#We still need Mio eye too
adracat · 1 year
GWitch 21 thoughts
A bit of a transitional episode for the most part though it does escalate some things quite a bit. Always a fun ride on GWitch's coaster of madness and mechs!
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First on the docket, Asticassia's aftermath. They really treat you to the scope of its devastation and the students having to wait it out. Bit odd imo they make the students camp there but I guess their parents are likely scattered anyway considering the state of Benerit.
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Also was it just me or did y'all instinctively look for Loss in this image? Nicely organized camp at least.
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Omg I might cry. Precious Suletta has decided to take it upon herself to care for the students. rescuing them in multiple ways I see. For me, it drives home the message that human connection and community are more important than destructive forces clashing. Empathy over games of war or corporate power struggles. It's also nice that Secilia* (edit: had a brain lapse lol) questions her reasons for altruism.
Because she can so she will 🥺
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We finally see how Mio is faring and it's not great! She's taken on the guilt of Prospera's induced bloodshed along with Shaddiq's. Guel tries to reassure her but Mio is firm. This is her fault. Ngl, Guel, you're partly to blame for the school. No offense. It hurts to see Mio take on other people's wrongdoing, but that's a martyr for you
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Her talk with Shaddiq was interesting for a variety of reasons, but what stood out to me was their mutual resignation. They're both so tired. Shaddiq admitting he escalated because of Guel and Mio is insane tbh. She calls him an idiot, but it lacks her usual fire. I do like that he tries to protect Sabina and the gang; really speaks to the fact he's more complex than a mustache twirling villain.
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OMG Chuchu giving these two tomatoes instead of punches like before was amazing. The growth! The compassion! Ugh it was so good. As was the reveal that Suletta has been stockpiling the tomatoes. Mio might not know it, but she and by extension her mother aided these wounded kids. And Suletta musing on Mio fondly? Peak
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After surviving the hell room, I can't blame her for reassessing her life and priorities. Sad she lost her dream but it was tainted by Shaddiq so I understand her reasoning. She'll earn her way back fairly, though it might not be any time soon once she submits herself to the authorities.
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I wasn't surprised by this. Peil's horse in the presidency war lost, so might as well turncoat. They're opportunists at heart. The pure SALT though! It was the worst kind of news for everyone else at Benerit, including Mio. Forcible suppression are not words you want to hear
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It's awful of me but this screenshot made me laugh. Something about her slumped forward and mouth open, just dead to everything around her. I'm sorry Mio, I'm sad for you still. She's having a hell of a month.
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Sarius, surprisingly, is willing to take the fall and allow Grassley to bear the consequences. But Mio won't allow it. She can't accept anyone bearing 'her' sins. She's fully become the rose bride, enduring humanity's hatred willingly. There's also a bit of subtext here as she alludes to sacrificing Suletta. She won't do that again, no matter who it is.
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YO OKAY! Suletta while being questioned by Bel and Guston, drops her clone origins super casually. No spite or outward grief either. Just yeah, Mom won't care what I say because she only loves Eri. That's rough buddy.
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Surprise! The SAL confiscated a never before seen or mentioned Gundam from Vanadis. And it just so happens to be a monstrous one without a permet filter I'll admit, very confusing for me at first watch. I couldn't figure out why they sprung this without any foreshadowing, but after days I have an inkling.
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I'll be frank. I'm not sure why I like Belmeria. She's super pathetic. Just an absolute failure at life with the mental fortitude of toilet paper. But she's pitiable, clearly grieving, and guilty she did not perish at Folkvangr. Has done terrible things as 5lan would attest, but she's still weirdly likable. Like an aunt who everyone hates at family reunions but they're nice to you and make good cookies. Maybe it's just me
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Aaaand the suppression of Benerit was swiftly canceled. Lol. QZ can't be stopped now that Prospera has assumed direct control and destroyed every threat to her daughter's eternity.
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I did note QZ looks blatantly like a coffin, which considering the Utena parallel has interesting implications. Read this post here to see my musings. It's not a dire thing imo.
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Did a huge number on Mio's psyche unfortunately, which I think is the true tragedy. Red shirts got nothing on babygirl. Gotta double down on those swords piercing her with guilt and misplaced hatred. I'm marveling at what they're doing with the Utena intertextuality even as I bleed for Mio's state of mind. She's so fragile now
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Yay Chuchu and gang are coming along to fetch Calibarn! Wait, that might be bad. Oh well, Earth House has been crazy lucky so far. Hopefully it'll hold. I will actually lose it if any of them die.
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And we have 5lan suddenly deciding to go. I have some thoughts about why, which I've discussed in another post, but for now let's assume he's telling the truth and only wants to leave. He's an interesting character and bounces well off any cast member so it's cool with me. I enjoyed him going out of his way to apologize for harrassing Suletta.
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Lauda Lauda Lauda... don't you know anyone who threatens Mio gets Suletta slapped. It's happened three times now and two of them were fatal. He's just gonna get someone killed, and it won't be Mio. I know we see him staring at Schwarzette but I don't think he would need to or have the ability to pilot it. Mio isn't a pilot, so I suspect he'll attack her with more practical means. Could be wrong ofc! This show loves twists and curveballs.
I am eager to see what the rest of this cour has in store for us!
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kissitbttr · 11 months
miguel putting up with his girl’s princess attitude
“miguel!” you call out from the bathroom as your fingers delicately fix the straps of your bodycon dress. “can you come here for a minute?”
miguel sighs, this is the third time you keep calling him knowing how busy he is at the moment. work has gotten the best of him, and if reinventing new techs back to back isn’t enough to drain him, he has to keep up with your needs daily.
does he has the courage to say no to you, though? nope. as much as he hates to admit it because it’s embarrassing, he’s scared of you. if the spider society think that Miguel is too frightening then they have not seen you get mad or being a brat.
“coming, baby!” he walks out of his office while taking off his glasses, rolling the sleeves of his henley shirt to his elbows.
the bathroom door is left wide open, immediately seeing you standing before the mirror in a long and tight fitting grey dress that falls just around your ankles. and just like that, his annoyance completely washed off,
he takes a good look at you. eyes slowly observing every single detail of your face and down to your body. the way that dress hugs your curves and accentuate your best assets should be a crime,
God, you’re such a perfection.
“shut your mouth before you catch flies, babe” you jokingly say as your fiancee stares at you with his jaw slightly agape. “mind helping me?”
Miguel clears his throat after, slightly smirking as he shrug his shoulders. he leans against the door way with his arms crossed, eyes never leaving yours.
“you look absolutely divine, mi amor.” he comments, taking his lower lip between his teeth. “is that new?” he points at the dress,
rolling your eyes playfully, you try to keep your composure still. even after three years of dating—now engaged— he still manages to make your heart skips and create butterflies in the pit of your stomach,
“I know” you reply in confidence, winking at him which he chuckles in return. “and yes it is! it’s SKIMS! got it yesterday, does it look good on me?”
he frowns, tilting his head to the side. “baby, you already know the answer to that come on now… you make anything look sexy.” he strides closer to you as he stands from behind you, “now, què necesitas?” he questions, resting his hands on his hips
you find it attractive how he towers over you, and it’s one thing that you love about him. it’s not that you’re petite or anything. but compared to how tall and big he is, you’re definitely tiny.
“straighten my hair for me please? I can’t reach it” you pout at him through the mirror, “just this part right here” fingers move to the back to touch part of your hair,
“ay dios mio, woman… you’re lucky i love you” he teases before grabbing the iron from the sink. “going out with the girls, mami? i assume lunch?” he asks as he starts parting your hair with one hand,
your head shakes, straightening the dress. “no, I’m doing cake testing today and wedding dresses … Darla is bringing three more flavors.”
he stops what he’s doing, giving you a confused look. “alone? cariño why didn’t you tell me? you know I’d come with you” he feels a bit disappointed and now guilty that he’s busying himself with work and instead you’re left dealing with your wedding, alone.
his hand rests on your shoulder and you move yours on top of him. “hey, it’s okay, Miggy… you’ve been so stressed lately i do not want to put more pressure… it was last minute anyway, she texted me this morning.”
“you’re my girl, i would never be too busy for you.” he says almost too fast,
giving him a sincere smile, you nod your head. “yes… i know, baby. trust me it’s okay…plus it’s bad luck for the groom to see his bride in a wedding dress” you giggle a bit. “we can go over the seating arrangements again together, yeah? i promise” you plant a soft kiss on his finger,
Miguel exhales a sigh, still feeling tiny bit upset that he won’t be there to keep you company. “okay, fine… tell Darla that keep vegan options open for the cakes.”
“noted, honey.” you tell him as he continues to straighten your hair, “is everything okay with work?”
he nods, eyes too fixated on your long hair, not wanting to mess up a single strand. “just running over a few reports and fixing few minor defects on the techs and my suit…the last guy did quite a number on me.”
“hmm i love it when you speak science to me” you comment, watching him laugh a bit at your flirty remark. “but you still need to be careful. i do not want to see my future husband all bruised up when i walk down that aisle or else I’ll leave your ass.” your tone comes off demanding and firm, but it’s only because you care.
“yes ma’am” he replies, setting down the hot object down on the sink before slowly running his fingers through your hair. “there you go, baby” he moves your hair to the front, kissing your cheek and seeing you smile just makes him happy. knowing he’s done a great job.
turning around to face him, you stand on your toes to kiss his lips. “thank you, miggy… I’ll see you later, okay? we can go grab dinner outside and then movie night at 9?”
his heart warms at that and lips stretches into a large grin. “sounds like a plan.” then he lightly slaps your ass as you walk out of the door,
“let me know if there’s going to be bunch of assholes staring at you today, I’ll hunt them down and fucking kill them on the spot.” he mentions as if it’s nothing
and they say romance is dead.
cake testing with miggy!
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imthebadguyyy · 3 months
Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince II
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pairing : charles leclerc x reader
fandom : f1
synopsis : you're the only female driver on the f1 grid, and have a secret relationship with ferrari's golden boy.
warnings : allusions to smut, smut
a/n : much awaited part 2!! apologies for taking so long life has been extremely busy lately
pt i
"don't say a word" charles mumbled to you, gently getting up.
god, you were so fucked.
you didn't dare say a word as charles wordlessly got up to find the pair of shoes carlos had so unfortunately left behind in his room. "why did he leave them here" charles whispered harshly, while gesturing to the large closet he had in his driver's room.
quiet as a cat you slipped into it, leaving it a crack open for ventilation. you watched from the gap as charles quickly ran a hand through his tousled hair, lips still red and swollen and eyes still blown wide from the orgasm he had a few moments again.
"just a second!" he called to his teammate, struggling to jump into his jeans and searching for his shirt before he realised where it was : on your body.
cursing under his breath, he inhaled deeply, before striding over to open the door for carlos.
"my god man, you took forever to open the door huh" carlos grumbled, sauntering his way into the room before charles could slam the door shut.
praying to the heavens, charles sneaked a jittery glance towards the closet, praying carlos didn't wander too close.
"ah yes! my lucky sneakers!" carlos exclaimed like a child on Christmas day, spotting the pristine white sneakers in the corner of the room.
"how did you leave them here?" Charles asked, hand reaching up to scratch his neck nervously.
"oh remember when we were all warming up before media day because we felt stiff? i left my shoes here and changed into my loafers" he said matter of factly, changing said loafers for his sneakers.
a flash of orange had him stopping mid way, staring blankly at the papaya shirt that lay just hidden below charles' physio table.
"mate, either you're a secret McLaren fan or.." carlos began, wide eyes wandering over to charles who had turned as red as the ferrari car he drove.
"WHAT no-thats not mine!!" he exclaimed.
groaning softly, you smacked your palm against your forehead, realising how much worse he sounded if he said it wasn't his.
"so you're- YOURE SLEEPING WITH LANDO?!" carlos exclaimed and charles let out a groan of despair.
"THATS WHO YOU THINK HES SLEEPING WITH?!" your stupefied voice rang out from the closet, earning a flurry of curse words from the spaniard.
"y/n?!?!" he exclaimed, watching as you stomped out in just a ferrari shirt, batelt covering your thighs,screaming in surprise as he covered his eyes and turned to the wall.
"PUT ON SOME CLOTHES I DON'T NEED TO SEE YOU LIKE THIS!" carlos shouted, as charles ran to cover up your body, tossing you your jeans to change into.
"you thought I was sleeping with lando?" charles hissed, sheer stress and surprise in his eyes.
"no i- i wasn't thinking okay I saw orange and i thought lando!" carlos defended himself, choosing to ignore the contemptuous snort you let out.
when you were all decent he turned again sinking into a chair to massage his temples, repeatedly muttering "dios mio" under his breath and looking between the two of you.
your hands were interlocked now, thumbs gently twiddling together, and he watched as charles reached for your palms, running a soothing thumb over your knuckles and holding your hand tightly within his. he noticed how charles' gaze softened and the gentility with which he stroked your hand, nothing but love and adoration in his eyes.
"so how long has this been going on?" carlos asked calmly, trying to ignore the mix of excitement and amusement in his chest at the sight of his best friend and the woman he considered to be his little sister anxiously awaiting his take like a teenage couple who got caught.
"um...abu dhabi last year? i got really drunk and so did charles and we just sort of stumbled into my hotel room and-" you began only to be cut off by a loud "tut-tut-tut-tut" from carlos who closed his eyes.
"i don't need details, hermana, just...okay" he sighed, standing up.
"carlos, please don't tell anyone" charles whispered tugging you closer. "Its hard enough for her to be accepted anyway and if people find our we're together, you know what the media is going to spin it into. we're just not ready yet" he concluded softly, feeling you cuddle into him, apprehension evident in your eyes.
"ay, of course I would not do that. you can trust me. I'm happy that youre happy with each other, you are aren't you?" he questioned suddenly, eyes hardening as he looked at charles.
"yes yes, im very happy carlos" you said quickly, knowing he was protective of you.
"charles makes me happier than i thought I could be" you mumbled, cheeks warming as you spoke, and charles pressed a kiss to your temple. "And she makes me happier than I ever thought i could be" he affirmed.
"well then, I'm even happier for you two. you deserve to be happy, and I'm glad it's her you're seeing and not lando" he concluded matter of factly, and you couldn't help but snort with laughter.
"thanks mate" charles chuckled dryly.
"okay I'm gonna leave but please charles, do something about your sex hair, you look like a wild hyena just tried to rip your hair off" he grumbled as you grinned proudly.
"well i suppose we do fu-" charles began cheekily as carlos yelled in protest and covered his ears, shaking his head from side to like a dog trying to get water out of his ears.
"no necesito saber detalles sobre el relacions intimas, ella es como mi hermana menor, ¿verdad?!" no I don't need to know the details about the sex she's like my younger sister!! carlos exclaimed as he sprinted out of the room.
taking a deep breath, your eyes met charles, and in a split second, you both burst into laughter, clutching onto each other to keep steady as you laughed.
"well, that was something" you chuckled, sitting back down on the physio table.
"it really was, non?" he said, joining you, pressing a kiss to your neck.
"i have to go back to McLaren now baby" you whispered, gently stroking the rough stubble on his cheek.
"i know" he mumbled against the skin of your neck. "ill see you at the gdpa meeting okay?" you whispered, pressing him a kiss goodbye as you reached for the McLaren shirt to swap for the scandalous ferrari one you were wearing.
with sweet kisses of goodbye,you dashed off towards the McLaren hospitality.
Jogging back hurriedly, you shielded your eyes from the blaring Barcelona sun, praying that you wouldn’t get in trouble from charlotte.
silverstone as a track was simply iconic.
as many had famously said, everyone wanted a chance to step on the podium there, the birthplace of formula one.
because of lando, McLaren always had a tiny bit of extra pressure on them during the British gp, and this year was no different.
Britain brought with it grey skies, heavy rainclouds and smatterings of rain through free practice and qualis. the track was wet, the skies were gloomy, and boomrd with thunder but the energy around the track was electric. (no pun intended)
the fans at silverstone always brought their all and the weather was never a let down for them. as you stood in the garage, waiting for the skies to clear up a little, you glanced at the crowd, cheering and whooping for lewis, lando and george, and were surprised to see the many posters of your face, cheering you on.
waving at the fans with a quick smile, you turned back to the screen, brow furrowing as you watched the forecast predict even heavier rainfall for quali.
before you knew it, you were in q3, hot on max's trail for a pole position. your race engineer, elizabeth, urged you to speed up, tyres well maintained and checo 4.5 behind.
and so you pushed, putting in purple sector after sector, and when it came to it, beat max by one hundredth.
a shout of delight left your lips as you entered parc ferme, parking your car in the no1 spot and preparing for your pole tyre and interview. max offered you a tight lipped smile, making a quip about "i was on a pole streak!" to which you responded cheekily, "well looks like i took the fast lane to your frustration!"
after quali, you were drawn into meetings, last minute checks, interviews until finally, you relaxed in the hospitality with lando, sneakers off and feet resting on a puffy pouffe, a bowl of salad and an iced latte next to you.
lando had something similar, a burrito bowl and an orange juice, scrolling through his Instragram while you covered your eyes and hummed a song.
"darl, are you dating anyone?" he asked casually, crossing one ankle over the other as he spoke.
"no, why?" you asked, brow furrowing slightly as you lied through your teeth.
lando went an odd shade of splotchy red as he looked at you, taking in the curve of your cupids bow above your lip, furrowed in confusion, to the purse of your lips.
"w-well, i've got a mate yeah, and he'd really like to ask you out, but he doesn't know how to quite...do that y'know?" he stumbled out, hands scratching the back of his neck as he spoke.
"oh!" you said, shoulders relaxing as you smiled.
"im not really looking to date someone right now lan, please tell him that and give him a hug from me okay?" you said kindly, squeezing his knees before jumping off the couch to head home.
"I'll see ya tomorrow lan!" you said, waving goodbye and picking up your food as you left.
walking towards your car, you felt your phone buzz in your pocket, and pulling it out, you saw charles notification.
(ferrari's) amore ♥️
amour, are you done with all your meetings?
yes darling, im just heading out to my car.
(ferrari's) amore ♥️
come to my room when youre back. i miss you :(
I'll be right there mon bebe, i miss you too 😙
you couldn't help but giggle at his messages, climbing into your car before making your way to the hotel.
as soon as you reached and managed to make your way past the gaggle of fans, you made your way to charles' room, cap covering your face as you moved stealthily through the hall.
reaching his door, you knocked softly, foot tapping against the carpeted floor, listening for the click of the door lock.
and lo and behold, there stood your italian god of a boyfriend, clad in just a pair of turquoise shorts and a bandana holding his curly locks back from his face, a stray strand peaking out almost cheekily.
"hello you" you smiled, squealing when he grabbed your plush hips and pulled you into him, arms tightening around your shoulders as he kissed your forehead, closing the door behind the both of you.
he walked backwards, guiding you into his dimly lit suite, pulling your jacket off of you and letting it drop onto the couch.
"missed you amour" he crooned softly, pecking your temple as he pulled the both of you into the large bed, laden with pillows and thick snowy white blankets, letting your body sink into the mattress.
"missed you too baby" you murmured.
"how was your day?" he asked, sliding down your body to tug your sneakers off, pressing a delicate kiss to your ankle as he pulled the socks off too, before trailing up to the McLaren t shirt you had on, signalling for you to raise your arms so he could tug it off your body, pressing feather soft kisses to your belly, chest, arms, shoulders and finally your cheeks.
"t'was alright i guess, quali was really great!" you gushed, fingers carding through his hair as a dimpled smile graced his cheeks.
"m'so proud baby" he said, kissing an erratic pattern on the bare expanse of your belly. "love you" you gushed again, tone utterly lovestruck, words coming out thick and syrupy.
charles gave you an equally lovestruck look, an ooey gooey warm sensation filling his chest.
"lemme show you how proud I am of you bebè" he whispered, pressing hot, open mouthed kisses to your neck, body twisting above yours to curve into you.
charles' mouth was diligent on your neck, his lips parted and wet as he worked way up from a particularly sensitive spot on your neck up to the back of your ears, smothering you with hot, open mouthed kisses that had you squirming underneath him. your whole body felt like it was being slowly swallowed by a burning flame, lighting up sharply when when his tongue swept over your skin, followed quickly by a not-so-gentle scraping of his teeth.
you gasped, fingers curling tighter into the thick locks, not caring about how hard you were tugging the luscious strands, legs parting when he let out a soft growl against your skin, the sound reverberating in his chest.
"baby.." you whispered, as his hands slipped to unbutton your jeans, slowly tugging the material down your thighs, hands massaging the fat of your hips and thighs, pinching softly before soothing it with a velveteen caress.
"hush mon amour, let me take care of you" he murmured, mouth hot as it disappeared lower until he was cocooned in between your thighs.
his sea green eyes locked onto yours, as his mouth lowered onto your panties, a wet spot spreading like spilled ink on delicate paper, that had him salivating like a dog.
you closed your eyes, pleasure taking over every nerve in your body when he pressed a kiss to the drenched fabric.
what a night you were in for.
you wake up early, the sun is just rising above the horizon, casting an almost pastel glow in the room from the wide windows. you're supposed to reach the track in an hour, so you have to leave in about 30 minutes. charles however, the lucky bastard, gets to sleep in. he isn't due at the track till almost two hours after you.
grumbling, you stepped out of bed, searching for the sleep shorts charles had kept on the couch for you to slip into in the morning, mourning the loss of his warmth as you get ready in the bathroom, taking out your toothbrush, a hairbrush, your skincare, your makeup, peeking through the half-open door to see him fast asleep in bed, bare arm stretched out over your empty side, quite snores leaving his mouth, a soft pout on his lips. you took in the red marks littering his chest, now fading to a subtler maroon, and the indents of your fingerprints on his back, heat rising to your cheeks in soft pinpricks.
the sight leaves a dull ache blooming in your belly, a need to just go and cuddle with his forever filling every bone in your body. with a sigh, you turn back to the mirror, somehow managing to get through your makeup and your hair before you allow yourself to look at charles again
with a furrowed brow, you note that he’s not in bed anymore.
you almost jumped out of your skin when you notice him standing in the doorway of the bathroom, clad in literally nothing.
charles didn’t say anything, only getting his arms around you in a warm, soft hug,one arm circling around your back to hold your waist, the other bent over the top of your back to cup your head in his hand.
his feet shuffled into the bathroom, head dropping onto the dip in your shoulders, arms wrapped tight around your midriff. his hands splayed on your belly, and he pressed a delicate kiss to the back of your neck. "go back to bed honey" you said, squeezing his hand and smiling at his sleepy face in the mirror.
"mmmhm" was all you got in response, the warmth from his body enveloping you in a snug embrace.
"why do you have to go so early?" he groaned, head nuzzling into you like a cat. chuckling softly, you swipe a berry lipgloss over your lips, adjusting the white floral sundress you had opted for, carrying your team kit in a bag.
"cuz we're shit babe. and if I want to win this race, we need to get some work done off track before we start actual racing" you said, petting him on the head like a kitten.
"ill see you soon then coucou" he said, pressing a kiss to your head before collapsing back into bed.
shaking your head you laughed quietly, slipping out of the room and heading to find gemma, your trainer bringing you a bowl of chocolate oats and dragonfruit and berries to munch on.
"busy night?" she smirked and you stuck your tongue out at her.
"let's just go" you said, pecking her cheek as thanks for the food.
the track was buzzing with the usual hustle bustle, and charles was making his way towards parc ferme to get ready for drivers parade, which was going to be a vintage car display for each team. he caught sight of you, standing with lance and esteban, chatting animatedly about something.
he was standing with max, lando, carlos, checo, george and alex, all happily discussing their plans for the summer break.
he felt a blush rise to his cheeks as he watched you greet lewis with a hug and then laugh as he showed you something on his phone.
he felt his heart flutter when you bit your lip to conceal a grin when toto and christian glared at each other like schoolchildren.
he felt his breath hitch when you twirled a strand of hair around your fingers, exposing the bare skin of your neck where, if he squinted hard enough, he could make out the pale remains of the hickeys he had sucked into the skin.
"you alright mate? max asked, watching the way charles had turned a splotchy red.
"yeah I'm fine" he said, offering him a weak grin.
"you sure?" lando joked, grinning widely at him.
"who are you looking at?" max enquired, peering over charles shoulder to analyse who he was looking at.
"was it maria?" checo asked, referring to one of ferrari's press officer who had stunning red hair and beautiful emerald eyes.
"no no" charles said, shutting the idea down quickly, silently turning to carlos for help.
"leave him alone guys, he was probably just drooling over the track" carlos said, nudging max with his foot.
"yeah, right. don't think we haven't noticed how dreamy you've been recently" lando teased, while carlos and alex offered charles sympathetic smiles.
"it's nothing" he said, voice almost clipped.
"okay, let's leave him alone" alex said, clapping him on the back.
he watched as you skipped over, hair bouncing as you did. "hello!" you greeted chirpily, settling into a spot beside alex and carlos.
a chorus of hellos and grins greeted you. "what's going on?" you asked, cocking your head to one side.
"charles has a crush" lando teased again.
"oh is it?" you asked, concealing a smirk as you locked eyes with the man, eyes glimmering with mischief.
"yes it is!" george said, grinning widely.
"who is it?" you asked innocently, batting your eyelashes at him, watching the crease form in his eyebrow.
"no one" he said, hands slipping into his pockets while carlos sent you an exasperated look.
"oh c'mon tell us something about her" you giggled, hand tracing up to linger on the spot where he had left a bite, bringing a blush to his cheeks.
he watched the teasing glint in your eyes and with new resolve, relaxed.
"well," he began, eyes locked directly onto yours. "shes the most exquisite woman I've ever had the pleasure of knowing" he said, eyes boring into yours.
the chorus of 'oohs' around you didn't register, as you listened intently, heart hammering in your chest.
"she's insanely beautiful, but also has a heart of gold. shes kind, caring, smart, talented and extremely passionate" he continued, listing the qualities on his fingers, ignoring the smirks from his friends, focusing only on the widening of your eyes, and the way your hands fiddled with your rings.
"she's sassy, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. shes always thinking about others and is an angel on earth. she's as beautiful as a setting sun casting shadows on a deep ocean, as beautiful as victory, silent and strong, as beautiful as a graceful ballet, as beautiful as laughter ringing clear in the mountains" he continued, noting the way your eyes has become overbright, while also noting carlos' gaze on him.
"wow mate, you're down bad" alex commented, smiling at his friend, while max and lando sported identical grins. "yeah, never heard you be so poetic before" george commented, before turning to you. "isn't that right speedy?" he asked, waiting for your response.
clearing your throat softly, you nodded. "yeah, she's one lucky gal isn't she" you said, a wide smile on your face.
"time to go!" came a shout, startling you out of your little lovedaze.
"be right there!" lando shouted back, grabbing your arm, but you stopped him, murmuring a soft "I'll be right there" as you bid everyone a goodbye. one by one they all trickled out, carlos squeezing your shoulder kindly.
you gave charles a quick hug, tensing slightly when he pressed a quick kiss to your head away from the prying cameras.
"I love you" he whispered so quietly you almost missed it, and you repeated it, before giving him another lovestruck grin, before sprinting off to join lando.
charles stood there for a second, the same ooey gooey warm sensation filling his chest, before he was snapped back to reality by sylvia calling his name and he too sprinted back.
as you and lando followed redbull, mercedes, and ferrari, he turned to fix his gaze upon you.
"charles seems really in love doesn't he?" he asked, eyes fixated on you to gauge your reaction.
"he really does" you said, concealing a smile.
"how do you feel about that?" he asked, a strange abruptness in his tone.
"what do ya mean lan?" you asked, eyebrow quirking.
"I mean, you had a massive crush on him back when we were younger" he said, and you gaped at him, rendered momentarily speechless.
"um.." you trailed off, turning away from his burning gaze to wave at the crowds with a fake smile. "it doesn't bother me" you said finally, not really lying because how could you be bothered.
"are you sure?" he asked again, an odd tenseness to his voice. "yes I'm sure" you said firmly. "it's just..." he trailed off, unable to vocalise this thoughts.
"what, lan?" you asked, still waving at the crowds, putting up a peace sign for the crowds.
"you've seemed a little off lately...even when I brought up the thing about you dating a friend of mine, you kind of clammed up and i got the feeling that.." "got the feeling that?" you questioned, unease bubbling in your chest.
"that maybe there was a 5.4% chance that you were the girl charles was into" he finished and you almost fell off the seat of your car.
"w-what?" you laughed nervously, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. landos gaze didn't falter.
"look, I'm not stupid. I see the way he looks at you sometimes. and I see the way you look at him. but if you're not the girl he's dating, i want you to not be hurt because you're one of my best friends" he said, giving your hand a quick squeeze.
you felt a blossom of affection for your friend bloom in your chest. taking a deep breath, you made a hasty decision.
"lando, what I'm going to tell you is an absolutely top level secret and if you tell anyone I will chop your dick off and feed it to a duck" you said solemnly, ignoring the high pitched chuckle that left his mouth.
"okay i pinky swear" he said, sticking out his pinky towards you. you interlocked yours with his briefly, before taking a deep breath.
"I am charles new girlfriend" you admitted softly, eyes fixed on the ground in apprehension. you almost had a heart attack when he whooped so loudly, you were about a 100% sure that the cars in front of you and behind you would've heard you.
"shush!" you scolded, head whipping back and forth to see if anyone heard. "I fucking knew it! i absolutely knew it, the way he looks at you and the lovestruck puppy face he makes my god i KNEW it" he laughed gleefully, shaking you by the shoulders.
"okay shut up lando but please don't tell anyone" you begged, trying to hide the grin on your face.
"I promised i won't. but I have so many questions!!" he said excitedly, squeezing your hand. you laughed, glancing over to the front where charles was waving happily at the crowds.
"how about you meet us for dinner tonight, and I'll tell you more about it then?" you said, and he nodded excitedly. "we can call carlos too" you said, "since he knows about us as well".
lando let out a dramatic gasp, hand pressed over his chest. "CARLOS KNEW BEFORE ME?!?!" he said, eyes widening almost conically.
"by accident you dipshit, he walked in on us..um...well, actually! funny story, he actually thought it was you charles was sleeping with" you said with a cheeky smile, rolling your eyes with no real malice when he pretended to gag and throw up.
"why?!?!" "because he saw a McLaren t shirt on the floor" you admitted. lando pretended to gag again. "please spare me the details of your sex life" he groaned, hand still pressed to his chest.
"oh really, cuz I was just going to go into details about how good he fuck-" you began cheekily and he squealed and slammed his hand over your mouth (gently)
you let out a cackle, giving him a friendly hug, before turning your full attention to the stands.
the race was tough, rain showering down halfway, making the track slippery and grip a challenge, but somehow, you fought and maintained your position.
there was a tense moment when max had overtaken you rather roughly, making you drop to p3 with a 3 second gap between you, and perez and a 5 second gap to you and max. however, with some spectacular over taking and flawless defending, you had soared to victory, with max in p2, and to your surprise, carlos in p3.
the podium had been a blast, with carlos pouring champagne down your entire body and hair, and lifting you up to hoist you on the top of his shoulders.
it had made for a lovely picture of you laughing, champagne bottle in hand, and a smiling carlos pointing up to you, while andreas 'bowed' down to you.
mclaren mechanics and engineers and staff had cheered for you, with charles and lando watching proudly and clapping for the both of you.
lando had given charles a nudge, before whispering a soft "she told me buddy" and giving him a tight one armed hug and whispering, "dont you fucking hurt her Leclerc or like your girlfriend said, I'll chop your dick off and feed it to a duck" making him laugh in alarm, before smiling softly at him.
dripping in a mix of sweat and champagne, you walked off into the McLaren hospitality, hugging everyone around you, before going straight into your driver's room to change.
a quick shower and a change of clothes later you felt fresh and giddy with excitement, so when lando sent a text in your shared group, saying "club inferno to get absolutely hammered on me, half an hour, look sexy y'all" you had laughed and made your way to your hotel to get dressed.
you hadnt been able to contact charles or heard from him after the podium but decided that you'd just meet him at the club, so you changed into a particularly rivetingly sexy little dress you had bought especially for a moment like this, a strappy little number that hugged every curve and fold on your body.
you paired it with your favourite YSL libre perfume, painting your lips in a dior rouge lipstick charles had gifted her, swiping a glittery lip gloss on top, adding seductive black eyeliner and mascara, a rosy blush and a glittery highlight, and darkened your eyes with kohl.
you slipped on a pair of black rhinestone heels, with little diamond bows on them that just looked absolutely phenomenal on you.
with a sigh of satisfaction, you sent a quick text to gemma, telling her you were ready to be picked up so the both of you could get absolutely wrecked on lando's tab.
she was not complaining.
the dark club was pulsating with heavy beats, bodies swayed in harmony with sultry beats on the dance floor, bathed in hues of electric blue and crimson. the air buzzed with the intoxicating blend of thumping music, the intoxicated giggles of every individual in the club, the mingling scents of tequila, fruity cocktails, earthy whiskeys, bitter beers.
gemma whooped as you walked in, the energy palpable in her body as she flailed her arms wildly with the music.
"im gonna go order some shots!" you shouted, rushing to the bar immediately. you were intercepted by a very drunk Pierre, who congratulated you with a hug and promise to buy you shots.
you were further intercepted by carlos, who, despite looking ready to pass out still had impeccable hair and was about the down another shot of tequila.
"shots on me hermosa!" he said, passing you a shot of tequila and a lemon with salt.
in your excitement, you missed charles, clad in a black shirt and white linen pants, watching you giggle and reach for the lemon. he watched as you put the salt on the back of your wrist, licking it up, tongue sweeping along the skin, and then dousing the shot of tequila, exposing the skin of your neck, and drowning the shot, only to flick back into position and suck on the lime.
he licked his lips, feeling the groin region of his pants become uncomfortably tight.
he made his way over to you, the thumping beat of travis scott's fein filling his eardrums. he watched as you leaned over to the barman, breasts pushing up against your dress, ordering shots, pushing your hair back over your shoulder. he walked with cemented purpose, as the beat changed, turning more sultry.
you were leaning over the bar when a familiar scent of dior sauvage filled your nostrils, and a strong pair of arms wrapped around your midriff.
"baby!" you squealed, leaping into his arms, lips pressing messily against his, momentarily forgetting about the secrecy of your relationship. charles savoured it, tilting your chin to kiss you deeper, counting on the barely there lighting to hide the two of you.
you downed another shot with him, pulling him towards the dance floor before stepping back softly. you pushed your hair away from your chest so it fell down your back, hips swaying as the seductive beat of vixen by miguel filled the club, the rnb vocals adding depth to the sensual rhythm your body was following, hands running up and down your body as you swayed your hips in a pulsating rhythm, bending at the knees as you sunk to the floor, wining your hips as the chorus came on.
charles ignored the fact that literally anyone could see you right there, as he stepped towards you, hands on your hips as he pulled you flush against his body, hips grinding rhythmically with your own.
you let out a soft moan,turning so your back was pressed against his crotch. you let your head drop to his shoulder, bum pressing against his crotch and wining softly against him, feeling his breath hitch.
"fuck, mon amour, you're making it hard for me to not fuck you right here right now" he groaned.
"you know as much as I like dancing and clubbing" you murmured, fingers dancing across his thighs, "I think id much rather prefer to celebrate at home with my baby" you continued, letting your teeth sink into your plush bottom lip.
"thats it" he growled, hand grabbing yours and tugging you along, making his way into the park to his car.
"im gonna fuck you like the winner you are" he whispered, kissing the shell of your ear.
your hotel room was on the 16th floor, and as the two of you made your way into the elevator, he eyed you up and down, eyes lingering on the curve of your breasts.
the moment the door shut, he pushed you against the wall, capturing your lips in a steamy kiss you'd be remembering the next day. his hands moved to your ass, squeezing hard, eliciting a moan from your lips. the moment your lips parted, he was pushing his tongue into yours, his other hand coming up to pull on your hair roughly, relishing in the gasp that left your lips. as suddenly as he started, he stopped, pulling back and standing almost nonchalantly against the wall.
you stumbled forward on weak legs, trying to wrap your head around what happened, gripping the wall with whatever remaining resolve you had in your body.
you could feel your wetness dripping, threatening to run down your thighs, as the throbbing became even more painfully exciting. you looked down at the floor, eyes closing as your frustration grew more and more by the second.
finally, with a little 'ding', the elevator stopped at the 16th floor. the moment the door opened you stepped out on wobbly legs, trying your best to walk properly.
but of course, that wasn't going to happen. as you turned one long corridor, charles grabbed your waist, pushing you up against the wall, to reach down and suck on your neck. you let out a gasp, head falling back against the door, and let your pussy rub against his hardening cock, but charles retaliated with a slap to your ass, smirking when a high pitched moan left your lips.
he let the door swing open, carrying you inside, letting you drop down, and kick off your heels, chest heaving. he made his way towards you, unbuttoning his shirt and letting it fall to the floor.
"such a fucking sexy drive, the way you defended and fought like a beast on track" he said, stalking towards you, hands dropping to the straps of your dress, tugging it downwards. "ma belle fille" he murmured, lips trailing hot kisses to your neck and sucking dark hickies on it. his tongue swept out, licking repeatedly over the sensitive spot, sucking and nibbling on the sensitive skin, teeth nipping and leaving dark marks.
he pressed open mouthed kisses that seemed scorching, while his hands dropped lower, peeling the satiny material off of your body, groaning when it peeled off to reveal your breasts, heaving with tension and arousal, nipples hardening as the cold air touched them.
"were gonna do something special baby" he said, sucking the skin of your neck in between his teeth, before pulling away with a smacking sound.
he walked backwards towards where there was a bottle of dom perigon in ice, popping the cork, letting it fizz down. he walked over to you, taking a dull sip of the liquid.
he motioned to the bed, and you followed silently, laying down, resting on your forearms.
he walked over to you, hands slipping to your tits, tugging on your nipples and running his thumb over them. he watched your breath hitch and your body quake as he played with your nipples, other hand reaching up to grab your cheeks and force your mouth open.
he kissed you harshly, lips closed to keep the champagne in, before his thumb and forefinger dug into your cheeks, forcing your mouth open.
you shuddered as he leaned over, breath fanning over your face as he let the golden liquid pour from his mouth into yours, warm and delicious as it overflowed from your mouth, dribbling down your chin.
you gasped as you swallowed the burning in your throat.
he pushed you gently, body laying against the linen. he pressed another searing kiss to your lips, biting at the plush bottom lip, sucking it in between his own.
he kissed you harder, yanking the rest of your dress off of your body, dropping it to the floor.
he leaned down, sucking hickeys onto every bare expanse of your chest, sucking dark marks, teeth nipping, breathing harshly, tongue licking over the expanse of skin.
he trailed lower, mouthing over your breasts, sucking on the nipple of one while his fingers toyed with the other, tongue flicking harshly and sucking harshly, feeling you arch into him. his tongue flicked wildly against the bud, before treating the other one the same, groping and grabbing till he felt they were marked enough.
he sunk lower, pressing kisses to your belly and sinking till the gap between your thighs,before reaching up again. you watched with bated breath as he grabbed the bottle again, tipping it over so it flowed into your belly and pooled into your belly button. he let his tongue dip in, sucking up the champagne, and making you moan at the sight.
he tipped it up towards your mouth again, letting you have a swig of champagne, licking up the beads that dripped down your chin.
"so fucking delicious, have to taste the rest of you" he murmured. "ma belle fille, mon amour" he whispered, leaning down to his thighs, pressing kisses to your thighs, all the way till your ankles, letting it rest on top of his shoulder as he leaned up.
he pressed kisses all the way till he reached your pussy, clad in black lacy panties. he inhaled the scent deeply, a sight that brought a sob to your throat.
"fuck please baby, I need your tongue in me" you sobbed, a strangled wail leaving your lips when his tongue sucked over the lady barrier through the arousal seeping out.
he licked and sucked till the material was drenched, fingers tracing up and down your thighs gently, making goosebumps erupt on your skin.
he hooked his fingers into your panties, tugging it down, leaving your pussy quivering when the cool air came into contact with your pussy.
charles reached for the bottle again, tipping the bottle just a little so it dripped a tiny sprinkle of champagne down your thighs. he licked it up, hands gripping into your thighs.
and then, his fingers were spreading you open, moaning as he saw your pussy lips struggle to seperate as your sticky arousal clung like a golden thread. he broke it with his fingers swirling it into his tongue, moaning at the taste.
"you taste sweeter than honey, bebe" he whispered, moaning into your pussy. his tongue licked up the expanse of your pussy, flicking erratically against your clit, licking all around the engorged, throbbing bud, before he began to suck on it with fervour. he bent your legs are an angle, so he had better access to your pussy, his head resting temporarily on your thigh, and drank up the sounds of you moaning and whimpering above him.
above him, you were moaning and whining his name, letting out a squeal when he started licking his initials onto your clit, tracing a curved c and an elongated l.
"please please please" you chanted, overcome with pleasure.
his finger slipped into your fluttering hole, thumb helping as he sucked on your clit, the overwhelming sensations sending you ricocheting towards a high.
"baby baby please im gonna fucking cum" you screamed, hips bucking wildly against his mouth as he continued to suck and lick at your pussy.
and just as you thought the pleasure was at its peak, he began to shake his head in your pussy, the erratic movement bringing an even more intense onslaught of pleasure onto your pussy. "oh fuck charles" you screamed, thighs quaking and head falling back in pleasure as you came violently, cum squirting from your pussy that he lapped up like amortentia.
but to your pleasure, he didn't stop there. he kept sucking, with more vigour and more intensity, slurping from your pussy like it was the most delicious thing in the world, moaning and groaning into your clit, sloppy and messy but oh how fucking good it felt
"cum for me, let me taste you again mon gagnant" (my winner) he murmured, the vibrations sending you over the edge again.
you came with a cry against tears dripping against you cheek.
panting, charles crawled his way back up your body, kissing your lips and gently wiping away the tears, pressing saccharine sweet kisses to your red cheeks, tracing the puff of the muscle with his pinky and pressing kisses to every corner of your face as you calmed down, whispering sweet whispers of "my sweet girl, my angel, my baby, my heart" like a mantra in french.
"baby please I need your cock" you sobbed, hands gripping onto his back, wrapping around his neck, nose reddening and eyes teary as you looked at him.
"you want my cock, mon coeur?" he cooked, voice syrupy sweet and sticky, tracing soothing circles on your thigh.
you only blubbered a yes in response, watching him cup his cock, getting it ready for your throbbing pussy as he spread his pre cum around it, body still pressed warmly against yours, pressing sweet kisses to your shoulders.
he lined up with your entrance, watching as you let out a shaky breath, eyes falling shut, as you clenched in anticipation. "my sweet angel drove so spectacularly, she deserves the world, doesn't she?" he cooed again, pushing a sweaty strand of hair away from your face.
"please baby, i think I do" you whined, swollen lips curling into a pout. "of course you do, mon chat" he murmured, lips pressed to your hairline, before slowly, in a single thrust, he had slotted himself inside you.
you gasped, gummy walls stretching to accomodate his cock. "fuck!" you whined, back arching off of the bed to meet his chest.
fuck, mon coeur, tellement serre" he groaned (so tight), hand interlocking with your own, fingers interlacing, the feeling adding such an addictive homeliness to the passinate moment.
his hips thrusted slowly, steadily, deeply, hitting spots that had you seeing stars. your hands clung to his back, nails raking down, tearing the skin, and you hear him hiss and moan at the sensation, hand squeezing you're tighter.
"I love you!" you sobbed out, when he raised your hips to grab onto your leg, pushing it away towards your head, and wrapping the other one around his waist, the new angle allowing him to fuck you even deeper into the mattress. his fingers dropped to your clit again, circling, rubbing roughly, even pinching softly enough to leave your body jolting, lips dropping back to your nipples to suck on them.
"je t'aime ma jolie" he moaned out, head dropping into the crook of your neck as his thrusts increased in pace, and the room echoed with the lewd squelches, groans and moans, pants and whines, as you clung to him tighter.
"charles m gonna cum" you whined, eyes rolling to the back of your head as charles sunk his teeth into the juncture between your neck and shoulder.
"cum for me" he growled, and with a cry, you came undone for the third time that night. thighs shaking, breath quaking, your squirted over his cock, soaking the bedding and his thighs as it dripped everywhere, and the mere sight was enough to make charles cum, shooting his cum into your, watching it drip out of your pussy.
panting, he rolled off of you, pulling you into his chest as you both lay on the bed, completely winded and tuckered out.
your chest heaved and breath came out laboured as you came down from your high. charles peppered kisses on your face, kissing your nose, chin, cheeks, lips, forehead and your eyes softly, drawing soothing circles over your heart to help you calm down.
"did so good for me, ma cherie" he cooed, syrupy and sweet like honey. "I'll be right back amour" he said, pressing a kiss to your hairline, to disappear into the bathroom.
you heard the tap running and he returned with a warm soaked towel, cleaning up between your thighs and all the way up your body, letting you cool down after the passionate session. he peppered kisses to every spot he cleaned, pulling your hair into a delicate ponytail.
he cleaned himself up and joined you in bed again, holding up your back as he made you take small sips of cold water, ordering room service for a good pasta for you two, and a chocolate mousse.
"I love you so much" you mumbled, pressing a kiss to his chest. "i love you more" he said, a soft smile on his face.
"im so lucky to have you in my life" he confessed, taking in your sleepy face and the slow pattern of your breathing. "you make everyday a hundred times more beautiful, when I'm with you, the sun moon and stars don't compare" he continued his poetic confession.
"you make me feel like the luckiest woman in the world by letting me love you" you said,voice cracking as you looked at his form, so beautiful, so sweet, so loving.
your peaceful moment of tranquility was broken by a series frantic beeps from both your phones.
raising an eyebrow, you let your head drop to charles' chest while he reached for your phone.
his eyes widened, fear creeping into them as he sat up abruptly.
"fuck" he cursed, carding a hand through his hair, turning to look at you, an odd look of fear in his face.
"what's wrong?" you asked, dread rising in your chest like an ice cold steam, fearing the very worst.
in response he just showed you his phone.
there, on instagram and twitter, were a series of dark, blurry, pixellated picture of a man and woman in a club, hands all on each other, and a very telling video of the woman grinding her body seductively against the man.
you and charles.
a/n : part two!! might make a part three or might just....leave it here 👀 as always likes comments reblogs opinions are appreciated!! always down to make new friends and do let me know what you think! happy reading and much love always 🩷
charles :@chanshintien @eternalharry @janeholt3 @magicalcowboyarbiter @oneafterdark @leclerc13 @crlsummer @electrobutterfly @superlegend216 (f1) @formula1mount @f1lov3r @livsters @inkfablesandstories @ivegotparticulartaste (all f1) @moon-enthusiast (all f1 @ssararuffoni @dark-night-sky-99
also tagging those who responded to this series!
@tempo-rary-fix @marymustdie @p4st3lst4rs @thesstuff @lauralarsen @notleclerc @dreamcarsound @dhe3read3 @urfavnoirette
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theonotti · 7 months
MIO | OS | t.n.
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Pairing: Theodore Nott x fem!Hufflepuff!reader
Word Count: 9.5k
Summary: Voldemort won. Harry Potter is dead. But the Order of the Phoenix is still fighting, with two surprising allies who have very different reasons for aiding their cause.
Warnings: Pretty angsty. AU where Voldemort did not die at the end of DH.
Notes: This is heavily inspired by Secrets & Masks and Manacled. Please enjoy and let me know what you think!
That Final Night One Shot
They’re fucking late.
Taking a long drag of his cigarette, Theo looks down at his watch. 
Twenty minutes late, to be exact.
“How long are we expected to wait here?” Mattheo growls, pacing across the wood of the decrepit bar. The floorboards creak with every step. Theo is sitting at one of the tables, a sigh forcing its way out of his lungs as he watches his friend. In one hand is a cigarette, the other hand mindlessly tracing the vandalism that had been scratched into the top of the table. 
“Another ten minutes and then we’re fucking off.”
The bar has been long abandoned, making it their top choice for discreet meetings. They had cycled through a few different locations before they finally found the bar. The walls are a sloppy black color, which is mostly covered in 80’s posters, both movies and musical talents alike. Theo’s eyes drift from poster to poster. He’s seen them what feels like a thousand times, and yet he still finds it hard to tear his eyes away when he stares at them. 
An hour has already passed since their arrival, but that was due to the ungodly amount of wards and disillusionment charms that they needed to cast before the meeting, a ritual that has become quite routine. Once everything is set, they’ll briefly discuss what they’ll say, and then they wait. Theo finds the extra waiting time peaceful, usually. It gives him a chance to mentally prepare for the carnage that comes to his psyche afterwards. The guilt. The fear. But this time, the stakes are higher, increasing the tension in his muscles much too soon. He can feel the pain already in his lower back, and he doesn’t want to imagine the aches he’ll be feeling once he returns home. 
“Can’t we just kill them?” 
Theo considers this question as he lets his eyes jump back to Mattheo.
“That would probably defeat the purpose of why we’re here.”
“Sure, but I still hate Weasley and his stupid face. Just one Cruciatus curse at his ugly face would be okay, surely. I won’t even make it a long one. Four minutes tops.”
Theo boredly watches the smoke from his cigarette float up towards the ceiling as he ignores Mattheo. Every moment that passes increases his irritation. He finds himself wondering if it’s a power move on their part. They hold all the cards, so they can keep him waiting. 
Something in the air triggers, both men looking towards the door. Theo’s fingers tense around the cigarette as he brings it to his mouth to take another drag, his other hand dropping down from the table to clench around his wand as it rests on his lap. The dimly lit room has a smoky haze, all thanks to Mattheo and Theo disregarding the “No Smoking Allowed” sign that is appropriately starting to fall off the wall.
The door opens, Ron Weasley followed by Hermione Granger walking in. Theo has long lost count of how many times they’ve met with Granger and Weasley, yet it still feels jarring every time he sees them. Maybe it’s because their appearance catches him off guard each time.
Despite them all being in their mid twenties, they all look tired and worn. The rosey cheeks that Granger sported while they were in school are now gaunt and hollow. Dark circles are painted under her eyes, along with Weasley’s, and she keeps her bushy hair contained in two french braids going down her back. Weasley keeps his hair short now, and his body is more built than it had ever been when they were at Hogwarts. His boy-like features are long gone, with gray already peppering his ginger hair, and if Theo didn’t know any better, he would’ve guessed that Weasley was in his late thirties at the least. The life in their eyes had long drained out, replaced with a coldness that chilled anyone who happened to be stuck in their gaze.
War hadn’t been kind to Theo or Mattheo either.
Mattheo has more scars on his face than he did back in school, and he grew his hair long in a feeble attempt to hide them. There was a time that he wore them like a badge of honor, but since the start of the war and his PTSD becoming worse than ever, they no longer were something he pretended to be proud of. He’s since developed an anxiety twitch, his whole face seeming to spasm whenever there’s a loud noise not caused by him, or tense moment. Though they don’t live together anymore, now that Theo has full ownership of Nott Manor, when they had, Theo could remember all the nights of hearing his best friend scream and cry in his sleep from across the mansion. It was more often than not, and it was unbearably hard to get Mattheo to calm down from the vivacious nightmares.
The opposite could be said for Theo. Instead of nights filled with intense dreams of death and melancholy, Theo simply doesn’t sleep. He couldn’t, for the life of him, shut his brain off. And while that had always been an issue for him to some degree, it had become exacerbated since his transition from student to soldier. Theo doesn’t know what being tired feels like anymore. It’s so ingrained in his psyche that it would be more abnormal for him to not be tired. All he can do is adjust, living off coffee and the occasional upper to keep him moving.
Weasley leans on the wall beside the door. His demeanor is much more unpleasant than normal as his eyes flit between Theo and Mattheo. Theo pretends not to notice as he looks at Granger, who’s standing in the middle of the room. She always did all the talking. Theo assumes it’s because of the way she carries herself, and they certainly take her more seriously than they could any Weasley. Besides being a fighter for the Order of the Phoenix, Granger is a war negotiator. She deals with prisoner exchanges and, eventually, peace talks. Although, considering it’s been seven years since the Battle of Hogwarts, Theo is less confident of the possibility of any sort of peace treaty happening any time soon. For the entire duration of the war, it was her that Theo dealt with when it came to these sorts of things, before and after their betrayal. 
She clears her throat.
“What information do you have for us?”
The strain in her voice is lost on no one. The tension in the air is so thick, Theo is convinced he could grab it if he tried.
Mattheo stops his pacing, turning to face her full on. His anger is palpable.
“Stop with the bullshit,” He snaps. “Let’s talk about why we’re really here today.”
Weasley’s hand tightens around his wand, but he doesn’t move. Theo keeps his eyes on him to ensure it stays that way before turning back to Granger. 
“You have Malfoy.” Theo’s voice is quiet, tone neutral.
The corners of her mouth twitch upward.
“We have Malfoy.”
Mattheo lets out a frustrated sigh.
“We can’t continue to cooperate with you until you hand him back.”
Granger’s expression doesn’t change, making it clear that this reaction was expected. 
“He’s quite the bargaining tool. What are you willing to give for him?” A beat passes. “Or I guess I should say, who?”
Mattheo turns to look at Theo, who can tell just by that exchange of a glance that his friend’s patience is wearing horrifically thin.
“We can ensure the release of Luna Lovegood and Seamus Finnegan. And we’re prepared to give you the maps of the hidden prisons in Sussex.” Theo conveniently forgets to mention that they were already planning to give them the maps, regardless of the way things went at this meeting.
Granger turns to look at Weasley, who merely raises his eyebrows, before turning back to Theo.
“He’s Draco Malfoy.” 
Theo’s hand curls tighter around his wand.
Mattheo huffs loudly, throwing his hand down and smacking it on the bar top. The sound is so loud that Granger flinches, and Weasley pushes off the wall suddenly, but doesn’t move forward.
“You know bloody well that our heads will be on a fucking spike if we don’t get him back,” He hisses at them. “Then who will aid your bloody Order? You think there’s anyone else who will risk their necks like we have? Honestly?”
“Regardless of your help to the Order, do you really think we can just hand Voldemort back one of his best fighters?” Granger's voice raises just a touch. Mattheo takes a step towards her.
“You’ll be singing a different fucking tune when we’re dead and you realize the next on the list is you. You’re losing the goddamn war. Biblically. You need us. Alive.”
Theo waits for Mattheo to finish his outburst before he turns his attention back to Granger. He knows where this is going.
Fuck, he knows where this is going. 
“What else do you want, then?”
Theo’s hands tremble slightly. He clenches his right fist around his wand even more, the left bringing the cigarette back to his mouth quickly. 
Mattheo shakes his head, turning away as he pulls a cigarette from his pocket and lights it with his want.
Granger tilts her head as she looks at Theo, her expression shifting to a tired one, as if the answer is obvious. When she speaks again, her voice is just above a whisper.
“You know who we want, Nott. It’s been almost a year.”
Theo’s nostrils flare.
“Not on the table.”
Suffice to say, the raid couldn’t have possibly gone worse.
How the Order could’ve been so prepared for them was beyond Theo.
One minute, everything seemed to be going to plan as Theo, Mattheo, Malfoy, Blaise and a few others sauntered into the safe house. Quick in and out. Nothing too complicated. The next, it was like the floor fell out from under their feet.
How did things get so royally fucked up?
Theo woke with a start, sitting up abruptly, covered in a layer of sweat as his eyes darted around the room. It took him a minute to get reoriented, and only then did he realize that he was in his own living room, laid on the couch with a blanket draped over him. Ripping the blanket off, his hands flew towards his abdomen. When he looked down, he found he was shirtless, but his skin was unharmed, save for some minor scarring. New editions to the collection. He then reached up and touched the top of his head. Nothing. Not even a scrape.
Slowly, he kicked his feet over the side of the couch and stood up. The room spun for a moment, and his joints ached, but otherwise, he was completely normal. 
The manor was silent. So silent that it made the hairs on the back of Theo’s neck stand up. Almost automatically, he walked across the floor, his bare feet cold against the hardwood. He tried to keep his footfall soft as he continued listening for any sort of sound. There, in the faint distance, he could hear… something. Grabbing a hoodie off the back of a chair, he slipped it over his bare torso and zipped it up halfway before making his way towards the sound. 
Theo stepped into the kitchen. A flash of movement came from the other slide of the sliding door that leads to the courtyard. His hand instinctively went to grab his wand from his pocket, only for him to realize it wasn’t there. At the same moment, he also realized the person outside was Mattheo, having a smoke. His tense fingers relaxed, his arm falling back to his side.
Mattheo looked over as Theo slid the door open and walked out. 
“Look who’s awake. How’re you feeling, Sleeping Beauty?”
“Who healed me?”
Mattheo placed a hand over his heart, feigning offense.
“You wound me, Nott. You don’t think I’m capable?”
Theo shook his head almost immediately.
“It’s not as… clean when you do it. And I have the scars to prove it.” He pointed to his back, which was covered in scars thanks to a nasty run in with a car, a Bombarda cast, and Mattheo’s lack of concern to learn basic field emergency spell casting.
Mattheo sighed in resignation before saying, “You’re right. It wasn’t me.”
Theo waited for Mattheo to give elaboration, and when one wasn't given, he could feel his fingers curl into fists. Though Mattheo’s face was neutral, the tension radiating off his body could be felt a kilometer away.
“What did you do?”
Mattheo took a long drag from his cigarette, blowing the smoke out through his nostrils before turning back to Theo.
“What did you do, Riddle?”
Swallowing hard, Mattheo looked away from Theo.
“We got their best healer.” 
Theo blinked. A hostage?
“You took someone?” He asked, voice low. “That… that wasn’t part of the plan.”
Not that things ever went to plan. And not that they hadn’t ever deviated so far left and forced them to take hostages before. But there was something about the way Mattheo couldn’t look at him that made Theo’s fingers run cold. 
Mattheo shook his head as he took a seat on one of the lounge chairs. He let his head fall to his chest, as if it were too heavy to hold up anymore. “That wall fell on you. You were going to die, Theo. We needed…” He inhaled sharply before looking up again. “It was beyond us. We needed the help. We needed her.” 
Theo wracked his brain. The Order’s best healer? The Order’s best healer. Why does this mean something to him?
“Who is it?”
Mattheo leaned backwards in the seat so his back laid against the chair before he pointed at Theo, as if he was preemptively defending himself.
“You’re going to thank me. You’ll be pissed. But you’re going to thank me, ultimately.”
Theo’s nose twitched.
“Mattheo… who is it?”
Mattheo nodded back towards the house before vaguely replying, “She’s upstairs, in the North wing.”
Theo’s feet didn’t move, stuck to the floor like ice. His mind was running, a plethora of questions all begging to be answered. But his mouth forgot how to work as well. For a moment, all he was able to do was stare at Mattheo, who stared back briefly before nodding towards the house again.
“Go on.” His voice was soft.
Theo’s feet kicked on again, taking him back into the house as if they were on autopilot. 
Why the hell are you so nervous? You don’t even know who it is.
His wand was laying on the end table next to the staircase, which he grabbed and shoved in his pocket. His knees buckled as he walked up the stairs. Distantly, he could hear the sound of yelling and objects being thrown around. It didn’t take him long to figure out which closed door the sounds were coming from the other side of. He stood outside the black wooden door, listening. Trying to maybe discern who it was before he went in. 
He could just make out the wards that had been placed on the door. Laying a hand on the knob, he was relieved to find that he was able to touch the brass of the handle. Mattheo had been known to incorrectly cast the spell so no one could get through, which had more than once sent Theo or Malfoy through a wall. 
A shaky sigh pushing its way from Theo’s lungs and out of his mouth, he turned the knob and let himself inside the room. 
The color drained from Theo’s face.
Standing in the middle of the room, chest heaving and anger radiating off of like a stove top, was you. 
Suddenly, Theo was back at Hogwarts, standing in the Astronomy Tower. You were no longer in your casual shirt and jeans, but instead, in your Hufflepuff robes as you looked at him and told him you were leaving to join the Order.
“This war is above us, Theo. Dumbledore is dead. Harry Potter is dead. I can’t stand idly by and watch people die. I need to do something.” 
“Yeah? And what about me?”
“You could come with me.”
“You know I can’t do that.”
“And you know I can’t stay.”
The memory hit Theo like a train. His breath hitched in his throat.
You turned to face him, freezing in the headlights of his gaze. The way your fury faltered at the sight of him made it clear that you were having the same out of body experience that he was. 
You certainly had been busy. All of the furniture in the room was broken. The night stand had been thrown against the pewter colored wall, leaving a dent in the dry wall and the wooden pieces scattered across the floor. A picture frame that Theo hung and forgot about was in ruins, the brunette girl in the picture cowering in the corner of the shredded pieces of photo paper. Feathers from the pillows littered the carpet. The mattress had been thrown off the bed frame, which was also now broken. 
Though he couldn’t focus on the damage that had been done to his guest room. He was too busy staring at you with the same confounded look he’d had when he first entered the room. 
Your hair was longer than he remembered it, pulled back so it was out of your face. Your features had grown with you, your cheekbones more prominent, your eyes with more bags, your cheeks with less color. There wasn’t a corner of Theo’s world that wasn’t burdened by war, and, unfortunately, that included you. His heart raced in his chest as he looked at you. He had locked the memory of you deep into the catacombs of his brain, not allowing himself to bring them out for any occasion. There wasn’t the time or need for it. This is war. When is there a moment for reminiscing on the worst day of his life?
But now there you were, standing in front of him, with a dumbfoundedly angry look on your face, casual clothes and longer hair. The flood gates were now opened, and he was overwhelmed with memories of you, running through his mind so quickly that he felt like he was spinning. 
Your eyes still twinkled in the light that streamed in through the curtains.
“You tell Mattheo Riddle that he can give me back my wand and we’ll see then if he’s able to force me into this room again.”
Theo flinched.
The sound of your voice alone made him feel the need to have a complete mental breakdown. You could’ve been cursing him out or singing in German and he would still feel the overwhelming urge to curl into a ball on the floor. Even with your anger, it still felt like a sweet symphony to Theo’s ears. 
He never thought he’d hear the sound again. 
Hell, he never thought he’d see you again.
Realizing you had spoken and he was just staring at you like an imbecile, he cleared his throat.
“You healed me.”
Your expression shifted, an emotion crossing your face that Theo couldn’t read. Standing a little straighter, you nodded.
“I’m a healer,” You said slowly, distantly. “It’s what I do.”
He snorted. That bleeding Hufflepuff heart.
“You could’ve let me die,” He pointed out, cocking his head to the side. 
You seemed to consider this briefly before saying, “In theory, yes.”
“Why didn’t you?”
Silence hung in the air between the two of you, coupled with the unmitigated tension. Theo’s hands were curled at his sides, not from anger, but to stop himself from giving into the inordinate compulsion to reach out and touch you. To prove to himself that he wasn’t dreaming or hallucinating. That you were actually in front of him. You shifted your weight to your other foot.
“I don’t think I really could’ve, even if I wanted to.”
The words unsaid in this moment would keep Theo up at night for weeks.
Your eyes trailed down his body, studying him, taking in his bare chest underneath the hoodie. He swallowed hard, his body seeming to freeze under your gaze. Maybe he should’ve changed before coming into the room. At least maybe thrown on a proper shirt. He’d never had a hostage in his home before. There was no protocol book on the proper etiquette. 
Especially not when the hostage was his ex-girlfriend who’s now working on the opposite side of the war. 
You let out a strangled sigh.
“You have to let me go back, Theo. They need me. No one is trained on some of the things I am.” 
The shake of his head was immediate.
“You can’t even begin to comprehend what he would do if he found out Mattheo and I had you and then just let you go back,” He said in a strained yet soft voice. “I can’t. We can’t.”
Your nose twitched as you closed your eyes.
“I won’t fucking heal for him,” You declared in a low tone. “I’d rather be strung up in Godric’s Hollow to rot like all the other people he’s executed than heal for him.”
Theo tried to be rational as he considered what to do. There was a tug of war in his mind, his loyalties competing to decide the best course of action. The obvious answer was to turn you over to The Dark Lord, where you would be put on trial for the crimes he deemed you guilty of, and then punished accordingly. With the skills you hold, Theo knew that you would more than likely be put under the Imperius curse and forced to act as a healer for the Death Eaters. 
Though the answer was obvious, that didn’t make it correct. Not to him or to anyone else.
Theo knew. He knew you’d rather die than breathe the same air as the Death Eaters, let alone fix their wounds and send them back out to kill your people. His head throbbed as he tried to think of the best direction to go in. 
Because, in his head, letting you go was simply out of the question. 
“This is a negotiation, is it not?” Granger asks. “We have something you want, you have something we want. We exchange.”
Theo shakes his head as he smashes the end of his half smoked cigarette on the top of the table.
“She’s not for trade.”
“Well, she’s what we want.”
A bead of sweat trails down the side of his face. He ignores it.
“She’s nowhere close to being worth the same as Draco Malfoy. This isn’t a fair trade.” He means it, but not in the way that he presented it to them. Nothing they could offer would make it a fair trade in Theo’s eyes. They could offer the end of the war. They could offer his freedom from the Death Eaters. They could offer endless riches, or immortality, or anything else he could possibly dream up. None of it would equate.
“Then we’ll gladly take Luna and Seamus back as well,” Granger says through clenched teeth, expression reading that her patience is wearing thin. “To make up the difference.”
Theo opens his mouth to respond, but Mattheo cuts in before he gets the chance.
“You’ll take what we fucking give you.”
Granger shoots him a dagger filled glare. 
“We can no longer afford to play these games with you. You have our best healer. And we need her back.” She rolls her head before her eyes fall back on Theo. “We have been patient. We have accepted that we had nothing worth trading for her. Now we do. Malfoy’s importance to the Death Eaters is well known. Don’t patronize us by pretending we don’t have the upper hand here.”
A chill runs through Theo’s spine.
She’s right.
God dammit, she’s right.
Theo runs a hand through his messy hair, the most he’s moved since he sat down. His brain scrambles to come up with something, anything, that he can offer to remedy this. There has to be something of equal value. There has to be something he can give that would make them decide to let you stay. 
“Before you try to come up with some feeble offer, know that we won’t be backing down from this,” Granger says as if she’s reading Theo’s mind. “You won’t be getting Draco Malfoy back unless we get her, regardless of what else you give. She’s the only card you have that could get him back.”
Theo’s eyes snap back to Granger, the anger boiling in his chest.
“This is a negotiation, is it not?” He repeats her words back to her. She smiles at him, but the gesture does not reach her eyes.
“Maybe negotiation is the wrong word for it.” She hums thoughtfully. “It’s more like a plea deal. Take it or leave it.”
“You’re up late.”
Theo jumped at the sound of your voice as he quickly flicked the light on.
He didn’t expect to find you in his kitchen, sitting cross legged on the island counter with the lights off. A bowl of what he could only assume was cereal was in your hands.
He glanced at the clock on the wall.
“It’s four in the morning.”
You glanced up at the clock as well, before shrugging. 
“Fine, you’re up early.”
A smile tugged at the corners of Theo’s mouth. 
He could feel you studying him as you brought the spoon to your mouth. A flush of warmth filled his cheeks as he made his way to the fridge, making it a point to turn away from you. Still, he knew your eyes never left him. 
“You still don’t sleep much, huh?” You asked, mouth full of cereal.
He sighed as he pulled the carton of orange juice off the shelf.
“I’d say I don’t sleep at all these days.”
He popped the top of the carton before bringing it to his mouth and throwing his head back. You watched him carefully, seeming to pause your eating.
“You’re a feral one now, aren’t you?” You asked in a playful tone. “Drinking right from the carton? Who have you become, Theodore Nott?”
He laughed, the sound being so foreign to him these days, before saying, “I generally live alone, and I never host other people. No need to waste a glass, as far as I’m concerned.”
Him ignoring the last comment of yours was intentional. Despite the playfulness behind it, Theo doesn’t know how you would feel about the man he’s become, and he doesn’t want to dwell on that fact. 
You continue to laugh as you shake your head.
“Mad behaviour.”
Theo eyed you. 
“Says the girl sitting on the counter, in the dark, eating cereal.”
You smiled as you take another bite.
“Got me there.”
It had been almost two months since Mattheo had taken you hostage and made you Theo’s problem. In an attempt to keep peace, Theo gave you free reign of the entire manor and all of the land around it. After repairing the furniture in the guest room (multiple times, as you had to get your frustration out somehow), Theo allowed you to stay there. Before his death, Nott Sr. had created a dungeon-esque holding below the house, with cage like cells and torture weapons, but Theo had the area of the house completely closed off upon his arrival as head of estate, and he wasn’t planning to reopen it anytime soon. Besides, the thought of locking you in an actual cell made Theo physically ill. 
“How’s the escape plot going?” Theo asked as he leaned against the counter adjacent from you, juice carton still in hand.
“Considering I can’t apparate because you already had anti apparation wards in place, the wards Mattheo placed that are linked to my DNA so I can’t leave the estate at all, and that bed being the most comfortable thing I’ve ever slept on…” You listed, raising a finger with every reason. “ … I’d say it’s going quite terribly.”
Theo’s eyebrows hit his hairline as he let out a surprised huff.
“Mattheo has always been quite meticulous.”
“Well, he said he was afraid you’d let me go.”
Theo’s smile faded quite quickly. 
The first couple of weeks following your capture, you had made yourself scarce around the manor, mostly spending time in the North wing. Theo made it a point to stay out of your way. Not only for the sake of your anger, but because he needed to work out his own emotions about you being there. Even in this moment, looking at you in the kitchen, he still hadn’t quite worked out how the whole thing made him him.
After the first couple of weeks, you had slowly started making your way through the manor, exploring every crevice. Every nook and cranny. Theo knew it was to look for a weakness to exploit that could lead to your escape, but he didn’t comment that to you. Just let it sit in the back of his head.
With your emergence from your room also came your increased interactions with the dark haired lad. It was painful at first, just a curt nod here and there, but it slowly built up to exchanging jokes and sarcastic comments, and even as far as the two of you reading books in silence together in the library.
It was almost as if there was never a moment between the days you and him spent together at Hogwarts and now. Just cut the time apart out and sew the rest together like the war never happened.
Theo often found himself wondering if he was one of the weaknesses you were attempting to exploit. 
Your comment about Mattheo believing Theo would let you go did nothing to snuff out that thought.
He tried not to think about it too much.
You watched him carefully as he took another long sip of juice from the carton.
“Have you decided what you’re going to do with me yet?” 
Theo rolled his eyes, setting the juice on the black countertop next to him. 
He didn’t bother to ask how you knew it was even up for debate. You’d always had a knack for just knowing things. And he couldn’t imagine that his debates with Malfoy and Mattheo were as quiet as he would’ve liked them to be.
“What are you leaning towards?” You asked innocently, your eyes studying him. He bit the inside of his cheek as he considered how to answer.
“Let’s see,” He mumbled. “Malfoy thinks I should turn you in. He doesn’t see why you’re useful here, and says you’d be better suited as a healer for… them.” He decided not to say Death Eaters, but you flinched at the idea anyway. “Mattheo thinks I should keep you here.”
Your eyes didn’t leave him as you took another bite of your cereal. Theo mirrored you with the orange juice. 
“But what are you leaning towards?”
“Not turning you in, that’s for damn sure.”
Your gaze pinned him, as your eyes narrow only slightly.
“So I’m stuck here then.” It was more of a statement than a question, and something about it made an ache burst through Theo’s chest. He had no idea how to respond, so he opted to say nothing, instead bringing the juice carton back to his lips. Your eyes followed him. “Theo, you’re a rational person. You know that I don’t want to be here. Why can’t you just let me go back to the Order?”
His eyes fluttered shut.
“It’s complicated.”
You set the bowl down on the counter before looking back up at him.
“Then simplify it for me.” 
All he could say in a breathy whisper was your name.
He didn’t know how. He couldn’t even simplify it for himself. 
It all happens at once.
Theo quickly stands, pushing the chair out from under him so quickly that it glides across the floor and into the wall. 
Weasley rushes forward, his wand pointed at Theo.
Mattheo grabs Weasley by the scruff of his shirt, roughly shoving him into the wall with the tip of his wand jabbing into the ginger’s jugular. The impact of his back against the hard surface causes Weasley to drop his wand, which Mattheo swiftly kicks across the floor. 
Granger puts her wand only inches from Mattheo’s head, though he doesn’t appear to notice. 
Theo directs his wand to Granger.
“The difference between you and I, Weasley,” Mattheo hisses in his face. “Is that I don’t have any pathetic qualms about making a person suffer. So please. Point your wand at one of us again. We’ll see who comes out the bigger man.”
“That’s enough, Riddle!” Granger shouts, pressing her wand into Mattheo’s temple. Theo steps forward and jams his wand through her hair and into her occipital scalp.
“Drop it.”
A beat passes.
Mattheo’s face twitches.
Granger slowly lowers her hand, her jaw clenched so tight that Theo is convinced her teeth will crack.
“We all want the same outcome,” She says in a quiet voice, still glaring daggers at Mattheo.
“It’s how we get there that we can’t seem to see eye to eye on,” Theo growls. 
Letting his hand drop back to his side, Theo takes a step back towards the table he had previously been occupying. 
“Let him go, Mattheo.”
The curly haired man glares into Weasley’s face for a moment longer, letting his deep breath smack against the ginger’s face before he shoves him away. Theo’s eyes follow Mattheo as he walks back to his pacing area, and then they flick back to Granger. She looks incensed over what just occurred, as Weasley adjusts his shirt, embarrassment painting his cheeks pink.
Theo opts to stay standing this time. 
“She’s not a part of the equation,” He says in a low tone. “We can give you the maps, Finnegan and Lovegood for Malfoy. Or we can give nothing at all.” 
A draft fills the room as the wind can be heard whipping outside over the silence. 
“And again, we are well aware of Draco’s importance to the Death Eater army,” Granger says in a tone that matches Theo’s. “There is no option. It’s her or nothing.”
Theo fights the urge to curse her.
“Then it’s nothing.”
The door hit the wall so hard, Theo could almost feel the drywall dent. In the moment, however, he couldn’t give less of a shit.
You whipped around to face him. The anger on your face couldn’t be missed, but neither could his. For a while, the two of you just stared at each other, speaking through daggered glares and heaving chests, as if words weren’t necessary. 
It was a moment of deja vu, calling back to the first time the two of you met in what became your assigned bedroom of the house. Both times equally as tense, but for radically different reasons. And this time, all of the pieces of furniture were entirely intact. 
Finally, Theo broke the silence.
“What business do you have, entering the field?”
Your nostrils flared.
“What business do you have, almost getting yourself killed?”
A breeze came in through the window, chilling the room further. As if it needed the help. 
“I was handling myself fine,” He said in a low voice. “Injuries are bound to happen-“
“A pelvic fracture and an open head wound are both severe injuries,” You countered in a raised voice. “You may have felt fine in the moment but you wouldn’t have after you lost two liters of blood just from the fractured pelvis alone. You needed care.” 
Theo felt like throwing things as the anger flared heavily in his chest.
“I could’ve apparated back to the manor after-“
“You would’ve splinched yourself with that severe of injuries, Theo,” You snarled, looking exasperated. “Mattheo came and got me.”
Theo made a mental note to kick the absolute shit out of Mattheo the next time he saw him.
“You could’ve said no!” He shouted. “You’re not my bloody on-call healer who gets to risk her life whenever I almost die.” The image of you in the middle of the fight, dodging multiple green casts in your wake, was burned into his retinas. Despite being safe in the Manor now, his chest was still reeling from the panic that flooded his heart and lungs when he fought to get to you.
You took a rushed step forward.
“Don’t fucking do that,” You said in a strained voice. “You don’t get to drag my arse back into your life-“
“You think I wanted this for you?” He shouted, cutting you off. “I didn’t drag you anywhere. I didn’t bring you here. I didn’t ask for this.”
You took another step towards him, more controlled this time. Theo almost took a step backwards to keep the distance.
“But you kept me here. Why am I still fucking here, Theo?”
The words left his mouth before his brain had a chance to even consider them.
“Because you fucking left me before I was fucking done with you!”
Theo’s chest heaved, as he stared down at you. The room became painfully silent, the only sound being Theo’s breathing. You were holding your breath. 
“What does that mean?”
Theo didn’t hesitate for a moment.
“You left me to join the Order. You left me behind and I went bloody maniacal. I didn’t know a person could be touch starved for a specific set of hands, but your fingers burned their prints into my skin and I can’t get them to goddamn heal. And then Mattheo dropped you on my fucking door step and it was like I was an imprisoned man who just felt the warmth of the sun for the first time in years.”
You were frozen, staring at him like a deer in headlights.
“Theo…” A breathy whisper.
Theo shook his head, feeling a mix of anger and desperation in his head and heart. When he spoke, his voice was more calm this time, taking a low tone. 
“If love were a language then the only one I know how to speak is the one we wrote together. I couldn’t lose you again. I can’t lose you again.”
It was unclear who moved first. Maybe Theo. Maybe you. Maybe both. But somehow, the distance between the two of you closed, and Theo’s mouth was crashing against yours.
His left hand was on the small of your back, the other on the back of your head. His fingers weaved through your hair with a firm grip, as if to keep you from pulling away. Your hands were on his cheeks, lightly cradling his head between your palms as your fingertips teased the beginnings of his hairline. 
“I love you,” He said in a silent voice, his lips still pressed against yours in the desperate kiss. “I never stopped.”
“I love you too.” Your words came without a sliver of hesitation.
His tongue parted your lips, as your fingers moved to the back of his head. A groan forced its way up his throat. Your nails against his scalp drove him insane. It always had. Theo knew you knew that well. 
And with that, he pushed you onto the bed. 
Theo closes his eyes at the sound of Mattheo’s voice. His steps are slow as they walk up the pathway of Nott Manor. In an effort to prolong the inevitable, Theo pulls a cigarette from his pocket, setting it between his lips before lighting it with his wand. 
“We don’t have a choice, do we?”
Theo looks up at the sky as he blows a plume of smoke upwards to join the clouds. He can’t look at Mattheo.
“No,” He finally says. “We don’t.”
Mattheo pulls a smoke of his own out, lighting it before taking a deep inhale. The only sounds in the air are the wind and his exhale.
“What if we just stopped aiding them?” He suggested after a beat too long of silence. “They’re losing. They need the information we’re feeding them. A few weeks without it would have them feeding out of our palms.”
Theo considers this as he plops down on the top step leading onto the porch. The cold from the wood seeps through his trousers.
Not that his body held any warmth to begin with. Not since he walked out of that bar.
“We don’t have a few weeks.”
Another cloud fills the air.
“The Dark Lord wants Malfoy back now.”
Theo’s heart already feels hollow as he thinks about what he is getting ready to do. 
Mattheo paces the cobblestone pathway, running his fingers through his curls as he takes another long drag of his cigarette.
“There has to be a way.”
Theo studies his friend. There’s very few people Mattheo holds loyalty to. The Order wasn’t on the list, despite the way they were risking everything to help them. The other Death Eaters didn’t have it. Hell, even his own father only held enough of Mattheo’s loyalty to keep him alive. Not enough for it to matter.
But Mattheo, from the moment they met until this moment in front of Nott Manor, was always fiercely loyal to Theo. And the way he desperately tries to come up with a solution to fix this for Theo pulls at his heart.
Because his loyalty to Theo also extends to you. When Theo told Mattheo that he was planning to betray Voldemort’s army in an effort to end the war and keep you with him, Mattheo wasted no time in joining him. No questions asked.
Mattheo was willing to risk his head to keep you safe if that was what Theo needed. And in this moment, Theo knew he didn’t thank his friend enough. 
His hands shake slightly as he brings the cigarette back to his mouth.
“I don’t think there is.”
He doesn’t want to sound as defeated as he does. But as his mind runs a million kilometers a second, it still comes up short on a way of getting out of this. 
Mattheo shakes his head angrily.
“This is bullshit.”
And Theo says nothing, his gaze fixed on the ground as he finishes his cigarette, and plans what he’s going to say once he goes inside. 
Oh Merlin, do I really have to leave?
Theo sat on the edge of his bed, staring down at your sleeping form. Your back was facing him, the blanket low enough to show the bare skin of your upper torso. 
He swallowed hard.
Five minutes. Just another five minutes.
But he knew he wouldn’t stop at five.
He was in his Death Eater robes, dressed to leave. This meeting wasn’t one he could afford to miss, and yet, watching you sleep in his bed was enough to make him at least consider it. 
Reaching over, he traced the lines of your right scapula, moving down to the left, feeling your smooth skin and shoulder blades beneath his fingertips. Your body rose and fell with every breath you took, but you did not stir at his touch. He brushed your hair down to the side so it all fell concurrently onto the sheets. 
Every time he tried to stand, his legs would defy him. 
Bloody hell, this is impossible, he thought to himself.
The temptation to kiss you was strong, but he resisted. He didn’t want to wake you, because then you would know he was leaving, and then you’d ask questions. One’s he didn’t yet want to offer up the answers to.
You didn’t know what he was about to do.
The door creaked open, making Theo jump. Mattheo stood at the threshold, also in his robes. His eyes flitted between his friend and you, before they settled on Theo again. All he did was nod, a gesture that Theo returned, before turning and leaving once again.
A sigh forcing its way out of his lungs, Theo stood up from the bed. Before walking out the door, he threw one last fleeting glance your way.
This better fucking work.
Once the door to his bedroom was shut, Theo walked through the manor in a flash, before finding Mattheo standing in the front garden. His friend gave him a look, and it was not lost on Theo the anxiety in his expression.
“Are you sure about this?”
Mattheo’s words hung in the air, swirling around above them with the wind. Theo slowly let his head fall backwards as he stared at the sky. For once in his life, his thoughts weren’t racing. He was confident in this decision. He had never been more confident about anything. 
“I’m sure.”
No more words were said. 
Grabbing Mattheo’s forearm, the two men apparated. When they reappeared, it was in an empty warehouse in Sussex. Windows lined the walls just a meter or so below the ceiling. The walls themselves were painted an off white colour that left them looking dirty, with hand prints and muck dusting the paint. It felt too big, in Theo’s opinion. If this were to become a regular thing, they’d need something smaller. With seats, preferably.
The two got to work, placing wards and disillusionment charms everywhere they could. Before they knew it, a whole hour had passed, and they were just finishing up. 
“You know I hate this right?” Mattheo asked as they regrouped in the center of the giant room. He stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Not what we’re doing necessarily but this meeting?”
Theo had to fight the urge to laugh.
“You think I like this any more than you do?”
Mattheo shook his head as he looked around the warehouse, taking in the metal beams that lined the ceiling. 
Theo took the moment of quiet to get his thoughts in order. Ever since he sent that damn letter, he had dreaded this moment. And now it was here, and though he had spent countless hours stewing and preparing, right now, he felt completely naked and defenseless. 
A sensation filled the air. Theo looked over at the same time that Mattheo did. The door creaked open, the sound echoing off the walls and around the air, before Hermione Granger, followed by Ron Weasley, the Weasley twins, Dean Thomas, Ginny Weasley, another Weasley they couldn’t place, and the blonde Triwizard Tournament champion from fourth year who Theo, for the life of him, could not remember the name of.
“All Gryffindors, mostly Weasels,” Mattheo mumbled under his breath. “Too much bloody red around here.” 
Theo fought the impulse to laugh.
The crowd of Order members approached them, all looking apprehensive. Granger stepped forward, her eyes jumping between the two of them.
“Nott.” When her eyes bounced back to Mattheo, the disdain became more apparent. When she spoke again, she spat the word out. “Riddle.”
Mattheo gritted his teeth as Theo took a step forward, saving them the risk of what would happen if Mattheo were the next to speak.
He debated on greeting the others, but decided against it. There simply wasn’t time for pleasantries. Besides, Theo didn’t particularly want to be polite to them. And he knew that Mattheo wanted nothing more than to raze the whole warehouse just because he saw that familiar flash of ginger hair one time, let alone several. So it was probably best to get right to the point.
“What’s this about?” The unfamiliar Weasley called out. 
It was hard for Theo not to grow annoyed. The amount of people in the building had him feeling overwhelmed, though he couldn’t exactly blame him. How else should they have responded? It could’ve been a trap, for all they knew. 
The moment Theo reached into his back pocket, a swarm of wands were pointing in his direction. In his periphery, he could see Mattheo’s fists clench. though he was grateful that his friend didn’t immediately start spitting off hexes and Unforgivables. Theo froze more out of politeness than fear, then slowed his movements down. With the same speed as a snail, he pulled out a couple of scrolls, tossing it on the floor halfway between where he stood and where she stood. The wands all moved to point at the scroll in the same way they would point at a bomb. 
“Those are plans for upcoming raids on your safe houses,” Theo explained. “Now you can be better prepared.”
The reaction was comical. At least, to Theo, it was.
Granger stared at the scrolls, her mouth agape. Ron and Ginny kept their wands pointed at it in a way that suggested they were convinced it was anything but a scroll. The twins backed away from it entirely. Dean Thomas stared not at the scroll, but at Mattheo specifically, confusion painting his expression. The unfamiliar Weasley with the scars on his face jumped away when Theo threw the scroll, and had not moved since. And the blonde looked like she wanted to approach it, but was too afraid to let her feet move. 
Granger was the first to speak.
“Why should we trust you?”
A draft filled the room.
“Trust us or don’t,” Mattheo quipped. “You’re losing. You’ve been losing. Pathetically. We’re guaranteeing you a win right now. Whether you decide to take that chance is up to you.”
The silence was deafening as the members of the Order all exchanged looks, looking absolutely flabbergasted by this turn of events. It was clear they were trying to have a conversation through their facial expressions. Every muscle in Theo’s body tensed as he waited for their reaction. 
This has to work, He thought to himself. 
This will work.
“What do you get out of this?”
Granger’s words hung in the hair, and though the question was for the both of them, her eyes were pointedly trained on Mattheo. When the two Death Eaters remained silent, she continued. 
“You’re betraying your families. Your fathers. What could you possibly have to gain, besides maybe a pardon from execution if we win?” She sneers. “And even that isn’t guaranteed.”
Visions of you lying in his bed, only covered by the duvet cover, overtook Theo’s head. He found himself wondering if you’d woken up yet. If you’d eaten. If you’d slept well. If you’d realised he’d left. The lump in his throat felt like a bolder when he swallowed it down. His fingertips burned with the feeling of your bare skin underneath them. 
Out of the corner of his eye, Theo sees Mattheo glance over at him. 
This is, after all, Theo’s doing. So it’s his question to answer. 
“Family isn’t everything,” Theo said in a low tone. “And some people are worth yielding for.”
It takes Theo a full half hour before he finally finds you in the manor. Here you are, curled up on the couch in the library with one of his robes covering you like a blanket. Your back faces him as your face is nuzzled against the fabric of the back of the couch. 
Deja vu hits him hard.
Instead of waking you, Theo sits on the ottoman beside you and counts the amount of breaths you take. At the moment, he’s up to about sixty since he started. It’s easier on his heart to sit in the silence, only filled with your quiet snores.
It’s easier for his heart to handle than what it knows he has to do. 
But he knows that he’s only prolonging the inevitable.
Letting out a deep sigh, Theo reaches over and places his hand on your shoulder, gently shaking you awake. 
“Hey,” He says in a low voice in an attempt to not startle you. “It’s me. Wake up.”
Your head springs upward, looking around at the back of the couch before you roll over to face Theo. The way your eyes light up at the sight of him makes his heart ache in a way he’ll never be able to describe. It’s like he misses you before you’ve even left. 
A soft yawn takes over your face for just a brief moment, and is quickly replaced with a tired smile.
“How’d it go?”
Theo bites down on the inside of his cheek so hard that he can taste blood.
I can’t do this.
I can’t do this.
You have to do this.
“Not great.”
The smile fades from your face. As quickly as your still waking up body allows, you sit up, rolling over to face him entirely. Theo sits up straight as you pause, watching as the wheels turn in your head to process what he had said.
“What happened?” Your voice is so small, and something about it gives Theo the impression that you already know where this conversation is about to go. He sighs heavily. The pain in his upper back makes it feel like he has the entire world on his shoulders.
“They wouldn’t return Malfoy to us,” He explains. In an effort to hide the shake in his voice, he speaks slowly. “They… they had specific conditions for his release.” 
The hush blanketing the room is only pacified by the pounding in Theo’s ears. 
If there is one thing about you that Theo knows deeply, it’s that you can’t keep your emotions off your face. So it’s to his great dismay that he watches your expression shift from confusion, to thoughtful, to realisation.
“They want me, don’t they?”
The words feel like a bullet each, piercing through Theo’s chest and implanting straight into his heart. 
I can’t bloody do this.
Suddenly, the quiet that overtakes the room is less welcome as that one single word hangs over the two of you like a storm cloud threatening a downpour. The way Theo’s mind runs a million kilometers a second makes it so deafening. He can see the conflict on your face as you consider what needs to be done. The downward cast of your sleep stained eyes and the way you curl your lip in thought makes him want to burn the entire Order to the ground so he doesn’t have to even consider losing you.
He sucks in through his nose as the hand on his knee clenches tightly into a fist.
When your eyes drift back up to meet his, matching resolve in your expression, Theo has to swallow down the urge to cry. 
His nails dig into his palm.
“Mattheo’s going to take you once you’re ready.”
A frown crosses over your face. 
“You're not going?” 
Theo can’t recall another time in his life where he’s felt as broken as he does now, looking into your sad stricken and confused eyes.
He’s losing you again.
He’s losing you again. 
“I can’t.” He swallows the lump in his throat that makes his words come out choked. “I… I wouldn’t be able to handle it.”
He lets the rest of his thoughts remain left unsaid. That he would kill them before they could even leave the area with you. That he’d kill every last one of them for taking the only good thing he’d had during this god forsaken war. The entire reason he had broken his loyalties to the Dark Lord in an attempt to put it to an end. 
And now, he has to watch you leave him.
Anguish and surprise conflict your face, making him take your hand in his and hold it tightly.
“I’ll figure it out, okay?” The desperation in his voice is so palpable that you can feel it bleeding onto the skin of your fingertips. Theo’s eyes never leave yours. “I’ll finish this. For you. For us.”
You fill the spaces between his fingers with your own.
You haven’t even left yet, but Theo begins to dread the ghost of your touch that will be left behind once you are. It’s a feeling he knows too intimately.
“What if we lose?” You ask him in a soft whisper. “Or what if one of us doesn’t make it?”
The air leaves Theo’s lungs, evaporating from the heat of your words.
He wants to dig a bunker and hide you in it, keeping you far away from the sins of the war and the pain of ever leaving his side. He wants to blow up the world and watch from space with you on his arm. He wants to do anything, literally anything that would take away the hurt in your eyes. 
Images of the many ways he wishes to kill the Dark Lord and end this devastation flash through his mind.
“I need you to hear me when I say this,” Theo says in a slow tone. “I will do whatever it takes to ensure my return to you. Even if that means I have to blow through the gates of hell myself and crawl out of my grave. Make no bloody mistake. I will come back for you.”
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iamnotokaythx · 11 months
part 2 to the miguel fic. its rly terrible and not finished but i need to get this out or ill never finish it
tw: miguel is delusional, mentions of his past, not native spanish so i used spanisdict, none of this is thought out nor proofread and i am so burnt out that none of the plot is comprehensive
“hello?” you mutter. the couch you’ve been draped over feels gross. the room is hot and your skin sticks to the material. leather? maybe faux leather. you push the thoughts away—what you’re more concerned about is where you are.
“y/n! dios mio, okay, good, you’re awake!” miguel rushes in breathlessly from the other room and sits on the floor in front of you. “i always get so… so scared when i use the venom on you. i don’t know what i’d do if you didn’t wake up. i mean, it’s already been two days, if you didn’t wake up soon i’d probably have—“ he rambled before stopping abruptly. “…i’m glad i didn’t hurt you.”
you’re not quite sure how to respond. you try to kick your feet to sit up, but your ankles are stiff. realizing how your skin feels, you realize your feet are tied together with the futuristic cuffs he’d only threatened you with before.
“did you cuff me? what the fuck?”
“i-i didn’t want to! you left me no choice.”
“you have plenty of choice! choose to let me go. i want to go home.”
“i can’t do that. you could get hurt! your dimension could collapse, a villain might kill you, or you might die from a mugging. i can’t let you go.” he’s explained his reasons a million times over. his gaze is pleading for you to understand, to forgive him.
“as opposed to your venom? i think i’d rather take a bullet than that ‘slow and painful death,’ but i’d honestly rather have the venom than spend another year of my life with you.”
you know you shouldn’t have said that. you can practically see his heart shatter at your words. miguel’s eyes widen and he blinks rapidly. tears are threatening to spill from his eyes. he swallows and stands up. a shaky smile pulls itself onto his lips.
“you were just angry. it’s okay. you didn’t mean it. it’s okay. you still love me, right? you—“ his voice breaks. “you love me! you do.” tears prick his eyes and he paces back and forth. “you love me!” he shouts. “say it. say you love me.” he whispers as he suddenly lunges himself towards the couch and gets in front of you on his knees. he sinks his hands onto your thighs, begging you to just please say those three minuscule words.
“miguel, i—“ you used something other than a nickname, it was the first time in a while.
“no—no, no, no, no, no. just say it.” he murmured.
you stay silent.
“you don’t even have to mean it. just say it, okay? …y/n?”
“…okay. sure. i love you.” you decide to appease him because he gets awfully clingy when he’s upset and that’s something you’d rather not deal with. “just tell me where we are.”
miguel’s head shot up. he exhaled in relief.
“we’re in a safe house. nueva york is miles away. it’s-it’s okay, don’t worry, i’ve spent a lot of time and money on this. you’re really gonna like it here. i was planning on moving us out here for a long while, but your little outing was the push i needed.”
“…why do you bother keeping me prisoner? what’s in it for you?” you decide to ask.
miguel’s hopeful smile dropped. “um, i love you. isn’t that enough? i know that the whole ‘permanent house arrest’ is a little too far… but given enough time you’ll be able to earn back my trust. we can go back to nueva york after a while, if you want.”
“is LYLA at least installed in the house?”
“…yes? why?”
“so i have someone to talk to.”
“you have me, cariño.”
“…so i have someone to talk to when you’re not at work.” you correct yourself.
“oh. okay, that’s understandable.” he said absently. he shook his head and flashed a smile. “do you want me to cook you anything?”
“sure.” you reply simply. “i don’t care what.”
“right, you must be starving. it’s okay, i’ll make a little of everything.” he kissed your forehead and stood up, hurrying to what could only be assumed was the kitchen. he hums a song you were able to recognize while he turns the stovetop on and you hear the sound of food cooking. awkwardly, you shamble to a sitting position.
no reply.
“miguel, can you hear me?”
was he doing that petty bullshit again?
“miggy.” you call out unenthusiastically.
“sí, mi querido?”
“turn the cuffs off.”
“sure thing, amor.” the cuffs on your ankles opened and you stretched uncomfortably.
“i would rather you use my name.”
“it’s just a nickname. would you rather i call you ‘darling’ or ‘dear’ or something?”
“i would rather you call me y/n.”
“you know i can’t do that. you’re my partner. maybe even spouse if we get the chance. i could never just call you y/n!” you can tell he’s smiling from the tone of his voice.
“we aren’t dating.”
“yes we are!” he laughs enthusiastically. “why else do you call me all those cute nicknames? i mean, my favorite’s definitely ‘baby,’ but every time i talk to you you call me some kinda nickname.”
“i called you ‘baby’ when we’d date. and i call you nicknames because you ignore me otherwise.” you correct him this time.
“hm. so we are dating!”
“is that seriously what you got out of this goddamn conversation? no. we aren’t dating.”
“of course, my love. hey, let’s not argue, hm? agree to disagree?”
you sigh in annoyance and stand up from the leather couch. it’s the only leather furniture item, as far as you can tell. the bottom floor seems to be rather big, very well decorated.
some of your favorite flowers are withering in a glass vase. miguel never cut the stems and the water hasn’t been changed in a while.
there’s a large living room, the kitchen, a bathroom, a dining room, and a library/pool table room. on the upper floor, there’s a master bedroom with a balcony that overlooks a lake, a master bathroom, 2 guest bedrooms, and a nondescript closet.
outside is a small flower garden and a lake, as well as a large shed. the entire house is surrounded by trees and there aren’t any obvious paths back to civilization.
“miguel! am i allowed to go outside?”
you look back and see he’s out of the kitchen, walking towards you. when he meets your gaze he paused and you turn back to the window. you feel miguel step closer to you and place his hands lightly on your hips.
“y/n. you know about… my wife. and my daughter. i want another chance with you. i… want you… to want a chance with me.”
…way to completely miss the question.
“get a different me. from some other dimension. one where i’m so terribly lonely that i would fall for everything you say.”
“that’s not funny.”
“it’s hilarious.”
you hear him sigh.
“i love you. i know that you’ll love me back eventually.”
“i did love you, miguel—and quit that petty nickname shit, by the way—i loved you way before you kidnapped me. i don’t know if i can ever think of you as anything other than my captor, at this point.”
“no. don’t say that. you still love me.” he insisted softly. he must be seriously delusional. “it’s been two fucking days of you just… lying there! motionless! i thought i hurt you. i did hurt you. i need to make it up to you—but do you know how scary that was? to see you still and pale on the couch? i can’t do that again. please, just play nice, okay?” his back was tensed and he was blinking back tears again. he must be in a very fragile state, killing his wife and daughter accidentally and then almost killing his partner on purpose.
“fine, we can talk about this later. can i please go outside… baby?” you spit the pet name out like it’s poison. a smile quirks up from under his tear-filled eyes.
“yeah. i planted all of it just for you.” he promised, wiping his eyes and then taking you by the hand and leading you to the backdoor.
part 3 coming never probably god i hate everything /hsrs
i am just rly bad at continuing things ok :(
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idyllcy · 10 months
baby, you can find me under the lights
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word count: 9.1k
warnings: slow burn, mentions of drugs
summary: Ah, it feels good to be loved.
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Hard. This is. Hard.
Jaime stumbles over his words as Khaji Da warns him for his spike in heartbeat, his head spinning as you stare up at him, blinking owlishly. You look pretty. Seriously, you look gorgeous. He's stumbling over his words just to ask you where his building was. It wasn't even as if he was asking for your number! Seriously, do people like you even exist—
You tilt your head at him, blinking.
asking you to repeat yourself.
nevermind. you do.
"Ah, uh, dios mio—" He pauses. "do you know where the school of biology is? It's my first day here, and—"
You point at the building on the other side, and Jaime sighs. "Oh my god. I'm stupid, so sorry—"
You wave your hand dismissively, smile on your face.
smile holds no menace. seeming to say 'me too'
"Thank you, but really—"
You raise a brow at him.
"Not you. Well, thank you, yes, but not the latter part." He sighs. "I've had a long morning."
You wave bye to him as you rush off into the building.
"Is she mute?"
no signs of vocal cord damage
"So she just." Jaime glances down at his watch, cursing as he realizes he's about to be late to class. "I'll ignore it. Put a tab on her."
got it. unusually high levels of dopamine and adrenaline detected in bloodstream.
"Ignore it." Jaime mumbles. "I just think she's cute."
In retrospect, Jaime has no idea why he would need to keep a tab on you, but he finds it especially helpful when he's met face to face with who the scarab calls you, except it's not really you, it's some person with flamboyant makeup drawn over their face, and Khaji Da insists it's you. All Jaime can notice is how you're a metahuman, a voice as honeyed as a siren's. He shakes his head to try and break free of your voice.
"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" You tilt your head at him, setting him down as you soar back to the supervillain. His jaw stays open before he closes it, realizing the situation.
a metahuman
"Well, I can't have her fight alone, can I?" Jaime sighs as his armor clasps on, flying next to you, lending you a hand as he blocks a punch. "Having trouble?"
"Appreciate the help." You smile, landing a kick to the villain's face, stepping on it as you send him into the ground. The back of your heel causes a crack to ring and the man's face to cave in, and Jaime stares, eyes wide as Khaji Da tells him that the man's alive and has a high chance of survival. "Are you visiting? Does my city owe a member of the Justice League something?"
"No," Jaime shakes his head. "I... I live here now. I just moved."
"You... alright." You mumble. "For all I know, you could be moving here for retirement."
"Hey, I am not that old." Jaime gasps. "I'm—"
Khaji Da stops him before he can reveal his age. A smarter choice. Jaime really needs to fix his blurting problem.
You raise a brow at him, leaning closer, tilting your head. "You're...?"
"Uh, top secret information." He smiles, trying his best to focus on your face and not the way you were practically sticking on him. It was bad enough that he thought you were cute. He did not need another reason for being head over heels in love with you. Seriously, he's not the type for love at first sight, what kind of witchery do you have?!
You huff, leaning back. "Alright. You do you."
"Are there many villains here?"
"Not really. Just pigface here." You point at the man under you. "Though, you'll probably bring in your fair share of supervillains, huh?"
"I don't have that many."
"Still have some." You hum. "Alright. See you around, beetle boy. I wouldn't recommend sticking around. The police kinda hate us."
Jaime looks at the unconscious man as you fly. "Wait, do we—"
The police arrive as he's cut off, and he races off himself. He did not want a bullet shot at him, but he also did not want to deal with the police so early on in a new city. That could be saved for some time that wasn't right now.
Besides, he has his bio seminar to get to. Seriously, what is with him and arriving late to class?
Turns out, Jaime bumps into you much more than he thinks is coincidental.
First, the two of you bump into each other at the cafeteria, then the two of you meet at the library, then at the gym, and then you share a building at the dorms? Seriously, what is with the two of you and meeting? At this point he might as well call one of you a stalker, and it is most certainly not him. He doesn't think it's you either, especially with how unnerved you are while bumping into him. All you do is wave hello with a small smile and head the other way. Seriously, he was looking creepy. You were cute, he did NOT want to be scaring you off before he could even befriend you. Besides, it's not like his body is— it's... Khaji Da, isn't it.
"¿hermano, la estás acosando?" Jaime mumbles to the scarab. boy, are you stalking her?
I don't know what you're talking about
"'kay, can we cut it down? Seriously, I'd like to not see her every day."
I thought you liked her.
"Thinking someone is cute does not equate to liking them." He groans, swiping his student ID to get his lunch.
I am simply creating more opportunities for the two of you to meet
"Can you not control my body for something like this?" He takes his salad, running a hand through his hair as he crashes into someone. "Oh, I am sosorry—"
You blink up at him, shaking your head.
she says it's fine
"Are you sure? Let me know if I can do anything to make it up to you, really." Jaime nods.
You wave your hand, dismissing him as you head upstairs to find an empty table.
increased heart rate detected
"Oh, dios, please be quiet." Jaime rushes out of the cafeteria, embarrassment all over his face, cheeks flushed with blood.
As he reaches his dorm, he hears the sound of something going off almost comically, and he freezes. Didn't you mention that there weren't many supervillains other than the guy that was arrested recently? Come on.
The cafeteria you were just at. No signs of human damage. The girl is fighting.
Jaime sets his salad down, opening the window, and jumping out, his suit sending him straight to the cafeteria, blasting a piece of wood out of the way as your hand finds itself around the man's throat as Jaime sets down next to you.
"I thought you said there weren't many supervillains here?" Jaime's arm shifts into a taser as he presses it to the man, knocking him out.
"But plenty of frustrated college students." You smile at him. "this one tried bombing the building."
Jaime blinks.
heartbeat steady. Not lying.
"What's your name, by the way?"
"Wouldn't you like to know, beetle boy." You roll your eyes.
"Do you not have a name?"
You tilt your head at him. "And if I do?"
"Why won't you tell me?"
"Who knows. Maybe you'll commit identity fraud." You smile, tapping his chest twice. "Though, you seem a little too tall to steal my identity."
"I won't, so could I please know the name of the partner I'll be working with to fight crime?" Jaime holds his hand out for you, leaning down slightly to stare at you.
"Kinda hard to tell sincerity through those gorgeous yellow eyes of yours, beetle." You give him your hand anyway, shaking it. "Unidentified. Though, the police like calling me Euterpe."
"Like the greek muse?"
"Yeah. In charge of music and stuff." You shrug. "You're just blue beetle because of the suit, huh?"
"Yeah." He pauses. "Are the police coming?"
"They always are." You hum. "Two minutes, maybe."
"How do they know when you don't call?"
"I don't need to." You tilt your head slightly. You point at the students outside the building that Jaime had passed. "They do."
"Are you the school mascot or something?"
"Time's up." You smile. "Alright beetle boy, time to get going."
You speed off into the air as Jaime chases after you. "You didn't answer my question!"
"You have a lot of questions for someone who's just arrived." You come to an abrupt stop as Jaime freezes into place.
"Seriously, how has the Justice League not cataloged you? They sent me a list of everyone in the city and—"
"God, B's just as crazy as I remember him being." You grimace. "I'm not on the catalog— too secretive for his liking. B would really rather not catalog me."
"Why's that."
You pause. "I have a handful of mutant genes instead of just one. Weird superpowers come with all of them. If you really want my file, go find Red Robin at the Titans' tower. He ran a whole sampling of my DNA and everything. The Titans Archive has my file."
"Why doesn't Batman have it?"
"Mm..." You pause. "No time?"
"That man is retired. You have to have a better explanation than just that."
"Can we take it to the dorms? I'm at the point where I think you know who I am anyway." You sigh. "You keep bumping into me on a campus this big. You're practically stalking me."
"I'm not—"
"You're going to have to prove that to me. I see you everywhere." You sigh. "I have a single complex, come on."
"Did you win the lottery?"
"You can do a lot with a voice like mine." You drop onto the roof, suit coming off as you do.
"How'd you get that off?"
"Illusion magic."
"Seriously, you're practically a green lantern." He grimaces. "Or a magician."
"Your suit just came off too, you know?" You raise a brow, swiping your ID. "Does the beetle do that? Can I see the beetle?"
"Next thing I know you'll be asking me to strip for you." Jaime jokes.
"Oh, well, not that I'd be against that, but—" You shut up when you pass a student.
"At least you have a filter." He mumbles.
"How old are you anyway? I was going to ask if you were a fourth year, but from the way you don't know where the bio building is, there's no way you are." You glance at the signs.
"First year."
"Oh, so like, fresh out of high school?"
"No, I took a gap year." he hums. "Now I'm trying to finish college and get into dental school."
"Oooh, big dreams." You mumble. "I'll let you practice on me when you're in dental school."
"It isn't cosmetology, you know?"
"Eh." You shrug. Your keys materialize in your hand as you unlock the door to your dorm. "The fake teeth can only last you for so long. Welcome to my dorm."
"What kind of luck do you have?"
"I told you. My voice." You smile. "Would you like to see it in action? Have the scarab read my lips for you. You'll need earplugs. What's your Starbucks order?"
"A cappuccino. Wh-what are you doing?" Jaime chases after you as you step out of your apartment again, knocking on the door across the hall. You toss him earplugs with a wink, knocking on your neighbor's door. Jaime puts them in as he watches you.
"What?" A guy opens the door, visibly annoyed.
Your lips part, sickly sweet words spilling down your tongue, and Khaji Da speaks.
"could you get me a grande cappuccino and sweetened peach green tea from the Starbucks downstairs? Set it by my door and knock when you finish, please?" You bat your lashes at him twice, and the guy blinks back.
Jaime watches in shock as something glazes over the guy's eyes and he nods at you, heading inside and coming out with his phone in hand, locking his door as he heads down the hall.
"That's one of my abilities." You smile. You reach for the plugs in his ears, and he flinches back slightly, pulling them out himself. "Sorry. Am I too much?"
"It's really hard to have a normal heartbeat around someone like you."
"Honored you would think of me as hot." You smile. "Do you want anything to eat? I cook."
"You got tamales?"
"Oh, I do! I just dropped by one of the cultural clubs' president's house, and she came back with a bag of them. I just don't know how to cook them. Care to help?" You rummage through your freezer, brows furrowed. "Here. Yeah?"
Jaime holds his hand out for you to hand it to him, and he hums. "You got a steamer?"
"Top cabinet on the left of the stove." You hum.
"Do they make you pay utilities here?"
"No." You hum. "Which is why I keep the lights and AC on the entire day. I only turn off the lights in my room when I sleep."
"How much... is it a year?"
You visibly freeze, closing the fridge. "I'd rather not discuss that."
"A lot?"
"I don't look at the bill when I send all of it as fake invoices to Wayne Enterprises." You laugh awkwardly, pulling the steamer out.
warning: rapid heart rate increase.
"Yes, Khaji, I know." He mumbles through his teeth.
"No, not you." He smiles. "How do I put this? I have a scarab in my back."
"Oh, I know." You smile. "It's pretty... visible when you're at the gym. there's like a huge bump on your back."
"You look at me at the gym?!"
"Hard not to when your back muscles look like that. You got a routine I can follow?" You wiggle your brows jokingly.
"Um, lifting seven hundred pounds worth of metal when a skyscraper falls over."
"Oh, I don't need to do that." You shrug. "I just tell the metal to get out of the way."
"Your voice works on more than just humans?"
You puff your cheeks, looking to the side. "Yes?"
"Do you have like, some cosmic control over the universe or something?"
"I could pull a my little pony princess celestia and tell the sun to go down right now." You bat your lashes innocently.
Jaime blinks owlishly, fear in the back of his mind, confusion on his face. You can what. What in the Mary Sue self insert is that voice of yours? It was like God himself made you extra special, even down to the genetics. A metahuman could have powers that strong? Though, how did you even discover that you could make the sun set? Something else snaps at the thought of your voice being so powerful. Can you command... food to cook?
"Couldn't you just cook the tamales with your voice?"
"I've never really tried that." You pause. "I don't know what works and doesn't work, I just know that I can make the sun set and moon rise."
You ignore him, pulling out a tamale. "Cook, please?"
You toss it in the air as it gets hot instantly, and before Jaime can react, Khaji Da is sending his body to grab a plate and catch the tamale. You blink as Jaime catches it (just barely) and the two of you exhale in relief as Jaime sets the plate down. You blink at the bag and then at the piping hot tamale on the plate, jaw-dropping.
"I never have to cook ever again." You mumble. "Oh my god... this is a revelation. This is so much easier than I ever thought it'd be."
"Though, it might be better to cook it on a plate next time." Jaime mumbles, setting the plate down.
burn detected on left hand.
Jaime grabs your wrist, unfolding your hand as he stares at the wound. "It's hurt."
"Oh, I can just—"
"Do you want me to wrap it for you?" Jaime stares at you, eyes gentle, and your heart soars. Holy fuck he's cute. Yeah, screw the voice thing, he's wrapping it up for you. You're gonna take advantage of this. God, you're going to combust. Holy shit, was someone allowed to look this cute? You need to go outside and touch grass, holy shit.
"Y-yeah! Sure!" You blink, eyes wide. "Please. Thank you. I'll uh, give me a second." You stare at the cabinet. "Open, please."
The cabinet door opens.
"First aid kit, land on the counter, please?"
The kit lands, and you call to close the cabinet as there's a knock on the door. Jaime lets go of your hand, turning to go to the door.
"I'll get i—" You place a hand on Jaime's shoulder, shaking your head.
"Stay, please."
Jaime finds himself stuck in place as you open the door, a smile on your face as you take the drinks.
"Do you need anything else?" It's the same guy as before.
"Nope." You smile. "Thank you."
Jaime watches as the man's eyes return to normal, a confused look on his face as he raises a brow at you.
"Should, I, uh, pay you back for the drinks? How much was it?" You blink prettily at him, and Jaime's heart stops when the guy waves you off.
heart rate quickened. indicated attraction to her.
Holy fuck, were you using pretty privilege on your flatmate?
He leaves eventually, and you place the drinks on the counter. "A hot cappuccino during summer?"
"There's AC in your dorm." Jaime mumbles. "Did you use pretty privilege on him?"
"Oh, silly boy." You laugh. "Everyone thinks I'm the most attractive person ever."
"How?" Jaime tries moving, realizing you had put him in place. "Can I be freed?"
"Thank you for staying still." You smile.
"You don't want a tamale?" He opens the first-aid kit, pulling out the bandages and gauze.
"After I burned myself? I'd rather not." You wince as Jaime disinfects the burn.
"How'd you manage to burn yourself?"
"Erm... not sure!" You hum. "but I cooked the tamale."
"Let's cook it the normal way next time." Jaime mumbles. "You want me to cook anything?"
"Can you cook?"
"Yes, most definitely." Jaime wraps your wound gently, brows pulled into a worried frown. "worked at my tía's diner over summer during my gap year."
"Wow, sounds fun." You hum.
"You ever worked?"
"No." You mumble. "My work is my superhero business. I have a gofundme to help. You'd be surprised at how long of a way a little fanservice goes. Can you just boil me some soft eggs?"
"Runny yolk?"
"Semi." You hum. "I have a sauce in the fridge to marinate the eggs in. Thank you."
"Do you enjoy cooking? You have every single sauce and spice I can imagine." Jaime rummages through your cabinet. "Also, what did you mean earlier by everyone thinks you're the most attractive person ever?"
"Beauty is subjective— yeah, I like cooking— so if I tell myself that I want to be the prettiest person in the world, then everyone sees me slightly differently. It's a little manipulative, but it gets the job done." You mumble.
"What about the creeps?"
"I can fight." You hum.
"Is there a reason you need to come off as that way?"
"Only when I'm in suit." You hum. "I look perfectly plain when I'm out of the superhero face."
"And what's this fanservice of yours?"
You smile, your cheeks pulling up but your eyes unchanged. "My onlyfans is linked on my twitter."
Jaime chokes as he turns off the sink, neck-snapping to look at you. "W-what?"
"That was a joke." You hum. "It's just a gofundme. I'm... I'm close with a good number of fans. It's like Superman, you catch my drift?"
"He does have a good relationship with the citizens of Metropolis."
"Yeah, and Batman's hated by all." You snort. "That's a joke. Gotham would kill for that man."
"They would?"
"Ask a Gothamite what they think about Batman and you get an annoyed grunt, but lasso them with the lasso of truth, and they'll admit that they're actually grateful for the man." You lean on the palm of your head. "Thank you for making me the most attractive person ever."
Nothing changes for Jaime as he blinks at you. He blinks a couple more times at you, wondering if his eyes were deceiving him, but you look the exact same. The realization causes a smile to break onto his face slowly, eyes warm and affectionate as he looks at you. You're already pretty to him. How beautiful.
"So? You like how I look?"
"You look the same." Jaime hums, jumping when the water nearly boils over, opening the cap as he places the eggs in. "shit."
You laugh, chest flushed with warmth, shy smile on your lips. Your chest feels overwhelmingly full, like a piece of it that had been lost was returned to you, making you whole again. God, he can't just say that to you and expect you to not fall for him. You grimace inwardly. Falling at the slight sign of affection. How classic of you. Though, your chest is warm, and that was always a good feeling to have. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." He blinks at you.
increasing heart rate—
"Please, not now." He hisses.
"Does the beetle speak?"
"To me." Jaime mumbles. "He's like a voice in my head."
"Could I suggest putting an earbud in to pretend you're on the phone so you don't look insane?"
Jaime pauses. "Huh. I've never considered that."
"Yeah." You mumble. "It gets people off your ass."
"How come you don't speak when you're walking around?" He raises a brow. "I thought you were mute until the scarab identified you as the hero."
You shrug. "It's easier."
"Easier for what?"
You shrug. "People don't talk to you much when you don't speak."
"Do you want me to peel the eggs for you?" Jaime lifts the pot into the sink.
"Oh, no, it's fine. Thank you." You hum, getting out of the seat. You wave him off as you pour the water out, focusing on the eggs. "Peel the shell off cleanly, please."
The eggshells detach perfectly, and you open your fridge, pulling out the sauce.
"Are you in any clubs?"
"Acapella Choir and Writer's United." You mumble. "I also hang out with the kids in musical theater."
"I forgot that was a major here."
"We're a surprisingly art-oriented school for one with such a good stem program." You seal the container again, putting it in the fridge. "Clean yourselves, please."
The dishes turn clean with a swirl, and you place them in the dish machine to dry.
"What's the magic word?" Jaime raises a brow.
You smile. "Can't say it."
"Why not?"
"Then it'll come true." You hum. "I think you've listened enough times for it."
"How come you don't fight crime with it?" He hums. "Your voice would do wonders."
You hum. "It wears my voice out."
"Do you speak to your professors?"
"Yeah?" You raise a brow.
"But you don't speak to students?"
"I speak when necessary." You shrug.
"So telling me where the bio building wasn't necessary?"
"No." You sigh. "Of course not. Oh, right. I never learned your civilian name. I can't just keep calling you beetle boy."
"Jaime. Jaime Reyes." He holds his hand out for you, and you take it, your own name spilling past your lips.
Jaime finds that you're not as much of a red flag as you came off as. You bump into him every now and then, nodding as you do, and then you rush off for your classes. Jaime only ever gets to speak to you while on duty, wrestling the criminals to the ground as you knock them out. He doesn't get to speak to you very much— the police have gotten much faster with arriving at the scene of the crime. Usually, by the time he's chased after you, you've already detransformed and gone to class. Seriously, your schedule is appalling. How many units are you even taking?
"Alright, I know you're in there. Come on, open up." Jaime knocks on your door for the nth time, and you finally, finally open it, sighing at him.
"What do you want?"
"To hang out? Seriously, I haven't made any friends since coming here other than you, and that's only because you and I fight crime together!"
"That does not sound like a me problem." You deadpan.
"I brought tea."
"Oh, why didn't you start with that?" You open the door fully, letting Jaime in. "I'll let you chill for a bit, but I have somewhere to go in a little."
"Where? It's 7pm on a Tuesday." He sets the tea on the counter, raising a brow.
"Frat party starts at 8 but you're technically supposed to get there starting 9. No one ever goes on time." You hum. "Did you want to stay the night?"
"No. That'd be a little..." He pauses. "Mami raised a man better than that."
You bark out a laugh. "That's sweet. Thank your mom for that, please. Not many women end up with such sweethearts of children."
"Are you calling me a sweetheart?" Jaime grins.
"Mm, sure." You hum. "Much better than half of the men on campus, that's for sure."
"Why are you going to a frat party?"
"For the vibes." You hum. "I also got news that something was going to happen there, so you gotta be prepared, you know? It's halfway across campus."
"Should I go?"
"If you want." You hum. "Give me a sec, I'll move everything to the island."
"Do you need help?" He cranes his neck as you disappear into the corridor.
"I'll be fine." You call.
Jaime watches as you move a bag and mirror onto the table, and he watches in silence as you start your makeup.
spike of dopamine in bloodstream. hermano, do something. ask her out.
"No!" Jaime hisses. "she's going to think it's creepy!"
"What's creepy?" You raise a brow at him, amusement on your lips.
"Nothing! Khaji is speaking." Jaime avoids your eyes.
"Is that the beetle's name?" You go back to the makeup.
You hum back, finishing with your makeup, pausing.
"Couldn't you have the magic do it?"
"Yeah, but," You sigh. "it only knows how to do my hero look."
"It's taught?"
"I can make it copy images on a screen, but I dont have that many products to work off of." You hum. "You want me to do your makeup?"
"I'm good." Jaime mumbles. "Is a frat party even safe?"
"Depends on the person. Is it icky? Yes. Is it fun to feel individualization in a crowd of strangers? Also yes." You hum.
"Don't you get hit on if you..." He pauses. "no. you're not in costume."
"I sure am going to get hit on if I transform, though." You hum. "It's happened before. They like spiking poison or toxins in frat party drinks. Can Khaji Da scan water for toxins?"
"He said yes." Jaime mumbles.
"Then go with me?" You smile at him awkwardly. "Please? Maybe you'll make friends there too. Hm? Didn't you come in complaining about how you didn't know anyone here?"
Jaime sighs. "I'm not drinking, though."
"Oh, yeah. Your boundaries still matter, obviously." You pause. "Don't Mexican families throw huge parties and drink there?"
"Sorry, let me rephrase that. I'm not drinking frat house beverages." Jaime corrects himself. "Someone's saliva could be in it for all I know."
"'kay, yeah, that makes sense." You mumble. "Are you just going to go in that?"
"What do you mean?"
"Mm." You think for a moment, staring at Jaime. "You know what. Yeah. The shirt's fine. Unbutton two buttons and you'll be fine."
"Do you need me to do it?" You raise a brow. "They won't let you in if you look too formal, but they also won't let you in if you look too casual. Well, that's a lie. They'd let you in if you were in a tank top, but since you can't... at least try and look like a frat boy."
"I'm hurt." Jaime scoffs as you step close to him.
"Can I?"
"Do what you must."
You reach a hand into his hair, messing it up first, blinking slowly at his face. Jaime holds his breath as you're practically stuck on him, chest pressed to his, and he swears his heartbeat is scarily quick right now. He stares down at your eyes as you stare at his hair, fingers pulling gently to mess it up more than it was. In fact, he should be—
warning: quickened heart beat.
There it is.
Jaime curses under his breath, and you stop, blinking up at him as he leans back.
"That's the scarab. My heart's beating too fast." He avoids your gaze again, looking up at the ceiling.
"So like, a defense mechanism?" You tilt your head. "Can I... unbutton your shirt slightly?"
"Yeah, uh, sure." He holds his breath as you slide it open slightly, freezing in place when you stare at his chest for a little too long. "You alright?"
"Yeah." You mumble, pulling away, hiding your face. "Yeah. I'm fine. God."
detected increased heart rate.
"You sure?" He tilts his head to get a better look at you, noticing your skin has flushed darker. Ah. So you were flustered too.
"You wanna go?" You finally speak up. "We should get going. It's across town."
"We can fly there. Well, you can."
"I'm not flying for a frat party."
"And you'll walk?"
"At least I won't be drunk." You mumble. "Besides, I can just sleep on one of the benches here. At least we don't have anti-homeless architecture on this campus."
"What's with all the crime on campus anyway?"
"Oh, you didn't know? Everyone here is tied into crime in some way." You smile, opening your fridge. "there's correlation between creativity and sociopathic tendencies, after all."
Jaime blinks slowly. "What."
stable heart beat. Not lying.
"Heros end up desensitized too." You pull out the whipped cream, squirting it right into your mouth as you swallow. You lick your lips as you set the bottle back into the fridge."Come on."
The school is shaped more and more like a prison, Jaime thinks. The architecture is shooting proof, and all the windows are bulletproof. He wasn't sure if it was because of safety worries or the amount of crime. The school wasn't known for crime, so it was a little strange being told that petty crime was common in the school. Well, maybe it was. It's probably less than whatever's going on in Gotham anyway.
"Is... petty crime common here?" Jaime winces at how uncertain he sounds.
"It's..." You pause. "It's not that common, actually. It just seems that ever since you came, our crime rate has gone up."
"Pinning the blame on me?" Jaime fakes offense.
"Yeah." You joke. "Any plans on how to make friends?"
"Any tips?"
"Find the people who are in the corner." You mumble. "Or something. I don't know. Get to know people over drinks. Just have the beetle scan the drinks for anything bad for you."
"What should I not touch?"
"The punch. The beer is usually fine. The beer tends to be canned."
"And the vodka?"
"It's alright. I take a shot of punch for liquid confidence, though." You hum. "But today I can't. I'll just have to shoot straight vodka."
"Or you could just, not drink?"
You shrug, getting to the door of the house, a guy greeting you.
"Ay! You're back!" He grins.
You grin back. "I brought a friend today. That's alright, right?"
"For you, sugarlips? Always."
You lick your lips, winking as you step into the house, Jaime in tow, his hand in yours.
half of the people here's bloodstream have high concentration of alcohol already. beware.
"Got it." Jaime mumbles, following behind you as you squeeze through the crowd. He gets a couple of looks, raised brows in interest and flirty winks. He wonders if you get this often too. Well, if you came and went looking like that, then surely you would. Maybe that's why everyone calls you a nickname. Jaime grows frustrated as he thinks of it. Did you have someone else?
"Sugarlips!" A guy wraps an arm around your shoulder, smiling. "Come back for more?"
"Brought a friend today." You point at Jaime.
The guy doesn't even bother looking at Jaime. "Your boy?"
"Not quite." You smile. "Hands off of him, though. You wouldn't mind telling the girlies that, would you?"
"No worries." He gives you a wink. "Should I tell the boys to keep their hands off too?"
Jaime nods at you, squeezing your hand gently.
"Please." you lick your lips, a smile on your face.
"Watch the punch for me, will you? Don't want anyone drugging it."
"We'll watch the punch." You nod.
"Of course, sugar." He laughs, nodding at Jaime as he heads back into the crowd.
"Well?" You tilt your head at Jaime as he stares at the punch.
Stick your finger in it for more thorough analysis. I can't tell anything without contact.
"Need a cup."
You grab a red solo cup, scoop the drink without the ladle and hand it to him. Jaime blinks twice at the liquid before giving up. Oh well, it's a frat party. What can he do about it?
"Is it always this messy?" Jaime sticks his finger in, waiting for the analysis.
"Occasionally it's worse." You hum. "So? Did you find anything?"
Unknown aphrodisiac toxin detected. Rohypnol drug detected. Liquid alcohol content 37%.
"Rophynol and an unknown aphrodisiac." Jaime repeats. "Alcohol content is 37%."
"Remove the flunitrazepam from the punch, please." You mumble quietly, the water swirling slowly from people's drinks. The powder hangs in the air as you open a plastic bag. "put the flunitrazepam into the bag, please." The powder swirls into the bag, and Jaime watches as you tuck it into your pocket. The crowd of people with drinks don't notice at all, not even when something bubbles out of their drinks.
"Then?" He raises a brow.
"Go have fun." You hum, flicking the cap off of the vodka. "Or have Khaji Da scan the people to figure out who decided to put the date rape drug in the punch, but not my problem." You pour yourself a shot. "I already figured it out when I walked in."
You tilt your head as you watch the vodka pour into the glass, eyes glistening as you do, eyes gentle and tired, and Jaime finds something in your eyes. He's not quite sure what it is, the spotty lights in the living room painting your skin different colors, but there's something about you, he supposes. Even in the way he takes your outfit in, finally, staring too hard at your face. Reds and greens dance across it, leading down to your shoulder. Something glistening on your arm catches his attention.
"You have powder on your shoulder." He reaches to wipe it. "who was it?"
"It's fine." You brush him off, putting the vodka back on the table. "Want a shot?"
Jaime furrows his brows, your name slipping past his lips. "who was it?"
Your name sounds like honey coming from him as you down the shot. God, you were down bad.
"Seriously, who is it?" Jaime knows at this point, only one person had touched your shoulder, but he wants to hear it from your mouth.
"Guy who had his hand on my shoulder. That's why he asked me to guard the drinks. Be right back." You smile at him, slipping into the crowd, going to find the girl he had his hands on.
Jaime tries following after you but loses you in the crowd, grimacing. You were probably looking for the guy who drugged everyone. "Khaji. Find her."
upstairs bedroom second on the left.
Jaime squeezes past the crowd to try and find you. If the guy was capable of drugging the punch, then god knows what he was capable of doing to you if you went alone. Sure, you can fight, but what if something does happen? He didn't want you getting hurt, even if he knew you could fight without a problem.
sounds like you like the girl
"Khaji, can you please," He slams the door open, staring as you have the man on the ground, heel pressed on his windpipe, the girl still unconscious on the bed. Jaime lets out a breath in relief as he steps over to you, Spanish spilling past his lips before he can think too much. "gracias a dios. ¿mi vida, qué demonios estás haciendo? ¡No huyas solo!" thank god. my life, what are you doing? Don't run off by yourself!
You blink in surprise as he breaks into scolding in Spanish, grabbing you by the arms, tilting your head to get a proper look for any bruises that could have landed on you, cursing you out for running off on your own, and you blink trying to keeping up with his words. At some point you press a hand over his mouth, pointing down at the man under you. Jaime follows your finger, remembering that you're stepping on a man's neck. You... crazy. Only you. He hears Khaji Da laugh in his head.
"We've really got a knack for speaking when you have a man's throat under your foot, huh?" Jaime mumbles, furrowing his brows. "Let him go."
"You called me mi vida." You press your chest to his, staring at him, batting your lashes. The pet name sends blood rushing to your head, drunk on the way it sounded so sweet falling from his lips. Did he mean it? Did he mean it when he called you his life? "Did you mean it?"
"It slipped out."
from your unconscious maybe.
"Khaji, shut up." Jaime hisses, face impossibly flushed. "Get off the man before he dies."
You step off of him, the man long passed out.
"Is he still breathing?"
breathing: stable
Jaime exhales quietly.
"So? Mi vida?" You smile cheekily, pointing at yourself. "Am I tu vida?"
Jaime tries avoiding the topic. You're a little tipsy right now. "You literally had a single shot. How are you already–"
blood alcohol content from breath: .06
"Seriously?!" Jaime grimaces as you stare up at him, expecting an answer, cheeks puffed out and frown on his face. "Will you get off of me if I say yes?"
"Depends if you're being honest." You grin, pressing your ear to his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "Push me off if you're uncomfortable."
"Seriously, you're drunk. You're probably not even conscious of half of the stuff you're doing." Jaime peels you from him, throwing you over his shoulder.
"EEK!! I'm being carried like a sack of potatoes!" You shriek, laughing. The alcohol is really messing with your brain. "I'll stay in the room. Go call for the guy at the door we greeted earlier. He'll know how to deal with this."
"I thought frathouses let things like this slide?" He sets you down on the bed next to the girl.
"Not this one. Especially not when he actually planned on doing something." You beam at him, eyes closed, lips quirked upward. "So, could you?"
"If you say the magic word." He tilts his head. He could have a little fun with you.
"That would make it a command." You mumble. "How about something I can give you? Go make a friend downstairs. Give him a friend, p—"
Jaime presses his hand to your mouth. "I don't need the help, thank you."
You blink slowly at him, licking his palm.
"Where'd you even learn that?!" He pulls his had away with a grimace.
"Go get the guy at the door." You groan. "I want to leave if you aren't going to make any friends."
"I'll take you home and then come back to make some friends if you really want me to." Jaime mumbles.
"It'll be too late by then. The police are coming soon."
"Noise complaints." You shrug. "They break up around 1 or 2 am, so it'll be soon."
"It's been that long?!"
"Go get the guy from the door!" You land in the bed with a thud, sighing. "God, before I kiss you or something. Hurry up."
"Huh?" Jaime freezes in his tracts, turning around to stare at you.
"Don't you wanna know why they call me sugarlips?" You pout, resting your pinky on your bottom lip as you jut it out. You pull it down with a pop, blood rushing to Jaime's head as you do. He needs to leave before he does something to you. God, his self-control could only last him so long.
"That's definitely the alcohol talking." Jaime mumbles frantically, shutting the door behind him. His ears and face feel eerily warm despite being sober.
Ugh, you were a force to be reckoned with.
He hauls you out eventually, flying you to the dorm instead of walking, worried that you'd get hit on, even as he unlocks the door with his ID, you mumble quietly, half-asleep, half-conscious.
"Wake up. I don't know where your key is." Jaime shakes you gently. "Come on."
"Call me mi vida again." You whisper.
He complies, setting you down, a hand around your waist for support. "Mi vida, get your key, will you?"
You fish out the key, unlocking the dorm room. "Wanna stay the night?"
"I'm two floors down. It's fine." He mumbles.
key replication made
"What." Jaime freezes at Khaji's update. "excuse me?"
"Hm?" You raise a brow, door half-open.
"Not you. Shower and go to sleep when you get in." He sighs. "Yeah?"
"Can I have a goodbye ki—"
Jaime shoves you into your dorm, slamming the door closed as he holds it in place, heart racing, cheeks flushed, lips parted as he desperately tries to catch his breath. God. You are such a force to be reckoned with. He's going to get a heart attack with you around sometime. You're twice as bad when you're drunk. But hell did he want to kiss you. Too bad you were drunk. He couldn't think of taking advantage of you like that, even if you were the one who asked.
Jaime makes a mental note to keep you away from alcohol next time.
The next time you see Jaime, the two of you are actually fighting someone again. Your suit is on, your voice stopping the metal from slamming onto the civilians as you evacuate them. Jaime focuses on the man himself, hand transforming into a blaster as he shoots at the villain. Didn't you say most of the crime was minuscule in comparison with other cities? Well, this was minuscule compared to how many beetles he's fought because of who he was. At least there weren't other beetles in the city.
"I thought you said there weren't supervillains in this city!" He yells at you, voice coming out altered.
"They don't come often!" You yell, turning your attention to the metal. "Fall, please."
The metal slams down onto the ground as you tackle Jaime out of the way.
"Why did you let it fall?!"
"I can't hold things up for too long my throat hurts!" You shriek, turning to face the floating criminal." Pass out, right now, please!"
The supervillain drops on the ground with a thud, and you exhale, faceplanting into Jaime's suit with a sigh. You stay there for a couple of seconds, catching your breath, groaning as you finally sit up straight. Jaime can feel the plush of your skin despite the suit's barrier, and it is not something to feel while the adrenaline after a fight dissolves in his system.
"It was that easy!?" He rests on his arms, suit scanning the unconscious criminal.
"My throat hurts." You mumble, walking over to where the criminal was passed out. "Two minutes until police come."
"I'll fly you." He sits up with you, linking his arms behind your back and under your legs, wings fluttering as he soars into the sky. "Who pays reparation fees?"
"Taxes." You cough. "Ow."
"Stop talking!"
"Stop asking me questions— heUG." You reach to grab your throat, grimacing.
"Alright. Stop talking until we can figure out how to get your voice back without killing you." He groans. "At this point we might as well live on the dorm roof."
You grimace.
"Was your throat damaged when we met the first day?"
You shake your head.
"Oh, so you just hated me."
You lunge at him, annoyed.
initiating rough translation... "Are you crazy!? Do you know how much energy it takes to knock a supervillain out with my voice? You think I'm superman?! I didn't hate you the first day, I just didn't think it was worth the effort!"
"Don't lunge at me while I'm flying!" Jaime shrieks, nearly dropping you as he lands on the roof with a crash. "I didn't know! I can't analyze your entire genetic structure just from looking at you, you know?!"
"would you like to see me naked, then?"
"NO!" Jaime yells, leaning back as you shift on his lap. "Dios, now everyone's going to know that I landed on the roof. Hurry up on back to your place now."
"Jaime, pretty boy."
"What?" He tries to ignore the way the back of his head rushes with warmth at the pet name.
"I can't detransform without my voice."
Jaime freezes in place, blinking at you slowly as he lunges to grab you by the shoulders. "Speak. Detransform right now—"
"I CAN'T."
"You know," Jaime pauses. "I'm impressed that you can tell, Khaji. How are you reading her body language so well?"
unlike you, I have been observing her body language. she is a suitable person for you to date.
"WHAT." Jaime chokes, coughing to get the spit caught in his throat out. You jolt as he rests his head on your chest, coughing profusely.
Jaime, I need to see her in order to translate. Though, her heartbeat is abnormally fast.
Jaime looks up at you, where you're looking down at him, lips parted in embarrassment, eyes wide with confusion, skin flushed with warmth. Jaime probably doesn't look much better under the suit right now, his own heart fighting to break through his ribcage. You're just... so pretty. He stares at you a little too hard, eyes drinking in your figure, forgetting how close you are to him.
"Can I kiss you?"
That cuts Jaime out of his thoughts as he leans away from you. "I did not need to hear you ask if you could kiss me with the scarab's voice."
You blink at him owlishly, mischief dancing in your eyes.
"No." He answers. "Not with Khaji's voice asking me."
"will you go on a d—"
You grin at him cheekily, scooching close to press yourself to his chest again. You rest your cheek on his chest, lips curling upward as you bat your lashes. You like messing with him, he finds.
"Then my own?" Your lips pull further up, and Jaime swallows while staring at your lips.
"You didn't lose your voice?" He stumbles over himself as you blink.
"Not quite. It hurt for a bit, but my self-healing ability is quite impressive too. So?" You hum. "Can I?"
"Yeah, sure, mi vida," He mumbles, the helmet on his head coming off as he presses his lips to yours, lashes fluttering as your body arches to sink into him. His hand wraps around your wrist as he leans a little more in to get a better taste of your lips, another hand moving to the back of your head, tilting it as he stares at you through his lashes. He understands your nickname now, your lips do taste sweet, even when you haven't downed whipped cream. Ugh, he could spend eternity just making out with you, slowly, gently, without a care in the world. He pulls gently on your hair, leaning further in as he licks your bottom lip, exhaling more as his tongue darts past your pretty lips into your mouth. Your hand moves to press on his chest, whimpering as he tugs on your hair a little too hard.
You're just so pretty to him.
He lets out a sigh of satisfaction as you pull away for air, lips parted, eyes glazed over, a strand of saliva connecting your mouths.
Jaime reaches to wipe the saliva from your mouth with his thumb, smiling gently as he does.
God. Shit. He's in love with you.
unusually high levels of dopamine and adrenaline detected in bloodstream. quickened heartbeat warning.
"Can I kiss you again?" Jaime whispers.
"Yeah." You whisper back, smiling so hard your eyes crinkle.
Fingers in your hair and lips slotted against yours, Jaime thinks this is heaven for him. Even as the two of you have detransformed, still stuck on the roof of the dorms, your hands on his chest as he sinks further into your touch, smiling against your lips as you hum, the vibrations of your chest traveling to his as a pleasant buzz. Jaime closes his eyes all the way, and he only pulls away when you do, the gentle fondness still present in his eyes as he looks at you.
Yeah. That was what this is. Love.
The same love that was present in his mother's eyes, yet different from the love that was for his family. This love was newer— it made his skin crawl and his heart race, but it wasn't unpleasant. He felt giddy and boyish, falling for someone like this— he felt like it was having a first love, your cheeks flushed and ears red, shy glances stolen in a room full of people, only seeing you under the spotlight when other people existed. Jaime wanted to relish in this forever— the feeling of your skin pressed to his, he would stay with you forever if he could— If you'd let him.
"So?" You smile. "Know why now?"
Jaime pauses to stare at the way the sun shines through your hair and coats you in a glow of gold, his hands still on you as he looks up, a smile on his face. A laugh breaks past his lips at your smile, the happiness from finally having you in his arms sending blood through his body and genuine bliss through his system. Ah. Right. This was heaven to him— to have you in his arms and a smile on his face, the sun not even as bright as the way your eyes crinkle while looking at him, adoring him to the ends of the earth. Ah, it feels good to be loved.
"Mm..." Jaime hums playfully. "Maybe I'll know if you kiss me again."
"God, I think I just unleashed a monster."
"Your fault for being so irresistable, mi vida." He goes back to your lips, humming happily as he does.
Your relationship doesn't change much at first. The two of you are exclusive, yes, but neither of you have put a label on the relationship. Other than the making out in your dorm and occasionally while fighting, not much has really changed. You both have your classes, and you both have things that you are busy with. You wonder if you guys are just friends with benefits, then. Though, judging from the way Jaime looked at you, there was no way the guy thought you both were just friends.
Then, Jaime starts bringing food over to your dorm, clinging onto you while the two of you huddle on the couch with a movie playing in the background. You find yourself in his arms as you listen to his heartbeat at night, and suddenly the single dorm is a double, Jaime squished on your bed next to you, sprawled out with an arm around you lovingly as the two of you sleep. You're... definitely not friends with benefits. You're practically dating, huh?
"I'm here!" Jaime calls from the door, holding a bag of takeout with a bouquet in the other arm.
"What is it today?" You take the flowers from him with a smile.
"Bart visited today." He hums. "Said there was a good bagel place downtown he visited before."
"Ooh." You mumble. "Did you try it?"
"No, but I ordered something I figured you'd like." He takes out the boxes, sliding yours to you, smile on his face.
"Jaime, can I call you mi amor?" You tilt your head.
"You can call me whatever you want, mi vida." He hums. "Just you."
"Khaji, shush." He hisses at the beetle.
You open the takeout box, grinning at the bagel. "We should make this here."
"We should." He hums. "You'd probably make a better one too."
"Should have Bart judge it." You chew on the bagel, pausing. "Are we... dating?"
"Yeah. Why wouldn't we be?" Jaime pauses. "Oh. I forgot to ask you out, huh? Wait, I can prepare something nice and then as—"
"Jaime, go out with me?" You tilt your head, smile crinkling your eyes, your cheeks pulled upward with a foolish grin.
"Yes." he breathes. "Yes, mi vida. Forever and always, it's a yes."
You hum, pulling a flower out of the bouquet and tucking it behind his ear. "There. Now we're actually dating."
"Mi vida." He spins your chair to face him, arms gripping both sides, smile on his face. "Can I have a kiss?"
"For you? Always yes." You set the bagel down, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Though, I probably taste like bagel right now."
"You always taste good." Jaime mumbles, pressing his lips to yours.
And it's gentle, the way that Jaime loves. He presses his fingers into your skin and wraps his arms around you, relishing in the warmth you give him, and to him, you can do no wrong. Even if you make mistakes, he's there for you, slowly, gently, always there to anchor and weigh you down. You'll do the same for him, fingers threading through his hair, skin warm on his, a smile and voice reserved for him.
and god did Jaime love you for it.
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not-magdi · 8 months
Face Masks
Summary: Pablo discovering the wonderful world of face masks
Pairing: Pablo Gavi x fem!reader
Warnings: none just pure fluff
Words: 534
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Skincare was extremely important to you. You enjoyed having a nightly routine, which helped you stay calm and sane despite your hectic life with your boyfriend, Pablo Gavi.
You have your serums and your creams all nicely lined up on the bathroom shelf. All organized by colours and sizes, it's your little happy place.
Pablo didn't understand it at first, not getting behind the idea of standing an hour in the bathroom, smearing different things on your face. But after you explained their importance to you, he accepted it. He still doesn't understand it but learns to live with it.
You're currently standing in your holy bathroom, applying a face mask to your face, as you feel two hands snake around your waist.
"When are you coming to bed amor.?"
"Soon, I'm almost done."
Dipping his finger in the container, he plays with the mask and draws a disgusted face.
"And you put that on your face because you want to?"
You chuckle and nod your head, finishing applying it to your face. Then, an idea sparked in your mind.
"Hey, can I apply some to your face?"
"Absolutely not!"
"Come on, pleaseeeeee?"
You try to give him your best puppy-dog eyes, and not surprising you at all, it takes exactly one minute for him to budge.
"Fineee, but my face better be as soft as a baby's butt after this"
You celebrate your success for a second before you beckon him to sit on the counter before you. Finding the most stupid headband you own, you put it in his head.
Taking a step back, you admire how your boyfriend looked with his hair all put-back. You started to laugh at the sight before you. He looked like a little kid with his little frog headband.
"You having fun, cariño?"
"Yes, very much."
Composing yourself, you start to apply the mask to his face. Which was harder than you might think because that little shit kept trying to move away all the goddam time.
"Amor, that's cold!"
"Yeah, yeah, I know. Beauty is pain, baby. Beauty is pain."
After you finished applying the mask to his face, you took a good look at your artwork. It was the cutest thing you have ever seen in your entire life.
Pablo's face, completely covered in a white face mask, with a pout on his lips, was a sight that was now permanently burned in your brain.
Grabbing your phone, you take a photo of this sight to post it afterwards.
"Really, you gonna take a photo of my suffering?"
"Yes, now come here. I wanna take a selfie too."
You take a few selfies and cuddle up on the bed to wait until the masks are dry.
"Amor, are they supposed to burn?"
"Uhh, yeees?"
You let out a sigh of relief as you hear the timer go off. Dragging Pablo to the bathroom, you wash the mask off his face, chuckling at his surprised face, when he feels how soft his skin got.
"Dios mio, it's so soft!"
"I know, face masks are awesome right?"
"Sí, cariño, we need to do this more often OK?!"
Laughing, you nod your head, kissing his cheek, happy how excited he got over face masks.
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Liked by pedrigonzáles, mikkykiemeney and 430.000 others
your_username couldn't convince him to keep the headband 😂
tagged: pablogavi
pablogavi: love you ❤️ and my soft skin
pedrigonzáles: Stylisch hermano 😂
⎮pablogavi: Ey, your skin is gonna thank you afterwards
pablitooogavi: Not Pablo being obsessed with face masks 😂
⎜liked by pablogavi
mikkykiemeney: How did you get him to do that?!
⎜your_username: I bribed him with food
user7325384: Hahah, I love them
fcbarçalover: Couple goaaalllllsss!!
gaviisthebest: If they break up I'm gonna need therapy
⎜liked by your_username
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sirenfromthelostcity · 4 months
Snowed In [Modern! Mizu x Reader]
Recently i got snowed in at my job and in my sadness i got to thinking, huh what if this happened but in a good and romantic way? And most importantly, with Mizu. This is definitely very fluffy and cute but honestly i need it lol. This was also supposed to be posted way sooner but then i got the flu and that got me good y'all. Anyways i hope you all enjoy! <3 Likes, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated, i would really like to hear what y'all thought of this and it really helps keep me motivated! <3
Also wanted to add I listened to Kali Uchis “Tu Corazon es Mio” to get into the cute mood 💕 y’all should give it a listen it’s a very sweet song.
Tagged: @extrasour2
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You were propped against the couch with a despondent look on your face as you watched the snow blanket the city. As a kid, snowy days were the best because school was cancelled and you got to go outside and play in the snow. But frankly the older you grew the more you realized how inconvenient snow can be.
Especially today.
"I'm sorry the snow ruined our plans," Mizi mumbled as she joined you on the couch.
You could hear the sad pout in her voice and couldn't help but chuckle.
"I know you are not apologizing for something that is completely out of your control," you turned to her.
"I guess I am," her shoulders jerked in a brief chuckle before turning back to you. "I just feel bad. I know you were really looking forward to tonight."
"Of course I was. I think we both would've really enjoyed the food but we can always make another reservation. Today is still our anniversary and that's what I'm most excited about," while still on the couch you started to crawl over to her. Mizu's eyes darted between your eyes and mouth the closer you approached and you didn't stop your prowl until you were almost towering her.
"Anywhere with you is exactly where I wanna be. Come rain or shine. For better or worse," you whispered as you leaned into her and her eyes fluttered closed as you gingerly trailed kisses around the regions of her eyes, nose, and cheeks. She released a breathy sigh as your lips teasingly hovered above hers, a space she desperately wanted to close. She felt your lips twitch into a smirk, you had her right where you wanted her and she knew it.
“Fucking brat,” she rasped against your lips and one quick motion she yanked your legs and sent you flying back onto the couch.
You yelped at the abrupt landing and laughed as Mizu quickly seized your neck with gentle bites and kisses.
"That tickles, that tickles!" you cried out.
She felt your laughter reverberate through your chest and couldn't help but laugh with you. Still chuckling, Mizu pulled back to look at you and the snarky comment she had planned got stuck in her throat when she saw you look back at her with so much love and adoration in your eyes.
Prior to you Mizu only had one serious relationship experience and it was a very bad one. She disclosed this to you from the very beginning but what she didn't disclose is that because of her bad experience she almost decided against seriously pursuing you. She just didn't think a person like you could actually love a or even find a genuine interest in someone like her.
"Hey," you tucked one of her loose hairs behind her ears, bringing her out of her thoughts and back to you. "What's going on up there?" you gently rubbed at her temple.
"You look all pensive, you okay?"
"Yeah I was just-" she sighed, trying to gather her thoughts. "I was thinking about when we first started going out. How I almost ruined us..."
"You didn't almost ruin us," you chuckled. "I mean, I could tell you were scared but from what you told me, what you've experienced, I understood it. Honestly I was kinda scared too."
"Mmhmm," you nodded.
"Because I had never liked anyone how I liked you. Every time we were together I could just feel myself falling for you more and more. It was like the more I learned about you the more I just liked you. It felt dangerous because I realized that you could really break my heart," you lightly laughed even though you were being completely serious.
Mizu caressed the side of your face, "I'd never do that. I'd never purposely do anything to hurt you. I've never been happier than I have been with you in these last three years. I love (Y/N), you mean so, so much to me."
"I love you too," your hand overlapped hers as she caressed your face and you gazed back into her lovestruck eyes. "I love you and every moment with you." You snaked your free hand behind her neck, gently guiding her lips to yours and Mizu happily complied.
The kiss is tender and soft as both pour your love for each other into it. You opened your mouth and Mizu took the bait, sliding her tongue in and she moaned as she reveled in the taste of you.
"Y'know I wouldn't mind spending the rest of our anniversary on this couch, or we could move to the bed if you want," she said as her lips trailed down your neck.
"The bed sounds lovely, however we do have to figure out what we're going do for dinner soon."
"I'm working on mine right now," she replied with a firm squeeze at your hips to which you laughed at her insinuation.
"Ha, funny but I said dinner not dessert- oh," you abruptly moaned as Mizu sucked on a particular sweet spot on your neck. "Fuck."
"My thoughts exactly," she grinned. Mizu gave you one last chaste kiss before getting off of you and you whined at the absence of her body against yours. “But I guess we do have to eat actual food eventually so…” she casually ambled towards your kitchen and opened the fridge, intently eyeing its contents. “We don’t have much but we have enough to make some pizzas. We even have some of the toppings you like.”
“Homemade pizza sounds fantastic,” you smiled to her. It didn’t take much to make you happy, especially with Mizu around. You rose from your spot on the couch and sauntered into Mizu’s arms, “But how about we visit the bed first real quick.”
At this Mizu gently laughed, “So impatient to get me into bed, huh?” Truly she loved that you wanted her as much as she wants you. But there was something she had to do first. “I’ll meet you there just give me two seconds okay?”
“Mmhmm,” you eagerly nodded. “Don’t make me wait too long.” You cooed as you walked towards your shared bedroom.
Mizu just stared at you adoringly as you disappeared into the bedroom. She then walked to one of the cabinets where she carefully hid a small blue box. She opened the box in her hand and stared into the diamond ring, grinning to herself. Quickly she pocketed the box, saving it for tonight.
There was a lot of things Mizu was unsure about but you were not one of them. Her love for you was unequivocal and when she thought of her future she couldn’t see one without you. She had thought long and hard about proposing, it was a big step but it was a milestone she knew she wanted to partake only once and only with you.
“Mizuuu….” You called out from the bedroom, bringing her back to the present.
“Coming, love,” she replied, finally making her way to you.
A/N: should I do a proposal scene y’all? 🤭 Ngl was kicking my feet in the air writing this lol I love fluff
Edit: Part 2!
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italiansteebie · 1 year
Idk if it was u or someone else that has already done this but I need Steve so out of it (hit his head or high or sum??) he literally forgets to speak English- like maybe he’s just saying stuff in Italian and he’s so confused bcuz no one understands him and he realizes he’s speaking his first language and not English.
Also the party would be drooling after him like?? He’s already cute and he speaks more then one language? Literally screaming!!!
tbh i've probably written something similar to this but for you anon, i'll do it again.
steve was walking, and if we want to get technical, he was really wandering, with robin trailing behind him. they weren't paying attention, they weren't really thinking, so.
it just so happened that steve wandered right into an opening door, and he fell back and smacked his head on the side walk. robin proceeded to lose her shit, cackling loudly before realizing he'd actually been hurt.
"oh, shit. dingus. are you okay?"
"oh fuck, i killed him!"
and what a surprise that was. eddie just so happened to cause this brutal door attack. his head was already swimming from the fall and now he has to form words around eddie? really?
"non sono mort." he mumbled, reaching back to run the spot where he hit his head.
"oh my god. he's having a stroke, he can't talk. call 911!" eddie was always one for the dramatics.
"robin, smettila di urlare. per favore."
"is that... italian??"
"non essere ridicolo. sto parlando un inglese semplice."
"steve. oh my god. parli italiano sul serio."
and that caused him to realize what he'd been doing.
"oh no! ha fatto perdere il mio inglese!"
robin doubled over in laughter. she knew it wasn't serious enough to call an ambulance, just knocked a few screws out of place.
"what? what'd he say?! oh my god. i changed steve's language. quick find the reset button!"
this only caused robin to laugh harder, her face turning red and tears leaking from her eyes. steve started to giggle at the sight, but eddie was still watching them, wide eyed.
"are- did i hit steve so hard it started effecting you too?"
as robin sobered up, she took a few shuddering breaths before she realized what just happened. "you speak italian! since when?" she shoved her finger in steve's face.
he groaned, "since always." he brightened, "hey! it's back."
"so i- i didn't change your language?"
"no. he's bilingual."
"oh! so you just decided that for me? you told me that stuff was personal, rob. but what does that have to do with you speaking italian?"
robin laughed shortly, "that's bisexual, dingus. bi lingual means you speak two languages."
"oh. then yeah. im bilingual."
"yeah, we've covered that. but since when?"
steve shrugged. "it'd be odd if i couldn't talk to my mom, right?"
robin shook her head. "it's like every time you open your mouth i found out some new lore about you, steve." and he just shrugged.
and eddie was still there watching this whole thing, trying not to pop a stiffy at the idea of steve speaking italian to him, all slow and sexy- no! bad eddie! steve is hurt, this is not the time.
"so." he dragged out. "i'm okay, ed's." steve assured. "yeah. okay, um. are you... so like. you're one bi... are you the other bi too... or?" eddie said awkwardly.
steve blushed and robin gagged. "yeah. is this your way of asking me on a date?"
eddie nodded dumbly.
"okay. tomorrow? bennys at 6?"
"uh. uh huh."
"sounds good, ed's. i should probably get my head checked out now. a domani, amore mio."
and that was it. suddenly eddie felt like he just got hit with a door. he was still reeling from the interaction when robins distant squealing broke him from his trance.
he shook his head.
steve's got more layers than he thought.
// i did use google translate so it won't be accurate.
"i'm not dead."
"robin, stop yelling. please."
"don't be ridiculous. im speaking plain english."
"you're speaking italian. seriously."
"oh no! he knocked my english loose!"
"see you tomorrow, my love."
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urfavlarry · 3 months
Male!Carmilla Carmine x gn!reader
warnings: bad grammar, swearing
A/N: This one is a bit short sorryy 😭
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Being a worker at one of the most powerful overlords company really was.. something. Especially when you were the CEOs most trusted assistant. You handled almost everything; scheduling meetings, working on paperwork, working on the new ideas the boss has and go to meetings with the boss and his daughters. You’ve worked there ever since you could remember, taking care of his daughters since they were little. You liked the job, but it was tiring and you had to deal with really.. how can you say it lightly.. idiots. People constantly doubted you and your skills or just toyed with you as if you were some side whore they could use.
“He’s only keeping you around for your looks.”
“He doesnt think you’re skilled”
“When he gets bored of you he will just kill you off.”
Those are some things you hear at least once a week. But you learned to ignore it. You knew your boss had a bit of a temper, but you knwo he cares about his people more than anything, especially his daughters. He was hardworking and he was a passionate person, always coming up with ideas and working day and night. It didn’t have to look like it but he cared about most of his employees, yet you were told he favored you more so over the others, but you didn’t really see it.
Today was a particularly busy day, you were buried in the depths of paperwork and you were just counting down the papers and prayed you hopefully finish at 1am at least. It was 2 hours after your shift and your hand ached from all the writing and your eyes were drooping. A sudden knock on the door wakes you up and every bit of sleepiness leaves your body in an instant. You straighten yourself and dust off your clothes and yell a weak “come in”. And there he was, your boss. He had a stern look on his face and he walked up to your desk. He eyes you closely and a low voice with an Italian accent starts to speak; “Y/N, would you mind telling me what time it is?” He says and circles around you like a shark watching his prey. “1:43am, sir.” You say and look down at the almost finished pile of papers. He sighs and crosses his arms over his chest; “And could you kindly explain to me why the hell you are still working?” You stumble over your words and make up a really weak excuse and he looks at you unamused; “Sir I’ll just fini—”“Ah, ah. The only thing you are finishing is working. Pack up and go home before I make you leave myself, and we wouldn’t want that would we?” He says and ushers you out of your office, making you comply since he did have a bit of a temper. “Oh and Y/N I have a meeting tommorow with some company, they want me to model my products or something I could have cared less what those idiots had to say.” He says and walks with you to the exit of the company, his hand on your waist, pulling you closer to his body. “I’ll have to leave the other responsobilities to you while I’m gone, but I’m sure you can handle it, that’s why you’re my asistant.” He says a bit too smoothly as it made your stomach turn.
Your face feels a bit hot and he spins you around, smirking down at you. “But, maybe you could come to my office after I get back.” You stutter over your words and you internally slap yourself; “Sir but that would be after my shift.” He shrugs and dips you, face inches away from yours. “Then I guess I’ll have to pay you extra for the service hm? Amore mio~” His hands wander up to your cheek and pulls you closer, your lips touching. His lips were a bit rough, your soft ones moving in sync with his. You pull away when you suddenly hear a voice calling for him, needing him urgently. He mumbles some swears under his breath but calms down and pulls you up. He kisses your cheek and smiles, something he doesn’t really do often. “Good night la mía vita~” He says and leaves you on the streets of hell.
You walk to your apartment and kick off your shoes, finally relaxing in bed when you feel something in your pocket; a piece of paper. It was a phone number written in neat handwriting and you smile, quickly adding it into your phone.
- Can’t wait to hear your lovely voice Amore~”
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loveswrites · 6 months
The Leaves. Poly Volturi X Reader
The Leaves. Poly Volturi X reader
Word count: 860
Time it took: Like 2 months
To my love's: This is a product of my writers block. It's not finished but I just wanted to give you guys something. Let me know if you want me to finish it.
Love <3
“Please can I go!” You begged Caius as he walked too fast for your liking through the halls of the castle. 
“It’s not safe out there and you know it. You're safe here. So the castle is where you will stay.” He replied slightly, rolling his eyes.
 You had begged just about everyone in the Castle if they could take you out in the town as fall has arrived. Even all the irrelevant people such as the lady at the front desk. You saw one brown leaf fall onto your balcony one chilly morning and you’ve been asking to be taken out ever since. They were kind of taken aback when you had asked because you barely ever wanted to leave. You had everything you needed here. You didn’t really care for spring and you hated summer. The winters at the castle were the best you’ve experienced. But you had never seen the town in its full brightness in fall.  
Fall was your favorite season and it’s shown since the first leaf fell.
“Why can’t we go to town and get some things for fall and christmas?” You questioned. You were the type that if it was fall it’s partially winter as well. So it’s christmas!
“First it was fall now it’s christmas? Go educate yourself on the seasons  Amore mio.” And with that I was met with a slammed door to the face. He had literally shut me out.
“Let me in! Just take me out, I don't ask for much!” You yelled banging on the door to his study. Huffing you leaned against the door tapping your fingers against it thinking of what you were going to do. You had been asking for them to take you out. You don’t ask for stuff. If you want it, go get it. You thought to yourself.
But it’s different with them.. So you set off to ask one last person. 
“Hii Marcuss.” You smiled, dragging out each word. Marcus was in the Garden on the other end of the castle. 
“Hello Mio caro.” Marcus smiled watching you sit at his feet laying your head on his leg. He immediately started stroking your head in gentle pats. It was relaxing so you enjoyed it while you sorted out your thoughts of what you’d do if he did say yes. 
You watched as the flowers in the garden swayed with the wind and you thought to yourself you couldn’t be at more peace. But you could. 
“We should go outside for a walk.” You suggested.
“We are outside Mio caro, We can walk if you’d like.” He answered with his old timey voice.
“No, I mean outside in the town.. Just for a little while. I wanna go shopping. You guys always let me go shopping.” You ranted trying not to raise your voice and keep your heart rate down. 
“It’s not safe for that. We still haven't found the vampires that have threatened an attack against us.” You huffed as he went on.
“You're very valuable which makes you vulnerable. You do understand this, yes?” He paused with his head pats waiting for you to respond. You nodded yes despite your urge to just raise hell. 
It’s been like this for weeks. All of your mates hadn’t been home at the same time for weeks. It’s just been Cauis and barely him. He is always locked away in his study or in the throne room which you’ve been banned ever since the threat somehow snuck a gas bomb into the room. That only affected you. The threat was intended for you, so you’ve been on lock down.
You had bodyguards or vampire guards for 3 weeks until you got sick of it and went off on everyone. You had missed your mates. The antsy thought of someone trying to attack you bother everyone but you. It’s not like you didn;t understand why though. If something happened to any of your mates you don’t know what you would do. 
Would you still be queen of the vampires? Would you be at constant attack the rest of your life? Would you ever find love again? What would life be after that? Would you even want to find out what life would be like? 
So many questions, So many answers. So many voices in your head chanting so many different things. 
Pulling yourself off the ground and away from Marcus's touch you let out a sigh. 
“I’m going to my room to lay down. Please don’t let anyone disturb me will you?” You say as Marucs gives you a soft nod. 
Turning away from him you started walking off to your side of the castle. The closer you got to your room the bigger your smile grew. They think they can just keep you in here? ‘It’s for your safety’ they’ll say. It’s been weeks since the last attack. Who knows, maybe they just gave up and found another victim.
All you knew was that you were going out to town even if it was the last thing you did.  
And so it was.
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Possibilities - Five
(Felix Volturi x reader)
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Parts: 1 2 3 4 5
Second to last part! Important Info: The vampire children don’t age as quickly as in the books in my fanfic, because i hate that Renesmee is grown after a year, like she needs a childhood it’s weird!
Description: Coming back from your honeymoon, Bella has some unbelievable news that also effect you.
Warnings: Angst, blood, talks about abortion, pregnancy, gore (Birth scene)
5987 words
The moment you stepped into the castle you were enveloped by two thin but strong arms. „I’m so glad you’re back!“, Heidi smiled at you and you almost got a little emotional when you realized you started having real friends here, even while still being human. „We were only gone for a week“, you laughed and the both of you followed Felix as he carried your luggage to your room, „but I’m glad to be back too.“
„What did I miss?“, you started ascending the stairs to your floor. „Not much“, Heidi answered, „oh we have a new secretary.“ You grimaced a little, knowing exactly what that meant. „But tell me about Switzerland!“, she tried to change the topic, stepping into yours and Felix room after you.
„I’ll let the masters know we’re back safe amore mio“, Felix smiled, kissing your cheek softly and closing the door behind him on the way out. Heidi pulled you to the couch and you know what the look she gave you meant. „It was great“, you grinned a little flustered, and judging by her smirk she knew exactly what you meant.
„So you said yes? And he said yes too?“, she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at the end making you giggle. „Yes I did and yes he did…multiple times“, you grinned and showed her the ring and she smiled, „did you know he was going to propose?“ She rolled her eyes dramatically and put your hand back down. „Everyone knew, he couldn’t shut up about it with Demetri and naturally everyone heard“, she laughed and you shook your head in amusement.
„Can you do me a favor Heidi?“, you made sure the door was shut before telling her. „Of course, you okay?“, she looked a little concerned. „I have been feeling kind of weird the last few days, don’t know maybe I caught the flu or something but I don’t want Felix to worry. Could you run to the pharmacy for me later? Felix would for sure freak out if he would come buying medicine with me“, you rolled your eyes and she giggled at the thought of the big bad executioner fussing over his sick mate.
„Yeah sure, I need to meet Aro in ten minutes but after that, I’ll run to the pharmacy for you!“, she got up and squeezed your shoulder. „Thanks a lot“, you nodded. „Of course, make sure you rest a little!“, she grinned before she was gone. Sighing you sank into the sofa, finally being able to not act as if you are perfectly well. You hadn’t been able to sleep very the last days. Your stomach being a little upset and you carefully rubbed it when you noticed it was acting up again.
You thought it would go away, but suddenly you felt the bile rise in your throat and jumped up, thankfully making it to the toilet in time. Shit, you probably really caught the flu or ate something bad, damn. After brushing your teeth, you laid down on the couch, spotting your bag and you decided to check your phone. There hadn’t been any reception up in the mountains and you didn’t take it out on the way here. Maybe your cousin had some news about her honeymoon.
And damn she seemed to have a lot to say, you had several missed calls not only from her but the whole Cullen family and about a billion text messages. ‚Call me as fast as you can!‘ Now you were seriously worried. You immediately sat back up and called her, your heart speeding up at all the horrible scenarios running through your mind. „(Y/N)? Thank god you finally called back!“, she sounded exhausted and extremely worried.
„Yeah we were on vacation and I didn’t…Bella is everything alright? You okay?“, you asked with a frown on your face. „Yes and no…are you alone? Can anyone hear you?“, she asked and you were wondering what the hell was going on. „Yes I’m alone! Can you please tell me what’s going on?“, you were getting antsy. „Okay before I tell you I need to ask you something“, she was still being ominous, and you could hear some rustling before Edwards voice came through the phone.
„What she’s trying to ask is: Have you and Felix been having sex?“, you were momentarily stunned by the annoyed and cold edge Edwards voice had, wondering what the hell was going on in Forks. And you were also stunned by the question itself. „Uhm…what?“, you stuttered around uncertainly. „(Y/N)“, Edward had a sense of urgency in his voice that gave you the chills, „answer the question.“
„Yeah we had sex last week“, you blushed furiously but told him nonetheless. God this was weird. „Shit“, he cursed and there was rustling again. „(Y/N) this is Carlisle“, yet another voice came through the phone and you were freaking out. „Carlisle what the hell is going on here“, your voice was shaking and you were anxiously grabbing onto the pillow in your lap. „Have you been feeling sick the past few days?“, he asked and your heart sank. How could he possibly know that.
„Yes“, you whispered, not being able to form more words. „Okay I need you to listen to me carefully right now“, he started and the more he explained the paler you got.
After you hung up with the Cullens you sat in silence for a few minutes trying to calm your racing heart. Pregnant? You still couldn’t wrap your head around how this could’ve possibly happened. Vampires weren’t supposed to be able to procreate. But from what you were told, a very pregnant Bella and a possibly pregnant You were the evidence. And it didn’t seem to be a safe and easy pregnancy either.
Taking a deep breath you reminded yourself that you couldn’t even be sure if you actually were pregnant too, Carlisle told you to ask one of the Vampires in the coven to listen for a heartbeat - or get a pregnancy test, but that would take longer. But who on earth would you ask? You knew Felix and you knew that if he would find out how dangerous the pregnancy would be, he would probably want you to get rid of the baby, he would never risk your life.
But you weren’t sure that’s what you wanted. You had always wanted a family, but after meeting and falling for Felix you knew that wasn’t an option so you had accepted that, content with it just being the two of you for eternity. Actually having a real opportunity to have a child with him now? It felt more like a miracle than the curse Carlisle described it as. And considering Bella didn’t get rid of her baby either, she seemed to think the same.
So you needed to have someone on your side before telling Felix, and the one person that came to mind right now was Heidi. Hopefully you could catch her before she left for the pharmacy - you probably didn’t need the flu medication anymore anyway. Trying to calm your racing heart and trembling hands, you slowly stood up and stepped out into the corridor.
Your mind was racing with all the things that could and probably would happen in the next few days, while simultaneously trying to find Heidi in the maze this castle was. But that train of thought was suddenly interrupted when you encountered Jane. You two weren’t crazy close, but she was nicer to you than to most other people. „(Y/N)? You don’t look good, are you alright?“, she asked and you knew if it was bad enough for her to pick up on, it was bad.
„I’m-“, you started but your voice gave in and you could feel her grip your arm and lead you to a room nearby, sitting you down on the couch there. „Do you want me to get water or something?“, she asked, clearly unsure of how to handle a human that seems sick. „No, no it’s fine…Jane can you do me a favor?“, you needed to know if you were pregnant, you couldn’t wait for Heidi.
„Sure“, she nodded, but she seemed a little perplexed. „Jane I…got a call from Bella earlier“, you started, not really sure how to explain this situation. Jane just looked at you in a way that said she couldn’t give less fucks about your cousin. „Bella is pregnant, and before you say something“, you stopped her when she openend her mouth, „the Cullens are one hundred percent sure it’s Edwards. Trust me I asked that.“
„But that’s not possible“, she said after a few moments. „I thought so too, but the way Carlisle and Edward talked about it convinced me…I mean that and I experience…“, you took a deep breath, „I experience the same symptoms Bella did in the beginning.“ Jane stared at you blankly for a few moments.
„You’re pregnant? And it’s Felix’s?“, she asked when she managed to wrap her head around what was happening. „I actually don’t know yet and that’s why I’ve asked you for a favor…Jane can you hear a second heartbeat?“, you reluctantly asked, you would label the both of you as something close to friends, but you still weren’t sure how this would play out.
She stared at you with those deep red eyes for a moment longer before they dropped to your stomach and she concentrated. „There is a second heartbeat“, she announced after a few moments, her normally cold and controlled mask cracking a little in shock and wonder. You on the other hand didn’t know how to feel, you were happy on one side and excited but also scared shitless of this dangerous pregnancy and the reactions of the others.
„Shit“, you mumbled, a hand automatically resting on your still flat stomach. „This is crazy“, Jane said, taking an unnecessary breath. „Jane, can you…I need someone to be on my side“, you whispered, „Carlisle told me if I want to keep this baby, it will be a dangerous pregnancy. They didn’t give me too much details but they said Bella isn’t doing well and if I am pregnant I should go to Forks as fast as possible.“
Jane always picking up on more than you thought, knew what you meant. „You think he will want you to get rid of the baby“, she stated and you nodded meekly. „I just need someone to back me up“, you admitted already stressed about telling Felix. „You’re my friend, of course I will be on your side“, she told you and you smiled when she said you were friends. „Thanks Jane“, you squeezed her cold hand for a moment before sighing.
„We should probably tell Heidi too, and let her know she doesn’t have to go to the pharmacy for me - it’s not the flu after all“, you told Jane and she agreed. The two of you thought it would be best that she’d go searching for Heidi and you would wait for Felix in your room - gathering the courage to tell him what you thought was a blessing, and what you anticipated he would think of as a curse.
„Mia cara, forgive me for taking so long“, you winced a little when he suddenly appeared in the room. The smile you gave him didn’t seem to convince him, because he sat down next to you with an unhappy frown. „What’s wrong?“, he pulled you into his arms, so you were sitting next to him in his embrace. And for the first time since you accepted your bond, you weren’t entirely sure this was the best place to be for telling news with the seriousness of yours.
You gently kissed his jaw, his arms pulling you into him a little tighter and you took a deep breath. „Felix there’s something I have to tell you“, you started and he brushed some hair out of your face in concern, listening intently. „You know you can tell me everything“, he reassured you, taking your hand and kissing it softly.
“I got a call from Bella”, you said with a shaky voice, “and…no one knows how, but…but she’s pregnant.” The confusion on his face was obvious. “It’s Edwards”, you added, and he shook his head in denial. “What? Edward can’t…”, he started, but the serious look in your eyes made him pause, “it’s not…it’s not possible. It can’t be…right?”
You were silent for another moment, giving him the time to process it. “Carlisle doesn’t know how, but he is sure that Bella is carrying Edwards child”, you whispered, the arm that embraced you was tense, and Felix face was frozen. He seemed to realize where you were going, his eyes wandering to your stomach in shock.
The silence was palpable for a few moments, before he closed his eyes and took a deep, unnecessary breath. “You’re…”, he stopped, not able to make his mouth form the word. “Pregnant”, you finished, unsure what he would think. He didn’t even know the pregnancy would be incredibly dangerous, but maybe he didn’t want a child at all. He gave up on that millennia ago, and what if he didn’t even like kids? God, you were a nervous wreck.
“Say something”, you pleaded, your nerves slowly getting the best of you, your eyes filling with tears. He opened his eyes when you spoke, his hand immediately cradling your cheek when he saw your wet eyes. “I’m sorry amore, it’s just…a lot to wrap my head around”, he sighed, kissing your forehead in comfort, “for two millennia I haven’t thought about ever…” He let the sentence hang in the air.
“I’m…suprised, but I’m happy”, he smiled a little and seemed less tense, but when you didn’t match his positive reaction, instead looking guilty, he frowned again. “There’s more”, he realized, his expression sobering up in a second and he went rigid again, “tell me.” You sighed, closing your eyes for a second before biting the bullet. “Bella’s really…sick”, your voice was quiet, but you were sure he heard you anyway, “they wouldn’t tell me exactly what’s going on, but they…”, you broke off, swallowing dryly.
“Tell me”, he urged you worriedly, the crease between his brows marring his otherwise perfect face. You were speechless, not knowing how to tell him or how he would react. Your silence seemed to imply how bad it really was. “Tell. Me.”, his eyes got darker and his voice deeper, his anger and fear of losing you obvious. “They said she might not make it”, you whispered, and that seemed to be the last straw, because suddenly he wasn’t next to you anymore, and the coffee table was thrown against the opposite wall, breaking into a thousand pieces.
Your tears finally spilled over, and quicker than you could see Heidi and Jane were standing in the room between you and Felix. “You need to calm down Felix”, Heidi told him, your angry mate throwing around more furniture in rage, making you gasp. “Felix!”, Janes sharp voice cut through the room, “you’re scaring her.”
That made him pause, his back to you, but he was still incredibly upset. “We need to tell the masters as soon as possible, so we can get her to the Cullens - she needs Carlisle”, Heidi tried to rationalize and Felix seemed to agree. “Yes you’re right, he needs to get rid of the baby”, his voice had an edge to it you hadn’t heard before and you shivered.
“Felix wait, please”, you finally found your voice again, still upset that this has played out exactly as bad as you thought it would. “What’s there to wait for? We need to get you to Forks”, he didn’t meet your eyes, didn’t even turn in your direction. “Felix I…I want to keep the baby”, you whispered, kind off glad that Jane and Heidi were there.
It was silent for a moment, and then he turned around, the pain in his eyes when he met your teary gaze, made your heart hurt. “I won’t lose you”, his voice was firm, his eyes hard and then he was gone. “That couldn’t have gone any worse”, you sighed, sinking back into the couch and hoping for the best.
When you arrived in the throne room, it seemed the kings and everyone else in the guard were already informed by Felix - considering the way they were eyeing you suspiciously. You were glad for Heidi and Jane walking next to you. “Dear (Y/N)”, Aro was grinning the way he always did when he was excited, “we heard rather impossible news.”
“It’s true”, you said, your voice shaky and you were sure the vampires could see that you had cried previously, “Carlisle told me Bella is in the same condition, just further along, and Jane and Heidi confirmed I’m…pregnant.” It felt weird saying it out loud infront of them. The kings, Felix, Demetri, Alec, Santiago and Renata were there and you felt exposed.
“Yes, we can hear the heartbeat”, Caius seemed unhappy, “but that doesn’t confirm it is fathered by Felix.” That moment was the only time you wished Aro could read your thoughts, just to confirm your were telling the truth. “I didn’t…I would never…”, you couldn’t even say it, much less ever do it. You would never cheat on Felix. “Now, now Caius. Don’t accuse her of something like that”, Aro tutted and smiled at you, which wasn’t really comforting. Felix was standing next to Demetri with a stoic look on his face.
“Let me call Carlisle, hear what he is saying. And you should go pack already”, Aro announced, “We will take the jet in the evening, Demetri, Jane, Alec, Santiago and myself will come.” You just nodded, the nausea from the pregnancy, the fight with your mate and the whole situation just exhausted you. Heidi grabbed your elbow to guide you to your room, when suddenly Marcus spoke up. “I will come too”, his voice as unused and emotionless as always, but it cut through the air like a knife and made everybody go still. “Alright. Caius will stay here, and manage everything”, Aro agreed after a moment of surprise.
You were wondering briefly why Marcus wanted to come, but Heidi was already stirring you away from the scene, probably to help you pack. She knew you were in no condition to do that. Felix stayed behind, and maybe it was better to give the situation some rest.
He watched you leave the room, his face a stoic mask, but his thoughts all over the place in panic. He couldn’t lose you, he only just found you. He was sure it was his child you were pregnant with, he trusted you and wasn’t the least bit worried you cheated. And while the thought of you carrying his child made him excited, the risk it brought killed the joy in his heart instantly. “What is it Felix?”, Aro saw the way his eyes were looking at you in pain rather than joy.
Felix turned around after a moment, not being able to say it out loud, say how you could die if you decided to keep the baby. So he held his hand out for Aro to take, the mind reading vampire not hesitating. “That’s rather unfortunate”, Aro sighed and Felix squeezed his eyes shut in agony for a moment, “it seems that if our dear (Y/N) decides to keep the baby, it is quiet possible that she will not make it.” Demetris face fell a little, feeling worried about his best friend - and about you, who had also become dear to him.
You were sunk into a big chair in the jet, hiding in the corner of the cabin. The others were at the front, just Jane sitting with you. You were trying to let the constant humming of the machine lull you to sleep, but you weren’t feeling your best and you were missing your mate. You didn’t want to pressure him, and you did understand why he was so angry, but you still missed him.
You had had such a perfect honeymoon and now that bubble had burst, you thought with a few silent tears running down your face, staring out the airplane window. It was mostly dark in the cabin, so you were confident no one saw your tears, but Jane gently grabbed your hand, squeezing it reassuringly. You looked over a little blushing, and your breath hitched when you saw Felix standing there.
Your eyes jumped to Jane who smiled a little, letting go of your hand and giving her seat to Felix, who sat down next to you silently. He was carrying a blanket, and lifted up the armrest seperating the both of you, before spreading the blanket and finally meeting your eyes in expectation. New tears welled up in your eyes when you realized he wanted you in his arms, the thought of him still trying to make sure you’re okay even while being angry with you made you even more sure this mate thing definitely picked the right one for you.
You gently scooted over into his embrace, and he immediately wrapped you in the blanket, pulling you tightly into his chest, your head in his neck and you felt like you could finally relax your tense muscles. There were no words exchanged between you too, you knew he was still angry, but you also knew he loved you. That was enough for now.
It felt weird, driving through the once familiar town that you left behind. You would’ve thought that it would ignite some kind of longing or sadness, but the only thing you felt was fondness for the memories you made there, happy with your new life in Italy. You were sitting next to Felix, who was still holding your hand but you two hadn’t talked since your fight in Volterra. God, you hoped Carlisle had news for you that helped you calm your mate down.
The car turned onto the familiar sideroad to the Cullen house and eventhough you knew Bella was really weak, you were still happy to see everyone again. Felix helped you out of the car, the others already standing neatly organized and perfectly still infront of the house. He protectively wrapped an arm around your waist and wanted to lead you to the others, but the door opening stopped you.
“Alice!”, you smiled and walked up to the door before anyone could try to stop you, your mate grumbling unhappily behind you. “(Y/N)”, you could tell she was nervous because of the Volturi, but she greeted you warmly anyway, embracing you before Carlisle joined her at the entry.
Suddenly Aro was standing next to you, Alice pulling you to the side gently. “Hello Aro, it’s been a while”, Carlisle greeted his old acquaintance with a polite smile.
“Carlisle”, Aro nodded and held out his hand immediately, making Carlisle reach out without hesitation. “So it’s true”, Aro was in awe, looking between the two Cullens with wide eyes. “It is”, Alice said a little coldly, your eyes meeting your mates, who looked even unhappier.
Felix didn’t like the way you were standing so far away from him, his protective instincts dialed up even more now that you were carrying his child - he still couldn’t believe it, his child. “Why don’t you come inside, there is a lot we need to talk about”, Carlisle stepped aside to let them in and Felix suddenly smelled the Shapeshifter. He was at your side in an instant, holding your waist possessively.
“There’s one of the dogs”, Demetri growled in his stead, the others not looking to happy either, except Marcus who looked as lethargic as ever. “Jacob’s here?”, you were surprised, after Bella married Edward it seemed that he wouldn’t be willing to stick around anymore. “Yes, there is some trouble with the pack and he decided to…stand up for Bella”, Carlisle led you up the stairs and into the big living room, where Rosalie and Jake were blocking your view of Bella.
The other Cullens were also standing in the room, greeting you with a smile. “(Y/N)?”, a weak Bella asked from behind her guards who reluctantly stepped aside when she asked them to. You tried to hide your shock behind a soft smile, approaching your Cousin and sitting next to her carefully.
She looked like death to be honest, and from glancing at the Volturi they were nearly as shocked as you. Felix looked pained and you knew it was because of what he thought would happen to you too. “I missed you”, you said, instead of asking her how she was - which would’ve been a stupid question. “Missed you too”, she smiled a little, taking your hand in hers, “I’m glad you’re here.”
“Would you follow me into my office?”, Carlisle interrupted the moment and you squeezed Bella’s hand once more before standing up again and followed the Volturi into Carlisle’s study, catching a glimpse of a tortured looking Edward in the corner. So he blamed himself too, just like Felix. Your mate was once again holding your waist, as if leaving you out of his sight would make you disappear.
Once the door was closed and everyone was settled, Carlisle started to explain what they knew, which wasn’t much. “We didn’t know it could happen, but it did. And we still don’t know much more, neither the ultrasound nor needles or anything else can penetrate the uterus safely. We only know it grows rapidly, draining Bella. It is already stronger than any human - It’s breaking her ribs. Just two days ago we had the idea that it probably needs blood, which Bella is drinking and it helps a bit, but she’s already too far for it to make any real difference. She’s so weak and the fetus so strong that we don’t know if she will make it - I’m not sure the venom could save her.”
The grip Felix had on you was tense and rigid, the silence in the room deafening. “This is all very extraordinary”, Marcus said and you couldn’t even really be shocked by him being the first one to say anything. “I’m glad you got here so quick. If you want to keep the baby I hope starting to drink blood immediately will help, because in theory the fetus won’t drain you as much. But if you don’t want to-“, Carlisle added, but you interrupted him.
“I want to keep it”, you said, you were sure it would be alright if you started with the blood early. This was your only chance to have a baby of your own, you would regret it forever if you didn’t try. This was your choice, a choice every woman should have and you would decide to keep the baby.
„Okay“, Carlilse looked a little pitying, nodding and stating that he needed to at least examine you, even if the ultrasound couldn’t show anything. So you followed him to another room, Felix only following you when you looked at him with a questioning look. You felt horrible for being the reason for his tortured expression.
After feeling your abdomen and asking a few questions, Carlilse gave Felix and you a moment alone, telling you to come to the kitchen after to get a cup of blood. God, that sounded so weird. „Say something, tell me what you’re thinking“, you whispered gripping his hand gently. He closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath.
„I did this to you“, he finally answered, making your heart hurt. „You didn’t do anything to me Felix. It takes two people, and I know you don’t see it that way right now…but this seems more like a miracle than a curse“, you spoke quietly, not wanting this to turn into a fight again. „You’re right, this isn’t a curse, it’s worse. I’m going to lose you (Y/N)“, you were sure if he could cry he would, and you pressed your hand to his cheek.
„You won’t, okay? If I started drinking blood right away, I won’t get as bad as Bella, and I can make it“, you reassured him. „I hope you’re right mia cara…I hope you’re right“, he sighed and pulled you into his arms. „You…you won’t leave right?“, you whispered, just because you wanted to keep the baby doesn’t mean you weren’t scared, and you needed him to be with you through this.
He pulled back with a look of shock on his face. „(Y/N) I would never leave you. You’re my mate, my wife, I love you and nothing will ever change that. I might not agree with your decision entirely - don’t get me wrong having a child with you would be great if it wasn’t for the high risk - but I will stand with you through it all Love“, he promised making you just nod and bury your head in his chest. „I love you too“, you whispered, his cold lips leaving a soft kiss on your head.
Carlilse handed you the cup of blood and you eyed it warily, Bella already drinking hers, but most of the vampires in the room (the ones that could handle the blood) were watching your reaction. Felix was sitting next to you, Demetri trying to hide his humorous expression and Jane and Alec looking at you with genuine curiosity. They had never seen a human drink blood before, and even the Masters and Santiago were intrigued.
This was so weird, drinking blood that came out of someone else gave you a quirky feeling your stomach, but before you could think too much about it, you took a sip and forced down the gulp of cold thick liquid. It tasted really metallic and you were shocked at how easily Bella could drink that, maybe because she was further along in her pregnancy.
„That’s…disgusting“, you grimaced and looked at your cousin, a few of the vampires chuckling, „how can you drink that?“ It was more a rhetoric question, your cousin rolling her eyes with a smile before continuing her drink. You thought for a moment, before deciding the best plan of action. „Okay I’m gonna pretend I’m at a party and have to chug this“, you took of the lid, the deep red liquid sloshing inside the cup and took a deep breath, before chugging the cup in record time.
„That was…impressive“, Demetri grinned, and you wiped the corners of your mouth, shuddering a little because of the aftertaste. „How do you know how to chug like that? You’re not even 21 yet“, Felix asked, Bella and you exchanging looks and giggling quietly. „How do you feel (Y/N)?“, Carlilse asked, fondly rolling his eyes at you and Bella, and gave you a once over. „Not much different“, you shrugged and suppressed a yawn. The time difference was making you tired, it would’ve been the middle of the night already in Volterra.
„You need some sleep amore“, Felix brushed a piece of your hair back before taking your hand and pulling you up. „Alright“, you yawned, „Good night!“ Bella waved and Rosalie helped her up too, she needed all the rest she could get.
It was chaos. The pack didn’t back down from the fight even with the Volturi there. You pleaded with them not to kill the Pack and were now holding Bella’s hand who was in Labour, with a broken spine. All of this looked like something straight out of a horror movie. Because Aro, Marcus, Jane and Alec were out hunting with Carlilse and Esme, you were a bit understaffed and now Alice and Rosalie couldn’t handle the blood and had to go. So it was only Edward, Jacob and you left - Felix, Demetri and Santiago fighting outside.
You just hoped Felix was alright, but your thoughts were interrupted, when Edward tore open Bella’s stomach, holding a small baby in his arms. Like, an actual cute little baby - and you were partly relieved that there wasn’t something weird growing inside of you. The baby started screaming and Edward smiled, a rare sight these days. „It’s Renesmee“, he told Bella, and you gently and excitedly squeezed her hand. You were an aunt, you thought with a smile.
„Beautiful“, Bella whispered, and Edward carefully placed the baby in her fragile arms, so that she could hold her daughter. But suddenly it seemed like the vampire part of the baby came through, and she bit Bella with her small teeth, making Jacob worry and Edward take Renesmee back.
And then she stopped moving. „Bella?“, Jacob was immediately at her other side. „Bella!“, you shook her shoulder, willing her to move, but she didn’t and your heart dropped to your already slightly rounded stomach. „Bella!“, Jacob called out, starting CPR and you let go of her hand in horror. What if she really didn’t make it? You hadn’t even seriously entertained the possibility of her dying - or, for a matter of fact, you. You thought Edward could save her with her venom, but maybe this situation was too bad already.
„Jacob, take the baby“, Edward looked panicked, the helplessness radiating off of him. „Keep that away from me“, Jacob seethed, continuing compressions and you snapped out of your stupor. „I’ll take her“, you whispered but Edward heard you nonetheless. „Don’t worry I’ll watch the teeth“, you reassured him and took your niece out of his arms, and settled her in yours.
You saw him take out a big needle filled with what was probably his venom, and left the room before you saw him ram it into Bella’s heart. Your heart couldn’t take seeing your cousin like that, and your niece needed you. You sat down in a chair in the living room, trying your best to clean the cute baby with the towel she was wrapped in, before taking the blanket from the couch and gently wrapping her in it.
She seemed more comfortable now, her crying stopping and her pretty brown eyes staring up at you. She didn’t try to bite you, but you were still careful while stroking her small nose. „I really hope your mommy makes it baby“, you sighed, refusing to fall into grief just yet, maybe she would make it.
„He really imprinted on her?“, Felix looked a bit weirded out when you were finally laying in bed in the early morning hours. „It’s how it works with the pack“, you shrugged cuddling further into him and hugging the warm water bottle close to you that canceled out his cold. Now that you were pregnant you seemed more sensitive to temperature.
„Mhm“, he was in thought, absentmindedly stroking your ever growing belly and you couldn’t help but smile. It seemed like drinking a lot of blood early on really helped, Carlilse said you were way healthier than Bella was at this point. „Can you still hear her heartbeat?“, you asked, and you had to give him that - eventhough you asked about the twentieth time since you layed down - he still answered you nicely.
„Yes“, he whispered, kissing the top of your head, when suddenly the baby moved. „Woah“, you were wide awake again, pressing a hand to your belly, and feeling another movement. „Did you feel that?“, you were looking at Felix with wide eyes and he matched your expression. „That’s…our baby“, he said quietly, looking at your stomach, his big cold hand covering it. „Yeah“, you sighed with a smile, settling down into his embrace again as gently kissing his neck.
„I never thought I would ever…get the chance to have children“, he admitted, and you laid down your smaller hand on top of his bigger one, urging him to continue. „If the blood is helping you stay healthy, and this isn’t going to be as bad as Bella and I risk losing you, I…I can see why you think it is a miracle“, he whispered, hope shimmering in his previously pained eyes. You said nothing, pulling him closer and kissing him softly, and praying that your cousin would make it.
Sooo second to last part! Hope you liked it, hope it made sense and I would really really appreciate some feedback - always helps getting me motivated to write, since I’m such a slow writer :]
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kissitbttr · 6 months
Miggy getting babied by his pregnant wife?
hiii! i hope you don’t mind, i changed it a bit because I don’t want it to look too much alike on the other one! this one’s short, enjoy! xx
being a mother to a 6 month old pregnancy bump isn’t easy. if it was, fathers could do it.
and that’s what miguel had been learning through it all. seeing your mood swings shift in a span of thirty seconds, constant cravings for ice creams, kebabs etc, snapping (directly at him and mostly at him), frequent backaches and fatigue. he’s very much impressed how an existence of a human being living inside of you could actually change you as a person.
still, doesn’t mean he loves you less.
“ugh, i’d give my left tit for a big plate of mofongos and a fat ass joint right now”
the two of you are cuddled up in the couch, watching some lame old american tv show that miguel seems to find enjoyable. you’re dressed in one of his t-shirt and grey sweatpants. ones that you had claimed as yours despite miguel’s protest.
your husband chuckles, pulling you closer by the shoulder. “lucky you, mami. i bought an extra before i came home just for you. i could heat it up for you later if you want.”
a dreamy sigh escape your lips, reaching out to kiss his cheek. “thanks papi. you’re the best. what about the joint?”
he snorts, head shaking as his eyes cast down to yours. “i don’t think weed is good for the baby.”
“says who?” you fake a gasp, pulling back slightly. “it’s literally herbal! unless it’s contaminated with tobacco. don’t we have a stash up in the closet?”
“you finished them all, ma. basically rolling those joints with your pretty fingers before this happened” he points at the bump. “usted es avaro, mi corazon. barely left some for me”
a smile pulls up into your mouth, head resting against his bare chest. hand interlocking with his. “remember when we were celebrating our one year anniversary and got high?”
“ay dios mio” he groans playfully, rolling his head back. “don’t remind me, baby”
“it was so fun” you ignore the embarrassment creeping into his cheeks, grinning even wider when he tries to hide it. “we went to taco bell after.”
“yeah and i threw it up because it tasted like shit”
you hum, nodding along. “and decided to get shawarmas and fries instead because we weren’t satisfied”
“one with the small food truck in 133th street” he confirms, his cheek against the crown of your hair. smiling at the memory. “i remember you told me not to get ones from across that italian place that you like because we need to support small business. had to stop you from crying too much because you kept saying how unfair it was for rich bastards to keep open up restaurants when they have shitty palate”
his comment makes you laugh hard. his grip around your hand tighten. some sort of pride blooms in his chest when he sees you laugh freely like that.
“oh god i remember!” as you slowly recover from the laugh. “we sat on the pavement after that right? you kept telling me how you want me to be the mother of your child.”
“damn, why do you keep recalling all the embarrassing things i did, huh?” he asks jokingly with a deep chuckle. now his attention isn’t even on the tv anymore.
“because it’s cute! you were so cute!” he shakes his head once more, biting down a shy smile as you shift your body weight to wrap your arms around his neck. “my miggy is so cute with the ‘i want you to be my wife, i want to get you pregnant, mi amor. say yes please, please, pleaseeeee’”
you continue to mock his actions back then, watching him cower down at the attempt of you trying to mimic his voice. strangely enough, you almost got it right.
he has his hands covered his face.“stop that, princesa! come onnnn”
you respond with a head shake as a ‘no’. “ay, papi don’t be shy” you giggle, trying to pry his hands off. “come on. let me see my hubby. let me see him”
miguel doesn’t budge for a while before peeking in-between his fingers like a little kid, then slowly peeling his hands away, jutting his lower lip forward.
you gasp, hand over your heart. “god damn! you can’t be walking around looking like that! can’t have all the girls falling for the sexiest man alive”
he rolls his eyes, smiling at your compliment. “stop being biased, baby!”
“i am not! how dare you calling the mother of your kid a liar, hm?” you tug him down, letting his head rest in between your neck and shoulder blade. “my baby daddy is sooo handsome. i won the fucking lottery.”
“definitely the other way around, love.” he disagrees, hand coming up to rest on your bump. “you stole my heart the moment you walked into my office that day. never thought in my life that a gorgeous architect made me get down on my knees and pray to the lord up there to let me have you.”
now that makes your heart skips a beat. how could you compete with that? he never fails to make you swoon even after years of being with him. it’s like the butterflies never stopped.
“hmm now you’re being biased, miggy”
“nope. i was so sure that i was in love with you.” he then turns to look up to you, tone becoming serious. “my god, you were the finest thing i have ever laid my eyes upon, mami. was literally bending over backwards to impress you. and now? seeing you swollen with my baby just made you ten times more gorgeous than before. you’re the love of my life, mi amor. and i will prove it to you for the rest of my life if i had to”
truly, you had never believe in luck or hope. it’s something that never sits well with you. odds never had been in your favor and you believed that for the longest time. you were fine being all alone. you have a job that pays you well, great condo, a body that you learned to adore, a loving mother. four things that you have always been so grateful for. you wouldn’t change a single thing.
but when miguel happened? everything in your life had changed for much better. from having to do everything on your own to ‘i got this one baby’. sure, you weren’t exactly comfortable with it at first, because you had never been the one who had asked for help.
yet you learned to love it all because of him,
with a grateful smile, you trace your fingertips across his soft lips. beautiful red eyes not leaving yours, as if he’s afraid that if he looks away for a second he would lose you completely,
“you’re the love of my life too, miguel”
don’t forget to reblog and comment babes!! xx
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a-little-buggy · 2 months
"Amore mio, we cannot keep doing this." Ezio paced across the wooden floor, running his hand through his hair. It was entirely dark out, and the room was lit by a single candle on the table. "You were gone two full days! I practically turned this city upside-down looking for you!"
"How was I supposed to know I was still seeing things!? I genuinely thought it would wear off before now!" Desmond was sitting in a common room chair; the dark circles under his eyes were accentuated by his washed out complexion. He had just come from a bath, otherwise he would still be coated in sweat and hay. "I thought after a few weeks everything would just go back to normal! Well. . ." Desmond gestured around at the Renaissance assassin's guild hall. "Normal being relative, and all."
Ezio pulled a chair over by Desmond and sat down, picking at the stray straws of hay still glued to Desmond's skin. "I know that you are just trying to keep active, but please. If I get another report of you passing out in an alley, or landing in the river, I swear to Christo I will go gray." He stopped and cupped his hands around Desmond's face. "Don't do this to me, Desmond. I'm too young for gray hair."
"Oh don't worry, it'll be just as popular with the chicks as ever." Desmond gave a *swish* of his imaginary long locks, but the motion made his head spin. He braced his arms against the table. "Though I personally have less interest in the grandpa-type."
"Molto bene, that means you should have a personal investment in not causing me any more stress!"
"You think it's stressful for you? You're not the one running an imaginary Boston Marathon every other weekday!" Desmond scoffed, and laid his head down on the table in such a way as to still be able to give Ezio the stink eye.
"You know that isn't how I meant it. I just wish I could convince you to stay safe." Ezio rocked his chair back, and set his heels on the corner of the table. "At the very least, until we have some kind of answer as to when these episodes occur, or why."
Desmond gave a deep, shuddering sigh. "What if we never get any such answer? What little I know about bleeds is that I originally got them from using the Animus. Except now, I've somehow traveled back through time, so who even knows what kind of effects that could cause."
Ezio pressed a finger to his forehead. "Wait a moment. What is the Animus?"
"Seriously? It's the device that showed me your memories. We talked about this a few days ago."
Ezio removed his feet from the table and sat upright, eyeing Desmond suspiciously. "And when was this again, exactly?"
"Why? I. . . I guess it was four days ago, now, so Thursday? I remember it was raining."
Ezio bit his lip and grimaced, then giving a deep exhale placed a gentle hand on Desmond's leg. "I had a contract in Forlì that day."
"No, no. You're kidding." Desmond pushed off of the table and sank down into the wooden chair, as if it could absorb the impact of this new revelation for him. Ezio couldn't have imagined Desmond getting any paler, but he had. "No. No no no no no Ezio I -"
"Hey, it's alright, you're alright, I just need you to breathe." Desmond was badly shaken by this point, and his legs had given out, leaving him sinking to the floor. Ezio grabbed hold of his shoulders, trying to ease his downward descent.
Desmond's voice cracked. "No, no, it's not alright!" He grabbed Ezio back, desperate for some kind of tether. "How can you stand there and tell me it's alright, just after telling me that you may not even be here!?!?"
"I am here, though. I'm here." Ezio wrapped his arms tightly around Desmond, holding him as close as he possibly could. What else could he do? "Just try to breathe."
And so the two sat there, as the candle burned down to a stump. Slowly, Desmond's shaking turned to shuddered breathing, which turned to deep breaths.
Ezio rubbed Desmond's shoulders. "It may not be much longer until daybreak. Do you think you are ready to try for some sleep?"
Desmond slumped forward, burying his face in Ezio's chest. "Honestly? I think I'm too exhausted to make it to bed. Here seems fine."
Ezio chuckled. "For you, perhaps, but I am a creature of comfort." With one of his arms still wrapped around Desmond's back, he slid the other one under Desmond's knees and stood up, carrying him off towards the bunks.
Desmond wrapped his arms around Ezio's neck. "My hero," he sleepily crooned.
"Don't sing my praises just yet, amò." Ezio shifted Desmond's weight, fumbling to turn the doorknob. "I may expect you to return the favor one day."
"What?!" Desmond gasped, playing up the dramatics. " 's not fair, you're much bigger than I am!"
"Is that meant as a compliment or an insult?"
"I dunno yet." Desmond yawned. "I'll decide later, when I need one or the other."
Soon enough, they both had clambered into bed, and were able to get some much needed sleep.
Desmond spent the next few days occupying himself in the base. Besides helping sort through the dispatching of contracts, he got caught them caught up on some long overdue weapons orders and offered advice to whatever young assasin might come knocking. This was his favorite task. It was a reminder of a simpler time, of when he could stand behind a bar and just chat with people about whatever was ailing them. Except this was a little more murder-y. But having been a bartender in New York, it was not so much more murder-y as one might think.
But all the same, he was beginning to feel cooped up. And so he went to seek audience with the Mentorè, about perhaps being allowed on a group mission of some form.
There were two novices already in Ezio's office, a boy and a girl. They were likely discussing the details of an upcoming contract. Having already opened the door, Desmond knocked on the doorframe. Ezio waved him in.
"What can I do for you, Desmond?" Ezio propped his elbows up on the desk and clasped his hands, resting his chin on top of them.
"Oh, it can wait. Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." Desmond glanced over at the novices, who in fairness, seemed unperturbed.
"So can this. Please, continue." Ezio leaned back in the chair, and the two young assassins stepped to the side.
Desmond cleared his throat. "With your permission, Mentorè," On this word he did a slight bow. Ezio rolled his eyes. "I would wish to be sent on a mission. As part of a group, of course," He hastened to add. "It's just. . . I don't do well feeling confined. And I'm about ready to go stir-crazy in here."
One of the novices smirked. "Is that different from the regular crazy somehow?" He asked. Desmond gave a dry, mocking laugh in response, but then turned back to Ezio and. . . Oh shit.
Desmond always knew that Ezio Auditore da Firenze was a dangerous man. He knew of all his great conquests, and had seen the fear in the eyes of his enemies. And yet somehow, to see the master assassin here and brimming with fury, it felt like the first time he really understood how terrifying such a man could be.
The other novice slapped the first upside the head, and then grabbed him by the wrist. "Thank you for the advice, Mentorè. We will send word as soon as we complete our task," She said, dragging him out the door, which closed firmly behind them.
Ezio took a deep breath, and settled back into his seat.
Desmond shuffled his feet. "Hey, so umm, you wouldn't have actually murdered that kid, right?"
"Fortunately, we will not have to find out." Ezio shot what he assumed was a comforting smile up at Desmond (it wasn't) and then rifled through some papers on his desk. "I actually have a mission that should suit you just fine. It should be straightforward, a matter of some scouting and interrogating a handful of people. There will be two others with you, and you will cover a fair bit of ground. Benè?" Ezio handed over a map with a few directions and way points marked on it.
Desmond nodded. "Yeah, benè. Thank you, Ezio."
"You're welcome. You leave in an hour. And Desmond," He continued, once Desmond had turned to leave. "I know you are highly skilled, but do still be careful."
"I will." Desmond walked back over to Ezio, then kissed him on the cheek and winked. "I promise."
Ezio kicked his boots up on the desk. "Oh, you are such a flirt."
"Well, I come by it honestly." And with that, Desmond left to make preparations.
Desmond was sitting atop a window dormer, watching the surrounding area as another assassin prepared to 'talk to' a gang member in the alleyway below. A third assassin was perched on another neighboring rooftop, similarly spying for any potential complications. This was the method they had all decided on, and it had been working quite well. One person would go to meet the target, and the other two would remain above: out of sight so as to not cause any alarm, but close enough to drop into the fray should anything go awry. This was the last one on their list, and then they could all go back and herald their mission as a success.
He scanned the skyline. Besides the other assassin (whose name he had learned was Achille), there was no one visible up here. He peered down into the street. Piera (visible in blue) had just cornered in on the gang member (visible in gold). One or two of their targets had been willing to part with their information before it came to blows, but such instances were few and far between. Piera gave a quick display of her hidden blade, just to make her intentions and alliances clear.
As was typical, the conversation started with an exchange of thinly-veiled threats. "Next will come the unveiled threats, and then the diet violence," Desmond mused to himself.
The target started shouting. Desmond thought he heard another voice. He scanned the rooftops again, and this time saw a pair of guards off in the distance behind him. He looked back at Achille, who did not seem to react. "This again," Desmond muttered under his breath. He shifted to the right, and the guards were gone from his line of sight. "Please let that fix it." He turned back to watching the alley.
"You belong down in the street with the rest of the filth!" The voice was still distant, but it was definitely louder this time.
Desmond sighed. He turned to look behind himself, and saw the two guards from before making their way over, and a third guard climbing up behind them. "Just ignore them, and they'll go away," He said to himself. He turned back to the alleyway.
"Get down off this roof, or I will throw you off myself!"
Desmond scoffed. "I'd like to see you try. I think I'm finished throwing myself off of rooftops because of figments of my twisted imagination."
He heard another shout. This one wasn't from the target, or the illusory guard, but from Achille. "Desmond, look out!"
Desmond spun around, but not quickly enough, because a boot impacted him squarely in the chest, and he fell from the roof.
He desperately reached out, trying to grab hold of something to hang from. His right hand caught the wooden paneling of the window he was sitting above, but the wooden beam was brittle and snapped off, splintering under his fingernails. He yelled, and was unable to grab hold anywhere else.
Desmond's ankle rolled as he hit the ground, and he fell prone. The guard peered from the rooftop above, and apparently for the first time put together the implications of there being three hooded figures together. "Assassinos! Get them!" Well, so much for subtlety.
Piera ran over to help Desmond to his feet, and the gang member bolted. Desmond shook his head, and pulled himself up. "Don't worry about me, I can handle a few guards. Don't let the target get away!" He turned to face the building he had fallen from. The guards were already descending. He shifted his weight, and winced. Running's not an option. He readied his blade.
Desmond lunged at the first guard to get his boots on the ground. He hadn't yet pulled his sword, so Desmond easily grabbed hold of him, sliding the hidden blade between his ribs. Unfortunately, the next two landed with their swords already drawn, and Desmond could hear more footsteps fast approaching. "Shit, how many of you are there?"
He heard a shriek from above, and looked up just in time to dodge a guard falling from the rooftop, an arrow lodged in his chest. He landed with a dull, wet thud. Desmond spared a glance up towards Achille, who was already nocking another arrow. "Oh, this should be a peace of cake, then."
Desmond crossed blades with the two guards closest to him, parrying and deflecting their attacks. One of them leaped forward with an arcing swing of their sword. Desmond dodged under and to the side of the swing, then came around behind the off-balance guard, slitting his throat.
Another shriek, another thud. Desmond easily dispatched his next opponent, sweeping him off his feet and then skewering him where he fell. But the next guards approached together, and Desmond had to shift his focus to defense again.
Shriek, thud. One of the guards tried to bring his sword down on Desmond's head, who used both blades to intersect it. In the sword's reflection, Desmond saw another guard coming from behind him. "I've got you now, assassino!" Desmond shoved his current attacker off and spun around, swinging his blade in a wide arc. But as soon as his blade hit the guard's chest, he disappeared into mid-air.
Desmond growled. "Are yOU KIDDING ME!?!?!"
Shriek, thud.
A low chuckle from one of the guardsmen. "Jumping at shadows, boy? Ready for someone to put you out of your misery?" Desmond turned on his heel and lunged for the unlucky dastard's face, plunging both of the hidden blades deep into his eyesockets.
What few guards remained turned tail and ran.
Shriek, thud. Desmond turned once again to Achille, who was now clambering down the building, bow in hand. "They were already running, y'know."
Achille landed on the street, and shrugged. "They picked the fight. The least they could do is have the decency to see it through."
Desmond chuckled, then rubbed his shoulder. "Well, whether Piera caught the target or not, by now, she'll be heading back to base. We should be, too." He looked down at his swelling ankle. "No crazy parkour shit though."
Ezio was pacing back and forth across the wooden floor, combing his hand through his hair. Piera had gotten back with her report on the mission two hours ago. He had already sent ten otherwise idle assassins out searching for Desmond, and he was deliberating about sending more.
"He has returned!" Came a voice from the door.
Ezio raced to the door. His stomach lurched when he saw Desmond, covered in blood and limping, except. . . He was also smiling? There he was, covered head-to-toe in blood, and grinning ear-to-ear!
"Desmond? Are you. . ." He looked Desmond up and down. Bloody. Beaming. "Did you hit your head?"
"Ezio!" Desmond threw his arms up wide, flinging blood on the assassins unfortunate enough to be standing near him. "No, I'm just fine! Well, I wrecked my ankle, but not nearly so much as I wrecked all of the guards!"
Ezio laughed. "So, you determined that what you needed was catharsis, and that any guard would suffice?"
"Well no, actually," Desmond responded a bit sheepishly. "I let them get the drop on me, believing they weren't real."
Ezio very abruptly stopped laughing. "You WHAT -"
"Can we discuss it later? I know it's a problem, but I'm currently riding a high, and I would like to enjoy it."
Ezio started to object, but instead wrapped an arm over Desmond's shoulders. "Later then." He lifted his arm, and stared in horror at the gloopy mess now dripping from it. "Dio mio, someone needs to give you a bath."
Desmond smirked. "Are you volunteering?"
I don't ever think of myself as a creative person, so I am ABSOLUTELY blaming @sulfies that I have done this again, lol. I hope you enjoyed though! Much less bleed effect whump this time around, and much less re-reading to check that it makes sense, lol. Hyperfixation + insomnia = I wrote another story, but now it's a quarter to six in the morning and I may low-key hate myself tomorrow (today?). Thanks for reading!
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flightlessangelwings · 8 months
Ktober 2023 Day 19- Somnophilia
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Javi Gutierrez x gn!reader
Word count- 1k
Warnings- s.mut (18+ ONLY!), hj, bj, subby!Javi, restraints, slight overstim, hint at face sitting, no use of y/n
Notes- Oh this one was so fun to write! Another personal favorite of the month, cause we love a subby Javi!! Starting the fic under the cut cause we get right to it here lol! Prompt list made by me! Enjoy!
@flightlessangelwings-updates is myupdate blog so please follow that too and turn on post notifs to stay up to date on my new fics!
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Javi groaned softly in his sleep as his dreams turned more intense. He dreamt you were jerking him off… and it felt so good. He writhed slightly as he practically felt your hand around his cock, pumping him and making him feel so good. Javi whispered your name as he started to teeter from the dream world and the waking one. And suddenly the two realms felt intertwined.
You smirked as you watched Javi squirm under your touch, careful not to wake him fully just yet. It had been a fantasy of yours to do this to him for a long time, and when Javi confessed that it was one of his ultimate desires, your heart flipped in your chest. You waited a few nights to actually do it, though, since you wanted to catch him more off guard but with the invitation still open.
Heat rushed through your veins when he murmured your name over and over again, and you couldn’t help but pump him faster. Your own needs could wait as you were too focused on him. Licking your lips, your eyes trailed down Javi’s naked form until they landed on his cock in your hand. It dripped with precum and it twitched when you twisted your wrist around the shaft.
Fuck, he looked delicious.
The time was right, you decided, and you let go of his cock and positioned yourself so that your mouth ghosted over the tip. In his sleep, Javi let out a soft whine, and you couldn’t fight the moan that escaped your lips. He looked so beautiful like this. Next time, you would have to take a picture.
As he settled back into sleep, you stuck your tongue out and gently licked the tip of his length in a teasingly light touch. He whimpered in his sleep as you wrapped your lips around him and took his entire cock into your mouth. You sucked hard with the intent of waking Javi up this time, and you shivered in anticipation as you waited to see his reaction to waking up in your mouth.
“Ay! Fuck! Corazon!” Javi moaned as his eyes shot open.
You hummed in satisfaction as you kept your eyes on Javi, but you never let go of his cock.
Javi tried to move, but he found he couldn’t. And, for just being awake a few seconds, he discovered his second surprise of the morning. You had bound him to the bed with silk scarves, his wrists tied to the head of the bed and his ankles to each post at the end. He was defenseless and helpless against you. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
He groaned your name as he dropped his head back onto the pillow.
“Morning, Javi,” you purred, breaking away from his cock with a pop, “Sleep well?” you asked in a tease.
“Not as well as I woke up, mi amor,” Javi murmured, his chest rising and falling with his heavy breaths. That explained the dream he had. But, reality was far better, and waking up with his cock inside your mouth was a more than welcome surprise. And it was hotter than he ever could have imagined, especially with your touch of tying him down.
You exhaled deeply with a smile, “Shall I continue, then?” you ran a single finger up his length, “My breakfast looked delicious, and I’m starving.”
“Ay dios mio,” Javi sighed with a short laugh, “You are too much, you know that corazon?” he lifted his head to meet your gaze, and both of you softened as you stared into each other’s eyes.
“You like it,” you cooed as you kissed the tip of his cock.
“That I do… Ohh…”
Without another word, you wrapped your lips around his cock again and bobbed your head up and down, savoring the taste of Javi first thing in the morning. He cried out as he strained against the binds, forgetting they were there for a moment. Javi bucked his hips into you as much as he could as you sucked at his cock.
“Fuck… Amor…”
Moving faster and sucking harder, you reached down and cupped Javi’s balls, determined to send him over the edge. His moans encouraged you as you hummed into him, the vibrations bringing new sensations. You darted your tongue along his shaft, pocking and lucking where you knew he was more sensitive.
“Amor… I’m…”
You sucked harder, taking Javi’s entire length into your mouth until it hit the back of your throat. Tears filled your eyes, but you didn’t care. You kept going until you got what you wanted. And within moments, Javi exploded into your mouth, spilling his seed down your throat as he cock twitched in your mouth. In his restraints, Javi writhed as he moaned loudly, spilling a string of praises as he did so.
Swallowing every last drop, you didn’t let up until you were sure he had no more to give. As much as you wanted to keep going, you decided to stop, not wanting to overdo it the first time you tried something new. With one last kiss to the tip of his cock, you pulled away with a deep gasp for air.
“Wow,” you breathed as you watched him come down from his high.
“That was incredible, corazon,” Javi panted as his eyes fluttered open.
You smiled brightly at Javi as you heaved yourself forward to lay overtop of him, taking his lips with your own. Javi immediately deepened the kiss, tasting himself on your tongue. His cock twitched slightly between your bodies, though he knew he was spent… at least for now.
“You’re incredible, Javi,” you whispered against his lips.
He hummed as he beamed up at you, his big beautiful eyes telling a story that words could never express. “I would like to return the favor, mi amor,” he waved his hands that still stayed bound above his head, “But I am still at your mercy here.”
You thought for a moment before you gave him a mischievous smirk, “I can think of a way you can still make it work,” you purred as you shimmied your body up his torso, hovering yourself over his face.
“Fuck yes,” Javi breathed as he licked his lips eagerly.
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thestarstoasun · 2 months
Will and Naomi Solace don't normally celebrate Easter considering the whole she slept with a Greek god, had a demigod child but could only tell her small-town religious family that she had a one nightstand and got pregnant thing. She had been told they still loved her but was still publicly shamed and shunned until she got famous for her music.
Will didn't think his grandparents, uncles, or aunts deserved his mom in their lives after what they put her through, but he figured if she could forgive them, he could too. Except they didn't know he was bisexual. They didn't know about Nico. Will had been all too willing to tell his sweet, loving, adoring mother about his boyfriend. He made sure Nico knew when he first brought it up that there was no rush, and just like when it came to everything, he was willing to wait forever. (Nico had actually stared at him in disbelief, and with the oh-so-noticeable red splashing across his pale skin muttered a quiet, "Idiota". Will didn't need to be fluent in Italian to know /that one/, even when he first heard it.)
Introducing Nico to his mother was a mistake, not because of any homophobia or monster attacks, but just how much they both love to embarrass him. His mother shares stories and shows pictures (which Will panics about because technology and demigods don't mix well) of a much younger and embarrassing Will, and by the look in Nico's eyes Will knows he is never living it down. In return, his mother learns of his embarrassing flirting in the middle of a war.
The memory was nice now, a year and a half later, especially since Will was currently on the verge of an entire mental breakdown. Being back in Texas had that effect on him. At camp, he locked away all panic, grief, loss, suffering in order to run the infirmary and be strong for his siblings, but here, he had no infirmary and no siblings. He could honestly care less of what these people thought of him - Lee's opinion had mattered, Michael's opinion had mattered, His mama's opinion matters, Nico's feelings and opinion matters. Hades, he cares more for Apollo's opinion than these people, and he was still struggling with his own complicated feelings towards his father - not that they ever showed outwardly.
Will was more worried that these people that shared blood with him would shame his and Nico's relationship and upset his boyfriend. Nico had suffered so much pain and suffering already, especially when it came to his sexuality and accepting that there wasn't anything wrong with himself for loving boys. Will was so proud of how far Nico had come and felt sick to his stomach at being an indirect cause of a relapse.
"You worry too much," The words sounded so beautiful that they must have been spoken by an angel. (They weren't, they were spoken by none other than Nico Di Angelo, but what can he say, he is Apollo's son. It is in his nature to be dramatic at least sometimes.)
"I don't think I worry enough. I mean, there is jus' so much that could go wrong. Mama-" Will shot Nico, who was failing to hide a wide smile, a curious expression unknowingly tilting his head slightly to the right. "What's so amusin' about this?"
"I think I finally understand what Lou Ellen meant when she called you a dog." Will stared blankly absolutely stunned out of his panic, his lips formed a small pout that was absolutely not adorable. Nico got up from where he sat comfortably on Will's bed and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist, resting his head on Will's shoulder. "Breathe. I'm already prepared to ditch this dinner and shadow-travel us both and your mother out somewhere nice at the slightest sign of trouble. Catholic guilt is a bitch, but I am done letting it, Gods, or anyone control my life."
Will felt both relieved and worried. Nico had learned so much about his boundaries with his powers over the last year, but it didn't mean Will didn't worry. "Is that why-?"
"Yes, that is why I slept so much today, il mio sole. Even before we left camp you were doing that nervous thing where you wrap bandages around your wrist. I figured something was bothering you and it had to do with our vacation. You love your mom, so it was obviously this dinner. I'm from the 30s, not an idiot, William, amore mio."
Will couldn't help but gently remove Nico's arm's from around him and sweep the boy off his feet. This frustrating, self-destructive, annoyingly attractive, smartass paid way too much attention to a simple healer such as himself, but Will couldn't imagine his life without Nico in it anymore. The half-hearted glare he received filled him with so much warmth and made him smile so wide it hurt, which in turn caused Nico to turn away to hide the slight upturn of his own lips.
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