#Supreme Commander Thor
shinobicyrus · 1 year
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When your entire species is so hyper-engineered to be supergeniuses you have to outsource your “so stupid it just might work” plans.
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Stargate SG-1 "Unending"
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lihiominaa · 2 years
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- Oh, come on! Gimme something! Anything! I won't hold you to it! A little head nod if there's another way around this.
STARGATE SG-1 S03E03 | Fair Game
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Thank you to my wonderful husband for the first figure that begins my Stargate collection!!! 🖤🛸👽
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mckiwi · 2 years
I love how the “the greatest threat to our universe is Doctor Strange” line got swept under the carpet so quickly when literally every version of Stephen has proven to be insanely dangerous if he wants to be.
Stephen Strange
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-endures 1000+ loops of agony and pain by Dormammu to protect the Earth
-casually deals with two gods, Thor and Loki (tricking the god of mischief nonetheless)
-endures torture, lives and dies through 14 million possible outcomes, fights an intergalactic warlord with four infinity stones one-on-one, gets dusted, brings together an entire army in about ten minutes, fights in a massive battle… all in what was to him a few hours, without a rest
- selectively erases the memory of eight billion people, any record or mention of Peter Parker that there is throughout the entire world, including himself
-uses the Darkhold to dreamwalk into his own corpse. Proceeds to control and command the Souls of the Damned
-gains a third eye
-causes an incursion
Sinister Strange
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-frequently uses the Darkhold to dreamwalk into variants of himself
-destroys his own universe as well as others
-gains a third eye
-causes incursions
Supreme Strange
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-formulates a team to lead their universe
-creates Waypoint between universes
-causes an incursion
-uses both the Darkhold and the Book of Vishanti
-kills Thanos
Defender Strange
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-captures powerful demon
-continues to keep control of demon even while severely injured
-gets impaled, uses spell to save America as his dying breath
Strange Supreme
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-spends countless loops watching (and failing to prevent) the love of his life dying
-absorbs power from interdimensional creatures for centuries, with every creature actively fighting to escape him
-senses the presence of and converses with The Watcher
-manipulates the Time Stone into becoming a Reality/Soul/Time Stone merge
-brings Christine back to life
-accidentally destroys his own universe
-opens multiversal portals
-protects his teammates throughout the entirely of the battle agianst Ultron
-absorbs the energy of a destroyed galaxy with no effort
-withstands the force of all six infinity stones one-on-one for several minutes
In Conclusion: Stephen’s endurance and ambition is not to be undermined. If he wants something bad enough, he will get it.
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Therapy Fit for a God Chapter 26
“Loki/OFC Rated E: Trigger Warnings: Smut, Sex, Oral Sex, Angst, talk of suicide, therapy, unhealthy family dynamics, mention of torture and mind control, touch starved, drinking, memory loss
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25
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Loki’s plans to conquer and rule Midgard have come to a disastrous end. After being captured by the Avengers, he is being held on Earth. Odin has refused to interfere, and the outlook for the God of Mischief appear bleak. His only hope may lie in one mortal woman, a Psychiatric expert brought in to interrogate him.
Dr. Caroline Thorpe is intrigued by Loki and thinks that more lies beneath his actions than is commonly known. Can she find out the truth before he is shipped off to die for crimes against the Earth? And can Loki bring himself to care?
@yespolkadotkitty @just-the-hiddles @hopelessromanticspoonie @wine-and-whines @arch-venus25 @caffiend-queen @devilish–doll @enchantedbyhiddles @hiddlesholic @i-do-not-fangirl-i-fanwoman @kellatron55 @ladyoftheteaandblood @latent-thoughts @yespolkadotkitty@maryxglz @myoxisbroken @nuggsmum @nildespirandum @pedeka @redfoxwritesstuff @sinfully-lustful-darling @vodka-and-some-sass @wrathkitty @kingtwhiddleston @wolfsmom1 @poetic-fiasco @shiningloki @dangertoozmanykids101 @bookworm-christina @amwolowicz @delightfulheartdream @frostbitten-written @what-a-flammable-heart @tom-hlover @nonsensicalobsessions @myraiswack @loki-yoursaviourishere @ghostypau @ms-cellanies @colorfulfreakstudentpizza @mareebird @colorfulfreakstudentpizza  @szycha22 @chokemedaddyloki @queenofallhobos @just-the-hiddles-reads  @alwida10  @justjoanne242 @chantsdemarins @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokiprompts @evieplease @unlucky-number-13 @bitchassbecky691
"I could hold her, brother, if you are feeling tired."
Loki knew on a certain level that Thor's offer was kindly meant, but it still elicited a growl from him as he struggled to stay on his feet. This continued weakness was beginning to fray his nerves, to put it mildly.
"I am more than capable of carrying my mortal," he ground out, irritated by the light perspiration he could feel at the nape of his neck.
"Well, at least you know she can survive travel by tesseract," Thor said jovially. "After all, she has done it once before you know."
He did not know, which was part of the whole problem.
Once Caroline had made up her mind on speaking with Eir and his mother, it was as though she had become a force of nature. She had visibly stiffened her spine and charged into the room where Thor, Frigga, and a new mortal, this one sporting supremely asinine facial hair, were congregated. After Loki had suffered through the distinct offense of being engulfed by the absurdly barbered human in a totally unacceptable hug, he had had the amusement of watching the Crown Prince and Queen of Asgard being commanded by a tiny Midgardian woman who in the normal scheme of things should possess no authority whatsoever. To his unmitigated glee, they had quickly a quiesced to her demands that all four of them return to Asgard at once.
"What leaving so soon?" the Mortal who was introduced to him as Stark had asked. "Was it something I said? Stick around for a drink. Maybe some of that Asgardian brandy?"
"More like something I fear you might say," Caroline had sallied back. "Loki, I take it you still have the tesseract?"
"It is in my possession," Frigga told her with a smile.
"Perhaps we should just have Heimdall send the Bifrost," Loki had suggested slyly. "I think this place would be improved by a sky light."
"Never mind, get him out of here," Stark grimaced. "Doc, you sure about this? Asgard is a long way away, even for me."
"I assure you, I will make sure that she is well taken care of," Loki said, bristling at the implication in the other man's words.
"Easy there, Othello, no need to release the green-eyed monster on me. I'm a friend, remember?"
"I will be fine, Tony," Caroline covered for him before he could respond. "Take care of yourself."
Wanting to forestall any further conversation, Loki swept a startled Caroline into his arms, enjoying the feel of her cradled against his chest. His mother had produced the Tesseract, gathered them all to her, and moments later they were safely back on Asgard.
The fact that Caroline was now unconscious in his arms was not surprising, given that she was mortal, but the sight of her all but lifeless body still sent a tendril of anxiety through Loki. She had been so vital only moments before, and now her only movement was the rise and fall of her chest.
"She will surely wake quickly enough," Frigga assured him, as though sensing his unspoken fear. "It gets easier with each passage, and I was able to prepare for the trip while you two were speaking in the other room. I made sure to shield her from the worst of the effect by putting her to sleep before we left."
"Thank you," he said to her, wishing that he had thought to do so.
"I will go and locate Eir. Why don't you take her to your rooms, Loki," she suggested with a smile. "You can rest while she bathes and dons something a bit more suitable for the royal palace."
"I think she looks beautiful as she is," he replied, taking umbrage at his mother's slight to his love's appearance.
"She is lovely, Loki. But your Father will be irritated enough by the mere presence of a Midgardian on Asgard. The least we can do is see that he has no further cause for objection."
Loki nodded reluctantly. Odin's views on fraternization between Asgardians and humans was well documented. An occasional dalliance while visiting the wilds of Midgard might be excused, but a Prince bringing an Earth woman to court as his concubine was another matter entirely. The last thing he wanted to do was subject Caroline to one of his father's volcanic outbursts.
It was a short walk to his suite of rooms, yet Loki still felt winded by the time they arrived. It was clear from the slight staleness of air that it had been some time since he had been in residence. Still, it was a far sight nicer than the healers' recovery rooms had been. Gently depositing Caroline onto the bed, he opened the windows overlooking the gardens to let in the night air.
There was an easing of his soul being in these surroundings. At last, something was familiar to him again. The comforting sight of his books and instruments, the dark green and wood of the decor, and the knowledge that no one could pass beyond the threshold without his permission allowed him to relax for the first time since he had encountered Sif and Fandral. It was good to be home, in his own space.
The one thing in the room that was not as it had always been tossed gently on the bed, drawing Loki's attention. It was strange, he mused. He had no concrete memory of her, and yet Caroline occupying space in his most private sanctuary, in his very bed, felt right. He smiled as he watched her snuggle deeper into one of the copious number of pillows tossed about his bed. She did look lovely, even in her rumpled clothes and mussed hair.
With a wave of his hand, Loki disappeared most of his clothing, leaving only a pair of thin green shorts to cover his modesty. Carefully, so as not to disturb her, he climbed into the bed, molding his body to Caroline's under the covers. She gave a contented little sigh that constricted his chest in odd ways and pushed back against him. Despite his fatigue, Loki realized that he was once again fully aroused, a state her nearness seemed destined to thrust him into.
"We will figure this out, min kajesta," he murmured into her hair. "I promise you."
She had been prepared this time for the jolt of the Tesseract, but it had not been enough to prevent her mind from shutting down. Blearily she wondered if she would ever get comfortable enough with the form of transportation that it did not leave her completely shut down as a result. At least this time there was minimal pain. Come to think of it, she did not remember having traveled at all. One minute Loki was holding her, and the next she was... where was she?
In bed, apparently. For one disorienting moment Caroline wondered if she had dreamed it all - everything from Tony and Thor's arrival to the horrible events at SHIELD. She was in bed, and a body that could only belong to Loki was tight against her, holding her safe. Had it all been a nightmare suffered after their night of passion?
No, she knew it was not so. To begin with, there were far too many pieces of clothing between them. She was still dressed in her oversized SHIELD cast offs, and Loki was wearing some sort of underwear. Caroline was torn between relief and regret at this. She could feel his arousal clearly against her; if he had been completely naked, she would have been hard pressed to keep herself from taking advantage.
Rolling over slowly, she took a moment to gaze at her prince's face. In sleep he looked younger, less guarded than usual. He had lost weight, that much was obvious. His razor sharp cheekbones stood out even more, sharp beneath his pale skin, and dark smudges circled under his eyes. He was still so beautiful it made her ache to look at him.
Unable to bear the closeness without kissing or pawing at him, Caroline slid from the bed and wandered about the room. It was huge, easily the size of her small apartment. A thick carpet cushioned her feet as she padded about, muffling any noise. Tall windows looked out over a world now shrouded in darkness. They were opened a bit, letting in a warm air that carried a faint perfume of flowers. A bit further down the wall were doors that would open out onto a balcony, but she was not ready yet to venture out.
The color scheme was a bit darker than his home in the woods, but she would have known instantly whose room she was in. Green, accents of gold, wood, and leather. An entire nook was dedicated to a curved wall of books, in the center of which was a decidedly comfortable looking lounge chair. A table held a number of glass tubes and bottles of various colors, paper, more books, and things she couldn't hope to give name to.
On a large chest of drawers to one side, she was touched to see a portrait of what could only be an adolescent Loki and Thor and their parents. Thor had a truculent look about him, as though only sheer force had compelled him to sit still for the painting. Loki, on the other hand, looked more still than any child she could imagine, face giving nothing away. Even then, she thought, even as a child he had hidden his thoughts and emotions behind an impenetrable mask. He had learned so early to guard himself, lest he be hurt by rejection or worse, indifference.
"The bed was much more comfortable with you in it," a sleep blurred voice started her from her rumination. "I don't suppose I could convince you to come back?"
"I would ask what time it is, but I doubt that has much meaning for me here," she said, instead of answering his question. "Was I out for a long time again?"
"Well, I don't know about again," he sighed, sitting up slightly and giving her a show of his thinner but still deliciously muscled chest. "I would say you slept for just under an hour or so. It is late on Asgard, but not prohibitively so."
"Asgard," she let the reality sink in for the first time. "I am on Asgard."
"You are," he smiled, standing with a stretch that showed just how well formed he was. "Welcome, my love, to my home."
There it was again. The wrongness of the situation. Her Loki, the one possessed of his memories better and worse, no longer claimed Asgard as his home. The time might come when he did again, she hoped that some reproachment with at least certain members of his family could be achieved given time, but he would not have so easily welcomed her there.
"Can we speak with Eir tonight, or must it wait until tomorrow?" she asked.
"Mother has gone to seek her out," he sighed, walking near to where she stood and making butterflies rise in her midsection. "We shall see if she is available. If anyone can convince her, believe me it is Frigga."
"You look nervous, little one," he smiled, tugging on a lock of her hair. "Surely this is not the first time we have been alone together."
"No," she allowed, looking down as his eyes sought hers. That was no help at all, as it brought her eyes to the unmistakable tenting in his shorts that was impossible to miss.
"Your pulse is racing. Do I make you nervous?"
"Not usually," she blurted out.
"Really?" he sounded equal parts amused and surprised.
"Oh, you try to," she said, feeling her feet a little more under her. "In the beginning you did everything you could to make me uncomfortable."
"But you were proof against my efforts?" he lifted her hand and toyed with her fingers.
"Maybe not exactly," she admitted, "but I refused to let you distract me."
"Hmm. Yet distractions can be so much fun. For instance, we have some time now, while Eir is found. I know you are anxious to see her, but you must wait. Would not a distraction be helpful?"
"I can't," she insisted.
"Can't what?"
"Can't take advantage of you," she finished, wincing at how idiotic it sounded.
Loki seemed to agree with her, as after a stunned moment he laughed at the idea.
"In what way would you be taking advantage?" he asked.
"You don't remember anything."
"My brain does not, it is true. But other parts of me clearly have fond memories of you."
Her eyes darted to his midsection once more, where the tip of his cock was now sticking out just over the band of his shorts, pressed against his flat stomach.
"It's not just that," she said, struggling to form her thoughts when all of her brain function had gone decidedly south.
"What is it then?" he asked, putting one arm around her back and pulling her in.
"When we were together before, it was more than lust," she said at last, hoping she could make him understand.
"I see."
"In the beginning, when you first flirted with me and, well, propositioned me, that was all it was. For me at least. You are stupidly attractive Loki. I hope you know that. For you it might have been, oh, distraction."
She did not want to say too much. No need for him to know that he had been hours away from death when she came into his cell and his life.
"I doubt that was all," he murmured. "You are quite alluring yourself, darling."
"In any case, it would have been purely physical. A merging of bodies. Enjoyable, to say the least but not..." she trailed off.
"Not love," she said at last. "Not trust. Loki, you and I may not have known each other long, certainly not by your standards, but in that short time, we shared something profound. I trusted you with my life, and in return, you trusted me with your heart."
"That sounds unlikely," he said, uncomfortably.
"It was. I admit, I was a bit of a bully about it. Perhaps it was because we were alone, or because our lives had recently been in danger, but for whatever reason, you let me in. When we were together, it was more than just our bodies. You let me see your soul, and it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."
"Now I know you are lying," he said, turning away. "My soul is a tarnished bauble."
"No, it's not," she was angry now. "And this is just the point. We have been through this Loki! I will keep convincing you over and over if I have to that you are worthy of love. I am more than stubborn enough to do it. But I want you to love me too. Or at least to know why you want me. Anything else will feel empty by comparison."
Damn, but she deserved a medal! She was half ready to take it all back and throw herself on him when Loki released her and backed away.
"If it was as you say, you do indeed deserve more than I offered you just now. If you wish it, I can take you to your own set of rooms."
"Please don't!" she said, eyes welling up a bit as panic set in.
"My love?" he was confused now, understandable considering her complet turn around.
"I'm sorry," she took a deep breath, trying to steady her thoughts. "Loki, in the past few weeks I have been shot at, teleported across the world, witnessed real magic, gone into hiding, fallen in love with a GOD, experienced the most world shattering sex in my life, had the walls blown in around me while tied to a bed, been possessed by a sentient rock, shot the person I love, convinced myself I had killed them, learned the they were alive but had no memory of me, and been transported to an alien planet! I have gone well past the ends of my ability to cope. I am two seconds away from bursting into tears and hiding under your bed. The only thing that is holding me together is the fact that you are here, and alive, and maybe I can be of some help to you. Please, please Loki, don't send me away."
She was shaking now, from her head to her toes. The hold that she had kept on herself coming rapidly loose as she vented her anxieties.
"I am not sending you anywhere," Loki assured her, pulling her close and wrapping both arms around her in a fierce embrace. "I may not remember the connection you speak of, but that does not mean I do not feel it. My words before were mere bravado, love. The truth is, I feel more at ease with you here, in my rooms and in my arms, than I remember feeling ever. I know not how you reached me, but it is clear that my heart resides in yours. Stay with me, min kjaereste. I will not overstep again. I promise."
"I don't" she laughed unsteadily. "Loki, I got out of bed because it was the only way I could keep from mounting you while you slept."
His eyes turned dangerously dark at her words, and Caroline had to exert all of her willpower to calm herself down.
"In this case," Loki said, pushing her away once more, "we must retrieve my memories without delay."
"Agreed. For both our sanity's sake."
"I will draw you a bath in the adjoining room, and lay out some gowns for you to choose from. Mother thought it wise for us to clothe you as an Asgardian."
"Will Eir have issues with me being human?" she asked.
"Eir has issues with everyone," he shrugged. "It is rather -"
"Yes?" she prompted.
"Odin is not overly enthusiastic about humans on Asgard."
"It is possible, likely even, that we will encounter him."
Caroline thought of all the stories Loki had told her of his adopted father. From his pitting his two sons against each other, to his obvious favoritism of Thor, not to mention his horrible secret of Loki's birth, she had quite a few things she would like to say to the AllFather of Asgard.
"Whatever I have told you, it must have been one of the more lurid stories," Loki laughed. "I have never seen someone look so fierce. You could be a Valkari, my love."
"Let's just say I have opinions on Odin's parenting," she ground out.
"As do I. Come, let us get you bathed."
The visual these words inspired washed all thought of Odin from her mind, and Caroline decided that perhaps a cold bath might be in order.
"Thank you, I could use that," she agreed.
"It is this way. And I will be just outside, if you need help washing your back. Or anyplace else."
With a smirk and her small whimper, Loki led her to a small door in one wall, feeling more like her love every minute.
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jadelotusflower · 7 months
Stargate rewatch: 1x09 Thor’s Hammer
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"We don’t think the Goa’uld built the Stargate system” - episode 9 of season 1 and we’re already tapping into a huge part of the mythology - the show really hit the ground running with its lore.
But who is “we”? It’s never really established whether Daniel is in charge of his own team or runs his own department, but I think we can assume so? I like to think Barbara Shaw from the film is on the team at the very least.
However the “tyrant” gods being mostly from non-white cultures and the “culture-bearers” being mostly from white/western cultures is an ongoing yikes of the show.
I wouldn’t really characterise the Norse gods as particular friends to humans? I mean in the mythology they're not tyrants but they seem no less capricious than the Goa’uld-coded pantheons. Although I guess there is some interesting stuff around the Norse gods being more like higher beings as opposed to all powerful deities, which works in the show's presentation of the Asgard, but is hardly unique to Norse myth.
For example Odin (who I don't think we ever see on the show) being more of a hands off kind of god, who is not innately omniscient but himself pursues knowledge, hanging upside down from Yggdrasil and sacrificing an eye to obtain wisdom - and of course, the fate of the gods to die in Ragnarök, an acceptance of mortality that does fit the Asgard rather than the Goa'uld.
SGC Earth has a “Sagan Institute” - a nice tribute to Carl Sagan who died a year before the show was made. IRL The Carl Sagan Institute was established in 2014.
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While the hammer is obviously meant to depict the death of a symbiote, it's also likely a reference to the Midgard/World Serpent. Although the Goa’uld are referred to as “Ettins” (Eoten/Jötunn) in this episode, Jörmungandr was the serpent who surrounded Midgard (Earth) eating its own tail, and was Thor’s enemy.
It’s Gairwyn! I love Gairwyn so much. Played by Tamsin Kelsey, who was also a big figure of my childhood as Evie O’Hanlon from the tv movie Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Claus.
"You must be from Thrudvang, Thor's home in the stars." Þrúðvangr was the realm of Thor and the location of his great hall Bilskirnir, which in later episodes will be identified as Asgard Thor's flagship.
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“You and I might even have some of the same ancestors” - Sam has Scandinavian heritage I suppose?
Hologram!Thor is Mark Gibbon, who will go on to play a recurring Jaffa role in later seasons.
Thor of course is the obvious choice for Supreme Commander of the Asgard fleet - we get a quick mythology primer from Daniel at the top of the episode and it's funny to think that would probably be unnecessary now given the Marvelisation of pop culture. But if there was a Norse god who could be considered a "friend to humans" like Daniel claims, it would be Thor.
“The High Council of Asgard has designated Cimmeria a safe world for developing sentient species, by unanimous decree 40.73.29. The Goa’uld system lords were so informed.” So is Cimmeria part of the Protected Planets Treaty? I assume so, but that Thor doesn’t trust the Goa’uld and installed the Hammer just in case. His message is kind of sassy too, we get the impression later that Thor is perhaps more invested in humanity than the other Asgard, and would take action against the Goa’uld if he could. So it makes sense his pet planet would have extra protection.
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Galyn Görg (RIP) is wonderful as Kendra, it’s a shame she doesn’t recur.
What a Look too, fantastic costuming this episode - Gairwyn's is great as well.
And two women in major supporting roles! Another Katharyn Powers episode, this is one I really love.
The first proper appearance of the healing device.
Also the helmets are still with us - just attached to their backpacks.
“[Thor’s] race may have considered projectile weapons too primitive to be concerned about.” Heh. I love that this comes back into play with the Asgard vs the Replicators later on.
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I think this the World Serpent on the wall behind Jack as well, in a more expansive form than was on the Hammer.
There’s another layer to this in hindsight - when Jörmungandr releases its tail from its mouth, Ragnarök will begin, and he and Thor will kill each other. Ragnarök is Götterdämmerung - the twilight of the gods. By the end of the series the time of both the Goa’uld and the Asgard will have passed, although not due to direct conflict between these two races, but rather the ascendancy of Midgard/Earth.
Jack is pretty subdued when Teal'c points out the Hammer could be used to free Sha're and Skaara - I think he's already figured out that they'll probably have to destroy the Hammer to get Teal'c out so won’t allow himself to think about the what ifs.
James Earl Jones! Everything is better with James Earl Jones.
“Unas is believed to have been the first host, born of the same primordial waters as the Goa’uld.” Although Unas is later revealed to be a race rather than a single being, the continuity of this in season 4 is great.
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Kendra doesn’t say the name of the Goa’uld who possessed her, but mentions Marduk as the one who abducted her, which may present a continuity problem later as Marduk is trapped in a sarcophagus and only freed in season 4. But I suppose it’s not clear how long exactly Kendra was a host.
“Well Sha’re wasn’t trained in a temple like you, but she had a spirit, she was a fighter.” As we saw in CotG. Daniel's unwavering faith in Sha're fighting against the possession says a lot about their relationship.
But one of the failings of the show is that it is supremely uninterested in the trauma of Goa'uld possession - we get a bit with Sam although that becomes more about Jolinar's memories and the blending of the symbiote and host, and kind of with Vala later but it’s really only treated as a shorthand for why she is the way she is.
With Kendra we at least see how her trauma manifests in her isolation, her talking to the wind, interpreting the thunder, and ultimately deciding to face her fear.
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This is a nicely directed episode too, by Brad Turner, who will helm several future episodes. Some really nice shots of Kendra, Daniel, and Sam climbing over mountains and walking over aqueducts.
Sam the skeptic vs Daniel the optimist. She’s actually pretty hard on him here! I’m not sure what Sam thinks their other options are if they don’t follow Kendra.
If Daniel’s flaw is his hubris and tendency to fixate at the expense of all else, Sam’s is her judgemental streak and unwillingness to think outside the logic box.
“Haven’t you ever had a feeling that made absolutely no logical sense and it turned out to be right?” The answer for Sam is clearly no, but that will change as part of her character arc will be sometimes learning to trust things that can’t be quantified.
And its helmet time.
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"I was with those who took the ones you love." A little bit of mitigating language on Teal'c part, but his willingness to remain trapped just on the chance that the wrong he was party to can be righted, we can see how much guilt he does feel. I still wish we'd actually gotten a scene before this between Daniel and Teal'c about Sha're.
Jack having Daniel be the one to destroy the hammer is harsh, but it has to be Daniel. Because he is the one most affected by the decision, he needs to be the one who makes it, not have it be made for him. Importantly, Jack doesn’t order him to do it, and isn’t completely sure he will, just hopes.
By being the one to fire the shot, Daniel takes ownership of it, and it avoids resentment on his part - Jack knows that it’s the way it has to be for Daniel personally, and the good of the team.
To his credit once handed the staff weapon Daniel doesn't hesitate - closing his eyes before firing is a nice touch though.
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Kendra gives them the Ansuz rune, the equivalent to A in Elder Futhark, meaning god and is associated with Odin, knowledge and communication.
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Whipped Up - A Thor Odinson/Reader Smut Drabble, for Lancsnerd’s six sentence challenge!
Another submission for my darling girl’s challenge! Enjoy!
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Words - 190
Warnings - Smut below the cut! Minors DNI
Crack, again the sting hits your bum, pleasurable pain wielded by your dominator, your giver of the supreme divinity through the discipline your mind and body both thrive equally upon.
His hand reaches to skim between your legs, stroking the glistening dew secreted over willing flesh, your arousal bathing him as he rubs and strokes, teasing your clit, making you high, offering those fingers to your mouth with one simple command.
You do, Thor grasping your jaw as he finger fucks your throat, a little gag held back for the sake of obedience, his hand still gripping as the whip meets your backside once more, leaving behind the red lash of his lust, your senses sent reeling, spiralling towards nirvana, your king pleased with you.  
“So very obedient, little doe, and I feel it is time to reward such.”
The whip is abandoned, your giant of a lover moving behind where he has you bent over the end of the bed, sinking his hardness inside your needy cunt, bottoming out, rutting into you deep as he grinds himself within your walls, sparking heaven, as he always does whenever he is buried inside you to the hilt.  
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mischiefxmuses · 1 year
Okay so mini event - My Bloody Valentines Day plotting/starter call. 
In this post I’ll lay out who they are paired with (will be updated on the 3rd when the random pairings get done). Pre paired plots are being discussed but this is sort of how they are reacting the the event and the magic. (I will add fc in case they are a doppleganger for plots.) Plot ideas are not the only plots. They are just ideas. 
(death, violence, flashing gif, weapons, blood, fire tw)
Like for plotting
comment for starter (with the muse you’d like the starter for)
if there is a line through it that means that plot has been filled.
Henry Creel (Jamie Campbell Bower) - Random Pairing with Sharon Carter (4/4) - Eddie, Daniela, Eleven, Stitch
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Henry will fully embrace the magic and the chaos. He will not try and fight it. If anything he will lean into the feeling of anger and aggression. He thrives on chaos. He will not be helping, he will add fuel to the fire. He has no interest in his date anyway. Why not make their life hell?
plot ideas: someone to cause chaos with, he is likely to unalive someone or injure someone, minor injuries
Angel (David Corenswet) - Paired with Buffy (1/4) - Buffy
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Imagine soulless angel, this will likely be him but he will be fighting it tooth and nail. The episode where he is tormented by visions of his victims. He will be on constant battle with himself. He won’t be fully soulless but it will be a fight between the two. Angel vs. Angelus. He will try to help those who need him while wanting to stay away from Buffy to not hurt her. He does not want to even come close to hurting her or risking her. He would chain himself up before he let himself near her. But he is very susceptible to magic.
plot ideas: helping him to stay away from buffy, someone he might bite or hurt in his rage, minor/major injuries, a full on fight, someone he saves
Billy Loomis (Thomas Doherty) - Random Pairing with Na Ji Na (1/4) - Josh 
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Oh you’re not ready for this little shit. He’s embracing the chaos. He has a history for trying to murder partners so why not now? He is embracing ghostface, will probably wear the mask and just go nuts. He doesn’t care. (Except Sam. If he catches wind that she’s been hurt then he will lose it even more.) Its almost like the purge for him. 
plot ideas: minor/major injuries, someone he kills or hurts, any sort of victim, chaos buddies. 
Charles Xavier (James Mccavoy) - Paired with Ororo (1/4) - Elliot 
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What if Charles was a villain. Bloody dangerous this man. He will have moments of clarity and not wanting to do what he is doing because he is strong. He might be the only one of mine to be able to snap himself out of it. But have a bit of villain charles first. In those moments of clarity he will help if possible. But he might switch quickly back to villain with his abilities being so in tune with everyone else.
plot ideas: minor injuries. someone who gets injured by him, someone who is with him when he snaps back and forth, someone keeping him away from Ororo. 
Cleo Mckinnon (Claire Holt) - Paired with Thor (0/4)
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Cleo is not winning a fight against the god of thunder. Even with the magic she is smarter than that. So she might try and outwit him. She will not be fully bad, knowing that she does not want to hurt him. She will want to stay away from him as to protect them both. She doesn’t think she’d be strong enough to fight it. 
plot ideas: minor/major injuries, people she helps, people to keep her away from thor, death eaters she might join up with and cause a little chaos, doppleganger plots
Cordelia Goode (Jessica Chastain) - Paired with Alastor (0/4)
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Supreme Witch Bitch. Magic that makes her a killer, not great. She’s got so much power at her command that if she thinks she wants to do something she will. She is likely to be hyper aware that she doesn’t want to hurt Alastor but it will be heart vs. mind. The magic of the event has her mind but in her heart she won’t want to harm Alastor. She will be very unpredictable. 
plot ideas: minor/major injuries, people she helps, someone she might ask to lock her up to keep her from Alastor, jessica chastain doppleganger plots
Dream (Tom Sturrige) - Randomly paired with Max Lightwood (1/4) - Max
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If he is randomly paired, good luck. The king of dreams is not someone you want hunting you or trying to unalive you. He will be very susceptible to the magic. He will try to help others but will hyper fixate on his goal. 
If he isn’t. Then he will helping those who need him where possible. He could easily say he’s not getting involved in human affairs but with all the chaos and pain happening he would feel obligated. 
plot ideas: Minor injuries, unaliving someone, protecting people, he can send muses into a sleep if they don’t want to kill their partner 
Fleur Delacour Weasley (Amanda Seyfried) - Not affected - (1/4) - Vic
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Her and Bill are going to try and stay out of it. Stay at home. Lock the door and not get involved. But of course she will be worried for her children. Worried about how long it will be like this. What is happening.
plot ideas: offering refuge for someone, helping someone, helping her look for he children, getting caught in crossfire 
Galadriel (Morfydd Clark) - Paired with Will Graham (0/4)
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Galadriel has been toying the line between good and evil for a while now. So this is what she might look like if she had agreed to be at Sauron’s side. She will be fighting hard against it. With all her will and might to not hurt someone she cares about. But she might be pushed over the edge into villain Galadriel. 
plot ideas: someone to lock her up to prevent her from hurting will on her request, someone she helps protect, bad influences 
Harwin Strong (Colin O’Donoghue) - Paired with Rhaenrya Targaryen (0/4)
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Harwin would fall on his own sword before hurting Rhaenyra. So he will be doing everything he can to fight it. Knowing how aggressive he can be and his skill set. He will be fighting the magic with every fibre of his being. He does not want to hurt them.
plot ideas: someone he asks to lock him up to not hurt anyone, someone he saves, someone he asks to kill him or knock him out so he can’t hurt rhaenyra
Hunter (Jason Momoa) - Paired with Rowena Ravenclaw (3/4) Heron, Rowena. Helena
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Hunter has been trained to kill, what if order 66 had worked on him and he just became a ruthless fighter. Emotionless and set on one goal. “Good Soldiers follow orders.” He has a good hard and will have moments of clarity and fighting back but he will be very soldier on mission most of the time. 
plot ideas: adelaide kane doppleganger plot, minor injuries, someone he gets into a fight with, someone he saves (he is still a good person just has a mission), someone who joins him on his mission
Iorveth (Austin Butler) - Random pairing with Luke Skywalker (1/4) - Luke Skywalker
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There was a reason that Iorveth was feared back at home. Because he can be ruthless and uncaring. If he has his heart set on something he intends to see it through and it is very hard to waver him from his path. It takes a lot of convincing. Lethal. 
plot ideas: someone he saves, someone who joins him on his hunt, minor injury, someone he injures 
Jorah Mormont (Aaron Tveit) - Paired with Daeneyrs Targaryen (0/4)
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Like Harwin, Jorah’s loyalty is so strong that in moments of clarity he would want to take himself out in order to protect his queen. He will try and help people where he can. Wanting to stay away from Daenerys. He will be looking for Drogon as well to make sure he is safe.
plot ideas: Someone he asks to kill him or severely injure him to protect daenerys, minor/major injury, someone he helps and protects, someone helping him to find his son
Kirby Reed (Penelope Mitchell) - Paired with Randy Meeks (2/4) - Randy, Jill
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What if Kirby had picked up the ghostface mask? She is going to lose touch with the kind and lovable kirby and be incredibly dangerous. All bets are off. She is set on Randy needing to die. She will see it through. Don’t get in her way. Final girl. Done. She does still have her medical training so can help people.
plot ideas: someone who gets in her way, someone to pair up with, someone she helps, penelope mitchell doppleganger plots
Loki Laufeyson (Tom Hiddleston) - Paired with Diana Prince (2/4) - Diana, Natasha
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One thing to say about Loki is he is very goal orientated. He cares about Diana a lot and lost her once, unsure he can bare it again. But he does not want to be controlled by anyone or anything ever again after what Thanos did to him. He will be fighting the magic tooth and nail. Will he succumb to the magic and be a killer once again or does Loki get to be a hero? 
plot ideas: someone he helps, he can create an illusion of someone’s victim that they can ‘kill’?, someone to help him stay away from Diana, someone he might hurt on accident in one of his switches
Xavier Thorpe (Grant Gustin) - Paired with Wednesday Addams (0/4)
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Its a game right? Trying to kill your date? It’s just sort of how it works with Wednesday right? To him its a game. Like tag almost. He wants to win the game. His paintings are coming to life around him because of the lack of control he has over his abilities
plot ideas: people he convinces to join in on the game to find wednesday, someone hurt by one of his paintings coming to life, jenna ortega dopplegangers, grant gustin dopplegangers
Peter Hale (Ben Barnes) - Paired with Beverly Marsh (2/4) - Beverly, Tatum
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Peter Hale is one dangerous son of a bitch. The last thing he wants to do is to hurt Bev. But he will almost be full werewolf mode a lot of the time. He will want to be kept away from her because he knows if he is allowed near her he will kill her. And he cannot do that, no matter how much the magic makes him want to. Be ready for fights with him because he will fight back even if he has asked to be kept away from Beverly the magic will make him fight to get at her. 
plot ideas: someone who chains him up to stay away from beverly, someone he unalives in his rage, minor/major injuries, abigail cowen dopplegangers, an alpha he unalives and becomes an alpha
Rabastan Lestrange (Daniel Gillies) - Paired with Cissy Black (0/4)
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Bash is evil, straight up he will fight anyone. But he refuses to hurt Cissy. He promised himself that he would never let any harm come to her and if he is that danger he will do what he can to remove himself. He might try and distract himself by causing chaos elsewhere but he will be dangerous, hoping that violence elsewhere might prevent him from wanting to hurt the woman he loves. 
plot ideas: someone who locks him up to prevent him from hurting cissy, someone to cause chaos to distract him, someone he injures/unalives, major/minor injuries, someone he tortures
Satine Kryze (Nicole Kidman) - Paired with Obi Wan Kenobi (0/4)
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So long pacifist Satine. She has gone fully back to her youth of being a mandalorian fighter. The one who got the job done. She will be dangerous, there was a reason she put down her blaster and became a politician because when she fired her blaster, someone died. It is mind vs heart again. She could never imagine wanted to hurt her dearest friend. So she will do what she can to stay away from him because she has a good heart. 
plot ideas: someone she requests to keep her away from Obi Wan, someone she helps, someone she over refuge too, someone she injures, minor/major injuries
Silco (Tom Ellis) - Paired with Sarra Palpatine (2/4) Gwen, Jinx
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Silco does not want to go after Sarra, surprisingly he quite enjoys her company and does not want her dead. But the magic... he will be fighting back as much as possible to not hurt her. He knows how dangerous he can be when he is set on a goal and will see it through. He will be fighting tooth and nail to not hurt her, that anger might lash out at others though. He doesn’t want to be a villain. He will also be looking for Jinx and Tyler. Make sure she is alright and safe. And to make sure Tyler is alright. 
plot ideas: someone he requests to lock him up, someone he injures, someone he helps, someone who helps him look for his daughter, someone he lashes out at
Sion Val Palpatine (Brenton Thwaites) - Paired with Ciri (2/4) Samara, Sarra
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He is my sweet boy!! Stop hurting my sweet boy!! Sion has a good heart, he doesn’t want to hurt anyone but he also is Cosinga’s son and Sheev’s little brother meaning he has the capacity for a lot of anger and aggression. He will have moments of clarity in his rage where he will be completely broken and scared of himself. He does not want to hurt Ciri, he likes her. But he is also worried about losing a sibling again with everything happening. 
plot ideas: florence pugh dopplegangers, someone who finds a very injured sion, someone he helps, someone who is with him when he snaps in and out of it, someone who saves him
Tenel Ka Djo (Katherine Mcnamara) - Paired with Jacen Solo (0/4)
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What if Tenel Ka Djo went sith? That is it really. She still has a good heart but she is a fighter. She will not let anyone get in the way of her making sure her daughter is alright (if she cannot find her she might be convinced that its Caedus in front of her and not Jacen who did something to Allana). She will help others still but might be quite set on not letting Caedus hurt her family again. 
plot ideas: someone who helps her look for Allana, Jacob Elordi Dopplegangers, minor/major injuries, someone she helps
Thea Queen (Willa Holland) - Randomly Paired with lillian deville (0/4) 
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She was bloodthirsty once, she will be bloodthirsty again. She doesn’t care about her partner, they have to die. It’s that simple in her mind and she will see it through. She might cause some trouble along the way but no one tells her what to do. 
plot ideas: someone who causes a little chaos  with her, willa holland doppleganger plot, someone she saves, someone she hurts, minor/major injury
Toothless (Joseph Quinn) Not participating 
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 Thank goodness he’s not because he could be very dangerous if put into a position where his instinct was back on to just kill. So he will be helping others. Using his powers to protect. He will also be looking for his daughter and Light to make sure they are okay. 
Plot ideas: joseph quinn doppleganger plots, minor injuries, someone he saves, someone who helps him look for his family, someone he offers refuge too
Yennefer of Vengerberg (Anya Chalorta) - Paired with Geralt of Rivia - (2/4) - Ciri, Geralt 
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Yen has just got Geralt back. She does not want to hurt him so she will do what she can to stay away from him, she will be constantly fluctuating between control and wanting to kill Geralt especially when around him. She does have a good heart and does want to help instead of destroy. But if she loses herself completely it could end with a lot of fire. 
plot ideas: someone she saves, someone she hurts, minor/major injury, a member of the white house she is protecting, 
Ygritte (Lindsey Morgan) - Paired with Jon Snow (1/4) - Jon
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She loves Jon, of course she does but she is aggressive and a fighter. She will fall victim to the magic easily and just want to hunt Jon down. Her hunter instincts will take over and she will be goal orientated. Causing some chaos and destruction in her way. 
plot ideas: someone she saves, someone to cause chaos with her, minor/major injury, someone to help her hunt
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princess-aziza · 2 years
Clip episodes generally suck, but sometimes there is a gem, and for Disclosure (6x17) it's the scene where Thor beams in and completely DESTROYS Kinsey
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K: "I'm sure it was, Commander--"
T: "SUPREME Commander"
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luxshine · 2 years
Moon Knight Primer Part Sixteen
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Avengers (2018) #33 -38
Prologue, Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX, Part X, Part XI, Part XII, Part XIII, Part XIV, Part XV
Once again, the Moon System was left without a book, and once again he ended up in an Avengers book that completely misunderstood Khonshu. Oh, and Khonshu’s relationship with the boys.
Only that this time, it didn’t bring us hilarious mental images of Khonshu fangirling Hawkeye, although it made Moon Knight being one of the most dangerous and capable fighters of the whole MCU.
But let’s start from the beginning.
Avengers was written at the time by Jason Aaron, who gave us the incredible Mighty Thor, aka. Jane Foster, aka. The run that is inspiring Thor: Love and thunder. And as a Thor writer? Aaron is amazing. Seriously, go and read Mighty Thor. It’s great and you need a palate cleanser after Bemis. Unfortunately his writing on Avengers… wasn’t that good.
He ignored a ton of canon from each individual character in order to fit them into the story he wanted to tell, namely that there are certain superpowers that have been on Earth forever, since before Homosapiens were a thing, so that there have always been some sort of Avengers defending Earth. These powers are The Hulk, The Starbrand, The Ghost Rider, the Phoenix, The Black Panther, The Iron Fist, The Sorcerer Supreme, and of course, the Fist of Khonshu.
(He also completely ignored She-hulk’s last run and had Jennifer turning into a brute, OLD Hulk style, but that’s not here nor now and it has been undone so praise the gods)
Now, this is kinda interesting, and gave us great images such as a Ghost Rider riding a Mammut. Oh, and made Phoenix’s Thor’s mother which… ok. Strange but ok.  But it also made things more complicated regarding the relationship of the characters who NOW wield those powers.
Because among other things? It insisted that Khonshu was always, ALWAYS in conflict with the others.
Once again: The God of Justice, the Defender, the Embracer, the Protector of the Travelers of the Night somehow was against… the protectors of Earth.
Please try to make sense out of that.
Anyway, the Starbrand had just been reborn into a baby that was left in the care of Ironman and Carol Danvers which is like leaving a nuclear bomb in the care of Pinky (from Pinky and the Brain) and Hei Hei (from Moana), Phoenix has been unearthed so she has no host at the time, and the Avengers have a new headquarters that is a Celestial’s corpse turned mountain, and are under the command of T’challa, the Black Panther. Their current line up is Iron Man, Captain Marvel, Captain America, Thor, Ghost Rider, Blade, and She-Hulk.
Also, at the time Mephisto, who lost the throne of hell to Johnny Blaze, the first Ghost Rider,  was manipulating different groups, including Atlantis -yes, Namor was evil at this point, due to pollution and whalers-, Vampires, Russians, and Coulson in order to conquer the world from his cell in a hotel in Las Vegas.
All of this is comic Canon, I kid you not.
Anyway, for some reason that absolutely no one explains, Khonshu is now summoned to Earth, being taken care of by his Cult in Egypt. YEAH, The Khonshu Cult is back, and they’re still considering Moon Knight an heretic most of the time, and have enough numbers to conquer Wakanda if they want to. And Marc goes in to talk to Khonshu after beating some priests as he has been having horrible visions that he thinks are being sent to him by Khonshu.  An important thing is that, while Aaron doesn’t actually say so because some writers seem allergic to the words “Alter”, “Fronting” and “Did”, the whole run is Marc fronting, as he points at the very beginning that he is “not” off his meds, nor hearing voices at the time, which is Marvel-speak for “Some idiot doctor convinced Marc again that the only treatment for DiD is integration, and he decided to suppress his alters AGAIN”. And if you have been paying attention to this Primer? Every time THAT happens, Marc ends up doing something VERY stupid that makes every single person in the Marvel Universe get convinced that yep, Moon Knight is a crazy, unstable, dangerous individual.
This time won’t be the exception.
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I am re-telling this in sort of a lineal form, as the comic begins a bit of medias res not really explaining anything. But this Primer is supposed to make things clear so, let’s make things clear.
Anyway, the visions Marc is getting are of Mephisto destroying the Avengers and then the world, but then he discovers that Khonshu has been getting the same visions, being tortured by them. So, in a twist, Marc ONCE AGAIN pledges himself to stop that from happening and instead of, you know, doing the smart thing of TALKING to the Avengers about it? Goes with Khonshu’s plan of stealing all of the other Earthly powers in order to give them to Khonshu so he can beat Mephisto one on one.
YES, the AMAZINGLY STUPID PLAN that Marc and Khonshu create is to LITERALLY Integrate the Avengers’s powers into one individual.
I could imagine Jake and Steven hitting their heads with the nearest surface in the mindspace, given that the Lemire and even sort of the Bemis run were ALL about how the communication between different points of view was Moon Knight’s real superpower.
Anyway… Marc goes and does that: He beats Danny Rand, Dr. Strange, STEALS the Demonic Charger that the current Ghost Rider is using, Literally forces T’Challa to surrender by arriving to Wakanda with the whole Cult of Khonshu behind him -and yes, we will talk at LENGTH of how problematic that particular part of the arc is as Black Panther’s is one of the powers that he can’t just take, as it’s in the blood of T’challa, unlike the others who have sort of a mystic aura that can be stolen; takes out Thor by fighting him in the Moon and remembering that Mjnolir may be enchanted to be only picked by a worthy man, but it’s still made of Moon Rocks, and is chasing Iron Man and Carol to get the Star brand.
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YES, Aaron wrote Marc Spector willing to hurt a BABY for his god.
Never mind that that’s NOT how any of those powers work. You can’t get the Iron Fist by just beating Danny Rand because if you could? Misty Knight would’ve been the Iron Fist long, long, long ago. Becoming the Sorcerer Supreme is not just “Oh, I got the Eye of Agamotto” and it requires a LOT of work -as Loki found out when HE was the Sorcerer Supreme a couple of years back. You can’t JUST steal Ghost Riders’ powers as that involves getting possessed by a demon named Zarathos and the LAST thing Marc needs is more people inside him. As I pointed out, Mjnolir has a spell that makes it so that only those worthy can lift it and while I will always headcanon that both Steve and Jake are worthy? Not that sure of Marc, and this Khonshu? OH, so, so, so unworthy. Plus, Aaron himself said that Mjnolir was sentient (in the Mighty Thor run) and those who touch it… become Thor. Which did not happen to Moon Knight because we were robbed of an amalgam of Thor and Moon Knight. And yeah, you can’t get the Starbrand by just, dunno, chucking a baby into a portal to hell.
As getting the Phoenix and the Starbrand is still not happening, Marc hands the powers he got to Khonshu (giving us a WEIRD image of Moon Knight kneeling at Khonshu’s feet and Khonshu calling him his son), and under Khonshu's orders goes and kills Mephisto. Well, ONE aspect of Mephisto because Mephisto is the cockroach of the Marvel Universe and a ton of alternate universe Mephistos keep coming back to try and kill Khonshu in revenge. And so, once Marc did that, Khonshu keeps the powers to create the Age of Khonshu and protect the Earth by, you know, dominating it.
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And Marc is STILL ok with it, still occasionally joining the Cult in their weekly torture of T’challa to see if T’challa is willing to give up the power of the Black Panther despite T’challa constantly telling them that the only way to get it is by bleeding him dry -something that thankfully Marc is completely unwilling to do. The fact that these pages include a Black Man in CHAINS, kneeling in front of a man dressed in white, with a white cloak and who despite being Jewish, is drawn as white at the time, and some of those were published in the issues with the tribute to Chadwick Boseman is… an extra drop of racism irony that I still wonder how no editor caught in time.
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(Thankfully the issue where Marc takes off his mask in front of T’challa to make CLEAR that yep, Marc is white-passing, was the PREVIOUS issue to the tribute. But still)
Marc, thankfully, didn’t give ALL the powers to Khonshu, keeping the Ghost Rider for some reason, and he travels to the Moon where he meets The Unseen, aka. Nick Fury as the new Watcher (And THAT is a box I can’t unpack right now), who confirms what T’challa had told him previously: Khonshu has gone a BIT crazy with power, and is weakening Earth’s defenses against Mephisto instead of strengthening them, which seriously, a blind monkey could’ve told Marc and Khonshu at the beginning of this run. T’challa, by the way, ALSO can control Mjnolir because Jason Aaron doesn’t know the difference between a mystic hammer and a puppy. (I kid you know, Khonshu throws Mjnolir at T’challa, and Mjnolir first avoids T’challa and then literally swings excitedly around him as T’challa says “Hello, Old Friend”.  Khonshu also bewitches Marc into seeing T’challa as Mephisto at first because of course Khonshu has to manipulate Marc because we’re still dealing with a Fake!shu no matter what everyone says.
T'challa then beats some sense into Marc as Fake!shu flies off to try and find the Starbrand – but then we realize that Marc has a plan. See? All his fighting with T’challa, all his bleeding and being beaten to an inch of his life? Is his PRAYER TO THE PHOENIX. He even HITS HIMSELF when T’challa refuses to keep punching him as he won’t be part of Marc’s Suicide… and the Phoenix Listens and yep, despite this NOT being how the Phoenix Force works at ALL (and being tied mostly to the Grey family life, until Avengers got a hold of it) and so he goes from being the Fist of Khonshu to be the Fist of the Phoenix which… yeah.
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Anyway, as the Phoenix, Marc punches Khonshu from the Moon to the Earth, declaring that they don’t need any of the Old Gods so Khonshu… goes and calls ALL the cult forces (mummies AND werewolves included) And declares he’ll destroy the world barren before leaving it for Mephisto and once again, I do wonder WHO THE HELL is this Khonshu as it makes no sense with any of his previous incarnations and I am including “KILL EVERYONE IN YOUR PATH AND BLEED ON MY ALTAR” Khonshu.
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This gives the Avengers time to recover the powers from Khonshu and… uhm.. Blade becomes the Sorcerer supreme because seriously, Jason Aaron has NO idea how that title works, and She Hulk is temporarily the Iron Hulk.
Moon Knight is temporarily tempted by the Phoenix to destroy the world, but he manages to resists, renounces the power and lets himself be knocked down by a now freed Thor. I have to admit, the baddass boast he gives when he lets the Phoenix go? Is 85% perfect because see, it’s this:
“My Name is Marc Spector. I wear white so the bad guys will see me coming. And so I will always be able to find my true self. Even in the darkest night.”
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See, this would’ve been perfect if it had been: “ My Name is Marc Spector. My Name is Steven Grant. My Name is Jake Lockley. Our Name is Moon Knight. We wear white so the bad guys will see us coming. And so we will always be able to find our true self. Even in the darkest night.”
See? Not that hard to you know, remember to acknowledge the system. But no, Jason Aaron doesn’t do this. It’s just Marc and Marc alone.
Anyway, the Avengers kick Khonshu’s butt, put him in chains and send him off to Aasgard to be dumped in the farthest dungeon for his crimes against All Father Thor (And, I guess, all of mankind because that’s what the God of JUSTICE does. I harp a lot about this, but I hate when writers forget that, manipulative or not, secretive or not? Khonshu is at the end of the day a good guy because if he wasn’t? He wouldn’t have gotten an agent to defend the defenseless in the first place). Marc doesn’t end up in a wakandan prision because T’challa runs the Avengers like a Monarchy so even if everyone ELSE wants Marc gone, T’challa goes and offers him a place in the team.
As you do.
Marc, thankfully, refuses the offer as he points out that, as misguided as Khonshu was with his plan (Because yes, it was a very, very stupid plan) he was right about Mephisto being the biggest threat and Namor, the Vampires and the Russians being just distractions. And since the Avengers weren’t helping against Mephisto, Moon Knight isn’t going to help against the other things.
We will find a bit later that there are more conditions to “We’re not throwing Moon Knight into Wakanda’s dungeons” but for now? Jason Aaron managed to make it look as if the reason was “Well, he DID kick our collective asses so what about if we don’t mess up with him”?
I hate/love this run, personally, because on one hand? It gives Moon Knight a bit of respect showing that yes, Marc IS a power hitter in the MU and for the first time in YEARS uses Khonshu’s divinity and his powers in a way to help Marc and not just as one more reason to insult the guys due to their mental health issues. And I am not gonna lie, Phoenix Moon Knight? Kinda epic.  BUT…
Once again, we have the weird patina of “White-coded gods are superior to other-ethnicity- coded gods” (In one of the past flashbacks, the Moon Knight of the past is a literal ape, while the other powers are clearly wielded by homo sapiens, for example). While again, I know that mythologically speaking, Khonshu started as a sometimes-cruel god? In Marvel he had never been cruel until the Grim-dark-edge of the 2006, and in fact was always, ALWAYS on the side of true Justice, not vengeance, and the whole thing about reviving Marc was about CLEANING his stale, making up for all the people Marc had killed. And just ONE run earlier, like, literally the run preceding this? Khonshu HAD gone against his father Ra who wanted to do the whole “I will control everyone to make sure to protect everyone” fascism route, arguing in favor of people having the right to choose their own paths so it makes no sense that Khonshu would now go the fascist route of “Kill all my enemies and those who oppose my way of saving the world” not 10 issues later. Much less that the boys, not even if Marc is once again suppressing everyone else, would agree with it.
Oh, yes, and the fact that Steven and Jake are nowhere to be seen? Horrible. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I am sure that both heard ONE line of Marc and Khonshu’s plan and noped out of it as it was stupid, but just imagine Jake having the chance to drive the demonic charger?! Or Steven wielding the Eye of Agamoto’s powers (even if, again, NEITHER of those powers work that way. You just don’t hold the Eye of Agamoto and become Sorcerer Supreme. That takes STUDYING and TRAINING) Not only that, we have AGAIN people assuming that if Marc is being weird, is “A Multiple Personality Episode” despite the fact that we, readers, know it’s nothing of the sort because again, the Alters -not personalities, Aaron, seriously, even in 2019 people knew that was not the term- are not around, and Marc constantly says he has no voices in his head. And I miss them talking in plural so much.
Worst part? This arc will not have real consequences for Avengers, as 20 issues later? They are STILL dealing with Mephisto and his tricks. Starbrand is now a teenager because of comics, Echo is now the Phoenix (yes, Marc’s dead ex-girlfriend), and Namor is good again. She-Hulk left the team and is now back to her bouncy sexy self,  and was replaced by Jane Foster the new Valkyrie because she has Movie Recognition now.   But they are STILL not beating Mephisto, who is STILL using mind tricks against them so really, nothing that Marc and Khonshu did had ANY effect on anyone. In fact, I seriously doubt that they remember that happened back in Avengers. However, it had HUGE repercussions on how Marc is going to be written in the next Moon Knight arc, the Mackay Arc. Which will be our subject Next part… which will also cover Moon Knight Devil’s Reign and Moon Knight White, Black and Blood, as we FINALLY reach the end of the Moon Knight Comics Primer.
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Stargate SG-1 "Unending"
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frostysfrenzy · 10 months
You can't die on me now
AKA Sam & Daniel, Season 2
@fighting-naturalist I'm back
The season of the gamekeeper, a huge episode for their bond in my opinion.
But first…
Daniel can barely face Jolinar, seeing one of the people he cares about most on this planet stuck in the same fate as his wife. He’s the last to visit her. And when she tells him there’s no hope unless they let her go, he apologizes. He looks directly at Sam and apologizes, for not being able to save her. But she is saved. She comes back, and he does everything in his power to make her feel better, bringing her the flowers and softly sitting beside her. 
Now now now, to Gamekeeper. They wander into this museum, alone, and it takes seconds for Daniel to realize what is happening. We don’t know if he’s ever told her, or anybody about what happened to his parents but either way she's about to experience it with him, in real time. She watches helplessly as his world crashes down again and again. She’s hurting not only for him, but with him. And he looks to her, begging her to tell him it’s just a bad dream. He’s leaning on her for support in that moment. And she finds a way to make that true, as she slowly watches his heart sink further and further. When he finally walks away, gives up, the game continuing, she asks if he wants her to try something, anything she can do to help him. She desperately wants to fix this for him as much as he wants to get out of the personal hell. Much like Daniel was the first to know of Jack’s terrible loss, Sam now knew Daniel’s darkest moment. She saw it, she lived it, inadvertently giving her a glimpse into things he surely wanted nobody to see. But it gave her an understanding of Daniel, his trauma, how he got to where he was. She only wished they didn’t have to share in losing parents so young. 
Need. Again she’s seeing a darker side of Daniel, but in a completely different manner. She’s watching him disappear, fighting him, frustrated, trying to will him to stay. She’s the one who suggests he be confined, not just to protect everyone, but to protect him. She knows giving him what he wants will only kill him. She takes the stance to have them just wait it out, ultimately saving him altogether. And she immediately backs his call to return to the planet, even after everything it did to all of them.
Then we have some more playful moments, like Daniel teasing over the Lt’s crush on Sam (Mirroring yours babe? I digress). Or nerds nerding together, solving Thor’s puzzles, meeting the Supreme Commander himself; Sam (barely) trusting Daniel’s instinct to talk to the spirit (a literal wolf). Nerds nerding again over the planet in one false step. Sam’s smile when Daniel’s gotten through to the aliens, she’s so proud and excited for him. They’re partners in crime in ridiculous outfits and coloured shades, compromising on a way to get home.
“It’s nice to know you don’t just like me for my looks.” Daniel’s trying to lighten the mood while she’s by his deathbed, asking him to hold on, he can’t die on her now. And he doesn’t. Because she gets through to Ma’chello (Who has stolen Daniel’s body, full circle moment), angry with him because he put her friend’s life at stake. She finds a way to return everyone to normal, and save Daniel’s life. She never gives up on the ones she cares most about, even when they seem like they’re completely gone.
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elvencloud · 11 months
I sorted my dog's kibble today - A reflection on 33 years of life
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Meet the crew, Left to right: Rex, Dabbs, and Nanaki. Dabbs is the subject of this morning as he is a picky eater. I've never really had a dog be picky beyond wanting different food or their sibling's food instead.
Growing up myself, I wasn't picky. I ate my vegetables, my fruit, I disliked sugar as a rule ("It will get me in trouble." was my response, but truthfully things were too sweet for me.) I discovered two things I didn't like as a kid, okra and rye bread. Honestly, sometimes I didn't really have much of a choice. My family didn't have a lot and my dad would joke "Eat it... or wear it." Except fish. Gods almighty, I try and try - and you culinary geniuses that can turn aquatic life into delectable culinary art, I applaud you. Food poisoning from a fishy smelling piece of fish has tainted the thought in my brain. Fish makes my body rebel, revolt. It's POISON it screams. Even worse, fish was a favorite of his diet. My dad tried everything. Have you ever had Ceviche? Ever hear of it?
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It's a peruvian dish. I'm going to quote the recipe I grabbed the image from:
"...usually served as an appetizer. It’s generally made from raw fresh fish or shrimp, that’s marinated in lemon and/or lime citrus juices. The acidity in the citrus cures the fish causing it to denature the proteins and become firm and opaque while absorbing flavor.
After the seafood has sort of cooked in a way other ingredients are tossed in such as onions, cilantro, peppers and tomatoes."
This was one of the many ways my dad tried with me. It didn't smell fishy, and I loved fresh pico/salsa. I'd eat it with a spoon. He tried shrimp, tuna, cod, salmon, shark. No go. Eventually we came to an agreement after fighting for years about it: "You have to try it once a year, otherwise I won't push the issue. You must give it an honest try, and if you still don't like it, we'll move on."
If there was one thing my dad did right: He kept his promises the best he could. It must be in the blood. *********************************************************************
So over time, Dabbs has been eating less and less. Fighting about eating his food, throwing kibble in his kennel around - and over time we realized he doesn't like the flavor. "Eat it or wear it." I replied. Sometimes I don't realize how much of my dad is in here. *taps my head* Over more time, we discovered it's specific kibble he doesn't like. The orange ones.
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- "I like the yellow ones." (Thor, Supreme Commander of the Asgard Fleet, Stargate SG:1) *******************************************************************
Again, we stood strong, not sure if there are different nutrients in each piece. "You're not getting any different food." He ate less and less to our frustration. Until this morning, staring at his mostly full bowl of food from the night before it clicked: Dogs are really just toddlers anyway, right?
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Imagine: If every time you put a pizza roll in my mouth there was a 1/5 chance you would get sardine flavor. Would you eat? I would eat enough to survive, maybe. After a bit of encouragement, Dabbs tried the mixture. Initially, he rolled it around in his mouth, pretending to eat to placate me. I could see his eyes as he ate a fourth, then a fifth piece - "I haven't tasted the orange ones." He emptied the bowl. Enthusiastically once he realized he was hungry. And I was proud. ********************************************************************
Not to get too deep, but I lost my dad 20 years ago this year. I forget how many lessons he taught me in 13 years including: The kid will be all right. You just have to trust in him and talk to him. And he's right - I think I turned out all right. I might even be a great dad one day. When and if: they'll be all right too.
I think I owe fish another chance: It is my birthday after all... and I made a promise.
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wintergirl83 · 2 years
“Supreme Commander” You tell him Thor
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mckiwi · 2 months
Heat of the Moment
To Read on AO3
"Heat of the Moment": Asia, 1982
Something is invading and killing the villagers of Jotunheim. Now sitting as king of Jotunheim, Loki reluctantly summons Stephen to help him save his kingdom. Stephen gets to prove magic isn't the only thing he's good at.
Genre: Comedy/Adventure/Murder Mystery
Characters: Stephen Strange, Loki Laufeyson, and Thor Odinson
Words: 3,191
"You mean you can't just 'abracadabra' your problems away?" Loki asks with feigned shock. 
"Oh, please. First, Thor doesn't understand how e-mails work, now you apparently don't know what the term 'kidnap' means. Allow me to explain it to you, Your Royal Highness. 'To take someone away illegally by force.'" Stephen defines sassily. 
"I have no concern for your Midgardian laws, Wizard," Loki says. 
"You used the Bifrost to take me from my Sanctum! That's an invasion of privacy." Stephen chides, then adds, "And the preferred term is 'Master of the Mystic Arts.'"
"I didn't even want to summon you, initially!" Loki argues back. 
"Well I'm here now, and it better be for good reason!" Stephen snaps. 
"Trust me, it'll be worth your time." Loki says,  ignoring Stephen's unimpressed look at 'trust me,' "you're a doctor, or at least was one, yes?"
Stephen, baffled at why that particular detail of his life was being brought up, asks, "Correct, but what does that have to do with you rudely kidnapping me?"
"And you are the current Sorcerer Supreme as well?"
"Actually, that would be Wong. Though I'm a sort of unofficial second-in-command," Stephen explains. 
Loki didn't look as if he fully believed him, but carried on regardless. "I need your– your duty as a sorcerer– your assistance would be," he softly growls in frustration at himself, "you would be doing Jotunheim a great service if you would be willing to assist us in our time of need." Loki nods, satisfied with his request. 
As amusing as it was seeing the silver-tongued god struggle for words, Stephen wasn't that cruel. "Fine, I'll help. What exactly is the problem?"
His agreement seemed to at least ease some of the tension off Loki's face, "You see, two villages have been invaded, all civilians either killed gruesomely or reported missing. And we have no information on the creature suspected of these crimes. No trace of them to identify. Rather impressive, I must say."
Any irritation Stephen was holding turned into intrigue, "Yeah, I'd say that justifies as a problem."
"To put it lightly," Loki agrees. "Oh, and I did also ask Thor to assist. As much as I hate to admit it, we'll most likely be needing him."
"No arguments from me," Stephen says with a nod. "Why do you need my help, anyway? You're intelligent. A fairly decent sorcerer, too, despite how much you seem to love daggers."
Loki sighs, "You and only one other have ever managed to trick me. Surely for an accomplishment such as that there's something to be of use from you."
"Thank you," Stephen says with a small smirk. 
"That wasn't a compliment." Loki retorts.
"Sure it wasn't." 
"It wasn't!"
"Brother!" That was Thor, striding into the room. "Strange! You will be accompanying us on our journey as well? Loki, I see you finally decided to get help!" Loki narrows his eyes at Thor's word choice. "The more the merrier! How does life treat you these days?" He sets a hand on Stephen's shoulder with such force he nearly stumbles over like a bowling pin. 
"I'm doing pretty good. What about you?" Stephen asks. 
"I'm also doing well, thank you. Brother, how's your reign been so far?" Thor turns his attention to Loki. 
"All has been settled nicely with hardly any misgivings, our current predicament excluded of course. What of yours?" Loki asks with a hint of a prideful smile curling his lips. 
Thor answers, "New Asgard is coming along nicely. Stark has been kind enough to help us get settled as our own establishment." 
"I'll have to come by and visit soon, then. If it's all the same to you, I'd like to figure out who's killing my people now."
He had seen disturbing injuries in his time working at the ER, ranging from point-blank GSWs to a drunk man falling into a bonfire. (Charred skin is one of those smells you will never forget.) Never has Stephen seen something quite like this, however. The fire casts shadows across the walls as he crouches down to get a better look at the body. The Frost Giant man, albeit taller and bluer than the average male, has surprisingly similar anatomy to a human. "Even my interns at the hospital would've been ashamed of a Krocher incision like that," Stephen comments, hovering his hand over the sloppy gash. "About a 20° downward slope starting just under the rib cage. I'd say about 8 or 9 inches wide. I suspect an organ might be missing, too. You see the way the stomach caves in a bit more there?" He gestures to the area right under the ribs. 
"Do you have any ideas of what could've caused a cut like that?" Loki asks, crouching down on the other side of the body. 
"The stomach wasn't cut open, it was ripped open. I once had to treat someone who was mauled by a black bear. Looked a lot like this. It could've been caused by a claw, or dull instrument of some kind." Stephen explains. 
Thor asks, "You suspect one of the other villagers could have done this?" 
Before Stephen can answer, Loki chimes in, "They've invaded two villages. Surely a single person wouldn't be able to do this much damage." 
"Probably a creature of some kind then. How many do you think?" Stephen asks. 
Loki puffs his cheeks in exasperation, "How am I to know?"
"Not only were you born here, you're the king of Jotunheim. I assume you know what creatures live around here and if they come in packs."
"Oh what, so you knew what animals were around the place you were born?" 
"I was a farm kid, so yeah, actually, I did. Had to know what to protect the cattle from." Stephen stands up with a huff to stand beside the lit furnace, watching the flames devour the wood inside, and lets the silence sit for a moment. 
"Amazing how quickly fire can destroy," Loki comments, also watching the wood curl and flake away into the glittering coals below. 
"Or preserve," Stephen challenges, "I don't know if Asgard or Jotunheim has the same custom, but on Earth, we sometimes choose to cremate our dead. The flesh will decay, but the ashes, however... the ashes allow us to keep them close without smelling quite so bad." Loki snorts softly at that. "Should we cremate this body?"
"We have our own customs that I'll see to after we get things settled," Loki says. The trio watched the flames in silence for a few moments. The fire crackled and ashes rose to land on a nearby dusty shelf. "What're you doing?" Loki asks as Stephen approaches the shelf. 
He runs a finger across the wood, inspecting the layer of dust now coating his finger. "Did you know that dust is largely composed of skin cells?" At Thor and Loki's questioning looks Stephen announces, "I've an idea." With a sweeping of his hand, he gathers the dust into a loose but small golden cylinder. As he explains, the cylinder spins around rapidly, "this spell will act as a sort of centrifuge. It'll keep the skin cells in and kick the other particles out." As said, the spell released and only a few particles remained. Stephen draws the particles into his palm and slides his other hand over them. A thin, golden line follows. He pushes the spell forward and the line shoots out past the building, far past what they could see.
"Woah," Thor breathes.
Stephen allows himself a small, prideful smile. "No trace of them to identify, huh?" He asks, quoting Loki. 
"Shut up," Loki says as start to follow the line. 
As a Master of the Mystic Arts, Stephen is expected to have at least a basic knowledge of the nine realms, but he somehow underestimated just how frigid the place actually is. He's slightly jealous of the two æsir. Both Thor and Loki only wear their normal armor, yet still look completely unfazed. The snowflakes clinging to their hair is a mere fashion accessory to them. Meanwhile, Stephen is shivering even with four layers of thick clothing and the air itself hurts his face. His hands ache something awful, too. He can feel the cold metal beneath his skin and the way his blood vessels constrict around them. Thor's higher body temperature allows him to not feel the cold so harshly, and Loki's biology thrives in the cold. Goldilocks got it wrong this time. Being in the middle wasn't just right.
"The spell ends here," Loki breaks him from his thoughts. He didn't even realize the brothers had stopped walking. Stephen looks up from where he had been absent-mindedly stepping in Thor's larger footsteps in the snow, only to face the opening of a cave. The mountain range they had trekked the edge of hid the mouth like it was a sacred treasure to be kept secret. He probably wouldn't have even noticed it if Loki hadn't pointed it out. 
"Where is 'here,' exactly?" Stephen asks.
"I would imagine this is the pests' place of residence. Perhaps the villagers that have gone missing were brought back here." Loki answers. 
"Seems like a safe bet," Stephen concurs.
Thor says, "All-Father grant us strength and protection. Let us go, then."
"Wait, we're not coming up with a plan or anything? Loki, back me up here." Stephen cautions.
"What is that phrase you people of Earth use? 'Expect the unexpected'. That's our plan." Loki explains flippantly. 
"That is not a plan. That's just... going with the flow." Stephen scoffs.
Loki smirks, "Let's hope you're a good swimmer then, Strange." Loki starts walking towards the cave's entrance with Thor at his heels. 
"Oh for the love of–" Stephen sighs, but follows. These two idiots are bound to get themselves killed at this rate. 
The cave was dark the further they went in. Stephen had cast a night vision spell on the trio so they could explore without drawing attention to themselves. At least by light, that is. Sound is another issue. 
Loki hisses, "Could you possibly walk any louder?"
Thor huffs in a whisper, "I'm only walking as I normally do."
"We're trying to sneak in here, you big oaf. Key word there being 'sneak.'" Loki says. 
"I am well aware of that!" Thor insists, and at least attempts to soften his footsteps. 
Stephen matches his pace to Thor's, "Hang on, watch me. Roll your feet like this. Heel hits the ground first, then you roll to your toes." He demonstrates and Thor tries to copy his movements. "My father used to go fox hunting when I was a child and would occasionally bring me along. He taught me how to walk through the woods without scaring the animals."
"I never took you for a hunter, Strange," Thor comments. 
"I never did shoot anything. I would mostly just watch the birds and squirrels. It was peaceful out there. I would just tell my father nothing was out." Stephen whispers.
"Do neither of you understand the concept of being quiet?" Loki whispers back, giving the pair a side-eye Michelle Obama would be proud of. The ground beneath them starts to rumble slightly, only lasting a few seconds. A low groan echoes from the other side of the cave, which quickly leads to various more groans. 
The three stare into the darkness. The darkness stares back at them. 
Then blinks. 
"Run!” Thor leads the way, with Loki in the middle and Stephen trailing closely behind. They maneuver through the tunnels as hound-like creatures with long claws chase at their heels. Stephen turns around briefly to cast the Flames of the Faltine, leaving a barrier of flames between the trio and the creatures. Much to Stephen's confusion, the creatures aren't deterred from the flames, instead, they seem to bathe in the warmth. It almost stops him in his tracks, but a hand grabs him around the wrist and pulls him along. He hears Loki mutter something under his breath, probably an insult, before the two are off to catch up to Thor. 
They run through the tunnels until Thor comes to a sudden stop. He and Loki almost plow into him. Thor backtracks quickly from where he almost falls off a small cliff. Down below is a large ravine. The entire hoard of creatures scamper across small ledges alongside the walls. The floor is made of black, rough stone, and orange light leaks through cracks spreading throughout the stone. What catches their eyes though, is the giant creature in the middle. Over ten times the size of the other creatures, this one lazily has it's mouth open while the other creatures come by and drop small chunks of meat into it. He hears Thor suck in a breath beside him and follows his eye-line to see a Jötunn body tucked away into a crevice, its stomach torn open as one of the creatures roots around in his guts. It pulls out an organ. Smaller creatures, possibly the children, come and drag the body away, munching at the body's sides while doing so. 
"They're eating the livers," Stephen says, lip curling in disgust. 
Loki blanches, "No, Strange. They're feeding the livers to the Queen. The rest they eat for themselves.”
A pebble rolls across the ground, causing the three to whip around. A creature prowls closer, eyes dead set on Thor. Stephen casts Mandala shields at his fists, and the creature's attention diverts to him. He narrows his eyes in thought and dissipates the shields. The creature's attention is back on Thor. Stephen summons a heatless light in his palm, yet the creature’s attention remains on Thor. Stephen huffs a laugh, "They see in infrared!" The creature pounces at Thor, but Stephen uses the Bands of Cyttorak to contain it. It struggles and writhes in its clutches, but almost immediately calms when Stephen ignites flames around it. Thor and Loki circle as Stephen inspects the creature. Now that he had the chance to get a good look at it, he could see how its eyes were similar to that of a fox. "See, Loki? It does good to know the predators in your area. This one evidently seeks heat. That's probably why they sought out the liver. It's typically one of the hottest organs, and it matches with the type of cut we saw in the other victim."
Loki either doesn't hear him or ignores his comment, most likely the latter, and comes closer to the creature. "Varmesøker," Loki announces. 
"Bless you," Thor says. 
Stephen gives him a questioning look, "Varme-what? Is that what it's called?"
"Norns if I know. I just imagined it would need a name. Varmesøker means 'heat seeker.' Seemed appropriate." Loki explains. Stephen hums with approval while Thor nods. 
"Now to address the Varmesøker in the room, what're we going to do with them?" Thor asks. 
Stephen starts, "We could-"
"No," Loki interrupts. 
"You didn't even let me finish!" Stephen protests.
"You didn't need to. You were going to suggest we lure them all to one place and kill them with the thing they love so much. Fire." Loki says. 
Stephen gapes at him for a moment, "First of all, that was a bit morbid. Secondly... yea, kinda."
Loki sighs, "And that's why I said no. Your plans historically aren't the best."
"My plans have defeated the likes of Dormammu and Thanos, for your information. Do you have a better plan?" Stephen raises his voice slightly.
"Umm, guys?" Thor says.
"To lead them away we would need a heat source," Loki argues. 
"Good thing we have three right here with us," Stephen counters back. 
Loki raises a brow, "you're not suggesting we use ourselves to draw them away?"
"Loki?" Thor alerts. 
"While using my magic, I have the highest heat signature. I'm suggesting I lead them away while you figure out where your people are." Stephen explains.
"That would never-" Thor's hand slaps over Loki's mouth. 
"They know we're here!" Thor exclaims in a hushed whisper. Sure enough, one of the Varmesøkers is entering the cave while two more climb onto the cliff they are arguing on. Loki pulls the hand away from his face with a glare. All three creatures stare down Thor until their attention is brought to the fire encircling one of their companions. 
Stephen whispers, "Thor, blast the floor in the ravine. You need to break it." Before either has the time to question his request, Stephen summons the Flames of the Faltine once again, except this time, he keeps it on his person and takes off running. The Varmesøkers are quick behind him. 
"I'm going to figure out where they're storing my people," Loki tells Thor once Stephen's out of earshot then disappears with a gleam of green. 
Thor huffs, "Guess I'll just stay here, then." 
Thor observes the floor of the ravine carefully from his perch on the cliff. From what he could tell, the floor was composed of cracked obsidian, so the orange glow beneath it must be magma of some sort. He knew from his studies as a child that obsidian was a type of glass, so theoretically if he were to strike it with lightning, it would completely shatter. His main problem, however, was the Queen and other Varmesøkers still occupying said floor. As he prepared himself to unleash a bolt, he heard snarls and growls from at least three dozen Varmesøkers and running footsteps from a nearby tunnel, "Thor, do it now!" Strange yells.
With that, Thor let lightning surround his body.
"Thor, do it now!" Stephen yelled at the god. He didn't know why Thor hadn't yet opened the floor to the magma chamber below, but he needed it done now! He kept running through the tunnel, flame in hand, with the Cloak swatting away jaws that got too close. He was rapidly coming up with a plan B, but Thor must've heard his call and Stephen saw how lightning started to surround his body. It crackled around him, and the attention of every single Varmesøker in the area turned to him. Lightning blasted the ground below, and the obsidian fell away into the magma. Stephen ran up to the edge of the cliff edge, increasing the intensity of the ball of fire in hand, and dropped it into the chasm. The Cloak lifted him above the stampede of creatures as they fell after the fire, one after one, and into the firey pits below. 
Thor and Loki join him on a nearby cliff edge, watching all of the creatures fall into the magma-like shooting stars. Loki speaks first, “I found a few surviving villagers. I freed a few of the less injured ones to help the others with the promise to return after dealing with the threat.”
“I’ll help you bring the others back,” Thor says. Stephen makes a noise of agreement. 
Loki clicks his tongue and sighs, "I suppose that takes care of our murder problem, then. Looks like your plan did work this time, after all, Wizard.”
Stephen chuckles a bit to himself and does jazz hands with little effort, "Abracadabra!"
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