#Victoria moon
maxyartwork · 9 months
to my brazilian fellas 🇧🇷
amanhã (02/09) estarei na bienal do livro (rj/riocentro) com a autora victoria moon, para quem fiz a capa do seu último livro lançado “Georgia Rose: Segredos de Florença”. Estaremos lá distribuindo alguns brindes bemmm limitados, então não deixem de vir dar um oi pra gente! 🧡
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kimjimagery · 1 year
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Continuation time!
Tad doubled over in pain which caused Mummy to panic and call out to the others for help.
Everyone was by Tad's side in seconds in worry, Sara being the most concerned. 
Victoria offers to help Tad since she feels responsible for what happened. And tell Otto to carry the fallen hero. 
Tad was too focused on his pain to even protest.
Prev: https://at.tumblr.com/kimjimagery/my-reaction-to-that-scene-when-the-ammut-hits-tad/16jxw8yu69k7
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tammyhybrid21 · 1 year
Respect, Recognition and Contribution
It has been... a hot while since I posted in general let alone any of my long ramble analyses... but Yeah. So I saw Tadeo Jones 3 in the cinema. Two times actually, would have gone more but well health and time and just-- it didn’t happen. And I have quite some thoughts about it, but most of these will be under a cut just for those who’re still somewhat attempting to avoid spoilers.
Although before all that, I can at least do a “bonus round”-- I feel kind of sorry for Sara. Because wow, she is honestly the main if only person in the main cast who is secure in her place and position in the world... and also the only character who feels completely Neurotypical... Which is a whole other breakdown I’ll save for later... if I remember.
Soooo, first up. I’ll say this. The whole movie has a kind of, “Could have avoided this plot” feeling to it. I mean, there’s a number of aspects to this but the main thing is the Trio.
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These three dweebs. They’re not so normal either, but-- They’re pretty effectively what set the plot off. Also they’re disrespectful as anything, the game has a take on them as well. But I’m not really sure how much of that can be actually applied to the movie. But these three, they’re what sets the whole plot in motion with two overall decisions. There’s the most obvious one at the start of the movie, throwing Tadeo off the team and then further not giving him even a passing mention.
It wouldn’t have been perfect. They do have points that are 100% valid about Tad and his issues. But they definitely could have avoided some of the plot’s pitfalls just by a mention and been less horrible. On that matter, the way they mock Victoria is the second “could have avoided this plot” moment. Because here’s the key about the tablet, and even some hints throughout the whole movie. Repeated a few times is how the tablet wants to be found. Notably mentioning alongside that it will use whatever it can to achieve that...
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Victoria’s had a piece of the tablet the WHOLE movie. And the tablet in the climax is mentioned to specifically show you what you want. It takes advantage of those who’re vulnerable. Now our friend Victoria went through two phases of seeking acknowledgement and recognition. While her stated goal doesn’t change I would like to claim that wasn’t the only part-- but this is more about the second part. Because those three, Ryu, Bryan and Ann mocked her, opening her up to be even more vulnerable to the tablet’s influence.
Which is more about respect, not just recognition.
These three disrespect people. Even Sara on some level how they grumble and demand that she follow along. MOSTLY Ryu. And the game even expands that by claiming that they cheated their way into their accomplishments. I don’t know how much I put stock into that, but it’s something to note down anyway, and might explain why they act like that, but at the same time they take things seriously despite that. It’s just the treatment of those around them that they view as lesser that’s an issue.
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Contrast with Sara who even if she’s not 100% back to been entirely happy with Victoria she’s involving her in what’s effectively Victoria’s expedition. Sara still stands up and defends her, even if it’s not perfect and lined with doubts. She’s at least hearing Victoria out and there’s input both ways... which leads me to my second thoughts. BEFORE this whole expedition and the trio been... the trio. Victoria felt early on less like she actually wanted to prove the existence of the tablet as much as she wanted to work with and be friends with Sara again.
--And of course, moving on, there’s direct parallels/contrast with Tad’s own reaction. I don’t really want to be mean to him, but-- Tad’s first impression ALSO isn’t the greatest when it came to Victoria. It’s not completely terrible, but Victoria even noted it in how she told him not to worry, she already knows she has a poor reputation. But beyond that there’s how Victoria tells him to tell Sara, not to go off and do-- what he done.
Which wasn’t entirely Tad’s fault, that whole situation was a mess of lack of clear communication on a few sides. But the respect part comes in more when you think about it. All Tad had to really do was wait the night. More or less, it wouldn’t have been perfect considering the sarcophagus unveiling itself, but he could have had a proper chance to talk about the issue with Sara, although yeah. He’s very validly frustrated, because the trio made him so... but that doesn’t excuse any of what follows because that’s all from him basically transferring down that disrespect.
Soooo let’s go back a bit. While I didn’t mention him in the Respect section, Hermes definitely was biting because the Pharoah didn’t give him any respect as the tablet’s creator. More explicitly though the legend says he was tired from the lack of acknowledging his merits. Which is more a recognition thing. Hermes made the tablet, he was the reason that everything was so good, he wanted to be acknowledged and that’s incredibly valid.
We all want to be recognized for our contributions, whether this is something great or something that’s just small. Hell even our pets enjoy been recognized, dogs, cats, birds and yes even rats.
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Sometimes I wonder if it’s not especially rats, but that’s an aside. Recognition comes in so, so many different forms. From just the recognition between friends, to been famous or infamous. In the end, Hermes did get his recognition, for better or worse, I don’t know if he would have been happy with it. But he’s there to help set up and echo the theme that carries for the rest of the movie.
But specifically here, I want to contrast him and his story with the other Egyptian character we got this movie.
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Ra-amon-ah, Ramona. She’s very clear with her stated wish and goal. She wants to be made famous, acknowledged for her three day long rule. Which I am torn personally between losing it laughing at the length of time, and wincing because yeah. Yeah, that. At the same time, she’s not putting in her own effort to do so. Which is both fair and not, she’s not the most socially adept person at the point we meet her in the movie and also in the game... Which btw, love her whole section in the game so, so much. But that’s its own thing.
Ramona is interesting. She has her stated goal, but more notably, she has the opportunity to get it. While the distraction that whole experience was meant to be failed because of course... It’s still a really interesting insight to everyone involved. First off, Mummy actually, her whole speech from her introduction and all-- he even mimicked how she corrected them, although not perfectly. Which I have way, way too many thoughts to easily translate them down. But the big thing is, even after that she had the opportunity to stay-- she even was going to stay and go to the Cairo Museum...
Meanwhile the game, which we can halfway take as the missing scenes and side for Ramona’s adventure...
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Also just, I love the whole arc of this section, but it really can only be taken with a grain of salt because there’s a good portion of events that are skipped over to go from the Boat Chase to this. But in the game she no longer wants to go be famous and known. Which does happen by the end of the movie as well, but I think it’s telling of when/how that happened. In that neither piece of media really explains it, but we do get her saying she wants to explore and see the world by the end of the movie which-- huh...
Seems familiar.
But also this all seems to have been triggered, or meant to be triggered by the more personal acknowledgement. The idea that Tadeo, Mummy and Sara all knew and saw her. Even Victoria on some level by the end, who needs to be world famous when you have close friends who see you?
As an aside, loneliness acknowledged.
So, first off, this movie is not a masterpiece regarding this. It’s not a masterpiece regarding any of these themes that carry through. But this is the missing piece of the puzzle and what serves to tie everything together.
Hermes, Victoria, Tadeo.
All three of them had some major contribution that people either stole the spotlight from them on, refused to acknowledge/dismissed or just wasn’t understood at the time. I won’t go through them all because I’ve already said quite a bit about it all. But even off that there’s some other sides I’ve been somewhat skipping/glossing over.
So, Sara huh? Okay, this is more small, but there’s something a bit... funky about how Sara calls Victoria weird at the start of the movie. Mostly because we’ve had-- two previous movies, where she basically saw confirmation on the supernatural before this. Sara also personally knows Mummy. But I guess that doesn’t matter quite as much in the grand scheme, but it definitely needs to be stated because it does contribute to the issues. Maybe much more subtly but Sara isn’t completely clean, at the same time, she was the first to offer an attempt to bridge.
On all ends. But even with more action in the movie she was playing backup/home base support ultimately.
On the other side, I want to talk about Pickles and Ramirez. Mostly because that dynamic was... 100% not what I thought it would be, but at the same time everything I thought it would be. Don’t ask please, I probably won’t make sense. But even there, the issue of contribution comes up, mostly with Pickles contributing basically nothing but taking all the credit he could and man, it was satisfying he basically got sent home to lick his wounds and presumably mope. While Ramirez actually contributed to the plot by listening at the key time... also the one time the trio were actually useful in this movie and not actively making things worse with disrespect.
But none of that really ultimately matters. Because while on that side the spotlight was shared. Sara with Victoria, both of them actually getting to talk, first with Sara listening in the car(btw, major ND vibes from Victoria with how she kind of just expected their friendship to fall back into place like it was never broken)-- and then further at the Louve itself. Following to their own side uncovering the key’s keyhole--
While the police officers both got the opportunity to shine, Ramirez been the absolute best on screen as the straight man to Pickles absolutely insane assumptions and leaps of logic...
There’s the issues on Tad’s side of the “party”.
And this is where the theme runs into a case of pulling up short.
Closing the Loop
So, the theme is etched into every piece of this movie. It’s so much tighter than both the first movie and leagues above the second that juggled too much and dropped at least half of what it held. So what’s the issue?
We can see all the parallels as they relate to Tad easily. He wants to be taken seriously and acknowledged just like Victoria. He wants the respect and fame he feels owed that the trio have kept from him in this movie-- and he just wants to know he’s done a good job. He wants to be in the limelight like Ramona does when we first meet her.
At the same time, he fails to see that he’s doing the same with Mummy. Here’s the thing, the plot also wouldn’t have happened if not for Mummy been there. While Tad did open the sarcophagus the biggest breakdown of communication was with Mummy there, also why didn’t he get to use his “dead tongues” joke and knowledge like from movie 2? But here’s the thing-- when Mummy unlocks the padlocks in that scene he specifically says he gets it.
Which can be interpreted in a few ways, either it means the credits from Movie 2 happened in some form, or you know-- Tad leaving him in the apartment for 2 months alone really felt like chains holding him there. Also Mummy repeats a couple times he just wants to have adventures with Tad. Their relationship as its set up in the movie is supposed to mirror Victoria and Sara’s...
So why doesn’t this feel like it hits quite the same beats?
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So, here’s the thing, this moment is supposed to be the turning point for Tad’s own priorities starting to shift. This moment here, where he swaps from been primarily self-interested to at least partially including Mummy... And I know it’s supposed to be the turning point, because after this is the big fallout and there’s even more focus on the way he feels like he’s failed and just put everyone in danger BUT-- IT doesn’t land. Doesn’t work for one main reason.
The character focus in this movie on Tad’s side is just... too much on Tad. I can see what they’re going for, I can see and reach out, touch and hear this theme so strongly. But-- it doesn’t quite stick the landing for a lack of expansion. Victoria got the chance to long to reconnect with Sara, to have moments to shine independent and make decisions that showed she was just as capable if specialising in a completely different area.
Tad and Mummy though... Those moments were either skipped over, or given to Tadeo outside when Mummy got to put his acting and theatre nerd on display. Which I love, but even I can acknowledge it’s not really enough, especially when he’s still not given all that much time to shine when paired with Sara and Tad uncovering the true map to the tablet... But I can see where it was meant to reflect. And yes, Tad really owes a proper apology.
“I don’t want to be a BURDEN on ANYONE!”
As an ND person myself ouuuuuch. That hits so hard, but at the same time, not hard enough just because of the surroundings. It’s not lingered on, it’s a scene that is important and yet, not enough. And maybe that’s just me, maybe it’s because I’m a writer myself and I make stories, maybe it’s because I’m Autistic and I love Mummy because I see my autism in him-- But, this doesn’t linger because all around it, before and after, Mummy’s role in the movie has been a lot less than I hoped.
Hecc even the Ammut curse wasn’t as in depth as I hoped, but that was more my mistake hoping that some of the judgement stuff would show up ahahah. But here’s the thing. Before this, there’s a scene that on rewatching more it’s like; Why did they need to show this when it’s something we could infer just as easily-- and we could have had a much more interesting scene if they gave us a discussion and interaction between Mummy and Ramona? The other mirroring characters. Explicitly mirroring characters. Who didn’t get much interaction together in the end at all...
The scene I mean, Tad finding the key. Literally that could have been replaced with Mummy and Ramona talking, the whole Mummy “honor system” of staying where they were told as well. Locked away and secret... and even between that. Between these moments, when Mummy became their flying Taxi, it would change nothing, everything if he got to suggest it as a plan before Tad lost it on him, the dialogue Tad says wouldn’t even necessarily have to change so much...
The meaning, the emotions would still be there, whether prompted to it or not. But it would give everyone involved some much needed agency. And thus tie more heavily into the theming of the movie as a whole. Because while I see it, it’s still pulled short. It’s not incomplete, it’s just not as much as it should be...
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On the other hand kudos for this whole sequence and the following. Because when those screenshots initially leaked I thought that it would be your traditional ideal daydream and much earlier. But then it showed up and man... yeah, they really did have the attempt there. But it still has missing pieces.
Whether those pieces are Mummy been allowed more agency later on in the movie, having a quiet moment outside of just following Tad around or you know, Tad giving a proper apology. It’s complicated.
The Tablet
Here’s an interesting digressing sidenote. But the tablet itself and the way it’s handled in the movie seems to heavily imply that it has its own sentience and its own ideas on what the world should be. It is stated throughout that it wants to be found, it lures people in with their dreams and their “heart’s desire” only failing with Tad because his priorities had shifted just ever so slightly-- and it’s also always there.
If you’re paying attention at times Tadeo’s eyes get slightly greener tinged when events are playing out. And Victoria’s are even more obvious about it. As well, Mummy whenever he transforms, he’ll usually have his eyes turned green under the tablet’s power until it fails and he returns to normal.
It’s even noted in the backstory flashback by them making Hermes’ eyes that bright neon glow green.
Makes you wonder really.
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more text post memes, source here https://www.boredpanda.com/funny-tweets-girls-meet-the-internet/?all_submissions=true&media_id=4730265&utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic
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araminakilla · 2 years
Day 1: TOMORROW! 🤩 Also random facts + surprise 🎁
I don't know what time is in your country but here is still August 25th. And since TOMORROW (yeah, still can't believe it) is the release of the third movie in its original country, and there were a LOT of interviews throw at us, here are some random facts that I remember. Stay tune for a surprise:
- According to one interview, Ramona ruled for a couple of hours (other said that three days) before she was tragically murdered by someone. Hermes? Those that mean she didn't make it?
- Gato said about Mummy regarding the new technologies that he is "like a child who just discovered the internet and stuff", so he goes all crazy over them to the point of being annoying, like if you were his parental figure. At least the phone dissappears in Paris' sewers.
- The references for this movie were Pixar classics like Toy Story, movies of adventures from the 80's and even recent ones like the 2017 Mummy movie that the director said it's a pity it was not as sucessful as it deserves and that he it is a shame this cancelled the monster franchise for Universal Studios. Another great reference for this movie are the Mummy movies starring Brendan Fraser.
- There has been many reviews in different languages (spanish, french and even german) that start with the phrase "Tad discovers an egyptian sarcophagus in ancient INCAN pyramid in MEXICO"
...Why? Why there are more than eight reviews who said the same thing? People... Incans were south american, not mexican! *screams in peruvian* THE DISRESPECT! We are in 2022! Okay...
- Moving on, Gato said that if the third movie is sucessful, the franchise could still continue to grow, there are ideas about a fourth one, a spin off and he even mentioned prequels. I wonder if we are going to see more lore of Sara or Mummy, since those are the ideal candidates to make more content.
- Speaking of Gato, there has been an important interview with him and he revealed some facts:
What he wants the most to be acomplished in this movie is that people fall in love with Ramona and Mummy, especially Ramona since she is a new and amazing character.
He also mentioned that it was his two main writers' idea to name the pharaoh "Ramona" as a play of words of complicated egyptian names that carry pauses and are asociated with egyptian gods, so that's how Ramona Ra-Amon-Ah's name was born.
People said to him many times that Tad is an alter ego of him and he said that it was partially true in the aspect of being determinate and do better, but also he relates to Mummy since he is used to be the "adorable idiot" in his youth and also because it's the kind of personality to be the most fun and enjoyable to write. So to resume, he is both Tad and Mummy.
He said that the movie is still familiar (not only for kids) while having more of an adult tone and he is satisfied with the job the writers have done.
- There was another interview starring Sara's, Victoria's and Ryan's voice actors. I will remember most of what they said since it's an interview of three minutes and I have work/things to do. So:
They consider that the story not having villains is a great idea and message since in real life there are no good or bad people, just people whose actions have sometimes bad consequences.
Sara and Victoria were very close in their younger years until both had different views about life and work so they separated and this doesn't mean that Victoria is in the wrong because, sometimes best friends part ways, many times for seeing things differently. It happens.
Ryan's voice actor, José Corbacho, said that this movie is about recognizing what is really important and that is not taking the people close to you for granted, you could be ignoring their potential and worth.
He mentined that in the movie, Tad is a clumsy and a fool, like many real life men, that women are superior in intelligence and doing things right and then there is Mummy who he thinks is still gender fluid (so I think he is in-between those two facts)
José mentioned that the third Tad movie reflects the reality of the world and that is: Women are better at everything they do than men (well, thank you mister Corbacho 😄)
And last, he mentioned something that @tammyhybrid21 has been preaching since 2020. That the archeology's elite and most of its integrants are awful, self absorbed people who dissmiss others.
And some other final facts are:
- Ramona is 100% a mummy from high society and thinks she is the best of the best, so this is why she has many friction with Mummy.
- Tad said to Mummy before going to the expedition in Mexico that "he can't leave the apartment at any costs" and apparently he has waited a lot of time and one day became very bored. That is when he found out about "buying on the internet" and used a credit card Tad gave him for emergencies to buy all the fun stuff & becoming an "compulsive buyer"
And with this last fact, I will repeat something I said in a post I did weeks ago: "Mummy is me. I am Mummy"
Why, you will ask?
Because... surprise ladies, gentlemen, Mummy fans and non-binary pals! I used my card to buy the BOOK OF THE THIRD MOVIE online!
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So that means that now I have the means and "forbidden knowledge" to answer most of your deepest, biggest questions (or maybe some of them if there is information that is not shown)
It didn't cost much. In fact, tickets for the movie + popcorn and sodas would have cost more than the book. And I'm not a compulsive buyer, I swear.
Where was I? Oh, yes:
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Just change "jar of dirt" for "book"
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...ouch. Still got the book.
But gotta read it tomorrow. Like I said, I have things to do. See you on the other side, nothing will ever be the same.
A plus before midnight: The soundtrack
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joyzlovescats · 1 year
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Why don’t I post? This is your answer 💀
Victoria moon Tho>>>
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forkswashington · 5 months
new moon au: what if edward never came back. what if victoria came back instead, viciously attacked bella and left her for dead for charlie to find. or so she thought. bella turns and is overcome with so much rage and resentment towards edward and the cullens for abandoning her and leaving her completely vulnerable to victoria, that she decides to make use of her new found strength and abilities by hunting down and killing the cullens as revenge. we know aro would love the theatrics of it all too, perhaps bella would even be offered a position within the volturi.
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myownpanicroom · 2 months
If you see this you are OBLIGATED to reblog w/ the song currently stuck in your head :)
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mysticalcats · 2 months
Could you draw Victoria and Jemima with matching Moon collars? Please🥺❤️❤️?
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the cutie patooties ever
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itsguysnightitsironic · 8 months
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This 13th feels very 31st if you ask me, because it feels like the end of me.
God help me, they better put some werewolves in the pumpkin pie
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kimjimagery · 1 year
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I was planning on mentioning this before Assetvreek on deviantART has managed to get the assets to some of the Tad Jones game characters I say about a week ago when I discovered it.
I tried myself to put the assets through blender but I had to do a lot of converting just to get it to work on there and then when I did all I was able to get to work on there is just to mesh itself but they are and the amateurs don't work on there I tried manually setting up an Armature on it but again that's a no-go.
assetvreek mention that it worked when he did it through Daz maybe I'll give that go a see if that can work with these characters.
Funny story I was so closes with the rigging on the Ammyt as a test but that was a instant fail. I'm chalking this up to Blenders consent updating.
You can see in his gallery and pleases be civil
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araminakilla · 2 years
Day 7: ONE WEEK LET'S GOOO (plus "new" clips)
We are in the final countdown folks. This is it, the last week 'till the movie comes out in Spanish cinemas.
And for the occasion, here are some "new" clips found in a language I don't know what it is... really. Some we have seen before and some not.
Those are:
Tad arriving to home (new beggining)
Tad meeting Victoria (or before that)
Tad arriving to the Chicago Museum
Tad, Ramona and Mummy in Egypt
Don't let the main images of the video confuse you, it happens sometimes.
There are other clips we have seen before, like the guys meeting Ramona, Tad and Sara in Mexico and the bathtub full chase scene.
There are so many things to analyse here, unfortunately I don't understand what they are saying in the new clips but maybe Spain or other country with a more easy language will post them soon.
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soft-cristobalite · 9 months
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These films were gayer than society made me think
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boneszphoto · 7 months
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summer in the songhees nation
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itsguysnightitsironic · 8 months
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An invitation for a midnight snack I PART 1 I
May the fallen trees show mercy to the lumberjack, for their roots will feast on his corpse.
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My delusion makes me believe that the Curse of Strahadanya cast is going to find themselves on Druskenvald.
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And MAYBE interact with the EOM cast.
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I don't think it's going to happen, but I can dream.
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kimjimagery · 1 year
The Theme of Tad 3
Possible Spoiler alert if you haven't seen this movie.
So After watching Tad 3 again I was looking for the theme of this movie. The objective was the Emerald Tablet itself but what is the overall theme of the story? 
The theme Tad 3 is “Recognition” and the cause and effect of what happens when you don't give the person the recognition they earned some will come out of it for the better or come out for the worse which is portrayed in 4 characters the Pharaoh's sorcerer, Victoria Moon, Ra Amon Ah and Tad.
Sorcerer Hermes
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He created the Emerald Tablet but the Pharaoh did not give him the recognition he deserved and in the process plotted to use the tablet Pharaoh but it ended badly for the sorcerer.  
Victoria Moon 
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Once an archaeologist but when she started studying the supernatural stuff that people stopped taking her seriously. Her ambition was to find an Emerald Tablet and to get recognition, unfortunately the tablet or rather a piece of it corrupted her mind into doing what it wanted.
Ra Amon Ah ( Ramona to her friends)
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Once a pharaoh who only rained for three days because her cousin killed her in her sleep with a scorpion she was brought back to life 5 centuries latter by a goat herder who just happened by her film and uttered an incantation that would bring our go life. 
Years later then a French archeologist discover her and left her lock up in the Louvre for her own safety.
Now in current day when she found out Tad is archeologist she sees this as her opportunity to get the fame and recognition that was denied her in the past, but later she discovers trough Tad’s hardship in this adventure that they have something in common and she learns there's more to life than getting fame and recognition and being lock in a case in a museum. 
Now she wants to travel the world and have adventures with her new friends. 
Tad Jones (Thaddeus Jones, Tadeo Jones, Tad Stones) 
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From the first and second movie we see Tad go through a lot and grow as a character. Now in this third movie he’s got an even deeper character development.
Tad wants to be recognized as an archaeologist by others but the trio of archaeologists in Tad 3 don't take him seriously they see him as a mere apprentice and consider him a danger to archaeology due to his accident-prone nature.
While his past adventures with discovering Paititi and finding King Midas collar was amazing finds, he’s unable to tell anyone of it because he and Sara agreed it’s best to to keep it a secret. 
So Tad is pretty much back to square one trying to prove himself. 
When he found that sarcophagus he thought that would get him the recognition he desires and everyone will see him as an true archaeologist but the trio takes the credit for it. 
Tad is now more determined to get the recognition for his discovery that was taken from him leads to a series of events one of which is how he treated Mummy and the consequences of it. 
At the third act Tad has a realization this and how it affects those around him (Particularly Mummy), You could say Tad was undergoing an epiphany at that moment when Mummy said that he's the greatest archaeologists in the world. 
Mummy has said this two times throughout the film but Tad paid it no mind up until the thirds act when it has more weight.
Tad sees what's more important then what he originally wanted, and as a result he came out better for it and got his own archaeology team. 
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This is what drawn me to Tad more as a character cuz I can relate to his plight even though I'm not an archaeologist I'm more of an artist. 
This third movie is just too good and the fact that I managed to discover this theme and they managed to pull off pull it off with 4 characters that represents those themes and the consequences of it makes this movie so good.
And good luck to Enrique Gato on Tad 4!
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