icallhimjoey · 15 hours
If I had a nickel for every time a cast member of Joe has worn his character's clothes in one or several scenes.... I would have three nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened three times
oh my god you're right
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atopvisenyashill · 1 day
AU where instead of having a dead ladies club we have a dead dudes club: Aerys dies in Summerhal and Rhaella eventually becomes Queen regent for her son. Joanna, Minisa and Lyarra live while their husbands Tywin, Hoster, and Rickard don't. And Cassana survives the shipwreck along with patchface.
me seeing this ask:
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anyways, let's first establish how each man dies.
Aerys - like you said, just killing him at Summerhall is easiest.
Tywin - if we kill him during the Reyne/Tarbeck revolt, it butterflies away all the Lannister kids so we'll have it be that something goes horrifically bad during the Defiance of Duskendale and he dies there.
Steffon - Cassana washes up on shore with Patchface in 278.
Hoster - this one's a bit tricky because in order to die before Robert's Rebellion kicks off, something Weird and Tragic has to happen to him during a time period that is more or less chill in the riverlands. He does fight in the War of the Ninepenny Kings but that happens in 260 and Edmure likely isn't born until 267. We could say he dies in the Greyjoy Rebellions, but that's after Robert's Rebellion by a few years. We'll just invent a sickness or accident that kills him, instead of Minisa dying in childbirth lol. if it makes the plot more interesting for him to die during the Greyjoy Rebellions though, tbh, that's probably also fine, but I do think having only one (1) parent at Riverrun is important to how the kids develop.
Rickard - this one is similarly difficult. we could just have him die when he does die, and just say that Lyarra didn't die.
anyways, let's dig into what this changes right off the bat, sort of set the scene here-
Rhaella is like 13-14 when Summerhall happens, and then like 15-16 I think when Jaehaerys II dies, so not only is she a very young Queen, she's likely to remarry. Since she's not even at the age of majority yet (jfc), I think if we assume she's regent, it means she allied with Aerys' friends to oust Jaehaerys II's small council - so Tywin is for sure still Hand, and ruling the entire realm in all but name. I do imagine that not only is Steffon very close at court as well, but Cassana becomes close to Rhaella.
Rhaegar won't be allowed to wait until he's like 21 to marry, they will be looking at marriages when he's like 12-13 and likely intend for him to get married right away at like 15-16 and consummate, because he's the only male heir.
Edmure becomes Lord of Riverrun very young, Minisa as his regent. I think given that Minisa will be regent, Catelyn still has a lot of parentification stuff happening here, but I do think it's more likely she notices the crushes going on between Lysa, Cat, and Petyr.
Robert still becomes Lord of Storm's End - he's 15 when Steffon dies, which is plenty old to take up his seat. However, with his mother still around, Stannis and Renly have a parental influence at least.
alright let's go event by event here:
262 AC: Jaehaerys II dies and little three year old Rhaegar Targaryen is crowned King. Though there is an initial push by Edgar Sloane and Jaehaerys' small council to establish one of their own as Regent and Hand of the King, Queen Rhaella is successful in ousting her father's men in favor of her own - mostly the husbands, brothers, or cousins of her ladies. This includes, of course, the impressive and young Tywin Lannister as Hand, probably Steffon Baratheon, and honestly, it's quite possible here that Lewyn or Loreza's husband is named to the small council as well, given the fact that we know one of Rhaella's ladies was Loreza. Despite being so young, Rhaella is named Regent.
272 AC: A decade with the trio of young Rhaegar, Queen Regent Rhaella, and Hand of the King Tywin has allowed the realm to prosper. Without Aerys pawing at her ladies, Rhaella holds onto several close allies, and neither Tywin nor Joanna spend their days being humiliated at court to curry favor with the king. Rhaella is likely more level headed than Aerys, and isn't overpromising on things and then abandoning her projects soon after. There's likely been a push for her to remarry, if only so Rhaegar's children may have a Valyrian option to marry somewhere down the line? But on the other hand...it might be possible there's some problems at court re: everyone gossiping that if Tywin is the real King, and Rhaella is Queen, are they not...you know....that gets back to Joanna. Not only that, but I can bet there's tensions between Loreza's Dornish faction and Tywin, probably with Steffon in the middle because Tywin is clearly trying to get Rhaegar/Cersei hitched from an early age, Loreza is clearly trying to get Elia/Rhaegar hitched from an early age, and Steffon and Cassana are desperately fucking and having kids in the hopes of having a girl for Rhaegar to marry. We know there was a visit by Rickard during the first ten years, so it's very possible that Lyarra develops a friendship with Rhaella, and that instead of that dumb "i'm going to build another Wall" plan, Rhaella starts encouraging more people to be sent to the Wall.
275 AC: Rhaegar comes of age and takes his position as King without a regent. While I don't doubt he would keep Tywin on, I do think there's going to be tension here - we see this with both Jaehaerys and Aegon III, and even Joffrey really, that the move from child to adult can be a bit rough on the Hand/Regent/King relationship. I think Rhaegar, melancholy as he is, would want to be known as a good king, a kind king, and probably doesn't appreciate Tywin's cruelty. I think it makes a lot of sense that he'd purposefully scorn Tywin specifically for this reason - the same as Alysanne purposefully spurning Rogar's match or the Dragon Twins + Aegon III purposefully spurning the lords for Daenaera. It's about making a statement, it's about power, it's about standing out from the people who are trying to rule through you. I almost think it's likely Rhaegar and Elia still marry here, but it's possible Rhaegar decides to just straight up marry someone who isn't connected at court at all - not a Martell, not a Lannister, but maybe a Hightower or Tyrell. Especially, imo, because of Rhaegar's prophecy obsession - what if he visits Jenny's woods witch on his own? Or what if he visits Oldtown and sees Mad Maid Malora is heavy with magic? Maybe, knowing how often he stays at Summerhall to be an emo fuck, he marries Ashara?
277 AC: The Defiance of Duskendale. I don't know if an 18 year old would be this stupid, it does seem likely that he would just fall into the same trap Aerys did - ie "I want to prove I'm better than my Hand and I'll deal with the issue myself" - but I think Rhaella would be like "absolutely fucking not, you're the fucking KING, and you have no heir/only a baby for an heir, if you don't want Tywin to do it, send someone else then." I think it would be really fun if Rhaella got caught in this trap, Tywin completely botches getting her out and gets himself killed, and Rhaegar just goes "oh fuck that noise" and burns Duskendale to the ground his damn self. It could be an interesting change here that Rhaegar's madness + obsession with the prophecy gets kicked off not by his father's own madness but by the near loss of his mother. Even if Rhaella is mostly fine (she went years being tortured by Aerys, I think she's made of sterner stuff! I can see her being real shaken up for awhile before chilling out), the idea that he could really be The Last Dragon is terrifying. Suddenly, he needs to set this prophecy in motion, he needs to have more dragons, it can't just be himself and his mother.
279 AC: Another blow, just after losing Tywin and nearly losing {his mom? joncon? does he care that much about joncon lmao}, Steffon dies in a storm coming back from the Free Cities. Cassana lives but is quite shaken up by the entire event and retires from court to stay at home with her boys. Another blow happens later in the year, when Loreza dies, and Doran inherits Sunspear.
281 AC: So....now we're at the Tourney of Harrenhal, where shit gets real. Who Rhaegar marries will decide who is on his side here and who has started getting ready for Mad King 2.0 because I do imagine that in the four years since the Duskendale fuck up, a lot of the lords have started whispering. If he marries Elia or Ashara, he still has Dorne on lock. If he marries Malora, that might mean Doran is involved in the Southron Ambitions plot (although then again, he might not be, it's not like anyone thought to involve Doran in the wo5k until way too fucking late anyway). If he risks marrying someone like, completely outside of Westeros, I think something kinda crazy starts cooking at home with every single region having no reason to be loyal to him. Not to mention, if Lyarra is friendly with Rhaella, does he already know Lyanna? Since Hoster and Tywin are both dead here, it probably means Rickard had to reach out to Minisa and and Joanna and I'm really interested in how this goes, politics wise. Is it just Rickard and Minisa (and Jon Arryn) doing Southron Ambitions? Is Cassana getting involved after the loss of Steffon? And what does Rhaegar's small council look like now? Is it packed with Dornishmen and Crownlanders? With Reachers? Does he have some sort of woods witch as his Hand?
SO WHEN RHAEGAR TAKES LYANNA. For one thing, when Brandon gets to KL and starts shouting "COME OUT AND DIE" Rhaella isn't going to respond by burning everyone. I can see her maybe taking them captive because what they're accusing Rhaegar of, when he's the King, is pretty fucking severe but she's not just slaughtering them. She's sending the Kingsguard to go look for him while she holds the Northern faction at KL, and while I do think they'll go and get him, I think Rhaegar is going to say something like "it's fine, she's fine, leave us alone" and the North is gonna get real shitty about this. Brandon might attempt to leave. Lyarra might attempt to find Lyanna herself with a host of Northerners, or maybe with a host of stormlanders, riverlanders, or westermen. The crown has to respond to that, so there's likely to be some skirmishes here. Either Rhaegar is found with Lyanna at the Tower of Joy or Rhaegar finally appears and is like "why is everyone yelling" while everyone demands to know where Lyanna is. If he's cagey, the North and their allies are going to start attacking more boldly. If he says "yeah she's my mistress now, back off, I'm the king" I think everyone is too amped up to give a shit and the North refuses to stand down, which leads to whoever is leading them - Lyarra, maybe Ned - being labelled a traitor to the crown. This is going to domino effect quickly. If he says "yeah she's my wife now, back off, I'm king" he is losing everyone fast as fuck.
Anyways, I kept this kind of general in case you just wanted some like, general outline of what could happen but if you want what EYE think is most interesting, it's a) Rhaella at Duskendale b) Minisa being the one to mastermind Southron Ambitions, although Cassana could be fun as well c) LYARRA STARK REBEL WAR HERO. I think it's likely Rhaegar would try to "she's my mistress/wife" his way out of this but its not fucking happening. all those theories about how "lyanna and rhaegar got valyrian married jon is legitimate" no he's fucking not because no one is going to give a single solitary shit. Bigamy is not allowed in Westeros anymore or Aegon IV would have tried it. if he legitimizes his own kid, it's sort of like, okay great, but he was born a bastard, now Rhaegar is legitimizing his kid just like aegon iv, and everyone is going to see this as a threat. they're going to say he's insane. they're still going to oust him. the question here is - can rhaella, through her friendships with the wives and now leaders of southron ambitions, keep hold long enough so that even if Rhaegar dies, she can get his kid on the throne? Can she make peace with Robert? Or does she have to go on the run, not with her own kids, but with Rhaegar's children?
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reineydraws · 3 months
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three is a pattern, shanks!
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zxal · 6 months
Yugioh characters who lost a part of themselves without getting any say in the matter and it was probably for the best but now there will always be something missing no matter how hard they reach for it, dooming them to a life without closure or satisfaction:
Ryou Bakura
Yuya Sakaki
Jin Kusanagi
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oedipushansen · 6 months
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everything i ever did, i did it all for you.
ella wilson / steven levenson / metamaiden / pasek & paul / lana del rey / bates motel (image source: @sofialamb) / dear evan hansen / andrew barth feldman / @corpsecoded / lorde / ocean vuong / ethel cain / kira madden
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scoliosisgoblin · 30 days
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@marlomagica is this what you had in mind?
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Here comes Hell's Greatest Dad!
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yeetdasweet · 4 months
Well I think it's about time to share two other Ocs I have that have just been sitting in my gallery.
Meet Riley Rigemesworth
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& Madem Spider
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The nerdy rat with a love for astronomy and all things science and the crazy spider lady who lives in the woods and likes making soup.
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 10 months
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darkacademiaarchivist · 8 months
this is how you lose the time war absolutely DESTROYED ME five stars no questions asked
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halobirthdays · 6 months
Happy birthday to Dural 'Mdama!
Today is his -514th birthday!
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Dural is the oldest son of Jul and Raia 'Mdama. After his mother's death, Dural swore to take vengeance on everyone who played a part in her demise. When both Jul and Raia died, Dural and his brother Asum were left orphaned.
He followed his mother's trail until he learned that Raia died during a conflict between the Servants of the Abiding Truth and the Swords of Sanghelios. Avu Med 'Telcam, the leader of the Servants, felt responsible for Raia's death and took Dural in as an apprentice, becoming a father to him.
Due to 'Telcam's influence, Dural joined the Servants of the Abiding Truth, keeping both his faith and hatred towards humans. He became a skilled swordsman and leader within the Servants, taking on the name Pale Blade. After 'Telcam was assassinated, he was left as one of the only leading members.
Dural helped orchestrate an attack on the shield world Onyx. There, he would come face-to-face with his brother, whom he had not seen since he left their keep for vengeance. Asum was adopted by Kasha 'Hilot and brought to the Paxopolis community on Onyx. Unlike Dural, Asum was a pacifist who followed the Arbiter's teachings, putting them on opposite sides of the war. The brothers fought, but ultimately neither could bring themselves to strike a lethal blow. When they were both attacked, they protected one another.
Dural devised a distraction to save Asum before disappearing into the forest, his original plans thwarted. Dural remained in hiding on Onyx until he was able to quietly regroup with his soldiers. After the attack, Onyx entered a slipspace bubble and brought three planets into its orbit. One of those planets--Macintosh--contained an old Forerunner ship, which Dural was assured could support life and become functional. Thus, he and his remaining crew headed for Macintosh to lay low until they could strike again.
In canon (~2560), he is turning 23!
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imkazz · 9 months
the sudden urge to write heart-wrenching angst about your hyperfixation character and their older sibling, both who have complex and well-written personalities and a diverse relationship stemming from emotional misunderstandings between each other due to a tragic past, ending with them hurting each other yet still ready to sacrifice themselves and the world for the other.
oh yeah and one or both of them dies.
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stormyblue90 · 15 days
Replaying Horizon Forbidden West after The Bad Batch finale is giving me voice actor whiplash since these two...
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share the same voice actor. I love the range of VAs.
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rainypebble07 · 10 months
Ok first of all, I want to say that I love your goofy little drawings. They always put a smile on my face whenever I see them.
Also I have a drawing request. Could you please draw Victorian England Byler. I would love to see Mike give a bouquet of flowers to Will using Victorian flower language.
Hope you have a good rest of your week!
Ahhh thank you!! This one was actually very, very fun. Mike would love Victorian Flower Language, but he'd do it in the weirdest ways. (I put in a little guide to the plants at the bottom)
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Plants in the drawing and their Victorian meaning:
Tussilage- 'Justice shall be done to you'
Burning Nettle- slander
Green Carnation- A secret sign of homosexuality appearing first in the late 1800s, often worn on the front of a coat
Pineapple- 'You are perfect'
Syringa, Carolina- disappointment
Sweet William- Gallantry
Also I need a Victorian AU fic where Mike uses flower language IMMEDIATELY
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
[rendacted] gives off sm JD (Jason Dean from heathers) vibes lol
✦゜ANSWERED: He was meant to be yours ^^ Aaaaaand he would blow up Corland Bay for you... ^^;
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anteroom-of-death · 10 months
The universal irony of Princess Diana (beloved icon, style inspo for the ages, over shot and outshined her dick husband who is the 3rd of his name, charitable and humanitarian that wasn't afraid to interact with the poor, killed in a horrific car crash...) attending Princess Grace's (beloved icon, style inspo for the ages, over shot and outshined her dick husband who is the 3rd of his name, charitable and humanitarian that wasn't afraid to interact with the poor, killed in a horrific car crash...) funeral JUST started horrifying me!
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