#alpha midoriya izuku
gglitch1dd · 17 days
Alpha Midoriya Izuku x Reader
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Context: Kirishima Eijiro was the one you pined for, the man and Alpha you made yourself perfect for. However after choosing Bakugou Katsuki as his intended, you are left in ruins. However, Midoriya Izuku, soon to be Duke, gives you an offer you can't refuse.
Warning: OMEGAVERSE, Bridgerton AU, Rejection, Chronic Illness and pain, angst, hints of depression, Marriage of convenience, petty Izuku, bullying
12k words
“Announcing, the Prima Omega, Lady L/N Y/N!”
You walked in, looking at all the lit chandeliers that adorned the decorated ceiling. Tonight was a perfect night. It was perfect for a bunch of reasons, but tonight was the night you had been waiting for. A night that would define your future for the rest of your life. You had worked too hard to be here not for it to go exactly your way.
You into the room in a red dress, the material was of a rarity and the design was in fashion for the current trends, a crimson deep colour that looked perfect on you. You ignored the stares as you kept an eased smile on your face. You undid your fan, fanning yourself lightly as you walked slowly through the decorated hall. The entire venue was decorated full of rich splendour and perfections. Music played calmly in the air, creating the perfect fairytale atmosphere. You were not surprised that for this social season, everyone would go above and beyond for today’s event.
The entire Season actually.
The Season, an occasion that lasted all of Spring as the elite families of Japan brought in their most eligible Alpha bachelors and Omega bachelorettes to mingle and pair up to be hopefully married. It was an esteemed event that only those with enough power, money and influence could attend. Big families of all types were here, all for a chance of mating their family members off to esteemed members in society before it got too late.
This was the time you shined. And you had been shining all season long. You were perfect. You had to be perfect. Anything less than that would mean that you could be replaced, you could be on the back burner of priorities and that was the last thing you wanted.
“Miss Y/N.” You turned around to see Kirishima Takea. At the sight of the Duke of Kirishima mountains, you gave her a broad smile as you headed towards the large Alpha and her wife. She was dressed just dapper in a black suit with the Kirishima crest on her blazer. Standing next to her, was her Omega, Kirishima Yua, who wore a loving smile towards you as she stood in a black dress and red furs hanging from her shoulders, a diamond crest on her chest, worth more than anything you had probably seen in your life.
You grinned as you headed towards them. “Duke and Duchess Kirishima. It is wonderful to see you so soon, you both look incredible.”
Takea chuckled. “Oh please, pumpkin. You’re the one who looks perfect tonight. Red truly is your colour.” It was a double loaded statement but one you took with pride. You wore red for that precise reason. Everyone was expecting it and so were you.
Tonight, was the night that Kirishima Eijiro would announce you as his Omega.
You giggled as you held your glass champagne flute with two hands. “I have always been rather partial to the colour.” You spoke truthfully.
Yua giggled at her Alpha’s side. Her red hair with a few strands of grey fell down her left shoulder. Despite having that soft look on her face that reminded you of her son, Eijiro got all his looks from his sire. Kirishima genes were strong, and it was almost impossible not to know that Eijiro was Takea’s son. “To think that you and Eijiro have come so far. I remember when you two used to play outside together as happy little pups. To think how much you have both grown.” She spoke reminiscently, a warm smile on her face as she had a maternal look about her. She always seemed to have such a warm calming presence about her. It was half the reason why you loved her dearly.
You opened your mouth to speak but your voice didn’t come out. “It’s only natural, Mother.” You whipped your head around to see the large Alpha approach the three of you, one hand resting in his pants pocket and the other holding a glass of champagne. “We all grow up eventually.” He added before looking down to you, intense warm ruby eyes baring into your very being. He took his hand out of his pant pocket and had a gentle smirk on his lips. He offered his hand and you slipped your delicately into his large one, you could feel the warmth of him through your glove. He dipped low into a bow. “Lady Y/N.” He said your name in a low tone that always had a shiver running down your back. “It’s a pleasure.”
You looked down away from him, baring your neck in submission. “Lord Eijiro.” You spoke softly, a flustered look on your face. A low rumble left Eijiro’s chest as he stood beside you, making you swallow down hard. Although Alphas having such outward reactions was seen as rude dependent on the situation, the Kirishimas seemed to be an exception to that rule.
Eijiro had grown a lot the moment he had presented. Before then, he was just a scrawny rather timid pup with dark black hair, and round ruby eyes who seemed more like a puppy than anything. You would have rather played with your dolls but you liked him anyways. Well, you liked pushing him around for the most part. He was easy to persuade back then. Now? He was anything but.
Lord Kirishima Eijiro, eldest son of Duke Kirishima Takea, Prime Alpha just like every Kirishima masc before him. He stood at a staggering 6,6 and was a hulking mass of muscle. He was the epitome of what an Prime Alpha was, and high society sold it like gold. With sharp canines and basically brimming with testosterone, it was no wonder that he was so sought after. Not to mention he had a scent that could make any Omega drop into a heat and present just with one word from him. He was perfect.
And you had made sure you would be perfect just for him too.
You, the most eligible Prima Omega outside the Kirishima family in the Japanese elitist scene. You, who had been raised by the royal family’s academy for distinguished Omegas to marry into one of the high noble families. As a Prima Omega, a diamond cut above the rest, you had been told all your life that due to your scent and apparent higher fertility rate, you were of high demand. However, there was only one family that the Royal academy wanted for you.
The Kirishimas.
You had been brought up and raised to fit into their family, perfectly. As well as any family of similar standing.
You and him. Prime and Prima. Alpha and Omega. It was the perfect balance.
It was perfection.
Not to mention that you both had enough chemistry that it was tangible. You knew that there was no denying his feelings towards you. You had made sure of it. Everything was going to go perfect.
It had to.
Eijiro’s ruby eyes looked over your appearance. His eyes moved down to the necklace you had on your neck, Kirishima diamonds of course. He may have wanted to touch them but that was an instant no in high society. “You look stunning.”  He complimented.
“Thank you.” You looked up to him. You looked over the suit he wore, black with red, his family’s colours. Even in the light of hundreds of candles he looked just handsome. You pressed down his collar a bit, but smiled up at him. “You look handsome, Lord Kirishima.”
Omegas could touch an Alpha, with flirtatious or reasonable intent, however only with their gloves on. Considering Alphas never wore gloves unless in certain circumstances, they were only ever allowed to touch an Omega by the hand and offer their arm if walking together. It was just how the rules were for unwed matches.
“Everyone is on edge tonight, however I cannot blame them.” He stated as he looked around the room. Alphas and Omegas mingling with their chaperones not too far away, whispering and making predictions on which couple would be next to be fated to be engaged by the end of the season. “Tonight, is a very important night.” That took your attention, your heartbeat increasing just a little bit more. You had to hold back your scent as much as possible, not to seem improper. Eijiro turned to look down at you, his smile directed only at you for a moment before looking up and around. “I actually have something I have to discuss with Lord Tetsu about our two packs, but…” He bowed with a reassuring sharp smile. “I will see you later, okay?” He spoke softer down towards you. “And remember to breathe.”
You nodded as you watched him leave, him kissing his mother’s cheek before leaving the three of you. You smiled as you watched him leave, the large Alpha saying his greetings and headed towards his cousin.
You looked back to Yua and Takea. “I should go and give my greetings as well, but I’ll see the both of you soon.” You waved.
“Of course.” Yua nodded.
Takea smiled brightly as she waved to you excitedly. “Bye pumpkin!” Takea wasn’t one to know much about social etiquette but considering how rich the Kirishima family was, they didn’t apply to her often than not.
You chuckled as you gave a small wave before turning forward to find your Omegan friends. You walked past people, saying your greetings and smiling at everyone. The ball room was in spectacular décor today. With ribbons hanging between pillars and bouquets that sat in rich vases. You felt as though all eyes were on you, and you could feel it enough to make you nervous as you walked through the hall. You had to keep yourself together, and it would all work out.
You past the prince and his chosen Omega before moving to the table where your friends mostly surrounded. Mina had caught sight of you first, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight of you. She quickly put down the glass she was holding. Her black and champagne dress hug her curves deliciously and you didn’t know how she was able ever to move fast in heels as stable as she did. “Y/N!” She let out excitedly, quickly moving to pull you into her arms tightly despite having seen you a few days prior. She leaned back taking you in. “You look perfect! Who designed this dress for you, you must tell me the name of your be-autist!”
You put on a soft sincere smile. Mina always knew how to pull a smile on your face, even when you did not have a need to smile. “Thank you, Lady Ashido. You look gorgeous as well.”
Mina smirked putting a hand to her pink curls. “You think? I am so happy it turned out well. I was so worried the dress wouldn’t turn out great, but I guess my worries were for naught.” You both giggled. Ashido Mina was the only daughter of Count Ashido in the Kirishima province and was a well-known trend setter amongst Omegan fashion. If there was one Omega that was able to put even the royal family to shame in terms of wears, it was her. Her influence on Omegan society was high due to her style and her connections due to being closer to the Kirishima family as well.  
“Excuse me, favourite male omega has arrived!” Denki let out as entered the conversation. The blond Omega was in a rather loose dress, despite what you knew he would have preferred to wear.
You put a hand in Denki’s with a smile. “Our apologies, Lord Kaminari. How are you?” You asked.
He quickly lost all memory of feeling even slightly offended of not being invited into the conversation and smiled. “Not as good as you are going to be at the end of the night.” He pointed out excitedly with wiggling eyebrows. You chuckled. “I am serious.” He told you as he motioned around. “Everyone in the ton knows what is going to happen tonight, and I am not going to say anything but…” He leaned closer to you. “If you were to ask me,” He whispered. He took a moment to look left and right as if someone was listening to your conversation. He lifted up his fan to his mouth as you leaned in to hear what he was going to whisper. “You’d make a fantastic Duchess.”
Before you could comment with a smile, someone else spoke. “Well that is all Lord Kirishima’s decision, isn’t it, sparky?”
The three of you turned to see walking over to you in heels and in a black satin dress with a tight pinched waist was Bakugou Katsuki, son of the Marquess. He looked deviously gorgeous as always. He always had a sort of untouchable look about him and was practically flawless in design. Hairless body with a waist small enough to fit an orange and a half, with large assets for being a male Omega. Not to mention he had siren eyes that could lull any Alpha into following him helplessly. He had a soft smirk on his face as he stood before you all, his black feathers of his fan brushed against his face softly.
His harsh gaze moved to you, looking you up and down for a moment. “Y/N…” He let out softly. “Red is your colour tonight?” He asked.
“It is.” You acknowledged turning to the other Omega. You and Katsuki never really did get along, or you did just barely. You tolerated each other to say the least. You both grew up in the Royal Academy for Distinguished Omegas, the both of you vying for that spot as top ranking Omega. You motioned to him, your eyes looking him up and down. You lifted your fan higher up your face at his low neckline of his dress, rather uncouth for an Omega who was not yet married. “You are wearing a dress.” You let out in surprise.
Katsuki was never fond of dresses. He would wear everything, but a dress often than not but tonight seemed to be his night for it. The ashen blond shrugged. “My dam designed it for the evening. I think it is the perfect option for tonight.” His eyes held something that you didn’t know what. It was almost mischievous or almost as if he knew something you didn’t.
“Lord Katsuki,” The omega in question looked to Denki, turning his eyes away from you much to your relief. “Where’s Sir Midoriya?” He asked looking around for the green haired Alpha.
Sir Midoriya Izuku, a businessman who had made a name for himself in high society. He was the illegitimate son of the now passed Duke of the Usagi prefecture and considering he was the only son to ever be sire from the Alpha, he was heir to the dukedom. Although his mother was said to be a common maid at the time, he had the blood of the past duke and had a right to the dukedom despite being what many considered a bastard.
Katsuki shrugged disinterested. “Who am I to know?”
Denki’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, confused and so did Mina. “But the two of you were together most of the Season so far-”
“I am not his dam, Denki.” Katsuki let out clearly agitated by the topic of the conversation right now. He scowled and motioned randomly. “I do not know where that damn two-inch-nerd is. Deku can do as he pleases. He is not my Alpha, nor will he ever be, God forbid.”
You all seemed a bit taken aback by the confession and the aggression in his voice. Katsuki always had a rather harsh way of speaking, and always managed to be vulgar while doing it. You forced a smile to your face and swallowed down hard. You looked to Denki, putting a hand to his shoulder. “Well, I am sure that wherever Sir Midoriya is, he’ll be back in time for dinner. He might just be enjoying the gardens outside the hall or mingling.” You suggested, making a silent note in your head to find him eventually by the end of the night. By the sounds of Katsuki, it seemed as though something happened between the two.
You weren’t surprised though. Izuku’s mother had become Katsuki’s wet nurse and caretaker in the Bakugou’s household, and the two grew up side by side. But growing up, soon they seemed to have had some sort of fallout as Katsuki grew a disdain for the Alpha that was almost tangible. He was either ignoring the green haired Alpha or the two were passively aggressively insulting one another. They managed to survive each other out of pure spite. However, the past two years, it seemed as though they had salvaged whatever was needing to be salvaged. They had gotten closer and managed to deal with one another like they used to and maybe just a bit more.
But you guessed it was just for naught.
You smiled at the three of them and shrugged. “Either way, there is still over two weeks left of the Season, there is so much still yet to go on. So many engagements to happen, and few meetings and events left. I am sure we can all have a good time.” You spoke optimistically as you moved to sip on your champagne.
Denki nodded his head optimistically. “You’re right.” He looked over at all of you with a smirk like grin. “Besides, it gives us a whole two more weeks of spectating beautiful Alphas while we can.” He voiced out mischievously as he undid his fan to fan his face as his eyes moved over the room. Your face fell in shock, but Mina only giggled.
That made Katsuki scrunch his face up as he rolled his eyes. “Seriously, Lord Kaminari?” He asked in disgust. The other male Omega snickered to himself, putting a hand to his mouth as he found amusement in Katsuki’s disdain. “How brutish. You are no better than any Alpha here.”
“No need to be so judgemental, Lord Bakugou!” He let out relaxed with his arms out. His mouth was set in a smirk as he motioned to Katsuki. “I am sure there is some Alpha during this entire season that has taken just an inkling of your fancy.”
Katsuki scoffed as he looked off to the side, his crimson eyes focusing on something or someone you couldn’t quite see. He had a small smirk on his face, almost in satisfaction as if he won something. “Don’t worry. By tonight I will have everything I deserve and more.”
Denki and Mina shared a glance before both of them moved towards him, trying to figure out what exactly he meant by that. You were silent however, as an uneasy feeling settled within you. Your eyebrows were furrowed as you tried to figure out silently what Katsuki was so evasive about.
“Excuse me, everyone!” Raising her glass was Takea in the middle of the large hall. She stood with Yua at her side and Eijiro too, a large grin on her face as she kept her champagne glass high in the air. The orchestra lowered in volume. You felt anxiety start to bubble in your chest as you put down the glass you were holding as most of the guests fluttered around the Kirishimas.
Such a command of the room meant one thing during the Season. It meant that a promising would happen. A promising. When before the Season ends, an Alpha or masc makes a proclamation that the Omega or femme that they choose is who they want to mate with and thus are engaged. It was like a public devotion of love or intent and was rather romantic the few times you saw it.
But now… now was the time you had been waiting for, for so long. Mina gave your arm a squeeze as you both moved to the front to wait and see what was going to happen. You swallowed down hard as you rested your hands in front of you, watching Eijiro as he held a black velvet box, that no doubt held the Promise necklace inside. Every Alpha had to offer one up.
You felt the gazes on you and on Eijiro. You also noticed one other look. You looked opposite the room to the President of the Royal Academy. Ms B stood with a small smirk, indicating that this was it. It was the moment you had been waiting for years to come. You took a deep breath to stop yourself from shaking.
Takea looked to her son and motioned to him as he stood next to her and her Omega. “My son has a Promise to make.” She announced, everyone focused on Eijiro.
Eijiro nodded as he tightened his grip on the box bust smiled. He raised his chin as regal as ever. “Tonight I’d like to claim my future duchess.” He said the words for himself, a small murmur moving through the crowd in excitement. You grew nervous, almost as if you needed to go to the lady’s room but you couldn’t run now. It was time for what you had been waiting for. Eijiro smiled as he looked around at everyone. “This Omega has made such an impact on my life, blends well with my pack and…” He looked down for a moment with a soft smile on his face, almost in a love trance. “and they are just right for me. I couldn’t ask for anyone better for me because there is none.”
Mina gave your hand a squeeze and you felt some light taps on your backs. This was it. Any second now and everything would fall into place.
Eijiro looked up at you, his ruby eyes on your being and you almost wanted to start crying. You gave him a smile, a broad genuine smile. The same boy you had grown your affections for since he was a pup till now. It was almost like a fairytale come true.
But Eijiro’s eyes flicked to your right. “So I’d like to promise myself…” He wasn’t looking at you. But everyone was looking at you. Even his parents were looking at you. Pride in their eyes and small nods to their heads as they got ready to embrace you into their family. Takea looked just about ready to burst into a run and sweep you up officially as her daughter. They were all looking at you. Everyone but Eijiro. “to my future duchess…
Bakugou Katsuki!”
Your body froze as you stayed where you stood. A painstaking second passed by until finally you realised…
He didn’t call your name.
He hadn’t called your name. You flicked your eyes to the blond Omega to your right, dressed in black, the same colour as the Kirishimas. Everyone was shocked at the name that was called out but not Katsuki. No… Never Katsuki. He didn’t look anywhere else as he passed his champagne flute to a shocked Denki and moved over towards Eijiro, a smirk on his face. His heels were deafening in your ears as he moved over to the large redheaded Alpha who smiled down at him like he gave him the world and so much more. He put one hand on Katsuki’s hip as the blond Omega looked up at him, pupils wide in content and hands resting on his chest.
“Katsuki…” Eijiro whispered as he opened the velvet box, revealing a black necklace with silver chains and blood red rubies hanging from them. It was gorgeous. It was befitting of a Kirishima Omega. It was meant to be yours. “Will you accept my promise to you?”
The blond nodded his head, moving one gloved hand to caress Eijiro’s face. “Of course.”
You couldn’t breathe. You hadn’t been breathing.
Everyone was looking at you.
Why were they looking at you? Why couldn’t they look somewhere else!?
Takea and Yua turned to their son with shocked expression, absolutely taken back by his announcement. Takea turned to look at you, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion but those ruby eyes… Suddenly you couldn’t see her face, it was blurry and distorted. Mina looked to you with a fallen expression. She opened her mouth to speak but you clapped your hands.
Tears stung at your eyes as you clapped your hands with a strained wobbling smile on your face. You tried your best to suck in your scent but you couldn’t help the pure agony in your chest. With that everyone was forced to clap. A successful Promise was something to be glad about. Everyone was clapping as you started taking steps back out of the crowd. Mina looked to you as your breathing was hitched.
“I…. I can’t breathe.” You whispered, a hand to your chest as your world felt like it was crushing in on you. Your chest hurt, like stabbing pain to your lungs. You looked around as your hands were shaking. You couldn’t do this. You couldn’t be here.
You were perfect!
You made sure you were perfect for him!
Why… why didn’t he say your name?
You were gasping for air as you moved backwards. Mina was saying something and so were other blurred faces of your close acquaintances, but you couldn’t hear them. you couldn’t see. You quickly turned around to the closest open door. You raced out of the room, out the glass doors to the gardens of the venue. But still you couldn’t breathe. You were outside but you felt so closed in. So you did one thing your Omega told you to do.
You ran. You ran so fast down the stone walkways, through mazes and the beautiful gardens. But none of it mattered. Your heart was beating out of your chest, yet you couldn’t breathe. You couldn’t think. Your lungs were burning as you ran deep into the gardens as far from the hall as possible till you collapsed onto your knees in a clearing near a maple tree. You clutched at your chest.
Your dress was too tight. Your eyes blurring as you gasped for breath. You were suffocating. You pulled at your dress wanting it off. You clawed at your neck, snapping the diamond necklace off of your neck feeling as if it was burning you from the inside. You looked up at the sky. The beautiful endless sky.
You felt yourself growing weak as you found everything moving as you fell into the grass. Quickly catching you before you could fall to the ground completely, was someone. They were pulling at the ties of the back of your dress, pulling at the strings to keep it from suffocating. At the sweet release you gasped, your mouth against someone’s lap.
“Shh, Y/N, Y/N breathe.” You heard someone say. You looked up at the sky as you were turned to lie on your back. You saw Mina’s terrified face as she pulled at your dress making sure you had space to breathe. She held your face with a hand as she looked down at you, tears in her golden eyes as she looked down at you. “Breathe for me.”
“Lady Ashido, let me try.” Someone else spoke, whoever it was holding you.
You couldn’t care much as you felt a sob wreck through your body, grief moving through you intensely. Your body began to shiver with sobs that erupted from your chest, hot tears flowing from your eyes. “Mina!” You cried out in utter pain. You felt a soft hand on your forehead and soft shushes to you. You leaned in closer to her hand but you felt to broken to do much. You coughed, tasting metallic blood in your mouth as you did so. Everything was burning and you felt like you were choking. You had done everything for his approval, you had twisted your back to make sure you would be perfect. He said he saw you as perfect.
Then why would he do this to you?
Mina put her forehead against yours. “Shh… I know, my love. I know. I’m sorry.” She apologised softly as she held you tightly. “I need you to hold on. We need to get you to a physician.”
“Lady Ashido, she is going to drop.” The person who held your body spoke up, rather calmly. You were gasping for air, your chest feeling as if someone had stabbed a knife into your chest like you could barely leave. You coughed, blood coming out of your throat and spill at your lips. “Allow me to help her. I am the only one that can help her right now.” Mina hesitated as she looked up at the Alpha. She nodded her head as she let go of you.
You hear soft shuffling before you were encompassed in a warm Alpha scent that wrapped around you. You felt an ease to your lungs and to your Omega to an Alpha’s comfort. You let out a small needy whine. A comforting rumble came out of the Alpha’s chest in response as you were pulled against a bare chest. You closed your eyes as you leaned against the warm skin of the Alpha, your face being pushed into the crook of their neck. A strong scent, one of a Prime, escaped the Alpha who held you in their arms, lulling your Omega into a scent dazed calm. You took in deep breaths.
It didn’t take long before you passed out in exhaustion against the Alpha’s chest, unconscious and taken out of the pain of being awake. Mina ran a hand over your forehead with a scowl on her face as she looked down at you. In a span of a few minutes you looked void of much life and passion that you had when you were awake.
“Lady Ashido…” The pink Omega looked up to the Alpha. “You should head back.”
Mina’s eyebrows furrowed as she sat up where she was on her knees with the Alpha that held you. “No. I can not leave her while she is like this.” She motioned down to you. “Sir Midoriya, you can not expect me to-”
“Lady Ashido.” Midoriya’s dark green eyebrows furrowed as he looked to Mina serious. “You are family friends with the Kirishimas. You can not ruin that. It is important, especially in a world like this. Go.” He motioned back to the brightly lit evening hall, light coming out of the glass from inside.
In the darkness of the gardens with nothing but the garden lanterns and the moonlight shining down on the three of you. Izuku looked down at you, where you were against his chest. Your eyes were shut, your lashes were wet with tears as you were numb in his warm arms. Blood stained your lips but luckily his Prime had stopped any escalation of your drop. He had draped his blazer around you and kept you against his chest, comforting your Omega during this rejection process you were trying to understand and make sense of.
He held you tighter, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked down at you. “I will get her to a physician, just tell the president about this matter.”
Mina hesitated. “Sir Midoriya…”
“I’m the only thing preventing her from a drop right now,” He reminded her as he looked up, his deep jade eyes looking at her with only one thing on his mind and that was taking care of you. “She is okay with me. She’ll be okay. I’ll take her to my room. You can come and get her once you’re done there.”
Mina looked at him but she knew you were better off with Izuku than with anyone else. She nodded her head sullenly, not wanting to leave you but knowing it was for the best. She looked back at you tenderly. She shuffled in her dress a bit, leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead as you slept. She put her forehead against yours as she let out a shaky breath.
She lifted her head and looked back at Izuku, frowning. “Take care of her for me, Izuku. She’s my best friend.” Izuku nodded as Mina stood up from the grass covered ground. She took the diamond necklace off the ground. She looked back to the direction of the party, making her slow way back.
Izuku watched her for a moment before looking back down at you. He carefully stood back up, holding you tightly in his arms as he did so. Slowly he walked towards the stone path once more, heading in the darkness of night towards the direction of the lodges where everyone was staying during the season.
Your head was pounding as you slowly lifted it off of the pillow. You let out a soft whine at the headache that assaulted your head. You wished you were still asleep. Your body felt as though you were dying, and honestly, part of you wish you were. Half the time your body always had something to say, but now you were sure this would be the nail in your coffin.
“You’re awake?”
The voice asked you. You tried opening your eyes, but it took longer than you wanted it to. You blinked, grateful to see that the curtains in your room were drawn. Only a few candle were lit in your room which you think only set the down mood even more. You turned to your left slowly. Sitting there in a cushioned chair was your appointed guardian and mentor of the Royal Academy for Distinguished Omegas.
You opened your mouth to speak but a cough came out of your throat. The metallic taste of blood still evident.
He let out a sigh as he stood up and walked over to you. He moved to help you sit up, keeping you cushioned against an array of pillows. He carefully grabbed a glass of water for you and helped you drink it. He was gentle to your surprise. Aizawa Shota was known for being harsh, but he loved his Omegas. This was basically an orphanage if one thought hard about it, and he was your guardian and chaperon.
“Don’t rush yourself, Y/N.” He spoke in a low chastising voice. He held a frown on his face. “You nearly fell into an Omegan drop. You have been asleep for the past three days.”
You took a deep breath, your throat now feeling better as you sank back too exhausted to try keep your posture. It was just the two of you in your bedroom, which meant you didn’t have to be formal or hide your true feelings. You gave him a gentle smile as you looked at him. “I failed… didn’t I?” Your voice was a low whisper, barely even audible but Aizawa always paid attention to you.
He frowned as he moved to sit back in the chair. “You did not fail. Alphas are cruel and horrible things.” Despite being an Alpha himself, he was sincere about his words. “You did nothing wrong, Y/N. It was nothing on your part.”
You shook your head as you looked at him. “That is not what society will say.” You remind him. You turned to look away from him.
“Y/N, you were perfect.” Aizawa stated with furrowed eyebrows with a serious look on his face as he looked at you. He leaned forward. “If anything, the academy is greatly offended by the actions of the Kirishimas. You had gained the approval of his parents, you had visited their duchy and proved that you would be the perfect duchess.”
“If I were perfect, then why would he not pick me?” You asked with an emotionless face, a tear slipping out of your eye.
Aizawa didn’t respond and that was all the confirmation you needed. You might as well give yourself to a nunnery because you knew the type of humiliation you were to face the moment you stepped out of your room. All your time spent focused on one Alpha just to get rejected and sidelined.
“You are lucky that Lady Ashido and Sir Midoriya had found you when you left the hall.” He informed you.
You turned to him with a confused look, your eyebrows furrowing. “Sir Midoriya?”
“He had brought you back, unharmed, unscathed and untouched. Without his intervention you would have surely-” Aizawa didn’t let himself say it. “It is not the matter. You have been invited to a tea party tomorrow morning.”
“From who?”
“Bakugou Katsuki.”
“Just kill me already and be done with it.” You said as you looked away from him, not wanting to meet his gaze.
Aizawa sighed, not liking the invitation either. “He is inviting you to tea, knowing that you might not be in the state to. He wants to humiliate you by you not showing up.” He explained his viewpoint of the invitation.
You were silent, letting out a shaky breath before looking down at your legs. “Shota.” You whispered. His dark black eyes looked up to you, however you didn’t look him in the eyes. “I can’t move my legs.”
Aizawa sat up in concern. “Can you not feel them?”
“I can but I can not wish them to move even if I wanted them to.” You told him, being painfully serious with him.
Aizawa let out a worried breath, not in frustration but just in concern. Your health had always been something that had plagued you since you had presented. It was something that doctors could not figure out. Small symptoms that plagued you sometimes all at once and sometimes not at all. You had been doing so well this season too. “Do you think you’d be able to go tomorrow?” He asked lowly. “We can put you in a wheelchair and Lady Ashido will be there too. I am sure she would love to see you.”
You didn’t respond.
You didn’t even want to exist right now.
“You look wonderful in your new house colours, Lord Bakugou.”
“Simply marvellous.”
“The betrothal necklace looks great on you.”
“Simply glowing.”
Lady Ashido Mina rolled her eyes at the needless compliments aimed at the blond Omega in question. She lifted up the porcelain tea cup to her lips as she ignored all of the other Omegas upliftment of him. It was a beautiful morning at the Bakugou Estate, with the sun shining with only a few clouds. The greenhouse that they were sitting in was trimmed to look refined and beautiful.
Katsuki smiled smugly as he sat down his own cup of tea and looked around the table. There was an empty seat beside Mina which he knew would stay empty. It was the entire reason he had put it there. “It seems as though Lady L/N won’t be joining us.” He let out softly with a fake sigh. He frowned as he shook his head. “What a shame.”
Denki frowned with a breath, feeling uncomfortable with the way the conversation was turning. He half expected it from Katsuki but still found it rather unnecessary. “Lady L/N is unwell, but I am sure she sends her regards.” He stated truthfully. Mina nodded her head in agreement.
“Ah yes, she is unwell.” Katsuki nodded leaning back in his chair. He opened his mouth to speak.
“My apologies Lord Bakugou.” Katsuki stiffened at the voice. He turned to his left to see you being wheeled forward from the eastern entrance of the glass house. You sat in a silver dress, your grey puffed out sleeves had bows on your shoulders making you stand out in a bold yet pretty way. You had a rather plain expression, a hidden mask of your true feelings at seeing the blond Omega in front of you. “I did not mean to be tardy, it seems as though the roads leading to the Bakugou estate are unfamiliar to me as they must be for you.”
Your passive aggressive jab was not missed by Katsuki. Considering the both of you grew up in the academy, Katsuki was essentially never allowed back home until he had made a match and would therefore also be whisked away straight after. He smiled but his eyes said anything but. “Lady L/N, we were just discussing you. Please do come sit.” He motioned to the empty chair but his other hand rested by his neck.
Wrapped around his neck was the betrothal necklace that was given to him by Eijiro. It was snug and beautiful, covered in diamonds with the Kirishima insignia on the very front of his neck, red rubies encircled the Kirishima crest. It was beautiful and was the object of your envy.
One of your personal maids given to you by the academy had wheeled you closer to the table, before moving the empty chair so that your wheelchair could be put in that place instead.
“Lady L/N are you alright?” You turned to Princess Momo, who had been married to Prince Todoroki Shoto just last year. The Omega from a supporting rich family had always been rather quiet and hidden about her opinions and you hearing her ask about your health was a surprise.
You gave her a small smile and nodded your head. “I am, your highness, just fatigued really. The president of the academy herself gave me strict orders to stay in my wheelchair for my own safety and assurance. Thank you for your concern.”
“Which is such a shame.” Katsuki spoke up, lifting up his cup of tea to his face. One of the Bakugou’s servants moved to pour tea in a cup for you. You nodded your head in gratitude as you took the cup. “Your health is something that has always bothered you.”
You lifted the cup up to your lips. “Bothered but not hindered me.”
“It must be the cause of such turmoil considering…” Katsuki continued as if he had not heard what you had just said. The soft beginning of a chuckle erupted from his chest. His crimson red eyes moved to look at you with an undertone of a glare. “Considering that no Alpha would ever consider an Omega with such poor health.” He chuckled, causing others around the table to do so as well.
The loud sound of a cup hitting it’s saucer was heard, effectively stopping all form of laughter. Mina fought a scowl on her face but could not hide the frown as she had her eyes closed. “Lord Bakugou,” she started as she put her hands in her lap. “That comment was unnecessary.”
“He is not wrong, Lady Ashido.” Ms Uraraka Ochaco said softly with a nod of her head.
Katsuki motioned to the other who seemed to nod their heads in agreement. You held back any reaction as you gripped your teacup and sipped your tea. Katsuki looked back at you with a tilt of his head. “As someone who is supposed to be the best of us, being sickly is not a great trait. One does even wonder if her body would be able to house a pup.”
Lady Kodai giggled as she leaned close to Katsuki with a smile. “I heard,” She glanced at you and then back to Katsuki who leaned closer to her. “That her dowry is not even undisclosed.”
“An Omega with probably nothing for a dowry and sickly, no wonder Lord Kirishima picked Lord Bakugou.” Lady Tokage giggled.
“We should inform our Alpha siblings to ensure that they know where to stir away from.”
The whispers were loud and blatanly aimed at you, but you kept quiet as you sat there. You were composed, you were still and you were silent. It was better than the pain of saying anything at all.
By the time Aizawa came in a carriage to fetch you, it was clear to say that your social standing was in ruins now.
You sat in your bed as the sun fell into your room. You watched as birds came to sit on your orange tree that you had started growing a few years ago. It had not yet given any fruit but it was making steady progress. You half thought about burning the damn thing. The only reason you had any interest in it was due to the fact that Eijiro’s mother loved growing oranges and thus had one in her own private garden.
However, you couldn’t bring yourself to ask for it to be removed off your balcony.
A knock came to your doors. Before you could even allow whoever it was inside, the doors opened to reveal Aizawa and a flurry of servants that have served you before. “Quickly.” He clapped his hands together as to get them all to hurry. He had a serious look on his face as he motioned for all of them to be fast. You watched as the maids, all femmes, carried in jugs of hot water and started pulling at your changing screen. “We do not want to keep him waiting. Make sure she looks and smells like a bed of roses.”   
You felt yourself lifted off of your bed. Your eyes widened in surprise. “What is the meaning of this?” You asked surprised as you were dragged behind the changing screen as a maid held you up, being careful to support you as you attempted to stand while the rest pulled off your white lounge dress to get you to quickly wipe down.
Aizawa looked over the choices of gowns that were presented to him by the maids. “Someone has called on you, an Alpha.” He chose a pastel light pink one with a gentle cream, the back and sleeves being pink with a long train. The maid quickly moved to behind the screen where you were currently being scrubbed with a cloth.
Your eyebrows furrowed. “Who-” You were quickly put to stand in the metal tub underneath you, water being splashed onto your body to rinse you off. You gasped before you felt a towel rub at your skin to dry you off. You felt the maids press at your scent glands making more of your scent spill out. “Ow.”
“Sorry Lady Y/N.” Your personal maid, Pony said with a bow of her head.
Aizawa moved to select something modest for jewellery. He chose a simple pearl necklace for you so that it could sit snuggly on your neckline. “Sir Midoriya Izuku.” He revealed, taking you by surprise. “Whatever his reason is for being here, we want him to take an affection to you.”
You were quickly slipped into your dress, them tightening the ribbon that sat underneath your breasts so that they would be forced to be pressed and pushed up. You let out a surprised squeak but you kept it together. You let out a sigh. “Shota, do you not think that this is all much? I am sure-” You were cut off as your head was tilted to the side so that light make up could be put on your face. “He must just be here to see that I am well.”
Although he couldn’t see your face, he gave you a blunt raised eyebrow in a disbelieving look. “Alphas are cowards. They would rather send a bouquet and a card than simply call on you to ask how you are doing.” He told you bluntly making you sigh. “No matter, he’s already here and in your drawing room. Whatever the reason is, making a good impression on a future duke is important.”
“Future duke not current duke.” You reminded him.
He rolled his eyes and motioned with his hand. “Yes, yes, now are you done?” He asked.
You weren’t, but another five minutes and you were. You were wheeled to the room just next door to your own room. You had your hands resting in your lap. This would be the first time you had been invited or called upon by someone in a week after Katsuki’s tea party. You were silent as the door was opened for you and you were let through.
Standing in the sunlight was the silhouette of a tall man. His hair was a curly dark green from what you could see and he wore a matching colour long coat, his hands joined behind his back. He had a good build, clearly having a fit element to him underneath his coat. At the sound of the door opening, he turned to look back at you. Piercing green, emerald eyes locked onto your being. His face was speckled with freckles and softer ones ran down his neck. His eyebrows raised in surprise at your state.
Aizawa offered you a hand as he helped you up to stand on your own two feet now that you were in the room. The servants quickly left, leaving the three of you alone.
Izuku strode over to you, making sure you wouldn’t have to walk a long distance towards him. You extended your hand that was covered in a glove. He carefully took your gloved hand in his large one, his thumb caressing over your fingers. “Lady L/N Y/N.” He greeted formally.
“Sir Midoriya Izuku,” You nodded your head towards him. “Forgive me for my tardiness, I did not know you would call upon me.”
He stood back up straight, letting go of your hand. “Please, I did not send word and therefore I am to blame.” He paused for a moment before his eyebrows furrowed. “You should be seated, last time I saw you, you were in no state to even stand.”
You gave him a gentle smile as Aizawa stirred you towards a seat in the sunlight so that you could soak up the warmth. You sat down, silently grateful but a deep breath leaving you showed that you were indeed fatigued for just standing for those few moments. “I should actually thank you,” You stated as you rested your hands on your lap as you faced him. “You are the reason I am here right now.” You weren’t sure whether to be grateful or to curse him for doing so.
He smiled. “Any gentleman would have done what I did.”
“Still, I owe you my life.”
He shook his head with wide eyes. “No, please.” He motioned to Aizawa who stood at your side. “Sir Aizawa has already sent his gratitude from him and the academy for my deed although not needed. Knowing that you are well is good enough for me.”
You tilted your head. This was probably the longest conversation you ever had with Midoriya Izuku. He seemed rather dignified. For being an illegitimate son, he had manners of any noble born Alpha. He stood with his back up straight and his head raised high and upright. You looked up at him with a gentle smile. “What can I do for you, Sir Midoriya?” You asked.
Izuku hesitated. He wasn’t entirely sure how to word this or whether or whether not it would be viewed as an insult by you. He sure hope it wouldn’t. He swallowed down hard before letting out a breath. “If I am to be honest, Lady L/N, I have a proposition for you.” You raised an eyebrow. You could see the business man in him come to the forefront but you could also see a bit of vulnerability. “As you know, my sire passed away not too long ago, the Duke of the Usagi prefecture.”
“I am aware. I am sorry for your loss, sir.”
He let out a silent scoff but shook his head. “No need. We were never close.” You tilted your head slightly, finding it interesting how he downright rejected the condolences, not seeing them as necessary at all. “My father never sired any legitimate children which leads his duchy, estate and assets all to fall onto me. However, the King and my father’s will dictates that I am to be wed by the end of the year that he dies, in order to secure the lineage of the duchy. Unfortunately, my time to find an Omega to take to wife is coming to an end with only one week left of the season.” He explained his situation to you, being frank and honest on his part. “I conversed with a friend of yours, lady Mina, who is engaged to a partner of mine, Lord Sero Hanta. She told me that due to Lord Kirishima’s actions you’ve been left in a rather…” He hesitated. “Disadvantaged position in high society.” You were silent, your fingers digging into your hand as you listened to what he had to say. He let out a breath. “My proposition is this.”
He stepped forward and revealed a velvet dark box. Your eyes widened and you and Aizawa glanced at each other. His eyebrows raised in surprise as he looked at you and then at the box. Izuku took a few steps closer before opening it, revealing a beautiful necklace. It was made of a gold with dark emeralds that matched his eyes and had hanging small chains linked between the gems. It was beautiful.
“Would you do me the honour of marrying me?” Your eyes flicked up to his face, looking up at him. He moved down to one knee, making your eyebrows lift up in surprise. “I have something you desire, a title as duchess and a duchy that needs a femme’s touch which, from what I have seen of you, you will be able to fulfil. I need a wife to obtain said duchy. I promise I will be a good Alpha to you, a good husband to you. I’ll give you all that you deserve, and I have enough money now to make sure of that even without the title.”
You were speechless. This was not what you were expecting when you heard that this Alpha had called upon you today. It was also not what you thought your season end would look like. It was some slim chance of luck, but you knew there was no way on earth you could let this opportunity run out of your hands.
“I know we do not know much of each other, being nothing but acquaintances, but I believe we can learn to enjoy each other’s presence and if you truly despise me, I will not withhold you from having a lov-”
“Yes.” You answered unblinkingly. “I’ll marry you.” You did not even allow him to finish.
He paused as he took in what you said, and then you heard him sigh as his shoulders lowered in relief. A relieved smile went to his face as he let out a light chuckle. “You will not believe how happy I am to hear you say that.” He said as he stood up on his own two feet. He handed Aizawa the necklace, which seemed to make him very happy to take off of Midoriya’s hands.
“Sir Midoriya.”
“Hm?” He turned to look at you with wide green eyes, interested in what you had to say. “Yes?”
“Are… are you positive you wish to marry me?” Aizawa looked at you with a pointed look, clearly not approving of what you were trying to do here. Izuku furrowed his eyebrows, confused as to why you would ask that. Before you could let him respond, you shifted in your seat and swallowed down hard. “I have a body that is often weak at times. My health bothers me, although I can often work around it, there are days where I can not. My dowry is also something that even I do not know the number of, as it was enclosed when my parents gave me to the academy. Are you positive you wouldn’t want any other Omega?” The last thing you wanted was an Alpha that regretted ever having asked you to be his in the first place.
Izuku seemed surprised by your words before a gentle look crossed his face. “Lady L/N, we don’t choose our bodies. If you are sick, then I will make sure that I have the best doctors in the kingdom to treat you.” He answered simply. “And I don’t need your dowry. Whether it is a thousand gold coins or one. I am not as fragile in my masculinity and choice of Omega to let it sway me.” He informed you amusedly with a gentle smirk on his face. You looked up at him surprised which he found cute. “Will you be able to come to the ending ball in five days?”
You nodded. “I should be.”
“Then we will make ourselves public then. I do have a meeting with his majesty King Enji this afternoon and I am sure he will approve.” He announced with a nod of his head. His eyes then widened as he looked to Aizawa, having temporarily forgotten about your chaperone and guardian who was in the room. “If that is alright with you-”
“Take her.” Aizawa answered nonchalantly, making your eyes widen in surprise. “She’ll be ready by the ending ball.”
You let out a sigh, choosing to ignore Aizawa’s insistence of throwing you away from him. You turned to look up at the green haired Alpha. “Sir Midoriya.” Izuku turned to you with attentive emerald eyes, his full attention on you. His eye contact as intoxicating and strong. “If we are to suddenly pull out an engagement out of nowhere, we ought to act like a passionate match. We will have to sell this engagement as more than what it is.”
He nodded his head understandingly. “You are most right. However, I think it starts with one thing.”
“And what is that, Sir Midoriya?”
“Izuku.” He gave you a smile. “Considering that you are my fiancé…” He took a step closer to you. “You can call me Izuku. You should call me by my name.”
You felt heat bloom at your cheeks. You had never called an Alpha by their name other than Eijiro once upon a time when you were younger. It was something so intimate especially between opposite dynamics. You swallowed hard but smiled. “Then you can call me by mine.”
Izuku stood clutching the glass in his hand trying not to pull his eyes out at the insufferable voice of Bakugou Katsuki. The blond stood beside his new fiancé, his gleaming necklace sat snug on his neck with a low bodice neckline that highlighted his flawless skin and large chest for a male Omega. “Since Eijiro is the highest-ranking Alpha engaged, our wedding is first after the end of the season.” He informed everyone, keeping one hand on Eijiro.
Eijiro nodded, Katsuki’s hand resting on his offered arm as he stood beside the blond. “Indeed. Which is a lot of planning. More than I thought it would be. But…” He turned to look down at Katsuki with ruby eyes that seemed lidded with passion. “It’s worth it for my perfect duchess.”
Mina furrowed her eyebrows but bit her bottom lip, keeping her comment to herself. Despite her attempt at keeping her opinions on Eijiro’s statement to herself, a scoff took everyone’s attention.
Izuku lifted up his glass to his lips, his eyes down casted. “It seems as though you use that adjective for every Omega, Lord Kirishima.”
Eijiro’s eyes flicked to the green haired Alpha, he kept a smile on his face as he lifted his head up to look at the other man opposite him. Katsuki frowned at the statement, his nose scrunching as he looked to Izuku. “Excuse me, Sir Midoriya?” Eijiro started with a pressed look on his face. “You were saying.
Izuku flicked his gaze up, dark deep green eyes looking at the other Omega. He shrugged but kept a polite smile on his face. “I was simply just voicing out that it seems as though you love to use that adjective.” He spoke out his notice. “Which is such a shame, especially when you use it when it is simply not true.” His gaze flicked down to Katsuki, who looked taken aback by the statement.
Eijiro frowned, a low disapproving hum coming out of his chest. Katsuki put a hand to his chest as he looked to Izuku with a pressed smile. “No need to be so sour, Deku,” He let out proudly, keeping a hand on his fiancé to calm him down. Touching an Alpha was only permitted when married or engaged and even then it had to be appropriate and not too intimate to cause a scandal. Katsuki glanced up at his Alpha with bright eyes before flicking back to Izuku with a soft glare. “Just because I turned you down, does not mean you have to be so pouty. Not having an Omega seems to have harmed your spirits.”
Sero’s eyes widened in surprise that Katsuki would say that in public, Mina’s lips drew into a line as she glanced at her fiancé who looked just as surprised. Marquess Iida Tenya glanced at his friend, waiting to see his reaction before stepping in.
Izuku seemed unamused and unhindered by the comment he simply raised an eyebrow. Izuku glanced over to Eijiro. “You allow your future perfect duchess to behave like this in public?” He asked with an almost disapproving look on his face. Eijiro swallowed down hard but didn’t say anything. Izuku turned to look down at Katsuki. He straightened the dark jacket he was wearing. “Please refrain from referring to me so casually, Lord Bakugou. Especially since I am engaged.”
Everyone turned to him surprised. “You are-”
“Announcing, the Prima Omega, Lady L/N Y/N!”
Everyone turned their attentions to the steps as you walked down towards the courtyard where the outside ball was happening. You wore a deep green emerald dress, which suited you beautifully. On your neck, sitting tightly was an engagement necklace. Tight and wrapped around with the Midoriya family crest in it. You kept your eye son Izuku from the moment you entered the room.
The large Alpha looked at you surprised. He had not expected to see you look so beautiful in his family colours, but he couldn’t deny that you were the most beautiful person here. He quickly composed himself as he drew in a breath and settled his lips into a smirk. Pride brimming in his expression as he made sure to play the necessary part as your fiancé. He handed Tenya his glass.
You kept your head hight as you focused on walking. You felt weighed down and you half wished you had stayed in bed, but you had an agreement, an engagement and it was too late to back down now. You made you way towards the group of familiar faces.
Izuku stepped to the side as he offered his hand. The moment you had placed it in his hand your eyes seemed to just glisten as your face shifted to one of adoration. Izuku wasn’t sure how you managed to do it, but you looked up at him as if he hung the stars tonight. He smirked as he pulled your hand kissing your knuckles. “Y/N.” He said your first name so casually, pulling you closer towards him by his hand. “You look impeccable.”
“Sir-” You were taken by surprise as you were pressed up against him, and he leaned his head low towards your neck. You felt your face burn. You told him that you were both to act close but not for him to act so… so intimately. You felt him take a breath of your scent making you try to fight a flushed look unsuccessfully. “Izuku, please.” You let out embarrassed but holding it together. You took a breath but carefully moved your hand to rest on the crook of his neck, making him draw back to look at you. “I apologise for my tardiness. Our carriage cracked a wheel.”
“Dear me, I’ll make sure of it, to accompany you home then.” He assured as he offered his arm. You took it, grabbing hold of him. He turned around to face the group once more. Izuku opened his mouth to speak but was quickly interrupted by Mina who came up to you.
“Lady Y/N.” She let out surprised as she took your hand. She raised an eyebrow as she looked to you. “Or should I call you Madam- no, Duchess Midoriya.”
You chuckled as you put a hand to your chest. “Please, Lady Ashido. It is far too early for that. Not until our wedding date has been announced. Izuku is about to get his dukedom bestowed upon him tomorrow.” You stated looking back at him with an adoring smile. “Rightfully deserved, might I add.”
He chuckled as he rested his hand a top of yours that lay on his arm. “I am glad you think so, Y/N.”
You smiled before catching eye of a certain Alpha. Eijiro stood beside Katsuki, an arm around him as his ruby eyes were on you. His eyes darted between you and Izuku confused, his dark eyebrows furrowed as if trying to make sense on how on earth you were with Izuku in the first place. The sight of his uncomfortability and slight suspicion would have made you happy but instead it made you sick.
You were not sure how to feel about his gaze. He was the last person you wanted to see and just seeing him made you feel faint. The broken Omega inside you whined at the remembrance of your rejection. How he had courted you, entertained you, paraded you around the ton for all to see, only for him not to pick you. Only for him to choose the very Omega you despised. Only for him to cast you aside despite you being what everyone had called “perfect”.
A hand rubbing your wrist brought you out of your daze. You looked down to Izuku’s large hands. They were large and not as soft as other nobles, they were calloused and experienced but just the soft rub of them made you feel better than you think you ever could alone. You looked up at his face. This was the first time you were standing beside Izuku especially so intimately as more than just acquintances and yet here he was standing with his head held high beside you. You blinked feeling the tears that lined your lids. He looked down at you with a tilt of his head.
His eyebrows furrowed seeing that being in Eijiro’s presence was upsetting you. The orchestra was just finishing their current piece, taking a bit of his attention. “It seems as though I will be filling your dancing card, my lady.” He told you with a gentle smile.
He let go of you before bowing at the waist offering his hand. “A dance?”
You smiled as you gave him your hand, slipping it into his warm hand. He guided the both of you towards the dancefloor, ignoring the gazes that watched the both of you. You weren’t sure how your body would hold up with a dance but you knew you could push yourself if need be. You just had to dance with him once and then you could spend the rest of the evening sitting.
As the two of you entered the dancefloor, conveniently followed by Eijiro and Katsuki. You swallowed down hard as you tried to focus on the music that was playing and not on the two of them so close to the two of you.
Izuku’s eyebrows furrowed at the clear discomfort you were feeling. Suddenly you felt his hand pull you closer to him, making a surprised chirp come out of you. Your eyes widened as you looked up at him. His eyes were only on you. “Don’t look at them, they do not deserve an inkling of your attention. Look at me.” He told you. Your eyes bore up at him, keeping him in your sights. His grip on you was firm but gently, a hand holding onto your back to keep you up right. “Just like that.”
Then the orchestra started up again and you found yourself in a move with Izuku. You let him guide you around the dancefloor. The both of you danced in tide with one another, perfectly suited in your steps. You were surprised he was a good dancer and he was able to dance with you. You kept your eyes on him, just as he wanted, and he kept his eyes on you.
The two of you were too close. Close enough that it was suffocating. You could feel the heat of his body through his clothes, you could smell his scent that seemed to envelope you in a dream. His eyes stayed on you and only on you. You felt as though your feet were barely even touching the ground, you were stepping not a step out of place and yet he held you up as if you were just gliding an inch off the ground.
Suddenly you felt him spin you, you couldn’t help but laugh at the sudden movement. He bore a smile on his face as he kept you as close as possibly and spun you just to make you smile. You moved your hand to hold onto his shoulder, throwing your head back with a bright smile as you allowed him to do something that was anything but socially acceptable but considering it was the last ball of the season, you wanted to enjoy this moment.
You pulled yourself closer to him, as you kept your faces close. “You will make us the biggest scandal of the ton.”
A sharp smirk pulled to his freckled face. He chuckled. “Good.”
The end of this year’s social season was one that left many faces shocked and many hearts fluttered. The surprise pairing of Lady L/N Y/N and Sir Midoriya Izuku, now Duke Midoriya of the Usagi prefecture has turned many heads. With every unhindered touch and gaze, they had the entire of the elitists watching in what some might say is disdain but we all know is wonder. A passionate match that seemed to have taken the entire ton by surprise.
One does ought to wonder whether this match was made in order to save face or whether truly passionate matches are real. But this author does do wonder, how dear Lord Kirishima Eijiro doth thinks of what used to be his bestowed prized gem now lies in the perfectly illegitimate yet now noble hands of Duke Midoriya Izuku.
[Midoriya Izuku Masterlist]
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pinkykats-place · 1 year
Omega Bakugo x Alpha Midoriya AUs
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
No Quirks
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
Some contain mature content. Read tags.
Art work by @ ox_hchicbee.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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How to lose an alpha in 10 days by Mikacrispy
Summary: Bakugou Katsuki bets with his friends that he can drive any alpha away in less than 10 days by making the mistakes every omega does in new relationships. He plans to write an article about it for the magazine he works for and get a promotion out of it. Too bad the alpha he chose for this experiment isn't going along with his plans.
Shamelessly How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days inspired.
{One Shot}
No Quirks AU | Contains Smut
Elevator Music by KaterinaRiley
Summary: In which there isn't actually any music in the elevator…not unless you count the litany of moans.
— — —
The alpha prime suddenly shoves him away.
“You’re in heat!” he gasps, eyes wide. “Why are you—you shouldn’t be here!”
“Don’t fucking tell me what to do,” Katsuki replies on autopilot, but his voice is too breathless for his usual snarl to accompany the words. “Omegas can do anything we want to.”
“Of course, you can!”
And oh. Oh, fuck, the alpha prime is being genuine.
He genuinely believes that omegas can do anything they want to.
Katsuki wants nothing more than to strip and pin him, show him all the things he can do.
{One Shot}
No Quirks AU | Contains Smut
DON’T IGNORE ME by Shelobs_web
Summary: Katsuki had been eyeing up the voluntary librarian for a while now. What happens when he finally makes his move and is completely ignored?
One Shot | No Quirks AU | SFW
Katsuki Wants a Pool Boy by kyramidoriya
Summary: Househusband Katsuki hates his life. His husband is horrible, he's lonely, and for fucks sake he just wants to get knotted. Que his scheme to find a nice, big, alpha pool boy to help him out.
{One Shot}
No Quirks AU | Contains Smut
Make love with me, Kacchan by JoonEleven
Summary: Katsuki was excited. He had finally found a cheap apartment complex that wasn't in a shady neighbourhood and his neighbours were great. That was until Midoriya Izuku moved in and seemed to fuck a new person every night. Katsuki was the only one who seemed to be upset about it because Izuku being an alpha meant people were too scared to fight back.
But Katsuki wasn't a scaredy-cat. He needed his beauty sleep! So, when Katsuki had enough and tried to tell the damn alpha to keep it down, he finally saw what he actually looked like.
And, wow, was this the worst time ever? Izuku was starting his rut.
And he had just found the perfect partner to spend it with.
{One Shot}
No Quirks AU | Contains Smut
Under Lock & Key by okakachan
Summary: “I don’t know!” He jerks his legs up to pull them into his chest, rocking back against the arm of the couch. “I just—I want to be...submissive, sometimes, it’s—I don't know. It’s not a big deal, just something I think about sometimes.”
“Katsuki,” Izuku says in a sigh. “Honey. That’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“But it’s not how I am,” Katsuki says, muffled into his knees.
One Shot | Contains Smut
Grateful Destiny by just_a_reader_of_things
Summary: After he presents as an omega, Bakugo Katsuki's mother and sire offers him to the barbarian king, Midoriya Izuku, in return for protection and knowledge that she hopes will aid her failing kingdom. Katsuki is worried about his union with the stranger until they lock eyes at the altar.
{One Shot}
Royalty AU | Contains Smut
Ordinary World by Tenkku
Summary: A dark story with a happy ending! Known as the Alpha Slayer, Bakugo is the most feared omega in the land until the Empire defeats his clan and way of life. He is saved by Alpha Izuku, a general in the Empire army, and taken to Izuku's villa. But Bakugo refuses to submit and hates all alphas, including the dynamics and the harsh mistreatment of omegas. Izuku respects all omegas and runs a different household than most alphas and wants Bakugo to join him. But Bakugo has suffered from years of sexual abuse for being an omega and cannot be touched by an alpha without going berserk. Izuku wants to win Bakugo's trust and help to heal the past traumas by showing Bakugo that not all alphas are terrible. Bakugo wants to remain untouched, unmarried, unbonded, and childless.
But when the Emperor wants to make Bakugo his omega, Izuku has to find a way to make Bakugo marry him to keep him safe. They will have to travel back to Izuku's homeland where a new growing threat is making its presence known, and they may or may not have help from the Empire. Izuku and Bakugo will fight side by side and face many challenges and dangers that will test their partnership. Can Bakugo ever accept Izuku as his alpha?
Complete | 27 Chapters
Historical AU | Contains Smut
The Boyfriend Theorem by imnotpoppunk
Summary: Katsuki is the first omega to ever play for the UA University men's hockey team. He's just not sure how much more he can take before he cracks under the pressure of it all.
Izuku is an alpha grad student working on his PhD in philosophy. He's also working on keeping himself convinced that it's his one true passion in life.
A tutoring session leads to a white lie to save face and after that things get more complicated than either of them had intended.
Complete | 23 Chapters
College AU | Contains Smut
i'm yours and you're mine by SpicyJam
Summary: "Deku. Just face it. You're not getting rid of me from now until the end of ever."
Katsuki circles his arms stubbornly around Izuku's shoulders and hugs him as tight as he can. "So you better just get used to the idea of being my alpha for the rest of your life, 'cause I'm not letting you go."
Izuku's heart picks up beneath his chest, and Katsuki knows his own is doing the same. He's not usually the one for sappy words like that, but he meant it.
A gentle touch pats against the back of his head as Izuku easily hums his agreement.
"Of course, Kacchan. For the rest of our lives."
And there's nothing anyone else can say to change that fact.
Or, they didn't really need an arranged marriage to get together.
Complete | 2 Chapters
Yakuza AU | Contains Smut
Older Deku x Younger Baku
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iamfrankie99 · 2 years
Seven-Layer Cake
by TempeTot
36k 7ch
Summary: Denki and Katsuki are best friends. Denki has a huge crush on one of the customers of the cat cafe he works at, a handsome purple-haired cat lover who comes in every day. Said handsome stranger, Hitoshi, works at a wedding venue with his best friend, Izuku, and after he takes notice of how good of a cake designer Katsuki is, he sends the green-haired alpha to try and hire the spiky blond. How little of a world is it that your best friend ends up engaged to your boyfriend’s best friend?
Frankie’s comment: This fic gives you a more modern perspective of the typical omegaverse traditions. I liked it most of all because of that. I love the classic omegaverse as much as everyone does but this was unique, so yeah!! Hope you enjoy!!
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kajinovaa · 7 months
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pspspspsp omegaverse dindin for yall
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animeomegas · 3 months
How would Izuku react to an Alpha with the quirk to duplicate themselves, would he suggest quirk play into the bed? ;)
It takes a while for Izuku to think about anything dirty with his alphas quirk.
He hyper focuses on the ways it can be used in hero work, in medicine, in business, everything. Except sex.
I think it would actually take alpha making a joke to put the idea into Izuku's head.
"You could use it for so much!! I mean, imagine the benefit of double teaming all your tasks!!"
You paused at his phrasing, a sly grin making its way onto your face. "Double teaming, eh? I can think of a few ways that would be useful."
Izuku's face went cherry red. "That's- That's not what I meant!"
And it wasn't what he meant. But it did put the idea into his head, and he finds himself not being able to get it out.
N-sfw specifics under cut
He starts imagining all sorts of naughty things.
He starts off fairly normal. He thinks about a threesome. Double penetration. All the new positions that would be possible (he likes to be held off the ground during sex, it turns him on to be manhandled lol.)
But then his thoughts start to get more and more specific.
He thinks about a good cop, bad cop, dom team. Where one of you is covering him in praise, and the other degrades him.
He thinks about cheating roleplays, where one of your finds him 'cheating' with the other.
He thinks about voyeurism and exhibitionism stuff. What if one of you 'taught' the other one how to fuck him properly. Or you could have your clone film you and him fucking from inside the wardrobe or round the crack of the door, so Midoriya can watch it back and pretend there was someone watching.
And you know what Midoriya's mind is like. Once he starts, he can't stop. So the scenarios get more and more detailed, and he becomes more and more fixated.
I like to think that he starts having dirty dreams every night, entirely pent up and distracted.
I guess it'd up to you get these fantasies out of him and make a couple of his dreams come true 😉
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zorosbeau33 · 4 months
Courting Gifts Part 1~ BNHA/MHA Omegaverse headcanon
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Starring: (aged up college or older) Midoriya, Bakugo, and Shinso x omega reader G: Fluff, some humor, sfw The guys are alphas for this part as that is just how I picture these three~ Tw: none for this one! W: 1,510 Masterlist~
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This timid alpha does not understand courting gifts
He gets the tradition, however he doesn't understand why he can't just…buy you and gift you only All Might Merch
It takes several of his friends sitting him down for him to understand that not everyone's dream nest would be their boyfriend's mentor
He is so red and shy when he comes to you about it with a bouquet of lilies and some non-All Might-themed blankets of your favorite colors
Despite the initial All Might gifts from the time you started courting he is constantly getting little treats and putting them in your locker or if you catch him handing them over as he babbles about how pretty you are and how much he loves you (shaking the entire time)
Not huge on non-All Might name brands. It's not that he doesn’t care or isn’t willing to spend the money he just doesn’t really know anything about them and is more likely to get small things that remind him of you.
Baby loves to get cute couple things, matching pajamas, especially with mugs to match each other with sappy nicknames or quotes or designs on them
Clumsily wrapped hand picked bouquets from when he was on mission in another part of the country (yes he stayed up the night before to pick them in the moonlight)
Once he figures out what are your favorite foods he is going to bug the daylights out of Kacchan to teach him them. May even do something embarrassing to get him to agree to it. Don’t worry Kirishima assigned himself as a referee to be there so no one would get hurt
Once he sees you buy any of his own merch expect to be gifted every single thing that you comment you like when he’s reviewing the merch prototypes. 
It's embarrassing for him, and he does whimper he feels silly gifting them to you, but they make you happy. 
Seeing you curled up cuddling plushie him on his couch wearing one of his actual hoodies with “hoodie” written on the front, when he comes home from a mission? Oh his bawling woke you up, he couldn’t help it he was so touched 
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This man? Oh he started with the courting gifts before you were even courting
No of course you didn’t notice he’s smooth af
Its cold out “Idiot tt, you really are helpless” shoves handwarmers into your hands. 
Somehow procures a blanket from his den when on mission and wraps you in it while on stake out on the roof…in another town…and yes it makes you smell just like his heady alpha scent 
Your stomach grumbles? Suddenly theres a snack in your hand/pocket
You yawned? Oh my somehow you took a nap on his shoulder. And no he didn’t get violent with anyone after for teasing him. He merely nodded at your thanks and went about the next task…yes Kirishima has photos of him looking lovingly at you. And Yes he may have scented you and taken a nap breathing in your scent.
You don’t recall when but several of those blankets of his ended up in your nest and he loves to mention that he’s missing them but not to you, no he enjoys seeing you blush and if you try to bring it up or apologize or return them to him he finds some other pressing matter and tells you to talk to him on it later…later never comes
When he asks to court you? Oh he makes you dinner picnic by the river, somehow gets you into some clothes of his or a jacket of his, and after dinner brings out some nice drinks for you and asks permission (not for you to be his oh no) if he could be yours. 
Yes he gives you a necklace or earring if you say yes he may have even made them
He is not stingy, will leave things for your nest everywhere. Constantly wants to scent you and things for you, expects you to scent him too and better be thorough about it
He tells the others to shut up they wish they were him if they ever try to tease him for it. He is so proud of your scent
This man is all for a clean house but gods having your blankets that you had him scent all over does not count as mess, those are all possible nest spots in his mind and he respects and protects them
He bought guest blankets because he buys you all the plushies and blankets and pillows you want for your nests and does not ever want someone to use those if they visit even if youre okay with it, those are your nest and he will protect your safe place with his life
Not huge on designer presents, but thats because he’s looking at the quality of a product. He will spend 1,000 on a blanket if he thinks the quality is worth it and it would make you happy. But 1,000 on a bookbag/bag you may only use three or four times and looks like one villains blow will ruin it? Nope
He is big on learning to make things, so expect him to build you furniture, or get Best Jeanist to help him so he can make you the worlds cutest and one of a kind bags and accessories (he makes some subtle couple bags his bookbag matches your bookbag/handbag)
Flowers are always on your dinning table and they always look perfect and fresh its his pride
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Calm exterior, panicking internally. His first courting gifts are subtle like Bakugo but a bit more intentionally evident
“You were cold yes? Here use mine.” gives you his gloves and chuckles shyly “Dont worry I have more at home you use them”
Brings you little cat themed things because he hopes they’ll remind you of him. A little kitty keychain, some cat shaped onigiri in your favorite flavor with a little “You did well make sure you rest” on your work desk
Once you're courting he gives you everything, he would give you his soul if he could
Flowers? Everytime you meet up until you warn him theres no more space for more flowers
Plushies, bet lets go pick some out together. Turns the brightest shade of red when you compare them to him or if you ask him to scent them. A mess trying to hide his face in his hands or jacket collar.
Surprise presents are a thing too, they don’t happen often but when the thought occurs he will send presents to your job (even if you work together) to surprise you. Is gummy smiling when you talk about them later, he loves seeing how you melt with these
Loves having his scent on you as much if not more than Bakugo, though he is much more calm and lowkey about it
Would offer you his clothes and things to wear but will not just…put them on you or wrap you in them. He’s very soft and gentle when he offers.
Absolutely melts to see you in his oversized clothes, theyre huge on him-they swim on you and it ruins him. He's both horny, melting, shy, and falling in love all over again.
He bakes
You get a little bento box of baked goods (Eri is thrilled because she got to taste test everything) every so often
Makes you cake or pie or bread whatever you prefer for special events or home dates
He also likes to treat you to homemade ice cream, just leaves it in your work or home freezer with a little kitten on it for you to know its a gift from him
Another one that likes to make his gifts
They are a bit clumsy but he likes to make little clay figurines for you whenever he goes away on a long mission or has to go undercover and can't see you
You could have a whole shelf of the tiny watcher cats hes made (some of them are themed after your friends or dates you both have gone on like the grey cat with a tiny sakura on its head for when you both went to see them bloom)
This comes with the unexpected side gift of one or two cats from Eri she begged him to teach her to make for you (she also made him some so technically you both have couples cats made by Eri)
Shinso would love to give you designer things and he does. From brands that he knows or if he thinks you will like them~ Especially smaller brand concept artist stuff. 
Was given the idea from a job commission and thus has recorded his voice for you once while drunk to use as your morning alarm, ringtone for him, and alert message (yes it's him meowing thats the only meme one the others are scalding hot and yes he did record his alpha purr/growl)
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bakubunny · 5 months
i cant stop thinking abt alpha izuku or kats experiencing his heat while omega reader is in heat too. every piece of furniture in that bedroom is fucking broken
unpopular opinion: alpha izu is almost more rough and just as if not more needy than alpha kats. like yes ur right 100% but even when kats is blowing shit up he has some self control though it seems like he doesn’t.
alpha izu on the other hand. um. 😵‍💫🫣 let’s just say you’re better off with an empty room and a nice mattress with a ton of blankets and whatnot on the floor bc that man’s accidentally broken one too many bed frames bc of his quirk or just in general during his ruts. he’s probably on work mandated paid leave every time, and if you work at the same agency, you’re on leave as well bc well… who else is gonna help ease his ailment and keep him from tearing the house apart except for his mate? luckily for you, your heats are often triggered by his ruts, so that makes things a little easier. 😳
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pervysenpaix · 2 years
Murphy's Law | Alpha! I. Midoriya
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A/N: This has been sitting incomplete in my drafts for months because I lost interest but the beginning was cute and I didn't want it to go to waste so I wrote some shitty smut just cause, yeah. read it if you want I don't really care ☹️
TW! ABO dynamics, ProHero/Aged Up, Alpha!Deku, Omega! Reader, Clumsy Reader, Accident Prone reader, condescending deku, reader is attacked and deku saves her, yandere deku if you squint, strangers to lovers, vaginal fingering, marking, not proof read poorly written 💔
18+ NSFW Content| MDNI
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Murphy’s Law, in its simplest form, claims that “anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. In other words—you were a walking fucking disaster. 
Absolutely accident-prone. Wherever you went, chaos followed. It had been that way your whole life. You’d labeled yourself as a “clutz” thanking God that you were lucky enough to never get seriously hurt from your negligence, but it seemed that your luck was running out.
The chill of the night air did nothing to quell the sweat beading from your flesh. Brisk wind nipped at your skin, exacerbating the potent stench of a frightened omega. Yes, you were clumsy and, at times, forgetful but you always remembered to wear your blockers! 
It was just a crazy morning, and you were running late, and you assumed that it would be fine because you lived so close to the restaurant. But you didn’t expect the place to be so busy, or for your boss to have you stay an extra hour. Then two. Then four. And before you knew it you were doing a double closing shift because you were the only one available. Poor unlucky you.
That lack of luck continued when you begrudgingly passed a rowdy pack of males that were congregating outside of a liquor store. You ignored their whistles and lewd comments, clutching your bag and picking up the pace. Most of the men shrugged it off, calling you a tease or a “stuck up bitch”, but one pair of lustful eyes lingered—the same pair that were getting dangerously close. Just a few more strides and—
“Caught ‘ya!”, he growled. 
The fowl stench of alcohol mixed with the alpha’s licorice like musk made your stomach lurch. You struggled in his grasp, screaming, flailing your arms and kicking wildly until you landed a good hit on your assailant who didn’t appreciate it at all. 
“Stupid bitch” he grunts, wrapping his hands around your strands and bashing your head against the brick wall. Pain blooms in your skull and you feel yourself quickly losing consciousness but before darkness consumed you—you don’t miss the emergence of an earthy aroma soured with anger followed by a blur of green. 
Then nothing. 
A scent reminiscent of lush forest meadows and the sound of light tapping and beeping pulls you from your slumber. It was a welcomed change from the potent odor emitting from that feral alpha last night. The memory overcomes any lingering drowsiness, and you bolt upright. 
The tapping stops.
The sudden movement proved un-advantageous. Bile rose in your throat with dark spots clouding your vision. A figure emerges from the corner of the dimly lit room reaching your side in a fraction of a second. His scarred hand holds a basin to your face, and you ungraciously empty the contents of your stomach. It’s painful and unsightly. You search for something to ground yourself settling for his thick wrist while you sob and dry heave over the container. 
“Hey, it’s okay.” His voice was soft and soothing, but still held confidence. “I am here”.  Soft purrs rumbled from the alpha’s chest, while you retched beside him. Moments later, the alpha placed the basin on the bedside table and brought a damp towel to your face. Gently, he cleaned your face. It wasn’t until the cloth left your skin that your eyes fluttered open settling on the stranger. 
A gorgeous set of gemstone visionaries met your own. Sparkling with warmth and a hint of mischief and slightly covered by forest green strands from his messy undercut. Plush pink lips were pulled a slight smirk, highlighting the trademark dusting of freckles on his nose and cheeks. 
“You’re… You’re— Deku” he finished for you, flashing a close-eyed smile. “And you’re (Y/N) (L/N), recessive omega, correct?” 
You blinked. “I- yes … How did you—
“Well, you dropped your purse during the attack, and I got your name from your ID card. As for your second gender, sweetheart a beta would smell you even with all the suppressants they have you on. What happened to your blockers?”
An inexplicable feeling of shame was brought on by his furrowed brow and sudden condescending tone.
“I didn’t take them this morning… I forgot”, you tried to look anywhere but his face. You could feel the disapproval in his stare.
The alpha shook his head and frowned.
“That was extremely reckless. An unmarked omega with a scent as strong as yours should never leave the house without some form of suppressant.” He paused, leaning forward to sniff your hair. “Do you not have a partner or anyone to check on you?” 
 Your face felt extremely hot as you shook your head “no”.
“I see...” he continued with a smirk, “Do I need to inform the nurse that you lack a babysitter?” 
“A b-babysitter!?!? I don’t need a—I’m not a baby!” you sputtered, gaping at the large man. He brought a finger to your chin and closed your mouth, earning a cute squeak at the contact. “Oh? But big girls wouldn’t forget to take their blockers, especially if they’re going to be out so late. Do you understand what could’ve happened if I wasn’t patrolling the area?”
“Yes but—
“So, you knew better but still didn’t do better. That doesn’t sound like an adult thing to do.” He cooed; lips upturned to mimic your pout.
“No!” you snapped, ignoring the Pro-Hero’s raised brow. “That’s not it! I never usually forget, it was just a busy morning and I live close to my job, so I didn’t think it be a big deal but then my boss kept asking me to stay and it got later and later, and—
“So, what you’re telling me is that you’re not only forgetful but a pushover as well?” He stated matter-of-factly.
“Wha— y-you’re mean”
 Izuku wouldn’t admit it, but he loved the way your bottom lip trembled and your eyes watered due to his words. You looked like a defiant child. Absolutely helpless and in need of a caretaker. A hero. 
“I’m sorry, love. I didn’t mean to hurt your little feelings, but it’s my job as a hero to make sure that people are safe. Don’t you not want me to do my job?”
More guilt. Here was the number 1 hero trying to ensure your safety, but you were acting like a little brat. Maybe you aren’t a “big girl”.
“m’sorry” your voice was small, but he obviously heard you, humming for you to continue. “I didn’t mean to sound rude. It’s just that I have really bad luck and it’s frustrating that I always get in these positions. Thank you for saving me though, Mr. Deku”.
That’s interesting, he thought, hoping you’d elaborate on what you meant by “bad luck” but when you didn’t continue, he just smiled.
“Just doing my job!”.
A few weeks have passed, and things progressed normally. Izuku found himself thinking of you from time to time but it’s fleeting. He’ll catch himself visualizing those pouty lips upturned into a frown as he scolded you and sometimes, he imagined your deliciously sweet scent. Like right now, as he patrolled the streets his senses were suddenly flooded with your delicate saccharine aroma. It was a welcomed distraction from the repetition of his route since things had been slow today. His inner alpha grew restless from the blossoming scent that seemed to get stronger and stronger.
The observant hero scanned the area but saw no immediate signs of you. It wasn’t until he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply that he realized that you were two streets over in the college district, so he started to head in your direction. Your scent wasn’t as potent as it was during your first encounter, a sign that you’d remembered your blockers, but it would be impossible for him to miss since it was embedded in his mind. 
Turning the corner, he saw you frantically running up the sidewalk towards one of the university buildings. A report folder was clutched in your fingers with your bag propped haphazardly on your shoulder. It was apparent that you were a student and running late. You babbled frantically into the phone that was balanced between your ear and shoulder, so engrossed in the conversation that you didn’t notice a speeding car until it was blaring its horn after you walked into the streets without looking. You stared at the vehicle like a deer in headlights, unable to do anything but accept your doom. But then electricity crackled in the air, and you were whirled to the safety of the university stairs. 
“We’ve got to stop meeting like this”, the hero smirked down at you. It was comical watching the little gears turning in your head realizing that Deku had saved your life yet again. There wasn’t much time to admire him in the hospital but right now you were close enough to count each freckle in the diamond formation on his cheeks. He was so handsome. And it felt so good in his arms. So safe. 
“I— You were interrupted by the ringing of your phone. “Shit!” you cursed, pushing off the hero and running towards the doors. “Thanks, Mr. Deku!
“And then there was one” Deku muttered, slightly pissed at your rudeness. This was the second time he’d saved your life. Where was your gratitude? Entitled brat, he thought. What he wouldn’t give for a chance to correct your behavior. 
A week later, incognito Deku was heading out to enjoy the day. It was his first off day in weeks, and he decided to treat himself to a nice meal. He decided on a western style café/bakery that Kirishima had recommended a few weeks ago. Upon entering, he was immediately met with your confectionary scent. Izuku remembered that you worked at a restaurant and since you weren’t Japanese, he assumed that this was your place of employment. 
Izuku approached the dining counter, waiting to be served, and was pleasantly surprised when you came from the back to take his order. 
“Welcome! What can I get started for you today?” you chirped sweetly. 
“Hmm—a proper thanks would be nice”. You stilled at the familiarity of the voice, squinting at the unknown patron. Izuku pulled his mask down revealing his familiar array of freckles and pretty plump lips. “Its you” you smiled, leaning forward with your elbows against the counter. The action presented your exposed cleavage nicely and Izuku found himself licking his lips. “It’s me” he rasped, eyes traveling between your chest and face. 
The action did not go unnoticed, but you chose not to comment. Probably just a coincidence, you naively thought.
“Well, thanks for saving my life twice, Mr. Deku” you whispered his hero name with a coy smile playing on your glossy lips. It sounded so sweet.  “It was my pleasure, (y/n)” he whispered your name in a similar fashion while taking your hand in his larger one and running his thumb over your wrist, and you visibly shivered at the contact.
“s-so” you stammered, pulling your hand to wipe against your apron, “what would you like?” 
You he wanted to say but you were already flustered. He hummed and tapped his cheek, “I have a taste for something sweet.” His eyes dipped back to your cleavage, and he licked his lips. “Any suggestions?”
Now you definitely weren’t imagining that. 
“U-um well, w-we have lots of desserts, l bake some of them”.
 That piqued his interest. 
“Oh?” he asked, and you nodded. “Mmhmm, it’s a hobby of mines and my boss lets me try out different recipes. Today’s special is Strawberry Rhubarb pie but with a twist!” you declared proudly. “A twist you say?” he mused, leaning over the counter and reveling in your giddiness. You leaned forward and put your lips close to his ear, covering your mouth with your hand. “I add a sprig of mint for freshness” you whisper, tickling the shell of his ear. “It’s my secret ingredient”.
Fuck you were adorable. All excited like a child presenting a new skill to their parent. It took a lot of willpower to stop his cock from straining against his jeans, but he managed. 
Deku leaned back with a smirk, “Well then, it’s settled. I’m gonna have a taste of your little pie”.
Three slices of pie and a pitcher of coffee later Deku had learned that you were an international student at the university’s business school and had dreams of owning a restaurant one day. You’d also disclosed that you didn’t really enjoy your job, but you didn’t have any financial support. Pretty much helpless and alone, forced to work a crappy job so you wouldn’t get kicked out of your even crappier apartment. On a lighter note, you told him some of the things that you were into, and he found that you two had a lot of common interests. It was a pleasant surprise that you were a bit of a “fan girl” and he happened to be your favorite. 
“Like it’s just my luck that I meet my all-time favorite person while I’m moments away from death”.
Midoriya frowned when you told him of all the different mishaps you’d gotten into the past few weeks. He counted 23 times that could’ve resulted in serious bodily injury or worse. The alpha wanted to just put you in a little bubble and keep you safe from yourself. 
“Have you ever thought about— oh shit”! 
Somehow, you’d managed to trip over air and spilled the pitcher of coffee on his hand as you were going for a refill. 
“Oh! Ohmygodimsosorry!” You scrambled to wipe his hands clean but ended up spilling more on his pants. The situation was quickly becoming a spectacle, customers snickering, and passersby pointed through the windows. You were so embarrassed and could feel yourself unraveling. 
The kitchen door slammed open and out walked your supervisor. He was fuming. Throwing out a string of curses before his eyes even landed on you. Tears welled in your eyes as you braced yourself for the routine berating that you’d get every time you messed up during your shift.
“You useless fucking omega!” He seethed, “Can’t do anything right. What are you good for besides laying on your back?”
Midoriya was furious and was itching to use black whip and yank out his weak beta fangs one by one, but he noticed the change in your scent and saw the way your body shook in fear and shame. He was on you in an instant. Pulling you against his chest and releasing calming pheromones. His hood came off in the process making the crowd gasp when they saw his green curls.
Long story short— he broke your ex-supervisor’s hand, told him you quit, and carried you bridal style all the way to his home. He explained that you would never be setting foot in that place again and that he’d be taking care of you from now own. When you tried to protest between sniffles, he just shushed you and pressed your face closer to his chest. 
You were now sitting in the bathtub while Deku rinsed conditioner from your freshly detangled hair. Izuku kneeled behind the tub with his chin resting on your shoulder. He was content. Humming softly as the pads of his fingers traced your skin. Neither of you spoke. His hands felt so good on your skin—it was easy to just “let go” like he suggested when he first undressed you. Your heavy eyes had shut at some point but fluttered open when his hand ventured down to part your thighs.
Izuku nuzzled against your neck just as his fingers slipped through your sticky folds to circle your clit. Soft kisses pressed against your skin left a burning trail down to your scent glands. His tongue rolled against the flesh eliciting needy whimpers and whines. You bared your neck—encouraging his musings, gasping when sharp fangs began to prick your skin. The hero chuckled darkly loving the way you melted for him. So pliant. So perfect. 
“Being so good for me right. So good. Spread those legs a little more, that’s right. So pretty” He cooed sweetly, “Love takin’ care of you like this. You like it too, don’t you baby?” A particularly lewd moan was the only response you could muster given the fact that he’d just slipped a thick digit in your needy hole. “ ‘course y’do, bunny. ooo—you got so t-tight just then. Wanna be my little bunny?” Izuku suckled at your glands sending your omega into a frenzy. She was screaming, crying, desperate for him. You wanted him so bad that you could taste it. “Please ‘zuku. Wan’ it back. Need it, Alpha” you hiccuped, grinding your cunt against the heel of his hand. “Want it all. Wanna cum. Wan’ your cock. Wanna be yours, mark me please al-ahhh~~
Sharp fangs pierced your skin immediately sending you over the edge. Izuku suckled at the mark, prolonging your climax. Your body eventually settled in the pink tinged water, exhausted. Your eyes fluttered shut but you felt something hard prodding at your lips.
“Say ahh, bunny”.
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Taglist| @xogabbiexo , @yo-nn , @plussizeficchick , @m00nchildthings , @mhathotfic , @7inaa , @namjoonswifeyy , @tenyaiidasslut , @urfavsinna , @megumischubbycheeks , @unsatisfiedanddisappointed , @erenyeagerswhore , @tsukihime25 , @endeavours-jockstrap
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chibicharlie95 · 4 months
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These are my pieces from "Instinct", the BkDkBk A/B/O zine.
The first was my first ever cover art (wow my style has adjusted soooo much in a year!)
And the second is for the spicy volume (the full version can be found on my spicy Twitter, Blue Sky, or Patreon). The concept was that a newly mated Deku had tried to make a sweet breakfast and burned it accidentally. After getting upset his alpha came to see what was wrong and to remind him that he is still the best Omega.
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gglitch1dd · 1 year
Good Afternoon
Alpha Izuku Midoriya x Omega Reader
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Izuku hates father's day, but with the birth of his new son, he can't help but find beauty in the day too.
AN: Sorry to post this so late onto here. It was first on AO3 but I was way too tired to put it on here.
Warning: Children, SMUT, NSFW, Lactation Kink, mentions of post partum body, OMEGAVERSE, Domestic fluff, sorta quickie, BREEDING, mxf, AFAB READER ?but gender neutral pronouns)
“ProHero Deku!”
Midoriya wiped the sweat off his eyebrows as he took a breath, closing his eyes for just a second. He had just defeated a rater large and powerful villain that had needed his attention. Midoriya was tired but at least he got the fight over and done with. To be honest, he got most of the cases and emergencies today over and done with pretty quickly. Today the green haired Alpha was in no mood to deal with any villains, thieves, arsonists or emergencies of any kind. To be fair, his mind wasn’t on work today. Nor was it for the past two weeks. The Alpha was in no mood to be out of his own home actually, not with the condition you were in. It would be any day now that his Omega, his beloved partner and rock, would give birth to his pup.
A son.
His first born son, son of the Number One hero of Japan. It was almost ridiculous how many people were so excited and happy at the news. Almost a picture perfect image for Midoriya and he couldn’t help but agree. He was the Alpha with everything. He had the money, the career, the loving Omega and soon he would have the pup. It was perfect. Midoriya felt as if everything was perfect. The only reason Midoriya wasn’t with you right now was because he wanted to soak up every second of leave time that he could have with you the moment his son was born. Of course, there was a lot of anxiety being first time parents, but that was swept away by you. Truly, today he was just upset over one thing and one thing in particular.
“ProHero Deku!”
The green haired Alpha turned his attention to the press down below on the sidewalk. Midoriya floated down to them from where he was, landing on the blocked off road with a heavy thump. The large Alpha ran a hand through his hair luscious green locks as his cape bellowed behind him. He put on his camera winning smile and immediately the cameras went flashing.
“Another great day, Deku especially for this years Father’s Day.” The reporter stated, as they all started to crowd him with mics. Midoriya’s face faltered.
Father’s day.
That’s what he was upset about. It was what had him on edge all day.
Midoriya hated father’s day. He hated it ever since he was but a pup himself. He hated it ever since he couldn’t spend a single one that he remembered with his own father. His own sire who he’d rather not think about for a second let alone have a day surrounding it. Midoriya didn’t understand why he, a man that could never have a day with his father, be forced to be happy and join in the celebrations of such a day that he found meaningless.
His father tried to kill him when they reunited again.
People should understand why he isn’t exactly, jumping for joy for this one day of the year.
“It’s just another day being a hero.” Midoriya answered with a smile, sharp canines on hid display as he answered the reporter with a shrug. “Gotta keep the city safe regardless, especially with a special day like today.”
Another reporter moved forward to ask a question. “Deku, any plans for this father’s day?”
Midoriya chuckled shaking his head. “Unfortunately not, although I did send AllMight on a cruise for the special occasion, so I would like to think he’s having a fantastic time.”
“How far are you and Dynamight with the Jojo case?”
The green haired Alpha was relieved to hear a question that wasn’t about this stupid day. “It’s up to the courts now. Dynamight and I have done our parts and will continue to monitor the case but we trust in the judicial system and are being kept informed as we speak.”
“Deku!” Midoriya turned around as one of his sidekicks came running, a phone in hand as they ran to him. Midoriya took a step back from the reporters, his eyebrows furrowed in worry at the look on their face. The sidekick stopped just in front of him. “It’s your Omega, sir.” Immediately Midoriya took a step forward, fear instantly going through him. “They’re in labour, sir.” He notified the Number One hero.
Immediately, it was as if a bucket of cold water washed over him. He froze as everything around him went silent all at once. Midoriya was stuck frozen for a second. “What?” His side kick nodded his head as he passed the phone over to him. Midoriya looked down at the phone, still shocked at everything happening around him. He couldn’t even hear the screaming reporters that wanted a scope on the number one hero’s Omega about to give birth. he put the phone to his ear as he turned around walking away from everyone, leaving his sidekicks to deal with the press. “Hello?”
“Izuku.” It was Kirishima, his voice having a slight tone of urgency as he spoke over the phone.
Midoriya swallowed down hard. “Head Alpha.” He spoke.
“YN. Apparently they’ve been in labour since this morning but the femmes only told us now that the pup should be born any minute now.”
Midoriya stilled, he closed his eyes knowing that it was so like you to keep things under wrapped until the last second especially when you didn’t want people to worry. “I’ll be there in a second.” He answered. He put down the phone. With his demeanour changed to one of determination, Midoriya handed the phone to his side kick. “I’m on leave.” He told them all simply, before pushing off the ground in a loud bang of sound, flying off.
Midoriya couldn’t care about anything else as his heartbeat loudly in his chest. Maybe that was one of the reasons his heart was beating out of his chest. Maybe that was why he felt so uneasy today. You, his loving Omega were fighting so hard to bring his pup in the world and here he was running around the city playing hero. Midoriya wanted to slap himself in the face for not picking up on it sooner.
It didn’t take longer than two minutes before he landed with a loud thump on the road outside his house in the pack estate.
He looked up at the door to see Bakugou was leaning against the doorway, with an expectant look. “You sure took your time.” He spoke with a frown.
Midoriya quickly made a jog towards the blond Alpha to his front door. “Where are they?” he asked, only focused on you and nothing more. He pushed past the blond inside his doorway, just barely kicking off his shoes before marching to the staircase.
“Whoa! Easy there, Izuku.” Shinso stopped him as he just barely wrapped his binding cloth around the green haired Alpha, stopping him in his tracks. The mascs were downstairs with him with most of the femmes upstairs helping you with the birth.
Midoriya shook his head as he tried to escape Shinso’s hold and head upstairs. “I have to get to them.” He spoke eagerly.
“Not like that, you aren’t.” Bakugou shot back with a frown. Immediately Kirishima, Bakugou and Shinso started dragging Midoriya over to his downstairs bathroom. “You just came off the streets and you want to walk into your Omega’s nesting room, let alone where they are having your pup? You must be more stupid than I thought.” Bakugou shook his head as they shoved him inside the bathroom. Shoto brought him a change of clothes they had waiting for him, putting it on the counter.
“But I-”
Kirishima smiled as he moved to close the door. “The quicker you get yourself cleaned up and presentable, the quicker you can go to them.” He informed him before closing the door.
Midoriya was tired of this antics, just wanting to be with you but he knew they were right. He needed to be clean and he also needed to get his head in order. Midoriya took in a breath before quickly moving to slip off his hero uniform. He scrubbed his arms and face so hard he was sure he was turning pink. He didn’t want even a hint of a risk on infecting you or the pup. Once that was done, he made hasty work of changing into sweatpants and slipping into slippers before harshly throwing open his door. He ran out of the bathroom and nearly slid onto the floor trying to get to the staircase.
“They ain’t going anywhere, Izuku!” Sato said amusedly as the rest of the mascs watched the green haired alpha try not to break down his house trying to get to you.
Bakugou scoffed, folding his arms over his chest as he watched amusedly. “I don’t think he knows that.”
Midoriya made it to the top of the stairs. He quickly made his way to your nesting room. His heart was beating out of his chest as he felt it sitting in his throat. He took in a deep breath. He had to be stronger than his. He had faced so many dangers, villains and even death himself and yet he had never felt more scared than he was now. He knocked on the door, not entirely sure what else to do.
He heard some shuffling but not even a second later the door opened. Looking up at him was Momo who looked surprised but then she smiled dearly at him. She chuckled. “We were just about to call you, Izuku.” She told him as she stepped to the side. She turned to look into her room. Her sleeves were pushed up her arms as she stood with a content smile on her face. “YN, guess who’s here?”
You turned your head, looking at your green haired Alpha tiredly as you lay in your nest. You had a bundle in your arms as you looked to him. You let out an amused chuckle at the look of bewilderment on Midoriya’s face. “Come in, Izuku. He doesn’t bite.” You teased him as you looked down at the small pup in your arms. “At least not yet anyways.”
Midoriya took a hesitant step forward, every step seemingly harder than the last. The room smelt of happy scents that crowded around him. Melissa was watching your vitals, making sure you were okay at all times while the rest of the femmes were either cooing at the new baby or rushing around getting the room cleaned. Midoriya approached you near the bed where your nest was, he moved to your side.
He let out a shaky breath, moving his forehead against yours. “Y/N.” He closed his eyes as he caressed the side of your face lovingly. A rumble came out of his chest knowing that you were alright and with him.
You smiled at the Alpha’s affection. You moved your nose to nudge his as you purred up at him lovingly. “Izuku…”
“I’m so sorry I missed it.” He apologised quietly, squeezing his eyes shut as he tilted his head. “Are you okay? Are you alright? It was so stupid I-”
You shushed him sweetly before he went off on a tangent. You saw him squeeze his eyes some more almost in pain but then he eased up, his green jade eyes fluttering open to you gently. Nothing but a soft look on his face. You smiled at the sight of your loving Alpha. “It doesn’t matter.” You told him. “And besides, you are just in time to meet your son.” You told him gently turning your attention down to your arms at the little whimpering baby in your arms. “Come on Toshi, lets say good afternoon to your dad.”
Midoriya was hesitant but he looked down. Immediately he felt his world stop as everything around you seemed to fade away and it was just him sitting next to you and your son in your arms. You gently handed the baby over to him. Midoriya was fearful at first, not knowing what to do, but he automatically held the small newborn like he was taught to in those parental classes that the both of you went to.
The little boy was exactly like his father. A full set of curly green hair that was unmistakably and irreplaceably a Midoriya family trait. His chubby cheeks had tiny little freckles that were so faint, he wasn’t even sure that they were there and had the softest skin on earth. He let out a sound akin to a kitten almost with an upset look. Strong green eyes that looked up at his sire almost confused and a bit scared himself. He was just as timid as Midoriya was when he was younger.
Midoriya let out a gentle scoff but smiled. “Hey there…” He whispered down to the little boy. “Hi… I… I’m your dad.” He whispered with a gentle smile, moving to position the little baby against his chest.
You watched with a genuine smile as your Alpha put his son against his chest. The little boy let out a small whine before settling against his father with a gentle coo, closing his eyes once more. Midoriya lowered his head as he bit back a sob. His large hands holding the small pup almost scared that he would lose him. Midoriya had rivers flowing out of his eyes the moment he first laid eyes on the pup but he didn’t notice it until now.
He turned to you, his pupils huge with adoration as he reached down closer to you. You felt your own tears at your eyes. He was crying, and he felt horrible for crying like a baby but he couldn’t help it. “Thank you.” He whispered with such utter gratitude in every syllable.
You opened your eyes looking up at him. “Happy Father’s Day, Izuku.”
You smiled as you leaned against the doorway looking at Midoriya who was looking down at his son with such love in your eyes, it made your heart swell. It had already been two months since you had Toshinori and life had been nothing but filled with love. Of course, as first time parents you rarely slept as is and you often found yourselves rarely showering in a two day cycle, quite literally forgetting with Toshinori around. However, Midoriya soaked up every minute of it. The large green haired Alpha loved being at home with you and his new son.
Everytime it was mentioned he started to get tears in his eyes. He promised himself he would stop crying but there hasn’t been a day since Toshinori was born that he hadn’t cried himself into a sobbing mess at how amazing your son was for two months old already, at how cute he was, at how amazing you are for bringing him another star to add to his solar system, then he would start crying some more at how much he felt he didn’t deserve this. Although parenthood and being an active hero were two very demanding things, Midoriya could safely say he would drop everything to be here with the two of you.
You walked over to your Alpha, being careful not to be too loud as you didn’t want to wake up Toshinori from his afternoon nap. You wrapped your arms around him, his warm body underneath your hold comforted you immensely. You looked up at him, although a slightly tired look on his face, he looked so content. You chuckled softly, placing a kiss to his shoulder. “We’re going to miss you, you know.” You spoke softly.
Midoriya moved his arm to encase you in his hold, bringing you closer to him, a content rumble going through his chest as he turned to look down at you. He let out a heavy breath as he wrapped you in his arms and placed a kiss to your forehead. “I kind of don’t want to go back.” He admitted. You giggled making him smile gently at the sound he found angelic. “Is that bad?”
You shook your head. “No… it’s not.” You reassured him as you gave him a pointed look. “I… I want to be selfish and say not to.”
He let out a low groan as he wrapped his arms around you tighter, burying his head in the crook of your neck. He took a breath of your scent that he always found addicitive. It had turned sweeter and milkier since your pregnancy and hadn’t stopped since you were pumping milk for Toshinori. He was addicted to the smell of you, the taste of you, the feel of you, but he had restrained himself not wanting to come on to you until you were ready. “Don’t say that.” He whined making you chuckle at the large oversized baby you had in your arms now. “I want to stay.”
“Yah, but…” You swallowed down hard as you rubbed his back soothingly. “Japan needs its Number One hero.” You remind him. “The people need you.”
“The people have Kacchan.” You let out a soft chuckle at his deflection. He moved to kiss over your mating mark making you gasp for a second as your hold on him grew possessive. “I… I feel like I haven’t had enough time to appreciate you yet.” He whispered against your neck.
Your hands moved down the muscles of his back. So defined and expansive that everyone time you saw his back was enough to get you in the mood. He was too gorgeous for your own health. You didn’t know how you were so lucky as to end up with the number one hero of your country, to end up with the ProHero who was on billboards, magazines, talkshows. His smile alone could capture the hearts of every Omega in Japan and yet he always aimed it at you, for you, with you in mind.
It was a bit intimidating to be honest.
But you couldn’t think of that right now. All you could think of was the fact that your Alpha hadn’t touched you in months and you had been craving his skin for so long. You tightened your hold on him as you moved to take a breath of his scent. The scent of a new book, sweet ink and almost of the forest when it rained. It was so uniquely him. It was perfect.
“I miss you.” You whispered against his neck. You gasped as you moved closer to him. “I want you.” You whispered in need.
Midoriya raised his head, closing his eyes, not wanting to rush into something. “Honey-”
“Izuku, I need you.” You brought your hands behind his neck, looking up at him. “My body aches for you. Please, I’m ready. It’s okay.”
Midoriya hesitated but when he looked down at you, the way you looked as if you were so ready and waiting for him with open arms, he couldn’t say no. Especially with your gown open and he was able to see your chest without hinderance. He let out a soft groan before reaching down and cupping the back of your head and kissing you ferociously. You let out a purr from your chest at the feeling of him and in return he sent a rumble back.
Midoriya felt his mind go numb just at the feeling of you. Life was perfect for him right now and he wouldn’t change a thing. You felt his need for you grow tremendously as he moved his hands to undo your gown and feel the bare skin underneath. He chuckled into the kiss, finding that you were already planning for this. His rough hands moved to caress up your body, grabbing at your breasts. A whine was pulled out of you as he did so, the pain moving into pleasure as he rubbed his thumb over your nipples, small beads of white wetting his fingers.
You separated for air but Midoriya found you insatiable, his mouth moving to land on your scent gland. You let out a whine at the feeling of his warm mouth on your mating mark. The rush that went down your back making you want to crumble to your knees. Midoriya seemed only more determined the moment he heard the noise that left your mouth. He was desperate for your pleasure and your sounds. You moved your hand to tug on his curls making him release a low groan.
“Izuku,” You let out breathlessly. “We… we can’t…”You bit back a groan as his mouth kissed down to your nipples, aching and waiting for his attention. Eagerly he took one into his mouth sucking and lapping at the sensitive bud that was leaking already. You had to bite back a loud moan, being barely conscious of the sleeping infant not even a meter away. “Izuku. Toshinori.” You pointed out.
Midoriya picked you up easily, sweeping you into his arms effortlessly as he quickly made his way out of Toshinori’s room. He sped down to the master bedroom, quickly racing into the bedroom. The moment he had kicked open the door and closed it behind the two of you, you were trapped with no way but through him. The baby monitor was luckily already on so with nothing else stopping or hindering the Alpha, Midoriya lay you down on the bed, moving back to sucking the sweet milk that came from your breasts.
You gasped as you arched your back at the pleasure. You dug your hands through his curly green hair pushing him closer to you, needing more pressure from him. You whined in need as your face twisted in pleasure. Midoriya’s large hands travelled up your body, grabbing at your free nipple, twisting it in his fingers making you gasp.
The large Alpha on top of you couldn’t help but smirk as he looked at you, his green devious eyes finding pleasure in what he was causing to you.
“Izuku…” You moaned out into the air. “Alpha Please.” You begged as you tried to squeeze your thighs together but with his body in the way, you found no such relief even in that action.
You hissed as he moved to the next nipple, giving it the same attention as the other. Only this time, one of his hands travelled lower, opening your robe and pulling it off you to reach your wet sex. His fingers rubbed circles on your sensitive clit and immediately you tensed as you dug your nails into his back. You let out a keen at the pleasure, so relieved to finally have him touching you there again after so long. You felt so sensitive it was almost embarrassing at how much slick your body was producing due to the Alpha’s antics.
Midoriya let out a low chuckle as he let go of your breast with a pop. He grinned down at you, finding you insatiable. A low growl coming out of his chest as he looked down at you. “You’re so sensitive my love. You’ve been missing me so much? Hm?” He asked you as his calloused fingers moved up and down your slick, playing with your clit in the process. You nodded your head with a whimper. “Come on, love. You know how I like my Omega to answer me.” He moved his free hand up to your neck, not squeezing but keeping his hand there leisurely. “Answer properly.”
You nodded your head. “Yes, Alpha. I’ve missed you! I miss you so much! I need you inside me.”
A loud rumble came out of his chest at your words, finding approval in them. His sharp canines glinted down at you in the afternoon light as he towered of you. “That’s my good Omega.” He praised. “How can I say no to that?”
Easily tearing your robe off of you, Midoriya made quick work of ditching his sweatpants. You bit your lip as you whimpered at the sight of his cock, already leaking pre. You flicked your eyes up to him, his eyes stuck on your body as if it was the most desirable thing in the world. You had a lot of insecurities because of your pregnancy, but Izuku seemed to just destroy every single one of them with his endless love for you. Even know you felt it hard to believe he was looking down at you with such hunger.
Easily the green haired Alpha caged you underneath him, moving to wrap your legs around his torso, positioning himself perfectly at your entrance. He looked deep into your eyes. “Look at me, beautiful.” He whispered. “No where else. Just me.”
You nodded your head but before you could give him a verbal answer, you felt the head of his cock pushing inside you. You hissed, your eyes fluttering to close at the feeling of his cock back inside you. It was almost as if you had the missing piece of your puzzle fitted inside you. Midoriya found it hard to focus on you underneath him when he felt as if he might just burst a knot at the feeling of you right now.
He groaned as he closed his eyes for a second. “You feel so fucking good. Fuck, I miss this pussy.” He let out with a low growl as his hand gripped your thigh harshly. You had your arms wrapped around him as you both took a moment to catch your breaths at the sensitivity of it all. You relaxed for a moment, revelling in the beautiful feeling of being one with your Alpha again. “My love…” Midoriya moved his lips to your ears. “May I?”
You nodded your head, kissing his jaw. “Yes.”
Slowly but leisurely, he pulled back, leaving in just the tip before pushing back inside you. You both let out a moan at the delicious feeling of sex again. Slowly but yet almost passionately you both found a rhythm together. A sort of push and pull motion between the two of you. Your arms wrapped around him as he kissed you deeply, his kisses moving all over your face and focusing on your lips as he thrusted inside you.
Midoriya was sure that he had died and gone to heaven to have this moment with you. To feel your hot wet sex wrapped around his cock and to have you underneath him like a fallen angel. “Fuck, you feel so fucking good. You’re everything to me. I love you so fucking much.” He praised you, his hands holding you as if you were a diamond in his hands.
“Izuku! Alpha, harder! Harder please!” You begged as you tightened your arms around you.
He couldn’t help but smirk and abide by your wishes. With a sharp thrust you found yourself crying out at the pain and the pleasure. Midoriya roughly fucked into you, telling himself that he was just doing what you asked him to do and not doing it because he wanted to absolutely destroy you underneath him. He wanted to see you crumble on his cock. Making a drooling, dripping mess.
You felt that coil inside you twist and tighten, your sensitivity fueling your pleasure for him. You whimpered. “I… I’m going to…” Your eyes rolled back as you felt yourself tighten around his cock as slick gushed out of you. Midoriya’s hips stuttered at the heavenly feeling of your orgasm. A growl being ripped out of him as he found his canines deep into your mating mark once more, bullying his knot inside of you.
You let out a low moan at the added pleasure of his reclaiming on your body. With a final thrust, Midoriya had his knot inside you. He let go of your neck, his canines having a tint of red as you both took a moment to revel at the feeling of his cum inside you and the both of you joined together. You closed your eyes breathing in heavily. You felt Midoriya wrap his arms around you, flipping the both of you around to have you laying on top of him. He snuggled his body around yours making you giggle lightly.
You kissed his cheek as you stayed in his arms, wanting to soak up every second you had with your hero while you still had it.
Midoriya quickly swept up Toshinori in his arms with a loud laugh as he threw the five year old up into the air and into his arms. He ruffled the curly unruly green hair on his eldest son’s head. Toshinori giggled at the action, letting out a pup chirp as he was set down on the floor in front of his father. “You defeat all the evil bad guys?”
Midoriya chuckled nodding his head as walked into the house, minding the buzzing pup that was almost a little carbon copy of him when he was five years old. Large gleaming green eyes of adoration, with a huge smile on his face to match too. “Of course, bud. I wouldn’t be the Number One hero for nothing.” He winked down at the little seven year old. “What did you do at school?” He asked him.
“We drew pictures of our families and we did some maths and writing too, but I don’t like maths.”
Midoriya couldn’t help but laugh at the statement. “Can’t blame you there.” He paused turning to look down at Toshinori. “But you gotta practise it, especially if you don’t like it.”
Toshinori nodded his head eagerly. “Mhm! If I defeat maths, I can be a hero like you!”
Midoriya offered the miniversion of him a high-five. “Hell yah, you can.”
Toshinori jumped up, slapping his father’s hand with a smile. “Plus Ultra!” He shouted.
Despite Toshinori not having shown any signs of having a quirk, even though already being five years old, Midoriya wasn’t too worried. He knew how life would be for Toshinori in the mean time with no quirk, but until he was ready, Midoriya planned on passing on One for All to him. It was rather convenient actually and it would make it much easier on Toshinori than it was for him, having to deal with the quirk.
“Where’s your dam?” Midoriya asked looking around at the living room?
“In the kitchen!” Toshinori chirped, taking Midoriya’s large hand and leading him into the kitchen where you were.
Sitting in a baby chair as you fed him lunch was your youngest, Midoriya Hero. Another green haired little broccoli that seemed much too hungry for you to keep up with. You focused on trying to feed the pup his cinnamon pumpkin puree but he seemed rather disinterested in the pumpkin right now and more interested in his milk bottle that sat not too far away, despite it being empty.
The green haired Alpha’s expression softened the moment he saw you. You stood with an apron on, although you felt like a mess and needed a shower, he found you the most beautiful being in the world standing in the afternoon light. He walked over to you, you too focused on his youngest to notice much of anything else.
A surprised chirp was ripped from you as Midoriya lifted you up off the ground. You let out a shout. “IZUKU!”
He let out a loud laugh as he placed kisses all over your cheek and neck. You laughed as he spun the both of you around before placing you back on the ground. He grinned down at you, cupping the side of your face with an adoring look. “Afternoon, angel.”
You couldn’t help but give him a pointed look which turned into a real smile. “Good Afternoon, Izuku.” You chuckled. “Good job saving that run away train earlier.”
He smiled at the praise. “Well you know none of it matters as long as I return back home to you.” He reminded you, placing a kiss on your forehead. Midoriya turned to the right as he saw Hero reaching out for him with a whine, wanting to be lifted up out of his seat. The large Alpha laughed, hoisting him up. “Hey Hero!” He carefully brought the young little pup into his arms with a smile. “You’re getting bigger every day. Jesus, you’re heavy.” He pointed out making the pup giggle as he put his chubby hands on Izuku’s face.
Midoriya couldn’t help but smile dearly at the little one. He put his mouth to Hero’s (rather non-existent) neck and placed raspberry kisses there making him let out a loud belly full laugh. Midoriya, carried Hero as he turned his attention to Toshinori. “Hey Toshi, you wanna show me those drawings you were doing earlier?”
Toshinori’s eyes lit up like stars as he cheered, grabbing Midoriya’s hand. “YAH! Come on, daddy!” He pulled Midoriya around as if he was stronger than the strongest man you ever knew.
You smiled dearly at the sight of all your boys together. No matter what Midoriya thought, no matter how unfit he felt as a father especially not having one of his own, he sure was a fine good one. And you doubted that that would ever change
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
Alpha Midoriya x Omega Bakugo
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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Stories linked below are not mine.
Some contain mature content,pls read AO3 tags.
Credit to @salmon-ii for the art.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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Undercover Omega by StarryNightCrusader
Summary: In which Katsuki is given an undercover mission to seduce someone for information. Too bad Izuku wasn't filled in on it.
One Shot | Pro Hero au
Rated - Mature
eyes on you by SpicyJam
Summary: "We… we can be friends, right?" Deku asks her, cutting through the silence. "I mean… after everything. Before all this— we weren't /friends/ like we used to be… but now—"
Katsuki clicks her tongue, and he cuts himself off. He watches her intently as she stands, dusting herself off and brushing her hands together before she holds one out to him.
"We're rivals, dumbass."
There's something about his resigned expression that makes her belly flutter nervously, as it always does when he's around. It feels foreboding, like seeing the body of a cyclone in the distance.
For the first time, Katsuki feels as though she's cemented the fact that Deku won't be in her future— not in the way that she's always expected him to. That everyone— Uraraka and Todoroki— were right to make her question her relationship.
That she /has/ irrevocably ruined her relationship, without even realizing it.
That Deku isn't hers, anymore.
Or, Katsuki has always known Izuku is her alpha. She just has to let /him/ know that, but everyone else keeps getting in the way.
One Shot | Contains Smut | Fem Baku
My Alpha! by River_Nix
Summary: Katsuki knew how much his alpha was desired. He would need to be blind not to notice the hungry stares that branded into his alpha’s skin and the envious ones that burned into his back. Most of the time, the blonde omega was able to ignore them both and feel well-assured that Izuku was his and his alone. Though there were some days - specifically when any extra became bold enough to speak to his alpha about their attraction - that Katsuki found himself becoming insecure about their relationship.
But Hell would freeze over before he admitted that he was jealous or insecure about anything involving their relationship. Not only would that damage his pride, but deep down, he also knew that his alpha would eat himself inside out with guilt - believing that it was his fault that his omega was so distressed. Not wanting to hurt the greenette, Katsuki often resolved to remaining silent about the issue until Izuku came to him.
Guess he should be lucky that his alpha was as in-tune with Katsuki’s emotions as the blonde was with his alpha’s?
One Shot | SFW
A Little Rain to Calm the Raging Fire by MJBunnyLuv
Summary: At 26 years old, it's becoming increasingly difficult for Katsuki to find a mate. His past decade had been spent at a boarding house, and it was always something with these alphas...his scent was too strong and bitter for an omega, his attitude was shit, he's too loud, too muscular, too old. Tch, they're just weak ass extras, not worth his time. That is, until a donated sweatshirt with the most calming and delicious scent helps him through an intense heat and he secretly hopes the mystery alpha will claim him.
Incomplete | 23/? Chapters | Aged Up
Last Updated July 2023
Rated - Mature
Saving Deku by kyramidoriya
Summary: The last four months of Katsuki's life have been hell ever since his alpha was kidnapped. 132 days ago Izuku was taken by The Forsaken. Reports say Izuku has been feral for an undisclosed amount of time, but when they find him, Katsuki can tell his Izuku has been missing from the alpha's eyes for far too long.
They might have rescued him, but the real Izuku still needs to be saved.
Complete | 15 Chapters
Mature Content | ProHero au
50 shades of morally gray by Shelobs_web
Summary: Deku was the only thing Katsuki has ever wanted for himself besides the title of number one hero. And god did he want. Everyday with the longing looks, gentle caresses, flexing muscle and quiet mumbles, he wanted all of it. But if tonight was all he could get, the only experience he would ever have with the only alpha he has ever wanted like this…. Deku would forgive him if he ever found out why Katsuki was there in the first place. He was too kind, too overwhelmingly good to stay mad at Katsuki for being selfish just this once….
Deku gets hit with a quirk that throws him into his rut and Katsuki kind of takes advantage of it because he is hopelessly in love with the green haired sunshine boy.
One Shot | NSFW
A Water Park Date by orphan_account
Summary: • Omegas love water
• Baths calm angry omegas
• Omegas love water parks and fountains
Deku suprises His Kacchan with a date to the waterpark
{One Shot}
Rated - Mature (no smut)
Knot Typical by SweetFictionalDreams
Summary: Katsuki wasn’t your typical Omega, despite how many ‘pick me Omegas’ said that shit on the daily. Katsuki literally was not like your typical Omega. Not only did he tower over almost everyone he met, he was aggressive like a pissed cat and had the canines akeen to a wolf. His scent wasn’t like melting sugary candy or a summer breeze.
One Shot | Quirkless Baku | Aged Up
Rated - Explicit
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iamfrankie99 · 2 years
Needed This / Needed More
by Nikki101
(i) 11k (ii) 9k
Frankie’s comment: Another series of two oneshots. I’m gonna link them both below as usual. I really liked the idea of the plot for this... well, tbh it’s more of a porn without plot, I mean, the plot is still there but it’s just the bare minimum drowned by the smut. Anygays I liked it. Could use a bit more punctuation though. Like a Beta would have been great. The first oneshot is bkdk reunion followed by shameless smut and not much more, the relationship kinda develops in the second one. Kinda. Oh well🧡💚
Summary: Katsuki needs to go into heat after suppressing it for years and finds himself calling a heat sharing service company to help him through it. He is shocked (but not at all displeased) to see Deku at his door ready to please him however he needs.
(i) READ HERE - Needed This
(ii) READ HERE - Needed More
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kajinovaa · 1 year
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im not that knowledgeable in omegaverse but man oh man...a-...alpha prohero de k u......,.,.,.,,,.,,............ BRO I AM S W E A T I N G OVER THIS HUNK. THE SPEED MY KNEES WOULD BUCKLE--
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mollisangelus · 11 months
Perspective Is A Fickle Thing
Dom! Alpha! Izuku x Soft! Omega! Reader
Part 1 Part 2
A/N: Izuku is super out of character right now, but bare with me, it'll get there. Everything will make sense.
TW: None!
You found yourself thinking about that day a lot. You talked so much, that you ended up going somewhere else to get dinner. It was just so easy, which you found surprising. You didn't like new people much. The best part was the way he even paid for it, the memory burning into your mind and causing blush to dance along your complexion quite quickly.
"It's a shame Ura couldn't come, but duty calls." 
You sighed and nodded, "Yeah, she just seems to always overwork herself.." 
Just then, the waiter appeared, check in hand. "I hope you both enjoyed your night, an adorable couple really. I'll be right back to grab the check." With that, he was gone before either of you could protest. Not that Izuku seemed like he was going to, his eyes on the check as he goes to grab it. 
In your flustered state, you clumsily grab your small purse and dig to grab your card. It takes you a minute or so, and Izuku is confused as to what you are doing until you pull it out. 
"I'll pay tip too, so don't worry!" With that, you go to place your card in there and write a note to split the cost, but Izuku is quick to stop you. 
"Don't be silly, I'm paying." His hands are on yours to keep you from the check, and his eyes seem to burn in your skin. You feel the spotlight and your spine tingles. It was just like earlier. It was like you were left no room to argue, but you were awkward naturally anyways.
"Oh, okay.." you mumbled, biting on your bottom lip in nervousness. 
You both ended the night with him giving you his number and driving you home, because it was much too dark and late for you to walk and take the bus. He insisted. It felt like a date, for sure, but your conversation was aimed towards business, which was obviously his goal.
It was a business date! That's right! Perfectly normal, I mean that is why you had a meeting in the first place! It just proves that it went so well! 
After coming to that conclusion, you felt so light on your feet for the next week and a half, and your enthusiasm for work seemed to triple! You had so much work to do if the number 1 hero puts his faith in you! So, as you're tinkering with one of Uraraka's sidekick's gadgets that were recently crushed one day, you get a text. It was odd, you don't talk to many people, especially outside of work. Anyone in your circle would just come to you. Your curiosity wins this time, and as the cat screams, you peer at your screen. The childish name 'green boi💚' is on the notification, with 'new message' underneath. You mentally curse yourself for the high school girl butterflies, yey you're still quick to unlock your phone and read. 
"Let's have dinner again, I'd like to talk about a proposition."
You freeze for a moment and your thoughts race. What does that mean? Proposition? You start to type your confusion till your stupidity hits you like a bus. A job, he wants to offer you a job. Your cheeks flare as you text back.
Quickly, you texted back, "Wow, I'm honored! Just send me when and where!" Anxious butterflies flutter in your stomach as you type, and you have to double back on words. It wasn't that big of a deal, even as you try to tell yourself that though, your omega and heart are soaring. Your nerves seem to be burning out as you bite at your lip, waiting for a response. 
"I'll call you." 
Then before you could make an excuse, your phone was buzzing with his contact name lighting up the screen. Shock flares through you, and you juggle your phone clumsily with your surprise.
As you struggle to keep a grip, you shakily swiped up and put the device to your ear. "H-hi..?" God, you must sound so weak right now. Not very confident business woman of you.
"Hi! I'll pick you up around 8, alright? So just send me your address. I had to call cause my hands are a bit busy at the moment." You hear movement in the background and clink of something on a table.
"O-oh, okay! You don't have to pick me up, I can walk…!" You were so quiet, so nervous. You did your best to keep the cheerful chip at the end, but your heart hammered with each stutter.
"Nonsense, I'm not making you walk in the dark." It was final.
"Are you sure?" You appreciated a gentleman, but you couldn't stand being inconvenient. Not even in the littlest ways. 
"____. I'm picking you up, send me your address, okay? I have to go, I'll see you at 8." This time it really was final, the sound of a hang up in your ear. 
You could have protested, could have insisted you walk, but you're immediately typing your address like you were told. Just who is this man?
A/N: can you believe I'm alive? I'll try to at least finish this before I lose hyperfocus.
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iddybiddysquish · 1 year
I Regret Bonus - Midoriya x Reader
Masterlist: Here
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Gender: AFAB
Warnings: Oral (fem receiving), marking, A/B/O quirk, arousal quirk, cum eating, pulling out - not good with terminology to let me know if I've missed anything!
Notes: Feedback is welcomed and I hope you have a good time reading! This is quite self indulgent and my first time writing smut so be gentle with me pls <3 Reader has the ability to copy and edit quirks! Not beta read, we die like men.
'I regret everything.' I whined as I laid in my bed, thighs heavy with slick as I came for the 12th time that morning. It has only been an hour or so since I'd awoken to an aching need in my cunt that was impossible to ignore and a fever so hot that I was starting to see stars. 
I was exhausted and yet nowhere near satisfied. I knew I was going to need to call in sick with how painful this arousal is. 
It took me a while to figure out what the cause was. At first I thought I'd been hit with an arousal quirk in my sleep, as impossible as that is. However the more I looked into the quirks I'd copied at random that took my interest, I discovered something that I didn't know when I copied the quirks. 
Quirk: A/B/O
This quirk gives the user characteristics of the A/B/O genre, including giving them a second gender. This gives them claws and fangs that can retract as well as basics such as enhanced senses and physiological changes such as scent glands and enhanced animalistic thinking. 
Quirk: Estrus
This quirk gives the user the ability to cast uncontrollable arousal in individuals who are touched or are within a 5 m distance. 
Apparently, this included heat and rut cycles as well as an estrus cycle, the latter of which is experienced because of the quirk with the same name - side effects of both quirks. It's not helped by the fact that I was weeping out of every hole - even my ass now had a uterus and there was a third uterus with a vaginal opening between my anus and normal vagina, both with slick pouring out of them, like male Omega’s get in the Omegaverse and it was killing me. Three vaginas was too much to contend with when all I had were handheld toys at my disposal.
'I don't have enough hands for this shit.'
What made things worse was that I was capable of experiencing a mating season as well as a heat or a rut despite not being an Alpha, which confused me. I was clearly an Omega - even having the male equivalent of uteruses.
To cum more readily I even activated a quirk that gave me both male and female genitalia but the friction, despite my slick, was starting to hurt my sensitive head and thick knot that had formed from my last orgasm, and I was nowhere near feeling satisfied. So I deactivated it and wiped my hands clean before searching for my phone with disdain.
I am irritable and whiny all whilst pining for an Alpha to be submissive towards. It's a weird concoction that I wasn't appreciating as I laid in what I now realised was a nest of blankets and pillows I'd created to house myself as I cried from over and under stimulation.
Everything was made worse by the fact that I had no clue how long this would last.
‘Is this monthly or annually?’ 
The more I looked into this quirk the worse I felt, especially as I discovered I would have an annual mating season, would go into heat monthly, would go into estrus biweekly and would go in a rut whenever someone else experienced either one of these phenomena - so I could experience all of these at once, as I was, on top of an estrus cycle that corresponds with my menstrual cycle. I would’ve breathed a sigh of relief if I didn’t remember that there are many other people who would go through heat, estrus and or mating season, meaning I would be triggered into a rut by these and could even be triggered just by using the Estrus quirk.
‘I blame Tokoyami’s mating season…!’ I groaned, ‘Then at least it would just be a heat, estrus and a mating season…’
I wanted to cry.
“I can’t take this any more.” I moaned, deciding quickly I needed to call the school and explain what was going on. I needed help with this; there must be someone with a similar quirk that they’ve known about. After all, I copied these things from someone else.
Much to my surprise, when I explained to the receptionist I needed to speak to Aizawa, I was passed to him relatively quickly.
“(L/N)-san.” he greeted, “Are you unwell?”
“Something like that.” I groaned, crossing my legs tightly, “I’m in a very… difficult situation and I need some guidance.”
“I can help you in class if you want?” he begged, “If you get here sooner we can discuss it before class.”
“I… I don’t know if I can come to class.” I basically whispered. Aizawa frowned at this on the other side of the line with concern.
“Should I be concerned, (L/N)-san?” I sighed.
“I don’t know.”
“Why don’t you tell me the problem first?” he begged, walking down the hallway to get away from people, realising quickly that this was a private conversation, “Then I can tailor my aid better.” I groaned.
“This is going to be super awkward, so I’m sorry.” I warned, earning a grunt which sent a painful zap towards my clit, making me flush, “I copied a quirk.”
“Uh-huh…” he nodded when I didn’t say anything else for a few seconds.
“It’s given me a clusterfuck of hormones.” I explained slowly, “I’m essentially experiencing a mating season, a heat and a rut simultaneously as well as an estrus cycle - they are different. And I’m a bit scared.”
“... I wasn’t expecting that.” he admitted, rubbing the bridge of his nose, “I assume you’re in halls?” I nodded.
“Yeah.” I laughed humorlessly, “I know, right? I only discovered this would happen today because it’s happening now.
“I didn’t think to look at the weaknesses when I copied the quirk. It just seemed so interesting I couldn’t pass it up. Even if I edit the quirks I can't get rid of what I'm experiencing right now.”
“Stay in the halls.” he confirmed, “I’ll do some research and see what strings I can pull. You won’t be the first to experience either one of those things and I doubt you’ll be the last.
“For now, remain in your room. I’ll explain to the class that you’re having some… complications with your quirk and not to visit you.” he hummed, looking over at the watch on his wrist, “I’ll try to contact you by the end of the day and recommend you stockpile some food whilst the others are gone.” I nodded.
“Thanks sensei. I appreciate it.” he nodded.
“I’ll talk to you later. Stay safe.”
“You, too.”
And just like that I breathed a sigh of relief and laid back down, hand drifting down to my painfully empty holes and clit, only to come away with heavy slick dripping from my fingers. I groaned, pulling my head into a pillow and screaming for a few minutes before going back to playing with myself, unable to hold on for much longer without some kind of stimulation.
"Do you think you'll surpass All Might?" Iida begged Midoriya as Uraraka, Shinsou and Todoroki walked beside them, "You do have very similar quirks."
"Although Midoriya has other abilities unlike All Might." Uraraka pointed out, "Like Black Whip!" Midoriya began to flush at this and began to protest when Todoroki looked over at him. 
"He has the strength for it." Todoroki agreed, smirking, "But he has me to contend with."
Shinsou snorted. 
"And Bakugou." Iida noted as Midoriya nodded. 
"We're a formidable class." He concurred as each teen entered the classroom. Immediately Iida and Shinsou went to their desks but the rest hung out in the back by Todoroki. 
"Man, I wonder what I'm gonna have for lunch today!" Uraraka cheered. Midoriya laughed and nodded. 
"I'm going to have sukiyaki." Todoroki smiled, "We deserve a treat after the sports festival." Midoriya nodded in agreement. 
"Everyone did so well this round. Especially you, Todoroki." Todoroki nodded, humming in agreement. 
“Good morning, students.” Aizawa greeted, catching everyone off guard, Uraraka and Midoriya running to their seats as soon as he entered the room.
“You’re here early, sir?” Yaoyorozu spoke up, raising her arm. Aizawa nodded.
“I have an announcement.” he confirmed, “As you know, Tokoyami is still off. However (L/N)-san is having some complications with her quirk.
“As a result it would be wise for you all to leave her be in her room and don’t communicate with her until it resolves. It’s likely to last for at least a week.”
“So we won’t see her at all?” Ashido begged, earning the shake of a head.
“But what about food?” Hagakure begged, “(L/N)-san eats a lot.” Aizawa removed some of his hair from his face, thinking about the response, before answering.
“We might need to ask one of you to deliver the food to her door.” he concluded with distaste, “It’s not ideal but it’s imperative that all of you leave her alone. It might be best to have one of the girls to deliver the meals…” he sighed, fingers to the bridge of his nose, “Although that might not help.”
“Is she well?” Uraraka begged, concerned. Aizawa nodded.
“She’s not sick. It’s just something related to her quirk.”
“Why do they have to be female?” Iida begged, raising his arm. Aizawa groaned.
“It’s not necessary. But it would be best that all the men stay away from her door.”
“Why?” Kirishima begged, “What would require only the men to stay away?”
“Is it the same reason as Tokoyami?” Asui begged, raising her hand before Aizawa could respond. He sighed.
“Wait, why is Tokoyami away?” Midoriya begged her way.
“Mating season.” Asui noted casually with a shrug. 
"Oh hell yeah!" Mineta cheered, causing Sero to cringe. 
"You are banned from that floor, Mineta." Aizawa warned, his hair flying all over the place as he glared, earning a gulp from the boy. His words caused everyone to turn back to Aizawa, who was rubbing his temples.
“It’s a private matter. That’s all you need to know.” Bakugou raised a brow at this.
“So who’s gonna feed her?” he begged with a glare. Immediately everyone turned to Bakugou, causing his brow to twitch violently, “Why me?!”
“You love cooking.” Todoroki stated as though it were obvious. Shinsou snorted and Bakugou ‘tched’ and looked away sharply, glaring ahead of him as Aizawa looked at his watch again before divulging into the remaining announcements. Midoriya immediately blanked them as the typhoon of his thoughts swallowed his attention entirely. 
Immediately his brain had many thoughts about what to do. He thought about anything and everything from getting a doctor to someone who could control quirks - all things that were, really, out of his hands. But it wasn’t long before his mind slipped into dirtier methods, something he wanted to shut down but ended up indulging in for longer than he should have considering he needed to focus on English class.
(L/N) was the only person to refer to Midoriya by a different nickname - Zuzu, based on his first name. He felt close to her for it, but it helped that the pair spent a lot of time together be it studying, training or even just going on cute outings. She was always there whenever he was troubled and he'd been there for her own struggles and major life events. Hell if either was sick, the other was there to take care of them. 
They were there for each other. And now he felt useless to her other than taking advantage of her in this situation. And he couldn't do that to her. Especially given he'd fallen for the girl hard. 
So he sat there, sinking in his turmoil as class continued, wondering what the poor girl was doing and how she was coping. 
I waited and waited until I knew the coast was clear. The only other person would’ve been Tokoyami two floors below, but he was staying at home, so for the first time I was on my own in the halls. Despite this, I was nervous to leave the safety of my nest to the point that I waited for far longer than I needed to. 
It just didn’t feel right.
Opening the door I went to walk forward, but found myself freezing in the spot at all the scents.
“Oh… my god.” I reeled, gulping.
It took me a good few minutes just standing there in order to get used to all the smells. Some were pleasant, some were repulsive. 
But others were tasty.
‘The strongest scent is…’ I realised quickly, mouth watering, ‘Bakugou’s…’ 
My scent-clouded mind wasn’t so surprised by this reveal. Bakugou smells like burnt caramel normally, so it’d make sense that I’d be attracted to it. It really was a no-brainer, even if I longed not to be attracted to the interesting scent, just glad that he wasn't here to witness this. It's not like I was actually interested in him beyond his tantalising smell.
The scent that I wasn't expecting to be drawn to, however, was that of Shinsou's. It was soft and tantalising. Like a comfortable cloud. It made me relax and feel like curling up and taking a nap despite my current circumstances. 
Todoroki's was interesting as well. Minty and almost spicy, but it didn't hold the same weight as another more tasty scent that had me almost falling out of my door the closer I got to Uraraka's bedroom. 
‘It’s almost spicy to the senses.’ I mused, feeling a wave of calmness wash over me.
Again, it didn’t surprise me that I felt myself drifting his way. Todoroki was very attractive and we'd started to hang out since he became part of Midoriya's group of friends. But that was really as far as it went. His scent, though fascinating, was no more interesting to me than, say, Kirishima's. 
No, the scent that really caught my attention was that of Midoriya himself. It was sweet and sharp at the same time and held my interest to the point of making my mouth water. 
I smelt around with a bit more calm, ears twitching as I kept a listen out for anyone or anything. Other scents were interesting, like, as I mentioned, Kirishima, Jiro and Ashido’s. But throughout all of it I kept coming back to Midoriya's scent, although there was less of it.
I had to slap myself to stop myself from following Midoriya's scent and instead made a beeline for the kitchen and raided my pantry, grabbing every snack and unspoilable food I could before running back to my room. I was as quick as I could feasibly be. But as I went to close the door, I found myself peeking outside and down the hallway towards the elevator.
I shook my head.
‘I can’t go sneaking in his room.’ I scolded myself as my Omega whined at me, begging to investigate. I shook my head again as I felt my thighs clench and almost whined myself.
“No. I can’t.” But I didn’t move away from the door.
‘... Ugh why does he have to smell like that?!’ I cursed, looking back down the hall. Before I even realised what I was doing, I was sneaking towards the elevator, as though I were about to be caught at any moment. I could feel Aizawa scolding me, but of course it never came since he was in class with everyone else. 
I took the elevator up a floor and snuck my way towards the tantalising scent, overwhelmed by the strength of his stench. 
‘This would be so amoral of me…’ 
Despite knowing this, I found myself grasping the doorknob. I cringed at the squeak as the door opened, but I was quickly blindsided by the absolute raw stench of his scent and felt my Omega trill in happiness.
From there I had zero control of myself as I entered his room, sniffing deeply as I attempted to fill my entire lungs with his scent. 
Naturally, his bed smelt the strongest. And I couldn’t stop myself from lying on it and taking a deep breath of his pillow despite how neat and tidy everything was. With little effort I could fall asleep here and God did I want to.
However, I didn’t want to be caught by a cleaner or anything, so I regretfully removed myself from his bedding, cleaned it up a bit and skulked around his room with intrigue. 
It was pretty busy and filled with all kinds of things, but I got the impression that it was organised. Organised chaos. 
There were action figures, comic books and manga in their places along every surface available. He had posters and comic strips stuck to the walls and clothes over the floor, though mostly in the dirty hamper. His desk was littered with things, including his clean computer.
But everything was meticulously clean. Which was pretty impressive. Not a speck of dust in sight. 
I couldn’t help rummaging through his things as though I were searching for something. But I was careful enough to put everything back exactly as I found it before eyeing the exit with disappointment. 
‘I need to leave.’ I concluded, anxiously, ‘I need to get back to my room.’ despite feeling safe immersed in his scent. Regardless, I needed to get back and the need to hide was strong.
I couldn’t force myself to leave quickly. I eyed the bed and whined before eyeing his dirty clothing hamper with a dangerous thought in my mind.
‘I can’t.’ I argued as I looked inside, moving things around a bit as I took in his scent further, ‘He’d so notice if I took something of his.’
As if that was the only reason not to steal his clothing like some kind of smell-pervert.
‘Man I’ve really stooped to a new low.’ I concluded as I pawed at a shirt of his that smelt the strongest. Instincts told me I needed it for my nest and no matter how much I tried to rationalise, I found myself stealing the shirt and running back to my room to hide - from everyone and my shame.
I was grateful to Aizawa for warning off the rest of the class now that I’d committed a crime. But the way my Omega praised my decision left me feeling euphoric, especially as I snuggled the shirt and preened the den I’d created.
I spent most of my time preening, snuggling Midoriya's shirt and masterbating. It was a simple routine as I stored my snacks carefully as though I was creating a proper den to live in. And I supposed I was, given I’d be stuck here for the next however long it would be before I could go back to normal.
When I started to hear the whirl of the elevator and the sounds of people talking that was my first clue that school was over. My next clue was the knock at my door.
"Yo, (L/N)!" Sero beamed from behind the door, "Hope you're not feeling too bad! You know we're all here for you, right? Come out when you're ready and I'll take you out and fill you in on what you've missed!"
"Are you flirting with a door?" Kaminari snickered, making Sero flush. 
"It's not like that, dude!" 
I giggled at this. 
"Hey, you two!" I raised a brow, hearing Idia's voice from down the hall, by the elevator, "What are you up to?!"
"Nothing man. Chill."
And just like that there were some footsteps and the interaction was over. 
I felt myself swell with happiness even if I found myself growling at the intrusion. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything back as they retreated from my door though. I found myself on edge, listening intently to everyone returning to their dorms or going elsewhere as I hid in my nest.
I had no idea how anxiety-inducing it would be now that everyone was back. But now I knew: it’s very anxiety-inducing. 
I managed to fall asleep by burrowing myself with blankets and pillows. However I stirred when I sensed someone outside of my door, hearing light, tactile footsteps approaching with caution.
That’s when I realised it was Midoriya of all people.
I practically leaped out of my nest, thoroughly ruining it, and leaned across the door, taking in a deep breath of his scent. It was then I realised I smelt something else tasty and wondered if he’d made food for me.
My heart and Omega leapt at the thought.
“(L/N)-chan!” he knocked, “I’m leaving this food out here for you! Please eat as much as you can! If you can't don't worry! I'll be back to pick it up so you don't have to leave!”
'For me…?'
I had to claw at myself not to open the door and jump on him. Taking deep breaths I tried to focus on the smell of the food instead of the smell of Midoriya as I listened to his footsteps recede. And only when I was sure he’d retreated and that I was alone did I open the door and take the contents, eating quickly before leaving the bowl outside of the door as he had done.
This continued morning and evening for the next few days and sadly I wasn’t improving despite ordering new toys and other kinky tools to try and earn some relief. I was extremely grateful for Sero bringing them to me, oblivious to the contents, although I realised quickly he was hoping he'd get to see me when he knocked on the door. I heard him sit down outside of it as he began telling me about what I’d missed at school. 
It was sweet of him.
"Anyway that's how we managed to get some beers and stuff. So the natural progression was to play games, right? So we started to play spin the bottle. You will not guess who Bakugou landed on!" I laughed, something he didn’t hear as I was hidden under the covers of my den, listening intently to his tales I wished I could be a part of. 
I considered sitting by the door, but I was too desperate for a release, I worried I’d open it and ruin everything. And of all people, as wonderful as Sero is, my rational brain and Omega didn't want to have sex with him.
Only Midoriya would work. He was my prime Alpha.
So I didn’t and waited for him to leave before taking the box and abusing its contents.
By the time I had finished it was dinner time, and I basically sat glued to the door with blankets on me as I listened for Midoriya to arrive. 
The strength of the symptoms seemed to wax instead of wane as time went on and I realised I was starting to really struggle when I heard his familiar footsteps coming towards the door. I breathed in greedily when I was greeted with his scent and moaned at the delicious smell, feeling myself until he paused at the door and knocked. 
"Hey, (L/N)! I have more food for you if you’re hungry!” Midorya beamed through the door before pausing, “Unless you’re not then that’s okay, too! You can always have it later. Or never. I can get you something else if that would be better? Or-”
“Zuzu…?” I muttered, sticking my head out of my den to take in the fact that it was him at my door again. To my surprise, Midoriya seemed to hear me and put his head to the door.
“(L/N)...?” I nodded.
“Oh it’s good to hear your voice!” he smiled, “We’ve all been worrying. Kacchan made you something to eat if that’s okay?” I nodded but quickly realised he couldn't hear me. 
“Sure. You can come in and put it down.”
“Uh…” he paused, “We aren’t supposed to disturb you…”
“You’re not disturbing me.”
“No! I mean I hope not of course but that’s not what I mean!” he babbled, “I just meant that Aizawa-sensei said to leave you alone and not enter your room and stuff, is all…” he added, scratching the back of his head, “B-but I don’t mind putting it down on your desk! Just promise not to tell Aizawa-sensei.” I grinned to myself. 
“I promise.” I hummed, hiding in my den. 
Deep down I was anxious. Midoriya was innocent enough that I knew he wouldn’t possibly catch onto my ulterior motives. Maybe I could indulge in his scent for just a bit, get him to touch some of my stuff so I could hoard it in my den. Maybe many things, but the reality was that I was going against my nature in pushing for something more, and that was a scary thing no matter how many hormones were going through me at that moment.
Midoriya seemed to be just as hesitant as he slowly opened the door with a click. Pausing at opening it just a crack, he peeked in to see everything was lit by a romantic glow of fairy lights, the curtains closed and the room covered in blankets and pillows. Anything comfortable, it was there - including plushies.
It was adorable really. How I’d amassed so much was actually impressive to him, given there were little signs of the hoard the last time he’d been in my room, which was literally the day before this whole thing started.
The squeak of the door sounded as he dared to push the door slightly further, enough he could slip in with the food in hand. 
‘In, food on the table, then out.’ his anxious brain ordered him as he tried to distract himself from the smell of her cunt that wafted the room and went straight to his twitching cock. So doing as he was supposed to, he quickly, but carefully, entered and made his way to the desk to put the food down.
I felt myself purr as his scent wafted over to me. Getting his scent so close to me was euphoric. Enough to make me want to pounce on him. 
I didn’t, but I did slink out of my den oh so quietly to get a closer taste.
“(F-F/N)...?” he squeaked, sensing my presence behind him. It was setting off his danger sense, which made him gulp. 
I didn’t reply. I did, however, see him eye the only exit and, before he could move, I stood in front of the door, back turned to it. 
At the sudden motion, Midoriya turned to see my figure there, hands gripping tightly onto either arm, enough to leave marks. I looked dazed and hungry, not to mention feverish and fucked up. If he didn’t see the wet patch of slick that had formed on my underwear, he would’ve sworn I was some kind of zombie ready to bite him.
“I-I think we should take you to a doctor…” he spoke quietly, arms out as I took a step forward, “Oh! Recovery Girl! That could work, right?” When I continued to pursue him, he backed up against the wall, but I continued towards him nonetheless, “You don’t want me, after all. I can’t help you!”
“Izuku.” I hummed, silencing the gulping boy with a finger to his lips. I smiled up at him before purring as I took in his scent, “You smell so good.” I exhaled before grabbing his shirt and pulling him towards me, nuzzling into the crook of his neck as I scent marked him and myself with each other’s scents.
Midoriya, however, became pink as he looked down at me in disbelief at what I was doing. This newfound understanding may not have made him any less anxious, but it did make him feel less like he was in danger.
With a shaky hand, he cupped my head and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close.
“Shh it’s okay, (F/N).” he whispered into my ear, nuzzling me back, an innocent act that he had no way of knowing what it meant in that moment.
I, however, was melting in his embrace. The acceptance was palpable and made my heart swell and feel filled. And everything was totally fine…
… Until I wanted more.
I didn’t look up at Midoriya as my hands left his shirt and began to glide all over his torso. However, he paused his soothing action when my hands started to go down south and landed at his belt.
“Woah, (F/N)-chan! We can’t-”
“Please Izuku.” I begged, finally looking up at him for the first time. He could see my pupils were so dilated that he could barely see my iris and I was hot to the touch, face flushed a consistent shade of pink. I looked ill, really. But the reality was I was clouded by lust. 
No matter his desires, he could not take advantage of the situation.
“You’re sick, (F/N).” I pouted.
“No I’m not…” I whined, “I just want you so badly.” I almost stomped my foot. No matter the truth, Midoriya was set in his resolve, so I tried a different tactic, “I’ve wanted you for a long time.”
“I don’t think a few days is that long, Love.” I groaned.
“Before whatever this quirk is.” I insisted, pulling him to me by the shirt and cupping his cheeks, forcing him to look me in the eyes, “I’ve wanted you since I met you… This isn’t new.”
“Wha…” he breathed, blinking his shock away. I smiled sadly up at him as the realisation that he’d missed this for two years came crashing down on him, “Seriously?” I nodded.
“Mhm.” I hummed, letting my hands fall from his face and slowly glide down his chest, lifting the fabric up when I reached the bottom so I could feel his washboard abs. I bit my lip.
“Do you feel the same?” I begged as I gently traced his abs before going higher to tease his nipples slightly, watching as they slowly became erect.
“I-I!” he breathed, brain going miles a minute as he processed the situation.
He had always been interested in the girl - something he wasn’t ashamed to admit to himself. He’d known from the moment we’d met at the Entrance Exam that I was someone special - and I was, to him. I’d become a dear friend and he knew he would always long for more. 
But now that it was happening he wasn’t sure exactly what to say or do as his body failed him. So he did the only thing he could think of.
He kissed me.
It was short and sweet, but held promises of more. So when he pulled away and smiled down at me, I smiled back before pulling him in for another kiss as he wrapped his arms around my waist. The kiss turned sloppy very quickly, tongues battling each other for dominance, though I conceded with a moan, which hit him right in his dick. 
Midoriya got more confident the longer the kissing session went on. As I explored his torso, he reached down to grab my ass, making me groan into the kiss again. Immediately I tweaked his nipples, causing him to gasp.
Tugging on his shirt, Midoriya got the idea quickly, but feigned ignorance. So when I growled, he chuckled.
“What? What is it, (F/N)?” he begged, pulling back with a small smirk on his lips. I pouted up at him, tugging on the shirt again. When I didn’t give a verbal reply, he continued to look at me with mock cluelessness and a smirk. I glared.
“Shirt. Off.” he cocked a brow.
“What’s the magic word?” I groaned.
“Please, Izuku.” with a chuckle, Midoriya took his shirt off and chucked it in a random direction before pulling me to him. I bit my lip as I ogled his torso for a moment before kissing up his abs and giving his nipple a short suckle, earning another gasp.
Any patience that Midoriya had snapped as he pulled me up and pushed me against the wall, making me squeak. He chuckled, locking me in, before pulling at my shirt. Watching him the entire time, I let him take off my shirt and without a second thought he dived for my neck, nipping and sucking until he found the right spot. Once he did he abused it, going as far as to bite me as well as lick up my neck. It made me shudder and clench my thighs, especially as he got lower and lower, latching onto my breast and immediately bruising it with his mouth, making me yelp. 
"Sorry Dear. Just need to make sure the marks stay." He hummed innocently as he took my nipple in his mouth and swirled his tongue around it, making me moan. Happy with the response, he continued his ministrations before getting off with a pop and going for the other one while I tugged on his hair and scratched his back. All whilst simultaneously pawing at his belt buckle. When I heard the jingle of it, I realised he undid it with one hand and purred.
Kissing down my stomach, Midoriya moaned when he reached my underwear and could smell me, taking in a deep breath. I bit my lip when he peeled it off, delicately, slick sticking to my thighs as he did. Once they fell I kicked them off and he spread my legs and grabbed my thighs harshly before taking a tentative lick. Immediately he moaned and I felt my legs quiver as soon as he dived in and ravaged my cunt, making me melt on his face.
“I-Izuku!” I gasped, gripping his hair tightly as he slurped, taking in all of my slick before diving in further trying to collect more of it in his mouth. Only when he was satisfied did he focus on my clit, swirling it in his mouth and sucking it harshly. It made me squeak and yelp a few times, but it felt so good.
It wasn’t long before I was cumming on his tongue, hard, causing me to squeeze my thighs around his head despite his iron grip keeping them apart. I heard a few groans as he lapped up my fluids before he removed himself from between my legs and smiled up at me.
When I nodded, panting, he chuckled and stood up, grabbing my hands and pulling me over to the bed. Immediately I began to kiss him again, tasting myself on his tongue, before I fell on the bed. At that moment his pants fell down and I got a good look at him; my mouth watered at the sight.
“On your front.” I blinked up at him, but did as requested, sticking my butt up in the air. However, to my surprise, he pushed me down so I was lying flat on my front and climbed on top of me. I looked over at him but paused as he began to kiss up and down my neck, relaxing my body and moving to expose more of my neck to him.
“You’re so good for me.” he muttered into my neck, “Such a good girl.”
He lowered himself onto me, which was when I felt his cock press against me. I moaned in anticipation, squirming to try and get some friction. However he put more of his weight on me, holding me in place.
“So impatient.” he chuckled, nipping my shoulder, “We have all the time in the world, Dear.” 
My breath fluttered when he rocked his hips forward, pressing against my clit and teasing me successfully. I groaned when he continued to tease me, occasionally letting the tip enter me, but never pushing further than that.
“Izuku, please!”
“Please what?” he begged with mock cluelessness, continuing to bite and suck at my delicate flesh, “You need to tell me what you want.”
“I need you to fuck me. Please, Alpha!” Midoriya was slightly surprised at my bluntness, but was pleased. Without words, he slowly entered me, taking his sweet time as he stretched me out; he didn’t want to hurt me, after all. But his control slipped slightly when most of him entered, bucking his hip before it was engulfed down to the hilt. He paused there for a moment, also adjusting to the tightness, causing him to hiss, biting my on the shoulder making me yelp and trill. Only when he was prepared did he begin to pull out again.
"So full…!"
It was slow and sensual, the pace he chose. Slowly he pumped in and out of me, wrapping his arms around my body for better leverage so he could get as deep as possible. He noticed that I moaned like a sinner when he snapped his hips harshly against me, so he did just that at the end of each thrust. It was killer, especially when he hit just the right spot-
“There!” I panted, “There, Izuku! Please! That feels so good!”
If there was one thing Midoriya knew what to do, it was listen. So he immediately angled his hips to hit the same spot, over and over again until it felt abused. It was only when my moans picked up that he began to slow his pace to a painstaking rock. I was beginning to get overstimulated from his slow thrusts, earning my whines.
“What is it, darling?” he begged innocently.
“F-faster. Please, Izuku…!”
“You want it faster?” he questioned in the same tone. When I went to wiggle my butt, he put more of his body weight across me, pinning me in place until I gave a response. So I nodded fervently, “Use your words.”
“P-Please! M-more-!”
Suddenly Izuku pulled out and slammed his hips down into mine, bullying my insides as he set a rapid pace. Midoriya was grateful for his training in this moment as it gave him such excellent stamina - after all, I did beg. I deserved to be fucked into the bed, right?
“Yes! Izuku! S-so good!” I praised, which only encouraged him more, every word making his cock twitch inside me.
Midoriya continued to pound into me, encouraging me to close my legs just enough that it would apply more pressure to his hard cock. It was enough to make a few groans slip past his lips, which only made my cunt twitch more.
“So good…” he panted, “Doing so well, Love.” 
“F-fuck.” I whined, “You fuck me so good, Izuku. Don’t stop! Please!”
Midoriya moaned in my ear at the praise, picking up his pace and forcing me to howl in pleasure. My orgasm was approaching quickly at this pace, and I found myself almost crying from the sensation.
“I-I’m close!”
“Cum for me, baby.” he whispered harshly, “Cum on my cock.”
As if he commanded it, I immediately began spasming around him, cuming hard. However, Midoriya didn’t stop - if anything, he picked up the pace. Immediately I whined, grabbing ahold of the bedsheets that were once a den and now a mess.
I wasn’t complaining.
“Better?” he huffed, keeping up the rapid pace he’d set as I nodded, unable to say anything but moans, “Good. You’re gonna do it again for me, okay, love? You can do that, can’t you?” Again, I nodded.
“Yes Alpha!” 
Midoriya pulled me impossibly closer, angling himself just right when he heard my moans pick up at him hitting that spot even better. I was beginning to see stars and it wasn’t long before I was reaching my next orgasm. And from the way Midoriya was beginning to huff into the nape of my neck I was sure he was getting close, too. 
At my cries, Izuku grunted, biting down on the nape of my neck before pulling out. Feeling something warm on my ass I realised quickly that he came on me, but I was too euphoric from being marked that I hardly cared.
"(F/N)..." He moaned into my ear as he unlatched before lying on top of me. I purred at his closeness and nuzzled my head against his, earning a breathy chuckle. 
"So good to me, Alpha." I hummed. 
"Anything for you, Darling."
After a while of snuggling Midoriya pulled away. However when I went to move he pushed me back down onto my front. 
"Don't move." 
Confused, I did as requested and watched as he made his way to the bathroom before coming back with a warm washcloth a few minutes later. I noticed his stomach wasn't clean and realised quickly that the washcloth was for me and not him when he came over.
I churred when he began to gently clean my lower back and ass of his cum. Only when he was done did he look down at himself. However I paused his motion and smirked up at him. 
"I'll help."
Pushing him down I began to lick up his stomach, earning a groan. 
"You're gonna make me hard again, Baby." He muttered with hazy eyes. I smirked at this. 
"What's stopping you?" 
Izuku seemed to contemplate this for a moment before shoving me over carefully. 
"Good question." He chuckled, "I'm going to ravish you." I bit my lip. 
"Thank you, Alpha."
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sistamajor · 7 months
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💥 You know what!? Maybe since you're really cute no one ever told you to shut your pie hole!
🥦You think I'm cute?
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