bridgeportbritt · 7 months
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You're Invited to Celebrate the Love of Countess Olivia Sagerton & Grayson Wu-Ravikumar
Coming 2024
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tswwwit · 8 months
i’m sooo curious on bill meeting dipper’s parents. i think i remember you mentioning at one point they kinda sucked and treated dip especially bad. i’m sure that’s caused a lot of his long term mental health/self esteem issues and i can’t help but think his husband wouldn’t be too thrilled about that. also they don’t even know he’s married so that’s a whole other thing lol
In the Familiar AU, Dipper's parents shipped him and Mabel off to Grunkle Stan back when they were twelve, actually!
This was initially excused as the twins 'needing to get used to having magic'. Which makes sense! Magical puberty is a heck of a thing, and getting some training's useful to cut down on random magic surges.
But by the end of the summer, they hadn't made any plans for picking the kids up. This when Stan twigged to the real situation.
And by the end of that year, Dipper knew his 'paranoid' assumption was absolutely correct.
So the twins grew up in Gravity Falls, with only very occasional visits back 'home'. Contact's been sporadic, and Mabel's been the one who's clung more to their parent's attention. Dipper hasn't spoken to them unless forced to in years.
So yeah! Bill's not exactly thrilled with the parents - but lucky for them, they haven't met him yet! And they definitely don't know about the marriage. Much less anything else.
#answers#In summary: The twins' parents found out their kids were magical and decided they Just Couldn't Deal with that#They're not magical themselves and giving your kids some Magic Training is a good idea#But at some point you need to actually *take them back*#Which they just. Didn't#Dipper abso-friggin-lutely has a whole mess of issues from that#Abandonment's a big one. Being worth something and good at something? Yep that's an issue right there#Not the least of which is that Mabel as a more Talented and Powerful magic user got more attention when they were still there#Then continued to get more attention via phone call when they weren't#Mabel's got some REALLY rose-colored glasses on about the situation#Dipper sees it for the 'well my kids are freaks but at least one of them is a Cool Freak' it is#That's a fact he's been stewing on for *ages*. A fact bomb that he could theoretically drop on his sister but never did#Needless to say he got the brunt of the Issues™ but Mabel's got her own in turn#I'm also betting there's more than a dash of homophobia in their parents considering their reaction just to Magic#So the parents aren't going to be very thrilled about either of their partners#In my head I picture the parents wanting a Totally Picturesque Family#And creating the visual of one is easier if you only have Pictures of the kids instead of them being there and being themselves#In summary: Yeah The Parents Suck#I started a fic for this once and I still intend to write one but that's a later type of project#I gotta have the right start for it to flow well
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jtl07 · 2 months
Sea lions?!?
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Sea lions! :D
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rosaacicularis · 1 year
…. scarian hockey au
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faffreux · 1 year
The rumor come out: does Jolligig is creature?
he is SUCH a creature
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loguetowns · 2 years
did episode 1015 awaken my crush on ace again
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impeccablebackside · 6 months
would vic ever be freaky enough to wake up plato with a surprise-blowjob while he's sleeping?
I really like your thinking with this anon.
Vic would totally do this when she is feeling especially horny or appreciative of her mans. What better reward for him (and her in some ways) than to give such lovely attention. I would not classify it as freaky, but I suppose it would be relatively uncouth in their relationship.
Vic is so delicate and caring when she gives blowjobs and handjobs, with the softest of touches feeling like divine interventions. Nuzzling against his legs and cock at first, she will eye her prize in an attempt to resolve herself to start.
Starting slowly, the queen repeatedly licks all the way up the shaft while it is still flaccid as she gets more and more comfortable. Wrapping her lips ever so gently around the head of Plato's cock, Vic gets it warm(er) in her mouth while simultaneously getting a taste. She prefers to keep the head in her mouth the whole time, attentively licking more than sucking as she begins. As his cock gets harder, the tom remains asleep. Never needing to be on edge in the safety of their den, Plato tends to pass out cuddled close to his love.
Once Vic finds her rhythm and begins sucking, the tom is awoken. Confused at first, he is quickly put in a daze by how good it feels. The warm and soft feeling of her mouth is heavenly, and Plato struggles to keep his body still, wanting to enjoy every sensational moment for as long as he can. Vic gives him a coy look, maintaining direct eye contact the entire time, and he cannot think with how flustered he is.
The tom will reach down and pet at her head, keeping his paw there. It is not to guide or direct her in any way, more out of a desire to just connect with his love. A reassuring effort of appreciation. As she continues, he will bring his arms to his side and claw into the bed beneath them, holding on as the pleasure crashes through him. With a particularly deeper movement of her head, his body cannot hold back. His hips will buck into her mouth, breathing hard as he fills it with cum. Taking every last drop, Vic will lick and suck the end of his cock before letting it drop out of her mouth. She swallows the cum with a wink before crawling up to kiss him good morning.
The best way to start the day. That is for sure.
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wilwheaton · 3 months
Republican voters look at Trump’s attempts to overthrow the government, the document thefts, the gaseous malice, the insults to service men and women, and his pledges to pardon rioters who attacked cops…and they have decided they want four more years of it. Trump has been found liable for sexual assault and defamation, faces a half-billion dollar judgment for fraud, and may stand trial on 91 felony charges, but GOP voters are unfazed. To the contrary, the evidence suggests they are jazzed. And they are entertained. The rambling ugliness of Trump’s rhetoric—demagogic, crude, mocking, and chronically fake—continues to enthrall his base precisely because it offends all the right people. There are scores to be settled, hippies to be punched, and libs to be owned. And Republicans will accept no substitutes. At his recent CPAC appearance, Trump described his return to power as “judgment day” for the “liars and cheaters and fraudsters and censors and imposters who have commandeered our government.” He boasted that is victory in November would be “my ultimate and absolute revenge.” The crowd abso-freaking-lutely loved it.
GOP Voters Don’t Care About Winning Elections, Just Owning Libs
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My favorite part of their dynamic, hands down, is how abso-fucking-lutely nuts Wally gets when Bart is impulsive, impatient and spacey. Because that is exactly what Wally was like as a kid. Wally has so much self loathing for his younger self that he lashes out at Bart whenever Bart acts like him.
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Like, Wally is generally a pretty calm, reserved and friendly guy. He doesn't really ever freak out like this. But with Bart? Oh my god he's a train wreck.
It's a lot of misdirected self loathing, a dash of 'this is the only living part of Barry and I have to keep him safe' and a pinch of jealousy.
And Bart is just... so Bart lmao. I love him so much
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And Max, the trainer of speedsters, the adult authority figure to everyone with speed, making Wally begrudgingly say thank you to Bart like a parent with two misbehaving five year olds.
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I fucking love the Flash family. It's unreal.
The wild thing is that Bart and Wally genuinely love each other, even back then when their relationship was like this 24/7. They were just so bad at controlling their Cain instincts.
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maggierosestudio · 11 days
Would you mind drawing us some Scoops Ahoy Ronance?
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Abso-freaking-lutely!! 🍦💙❤️🤍
Thanks for the request! Took a while, waiting for life to cool down a bit 😅
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ruporas · 15 days
I have to say. I abso-freaking-lutely love your art. The whole reason I got Tumblr was so I could look at all your art. It is so lively and beautiful. Especially your Vashwood art. The way your draw characters interacting is so natural and domestic. Your rendering style is fantastic!! I also love your recent DunMeshi art!! I cannot wait to buy your Vashwood zine once I’ve got disposable income.
(Sorry this isn’t an ask, I just really love your art)
every part of this ask is just incredibly sweet and kind, thank you so so much for enjoying my art!!! it makes me weepy that people can like my art in many ways 🥹 here… 2 creatures for you
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disillusioneddanny · 9 months
Phantom's Moving Castle
Dick was pissed. No, he was more than pissed he was abso-fucking-lutely pissed. Angry enough to curse even! He couldn’t believe that this had happened to him, that he had been hit with a curse. Not only had he been hit with a curse, but the curse itself had turned him into the worst thing it possibly could have. 
It turned him old!
He had woken up feeling his body ache and pop in places he didn’t know they could. And when he had managed to hobble to the bathroom he had nearly shat his pants seeing his reflection in the mirror. This wasn’t good. No, this was a disaster, the worst thing that could have ever happened. He had blindly called Zatanna freaking out more than he had ever freaked out before. 
She had come to his apartment in Bludhaven as soon as she could and found Dick crying in bed over the new wrinkles that covered his face. “You’re being ridiculous,” she had said before she recited some spell over him, only for it to not work, causing Dick to cry even harder than before. She frowned and said it again, this time louder and more forceful only for it to start to turn Dick’s wonderful, lustrous black hair to a soft grey color.
A sob wracked through his body as he hugged the pillow tighter to his chest. 
“Do you know who put the curse on you?” Zatanna asked with a sigh as she tried yet another spell only for it to not work. Thankfully this one didn’t age Dick any more than he already had but it had definitely made him cry even more.
“I busted some kind of occultist group last night, it was just some breaking and entering, I doubt they were going to actually successfully summon something,” Dick said with a sniff, wincing at how his voice even sounded different than it had before. “But one of them said something really weird in a language I didn’t recognize but nothing happened so I thought I was fine. And then I woke up this morning and I look like the crypt keeper!” He sobbed, his body shaking with each sob that wracked through his body. 
Zatanna rolled her eyes. She loved this idiot but she had never met someone so stupid in her life. “Look, I know someone who will help you but he’s a little stubborn,” she said carefully. Dick sat up at that, rubbing the tears out of his eyes and trying to not pay attention to the liver spots that now covered the back of his hands. 
“Really? You know someone who can fix me?” He asked, hiccups coming through every other word or so. 
The magician nodded her head and let out a breath. “They call him Phantom. There’s a bit of an issue with him and he’s a bit eccentric, but if anyone could help you figure out what’s wrong it’s him.”
“What’s his issue?” Dick asked, hurrowing his brow in confusion. 
Danny cursed as he saw the stupid eyeballs gaining on him and slammed his hand on the button of his control board, the entire castle shaking slightly as the building disappeared from sight and reappeared in a completely different part of the Infinite Realms. 
This was starting to get ridiculous at this point. He was twenty-four years old, he had been running from the stupid Observants and Clockwork for six years now, how could they not get the hint? He didn’t want that ancient’s damned crown. And obviously, the Infinite Realms were surviving just fine without a king so why did he need to take the title?
They had already ruined his life by forcing him to go on the run, couldn’t they just let him rest? To have some time where he could just exist without them finding him? He let out a huff and stalked to the window to see where he was and groaned when he found himself in Old Gotham. 
Now he was going to be stuck with the Lady for a while. He sucked on his teeth for a moment before falling onto one of his giant, fluffy couches and let out a breath.
“I’ll take Lady Gotham over the Observants any day,” he muttered, staring up at the ceiling. “As long as she doesn’t try to get me to go to the living version and try to save her stupid vigilantes I’ll be fine.”
Besides, the Observants hated Old Gotham, they avoided this entire part of the Infinite Realms like the plague and that meant that Danny would at least get a few weeks of time to just breathe. They would get over themselves eventually and come in and bother him and when they did he’d just leave again. 
The realms were infinite for a reason and if he started running out of places here, he’d start dimension-hopping if he had to. He would rather be on the run for the rest of his life than become the King of the Infinite Realms. 
Sure, it was lonely at times, not many people visited him considering he was constantly on the run. But every so often Sam, Tucker, and Jazz would summon him to check in. Or Dani would track him down. There was something about the fact that she was his clone that made it so that she just knew where he was at all times. It was like she had a honing beacon that would always direct her to Danny.
And yeah, Danny missed his life desperately but he couldn’t do it. He just couldn’t give all of himself to the Infinite Realms and become the king. The very idea made his core burn inside of him. He wasn’t meant for that life. All Danny wanted was to protect the people he loved and live as normal a life as possible. 
Hell, he’d prefer being a hero before being the King. Part of him wondered if this was worth it if running away from the Observants and Clockwork and the crown was really worth it. If he stopped running he’d have a life again, he’d be able to just live in peace and even see his family again. But he wouldn’t be happy. He would be beyond miserable having to be the king, he wouldn’t get to just exist and at least while he was on the run he could just exist. 
He could travel wherever he wanted and just enjoy the world around him. He had been in so many different spots of the Infinite Realms that he had never even known existed and he had learned more than he could have ever expected to learn. It wasn’t the life he wanted, but it was better than the life the Observants wanted for him. 
Although, he did have to admit that even with being on the run and by himself, he was enjoying himself. He hadn’t known peace like this whatsoever growing up. And there was something beautiful about just being here, just existing and being alone and enjoying his peace. It was nice to have this one thing for himself, even if he did have to hop from one place to another and hide away from the observants. 
“Phantom,” a familiar voice said, knocking Danny from his reverie and startling him so badly that he fell off of the couch. He let out a huff and sat up on the ground, scowling at the floating face in front of him. 
“Zatanna, to what do I owe the pleasure?” He asked, scowling at the magician who was invading his space. 
He didn’t mind the magician, hell he had helped her out a few times. But that partnership was tricky, especially since Danny was not particularly fond of her boyfriend, John Constantine. Not only that but she was a member of the Justice League and Danny really didn’t need them involved in his shit. They were pushy and annoying and not at all something Danny was interested in. 
He thanked the Ancients every day that his dimension did not have a superhero team, he would have lost his mind if he got roped in with working with them. But Zatanna’s dimension had too many heroes to count and only a few of them were actually interesting and helpful. 
“ It’s good to see you too. Do you have any idea how long it took me to find you?” She asked with a huff and Danny raised an eyebrow as he stood up from the ground and crossed his arms over his chest. “Yes, I know, I know, that’s the entire point of Phantom’s Moving Castle. I need your help.”
“With?” He asked, making a continue motion with his hand. 
“A friend of mine was hit with a curse, you’re the only one I know that could potentially break it,” she said before stepping through her little portal with someone wrapped in a blanket and a hood pulled over their head, covering their face. “Dick, show him.”
“No,” a whiny voice said sadly. 
“He can’t help you if you don’t tell him what’s wrong,” Zatanna said with a sigh. 
“What makes you think I’ll help him anyway?” Danny asked with a scoff. Zatanna just leveled him with a glare. 
“Because you took an oath Danny Phantom of the Infinite Realms. I know you completed your apprenticeship with Frostbite and the yetis that you would heal anyone in need. He’s in need and you’re going to fix him,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest as she glared Danny down. 
He let out a huff and stomped toward the person hiding their face and ripped the hood off of his face. “Someone got you with an aging curse,” he said, looking him up and down as the man let out a whine.  He looked the man over once more and huffed out a laugh. This was tricky magic, and this poor guy was screwed. “Sorry, but there’s nothing I can do. He’s the only one who can break the curse.”
“Well, are you going to tell us how?” Zatanna asked as the man sniffled beside her. His face was covered in age spots and wrinkles. 
Danny shrugged his shoulders. “I can’t, that would be cheating,” he said with a secretive smile before he waltzed over to his kitchen, leaving the two in his sitting room as he started up the kettle. 
“Danny!” Zatanna shouted, following him into the room and dragging the aged man along with him. 
Danny sighed and looked her over. “Look, this is tricky magic. I can’t tell you what’s wrong with him or how to fix it, all I can do is tell you that you need to look within yourself.”
“Then let him stay here with you while he figures it out. You could use the company and his family will freak out if they see him like this,” Zatanna said with a sigh. 
“I have to stay here?” The man croaked, looking at Zatanna in horror. 
She narrowed her eyes. “Yes, and you’re not going to complain about it. Neither of you will,” she said evenly. “Danny help him however you can to fix it. Dick, don’t be a dick while you’re here. Danny’s a very powerful being and he’s got enough going on without you causing more issues. I’ll be back in a month to check on you.”
Before Danny or Dick could argue, Zatanna disappeared from the castle, leaving the two alone with one another. 
Dick looked around the kitchen and jumped as the kettle wanted off. Danny moved it from the heat and prepared two mugs for tea. “So, how do you know Zatanna?”
Danny glanced over at the old man as he stared at his reflection in a pot and chuckled, he was going to have a hard time getting past this curse. “She summoned me once trying to get help with a ghost problem about seven years ago. We’ve been in ever since then and I help her when she needs it and she gets me things sometimes,” Danny said with a shrug. “Black tea or green tea?”
“Black,” Dick said, groaning as he sat at the small, round, wooden table in the corner of the kitchen. It was like everything was popping as he did. This was going to be miserable. 
“Milk and sugar?” Danny asked. 
“Yeah,” Dick grumbled. “I’m Dick, by the way.”
“I know, I’m Danny,” he said simply as he let the tea float over to Dick. 
“What are you?”
Danny gave him a small, secretive smile. “I’m a phantom.”
Dick let out a huff and glared down at his tea. “Fine, keep your secrets.” He took a sip of his tea and looked at the being. “So, how am I going to break this curse?”
Danny turned to  Dick and sipped at his tea. “Your curse,” he said blandly. “I can’t tell you how to break it but I can tell you to embrace it,” he said and Dick was ready to bang his head against the table. Why the hell was this guy being so utterly cryptic? “Once you finish your tea I’ll show you to your rooms. Come find me when you’re done,” Danny told him before he took off out of the kitchen and disappeared into the castle, leaving Dick alone with his thoughts. 
Embrace his curse? How the hell could he embrace a curse that made him so utterly ugly?
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muffinsin · 3 months
Hello my FAVORITE child, your Mother stopping by to drop a HC request if ya don't mind humoring me. I give you free reign with the maidens.... they are replaceable . But my vases and flowers are off limits still. You still do no wrong and are so perfect, smart and intelligent.
Also make sure u drain the blood the way Alci showed with the maidens. Now to my ask...... *unfolds a long ass piece of parchment paper and puts on my glasses*
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Ok so hear me out. You know my HC on Feral Cass after her Cadou implant. Like babygirl is dumb ass rocks. She cant speak, talk, read, write, like nothing. Her whole brain gets wiped from something going wrong w her Cadou. She ask like a legit animal, like growling and snarls instead of words. U know feral feral.
SO like I would LOVE to hear your HC's on what Feral Cass would be like if she is like on a hunt and finds a pregnant women in the woods. For some reason or the other the women is lost from the village cuz preggo brain. Like she can smell that the women is with child and gets maybe curious about just what that means. *dumb ass rocks Cass but still has those baser instincts to know that this isn't normal prey* And maybe Cass like ends up protecting the women from an attack *cuz u know those woods aint never safe* so she is even more confused on why she did that. Why protect this "bloated "human ? Its just a human... right? She kills humans just to kill, what was different about this one type.
OK I go now... I ramble. BYYYEEEEE MY FAVORTIE CHILD!!!!!!
Hello, Mother @darkittensniper ! I suppose the vases and flowers being off limits is acceptable aims hatchets at the windows Being right and correct and all😌🙌 Dw, I know how to drain em >:)
Nooooow, abso-freaking-lutely! We love sum feral Cassie in this house🙌
Let’s get into it :)!
Noises, smells, visuals, everywhere. Cassandra loves and hates it at the same time
Her head jerks, from left to right, up and down. Her eyes wide, her lips parted enough to allow a glimpse of sharp, white canines dripping blood
Every little sound has her attention
Every little movement has her twitch and glance in the direction
Every scent makes her growl quietly
A hunt- a good hunt, this one will be. Certainly
If only she could settle on a prey. There is simply so much to choose from, she’s foaming at the mouth and growling in excitement already
Birds, boars, rabbits, villagers and hunters, Lycans and bears, even a varcolac!
She turns her head to the right, so fast it feels as though her neck is snapping
Cassandra snarls at the sensation, and for a moment it’s enough to drown out the noise she has just heard
Ah, but it returns. Panting
Yes, unmistakably
Female. Exhausted. Panicking. Crying
Cassandra’s eyes flash dangerously for a moment
She snarls for a mere moment again, her claw-like nails digging sharply into the handles of her daggers. For a second she considers dropping them, before the memory of the special engravings on its handle remind her not to do so
Then, a smirk appears on her face when she catches the direction of the strange scent
She is ready to hunt
She runs fast, uncaring and unaware of her dress getting stuck on twigs and thorns and ripping free again seconds after
Often, it nearly makes her trip. She pays it no mind, only keeps running
She can’t think, can’t talk, can’t do a thing but follow the noise and follow her basic instinct to discover, claim, and kill
The closer the gets, the more feral she seems to become
Her mouth waters at the loud heartbeat she hears, her eyes widen at the overwhelming scent that hits her
Suddenly she stops in her tracks, so sudden it’s as if she’s run into an invisible wall
She snarls, then whimpers, as though in confusion
Certainly, this scent is different than a normal one
Hunger and brutality is met with curiosity
As her legs come to a final halt and she stalks quietly, she finds her prey
She moves under twigs and through bushes, quietly snarking and smacking them away with the sharp sides of the daggers
Her lips curl upwards when she finds her prey again, this time being granted a closer look
Panting, crying, hissing and groaning, clutching her bloated stomach. Poor thing. Not that Cassandra understands
A woman. This much is clear
You’re unaware of the feral, beast-like brunette watching you from among the trees
You don’t hear her growl, her snarl of frustration when she can’t figure out what’s different about you
You don’t care, either, though
Not when all your attention is pulled to your foot and the harsh metal spikes piercing it
The flesh of your ankle is swollen and red, pulsing and radiating heat. You cry out and pant to yourself as you attempt to work on the sharp metallic teeth
A bear trap
Cassandra catches wind of this, too
Her lips are all too dry, and as her tongue darts out to lick them, her eyes flash to the blood covering your ankle
Hunger takes over her again, and as she inhales sharply, a small, excited squeak passes her lips
Her head jerks sideways again when a roar is heard, loud enough to cover her hiss and growls of displeasure and loud enough for even you to hear
A bear
She feels excited again, her bloodlust returning wholly, among something else
She needs to slay this beast
She practically tastes your panic in the air as the sound rings out and scares nearby birds
Is she about to watch the bear devour you? It doesn’t seem so
With a mind too clouded, the feral brunette can’t even entertain the idea of it
Instead, she swarms fast, the tip of her dagger grazing your shoulder as she stands in front of you
Protectively, even
She bares her teeth at the large animal coming from among the twigs and bushes, her own, sharp canines on display, blood and drool forming at her mouth
The beast stares for a moment, as though to think this over
Both are locked into a staring match, neither advert their eyes, neither moving at all
She takes in the black fur, the brown eyes, the mouth pulled to form a snarl similar to hers
Sharp teeth, perhaps even sharper claws on the animal’s paws
She practically vibrates with excitement, her flies buzzing both excitedly and aggressively
After a few seconds, she can’t stand the anticipation any longer
She charges, a growl and snarl coming from her
Yet, in her dizzying bloodlust and excitement, she is once again too fast and little strategic
As the bear moves sideways, Cassandra hisses. She slams against one of the trees, the wood hard against her shoulder
She snarls angrily, her body turning back to the bear running at her. It too is ready to charge now
She rips herself from the tree, her daggers slicing harshly into the bear’s massive neck
As blood spills and slaps her in the face, she laughs, the sound almost high pitched in excitement, the most human one she has been able to make so far
Clearly, she is enjoying herself
You watch in awe as she fights the beast, the show temporarily distracting you from the aching and biting pain of your ankle
The bear falls fast, a loud roar the last sound coming from it when daggers and teeth dig into its neck and rip brutally
A quick death, albeit a bloody one. You wonder if yours will be the same
The brunette hasn’t yet turned her attention back to you
She’s studying the body, sniffing and prodding, cutting and licking the blood off the blades, uncaring when she accidentally makes a cut at her own tongue or lip
You watch her, elegant, yet not elegant at all at the same time…her movements are fast and animalistic, feral
She snaps her head when she hears something, sniffs and tilts her head to examine the corpse
And yet, the way she holds her daggers, the way her back is just slightly arched as she has a look…she has something regal about her, a mere trace of elegance deep within
You turn your attention back to the bear trap
When you attempt to grasp one of the metallic claws and tug the trap open, you nearly scream in pain. It doesn’t budge, and you can’t see it properly with your stomach disallowing you to sit up as you’d like to
You bite down on your lip harshly, so that only a whimper comes from you, and gently stroke over your stomach to calm yourself
You remember what you have been told. To stay calm. To avoid stress. Well, that’s working out well for you…
Yet, you don’t realise that your pained whimper immediately has her head snap back to you
She’s back at you in an instant, her eyes following you when you flinch backwards
She feels- confused
Why did she save you?
Cassandra hovers over you, the blood at her face immediately catching your attention
Yet, with your leg stuck, you can’t even pull away as she climbs over you, the slightly torn parts of her dress almost ticklish against your trapped leg
You watch her face lower to your stomach, her expression almost confused
Cassandra snarls for a moment. No response comes from you or your stomach
Why is it like that? Why do you smell so odd?
She catches the scent, yours, and your blood. And another. A light one. Coming from your stomach
You tense as she inhales, her cheek brushing against your covered stomach
Cassandra only grows more curious. Uncaring about you, she sinks her teeth into the fabric of your shirt and pulls it up
Yet, when she doesn’t find a human curled against you like expected, but a large stomach only, she jumps back in surprise
Had it not been for the quick beat of your heart and the painful ache of your leg, you might’ve laughed at the strange view of this woman being startled by your stomach
However, she is quick to approach you again
With her head tilted sideways, she eyes you curiously
You realise- she isn’t going to hurt you. Nor is she going to hurt your unborn baby
Instead, she keeps sniffing about, eyes wide, fingers poking and prodding as though to confirm it’s your skin
When you attempt to sit up, you scream, having momentarily forgotten about the bear trap
Her eyes flash and widen, and for a mere moment the beautiful gold in them catches you off guard
You watch her move down your body, sniffing and inspecting you, as though checking for more wounds
Then, she is right at the beartrap
She grabs it, and with a firm yank, it comes loose
You scream, and for a moment, clutch your stomach tightly
Confusion sets in when Cassandra copies the action, her bloodied hands on top of you too
She seems unsure of her own actions, as though they’re driven purely by instinct, rather than actual thought and consideration
She watches you for a few more moments, before leaning close to your stomach again
You gasp in surprise when she suddenly smears her face against you, her bloodied cheek rubbing against you
Affectionately, almost
She growls as she repeats the action, again, and again
At last, she faces you again
Her head tilts. She takes you in, you realize. She is curious about you
“I’m from-the village”, you clarify for her. You wonder whether she can even understand you
She certainly looks human
“I got lost”, you admit, your voice raspy from screaming and crying
You don’t dare look down at your injured leg, instead keep your eyes fixated on her golden ones
She whines and snarls for a moment, then seems to come up with whatever she has been trying to think of
You shriek in surprise when her arms wrap around you and you’re lifted off the dirty ground
With certainty, she begins to walk, seemingly bringing you deeper into the forest
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sudzymactavish · 2 months
johnny does have a massive D but he doesn't ever use it because he's a bottom
Abso freaking lutely ‼️ here's a little fic for you anon :))
Soap and Ghost are together. Everyone knows that, the 141 and beyond. At this point, they'd have been together for about 7 months now? 8?
The thing is.. they've never mentioned sex to each other. They're military men, so they don't really have many opportunities. Ghost took a long time to officially trust Johnny with intimate things, actually just asking him when they're on leave in their apartment.
Ye bon?
Would you.. he paused. He was slightly embarrassed talking about it. So far, he and Johnny had only kissed. Usually that isn't a big deal. Even so, it's not like Ghost or Johnny hadn't had sexual partners before. Ghost's partners didn't last long, eventually leaving the dating scene all together. The same was with Johnny. But just with Ghost, he does have a hard time trusting people. His dad hurt him when he only wanted love—he was still deeply hurt from his past. He did get help, of course, but it was hard putting this much trust into another human. Though, it was his Johnny, and he would never hurt him.
Would you ever have sex with me? Johnny nearly choked on his coffee, his eyes blowing wide. He looked at his boyfriend in shock, admist a few coughs. Do you not want to? It's okay if you don't. Johnny smiled and responded to him with an amused tone. No, love, I want to. It's just—I feel honored you trust me like that. He moved closer to Ghost, putting an arm around his lover. Considering how much trust this takes, I'm proud of ye. I'd love to have sex with ye. Johnny gave him comfort just through his gaze, as Ghost smiled and held his Johnny tighter.
Hours later, Ghost decided to try it out. Johnny was currently pinned up against the wall, Ghost stabilizing him by gripping his ass and thighs. Their tounges were intertwined as Ghost took off Johnny's undergarments to see.. a monster cock.
It was surprising, to say the least. Sure, Johnny wasn't some twink so it was obvious it wouldn't be small, but this?? This was huge. How did he even carry this around??
Bon? Ye okay?
...you didn't tell me you were.. he looked down again, seeing the huge girth between his legs. You are huge. Ghost felt his ego diminish a bit, knowing Johnny's could rival his or probably be bigger. Johnny snorted a bit, giggling.
Yer a funny one. A smile appeared on his lips. No, more of a smirk, actually. Ye intimidated, Ghostie? Ghost shook his head. No.. just wondering if you wanted to be top? With a dick this big I would expect so. Soap chuckled again. Lord no, never really interested in bein' a top.
Ghost sighed with relief. Johnny smiled at him. What? Now it was Ghost's turn to smirk. He came closer to the nape of Johnny's neck, whispering;
Nothin' darling, just excited I get to plow you.
Also, my first anon ask! Yay! If you'd like, you could identify yourself as an emoji so I can know which anon sends which ask :)
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
im glad that you seem more neutral on the topic bc some people seem to think MLP darkfics are somehow Evil and that if you make them you Must Be A Freak :|
that's so silly, darkfics have always been an essential part of fandom to me. people are going to want to explore dark topics with things they find safe, and it just so happens to be that some of those things are colorful horse shows. it is a little silly? abso fuckin lutely. however, I'm sure theres a lot of compelling stuff out there written because someone wanted to explore a dense topic for themselves without stepping too far outside their comfort zone or wanted to really play with "what-if?" scenarios. its not a moral judgement, its just another part of any kind of artistic scene.
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saltygilmores · 25 days
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, 3x8, Let The Games Begin. Part 6
When we last left the Gilmore Clan, Richard Gilmore was regaling his family about his past as a dirty, dirty freaking man skank. That is, until he met his darling wife.
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Emily expressing a rare sentiment and compliment to Lorelai: You know, your father is having a wonderful time. It means a lot to him to share this time with you and Rory. I'm glad you're here.
What Lorelai Hears:
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You know what I always say to you, kid. Enjoy it while it lasts.
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I mean, we've had to see the balcony where Rory was concieved a number of times so maybe we should just bring this thing full circle. Lorelai pouts that she is bored and she wants to go home. A few moments later, as the fam is touring the grand and lovely halls of the university with Richard playing tour guide, Lorelai keeps looking around for some kind of an escape route, utterly bored and disinterested.
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Let's play my favorite game and yours! Why Is Lorelai Gilmore Scowling?
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1.. Her father did something beyond incredibly generous for her child, so she is jealous of her child? Again? 2. There is a nefarious brainwashing attempt by her father underway that, if successful, might have her child interviewing at more than one university and everyone knows that if you decided you wanted to go Harvard while in Kindergarten, you can't change your mind, and with Harvard having a nearly single-digit acceptance rate and Rory having virtually nothing to throw into the pot but her grades, Rory is going to be a total shoo in to Harvard. Backup schools are for DORKS. 3. Despite the fact that she just listened to a whole afternoon of happy memories that her parents have from this school, including Yale being the reason Lorelai even exists in the first place, she'd rather sabotage the whole thing just to spite her parents than have Rory attend the same school. 4.She is mad at her father for going "Behind her back" arranging this incredibly generous once-in-abso-fucking-lutely-nobody's-lifetime opportunity instead of telling her directly, even though if he told her to her face that he arranged this interview for Rory, she still would have had a hissy fit. 5. Lorelai's brain is pea soup and she did not consider that Rory might actually like Yale after visiting Yale (not surprisingly, nobody has asked Rory for her thoughts on the matter). 6. Lorelai would turn to dust if she couldn't control Rory's life at every turn 7. She's upset with Richard springing the interview on Rory as a surprise without consulting Rory first and she didn't have time to prepare (fair, but this is Lorelai we're talking about here so you know that's not the whole enchilada) 8 .The whole enchilada
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Google sez: Yale's acceptance rate was just under 17% in 2002, while Harvard's was around 11%. (It’s barely half that in 2024) You know, I hear that Lorelai's alma mater, the local community college, is really nice this time of year. Rory's mother and grandparents steamroll her, never asking her what she thinks about anything, while in turn she never stands up for herself or speaks up on her own behalf, and wouldn't you know, the interview is about to happen RIGHT NOW, so Richard attempts to usher his wordless grand daughter right into the interview cave.
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For the love of God, Rory. Say something, you spineless jellyfish.
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You were only delaying the inevitable by not telling Lorelai ahead of time, Richard. Now she's going to have a meltdown in public like a crying toddler who didn't get a candy bar. I hope you're happy. Lolelai: What do you think you're doing? Richard: Trying to get my grand daughter into what I think is the best Ivy League school in the country. Lorelai: She doesn't want to go here! Richard: She doesn't know that yet. Lorelai: You're unbelievable dad, you corner her alone the other night without me there (how dare he) Richard: Of course I did, you wouldn't let her go. I knew the last thing in the world you'd want is for Rory to go to Yale. Lorelai: And why is that? Richard: Because I went to Yale, therefore Rory can't. Lorelai: Oh, the CRAZY REASON?! Richard: You're allowed to feel that way. It's my prerogative to make sure Rory knows all of her options. Lorelai: Calls her father a liar Richard: This is for Rory's own good Lorelai: Rory is going to HARVARD. Richard: We'll see. Lorelai (louder and angrier) NO, RORY IS GOING TO HARVARD! IT'S ALREADY BEEN DECIDED WITHOUT YOU! Nobody "decides" they're going to Harvard or Yale. The only person doing any "deciding" is currently interviewing your daughter. If you selected 1-6 in the Why Is Lorelai Gilmore Having A Temper Tantrum in Public quiz, come on down and collect your prize. Number's 1 and 5 are pretty much implied. Rory is a few feet away being interviewed by a big wig Yale admissions officer, who certainly doesn't know any other big wigs from other certain Ivy League schools that begin with an H, who won't ever hear the story that he interviewed a student whose mother was screaming "SHE'S GOING TO YALE OVER MY DEAD BODY" (paraphrased) and that this student had already "Decided" she was going somewhere else and just wasted his time. The Yale and Harvard admissions guys with Rory's application:
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Lorelai's meltdowns are such a bitch to write. There are 5 minutes left in her meltdown.
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Only Mommy can do that. Lorelai: accuses Richard of pulling a "Stunt", Richard said he was just trying to avoid an argument with Lorelai. That's cute that he would think that was possible. Lorelai: My whole life you've had to control everything, if you didn't get to control something, then you just didn't deal with it. You couldn't control me, you couldn't deal with me! Ah, Lorelai, I think this is another conversation that would be more suited to a therapist's office than in public.
Lorelai's therapist furiously taking notes off camera (and seeing dollar signs)
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Richard: This has nothing to do with you. This is about Rory and her education which is frankly something you know nothing about. You never went to college, you don't know anything about how it works. You want Rory to go to Harvard that badly? So do thousands of other mothers. Yale is an excellent school. The equivalent of Harvard in every way, except one- I went here. I'm an alumnus. That makes it easier for Rory to get in. And if you knew anything about how college works, you'd know this. I'm not leaving Rory's education to chance simply because I might offend you. Her future is more important than her pride. If you don't like that, I'm sorry. And if that makes you angry, what else is new?
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That was the one of the best Humblings I've ever been blessed to witness. Lorelai: Ugh, sounds like the my daughter's a loser, Gilmore named sullied, future squandered speech! I'm calling a cab, we're leaving. Emily tries to reason with her, Lorelai states it doesn't matter what anyone thinks besides herself and Rory, even though we're 32 minutes into the episode and not one person has yet to ask Rory what she thinks. Emily: So what if she takes a meeting at Yale? That doesn't mean she won't be going to Harvard. If she gets into Yale that might make her more appealing to Harvard! You're on such a crusade against your father that you haven't even stopped to consider that if Rory went to Yale she could still live at home. Lorelai: She is still going to Harvard! *literally screaming* SHE'S NOT APPLYING TO YALE! Better hope that admissions officer doesn't have his window open. Now I want Rory to get into Harvard and hate Harvard so much that she drops out in the first week or she flunks out in the first semester. Just to crush Lorelai's dreams, nothing more. The mid-way Yale dropout-and-return just didn't give me the same heartwarming satisfaction. You know, I thought Lorelai's freakout in Teach Me Tonight was the height of her insanity and immaturity. This is on some whole other level from the depths of heck. Screaming at your parents for getting your kid's foot in the door at an ivy league school when thousands of other hopeful parents would chop off their hand to give their kid the same chance, can only happen on the special plane of existence that Lorelai Gilmore alone exists on, and we mere mortals aren't meant to comprehend it. And finally, if you chose #7 on the Why Is Lorelai Gilmore Scowling Quiz, you're technically correct, the best kind of correct, because after Lorelai (Rory) exits the interview, one that was seemingly a success, she immediately turns to Richard to chew him out for springing the interview on her last minute and not giving her time to prepare. That is more than fair. And I'm glad to see her standing up for herself. Anyway, I've been writing for like four hours straight? I've gone beyond my Lorelai Limit. It's been real. If you've made it this far, I see you, I appreciate you. Peace out girl scouts. See you in part 7.
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