seraphic555 · 2 days
The entire world is in your mind which means whatever you consider “plausible” “possible” or “likely” happens. Once you start to defy the so-called rules of reality and return to your Self, everything will be considered possible to you.
Matthew 19:26 NIV:
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
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infiniteko · 5 months
->Here's the thing 👁️
The misconception of something "not working" is because you think there is "an ego" here to obtain something.. there isn't. The ego doesn't truly exist; it's just an illusion. You, as "THAT", already have everything you seemingly desire because nothing exists beyond "THAT"/you. It's an illusion that blinds your eyes, preventing you from seeing that you are already what you seemingly seek. Don't believe the "observer" is here, and the "observed" is there. The "observer" doesn't exist; everything is "THAT".
No one is observing; there's only the seemingly "observed".
How do you know you're seemingly perceiving something through "senses"? Isn't it because you were aware before interpreting it as "seeing, feeling, smelling, etc"? You think you're seeing, but no one is; it's just the "image" seeing itself. You think you're hearing, but no one is; it's just the "sound" hearing itself. It's all "THAT". Nothing is happening to you because there is no "body" here; you are the "screen", and these appearances happen "within" "THAT", on "THAT", AS "THAT".
You simply exist
And you know that, even without "senses".
"IT" does not need confirmation of existence through five senses; they are not what you perceive any experience with. Transcended them and this world. You lose the illusion of being here or there, trying to find your place; you only experience a still, unmoving existence. Even if the "illusory body" moves, you know you are still, becoming a stationary space allowing things to move within. Because you are not the body; the body is within you. Everything "you want" is there, on yourself; it can truly be felt you're not here because you're not the body. You'll realize you are the formless, nameless source of everything you seem to desire. You don't need to search or wait for another experience which is "THAT"; you are "THAT" now. This is the present truth."
~ infinite.ko / Koda❄️ & Dawa🌙
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i-amyou · 2 months
Stop seeking. Start noticing.
That's all you have to 'do'. And before you ask me how to notice, there's no how to. You are always Noticing/Observing without any efforts. That's your innate nature. The truth. You've always been aware regardless of everything. But were you aware of being Aware? Now that's the question. That's where all of our pointers, point you to.
That's the only thing you need to "do" (Sorry for lack of better words) . It's effortless. Trust me. And before you overcomplicate this, let me add;
Noticing = Observing = Being aware = Just BE.
They're not different. Any thought, and I mean any thought you have doesn't matter. It's irrelevant. "I don't get it" is a thought, "I'm still waiting..." is a thought. "Life's so unfair.." is a thought. Everything, no matter what happens and whatever thoughts come up. Let them be.
Just notice and let it be. Know, and have faith that you're beyond it all. Because you ARE. You're free.
There's no where to be. There's nothing to achieve. There's nothing to do. And there's no person to do it.
Just BE. And Notice. Be aware.
Noticing is the innate energetic effect of Infinite Radiance. Noticing is not exercised from a "me" or from a "person". Even if you want to stop noticing, you can't do so because noticing cannot be turned off. During the natural process of unstoppable noticing, it will automatically reveal that "a me" or "a person" is just a concept imagined by the Mind rather than a concrete existence. It will automatically reveal that you will never be able to find a concrete existence named as "a me" or "a person", let alone "others". - Being_Is_IT on Twitter.
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Ps:- It's not a method. Just something you've always been doing, without being aware and getting too indulged with the illusion. And this is a pointer, pointing you to notice this simple thing.
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lotusmi · 3 months
You'll Never Realize That.🖼️
(quotes by Dudaji ebook on Kindle) - thread on twitter
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''There's an assumption that you can follow some kind of path, that you can implement some practice, that you can learn some teaching. But there's no you - there's only Oneness. So, ask yourself: "Who is following what? Who will follow what?" Sometimes there is the pretence of "me", there is a seeking, there is a longing. No amount of meditation or effort or practice will ever destroy the illusion of "me", because the whole effort of trying to destroy it continues to reinforce this "me". So, there's no path, no practice, no teaching. There's no method, no technique, no formula.
There are no oughts, no shoulds, no shouldn'ts. There is no goal, no direction, no plan, no from here to there, no expectation, no intention, no "in order to", no calculation. It just simply is what-is or "what happens".
If there is a message, it points to this Natural Reality, a Reality that is boundless and beyond description. But if you search it, you will not find it. The more you seek, the more desperate your search become.
There is no answer to seeking and to the seeker, because there is no seeker. Every seeking is illusive, that there is nothing to be sought and nothing to be found.
What is pointed here is the fact that this whole movie that includes the seeker, the seeking and what is sought is illusory. There is no point in time and space to reach. There is no going beyond, no border to cross, no ultimate viewpoint to be acquired.
There is no enlightenment state as well as there is no unenlightened state. All states are imagined. You may be seeking for answers. You see yourself as someone searching for answers: a person, male, female, young, old, tall, short etc.
But you cannot find any answer, neither in this book nor anywhere else because there is no one seeking, there is no one alive. Nobody has ever born. There is not an "I" and there is not a "you". This is an appearance, not real at all, which therefore is like a dream.
In this oniric experience you are separate from all the things that surround you. But what also seems to be part of this dream is a feeling of unfulfilment.
The contents of your aware presence of consciousness are momentary dreams, unreal, without any independent existence outside of the mind that is conceiving and perceiving them.
In those dreams you see everything as a separate object, then there is a "you" as you believe yourself to be. Since there is no separate self, who is to affect change? When you take life on its own way, everything will be discovered to be the ground of Unconditional Love.
The World you perceive is entirely private, a dream. The world you can perceive is a very small world. It is you who have invented a totality to contain you as a part.''
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illuminatedmystic · 3 months
What do you do when you wake up with the problems you had when you were dreaming ?
Problems are made up by the mind and it makes up all kind of stories some you fall for and some you don’t , and it’s silly really but the mind is not real and the problems are not real, they just seem “real” but what if you didn’t think about having a problem? Will there still be a problem ?
Don’t get me wrong the mind is a not a separate entity and it’s certainly not a enemy , when everything is one who is the enemy? You? It’s illusion vs illusion or “ “ vs “ “
When you get trapped in a cage and you scream your lungs out and then you wake up and realized it was a stupid dream a sick trick you constructed yourself, is being stuck in a cage a problem now ?
It’s very subtle but if you look closer and question it , it breaks immediately, problems, body, mind and everything you think is “real” you’ll notice that it can’t stand on its own, without YOU.
The false cannot stand on its own, notice that.
There is no obstacles or problems , now go back to first question i asked.
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dearfear777 · 4 months
Rebel against your slavery to your mind, see your bonds as self-created and break the chains of attachment and revulsion. Keep in mind your goal of freedom, until it dawns on you that you are already free, that freedom is not something in the distant future to be earned with painful efforts, but perennially one's own, to be used! Liberation is not an acquisition but a matter of courage, the courage to believe that you are free already and to act on it.
- Nisargadatta Maharaj
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onlyhere-onlynow · 3 months
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nobrashfestivity · 7 months
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Toshio Matsumoto
Atman 1975 12m
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mxyee445 · 4 months
Rant #6
Hello my loves, this gonna be a calm rant(maybe).
I want to first say stop searching. Reading or interacting in this community doesn’t mean you are searching unless you are reading to find an answer.
For me I find calmness and silence in reading posts on here about nd and seeing how everyone interprets it.
I have been very cautious of how I use words on here as I don’t want to confuse people with the words used for the reason that if I use some words you might take it literally and over complicate what I’m trying to say.
There is no reason for me to put in the effort to keep myself in check of how I speak/write. Why? Because words are merely words. There is no one definition or explanation or example on how to “just be”.
I found myself constantly wanting to explain things to you about nd, what I learned, how I can help you learn, how I could prove this to be true but soon realized I was doing that for myself.
Even when I thought “I understand everything, I am nothing, I am the silence/awareness/nothing.” When in reality words can’t describe what I am.
I started to take “do nothing” seriously, I live in the now because there is no past to live again and no future to experience yet. There aren’t predictions to be made about the future or trauma and sadness to be held from the past. The “past” despaired the second I stoped thinking about it the same with the future.
I don’t know how to put it but I’ve found so much calmness in my mind that had a million thoughts of future in plans and assumptions well also dwelling on the past. I didn’t do anything to get rid of them because there was nothing to get rid of from the start.
I would honestly recommend to stop reading posts for answers but treating them as diary entries from you to yourself. The pointers/the advice/ the stories, they are yourself giving answers to your questions.
We are all one.
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theexisterian · 1 month
Any questions? ( non dual related or anything)
I’ll answer before taking a 3 month break 💎
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Cr: @infiniteletters
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seraphic555 · 11 days
The entire universe is just a thought. Your entire life is just a thought. The body is a thought. Only you are real, but you believe the thoughts are more real than yourself.
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infiniteko · 5 months
"Are you not tired?"
"[..]because you think your existence relies completely on illusionary sensations, it seems as if you cannot do what you want to do and are not where you want to be. But do you not see how limiting senses are? You are constantly seeking and waiting for some kind of experience to happen because of your belief that senses = experience. Rather than being THAT/Existence that already understands themselves as "THAT/IT".
"IT" is the "experience". Can you separate "Awareness" from what you're seemingly reading here?
So when you are experience what you want, why are you waiting for it to be "experienced" by senses? Can you separate senses from "Awareness"? -> Can you feel something without being aware FIRST?
Why are you endlessly seeking for another kind of experience to show up if "THAT" is always here? Every seeming "experience" is nothing else but "THAT". The person you think you are, is seeking to experience something. "THAT/Awareness" does not seek anything. "IT" is experiencing ITself.
"illusion" 1 = THAT.
"Illusion" 2 = THAT.
Isn't it obvious?
"People's" seemingly happy lives are illusory, but through seemingly unfortunate experiences (also illusory), you find (or rather remember) your true self and do whatever you want. Isn't that the best thing?"
~ infinite.ko / Chen, Dawa, Koda
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i-amyou · 3 months
No one is here.
You are aware of someone fighting shadows all the time. Trying to change experience of a person who doesn't even exist?
"I know I'm THAT. But I wanna give her happiness that she deserves..."
"But I wanna experience that, why do I keep seeing this.."
Seriously? Give who? There is no one but you. You're not limited to this seemingly human body you identify yourself as.
You exist. Right? Where do you exist, can you tell me that? No I'm not talking about the body, take a deep breath and try to pinpoint this sense of existence anywhere in the body. Can you?
You're boundless and formless Existence. That's it. No body. No person.
You exist. Fullstop.
With no ifs, no buts, no here and no there. You ARE. And that's the only truth. All else, every seeming appearance is just a byproduct of that truth. All experience is YOU. THAT experiencing ITSELF.
If you wanna experience something, it instantly is. No questions asked. There is no one struggling, no one wanting happiness, NO ONE.
Stop this mention of some character which ISN'T even here. It's just AWARENESS experiencing ITSELF in a way that's fun and amusing to it. You can experience being a Cat Or a plant or a book and it will mean Nothing. It's just a form of experience, equally natural to THAT.
No matter what stories you might've attached yourself to, the past and memories, none of that is Real. There was no one to experience all that, it happened to NO ONE.
There is no distinct observer. There is no separation between the observed and observer, they're one and same. What's being experienced is what's experiencing.
You're free. Not confined to anything at all. You're freedom itself. Freedom of open flower fields, of an open clear blue sky, that's you. Bound to no one and no thing, because you're all there is. You're space, all the space there is, that's you.
You're not thoughts, you're the infinite silent space where thoughts occur. Where they come and go. You're the space where everything seemingly happens.
Your vastness is unfathomable, your existence and being indescribable. You can not understand it, you can only be it.
There is no method to reach or become this. Because you've always been it. There is no state of permanence to reach. You're already Absolute. All there is.
Notice it for yourself. That's all it takes.
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(And that answers all the asks I have in my inbox :))
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lotusmi · 3 months
(Atma Vichara)
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''Think how many years you'll be going through life, believing you're a body, a mind, an ego. The situations you've been through. The agonies, the ecstasies, the dualities.
You're beginning to see now that all of those things belong to the I-thought to the personal self, which is not really you.
You are total freedom, having absolutely nothing to do with the personal self.
You simply have to ask yourself, "Who is this personal self? Where did it come from? How did it arise? How did it get a hold of me, and make me believe I'm human?
That makes me feel I was born? And I have to die? What is this personal self? Where did it come from?" And as you follow the personal self, the -thought, You'll begin to see it never existed. It was never born. It is absolutely nothingness. And you'll become radiantly happy, Full of Love, Full of Peace.'' Robert Adams.
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illuminatedmystic · 28 days
Hello , you may have noticed that I’m not active anymore on this app and that’s because I’m pregnant, yes I’m 3 months pregnant With a baby boy and I have decided to deactivate this account for good this time , no new accounts or coming back to check in none of that anymore, so I’m moving on and focusing on my life now. I wish all of you to enjoy this dream of life to the fullest and being happy and thank you to all the support I got since the day I started this “AV” account and thank you to all the friends i made here , you’ve made this dream amazing . Thank you all and remember the answers are within you
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gemrose · 8 months
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