#actual bear halsin? beautiful
mypunkpansexualtwin · 9 months
I gotta say, the BG3 fan artists out there rehydrating our fighters, turning our supermodels and bodybuilders into power lifters, taking the abs away from the backliners, and making that bear a bear?
Y'all are doing god's fucking work.
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autistichalsin · 5 months
Do you ever think about how utterly furious with himself Halsin looks after he accidentally wildshapes during the sex scene. How he stammers out excuses to you because he is TERRIFIED he fucked up so bad you're about to leave him. How if you DO turn him down, he looks devastated?
How Halsin has been alone for so long thanks to the Shadow Curse and how he wants more than anything to be loved for who he is and he's terrified that if literally any of his true self- his wildshape issues, his actual emotional needs, his trauma- shows, he'll be left alone again?
How he works so hard to be the perfect lover because he's spent so long being treated like only his body, how he thinks people "look at me and think my feelings can't be hurt," how he thinks no one wants the real him, just an ideal lover, so he won't be ANYTHING else?
Anyway. That is why to me, the bear sex scene ISN'T just a joke, even if it is a funny scene. It's more than that. It's one of the only chances in the entire game my character gets to tell Halsin he doesn't have to hide his true self. That he's beautiful the way he is. That he doesn't have to be perfect- an in-control Archdruid or a dream lover- to be worthy of love and respect and dignity. He doesn't even have to be able to control his powers. Being his true self is all my character would ever want from him. That's really beautiful, I think.
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.⋆。Let Me Be Your Bear。⋆.
Halsin x plus size reader (Tav)
An accident involving a fiery touch and your beloved stuffed teddy leads you to something wonderful
Warnings: Tav!reader, fluff, mutual pining, daddy Halsin, cuddling, reader has no specified gender or pronouns
WC: 782
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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It had been an accident really. You knew Karlach was just curious about the small stuffed animal that was sitting on top of your open pack, she didn’t mean to turn it to ash as soon as she touched it and you didn’t resent her for it, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t break your heart just a little bit. 
Especially now as you lay by the dying fire, clutching a small bag Wyll had given you for the ashes tightly to your chest in some vain attempt to receive the same warmth the toy had given you before. You knew it was silly, it was just a small bear you found at the beginning of your journey but it was comforting on the darkest of nights when you were stuck with your thoughts or nursing some wound. 
Sighing, you rolled over onto your back and came face-to-face with the massive druid who was standing over you, looking at you curiously. You inhaled sharply in shock, clutching the bag even tighter. Halsin just tilted his head. “Why are you holding a pouch?” 
Heat crawled up your neck in embarrassment. “It’s dumb.” You mumbled, but his sensitive ears caught each word. Firelight flickered over his face yet the light in his eyes was even brighter.
“You can tell me you know. I have been told I am a good listener.” You sighed, patting the ground beside your bed roll. With no hesitation, Halsin took a seat beside you, his muscular thigh only a few inches from your soft one. 
Your fingers toyed with the small braided rope that tied the top of the pouch together, the ends already frayed from your nervous fiddling. “It was my bear, it was accidentally burned up which I understand, it wasn’t deliberate. But I can’t sleep without it.” 
Halsin hummed under his breath and you braced yourself from some teasing remark (perhaps you were spending too much time with Astarion) but it never came. Instead, the druid smiled softly at you. “Perhaps, you would allow me to help, with your permission of course.” He must’ve noticed your confused expression because he quickly spoke again. “I think you forget, I myself am a bear.”
Realisation dawned on you then, which was quickly followed by bashfulness. He was offering to let you cuddle him just so you could sleep. That of itself was an enticing offer, he was an incredibly handsome man, only a fool would deny that. But more than his outward appearance, he had a gentle and kind soul, one you had quickly fallen for.
“You don’t have to.” You replied but Halsin laid one massive palm on top of your knuckles, easily enveloping your much smaller hands.
“I want to.” No other words were needed. He pulled away from you just far enough for him to shift without hurting you as his eyes began to glow a beautiful gold. You blinked and suddenly there was a brown bear standing before you. He huffed and nudged your shoulder, pushing you to lay back down.
You didn’t even notice as the pouch slipped off your lap, too focused on the way that Halsin’s huge front legs now straddled your wide hips as he himself lay down between your legs. A soft groan was forced from your lips when he placed his head onto your soft stomach but it wasn’t uncomfortable, far from it actually. His weight on top of you eased the tension throughout your body and you quickly found yourself overwhelmed with exhaustion.
He gazed at you with emotions you couldn’t quite comprehend, watching with some satisfaction as you relaxed beneath him.
Your arms curled around his head as best you could, rubbing one of his ears between your fingers. He gave a satisfied groan, his black eyes shutting. “Thank you.” You whispered and he nuzzled further into you, almost purring as your closed your eyes.
“What in the bloody hells are you doing!” Astarion’s shrill voice cut through the tranquillity of the morning, startling you from your surprisingly deep slumber. Hot breath fanned across your face as the massive bear on top of you growled before settling back to sleep, his huge maw resting on your sternum.
“Sleeping.” You grumbled and your fingers tangled in his dark fur.
“Well yes I can obviously see that but why do you have a bear on top of you?” You cracked open one eyelid to glare at the elf who looked greatly put off by this whole thing.
“He’s my bear.” You answered simply as Halsin groaned in agreement, both of you wishing to go back to sleep and maybe get another blissful hour of just holding each other.
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avocado-writing · 3 months
Can I request companions + Halsins reactions to a tav who snorts when they laugh really hard and is embarrassed about it so they try to control their laughter as much as possible?
OH i love this one!!
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oh he is delighted when he first hears you.
will 👏 not 👏 stop 👏 teasing 👏 you 👏
but you know he doesn’t really mean anything by it. if you tease him back about things in return, he thinks it’s all good fun.
eventually becomes quite fond of your laugh. it’s nice to hear something so genuine when he lives a live of exaggeration and attempting to hide his emotions.
begins to smile whenever he hears it.
so so so so pleased to have made you laugh that hard.
he sees the way you cover your mouth in embarrassment and lets you know that he finds your laugh charming. he can see how flustered that makes you but you seem pleased, too.
goes out of his way to make you chuckle from that point on. more than usual, anyway, and he looks so happy whenever you snort because of him. expect lots of daft puns.
you think maybe you’ve laughed more with Gale than you have for the rest of your life.
genuinely taken aback, but doesn’t mean to be rude.
when he sees you’re humiliated by it, he quickly reassures you that there’s nothing wrong with how you laugh, he just didn’t expect it.
you’ve been so solemn on this journey so far, after all — he thought you were just averse to humour, not that you were trying to hide how you sounded!
encourages you to laugh more, not cover up this lovely thing about you. if anyone has anything to say about it?? well your Blade will step in ❤️
“oh my GODS I love your laugh!”
she’s so chuffed to hear it properly! you sound so lovely!
her laugh is loud too, big and booming and takes over the whole camp.
she tries to get you to laugh more. if she knows you’re ticklish, she will descend upon you until you’ve lost it, just left in tears.
it’s hard to feel self conscious about it when she’s there, making you so happy!
also not known for her sense of humour… but something happens to make you laugh one day, and you snort so loudly.
she is so shocked that she starts to laugh too, and it’s such a strange sound! like a croak. you can’t help but giggle in response.
and then the two of you are just there, like you’ve had Hideous Laughter cast on you, losing yourselves at the silliness of the situation, stuck in utter joy at each other’s laughs.
eventually you compose yourselves. she looks you in the eye, wipes away a tear.
“we never speak of this again.”
giggles when she hears you, then manages to get ahold of yourself.
“sorry, sorry. I just wasn’t expecting… that.”
confesses that she’s unused to much laughter due to her upbringing, so she understands your serious nature.
but, at the same time, encourages you to express your feelings. she knows she’d love to hear you laugh more. she finds it quite sweet, actually.
and if anyone mocks you? well, no heals for them.
also overjoyed.
does what he can to bring the sound out of you more. it quickly becomes one of his favourites.
when you confide you’re self-conscious about it, he reassures you:
”my heart, there are many wonderful sounds in nature that perhaps we don’t expect. maybe yours is one of them. it makes it no less beautiful.”
then he turns into a bear and does a forward roll which leaves you in stitches 💕
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halsinsnaturepocket · 1 month
Getting-to-know-you sex with Halsin
Let's be so real, Halsin is SO kinky but he is SO worried about coming on too strong the first time he sleeps with you, but is genuinely so happy when you become progressively kinkier.
He's already worried he might have pushed the limits by turning into a bear, he feels like anything more really will have you running and he's so scared of scaring you off. "I'm almost too scared to touch you"
that's not going to keep him from touching you, he just has to hold himself back, show a little restraint.
But he knows he wants to be with you more than once, he's down bad, but because his heart doesn't stir lightly he's worried about being *too much*
testing the waters by doing things like kissing and caressing every inch of you to see what makes you react
lightly biting, not enough to leave a mark unless you encourage him to
and when you do encourage him, he does it flawlessly - choking with the perfect, practiced amount of pressure that leaves you breathless
biting you just hard enough until you tell him it's actually really okay if he leaves a mark - you want that, and he wants to do that
putting his hand lightly across your collarbone, his thumb brushing against your neck, silently begging you to ask him to choke you
if you trust him to choke you, he does it just right, not enough to actually hurt but enough to make you just a touch lightheaded.
Giving you small praises (in elvish if you're elvish) to see if you react well to praise, and when you do... gods. He's telling you you're beautiful, he's telling you how good you're being for him.
Encouraging you to express yourself as well - “If you need to pull my hair, bite me, or scratch me… I won't stop you.” He rumbles against your ear as you get closer to orgasm - he is delighted to learn which one you are, or whatever it is you do as you start to come undone at his touch
He makes sure you cum first, and asks where you want him to cum once he can finally get there(He has insane stamina, he won't be done until you've cum more than a few times)
"Where would you like me to finish? Your neck? Your chest...inside of you?"
Is pleasantly surprised if you say "in my mouth" and can take his cock in your mouth with little issue
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BG3 Companion Sexuality Headcanons
Astarion: Pansexual. Has a slight preference for men. Has a complicated relationship with feelings of attraction and connection, so doesn't usually like thinking about his own sexual identity. Thinks Wyll is the hottest other party member.
Lae'zel: Pansexual, kind of. Doesn't really relate to sex and gender in the same way as the Faerunian companions. Githyanki socially de-emphasize romance, and all sex is generally for pleasure since Vlaakith decides who bears eggs. Lae'zel is alloromantic, but romance isn't generally at the front of her mind in a relationship. Neither is gender; ultimately Lae'zel is attracted to conviction and fighting prowess, moreso even than anything physical.
Shadowheart: Bisexual. Very slight preference for men. (EDIT: I've rotated this in my mind after people pointed it out and I think actually Shadowheart has a slight preference for women.) Remained closeted into adulthood, not because the other Sharrans would discriminate against her (they generally don't care about sexuality) but because she wanted to impress everyone with how well she could keep the secret. Also, excessively kinky.
Gale: Bisexual. Has more experience with women than with men, but that has more to do with circumstances than preference. Though physical appearance isn't not a factor, he would probably describe himself as a sapiosexual; he's attracted to knowledge, intellectual curiosity, and strong opinions. Had crushes on several teachers in wizard school.
Wyll: Bisexual. Realized he wasn't just attracted to women at a young age, and his father was very supportive. No preference between genders, but one of his favorite things to do is court gentlemen exactly the same way he courts ladies; he likes being the devoted chivalric prince to men since he knows it's less common for them to be flattered and told they're beautiful.
Karlach: Pansexual. Years of being unable to make genuine connections with anyone have made her horny for affection, kindness, and commitment. Maybe had some gender preference before going to Hell, but her time there has given her lots of time to consider basically any options. Has at least a slight crush on basically every other party member.
Halsin: Pansexual. No gender preference. Halsin has had centuries to explore his sexuality, and his robust understanding of nature gives him a non-binary perspective on gender and sex. Nothing is a casual fling for this dude, though -- if you show the slightest bit of interest in him he will dedicate his whole heart to you. And also anyone else who shows interest in him at the same time.
Minthara: I didn't actually have Minthara in my party, but from what I've seen she seems like a pretty traditional drow, and when I think of drow and sexuality I sort of imagine a reverse of ancient Greek customs; bisexuality is the norm, men are prized for their beauty and for marriagibility, but it's expected that women will also have flings with other women, and those relationships are often considered more meaningful. I imagine Minthara follows those lines, being bisexual and assuming she may one day marry a beautiful man but being more inclined to meaningful, affectionate relationships with women, due to her own prejudices moreso than preference between genders.
Jaheira: Thought she was straight for the first century of her life, but has more recently opened up to other possibilities. Isn't particularly interested in marriage or a deep interpersonal romance at this point in her life, but she has entered a state of questioning her sexuality -- she's just not super interested in experimenting with actual relationships. She's got more important stuff to do. Did have a fling with Ninefingers that neither of them tell anyone about.
Minsc: Doesn't like labels. Minsc isn't interested in finding a partner, doesn't really care about sex, and is enthusiastic about romance mainly when other people do it. He hasn't given a lot of thought to where he might fall on any sexual/romantic spectrum, but he definitely sees beauty in all of his friends. He will give you the most heartfelt and often embarassing compliments on your personality, style, and appearance. Does that mean he's attracted to you? Maybe, maybe not, but there's definitely something queerplatonic going on.
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littlejuicebox · 5 months
ahhhhhh the first installment of Midnight Chimes is so good! I can’t wait for more! I also really like the AstarionxWren series, I loved jealous Astarion in Chapter 10! Would you be willing to write another small piece about him being jealous? Thank you!
Hi Anon! Thank you. I love some jealous, angsty Astarion as much as the next person! Here you go! <3
Warnings/Tags: In-game spoilers, fluff/angst, jealous partner, possessive partner (if you squint)
Word count: 1.4 K
The group had only a few days left in the Mountain Pass region before they ventured into the dreaded Shadowlands. Halsin insisted on hoarding at least a quarter cord of wood for the journey; he said he would even pull the entire thing himself, in his bear form, if he had to.
The wood elf warned the others that the journey into the Shadowlands would be treacherous, and nary a living thing would be found. As such, he'd been more than adamant they all gather as many supplies as they could find and hold in order to prepare for the unknown atrocities ahead.
No one could deny Halsin was a magnificent specimen. Everyone in the camp had been distracted when the druid removed his shirt, revealing beautiful beads of sweat glistening on his remarkably chiseled chest. The late afternoon sun was beating down his barren back as he chopped relentlessly at a thick tree trunk, hashing it with sheer force and unbreakable will. Earlier, the spellcasters had offered to help the druid with the project, but he'd quickly brushed them off with an explanation that the repetitive manual labor cleared his mind.
The mountain of a man paused to drink water from his canteen and then lifted the bottle over his head. The cool liquid spilled through his locks before flowing in thin rivets down his face, following the force of gravity and ultimately dribbling down his barren torso. Astarion himself had been sitting with his mouth agape, watching the salacious scene. Honestly, it was a nearly impossible vision to ignore.
But then the silver-haired elf became absolutely engrossed in the event, unable to look away as you practically sprinted over to Halsin with a fresh canteen of water and a few damp cloths. You were fussing over the druid as he took a brief respite from his self-assigned chore. Astarion rolled his eyes in exasperation when he heard you lament the fact that it was so hot and insist you could help the druid chop wood.
Oh, please. He was certain you never lifted an axe in your life.
But, of course, Halsin was humoring your antics and absolutely devouring your attention. The druid took a few more sips of water, and then you two fell into what must have been a very pleasant conversation, judging by the flush of your cheeks and the giant grin on your face.
Astarion felt a pang in his chest as your laughter rang across the camp; coquettish giggles that had been previously reserved solely for him. Was he actually jealous?
No, impossible, he couldn’t be! The rogue could have bed anyone in the camp, Halsin included, if he so wished. You had simply been a matter of convenience. So what if you two spent nearly every night wrapped in one another's arms, it was merely transactional!
Wasn’t it?
“Your move, Astarion.” Wyll prompts with a small, mischievous chuckle.
“Huh?” The vampire responds dazedly, jerking his head back to the human man.
Oh, right, they were still playing chess.
Astarion glances at the pieces on the board, but he’s preoccupied by visions of you and Halsin his peripherals. The rogue picks up his remaining knight and moves it to E4. Wyll laughs in lofty delight and pushes his bishop forward, claiming Astarion's knight with ease.
The vampire groans in dismay before examining the tiny wooden pieces again. He and Wyll had made a bet: the loser had to leave camp and forage for a basket full of wild crops before returning for the night.
Astarion abhorred the thought of performing such a menial task, and he had been winning mere moments ago, before your little rendezvous with Halsin distracted him. He sighs and brings his hand to rest on the side of his face, trying to focus on the game, but your ridiculous laughter is ringing in his ears. Finally, the elf picks up his queen and moves it a few spaces to the left.
When he's completed his move, Astarion’s eyes wander over to you once more. Halsin is leaning into you with his muscular arms wrapped around your torso, broad chest flush against your back. He’s showing you how to properly swing the axe, the two of you moving in unison.
“Oh, come on!” Astarion shouts, no longer paying attention to the chess game at all. His fists tense into tight balls upon his lap; you had to know what you were doing.
Wyll is laughing. He's just won the game and misinterprets the vampire's exclamation as a response to the loss. "Hah! You have to be more careful with your queen, Astarion! Or else she'll be stolen away by the better player."
The pale elf snaps his eyes back to Wyll and then down to the board. Only then does he realize that he's lost the game, perhaps in more ways than one. Astarion frowns in utmost displeasure; the parallels of the warlock's statement are not lost on him.
Wyll is cackling as he hands the basket to the pale elf. Astarion growls and grabs the woven piece of wicker; as he walks out of camp, he is perturbed to see you still chopping wood with everyone's favorite druid.
Over an hour later, the vampire returns to camp with a basket full of foraged food, as agreed upon. He drops the basket in Wyll's lap with a huff and then stalks off to his tent without a word. When you pop by a couple of minutes later, Astarion is absolutely brooding, and pretending to occupy himself with a book he hasn't read a word of.
"Can I help you? I'm quite busy." The pale elf grumbles, barely lifting his eyes from the page to acknowledge you.
You don't take the hint and let yourself into the rogue's tent with a contented little smile. You move to sit next to your lover, and he dramatically leans away from you, turning his head to avoid your gaze entirely.
"Aw, come now, Astarion... are you still upset that you lost that bet against Wyll?" You murmur, cocking your head slightly, "He warned you that he was quite good!"
"I wouldn't have lost if someone hadn't distracted me." Astarion snarls, snapping the book shut and scowling at you, white eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.
"Distracted you? I wasn't anywhere near you!" You respond in surprise, eyes widening at the elf, "How can you blame me for losing, it's not my fault you--"
"You distracted me because you were practically drooling all over the druid!" The vampire hisses, no longer able to keep the boiling bits of frustration from spilling out of his mouth as he points the book at you in accusation.
"Are..." You pause, eyebrow raising slightly, copying the habitual expression of practiced cockiness normally displayed by your companion, "Are you jealous, Astarion?"
"Of the druid? Hah!" The vampire retorts, feigning disgust with a crinkled nose, though he realizes it's not too convincing, "Hardly, darling."
"Hmm... shame." You drawl, eyes narrowing slightly. You sigh and begin to shift, as if you're about to exit his tent, “For a moment I was beginning to think you actually cared."
"And where do you think you're going?" Astarion asks as you lift the flap of his tent.
Since entering the Mountain Pass, you two had shared a tent almost every night. Often, it was for sex, which he found himself expecting in a confusing state of yearning and apprehension. But sometimes it was simply for cuddles and conversation, and perhaps a little snack on his part. He found that he'd grown quite fond of your frequent interactions and the feeling of your warm body curled up next to him as you finally drifted off to sleep.
"To my own tent," You murmur, eyeing the vampire with a devious smirk, "Come and find me when you're ready to admit that you were jealous."
And then you're gone, and Astarion is left seething, watching as you saunter away.
Less than a half hour later, the vampire is at the entrance of your tent, his threadbare blanket draped around his arm. You lift your gaze from the dagger you'd been sharpening and eye him with a self-satisfied smile. You sheath the blade and bring your arms across your chest, waiting expectantly for the rogue's confession.
The pale elf groans in frustration, rolling his eyes up at the heavens, "Are you really going to make me say it?"
"Oh, absolutely!" You respond near-instantaneously, "No entry until admission is paid."
Astarion sighs and shifts uncomfortably on his feet, his lips pressed into a thin line. "I guess..." He starts, and then his tone drops into a barely audible whisper, "I guess I was a bit jealous."
"I'm sorry? I couldn't hear you. You'll have to speak louder, darling, as I don't have vampiric hearing." You say with a teasing, overly saccharine smile, "Could you please repeat that?"
"I was jealous!" He hisses, now thoroughly flustered by your mockery and pulling anxiously at his own ear, "There! Are you happy?"
This time you beam, and the smile is sweet and genuine. He feels the knot that was growing in his chest relax as your gaze softens. You scoot yourself over in your tent and chuckle slightly, patting the spot next to you. "Yes. Very happy. Now get in here, you sweet idiot."
Astarion enters the tent, immediately taking his place by your side. A smooth, pale arm wraps around your torso, and he presses a soft kiss to your temple before dropping his head and whispering into your ear, “The next time you're looking for wood, my sweet, it would be my pleasure to provide you with some. You needn't look elsewhere; I'm sure you'll find that the wood I can provide you is hard and ready to fill you with warmth every single time."
His hot breath tickles your ear, sending goosebumps down your spine. You feel your face grow flushed at his overt innuendo, and the vampire chuckles at the splashes of red spreading across your neck and cheeks. He brings his tongue to run along your ear lobe, which rips a small, delightful gasp from you.
"Astarion!" You squeal, pressing a hand to the elf’s chest and moving away slightly in a half-hearted attempt to avoid the vampire's advances. Your tent is still wide open, and you don’t particularly relish the idea of everyone in camp witnessing your private life, no matter how nice it feels.
"That better be the only name I ever hear cried from your lips.” The rogue murmurs before moving forward and gently nipping at your lobe, grazing it between fanged teeth. He smirks and then hums contentedly before purring into your ear once more, “Now, be a little lamb and close the tent, won’t you? I believe we have some serious making up to do.”
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vole-mon-amour · 7 months
Thinking about Astarion shapeshifting into a cat. "I'm so tired. How do people do this all day?" Thinking about him riding on Halsin's shoulder and barely weighting anything to Halsin as a cat, and this way he doesn't actually have to walk all the way. Thinking about Astarion snuggling up on Halsin's shoulder or in the crook of his neck while Halsin maybe does some whittling. Bonus points if he manages to doze off while they're on the road. Halsin walks and Astarion sleeps.
And when it's battle time, thinking about Astarion being shapeshifted into a snow leopard or a white panther (or another large wild cat with deadly fangs and claws so that he can literally make their enemies bleed with a hit of his paw and overpower them with his body if it's something that needs to happen.) Four legs with sharp claws, fangs to rip apart the enemies' throats and a mighty tail that helps his balance.
Thinking about a shapeshifted bear and a domesticated, once feral cat sleeping on him. And maybe he's still feral, just not with Halsin. He can still bite and scratch and claw up someone's clothing and run away just as fast. He can still make others bleed—sometimes he means to because he doesn't like them that much, sometimes he just doesn't know his own strength.
Thinking about a shapeshifted bear and his boyfriend in a shape of an albino serval next to each other. Thinking how wild, yet beautiful they look together and how they both love just chilling in this form. How Astarion sometimes snuggles next to his bear—because Halsin loves that form, because he sometimes relaxes so much that he turns into his "natural" form and Astarion just embraces that.
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I feel like an albino serval is definitely a shape that can suit Astarion very well (with maybe a white nose as well and red eyes so it matches his vampiric eyes). What a wonderful couple those two are.
P.S.: An au in which druids can turn others into animals, with some boundaries like turning them bc of a request or if it's their loved one so there's at least some restraint and completely strangers don't turn other complete strangers knot animals? A polymorph scroll that can turn another into an animal of their choose and not only a sheep?
Or maybe both. Both can also be good.
UPD: Kinda OOC/AU, but what if Astarion was a druid/could wildshift himself? Two boyfriends chilling. <3
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megs-98 · 4 months
Megs BG3 Masterlist
Please feel free to check out my works or my AO3! :3 Everything is listed by character <3 If you want added to a taglist at all, DM me and let me know!
My AO3 Account
It's Always Been You
Summary: Tav left Baldur's Gate after the final battle but years later something... or someone, drew her back and she had to find out why
Pairing: Dammon x f!reader (Tav)
Tags: Fluff, light make out scene at the end, mostly just Dammon being the sweetest boy
word count: 3.4k
No Extra Excitement
Summary: Tav comes back with the party after a long day exhausted but thankfully everyone's favorite wizard stayed behind to prepare a couple of surprises for her and they both have a lot of thoughts about each other
Pairings: gale x f!reader (Tav)
Tags: Explicit, fingering, vaginal sex, fluff, mutual pining
wordcount: 2k
Like You Mean It
Pairing: Gale x f!reader (Tav)
Summary: After a long, dreary day spent in Gale's tower, barely seeing him at all, you decide that you're going to get the attention that you crave. Even if it means Gale has to tame his brat with the help of a mage hand.
Tags: Explicit!, bit of a dom!Gale, use of mage hand, clothed nipple play, some voyeurism, male masturbation, riding, lots of praise, mutual orgasm (Please let me know if I missed any!)
Word count: 3.8k
A Gentle Touch Under A Canopy of Wonder and Beauty
Pairing: Gale x f!reader (Tav)
Summary: (This turned into a different take on Gale's love confession) Tav and Gale share a night together, saying, and doing things, that they need to get off their chest before they reach Moonrise Towers.
Tags: Explicit!, little bit of angst? (if you squint), expressing feelings, Mystra hate, female receiving oral, vaginal sex, sweet Gale, soft fucking, mutual orgasm, some religious themes during the smut (it's my favorite) idk I just have a lot of thoughts and feelings about this pixelated man.
Word count: 4.6k
Petals and Poems
Pairings: Gale x f!reader
Summary: Gale is off to work after making you breakfast, so you decided to go shopping and leave some gifts for him to find once he arrives home. Also Tara is peak mom in this.
Tags: None, just two idiots in love :')
Word count: 1.9k
There's A First for Everything
Pairing: Halsin x f!OC (Elyra)
Summary: (Taking place post game and featuring bloodlessbhaalbabe 's OC Elyra) After celebrating Love Day in Thaniel's Realm with the refugees and his love, Elyra, Halsin sets up a romantic evening for the two. He has something important to tell her before the fun starts.
Tags: Explicit!, mutual pining, fluff, love confession, f! receiving oral, inappropriate actually quite appropriate use of entanglement spell, vaginal sex, lots of praise. I think that's it
Word count: 2.7k
I'm Aching for You
"My mind has been haunted by your visage. Everywhere I looked, there you were; smiling that sweet smile, putting others before yourself, fiercely protecting your friends. During the nights that I could not get you out of my mind, I would turn into a bear and run halfway through the forest, yet your smell still lingered in my nose. Everything about you has beckoned me to you yet I could not."
back with another halsin x oc fic! this one for @stinadrawsthings 's beautiful tav, gia! hope yall like it! :) also trying a slightly different way of formatting these posts
Pairings: Halsin x oc!f tav (Gia)
Summary: As the shadow curse has finally been lifted, and your party ready to start towards Baldur's Gate, Halsin has asked you to meet him at his room in The Last Light Inn for a much needed conversation.
Tags: Mutual pining, making out, lots of praise, m & f receiving oral, fingering, light fem dom, vaginal sex. Really these two just finally fully confessing their feelings and fuckin like the oak father intended
Word count: 5.4k words
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elderidgeart · 7 months
Here's what I think about the BG3 companions having never played BG3 and only hearing about it second hand from my friends (also I just got top surgery a few days ago and im delirious)
Halsin: He babygirl. Babygirl BEEF. Keeps getting kidnapped because he's so precious. Damsel in distress. He turns into a bear when he's really feeling fruity. (Which is most of the time)
Wyll: traumatized by his patron. Sometimes the patron is at the camp but everyone is too nervous to tell her to leave (no one wants her there).
Shadowheart: Horse hair girl. Starts feeling herself and dyes (undyes?) her hair to express herself. Mommy issues fr. I think she's a lesbian just from the sheer amount of fanart I've seen with her and La'Zeal.
La'Zeal: For some reason the only person in the party who actively wants to help you out, but is also the one complaining the loudest about helping you out. Danger. Vicious and confused. You need to roll intimidation to hold hands with her. She gets REAL into you torturing someone at some point.
Asterion: Another Babygirl fr. You need to be the worst version of yourself imaginable to get this man's approval. Talks big game but actually secretly wants to be held and be treated gently. Is really into all of the nasty stuff you do.
Gale: don't make eye contact or he WILL fall in love with you. Sad pathetic wet cardboard kitten. Scrungly. Anders round 2. Gets all in his head and hurts his own feelings CONSTANTLY.
Karlach: too good too strong too beautiful for this world. Beef CAKE. Can break down any door. Loves her squishmallow. (Could explode at any point in time though (?) )
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iamthunderhearmehowl · 7 months
BG3 HeadCannons that WONT LET ME SLEEP
I have to share the headcannon that is living rent free in my head rn otherwise I will NEVER go tf to sleep bruh.
Okay so like WHAT IF - hear me out, WHAT IF, Halsin did have a child?? What if he - during the time he was held a prisoner in the underdark (as basically a sex slave) actually sired a daughter. He said he broke out during an altercation and didn't know what happened to his captors. He obviously wouldn't about his kid.
WHAT IF he had a daughter who was half drow - who grew up and was raised in the underdark; maybe she's the bastard child of a princess? Who knows. But what if she realizes that something is up - she's different than the other drow. She has his eye color, she has his kindness/ gentleness - she is unlike her mother who is cruel and abuses her power of position.
She is more than likely just as beautiful as her father, if not more. A flirt? 100% this kid would have Halsin's rizz.
She's a druid for sure - doesn't quite know it yet. You think Halsin is a mf tank as a cave bear???? I have reason to think that his child - can turn into an ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE OF A BEAST. I'm talking like a Carnotauros.
While she is gentle and kind, she also has her mother's temper. Do not cross her, do not trust her little doe eyes. If you were ever to hurt someone she loved or double crossed her she wouldn't think twice about gutting you like a fish.
Another thing:
We all know that Halsin's heart is made of gold - he sees nature as a thing of beauty, bountiful, warm, fertile, prosperous. He sees balance.
His daughter sees nature as survival; chaos. She understands that there is thriving and then there is SURVIVING.
He is the warm mountain breeze and she is the tempest of the storm.
(forgive me - I can see in my head what I'm speaking of but typing it out and explaining it in words is difficult)
I would think that as different as they are Halsin would love her fiercely (that's his kid after all), though she would be a young adult at this point
Maybe be a little over protective??
in BG3 you're supposed to be able to have a companion of each class - what if you have:
Mol as your Rogue (young adult)
Arabella as your Sorceress (young adult)
Halsin's Daughter as your druid
maybe they're a polycule? Maybe they're like idk the powerpuff girls? Maybe they're 3 best friends who - constantly get into mischeif ?
Would Halsin not approve of TAV romancing his daughter????
Can his daughter romance Dammon?? (I'm still butthurt that I can't romance him in game)
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anyways thanks for coming to my ted talk. Hope my melatonin kicks in soon <3
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monstrousvoice · 9 months
🌸Companions Favorite Flowers!🌸
Was talking with @by-the-erdtree in the Discord about which flowers would be the favorites of the companions and wanted to share 💖
Loves lilies of all kinds. Something about their delicate, slender appearance looks right to him.
He also has a soft spot for lavender as it's soothing smell is something he would have nearby while studying/meditating on his work. (The fact that they're purple is an added bonus)
It is confirmed by her in-game dialogue that her favorite flowers are night orchids! She likes other orchids as well, but the night variety are her favorite by far.
If pressed to give an answer Asterion would say something stereotypical and "romantic" like roses, to match that sultry seductive vibe he has.
The truth is though, he prefers small delicate flowers like bluebell or violets.
A lover of super vibrant and bright flowers, he absolute favorite would have to be sunflowers! They're so big and bright and always looking to the sky, she feels a kinship with them. She would love to lay in a field of them and just soak up the sun's rays for an afternoon.
Bear papa likes flowers that come from berry bushes, especially blueberries! Such hard working flowers that grow and transform into tasty snacks for traveling through the wilderness, what's not to love?
Our tough warrior will insist that flowers are beneath her notice, that she would never find beauty in something so useless.
But if you watch her carefully on your journeys, you'll see how she pauses to admire daisys and dandelions growing along the path. Such hardy little plants that grow everywhere, even the city!
Not that she actually finds them appealing, what are you talking about? 🙄
Wyll has an appreciation for all different types of wildflowers he's seen during his time on the Frontier.
If he had to pick favorites though, he would admit he has a soft spot for chrysanthemums, which look so plush and vibrant in color, or black eyed susans, especially the ones that have multiple colors going to the center.
The Emperor
In his long lifespan traveling to different worlds, he's seen some pretty incredible things. Off planet, he'd say his favorite flower is one that doesn't have a name in common tongue that grows in various shades of white and blue, with a soft glow about them due to the planet they grow on being one shrouded in darkness often. They are carnivorous flowers.
If he had to chose one from the Forgotten Realms, one that's known to the people of Faerûn, he would pick ones with big fat petals and vibrant colors. His most favorite would be lotus flowers.
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autistichalsin · 5 months
One of the most beautiful and understated parts of Halsin's arc is meaning.
In addition to showing kindness- like I mentioned in an earlier post- Halsin's love of nature symbolizes how he finds meaning in small things. It's why he loves honey; it's his little indulgence. It's why he loves ducks, whittling, and whittling ducks; because ducks are migratory birds, but they remind him of finding home.
In nature, Halsin sees life lessons. He sees meaning. He sees strength and protection and love in bears, he sees journeys and homecomings i ducks, he sees joy and simplicity in dogs. He sees strength and resilience and even beauty in trees, beginnings in roots, and wonder in the sky. It all has a meaning to him.
Even less happy things he acknowledges; he sees death as just as important as life, chaos as a necessary counter to order to keep balance (befitting his Druidic beliefs). He sees those who hate small talk as just as worthy of consideration as those who share his own love of rambling, and he sees monogamy as having just as much of a place in the world as polyamory even if the former will never be for him. Everything has a place, and he sees that.
He sees meaning in both the big and small things. He knows there is an underlying message behind so many actions and thoughts and beliefs, and those are important to him. He sees meaning in everything in the natural world, viewing it as a bounty from his deity.
And that actually reflects in his repeated choices to show kindness. It's his way of seeing the meaning of a child's laugh or a refugee's plight and knowing how to respond. It's part of why he's so flexible, because all of the different perspectives and attitudes matter to him.
I find it very telling that in the cut scenes where the characters would have been taunted in the Morphic Pool by hallucinations sent by the brain to dig in to their insecurities, Halsin's was saying that everything was meaningless. That the world should be allowed to burn while Halsin should give up. The taunt would have shown Halsin's struggles at that point in his life- his fight against cynicism (having given up cynicism around the age of 200), his frustrations with the ways cruelty is allowed to flourish (like his heartbreaking comments if Orin kills Yenna in the camp or his comments on the plight of the orphans in the city), his worries that perhaps his efforts are Archdruid were meaningless because he had few successes to show for his efforts. That image would have shown just who Halsin is- someone who wants so desperately, for better and worse, for everything to mean something.
And in overcoming it, Halsin would have shown one of his most beautiful traits- the ability to enact change in subtle ways, not obvious ones. Not in being a war hero or a folk legend, but in making his own meaning, for himself, and often for others too. When he sees children suffering, he makes a community where he can care for them. When he sees a Shadow Curse blight the land for 100 years while no one cares enough to fight it, he holds hope until he can break it himself. When others mock him for being a bear-man who loves honey, he indulges just as much, reasoning that as long as others are affected, he has a right to enjoy himself. When others sigh that he's talking about nature, again, and maybe he should talk about art instead, he turns it back to nature and saying that a tree is one of the most splendorous things in the world. When Halsin is, in his bad ending, left in the Shadow-Cursed Lands to try and break the curse on his own, he finds hope in his brief memories of traveling with the party, using those to sustain himself.
He makes his own meaning of the world. He refuses to believe that it's all without a purpose, even when he's miserable at the Grove or when he has no idea what his purpose is anymore once he breaks the Shadow Curse. He knows there's an answer- and if he can't find it readily, he will make it himself, and that's exactly why he ends up making a commune for those in need in the end, where he is adored by children and presumably adults alike.
Everything and everyone is important to him. He's a sentimental being at heart in a world that wants more than anything to toughen him up and stamp that out of him, and he refuses., and his devotion to kindness and meaningfulness are why he ends up so happy in his ending.
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all-pacas · 6 months
Have we done the BG3 daemon AU yet?
Shadowheart's is a mouse. Was a mouse. Small and gray and soft. Does Shar allow daemons? Is it the last thing she's meant to give up? She hides it, for being so small and soft. They'd tease her, for having something so small, for being prey. She hides him in her sleeve or a pocket, even with the others. Out of sight and hidden.
Lae'zel has a wolf, an astral dog. Big and lean and fierce and strong. Loyal and brave and surprisingly calm. He keeps to himself, but is never aggressive in camp. Wags his tail, explores on his own. Tears out throats in battle. They are very close; she calls him a word Gith'yanki word that doesn't mean daemon as much as it means partner. The fighter you can trust the most. In the privacy of her tent, she sleeps with his stomach as a pillow.
Gale's daemon is not Tara. It's a crow, large and smart and preening. Tara pretends to hate her for being a bird; she'd cuddle her as a fledgling. Gale always thought he'd have a cat daemon; Tara always suspected it would be a bird, though she thought he'd have something brighter, more flashy. The crow is beautiful. Gleaming blue-black feathers, perfectly groomed. Smart as a whip and always getting into things. Bags, people's tents, trouble. Comes to sit on Gale's shoulder often, but prefers to fly and explore on her own.
Duke Ravengard actually does have a raven familiar. Wyll does not. He has a hyena. She was a late settler, and only settled on her final form after he Contracted with Mizora. Hyenas are smart, loyal, take wonderful care of their young, are very social and live in large groups. They also have reputations as dirty scavengers who often turn into Gnolls. Wyll's daemon is scuffed up as he is, lean and bony and with a torn ear. She's loyal, brave, will share her prey with others, and takes care of Wyll a bit like he's her cub. They like to play fight, and are very close. He'll often idly lay a hand on her as he talks, she rubs up against him like an overgrown cat.
Karlach has a bear, a black bear. Smaller than you'd think, cuddly and a bit lazy, and she talks about him like he's a tiny little boy no bigger than Shadowheart's daemon. Until, of course, it's time for a fight. They'll play-wrestle and it'll look really brutal, but he's the biggest sweetie on the planet, and a bit shy out of battle.
The undead do not have daemons. Astarion's died with him, centuries ago. He says he doesn't remember what she was; this is probably a lie, but one the others are too polite to call him out on.
Halsin and Jaheira are druids, and their daemons like themselves can still shift. Halsin's daemon is particularly changeable: you'd think she'd be a bear, and sometimes she is, but she's curious and has serious wanderlust and prefers smaller forms, songbirds and badgers and geckos to better explore. Jaheira's daemon prefers a fox form, complaining that he, too, is getting on a bit and shifting is too much work. As with Jaheira, it's all lies: he's as sharp and quick as ever.
Minsc's daemon is, somehow, Boo.
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avocado-writing · 3 months
I saw some of your BG3 headcanon and I got to say I love it. 💕
I hope it okay to ask what would BG3 companion would react if the reader is a selkie 🦭💕
how cute! hope you enjoy, anon!
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sort of glad he isn’t the only “afflicted” of the group (even though you consider your selkie-dom a blessing and not a curse like his vampirism)
you spend long nights discussing how you adapted to “normal” life after the tadpole. he doesn’t need to hide from sunlight, you don’t feel the pull to constantly be near water.
makes jokes about stealing your sealskin when you annoy him, in return you threaten to stake him. just girly things 💕💞💓💗💝💘💖
when you finally get the confidence to transform in front of him he is transfixed. you are beautiful.
“what do you think?” nervous eyes, picking at your fingers.
“you’re wonderful,” he says, uncharacteristically sincere, and you feel your cheeks heat up.
super duper fascinated.
asks you a billion questions, ones you didn’t even think about the answers to!
”so how does it feel when you actually slip into your seal form?” “?? Normal I guess? Idk, Gale!”
he watches you transform and swim around, making lots of notes to start with — but he gets distracted and just watches you play.
when you flop up onto the bank next to him, covered in water and out of your seal body, he gets lost in the sweet depth of your eyes.
when he kisses you for the first time it’s the most sure he’s ever been about anything.
“oh my GODS that’s so cool!”
also asks a billion questions too but not like… smart ones.
“have you ever eaten raw fish?” “yeah of course, Karlach!” “haha ew how did they taste?” “pretty good actually!” “AMAZING”
can’t stop looking at your, stroking your cloak when you’re in kith form. she knows how precious it is to you and wants to keep it safe.
she submerges herself in water and heats it up like a hot tub, you turn into your seal form and float around lazily enjoying her heat. ❤️
gobsmacked but honoured you shared this side of yourself with him.
we know our lad likes fairytales, he’s swept up in the storybook aspect of it all.
(secretly you’re both thrilled at the idea of being a knight having a romance with a selkie. it’s so perfect and sweet! 💕)
always checks in to see if there’s anything he can do to make you feel more comfortable - finding you water to relax in or getting you some fatty food to enjoy.
perfect partner. respectful and doting. no notes!
surprised, but pretends she knew all along (she didn’t, she just doesn’t want you knowing how taken aback she is)
I think you being a selkie helps her get the courage to try and swim.
maybe it’s you in bipedal form holding onto her and leading her into the water, or maybe you turn into a seal for extra buoyancy.
either way, she’s squeaking “don’t you dare let go!!”
she eventually gets more comfortable with this side of your life and there is nothing she enjoys more than just floating with you, holding your paw or your hand 💕
doesn’t really understand.
you have to explain the concept to her a couple of times before it sinks in.
”this is a confession?” “yes…” “I do not understand why you believe I would think any differently of you. you are still the source of my joy.”
her honest acceptance of you, all of you, is enough to make your soul feel sweet.
you kiss her. there is simply nothing else for it.
my man wildshapes, so he’s pretty used to people being in animal forms - even if it’s a bit different for you.
the two of you talk at length about changing into beasts and how it feels, what joy and freedom it brings.
let’s be real. we’ve all seen the bear scene. the two of you probably both turn into seals and get freaky. it’s great.
he likes to curl up in his bear form around you as a seal and drift off to sleep on the shore. you feel so safe next to him. he’d never let anything hurt you.
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goddness-lunafreya · 6 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Characters' Pokémon Team (Part 2)
—Halsin, the (ex)Archdruid—
Read the other parts at the end of the post.
Hello everyone, let's go to part 2 of this little game I'm doing to think about a Pokémon team for the characters from Baldur's Gate, based on their personalities and backstory.
The only rules are: 1 Starter, 4 common Pokémon and 1 Legendary or Mythical. The team also needs a Gigantamax or a Mega Evolution.
Today we will see the (ex)Archdruid of Emerald Grove, Halsin, our beloved elf, bear, daddy and healer. Let's try to imagine the Pokémon he would use on his team!
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Its starter was complicated, practically any Grass-type Pokémon would be perfect! However, I wanted to not be too cliché, so I thought of another Pokémon for this.
You know that line of his about ducks? Halsin loves ducks. So why not an energetic and joyful duck?
This is Quaxly! Paldea's Water starter!
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Quaxly is a lively duckling with a cheerful personality. Motivates allies, but is full of active spirit! So active that its evolution becomes a Fighting-type Pokémon!
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Quaquaval is a duck that dances and fights! With a willpower that makes him deal with challenges head on. We all know that Halsin dances in the epilogue and has enormous willpower, I think this grown duck would be a great companion for him!
Not to mention that water helps nature, so Halsin would be happy to make Quaquaval water any dry plants they had lying around.
Then that's it! Quaquaval would be Halsin's first Pokémon! They would dance(Specifically Samba) around while destroying those who threaten the nature!
But the second Pokémon needs to represent Halsin! And nothing better than a bear... There are several bear pokemon. But I would vote for Bewear as a Halsin signature pokemon!
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This big bear is of the Normal/Fighting type, being a bear that loves to hug, but has such great physical strength that it hurts others when hugging.
But he doesn't do anything bad! Bewear has a huge heart... They are caring, gentle, protective and very soft! Fluffy is actually their ability...
They are big bears that represent Halsin as a whole. Strong, but loving. Gigantic, but with a big heart.
The third Pokémon continues this path of large Pokémon with a careful personality. And that's why I thought of Kangaskhan as Halsin's Pokémon!
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This purely Normal-type Pokémon is a mother. Protects your child in its pouch with its life, lives in community and is kind to those who are good people.
Halsin loves children, that's no secret to anyone. So he would love a Pokémon that exalts all the beauty of motherhood and care.
And the best! Kangaskhan can Mega evolve!
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Your Mega Evolution doesn't change anything, just the fact that your child is now grown up! And they can both fight together!
Halsin would love to see this little one grow up strong and healthy enough to help his mother with works.
Halsin's fourth Pokémon is to represent the change in nature. The seasons of the year. The beauty of change. This Pokémon is Sawsbuck.
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Sawsbuck is a Grass/Normal deer that changes its antlers based on seasons. They are protective of their flock, linked to nature in an intimate way. Beautiful, graceful, like nature itself.
This Pokémon would be perfect for Halsin, he would admire the foliage of his antlers and recognize the state of the seasons at that moment.
Okay, but something is missing from this team, a medical Pokémon, a healer. A Pokémon that demonstrates the care that Halsin has for the injured and the sick. And no one better than Blissey, Halsin's fifth Pokémon.
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Blissey is a doctor pokemon, who takes care of others, worried about everyone. They even offers her egg, full of nutrients, to those who are sick! They are by nature careful and affectionate. With an instinct to care and protect, as Halsin has at different times.
This Pokémon would help Halsin care for the sick and injured, as if it were an assistant. Blissey would be a great addition to his team.
And don't underestimate the power of Blissey! They can be powerful even if they are only Normal types. They can be very useful in combat.
Finally, Halsin's last pokemon is his Legendary. We have several options, but I will go with the protector of nature, Tapu Bulu!
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This powerful Pokémon that protects Alola and nature is a Grass/Fairy type. Fairy itself is a type very linked to nature, to its power, to the natural.
Tapu Bulu is dedicated, focused, but also playful. They loves humans and cares for those who take care of nature. They is responsible for making vegetation grow, taking care of nature and plants.
It's almost as if he was sent by Silvanus for such a task. To care for and protect everything He created.
Furthermore, Tapu Bulu is inspired by one of the Hawaiian Gods and Totems (as well as the other Tapus), which are carved with wood. And well, we know that Halsin likes to carve wood.
And now, we have the conclusion, where based on what was analyzed, I say that Halsin favorite type is:
Normal type!
The Normal type is underrated, but it is an extremely interesting type. They have almost no weaknesses or advantages, but they have a unique quality of moves.
The Normal type represents, well, normality. Everything that is closest to our real world has the Normal type in the Pokémon world. Everything that is neutral or natural is of the normal type.
See how many animal Pokémon are normal types, or how many Pokémon you care for are normal types. The normal type also represents music, the nature, the change and the ability to change.
Halsin would love the normal type for its simplicity, for representing the beauty of life and nature in a simple way. Not everything needs to be very magical or powerful, and Halsin sees the beauty of this in Normal-type pocket monsters!
And I hope you enjoyed the analysis! I really want to team up with the other characters.
Other parts:
—Part 1 (Astarion)
Replots and reblogs are always welcome. Support the artist by giving a follow and like. Feel free to give suggestions for Pokémon and teams. 🌙 —Goddness Lunafreya
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