wisteria-lodge · 4 years
Character Analysis - Sorting Sherlock Holmes (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
a quick note on why I’m moving away from the HP terminology
So @sortinghatchats is brilliant. Absolutely my favorite character (and person!) analysis system. Instead of one house, you get two - a PRIMARY (your motivation, why you do things), and a SECONDARY (your toolbox, how you get things done.) A very stripped down refresher --
IDEALIST PRIMARY Lion/Gryffindor - I do what I feel is right. (MORAL) Bird/Ravenclaw - I do what I decide is correct. (LOGICAL) LOYALIST PRIMARY Badger/Hufflepuff - I do what helps my community (PEOPLE MATTER) Snake/Slytherin - I do what helps me/my inner circle (MY PEOPLE MATTER)
IMPROVISATIONAL SECONDARY Lion/Gryffindor- Charge! React! Smash the system! Snake/Slytherin- Transform, adapt, find the loophole. BUILT SECONDARY Bird/Ravenclaw - Plan, make tools, gather information. Badger/Hufflepuff - Community-build, caretake, call in favors.
Now let’s talk Sherlock Holmes!!!
Mycroft Holmes has a terrifying Bird secondary. He knows everything. He sees everything. He holds all the information in his head, all the time, and can tell you exactly how it connects. “Spymaster Mycroft” didn’t become proper fanon until 1970: in the books he’s more like a human computer, or a Mentat from Dune. This man is incapable of improvising. He hates casual conversation, hates changing his routine, just wants to sit and process and plan. He is the cartoon version of a Bird secondary.  
Mycroft is so insanely ‘big picture’ that he barely notices specific individuals. He’s off in in the corner thinking about currency regulation and the situation in Siam. In “The Greek Interpreter” he hears about a woman who might be starving to death… and sort of vaguely puts it on his to-do list. Sherlock ends up handling it.
You could make a case for either a Bird or Lion primary. But I’m going with Lion. Mycroft values instinct like Lions do (”All my instincts are against this explanation.”) And Sherlock describes him as someone who “would rather be considered wrong than take the trouble to prove himself right.” This is teasing, but it’s a joke about a Lion who just sort of feels the answer, not a Bird who needs a reason to be correct. Mycroft’s Cause, the one we see him respond to emotionally, is the smooth functioning of his world. He has a little pocket carved out for his brother, but if he had to choose between the country that he embodies and Sherlock Holmes’ well-being, it’d be England every time.
Knowing that Mycroft has that much power but doesn’t care about individual people makes Sherlock... uncomfortable. It takes him a while to even mention his brother to Watson. And then he lies about how important Mycroft’s job is. Thematically, this where Moriarty comes in. James Moriarty – the older genius hiding deep in the establishment, running a criminal empire from behind a tenured professorship, never getting his hands dirty – is Dark Mycroft. Because Sherlock is pretty sure his brother is one of the good guys. He’s pretty sure Mycroft isn’t going to break bad and go full-on ‘ends justify the means’ supervillain.
But… like… he could.
Sherlock Holmes is also defined by his Bird secondary. His deductions, data, knowledge of crime – it’s his loudest trait. But it’s a model. He tells us it’s a model. This “habit of observation and inference which I formed into a system” is something he built – and honestly, he probably built it for Mycroft. The Holmes brothers don’t do conversations, they have deduction games. Sherlock never wins, but at least he plays on Mycroft’s level.
(Everything about Sherlock Holmes makes more sense when you think about Mycroft. Like the “brain-attic” metaphor. How did Sherlock get this idea that there’s some fast-approaching limit to the actual pieces of information he can fit in his head at once? Because he knows someone with far, far greater processing power).
Underneath this logical Bird secondary model, Sherlock Holmes has something that looks a lot more Snake He’s moody and mercurial. He improvises on the violin to help himself think. He loves acting. He loves disguises. He crushes on Irene Adler because their Snake secondaries have so much fun playing together. And when it’s important, Holmes goes full-on Snake. Need to get Watson away from Moriarty? Better forge a letter sending him on a fake errand.
And as far as primaries go...  he’s a Badger. Sherlock Holmes cares about people. Oh wow does he care about people. If he doesn’t protect his client, it’s not a win – even if he solved the case with some brilliant bit of detection. He despises blackmailers, because they destroy lives in a cold, impersonal way. (At least murderers care.) He doesn’t mean to upset people with his deductions, and apologizes when he gets too coldly Bird: “Pray accept my apologies. Viewing the matter as an abstract problem, I had a forgotten how personal and painful a thing it might be to you.” When Watson talks about the “depth of loyalty and love which lay behind that cold mask,” Holmes is thirty seconds away from going vigilante killer because somebody hurt John Watson.
But the feeling isn’t just Watson-centric. Holmes doesn’t require Watson at his side the way a Snake would, because as long as he knows Watson is safe and happy, he is content. Holmes need-bases. It’s important that he works for people who need him. He generally dislikes working for the rich or upper-class (Soviet Russian Sherlock Holmes was totally a thing, they didn’t have to change much). He also has a *real* problem with overworking himself, which is very much a Badger primary and not Snake primary thing to do
He even community-builds. His Baker Street Irregulars, his connections over at Scotland yard, his tribe of interesting contacts and informants. Holmes values community. To him, community = safe. He loves London, but isolated rural areas makes him nervous:
“[in London] there is no lane so vile that the scream of a tortured child, or the thud of a drunkard’s blow, does not beget sympathy and indignation among the neighbors, and then the whole machinery of justice is ever so close that a word of complaint can set it going... But look at these lonely houses, each in its own fields… think of the deeds of hellish cruelty, the hidden wickedness which may go on, year in, year out, in such places, and none the wiser.”
And don’t get me wrong. Holmes loves his double Bird armor. It makes him feel powerful, and hides the fact that he cares so damn much. He likes to pretend he doesn’t: to care is to be weak, ineffective, and untrustworthy. (Mycroft is probably to blame for this bit of thinking too.) But Sherlock Holmes is still able to take off his Bird. He takes it off around Watson. 
Dr. John Watson is a bright charging Lion secondary who is completely incapable of telling a lie. He’s ex-military. He’s Holmes’ muscle/backup. He’s got a gambling problem. And the thing about Holmes and Watson’s dynamic is that while Holmes calls the shots about 90% percent of the time, when it’s important – Watson goes full unstoppable-force Lion. And Holmes just buckles.
“Well, I don’t like it ; but I suppose it must be,” said I. “When do we start?” “You are not coming.” “Then you are not going,” said I. “I give you my word of honor – and I never broke it in my life – that I will take a cab straight to the police station and give you away unless you let me share this adventure with you” “You can’t help me.” “How do you know that? You can’t tell what may happen. Anyway, my resolution is taken.” Holmes had looked annoyed, but his brow cleared, and he clapped me on the shoulder. “Well, well, my dear fellow, be it so.”
Watson’s absolutely a Lion Primary too. First going into medicine, then joining the army even when that’s not the best career move? At the beginning of A Study in Scarlet, Watson is in terrible shape. Can’t sleep. Can’t stand loud noises. He’s “spending such money as I had considerably more freely than I ought.” But it’s not so much the PTSD as it is the the lack of purpose that’s getting to him. He talks a lot about his “meaningless existence” and how how “objectiveless was my life.” That’s a hurting, burned Lion, without a Cause.
And then Sherlock Holmes stumbles in. Overnight Watson’s life has meaning. He is going to help Holmes bring criminals to justice. He is going to make sure Holmes gets the recognition he deserves. And he’s going to get him clean. (ACD gets massive kudos for being against recreational cocaine and morphine use). The things Watson loves about Holmes, things like his “high sense of professional honor” – those are things that get under the skin of a Lion Primary. This is a guy with pictures of abolitionist preachers framed on his wall. John Watson’s not subtle. 
“You don’t mind breaking the law?” [said Holmes] “Not in the least.” “Nor running a chance of arrest?” “Not in a good cause.” “Oh, the cause is excellent!” “Then I am your man.”
And of course, Holmes got lucky in Watson too. Holmes is a Loyalist primary who distrusts other Loyalist primaries – you can’t really blame him, he comes across so many repulsive ones in his day job. (Interestingly, the handful of times Holmes absolutely misreads a motive – “Yellow Face,” “Missing Three-Quarter,” “Scandal in Bohemia” – it’s because he’s going up against a Loyalist primary who is using their powers for good.) 
But Watson is a trustworthy, dependable, predicable, honorable, Idealist who can  look like a Loyalist because his Cause is so focused on one person. So Holmes can be secure in his doctor’s devotion while also getting to lean on the instincts of someone just unflinchingly moral.
Mycroft Holmes – Lion Bird. An extremely big picture Lion whose Cause involves keeping England together. He’s the light-side counterpart of Professor Moriarty.
Sherlock Holmes – Badger Snake. Builds a loud Double Bird model, partly for pleasure, partly have a relationship with his brother, and partly because dealing with so many low-life Loyalist primaries makes him distrust those instincts in himself.
Dr. John Watson - Double Lion. When we meet him he’s pretty burned, due to his twin Causes of Queen and Country not really working out. Luckily, he meets Sherlock Holmes, and finds a new Cause in him.
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spilledinkstories · 3 years
Be A Time Lord, and Pass Your Own Vibe Check
I’ve struggled to put together a review for this, but I’ve taken an interest in this kind of writing recently, so...here goes. I promised myself I would review the books I read this year lol, and...
I started reading a couple “self help” books this year. 
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And “Stop Doing That Sh*t” by Gary John Bishop is kind of the self help book for people who don’t want to be dazzled by, well, bullshit. 
Rather than trying to shower you with glitter and sprinkles, platitudes and promises that you hold the keys to your future...you know, the kind of stuff you think some infomercial guy might turn into an audiobook with serene music in the background...
yeah, this isn’t that. 
This guy shoves your own nonsense in your face and says “ya like the smell of that cookin’?” 
He basically says “waddup nerd, this is your psychology and you should make an effort to understand it, so you can accept it.” 
There’s literally a quote toward the end where he says the most pure form of human acceptance is the general way we perceive a lightbulb: not positive, not negative, we literally have no opinion on if its good or bad, it is just a lightbulb. Or a clothes hamper. It’s just a hamper. No “charge or reaction to” the thing, is how he phrases it. It just is, and we give it no second thoughts.
And he says that’s how you need to learn to view your insecurities and negative thoughts toward the world. You can’t outrun, outsmart, or outwork the core conceptions (there are 3, and he spends a lot of time explaining them, but basically deep-rooted values that colour how you’ve trained yourself to “survive”. they’re usually negative beliefs, and they are central to how you behave). So he says understand and accept them, and you can pivot away from certain reactions because you’ll be able to see them coming. 
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Like, that’s the book. 
It doesn’t dare you to stop hitting your snooze button. 
It doesn’t bring up running marathons, or hitting a personal best in weight lifting or getting through your never ending to-be-read pile because you’ll finally start reading in the evening instead of watching TV. 
He doesn’t point to a path that he thinks will be your version of success. It’s more like “you know your own dreams, and here’s why you’ve been standing in your own way”, and I find psychology interesting so it was an interesting take on this kinda stuff.
Literally he says you should just work on being self-aware for a while. Why don’t you want to try with things that you say you want? He calls it “self sabotage” and it’s to do with the core negative beliefs you hold.
He spends the last lil chunk of the book saying once you’ve got that down, you know what core beliefs tend to make you throw everything to the dogs (like being insecure or fearing you’re not enough stopping you from taking great job opportunities or maintaining healthy relationships, or just allowing yourself to be yourself with your friends), you need to learn to accept that you can have a great life. 
A quote he puts in is “How good can you stand it”, which weirdly is something I thought about before reading this? That’s a bit “self-helpy”, I get that, but like...if you could have a so called “perfect” life, your absolute dream life...then what? would you be able to keep it? This guy is a life coach and he says it’s a super real problem. 
He says you get addicted to your beliefs. So if you believe life is a struggle, absence of struggle in your life can make you uncomfortable because it would force you to find a new definition of life, causing you to self destruct (gamble away money, ruin relationships, etc), because self destructing puts you back at square one which is comfortable. It allows you to maintain damaging beliefs (yeah this book is brutally honest at times lol).
He literally says people self destruct because it allows them to avoid growth/change, and stay comfy.
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The last bit, I really liked, and it reminded me a bit of another book Atomic Habits by James Clear, kind of about identifying yourself with what you want, not what you have been.
He throws in a quote that goes something like “we assume the past drives the future”, that those core beliefs and preconceived notions dictate what is possible for later life. That you can’t break the cycle, that time is linear.
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He suggests instead to really hold in your mind’s eye what you want: career, living situation, partner, blah blah blah, and then break that down into milestones, and then into baby steps, and then start walking. 
forget what systems you lived by before, cause they don’t work. You’ll stay stuck.
He argues not to predict your future based on now, but to dream a future and then start peeling away everything that isn’t that. 
He uses the example of Michelangelo chipping away everything that wasn’t the statue of David, as he famously said he believed David to be underneath all that rock the whole time. He gets into this because I guess we all grow up with caps on what we deem possible - our parents made this much, so we aim for X, and too much excess is just out of bounds. Which I guess makes sense (and as a personal aside I disagree with his statement that “gratitude has been done to death”. Knowing how to be happy with a little is important, I think. Define your values and know what matters).
Use the future to inform your next steps, he’s saying, and recognize your own wiring and internal monologue, so you can sense your own bullshit from a mile away and do one of those pivots that Ross is so fond of. So if you do get the life you dreamed of, you don’t screw it up once you're there. 
You have the backbone to find a new dream.
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he doesn’t say much about positivity, which ironically I really felt the lack of, even though going in he promised none of it and I found it refreshing.
 I think that if you’re gonna pay this much attention to your own thought patterns, you should build in habits of gratitude and like...recognition of all the things that can and do go right.  I think for some people, a starting point of “lemme see everything I’m doing wrong in my mind” could go sideways pretty quickly. If you’re new to that kind of thing, I would say approach it slowly and with caution and take breaks. You’re not setting out to beat yourself up. Just observe. Don’t judge. Take field notes, and do experiments with reacting differently to things and take field notes again. Let yourself be. 
I also don’t think that you should ignore your intuition. There are times where it’s good to pass on relationships or opportunities or jobs. Don't push yourself to do things for the wrong reasons - I guess that would count as self sabotage too. 
TL;DR He’s really just saying get to know yourself so you can steer your own ship effectively. 
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This was way more rant-y than I intended it to be but oh well this is my blog lol.
2020/Covid/suddenly living in the slow lane led me to do some internal maintenance this year, and I've been interested in being responsible for my own psychology for years, so...I thought I’d share my thoughts. :)
also it is late there are probably spelling mistakes too bad lol
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agirlinhell-a · 5 years
munday meme: what's a plot/plots you wanna write that you've never written? what are your favorite hobbies? what are you favorite/least favorite foods? what's a plot that you will never touch? if you had to rp as a different character/characters, who would they be? what would be your irl fc as clem you would pick? if you could visit anywhere in the world for your birthday, where would it be?
what’s a plot/plots you wanna write that you’ve never written? 
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I have an entire wishlist tag for this!! If I were to pick the ones I really crave for, it’d have to be:
Clementine’s travels with Omid and Christa in the two year timeskip after Lee’s death. I feel as if this transition is extremely important to Clementine’s character, as Omid and Christa took care of her far longer than Lee, Kenny or Jane - and arguably better - than any of them ever did. The moment Omid died, Clementine lost hope in the world again and her mentality becomes a lot more depressing.
The aftermath of Clementine’s exile from The New Frontier and being separated from AJ - from her last talk with Ava to her time alone and then in Prescott, and her dark time spent there. It’s all very much headcanon based, but this is where Clementine truly becomes her own person, this is where she truly grows fiercer, this is where she learns to fight back and become harder and stronger. This is her time when there is no one looking out for her, no one is there to watch her back, and all she has is herself. During her time in The New Frontier, she was a medic and supply runner, but then she steadily grows into one of the group’s fiercest fighters, with help from Ava, who teaches her how to fight and archery, morse code, parkour and survival tactics - Ava is a woman trained in the army, and Clementine took her teachings to heart. During her time in Prescott, Clementine descends into a much darker mentality and it’s possibly the darkest place where she’s ever been and she starts doing many morally questionable things. This is her transition from Season Two to A New Frontier. For a year, Prescott would be her home and it would shape her into someone much darker and demented beyond recognition. That sweet little girl that her parents had raised and Lee had protected was gone in that city, almost like she’d never existed. Whenever she walked into a bar, she could hear the hushed whispers of “it’s THAT girl,” “poor thing”, “didn’t she shoot a walker point blank in the face?”. No one knew her real name, as she never gave it out, so they resorted to naming her “Hellgirl” and Clementine relished in her new identity. She quickly found herself being a mythical figure - and even a bit of a celebrity - a girl of her stature having survived this far into the apocalypse.She learns how to ride a horse and ride a motorcycle in Prescott. She stole, murdered, drank, smoked, got high and gambled… in fact, she made a living out of it as a child mercenary. She was living in sin all at age twelve. She had managed to become quite the thief, as well, as she was light and quick on her feet. At one point, she even owned a bar and had hired wayward men and women to guard her.That girl is gone now, faded with time, yet her wildness is only barely concealed by a stonewalled composure.
Clementine and her time spent at Wellington - I feel as if this would be really sweet to see, something for her to look forward to, somewhere it’s safe for her and AJ… until it’s destroyed, at least.
Clementine finally arriving at the McCaroll Ranch and reuniting with AJ... and the possible events that might’ve occurred there.
Clem learning flower language from a book in Ericson’s greenhouse and giving flowers with their own respective meanings to people.
-Clementine dealing with her own mental health issues.
-Clementine becoming a pagan witch and a beginner in witchcraft.
-Ericson’s being haunted by the deaths of Marlon, Brody and Mitch… and who knows whoever… or whatever else lingers through the campus?
Card games with the Ericson’s squad!!
-Clementine experimenting with her sexual orientation.
-Clementine experimenting with her gender identity.
-Clementine discovering and learning more about her African heritage.
-threads where muses talk about things that confuse them.
-threads where muses talk about things that have hurt them in the past.
-threads where muses talk about their deepest fears.
-threads where muses talk about sexual and romantic orientation and relationships (past and present !!)
-Clem as a babysitter to Tenn, Willy and AJ.
-AU where the original concepts that were planned for Season Two and Season Three: A New Frontier happen to Clementine… and make her a much darker character. However, I must warn you that this AU would not be for the faint of heart and contains heavy, mature themes. It is arguably a lot worse than what she endures in canon, and that’s saying a lot. Clementine’s mind slowly becomes darker and demented the more she ages, she begins to look at the world in a nepotistic way, and she will do whatever it takes to survive, and she will brutally murder whoever stands in her way. Basically, this is a much darker version of Clementine and a lot of things in her canon change, i.e AJ is dead, Kenny is more or less Clementine’s enemy, etc.. This verse begins in Season Two and will continue onward from there. HERE IS THE LINK. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
-AU where Clementine is taken in and trained as a soldier of the Delta against her own will or otherwise.
-Modern AU scenarios!! Youtube Channels, vines, memes, shenanigans!!
-Interactions between Clementine, AJ, CJ and Clem’s pet tigress, Rani, based off of THIS POST. Honestly, Clementine and AJ are one hella awesome duo, but add that in with Omid and Christa’s child and oh, I dunno, A FUCKING GIANT TIGER is even BETTER. Also, CJ and AJ are a lot like brothers and their bond is just so wholesome. CJ’s witty and lighthearted and is one of the only people capable of calming AJ down - CJ is also more analytical and calmer than AJ is. I just want Rani to be feral, scary but also soft and sweet - she has an appetite for walkers and the living alike, and she’s not completely tamed, but she’s mostly cool with most humans, but harm Clementine or the two kids and she will rip you apart and eat you. Clementine found her in an abandoned zoo back in Season Two and has been taking care of her ever since... and now, Rani is HUGE. God forbid you trespass on her eating, that’s not a good time. Also, I just wanna see other muses’ reactions to this huge tiger that Clem easily pets and cuddles with.
-Clem becoming a Whisperer, perhaps with James and Charlie? I haven’t read the comics yet, but I know a bit of what happens and what the Whisperers are really like. It’d be really cool to see Clementine in this kind of scenario - but I don’t think she’d be the same girl we see in canon.
-Clem joining settlements from the comics (i.e Hilltop, Alexandria, the Commonwealth, etc.)
-Harry Potter AU!!
-Naruto AU!!
...and a lot more, but those are the ones I really, really want!
what are your favorite hobbies? 
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Hmmm.. reading, writing, making aesthetics and moodboards, daydreaming, listening to music and cuddling with my cats!
what are you favorite/least favorite foods? 
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MMMMMM PIZZA ICECREAM APPLES PURPLE GRAPES AND COOKIES!! As for foods I don’t like, uhhhhhh… veggies???? Idk I’m not a fan, SOMEONE BEAT MY ASS
what’s a plot that you will never touch? 
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Hmmm… honestly, I don’t think there’s any plots I will never refuse? I’m roleplaying a girl growing up in the apocalypse, after all, so I’m very willing to roleplay morally questionable topics and threads with dark themes? In fact, I encourage it! Please don’t ever hesitate to plot with me no matter how dark it is!!
if you had to rp as a different character/characters, who would they be? 
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Uhhhh… hmmm, I have a lot of ideas from many different fandoms! If I were to pick a few muses, it’d be Daenerys Targaryen from ASOIAF, Nymeria, the Princess of Ny Sar who ended up ruling Dorne from ASOIAF, Lyanna Stark from ASOIAF, Uchiha Madara from the Naruto series, Terumi Mei from the Naruto series, and maybe Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter series.
what would be your irl fc as clem you would pick? 
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At the moment, Amandla Stenberg, especially with her Modern AU’s! A lot of people pick Zendaya and I just… why??? She looks NOTHING like Clem??? I’m very picky with my IRL FC’s but it took a long while to pick an IRL fc. Thanks to all of Amandla’s pics with her hair in braids, cornrows and the likes, I just really want Clem with traditional African hairstyles??????  GIVE THAT BLACK SCORPIO QUEEN SOME COOL HAIRSTYLES!!
if you could visit anywhere in the world for your birthday, where would it be?
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God… ANYWHERE? Preferably somewhere in Eastern Asia, Europe or in the Caribbean, because those places just sound so amazing and fantastic to me? Canada doesn’t have a lot of cool things in comparison to those countries imho so it’d be nice to be somewhere else. If we want to be REALLY specific, possibly Kyoto, Japan, Shanghai, China, West Palm Beach, Florida or Jaipur, India.
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redcarpetview · 4 years
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           35th Stellar Awards Co-Hosts (left to right) Koryn Hawthorne, Kirk Franklin, Jonathan McReynolds. Photography by GIP III, Courtesy of CCP
           This Sunday, music fans, Gospel enthusiasts and anyone looking for a little inspiration can tune into the highly-anticipated 35th Anniversary Stellar Gospel Music Awards premiering on BET and BET Her as a two-hour virtual special on Sunday, August 23 at 5 p.m. CT (with an encore at 8 p.m. CT). The award show will also run in national broadcast syndication in 210 markets starting August 29 – September 27 (check local listings).
      Serving as hosts, the award-winning trio of Kirk Franklin, Jonathan McReynolds and Koryn Hawthorne artfully guide viewers through the virtual salute to 35 years of excellence, as "The Greatest Night in Gospel Music" showcases inspirational performances from Gospel music's most celebrated artists. Filmed from various locations, the pre-taped special acknowledges all award winners from the Road to Stellars Pre-show and the Stellars Main Show.
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       Congressman John Lewis. Photo by: (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana, File) 
          One of the evening's highlights will feature special segments honoring the late Congressman John Lewis with a musical tribute by Cece Winans. Contributions of first responders on the front lines of the battle against the Coronavirus pandemic will be honored sponsored by AT&T, AARP, State Farm, Toyota and Proctor & Gamble.
      As part of the tribute to our frontline workers, hosts Franklin, McReynolds and Hawthorne visited frontline workers and presented special Stellar Awards’ lapel pins in recognition of their service at MeHarry Medical College in Nashville, TN; Jackson Park Hospital in Chicago, IL; and Parkland Hospital in Dallas, TX. In addition, several individuals were highlighted for their efforts to combat the deadly pandemic: Dr. Angela Mosby of Los Angeles, CA for her work at UCLA Urgent Care in the area of Telemedicine; Dr. Michele Reed of Queens NY, a family medicine practitioner who contracted and recovered from COVID-19 while serving others; and Dr. Leon McDougle, the 121st President of the National Medical Association who also serves as a member of the NCAA Coronavirus Panel and Chief Diversity Officer of OSU Medical School. Two organizations have also been noted for their work to combat the devastating effects of COVID-19 on communities of color, the National Urban League and the National Medical Association.
    "This is a moment to come together," said veteran Stellar Awards co-host Kirk Franklin. "We have something very important to say to a world that needs this kind of music, with this particular message, now more than ever. The Stellar Awards is going to provide that as they have for 35 years."
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Nominee Earl Bynum  
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   Nominee Kierra Sheard
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      Nominee Pastor Mike Jr.
    Performers include Tamela Mann, Anthony Brown, CeCe Winans, James Fortune, Koryn Hawthorne, J.J. Hairston & Youthful Praise, Jonathan McReynolds, Travis Greene, Kierra Sheard, Marvin Sapp, Tye Tribbett, Tauren Wells, Zacardi Cortez, Pastor Mike Jr, DOE, Rich Tolbert Jr., and more. Emerging artists set to make their Stellar Awards debut include Group Fire, Keyla Richardson, Melvin Crispell III, and Titus Showers.
     The “Road to the Stellars” kicked off with a week-long digital announcement of the non-televised pre-show winners. Pre-Show nominees and winners were announced daily August 17-22.
    The Stellar Awards recognizes the year's best performances in the genre, honors Gospel music icons and acknowledges the accomplishments of individuals instrumental in advocating for the industry. For the complete list of the 35th Anniversary Stellar Gospel Music Awards nominees, please visit www.thestellarawards.com.
                                                                                                                   # # #
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bienready2122 · 4 years
Spread the Wealth: Why Open an Account at More Than One Online Casino?
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rickhorrow · 5 years
This past year in sports was full of gripping storylines and iconic events. We isolate some of the more unique happenings and their impact in our 18 for 2018 list.
The Golden State Warriors’ appearance in the NBA Finals has become expected. The Warriors have reached the Championship each of the past four seasons. Their 2018 sweep victory over the Cleveland Cavaliers brought them to their third championship in those four years and their first back-to-back O’Brien trophy. When winning is as plentiful as it has been for the Warriors, business booms for the team and its players as well. Steph Curry, Kevin Durant, and Klay Thompson all were in the top 10 last year for money earned in endorsements for NBA players.
Serena Williams accused Finals chair umpire Carlos Williams of sexism after her multiple outbursts at the 2018 U.S. Open. This became international news because of the impact of Williams on tennis and the polarizing debate that ensued with respect to sexism in sports and removal of any double-standards in tennis. The incident also drew attention away from first time U.S. Open winner Naomi Osaka, the first woman from Japan to win a Grand Slam singles title.
Tiger Woods won his first golf tournament since four back surgeries and renewed debate about whether he remains capable of breaking Jack Nicklaus’ record 18 Major victories. The season-ending Tour Championship Sunday at East Lake Golf Club in Atlanta was the first Woods victory at a professional golf tournament in more than five years. This was Woods’ 80th career PGA win — two short of the career record held by Sam Snead. Woods' last victory was in 2013 at the Bridgestone Invitational at Firestone Country Club in Akron, Ohio. Later in 2018, Woods and Phil Mickelson held a PPV special head to head match where Mickelson ousted Tiger after the match went into extra holes. As a result, Mickelson took home $9 million. Vegas odds makers currently have Woods at 25-1 to beat Nicklaus’ record.
University of Central Florida football fans will tell you they are National Champions from the season prior, and likely will push for that same recognition this year if the team keeps up their undefeated game streak. Debate like this was common during the BCS Championship years, but by 2018, the NCAA was supposed to have it figured out. The College Football Playoff system was designed to identify a true national champion. But with the success of UCF, perhaps the system isn’t as foolproof as it suggests. Does there need to be an eight-team tournament?
One year after the horrific Las Vegas shooting, the sports community is still proving to be a platform for healing and repair. “Our great state has shown the country and indeed the world what Vegas Strong is every day for nearly a year,” said Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval. “The events of 1 October affected so many and I think it is only right to show the world again how Vegas Strong Nevada is on the one year anniversary.”  The NHL Las Vegas Golden Knights have completely bought into the VegasStrong movement, providing hope and a positive distraction to the still-recovering region.
Bryce Harper won the 2018 MLB Home Run Derby and solidified himself as a superstar.  A six-time All-Star at the age of 25, Harper has established himself as one of the game's premier young stars. The 2015 National League Most Valuable Player Award winner had his breakout season at the age of 22. Coming off the Home Run Derby victory, Harper is baseball’s top free agent in 2018. This will likely yield him a $400 million dollar contract – the main reason he made our list.
High level athletics equal big time money – this year, college basketball added corruption and abuse into that mix. The FBI and other government agencies arrested NCAA basketball coaches, others close to NCAA programs, and Adidas representatives at the University of Arizona and elsewhere on various corruption and fraud charges including bribery, money laundering, and wire fraud. The investigation spread to reveal a much larger level of corruption, naming more than a dozen schools and over 25 current and former players as having been potentially implicated in the scandal. While there have been pay-to-play NCAA scandals in the past, what made this story unique was its size and breadth, in addition to the consequences. This was also the first time real jail time has ever been a factor in collegiate corruption scandals.
HBO Sports dropped boxing both from a coverage and PPV revenue perspective.  This headline was easy to miss if you do not follow this sports media vertical, but its weight on boxing’s decline cannot be overstated. MMA, on the other hand, has been on the rise with coverage extending into new markets and new networks like ESPN. But for combat sports in general, the new-age coverage and subscription approach of networks like DAZN (which made headlines by signing Canelo Alvarez to a five-year, $365 million fight deal) seem to be the future and the final blow to PPV as we know it.  
NASCAR celebrated its 70th season in decline. The anniversary came amidst the fourth year of its current 10-year television contract with Fox Sports and NBC Sports and the third year of a five-year race sanctioning agreement with all tracks.  But who really cares? With TV ratings and race attendance on the wane, NASCAR in many ways remains mostly a sport for B2B plays and only its most diehard fans.
Sports in 2018 continued to be a platform for protest, change, and political platforms. From athletes, coaches, and team owners supporting candidates during the November midterms to powerful hashtag campaigns to retracted championship invitations to the White House, sports continued to be firmly entrenched in the national political scene. Whether this is right or wrong, it seems that sports has become a vehicle for these debates. When these hot button issues interfere with fan enjoyment, what will the effect on viewership be? Just ask the NFL and they will tell you this is no easy issue to navigate. One clear 2018 political victory for all that was heavily influenced by pro athlete voices: the December 14 passage of The First Step Act, Congress’ bipartisan criminal justice reform bill.
The business of esports continued to accelerate in 2018 and doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. Total prize money in 2018 across all major esports games was nearly $150 million, with a total of 3,261 high-level tournaments and 18,016 professional players. The global esports economy is around $900 million, with brands contributing about ⅔ of this. According to a report by Newzoo, the global esports audience will reach 380 million this year, made up of 165 million esports enthusiasts and 215 million occasional viewers.  
The nationwide legalization of sports betting has been a gradual process that exploded in 2018. This year, New Jersey, Delaware, Mississippi, New Mexico, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island joined Nevada in offering legal sports wagering in some form, in the wake of New Jersey’s U.S. Supreme Court victory that paved the way. All seven newly legal gaming states are seeing tens of millions of dollars in new tax revenues as a result, with those numbers increasing exponentially every month. As sports gambling becomes more widespread, surrounding businesses like big data, new-age sportsbooks, and gamification apps and platforms will continue to boom.
Sports continues to have a unique power to inspire and motivate positive change. 2018 had some memorable philanthropic standouts, such as LeBron James opening the I Promise School in Ohio, insurance leader Group1001 continuing to champion the LPGA Indy Women In Tech Championship and related initiatives for girls, and online education platform EVERFI partnering with young IndyCar driver Zach Veach and Andretti Autosport on the Endeavor STEM education program, just to name a few. More personally, we continue to be proud of our monthly “Power of Sports” TV program, carried by Fox Sports RSNs nationwide and highlighting standout team community service initiatives, athletes giving back, and sports facilities being built in underserved communities across America.
Content will always be king. This was cemented even further in 2018 as we saw OTT content proliferate on mobile apps, tablets, streaming devices, Smart TVs, and all the latest tech. In short, from now on every piece of hardware manufactured with the capability of viewing content will have accompanying software providing it. This is a pivotal time for content providers both inside and outside of sports to either get with the program or get phased out.
USA Gymnastics filed for bankruptcy in the wake of the Larry Nassar scandal. Late in the year, the organization continues to attempt to reach settlements over abuse. Out of Michigan State, Nassar served as USA Gymnastics’ national team doctor and was accused of molesting at least 250 girls including a number of well-known Olympic gymnasts, dating as far back as 1992. The USOC has taken steps to revoke the status of USAG with superstars such as Simone Biles supporting the move. Olympic medalists such as McKayla Maroney and Aly Raisman not only helped to blow the whistle on the disgusting scandal but continue to be voices of power for all victims.
LeBron James’ move to Los Angeles was the lead NBA headline until the season tipped off.  James’ long term impact on the Lakers franchise and his personal entertainment empire remain to be seen. But in his first year with the team, there have been personnel growing pains on the court and also tremendous growth for LeBron’s brand (specifically in the content space). James has made it to the NBA Finals nine times, including each of the last eight seasons.  His overall record in the Finals is 3 wins and 6 losses. Will the Lakers bring home the Championship? Anything short of that would be a failure if you ask LeBron.
University of Maryland football player Jordan McNair tragically passed away from a heatstroke, spurring further debate on athlete healthcare and well-being. The offensive lineman showed signs of extreme exhaustion after running a series of sprints at a Maryland football practice. After evaluating McNair at the on-campus football facility, EMT responders reported a male patient with a seizure, and McNair was transported to Washington Adventist Hospital, according to the 911 call. He later was moved to Cowley Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore, where he died June 13. The incident led to the firing of head football coach D.J. Durkin, the resignation of the university’s board chairman, and a reexamination of heatstroke prevention tactics at all levels of outdoor sports.
Internationally, 2018 saw mega events like the PyeongChang Olympic Games and the FIFA World Cup. This was the first time that South Korea had hosted the Winter Olympics and the second Olympics held in the country overall, after the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul. It was the third time that an East Asian country had hosted the Winter Games, after Sapporo (1972) and Nagano (1998), both in Japan. It was also the first of three consecutive Olympics to be held in East Asia, the other two being the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo and the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing. The FIFA World Cup came and went with less controversy than the 2014 event, but debate is already heated around the 2022 Qatar World Cup both from a political and athlete safety (read: high temperatures) perspective.
0 notes
bountyofbeads · 5 years
US to let Turkish forces move into Syria, dumping Kurdish allies
White House reveals policy shift following conversation between Trump and Erdoğan
Julian Borger in Washington and Bethan McKernan in Istanbul | Published:09:34 Mon October 7, 2019 | Guardian | Posted October 7, 2019 2:44 PM ET |
The White House has given the green light to a Turkish offensive into northern Syria, moving US forces out of the area in an abrupt foreign policy change that will in effect abandon the Kurds, Washington’s longtime military partner.
Kurdish forces have spearheaded the campaign against Islamic State in the region, but the policy swerve, after a phone conversation between Donald Trump and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Sunday, means Turkey would take custody of captured Isis fighters, the White House said.
It has also raised fears of fresh fighting between Turkey and Kurdish forces in Syria’s complex war now the US no longer acts as a buffer between the two sides.
Trump defended his decision, saying the Kurds were “paid massive amounts of money and equipment” to fight and that he was leaving the fight against Isis to others for the time being.
“We are 7,000 miles away,” he tweeted, while vowing to crush the extremist movement “if they come anywhere near us”.
The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) said on Monday its US partners had already begun withdrawing troops from areas along Turkey’s border. Footage aired on Kurdish news agency Hawar purportedly showed US armoured vehicles evacuating key positions near the towns of Ras al-Ayn and Tal Abyad in the border region. Erdoğan also confirmed the development in remarks to reporters in Ankara.
The SDF spokesman, Mustafa Bali, accused the US of leaving the area to “turn into a war zone”, adding that the SDF would “defend north-east Syria at all costs”.
A statement from the Turkish foreign minister, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, said Ankara had “supported the territorial integrity of Syria since the beginning of the crisis and will continue to do so … [We are] determined to ensure survivability and security of Turkey by clearing the region from terrorists.”
The decision represents the latest in a series of erratic moves by Trump, who is fighting impeachment at home, apparently taken without consultation with, or knowledge of, US diplomats dealing with Syria, or the UK and France, the US’s main international partners in the country.
Senator Lindsey Graham, a staunch Trump loyalist on most issues, told Fox News the move represented “a big win for Iran and Assad [and] a big win for Isis”.
He vowed that Congress would pass a resolution reversing the decision. “Isis is not defeated. This is the biggest lie being told by this administration,” Graham said.
Brett McGurk, a former US special envoy for the fight against Isis, said the White House statement demonstrated “a complete lack of understanding of anything happening on the ground”.
McGurk pointed out that the US was not holding any Isis detainees. They are being held by the SDF, “which Trump just served up to Turkey”.
“Turkey has neither the intent, desire, nor capacity to manage 60,000 detainees, which State and [Pentagon inspectors general] warn is the nucleus for a resurgent Isis. Believing otherwise is a reckless gamble with our national security,” McGurk said on Twitter.
The US and Turkey came to an agreement in August to create a “safe zone” in northern Syria, by which the US-backed Kurdish-led SDF would pull back from the border.
The safe zone deal was due to forestall a Turkish military offensive that has been threatened since Trump announced last December the 2,000 US special forces stationed in Syria would leave. Ankara sees the SDF as indistinguishable from Kurdish insurgents inside Turkey and views it as a serious security threat.
In the White House statement issued just before 11pm on Sunday, however, that agreement was not mentioned.
“Turkey will soon be moving forward with its long-planned operation into northern Syria,” the statement said. “The United States armed forces will not support or be involved in the operation, and United States forces, having defeated the Isis territorial ‘caliphate’, will no longer be in the immediate area.”
The statement suggested that in return for US acquiescence in a Turkish offensive, Erdoğan had assured Trump that Turkey would take over the detention of Isis militants captured by the SDF, on the battlefield.
The custody of Europeans and other foreign fighters has long been one of Trump’s preoccupations, and he has lambasted European governments for not taking responsibility for their own nationals in Isis’ ranks.
Syria experts have warned that the US abandonment of the SDF would lead to another new front in the eight-year Syrian conflict, and could push the Kurds into seeking an arrangement with the Assad regime in Damascus. The Kurdish leadership has long been in talks with Damascus to ensure a level of Kurdish autonomy in north eastern Syria in the event of a US pullout.
After accusations of betrayal, many from US conservatives, following Sunday’s late night announcement, Trump attempted to justify the decision in a series of tweets on Monday morning, pointing the reluctance of European governments to accept custody of captured Isis fighters from their countries.
“The US was supposed to be in Syria for 30 days, that was many years ago. We stayed and got deeper and deeper into battle with no aim in sight,” Trump tweeted. He said Europeans wanted the US to keep the Isis detainees and “hold them in US prisons at tremendous cost … thinking, as usual, that the US is always the ‘sucker’ on Nato, on trade, on everything”.
As for the Kurds, Trump was unsentimental: “The Kurds fought with us, but were paid massive amounts of money and equipment to do so. They have been fighting Turkey for decades. I held off this fight for almost 3 years, but it is time for us to get out of these ridiculous Endless Wars, many of them tribal, and bring our soldiers home.”
Two weeks ago, at the UN general assembly, the US special envoy for the global coalition to defeat Isis, James Jeffrey, stressed that the US had an agreement with Turkey on a safe zone, in recognition of Ankara’s security concerns, that obviated the need for an Turkish incursion.
“We listen to the Turks’ concerns. We try to respond to them when we can,” Jeffrey said. “And we have made it clear to Turkey at every level that any unilateral operation is not going to lead to an improvement in anyone’s security.”
Ankara says the planned safe zone could allow up to 2 million Syrian refugees living in Turkey to return, although international observers and the SDF say such a move would amount to demographic engineering. Turkish presidency spokesperson Ibrahim Kalin said on Monday that Turkey has “no interest in occupation or changing demographics”.
Another outcome of the Trump-Erdoğan call is that the Turkish leader is expected to visit the White House next month.
'We deserve support': Reinvented north-east Syria strives for stability
As tensions with Turkey continue unabated, officials in the region say western indifference is part of the problem
By Dan Sabbagh in Qamishli | Published:06:00 Wed October 2, 2019 | Guardian | Posted October 7, 2019 2:45 PM ET |
Traffic is light on the two creaking pontoon bridges over the Tigris that mark the only official crossing into the autonomous region of north-east Syria, a little known area of 5 million people engaged in a radical political experiment.
At the border post stands a distinctive billboard: a martyrs’ memorial to the men and women who died eradicating the Islamic State (Isis), as well as those killed fighting what has become a more serious threat – Turkey.
“Our martyrs are our honour,” the poster says, depicting 40 foreign fighters, including a Briton, Anna Campbell, who was killed in March last year, aged 26, defending the city of Afrin against a Turkish incursion.
An estimated 12,000 fighters from the north-east region died in the territorial struggle against Isis, which ended in March, and a further 20,000 were wounded. What was initially a Kurdish force of ground troops with air and logistical support from a US-led coalition has expanded into an administration controlling 30% of Syria, east of the Euphrates river.
North-east Syria is the largest part of the country outside the control of President Bashar al-Assad. Once a Kurdish area, it is now governed under a communal structure involving a complex set of committees representing seven “cantons” – including Sunni-Arab dominated areas – with each post jointly held by a man and a woman.
Westerners in the area still travel under armed guard in fast-driven vehicles, and there are obvious signs of war damage, decaying infrastructure and only the most basic economy. According to the local military, Isis sleeper cells remain active. The administration says it holds 6,000 Isis prisoners, although the figure may be higher, and over 100,000 displaced persons in overcrowded prisons and increasingly lawless camps, which officials admit they are struggling to control.
Local politicians are concerned about what they say is western indifference. Amina Omar, the co-chair of the Syrian Democratic Council in the desert town of Ain Issa, said “we deserve to be supported” in the light of the sacrifices of the eight-year war against Isis.
Omar said: “We have had no political support from the international community to begin working towards our aims” and accused Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, of wanting “to initiate a war”.
At the UN general assembly in New York last week, Erdoğan called for the creation of a 30km deep “safe zone” on the Syrian side of the border that could resettle up to 3 million refugees currently in Turkey, a proposal that the fledgling administration has already rejected. “This is blackmailing the refugees,” Omar said.
A cross-party British parliamentary delegation, led by Labour backbencher Lloyd Russell-Moyle, visited north-east Syria in September to begin a process of rallying political support. “Global civilisation owes them a debt, both of honour and of practical assistance to rebuild their damaged region,” he said.
Until now, UK participation has been limited to an unacknowledged presence of British special forces, with whom commanders of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) say they enjoy “a good relationship”. The UK forces are based with 1,000 US troops who provide ultimate support to the fledgling administration.
Political engagement has been minimal. On a visit to London in February, Îlham Ehmed, the co- of the “executive council” of the Syrian Democratic Council, was only met by mid-ranking civil servants in a cafe away from the Foreign Office building.
North-east Syria’s leftist ideology was inspired by Abdullah Öcalan, one of the founders of the separatist Kurdish PKK in Turkey, where he has been imprisoned since 1999. It is particularly visible in the country’s male YPG and female YPJ militias, key components of the SDF, whose list of martyrs highlights their defence against Isis and “Turkish fascism”.
But as the fighting has drawn to a conclusion, north-east Syria has sought to reinvent itself. It is no longer a solely Kurdish region: about 1.5 million of the population are Kurds, clustered near the Turkish border where the safe zone is proposed, while the rest are mostly Sunni Arabs from former Isis centres in the Euphrates valley.
Polygamy and underage marriage have been outlawed as part of a “law of women” but while this has been observed in Kurdish areas, implementation in newly taken Arab areas has been patchy.
Relations with Assad’s Russian-backed regime are relatively calm, although limited, with officials even acknowledging privately that they sell some of the oil they control west of the Euphrates, in defiance of US sanctions. “There is no serious fight and there is no serious dialogue,” said Gen Mazlum Kobane, the commander of the SDF.
Instead the focus is on placating Turkey. The Öcalan connection has been dramatically toned down. Once ubiquitous posters of the jailed leader are in shorter supply, although are still found inside some public buildings as well on the martyrs’ billboard. “We are willing to do whatever it takes not to threaten the national security of Turkey,” Kobane said.
The militias are integrated into the 70,000 strong SDF, which is also 35% female, and politicians claim that there is little or no PKK influence. “Our project has nothing to do with the PKK at all,” Omar argued, although she acknowledged that many
North-east Syria is careful not to describe itself as independent, at a time when there is no international appetite for partition. But US military support has become critical.
Last December, Donald Trump announced a plan to withdraw all ground troops from Syria in the belief that Isis was defeated. After intense lobbying the decision was reversed, and local politicians diplomatically said that Trump had been “wrongly briefed” on the military situation.
Instead, north-east Syria agreed to withdraw SDF and YPJ forces away from the Turkish border and allow US and Turkish soldiers to patrol, creating a border buffer zone 5km deep between the Tigris and the Euphrates, and 20km deep for heavy weapons.
The concern locally is that the deal has not proved to be enough to placate Turkey. “President Erdoğan seems to regret what has been agreed,” Kobane said, warning the Turks to brace themselves “for a long war” if they try to invade.
Mindful of Turkish sensibilities, last week Brig Gen Christian Wortman, the deputy director of operations in the US-European command, heaped praise on the Turks as he talked up the new security arrangement. “The intention of this security mechanism is to address Turkey’s legitimate security concerns,” Wortman said.
Memories, however, linger of Turkey’s 2018 occupation of Afrin, historically a Kurdish area, and the ensuing population displacement which has seen thousands of Kurds leave.
Photographs circulate in Kurdish political circles showing the destruction of agricultural areas and the desecration of cemeteries, and it is estimated that 30% of SDF leaders come from Afrin, the bulk of whom are opposed to the border zone settlement that has been agreed with Turkey.
Dr Abdulkarim Omar, the co-chair of foreign affairs of the SDC, accuses Turkey of human rights violations, and says that the occupation was allowed to take place through a deal between Turkey and Russia, and “amid the silence of the international community, so there was a kind of international cover”.
They hope that by rallying western support that won’t happen again.
Latest betrayal of Kurds risks undermining defeat of Isis
It is unclear whether Turkey has the will or capacity to take over detention camps
Martin Chulov Middle East correspondent | Published:09:05 Mon October 7, 2019 | Guardian | Posted October 7, 2019 2:45 PM ET |
In early 2015, as Islamic State trampled over armies of the Middle East and menaced the west, the US turned to the Kurds for help. It was a familiar call, having been repeated over the decades whenever Washington needed a friend in the region. The outcome has been similar too.
Four years on, the people who helped safeguard the global order have been abandoned by the US on the eve of a Turkish push into Kurdish lands across north-eastern Syria. Betrayal has been an enduring theme whenever the US and the Kurds have partnered, but never before as nakedly as this.
As US armour and troops started to leave the region on Monday, a frantic Kurdish leadership was demanding explanations and readying for an invasion that could change the map of the region and prove hugely consequential in other ways too, including undermining the security gains achieved in the war on Isis.
Since the battlefield victory, Syrian Kurds have swapped roles from fighters to jailers, detaining 90,000 suspected Isis supporters in four camps across the province. Guards remained loyal to the cause on the promise of ongoing patronage from Washington. They have far less incentive to do so now.
European states, deeply invested in what happens to the Isis camps, were blindsided by Trump’s announcement that Turkey would take control of them and sceptical that Ankara has either the will or capacity to do such a thing.
For its part, Ankara also appears to be surprised. The site of one camp, al-Hol, is not on maps it has prepared for its operation. Inheriting a headache on this scale seems to be part of a quid pro quo imposed on Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. A state dinner at the White House may well hinge on him agreeing.
Among the camp detainees are hard-wired ideologues who would be central to an Isis resurgence if given the chance. The spectre of a jihadist juggernaut once again roaming the plains of Iraq and Syria after using captivity to regroup – think the US-run detention centres in Iraq writ large – now hangs heavy over a region still grappling with the seismic regional power shifts that have defined Trump’s three turbulent years in office.
The abandonment of the Kurds is perhaps the most impactful of all. The debt owed to Kurdish forces is acknowledged by western security partners who realise Isis remains unfinished business. Trump’s US had found itself atop a world order it no longer wanted to lead and, more consequentially, no longer seemed to believe in. In the eyes of some bewildered regional allies, Iraq and Saudi Arabia in particular, the US has nothing left to offer but a chequebook.
Trump’s transactional worldview offers no place for history or morality. His ruthless short-term realism ignores the fact that the regional interests he does want to secure – containing Iran and securing Israel – are jeopardised by such a blatant betrayal.
For all the US president’s talk of taking on Iran, the Iranian attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil supply last month received no response from the US and has instead sparked a detente between Riyadh and Tehran that will inevitably lead to new trade openings and puncture US efforts to crush Iran’s economy.
When Trump first flagged a withdrawal from north-east Syria last December, his advisers were able to turn him around, partly by explaining that it would give Iran unfettered access in the province and make a coveted pathway to the Mediterranean Sea an easier bet. That logic stands 10 months on and has been reaffirmed by Iran’s activities near the Syrian border and in the Syrian port of Latakia.
Serving US interests is hardly a Kurdish priority now. Instead, allying with the Syrian regime in Damascus to ward off the Turks seems to be one of the few ploys open to Kurdish leaders, who would struggle to combat a full-scale Turkish invasion.
The prize for Turkey is significant: moving Kurds away from nearly the full length of the border and scaling back the gains made over the last six years by its arch-foe, the Kurdistan Workers’ party (PKK), which dominates administrative positions in the region.
This would be a triumph for Erdoğan, who throughout the war against Isis prioritised Ankara’s enmity with the PKK over that with the jihadists – a stance that drew US distrust. In Turkey’s eyes, the US had partnered with its worst enemy, claiming a false distinction between local Kurds and the PKK itself, forcing it to look elsewhere for friends.
Whether Turkey has a new friend in Trump will remain an open question. Whether the Kurds can trust the US has already been answered. Vanquished yet again, the Kurds must be wondering what they need to do to secure any sort of loyalty.
'There will be chaos once again': Kurds respond to Trump's Syria decision
Kurdish-held territories of north-eastern Syria prepare for assault by Turkish forces – and insist they will resist
Mohammed Rasool in Irbil | Published
Mon 7 Oct 2019 13.57 EDT Updated Mon 7 Oct 2019 14.06 EDT | Guardian | Posted October 7, 2019 2:45 PM ET |
Across the Kurdish-held territories of north-eastern Syria, people are steeling themselves for a long-threatened assault by Turkish forces – which now seems imminent after Donald Trump withdrew US forces from the area.
The Kurds took advantage of the chaos which has reigned in Syria since 2011, fighting off the Damascus regime to build their own autonomous statelet, known as Rojava.
Despite the threats posed by Bashar al-Assad, the Islamic State and Turkey – which views the local Kurdish forces as terrorist groups affiliated with the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ party (PKK) – the region has thrived compared to the rest of war-torn Syria.
Many now wonder if the independence must be sacrificed in a deal with Assad to ward off the Turks: Trump’s decision to abandon his Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) military partners has been keenly felt as a betrayal. More than 11,000 men and women of the SDF gave their lives fighting Isis before the group was defeated in March this year.
“America’s attitude will create a negative impact on the whole region, and what has been built up here, the peace and the stability in this region – this American decision will destroy all the advances, particularly with regards to security,” said Amjed Osman, a spokesperson for the Syrian Democratic Council.
“We have always said that Erdoğan’s threats are serious. There is no serious international will to bring an end to the Syrian crisis. The Turkish threats mean that the situation in this region will return to point zero. There will be chaos once again,” he added.
There is much speculation that the impending attack has been prompted by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s domestic troubles: in important local elections this year the Turkish president lost control of four of Turkey’s major cities, including the capital, Ankara, and economic centre Istanbul. The rejection of his Justice and Development party (AKP) by voters all over the country – including crucial Kurdish blocs – was widely viewed as a recrimination for the government’s handling of Turkey’s economic crisis.
The last time Erdoğan’s grip on power slipped, in 2015’s general election, the president restarted the war with the Kurdistan Workers party (PKK). The attempts at a new Turkish incursion into Rojava are seen by many as a fresh attempt to shore up support by rallying Turks around a nationalistic cause.
“The [Turkish] government is in the middle of a deep crisis and they are gradually falling from power. Thus, Erdoğan is seeking every opportunity to fulfil his Ottoman fantasies,” said Bahoz Erdal, a member of the PKK executive committee, on an affiliated radio station.
“Erdoğan has nothing but the war on the Kurds to maintain his power. It was proved in the latest elections that the [party] the Kurds back would come to power.”
The idea of a US exit was first floated in December last year. Since then, across hundreds of kilometres of border, the SDF has been digging defensive ditches and tunnels to slow any incoming Turkish vehicles.
Small Turkish incursions in 2016 and 2018 incurred large territorial losses for the SDF: a new Turkish assault, a Nato ally with a powerful air force, is a bigger threat in the minds of many than that posed by Isis.
“Resistance is life” is the Syrian Kurdish mantra– one that Osman echoed on Monday.
“We are here on the ground, in our own land. We have a military force, we have a political will, we have a people who support our military and political forces.
“We will not just wait here for the Turks to come – our military forces will resist.”
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Canning Town's Charlie Duffield Talks To Us About His Next Big Fight and How He Needs To Win
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ARE CHANCE ENCOUNTERS, really chance encounters? Six months ago, I met Charlie Duffield in the same way that I met former middleweight champion boxer Darren Barker–by chance! There is an old Chinese proverb that reads; ’The heart is always trying to figure out what the heart already knows’ basically a gut instinct. I have quite a good sixth sense when I meet athletes for the first time and usually gauge within a short conversation their character.
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Charlie has a self-effacing characteristic that has dealt with the disappointment of defeat and turned it into a lesson. He says he is now greedier, better than before, and ready to fulfil his boxing dream to become a champion. According to Former Olympics Coach James Michael Lafferty, the difference between a Winner and a Champion is that the winner wins occasionally while champion wins with consistency, over to you Charlie.
Who is West Ham fan, Charlie Duffield outside of boxing?
More than anything, I am a doting dad to my two girls, Lillianne and Robin.  My girls are 2 years old and 8 weeks old. I am very much a family man and always have been, even before I was a dad and a husband. I come from a big family, I have eight siblings and both my parents come from big families too. We always have big family parties and get-togethers. I love it! I’m also a personal trainer and fit my clients in around my boxing training and commitments, as that takes priority for me.  How did you get into boxing?
When I was about 10 my dad, Charles, took me to West Ham ABC. I was a bit of a terror as a kid and apparently this was a desperate bid to get me on a better path and disciplined. It worked! I loved it from the minute I stepped in there and within a few months I already had my first fight lined up. I remember that feeling still, I couldn’t wait to fight, and it went from there. I loved training and being around the likes of Micky May and the older, more experienced boys at the time, so I threw myself into it.  How well did you do in the amateurs?
From the age of 11 when I had my first fight to the age of 16, I probably had near on 70 fights. I only lost a handful. I got to two NABC finals and won the Schoolboys at 16.  I then fell out of the sport a bit because I hated the dieting and felt like I was missing out when it came to my friends. If I’m honest, I was also frustrated that boys I was beating were getting better recognition and picked for teams I wanted to be in. It was immaturity on my part, but I cut my nose of to spite my face and stopped training. I have mixed feelings about the decision to walk away from the sport now. I regret not sticking with it as I believe I would’ve progressed and got the recognition I was fighting for. It would’ve kept me on the straight and narrow and stopped me making some stupid decisions. But everything happens for a reason and I can’t change that now. I did get back to the sport at 21. I went to watch my friend Dudley O’Shaughnessy train in the lead up to the ABA’s and his dad, Brian, who was my trainer as an amateur along with the legend Micky May, dared me to make a comeback and enter the ABAs the following year. I decided to and trained for three months in the lead up and got for the finals. I carried on training after that, but then tore my rotator cuff and it put me out again.  Who was your boxing hero growing up and why?
I’d say Rocky Marciano. I’ve idolised the man since first watching one of his fights. I love his fighting style. It goes without saying the great Mohammed Ali is an idol and Thomas Hearn’s is another favourite of mine. They all have different styles and qualities, but something draws me to them. I didn’t actually watch much boxing growing up, it was later in life I took more of an interest and it’s probably what gave me my passion back for it.  What has your technical preparation been for this fight?
Working up here in Loughborough has been tough, but I’m learning a massive amount. We get to use state of the art equipment and I’m learning so much about the scientific aspects of training by a great team of trainers. The biggest difference about being here is being around Dillian Whyte. His training structure is really good. It works incredibly well for me because every day is different from one day to the next, we might be doing rowing intervals and the next sprinting on the track. Sparring with Dillian has been a real learning curve because he knows all the tricks of the trade. We’ve sparred in the past, but I’m gaining a lot in terms of technical preparation being able to regularly spar him and also Richard Riakporhe in this environment. Being away from my family has been difficult, but this camp is an amazing opportunity for me, and I’ve benefited massively from having this level of training and being around the people I’ve been around.
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How did the Azeez fight get made?
Andre Sterling gave up the Southern Area title to fight Craig Richards at the York Hall to set up a shot against the current British champion Joshua Buatsi for the British light-heavyweight title. We heard through the grapevine that Azeez was struggling to get an opponent prepared to fight him for the belt. So, Mark and I put it out there that we want the fight. Mark was then approached my Lee Eaton to set it up and we said yes straight away. How well do you know Azeez?
I know him very well. We both train out of Peacock Gym and his trainer is my former boxing coach Brian O'Shaughnessy, who was like a second Dad for me growing up. I’ve never sparred with Azeez, but I think that it’s a good thing because neither of us know what to expect when we meet in the ring. I think he will believe he has an advantage because he is being trained by my former coach who knows a lot about me. But I have moved on a lot since those early days, especially training with Mark Tibbs. These days I see boxing as a career, so my attitude is totally different to what it was back then, and I train completely differently too.  What is different about your mental state, from your only professional defeat?
I’m a much stronger person mentally now. I have more structure in my life. I will never get over the loss of my brother and will always have to stay focused when it comes to my well documented gambling addiction problems, but I have learned to live life with positivity and am a lot more open now than I was then. I’ve now beaten that demon that use to give really bad, bad thoughts, it’s behind me now. Mentally, I am completely different, and I’ve learned a hell of a lot from that loss. Training and boxing have been therapeutic, especially training with Mark Tibbs. Before now I never took boxing seriously, before it has been just like a hobby. I trained as and when I felt like it and no one could tell me what to do or when to do it. I also have a great wife who was a pivotal figure in my recovery. She pushed me all the way and even though she didn’t know the full story of what was going on in my head, she went through the hell we were going through with my brother and stood by me as I self-destructed when it came to the gambling. We picked up the pieces together and I sometimes I don’t know where I’d be or who I am without her. She is my rock. Come July 20th I’m going to show everybody who I really am and how far I’ve come from that time.   Where do you see yourself against current Light Heavy weights?
At the top you’ve got Callum Johnson, who gave Artur Beterbiev a scare in October, before being stopped. You’ve got Hosea Burton tall rangy fighter, Anthony Yarde who hasn’t really been tested, Joshua Buatsi, who gets his opponents hurt and then gets out of there. Always does the job in style. All in all, there’s quite a few out there who are well ranked above me. But I believe I can beat all of them, so I want to be pushing up through the ranks and challenge for the titles. I rate most of the fighters in my division, but I rate myself more and want to prove what I’m capable of!  I’m being given a great platform on the 20th to continue to do that, thanks to Dillian and Eddie Hearn.  What should fans expect to see from you against Azeez?
I’ve got a lot of respect for Dan Azeez but when I get into the ring, respect and friendship are put aside. I intend to become a different man. I will beat whoever is in front of me, boxing is a brutal sport and I am willing to do whatever it takes to become a champion. It is strictly business and come July 20th, fans are going to see a new me.
A message to your supporters?
I’m on a journey and I want everyone to be there with me. With your noise behind me, it will spur me on to greater things. I am grateful for the huge amount of support I’ve received since I turned pro and can’t thank everyone enough for sticking by me even after the loss. I know people can lose support in those circumstances, but if anything, my support is stronger and its overwhelming. I’m forever grateful!
Good Luck Charlie, from everyone at Sustain Health Magazine
What is different about your mental state, from your only professional defeat?
“I’m a much stronger person mentally now. I have more structure in my life. I will never get over the loss of my brother and will always have to stay focused when it comes to my well documented gambling addiction problems, but I have learned to live life with positivity and am a lot more open now than I was then.“
“I’ve now beaten that demon that use to give really bad, bad thoughts, it’s behind me now. Mentally, I am completely different, and I’ve learned a hell of a lot from that loss. Training and boxing have been therapeutic, especially training with Mark Tibbs. Before now I never took boxing seriously, before it has been just like a hobby. I trained as and when I felt like it and no one could tell me what to do or when to do it. I also have a great wife who was a pivotal figure in my recovery. She pushed me all the way and even though she didn’t know the full story of what was going on in my head, she went through the hell we were going through with my brother and stood by me as I self-destructed when it came to the gambling. We picked up the pieces together and I sometimes I don’t know where I’d be or who I am without her. She is my rock. Come July 20th I’m going to show everybody who I really am and how far I’ve come from that time.” Where do you see yourself against current Light Heavy weights?
“At the top you’ve got Callum Johnson, who gave Artur Beterbiev a scare in October, before being stopped. You’ve got Hosea Burton tall rangy fighter, Anthony Yarde who hasn’t really been tested, Joshua Buatsi, who gets his opponents hurt and then gets out of there. Always does the job in style. All in all, there’s quite a few out there who are well ranked above me. But I believe I can beat all of them, so I want to be pushing up through the ranks and challenge for the titles. I rate most of the fighters in my division, but I rate myself more and want to prove what I’m capable of!  I’m being given a great platform on the 20th to continue to do that, thanks to Dillian and Eddie Hearn.“ What should fans expect to see from you against Azeez?
“I’ve got a lot of respect for Dan Azeez but when I get into the ring, respect and friendship are put aside. I intend to become a different man. I will beat whoever is in front of me, boxing is a brutal sport and I am willing to do whatever it takes to become a champion. It is strictly business and come July 20th, fans are going to see a new me.”
A message to your supporters?
“I’m on a journey and I want everyone to be there with me. With your noise behind me, it will spur me on to greater things. I am grateful for the huge amount of support I’ve received since I turned pro and can’t thank everyone enough for sticking by me even after the loss. I know people can lose support in those circumstances, but if anything, my support is stronger and its overwhelming. I’m forever grateful!”
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Can You Make Income Playing Poker On line?
Playing Texas HoldEm Poker on the web can be fun but it may also be dangerous. Find out all you need to understand about HoldEm here.
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mideastsoccer · 5 years
A risky gamble: Official Turkish delegation to inspect troubled Xinjiang
By James M. Dorsey
A podcast version of this story is available on Soundcloud, Itunes, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, Spreaker, Pocket Casts, Tumblr, and Patreon, Podbean and Castbox.
An official Turkish visit to the troubled north-western Chinese province of Xinjiang to assess reports of a brutal crackdown on the region’s Turkic Muslims could shape Turkey’s challenge to conservative Gulf states’ leadership of the Islamic world and complicate Muslim silence about the most frontal assault on their faith in recent history.
The visit to assess the situation in Xinjiang was agreed in talks with Chinese leaders when Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan raised the issue during a recent visit to Beijing.
Mr. Erdogan appeared to set the tone for the visit by declaring that it was possible to "find a solution to this issue that takes into consideration the sensitivities on both sides."
Walking a fine line, Mr. Erdogan went on to say that "those who exploit the issue…by acting emotionally without thinking of the relationship that Turkey has with another country, unfortunately end up costing both the Turkish republic and their kinsman."
For its part, China seemingly sought to frame the Turkish visit with state-run China Daily newspaper quoting Mr. Erdogan as telling Chinese leaders that "it is a fact that the people of all ethnicities in Xinjiang are leading a happy life amid China's development and prosperity."
Turkey has in the past sought unsuccessfully to mediate tensions in Xinjiang in part by agreeing with Beijing on an investment program in the Chinese region.
For Turkey, the visit amounts to a risky gamble.
A Turkish confirmation of the extent of the crackdown would position Mr. Erdogan as a leader willing to defend Muslim causes that other leaders have chosen to ignore much like he attempted last year to take the lead on denouncing US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
Turkey earlier this year briefly appeared to be willing to take on the Xinjiang issue when its foreign ministry harshly condemned Chinese policy, but has largely remained silent since.
In response to the criticism, China temporarily closed its consulate in the Mediterranean port city of Izmir, warned Chinese residents and travellers to Turkey to “be wary and pay attention to their personal safety,” and threatened further economic retaliation.
If Turkey, on the basis of the visit, were to endorse China’s assertion that it is countering extremism by offering voluntary vocational training to Turkic Muslims, it would be granting a significant victory to China given Turkey’s ethnic and cultural ties to the Xinjiang Muslim community.
It would project Mr. Erdogan as just one more Muslim leader who for economic and commercial reasons was willing to cold-shoulder co-religionists in a time of need.
An endorsement would group Mr. Erdogan with men like Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman who earlier this year during a visit to Beijing recognized China’s right to undertake "anti-terrorism" and "de-extremism" measures and Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan and Indonesian president Joko Widodo who professed to be unaware of the situation in Xinjiang.
Trying to balance Turkey’s position as a safe haven for Turkic Muslims while maintaining close ties to China, Turkey last month said it had granted 146,000 residence permits to members of various Turkic communities, including an estimated 35,000 Uyghurs.
“You don’t need to worry. I want you to know that we will use every chance in favour of you to provide that you will reach tomorrow as citizens of the Republic of Turkey, brotherly and sisterly,” interior minister Suleyman Soylu told a breaking of the Ramadan fast dinner.
China’s past attempts to convince foreign diplomats even if they remained publicly silent and journalists of its version of events by taking them on guided tours of Xinjiang have largely produced moderate results at best.
How Turkey handles the visit to Xinjiang is likely to resonate in major parts of the Islamic world.
The delegation’s conclusion is likely to come as pressure plays out on the Sudanese military by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to revisit several Turkish contracts concluded with ousted president Omar al-Bashir, including the development of Khartoum airport and a port on Suakin Island.
The port project would put Turkey too close for comfort to the Saudi Red Sea coast and challenge the UAE’s effort to dominate East African ports.
Turkish criticism of China could also complicate efforts by Central Asian governments to ignore Xinjiang even if ethnic Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks and other Central Asians are among the detainees in the Chinese region, sparking anti-Chinese sentiment in former Soviet republics.
Kyrgyz President Sooronbai Jeenbekov, meeting Chinese president Xi Jinping a day before leaders of the eight Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) countries gathered in Bishkek last month, described the situation in Xinjiang as an “internal (Chinese) matter.”
The SCO groups Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, India, and Pakistan.
A critical Turkish stance could further aggravate problems, at least in Kyrgyzstan, stemming from China’s promotion of a non-competitive Xinjiang-based company competing for a major infrastructure project.
China’s insistence that TBEA, a little-known contractor with at best modest experience in building and repairing power stations, be granted a US$386 million contract to refurbish Bishkek’s aging plant has landed former Kyrgyz prime minister Sapar Isakov in court on corruption charges.
TBEA was awarded the contract despite lower bids by a competing Chinese company and a Russian company with an established track record.
It was not clear to what degree the push for TBEA was driven by an effort to line the pockets of corrupt officials and/or geopolitical objectives. China sees Central Asia and Pakistan as key drivers of economic development in Xinjiang.
Said Yang Shu, head of the Institute for Central Asia Studies at Lanzhou University in north-western China, commenting on Chinese strategy: “For countries that have good relations with China and have similar problems, it is easy for both to reach consensus on the Xinjiang issue. For other countries, explanations will not have much effect… But overall, it’s better to do it than not to do it.”
After vacillating between silence and criticism, the Turkish visit is likely to determine where Turkey really stands.
Dr. James M. Dorsey is a senior fellow at Nanyang Technological University’s S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, an adjunct senior research fellow at the National University of Singapore’s Middle East Institute and co-director of the University of Wuerzburg’s Institute of Fan Culture.
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samanthasroberts · 6 years
Why Did It Take America So Long to Have Female Bartenders?
On Oct. 17, 1891, “Colonel” William Heyward, owner of the Standard Buffet at 231 Broadway in New York City, across the street from the old Post Office (now replaced by City Hall Park), explained to his head bartender that he was going to replace the latter’s subordinates with a quartet of barmaids brought in from London and asked him to train them in the intricacies of American mixology and supervise their work.
Nobody in the world was better fitted to that task than the man before him. William Schmidt, alias “the Only William,” was the most celebrated bartender and mixologist in America, a consummate artist at mixing drinks and, equally important, an eloquent and precise explainer of the intricacies of his art. Indeed, at the time, he was on the verge of publishing The Flowing Bowl, his landmark book dedicated to the topic.
With William’s tutelage and recipes and the charm and brisk efficiency characteristic of British barmaids, the Standard Buffet would be packing them in with a trowel. There was only one problem: William would have none of it. “He could not afford to endanger his professional standing by consenting to work as [the barmaids’] director,” he told the Colonel. That same night, his last at the bar, he told his regulars simply, “I will not stand behind the bar with a lady.”
He was a little more voluble to the press, as was his wont. “English barmaids can draw ale, but do you think that all of them put together could mix a ‘La Premier’ that would be fit to drink? And how about a ‘Life Prolonger,’ ‘Anticipation,’ ‘Sweet Recollections,’ Brain Dusters’ and ‘Canary Birds.’ Could they mix them?”
Now, this was as fair as it was strictly grammatical, which is to say not much. No barman in America would be able to mix those drinks either, not unless William taught him, since they were all his original creations and none had as yet appeared in print. But playing fair was not the traditional American way when it came to women and bars.
In England, when one entered an alehouse, coffeehouse, tavern, or inn—anywhere drinks were sold across a bar—it was customary since time immemorial to see a woman behind that bar. She pulled the pints of ale, opened the bottles of wine, poured the drams of brandy, rum or gin and even mixed the Punch, Gin Twist and other typical English drinks.
In fact, it was women who made the first experiment in modern bartending possible, when James Ashley decided that all the Punch sold at his new London Coffee House would be mixed to order in front of his customers, and that he would sell it in quantities as small as a “tiff” (basically, a juice glass). Ashley was the host, but his head barkeeper, Mrs. Gaywood (alas her first name has yet to be uncovered), and her crew of young women did all the actual mixing and serving of drinks, and collected all the money for it. That was in 1731.
Yet when the next major advance in the art occurred, which saw ice incorporated into the drinks and a far greater variety of individual beverages mixed to order, women were almost entirely absent. That took place in America, in the opening decades of the nineteenth century. There, women had been excluded from behind the bar since Colonial days. Certainly, by the beginning of the nineteenth century the barmaid was, as one American who came across them in England noted in 1826, “a character rarely known in the United States.” Where one was found, what’s more, it was generally considered to speak badly for both her character and that of the bar. That taboo—sometimes, in some places made explicit by law, otherwise “merely” customary—lasted until the 1960s as a general matter, albeit with ever more frequent exceptions, and it still lingers to this day in dark, festering little pockets of the bar world.
Unfortunately, bartending as a profession hasn’t received the historical study warranted by its longstanding importance in daily life (and here I’m not just talking about mine). I know of no book dedicated to this precise historical conundrum—why were there no barmaids in America?—and at this remove it remains a riddle. At the time, even Schmidt, the most floridly articulate of nineteenth-century bartenders, when pressed to justify his belief that “it was wrong to intrust [sic] ladies with the tools of his trade,” could only offer the tautology, “I don’t think that their place is behind the bar” because “behind the bar is no place for a woman,” and mutter darkly that “I doubt that any barmaid will ever succeed in making a good mixed drink.”
It would have been good if one of the journalists who seemingly hung on William’s every word had persuaded him to expound on those reasons. For the first, the idea that behind the bar is no place for a woman, he would have probably said something like this:
“Here in America our bars are rather rough places, even the fanciest ones, and always have been. There’s drinking, of course, and you know how that makes men act, and there’s usually some gambling going on, whether it’s euchre or faro tables or just dicing for drinks. There’s smoking and spitting and Lord knows there’s foul language and all kinds of other swinish behavior, from pissing in the cuspidors to passing out drunk on the floor to gut-puking and worse. And that isn’t the worst of it—there’s also the fisticuffs and the flying chairs and the gunplay. People get shot in our bars. We don’t want to subject women to that, or any of these things.” (Okay, he wouldn’t have mentioned the pissing and the puking, but no doubt he would have thought about them.)
There is some truth in this. American bars were rough. The American propensity to haul out a gun and say it with lead is nothing new, and even a marble palace of mixology such as San Francisco’s Bank Exchange Saloon, the home of Pisco Punch, had the occasional shooting, like when someone put a bullet through Joseph Hayes’ brain at 7:30 one Monday evening in 1888 (nobody didn’t see nuttin’). As for the smoking and spitting and swearing and gambling and whatnot, well, sure.
But men smoked in England, gambled there, drank and behaved badly there and the barmaids managed to take it in stride. (Fine, the spitting was a purely American thing, caused by our habit of chewing on plugs of tobacco.) And if there was less shooting, there was still some. And back in the eighteenth century, when every would-be gentleman carried a lethal little stabbing sword at all times, English bars had witnessed a shocking amount of bloodshed, and the barmaids managed to survive that well enough.
But you didn’t have to go all the way to England to find female bartenders thriving. America is a big place and American women are plenty tough and determined. Despite custom and law and all those men, some women always found their way behind the bar.
A thorough examination of the lives and careers of these pioneers deserves a whole book, not a couple of paragraphs in a drink column, and I hope one day soon they will get one.
In the meanwhile, a few names that would have to be included.
One would need to begin with Catherine “Kitty” Hustler (1762-1832), who was immortalized (as “Betty Flanagan”) by James Fenimore Cooper in his 1821 novel, The Spy, set during the Revolution in the so-called Neutral Ground that lay in Westchester County, New York, between the British lines and the American ones to their north. Born Catherine Cherry in Pennsylvania, she married Thomas Hustler, a Continental soldier, in 1777 and—the important part—supposedly kept a tavern in the Neutral Ground (that part is hard to document, understandably), where she either invented or helped to spread that quintessential American drink: the cocktail. She was keeping a tavern outside Buffalo when Cooper met her in the 1810s.
Then there’s Martha King Niblo (1802-1851). Born in New York City to a porterhouse-keeper, she grew up in the trade (one of the only sanctioned paths for women to work behind the bar was as part of a family business, a fact which, in the 1850s, led Fritz Adolphy, a St. Louis beer-garden proprietor, to legally adopt all 90 of his barmaids when the city fathers moved to get rid of them). When her husband, William Niblo, opened “Niblo’s Garden,” an outdoor space dedicated to music, relaxation and refreshments north of the city in what is now SoHo, Martha ran the bar. She may also have invented the mighty Sherry Cobbler, one of the most popular drinks of the nineteenth century. She certainly took a large hand in popularizing it.
San Francisco would deserve a chapter of its own, covering everything from the saloon where, as a British traveler found in 1853, “three comely-looking American girls tend bar, and are deep in the mystery of making rum punches, brandy smashers and gin cocktails,” to—well, you could take your pick. San Francisco in the early days was a wide-open town, where standard American norms and taboos were very much open to renegotiation and, in 1852, of the 127 retail liquor establishments listed in the City Directory, 20 were kept by women. Now, the majority of these were in the “Barbary Coast,” the city’s rowdy vice district, and were probably, let us say, extended-service establishments. But they also included bars like Mrs. Waters’ Arcade, which featured concerts, Mrs. Whitney’s large saloon, on Commercial Street, and above all Ellen Moon’s Cottage, on California Street. Mrs. Moon, a Welshwoman who came to the city from Australia, was something of a local fixture, running first the Cottage and then the much-beloved Ivy Green, on Merchant Street, until her suicide in the 1863.
One could go on: Why shouldn’t there be some recognition of women, such as Christiana Berresheim, in 1911 the oldest barmaid in Massachusetts and the only one in Boston; the “smart, dashing” Kate McMillen of Cincinnati; or even poor Jane Robinson, shot to death behind the bar of her and her husband’s saloon in Dennison, Ohio, in 1882?
Of course, these are the rare exception; their names only recoverable now with much digging, but they were known in their day and are enough to have proven to someone like William that women could do the job. Nor were those bad conditions William and his ilk deplored immutable. That is proved handily by the experience of one San Francisco saloonkeeper who, in 1886, installed behind the bar of his large establishment on Fourth Street a young woman who was ready “with a demure look and a condescending smile for the highly respectable habitués of the place, and a mixed air of superiority and indifference for ordinary ‘drunks’ and loudly dressed ‘dudes.’”
“No ruffianism,” he told a reporter, “no loud swearing or vulgar language, no fights or glass breaking are ever seen or heard in my place nowadays, and I attribute the peaceful and church-like state of things to the presence of my lady bartender, while at the same time I never did a better business.”
This suggests that what was really keeping the women out was the fact that whatever men said, they didn’t want to clean up their behavior and they were keeping the women out so they didn’t have to.
But that’s too simple and puts women on a pedestal. As our Fourth Street saloonkeeper noted, “of course there are girls and girls,” and there were plenty working behind the bar who would, if anything, have encouraged rowdy behavior.
So far we’ve just been talking about women in the “respectable” saloons. There were also plenty of women working in low dives, tough women such as Frances Schultze and her barkeeper, Martha Zutgesell, who beat the hell out of a strike-breaking cop when he tried to drag a striker out of their Chicago saloon in 1903. Or Jane Hynard, Mary Miller and “Bertha,” all hauled in on the same night in 1879 (from separate bars) for breaking the New York Excise law, or Salina Freeman, an African-American bartender from Richmond, who, in 1900, got fined $10 for sparking a five-way rumble in another saloon.
In fact, the further down the socioeconomic scale one goes, the more one is likely to find a woman behind the bar, which—those bars not coincidentally being the most dangerous, although often not by a lot—neatly turns the “no place for a woman” argument on its head.
That leaves us with William’s other argument: that women were incapable of mastering the intricacies of the craft. Here, he did actually attempt to explain what he meant:
“I do not think that a bartender should be merely a beer slinger… I believe that a conscientious bartender, who knows his business, should have a higher aim than simply mixing drinks. It is his privilege to prescribe for his customers the drinks that will suit them best the different hours of the day. The art of properly mixing drinks and calculating their effect is a delicate one, and much too difficult for ladies to learn.”
I’d like to hear what Mrs. Gaywood or Martha King Niblo would have to say to such obvious horseshit. I’m sure Lottie Brummer and her sister Annie, Nellie Lanhan and Maggie Connolly, Col. Haywood’s four barmaids, had a good laugh at it and all or William’s other fulminations. Sure, it took them a little while to get up to speed. But after a week training with one Sam Bergen, who taught them the basic recipes, and another week or two of practice, they did just fine.
“American drinks?” one of them told a reporter from the New York Sun a month into the gig, “Oh, we’ve found them no trouble… American drinks are very easy to make, really. As for cocktails—and those we find are the most common drinks by far—we learned to make them in no time. We’ve also learned all about fizzes, and, in fact, everything that has ever been called for.”
The only thing that gave them any trouble was a popular bit of foolishness known as the Pousse Café, which involved layering various spirits and liqueurs on top of one another in a tiny cordial glass. To be honest, that one gives me more than a little trouble, too. I’ll bet it even vexes a modern bar-master like Jeffrey Morgenthaler or Ivy Mix, maybe just a bit.
And yet Schmidt kept claiming that he wanted women out from behind the bar because they couldn’t mix the drinks. Indeed, years later, he convinced another reporter from the Sun, too lazy to double check thing in the paper’s morgue, that the women actually “gave up in despair” when confronted with orders for the various American drinks, rather than mixing them to their customers’ satisfaction, which is what really happened. (As far as I can determine, the women lasted at the bar until sometime in mid-1892, when Hayward ran into some of his periodic business problems; eventually he and William were reunited.)
So if it wasn’t about mixing drinks, and it wasn’t about protecting the precious flower of American womanhood from the foul atmosphere of the bar, what was the taboo against barmaids about?
Any answer, I think, would have to be sketched out along these lines. During Colonial times, men fell into the job of tending bar, particularly in parts of the country where women were in short supply. With the diminished class system that prevailed over here, it wasn’t seen as a somehow degrading or unmanly service job. It was seen for what it was, a moneymaking job with a fair amount of independence and just enough craft to earn its expert practitioners the respect of a nice-sized chunk of the populace. The more men mystified that craft part of the job by mixing up outlandish concoctions, tossing drinks between cups in long liquid arcs, dashing this and that into the glass with knowing winks, setting things on fire, so on and so forth, the more they could justify their high pay—and their exclusive possession of the job.
Having spent an inordinate amount of time at modern craft cocktail bars, most of which (but, shamefully, not all of which) have no problem at all placing women behind the bar, I can confidently state that they’re fully as capable of mystifying the craft with pointless razzle-dazzle as the men are. And that, I believe, is progress.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/why-did-it-take-america-so-long-to-have-female-bartenders/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2018/05/26/why-did-it-take-america-so-long-to-have-female-bartenders/
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‘If you want to be heard, speak in UNISON’
Addressing UNISON’s LGBT conference in Brighton this afternoon, Christina McAnea, the union’s assistant general secretary with responsibility for bargaining and equality, spoke about how she increasingly hears the question asked of ‘why should I join a union?’
“Looking around the hall, some of you – not all of you – will be old enough to remember the UNISON TV advert that saw one cartoon ant trying to gain the attention of a bear.”
It only hears and leaps out of the way when the single ant returns with a huge group of ants.
The message was simple, she told them. “If you want to be heard, speak in UNISON” and “that message is still true today.”
Ms McAnea (pictured) stressed that we know the key role unions have played in so many things we take for granted now, from the minimum wage to pensions, health and safety legislation and increased equality protections.
UNISON’s summer legal victory against the government over employment tribunal fees was also a perfect example of what unions can do.
While union membership in general is falling, UNISON’s membership remains stable. It’s a remarkable achievement, she says, and we do it by being relevant.
Stressing the damaging nature of the pay cap on public service pay, she drew delegates’ attention to the Pay Up Now! campaign, which has helped to pressure the government into at least mouthing that the pay cap was over.
But there could be “no more smoke and mirrors” on pay: meaningful wage increases are needed and require proper funding, while the government must not be allowed to cherry pick such media-friendly public services workers such as nurses, teachers and firefighters for reward. The whole public services team deserved a rise.
Ms McAnea turned on the corporate tax dodgers, saying that, while tax avoidance “may not be strictly illegal, it is without doubt they are morally repugnant”.
All this, she concluded, is why “our work still matters.”
A busy afternoon at conference also saw Neil Adams for the national committee urging members to maintain readiness for another visit to the polling station after the summer’s snap election left the Conservative government as a “heavily-wounded creature waiting for the inevitable”.
Theresa May’s gamble had seen a record number of out lesbian, gay and bisexual members elected, together with two MPs who identify as disabled, he told conference.
But referring to an old saying about not being lulled into a false sense of the situation, he told them: “Don’t cast a clout until May is out … we need to keep our coats on until May is out.”
Another motion saw Emma Proctor for the transgender members’ caucus call on the national committee to help the campaign to move away from the current highly-medicalised approach to gender recognition.
At present, the process for allowing people to change the gender on their records is “an intrusive and demeaning process … that causes those transitioning great distress … and also costs the NHS unnecessary money,” she said.
And on the bullying of young people who self-identify as trans boys, girls or non-binary, Ms Proctor moved a motion calling for a range of actions to combat the problems, concluding by paraphrasing a familiar slogan: “all people are people – get over it.”
Meanwhile, James Anthony stressed the complete unacceptability of some people within the labour movement making overtly transphobic statements.
And he urged people not to fall for the reactionary rhetoric.
Sean Bowler for the national committee added: “Who’d have thought we’d be counting the Church of England as an ally on trans issues?” as recent headlines see an increase in a dangerous atmosphere for trans people.
He called on delegates to use the debate to “reaffirm our support and be allies to our trans colleagues.”
  The article ‘If you want to be heard, speak in UNISON’ first appeared on the UNISON National site.
from UNISON National https://www.unison.org.uk/news/article/2017/11/want-heard-speak-unison/ via IFTTT
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benikoumori · 7 years
The Fate of the Phoenix 56
CHAPTER XXIX   OMNE found himself materializing on solid ground—the transporter feedback-adjust saw to that.   There only difficulty was that the solid ground was a narrow ledge over an abyss. It was a cave ledge—of some different rock, swept viciously by crackling Vortex forces and crumbling under his weight. Kirk teetered half over the edge and Omne grabbed him instinctively.   But Omne’s own legs were crumbling under him. They were not quite as useless as he had made them out to be at the last, but they would not take his weight—and Kirk’s. Omne crashed to his knees.   The ledge gave under their weight and they went down. Kirk crashed against the wall and went limp. From somewhere Omne’s hand found a hold. The force nearly took his arm off.   It was an impossible hold on a fingertip-wide ledge.   Omne held on.   In some manner he raised Kirk to his shoulder and found a grip with the other hand.   Omne hung there by his fingertips and laughed.   He was well-pleased. That had been the one insuperable danger. A one-way drop into an abyss. Even so it would merely have been death.   Ultimately Omne worked his way along the ledge until it widened. He managed to heave Kirk up onto it and himself up after, and then he crawled. He dragged himself with the strength of his arms and reached back to haul the Human along.   By the time he reached a solid tunnel his legs were leaden and searing, but not quite useless.   When he saw daylight he hauled himself to his feet and lifted the unconscious Human up into his arms.   Omne could not walk properly, but he would see a new world on his feet   Omne stepped out into the sun.   The world lay before him.   It was not the barren, blasted world of its Vortex twin.   This was a living world, a lush and fatal paradise.   Even from this height Omne could see mountain, forest, jungle, beach—and everywhere the game trails and signs of exotic wildlife and the large predators which would prey on it.   Omne nodded. He had gambled again and again won. It was the world his studies had led him to hypothesize, improbable as it was. And therefore somewhere here, if he lived through the predators, would be the plant he needed.   Perhaps it was the sun or the taste of fresh air.   Kirk’s eyelids flickered and then opened.   He looked up into Omne’s face with a slight frown of puzzlement   He looked out and saw the expanse of blue-green and red-gold world.   “The other side of the Vortex,” Omne said.   Kirk looked up, puzzled. “Vortex? Who are you?” Kirk said.   Omne looked down at him in astonishment. “You do not know me?” It was the one thing he had not expected.   Kirk grimaced, indicating his position. “It would seem that I should. Why are you carrying me?”   Omne nodded. “What is your name?.”   The Human began to look alarmed. He fought it down, but the shock stayed just under the surface of his face. “I—don’t knew,” he said with effort   “All right,” Omne said quietly. “It is not important. You hit your head. The amnesia is almost certainly momentary. Don’t trouble yourself. I will take care of it”   He moved toward the edge of the ledge, where a short rubble slope led to level ground.   “But who are you?” Kirk said, making a move to get down. “Why are you taking care of me?”   Omne shook his head. “That also does not matter now. Be still.”   He skidded them down the slope on his still-wooden legs, but kept his feet to reach the jungle floor.   He found shade under a tree and a bed of cool blue moss.   He put the Human down on it and sank down beside him to explore the head injury.   Kirk seemed to sense the skill in the hands and submitted to the examination without protest. There was a severe bruise and some smaller ones, perhaps from the earlier fall.   “Grip my hand,” Omne said, “hard. Now with your other hand.” The grips were firm, even-handed. Omne ran the other simple tests for neurological damage. He found no clear signs of severe or fatal damage, although they might develop later. There were signs of shock, probably both physical and emotional.   At those levels of memory which had been blocked Kirk would know that he had been sent off to a world from which he could expect no return—with the man who was his most dangerous enemy.   In truth it had always been their single swords which were crossed: the true son of moral certainty, and the black wolf born on the day when certainty, and a world very like this one, died.   “What is your name?” Kirk said. “Doctor—?   Omne looked at the world again and into the now-innocent eyes of the son of certainty. The answer came unbidden to Omne’s lips. “You have been known to call me Omnedon.”   Kirk’s eyes flickered with a spark of interest, seemed to reach for some memory. “My lord?” He looked puzzled. “Is that right? I seem to have some memory of saying that. Was it to you?”   “You have said it to me,” Omne said.   Kirk struggled to sit up and Omne gave him a hand. For a moment Kirk looked down at the hand, then up into Omne’s face. “I do not know you, and yet I feel that you are my benefactor. I owe you my life, do I not?”   Omne nodded. “A few of your lives.”   “Then I am right. Thank you, my lord Omnedon.”   “You are welcome.” Omne rose on one knee and looked down at the Human and smiled at him almost gently. “Take great care,” he said softly. “If memory serves you better than you wish me to know, and you still play the game of galactic confrontation—do not try it. If this is a ploy, you will pay the price.”   “Ploy?” Kirk said in a tone of puzzlement as Omne rose to stand over him. “Confrontation? How would I need a ploy? If you are my benefactor, are you not my friend?”   “No,” Omne said.   Kirk struggled up to his knees. “What then?”   “Your enemy.” After a moment Omne added. “And here, your Ahn’var.”   “What?”   Omne reached down and raised the Human to his feet. “An ancient word from a certain world. It is not necessary for you to understand, if you do not. The simplest meaning is that I require your obedience. Whether you are this new innocent with no yesterday, or my old enemy with no tomorrow, in this world my word must be law. That will be the price of your life.”   Omne turned and directed the Human’s eyes to the presence only Omne had sensed gathering in the tree above them. It opened its mouth, and its breath was flame.   Kirk’s eyes picked out the fire-python’s natural camouflage—with difficulty—and understood that the creature had arrived without alerting any sense Kirk owned… while Omne had always known.   Omne guided Kirk slowly, quietly out from under the tree.   “Urn,” Kirk said, “is that the local serpent?”   “The official local variety,” Omne said. “Welcome to Eden.”   Kirk grimaced. “That snake must be a hundred feet long. What are the local apples like?”   Omne chuckled. “We are about to find out.” He touched his waist. “The Other perhaps contemplated this When he took our survival belts. This time it is bare hands and knowledge.” His glance indicated: against the jungle. “Chiefly mine.” Omne said. “Come.”   Kirk looked at bun and for a moment Omne thought that he saw the starship Captain flare up in the Human’s eyes. But then the man looked up at the dangerous dragon-snake. “I didn’t see it,” Kirk said. After a moment he bowed his head slightly.   The slight bow of the head somehow reached Omne more than he liked to know.   It was the acknowledgment he had wanted from this man and the others on the day of the Phoenix, when he had come back from death—something more even than recognition of what he was; a kind of sanction, tribute, honor.   They had refused it. Stonily. And properly.   And for that he had wanted to destroy them.   Now this innocent looked at him with the look which Omne had wanted to see on that face: simple tribute to what Omne, after all, was.   Omne inclined his head stiffly in acceptance—and then set the feeling savagely aside.   “Come.”   Omne turned and the man who had been James T. Kirk followed him into the jungle. CHAPTER XXIX は固い地盤が実現している事に気づいた -- トランスポーターのフィードバック調整によってもものだろう。 ただ困難な事があるとすればその固い大地が深い淵にある狭い岩棚であることだった。 それは洞窟棚だった -- 多少異なる岩ではあったが彼の体重の下で砕けたものがVortex forceに上皮をさらわれていた。 カークがぐらつき端から半ば身を乗り出したのを咄嗟にオムネが掴んだ。 だがオムネ自身の脚が彼の下で崩れた。 それはすっかり駄目というわけではなかったが支えきれなかったのだ、彼の体重も -- カークも。 オムネが膝をついた。 彼らの体重の下で岩棚が崩れていった。 カークは壁にぶつかりぐったりとしてしまった。 オムネの手がホールドを探し当てた。 Force が彼の腕を払いかけた。 指先幅のホールドでは不可能だった。 オムネはつかまった。 どうにかカークを肩に担ぎ上げもう一方の手で掴める場所も探し当てた。 指先でぶら下がったオムネは笑った。 彼は満足だった。 それほどに打ち勝つ事のできない危険だった。 唯一の方法といえば奈落への落下だ。 それが単なる死であるのだとしても。 ついにオムネはそれが広がるまで長い岩棚を伝って行った。 何とかカークを上へ上げた後に自身も登り彼は這い始めた。 彼は腕の力だけで我が身を引きずっては腕を伸ばし人間を引き寄せた。 堅牢なトンネルに到達する頃には、彼の脚は焼けた鉛の様になっており完全に役に立たないという事はなくなっていた。 彼が日光に気づいた時に、彼は自分の脚で立ち意識の無い人間を腕に抱いていた。 オムネはきちんと歩く事はできなかった、だが新しい世界を自分の脚で立ち見ていた。 太陽の中にオムネは踏み出した。 彼の前に世界が広がった。 それは荒れ果てても枯れてもいないVortex とは対をなす世界だった。 これは生きて瑞々しい死の楽園だった。 この高さからでさえオムネは山を、森林を、ジャングルを、ビーチを見ることができた -- エキゾチックな野性動物達とそれを餌とする捕食者たちの印である至るところにある獣道も。 オムネは頷いた。 世界を研究した彼のたてた仮説は起こりそうもないことだった。 ここもそれに従っているのだ、もし彼が捕食者を掻い潜り生きていく為には必要となる物がある。 恐らくそれは太陽と新鮮な空気の味がするだろう。 カークの瞼が細かく震え、そして開いた。 オムネの顔を見上げた彼は僅かな当惑に眉をしかめた。 彼はブルーグリーンとレッドゴールドの世界を見渡した。 ”もう一方のVortex だ ” オムネが言った。 カークは途方に暮れた様に視線を上げた。 ”Vortex? 貴方は誰ですか? ” カークが言った。 オムネは驚いて彼を見下ろした。 ”私がわからないのか? ” それは彼が予想もしていなかったことだった。 カークが彼の状況を示す様に顔をしかめた。 ”どうやらそのようです。 何故私は貴方に運ばれているのですか? ” オムネが頷いた。 ”君の名前は? ” 人間は不安を感じ始めた様子だった。 彼はなんとかそれを抑え込もうとしていたがその顔の直ぐしたに衝撃は留まっていた。 ”私は -- わからない ” 彼は何とかそう言った。 ”大丈夫だ ” オムネが静かに言った。 ”それは重要な事ではない。 君は頭を打った。 記憶喪失はほぼ間違いなく瞬間的なものだ。 君が悩む事ではない。 私に任せなさい ” 彼は平坦な大地へと繋がる短いスロープとなっている岩棚の端へと近づいた。 ”貴方は誰ですか? ” どうにか降りようとしながらカークが言った。 ”何故貴方が私の世話を? ” オムネが頭を振った。 ”それも今は重要ではない。 じっとしていなさい ” 彼は未だ木の様な脚でスロープを滑る様にして降り、ジャングル域へと転ばずに到達した。 彼は木陰にある青の苔のベッドを見つけた。 それに人間を降ろし脇へ腰を下ろした彼は頭の傷を調べ始めた。 カークはその手の技量を感じたらしく、抗議することもなく診察を受け入れた。 恐らく落下初期に出来たものだろう酷い痣と幾つかの小さな打ち身があった。 ”私の手を握って ” オムネが言った、”きつく ” もう片方の手も ” 握りはどちらもしっかりとしていた。 オムネは神経へのダメージをはかる為に他にも簡単なテストを行った。 致命的なダメージも酷いと言えるものもはっきりと現れているものはなかった、後々あらわれるかも知れないのだが。 ショック症状はあったがそれは恐らく肉体と感情によるものだった。 戻る事を見込めない世界へ送られたとカークが悟る事を記憶野がブロックしているのだろう -- 共にあるのが彼の最も危険な敵であるということを。 彼らは常に彼らの剣一本で渡り合ってきたのだ。 モラルの息子として、世界という物は死に酷似していると確信した日に生まれた黒い狼として。 ”貴方の名前は? ” カークが言った。 ”ドクターですか -- ?" 再び世界を見るオムネを見つめる眼には今、純粋な確信があった。 答えは知らぬ間にオムネの唇にきていた。 ”私の事はOmnedon と知っておけばいい ” 何かの記憶と結び付いたらしくカークの眼に興味が弾けた。 ”My lord? " 彼は困惑している様子だった。 ”あっていますか? そう言っていたような記憶があるのですが。 それは貴方の事ですか? ” ”君は私にそう言っていた ” オムネが言った。 何とか起き上がろうとしたカークにオムネが手を貸した。 その手を一瞬見下ろしたカークがオムネの顔を見上げた。 ”私は貴方の事をしりません、ですが私は貴方が私の命の恩人であったように感じています。 貴方は私の命の恩人なのでしょうか? ” オムネが頷いた。 ”幾度かはそうだな ” ”私は正しかった。 ありがとうございます、my lord Omnedon " ”気にする事はない ” 片膝をついて起き上がったオムネが微笑んで人間を見下ろした、優しいとさえ言える顔で。 ”細心の注意を払う事だ ” 彼はそっと言った。 ”もし記憶が戻ったとしてもそれを私に悟られないように願いなさい、君はまだ銀河の対立ゲームをしているのだから -- 試す様な事はしないことだ。 もしこれが策略ならば君は償いをすることになる ” ”策略? ” 立ち上がり彼を注視するオムネにカークは困惑の口調で言った。 ”対立? 私には策略が必要だったのですか? 貴方は私の命の恩人で、友人ではないのですか? ” ”そうだ ” オムネが言った。 カークは何とか膝立ちになった。 ”では何ですか? ” ”君の敵だ ” 暫くしてオムネは付け加えた。 ”ここでは君の Ahn'var だ ” ”何ですか? ” オムネが手を伸ばし人間を立ち上がらせた。 ”ある世界の古い言葉だ。 理解する必要もないし、君には理解できんだろう。 単純に言えば私は君の服従を必要とするということだ。 昨日を持たない無垢な君だろうと明日のない私の古い敵であろうと、この世界では私の言葉が法だ。 償いは君の生命となる ” オムネが振り向き人間の眼をオムネが感じていた彼らの頭上の木にある存在へと向けさせた。 それは口を開け、炎の息を吐いていた。 カークの眼が自然に擬態した火炎蛇に気づいた -- 辛うじて -- そして理解した、生き物はカーク自身にいかなる警告も引き起こさず現れたのだと... オムネにはずっとわかっていたのにだ。 オムネがゆっくりとカークを導き静かに木の下から連れ出した。 ”あの ” カークが言った、”あれは在来の蛇なのですか? ” ”まさしく在来種だ ” オムネが言った。 ”ようこそエデンへ ” カークが顔をしかめた。 ”あの蛇は100フィートはありました。 在来のリンゴとはどう��った物なのでしょうか? ” オムネが静かに笑った。 ”それを探すんだ ” 彼は腰に触れた。 ”もうひとりはこれを考慮に入れていたな。 私たちのサバイバルベルトを取り上げた時に。 今回は素手と知識だな ” 彼は一瞥した。 ジャングルを。 ”まずは私の物だな ” オムネが言った。 ”行くぞ ” カークが煙を見上げたその一瞬、オムネは人間の眼に宇宙船の船長が燃え上がった様に思った。 だが男が見上げたのは危険なドラゴンスネークだった。 ”私には見えませんでした ” カークが言った。 少しして彼は僅かに頭を下げお辞儀をした。 その僅かなお辞儀がオムネには彼が好ましいと思っていた以上に響いた。 それはPhoenix のあの日、この男と他の者に彼が望んだ承認だった、彼が死から復した時に -- 彼が何であるかを認める以上のものを。 認可であり、賛辞であり、栄誉を。 それを彼らは拒否したのだ。 冷ややかに。 厳密に。 その為に彼は彼らの破壊を望んだ。 今彼に向けられる純粋な視線はオムネが見たいと望んだ顔をしていた。 オムネというものへの純粋な賛辞を。 オムネがそれを受け入れ厳粛に頭を傾けた -- その時残忍な感覚は脇へ置かれた。 ”行くぞ ” 振り向いたオムネをジェームズ T. カークであった男が追いジャングルへと入って行った。
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sportsbuzz17 · 7 years
Steelers have a fantastic 2017 draft
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The Steelers chose T.J. Watt with their first-round pick
      It was the first time ever that the NFL Draft was held outdoors and this year it was in the "City of Brotherly Love." The draft took place at an outdoor theater on the steps of Philadelphia's Art Museum. After seeing the first round Thursday night it looked like the entire city was out in full force. This had to have been one of the more surprising drafts over the last decade considering all of the teams that decided to take wide receivers and quarterbacks way higher than they were expected to go. One team that had a pretty successful draft were the Pittsburgh Steelers.
      The Steelers picks were as followed: Round 1 - Pick 30 - OLB T.J. Watt (Wisconsin), Round 2 - Pick 62 - WR Juju Smith-Schuster (USC), Round 3 - Pick 94 - CB Cameron Sutton (Tennessee), Round 3 - Pick 105 - RB James Conner (Pittsburgh), Round 4 - Pick 135 - QB Joshua Dobbs (Tennessee), Round 5 - Pick 173 - CB Brian Allen (Utah), Round 6 - Pick 213 - LS Colin Holba (Louisville) and Round 7 - Pick 248 - LB Keion Adams (Western Michigan).
       Most analysts among ESPN and the NFL Network graded the overall draft of the Steelers at about an average of an A-/B+. It did not seem that many of the fans around Pittsburgh felt the same way after hearing a lot of their complaints on local radio stations and social media. I tend to agree more with the analysts. I actually thought this was one of the best drafts ever in the Kevin Colbert/Mike Tomlin era.
        The Watt pick on day one was a perfect match. A lot of draft prognosticators had Watt going to the Packers right before the Steelers, but when the Packers traded down and Watt was still on the board it was easy pickings for the black and gold. Watt has really only had one true season as an outside linebacker but it was an impressive one. The name recognition is there because of what his brother J.J. has done with the Houston Texans. The younger Watt may not be as explosive as his brother, but he surely will help out what was an average pass rush a year ago. Come mid-season it could be Watt and Bud Dupree rushing the QB on the outside with the age-defying James Harrison subbing in when needed.
         The most surprising pick for the Steelers was Schuster. The Steelers already had a plethora of wide receivers on the roster and it was announced earlier in the week that Martavis Bryant had been conditionally reinstated. What this tells me about the pick is that the Steelers still don't have complete faith in Bryant staying out of trouble and their young receivers stepping up in big games. Cobi Hamilton, Sammie Coates and Eli Rogers had their moments but were too inconsistent. Adding Schuster who is extremely talented will only make the receiving group that much better. They gambled taking a receiver this high. We will see if it will pay off down the line.
          The Steelers addressed the much maligned cornerback position in the first round last year by taking Artie Burns. This year they waited a few more rounds to get Sutton. Sutton is at his best in man coverage which should be a big boost. The selection of Conner is another perfect match. The kid who shared the same practice facility with the Steelers during his time at Pitt will provide them with a nice 1-2 punch at the running back position.
           Le'Veon Bell was a workhorse last year and I'm sure the Steelers would like to give him some rest now and then. Conner will be a nice change of pace back because he is more of a bruising back. He can also be a nice goal-line specialist. Add in Knile Davis who was signed earlier in the offseason and the Steelers running backs group can be just as special as the receivers.
           Dobbs is the first quarterback taken in the draft since Landry Jones who was also picked in the fourth round. The Steelers may have taken Dobbs with the idea that he could be Ben Roethlisberger's succesor amid all of the retirement talk over the offseason. Dobbs would need to be groomed for a few years and the only concern is that he relied a lot on his running ability in college and he had some accuracy issues. Jones was thought to be the heir apparent to Big Ben, maybe instead it will be Dobbs.
            Two of the final three picks were on the defensive side of the ball. Allen is a converted wide receiver. If he is able to polish up his coverage skills he has a chance to be a playmaker in the secondary. I can't remember the last time the Steelers had a quality cornerback who was 6-foot-3. Adams is very versatile and could play both linebacker and defensive end.  He could provide some much-needed depth for the Steelers up front.
           One of the more controversial picks was the Steelers taking a long snapper. It's very rare that a specialist like Holba is drafted. The Steelers really care about the long snapping position. Greg Warren will be entering his 13th season as the teams long snapper. Having a good long snapper is quintessential to having a good special teams unit. I remember one year not long ago when the Chargers had their issues snapping the ball and it cost them a lot of games. Holba may be able to beat out Warren or be his replacement next year. I understand that they could have picked an inside linebacker, safety or tight end, but I won't knock the pick.
            Colbert and Tomlin should feel very happy with this year's draft because a lot of them should make some key contributions during the regular season.
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New Post has been published on Atticusblog
New Post has been published on https://atticusblog.com/complicated-sports-activities-blogger-baseball-enthusiasts/
Complicated Sports activities Blogger: Baseball Enthusiasts
It became notably unlikely that nowadays’s recognition of Jackie Robinson Day with the aid of Essential League Baseball may want to come off without a few creator playing the race card and attacking President Donald Trump. Shakira Taylor, writing at the Complex Sports activities blog, surprisingly claims we genuinely haven’t stepped forward much on race due to the fact that Robinson became the primary Black Most important league 70 years in the past.
Many celebrities and media are taking the high street today to honor Robinson for breaking the race barrier in 1947. Taylor, an African-American baseball fan, said the sport doesn’t have a good time the annual Jackie Robinson Day the right way due to the fact the white guy who gave him his hazard is generated an excessive amount of and Blacks are still victims of racism.
And each yr, MLB misses the factor via decentering the real hero of the story. Jackie’s triumph is regularly instructed in a manner that frames Branch Rickey because of the savior. A higher way to honor Jackie could mean being greater inclusive in hiring practices, both on and rancid the sphere. This would, in turn, inspire a culture of recognition among Fanatics. Black players, both professional and novice—and the black Fans who love them—nonetheless face a number of the Equal pushback that Jackie did 70 years ago.
Annuities Are not All That Complicated
An annuity is a savings account with an existence insurance agency. They are similar to a CD, however, there are some variations. They are often used either to store cash for retirement or as a means of retirement earnings distribution. There are different makes use of as well.
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Sometimes human beings have already stored cash but want to position it somewhere that is secure and have it disbursed through the years, possibly over the period in their life.
The name derives from the same root because of the phrase annual. They had been around for more than 2,000 years. They have got been used within the U.S. seeing that earlier than we have been a rustic. The primary annuity in The united states was issued in 1759 in Pennsylvania.love’s complicated hallmark
A few Methods they’re just like a CD
They’re a long-term savings account primarily based on a settlement. There are phrases of the agreement. If the phrases of the agreement are violated, there are consequences. The most not unusual penalty for both is for premature withdrawal. a few Approaches they are exceptional from a CD.complicated thesaurus.
The monetary income of an annuity is tax-deferred. profits from an annuity don’t need to be pronounced till the money is withdrawn, in contrast to a CD which is taxable as earned and need to be reported as income each yr.Annuity contracts are typically longer, from three-sixteen years, in preference to a CD that could variety from 30 days to 5 years. Annuities are issued by way of life coverage groups, not banks. Typically requires a minimum $5K to begin until used as an IRA.
Exceptional varieties of annuities
Fixed-pays a guaranteed hobby price and there’s no danger of losing cash. Fixed listed-hobby price fluctuates primarily based on an index that mirrors the performance of the stock marketplace without certainly being in the inventory market. Profits have a cap however loss is blanketed. Variable-hobby price fluctuates with the overall performance of the inventory market and there’s no guarantee of now not dropping cash due to the fact cash is inside the inventory market. Deferred-money might be paid out at a later date. Immediately-money may be paid out beginning right now.
Accumulation-the time when money is being placed into an annuity. Annuitized-the time while money is paid out, normally on annual foundation (generally after age fifty-nine ½) some Pay- Out Options.
Whole withdrawal upon adulthood–agreement will now not be annuitized. Period positive-Normally five-two decades Lifetime-assured for life if assured lifetime earnings benefit rider (GLIR) is taken. Costs
In many instances, there aren’t any Charges. frequently length of time is the most effective fee A few groups rate management Expenses specifically in variable annuities. Some companies charge a small rate for the GLIR, usually about 60-80 cents in keeping with $a hundred.
A few Special Provisions
Partial withdrawals (Commonly 10% in keeping with year) are allowed without penalty A few companies provide bonuses on preliminary top class for certain contracts.
After Loss of life
Whatever cash closing inside the settlement is paid to a named beneficiary and it can be a taxable occasion. If no money remains, settlement terminates at Death some common Usages
Retirement income Lifetime income 401k or IRA rollover Pension supplement or substitute while considering annuities it wishes to be understood, They’re now not for the short time period. They are for a long time and it boils right down to one key query: whilst will the money be needed?
If the answer to the question is much less than 3 years, annuities are probably no longer a terrific option. Then again, if partial withdrawals are ideal and ready till the maturity date to withdraw the remainder, it is able to work.
Sports activities Regulation in Cyprus
The Sports activities enterprise is turning into increasingly commercialized and globalized. As an end result, athletes, coaches and different stakeholders engaged in the Sports industry are looking for an expert legal guidance in order that to safeguard their rights and maximize their income. Sports activities Law is a rising place of Law this is at once interconnected and overlaps with a diffusion of legal disciplines, inclusive of settlement Law, employment Law, tort Regulation and defamation, company Regulation, immigration Law and privacy rights.
The assistance of a professional lawyer who has a radical expertise of the aforementioned areas of Regulation is vital each for specialists inside the Sports enterprise (i.E. Athletes, coaches, physiotherapists, etc.) and other stakeholders, together with the governing forms of recreation golf equipment, investors, and so forth.
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traders: Sports activities aren’t constrained simplest to the guidelines of the gambling discipline as they are intertwined with society and economic system, specifically with leisure and advertising industries. As an end result, Sports can be a worthwhile area of funding, via sponsorship and commercial. On the one factor of view, Sports activities released possibilities for investment in areas including broadcasting rights, that’s related to the location of Intellectual Belongings Law. On the other point of view, Sports hooked up a brand new region of advertising and marketing that develops opportunities for investment in regions together with game clubs’ stocks as most people of sports golf equipment have become corporations.
Athletes, Sports experts, and golf equipment: The non-stop mobility of athletes and other Sports experts between teams collectively with the complexity of the contracts consists of a selection of legal concerns. As a result, a legal representation of athletes, game experts, and golf equipment is crucial. Legal professionals are able to assist you on topics associated with contract Regulation, breach of contracts, transfers, etc.
Earlier than signing a settlement, athletes and different game experts should be sure that they are aware of the diverse clauses and provisions. The word that an agreement among a sports professional and a membership is probably subject to breach. As an instance, in case a recreation membership in Cyprus does not honor its engagement regarding its obligations closer to the athlete/sports expert, then the athlete/sport professional may additionally post a declare for treatments and/or damages to Cyprus Courts or FIFA’s Dispute Resolution Chamber. Therefore, The assistance of a professional lawyer is necessary.
Baseball References InFamous Songs Now not Without a doubt Approximately The united states‘ Activity
The everyday season has been over for numerous weeks, and as soon as the sector Collection champion is crowned baseball could be put on maintain until Spring Training starts off evolved in February. For authentic enthusiasts, and even informal ones, baseball is in no way Genuinely forgotten.new york yanked baseball roster
In fact, the game is so ingrained in our society that references to it abound in popular culture. For proof of how deep baseball rests in the American attention, simply study the field of music.
Numerous hit songs were written Approximately the sport, which includes Centerfield by means of John Fogerty and Talkin’ Baseball through Terry Cashman. The latter mentions diamond greats Mickey Mantle, Duke Snider, and Willie Mays, whilst Simon and Garfunkel’s Mrs. Robinson helped immortalize Joe Dimaggio.
Even tunes that are not Approximately baseball, on occasion use info related to the sport. Right here some of the most 9aaf3f374c58e8c9dcdd1ebf10256fa5 of those, a list of nine in admire to the quantity of innings and games consistent with a team at the start every contest.Sec baseball tournament 2015 scores.
Branching Out through John Gorka
The folk singer’s debut album I Know capabilities this traditional, in which he admits “I’d alternatively be a Louisville Slugger swinging for the seats.”
Zanzibar via Billy Joel
After referencing the hustling play of Pete Rose, the Piano Man says “Me I am trying simply to get to a 2d base, and I might scouse borrow it if she only gave the signal, the inning is not over yet for me.”
Rocky Mountain Manner by using Joe Walsh
The veteran of bands like the Eagles and the James Gang alludes to a traditional baseball poem on this single, which publicizes “Bases are loaded and Casey’s at bat gambling it plays by means of play, time to change the batter.”
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