowing you and Wanda spend most days relaxing in the sun. 
Wanda opens her eyes, staring at the clear blue sky. The thought of how she's always learning something from you crosses her mind.
For example, if they have the luxury to enjoy the flowers along the journey, they should. 
Or oranges can be very flammable. 
But Wanda has come to realize things on her own too.
Like how life is made up of moments, and if she decides to be just a little brave, she can get the moments she wants. 
"The sky is beautiful during the day," Wanda concedes, but she bites her lip as you hum. Taking a deep breath before swallowing. Her moment of bravery comes in the form of sliding her hand across the small boat, her fingers just meeting the start of yours. "But I no longer mind when it's dark when I wake up and dark when my day ends if I am with you."
You turn your hand over, palm facing up as you curl your fingers to just hook Wanda's fingers.
You're the first to wake up from your slumber. You don't even remember falling asleep. After having enough of lounging in the boat, you took Wanda on another hike. At the very top, you packed food along with a blanket. You and Wanda sat under the shade, watching the horizon just beyond the valley with soft talks about hopes and dreams. 
There's a sadness in Wanda that you don't think will ever go away, but you watch her with slow eyes as she talks about how it would be wonderful to exist in a tiny evergreen lush island. 
Wanda has a lovely complexion with rosy cheeks as she looks at her hands, talking about an island that may only exist in her dreams. Her long lashes draw you in, and you wonder if it's terrible of you to notice such things. 
You check your watch, noticing you only slept for half an hour, and look over to Wanda, who is curled against you. She sleeps peacefully as there's still plenty of daylight out. You look up, the sun passing through the leaves and branches above you.
Wanda sniffles slightly in her sleep. You turn over to find the girl shiver just once, shuffling closer to you to seek warmth.  
As you take your jacket off to drape it over her, you wonder how and when you got pulled under Wanda's spell.
The day comes to a quiet end after dinner and sitting by the campfire. The wonderful thing about your car is that you can push the back seat down and make a little bed to rest in. 
The back is filled with pillows and blankets, and as you have your pillow propped up with your back against it, you can look out the back window of your car and into the skyline outside. 
Perhaps it's because the two of you have slept most of the day, but sleep doesn't come as easily at night. You've got your Bluetooth speaker playing music in the background to relax you. 
"I can't sleep," Wanda mumbles and sits up. You chuckle as Wanda props her pillow up, too, with a sigh. 
She rests her head back, looking through the sunroof, and gazes at the stars. 
"Do you want me to turn off the music?" You ask, but Wanda shakes her head, hair falling from her ear as she does.
"No, I probably napped too much today." 
"Our sleep schedule is going to get fucked if we keep napping during the day," you snicker. "I guess we should find more things to do during the day than a hike. I was thinking maybe we could start going into town to do things."
"Like what?" Wanda asks.
You shrug. "Go to museums, actually eat at a restaurant, watch movies in a theatre. I don't know. Anything we want to, I guess."
Wanda gnaws on her lips because all those things sound like a date, and her fingers thrum against the floor in anticipation. She looks at you, blinking while you stare back, unsure.
"I'm cold," Wanda states, leaving you in confusion.
"Oh, uh..." You stutter, feeling your body tense. "Do you want more blankets? A sweater?"
Wanda stares at you with a tilt of her head. "No."
You press your lips together, opening the blanket just a little from where you are, and offer your arms to the other girl. Wanda may be using all the courage she has, and you realize now is not the time to be dense. 
And it's worth it when Wanda can't help but smile as she scoots closer into your arms as you hold her, pulling the blanket up to her shoulder. 
There's a certain tingle on your skin. A pit in your stomach, a warmth that spreads through your chest when Wanda's body presses against yours. The way she lies against across your chest while you cradle her in your arms. The smell of cinnamon and orange blossoms permeate the air you breathe, and even though you're in the middle of nowhere, you feel like you're home. 
Wanda sighs in contentment. She likes the way you don't say anything else, and the only words that float through your mind are lyrics from the song playing in the background.
The hours pass like it's nothing, and soon, the sun rises steadily. The sky becomes a palette of colors you've seen a million times. You've seen every color of the sky. But seeing everything again with Wanda is different.
You hold Wanda tighter in your arms, becoming more daring as your fingers trail across her arm covered by her shirt. The scent of her hair flirts with you as your fingers trail up her arm until you trace her bare collarbone. The way Wanda breathes is noticeable, filling her chest as it rises and holds. 
Your hand drops and Wanda tilts her head to look up at you.
The sky is no longer just pink and orange. It's cotton candy that trickles far and wide. It's the color that reflects off of Wanda's skin, hitting her eyes, and for a moment, you think you saw a glimpse into the future. 
"Why me?"
The question holds nothing but soft wondering. Within the words, Wanda suspects you mean why did she ask to come with you that day?
Why now?
Wanda licks her bottom lip.
"Why did you say yes?" She counters back. 
You don't say anything. You try to think of an answer, but nothing comes to your head. The truth is you don't know why. You just looked at her that day, and you couldn't have pictured yourself saying no. 
Wanda shifts, looking back at the sunrise. 
"Did Stephen ever tell you there's millions and millions of realities out there?"
You sigh with a grimace, "Yes, so many times."
Wanda chuckles raspily, and you feel the vibrations against your chest. 
"It's strange, isn't it? To think so many versions of you exist out there, that every reality would be different from the one we exist in today," Wanda lifts her hand from out the blanket, holding up and letting the sunlight filter through her fingers.
You don't say anything and only listen to Wanda because this may be the most she's spoken since coming on this trip.
"I loved Vision," Wanda says finally. "I don't think I will ever find a love I had with him again."
You blink, unsure what to make of that statement. You understand it, you really do. You'll always be understanding of her grief, and yet, your tight arms around her begin to feel awkward. 
Wanda chuckles again, dropping her hand back down on your arm to keep it in place. "And that's okay."
"I have lost so much," Wanda's breath shutters for a moment. "We both have."
You swallow slowly, trying to not like the pang of pain distract you. 
"But as much as I have lost, I've always gained something. I've lost my parents, and that led to gaining powers. I've lost my home country, but I gained a family with the Avengers. I've lost Pietro, and I gained Vision. I've lost Vis," Wanda swallows, "And I gained you."
"So, when you ask why you," Wanda licks her lips, "It's because I'm no stranger to loss. Even though grief has come to my door again, I know something good when I see it. And I saw you. I saw this moment."
"This moment?" You scrunch your brows together. It's such an odd moment to see, and yet so much of Wanda's behavior over the last six months made more sense. 
Wanda sits up, turning to face you as the blanket draped over her slides down her back. Hands pressed against the ground on either side of your legs, she leans in close. You catch specks of the sky in her eyes, but this one isn't just the cotton candy that's just outside. 
You catch specks of all the beautiful lush green trees you've seen. The sea and the sand the waves push up against. You see the white sun and shy hands that inch closer until they meet. 
A hand touches your jaw, shyly sliding further until Wanda holds your cheek. 
"Are you cold?" She murmurs, feeling the lack of warmth from sitting upright the entire night. 
"Yeah," You mumble as Wanda leans closer and closer until you can feel her breath on your lips. 
"I'll keep you warm," Wanda whispers, and you feel the brush of her lips. "Hold me closer."
"You know, I wish there was a way– that I could let her know. That we won." Clint looks over at Wanda. "We did it."
"She knows--they both do." The rim of Wanda's eyes is red as she looks out onto the lake. Clint gives her a side hug that she returns for a long minute.
"You know where to reach me if you need me," you mutter, turning to leave the two alone.
Wanda looks at your retreating form. You didn't shed a single tear at the funeral, but she did not blame you. She had recognized that kind of grief on herself once upon a time, and she knows it's the kind that hurts more than any crying could. 
Clint eventually bids his farewell and takes off, leaving her alone to gaze out onto the lake. 
More tears well up, and Wanda isn't sure if she should let them fall or will them to magically go back into her eyes. It seems she decided too slow, and the tears well over down her cheeks as someone comes to stand next to her. 
He takes a deep breath, holding his hands behind his back.
"I'm sorry for your loss," he politely passes his condolences. 
"Me too," Wanda says without breaking her view. 
It's silent for another minute.
"You know," Stephen squints as if that will let him see further. "I went through 14 million realities to see which one where we would win and only came out with one."
"If this is supposed to make me better, it's not--"
"Hear me out," Stephen cuts Wanda off. "In every reality that we manage to bring everyone back, including the one where we win, there was only one thing consistent."
Wanda laughs humorlessly. "And what's that?"
"You are grieving, yes, but," Stephen turns to face Wanda, causing her to turn to him as well. "You gain something so, so very beautiful."
Wanda's brows furrows, confused at what Stephen is trying to hint at. It isn't until he turns his attention to something that she turns too, stunned. 
It's you, slowly packing your car. 
"Strange, isn't it?" Stephen muses like he's talking to himself. "14 million realities, and every single one you return in, you gain her."
Wanda stares at you, unsure what to make of what Stephen is telling her.
"Why her?" She mumbles.
Stephen grins.
"I think you're a smart girl, Wanda," he tells her without answering her question. "I think if you let yourself, you'll see something good. You'll see her, even if you are grieving."
Stephen places his hand on her shoulder, giving her an encouraging squeeze before he walks away.
Wanda stands there, still looking at you while she tilts her head just to the side slightly. 
And she's not sure what happens, but she sees something in her head.
A cotton candy sky, the light barely visible. She sees pillows and blankets in the back of a car. She hears the same song playing over and over in the background. 
Wanda sees you.
She sees you in a light she's never had before, in a way she didn't think was ever possible. 
"I'm cold," you whine, and Wanda sees herself smiling as she leans closer. 
"I'll keep you warm," she sees herself bold and wanting. "Hold me closer."
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paterson-blue · 3 years
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Shadow of the Sea: Chapter 1
Summary: Kylo is used to being alone. It's how he's survived this long, in the cold ocean depths. He can take care of himself. Other creatures--other merfolk--are dangerous; he has the scars to prove it. Humans, however, are the worst of all. But one day, Kylo finds he has no other choice but to turn to one for help. The human he meets is nothing like he expects, and all he knows is he wants more. Is he willing to pay the price?
Word Count: 4,394
Warnings: fem!AFAB!reader, plot set up, kylo ren needs a hug confirmed, non-graphic descriptions of violence & bodily harm, brief mentions of blood & wounds, very vague medical descriptions lol, minor character death (happens off screen), oh but there's also one that happens on screen but it's brief, big time ocean nostalgia from your dear author— let me know if I need to add anything else!
A/N: Thank you @paper-n-ashes for beta reading! Icon behavior tbh.
Prefer AO3? I gotcha!
Kylo prided himself on his independence—his ferocity, his ability to fight his way out of every corner. His body was scarred and battle-hardened, but that didn’t matter. It was proof he was a survivor, and it’s not like he had anyone around him to care about his appearance. Most creatures he saw took one look at his massive form and ran.
He was intimidating, all muscle, his fins torn from previous fights. While his skin was pale, his scales were an onyx color; it made blending into the ocean depths easier. He couldn’t understand why merfolk’s standard of beauty was a brightly colored tail; didn’t it make camouflaging more difficult?
He guessed most merfolk didn’t care about that. They lived in large groups, colorful and cheerful and busy amongst other plant and animal life. Not many delved into the cold, murky areas Kylo had made his home. But he’d been there as long as he could remember, and there was no sense in changing things. He wouldn’t be welcome in the warmer waters anyway. They didn’t want him, and he didn’t want them.
So he kept away, and no one dared bother him. Those that did quickly learned not to. He had killed many creatures, and while it was all in defense, his reputation still preceded him. After all, he’d once fought one of the most dangerous predators the ocean knew, and he’d won.
He’d killed a human, after they’d captured him in their net. He’d overpowered them easily, yanked them from their boat into the water; he hadn’t even flinched when their little fishing knife plunged into his side. He’d watched with a furious gaze as the air left their lungs, their pathetic struggling eventually ceasing. Then he’d calmly cut himself loose from the netting. The knife wound had scarred over, but it was just one more to add to his collection.
Yes, Kylo prided himself on his abilities. He had no fear, no weakness; he never ran from a fight.
He was running now.
He’d been foolish. He should have realized why his normal hunting grounds had been so devoid of fish for the past few days—he should have seen the signs, should have been more careful. But hunger makes you desperate; makes you stupid. He hadn’t been paying attention, too focused on the singular fish he’d found.
It seemed to happen all at once. A sudden blow to his head that left him reeling, pain shooting through his skull as he whips himself around in attempts to find his attacker. A searing burn in his side the exact moment he feels a sharp pinch at the back of his neck. His head starts to spin with confusion, the scent of his own blood in the water.
He spots a figure out of the corner of his eye, and his heart leaps into his throat. It was a human, and they had some sort of weapon pointed right at him.
Kylo doesn’t think—he just bolts. They don’t seem to follow him at first, and he doesn’t understand why until he starts to feel the first symptoms of whatever they’ve injected him with. It makes him dizzy, makes his vision start to blur as a sickening metallic taste fills his mouth.
No, he thinks. I won’t let them do this.
He pulls strength from deep within and pushes himself to swim faster, farther. He hears a muffled shout from behind, and oh, they’re pursuing him now.
He swims frantically, skirting around rocks and through kelp forests, desperately trying to lose them even though he thinks he might hear the dull thrum of a boat motor over the thudding of blood in his ears. Kriff, he was so tired. It would be so easy to let the human magic overtake him, to sink to the ocean floor.
Was this death? A dreamless sleep that crept over your senses until you had no choice but to succumb to it? Kylo doesn’t want to die, not like this. Not where they can get to him, at least.
He doesn’t know where he’s going, doesn’t even know where he is until he catches a quick glimpse of a familiar rock formation. His mind is in shambles, drugged and panicked, lacking oxygen as his gills burn with the strain of his labored breathing.
A cove. Not too far from here. Too shallow for a boat, too rocky for humans. A cave to shelter in. Go, swim, fast, now, now, go.
The voice in his head doesn’t feel like his own—it’s frantic, urgent, thoughtless. Usually he was so composed, controlled. The threat of death had turned him into nothing more than an animal; he’s never felt so small.
He ducks and weaves as he swims towards the hidden cove, trying to convince himself he’s doing it on purpose and not just fading in and out of consciousness. If he can just stay awake a little longer, if he can just make it to that kriffing cave, he can die with dignity. Alone and cold, drugged and bleeding, but away from the humans trying to hurt him.
Kylo nearly loses his speed when he breeches the shallow waters of the cove, his mind wanting to shut down now that he’s made it. He forces himself to keep going despite his nausea and lightheadedness. His lungs are screaming, muscles aching; he scrapes his tail against the rocky outcroppings as he searches frantically for the mouth of the underwater cave.
It’s here, it’s here. I know it’s here, I’ve seen it, I mapped it. Where is it?!
His hands snag against an opening, just barely big enough for him to squeeze through, and he darts into it. It’s a tight fit, and for a brief second Kylo is terrified he’ll get stuck and pass out from whatever the humans hit him with—he’ll die, trapped, never to be found.
But then, quick as a flash, he’s through to the other side. The small tunnel opens up into a larger cavern, protected from the elements and decorated with several pools of varying depths. He’d explored it once, curious, thinking it would be a nice place to hide. It was a little too close to humanity for his comfort, but then again he’d never seen this area very populated. He’d figured he’d keep it in the back of his mind for later.
Turns out later was now.
Kylo pulls himself to the edge of the main and deepest pool, looking around urgently through spotty vision. There was a pool in the corner, half hidden by rocks—it looked shallow, but just deep enough to be submerged. Exhaling fast, he hauls himself up and out of the water, coughing and choking as his body tries to adjust from using his gills to his mouth and nose to breathe. It was never an easy transition, and he hated doing it, but right now it was what he needed.
He growls to himself as he pulls his heavy body along the rough stone cave floor, his normally nimble tail a dead weight. If he wasn’t about to faint, he thinks he’d be a bit more graceful. By the time he rolls unceremoniously into the shallow pool, his palms are all scraped up and bleeding. He doesn’t care; barely feels the sting. He’s not really feeling much of anything at this point, head spinning out of control.
Laying like this on his back, head propped up against the ledge of the pool, Kylo gazes up at the jagged rock ceiling. His lungs crackle as he heaves in breaths, heart still pounding loudly. It’s hard to hear anything else, and he wonders again if his attackers are closing in on him. Does it even matter? His dying mind questions. He doesn’t have an opportunity to think of a retort before his body finally breaks, and he succumbs to the drug induced sleep.
You wake to the familiar sounds of distant crashing waves, whistling wind, and calls of seagulls. After years on the island, the noise was a comfort.
You’d grown up here, in this same cottage by the sea--been raised fishing, hunting for mussels, searching through tide pools. You and your siblings would bike into town to sell your wares at the local market before heading down to the pier to watch the boats come and go. It was a simple life, sometimes a little isolated, but it was good nonetheless. You loved the island and the ocean, and held great respect for them both. If you honor them, they will honor you--at least, that’s what your mother always said.
Your siblings grew up and moved to the mainland, but still you stayed. Got yourself a little apartment in town above the local grocery, worked at the marina as a clerk, and visited your parents on the weekends. When your mother passed, your father followed just weeks later—a broken heart, everyone said. Suddenly, your beloved little slice of heaven—of home—belonged to you.
So you moved back into the cottage you grew up in, a place haunted by the ghosts of memories and the sounds of the sea. If you’re being honest with yourself, you wouldn’t trade it for the world, no matter how many times you pretend to entertain your siblings’ urging to rent the place out. Think of all the money you’d make. It’s the perfect vacation spot.
Maybe so, but you don’t care. You don’t want strangers in your home—not those tourists who come to fawn over the village, who eat up the landscape with cameras without really seeing it, who gawk at the fishermen, who laugh at the prices at the market. They would probably call your cottage quaint and cute. You could picture them tittering over your family photos on the mantle, over the door frame where heights had been marked over the years.
Tourists, who both long for and pity an isolated life on the ocean. Oh, they have it so easy here, away from the stress of the city. Oh, could you imagine living this way, barely scraping by?
No, you didn’t want them in your home, a place so sacred. You didn’t care what money you were missing out on—you got by fine with your pay from the marina, and picking up shifts at the local cafe. You loved your cottage—savored every creaky floorboard, every leaky windowsill. The drip of the bathroom faucet, the howl of the sea wind through the chimney—these were the sounds of familiarity, of safety. No one would appreciate them like you did.
Twisting around in bed, you turn your gaze towards the open window that was letting in a fresh, salty breeze. It was early, the light still dim and grey, the air a little chilly. It makes you want to curl back up under your covers, catch a couple more hours of shut-eye. It was your day off, after all; you could afford to sleep in.
You sigh, scrubbing your hands over your face as you remember what your yesterday brain had planned. You’d told yourself you’d get up in order to gather mussels at low tide. There were plenty of tide pools around, especially in the caved area of the cove. It was your family’s little secret—the hidden grotto was all but invisible from the outside. The only reason you even knew about it was because your brother had been too adventurous for his own good as a child, always getting into places he shouldn’t.
Mussels, clams, seaweed, probably fish in the deeper tide pools—maybe some sea urchin you could sell at the market. Your stomach growls.
Well, that’s that.
Groaning, you haul yourself up and out of bed, wincing at the cold hardwood on your bare feet. You bounce on your toes, shivering, goosebumps appearing on your skin as you pad over to close the window. Despite growing up here, you were always surprised at the temperature. You stubbornly let in the breeze at night, all bundled up under your covers, pretending when you woke it would be nice and warm.
But nope, not here; even in the dead of summer the mornings were chilly. Sometimes you dreamed that you lived on one of those big, luxurious, heated beaches—hot sun and white sand as far as the eye could see, no craggy cliffs or rocky shores. Eh. You probably wouldn’t like it much anyway, too used to your own environment.
Glancing at the clock, you quickly throw on some warm clothes, half-assing your regular morning routine before grabbing your tide-pool hunting essentials: a flashlight, knee-high waders, a large bucket, and your trusty fishing knife. You take a deep breath at the front door, bracing yourself for the chill. Just think of the feast you’ll have later. And you can reward yourself with a hot bath and long nap.
It’s not too long a distance from the cottage to the rocky shoreline, and while the low tide has revealed the tempting sand leading towards the rolling waves, you head towards the jagged outcropping to the left. Years of following the same path means it doesn’t take you long at all to find the hidden entrance and carefully make your way into the cavern.
In the middle of a sunny day, light shone in through various cracks in the ceiling, glinting off the water and creating flickering reflections against the stone walls. Sometimes you came here just to think, or to take a dip in the largest pool. The water was always warmer here, protected from the full power of the currents by the rock face.
Now, however, it was dark—only the dimmest bit of grey morning light trickled in. You flick on the flashlight, humming softly to yourself. The melody echoes off the stone walls, and you set your bucket down at the closest tide pool, readying yourself to hunker down and get to work. The beam of the light scans the various pools as you turn to get your knife from its holder, and something catches your eye. It’s not much, and honestly if you weren’t so familiar with the cave you probably wouldn’t have noticed the dark shape in the far corner pool.
At first, you do a double take, eyes sweeping over the little red-tinged puddles on the floor. Blood. You grip your knife, mind racing with possibilities. Was there someone in here with you? Surely not. No one ever came out here. Swallowing hard, you take a couple steps towards the corner, torch in one hand and knife in the other. As you get closer, your gaze tracks the diluted blood trail into the pool, and at first all you notice is the black scales and fins of a fish. The grip on your knife loosens just a little, the fear of a possible threat fading.
It's a big animal, you can tell that even as you make your way over, and you wonder idly how it got in. You knew, logically, that the cave connected to the ocean somehow, but you can't imagine the tide being so high for a fish as large as this one to find its way into the back corner. You’re focused on this conundrum as you round the ledge that’s been shielding the animal from your full view--so much so that it takes you more than a couple moments for your mind to compute just what it's seeing.
The tail is thick and muscular, decorated in obsidian scales that lead to delicate looking fins at the bottom. There were smaller, fan looking fins on the sides of the tail--they were all ripped up, as if they had been torn in previous fights. Your brain clocks all of this in seconds but doesn’t dwell, because it’s focused on the top half of the animal--creature--merman.
Merman. A fucking merman.
The ebony scales at the waist fade seamlessly into pale skin and lean muscle, revealing a long, firm torso. If you weren’t so aware of the tail, you might--might--think he could pass for human. Well, except for the webbed fingers and razor-sharp nails adorning each of his hands. He’s half submerged in the water of the pool, dark hair covering part of his face so you can’t see it.
You stand there, frozen, staring, not quite knowing what to do. You weren’t… scared; weren’t even very surprised aside from the initial shock of seeing him. You’d grown up hearing stories, traditions, tales—it was more than folklore here on the island. Some of the elders believed in merfolk more than ghosts, more than aliens, more than god.
Mr. Mackenzie told tales of mermaids luring in his shipmates as prey, drowning them. You always thought they were just stories designed to scare children away from dangerous tides—and maybe they were. But other accounts, you weren’t so sure of.
It was the wonder on Ms. Fraser’s face when she recounted the long-ago memory of swimming along sandbars with a girl who could breathe underwater. It was the quiet reverence of Mr. McDougall’s voice when he whispered about removing an old fish hook from a merman’s tail. It was the tears in Mrs. Buchanan’s eyes when she insisted merfolk rescued her husband from a fishing boat wreck.
You believed them. You always had, even if you’d done it silently, bashfully. You knew those who still made offerings to the ocean and to the beings that dwelled within the depths. Your island community believed in things not seen, but passed down through generations of storytelling. It was your history, kept alive despite first hand encounters becoming few and far between.
Except, here it was—your own little slice of history, right in front of you. If you took a couple more steps, you could reach out and touch it.
Is he breathing?
The little voice in your head brings you back down to your body, and a sudden fear overtakes you. You can’t let him die—if he was even still alive to begin with. You glance nervously at the pinkish trail of blood leading to the pool; the sight makes you reach some sort of resolve.
Hyper-aware of the claws on his hands, you kneel down beside him, hesitating only briefly before you settle your hand on his large bicep. He doesn’t stir, and your stomach twists unpleasantly. Your hand slides down to his wrist, and while you can admit you aren’t an expert on merfolk anatomy, surely you’ll be able to feel a pulse from the spidery blue veins under his pale skin.
Relief washes over you in a wave when you do, indeed, find a pulse—slow, but strong. Okay, not dead then. Still, he doesn’t move, so you take it upon yourself to move his damp hair out of his face, curling it behind his prominent ears.
He’s handsome.
You feel yourself flush, immediately chastising yourself for the thought. This was—best case scenario—a complete stranger who was wounded and in possible danger. Worst case scenario… you didn’t want to think about. Needless to say, it was no time to be thinking about his level of attractiveness.
You force yourself back into action, cupping his head as you hold your hand under his nose. His breathing is steady, and you gently lay his head back where it rested on the rock ledge. Your fingertips brush against something, and you frown as you realize he has a lump on the back of his skull—as if he’s been hit. You can only hope it hasn’t done too serious damage; it wasn’t like you could really take him to the hospital.
Your attention moves down his body, and you make yourself bypass the gills in his neck in order to properly gauge his wounds. Minor cuts and scrapes littered his skin; from the number of scars decorating his form, you figure these aren’t a big deal, no matter how nasty they look. Not compared to the gash on his side, at least.
You wince when you see it, the delicate flesh torn open and ragged. The cut makes you think it’s from some man-made weapon, and you shake your head in disbelief. Who would want to harm a merman? Around here, it would be blasphemous to do such a thing.
Blood no longer seeps from the wound; you hope that’s a good sign—and that the salt water has somewhat cleaned the area. You think it may have needed stitches, but you’re no doctor with the ability to do such a procedure. If you're being honest with yourself, it’s probably far too late for stitches anyway. The wound would be another nasty scar, likely similar to the one marring his face, but the area isn’t red with infection. That’s a good sign, right?
You sigh, feeling helpless. You want to do something for the creature. There’s only one thing you can really think of. Chewing on your bottom lip, you study his face again. He still seems unresponsive, and you can only hope he stays that way a little longer.
The short trek back up to your home feels the longest it’s ever been, and your legs and lungs are burning by the time you rush through the front door, having run the entire way. You heave in breaths as you pack some supplies into a bag. It wasn’t much, but you should be able to use the waterproof gauze and antibiotic ointment to dress the nasty-looking scrapes on his hands and chest.
You hesitate for a moment before going into your bathroom and grabbing the waterproof pillow you had in the tub. Maybe it was silly, but you hated thinking about him lying on the hard ground for fuck knows how long. You almost grab some food for him—maybe the fish currently thawing in your fridge—but you decide not to. You weren’t sure what he ate, and there was no telling when he’d wake up anyway.
Your breathing has just settled back to normal by the time you’re jogging back to the cave, careful not to slip on any of the wet grass and rocks. The sun starts to peak out of the morning clouds, letting pale beams of light warm the grey morning. The cavern is illuminated slightly better when you enter; you find you can lay the flashlight at a distance and see just fine.
The merman is still asleep, and you feel a little relieved. You aren’t exactly sure what will happen when he wakes up—for all you know, you’ll return later in the day to find him gone. As it is, you plop down next to the pool he was in and get to work patching him up the best you can.
Taking the towel you brought with you, you dab at his scrapes, trying to dry them a little before applying the ointment and then carefully using the gauze to cover the wounds. His palms are so torn up that you wrap them completely, your brows knitted the entire time. It must hurt, but still, he doesn’t stir.
Finally, you’re left with the gash in his side. You debate with yourself as to whether you should cover it or not—if you even can. The front of his torso was out of the water with the way he was laying, but that could change at any second, and any real pressure on his body would cause him to sink into the pool.
Your urge to help him wins out in the end, and you decide you’ll try to bandage it to protect it from any further irritation, despite knowing water would seep in regardless. You lean forward, extra careful not to lose your balance as you pat at his pale skin with the towel once more. It’s an awkward angle and slow work, you trying your best to be gentle with him.
You add as much ointment as you dare to the bandaging, not wanting to put too much onto an open wound, before fixing the gauze to his torso with some waterproof medical tape. There. Sure, it wasn’t going to work a miracle but at this point you weren’t sure what else to do.
He’ll be okay, you tell yourself. He’ll be okay.
You take a moment to watch the rise and fall of his chest, reassured by the movement. Your gaze again drifts to his tail in fascination—you hope that, maybe, you’ll come back later and he’ll be awake. Maybe he’ll be friendly, maybe the two of you can talk. It’s illogical, you know. This wasn’t some fairytale, this was real life. You honestly just hoped he didn’t try to rip you to shreds on sight.
It’s with this thought in mind that you shift away from him, telling yourself you can’t sit and watch him all day. You have several other pools to collect mussels from, breakfast to cook, chores to do. You’ve done enough, and you have to trust that his body will do the rest—you refuse to entertain the idea that he might not make it.
Sighing, you pull yourself further away, but then remember the pillow you’d brought along. You grab it quickly before shuffling back towards him. He’s got a large lump of seaweed shoved haphazardly under his head in what you assume was a desperate attempt to soften the rock face underneath.
His damp hair is surprisingly soft when you gently lift his head to clear the ground of debris. You can’t help but run your fingers through it gently, brushing it behind his ears, almost trying to soothe his subconscious. You settle the small foam pillow in place, and slowly let his head and neck rest against it. You hope it makes some sort of difference, though you know it might be a childish thought.
Your task finished, you force yourself away from him once more, even though you suddenly ache to continue touching him. Picking up your things, you continue on your mission of prying mussels from each tidepool. You move slower and quieter than you normally would, shooting the merman furtive glances every few seconds.
By the time you’re finished with the last pool, you can’t find an excuse to linger any longer. He was as safe as he was going to be. The only thing left to do now was wait. You spare your new charge one last lingering look, then grab your things and head back to the house.
taglist friends!
@leatherboundbirate @fathersonandhouseofgucci @paper-n-ashes @direnightshade @jynzandtonic @glassbxttless @barbers-glimmerin-darlin @hopeamarsu @mariesackler @millenialcatlady @sacklerscumrag @peachyproserpina @cornmousequeen @eagerforhoney @icarusinthesea @heartofjakku
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