#a daughter of hades and a son of Hecate
drowningkeyborad · 7 months
Working on my old Bianca Di Angelo pjo fanfic and accidentally made her & Alabaster the perfect couple??
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phoenix--flying · 11 months
“You and me, di Angelo? We’re not that different.”
He scowled as she spun around in the chair. “You don’t know what its like-“
“To what? Be outcasted? Pushed to the outside? Feared? All because you’re an Underworld kid?”
He blinked a few times and she stopped spinning, tilting her side and grinning.
“We’re both children of chthonic deities, Nico. We don’t have the same experiences, obviously. I’m not saying that. But when it comes to camp specifically. We’re not all that different.” She shrugged. “I used to be a solider in Kronos’s army, did you know that?” She didn’t give him time to answer. “Probably not, right? It’s sort of taboo to talk about the titan army. But I wasn’t exactly welcomed back at camp. None of us were. But eventually they said they trusted us. Spoiler alert, they didn’t. When Percy first went missing the titan army campers were the first suspects.” She shrugged again. “That got super off topic when all I was trying to say is we can be outcast buddies."
I'm here to spread my Lou Ellen Blackstone and Nico Di Angelo friendship agenda. You don't have a choice and this is a threat(/j)
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hotpotrandomfics · 6 months
PJO Ciel AU: Stowaway into War Pt. 1
Summary: Ciel has only been aware of his demigod status for less than two years, so he's learned to be more cautious. Though the cries of war thrust him into joining the fight in Manhattan even if he ruffles a few feathers with a fellow stowaway. Will he die in battle or will he survive the horrors to come?
Part 2: PJO Ciel AU: Stowaway of War Pt. 2
Disclaimer: The characters of Justin Colby Peters and Clara Atalanta Ostá are intellectual properties of @mastrmiscellaneous, please follow them for more content on those characters and their creator's brilliant content.
Word Count: 3,345
It was the dumbest idea in his twelve years of life, that of which his father would throttle him upside the back of his head. Laying inside of a duffle bag with little room to move, clutching his bow, and hoped he wasn’t caught. 
“THUCK!” His body made as it whacked against the back of the rear seats of the Camp Half Blood van. “Ow…” Ciel murmured before covering his mouth to not give his position away to the campers sitting in anticipation of the coming battle. 
“What was that?” One demigod said, scanning around the van.
“What was what?” Another questioned.
“I thought I heard- never mind.” The demigod focused on the road ahead. 
Taking a deep though slight breath, Ciel felt the tension release slightly. However, as time progressed the tension, fear, and worry began to bubble in the pit of the stomach. It was as if ice began to creep throughout his body the closer the van got closer to the final destination: the Empire State Building. 
An hour and a half later, the vans arrived at the Empire State Building. The doors of the van opened as each of the demigod teams began their short meeting with Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. 
As Annabeth gave out orders, the demigods began unloading the van with their equipment, including the bag that Ciel had stored himself in. Being pulled out, by a camper and with a loud thud the boy gave his position away. 
“Ow!” Ciel yelled as his body hit the asphalt road. After a brief moment, someone opened the bag and met the gaze of the boy. “Uh, hi!”
“Silverstein?!” Annabeth Chase turned to see the boy with a frown that could petrify him like Medusa. “What in the gods' name are you doing here?!” 
“I…” Ciel shimmed out of the bag. Dressed in hiking boots, jeans, a camp shirt, and a military jacket that may or may not have been “acquired” from the camp store, and his armor. A black bow, quiver, and sword were pulled from the duffle by one of the campers. Some could state the obvious but did want to hear what he would say. 
Standing up, he looked over the other demigods. Some with glances of annoyance, humorous (mostly the Stoll twins), but a majority irritated of stares made it hard to speak. 
“Ciel?” Percy's voice called to him with a stern stance though a calm gaze was enough to acquire a response. Ciel and Percy were not super close, but they had a cordial relationship a mentor and mentee. “Why are you here?”
“I wanted to help. To fight…” Ciel gripped his bow firmly as he looked at the rest of the campers. “I can’t just not help! Kronos is on the way, and I-“
“Isn’t your mom against Olympus?” A son of Hephaestus stated with a hint of hate. 
They weren’t wrong, Ciel's mother was the goddess of magic, Hecate, and one of the greatest betrayers of the former Titan army. A number of his siblings were claimed during the Battle of the Labyrinth, in which they sided with Kronos and Luke's forces in the hopes of gaining the favor of their mother and recognition. Ciel wasn’t one of them, though just because one could join others who are in the wrong doesn’t mean all should. 
How could he not want to have considered the possibility of joining the other side? Having siblings who were willing to switch sides was not something he’d care for because he couldn’t imagine betraying others, especially because he was taught that letting his anger over not receiving prayers and love was worth it. The blood of those who fought and died to the Titan Army. Having a mother’s love? Hecate never stepped in or cared for him for twelve years so why would she change? No, just because he was claimed does not mean she gets to act like he owes her a pegasus fart from him. 
“So?” Someone spoke up. Justin Colby Peters, Ciel's best friend for the past year in a half. Cladded in his own attire, faded jeans, a camp hoodie, armor and bow in hand. Never did Ciel feel more thankful than in that moment. 
“Ciel is one of our best archers and he doesn’t need permission to do the right thing. Right?”
Some of the demigods grumbled while others nodded at the facts before Annabeth spoke up clearly annoyed. 
“Fine. But you’re stuck with the Apollo cabin.” Annabeth said in a stern tone, Ciel nodded in acknowledgment as the rest of the demigods continued clearing the vans of their gear. 
“For Olympus' sake!” A hunter pulled out a girl dressed in armor, jeans, a camp shirt, and a dark blue hoodie. “We got another one!” 
“Hey, let go!” The girl growled, her eyes a fierce deep blue like the sky at twilight. 
“Clara too?!” Percy said as she glanced between her and Ciel. “Are there any more stowaways?” 
“Just us, Percy,” Ciel spoke as he walked over to Justin, glancing at Clara before beckoning her to them. “She can help with our assignment.” 
“You’ll need me on the battlefield, Jackson,” Clara stated boldly as she cycled her bronze coin through her hand. A statement that couldn’t be argued as Clara is a prodigy in the field of swordsmanship, if he wasn’t mindful of her potential, then Percy would be obliterated during training. This though was not training and there was no chance of a second chance or luck on their side. Clara Atalanta Ostá is someone you could rely on in a pickle and given their limited numbers who could argue?
With little choice in the matter, Percy nodded as the trio smiled. Michael Yew looked at the three before rolling his eyes and taking charge of his cabin and the two stowaways as they made their way to the Williamsburg Bridge. 
At the Williamsburg Bridge…
Michael Yew, son of Apollo, began setting up a series of archers between every few cars that sat on the road. In some of the Apollo cabins, the more experienced were in front while Ciel, Justin, and Clara made up the rear guard. The trio went over their gear respectively, ensuring their straps were secure on their armor, counting their munitions, first aid packs, ambrosia, and nectar supplies. 
“So… you guys didn’t want to tell me why you hitchhiked all the way to the war zone?” Justin asked as he tested the drawstring of his bow. 
“And risked being told no?” Clara countered was she flipped her coin a couple times as she glanced from their position. Scanning for the coming of Kronos forces. 
“I could have vouched for you and you could have sat comfortably,” Justin stated a bit irritated given his view of the two. “It’s not like we aren’t close to each other and aren’t friends.” 
“Justin,” Ciel spoke up. “It was my idea that we sneak up to join the fight. I… I can’t stay at camp knowing I could help fight against them.” 
Ciel stood as he looked out to the East River before turning his gaze to Brooklyn. The thought of not helping his best friend, the camp that made him feel not so alone? To him, the answer was easier than throwing a spear into the ocean. 
“Ciel, why didn’t you trust me to tell the truth?” 
“It’s because-“Before Ciel could decipher an explanation an explosion and the roar of the Titan Army began to march down the Brooklyn end of the bridge shifted his attention. “We’ll get back to that.” 
The three took up positions, Ciel behind a Jeep Cherokee with his bow at the reading an arrow housing Greek fire. Launching his arrow at a great angle, Ciel and a few others Apollo created a steady wall of Greek fire to slow the charge. Justin holding a position in the bed of a Ford F-150, knocking an arrow down the bridge and hitting a hellhound in its forehead. Justin and Ciel continued in intervals while Clara headed forward line with more combat-oriented Apollo kids. 
The few demigods and hellhounds that were past the line of fire engaged in a melee with the Apollo kids. Clara raised her sword as she countered a demigod who raised an axe. Siding stepping and slashing towards the enemy's stomach, Clara followed with an elbow strike into their left bicep. Duck, dodge, and parry are all Clara could do against a demigod twice her size before she slipped under their swing. Clara then kicked their knee in before following a hilt strike to the left temple.  
Another demigod aimed their shield to bash at Clara, lucky an arrow flew by and struck the demigod in the shoulder. Glancing back, Clara saw Justin giving her a wink before he continued aiding with the volley of arrows. Afterward, Ciel pushed forward as one Apollo kid fell down due to a spear on their leg. Will Solace, another son of Apollo helped pull his sibling to the rear with Clara and another Apollo kid serving as a set of escorts. 
The metallic scent of blood and flames carried throughout the zones of the defensive perimeter as more combatants fell. The clang of swords, axes, and shields collided with a thunderous boom as the fever of the Apollo cabin stood holding the line. This was war and they were aiming to win this battle, but the forces of Kronos began to push the forward line back into Manhattan. Apollo kids conducted a retrograde of their forward line while the left and right flanks covered the retreat. Yew ordered them by section to ensure there wasn’t chaos amongst them, and so his siblings could get out of the line as fast as possible. Though it was difficult for them to buy time for those who were injured, that was until Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase arrived to even the odds. 
Percy, Annabeth, and Michael discussed the current circumstances while the Apollo kids continued to hold what they were able to. Ciel caught a glance as Percy charged into the fray, followed by a few of the Apollo kids and Clara. Percy fought back demigod after demigod, turning the tide of the battle in their favor with the aid of a few Apollo kids who were skilled in close quarters. The Minautor made a b-line for Percy, and the two enemies engaged in brief combat before Percy eliminated his first feat. 
Clara was keeping up with Percy though by a lesser margin possibly due to their height and age difference by taking on her own share of demigods with a fury not seen in training. Ciel along with Justin pushed forward with a few of their comrades, Michael calling out their orders for their shots as they blanketed the battlefield with a hail of arrows.
“We have a chance.” Ciel thought as he kept lining his shots up for the most accurate hits. Though the son of Hecate saw a spear going for Justin, without thinking he tackled his friend but received a graze to his left shoulder. 
“Shit! What hell- Ciel, oh gods!” Justin sat up as he looked at Ciel clutching the fresh would. 
“I’m okay, it’s just a scratch!” Ciel said in a lightly pained and angry tone. “Gods, that hurt,” he stated as he covered his wound with gauze and medical tape before taking his position again to aid the line. 
“You’re stupid!” Justin commented as he took his place firing arrows. “Like who takes an arrow on purpose?!”
“You can complain and tell me how stupid I am when we get outta here!” Ciel shouted with a hint of venom. 
“You’re not allowed to leave me alone,” Justin said as he readied another arrow. “Got it?!” 
“We’re best friends, so we aren’t allowed to.” 
As the battle on the Williamsburg Bridge drew closer a domino effect took over the entire flow. Ciel couldn’t tell much as a storm conjured by Percy took hold of the bridge, on the order of Michael the rest of the Apollo team ran. The crack of the asphalt, wires, and creaks of metal trembled in the demigods' hearts as the bridge fell into the East River, some not making it off or being swept away by the currents. Ciel was bringing up the rear of his comrades, ensuring Justin and Clara made it off but the structure underneath their feet collapsed. 
“AH!” Ciel grabbed a piece of rebar as he fell his feet dangling and his grip ever weakening. The violent waters once calmed were disturbed by the falling bridge, metal, and cars that flashed before dimming out to nothing as if Charybdis was making an appearance from the Sea of Monsters. 
“Ciel!” Justin and Clara both divided down onto their belly to the remnants of the bridge, reaching out for him. The pair inching closer to him to grab their third member. “Hold on!” 
“I’m trying!” Ciel trembled in terror trying to tighten his grip. The fear sank in his stomach as he stared up at his friends pleading for them to help him up. 
They inched closer and closer until they were but a hand length away. 
“Ciel, you’re gonna have to pull yourself up!” Clara barked as her hand reached for him.
“I… I…” Ciel shook as his grip felt as if it were loosening. He either pulled himself up or fell to his death. 
Though the injury from saving Justin made his left arm wail in agony, sapping away at what energy remained shortened the ability of what could have been easy. Nevertheless, he couldn’t blame himself for trying to protect the closest person to him like a brother. Mustering what strength he had left and with a loud yell, he pulled himself up as Justin and Clara clamped their hands on his arms and quivered, pulling him to safety. 
“I hate heights,” Ciel said as he crawled on his knees. “Thanks, guys.”
“Don’t be a crybaby,” Justin said with a light jab at Ciel's shoulder. 
“Ow!” Ciel rubbed where he was hit in the shoulder. “Mean!”
Justin rolled his eyes as he took a step up, his prosthetic leg being slightly banged up but manageable once they got back to the Plaza Hotel, the headquarters of Camp Half-Blood forces. Clara sighed in relief before glancing at the disaster of what came of the bridge and Percy's rage. 
“By the gods…” Clara muttered. 
“We have to regroup!” Will Solace shouted to the three and the others lagging behind. With no room to stay in their stupor, the trio followed the rest of their forces back to the Plaza Hotel. 
At the lobby of the Plaza Hotel…
The silence that rippled through the dead streets of the Big Apple lingered, only emphasized by the steps of the members of the Camp taking spots to rest. Ciel, Clara, and Justin had just barely gotten through the lobby before they saw the carnage of their casualties. Some kids they fought with during Capture the Flag, some they raced with by the lake, and others barely held to life as medics tended to their wounds. 
Ciel didn’t know if it was eyes playing tricks on him. Whether the battle on the bridge, fear of falling to his death, or the heavy exhaustion he felt he could have sworn he saw lights on each of his comrades. Whether they were bright in sold shades of different colors felt odd, unnerving would be more precise as he watched one of the mortally wounded camper's lights seem to flash dimmer and dimmer until there wasn’t a light. 
“Hey, you alright man?” Justin asked as he pulled Ciel from his daze. “You, um, got a tear running down your…”
“Oh,” Ciel said in a monotone voice before wiping it away. “It’s… it’s nothing, J. Promise.” 
“If you’re sure. Well, we get a chance to rest for a while. We will probably be called to take up guard in a few hours.”
“Alright,” Ciel responded. 
That night was the worst sleep Ciel ever had up to date. What he hoped was a dreamless, dark, and silent mind where his thoughts could just stop. On the contrary, his thoughts were rampant as his dreams were filled with the campers who fell today in the defense of Olympus. 
A boy from the Hephaestus cabin's stomach was slashed open by what can be assumed to be claw marks. A daughter of Aphrodite clearly speared through her chest as her wound sucked air, but her face is what cemented the terror in Ciel. Her eyes and the eyes of his fallen comrades pleading to be saved as if he could have saved them. How could he have though? 
Maybe if he knew magic or was better at first aid he could have helped Will and the other medics. Right? Sadly, he wasn’t skilled at magic if at all. Whether it was Hecate doing or not wasn’t for him to say but one thing was clear: more lives will be lost before the end of the night. 
His dreams pulled him to what seemed like the Titan army base camp. A boy in black armor and what appeared to be Greco runes carved into his armor. He stood around six-foot-two, his eyes glimmered a deep green like that of Greek fire. He stood with a woman in a royal purple gown and silver armor. The woman’s features shifted to those of the one Ciel met the day his dad told him of his origins. The way she carried herself was dignified and regal but there was something else about the air around her, it was something akin to a gentle breeze in a quiet evening. A presence Ciel often felt walking the streets of St. Augustine during its nights where the spirits would often walk amongst the living but not able to be seen except by him and those privileged to see into the Mist. 
“Mother, it seems that the forces of Camp Half-Blood were able to turn us away.” The boy said as he pointed to the sections of the invasion attempt on a map. 
“Prometheus is making his way to the Half-Bloods, if they give up after his talk then we will secure victory-“
“Do not get cocky, Alabaster.” The woman said in a firm, almost parental tone as she spoke. ��We have not won this war. Your siblings who you lost in the invasion…”
“I’ll avenge them. I’ll avenge every single one and we will win. My blood is your blood, mother.” Alabaster retorted as he shuffled a set of cards in his hand before gazing at his mother. 
“Hm. We still have some time before Prometheus reaches Jackson’s forces. His love for mortals will be his undoing if he steps out of line with Kronos.” The woman claimed as she scanned the map before looking up.
“You’re watching me, aren’t you?” She smirked before reaching for a handout. “There is still time to bend the knee. Join me, son.” 
“Mother?” Alabaster questioned as he looked around before realizing his mother wasn’t focused on him. 
“Seems one of your siblings can’t help being nosy. You have one chance, join us and you. Your father. Will be safe. I can swear this.” The woman's face though it was stern began to soften, almost pleading, as she tried to convince Ciel through his dreamscape to fall in line. 
“If you don’t I’ll drag you here,” Alabaster stated as he marched towards Ciel's direction with a hand reaching out.
Ciel shook as he felt their combined gazes weren’t that of comfort did not make him want to join, especially with Alabaster threats towards him. He looked around to find an exit but was jolted awake and away from the Titan camp. His body shook violently as wind chime during hurricane season, drenched by his sweat as if he rose from the fresh surf. 
“Ciel?” Justin questioned worriedly. “We got our shift. Are you alright?”
“I saw my mother. Hecate…”
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nikandrros · 1 year
Okay, I'm gonna go a little
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but hear me out:
If Melinoe is the ghost goddess/chthonic nymph and has the same hair color as Persephone, and following the Melinoe hymn it's said that "whom revered Persephone bore by the mouth of the Kokytos river", I'm betting money on the fact that she was born just after Zagreus, but since Mel was... you know, phantom-like:
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Persephone could not just leave her to be or get back to the Underworld, so I'm theorizing she did the second best thing: leave Melinoe with someone else who was more apt to take care of her, someone like...
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since Melinoe was called a, you know:
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and she also calls the new big mommy Headmistress, so if I'm theorizing right said headmistress could either be Hecate, Circe, or Medea. Circe is a good option because of her island, which is somewhere the teaser seems to be happening at? Or a garden of some kind, or Olympus garden for all that I know because Chronos got himself free and brought war upon the Olympians, and on that note, I would like to point out that this place can very much be Poseidon's domain:
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Some other things that I would LOVE to point out:
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This guy is a son of Nyx. He's Thanatos and Hypnos' brother.
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Nemesis is also a daughter of Nyx and it's said in canon. Also: LOOK AT THE FUCKING SWORD.
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And Supegiant said in the Steam intro that:
"Infuse your legendary weapons of Night with ancient magick, so that none may stand in your way. Become stronger still with powerful Boons from more than a dozen Olympian gods, from Apollo to Zeus. There are nearly limitless ways to build your abilities. Meet a cast of dozens of fully-voiced, larger-than-life characters, including plenty of new faces and some old friends. Grow closer to them through a variety of new interactions, and experience countless unique story events based on how your journey unfolds."
Can we expect Hera, Hephaestus, and Hestia? Because we already got this gay- I mean, guy.
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Halfway through this, I was like "ok but the headmistress dress like Charon so it would be pretty fucking funny if it was just Nyx with a hat" and this thought does have some credibility bc:
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I MEAN??? LOL I MIGHT BE WRONG BUT I ALSO MIGHT BE RIGHT?? I think two chthonic gods in a trench coat are not too far-fetched for Hades' standards
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(Will she be a boss? Will Chronos be a boss? WILL CHRONOS STOP TIME JUST AS HADES GOT INVISIBLE?)
AND YOU CAN PET THE FROG, THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT (its name might be Frino, because it was the name of the file when I got it from Steam).
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And who do you think this red-caped dude is? My friend is betting her money on Odysseus and Jason.
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And I would like to finish this madness with the fact that since Chronos is fucking shit up and Hades is trapped inside a BDSM dungeon like this
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Zagreus is probably doing what he hates most in this whole wide world: the desk job LOL GET FUCKED ZAG
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The Golden Boy And His Bronze Girl
The Two Times Percy Nearly Caught Them, And The One Time He Did
I Am My Mother's Daughter
˚₊ · »-♡→ pt ii. I Am My Father's Son
Oh, That Golden Light - Its Blinding Me
So American (Grecian)
𐙚 hcs.
Jason Grace Boyfriend hcs
Jason Grace x Flirty! Reader hcs
Jason Grace x Mortal! Reader hcs
˚₊ · »-♡→ pt ii. Maybe In Another Universe!! hcs
Jason Grace Crush hcs
Jason Grace x Secret Relationship! Reader hcs
What Do You Say When I’m Not Around? hcs.
˚₊ · »-♡→ pt ii. Can't Have a Conversation If It's Not All About You! hcs
Jason Grace x Daughter of Aphrodite! Reader hcs
Jason Grace x Daughter of Dionysus! Reader hcs
Jason Grace x Daughter of Hecate! Reader hcs
Jason Grace x Daughter of Hades! Reader hcs
Jason Grace x Daughter of Athena! Reader hcs
Jason Grace x Daughter of Apollo! Reader hcs
Jason Grace x Daughter of Nyx! Reader hcs
Jason Grace x Daughter of Persephone! Reader hcs
𐙚 blurbs.
Jason Grace Make-Out Blurb
Black Cat! Jason Grace x Golden Retriever! Reader Blurb
Greek Tragedy; Jason Grace x Daughter of Poseidon! Reader Blurb
˚₊ · »-♡→ pt ii. Roman Tragedy; Jason Grace x Daughter of Poseidon! Reader Blurb
We Do Not Do To Bed Angry In This House; Jason Grace Argument Blurb
Lanterns, Guide Me Home; Jason Grace x Legacy of Ceres! Reader Blurb
Will You Be A Champion With Me?; Jason Grace x Daughter of Poseidon! Reader Blurb
Rain, Rain, Go Away, Don’t Come Back Another Day!; Jason Grace x Daughter of Poseidon! Reader Blurb
˚₊ · »-♡→ pt ii. The Calm After The Storm; Jason Grace x Daughter of Poseidon! Reader Blurb
April Showers Bring May Flowers; Jason Grace x Florist! Reader Blurb
The Purest Expression of Grief; Jason Grace x Greek! Reader Blurb
Take a Break, Catch a Nap, Have a Snack!; Jason Grace x Reader Blurb
Little Miss Grumpy And Little Mister Sunshine; Jason Grace x Reader Blurb
Achoo And A-Bless You! - Jason Grace x Daughter of Apollo! Reader Blurb
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muwapsturniolo · 16 days
✯𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠✯
IN WHICH…The son of Hades finally talks to his crush after months of longing
WARNINGS: no smut!!! just cute fluff! awkward/loner chris, also mentions of stalking.
triplets as sons of gods x goddess
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Chris had a problem.
Well, multiple problems actually but the main one was that he liked a girl.
He liked a girl, and he didn't know how to navigate those feelings.
Chris didn't show or talk about his feelings much. He tended to bottle them up, only spilling them on the pages of his trusted journal. However, that wasn't working this time around. Occasionally he would tell his best friend Matt, but the boy was either too drunk or high to listen fully or even comment on them, so he wasn't any help either.
He didn't know what to do. He's never had a crush before and he felt like he was going crazy. He so badly wanted to talk to her, but he was scared.
Scared of her and the possibilities that were yet to come.
What if she called him a freak? What if she laughs in his face? What if she didn't feel the same?
He couldn't fathom the idea of any of that happening.
So, with the pressure of having a crush and his two coping mechanisms not working, he took matters into his own hands.
He decided to stalk her.
You heard that right, stalking.
Although he would prefer to call it admiring from afar, Percy had slapped him against the head and told him it was stalking, so he's admitting to that.
Stalking the daughter of Hecate.
He knows it's weird and it's not helping better his reputation by any means, but he couldn't help it.
She was an enigma in his eyes, a force to be reckoned with. Which is why he resulted in literally hiding in the shadows and watching her.
It was easier this way, he wouldn't have to face confrontation, and he got to see her in her element. He got to see how she spent her time, her favorite activities, he got to know her.
His favorite thing to watch her do was cast spells in the woods. There was something about watching her hair fly into the air from the static, and her eyes glow that striking shade of violet that captivated him.
“I know you’re here.”
Y/n wasn’t stupid, if anything she was brilliant. She knew someone had been following her for about a month now, the air around her feeling and smelling different.
She just couldn’t figure out who it was, or why they were following her. She let them have their fun for a bit, but she couldn't concentrate hearing their heartbeat speed up every time she cast a spell.
“You can come out now, I don’t exactly like being stalked and bothered."
Chris stands in the shadows frozen, not knowing what to do. He had been caught and now she wants him to reveal himself. Before he could debate on running away, he was pushed forward, his body now becoming visible.
Y/n was shocked to see the son of Hades in front of her. She's noticed him around the camp, paying attention to him at the parties. Unknown to Chris, she started developing some type of feeling for him herself.
"Chris? Why are you watching me?"
He awkwardly looks around, rubbing the back of his neck and shoving one of his hands in the pocket of his hoodie.
"I-I wasn't watching you... I just- Just stalking?" Chris blushes in embarrassment and looks down, "Yeah...stalking."
Y/n couldn't help but find his awkwardness cute, enjoying the way his pale cheeks flushed red. "Hmm, well you could have just talked to me instead of watching me for months."
Chris says nothing, keeping his eyes on the ground and his mouth shut, afraid he will say something stupid.
"Well, are you going to go back to the shadows, or are you going to sit and talk to me?" Chris's heart skips a beat as he snaps his head up.
To say he was confused would be an understatement.
He didn't understand why she was being nice and offering him company when he was just caught stalking her.
"You want to talk to me?" Chris points to himself, double-checking her words.
"Who else would I be talking to? Unless you roped in some friends to stalk me."
He laughs awkwardly and mumbles a soft "No".
"Then come on, let's sit and get to know each other."
The two demigods, sit on an abandoned bench in the woods of the camp and converse. They talk for hours about any and everything, getting to know each other better.
Chris is shocked at how easy it is to talk to the girl. She was easygoing, constantly cracking jokes and laughing. Some of her words were sassy, but he knew she didn't maliciously mean them.
"Can I be honest?" Chris asks, turning his head to her. Y/n nods and turns her body towards his.
"I was really scared to talk to you...."
Y/n smiles in confusion, "scared? Why were you scared to talk to me?"
Chris laughs nervously and messes with the sleeves of his sweater, "I don't know you're just... Nerve-wracking?" Y/n scoffs at his words and points to herself, "Nerve-wracking? How?!"
"I don't know! like I know I shouldn't judge you based on your clothes and who your mom is, because I know what that feels like and it's hurtful sometimes, but you just give off this powerful energy and you're pretty and- You think I'm pretty?" Chris freaks out internally once it registers in his head, but he calms down seeing the hopeful look on Y/n's face.
He decided to finally confront his feelings towards the girl...Sort of.
"Yeah...I do. I-is that ok?"
Little did Chris know, Y/n was screaming on the inside, giddy at the fact a boy she found attractive also found her attractive.
"More than ok....I find you cute too." Her words are soft, showing her nervousness.
The two teens look away from each other, smiling to themselves.
Feeling bold herself, Y/n inches her hand towards Chris's, slowly taking his in hers.
Chris looks down at their intertwined hands, a warm feeling spreading through his body.
His eyes meet Y/n's and the two just smile in contentment.
They were a flame in the making.
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@bernardsgf @bernardsleftbootycheek @blahbel668 @mattfrfr @gdsvhtwa @sturniolo-aali @lily-loves-struniolos @kynda-avery @causeidontlikeagoldrush
@st7rnioioss @carolinalikesthings @mattslolita @suyqa @xxloveralways14 @pepsiimaxx @judespoision
@ivonchetooo1239 @imaslut4kehlani @that-general-simp @m4stermindd @itzdarling @gigisworldsstuff @adoreindie @braindead4l @pettydollie @chrissgirlsstuff @alexis007 @ratatioulle @yamamasjumpercables @sturnioloslurps @kqyslyho3 @j3tblackt3ars @ilovestarz @lustfulslxt @soimightlikeoldmen69 @tastesousweet @slut4sebastiansallow @whicked-hazlatwhore @stasiesturn @loljackwasfat @nicksmainbitch @ninacutebee16 @mayhem-72 @sturniolosmind @breeloveschris @mattslolita @mattsivy @guccifrog @hysteria-things @mrssturnioloo @koris_009 @patscorner @mayhem-72 @worldlxvlys @nickuniversity @luverboychris @thenickgirl @riasturns @imwetforyourmom @junnniiieee07 @realuvrrr @milasturniolo @fwskullz @hearts4tatemcrae @mattandchrismakemewett @chrissystur @canthelpit0 @strnilo @demistyles @junovrsmp4 @heartsforchrisandmatt @maryx2xx @vecnasnose0 @freshsturns @xxsturnxx @pettydollie @crimsoncorpse @sturnssmuts @sturniolovoid @m0r94n @freshsturns @adoreindie @sturnstvr
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Percy Jackson/Heroes Of Olympus OCs
Camp Half Blood Affiliated
Cabin 1: Zeus
Asteria @alphaeclipce
Cabin 3: Poseidon
Elizabeth @that-random-poseidon-child
Anjali Eliza Mastroti @poseidons-favourite-daughter
Cabin 5: Ares
Aster Valentina Remington @agressive-reject
Cabin 6: Athena
David (RP and casual acct) @halojones06
Ari @aripxllo
Cabin 7: Apollo
List has been moved to it's own post
Cabin 10: Aphrodite
List has been moved to it's own post
Cabin 11: Hermes
Lucy Castellan @the-better-castellan
Estra Ava @estraava
Fin "Fish" Jesse Hawthorn @fin-the-child-of-hermes
Cabin 12: Dionysus
List has been moved to it's own post
Cabin 13: Hades
List has been moved to it's own post
Cabin 15: Hypnos
Bee (Beatrice if you want to sleep forever) @thathypnoskid
Laura Bahr @zzz-laura
Cabin 16: Nemesis
Ace @acezinspace
Cabin 17: Nike
Sylvester @sylvie-hates-losing
Cabin 20: Hecate
Ray/Esmaray Amaris La Morte @local-child-of-hecate
Vienna Channing @the-song-of-the-moon
Other/Unaffiliated/Modular Cabins
Pallu Jackson, Child of Psyche @sike--no--psyche
Pearl Roy, Daughter of Amphirite @pearl-ofthe-ocean
Croia, Daughter of Eros @croia-daughter-of-eros
Alaia Delgado, Daughter of the muse Thalia @alaiad-hehe
Jack Hearth, Champion of Hestia @mortal-champion-of-hestia
Keres and Ajal Scarlett, Twin children of Thanatos @ur-local-twins-of-death
Cassandra Clemens, Daughter of Momus @cass-daughter-o-momus
Multi-Character Accounts
Camp Jupiter Affiliated
Kiara @kiakitty
Emerson Newman (And Riley the golden doodle) @that-stupid-child-of-neptune
Darya Sophia Mastroti, Daughter of Neptune @daughter-of-the-storm
Minor God OCs
Asaki @asaki-daughter-of-emo-gods
Macedon, god of bloodlust and heartbreak @glee-of-ares-wrath-of-aphrodite
Casual RP Accts (people who post ooc and do some RP interactions)
PJO/HOO Masterpost
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dilanmoodboards · 4 days
Wrestlers as Children of Greek Gods (6/?)
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The Judgement Day
Rhea Ripley as daughter of Hecate, goddess of crossroads, magic, moon, graves and ghosts
Damian Priest as son of Hades, god of the dead and the Underworld
Finn Bálor as son of Thanatos, personification of death
“Dirty” Dominik Mysterio as son of Nemesis, goddess of retribution, balance and revenge
JD McDonagh as son of Hypnos, personification of sleep
I know Thanatos doesn’t have kids in PJO but if Hypnos can have a cabin and have kids I don’t see why Thanatos wouldn’t. Also tried to make all of Judgement Day children of chthonic gods
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thals-gr27 · 4 months
This is literally just for fun, but I wanted to try and assign some of the companions to different PJO cabins.
This is obvously just goofy and an opinion, but if people wanna discuss that'd be fun!
Lae'zel: Ares, though I could see an argument for Nike maybe.
Shadowheart: If it were possible, I'd say Artemis because of the Selune stuff. Maybe Hecate, as far as night and the moon, plus her default domain being Trickery? Though Trickery could also apply to Hermes. Not sure for her.
Astarion: My first thought is Hermes because of Thieves, Hades because of holding a grudge. But at the same time, my brain can't help but think of the extra angst if he was a son of Apollo.
Gale: Athena is the most obvious choice, but honeslty Hecate was the first one that came to mind, as far as magic. Though that might be more of a cabin for Sorcerers instead of Wizards.
Wyll: I think he'd be a son of Poseidon, as far as how loyal he is to his friends, his family, to Baldur's Gate. I could honestly see an argument for Aphrodite though, considering his early flirting with Lae'zel and Shadowheart, plus his devotion to having a classic, fairytale love story.
Karlach: Ironically, I'd say she's a daughter of Poseidon, because she's just so damn loyal and selfless. I could definitely see Ares though, maybe Dionysus.
Halsin: Demeter. Easily, Demeter. Maybe Dionysus, considering "enjoying the freedom of Nature's gifts." But Demeter.
Minthara: Nemesis. Again, easy. Maybe Ares. But Oath of Vengeance? Nemesis.
Jaheira: I might say Demeter again, but I could honestly see Athena. Maybe Ares or Hermes.
Minsc: Ares, maybe Poseidon because he's so loyal.
I was tempted to do some of the side characters, but I think this post is long enough already lol
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pineapple-psychic · 5 months
i made a pjo/psych crossover
thanks to @autism-criminal for enabling me
Shawn Spencer, son of Hecate
henry and hecate hooked up once; thinking maddie finds out and its part of the reason for the divorce
this means shawn has real psychic powers!! yay!!
because hes a child of a titan, not a god, less monsters came after him so he was doing good until 18, when he ran away
him and gus looked out for each other :] bc of course henry cant see the monsters (and didnt know abt camp halfblood)
Burton 'Gus' Guster, son of Apollo
because pharmaceuticals and the god of medicine
absolutely HATES snakes. worse than dead bodies
i think itd be really funny to give him both the natural healing and the plagues powers because that would give him such a crisis
gus tries to go to college, but without the additional protection its more dangerous so he doesnt finish before asking shawn for help
shawn tells him abt this camp he found and whoo! shawngus in new york! (ik santa barbara is The City on Psych but listen theyre in pjo now)
Carlton Lassiter, son of Ares
this is mostly because of his obsession with guns, landmines, and the civil war
basically the only ares kid who gets along with athena kids. probably wishes he was one
and of course he HATES magic because it doesnt make sense so bam instant rivalry with shawn
part of the reason he doesnt get along with his mother is because of being lied to about his parentage, cause his stepdad is a dick and he wouldve been glad to know they werent related
Juliet O'Hara, daughter of Athena
pissed off at her parentage. she loves athena but she hates knowing that shes related to frank and not her mom
gets along great w lassie cause he may be an ares kid but hes not incredibly stupid like most of them
hates spiders of course
she joined the camp rather early in her life, because frank knew about the camp and she wanted to get away from him. ironic huh
Chief Karen Vick, child of Athena
they left the camp when they could to become a police officer up to chief, then returned to help Chiron out as a co-camp director because Mr. D does absolutely nothing
this way them and juliet are half siblings :D
Woodrow Strode, unknown
kinda just showed up one day
no one knows if hes a demigod or like a sighted mortal but he is just there
lives in the woods
hangs around the hades cabin a lot because death. also the Vibes
Busby 'Buzz' McNab, son of Demeter
can you imagine him tending to the gardens?? all 6'7 of him??? yes
also because buzz. bees. plants. demeter
i have basically no notes on him sorry
anyway im so wise. take my word as law (joking. do not do that)
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totalswagisland · 25 days
hi I heard you have a td pjo au. please tell me everything
hello!! it is a very unformed idea marinating in the cringe crevices of my fail brain and it will need a lot of work before i actually do anything with it BUT so far i have some ideas for like, godly parentage and such
(putting them under a readmore cause this gets kind of long)
geoff would be a son of dionysus for reasons i hope are obvious
noah and maybe courtney would be children of athena and they'd be feuding constantly. power struggles every other day in that cabin
justin would definitely be an aphrodite child (maybe heather would be too but idk. still ironing that out and such)
im not into roti but i think b would be a hephaestus kid
eva definitely ares daughter. i have a possible story or comic idea floating around my brain of her noah and izzy being sent on a quest together because i love them as a trio
trent MAYBE apollo son. but i think it'd be funny if in universe everyone was like oh shit are you.. Are you poseidons kid??? and he's like no? what gave you that idea? staring at them with his horrible green eyes
i might not give chris and chef roles just because i do like chiron and mr d and it'd feel wrong to cut them out. but zeus mclean is a really fucking funny idea
gwen and duncan MIGHT be children of zeus just because they'd both hate it so much. they'd be like wait so our dad is fucking ZEUS? not even a cool god like hades or hecate? this blows. also i have an acute mental image of gwen getting attacked by a peacock at the zoo i need to draw
bridgette might be daughter of iris. hippie dippie ladies
izzy just. i have no idea. maybe she just messes with people by saying she's descended from maenads or something idk
harold maybe a son of hermes cause of the whole jack of all trades thing. but once again this is probably gonna change once i reread books and get stuff settled and all that
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dovrt · 2 months
James Potter son of Apollo smth smth prophecy looming over him that no one really tells him about. Its either about him or his bloodline
Dumbledore and McGonagall, camp directors, who know about the prophecy and about the other gods but never really tell anyone.
Peter Pettigrew, satyr protector to James and Marlene who brought them to camp.
Marlene Mckinnon, daughter of Hermes
Mary Mcdonald, daughter of Aphrodite
Lily Evans, daughter of Hecate
Remus Lupin, son of Athena, had been targeted by Lycaon the werewolf king, the og werewolf if you will.
One day, Sirius just shows up at camp, changing everything James thought he knew about himself and the gods.
He's passed out at the entry of the camp when Remus finds him and brings him to Dumbledore and McGonagall. Remus can't help but groan in disgust as he startles awake "you drool when you sleep" he tells him.
Turns out, Sirius has amnesia and the only thing he can remember is his name. Just his first name.
He can remember other stuff as well, like the names of the gods and monsters, except he knows them all in Roman and even though he's a bit rough around the edges and flinches a lot and acts tough, James decides to stick with him.
They go on a quest, yada yada yada, Sirius feels like he should remember someone important but he just can't put his finger on it.
Soon the four- James, Sirius, Remus and Peter become fast friends, and Sirius seems to have no issue with forgetting his "past life" since he has a feeling this one is much better.
Everything is going fine, Sirius like Remus, Remus likes Sirius, though neither of them will ever admit it, James is loud and proud about his crush on Lily.
Until one day when they run into someone else on a quest. They heard from Peter about a group of demigods, only to discover they aren't some helpless eleven year olds but rather fully trained vicious, broody, sarcastic annoying demigods. James doesn't remember seeing them at camp, but they all have weapons and they keep talking about their home. There's three of them, Regulus Black, son of Hades, Dorcas Meadows, daughter of Nike and Barty Crouch Jr, son of Nemesis.
Sirius falls off a cliff lol so James, Remus, Peter, Regulus and Lily go on a quest to get him back. EXCEPT THEY DON'T KNOW SIRIUS AND REGULUS ARE RELATED. James never says the name of his friend who fell off the cliff, he just calls him "Padfoot" or the occasional "Pads" and Regulus doesn't really talk at all about his family or even where he's from.
Smth smth cute about Dorcas being SUPER competitive with Marlene in everything at camp, smth smth, Barty meeting Evan Rosier at camp haha
anyway, Black Brother reunion!! does not go well, smth smth both camps realise about each other!!
Have to band together to defeat an enemy.
Since James and the others cant go to their camp, Regulus, Dorcas and Barty decide to stay to vanquish the threat of the Dark Lord only to discover that some of their own camp members are on the bad side (Luke Castellan's side)
smth smth, battle!! Regulus and Barty join the bad side while Dorcas stays.
Regulus discovers the weaknesses of the Dark Lord and dies while trying to destroy it.
Sirius and James who had been dating Regulus in secret, are both devastated. smth smth!!
final battle!! By this time, James and Lily have been dating, they're like young tho, and James has conflicting feelings about the battle cause he keeps imagining Regulus to be one of the enemy but he's yk dead.
Blahblah blah, Peter betrays them, James and Lily die, but they have a son who will go on to permanently destroy the threat forever and ever, the end everyone you love is dead!
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Okay,since I’ve just randomly randomly just reblogging Thanatos things,I decided to actually post things,more specifically an LO rewrite because f it.
At its core I do think LO is a good story,just that bad writing has squandered any potential it has to be good,so please have my take on this.(more specifically my take on Persephone,hades,and Thanatos because I have to stay on brand)
(The sequel)
She’s older.shes physically in her late 20’s/early 30’s and about seven to eight centuries older.
Her AoW only extended to those ransacking the garden.(I swear,it would have been so much more understandable to root for her if it only extended to 4-5 people instead of an ENTIRE CITY,since we know other gods have done much worse)
Her work in the underworld was mandated by Zeus as community service for the AoW.
This is more or less Zeus hitting two birds with one stone,he gets perse to make community service and maybe(hopefully) gets hades to open up to the smucks outside of the underworld because he now has an employee not from there.
Due to her guilt about the AoW,she decides that while she’s working in the underworld she’ll set out to be the best her she can be and make up for the souls she took.
At first nobody really likes her and they just think she’s someone who needed to be dragged here by Zeus and won’t amount to anything,but she ends up being the hardest working of the staff and getting a fairly infamous “employee of the month” streak,her only real fumble being Sisyphus(of which she rightfully corrected totally not being getting Hermes to drag his ass down back to the underworld and give his his infamous punishment,of which instantly gave her back any respect she lost.
She’s the type of person you think you can disrespect until she gets genuinely mad at someone,in which case everyone goes out of their way to be nice to her even though it takes a lot to get her mad.
Demeter never sheltered her,just that she heard from her mother and brother(oh yeah Plutus is in this au their twins) about the shit that happened up their(even saw it for herself a few times)and decided to nope out of that drama.
She likes the underworld a more than Olympus due to the fact people don’t get butthurt nearly as much,due to them needing to deal with crap from other gods and sometimes mortals(like Sisyphus)
Demeter was an amazing mama and nobody can convince me otherwise.
Plutus told her about the underworld so she does know a bit,but otherwise it’s a cultural shock.
She brings homemade baklava in every day of work.
She actually sent a letter to Demeter telling her about the community service…however she never got it thanks to a certain daughter of Nyx always dead set on causing discord.
It took him two solid seconds to realize what Zeus’ plan was with Persephone so he initially looked for any reason to fire her,until he learned she was here for community service and just decided to wait out her punishment(jokes on him Zeus forgot to tell perse what her sentence was so she worked in the underworld for like a year until demeter found her when in reality she was supposed to be there for like two months)
He does eventually soften up to her(obviously) but it takes a while and a lot of baklava.
Honest to god I have no idea how to incorporate minthe in this au
Leuce is his dead wife,she died fairly recently so he’s still hesitant to connect with anyone.(“I miss my wife,Thanatos,I miss her a lot I’ll be back-“)
Recently he’s been coping via sinking into his work,Hecate and the others have taken notice but they don’t really know what to do.(their the ones that CAUSE death not deal with it)
He slowly started distancing himself from the rest of his family after the titanomachy and even more so after leuce died.
The only person he acts openly soft around is Thanatos,who he views as a son.
The only part of his extended family he interacts with is Hermes,who he actually has a really good relationship with(albeit still strained since leuce)
Fuck it.everyone has flowers symbolism.
Hades is white lilies(subject to change),perse is asphodels,thanatos(and Hypnos) is poppies,leuce is forget-me-nots,Demeter is daylilies,Plutus is orchids,Hecate is nightshades or cow parsley.
He genuinely finds it hard to focus on doing his job,so people just call him lazy,so he doesn’t really try to set the bar high in return because he knows he’ll just end up disappointing everyone.
The only person who doesn’t have low expectations and wants him to try his best at his own rate is hades,who understands he finds it hard to focus but still wants him to try his best anyways.
Rotates between living with hades and Nyx(who is an extremely doting mother.
Hypnos still resides within the hr department and Thanatos helps him hide because the last thing he needs is a grumpy Hypnos.
He deals with peaceful deaths while Hermes and the keres deal with the rest.
He’s the type of person to tell himself one moment he’s gonna be really productive today and then spend the next fifteen minutes chatting away with a butterfly.
Also he can talk to butterflies.but nobody believes him except Hermes,perse,and Nyx.
The moment he finds out what Eris did she gets the “WHY WOULD YOU THINK THIS IS A GOOD IDEA?!?!!?” Of her life.then queue Thanatos and the other Nyx children present trying to get her to explain why she thought this was a good idea and her just saying “bc it’s funny”
Erebus = dad with no physical body who still interact with me via shadows.hades = dad with physical body who I want to impress but I don’t know how.
(If you didn’t catch on he has adhd)
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muwapsturniolo · 23 days
hi... it's me again... can we have a fic abt hades son!chris x hecate daughter!reader 💔
Yes! Idk when it will be out but give me some time to get it figured out!
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t1oui · 20 days
i've been on a pjo kick lately so i decided to plan out a character swap au purely for fun.
in this part, i'll be listing marauders era characters & my opinions on their godly parentage and planning out some of what a pjo au with them would look like. in part 2, i'll take characters from the pjo universe (specifically pjo/toa/hoo) and list my opinions on their hogwarts houses + some other stuff about them in the wizarding world. enjoy !!
peaceful au
this is the section where i do whatever i want with characters, none of them are involved in any prophecies or anything - this is an au with no wars where everything is completely made up. down further will be the section for a canon-compliant au where the big prophecies are fulfilled and people meet how they do in canon :)
characters (orange = greek, purple = roman, ✩ = year-round camper, ♔ = head counselor, ☽ = praetor, ✦ = big 3 kid):
james potter: son of aphrodite ♔
sirius black: son of zeus ♔✦
remus lupin: son of minerva
peter pettigrew: son of hecate
lily evans: daughter of demeter ✩♔
mary macdonald: daughter of venus
marlene mckinnon: daughter of ares
regulus black: son of jupiter ☽✦
barty crouch jr: son of minerva
pandora rosier: daughter of iris ✩
evan rosier: child of iris ✩
dorcas meadowes: daughter of victoria
frank longbottom: son of posidon ✩♔✦
alice fortescue: daughter of apollo* ☽
narcissa black: daughter of pluto ✦
severus snape: son of athena ✩
xenophilius lovegood: son of hebe
emmeline vance: daughter of hades ✩♔✦
andromeda black: daughter of iris ✩♔
ted tonks: son of apollo* ♔
*apollo is the name for the greek and roman god of music, archery, medicine, the sun, and oracles
relationships (siblings):
james and mary (half siblings) - children of aphrodite/venus
sirius and regulus (full brothers, thalia and jason situation) - children of zeus/jupiter
remus, barty, and severus (half brothers) children of athena/minerva
pandora and evan (full siblings, twins) - children of iris
emmeline and narcissa (half sisters) - children of hades/pluto
ted and alice (half siblings) - children of apollo
andromeda & pandora and evan (half-siblings) - children of iris
note: andromeda and narcissa are cousins in this
relationships (platonic):
james, sirius, peter, and marlene become friends right away and immediately start causing some mischief
marlene becomes friends with lily and introduces her to james, sirius, and peter
frank is the older head counselor of the posidon cabin (also the posidon cabin's only resident) and everybody has a crush on him (except for marlene, a lesbian, and peter, who's aromantic)
severus is "the quiet kid from athena cabin" but lily's good friends with him
sirius and james don't like him at first because he and sirius just clash (they both want to be the smartest of every room they're in and refuse to agree on anything) and james thinks he's being impolite to lily when he doesn't always respond to her, but he eventually understands that sev's just quiet and the two of them hash it out
pandora and evan are the weird iris kids. that's just who they are.
andromeda is the head counselor of the iris cabin. pretty much everybody knows her. she's been on a ton of quests and rumor has it she fought a harpy once.
andromeda and ted are like the parents of the camp, ted is also the head healer of the infirmary
emmeline is best friends with xeno, she sort of adopted him when she arrived at camp because he seemed lonely and she needed a tour guide.
meanwhile at camp jupiter...
remus and mary have been there since forever but they don't really get along with each other
remus is friends with regulus and barty (he finds barty annoying) and mary is friends with dorcas
narcissa and alice are older, narcissa is very broody and mysterious but everyone sees right through it. alice has a big fat crush on her.
after xeno gets with pandora, emmeline starts hanging around snape so she can give xeno some alone time with his girlfriend. like with xeno, it works because sev prefers to listen and emmeline really likes to talk.
relationships (romantic):
james/lily (past) - james and lily dated when they were younger, probably like 13, but decided to stay friends at the end of the summer. lily realizes she's lesbian soon after
sirius/marlene (past) - they also date for about two seconds before sirius realizes he doesn't see marlene like that and marlene realizes she is definitely not into guys
alice/frank (past) - they kiss once and then alice complains to frank about narcissa not liking her back and he does some super sleuthing to prove that narcissa is, in fact, gay for her
pandora/xeno (endgame) - pandora and xenophilius start dating when they're 15, they usually go out stargazing to avoid evan following them around and third-wheeling
sirius/remus (endgame) - remus starts crushing on sirius almost immediately after he first meets him when the camps are introduced to each other. they start dating like 3 months later and remus complains about his crush to reg and barty the whole time.
james/regulus (endgame) - they don't get along at first because regulus doesn't get along with anybody at first but since regulus is praetor, he speaks with "representatives" of chb like james, a head counselor, and they start to get along better and then start dating.
lily/mary (endgame) - these two are flirting with each other right away. eventually james and dorcas are basically screaming "just get together already!" so they go on a date. they're def the first cross-camp couple to get together.
dorcas/marlene (endgame) - lily and remus notice dorcas and marlene giving each other ✨looks✨ and team up to do something about it. this is how they become friends.
barty/evan (endgame) - these two take so freaking long to date. barty is enamored with evan immediately but sirius nor james really know him that well so he doesn't really have anyone to get him close to evan. then pandora notices and she's been trying to set her twin up for ages so she sets them up. evan is a little pissed that she put him on a blind date at first but he and barty hit it off.
andromeda/ted (endgame) - they're the parents of camp half-blood, they've been together for ages. that's it, that's the story. (they got together when they were 13, they're very cute, they would just bring each other flowers and eat in the infirmary together when ted had busy nights. andromeda scoffed at others for getting together so young but insists she and ted are different. they are.)
alice/narcissa (endgame) - alice has liked narcissa their whole time knowing each other and has been trying to be her friend since they first met. alice and frank kiss, which makes narcisaa jealous, and then narcissa and frank become friends when he consistently hunts her down to talk about alice. he convinces narcissa that he and alice don't like each other like that and the girls FINALLY get their shit together.
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canon-compliant au
details are a lil messed up with parents being switched around and all, but here's who would be who in the different quests/prophecies. things will be similar to pjo universe events but changed some to fit the story because well... this is a riordianverse au.
these details also don't really line up with the stuff above b/c that is all structured around a more peaceful riordianverse ! down below is canon compliant stuff, as i said above. enjoy!
series 1: pjo (battle against titans)
people who the prophecy could be talking about (big 3 kids): frank, sirius, emmeline, regulus, or narcissa (tho reg and narcissa are from camp jupiter, so they're pretty much out for this one)
who ends up fulfilling the prophecy: frank, peter, and marlene -> explanation: frank is a child of the big 3 who manages to reach 16. when they're young and marlene first arrives at camp, peter gives her her first weapon - a bracelet that turns into a knife - as a welcome gift. when he betrays her by joining the titans, it curses her weapon and it's the same weapon frank gives him in order to kill kronos. rip peter 😔
frank is offered immortality but chooses to make the gods pay child support instead, what an icon
series 2: hoo (battle against gaea and the giants)
camp swap: sirius, the head counselor of chb's zeus cabin, is wiped of his memory and finds camp jupiter. mary is wiped of her memory and put on a bus with james and emmeline, who she's supposedly dating.
the seven: sirius, mary, james, emmeline, pandora, dorcas, and remus
the lost hero trio: mary, james, and emmeline
book 2 trio (wouldn't be called son of neptune because there... isn't one): sirius, dorcas, and remus
travel duo (people moving athena statue during book 5): narcissa and evan
mark of athena quest: remus (son of minerva, athena's roman form)
sirius and remus fall into tartarus (that's one way to start a relationship ig)
abilities (that cross over with hoo characters): -> sirius can fly (son of jupiter) -> mary has charmspeak (daughter of venus) -> emmeline can control gems & is basically sponsored by hecate, who teaches her to use the mist (daughter of hades)
series 3: toa (battle against nero and python)
main dude is still apollo ofc, but this time his master is lily, who's a teenager during the series (not a tween like meg)
the kids of apollo in the story are ted and alice, but ted will show up more because apollo & lily spend more time at chb
lester thinks he's destined to be w/ narcissa... she makes fun of him
the sun and the star (solangelo book)
i wanted so badly to make this jegulus but that makes 0 sense so it's nobleflower (narcissa is a daughter of pluto, alice is a daughter of apollo)
not much to say here either, tbh, but yeah. they go to tartarus and they're gay together.
this was so fun to make. i doubt i'll ever write it (which means others are totally welcome to, as long as they credit this post for the idea and inform me first! i'd also love to help others write it) but this was very fun to think about. i'm planning to make a part 2 with riordianverse (pjo/toa/hoo) characters at hogwarts so stay tuned for that. thanks for reading!
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nyxvamps · 11 months
My Lady Nyx
This is a more of an animated vision of who Lady Nyx is. I see her as having the same vibes as Morticia Addams. Very regal and elegant and sophisticated but completely unhinged. and her kid inherited this.
She'll invite them over for tea and the blend would have dried blood in it. The most prized stag blood for her children and something a little more...outsourced for herself.
When they meet for dinners, it's always an affair. Especially if guests are invited. They dress to the T's. A dark academic, vampiric dream of flowy blouses, pressed slacks, leather boots, expensive looking cloaks, glittering jewelry. Looking like a pintrest board. Once dinner is over and the guests have left they go outside to the back garden and the children dance in the moonlight to The Cure and The Cramps and Judas Priest and give offerings to Cousin Artemis for providing the mood lighting for the evening while their mother watches with a fond smile, tapping her long sharp nails on the arm of her chair to the beat.
Lady Nyx refers to her individual children as "my daughter" "my son" "my child" and when they are all together, "my dears" "my loves" "my little bats".
Her children will refer to her as "Lady Nyx" or "Lady Night" as an initial greeting around company but then will refer to her as "Lady Mother" or "Mother Night" for the rest of the meeting. When alone, they will just call her Mother.
Her palace in the underworld feels as though it is never ending. With high elaborate archways, spiraling marble/obsidian staircases, large balconies and terraces, big glass windows, hidden rooms, a giant library. A throne room, two dining rooms (one for personal use and one for guests), a family room, a garden big enough to have a hedge maze. the list goes on.
The garden is full of plants and vegetation that requires little to no natural light and they tend to be monstrous. They might have teeth or make growling noises. There are a few that purr if you pet their petals or roots. There is one tree in the middle of the maze that thrives off of sacrificial offerings and because of this, it has blood red leaves and a slight metallic smell. It also grows the most delicious fruit you will ever taste, but unless you are of the underworld, maybe don't eat them.
All of the children receive a crown when they are born that will shift and change based on the wearers taste. They are only made with the purest of metals and finest cut gems and jewels from Lord Hades himself.
Since her children are of the underworld, they tend to have an affinity for witchcraft because of their closeness to Lady Hecate. Because of this, they will usually hold ritual during the solstices, beltane, full moons, etc in honor of their Mother. To thank the universe and the realm for bringing the gods to this plane and for allowing their Mother to have and keep the powers she has. And for allowing those powers to pass on to their children.
They have wings that can be retracted into the back unnoticeable because magic. Usually either leather, batlike wings or feathery, birdlike wings.
While at CHB, her children are regularly found wondering the woods at night uninterrupted because the harpies do not want to deal with the vibes they give off. When they are found, they smile serenely and say they were talking to Mother or just taking a stroll. But their eyes are a little wider and reflective than normal and their smile just a bit sharper. literally, they have fangs.
They casually walk around camp with fancy black umbrellas to protect them from the sun and are known to stay near the shadows or to bring the shadows to them. with clunky dollar store sunglasses and baggy dark sweatshirts on top of their platform boots with real silver studs they are usually something to look at.
You get the vibe. Thx for reading.
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