#You Are Both Grown Adults Arguing About Shows For Children. You Are The Thing You Claim To Hate.
batking-lich · 5 months
"i'm not like those Other People, i only consume Unproblematic Media™ with Good Representation™ and i don't like Irredeemable Media™"
"i'm not like those Other People, i don't like this Sanitized Media™, i only like Real Art™ with Bad Messy Representation™"
you are literally the same people wearing different hats the only things you disagree about are what counts as bad media and what counts as good representation
#bats makes a post#oh this ''bad'' representation you love was made by an actual queer person? depicting their lived experiences?#and/or you like it because it in some way reflects your own actual lived experience? so you think it's good rep then.#and this other queer media doesn't reflect your lived experiences at all?#and it feels too clean like it was made for straight people and not actual queer people? you might even go as far as to say it's... bad rep#''i don't like Show A because there's not enough good rep'' ''i don't like Show B because there's too much good rep''#You Are Both Grown Adults Arguing About Shows For Children. You Are The Thing You Claim To Hate.#everyone needs to chill the fuck out and get some nuance and recognize this a giant community where everyone has different needs#and that we all have better shit to do than argue over ultimately nothing#and to be clear i'm not different from any of these people either! none of us are! we all like it when things are good#and don't like it when things are bad#and it's completely within human nature to argue over pointless shit so i don't necessarily blame anyone#back in the day you had to get books published and shit to be a philosopher#but now anyone can be a philosopher for free and share their ideas with the world#and that's wonderful! but god is annoying to read sometimes#(and to be absolutely clear i'm not coming specifically for people who love ''bad'' rep#those are just the takes i see more often due to content curation#and therefore the side of the debate that annoys me more because i actually see it regularly#and generally is the side i agree with more often in the broad strokes which Makes It Worse when they're annoying about it)
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inkskinned · 1 year
there are a lot of posts out there that are positive and healthy coping mechanisms for handling the holidays. this is not one of them :)
i think there's like. going to be times in your life you will be stuck in a social situation that you cannot escape from gracefully. i do not know why the internet doesn't believe these times exist. it's not always just that your physical safety is at risk - sometimes it's legit like "i just don't currently have the energy or time to put in the effort of responding to this." sometimes it's a coworker you hate so much. sometimes it's just like, fine, you know? like you know you can handle your aunt when she's cheerily horrible, but if you actually set a boundary around her, it's going to be weeks of fallout with your father.
i don't know why people think the answer is always just "cut them out!" or "don't let them get away with that!" because ... the real world is tricky and complicated. i think kind of a lot of us have an internal "radiation poisoning" meter for certain people. like - i'm talking about the ones who are absolutely giving you gradual ick damage. like, you can handle them, but you'll be exhausted.
and yes. you absolutely should listen to your therapist and the good posts about handling others and set good boundaries and take care of yourself. prioritize peace.
HOWEVER :) ...... since im often in a situation with a Gradual Sense of Ick person i cannot just "cut out" of my life (without losing someone else precious to me) - i have sort of developed the most. maladaptive form of mischief possible. because like, if i'm going to have to listen to this shit again, i like to have a little bit of private fun with it.
now! again, i am physically safe, just mentally drained by this man. you should only do this with people you are not in danger with. which leads me to my suggestions for when your Unfortunate Acquaintance shows up and says oh everyone pay attention to me.
my favorite word is "maybe!" said as brightly and happily as possible. whenever the Horrible Person starts in on a topic you do not want to go further with, particularly if they make a claim that you know to be inaccurate, do not respond to it. you and i have both tried to actually argue with this person, and it hasn't gone well, because this person just wants the drama of an argument. however, "maybe!" gives them literally nothing to go on. it is incredibly disarming. they are used to people having some response. they know they can't prove what they're saying, and maybe! treats them like the child they are. it dismisses them in the politest way possible.
i like to say maybe! and then, in their stunned silence, immediately change the subject. this is because i have adhd and i will have something unrelated to talk about, but if you can't think of topics fast enough, i recommend just pointing to something and saying, "isn't that lovely?" because fuck you let's bring in some positivity.
by the way. that second trick - of pointing to something and stating an opinion about it? - that just works on its own, like, 70% of the time. i picked it up from teaching preschoolers. it's an intentional "redirect". it stops children crying and it also stops grown adults from finishing their explanation on why women belong in kitchens. dual wielding!
keep it silly for yourself. i absolutely do not care if people think i'm fucking stupid (it's more fun if they do) and as a result i will purposefully misunderstand things just to see how long it takes them to realize i've completely removed them from the subject at hand. when they say "women aren't funny" i get to be like. "which women." "all women." "all women in america?" "no in the world." "like the mole people? the people in the world?" "what? no. like, alive." "oh are we not counting the mole people?" "what the fuck are you talking about." "you don't believe in the mole people?"
similarly, i play a personal game called "one up me." my Evil Acquaintance literally knows this game exists (my family & friends caught onto it and now also play it) and it always fucking gets him. i don't know why. you have to be willing to be a little free-spirited on this one, though. the trick is that when they make one of those horrible little bigoted or annoying comments they are always making, you need to go one unit weirder. not more intense, mind you - just more weird. "you don't look good in that dress." "yeah, actually, my other dress was covered in squid ink due to a mishap at the soup store." "you shouldn't wear such revealing clothes." "wait, what? oh shit. sorry, your son tears off strips when no one is looking and eats them. i swear it was longer before we left the building."
the point of "one up me" is to completely upend this person's narrative. we both know this person likes setting up situations where you cannot "win" and then they really like telling other people how badly you handled it. in a usual situation, if you respond "please don't say something that rude", you're a bitch. but if you let it happen, you're letting yourself be debased. they are not usually expecting door number three: unflappably odd. because what are they going to say when they're telling everyone how badly you behaved? "she said my son eats her dresses" ".... okay?"
if you can, form an allyship with someone whomst you can tagteam with. where they can pick up on your weird "soup store" story and run with it.
the following phrase is amazing and can be deployed for any situation: "oh, be nice :) it's the holidays!" i do not know why this works as often as it does. i'll say it for the most random shit. i think this is bc most of the time these people know they're being impolite, they just like to fight.
godbless. when in doubt, remember that you could always start stealing their pens.
the whole point of this is - if you can't escape. maybe see how long you can just be. like. a horrible little menace.
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litnerdwrites · 24 days
About the dancing chapter...
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I agree 100% with this comment by the amazing @deathbealady (no seriously, I didn't even realise how similar this situation was to Mor's) and I wanted to use it as a jumping off point to talk about Eris Vansera. To be clear though, I like fanon Eris and am currently undecided about canon Eris, for reasons I'll explain later.
For now, we can start with the IC asking Nesta to try and seduce Eris. I refuse to believe they weren't given this idea by Elain, either because she volunteered Nesta outright, or because she put the idea of using Nesta's artistic passions that, at this point, they know were effectively weaponised by her mother, to seduce an older male with the idea of marriage.
Either way, the fact that the IC knew what Nesta's mother had done, and decided to take advantage of it without ever asking what she thought of it, or what she might like, despite it being the same thing done to Mor when she was Nesta's age, if not younger. It's made especially worse given that Nesta likely feels unable say 'no' to the IC, because if she does, she'd likely be threatened with Elain being made to do it.
If that isn't bad enough, and I wouldn't be sure if it could get worse if I wasn't about to tell you why, then we can take a look at the age gap between Eris and Nesta. I've heard people argue that it's fine, since they're both consenting adults, but I think that the term 'adults' needs to be redefined. Humans are considered adults at the age of 18 or so, but only have a fully developed frontal love at 25. Meanwhile, fae are considered adults by the age of about 50 to 80 (with the latter being the age that a High Lord can be named such, but some people say it's 50). This has some pretty serious implications.
Starting with the fact that if females in Illyria and the CON are married off/wings clipped when they have their first period, which seems to be from around the same time human women have theirs, to 18 if they try to prevent it through medication, then they aren't adults themselves. They aren't even half way there in the (I don't want to say mild, best case, better or anything like that case because it's all messed up) cases where the woman is 18 or so. It also implies that a fae female's frontal lobe isn't developed until she's over fifty, since we don't have evidence to suggest the contrary.
Just because Nesta was almost 25 when she became fae doesn't make it alright either. Given that her aging must have slowed astronomically when she was turned, it's fair to assume it would have a huge impact on maturity and brain development. Which means the Archeron sister's in general might have serious gaps in the way their brains develop, especially Feyre, since she was resurrected and her body changed. It might even be slightly different for Nesta and Elain since they were killed, pulled apart and put back together in the cauldron.
Since it was the cauldron, there's a chance that their brains were also changed to be like fae, but either way, both possibilities and scenarios come back to the same answer: The Archeron Sisters are still mentally children, and will likely remain so for several decades longer, perhaps even longer than regular fae due to the unprecedented and irregular nature of their existence.
This brings me back to the subject of Nesta and Eris. He is a grown adult many centuries older than Nesta, with frontal lobe development and centuries of experience. Nesta is barely even half way to being an adult, while he is over 500. Moreover, the IC believe that Eris is a monster.
Now, I'm well aware that there's likely more to the issues between Eris and Mor than what we've seen. Between Eris's own words regarding 'circumstances' that he wouldn't explain, to the narrative going out of his way to show us good parts of him. Such as the way he moved to protect his mother at the HL meeting, and how he let his own father torture him but still protected the IC's secrets and took the unnecessary verbal abuse from Cassian. There's even the fact that Eris simply lets others believe him to be the villain, and let's Mor control the narrative for her own comfort, as opposed to spilling whatever happened, even if it would, somehow, absolve him.
Now, to be perfectly clear, there is little Eris could say that would absolve him, truly, of what happened. I acknowledge that he's a victim of his father, however that doesn't mean he can't also be Morrigan's abuser. And yes, even if he didn't touch her, neglect is abuse. Leaving her there for dead, regardless of the reasons, is a messed up thing to do. The categories of victim and abuser are not mutually exclusive.
The narrative wants us, as readers, to question Eri's actions and begin to wonder what happened between him and Lucien and Mor. It wants us to open up to the idea that Eris may not be as bad as he's made out to be, and that there's something more sinister happening, since it puts some level of suspicion on Lucien, Mor and Beron. However, just because that's the story we're being fed as readers, doesn't mean that the characters have the same perspective, or are living the same story, necessarily.
If you think about it, they have no reason to believe that Eris isn't a psycho who abuses woman and would slaughter his brothers to get to the crown. His comment about circumstances does read like an abuser trying to justify his actions with little effort, while giving no real reason, not that one would make up for what the IC believes he did. It's not a good enough reason to absolve him or make him seem like a good person.
He still hunted Feyre down, even though he had no reason to once she and Lucien made it to the Winter Court, and it, logically, would've caused more trouble for Beron if they were caught. Especially since a whole fire fight took place, and it would be easy for Kallias to connect that with autumn citizens, since he didn't know about Feyre's magic. If anything, hunting them at that point would've caused more problems and they'd be better off just telling Beron that Feyre and Lucien were there. A high lady, if Beron acknowledges the title or not, trespassing in foreign lands with a banished son would be enough to raise a fuss about.
He, also, has people who've known him for centuries, from Mor to Lucien (though the latter probably has more accurate info given his connections in various courts, and the fact it's unlikely Mor shared many words with him over 5 centuries) and the fact he's essentially blackmailing the Nc. This is more so an issue of his having certain pieces of information being a cause for the IC to fear what he may do with it, or what might be found out by their enemies if they use torture or a daemati.
I'm not saying, by any means, that I hate him. I think he's actually written better than Rhysand at this point, since unlike Rhysie playing hero, Eris knows he's a terrible person and low key owns it. Whether or not that's subject to change is dependant of SJM's writing in the future. There's a chance she may actually turn him into Rhys 2.0 by pretended he was a good guy all along.
However, regardless of his reasons, he has done so many atrocious things that the IC have no reason to think he's a descent person. Mor clearly hasn't said anything about what happened and, as much as I don't like her, she has no on page motive to antagonise Eris otherwise. That might change later, especially if she's the traitor, but as of now, her behaviour seems understandable, somewhat, based on the version of events that she gives.
Yet, despite all of this, the IC still think that essentially whoring Nesta out to Eris because it suits their goals. Regardless of the risks to Nesta's safety, regardless of how Nesta feels about the matter and and simply going off of Feyre's guesses about how Nesta feels without ever feeling the need to confirm if any of them are accurate to Nesta.
Let me summarise: Rhysand and Feyre, Nesta's own sister, thought it was a good idea to use Nesta's artistic passions to seduce a man that is literally 20 times Nesta's age, letting said man ask for Nesta's hand, and letting Nesta consider accepting despite the IC believing he is a woman torturing psycho that would throw her to the wolves at the first chance if it helped him in the end.
Let's not forget that while Eris may be bit of a grey area for us at the moment, the IC knows that Eris also lives with abusers, like Beron, who'd have no issue using physical violence against Nesta. So even if they thought Eris wasn't a monster for some reason, they'd still be putting Nesta in danger. Especially if Beron is working with the Death God, who wants the trove and is using Bryallin to find it.
Oh, and this was all after Cassian came to the conclusion that Nesta was suicidal, and was sexually assaulted in a vision, if I remember right, while on a life threatening mission in a place the rest of the IC, even Amren, is scared of.
Regardless of what Rhysand says, he allows abusers near enough to his family, or the ones he doesn't care as much about, I suppose, and is seemingly willing to let them marry said abusers if it gets him his goal. Rhysand who was abused. Rhysand who's mother was forced into child marriage.
Rhysand who seems to ignore the fact that the Archeron sisters are children. Children can't consent, if it wasn't clear enough to him already. Also, consent must be informed, and last I checked, Nesta wasn't informed about Eris beyond him being a snake. She isn't given a heads up about how abusive he's believed to be, how he may have to kill/watch you die if his dad decides so, or how he's likely to leave you bleeding out in the woods if you're injured. This is literally what the IC believe he is like and they didn't tell her.
Consent needs to be voluntary. I think it's been well established that Nesta likely doesn't feel like she can make real decisions because of consequences she may face.
He's also completely willing to send a suicidal (you can't argue that he doesn't know since Cassian reports everything to Rhysand, and kind of Feyre, apparently, from her Valkyries to her progress in 'healing'/being brainwashed so there's no reason he wouldn't report that too) into life threatening situations, put them in a place where they could jump to their deaths at any moment, with magic that could provide literally anything but alcohol, and filled with weapons.
To conclude, Eris is a grey area in ACOTAR that, at this point, reads as what Rhysand kind of should've been if SJM didn't make him a good guy for no reason. Meanwhile, this 'good guy' is endangering his sister in law through abuse, emotional blackmail and brainwashing, while putting her in proximity with a known abuser. Might I remind you that she's a minor? With possible developmental gaps. And he's doing it all because her being in danger makes his life easier, and the cousin that the dude abused is going along with this without any issue.
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yardsards · 2 years
listen. the thing most people tend to forget/ignore about alador blight is. not all of his actions/mistakes are due to being afraid of his wife.
in some cases, he seemed to actually *agree* with her.
like, at the beginning of reaching out when he ignores the fact that amity doesn't want to go to coven tryouts. his explanation is not "your mother will be upset with us both"; it's "this is good for your future".
now, you could maybe argue that his agreeing with/trusting odalia is due, at least in part, to manipulation or even gaslighting on her part. there are things you could read as hints that he doesn't trust his own judgement. (though i personally wouldn't say it's ALL because of her; a grown adult -yes, even a victim- can very well have bad opinions of his own accord)
but. either way. he's more complex than just "poor scared sad man with absolutely no autonomy or thoughts of his own, doing literally everything just because he's afraid his wife will hurt him or his children".
and his character really ties into the show as a whole and its themes about the harms of blind obedience.
one of the biggest common threads in this show involves people doing harm by following other people's influence. sometimes it's due to fear from (real or empty) threats against them or to their loved ones. sometimes it's due to (either real or falsely promised) rewards being offered. oftentimes it's due to lies and manipulation convincing them that what they're doing is actually good and right.
and i've been wanting to write a big meta post about that for a while bc it's so complex and there are so many examples and so many questions (especially about morality) explored in relation to that theme. but that's for another day
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josefavomjaaga · 6 months
Hii, I have heard Eugene initially disliked his stepfather. It sounds interesting since I love the beautiful father-son bond of napoleon and his stepson. Is it true that Eugene initially didn't like his stepfather? Was it just a part of grieving for his own father, Alexander, or was it because Napoleon initially acted a certain way that hurt Eugene.
Hi and thank you for the Ask! As I’m feeling particularly lazy today, I thought it would be easiest to let Eugène answer himself. This is translated from his memoirs:
I must say that, a few months later, we realised that General Bonaparte might want to unite his destiny with that of our mother, and all the splendour that has since surrounded Napoleon, then General Bonaparte, has not made me forget the pain I felt when I saw my mother resolved to form new ties. It seemed to me that a second marriage, whatever it was, was a profanation, an attack on the memory of my father. General Bonaparte, who was already a regular visitor to the house, took an interest in everything that went on there, and did not disdain to devote himself, with particular care, to the education of two children whose mother he soon hoped to marry; but they were aware of the reluctance we had already shown, my sister and I, for my mother to marry again, and they used the need for both of us to complete our education as an excuse to place us in two boarding schools in Saint-Germain. It was not long before we learnt at once of my mother's marriage to General Bonaparte, of his appointment as commander of the army of Italy, and finally of my mother's imminent departure to follow her husband. All this news would have pleased me very little if General Bonaparte, on leaving for Italy, had not given me a glimpse of a very flattering consolation: he promised to call me to his side as soon as, through assiduous and successful work, I had made up for the time that circumstances had caused me to lose.
So, apparently Eugène and Hortense had shown their dislike for this second marriage openly enough for Napoleon and Josephine not wanting to have them around for the wedding. Which is … yeah. Not particularly considerate. Presumably, this had hurt Eugène more than he lets show in his memoirs. I surely would not want to learn about my mother having married from my school principal (according to Hortense, she was called to Madame Campan’s office, and Madame Campan then carefully broke the news). I’d argue this was not the best start.
But let’s not forget that this is Eugène’s own POV. As he admits himself in the next paragraph, his education had indeed been much neglected (he had already been pushed from pillar to post even before the Revolution after his parents’ separation). The kids being sent back to school may have been more than just an excuse to have them out of the way for Napoleon and Josephine’s marriage.
As to the reasons why the kids were set against their mother remarrying, Eugène cites the memory of his father, in whose care he had grown up and whom he probably had a much closer personal relationship with than his sister. He also may have understood much more than Hortense about the ugly scenes that had happened when his parents had separated, so his mother remarrying may have felt to him as if Rose-Josephine now completely gave up on Alexandre, as if she ultimately declared that her first marriage had been a mistake.
But most of all, I think the children felt abandonned. After all, not even two years earlier, they had woken up one morning to learn that their mother had been taken to prison during the night. Françoise de Bernardy thinks that the letters the kids wrote home from their boarding schools often feel as if they were very protective of their mother, almost as if they had been the adults and Josephine the child. All their childhood had been turmoil. Their mother was the only thing left they could cling to.
But both children were, as a rule, docile and well-behaved, and especially Eugène had this innate desire to please, to be loved, and to win the appreciation of whatever father figure was available in his life at any given time. So it would not take long for Napoleon to win them over. We do not have any letters from Eugène to Napoleon from this time, afaik, we only know he wrote because Napoleon mentions it. We do have a letter from Napoleon to Hortense, in reply to a somewhat defiant letter she had sent. Presumably, Hortense, being younger and closer to her mother, had been more hostile than her brother. But I doubt she would have expressed her feelings too openly; Madame Campan would have taken care of that.
I also always feel like I have to add a bit of a caveat with regards to Eugène’s and Napoleon’s relationship. Yes, I would argue this was most likely the closest thing to a father-son-relationship Napoleon ever experienced during his life. But it always remained at a certain distance. Napoleon called Eugène tu in private, obviously, but in letters and later at court it’s always vous. And while we have multiple remarks of "paternal love" and "filial devotion" etc in their correspondence, I yet have to find a single instance of Eugène referring to Napoleon as a father. Even in letters to his mother and sister he speaks of either "Bonaparte" or later "the emperor". Napoleon does of course call Eugène his son in every letter since the adoption. But this is first and foremost a formality; prince Karl von Baden who had married Napoleon’s adopted daughter Stéphanie de Beauharnais is adressed as "mon fils" just like Eugène.
Aaaand considering that I only wanted to quote Eugène, this has gotten unbearably long once again. Sorry for that 😚. I always get so excited whenever somebody shows an interest in the boy.
Thanks for the Ask, I hope this was helpful!
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blackhairedvisenya · 4 months
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: taming the dragon, embracing the wolf
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: aemond targaryen x oc x rhaenyra targaryen
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3k
I have so much planned for this story <3 With Love, Sofia
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𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 | 𝐨𝐧𝐞
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𝘕𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘴.
Aenys Targaryen was just a small child, too young to be able to remember everything that had happened during the dance and what he remembered brought pain to his soul; His muffled cries when his parents argued, their threats to kill the opposing families to put an end to the war that was about to break out; His screams shrilled as Daenys fled with her son from King's Landing and joined Rhaenyra in Dragonstone.
Aenys was happy for a while in Dragonstone, the little child had the company of his cousins Aegon and Viserys, the three were very close in age to each other. But when Viserys was taken from Dragonstone and Aegon was gone for a while, Aenys felt alone again, remembering that this was not a world of stories and wooden toys but of mourning and bitter pain. He was alone, Aenys didn't really know anyone in Dragonstone, who he knew had already died or fled far away, and his mother, more loyal to Rhaenyra than to herself, remained in Dragonstone planning attacks and decimating armies, the few that existed at the end of the Dance.
Many northerners couldn't resist their curiosity and asked him: "How did your parents die?" Forgetting that they were asking that to a little child who hadn't even reached his fifth Name Day. And if Aenys was really sincere, he wouldn't know how to answer, there were many versions of what had happened, theories and lies were spread about that day and he wasn't there to know what happened.
Aenys only knows that Daenys Stark and Aemond Targaryen died on the same day and in the same place, their deceased bodies having been found next to each other. The only thing he is sure of is that Cregan took revenge on what was left of the Greens for that.
Now, twenty years have passed, everyone has grown up. The babies and children that were there during the Dance were now adults, adults condemned to suffer from sadness for the rest of their lives.
Now older, Aenys doesn't remember what his parents looked like, the memories of their faces were too blurry for him to remember, and what he remembers is the portraits covered with thick cloths and hidden in one of the halls in the Red Keep. Did Aemond and Daenys also witness their memories of their favourite people blur and fly away when they lost their loved ones in the Dance of the Dragons?
"My mother?" Aenys is taken aback by what Cregan Stark said, the man who took him with him to the North at Daenys' request, days before she died. It was as if she already knew what was going to happen.
"Yes, The Queen of the North was an extraordinary woman, what was extraordinary was her claw and strength and above all devotion, towards her Queen..." Cregan sits on a chair facing his nephew and soon, his son-in-law "Your mother was an unrepentant sinner and believe me, I know it well" Cregan's lips twitch in what would turn out to be a brief smile, perhaps memories of what he had gone through with Daenys Stark.
"Do you still remember her?"
This question somehow leaves Aenys helpless. He didn't remember his own mother as clearly as he did when he was a child, but he wanted to. After all, it was difficult when his parents were considered monsters throughout Westeros. Talking about Daenys Stark or Aemond Targaryen was almost a crime in those times, even after almost two decades had passed.
"Tell me about my parents, both of them" Aenys demands to Cregan, his voice not showing malice but rather a certain rigidity, the result of so many years of Cregan hushing up the lives of Daenys and Aemond from their own son "I want the whole truth. It's time for me to know. How can I defend my own deceased parents from the people's speeches if I don't even know what they were like?"
"Because none of them deserve someone to defend them" Cregan's eyes hardened at the words leaving his mouth.
"But you said-" Aenys is quickly silenced by Cregan who raises his voice.
"Nys, your mother was a great person but that doesn't mean her actions were. When she was tested she crossed the line and many times she did that and we paid for it even more" The Lord of Winterfell's eyes go to a portrait, the portrait of Bennard Stark, Daenys' cousin and Cregan's uncle although the two shared almost the same age "We all paid, even the people who most wanted peace"
"Do you want the naked truth, Nys?" Cregan's question hovers in the air and even without an answer he continues "Wherever they are now they know they are burning for their sins. Daenys murdered children in front of their parents, and Aemond burned people alive while he laughed uncontrollably over Vhagar while people screamed and begged for mercy... Let's just hope the apple falls far from the tree, right?"
"I'm not like my parents!" Aenys almost screams at Cregan "I am incapable of committing such acts!"
"No Aenys, thank the Gods"
𝟗𝟗 𝐀𝐂
During the darkest and coldest winter night the North had ever experienced, the young Princess Rhaenys Targaryen had gone into labor, stifling and hiding her cries of pain behind the doors of her chambers at Winterfell, praying that no one noticed. Because deep down, only one thing made her afraid, the fear of losing everything. The throne, the unborn child, or even herself.
She was in a place little known to her, the cold North, where she went after marrying the young Lord Ellard Stark. Ellard, unlike many other Lords, saw his wife for who she really was and not as another possession of his. He was sweet and kind to her, treating the Princess like the Queen she would be. Around the Seven Kingdoms it was said that the union between them had been made by the Gods. Ellard Stark, the Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, and the young Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, heir to the Iron Throne. A true union of Ice and Fire. Perfect for each other, just like the love they both had, until it was destroyed and devastated with a tragic end.
Rhaenys's husband had died in a stupid battle, sharing the same end as her father, Prince Aemon Targaryen. And the young Princess witnessed the grief again.
And now there she was, scared and in pure pain, far from home and the embrace of her beloved family. She was just a young girl whose childhood could never be recovered, slipping from her slender fingers as soon as they placed her as heir to the throne.
Rhaenys Targaryen was just a lost daughter and a wife, now a young widow and in pure grief, calculating every word, every laugh and every frown, with dreams bigger than Westeros and a red dragon she bonded with as a child, after her aunt's death.
Deep down what she really was, was a child, a child who was caged in a cage of duty to the Seven Kingdoms, but on that cold night of the freezing Northern winter, Rhaenys was no longer a child who had been hurt and would run to her mother for comfort.
That night Rhaenys' future would depend on herself but above all on the child she was about to bring into the world.
A boy, a future Prince and as the years passed, he would become the future King, following in her place. It was everything Rhaenys wanted. A boy, a child who would secure the throne for his mother and future generations.
The Princess didn't even think about the option of the child in her womb being a girl, not when she prayed so much to the Old Gods and The New for a boy to be born. She didn't want her first born child to be a girl, Rhaenys didn't want what happened to her all these years to happen to her daughter in the future.
However, that night there was that young girl who carried the title of greatness before those lands, accompanied by the midwives who found her and heard her pleading cries, no matter how much she tried to stifle them. Women who, although they were nice to Rhaenys, she couldn't help but feel the coldness they conveyed towards her. Reminding her that she was only in the lands of the North because of what was in her womb, even though the child would eventually hold the throne of the Seven Kingdoms, the northerners didn't care much, the only thing that mattered to them was that in the blood of that baby runs northern blood and that says a lot.
"It's a girl!" She seems to hear one of the midwives say in a tone of pure joy to the others.
How could anyone be happy with news like that? Rhaenys must have certainly misheard, the labor pains were still taking effect on the Princess's body. This is until the same midwife who was carrying the baby in her arms approaches the Princess, before she can speak the Princess speaks over her.
"The future King of Westeros, my dear son..." Rhaenys contains the rest of the sentence in her mouth when she notices the confusion on the midwives' faces.
"Or the future Queen, my Princess" The midwife gently rocks the baby in her arms "she's a girl"
She. A girl. Tears of despair and anger form in Rhaenys Targaryen's unnerved eyes as soon as she hears the news, these same tears quickly fall from the Princess's face as she looks at the newborn baby in front of her. Small strands of black hair filled the small, fragile baby's head. Black hair, like both of her parents, but this was a disappointment for Rhaenys as she expected her child to have a Valyrian appearance like her ancestors. But the child she had given birth that night was a girl and her little strands of hair were dark.
"Leave..." The Princess says to the midwives, her voice hoarse and weak from the long hours of labor "And take her with you" Tears run down Rhaenys' already wet face.
"As you wish, Princess" The midwives bow before her before hurriedly leaving the Princess's quarters and wrapping the little baby in blankets to protect her from the cold of that night.
"The baby must be cold... or hungry" One of the midwives says watching the little newborn baby crying as the three women walk through the halls of Winterfell "Should we go back to the Princess's chambers?"
"Didn't you see the disgust on the Princess' face? She doesn't want this child" The other midwife exclaims "Targaryen women suffer a lot during births and many of their babies are stillborn, shouldn't Princess Rhaenys be grateful for this healthy child? "
"Not when the throne is in question" The midwife who was between the two and was carrying the little baby in her arms finally speaks "It was a boy she wanted"
The cold didn't stop that night, snowing more than usual, the direwolves howled through the forests until they were heard in Winterfell. The sounds of the North were heard so that everyone knew.
The midwife carrying the baby drops her chin slightly to look at her "The direwolves howl in your honor..." She then looks at the other midwives "Today a Targaryen was not born in the North but a Stark"
"Why are you saying that?" A young boy asks, his tone showing curiosity, he is a few steps behind them, peeking around the corner of the cold stone wall.
"The Old Gods decided so, their decision is everywhere to be seen" The midwife says "May I introduce you to your cousin, she is a girl"
"Does she already have a name?" He asks, as soon as he notices the midwives' silence excitement fills in him "Can I give her a name?"
"Rickon, I don't think that's how it works.." The midwife tells her.
"Why not?" He asks before being interrupted by his father.
"Because adults are the ones who give names, not children." Benjen Stark, the Lord of Winterfell after his brother's death, appears in the shadows of the corridors, his heavy wolfskin coat dragging along the floor.
"I'm not a child! In four full moons it will be my thirteenth name day" Rickon crosses his arms, a habit he picked up from his father when he was upset by something.
"Princess Rhaenys will name her child" Benjen approaches the baby in the midwife's arms "When it's your turn to be a father, you can choose the baby's name"
"What is it?" The Lord asks the midwife.
"The midwife said the baby is a girl" Rickon tells his father.
"Can I?" Benjen asks, holding out his arms for the midwife to hand him the baby.
"Of course, my Lord" She hands him the baby and then bows to him, as a sign of respect.
"You are dismissed for today" Benjen says to them "And you, my little winter whirlwind, you are going to be dismissed too" He says to his son.
"What did I do to get dismissed?" Rickon asks, lightly scratching the bridge of his nose.
"Nothing, but I will speak to Princess Rhaenys and it is appropriate that it is just the two of us" He says "Kingdom Affairs"
It didn't take long for Rickon to give up on his persistence to go with his father. Benjen had convinced him well and Rickon was never the boy to be interested in matters involving small councils, endless meetings and matters involving treaties, on the contrary, the little boy's attention was always focused on hunting and fighting. Benjen knew that his son would be a prodigy and a pride for the Stark house when he could enter the tournaments, especially those in King's Landing.
The large wooden doors of the Princess's rooms were closed, just as they had been all those long months after her husband's death, hiding from the cold and people. But today would no longer be another day and those long months of hiding would come to an end, as soon as the doors to the rooms opened.
"I don't want you here" Rhaenys warns, her voice stern and full of contempt.
"Winterfell is mine after all and I can do whatever I want in my castle, including opening doors" Benjen walks into the room, and in his arms was the little baby that had been born in that same room "You know, my brother loved you endlessly"
"And I loved him just the same" Rhaenys says, her white nightgown was in some parts an almost transparent shade after endless hours of birth, her dress and legs were also dyed red with the blood.
"And why don't you love your child, the fruit of your never-ending love, in the same way?" The Lord asks her, who prefers to remain silent "she is a girl, is that why you don't want her?"
"You, a simple Lord, do not understand" Rhaenys adjusts herself on the bed and corrects her posture, remembering who she was and who Benjen was.
"I may not understand or I may, I still know how the old-fashioned way of the line of succession works, you needed a boy"
"I wanted a boy" Benjen observes the words coming from the Princess's mouth, her voice was like a whip, pushing away anyone who tried to get close or know the reality, harsh and cold Rhaenys had become, she exclaimed that the North had made her like this but anyone who really knew her knew that it was the throne that had this effect on her.
"You wanted what was convenient for you and for the throne" He says, observing Rhaenys swallowing hard "Aren't you going to give her a name?"
"I don't have a name for her" Rhaenys says, the Lord could see that she was really telling the truth and being sincere in that moment "You can name her"
Benjen pauses for a moment, his only focus being his little niece in front of him, her small body stained lightly with blood from being born mere hours ago. When the Lord looked at the little girl he saw his late brother, her small strands of hair were dark as the night just like her eyes that once reminded him of his brother's.
"She looks like a Stark" He says and Rhaenys agrees, shaking her head.
"Just like Ellard" She says "She doesn't look anything like a Targaryen"
"That's why she will have to be named after one" Benjen looks at Rhaenys "There has to be balance"
"Come on, what will you name your niece?" The Princess asks him, encouraging him.
"I will name you after the best Targaryen woman who ever lived" He says to the baby "Your name will be Visenya, like the Conqueror"
"That name is cursed" Rhaenys says "She is cursed enough, poor baby, a girl"
"Then... She will be named after the woman who saved the Targaryens from The Doom" Benjen says finally "You will be called Daenys, Daenys Stark of Winterfell, daughter of a Princess and an honorable Lord of the North and you will be Queen of Seven Kingdoms"
"I don't think that will happen" Rhaenys says more to herself than anything else "Neither she nor I will be Queens of Westeros"
"If you were a boy you would be King, but you, my sweet Daenys, shall be my Lady of Winterfell and inherit everything that was ever rightfully yours and your late father's."
𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐀𝐂
"I always wondered if you would still come to visit me this year, my sweet granddaughter"
As the years passed, Good Queen Alysanne aged, her face was wrinkled but nothing could take away her beauty, inside she still remained young despite being sixty-four years old. She now spent her days in Dragonstone, waiting for her husband, King Jaehaerys, who would come to her as soon as he could. Alysanne no longer flew in Silverwing, now the dragon spent her days in the meadows and flew whenever she felt like it.
"Of course I would come, grandmother" Rhaenys advances into the Queen's chambers, carrying little Daenys in her arms and a baby in her womb, the result of her recent marriage to her new husband, Lord Corlys Velaryon.
"How's King's Landing?" The Queen asks her granddaughter, while placing her great-granddaughter on her lap "I've heard the news, my husband and your grandsire, the King, want to proceed with the Great Council's decision" Rhaenys sighs deeply as she combs her black hair with her delicate fingers.
"Do you think I have any chance of winning the Great Council with Viserys being the second in line?" She asks Alysanne, who looks at her somewhat confused.
"My sweet girl, you are my son's daughter, Aemon was first in the line of succession and so you will too"
"I have a daughter as my firstborn child, the grandsire will never accept me as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms" Rhaenys tells her.
"Just like Viserys, remember he has Rhaenyra" Alysanne responds "You are both equal except for the fact that you come ahead in the line of succession"
"My Queen and grandmother, you don't understand..." Rhaenys rubs her two hands together, a way of relieving the anxiety that was causing her just thinking about the subject "He's a man, he will be able to take the throne from me"
"Enough talking about matters of the Kingdom and men, do you want tea my dear?" Alysanne asks her granddaughter while serving herself a delicious tea, and Rhaenys nods to her grandmother's proposal regarding tea "How are the dragons?" Rhaenys smiles as she remembers the love and admiration Alysanne had for the beings that inhabited the Dragonpit.
"Well Dreamfyre laid another dozen eggs, let's hope they hatch"
"Did my great-granddaughter's egg hatch?" Alysanne asks, lowering her gaze to observe Daenys.
"Unfortunately no, the egg we placed in Daenys' crib never hatched" Rhaenys says and Alysanne holds her granddaughter's hands, reassuring her.
"Silverwing will love her, I just know it"
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I think about the excessive g5 hate from adults sometimes and its like....
Listen, I understand the anger. You watched g4 and it was part of you and now it's moved on and you're slightly upset, but something I feel like the g4-stanning fans forget is that....they're not the show's target anymore. When mlp g4 started out, it was for little kids. It was still for little kids when it ended. Nothing is wrong with liking a kids show, but when you start throwing fits and swearing over new designs and demanding they change it when you are not longer the target audience....idk, I just don't understand I suppose. I grew up on g4 and ADORED it, and I like g5 just as much. Ofc I'm not saying people can't dislike g5, I'm just saying it's hard to wrap my head around why people hate it so much. Because you can be in the fanbase of a kids show, but it's not for you, it's for the little kids who will buy the toys and beg their parents to get the services to watch the show. It's for the new generation, heck, the movie was CALLED "A New Generation". I get the frustration, but the fact of the matter is that you've grown up and the show is no longer for you. You can't demand Hasbro to change the plot or designs of g5 just because you don't like it, because you're not their target audience anymore. The younger kids of today are. The most common issue I see is people complaining about Sunny becoming an alicorn "too quickly". The thing is: Sunny became an alicorn because she literally put an end to hatred between the three pony kinds, she made ACTUAL HISTORY, she changed her world forever, and I feel like restoring the peace Twilight once upheld was pretty deserving of alicornhood? Sunny didn't make the races hate each other, that happened long before she was born, she saved her kind and restored magic to ponies everywhere...I feel like that's a pretty deserving thing to become alicorn over. If she went through the exact same long and drawn-out arc Twilight did, it would get boring because we've done this before. We've been here before. G5 put a new spin on the show that honestly was really cool to see. If it went with Twilight's same story people would just hate it for copying g4. I just feel like maybe...agree to disagree? Dislike g5 but stop putting intense and malicious hate in the main tag, stop commenting on posts/tiktoks/whatever talking about how you miss g4 and how stupid you think g5 is...Twilight's entire mission was peace and friendship, she wouldn't hate Sunny for restoring that peace. She was the princess of friendship. I don't get why people think she'd want to kill Sunny for restoring her legacy... In short: Let people enjoy things and try to be at least somewhat polite about it, it's not worth getting red hot heated over the pony cartoon, just leave everyone to their own devices. Shake hands over liking the separate versions (or both!) and call it a day.
*(PLEASE don't fight or argue or come after me in the comments or reblogs, I'm not trying to start discourse, I'm just calmly stating my opinion and expressing my confusion. Once again, I have no issue if people dislike g5. I just don't understand the full-blown all-caps anger coming from adults over this children's media and am expressing those feelings.)
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opinated-user · 3 months
LO try not to villainise her victims challenge (impossible)
what a fun little game! can i play?
How to spot a smear campaign: Victims’s “crimes” will be enlarged, and even if they’re small missteps, they will be treated as if only the worst person on the planet would do such a thing
(like when Lizzy "made" LO to kick a bowl of soup into her lap by completely accident and that was turned into Lizzy somehow being abusive when she cried about it later? like when Courtney having common behavioral symptons for children who suffered CSA got turned into him being a "child molester"? like how he became a murderer in LO's posts for defending himself from a woman who attacked him? how about that time that LO bragged about beating Courtney 15 times in the stomach, because that is something she thinks is worth bragging about, got turned into Courtney threatening with a meatl tenderizer?)
Accusations against the victim will always be a reach, aka, they did ‘this little thing’ but it actually means they’re a racist/murderer/genocide supporter/fascist/have blood on their hands, even when the person’s actions never conformed to those crimes
(oh, like when LO called EssenceOfThought, a leftist transfemme, a terf for months because she dared to make video calling her out? like when she implied that P must be lying about her being a therapist and how it was "ominous" that she had a child, before anyone had any reason at all to suspect she was anything but a normal parent? like when she calls us hypocrites, supporter of child molesters and murderers of babies? like when she calls anyone who disagrees with her nazis? oh, do you remember too when LO spend hours arguing with an anon that was racist and transphobic only to treated them as if they were Lizzy? i do.)
All and any actions of the victims will be misenterpreted in the worst possible way, anything the person does will be taken as an offense and intentions will be read as hostile and manipulative, regardless of how clear they are
(like how Courtney not showing receipts for cat food means that he's scamming the people who donated to his kofi? something that is totally comparable to dishonestly using the 2000+ USD donated to you in order to buy a desk and then lied about when you had that event to pretend that desk was before it, of course. or do you mean like how he was talking about how, as a grown adult, he reasoned that your stories about being molested as a child are probably true got turned into "6 year old Courtney knew i was being abused and did nothing to stop it, she's to blame for everything that happened to both of us"? like how Brittany and other expressed concerned over you publishing the pictures of the health hazard your wife is still leaving in, but you turned all of that into them somehow blaming MO for it? like how you keep projecting that we're scared of you just because we abreviate your name?)
All victim’s actions will be taken out of context; ie, victim said something cruel to someone, but they take out the context of the victim being abused, threatened, tortured, forced into defense mode and finally attacking out of desperation to defend themselves and get free
(oh, just like Brittany having issue with her roomates and venting about it on her blog like any normal person would, got turned into somehow she not knowing how to deal with people! or do you mean like how you claim now that Brittany got a restriction order by her ex and almost drove her over with a car, completely ignoring that the first is a total made up lie and the second was completely taken out of context? or maybe how LO used for months one single phrase that Lizzy said with no context as her evidence that she was an abuser all along? or do you mean how Courtney totally threatened your life, but you left out the part in which your incest grooming of him had bothered him enough to react violently with the hope that maybe you could stop talking about how much you want to date your sister in front of third parties.)
The victim will commonly get provoked into giving a bad reaction, (anyone gets defensive if they’re accused of the crimes they never did, or simply triggering insults until they snap), and the reaction will become the new ‘proof’ that the victim is in fact, evil and guilty
(remember when Courtney had a violent reaction upon finding out that one of his abuser had a platform and responded by being transphobic? it doesn't matter that Courtney is out there defending the identity of LO. it doesn't matter that Courtney admits that was wrong of him and should have never done that. it doesn't matter that he has never misgendered LO once. it matters that she did it once and therefore he'll always be transphobic, and anyone who support him is transphobic, and clearly there's no other reason to dislike LO if isn't transphobia! or do you mean when you used all the mental issues and struggles of Patch against him as a reason why nobody should listen to him, especially not about the financial abuse you submitted him to?)
A lot of pressure will be put on you to react ‘correctly’ to the smear campaign; if you don’t accept to demonize this person at once, you’re getting scrutinized, shamed for your lack of morality, told that you support all these horrid things and that you are just as despicable
(oh, like how when Lizzy finally spoke up about LO cheating on her multiple times and sexually coercing her into doing things she didn't want, and only then LO pivoted into saying that Lizzy was a sexual abuser and a rapist all along! wait no, this one goes in the first. but anyway, how about everytime Courtney says anything and a minor happens to interact with that post? but it's okay when LO does it, obviously!)
You will notice a trend of people ganging together based on their demonization of the victim; they will set a standard where you’re accepted and welcome if only you also will demonize and hate this person, and if you don’t, you’re blocked, cast out, and accused of causing harm
(oh, right, exactly as LO did to KP the second she started asking questions about Courtney instead of accepting blindly whatever story LO decided to go about it)
It will feel very easy to accept to demonize this person, and going against it will feel risky, like going against the grain, doubting the word of the many and risking being demonized yourself.
(more KP examples insert here)
The smear campaign continues all the way until the victim is chased out of the community and denied a voice, even if the victim commits no further crimes, awful things will be said about them, their past ‘misdeeds’ continually brought up, until the victim is commonly believed to be worthless, and becomes completely isolated, scared of society and alone
(LO literally bringing up Courtney burning her pokemon cards when they were children as proof that Courtney was an abusive monster all along. or how Courtney fighting with her in general as children gets turned into more abuse. but when LO brags about beating the shit out of him, that's not abuse, that's just how children are!)
There will be no limit to what is considered okay to do to the victim of a smear campaign; even if the victim is accused of minor bad behaviour, it will become okay to threaten, insult, shout slurs, trigger, provoke, humiliate, manipulate, and repeat any kind of abusive behaviour to the victim, all because ‘they’re bad so they deserve it’.
(like how LO threatened to release the nudes of Lizzy to the public? like she keeps inventing new and boring insults to call us with? slurs? already done that, but you said that was censored so you, LO, have decided alone that was fine actually. LO has continously lie about things anyone can confirm)
People leading the smear campaign will switch between being ‘extremely grossed out and enraged’ to showing absolute joy and satisfaction when they find a new reason to demonize and smear the victim. People truly horrified of someone’s actions do not get a leap of joy when a new disaster happens, they’re not beside themselves to abuse the perpetrator all over again.
(oh, like when LO was so happy to keep publishing asks with archives of Courtney's old post that demostrated what a monster he was? or maybe like LO admitting that she only uses extremely serious situations about incest in order to spite people who read her blog=)
It will never, ever be acceptable to show any mercy to the victim. Forgiveness is out of the question, trying to understand them is out of the question. Even reading or listening to what this person is saying will be banned and forbidden, unless it’s for humiliating purposes. They will be shown as absolutely irredeemable, and associating yourself with them as evil and unforgivable. You will be instructed to block or unfollow or report the person based on what you’re told, without any significant proof.
(i decide to count here LO outright refusing to ever admit that Courtney went through any kind of abuse, even at the hands of her older brother, something that does actually nothing for her. the brother that, btw, not that long ago was using transphobic insult against her and never apologized for it anyway, but it's evil when only Courtney does it even if he does apologize.)
Do not fall for smear campaigns. If a large amount of people all agree that a person is the worst, but their story is exaggerated, out of context, sounds fictional, and doesn’t show any proof, and the people switch from being enraged to eager, doubt it. Participating in a smear campaign will help the abusers isolate and abuse someone, and you do not want to be a part of it. They will also smear anyone who stands up to their abuse, so you’re helping the abusers to create a place where pointing out abuse gets you cast out of the community.
(what a good article, LO. i'm sure this doesn't apply to you at all! because you have so much evidence and proof for everything you accuse everyone of being or doing, right? you have all the evidence unlike us, don't you? you always provide the entire context and never, ever, misrepresent, lie or forget to mention key details into anything... even if your target is a literal 6 year old child.)
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unchataparis · 6 months
I gotta say, one of my most hated salt trope is when Gabriel or Audrey prefer Marinette over Adrien and Chloé. They see Marinette as the better child/the more talented/the more deserving and the entire fic's plot revolve around Adrien/Chloé's realisation and concluding devastation over that fact. :/
Salt has a questionable status in this fandom, as it does in most fandoms, but as I've come to unpleasantly realise, most people who are writing salt are, in fact, not twelve or thirteen year olds but full grown adult with jobs, career, even children of their own.
Sometimes, I see posts that are so overwhelmingly filled with hatred for certain characters, it's shocking to realise that you guys aren't being ironic, you're being for real. Your opinion is yours to have, and all of your emotions and feelings are valid. It's always good to be passionate rather than bland. I'm sure that if we were to meet on the streets, no one would be this zealous over their opinion of a children's cartoon show. But I feel like some of you are so sucked into this imaginary, badly-written, fan service-orientated world, you've forgotten your common sense and dedicated effort that this show does not deserve into defending your favourite, mistreated characters.
This show isn't well-written. It has questionable plots and characters. Thomas Astruc is a dubious man. These are all facts that no one is arguing against. But even with all these truths in the air, it still doesn't justify the sheer amount of unregulated hatred reserved for certain characters.
I'm speaking to the 'I live for salt' girlies who churns out Marinette Deserves Better wips on the daily. The people who are swearing at each other on the Internet over whether or not Chloé is a good person and deserves to be redeemed. I'm talking about those who accuse Lovesquare shippers of enabling toxic relationship and misogyny.
What are you talking about?
I don't think any of you truly believe that Miraculous is bad for children or that it's upholding the patriarchy, you're simply grasping onto whimsical straws of social justice in order to advance your own egocentric agenda.
Fandoms are meant to be a safe place to discuss your interests and find like-minded friends who aren't available in your local area. Not a feedback loop of aggrandising, disproportionate speculation.
If you hate the show so much, you're not even watching it anymore and following other people's social media AUs instead – nothing wrong with that, but you do realise that means you have no idea what you're talking about, right? If the show is so terrible and you don't even care about XXX or YYY, why not just leave? Place your time and effort into something that wouldn't make you so angry and dissatisfied?
I've been watching Miraculous for about six years now, and this show has a lot of impact on my artistic and internal psyche and it means a lot to me and I can see both the good and the faults in it. But at the end of the day, the characters of Miraculous are literally just characters. They're not real, they don't have opinions of their own, and they do what they do at the behest of the people writing them. You can't let yourself be consumed by their fictional plights.
Take this statement with a grain of salt and know that there is fluctuations to the fact of it, there are always exceptions, but: fandom arguments are ultimately pointless. There's better, more worthwhile things to do. There's always going to be annoying, infuriating people, you don't want to add yourself to the mix. Think about it, what's your endgame? That everyone will apologise to you and admit that you were right and follow all your opinions? That the writers of the show will change the story and rewrite everything according to your suggestions and 'corrections'? You're bitterly giving all your energy to something that will never reward you.
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asharaxofstarfall · 6 months
Targ stans are actually so embarrassing at this point like 💀💀
"The greens aren't real targaryens!!! But the strong boys are xx"
Girl- 😭😭 and this one person came into my inbox (on anon obviously) and said that I'm gonna be embarrassed 5 years from now like... imagine being such a pathetic targ elitist that you send anonymous hate to a 15 year old over a game of thrones and house of the dragon tumblr blog 💀💀
targ stans sorely overestimate how much non targ stans think about the targs. i had someone tell me that by liking alicent and arguing that aegon's claim was strong, i was “openly advocating for misogyny”. by liking a fictional character from a fictional show about fictional events i'm fighting against women's rights??? alicent is arguably more of a feminist than rhaenyra. people take the targaryens too seriously and treat them as gods when they're really just fantasy characters that like blood supremacy, dragons and sleeping with their own siblings. grown adults will plague my inbox with their weird obsession and act annoyed when i won't debate over the morals of their faves because i'm literally too busy doing high school maths and worrying about college to care. and even if i wasn't a teenager, i still wouldn't be that chronically online over them because i actually have a life. i'm not saying that there's anything wrong with really loving fictional things as an adult, because there really isn't, but why are you trying to fight children over it?? like you're in your thirties, go do taxes or talk to someone that wants to listen to you. they will seek out team green blogs and then get angry when they realise that not everyone is as petty as them and that typing at someone in caps isn't going to convince them to agree with you on everything. i've also had someone say that the reason they constantly sent me anon hate was because “i wouldn't listen any other way”. and i'm still not listening now!! did you really think that calling me a brainless idiot was going to make me consider your opinions more? rhaenyra, daenerys, daemon, rhaenys, viserys.... etc are not real 😭😭😭 they can't hear or see how hard you're dickriding them😭😭 they don't exist!! also, i'm pretty sure that alicent's kids are more targaryen than the strong boys. viserys is fully valaryian (?) and rhaenyra is around 3/4 while alicent and harwin are both 0% which gives the targtowers more valaryian blood than the strong boys
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smokingtiger · 11 months
I’m wondering why people spend most of their time arguing what ship is real or not. At the end of the day, we don’t know these Idols as much as we think we do. Taekookers, Vhopers, Vminies, Taejin, etc swore and had proof that their ship was real but look at what happened. It turns out Tae is “allegedly” dating someone totally different. This shows that we don’t know anything about these Idols. We don’t know their true sexuality or which people they sleep with. We all just speculate and over analyze things. All ships have memories that we all side eye. It’s better to not over obsess about it because that’s how people turn into sasengs all in the name of proving “my ship is real”.
I think people are fascinated with other people's love life, not only on a macro scale but on a micro one, too. Have you ever been in school and had a few classmates nag another one about who they have a crush on or who they're dating? This seems like lunchtime drama, cute little whispers between students as they exchange friendly banter in the hallway... but as we get older, I've noticed this type of urge to know doesn't go away, it just takes on a new form hidden under a guise of maturity.
Of course, adults have a better capacity to reason or make educated guesses based on circumstantial evidence, whereas children and teens may be quick to jump on more speculative conspiracies based on societal expectations. But this doesn't necessarily mean that adults are more perceptive, (because as we know, that is not always the truth, some of the people pushing the most hateful conspiracies against Jimin in terms of a ship are fully grown) they just tend to have an upper hand and/or advantage in the cognitive department.
Whether it's just genuine human curiosity or that terrible itching feeling of not knowing, I do know that gossip and speculation surrounding the personal lives of these stars (celebrities or the general elite) has been a thing for at least a hundred years or more in places all over the world.
But I guess to those who take a more extreme approach in their shipping, it must feel good to be vindicated in some respect in the face of what they deem to be the opposition. Like, I must be right, I know I'm right, I have all the 'facts' and 'stats' to prove it! All these other people are so stupid and dumb!
That's why we mostly see Jikookers and Taekookers fight with one another. Like, sure, Taekook and Jikook are both EXTREMELY popular within the fandom, but one of the other main issues lies with the fact that these ships share the same dude. Like shit, Jungkook might as well be Bella Swan from the Twilight series while Jikookers and Taekookers orchestrate an entire team Edward or Jacob situation again.
It doesn't matter, guys. Truly, it doesn't. But Jungkook is totally team Edward, like he literally themed his entire photofolio off of Mr. Cullen.
I don't necessarily want to fault those who rallied behind a certain ship, especially a celebrity one, because obviously there's something about a certain dynamic/pairing that has spoken to them on a deeper, psychological level. I don't mind people shipping or engaging in the what-ifs, but as you mentioned, "It’s better to not over obsess about it because that’s how people turn into sasaengs all in the name of proving “my ship is real”. ... there is obviously some sort of line that some people cross that takes innocent shipping into wreckless conspiracies.
No one should ever have to deliberately go out of their way to prove something that is real when it hasn't even been confirmed in the first place. Unless BTS or BigHit themselves has confirmed something, the best that you can do is just gather speculative evidence and present things as theories rather than facts.
If you feel the need to be hateful or spiteful towards another person who is ALSO engaging in the tentative guessing game on the relationship of someone they don't know personally... that's when you're ringing the hypocrisy bell. The stones are coming from within the glass house.
Just, ship who you want, do it quietly and/or peacefully. If someone believes Taekook is still completely valid in the face of the alleged Taennie rumors, they can do that! I just don't think it's healthy, like you said, to become overly obsessive and vicious to the point of becoming a deranged sasaeng searching for information.
I mean, that's what happened to Jennie Kim, right? Someone wanted to know more about her and her relationships, so they went and hacked her personal photo album to share with the public. Fucking abhorrent shit.
Even if you think Jikook or Taekook or Yoonmin or whatever ship out of the main twenty-one (yes, twenty-one) bangtan pairings is 99% real, it still should never be presented as being a solid and concrete fact!
Let's all just be somewhat sane and respectful people, okay?
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That’s not the issue. It’s not that amber was a woman and jd was a man. It’s the fact that he was disgustingly older than her, he dated a minor as a 25 year old full grown adult which is absolutely about power only, his ex said he got angry and violent quick, he admitted in court he called Vanessa paradis many horrible names bc there was physical photographic proof he couldnt deny, there was photos of the damage he did, his own team members admitted they lied bc he intimidated and paid them to lie in ambers person, these same people actually stood up for ambers side eventually, the jokes about raping her dead body was way before they got married which matters, amber does have injuries that were proven to be real if you looked them up or watched the court videos in full, he told Paul bettany that he “pounded and displayed ugly colors on amber”, he said things in recordings where he promised amber he’d get better and “try not to hurt her again” and to “leave him notes in the morning as a reminder to be nice to you”, (abusers always keep you in a cycle where you have hope they’ll change), and in texts to her mom she even said she loves him and wants him to change too, amber never abused her ex bc her ex came forward and said it was a misunderstanding (they’re not dating anymore so if amber was an abuser her ex wouldnt have to defend her), amber was the one that made excuses for jd bc she loved him despite the abuse he admitted in audio to doing to her, JDs emails to ambers therapist and psychiatrist talk about trying to keep her under control in his own words and he swore at them and showed unhinged behavior in the emails about wanting amber under his control, victims record arguments in relationships not abusers: check who did the 18 or whatever hours of recordings… amber was the one trying to call the police and her friends, Mr Murphy was a witness to ambers closet being destroyed, audios of amber saying he beat her up and he responded with “I made a mistake I won’t do it again”, in the audios amber is clearly arguing things we victims of abuse usually argue to our emotionally abusers: that’s about reminding n them to communicate issues, set boundaries VERBALIZE IT with each other on both ends (abusers don’t usually do it on their ends bc a common abuser trait is expecting ppl to read your mind and just know what you want), she argues he’s projecting again, amber also is honest about fighting back and the bad things she says sometimes but reminds him it starts with him, amber didn’t want cameras in court, depp did. Depp enjoyed and said before going to court that hed enjoy bringing her there, and victims don’t feel or think like that at all bc it’s traumatic for us. After countless arrests, convictions for rape and child rape, depp still defended rapist Roman Polanski in a 2010 interview. Jd is known to be friends with multiple men who have been called out on rape and domestic violence, had restraining orders set against them, their children accused them of abuse, and theyve admitted in text s to doing things of that nature, these men include: Brian Warner (accused by 6 ppl), nicolas cage, marlon Brando, josh homme. Ambers close friends I couldn’t find anything, but she came from an abusive home and usually you repeat what you’ve been through. Depp admitted in audio to being “irrational, crazy, jealous” in response to amber filming scenes. https://twitter.com/glossyinferno/status/1517232728755916800?s=20 that’s one of many fucking links. Just watch the full court hearing through and through without fucking skipping you fucking morons. And listen to the full audio recordings amber has which is like 18 or whatever amount of hours, but you have to listen to EVERY FUCKING SECOND you fucking MORONIC FUCK FACES.
Anon, please seek help.
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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justcallmelenny · 1 year
It’s the fact that he was disgustingly older than her, he dated a minor as a 25 year old full grown adult which is absolutely about power only, his ex said he got angry and violent quick, he admitted in court he called Vanessa paradis many horrible names bc there was physical photographic proof he couldnt deny, there was photos of the damage he did, his own team members admitted they lied bc he intimidated and paid them to lie in ambers person, these same people actually stood up for ambers side eventually, the jokes about raping her dead body was way before they got married which matters, amber does have injuries that were proven to be real if you looked them up or watched the court videos in full, he told Paul bettany that he “pounded and displayed ugly colors on amber”, he said things in recordings where he promised amber he’d get better and “try not to hurt her again” and to “leave him notes in the morning as a reminder to be nice to you”, (abusers always keep you in a cycle where you have hope they’ll change), and in texts to her mom she even said she loves him and wants him to change too, amber never abused her ex bc her ex came forward and said it was a misunderstanding (they’re not dating anymore so if amber was an abuser her ex wouldnt have to defend her), amber was the one that made excuses for jd bc she loved him despite the abuse he admitted in audio to doing to her, JDs emails to ambers therapist and psychiatrist talk about trying to keep her under control in his own words and he swore at them and showed unhinged behavior in the emails about wanting amber under his control, victims record arguments in relationships not abusers: check who did the 18 or whatever hours of recordings… amber was the one trying to call the police and her friends, Mr Murphy was a witness to ambers closet being destroyed, audios of amber saying he beat her up and he responded with “I made a mistake I won’t do it again”, in the audios amber is clearly arguing things we victims of abuse usually argue to our emotionally abusers: that’s about reminding n them to communicate issues, set boundaries VERBALIZE IT with each other on both ends (abusers don’t usually do it on their ends bc a common abuser trait is expecting ppl to read your mind and just know what you want), she argues he’s projecting again, amber also is honest about fighting back and the bad things she says sometimes but reminds him it starts with him, amber didn’t want cameras in court, depp did. Depp enjoyed and said before going to court that hed enjoy bringing her there, and victims don’t feel or think like that at all bc it’s traumatic for us. After countless arrests, convictions for rape and child rape, depp still defended rapist Roman Polanski in a 2010 interview. Jd is known to be friends with multiple men who have been called out on rape and domestic violence, had restraining orders set against them, their children accused them of abuse, and theyve admitted in text s to doing things of that nature, these men include: Brian Warner (accused by 6 ppl), nicolas cage, marlon Brando, josh homme. Ambers close friends I couldn’t find anything, but she came from an abusive home and usually you repeat what you’ve been through. Depp admitted in audio to being “irrational, crazy, jealous” in response to amber filming scenes. https://twitter.com/glossyinferno/status/1517232728755916800?s=20 that’s one of many fucking links. Just watch the full court hearing through and through without fucking skipping. And listen to the full audio recordings amber has which is like 18 or whatever amount of hours, but you have to listen to EVERY FUCKING SECOND.
Mr Murphy agreed that he went to the apartment and cleared up the mess which could be seen in the photographs. (p. 82, paragraph 383)
If you’re too lazy to watch the trial full thing through without skipping a second here’s my gift to you: https://twitter.com/i/status/1541483048046194688
Dr. Bonnie Jacobs, AH’s doctor (hearsay because the doctor didn’t actually witness the abuse in person as it happened and she told her doctor)
The color-correcting palette in question was used as a prop to give the jury an idea of what Amber would have used to cover up her bruising. Amber's team had removed the label to avoid brand association and have never alleged to her using that specific product or brand. Amber's makeup artist testified to using Clé de Peau to cover her bruises, a Japanese luxury beauty brand.
Color corrector palette came out 2016 not 2017 like rumors said, but it was never stated she used these products.https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/gallery/how-to-colour-correct-best-correcting-kits
Defended roan. Polanski who was convicted on multiple rape charges already by 2010 when the interview took place:
Depp was arrested in 1989 for assaulting a security guard after the police were called to end a loud party at his hotel room.
He was also arrested in New York City in 1994 after damaging a hotel room he was staying in with Kate Moss.
Depp brawling with the paparazzi.
In 2018, Depp assaulted a crew member on the set of City of Lies.
In 2018, two of Depp’s former bodyguards sued him for unpaid fees and unsafe working conditions. The suit was settled in 2019.
Depp was constantly late and drunk on the set of Pirates of the Caribbean.
Depp will also supposedly receive his full salary for the third Fantastic Beasts movie, despite filming only one scene for it and being asked to leave the project.
Heard sought a restraining order from Depp in 2016. She also sought an order requiring Depp to attend 52 weeks of anger management courses. (page 19, Judiciary Judgements) AND HERE ARE THE LINKS BELOW:
I’m not linking it but you can easily find the full uncut audios of ambers recordings online like YouTube for example; they are of these time lengths (minutes/hours/whatever): 36:53 (3/?/2015), 4:25:11 Toronto (9/12/2015), 4:21:21 accountability, 53:58, 5:30:24 mockery, 2:05:25 issacs 9/?/2015, 31:25 phone call 2016, 24:42 divorce TRO 2016, 2:02:09 deposition 2016
Yeah but he's captain jack sparrow
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papirouge · 1 year
Hii papirouge I hope your day has been well and that you have many more blessed days to come 🫶
I wanted to get into watching anime (I was looking into trying sailor moon and some studio Ghibli movies because those are popular) and wondered if you had any recommendations?
Also: I keep seeing the creepiness of modern anime (namely the pedophilia and other degeneracy) and am seriously wondering what happened between old school anime to now??? The old stuff seems much more normal and sane in comparison.
Hi baby🌞 this is such a lovely entrance djzkdksksk now you got me by the feelings so I'm going to try my best to answer even though I haven't watched anime since YEARS 🥴
There's this preconceived ideas that older anime (80s-90s) were less harmful than today's.... which is true to some extent (especially when it comes to female representation : don't you find interesting that WOMEN are absent from modern anime/manga? only teen or children..... which breeds a generation of pedophiles/men who can't cope with mature women. At least in the 80s we had Versailles no Bara, Cat's Eyes, City Hunter female characters, etc. The FEMME Fatale trope was thriving) but there was definitely toxic/creepy things even in old gen manga.
I grew up with Sailor Moon, and most of this stuff flew over my head back then, but for example Usagi daughter (Chibi Usagi) had a flirtatious relationship with her father. Little Light studio YouTube channel has a whole playlist of videos exposing the cursed messages in anime I linked one of their video in one of my post in the my #animewasamistake tag, and they go as far as the 90s (with Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, etc.) So it's not new
I like flexing over the fact that I never watched a Ghibli movie. Most adults obsessing over those movie scream emotional retardation syndrome. I feel the same about Disney fans too (both demographics overlap anyways). Ghibli movies are filled with paganism so I'm losing my mind whenever I see Christians worshipping them🙄
The Isekai genre is a whole escapist cope anyway (beside Ghibli movies, there's also Kimi no Na/Your Name that did a lot of waves a few years ago) It's only featuring kids or teenager through coming of age stories, and it baffles my head that grown adults are obsessing and identifying so hard over such thematics.
Adulting in Japan sucks, that's why most of their entertainment revolves around glorifying youth & childhood (and entertainment material for adult is often sex related), a time where they are still free of pressuring social expectations, have an entire future before them to create and fantasizing about parallel dimensions where we can fix everything.... but we don't need to bring this regressive copium in the West. I think anime culture is part of why so many adults act & sound retarded today. I'll get roasted for saying that, but people above 25 years old enthusiastically watching anime have something wrong with them.
Ultimately I wouldn't recommend you to watch anime bc there's an obvious (mental & emotional regressive) agenda in it.
The only safe and clever anime I can think of is Shōkōjo Sarah. I grew up watching it and it made the person I am today. It's really emotional and bittersweet (still an happy ending though !!) but watching it will really show you how much of a gap there is between today's anime. Shōkōjo Sarah tackles real stuff (death, abuse, poverty, bullying, social class injustice, etc.).
Anime stans would argue that nekketsu too explore great values (friendship/newfound familly, courage, perseverance, etc.) but all this positivity is overshadowed by all the trash around. Senseless fighting, violence, ABSOLUTE ABSENCE OF ADULTS, PARENTS OR PARENTAL AUTHORITY, female characters devoid of any personality beside having big breast and being a side buddy/love intereset of the main character (hence why most male anime fans have such a warped view of adult femaleness)..
Avoiding manga/anime written by males is already a great way to sort out shitty manga. But even female author are shoving mysticism (Fullmetal Alchemist), weird romantic dynamic in their material (I'll never forget CLAMP obsession to do child/adult couples in Cardcaptor Sakura) and unecessary (underage) female sexualization (let's not forget Kimetsu no Yaiba main character's 14 y.o sister having her breasts doubling size & popping out of her kimono whenever whatever demon who's possessing her comes out).... I feel like the anime/manga industry is so porny & scrotified that even female author go with the flow to get success.
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everythingsinred · 2 years
003 persona
ur bold for sending me this lol
How I feel about this character: little serio rei deserves love. he deserves protection. he was abused and mistreated and the way he grew up chills me to the bone. he suffered and he didnt deserve to because he was just a child. that being said PERSONA as an adult sucks. i hate that guy. years of emotionally, physically, and psychologically abusing his students for no reason is not something i can forgive. was it jealousy that they dont live in cages like he did? was it a way for him to let out his anger and despair? was it just bc the esp manipulated him? honestly, i really dont give a shit. i understand better than anyone that abuse can easily become a cycle but that doesnt mean im okay with persona's actions. being abused as a child doesnt give you a get-out-of-jail-free card for abusing more children. natsume is my son, my blorbo. i cannot tolerate the grown adult man who COMMANDED him to take his own life and told him that his only value was as the black cat. no thanks. no hate to persona fans, but natsume is my baby boy above everything
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: i ship him with therapy and staying far away from all children always since his he has a tendency to act violently whenever he sees one.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: THAT BEING SAID. izumi. ah. maybe if izumi hadnt died rei wouldnt have grown up to be persona and things would be better for everyone. ALAS. he must also be held accountable for his own actions. it cant always be about how the esp fucked everyone up. persona is a grown adult, not just a victim of circumstance... tho it seemed at the end like he understood that better than the narrative smh
My unpopular opinion about this character: hmm hmm hmm. i talked about this in the discord with someone but i think its very sus that persona is more easily forgiven than luna. it smells like misogyny to me. luna and persona have almost identical arcs: being groomed by the esp, purposefully isolated and manipulated so they align with him, abusing children only to regret their actions and change sides at the very last moment. i dont really understand at all why luna is somehow worse than him when theyre pretty much the exact same. in fact, i could argue luna was a little less of a menace than persona when it comes to their treatment of the kids bc she only started playing a role with students halfway thru the story as opposed to being an abusive teacher for years before the story even began. theyre both terrible but i dont understand why luna is treated more harshly when persona is NOT better at all. at least luna actually stayed away from the kids after her redemption.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i wanted so badly for natsume to punch him in the face or tell him off. we never got natsume saying ANYTHING about persona at the end which sucks bc out of everyone he deserves to and he shouldve gotten the chance. i choose to believe that natsume has socked persona in the face many times before the epilogue chapters.
Favorite friendship for this character: i dont think he has friends honestly
if you would like to send me an ask for a character/ship/show or you'd like to rb the original post yourself, heres the link!
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castielcommunism · 2 years
yeah i rly don’t think ppl give dean enough credit with the mary of it all in s12. the whole “oh this 40 year old man expects his mommy to make soup for him” type of take is boring like ok putting aside that maternal resurrection is an insane situation that would likely destroy one’s psyche, dean is also trying to unlearn so much…like yes the situation IS both funny and depressing, both for dean and mary (and sam to a lesser extent). but like you, i think deans reactions are a testament to the good parts of him, not the bad!
yeah like the expectations Dean puts on his mother ARE unreasonable don’t get me wrong but they’re deeply sympathetic. Like this is a parent who he has exclusively good memories of and has heard only good things about. She also doesn’t know Dean at all, which I think excites him. John was constantly disappointed in him and withheld his approval, and I think on some level Dean figured that if he could just be My Mom’s Oldest Son then he would finally have a parent who would properly love him and take care of him the way he needs. In some ways Dean is emotionally still a four year old because that was the point at which he lost his childhood and was treated like a resource by his father. I think Dean does want Mary to make him food and tell him everything will be okay and tuck him into bed. Not literally, but like emotionally those are the things he wants from her because they’re things he’s never had.
And in 12x22 when he watches her say that to his four year old self he realises he doesn’t actually want that because it’s a lie. They can’t reverse time or undo the damage in their family’s history, but they can start fresh and try again (which is exactly what he says to her).
And Sam wants those things to! Like he absolutely wants A Mom. But he doesn’t put all of his emotional expectations on Mary or like bare his soul to her immediately the way Dean does. Dean places all of his emotional baggage at her feet and demands she deal with it, so when she decides to leave he’s not only completely devastated by it, it also retraumatises him (my mom is leaving again) and confirms all his worst fears (once my parents know who I am they hate me). Which is, again, unreasonable and unfair to Mary, but it’s understandable. Sam doesn’t do any of that. He’s sad his mother is leaving but like he’s not going “oh my god my mom hates me and wants to leave me, specifically, because my lot in life is to be abandoned by people I love when I let them down” the way Dean does. Sam definitely feels a lot of resentment and anger towards Mary for making the demon deal, for not preparing him or their family for it, for dying and destroying their lives, but she never really fell from this high mantle for him. She’s just an utter and complete stranger that their father was obsessed with.
And obviously like Mary is not blameless in this. She did make a deal, and her actions did destroy her family. She had children with John and she does have a responsibility to them, even if they’re suddenly these grown adult men she doesn’t know. But the tragedy of it is that none of them are really at fault for what happened, or for Mary coming back, they just have to deal with these circumstances the best they can.
So yeah back to the original point of this ask, a very compelling part of s12 for me is watching Dean try really hard at making his relationship with Mary work. And like he’s kinda bad at it! He fucks up and they argue and he gets his feelings hurt but he still wants to try. We don’t really see him do that in the show with the other relationships he has, and it infuses a lot of much needed sympathy to his behaviour and just makes him overall a much more interesting character. I wish the other relationships he had with Sam and Cas had similar stakes, but this is supernatural etc etc.
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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