#advaita vedanta
iamthat-iam · 3 days
I want to point out a contradiction with some anons I've seen on other blogs.
"How can you say we're limitless but then agree that even if it's only in imagination it's a legitimate experience?"
I don't understand this logic because wouldn't the definition of 'limiting' be to claim that an experience can only be "real" if experienced in the "physical world with senses," a concept that doesn't even exist fr?
Wouldn't it be limiting to say "I was aware of XYZ but I don't see it? It didn't 'happen?'"
Wouldn't it be limiting to say "This person claims they had an experience, but I don't see it so they must be lying?"
Wouldn't it be limiting to say "I feel delusional because I am indeed a single person with solid, permanent circumstances that I need TECHNIQUES TO CHANGE??"
When we're telling you that you are intentionally putting limits on yourself, this is what we mean. If you truly understood that you are limitless and omnipotent, you wouldn't be using those arguments.
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onlyhere-onlynow · 1 day
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i-amyou · 3 months
Stop. There is nothing to change.
"How do I become aware of x"
"I'm tired of waking up as y"
"I wanna experience z now"
Guys, seriously?
Okay, let's take it step by step. Do you see what you do when you force yourself to change something? You just establish it NOT being there.
That leads to you thinking that it's something separate you have to achieve.
That initiates another cycle of cause and effect and you mentally beating yourself, pushing yourself only to get in your own way.
You do not change x into y. You do not change this into that. It's always THAT. And when it's always THAT, then why are you trying so hard to change something? Anything?
It's always " " Experiencing " ".
It's always perfect. It's always you.
By wanting to change something, you create a separation between what is and what you perceive not being. When it's all the same. One.
Being is effortless, so just be. You don't change something. You just become what you wanna experience, you are the experience. It seriously can't get any simpler than this.
There is nothing to change. Watch it all unfold perfectly. Because it is. Because it's all you.
Give up. And just BE. (Yeah that's my favorite line)
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esotericpluto · 1 month
desire: the root of all suffering
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The root of all suffering and lack is desire. The more you desire, the more lack you inflict on yourself, the more lack you experience. The very nature of desire is to lack, as you shall not desire something you already own.
When you drop the desire, you allow yourself to be fulfilled and complete as you are, you connect to your truest essence and realize you are awareness and already have everything you thought you desired. You never lacked anything and if you ever saw lack, you saw an illusion that separated you from who you truly are.
You're the beginning and the end, yet you're also an infinite, complete being. You don't have to do anything, you don't have to be a doer, you don't have to act towards love or abundance as you are already nothing but love and abundance. You cannot lack what you already are, you cannot lack your essence. If you're everything, how can you not have everything already?
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infiniteko · 5 months
->Here's the thing 👁️
The misconception of something "not working" is because you think there is "an ego" here to obtain something.. there isn't. The ego doesn't truly exist; it's just an illusion. You, as "THAT", already have everything you seemingly desire because nothing exists beyond "THAT"/you. It's an illusion that blinds your eyes, preventing you from seeing that you are already what you seemingly seek. Don't believe the "observer" is here, and the "observed" is there. The "observer" doesn't exist; everything is "THAT".
No one is observing; there's only the seemingly "observed".
How do you know you're seemingly perceiving something through "senses"? Isn't it because you were aware before interpreting it as "seeing, feeling, smelling, etc"? You think you're seeing, but no one is; it's just the "image" seeing itself. You think you're hearing, but no one is; it's just the "sound" hearing itself. It's all "THAT". Nothing is happening to you because there is no "body" here; you are the "screen", and these appearances happen "within" "THAT", on "THAT", AS "THAT".
You simply exist
And you know that, even without "senses".
"IT" does not need confirmation of existence through five senses; they are not what you perceive any experience with. Transcended them and this world. You lose the illusion of being here or there, trying to find your place; you only experience a still, unmoving existence. Even if the "illusory body" moves, you know you are still, becoming a stationary space allowing things to move within. Because you are not the body; the body is within you. Everything "you want" is there, on yourself; it can truly be felt you're not here because you're not the body. You'll realize you are the formless, nameless source of everything you seem to desire. You don't need to search or wait for another experience which is "THAT"; you are "THAT" now. This is the present truth."
~ infinite.ko / Koda❄️ & Dawa🌙
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dearfear777 · 4 months
“Once you realize that the world is your own projection, you are free of it. You need not free yourself of a world that does not exist, except in your own imagination! However is the picture, beautiful or ugly, you are painting it and you are not bound by it."
Nisargadatta Maharaj
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illuminatedmystic · 3 months
Stop giving a f*ck , it’s whatever you want
The answer is always Yes , and stop treating this as a method it’s not !!
You are not at the mercy of world it is at your mercy don’t forget that
And I’m sick and tired of you victimising yourselves when you know you are god , so go within and stop crying like little babies it is embarrassing to witness God like that .
So pick yourself up
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multiversebaddie · 11 months
The Complete Guide to Nondualism
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Disclaimer: I want to talk about nondualism because to be honest I have “outgrown” the law of assumption and I really resonate with nondualism. Nondualism IS NOT a method, technique, concept, or a law like the law of assumption to get your desires, it is a lifestyle. If you don’t resonate with this you can keep scrolling.
The definition of nondualism
"Non-dualism or advaita vedanta means "Not Two" and at its core it is saying that we are just Awareness. Awareness like Non-dualism are labels that are unreal, everything that is spoken and explained are concepts and all concepts are imagination. What we truly are is indescribable, unimaginable, pure nothingness (no-thing, not nothing!), awareness, imagination, ultimate intelligence, THAT, IT, whatever you want to call it. Everything you perceive is You. There is nothing else but You"- by @infinite.ko on Instagram.
What does this all mean?
If you are familiar with Neville Goddard’s terminology “I am” we are literally that…we are pure consciousness/awareness/imagination, and we are all one. The difference between Neville Goddard’s views of the “I am” is that he had limiting beliefs that we are still our pure consciousness living in our human bodies and experiencing life through “states.” In nondualism, we are simply pure consciousness/imagination/awareness, we are every-thing, anything, and no-thing at the same time. We are all one consciousness means that we are our toothbrush, our phone, our tv, the animals, houses, plants, each other, Hogwarts, our sps, anything and everything you can imagine because we are imagination itself…it all stems from SELF. We are all one Self, we are silence. You know when you stare out into space and you zone out with no thoughts in your mind? That is who we truly are as pure consciousness/imagination/awareness, just silence in the now because time is an illusion, there are no past or future.  When nondualism says who we are is “I am” it means I=consciousness, awareness, imagination Am=is. You simply ARE, it is unmoving: never changes, never dies, never leaves, and it is always there and has always been there and it is SILENT. There is nothing to be “aware of,” you already are always awareness right now and that is who we all are at our truest Being. In fact….everything is an illusion-your physical human senses, your physical human body, thoughts, feelings, assumptions, states, beliefs, words, and everything around you is an illusion. Even the word nondualism is an illusion, we are such an indescribable thing that this is the closest thing that we can get to describing who we truly are. As pure awareness/consciousness/imagination the things around you in your physical reality only seem to be “real” because you are simply aware/conscious of them. The moment you take your awareness/consciousness away from them they cease to exist until you bring your attention back to them. As pure consciousness/imagination/awareness we are the creators of our “realities” (that in itself is an illusion), our own creations, and most of all observers which means things only exist when we observe (aware/conscious) of them. 
Awareness and “Observing”
You are awareness. You are consciousness. You are imagination. You are the observer of your reality. They all mean the same exact thing, meaning you are always awareness. It isn’t anything separate from you or even in you-it’s YOU! The physical senses are not real, only your awareness is. Anything that you experience with your physical 5 senses is not real, in fact you being aware of that thing has no image at all either. We are so indescribable, formless, and imageless and everything else around us is as well too. In terms of observing: “the moment you imagine something, it exists” (imagining meaning you bring into awareness aka just know it’s real) it exists because it’s literally you! You have no image you only show up in whatever you observe so basically when you observe your desire whatever it is it instantly exists because it’s you. You have no image so that thing you observed is you already exists because you gave it your awareness, therefore it’s here so don’t question it! You are the laptop, you are the trees, you are the house, you are Hogwarts, etc anything and everything you observe simply because you are bringing your awareness to it as that “image” but it’s all you! You shouldn’t rely on your physical senses at all because it’s an illusion that’s showing up as what you observed in the past, it literally has no meaning!
So…is this the void state?
No, the void state like every other “concept” is an illusion. The void state implies that it’s some kind of “state” that’s “within us” and we must reach through meditation. We ARE ALWAYS awareness, we already are IT. The “void state” implies that we need to “get into a state” to “manifest/reality shift instantly.” We always do everything instantly, the reason why things don’t “seem” instant is because we identify with our human bodies, human mind, and human eyes which are all illusions.
What about Self concept?
I know I always preached self concept, and while it’s not a bad thing and it is still beneficial if you still follow the law of assumption in nondualism you do not need to work on your self concept. We are all one consciousness/awareness/imagination therefore there’s no point in working on self concept because any other identification besides our truest Being is an illusion. Awareness/consciousness/imagination has no self concept because it has no body image, we already are everything and anything right now as one consciousness/awareness/imagination. All you need to do is let go of your identification with your human body, human mind, and human eyes and fully embrace Self as Awareness. Doze off and stare into space or close your eyes and focus on the blackness before your eyes, you know how everything seems to become still when you concentrate on either of these things? Okay that is who you truly are as awareness, because we are silence, so tell yourself: I am pure awareness, and I am letting go of my identification with my human body, human mind, and ego. You might feel a huge weight lifted off of your chest, or nothing! It’s okay either way because it’s who we truly are so it’s supposed to feel natural and neutral. You might get some push back from the ego which is okay just to remind yourself that your ego is an illusion. You just need to practise being in silence more and surrender to who you truly are with trust and you will notice major changes with Self. 
What about the 4D vs 3D and DRs?
There’s no such thing as a 3D (physical reality) vs 4D (nonphysical) reality or “DRs”- they are all inseparable because the only thing that exists is imagination which is self. We are imagination, so these “realities” stem from self, the 3D, 4D, and DRs are just the same thing which is imagination. I want to clarify that when I say we are “imagination” I am not talking about visualising, that is a method. Imagination are concepts and ideas, it is infinite and indescribable. The concept of realities in itself is an illusion-reality is like a Sims game, where we can instantly change anything and everything we want based on what we decide to become aware/conscious of, since all that exists is awareness/consciousness. The moment you want to “manifest” something and shift your awareness to having it already, the physical illusion reality does change instantly, we just don’t see it with our human eyes because we assume that there’s some kind of delay. When we let go of our human identity, human senses, and human body and begin to truly identify with Self (awareness/consciousness/imagination) we begin to realise that we never lacked anything because we are everything and anything we can imagine right now. Everything comes instantly because we understand it’s not current reality vs desired reality or 3D vs 4D but imagination vs imagination and time isn’t real. There never was a time delay or mirroring between the 3D vs 4D, it only exists because we were aware/conscious of it-they are the same exact thing which is just imagination-aka US because we are imagination.
How does this relate to Manifesting and Reality Shifting?
Okay, so first and foremost “manifesting” and “reality shifting” just like every other word are just an illusion. As pure consciousness/awareness/imagination we are everything and anything we can imagine right now. “Lacking” does not exist, you can never lack when you are imagination. Also, you do not “manifest” or “reality shift” all you are doing is changing your awareness as the observer. Since you already are everything and anything right now all you need to do is switch your awareness because you already are it/have it right now whatever you want to “manifest” and wherever you want to “reality shift.” Everything is like a Sims game that can be changed within an instant because everything is just imagination. All we ever are is pure consciousness/awareness therefore what manifests/reality shifts are what we are conscious/aware of. Truly if you wanted to you can turn yourself into a tree, cat, your idol, etc because everything and anything is SELF one consciousness and all an illusion. Thoughts, states, assumptions, feelings, doubts, “methods”, and intention are not what “manifests”/”reality shifts”-it’s what you are aware/conscious of that manifests/reality shifts. Here’s this simple formula of all you ever need to do in order to “manifest/reality shift” in the nondualism perspective:
Decide what you “want” to have. It’s as simple as saying to yourself: I have/I am at______
Become aware/conscious/observe (in other words just know)  that you already have it because you are imagination.
Don’t do anything else-you are everything and anything right now so therefore there’s no lacking or wanting because you already have it, just maintain your awareness/consciousness of having it/being there right now. You are your desires no matter what it is right now because you are imagination/consciousness/awareness, you are everything and anything right now.
Note: There is no reason to persist, for example since you have your phone on your hand do you keep telling yourself that you have your phone? No, you just are conscious/aware (know) you have your phone. You don’t constantly think about having your phone, you just know you have it. Since we are everything and anything, we already have our desires/we already are in our DRs right now and there’s nothing you need to persist on. Persisting implies lack because it seems like you are getting something, going back to the phone analogy when you naturally have it you don’t think about it often. As consciousness/awareness this is how you are supposed to view your desires you simply know you already have it. You can persist if you’re doing it with knowing that you already have what you want, and simply doing it as a reminder to maintain the fact that you already have what you want. You don’t persist to “get” something there’s nothing to “get” because you already have/are your desires. You persist to remind yourself that you already have/are what you want.
About the “time lag"
Time lags only exist because you have been taught that there’s a 3D and 4D and the 3D must mirror the 4D at all times and that it takes “time” for the 3D to catch up to your desires. The solution is stop identifying with your human body and human senses and begin to embody Self (consciousness/awareness/imagination) . Truly understand that there’s no separation of “3D and 4D” because the only thing that exists is YOU AS IMAGINATION! You are relying and identifying too much on the human physical senses, which is just an illusion. You will stop worrying about time because everything including time is an illusion and you will know that you already have everything and anything right now because you are everything and anything as imagination. Also, change your awareness/consciousness that time lag isn’t real whenever you become aware/conscious (or observe) of something you desire.  The past and future do not exist, there is only now. The past and future are concepts from the mind because think about it all we have is now, the past and future only occur when we think about it and the human mind is an illusion too. Whatever you are aware of right now, no matter what the physical senses show you because it’s all an illusion is what is true because you have brought awareness to it and time isn’t real. When you truly KNOW who you are as awareness/imagination/consciousness and let go fully of the illusion of human identification things will begin to seem “instant.” You will not care about what the physical senses show you because you will truly know and understand that as one awareness, we already are/have everything and anything we can imagine because all that exists is SELF, US, IMAGINATION! 
Questions I will not answer
If you ask any of these questions it shows me you haven’t read my guide and I will be mean 😊
Is it the void state?
How do I become aware of something?
How do I manifest/reality shift? 
Even words such as nondualism, consciousness/awareness/imagination, silence, and observer are limiting and illusions to who we truly are. They’re the closest things to conceptualising and describing who we are but even then paradoxically it’s all an illusion. We are beyond such words and descriptions, we are indescribable. We are every-thing, anything, and no-thing at the same time: we are Self, one imagination/consciousness/awareness. There are no 3D vs 4D or DRs, there's just imagination which is just US and time lags do not exist unless we are aware of them. Everything including our human bodies and human senses are just an illusion so when it comes to “manifesting”/”reality shifting” it isn’t current reality vs dream reality it is imagination vs imagination. What “manifests”/”reality shifts” is what we are aware/conscious of, not our thoughts, states, assumptions, laws, etc because all we are is pure consciousness/awareness.
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fubukiiisss · 3 months
i’ve something to say again (ง •̀_•́)ง
in advance sorry, i think i’m talking too much
anyway, one of the few things i noticed yet again, past few days was when people say “i’m aware, i know it’s instant….” and they wait.
i’ll explain, suppose emily is aware of having an iphone. now it’s instant and there’s nothing to do. but emily thinks “it’s instant for awareness” yet “waits” to experience with senses. it’s more like “i’ll see it with my senses soon” “i’ll see it tmrw”. emily still waits in a way for her senses to conform (ik that’s LOA lingo, but it’s appropriate here for some reason) this is misidentification, you’re creating dualities. i think this also something that most people struggle with.
i think pointers become very helpful at times^ like this.
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lotusmi · 3 months
You'll Never Realize That.🖼️
(quotes by Dudaji ebook on Kindle) - thread on twitter
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''There's an assumption that you can follow some kind of path, that you can implement some practice, that you can learn some teaching. But there's no you - there's only Oneness. So, ask yourself: "Who is following what? Who will follow what?" Sometimes there is the pretence of "me", there is a seeking, there is a longing. No amount of meditation or effort or practice will ever destroy the illusion of "me", because the whole effort of trying to destroy it continues to reinforce this "me". So, there's no path, no practice, no teaching. There's no method, no technique, no formula.
There are no oughts, no shoulds, no shouldn'ts. There is no goal, no direction, no plan, no from here to there, no expectation, no intention, no "in order to", no calculation. It just simply is what-is or "what happens".
If there is a message, it points to this Natural Reality, a Reality that is boundless and beyond description. But if you search it, you will not find it. The more you seek, the more desperate your search become.
There is no answer to seeking and to the seeker, because there is no seeker. Every seeking is illusive, that there is nothing to be sought and nothing to be found.
What is pointed here is the fact that this whole movie that includes the seeker, the seeking and what is sought is illusory. There is no point in time and space to reach. There is no going beyond, no border to cross, no ultimate viewpoint to be acquired.
There is no enlightenment state as well as there is no unenlightened state. All states are imagined. You may be seeking for answers. You see yourself as someone searching for answers: a person, male, female, young, old, tall, short etc.
But you cannot find any answer, neither in this book nor anywhere else because there is no one seeking, there is no one alive. Nobody has ever born. There is not an "I" and there is not a "you". This is an appearance, not real at all, which therefore is like a dream.
In this oniric experience you are separate from all the things that surround you. But what also seems to be part of this dream is a feeling of unfulfilment.
The contents of your aware presence of consciousness are momentary dreams, unreal, without any independent existence outside of the mind that is conceiving and perceiving them.
In those dreams you see everything as a separate object, then there is a "you" as you believe yourself to be. Since there is no separate self, who is to affect change? When you take life on its own way, everything will be discovered to be the ground of Unconditional Love.
The World you perceive is entirely private, a dream. The world you can perceive is a very small world. It is you who have invented a totality to contain you as a part.''
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gowithinbitch · 12 days
please stop crying over inexistant issues
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illusion means what it means. there is nothing so please stop crying or at least stop thinking it matters.
Life in itself, real or not, does not matter. The body exist and then dies. You will never die. You were never born. You just are now, and now is forever.
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iamthat-iam · 2 days
All is one.
There are no words to perfectly describe the TRUTH of what's truly going on here.
Everything is an empty appearance that comes and goes. Nothing is set in stone.
To say one has pink hair or one has blue hair, they are both equally illusory. Neither are objective facts.
If you claim to have pink hair but to me you appear to have blue hair, I would mind my business and go about my day. The blue hair isn't a solid, permanent appearance anyway so who am I to tell them they're wrong?
At the end of the day what are colors anyway? The scientific explanation with light rays and frequencies making colors appear the way they do, is just an UNREAL CONCEPT at the end of it all.
It's all nothingness, or " ". Don't argue and say "but I see-" you see nothing. We've all said you're not perceiving anything with "senses" as these are just an empty appearance as well.
Who cares?? Once again we're getting so caught up in unreal appearances that we have strayed from what the philosophy is actually about: ALL IS ONE, NO SEPERATION, NO THIS OR THAT, NOT TWO
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onlyhere-onlynow · 1 month
The point of noticing your own true nature is to realize you’ve always been free to do whatever you want, however you want with any seeming experience you want AS THE AUTHORITY OF YOUR OWN PLAY.
“So I can feel-?” Yes.
“So I can do-?” Yes.
“So I can make-?” Yes.
“So I can have-?” Yes.
“But I can-?” YEEES. THE ANSWER WILL ALWAYS BE YEEES. Wanna be Spider-man? An artist? A doctor? Have natural neon rainbow hair? Grow wings? Be a hairless cat? A mermaid for a week? A princess for another? Then decide so, you’re free!
Tell me, if you know you can breathe, would you be asking questions about “doing so”? Or just decide it because you know you can? It’s the same here! If you knew your own omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience, would you be asking ‘How to’s and ‘Can I’s? Exactly.
It still is all " "; all YOU.
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i-amyou · 3 months
What would you say to someone who's new to nd\av and doesn't wanna read too much to overconsume and just literally get it to the point ?
The pointers I'd share are:-
This person you believe yourself to be, is an illusion. The mind, and the body are unreal and illusory.
Experience is only ever through Awareness, and that awareness is what you are.
There is no listener of sound, just the sound. There is no one seeing, only the sight. There is no one feeling, only the felt. And this sound, sight, and what's felt is all awareness. It's all YOU. So senses are another illusion, just like your body.
There is no past and future. Only the NOW. Because Awareness always is. It never was, and never will be.
It's always THAT(awareness) experiencing THAT(Awareness). THAT(awareness) is the experience.
Everything you see around you, is just you in different forms. Call it whatever you want, consciousness, awareness, THAT, " ".
What you are, cannot be put into words. It's inexplicable.
This is something you will only believe in and understand on surface level for as long as you keep seeking, the moment when it all becomes clear and evident is when you go within and question the nature of your reality and ponder on these pointers.
This realisation is experience based, so experience it directly, by going within. KNOW yourself.
There is nothing to do. Just be. And observe everything around you, notice THAT. Notice the presence behind it all, the awareness behind this play going on, realise it's all YOU.
I think that's all I'd like to share because these are the key pointers that helped me when I was starting a month ago.
If you wanna read some more in detail:-
The character doesn't exist.
There is no thinker of the thoughts.
Everything is an illusion.
That's just the basics but trust me, that's all you need. JUST BE and GO WITHIN. Ask yourself questions, observe and notice. Do not get too indulged with the illusion, instead be aware and present as you notice yourself just being aware of it all. Rest in that awareness.
I really hope this helps, but you still feel like it's not enough you can go through @infiniteko and @mysticsreblogs @penguinpeace (for the best reblogs of the posts).
Remember to not overconsume, and that words and labels are very limiting. Take it all as pointers, pointers which point to your true nature, to " ".
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rabbithole0 · 21 days
Desires arise because you don't remember your true nature. 
Let's say you found a beautiful stone on the street. To make it yours, you need to bring it home. 
Do you collect things, people at home, because that's the only way they can be yours by right?
But you are not a person in the world, the world itself is in you. 
You are the home for all seeming things and people. Their creator. 
So, every stone in the illusory world belongs to you. It is not necessary to carry it home to indicate belonging.
There's nothing to want when you know that the whole world belongs to you. 
And, watching everything from this position, you notice how things and events that you once seemed to want suddenly happen to you. Effortlessly. 
Any thought finds a place in an illusory "physical" reality, because there is no difference between "mental" and "physical". 
You let go of control of the world, and it begins to obey you. 
Take away the resistance and be happy.
Go with the flow just for the sake of experiment. See what happens.
— Neo
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infiniteko · 3 months
"THAT" experiences, a 'body' doesn't.
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• The person you think you are cannot experience anything. Only "THAT" can. "THAT" is experiencing, "THAT" never waits.
• You are not the person you think you are, but you are already what your thoughts are looking for because you are the formless THAT, capable of appearing as any illusion because it is Nothingness by nature.
• It is THAT that can experience everything and anything, it is THAT that is constantly here and it is THAT that is experienced. And you are THAT.
• Look into your true existence, then understand that this existence is not as a person, not as a body, but as the formless THAT. IT transcends all limitations. Instantly.
• It's not about who you think you are, but about going through what you think you are. The apparent illusions are experienced by THAT, not the person you think you are and they are made out of that. THAT is experiencing THAT.
@infiniteko Dawa🎑 translated by Dechen
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