#a guy from the car behind me got out to help guide me past him but i honked and the guy left before he had to lol
disneyprincemuke · 6 months
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first podiums * aa23
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it’s her first win in formula one as a female driver and her boyfriend can’t be any happier for her
pairings: alex albon x reader!driver
notes: NOT in any way, shape, or form related to vettel reincarante calm ur horses.. i also sincerely apologise to all the anons sending in requests while i just keep posting logan shit 😭😭 i’m genuinely trying my best please forgive me!!
also um… this is VERY like… so mediocre… i’m so sorry for this babygirl… i will post another fluff alex fic tomorrow i sweaRRR I’M BETTER THAN THIS
(f1 masterlist)
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you hadn’t even realised you’d won the race. all the cheering your engineer and team principal had screamed into your ears through the radio hadn’t fully registered. not until you drove into parc ferme and you were guided to the signage with the number one on it.
you couldn’t even climb out of your car, until a figure towered over the halo, causing you to look up. the driver you’d held off for the better part of the last ten laps of the race greets you with a wide smile, gesturing for you to get out of the car and says something about celebrating.
once you climb out of you car, you’re immediately greeted with a tight hug and praises from the veteran driver.
“oh, you raced that so well! i couldn’t find a way past you in those last laps,” max says to you, patting your helmet firmly. “you deserve this. congrats.”
“thank you,” you’d answer him before he walks away to greet other drivers driving into parc ferme.
but you waste no time. you quickly run over to your team, held back by the barricades, and throw yourself into the sea of arms where they sing you praises and pat your back. it’s exhilarating to be on the receiving end after a long weekend.
it’s not been kind to you: starting the race in the midfield, only to fight your way up and be graced by a yellow flag to chase after max for that fight to your first win in formula one.
and being the first to do it other than max this season, it’s a good look for you and the team that’s brought you here today.
you thought the hugs would never end when you tried to pull away but the only wrapped their arms around you tighter, until there was a pat on your shoulder. your feet touch the ground and you’re immediately twirled into another warm hug.
you had no idea who it was until you opened an eye to meet the bright blue race suit you’ve known and loved the entire season. you had no confirmation until he spoke: “i’m so proud of you.”
"alex," you manage to squeak against his race suit, your helmet uncomfortably being held in alex's arms.
you can hear him giggle as he reaches beneath your helmet, unclipping the harness before he helps you to pull off your head. "hey, race winner! you were amazing out there!"
"how'd you get here so fast?" you laugh, looking around for his car.
"i finished p4 today," he smiles.
you throw your head back in a softer laugh, yanking off your balaclava. you tear away the hair tie that held your hair up, fluffing it out after it'd been stuck to your head for the better part of the past two hours.
"that's amazing, alex! that's a good race!"
"yours is even better! you won!" he beams. "speaking of that, i do have a surprise."
"what are you talking about?"
alex reaches for something behind him, probably held onto by somebody else. you try to move your head around his body to see what it is, but he's quick to counter your gaze by moving himself to where your eyes wander.
"congratulations," alex smiles, moving his hand between your bodies, presenting to you the biggest bouquet to flowers you've ever seen in your life. "these are for you. there will be more later after the podium."
"aren't we going to the nightclub with the guys after the podium and press?" you whisper, taking the flowers into your hands and taking a step towards him. "you guys have got that new race winner tradition, don't you? since you guys kinda run the grid now?”
"you're not much of a drinker - i'm sure they'll understand," alex shrugs with a small smile. "besides, would you rather spend the evening with tons of drunk losers, or just one sober loser - whom you're very much in love with?"
“i guess the latter does sound very romantic,” you smile sweetly, letting him pull you in with a hand on your waist. “you are planning something romantic, right?”
“of course. it’s my baby’s first win in formula one,” alex smiles, leaning down with puckered lips.
you wrap a hand around his neck, reeling him in to connect your lips. the moment is so intimate that you almost don’t notice the flashing lights that surround you.
but it doesn’t go past alex. if he could have all the privacy in the world and do whatever he wants with you, he would. so, he does the one thing he thinks would help him avoid headlines and your pictures plastered everywhere in the morning.
he lifts his helmet to hide your face away from the cameras, allowing you to share whatever’s left of your intimate moment. he pulls away and rests his forehead on yours. “you’re a race winner. when we get back home, we can make our trophies kiss.”
“that’s cute. they’re like our little kids,” you giggle, nudging his nose with yours. “i’ll see you in the car after i’m done with everything? look cute, okay?”
being on the top of that podium step was more exhilarating than you could ever imagine. to hear the crowd chant your name, to listen to your national anthem being blasted for everyone to hear and to watch your loved ones huddled together in the crowd for you is a feeling you’ll never be able to shake off.
in the far corner, you could see alex forcing logan to take a video of you, probably telling him off about which angle to hold the phone at to make you look flattering.
you almost burst into tears when you watched the rookie shove the phone back into your boyfriend’s hands and walk away, shaking his head in disappointment.
with every step you took in the paddocks thereafter, somebody is quick to stop you in your tracks. whether it’s for a picture, a short greeting for your performance, or just a hug. it’s all managed to make you feel a little overwhelmed.
and tired. because by the time alex managed to get you all to himself, it’s practically midnight and all the remaining energy had been squeezed out of you.
you weren’t even able to make a friendly appearance at the nightclub that max had invited you out to. your boyfriend had to practically drag you out of your driver’s room before you passed out in there entirely.
here you are, in your hotel room surrounded by takeout and a pint of chocolate ice cream. your ipad is propped up by several pillows with a random youtube video playing in the room.
“love,” alex hums, reaching out to pause the video. he rolls on his stomach, tapping your shoulder. “i hope you were able to enjoy your first win. i know you’re quite tired.”
of course, you’d been dozing off with the takeout box in your hand. but alex had put in so much effort in making his hotel room feel like a celebration after all your efforts throughout the evening that it would have felt rude — illegal, even — to politely decline from how drained you are.
“love, of course, i enjoyed everything,” you smile, putting a hand on his cheek. you tilt your head and let your hair fall past your shoulders. “i’m sorry, i wish i had more energy to go out and do something. we could have gotten some drinks and celebrated with the guys.”
alex leans into your touch, closing his eyes momentarily. “i hope my simple setup didn’t disappoint. i would have gotten us some wine, but ya know… you don’t really drink.”
“hey, i love cranberry juice,” you grin, pinching his cheek very slightly. “thank you. for all of this, and the flowers. you really didn’t have to — it’s not like i’d won the championship?”
“oh, you’re aiming for that next,” alex smiles with a nod. “not before me, though! you’re going to have to fight me for that championship.”
“ah, i wouldn’t speak so much for someone who can’t beat me in mario kart,” you roll your eyes playfully.
alex raises his eyebrows, sitting up in disbelief. “yeah? you got the energy to beat me in mario kart right now?”
“i always have the energy for that!” you shriek when alex yanks you into his body, trying to avoid spilling the food onto your white bedsheets. “alex, the food!”
“eat faster so we can play mario kart! come on!”
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differenteagletragedy · 2 months
Another thing about 40-year-old Cove (take me away, horny police, this is a confession) ...
You've been together at least like 15 years at this point, probably more, so he knows exactly what you like. He can read you like a book in every sense -- a consent king, to be sure, but he also knows you so well that sometimes, he's just going to throw you over his shoulder or push you down against the table and take care of business.
Ok ok so you go to the beach one weekend, the old one back in Sunset Bird -- your favorite! There are some guys there, maybe they get a little flirty with you. You're not interested, of course, not when you have your gorgeous soulmate love of your life husband, but you get a fun little idea. You glance at Cove, maybe toss him a little wink, then turn up the charm to the flirty boys. You could twirl your hair a little, give out some coy giggles, a hand on one of their shoulders if you're feeling particularly bold.
After a little bit, you feel Cove's hand slip into yours. Or, well, that's a tender way of putting it -- he grabs your hand firmly and gives you a look. You know what's coming, it's what you were aiming for, so you politely excuse yourself from your admirers. But instead of him taking you to the car and driving you home, or even having a quick makeout there, he walks straight past the car and towards his father's house.
"What are we doing?" you ask. "Your dad's car isn't here, he's not --"
"We're not here for a visit," he interrupts, his voice a bit lower than usual, and not nearly as soft.
Cove used to be shy and reserved when it came to physical shows of his love, but you'd never know it to look at the man before you now. Keeping your hand in his, he pulls his keys from his pocket and unlocks the door, then all but shoves you inside. He would never be rough with you, but you couldn't exactly call this gentle, either.
He knows you, so he knows what you were doing, that you were trying to get a rise out of him. "Take off your swimsuit," he tells you, closing the door behind him with one hand while his other hand goes to the drawstring on his trunks.
"Make me," you answer.
He makes a noise at that, something between a moan and a growl, and his long legs bring him to you in a split second. He usually always has a tender smile for you during moments like these, when you're about to make love, but he doesn't now, which makes sense, because you know this isn't going to be a tender moment. It's going to be rough and raw and passionate and hard and he's got you stripped naked before you can finish the thought.
He yanks his trunks down as an afterthought, and just before he spins you around and bends you over the back of the couch, you see how hard he is.
"We left our new friends for this?" you ask, bumping back against his erection. "Couldn't wait until we got home?"
If he was just a little meaner, he would have told you to shut up then -- you know you're teasing him a little too much, but you can't help it, it's too much fun. But even if he won't say the words, he very much expresses the sentiment when he grabs firmly ahold of your hip and then guides himself into you all the way to the base in one swift thrust.
Any words you may have said, any further teasing is pushed from your mind as he sets as quick, rough pace. He fucks you relentlessly, as if proving a point -- which, of course, he is. His hands move from your hips to your shoulders to your hair, looking for the place where he can grab the hardest and push into you the deepest. He leans over occasionally to place kisses along your back, coupled with rough sucks, hard enough to leave little bruises, but for the most part, he's standing tall, feet firmly planted and driving himself into you as hard as he can.
It's not that he's a jealous man, not really. And it's not even that he's seriously upset with the stunt you pulled at the beach. It's just that sometimes you can be a little brat and he needs to fuck some sense back into you.
You can always tell when he's getting close, even when he's in this kind of mood -- he starts getting whiny and grasping at you like he's terrified you're going to drift away. You reach a hand back to place over his as he digs his nails into your hips, and after another deep thrust, he stills and lets out a deep gasping groan, and you feel him filling you up.
After taking a moment, pausing to press a few more kisses into your neck and shoulders, he pulls out and takes a small step back. When you turn, you see he's flushed and sweaty, panting and looking at you with a mix of love and ... something else.
"Let's go back to the beach," Cove says, reaching down for his trunks.
"All right, I'll just hop in the shower --"
"No, we'll go now."
Before you could protest more, he kneels down in front of you. He grabs your bottoms and holds them out, and you step into them. As he pulls them up, he stops to deliver one more kiss, this one directly between your legs. When you let out a pleasured sigh, he pulls the bottoms up the rest of the way and stands.
"Ready?" he asks, once again holding out his hand.
As always, you take it.
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kooktrash · 1 year
love lies | jeon jungkook [3]
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summary: it’s hard for anyone to believe what you have is genuine. it doesn’t help that the last they heard was that you broke up, but it doesn’t seem to last. you’re back together and everyone is stuck sitting back waiting to see who will ruin the other first. and you both wonder the same things since neither of you could forget the past of the other.
warnings: 13.2k words. angst. smut. yandere jungkook. college student au. established couple. rich kid jungkook. f!reader. unhealthy attachment. manipulation. gaslighting. slutshaming. toxic friendships. implied emotional trauma from both ends. cunnilingus. table sex. asshole jk. jealousy. possessive. car sex. unprotected. quick.
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It’s been three days and thirteen hours since he last saw you. He’s been trying to give you space, let you see that you miss him and that you made a mistake. It’s just been so hard. So hard to check your location and wonder who you’re with. Wondering if you’ve gotten over him so fast while he’s locked himself in his home waiting for just one notification from you. If he could just know what you’re thinking, know that you’re thinking about him then he can finally try and get you back. He still can’t believe you tried to dump him just like that.
Over one simple mistake as if he hasn’t been the perfect guy for you. As if he hasn’t treated you better than any other girl he’s been with. It makes him so mad just thinking about how you left him. Like he was just some fly you were happy to get away from. Like you hadn’t asked him if he loved you while he filled your tight walls with cock. As if he didn’t have you begging for more, for him. Like he hadn’t spent the anniversary of his mother’s abandonment with his dick in your mouth while you tried making him feel better. As if he hadn’t heard the way your own mother talked to you like you were not good for anything but getting a guy. He’s been there for you since the moment the two of you got together and now you’re just throwing him away?
After you claimed to love him too? Like you hadn’t been begging for his love, ruining your friendships for him, and letting him take care of all your needs? Fuck, that pisses him off. All he can think about right now is what you’re doing that you can’t be with him. Like you’re ready to move on to the next guy and if you think you’re getting rid of him that easily—ha, the thought alone makes him laugh bitterly.
How could you claim to be a naive girl in love while jumping at the chance to drop him like you didn’t need him in the first place? Do you expect him to apologize? As if Yeonwoo hasn’t called you stupid time and time again for your poor life choices instead of guide you and be there for you? As if Taehyung wasn’t just looking to use you for sex? As if Soomin hadn’t blown up at you only to run out and follow him basically telling him why he shouldn’t be with you and reconsider her? God, you need him to help you see things clearly because right now… you’re not.
He doesn’t even know what he’s supposed to do. Though he hasn’t seen you or talked to you, he’s texted you a couple times but you haven’t responded. He’s basically at his wit’s end. He needs to see you, now.
That’s why he’s currently standing in front of the entrance you usually go through for class and he waited. He could see you walking with your head down focusing on your phone. He went for it, walking right up to you catching you off guard. You nearly dropped your phone, “What are you doing here?”
“We need to talk,” Jungkook said, reaching for your hand and looking behind at who might be around. “Jungk—“
“No Y/n, I gave you time to get over the other night so I came to see you—“
“But why here?” You sighed walking away from him thought he still held onto your wrist pulling you back into him. “Because you’ve been ignoring me and I needed to see you. What else was I supposed to do?”
“I don’t know, I just need some space,” you sighed a little worried one of your friends [who currently weren’t talking to you except Yoongi] would come out and see you. Jungkook clearly didn’t care though, “I gave you space. Can you please just see that I’m really trying here? Just talk to me.”
“Fine, but not here,” you told him and he just nodded and took you to his car. Be turned to you, “Let’s go back to my place.”
You looked out the window, “I don’t know.”
“I have something for you there,” Jungkook told you and though reluctant, you agreed. He drove you to his place which was so much bigger than yours that you sometimes get lost. He took you to the living room still yet to actually talk about anything and you still weren’t having any sort of conversation.
You looked over at him as he sat closer to one corner of the couch and you toward the other. He stared back at you, resting an elbow on the arm rest and his head on a fist. He looked at you with lazy eyes as you spoke, “So what do you want to talk about?”
He bit his lip nervously, “I can’t talk to you when you’re so far away.” You rolled your eyes trying to contain a smile choosing instead to sigh and kick your feet up on the couch, “I think we can talk fine just like this.”
Jungkook shook head as he moved to slide across the couch and pick up your legs. He put them on his lap making sure he was sitting as close as possible. His hands ran over the outside of your thigh, ignoring the fact that you were wearing a short skirt that raised witn the bend of your legs. His other arm rested on the back of the couch practically trapped you in the corner. “Do you really not want to get back together?”
You looked down at his hand that had began leaving small patterns on your thigh, resting your head on the back cushion, “I don’t know, I didn’t like what you did.”
“And I’m trying to take responsibility here and admit that I fucked up,” Jungkook said taking your hand that had been at your side and holding it on your thigh. “I shouldn’t have gone out and caused a scene. I should’ve just waited and listened to you. I know that, I really do but… but to dump me just like that? After I was finally able to tell someone we’re dating?”
“I mean I told you I would,” you said and he waited, no, hoped for more. He was still holding your hand against your thigh. You looked back at him, “I just feel like… I don’t know. You claim to love me but you clearly don’t care enough about my wishes. You’re still going to do whatever you want, so I don’t know if this is worth it.”
You know you’re vulnerable and naive and stupid when it comes to love. And it’s not always the case. You know when someone is not good for you but you also didn’t seem to care. You wanted to hold your ground with Jungkook because you wanted more, something you’re not sure of. But you know he can give it to you and he’s basically the perfect guy you’ve been searching for. You want to be with him though, even if you dumped him just days ago. You wanted him to feel anxious because you dumped him. You want him to know that if you’re going to do what he wants, he has to do what you want.
Everyone sees you as dumb in love but you saw it differently. You like to think of yourself as decently self-aware. You jump into relationships a lot. You get hurt when they end and yet you do it all over again. It’s basically ingrained into your brain since childhood to make a man happy and you never seemed to be able to do that unless you had sex. And you didn’t think Jungkook had any feelings for you when you missed the first night and he still might not but you also knew he did. So maybe because his feelings were a sure thing, and he was clearly disheveled when you dumped him, it made you more vocal about what you didn’t like.
You’re used to keeping your personality down in fear of someone not liking it that you didn’t realize how silent you’ve been. It took a lot for you to speak up to your friends or mother and boyfriends too. But since a part of you knows he’s getting serious about it whether he likes it or not, he’s letting you speak your mind. You’re telling him how you feel knowing he’s still going to love you or want you after.
The same way he knows that you don’t want him upset with you. There’s feelings there but he knows you’re probably not good for each other. He just wants you so bad, can’t you see him trying?
“Can you see things from my perspective?” He ended up asking, “I’m not making excuses, I’m just saying. I know none of them like me and honestly, rightfully so but can you please just do what you want to. Don’t think about what they have to say, think of what you want. You want me but you feel guilty about it because everyone constantly attacks you for who you date and now Soomin is putting all the blame on you. But trying to break up just like that… that’s bullshit in my opinion.”
“The first second I fuck up you’re ready to run away? Did you just expect me to want to be lowkey forever? Were you just never planning to tell anyone we’re dating.”
“It’s nobody else’s business—“ “And yet every other person you’ve been with, you’ve happily paraded them around publicly. But I’m not good enough to even admit that we’re dating?”
“Nobody said you couldn’t, but with Soomin and Yeonwoo and all of them. Why did you have t—…You know how shitty you treated Soomin. We all saw it, I saw it too and yet here I am with you. Obviously none of them are going to be happy about it. So why would I want you admitting that?”
“I don’t know what to say,” he admitted as he used his fist to rub some of the tension away from his muscles on his face. “I want to change and I want you to want to be with me, but clearly I’m the problem. I just want you to give up on me, so please. I’ll do whatever you want if you just give me one more chance.”
You think he’s just bullshitting you but you’ve never seen that sincerity in his eyes before. And like, Yeonwoo and Soomin were already mad at you. They already think you won’t leave Jungkook and honestly, if he gives you whatever you want, why would you?
“One more chance,” you pointed a finger up but he went to bite it before leaning into you for a kiss, “I love you so fucking much.”
Your lips met abruptly, a little too needy for only being apart a week. His face pressed against yours, lips moving against yours and breathing through his nose so wouldn’t need a break. His hand still clutched yours and the other was behind your head but not touching you. Your long nails dig into his cheeks as you push him back by the chin.
He looked into your eyes, breathless and already in awe with you. He tried to get a kiss again but your grip only tightened making his lips part with the press of your fingers. Fine he’ll wait, impatiently though. Your eyes looked over his surprisingly submissive face right now and the way he let you sink your fingertips in a little, “I love you too, but I’m going to need you to prove it to me instead of just repeating it.”
He nodded, head moving the side enough to catch your thumb in his mouth, “I’ll do whatever you want.” As he said those words he finally released your other hand, choosing to run his fingers toward your raised skirt. Only a few inches away from your panties as he tested the waters to see if you’d stop him, “Even if you want to use me a little.”
“Was it too long for you? I’m surprised you didn’t go find a girl to fuck,” you said before you could stop yourself. It’s that same bitter tone you used before you got involved with him. The same distaste Yeonwoo had at the club, and you had it too. It went away but you were still a little insecure. He was a womanizer and you would not be surprised at all if he slept with someone else despite all he’s told you. Maybe it’s just your trust issues or maybe it’s because you’ve seen what he thinks of girls.
Jungkook’s jaw tightened but he tried to keep his tone light as he said, “Why would I when I was waiting for my girlfriend to stop being mad at me?”
“I wasn’t your girlfriend,” you said and even you didn’t believe it. He did still text you and you wanted to respond. It has only been a week and once you got over it you were waiting for him to reach out without even knowing it. You couldn’t even classify it as a break but apparently it was agony to Jungkook. He gave you a look that said he knew you were bullshitting yourself. You both knew it was more of just an argument you had despite how heated you both had gotten. You said some hard truths to each other and yet you’re both ready to start again. For a first fight it was tense but it didn’t seem to bother either of you that much.
Jungkook just kissed you again, catching you off guard but you managed to kiss back in time.
There were eyes on you, each telling something different and yet you couldn’t read any of it. You had to force yourself to ignore how awkward this felt, and of course Jungkook didn’t feel the same at all. He was pretty relaxed with his arm around your waist as he drank to his heart’s content with his friends. Jimin had a smirk on his face, “Y/n, you look really familiar. Have I seen you somewhere before?”
“You already know so why ask,” Jungkook cut in immediately, “And drop it if you know what’s good for you.”
“Very scary Kooky,” Jimin chuckled before looking back to you, “I didn’t know it was a sensitive topic. Are you still friends with that chick?”
“It’s complicated,” you answered truthfully. It really was. Yoongi talked to you because he was on your side. Though he didn’t like the idea of you with someone like Jungkook, he knows nothing he says will stop you. All he can do is be there to support you no matter what you choose. Unless Jungkook gives him a reason to step in, he won’t. But what he saw in Jungkook over a week ago, was nothing like the way he’d look at Soomin. Just the way he went after you the second you left when before Yoongi used to watch Jungkook storm out not caring how he left Soomin crying.
“If Jungkook wouldn’t have gotten to you, I would’ve taken you for myself,” Hoseok joked, knowing it’d get him annoyed easily, but he wanted to speak some truth too. “But did you know Jungkook told me to not even think about it? It was at that party months back when he was still dating Soomin. I asked him if he had your number and he told me that if I tried anything he’d beat my ass.”
He looked over to Jungkook, “Now that I think about it, you were always way too protective over us talking to Y/n. Be honest,” he grinned, “You’ve wanted Y/n all along, didn’t you? Even when you were dating Soomin and even after you ghosted her.”
“Maybe I did,” Jungkook said with a shrug clearly not caring even when you looked over at him in confusion. “Really?”
“I told you already and you didn’t seem to have a problem with it. Who cares now?”
God and you really didn’t care now. You should feel guilty or turned off by the fact that he was thinking of you while in a relationship but it’s not like he ever did anything. It’s not like the two of you didn’t get together a long time after they broke up. It’s not like you’d been seeking him out. And it was kind of hot knowing he wouldn’t let them talk to you. You gave a shrug, “I don’t care I just don’t get why you’d stay with Soomin if you felt that way.”
“Because I knew you wouldn’t want me if I tried leaving Soomin for you,” Jungkook answered honestly, “That’s when you two were super close.” You didn’t say anything, just gave a nod of your head and took your drink in your hands.
“Sneaky little Jungkook, you were scheming to get with Y/n. Be honest, is that why you ghosted Soomin?” Jin asked, making Jungkook more irritated than before. Jungkook just glared at him and everyone around. He didn’t need any of them asking questions or telling you that they wanted to get at you. He already had to deal with the fact that you were in multiple relationships when he was with Soomin and it would annoy him that he couldn’t do anything about it. He doesn’t need to know what they thought of you and if it meant distancing from his friends then he’d do it.
“Drop the topic hyung, it’s in the past and I don’t appreciate you all telling me how you wanted to get with my girlfriend,” as Jungkook said that his arm tightened around your waist. Hoseok rolled his eyes, “Jungkook please, we’re just curious and besides, we’re not the only ones looking at you and Y/n. Hell, that bottle service guy checks Y/n out every time he comes back.”
Jungkook’s eyes darted to the service guy, dark and glaring, “I know, and it’s really starting to get on my nerves.”
Your hand was on his thigh as if that made a difference but clearly he was feeling irritated. He’s not the usual type to get overly jealous, possessive maybe but it was always because he wanted to prove that who he was dating was his. It was like a winning prize for him and yet with you he felt raging jealousy. Like, even if a man gave you the smallest of smiles he’d get mad. He doesn’t want them thinking you can be easily swooned when you’re with him. He doesn’t think of you as a possession but he definitely can be possessive over you.
He rolled his eyes in annoyance as he watched the guy in question come with more alcohol for the table. The bartender was coming around every few minutes but he knew it wasn’t because of the liquor. It was the third time Jungkook caught him staring at the skirt you wore tonight. The Chanel one he just bought you yesterday. The guy wasn’t even trying to hide the fact he was checking you out. Not even as you quite literally dug through his shirt to feel his chest while whispering in his ear. It’s not like it wasn’t obvious the two of you were dating.
“Don’t get so upset,” you whispered to him but he wasn’t listening, even when your fingers ran along his sternum. It was soothing that’s for sure, but with his friends and just getting you back, he can’t seem to relax. Just in case you’re snatched from him or worse, leave him high and dry again.
The guy set a bottle down at the table at the request of Hoseok but his eyes trailed back to you. He looked a little familiar but you couldn’t pinpoint from where. He looked up at you once more as he set the bottles down and Jungkook called out to him, “Hey you. Do me a favor.”
You looked at your boyfriend now, unsure of how he’d react. You’ve never seen that look in his eyes except for when he saw Taehyung in person at the restaurant. The guy looked up, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. He stuttered over his words a little, “Of course sir.”
Jungkook smiled as he fixed the sleeve of his Givenchy button up, “Stop staring at my girlfriend or we’re gonna have a problem.”
The guy opened his mouth in complete bewilderment as you turned to glare at Jungkook, a blush raising in your cheeks. He only held the guy’s eye contact, intimidation radiating off him daring the guy to respond. Jungkook’s friends seemed all too amused, looking at the guy to see what he’d say. You attempted to make yourself shrink, hand suddenly growing cold against his chest.
“Are we clear?” He asked with his glass of Scotch raised a little and his leg crossed over the other, all while he had an arm around you. The guy seemed to malfunction for a second as he looked between you, leaning down and bowing. He didn’t look away from the guy until he left.
“Great, you’ve scared off our guy,” Jimin huffed in feigned annoyance fixing his suit jacket as he sat on the edge of the booth. He reached for one of the double shot glasses the guy had set out for your table. Jimin looked off to where the guy left in disappointment, “He’s been bringing us drinks all night.”
Jungkook didn’t react, choosing instead to look at you and how your expression changed. It’s so strange to feel jealous when someone even looks at you when before he thought it was hilarious when guys would gawk at the girl he was with. This was far from hilarious when he was serious about you.
Is it bad that you kind of liked it? You’re used to being ignored by your partners and very rarely did they consider you when with their friends. Jungkook spoke up for you when his friend’s asked personal questions and he made it known that you were an item. You’re used to guys wanting it on the low but Jungkook was obvious. He was protective and intimidating yet you kind of liked it. You’re not used to seeing him like this.
Without thinking any further you were turning his face toward you so you could capture his lips with yours. He didn’t concern himself with the way you two appeared to everyone right now. Sloppy tongues meeting in a familiar motion while he deepened the kiss. His lip ring was warming up with your touch and you went to run your tongue over it making him groan. The two of you shamelessly kissed right there while the others simply rolled their eyes and looked away.
“Unless you’re gonna start undressing to give us a show, put it away,” Jin joked and you swear Jungkook gave a low grunt in annoyance as you went to pull back.
To be honest, you didn’t expect to meet his friends. You’ve been dating for weeks minus that week you tried to dump him as an impulsive decision. You told him earlier that you didn’t mind staying behind if he wanted to see his friends but he wasn’t having it. He told you he wanted every single one of them to know you’re together. He wanted to show you off because he could. It is strange to hear them talk so vulgarly to each other. Sure you’ve joked with your own friends in such ways but you couldn’t picture yourself openly telling Soomin or Yeonwoo that their boyfriends were attractive and that you wanted them before. It’s awkward of course now that you’re dating Jungkook but you never had ulterior motives when he was with Soomin. Even when he first approached you at the club, you weren’t at all happy to see him. It’s taken some time to get where you’re at.
But hearing everyone, and even himself, tell you he was way too aware of your presence despite having a partner, put you on edge. Maybe he’d do the same to you as he did to Soomin and the thought alone suddenly changed your mood completely.
Jungkook obviously noticed it because he noticed everything you do and pressed you into his side. His face in your hair, “We leave whenever you want, alright?”
You just gave a nod not looking at him instead looking at your phone. He watched you scroll on Instagram ignoring the conversation his friends had to look at what you were doing. Your feed was a bit of everything from nail designs to your friends and celebrities. It’s when you’d scroll past pictures of guys you knew that his jaw would tense. If only you knew how annoyed he’d get back then when he’d stalk your profile just to see all these guys following you and commenting on your stuff. He doesn’t even want to think about your DMs. Now his mood had become sour too.
You were gathering your handbag now, “I want to leave.”
“Alright let’s go,” Jungkook said, his tone a little bitter but he did what you wanted anyway. It doesn’t seem to matter if he wards off guys in person when you’ve got so many on your phone. His friends just watched your exchange, “Already?”
“Yup,” Jungkook said, giving no room for more questions. Jimin noticed first the change in mood you two had but it didn’t even seem to be fully toward each other. He’s not sure if he’s ever seen Jungkook be so willing to do what his partner wants and yet that’s all he’s seen when Jungkook is with you. Even when you’re not together, you seem to be the only thing on his mind. It was obsessive almost but not quite?
The car ride was silent as he took you back to your place where he’s been staying the last couple days. Little pieces of Jungkook were everywhere. His toothbrush, extra clothes, snacks, backpack, laptop, things he’d buy, all spread throughout your small apartment. You wondered if he felt cramped here and was only being nice. Various things of yours were at his place too but it was way more spacious you barely made a mess.
It became obvious early on that your emotions seemed to mirror each other, practically bonded. If you were mad, it’d put him in a mood too, and vice versa. If he was happy then you were too. If you were smiling, he was too. If you were over being out with his friends, then he was too. Sometimes it’s a good thing, sometimes when you’re both annoyed, it’s not.
You were barely through your door when he was following after you, hand gripping your wrist. You turned to look at him and there was something in his eyes you knew all too well. You hadn’t even taken your shoes off, barely throwing your bag somewhere when he was dragging you into him. You squealed a little at the suddenness when he was bending down to hook his arms around your thighs.
Your hands flew to his shoulders being hoisted up in the air as he carried you further into your place. Suddenly he was setting you down on the surface of your dining table and aiding you to lay back. “Wha—Jungkook!”
“I need this,” he said kissing your leg as he picked them up, scooting a chair over for himself so he could sit between them, “I want to feel you and taste you. Seeing all those men look at you like they wanted you, it really pissed me off. And I don’t want you thinking for one second that they could make you feel what I do. And I don’t want you thinking anyone can make me feel the way you make me feel. So just give me a taste.”
“You’re such a smooth talker,” you teased even as he slid your skirt up dragging you to the end of the table to be closer, “But take what you want.” He chuckled sitting up to lean over the table and catch your lips with his, “Don’t tell me that. I’m a very greedy boy.”
“Really? How greedy?” You asked as his fingers traced your thighs further up to where your panties were. He smiled down at you, “I won’t stop until I have my fill, unless you’re begging me to.”
His thumb was grazing your center over the panties you wore. His hand was flat on your thigh letting his thumb run over your clit looking down at you with dark eyes. His gaze traveled down the expanse of your body, still fully dressed but with your skirt fluttering up and exposing only your mound. You lied flat on the table like a platter waiting to be feasted on by Jungkook. He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth as he went back to your eyes, “I don’t want another man to even look at your body. It’s mine, okay?”
You rolled your eyes looking away from him suddenly remembering what put you in a bad mood earlier. How many girls has he said that too? So annoying. The hand that had been between your legs was suddenly at the side of your ribs, waiting for you to respond.
Annoyed that you weren’t looking at him anymore he bent over you again, “Pay attention to me," He mumbled as he used his nose to nudge your face to look up at him. He gave your lips a soft lick letting his tongue part your lips enough for you to kiss him back.
Jungkook pulled away with a soft grunt as if the action alone was unbearable before making his way down to your cunt. He looked ridiculously gorgeous as his back muscles flexed when he slid down between your legs. His face lined up with your arousal, he didn’t hold back, immediately going in to bring you pleasure. He licked a line up your folds until his tongue hit your clip. He licked up at you turning his head to the right and then to the left. His tongue was stiff and with every shake of his head, it bumped your clit until it pointed out from under the hood.
He had you pulled to the end of the table as he sat on a chair between your legs. The legs in questions were over his shoulders with his hands keeping them spread. When Jungkook noticed what was happening to your clit, he moved quickly to wrap his lips around it giving it a light suckle. He kissed it with a sense of urgency like he couldn’t get enough and you felt it through the way he pressed his face into your cunt. Your head fell back on the table with a soft moan, “Jung…kook.”
He hummed in response shaking his head as he kissed you to stimulate your folds. It looked sinful, legs spread wide wide and your knees bent for your feet to be at the edge of the table. Jungkook between them fully dressed in the designer clothes he’d gone to the lounge bar in. His head shaking with every messy tongue kiss he gave your wet pussy. It was truly erotic.
Jungkook looked to you every once in a while watching your reactions. Deciding to take up a notch he pulled his mouth away from your clit. Suddenly he was pushing his tongue in and out of your entrance collection your slick on his tongue. Your arm went up, blocking your face, as you moaned, “Oh my god.”
“Look at me,” he lifted his head, heavy pants of breath before diving back in. His hand slid between your legs, palm flat on your pelvis, thumb at your clit. His tongue didn’t stop plummeting into your cunt as far as it could go and you hear the squelch of your slick on his face.
His head tilted to the side doing as he pleased to bring you closer to the edge of orgasm. His thumb circled your clit making sure to dip it into your slick every now and then so it wouldn’t dry.
He was going to bring you to orgasm just with his tongue and he could feel it. Jungkook could feel the way your legs trembled and your hips began to raise and meet his greedy mouth. Your arm blocking your face again completely forgetting that he ordered you to look at him. You were moaning his name now and it sounded like music to his ears. He just loved you so much. So much and he didn’t care that his cock felt heavy in his briefs.
Even with how hard he’s become he ignores it so he could focus on you. You were so close, just let go. Your stomach tensed, “I’m gonna cum, oh fuck.”
He hummed, letting you move his face with the jutting of your hips not taking his tongue out of your pussy. You gave him one last whine of his name as your walls broke. He felt the flood of release hit his tongue and he lapped at it like an animal. He was thirsty, wanting to have whatever you gave him. Everything about you turned him on, especially the way you looked when he made you cum.
Jungkook didn’t stop until there was no more, and when he did he place kisses along your thigh, catching his breath after the work he’d just done. He watched your chest as you did what you could to catch your own breath. He kicked back the chair as he stood and leaned over your body again. Black button up rolled up to his elbows and belt firm around his slim waist. His hands pressed into the table looking down at you with a gaze that you couldn’t look away from.
Below him, you were perfect in his eyes. With your hair splayed on the table, eyes on him, breasts raising and lowering with each breath. Dressed in your small top and skirt that fluttered down on itself since your knees were still bent upward. Your center almost touched his bulge but neither one of you moved your eyes to it.
“Do you love me?” You asked but not in the same naive and vulnerable tone anymore. He nodded his head, “Yes.”
“Mm,” was all you said you raised an arm to wrap around his neck and lifted yourself up as his hand went to your back. Your legs wrapped around his mid section. He carried you in his arms all the way to your bedroom like it was nothing. He laid you down gently and got on top of you.
A smile broke out on his face before capturing your lips with his.
The following day after making up with Jungkook you left to class early and waited to see if Yeonwoo would come in. She caught you sitting down a row toward the front and came to you. It’s still slightly awkward but she’s obviously been more open to talking to you again than Soomin. Soomin is 100% still mad at that and part of you can’t blame her and the other part thinks it’s overreacting. When she got to your row she made her way through it and took the seat next to you, “Hey.”
“Hey,” you said back as she looked down at your desk where your things were put out. Her brows went up, “You still haven’t bought a new laptop?”
“With what money?” You said with a small laugh looking down at the cracked screen. It was actually pretty bad but you did not have money to splurge on a new laptop at the moment, “Besides it still works, it’s just the screen that’s cracked.”
The small talk ended right there when the professor came in. It wasn’t a lecture today, you had to do these partner questions so you obviously partnered together. It was a pretty bland back and forth between you but every once in a while her attention would drift to your phone. You’d receive a text that you would choose to ignore and then another. By the third text you finally had enough and picked up your phone. You typed back a response and set it back down. Yeonwoo sighed, “So you really are still with Jungkook?”
You looked up at her now, “Um… yes.” It’s not like you could hide it anymore after Jungkook’s burst the other night. It still felt weird to admit it but what else could you do? It was the truth. It wasn’t even like you were embarrassed to date him. How could you be? You’ve always been aware of the fact that he’s unbelievably hot and charming. You wondered how many girls have a campus crush on him that you didn’t even know. You couldn’t even think about all the girls who follow him around all day.
She released a deep sigh, “I know what I say doesn’t mean shit to you anymore but I seriously don’t like you two together. You’re just wrong for each other.” Her eyes were on her assignment even as she spoke to you, “Whatever though, you’re going to do what you want even if it’s not good for you.”
You didn’t say anything back for a while before finally saying, “What do you want me to say?”
“I don’t know, be honest with me as your friend?” Yeonwoo said, “Is he at least treating you right? Because he treated Soomin like shit, in case you forgot.”
You thought about it for a moment. You know Jungkook treated her like shit, you didn’t forget but you clearly chose to ignore it. She doesn’t need to be reminding you of it but here’s the thing. He has never even yelled at you when he’s upset. Even the night at the restaurant he was more worried about you breaking up with him than mad. Most of the time you spend with him it’s hard to even get your own space because he’s always around. The only time away from him you get is either on campus or work. He doesn’t have to worry about a part time job when his entire future is already mapped out and he could live as careless as he wanted. You can do that when your father’s a CEO but it makes it hard on you. He always wants to see you and it leaves you with no alone time. The most alone time you’ve had was the few days you weren’t speaking to him. Otherwise he’s always trying to communicate with you. So, you can’t say he ignores you, or fights with you, or even yells at you.
“He’s good,” was all you said. Jungkook definitely says some stuff sometimes that you don’t fully believe but you know there’s things you say that he doesn’t believe either. Still, you couldn’t say he treated you badly. It was just taking some time adjusting still. Yeonwoo’s eyes narrowed at you as if trying to see if you were lying but you really weren’t. The only downside to having him as a boyfriend is that he’s probably more clingy and needy than you.
kook<3: am I seeing you tn?
kook<3: maybe you could stay at my place for a few days
you: I have work these next couple nights
you: so I probs should just stay home
Your phone had been back on your desk when it started buzzing, people looked over at you slightly annoyed as you fumbled to turn it off. Yeonwoo looked at it, “Is he always blowing up your phone?”
“Sometimes,” you said honestly, “He wanted me to stay at his place for a couple nights but I’ve got work.”
kook<3: well I can just stay at your place then
you: I’ve got a study session tn so maybe tomorrow
kook<3: with who?
you: yoongi
kook<3: hm
By the end of class it was close to lunch time and with a long break between lectures you and Yeonwoo had time for a long meal. “Can Soomin and Joon join?”
“Obviously,” you told Yeonwoo, “If she knows I’m here and still wants to come though.”
“Yeah, I told her. We’ll see how it goes.”
So you ou left to a nearby cafe and Namjoon joined you first, “Y/n, I was wondering if you could help the Student Council with some advertising for the Summer Exhibition coming up. We’ve got to upload on the school blog and post around campus. If you have time can we meet up?”
“I can see if I can fit it between classes, if not you and Yeonwoo can come over sometime this week?” You said once you all had been seated with your drink orders put in. It didn’t take long for Soomin to walk in and the first few moments she completely ignored you. Alright, she’s still upset but at least you were having lunch together so maybe that was a step forward. You were still in between on if you wanted to be friends with her because she said some pretty mean things to you. At the same time though, you know she was under duress when Jungkook suddenly popped up. You’re not sure if anything happened after that since you left in a cab but you hope it wasn’t anything too bad.
“Hey,” she muttered to you forced to take the seat next to yours since Namjoon was next to Yeonwoo. You mumbled one back and got a second it was awkward between you all until Yeonwoo cut in, “Taehyung’s going to have some people over this weekend. Did he tell you guys that?”
“He sent a text the other night,” you told her, “I might go.”
“With my ex?” Soomin asked, looking over to you. Your jaw became tense wanting to avoid this topic. You still weren’t sure how to go about this but you also didn’t want to just be shitted on. If they didn’t want you around, why don’t they just tell you? You decided you didn’t want to stay quiet, “If he wants to then I guess.”
Soomin glared at you, “He probably will since he’s been in love with you for who knows how long. Since I dated him I’m sure.”
“Soomin,” Yeonwoo warned clearly exasperation with hearing this over and over again. At least with you she didn’t have to worry about listening to the same thing every day. She understands Soomin is upset but give it up or stop talking to you. Soomin shook her head, “What? It’s not like what I’m saying is a lie. He told me himself.”
“I don't know what you want me to do, Soomin. I’m not dumping him if that’s what you want. And even if he had feelings for me—which I doubt—I didn’t know and I would have never done anything to you,” you lied. You obviously knew that he did, in fact, have feelings for you back then but you didn’t know at the time. You’ll say whatever makes you sound like a better person.
She scoffed, “Right, because you’ve always been able to resist a guy giving you attention. I saw the way you used to look at him.”
Your brows furrowed. When he dated Soomin you never thought anything more than that he was good looking. You actually hated him up until the first night you kissed and you only did it because you were drunk. You didn’t say anything now, too annoyed to keep listening to her and focusing on your menu instead. Your phone began to vibrate again, and though it was facing down everyone knew who it was. You chose to ignore it.
“Just answer,” Yeonwoo said the second time it began to ring and you did just that.
“Let’s have lunch if I can’t see you later,” was the first thing Jungkook said to you once you answered. You wanted to get up and talk somewhere private but you also knew that would just give them an excuse to talk shit while you were still around.
“I’m already having lunch,” you told him and you could practically see the way he rolled his eyes. “You don’t care about me then.”
With a small sigh you had to excuse yourself this time after you just said you wouldn’t. You went toward the restroom, “No, you don’t care about me. I’m sorry I can’t be with you 24/7 but why don’t you just give me so—“l
“Space? So you’re dumping me again.”
“Holy shit, I just might if you keep being this clingy,” you said impulsively, “I can’t even work anymore without you complaining that I’m ignoring you. If I’m not giving you enough attention, find someone who will.”
“Oh so you still don’t want to be with me? You’re very quick to try and leave me and now you want me to find someone else?” Jungkook asked bitterly as he walked toward his campus lunch room. “Because I can, there’s a ton of girls here who’d die for my number.”
“So give it to them and I’ll do the same.”
His jaw clenched at the thought of whatever guy might be into you who he doesn’t even know. His grip tightened around his phone, “Give them your number Y/n. I dare you.”
“I will, since you want to say that I don’t care about you, I’ll show you.” With that you hung up and he snapped.
His phone hit the pavement under him with a shatter, others staring at him in confusion as he glared, “What?” He bent to pick it up hoping to call you again but it wouldn’t turn on. Great, he had to get a new phone, find you, and take you away.
“Fighting? You took forever,” Soomin said and that seemed to annoy you more than Jungkook just did. “He wanted to have lunch together.”
“You should’ve invited him then,” Soomin said with a bitter laugh, “Or were you still hoping to hide him like we don’t know you’re together.”
“Look, if you don’t like me anymore fine, don’t talk to me. Talk shit about me I don’t give a fuck,” you said, you were close to snapping, or maybe you were already doing it, “I’m not the one who dumped you, he was. Go take your problems to him even though I know he wouldn’t give a shit. I’m sorry you found out this way but I’m not sorry that I’m dating him. If every time I see you you’re going to be a bitch then whatever, I’m not going to beg you to be my friend. Unless Yeonwoo dumps me too, you’re stuck seeing me so you either get over it or leave, I don’t care anymore.”
“See you guys later,” you added as you stood, thankfully you’ve only ordered a water so there was no bill and you could still leave, “Or I’ll see you at the party.”
“You can’t come,” Soomin said but you just shrugged, “That’s not what Taehyung said. But don’t worry, I’ll stay away from you.”
“Bye,” you said with a smile to Yeonwoo and Namjoon who gave one back shyly ignoring the glare Soomin sent them.
So neither you nor Jungkook stayed mad for long. You were busy with work and school but he did end up coming over on Friday night when you were finally free. On Saturday he took you to the Mac store and bought you a new laptop to apologize. You normally wouldn’t take gifts like that but whatever, he’s got the money for it and at least you know he loves you enough to buy you shit.
Your mom always told you that if a man wants to prove he loves you then he’ll do whatever you asked and apparently that was true. He pretty much does everything you ask except give you space. You complain that your laptop is broken and he buys you a new one. You complain about your feet hurting and he takes your heels off for you. You tell him you want his head between your legs and he jumps at the opportunity. A greedy, spoiled, needy bunny. That’s what he was and you definitely took advantage of that when you weren’t arguing.
Like right now, he was clinging to your back when you greeted Taehyung who smiled widely and pulled you into a hug, “Drinks are in the kitchen, sorry there’s more people than expected. Um, hey, Jungkook, right?”
Jungkook nodded ignoring the hand Taehyung had stretched out choosing instead to drag you off. You had gotten drinks before moving to the couch waving at Yoongi and the others, even Soomin. Fuck that bitch, if she wasn’t going to get over it you were going to be petty now. Jungkook didn’t know that but it didn’t stop him from pulling you onto his lap where you sat with an arm around his shoulders and his around your waist.
“You look so pretty, baby,” Jungkook whispered to you as his finger traced an imaginary circle on your thigh, “I want to take you right here.”
“Don’t you wish,” you smiled pressing your cup to his lips and he happily drank from it. His hand slid back to your waist, “I do, and if I see another guy check you out I’ll do it right now.”
You leaned forward a bit to get Yoongi’s attention, feeling Jungkook’s hand move to your ass now as if in warning. You were playing with him, you know, but you liked that he was possessive and you wanted to test it. “You left your coat at my place the other night. I was gonna bring it to you but I forgot.”
“That’s fine, I’ll go pick it up tomorrow when we get dinner tomorrow,” he said looking to Jungkook who glared at him. He smiled tensely, “Mind if I get dinner with you and my girlfriend tomorrow? Or is it invitation only?”
“Invitation only,” you said watching him slump back annoyed. He slid you off his lap suddenly as he stood, “I need to use the bathroom.”
“Down the hall to your right,” Namjoon said and he was off.
It was awkward, you’ll admit that. Soomin was doing as told and ignoring you but you didn’t care. You could easily ignore her entire presence even if she sat three people away from you. You’re tired of everyone thinking they can just say whatever and you won’t respond. Taehyung came shortly after looking to you, “I need a partner for beer pong, can it be you?”
You nodded, taking his outstretched hand as he looked around for Jungkook, “I would’ve asked the others but they’re shit.” “Lucky for you, I’m skilled in a lot of things.”
“I bet you are,” Taehyung said with a little smirk, “Too bad Jungkook’s the only one who gets to see it all.”
It was strange between you and Taehyung. There was nothing there, obviously but you know—and everyone knows this too— that you’re a flirty person. It’s not even that you want him, you love Jungkook, but sometimes it’s just fun. Old habits die hard.
“Not all, I keep some things hidden,” you told him as he led you to where the others were waiting for him, “I like my secrets.”
“I’m sure you do, kept your boyfriend from me even when we went on that double date. Shame on you,” he said with a shake of his head but his tone was playful.
“Now that wasn’t my fault, Yeonwoo insisted but aren’t you happy you met me?”
“Of course, just sad I didn’t get to you first.”
“First for what?” Jungkook asked behind you making Taehyung freeze, “Don’t stop on my account. Keep going, I want to hear what you have to say.”
“We’re talking about a game,” You lied and very poorly at that.
“Really? Because right now it looks like he’s flirting with my girlfriend so lie to me again,” he said making you roll your eyes. “Don’t be dramatic.”
Jungkook took a deep breath forcing himself to smile, “Alright. I’ll give you your space tonight. Have fun.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion as he walked off but the awkward air around you and Taehyung made you focus on him. “Let’s play.”
It was taking everything in Jungkook to not turn back and bash Taehyung’s head in. The audacity the guy had to openly flirt with another man’s girl. And for you to do it back, oh that was the cherry on fucking top. His fists tightened to release some anger, feeling his nails dig into his palm. What was wrong with you? What the actual fuck is wrong with you? You’ve got the best guy and you want to hang out with him instead? Were you trying to make him jealous? If that’s the game you want to play, he could do it better. Matter of fact, he’ll show you how easy it is to get a girl and he won’t even have to lift a finger.
And he was right, the second he stood alone at this stupid ass party he knew there would be someone itching to get closer. It didn’t even take ten minutes before a girl came up to him with a smile on his face, “You don’t seem happy to be here at all.”
“Well my girlfriend is off doing her own thing,” he played the sympathetic guy, a victim of his mean girlfriend, the sweet one. The girl smacked her lips in disapproval, “Doesn’t she know that you could get snatched any second?”
His face went cold, “I’m sure she’s not worried. But, why do you say that? You think there’s someone else out there who might want me?” Play naive, he can do that. The girl shrugged, “Oh I know there’s a few.”
“You included?” “Me especially,” she whispered taking a step closer to him. From across the party he could see you make eye contact with him and it made him want to keep going, “That’s bad, my girlfriend might get jealous.”
“Then maybe she should watch you more carefully.”
“Oh I think she’s doing that just fine, but you don’t seem to care, do you?” He asked once again playing stupid. The girl shook her head looking at him from head to toe, “And when I see something I want, I know how to get it.”
“Is that easy for you?” Jungkook asked with a raise of his brows, “That confident? I guess I understand, you’re attractive.”
He shrugged when she blushed and he looked over to you still glaring at him and it made him smile as he looked down to the girl. He was making you jealous, good, you need to know how he feels every second you’re away from him. He smiled at the girl, “But compared to my girlfriend, you’re pretty fucking ugly to look at.”
Her smile dropped but Jungkook kept going. He knew that from your point of view you could misjudge the conversation and think he was flirting back with her. That’s what he wanted. The girl looked taken back by the sudden switch in his tone so he went on, “And I don’t like girls who chase after taken men. You don’t get what you want because you’re attractive. You get it because you’re clearly an easy person to sleep with. So don’t be so confident in yourself. I’m not looking at anything special.”
“What the fuck,” the girl said and yet he still smiled when he saw you begin to come over. Perfect.
“Oh I’m just kidding,” Jungkook laughed, “I just wanted to see how you’d react.” He was stalling, trying to keep the girl here until you came. He wanted to see what you’d do.
“What are we talking about over here?” You asked as you approached with a big, fake smile. The girl looked at you up and down as Jungkook put an arm around your shoulders, “Oh, this chick was trying to flirt with me even though she knew I had a girlfriend, baby.”
“Hm, and I’m sure you said no, right?” You looked at him now and he just shrugged, “I was just doing what you were doing with Taehyung.”
“Your boyfriend’s an asshole and I promise you I don't want him,” the girl said with a scoff and you lifted a hand to cup his chin, fingers squeezing his cheek. “You sure? But he’s so handsome.”
At that, Jungkook fought against your hold to kiss you but you moved away even as he squeezed you closer to him for the kiss. The girl looked between you clearly confused by you two, “I’m sorry, I promise I don’t want him.”
“And yet you came over to flirt with him, right? And you’re still here talking,” you said harshly, “I’ll tell you what, if you want him, take him. I’ll let him fuck you if he wants to.”
Jungkook chuckled, you were clearly being a bitch to her on purpose. As if you thought he’d leave you for her and you know that. You’re just too much like him but he thinks it’s so hot. It’s just too fun being an asshole to everyone because you can. He wasn’t even mad that you had been with Taehyung. He hugged you from behind, arms snug around your waist, chin resting on your shoulder, “Oh come on baby, don’t be so mean. She meant well, she thought you left me for another guy.”
He looked the girl up and down, “I told you my girl would get jealous.” She looked uncomfortable and now fed up, she left with a roll of her eyes. You looked at Jungkook from over your shoulder who just gave you a cheeky smile, “You’re so hot when you’re jealous.”
This time you rolled your eyes too, “Whatever. I’m ready to go.”
“Alright,” Jungkook bent down sliding his arms down to your thighs and hoisting you up. “Stop,” you groaned trying to get his arms off of you but it was too late. He was already walking you to the door with you facing forward and his arms around your legs. You tried to hide your face but it was no use. As if your friends wouldn’t recognize you.
Jungkook was laughing as you pushed on his arms to get him to let you go but he walked you out the door just like that. He didn’t set you down until you made it to the stairs and you glared at him as you pulled your skirt back down. His hand went to your ass as he nibbled on your earlobe knowing how sensitive it is, “Seeing you jealous turns me on.”
“Don’t whatever me, you know how annoyed I get when you’re with another guy?” Jungkook said exiting the building and pushing his button to unlock his car. Instead of opening the passenger door he goes to the back instead. You shrugged, “I know.”
His jaw clenched, “Get in.”
“In the back?” Your brows furrowed even as you did as told. You didn’t expect him to follow after you pushing you down, “Yup because I can’t wait to get home to show you how much better I am.”
“Better at what?” You asked spreading your legs enough for him to get between them crawling over you to kiss you. “Everything,” he kissed your neck.
“What if someone catches us?” You asked though you didn’t seem too worried about it as you chose to sit up instead of lay under him. His hands went to your waist letting you climb onto his lap as he moved over to the middle seat. He began to inch your skirt up letting his hand touch your ass again. He loved that you wore skirts a lot. It gave him easy access to the parts of you he wanted to touch. He gave you a smile as you tilted his chin up to you, “Nobody is going to see through the tints, baby.”
You released a sigh as you pressed your lips against his with a teasing kiss, “That's a shame. I kinda wanted them to.”
Jungkook’s jaw opened in a lax expression when you kissed down the side toward his ear sending a shiver down his spine. Fuck, you turned him on so much. Everything you did from the way you slept to the way you moaned his name. He wanted you so badly, needed you. What you just said made his whole body tremble feeling the blood rush his dick that was confined by too many layers. He couldn’t even wait for foreplay. He needed you now. Like right now, in the back of his tinted car, no protection and still fully dressed.
You must’ve felt the same because you were lifting yourself up to let him unzip himself while you tried taking your underwear off. He freed his hard cock giving it a couple quick strokes while he brought his other hand into his mouth. His tongue lathered his fingers in spit before bringing it down between your legs to your heat. You were already wet and his fingers worked to spread the slick along your folds and clit to avoid any roughness. You instantly began to move your hips against his hand making him look up at you, cock in hand.
You moved over his lap again and he took the mive to point his member up, watching you look down and try and line him up with your entrance. His hands were under your butt fighting the slip of your skirt over them as you adjusted to his dick, unprotected and without much prep. You probably shouldn’t be doing this but who was going to drop you when you were so horny? God, it’s like, you know it’s bad to be jealous. And you know he was trying to make you jealous, but it was hot. Not the part where the chick flirts with him but the part where he degraded her a little in your presence. It was bad. You shouldn’t like it but you do.
You like the way he shows you off and touches you like he doesn’t care. You like that he’s sought after and that so many girls want him while he’s with you. Your hands were around his neck as he finally raised you up, letting you land back against his hips with one thrust. With your response he did it again, a little quicker now. The slide of his cock in a steady, still cautious, rhythm was good, but you wanted more. You let yourself move against him, doing a small grind every time you dropped onto his thick cock.
“Fuck,” his brows scrunched together in concentration. He’d love to see the look on those guy’s faces when they see you taking his cock so well. All those guys who are on your phone or who you dated in the past thinking about the fact that you’re Jungkook’s. He’s keeping you and he’s not letting go, especially not when you sucked him in so well, taking every inch of him enveloping him in a warmth he craved.
His head fell back against the seat watching you take control, bouncing on his length in a quick and rough pace, clearly in need of release. That’s fine, he’ll watch you fuck yourself on his dick. You make him feel so good even when he’s not the one doing the work. He could just sit back, watch you jump on his cock, and enjoy. He didn’t even care if the car moved or if you two were even loud enough to be heard outside. All he knew was that he needed to cum, now.
His hands found their way to your waist again, not to stop you but to hold you in place as he shifted further down his seat. His feet spread and planted on the car floor for support as he raised his hips. You moaned into his hair as he began to fuck up into you, arm tightly snaked around your waist as he went faster. You could hear the slap of skin as he chased his release. Wanting to bring you closer too he yanked down your shirt and groped your tit. His mouth quickly wrapped around the nipple making you shiver.
“Oh fuck,” you whined letting your hips grind forward and back while having him pound into you from below. His head moved with your breast whenever you used your whole body to drop onto his cock.
His tongue licked up and down on the hardened bud, your hand digging into his bicep to hold yourself steady. “I need you to cum baby,” his grunt was swallowed by your tit and he never stopped thrust in his cock between your folds into your creamy pussy, “Right fucking now.”
“Okay,” you moaned desperate now to hit your orgasm so he could slip out of you before he did. The car was definitely moving now and there was a light fog inside. “Okay,” you repeated quickening your pace as you ride him, “I’m gonna cum…”
“Fuck,” he groaned doing everything to bring you closer from the thrust of his cock to the sucking of your nipples, “Do it, fuck Y/n, hurry up!”
“Oh my god,” you half groaned as you hit your limit. Your walls tightened around his cock squeezing him so snugly that he visibly tended. Forcing himself not to cum inside you his body shuddered with every twitch of your cunt, feeling your release pool against his base. Your body twitched as you tried sliding him off and he groaned loudly with the final chance of warmth and tightness now feeling way too exposed and cold.
Without further instruction, you leaned forward catching his head in your mouth, knowing this was it. You didn’t even have to stroke him, he was ready to blow his load and he did. Your throat was hit with a spurt of creamy release feeling it fill your mouth. You desperately tried to swallow as he moaned your name in pleasure. You lapped up as much as you could in order to save a mess waiting to happen and let him soften before taking him out of your mouth. He looked an even bigger mess than you and that was saying a lot.
He dragged his body back up to sit right as he tried tucking his member into his briefs. He looked at you, zipping up his jeans as you fixed your twisted skirt. He just thinks you look so pretty after sex, no matter how quick it is. With a sudden desire, he quickly snuck a kiss against your cheek before sitting back where he was. You gave him a little smile as you looked for your underwear. You slipped them back on trying to fix yourself up, “So are we going to your place?”
“Nah, I want to get drunk,” Jungkook said looking up at the building now, “Let’s go back to the party.”
“Ugh,” you whined looking at yourself through the rear view mirror, “I feel icky.”
You didn’t really care about returning to the party. You got what you needed and you were fine now. Jungkook opened the door already sliding out, “We’ll get you cleaned, don’t worry.”
He held you by the hand as the two of you went back in. The door was unlocked so you snuck back in making a beeline for the bathroom. Jungkook pushed you inside laughing as he locked the door shut, “Hurry up.”
“Shut up,” you told him as you lowered your underwear to sit on the toilet. He passed you the toilet paper roll that sat on the opposite end of the sink counter and turned away to let you clean yourself as best as you could. He checked himself out in the mirror before opening the cabinets under the sink. He found some wet wipes and lotions so he took them out. These have to belong to Taehyung or his roommate so in Jungkook’s mind, free reign. When you finished you flushed the toilet and stood next to him at the sink. You went to turn the faucet on watching him wipe face and neck with a wipe and moving to his arm pits. “Ew,” you pretended to cringe but he just shrugged.
“I’m doing this for you, I don’t care if people know we had sex,” Jungkook answered as he tossed it in the trash and grabbed another. You took one from the pack too, doing the same as funny as it was before washing your mouth. Jungkook passed you Taehyung’s mouthwash and poured some into your cupped hands. You swish it around in your mouth before spitting it back down and washing the liquid away.
“We should do that again sometime,” Jungkook said as the two of you joined everyone else in the main area.
“So what again?” Yoongi asked popping out from your right. His eyes narrowed, “Nevermind, I don’t want to know.”
“Is everyone still here?” You asked following after him as Jungkook went after you. Yoongi nodded, “Yeah but no clue where anyone went. Want a beer?”
“Yeah,” you said as he went to the kitchen. He came back with two and moved to the couch again, where he’s most likely been all night like the antisocial he is. You joined him on a armchair and Jungkook stood behind your chair as you talked to Yoongi. Now that you’ve had sex, he feels much more at ease. He still didn’t like you talking to other guys but he’ll make an exception.
“So, how you been?” Namjoon came up to him suddenly. Jungkook was surprised, the guy’s made little effort to talk to him these last few days. Before, when he was with Soomin, he spoke to Namjoon more. They weren’t friends by any means but he talked when their girlfriends got together. The second time around it was clearly awkward with him when his girlfriend and her friend were fighting with his other friend—you. All because of Jungkook, so yeah, he hasn’t talked to you. Right now though, he’s choosing to talk.
“Good, how about you?” “Same,” Namjoon cleared his throat awkwardly, “Personally I think you and Y/n match well.” Jungkook agreed but he also knows you’re both a little fucked in the head for reasons neither of you cared to explain.
“I think so too,” he responded in honesty. You felt Jungkook’s hand touch your head from where he stood behind you now carrying a conversation with Namjoon.
“I don’t know if I should ask this chick out or no, is she hot?” Yoongi ignored the hand that traced your cheek. A finger pressing against your lips even as Jungkook ignored it. He kept talking to Namjoon while trying to caress your face still thinking about demon time and how he’d like to do it again.
“You know Jin? Yeah he’s a good friend of mine,” Jungkook spoke casually, “Have you met Jimin?”
You moved your head making his hand slide to your neck, “I think she’s a strong 8.5”
“Hmm,” Yoongi looked down to his phone, “What happened to the other 1.5?”
“I don’t know, something I don’t like,” you answered him giving him back his phone. He looked down at the photo he had shown you and tilted his head in thought. You took the chance to look around at the people still here. Yeonwoo was on the other end of the room talking to Soomin and some other girl. You can’t tell if they’ve alienated you because of your choices or if you’ve alienated yourself just because you don’t know how to deal with it. All you know is that Soomin kept looking over here at you and then to Jungkook before talking to the other girls again.
You’re not sure if that meant she was talking about you or not but what you were sure of is that seeing you with Jungkook bothers her. Maybe it’s some of the mean things she’s said or the constant bashing on you, but you couldn’t bring it in yourself to care how she felt. Especially not when her eyes traced the length of his arm to the hand that was caressing your face without much thought into what he was doing. You know she still feels something for him.
It might not be love but there was something there for her. She had loved him enough when they dated and he treated her awful. Being left so suddenly clearly took a toll on her since she avoided everyone for months. Then, to see the person who just left you like it was nothing now with an old friend of yours? Oh, that’s gotta hurt. So sure, Y/n should feel a little guilty and she did at first. Now not so much, like whatever, it happened, move on. You’re just at that point where you don’t care what anyone thinks anymore. Her eyes met yours with a glare.
Without any debate you tipped your head back making Jungkook look down at you. His hand was on your jaw keeping you in place as he suddenly bent down to catch your lips with his. Namjoon’s words seemed to slow down as he witnessed the two of you kiss. Jungkook kept it short and sweet because if he did it longed he’d want to take you back out to the car. He smiled down at you, finally moving his hand to brush your hair back as you turned to talk to Yoongi again.
“I still can’t believe Y/n is dating Jungkook,” Soomin said with a sigh as she pulled her gaze away from you to turn to Yeonwoo. She just shrugged her shoulders watching her boyfriend talk to Jungkook, “I can’t either.”
“You’re the one who kept it from me,” Soomin said with a bitter tone that had Yeonwoo rolling her eyes.
“Well, you weren’t even talking to us when Jungkook came around the first time,” Yeonwoo pointed out, “And in my defense, I didn’t think anything would happen after they kissed.”
“After how he treated me I can’t believe Y/n would do that,” Soomin sighed and Yeonwoo just nodded silently. She tilted her head in thought as she watched you talk to Yoongi. Jungkook looked over to you every now and then but for the most part he was talking to Namjoon. Yeonwoo would just have Namjoon tell her what they talked about.
She just doesn’t trust you or Jungkook. There’s obviously heavy feelings between you two and that’s not a lie. She just can’t bring herself to believe it’s as perfect as you both are making it seem. Two people don’t just change overnight, especially not you.
Soon you’ll get bored, get your feelings hurt and move on. She’s surprised you haven’t done that yet but you will, she knows it. You’ve got this mentality where you think you have to be perfect for your partner. But you also think that if they’re not showing you what you think is affection, it won’t matter if they’re good to you or not. It won’t matter if they’re the sweetest guy in the world, you’ll find an excuse to leave. You got lucky with all the assholes you date because they never want anything serious. You don’t either because you think that there's a perfect guy out there just waiting for you. Well, there isn’t, and it’s definitely not Jungkook.
Jungkook had no sympathy for anyone but himself. He doesn’t care about another person’s feelings or if he’s done anything to hurt them. Actually, she knows he doesn’t care who he hurts. Just look at Soomin, he treated her like garbage and not a single part of him looks guilty.
So, she wants to say that you’re not good for each other. You get your feelings hurt too easily and he jumps into the relationship with you like it was nothing. You’re just not compatible. If Jungkook doesn’t do something to hurt you first, you’ll get him. You have a way of painting yourself as someone naive but she knows you’re not. She knows you’re using Jungkook just as much as he’s probably using you.
One of you isn’t being honest to the other. Either Jungkook is lying about how in love with you he is or you’re lying about how much you love him. Maybe he’s disguising his strange obsession with you in love, or you’re taking advantage of it to finally feel what you’ve been lacking all your life. She knows you, knows how you play and how you act when you’re no longer obsessed over someone.
There’s a reason why every guy you’ve ever dated didn’t stick around and it’s not just because they’re complete douchebags. She knows that when your resolve falls and you’re not the sweet and naive girlfriend anymore, you’re probably just as bad as them. Once you feel like they aren’t giving you what you want you change. You go from gentle and vulnerable to mean and obsessive. It’s not possible that every guy you’ve been with leaves you. If every single one of them does that, doesn’t it mean that you might be the problem? Maybe they see the real you that you don’t show Yeonwoo or anyone else. She just knows you’re not as pliant as you paint yourself. She saw it the other day when you snapped back at Soomin. Rightfully so, but you don’t usually speak your mind like that. Not that there’s anything wrong with it but it’s just not something she’s used to seeing.
Even with Jungkook, sometimes it seems like you’re the one in control. You’re the one leading him, you’re the one bringing him to things, you’re the one he obsessed over. But when she looks to see if you’re just as obsessed with him, she just can’t tell.
You don’t have a problem ignoring him like he’s not around. You don’t think twice about his feelings especially if he's going against whatever you told him to do. As strange as it sounds, Jungkook seems way more into you than you’re into him which is unusual since you’re the one usually more wrapped up in the other. Maybe you think Jungkook won’t leave you or you don’t care if he does.
All she knows is that you’re different from how you’ve been with other guys, and that she’s never known Jungkook to be so affectionate? It’s just hard to believe that this means you’ve both changed for the better. It just doesn’t seem genuine, nothing about your sudden changes feels honest.
One of you is going to regress into your old selves or maybe neither of you ever changed. Old habits die hard, everyone knows that. If there’s anyone who had bad habits when it came to relationships, it would be you two. The guy who doesn’t care about how awful a girl is treated. And the girl who seems to fall in love too fast and gets bored even faster.
One of you is lying, or both. There’s just no way two people change that fast, not you two anyway.
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taglist: @jub-jub @moonfaery @hoseoksluv89 @jeonzll @kookieaddicted96 @darkuni63 @btspurplesky @kristinalucio
okok it was a long wait and was it worth it? idek. imma tell y’all rn there will only be one part left and I still don’t know if it’s gonna be a good or bad ending for jk and y/n
also be honest 👀who do you guys think changed the most from the first part and you do think will hurt the other more? they’ve both got jealousy and trust issues and i feel like we saw it a bit here
it’s giving him and i by g-easy and halsey but minus the cringe of the song me thinks
there’s also 100% hella errors in this but listen i gave myself a time limit
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deepdisireslonging · 7 months
No Cum November Part 10: Good Vibrations
The boy’s teasing of the reader comes to a screeching halt when they get a visitor on a case.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader x Sam Winchester
Warnings/Promises: public use of toy, edging, Castiel sighting
Word Count: 620
Note: No actual smut in this one, but it’s funny. This one brings me so much joy, lol. Only one last chapter for this series. Let me know how you’ve enjoyed it with comments and reblogs! Happy reading:
Part 9: On the King’s Blade (King of Hell!Sam)
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With the end of the month just a few days away, you were desperate. The boys had taken such good care of you, giving you so much pleasure. But that also made this “no cum November” such a challenge. And they weren’t about to let up now. If anything, they were ramping up.
Sam promised a rest after one more case.
Dean said it was a quick check-in with some fellow hunters.
To their credit, it was moving quickly. But their teasing was making this case feel like it was going to take eons.
Asking the witness another question, Dean slid his hand into his pocket. You were too busy taking notes to notice. Until the toy inside you started buzzing.
You sucked in a breath. Closing your eyes, you steadied your nerves. When the witness gave you a questioning look, you lightly rubbed your nose. “Sorry. Almost sneezed. Late seasonal allergies.”
They nodded and continued answering questions. Dean eventually turned off the toy, giving you a respite. Then Sam walked up. He scrolled over the “notes” from the last witness on his phone. The nipple clamps hidden under your shirt activated. Thankfully, your blazer hid your stiffened nipples.
They continued back and forth, sometimes overlapping, until they had talked to everyone they wanted to. Only then did both toys turn off. Sam placed his hand on your lower back and guided you to the car. The backseat doors were barely closed before you were clawing at his belt buckle.
He gripped your wrists and held them back. “Nuh-uh, we’ve left you kind of alone in this challenge. So, for the last few days, we’re joining you. No cumming for us either.”
“But,” you pouted, “it’s not a real challenge is I don’t get to touch you like you guys touched me.”
Dean laughed in the front seat. “That’s- that’s a good point. But can we at least get to the hotel before you start stripping a federal officer in the backseat?”
With a humph, you sat back. A few minutes later, you cried out as Dean drove past the motel. “Hey-“
“Hungry. One more stop.”
At the corner diner, Dean walked behind you. He caught your hips and whispered in your ear, “we also need a break. If you got your hands on us now…” He tugged you back into his crotch. His hard-on pressed thickly into your backside. “Sweetheart, we’d bust.”
That didn’t keep them continuing their game in the booth while you ordered. You were two seconds away from a panting mess when another person appeared in the booth.
“Cas!” Dean held a hand to his chest. “Don’t do that.”
His eyes glittered with amusement. But then he squinted. And turned to face you.
“Don’t scan me,” you said, pointing a finger at him. “Just don’t. I’m fine.”
He didn’t. He scanned Sam. “Are you hunting a witch or something? Are you cursed?”
Sam sputtered into his drink. “No. We’re fine. You popped in for a reason?”
Cas quickly ran through some information concerning angel movements and demon activity. Then Dean cut him off.
“As long as it’s not another apocalypse, it’s gonna be a minute before we can help out. We’ve been running through cases back-to-back.”
“Yes.” Cas glanced over the three of you. “And you must get your… rest.” He cleared his throat. “There are a few leads I’d like to check out. Should take a week or so.”
Sam grinned, strained as you rested your hand on his thigh. “Perfect. We’ll rest up until we hear from you again.”
Cas paused before leaving. “What’s no-cum-Nove-“
“Just go,” Dean groaned.
After a blink, the angel was gone. After another few seconds, you all burst into laughter.
Part 11: One Last Ride (Finale)
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yesmaddyposts · 15 days
Maybe 41 or 47 for the prompt game? colt centric?
Put That Guy In a Situation™️ Ask Prompt Game No. 47: sickfic / caretaking
Fandom: The Fall Guy (2024) Word Count: 955 Tags: Sickfic, Domestic Fluff, Hurt/Comfort Crossposted on AO3
Description: Colt is sick, Jody is there for him.
Colt is not the type to go down easily. He’s a stuntman, it’s his job to get back up. He can wreck a car three takes in a row and bounce back without a scratch, can drive a boat through a ring of fire like it’s as easy as breathing. Especially after everything, going back to work after his not-an-accident fall, paired with all the hits he took while chasing down Ryder. He thinks it is safe to say he is pretty resilient. 
Which is why he tries not to act as miserable as he feels when he wakes up one morning with a throat that feels like he swallowed a thousand shards of glass. He reaches a shaky arm out to feel the left side of the mattress, but all he feels on Jody’s side of the bed is cold sheets. She must have gone to her morning pilates session already. The involuntary groan he lets out only worsens the burn as he forces himself to sit up. Rubbing his eyes is a chore because it seems that overnight his limbs have turned to heavy slabs of stone, but once he does he looks to his bedside table. The clock reads 7:00.
“Shit,” he huffs and his voice cracks. Ouch. Speaking is a no-go today, then. 
He overslept past his alarm, which means now he only has thirty minutes to get ready and get to set. That also means no time for breakfast, but that is hardly his main concern because as Colt shuffles to the bathroom his stomach revolts dangerously. He barely even feels the ache in his knees as he crashes down in front of his toilet bowl and vomits up his dinner from the night before. Time blurs as he continues to retch, and he doesn’t know how many minutes have passed before a knock on the bathroom door sounds.
“Colt? Are you alright in there, love?” Jody’s sweet voice sounds on the other side. 
Colt doesn’t have the energy to lift his forehead from the cool porcelain so he just exhales heavily and gags again at the taste in his mouth. Vomit and morning breath are an awful mix. The knocking comes again, followed by the door creaking open a few inches. 
“My eyes are closed so feel free to shout at me at any time—oh!” Jody cuts herself off as she squints open an eye and catches sight of him.
He must look pathetic like this, still in his sleep shorts and curled around a toilet bowl. But Jody doesn’t bat an eye, just rushes to his side and crouches down to his level. She puts a soothing hand on the back of his neck and Colt can’t help but melt at her touch. He closes his eyes when Jody moves her hand to feel his forehead. He trembles from a bone-deep chill even while sweat beads at his hairline. 
“Oh dear, you’re burning up. Let’s get you back to bed, come on.” Jody helps him up with her arms under his, and he doesn’t fight her on it. 
“Have to work…” Colt protests with no actual heat behind his words. 
He knows as well as anyone that he would be no good in the stunt department like this. Any number of things could go wrong if he isn’t fully focused on his job, and any good stunt team would take one look at him and steer him right back around off the set.
So he doesn’t even pretend to argue when Jody clicks her tongue admonishingly and tells him, “I’ll call out for you.” 
Jody guides him back into bed and he finally takes a good look at her while she pulls the sheets back over him. She’s wearing a matching purple athleisure set he got for her for Christmas, and a few blonde flyaways are coming out of her ponytail from her workout. She’s so beautiful. He must tell her so out loud without realizing it, because when she stands back up she is laughing with a light shake of her head. 
“You are such a sap when you’re like this.” 
He shrugs innocently, and she laughs again. 
He frowns a little when she leaves the room, her absence something he can physically feel (jeez she was right about him being a sap). But she’s back only a few minutes later, armed with fever reducers, a glass of orange juice, and a cool wet rag for his forehead. Just two years ago he wouldn’t be caught dead letting Jody take care of him like this. He was the stunt guy, the cool guy, the one who got pushed down on purpose and shook it off for another go. It’s taken a lot of work and trust to allow someone in to see this side of him, but Jody has that way with people. She never teases him, never makes him feel inferior for being human with weaknesses. He’s so lucky to have her in his life, even if it did take a whole lot of pain and tears to get to where they are now. 
“Alright, you get some rest now. I’m going to make a few calls.” Jody gently pats his chest and goes to leave the room again, but Colt grabs her hand before she can go far.
“Hey,” he says tiredly, sleepiness already engulfing him, “thank you.” 
Jody looks down at him with soft eyes. “Of course.” 
“I love you,” he tells her, blinking slowly as he fights to keep his eyes open. 
Sleep takes him under before he hears her reply, but he isn’t too worried. There will be plenty more opportunities to hear her say it back in the future. 
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hereforthe911buds · 2 months
so let's say at the wedding, Buck decides to come out to his parents before Tommy arrives. But before Tommy can get there, an emergency occurs that he can't leave. So he's later and later and later, until it's more halfway through the reception and Buck already feels like shit due to the hangover.
he sits at a table with his parents, Eddie within ear shot two tables behind them with Marisol. she goes to the bathroom, but Buck's parents are becoming more and more dismissive, to the point the comments are borderline homophobic/biphobic. Eddie can see Buck's stress level building before his eyes.
The one of his parents says "at least you're little thing doesn't have to take away from your sister's wedding." the hurt all over Buck's face, his parents disparaging what is him coming out. Eddie stands up and immediately walks towards Buck.
"Hey," Eddie reaches his hand out, "do you wanna dance?"
"w-what?" Buck studders, but Eddie doesn't wait for a response. He grabs Buck's hand and pulls him to his feet. His parents are shocked, but Eddie is guiding Buck to the dance floor. Honestly Buck feels a little relief that he doesn't have to sit with his parents any longer.
"I'm leading," Eddie orders as he places his hands on Buck's body.
"what are you doing?" Buck questions, but there is a giddyness in his voice.
"dancing with my friend," Eddie answers nonchalantly.
"you don't have to do this," Buck comments, though he doesn't know why he's so happy Eddie did.
"any excuse to give some parents the middle finger," Eddie shrugs off. Buck looks over Eddie's shoulder to his parents glaring, as if he is taking away from his sister's day. but no one else seems to care besides them. He looks back at Eddie.
"well thank you," Buck sighs, "What a mess of a day. I'm almost relieved Tommy didn't make it, not see me looking like I slept on the floor last night."
"what are you talking about? you really rallied. he'd find you handsome as hell," Eddie gleams, then suddenly feeling this tightness in his chest, as if he just realized he's dancing with a guy in front of everyone. and not just any guy. Buck, his best friend who he has a connection with like he hasn't with anyone before.
and now he's publicly dancing with him, and he didn't even think about it. Buck looked like he needed help, and also deserved at least one dance with how good he looked tonight.
oh god.
"and you look-" buck starts, but then stops himself because 1) he may have been about to call his best friend beautiful 2) Marisol is standing by her and eddie's table staring them down.
"uh your girlfriend does not look happy," Buck comments, causing Eddie's head to turn. the second they make eye contact, she hightails out of the reception hall.
"wait!" Eddie yelps as he chases after her. he feels bad leaving Buck there, but his girlfriend is obviously mad. But it's not like he was dancing with a girl, he was just offering some support by slow dancing with his guy best friend.
it is sounding gayer and gayer the more Eddie thinks about it. he's not far behind her but as she stomps through the entrance way, Eddie sees Tommy heading in the opposite direction.
"Hey Eddie!" Tommy starts, but then see Marisol storm past him with Eddie trailing behind, "uh, bye Eddie." wanting to avoid whatever confrontation is happening, he continues into the hall.
as Eddie steps out the building, he looks over his shoulder to see Buck embracing Tommy, looking so elated that he finally appeared.
and Eddie doesn't know why but he feels like he got punched in the gut.
"Marisol!" he calls out.
"I want to go home," she commands.
"yes, let's go home and talk-"
"no, I want to go to my home," she cuts him off, "my car is at yours. either drive me there or I'm taking an Uber to get it."
"it was just Buck," Eddie tries to distract.
"no, it was only Buck," Marisol points out, "we barely even danced, and then you-"
"Eddie, you're in love with your best friend," Marisol states firmly, "I don't care how he feels for you, but I don't want a boyfriend who obviously likes someone else more than me."
"So are you taking me home or not?"
and there goes the longest car ride of Eddie Diaz's life.
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cinemadaydream · 2 years
Hey could you do like Conrad and us are at a party and a guy starts to flirt with you so Conrad drags you away and fucks you in the car. Also could there be like choking😂
My girl || Conrad Fisher x reader
Warnings: smut, choking, unprotected sex!
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"You guys are cheating! I'm never playing beer pong with you two again!" Jeremiah shouts over the blaring music at you and Conrad as he fake pouts at you both before you and Conrad laugh at him.
"Just admit you suck at beer pong." Conrad teases him before wrapping his arm around your shoulder and mumbling a quick good job into your ear before kissing your forehead.
"I'll do no such thing," Jeremiah replies before he finishes the rest of his beer. "But what I will do is go inside to get another drink instead of watching the both of you all over each other. Bye cheaters."
"Bye sore loser!" you tease as he makes his way into the house.
After your sister, Belly's, birthday dinner, you all decided to go to a party. It was going great, you and Conrad spending most of the time you've been here outside playing beer pong with Jeremiah and Cam before Cam and Belly took off leaving Jeremiah to play against you both.
"We should go inside, I got to use the bathroom really quick." Conrad tells you.
"Okay. I'm going to go to go get another drink, just meet me in the kitchen" you tell him as you both make your way inside.
"I'll be right back." he reassures and you nod before he takes off.
You make your way to the kitchen which wasn't as crowded as you had thought it would be. You hoped Jeremiah was still there getting a drink, but he wasn't. The only people there was a couple too preoccupied in each other and a guy chugging his beer before grabbing another one.
You glance at all of the alcohol options on the counter, opting for water instead since you were already a bit tipsy from beer pong and knew your mom would kill you if you came home drunk.
You lean down to grab a water out from the cooler before standing back up and leaning against the counter. You take a sip of water and look around catching the eye of the strange man who had been chugging his beer before looking away from him hoping he would leave you alone.
"What's a pretty girl like you doing all alone at a party?" he asks, walking over to where you were standing. You could smell the stench of alcohol on his breath with how close he was and it made you want to gag.
"I'm waiting on my boyfriend to get back from the bathroom." you tell him hoping it's enough to get him to leave you alone.
"If I was your dude, I wouldn't leave a hot girl like you alone for even a second." The guy says before taking a sip of his beer. "Why don't you ditch this boyfriend of yours and party with me instead?"
"Why don't you get the fuck away from me girl?" you hear Conrad's voice come from behind the man. You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding before squeezing past the strange man and running to Conrad who gently pushes you behind him.
"Not my fault your girl was bending her ass over like a slut when I-" the guy couldn't finish his sentence before Conrad's fist collided with his face knocking the guy to the ground who groans in pain.
Before Conrad could punch the guy again, you gently grab his shoulder. "Let's just go, Con. He's not worth it."
You could tell Conrad didn't want to listen, but he nods before taking your hand into his guiding you out of the party not bothering to tell anyone you were leaving. He helps you into his car as you mumble out a quick thanks before getting into the car as well.
"Are you okay?" Conrad examines your body for any sign that the guy touched you.
"I'm fine. Are you?" you ask taking his shaking hands into your own and kissing his knuckles instantly calming him enough to make him stop shaking.
"I'm sorry I hit him. It's just...Not only did he try to make a move on you but who does he think he is talking about you like that? He's lucky I didn't break his jaw." Conrad breaths out.
"Don't apologize, Con. I thought it was hot." you admit sheepishly. "That asshole had it coming."
Conrad smirks before leaning over the center console. "If you think that was hot, you're not going to be ready for what I'm about to do to you." He closes the distance between the two of you, kissing you feverishly. You moan as he pulls you into him by the back of your neck as he deepens the kiss.
You manage to crawl on top of him careful not to accidently honk the horn so you two wouldn't get caught. Luckily, Conrad had parked down the street and no one seemed to be around.
You moan as Conrad grabs your waist forcing your hips to grind against his, pulling his lips from yours and kissing down your neck instead. You could feel his hard cock press against your folds that were covered by your thin underwear as you were in a dress. You were so wet and you knew Conrad could feel the slickness on his pants, but he didn't mind it. It encouraged him to move your hips even faster against his.
"I-I..." You panted, swallowing hard as you try to catch your breath.
'What is it, baby?" Conrad murmured against your neck before continuing his assault on your neck and collarbones, kissing and sucking on them harshly. You knew he was leaving marks on purpose, claiming you as his and you loved it.
"I want you, please." you whimpered. You were aching for him so much it was starting to hurt.
His cock twitched in his pants at your desperation as he groans into your neck. "Where do you want me?"
"W-want you inside me." you barely manage to get out as he continues to grind your hips into his at a quicker pace. "F-fuck. Please get inside me. Need you so bad."
That's all Conrad needs to hear before releasing your hips long before quickly unzipping his pants to release his cock. He slides your underwear off, throwing them into the backseat without giving it a thought.
"Ready?" Conrad looks at you before you nod your head and line yourself up with your entrance and sinking down onto him.
You both moan at the feeling of his cock deep inside you before you slowly move up and down on him which isn't enough for Conrad. He was still angry and wanted to make everyone know who you belonged to so he decides to change the pace, gripping your hips yet again before slamming up deep inside you.
You were pretty sure the entire neighborhood could hear you as Conrad continues his brutal pace inside you. You go to lean your head against his chest, but he grips your hair pulling your face to yours before kissing you harshly as his other hand makes its way around your throat, squeezing gently.
"Anyone could walk past us, you know that doll?" Conrad asks between thrust. "They can walk past and see how well my pretty girl takes my cock."
You whine at his words much louder than intended as his words turn you on even more than you thought possible.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you? Bet you'd love for someone to catch us so they could see how much of a good girl you are for me. You're taking my dick so well." Conrad groans before letting your hair go and cupping your face to kiss you.
"You're my girl aren't you, baby?" he asks as he starts to place sloppy kisses down your throat. "Mine to love." kiss "Mine to touch" kiss. "Mine to fuck."
"All yours, baby." you moan as you lean your head back to give him more access to your throat. "Just want you, baby. No one else." Your head was spinning the more he kissed you and the familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach was beginning to creep up.
You whine into his mouth as his fingers make their way down to your clit before rubbing it in circular motions. "Can barely hold it anymore, baby. You got me so worked up with your pretty moans." Conrad groans.
"Gonna cum soon too." you moan out as he continues fucking up into you.
"Beg for it." he moans out as he still works your clit with one hand, his other hand still wrapped around your throat. Your eyes almost roll to the back of your head as he leans forward teasingly licking your boob before taking it into his mouth and sucking harshly.
"P-please." you beg. "Need to cum so badly, want you to feel me up with your cum." Your clit quivers as you near your finish.
"Go ahead, baby." he moaned out as his fingers work faster against your clit. His dick twitches inside you making you cum hard around him as he finishes deep inside of you.
Conrad carefully helps you back over to the passenger seat, kissing your lips gently before leaning back to his seat and tucking his dick back into his pants.
"Guys should flirt with me more often if it gets you to fuck me like that again." you joke, grinning at him.
Conrad grins back at you before starting his car and placing his on your thigh as he drives off. "Trust me. I'm not done with you just yet."
You were in for a very long night.
Hope you liked it! <3 Next thing to come is part two to firework and then a Jeremiah fic before I get back to the rest of my request!!
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hansolsaries · 2 years
would you love me now?
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pairing: idol!joshua hong x exbestfriend!reader
genre: slight angst, fluff, sO much pining, mainly just joshua in his silly thoughts
summary: when joshua is back in his hometown for tour, he reminisces on what used to be, what he used to have, and if it was too late to bring back what used to be.
a/n: this is heavily based off joshua bassett’s new song ‘would you love me now?’ and it got me inspired to write about sir joshua hong himself. i hope you enjoy my very first fic :”) here’s to many more!
The moment Joshua landed back in his hometown, the only thing he felt was joy. Joy because being back in LA meant seeing his family, and because this time his second family would be with him as well. He was confused to say the least because the second Joshua stepped through his childhood bedroom door, all he could feel was sadness. Happiness is what he felt merely a couple minutes ago when he hugged his mom and dad after not seeing them in so long, but as soon as he opened his door, it all shifted. He looked around at what used to be his home, and what used to bring him so much comfort yet something was still missing. After putting his stuff down, he took a look around the room, noticing nothing much has changed since his departure to Korea. Walking towards his closet door, he couldn’t help but notice a pair of his old beat up Converse shoes. He chuckled at the sight before he picked them up.
It was Joshua’s first day at his new school, he was nervous to say the least. He swears he double-tied his shoes at least twice before he even stepped foot outside of his mom’s car. There would be no tripping and falling anywhere at his new high school, plus Converse have such long laces that he never understood the reasoning for. 
He walked into the school office to pick up his schedule before someone came up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. “Hey, you’re the new kid right? Joshua?” a voice behind him asked
Joshua turned around and nodded to confirm, “Yeah I am, but wouldn’t it be funny if I wasn’t and you just tapped a random kid’s shoulder who happened to be in the office.” He replied to the person in front of him
“Oh god if you weren’t that whole exchange would have gone terrible, but for your information, I’m Y/N your assigned tour guide for the week,” You responded 
He smiled before putting his hand out for you to shake, “Well it’s nice to meet you Y/N. I’m looking forward to you being my tour guide for the week, and hopefully be my friend for the weeks after that?” Joshua spoke
You took his hand and shook it before you looked down and noticed his shoes, “Since you have such good taste in shoes and decided to match with me, I might have to consider that last offer Joshua,” You replied as you looked back at him and smiled back
Thinking back on that memory, Joshua realized how much he missed you, after all it had been years since he’s seen you let alone spoken to you. You used to be his best friend and someone he could depend on for anything and the fact you slipped away from him was something that broke his heart. Though as sad as he can be about your guys’ situation, losing contact was something that was both your faults. Before he left, you two promised each other you would keep in touch. As the years flew by, the contact between the two of you had slimmed. It went from texting daily, sending letters every month to a yearly happy birthday greeting and then suddenly it all went away. You both couldn’t blame each other, you were both on different tracks of life and it gets a hold of you. It was a part of growing up and it was the risk that you and Joshua took and were both expected to understand. Joshua looked around his room one more time before deciding he can’t keep dwelling on the past when he should be focused on where he was right now. He was back home with his family, it’s not something he’s able to say everyday so he should be grateful right?
It was Joshua and the team’s free day before the concert so they decided to let him be their tour guide. There were so many random requests from his fellow members from going to In n Out as requested by Soonyoung, the infamous Melrose Trading Post from a handful of members to find clothes and trinkets, and some sort of museum per request of Minghao. Joshua’s itinerary was set on going to the museum first, having recommended the museum he went to as a kid for many field trips called the Getty. Being the LA native and trusted tour guide of the day, Joshua couldn’t help but smile thinking of his old friend who was his tour guide at one point as well.
“Hyung! It’s so pretty here in LA! I can’t believe you grew up here,” Chan spoke as he looked around the garden at the Getty
Joshua couldn’t help but chuckle, “Yeah but only some parts of it are pretty to be honest,” he responded as he looked around also. He couldn’t help but think about how the only pretty thing he wanted to see in LA was you.
After their museum and garden escapades, the group headed to the Melrose Trading Post. As they sat in the car, Joshua couldn’t help but think about you again. They were passing by Pasadena, which made him wonder if you were still nearby, or if you were even still in LA. The hour-long car ride (thanks to LA traffic) consisted of Joshua getting into his head even with the loud background noise that were his friends. He thought about you and wondered if you would even want to see him now that he was back for a while. If he did show up to see you again, would you let him in? All he wanted to do was see you and pick off where you guys left off. You guys were best friends, but Joshua would be lying to himself if he didn’t wish you guys had been more than just that. He took out his wallet and pulled out a folded piece of paper it seemed. It was from you, the last letter he had ever received from you before all communication between the two of you had been cut off. Maybe it had been his fault though, he responded to your letter but he feels like he had said something wrong.
You were conflicted. It was the time of the month where you were supposed to send Joshua a letter and you knew it had to be sent today so it would be there in time for when you got yours also. The main problem was you had two different letters and you didn’t know which one to give him. One of them was just the same old routine letter where you talked about each other's months and gave updates on each other's lives. The other one meanwhile, it was about you and how you felt about him. Pining over a guy who was thousands of miles away wasn’t ideal, but falling in love with your best friend might have been worse. You sealed both letters and let fate decide, after all it wasn’t like you were gonna see him anytime soon. Whatever happens will happen. You mixed up the letters and picked one at random to send out, only time will tell now. 
Joshua wished he was younger again, after their day out in LA, he couldn’t help but reminisce about the days he would spend exploring with you. Why was it so difficult to get you off his mind when he was in LA? When he was in Korea he used to be able to go days without thinking of you. He’s convinced it’s because this city was full of memories with you. All he can think about is you and how maybe, things would’ve played out differently if he had changed the things he did. Suddenly his phone buzzed and when he looked at it, he swore his heart was going to jump out of his chest
Y/N <3
hey stranger
your mom told me you were back in town
If you could count how many times Joshua reread that message and pinched himself, you would probably be here for a while. You could say he was very much in disbelief. He asked himself so many questions, he genuinely thinks he manifested you back. Realistically speaking though, his mom treated you like her child also, so of course she told you that he was in town. 
Y/N <3
i know you read my message
you literally have your read receipts on LOL
Seeing that made his cheeks turn red, he was so glad the other members couldn’t see him right now because he knew they would not hesitate on clowning on him. He quickly shook himself out of it before he decided to reply back.
shushua :3
HI sorry i swear i wasn’t trying to ghost you on purpose
i was just in disbelief you texted me thats all
Y/N <3
woooow just cause you think you’re a hotshot celeb now :0
of course i texted you, i haven’t seen my best friend in years
i’m not gonna skip out on meeting up with you again
He smiled after seeing your response, you were still the same teasing Y/N he knew before he left for Korea. He had never felt a bigger weight fall off his shoulders once he started talking to you again.
You guys texted each other throughout that whole day, cracking jokes and catching up, even though Joshua was out and about in town with his fellow members. Though it wasn’t until you texted him that he found out his mom invited you to the dinner at his house tonight with the members as well. Upon knowing what was going on tonight, he couldn’t help but feel the butterflies he used to feel when he was younger again. You truly brought him to a different light and whenever you were around he always felt lighter. So yes, he was so incredibly nervous to see you again but there was no way he could prepare to see you. All he could do now was hope everything goes well, and also watch Soonyoung and Seungkwan terrorize the other members at In n Out with the kid’s meal stickers.
The moon was out and dinner was in full swing. Joshua’s parents had decided on grilling meat for the night and considering they were feeding over a dozen boys, it was the most efficient way to feed them. Y/N had been running late from what Joshua knew, at least from their texts that what he assumed. The night had fully started and the 12 boys were causing a ruckus in the Hong household, mainly taking pictures of all of Joshua’s childhood photos. Usually this would be when Joshua would shoo them away and stop them, but he was too nervous and he was obviously thinking about you. You would be here soon and he didn’t know what to think, he couldn’t think actually. 
Suddenly the doorbell rang and Joshua had to snap himself back into reality. He walked towards the door and opened it. There you were in all your glory. Joshua thought you had gotten prettier, if that was even possible. Before he could say anything, you looked behind him, which made him look behind himself also and there stood his 12 nosy friends.
“Hey Josh, isn't that the girl you’ve been simping about like all day to-” Seungkwan spoke before Vernon covered his mouth and smiled at the almost couple in front of them.
“Sorry about him, he tends to talk when he isn’t supposed to,” Seungcheol spoke before shooing the members away off to the backyard, “We’ll give you guys some space and introduce ourselves later,” He added before they all disappeared into the backyard.
Joshua looked back at you and awkwardly smiled, “Uhh, sorry about them. They’re always like this, don’t worry I’ll tell them off later,”
You chuckled, “It’s all good Shua, I’m just glad to see you again,” you replied as you looked at him, “Also did you get even taller? This is actually not fair at all,” you added, pouting a bit
The taller boy smiled at you, “Don’t worry I’ll let you catch up one day,” he replied before hearing a loud crash coming from behind him. He assumed it was definitely one of the boys doing something, “It’s kinda loud around here, do you wanna catch up outside?” he asked 
You nodded and agreed with him, the 12 boys were a bit loud, but a part of you was incredibly nervous to be alone with Joshua again after years of not talking. The two of you were walking the same path you would walk all the time when you were younger, the only difference is that you two weren’t talking like how you used to. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, the thing with Joshua and you was that nothing would ever be uncomfortable or awkward. You always brought the aura of calm and comfortableness to each other. 
It was you who decided to break the silence, “I missed you a lot you know,” you said as you looked at him. You wondered what was going on in his mind, did he miss you too or what if it was all one sided?
“I missed you more Y/N, you don’t even know,” He replied looking back at you before he looked back down, “I was literally thinking about you ever since I landed back. What happened to us? Why did we stop talking?” He asked
You took his hand to stop him from walking, “You know what happened Shua, life happened. You grew up and I grew up too. It happens and it’s okay, all that matters now is that we’re here again,” You replied as you rubbed his hand in reassurance, something you always did for each other when you knew times were getting tough
Joshua smiled at you, seeing you never forgot about the small things you guys would do for each other, “I would’ve stayed for you, y’know that right?” he spoke softly
“I know Shua, if I asked you to fly away with me you would. That’s exactly why I pushed you to go. We wouldn’t be where we are now if it wasn’t for you going. We grew together and we’re able to grow on our own also,” you replied, “Also, I told you, if it was meant to be it would work out in the end. Look where we are now,” you spoke
“When I was in Korea, I would always wonder if I showed up at your door, would you have loved me then? But since I never did that, I want to ask now,” Joshua said before fully turning to you and intertwining his hand with yours, “Would you love me now?”
You chuckled at his question, “Are you serious right now Shua? If I didn’t, why would I be here right now?,” you replied before letting go of his hand and putting your hand on his cheek, “Plus you can’t ask me would I love you, because I’ve always loved you,” you spoke before giving him a kiss on the cheek
Joshua frowned, “I wait years for you to kiss me and you miss?” he said 
“Yeah yeah whatever Hong, I don’t kiss people on the first date, or whatever you call this,” you replied jokingly, “Now hurry up I’m trying to see your family, and also meet your friends,” you added as you intertwine your hands with his again before beginning to walk back into the direction you came from
“Whatever you say Y/N,” he replied with a smile on his face. Maybe he had been overthinking the whole day, and maybe he did manifest you. But if there was one constant in his life, it would always be you.
bonus! y/n’s letter that got sent/the one he keeps in his wallet!
Dear Shua,
This letter is gonna be a little bit different from previous letters. I’m just gonna say it honestly because there’s no point in stopping myself in a letter.
I like you Joshua, like a lot. Maybe I should’ve said something before you left, but I’m sure if I did you would’ve never left.
If you don’t feel the same way I totally understand, and I hope everything I said doesn’t affect our friendship because truly it is something I treasure dear to my heart. If I miraculously do have a chance with you, I’ll explain my logic of confessing to you through a letter. There is no logic, you know how chaotic I am. The thought of knowing how I feel for you and the distance between us is something I know that made me want to tell you.
Just know that whatever distance there is between us, my heart belongs to you. From the second I made a comment about your stupid Converse the day we met, to the day you left, I knew you were someone special to me. I hope the time we’re spending apart helps us grow into the people we want to be, and prepare us for whatever journey we’re headed towards.
Yours always,
Y/N <3
p.s. you only had a 50% of getting this letter. i let fate decide.
p.p.s. i really hope you like me back or else this letter is gonna be so silly
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July 22, 2022
(Nightly RP)
Sure, I'll do whatever I can. I take a seat at the map table and await Pamela. I decide to get a drink while waiting. Heading for the kitchen, I open the fridge and see what's in there. Deciding on iced tea, I take out the pitcher and go find a glass. I'm always amazed at the job Mrs. Butters does here. Finding the glass I toss in some ice and pour the tea in and return it to the fridge. Walking back to the table I wonder when Pamela will arrive.
walks into the bunker form a day out
I text Pamela to see when she is coming
Hey Henry! How was your day?
Hi Ruby I went to a fair today
Gosh, I haven't been to a fair since...well, let's say a long time ago. I smile at him. Did you have a good time?
It was fun lots of booths
There is always so much to look at. And eat!
What was your favorite ride?
I didn’t go on rides. But I bought rocks
Ooh, what kind of rocks?
Don’t know
Did you buy them for the color?
Yes mostly got red and blue ones
What's your favorite color?
I like blue
Blues used to be my favorites. But I like greens more now.
I teleport into the Bunker holding a book I had taken from the library
Hey crow, what are you reading?
That’s cool hi Crowley
Hello Crowley. Forget something?
I look up and turn around Forget, no I was actually returning something. A book on rituals that I was cross referencing
I appreciate it. Charlie may need that.
Hey Charlie I'll be there soon.  text Charlie back
getting the text I sigh in relief she’s on her way Ruby, thanks crow, I will need that again I’m sure
showing up to the bunker Hey Charlie I'm here.
Hey Pamela, Ruby is going to try to connect with you. To see if she can pick up anything more
I go to the top of the stairs and help Pamela
Hey ruby. Thanks for the arm.
Guiding her hand to the rail, I hold my arm out for the other
waking down stairs with ruby
gets a cup of tea
How’s your day been ruby. Charlie fill you in?
At the bottom, I told her, It's been something for sure. The table is to your left and a chair in front of it. Forgive me if you are aware of your surroundings. I haven't been around psychics in a while.
as I start reaching for the chair a familiar voice says he's got it and pulls it out for me. Why thank you Crow. No problem Ruby. It's not every day we get to work with demons, right?
Demons have a tendency to avoid each other
brings the tea to Pamela
Right,  right, right.  taking the cup from Henry. Can we add a shot of whiskey please?
Pull in and I get out of my car and lock my car and I went into the bunker and came downstairs hello my peeps!
sitting with Ruby, she guides me as what she needs me to do so we can figure out my vision. What can I do help you help me Ruby. Hey Alex, nice to see you I chuckle a lil to myself
Sure  grabs whiskey and pours some in
I was in the bunker yesterday and I was getting some kind of message telepathically. I felt like it was possibly getting stronger, coming through clearer, but before it could, I glance over at Crowley someone graciously decided to 'help' me and after that I couldn't hear anything.
I grab my laptop ready to take notes on anything Ruby sees
Nice see you too Smiles
I walk past hem to the sounds of voices looking curious
Ok. Well let me think for a minute... sipping my whiskey tea Ok well let's get started on this.
Do you think it's possible to hear anything?
Get started on what? I come up behind them
I think we can come up with something. Crowley is here too if we need him..
That's ok Crowley. We've got it
What are you guys talking about?
We're trying to see if I can get more of that message from yesterday
Put her feet up and relaxing
Ok Ruby. Close your eyes and focus where you were when this happened. What sounds you were hearing. And I mean really focus.
Closing my eyes, I tell her about yesterday We came back after closing the Gates of Hell. Sam brought me in and set me down on the couch. My head was pounding. After laying for a while, the pain got worse. I tried to make it stop. Then I could hear a staticky voice. I think it was a woman. I tried concentrating on just the voice and it started to get a little clearer. I thought I was making progress, but Crowley so generously decided to heal me at that moment. After that....poof....nothing
Well I'm sorry for helping you like they asked. Next time I'll be sure to make sure you die instead
Well I'm sure he was just trying to help. Now just stay silent and continue to think about that place and tine
I almost flip him off, but decide better of it
hugs Crowley  hi
Do I need to separate you 2?
I close my eyes and bring my breathing under control.
Now relax and concentrate.
I hugged back surprised Um...Hey kid.
I put my hands up to ruby's temples and project to her what she told me willing it to help it all come in focus for her
I feel a slight tingle when Pamela touches my temples.
Want to hang out?
Just block everything out.  Listen to my voice.
I can feel a slight phantom pain and begin to hear the static again. I let the pain go and listen to Pamela
You heard someone. You know you've heard them before. Just think of another time you've heard that voice. You know her. sending the vision she spoke of letting it clearer and clearer as she starts to remember where she heard the voice. do you remember the voice now? Follow that voice.
Sure kid. What did you have in mind? I glance back towards Pamela
Don't know just bored
I speak out loud for Pamela.  The voice is faint but it's gradually getting clearer. It's familiar. It seems to be distressed.
as she remembered the voice, and who it is I tell her to follow the voice just keep following it, you know who it's is. Henry and crowley leave the room. It's just quiet come on you got this. I put my palm to her forehead. Kinda forcing it to her who she heard who is it ruby?
She's....she's saying something about a wizard. A new wizard from OUR world. I recognize the voice! It's Dorothy! I open my eyes. Charlie! It'…It's Dorothy!
We will find get angel back
Who's Dorothy? wondering who the hell this person is
I look at Pamela How open-minded are you Pamela? I'm sure being psychic you come upon a lot of weird things, but this is probably a little different.
I'm pretty open minded. Why, what's this about? curiosity is killing me
Well, Charlie can give you a better run down and all the particulars, but....Did you ever see the Wizard of Oz?
I haven't
Sorry I don't see much these days. But no I've never seen it. kinda wanted to shove her a bit what is it? A TV series?
Well your friend Gabe. He's in a place called Oz. We can help them. Ok Henry?
Dad is in oz what's that
Movie wizard of oz good movie
I thought perhaps before your...accident, you might have seen it. It's from back in the 40's or 50's.  Yes, Henry. This is about that OZ. The story is about a young girl who travels to a far-off land called Oz. She has adventures and meets 3 new friends. Well, to most people they assume it's just a story. But Dorothy is real. Charlie met her and helped her.
I'll show you a movie and we can figure it out together. Sound good?
Yes movie night!
If Dorothy is trying to contact us, there must be trouble.
Ok! Well let me know what else I can do to help. Are you asking me crow?? secretly hoping he is
She talked about a wizard. Before we left the last time, there was no wizard. If she's trying to reach us, that's probably a bad sign.
I agree. What's next then? Maybe we need to get everyone together. .
I grab popcorn and drinks for the two of them
No salt, right?
plots on the couch with my blanket
You guys go ahead and watch the movie. Good research. I'm going to go find Charlie. Crowley, help Pamela with the visuals
I don't take orders from you Ruby. But I'll do it for the lovely lady
I thought Crowley was going watch it with me
Thank you crowley. Such a gentleman..
I'll be right back kiddo I ruffle his hair I'm just going to help Pamela join us
Oh ok  looks up the movie
sitting at the table day dreaming, I shake my head and take a deep breath oz…. Feels like forever ago… and Dorothy…. She was pretty special…. Not sure I ever would have left if not for the wizard…..
Sounds like there is a new one in town
Well if it’s anything like the old one it’s quite an adversary…. I went to the wizard with a wish… I wanted to find out what happened to my mother….His solution was to split me, he sent my dark half here… and well I’m sure you’ve heard the rest…. But we defeated him… who could the new wizard be?
Well, personally, I have Dark Charlie to thank for my fingers. I hold up my right hand and wiggle my fingers
intrigued, listening to Charlie and Ruby So what do you think you have to do now?
has finally found the movie
I walk back over and tap Pamela's Shoulder Would you care to join us?
a little startled I absolutely would. Thanks taking Crowley’s hand, feeling myself blushing again. shockingly they're as smooth as silk
I smirk a little The kids are watching the Wizard of Oz. I wouldn't mind helping you study
The movie is starting!
Stretch I should head home to my kiddos I see you all tomorrow
Good night guys
0 notes
six-of-ravens · 2 years
had to honk at a guy for the first time today and oof that does not feel good
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islascafe · 2 years
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The Heaven and Hell of You
Content warnings: fem!reader, fingering, oral (fem receiving), mentions of heaven and hell, mentions of alcohol consumption, use of pet names, (angel, pretty girl,), overstim, choking, breeding kink (if you squint), SELF INDULGENT AS FUCK
Word count: 4.9 k
Genre: pwp, porn with plot, friend with benefits to lovers, fluff,
Pairing: Ken 'Draken' Ryuguji x fem!Reader
Authors note: Yo I love this man so much. I mean like so much it kills me. I did a writing prompt ask a while back and got a prompt from the lovely @portfolio-of-dreams that was only supposed to be three sentences and it literally became an entire one shot because I can't stop when this man is involved. So for your research purposes, here's exactly what I did with this prompt and thank you for the beta read too. Also big fucking shout out to @bokuroskitten, @rxmera for the beta read, you guys are the best especially for having to deal with me as I tortured over the ending the past couple of days.
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Tapping your fingers on the steering wheel, you couldn’t help but lean your head back on the seat, heart pounding in your chest. Nerves and anxiety clawed at the edges of your stomach, crawling its way through you until your body felt hot. 
Start the car.  It’s so easy. Key in ignition. Turn. Drive away.
“Fuck!” You screamed, banging your hand on the steering wheel. You let out a loud huff of breath. “Fuck!”
A tap on your window startled you and you jumped. Placing a hand over your chest you tried to slow the beating of your heart. Looking at the familiar dark eyes through the window you rolled down the window. “Hey. You alright?” He leaned forward, resting his forearms on the window. Dark eyes captured yours and your mouth went dry.  At a loss for words, you nod. Shit you didn’t expect him to see you.  “I texted you where’s your phone?” You look down in your passenger seat to see that sure enough, he had been texting you. You’d agreed to come over at such a late hour and he’d been worried when he hadn’t heard from you, knowing it took almost no time at all to get to his place from yours. “Sorry I was just uh… lost in thought.” “You coming up or...?” He trailed off, eyes flicking over you. Your face heated and you nodded, reaching over to grab your bag from the seat along with your phone. Rolling up your window and getting out, you lock your car, trying to ignore the way he places a hand on your waist to guide you up the steps to his apartment. His tall frame hovers over you as you make your way inside. Long deft fingers help to pull your coat off, making sure his fingertips skim over your bare skin where he finds the opportunity. You shiver a little at the contact.  You walk further into the living room as you toss your bag onto the armchair. Turning back to say something to him, he almost takes you by surprise because he’s right behind you. You hadn’t even heard him come up, his tall form leaning over yours. You tilt your head back to look at him. Just as you’re about to open your mouth to say something, he’s on you. He grabs your face, pressing his mouth to yours.  His lips are so so warm against your cool ones. You lean up on your tip toes wrapping your arms around his neck. He picks you up, hands hooked under your thighs that are wrapped so tight around his waist. You groan, the minty taste of his toothpaste and something so uniquely him dancing across your tongue. Tugging at the low bun he has his hair in, making the strands fall around his shoulders, you nip at his lower lip. He grins against your mouth, walking back towards the bedroom with you attacking his neck, trailing hot open-mouthed kisses up and down. The taste of him and the smell of his cologne have you dizzy before he even tosses you down on to the mattress.  You bounce lightly, laughing as he practically tears at your clothes, desperation written across his features. The minute his long fingers hit your thighs, snagging the edges of your underwear, you shiver but not from the cold. His fingers left a trail of fire where they touched, dancing ever so slightly upwards to push your shirt up. A small hiss leaves his teeth as the sight of a red lace bra, matching panties driving him wild. Your tanned skin looks so beautiful against the stark red of the lace that wraps perfectly around your breasts and hips. Running a hand between them, all the way down to cup your clothed heat. You whimper, pushing your hips down more, trying to get more friction. More, more, you needed so much more than his teasing touch.  “Ken.” The way you say his name is desperate. Needy. You’re begging with a single word. He rubs the pad of one finger against your clit, watching as you squirm. “Ken!” His mouth comes down to slam against yours, bruising pressure parting your lips. His tongue strokes against yours, poking and prodding, memorizing every crevice of your mouth. It’s hot and messy and he puts just a little more pressure on your cunt, swallowing the cry that follows. He pulls away, eyes glued to the string of spit that connects you two. Your eyes are half lidded, glassy with need.  “Angel.” He breathes the nickname but right now you truly look like one. Pretty red set, tan skin practically glowing against the moon light, the only contrast the tattoos that cover certain parts of your skin. Hair splayed out around your head like a halo, lips kiss swollen, legs spread wide. Hands fisted in the sheets, voice calling out his name. It’s heaven on earth for him.
For you, it’s the utmost form of heaven and hell clashing together. You’ve gone through this cycle the last six months of seeing him. You’d drop everything for him. You’d do anything for him. He’s all consuming even when you’re not with him. What started as a beautiful friendship after an afternoon run in has turned into this. Late night calls and nights spent scratching an itch that only he knows to do. You could handle that. That was heaven. The way his fingers skimmed over your skin, lighting you on fire. The way his tongue trailed wet paths of heat. The way he stretched you, split you open so beautifully it was other worldly. 
But hell. Hell came straight after in the way his laughter lit your whole world up. The way he cooed in your ear how pretty you were falling apart for him. How pretty his pussy is milking him. Hell came in the form of laughing until your sides hurt. It came in the form of crying until 2 am because of the asshole that had dumped you. It came in the form of him showing up on your doorstep with ice cream when your last falling out with your mom became too much. Hell came in the form of the way his eyes seemed to devour you in your most vulnerable moments. Hell was falling head over heels for Ken Ryuguji. Hell was not knowing what to even do about it and then spotting him on a date the previous evening and winding up underneath him the next night. 
It was almost too much the way his mouth and tongue nipped at the skin of your neck and collar bone, the mixture of pain and pleasure making you squirm. Your nails dug into his skin, your hands trailing up until they’re woven through his long black locks, tugging as he sucks his dragon into your skin. 
You roll you two over, sitting on top of him. Your hair creates a black curtain around your faces, lips locked together. It’s hard and bruising, the way you kiss him, teeth and tongues clashing together so hard that when he nicks your lip you start bleeding. You can’t bring yourself to pull away in the moment. You kiss him like you hate him. It’s a dichotomy that makes him dizzy, angry and turned on at the same time. He grinds his hips up, grabbing your hips so hard it’s bruising. He doesn’t understand what’s gone on in your head the last few seconds, but whatever it was, the shift made you so angry but so sexy he’s rock hard. You bite down on his lower lip, hard enough to that he physically jolts. Grabbing your throat in one of his large hands, you spin as he rolls himself on top of you. 
“What the fuck?” 
You’re breathing hard as he stares down, intense dark eyes cutting into you the way they always do. You suck in a deep breath before reaching and trying to shove him off. Confusion washes over his features but his hulking form doesn’t even budge. You nearly shriek in frustration. You can’t do this right now. The room is closing in on you and it’s pressing down hard. The feelings you’ve tried so hard to bury start crawling their way up from your stomach, burning as they slither up to sit at the top of your throat, wanting to spill out into the air between you two. 
“What the fuck is with you, y/n?”
“Get off me.” You speak through gritted teeth and hope that the frustrated tears in your eyes are enough to get him off you. He blinks once, and then twice more before letting go of your throat and sitting up while you spring up off the bed. Grabbing your clothes, you pull your jeans on, his eyes taking in the way they hug your every curve. 
“Hey.” He grabs your forearm as he scoots to the edge of the bed. You yank away from him, and it brings up an ugly feeling that swirls around in him. “Hey.” His next word is spoken in a voice that means business. It’s low and rough, demanding. It’s enough to still you and he grabs your hips in that same bruising grip, keeping you in place between his thighs. “Are you gonna fucking talk to me or pout like a goddamn child?”
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this.” You stare at the ceiling with your head tipped back. You never thought you’d be confessing like this. But now that the sentence was out, all the words that had been sitting at the top of your throat every time you two got tangled up in the sheets the past six months came pouring out. “We weren’t-.” You pressed the heels of your palms to your eyes, hot, burning frustrated tears threatening to rocket down your cheeks. “I wasn’t supposed to…”
“Fall for me?” His words make you pause. But it’s the look in his eyes that makes the anger swell. The recognition of something he already knows. Anger rises in your chest, and you shove him. Hard. You push him away from you, taking a few steps back. 
“You knew? You fucking knew and you didn’t say shit?”
“What the fuck was I supposed to say?” He rises to his feet, his voice raising to match yours. “Imagine how I felt too!” He slams his hand on the dresser you’ve backed yourself into, causing you to jump. “I don’t know what to do with this!” His chest is heaving, breath coming out in angry pants. “I was dating. Having fun. No commitments, no strings attached, we were free to bail at any time.” He grabs the back of your head, hands tangling themselves in your long black strands. “But then you. Your fucking laugh, your fucking smile, your goddamn touch. The way you taste. The way you moan my fucking name.” He presses his lips to yours so hard you think your lips are going to be bruised. He pulls away and cups your face in his hands. “I don’t know how it happened. You were supposed to be just a good time, just an innocent fuck- but somewhere along the way I got greedy and wanted you to love me.” His words make you pause. 
“Excuse me?” Your voice comes out a whisper. And then you laugh. You completely break down into giggles. “I’m sorry!” 
You take a few breaths, but his frustrated face sets you off again. As your eyes connect his mouth quirks at the corners and he huffs, dropping his face into the juncture of your neck and shoulder. He gives into his own chuckles. “Are you telling me, we both felt the same way the entire time, but we were both too chicken shit to admit it?” 
You cough to cover up more laughter as you nod. His hands are on either side of you, his large form caging you in. His breath is hot and heavy on your neck. Even though the atmosphere around you two was surrounded in mirth a few seconds before, something different cackles in the air. He lifts his head, his eyes on yours. They’re intense and dark, looking straight into your soul. He reaches a hand up, tracing his thumb around your lips, dragging your lower lip down with his thumb. Reaching your tongue out, you give it the softest kitten lick, whimpering at the taste of his skin. His large, calloused hand was so so gentle as he studied you. Once again, he wove his hand through your hair, bringing your mouth to his.
The taste of him drove you wild each and every time you kissed him. His tongue licking your lips, shoving its way in to stroke yours never ceased to make your thighs press together and fire to ignite in your belly. He placed his hands on the supple flesh of your thighs, lifting you up onto the dresser. His mouth didn’t disconnect from yours, tongue and teeth clashing as you two pressed harder against each other, each one of you trying to control the kiss in your own way. You whimpered as he finally pulled away from you, your eyes half lidded and lips puffy and red. Leaning back against the mirror that was on top of the dresser you groaned and tipped your head back as he began to trail his lips down your neck. Tracing his way over each of your collar bones, teeth nipping in all the sensitive areas, his tongue snaking out afterwards to soothe the sting of each time his canines sunk into your flesh. Goosebumps broke out in his wake, your chest beginning to heave as the fire inside of you grew and grew.
He trailed his fingers down your side and over the waist band of your jeans, popping the button open. He lifted his mouth from your skin, leaning his forehead against yours as he dragged your zipper down. His movements were slow and deliberate, the sound of your jeans unzipping tooth by tooth making your squirm underneath him in anticipation. Lifting your hips, a loud gasp left your lungs as he stripped you of your jeans and underwear in one go. He knelt in front of you, your cheeks flaming at the glazed overlook in his eyes. 
Your heart almost stopped as he spread your thighs, his fingers softly tracing over the satin smooth skin of your inner thighs. You swallowed hard, biting down on your lower lip as settled your thighs over his shoulders. Gently he drifted his lips from your ankle to the apex of your thighs, repeating the process on the other leg. You were practically whimpering by the end of it, hips bucking up, trying to find some relief to the fire that burned inside of you. It felt like time dragged on until he finally obliged, his tongue licking a long flat stripe up your slit until the ball of his piercing hit your oversensitive clit. 
A loud moan left your mouth and he reached up to grab your hips to keep you from moving, diving into you like you were his last meal. It was lewd and loud, the sound of him licking and sucking up everything you gave him. Small mewls and whimpers fell from your lips as his tongue swirled around, the cord in your stomach getting tighter and tighter with each swipe of his tongue, the cool metal of his piercing offsetting the warmth of his mouth. You were wound so tight that when he finally slid two thick fingers inside of you and pulled your clit back into his mouth, the cord finally snapped, causing you to release all over him. Your mouth dropped open, the only word coming from you was his name over and over again. He continued to move his fingers, helping you ride out your high until you were limp, your thighs twitching on his shoulders.  
Looking down, you caught his eyes, his head leaned against your left thigh as he peered up at you. You whimpered as his fingers continued their slow pace inside of you, the metal of the rings he usually wore stretched you out, your walls continuing to suck him in despite how sensitive you were. “Pussy’s so hungry for me pretty girl.” Another whimper left your mouth as he placed a hot open-mouthed kiss on your inner thigh, his teeth sinking into the skin. You squealed as he started to suck harshly before he soothed the skin with his tongue, leaving a large purple bruise on your thigh. Your hips bucked again, and he added a third finger. “Gonna leave my mark all over these gorgeous thighs of yours.” “Ken please.” Your voice was desperate and needy, almost akin to a whine. You could feel your walls fluttering around his fingers, clenching again as the same chord started to tighten in your stomach. “Kenny, ‘s too sensitive, please.” 
He shook his head as he turned his attention to your right thigh. “You can take it can’t you baby?” Another swipe of his tongue and the way he scissored his fingers inside of you had your mind going hazy. 
“Ken. I- I can’t.” Your voice is shaky, unsure of whether you can take much more of his teasing because you have such a burning need.
“Oh, but you can baby. I know you can. Don’t wanna take you with no prep angel.” He stands but keeps his fingers working inside of you. Reaching down, he grabs the back of your neck, pulling you up and slamming his mouth down on yours. The new angle has you gasping, your nails digging into his shoulders as he curls his fingers to touch that sweet spot that no one else can reach. “Yeah, that’s it isn’t it baby?”
His deep baritone vibrates through his chest, low and rough as he watches you start to come apart on his fingers. You’re mewling, arching against him so your chest is pressed against his. He captures your lips again, sucking your lower lip in between his teeth, tugging on it. His tongue strokes yours, and the taste of yourself dances across your tongue. A groan leaves your throat and you subconsciously spread your thighs a little wider, his palm grinding against your clit. He pushes harder and pulls away from your mouth, looking down to watch your release drip down his fingers as your second orgasm of the night hits you. You’re practically trembling as he lifts you, turning so you’re back on the mattress. 
He swears he’s never seen something as beautiful as you. You’re fully on display for him, hair splayed out like a dark halo around you, lips kiss swollen and red, neck and chest peppered with the nips he’d given your skin. Your needy hole clenches around nothing, begging to be filled. Taking the fingers that had been inside of you, he slides them in between your lips, watching as you immediately begin to suck on them and lick them clean. You’d never admitted it to before, but he always picked up on your oral fixation, and he always made sure to put it to good use. A small keen leaves your throat, your tongue laving at the essence you’d left behind. He sucks in a breath of air through his teeth. 
Reaching between you two, he rubs the head of his cock through your folds watching with rapt attention as your flower open for him, the smallest of whimpers coming out from you as he bumps your clit. Finally, when he feels like he’s wet enough, he slides the tip inside of you, a groan leaving him as he watches the way you suck him. It’s greedy and so utterly enthralling the way your dripping cunt sucks him in. Inch by inch your pussy swallows him in. Finally, he hits some resistance as he always done. He rocks his hips back and forth, trying to get you to loosen up a little more. “’S fuckin’ tight angel.”
Your eyes are rolling back in your head, the feeling of him stretching you open making you feel so full, and you know he’s not even all the way in yet. He pushes down on your tongue, coming at you as tears start to clump on your bottom lashes. “Relax baby.” He swirls the pad of his thumb on your clit. “Angel breathe.” 
You take a deep breath, and he continues to swirl his thumb on you, watching as you start to suck on his fingers harder as he rocks even deeper inside of you. He lifts one of your thighs higher up your side and he’s all the way in, a loud moan leaving the both of you. He pulls his fingers from your mouth, eyes locked on the drool that drips down your chin. It’s practically falling off his fingers, leaving a messy trail down your chest. He pulls your breasts out of your bra, using his spit covered fingers to tweak your nipples until they pebble under neath his touch. You’re shuddering underneath him. 
You don’t even feel the next one coming, but when he presses his palm down on the bulge that had formed in your stomach, you lose it. You scream as white-hot pleasure rocks through every cell in your body. Your toes curl and tears race down your cheeks. You’re clenching down on him with everything you have, nails scratching deep red lines down his back. You’re gasping for air as you rock in time with him, all the air having left your lungs. You cum and cum and cum, and it seems like there’s no end to the euphoria that having him stuff you full brings you. You’re so busy with your own release you don’t even realize that he’s fallen over the edge with you. He doesn’t stop, fucking his load back into you. 
His hand drifts from your chest to your throat, gripping it a little hard. Your orgasm is never ending at this point. When he tightens his hand around your neck, you come apart again, your next release is splashing over his abdomen. It’s everywhere, running down your legs and pooling beneath you. You don’t even have in you to scream anymore, the smallest whimpers falling from your lips.
Finally, finally he relents, slowing down and easing up the pressure on your neck. You’re shuddering and your thighs are trembling. You’re gasping for air as he smooths his hands down your thighs. He leans forwards, brushing your hair back and swiping his thumbs over your cheeks. His touch is soothing to your overheated body. Ken presses his lips to your forehead, leaving small kisses all over your face until he reaches your lips. The kiss is soft, sweet and gentle. He pours his all into the kiss, heartbeat crashing into yours as he pushes every ounce of love that he has into your plump mouth. 
Just when you think it’s over, when you think he’s done and given you his all, he slides right back in you with such abruptness it knocks the air right back out of your lungs. There’s a grumble that comes from deep in his chest and you can feel every ridge, every vein of his thick cock as he continues to move in and out of you. The buildup is slower this time. He’s moving so softly, sensually. It’s passion and heat, his touch so demanding against your heated skin it feels like it’s starting to burn brilliant red trails wherever his hands drift over you.
“Kenny, I can’t please.” Your voice is raw and hoarse, scratchy from how much you’ve cried out and called for him. 
“Just one more angel. You can do one more f’ me, can’t you?” His hips snapped forwards, a long shaky whine leaving your lips. Your hands sink into his hair as his big hands wrap themselves around the back of your plush thighs. You trembled as his hips kept snapping into you. You can feel yourself shaking your head as he continues pumping into you. He lifts your hips just a hair more and the next thing you know, the head off his cock is bumping and kissing your cervix on every stroke now. You can’t tell what’s up, what’s down, where he ends, and you begin. 
The way he clings to you, the way his pelvis bumps your overly sensitive and tired clit is driving you closer and closer to the edge again. “Look at me angel.” You can barely register his words. It’s all a haze of never-ending ecstasy, the both of you so entangled in each other it’s dizzying. Your eyes connect, the intense love and fascination with his wrapping around your heart and squeezing, settling deep into your veins. His roughly grunted cry of your name and another hard snap of his hips is all it takes. The crashing wave of your release slams over you for the final time and you both let go together, loud grunts falling from his lips and cries of “Kenny, fuck, Kenny,” from yours. 
It's all hazy from there, you’re half passed out by the time he slides out of you, not even awake enough to stand for a shower. The most he gets out of you is forcing you to use the restroom before you slump against him. He sighs, helping you back to bed. The last thing you remember is the feeling of his fingers tracing up and down your spine as you give in to the exhaustion that’s settled in your bones.
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There’s nothing but resounding silence that greets you in the morning. You roll over and wake shivering, cold and groggy in familiar grey sheets. The spot next to you is empty and you shoot up as realization hits you. You’d confessed your feelings. You’d confessed your feelings. Panic starts to make its way up your chest. Of course, you woke up alone. You were fooling yourself to think that you two could be something more than what it was. Practically scrambling out of bed, you’re left looking for the overnight bag you brought with you. Yanking on Ken’s discarded shirt on the floor, you make your way back out to the living room.
You’re struggling to swallow past this feeling of disappointment that’s settled over you. Locating your bag on the loveseat in the living room your head snaps up as the door opens. Kenny walks in, dressed in sweatpants and a simple black tee. He raises an eyebrow at your frozen and wide-eyed form. Lifting a bag of breakfast food and another with a drink holder, he watches as relief floods your features. “I brought breakfast. Hungry?”
You’re still at a loss for words but you nod, following behind him as he walks to the kitchen. He surprises you when he turns around after setting the food down, lifting you up on the counter. He stands beside you as you kick your legs back and forth, still trying to think of something to say. 
“You looked relieved as hell to see me sweetheart. Got somethin’ on your mind?”
He has a smooth easy way of talking when he asks, and it reminds you of the night that started it all. The late hour of being the last two standing at a house party your friend Hina had dragged you to after a disastrous break up. You’d been part of this friend group for years and you knew their mannerisms pretty well at this point, so it was no surprise to you that Draken was the one to find you sitting out on the balcony on your own. You’d both sat on the ground, legs stretched as you two passed a bottle back and forth. He’d asked the same gruff question then, a few sips in when you’d finally gotten a second to breathe. “Got somethin’ on your mind angel?” You’d poured your heart out that night about how you were feeling less than. How you’d begun to feel like you’d never be good enough or attractive enough for anyone. He’d dragged you inside and to his bedroom, proving in every way he could that night that you were so dead wrong in your assumptions. 
He cleared his throat bringing you back to the present. “Look. I’m not good at this feelings shit. Can’t even pretend to be smooth and act like I know what to say when it comes to gettin’ the girl. But what I can tell you is I’m here for you. In every way. I already told you last night, I selfishly, I greedily want you to love me. But when you’re ready. I’m all in.” 
Obsidian eyes connect with yours and you can see. You can see every emotion that swirls behind them, confirming what your heart knew all along. Grabbing an iced coffee from his grip you look down at it, the dripping cold water gathered on the sides of the cup running over your fingertips. Iced vanilla with almond milk. Your favorite, with the cute little cat sticker letting you know he’d gone as far as to even get it from your favorite shop on the other side of town.
“Hey Kenny?” 
He looks up from the bag he’s currently pulling food out of. “Yeah angel?”
“You wanna go out sometime?”
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Taglist: @bxnten, @sano-obsessed, @sugusshi, @suyaboo-ya, @kisakiapologist, @brownsugarmoonie, @shibuyawardnetwork, @seagoddesslove, @wakasasucker, @ryuugot, @mitsuyas-plaything
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writtendaydreamm · 3 years
One Rule
Daniel had one rule he followed on race weekends. No sex.
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, smut
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It was a Grand Prix weekend and the first one y/n’s been able to attend all season. While Daniel was excited to have his girlfriend cheering him on during qualifying today, he wasn’t too thrilled about what a tease she’s been as of late. She was proving to be quite the distraction. Not exactly what he needed leading up to a big race.
It was a bit out of character for y/n. She normally tried to be as unassuming as possible during race weekends. The last thing she wanted was to jeopardize Daniel’s focus or performance. She mostly stayed out of sight and out of mind allowing him to get into the right headspace. She understood being a driver’s girlfriend required sacrifice. Fortunately for her, Daniel never asked for much. He really only had one rule during race weekends. No sex.
Now, if you know Daniel, you know he’s not really a follow-the-rules type of guy. He was more of a rule-breaker if anything. So for him to even have a no-sex rule at all, meant it was something he took seriously.
This all started very early on in his career after a horrible performance during a race he happened to have sex prior to. Needless to say, that race was one of the worst he’s ever had. Whether that incident was a fluke or if the sex really did affect his performance, only God knows. Either way, since then Daniel made it a rule to never have sex before driving. Whether that be for free practice, qualifying, or the actual race.
In accordance with his no-sex rule, the couple kept it PG these past few days sharing nothing more than some chaste kisses. It was driving Y/n up the wall. This rule never really bothered her before. But it had been so long since she and Daniel got to spend any real time together. It’s probably been around a month since they last saw each other in person. Every part of her missed him. His presence. His touch.
If she weren’t so desperate for him, she’d be impressed by his willpower. If the roles were reversed she would’ve given in by now. Y/n was not making it easy for him at all. Teasing him every chance she got. But to no avail. Dan still hasn’t budged
Y/n was just about ready to accept defeat until last night when Daniel’s resolve started to show signs of wavering. In a last-ditch effort to try and turn Daniel on enough so he’d finally fuck her, y/n wore nothing more one of than his t-shirts to bed. She was hoping for the best, but not expecting much. Daniel was already settled under the covers, headphones on, and ready for bed by the time she got there. But around a few minutes after she joined him, he got up to take a shower. Odd, since he had already taken one just before bed. Then after hearing a faint but familiar grunt coming form the bathroom, it clicked. He was taking a cold shower to get rid of his boner.
So when Y/n got dressed this morning, she didn’t choose the skimpy summer outfit she was wearing by chance. It was a calculated decision. One that would hopefully break whatever was left of Daniel’s resolve so he’ll finally toss that no-sex rule out the window.
When y/n asked him to tie her top from behind, Daniel nearly lost it right then. All he wanted to do was pepper kisses all along her neck and shoulder. How he wished he could just turn her around and pepper kisses along her breasts that were supported by nothing more than this flimsy top. But remembering his rule, he took a deep breath and pushed those thoughts aside.
Today was qualifying and Daniel was determined to earn a starting position within the top 5. He needed to be laser-focused on driving his race car at its limit today. Getting everything he can out of it. He had half a mind to lock y/n up in his car for the rest of the day the way she was acting right now. She was being a total tease the entire drive from their hotel to the circuit. Doing all the things she knew would turn him on. Like playing with his curls. Lightly massaging that spot on the nape of his neck. Running her hands over his thighs. Hiking her already short skirt up even higher.
Daniel knew exactly what she was doing. It’s not like she was being shy or discreet at all. And as much as he wanted to give her what she wanted, to rip the delicate fabric off her and take her in the back seat of his McLaren right then and there, he couldn’t shake the thought of his no-sex rule from his mind.
Swallowing hard, Daniel used every last bit of his self-control to resist her. He was so tense, his grip on the steering wheel had turned his knuckles white. Relief washed over him seeing the circuit was only a few minutes away now. He wasn’t sure how long his will would’ve lasted.
When Daniel finally parked the car, there was no denying the very visible tent that had formed in his jeans.
“Y/n,” Daniel groaned irritatedly. There were going to be cameras everywhere. There was no way he could walk out of his car like this.
She quickly feigned innocence. “What?”
He pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. “You know what. I can’t go out on the paddock like this right now.”
“Well all you have to do is let me help you take care of that then,” y/n pouted.
“Y/n, c’mon now. You know we can’t,” Daniel reminded her. His voice lacked any actual conviction though. “I just need a second to relax.”
Daniel closed his eyes, started to take deep breaths. In and out. In and out. It seemed to work as the tightness in his jeans started to let up.
That feeling didn’t last long though as y/n used this moment to feel him up through his jeans. Daniel’s eyes shot open as he inhaled sharply at the feeling. His hand gripped her wrist tightly but made no effort to remove her hand.
Y/n’s pussy throbbed at the feeling of how hard Daniel was for her and at how miserably he was failing to contain himself.
“The last time I fucked a girlfriend before a race I had the worst race of my life y/n,” Daniel warned her weakly.
“Well obviously, your ex wasn’t a good enough fuck,” y/n countered, her hand squeezing him through his jeans just a little. “If you won’t fuck me then at let me at least suck you off baby. How about that?”
Daniel couldn’t think straight. His mind wanted one thing, and his dick wanted something else. Her suggestion seemed like a good idea. It would be like a loophole. It wasn’t technically the same kind of sex that his rule referred to. A blowjob should be fine, right?
He took a glance around the parking lot to make sure no one was there. His McLaren was tinted pretty dark, but not dark enough to conceal them completely. A little part of him hoped someone would be outside so he had a reason to resist her. But a much larger part of him was incredibly eager to feel y/n’s lips around him.
“Fuck it,” Daniel grunted under his breath, throwing caution to the wind. He released his tight grip on her wrist and instantly took her lips in his for a hungry kiss.
Y/n smiled against his lips as she started palming him through his jeans. She pulled away, shifting in her seat to better face him. Her hands eagerly began undoing his belt and jeans.
Once she got them undone and Dan helped her pull them down mid-thigh, his dick sprang up. Wasting no time, y/n began pumping him with her hands.
Dan threw his head back in pleasure. He ran a hand through her hair, fingers lightly raking her scalp. As good as this felt right now, he knew how much better her lips would feel around him. His hand on her head began pushing her face towards his dick.
Y/n scoffed at his impatience but she figured she’d teased the poor guy long enough. Rather than fighting his hand, she allowed him to guide her head closer and closer to his dick. When she got close enough, y/n dribbled a little spit onto it.
“Fucking hell, y/n,” Daniel moaned. He may have controlled his urges for her all weekend, but it wasn’t easy. He was ready to let go and reach m the release she was about to bring him to.
When y/n finally wrapped her lips around him, he bit his lip hard to hold in another moan daring to slip out. She focused on his tip, swirling her tongue around it. Her hands pumping the rest of his dick her lips had yet to run across.
When she felt satisfied with the attention had given the tip of his dick, she released him from her mouth with a pop. The cool air from the AC still running was a stark contrast to her warm, wet mouth.
Her tongue licked a stripe from the very base of his dick, up to the tip before taking him in her mouth again. She did this a couple more times before finally sinking her mouth down on as much of his dick as she could handle. He gathered her hair into a makeshift ponytail so as to keep it out of her way and to give him a better view.
Daniel could no longer hold in his moans when he felt her start hollowing out her cheeks adding extra suction as she bobbed her head.
“It feels so fucking good, baby.”
Y/n began moving her head up and down faster at the praise.
“Yeah baby, just like that. Just like that,” Daniel instructed her, his voice hoarse and husky. Both hands were now on her head helping to guide her up and down at the exact pace he needed. He was getting close.
Y/n took her mouth off him, needing some air. Daniel let out a low groan as he saw what a wreck she looked like. Her eyes were tearing, lipstick smudged, saliva all around her mouth. What a fucking sight. With his hand still on the back of her head, he brought her face to his for a wet, sloppy kiss. Y/n kept pumping his dick with her hand as their tongues battled for dominance.
Daniel pulled away first, missing the feeling of her lips on his dick. Y/n went right back to sucking on him bringing him closer to his peak.
With both hands holding her head steady, he started moving his hips up into her mouth. Daniel couldn’t control himself anymore. It started off slow and steady. But quickly, it grew rough and fast. Y/n gagged a few times as he hit the back of her throat. Her hands were on his thighs bracing herself as he chased his orgasm.
“I’m close y/n, I’m so close,” Daniel groaned.
His hips were unrelenting as he fucked her face. The rhythm he had going turned erratic. After a couple of firm thrusts, he reached his orgasm coming in her mouth. A satisfied moan left his lips as his hands let go of her head. Y/n tried to swallow as much of his load as she could before bobbing her head up and down his dick a few more times for good measure.
“That felt so fucking good y/n,” Daniel said still trying to catch his breath. He stroked her hair lovingly, trying to tame the mess he created.
Y/n just pecked him on the lips before plopping back into the passenger's seat. After fixing themselves up, the couple walked hand in hand towards the paddock. They shared one last kiss before Daniel went off to prepare and suit up for qualifying.
Out there on the track, he was surprisingly the most relaxed he’s been in a long time. He was in tune with his car and making better decisions on the fly. His lap times decreasing with every lap he finished. At the end of the last round of qualifying, Daniel managed to secure the third starting position for tomorrow. The best starting position he’s had with McLaren so far.
Maybe that no-sex rule was doing more harm than good.
When he entered his McLaren motorhome he was immediately greeted with a big hug from Y/n. “You did so amazing out there Danny.”
“Reckon it had a little something to do with that mouth of yours aye,” Daniel said cheekily, running his hand along her back.
Y/n slapped his chest playfully. “Well, I mean at least now you know that stupid rule of yours was just bull shit.”
“Nah I’m not so sure,” Daniel started, before shooting her a wink. “I think we need to test it out again tomorrow before my race. See how well I perform then.”
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scarlettriot · 3 years
Take Him Seriously
Pro Hero Kirishima x F!Reader
Summary: When your pro hero bf suggests slipping away at the hero gala you don't really take the big guy seriously... he's about to show you why you should.
Very minor BakuDeku and KamiJiroShinso
Warnings: SMUT BELOW THE CUT 18+ Minors DNI! Exhibitionism, Soft Dom, Lots of Praise, Pet Names (Sweets & Baby & Good Girl), Cursing
Word Count: 1,753
Alcohol, as it did with many people, had a way of making Kirishima's lips looser and thoughts flow more freely. You sat across from your boyfriend at the yearly heroes gala, the both of you dressed in your finest. The party was in full swing, awards and dinner had been served and now the drinking and dancing were the primary events. Although, you and Eijiro opted to take a break. Sinking down into chairs at an empty table. He'd lost his jacket some time ago and you were dying to kick off your heels already.
Somewhere among the smiles and laughter you both shared, he'd leaned back, long legs as thick as tree trunks stretched out wide in front of him and you couldn't help but notice crimson eyes lingering on you as you massaged your aching heels. "If you wanna get off your feet for a while, I have a few ideas of how we can make that happen."
You actually giggled at the comment. "What?"
It wasn't that Eijiro wasn't capable, he was MORE THAN capable! It's just, he wasn't one to usually voice those desires, he usually just... acted on them. And you knew with a room full of friends and colleges he'd never do so in such a public place.
And yet, "Mhm, wrap those luscious thighs around me and I'll keep you off the ground for a while, whatcha say?" He'd leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees even as you slipped the black strap back in place and stood.
"Sure, Eijiro, whatever you say."
He looked up at you, a pout on his lips, "You're not taking me seriously."
You kissed that adorable lower lip of his, "You're right, I'm not. But, when we get home, I'd love to get all tangled up with you-"
Eijiro grabbed your hand and tugged you back down to eye level, "And what if I don't wanna wait that long?" You were still pretty sure he was full of it, "You should take me more seriously, sweets."
He let your hand fall, brushed his lips against your cheek, and let you wander back out to the dance floor but you could feel his eyes on you the entire time.
An hour had passed. You were busy dancing and catching up with friends you didn't see nearly enough and, honestly, you'd nearly forgotten about what Eijiro had hinted at with everything else that had been going on.
You'd been walking back from the restroom when a door open and someone pulled you inside the small coat closet, though, it didn't take much for you to realize who the someone was.
"Eiji! What the-"
He backed you against the door, lips hot against yours while he fumbled with a folding chair, jamming it up under the handle of the door. "I told you, you should take me more seriously." He kissed down the length of your neck, sharp teeth nipping at your skin harder than usual, and, for a second, you were too caught up in the moment to remind him he had to be careful. That there was an event happening that both of you were supposed to be present at!
"Ei, hey, Eijiro," You managed to gain enough sense to pull his head back to look at him, "Babe, we're very much in public. If you want we can just go h-"
That was the second time his lips had cut you off. "Don't care. I want you, right here, right now." He bunched the fabric of your floor-length gown until he could grab at your legs underneath. "Been wanting to tear this dress off you since we left but I still can't do that so I guess I gotta settle for these instead."
It took him no effort at all to rip open the black pantyhose you'd been wearing, quickly followed by the lacy panties under them. The pupils of his eyes were blown wide, tongue darting out to lick his lips while he teased your folds, his other hand guiding yours to the front of his black pants where he was so painfully hard.
"Please, sweets..."
He knew just how to lure you in. Your hands flew to his belt and shoved his pants and boxers down just enough to free him. Eijiro already had two fingers inside you and his thumb circling your clit.
You wanted to move, to sink down on your knees in front of him and give him what he apparently been thinking about all night long but he pinned you to the wall. "I don't have the patience for that." A third finger slipped inside with ease now, one of your legs hooked in the crook of his arm.
"Eiji." You whined rocking your hips, pushing his calloused fingers deeper until he was reaching your favorite spot making you moan and whimper, all his favorite noises he couldn't get enough of. You fought with his tie and then the buttons of his shirt, eager to claw and leave your mark on him.
"Not fair." The man groaned when you ran nails down the planes of his back. "I gotta behave. You've got all this skin on display..."
"Didn't stop you on my neck."
He finally noticed the little bite marks he'd left behind. "Well, if I've already done that much." You moaned at the contact on your neck again, the opposite side this time. And when he applied that pressure, thrust his fingers in hard and deep, you had to bite your cherry red lip to keep yourself from crying his name as you came around his fingers.
"That's a good girl. Keep nice and quiet for me, okay?" You hadn't even fully came down off your high before Eijiro had you up in his arms, the weeping tip of his cock easing into you.
You reached up and found the empty bar of a rack, hanging onto it for dear life as Eijiro pounded into you, your hips meeting every single time with a harsh smack that you were pretty sure was louder than any of the moans you'd been making.
You were still so damn sensitive. He had your toes curling in seconds with the steady pace he set. Watching his cock quickly vanish inside you and then slowly pull out so you could feel each vein he had to offer, every inch he could give you.
"More, more, please, Eiji." He only smirked at your babbled pleas but gave you exactly what you requested. Picking up the pace and fucked you so damn hard you thought you might go through the wall. "Please, fuck!"
With your legs around his torso and your back braced on the wall, that left one of his hands free to clamp over your noisy mouth and the other to toy with your clit. "You want them to know what we're doin' in here? You're gonna let em know who's fuckin' you this good if you keep that up."
It was no use, you couldn't stay silent while he had you like this, you never could. His fingers dipped inside your mouth, "Suck on these so you'll keep quiet." And you did, maybe even a little too well because now it was Eijiro who was moaning like a horny teenager.
"Fuck you're too good at this. Damn, you look amazing, I told you that, right? So fucking gorgeous."
His praise had you sucking his fingers in harder, hugging his cock tighter, teetering right on that edge once again. "Gonna cum again for me? At this fancy party? My cock all the way in you and my fingers down your throat, ah, yes" He chuckled, "So fuckin' good for me, baby. Keep cumming."
Eijiro slowed his thrusts letting you actually ride out your high this time, letting you muffle your screams by biting his shoulder. You whined pitifully when he pulled out of you entirely, very aware he hadn't cum yet. "Get on your knees for me, please, sweets. Can't go shooting inside you when you got nothing to keep it in..."
You both looked at your torn panties on the floor and realized he had a point.
On your knees, Eijiro popped his fat cock right into your mouth with a sigh. "You're gonna have to swallow all of it, alright? Don't want any getting on your dress, I wanna ruin that later."
It didn't take him long to reach his peak, not with the way you swallowed him, hollowed your cheeks out, and tongued his head. He had his messy fingers wrapped up in your hair, fucking your throat how he pleased.
"Love you so damn much, sweets." Eijiro kept his voice low, muttering practically when you felt the first hot rope shoot down your throat, "Taken' me so fuckin' well, always take me so good, take it all, fuck, Y/N."
You might have damn near choked from all the cum he'd just unloaded but at least none of it ended up on your dress or his pants.
He dropped to his knees in front of you, kissing you tenderly and wiping the tears and mascara off of your cheeks. Eijiro helped you straighten out your dress again and fix your hair as best as it could be.
"Sorry I didn't take you seriously earlier." You chuckled, your throat still a little raw.
"I can't really blame you. I didn't even know if I'd have the courage to go through with it but then I saw you on the dance floor and I couldn't wait anymore."
He scooped up your torn pantyhose and undies, pocketing them both before dropping another quick kiss on your lips and opening the door...
"About fucking time!" Katsuki grumbled, pushing pasted you and Eijiro and going into his coat that had been hanging near where Eijiro had just been railing you.
"Seriously, have you two no shame!" Denki tsked and you half hid behind Eijiro.
The redhead tucked you under his arm with a grin. "You're one to talk. As if we didn't all hear you, Kyoka, and Hitoshi goin' at it in the restroom last year at this thing. Least we kept it mostly quiet."
"Just go out to your damn car like everyone else does! It's not that hard!" Bakugo huffed, tucking his phone into his pocket. "Then people can get to their phones or go to the fucking bathroom and not have to wait for someone to fuckin' get off! Speakin' of which, where's my damn nerd!"
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blipblooopp · 3 years
Let It Be Me
Summary: Choi San is many things. The most talented man you have ever seen. Be it on the dance floor or in front of a mic during a gig. He was the kindest person, always holding the door for the people behind him, helping the elderly carry things, even paying for strangers randomly. He got along famously with your parents and even better with your grandparents. He was charming like that, capturing the attention of anyone and everyone who even looked his way. He’s the love of your life, you’re sure of it but he’s also your best friend. Pairing: Boy Band AU!Choi San x F!Reader Words: 5.6k Genre: Angst/Smut
You’ve heard of a thing called platonic soulmates but it’s taken you years and years of watching Choi San grow to realize you weren’t. Well, you hoped you weren’t. Everything about him made your body erupt into a fire.
San looked at everything with adoration, finding all the good in life, including you. It was a double-edged sword, really. It made you feel special… important. But you could barely concentrate when his eyes were on you.
It didn’t help that he was gifted in pretty much everything; it made you nervous beyond belief. He’s pretty much perfect and as much as you wanted to be with him, you knew the odds of him liking you back were slim to none.
You’ve come to terms with it for the most part. It hurt to see him flirt with girls in front of you, hurt even worse when he started dating this awful girl named Areum. She didn’t give a fuck about him, actually. She barely responded to his calls and texts, going as far as blocking him one time. They fought nonstop. Every time you two hung out, San had a new dilemma to talk about. For some reason, San wouldn’t break up with her.
You had asked him after a night of you two getting drunk together, after another night of listening to his relationship problems. He laughed dryly, taking another sip of his beer, “I love her so much.”
Apparently, it was his “slow-motion” moment. He and his band had been wrapping up the night with their last song, soaking up every second they could have. Halfway through the song, San had noticed Areum in the front row. You were there too so you noticed the look on his face. A look you had never seen him make before. It basically tore your heart out when he told you that he couldn’t get “that beautiful girl” out of his head. She ended up becoming a dedicated face in the crowd so San asked her out.
You would’ve thought they were soulmates from the way they looked in the beginning. Lord only knows how they got to this point. How you got to this point, with San crying in your lap.
It was 10:00 pm when someone started banging on your door. You were enjoying a cup of coffee but you almost had a heart attack at that moment. You opened the door with shaking hands, hoping that whatever killer was on the side wasn’t actually a killer. Instead, you saw your best friend, with swollen red eyes, sniffling.
“Oh my god, San! You scared— what’s wrong?” You immediately dragged him in, locking the door behind you. He sniffled again as he slumped into your couch. You took a seat next to him and took his hand in yours. “Was it another fight?” You knew it wasn’t. In all the fights you had heard, San never cried.
“She was cheating on me… this whole time.” He hiccuped as he talked.
“That bitch.” You said under your breath. You held onto his hand a little tighter, trying to contain your anger.
“I went to her house tonight because she wasn’t responding to me again. I wanted to talk it out with her but she opened her front door in her underwear with some motherfucker sitting on her couch!” Although you had many words to say with Areum, you were speechless in front of San. What were you supposed to say? All you could do was scoot back on the couch and guide San's head onto a pillow in your lap.
“It’s gonna be okay.” You ran your fingers through his hair, “You can cry for as long as you want.”
And cry he did.
The next morning was hard. You woke up on your couch sitting up-right with a terrible case of stiff-neck. That’s not the only reason it was hard. No, it was worse seeing San still laying on your lap. He was wide-awake, dark eye bags contrasting against his face. His eyes stared deep into the ceiling.
“What’re you thinking about, Sannie?” You started to run your fingers through his hair again and watched as his eyes fluttered shut, his body instantly relaxing.
His eyes opened again, “Why didn’t she love me?” You couldn’t respond, not that he let you. “I knew we weren’t perfect, knew she wasn’t perfect… but we always made it through the end of the day. I can’t believe she would do this to me.”
“It’s her loss.” You finally said. “You don’t need her anyway. It was her decision to cheat and you had nothing to do with it.”
San didn’t say anything after that, just continued to stare at your ceiling.
The first few weeks were the hardest for sure. San had spent most of them at your place, barely leaving even for band practice. When he did practice with the guys he would leave early, only strumming a few chords on his guitar before deciding that it reminded him too much of Areum.
“He’s been really out of it.” Yunho, the bassist commented one time. San hadn’t even played that day. He just sat in the corner for an hour. You stayed behind for a few minutes and told San to wait in the car. You wanted to catch up with the other band members.
“Can you blame him? That bitch was… well, a bitch.” Wooyoung shot back, setting his drum sticks down.
“How has he been holding up?” Hongjoong asked.
You scoffed, “Have you seen the man? I don’t even think San’s there anymore! God, if I see her, it’s on sight!”
You did your best to help him through those weeks. You had been through a few hard breakups in the past so you understood that the early stages were the worst. You even used up all of your sick time to stay home with him. You had never seen him this gloomy. At one point, he went through five pints of ice cream in three days.
It took three months for San to be even remotely okay. He started going to practice more and this time, he actually played. You couldn't say you were surprised. San loved playing with the band and you knew it was probably the only thing that would bring him out of his funk.
"You look good, man!" Hongjoong slapped his hand on San's back playfully and for the first time in months, San had his usual dimpled smile.
"I feel good." He replied, setting down his guitar and taking a seat next to you on the beat-up couch. "It's thanks to you, y/n"
Your eyes widened. "Me?"
He nodded. "You stayed up with me, didn't go to work, even made me breakfast when you knew I didn't have the energy to get off your couch."
You couldn't lie; your heart was racing. All you could do was stare back into his eyes with a goofy smile painted on your face. San put his hand on your thigh, skinship being normal between you two, especially within these past months.
Your friendship remained just that, a friendship, for the next month. You were okay with this, though. At least you had a small sliver of hope now that he was single. That tiny bit of hope that he'd love you back was able to tide you over.
Until one night.
San had come over for your weekly movie nights, an event you had been doing since high school but stopped doing because his ex got jealous easily. You tried calming your nerves as you sat next to each other, his arm wrapped around you.
You were so close you could smell his cologne. It was intoxicating. Maybe it was the fact that he was newly single now, filling up your thoughts even more recently, but his entire presence was overwhelming tonight.
“You alright, beautiful?” Since San was single now, his usual playful flirty side was coming out again. Just like everything else about him, you had a love-hate relationship with it. It doesn't mean anything. You had to remind yourself. He talked like this with everyone, especially when he wanted to get a rise out of his bandmates.
You gulped when you looked up at him. How could a man have this effect on you? You would think that after years of unrequited love, you'd be able to at least contain yourself. “Yeah.”
San gave you a dimpled smile, shifting his gaze to a piece of your hair, moving it behind your ear. Your mouth parts, probably to say something but you can't be too sure right now. If someone walked in, they would think you guys are about to kiss. Maybe you are... you want to kiss him.
With your heart pounding in your ears, you slowly lean forward, keeping your eyes on his lips. They look too good not to look at but you're also scared of seeing the look in his eyes, the potential disgust that might be taking over at the thought of your lips touching his.
Everything is moving in slow motion. From your hand caressing his cheek to the moment your lips make contact. He's stiff against you and you can only imagine that it's because he's uncomfortable. You start to pull away, dreading the awkward conversation you're about to have but San is quick. His hand grips your thigh and he's kissing you back with fervor.
Your head is spinning, Is this really happening? These sparks you're feeling all over your body, does he feel the same way? You push away any thoughts you're having, trying to focus on keeping up with San. You needed to enjoy this moment. Without realizing it, you swing your leg and straddle San's lap. He groans underneath you but before you can question it, he's giving you a reassuring squeeze on your waist.
You don't want to take the initiative of going further, but man, your hands are burning to touch his bare skin. Your hands, instead, rest on his shoulders, gripping and releasing every few seconds. As if he was reading your mind, San's hands move to the hem of your shirt and for the first time, you break the kiss.
The second your shirt passes your head, San's moving to kiss your neck, occasionally sucking to leave hickies that are sure to last a whole week. You're breathless, taking this as a sign to take off San's shirt. Your hands are all over each other, San's going from your cheek to unbuttoning your jeans, your fingers feeling his abs contract under your touch.
It feels like a flash. San suddenly laying you down on your bed, both of your clothes littered behind you on the floor, his lips still on your neck. It's only when he's about to insert himself does he stop and look at you with dark eyes. He doesn't give you enough time to question it, pushing himself inside you. You both gasp at the feeling.
"Fuck, you're so tight!" He grips your hip with one hand, the other holding the headboard like his life depends on it. He feels like he'll burst any second.
You're right there with him though, the mere feelings of this moment making you sensitive. "You're just big. Holy shit!"
It takes him a second, taking a moment to give both of you a moment to adjust before he moves inside you. You can't contain the sounds coming out of you as he hits all the right spots with ease. You couldn't have pegged San to have this big of a dick, yet here he was.
Before you can realize it, your hands are finding purchase on his back and your nails are sinking into his skin. He hisses above you but his thrusts get harsher and the moaning in your ear doesn't get any quieter.
"You feel so good... so warm and tight for me." He's practically whimpering into your neck. You try to keep your cool, trying not to cum so fast but he's hitting that spot inside you with ease.
Your nails dig into him deeper, "S-san," You stutter out. "Close... so close."
"I know... but you gotta wait for me. Can you do that?" His thrusts get faster and deeper, you don't even comprehend his words properly.
"Can you do that for me, pretty girl? Be a good girl for me?" He's using both hands to clench onto the headboard now, the force making it harder to not cum. You just nod and wrap your legs around his waist. San is drilling into you with so much force and he's hoping that the bed isn't going to break. After a few more thrusts, he starts to get sloppy, and your vision's crossing.
"Alright, beautiful. Cum for me." He grunts out, trying not to cum at the feeling of you clenching around him. You finally let the waves of pleasure course through you, seeing stars. If you were lucid, you most definitely would have been embarrassed by the noises coming out of your mouth and your pussy.
With a loud sigh, San pulls out of you and releases onto your stomach. Almost immediately, he’s up and cleaning you, you’re body’s too tired to do anything but lay there. You’re surprised, because instead of leaving, San lays next to you, even going as far as pulling you close to him.
You have so much on your mind but you're too tired now.
This goes on for weeks. Sometimes you would hang out. Sometimes do other things. Everything happened so fast. The friendship that you held so dear had become a muddled mess of lust and confusion. You obviously still had feelings for San but you had no idea where he stood.
You'd never even talked about the first time you guys had sex. When you woke up he was gone and when you saw each other again, he acted like nothing had happened. You didn't want to be that clingy girl who expected a relationship so you never brought it up. Now you're in this endless cycle of sleeping with each other and never addressing the elephant in the room.
What didn't help was how San was acting differently. He was much more touchy with you, always having to touch you in some way whenever you were together. His hand on your thigh, holding your hand, arm around your shoulder, he did it all. Before the incident, you would have considered him touchy but that's nothing compared to him now.
Your hangouts started to become more elaborate as well. You guys were actually going out to movies instead of watching Netflix at your house. Small coffee shop hangouts started becoming intimate dinners. It was like you guys were dating. These dates gave you hope that he would eventually open up and ask you out properly but you didn't want to force it out of him. So, you just decided to go with whatever he wanted.
"Let's go ice-skating." The handsome man suggested his left-hand steering and his right hand on your thigh.
"You know I can't ice-skate." You deadpan, getting distracted by your fingers playing with his.
He glances at you with a honey-sweet smile before bringing his eyes back to the road. "I can teach you, ya know."
"Please, you just want to see me fall so you can laugh at me."
"That too."
San taught you how to ice-skate for maybe ten minutes. After that, he decided that it would be best to let you learn through trial and error.
"San, I'm literally gonna fall on my face!" You cried, your legs shaking as you attempted to walk on the ice.
"You're doing great. Just try skating to me." He held out his hand for you. Every time you got even remotely close to him, however, he would slowly start backing up. You were struggling around the rink but he made sure to sprinkle in encouragements so you wouldn't be too mad at him.
Just when you thought you were doing good, you got too cocky and propelled yourself towards San, wanting so desperately to close that gap. Your feet weren't pointed straight enough causing your left skate to hit your right, tripping you onto the ice.
"Holy shit, y/n! Are you alright?" San appears in front of you with seconds. Helping you up with ease. Your knees ache and you could feel the bruise forming on your hip.
“Did you not see me eat shit?” You bark out, now gripping his arm for dead life.
“I did but it’s always polite to ask.” You slap his arm playfully as he guides you off the ice and onto the benches. “Are you actually okay?”
You shook your head and pouted like a child. San chuckled to himself, seeing right through you. Instead of saying anything, he pecked your lips innocently and took a seat next to you. It was the first time he’s kissed you in public which only confused you further. Is he doing this on purpose? You really had to ask him.
You’re too lost in your thoughts to see San staring at you. It’s not until he’s moving a piece of hair out of your face that you’re snapped out of your thoughts. You jolt slightly and hum at him in response. He just shakes his head and returns his gaze to the people skating.
It was your turn to stare at him, to memorize his features for the nth time. He’s just as beautiful as he was two seconds ago and the butterflies are still strong. You open your mouth to question him about your relationship, finally building up the courage just when…—
“San? Is that you?” You freeze. Her, you think. That manipulative bitch.
“Areum?” San stands as if he’s been caught doing something bad like a child. She offers him a warm smile, completely disregarding you as always. You feel like you did during the concert. His eyes are no longer on you… but trained on her. You feel that distance he created on the ice growing bigger and bigger.
“What’re you doing here?” The man asks, still shocked to see her.
“Ah, I was just walking around.” The nerve of this girl to act like she didn’t do anything wrong. “What’re you doing here?” Her eyes land on you but she quickly looks back at him.
You stand this time. “We’re…” Don’t say it. Don’t be petty. Don’t say it. Don’t say it. “On a date.” You entwine your arm with San’s.
Areum’s lip twitches in annoyance. “Oh?” She quirks a brow and glances at San. “Is this true?”
San freaks out without thinking and shakes his arm from yours. “No!— I mean like a friendly date, sure. We’re just hanging out like old times.”
There’s your answer.
His ex smiles with victory at your defeated state. “Well, we should catch up, San. I know we ended things on a bad note but I think we should talk.”
The car ride home was awfully silent. Usually, they were filled with laughter and off-key singing but tonight, you gave San short answers in his poor attempt to talk. When you entered your apartment, you told him you were going to bed early and that he should lock up when he leaves.
Instead, you feel his warm body climb into your bed and hold you at 12 am. As always, you didn’t tell him to leave. Because, as always, you couldn’t say no to Choi San.
You wake up and San's not next to you but there is a text.
San : Sorry I didn't want to wake you but I left to go to practice. It'll probably end late today so if you feel up to it, come hang out. :)
Should you? Maybe it's just better if you pretend like nothing happened. Obviously, that's what he's doing. Besides, it’s not like his bandmates gave you false hope just to reject you in front of their ex. You end up going to the practice, a huge lump in your throat. If you brought up the situation, you're sure that whatever you guys had would be over the second you said anything.
Jongho, the lead singer, greets you with a smile and a nod in your direction as he warms up.
"y/n!" Wooyoung calls out, getting off of his drum stool and engulfing you in a hug.
You giggle on command, loving his enthusiasm. “Wooyoung, why do you always act like we haven’t seen each other for years!”
He smiles and whispers, “Don’t tell the guys I told you, but you’re like… our muse!”
You roll your eyes and pull away from his chest just to look at him, “I think you’re the only one crazy enough to even consider that.”
Wooyoung lets you go completely and returns to his drum set, you follow suit. “Maybe but you’ve been our number one supporter since day one! Plus you’re beautiful and beauty inspires art, does it not?”
Laughter erupts from you again at his cheesiness and your feel an arm wrap around your shoulder. You didn’t have to look to know who it was, the signature cologne giving him away.
“What’s so funny?” San’s smiling but you can tell there’s something different in his tone.
“Just exposing how important y/n is to the band.” Wooyoung sends you a playful wink, your cheeks burning slightly. San forces a laugh, something you don’t notice, before sitting you down on the couch.
After practice was over, you waited outside of the room for San so you could go back to your place. That wasn't the original plan but San insisted. The chilly air made you wrap your arms around yourself, internally scolding yourself over not bringing a jacket.
Wooyoung was the first to come out, fishing his lighter out of his pocket. He wasn't the only cigarette smoker in the group but he was definitely the one that smoked the most. He grinned at the sight of you, resting his hand in his pocket instead.
"Why're you waiting out here? It's cold as hell."
"Yeah... But I didn't want to get in your guys' way." You rubbed your hands up and down your arms trying to create heat. Wooyoung took off his jacket and wrapped it around you without hesitation. "A true gentleman." You remarked.
He put his hand on his chest, his face contorting to look hurt. "I've always been a gentleman. Even when I'm freezing my ass off."
Your eyes widened, ready to give the jacket back. "Woah there, missy. I gave it to you for a reason. We don't want our muse to die of hypothermia." The joke makes you laugh lightly. "You waiting on San?"
You nod, staring at the ground and rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet. “It’s been a lot of waiting recently.” You accidentally confess.
“Uh oh.” He leans against the wall. "I noticed something was different."
"What do you mean?" You hear your heartbeat through your ears and you find it hard to breathe all of a sudden.
"You guys are a lot closer... You guys are best friends, sure, but the air's been different between you two. He still doesn't notice how you look at him."
You scoff, "That obvious, huh?"
"To everyone but him, it seems. Can I be honest?" Wooyoung rolls to face you. You nod, now looking at him. "Unless you tell him how you feel, you'll be doing nothing but waiting on him."
"But our friendship-"
"If you're about to tell me that it's enough for you, so help me God, y/n, I will kick your ass." You laugh for the first time since the conversation started. You understand what you have to do. You guys have already crossed so many boundaries and clearly, he feels something for you, right?
The door to the practice room swings open and this time it's Yeosang and San. San's bright smile seems to falter as his eyes instantly land on the jacket that's wrapped around you. His eyes shift between you and the drummer then he strides to you, grabbing your wrist.
"Let's go?" You don't have time to answer. San's practically ripping the jacket off of you and throwing it at Wooyoung who barely catches it. This time, you don't miss the change in his tone. He replaces Wooyoung's jacket with his hoodie, not saying a word as he puts it on you.
Just like the night before, the tension in the car is thick but unlike last night, it's you who's trying to spark a conversation. San's knuckles are turning white as he drives and it's starting to worry you. You've never seen San this upset before and you're still trying to place the reasoning. Was it jealousy?
You pull up to the house, expecting him to follow you like he always does but he doesn't. Instead, he leaves the engine running and his eyes on the street. For some reason, this sets you off. This man had the audacity to pull away from you, act like you were just a friend in front of the ex that cheated on him, but gets jealous over you casually talking to another guy?
You scoff and unbuckle your seatbelt, stepped out of the car, and slammed the door shut. San was feeling extra temperamental tonight. He couldn't understand why he felt like this either. Maybe he was looking for a fight. He turned off the engine and followed you inside. Before you could close and lock the door, he stepped into your house.
"What is your problem?" You asked venomously.
"What is your problem?"
"I didn't have any problem until you decided to get all confusing!" You dropped your tote bag on the floor, turning to face him fully.
"I'm confusing? Are kidding me?" He huffs out, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
"Actually, I'm not. You've been driving me nuts since we started hooking up. I'm over it!" His lip twitches into a sarcastic smile. "What the fuck was that with your ex? You completely pushed me aside. She treated you like shit, remember? She cheated, she lied, and she manipulated you. Do you want to get back to-"
"You're not my girlfriend, y/n!" He cut you off. "God, it's like you don't know your place." Tears pricked your eyes but you felt more angry than sad. Angry, you've never felt this way with San before. You're experiencing a lot of firsts tonight. San immediately realizes what he said, how hurt you were. He took a step closer to you but you put up your hands, putting up your boundaries for the first time.
"No, you're right. It's not like you hold my hand wherever we go or put your hands on my waist in public. You don't smile at me sweetly during dates. We're not completely vulnerable with each other, telling each other things we'd never breathe to others. It's not like we fuck almost every day! Do friends do what we do? Please, enlighten me. What's my place?"
"I'm sorry, y/n. I shouldn't have-" You're full-on bawling now, sucking in breaths where you can.
"I can't believe I've loved you for so long. I've torn my heart out for you and you just... you just throw it back at me like it's nothing!" His mouth opens but nothing comes out, instead he wraps his arms around you. You react once you feel him, trying to fight him off but he's stronger, trying to calm you down by hugging you.
You're screaming, all the feelings you've held inside bursting out of you, "Why can't you let me in?" You start to pound on your chest even though you know you shouldn't. You don't even notice that he's crying too. "Why can't it be me for once? Let it be me!"
"I'm sorry," He coos. You couldn't hold yourself up anymore, your feelings making it hard to focus. San catches you though, guiding you to sit on the floor.
San does his best to understand what you're saying through your sobs. He wants to understand what he's feeling. He thought he was doing this to get over Areum but why was he doing all the other things? He could've just stuck to the bare minimum but he didn't. Better question, how had he not noticed your feelings?
San was so caught in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed you had cried yourself to sleep. He was holding your head to his chest and he sighed, finally relaxing a bit. He couldn't really relax though, his mind still processing what you had said. He carried you bridal style to your room and thanking God that you had exhausted yourself.
San tucked you in and, after some hard debating, decided to lay in bed with you. He made sure that he wasn't touching you even though he knew he was going to leave before you woke up. He sighed to himself.
Even as you slept you were beautiful and he beat himself up for only now noticing how exhausted you looked. The man never understood why he was so willing and ready to sleep with you. He could acknowledge that there was steaming sexual tension but he never thought it would get this far. Nevertheless, you guys were in this situation; the very foggy area between friends and more.
Is this how you felt, absolutely terrified? You guys certainly couldn't go back to being friends after everything that's happened between you two. San's body started to shake as he silently cried. He couldn't even comprehend how much pain he's put you through these last few months.
You're not surprised to find your bed empty the next day; you wouldn't be surprised if San had sent you a message ending your friendship and promptly blocking you. You stare at your ceiling with tears already prickling your eyes. You weren't going to check your phone for texts. You just went to work.
The day went by fast, your boss giving you plenty of work to distract yourself. You were doing just fine until you pulled up to your apartment to find Wooyoung waiting to knock on your door.
"Wooyoung?" The man turned around, almost like a deer in headlights.
"Oh- Hey!" He quickly put his hands in his jean pockets. You walked to your door silently, unlocking the front door and inviting him in.
“What can I help you with?” You try to be casual even though all you’re thinking about is San and how you know Wooyoung’s here to soothe whatever problem you guys are having.
“I’m gonna cut to the chase. Talk to San. It’s only been a day of you two fighting and all of us are tired of him sulking.”
“What are you even talking about?”
“He came into practice looking all down and he didn’t talk to any of us. He just went through practice barely saying ten words throughout the whole thing.”
"How do you know this has something to do with me?"
“… Do I look blind to you? Everyone knows something’s going on between you two.” Wooyoung sighs and runs his hands through his hair. “Look, I don’t know what happened but I’m sure it was probably his fault. I’m not saying you should forgive him right away but just talk to him. Please?”
So now, here you are, outside his door. You took in a deep breath before knocking hard on his door. You couldn’t muster the courage to ask if he was home but there was no practice so you hoped for the best.
The door unlocked within a few minutes. “y/n?”
“H-Hi,” You stuttered out, feeling the weight on your shoulders get heavier. “Can I come in?”
San gestures you inside and you take a seat on his couch. There’s an awkward silence when he joins you and you can’t recall any other time it’s been like this. It was so easy to talk to San before but now you can’t even form a sentence.
You said at the same time.
“You first.” San breathed.
“I just figured we had a lot to talk about.”
"Right..." He brushed off his legs with a sigh.
"I like you, San- actually, I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you for so long and we slept together and it got messy. We've never talked about what we were after that night. You just made me a rebound and I turned the other way..."
His eyes burnt into your face and you were too scared to meet them. "I'm sorry. I never meant to put you in that kind of situation. I shouldn't have been so selfish. I didn't think about the way you were feeling."
San's warm hand grabs yours. "I'm so sorry that it's taken me so long to see how you feel about me. I'm so sorry I said that you didn't know where your place was. Your place..." He takes a big deep breath, making you look at him, "Your place is right next to me. I lost you for one day and in that one day, I've realized what you really mean to me. I'm in love with you, y/n."
He places his hand on your cheek, wiping away a tear you didn't even notice. You're falling apart at his touch but you were so happy that he felt the same way and- Oh my god! Choi San was in love with you!
"You just said you were in love with me." You breathed, a smile breaking out on your lips.
"I did, didn't I?" He chuckles, closing the distance between your faces. Your breath hitches. "Are you going to give me a chance to love you for real this time?"
Your heart is going to burst and you don't really give it much thought.
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tinyyoungblood · 3 years
Did you see my Peter Parker request bestie of you coming through peters window and him helping you patch your wounds like you have done for him in the past. He was the only place you could think of with as much pain you were in on little to no time you almost faint when you get through his window. And he might kiss some of your wounds because he’s not really sure what else he can do to make you feel better ? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻🥰🥺🥺🥺🥺
ring pop | peter parker
pairing: peter parker x avenger!reader
warning: angst, mention of blood, fluff
a/n: writing headcanons for so long has literally butchered my ability to string proper sentences together so this is rough lol, but i loved this request! listen to “ring pop” by jax if you want the full fluff experience. enjoy x
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Before you say anything—” You held up your palms as Peter’s eyes widened in the dark, taking in your battered form from where he lied on his bed. A chill creeped through the opened window, making you shiver and grit your teeth. “I just want to let you know that if I don’t make it tonight, you have full permission to use my eulogy as a posthumous lecture.”
“A posthumous—” Peter cast his notebook to the side and got to his feet. “Y/N, you’re bleeding. What happened?”
“Is May home?” You asked quickly, ignoring his question.
“May?” Peter repeated, staring at you like he had never heard of that woman.
“Your aunt?” Your vision started to get patchy.
“My—” He shook his head. “May isn’t home, it’s just us. But you know that, it’s Wednesday, she always works late on Wednesdays.”
Peter was rambling now, talking to you like you weren’t dripping blood on the pillow on his floor. Or maybe he wasn’t, you couldn’t tell. All you knew was the stabbing pain on your left shoulder, piercing into your arm like lightning.
At once, Peter stopped talking. “You’re not okay,” he pointed out, though he had said it to no one in particular.
“What gave it away?” You retorted half-heartedly. Narrowing his eyes at you, he stepped forward. Before you could protest, Peter was already in front of you, lifting your arms carefully as he raked your body.
You winced as his hand bumped into your waist and he immediately let go, flashing you an apologetic look. His voice was laced with concern. “What happened to you?”
Your neck ached a little from a muscular knot you’d hardly noticed before. It throbbed now with discomfort and strain. You offered him a crooked smile. “I slipped.”
“You did not slip,” Peter scoffed, ever the realist, and took your hand, lacing it with yours while guiding you to sit down on his bed. “You’re one sneeze away from death, Y/N. Tell me what happened.”
Peter kneeled on the carpet floor and retrieved the first aid kit from under his bed. It was covered in glow-in-the-dark cars stickers, which you recognised from a fair that you had once went to together. It was the only thing you had won that night and Peter had smiled so brightly when you gave them to him, but somehow, you still found yourself surprised to see them in his possession.
“I fell off a roof,” you said, tracing the lining of his blanket as Peter popped the lid open. His eyes flicked to yours before he went back to taking out some cotton balls. He stepped into the space framed by your knees and peeled off the remnants of your suit, rolling it to rest at your waist. A deep punctured wound glared at him.
“Did you fall into a thorn bush?” Peter asked drily. “Or was there a spear on the sidewalk that impaled you?”
You winced as he tapped the soaked cotton balls on your skin, the alcohol burning in a way that you weren’t used to. He was gentle and froze whenever you flinched before continuing, but you knew by his flat gaze that he wanted the real answer or nothing. You cleared your throat and fixed your eyes on his dishevelled curls. “Fine,” you murmured. “Someone pushed me off the roof.”
Peter glanced at you. Without saying a word, he pressed the bottle of rubbing alcohol into your hands. You watched as he picked up some gauze and signalled for you to lift your left arm. Cautiously, he draped the clean piece of cloth around your forearm. His knuckles brushed against your skin. You took a breath. “There were four guys trying to break into the flower shop across Delmar’s. One of them got ahold of my sheath and things got ugly. But I swear I’m fine,” you added as Peter worked on your other arm.
He tied the ends into a knot and nodded to the bandage that he had just secured on your left arm. “You’re already bleeding through your bandages. I wouldn’t call that fine.”
You glanced down. A faint red blossom of blood had spread on the bandage. You tugged awkwardly at the strip of gauze. “Subjectively fine,” you amended before looking up, turning your narrowed gaze to his. “This isn’t fair. I don’t see why you’re making a big deal out of this when you slip into my room nearly every night while bleeding to death.”
Peter looked affronted at that. “It’s not the same.”
“How is that not the same?” You asked incredulously.
“Because it’s me,” Peter snapped. “I’m the one bleeding. Not you. That’s what makes this not fine.”
“Oh, please.” Scorn dripped off your lips. “Don’t pull that white knight bullshit on me. I’m perfectly capable of doing this myself.”
You snatched the gauze out of his hands and fiddled with it. The next bandage had to be wrapped under your arm and around your shoulder. You knew how to take care of wounds—the task had become a vital skill in not only your life—but this was more challenging than you would ever admit. You simply couldn’t reach that way. Your limbs were still aching and you felt the beginning of an awful headache coming. Having Peter watch you intensely didn’t help your case either, especially when annoyance and pity flashed in those brown eyes that you normally sought out for comfort. There was no comfort in this.
But you weren’t going to be the one to ask for help, and Peter knew that. He loosened a breath and held out his open palm to you, waiting patiently for you to relent. You stared at his hand for a moment and dropped the gauze roll into it. Silently, Peter worked on your arm, leaning in to loop the bandage behind you. You were both aware of how close he was. His warm breath fanned over the shell of your ear.
Peter wrapped the strip around your arm twice and tied it near the joint. You expected him to step back, facing you with an expression that was most likely regret or spite or both. But he didn’t budge. Both of you had gone utterly still.
Your pulse picked up. You knew that Peter could hear it, probably see it too. You wondered if it matched his own beat. But before you even knew what his intentions were, Peter lowered his head.
His lips hovered just above the warm juncture between your shoulder and the column of your neck—a spot that Peter always seemed to gravitate to. You drew in a sharp breath. The barest movement and his lips brushed your skin. Desire and a sense of familiarity coursed through you.
“I don’t want to fight,” he mumbled. “I just…I don’t know what else to do.” He left a trail of warm, soft kisses down your slender neck. You exhaled slowly and let Peter say what he needed to say without uttering a single word. He pressed a kiss to the end of your jawline and moved smoothly up to your ear. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.
Then he stepped back and looked you in the eyes. “It’s fine,” you said, the beginning of a smile forming on your lips. “Just don’t give me a hard time when it’s uncalled for. You patched up my wounds. That is enough.”
Peter didn’t look convinced. He lifted an eyebrow as you pulled him forward, pushing him into the mattress so you were lying side by side. Comfortable silence fell. Your eyelids felt heavier with each second, memories of vivid city lights blurred inside your head as you slipped in and out of consciousness. You knew you had to change out of your suit, but the softness of his duvet was too alluring. Too peaceful.
You felt warm breath fanning over your arm, followed by the soft press of familiar lips.
“What are you doing?” You asked, opening your eyes and pushing Peter’s face gently away. His curls fell carelessly onto your cheek as he looked up at you with raised brows. You caught a whiff of his shampoo. You loved that smell.
“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m kissing your boo-boos better.” He made to lower his head again, and you laughed.
“Don’t call them boo-boos. I was literally stabbed with a knife.”
He growled against your collarbone. “Don’t remind me.” Again, those lips on your skin.
If you had thought that peace was the cosiness of Peter’s bed, then you stood corrected. You found peace in the careful and tender kisses Peter left on your skin. You found it in the way his thumb rubbed mindless circles into your waist—careful not to touch any bruises. Even the citrus smell of his shampoo, surrounding you like a daydream felt like peace to you.
Everything about Peter Parker brought you peace and comfort.
“I have something for you,” Peter said, grinning excitedly.
You watched as Peter rose to his feet, almost tripping over the notebook he had tossed to the ground after you had climbed through his window. He stumbled to the desk and shuffled through his papers until he found what he was looking for and let out a pleased hum. He lied back down beside you, propping himself on his elbow before presenting you a small object.
“A ring pop?” You asked, amused. Peace, peace, peace.
Peter shrugged, eyes cast downward. “Yeah, is that okay?” He said. “I know it’s not enough but—”
“It’s perfect,” you cut in, the corners of your mouth began to hurt from how broadly you smiled.
“I…” Peter blinked at you. “You’re sure?”
You nodded and your mouth quirked to the side. “As long as this is not my engagement ring, it’s more than enough.”
Chuckling, Peter slipped the ring pop on your finger and gave the back of your hand a kiss. He then twisted and grabbed the water bottle standing on his night stand. He unscrewed the cap and took off the plastic ring that sat at the neck of the bottle, offering it to you.
“It’s just a promise,” he explained before shooting you a toothy grin. “So we can both be each other’s annoying white knights.”
“I like that,” you responded, mirroring his grin. You slipped the plastic ring on his finger and frowned. It was hardly big enough and sat awkwardly at his knuckle.
“It doesn’t fit,” you said uselessly, and Peter waved you off.
“Don’t worry. We’ll get me a ring pop when your organs work again.” He shot you a wink. “Everyone deserves an edible promise ring, don’t you think?”
You laughed.
Peace, peace, peace.
* * *
stay hydrated pals
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yourmidnightlover · 3 years
no need to rush
summary - you and spencer are in a relationship and when you overhear morgan teasing spencer about something private, you decide to help spencer out a bit.
warnings - virgin!spencer, fem!reader, kinda soft dom!reader, fingering, oral (male receiving), unprotected sex, creampie. *let me know if i missed anything*
wc - 3,052
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you knew spencer was a bit touch averse. it only made sense with his germaphobic tendancies. the only thing is, you thought he had worked past those with you. so naturally, when he stops abruptly during a heated make out session, you got a little... insecure? worried? you weren’t quite sure just yet.
but you would find out.
you and spencer had been in a relationship nearing 5 months. everyone on the team found out about your dating each other entirely on accident, a story for another time. 
when you walked into the bau late with spencer, derek had that smug, suggestive look on his face. you just rolled your eyes and went directly to your desk.
in reality what had happened was you both stayed up late, him explaining to you the concept of time in fluidity and a few different theories. you had both slept through each of your alarms, so when you woke up to your fourth one you had set, you immediately woke spencer up from his sleeping position on your stomach. 
luckily it was only a paperwork day, so you could probably catch up on sleep anytime after you left.
on your lunch break, you were going to see if spencer wanted to go get some thai with you. finally unfocusing from your case files, you turned your eyes to your boyfriend at his desk, apparently talking with morgan about something. 
he looked frustrated, and embarrassed. at first you didn’t understand what about, but you figured it was probably what morgan had said when you both came in late. 
finally getting up to go save your boyfriend, you slowly walked up to his desk. you didn’t try to hear what was being said. you kind of just did. 
“morgan, stop!” spencer exclaimed, neither of them noticing your arrival. you stopped far enough away to hear the rest of what they were saying.
“reid, look, it’s no big deal if you’re a virgin,” derek said. “i’m sure y/n would understand,” he said, trying to hide his laugh.
“it’s embarrassing. i’m a 25 year old virgin,” he huffed. “god! have you seen her? she’s gorgeous. imagine what she’d say when she finds out. what if she just doesn’t want me anymore? what if she wants someone who knows what they’re doing?” he ranted out, obviously worried about your reaction.
were you surprised? a little bit, yea. he’s gorgeous. there’s no question about that. how could someone look at him and not want to be with him?
but what really surprised you was that he was worried that you’d leave him if you found out. 
you loved him, and he knew that. 
you had been friends for a while before you finally admitted your feelings for him after the lila archer incident. he was shocked, saying he never thought you’d feel the same, saying that if he’d known he would have never kissed her back and that he really wanted you. then he got you. he never wanted to lose you.
and while he knew that you loved him, a part of him, the insecure part, was worried that you’d realize how amazing you are and leave him. 
he’d seen a few of your past boyfriends, and there was no doubt in his mind that they were more attractive than him. they were more muscular tough guys. 
but he didn’t know what total assholes they were. he didn’t know how much more attractive kindness made someone. not to mention the fact that he could carry on a conversation longer than all of them combined. 
“reid, she loves you. don’t forget that,” morgan added before you started walking up, acting like you hadn’t heard anything. 
“you’re right i love you,” you said as you wrapped your arms around his torso, standing on your tip-toes to place a kiss on his cheek. “what’re you guys talking about?” 
“i’m sure pretty boy’ll fill you in on it later. right, reid?” morgan insisted, his eyebrows raising like a father getting onto his son.
“uhm... right. yea,” spencer nodded, lips formed into a line as he placed his arms around you, turning around to face you as morgan walked away. “i love you too, y/n” he placed a kiss to your hairline. 
“i know you do,” you smiled, giving his torso a little squeeze. “lunch?” 
a couple weeks later when you had gotten a couple days off, you were both laying on your couch watching doctor who. you had told him how you’d never seen it, so he insisted he guide you through the seasons. 
you never brought up what you had heard, wanting him to open up to you about it first. you didn’t want to corner him about anything and make him feel insecure or trapped. so, you waited. you didn’t push. 
as you were cuddled together, spencer moved his hand to cup your cheek, turning your face towards his. you smiled at his sweet action, him returning the same, love-struck face. he leaned in, placing a gentle peck on your lips, the smile on your face growing. 
you kissed him back, bringing one arm around his neck as the other held his bicep firmly. the kiss slowly became more passionate, his tongue sweeping across your bottom lip softly, asking politely for an entrance that you gladly gave. you slowly sat back up with one another, not breaking the kiss. once you were sitting up, spencer pulled you onto his lap quickly, not missing a beat. 
“mm, wait,” spencer breathed. “i-i um...” he trailed off.
“sweetie, what is it?” you asked, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck gently, trying to encourage him. “you can tell me anything, y’know. i love you,” you said, giving him a kind smile.
“it’s just that... i’ve never...” he took a deep breath. “i’m a-a virgin, y/n.”
“okay,” you smile grew even wider at the final reveal. 
“okay? th-that’s it?” he asked in confusion. 
“it’s just... nothing could ever change how i feel about you. and you being a virgin?” you scoffed. “spencer that’s okay. it’s nothing that i’d be worried about, or stop loving you over. i don’t care if you’ve never had sex with someone. hell, i don’t think i’d care if you’ve had sex with tons of people. because i love you.”
“so you don’t think i’m... weird for being a virgin?” he wondered.
“spence, you’re weird as it is. but that’s exactly why i love you. i love your little quirks. you being a virgin is just another quirk,” you chuckled. “and if you don’t want to have sex with me, that’s totally okay. i didn’t get into a relationship with you to have sex with you. i mean, it’d be a nice perk, but you certainly don’t have to or are obligated to.”
“i-i don’t not want to,” he rushed out, rubbing his thumbs along your waist. “have s-sex, i mean. i want to. i um... i wa-want to with you.”
“are you sure, spencer? i want your first time to be special. you know how i lost mine, i just don’t want you to regret it,” he did know how you lost your virginity.
essentially, your prick of a boyfriend in high school was making out with you, and it got really heated. were you absolutely ready to lose your virginity? no. did you necessarily want to lose it to this guy? not really. he was just there, and everyone else was losing there’s so you figured you might as well. so you did it. in a car. in the parking lot. after the last football game he played in. he was already sweaty, and finished after 75 seconds.
you didn’t want spencer to regret it like you did.
“it will be special. it’s you; how could it not be special?” he replied softly. 
“you’re such a little charmer, spencer,” you said, bringing your lips to meet his once again, this time he was much more eager.
you gently tugged on the hair you were playing with, a low groan coming from his mouth into yours, something igniting within you from that sound. you slowly ground your hips against his, a little whimper coming from his mouth, creating a smile on yours. 
“can-can we do it... like right now?” spencer asked eagerly, his hips stuttering into yours.
“shh, we’ll get there,” you mumbled against his jawline, your lips trailing towards his neck as you nipped gently at his skin, licking it afterwards to soothe it. you felt his breathing pick up as your lips connected to the flesh behind his ear. you gently ran your teeth along his earlobe, a groan coming from spencer as he exhaled. “you like that?” 
“mmhmm,” he nodded, his hands finding your hips and grinding them against his in an attempt to find more friction. 
“patient, bubs. be patient,” you said as you sat up off his lap, extending your hand to him. “bedroom?” he nodded eagerly, taking your hand in his as he trailed behind you into your room. 
you both sat down on the bed and resumed kissing each other. you didn’t want to go too fast with him, you wanted him to be relaxed and enjoy this. he started trailing kisses down your neck, paying special attention to your reactions to everything he did.
“do you,” you breathed. “do you want to take off my clothes? or do you want me to?” you asked him quietly.
“ca-can i do it?” he asked against your neck.
“of course, baby. whatever you want,” you confirmed as he backed away from your neck. 
he brought his hands up to your face, cupping it gently before pressing a firm kiss to your lips.
“i love you,” spencer smiled.
“i love you too,” you said as he connected your lips again, his hands moving towards the hem of your shirt.
he slowly slid his hands underneath the fabric, moving towards the peaks of your breasts and cupping them stiffly. you moaned into his mouth softly, pressing your foreheads together. 
“that’s good, spence,” you whispered to him, giving him the confidence to lift the shirt up and over your head. 
he leaned back to observe you like this, vulnerable and ready. ready for him. wanting him. you wanted him.
you wanted him even though you knew everything there is to know about him. you knew the bad, the ugly, the scary, the worrying, everything. and you still want him. you want him regardless. and that’s all he’s ever wanted.
“ca-can i?” he looked at your chest in waiting.
“you can do whatever you’d like,” you encouraged.
he connected his lips to one of your breasts, the other in his hand being massaged. he played with the nipple, flicking his tongue over it quickly and occasionally nipping at it before pressing a firm kiss and switching to the other side.
you moved to lay down on the bed as he began kissing further down your body. past your chest, naval, and right above the waistband of your shorts. he looked up at you to make eye contact, only to find that you never took your eyes off of him in the first place. 
“go ahead, bubs. do what feels right, okay?” he nodded at you, now pulling your shorts and underwear down and off your body, throwing them in the corner of the room.
“i want, can i...?” he didn’t really know how to ask, he felt awkward asking anything in this situation.
“yes, spencer. you have full reign over my body tonight,” you confirmed. 
he nodded at your response, his body moving up towards yours as his hand remained on your hip. he pressed a kiss to your lips as you felt his fingers spreading your pussy lips apart, his fingers wandering through your folds. you gasped into his mouth, your hips grinding into his hand as your hands held onto his shoulders and hair.
his middle finger ran over your clit gently, switching between going back and forth and in circles. he moved his middle finger down to find your entrance, slowly easing the one finger in, relishing in the way your pussy clenched around him. thrusting his finger in and out a couple times, he pressed gentle kisses along your jawline. 
“k-keep going, spencer,” you moaned into his ear. 
he took the encouragement and pushed another finger into you, curling them in just the right spot to make you squirm. he used his other hand to hold your body down so you wouldn’t squirm away from him. 
“spence, fuck,” you whispered, feeling the tight coil in your stomach tighten. “you’re such a good boy for me.”
you heard him whimper into your neck at the praise, his ministrations picking up slightly.
he pressed his hand into your pussy, his palm hitting your clit perfectly with the way he was thrusting his fingers into your body. your hold on his shoulder tightened, surely leaving marks where your nails were, as you gently tugged on his hair. 
“yes, yes! oh my god,” you exclaimed. 
and just like that, the coil was wound so tight it snapped, releasing a flood of pleasure throughout your entire body. 
“spencer! shit!” you gripped his arm as his hand was working you through your orgasm, helping you come down. “fuck. are you sure you’ve never done that before?” 
“i’m a quick study,” he smirked before you smashed your lips against his eagerly. 
“god, i want you inside me,” you pleaded against his lips. 
“are you sure?” he asked, pulling back to look you in the eyes. 
“only if you’re ready, spence,” you replied, your hands running through his hair. 
“i’m ready. i’m more than ready, y/n,” he confirmed. 
“alright. but first, can i do something?” you asked mischievously.  
“what do you wanna do?” he wondered, his brows furrowing in confusion.
“just... if i do something you don’t like tell me to stop, okay?” he nodded. “i need words, bubs.”
“okay, i’ll tell you.”
“great,” you said, trailing your lips down his neck as he helped you shrug off his t-shirt. 
you ran your nails gently down his chest, observing the red streaks your nails left behind. you kissed all the way down his torso and stomach until you got right above his waistband, you ran your fingers underneath them. he lifted his hips so you could pull them down swiftly. 
once they were down, you trailed your finger along a prominent vein in his member, adoring the way it twitched against his stomach. you got onto your knees, grabbing his dick and licking that same vein slowly. his hips bucked up at the sensation, you pressed them down with a little giggle. 
you ran your tongue along the top of his member, licking the precum off cleanly. you took as much of him in as you could, using your hands for the rest of what you couldn’t fit into your mouth - which was more than you expected.
“fuck, y/n,” he moaned at the feeling of your warm, wet mouth around him. “th-that fe- oh! that feels s-so good.”
you continued to bob your head up and down, you went as far down as you could, your nose hitting his stomach once you got all the way down, the sound of you gagging filled the room.
“fuck! you’ve gotta stop, y/n, please!” he exclaimed. you quickly got up off of him making your way back up to his face before he planted his lips on yours. 
“are you okay?” you asked worried.
“yea, i uhm, i-i was about to uh, to cum,” he informed you with an awkward laugh.
“ohh, okay,” you huffed out a laugh. “so, how do you want to do this?”
“ca-can you be on top? like uhm,” he pressed his lips together for a moment in thought, “can you ri-ride me?”
“of course, bubs,” you kissed the corner of his mouth. “here, just lay back.”
you crawled on top of him, straddling his hips as you lined his hard dick up with your center. you made eye contact with him as his hands dug into your waist and hips.
“yes, please ju-just do something,” he begged.
you slowly sank down on his member, feeling yourself stretch to fit his cock as you gazed wondrously at his awe-struck face. once you were all the way down, you made sure to take a second to adjust to his length.
“oh my god, y/n,” he whispered quietly, his hands grasping at your hips as his jolted upward into your body. “please, please, please move.”
“patient, bubs. okay?” you placed your hands on his lower stomach to help lift yourself off his hips so you could slowly ease yourself back down. “fuck, spence.”
your hips rose slowly, slamming back down once just his tip was inside of you. once you found a steady pace for the both of you, you kept to it.
“it fe-feels so... good,” he groaned out, grabbing at your breasts as you moved your hands further up his chest.
“you like it?” you asked with a sly grin on your face. “do you like how my pussy feels on your big dick, spencer?”
“uh-uh huh,” he nodded, trying to maintain eye contact. “so we-wet and war-warm. so tighhht,” he mumbled out.
“that’s what you do to me. it’s all for you,” you said as you held his arms that were still up to your breasts. “fuck, spence it feels so good.”
“i-i think i’m gonna cum, y/n. please, oh my god, please!” he begged.
“mmm go ahead, bubs. cum inside of me. i want you to fill me up spencer,” you moaned, leaning down to his ear and biting his lobe gently.
“ahh fuck!” you felt the white spurts of cum shooting inside of you, covering your walls completely.
you continued to ride out his orgasm, wanting to get every last drop out. when you felt he was all done, you gently lifted yourself off of him, his hands immediately wrapping around your waist.
“spence, bubs, i need to go clean us up. okay?” you asked sweetly, running your hands through his hair.
“you didn’t... y’know,” he mumbled against your body.
“spencer i don’t always need to get off during sex to have a good time. besides, that happened earlier,” you kissed his hairline softly.
“but i want it to happen again,” he whined, placing a sloppy kiss to your collarbone.
“there’s no need to rush. we have all night, bubs.”
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