#aka the expressions remind me of each other
raayllum · 2 years
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3x04 / 4x01
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dewdropdinosaur · 1 month
Lay All Your Love On Me
Summary: Insecurity bites harder than one would think in the underworld, and you are no stranger to its sting. However, with two affleunt and attractive boyfriends, you may learn just how beautiful you are. (AKA: My lovely you are beautiful the way you are and these boys wanna show you)
Warnings: NSFW/18+
Oral sex/cunnilingus, implied P in V, nipple play, Dom/Sub dynamics, use of names such as "Daddy"/"Ducky" in sexual context, restraints, SMUT
Only my second time writting smut so...sorry
Requested by @boogiewoog
Requests OPEN
In the vibrant, chaotic realm of Hell, where redemption seemed like a distant dream, a unique bond blossomed among three unlikely souls - Alastor, Lucifer, and Y/N. Alastor, the radio demon with a twisted sense of humor, Lucifer, the suave and sophisticated ruler of Hell, and Y/N, a human soul, whose presence brought light to the darkest corners of their world. Nothing could ever compare the joy that Y/N had awoken within the two demons, loving them both equally proved no challenge for her bright soul. With her love and guidance, the relationship bloomed and soon all three parties fell head over hooves in love with each other. From dates in Alastor’s radio tower, to Lulu Land, or helping Y/N work around the kitchen; Hell seemed like Heaven. 
However, not everything was sunshine and rubber ducks. At least for Y/N. One evening, as the crimson sky draped over the cityscape of Hell, Y/N found herself consumed by her own insecurities. She sat alone in her room, the flickering candlelight casting shadows across the space. Her fingers traced the scars and imperfections on her skin, each one a reminder to herself that even in death, she couldn’t look how other people did. Dating one handsome and affluent demon was one thing, but two was another all together. What if she wasn’t good enough for them, what if someone else came along? What if Lillith came back, heaven forbid, Y/N just knew Lucifer would leave her in the dust the second that demoness walked through the doors., Y/N couldn't shake the nagging whispers of doubt that plagued her mind, centered around her own insecurities about her body. She just couldn't help but scrutinize every curve and contour of her form. The voices of doubt echoed in her mind, taunting her with their cruel words, as she fought to hold back tears.
Just then, a gentle knock sounded at the door, and in walked Alastor, his signature grin brightening the room like a ray of sunshine. Beside him stood Lucifer, his elated gaze filled with slight concern as he took in Y/N's troubled expression.
“Ducky, we just came to get you for dinner! Al made a real nice…something. What did you say was in it again?”
“It’s just jambalaya, I promise all normal ingredients. Why don’t you join us darling?”
“That’s alright, guys. I think I’m not super hungry right now.” Shying away from Lucifer’s embrace, Y/N wrapped her arms around her waist. 
Alastor and Lucifer sensed her distress, looking at each other the moment the words passed her lips.  With silent understanding, they came slowly to her side, their presence comforting and reassuring. Y/N looked up, her eyes filled with tears that threatened to spill over.
"Ducky, what’s going on in that head of yours?" Lucifer's voice was smooth like velvet, soothing her troubled mind.
Y/N hesitated, her voice barely a whisper. "I... I feel so insecure about my body. I can't help but compare myself to others, to feel like I'm not enough for you two."
Alastor knelt beside her, his grin warm and genuine. "Now, now, my dear. You are perfect just the way you are. Perfect just for us."
“But, I am not. Just look at me! I am not slender, heck you couldn’t put me next to anyone without noticing. Let alone Lillith or–” Holding her arms just to gesture to herself, Y/N could feel herself spill all her emotions manically. 
Suddenly, Lucifer grabbed her wrists and pinned her down against the bed. His smoldering gaze glowered down at her as his face leaned down to whisper in her ear. 
“I don’t want to hear that name off your pretty little lips, okay? You are mine, the one for me. Not her, not anyone else.” 
Coming to their side, Alastor joined his partner in looking down at Y/N. Using his hand to reach around and cup her chin, bringing her gaze to him. 
“My dear, I think out little darling needs to learn a little lesson. Mhmm?” 
A dark chuckle erupted from Lucifer’s throat, as he stood up and let his grip go. Both men now stared down at their partner, who laid on the bed; half near tears from her thoughts and half near moaning at the sight of her boys looking at her in such a manner. 
"We love you, Y/N," Alastor murmured, his voice soft like a melody. "Every inch of you, flaws and all." Slow kisses started down her neck and chest, heat blooming in her core. Attempting to maneneur her shirt lower, her hands werre halted by Lucifer; who grabbed her wrist and pinned them to the headboard as the red demon continued a show of his devotion. 
“Ducky, you are going to learn very quickly. Your pleasure, is our only concern.”
With a quick snap of his fingers, all clothes were removed from Y/N and both men were left shirtless; toned and slender bodies on full display. Both men’s eyes darkened with hunger at the sight of her bare form, a silent understanding among them of what was about to happen. 
Alastor leaned down and took one of her hardened nipples in his mouth, the warmth of his tongue teasing the aroused bud. Dragging her hands across her torso, he slowly marked her skin with his hands. Lucifer, instead dipped down and spread her thighs, enjoying the way they felt in his hands. Slowly kissing up her thighs, just barely ghosting over where she needed him most, Y/N let out a soft moan. 
“Darling, see what you do to us? You are absolutely breathtaking.”
“Driving me mad ducky, fuck, you are just so good to squeeze.” 
Finally giving into her whimpers, Lucifer licked one long stripe up her dripping slit. Y/N gripped the sheets below her, legs attempting to get away from the overwhelming sensation. Alastor pinned her legs to the bed, as his mouth came off her nipple with a pop. 
“Now darling, let the man finish his meal. He hasn’t even started yet.” Lucifer then dived into her cunt like a man starved, sucking on her clit and slurping her jucies that it was better than heavenly ambrosia; while Alastor moved his minstratitions to her neck, sucking softly. It was only a matter of time before that familiar band became taut in her stomach. 
“Fuck, Luci…baby please.”
“Let go ducky, cum all over daddy’s face.” 
That’s what did it, Y/N felt the coil in her stomach snap as she cried Lucifer’s name. Cum now coated his face and the bedsheets below as her high overtook her senses and she saw stars. Lifting his head up slowly, slick shone and glinted. Licking his lips, he pressed a soft kiss to her lips and both moaned at the salty taste. Pulling back, Lucifer looked at Alastor who smirked; grabbing Y/N’s chin and forcing her gaze to him. 
“Now darling, how would you like your beautiful lips to scream my name next?” 
As the night unfolded, Y/N found solace in the arms of her two loves, their embrace a sanctuary from the harsh whispers of doubt that had plagued her for so long. In their presence, she discovered a newfound sense of confidence, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would always have Alastor and Lucifer by her side, guiding her through the shadows and into the light of self-acceptance.
In the heart of Hazbin Hotel, amidst the chaos and clamor, a quiet moment of love blossomed, as Alastor and Lucifer vowed to stand by Y/N's side, their bond unbreakable and their love unconditional.
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deeply-embarrassing · 17 days
Over-analyzing Shauna's teenage room
Set design has a ton of purpose on yj so let's go! A messy bedroom for a very messy girl!
So first and foremost, of course, the jackieshauna of it all.
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• The wallpaper: it's full of poppies, Jackie's favorite flowers. Jackie was the wallpaper of Shauna's entire life, surrounding her. Despite being a very obnoxious wallpaper, which might be to the taste of a child but not of most teenagers, Shauna hadn't redecorated. Shauna seemed to be allowed to do whatever she wanted with her space, so it's interesting that she kept this wallpaper. But also, poppies might have become Jackie's favorite flowers just because they were in Shauna's room. So who started the poppies thing? Where do Jackie and Shauna end and begin...
• Diverse posters taking up a lot of space: Shauna's trying to cover this wallpaper, aka to build her own identity, to express herself. And if Jackie didn't start the whole poppies thing, then it's just Shauna baring her soul to the world. It contrasts with the mostly neutral decorations in Shauna's future house: though many items have hidden meaning, it's all very symbolic and rather discrete.
• The pictures of Jackie / herself with Jackie: it's neat that the large majority of these pictures are on her mirror. These are what Shauna saw each morning: she saw not only herself, but also Jackie, and herself next to Jackie. (And I mean, the shots of Shauna's mirror only showed Jackie's reflection... The identity issues...)
Overall, Shauna seemed to enjoy/need visual reminders of who and what she loves. She put up several pictures of herself, too. A lot changed later on.
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• The conjoined marmots (?) facing away from each other: codependency, toxicity, jackieshauna
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• Dancers at the Barre by Degas: there's a similar poster in Jackie's bedroom, which I didn't manage to identify!
At first, it's a bit disturbing that Shauna's poster featured two dancers (despite how lonely she felt), while Jackie's only portrayed one (despite perceiving "herself and Shauna" as an inseperable item). It feels as though it should be the other way around. But these aren't something you'd put up as teenagers! They were bought as children, with/by their parents. So, to me, these don't inform us about Jackie and Shauna's relationship, but about the environment they grew up in, and the people they were encouraged to be.
Child Shauna could clearly express herself, her interests, her friendships. Her family couldn't buy an expensive frame, or/and considered that nothing about her had to be set in stone. Meanwhile, child Jackie was meant to be a lonely, pretty performer enclosed in glass. Everything in her room was in order, expensive and perfect. So false and lonely.
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• Which leads to Shauna's blurry, blink-and-you'll-miss-it "performance between two dancers" poster: no words, especially if you consider the posters above?? Both dancers are clearly wearing the same blue tutus, they're most probably female dancers, but it's unclear whether they're embracing, kissing, or just dancing together. Very blatant homoeroticism, but so easy to miss, only seen behind Jackie. I haven't managed to find the original art, please please please hit me up if you did!!
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• Which now brings me to the large amount of rainbow stuff: homosexuality.
However, displaying such obviously gay items (including the poster just above) isn't something a closeted teen would do. It reinforces my belief that Shauna truly thought she was straight. Still, these were meant to make us wonder about Shauna's sexuality: the scarf is hard to miss, even for a casual viewer. Maybe it was a misdirect, maybe it wasn't.
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• Le Frou-Frou by Lucien-Henri Weil: only quickly seen behind jackie (!!), it's the cover of french naughty humor magazine, considered to be one of the most seductive posters ever. Why put up a poster of a mysterious seductress? Because it's edgy? Because you want to be her? Because it attracted the eye For Some Mysterious Reason? A mix of it all?
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• The last jackieshauna straw: this bedroom looks almost exactly like the cabin's attic, which will become Shauna's new wilderness bedroom. By itself, it's interesting, the attic felt like home.
But also... Do you know who'll lose her virginity in the cabin's attic, on Shauna's bedroll? And do you see this shot? Insane.
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Then, Shauna sure was an angsty teen with a rather rich inner life she liked to display:
• Shauna draws (part 1), The Eyes: this drawing (which is most probably hers, our creative queen) really adds a lot to her pre-crash self!
It focuses on perception. Eyes turning into teeth is crazy, Shauna already linked looking/being looked with consumption, which can have many interpretations (her codependency with Jackie, her destructive relationship with Jeff, how she perceived relationships in general...). Of coure it foreshadows cannibalism, and perhaps how she'll be observed and analyzed by the world after the rescue, "a celebrity" who never asked for it. And the whole painting might also be foreshadowing future psychosis, misshapen people watching Shauna, even in her own bedroom.
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• Shauna draws (part 2), The Anatomical (?) drawing: It very much reminds me a vague drawing you'd find in anatomy books, representing a digestive system? There's the lower vena cava, the stomach on its right, maybe the gastro-omental artery underneath the stomach, and the spleen on its right (which shape ressembles more of a heart, though). It's very inaccurate, especially if she drew a heart, but that's not the point. Hunger and consumption and maybe love! The butcher and human anatomy!
(Or maybe it's not meant to represent much, but I'm having such a hard time believing that, considering how consistent/purposeful Shauna's entire bedroom seems.)
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• Religious items/imagery: a prayer for the Virgin Mary (if I speak...), a priest, an angel helping out the desperate, a temple, and the representation of some form of meditation. Finding comfort, peace or/and meaning through religion/spirituality already appealed to our future cult member. These make Shauna's back-and-forth relationship with spirituality even more interesting.
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• The pic of the Santa Monica pier + the "Azia, Live in London" poster : the poster isn't from anything, it's a prop poster. It's all about her ambition to leave, to travel abroad (and about Shauna being so fucking cool with her cool posters of cool, obscure bands).
Also, the poster includes religious imagery, a cross!
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• Reality Bites (1993) movie poster: a documentary following, among other storylines, the life of a disenchanted woman stuck in a shitty job despite graduating at the top of her class. She's also trapped... in a love triangle... do I need to elaborate....
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• "Between Us... The Bleds" poster: prop poster. Between them, there's blood. Skull, woman laughing. Okay Shauna :D Aside from the angsty vibe this prop gives Shauna, it's clearly the show kinda fucking with us. Between Shauna and the world, there's the taste and feeling of blood, which lingers for the rest of her life.
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• Many books, CDs, and band posters: overall, it's a mix of popular (like the huge Nirvana poster) and obscure references (prop posters serve as "obscure references"). It gives her this deep, angsty and mysterious vibe while still being "like any teenage girl".
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Finally, a few other interesting details:
• The bunny: Either Shauna liked rabbits, either it's just there, some decoration you get as a child and then simply stays there until you move out. Of course it foreshadows all the symbolism regarding rabbits. The possibility that Shauna might have liked rabbits before the crash wrecks my brain though.
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• Dazed and Confused (1993) movie poster: it's about the unforgottable last days at school, which the characters struggle to remember... Yeah, you could say that!
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• She's a soccer champion: for someone who claimed not to enjoy soccer, she sure displayed a lot of items related to it! Or maybe she wasn't lying, and I'm not sure which option is worse.
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=> TL;DR: just through set design, we can see that Shauna was a rather artistic soccer champion, allowed to express herself and having much to say. That she might have been in love with her codependent bestie, might have been struggling with interpersonal relationships, and was already prone to identity crises, sometimes turning to faith. Among other things. Everyone say thank you to the Yellowjackets set designers!
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echoingspectrum · 5 months
𝑆𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐾𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠
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𝑠𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑠𝑖𝑠 : 𝑎𝑛 𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑎 𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑐 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑔𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑑, 𝑠𝑜𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑠 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑠.
Scampering over from cabinet to cabinet, you hurriedly opened each cupboard for any of your thread and needles, desperately searching for the tools you needed to mend your fellow passenger who happens to have a severe wound on their back upon their mission at Belobog.
Unfortunately, at the time, you stayed behind with Pom-Pom and the other two adults in the express. Assuming they'll manage to handle the situation with the stellaron inflicting the planet's harsh temperature and condition. 
Which, of course, they do ⏤ March and Dan Heng are two of the experienced members of the crew, known for their resourcefulness and quick thinking. You are not sure of March's caliber, but she does have creative problem-solving skills. You're not doubting March; she just has a colorful way of doing things.
As for Caelus, the newly-recruited member of the Astral Express, he has the spirit and essence of the stellaron within him; you're certain he will be able to withstand any extreme condition. Plus, with his unique connection to the stellaron, he might even be able to find a way to control or manipulate its attributes for the benefit of the mission. 
However, as experienced as one might be, one of them had fallen into the clutches of the fragmentum's assault and acquired a nasty bruise. 
So here you are, in your room ( aka the medical room ). The Astral Express has a ton of vacant rooms for you to stay in, but you're more comfortable with the aroma of the medical room. The scent of antiseptic and sterile equipment puts your mind at ease, reminding you of the countless times you've been patched up after intense missions. 
Dan Heng waited patiently and was seated in a chair nearby, his face etched with utter stoicism. That's him, alright. Always the poker face, despite the chaos and danger surrounding him. You've come to rely on his unwavering composure in times of crisis, knowing that he will always have your and everyone's back. 
As you finally locate the thread and needles, you feel a sense of relief, knowing that the train guard's wound can now be properly attended to. With a deep breath, you gather your supplies and rush back to where he was waiting. 
"Sorry for the delay, Dan Heng," you say, catching your breath. "I found the supplies I needed. Let's get to work and patch up that wound." 
Heng nods silently, his expression unchanged. "It's alright. I trust you to do what needs to be done," he replies calmly. 
Placing the tools on the metallic tray, you remained unmoving by his side. This caught the attention of Dan Heng's calm demeanor as he glanced at you curiously. "Is something wrong?"
Clearing your throat, your cheeks were painted with a drip of pink hue across your cheeks. Think professional ( Name ). 
"Would you mind if you…take off your upper clothes? I need to examine the wound thoroughly to ensure proper treatment. It's necessary for a thorough assessment and to determine the extent of the injury." You pause, waiting for his response, aware of the potential awkwardness of the request. 
Most of the injuries that you treated involved either a hand or their face. However, in this case, the wound seems to be located on his back. It'S nOt bECAuse yOU waNT TO sEe hIS aBS oR aNYthIng⏤
"Sure. Just give me some time." He then proceeded to remove his upper clothes, layer by layer. Shrugging his jade armor and his tailored coat, then unzipping his black turtleneck that hugs his accentuated, slender yet muscled body. 
You felt your heart skip a beat as you caught a glimpse of his chiseled physique. But quickly regaining your composure, debating your inner turmoil to be respectfully professional, and focused on the task at hand. 
'Stop simping and get things over with! It's rude to stare,' you thought to yourself. You cleared your throat and directed your attention back to the matter that needed addressing, reminding yourself that appearances should not distract from the purpose of the meeting. 
A gasp elicit from your lips as soon as your eyes were glued to his back, taking a moment to assess the severity of the train guard's wound. The gash on his back appears deep, with a 5-inch scar, but thankfully, it doesn't seem to be bleeding excessively.
But not only that, there were faint scars littering over his back. You wonder, How did he get those? Was it from his missions? Or something more?
"How long did you have this?" you asked, concern evident in your voice. The train guard turned around, thinking you were asking about his recent large gash on his back. "I've had it for a couple of days now," he replied, wincing as he shifted his weight. 
"Do you think you can manage?" he asked, his voice strained with uncertainty. You quickly snapped out of your thoughts and let out a whispered chuckle.
A small grin spread across your face as you reassured him, "You asked as if it's my first time. I've seen worse. I'll clean and dress the wound, and you'll be back on your feet in no time." Confidence filled your voice as you prepared to tend to the injured train guard. 
You fetch hot, boiled water, but not too boiled that gives a third-degree burn. Then, soaked with a fresh, neat towel, with a careful and practiced hand, you gently dabbed at the wound, cleaning away any dirt or soiled remains. 
Feeling something warm and wet provided a sense of ease for Dan Heng, knowing that you were taking proper care of his injury with nimble fingers. His muscles were now less tense, and he began to relax, trusting in your expertise. 
After all, you're Astral Express's best and only medic. 
You then sanitize both the needle and thread for the forthcoming medical treatment. "I'll be stitching your wound now. Tell me if anything is bothering you." Dan nodded, his eyes fixed on you as you prepared to stitch his wound. 
The room fell silent, except for the sound of your steady breathing and the faint hum of medical equipment in the background. With each careful stitch, you could sense Dan's solemn increase.
Your non-occupied hand was gently laid on his back, providing a comforting presence as you worked. As the last stitch was secured, you smiled reassuringly at him, putting on an ointment and then covering it with a bandage afterward. 
"There, that should do it." You beamed as you finished tending to Dan Heng's wound. 
Right before he could wear his upper clothes once more, you stopped him. "Dan Heng, do you want me to treat your other wounds as well? I know they are faint and not as severe as your current wound, but it's better to address them now rather than letting them potentially worsen over time." 
'Of course they would know.' Dan Heng sighed. Nothing escapes your vision. Contemplating whether he should let you treat his other wounds. He knew that you were skilled in medical care and genuinely cared about his well-being. 
However, he also didn't want to burden you with additional tasks or take up too much of your time. 
"I...thank you for your concern, and I appreciate your offer. It's just that I don't want to impose on you or distract you from more important matters. But if you think it's necessary, I trust your judgment and will gladly accept your help." 
"Admit it. You just want my hands around you~" you teasingly responded, playfully poking his arm. 
He can only sigh and roll his eyes at your jest. "You are insufferable." 
"I am, but you love me~"
"You won't get an argument from me..."
Your playful banter went back and forth until it was reduced to a peaceful silence. The twinkling stars gleamed brightly with delight and hilarity. Your medical room has a wide landscape for a window for you to infinitely stargaze upon the outside of the express in the comfort of your own space. 
You're thankful for Lady Himeko for giving you this room as your bedroom, too. Every trip you and your fellow companions take, you are solely focused on the cosmic tapestry right before you.
Now that you're with Dan Heng, there's a sensuous feeling to your stargazing sessions. As you both gaze at the stars, at the same time you're applying a gel to his fainted scars. 
You rubbed his back in a circling motion, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath your fingertips. The gentle rhythm of your touch creates a soothing ambiance, enhancing the tranquility of the stargazing experience. 
With each stroke, you can't help but feel a deep connection forming between you and Dan, as if the stars themselves are aligning to bring you closer together. 
That or you're quite delulu⏤
"These scars—where did you get them?" you ask softly, breaking the peaceful silence. Dan's eyes flicker with a mix of vulnerability and hesitation.
"They're from the mission. It was a hard time," he whispered as he traced his gloved fingers over the scars, careful not to erase the applied gel. His voice was filled with a tinge of sorrow, yet resilience was still there. 
Every night, he would glimpse a fragments of his past through his dreams. Everything he saw felt surreal and transcendent, beyond the reality of his current predicament. He had learned to carry the weight of his experiences, using them as fuel to drive him forward. 
Despite the lingered pain, he remained driven to make a difference in the world he's presently resided in, never allowing his scars to define him.
In the midst of his inner turmoil, he suddenly arched his back forward upon feeling the sensation of soft lips making contact with the un-applied scars. He swerved his head to lock his gaze on yours.
"W-What…are you doing?"
"Sorry, it's just...No one has ever kissed them before, so I’m doing it now." Your apology came out in a meek whisper. Your fingers tenderly soothe the wounds. Your gaze upon his eyes was silent yet solace. 
"Your scars echoed with endless tunes of agony and perseverance. They longed to be touched and healed. I don't know what past you're trying to escape, but hopefully, I can bring some peace of mind." You continued to gently caress his scars, littering some miniature kisses there and here.
Trails of kisses traveled across his scars, leaving a trail of warmth and comfort in their wake. Your hot breath contrasts with his cold skin, giving an electrifying sensation to his spine. 
An arm encircle around his torso, your head place softly against his chiseled back. ( Don't worry it won't affect the gel⏤ )
His heart beats fast against his chest, his breath hitching as he slowly regains comfort under your gentle touch. The vulnerability in his eyes spoke volumes, revealing a depth of insatiable pain that words could not capture. 
He doesn't know what possessed you to do an act like this. Even your inner self is conflicted and embarrassed by the boldness of your actions. But in that moment, all your mind could think about was providing your train guard with the sense of solace and ease he needed.
"Don't worry, I'm here..."
His calloused hand grasps your non-occupied one and gives it a soothing squeeze. He let his eyes drop to the ground. Letting the serene atmosphere engulf the both of you. Let the stars be you audience and your witness to this silent exchange of comfort and understanding.
Scars are permanent marks that trail beyond retrospection and future struggles. They are etched into the skin, just as they are engraved into our memories. 
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I'm back to crack posting about my favourite shows and/or characters! =D
We Are ep 8 was gold. It had comedy, friendship, silliness and romance in the absolute perfect amounts.
Warning: long post 😊😅
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This scene with Peem and Matt is peak comedy. I rewatched it so many times hehe
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Phum: I'm gonna ignore every inch of space to stand right beside you. <3
Peem: *bombastic side eye*
Also Peem: *leans into him*
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Khaofang woke up today and chose violence 😭👍🏼
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Let's be honest though, that was not the sibling we'd expected to throw fists.
Meanwhile, Toey: that's my hia Fang 😊
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Isn't that the million dollar question Mick 😭
If they got together already, how would the series run for 16 eps 😭
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Toey with his hias ^ (also Matt edging him on like he's in a competition I'm dying 😭)
Toey with his P'Q:
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However savage Q may be, he still shares the same braincell with his friends 😭👍🏼
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Peem before, when Phum even touched him: LET GO YOU ASSHOLE
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Peem now: *fond, indulging smile* what do you want to do?
*shakes head with a sigh* boys in love ay
The motorcycle 'hold me tightly' trope being reused with a bicycle aka how to make them sit even closer
Peem saying so-so when Phum asks if he looks handsome: Peem, babe, you were the one who called him handsome first remember? 😭
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What secretly. Phum was about as subtle as a football directly hitting your painting (yes I think I'm very funny).
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With all due respect, please get the f out and let my boys be. Please and thank you. :)
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^This is the answer to any question about Pun. 😭👍🏼
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This scene is so, so beautiful. I am absolutely loving how they’re giving friendship/platonic love as much importance as romantic love because yes. I've been waiting for a bl like this forever (or at least since I got into bls hehe-). Bad Buddy and MSP came close, but We Are took the trophy. They love each other so much. Kill for each other? Nah, they'd go together and make that person's life living hell, and that would make my day.
I really really love that they're still so silly with each other in college, and are close to and comfortable enough with each other to be able to be childish and play in the middle of the day, to be each other's safe space.
This friendship is so precious and close to my heart. Even more than the romantic parts of the story, this is what makes me want to watch this series every week to see what new shenanigans they've got up to.
I love them. So much.
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Beer is me, I am Beer.
Smiling at them so softly. Oh, he knows. And he ships. 👍🏼
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This scene was also so beautiful.
They've finally started acknowledging that there's something between them.
I think more than Phum being unable to express himself, he's taking small steps to guage how Peem reacts. He wants them to be on the same page before he takes the next step.
Like with the kiss, he didn't hesitate to talk about it, to tell how much it means to him and then kiss Peem again. But he waited until Peem kissed him first, and till he was sure that Peem wanted to talk about it.
I really like this about him. He's not taking a step back per se, just making sure that when he takes a step forward, he's not leaving Peem one step behind.
Phum explains again and again how Peem is his safe space (his dialogues this time reminding us of Peem's little speech to his own friends and Fang talking about why he likes Tan with Phum), to make sure Peem knows.
It's already been told to us how alone he's been most of his life, so Peem and his ragtag group of friends is very new for him, but it's fun, and it not only brings him closer to Peem but also a friend group - a support system he didn't really have before. Sure, he has Fang, Beer and Mick, and Tan, but it's nothing like this silly little group that puts paint on each other then plays with water and gets almost black out drunk on a regular basis.
Also, did anyone else notice the two matching rainbow coloured jars behind Peem here? No? 👀
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Simp. (affectionate)
I always love these call scenes where one of them somehow travels through his cell phone to land in the other's bed hehe
Peem is so done with Phum and his branded fashion outfits 😭😭
"You were born in Thailand."
Pond and the "I'm Thai" meme 😭
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A bl lead realising he likes someone (his romantic interest) all on his lonesome??
Colour me surprised!
I actually didn't think I'd get to see this happen ever in a Thai bl, but good for him lol
So that's that for this week! If you've gotten this far, thank you so much for reading! 😊
Here, have a bubble tea 🧋
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whenlostinthedarkness · 8 months
Afterglow: Chapter 2 / Part 1 - In My Way
Leader Singer!Reader x Lead Guitarist!Ellie Williams
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Photo by @abbysthighs ; edited by me
Summary: You and the band attend a party after the show, which leaves you social exhausted. Ellie takes note and you both decide to head back to the hotel for some much needed come down time from the surplus of social interaction
Warnings: Social anxiety, Weed smoking, and mentions of reader & Ellie’s past relationship; I believe that is it.
A/N: If you haven't caught on by now, each chapter will be named after a MUNA song that is fitting for the situation. Listen to ' In My Way' here.
Intro | Chapter One |
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A soft towel was thrown around your shoulder by Dina as you and the rest of your bandmates exited from the stage, leaving a crowd still screaming as they begged for yet another encore, even though you'd already given them two on top of the one you did every night of every show.
"Well, they were fucking crazy", Jesse laughed while dabbing his forehead with his own towel.
"Seriously! I think that was the highest energy we've gotten from a crowd so far," Ellie said, mirroring Jesse as she too held the towel against her forehead that was dampened with a few locks of hair.
The thundering crowds noises were quickly dissipating the further your band walked into the back stage area, until you all had finally made it to the large, shared dressing room.
"God, it's fucking hot!," you exclaimed while dramatically fanning yourself as you stood in front of a table top revolving fan that was turned up to high.
"Yes, yes you are," Dina teased as she began undoing her button up shirt, joining the rest of the group that had already started undressing out of their sweaty clothes.
In a flirtatious manor, that you both knew held nothing but friendly intentions, you turned around with your hand on your hip.
"Don't tease me D."
"What if I'm not?"
Both of your coquettish expressions caved into humored ones the minute you made eye contact.
"We've already been down that route in college, no need to revisit it," you joked with a pointed finger as you began undoing your top.
"God, don't remind me. It was like fucking my sister-no offense." You nodded in agreement with Dina as you voiced your mutual feelings about the night both of you had drunkenly hooked up after a party in college.
Thankfully, It wasn't a completely bad experience. It was the reason the both of you had become friends after all. What better way to bond than after a hook up that neither of you felt a romantic connection with, yet still enjoyed the others company.
As Ellie began zipping out of her jeans, she couldn't help but listen in on yours and Dina's conversation and reminisce about that night.
You, Ellie, and an apartment that was much too small for the amount of people that were walking in through the back door.
A local college band was playing in a space that no doubt was originally a living room that had been moved around to arrange a space for the band and others to gather around them.
You held on tight to the back of Ellie's-aka your roommate who you had met just a couple days ago- shirt as you allowed her to guide you through the mass amount of bodies that were somehow fit into this space that couldn't have been more than 1,000 square feet.
As college parties go, you and Ellie ended up talking with cheap beers in hand for awhile as you watched the people around you, until you saw Dina walk in. She was clearly the life of the party, which is what caught your attention in the first place…and she wasn't bad looking either.
Ellie remembered you whispering how hot you thought the dark haired girl, who you would come to know as Dina, was. Urgently, Ellie turned her head to look at you with furrowed eyebrows that begged to ask a question.
"Are you gay?"
Present day Ellie laughed quietly in the dressing room as she recalled you saying "do I look like I'm straight?", in a way that was so deeply offended, you would've thought you had been mistaken for the worst possible human being one could imagine.
Suddenly, there was a feeling of fear and hope spun together in a braided ribbon. Because now that she knew you liked girls, that meant that her immediate attraction to you wasn’t something that she could shove off in a corner. No, now her mind would conjure up all these scenarios and universes where it was you and her tangled up in sheets as your bare skin touched her bare skin, all because it was something that was possible.
Sure, it wasn’t definite and, at that time Ellie had no idea that you had felt this immediate attraction to her as well, but now, it was easier for her to picture herself with you because it wasn’t like the crushes Ellie had on straight girls in the past. This time it was real and raw and vulnerable.
"What so funny?"
Ellie hadn't noticed you, snuck up on her as she changed with her back to the rest of the group.
Quickly she peaked over her shoulder as she continued getting undressed.
"Remember when you were offended that I didn't know you were gay?"
A warm, comforting feeling filled you as you thought back to your very first outing with Ellie.
You nodded, "Yeah! I'm still pissed about it."
Ellie chuckled, "You're dumb."
You didn't reply, merely just watched silently as one by one, Ellie's legs slipped out of the denim, leaving her in plain colored boxer briefs and an undone button down shirt while her back was still to you.
You knew better than to allow your eyes and imagination to linger too long-that was dangerous territory; a been there done that type of territory.
The group continued chatting as each of you finished changing into less dampened clothing.
"You guys going to that party tonight?"
At Jesse's words your eyebrow raised in question, until you recalled the big name popstar's birthday gathering you all had been invited to that was happening tonight. Quietly, you sighed as you finished grabbing all of your personal belongings.
"Not sure. You?"
Jesse 'pst' his lips, "Ah c'mon! You have to come. It'll be a nice way to decompress. We haven't had a night off in ages."
You couldn't disagree. It had indeed been a two week spread of shows every single night...maybe a party wouldn't hurt.
But on the other hand, you knew you dreaded any sort of social gathering that was bound to leave you overstimulated and exhausted by the end of the night.
"I don't know.."
"Babe cmon, you deserve it. I deserve it. We all deserve it! Besides, we can ditch if we're too exhausted or if it's lame or something," Dina said as she turned around, joining the rest of you and your bandmates as you all naturally gathered in the center of the changing room.
You wagered your plan of staying in the hotel in stretchy clothes with takeout in hand and a shitty movie on the tv as you snuggled into the fluffy blankets…but the looks you were getting from your bandmates pretty much prepared an answer for you.
"Fineeee," you dragged your words as Dina took the initiative of leaving as she opened the dressing room door.
"Who knows, maybe you'll get laid."
You shook your head, shoving Dina playfully on the shoulder as you followed behind her. "Shut up slut."
Ellie followed behind you, and Jesse behind her as he chuckled at the usual banter between you and Dina that continued for the entirety of the walk to the black vehicle that was ready to take your band to the party.
You'd been at the party for only an hour before you felt your threshold being pushed to it's farthest limit.
Dina and Jesse had been loved up on the dance floor, shouting the words of a song that was unfamiliar to you as Jesse had both of his arms around his love.
Ellie had caught your eye as she talked with other people throughout the party, always having some sort of whiskey drink in hand as she fidgeted with the small black straw she was swirling around her drink.
You knew how awful Ellie was in conversation, or rather following along with a conversation. Her thoughts always seemed to take over, making it hard for her to be fixed in on the entirety of a conversation as she, instead, resorted to zoning out or fixating herself on some sort of habit like she was right now.
With your back lent against a crisp white wall, you raised your drink to your mouth as you took a sip while still watching Ellie attempt conversation, until her eyes locked with yours.
She knew this version of you too well. The crowds, the socializing, the various amount of different noises all going on at once, none of it was ever your forte.
You quickly averted your gaze downwards into the honey colored drink in your glass, which made you oblivious to the fact that Ellie had already dismissed herself from her conversation and began making strides towards you.
"Over it already?"
Her familiar tone made your eyes glance upwards briefly before bringing them back down to your drink. You shrugged, "You know how I am at these things."
Ellie indeed knew too well. She also knew how much you resented yourself for not being able to handle a party without feeling like shit before, during, and after.
"Wanna head out? I'm kind of over this too." Ellie said as she mimicked your position of back resting against a wall with nearly empty drink in hand.
Your eyes remained low as you talked. "You don't have to leave because of me."
"I'm not," Ellie assured, "you're the one who can't do social gatherings, I'm the one whose bored of superficial small talk with people that I couldn't give less of a fuck about."
At her words, you chuckled, your neck now raising as your tipsy squinted eyes finally made contact with Ellie.
"Promise it's not because you feel sorry for me?"
Ellie's face lit up with a familiar, warm grin as she held up her pinky to swear her promise was true. "Promise."
You wore a lazy, but genuine smile as you extended your own pinky and gently hooked it around Ellie's. "Let's get the fuck out of here then."
The drive back to the hotel was silent except for the easy listening radio the Uber drive had been playing in the vehicle. You were thankful they were playing music that was appropriate for the 3am hour that it was. The last thing you needed was heavy bass to fuel your already slightly aching head.
Both you and Ellie made your way into the hotel once the uber had reached your home for the night. Thankfully, your manager had taken care of check in so your room key was already tucked inside the palm of your hand, leaving the only thing to do was slide your key through the appropriate suite numbers door so you could fall face first into a fluffy, white bed.
Your mind pulsed with the room number as you got closer. '208, 2010, 2011, 2012."
A literal weight seemed to fall off of your body when you mentally read the 4 digit number.
"This is me. What room did you get?"
'Fuck', Ellie thought as she did a double take on the room number that was written on her key card and the room number engraved in a gold plaque on the door you were both stopped in front of.
"Me too. Guess we’re rooming together."
Ellie didn't mean for her words to come out with a grimace expression, but you understood why the second she said it.
Annalise. You'd told her once about not wanting to room with Ellie due to your past with her and it was never a forgotten thing..I guess not until now.
It wasn't that you didn't want to hang out with Ellie. Ellie was your best friend first, ex girlfriend second. Despite the past the both of you shared, you always made it your mission to never let it interfere with one of the strongest friendships you've ever had with a person.
Not rooming together was more of a...preventative measure. You and Ellie had dated for a couple years, obviously you also slept together during that time. Keeping separate sleeping arrangements was just a way to keep certain situations less likely to happen.
Without either of you making eye contact, you slid the card in, then out of the slot in the door as a light flashed green, signaling the release of the lock.
You could feel the very dim way your hands shook as you grasped the metal knob in hand, allowing you and Ellie entry into the spacious suite that, thankfully, had two queen sized beds in it. You couldn’t imagine what would happen if the hotel somehow made a mistake and gave you a suite with a single bed; at least one thing was on yours and Ellie’s side. Though it didn’t make the situation at hand any better.
The tension was thick like a humid august day in Florida.
You and Ellie had taken to silence as you both worked on unpacking the few essentials you had on your person - thank god your team had already managed to put both yours and Ellie's luggages by each of your bedside, leaving not too much work to be done tonight unpacking wise.
Once your shoes had been tucked away in the small closet, your phone charger plugged in with your phone attached to it, and your pajama's in hand, you set off for the bathroom in the still silent hotel room.
A quick shower paired with freely brushed teeth, a clean face, and much more stretchy clothing had you feeling almost fully recovered post show and post social gathering.
As you walked out of the bathroom, you couldn't help but follow the trail of clothing that was sprawled sloppily on the floor and on top of the bed that was Ellie's for tonight.
It was like a mouse hunt as you followed along the fabric and items Ellie had no doubt shoveled out of her bag instead of putting them away neatly - typical for Ellie. She was never the cleanliest of the band members.
The humored smile remained on your face as you walked from the area in the suite that contained the beds, over to the small hallway that led to the living room area.
Ellie was sprawled along the couch with nothing but a table side lamp on as her eyes were glued to her phone while her finger moved along the screen.
Thankfully she hadn't caught wind of your entrance or else she would've seen the way you ran your eyes up from her sock clade feet all the way up to the athletic shorts and hoodie that was branded with your bands logo. She only looked up when you sunk down on the opposite side of the couch she was on.
Startled, Ellie looked up at you, looking as if she had forgotten you were even here, and for a minute she honestly did. Ellies eyes had been zoned in on the text exchange between her and her girlfriend, Cat, since the moment she flopped herself onto the couch in a living room that wasn't hers- this was somewhat of a routine she had subconsciously started doing ever since the tour began.
Your eyes naturally followed along to Ellies screen as curiosity got the best of you, but when you saw the name and photo labeled at the very top of the text exchange, you felt that same god damn feeling. That drop, that warmth, that surge of an energy that was anything but positive.
It was as if Ellie could read your mind as she followed your eye line and quickly locked her phone before setting it on the arm rest of her side of the couch.
Clearing your throat, you tried your best at creating a diversion.
"I see you're still messy as ever." Your eyes remained low as you fiddled with the hem of your sweats that sat on top of your ankle bone.
Ellie smiled, mimicking your lack of contact gaze as her vision zoned out on the grey colored couch cushion.
Her mind began to dump through memories upon memories; when you and Ellie were roommates, you were always complaining about her side of the room, which quickly morphed into the entirety of the room as the floor was filled with various clothes, personal items, etc.
You only genuinely got upset about it once- finals week, freshmen year. You were stressed, Ellie was stressed, thus ensued the first of many fights that the both of you would have over petty things.
But the both of you were grown now and surely you could have a conversation over something like that.
"Shit, I'm sorry." Ellie made the move to get up from the couch until you spoke with a waving hand.
"I'm fucking with you El. You're good," you said with a calmed smile and warm tone.
"You sure? Cause I can-"
You were nodding quickly, having to fight back a large grin and laugh at how quick Ellie was willing to get up and tidy the space. You couldn't help but interrupt her quick thoughts that you could tell were piling up a mile high in her mind.
At the sound of her name, Ellie felt her thoughts fall from their whirlwind as she instead focused her attention on one thing at a time and that one thing was you.
"You're good, I promise."
It was crazy how, just at the confirmation of your words, Ellie was able to calm herself down. There weren't many people in the world who could fully put her mind at ease and allow it to stop the overthinking, but you always could. You held a sense of magic over her.
"Wanna watch a movie or something?"
Though Ellie hadn't agreed yet, the remote control was already tucked in your hand as your thumb pressed down on the appropriate buttons. As if you already knew what a routine of assisting Ellie from an anxiety come down was like, which you did.
"Yeah that sounds good." Ellie's words were straight laced as she recognized her pulse for the first time and just how rapidly it was beating.
"Do you mind if I smoke? I usually do it after shows, but since we don't room together I wasn't sure-"
"Yeah your good." You interrupted, making Ellie let out a breathy laugh as she walked over to her bag that sat on top of her bed.
"What?" You asked with confusion.
"You've interrupted me like five times already." Ellie's tone was anything but malicious which assured you that she wasn't upset with your bad habit, but that didn't make you feel any less ashamed either.
"I'm soooorry," you dragged out, the sound of rummaging in the background as Ellie grabbed her trusty tin box that contained a single pre roll and her lighter.
"You know I'm fucking with you." Ellie made her way back to the living room area as she scouted out a source for proper ventilation to ensure the smell of the potent greenery wouldn't cloud up the room or the entire floor.
Thankfully the suite was equipped with massive windows that looked as if they were from the 1920’s. Adorned with different variations of swirls and florals that made the layer of cream colored paint anything but some plain colored windowsill.
Using two of her hands, Ellie grasped the bottom of the window and pulled it upwards as far as the rusted parts would allow. As if out of some sort of rom com, Ellie took a seat on the windowsill as she flicked the lighter with her thumb until it lit a small flame.
At the noise of the lighter, you turned your attention to Ellie just as the flame caught the tip of her joint- a line of smoke streamed from the now charred stuffed rolling paper. You watched Ellie’s chest as she deeply inhaled with her eyes closed, the end of the 'j' searing red as she did so, and held the smoke in her mouth for a few seconds before releasing the breath she was purposefully holding.
Even though Ellie was used to the weed, she never failed to let out a string of coughs after a deep inhale. After her second cough, you turned your body fully around to find Ellie with her mouth tucked into the crevice of her elbow as her body tried to rid itself of the irritant in her throat.
“Water?”, you questioned, to which Ellie nodded as she continued to blow out on last cough until you were standing in front of her with your steel water bottle in hand.
The way Ellie’s mouth wrapped around the tip of the bottle made your pupils dilate as you watched her gulp down several sips of water. She muttered a “Thanks” while handing the water bottle back to you while you scolded your mind for reminiscing on exactly what Ellie’s mouth could do in certain situations.
Once her throat had been cleared enough times for the saliva in her throat to break up, she leant her back against the window frame again, relaxing as the high in her mind began to build.
“Wanna hit?”, Ellie said with hooded eyes as she looked up at your standing form.
The fact that you had to stop and ponder your answer made you cringe. You were a far off version of who you once were only a year ago. Now, you got up early in the morning and did yoga just after you made yourself a hot cup of decaf coffee because, for some god awful reason, you needed a change and that change happened to be weening yourself off of caffeine.
It was funny how well you were convincing yourself and others that you were better and striding along nicely on the path of self love and content while being by yourself. What others didn't know is that you had never felt more lonely in your life. Even after Ellie and your's breakup nearly 4 years ago, you had never felt this bottomless pit that you only had to deal with once off that stage.
Maybe thats why you felt so addicted to performing. Maybe thats why you were the only one who didn’t complain when you saw how many shoes you would be putting on this tour. It took your mind off of reality..it was your drug.
"Sure," you answered Ellie as she reached her nearly limp hand out to you with a relaxed grin on her face.
The moment the joint was held between your pointer finger & thumb, it felt instinctual, despite a year or so without the substance.
As the smoke sucked down your throat, you could already feel your head beginning to float.
"Nice, right?"
You nodded, as you passed the joint back to Ellie just before taking a sip out of your water bottle that moments ago had been pressed against Ellie's mouth. You could still taste the vague cherry chapstick flavor of her lip balm. “I haven't smoked in fucking ages."
Ellie nodded as she took another big hit that made her shoulders slump even more against the window as she delved into a state of relaxation. "This shit is the only thing that calms me down after shows now."
With a nod, Ellie's eyes scanned you as if she were searching. For what? You didn't know and neither did she, but yet she allowed her eyes to linger until she landed on your arm. "How's the tattoo healing?"
Your eyes pulled down to your arm, but not without feeling a lag in motion due to the weed in your system. The amount of at ease you felt was something you hadn't felt in years. You couldn't help but question why the fuck you stopped smoking in the first place, until you came back to that self love journey, bullshit, blah, blah, blah.
"Tattoo is good. The shading on it is soo beautiful”, you dragged along your words more than usual as you prepared for your last statement that would inevitably bring her up. "Your girl is good."
At the mention of her girlfriend, Ellie felt comfort in her smile. "Yeah, she's great”, she answered honestly.
You knew her words held double meanings-yes, Ellie's girlfriend was a great tattoo artists, but you knew her and Ellie were good for each other, at least from your view it seemed that way.
"You seeing anyone lately?"
The hairs on your arms began to raise at Ellie's question. It seemed that anytime relationships or partners, whether romantic or sexual, were brought up..it always felt awkward to you. But maybe that was because you were just being you, and Ellie was matured past the college relationship you and her shared.
Not that you weren't stuck on the relationship itself entirely. You were more so stuck on the feeling of being loved like that and loving that person in return just as much. You craved it, yet no one ever scratched that itch for you after Ellie.
"Nah..I'm good," you lied through your teeth, but Ellie saw right through your faux satisfaction.
"C'mon, it's been, what? A couples years since your last relationship?"
Ellie hadn't intentionally meant to strike that nerve when the words left her lips, yet she could tell she managed to do just that according to the look on your face.
"Fuck, 'm sorry. Didn't mean to bring that up..I forgot that your last relationship was us."
You felt the urge to spit in Ellie's face out of pure spite that was bubbling inside you even though you knew she meant zero malice with her words. Deep breaths consumed your chest as you repeated a mantra to yourself: You were the one who had the problem. Not her. You were the one who had the problem. Not her.
"Yeah...it's been awhile," You chose to ignore the subject as best you could, yet it felt so damn difficult when your last relationship was sitting right in front of you, looking beautiful as a joint hung from her lips.
Ellie breathed the smoke through her gritted teeth before snubbing the end of the joint on the brick that sat on the outside walls of the hotel just outside of the open window she was relaxed against.
"So you really don't want to see any one?"
"Can we talk about something else," you huffed out with aggravation, taking Ellie by surprise, making her eyes fill with sorrow.
"Don't be...", you trailed off for a moment as you took another drink out of your water simply just to give yourself something to do that wasn't sitting in silence. "I'm just sick of people asking me about it,” you shrugged. “Sorry to get pissy with you."
Ellie nodded her head as silence built between the both of you.
The longer you both sat in silence, the higher and higher Ellie felt as her eyes began to alter her perception, her brain began to cloud her judgement, and her filter on her words grew thinner and thinner.
"Do you ever think about us?”, Ellie said with a head tilted backwards and her eyes staring up at the ceiling.
Meanwhile, your lips hesitated as they forgot how to move in time with your tongue. You were finding speaking to me exceptionally difficult when it was a question like that from a person who used to be your everything.
Part 2 coming soon
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stormyweaver · 4 months
Computer Virus - Vo/x, Ha/zbin Ho/tel
I couldn't not post this eventually. Been rattling around in my drafts for a while so I figured it was time it see's more than just the light of a few people's gazes. Also idk great details about computers/television besides google so uh, yeah lol. (Contains illness and minor mentions of mess) Summary: Vo/x is reminded why he never lets his co-workers use his private tech. AKA Vale/ntino you asshole.
“Fug’ck’s sake…”
Vox swallowed hard - then immediately wished he hadn’t. The action brought a pronounced, throbbing ache along the swollen, tender flesh of his throat. What had started as a barely there tickle and a slight stiffness in his joints steadily morphed into a definite virus - one that decided to bring family and friends, because it felt like his entire being was bogged down with congestion, discomfort and malaise. 
In short: It fucking sucked, and he could only blame fucking Valentino.
Every time the asshole had an issue with his laptop, he always, always used Vox’s personal one - seriously, he was gonna need to triple encrypt it at this point to keep him out - and managed to download a fucking nasty malware via some kind of porn site. By the time Vox had connected his own system to the device, it was already too late, and by the time he’d found the source, it had already been transferred to him. Part of him couldn’t be pissed at Valentino. Like, truly couldn’t. Valentino would just start cussing him out; How should I know what the fuck a computer virus looks like? What the hell is malware, anyway? On and on and on, until finally Vox would grow weary and just ban him from using any of his devices EVER again. 
A sigh ghosted past Vox’s lips, followed by a sniffle - the sound so thick, sodden and heavy that it nearly had his skin crawling. To know that he didn’t even have a nose, let alone sinuses to get swollen and yet he felt so unbearably full to the brim with congestion… It was disgusting.
He almost wanted to sneeze, if to have a brief moment where his head didn’t feel so full to bursting. Almost.
Maybe if he could call it one-and-done, but nooo. He could never sneeze just once. They came in bursts, itchy expulsions that seemed to tumble out on top of each other, so damned excited to finally be let loose. And they left Vox panting, sniveling and mortified as he tried to mop the fluid that seeped from his vents and lips. Fuck, it was so gross.
Groaning, he shifted onto his side and tugged the duvet tighter over his shoulders - he hadn’t left bed for a good few hours but fuck it. The day was a wash the moment he’d slept through his alarm. Velvette and Valentino (the virus-peddling-moth-fucker) could manage without him for one damn day. His eyes were close to shutting completely, once again allowing the haze of sleep to take over - until he felt it. Just there, right behind his eyes; an inkling of prickling irritation. He whined, squinting and uselessly screwing his expression up as though he did have a nose to wriggle and twitch. Please, just let me sleep for a minute…
As if infuriated at the mere idea that Vox wouldn’t allow himself the pleasure of sneezing, the sensation all but exploded, and a sharp hitch flew past his lips. “Fuhhhck m’be, plhhheease…!” Okay, maybe that was a little weird to be gasping out in bed - alone but, he simply didn’t care. In the moment, all Vox could do was gasp and sputter, a few more lewd-leaning sounds spilling past trembling lips before the television demon’s system couldn’t stand to have the intense irritation linger a moment longer. “heh’IISSCHHH’HIEW!” 
The first sneeze always managed to take him by surprise, if nothing else than because he was still stunned he could even sneeze so hard without a fucking nose. He cringed, feeling the pillowcase beneath his head grow a bit damp - ughhh, fucking gross - but he had all of two seconds to dwell on the mess factor before a shiver rippled down his spine. “hHHZZSCHH’hiew! hHHZZ’NGSHHh! Hehh!! Ehhh’IZZSCHH’OOoo! Unnghh… fu’huuugck…”
A pitiful whine trailed after the last exhausting sneeze. It felt like someone had just sucked whatever was left of his damned soul out of his ailing body. And the congestion somehow seemed worse, sluggishly dripping onto his already soiled pillowcase. It plugged his ears and made his head spin even while laying down. 
Despite how Vox wanted to immediately throw himself into the pits of hell itself, he settled on nuzzling deeper into his covers and tugging the comforter forcefully over his head. 
Fuck a day off. At this rate, the other Vee’s were lucky if they managed to get him back in a week.
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nolita-fairytale · 10 months
burn your life down: the director's cut, or rather, fun facts about this story now that it's over
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luca's last name in my fic is davies, and formally davies-bernardi. bernardi in italian means 'strong as a bear' which, was truly a perfect coincidence that i originally thought it sounded good hyphenated with davies. it felt like the perfect little nugget to drop in here.
this one kind of took on a life of its own. I thought maybe a headcanon or a few chapters, then 46.5k words later... before writing a fic, i always like to map out where i'm going, because it helps me zero in on what story i want to tell. as someone (and who hasn't, truly) who has plenty of abandoned fics, i like to get clear on what story it is i want to tell before beginning to write so that i know it's a fic worth writing for me. no, i don't think finishing a fic should be a marker of success, but where i'm at right now, it feels like the best way for me to see if i have a story to tell or not.
speaking of stories to tell, the reason i wanted to have our main character divorced was because i wanted to try something different. i wondered how i could differentiate this mc (while keeping the reader neutral so you could picture yourselves in it if you wanted to) from others that i have written / will write in the future. the divorce and growing apart is actually kind of inspired by my previous upstairs neighbor who i met a year after his divorce. i wanted to imagine what the inner world of someone who had experienced a divorce that wasn't messy, but its relationship had just run its course and i the end, left two people who weren't sure who they were and how to talk to each other anymore would be like.
music and playlisting really helps me envision and feel into the world that I’m building. I ask myself questions like: what does their love sound like? what does this relationship shound like? how do i want the world i'm building feel, and how do i convey that in sound? and then of course, what songs could underscore certain moments of this chapter? listening to the playlist i create as i go really helps me get into character aka enter the world of the story when i'm sitting down the write.
so many of my fics and interactions are based on my own real life experiences, which is why they often feel so human and so real. i weave in little details like conversations i've had, a person i reminded of. i often write dialogue after i've imagined the scene in my head down to the cadence of how characters speak to one another to make sure it feels grounded.
speaking of, we've got to talk about the food in this fic, something that you all complimented me on at the very beginning! it was important for me to have the food feel deeply personal to reader, and be an expression of her identity through the years. yes, i wrote it with an mc with asian heritage in mind. however, i wanted to make space, again, for you to picture yourself in this fic, which is why mc's ex and family were written with japanese heritage.
a lot of the dishes were inspired by dishes i've had that were similar to what i think her culinary pov would be, and a lot of it is the way that i cook as well. i am not a chef by any means, but i am AM a home cook who occasionally does pop ups who very recently discovered my own culinary pov. food for me is something that not only helps me express myself, but has helped me connect to parts of my own identity. in so many ways, as someone who describes themselves as a cultural melting pot, food helps me feel closer to myself; it helps me find and define, and express who i am.
the culture of food and the role it plays in allowing us to connect was really important for me to weave into this story as well.
for the mikkelson twins, i pictured timothee and pauline chalamet as jesper and mathilde.
for the kimuras: rina sawayama would play astrid, darren barnet would play joe, and gia kim would play lina.
let's talk about luca's character development: so many things were so will poulter-coded/borrowed for will poulter, which felt right to do considering he wove his own life into the luca's tattoos. examples? the nike book, the kendrick lamar on the playlist, how much internal work the man has done on himself.
in the end, I initially had mc have a way bigger freak out than she did -- that it would be her final: holy shit am i ready to be loved moment, but as i wrote it, it ended up being luca who brought up the main conflict. it just ended up going in a different direction and didn't feel right to go with my original plan, because she felt so in their relationship already that i pivoted.
i watched a lot of travel and lifestyle copenhagen vlogs because i'm obsessed with youtube.
after season 2 of the bear, i wanted to explore what positive relationships with mothers could look like in these characters. that's why mothers (and single mothers) are the superheroes of this fic.
i knew i wanted this fic to be about these things: second love, loss, trusting the beginning that comes after the end, inspiration, following your heart, and mothers. these are the guiding principles that i used when writing, knowing that these were the pillars i wanted this story to be about.
looking forward: i am working on two oneshots that will live in this world, one about marcus visiting again -- an eat, pray, love for him of sorts -- that's about mothers and loss and life. the other one is a fun, sexy little smutshot that will hardlaunch their (she and luca's) restaurant so keep an eye out for those. truthfully, i've only just started workshopping the marcus one and am prioritizing finishing my carmy fic first.
opening myself up for q&a! feel free to ask any questions about this fic or my writing process in the comments.
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zepskies · 1 year
Never Say Goodbye - Bonus Track #1
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Pairing: Dean W. x Female Reader 
Summary: The first time you and Dean sensed each other’s thoughts and feelings, you were just kids. It would take years to realize that you both were bonded for life, and even longer to finally meet. [Soulmate AU] (18+)
AN: The "Bonus Tracks" have arrived! AKA: Sequels to “Never Say Goodbye.”
I have two parts in the wings for you, but let's start with Part 1...
Word Count: 4,500 Tags/Warnings: Angst, supernatural shenanigans, death, cavity-inducing fluff (all to come through Parts 1 & 2)
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Bonus Track #1: Disturbing the Peace
Dean walked into the bullpen of the Sioux Falls Police Department with a file in hand.
He went into one of the holding cells, where his latest perp was waiting for him with a salty attitude and an untouched paper cup filled with water.
“Jessie Deluca. Thirteen years old, already with two priors for petty theft,” Dean read off the file.
“Wasn’t me,” the kid said coolly.
Dean flashed Jessie a wry smile and sat across from him at the table.
“Sticking gum in the camera lens is creative, I’ll admit. But the nice old man who owns the 7-Eleven recognized your jacket,” Dean said, gesturing at the kid’s dark red hoodie. “Maybe next time don’t dress like a fire hydrant.”
“Plenty of people could have this jacket. Not like it’s Prada or anything,” said Jessie. He was stubborn, crossing his arms in the way only punk-ass kids could accomplish. “Besides, you’re not allowed to question me without my mom here, dipshit. I’m guessing you’ve been a cop for all of what, five minutes?” 
Dean’s expression flattened into a more wan smile. “Oh, your mom’s on the way. We’re just chattin’.”
“Well I don’t feel like talking to a dumbass plebe,” Jessie quipped, with all due snark.
“All right, kid, listen the hell up,” Dean said more sharply. His gaze tightened with sternness. He glanced behind him, where he suspected your father Jack was watching. Dean was often partnered up with Jody, but she was out sick today. Which meant he had “the hawk” watching his every move.  
Dean leveled the kid with a look.
“Fact is, you’ve got three strikes here, Jessie,” he said. “Now, you were dumb enough to go in with a gun. And we will find where you stashed it.”
Jessie snorted in response.
“…But you’re lucky,” Dean said. “No one got hurt this time. Problem is, at the rate we’re going here, you’re not gonna make it to next time.”
Jessie seemed to pause at that. But after a moment of indecision, he leaned forward on his crossed arms on the table.
“What part of ‘you can’t talk to me’s not getting through your thick head, Hasselhoff?”
Dean frowned, but before he could lose his temper, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He looked down and realized you were texting him.
Hey, sorry I’m going to be late tonight, you said.
Dean raised a finger at the kid. “I’ll be back.”
Jessie gave him a whatever look. Dean waited until his back was turned to roll his eyes. He exited the holding cell and found Jack on the other side.
“Kid’s a piece of work,” Dean said.
“Remind you of anybody?” Jack asked slyly.
Dean scoffed. “Maybe. I’ll be back, but let me know if his mom shows up.”
Jack nodded, and it gave Dean leave to get back to his desk and call you back. It took you so long to answer that he thought you almost wouldn’t.
“Hey, baby,” you greeted. It brought a small smile to his face.
“Hey. How’s work goin’?”
“It’s ridiculous. Jerry wants fifty new books logged and shelved by the end of the day. And we’re getting a new shipment in tomorrow,” you replied. “…Well, they’re not new. They’re ancient. Transferred from a museum that closed in Boise. But you get the idea.”
Dean’s smile threatened to grow, but it faded when he remembered why he needed to check in on you.
“Is that why you’re getting in late again tonight?” he asked.
“No, I promised I’d help Jason with his applications for grad school,” you said, making Dean frown.
“Who the hell is Jason?”
“Remember? Mrs. Jenkins’ grandson?”
Dean’s frown deepened. “No, that guy? Come on. You already helped him with, uh, cleaning out his grandma’s apartment, right?”
“Yeah, because she died, Dean.”
“Then it was cleaning out his apartment.”
“So he could move into her apartment,” you pointed out. “That he inherited upon her death.”
“And now you’re gonna go over there and share a screen all night?” Dean didn’t like that thought. Not one bit. “I don’t trust him, babe. He’s shifty.”
“Dean,” you tried patiently. “We practically grew up in the neighborhood together. I’m just helping him out because he’s gone through a rough time.”
Dean quieted. He still wasn’t totally on board, but he didn’t want to sound like a needy bitch either.
“All right, whatever,” he said.
“Don’t ‘whatever’ me,” you cajoled. “I’ll see you later tonight.”
“Right.” Perhaps he was a bit grumpy, but he felt justified. Due to both of your schedules, he hadn’t even shared a meal with you all week.
“Okay, I have to get back to work. Bye!” you said, hanging up shortly after. Dean didn’t have a chance to reply.
He sighed, pocketing his cell.
He returned to Jessie, where he noticed the water cup was now drained.
“Having fun?” he asked the kid.
“About as fun as you look right now. What, fight with your girlfriend?” Jessie sassed.
Dean gave him a flat look.
Jessie smirked. “Ah, definitely a fight.”
Dean sighed. “Wasn’t fight, just…you know what, mind your business.”
He discreetly checked his phone again, seeing if you’d sent him any other messages. But the kid had sharp eyes. He peered over the table at Dean’s background.
It was one he’d taken on his first date with you. Really, he’d surprised you with the picture when you two got to the restaurant.
You were trying to fix your hair after the wind had mussed it up. But at the angle he took it, you looked equal parts adorably confused, playfully amused, and sexy in your black suede dress and wind-swept hair. 
“She’s hot,” Jessie nodded.
“Shut up,” Dean said, locking and pocketing his phone. “What’re you, like twelve? And still stealing Twix at the gas station? Do better, dude.”
“Too hot for you, even,” the kid continued, as if Dean hadn’t spoken. “Probably downloading another guy’s hard drive, if you know what I mean.”
“All right, smartass. That’s enough,” Dean said, with a more irritated frown.
That was when Jack came into the holding cell, escorting a woman inside.
“Jessie’s mother, Ms. Sandy Deluca,” Jack said.
“Just Sandy, please. You don’t have to remind me about the deadbeat I married,” she said, giving Dean a cursory (but appreciative) once-over. He gave her a thin smile.
He had to assume she was in her forties, but she also looked rough, and smelled like the crusty bowels of a bar.
“And you. What the fuck’re you doin’, huh?” Sandy bat her son across the back of her son’s head. Jessie flinched and withdrew inside, more like the child he actually was.
Dean noted all of this, sharing a subtle frown with Jack. Both men sat down across from mother and son and explained that Jessie was suspected of robbing a 7-Eleven at gun point. The owner saw him take off. And at some point, before Dean caught him, the kid managed to toss his gun.
“It’s only a matter of time before we find it. And if the prints match, that’s it,” Jack said. “Jessie gets booked for a felony charge.”
“He ain’t did it though. You don’t even have him on tape,” Sandy said. “All you got is one senile old man.”
She had a point, but not one Jack or Dean were willing to concede.
“If he admits what he did, we can work with him,” said Jack. “Maybe the felony charge gets dropped down to petty theft, and he probably only does a short stint in juvenile detention.” 
Dean stared at Jessie, his thin, boyish face, his sandy brown hair, and shuttered eyes. And maybe Dean saw a bit too much of himself.
He tapped Jack’s elbow beneath the table, earning the man’s attention.
“Well, we’ll let you think on it for a few minutes,” Jack said. He got up along with Dean and headed outside the cell. They were able to look in through the one-way window.
“What’s the matter, Dean?” Jack asked.
“We can’t hold him. Not for long, unless the gun shows up,” Dean pointed out. “He stole, what, thirty bucks in bread, cans of tuna, three Twix bars? He’s a punk, but he’s not a killer. He’s just hungry.”
Jack considered this with a sigh through his nose.
“Yeah. But it’s his third strike on theft. This time he took a piece. Armed robbery, even for a kid…that’s gonna require jail time,” he said.
“Okay, how about this. Why don’t we let him go for now, hook him again when we find the gun?” Dean suggested.
“And maybe we don’t look too hard for it. That what you’re trying to tell me?” Jack asked.
Dean just held the other man’s gaze, leaving the decision up to him. But Jack had come to know his future son-in-law too well for that.
He sighed again. “All right, we’ll let him go. For now. But this is his last chance.”
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Dean called his brother on the way home from work, tired, but ultimately in a better mood than he had been after talking to you.
“Hey, Dean.”
“Hey, Sammy. How’s the Big Apple?”
“Musty,” Sam said with a chuckle. “But good. Eileen and I are headed to a Broadway show tonight, to celebrate the end of semester.”
Dean smiled at that. Trust Sam to find his soulmate in a subway station. And trust the universe to land his brother with another hunter.
Or a huntress, as Dean had teased him. A banshee had killed her parents when she was a baby, and had rendered her deaf in the process. A hunter had raised her, and Eileen had continued the family business into adulthood, all the while looking for the creature that had killed her parents.
When she met Sam, however, he of course wanted to help her. He even took a week off school once they tracked the banshee to Lebanon, and helped her kill the thing himself. Now though, Sam had been subtly trying to convince her to retire from the hunting life. To build a life with him.
But, as always with hunters, Eileen seemed wary of fully committing to leave the life she’d always known.
Dean could understand that.
“That’s right! My smart-ass brother got all A’s in lawyer school,” he said. “I should get one of those bumper stickers.”
Sam scoffed. “Right, like you’d tape up the Impala like that.”
Dean grinned. “Anyway, end of semester, huh? That mean you’re coming back home soon?”
“Not this weekend, but the week after. Just in time to help you guys prep for the wedding,” said Sam. “It’s like, what, three weeks out?”
“And counting,” Dean replied. He couldn’t believe it was getting this close either.
“Eileen and I’ll stay with Bobby though. We don’t want to crowd your apartment,” Sam said. “How’s everything going, by the way? How is she?”
Dean huffed. “She’s probably just fine.”
“Probably?” Sam noted. “What’s going on?”
Dean was reluctant to talk about it, but his brother knew him too well to just let it go. He prodded until Dean had no choice but to spill it.
“The wedding’s just got her all over the place. Plus her job’s got her working evening shifts half the week sometimes,” Dean said. “And when she’s not doing that, she’s volunteering herself all over the damn neighborhood…”
Dean chuckled dryly then, realizing how much he sounded like a needy chick right now.
“I don’t know,” he said. “God, I sound like a freakin’ sap.”
“No. It sounds like you miss her,” Sam said.
“Hmm,” Dean nodded. He popped a frozen dinner into the microwave and watched it spin. “Yeah, probably.”
A lot, a voice in his mind corrected. He knew he didn’t have to say it for Sam to get the picture.
“Just tell her how you feel, man,” Sam said. “You know for a fact that there’s nothing she wouldn’t do for you.”
Sharing and caring had never been Dean’s strong suit, by any means, but he knew his brother might have a point this time.
So he waited up for you. For hours.
He started to fall asleep on the couch before he realized what time it was, creeping past midnight. He texted you, called you. It all went unanswered. Dean started worrying long before then, but he tried not to let his mind jump to conclusions.
He cleaned the kitchen and waited. He tried watching the next couple of episodes in season three of Game of Thrones, your favorite show, but couldn’t concentrate on the storylines. He usually had you to explain the complicated plot points and remind him of who’s who. 
So he switched over to Dr. Sexy M.D., which you’d tried not to judge him for. 
But finally, around 1:00 a.m. on a weekday, Dean felt your presence before you pull into the driveway. He was sitting on the couch, and he crossed his arms when you walked in. 
Still, you gave a tired smile when you saw him. “Hey, baby.”
“Hey,” he responded, but you knew immediately that he was off. You saw the tight look on his face, his tense demeanor. You even caught a glimpse of his emotions before he cut you off…which in itself was a tell that he wasn’t in a good mood.
You frowned and set your purse and work bag next to him on the couch. 
“What’s the matter?” you asked. Dean raised both brows at you, as if he was annoyed that you had to ask. It wasn’t like you could read his mind. 
Well, you could, if he hadn’t closed himself off.
“Where the hell have you been?” he asked. 
Your brows knitted at his tone. 
“You know where I was,” you said. “I was helping Jason—”
“You’ve been with that guy at his house all night?”
You tried to give him a patient look, but you were bone tired. And you hadn’t expected to get the third degree from the minute you stepped through the door.
“Dean, I told you. We were working on his applications to grad school, mostly on his entrance essays.”
“And that really took all night, with no breaks?” he asked. Now with a more suspicious brow raise.
“Of course,” you replied, crossing your arms. “I mean, we stopped to eat dinner.”
But then you raised a finger as something occurred to you.
“And oh! He showed me his new motorcycle,” you said, with excitement that he didn’t share. “Dean, you’d freakin’ love it. I can’t remember what model he said it was, but I told him, ‘My fiancée’s a major gear head. He’d love to get a motorcycle.’ But I’d literally die if you made me get on one of those things—”
“So, correct me if I’m wrong,” Dean said, interrupting you as he got up from the couch to stand across from you.
“You spent all night at some guy’s house. You had dinner with him, and he tried to impress you with his new goddamn motorcycle?”
You considered what he was suggesting, and you had to suppress a grimace. Yeah, it did sound bad, but it really wasn’t.
“It wasn’t like that at all, Dean,” you said. “Jason’s just…he’s feeling a bit lost. He wants to continue school, but he’s not sure if he can do it. His grandma practically raised him, and it’s a whole thing—”
“That’s not your damn problem!” Dean said, raising his voice. “You realize that, right?”
You crossed your arms, leveling him with a frown.
“Okay, you need to take that way down,” you warned him.
Dean took a beat, briefly closing his eyes as he reigned himself in.
“I’m sorry, all right,” he said. And he drew a hand over his tired face. “It’s just…lately, for the past few months, it seems like you’re never here. We’re like ships passing in the night. And if I didn’t check in, I’d never fucking hear from you.”
You sighed, staring back at your fiancée with both hot guilt and a prickle of resentment.
“So, do you like how it feels?” you asked.
Dean sharpened. “Excuse me?”
“I’m just saying, welcome to my world, Dean,” you said. “I lived that existence for the first two years of our relationship.”
He couldn’t exactly refute that, but it still hurt to be reminded of what he put you through.
“What, are you doing this on purpose or something?” he asked. “You’re punishing me. Is that it?”
You relented then, reaching for his arm.
“Of course not, Dean,” you said. “I just find it ironic that you can’t handle just a taste of what I went through.”
Dean’s lips pursed.
“Until I finish training our new hires, there isn’t much I can do about what my job demands of me,” you said. “But if you want to help me, how about everything I’m doing to plan this wedding? It’s literally a month away, and there’s plenty to do. I feel like I’m going insane with these vendors calling me 24/7, mostly demanding money.”
You covered your face with your hands for a moment, shaking your head.
“Tomorrow I have my final fitting for the dress, after work,” you said. “This weekend I have to finalize the seating chart, make the final deposit on the venue, and a shit-ton of other things.”
“Okay, well I can help with that,” Dean said, trying to take your hand. “All you need to do is ask.”
You gave him a peeved look.
“You see, I would. But the last time I tried, you said you were working late,” you said. “I called my dad to see where you were. Come to find out, you’d left early.”
Shit, Dean thought. 
“When was that?” he asked.
“Last week, Thursday,” you jogged his memory. 
Shit, he thought again. 
What you didn’t know was that he left early that day to pick up your wedding ring, which he’d had customized for you. But he couldn’t tell you that without giving away the surprise.
“Listen, there’s an explanation for that.”
“Well right now, I don’t feel like hearing it,” you said. You slipped your hand out of his and left him to beeline for the shower.
Dean watched you go, silently simmering. Was this what he had to look forward to when you two actually got married?
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You and Dean didn’t even look at one another as you got ready for bed in silence.
You were annoyed that he didn’t trust you. A bit resentful that he chose now to complain about you being busy, when you’d tried so many times to get him to help you with the wedding planning process.
But at the same time, as you two climbed into bed without uttering so much as a word, it felt like you won the battle, but lost the war.
And you didn’t feel any better when you woke up the next morning.
Because when you saw the empty side of the bed next to you, but didn’t hear Dean puttering around the apartment, you realized that he’d left for work without saying goodbye.
He usually greeted you with a kiss on the cheek or the forehead; the best alarm you’d ever had. But today, you were forced to wake with your alarm. So you turned it off on your phone and dutifully got up to get ready for work.
Your mind was buzzing with too much coffee on the drive over to the museum, and when you arrived, your phone sounded off in your purse. You checked it and found a text from Jason Jenkins.
Hey, thanks for coming over to help yesterday, he said. I think I’ll actually get into grad school now. These essays are top notch thanks to you.
Your lips quirked with a smile. You replied as you walked into the museum, waving hello to your boss, Jerry, as you went.
You’re welcome! you replied. Dean’s words from last night replayed in your mind, so you decided to keep it brief. But then, Jason replied again.
But I also had a good time last night, he said. You’re just so easy to talk to…would you want to come over for dinner? I make a mean carbonara.
You deflated when you read the text. Goddamn it.
And you knew then that Dean might’ve had a point last night. With a sigh, you raised your gaze to the heavens. You didn’t have enough coffee to deal with this.
But you knew you had to reply.
Look, I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression but—
You paused, then deleted that response. You didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but maybe you could say something that made your boundaries clear without making him feel bad about himself.
Sorry, Jason. I’m staying in with my fiancée tonight. But good luck! I’m sure you’ll get into grad school.
With that message sent, you pocketed your phone and continued to your desk in the museum library. It was surrounded by tall shelves of books from all over the world, and you often enjoyed perusing through them when you had down time (not that you had much of that these days).
Jerry came in, wheeling a large shipment of boxes. You gave him a wan smile at the sight.
“Delivery,” he said. “Need these books logged and shelved, please. By end of the day, if you can. Oh, and tell Charlotte we need more toner for the copy machine.”
You playfully saluted your boss. “On it.”
“Thanks,” he said. “I know it’s been a lot for the past few months, but you’re doing great, kid.”
You didn’t appreciate the kid remark, but you did thank him graciously. It was nice to be recognized for your work because you did take pride in it. But right now, as you looked at the ten large boxes piled on the dolly, you really wished you could control + alt + delete this day.
Instead, you sighed and opened the first box, pulling out a stack of heavy books. One of them caught your eye, as it was leather-bound, but bordered with gold, and had hieroglyphic images on the cover. The largest of which was a golden sun, encircling a lion’s head.
You weren’t supposed to touch the books without gloves on, but you were so intrigued that you forgot to slip on a pair before you reached for it in wonder.
The moment you touched the cover, however, a burst of energy swirled around the book—and then wrapped around your hand.
You didn’t realize it, but your mind went hazy as amber rings of magic illuminated your pupils.
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Dean got home from a long day of work, sighing when he saw that the apartment was empty.
He felt bad for how things got left off between the two of you last night, but frankly, he was surprised (and maybe a little hurt) that you didn’t reach out to him at all today.
Usually when you guys argued, you were the first one to reach out to him after you both had time to cool down. You could be stubborn about things, just like him, but you were also quick to forgive. And that often forced him to confront his honest feelings.
When his phone started ringing, Dean paused in the living room and answered it.
“Hi, there! Is this Dean?”
“You got me. Who’s this?” he asked. It was the receptionist at the shop where you found your wedding dress. Apparently, you hadn’t shown up for the appointment of your final fitting, and you hadn’t called to reschedule.
“Well, that’s not like her,” Dean said with a frown. You’d never dropped the ball on anything having to do with the wedding. Not once.
“Let me get ahold of her and we’ll get back to you,” he said. The receptionist agreed, and the moment he hung up with her, he called you. It rang for a while, but ultimately went to voicemail.
A tendril of worry started to grow in his mind, but he tried to keep it at bay when he called your boss next.
According to Jerry, you took your lunch break early and never came back.
Dean’s worry became a living thing after that.
But before he could call Jack and mount a full police squad search, the front door of the apartment unlocked, and you walked through the door.
You looked completely fine in your business casual white blouse, pencil skirt, and heels, but you didn’t have your purse, work bag, or any of the usual things you carried.
Dean hung up with your boss and eyed you in disbelief.
“Well, well. I guess you’re playin’ hookie today,” he remarked dryly.
You gave him a cursory glance, but you all but ignored him on your way to the kitchen. Dean’s incredulousness grew, along with a spark of irritation.
He followed you into the kitchen, where you started rifling through the pantry looking for spices and herbs, of all things. You examined a clear parcel of thyme.
“What are you doing, babe?” Dean asked. “Are you tired? Did you just need to take a beat? Because I can understand that…”
You didn’t seem to be hearing him, so he grasped your hand.
“Hey, what the hell’s going on with you?” he asked. Your brows knitted together in annoyance.
“By the gods, what a nuisance.” You slipped your hand out of his and continued what you’re doing. 
Dean felt struck with hurt as he stared at you once again in disbelief.
But then, a spidey sense began to prickle at the back of his neck. This wasn’t like you at all…
You finally seized him up through impassive eyes.
“Pretty,” you remarked, “but the world of men seems to have remained the same. Needy, clawing, and pathetic.”
Dean’s brows furrowed. He called your name uncertainly, but he realized something.
He couldn’t feel you. Not your thoughts, and not even your emotions through the soul bond. It was a gut instinct, but Dean's was rarely wrong.
Whoever was wearing your face, it wasn’t his girl.
You smirked and stepped toward him, drawing near enough to place a hand on his chest. He tensed, knowing that this wasn’t about to end well. 
With a burst of amber-hued magic, you flung him across the room. 
Dean crash-landed against the couch with a yelp and a grunt. He’d definitely be feeling that in his back later. 
He heard the crashing of glass and ceramics hitting the hardwood floor after he fell. When he was able to slowly pick himself up, he saw that he’d shoved the couch into the coffee table, where a vase and a few frames had fallen.
And when he managed to lift his gaze to the rest of his surroundings, he found an empty apartment. The front door was left ajar.
You were gone… 
Or at least, whoever possessed you was.
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AN: So first of all, sorry for the cliffhanger lol. But Sam's soulmate is revealed! (I was VERY upset when Sam and Eileen didn't get their reunion when Jack brought back everyone after the "snap.")
Like my top note said, this will be two parts. Let me know what you think of Part 1!
Next Time:
Dean searches for you with Sam, Eileen, and Bobby's help. But there's just a few weeks before the wedding.
What could possibly go wrong?
Keep Reading: Bonus Track #2
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ireneaesthetic · 1 year
Pointing out some other little moments and details from the episodes that need to be remembered • part 2/2
here's part 1/2
episode 4
in my top 5 best scenes of them.
it’s pure angst and such a powerful moment, there’s the need to be understood by the other. simon starts the argument - he actively searches for a confrontation - and both of them end up speaking their mind, like they never did before but had to sooner or later.
it’s the reason of wille’s defeated expression in front of simon’s astonished one: he admitted that the crown prince role is the obstacle he's not willing to accept and overcome for the first time, not only to wilhelm - confirming his biggest fear - but also himself.
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edvin once wrote : "that’s wille realizing he’s transformed into the traditional image of a prince. he is lonely, he’s accepted he has to allow simon to love someone else. the worst part for him is that it’s himself who does the makeup".
i couldn't have phrased it better.
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i read a lot about simon’s recurrent behaviour in the locker room, waiting for all the boys to shower before getting in and the "i thought everyone had left" to get out. but he doesn’t make it a problem if wilhelm is the only one left in the room.
or him turning away to not be watched by marcus when he gets dressed, but not if it’s wilhelm the one who’s watching him, cos he feels comfortable and safe enough to do it - and let wille undress him too !!
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the “i get it, you’re not in love with me anymore” is what gets simon to lift his head up in zero time, not lower the gaze again but focus entirely on wille’s words.
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episode 5
wilhelm waving his pencil in the air to catch simon’s attention. they smile at each other right after, it’s a very simple thing but exactly the one they need the most in this moment: to share a look of understanding and reassurance - ‘it’s okay, we’re on the same page’.
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simon’s concerned expression.
it’s the first time he gets to face wille's anxiety for what it truly is, seeing how bad it can mentally and physically affects him.
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for unknown reasons i find comfort knowing both wille and simon happen to touch the frog in the same episode.
+ it’s the closest interaction between simon and erik we can ever get.
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episode 6
when omar said this is the most heartbreaking moment for simon he’s so right.
it is sara, it’s family we’re talking about and there’s no betrayal hurting more than one coming from a person you're supposed to fully trust, unconditionally. he looks at her not recognizing who he thought he knew so well anymore.
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it may be the same 'manifesto' from s1 shown again like a heavy reminder, but there is a very different and grown up wilhelm standing in front of it now.
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him being the only one not looking into the camera but rather down. it really sets the tone for what’s coming.
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throwback to s1 wille, when he folded the written paper of the speech in erik’s memory to continue on his own terms instead.
this is also it: the head shaking, the “nej”, the sudden choice of stopping to speak for others - not what his truth is -, throwing all away and let his heart speak. it’s such a power move.
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he looks back at simon to give him a reassuring smile. it’s the first thing he does when he stops talking and what simon also needed to turn his fear and worry into relief.
simon “i want to be with you and if we have to keep it a secret, then so be it” eriksson and prince “it was me in the video” wilhelm. they love and respect each other this much.
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interpreting this as a ‘i hope you’re proud of me’ look to the sky aka erik? why not.
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+ bonus
boris is proud of him fr. he needs to be praised and s/o to one of the best quotes ever that was the turning point of it all: “we can’t choose who we’re born as, but we can choose how we want to live”.
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guqin-and-flute · 3 months
WIP...Thriday (aka proof I'm not dead and still writing)
An And A-Fu Makes 4 Chpt. 7 exerpt in which A-Fu and Wangji are equally bemused by each other
It turned out that his uncle was actually pretty funny. Not totally, like, ‘haha’ funny, but ‘different from what A-Fu was used to’ funny.  A-Fu had always thought that his face was blank most of the time, but he found out that wasn't true--he smiled and frowned and looked worried and annoyed just like everyone else. His expressions were just super tiny compared to other people, so you had to study his face as hard as school, but A-Fu was getting the hang of it. If he didn’t get something, A-Yuan could usually interperate for him pretty good, ‘cause he was an expert Hanguang-jun interperatator. He knew what all the different tones of ‘A-Yuan’ meant when apparently it was supposed to be a whole sentence that meant ‘time for bed' or ‘too loud’ or ‘not that way’ or ‘did you finish your homework?’ or ‘do you want to play guqin with me?’
Uncle Wangji sorta reminded A-Fu of Gray-Father and how sometimes he looked so serious and scary to other people, but you just had to know what they meant to say on the inside. Except unlike Gray-Father, Uncle Wangji had never laughed in front of A-Fu; but when he and A-Yuan did something silly together, he sometimes had a little bit of Laughing Eyes, just like Blue-Father did. Maybe A-Fu was a gray, blue, and yellow father interperatator? Maybe after staying at the Jingshi, he could become an Uncle Wangji one, too! 
Sometimes his uncle was ‘haha’ funny, usually by accident and usually because he didn’t really get A-Fu--a lot of the things he did seemed to confuse him; like how he liked mud and salamanders and toads, and how he hated wearing socks to bed, and how he got an idea to do things but then didn’t really think about how it might end up and then he fell over or broke something, sometimes. Then, Uncle Wangji would get a little wrinkle, right in between his eyebrows, like he was trying to figure out a hard math problem and his mouth would get all small and he would blink reaaaal slow. Sometimes, he even looked over at A-Yuan like he needed his help as an A-Fu Interpretator--which he kinda was, since he was A-Fu’s bestest friend in the whole entire world and knew him better than anyone.  
Uncle Wangji definitely didn’t get Sneaking-and-Snooping, and when A-Fu actually really did surprise him a couple times, his uncle said all serious that he knew A-Fu was there, he just didn’t expect him to jump out and yell at him and A-Fu said uh-huh sure he did, suuure, and Uncle Wangji would just coolly say ‘good’ that A-Fu was sure--but he would say it like he knew that A-Fu was being sarcasms and was agreeing just to make him annoyed, which it did ‘cause that’s not how sarcasms worked, Uncle Wangji! And his uncle would say, without any hint of a smile, that he would try to remember that, which A-Fu figured was sort of like a joke and it made him laugh. 
One day, when A-Fu got in trouble with his teacher because he had colored his whole tongue black with his paintbrush during class just because, he had been really anxious about when his uncle came to pick them up from school. After talking to the teacher for a bit at the desk, he came over and stood all tall in front of A-Fu. When he looked all the way up at him, he  saw that scrunchy-confused wrinkle on his face but all he said was, “...Why?”
“Uh. I dunno.”
“....” Uncle Wangji said things with his silences best of anyone A-Fu knew, and this silence was like a whole bunch of question marks, like A-Fu was some sort of mystery. When he looked over at A-Yuan, who was waiting patiently by the door with his stuff all packed up, A-Yuan just shook his head and shrugged. 
 Uncle Wangji just looked back at him for another second, then just turned and walked right out the door, hand behind his back, not even waiting.
A-Fu assumed that that meant something like ‘let’s go home, you’re not in trouble, but what the heck’, so he just happily trotted out after him into the sunshine with A-Yuan next to him. He must have been getting better at understanding his uncle’s silences, because all that happened when they got back to the Jingshi was that he was handed a cool, damp cloth from the fancy wash basin in the corner and told, “Do not eat paint.”
He tried to explain around sticking out his tongue and scrubbing, “I wa’n’t ea’ing i’, I wath theeing if I coul’ color i’ all in,” but Uncle Wangji didn’t say anything else about it and just sat down at his table play his guqin.
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wavypotatochips · 1 year
Kylian boyfriend possessive smut
𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞, 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 | 𝐊𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐛𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞 [𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐌𝐔𝐓 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖]
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𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: Kylian Mbappe x Female Reader
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 : In which your boyfriend, Kylian Mbappe, reminds you who you belong to.
Word Count : 1.9K
𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦: Sorry for the long wait!! It always takes me a while to write smut because I don't write smut in public LMFAOO [aka when I am at school] Thank you for requesting and I Hope you like how I represent your idea ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚!!
Site note: final exams have approached so for the next few weeks I may not be able to post as much I'd like too but expect at least once or twice per weekend. It really depends on how much I can do this week because so many requests are smut and it takes me forever to write smut since im still new when it comes to writing it LOLZ (you can still request smut im just saying :3 )
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ I haven't been able to write as much as I usually do because of finals, and I'm now following up on current requests because I'm a little behind. You can make a request, but please keep in mind that it may take me a week or more to respond. mwah mwah love ya! ♥
You and your boyfriend Kylian are at a fancy event, dressed to the nines and enjoying the ambiance. As you make your way through the crowd, you notice a few glances directed your way, but you pay them no mind. Kylian, however, seems to be picking up on the attention and starts to feel a bit uncomfortable. He leans in close to you and whispers in your ear, “I don't like the way those guys are looking at you. You're mine, and I don't want anyone else checking you out."
His possessiveness and jealousy may have been toxic to other people, but you always found it attractive. You say, "Baby, you know I only have eyes for you," as your cheeks grow darker and you put your palm on his chest. He nods in agreement, but that doesn't imply he enjoys seeing other men eyeball you. Your body, including your contours and face, is all his. He is also not the kind of person who takes pleasure in sharing.
As the night progresses, you and Kylian are having a good time together, and he eventually excuses himself to use the restroom. 
While Kylian is away, you spot a male friend of yours, Alex, across the way. You wave and he makes his way over to you.
"Hey Y/N! I didn't know you were going to be here," Alex greets you with a smile.
"Hey Alex! Yeah, Kylian and I decided to come last minute. How about you?"
"I'm here with some friends. You know how it is," he chuckles.
You both continue to chat and laugh, catching up on each other's lives since you last saw each other. However, as Kylian returns, you notice his demeanor change. He walks towards you both with an intense look in his eyes.
"Hey, sorry I took so long," Kylian says as he reaches you. His gaze shifts to Alex, and his tone becomes tense. "Who's this?"
"Oh, this is Alex. He's a friend of mine from college," you reply, hoping to ease Kylian's jealousy.
Kylian's eyes narrow as he looks between you and Alex. "I see," he says curtly. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Alex. But Y/N and I were just leaving."
Alex nods and backs away, sensing the tension. You watch as he disappears into the crowd before turning to face Kylian, who is still looking at you with a dark expression.
"What was that about?" you ask, trying to understand what set him off.  Kylian grabs your hand and begins to drag you outside in the parking lot.
"I don't like the way he was looking at you and I already gave you a warning when we first arrived here so now I feel as if you need a reminder," Kylian replies, his voice low and tight.
You're doing your best to keep up with him, your breath quickening as your heartbeat pounds loudly from anxiety and excitement. "Kylian, we were just catching up. "He's just a friend," you say, attempting to persuade  him.
Kylian's jaw clenches as he opens the passenger door for you, not answering your initial statement. "Get in there and buckle up."
You sigh slightly as you move into the passenger seat and fasten your seat belt. 
Of course, you obey him and remain quiet. You know you're going to be punished when you get home, and even though you don't like getting punished, you can't help but be excited about what's to come.
As you both drive home, he stays quiet, lost in thought. Upon reaching home, he steps out of the car and walks around to your side, opening the door for you in a chivalrous gesture. Gratefully, you take his hand and he guides you inside your shared abode.
He draws you close after stepping inside, wraps his arms around your waist and pressing you firmly against the door. He presses his lips against yours with delicate desire, savoring the intimate moment. You sigh against his lips, and he inserts his fingers deeper into your hips, prompting you to whine. He lowers his hand, lifts your dress, and begins to stroke you through your panties.  He kisses you once on the lips and then starts kissing you all the way down to your neck. He licks and nibbles on your neck as he continues to play with you through your panties. 
"I think you forgot something, Y/N," he murmurs against your skin before raising his head to speak in your ear and slipping your panties to the side, feeling how wet you are already for him, putting two fingers inside you as he continues, "You are mine."  You gasp at the sensation of fast pleasure, gripping the door knob as your leg trembles slightly. 
"I don't remember ever telling you to talk."
He inserts another finger, causing you to gasp loudly and almost collapse if it weren't for his hand remaining wrapped around your waist. Kylian smirks at your reaction, kissing you on the lips one more time before removing himself from you. "Let's go upstairs to the bedroom."
He smiles at you with desire before grabbing you by the waist and tossing you over his shoulder, prompting you to squeal as he rushes to the bedroom.
Once into the bedroom, he places you on the bed and immediately climbs over you. As he lays in between your legs, your legs are forced to open up. You can feel his bulge against your needy cunt even if he's wearing dress pants. "Y/N, can you feel what you've done to me?" He pulls your hair with his hand, forcing you to look up at him and briefly bites his bottom lip, "You look so pretty underneath me right now," he says seductively. He then presses his lips hungrily against yours. You moan against the kiss that has turned on more than you expected, lust and need coursing through your veins as you crave him. As you open your mouth to let his tongue explore inside, his lips feel so good against yours. You want him to devour you, take hold of you.
He breaks away from the kiss, stepping away from you as he rapidly removes his shirt and undoes his pants. You swiftly remove your dress and bra while lying on the bed. You're still wearing your panties and high heels. As you were going to undo your high heels with the tie leg design, Kylian presses you back on your back, now only in his boxers. "No, leave them on." They look good on you." He smirks as he grabs your thighs and pulls your legs open. He licks his lips at the sight of your crimson lace underwear, which barely cover your cunt. “Look at how wet you are for me, Y/N. Your body knows who owns it,” he traces his finger over your abdomen. “Kylian please,” you beg as you look up at him feeling needy. “Please what?,” he questions as he leans over you, pressing his hard bulge against your panties. “Tell me what you want, Y/N. Use your words.”
“ I want you inside of me. Please, fuck me,” you beg. And that was enough to make Kylian snap.
Kylian gets off of you and stands up at the side of the bed. He slips your panties off and raises one of your legs, allowing it to rest on his shoulder. He pulls his boxers down, letting his aching cock to slam up against his belly button. He grabs it and rubs it along your slit, lubricating it with your fluids. "Let me remind you of who you belong to."
He rams himself into you without spending any more time. You exhale a loud gasp, arching your back against his body as he thrusts in and out of you. As he pushes you down onto him, he has one hand on your waist and the other on your leg. He groans as he sees your boobs bounce up and down, his body becoming even more turned on by the pleasurable expressions on your face. "Remember this the next time a guy tries to talk to you," he moans, thrusting harder into you. Because the sensation is so great, you can barely form words or see straight. Your entire body is on fire, and you feel like crying from how fantastic he is making you feel. "Y/N, tell me who owns you….Who does this pretty pussy belong to?" he demands as he pants. Your head is still on cloud nine, and you can hardly hear him as you grip the covers firmly. The only sounds coming from the bedroom are your pleasurable cries, his moans, and the clapping sound of your bodies colliding with the push. “Say it, Y/N. NOW.”  He removes his hand from your hip and moves down to rub your clit as he continues to thrust, your body trembling from the feeling. “Y-YOU Kylian YOU OWN ME! ONLY YOU!,” you cry out making him groan and continue to fasten his pace. 
 Kylians cock fills you up with ease, due to his large nature, and you loved every single feeling of it. You could tell the feeling was mutual due to the way his jaw was clenching and the groans that would occasionally escape his lips. Only after him continuously thrusting inside of you for a few more seconds, did your body begin to tremble harshly- hinting at an orgasm quickly approaching,” Ky-Kylian Im c-close!” You moan loudly as he pushes your leg down and grabs both of your hips,lifting your body from the bed slightly as he continues to pound your cunt. He groans, “I am too,” and you begin to feel his thrust begin to get a bit sloppy.  As he begins to thrust slower, but making sure to go deep each time causing you to cry out. “You are so gorgeous my love, I love hearing you cry for me. Your body is mine,” He begins to quicken his pace, “You are all mine… only mine,” Kylian cues as he throws his head back, groaning loudly. You continue to moan, “Y-Yes Kylian Im all yours! Only yours!,” you continued to spill out words, not even clearly knowing what you are saying at this point from the euphoric feeling. Kylian moves his hips faster causing his thrust to become harder, causing you to scream his name loudly- not being able to give him a warning and beginning to have an intense orgasm. You are gasping as your thighs begin to shake violently, your pussy squeezing tightly against Kylians cock. He winces from the painful, yet pleasurable feeling before groaning loudly and cumming inside of you as well. He thrusts slowly as he feels the cum shoot out of him, “You are such a good girl for me. MY good girl,” he says with grit teeth. You moan from the feeling, your legs continuing to tremble. You love feeling his cock pump all of his cum in you,after all, you are his.
Once Kylian feels as if he is done, he pants heavily and pulls his cock out of you. He watches as his cum with a mixture of yours oozes out of you, feeling turned on once more from the view. “Fuck…..,” he grumbles as he collapses against you.
You just had the best sex with Kylian….. you can't even feel the heels on your feet right now. You don't even mind that his cum is flowing outside of you. You're exhausted, but you can't help but think about next time, you should intentionally get him mad to feel his possessive sex again. 
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tippenfunkaport · 1 year
Bow's Character Arc
There was a discussion on Twitter from people who were confused about Bow’s character arc and whether he had one (he very much does, and it’s actually one of the clearest / most spelled out in the entire show!). To help anyone experiencing that confusion and because it’s never a bad idea to understand how character arcs work if you want to be a writer/storyteller, I might as well break Bow’s character arc down for anyone who might find it helpful.
Buckle in, it's nerd time!
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At the most basic, a character arc is a change (usually growth) a character goes through over the course of a story. Usually good (positive change arc) but sometimes bad (negative change arc). It’s very often a reversal aka the character is often in the exact opposite state by the end of the story than how they start it out. It can be trickier to follow in an ensemble story like SPOP because there are a lot of characters with parallel story lines going on and multiple arcs colliding in different ways, but She-Ra does a really good job of giving each of the four leads arcs (with Catradora as the main leads, Glimbow as the secondary) near equal time.
Yes, including Bow.
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What I think throws people about Bow’s arc is it’s based on hypocrisy.
He encourages his friends to talk it out and share their feelings… while hiding his own feelings from his dads and repressing his frustrations with having to be the middle man between Adora and Glimmer (Season 4)
He declares that average people (such as the kitchen staff at Dryl) don’t need the princesses and are just as capable of fighting the Horde themselves… while he believes himself and his abilities inferior to Princess Entrapta’s
He reminds the others (esp Adora) about the need to accept help… while refusing any help for himself (think about “Don't worry about me. I'm the one who worries about you. Can we go back to that? Please?” in Pulse through to that moment when he agrees to let Glimmer take him to check on his dads in Return to the Fright Zone and literally leans on her)
I think a funny way to sum up his character issue is: Not me, though.
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This arc progresses across all five season as he gradually changes. He starts the series out repressing his feelings from both his family and friends while doubting his abilities and refusing to ask for help (he IS Adora’s mirror, after all!). Over the course of the series he learns to express his feelings instead of bottling them up (The Beacon > Reunion > really all of Season 4 but it comes to head starting with Boys Night Out through Beast Island > Stranded), gains more confidence in his tech skills (The Frozen Forest > Signals > Flutterina > Mer-Mysteries > Corridors), and starts to learn to ask for help (The Beacon > Pulse > Return to the Fright Zone).
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Which of course all culminates in The Heart Parts 1 and 2 where he finally wraps up all threads at once by
a) asking Scorpia to trust him (putting faith in someone else to help)
b) completing Entrapta’s program to unchip everyone (proving he IS as good a scientist as she is)
c) giving the speech to everyone on Etheria rousing the common people to fight Prime (average people can make a difference… which he now fully believes that includes him).
And while you can make the argument that confessing to Glimmer is part of his arc to share his feelings, the fact is that he completes a full character arc without ever behind reduced to just someone’s love interest because none of his character growth is tied to his romantic relationship at all (which was what the original tweet claimed). It's all his inner journey to have faith in himself and his abilities and how they relate to his friends and loved ones.
And thus the guy who starts the series as “only one around here who’s not a princess” with doubt in his tech abilities ends the series as confident Tech Master and future King of the regular people he sought to inspire, which is about as textbook a reversal as you can get.
Does it come out of nowhere?
His character arc progresses and takes significant focus in the following episodes….
S1:E6 System Failure
S1:E10 The Beacon
S2:E1 The Frozen Forest
S2:E3 Signals
S2:E7 Reunion
S4:E3 Flutterina
S4:E4 Pulse
S4:E7 Mer-Mysteries
S4:E8 Boys Night Out
S4:E10 Fractures
S4:E11 Beast Island
S5:E3 Corridors
S5:E4 Stranded
S5:E9 An Ill Wind
S5:E10 Return to the Fright Zone
S5:E12 Heart Part 1
S5:E13 Heart Part 2
That’s 17 episodes out of 52 which means his character development gets approximately 32% of the focus of the entire show… which for an ensemble cast like this where he’s one of four leads is just about dead on as it's over a quarter of the episodes.
That's a significant chunk of screentime with multiple episodes devoted specifically to his character journey.
Is his journey as flashy and action sequence-y as what Adora, Catra and Glimmer get? No, but it's a) a show marketed to girls so it makes sense they get the more cinematic scenes and b) his arc is more emotional and thus didn't need to hinge on big action like theirs did. Though considering the culmination of his arc is him as a 100 foot tall hologram speaking to the entire planet, I personally feel like that was pretty hard to miss.
If you look at all of this and still want to say that Bow did nothing or had no character arc, I think the thing to ask yourself is: why is it so important to you to discount the accomplishments and character growth of this character specifically?
In conclusion, this is the face Bow makes when he spent five season growing, changing and kicking butt as Tech Master and Voice of Reason and you say he did "literally nothing"...
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estrellota · 9 days
RIP Crystal Palace Surname Von Hoverkraft you would have loved History of Man by Maisie Peters.
(to anyone who hasn’t heard the song, I highly recommend giving it a listen and then coming back and buckling up bc I have some Thoughts)
History of Man is a breakup song and also about, to quote Maisie herself, the generations of women “who never got to tell their own story, who had their narrative taken away from them by a man who did not deserve the pen he stole.” Sound familiar?
DBDA is a show about, among other things, the ways toxic masculinity visits harm on those who exist in proximity to it (aka everyone). Crystal puts it best when she tells Edwin and Charles “Well I guess all three of us lost our lives to boys who went too far”.
In The Case of the Two Dead Dragons, Brad and Hunter don’t just hurt Shelby and Maren, they rewrite their stories, turning themselves into victimized heroes and the girls into villains. They do terrible things to Shelby and Maren and then blame the girls for both deserving said things and for reacting/retaliating to them. This mirrors how David treats Crystal.
Throughout the show, when Crystal is (super understandably) angry about David possessing her and stealing her memories, David often retorts that Crystal asked for it/had it coming, as though being a Mean Girl somehow warrants demonic possession and literal identity theft (spoiler alert: it doesn’t). But Crystal feels and expresses a tremendous amount of guilt for having allowed David in anyways.
Now, on to lyric analysis:
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The song begins by establishing that heartbreak (and the people who inflict it, boys who go too far) have existed since the dawn of time. They existed when Jericho (the first city) was founded and when Edwin was sacrificed to Hell and when Charles was pelted by rocks and when Crystal was possessed. The show points out that these stories are mirrors of each other, connecting our beloved detectives through the trauma they’ve endured (yay!).
Regarding Crystal specifically: David burnt the bridge to Crystal’s past, depriving her of what was sacred (herself).
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This is the chorus and it is SO Crystal Coded!!!
As a psychic, Crystal has definitely seen things “in the poems and the sands”. Line 2 reminds me of her conversation with the Washer Woman and her desperate attempt to use something from Tragic Mick’s to get David out of her head. She’s trying so hard to rewrite (recall) her past and rewrite (change) her future. But she can’t.
She begs David for her memories back, but all he wants is her power. She’s in this mess in the first place because she genuinely loved David, and he doesn’t care. Why? It’s the history of man. Men like David (abusers) have always existed, it’s human history. But also, it’s the History of Man. Men like David have always held power, so they’ve gotten to shape the narrative, making the story about them and forcing people like Crystal (women) (and also queer ppl and pocs but for the purposes of this song, women) into the margins.
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Ok so I see verse 2 as Crystal addressing David directly, dragging him for his complete lack of remorse over betraying/using/hurting her.
Samson and Delilah are biblical characters. Samson was this super strong man, and Delilah was his lover who betrayed him by cutting off his hair, thus weakening him. Delilah is generally painted as a treacherous seductress, but here the singer is commiserating with her. I think David would relate himself to Samson in this story. He genuinely believes he has a right to Crystal’s power and blames her for taking it back, making him weaker. When speaking to Crystal, he says things like “how dare you” and asks whether he “gets to be a god again”. But Crystal was right to make David weaker. He should have never gotten his grubby little hands on her power to begin with.
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We’re in the home stretch now — the bridge and final chorus. I’m going to go line by line.
Line 1: This line is such a perfect fit. David stole Crystal’s youth (her time and memories) and promised heaven, trying to convince her that she needed him to save her at several points throughout the story (ex. in the Devlin attic)
Line 2: The Trojan War was a legendary conflict in Greek mythology waged by the Greeks on the city of Troy after Paris of Troy took (stole) Helen from her husband, the king of Sparta. Helen had no say in her kidnapping, and yet she was blamed for the bloody war it sparked. Similarly, Crystal is blamed for her possession and amnesia. David argues repeatedly that she invited him in, that she’s a terrible person, that she belongs to him. But also (and this is no shade to the boys don’t come for me I still love them to death) Edwin especially is super judgmental about it. While the boys quickly accept that Crystal knowing that David was a demon doesn’t make her at fault for what he did to her, I still think that initial perceptual shift is important for narrative and thematic purposes, especially since Crystal’s arc is a metaphor for toxic relationships.
Lines 3-6: Crystal is addressing David again. David is definitely threatened by the power Crystal wields, but for most of the narrative, she’s haunted by him. She hates him, but she can’t get him out of her head. He’s her great obsession.
Finally, I want to focus on the last two lines of the song, “So you'll lose me, the best you'll ever have / It's the history, the history of man”.
Because the conclusion of this story — and this is the most important part — is that Crystal wins. She gets her powers back, she gets her self back, and she buries David. In the end, David loses Crystal, the best he’ll ever have. All three of our detectives — Edwin, Charles, and Crystal — win because they get out, they escape, they break the cycle. In real life, winning probably doesn’t look like burying your demon ex under a tree in your head or throwing a Molotov cocktail at your best mate’s demon, but that’s what fiction is for. To tell us that for all that terrible men have always existed, so too have the people who beat them.
It’s the history of man.
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Fable SMP Finale - Analysis & Thoughts
Holy shit, I cannot even begin to describe how much of an emotional rollercoaster watching the finale of Fable SMP was. I was sobbing one second, screaming in joy the next, laughing and smiling not soon after, and feeling anger or sickness. The pure emotion that the cast of Fable SMP put into this masterpiece is undeniable. And yes, I know it's silly little block people playing silly little stories, but their our silly little block people and their stories are huge! There were cutscenes with commissioned art!
The joy and comfort that Fable SMP has brought me over the past many months is massive. Their streams were around for me to watch when I was having bad days or needed something in the background while studying. Fable SMP was a multimodal storytelling wonder. And whilst I'm sad it's over, I'm happy it was there to start with. I came into this fandom at the mid-point of S2, and from then on, have been hooked. I love the art and the cosplay and the nice fandom with friendly, cosy chat communities. But anyways, let's get into this analysis. (also RIP Rakai, thankyou for romantically distracting Ick and making them forget about hunting the child, a.k.a Athena) Spoilers!!!!!!!!!! For anyone who hasn't watched the finale!
To start with, watching the complicated emotion portrayed by Sherbertquake through Icarus was incredible acting. The whole cast, including Fable himself (aka Mr. HeyHay's husband), displayed awesome acting that I'm jealous of and one day hope to be able to express. I loved watching Sherb change their expression, even minutely, as everyone just unloaded their trauma and screamed at Fable. I loved watching as they realised that maybe their dad wasn't the best guy, even though they knew it in the back of their mind the whole time. Hearing the raw emotion that each member of the cast poured into their act was impressive, and reminded me that you don't just have to be an actor to be good at acting. As of now, I'm still yet to watch HeyHays POV, but trust me I will, I just need to emotionally heal over the next couple of days.
Now onto the storyline of the finale. Now of course, I've only watched from Sherberts' POV, but here's what I think as of now. I started watching the episode effectively knowing what would go down, but I still came out surprised. At the start, I could definitely see the hesitance for action in Icarus but also their want for relief and the freeing of burden, still mostly trusting in their father. Of course, Icarus would always trust Fable at the start, he is their dad. Their dad who they've been missing all their life, whenever they actually needed him, he couldn't be there. Fable was also the one that promised Icarus what they wanted; peace, freedom from Quixis, their mother back, a happy united family, no more resets. Why wouldn't Icarus believe everything their father said? It's like a preacher in a pulpit. But as we moved further through the episode, we started to see everything fall apart. We could see pain, pain as people had to fight others they didn't want to. And then things started to unravel more as everyone entered Purgatory for the final show down. Our beloved Violet of course swooped in to save the day in the final second, saving Athena from Reaver by Fable's hand. Fable was then chained, which is ironic, as this whole scene reminded us of Fable's new mortality. That without the Reaver, he was nothing. And then, we finally got to see Icarus redeem themselves. I thought the glitching trident through the chest was very poetic and very Icarus. The creation destroying their creator in more ways than one. Fable was both Icarus's dad but also the creator of who Icarus had become over the last couple of months. He poisoned Icarus and turned them against their friends, so it was nice to see Icarus make things right and put Fable out of his misery. And then everyone was together again. The brothers were reunited, and I cried when we finally got to see Icarus and Rae get that much needed hug. Athena didn't immediately forgive Icarus, but that's fair, and Icarus understood that and was willing to move towards restoring their relationship. I suppose that's what happens when you push Athenas boyfriend off a tree and hurt Momboo. I think Arisanna staying back in Purgatory and working to restore it was a good move, and I'm excited to watch everyone else's epilogues. When it was time to Icarus to pass on, I was also really sad, because this meant the actual end for the series, especially for Icarus. It was nice to see Violet/Centross and Ick get closure and emotionally heal? And for Ick and Rae get a final goodbye.
Okay, so the art cutscenes? Awesome! They added finesse to the final scenes and made the project really elaborate and put together. I love @fruitsalad864 art, and I could definitely see bits of Silco in Fable. *chefs kiss* I think putting the art in grey background and black ink with touches of colour for emphasis and embellishment was a good creative choice and didn't make anything too busy. I loved the flashes of peoples eyes as they casted the spell to trap Fable, it was a nice way to include everyone into the art. But what do I know? I had to quit high school art classes in Grade 10, which is sad.
Anyways, Sherberts filmed end scene. Let's look at that. Well, we finally got to see Quixis' face, in fact we got to see all of Quixis and the world port. Does anybody know if the creators made the world port prop or they went some where to film. Because if so, kudos for being brave enough to film in a large public setting. The emotion and ambience in the moment was great, and finding out why all the wack has been happening to Icky was a big relief to know. Thankyou Quixis for protecting the wet bird from carrying the burden when they were too young and giving them time to grow up. You're our favourite god/not god kinda' person! Finding out that when Icarus were to take the position, everyone would forget about them past the point of when they died in the first reset, saddened me. But also, seeing Icarus accept this and take up the mantle with no hesitation was a good character development, showing that they're now a selfless person who will do anything for their family. But it's sad that Ick won't see them for a while and they won't remember what happened. But I was also happy, happy to see Icarus move on and happy to see the relief on all their alternate selves faces as Icarus took the spot as Quixis. The filming as we spun through the reel of Icarus's AU's was beautiful and had a good use of angles. The cosplays were awesome, and I've just got to say, the use of that piece of music was perfect, it gave a sense of hope, peace, and new beginnings. It was fresh and I almost felt the wind on my face. Thankyou @sherbertquake56 and your film crew for doing these scenes for us, they added the closure we all needed.
For now, I think I'm calling this a finish for my analysis. But I'll be back! Don't worry! I'll be doing some short analysis's of everyone else's epilogues and also ticking off the predictions I made earlier this year.
Signing out,
The Lady
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juliacoller · 11 months
Ghoul and Ghoulettes Smut HC's
I absolutely needed to throw all of my ideas out there, and this isn't even all of them
Warnings: breeding kink, biting, nipple play, choking, dacryphilia, puppy!Mountain, size kink, praise kink, body worship, foot fetish, roughhhh sex, feminization, strap on play, and oral (female and male recieving)
Word Count: 2,334 words
He absolutely has a breeding kink
Loves to bite on his partner, leaving marks just from scraping his fangs over their skin
Could spend hours just sucking on his partner's nipples, loving the way they squirm and whimper as he licks and laps at their rosy buds
Speaking of whimpering, he absolutely loves a noisy partner, as he himself cannot shut up during sex. He loves being vocal, moaning, groaning, whimpering, and especially crying
"Gotta cum in you"
"One more for me, baby"
"Gonna let me knot you?"
"Gotta fuck you so good"
"Such a messy boy/girl/baby"
Loves to watch his partner cry from pleasure, so overwhelmed that all they can do is sob and beg
Wants to watch mascara and tears stream down their face, trace the lines, and lick the tears off of them
Get a hand around his throat and he's immediately gone, stare into his eyes and threaten him with a real sweet promise and he will be putty in your hands
He's willing to get on his knees for anyone he finds worthy, nearly kissing the ground they walk on. He will go to embarrassing lengths to worship their partner
Sidenote: We all know that all of the ghouls are in intimate relationships with each other aka... they fuck
To continue on that: Swiss absolutely LOVES sex with Cumulus, something about how plush her thighs are around his face, the squish of her tummy against his as he fucks into her, and the jiggle of her tits as she viscously rides him. He just has something for the way her body envelopes him and reacts to each movement he makes.
Aether likes to be reminded that he is bigger than his partner (if true), likes having them under him, watching them drown in his presence
Def hard dom vibes, will do anything for his partner to service them but will not take any brattiness, he won't be asking them to do anything, he will be forcing them to obey
Will fuck the brattiness out of anyone, he once got Dew to stop bitching about how bad his fingers hurt from practice by giving them something else to do
Likes to have his nipples played with, I HC that he got them pierced at some point when they were on the road. He saw just how much Dew loves having the jewelry played with and had to know what it was about.
Please touch his nips.
Wants to put his hands to use, will use them to jack off any of the other ghouls before a ritual, or sink them so deep into his bandmates until they are whimpering and sobbing into his shoulder
He misses touring with the Ghost Project but doesn't shy away from sending videos to his pack mates, reminding them of just how much he misses fucking them
He has a ginormous praise kink, with him being so new and unsure of everything it can be overwhelming, but the moment Swiss opens his mouth to say, "Pretty boy really does have some talent" at their first rehearsal, Phantom can't get it out of his brain until later that night as he whimpers and moans in the shower
He's so bendy??
Likes when his partner forces him into different positions, wants his partner to shove his knees above his head as they hold him and fuck him into the bed
When he first gets involved with the other ghouls, he is almost always the bottom, a bit too shy to be bratty or take control of a space, but once he gets a bit more comfortable he works his way up to topping Sodo, but having to rely on (to Sodo's excitement) his quintessence a bit much
He tends to be a bit quiet in his day-to-day life but is very expressive in his body language, his eyebrows are always responding and his posture is a giveaway of his emotions
His quietness does translate to his loudness during sex, he's normally quiet and tries to swallow his noises as much as he can, but when his partner gets him too worked up he can let out little whimpers and groans that are soooooo meek, but it definitely gives his partner a sense of achievement
He likes his hair being played with, tugging, braiding, brushing, just about anything will make his heart tug simply because his partner wants to play with his hair
He's a brat...
What more do you want me to say?
He wants to get pissed off and have someone put him in his place, force his face into the bed as they pound him from behind, tell him that he's dramatic and ridiculous, degrade him and remind him of just how rude he can be, but he is never, ever, left to feel alone or unwanted.
Sodo has some separation issues, fearful that his pack will leave him to be alone, that they will ostracize him, that one day they will get sick of his antics.
Due to these fears, he needs reassurance. He loves his rough sex, loves when his fellow ghouls degrade him, but he needs the aftercare after.
Like Sodo wants to lay in bed or in the bath and cuddle until he falls asleep, he doesn't ask for much but he just wants to be held and reassured.
He's kinda like a kitten after sex, he just makes little mewling and purring sounds and squishes his face up against his partner
Enough kitty dew, Sodo will do just about anything and everything with his partner
Want him to choke you? He's there in a second
Want him to cry when you fuck him? Don't even have to ask
All to say, Sodo is pretty much all game for anything his partner wants. But, I think that comes from the people pleaser in him.
He's babygirl.
He wants to be rammed into the bed while being called pretty
Put him in some frilly lingerie and embarrass him and he'll be blushing like crazy
When he blushes, it's not only his cheeks. His chest erupts in blooms of red and pink, his ears get red like cherries, and his neck becomes a beautiful light pink.
He wants to get all hot and embarrassed in front of his partner, he wants tears to flow from his cheeks, and he especially wants them to lick said tears off of his cheeks when their done
Loves to have sex in water, sign him up for shower sex any time
He wants to be in touch with his element while his partner sucks his soul out of him, or while he shoves them against the wall and desperately fucks them
He likes to have sex in the lake that is near the Abbey, on the bank or while in the water, wants to just be in his element and in his partner
Isn't afraid of domming sometimes, he will put someone in their place and fuck them until they're crying desperate
He is very clumsy
He tends to get a lot of bruises, he wants to look at them and see how the blue, purple, and yellow stain his skin
He especially likes when his partner pushes their thumb into the bruises, a cry erupting from deep in his chest
Wants the pain to intervene with his pleasure, sting through just as he feels good
He falls a lot, he has a hard time with his exceptionally long limbs, this translates into his sex quite often
He's bendy, tied up like a human pretzel, and he wants to be treated as such. He likes pulling his knees up and holding the backs of his knees, he especially likes when Aether pushes him back, up, and over so that his knees are over his head and pushing into the bed.
Please... he's the definition of Babygirl
He's just so biggggg
He looms over his partner, and it comforts him to know that
His hands especially are big, can wrap them around his partner's neck and they easily cover the entire front
He likes to shove his hands in his partner's mouth, make them gag and swallow around his fingers and see the way tears prick in the corner of their eyes just from the mere size of his hands
His large size also translates to his cock, and boy does he love to watch the way his partner's body swallows him and eagerly takes him
He has a foot fetish, sorry
He loves to give foot rubs, using the excuse that he just wants to "relieve some stress" for his partner, but they both know how much it affects him
Their foot in his lap and hands, his cock is twitching in his pants, saliva is pooling in his mouth
It's not long before he's drooling over them and kissing up their legs, begging to be inside of them
He likes to be called things like, "pretty boy", "beautiful", and "little thing"
Make him feel pretty, he's so big and he's always equated with being so masculine, he wants to be someone's little toy
As much as he loves being the dominant one, he wants to be humiliated, wants to submit to someone
He wants to sob and scream for his partner, bow to their feet and worship the ground they walk on
He wants them to tell him just how bad he's been, shove his face into the ground and watch his tears dampen the carpet
I also am a firm puppy!Mountain believer.
She's so soft, and everyone knows it and wants to benefit from it\
She loves when she gets to dom her partner
Likes watching tears flow down their face, especially likes when they wear mascara or eyeliner, the streams of black only encouraging her more
Likes when she gets to shove her partner's head between her thighs, not only does she enjoy the blinding pleasure they give her, but she likes that she gets to see their eyes roll back, hair get all jostled from her fingers, and tongue lapping so deliciously at her folds
She wants to see bruises on her thighs from her partner gripping her too tight
Please squish your face in her tummy and thighs, she's so soft and comfy, it's a real turn on for her if you squeeze and love these places on her
She def has a strap and uses it frequently
The boys in the pack beg for her to use it on them, hearing stories from Dew about just how rough she was on him, he couldn't walk for quite some time after
Cirrus and Sunny are very familiar with her strap and beg for it quite often
She is waiting to fucking Rora with her strap, too nervous to break her down too quick
She's mommy. She expects to be called such.
She likes standing above her partner, making them feel small under her stare, shrinking into their own embarrassment
She wants to ride her partner and pretend that it isn't affecting her at all, stare in their eyes and see the tears as they form
Her fingers are dexterous, nimble, and lithe
She wants to shove her fingers in every place possible
Shoving her fingers into her partner's mouth, forcing them to swallow and gag around them, she wants them to swirl their tongue around her digits and sob as she deprives them of all sensations besides her fingers in their mouth
Shoving their fingers in their hole, watching them sob and writhe around her, their hole squeezing on her fingers
Although she wants to stretch her partner out, she doesn't plan on utilizing their hole, she wants them to impale her
She'll leave them leaking and stretched, only for her to sink onto their cock/strap
She is desperate to leave marks on her partner, scratching and sucking all over their skin. Going as far as drawing blood after digging her nails in too far
Cirrus wants to look at the marks afterwards, run her hands over the cuts and bruises with care, pressing kisses to all of the parts of their skin that are still sensitive
She's such a princess
Which also means she's a pillow princess, she loves when her partner takes care of her, she feels like it's proof of their dedication for her
She wants her partner to tell her how pretty she is as she lays there and takes whatever they give her, little tears pricking her eyes as she gets so incredibly overwhelmed with pleasure
She wants to be overstimulated and overwhelmed, she will take whatever her partner gives her, even if that means her body is writhing and begging for them to stop
She likes when her partner gives her hickeys all over her body, she likes when she can look at the purple blooms all across her beautiful skin
She especially likes when her partner rubs their hands all over her when she's sore after sex, pressing their fingers into the bruises forcing a small moan to leave her lips
She wants to be called such lovely names, make her feel pretty
"Princess" and "Pretty Girl"
She will also become a bit bratty if she is called anything different, when her partner calls her "messy girl" when she's got a bit of their cum dripping out of her mouth she immediately pouts and becomes a bit more resilient
She's just so soft and pretty
The pack is so gentle with her, but she snapped at Mountain one day and begged him to absolutely wreck her, that she's "not made of glass, now please fuck me"
She ended up sobbing as he folded her in half and fucked her within an inch of her life
After that, the pack was a little less gentle with her and realized that she can take more than they originally thought
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