#alex james x fem!reader
lgwifey · 2 years
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bff!liam gallagher x fem!reader
90s!alex james x fem!reader
Summary : After getting adopted, y/n looses touch with her best friend but bumps into his years later at her boyfriend's award show. For both of them, everything's changed.
Warning : southerner bashing (?)
Black adidas hit the floor of the science block in power filled strides. Ripped tights, a rolled up skirt, an untucked jumper and a blazer smothered in patches and badges of different bands and brands.
Y/n Y/l/n was the rebellion of Barlow Roman Catholic High School. In her cherry red blazer's inside pocket was a walkman, it's headphones infront of her messy bun and on her ears. The sound of I Wanna Be Sedated danced through her ears as she made her way to first period with a Greggs' sausage roll in hand and three more stashed in her messanger bag that swung against her hip.
Two sausage rolls for 50p was going to be the death of her.
Her science teacher, Mr Wright, didn't bother too much about his students excuse making ability and basically worked off students being in school late was better than them being absent, so she didn't have to frey detention.
"Hiya Sir."
Y/n's y/f/c nail polished hand pushed the light wood, possibly oak, door open to reveal the middle aged man trying to teach the room full of teenagers about, she looked to the chalkboard at the front of the class, plant and animal cells. She pulled off her headphones,resting them on her shoulders and pausing the tape. Her body skipped it's way to the back of the room where her friends where sat, originally bored out their brains and now holding their hands out to her for the food.
"Good for you to finally join us y/f/n. Your book's in the box at the back."
She gave a nod at the direction, face screwing up at the use of her christened name. Her bag was discarded on the varnished desk which for some reason was always sticky, ew, and she stretched to the box that sat around a meter away from her to get the yellow workbook.
When her book was opened and the date and title had been scribbled down at the top of the white page in a cheap black biro, the y/h/ced teen looked to her left to find her friend basically staring into her soul.
"What's your issue Liams ?"
"Food ? "
The realisation hit her and she mumbled an 'alreat' as she pulled the two hot sausage rolls and the bottle of coke out of her bag.  As she put the stock down on the table between their books and poundshop pens, Liam past her the £1.30 for the things he'd asked her to buy when she'd ran his house from a phone box and told him she'd missed the bus and was therefore going past the highstreet on her way to school.
She almost immediatly pulled out Anna's stuff and passed the sauage roll bag to the girl sat infront of them, who past three ten pences over in the other hand.
After sorting out everyone elses purchases, Y/n got out her bottle of y/f/d.
Finally she actually started paying attention to the lesson Mr Wright was already on the small halfway pop quiz he did at the begining of a subject.
"And y/f/n, "
He pointed the small sparkly red finger pointer stick, which he used for the quizes to try and make them more fun, at the back of the room. Said fourteen year old jumped up dramatically,
"And the powerhouse of the cell is called ?"
"Mitochondria !"
A running joke in the lesson after Liam had asked if that was a disease in the first sub-topic.
The next period of the day was undoubtable the worst.
If the subject alone wasn't enough to make y/n want to claw her eyes out and produce them in a smoothie, the rotten Miss Alans was definatly the thing to top off her hatrid of it.
"She 'as it out f'me Liams, wear down."
"Aye. Well as much as I love yeh Birdy, Imma 'ave to leave yeh to it."
Liam had maths next door to y/n.
Mr Lowton.
He literally gave them sweets if they participated and got the answer wrong !
The younger girl gave a grumble as she entered the room and pulled her chair out to slouch down in. A plastic, uncomfortable seat square front-center of the class.
She was a 'trouble maker' according to the old witch.
Honestly, you miss one mass for a concert. Just one.
That was one of the downsides to going to a catholic school, they made sure you went to mass each weekend.
The class dragged on longer than normal, triganometry really could test time's ability to become a tortoise, and half an hour of 'Mary had a little lamb' could really test your sanity's ability to stay strong.
Mary had a little lamb, whose fur was white as snow.
And everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go.
At least that's what she had been singing in her head for the past twenty odd minutes, she wasn't certain the lyrics where spot on but who'd know ?
Y/n was smacked out of her thoughts by a wooden 30cm ruler striking her fingers.
Pain struck through her hand like lightening to a metal rod and she bit her lip furiously in attempt to muffle the screeched curses.
"Miss y/l/n, will you pay attention in my class !"
The strong southern accent shouted through the room, echoing off the walls.
That was another thing y/n couldn't stand about the victorian woman, bloody thatcherite. The greying fifty-eight year old carried on the lesson as if nothing had happened.
bla, bla, bla
sin, cos, tan
The next ten minutes where filled with y/n's mind picturing graphic ways of murdering, or at the very least seriously injuring, the woman pacing infront of the class of petrified teenagers.
A sharpened ruler to the neck; instant slicing, blood spurting out of little sticking out tubey things. It was her favourate image at the moment.
She occationally looked down to her hands, which hadn't moved since the ruler incident. A violet line had become more prominent through them by now and the pain had subsided a smidge.
Maths was the only lesson she'd ever received physical punishments in. Most would say the canes where hell, but those chalkboard dusters hurt like a bitch, especially when at a velosity from being lobbed at your shoulders with the power of one of those shotputs at the olympics.
By the time the lesson was over, y/n was more than ready to leave. She was the first out of the room, waiting infront of next-door's chipped green paint door for the mouthy arses that where Liam Gallagher and Anna Mallons.
Anna was out already and was munching happily on the now cold sausage roll. Liam however was busy chatting indoors so appeared when y/n did, too with a half-ate sausage roll.
"Oh, you wouldn't believe what Sammy told me."
Sammy was Anna's cousin. He was a year older than Anna and Liam, two years older than y/n seeing how she was the baby of the bunch, unfortunatly born at the end of August. He lived in Ireland still with Anna's aunty and gran.
She didn't leave anytime for either to answer with a question before dramatically whispering an answer, showing whatever was going on in Castledurg.
" Aye well, y'know how his school had a colaboration and now girls go there too ? Well there's this one girl and she's joined the,"
She serveyed the area to check for any eavesdroppers before whispering the final part of the sentence.
", the IRA."
The group two paused.
After a minute, probably only a few seconds, y/n grabbed the top of Anna's arm, the red v-neck jumper scrunching up slightly where she had a hold of.
"Anna, that's not'in to be joking about."
"I'm not jokin' y/n, honest to God."
The group remained silent for a moment before Liam abruptly started, basically shouting, about the newest Stone Roses song.
One way to kill the awkward.
The weekend came round slow as per usual.
Y/n was still hung up on the news that a girl in Tommy's class was apart of the IRA.
Sure, she knew that they recruited teenagers, but the knowledge of someone she was friends with knowing one of them was a slight culture shock. They where the kind of people that gave people like her a bad reputation. Poor little immigrant kids, the reputation of terrorists. One of the reasons she faced so much everyday.
She was slouched on her bed on Saturday. Layed in black joggers and a Man City top, one of the ones Liam had outgrew, whilst This Charming Man played on repeat on the record player in the corner. There was no way she could afford it by herself, it was Anna's old one that she gave her as a present when she got a new one. She was relaxed, reading the latest Girl Talk magazine on her bed without any worry other than being concerned about how dead her ends where. Unfortunatly that relaxation was abruptly destroyed by Sister Mackles opening the door.
Sister Mackles was one of the nicer nuns in the orphanage, well nice as long as you stayed on her good side and lucky for y/n she always managed to keep herself in the nun's good books.
"Morning sister."
"Y/f/n dear, quick there's a family here to see you."
Her rushed voice almost caused y/n's heart to stop.
Had she misheard her ?
She must have, the older kids nearly never got adopted.
You hit eight and all hopes where thrown out the window.
She just needed to check.
" 'm sorry sister, what d'ya just say ?"
"Honestly child, there's a family here to see you. "
The woman turned around from removing the record from the pin and threw a dress at the girl to change into.
"Be downstairs in five minutes, the staff dining room."
Y/n gave a nod as the nun closed the door behind her, quickly jumping up and closing her curtains.
She carefully pulled on a pair of sheer black tights and a bra seeing how she wasn't having to wear one before. The brown and dark turquoise dress that had a sort of peacock pattern on it was pulled over her head and down, it ended just as her thighs began. The collar was brown and so where the short sleeves whilst the main body of the clothing item was the kind of peacock pattern.
As she was about to leave the room, y/n realised she had a minute or two left and so fluffed up her hair, the bird's nest having had a cut the day prior and so rested in the most unnatural way possible.
She pulled it back with a big black headband, pulling a few strands to frame her face a bit before flicking on some mascara and lipgloss.
Before leaving the band merchandised room, she pulled on her pair of black adidas that she usually wore as school shoes.
A soft knock occured when her shaking fist made contact with the brown varnished door.
She cursed herself for giving such a bad first impression, an impression before the first impression.
The door was quickly opened by the head nun of the orphanage, the woman who ruined y/n's world every. single. day. Her face was that of one you always felt a need to punch. A grumpy old woman with the personality of a dead squirrel. Her top lip always drooped of the bottom one, her eyes always showed grey and dead emotion. She had whisps on her top lip and wrinkles on every possible area of her face.
Y/n hated her.
"Good for you to finally join us y/f/n."
The teenager restrainted herself from scowling at the corpse infront of her, the woman let her in and harshly closed the door behind.
A group of orphans had snuck into hiding spots to try and find out what all the fuss had been about that morning, mainly trying to figure out why y/n y/l/n was wearing an appropriate outfit.
No baggy trousers, no cut up and cropped t-shirts. No black eye makeup or safety pins in her clothes. No band logos or scuffed up boots. A dress without holes on or that didn't show of her body in a manner which they was taught was inappropriate.
A y/n y/l/n who had been de-y/n y/l/n-ed.
When she'd been sat down by Sister Mackles, y/n was able to see the people who had apparently been thinking of adopting her.
Getting this to stage in the adoption process meant that the couple infront of her hadn't been discouraged by her record; the record that showed how y/n was a social misfit and reject, the record that said "Y/f/n finds it difficult to maintain relationships", the quote "not suitable for (...)" used at least ten times amungst the 3 peices of A4.
The record that only showed her bad qualities.
Getting to this stage in the adoption process meant that she wasn't always seen as a negitive thing in life. Sure, they knew she wasn't good at maths already because her detention record was involved in the summary they'd already been shown but she could tell them all about how she could quote Shakespeare off by heart, and that Percy Byshee-Shelley was one of her favourate poets. They knew she failed every science test she was handed, but they didn't know she could correctly answer 89% of her sociology exam.
Getting to this stage in the adoption process meant that she could actually have a chance of getting out of this ditch.
"Hi, you must be y/f/n."
Okay what the actual-
"I'm Clara and this is my husband James."
"God Clars, stop being so formal you're gonna scare the kid off."
The man next to Clara, also a southener, laughted before speaking to the girl sat with an overly confused expression on her face.
"It's nice to finally meet you y/f/n we've been waiting ages to get to introduce ourselves to you."
"And we think you would really fit in with out family."
As Clara spoke again, her husband muttered something with a laugh. Something about being a tad bit too eager.
She looked down at their outfits, Anna always said you could tell near everything about a person by what they wore.
James was in a brown coilderoid suit whilst Clara was in a knee length blue marble skirt and a tucked in, but still baggy, Beatles top. It seamed that she had been wearing a leather jacket, one being over the back of her chair. Y/n had a similar one hung up in her wardrobe, only it had about a hundred studs in it and an accidentaly slightly ripped sleeve.
Okay, maybe they where half decent people.
There was a slightly awkward silence and small talk made but when the extra nuns had left the room to attent to dutys, Mackles being the only one in the room, y/n became more comfortable.
"Urm, so you like the Beatles ?"
She asked the question and nodded slightly to the hard days night top Clara was wearing.
The bleached blonde woman gave a laugh.
"How could I not, they're literally the best band to ever exist."
A small smile ran across y/n's glossed lips, which subquencly brought a smile onto Clara's.
"Me mate Liams would say the same. The guy literally worships John Lennon."
"Oh is he an orphan, we didn't see anyone called Liam on the list here ? If you're more comfortable with him we can always adopt-"
Clara began frantically speaking, worry lacing her facial features.
"Oh urm no, he's just a mate from school. Total nutter but a good heart like ."
At her words y/n had realised that they where planning on her moving down south with them.
She wouldn't be staying in Manchester's borough, nevermind Burnage.
In all honesty she didn't mind moving. Up here there was only Liam and Anna. Plus, bring adopted at 14 was a rare occurance and if she was being given the oppotunity she sure as hell wasn't letting it slip.
They would understand right ?
The chance to have a family, she couldn't leave that just because she'd have to move.
She could always visit, call, letters. It wasn't like she'd become totally alienated from them.
The only thing she wasn't too keen on down south was the southeners.
Growing up in North-West England as an Irish Catholic kid, you where taugh that they're worse than sin. Monsters who where out to reduce you to dust, but Clara and James didn't seem like that so maybe it'd be okay ?
After a few more minutes mindless conversation began, a finally relaxed atmosphere of untopiced talk and a small debate over whether the Cure or the Smiths where better.
"Oh we've actually brought our other two children with us, we just wanted to get to know you first before we bombarded you with Luka and Mauve."
"Alreat, it'd be nice to meet 'em."
Clara gave another beaming smile before leaving the room to get them.
She already knew a bit about the two children of James and Clara, they'd come up in conversation at the begining.
Luka was adopted as well. He was sixteen, two years older than her. He played the drums and was a punk, something that  y/n thought was one of the coolest things since the walkman. Mauve was originally their neice but her parents, James' brother and sister-in-law, had died in a plane crash when she was nine months meaning she'd been living with them for as long as she could remember. She was six and wanted to be an artist when she grew up.
As they waited for her to return with the others, James started the conversation on the Beatles back up.
"So, favourate Beatle ?"
"George Harrison."
"Really ?"
His face filled with surprise,
"Most would say McCatney or Lennon."
"Aye, but did Lennon and McCartney write Here Comes The Sun ?"
"That's your favourate song ?"
"No, but is a good tune like."
"Fair enough."
Before the short conversation carried on, the squeaky door opened to reveal a leather trousers and vest wearing spikey blonde haired teenager. He looked like a teenage version of Billy Idol. He wore an ACDC top with the leather outfit and had smudgy eyeliner on.
She felt so underdressed.
Holding his hand was a small girl with brown pigtails on either side of her head, a plain, pale pink top and high-waised blue jeans with red and pink flowers and a large purple butterfly embroided up the left leg. She had a denim jacket on with a few band pins on.
Okay even a six year old was better dressed than her.
This is depressing.
Y/f/c fabric stroked against the red carpets of Earls Court as y/n made her way back over to Blur's table with a tray of drinks that she'd been asked to go and get for the boys by one of their management team that was attending the event. They where sat on the edge of their seats collecting the award for their third nomination of the night when she'd left. By the time she had made her way back to the seats, they where all sat down and eagerly waiting for their drinks to numb tge pain of yet again being beaten by their mancunian nemises'.
She gave a light tap on her boyfriend's shoulder to tell him not to flinch whilst she put the tray on the table, knowing soneone suddenly appearing from behind him would make him move. Once she had placed the slight dewy tray in the center of the table, she felt a pair of hands rest themselves on her waist and a gentle force pulling her down into the lap of none other than Mr Alex James.
His scent of cigarettes and colone took over her sences as he pulled her in for a short and rough kiss. After a moment, they where deattached by y/n needing her glass of champagne. She took a large sip before moving herself off of his lap and onto her own designated seat right next to him, not without a whine of complain from the brunette.
She gave a small laugh at his pouting face.
Whilst Chris Evans gave two awards for the solo artist catagories, Blur tuned out of the show. They didn't need to listen to them seeing how they weren't involved in them awards.
Graham had busied himself complaining to y/n about how unfair it was and how they where going to get killed by Food if Oasis beat them in the British group catagory, whichcwas next after the female solo artist award.
Alex shushed the pair as the radio host began to speek again, after Annie Lennox had left the stage with the award identical to the three Graham had just told y/n about..
"And the nominees for the British Group award are ; Blur, Lightning Seeds, Radiohead Oasis and Pulp."
Cheers echoed through everyone's hearing, the table growing silent in antisipation. They all knew that if Oasis beat them they'd never hear the end of it from the men's management.
Trying to ease the built up tension, y/n placed a hand on Alex's tensed one, the one which was starting to grip desperatly onto her waist as if not only would he loose the award but also her.
"I bagsy first shoutout when you win and have to do a speech ."
Alex gave her an unamused look, quickly been silenced by Evan's next word.
"Oasis !"
Y/n's mood dropped along with the rest of the table's, the rowdy lot she lratically grew up with swaggering their way to the microphone again.
The second flute of golden champagne was finished off as she slouched in her chair and tipped the glass up over her mouth and nose as the strong accent pounded through the speakers. All she could think of was how much he'd changed since she'd saw him last.
"His accent's so fake."
A mutter under her breath caused confusion amungst the band, she hadn't realised how loud she'd said the words, or that she'd said them outloud at all.
Her boyfriend turned to her, his arms dropping over the head of her chair and his attention being pulled away from the mockery on the stage. Alex gave her a bizzare look.
"How ?"
The girl froze like a deer in headlights for a second, eventually coming up with a believeable answer
"Well, you know. I'd lived in Manchester my whole life up till I was fourteen and i've never heard anyone's accent be that strong."
She shrugged off the question with a simple answer, turning back to the stage to watch the Gallagher brothers walking off, not without Liam catching her eyes and giving a look.
"I'm going to the loo."
She rushed pushing back of her chair back caused a sort of russle from the carpet to sound quietly. Almost robotically, she grabbing her clutch bag and walking off before anyone could say anything.
Y/n walked calmly out of the double doors that led to the fresh air circulated foyé, not going to the toilets but instead waiting for the appearance of the man that she knew would follow her.
A few seconds later, none other than Liam Gallagher strolled through the double doors that had been taunting y/n, acting like he owned the place.
"Well 'ello Birdy. Long time no see 'ey."
A smirk graced his features, she'd never wanted to punch someone in the face so much, not even that witch of a head-nun from the orphanage.
"What do you think you're playing at Liam."
Her hand rested on her hip as she spoke, she didn't need to worry about anyone overhearing the reunion conversation seeing how everyone was in the main hall, like she was suposed to be.
"Oh nothin'. Just wondered if that little boyfriend of yours knew who you really are. Y'know, I don't thing he be too happy if he knew you grew up with us and r'kid."
"Oh shut up."
She scoffed at his comment, anger appearing more distinctivly on her features.
"Nah like, all i'm saying is you use that posh accent like you're not just one of us."
She gave a further look of annoyance at his words.
"Look lad, just 'cause I have pronunciation-"
"You wearing Chanel ?"
At his rude interuption of her point-making, y/n scoffed. She looked down, becoming slightly silenced.
Okay so she was wearing Chanel. Her dress, diamond strapped heels, her crossbody bag, even her stud earings.
"Not that it matters, but yes I happen to be wearing Chanel."
Also, since when did Liam pick up the ability to desyther if a dress was Chanel !
An obnoixious laugh echoed through the empty room at her answer, he was somewhat annoyed with how she was acting while she was down right fuming at how he was behaving.
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows at him.
"What d'you think you're laughing at."
''Ah just, he doesn't know you at all 'ey"
"What are you going on about Liam ?!"
She ran the chipped y/f/c polished nails through her hair.
"Why are you being so bloody difficult right now."
Okay. So genuinly getting emotion right now.
Her old bestfriend, her only bestfriend ever, was shooting a million and a half questions at her but answering none of her's.
She wanted this interaction to be over.
She wanted Alex, but she was starting to crave for Liam's approval all over again, like she always had done as a kid.
She was so annoyed with herself.
"Y'know, you've changed Birdy. I don't know what story you fed them posh southern bastards about your upbringing which made them accept you, or whatever relationships you 'ave goin' on, but all the money in the world can't scrub off the smell of council estate."
With that, he walked off.
His words hurt her.
Liam Gallagher had been her rock growing up, the person who solved all her issues, the one who stopped all the pain and misery.
Someone made fun of her ? Liam stopped it.
She spent her last 30p trying to contact the grandparents she'd found the number of through sneaking through records ?
Liam was always there to tell her how they didn't deserve her.
When she got adopted and moved down south, she lost her bestfriends and her support.
She found a small amount of comfort in music still, a connection to Manchester through Revolver, eventually getting a job as a article writer for Food Records. That's also when she'd met Alex, working for Food at age eighteen.
He was touring, she was working.
Her mind ran back to Liam's stinging comment.
Sure she'd improved herself to be acknowledged in the patriarchle society she worked in, but she hadn't changed per say.
She talked more properly, but that was because people couldn't understand her northen accent.
She wore nicer clothes, more expensive brands. Still that was because she like nice things, not in a egotistical was, just she thought they looked pretty and she could afford them. That wasn't changing, she would've bought them if she lived in Manchester still and could afford them.
Sure Alex didn't know exactly that she'd grew up with the Gallagher brothers, but that just hadn't really popped up in conversation.
He knew she didn't grow up in the nicest of places, but he didn't care for her background's status like he did alot of the time with other people, he just cared about her.
To both y/n and Alex, she was just a normal twenty-three year old. She had a mum and dad and an older brother who was a big part of her life and a little sister who she adored more than everything under the sun. Over the time Clara and James had been her parents, they'd adopted three more children. Two more younger brothers, Finley and Logan, and another little sister, Zoe. She lived for them, even when Zoe threw up over her favourate jumper.
Pulling herself from her memories, y/n sprits some perfume on her wrist and rubbed in it as well as on her neck. She built up some confidence and made her way back to Blur's table.
When she had sat herself back in the comfortable, red cushioned chair, she found Alex looking at her in concern.
"You okay ? You look like you've just seen a ghost Darling."
"I'm fab, don't worry. Want another drink ?"
He gave a hum, handing her the empty glass as she stood up and asked the rest of the group if they wanted refills.
As she walked off something lingered in her mind, a pain stabing her joints.
The smell of council estate lingering around her.
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coffeewithstars · 3 months
"𝑨𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆": 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒉𝒂𝒎 𝑪𝒐𝒙𝒐𝒏 𝒙 𝑮/𝑵 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
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- 𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒑. 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝑻𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒍𝒓 𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒔𝒐 𝑰 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒂 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰'𝒎 𝒅𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒈. 𝑨𝒎 𝑰 𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈? 𝒀𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝑰 𝒂𝒎.
- 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒂 𝒔𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒇𝒊𝒄 𝑰 𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒎𝒚𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒎𝒚 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝑵𝑶𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝒐𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒉𝒂𝒎 𝒔𝒐 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒘𝒆 𝒂𝒓𝒆.
- 𝑰𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒔𝒐 𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒏𝒐 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒔 𝒐𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒖𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒐 𝒊𝒕 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒃𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅 𝒂𝒔 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒏𝒆𝒖𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝒙
- 𝑪/𝑾: 𝑴𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒆𝒙, 𝒔𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒔𝒖𝒃/𝒅𝒐𝒎 𝒅𝒚𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒄𝒔, 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒉𝒂𝒎 𝒃𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂 𝒄𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒆
- 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 717
He looked so tranquil, sprawled out on the bed, mind among the clouds. It was so different to what had happened only a few minutes prior. Then, he was so vocal, so desperate, but now he's laying flat on his back, one hand on his chest, his other arm spread out.
His chest rises and falls ever so gently, and his eyelashes flutter on the occasion. There's cum left on his stomach from when he couldn't contain himself and theres a few love bites trickled around his jawline, neck, and collarbone. I reach over and fix his glasses which sit on his face slightly wonky and gently stroke his face. There's no reaction but I'm not surprised; he's still so deep into subspace.
"Gra, baby, you with me?" I ask to no reply.
"Graham, love?" Again. No reply.
"Gra, you alright, my good boy?" I ask.
"Hm? Oh- yes, yes, I'm alright." He finally replies, voice soft and almost a whisper.
"I thought you were gone for good there, love." I say gently, shifting his messy hair away from his sweaty forehead. He only hums in reply. "Do you mind if I leave you alone for a moment? I won't be long, I promise." He nods.
About 10 minutes later, I return from the bathroom and into the bedroom. Graham's still laying in the same position, eyes open, but lids drooping sleepily. He notices my return and turns his head to the side, giving me a small, sweet smile. I go over and pick him up bridal-style before walking back to the bathroom where he sees that I've run a steamy bath, a few candles lit on the side of the tub.
I help him into the tub, making sure not to let him slip over; his legs were still weak. Soon after, I climb in behind him, and he leans back against my chest as if acting on instinct. It was so natural for us both to be so close.
I carefully take his glasses away, folding the arms and placing them aside. I slowly begin soaking him with the water, using a small jug to wet his hair all while he sits there compliantly. I pour a bit of shampoo onto the palm of my hand and begin to massage it into his hair, scratching his scalp just how he likes it. He hums and mumbles a small "Thank you."
We stay in the tub for a while, making sure both him and I are clean. I notice his eyes drooping and decide that this would be a good time to get out.
I get out of the bath first, drying myself and putting on some clean pyjamas (a simple tank top and some plaid bottoms) whilst he watches me, adoration flooding his beautiful dark brown eyes. I help him out of the tub, letting him rest his tired hands on my shoulders for support.
I ruffle his hair with his towel while he giggles quietly and softly, before I make work on the rest of his body. I have him sit on the toilet lid, and he looks at me with a confused expression before I slide his pyjama shorts up his legs.
"I can do that, you know." He mumbles.
"I know," I smile. "Lift your arms for me, love."
He acceeds, allowing me to tug one of his old band t-shirts over his head and arms, kissing his forehead right after. He tilts his head up and kisses me back, this time on the lips.
Again, I assist him in getting up, and we walk slowly back into the bedroom. I pull the covers back and allow him to slide into bed before laying down myself. As soon as I shift into position, he snuggles up against me, head on my chest and arm around my waist. I kiss his forehead again.
"Did you enjoy it, love?" I mumble.
"Yes, I did. Thank you. Did you?" He yawns.
"Of course I did. I enjoy being with you a lot, no matter what we do together."
"I feel like 'm gonna doze off."
"Doze off then, I'll be here when you wake up like always."
He smiles sleepily. "Goodnight, lovely."
"Goodnight." I whisper as he drifts off to sleep. I follow soon after.
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astonmartinii · 8 months
peas in a pod | oscar piastri social media au
pairing: oscar piastri x fem!russell!reader
y/n and george russell may be twins, but they’re hardly two peas in a pod and oscar is just there for the ride
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liked by georgerussell63, oscarpiastri and 602,344 others
tagged: oscarpiastri
yourusername: are you alex’s appendix cause you make me wanna bust 😩
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user1: excuse me 😀
user2: sometimes i’m like yeah george and y/n are defo twins and then she says shit like this and i’m like they can’t be related
alexalbon: erm what is is ?
yourusername: gosh so other people can use your appendicitis for a seat but i can’t use it to appreciate my boyf - PC gone crazy
alexalbon: the only censorship you’ll need is when my foot is up your ass
yourusername: i’d love to see you try i’ll put you back in the hospital
alexalbon: you say that but when i woke up in hospital you were crying your eyes out begging me to never do that again 🤨
oscarpiastri: she cried about it for a good week after alex dw she loves you really
yourusername: TURNCOAT say goodbye to your bedtime privileges
georgerussell63: okay we’ll stop right there, y/n is sorry for joking about your appendicitis alex, and y/n we will not be discussing extracurricular activities with oscar. thank you.
user3: what about the people who want to hear about the extracurriculars? and maybe want to … see them?
yourusername: @oscarpiastri how do you think mclaren would feel about an onlyfans?
oscarpiastri: i think it’ll be a hard no
yourusername: ugh boring
user4: y/n talking about an onlyfans whereas i don’t believe george has even seen a naked woman
oscarpiastri: i love you and your dumb fucking pick up lines
yourusername: what do you mean i’m literally the reincarnation of william shakespeare?
georgerussell63: more like e l james
yourusername: i knew it was you who stole my copy of 50 shades GIVE IT BACK
yourusername: anyhow … i love you too babe x
user5: every comment section we learn new y/n russell lore and it shocks me everytime
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and 734,513 others
tagged: yourusername
oscarpiastri: in this house i guess we celebrate hit tweets? happy one year anniversary to the alpine breakup
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yourusername: i think the technical term is “stunting on these hoes”
oscarpiastri: for pr reasons i will not be agreeing
yourusername: @ otmar HE BROKE I’M UP
oscarpiastri: you’re going to get me into even more trouble than that tweet did
yourusername: blame me and tell them to meet me in the car park, no weapons just fists
oscarpiastri: maybe let’s not
yourusername: you don’t wanna be my sexy ring girl? :(
georgerussell63: one day of not threatening people is all i ask for
yourusername: you weren’t saying that when i beat that year 13 guy’s ass in year ten for picking on you 🤨
georgerussell63: well yes but needs must
oscarpiastri: sorry george i’m siding with y/n she’s not afraid to tell the waiter they got my order wrong
landonorris: and she can square up to the people who won’t leave us alone in clubs
georgerussell63: okay i get it damn
yourusername: SMASH
alexalbon: you can’t let anything be normal can you?
yourusername: since you wanna be in my business… lily is a smash too
alexalbon: excuse me?
yourusername: let it be known if i weren’t already with the love of my life, id steal your girl
lilymunhe: oh wow … umm ☺️😳
oscarpiastri: idk bro im focusing on being called the love of y/n’s life
user7: silly season was so boring this year thank the lord we have y/n to cause chaos
georgerussell63: do not encourage her
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liked by maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri and 823,410 others
tagged: oscarpiastri
yourusername: you think i look bad, you should see the other girl. don’t touch men without their consent - and definitely don’t touch my man or you will be dealt with. trust.
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user8: someone leaked the video and omg that girl has hands
user9: she did NAWT hold back omg
oscarpiastri: i love you, thank you for defending my honour
yourusername: i love you too, i’d protect you with my life but don’t get it twisted, i’d throw hands for anyone
oscarpiastri: no but for real i’m very thankful for you standing up for me
user10: why is everyone praising this? all this shows me is that piastri is a pussy that needs his gross girlfriend to stand up for him?
yourusername: i’m going to stop you right there. that girl thought she could touch a man without his consent, and it’s completely out of order. so she was handed the consequences. oscar couldn’t do anything so it fell into my hands. you are the problem, do not talk down to him or other victims in those situations.
georgerussell63: as much as i joke, im glad you and oscar have each other.
yourusername: thank you georgie
oscarpiastri: thanks george, but your sister is the real knight in shining armour here
yourusername: i'll always save you princess 👸
alexalbon: everyone is being very sentimental but YO I KNEW YOU SAID YOU HAD HANDS BUT DAMN
user11: alex spill how brutal was it?
alexalbon: i had a front seat and it was like prime anthony joshua she was NOT playing
yourusername: oh wow that’s a big statement
alexalbon: i don’t wanna sound unprofessional but it was honestly crazy and i am so impressed y/n should really consider combat sports
yourusername: in my defence she just fully turned in on my fist
georgerussell63: okay normal service resumed she's making fun of me again :(
user12: why are we celebrating violence?
user13: people have no respect for the drivers these days, just because you’re in the same club as them does not mean that you’re entitled to harass them ??? you fuck around you’re going to find out… esp when y/n is around LOL
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liked by georgerussell63, yourusername and 1,023,444 others
tagged: yourusername
oscarpiastri: so a lot has happened. i don't want to give the girl any more attention. i love my girlfriend and i love how much she loves me. cry more.
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georgerussell63: "cry more" y/n has clearly been rubbing off on you
yourusername: i can assure you i've done much more than just rub off on him
oscarpiastri: to be fair you walked right into that one george
georgerussell63: introducing you two really is the stupidest thing i've ever done
oscarpiastri: first of all, arthur introduced us months before you "introduced us", second of all, this is a lot coming from the guy who cried to me about how i'm so great for your sister and can't wait to have me as a brother-in-law
georgerussell63: yes i am soft. i love love. sue me gosh.
user15: they are so aesthetically pleasing to my eyes
landonorris: so does like y/n wanna give self defence classes?
yourusername: for a price, soz nothing comes for free in this economy
danielricciardo: please can you do classes? i wanna harness your rabid chihuahua energy
yourusername: i am NOT. a chihuahua take that back daniel
oscarpiastri: she's more like a kangaroo, cute but will steal your dog and beat your ass
yourusername: true, i just wanna put you in my pouch
yourusername: that sounds weird, but i just wanna hold you and never let go
danielricciardo: okay i was just messing around no need to be disgustingly cute
logansargeant: i'm glad you're both okay, but that room service debrief went so hard
oscarpiastri: honestly if i weren't holding an ice pack to my girlfriend's face it would've been top two
yourusername: eh i think it's still top two, nothing is unseating when we were next door to lando shagging and we made it a drinking game 😭
landonorris: WHAT ????
oscarpiastri: no comment
logansargeant: no comment
yourusername: it was drink every time you moaned impressively loud 👍
landonorris: no comment
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourusername and 822,304 others
tagged: yourusername, oscarpiastri, lilymunhe
alexalbon: idc you can never get me to hate her ass if you poke the bear expect to get bitten
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user16: sorry to the galex truthers but y/n and alex are the superior friendship
yourusername: i knew you loved me + and i knew you loved oscar SEND ME THE LAST PIC NEW LOCKSCREEN INCOMING
alexalbon: i've been the personal photographer for both russells for years and i'm only just being appreciated
yourusername: HOLD ON i take just as many of you and lily
alexalbon: well that's easier because we're much easier to photograph
oscarpiastri: WOAH hold your horses pal, call me ugly all you want but one shall not dishonour y/n
alexalbon: okay someone spent the break at the russell house
alexalbon: damn it's a tough crowd. and on a post literally appreciating you
yourusername: bare minimum
user17: okay the kardashians are over - netflix can we please get a drive to survive spin off about y/n, george, oscar and alex ????
landonorris: lando norris erasure
charles_leclerc: charles leclerc erasure
oscarpiastri: move over twitch quartet, there's a new sheriff in town
landonorris: okay i'm banning y/n from mclaren you've spent too much time with her and now a rookie is bullying me :(
yourusername: he ate you up... i'm so proud
landonorris: is this the environment the russells promote? @georgerussell63
georgerussell63: you're on your own on this one lando i gave up years ago
yourusername: @oscarpiastri i think that's called maximising our joint slay
oscarpiastri: they wish they were us for real
user18: i love watching a black cat gf slowly corrupt her golden retriever bf
yourusername: oscar is like an evil little kitten really
oscarpiastri: and you love it
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note: quick one cause i'm in my feelings. enjoy this random oscar cuteness he is an aussie queen (also a friend of mine literally went to the same school as him it's so weird)
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gentlyweeps-world · 4 months
Hey, just having a big baby fever, could you do some dad logan? Nothing too especially just that he’ll have a baby boy. Thanks 🫶
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a helping hand
summary: above ^^
pairing: logan sarge x fem!reader
warnings: suggestive tones and actions
genre: fluff!!
notes: logan would totally call his son chief, that’s all
“Hey- babe! Can you- fuck, can you help me?” You shout from the kitchen, trying to balance your two year old boy, James, and making dinner.
“Yeah! I’m coming baby..” Logan shouts back, coming into the kitchen and sweeping up James into his arms.
“Thank you-“ You say before James, being a toddler, does some loud squealing and begins kicking his feet. “Ugh- James! We don’t kick!” Logan groans out, throwing James over his shoulder.
“Daddy! No!” James squeals out, his giggling and laughing growing.
You can’t help but laugh at your two year old, his giggles and smiling face were too adorable, “He’s still just a baby-“ You say with a grin, losing focus on the pasta you were cooking.
“No! Nuh uh!” James says, starting to giggle and laugh more as Logan throws him up in the air.
“Yes- you are still a baby!” Logan says, playing along. Logan sets your son down and he runs towards you, giggling and squealing even more- to which you scoop him up, “He’s my little boy-“ You coo and squeeze him, planting a kiss on his forehead.
“I thought I was your boy..” Logan says with a pout, coming up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and planting a kiss to the side of your head.
“You’re my second boy..” You reply with a grin, attention finally going back to the pasta you were cooking, but it was over-cooked.
“The pasta is over cooked, god damn it!” You sigh and turn off the stove, you place James on the floor and let him wander around.
Logan keeps his arms wrapped around you, pulling you back against his chest he places some kisses to your neck.
“You go relax on the couch, I’ll order some food, okay?” Logan mumbles out, placing his hands on your belly. “Don’t want to stress out our baby girl..” He adds on.
You let out a small sigh and lean back into him, “We don’t know if it’s a girl..” You reply softly with a smile.
“Trust me baby, I have a feeling..” Logan says, placing one more peck to your neck.
“Whatever you say..” You reply with a giggle, turning around in his arms to press a kiss to his lips.
“Also..once James goes to sleep..you and I can finally have some alone time..” Logan whispers in your ear.
“Oh yeah? We’ll see about that.” You whisper back, leaning up into the kiss, but James breaks it up, “No kissing!” He laughs, hitting yours and Logan’s legs.
Logan chuckles and looks at your son, “How much older till we start charging you rent?“ He says with a grin, leaning down to scoop up James in his arms.
“I’ll text Alex and Lily that we need a date night..” You say before placing a kiss to James head. You then walk out of the kitchen and into the living room, flopping down onto the couch.
“Pizza good babe?” Logan shouts from the kitchen, which is followed by a small, “yay!” from James.
“Yeah sounds good!” You shout back, throwing on a random movie.
You lean back on the couch, cuddling up against a pillow and closing your eyes. The movie playing- you don’t even care what it is. James walks in and crawls up into your arms, cuddling into you and watching the movie.
Logan soon walks over and sits down next to you. “Pizza will be here in thirty..” He says, wrapping an arm around you and James.
“Thanks..” You mumble out quietly, noticing that James has now fallen asleep.
“You okay baby?” Logan asks, leaning over to press a kiss to your head, letting out a small sigh you look over to him.
“I’m just tired, and stressed…I feel like there’s so much to do with no time..” You mumble out, “And- and when the season starts back up it’s going to be so hectic again..”
Logan pulls you into his chest- cuddling you up against him. You can feel his hand brush against your belly, he doesn’t say anything, but just wraps his arms around you and James, holding you tightly.
He kisses the top of your head, “We will make time.. we’ll deal with whatever comes.. okay? Just trust me babe, I’m not going to let you or the kids out of my sight.” He says softly, letting out a yawn and kissing you on the forehead.
“I’ll be here to lend a helping hand whenever..and in more ways than one..” He adds on with a grin.
You roll your eyes and smile at his comment, “Of course- but thank you…” You say with a sigh, leaning back into him.
Logan just smiles as the doorbell goes off, “That would be the pizza-“ He starts to get up but looks at you, “Do you want me to get it? Or do you want a break from the little guy?” He asks, knowing you are a bit stressed.
“It’s okay..he’s sleeping right now..” You say with a smile, looking down at James who’s curled up against you.
You run your fingers through his hair, smiling as you admire the peaceful look on your son’s face, similar to Logan’s when he sleeps.
A few minutes later Logan walks in with the pizza, setting it on the coffee table with a few paper plate and napkins he walks over to you, leaning down he places a peck to your lips.
“Hey chief..dinner is here..” Logan whispers out to James, leaning down to scoop him up into his arms.
James wakes up when Logan picks him up, and he starts to giggle and smile. “Daddy!” He squeals out.
“Hey chief, you hungry?” Logan asks, tickling James, making him laugh even more.
Logan sits down beside you on the couch, and he places a piece of pizza on James’s plate. “Now, we’ve got to eat before this gets cold, buddy.” He says, as soon as James hears those words he instantly starts eating.
You get yourself a slice of pizza and lean against Logan’s shoulder with a sigh, “He’s definitely not a mommy’s boy..” You mumble out.
“Nope, but he sure does love you.” Logan says with a grin, James’ face was covered in tomato sauce, he was laughing and having a great time.
Soon enough, you and Logan both finish your pizza, James is still “eating”, even if he’s really playing with the cheese.
Soon after James finished eating, Logan helps clean up and gets him ready for bed.
A few hours of passed, you’re taking a small nap on the couch when you feel it dip under Logan’s weight.
“Hey baby..I started a bath for the two of us, James is knocked out cold..” Logan whispers out, running his fingers through your hair.
You slowly and very softly open your eyes. “What time is it?” You ask lazily, letting out a small groan, sitting up.
Logan kisses your cheek and runs his hands through your hair. “Around 1am…but James is asleep, thought we’d have some alone time in the bath?” He whispers out, leaning down and kissing you and your neck.
“God you’re a man after my own heart..” You mumble out, leaning into Logan’s touch, letting your hands wander to his shirt and sliding them under it, feeling his skin and muscles.
“When will you ask me to marry you?” You groan out, Logan chuckles at that, “When you can mentally fathom it..” He says teasingly.
“Mmmmm..” You groan as you feel him up, “You know- I love how cocky you can be sometimes..” You groan, “You know what- let’s just get in the bath, yeah?” You add as you kiss him.
Logan chuckles, “You think you can handle me asking you to marry me?” He asks, leaning into the kiss. “I can ask right now if-mm- you’d want me to..”
“You and I both know it’ll at least be a few more months..” You mumble out, letting out a sigh as you feel his hands against you.
“You’re just going to have to deal with my cocky ass until then..” He laughs, pulling at your shirt. “I should keep you waiting-“ He says, kissing your neck and trailing his hands down your hips.
“Then I guess I won’t be having a baby girl..” You mumble out, pulling away from him as you get up from the couch and walk over to the bathroom.
Logan follows you into the bathroom, but he stops and leans against the door frame, a sly grin on his face as he watches you.
“You will be having a baby girl- I’m sure of it, and y’know- you’re not going to be able to escape my hands, I know what I want and- oh I’ll be having it.” He says, his voice low and soft.
“I think you’re all talk..” You say with a grin, looking at him. You pause for a moment. “And thank you by the way, for just being a great dad and boyfriend..” You add on with a smile.
“Mmmm- I’m not all talk sweetheart” He says before slowly walking over to you, his hands brushing against your hips.
“Thank you- for being such an amazing mother and girlfriend.” He says, leaning in towards you.
“God I love you..” You say with a sigh, leaning into his body.
“I love you too..” He whispers out, hugging you into his chest, “So why don’t I show you how much I love you..?” He adds on, sliding his hands down to your ass, squeezing it.
You let out a chuckle, “Why are you so horny all of the sudden Lo..”
“You look hot pregnant- and hot in general!”
radio 🪩: boom another one! I’m slowly getting through my requests!! loved making this so send in any other requests! don’t be shy to ask to be added to the lag list 💙
permanent taglist: @cixrosie @amajixi @i-wish-this-was-me @nelly187 @hannahwsworld @sltwins
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dilemmaontwolegs · 7 months
Bestie, I'm gonna need Logan to invite Alex and Lily over to Florida for a big Sargeant family Thanksgiving 🙊
Thanksgiving in the 305 || LS2 {3}
Pairing: Logan Sergeant x fem!reader Summary: You have lots to be thankful this holiday and get to share the special occasion with even more people this year. Warnings: 18+ only, implied smut, fluff, lots of fluff WC: 3.4K F1 Masterlist || One || Two || Three || Four
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Monday, 20th November 2023 You had just walked through hell and it had been an absolute nightmare. By hell, you meant Walmart during the week of Thanksgiving. With another point scored on home soil Logan’s popularity seemed to explode overnight and the shopping trip had taken longer than expected after he signed some autographs and took photos with fans. Shopping wasn’t something you enjoyed on the quietest of days but knowing the amount of food prep you needed to do only left you more stressed.
“Relax, honey,” Logan soothed as he rubbed your shoulders with a smile. “We can do this. Just tell me what you need me to do.”
You eventually made it to the checkout with two laden trolleys and Logan did all the heavy lifting of the bags into the back of his Range Rover. Unfortunately you lost more precious prep time to the traffic that swarmed the city and the stress had you wringing your hands together until Logan took one in his.
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“Sweetheart, I think you might be going a little overboard.”
You looked up from the pastry you were rolling out to weave into a lattice topping for the pumpkin pie. “What? No. No, I’m not. This is perfectly acceptable.”
“There’s twice as much as last year,” Logan stated, his lips a shade of deep purple from the berries he had stolen.
“We have more guests this year - special guests too.”
Logan’s lips perked up as he laughed. “I’ll let Dalton know you think he’s not special.”
“That is not what I meant,” you gasped, only forgiving him for the joke when kissed you sweetly. “I’ve never seen your principal outside of the races, or Alex and Lily. I’m nervous.”
“You have nothing to be nervous about. They are exactly the same outside of work.”
You chewed your lip as you nodded, hoping he wasn’t just trying to ease your worry. If he was right then you knew you would get along with them just like you had when you went to the races with Logan. You had been lucky enough to make it to most of his races after the summer break and Sooty even joined for the Triple Header rounds, but he missed out on the Vegas trip. The schedule was just too busy to have a dog in tow.
Since everyone was on the same continent, for the moment, you had invited Logan’s team mate and his team principal to join you for an early Thanksgiving. James was bringing his wife and daughter while Alex was coming with his girlfriend Lily. They had all been so supportive of Logan throughout the year that you wanted to show your appreciation before making your way to the final race in Abu Dhabi.
It was going to be the first year since being with Logan that you wouldn’t be at home on Thanksgiving but that didn’t mean you weren’t going to slack on hosting the event. If anything you were going to make it more special to make up for having it on a Tuesday. 
Logan knew one thing that would help you relax while you were busy in the kitchen and after disappearing into the living room you heard the stereo system click on and Logan’s playlist filled the room. The upbeat intro to Hold On, We’re Going Home started and Logan reached you before Drake’s voice could, his hands finding your hips as he rested his chin on your shoulder and watched you work the dough. 
All too soon he grew bored of just watching and his lips started to tease kisses along your neck. “You need to go for a run,” you murmured as you found your progress slowing. “I can’t concentrate with you doing that.”
“Doing what?” he asked innocently, the curve of his lips on your skin giving him away. 
“Distracting me.”
“But it worked, look how relaxed you are now.” His arms curled around your waist as he swayed to the music and you joined him until his hand dipped beneath your shirt and warmed the soft skin on your stomach. 
“Lo…” you groaned as you pushed him back with your hips. “Behave, please.” 
“Cause you’re a good girl and you know it,” he teased in your ear with the song. “You act so different around me.”
You turned in his arms with a smile that he reflected and placed your palm over his chest. “You are going to ruin Thanksgiving dinner.”
Logan looked around the kitchen, every surface full of the food you just had to make final touches on in the morning. There was already more than enough to feed an army. “I don’t think you have to worry about dinner.” He reached behind you and placed a spare cover over the unfinished pie before pulling you flush against him. “And the pie can wait an hour.”
“An hour? I was thinking 10 minutes max,” you giggled as he grabbed your hips and picked you up, your legs wrapping around his waist naturally.
“Is that a challenge?” he dared as he carried you out of the kitchen. “I don’t mind spending the rest of the day proving you wrong, sweetheart.”
“Yes, wait, no, any other time, baby, but not today.”
Tuesday, 21st November 2023 - Thanksgiving Dinner You had never been happier that Logan had insisted on buying a house much larger than anything the two of you needed. Built for a large family, the kitchen had two full sized ovens and both were currently in use. The giant turkey filled one oven on its own and the other had its racks full of different dishes to keep them hot. 
The other great thing about the home was that the stacker doors folded back in the living room to give a massive open space that flowed out into the patio and pool. You needed all that space with the guests that had arrived. Logan’s parents had come first. Mallika had insisted on arriving early so she could help you with the fresh food that couldn’t be pre-cooked and Michael had been ordered to help Logan stock the bar.
Next to arrive had been Dalton, Logan’s older brother, who came with a very happy Sooty after dog-sitting him while you were in Las Vegas. You had rushed out of the kitchen as soon as you heard his excited bark and grappled him into a tight cuddle before Logan wrapped his arms around you both. 
“Hi, my baby,” you cooed as you scratched Sooty’s fur and kissed the top of his head. “Mommy missed you. You’re looking skinny, did uncle Dalt not feed you?” You rose to your feet at the laugh and greeted Dalton with a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you for taking care of him.”
“I would say anytime but he stole an Angus steak from my plate, twice.”
“Why do you think I came out here?” you said with a shake of your head. “There is no way I am letting him anywhere near the kitchen. Lo?”
“On it, honey,” he chuckled. “Come on, Soot, let's go play frisbee. You in, bro?”
You watched the brothers jog out to the lawn and separate to opposite ends and it wasn’t long before Michael joined his sons too.
It was another two Sargeant boys that came through the door with Logan’s aunt following with apologies for her son's lack of manners for skipping the doorbell. You waved the apology away as you gave her a hug. “It’s fine, Debbie. My mother always said doorbells are for salesmen and strangers, not family.”
“Your mother is a good woman,” Harry said as he came in with a large bouquet of flowers for you and a kiss. “You are more and more like her every day.”
You grinned at the compliment and inhaled the sweet scent of the flowers. “Thank you.”
When you first met Harry you had felt intimidated by the billionaire but you had quickly realised he was a kind, down-to-earth man who put family values first. It was one of the reasons he sponsored Logan and helped get him into Formula racing. He believed if he had the resources to help, then he had the responsibility to help. It was the same with Dalton’s NASCAR career.
The next arrival did use the doorbell and Sooty came inside to growl at the uncommon sound until you told him to stop being silly. Once the door was opened he recognised it was Alex and Lily on the doorstep and the protective nature changed to the playful wag of his tail. Sooty enjoyed the attention he got from the animal-loving couple for a moment before another duo stole his attention and he leapt off the porch to race down the driveway. 
“Sorry, he saw my parents,” you said as you invited them inside and to the bar. “Now, Logan’s the mixologist in the house so if you want something more than a beer, a wine or whiskey neat then he’s your man.”
Once Lily had a glass of riesling and Alex an IPA beer, you made the introductions to the few members of his family they hadn’t met. Most of them had crossed paths at least once during the three US based Grand Prix’s this season so it was only Harry’s teenage boys and your parents who needed naming. 
“I found some wanderers in your driveway,” your mother joked as she stepped into your line of vision and waved at the quickly growing Vowles family. “Oscar looks different, more mature.”
You looked at Logan’s old teammate who was just walking through the door and chuckled when he took his shoes off, the only one that ever did when he went inside other people's homes. “That’s what a year will do to a man,” you replied. “I don’t think you’ve seen him since last Thanksgiving, mom.”
“Not true, I saw him at Logan’s birthday.”
“Oh, okay, my bad, it's only been 11 months then,” you said with a laugh as you went to greet him and Logan’s team principal. 
“She is absolutely adorable,” you gushed over the newborn in James’ arms. “I swear she’s grown and I only saw her a few days ago!”
“She’s put on another ounce since then,” the proud father said before holding her out to you. “Go on, I know this is what you’re really after.”
“I was just coming over to see if you needed a drink,” you lied as you reached for her, “but I’m not going to turn down baby snuggles.”
Logan’s eyes found you from across the room where he was talking with Alex and Oscar and he lost track of the conversation at the sight of you. The image of you holding a baby so comfortably made something crack in his chest and he knew you would be a natural when it came to motherhood, he just had to be patient for a few more years. You didn’t even notice his lingering stare as you pressed your nose to her soft hair and inhaled the new baby scent before cradling her closer. 
“You know you are not getting her back until you leave,” you warned James, and he just smiled knowingly.
“I had a feeling that would be the case. Now Rachel and I can enjoy a few hours of free babysitting.”
“Absolutely anytime, any place. Go on, have a drink and chill out, or even a nap if you need. There’s plenty of guest rooms down the hall and a nursery too so you have nothing to worry about.”
“A nursery? Is there something Logan hasn’t told me?” he asked curiously.
You laughed as you shook your head. “Not yet, James. The house was furnished for a family sale when we bought it and one of the rooms was set up to be a nursery. We just never renovated it.”
“You two look really happy,” Alex broke through Logan’s wandering thoughts and he blinked twice before he snapped out of the moment.
“We are. She loves this, having a full house, lots of noise and company.” Logan smiled into his bottle as he tipped the cold beer back and watched as you flitted around the room topping up drinks and chatting with his family all the while managing to cradle his boss's baby safely. “Best thing I did was ask her to come with me. Makes the good days better and the bad ones easier, you know?”
Alex nodded sincerely and cast his eyes to Lily who was laughing at something Dalton said to her about his latest round of golf. Alex knew exactly what Logan meant. 
Logan had always been open about wanting children, even more so when he was drunk, and he was always making plans for the future. He hoped to stay in F1 for as long as possible and he was especially happy that he had signed with Williams for another year, but after that he thought about moving into endurance racing as it was a less intensive schedule. With less commitments to work he would have more time to focus on starting a family, so you waited patiently and supported him in his choices after all the hard work you had seen him put in.
You continued on your way around the guests, oblivious to the way Logan’s eyes followed you the entire time. Eventually you  reluctantly passed the sleeping babe over to your boyfriend knowing he would want to have some time with her too and the next part you needed two hands for. “Dinner is almost ready, if you want to start rounding everyone up into the dining room I’ll bring in the turkey.”
“I can come and help, sweetheart,” he offered but his face softened at the cutie in his arms. Your chest warmed at the sight and you shook your head, not wanting to disturb the moment.
“Between my mom and yours, there’s hardly anything left to do.” You left him with Alex and Oscar, passing by Lily and Dalton’s discussion about the best US golf courses, and found Sooty so he could be put in his kennel. You weren’t keen on having a repeat of his first Christmas when he broke the table leg trying to get scraps and the whole thing had crashed down. It had been a disaster that took a while before you could see the funny side but it still didn’t mean you could handle it happening again. “Come on, as soon as dinner is over you can have your freedom back.”
Sooty whined as you left him behind and you didn’t dare look back or you wouldn’t have the heart to leave him there. The sound followed you until you were inside and the noise of the guests swallowed his lonely cries so you could focus on the meal shared between friends and family.
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Logan knelt beside the kennel and caught Sooty’s collar as he unhooked the chain and praised him for being a good boy. Dinner had been another one to remember for a long time to come and everyone was more than full as they settled around the extra large sofa inside. Traditionally, after dinner everyone would be feeling the liquor and reminisce on what they were thankful for before watching the Miami Dolphins game on the tv but since it was only a Tuesday there weren't any big teams playing. 
Logan had a better way to end the perfect afternoon anyway.
“Sooty, where’s mommy?” Logan asked as he buckled his collar back in place and kissed the top of his head. “Go find mommy, go on, good boy.” 
The quick moving ball of fur caught your attention and you just saved your glass of wine from being knocked off the coffee table before Sooty bounded over Lily’s shoes and landed at your feet. He barked twice and sat back on his heels, waiting as if he had been ordered to obey and was expecting a treat - except you hadn’t called him.
“Sooty, how did you escape your…” your words trailed off as you held his collar and watched the light catch on a diamond ring. The room fell silent as you looked up in time to see Logan lower himself onto one knee in front of you.
His deft fingers unbuckled the collar and slipped the ring off so he could hold it delicately in his hand. “I don’t need Thanksgiving to reflect on everything I’m grateful for this year,” he said softly and your heart beat so loudly you were certain everyone in the quiet room could hear it. “Since I found you, I’m thankful every damn day, and I would love to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much, if you’ll let me. Will you marry me?”
You couldn’t remember when you last took a breath and your throat seemed to clog with emotion, choking the word you wanted to scream. Logan’s lips began to curve up into a proud smile when you nodded your head and lifted your trembling hand for him. 
“Yes,” you finally managed to whisper, before the cold band slipped onto your ring finger and your vision blurred with unshed tears of joy. 
You didn’t hear the cheer that erupted, you didn’t hear their congratulations. All you heard was Logan whispering he loved you against your lips before he claimed them for the first time as your fiance.
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Logan hadn’t let go of your hand since he put the engagement ring on it but eventually he couldn’t keep you all to himself and draped an arm across the back of your seat instead.
“This is gorgeous!” Lily gasped after she leaned forward to inspect the large rock on the ring. You didn’t miss the pointed look she sent Alex and wondered how long it would be until he took the same step. “So how did you two meet if Logan was in Europe racing?”
Logan grinned as he traced his fingertips across your shoulder and over your collar. “Her mom was my uncle’s secretary and when I was home for the break I dropped by his office to visit him, and then I kept dropping in because I knew she was always in the staffroom doing her homework. Not that she ever looked my way.”
“I looked, when you weren’t,” you admitted as your cheeks heated. “But I had to keep my head down so I could actually concentrate on my assignments. He was very distracting to look at, still is.”
Oscar smiled to himself since he already knew the story well over the years of friendship and double dates.
Alex chuckled and mirrored your cosy state with Lily opposite you. “So did he finally ask you out or did you have to take charge?”
“Actually Harry set us up,” you said with a smile in the oil magnate’s direction where he was talking to his wife. “I didn’t have a licence and when my mom got sick Harry had Lo take me to visit her. He went out of his way to pick me up after school every day for like two months. I honestly don’t know how I would have gotten through that time without him.”
You turned your smile to Logan as he reached for his beer and took a long drink. If you were alone he would have whispered sweet affirmations in your ear about how strong you were and how he would always be there for you but with the present company and his ears turning pink he swallowed his words. But you still saw them in his proud smile and in his blue eyes.
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“Okay, maybe I went a teensy, tiny, little bit overboard,” you admitted as you saw the leftovers filling the kitchen island after everyone had gone - the house was quiet once more.
You knew there was the temptation for Logan to say ‘I told you so’ but he just kissed your temple with a smile before he checked his watch and said. “I’ll get the containers.”
Although it was too late to go to Miami-Dade shelters tonight, it had become a tradition to take the leftovers around to them after a holiday. It would only go to waste with the two of you, especially since you were heading to Abu Dhabi in the morning.
“Have I told you how much I love you?” you asked when he returned from the garage with his arms full of takeaway containers.
“Once or twice,” he teased as he abandoned the containers to pull you into his arms, “but I’ll never get tired of hearing it.”
“Good thing we’ve got the rest of our lives then.” You placed your hands on his shoulders and looked at the ring on your finger with fondness before staring into his ocean eyes. “I love you, Lo.”
“I love you too, sweetheart. Always have, always will.”
Click here for the next part.
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libraryofloveletters · 6 months
Jingle Bells
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Jenson Button x Fem!Reader
Warnings: family based, jenson is a dilf!!! but somehow also acts like a child, it's past all the button boys' bedtimes, the magic of christmas is lacking apparently - according to jenson that is, some family sweetness.
Word Count: 447
Author's Note: was gonna make this sugar daddy jense but im like lemme give y'all a wholesome one lmao.
The kids are convinced that they hear the bells on Santa’s sleigh, and Jenson is the exact same way. 
"Alright, that was the second story," you peek into the bedroom, finding Jenson sitting between your two sons' beds, the book on his lap. "It's past your bedtime and I know your daddy doesn't have the heart to tell you that it's bedtime, but it is."
"Awh please mama!" Your youngest, James, begs. "Please! Just one more!"
You sit on the edge of his bed, patting his leg as Jenson put the book away. "I'm sorry bubba, but you know the rules. "If you don't go to bed, Santa won't know to stop and drop off your gifts."
Alex, your oldest, giggles. "But mama, Santa knows."
"Yeah?" You asked, glancing at your husband. "Who says so?"
"Don't you hear it?" He asks, sitting up in his bed. "Listen! You can hear his sleigh."
Your brows furrow, glancing at your husband for backup on getting them to go to bed. Jenson being the big kid he was, was no help. "That's probably the tv, buddy. I forgot to turn it off."
James sits up, his blue eyes wide with excitement. "I hear it too, mama!"
You look over at Jenson in a last ditch attempt for some back up, hoping to get them to go to bed but Jenson's ears perk up like a puppy hearing the treat bag shake. "I heard it too."
The two boys are out of their beds, running to their dad as he pulls the curtains back.
The 3 button boys looking out the window in all directions trying to find Santa.
You sigh, letting them have their moment before ushering them back to bed. "Bedtime for all of you," you tell them, kissing James on the forehead and then doing the same to Alex. "I'll see you two in the morning, I love you."
A chorus of I love yous follows before I turn the lights off and shut the door.
You find your husband in bed, it seems he too took the bedtime signal and hopped into bed. You switched off the light, crawling into bed with him. Jenson wraps his arms around you, pulling you flush against him.
His head on your chest, his week old stubble scratching at your skin.
"You're like a big kid," you whisper, brushing his hair back. He chuckles, you can feel him smiling. "How?"
"No way you heard Santa's sleigh too."
He smiles again. "I did too. You've just got to believe in the magic of Christmas and not be such a grinch."
"Remind me again who was up until 3 last night wrapping gifts and who was drooling on the pillow?" You looked down at him, Jenson chuckles.
"Okay okay, I get it."
308 notes · View notes
liyawritesss · 1 year
ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʙʀᴏᴋᴇ, ʟᴇᴀᴠᴇ ɪᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ʙʀᴇᴇᴢᴇ
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Characters: MCU!Shuri Udaku x!Black!Fem!Reader
Type: Fic
Word Count: 11.8k
Synopsis: It’s your sister’s 25th birthday, and she invited you over for the extravagant birthday bash. However, there’s only one problem. Shuri has never met your family. She also isn’t aware of their past mistreatment of you. So when your parents begin to make jabs at you on what is supposed to be a joyous event, Shuri might have to apologize to your sister for what is to come next.
Warnings: cursing, mentions of verbal + physical abuse, mentions of severe anxiety, a very angry Shuri shuts shit down, shitty parents, dysfunctional family dynamics
A/N: So....this came about after watching a clip of Love & Hip Hop ATL, where in the clip one of the guys on the show was confronting his mother about the mistreatment and neglect he got as a kid and how his mother took all her frustrations out on him when he had nothing to do with what she was going through. That video touched exceptionally close to home so I wanted to writing for such an event but with Shuri, as I think for someone who is quite family oriented (or who appears to be), she would definitely have a few choice words to say to parents like that. Plus, I wanted to provide comfort to those going through similar situations as teenagers and young adults with their own parents. So I hope that this brings comfort to some of you, as it has done to me when writing it.
Song Suggestions: "Naked" & "Everything" by Ella Mai, "Let Me Down Slowly" by Alec Benjamin ft. Alessia Cara, "Let It Go" by James Bay, "Losin' Control" by Russ, "Control" by Zoe Wees, "You're Not Here" by Cynthia Erivo, "You Let Me Down" by Alessia Cara
Tags: @6-noir @playhousedistee @shuririsdefenseattorney @shuriszn @venusdraco @wrendermedone @writingintheshadowsforever @mbakuetshurisprincess @verachii @slytherin-34 @the_lesbian-fangirl @h34rtsformilli @strangefishflapturtle @cuddl3s4shur1 @shuriislut @dejaonline @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @inmyheadimobsessed @aaliyg @cafehyunji @chunkybabygorl @rosielovesfamily @lulu-network @nichole-224 @niyahwrites @lppriceisright @blacksapphhicmaddonna @pantherheart @marsfunzon22
Note: there are some of you that for some reason tumblr won't let me tag, so I apologize in advance.
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The closer you were to pulling up to your sister’s home, the harder it was becoming for you to breathe.
It wasn’t like you were ignorant enough to believe you could escape this.  You’d always known, deep down inside, that one day, you’d have to face them again. Yet, here you were, tucked into the smooth tan leather of Shuri’s car, hiding the fact that you were on the verge of an anxiety attack, and your girlfriend to the left of you filled with positive anticipation to meet your family.
Your sister, Alex, was turning twenty-five today. It is a big celebration for your bloodline, and though much of the original purpose of the celebration had been lost due to oral passing, the general belief was that the lucky lady who’d survive to her twenty-fifth birthday was to be guaranteed a long, fulfilling life.
Of course your sister would have a long, fulfilling life. Alex was a woman of greatness. She’d worked hard in school, got into an amazing college, met a handsome guy who she’d married as soon as she landed her first official big-girl job at some law firm in your home city. There wasn’t a doubt in your mind that Alex was guaranteed for greatness.
Alex was…perfect.
You didn’t want to go. As much as you knew it would have hurt her to not have her sister at her side for her big day, Alex would’ve understood. You never liked the elaborate, extravagant lifestyle. You were a simple girl with simple pleasures, who led a simple life and wanted nothing more than to live simply.
Though, that seems contradictory, since about a year ago, you found yourself gaining the attention and affections of the very Queen of Wakanda. How you managed that feat, you would never know.
It was Shuri who had found the invitation. She was visiting you during an monthly check up at one of the outreach facilities posted in your town, when she had inevitably seen the pretty invitation sitting on your kitchen island. It was all written in cursive, no doubt the product of your sister’s perfect penmanship, and most of all, it was addressed to you and Shuri.
You’d only told Alex of your relationship after the six month mark. You wanted to be certain that such a relationship would last; though, now that you thought back on it, what good would it have done Shuri to play you? Her intentions and integrity were clear the first day she had introduced herself to you. She’d never given you any reason to not trust her, and yet, you had still doubted her. It was a period of time you regretted most, and yet, Shuri still loved you. And in realizing that she would continue to do so, even after seeing the ugly parts of you, you allowed yourself to truly love her back.
Shuri was ecstatic to go. She wanted to meet your sister in person, having only ever seen each other through video calls and communicated through text. And with Shuri’s pretty brown doe-eyes that had always been a weakness to you, you couldn’t say no.
And now, here you were, gripping the door handle tightly as you released tight breathes, wondering if it would have been beneficial to sit Shuri down and tell her the reason why your eyes showed a glimpse of dread when she’d picked up that invitation.
“Darling?” The Queen’s voice cuts through the cloudiness that fogs your brain, grounding you in a way only her honey-laced voice could do. “Are you alright?”
No, you want to say, turn the car around, take me home. I don’t want to go there-
“Yeah, just a bit tired.”
Shuri looks at you quizzingly. You have not been acting as yourself since the day she’d stopped by your apartment. Since, she’d been trying to pinpoint the cause, but to no avail. Even after a year together, she still found you hard to read sometimes. It was endearing to her, a challenge she greatly accepted as part of the packaged deal that came with your relationship. 
However, she couldn’t deny that this time, things felt…different.
There’s a melodic beeping that comes from the vehicle, and the red flashing on the dash panel alerts Shuri that the car is running out of gas. And not a second later, a familiar voice speaks from the surround-sound speakers:
Panther, the vehicle is reaching low fuel. It would be wise to refuel soon. There is a petrol station approximately ten miles ahead. Fuel here is priced at four ninety-seven per gallon.
“Thank you, Griot,” Shuri hums, turning to you, “we shall stop there. Fill up on gas and get some snacks. You haven’t eaten much today, my love.”
Though you fix your lips to protest Shuri’s ever so keen observation, the way her hand slips over your thigh, her open palm meeting your skin through the large hole in your ripped jeans, it’s almost enough to have you relent. “I did eat; at breakfast.”
“Which was eight hours ago,” Shuri reminds you, “almost nine, once we arrive at your sisters. I’m sure there will still be room for the food if you just have one bag of chips to hold you over.”
You hate how well Shuri knows you. It makes it hard to hide things with her keen perception and observation skills. Though, you suppose those traits all come with the territory of being The Black Panther.
A sigh escapes your lips, and the lack of a reply worries Shuri. Yet, she does not push. Instead, her thumb continues to swipe in soothing strokes along the smooth skin of your thigh as she continues to drive to the designated gas station.
All of five minutes pass until it comes into view. When Shuri parks at one of the gas lanes, she fishes into her pocket for her wallet. From it she produces a black card, and hands it to you. “Fifty should bring it back up,” the Queen says, “and a bag of chips for you should do the same.”
“Shuri, I said I’m fine-”
“Darling.” Shuri’s tone is firm, yet gentle, and leaves no room for argument. So all you can do is press a kiss to her cheek - a practice routine of mundane intimacy that brings you both pleasure - before exiting the car and walking towards the entrance of the gas station.
Shuri sits back in her seat, a sigh pushing past her lips. She’s not quite sure what to make of your behavior.
In the year that the two of you have been dating, never once did you bring up the topic of your family. Shuri didn’t even know you had a sister until six months ago. Alex reminded her much of Nakia in some sense - powerful and self made, and in that regard, she was glad that you had some semblance of family you could reach out to.
Your parents, however, were another story. A story you had well avoided, and as of recently as a few months ago, downright refused to talk about. It became quite clear that it was a touchy subject for you, so Shuri didn’t pry. However, she could not deny that part of her grew…heated, at the unpleasant thoughts that plagued her mind when it came to the reason for the non-existent relationship between you and them.
“Yes, Panther?”
“What were my beloved’s vitals during the ride?”
A beat passes, as Griot computes.
“(Y/N)’s heart rate had been jumping from one hundred forty-five to one hundred seventy beats per minute. Her grip on the door was strong enough to break a thin glass cup. It appears (Y/N) was on the verge of an anxiety attack, but had been fighting it off for the duration of your journey.”
Shuri curses under her breath, more or less to herself at the information that had been relayed to her. 
“She has been on edge all morning,” Shuri says aloud, “I did not ask, for fear of triggering her, but I cannot allow her to feel threatened.”
Shuri knows your triggers like the back of her hand. She’s learned to speak in a level tone to avoid startlement; she’s learned to make her presence known when entering your space; and most importantly, she reassures you, letting you know each and every day how much she loves you, how much she treasure your existence in her life, and how she vows to hold your heart with the utmost care in the world.
Shuri is the smartest person in the world, and yet, she cannot decipher the reason behind her lover’s heightened emotions. If it weren’t for the fact that she was focused on figuring out why you were like this, and how to calm you down, she’d surely find the thought embarrassing.
“Might I speak freely, Panther?”
A hum rumbles from Shuri’s throat as a sign for the artificial intelligence to continue.
“(Y/N)’s vitals have been heighted since one week ago,” Griot points out, “around the same time she had received the invitation to her sister’s birthday party. It would be safe to assume that these two instances have a correlation with one another.”
  “You are insinuating that Alex’s birthday party is somehow the cause of my love’s anxiety spiking?”
“Perhaps not the party, but rather, who will be there, Panther.”
Silence fills the car as Shuri takes in the information given to her. Though, she doesn’t have much to think on it, as she spots your figure exiting the sticker-covered glass door of the gas station, a black plastic bag in hand, of which she hopes holds the snacks she had requested of you to get for yourself. She exits the car and takes hold of the gas nozzle, opening up the tiny door and unscrewing the protection cap, and slots the nozzle into the car to fill with fuel.
A few moments pass before Shuri returns to the car, having placed the nozzle back in it’s place and secured the gas compartment. Her black card rests on the arm rest, which she slips back into her wallet as the corner of her eyes catches you with something in your hand - something that’s not a bag of chips.
“I thought I told you chips, darling?” Shuri asks as she starts up the car again.
“I got chips!” You respond. “I wanted a Twix, too.”
Your free hand fishes into the black plastic back to produce a bottle of water for Shuri, slotting it into the cup holder.
“What is this?” Shuri asks, gesturing to the water bottle.
“You were thirsty,” You point out.
Shuri indeed was thirsty. She can’t help the smile that paints her lips soon after, taking the water bottle into her hand, unscrewing the cap, and taking a swig of the water.
“Are you sure you’re alright, my love?” Shuri asks once more after setting the water back down, preparing to put the car into motion.
To busy chewing on the cookie-chocolate-caramel treat, you opt for nodding your head, a short ‘mhm’ to accompany it.
As much as Shuri wanted to question further, she knew nothing would come of it. So she slips her hand back onto your thigh, presses down on the gas, and rolls out of the gas station, the conversation with Griot filing back into her mind as she drives down the long strip of highway.
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“My parents are gonna come.”
You’d said it the second Shuri had parked into the driveway of your sister’s home. With each second that passed on the way there, your chest kept growing tighter and tighter. You thought that maybe if you focused on Shuri’s touch on you, or her low singing voice when Tems starts to flood the car with her hypnotic, warm and swelling voice, that maybe you would be able to calm down and not worry her. It usually worked, but perhaps because this instance was due to the fact that you would be seeing your parents for the first time in years, what was usually the cure for your attacks did very little to help.
Shuri pauses as the words leave your lips, and for a moment, it looks as if she is cross. And while she has every right to be, you hope that it isn’t at you.
You should have told her before the two of you left, as you thought to do. It plagued your mind when you were in the shower, when you were fixing your hair, when you were choosing your outfit. And Shuri had been in the same apartment with you the entire time. You had ample enough time to tell her and yet…you didn’t. You couldn’t.
You know Shuri. She would try to remain calm and collected for you, to not show her anger, because of course she would be angry either way. The car ride would have been in silence, the air thickening with each mile crossed from one city to the other. But you would know that she was upset. She should be upset now because you just dropped this bomb on her and-
“Beloved,” the Queen mutters to you, bringing you from your thoughts once more, “look at me.”
Your head turns to face Shuri. She’s put the car into park, one arm leaning on the arm rest, the other reaching over to soothe your nerves by caressing your outer thigh. She looks at you with a softness that relieves some of the pressure on your chest stunting your breathing. Her gaze tells you that she is not cross with you.
“Hey,” she says, “I am not upset with you.” And the reassurance helps you unclench the fists your hands have balled into.
She doesn’t speak again until she’s certain that your breathing has evened out, as opposed to the harsh and forced inhale-exhale pattern from before. “Is there…anything I should know?”
You tear your eyes away, but Shuri’s gaze remains firm. Consistency is key, she’s learned, when it comes to you confiding in her. Her eyes are your safe space, you will return to them. And you do, after a short moment, trying to gather your mind together.
“They’re not nice people,” you confess, eyes hesitantly returning to hers, “they’ll try and woo you and shit, but don’t fall for it. They ain’t shit.”
“Okay,” Shuri hums, “and…is there anything I can do? For you?”
“Um,” a shaky breath racks through your throat, as you speak, “they’re not here now. Alex texted me that, so I should be fine, but when they get here…j-just, don’t leave me alone.”
“I will not leave you alone.” Shuri assures. Her hand gathers yours into hers, your palms rendered chilly from cold sweat. “I promise.”
Gathering your hands into hers, Shuri brings them to her lips and presses a kiss to them. She then reaches over to press a kiss to your lips, of which you reciprocate gladly.
“Thank you for talking to me about this,” the Queen commends, “and telling me how to best take care of you. I know it is not easy-”
“I hate it-” you correct, which brings a grin to Shuri’s lips and a chuckle from her throat, because yes, she knows you hate it.
“-but you are doing it, and I am very proud of you for it.”
It’s sincere, Shuri’s praise. It’s still not easy for you to digest it, but you know her love is not transactional, conditional. She means what she says, and you know her love for you is unconditional and unyielding. 
She loves you. 
She is proud of you.
The pressure on your chest becomes lighter.
Upon exiting the car, you’re approached by your sister, Alex, who had seen the two of you pull into the driveway and wanted to be the first person you’d engage with. You’re not shocked when you see her eyes glassy looking - it’s been years since you two last saw each other face to face.
Alex is hesitant when approaching you - she wants to envelop you in the most bone-crushing hug she can muster, because she misses you and it has been so long since she’d held her baby sister. Though all it takes is for you to outstretch your arms to her, and Alex embraces you in the way she had been dreaming of.
“Oh, mama,” Alex breathes as she pulls away to get a better look at you. You notice the youthfulness in her face and the life in her eyes. She looks happy, “look at you. All grown up. My baby sissy is all grown ‘nd shit.”
It’s heartfelt, her words, and they make you smile. Alex turns to look at Shuri, who’s chosen to stand to the side to witness the sisterly reunion without interrupting. “And you have a girlfriend? You have to tell me how this happened.”
“By complete accident,” you say, as Shuri steps up. Her hand presses into the small of your back, encouraging you while she holds the other out to greet Alex officially, “but I guess anything can happen when you spill coffee on someone in the middle of a morning rush.”
“It is a pleasure to finally meet you in person, Alex.” Shuri says.
Alex shakes Shuri’s hand, and the Queen notes the hesitance in the older sister's movements. “Well, it’s not every day you meet the queen of a country. Much less, a queen of a country that’s also my sister’s girlfriend.”
“Well, I hope not to bring too much excitement with my titles,” says Shuri, “I am more than alright with being just Shuri.”
She sincerely hoped that she could just remain Shuri. For if a situation arises that she would have to act in the manner of either of her titles - Queen or Black Panther - she could not promise that the birthday celebration would remain a splendor.
An hour passes before either of you know it. You’ve found entertainment amongst the younger cousins who all gawk at your girlfriend, who sits not too far away. Shuri has a cup of punch in hand as she watches you chase the children around the yard, a small smile on her lips. It’s as if you are reliving a part of your childhood you’ve missed, the way you seem so content with the children. It all but warms her heart.
“So,” Alex’s voice interrupts Shuri’s not so discreet admiration of her girlfriend, nearly making the Queen jump, “you and my sister?”
“Ah,” Shuri breathes, looking down into her cup as a rush of heat travels up her dark skin, “me and your sister.”
“I’m not gonna go into the whole interrogation thing, grilling you on if you’re treating her right,” Alex says, “I see how you look at her. If that ain’t the look of someone in love, then I’on know what is.”
Shuri chuckles at that, because she knows that Alex’s observations are true. In fact she has no idea just how correct her observation is.
Shuri leans forward in her seat, elbows propped up on her knees as she finds your figure amidst the mess of kids once again. Her necklace dangles from her neck, the gold contrasting against her black tee that nearly meets the fabric of her ripped blue jeans with her hunched over position.
“(Y/N) is…the ray of sunlight one sees after a long, dark night,” the Queen hums fondly, “and had I known my gods would send me such a woman, I would have prepared myself better.”
Alex smiles warmly. She can tell the strong connection between you and Shuri is pure and unadulterated. It warms her heart beyond comparison.
“Thank you for coming, truly,” Alex says, “I was almost worried she wouldn’t, since our parents would be here and everything.”
And at the mention of them, Shuri finds her jaw tightening just the slightest.
“Your parents?” Shuri is beginning to put two and two together, and she doesn’t like the outcome that is unfolding from her assumptions, however careful they are.
“I…assume she’s told you about them?” Alex implies.
Shuri shakes her head lightly, taking a sip of her semi-forgotten punch. “I find myself piecing the picture together on my own…She does not talk about them.”
“That isn’t a surprise,” Alex says, “given…well, everything.”
Shuri turns her head to look at Alex. Her eyes are firm, inquisitive; Alex’s words have sparked an interest in Shuri.
”She says they aren’t good people. Is that true?”
“Depends on who you ask,” Alex replies, “to the community, their saints. To us they’re just….people.”
Shuri notes the hint of solemness that laces Alex’s voice as she speaks. “They weren’t good to either of us…but they were especially bad to (Y/N).” Alex clarifies. “You know what they say; hurt people, hurt people.”
Not when the person is your child, Shuri thinks, but keeps to herself, taking another sip of her punch. Things are starting to make sense now, and Shuri finds that perhaps she will also have to have you at her side to ground her whenever your parents decide to show up.
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“So you mean to tell me you got yourself stuck in a tree, and then got angry because she tried to help you get down?”
“I was not stuck! I was admiring the view.”
“Sure you were…with tears coming down your face.”
“I think this classifies as bullying-”
Shuri had grown quite comfortable as the next hour passed. More of your family had begun to show up, a number of aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, and cousins wishing Alex a happy birthday as they passed through the foyer of her house and into the backyard. Shuri couldn’t count the amount of gasps she’d heard when their eyes fell upon her, sat comfortably in the outdoor gazebo, her presence obviously a surprise to the many relatives who had come to celebrate the special birthday girl. Much more, the fact that she had you close to her side as she greeted them.
The behavior of your family members irked her. Shuri suspected that Alex had talked to each of the adults to assure that they’d be on their best behavior for the occasion, given the tight smiles and curt greetings between each of them and you. Or perhaps it was because of her own intimidating presence next to you, and the fact that she wasn’t even trying to hide the look in her eyes as she analyzed each adult that seemed to pass through.
“Babe,” you cleared your throat, “stop looking like that, you’re scaring them.”
“Looking like what?”
“Like you’re contemplating murder.”
Would it have been so bad if she was, though?
Shuri sighs as she places the red solo cup she had been nursing for a while onto the table. “Just behave, for Alex-”
“I am behaving for you,” the queen clarifies, “and your sister would say the same.”
Unable to comment any further, you released an exhale through the nose, sinking back into Shuri’s side.
“It’s guilt, y’know.” You try to reason, but Shuri had already considered that route. Perhaps there were a few who did have a guilty conscience. Shuri didn’t find herself caring if that was true or not. “They’re not bad.”
“-I am merely observing,” she says, “I promise.”
Of course Shuri was only observing. Observing the behavior of each adult family member. How they acted towards you. How very little regard was given to you. How, with the amount of bodies that have accumulated in the backyard, the gazebo area remained relatively desolate, beside the two of you, Alex, and Alex’s black and white spotted cat, who had made a home on the red painted banister.
Sure. Shuri was just observing. Definitely not questioning anything at all. Definitely not formulating words she would say to your parents if they decided to make themselves an issue.
“I’m gonna go get a shot,” you say, before propping yourself up with your hands and lifting from the cushion of the outdoor couch, “you want a refill?”
You take Shuri’s cup before she officially gives you a response. You needed a way out, to move around so that the beating in your chest could quell.
Inside there isn’t much of a party scene - it's practically empty besides a teenage family member fighting their sleep on the couch while watching an infant in the living room. The music from outside is muffled when you enter the house, and you take the time to admire the mahogany walls and deep maroon floors of the home. You could compare it to the childhood home you’ve grown up in, and you think that perhaps this was Alex’s way of healing. Recreating your shared childhood environment in a more peaceful manner.
You find the kitchen quite easily, rounding the kitchen island in pursuit of the adult punch purposefully left inside so that the underaged family members wouldn’t get it confused with the family friendly punch that rested in a big glass bowl on the party table outside. On the counter is an array of liquor choices, from fruit flavored tequila to everyone's favorite, Hennessy. You weren’t a drinker, but this far into the party, you needed some sort of incentive to get you to relax a little bit.
Once you’ve chosen your choice of liquor, you take a red solo cup, pour what you deemed to be a shot's worth, and downed it in one gulp. The burn in your throat definitely woke your senses, of which you were grateful for.
On your way towards the kitchen doorway, Shuri’s refilled solo cup in hand, the sound of familiar voices drifted to your ears from the foyer, and it made you stop dead in your tracks. 
“Happy birthday baby!”
“Happy birthday, babygirl.”
“Oh, look at you, all grown up-”
It took everything in you to not drop the cup in your hand at the sound of your parents making their presence known. You backed into the kitchen again, your back finding a nearby wall to ground yourself with. Your chest began to tighten, a tight lump forming in your throat, and in that moment, your hand fished for your phone in your back pocket to text Shuri.
Kitchen. Now.
There was a light shake in your hands. You hated how just the mere sound of their voices sent you into a spiral; how much of an influence they still had on you after trying so hard to separate yourself from them. Then they had the nerve  to act pleasant.
There was a growing ringing in your ears, accompanied with the muffling of surrounding noise that made you breathe harder as you tried to stabilize yourself from the very apparent anxiety attack that was waiting to crash into you. You couldn’t decipher if it was the same one from before that you had fended off by sheer will, or if this was a new, more powerful one. However, when the smell of patchouli made its way to your nose, the thought of it became seconded.
“Hey,” Shuri whispered, one hand running the length of your arm, the other taking the cup from your hand that was seconds away from meeting the floor, and settling it onto the kitchen island, “hey, I am right here.”
“They’re out there, Shuri.” You breathe out.
Something shifts in Shuri’s eyes, and you can’t quite tell what it was, but the way her grip on you tightens in the ever so slightest way lets you know she’s thinking something.
“We can leave, beloved,” Shuri begins, but you’re quick to cut her off with a shake of your head.
“No,” you say, swallowing thickly, “I can’t leave, it’s Alex’s birthday-”
“Alex will understand, love; would she really want you to risk your own self for her?”
I’ve done it for years, the little girl in you voices tiredly, what’s another evening of it?
Shuri never wants to be forceful with you. She knows you’re your own woman and can make your own decisions, even if they go against her better judgment, even if they hurt you. Which is why, against every logical bone in her body, she proposes a compromise.
“Three chances,” Shuri says, “three chances is all they have. Then we will leave. How does that sound?”
Knowing Shuri, she’ll want to throw hands at the first encounter. It was endearing, really, how hard she went for you. The extent of such craze was never explored, simply because she was always calm, cool and collected. There was a part of you that always wondered  the extent of it as well.
And, in hindsight, you weren’t wrong about her.
Shuri peaks from the kitchen doorway and into the foyer, seeing Alex still entertaining the two adults, their backs turned towards the Queen, which gave her the incentive to leave while the trio were occupied.
She mutters a quick ‘let’s go’ with a gentle smile, and after a few seconds, you nod. Your hand finds her, tightly interlocking your fingers as Shuri pulls you back to the backyard gazebo. Shuri had no idea the depths she was about to breach in the layers of your estranged family, but whatever the case may be, she will not let you face it alone.
It was almost the perfect getaway, too, but apparently Shuri wasn’t fast enough in getting you out of the house. She heard the matured voice of your mother call out to you, asking if it was her other daughter, and Shuri supposed that it wasn’t meant to be taken in a demeaning way, but the queen certainly did. Perhaps it was predisposed biases, perhaps it was intentional. Either way, Shuri would make sure to take as much of the burden off you as she could.
“Mom,” you say, jaws tight, but Shuri stands close behind you, a hand on your waist, and it stabilizes you, “good to see you.”
The older woman, short in stature, with wide hips and thick arms, saw Shuri standing behind you, but whether or not she didn’t address her because she didn’t recognize the queen or because she simply didn’t care couldn’t be deciphered. “Come give me a hug-!”
“I’m good,” you hurriedly said, “just- uh, not feeling well.”
“Don’t be like that,” the deep, bolstering voice of your father chimed in; a large man with an intimidating physique. Shuri was not phased, her arm only snaked it’s way around your waist, “give your mama a hug, lil’ girl-”
“I said I’m good.” You reiterate more firmly, though there was an added incentive to clear your throat shortly afterwards to make your fib more believable. “Really; I know how easy it is for y’all to get sick.”
There was a moment of pause - and exchange of glances and a shift in energy before a light ‘humph’ came from your mother’s throat. “Well, I suppose that makes sense,” she snooted, “and I suppose that’s why your friend there is the exception-?”
“Girlfriend, actually,” Shuri interrupts, though it wasn’t planned, and surely wasn’t expected, “it is one of many perks of being the Black Panther. I do not succumb to normal colds and illnesses as easily.”
The pads of Shuri’s fingers press into your side as she steps beside you; she’s now side to side with you, face your parents with a high chin and a look you were sure she’d only pulled out when in front of important people - or people who she suspected would try to intimidate her, yet she’d still have to play nice for publicity purposes.
“Allow me to introduce myself formally,” Shuri said, holding out her hand for your mother to take; the shorter woman did just so as Shuri spoke again, “I am Queen Shuri to my people, but for tonight's festivities, I would like to remain just Shuri.”
“A queen?” Your mother breathes out in an amused chuckle, though you couldn’t tell if it was in actual amusement or in disbelief. “Well, perhaps we did do something right with her, hm, honey?”
Strike one.
Shuri’s hand then reaches out to your father, who stares at the long, brown arm outstretched before him for a moment, before taking one of his thick, meaty hands, and shaking Shuri’s tinier one. Though, the look on his face when the queen’s grip strengthened around his hand was enough to tell you his surprise and lack of proper judgment on the brown-skinned woman.
“Got a…firm grip for a lil’ lady.” He says.
“Well,” Shuri begins as she slips her hand from your fathers, “my baba and big brother always said a firm hand makes a firm leader.”
“Well, wise men they were.”
There was much to observe in the few words shared between Shuri and your parents. Your father hid very well behind the facade of a pleasant man of few words. Perhaps he was sculpted that way, by your mother or by his own parents; either one didn’t matter, only that the end result was a man with a weaker grip than the elders she held council with, and they were pushing their latter years of nineties and hundreds. Your parents looked to be in their mid-forties.
Your mother…Shuri admits that she wished her own were still alive, for the words she knew Ramonda would have for this short-stack of a woman would be more lethal than any weapon produced by her own hands. Condescension laced in her voice with a familiar tone of jealousy that she’d heard and witnessed many black mothers having towards their own daughters. It wasn’t hard to tell, Shuri thought, but perhaps when enough people ignore such a dangerous thing, the ugly nature becomes a tolerable norm.
“Well, if you will excuse us,” says the queen, “I’m going to take my beloved to sit down. She is in much need of rest.”
Shuri did not give your parents time to react, nor to object to the sudden ending to the conversation. She’d quickly pivoted your body around and walked back outside to the gazebo, a firm hand on your back and a ticking clock in her head for when the next strike would come.
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Sure enough, Shuri did not have to wait long for that second strike. 
After getting you back to the gazebo to take a seat, on the verge of hyperventilating from the amount of anxiety the back and forth gave you, despite the fact that you weren’t even the one talking, Alex had come with a look of disdain. Your parents were in tow, as they claimed to want to ‘have a sit down and reconnect’. Of course, Shuri didn’t buy into that bullshit. Neither did Alex. And surely, neither did you.
And yet, neither you nor Alex yet had the courage to send them off, and Shuri, keeping herself in check, had no other choice but to allow them to sit with the three of you. So now you were tucked into Shuri’s side, phone in hand as a distraction, while Alex sat on a beige-cushioned chair to your left, and your parents in a similar-fashioned loveseat to the queen’s right.
Alex was kind enough to hide her discomfort in nervous laughs and meek agreements as your mother and father raved on about your childhoods. Specifically, the accomplishments of Alex, which would have been understandable as it was her birthday, if it didn’t have to include the ‘disappointments’ of yours they had to bring into the light.
“Remember the speech competition your grammar school had, Lexi-Pooh,” your mother chimed, using the youthful nickname Alex very physically cringed over, “you won your first ever trophy then at eight years old! Oh, we were so proud of you-”
“Mom, everyone got a trophy,” Alex reminded, putting emphasis on the word ‘everyone’ as she spared a glance your way, “we were babies, and it was a participation trophy. They just didn’t want us to be left out.”
“Well, still, my baby had the best poem on that stage!”
“Mom, I literally stole that poem off the internet.” Alex reasons.
“Yeah, off DeviantArt no less,” you speak with a chuckle, remembering the nights your sister scoured the internet for a poem to read because she, for the life of her, couldn’t write her own. Which she couldn’t be faulted for, she was in third grade after all.
Alex shares a small laugh as well. “If anyone should have won that competition, it should’ve been (Y/N),” She says. “All the teachers swore up and down she was gonna be the next Lorraine Hansberry or Audre Lorde. I bet you she got some bars hidden somewhere.”
Your mother could only hum in response; “Well, we can’t all be winners, I guess.”
There was a familiar sting that ached your heart. Despite how used you were to such rhetoric coming from your mother, it didn’t make the twang in your heart any less hurtful.
“You never liked that kinda stuff anyway, (Y/N),” your mother says, “so why did you join it-”
“I do like writing,” you say sharply, “and I wanted to be like my sister. Who doesn’t wanna be like their older sister at seven years old?”
You glanced up from your phone to look between the three people sitting before you. Alex shifts in her seat, uncomfortably, slightly shaking her head as she knows what is to come.
“Or were you just so busy with your perfect princess that you ain’t have time to learn me?”
“(Y/N)!” Your mother scolds, and you feel the protective arm of Shuri’s curl around you in defense. “Hush your mouth with them lies, girl!”
Your father remains silent, as he’s always done when your mother gets this way, and Shuri sees this, and takes note of it.
“I swear, I don’t know where we went wrong with you,” your mother huffs, “lost yo’ damn manners and mind talkin’ like that.”
Your mother then turns to Shuri, sporting an apologetic look, though it is not sincere, and merely a coverup for her own outburst. “Now I know your mother taught you well and good, Shuri, about how to talk to people and behave-”
“My mother is dead.” 
There is an inevitable shift in the conversation now, one that brings the eyes to Shuri as a deafening silence befalls the gazebo. Even you rise from your curled position into Shuri’s side to eye her demeanor, checking over her form to note any changes that came with the sudden mention of her mother. Yet, she is calm and collected, her eyes showing no shifts and her demeanor intact. All seemed well…on the surface, at least.
“My mother is dead, may she be at peace with the ancestors,” Shuri says, “and she is incomparable. I do not wish to speak further of her.”
A beat passes. Your hand travels to Shuri’s leg, providing a comforting touch to the woman beside you. You weren’t ignorant to the news of her family’s passing - since her father’s death, you’d had a semblance of understanding the inner turmoil she had endured. With her brother and mother gone, she was virtually alone - save for a sister-like figure and a nephew she’d only told you a little bit about in the past few months or so.
You wanted to say something, but your mother beat you to it - this time, she actually sounded somewhat apologetic for her ignorance.
“My condolences,” the woman mutters softly, clearing her throat, “I only meant that she must have had it easy raising you. You’re so well put together and polite, if only some of that would rub off on (Y/N)!”
Strike two.
“Mom, stop it,” Alex interrupts, voice firm with a scowl on her face, “you doin’ a lil’ too much now.” 
“Now, your mama ain’t said nun’ wrong,” your father suddenly speaks, who had been quite the entire conversation, but suddenly decided to stick up for his woman who was clearly in the wrong, “it’s just ladies spat, y’all know how y’all do.”
“And like I said before y’all got here, I don’t want it in my house.” Alex emphasizes. “If that’s the type of time y’all on, the door is very clearly marked with an obnoxiously pink birthday banner. Period.”
There was a small swell of pride in your chest for Alex as she set her foot down to your parents. She was determined to have them behave; she wanted a classy, friendly party for her birthday celebration. Though, she would know just as well as you that even when being put in place, the audacity of your parent’s always found itself back into trouble.
Your mother mumbled out an apology, along with something along the lines of ‘got me apologizing to my child’ under her breath as well, before you cleared your throat in an attempt to cut through the tension.
“Shuri, baby,” you hummed, “don’t we have something for Alex? In the car?”
Shuri turned to look at you, eyebrows slightly furrowed, before she officially caught on to what you were insinuating.
“Yes,” the queen breathes out with a small smile, “we do have something in the car. For the birthday girl.”
Alex, too, shares the same look Shuri previously sported, with furrowed eyebrows and confusion written on her face. “M-Me? Something for me?”
“Of course!” Shuri answers. “Surely you did not think we would show up empty handed?”
Shuri’s hand rests on your leg, both as a reminder of her very physical presence as a grounding for herself, “How foolish of me to forget. I do not know what I would do without you, my darling.”
Shuri stands, offering her hand to you as well, adding on how she will need your help to retrieve it, before escorting you from the gazebo. While on your way to exit the yard, Shuri can hear Alex giving your parents a further scolding, which makes the queen smile mischievously.
It wasn’t a complete lie for escape, however. Shuri was nice enough to buy a gift for your sister for her birthday, though it wasn’t anything massive, and despite your constant jokes of it, wasn’t a pair of kimoyo earrings (though, from Alex’s birthday outfit, she could tell that she was a jewelry girl, and a pair of earrings probably would have sufficed better).
“I’m starting to understand why you never told me about your parents,” Shuri says in a breathless scoff, pressing a button on her beads to pop open the trunk of her car, “infuriating doesn’t even begin to describe them.”
“Are you okay?” You ask in all seriousness. “The..comment about your mom, I mean.”
How could you be worried of her feelings when she’d just had to watch your mother berate you in front of her? Shuri wonders this as she turns from the open trunk of the car to face you again. Though, she supposes that from that interaction, you were more used to centering others and their emotions than yourself. Although it caused an ache in her heart, the revelation made sense of previous actions between the two of you.
“What I said was true,” the queen replies, “though I admit, perhaps there was a bite in my tongue.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t curse her out.”
“Well…I do have a promise to keep to Alex.” Shuri says in a soft laugh. “I do not want to be the cause of her birthday being ruined. Your parents are making it fairly hard to do that, however.”
Shuri closes the trunk of the car, the tiny bag holding Alex’s gift inside being set on top of it as the queen leans against the sleek black vehicle. She invites you into her embrace, pulling you between her legs and resting her hands on your hips; yours make their way onto her shoulders, a weak smile on your face.
“That’s two strikes by my count.”
“I know.”
“We have yet to even make it to dinner.”
“I know.”
“What do you want to do, beloved?”
I don’t know anymore, you think, this is all just too much.
Part of you was reluctant to leave due to wanting to experience your sister’s birthday with her. You’d all but promised that you’d come to enjoy yourself with Shuri, even if your parents made that hard. But there was also an inkling of pettiness inside of you that wanted to show the assholes your parents were to the rest of your family members (who, while had suspicions of their weird behaviors and holier-than-thou rhetoric, would rather not engage in family drama to keep peace amongst the ranks). 
“I’m not letting them get the better of me,” you add on, “today is for Alex. And if they wanna make it a problem, it can be a problem.”
The look on Shuri’s face was a mix of shock and pride; she hadn’t expected you to say that, and if she were being honest with herself, she was secretly anticipating such a moment to occur. Perhaps because it would give her a chance to release the pent up frustrations that had collected within her due to your parents actions; perhaps it was because seeing you stand your ground had always been an attractive sight to her. Regardless, the small smile that spread across her face was a reflection of her hopefulness.
“One more chance, then?”
“Hopefully they make it count.”
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Shuri remembers how she used to dislike family dinners.
The prospect of eating with her family irked her at a young age. Though she loved her parents and her brother dearly, her teenage self was far too absorbed in her technological advances to actively partake in the family tradition. She’d taken such a routine for granted, and now, the dinner table in the large palace she called home was barren. She barely ate there anymore, consumed by the regret of not making such precious moments a priority in her youth.
As she sits next to you at the elongated party table with the rest of your family members, she notes the same air of barrenness, but not of presence of people. It is a barrenness of love.
The behavior of certain family members began to change as the night progressed. Despite the lingering glares of your family members, many aunts and uncles approached you again, expressing their joy in seeing your presence. Perhaps it was truly the guilt that you mentioned earlier, how these extended family members were subject to the bystander syndrome, and hadn’t known how to deal with their guilty consciences for whatever reason. Perhaps these people did genuinely want to reconnect with their long lost niece, cousin, auntie. Shuri would never admit it aloud to anyone, but seeing the look of distaste upon your parents face was entertaining to say the least.
“So do you drive a space ship everywhere you go?” One of your many nephews asked the queen out of curiosity, big brown eyes and white bucked-teeth shining with glee, as he’d never seen anyone of her status before.
“Not everywhere,” Shuri answers, “only the far away places.”
“Do you go to other planets? Like Mars? Or Pluto?”
“Hmm,” the queen thinks, “I don’t think I have. I shall put that on my books and tell you about it upon my return. How does that sound, little one?”
Seeing Shuri interact with the younger children eased your tense body and racing mind. She was almost a natural with them, it seemed. You leaned into her side, your cheek squishing against her shoulder with a playful huff. “Can I have my girlfriend back, please? You’ve been askin’ her questions since we got to the table.”
“Nu-uh!” Objects the little boy. “Have not!”
“Have too, lil’ boy,” you reject, “now gon’ eat so your mama don’t yell at you.”
“Can we talk about spaceships after dinner then, Auntie Shuri?”
Shuri wasn’t sure if she should adhere to the new term, having only known the child for an hour or so, but to entertain him, she allowed it. “Sure. We can talk about spaceships after dinner.”
Thankfully, the young boy seemed to be satisfied with the compromise, and began to eat his plate of food. Shuri turns to you with an amused grin, eyebrows raised as she asks “Were you jealous of your own nephew?”
“I can be jealous if I want to,” you pout, bottom lip tucked out in protest, “lil’ shit was taking you away from me.”
Shuri laughs at your banter, both glad that you’ve somewhat relaxed, and that the evening seemed to be going well. She hoped that it would stay like this.
The clinking of metal to glass caught her attention, as well as the other partygoers. Looking towards the head of the table, Alex is standing, grasping the attention of everyone in order to speak.
“Now, we all know the reason today is such an important day, aside from the fact that it’s my birthday,” Alex begins, glancing around the table, making eye contact with each individual, “though some of the kids might not know. And since we have a newcomer with us,” she says, gesturing to Shuri, who returns a nod of acknowledgement as she speaks, “I figured now is as good of a time to talk about why we celebrate the twenty-fifth birthday of the girls in our family.”
Alex sets the glass down, clears her throat, and speaks again. “Now the story has never been written down, but anyone who has sat between Nana and Great Nana’s legs to get their hair done will know the story by heart. A generation or so before them, our family had a ‘curse’ on us girls. One of our enslaved ancestors was forced to ‘engage’ with their owner who desired a mixed child. That ancestor cursed our bloodline so that no girls would survive, and slowly our numbers began to dwindle.”
You always loved to hear this story. You were never sure why, but it had always been more than hair braiding entertainment to keep a child's attention. The raw history that your grandmother and great-grandmother passed down your line of lineage always held a special place in your heart.
“Then one thing lead to another, a generation passes, and a girl is born…and she lives old enough to run away with another slave guy she fell in love with. And that ancestor had Great Nana, who had Nana, who had mom and the aunties…who had us.”
You’d been sitting to Alex’s right when she extended her hand to you to hold. You accepted it with a warm smile. She’d done the same to your mother as well.
“Reaching twenty-five is like a right of passage. Guarantees to a long, fulfilling life. And that is what we celebrate tonight.”
There were a series of claps, cheers, whoops and hollers that erupted from the table, coming from the queen herself as well. It was indeed a remarkable retelling, she thought, and she even noticed the way that Alex posed herself as a bridge between you and your mother. She applauded the woman for still trying to reconcile, but knew that there was no hope for such a feat.
As soon as Alex sat down, your mother took a stand. “I’d like to make a toast as well.”
Shuri felt you lean just a little bit closer to her. 
“My baby, oh, what can I even say?” Your mother begins, striking up a face of pride. “You were perfect since the day I first laid eyes on you. I knew you’d be destined for greatness, and I can’t be any more proud of you than I am now. My baby girl is all grown up, and I can’t wait to see more of the outstanding woman you’ve become…”
Another round of applause echoes throughout the backyard, and Shuri breathes. Though she doesn’t trust your mother one bit, the words that came from her mouth seemed very genuine-
“...and you are more than fit to carry on this tradition. My only daughter that can.”
The distant crickets could be heard as your mother took her seat again, seemingly proud of her little stunt. Perhaps she thought it was something good to say, but neither you, Alex, or Shuri saw the need for the ending.
“That ending wasn’t needed, but thank you.” Alex says through gritted teeth, a sigh leaving her lips. It was much like the older woman to need the last word, and although Alex truly hoped she would behave, her own patience was waning thin with the woman and her antics.
“We have a toast as well!”
Shuri whips her head to you, brows furrowed in confusion as she whispers, “We do?”
The words leave your lips before you can actually think about what you’re about to do. Upstaging your mother had never been something you’d acted upon, although you’d fantasized about shutting her up numerous times with your own words; the courage was just never there. Perhaps it was because now you were older, or perhaps it was because you now knew that Alex was on your side, or perhaps it was because you had Shuri next to you to back you up. Whatever it was, it began surging through your veins that once were riddled and crippled with anxiety.
Nonetheless, you’re standing up, and so is Shuri, so there isn’t any backing down now. All eyes were on you.
“Sister,” you begin, reaching your hand out Alex who stands up again to be eye level with you, “I will make this quick, ‘cuz you know I hate sappy shit.”
Alex laughs a little. Her grip on your hands is comforting, and the way she looks at you is almost in a coaching matter. She hadn’t expected such a burst of confidence either, but wasn’t about to let you face it alone.
“We’ve had our…ups and down,” you say, “and there were ‘things’ happening that I blamed you for, that I pushed you away for. But you’ve always been there. You were..the only person there.”
You feel Shuri’s hand caress the small of your back for support. You feel like crying, and you're not sure the reason for it, but you push it down and continue.
“I am grateful for you, and I’m glad I came to celebrate with you…and I love you.”
The air that was once thick when you started to speak seemed to ease when you said those last three words. And again, claps and praises flew out into the air at the confession. Alex, the much more sappier of one of the two of you, tried to keep her eyes from swelling with tears, but of course it was harder for her to do so.
“Don’t you start crying,” you say playfully through the loudness of the table, “‘cus you know if you do, then I’ma start crying, and we just gon’ be two snotty nosed bitches-”
Yet you didn’t get the chance to finish, because Alex then pulls you into her embrace. It’s tight and full of love, and she gives you no choice but to sink into it. For a second, it seems like the noise drowns out as you bask in the love from your sister, and you hear a faint ‘thank you’ being whispered into your ear right as she pulls away.
“I suppose this means it is my turn,” Shuri says sheepishly, once the embrace has finished and you’ve returned right at her side. She’d been thinking of what to day this entire time, though each scenario that she had run through her head didn’t seem worthy of a quality toast to a quality woman, “I shall try to make this toast worthy of your time, Miss Birthday Girl.”
“Sitting at this table, surrounded by all of you; it reminds me of a similar family routine that I took for granted in my youth.” Shuri’s eyes gaze from person to person as she speaks. “You see, I was too absorbed in my technological advances to truly appreciate the aspects of family dinners. The mundaneness of sitting with one another and being present. I used to want to give anything to be left to my own devices. And now, I sit at the head of the same table, with no one. I am Queen of the most powerful nation in the world, and my entire family is gone.”
Another silence fills the table as everyone looks onto Shuri; her head is held high as she speaks, though, voice unwavering. She breathes when she feels your hand slip into hers.
“Alex, you are a very blessed woman to have your family here with you to celebrate a generational obstacle overcome,” the queen bids, “and for that, I propose a toast to you, and a saying from my people to yours.”
The queen picks up her red cup, and watches as each individual picks up their own, before speaking again. “To Alex, a woman of virtue and genuity. ��Akukho mntu ngaphandle kwesidenge ophika usapho lwakhe’.”
A round of cheers sounds before everyone downs a gulp of their chosen drinks in unison, applauding Shuri for her heartfelt toast and gratitude. As the both of you sit, and light chatter begins to cover the table, your mother calls out to Shuri with a look of curiosity.
“Such a lovely quote, Shuri,” your mother says, “what does it mean?”
“Oh, the proverb,” Shuri says, “it is one my baba used to say.”
“Did he now?”
“It means ‘No one but a fool denies their family’.”
Hearing this, your gaze shifts from the food in front of you to Shuri, who sports a proud smirk as she watches your mother grow uncomfortable in her seat from the queen’s words. As if she were putting the dots together in her own head.
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With Dinner done, your nephew was all too quick to pull the queen aside to continue their conversation about her fancy spaceships. While his eagerness was endearing, Shuri had to put the conversation on hold because of an important phone call that came through. You assumed that it was Ayo, a name you had heard in fleeting conversations, but knew it to be a person of importance to Shuri. A captain of her Queen’s Guard, which Shuri had respectfully asked to fall back on attending the outing with the both of you, since it was a family thing, and Shuri didn’t want Alex’s neighbors questioning why so many bald-headed women were lingering around her house.
She said she would make the call quick, five minutes at most, before stepping into the house for quiet and privacy. The loss of her presence made you slightly anxious, but you maintained your spot in the gazebo, and Alex popped in here and there. She was the host, so she had to engage with the rest of her partygoers, but you were more than grateful that she took the time out to still check in on you, despite it being her day.
You took a sip of your drink - the adult punch that had been put in the kitchen so kids couldn’t get to it - and watched the party goers enjoy themselves from the comfort of your seat. Children running around, chasing each other with sparklers; aunties and uncles dancing to the old school remix; teens making TikTok videos with dances and skits. For a moment, things were content, and everyone was happy. Normal.
For a moment, for the first time in a long time, you felt happy with your family. 
“You’ve found this corner real comfortable, I see.”
The voice of your mother slips through he peaceful silence that previously covered the gazebo, and although you don’t feel it at first, your body begins to tense. She herself sports a red solo cup, though you can’t tell what’s inside of it. 
She doesn’t ask to join you - just takes up a single seat across from you - and even if she were to ask, you aren’t sure if you could even mutter an answer.
“It’s been so long since you’ve left,” your mother says, “since you decided you were grown enough and left your family behind. How has life been for you?”
“Good.” You reply, short and curt, taking a sip from your drink.
“You seem more than good,” she continues, “I assume living with a queen gives you a lot of financial relief-”
“If you came over here to start shit, please don’t.” You quickly cut off. “One; my relationship is of no concern to you, but Shuri doesn’t pay for shit of mine that I have. I was good before I met her, and I’m still going good on my own.”
You weren’t sure where the sudden crossness came from, but you definitely knew it had something to do with your mother’s constant mention of Shuri, as if she held prominent importance tonight and not the other child she’d birthed. “And it’s Alex’s birthday. I’m here for her.”
Your mother scoffs at your words, “-and there you go, twistin’ my words around and making me seem like the enemy. I’m just trying to talk to you!”
“Bullshit,” you spit, rising from your seat in a quick bid to find a quick exit into an area more populated, and more importantly, away from her, “I’m not doing this with you.”
You turn to try and leave, but your mother continues to speak behind you, pushing you further, “you’re so ungrateful; after everything we’ve done for you, you can’t even show an ounce of respect to your own mother.”
In that moment your body froze on the steps of the gazebo. A dull chill awakens within you, spreading through your limbs, your skin nearly rising into goosebumps, before a wave of anger crashes in.
“Fine,” you mutter, “you wanna ‘talk’?”
You turn to face your mother once again, eyes burning holes into her face, which has the audacity to hold a look of shock. “Let’s fucking talk.”
“Oh, but where to begin?” You scoff. “Maybe lets talk about how you can’t seem to ever say one good thing about me. It’s always some backhanded comment that you can’t help to point out how amazing Alex was and how shitty I was in comparison-”
“-that is not true,” your mother tries to interject, “but you were - and still are - a difficult child-”
“-I wasn’t fucking difficult!” You shout, drawing a few pairs of eyes to you and your mother. “I wanted fucking attention that you weren’t giving me! And you thought beating me was the best way to get me to ‘stop acting out’?”
“It was discipline!”
“Oh, but Alex never needed it though, right?” You question. “Alex was just so perfect to yall. She got the best of everything while your little mistake became the punching bag you took your frustrations out on!”
The increasing shouting started to draw attention from the other partygoers, who muttered among themselves, wondering the reason for the altercation, questioning if they should intervene. And it only got worse when the sound of skin slapping skin echoed throughout the backyard, making the music that played from outdoor speakers seem quiet.
Your mother, the pious, religious, righteous woman she claimed to be, just slapped you in front of the rest of your family.
“What’s going on over here?” The voice of your father bellows as he approaches the gazebo, having only made his presence known after a few gasps from seeing your mother hit you.
“I will not be disrespected by you, you ungrateful wench,” your mother seethes, “I was a damn good mother to you, even when we fell on hard times. I raised you!”
“I was a fucking kid!” You yell back. “How does a fucking adult take their anger out on their own kid!?”
“And you,” comes your voice through gritted teeth upon seeing your father coming to console your mother, which seemed to anger you even more, “dear old dad, who never ‘picked a side’. You sat there and watched as she fucked up her own kid.”
Your voice comes out more strained, wavering at the sight of your father. The man you saw treat Alex like a literal princess while you could only ever dream of being treated as such. You knew the next words you’d say were going to push his buttons - perhaps part of you wanted a reaction from him that could show that maybe, somewhere inside of him, he cared when your mother didn’t.
“If anything you’re more of a bitch than her!”
You weren’t sure what scared you more in that moment; the loud grunt and your fathers arms menacingly reaching out towards you, or the flash of black that shot across your vision right before you closed your eyes shut, anticipating something to happen.
The silence was deafening as you felt your legs stumble back into something warm but you were too scared to open your eyes yet. Of all your senses that had been stricken with tension, the first to register with reality once again was your hearing.
“I want you to think carefully about your next actions,” the queen’s voice comes out hardened and unyielding, “because I can assure you, I will not have to think about mine.”
That flash of black that had crossed your vision earlier had been Shuri. And if your eyes had been open, you yourself would have shuddered at the pure rage that was present on her face.
Shuri’s hand, albeit tiny and delicate in most cases, held your father’s wrist in a right grasp, and despite the broader man's struggles to pull free, it was futile. She was not letting him go, and neither was the intensity of her stare that held your mother’s gaze. 
“If you don’t let my husband go-”
“Shut. Up.” And her words were absolute, leaving no room for question. Perhaps it was part of the authoritarian aura that she’d gained from taking on her queenship that shut your mother up, but whatever the case may have been, Shuri admits that she certainly enjoyed the look of surprise on your mother’s face.
“Alex,” Shuri says, and it now becomes clear to you that the thing you had back into was your very sister. It also became clear how tight her grip on you was, as if she were scared to let you go, “take my beloved back to my car. We will be leaving shortly.”
There’s a gentle nudge and a hushed ‘c’mon’ before you feel yourself being moved sideways, then forward, Alex doing as Shuri says and relocating you to the front of her home to get you into a safer, calmer place.
It isn’t until Shuri sees your figure disappear behind the wooden fence that she releases your father’s wrist. The man winces as he regains control of his limb, his wife bringing her hands to soothe the skin where it was beginning to turn purple from just how tight her grasp was.
Shuri turns in a slow circle, eyes scanning each and every one of the individuals who’d stood by and undoubtedly watched the scene unfold, offering no sign of intervention. “This is what your family is?” She calls out. “It is sickening.”
The guilt shines in their eyes but Shuri has none of it. To her, they are all just as guilty as your parents, for they've watched the same scene unfold many times before, and just the same, no one stood up.
The queen turns back to your parents, as she bites the inside of her cheek to control her composure. “I do not know your story,” she says, “nor do I wish to, and now, nor do I care. I only leave you with this as I leave.”
Shuri takes a step forward to your parents, jaw clenched tight and piercing eyes meeting theirs once again. “My (Y/N) will be loved…as it is clearly something neither of you could bestow upon her.”
And in the same flash of black she leaves the party, that had long gone silent, and biting her tongue so hard she thought she’d draw blood.
Exitting the back yard, Shuri comes around the front to see you and Alex sitting on the porch steps. She holds a towel to your cheek, whispering to you with care about holding the cold, wet cloth gently on your cheek to battle the inflammation. It was the first and only thing she could grab without immediately leaving your side, the green garden hose still running into the grass proof of it.
It takes everything in Shuri not to run to you, to pull you into her arms and cradle you into her embrace, to shield you from the cruelness that has surely been brought back to the forefront of your mind. There’s a pit in her stomach that churns with the pain of unease, and it eats at her as she thinks; if she had just been swifter with that call with Ayo, or better yet, not even answered at all, then you wouldn’t have been left alone, and you wouldn’t have gotten hurt.
Shuri grows closer and realizes that the both of you are crying, and her heart tightens in her chest. She bends down to meet you on eye level, resting a soothing hand on your leg. Alex holds her head in one hand, her other still grasped tightly onto your side, holding you close to her. Shuri finally understands what Alex meant when she talked about the varying levels of harm done to the sisters in their youth. You took the physical and verbal brunt, while Alex took the emotional.
“This was not suppose to happen.” Shuri hears Alex mutter, and the queen quickly cuts in before Alex has a chance to even say as such.
“It is not your fault, Alex,” the queen asserts, “you cannot be responsible for the actions of your parents.”
Alex looks up to Shuri, sniffling as their eyes connect. A beat passes before the older sister nods, though her jaw is still tight with tension. There’s a shift in Alex’s eyes, from sadness and regret, to a hardened security.
“I need to get my house in order,” she says, glancing to her side, and reluctantly peeling her arm from around your waist, “party’s officially over.”
Alex stands to do just as she intends, and as she leaves, Shuri grows closer to you. One hand rubs circles into your knee, the other one gently lifts your face up to meet hers. Your eyes are tired, likely due to adrenaline fatigue, but your body still shakes with a light tremble.
“I am taking you home.” She says, leaving no room for argument; even though, in your current state, you couldn’t refuse her if you wanted to. So when Shuri wraps her arms around you and lifts you to your feet, you all but lean into her warmth. 
And the kiss she presses into the crown of your head provides reassurance that even after the events that have unfolded, with Shuri, you will be okay.
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statelysapphic · 8 months
Bonus Mom
Alex Blake x Fem!Reader
Summary: As your relationship with Alex Blake progressed, you knew you would have to win over her son Ethan. Your efforts prove successful in ways you didn't imagine.
Warnings: Brief mention of divorce. Canon Divergence. Let me know if I missed any<3
A/N: Hi all! Hope everyone is doing well! Here's a little Alex Blake fic for you. I was recently inspired by @prentiss-theorem's fic Persuasion and also wanted to give Alex Blake the happiness she deserves. That being said, Ethan is alive in this. I'd love to know what you think! Thank you! <3
Ao3 Link
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“And here you are, Ethan,” you said, placing his plate on the table in front of him, “two super fluffy chocolate chip pancakes and some bacon, just for you.” He smiled widely at the feast before him, licking his lips in anticipation. They’re his favorite, and he won’t let you forget it. Although you don’t like to brag, you know you make a damn good pancake, having Ethan’s seal of approval was an ego boost. Smiling, you ruffled the boy’s hair and turned around to check on Alex, who sat beside her son. “More coffee, love?” You asked.
“No thank you, sweetheart,” she smiled, “Sit and drink yours before it gets cold.” You placed a kiss on her forehead and made your way around the table to sit across from Alex. You loved the mornings when the three of you could eat breakfast together, especially when Alex didn’t have any work to attend to, like this morning. You picked up your warm mug and moved it up to your face, inhaling deeply, before sipping on the light roast. 
Ethan signed dramatically at the first bite of his breakfast. “Your pancakes are my favorite!” He exclaimed, “Thanks, mom!” the boy beamed at you. 
You paused, noticing Alex had done the same. The muscles in your face relaxed for a moment before you felt tears collect in the corners of your eyes, blinking away unshed tears. “Of course, buddy,” you replied quickly, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. Perhaps it was a mistake, and the last thing you wanted to do was embarrass him by commenting on it. Though, you would be lying if you said you didn’t melt a bit at the title. You didn’t think you would ever be a mother, knowing you didn’t want to give birth to a child. But when you met Ethan close to a year into your relationship with Alex, you knew you wanted to be a motherly figure for him. But you never expected him to want to call you mom. It was something you could get used to. 
You looked at Alex, who was wiping away tears before her son could see. You knew this was a big step within your relationship. Early on, she expressed concern over how Ethan would react to the relationship. Though her divorce from James was amicable, and the two got along post-divorce, she knew it affected her son emotionally, so the fact that you and Ethan got along meant the world to her. 
“Is it okay that I called you mom?” The boy asked, nerves present in his voice. 
“Of course it is, Ethan.” You smiled, “You can call me whatever you feel most comfortable with.”
“That’s what Dad said too,” he replied. 
“You asked your dad about it?” Alex asked. Ethan simply nodded in reply, taking another bite of his breakfast. “And he said you should call her whatever you feel most comfortable with?” She questioned the boy once again, receiving another nod from him.
“He said if she treats me and loves me like her own son, then it wouldn’t be a problem to call her mom. After all, it is pretty cool to have a bonus mom.” 
“Well he’s right,” Alex said, without hesitation, “Bonus moms are pretty cool.”
The tears that you had held back began to flow freely. Wanting to hide them from Ethan, you stood to make your way to the kitchen, but not before planting a kiss on top of the boy's head and whispering, “You are the best son I could have asked for, Ethan. Just bring your plate to the kitchen when you’re done. I’m going to start the dishes.”
You padded through the kitchen to the sink and started washing the breakfast mess, still reeling from the events that just transpired. As a child of divorce yourself, you knew how difficult it could be to accept a parent’s new partner. You never wanted to overstep or push any boundaries with Ethan, always allowing his mother to be the parent. You didn’t want the boy to feel forced into having a relationship with you, so you let him set the pace. Thankfully, your anxieties were squandered shortly after meeting him.
It had been almost a year since Alex introduced you to her son. The first few times the three of you spent time together had been spent outside of their home: the movie theatre, a restaurant, and even mini-golfing, per Ethan’s request. Public dates turned into private evenings at home, just the three of you, after just two months because Ethan wanted to show you his Lego collection. Dinner and movie nights turned into weekend sleepovers, which turned into some weekday sleepovers. Now, you only spend one or two nights a week at your place. And you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
You were so lost in your thoughts that you failed to hear Alex walk into the kitchen, only becoming aware of her presence when she wrapped her arms tightly around your waist. “You okay?” She asked, pressing a kiss into the side of your neck, letting her soft, velvety lips linger. You tilted your head to give her more access and hummed in response. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever been better,” you said, realizing at that moment just how perfect everything was. That you were living a life you’ve always dreamt of. 
“Good. Me too,” she whispered, “But you can make things even better by moving in with us.” You dropped the half-washed bowl in the sink with a clatter and spun around in the woman’s arms.
“Really?” You asked excitement in your voice.
“Of course,” she replied, leaning into you to rest her forehead on yours, “You’re here most of the time anyway, and the little man of this house specifically requested it.” You both chuckled. 
“How can I say no to that?”
“I don’t think you can,” she said, capturing your lips with hers. You could feel the love she was pouring into the kiss as she held you tighter. She pulled away first, releasing her grip on your waist as well, before turning around and yelling, “She’s moving in, Ethan!”
“WOO!” You heard the boy yell from the dining room, causing you and Alex to laugh at his excitement. 
“Thank you for loving him,” Alex said as her face softened and eyes burned with unshed tears. 
“Loving you means loving him, and he made it easy,” you replied. “You don’t have anything to thank me for. He’s an amazing kid, Alex, and I’m thankful to be a part of his life.” She cupped your cheeks and kissed you again, just as deep and loving as before. You pulled away first this time and whispered, “Go, I’ll finish the dishes.” She kissed the tip of your nose before returning to the dining room. 
You smiled to yourself, knowing this was something you would cherish forever. 
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blueparadis · 9 months
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───❪ SYNOPSIS ❫ ⋮ A decision always changes the course of one's life but mainly it affects just one person, the one who takes the decision. However, an accident doesn't, it affects more than one person. Ran seems to believe he can have both in his favor if he plays his cards at the right time.
───❪ TAGS ❫ ⋮ MDNI, 18+ & M RATING.
(sub!)ran haitani x (switch!)fem!reader, one sided pinning, manipulation, death via accident ( MCD ), fruity!ran agenda, yandere themes, mention of implied cheating, domestic violence ( not by ran ), bad marriage,slow burn, eventual smut.
───❪ PLAYLIST ❫ ⋮ stay by stephan, too close by sir chloe, million dollar man by lana del rey, i am the dog by sir chloe, me and my husband by mitski, movement by hozier, don't you know by james young, do i wanna know by arctic monkeys, sex with a ghost by teddy hyde, stuck on a puzzle alex turner, cherry waves by deftones, the witch by Rosenfeld & khemis.
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part one.
summary: The monotony in the life of Ran Haitani has a flicker of excitement. It turns up for a second and then goes out. But, for a hungry animal to denounce the prey, even if it is a slice is nothing but a mockery of the ways of nature. word count —2,5k.
part two.
summary: Ran starts to gather pieces of his puzzle even barely has any piece of it, he could see a glimpse of the final picture. He has never been taught not to play with his food when he was a child and he never did unless the food feels stale and tasteless on his tongue. word count — 2,6k.
part three.
summary: Ran's heart starts to unwind, starts to overlook all the possibilities of obstacles he might face to have you. With his heart in a bind, he starts to seek ways to connect, ways to have you, see you, taste you, feel you. word count — 1,6k.
part four.
summary: There is a jinx that Ran heard when he was eight years old, from his nanny. "You lose the people with whom you share your handkerchief." Now, he is not much of a superstitious person but when he saw his favorite handkerchief in the fist of his father who was intimately clung by his mother in the newspaper picture, he started to believe; he started to experiment word count —1,1k.
part five.
summary: It has been almost half of another month since his last encounter with you. Ran has thought of his second encounter with you way too many times that it lies heavy on his eyelids, on his fingertips, creating goosebumps on his skin. It tingles his soul. He replays that particular memory in a loop until he gets drunk on it, until he gets what he is promised. word count —0.7k.
part six.
summary ~ to be updated soon.
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───❪ NOTES❫ ⋮ read on ao3.
blog navigation.
dividers by @benkeibear. banner art by me. for better quality you need to view the image seperately.
This is for my beloved dawnie. @lalunanymph . ( kindly check her rules if you wish to read her works. )
Dawn baby, I have read your works when I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm angry, and whenever I missed you. I have kept coming back to read your works, again and again, especially during my exam season. And one day I reaslized that you and your writing has become an integral part of my Tumblr. Not only that, it has also shaped my writing and reading experience. Needless to say dawnie baby that I admire you a lot. So, this is a little gift from me to you for creating such a brilliantly bright trajectory in my writing journey. Tokyo Revengers has always been my staple fandom. Even being a multifandom blog it is the tokyo revengers’ masterlists which is most stacked. At first I thought I should write on Kakucho for you but didn't feel confident about it so I went with Ran Haitani. This is probably the third long fic on him and second series work. I don't generally write on my favs because I don't know what to write and how to write. It is always a struggle but I hope this scratches the right parts of your brain. Take your time, read it in a one fine afternoon all of a sudden or somewhere in next million years. I'm not in rush :’))
Love you,
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mrs-johansson · 6 months
Strangers in the night - Scarlett Johansson x Fem!Reader
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Part 20:
“Today we are joined by an amazing actress, director, and screenwriter. You’ve seen her in films like Red Sparrow, Lady Bird, and the Divergent trilogy. Please welcome, Y/n Cole,” called out James Corden and I walked out from the back.
I sat on the sofa and before we started he introduced the other guest. Ellen fucking Pompeo. “Oh my god hi,” I stood up and Ellen spread her arms with a wide smile. “Hi!” She said and we hugged. “I am fangirling, so sorry,” we all sat down. “I’m guessing you’re a Grey’s Anatomy fan, Y/n,” started James. “Are you kidding? I live and breathe by Grey’s Anatomy,” I said and the crowd laughed along with Ellen. “It’s season 15 now, who is your favorite character at the moment?” “Ugh… I looove Meredith,” I glanced at Ellen and she smiled. “I truly think since Derek died, she’s a better character in general. I love Jo, oh Amelia, she’s the best. Alex is one of my favorites too, along with Bailey. I can’t choose!” I sighed and shook my head. “Do you watch the show often?” Asked James. “Oh yeah. Very often. Actually, I made my girlfriend watch it with me, so we started at the beginning,” I said, already nervous about what was coming now that I mentioned Scarlett. James saw the opportunity and with a smile, he started talking. “Now that you’ve mentioned, you just went public with your girlfriend who’s none other than Scarlett Johansson,” he said and the crowd erupted in cheers and I just shyly smiled. “I was genuinely surprised when I saw your post. I haven’t heard any rumors or that kind of talk around the two of you,” he said. “That was a struggle, believe me,” I chuckled, and then so did the crowd. “We did our very best to lay low at all times. And we just shot Jojo Rabbit so it was very important for us not to look like we’re just trying to promote the movie, so we just laid low for a while now.” “But you’re happy?” Asked James and I smiled very widely just knowing how happy I actually am. “I can’t even describe how happy I am. It just feels… right,” I explained even though I could barely put my feelings into words.
“Please water them Scar, they're gonna die if you don’t,” I basically whined as she helped me move my suitcases into the car outside. “I will water your plants every day,” she let the suitcase over to my driver who put it in the truck. “Thank you,” I said and he sat behind the wheel. “Have fun and text me when you can. I’ll bring Rose when I can,” Scarlett took my hands. Smiling cutely. “I will. I’ll miss you but it’s gonna be fun when I come home,” I smiled and she nodded. “It sure will.” “Okay, I need to leave. I love you,” I gave her a long kiss before pulling her in a hug. “I love you too.”
I got into the car and we made our way to the airport where I got on the plane and took off to Massachusetts.
On the plane I’ve read the script multiple times, memorizing my bigger parts.
When I touched down I checked into the hotel and because we have a tight schedule, the table read was just 2 hours after my landing.
Getting all my essentials for the rest of the day and I was at the office in no time.
I don’t think I’ve ever been so comfortable going into a new project. I’ve worked with the director before, I’ll have Flo there and Timmy, and the only thing I was nervous about is Meryl Streep. I don’t think I need to explain that.
I walked into the room and I spotted Florence right away, who was speaking to Emma Watson and Eliza Scanlen. There was Greta Gerwig at the front table talking with probably the producers. I didn’t see Timothée anywhere so I quickly texted him but then I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I turned around and I was faced with the icon herself, Meryl Streep. “I didn’t mean to scare you, sorry. I just wanted to say hi, before we start,” she said and I was just standing there, my mouth dry. The next thing I know something just hit me in the back. Like a crumpled piece of paper. Quickly cleaned my throat and answered. “Sorry,” I chuckled. “It’s so nice to meet you. I’m such a big fan of yours, but I’m sure you get this from everyone,” I mumbled, trying to not faint. “Oh well, it’s not the same from everyone, so thank you. But, I must say I’m also a fan of your work. Red Sparrow was amazing,” said MERYL STREEP. I can’t wait to tell my dad about this. “Wow, uhm… thank you so much. It means a lot,” I smiled and with a hand on my shoulder once again she stepped away and went over to Greta. Timmy literally jumped to my side and I’m sure he heard everything because he had a big smile on his face, his eyebrows almost meeting with his hairline from the excitement. “That was siiick,” he whisper-yelled and shook me by the shoulders. “I just can’t believe that happened,” I said. I spoke with everyone a little, and I was really excited about this movie.
After we all got our seats, Greta spoke a few words and we started.
We had such a great time. Everyone was laughing and when something emotional happened we all paid attention to those who were in the scene.
Around 8 pm we finished and it was amazing. We all had great chemistry with each other so I think this is gonna work out really well.
“Do you guys want to go have dinner? I know a great place,” I suggested and most of them accepted the invite.
Timothée, Florence and I got into one car and Emma, Eliza, James and Laura into the other one. Laura needed a little convincing to tag along because she said “I’m too old to go with all of you”, but she’s way too cool not to come with us.
We all fell into conversation pretty quickly as we got to the restaurant. Everyone was talking to someone and I think everyone felt comfortable with one another. “So you get to experience both Noah and Greta’s directing methods, that must be interesting,” I said to Laura who was sitting next to me. “Yeah, it’s so fun. Both of them are so different but I’m sure they’ll have some similarities.” “You guys shot the whole of Marriage Story on film, right?” “Yes, but I’m sure Scarlett told you all about it,” she smiled cheekily. I smiled shyly and nodded. “She did, yeah. I love the story so much, it’s just so full of love and your character just seems so fun and cool,” I said. “It is an amazing story. Noah did such a great job with the script. But let’s not talk about work in off time too, I could barely get Scarlett away from her phone while working,” she bumped her shoulder to mine and I just smiled. “I uhm… we talked a lot that time yeah,” I said and Laura smiled knowingly. “Ah well her smile was different. She was happy and glowing. I think you surprised everyone, but I could tell it’s genuine. I’m glad you have each other.”
“Hello?” Heard the voice over the phone. “Scarlett? Baby, hi,” I mumbled as I saw her beautiful face on the screen. “Okay, you’re drunk. First day went well then,” she chuckled adorably. “It was so fun! Oh my God, Meryl Streep is amazing. She said Red Sparrow was amazing. Funny because I’m naked in that one,” I said while taking my dress off, but I accidentally stumbled onto the couch. “Careful there.” “I’m fine,” I threw the dress on the floor and made my way to the bed. “Take off your makeup before you go to bed, baby,” said Scarlett over the phone. “I don’t want to though,” I whined as I sat on the fluffy bed. “You’ll thank me tomorrow.” “Fine,” I sighed and moved to the bathroom. “How was your day?” I mumbled as I fidgeted with my skincare bag. “It was good. We had some reshoots for Endgame so it was fun,” she said. “Oh don’t tell me any spoilers or I’m gonna cry,” I started to take my makeup off. “I won’t, I won’t. I think you’re gonna like it though.” “Yeah? I’m sure you’ll look hot in it so I’m not worried,” I smirked at the screen and she just laughed. “I’ve never seen you this drunk before, how much did you have?” “Just a couple glasses to be honest,” I shrugged. “Aha, I’m not so sure about that.” “I’m telling you, it wasn’t a lot.” “If I text Laura, are you sure she’s gonna say the same thing?” I glanced down at the phone and a smile pulled on my lips. “No.” “Yeah, that’s what I thought, but I’m glad you’re already having fun. I’m sure it’s gonna be a great shoot.” “Oh my god, yeeees. I love everyone so much,” I threw the makeup wipes in the trash and rinsed my face with cold water before going back to the bedroom. “Take a painkiller in case this all goes to hell. And drink a lot of water.” “I’ve been drunk before, I know how this works Mom,” I chuckled. “I just want to make sure you’re okay, baby.” “I know, I know. Thank you for that,” I blew a kiss towards the screen. “Always. What’s the plan tomorrow?” She asked. As I could see, she was just lying in bed with glasses and a big sweatshirt on. The TV reflected from her glasses making it a bit difficult to see her eyes. “Rehearsals for the next week and just after that we start shooting. But I can’t waaaait, I’m so excited for this one. I just know that it’s gonna be so so good and fun,” I laid down in bed and pulled the covers up to my chin. “I’m excited for you and to see it. Have you done a period movie yet, I don’t think so, right?” “Not this old, no. The latest was the Gatsby I think,” I yawned while trying hard to focus on the conversation. “You should go to bed, Y/n,” Scarlett said as she got up from her bed. “I really should but I love talking to my girlfriend, she’s kinda fun you know,” I rolled over to my stomach, trying to get comfortable. “Yeah? Well, your girlfriend is not going anywhere so you can speak to her whenever you’re free.” “I know,” I said slowly, just looking at the screen and admiring how amazing she was. “I love you,” I said, still feeling the booze. “I love you too, you drunk. Go to bed, honey. Text me when you wake up, okay?” She said softly with the cutest smile on her face. “I will. I love you.” “I love you too, sleep well.” “You too.”
All the cast members filled up the room as we were waiting for Greta. Florence on my right side and Timothée on the left. Sunglasses on both of their faces, sliding off their chairs, heads tilted back. “How are you not dead?” Murmured Timmy as he pulled the hood of his sweater over his head. “I have an amazing girlfriend who takes care of me. And you crazy people just downed every glass you found on the table,” I gave him a bottle of water. “Thanks.”
“Alright everybody, I hope you had a good night's sleep. Today is like to go through some of the bigger monologues so we can work on those if it’s necessary,” Greta explained and as I looked at my friends, I quietly chuckled. “Today’s gonna be fun.”
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lgwifey · 2 years
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90s!alex james x fem!reader
Summary : just daily routines and tings
Warning : not proof read, drug use, alcohol
A/N : Okay so i've just sat exams and literally my writer's block is literally killing me, so if it's really bad i'll blame it on that x
"Mate are you sure she's-"
Alex gave a questioning eyebrow to Damon's question.
"What ?"
"You know."
"I really don't."
The vocalist rolled his eyes whilst taking another swig of his drink. He knew he wouldn't be able to carry on the conversation with his friend, who he was concerned for, seeing how the topic of the conversation was making her way up to the table. She strutted with her catwalk stides. Modeling was y/n's part time job, and a large proportion of her income. Her life was split into two different half, this half inculding more than just sequins and sparkles.
The shout was muted out by the club's atmosphere even as the group sat in a secluded spot which was deemed silent compaired to the rest of the building.
The woman in a short black dress and platformed trainers sat herself down on the end of the booth, throwing herself into her boyfriend's side as she did so. In her hand was her favourate drink and a small ziplock bag of snow like substance.
"Hello Snow White."
"Hi Dames."
The younger girl gave a beaming smile to the slightly scowling twenty six year old sat across from her.
He nodded his head in acknowledgment before turnung to push himself into Graham and Dave's conversation. As soon as Damon's head was turned, Alex had his hands tracing nearly every part of y/n's body. She gave a giggle, prizing his fingers off of her so she could go about her plans, their plans. She took a sip off the drink she'd placed infront of her on the table before handing the narcotics to Alex. She found that he always managed to make lines straighter than her and she prefered the way he did it. Within a few seconds she had her head down and was inhaling the powder like it was a normal daily thing, well for her and her social groups it was a daily thing but ...
When Alex had finished off the two other lines he'd sorted onto the surface, he handed the press sealed bag back to the twenty one year old who double checked it was definatly shut before stuffing it down her bra.
"What was Damon talking about before ?"
Alex rolled his eyes at her question. She was always paranoid that she was going to get dumped because of the Blur lads disliking towards her. He pulled her closer to him, basically onto his lap, and rested his hands on her waist whilst starting to leave a trail of kisses along her neck.
"Nothing much."
She could already feel her system loosening up. She was always a lightweight compaired to the man next to her so she wasn't surprised.
"I'm just going to the loos."
As she moved away from the table she basically pulled Alex with her. The club they where at had singular bathrooms which meant that the couple spent most of their tine in there whenever they came, which was alot.
He woke up to his hair being stroked. It was still hard getting used to waking up beside someone and not having one night's stand to have disappeared sometime in the night.
"You alive ?"
A groan fell from his mouth as he took a second or two to form a functional sentence.
"Nah 'm still dead."
His body fell over itself, turning him to face into the pillows and causing the girl beside him to let laughter fall out of her mouth. Y/n pulled the duvet off from over his head where he'd lazily thrown it in attempt to kill all the sunlight falling throught the cracks between black-out where the blinds where blown apart by the wind from the locked open window.
" Alex ?"
He stayed silent as she poked his cheek, his head was still positioned inbetween the two pillows and hiding.
" Darls ?"
Still nothing,
" Mr James, you wanna pay attention to me at some point today ?"
Okay, so y/n had come to the conclusion that he'd fallen back asleep. Her eyes rolled, it was her one morning off, other than the weekends, and her boyfriend was too tired to even talk to her.
She gave a groan as her body lifted itself out of the bed and to the bathroom just next to the bedroom. She might as well start getting ready for work now, she only had two hours before she had to leave.
Loose minded giggles echoed through the air like butterflies.
A heart-eyed young girl stood with one of her knees bent inwards and one of her fingers twirling a strand of her platinum hair as a tall, brunette boy in baggy ripped jeans, an adidas coat and a stone roses top spoke to her. They where situated in the britpop section of the music shop as the guy had just been looking through Pulp's albums.
The other half of her life was not so glitter and gems. She worked 3 days a week at a local record store since she couldn't stand being left at home all day by herself whilst everyone else worked. Between her and Alex, they made more than enough to live comfortably with the addictions and nights out but she found the day-lit streets pulled her back into reality after her heptic nights at clubs and bar floating above the crowds on powder and pills.
Y/n let out a sigh of relief when the overly giggly girl finally left, the June heatwave was effecting her ability to cope with happy people. The boy carried on looking through the music stands, now looking at the cd collections on the otherside of the room.
The woman in heavy black boots and a black gingham mini dress, her shirt being ditched behind the counter after 13:45, she walked over to him with a smile plastered on her face.
"So what kinda stuff are you interested in."
Her name tag was pinned to the side of her white bucket hat which rested on her y/h/c head. The lad roughed up his hair before answering, returning the woman's smile.
"Anything really. New wave, Rock, Punk, some Pop."
"You heard Leisure ?"
"Yeah, it was the first vynil I bought."
"Oh nice, mine was Eleanor Rigby."
The teenager picked up a case with the Gallagher brother's faces shot on the front.
"Thoughts of this? I've got it on vynil but kinda need one for my cd player."
Y/n gave a laugh.
"S'all right i guess. My boyfriend would say otherwise but... "
His face dropped slightly at the mention of her having a boyfriend. Y/n didn't notice seeing how she'd already started making her way to the desk.
"That all ?"
The lad had followed her, putting the purchase on the desk top along with a few beatles pins and an oasis tee.
"Er yeah, thanks."
She folded the top into an opaque red plastic bag, delicatly putting the badges in and the cd, handing it over as he put a ten pound note on the counter top.
"Keep the change, put it in your tips jar."
He noticed the lilac plastic cup with Y/N :) sharpied on it, next to a few different coloured ones with other workers names drawn on in their own styles. She gave a grateful smile, putting the change from the note into into her cup.
"Have a good day lad."
"You too."
The door dinged as he opened and closed it, the windows showing him crossing the road to the local chippy.
"Oh if Alex could see you now."
Y/n spun around to look to the kitchen area. She gave a loud laugh at the comment from the twenty year old stood in the doorless 6'3 frame
"Oh get off it Mikey !"
"No seriously, selling the arch nemise's merch. Such a bad girlfriend."
She laughed more as he shook his head mockingly, she slapped him playfully around the top of his arm as the buff and tattoo sleeved man walked past her.
"Oh yeah, the worst girlfriend of the year, that's me."
She rolled her eyes, the y/e/c irises falling to the right before rushing back to the center.
He walked back over to the desk casually, picking up a few items and putting them in their normal place on his way.
"Oh, stock came in last night so i'll be in back doing that today."
"Cool, pretty sure this week is exams so we'll probably be getting loads of teenagers off of school"
He gave her a thumbs up before noticing the full tips jar. He gave her an exasperated look, pointing at the cup.
"Okay, that lad definatly had a thing for you."
Y/n gave a smirk before closing the metal till, a ding signifing it was locked.
"I'm back Darls."
Y/n unlocked the front door and stepped into the downstairs flat, making sure no cameras at the end of the gate could sneak a peek of where two out of four members of Blur where sat doing who knows what. Both of them ignored her, sitting crosslegged on the couch with paper and a guitar being passed between them like some form of drug.
"Oh hello y/n, love of my life. How did your day go ? Aw why thanks Darls, oh you know same old, hi Gray. Hi y/n lovely to see you again, would you like me to leave your home and go back to my own house which I never seem to spend any time at ?"
At her mock voices, Graham spun around and looked at her, flipping her off at her comment directed to him.
"Hi darling."
Alex felt a pair of arms wrap around him from the back of the couch, also finding his best mate gagging next to him. He twisted to peck y/n's cheek as she manouvered herself to sit on the arm of the chair.
"Anything interesting happen today ?"
"Alex has managed to find eighteen useless combinations of A, E and F."
Graham rubbed his eyes as he spoke, the exhaustion of his job kicking in again.
"Well at least I haven't spent the last hour rhyming 'love me' with 'hug me'. "
The two sent playful glares in each other's directions, y/n just making herself comfortable in her boyfriend's lap.
"How about you ?"
"Well there was a blonde with an obsession over one of the customers,"
she rolled her eyes remembering the second-hand embarrassment off the situation,
"Then there was an Oasis top and cd,"
She paused whilst they both gagged,
"Then just teenagers and pensioners. Mainly the Beatles and Hole."
The guitar was moved to the stand next to one of the armchairs by Graham and the tele was switched on, Only Fools appearing in the screen before the channel was flicked.
"I'm out tomorrow, we've got recording if you want to come with ?"
Y/n twisted slightly to play with his hair, plaiting brunette strands so they sticked upwards.
"I'll call Mikey and tell him i've caught a bug."
"Right then !"
The couple turned to their third wheel after his exclaim and clap. Alex gave him a confused look before questioning his friend's comment.
"What then ?"
"Well she's not in work tomorrow, we've not go to go out intill one o'clock which means..."
He gestured to y/n for her to finish his sentence.
"Pub crawl !"
Her body jumped in the air, causing Alex to complain about being cold and the excited Graham to high-five her waving jazz hands.
"I'll call Dames and Dave, i'll be back at Six!"
He started to gather his things to leave before slipping on a pair of sunglasses and leaving the house, smiling to the press gathering around the front gate.  
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𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔!
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— state the character, romantic or platonic, the format of the request, and what you want with it
— do you have any specifics for the reader? male, female, blonde, poc, etc?
— requests can be send through inbox or dms, but inbox is heavily encouraged!
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any gender x any gender
poly relationships
sensitive topics
x reader
ships (canon or non-canon, so long as it’s not problematic)
i. i WILL write cheating, but not if a character is going it to the reader/another character. i’ll make someone comforting another person after being cheated on, but i won’t write finnick odair cheating on someone
same thing ^^ goes for homophobic, transphobic, ableist topics like that, and. well i guess the same goes for abuse?
smut (i’m 14)
student x teacher
canonically gay character (ex: wylan van eck) x fem!reader for romantic requests
canonically lesbian character x male!reader for romantic requests
songfics (nothing against them, i just don’t know how!!)
things about ocs
ship fics
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character list (more to come!)
❍ = easiest characters to write for
bolded — favourite characters to write for
❍ sophie foster, ❍ dex dizznee, fitz vacker, ❍ keefe sencen, ❍ biana vacker, ❍ marellla redek, ❍ maruca chebota, tam song, linh song, ❍ wylie endal, ❍ jensi babblos, stina heks
❍ peter pevensie, ❍ edmund pevensie, ❍ susan pevensie, ❍ lucy pevensie, mr tumnus, ❍ caspian, eustace scrubb, jill pole, shasta, aravis
❍ percy jackson, ❍ annabeth chase, ❍ grover underwood, ❍ jason grace, ❍ piper mclean, ❍ leo valdez, ❍ hazel levesque, ❍ frank zhang, nico di angelo, will solace, reyna arellano, rachel dare, ❍ travis stoll, ❍ connor stoll, thalia grace, magnus chase, ❍ alex fierro, carter kane, sadie kane, lester papadopolous, lavinia asimov
❍ christine daaé, ❍ raoul de chagny, erik destler, ❍ meg giry
p.s. i’ll write for the movie, musical, book and 1990 miniseries versions!!
harry potter, ❍ hermione granger, ❍ ron weasley, ❍ luna lovegood, ❍ neville longbottom, ginny weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, ❍ sirius black, remus lupin, ❍ james potter, ❍ marlene mckinnon, mary macdonald, dorcas meadowes, lily evans
ocean o’connell rosenberg, ❍ noel gruber, ❍ mischa bachinski, ❍ ricky potts, jane doe, penny lamb, ❍ constance blackwood
❍ alina starkov, malyen oretsev, ❍ genya safin, ❍ zoya nazyalensky, david kostyk, erm others i accidentally deleted remind me to update this
kaz brekker, inej ghafa, ❍ jesper fahey, ❍ wylan van eck, nina zenik, matthias helvar
ponyboy curtis, ❍ johnny cade, sodapop curtis, darry curtis, steve randall, ❍ twobit matthews, ❍ dallas winston
katniss everdeen, peeta mellark, ❍ finnick odair, ❍ johanna mason, marvel sanford, clove kentwell, cato hadley, ❍ cinna
IT (2017)
bill denbrough, eddie kaspbrak, richie tozier, ❍ stan uris, beverly marsh, ben hanscom, ❍ mike hanlon
❍ agatha of woods beyond, ❍ sophie of woods beyond, tedros of camelot, ❍ hort of bloodbrook, ❍ hester of ravenswood, ❍ anadil, ❍ dot, nicola, aric, rhian mistral, rafal mistral, leonora lesso, clarissa dovey
❍ alex bailey, ❍ connor bailey, ❍ red riding hood, ❍ jack, ❍ goldilocks, ❍ bree campbell
daphne blake, ❍ fred jones, shaggy rogers, velma dinkley
❍ jo march, amy march, beth march, meg march, ❍ laurie
pippa fitz-amobi, ❍ ravi singh, naomi ward, ❍ cara ward, connor reynolds, ❍ jamie reynolds, nat da silva
❍ charlie conway, adam banks, ❍ lester averman, guy germaine, ❍ connie moreau, julie gaffney, ❍ ken wu, dean portman, luis mendoza, dwayne robertson, ❍ fulton reed
dracula, ❍ lucy westenra, mina harker, arthur holmwood, ❍ renfield, dr seward, abraham van helsing, ❍ quincey morris
victor frankenstein, ❍ adam frankenstein, elizabeth lavenza, justine moritz, ernest frankenstein, henry clerval, the bride
henry jekyll, ❍ edward hyde, ❍ richard enfield, gabriel utterson, hastie lanyon, lucy harris
gotta update this one guys,,,
john bender , ❍ claire standish, allison reynolds, brian johnson, andrew clark
❍ blossom utonium, bubbles utonium, buttercup utonium , ❍ brick jojo, boomer jojo, butch jojo
❍ jareth, thomas jerome newton, david bowie
❍ sweeney, anthony hope, ❍ mrs lovett, johanna
lottie pumpkin, ellie wolf, ❍ jamie volk, ❍ ollie moreno, ❍ raphael wilcox, ❍ anastacia alcroft leblanc, saskia san martin, lola tomkins, mickey tomkins, binah fae
❍ corny collins, ❍ seaweed j stubbs, amber von tussle, tracy turnblad, penny pingleton, link larkin
sarah williams, ❍ bernard the elf, ❍ rodrick heffley, ❍ varian
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natashxromanovf · 11 months
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Dancing with your ghost
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James Potter x fem!reader
WARNINGS: mentions of death, mentions of food
REQUESTED: part of @sereinegemini’s writing challenge, angst and a little bit of hurt/comfort
SUMMARY: James went missing on a mission a couple of months ago. This is how the reader tries to cope with it, with a little help from an old friend. 
A/N: this is based on the song “dancing with your ghost” by Sasha Alex Sloan!! cannot believe i haven’t written in so long oh my god??? this has been in the making for a while now and i finally brought myself to finish it. i hope you all enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it <3
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Searching through the pile of records you finally find the one you were looking for. Putting it in a song starts to play, one you’ve heard way too many times before but not the one you wanted to hear. Sitting down on your sofa you pick up the cup of tea from the table, putting your feet up. It’s one of those afternoons again, one where everything seems harder than it should be, especially after 4 months. The warm liquid in your cup helps calm you down a bit but even then, tea can only do so much. Sometimes you wish there would be a way to make a potion that would make you feel better or that would help you forget for a bit but sadly, even with magic, that isn’t possible.
You get lost in your thoughts until the beginning tunes of a slow song start playing, bringing you back to Earth. You thought you had already used up all your tears but a new batch comes pouring out of your eyes. They’re not full-on sobs but more quiet tears, the ones you got used to in the past few months. Wiping them off you stand up, twirling around for a bit. You know you look silly but you couldn’t care less, the memories of all those sleepless nights coming up in your head. Closing your eyes you just let them play out, a small smile appearing on your face. But before the song finishes up somebody knocks on your door, waking you up from your daydreaming. Making your way to the door you open them, a familiar face appearing in front of you. Taking him in you look him up and down, the plastic bag in his hands catching your attention. 
“I brought you food,” Sirius says before you could question him and you nod, letting him in. “Y/N…” he starts but you stop him with a look, walking to the gramophone and stopping the music. He sighs, immediately knowing it’s one of the harder days. He places the bag on your counter, taking out the food and putting it on the two plates he grabbed before. He finds the drawer with forks, takes out two and sits down beside you on the sofa. You silently take one plate and bite into the dish. The food is amazing but you can’t bring yourself to take another bite. You stare at the plate for several minutes until Sirius takes it out of your hands, placing it on the table. “Thank you for trying,” he whispers, pulling you into him. These past few months have been incredibly hard for both of you. Sometimes you forget Sirius is also going through this, not only you. Ever since James went missing the two of you have been spending more time together, mostly because you understand each other’s pain. Most days were spent in the quiet, the world around you moving but you simply sitting there, wrapped up in different thoughts. Some days you would talk, talk about all the good memories you share, talk about how the world isn’t fair. This is one of the quiet days. At least it was, until he decided to speak.
“Get up, I’m taking you somewhere,” Sirius suddenly says, making you look at him weirdly. “It will make you feel better, I promise,” he adds and you reluctantly take his hand. He guides you through the door to his car, sitting you down on the passenger side. He sits down behind the wheel, starting the car and driving down the street.
The drive takes about 20 minutes until you suddenly stop, God knows where. There are no houses in sight, only the road that leads to here and grass. Miles and miles of grass. You let your eyes travel to Sirius’, a million questions popping up in your head. 
“I used to come here a lot after my family disowned me,” he starts, a couple of metres away from you. “I drove around a lot, trying to clear my head, trying to forget for a bit. One time I went away from my usual road and I ended up here,” he continues, putting his hands into his pants pockets. “After looking around I realised nobody lives near and that nobody can hear me. So I just screamed. I screamed and I screamed until my throat was sore. I shouted at the world, I cussed out my whole family, and I cried about how life is unfair. And believe it or not, it helped. It helped so much Y/N and I kept coming here night after night until one day everything stopped being so goddamn hard,” he explains, tears appearing in his eyes. “You don’t have to do exactly what I did, but you need to find something that will help you cope. You can’t wait at home every day, hoping that he will come back because frankly, he could be dead for all we know,” he whispers, a sharp pain appearing in your chest. “I know you don’t want to hear that, I don’t either but it's the truth,” and you know he’s right, he usually is. James Potter may be dead. It hits you for the first time, really hits you. Somewhere in the back of your mind you knew but you needed to hear it to fully think of the possibility. And suddenly the world stops, making it hard to breathe. This time your body rocks with sobs and you cry so loud that you think the whole world hears you. Falling to your knees you grab your chest, thankful for the soft grass under you. You sob and scream and god knows what else until you’re physically too tired to continue. Only then Sirius appears beside you, lifting you up and wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. You're grateful for his support because you don’t think you could stand on your own. Catching your breath you lean into him, listening to the words coming out of his mouth.
“I know it doesn’t seem like it now but one day, it will get easier. I promise you that, Y/N,” he mutters, caressing your back. You thank him in such a small voice you don’t even know if he heard you. Honestly, that doesn’t even matter right now because you know he knows. Just like you know that even if James doesn’t come back, you will start to feel better eventually because that’s just how life goes.
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HP taglist: @yoongisbiwife @cunningambitousdetermined @sexysirius @pregnant-piggy @lilylovegood @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts @leossmoonn @pottahishotasf @johnmurphyisqueer @mirclealignr @griffxnnage @cupids-crystals @fairydxll
james potter: @reg-arcturus-black @henqtic @youreso-golden @daedreams @pinkcloxds @sheraayasherrecs
hope you enjoyed this! don’t forget to like, reblog and/or comment, it really helps writers with motivation <33
if you want to be a part of my taglist send me a message :)
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gentlyweeps-world · 3 months
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summary: you and logan talked
pairing: logan sargeant x fem! reader
warnings: mentions of self harm | depressive logan | angst
genre: angst
notes: I’m sorry 😔
words: 1.4k
Logan wasn’t doing good. Anyone who knew him or even really saw him could guess that.
He wasn’t having an easy time at Williams, crash after crash, no points after no points.
He had gotten more quiet, distant. He always looked tired, when you had tried to talk to him he would be quiet, barely adding into the conversation.
When you would ask if he’s okay he’d dismiss you with a soft smile and say he was just tired, that he just needed to rest.
But he didn’t like doing anything anymore. Cuddling and watching movies? No, he’d much rather curl up in bed and sleep. Go work out or go on a jog together? Nope, more sleep.
It got to the point he had to stay later at Grove for an urgent meeting with James and Alex.
Now of course you knew about that “urgent meeting”, you actually had James reach out to you.
He was worried Logan was depressed. So was Alex.
And you were worried too, but knowing Logan you knew he wouldn’t want you to say anything, so you just said he wasn’t feeling himself.
James knew you were keeping it to yourself, after all he was married and in love too, but he didn’t press it.
You were waiting for Logan to come home that night, not patiently. You had paced around the entire time.
He got back late, maybe 1am. You were almost asleep on the couch. “Oh..hey baby, how did it go?” You ask tiredly, getting up and giving him a small smile.
“It went fine, love. Just a routine meeting…” He tried to reassure you, but you could tell something was off. His smile was more of a frown, and he didn’t want you near him.
“I’m really tired…” He said with a small yawn, walking off towards your bedroom.
“Right, of course..” You mumble out, following him to your bedroom.
“Did James uhm, did he say anything about how you’ve been recently? Mentally?” You add on softly, not knowing how Logan would react, since you guys haven’t really addressed it.
“Not…really…” He tried to shrug it off, but there was no convincing you. You could tell by his body language, the way he looked at the floor when he was talking, that he was struggling with something.
“But I’m fine, don’t worry about it… I just need to sleep…” He said, with a small smile. You could see something in his eyes, he wanted help but he didn’t know how to ask.
“Logan..” You say softly, moving over to him and reaching for his hand, lacing your fingers together.
“I need you to be honest with me, I know you don’t want to but you need to talk about it..” You add on softly. “You’ve been wearing hoodies and sweaters, I’m not stupid. I’ve seen the bloody tissues…I’ve noticed how you sneak out of bed at night and spend your time crying in the bathroom…”
“I wanted to wait for you to be ready to open up and tell me yourself, but I can’t anymore..” You say, your own voice starting to waver. You knew James had noticed, you knew Alex had seen the scars. You had barely caught notice of them one day, but when you did, your heart broke.
“There’s nothing to worry about… I just…” He paused, looking away from you and avoiding you, not able to meet your eyes as his hand tensed up in yours.
“It’s nothing, I swear…” He said, trying to convince you he was fine.
“I can deal with it, don’t worry about me…” He said, trying his best to reassure you. But he had broken his mask, he was struggling to keep everything bottled up.
“Logan..” You whisper, voice breaking as tears start to form in your eyes. “Please baby..”
Logan’s own eyes began to water, he looked away as his hand tightened around yours.
“I’m sorry, there’s just so much pressure..” His voice started to break as he looked back up at you.
“I have to perform, I can’t let anyone down, and I feel like I’m not good enough…” He tried to stay composed, but he wasn’t able to stop his eyes from watering now.
“You are good enough Lo..” You whisper out, pulling him into a hug. “You’ll prove yourself in time, it won’t happen overnight”
“But I’m not showing results…” He whispered, burying his head into your chest and letting out a small sob.
“I just want to do well, I don’t want to disappoint you or Williams..or my family” He said, his voice breaking between sniffles and sobs.
You hug him tighter, heart breaking at his words. “You won’t disappoint us, you’ve already done so much by getting into Formula One” You say softly.
“I just don’t want you to cut yourself..” You add on, pulling away just slightly to look into his eyes.
“I have…” His words were almost a whisper, but you still felt him tense up.
“I’m sorry… I just-“ He tried to think of a way to explain, of a way to make you understand why, but he just couldn’t.
“It was just a few times, I just…” He looked away in shame, unable to finish his sentence. He felt as though he had let himself down once again, as well as you, and everyone else he cared about.
“It’s okay..baby” You say softly, pulling him closer into you once more. “I’m so sorry”
Logan finally hugged back, his arms wrapped tight around you, his head buried in your neck.
“I’m sorry…” He whispered, his whole body tensing in fear of you leaving or being angry at him.
“You’re not…mad at me?” He asked quietly, hoping that you didn’t think differently of him now.
“No..no, of course not. I couldn’t be mad at you for that..” You say, squeezing him tight. “I’m upset you didn’t talk to me, but I can’t force you to”
“I should have, you’re right, I should have talked to you sooner” He said, his tears finally slowing down a little.
“But I was just…afraid…” He admitted, holding you close.
“I didn’t want to be a burden, and I didn’t want you to think I was weak…” He whispered.
“Oh baby..you aren’t any of those things..” You say softly, “I would never think of you as a burden, you’re so much more than that”
“Just promise me you won’t cut yourself? Please Lo?” You add on, holding him tight.
“I promise…” He said quietly, leaning his head into your shoulder.
“I swear…” He said, starting to calm down and stop sobbing as you held him close.
“I just don’t know what to do anymore…” He mumbled.
“The pressure I have put on me...” He started to break down again, unable to fully calm down again.
“Hey..hey, it’s okay. Take some breaths, just breathe baby..” You say softly, pulling away from him to look in his eyes.
Logan nods, trying to take deep breaths, but he was still shaking.
It took a good few minutes before he was even somewhat calm again, still a bit shaky but not crying anymore.
“I’m sorry Y/n…” He said quietly, still avoiding your eyes.
“Don’t apologize baby, you haven’t done anything..” You say with a small smile, caressing the side of his face so he’d look at you.
“How about you talk to James tomorrow, ask him what you need to do to improve moving forward?” You ask softly, “Maybe ask Alex for advice too”
Logan hesitantly nods, unsure if it would help. But if it would ease the pressure, he had to do it.
“I’ll talk to him…” He says quietly, trying to put on a brave face for you now.
“Thank you baby…” He whispers, still looking away as if he was still ashamed of his breakdown.
“Of course Log” You say with a smile, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips.
Logan gently kissed back, wrapping his arms around you now.
“I love you…” He whispered, leaning into you.
His body had stopped shaking, he stopped crying but his mind kept spiraling.
You didn’t know that. He still was too scared to tell you, to speak up.
Before you knew it you were up waiting for him again, this time you felt more nervous.
James and Alex hadn’t sent any messages to you, or even Benny. You were scared.
What if something happened? What if he gave up?
Your phone ringing snapped you out of your mind. With a shaky hand you quickly snatch it, noticing that it was an unknown contact.
James or Alex
radio 🪩: I pinky swear there will be a good ending- and a bad one, but you guys get to decide. (the endings will be linked onto james or alex, I won’t be spoiling which one will be good or bad)
permanent taglist: @cixrosie @amajixi @i-wish-this-was-me @nelly187 @hannahwsworld @sltwins @itsprashimusic
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sadgirlbaby · 1 year
one shots (basically just smut/fluff one shots rn), facts & headcanons about a character, matchups
smut (“appropriate” smut, nsfw +18), fluffy
male and female characters (character x fem!reader only! I just feel more comfortable as a girl writing for a female reader).
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American Horror Story:
Evan Peters
tate langdon
kit walker
kyle spencer
jimmy darling
james patrick march
rory monahan (coming soon)
kai anderson
austin sommers (coming soon)
+ Evan’s other characters
warren lipka (american animals) [coming soon]
peter maximoff / quicksilver (x-men, wandavision) [coming soon]
alex (adult world) [coming soon]
max cooperman (never break down) [coming soon]
Finn Wittrock
dandy mott (coming soon)
tristan duffy (coming soon)
harry gardner (coming soon)
Lady Gaga
elizabeth (the countess) [coming soon]
!! “coming soon” means that I haven’t written about them yet, but they’re available for requests !!
+ *REQUESTS ARE OPEN because I might also consider to write a story about other characters from ahs. just request me! feel free to ask me whatever you want <3
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Evan Peters:
a night with evan peters - evan peters x fem!reader
Tate Langdon:
tate langdon x fem!reader (facts & headcanons)
tate langdon x fem!reader (headcanons)
about a girl - tate langdon x fem!reader
sex with a ghost - tate langdon x fem!reader
family trip - tate langdon x fem!reader (part 1)
family trip - tate langdon x fem!reader (part 2)
having dinner at langdons’ - tate langdon x fem!reader (part 1)
having dinner at langdons’ - tate langdon x fem!reader (part 2)
the rubber man suit - tate langdon x fem!reader
Kit Walker:
kit walker x fem!reader (facts & headcanons)
the gas station - kit walker x fem!reader (part 1)
the gas station - kit walker x fem!reader (part 2)
busy day - kit walker x fem!reader
“daddy needs mommy too” - sub!kit x fem!reader
“your boyfriend won’t hear about this” - kit walker x fem!reader (part 1)
“your boyfriend won’t hear about this” - kit walker x fem!reader (part 2)
Kyle Spencer:
hide and seek - kyle spencer x fem!reader
from hell to heaven - kyle spencer x fem!reader
“I ︎♡︎ you” - kyle spencer x fem!reader
Jimmy Darling:
magic hands - jimmy darling x fem!reader
James Patrick March:
forever mine - james patrick march x fem!reader (part 1)
forever mine - james patrick march x fem!reader (part 2)
honeymoon sex - james patrick march x fem!reader
“will you be mrs march?” sub!james x dom!fem!reader
Kai Anderson:
the punishment - kai anderson x fem!reader
a kidnapper falling for his hostage - kai anderson x fem!reader
AHS Matchups:
sally mckenna x @voidsmind
tristan duffy x *anonymous
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
Hey Robyn! I know you have a lot of request right now, but I just read this and got an idea, so no rush! (like seriously cuz I don’t want to pressure you)
So Sirius x reader were he ate chocolate for the first time after becoming an animagus and got very sick so his girlfriend had to take care of him and he just get on full puppy mode
I kept telling that l’m gonna request for someone else but I kept coming back to sirius😭 I really want to request remus tho, I’ll let you know if I got any ideas. Thanks Robyn and have a good day!
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Sirius Black x fem! marauder! reader
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Summary: Y/n and James come back to the boys dorm to find Sirius very unwell
Warnings: established relationship, mentions of eating, food, feeling and being sick (tw: throwing up)
A/n: 1.1k words, hi alex! Honestly same I always return to Siri, hope you have a good day/night too! Thanks for the request, enjoy xx
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Navigation | Sirius Black Masterlist
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“Pete…Wormtail” you correct yourself causing James to chuckle “Is gonna kill us when he finally weasels away from that puff” you cringe giggling softly
“Probably but let’s not mention this to Re…Moony just yet. He got the good chocolate yesterday and he won't give us any if finds out what we were using our new abilities for today”
You giggle nodding “That’s if he and Siri leaves us any…what?” you eye your friend
“Nothing, just cute you call him Siri” he mocks you and that earns him a playful shove
“Fuck off” you whine “He’s my boyfriend now…oh my god Jam…Prongs” you jump up and down “Sirius Black is my boyfriend!” you say excitedly, still in disbelief that you and he were really together
James lets out a laugh “Hell yeah he is” he wraps his arm around you “I’d say you’re a lucky gal but let’s face it he’s a lucky man…dog…pup?”
You and James are in fits of giggles as you enter the boy’s dorm, but they fizzle out when greeted with Remus on his bed looking a little worried
“You okay mate?” James asks while your eyes search the room for Sirius
“Where’s…” you start only to hear the sound of retching coming from the bathroom “Is that?” you look towards Remus
When he nods you run through into their bathroom, finding Sirius hunched over on the floor, turning to look up at you as you close over the door behind you
“Darling please go wait outside…” he sucks in a breath “…I don’t want you to see…” he can’t hold it in, turning to continue throwing up in the toilet, hands clutching the edges of the bowl, knuckles turning white
You quickly move next to him, pulling his hair from his face and holding it back with one hand “I’m not going anywhere” you kiss his temple
His breathing is heavy when he finally stops and looks back up at you, face chalk white “Still fancy me?” he jokes
You nod “Very much…but I’m going to kiss your forehead because well…” you scrunch your nose and bob your head, making him chuckle as you kiss his hair line
“Don’t blame you darlin” he shifts back onto his butt and as you let go of the make shift pony tail you shuffle over to wrap your arm around him
“You feeling a bit better now pup?” you test the waters with the nickname, heart fluttering as his ears literally pick up at it
He gives you a lazy toothy grin “Call me that again?” he sucks on his bottom lip for a moment
“Call you what?” you reply coyly, grabbing a spare hand towel and wetting it
He huffs at that
“Don’t tease me when I’m sick” he pouts, arms hugging himself
You cup his jaw “I’m so sorry puppy” you smile at his giddy reaction as you gently wipe the sick from the corners of his mouth and chin
“You should be a nurse” his hand gently caresses your knee “Everyone would fancy you” 
You shy away at the complement, placing the towel up and over the sink “Would they now?” 
“They would, almost as much as I do” he scoots closer to you, head nudging into your armpit like he’s trying to get you to move, humming when you lift it up and slither it around his shoulders
“What happened?” your free hand goes to his stomach “Just a tummy bug?” you kiss his hair
He shakes his head “I think I have an incline…well a theory based off of a joke Re…Moony made” he lets out a nervous chuckle and you can feel his cheeks heating
“What would that be?” you lean forward to look at him, pressing your lips together as you are meet with your boyfriend’s big beautiful puppy eyes “Sorry but before you tell me” you bring your hand from his stomach to his cheeks and squish them “You’re so pretty puppy” you tease softly before retracting your hand
His cheeks are pink but his eyes let you know he fricking loved that
“I am your pretty puppy” he nods sincerely before his eyes widen mouth opening and closing as he grows flustered “D-did…I said that out loud, didn't I?” he closes his eyes
“You did” you place a kiss to his nose and he opens his eyes “I kinda like you like this” you confess
“I kinda like me like this too” he admits “Don’t tell…”
“My lips are sealed” you pretend to lock them 
He smiles thankfully at you before his face contorts
“You going to be sick again?” 
He shakes his head “No just tired and I have a headache now” 
“You wanna lie down?” you offer "We can cuddle?"
“In a bit darlin the tiles are cold and my arse feels nice right now” 
You giggle but nod at his reasoning, gently rubbing his lower back before he removes your hand and places the other around to the front
“So what is the theory?” you circle back to the cause of his sickness
“You remember when R...Moony made a joke about you walking around eating a raw carrot out of the blue like that bunny from those muggle cartoons?” you nod slowly “Well what if I’m sick because dogs aren’t supposed to have chocolate?” he poses
Your eyes widen, sitting back a second as it processes in your mind. It made perfect sense, no wonder Peter loved cosy blankets and little nooks to sleep in now, why you and James had suddenly started eating anything green, why Sirius was acting like a puppy at times
…like how you were currently giving him a belly rub...
“I think you’re right” you let out a tiny giggle “Aww puppy” you coo, taking his hand in when he seems upset
“Can’t believe I need to give up chocolate” he sulks “Fucking stupid...this is karma I swear for raiding his stash so often...what am I going to eat now”
You did find his pouting and complaining rather adorable
“Maybe we can find you a stick to replace it with” you tease
He scoffs “You’re mean” he lets out the smallest of chuckles
“You’re laughing”
“Am not” he tries to supress his smile and laughter but fails “Fine” he caves “But seriously why does the idea of a stick to chew on sound so appealing?” he whispers 
You bite back laughter
“If you want tomorrow when you're feeling better we go to the forest and I can throw one for you to fetch” you offer
“100% serious?” he checks, making sure this isn't a joke
You nod “100% you yes” you giggle, more so as he hugs you tightly
“Merlin I’m so happy you’re my girl, no one else would understand or put up with me”
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Meanwhile in the next room
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“Why are you smiling?” James eyes Remus, a small smile on his face at his friend’s ecstatic look
“You remember when I was totally against you lot becoming animagi?” he replies, almost doing a little dance 
“Yeah?” James extends the syllables
“I’m not as mad anymore” he says, eyes flicking to his chocolate stash 
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Thank you for reading 💛
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