Death seeking creator with Zhongli idea
Whenever Zhongli remembers that it was their that the creator was hurt to this degree, he felt like he should go through the painfullest of deaths but he can't... Not right now, not while leaving the creator in such a state. So, he retired from the Funeral Palor and spend his days caring for the creator.
Today, too, Zhongli walked into the tranquil adobe of the creator as he carried the tea he personally brewed to offer the creator. The tea contained the calming effects that is very much needed for the creator's tired mind.
Maybe because of his relentless efforts or because of the effects of all the tea and medicine, the creator is becoming a bit more stable these days, meaning they are not asking him to squish them with the meteor he summon.
Relishing in the small change of the creator, Zhongli stood in front of the creator's room and asked, "Your grace, may I come in?"
What came back to him was the answer "Yes, you may," accompanied by the small giggles of the creator.
Zhongli opened the door and looked for the creator's form wondering what could make them so amused. And there they were, wearing white silk gown, sitting in the middle of the silk bed Ninggaung had presented to them. Their face bloomed into a full smile as they locked eyes with him.
The smile was so radiant that Zhongli would have liked to bath in all of its glory
if not for the gold, gold, gold everywhere invading all of his five senses.
The gold was staining the silk bed sheet, the white gown, the marble floor and the creator's arms, and legs and face.
In their hand was a hair pin Zhongli had presented to them a week ago, contented in the fact that they stopped asking him to kill them.
Sitting in the pool of their own blood, the creator said, "Surprise!", like a child whose prank was successful.
"You...r.... Your.... Grace.... What have you done?"
Zhongli asked as he dropped the tea pot tray in his hands to run to your side.
"Hehe, I... surprised you right!" They asked as they coughed up blood.
"I got the idea... from Kaeya. The best way to disappoint someone is by making them hope and breaking that hope."
That was their last words before they disappeared into thin air and left nothing but ash.
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zealfruity · 9 months
Clones as Incorrect Quotes 1/2 Master Post (Canon-compliant and Standard Fix-It AU version) Ft. Jedi Disaster Trio
Unholy mixture of random generators, unsolved/ghost files banter, and things my friends have said
Occasional spoilers following below
A few notes for these: Tup is NB he/they. Hardcase is genderfluid. Vaughn is agender they/them. Jesse has no idea how any of this works, someone help him. NO CLONESHIPPING OR JEDI TRIO SHIPPING HERE!
Kix: Underestimate me. That'll be fun.
*Dogma is casually searching around the room*
Jesse: Hey Dogma, what're you looking for?
Dogma: My will to live.
*Tup walks into the room*
Dogma: Oh, there it is.
Hardcase: Assert your dominance over your friends by kicking them in the face, and then giving them a little smooch on the forehead!
S7 501st Trooper: Didn't you die?!
S7 Echo: That was weeks ago, dude. Things change.
Dogma: Have I ever told you that you cook well?
Hardcase: Awww, no, you haven't!
Dogma: So why do you keep cooking?
Crosshair, pointing to the wall: What color is this?
Hunter: Gray.
Tech: Grey.
Crosshair, turning to Wrecker: Now tell them what color you think it is.
Wrecker: Dark white.
Tup: As someone who has a long history of not understanding anything, I feel confident in my ability to continue not knowing what is going on.
Rex: Now, the recipe calls for 2 shots of vodka.
Rex: *upends the bottle*
Hardcase: I was put on this earth to do one thing.
Hardcase: Luckily I forgot what it was so I can do whatever I want.
Rex: Do not come over to my house. If the house is on fire you may knock once, if I don't answer assume I set the fire and I want to burn to death.
Blackout: I'm not superstitious... But I am a little stitious.
Hunter: You’re jealous.
Crosshair: Jealous?
Hunter: That’s why you were being so negative about this.
Crosshair: That’s absurd. I’m always negative.
Waxer: Just took a personality test and got an A+.
Tup: Shouldn't get stressed out, it's not good for the baby.
Fives: What baby?
Tup, crying a bit: Me.
*Disneyland, in the teacups*
Kix, Jesse, and Rex: *spinning a little and talking*
Fives and Hardcase: *flying past them, spinning as fast as they can, screaming*
Kix: Isn’t this a bit dangerous?
Fives: Kix, please. We’ve been in a lot of unexpected predicaments before and we always escape unhurt.
Kix: ...
Fives: Okay, we sometimes escape unhurt.
Kix: ...
Fives: Alright, we escaped unhurt once... Then we hurt ourselves on the way home.
*Comments under an image of a lightsaber cutting bread*
Jesse: Imagine stabbing someone with this.
Kix: It would instantly cauterize the wound, so the person wouldn't bleed, so it's not very useful.
Fives: if you want information it is
Hardcase: why would you stab a person when you can have TOAST?
Rex: Hardcase is late again.
Fives: How did this happen? I called them at 8 o’clock this morning and pretended it was 11.
Kix: I printed up a fake schedule for them saying we were starting at 9 instead of noon.
Jesse: I set their clock to say PM when it’s really AM.
Rex: Oh boy. We may have overdone it.
*Hardcase bursts through the door*
Hardcase: WHAT TIME IS IT?
Kix: Where is everyone?
Hardcase: Tup had a nervous collapse, Jesse is looking after him, Rex is trying to kill Fives, so I’m in charge.
Kix: Oh my god!
Hardcase: I know, right?
Hardcase: I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven.
Dogma: I have that dream, too, but you go in the other direction.
Kix: Your lover doesn't have the mental strength to caramelize onions.
Echo: Your lover thinks it takes 5-10 minutes to caramelize onions.
Jesse: Who's fucking caramelizing onions? Have you sociopaths forgotten that apples exist?
Fives: Do you think caramelizing onions is putting caramel on onions.
Hardcase: Don’t be sad!
Tup: Why not?
Hardcase: I don’t have a good answer.
Dogma: You have friends and I envy that.
Tup: You're welcome to share my friends.
Dogma: *looks at Hardcase and Fives*
Dogma: I don't want those.
Fives, T-posing in the doorway: Greetings, Captain.
Rex, not looking up from his caf: Good morning, problem child.
(Post war, Jesse’s a farmer on a farm)
Jesse: I need 28 lightbulbs for 28 ducks.
Tup: Ducks can’t eat lightbulbs?
Kix: I think that’s the point.
Jesse: Exactly. I want my ducks to glow so I can find them.
Vaughn: Could you guys at least try to see this from my perspective?
Jesse: *crouches down*
Appo: *kneels down*
Sgt. Fox: *sits on the floor*
Vaughn: I hate all of you.
Cody: Wow, this parking is as straight as I am.
Wolffe: I know I should be focused on the fact that you just came out, but HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY PARKING!
Fives: I have met some of the most insufferable people. But they also met me.
Hunter: Omega-
Hunter: It- it was just an ant-
Echo: Unfortunately, due to several experiences in my youth, I cannot just 'walk up and join a circle of people talking', but it does sound lovely, thank you.
CF99: I think it's time to start fucking some shit up.
Rex: Oh no.
CF99: More like "oh yes!"
Rex: Hardcase! Have you no dignity?
Hardcase: Of course not! How long have we known eachother?
Fives: *running towards Dogma with open arms*
Dogma: *moves out of the way*
Fives: Hey, why'd you move?!
Dogma: I thought you were going to attack me.
Fives: I was going to hug you!
Dogma: Why would you hug me?
Fives: Guess what number I’m thinking of.
Jesse: 420?
Fives: No, that’s really immature of you. Someone else guess, and please take this seriously.
Hardcase: 69.
Fives: Yeah it was 69.
Hunter: How petty can you get?
Echo: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
Tup: Fives, sir, I am questioning your sanity...
Dogma: I never questioned it, I knew his sanity was missing from the start.
Thorn: Your future self is talking shit about you right now.
Fox: Jokes on him. I'll ruin his fucking life.
Fox: I only have two emotions: exhaustion and stress. And I’m somehow always feeling both simultaneously.
Kix: Hi, I'm Hardcase’s emergency contact.
Counter Guy: You're here to pick him up?
Kix: I'm here to remove myself as his emergency contact.
Cody, confused and exasperated: Waxer, how do you plan on telling a bear to go vegan?
Waxer: Politely.
Hardcase: If you spell skeletons backwards, it still spells skeletons.
Kix, deadpan: Wow, I can't wait for Halloween to see some snoteleks.
Echo: You’ve got to learn to love yourself.
Omega: But don't you hate yourself?
Echo: Yeah, but this is about you. Stay focused.
Hardcase: Hey droids! The boys are here!
Fives: “That’s a guy I wanna share a cold one with." Is what Bigfoot would say. About me.
Echo, about the Force: I'm bad at feeling. I wanna be swept up in this. I really wanna believe in something outside the norm of, you know, physics.
Rex: I've lived my life by one adage, and that's don't fuck with Sith!
Jesse, talking abour an insectoid creature from a holofilm: I’m just saying that if I were a bug I’d boink him.
Tup: If I were a bug I’d do a little bug dance.
Fives: My shoulders hurt from being so charismatic.
Jesse on Naboo leave: Why is the toilet paper scented here. It’s like rubbing my ass with some fckn lilies.
Hardcase: Would you notice if someone’s ears were a different color than their face?
Kix: You are literally the dumbest bitch I have ever met I love you so much.
Hound: Guys I did it again i took one of Grizzer’s pills
Fang: how the fuck
Wolffe: I don't trust pears they're sensual for no reason and then taste stupid.
Hound: I suddenly got really sad at the thought of eating my dog.
Boost: The leader never stops leading in true alpha fashion.
Sinker: please never say that again or I’ll call mutiny.
Jesse: Not to be political but idk what the fuck oatmeal is either man
Hardcase: *wears girl ring on one hand and boy ring on other hand* im so gendr
Bly: I am like one inconvenience away from deleting all my emotions and replacing them with disco.
Fox: Don’t date me unless you have a sexual preference for walls.
Echo: Me trying to fit my scomplink in the scomp-port of a computer is the equivalent of a man trying to finger a woman’s clitoris.
Tup: My head hurts. I think I'm dying.
Jesse: I have a cheesing appointment with your mom in half an hour.
Cody, threateningly: Your mouth is a fancy ballroom and I am a bitter man about to spike the party punch.
Echo: Here are two pictures. one of them is your room, and the other is the garbage dump.
Wrecker: *points at a picture* That one is the dump.
Echo: It smells like henway in here.
Echo: Tech.
Echo, forcefully: Doesn't it smell like henway in here?
Tech: *sigh*
Tech: What's a henway?
Hunter: We are not mad. We are just disappointed.
Echo: No, we are mad.
Hunter: Yes. We are. We are livid. But we are going to let this one slide.
Echo: No, we’re not!
Hunter: I am not a mind reader, Echo!
Omega: I did it! I memorized everything in the book! I'm gonna ace this test!
Hunter: Ok, Omega, I'll give you one more question before you go. What ended in 1918?
Omega: 1917.
Hunter: ...You're ready.
Obi-Wan @ Anakin: Why do you always have to insult the ghost of the place we're at?
Anakin: What’s up with Obi-wan? He’s been laying on the floor for like….an hour now?
Ahsoka: He’s just a little overwhelmed.
Anakin: Why?
Ahsoka: Commander Cody smiled at him.
Anakin: Is this a good idea?
Anakin: Probably not.
Anakin: Do I care?
Anakin: No.
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alpaca-clouds · 2 years
Fandom: Castlevania (Netflix)
Shipping: Striga/Morana
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut
Length: 1597 words
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Morana stirred in the bed. She could not sleep. She did not actually need to sleep, but staying awake made everything worse. When she stayed awake for too long, her thoughts would circle and circle and circle around, would fester with hatred for someone she basically knew nothing about. She would think about whether or not they should've tried to retake Styria, would think about returning just a few hours earlier, when there might still have been time to save Carmilla and Lenore.
It was not only those thoughts that were robbing her of her sleep, though. It was the humans. The stupid, pathetic humans. While the sun rose and it was time for her, Striga and the soldiers to return to whatever holes they had found to protect themselves from the sunlight, the humans would rise. There would be rustling, talking, screaming, scratching, walking, stamping and whatever other noises those disgusting humans would make. She hated it. She hated to stay in a human settlement like this. She hated to have to actually work with those humans. Humans were food, nothing else. This was like living among pigs, among cows. Dirty. Disgusting. Her vampire hearing even allowed her to pick up on some conversations the stupid humans were having. Trivial. All of it. Because human life was trivial.
She groaned, turning to the other side, turning towards the somehow sleeping Striga. For everything unholy, how was this woman still able to sleep? Striga had better hearing than even most vampires. Yet, she was peacefully lying there. Vast asleep.
Morana envied her. She envied her and the eerie calm she could keep.
It was two weeks now. Two weeks since they left the borders of Styria behind. About 18 days since Carmilla had died.
The bed was not helping things either. It was just hay with some blankets put on top of it. It was not the kind of bed she had gotten used to over those last four centuries. She could feel the single straws sticking out of it. Could also feel the hard wooden structure beneath.
All of this was humiliating. All of it.
Tears of anger were burning in her eyes. Anger at the world. Anger at the humans. Anger at that other forgemaster who had killed their sister.
Maybe Striga could feel it in her sleep, as she started to stir. With a soft grunt, she rolled onto her side, squinting at Morana. “You can't sleep again?” she asked softly.
It did not even make sense why she was whispering. The last little bit of “indulgence” they could allow for, was having their own “house”. Though house was saying too much. It was a hut with exactlyoneroom. A hut, that did not have a bath of any sort. But at least they did not share one big sleeping hall with other soldiers.
“No,” Morana replied, her voice bitter.
“Oh, my love,” Striga whispered, pulling her close and putting one arm around her. “You cannot allow those thoughts to consume you.” Her strong fingers weaved into Morana's open hair, as she gently pushed Morana's head against her own chest.
Morana understood the gesture, of course. She tried to do what Striga was so silently begging her for. She tried to relax, pulling in the familiar smell of her wife. Earthy. Grounded. Even after all of this somehow clean.
Striga's chest was gently moving as she spoke: “It is going to be alright.” That was, what she had repeated over those last few days.
“How?” Morana asked.
“We are still together, no?” Striga let her fingers run through Morana's hair. “We are still safe.”
“I don't think any of this is safe!” A single stupid human opening that fucking door would be enough to kill them.
“It is, though,” Striga argued. “We are safe. We have shelter. We arealive.”
A weird sound escaped Morana. Somewhere between a grunt and a sob. Was she crying? “The question is for how long.”
She did not even know what she was actually wishing for. If she was wishing for anything but a chance to change the past. She missed Carmilla, Lenore and the bloody castle. She missed having security, knowing what the next night would bring. She missed…
It was not as if she regretted this decision. If they had returned to the castle, trying to retake it, Striga might well have died, leaving Morana only the choice to flee or to perish herself. Striga was an excellent fighter, a better fighter than Carmilla had been for sure. But they would have been outnumbered by so many night creatures. And even with everything Morana missed, it was not as bad as she knew it would be without Striga. Without the woman who had given her life so many things it had lacked before.
“Try to not overthink it,” Striga whispered. “We are here. We are alive. I have you. You have me. It is enough. For now.” The tiny bed barely allowed her to move further away, yet she managed enough that she could lean in for a kiss.
Her kisses were especially gentle these days, as if they were trying to convince Morana that everything was alright.
The fic wanders into R-rated territory, read the last bit on Ao3.
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s-talking · 1 year
@v-iciious​  || cont.
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‘   𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐃   ‘   ..  ?     oh,  he  isn’t  hiding.  this  isn’t  some  game  of   hide   &   seek,   but  the  beginning  of  a   wild  hunt.   a  fine  sport  between  killers  with  darkness  serving  as  one  of  many  tools  at  their  disposal   &   my,  does  envy  know  how  to  use  it,  his  wicked  eyes  already  scanning  the  masked  man  who  lingers  as  plain  as  day,  so  terribly  cautious,  so  terribly,  terribly  wide  open.  it’s  rather  fun  seeing  him  like  this,  but  like  grandmother  always  mentions;     ‘     why  just  look  when  you  can  have  it..  ?     ‘   the  little  killer  smiles  wide  at  the  thought,  his  sharp  fangs  grazing  softly  at  the  bottom  lip  with  beastly  yearning,  almost,   unholy.   no  words  can  possibly  express  just  how  much  he  wants  to  tear  in,  to  feel  the  beating  of  his  heart  as  he  writhes,  so  cutely  struggling,  so  cutely  screaming,   &   yet,  no  actual  movement  is  made.  not  yet.
the  murderous  youth  merely  crouches  in  place,  looking  down  at  lir  from  above.     hn...  strange,     he  muses,     the  man  clearly  can’t  see  me,  but... ?     tilting  own  head  a  little,  envy’s  dark  eyes  slowly  blink,  half-lidded,  focused   &   steady  as  their  predatory  gaze  becomes  momentarily  clouded  by  the  wondering  thought;     it’s  like...   he’s  following  something  even  i  can’t  see...
not  really  liking  the  idea  of  a  possible  leeway,  the  little  killer  stands  up   &   slowly,  without  a  sound,  reaches  into  his  unzipped  jacket  from  which  a  butterfly-knife  is  withdrawn.  the  sharp,  ragged  steel  momentarily  reflecting  the  twisted  smile  of  its  master.  he  who  trails  slowly  along  the  upper  balcony   &   like  a  ghost,  fades  into  the  dark,  only  for  the  heavy  chains  to  start  swinging  in  most  loud,  screeching  echoes.  the  hunt...   is  finally  on.
ohh,  little  hound,  what  will  you  do  now?  the  warehouse  resonates  with  madness,  being  much  too  loud,  much  too  distorting  for  the  senses  but  luckily  for  lir,  the  scent  of  poppies  is  even  stronger,  instantly  alerting  the  hitman  as  envy  cuts  through  the  plastic  on  the  side   &   landing  ever  so  near,  takes  a  swing  at  his  throat  with  a  knife.
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  ❝     𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄  𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄   ♥     ❞
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bluedevilsrpg · 1 year
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LOOKOUT. NB. ( 27 ) Jhonattan Burjack TW: murder, violence
THE ONLY SANITY YOU KNOW IS SUMMONED BY MADNESS AND TETHERED BY CHAOS. For as long as you’ve known, there have always been riots trembling beneath your skin. But before the dominance and ambition that unfurls from your smirk, your hunger tells the tale of a nobody. Your morbid attraction to danger and power was ignited from the hatred of the simplistic nature of being weak. Inferiority engulfed all that you are. Killing became the language of your love, one fleshy shell at a time. Insatiable curiosity in your twisted mind, you found yourself in the depths of peril each time. You infiltrated a secret assassination ring upon a whim. In the background you stood and watched, absorbing all that you could learn. They declared themselves as killers, you cackled and that was when you caught their eyes. You stepped into their light. That was their first mistake. 
You welcomed it - your eyes aglow in a blaze. What once was valuable now reflected like trash. In mere seconds you began your performance of exquisite torture. Everything they did, you excelled further. Precision, dexterity, accuracy, the explosion of anguish from their lips was a symphony to your ears. And yet, their pleas for mercy returned you to the reality of the mundane. A scowl flickered upon your face, accompanied by a familiar thought, how inadequate and simply unfulfilling. You knelt to meet the face of the only one left fighting in the slaughterhouse of your creation. This one, you decide, will be allowed to survive. Grow stronger, be vicious, try to destroy me for all that I’ve done. It is this manic benevolence that nurtures your infatuation, your unholy matrimony to demise. You know that one day the soul you spared would be worthy of the greatest death. 
What you saw in them was a silhouette of darker things to come. Perhaps it was the familiar smell of agony driven by an unconquerable desperation to play a valiant hero. You could have given him a worthy end to his tale. But finished stories are forgotten, tiresome ones. You encountered him at his worst, pathetic and trembling - an incompetent disgrace. And yet, a voice rose from within the maze of your mind calling you to see beyond the veil. CURSED SOLDIER had the lightning strike of potential if you spared him; you saw him shedding the nursery fears conjured by the horrors of faceless humanity. He had the durability to rise from burning cities, silence the wailing screams, the ambitions to stand in opposition to kings. Your grip loosened as your verdict was made and your judgment awaits its fulfillment. You permit him to live upon your own gambling whims. You will become a wolf worthy of my slaughter, drink your destiny and one day you will be devoured at my mercy. 
In an era before you learned how to survive with your methods, you were a shallow shell of a person begging for an opportunity just to see another day. But you were intrigued when you saw her, befriending her for the promise of wealth. Greed had never been a vice that you considered a sin. While she lined your pockets, you were the one that had taught her how to create art from violence. Perhaps a part of you always envied the luck of her birth in such a morbid family. You never truly saw her as anything more than a puppy to hold by the leash with coins dangling from the mouth. So when the time came and you were offered to pledge yourself to another one of her siblings, you did it with ease. She was nowhere near the standards that you desired for your form of destruction; it was her siblings that showed the promise of more. You left her to rot in the blooming bruises of her inept abilities while you turned your head toward a shinier trophy. 
She believes herself obsessive and deranged and you do not deny her of her oddities and cruel nature. You watch in fascination of what she is and imagine what she is to become. There could be so much more to the violence she exhibits and yet she falls prey to her own distractions. She’s made herself a nuisance in your path, taking it upon herself to decapitate some of your most beloved playthings. She cut short the lives and potential of the few who you spared - robbing you of a moment to revel in your own cathartic, barbaric savagery. It brings about a fury that she’s overstepped her boundaries and you can’t help but crave vengeance. It is in you that she has met her match - if mania and delusion were human embodiments, that was what you two served. You’ve held back in restraint solely because of your distaste in dealing with those you deem inferior and she fits the description perfectly. You’ve left her a warning by murdering her last obsession. 
Their father was the icon of the century and you have admired them ever since you were little. The king of the pirates was untouchable and fearless, and to you, he represented everything you ever desired. Your obsession to become like him has led you down the path of what you are today. There are no regrets except for one; you imagine a world without GOD KILLER, one where his father was the one that survived. You hate him for what he has done and yet in the manic frenzy of your nonsensical logic you have found a new person to mold yourself into. Father and son, your fascination has led you to watch from the shadows of what will come. In your delirium, you obsess over the methods of his murder and how it will happen but even you know your capabilities. While he holds your leash, you bide your time to outmaneuver him. It isn’t your life on the line but his. After all, you’ve always craved to murder the strongest. The time will come when it is you who rewrites legend.
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Day Two of the Number of the Beast Week:
<3 @1967-impala no this isn’t late idk what you’re talking about
Too Many Think Lightly of Sin
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summary: Castiel, a faltering priest. Dean, a soldier returned from war. Between struggles of religion, mental health, and a love unaccepted by the church, Dean finds himself broken and betrayed.
pairing: destiel [mlm]
genre: angst, priest/soldier AU
rating: mature (not explicit, SFW, mentions the topic of sex to emphasize the difference between platonic love and lust in a religious manner)
warnings: major character death (not graphic), dark themes, religion, homophobia (internalized & externalized), PTSD, war, mental health, alcohol, implied suicide, etc.
word count: 1.9k
author's note: thank you, @1967-impala for proofreading this!! I hope that it doesn't disappoint <3
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Defender of Faith.
Sing a prayer for a little lost Love, my darling.
He looked charming in gold. Unlike the church, housing glass and black and silver. The priest was something else.
"Did it hurt?", the soldier asked.
"You think I haven't heard that one before?", the priest responded.
"I don't think you've heard it from another man before, no."
The soldier's ego faltered as he recalled the conversation.
Had that really been their first?
He had felt like an idiot after the words slipped out of his mouth, but the priest...
There was no shame. The small laugh, letting the jester know that he can take a joke, the sly smile on the lips. The interaction bordered on sinful, but there was nothing unholy about it.
No lies,
no greed,
no envy,
no lust:
just the human yearning for unconditional Love.
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The blue eyes, blue like the ocean, blue reflecting the gold hues surrounding them, bright blue- a color that is fundamentally cool- yet the warmest thing that the soldier had ever felt gazing down on him.
Oh, girls he could kiss and run. Girls he could have one-night stands with, girls he could leave before the glowing sunlight of morning let them see the freckles on his face.
Girls... Girls, he could hurt.
The- thing that he felt for Cas was a whole different breed.
God, even his name sounded Angelic. The way that-
"...animals procreate is in a different manner than humans do. It's irrational, it's for survival, no matter whether pleasure and consent are existent in the procreation or not..."
The end of their conversation drifted away from the soldier's mind. He didn't want to remember the words that flew out of the priest's mouth, a desperate attempt to cover up whatever the Holy man thought he had committed.
He didn't understand.
The soldier never asked to sleep with him,
never implied it-
But the priest was just like the rest.
Believing that the only love two men could experience would be sinful.
No sin.
It was a hit and run by the one he looked up to, the man that the soldier wanted.
A hit and run that left roadkill of a Heart.
"Are you a religious man, Mr. Winchester?"
The soldier wasn't necessarily Happy in the earth-toned therapist's office, but any trace of Joy that showed on his face quickly drained.
"Were you raised religious?"
His father: the atheist.
His brother: the omnist.
His mother: died when he was too young to even understand or ask what religion was.
A word flashed behind his eyes: "agnostic".
"I don't have a specific opinion, religion is based on what humans fear exists after death, not usually what they should be doing in their life. At least that's what I've noticed."
Set up for disappointment if you believe in the Ethereal Perfection of Heaven.
And set up for Eternal Damnation if you don't.
"I guess I believe in the effect that we have on each other here on Earth."
"So, Mr. Winchester, what effect- what impact, what legacy do you believe you will be leaving behind after you die?"
Chest pains, crying, anger, screaming in the darkness, punching arms and legs and sides and heads and hands, muscle spasms, hot flashes, cold flashes, dry heaving, nightmares.
"I served, too."
The soldier glanced toward the front of the church, realizing that the priest had been present for the entirety of the time that he had spent there.
"How did you know that I-"
"I can see it in your eyes."
He walked towards the seated man in the back of the building, who was considering leaving before he got himself into a conversation that he didn't want to have.
"And what do you see?"
"Heartbreak. Terror. Loneliness. Fear. Nothing."
The soldier’s eyes fluttered, avoiding the religious figure's gaze.
"I'm not lonely. Or afraid."
The priest patted his shoulder gently, sitting on the bench beside him.
"Oh, sure. If that's what you think."
His words weren't harsh, they were filled with floating sincerity. If that's what the soldier thinks.
"It is."
"Alright... May I ask you a question?"
He wouldn't prefer it, but this was his home, his territory, his Kingdom, and he couldn't deny the man's request.
"Do you pray?"
“Not a day in my life.”
“You don’t talk to anyone, any higher power, any god when you feel trapped?”
“No, not my thing.”
“You should try it sometime, it might help.”
The soldier smirked, repeating the Pure man’s words from earlier:
“Oh, sure. If that’s what you think.”
The priest smiled, a wide, Joyful smile, standing up to leave the stranger alone.
“Did it hurt?” Dean asked, leaning back, arms strung around the back of the bench.
And the small laugh from Castiel followed.
The stench of beer floated into Dean’s nostrils, and he wanted nothing more than to turn around and leave.
But Cas was his companion,
his buddy,
his Partner.
“Drinking partners?” Cas had asked.
“Why the hell not?
A chuckle echoing in the church corridor.
“Tomorrow, at 7:00 PM.”
“Whatever you say, Cas.”
“Cas? I don’t think you’ve ever shortened my name before, Dean.”
The soldier felt a twinge of embarrassment as he realized that once again, his head had deceived him.
A whole world, a sorrowful, hopeful, heartbroken, terrified, fearful, empty world in his mind.
“I haven’t? Do you mind?”
“Not at all, in fact, it rolls off your tongue quite nicely.”
No lies,
no greed,
no envy,
no lust:
just the human yearning for unconditional Love.
No sin.
No sin.
No sin.
Cas had hooked his arm around Dean’s as they entered the bar without thought.
It was Natural, warm, perfect.
And the sickening feeling and memories of hangovers and drinking to forget the pain disappeared.
As they sat, and drank, and talked, with pats on the shoulder and slamming glasses on counters, Dean had pushed Cas’ hair to the side. It had been falling into his face all evening, and Dean didn’t like how it covered his eyes when he looked down.
But as soon as Dean’s hand had brushed the hair- spending just an instant too long with his forearm lingering against his cheek-
Castiel pulled back slightly.
And Dean knew it would never work.
Yet he, the soldier, had Faith.
Sing a prayer for a little lost Love, my darling.
A drink turned into a dinner,
a dinner into an evening,
an evening into a second date.
Neither of them would admit they were dating.
But they could see it in strangers' eyes-
how they watched the two men hold each other in their arms, taking walks together in the night, glancing at the reflection of the stars in their eyes, wishing desperately for the morning sun to never arrive...
for the light to not reveal what they had done-
and in those strangers' eyes, they could see their Love glancing back at them.
Dean could see their silhouettes, the perfection of the broken man and the Holy one comfortably nestled together.
But Castiel couldn't.
All the priest saw was the agonizing formation of lust and regret.
No sin.
No sin.
No sin...
One day.
Then two.
Then five.
Then a week.
Then he stopped counting.
He couldn’t remember how long it had been since he had stepped foot inside the church.
He couldn’t remember the warm golden glow, the specific hue that was the color of his eyes. Blue like the sea? No, not the sea. No, no, blue like the sky…
Shouldn’t they be the same?
Shouldn’t they be Equal?
A Heart against a feather.
“Oh, Father. I- I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Dean, Dean Winchester, but I was hoping to find-”
“Castiel, I expect?”
“Yes, is he here? Is Cas…” The nickname faded away, his voice failing him, as if he had been shouting for hours on end. It felt foreign now, a hollow compilation of sounds.
The balance tilted.
“Moved about… a month ago, I guess? Left the church.”
“He- he left the church? As in, he’s not religious anymore?”
“I don’t know the specifications, Mr. Winchester. Is there anything that I may help you with, or were you only looking for the specific man that you were… interested in?”
And the balance tipped completely to one side.
Dean was shocked at the words, the bitterness ringing in his ears.
Somehow, he knew. This man knew what he wanted, what Cas had wanted, pretended to want.
“Have a good afternoon, Mr. Winchester.”
Why had Cas-
Why had Castiel insisted on following the truth?
The written rules, never designed to be followed in this age, never created for men like him.
Like Cas.
But Cas had disagreed.
“It won’t work, D.”
The only time a friend, a Lover, had shortened his name, a softness added to the end of the name he had heard so many times with hints of anger, hints of guilt.
From fathers, from brothers, from generals.
“Did you hear me, Dean?”
And then it was gone.
“Yeah, Cas. I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking.”
“We weren’t thinking, Dean. Neither of us, that was the problem. But I prayed to God, and-”
Blood formed on the interior of his cheeks.
“God has nothing to do with this, with us. God doesn’t understand what we have, religion doesn’t understand. The Bible was written by men who existed in a completely different society, a different world than us. They thought it was wrong, it-”
It doesn’t have to be, Cas.
Again, their minds read each other’s.
You know it does.
“I don’t have a choice, Dean. I need to follow what’s right for me.”
“Oh, sure. If that’s what you think.”
And the Angel walked away, leaving a stunned demon behind, an empty shell of a loveless man.
Sing a prayer for a little lost Love, my darling.
Another month, come and gone, another full Moon with cool light shining down onto the soldier.
A fall, a blade, a gun, a bottle.
Heaven, Hell, something in between, reincarnation, nothing, everything.
At that point it didn't matter.
He was a soldier, a soldier who won the war but lost the battle.
Who surrendered to the kingdom of his mind.
No, not surrendered.
There was nothing optional about this.
A fall, a blade, a gun, a bottle.
And his mind made his decision.
And his mind fell blank.
And his mind ceased to exist, a rapid firing of electronic signals- the very things that housed all of his emotions and thoughts- before any life died out, flittering energy towards whatever outside could find.
He could feel the floor hit his-
his body hit the floor with a hollow thud.
And somewhere, somehow, Cas knew that the soldier was gone.
And Castiel dropped to his knees.
Risen up,
with glowing halos...
a fallen soldier,
an Angel,
a Friend,
a shining symbol of Peace-
sitting on his throne,
nesting in a place filled with new opportunities-
looks down at his Love with uncertainty.
Broken down,
with tattered wings...
a fallen Angel,
a knight,
a soldier,
a crushed symbol of Hope-
kneeled at the altar,
once again returning to the place that had held him back-
looks up to the sky at his Love with betrayal.
Sing a prayer for a little lost Love, my darling.
─────── •°.༻•.°𖤐°.•༺.°• ───────
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thedemonconnie · 7 days
The Fifth Circle
The 5th circle of hell is a sea without a surface but light still comes from what looks like a surface, even if you swam twoards the light with all your might you would never go anywhere and you have to keep swimming for you are not alone in these unholy waters sooner or later you will encounter one of the demon-made sea beasts that live here, the actual demons dwell in a kingdom at the bottom of this surface-less sea. in this circle the humans are left in the water to drown but no matter how much Oxygen they're deprived of the humans never drown they keep suffocating without end until a monster finally swallows them
At the bottom of the ocean lies the city, a city structured mostly by building into the bottom rocks, with buildings stretching up, and see through tunnels for the demons who can’t breathe here’s it’s a highly militarized destination, much of hell’s navy dwells here, constantly on patrol, and prowl, stalking all who pass, waiting for an excuse to practice making the water turn red 
The ruler of this circle is The Mighty Leviathan, the Prince of Envy and the grand admiral of hell 
She’s tall, 6’ 7”, her skin looks almost light lime green in color, yet somehow faded, along her skin pops black scales and barnacles that just barley tinted green, her mouth decored with razor sharp teeth, by the corners of her moth appear slits almost, so she can fully open her jaw,
Emerging from her head, peaking out from her hair are five tentacles, one on the top of her head two on the topside two on the bottom side All black and slimy, with a sea green just like her hair, Exept her hair is at least kept in a ponytail
Her hands are clawed and webed with pointed green fins running down her arms among the scales
Down her back and out writhes a long twisting tail, black and scaly, trailing behind her like a cape
She is also missing an eye, it was stolen by Uriel during the Ineffable Revolution, the eye that remains  still burns green with envy 
A demon with a shriek that can deafen many but can not shock them the same as her Scottish sailor’s tongue
in her “true form” however Leviathan is about 16 miles long
When they aren't governing their circle, they are constantly tormenting their servants and attendants with their demands. Leviathan is capable of making a piercing shriek, so powerful it could shatter the all the glass  in a city if she screamed loud and long enough. But she also has a Beautiful singing voice and loves the opera
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babyinablender · 10 months
These are the hands, calloused and cruel, that choked the life out of the neck that holds my head so sloppily, always listing to the side. These are the knuckles that tore when I escaped, the edges of my nail beds bled for weeks from my chattering teeth before they turned blue, then purple, then green. These are the arms that broke from boring down, from struggling since infancy to hold up the sun, to keep us all from drowning in liquid fire. These are the scars of my unbecoming, wild and gnarled, from years of the lies I told to myself. See this? WHORE. From virgin to Magdalene overnight. These are the blunt teeth that ripped apart the flesh of my cheeks, until blood flowed into my mouth, life-sustaining when bread was fantasy unrealized. Empty and shriveling, shriveling. They ate my bitten nails for keratin, my dinner. These are the eyes that closed against the world, these are the eyes that refused to see. Silence became envy, blankness became holy. Do not see, do not want. Do not want, do not need. These are the ears that didn't listen, too full of their own screams to hear yours. These are the ears that bled green for every slash of the hand against temples. So young, so tender-fleshed. These are the marks of my youth. These are the scars of my young adulthood. These are the restraints of my future.
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Unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy,
unholy, unholy, unholy,
unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy, unholy,
unholy, unholy, unholy,
0 notes
andiais1 · 1 year
Harry Potter next generation fic. SFW. Horror short Drabble. Mentions of sex, not graphic.
Darkness Creeping
The end of the world had come creeping in insidiously from the shadows.
It had begun with muggles disappearing. Whole families vanishing from their homes at night, with no evidence left behind to say why. No blood splattered across the walls, belongings left exactly where they had always been. Pan were left simmering on stoves, music playing repeatedly from stereos, showers left running.
The muggle authorities had at first merely put the disappearances down to unknown factors, not too worried about it until they realised that it was happening all over the globe, with alarming regularity. Within three months, whole towns were disappearing over night. Within six, the muggle population had been decimated, mere thousands left.
The wizarding world had taken note of the disappearances, but had not worried. What did they care if a few muggles disappeared? There were so many of them after all. No, they had not cared, until it happened in their community.
Suddenly, the wizards had found that they were not immune to whatever was happening to the muggles. Their magic did not protect them from the horror that slithered in when the night fell. They were merely able to see what was taking them. Strange, misty malformed beasts pouring out of the dark corners and shadowed crevices. Men with eyes like dinner plates and hands like claws. Dogs with too many legs, too wide jaws and teeth dripping with foul smelling saliva. That they made no sound as they came merely added to their horror. The would grin and laugh, they would speak, but no sound would reach the ears of the victims.
Sometimes, there would be a survivor. A child, or an adult, there was no rhyme or reason as to why an individual was left behind. They almost always ended up in St. Mungo's; sometimes merely sitting and staring at the wall, sometimes gibbering nonsensical words. The one thing they all had in common was that, when night fell, they would scream. They would scream and beg and cry. They would scratch and tear at the skin, their eyes and pull at their hair.
Teddy Lupin knew why they screamed. He had been left behind when the Shadow Horde, as they were being called, had come for his Grandmother. He had watched as a man with one eye hanging against his cheek, pointed teeth shining with a sinister half light in a rictus grin had sunk his claws into his Grandmother. He had felt the warm, rancid breath of a wolf with many eyes and rotting flesh as it breathed in his scent; waiting for it to bite into him and drag him into the dark pantry that had been left open.
But the creature had just turned and padded silently back into the creeping dark, leaving him shaking and crying and sitting in a puddle of urine. He had gone to Hogwarts immediately, following several other wizards and witches who believed that Hogwarts was still safe.
Teddy was one of the few left, even the survivors of previous attacks had been taken when St. Mungo's was emptied. The Weasleys were all gone, they were taken when Godric's Hollow was attacked on Christmas eve, the entire village gone, no survivors other than James Potter, who was no longer the carefree boy that had loved life with a passion that others envied.
Now, James only came alive when Teddy was fucking him, whispering filth in his ear and biting until blood flowed from broken skin under his teeth. He only smiled when Teddy was sucking his cock; a grim, brittle smile that matched the rough hands that gripped multi-coloured, ever changing hair.
Now, night was drawing in, and James turned dead eyes to Teddy and said “They're coming. It's tonight. We're the last ones, and they're hungry.”
Teddy looked out of the window, over the darkened grounds of Hogwarts. He saw them walking towards the castle, gliding with an unholy grace that was just wrong when set against their appearance. They were horrifying, and yet Teddy was not afraid.
James took hold of his hand and pulled him towards the Entrance Hall. As the great door of Hogwarts opened, and darkness crept in, Teddy looked at the grotesque, butchered form of his Grandmother and smiled. James' whisper of “Dad.”accompanied the dimming of the final light, and Teddy squeezed his hand and stepped forward into the unending darkness.
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1. Lust - the desire to make babies is Unholy and sinful is better to be a virgin and die
2. Gluttony - it's better just a Starve to yourself to death, a small person needs small amount of food big person is a big big food, if your needs outweigh what people consider being normal it's gluttony, true gluttony is eating more than you need, in other words decadence !
3. Greed - the desire for anything is cute tile everything you have is going to go back to the ground anyway your body is going to die out eventually what is the purpose of having everything or having all the money in the world what are you going to do with it at all . . . smile . . . Nothing is really yours no matter what, ownership is an illusion what you really do is you have the objects or software enclosed proximity ownership is completely fictitious.
4. Sloth - This wouldn't be if you can't commit this sin if you're not alive, if you're still just a ghost and you have nobody you have no one responsibilities therefore you're a bad person for being born you should have just did a ghost the entire time there's also ties in with the sin of greed !
5. Wrath - Giving a Fuck about anything is always stupid, wrath only said you give too much zeal for life you care too much and you take things too serious that's what wrath means !
6. Envy - do you really think being sexier than the other females going to make your life any better really you're just going to end up a pile of rotting flesh somewhere at some point and be dust in the wind nothing in your life matters you don't matter I don't matter God doesn't matter nobody matters the devil doesn't matter no one matters, everything you do in your life to work hard or get mad at people who make your achievements hard to achieve only show that how much of a fanatic you are ! - Stop giving a Fuck !
7. Pride - pride the illusion of thinking you actually make progress, progress is an illusion what is progress to an alien to you seems like utterly ridiculous Bullshit - I want you to think of all the animals in the world and all the things they do in their life and to them they're making progress to you they're being stupid animals, to an alien watching you from space you're being a stupid animal, there are no achievements there is no that's the thing is progression there is no maturity there is no degree of measurement of anything really even math is just completely fictitious, and science is constantly trying to reinvent the truth, science comes out new science comes out science debunks old science everything we knew is false again we already knew it was BS and then they just tell those same old story a different way where many different words it just words at this point they're just different words they have no meaning no value no grounding no base.
Ultimately if you read the Bible you understand that the whole Bible is basically telling you in a very indirect way to just Fucking RED RUM ( Your Self ) already . . .
The seven deadly sins is all about being a ghost is good being alive is bad and life is a punishment from God upon All Souls in existence and it's better if the plant blows up in all life be destroyed
But keep in mind the heart-wrenching truth that eventually All Souls go insane
Because the soul is immortal and how many things that happened the damage your memory to make it he constantly living the illusion of Life Is magical special and you grow up Re realizing and Re realizing - that is not
From childhood the old age
Eventually the soul will go completely insane and the only prayer you have to God that at this point you'll be screaming into his Fucking face you'll be set on fire if you get anywhere near God is that you'll be screaming as hard as possible just Please Fucking RED RUM Me Already God End All Souls
Because immortality will drive you insane and All Souls Are immortal . . .
So you're going to have to make up for all that infant time with unlimited cheap thrills and he only forget that everything sucks only so many time before your soul gets tired of the mental Warp
For the only good thing you can do with yourself is to destroy your own Consciousness and trust me I tried hundreds of thousands of times in the spirit realm and I effing failed is if I didn't fail I wouldn't be here
Also this two kind of things that are sin free robots and ghosts
As I've explained in this post that being a goes your sin free and you can do whatever you want and if you're a robot you can't even commit anything if you tried, you can program a robot to be an animatronic and be perfect and pure in every way and if it was conscious it wouldn't be sinning therefore robots are better people than Christians or at least robots make better Christians
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glitter-bunny420 · 2 years
*me watching Willy’s Wonderland*
That one girl in the family murder room: Is it weird that I’m getting really turned on right now?
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attackthemap · 6 years
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I marathoned the first season of Bungo Stray Dogs in two days and I think that’s worth some fanart.
Like DRRR, I really have a favorite character so I drew the contenders. I love me some angst so obviously Akutagawa made the list. Atsushi’s eyes are shaded nicely so I always pay attention to them, and the whole tiger thing is pretty cool. Trainwreck-types are also my jam and I feel like Tanizaki is one disaster away from a total breakdown so I love when he gets some screen time. And of course, the Naruto fancharacter the skinny emo kid. I think he’s had a total of one minute in 12 episodes but I’ve been told he has more of a role later on so I’m really looking forward to seeing more of him!
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missinghan · 3 years
your heart & your headache, too ⤖ lee minho
❖ genre : stray god (?) au; fluff; humor; angst; action
❖ word count : 9,6k.
❖ warning : swearing, mentions of violence, blood, injuries, stitches
❖ summary : a self-proclaimed god shows up at your door in the middle of the night for a place to stay. you let him and hope the unconventional encounter doesn’t become a regular thing. of course, it becomes a regular thing.
❖ sequel blurb : read it here!
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❖ dedicated to @poutylino​ : happy birthday robi! i hope you’ll like this mess of a fic ♡
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There is a stranger in your living room.
There is a stranger in your living room.
There is—holy shit...you need to call the cops.
“Out of the way,” the stranger spats calmly. 
“Show me your face.”
He is unfortunately very good-looking; the kind of face that all beings envy for God only has one favorite and that’s him, the kind of face that makes the most expensive diamond look dull in comparison, the kind that screams ‘tougher in body and nobler in heart than any creature in the world’ like any novel’s protagonist. Oh yeah, did you mention that he has a really nice physique too?
“I said, move.” He stumbles forward, heavy and inconsistent breaths.
In any case, he’s someone you’ve never met before in your life. Therefore, your brain is overworking itself to figure out what the fuck is going on (as if it’s not overworked on a daily basis already). One moment you were minding your own business on the couch and stressing over your homework. The next, there’s an explosion of light and there he was. Meaning, this absolutely skeptical, worthy-of-being-reported man can’t just expect you to simply move.
“Last time I checked, this is my living room, which you’re not supposed to be in,” you tilt your head curiously at his silhouette being cast on the white wall. “You should move.”
Your gaze rolls upward again to meet his eyes. You think lack of sleep is really getting into your head because there are two golden orbs staring right back at you. He leans forward to pick up the butter knife on your coffee table, easily twirling the shiny piece of cutlery between his fingers. 
“Hey—!” An alarm finally goes off inside your head, high on sheer anxiety and panic. If you decided to do something rash, he might slice your throat in half.
“I’m just going to make it clear that I’m not responsible for what’s about to happen to your face,” he mumbles under his breath, staggering with difficult steps. His limbs are nearly immobile but are being forced to drag a heavy body across your tiled floor. Two trails of crimson become more visible as he walks out of the shadow. Another alarm shakes your senses, telling you that the man can collapse any second now.
Just then, a linear light emerges into your view, metal flies past your head and pierces the bookcase behind your back. A shaky breath. With ineffable terror, you behold an ominous creature in which shadows cling to its hellish movements. The horror struggles and emits an unholy screech against the butter knife, gleaming its bat-like teeth at you before disintegrating into thin air. 
You drop to your knees, mouth gape open, “I’m going insane. I’m going insane. I’m going insa—”
A loud thud startles your train of thought. “Holy shit!”
Your head whips around upon the sound only to witness the stranger’s reclined figure on your floor. His brows are knitted tightly together as his palm hugs the side of his shoulder. You give the air a faint sniff once you shuffle close enough and realize how much he’s bleeding. Who…hurt him?
Maybe getting murdered is easier than having to deal with this, whatever the fuck that just happened. 
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Surprisingly, it takes him thirty minutes to wake up and two minutes to say his name as you’re walking back and forth in your living room like a madwoman, desperate for a solution and a conviction that everything was not a fucked up nightmare. You are, at some point, this close to taking him to a hospital but looking at him up close helps you understand that the exhaustion his body is bearing clearly goes beyond humans’ physical abilities. Minho looks tired of the world for having to carry around baggage that’s too heavy for himself. Somehow, you feel like you’re part of the baggage itself.
However, your empathy quickly evaporates when you walk out of your bathroom and see the fool roaming your house without a shred of care for the universe. Yes, he’s still bleeding. And yes, he doesn’t look concerned. You’re in serious need of moral support right now but your friends all have questionable morale. 
Minho pauses at the blinking laptop on your table with a cup of hot tea in his hands, “Hmm? So you’re teaching at a university this young? Impressive. You must be pretty smart.”
“I’m an underpaid, overworked, minimum-wage TA,” you toss him your best passive-aggressive glare and settle on your couch with a first aid kit, “Come here. Sit.”
Which is how you end up in your conveniently bloodied living room at half-past twelve with a man who can easily bleed out to his demise. To your dismay, he follows your ushering without protest, watching you with the attentiveness of a worn-out hawk. You look at him once his legs are crossed obediently, taking in the scattered cuts on his face and the dirty white shirt over his black tank top. Curiosity traces your features at the bandages around his neck and wrists, and he looks back.
“I can’t believe you’re ordering a god around. I’m not a dog.” Minho notices where your gaze lingers and clears his throat. 
You furrow your brows, reasonably unimpressed, “Really? You almost killed me and now you’re telling me this? Do you hear yourself? How is this going to make my life any easier?” How are you supposed to comfort people when they break into your house again? You stitch them up while trying to avoid looking them in the eye? Maybe making them a hot drink? And letting them stay the night, too?
You’re not necessarily a ‘people person’. Thinking about it gives you hives.
“Sarcasm? That’s all you’ve got?” 
“Get used to it,” you open your mouth when the alcohol spray hits his wound, prompting a small hiss of discomfort. “You’re telling me that you’re a god yet you used my freaking butter knife to kill...”
“A curse,” Minho says between gritted teeth as you clean up his cut. “And I grabbed your knife because one, it was the only sharp object in reach, and two, I lost my sword.”
A sword, huh. Why would people own a sword these days? You hope his sword isn’t a real one because dying by a sword seems so unnecessarily dramatic. It’d feel like your life is a fantasy novel and you’ve stupidly offended someone’s honor. Is he a cosplayer of some sort? So you’re patching up a cosplayer at one in the morning. A cosplayer that apparently materializes out of thin air. How the fuck are cosplayers so advanced these days? 
“...A curse?”
“Curses are born from humans’ negative emotions. It is my job to exorcise them before they can grow into full-fledged demons,” Minho explains briefly while glancing around your apartment like a cautious cat. 
You have a feeling that you’re slowly comprehending the situation even though his claims make no feasible sense. “Okay, and how did you get hurt?”
“I got hit by a truck while trying to save a puppy on the streets.” And he just brings you back to square one. Even so, someone who’s willing to get hit by a truck for a puppy can’t be a psychotic serial killer. 
You open your mouth and close it. The process repeats about five times before you realize how much you’re acting like an absolute fool. For the first time in your life, you’d rather cry over midterms instead of whatever this is. Because the thing is you’re confident in your ability to read in between the lines, seeing through people’s deception and hidden secrets. Even so, you cannot decipher the truth that he’s carrying.
“...You’re a god yet you let a truck run you over?”
There’s a scowl on his face now. “I lost my sword.”
You breathe. And you breathe again. “You’d better connect the dots for me before I lose my mind and set someone’s house on fire.”
The scowl deepens, “Yes, gods don’t usually get hit by vehicles. But for me, I can’t deliberately walk through physical materials unless I have my sword.”
“Seems legit. I wish the police were still open at this hour,” you shrug and smile fakely, holding up a syringe in front of his nose. 
Minho looks mortified, which is rich coming from a self-proclaimed god that just exorcised a curse out of your dirt-broke apartment. “Wait! Wait! What do you think you’re doing?!” His body shuffles away in sheer fright like a toddler getting vaccinated for the first time. You think you might feel bad for laughing. 
“I’m going to give you an injection. Give me your arm.”
“Yeah, your spidey senses are tingling perfectly, Peter Parker,” he sneers like a possessed cat, an accusing finger pointing at the clear substance. Wow, allegedly a god can make pop culture references, too. “What the fuck is that?”
You raise an eyebrow at his untrusting eyes, “Anesthesia so you don’t cry like a little bitch when I stitch you up.”
Minho looks more concerned than you are right now which is extremely unfair, by the way. “Stitches? You know how to do that?”
“No, but I have a YouTube tutorial from a real doctor if that makes you feel better.”
His lips twitch after a long beat of silence. “....Can I have something stronger than tea? Vodka, maybe?”
It’s truly unfortunate for him. You don’t own a single bottle of liquor.
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Three days after your unconventional encounter with a god, there comes another one. This one, however, does not occur at your place.
“Thank you for looking after Hyunjin on such short notice, Y/N.” Mrs.Hwang gives you a small smile with her purse over her shoulder and her husband ushers her to get into the car from the front gate. “He is upset because our puppy has gone missing for a few days now but I’m sure he’ll behave. His bedtime is at nine and we’ll be back at twelve-ish or so.”
“It’s no trouble. Mrs. Lee is out of town tonight so she said I could bring Felix over,” you smile back tiredly when the freckled kid hides behind your leg since Hyunjin is too busy staring daggers at him. “You guys go have fun.”
“No sweets before bed, okay!”
Hyunjin’s parents quickly pull out of the driveway when you lock the door and lead the two children into the backyard. A wave of exhaustion washes over your full mind. You have a class to teach tomorrow with a review quiz and now you have to babysit another kid?
“He’s so short,” Hyunjin speaks up shamelessly, sitting cross-legged on the wooden porch as Felix clings to your arm. The kid’s eyes are wide and dark in curiosity as he scans the foreign surroundings. This makes you acknowledge how his parents are always busy and often leave him at daycare overtime. 
“He’s like five years old, Hyunjin. You’re already nine,” you pat Felix’s head as a consent signal for him to play around in the backyard. “And can you stop glaring at him like he’s eaten all of your cheesecakes, please?”
A pout forms on his lips. “I lost Kkami,” he looks down at his feet sullenly. “Mom said she already put out flyers and online posts but...what if he’s not coming back?”
You blink once, twice, and thrice. Oh goodness, why did you agree to be a babysitter when you’re bad at comforting people? 
“I’m sure someone will find Kkami and bring him back,” you try to reassure him with a hand on his shoulder; being a hypocrite isn’t your thing but there’s nothing else you can give him right now other than false hope. “For the time being, why don’t you hang out with Felix?” 
At this point, Hyunjin is already too seasoned to take the bait. He side-eyes Felix to examine his chubby face, weirdly focused. It’s like you thought—he has never been around anyone else his age because he’s homeschooled, much less someone this much younger than him. 
“How?” Hyunjin tilts his head at you, eyes sparkling. It’s kinda sad but fucking adorable. You get why people are soft for the little brats now. They’re cute, just lack the ability to shut up at the right time. 
“You kids can play whatever as long as I can see you. Just don’t make him dizzy, he’ll barf.”
Felix seems to have eavesdropped on your conversation and is now staring up at you from the lower ground. “Uhm, can we play hide and seek?”
“Superb idea, Felix,” Hyunjin cracks a wide grin at that. Surprise surprise, the kid actually has some range. 
“What’s ‘superb’?” The freckled boy scratches his cheek in confusion. 
Hyunjin tries to reply with expressive hands, “It’s uh, it's great!”
“What’s great?”
“What’s ‘superb’?”
…This is going to take a while, isn’t it?
All things concluded, it takes Felix ten minutes to stop asking what ‘superb’ means and another hour for you to tuck both of them into bed. Those brats really had the audacity to fall asleep next to each other in the utility closet in the middle of the game. After that, a much-needed silence goes on for about twenty minutes until a man kicks his way in through the living room. 
“There is such a thing as doors,” you tell him, barely glancing up from the book that you’re reading. 
“But that’s boring.” It’s not the voice that you have been expecting. Well, you shouldn’t be so surprised anymore. 
“You’re paying to fix the window or I’m calling the cops.” 
You finally decide to look up at the owner of the voice and to your dismay, it isn’t the self-proclaimed god you’re familiar with. He’s also very good-looking but his energy seems more careless and free-spirited than Minho. There’s a red pair of headphones around his neck, a flannel over a loose shirt with some jeans. 
Totally normal. He can even pass as a harmless high school student. Unfortunately, your perception of people’s clothing has changed since the day Minho broke into your apartment. 
“My name is Han Jisung,” he introduces himself and snaps his fingers as the shattered shards of glass easily piece themselves back together. He’s lucky that the kids are heavy sleepers. “And I’m assuming you’re the girl that Minho talked about.. So where is he?”
Your eyebrow twitches in disbelief. “How would I know?”
“He told me to meet up here though,” Jisung rubs the back of his neck sheepishly as if he’s slowly taking in the fact that you don’t know him and he doesn’t know you either. So what, is he here to exorcise another curse? If that’s the case, you’d better put Mrs. Hwang’s number on standby in case her house collapses or something. 
The brunet boy grumbles, as he should, “What’s taking that fucking idiot so long?”
On cue, there’s another explosion of light, the same one that nearly blinded you three days ago. And there stands Minho in all his glory of...dirt and grass and...why is there a puppy in his arms?
“Jisung, I think I already taught you how to knock and greet people properly.” 
You scowl at him, “Oh, look who’s talking. I don’t think light counts as a proper way to greet people.”
“She has a point,” Jisung shrugs. 
Minho has an expression that screams betrayal and you feel bad for almost laughing. “You’re supposed to be on your father’s side.” 
You swear, Jisung looks like he’s about to throw up. “You’re not my father!”
“I created you! You exist because of me! You literally came from my spine, you stupid bird!”
“I reject your influence.”
“That would mean suicide.”
“This is no way to treat your son.”
“Do not use that tone with me! The amount of disrespect—do you think I would ever talk to my father that way?! I don’t think so!”
“Why you always gotta harsh my mellow, old man?”
Lost in incoherent thoughts, you can barely comprehend their conversation. But the realization hits you that 1) Hyunjin’s parents are almost home, 2) the kids are still asleep upstairs, 3) there are two morons spatting nonsense at each other in the Hwangs’ living room. 
“Shut the fuck up! Both of you! Just shut up! Are you here just to uppercut each other’s ego or are you going to give me an exorcism? What the absolute fuck?!” Your patience snaps and the two of them pause, simultaneously turning their heads to stare at you like you’re batshit crazy. Guess whose fault is that? “Thank you. Important question, by the way, whose dog is that? I’ll smack you if it dirties the carpet.”
Minho frowns down at the puppy wrapped in his white shirt like a burrito. His hair is entangled in leaves and short branches while the little demon is very intent on licking his bruised cheek. For some reason, you grin like a sadist at the discomfort on his face. 
“It’s the kid’s puppy. I think his name was Kkami or something. I saw flyers all over Gangnam,” he replies flatly as if his brain is recalling the horrendous moments of chasing the dog in the middle of a cramped highway. “Did you know that he’s been staying up every night crying about this mop of furry ball, I could hardly sleep. How old is he? Five?”
You hold back a small smirk. “He’s nine, actually.” 
“Great, I still don’t know anything about kids.”
“You know what, kindly leave the dog and get out.”
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You’re really lucky that Hyunjin’s parents came back before twelve because the last thing you need right now is having an earful of a toddler’s unholy, overjoyed screeches when his lost puppy is back home in one piece. Not to mention, they told you to go home early and let them look after Felix until his mom comes back tomorrow. Mrs. Hwang and her are best friends either way.
Wait, back it up a little. Did you just say that you’re lucky?
No, you take that back. Because Minho is currently trailing after you under the faint downpour, his white shirt pathetically draped over his mop of hair as the rain gradually wets the fabric. Meanwhile, Jisung walks behind him with two hands propped on his nape like he’s in his element. He’s even humming a tune of some sort. You’re about to get lost in the melody because his voice is really nice until you realize that it’s clearly not okay for outsiders to witness....whatever this is.
“Why the hell are you following me?” 
Minho answers honestly, “I need the job.”
“What job?”
He suppresses a groan, “You know—!”
“Pfff, hold on.” You pull your steps to a halt when a light bulb goes off. “Really? You’re telling me that you want to babysit Hyunjin?”
A shrug leaves his shoulders like it’s no big deal. “Yeah, I need the money.”
“Why? Aren’t you a god?” You make a face at him as you turn around, leaning your umbrella forward enough to cover his head. The rain is getting heavier, you should get to the bus stop soon because you’re not sure when the latest ride is.
Jisung declares from the back like that one nosy kid in class in which nobody ever asks for his opinions, “He’s broke and needs to eat food or else he’ll die.”
“What about you? Don’t you need to eat?” The brunet boy shakes his head. Jisung can easily pass as the boy-next-door type the more you look at him. “And he called himself your father—I’m sorry I’m just confused with this relationship. What are you? His sidekick slash adoptive child?”
Although Minho hates the fact that Jisung takes his daily torment as a form of entertainment, no one gets to talk shit about him. Come on, he does have some kind of parental dignity as a god. “He’s my sacred sword.”
“Nothing shocks me at this point,” you blink only once this time because you’re adapting to his shit way too quickly. “Yeah, I don’t get it. How does that work?”
“Jisung is a descendant of the vermilion bird. Their fire is known to possess an extremely strong anti-evil property. So I hatched him from an egg and extracted his soul into a blade.”
“You’re leaving out the fun part,” Jisung strides up to Minho’s side and clears his throat like he’s about to announce something important. “Before I became a blade, they planted my soul in his spine, and—”
Instantly, Minho slaps a hand over his mouth, hard enough to make him stagger backward and yelp aloud like a child throwing their usual tantrum. Remember what you said ten seconds ago? About the whole ‘nothing can shock you anymore’ statement? Yeah, you take that back too. 
“Okay, okay,” you hold out a hand, “It’s too early for that, too early.”
“Listen, I’d be as shocked as you are if I weren’t eight hundred years old,” Minho presses a palm to his wrinkled forehead, “But I just need the job. Can’t you just tell the kid’s parents that I’m the one who found Kkami? It’d be easier to convince them if it’s coming from the both of us.”
“And why should I help you? I can’t just hand over a toddler to someone who looks like he’s been homeless for months.”
“It’s technically been a year,” Jisung tacks on unhelpfully. 
Minho roughly pulls the white shirt off his head and runs a hand through his hair. His eyes screw close for a moment as he exhales through his nose. He can swear he catches you giggling soundlessly but by the time his eyes open again your face is as blank as a white sheet of paper. “Hey, I think we’re backtracking a little here. Hello? Do you want me to starve to death so you can have an easy way out?”
“It’s not the worst way out. I can take it,” Jisung snickers and you think Minho is about to choose violence.
Instead, he turns to you. His cold hands grab yours like a man lost at sea who just finds his only lighthouse. “Y/N, come on. I exorcised a curse from your home the other day. Can’t you at least do me this favor?” His voice is so delicate that you’re afraid you might break him if you let go, as thin as a blade of grass and with as much emotion as human bodies have water. It pulls at a string in your rib cage and melts you at the same time. 
But you’re also a sadist. “Well, I patched you up the same exact night.”
Minho can see the corner of your lips curling up. Great, now there’s another being who gets some sort of sick, twisted amusement out of tormenting him, he just knows it.
“Do me another favor and I’ll repay you. I’m the type of person who can’t stand owing anyone a single thing.”
He huffs in disbelief, “What? Seriously? All I want is to provide that lonely kid some company. Isn’t he an only child? And he’s homeschooled, too, right? I am shocked and appalled that you’re not letting a god do any good deeds.” 
“Really? You care that much, huh?” Your expression morphs into something unreadable. “What’s his name, then?”
There’s a fine line between being boldly stupid and stupidly bold. You don’t think a god would ever be desperate to the point of landing right on that thread. “I’m sorry, what?”
Yeah, no. You’re not playing his game. “The kid that you’re just dying to look after. I’m asking you to tell me his name. What-is-it?”
The internal turmoil of confusion going off in his eyes is so fucking clear that you nearly wheeze. “Well, uh, you know. It’s uh, it starts—starts with an ‘A’,” he raises his index finger expectantly.
You crack a smile while shrugging off your jacket, “H.”
“Right, ‘H’! That’s close. I mean, they’re basically neighbors. You can at least understand my mistake!”
“Of course,” you roll your eyes to the moon. “It’s Hyunjin.”
Finally, Minho gives up and throws his hands into the air, “Okay, fine! I’m in it for the money! And spare me, Wonder Woman, you’re not babysitting those little demons for free either.”
You purse your lips before dropping your jacket over his head. “Hey, at least I pretend to be nice to people.”
“Yeah, whatever, uh—Wait, pretend?”
“Minho!” Jisung shouts, eyes alarmed.
A pitch-black spike tears through air in a linear movement. Minho’s body immediately twitches into motion like second nature. Faster than a lightning bolt, a hand covers your head while the other around the small of your back. Your head buzzes with discomfort at the faint whiplash and your senses settle in when droplets gradually wet your skin. 
“Stay back! It’s not a curse!” Minho snaps in a firm tone and shoves you away, leaving you flabbergasted as Jisung catches you by the shoulders. 
Once again, you behold a hellish being with the black abomination of head and limbs that are not those of any creatures wrought by God. This horror seems to have a brighter mind of its own compared to the one in your apartment. It slowly rises to the height of a tall man, shadows moving and swaying with the manners of a great serpent. The round black head, with no visible ears or hair, leans to the side with eyes glowing hotly as coals. 
Another spike shoots this way with twice the speed and accuracy from before. Minho manages to lean to the side but pauses halfway, reaching out to catch it bare-handed. The sharp object sizzles against his skin, forcing him to bite down on his lips to hold back a wince. I really shouldn’t be touching these things directly, he curses inwardly and drops it to the ground, completely unaware that the bandages on his neck are torn.
Minho blinks and suddenly the creature is baring its bat-like teeth right before his nose, looming over him as if threatening to swallow him whole. His pupils dilate in a slight panic. Half a second and he’s over the shadow in the air to throw out a precise ax kick. It simply bursts at the contact, letting his foot slam violently into concrete, leaving evident cracks. Physical attacks don’t work on this kind, he figures as much.
“Han! Come here!”
Jisung lets go of your arms as his body disintegrates into a streak of light and materializes into another form once he touches Minho’s fingers. A black blade gleams dangerously under the dim moonlight and the demon visibly shrinks at the sudden presence. 
Somehow, it opens its mouth to speak in a gibberish manner, “This is already the third time you’ve been banished from Heaven. The cursed shackles on your body speak for themselves. What’s the point in executing curses and demons anymore?”
Minho exhales calmly and turns around to wield his sword. The blade effortlessly cuts through the neck of another demon behind his back. His eyes are devoid of emotion when its head drops to the ground, immobile and unmoving. His breaths are growing heavier, his muscles trembling in pure adrenaline. “That isn’t for you to decide.” 
“Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?” The demon from earlier doesn’t back down and continues to taunt, “Of how many innocent lives had died by your hands? You slaughtered your own believers.”
“It doesn’t concern me.”
“You’re too easy. Fighting instead of worrying about that mortal.”
Minho’s vision begins to grow smudged and blurred from the adrenaline but his stubbornness manages to keep his eyes wide enough. 
The moment wind whistles past his ear, an invisible strike cuts through thin air in your direction. Minho turns half an inch, reaches out to the transparent stake and it digs deep into the flesh of his finger before erupting in vermilion flames. 
His foot stomps on concrete so harshly to the point that he can feel the ground shatter. His body moves at an inhuman speech, directly padding up against the creature of darkness. The blade in his hand switches between precise slashes and violent stabs with dexterity, drawing out countless streaks of light. His white shirt flutters in the wind and in the guise of his cold rage. 
You widen your eyes, not realizing that your knees are trembling. There’s a split second where his eyes meet yours. A deeply layered pain flashes in his eyes and a chill runs down your spine. With contradicting feelings, your soul shudders. 
The demon eventually gives out due to the horrendous amount of damages, tripping over itself onto the ground. Minho points his blazing sword directly at its worn-out neck and his voice twists gruesomely, “Who the fuck are you calling easy?” It doesn’t sound like a question, more like a threat. 
“Admit it. You aren’t meant to be a god,” the demon laughs, ugly and broken. “You can’t be one of them if you detest them.”
“It doesn’t matter if it’s gods, humans, or demons. I detest them all equally.”
“Yet you’re still handicapping yourself to protect all these mortals.”
“I think you’re wasting your breath.” Minho’s brows are crumpled, his shoulders tense and his throat jumps as he swallows, “I’ll be sending you to join your friend soon.”
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Minho’s fist curls up and comes in contact with the brick wall roughly. It does nothing to release his inner turmoil. He squeezes the hilt of his sword and ignores Jisung’s shouts at the back of his mind. 
His features morph into a scowl as his temple aches with every word of the demon that he can recall. Allegedly, moving on in this state was a grave mistake. Trying to put his middle finger up against Heaven’s regulations wasn’t something someone as smart as him shouldn’t have screwed around with. 
“It’s not like I can die either. What the fuck,” Minho murmurs to himself, leaning back against bricks and cement. His eyelids are heavy, his breath frozen, shoulders weighed down by an invisible force. 
His dark lashes flutter up to stare at the falling snow, feeling their little frostbites against his chilling skin, and his eyes momentarily close for some sort of relief. 
Minho simply needs to do his job properly, they say. All beings are equal, they say. 
So who is he, when he doesn’t do his job?
And who is he, to experience the excruciating throb like it’s a recurring lucid dream that he can never escape from?
Pain is always temporary. Minho knows exactly how it looks like, how it tastes, and how it pulses through his hollow bones. He can grit his teeth to endure. He used to do it all the time. But it’s the dull-phantom agony of a hundred swords piercing his chest and the neglect he’s grown numb to that still haunt him every night. 
Just because he is immortal, they rammed their merciless blades through his body and drove their unsparing words into his skull. Over and over again. He couldn’t fight back, that would mean going against the rules. 
They broke him. 
Hurt him. 
Again. And again. And again. 
He let them. 
Until the infinite sky is painted the same shade of crimson as his two hands. Until the cursed shackles trace the lines of his wrists and neck like an unwanted scar. The chains imprinted on his skin have bound his physical abilities to those of a mere earthling for centuries now and almost every night he wants to cry out to someone. 
He wants to be smaller—lesser, perhaps. Maybe if there’s less of him in this life, there might be less of a problem. 
One glance into his eyes and an entire lifetime flashes before your eyes. 
“I will do as I please, use whichever methods I choose. It doesn’t matter to me what they want. I will save you all without fail!”
There’s love and admiration. There’s trust and responsibilities. There’s arrogance and naïveté. 
“Someone…save me. Please, come and save me!”
But then there’s heartache and betrayal. There’s helplessness, bloodlust, and eternal darkness. 
You see a dream of bringing salvation to the common people. You see a righteous halo that thousands used to look upon, forcibly placed their belief onto that light until it shattered under the impossible burden. What’s left behind is an everlasting silence, a fallen god without his believers, a heart beating with despair, and an immortal soul that yearns for death. 
His courage. His anguish. His compassion. His resentment and hatred. His intuition and ignorance. 
You want to understand them all. 
“Did you get hurt?”
The world used to be a black void. Somehow, it becomes bright and smiles at him. Minho fights for every little detail in the smile, pushes his blurry consciousness to give it the right voice, and composes a small ray of light from his broken memories. 
“Take a rest, Minho.” 
Minho lets a forgotten tear slide down his cheek when a soft piece of wool drapes itself around his exposed neck. His fingers tug at the material, slow and clumsy. He leans forward without a second thought, into the warm presence of safety. You sigh, hugging him closer so he can calm his breaths. Your embrace feels like washing the blood from his hands and waking up from a nightmare to the warm morning sun. 
Here is a person who cares for him. 
Here is a person who he can reach out to when he thinks such a thing as affection might not be fitting for his tainted soul.
Here is a person who makes him hope again even when his heart was too worn out to look for any validation. Your hug is tight, so very tight as if you’re willing to open your ribs and tuck the mess that is him inside, to keep him close and safe. The mess that is precious because a part of you is afraid that you might make him shatter if your touch is too desperate. 
Minho still can’t believe it because you don’t let go and only hold him impossibly tighter. “Are you…is this-is this real…?”
Your brow twitches in irritation. This fool… what the absolute fuck…
In a moment of candid boldness, you push him away and smack him across the face in hopes of bringing him back to clarity. The haziness in his head eventually fades away, leaving him flabbergasted. Palm against a cheek, his skin and flesh flush hot and swollen. When was the last time someone got upset at him like this? When was the last time someone cared enough to put him back into his place? Frankly, Minho can’t quite remember. 
“Did it hurt?”
“Yes.” His breath leaves him in a soft rush. 
“Then I am real. All of this is real. Isn’t that great?”
“Yes.” Naturally, the tears keep coming. 
“If you dare to wander around death’s door again for my sake, I’ll hit you twice. Got it?”
He doesn’t respond. Only a small smile greets you under the beaming moonlight. A cold wind blows. You hold his teary gaze until your heart can’t take it anymore and your hand reaches out to ruffle his hair. 
The first step toward warmth takes him a lifetime of eight hundred years. 
But it’s worth it because he is no longer alone. 
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Not to your surprise, Hyunjin is a lonely kid and immediately whines to his parents about setting up another playdate with Felix. You always know the brat would get attached quickly. 
“You got it?”
Minho shoves his hands into his pockets as he runs over things he shouldn’t say in front of the kids for the last time. “Yeah, you’ve asked me for the fifth time already.”
“I can’t trust an eight hundred-year-old man,” you smile and lean against the front door. 
For some reason, he looks offended. “I have good memories. I can summarize the entire battle of Hwangsanbeol in five seconds. Try me.”
“Isn’t that like common knowledge?” Your brows furrow. “People don’t need to have a first-class certificate in Korean History to know that Baekje won.” 
His commiserating sigh reeks of disappointment. “Y/N, sweetie. Kim Gwanchang sacrificed himself, helped Silla regain their morale, and made Kim Yushin victorious.” Whatever, you never liked the subject anyway. 
The door is wide open for him now. Your lips curl up into a soft smile when your gazes collide, “...you know what, why don’t you opt to be Hyunjin’s history tutor instead of a babysitter?” It’s hard to break eye contact as he secretly thinks about how pretty your eyes are. 
“Don’t be a creep, Minho.” 
Minho nearly trips and falls on his face when Jisung’s voice echoes inside his head. “You’re already talking too much.” 
“You could have left me at home or something. No offense but your spine isn’t the most ideal place to kick back.”
His lips wordlessly twitch in exasperation but he tries not to make a sound. He can’t afford to let you witness the unhinged banter as if he hasn’t freaked you out enough already. “Hilarious.”
“Wait until I tell an actual joke,” Jisung is glaring at him, he can feel it. “Ooh, my bad. That’s you.”
“What a shame, Han. I guess you’re not hanging out with the kids today.” Minho raises his index finger and drags out a simple charm in thin air. Jisung instantly shuts up.
An exhale of relief and his gaze begins to roll around the Lee’s household. He almost gawks, literally. This isn’t a house, it’s a fucking mansion. It gives him a hunch that this Felix brat must have steaks for breakfast on a daily basis. The kid’s family is definitely loaded. 
The moment he sets foot into the living room, he gets assaulted. Well, that’s mildly exaggerated. His leg gets assaulted. The culprit is no other than a familiar ball of fluff. It is barking at him with the level of energy that can easily surpass a toddler going through a sugar rush. 
“Well, looks like Kkami didn’t forget you,” you fail to suppress your laughter. 
The said dog, Kkami, circles around him until they both get slightly dizzy, his tail wagging so hard Minho fears it might as well fall off. Reluctantly, he kneels down to pet his head because Kkami is practically ruining his new pair of jeans. 
“Hyunjin, this is Minho. He found Kkami and brought him home the other day for you,” you attempt to call Hyunjin over because Felix is already taking peeks at the new guest from behind your legs. 
Minho gives him a finger-gun, “Sup.”
Hyunjin pulls in a deep breath, shuffling from his position on the couch. Then he hops off the cushions, drags his feet on the tiled floor, and stares at the odd scenario while tugging at your finger. He’s clearly unhappy that some random guy just walked into his life and took his puppy’s attention away from him. 
“Hey kid,” Minho flaps a hand. “Can Kkami do any cool tricks?”
Hyunjin scowls, “No.” 
A mischievous brow flickers. “Do you want me to teach him for you?”
“No. What do you want?” 
Never mind, kids aren’t easy to deal with these days. Minho deliberately lets out a desperate sigh before pushing himself up, “What I’m trying to say is I want to be your babysitter slash tutor slash puppy trainer if the last one is a real job that is.”
“You can’t do that many jobs at once,” Hyunjin replies snottily, very unconvinced. 
“I can.”
There’s a split second where Minho looks somewhat ticked off, however, he recalls your words from earlier and replaces the frown with a forced smile. He walks up to Hyunjin, leans down to match his eye level, and tilts his head almost threateningly. 
“If you don’t agree, I can just kidnap your dog.” 
You instinctively smack him on the back of his head. He wouldn’t dare. 
The usual shrug of carefreeness leaves his shoulders when you start staring daggers at him. The fact that he knows how to exorcise curses and demons but still lets you touch his weak point should really be enough of a hint about his liking for you. The cursed shackles are already there so he’s got nothing to lose anymore. 
“You won’t do that,” Hyunjin, to your surprise, retorts confidently. “Because then you won’t get paid.”
Touché. The kid is smart, that’s good. His brain is already full of stupidity thanks to Jisung. 
“It’s your loss if you don’t take me in.” Minho pulls away casually, he can’t help but notice the longing gaze on the toddler’s face. Kids are kids, they do get attached quickly. “I’m a full package,” he rightfully asserts. It’s not unbelievable. A person can do a lot for a lifetime of eight hundred years. You won’t be surprised if he randomly becomes a flamethrower tomorrow and simultaneously starts his second career as a bartender during nightfall. 
“You’re just in it for the money.” Of course, Minho shamelessly nods at that. “You’re kind of a little shit.”
Wait, pause. 
“Hyunjin, sweetheart,” you blink rigidly. “Where did you learn that from?” The little rat turns away without a word while still grabbing at your shirt tightly. Silence really speaks more than words. 
Felix raises his hand in a timid manner, “He heard it when you stubbed your toe the other day.” And you’re already wondering where the nearest cliff is. Study reveals: you can’t suffer if you’re dead. 
The flat expression on Minho’s face is having a hard time maintaining itself. It makes you want to throw him into a tank full of sharks. “I’d say that is reasonable. What are you supposed to say when you get hurt? A freaking prayer?” 
“So what? Are we going to allow them to curse when they get hurt now?” you heave at him incredulously, “What if Felix curses at daycare and all the toddlers on the playground start slapping themselves in the face in order to use vulgar language?”
His brain gears pause for a moment. “What the fu...how do you know that?”
“I have many secrets.” 
“Yeah, remind me not to mess with you?”
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“Ready to surprise Felix at daycare?”
Hyunjin jumps slightly in his seat in excitement, “Yep!”
Right, did you mention that Mr. and Mrs. Lee have a thing for going on business trips unannounced? Naturally, Mrs. Hwang has no reason to not let Felix stay at their place until his parents come back. Poor kid, no wonder Hyunjin’s got such a soft spot for him. 
So as soon as the bell rings, you decide to come and pick Hyunjin up for a short car ride. After all, he’s too smart to live under a rock all the time. You deeply despise unfulfilled potentials. 
On a similar note, Minho still didn’t get Hyunjin’s approval, which is reasonable. 
However, because he is technically your new roommate and is jobless, he unconditionally follows you whenever you’re outside of classes. Truth be told, it feels like you’ve brought home an attention-starved cat but hey, who are you to complain? 
“Also…” you drawl, side-eyeing the passenger seat. “What’s with the cold shoulder?” 
Minho doesn’t even bother to glance at you, the audacity. “What cold shoulder?”
“The one you’re giving me right now as we speak.” 
You like to reassure yourself that he’s too focused on admiring how clean your car is to respond. And truthfully, your car is clean and he does like it. It’s the only metal box that he’s willing to sit in rather than teleporting himself. 
Your car is pristine yet it doesn’t have that awful smell of new cars. You always shove the old notepad full of mildly comprehensive grocery lists into the door’s storage compartment and end up forgetting everything. If he glances back, there’s the fluffy blanket you start keeping in the backseat in case he complains about the air conditioning. And then, the tiny, red sparrow keychain hung upon the rear-view mirror reminds you of Jisung which reminds you of him. 
Minho would like to correct you that Jisung is a descendant of the vermillion bird, not a sparrow but he thinks it doesn't matter either way if you bought it because of him. 
“I’d like to think that I’m hot, not cold.” 
You chuckle, amused, “Did I accidentally offend you somehow? Hey, stop turning your back on people when they’re talking to you!”
His face unknowingly flushes because he knows damn well his reasons might be too shallow. “Would you please just get off my back and shoulders?” 
“Minho, it was a harmless date,” Jisung supplies unhelpfully. 
“But she only got back in the middle of the night! I even made us dinner!”
“Seriously? I went missing for almost a week and you didn’t even bother to look for me. What kind of a parental figure are you? I’m feeling the need to report you for child abandonment.”
“Saying ‘I fucking hate you’ would have sufficed, Han.”
“By the way, thanks for the food last night,” you scratch your cheek once you remind yourself of the hefty meal and a completely passed-out Minho on the couch. “It was much better than the place we went to.” 
You’re not upset with the date. You just thought it would be rude if you never gave the guy the chance when he didn’t have any ill intentions. It was an average experience, you’d say. And was it worth a total of a two-hour drive? No, of course not. 
“Yeah?” Minho keeps gazing out the window. “If that’s the case, you should just stick to your type and not some random moron from uni.” 
You pout. You know that he’s right. “I’m sure it’s not possible to find someone who’s good-looking, can cook, nice, and doesn’t have the personality of a piece of white bread all at the same time.” 
Jisung instantly loses his absolute shit while Minho’s complexion goes impossibly paler like you’ve stuck four screwdrivers through his skull without mercy. The worst part? Only he has to go through the hysterical experience because the stupid bird is practically inhabiting his spine. 
“Are you going to date a god?” Hyunjin perks up from the back seat. 
And this time, you nearly crash the car. 
Minho’s shoulders are clearly shaking from laughing too hard. Jisung should be enjoying this, too. You can feel it. 
Shakily, you take a moment to breathe while clutching the steering wheel. “No, why’d you say that?”
“Then you should lower your expectations.”
Why the hell are you being lectured by a nine-year-old? You want a fucking refund. 
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“Oh look, there he is!” Hyunjin grabs your hand and drags you ahead. 
“Hey wait for me—ugh!“ Minho tried to trail after as quickly as he can but someone just slams into him with their entire body weight. “What the hell??” 
“Oh, I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” The young man shoots him a dimpled smile, offering him a hand and picking up the mess on the ground right after. 
Minho only stares back at him from head to toe. Dark under circles, tired shoulders, a name tag that reads ‘Bang Chan’, and a box full of colorful books. It is most likely that he works at this daycare place. “Yeah, I’m good. Just be careful next time,” he replies dryly, eyes already darting elsewhere to look for you. 
“You too!” Chan flashes one last smile before running off. If Minho is being honest, it’s kinda hard to get mad at him because he looks like any amount of his sanity has already been thrown out the window about three years ago. 
His gaze spontaneously stops dead on the concrete before him and there lies a small storybook. “So what? Do I have to return this, too?”
“Uh-huh. Try and act decently for once, it’s not that hard,” Jisung suggests. 
And obviously, Minho has no excuse to reject it. He just needs to find you first. You’re better at socializing than he is after all. 
But when Minho pushes his way through the glass door, the first thing he sees is Felix and another kid being surrounded by three different grownups—one of which he recognizes is Chan. 
The daycare is relatively empty because it’s already past the working hour. Felix and the other kid have tears trailing down their cheeks, though Felix’s eyes are somewhat bright knowing that he has nothing to be afraid of. 
Hyunjin himself is heaving like he’s absolutely enraged. If it weren’t for you holding him tightly to your side, things would have escalated very quickly. 
“My brother’s storybook is gone! And who was helping you two clean up after playing hour today?” The furious girl your age glares at Chan and his colleague. 
Felix lifts his head and faces her glare head-on. “I-I did.”
“So where is Senju’s storybook?”
“I already put it inside the box! I promise-“
“But it’s not there, is it?” She crosses her arms and glances at her brother who’s bawling his eyes out every now and time before scoffing. “You know what, this isn’t even worth it. Apologize to Senju and I’ll let this go.” 
Felix lowers his head this time, trying his best to hold back his tears. “But I did nothing wrong!”
With a deep breath, Minho walks toward your side and places a warm hand on your shoulder. You peer at him sideways at the contact, your eyes clearly burning with cold rage. This only adds to his panic. Great. Now what?
“Yes?” He jumps a little at your voice. 
You push Hyunjin toward his side and curl your fists. “Stay here with Hyunjin. This shouldn’t take too long.”
For a second there, Minho has absolutely no idea what to do. Kids are crying. The grownups are mad. The daycare employees are incredulously useless. And he knows better than to let you go near that woman because the minute you approach her, he’s sure that you’re out for blood. Not literally but still. 
“Set one priority only. Felix.” Jisung helps him knock on wood before you can walk away. 
Those words snap him back to clarity instantly. “No, you stay here,” Minho says firmly and grabs your wrist. “It’s fine, Y/N. You don’t have to do anything.”
To his dismay, you stare back at him dead in the eye. “Well if what that girl is doing to Felix is fine, then I guess second-degree murder is also fine.”
“What are you gonna do? Kill her with a stuffed toy?”
“I can try.”
“I’m just going to talk to her, I swear.”
“You were literally planning her murder.”
“No, I am just going to unalive her.”
“You what—“
“Excuse me, you’re not letting me talk. I was the one who carried the boxes.” Chan rubs a stiff finger on his temple before exhaling. “And it is actually Senju’s turn today to be on cleaning duty. Felix was never obligated to help us in the first place.” 
The girl gasps aloud, “Oh? So now you’re putting the blame on my brother?”
The brunet named Seungmin finally speaks up, pushing Felix behind his legs, “We deeply apologize for what happened. However—“
“I don’t need your apology. It’s him who needs to apologize,” she cuts him off and points a finger at Felix in accusation. Surprisingly, you have not heard one audible sob from the kid, though the quiver of his shoulders tells you that he’s at his limit. 
Felix may have done nothing wrong but he’s still just a kid. An adult on the verge of exploding will make any toddler go stiff. However, even if Felix did accidentally drop the storybook somewhere, she has no right to talk him down like that. He wasn’t even on duty today. 
Did you mention that you wanted to unalive her?
You take a breath. “Hey, you fucking waste of oxy—“
Minho panics and clasps a hand over your mouth. You then shoot him a warning look that lets him know if he doesn’t let you go in the next three seconds, you’re going to make him. 
He shakes his head gently, giving you a long and silent stare. Your anger melts at the tenderness, your tense shoulders slowly loosen up. “Fine. Go.” 
With a deep inhale, Minho walks over to the commotion, his expression unwavering as every eye in the room pins him into place. Other kids’ in daycare hushed whispers can be heard and it’s clearly affecting Felix more than it should. He needs to end this quickly. 
“And you,” Seungmin exhales tiredly as if another disaster has struck. “What do you want?”
Minho’s eyes stop dead in their tracks at the name tag. “Kim Seungmin.”
Before the latter can get any say in this abrupt conversation, Minho swiftly grabs him by the collar, sucks in a sharp breath, and slams his head against the poor guy’s skull with an impact strong enough for a mild concussion. 
You almost choke on blood. “What-What the hell do you think you’re doing?!”
The pale look on the girl’s face is priceless. You could have laughed if you weren’t so shocked yourself. 
“Oh my god, Seungmin! Are you okay?!” Chan freaks out and holds his stumbling colleague by the shoulders. He whips his head up to meet eyes with the culprit pointedly. “Just so you know..violence is absolutely unacceptable. What possessed you into doing such a-“
“Is this the storybook that you’re looking for?” Minho holds up the book in front of his face. 
Seungmin regains his awareness and squints at the vibrant hardcover with slightly disoriented vision. Accepting the book with one hand while the other on his head, he lifts a brow. “Yeah, that’s the one… Wait, why do you have it?”
The flat expression remains on Minho’s face, his head motioning toward a very confused Chan. “He bumped into me and dropped it.” 
Naturally, awkward apologies are exchanged. Minho instantly wants to bury himself but decides to stay so Felix can hold his hand through the process. He isn’t appalled at all when Senju’s older sister chooses not to say a single word. So his rationality tells him to do what he does best. 
“Felix, listen.” Minho kneels down to meet his eye level. “Next time a bad grownup accuses you of doing things that you didn’t do, you tell them to kindly shut the fuck up and walk away because you don’t owe them shit. Okay?” 
Felix sniffles one last time and breaks into a big smile. “Okay!”
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Minho’s face falls crooked at Hyunjin’s intense stare in the rearview mirror. “Why are you staring at me like that?”
“You were making a total fool of yourself,” the kid stabs a finger his way and averts his gaze completely, embarrassment flushing his cheeks. 
“What was that?” Minho grins back like the sly bastard he is. 
You shrug from the driver’s seat. “He said you were looking kinda cool.”
“Wait, so if you had the book the entire time, why did you have to headbutt the poor guy?” Jisung pops up in realization. 
Minho only purses his lips. “His face pisses me off.”
“I never said anything like that!” Hyunjin finally stops whining in his seat after a long beat of silence. “Fine! I’ll ask my parents to let you babysit me.”
The crystalline joy in his eyes is so obvious that you almost wheeze at his effort of trying to hide it. Minho exchanges a small look with you, internally screaming with all his might that he’s finally, finally not jobless anymore. At least for the next few months. Working while being able to be with you is more than enough.
“Under one condition.” Hyunjin holds up a finger. 
And never mind. Minho almost forgets this kid is constantly opposed to anything remotely related to him for no apparent reason at all. 
“You said you’re really smart right? Whenever I have a question, I want you to answer it honestly. And you don’t get to call my questions stupid.”
Oh, that’d be easy then. 
A wave of lighthearted chuckles bursts from his lips. “Okay done. There’s no such thing as a stupid question.” 
“Can you answer my questions, too?” Felix raises his hand expectantly. 
“Sure. No problem.”
Hyunjin doesn’t have to hesitate anymore. “Okay, I have a question. Do you believe in gods?” 
You and Minho simultaneously tense up. Concern begins rooting inside your rib cage because this is a relatively sensitive topic to him. Having the kids talk about it too much might be equivalent to playing with fire. 
“Why do you ask?” Minho tries to keep his voice from snapping. 
To his surprise, Hyunjin’s eyes glow with awe, bright and pure. “Because when I was praying for Kkami to come home at night, someone really brought him back to me the next day. I wasn’t praying to anyone in particular but I felt like someone was listening to my prayer. I believe someone was watching over me all night. The only person who could go through all that work for me without any complaints must be a god, right?” 
It melts and breaks Minho’s heart altogether. 
His gaze meets yours again. The oncoming tears are making it hard to see what kind of expression you’re making. He is absolutely stricken but letting one droplet fall will make him blanch with shame. When his brain tries to come up with something cutting and clever as a response, his tongue clams up. Speechless. 
“The kid does have some range. Good to know.” Jisung lets out a discreet exhale, not knowing whether this warmth in his chest is coming from himself or Minho. 
“Gods do exist, Hyunjin,” you speak up after the prolonged stillness. “They might not be able to do everything but they are always trying their best no matter what.”
Minho eventually lets out a laugh; his chest feels so light and content. “She’s right. Gods do exist.” 
“I have a question, too!” Felix wags his fists in excitement. 
“What is it?”
“Are you in love?”
You don’t intend to crash the car but being able to operate the vehicle normally is going to be a complicated task. 
Hyunjin gives the younger kid a weird look. 
Jisung is, well, losing his shit all over again. 
And Minho stays quiet for a very very long time. 
“Stupid question.”
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
One Too Many Insults Leads To A Crippled Economy ch.6
Taglist: @mythsofkairos @transparentlygone @gallantys @viemags @cynthiarlan @izabella95 @harujookie @ice-icebaby
Warning: near death experience, there’s some Lilith in this chapter, talks of impending war.
Time seems to stand still for everyone in the room as the Demon King’s blade pierces Mammon in the back through his stomach and then it feels like everything is happening at once. The sound of clashing swords, screaming, the rushing of air passed her face, the heavy scent of blood in the air. It’s all too much for Arella even with the way her mind is only processing the immediate area around Mammon and Levi but still racing in a thousand different miles at the same time.
“Levi, what are you waiting for!?” Satan yells as he speeds passed his older brothers, “Grab Mammon and let's go! We have to get as far away from here as we can!”
The fourth’s words were enough to spur the third to action. There was a howl of pain as Levi pulled Mammon on to his back and secured him there with his tail before running away as fast as he could, just barely able to catch up with Satan at the end of the hall.
“Where do we take him?” The Avatar of Envy asks as the four of them burst out onto the streets. “We can’t just aimlessly run around.”
“Purgatory Hall- to Solomon.” Arella replies, “And for the love of all things unholy, someone get me out of these chains! They’re inhibiting my magic!”
By time the four of them reach Purgatory Hall, Levi’s back is sopping with the former demon’s blood. Having met them there, Solomon pushes open the door and rushes them inside, having Levi set Mammon down on the couch while he got to work on making even a decent attempt at saving the white-haired man’s life while Arella is set down in the foyer so she and Satan can try to disentangle her from the chains the king had bound her up in.
Having heard all the commotion, Simeon was drawn from his room where he had been packing for his return trip to the Celestial Realm.
“What in the Celestial Realm happened?” The angel gasped upon seeing the chaos.
“The Demon King,” Satan answers, still too concerned with the chains to look away. Eventually he just started breaking them apart, having gotten fed up with them, “he tried to kill them as punishment for Mammon abandoning the Devildom and wrecking the economy.”
“That’s not all...” the black-haired human adds as she pushes away the remaining chains, “He took Mammon’s powers and turned him into a human.”
“We still need to free the others too,” Solomon calls from the other room. “Levi, go get me the medical supplies from the bathroom upstairs.”
“Simeon, come with me and Satan to The House of Lamentation. Maybe the three of us working together can get whatever enchantment that Bastard placed on the doors and windows off.”
It’s too bright where he is. Mammon can’t even remember how he got here. The last thing he remembers is losing his powers, getting turned into a human, and getting run through with that huge ass sword. He thinks maybe he heard the voices of the demons he used to consider his family and Diavolo as well but he’s unsure.
“Mammon...” He can hear a woman calling his voice. It sounds like- it couldn’t be.
The former demon’s eyes pop open as he sits up and stares at the face of his little sister, eyes wide as saucers.
“L-Lilith? Is... Is that really you?” He asks as she nods.
“Yeah... It is.”
“I died? No, I couldn’t ‘ve.” Mammon looks down at himself only to find himself in the clothes he wore back when he was an angel. “Shit! No, no, no, no! I can’t die! I have ta get back.” the tanned human leaps to his feet, brushing himself off as if that would somehow help.
“Mams, calm down, you’re not dead yet. You're just barely clinging on by a thread.” the black-haired angel grabs him by the hand. “Just sit down for right now and talk to me. I don’t get visitors- let alone one of my big brothers.”
Mammon looks down pensively before deciding to comply with her request.
“It’s been really hard without ya around, Lil,” he says with a sigh. “Your brothers... they changed a lot.”
“I know...” The tanned woman says, “but what do you mean by ‘your brothers’? Last I checked they were yours too.”
“Not anymore. They treated me horribly, like I was a second-class citizen just for indulging in my Greed... and I tried to control it- I really did, but when I just let it build up and ride, it felt like a weight on my chest that was slowly crushing me. If I even tried to explain it to ‘em, they’d jus’ call me a liar. One day a few months ago I got fed up with it. Turned my back on ‘em and the Devildom too... Decided maybe my life was better spent up in the human world with my wife... I ain’t ever been good at bein’ a demon anyhow- same goes for when I was an angel. I’m a human now though, so maybe I’ll finally be good at something...”
“You married?” She smiles, “I’m happy for you.”
“Yeah... well, not in the official sense. Arella ‘n I only exchanged rings but it’s still the same thing- ya don’t need a stupid piece a paper to define yer relationship or what ya call each other, ya know?”
“Just like us and our brothers?”
“Your brothers,” He grumbles, “Like I said I ain’t their brother no more.” He let out a soft sigh. “Wasn’t like I asked for ‘em ta treat me the way they did... I really did love ‘em.”
“Don’t be like that, Mams.” Lilith reached over and gave him a pat on the shoulder, “They love you too. They have too otherwise when I checked in on them a few weeks back, they wouldn’t have been at each other’s throats about which one of them it was that actually made you leave...”
“They were jus’ mad that they were hurtin’ for money because I left. That’s all it was. When I still had any love for ‘em, money came to our house easily- we were lucky ‘n well off, but after I left, all the easy money went with me so I’m sure that’s the only reason they were so upset like that.”
“Hmmm, it didn’t seem like it to me, but you’re free to think what you like. However, I have been watching ever since you got run through... don’t you remember Levi being there- shoving him out of the way instead of letting him get hurt as well? Or that Lucifer helped block that attack that was meant to kill you after you’d been changed? Would they have gone to your aid if they didn’t love really you?”
“Ahhh, Lil, stop yer gonna make me start second guessin’ m’self!” Mammon groans as he runs his hands through his hair.
“Oh! - sorry. That wasn’t my intention...” She put her hands up, “I thought it might be some kind of reassurance... Look, you don’t have to let them back into your life if you don’t want to- no one’s asking that of you. Just... maybe, one last time, give them another chance... to prove that they really do care if you can find it in your heart to do so.”
Mammon doesn’t respond as his body starts to grow transparent, “Now what the hell’s goin’ on?!”
“Looks like you’re not actually going to die after all,” She smiles. “They were able to save you... your spirit’s returning to your body now... Enjoy the rest of your life and you better not die of anything but old age, got it?” the angel says, a pout on her freckled cheeks as she reaches over and pinches his cheeks. “Take care of yourself, Mammon.”
The human can only laugh her actions, “Thanks, Lilith.”
When he wakes, Mammon’s on one of the beds in a house he doesn’t recognize right away. Part of him thinks that everything had all been just a nightmare. He sits himself up with a groan and when he catches sight of his bare chest in a full body mirror, he realizes that no, it wasn’t a nightmare. His pact mark is gone. All of that really happened. He was a human now.
As the full weight of it all sets in, runs to look for Arella. He finds her in the sitting room with Solomon, and his brothers. For the most part they looked to be alright, but Lucifer had gotten pretty roughed up, his shoulder all bandaged up with the wrappings extending all the way down to his torso.
“Well, look who returned from the dead,” Solomon says, a mischievous smile painted on his lips. “I hope you intend on sticking around this time.”
“Ha Ha, yer very funny, Magic Man,” The white-haired man says sarcastically before his eyes fall to the demons sat next to him.
“Mammon, how are you feeling? Are you in any pain?” Arella asks as she gets up and goes over to him. “You took some pretty rough hits in that fight.”
“’M fine.” he replies, his eyes still trained on the eldest. “Lucifer...”
“I’ll live, Mammon,” the Morningstar sighs, “I made an error and paid the price for it.”
“What about Lord Diavolo?” He asked, “Where is he? And why’re we at Serenity Manor?”
“We all had to get away from the Devildom to escape the King,” Beel explains.
“And Lord Diavolo went elsewhere with Barbatos.” Belphegor adds, “It’s not smart for all of us hide out in one spot.”
“The only reason we’re all gathered here right now,” Asmodeus starts, “is because we were worried about you.”
“Starting tomorrow morning though, we’re going to split up in pairs until both Lucifer and Lord Diavolo are ready to return to the Devildom and retake the throne from the Demon King since now we’re technically traitors too.” Satan says as he looks up at his older brother. “It’s worth every bit of it though.”
“One pair of us is going to stay here to protect you two.” Levi adds quickly. “At least until this war starts. We don’t feel right just leaving you and Arella to fend for yourselves if he comes looking to finish what he started. And then we’ll be out of your hair for good. I mean we’re the ones who caused all this. If we weren’t such shitty brothers, none of us would be in this mess, right?”
Mammon is left speechless at Levi’s words. He looks around at the faces of all his brothers and the looks on their faces say more than words ever could. They were honestly sorry and now the words Lilith said to him just moments ago rang in his ears.
‘Maybe, one last time, give them another chance... to prove that they really do care.’
The white-haired man bows his head. “One chance.” the others’ heads snapped up at Mammon’s words. “Even against my better judgement, I’ll give y’all just one more chance.”
Arella only smiles up at him. She knew Mammon would give them another chance one day, the question was always just a matter of when. She stepped back as all but one of the brothers ran forward to hug Mammon. She looked to the eldest as Solomon helped him up and the Morningstar made his way over to join them as they all hugged it out.
They all enjoyed one last family dinner together before they would have to part ways, Solomon having left for the day to go check in with the royals. To Mammon, it felt nice for them all to sit down for a meal together and there not be any insults or overly harsh teasing. For once, he felt like he had his old family back except in place of Lilith was Satan.
As they all parted ways for bed for the night, Mammon pulled the Avatar of Wrath aside. He wanted to talk and settle something he’d said when he wasn’t in his right mind. The pair sat outside on one of the balconies overlooking the pool. It was quiet between the human and the demon.
“I’m sorry, Satan.” Mammon broke the silence first, “I said somethin’ really shitty ta ya the last time we saw each other.”
“Did you mean it? Did you really hate me all that time?” The blonde asks, his back turned to the pool as he leans against the railing. “Or was it words just spoken in the heat of the moment; words lost in the wrath you felt at that time?”
“They weren’t true,” The blue-eyed man nods, “Even if I was absolutely pissed that y’all just showed up, it don’t make it okay for me ta hit ya below the belt like that. But if I’m tellin’ ya the truth, there were times where I wished Lucifer hadn’t jus’ forced ya on me. I was only 2000 years old when we fell. I didn’t know the first thing ‘bout takin’ care a myself let alone a whole ass baby- ‘n compounded by the fact that I was also lookin’ after all the others too? I was really fuckin’ angry all the time back then- I just never showed it. What was gonna happen to us if I broke too? I wasn’t about ta fuck around and find out, y’know?”
“So all that time we spent together... you don’t regret it do you? You don’t regret taking care of me?” The fourth-born asks as his brother shakes his head. “Because to me, all of those memories are some of my most treasured between us.”
“Mine as well,” Mammon chuckled. “C’mon, it’s startin’ ta get chilly now. Let’s get inside and get ta bed.”
In the morning, the mood is solemn as everyone prepares to part ways. They’re all planning to leave just before dawn.
“Stay safe, Everyone.” Arella says as they all gather together one last time in a group hug.
“Make sure none of ya die by time we get ta see each other again. I ain’t forgiving y’all just for one a ya to up ‘n die on me.”
They all nod as Lucifer clears his throat.
“You all have your locations chosen, correct?” there’s a nod from everyone as two portals open behind the twins and Satan and Asmo.
“And what about you guys?” Belphegor asks. “What are you going to do?”
“The four a us are gonna go back to Arella’s house for the rest of the week. ‘Rella ‘n I leave for America on Sunday and there’s still stuff we gotta grab ta take with us.”
“We wanted to see the rest of you off first,” Lucifer adds. “Now, off with you all. You have your orders.”
They all nodded and stepped through their portals. As they closed, Arella opened one for the four of them and they stepped through, leaving Serenity Manor behind once again.
“Mammon, can I ask you something?” It’s been three days since everything went down and now Mammon and Lucifer are sitting quietly in front of the lake by the house as a warm summer breeze flows passed them on the water.
“Yeah, shoot,” Mammon turns his cerulean gaze over to his older brother. “What on yer mind?”
“What does it feel like to not have a sin or a virtue tied to your very existence anymore? I’ve always wondered... what it was like.” The demon looks out onto the water.
“It’s... It’s nice. Ever since I could remember, I’ve always felt like I had this hole in my chest and I could never fill it no matter how charitable I was or how greedy I was... Now though... I feel... satisfied. That hole ain’t there anymore and I can just be me now. Maybe turnin’ inta a human was my fate all along because I was too much of a troublemaker ta be an angel, and too kind to be a demon. Now, I’m... I’m at peace.” the tanned human has the biggest, brightest smile on his face.
“Do you regret following me into Hell?”
Mammon pauses for a bit, “No. No I don’t regret any of it actually. If I had never followed you- if I had never fought by your side for Lilith- I woulda never been able ta meet Arella and have what I have now. Guess it all musta happened for a reason, right?” He studies the wedding band on his left hand that rests on his knee. “I woulda never been able to be whole.”
“That sounds like the best feeling in the world...” Lucifer remarks with a soft smile on his face.
There will be a war to be fought soon and the upcoming years will be hard on all of them- Lucifer especially- but after hearing how content his favorite brother has become now that he’s no longer a demon, the Avatar of Pride can’t help but feel that contentment right alongside Mammon. He just hopes that the war for control of the Devildom won’t cost them all of the small amount of precious time he and the rest of their brothers could have left with Mammon. He hopes that one day, even if it’s not permanently, they’ll be able to welcome their brother and Arella back to the Devildom.
A/N: So that’s it. I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this. Thank you so much for all the wonderful replies and comments that I received while writing this!
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akampana · 2 years
“ it’s just an innocent kiss. “ a little innocence with ko-gil and lily
an innocent kiss__________
Words: 1k
Characters: Child Gilgamesh | Archer, Artoria Pendragon Lily | Saber, Artoria Pendragon | Saber, Gilgamesh | Caster etc
Ship: Ko-Gil & Artoria Lily
Tags: Fluff
featuring: CasGil Art, cause why not?
Okay. That just happened.
There was more than enough chaos going round what with there being three Gilgameshes and…an alarming amount of Arturias. The situation was, of course, made worse by the simple fact that the former would always pursue the latter, no matter what shape, form, or method, with a limited amount of success.
In fact, such success was so unreachable, so out-of-this-world, so unthinkable, that nobody in Chaldea could imagine the blue Saber ever letting Gilgamesh’s mouth land on her lips.
But she did.
The whole world’s gravity shifted. Staff stopped typing at their computers. Servants’ hair stood on end. Ritsuka felt his jaw drop. No one, absolutely no one could even breathe. Not for the next minute.
And then the bluest Arturia pulled away, loosening her grip on the wide collar of Caster’s nonsensical vest.
Several crashes resounded through the hallways as the Earth began to turn again. Shakespeare tripped over Hans. Iskandar bellowed an unwarranted congratulations that rendered both Ozymandias and Napoleon deaf. Phantom screamed an unholy chorus of Christines. Mash’s shield clanged onto the floor as Ritsuka innocently turned toward her. Every Berserker began to howl amidst the chaos.
Seemingly, the only truly unaffected person in the entirety of Humanity’s last bastion, was Arturia herself. She calmly retreated without a sound, leaving behind a slightly flushed CasGil who gently held two fingers to his lips. Caster seemed like he was lost in a world of his own, completely oblivious to the teasing of a laughing Lancer Cú and the slaps on the back from an ecstatic King of Conquerors.
“So…” said the youngest of the Gilgameshes, kicking up non-existing dust while his lovely flower fanned her burning blush away. Lily had reacted to “the kiss” the least violently out of all her counterparts, fainting instead of deciding to go on a manhunt. In Ko-gil’s opinion, hers was a reaction a little more appropriate than what the other kids proceeded to do.
Nursery Rhyme was still screaming incoherently as she scrambled between covering Jack’s eyes or her mouth. Alexander had his face frozen with his tongue out and was slowly turning greener by the second. Sétanta was wringing his hands, shouting his fifteenth “EW!” as he jumped around.
But now that Lily was awake again and her blush was beginning to subside, Ko-gil had a chance to act on his envy.
“...Can I get one too?” he asked slowly, tilting his head to his head to the side as the taller girl turned to look at him.
Lily froze faster than water in a snowstorm. For a while, the child in modern clothes wondered if she had even heard him. By the blank expression on her face, it sure didn’t seem that way.
A beat. Two.
Lily’s fair skin glowed tomato red for a second time, blood rushing up all the way to her ears. However, the tiny Archer was unfazed, tilting his head a little further with a smile like sunshine on his face. She could be so cute sometimes, and so pretty. Ko-gil really did think she was like a white flower bud about to bloom. This time, however, he supposed she was more like a rose bud with how red she was getting.
Arturia Lily floundered around, her arms flying in front of her face. Whatever grace and poise her foster mother and Merlin had instilled in her evaporated in an instant. Meanwhile, the nicest Gilgamesh kept up his tiny grin, making her realize he was being serious.
“W-well…” the young squire started, shyly twiddling her fingers. The small Archer looked up at her expectantly.
“To be completely honest, Ko-gil, I think we’re a bit too young?” she said, a little doubtful of her own words. Servants were a little tricky when it came to age, but she was sure she still classified as a child, and so did Ko-gil. It was literally in his name.
The boy pouted before she even finished her explanation. “Aw, come on, Lily, it's just an innocent kiss,” he reasoned, folding his arms. Lily thought it wise not to comment on how much he resembled his older self (the one with the updo, who had been leaning on the wall after 'the kiss', looking a little disgruntled).
“Still,” she argued back, still fanning her face as Ko-gil’s pout increased in intensity. The bluest King of Knights used to complain about how much of a brat both adult Gilgameshes could be. Apparently those tendencies took root a little earlier in life, even if Ko-gil was still the most polite of the three. And the sweetest. And the cutest.
Bollocks. Lily said internally, mimicking her older brother’s exasperated tone. What am I thinking? Ah, no, no, no. A king should be more resolute. But then…
Lily’s shoulders slumped as she gave a heavy sigh. She motioned for the smaller boy to come forward, heart once again beating like a frantic rabbit’s.
His pout now replaced by a charming grin, Ko-gil got on his toes and puckered up, only to feel her hands gently pushing his bangs away. Not a moment later, a soft set of lips landed on his forehead for a brief, but precious, second.
And then Lily stiffened like a board, scrambled to find words to say, and bailed. She ran, probably to Merlin, with her hands covering a furiously blushing face.
Ko-gil stood stunned as Alexander and Sétanta erupted into a fit of hoots and hollers. He didn’t move even as his two friends poked and prodded him, busy holding two gentle hands to where Artoria Lily had bestowed upon him a kiss. Slowly, his face began to color, his skin burning with a feeling somewhere between happiness and embarrassment.
Sétanta’s glance traveled between the frozen Ko-gil and Caster Gil. The latter still stood with a hand to his lips in the middle of the hallway, steady as stone while Cú Chulainn snapped his fingers in front of his face. Iskandar met Alexander’s eyes. They both shrugged. Guess it was a Gilgamesh trait, no matter what age.
Hope u liked this! Haven't written pure fluff in a while lmao ty for the ask!!!
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science-hoes · 3 years
Warming Up - Jimmy Woo x Reader Smut
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Jimmy Woo x Reader Smut (18+ only)
Words: 2k+
A/N: I have done it. I wrote the first (based on my searches) Jimmy Woo smut for tumblr. I love this man so much. He needs to be appreciated. Anyway, this is a really cheesy scenario but I neeeed the *spicy* content. I’ll probably write more Jimmy Woo x Reader because this man has taken over my life. Also this was my celebration post for 1k followers 🥳
Warnings: SMUT (18+), unprotected sex, cheesy scenario, language
You had been in cold weather before, but it had never been this cold. Fuck. It was painful to walk back to the resting quarters as the slight breeze chilled your bones. Monitoring the town of Westview was stressful, but oh how you envied the seemingly perfect weather that Wanda was generating. And as if on cue, it started to rain. It wasn’t cold enough to form sleet, but it sure was cold enough to quicken your pace. Maybe Wanda could control the weather out here too, to piss off everyone who was surveilling her.
Your walk to the resting quarters was much longer than you would have liked it to be. By the time you reached the temporary building, your body was soaked from head to toe. You entered the resting quarters with your teeth chattering and arms folded across your chest. Just as you were about to enter your section, you bumped into a sturdy figure that grabbed onto you to stop you from falling backwards.
“Hey, Y/N.” Your coworker, Agent Jimmy Woo, greeted. He awkwardly let go of you once he realized he was still cradling your body against his to stop you from stumbling backwards.
You looked up to him, your hair plastered to your forehead from the rain. “Hey.” Was all you managed to say in between shivers.
Jimmy tilted his head slightly. “It’s raining cats and dogs out there. Looks like you weren’t cut out for the cold weather.” He noted, but still flashing his charming smile.
You smiled in return, damn his smile was contagious. “I g-guess not.” Your teeth shattered involuntarily.
Jimmy looked up and down the hallway to check for other agents. “You don’t look so well, Y/N. Why don’t you come on to my room and I’ll get you all warmed up.” He said.
You raised an eyebrow, assuming his offer was meant to be suggestive. “You’ll get me warmed up?” You repeated.
Jimmy’s eyes widened and he began shaking his head. “No, that’s not what I meant. I just- I have hot chocolate in my room.” He rambled.
You smiled and nodded. “Oh, okay.” You said.
Jimmy began to walk down the hall. “It’s this way.” He said, making sure you were okay to walk.
You followed him to the end of the hallway until he scanned his badge at the final door on the left. The door slid open, and you slipped inside his room after him.
Jimmy walked over to his kitchenette and began pulling ingredients from a cabinet. You sat down on one of the chairs in his room, shivering still. Your clothes were still ice cold even with the warm heat blasting from the air vent. You tried to reach for a blanket that was on the chair opposite to you, but as you did, you lost your coordination and fell to the floor with a painful thud.
“I’m sorry.” You immediately said as you tried to lift yourself from the ground.
But before you could open your eyes, Jimmy was already by your side, gently lifting you into his surprisingly strong arms. “Y/N, you’re not okay.” He said worriedly before placing you on his standard twin sized bed.
“I’m fine, I’m just a little cold.” You tried to play off.
Jimmy began to remove your wet jacket from your body before working at your soaked shoes and socks. “You have to get out of these clothes.” He explained.
Your eyes widened slightly as his hands brushed against your hips and slipped under your shirt. “Trust me, I was a Boy Scout. You’ve got mild hypothermia, but it can turn really bad really quick.” He said, but looked to you for permission to keep going.
You nodded, and he pulled your shirt off. You helped carefully lower your pants down, leaving you only in a bra and panties. You could tell, even in the dim light, that he was blushing heavily. “I-I’ll let you do the rest.” He said.
You slipped under the covers before discarding your undergarments onto the floor as well. Jimmy grabbed the blanket you attempted to reach earlier and placed it on top of the covers. You were still trembling pitifully, and it hurt Jimmy to see you like that.
“I’m still s-so cold.” You whimpered.
Jimmy shifted uncomfortably on his feet for a moment before pulling off his FBI jacket. “You need body heat. I can’t give you anything too warm yet or it’ll hurt you.” He explained.
You watched as he looked away from you as he slid under the covers to press against your body. He wrapped his muscular arms around you, pulling your head to his chest. Immediately, your hands found his arms. The sensation of your frigid skin against his was too strong. You needed more of it. You quickly untucked his buttoned up shirt and snaked your hands under to find more exposed skin. Your arms burned as they began to increase in temperature again.
At first Jimmy sucked his abdomen in, trying to hide from your freezing touch, but he soon responded by wrapping his legs around yours. “Geez, Y/N, you’re really cold.” He hissed.
You rolled your eyes, “Yeah, I think we est-t-tablished that.” You chattered.
Jimmy let go of you for a moment, and you made a small whimper that broke his heart. “No, no, I was just gonna take off my shirt. It’ll give you more heat.” He explained.
And hell you weren’t gonna argue with that. He broke the knot in his tie and slid it off his neck before making quick work of his shirt buttons. It only took a short second for him to toss his shirt aside, giving you a quick glimpse of his toned upper body. Goddamn, you wouldn’t have guessed he was so cut from that bulky jacket he always wears. He wrapped his arms around your frail body again, this time defrosting your skin. But you let out an unholy moan as your breasts brushed against the coarse hair dusted on his chest.
Jimmy raised an eyebrow at the sound, but connected the dots as to what happened. “I-I’m sorry.” He stammered, not knowing how to respond.
You huffed a laugh and shook your head. “No, I’m sorry. T-that was out of line for me.” You responded, the embarrassment helping your face heat up.
Jimmy shook his head. “No, it was fine. I mean, it wasn’t a bad thing, it was good. But not in like a creepy way, like a…a normal human response w-“ He rambled.
You cut him off by pressing a chilly kiss against his soft lips. He didn’t move at first, afraid of what to do next. After a rush of confidence, he ran his hand up your neck, anchoring his fingers in your hair, and deepened the kiss. You shifted, pulling him on top of you. But as you did, his chest rubbed against yours again, and you let out another involuntary moan into his mouth. This time Jimmy chuckled and kissed his way down your neck.
“Is this okay?” He asked. “I shouldn’t be taking advantage of a hypothermic person.”
You giggled and shook your head. “No, this is only helping. Trust me.” You responded, feeling heat spreading to all ends of your body.
And that was enough reassurance. Jimmy’s hands delicately traced the sides of your waist as he kissed down to your chest, stopping at particularly sensitive areas to gently suck the skin and leave a pink mark. His nose brushed against the valley between your breasts and placed a sweet kiss there before licking a path up to one of your nipples. He swirled his tongue in lazy circles, taking his time with you.
The sensation of his burning tongue slipping against your icy bud drew a whimper from your chest. Jimmy heard your fussing and reached one of his hands up to your other breast. His fingers twisted the nipple there while simultaneously gripping the other one with his teeth. You gripped the sheets on his bed, twisting them in frustration, and bucked your hips into his chest.
“Jimmy…” You moaned, wanting him to keep caressing your breasts but also keep moving down your body.
Jimmy hummed in response, looking up to you with those sweet brown eyes. “What do you want, baby doll?” He whispered against your skin.
You blushed at his old-fashioned nickname for you but tried to refocus your attention on your body’s demands. “I need you inside me.” You replied.
Jimmy gripped your hips tightly before searing a trail of kisses down your stomach. “Can I taste you first? I’ve wanted to do this so long.” He pleaded.
Your walls involuntarily clenched at his request. You nodded, “Please.” You granted.
Jimmy grabbed your thighs and tossed them over his broad shoulders. He didn’t waste any time teasing you or pressing kisses along the inside of your legs. He licked a long and deep stripe against your pussy, drawing a desperate scream from your throat. He moaned at the amount of slick that he swallowed down.
Without hesitation he delved his tongue into you, sucking with the perfect amount of pressure. You secured your fingers in his black locks, tugging when his tongue snaked deeper into your pussy. He reached up with his thumb and rubbed circles on top of your sweet spot. You weren’t sure if it was the cold or the fact that you had been dreaming of this moment for weeks, but you were quickly approaching your first orgasm of the night.
“J-jimmy, I’m gonna come.” You panted, tightening your thighs around his neck.
“Don’t hold back on me, baby doll.” He mumbled against your folds.
And that nickname pushed you over the edge. Your walls throbbed and waves of electricity shot through your body. Jimmy continued to lap up your juices as you rode out your orgasm on his tongue. You were suddenly very aware of your panting and placed a hand on your chest to feel your pounding heart. Jimmy kissed up your body again, worshipping every patch of skin he could get his lips on.
“Was that okay?” He asked innocently.
You huffed a laugh and met his lips with yours. You could taste yourself in his mouth. “That was…amazing.” You answered. “But I still need your dick inside me.”
Jimmy chuckled against your lips and guided your hands down his firm chest to the waistband of his khaki pants. You could feel his packed bulge against your hands as you whipped the belt from his waist and undid his pants. He kicked them off as you pulled his briefs down, his cock springing free. You took it in your hand, swirling the precum around the tip. Jimmy moaned deeply against your ear, his breath tickling your skin.
You adjusted your hips and swiped the tip of his cock through your folds. Jimmy grabbed your thighs and pulled you closer to him.
“Are you ready?” He asked cautiously.
“Yeah.” You breathed.
Jimmy slowly pressed against your entrance. It probably wasn’t the best idea to start fucking without stretching you out, but that was a problem for tomorrow. You hissed as your walls began to stretch. After what seemed like an eternity, he bottomed out inside of you and you whimpered from the sting. Jimmy leaned down against your body again and pressed kisses against your flushed cheeks.
“Shh, sweetheart. It’s okay. Just breathe.” He whispered.
His gentle words made you smile and you reached up to hold his face in your hands. He flashed that charming smile again, and you couldn’t help but kiss it off his face. “I can keep going.” You mumbled against his lips.
Without moving away from you, Jimmy slowly pulled out, leaving you empty. You were worried that he was going to just torture you before he slammed back into you with full force. You screamed into his mouth and dug your nails into his shoulders.
“Come on, baby doll, I know you can take it.” He whispered, catching your mouth with his.
He pounded his hips into yours at a brutally fast pace, guiding your legs to wrap around his waist. You held onto him for dear life as his cock buried itself into you over and over again. You felt that same build up of heat in your pussy with each snap of your hips. You buried your face in his neck, moaning and panting.
“Jimmy…” You whimpered as your orgasm neared.
Jimmy felt your walls begin to tighten and he quickened his already brisk pace. “Come for me, sweetheart.” He encouraged.
After a few more thrusts, your body let go and your vision went black from the overwhelming sensation. Your pussy throbbed around his cock, but he didn’t let off. He wanted to make sure you came again before he would let himself go. And with your final scream, Jimmy let out a moan in tandem with yours as his cum spilled inside you. The pulsating of his cock was just enough stimulation to help you finish out your own orgasm.
Jimmy collapsed on top of you, and you wrapped your arms around him. For a moment, all you could hear were the staggering breaths heaving from your chests. After a minute of silence, Jimmy looked back up to you, sheepishly this time.
“Are you still cold?” He asked with a joking smile.
You giggled and kissed him gently. “If I say yes, can we do that again?” You teased.
Jimmy laughed and pressed his forehead against yours. “Baby doll, we can do this any time you want.”
A/N: Lmk if you want to be added to my Jimmy Woo x Reader taglist :)
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