#also donate and join protests if you are able to
risoria · 4 hours
so. have you seen the pictures from Rafah of the blackened, charred infants? the toddler with no head?
i would like to ask a favour of everyone seeing this post, from one human to another. don't think about the things you can't do - because as it seems, nothing is enough, and nobody can do enough - there is no use to be paralyzed by these thoughts. instead focus on the things you are already doing and the things you can do. i will start by compile a small list of personal suggestions, and please add to it from your own resources! this list is not numbered, i will just add things that i can think of off the top of my head and if it is of any help to at least one person, thats good. take care of yourself - that includes taking care of others, and this world we live in.
this is obvious but keep listening to Palestinian voices. i am mostly active on twitter so i will give some examples from there: Hind_Gaza, HossamShabat, BayanPalestine (press). MuhammadSmiry, does community work with Care for Gaza. m7mdkurd. Everyone is saying mostly the same thing - keep talking, keep protesting, keep boycotting. so do it.
keep talking. humans are social animals and it's as simple as this: the ongoing genocide is dire, urgent and catastrophic - i dont think i need to tell you that. but when people, a lot of people, share posts with each other and reiterate this fact the urgency will be felt stronger by everyone, and reach people who would otherwise maybe not see the reports of the genocide on their screens. if people instead choose to stop sharing and stop talking because it's "been so long" or it's "too difficult", the suffering will become normalized and the only thing people will see on their feeds are mundane things - food, pets, fandoms, and it will send the message that oh, it's not that important after all.... sometimes, you SHOULD feel disturbed and uncomfortable. these feelings are not evil - they will be channelled into actions to better a situation and better the world. silence is violence.
search for protests near your town, sometimes they're hard to find but once you find your local organizations for the Palestinian movement, follow them and you will usually find them! this all depends on where you live of course - but most often there will be fundraisers and events and mailing campaigns etc, and the more people joining the better. and, most importantly i would say, share these events and pictures (no faces of strangers, ofc! from protests on your facebook, twitter etc - because that way people close to you will see them and that it's completely rational and normal to attend protests, and if they've been on the fence maybe they will reach out and join you.
donate if you are able and share links to the different organizations - some examples are Care for Gaza, Sulala animal rescue, the Gazan Municipality Life for Gaza project (https://gaza-city.ensany.com/campaign/6737), the PCRF.
individual gofundmes - here is the google doc with a lot of campaigns, but im sure there are lots of them that arent yet added: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-DDMFyn-ttboPXrz1bB3MFk7BlzCwfugh4259Wh7U1s/htmlview
donate e-sims, which will be sent by the Esims for Gaza team to people in Gaza, to help communicate with their families etc during blackouts. it's very quick and easy and on nomad you can get a referral code which gives someone else 25% off their first purchase, and there's also often different bonus codes. on the website there's tutorials for how to buy the different esims. https://gazaesims.com/
there's some different charity shops where you can buy Palestinian products and the proceeds help Palestinian artisans and people. here are some examples, please add more if you know any: https://handmadepalestine.com/ (based in Ramallah, Palestine), https://forpalestine.dk/ (based in Denmark), https://www.shoppalestine.org/ (based in the US)
boycott!! the BDS of course have their targeted brands (https://bdsmovement.net/) but there's also for example the witness website with lists of brands and the reasons for boycotting them (https://boycott.thewitness.news/) and some different apps that do the same thing, like the "no thanks" app. yes, the list of brands is very, very long. maybe all of it isn't feasible BUT i think a good start would be to go through them and decide which ones are unnecessary either way that you're better off without (mcdonalds, starbucks etc), and then which ones are part of your usual shopping routine, make a mental note of them and pick different options - see it as an opportunity to try new things, to support local brands and smaller businesses!
go do yourself a favour and give Palestinian-Canadian artist Nemahsis' new single "stick of gum" a listen, it's super good! <3 https://youtu.be/VsqYlmf3SAg?si=EK_TZjo0Ijny8hMT
please, add more tips and resources below or just share your own pictures or art or thoughts!
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konakoro · 7 months
Actually got a response back from a local representative about a ceasefire which i honestly wasn't expecting, but his email basically boils down to "Well actually Hamas started it, and we're buddies with Israel and have economic incentive to support them so no."
Garbage human being, please die slowly in a car crash
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
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This is everything the Stranger Things writers have posted publicly about the WGA strike:
May 3rd:
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Stranger Things writer Caitlin Schneiderhan tweets picture from personal Twitter account of sign from the strike that reads 'Pay us or Steve Harrington is toast'
May 6th:
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Official Stranger Writers Twitter account makes post on behalf of the Duffers Brothers. They have since pinned this tweet to their profile. "Duffers here. Writing does not stop when filming begins. While we're excited to start production with our amazing cast and crew, it is not possible during this strike. We hope a fair deal is reached soon so we can all get back to work. Until then -- over and out. #wgastrong
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May 12th:
Stranger Things writer Kate Trefry posts picture from personal Tumblr account of sign that reads, 'Byler won’t write itself'
As far as I know, the two writers that posted on their personal socials are the only writers from ST that even have personal accounts that are public, whereas the rest of the writers do not.
What does make me take a pause though, is that, while yes they did post these pictures from their personal accounts, which is about as official as it gets, they also cryptically did not include themselves in said pictures...
This just got me thinking about how Stranger Things is quite literally Netflix and vise versa. They are practically one in the same, where one without the other just doesn't make sense.
While this conflict of interest might run deep for many writers out there fearing to speak out against their employer, for us, the consumers, the fans, we as a collective have so much more power than we realize.
In contrast to the writers, streamers can't just fire their consumer base sometime down the line, out of spite for speaking out. Without consumers, neither Stranger Things nor Netflix would be what it is today.
We have the affordance of being able to speak up the loudest of anyone. And so why wouldn't we take advantage of that?
There are so many people out there protesting: writers, actors, others in the industry and even outside of it who are also taking a stand, many who need support so that they can continue to fight in the upcoming days, weeks, months, without being deterred by corporations that are making them feel greedy for demanding a contract that at most, asks that they be paid fairly.
And so I want to encourage anyone that is reading this, but fellow fans of Stranger Things especially, who have so much power in this strike when it comes to getting Netflix's attention, to consider taking the time to do whatever you can individually + with the masses as a community in order to best support the strike.
Follow the Strike! If you're active on various social media already, please be sure to follow the official accounts advocating for the strike via Instagram (@writersguildwest/@wgaeast), via Twitter (@WGAWest/@WGAEast). Engage with posts from folks that are out there daily, many with whom you can find by following tags like #WGAStrong, #WGAStrike and #WritersStrike. Although most fans are not able to join in picketing themselves, we can at least recognize all of those out there's individual efforts and do our best to show that we're paying attention and listening!
Spread the word! Show support any way you can by sharing posts and articles about the strike, or even fun memes to inform others in a more engaging way. This is the official site for the WGA strike if you want to learn more about what’s going on before diving in! And make sure to stay up-to-date here as things continue to unfold!
Donate! The Entertainment Community Fund is endorsed by the WGA for anyone that wants to support those affected by the strike financially. And this thread on Twitter is an incredible resourse, as it provides an ‘easy, one-click, stress-free, accessible-to-all-budgets’ ways you can support folks on the front lines.
Also! Consider donating through this link for the Entertainment Community Fund, where the money donated still goes directly to that fund, this is just an organizing page for Stranger Things fans specifically! By allowing fans to see how much of an impact we make as a collective, in real time, this could encourage even more ST fans to want to contribute. In a best case scenario, if this GoFundMe were to reach impressive proportions of donations from fans, that could lead to news outlets reporting on it, which could allow an opportunity for even more eyes on the strike, while also even more importantly being able to provide financial support to those that need it.
Trend! On social media, use #StrangerFansforWGA to trend or even just to reach other fans also looking to come together to support the strike!
While I know this post probably wont reach anywhere outside of Tumblr, I want to make a point to encourage those of you that are on other platforms to inform fans in those spaces about the strike and what they can do to help!
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We might not all agree on everything, but I think we can agree on at least one thing... @Netflix & all major streamers and networks out there, who are still refusing to make a fair deal: PAY YOUR WRITERS!
In the mean time, if you're interested in working on different ideas for initiates we can carry out as a fandom, please reach out to me! I might only one person and I might not have all the answers and solutions, but I do know that with more of us working together, our odds of making an impact are much greater!
Over and out!
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justalittlesolarpunk · 4 months
hi! i love your blog :D do you have any advice to implement low waste and solarpunk aspects into everyday life with a tight budget? keep doing what you do!
Thanks for asking - I’ve had this question before and it’s definitely a real problem. Organic, plastic free food is expensive. So is handmade durable clothing, and train fares these days. It can feel like only the rich can be solarpunks, which is pretty counterintuitive given its anticapitalist ideology. But! I’m here to tell you there’s lots you can do to bring solarpunk into your life in a cost-effective way.
To start with, lots of solarpunk spaces are free or cheap. Get a library card and you can borrow as many books and DVDs and other resources as you like. Look up to see if there’s a library of things in your neighbourhood, and join a buy nothing or stuff for free group online. Download TooGoodToGo, which lets you access food from local cafes and restaurants which would otherwise go to waste. See if there’s a repair cafe that operates near you - I managed to get a pair of trousers mended at one of these for free, and I had been thinking I would need to pay a tailor (which is fine if you can afford it! Skilled labour deserves fair wages!). In some places plant-based food is cheaper, so when it is, choose it. But in others it will cost more than animal products so you have to decide on a case by case basis whether saving money or a particular diet is more important to you.
There’s lots else you can do for minimal spending or that actually saves you money. Walking to work or school avoids the expenditure in the petrol for a drive or a bus fare. If you’re within walking distance and able to do so, I’d recommend it. Joining your local chapter of Extinction Rebellion, Friends of The Earth, Greenpeace, The A22 network or any other active climate group in your area is almost always free and just involves a small weekly time commitment. This will introduce you to activists and inform you about protests and public meetings you can attend.
If you have the time in your week and the physical ability, which I acknowledge many people don’t, you can also join some sort of volunteer group looking after a nature reserve or tending a community garden (which might also give you access to free or discounted food). Learning to forage is also a good skill as that really is free food!
Depending on where you are, a green electricity tariff *can* also be less expensive. If this is the case and you have control over your provider, it’s worth switching to it. Buying books and clothes secondhand will also be better for the environment and your bank balance. Teaching yourself about the climate and the natural world with podcasts, YouTube, online free articles and other resources is also free and the knowledge will help you keep solarpunk at the front of your mind. Read good news stories online whenever you can, to remind you that good things are happening already.
If you’re employed, you can also try to influence green policy at your workplace or in your trade union. If you’re at school or university, joining (or setting up!) the environmental society and/or lobbying for change at the SU are both good ideas and shouldn’t necessarily cost you anything. If you can - and I know this is inaccessible for a big swathe of the population - put a very small amount of money aside whenever possible, because the more you save the more you can afford to buy better products, donate to causes, help out the needy in your community, travel in a greener way, and other more expensive choices. It’s all about that dual power.
Hope this helps get you started!
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fatalwa · 3 months
I will also join my fellow Ukrainians in sharing how 24th of February 2022 went for us.
I didn't go to sleep that night. The day before I had a check-in call regarding my uni project. All of my group mates did. I don't remember what I was doing so late at night but the fact is - I didn't sleep. My partner was already in bed but still scrolling her phone. Suddenly she sits up and says that russians on social media are saying that "we all will be fucked", and that Ukrainians are commenting on hearing loud bangs in their cities. We sit in silence shocked for a couple of minutes. Then we hear it as well. A loud bang. The kind that shakes the ground. We hear car sirens. A moment passes before we hear another one. I started packing my backpack with my documents and money. My dad says it won't be necessary, that they are just attacking the strategic military buildings. I don't remember how the rest of the night/early morning went. I don't remember if I've slept. In the morning the president had announced that the war has started.
Two weeks later I would leave for Belgium with my partner to not sit on my family's shoulders, to not be a burden. Everything is going relatively well for me: I found a job, I have a place to live, I am not struggling with food. Of course I had to sacrifice my degree for the lack of language and my hobbies for the lack of free time. That is why I don't draw much anymore. I just hope that in the future I will be able to do it again.
Two years passed and I feel like people abroad got used to the war. I am not fully aware of the whole situation but from my side it feels like people are forgetting about us. Like we are receiving less support. Like we are starting to loose. I just hope that it's not true and that it just feels that way.
Though Internet has been really hostile to Ukrainian voices lately. And there is so much misinformation. My partner met a woman near the station who pretended to be Ukrainian to beg for money. She didn't speak any Ukrainian or, for that matter, russian, just English. She didn't expect someone to talk back to her in Ukrainian.
I just hope that we will win the war and it will happen soon. My whole being hurts when I read the news about russian war crimes and the tragedies that just keep happening to my people.
If you have anything to spare, consider donating to the Ukrainian army. Reach out to your government, show up to protests. I'm tired of seeing only Ukrainians doing it. We can't do this alone, we will need everything that we can get.
Слава Україні! Героям слава!
І мирного неба!
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enddaysengine · 4 months
Alberta's Transphobic Government
I try really really hard to keep this blog about RPGs and writing. I really do. But when someone comes for my students, fists gets thrown.
We've seen the rise of transphobic legislation in various US states, as well as in Saskatchwan and New Brunswick. Now Alberta has joined the party. Despite the premier pointing out that there are trans youth in her extended family (I don't know how close the relation is, but somewhere in her close family) and swearing to not marginalize trans youth in the last election.
And ohhhh boy oh boy, my home province is once again aiming to hit the bottom of the barrel
Here's the tl;dr (quoted from the article):
Top and bottom surgeries will be banned for minors aged 17 and under. Doctors say bottom surgeries aren't performed on youth and top surgeries are rare.
Puberty blockers and hormone therapies for gender affirmation will not be permitted for children aged 15 and under.
Youths aged 16 and 17 will be permitted to start hormone therapies for gender affirmation "as long as they are deemed mature enough" and have parental, physician and psychologist approval.
Parental notification and consent will be required for a school to alter the name or pronouns of any child under age 15. Students who are 16 or 17 won't need permission but schools will need to let their parents know first.
Parents will have to "opt-in" their children every time a teacher plans to teach about gender identity, sexual orientation or sexuality. Alberta law currently requires parental notification and gives them the option to opt students out.
All third-party teaching materials on gender identity, sexual orientation or sexuality will need to be approved in advance by the education ministry.
Transgender women will be banned from competing in women's sports leagues. Smith said the government will work with leagues to set up coed or gender-neutral divisions for sports.
This goes well beyond what SK and NB have passed. It violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but Smith doesn't care and will likely use the Notwithstanding Clause to bypass it. Parents, medical professionals, and educators have all reacted with justified outrage. It is clear to those of us who care about youth that these policies will kill.
There is flattly no way in hell I will be deadnaming my students. For a government that says they want to remove red tape and bureaucracy, making parents opt-in to every single lesson involving anything other than heteronormativity sure seems like trying to use red tap to make teaching anything other than their ideology impossible.
What can you do to help?
If you are in Alberta, raise holy hell. Call your MLA, show up at the protests, add your voice to the chorus screaming that we don't want this.
If you are in Canada, there are also demonstrations in support of trans youth going on across the country. Let your MP know as well.
If you aren't from Canada, solidarity and visibility help! We've all seen how this shit has gone down in Florida and elsewhere. We need to stand together to stop this tide.
If you have business ties to Alberta and are able to divist them, please let the Alberta government know you are planning to do so if these proposals become law
Donate to 2SLGBTQ+ organizations in Alberta.
This is not the content I want to go viral from me... but if I have to choose one, make it this one. Please help us proect our kids.
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edenfenixblogs · 5 months
What are you doing to help black people?
Several things! (A Note on My Personal Limitations: I am not black. I am unable to protest for health reasons. I do not have much money at all)
I elevate black voices whenever I can
I joined an anti-racism book club where I can learn how to be a better ally and unlearn as much systemic prejudice as I can
I do not tolerate anti-black racism from anyone in my life for any reason. I call it out every time, publicly.
I donate (when financially possible) to several causes devoted to both long term and immediate aid to to black people including: various bail funds in my current state and my home state, the southern poverty law center, the Homeless Black Trans Women gofundme, the ACLU, and others.
I consistently educate people in my life about the goals of BLM — including defunding the police — in order to reduce their knee jerk reactions and foster better understanding.
I shut the eff up unless I can help. I’m no savior; I know this. I don’t break into conversations that don’t involve me. I just listen. Most of my public advocacy is amplifying black voices on issues that affect the black community without adding my irrelevant opinions as white-passing person.
Privately, I have and continue to reach out to the several black people in my life to let them know I support them and that I am listening. I listen to them vent to me about their pain and suffering. I let them tell me if I’ve fucked up somehow without getting defensive. Then I apologize sincerely and onboard the new information and don’t do whatever the offending action was again. I have not had anyone tell me I’ve fucked up in that way in over a decade, though. I did, however, realize (during my continuing journey of learning how to be anti-racist) that I’d held problematic opinions as a teenager (nothing crazy. Just ignorant teen bullshit borne from growing up as a liberal in a red state and thinking I was more progressive than I actually was at the time) and proactively reached out to the black friend I’ve known since my teenage years to say that I know I was an idiot back then and I’ve learned a lot since then and I will continue to learn and to apologize.
My work involves public communications. In my role, I continually advocate for anti-racist, black-affirming language in our company guidelines and publicly disseminated materials, even when that means confronting my boss—who is a white man.
I vote in every election in which I am able, researching every politician and bill thoroughly from multiple sources and voting as leftist as possible and educating people in my life about these bills details and the politicians platforms and records.
I am not perfect and don’t claim to be. I only claim to try my best to continually improve.
I don’t make a habit of sharing private communique and am only doing so now because this post asks for receipts. Here are some excerpts from conversations had during 2020 when tensions were a little higher. I decline to share receipts from more recently, as those conversations include more private and more identifying information. The pictured conversations involve friends I’ve had since pre-school, high school, and college. Again, this is not something I would normally share, because saying “I have black friends” is tacky and gross. But I am trying to respect your request for my commitment to the black community, which does of course include my friends. It feels wrong not to mention them in this context, even though I feel awkward saying it at all. Im also sharing only the start of longer conversations, as my friends’ pain and concerns are not for public consumption.
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Idk if replying to your question alerts you, so tagging you just in case. @phantomdiebe
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jamie-is-out-of-ideas · 4 months
It's so terrifying to know about the genocide taking place in Palestine, but everyone's courage and unyielding bravery gives me hope that things can be changed for the better.
And by everyone I mean the people Palestinian, they have faced so much cruelty and apathy from the world but they are still fighting for their home and human rights with courage and bravery. You are amazing.
By everyone I mean the reporters in Gaza who are risking their lives to keep everyone well informed and get the word out about what is happening and not letting the people's stories go unspoken. You are amazing.
By everyone I mean the protesters who go out and are unrelenting in their support of Palestine. You are amazing.
By everyone I mean the people who donate to the right organisations, such as ones that will bring SIM cards to people in Gaza so they won't be cut off from the world. You are amazing.
By everyone I mean the people who spread real information and inform people of ways they can help and support Palestine. You are amazing.
By everyone I mean everyone who has joined the global strike. You are amazing.
By everyone, I also mean people who are helping in anyway they can, if you aren't able to do the most, do what you can, it's okay. You are amazing.
This world is scary and dark sometimes but every time I start losing hope for the future, I think about how many amazing people there are that are willing to do something about all the scariness and darkness. You're all amazing and you give me hope that things can be changed! I'm sending you all love and well wishes, you guys are all beautiful people and I'm thankful for your bravery everyday.
Never give up hope! You have an impact! You're brave! You're talented! You matter and are beautiful! Thank you for giving me hope and courage!!
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hikkikoaubrey · 3 months
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(if this is a bit late, it is still on the day but still I should have done this earlier, but hey at least its better than nothing 😅)
Anyways, hello as I've mentioned yesterday, today is the day a global strike for Palestine is happening (March 2nd) there's more info from my previous post which I will link here: https://www.tumblr.com/hikkikoaubrey/743807934208917504/a-global-call-to-end-all-genocide-in-gaza?source=share
(Also with whatever time left there is in the day please try not to post about your interests / fandom stuff until the day is over, you can easily post about that stuff tomorrow this is more important.)
Somethings you can do to help with this information can include: posting about Palestine (along with other genocides happening recently) doing more research on what's happening, telling other people you know about this situation, joining in protests and boycotting, and even donating if you able too.
Here are some links that I think could help with any of this: https://x.com/sahouraxo/status/1764000845580980308?s=20 https://x.com/StrawbTobyy/status/1764018925925503069?s=20 https://x.com/emzberry/status/1763988016605851791?s=20 https://x.com/Megs_needsrest/status/1763980554368631039?s=20 https://x.com/SailorStar_8/status/1763906114003828956?s=20 https://x.com/ultrarotom/status/1763893595658977769?s=20 https://x.com/eleganciaga/status/1763840822712111177?s=20 https://x.com/MyNameisABteam/status/1763541223699099798?s=20 https://x.com/Noony_Boony/status/1763621518825701534?s=20 https://x.com/DrKarimWafa/status/1763203503734857811?s=20 https://x.com/normalarab/status/1763028503828828187?s=20 https://x.com/milfbeomgyu/status/1763103222355337270?s=20 https://x.com/OsmanLadan/status/1731766438245847305?s=20
Along with this here are some previous posts I've made about this:
And finally here's a link to Arab.org, it's free and it'll really help if you check this out: arab.org
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fortunatefires · 7 months
I'm not sure if the news has hit tumblr, but tomorrow (November 9th) there is a boycott planned called shut it down for palestine. You can contribute by not going to businesses that have shown support for Israel. People have targeted Mcdonalds, starbucks, nestle, air bnb, and general mills. If you're able to you can also refuse to go into work, you can attend protests, you can donate to save the children, unicef, or any other charities that are aiding the citizens of gaza. Some have even gone so far as to remove their money from the bank.
Speak with your government representatives and let them know you dont stand behind the funding of a genocide. If you see this post after the 9th, you can still join in the boycott. It starts tomorrow but doesn't end until the people of Gaza are safe and Israel is held accountable for their war crimes.
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laconicmoon · 29 days
🇵🇸low spoons, low income ways to support a free palestine🇵🇸
For many low-income and/or disabled activists, we can't always do the obvious things to support Palestine like donating money or going to protests. I'm compiling this list to remind myself what I *can* do, and I'm hoping it might help some other people too.
Disclaimer: you might not find all of these to be low spoons for you--maybe drawing is physically difficult, or phone calls are distressing. These are just ideas! Please ignore and adapt them to suit your needs and abilities <3
🍉Get creative with stickers, posters, zines, whatever!
Adhesive shipping labels from USPS ship to your house for free (if you live in the US). You can order up to 750 at a time! Draw a Palestinian flag or "Free Gaza" on there and stick them everywhere (it's actually quite easy to vandalize without getting caught).
If you want to go bigger, try a wheatpaste, and if you have access to a printer or copier, leave some zines around (tutorial, canva template). If you are housebound, you can give them to a friend to spread around for you.
You can also make signs and have someone else take them to a protest. If you're a sewist, make a puppet or wearable patches!
🍉Display a Palestinian flag or pro-Palestine sign in your window
If you live in an area where this isn't safe, or if you don't have your own space, assess the risk before you do this. You could also put up a more subtle symbol, such as a watermelon, if you are nervous about backlash.
🍉Contact your reps!
I know people say this all the time, but for my US-based friends, some pointers to make it take as few spoons as possible--
Democracy.io makes it super easy to email both your senators and your representative at the same time.
Faxzero.com allows you to send a fax straight to your reps' printers. Not all of their offices have this enabled, but I've heard faxes are more direct than emails.
If you don't know what to say, you can adapt this template (it's a bit outdated). Or just write "Free Palestine" or "Ceasefire Now." Something is better than nothing!
🍉Participate in phone zaps
Often times, organizations like USPCN or Jewish Voice for Peace will ask for people to call a person or organization to put pressure on them, such as demanding that a university drop charges against student protestors. Monitor those accounts and, if you're up for it, call or leave a message. Or, you could even text the group chat and conduct your own phone zap!
🍉Check out library books about Palestine
You also may be able to request that your library purchase certain titles, or request titles they don't have through interlibrary loan!
🍉Write a letter to the editor
You can write either to a local paper or a school paper, if you're a student or alum. This is a great way to break out of the echo chamber--local papers often have an intergenerational audience.
🍉Send in a public comment to a city council meeting
Many cities have the option to send in a public comment electronically! So if you can't make it to an in-person meeting, this is a good option, especially if your city is trying to pass a ceasefire resolution.
🍉Attend online Jewish Voice for Peace "Power Half-Hour for Gaza"
JVP's Power Half-Hours are a wonderful space to grieve, process, and build stamina for the fight to come. Monday through Friday, 3pm ET/ 12pm PT, 30 minutes of solidarity-building and reflection facilitated by Jewish leaders but open to all. You can pre-register to join on Zoom or stream on YouTube.
🍉Support friends who go to protests/actions
That can be as simple as texting them before and after and making sure they are safe, lending them a bandana or rain gear, or providing a place to decompress afterward! If you have an animal that does well in crowds, consider allowing a trusted friend to take them to a protest or encampment for a short time. Seeing dogs in keffiyehs always makes my day <3
🍉Other Considerations and Reminders 🍉
Focus on the long haul. It's more important to create a pace of activism that's sustainable for you than it is to do everything all the time.
"Ought" implies "can." If you are unable to do something, or if it would be very difficult for you to do so, you are in no way obligated to do that thing!
Block words on social media if you need to. In a similar vein, you do not need to force yourself to constantly watch graphic videos or read upsetting posts. Yes, Gaza has asked us to bear witness to the atrocities there--"All Eyes on Gaza Now" is a common chant for a reason. But that doesn't mean you, specifically, must doomscroll forever.
Please reblog with your own favorite ways to advocate for Palestine when you're broke and spoonless 🇵🇸 🇵🇸
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icology · 4 months
If you haven't done so yet, please consider taking part in the global strike for Palestine happening this week, from jan. 21st to jan. 28th.
We must come together and raise our effort in sharing information coming from Palestinian people and reliable sources, in withdrawing support from zionist organizations, in contacting our officials and demand action against the genocide, and more.
I know not everyone will be able to strike in the same level, but remember your contribute matters, regardless of how small it is. So I ask that you do as much as you can, and that you do it with intent. Spread the word, protest, boycott, do not back down. If you have the means to do so, please consider donating to trustful organizations that are providing aid, like Palestine Children's Relief Fund, CareForGaza, and Medical Aid for Palestinians.
Pious Projects also needs major support right now, as they are fundraising to deliver hygiene kits and period products. The lack of clean water, toilets and hygiene/menstrual products is causing a rampant health hazard among everyone, especially people who menstruate, who have had to resort to using extremely unsanitary things like tent scraps to get by.
You can also purchase and send an e-sim at eSims For Gaza, all of which will be given to Palestinians since their internet access is cut off. This will help them contact their families and to access and share information.
Throughout this week and from now on, I will commit to reposting useful links and information on this blog as well. The more we spread the word and educate those around us, the more people will join the fight in solidarity with Palestinians, who have been displaced, brutalized and murdered for 75 years. This won't end with the strike, we must persist. No one is free until all of us are.
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thelocalmuffin · 3 months
A few things:
It would be entirely safe for work. For requests and for writers, so anyone passionate can join. To make sure no one gets stressed, every writer would only ideally have one assignment at a time per person so that they have time to write the stories.
This would focus on the person making the writing requests make donations, writing/calling representatives, and overall supporting the cause.
I would also like to ideally ask those to write in about KOSA. From what I understand, if KOSA passes, no one will be able to safely protest any cause.
Note to those neutral/z*onists, I won't be interacting with your or your voices at all. You will probably just be blocked by me, so you won't get that fuel you so desperately want.
Though if you have a question/concern about this event, my ask box is open.
Please also feel free to reach out if you'd like to help with the event and please reblog. I do want a pretty healthy sample before I begin planning anything.
Oh, and don't forget your daily clicks!
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dovesndecay · 2 years
Genuine question here, I always see people say that posting online and emailing your reps isn't good enough activism and that you need to like, go to protests or volunteer or any other number of things, but the only ways to help I see people talk about involve going out and doing things, and I can't do those things due to being essentially bedridden due to disability. I do want to do all that I'm able to though, so my question is, are there any useful forms of activism that don't require me to leave my house?
I sympathize, my friend, being in a similar boat myself. Others may have better suggestions, but personally, my recommendations tend to boil down to one thing.
Your communities. Ask your communities -- online and/or physical -- if there are any groups that may need volunteers to do computer work, like helping run social media, compile educational resources, data entry, and other similar tasks.
I always highly recommend joining a union, especially if you're employed in any way (people with hiring and firing power can't vote, (iirc) at least in the IWW, but they can still join and help build the power of the union), including freelancing. Our local union branch has semi-regular meetings, and there's plenty of work to be done with them that does actively assist your community in a lot of ways.
The IWW often works with other unions, with local organizations that are focused on groups (in our branch, at least) like Florida Prisoner Solidarity (formerly known as IWOC) and Food Not Bombs, and a lot of the work they do is ... well, just from seeing @natalieironside work as the branch secretary, I can fairly confidently say it's a decent amount of data that has to be tracked and reported.
There's plenty of people right now focused on being in marches, doing big gestures to bring attention to the issues, and that's not a bad thing, necessarily, but if there's no organization behind those demonstrations of power -- which is, in the end, what a march is -- that power has nowhere to go.
If no one has gotten together to hammer out what the end goal is, has kept track of donations, of volunteers, tasks and connections, made phone calls to voters and to politicians, then that march was a very angry parade and little else.
If there's a specific issue that is important to you, that you're passionate about, look to see what kind of local or online organizations you might be able to connect with and ask them if they have any kind of online work they need assistance with. If they don't, move on to the next one. Someone will have something for you.
And don't get me wrong -- not all organizations are going to be disability accessible, and that's something I hope changes. But there are also plenty of them that at least try, and I'm certain they're eager for more people.
But if that's something that isn't accessible to you -- regardless of the reason -- then I would encourage you to focus on education, both for yourself and educating others when you can. Boosting fundraisers, organization's calls for help, sharing good practical resources (educational and material!) are all really awesome ways to help people that still makes your own health and safety a priority.
Anon, I hope this helps, and please don't let the assholes get you down -- there's ableism even among our comrades, and I know how hard it is to hear that shit when you're doing as much as you physically or mentally can handle. There's no shame in that, and don't let anyone tell you different.
From each according to his ability.
If any of my followers have further suggestions (or any corrections to what I've said here), please feel free to add on!
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thehopefuljournalist · 10 months
The Options Series - Organization No 1
Hi there!  I know it can be tough to start taking action in things you care about, especially when you don’t know where to start. So I am starting this series, where I’ll introduce some organizations that make it their mission to act in different fields relating to the topic of this blog - climate change and action and everything it includes. I’m starting with well known ones for now, the basics :)  Feel free to submit or offer other organizations that you like!
Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning group, dedicated to "ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity", and were founded in 1971 by Irving Stowe and Dorothy Stowe. They focus their campaigning on issues such as deforestation, climate change and action, anti-nuclear issues and more. They also use political action, lobbying and research to achieve their goals.
Greenpeace does not accept money and donations from governments and related organizations, because that would potentially prevent them from being able to act against said governments if they need to.
They rely mostly on volunteers across the world, going to protests, working in the political field, and more, and on donations.
They have a page on their website dedicated to how you can help them, which I added at the beginning of this post.
Greenpeace are political, and some of their tactics are a bit on the "scaring people into action" side, which I'm not fond of.
They are making real change though, so they might be fitting for some of you. They're also extremely international and are almost everywhere, which is why I chose them to kick off this series.
They also have really cool volunteer programs (X, X) across the world and some leadership training!
Thank you so much for reading and please let me know if there's any organizations that you'd like to include or foe me to discuss!
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wewanttolive · 27 days
Do you want to get involved in protesting and campaigning for what you believe in but are unsure about getting started? That’s totally okay, it can be a bit intimidating at first so I will be explaining some common roles in protests.
!!Not everyone will be able to play the same parts, that does not make yours or anyone else’s actions any less meaningful!!
Heads up - Most of these roles are from my own personal experience, particularly with peaceful protesting in groups such as Extinction Rebellion.
Casuals - A really big role in protests is just showing up in movement comfortable clothes to show your support. If you are interested in attending a protest like this, you can also help carry banners, flags and sing along to chants.
Bunnies/Arrestables - This is a more intimidating position to be in, bunnies are people whose intent is to get arrested to bring more media attention. Often bunnies will be the ones chaining themselves to things, blocking off oil refinery entrances and main roads to cause disruption and bring attention to the cause. When becoming a bunny, talk to your protest group, there will be police liaisons and organisers knowledgeable in the law to be there with you every step of the way and make sure you have a buddy through your arrest to keep you safe.
Organisers - Organisers have a really important job of keeping track of protests and bringing people together for them. Lots of organisers will also lead and direct protests, especially in marches and ensure people and are safe. Many organisers wear high visibility vests to make them stand out, so if you have any concerns or questions, they are a great place for answers.
Chanters - Chants can be amazing during protests, they might not seem super important but chants draw attention, spread awareness of the cause of the protest to passer-by’s as well as encouraging moral and raising people’s spirits. It’s a way to educate and inspire both protestors and bystanders. Megaphones can be helpful for chanters and creating and singing chants is both a fun and great way to protest!
Publicity/Photographers - Protests are meant to spread information and inspire a change, live-streaming, taking photographs, writing articles and sharing and spreading news of local protests and why they’re occurring is how more people discover the cause and join. Publicity for protests is also amazing as it can put more pressure on governments and companies to abide by putting them in the spotlight.
Media groups - If you enjoy dressing up and leaving an impression, media groups can be a great fit for you. Just inside of XR (Extinction Rebellion), there are groups such as the Red Rebels, Whaley’s, Sybil’s and Oilies, they are very noticeable due to often synchronised movements, matching symbolic attire and how many media groups can be seen leading marches and drawing interest. Media groups are made to be noticeable and this can result in more news coverage and curious bystanders. People are always welcome to join as the more numbers, the better.
For information on the different media groups, I will be making a post describing each groups cause and how to identify them.
Crafters - For anyone looking to put their creative skills to use, there are always a multitude of supplies that can benefit protests such as painting banners, making flags, collaborating on big props, even aiding the media group in creating costumes. Protest groups often do get a lot of donated supplies and materials and it can be so helpful and eye catching to include them in protests, making crafters another important protest group.
Police Liaisons - Police liaisons are there to make sure interactions with law enforcement go smoothly, particularly when going through public areas, causing disruption and when bunnies are involved. They do require a fair amount of legal knowledge but by assisting people in ensuring their rights are met and that police are following guidelines, it allows for safer, smoother protests.
Guest speaker - Protests are a show of support for different causes and there aren’t many things more inspiring than someone having the courage to speak for what they know is right and both educate and share their personal experiences. To become a guest speaker, acquire or borrow a microphone/megaphone whether one personally owned or owned by the protest group and speaking and organising things with organisers to ensure your voice can be heard best. Particularly in marches, guest speakers highlight the different stops we make and draw attention from passer-by’s.
Contacters - Not everyone is able to personally attend protests or do some of these roles and that is perfectly understandable. To protest from your own home can still make just as much of an impact. Many protest groups encourage communication to local government members such as MP’s, mainly through letters and emails and the more that are sent and encouraged, the more our message is spread. Protest groups such as Greenpeace also supply pre written emails to send with all the information you need and there are huge amounts of useful petitions to keep on top of and spread around. Using social media to share information can be useful as well, whether that is by gathering information to share or spreading the word of activities, everything helps.
Hopefully you will have found something that works for you and nothing requires you to stick to one forever either. Just remember that protesting is a right that should be utilised, we all deserve the opportunity to fight for justice, whether social or environmental, and to stay safe!
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