#a bug! With a gun!
iizuumi · 5 months
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whoever decided to give astarion a gun ily
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aduckwithears · 3 months
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Haven't you fired a gun before?
Not as such...
Good Omens S2/Ep4
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czcreation · 8 months
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Insane bug wife
Ragatha pov in the more
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shinobicyrus · 2 years
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When your entire species is so hyper-engineered to be supergeniuses you have to outsource your “so stupid it just might work” plans.
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vivwritesfics · 24 days
Wait will you eventually write about what happened when Maverick caught Jake and Bug?
Just really love Bug and her Hangman ❣️
Jake and Bug
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What could Bug do other than invite her father inside? "I'm just gonna get dressed," she said as Jake shut the door behind Maverick.
Maverick, who's daughter he had just been inside of. Maverick, who's daughter had just been calling Jake Daddy!
It was kind of scary how silent Maverick was as he walked towards the kitchen. Jake was lost, and a bit terrified. Maverick was loud when he was angry, not like this.
Jake took one step towards the bedroom.
"Don't you fucking dare."
Like a dog with it's tail tucked between it's legs, Jake followed Maverick to the kitchen. "Sit down," Maverick said as he pulled out a chair.
Jake sat.
Maverick didn't sit right away. It was the only time he was ever standing above Jake, taller than him. The way Jake wouldn't meet his eyes was, well, hilarious. But Maverick wasn't laughing.
Bug walked into the kitchen and froze. There was her... what was he? He wasn't exactly her boyfriend (not yet, anyway). But he was clearly terrified of her dad.
"Sit down," Maverick said again as he pulled out the seat opposite Jake. She didn't need to be told twice as she sat down, and Maverick stood at the head of the table. "I can't believe this," he said.
She looked at her hands folded in her lap, somewhat guilty as her dad berated her. She just sat there, taking it as her dad expressed his anger, disgust and disappointment.
And Jake? Well, he was getting angry. It would have been so much better if Maverick was shouting at him, he could have taken it. But Bug looked ready to cry.
Jake reached his hand across the table. "C'mere, Bug," he said, interrupting Maverick.
When she placed her hand in his, he squeezed and turned his attention to Maverick. "I get that she's your daughter, Mav, I really do," he said, jaw set. "But she's a grown woman. She can make her own choices and she chose to love me." He could feel her staring at him, but he didn't meet her gaze. "And I love her."
Maverick shook his head. "She's ten years younger than you, Hangman! She's..." She's my little girl.
Suddenly, Bug faced her father. "He's right, dad. I'm an adult, and it was my decision to... be with Jake." Maverick's head dropped at that. "I-I think you should go," she said to her father as she stood up.
Maverick didn't push back, didn't argue. He followed his daughter to the front door. What did he think? That she was going to beg for his forgiveness like when she was a little girl! Of course not. What Jake had said was right, she was a woman now.
"I'll speak too you soon," she said quietly as she pulled open the door. No 'goodbye', nothing. Maverick walked out of the apartment, and she shut the door in his face.
As soon as the door was shut, she was running through her apartment, back to Jake. He pushed his chair back and she crawled into his lap. "I'm sorry, Bug," he whispered against her hair. Soft Jake was a rarity, unless he was with her.
She blinked up him, looking so pretty in his lap. That was when Jake noticed she was still wearing one of his shirts. "Did you mean what you said? That you love me?"
There was a moment, one that had her heart racing, where Jake said nothing. It was awful. But then he nodded. "I wanted to take you on a proper date before I said anything, but yeah, Bug. I love you."
Throwing her arms around his neck, Bug planted a kiss on his lips. One that had Jake cradling the back of her head. "I love you too, Jakey." She kissed all over his face and down his neck. "Now, about that date..."
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bugcouncil · 8 months
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he has 433 coping mechanisms. none of them work
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acmeoop · 11 months
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The Meanest, Toughest, Rip-Roaringest, Edward Everett Horton-est Hombre What Ever Packed A Six-Shooter! “Hare Trigger” (1945)
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
I was making pizza in the kitchen when I saw a cockroach on the floor. When I tried to kill it it stood up on two legs and whipped out the tiniest assault rifle I’d ever seen.
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beyondthesefourwalls · 7 months
This Love Came Back to Me (13-Final)
Summary: You and Bradley hadn’t ended on bad terms; really, you stopped before the two of you could even truly begin. Still, in the last seven months, you had never completely left his mind. So when you suddenly appeared in front of him at the bar, asking for a favor and pulling him into a kiss, he thought maybe it was the perfect opportunity to see if this time, things could be different. But what neither of you realized was that there’s more going on than just rekindling a lost romance, and it might not be as easy as simply just wanting it. 
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x Reader (no use of y/n)
Warnings: second chance romance, language, smut and allusions of smut, stalking, breaking and entering, violence, attacks, blood, unhealthy obsessions, delusions of feelings, unwanted attention.
Part Thirteen Word Count: 6.1K
Part Twelve :: Series Masterlist
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Bradley had an incredible feeling that something was wrong.
He couldn’t really explain it, but there was a twisting in his stomach and his heart was steadily beating faster in his chest. He knew he was being paranoid and he tried to calm himself down, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off.
“Come on,” he muttered, tapping his hand against the steering wheel. Traffic was slow moving and he was so close to the turn he needed to make, but his rare impatience was shining through. He breathed an audible sigh of relief when he could finally take his foot off the brake. He sped up, driving faster than he normally would. But it seemed that the closer he got to your house, the more anxious he became. 
He thought it would go away when he finally pulled behind your car in the driveway that wouldn’t be yours for too much longer. But then he realized that you weren’t in it, hadn’t waited for him like he asked, and he cursed under his breath. He got out of the Bronco quickly. He had just slammed the door when he heard a scream come from inside. 
His blood ran cold, his heart stopped in his chest, and he ran.
“It’s so good to see you,” Paul breathed, smiling at you in what he probably thought looked reassuring. “You look so pretty today. I love when you wear blue. It’s my favorite color. How did you know?” 
The light blue sweater you were wearing was suddenly making you itch. Your bottom lip wobbled against your will as you stood there in front of him. Paul looked more disheveled than usual. He was in his normal work attire of khaki pants and a wrinkled plaid button down, his lanyard with his badge still draped around his neck. His red hair was mused like he had been running his fingers through it, and his thick glasses were sliding down his face, the eyes behind them wide and crazed, even as his words were spoken almost…gently. It was a horrifying juxtaposition. 
“I’ve missed you so much,” he continued, not waiting for you to answer his previous question. He took a step closer to you, and you backed up on instinct, your heart pounding in your chest. The fear that you had been desperately trying to hold at bay was creeping up your spine. Your lower back hit the edge of the counter and you whimpered when you realized you had allowed him to cage you in. The scent of his cologne was overpowering, like he had poured the entire bottle on himself. You wanted to gag. You needed to get away from him, but you couldn’t seem to move your feet. 
Oh, you should have waited for Bradley. Why hadn’t you listened to him? 
“Have you missed me?” 
You didn’t say anything, you couldn’t, not with this terror sitting in your throat. You could tell by the huff that he let out and the way his smile dipped that your silence was starting to make him angry. You had to swallow several times before you could force any words out, and even then, your voice was soft, nothing more than a whisper. 
“Paul…why are you doing this?”
The man in question cocked his head to the side, his brows drawing together in a frown. “Doing what?” he asked, sounding genuinely confused. 
“All of this,” you said, your voice shaking. 
“What do you mean? I’m doing it for you. For us.” 
You squeezed your eyes shut for a moment, tears slipping down your cheeks. “There is no us, Paul. I don’t want anything from you.” 
He huffed out a loud breath through his nose as his jaw ticked, and the hair on your arms stood up. You were frozen in place as he took another step closer to you, nearly flush with your own body now. His hand reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. You flinched away from his touch, and his blue eyes darkened as he shook his head. “You don’t mean that.” 
“I do,” you swore. 
“You’re confused,” he argued back.You could feel his hot breath on your face, and you wanted to scream. You couldn’t remember a time when you had been more scared than you were at that moment.
“I’m not.” 
“Yes you are,” he snapped, eyes flashing dangerously. Another tear slid down your cheek as your body trembled, and he leaned closer. "You know, I've been waiting for this moment for so long," he whispered, his lips brushing against your cheek. You recoiled from his touch. 
“Please, Paul. Just let me go.” You knew that you were trying to rationalize with someone who was probably too far gone to be reasoned with, but you had to try. At the very least you had to buy yourself a little bit of time. 
“I can’t do that,” he said, his voice growing more desperate. “I can’t let you leave me again. I won’t let you.”
You pressed your luck and shuffled just the slightest bit to the side to try and escape, but he grabbed your arms as soon as you shifted. You gasped at the intensity of his grip. God, why didn’t you listen to Bradley? You never should have gotten out of the damn car. This was all your fault. 
“Bradley’s on his way here,” you stammered, and you weren’t sure if you said it to see if it would give him enough pause to let you go, or just to reassure yourself. But Paul’s expression changed in an instant. Gone was the fake kindness he had been trying to maintain, replaced by an ugly sneer that made the fear that had been consuming you turn into panic. He looked completely unhinged, and you knew now, more than ever, you had to get away from him. You started to struggle against the hold he had on you, but his fingers pressed down harder and his nails dug into your skin.
“Everything changed as soon as he showed up,” he hissed, and you flinched when you felt his spit hit your face. He shook you, like he was trying to will you to hear him. “He took you from me.” 
You wanted to tell him that you were never his to be taken, but you didn’t think you could get the words out. You were trapped. Panic was clawing at you from the inside out, making it hard to think. Your heart was pounding so loudly in your chest that you could barely hear anything else, and it was starting to get hard for you to breathe through the panic. Tears streamed steadily down your cheeks, and your blurry eyes shifted quickly, searching for something, anything. You tried your best to inhale and unintentionally caught the off putting scent of the rotting and fresh flowers that were littered all over the counters at your back. 
Several vases of them. 
Before you could overthink it, or really even think of it at all, you jerked your leg up. Your knee connected with Paul’s groin and he let out a loud groan, stumbling back and doubling over. His grip loosened just the slightest bit and you wrenched your arms free of him. You turned quickly and grabbed the vase of freshly purchased flowers, identical to ones you had loved so much before. You swung it at him right as he was standing back up, and the glass connected with the side of his head with a satisfying shatter. He yelled out in pain and you took your opportunity.
You shot past him, trying desperately to go for the front door. You just had to get to the door. But you had only taken a few steps when your feet were kicked out from under you, sending you sprawling to the ground. Stars exploded in your vision when your head caught on the edge of the side table by the couch on the way down, and then bounced off the hardwood. Your eyes fought to adjust as you tried to get up, but a rough tug on your legs had you sliding across the floor. Your vision swam as you were flipped onto your back, and Paul was on top of you in an instant. 
You struggled under him, trying to push him off, but his weight pressing on you made it hard to move - hard to breathe. His eyes were wild and his breathing was ragged as he stared down at you. “I told you that you couldn’t leave,” he said, low and menacing. “Why did you do that?” 
“Get off of me!” you cried, trying to free yourself. Paul fought to grab onto your wrists as you flailed underneath him. 
Get away, get away, get away. 
“Stop it!” he yelled. You sucked in as much of a breath as possible with the weight on your chest and screamed as loudly as you could, desperate for someone to hear you. To help you. 
Paul’s eyes widened and he slapped his palm over your mouth so hard that it stung, pushing your head harder into the floor beneath you. “Shut up!” 
You bit down on the hand muffling your sound, and Paul hissed, yanking it away. You kept screaming as you managed to get one of your hands to his face. You scratched, feeling the skin break underneath your fingernails. You kept struggling beneath him even as one of his hands found its way to your neck and a loud bang echoed throughout the room, followed by a terrified shout of your name. 
Bradley had experienced fear in his life before, and anger even more than that. The emotions were all too familiar to him. Yet there was something different about the way they spread through his body like wildfire as he burst open your front door and saw you on the ground with the man who had been tormenting you on top of you, his hand around your throat. Your legs flailed as you tried to kick your way out from under him, and Bradley saw nothing but pure, hot, dark red. 
Your name tore from him as he lunged forward. He tackled Paul off of you, the force of his weight sending him sprawling to the side. The smaller man’s expression transitioned rapidly from shock to anger, but Bradley wiped it off just as quickly. 
He didn't even think about what he was doing, he just acted, his fist connecting with Paul's face once, and then again, and another time after that.  Each hit was fueled by the months of anger and frustration he had felt knowing what he was putting you through, of the nights he spent holding you after you woke up screaming, and each tear he had wiped away. 
The man underneath him did his best to swing back, catching Bradley once awkwardly on the jaw, but Bradley quickly overpowered him and his limbs fell weakly to the ground at his sides. He felt as Paul’s nose bent under his knuckles, blood flowing freely down his face. It was like something else had taken over his body. He couldn’t feel anything but the need to protect you. 
It wasn’t until his name on your lips broke through the ringing in his ears that he came back to himself at all. 
He looked over his shoulder to see you had pulled yourself up enough to lean against the couch. You were gasping for air as you sobbed, tears streaming down your face, and Bradley felt his heart break at the sight of you. He spared Paul one more glance. The man was still conscious, if only barely, staring up at him with bleary eyes, and Bradley leant over him with a sneer, pressing his forearm against his throat. He spoke low, so only he could hear. “Don’t fucking move.” 
He quickly moved off of him, crawling the few feet to where you were. You were shaking, your eyes wide and scared and trained on the worthless lump of a man sprawled out on the ground. Bradley knew he needed to get your focus on him, and he also desperately needed to touch you, to assure himself you were as okay as you could be. He moved slowly, trying not to startle you as he brought his hands up to cup your face. He guided you so that your eyes locked on his. He breathed out your name in a shaky exhale. 
“Bradley,” you croaked, and his heart broke a little more. 
“I’m right here,” he promised. His voice was hoarse, and he couldn’t help the tremble of his hands as he brushed away your tears. “I got you.” You let out another sob, and Bradley’s face softened. “Come here, baby.” 
You didn’t resist when he pulled you into his arms, curling against him and burying your face in his chest as you cried. Bradley held you tightly, shifting off of his knees to sit so his back was against the couch, and your back was to the man still bleeding by the coffee table. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, inhaling your scent as he did. He tried to focus on the feeling of you in his arms to calm his own racing heart. He ran his hand over your hair, and his eyebrows pulled together when he felt something wet and sticky. He pulled his hand away, seeing blood on his fingertips. His eyes widened as he pulled back from you just far enough to meet your eyes. They were still wide, and now he could see how they were slightly dazed, too. 
“Bug, baby are you hurt?” he asked, his voice urgent and laced with concern. He was already carefully touching your head again, searching for injury. His breath caught in his throat as he felt the bump on the side of your head. He gently pushed your hair aside, his eyes narrowing as he saw the gash that had opened up on your scalp. It was small, which is maybe why he hadn’t noticed it before. But it was there. 
“Fuck,” he muttered. He felt a rush of anger all over again, heating him from the inside out. He felt the urge to scramble across the room and finish what he had started, but your soft whimper as he touched around the wound kept him grounded. He knew that you needed him right now. He had to swallow the fury he was feeling and focus on you, but it was thick in his throat. 
Slowly, he let his hand drift down to your neck. The skin was still hot from the pressure Paul had put on it, but he pushed past that, focusing on the feel of your pulse thudding against his fingertips. He let his eyes close for just a moment and took a deep breath. 
He had to take care of you. 
He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, pulling away and cupping your face in his hands again. He brushed some of your tears away as they fell, slower than they were before. Your sobs had lessened, too, but your breathing was still shaky. He gave you a sad, tight smile, trying to push some sort of reassurance to you. “I need to call 911, sweetheart.” 
You squeezed your eyes shut and gripped the front of his shirt in your hands. He knew that you hated hearing that. Your head lolled slightly, and his heart thudded in his chest as a shot of panic went through him. Your name was on his lips before you nodded, opening your eyes and straightening up to look at him. They were still fluttering, fighting for focus, and he was fairly positive that you had a concussion. But you whispered a soft “okay”. Bradley pressed another kiss to your forehead and helped you stand just far enough to get off of the floor and onto the couch itself. He pulled you back into his arms as soon as he was beside you, tucking your face into his chest so you were facing the cushions. He wished he could get you out of here completely, but you weren’t the only one he had to keep an eye on right now. But he’d be damned if you had to look at the piece of shit across the room.
He ignored the sound of him groaning as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. He dialed the three numbers quickly, his voice calm and steady as he talked to the operator. He gave them your address, as well as the case number he had memorized from the police report you had filed. All the while he held you close, rubbing soothing circles into your back. Once he hung up, he risked a glance over at Paul. The man was still crumpled on the floor, holding his bent nose. But he didn’t try to move or to run, laying on his back and blinking up at the ceiling; Bradley wondered if maybe he finally realized how fucked he was. Or maybe if he had just hit him so hard that he was concussed, too. 
Still, he felt his anger ignite once again and his hands unconsciously clenched into fists. He wanted nothing more than to go over there and finish the job, to make sure that man never hurt you or anyone else ever again. But he knew that wasn't his place. Right now, his only place was here, holding you. You were the only thing that mattered. 
"I got you," he whispered into your hair, his voice soft. "I got you.”
You kept your eyes closed, face pressed into his chest, focusing on the sound of Bradley’s voice as he spoke with the 911 operator as opposed to the words he was speaking themselves. You didn’t want to think about what had just happened, about the feel of Paul’s hands on your arms and on your neck and the weight of his body on top of yours. You wanted to go back to the carefree happiness you had felt and forget this night ever existed. You just wanted to stay in Bradley’s arms and pretend that everything was going to be okay. You felt safe, protected from anything; nothing could hurt you. 
You just wanted to stay right here. 
"I love you," Bradley said softly, his lips brushing against your hair. You weren’t sure when he had gotten off the phone or if he had said anything else to you, but the words made you blink your eyes open slowly. 
You had to swallow a few times, your tongue heavy and your mouth dry. Your voice was hoarse when you were finally able to return the words in nothing more than a whisper that still felt too loud. "I love you too.” 
Your head was fuzzy and your arms were tingling, your fingers still weakly curled into the fabric of his shirt. You wondered if you were going into shock.
After what felt like an eternity, but simultaneously no time at all, you heard the sound of sirens outside. Bradley’s grip on you tightened, and you felt the exhale he let out against your forehead. His voice was gentle and comforting when he spoke. “We’re going to get this all taken care of, okay?” 
“Kay,” you whispered. 
He pulled away and cupped your face in his hands, and the calluses on his palms felt so good and familiar against your cheeks that you couldn’t help but lean into it. You blinked at him slowly when he asked you to look at him, and the worry that shone in his eyes made your heart clench. “I’m going to take care of you, Bug. I promise.” 
You knew he would, without a single doubt in your mind. 
It was all a bit of a blur after that. The cops arrived first, and you let Bradley do most of the talking. It was almost like you were separate from your body, or listening through a seashell, as he explained what he had walked in on and everything that had happened before this, too. You flinched when Paul’s voice broke through the fog in your head. You had almost forgotten he was even in the room, he had been so quiet, but now he was saying your name, the sight of the police officers having sparked something back in him. 
“Don’t do this, please. Just tell them this is all a misunderstanding. We-we belong together. Why don’t you know that?” 
He sounded weaker and less sure of himself than you had ever heard, but you didn’t want to hear him at all. You squeezed your eyes shut and buried your face in Bradley’s chest again, trying to block it all out. 
You were relieved when, almost immediately, your boyfriend was scooping you up into his arms and carrying you outside. You rested your head against his shoulder, breathing in the scent of his cologne as he whispered soft reassurances to you. “The paramedics need to look at you, baby. And I need to finish talking to the police. I’ll make it quick, I promise.” 
He set you down gently on the edge of the open ambulance. You gripped his t-shirt in your hands, drawing his eyes to you. You felt pitiful and small when you whispered, begging him not to go too far. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and promised he’d stay within sight. You felt a pang of separation anxiety as he let go of you. He only stepped a few feet away to where one of the officers from inside was now standing, notepad in hand. He was close enough where you were sure he could hear everything the paramedics were saying, too. 
They were all business, but their touch was gentle as they checked you over, asking you questions and assessing your injuries. You felt the tears prickling at the corners of your eyes again as the dull pain in your head where the gash was and the ache in your neck and your arms where Paul had grabbed you seemed to register. It was all too much, and you wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear.The flashing lights from the police cars cast an eerie glow over the street, and you felt a lump form in your throat. You kept your eye on Bradley the whole time. He stood tense with his arms crossed over his chest as he talked. He kept glancing at you, sending you reassuring smiles. But there was a pinch in his eyebrows, and - 
You cried out at a sudden pain on your scalp. Bradley was by your side before the paramedic had even finished muttering her apology. 
“Sorry about that, just cleaning it up.” 
You gripped Bradley’s hand as a tear slid down your cheek. He ran his thumb over the back of your hand and shushed you, his voice low and soothing. “Shh, it’s okay, I’m here.”
You focused on his touch and his voice as the paramedics finished with you. You vaguely heard the words concussion and antiseptic, and you forced out a thank you where you hoped was appropriate. The woman who had been helping sent you a warm, kind smile as she took her gloves off. She nodded in your direction and muttered about giving you a moment before she slipped away. 
You leaned into Bradley’s side when he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, grateful for the warmth and comfort he provided. You were exhausted, physically and emotionally, and you just wanted to close your eyes and rest. But the sound of someone clearing their throat made you open your eyes again. The officer who had been talking to Bradley was now standing in front of you, his expression serious. 
“Can’t this wait?” Bradley asked. You glanced up at him, noticing that line between his narrowed eyes again. Without even consciously thinking about it, you raised your hand, smoothing it out with your thumb. He looked down at you, his features softening. He smiled, but you knew it was half hearted at best. 
The officer’s lips thinned and he shook his head. “I’m afraid not. We need to take your statement, miss.” He looked at you expectedly, pen poised over the paper.
Bradley’s grip on you tightened. You leaned further into him, and it was like you were both trying to draw and give comfort to one another all at the same time. His fingers traced soothing patterns on your arm as you took a deep breath. 
Your voice was shaky, detached, as you described as much as you could muster. The man in uniform standing in front of you jotted down notes on his notepad and asked questions as you went, which you answered as best as you could. 
“And when your boyfriend showed up? What happened then?” 
Even through the haze in your mind, you saw how the older man’s eyes flicked over to him. You looked at Bradley, too, seeing the way his jaw clenched. He stayed silent beside you, but you could feel the tension in his body. You knew he was angry, thinking back on the interaction. You thought about how Paul’s grip on your neck and weight on your body had released so suddenly. You had scrambled away, and it had taken you a few gasping breaths to register that Bradley had him on the ground in much the same position you had been. You had watched, almost transfixed in a way, as he laid into him. 
But he stopped as soon as you said his name. You could only imagine how he had felt in that moment, seeing you like that. You knew how much anger and hatred he carried toward your old coworker, contrasted and heightened by the love he had for you. It was in Bradley’s nature to protect the ones that he cared about, and he had walked into something terrible. But he hadn’t hesitated to put his own anger and vengeance aside the moment you needed his comfort, instead. 
“He protected me,” you murmured quietly. You heard the breath of air that he let out at your words. 
The questions continued for a few minutes, until a commotion near your front door drew all of your attention. Your breath caught when you saw Paul being led out with his arms behind his back. For a terrifying moment, he met your eyes. A shiver ran down your spine as fear spiked in you all over again. And then he started yelling for you, struggling against the hold another of the cops had on him. 
You flinched back, squeezing your eyes shut. Bradley turned so he was shielding you completely and drew you into his chest in much the same way he had done inside. He went the extra step of covering your ears to drown out all the noise and kept them there until a slam of a car door cut off the voice screaming your name. The tears you had been desperate to hold back slipped down your cheeks, and your chest felt tight all over again. 
“Please,” Bradley pleaded softly, and you knew he wasn’t speaking to you. “She’s been through enough tonight. She’s given you more than enough - just let me get her out of here.” 
The officer must have agreed, because the next thing you knew, Bradley was buckling you into the Bronco. He pressed a kiss to the side of your head and murmured that he would be right back. You heard the click of the lock once he closed the door, and you let out a breath of relief at knowing no one could touch you now. You let your eyes fall close and your head rest against the cool glass of the window as you waited. 
He was gone for several minutes, and when he unlocked the car and climbed in himself, he set your bag down on the floor at your feet. 
The trip back to his apartment was silent, not even any music playing on the radio. Halfway there, you unbuckled your seatbelt and slid over on the bench seat to press yourself to his side. He didn’t say anything, just shifted to wrap his arm around you. You let your eyes close, and when you opened them again, you were parked in his normal spot. 
“Let’s get you inside, baby,” Bradley murmured, and you felt so drained, you could hardly even nod. You barely register him leading you inside, or how he knelt on the ground to take your shoes off, and then helped you sit on the couch. He brought you a glass of water that he helped you drink, and now, sitting here in the quiet of one of the places you felt the safest, that you felt the emotions hitting you all over. 
“I’m sorry,” Bradley said softly, running his thumb across your cheek. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there sooner.” 
You shook your head, feeling the weight of the day’s events pressing down on you. You didn’t know how to explain that it wasn’t his fault, that you were just grateful he had come at all. You just wanted to be held, to feel safe. He seemed to sense that, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close. 
You leaned into him, the tears streaming down your face as you buried your head into his chest. Every part of you ached, and you didn't know how to make it stop. You tried to take deep breaths to calm down, but the sobs kept coming. All the while, you clung tightly to Bradley’s body, his arms secure around you.
You don’t know how long you sat there, crying and clinging to one another on the couch, when the thought came to you. Mustering all the strength you could, you muttered the words into his soft shirt. “Is it over now?” 
“What, baby?” Bradley asked, and you sucked in as much air as you could, letting it out slowly. You pulled away just enough to look up into his dark eyes. 
“It’s over now, right? He can’t…he can’t hurt me anymore, right?” 
Bradley’s expression softened, and he ran his hand up and down your back. “No, he can’t hurt you anymore. You’re safe now. I promise.”
Six Months Later 
You woke up to Bradley’s lips on your skin. 
You were laying on your stomach, face pressed into the smooth material of your pillow. The sheet had pooled near your hips as you slept and you could feel the warmth of sunbeams through the thin curtains on the window contrasted with the cool air from the ceiling fan spinning above on your bare back. Bradley pressed kisses along your shoulder blades, featherlight touches that had you wondering if maybe you were still dreaming. But then you felt his fingers tracing up the indents of your spine and you knew this was real. You shivered in delight, a sleepy moan escaping into the pillow before you rolled over. 
“Morning, Bug,” he rasped, voice thick with sleep. You couldn’t help but shudder again at the sound of it. You opened your eyes to see Bradley propped on his side, head supported by one hand. With the other, he traced the outline of your collarbone. 
You smiled and reached up to brush your fingers through his hair. “Morning, handsome.” You leaned in for a kiss, relishing the feel of his warm lips on yours. “What time is it?”
“It’s still early. I couldn’t sleep, so thought I’d wake you up instead.” The next kiss was deeper, and you felt your body starting to respond to him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, and after a moment, he chuckled against your lips. 
“What’s so funny?” you asked, pulling back slightly to look at him. 
“Nothing.” he replied, brushing a strand of hair away from your face. “Just happy to finally wake up here with you.” 
You hummed in response and smiled, knowing exactly what he meant. 
It was almost hard to believe that just six months ago, you had been in the middle of a nightmare. It had been a whirlwind since then. You had started a new job that you absolutely loved and that you were thriving in. Paul had been arrested and charged with assault, stalking, and breaking and entering. You had been granted a restraining order against him, even though hopefully you wouldn’t need it for a while while he served out his sentence. 
Bradley had been there every step of the way. He never pushed, never pressured you into anything you weren't ready for. He just held you close, listened when you needed to talk, and loved you fiercely. 
You had decided pretty soon after the incident that you wanted a fresh start together, in a place completely on your own. You had found a cute little house that suited both of your needs. It was the exact same distance to work for both of you, had a spare bedroom and an office that you would utilize on your work from home days, and a small yard where maybe you could get the dog you had both been joking about for awhile. It wasn’t totally updated and would need some work, but it was perfect. You were in the middle of closing when Bradley had gotten deployment papers in the mail. He was scheduled to leave a week before you were planning on moving in, and would be gone for nine weeks. You had talked, briefly, about putting everything off. He knew that you were still working through a lot, and he hadn’t wanted to put the pressure of moving into a new house completely on you. 
But you had been tired of feeling weak and dependent. So you had smiled and kissed him and told him that it would be okay. You waved him off with tears in your eyes while you watched the carrier ship pull away, and then you went back to his apartment and finished packing boxes. You were determined to make the house you had purchased together into a home for him to return to, and that was exactly what you had done. He had looked around in wonder when you brought him home just yesterday. It was the first night you had spent together, and it had made all the stress worth it. 
“Hey,” Bradley said softly, brushing his thumb across your cheek. “What are you thinking about?” 
You smiled and snuggled closer to him, burying your face in his chest. “Just how lucky I am to have you,” you whispered. 
He chuckled and wrapped his arms around you tighter. “I’m the lucky one,” he said. “You’re the strongest person I know.” 
He leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a gentle, lingering kiss. He brushed his nose against yours when he pulled away, and for a long moment, you just laid there together, sharing the same breath. “I think we should take a trip,” he murmured, breaking the peaceful silence you had fallen into. 
You let out a surprised laugh, shaking your head. “You just got home.” 
“I know,” he shrugged. “But I have a few weeks of leave, and you have some PTO saved up. Maybe we can go this weekend.” 
“Did you have somewhere specific in mind?” you asked, deciding to humor him. A playful sparkle that almost looked mischievous crept into his dark brown eyes and he nodded, kissing you again. 
“I was thinking of a cabin in the mountains. I might know a place with a good hot tub.”  
You felt a flutter in your chest at the thought of the first trip you had taken together to just the place he was describing, and how it had been the perfect escape. It was the first time you had expressed that you loved one another. You hadn’t been back since, but you had thought of it, every once in a while. Clearly he had too. It would just be the two of you, secluded away from reality, able to enjoy each other's company without any distractions. 
You smiled up at him, and he returned the gesture, his eyes shining with excitement.
"Sounds amazing," you said, and he leaned down to kiss you again, his hands roaming over your body. The kiss quickly turned passionate, and before you knew it, you were lost in each other - just the way you should be. 
Series Masterlist :: Main Masterlist
Notes: And there we have it. Thank you so much for everyone who stuck around. Can't believe we made it🖤
Thank you to Mak and Em for all of your help making this story come to life. This one is for the two of you.
And thanks to Mak for the AMAZING banner!
Tag List: @roosterforme @mak-32 @wildxwidow @gretagerwigsmuse @lilyevanswhore @too-fangirl-to-fuction
@fav-fanficssss @notroosterbradshaw @teacupsandtopgun @sometimesanalice @sunflowersteves @littlezee80 @je-suis-prest-rachel @khaylin27 @infamous-reindeer @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @yanna-banana @avengersfan25 @wkndwlff @sylviebell @lt-spork @indynerdgirll @greatszu
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pencilbrony · 2 months
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zero06iranosaurusrex · 3 months
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hopefully i'm not late for the maid baffy dtiys by @upsidedownqq my apologies if mine was kinda way too far tho oTL but i think them with maid outfit +guns kinda click on me smh anyway,enjoy this baffy treat guys
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infizero-draws · 29 days
MY FIRST EVER ZINE "SHARING SOTRIES" IS HERE!!! 💚 i made this for a class and now i am sharing it with all of you!! behold my beautiful oc freaks
i believe it's best experienced in pdf format, which you can view here. i also included a video of me going through one of the physical copies so you can see how it looks irl!
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this took a LOT of time and effort and is probably like the best thing i've ever made artistically. its not even close man. anyways hope you enjoyed ^_^ i usually dont say this but rbs greatlyyyy appreciated <3
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Wylan: Heard Jesper screaming bloody murder down the hall so I bolted to where he was
Wylan: Tell me why I find him standing on the coffee table with a pillow beating the shit out of a bug on the wall
Jesper: I wasn’t “screaming bloody murder” that was my battle cry
Jesper: Im a warrior
Wylan: I thought you were dying
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vivwritesfics · 29 days
Fashion Show
A self indulgent fic in the Jake and Bug universe!! Her final university prom this is coming up and she needs help picking a dress
Warnings: rather sexual but no smut
Jake and Bug
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Jake Seresin hadn't been expecting any company. The one person he wanted to spend his day with had left his bed hours ago, kissed him sweetly before she disappeared for the day.
But then there was a knock on the door.
Jake didn't know who he expected. He paused the television and made his way to the door. But, when he pulled it open, there she stood.
"Bug," he said with surprise.
She had several bags in her arms. Jake immediately reached to take them from her and stepped to the side to let her in. "Hi, Jakey," she said and kissed his cheek.
"What've you got here, Bug?" He asked.
That was the thing with Jake and Bug. When he didn't have her on her back, ankles in the air, he was so sweet with her. Slow kisses, arms around her. His favourite lazy Sunday's were the ones where he'd put on a movie (a movie she picked and would proceed to tell him all of the facts about, but Jake didn't mind) and she'd eventually fall asleep on his chest.
"I need your help," she said, voice serious.
The smile dropped from Jake's face. "What's wrong?" He asked and put the bags down on the coffee table.
Bug sat herself down on the sofa and shrugged off her jacket. "My University Ball is in a week and I've got nothing to wear," she said with a pout.
Finally, Jake looked into the bags on the coffee table. Each one had a different dress inside of it. He pulled out the first one, green, the fabric silky beneath his fingers.
"If I try some one, can I get your opinions?" She asked sweetly.
Holy fuck. Jake felt himself strain against his jeans. "Of course, Bug," he said through a swallow. He pulled her up from the sofa and placed the dress into her free hand, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. As much as he wanted more, he was desperate to see her in those dresses.
Wearing a grin, she picked up the bags of dresses and rushed to his bedroom (well, it wasn't really his bedroom, anymore. She spent more time there than at her own apartment). Jake waited patiently. He didn't turn the television back on, knee bouncing as she waited.
And then he heard her curse from the bedroom. She walked out, keeping the top of the green dress from falling away from her body and holding the skirt from the floor. "I can't fucking zip it," she muttered.
Jake's mouth was dry as he looked at her. But he recovered, stood and zipped her up. His fingers were gentle, brushing her hair over her shoulder. And, when he was done, he stepped back to look at her.
She dropped the skirt, let it fall to the floor. "Holy fuck, bug," he whispered as he took her in. Long, green skirt, patterned bodice that made her look so fucking pretty. "You look..."
"Yeah, I liked this one, too. I saw it first but then I saw so many others but they were all so pretty, Jakey!"
(No, she didn't have all the money in the world to buy all these gorgeous and expensive dresses. She'd borrowed money from her dad to buy them, with the view of returning whatever she didn't choose).
She gave him a spin and the dress flared out slightly. But then she was facing away from Jake and holding her hair over her shoulder. "Can you unzip me?"
He unzipped her. But, as soon as he could reach his hand inside, Jake grabbed her bare hip beneath the dress and pulled her back into his chest. His lips were against her naked shoulder, pressing soft kisses against her skin. "Bug, you..."
But he couldn't find the words.
She pulled out of his grip with a teasing giggle. "Let me go get the next," she said, picked up the skirts and rushed back to the bedroom.
If Jake thought the last dress was nice, he wasn't ready for what she stepped out in. He wasn't sure how she'd managed to zip the back of it herself. But, shit, she looked so fucking pretty.
The skirt of this dress was so much shorter, falling to her mid thigh. The dress was a blushy pink and sparkly. It hugged her in all of the right ways. She walked in on her tiptoes, imitating the heels she would be wearing for the Ball.
Jake held himself. He didn't hide it as his eyes roamed her body. "Give me a spin, Bug," he said through a grunt.
She did just that. As soon as she was facing him again, Jake grabbed a hold of her and pulled her towards him, pulling her onto his lap. He gripped her hips, pulled her as close as physically possible. "Keep this one, Bug," he said as he rocked her body against his own. "Don't wear it to the Ball, but keep it. I'll pay for it."
Her hands were in his hair as she kissed him, moving her hips against on her own. She had a moment of complete control as she kissed Jake, felt him squeeze her tighter.
When he pulled away and dragged her bottom lip between his teeth, she melted against him.
"I've got one more dress," she mumbled as she played with his shirt.
He released her and she stood up, heading back to the bedroom. Jake didn't miss the sway of her hips as she walked.
This last dress was a lot like the green one. It had a similar skirt, with a slit going up the side. Unlike the green dress, this one had thicker straps that fell off of her shoulder. Just like with the green dress, Jake helped her to zip it up.
"Gorgeous, Bug," he said as he took her hand and spun her around. "But I think go with the green dress, keep the pink one for me."
Grinning, she went back into the bedroom and changed out of the blue dress. She made quick work of folding it up and placing it back into the bag.
When she emerged from the bedroom again, she was back in the pink dress. Jake took one glance at her and surged forward. He picked her up, marched her into the bedroom, and kicked the door shut behind him.
Taglist: @littlebear423
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anarchomuffin · 3 months
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im almost to the end of alabasta and this is what i think of the strawhats so far
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blinkpen · 3 months
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posting previously unposted things. things where i was futzin with visuals being beamed into me from nowhere like little globs of play doh. it's like stimming with the little shapes of ghost matter in my mind.
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