dearfear777 · 3 months
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You impose limits on your true nature of infinite being. Then you get displeased to be only a limited creature. Then you begin spiritual practices to transcend these non-existing limits.
If your practice itself implies the existence of these limits, how could they allow you to transcend them?
Ramana Maharshi
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dearfear777 · 3 months
1. "We've codified our existence to bring it down to "human" size to make it comprehensible." - LUCY (movie 2014)
2. We've created a scale so that we can forget its unfathomable scale. - LUCY (movie 2014)
"Awareness" of seeing something -> "The eyes must be seeing"
"Awareness" of feeling something -> "The body must be feeling it"
"Awareness" of tasting something -> "The tongue must be tasting it"
"Awareness" of hearing something -> "The ears must be hearing it"
"Awareness" of smelling something -> "The nose must be smelling it"
Without "Awareness" are there such things?
What was once limitless was limited.
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dearfear777 · 3 months
It's all the same.
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"..It's all the same.
"Humans" consider themselves unique, so they've rooted their whole theory of existence on their uniqueness.
"One (1)" is their unit of measure, but it's not. All social systems we put into place are a mere sketch. 1 + 1 = 2. That's all we've learned.
But 1 + 1 has never equaled 2.
There are in fact no numbers and no letters.
We've codified our existence to bring it down to "human" size to make it comprehensible.
We've created a scale so that we can forget its unfathomable scale.
"But if humans are not the unit of measure, and the world isn't governed by mathematical laws,what governs all that?" -Prof. Samuel Norman
-> Film a car speeding down a road, speed up the image infinitely, and the car disappears.
So what proof do we have of its existence?
"Time" gives legitimacy to its existence. [...] Without "time" "we" don't exist."
• LUCY (2014)
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dearfear777 · 3 months
Cause And Effect..?
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dearfear777 · 3 months
Realizations: Consciousness & Awareness 
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I’m going to try to make this post short and sweet.
Despite hearing these terms constantly being used interchangeably in the spiritual community, I have finally realized that consciousness and awareness are not the same at all.
I used to think they were the same and I blindly went along with everyone online who kept telling me they were when I first discovered nonduality.
After doing some deep reflection of my views, I found myself questioning the type of information that I’m constantly taking in from various sources.
As a member of a community dedicated to manifestation and spiritual awakening, I often found myself questioning if these two terms were actually the same. I had the same question playing in my mind repeatedly throughout the earlier stages of my spiritual journey. It just kept coming to me: 
“Is there a difference between consciousness and awareness? Am I consuming the right information from the nondualism community?”
It would not let up. I kept receiving the same guidance over and over from my inner Godself for me to: “question what you are told.” 
I stumbled deeper upon the teachings of a wise and knowledgable spiritual guru who taught the nature of nonduality. He perfectly explained the distinct difference between consciousness and awareness.
I want to share this important information with you because I want everyone to understand the fundamentals behind nonduality and manifestation.
▪︎ What is the difference between consciousness and awareness?
Consciousness is an awake state of mind attached to your subjective sense of identification as an individual in the human experience, meanwhile awareness is the the pure, unconditioned nature of your true divine self as God.
Let me explain this further:
Consciousness is a changeful and partial attribute; a mind state of duality for subjective experiences due to your personal sense of self as an individual.
Your state of mind operates on a subjective perception with your identification as "an individual" attached to it. This identification stems from your own personal sense of self. This is your self-concept, who you view yourself to be.
For example, think: insecure victimhood mentality vs. the confident God state of mind which are two conpletely different states of consciousness.
One state of mind represents suffering, misery, self-doubt, and being a victim to "the circumstances of life", while the other represents a confident, blissful, spiritually awakened perception of one's divine power to create reality.
As you can see from my example: states of consciousness are able to change and adopt new identifications as you change your perception of yourself and your understanding of reality.
Consciousness is subjective and has an individual's sense of identification attached.
Your perception of yourself and who you believe yourself to be shapes your experiences in your world. It is entirely subjective.
This goes all the way back to the teaching of consciousness being the one and only reality.
Now: what is the one thing that remains the same as it operates through different and changing states of consciousness?: awareness.
No matter what state of consciousness you are operating and experiencing your world from, you are simply always aware throughout your experiences.
You are always aware of yourself and your experiences in this life. There is no other way around it. You can't ever escape from awareness.
Awareness remains regardless of your personal sense of perception/identity.
Awareness itself never changes: it is calm, silent, and remains the true divine nature of God itself.
Awareness is simply being aware and it is a purely objective experience of observing. Awareness is purely awareness. Being aware.
Awareness is what you truly are as the infinite, divine source of all creation. Awareness is the true self as God. Manifestation comes from your inner Godself as total, absolute awareness.
Awareness is the limitless creative source of power manifesting and shaping your entire reality through your dominant states of consciousness. 
Awareness completely transcends beyond all states of consciousness and it simply remains the same: absolute, pure, unconditioned awareness.
No matter what, awareness always remains the same. Silent, unconditioned, and changeless. 
Awareness is total, objective awareness.
Pure, unconditioned, silent awareness is the infinite and divine source of all creation.
Awareness just is. Awareness is awareness.
There can be no states of consciousness without the awareness of God seeing through the eyes of the observer, but there can be pure, total awareness without consciousness. 
This absolute awareness is famously known as "the void." This is the home of your true self.
Awareness is the divine creator of all.
Now that we have cleared up the bullshit, I will end this post with some insightful quotes by Nisargadatta Maharaj.
"Consciousness is an attribute while awareness is not; one can be aware of being conscious, but not conscious of awareness. God is the totality of consciousness, but awareness is beyond all-being as well as not-being.” - Nisargadatta Maharaj
"Awareness is primordial; it is the original state. Beginning-less, endless, uncaused, unsupported, without parts, Without change. Consciousness is on contact, a reflection against a surface, a state of duality. There can be no consciousness without awareness, but there can be awareness without consciousness, as in deep sleep. Awareness is absolute, consciousness is relative to its content; consciousness is always of something..." - Nisargadatta Maharaj
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dearfear777 · 3 months
"The awareness with wich the thought 2÷2=4 is know, is exactly the same awareness with wich the thought 2+2=5 is known. And wether is the content of our tought, wether it is true or false, right or wrong, kind or unkind, reasonable or unreasonable, makes no difference to the ONE that knows them.
Likewhise are feelings, our darkest feelings and happiest moments, are known alike , by the same awareness, the same "knowing I" .
Just as the person's standing on the platform is present prior to the appearance of the train , during the existence of the train and after the train has passed through the sation , so the witnessing presence of awareness, is present prior to all thoughts and feelings, during the existence of all thoughts and feelings , and after the existence of all thoughts and feelings have disappeared.
Just as the person remains the same before the train is passing through the station and after the train disappears, the witnessing awareness is here before all thoughts and feelings and after their disappearance. Irrespective of their content or quality of our thoughts, feelings, sensations and perceptions. It is as such to be said transcendant, independent , unaffected. "
- Rupert Spira.
IT'S IMPARTIAL. No judgment in what is being observed. No distinction between right or wrong, good or bad. True or untrue. Just experience.
You are THAT. You're not a body, a mind, thoughts, feelings, emotions, living a life. All of this does not affect the REAL you. You just witness it.
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dearfear777 · 3 months
"THAT" experiences, the body doesn't.
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• The person you think you are cannot experience anything. Only "THAT" can. "THAT" is experiencing, "THAT" never waits.
• You are not the person you think you are, but you are already what your thoughts are looking for because you are the formless THAT, capable of appearing as any illusion because it is Nothingness by nature.
• It is THAT that can experience everything and anything, it is THAT that is constantly here and it is THAT that is experienced. And you are THAT.
• Look into your true existence, then understand that this existence is not as a person, not as a body, but as the formless THAT. IT transcends all limitations. Instantly.
• It's not about who you think you are, but about going through what you think you are. The apparent illusions are experienced by THAT, not the person you think you are and they are made out of that. THAT is experiencing THAT.
@infiniteko Dawa🎑 translated by Dechen
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dearfear777 · 3 months
All Dualities Must Collapse ❌
Natural vs Supernatural
Reality vs Fiction
Possible vs Impossible
Dreams vs Awake
This reality vs That reality
This universe vs a parallel universe
Physical vs imagination/mind
Throw it all away! 🗑️🗑️
When you drop all these concepts, things like being a vampire goddess and visiting an alien planet are like grabbing a cup of coffee on a random Tuesday morning. A simple decision.
What are you waiting for, GOD?
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dearfear777 · 3 months
You're the witness of it all.
Awareness is having experiences from infinite POVs 💫🌌🌠
All experiences are happening now, simultaneously.
No "current life vs desired life" You are not living a current life.
No "my world vs your world" in truth none of us have a "world," awareness is just having 'different' experiences at the same time.
Beyoncé is an experience and so is Katniss from the hunger games. They appear to be different, you've labeled one as real and one as fiction, but both are being experienced by awareness now!
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dearfear777 · 3 months
“And the game was over and the player woke up from the dream. And the player began a new dream. And the player dreamed again, dreamed better. And the player was the universe. And the player was love.
You are the player.
Wake up.”
Crazy that this is from the ending sequence of MINECRAFT😭 it’s interesting so I just wanted to share it
It has been infront of you all this time :)
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dearfear777 · 4 months
No one is Here
[very unusual for us but here is a longer post inspired by YourHighSelf. We'll never post another long one again]
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Don't believe that the observer is over here, and what's observed is over there.
In this very moment, "THAT" is your nature. And don't believe me because you can only be aware of the idea of believing something. YOU don't believe anything. YOU don't have opinions of anything. YOU don't label things good and bad. YOU don't have an idea of how things should be or how things should feel. YOU aren't confused, YOU are aware of the confusion, YOU aren't seeking, YOU are aware of the seeking. Thoughts are just happening, they are happening to no one.
But I am saying that what YOU are is here and has always been here regardless of what practices you do, this takes no time because time doesn't exist. Right now is the only experience that can be experienced. You will never awaken in the future. You will never get there one day. You will never be enlightened one day. So let's stop focusing so much on what you have to do to get there. As if there is somewhere to go or something to do to be what you already are. You don't have to do anything to be. Let's begin to focus on simply realizing that you are " " Emptiness right now, accept what you are in this moment.
You're simply realizing what never changes; " " Your sense of Being or Existing. You're realizing the truth.
You don't have to be a monk, you don't have to be a teacher of consciousness. You can enjoy life in any way you want. It's a dream, it's your dream.
you never left heaven, just turn around and realize you've been on the inside looking out.
-No power is above " "
-Nothing can hurt " "
-Nothing has ever happened to " "
You are "presence" itself.
@infiniteko Chen
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dearfear777 · 4 months
@: buddhamemefolder
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dearfear777 · 4 months
If u guys were in my situation u would've trauma dumped too. I thought I would get some help. Can't even dm u guys don't accept it. Anyway. Thanks.
what answer do you want from us?
"How to change your life:
1. do this, do that
2. don't do this, don't do that"
I'm sorry but we're 5 people who share empty words once in a while and leave. we're not "Law of whatever" Coaches. Our IG dms are full of similar cases, it's impossible to respond to every single on of them, they're closed for that very reason and we don't want Readers to rely on us for anything.
If we were to delete our account today, then what? Everyone literally has everything that is needed. You just think you don't. Relying on outer sources is a cycle you have to break yourself. The basics you need to know are available on different accounts here and there.
All 5 of us and i bet other accounts as well were at their personal lows at different times with different situtions. What did we do? We looked at some accounts / did our own limited research without overconsuming, went within. That's it. What else is there to do?
is this a method? Is Being a method?
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dearfear777 · 4 months
Rick and morty season 6, ep 2 👀
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dearfear777 · 4 months
What do you do when you claim a new person but are still seeing the old one? In one of Ada's posts she said until we realize self, present will be what we were prior conscious of, but how do we stop letting the circumstances of this past self bother us until consciousness has changed?
Consciousness doesn't change by anything but your own will, you do not have to see what you do not want to see because you are prior to the seeing. YOU are the Seer. The one that knows what's there to be seen. Circumstances don't exist without you being aware of them, if you say "there is a past body to hinder me", "there is a mind who doesn't agree", "there are senses who disobey", those are circumstances and you ARE FIRST aware of them before they ARE.
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dearfear777 · 4 months
Suppose you wanted to wake up with a new appearance and a completely new life tomorrow...how would you go about that?
stop seeing yourself as one body or the other. you are the CREATOR of both;
both the desired life + appearance and "physical" life + appearance are imaginary.
"your" life + body right now is just as imaginary as the body + life "you" prefer.
the only thing making one "real" and one "fake" is your identification with one and not the other.
you see yourself as the "real" body because you are choosing to be it.
make those desires a reality by choosing it.
the same way you chose to make this body + life "yours"; You ONLY viewed yourself in one particular way and refused to identify with anything else. you saw a body of your creation and made it yours through identification.
you're aware of this "desired" life and appearance, therefore it exists in your consciousness already. simply choose that character and be it. you CREATED both the character asking this question, and this "desired" character.
when you're having a lucid dream and being some character in the dream, you realize it's not actually you. then, you're aware that the dream and all of its characters are your creations. this means even the one appearing to be "you" is your own creation and can be molded into any form imaginable.
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dearfear777 · 4 months
IG: @realitywarpingg (deactivated)
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