#abyss posts
abyss-sss ยท 2 years
๐€๐ฅ๐ฐ๐š๐ฒ๐ฌ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐๐š๐›๐ฒ๐ฌ๐ข๐ญ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ
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"EDDIE!" Dustin called, loudly outside of his trailer. It was getting closer to noon so he had no problem being noisy to get the attention of his senior dungeon master.
Steve groaned next to him, unfortunately getting snagged into driving his three brats to Munson's trailer.ย 
"Don't scream so loud, Dustin. I don't want to look like I'm a part of this." Steve grumbled.
"It's a little late for that, y'know?" Mike snarked.
"I mean you do practically hang out with us most of the time." Lucas added.
"thank you for the insight, you guys are soooo supportive of my social life." Steve rolled his eyes. โ€œAlways the babysitter.โ€ He muttered.ย 
Right at that moment, Eddie's door slammed open, revealing a very drowsy looking Eddie clad in a wrinkled shirt and a pair of lopsided sweats. Behind him sat his uncle, drinking from a half empty pot of coffee and you, browsing through a magazine on the couch.
"Why do you guys always have to bang at my door?" Eddie scolded, making a face of annoyance.
"One more reason to get your own place kiddo," Wayne speaks up, still browsing through the newspaper, much to Eddie's dismay.ย 
Eddie reached out to shake Steve's hand in their signature handshake. Mike, Dustin and Lucas called it the "dad shake." Eddie and Steve called it the "single father shake."
Eddie completely bypasses the kid's words, opting instead to talk to Steve to minimize how much time he had to spend chatting with them.
"What brings the brats to the Munson Lair, huh?'
"I'll be honest, Munson, I couldn't even figure it out. Some campaign idea or something."ย 
Mike enthusiastically fished out a stack of paper from his backpack hanging off his shoulder.
"So we have these new characters that we want to play for the next campaign but we want your approval." Mike said.
Eddie snorted. "Say the words, kiddos."
Dustin and Lucas each rolled their eyes, Dustin already ahead of him.
"Oh master, might you grant us an audience with your majesty?" He said in a worn out tone.
It had Wayne shaking in his seat as well as you looking like you were about to burst at the seams with laughter.
"Hey! Not funny, y/n!" Dustin shouldered his way into Eddie's trailer, setting down his bag and pulling out a pencil.
"Wayne." He acknowledged.
"Dustin." He nodded back, moving the coffee pot so there was sufficient room on the table for their dnd antics. This sort of thing was becoming commonplace to the point that neither you or Wayne bothered with their presence. If anything you thought it was endearing to watch Eddie take care of the kids like they were his own.
Mike and Lucas followed Dustin in, standing around the table due to the lack of chairs. Already they were laying out plans, cocking their heads with intrigue and pointing out all the ways they could tweak their existing designs.
Steve heaved a sigh when Eddie beckoned him inside.
"Might as well stay, Harrington. Want a smoke?"
Steve shook his head. "The ladies aren't fond of it."
Mike looked up from the paper to deadpan "what ladies?" Which has Steve giving him a pointed glare and looking more than worn out.
"Hey, just saying, smoking landed me a smokin hot babe. But whatever." Eddie lit his cigarette, tossing the rest of the pack and the lighter on the table. You decided to ignore that part.
Lucas reached out for them, trying to be conspicuous before Eddie slapped him on the hand.
"Ow! What the fuck Eddie!"
"Mhm," Eddie tutted, wagging his finger in the air. "You're still fresh Sinclair, you don't need that shit anyways. You'll thank me later."
You pretended not to listen from your nose stuck in a magazine, watching the interaction go down. They were like a little family and it had your heart soaring.ย 
Eddie leaned over to glance at the contriving roadmap of notebook paper, effortlessly pointing out a flaw in Dustin's design.
"That right there. That's gonna get you killed, dusty."
"How did I not catch that!" Dustin squealed, erasing furiously.ย 
Soon, Dustin struck up a conversation with Mike and Lucas, rambling on about details until Eddie could barely get a word in edgewise.
He decided to join you and Steve on the couch, sitting on the middle cushion and throwing his arm about your shoulder.ย 
"You're good with them." Steve nodded, hushed so the three boys didn't hear. He had been tangled up in babysitting them for what felt like so long, it felt good to know that someone else had their back too.
"Oh well, someone's gotta tend to the lost sheep." Eddie took a drag on his cigarette, trying to keep the smoke from reaching Steve in an act of respect. His thoughts were in the right place but he still looked guilty when Steve tried to muffle a cough.
"Yeah. And boy do those kids need some tending to." Steve said, a tone of endearment in his voice.
"Don't worry, man" Eddie suddenly pipes up."I'll take them when you got your six nuggets to take care of."
Steve flushed red, hoping to God that the kids hadn't heard that part. To no avail though as he heard Mike's guffaw from the table.
"Watch it Wheeler," Eddie started, "six is a lot of kids for one Steve to handle." You and Eddie shared a glance, both obviously trying to hold in a laugh. Poor Steve would never live down the reputation as the guy who wanted a whopping six kids. Eddie leaned in closer to Steve, whispering to him.
"Not that I doubt you, bro, you'll be a great dad."
At this point Steve looks absolutely mortified and he's hoping he can block this all out later. If he leaves though, he'll be called a coward forever. If he takes it, the kids will never stop teasing him and calling him "dad." The only option was to fight back.
"Thank you Eddie." Steve smirks wildly. "Speaking of kids, when are you and y/n going to start a family?"
You go stiff in your seat. You try to go back to reading the same page you'd been on for the last ten minutes but the words started blurring on the page.
"Uhhh" Eddie starts, looking at you for help. you just shake your head, leaving your boyfriend to search for an answer that would make all present parties happy. The boys had long forgotten their world building and stared at you and Eddie long and hard, waiting for an answer.
("5 bucks for 'after we graduate'' Dustin smiled.
"No way," Lucas said, "10 on 'after we're married'"
Mike tsked, 'nah, it's gotta be 'after we move away from hawkins'")
"Pfft." Wayne snorted at the other side of the table, breaking the heavy silence in the room. "It's a damn surprise the poor girl isn't pregnant already." He flipped the page of his newspaper.
Eddie gaped, mirroring a similar expression of shock on your face.
Wayne continued undisturbed. "I mean with the amount of condoms he's bought, it's a mystery that he doesn't have six nuggets of his own."
Steve's eyes nearly popped out their sockets, watching as the three doofuses went wild, practically lining up to give Eddie's uncle a high five.
If you and Eddie weren't still shell shocked you would hear murmurings of "brutal!' "sick' and "way to go, Mr Wayne." Wayne's frown turned up into a barely there smirk.
It took an extra minute for Steve to register before he burst out laughing, hands holding his stomach.
Steve stood up, stretching a decent amount before striding to the door. "I guess I'll be babysitting your tater tots first, Mr and Mrs Munson." He shook his head.ย 
"I'm gonna head to the store and be back later to pick up your kids and take โ€˜em home. Need anything? Milk? Eggs?โ€ He wiggled his brows, โ€œCondoms?"
Steve threw his head back in an exaggerated laugh, slamming the door behind him and leaving the six of you to your devices.ย 
Eddie buried his face in your shoulder, feeling you holding in your chuckles as you patted his head.
"That's what I get for teasing."
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aphel1on ยท 7 months
i have such a love for characters who descend into madness or villainy out of deep, deep empathy. characters who fundamentally cannot cope with the cruel realities they find themselves in and blow up about it in spectacular fashion. fallen angel type characters with tears of outrage in their eyes. characters who break before they bend, and break so badly they splatter blood all over their noble ideals. every variation on it gets me so good
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bloodysparklez ยท 3 months
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guys help the protagonist isn't supposed to like me, what did i do??!? ;-;
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toxooz ยท 5 months
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also been thinking abt pooki with his cunty scarf๐Ÿ’…
if my next drawing post isnt the comic update take me out back and shoot me like a sick dog
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in-the-abyss ยท 4 months
its the year 2048. qsmp now hosts 29 different languages from all 5 continents. there is a total of 231 streamers in the server. wilbur still hasnt been online a single time.
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caffichai ยท 1 month
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Regular Abyssal Hunter downtime activities
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glitched-dawn ยท 12 days
I made a notes post a while ago that I did not fulfill at all. I regret that very much, but now I have a new chance since summer break is around the corner.
So, we got notes post 2.0! and this one is a little simpler, with smaller steps:
10 notes, ill make healthier snacks
20 notes, ill make sure to drink at least one full glass of water aside from dinner every day
35 notes, ill try and shower at least twice a week
50 notes, ill try and go on walks more often and go on longer walks
70 notes, ill make an effort to eat breakfast and lunch every day
100 notes, ill ask my friend if we can make a work-out routine daily/bidaily/weekly
110 notes, ill ask him if we can switch cities during the workouts and learn how to ride the bus together
130 notes, Iโ€™ll ask my mom to take me shopping for more masculine clothing and second hand tattered stuff I can tinker with (my pants are currently breaking apart as I write this)
150 notes, ill ask my mom to help me find a good binder (my size is out of stock on the good website i found, tips are greatly appreciated)
200 notes, ill ask my mom to take my mental state more seriously and see if we can get me appointments on BUPP or UMO (youth therapy in my country)
250 notes, ill ask for an autism diagnosis/depression diagnosis/dysphoria diagnosis if i can get a hold of one
300 notes, ill try and get my gang together and do more shit like D&D, hikes, hangouts etc
rules: only five reblogs per person, five comments, you can tag max seven people, and you have to do this before June 14:th.
aight go go go lmfao
(update: ill use strike-through on the goals i've achieved by June 14:th, and make an update post when ive done all of them)
another update: 1000 notes and Iโ€™ll ask the councellor to make a concern report so I finally get to live somewhere other than my โ€œhomeโ€. (Itโ€™s liveable but horrible)
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sunderwight ยท 4 months
Crack SVSSS Mpreg AU where when Shen Yuan transmigrates in, the system impregnates him with the displaced soul of the original Shen Qingqiu.
For the purposes of this AU, we'll say that male pregnancies or trans men being pregnant in the PIDW universe are uncommon but not especially noteworthy concepts.
So now not only does he have to deal with recovering from his qi deviation and of course being pressed into the role of the scum villain from the novel he was just reading, he's also mysteriously knocked up, can't explain it, and doesn't even know for sure if the baby will recollect being Shen Jiu when its born -- and of course hate him for stealing the Shen Qingqiu life.
What's more, Shen Yuan can't bring himself to get rid of it, because he does have mixed feelings about stealing Shen Jiu's life as well. Even though he knows it's probably the best tactical move, and he doesn't even like Shen Jiu, and the system has said there wouldn't be any penalties because it wouldn't impact the major important plot milestones, he opts to just... keep it. And not think too hard about it.
Luckily(?) cultivators have a lot of control over their bodies, which means a pregnancy can last however long they want it to, so Shen Yuan doesn't have to worry about giving birth in a hurry. SJ seems fine in utero, stalling his development doesn't have adverse effects, so Shen Yuan just swears Mu Qingfang to secrecy and figures out how to keep his pregnancy at the early stages for as long as possible while he hashes everything else out. So apart from internal freak-outs, most of the early plot proceeds as usual.
Unluckily(?), this state of affairs changes when Shen Qingqiu gets infected with Without-a-Cure, as that makes it so that putting off the inevitable is no longer a viable course of action. He can't spare the extra energy and doesn't have the stability of cultivation required to mess around with his pregnancy anymore, so things have to proceed at a more normal rate.
Which means the other peak lords and the disciples on Qing Jing find out that Shen Qingqiu has been harboring a secret pregnancy for an undetermined length of time. Shen Yuan has to bite the bullet and use the amnesia excuse to explain his lack of insight to the existence of any other parents (he's surprised it works so well, because he doesn't know that the rest of the sect has already figured out he doesn't remember some things after his fever), which inspires a lot of behind-the-scenes chaos because everyone has ALSO figured out that Shen Qingqiu's amnesia seems to pertain to things that must have traumatized him in the past.
So if he's pregnant, and he lost his memories of how he got that way...
Well. Cang Qiong is now on the hunt for an attacker who might already be dead and doesn't actually exist.
But everyone agrees that Shen Qingqiu doesn't need to be troubled by these details, so if he's okay with not remembering, then they're okay with letting him not remember. The only one who tries to bring it up is Liu Qingge, and that's mostly in the context of wanting clues so he can track down the culprit and stab them until they are dead.
Luo Binghe supports the quest to find the persona responsible and violently murder them, but as a disciple he has no resources to actually go on some wild goose chase for a mystery rapist. Besides, he has more important things to do on the peak, like making Shizun's meals, keeping Shizun's house, and preparing to help raise Shizun's baby. Luo Binghe is not going to be the stepdad, he is going to be the dad who stepped up! (Binghe please cool your jets you're like fifteen you're going to give your future shizun whole new inner turmoil about whether it's possible to accidentally babytrap your own teenage disciple via immaculate conception reincarnation pregnancy...)
Anyway eventually baby SJ arrives, and Shen Yuan immediately decides to block all recollections of the childbirth process and never dwell on it again. Something happened, he's no longer going to think about it, oh look a baby! A potentially evil villain baby. With cute widdle toes and tiny fingers and a squished, grumpy baby face that gets all red when he cries...
Yeah. Despite his reservations, there's no way he's not getting attached.
He gets Binghe to help him pick out a name for the baby, partly because he feels terribly presumptuous when he actually knows this kid's real name (but he can hardly call his son "Shen Jiu"), partly to encourage Luo Binghe to have some fondness for the kid so that if he someday hates his old shizun, he might still spare his "son" from his revenge. Even though it's actually SJ's fault. Well, he's a baby now. He probably doesn't even remember anything! He sure does cry a lot! Would the OG villain cry and fuss and settle down only after being sufficiently cuddled?
Turns out, yes. Shen Jiu remembers everything from before his fatal qi deviation. He's just also still an infant. So what can he do but cry? And maybe pee on the beast and that body-stealing creature that has reduced him to this. He spends most of his early infancy waiting for someone to come smother him with a pillow, but the conspirators must want to keep him alive for some reason, because it doesn't happen. Instead he gets looked after and soothed and taken care of in a way he never has been. Also, his stupid baby instincts keep insisting that the creature which stole his body is actually the safest person in the whole world.
It's like a cruel joke. SJ finally gets the childhood he always wanted deep down inside, but the one giving it to him is some kind of monster.
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tevintersnakes ยท 1 month
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Reviewing some holotape records
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helsensm ยท 1 month
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"Lao, how's your relationship with Johnny, any progress? Have you two reached mutual understanding?"
answer for mk ask on telegram
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abyss-sss ยท 2 years
18+ mild NSFW, unedited, fwb eddie Munson
Eddie who can barely contain himself when you confess about your love for him. Eddie who's been fucking you blind for months but hasn't had the courage to say the three little words. He knows the difference between fucking the freak in the dead of night and planning a future with one and thinking that he just doesn't want to lose his best friend of so many years.
He'd be starstruck as you hold on to his shirt, tipsy after a long night and pouting up at him with an impossibly adorable gaze. you're shaking and he thinks that maybe you're cold and he should wrap you in a blanket. But you open your mouth, telling him how stupidly oblivious he is and how awful it's been waiting for your friendship to turn into something more. you telling him how much you love being with him in more ways than his bedroom expertise. How you think his eyes are so pretty and how you can't stand watching anyone else besides you undress him with their eyes. How much you love him and how you can't get his image out of your head.
Eddie, stunned and going blank, can barely say anything back as his jaw drops. He sends a silent thank you to which ever deity decided to bless him with your presence. Eddie, whose heart is racing but also thinks with his dick, memorized by the way you crease your eyebrows and worry your lips.
He, in a spur of the moment picks you up, legs around his waist, hips pressed together.
"Do you know how long I've been waiting for you to say that, Darling." He'll say, nearly sprinting to his room, tossing you in a fit of giggles onto the bed and climbing over you.
Eddie who's fucked you nearly every weekend for six months and then some but feels like this might just be the beginning of something when he entwines his hands with yours.
He'll kiss you, enthusiastically and energetic, until you tap his shoulder so you can breathe. He'll dive back in to kiss you, mumbling words and capturing your lips again to punctuate each meaning.
"Love you."
You shower him in the same affection that you've been craving since you first hooked up- maybe even before that. You kiss his eyelashes, holding his face tenderly in your hands as he rubs his hands down your waist.
It's oddly soft for a moment where he has you pinned underneath him, heat and tension strung tight.
You, breaking that godforsaken tension to rock up into his hard length, frustrated at the lack of stimulation. Moaning with smooth sounds, Eddie's voice sends shivers down your spine.
Eddie pressing down on your hips momentarily to stop you from grinding on him, placing his lips back on yours before you can whine.
"We're gonna do this right this time." He whispers, his breath tickling on your ear. He resumes his grinding, a finger hooking to pull down the pants and lacy underwear you have on.
"It's gonna be a loooong night, sweetheart."
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heritageposts ยท 1 year
you wake up. you're a middle schooler. you meet a boy on IMVU. he's emo, and you like that about him because you're emo too. he sends you an AMV. you click the link. a black screen. "naruto vs. sasuke," written in comic sans, made in windows movie maker. and there... there he is. the anime boy you will spend the rest of your miserable teenage years obsessing over. sasuke. sasuke uchiha. sasuke, the lone wolf of the shinobi world. he's sad. and miserable. and so, so cool! you watch him, not yet knowing the impact he will have on your developing psyche. linkin park is playing. don't stay, forget our memories, forget our possibilities.
you're enthralled. transformed.
a week passes. ep 48, part 2 of 3 is slowly loading on youtube. a bowl of ramen sits on your desk. it's you're favorite thing to eat now. slurp slurp. just like naruto, you think.
years pass. decades pass. you change. become an adult. stop being emo. develop an iron deficiency from your ramen-based diet (you only eat it because it's cheap now). you'll never be a ninja. you'll never be a fighting dreamer, etc. but still. you watch naruto. you rewatch all 720 episodes, including all the fillers. you rewatch it, even though you know the ending sucks (and, if you're being honest with yourself, a lot of the beginning and middle parts, too). but still, you keep watching that garbage. you keep slurping it down, holding out infinite hope, searching for that high you felt as a pre-teen watching naruto for the first time. and then rock lee drops his weight and... woah! that's still fucking awesome actually. yippee!!
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salamispots ยท 7 months
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some downtime doodling
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sunflowergraves ยท 2 months
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felixravinstills ยท 2 months
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Festus Creed and Sejanus Plinth Sassing Each Other at the 10th Annual Reaping Ceremony
โ€”The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (2023)
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ri-writes-if ยท 5 months
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DEMO | 2 chapters, 80K words
In the underworld kingdom, where demons fight for survival against the abyssal monsters, you are just an Oracle. In the distant past the Oracles were at the top of the demonic hierarchy, but those golden days are long gone. You did what you were most afraid to do and now sit under arrest in the royal palace.
When the Abyss sends you a vision of a terrible disaster that will happen in the future, you make an inevitable โ€œdealโ€ with the Sovereign to try to change the future and improve your abilities, not only to become stronger and learn more about the coming disaster, but also in an attempt to achieve mind stability.ย 
However, what has been happening to you since you received the vision makes you think that you are already slowly but surely losing your mind.ย 
Will you be able to maintain your sanity and help others protect the kingdom, or will you become just another name in the long list of Oracles gone mad?
This is an interactive fantasy story with a heavy focus on friendship and romance (with strangers to lovers or enemies dynamic). The story is rated 18+. Content warnings: violence, death, loss of sanity, trauma, possible sexually suggestive/sexual content, and more (the full list is in the demo).
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Customize your Oracle: pronouns, traits, and appearance. Choose your full โœจ demonic form. โœจ
Decide what you do for fun. Do you sing, dance, paint, play a musical instrument, or write?ย 
Deal with the old friends who let you down.ย 
What you did cannot be undone. Your reputation forever ruined, how will you handle the publicโ€™s new attitude toward you?ย 
Learn more about the Oraclesโ€™ past and what truly drove their royal clan into ruin.ย 
Maintain your sanity. Depending on your choices, youโ€™ll either move closer to loss of control and madness or further away from it.
Decide what fate awaits you. Youโ€™ll have to make an important decision that will open two very different paths for you, influence the plotโ€™s progression, and your relationships.
Will the victory be sweet?
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โœจ Vezriel, The Sovereign (m / f)
They have dark brown skin, long curly black hair, and black eyes with pale white flecks. Tall and of strong build, Vezriel cuts a robust but elegant figure, usually dressed in beautiful robes.
Vezriel seems a perfect ruler: theyโ€™re smart, calm, patient, know moderation, and always put demonsโ€™ well-being first. But youโ€™re not so naive as to think this is their real faceโ€”many secrets lurk under the golden shell of the nobility. You never thought of meeting them in the past, but now spending some time with them is inevitable. Perhaps you will find out what lies beneath their mask?
โœจ Osara / Osaron, The Heir (f / m)
They have warm brown skin, long wavy black hair, and silver, almost white eyes. O is tall and strong, their expression impassive most of the time, which makes them rather intimidating and unapproachable to some demons.
Vezrielโ€™s only child and heir, O is their Chief Counselor, and they have a consistently good reputation. Their character reminds of their parent, though O is much more cold and reticent. Nothing seems to touch or shake their emotions, despite the known long list of ex-lovers. You donโ€™t need their attention, but the circumstances have put you right under it. What will you make of this opportunity?
โœจ Lazarus / Lazaris, the General (m / f)
They have beige skin, short/medium-length wavy blond hair, and golden eyes. Many small and big scars can be seen on their hands. L is tall and has a strong build. Despite their high station, they seem friendly and laid-back.
L rose from the bottom of the ladder and made a name for themselves, though judging by old rumors, their clean background wasnโ€™t always so clean. Theyโ€™re charismatic and popular but keep others at a distanceโ€”everyone except their friendsโ€ฆ and you. L treats you especially well, but youโ€™re not foolish enough to blindly play their game. What do they want from you?
โœจ Ashmedai, the Royal Healer (f / m)
They have pale skin, long straight black hair, and bright red eyes. A large scar runs on the left side of their face, from their forehead along their eye and to their chin. Ash is tall and slender.
Ashmedai was sent to observe your condition after the incident and to help you with mind stability if needed. They performed their duties without showing any displeasure or impatience no matter how you behaved. Ash is secretive and reserved, and you guess their restrained temper is connected to the dark rumors surrounding them. Will they open up to you?
โœจ Azarias / Azaria, the Royal Musician? (m / f)
They have pale skin, long white hair, and black eyes with narrow silver pupils. A tattoo of a snake with flowers curves around their neck. Az is tall and lean.
Ashโ€™s younger sibling, Az somewhat resembles them in appearance, but their characters couldnโ€™t be more different. Az is bold, humorous, and fickle. They know everyoneโ€”and everything about everyoneโ€”and enjoy a special favor from the Sovereign, which has allowed them to retain their place in the royal palace for many years. Youโ€™re concerned about their peculiar attention to you because thereโ€™s no reason for itโ€”you two have never met before. Orโ€ฆ is there a reason after all?
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