#There's no “Hey is this rude? Will someone find me intimidating if I say this?” filter for me to run my words through so I don't know if it
scarletfasinera · 1 month
I'm always thinking about that one "cortex that makes me rude" comic. The autistic mind is a wonderful and scary place
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whateveriwant · 7 months
Hey! I love your writing so much, and I was wondering if you could do 141 HCs with an albino GN!reader? Or a reader with tics but not tourettes? Either or!! Have a lovely day!
I'm sorry it took me a little while to get to this, anon! I went with the second option!
Can you say 'twinsies'? Because Ghost definitely can 👯‍♀️
I can totally see Ghost having tics of his own – motor ones specifically, mostly confined to his face, but you wouldn't know it because they're always hidden by his masks
Thus, when he first notices you ticking, he immediately clocks it for what it is and he (almost giddily) thinks to himself 'Finally! Someone who gets me'
Because of this, he quickly becomes your second shadow, following you around everywhere like a little big puppy
Naturally, he'll get incredibly protective over you, especially when it comes to people who stare or make comments under their breath or even outright approach you and ask something rude regarding your tics
If he catches anyone doing anything of the sort, then he goes into scary dog mode real quick: arms crossed over his chest, head cocked to the side, an intimidating silence as he glares with a gaze so menacing it could melt steel
With a man as sharp and attentive as Price, much like Ghost, he takes instant notice of your tics
And as protective as Price is, he'd probably get fairly concerned about you to the point where he even pulls you aside one day to have a little chat
He knows that… tics, he thinks they're called, aren't necessarily indicative of anything health-wise, but he just wants to make sure that you're okay; that there isn't anything he can do for you
Even after assuring him that you're perfectly fine and healthy and good, that doesn't stop him from looking out for you like you're his own flesh and blood
Similar to Ghost, if he sees anyone staring or making snide comments about you, then he's definitely going to step in and shut that down
However, rather than giving them an I'll tear your spine out through your throat look à la Ghost, he'll mutter something in their ear – the specifics of which you're unsure, but it always has them making a swift, shaky-legged departure
While he too notices your tics, Gaz would never ever mention them out of respect for you and your privacy
He would wait for you to be the one to bring it up, should you ever choose to, that is. And if you never do, well, that's a-ok to him. Whatever you're willing to divulge, he'll be there waiting without pressure or judgment
However, if you were to talk to him about it (and thus invite a conversation) then prepare yourself for a barrage of questions
He doesn't ask them meaning to be offensive or intrusive or whatever; he's simply curious. He just wants to get to know you well, and that means knowing what makes you uniquely you
Unlike the other 141 men, if he notices someone bothering you about your tics, he's not going to directly (more like aggressively) confront them over it
Instead he'd harmlessly distract them, drawing their attention onto himself until they've completely forgotten all about their interest in bugging you
This man, bless his heart, would be totally, astoundingly oblivious of your tics even if they punched him in the face
In fact, the closer you become with him, the more he finds himself unconsciously start to mimic them
Kind of like when you like someone and so you start mirroring their movements/patterns of speech? Yeah, it's like that but with your tics
Of course, if you were to say something about it (and especially if you said it made you uncomfortable), he'd immediately apologize, explain how he wasn't even aware he was doing it, and make sure he never does it again
Like with Ghost and Price, if Soap noticed someone being rude towards you, he'd go into guard dog mode, but he is the most feral by far
He'd be all up in their face, furious, practically foaming at the mouth as he yells to "Mind yer own fuckin' business while you've still got workin' legs to mind with!" … only to turn to you afterwards all sunshine and rainbows like he didn't just tear that person a new one 😇
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sommerflue-22 · 1 year
Watch It! - KNY Headcanons
Somebody just shove you aggressively in a club. They spare you a glance, laugh, and walk away. Of course, your partner will not let it go just like that... In other words, what KNY characters say and/or do to defend you from intoxicated, insufferable people in a club.
Featuring: Aged up Kamaboko Squad (-Kanao), Sanemi, Kyojuro, Tengen, Giyuu
Warning: Mention of alcohol
Word count: 533
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Somebody shoves you aggressively when you and Tanjiro are hanging out by the bar. I don't think he will initiate any fight or whatever, he'll just yell "What's your problem, dude?" before turning to you and asking whether you're okay. He will definitely have a handkerchief ready in case somebody spill their drink on you.
We all know Zenitsu is not an aggressive person. If someone bumps into you a tad too aggressive he will pull you to his side. "Oi, back off! Stay away from my partner!" Might not sound too scary, but he will give them an unwavering stare, ready to knock him down even because he's kinda drunk himself.
Inosuke, on the other hand, will definitely provoke the other person to fight. "What the fuck? Oi, come over here! Who do you think you are, shoving my mate like that? Over my dead body, fucker!" It gets rowdy real fast, mate. Sober or drunk, he will fight.
Similar to Inosuke, Genya will not hesitate to fight back the other person. He'll shove them back, "Watch it!" What happens next depends on how the other person reacts. If they back away, Genya will only tell them to get lost. If they taunt him, they better run. Genya will drag them outside, god knows what will happen next.
Sanemi is definitely Genya's role model in this whole "how to defend your partner in a club" thing. Sanemi will pull the person's collar back, forcing them to look him in the eye, "You're messing with the wrong people, you pathetic shit." Of course, his scars will most likely intimidate the other person. If they're trying to fight him, though... You better not let him fight, honestly. He might break the other person's bone(s).
Tengen despises drunk assholes. He thinks everyone should drink flamboyantly. Being drunk is fine, as long as they don't pick a fight with other people. Which is why he can't tolerate the person who shoves you or any of his wives. "That's soooo tacky of you. Are you sure you're supposed to be here? Should I kick your ass flying to the nearest landfill? Yknow, since you're acting so trashy like that..." Again, not that intimidating but don't forget this man is almost 2 meters tall.
I believe Kyojuro will make sure you're alright before he turns to the person. "Hey, you! Yeah, you! We need to talk!" It doesn't always work, of course, considering the other person was hella drunk or just rude. Not the most aggressive man, but he's there to have fun with you and he will make sure you do have fun. So, he'll just take you to a less crowded area and buy you another drink.
At first you might think Giyuu won't do anything since he just froze in his place as the person walks away. However his eyes widens and trails the person's move. Before you can say or do anything, he already follows them and delivers a hard slap against the back of their head. When the person turn around to find the culprit, Giyuu already walks away like nothing happened. He gets back to you and pull you closer to him.
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Author Note
This is not beta-read. I'm just having a pre-party anxiety cus my friends are about to drag me to a nightclub but honestly I'm not a party person Idk what to do, what to wear UGH
Hope you enjoy tho <3
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gay4abby · 7 months
hey baby, can i request a jealous jordan li x reader? ❤️
Green Eyed Monster !!
masterlist. requested, yes. warnings, slightly sexual(?). pairings, jordan li x reader. i hope u like this 😭 i wrote this at like 5am
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As a Libra, you can’t help it that your charisma is through the roof. It’s what got Jordan snagged up by you in the first place and the exact reason why it’s the bane of their existence. Everybody wants you. Even the ones who don’t even realise it until they meet you. And it’s…not necessarily your fault. It’s not something you can easily turn off and the fact that it puts you in some sticky situations can make you look like an asshole. But, to be clear, telling someone straight forward is your forte. Some people just tend to not listen. Unfortunately for you this time, Jordan was there to see.
The gala was in the middle of its most active period. You were off to the side by the bar, shimmering with silver underneath the light. You were oblivious to your surroundings, nursing a drink that certainly wasn’t appropriate for your drinking age, (you were one year from the big one two, who gives a shit?) but didn’t have a care in the world. Jordan wasn’t feeling the best (fucking parents, am I right?) and he decided to find you so you both can get the hell out of there. It was getting boring anyway. They searched for you, knowing little about where you went off to. And they were getting impatient.
Your drink was about to finish, so you waved your hand for the bartender to give you a refill when you felt someone slide in next to you. At first you didn’t pay any mind, but then you felt as though they were getting a little to close. “Can I help you?” You ask with a light tone. You turned slightly to give them some semblance of eye contact and attention when in reality all you wanted to do was get out of there. It was only a matter of time before you and Jordan were able to do that. “You can help me in more ways than one actually.”
Oh, brother. You rolled your eyes, hoping it wouldn’t be seen by the man trying so desperately to appear slick. On the other side of the room, Jordan had walked away from Marie and Cate after having an almost heartfelt conversation (trauma dump royalty at its finest). They wanted nothing more than to have their hands on you, away from the world after enduring a two hour long engagement with his parents. They always managed to hit the one nerve that Jordan knows will never be accepted, no matter how much therapy they go to as a family.
“Hm, is that so? Why don’t you go ‘head and name ‘em for me,” you sounded bored, but to the guy invading your personal space didn’t seem to catch on. Aloof pest. You drowned out what he had to say after hearing ‘make me feel good,’ not knowing that Jordan had set eyes on you, watching the whole thing unfold. He was seething, their big brown eyes blown as it settled on the man reaching over to place his arm on your chair. Near you. In your space, breathing your air. No, that can’t just do! Long legs began striding towards the pair of you, breathing getting rougher with each step.
The man was about to be in for a very rude awakening. “What do you say we get outta here?”
“And what do you say about me beating the living shit out of you, huh?” Jordan’s voice was stern that it made even you jump a little. It broke through your trance, realising the man was still around and now has to endure the wrath of Jordan Li. The man was taken aback just a bit as his eyes laid on Jordan. They were the same height, but Jordan’s demeanour was as intimidating as they come. Oozing out an authority that required to not be messed with. His jaw ticked, crazed eyes never leaving the man that didn’t seem to get the message of moving away from you.
You turned in your chair, hand immediately meeting the Supe’s forearm and squeezing it as you tried to grab their attention. “Hey, baby. I was wondering where you were,” you said softly, pushing the intruder away from you to stand in front of Jordan. You can tell he was livid and honestly? Nothing turned you on more, but first you must stop them from tearing the persistent man apart.
“Is he bothering you, love?” He spoke without so much as taking his eyes off the offender. Jordan’s body figure was rigid and no amount of force you added was going to make them move. “We were just talking actually, until you interrupted us.” Oh, brave one then? “Is that so? I fucking interrupted you guys? That’s funny. You hear that, babe? I interrupted your fucking conversation.”
You had to deescalate the situation before it got out of hand. “Yeah, haha, that’s so funny. Hey, listen–”
“You think you can just walk up to any random unsuspecting person and think you’re entitled to their time? What the fuck is wrong with you, dude?” Jordan’s eyebrows furrowed, feeling them move closer to the man. “Dude, I don’t want any trouble.”
“Well that’s unfortunate ‘cause I wanna give you trouble!” Jordan yelled, almost knocking you over. You know he probably didn’t mean to, but fuck was he strong. And quite frankly, you’ve had enough. “I think we should–” you were cut off before you could finish, the man squaring his chest and stepping to Jordan. He didn’t know what he was getting himself into, you knowing he wouldn’t last point three seconds in a fight with your partner.
Jordan moved you swiftly to the side before swinging at the man, not even hitting the ground yet before he knocked out. “Jordan!” You exclaimed, pulling them by their arm as they switched to their female form. It was easier to pull her out of the ball room and out of the building as a whole. You were furious, but you couldn’t deny that was really hot. “Jordan, what the fuck!”
“What the fuck? He was flirting with you! I couldn’t just stand there and let that happen!”
“I was barely paying him any mind. As soon as I saw you did I not have my full attention on you?!” You screamed at the top of your lungs you were sure that the passer-by’s were to look in your direction with a crazed look. But it didn’t matter, Jordan just punched someone! “Yes, but that doesn’t matter! He was doing too much I couldn’t let that slide!”
“That’s besides the point, you punched him! You knocked him out!”
“And I’d do it again.” She said sternly. If it didn't make your legs clench, you would've been pissed. More pissed than you are now. Your anger was slowly diminishing, your eyes becoming softer as you look at Jordan. No matter how hard she tried to look tough, their eyes told the whole story to you. It was hard for Jordan to hide their true feelings to you and it was both amazing and annoying at the same time for them. You slowly reached out to grasp at her tiny hands, squeezing them ever so lightly before pulling her closer to you, noses almost touching.
Jordan smiled small, "I know you will, that's the problem," you said with a huge smile on your lips as well. It made you want to eat her right up. You both stood there for awhile not caring about the world around you. Hands intertwined and lips ghost meeting each other every once in awhile. Jordan squeezed your hands back, lifting their head. "Let's go back to my dorm, yeah?" Your eager nod alone had her quickly pulling you away.
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gyumibear · 5 months
⌞BLUE SPRING⌝ — PROLOGUE: Incorrigible Song Mingi
SYNOPSIS — In which you, an upcoming idol, are saved from a dangerous encounter by Song Mingi, a jaded, third-year delinquent who falls for you in more ways than one. However, both of your responsibilities constantly tear you apart. Years later, you reunite. Are the sparks still there or was your love only meant for that one spring?
WARNINGS — Heavy swearing, Mentions of Fighting, Mentions of Death, Insulting, Intimidation, Mingi is RUDE. (Let me know if I miss a warning.)
WC — 1.3k
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"Song Mingi, you're incorrigible! You'll never be anything if you keep this behavior up! What would your parents think if they knew about this?" The Headmaster had sneered, his beady eyes glaring into Mingi's own.
The comment about his parents had nearly made him ready to leap from his chair. How would the Headmaster react if Mingi had shown him what his parents thought? What then asshole? Mingi thought bitterly, finally tuning out of the conversation as the older man kept ranting on and on. What type of educational system allowed their administration to berate their students? Even if Mingi wasn't the best student, actually one of the worst, he still didn't deserve that type of harshness.
"You're lucky you're even still attending this school!" Mingi lowered his head, patience running out faster by the moment. He needed to get out of here and fast. Before someone got their feelings (and more) hurt. "We put up with this your second year, but seriously! You're nearly at the finish line and you're acting this way? What is the matter with you?" What was the matter? Mingi wasn't even sure himself. He'd been this way ever since... Since...
"Hey! Are you even listening to me, Song Mingi?" Oh right, he's still in the Headmaster's office. He nodded his head noncommittally, taking a moment to pretend like he actually gave half a crap about what the man was saying. Of course, he didn't. Mingi'd heard all this stuff before from many people before him. Employers, teachers, and even his friends and family had given up on him. "You're on your last straw, young man. Keep this up and you'll be here til you're legally unable to be, you hear me?"
Mingi's eyebrows shot up to the top of his head. Now this he actually did care about. Being stuck here was another level to his already perfectly crafted hell of a life. If he knew anything, he knew he was graduating this year. Damn sure.
"Yes, sir. I hear you perfectly clear." He lied through his teeth, feigning remorse like he'd done for the past two years. "I'm sorry about all this... I'm really trying to clean up my act, but it's hard for me... You can understand that, can't you?"
The Headmaster stared him down, scanning his face to try and find a crack in his facade. However, because of Mingi's years of playing pretend, he couldn't. A satisfied smile slipped onto the man's face and Mingi had to hold back one of his own. Got his ass. Mingi thought. Another successful trip to the Headmaster's office. After this, he'd deserve an award or something.
"Yes, I can. However, Song Mingi, I cannot possibly let you get away with this scot-free." Shit. "You'll be serving two weeks detention with me personally after school every day, starting tomorrow. Understood?"
"Yes sir." Fuck him.
Mingi checked his phone, leaving the school grounds as quickly as humanly possible. Of course, he had messages from clients. He made a note to text them later. A message from his landlord asking for this month's rent. He'll text her tomorrow. He was ready to stuff his phone back into his jeans but then noticed a specific combination of words lying in his unread messages. Do Not Reply #6. Shit. He only texted him outside of the group chat when he was really pissed.
Mingi read the messages, mood dropping lower than it already was. Great. Now Hongjoong was on the lookout for him. Mingi looked up into the overcast sky, wondering what God he had to make peace with to end his suffering. At least he'll kill me quickly. Mingi thought before remembering exactly who he was dealing with. The last thing Hongjoong'd do was make it quick. Mingi let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, before turning on his heel and walking the opposite way of where he knew Hongjoong and the others would be waiting. Nope, I'm dying on my own terms.
He found himself walking inside the closest convenience store. Why his feet had carried him here? No clue. He had food at home. The register attendant turned to offer a greeting, but at first sight, Mingi's intimidating aura led her to murmur with her head lowered. He walked past her briskly anyway, not intending to speak in the first place. He cut a corner, turning to the right and immediately clashing bodies with another person. That person, on dropping their things, immediately swore.
"Shit!" Off voice alone, Mingi realized he'd bumped into a girl, had dropped to the ground, scooping up her items. "My bad! I wasn't looking."
Mingi, though usually mild-mannered to strangers, was having a bad day so instead of letting it go like he'd do normally, just stared down at the girl until she looked up. When she did, Mingi was almost taken aback by how pretty she was. Didn't make his day any better though so he spat out the words "Clearly. Watch yourself next time."
The girl's apologetic face instantly turned to one of annoyance. "Woah. It was an accident and I apologized. No need to act that way." She stood up, items collected in her arms, and gave Mingi a hard glare. Almost as hard as Hongjoong's. "Talking to people like that isn't gonna make you feel better about whatever you have going on, you know? Costs zero dollars to not be an ass."
Mingi opened his mouth to retort, but she strode past him. Mingi let out a noise of frustration at the entire interaction, spinning on his heel and storming out of the store. While doing that, he passed the attendant and the girl who both glanced at him with unease and annoyance respectively. Fuck everybody! He almost wanted to shout. Today was not one of his best days.
"You trying to run from me, Mingi?" The blond male nearly jumped out of his pants at the voice that came from nowhere. Mingi's head whipped to the left, heart racing from shock at the appearance of the oreo-haired someone who was royally pissed with him. Kim Hongjoong rested against the wall of the store, arms crossed. Fellow ATZ members Jung Wooyoung, Choi San, and Choi Jongho were present as well, looking grim. Well, not Wooyoung. He had a knowing grin on his face. Bastard.
"I'm not," Mingi responded, trying to not die on the spot. "I was on my way."
"Funny~" Hongjoong smiled lightly, "Wooyoung watched you walk here."
Mingi's eyes flickered over to Wooyoung's, the younger male looking quite pleased with himself. Of course. Wooyoung was the gang's eyes. Mingi could never get away with anything simply because of Wooyoung's existence. He didn't even know what he did to make the guy hate him as much as he had to. Hongjoong cleared his throat.
"So." He looked back to his leader's eyes. "Care to explain?"
If Mingi could die on the spot, he would've. He knew whatever he said right now wasn't going to save his ass. Hongjoong was already in a mood. Mingi looked at the rest of the gang, locking eyes with San. San pursed his lips, looking sympathetic, but averted his eyes soon after. Then Mingi darted his eyes to Jongho, the youngest of them. Jongho had an unreadable expression on his face. Probably feeling pity for him. Mingi looked back at Wooyoung then, and like a brat, Wooyoung quickly stuck his tongue out. Bastard!
Hongjoong cleared his throat once more, the silence was deadly. Mingi swallowed his spit and prepared to talk. I'm going to hate myself for this, but I'm already done for. Mingi made a decision in his mind. Then, he turned on his heel and booked it. He could hear Hongjoong's enraged scream of his name but didn't dare to look back.
Yep, you're incorrigible Song Mingi.
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NOTE — Just as a note: if you see a “WC” on a chapter, know that there’s a written section! <3 Now for this chapter’s Fun Fact: Mingi has gotten expelled from 2 schools before this one and in the same year!!
BLUE SPRING TAGLIST: OPEN! send a reply or ask to be added! if bold, you could not be tagged! — @ad0rechuu @run2seob @xynokia @hearttakesworld @scarfac3 @gvnwks @asherthehimbo
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© GYUMIBEAR. do not repost, modify, or translate my work onto other social media sites.
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courtforshort15 · 2 years
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Drinking Buddies
Pairing: Matt Murdock x fem!reader
Other characters: Jessica Jones
Summary: Your friendship with Jessica Jones is solely based on drinking and giving Matt Murdock a hard time. You think it's the best thing ever.
Word Count: Just about 1,800
Trigger warning: Characters are drinking
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Your vision is absolutely swimming and the noise of the bar isn't any less overwhelming. Loud conversations, louder music, the stale scent of beer floating around you. It's a lot, but you're gonna power through it like the badass bitch that you are because you're not ready to call it quits for the night. You forcibly swallow down the nausea.
Spitters are quitters.
You're not quite sure if the phrase necessarily applies to alcohol, but the sentiment is there.
"You good?" You snap your head around, noticing that Jessica is eyeing you in amusement. The sharp movement causes your head to spin.
"Wha--? I uh...yeah," you tell her disjointedly before offering a wide, drunken smile. "I'm good. Like realllly good."
Jessica snorts before tossing another shot back. She's not exactly sober either, but she's definitely better off than you right now. "You sure? Because you kinda look like you're about to fall off the chair and crack your head open."
"You'd catch me before that happens."
"Would I though?" She says it in such a blasé tone that you find yourself struggling to figure out if she actually would just let you fall.
Would she?
Fuck. You don't know.
"I'd press charges if you didn't," you threaten, doing your best to glare at her. It doesn't work, mostly because there's two of her and you don't know which one to focus on. "It would be all your fault."
"I don't think not stopping you from falling counts as a crime."
"That's what you think," you disagree, and the words could not sound more slurred. "The Supreme Court probably disagrees with you on that."
"Funnily enough, I don't think they'd give a shit," she says dryly.
"We could look at filing a civil case, if nothing else," a familiar voice pops up behind you. "Sue her for all she's worth. Which probably isn't much, if we're being honest."
Your head whips around, and you find yourself wobbling in your chair, teetering on the edge. A hand snaps out to settle you. Matt's face is full of concern, his other hand reaching out to grab the glass of water that's resting in front of you, wordlessly encouraging you to drink it.
"Aw man," you sigh, shooting Jessica the stink eye as you regain your balance and push the water away. "Why is he here?"
"You suggested karaoke. We all know you're too far gone when you hit that point."
"You're a goddamn traitor, Jessica. You didn't need to call him."
"He's your husband," Jessica states flatly.
"He's boring," you complain drunkenly. Her eyebrows raise in humor as she glances at him in consideration before nodding in agreement. "He never lets me stay out late."
"He's standing right here," Matt says dryly. His hand rests at your back as if nervous you're going to fall off your chair. Which, fair. You're pretty wasted. "And he's here to take you home."
"You weren't supposed to rat me out," you try glaring at Jessica again. Her smirk tells you you're unsuccessful in intimidating her.
Having super powered friends sucks.
"I didn't rat you out," she tosses back nonchalantly. "He already knew we were gonna be here. He was probably listening from a few blocks away the whole time like a weirdo."
Matt doesn't deny it.
"Yes, but you weren't supposed to actually call him."
"I may be able to lift a car, but I am sure as shit not carrying your drunk ass home. That's what husbands are for," Jessica tells you bluntly, but she's still smirking. "I am here to drink with you, not deal with you after."
You gasp, hand flying to your chest, absolutely wounded. "Rude. Why are we even friends?"
"Mostly because you like having someone else around to call Murdock out on his shit."
You ponder it for a second, then nod. "That is a fair point. Hey! Do you want to come over for waffles? Waffles sound amazing right now and we have a fantastic waffle maker at home."
Matt opens his mouth. "I don't think--"
"Shush, Matthew, the grown-ups are talking," you interrupt, placing a finger over his lips. He gives you an unamused look and smacks your hand away.
Jessica absolutely cackles.
"As much as that sounds like a great time, I'm going to pass on this one. I've seen you puke enough times."
"I'm not going to puke! You have zero faith in me."
"I can practically see your mouth salivating from here. You're like twenty minutes away from it."
You do a quick check in with your body and determine she's...probably not wrong.
"Okay, but you've still only seen me puke like twice."
"And that was more than enough," she says flatly. She tosses her credit card on to the bar top after glancing at the no doubt hefty bar tab the two of you have racked up. Matt throws his own card out to split the bill. What a wonderful husband, taking one for the team. "I have no interest seeing your dinner and the seven shots you knocked down come back up."
"Seven?" Matt asks incredulously.
"And three beers," Jessica adds, not so helpfully.
Matt looks decidedly not thrilled. "Fantastic."
"It was a rough day at work, Matt," you moan miserably, briefly burying your face in your hands for maximum effect as you unsuccessfully fake an excuse for being drunk off your ass. "I deserved it."
"It's Saturday. You didn't have work today."
A brief pause.
"Yesterday was a rough day at work," you amend. He's not impressed.
"You're a horrible influence on her," Matt states as he gives Jessica a look that suggests he's pretty annoyed. The woman shrugs, unconcerned.
"Your wife is a disaster all on her own, pal," she says with a grin.
"I'm the disaster?" You ask in mock outrage. "No, no, no, dear friend. Matt is the human disaster. Can't even go a week without needing stitches or blaming himself for all of the world's problems."
Jessica snorts. "You're not wrong there."
"I think it's time to leave, sweetheart." Matt pockets his wallet once the bartender hands him back his credit card. Jessica signs the receipt for him. You glance briefly at the total that's been charged to his card and decide to not to tell him what it is, knowing he won't be happy about the amount. He'll find out later, anyway.
"But it's only like 10pm," you protest loudly to Matt, shoving the issue of the credit card bill aside and focusing on the more important things. "It's too early, the party's just getting started."
"It's almost 2am."
"Oh," is all you say before eyeing Matt suspiciously. "Did you finish your patrol early just to come harrass me then?"
He doesn't answer, just continues to look like he can't decide if he's amused or exasperated that he's probably going to have to literally drag you out of here.
So that's a yes.
"Okay, so the party's already in full s-swing," you hiccup. You're determined to succesfully plead your case. "We still have at least another hour before bars close."
"We both know you're already going to be a mess with how much you've had to drink so far," Matt replies as he shakes his head. "Let's not push it. It's late and we have plans with your parents at 11am."
"I'm not sure using logic with her will work right now," Jessica tells him looking almost bored. "You gotta treat drunks like children."
"I'm sure you have plenty of experience being on the receiving end of that," Matt fires back. Jessica just shrugs because everyone knows he's completely right. "But I think I know how to handle my drunk wife."
"I'm just saying," she holds her hands up in mock surrender. "Might help if you treat her like she's the nicest baby drunk you've ever seen."
"Yeah, daddy, you gotta be nice to me," you slur, patting his chest. The glare Matt sends your way causes you to erupt into drunken giggles. "Whoops, sorry. Forgot he doesn't like it when I call him daddy in public. That's a bedroom only thing."
"Christ," Matt hisses under his breath.
Jessica laughs with absolute glee. She lowers her voice significantly so that only the three of you can hear her. "Never letting that one go. The Daddy of Hell's Kitchen."
You shriek with laughter, causing nearby patrons to look at you in annoyance. You lower your voice to a slurring whisper. You're absolutely fucked up on alcohol at the moment, but you're not interested in outing his identity. "Daredaddy has a nice ring to it, too."
Jessica's grin is absolutely merciless as she hones in on more ways to tease your husband. She's a great a friend like that. "Daddydevil could also work."
"Oh, I like that one. What about--"
"We're done here," Matt interrupts you before you can continue, grabbing your jacket and purse off your bar stool. "Come on sweetheart, it's time to go home."
"Noooo," you whine, trying to push him away. Matt doesn't so much as budge, the asshole. "Jessica and I are still having fun. Go be a Debbie Downer somewhere else."
"I am having a ton of fun right now," Jessica says before taking another shot. When did she get another shot? You want one. "Please, tell me more of your bedroom secrets. This is great."
Your eyes light up. "Okay! So Matt really likes it when he gets to--"
"No," Matt groans, throwing his head back as he no doubt prays for patience. "She doesn't need to know anything, it's none of her business."
"But she's my friend," you tell him, feeling a full blown pout coming on. He's generally immune them, but you try anyway. "Girls share these types of things."
"She's not a girl," Matt all but snaps, and he looks extremely irritated at this point. "She's a menace."
You turn to Jessica, eyebrows raised, offended that your husband is being so rude to your friend. "When did he get this grumpy?" You ask her in a stage whisper. "Do you think I need to suck his cock more? Maybe I should--"
You're abruptly dragged out of your seat and yanked towards the door before you can finish what you're saying, Matt's cane angrily tapping in front of him. You giggle, finding it funny that he's so pissed, he's barely pretending to use it.
Jessica is absolutely howling behind you, and Matt throws a middle finger her way before pulling you through the exit door of the bar.
"Bye Jessica!" You screech at her on your way out. Jessica waves, laughing too hysterically to say anything back. "I love you!"
You manage to not puke until you're home, so you count it as a wildly successful ladies night out. Matt glowers as he holds your hair back. "You're never hanging out with Jessica again."
Joke's on him. You've already made plans with her for next weekend, and Karen and Claire will be joining.
It will be magical.
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all-things-ghostly · 5 months
A Fate Worse Than Death? - Hatbox Ghost Crack Fic
So I know it’s been discussed before where Alistair went after he got banished into the green pit of doom at the end of the film and it gave me a goofy idea. I hope you all enjoy my ridiculousness
To avoid potential confusion:
Hatty = Ride version of Hatbox Ghost
Alistair = Movie version of Hatbox Ghost
The fireplace crackles gently in one of the Haunted Mansion’s many living rooms. This one was smaller than most of the others, and much quieter, which is why it was the Hatbox Ghost’s preferred room for hat-making. Right now, in fact, he sat slumped against the velvet couch while peacefully sewing the details onto his most recent creation.
His left arm, the one holding the hat while the right hand sewed, was hooked around you as you sat beside him. Well, you weren’t really sitting beside him. It was more like you were burying yourself under his large blue cape and sprawling out in a lazy cuddle against his body.
Not that he minded at all, though. He loved your presence.
An old gramophone played on the small table in the corner of the room, playing some old jazzy tune that Hatty hummed along to. The sound of his soft voice and the sheer comfort of the situation you were in was starting to make you tired, and you found yourself nodding off against his shoulder. That is, until you were rudely awakened by something being shoved onto your head.
“Hey! Hatty!” You complain, pushing yourself up to see what’s all the fuss. You notice that he’s put the hat over your head and is looking at you with a contemplative expression.
“Just making sure it fits~” he says in that smooth voice of his, tilting your head a few times to observe the different angles and get a feel for what adjustments he could make. Once he’s finished, he pats your cheek. “You know, you would make a good model.”
His compliment makes you a little bit giddy inside. It’s difficult to be mad at him, seeing how adorable he is when he gets all invested in his hobby. After Hatty goes back to sewing, he allows you to rest yourself against him once again.
“Goodness, Y/n. You do seem rather tired today, yes?” Hatty observes how you’ve nearly fallen asleep for the second time. “Did you not get enough sleep last night?”
You try to reply, but it just comes out as a garbled, unintelligible mess.
The ghost frowns, and hums in thought for a moment. Then, he cutely perks up as if he had a sudden lightbulb.
“I know what would make you feel better! Some warm tea and plenty of sweets. Come with me, darling. I can always finish this work later, you’re far more important to me.”
Hatty stands up and holds out a hand for you to take. You gladly oblige and he helps your sleepy self stand up, the two of you about to head into the kitchen.
Then, you pause. “Wait, Hatty. Do you hear something?”
You both stop walking and listen. It sounds like… someone screaming?
“Hm… how very peculiar,” he remarks, looking around to try and find the source of the noise. It sounds like it’s getting louder… and closer!
Suddenly, you notice what appears to be a small green hole in the ceiling. It grows wider and wider, and you soon recognize it to be some sort of strange, ethereal pit or portal. The screaming voice becomes much clearer and before you know it… somebody crash lands right into the mansion’s living room.
“Oh, dear!” Hatty exclaims, holding an arm out in front of you protectively and taking some steps back. The stranger groans in pain and attempts to pick themselves up on shaky limbs.
“HOLY SHIT!!” You yell. Hatty grabs his cane and holds it like a baseball bat while making an “intimidating” pouty face.
Then you get a closer look at the intruder, and become even more freaked out.
“HOLY SHIT!!!!!” You shout again, this time with far more terror. Hatty looks at you with shock and confusion, to which you lean in and frantically whisper something to him.
The same look of startled realization crosses his face, too.
“Good heavens! It’s me… but far uglier!”
The opposing ghost then snaps his head up in offense. It’s true—he looks a lot like the Hatbox Ghost himself, except grayer, gothier, and much more grumpy.
“Preposterous! There can only been one Alistair Crump, and I am certainly not ugly,” he snaps, crossing his arms like an angry toddler.
You and Hatty share an unconvinced look.
Then you both flock over to this “Alistair” and start examining him like he’s the first alien lifeform to ever land on Earth.
“Why are you so grey?”
“Goodness, look at those frown lines…”
“Talk about eye bags…”
“Pardon me, but when was the last time you’ve visited a dentist?”
“Wow, your bald spot is really prominent.”
“SILENCE!!” Alistair shouts, pushing both of you away and scurrying onto his feet. “I did not come here to be insulted, you insolent little—wait, bald spot?” He feels the top of his head. “My hat… where’s my hat?”
Hatty tilts his head, and then lights up with that cute grin of his again. He gets up off the ground and picks up the top hat he was just working on.
“Not to worry! You can have this one!” He chirps, and forces it down onto Alistair’s head.
Alistair does not look amused. “It has… so many flowers. I look hideous.”
“You really do. And not because of the hat,” Hatty cringes. Then he covers his mouth like he’s said something rude. “Er, my apologies. But really, sir… or, I guess, me… you look rather worn out. You know, we were about to have some tea. You should join us!”
“Absolutely not. I am not going to have tea with such imbeciles,” Alistair spits, but the next thing you know, both of his arms are getting grabbed by the merry bunch.
“No, really. We insist!”
The evil ghost struggles, but cannot seem to break free from your grasps.
“Let go of me! I have much more important things to do than participate in some… some ridiculous tea party!” He shouts, trying to pull himself free. But, he just ends up stumbling over his own feet and falling on his ass.
Hatty shakes his head and smirks. “My, are you grumpy. You know what you need? Cupcakes.”
And then, you and Hatty drag Alistair’s flailing body all the way to the kitchen, while he kicks and shouts and complains like a little child.
“You FOOLS! Unhand me immediately!! Why, I never… NOOOOOOOO!!!”
His cries are cut off when the kitchen door slams shut behind them.
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nyaagolor · 1 year
I like the Nemona autism post! Think you’ll make a comic about her friends like Arven, Penny, and MC helping her with her insecurities?
I have a really hard time with comics that aren't silly so I wrote this instead. SV quartet is both very fun to write and also a nightmare because none of them have an ounce of tact as a side effect of being 16. Anyways THANK U!!
Violeta hadn’t realized Nemona was trailing off until the sudden silence snapped her back to attention. The others seemed to have noticed it too, because Arven had stopped mid-bread-buttering and Penny was doing a terrible job at pretending she wasn’t stealing glances at Nemona, her phone game abandoned. Nemona was already doing that thing that Violeta had come to expect from her, head slightly bowed and holding her braced arm to her chest like she was curling in on herself. She was the one to finally break the silence, and not to resume her rambling on the history of Johtoian boom teams. 
“Do you guys think I’m, like, annoying?” Nemona asked. She seemed genuinely bothered by this out of the blue revelation, fidgeting with her tie and furrowing her brows as she flicked her gaze to each of her friends in turn. Violeta was not proud of the way she paused. Arven frowned, his gaze laser focused on the sandwich in front of him. Penny made a little noise in the back of her throat, expression pinched as she struggled to find the right words. 
“Oh,” Nemona replied, the earlier enthusiasm gone from her voice like a deflated balloon. She shook her head and continued with a practiced monotony that sounded like she was reading off a script. “I’m uh… that was really inconsiderate of me. I’ll try to keep your interests in mind more when I talk. It’s rude to dominate conversations, and I… uh… sorry.” 
“Hey, uh,” Penny interrupted her, concern written all over her face. “You’re not annoying, just… a lot sometimes?” She grimaced as though finding the right words was physically painful. 
“Yeah!” Arven added. “I like hearing you talk about stuff. I don’t like, get it– I’m not smart like you– but it’s uh. Nice?”
“You’re not annoying,” Violeta finally said. “It’s just… you talk a lot about stuff most people don’t care about.”
Nemona looked completely crestfallen. “Yeah,” she said, back to fidgeting with her tie. “I um. I realized you all looked really bored and I didn’t really know when you started looking bored and I realized I was probably annoying you all but you were too afraid to say anything, my mom always says I’m kinda intimidating when I'm like this and that’s why no one wants to be my friend. And, uh, the doctor tells me that people don’t like it when someone talks too much because they look selfish and I’m not like that, I care about your interests too but it’s re–”
“Hey,” Arven cut her off, looking wildly uncomfortable. “That’s not, I don’t think… That’s not true.”
“Which part?” Nemona asked. Arven waved the butter knife around like he could pluck the words out of the air. 
“All that weird stuff you were talking about, the whole uh, no one wanting to be your friend thing. We’re your friends.” Penny nodded along. “I actually like it when you talk a lot, it means I don’t have to. It’s cool when you talk about stuff and I can just be on my phone or whatever. It makes things not awkward.”
“I’m not bored,” Violeta added. “And I don’t think Penny is either, her face just looks like that.”
Penny shot a look Violeta’s way, huffing. 
“Yeah!” Arven reaffirmed. “It’s nice when you talk about stuff you like while I’m making sandwiches, it’s kinda calming in a way.”
“I just like hearing my friend talk about something she likes,” Violeta said.
Nemona’s expression started to brighten. “Really? You’re not mad?”
Arven waved a hand. “Ramble away.”
“Sometimes you just gotta infodump,” Penny reaffirmed, getting a quizzical look from Violeta and Arven. Nemona sat back, smile back on her face as she bounced her leg and stared up at the sky. Nemona’s excited rambling came back as quickly as it had gone, gaining confidence with each word. 
“Ok, where was I…”
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specialagentlokitty · 9 months
Mr Evershed x student!reader - the truth
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Saw you wanted some Mr Evershed prompts. So here's one from your fall/Halloween prompt list item 2. Where his new student is a vampire and Mr. Evershed is just figuring this out - @witchreporter 💜
2: “You’re insane!” “Yes living for centuries would do that.”
You loved your life, never getting sick, able to do anything you wanted, you watched as history flew by.
But the one thing you absolutely hated without a doubt, was the fact you had to attend school every so often whenever you moved back into one of your old homes.
You had only moved back at a friends request, since strange things were happening and he could only enrol as a teacher.
It wasn’t bad, you kept to yourself, though you had a tendency to not attend your lessons like you were supposed to, so more often or not you were in trouble or detention.
Just like today.
“You know if you attended your lessons it would make life so much easier.”
“Oh be quiet Ross, you’re an adult can’t you handle this by yourself?”
“I may be an adult but we both know you’re one of the oldest there is.”
You huffed a little bit, leaning back in your chair as you tossed a paper ball up and down in your hand out of boredom.
“Well clearly it’s some new blood, out of control I would say.”
“Exactly why I called you, we’re not allowed to turn anybody, that’s the rules.”
“Yes, I know. I was the one that implemented that rule you moron.”
Ross rolled his eyes at you.
“We’ll do something about it then.” He said.
“You’re a hunter you do it.”
“A hunter who’s friend is a teenage vampire, not exactly doing very well in life am I?”
You scoffed a little bit, grinning at him.
“You have a crappy life.”
“Hey! I’m still your teacher!”
You laughed a little, standing up so you could pull your jacket on and you made your way towards the door.
“I’ll see what I can find, it’s not like werewolves, vampires can’t track each other, no scent no nothing.”
With that, you left the classroom, making your way down the hallway, carefully examining for anything that was out of place.
You couldn’t track by scent, but a new blood would leave traces behind, maybe a small dent, fingerprints in a locker, small cracks in the floor from running.
They had no control of their strength or hunger at first, it came with time and training from another vampire.
But seeing as there weren’t many vampires in England, you knew there was a reason someone was trying to create new ones.
While lost in your own head, you were aware you were on a collision path for the new headteacher until you snapped out of your trance and stepped around him to keep walking.
“You still have half an hour left on your detention.”
“I know.”
Mr Evershed walked around you and stopped you in your tracks.
“This behaviour is beginning to get out of hand (Y/N), please go back.”
“I have more important things to do, but thank you for asking nicely.”
“If you walk out of this school you will be in isolation.”
With that, you walked away.
Mr Evershed sighed to himself.
He was warned about you.
A problem child is what they called you, no regard for the rules, you spoke in a rude tone to most of the staff, but you never swore or disrespected them.
You walked out of lessons, intimidated other students, you liked to leave halfway through the day or just not show up.
Nobody knew much about you at all.
You were a mystery.
But he wanted to prove that you weren’t really like that, yet it seemed maybe you were just like that.
He wanted to try to talk to you, so he waited until you were in isolated when you came back in the following week, and he sat next to you.
“Hello, can I help with something?”
“I’d like to talk about your behaviour.”
“Alright then, talk.”
He sighed a little.
“This is exactly what I’m talking about, the rude tone you have when talking to people. The lesson skipping, you’ve never attended a session of PE or history.”
You glanced at him, your blank (E/C) burning into his.
“You people bore me, assuming the role of a preacher, always talking down to those younger than you. I have no use for physical education, and you all have the accounts of history all wrong.”
“You weren’t there so you can’t say it’s wrong, it’s mandatory to attend PE and we don’t talk down to you.”
“I can assure you that most of you, you’ve done it from time to time.”
“If I have then I’m sorry, but that’s still no excuse. You need an education.”
“I have no use for one, I have more money than I could ever care for, I have no use for a job.”
“That doesn’t change the fact you need to stay in school. I’ll have to call you parents if this carries on.”
“Well, I’d wish you luck considering they’ve been dead a very, very long time.”
With that, you went back to your work and Mr Evershed sat there awkwardly for a moment before he slowly left.
He made his way back to his office and pulled up your file, it never said anything about parents, he assumed maybe it was in need of updated.
Never had it crossed his mind your parents had died.
He felt terrible, and didn’t know how to go about apologising to you, but as he was looking at your file, he flicked his eyes to the address and he furrowed his brows a little.
He knew that address.
Everybody knew that address.
In the heart of the town was a large house that never seemed in use, yet never for sale or demolished.
Untouched by the vandalism, nobody dared to go near it.
“(L/N) house ..” he mumbled.
He never really connected the two, it was possible for someone to have the same last name as a place.
He googled the house, and the images were just as daunting as the real home itself.
“Its a gruesome home.”
His head shot up to looked Sam as she walked in.
“What is?”
“The (L/N) house. Everyone in Ackley have heard the stories. It’s been there for centuries.” She said.
“Right, okay, and why are you here?”
He dealt with her, but what she said kept running through his head.
And he found himself reading all the stories from that house as he sat on his sofa that night, each and every one, recalling past murders, missing people, screaming coming from inside the house.
What was the most chilling was the fact that people who had managed to break in a few years ago recounted seeing something and even took a photo.
Not much could be seen, aside from clawed fingers reaching for the camera, and crimson eyes staring back at them.
He didn’t feel comfortable knowing that you were in a house like that alone, and wondered if there was something he could do to get you somewhere else to stay.
And he tried working on it for a few days, but all his requested were being shut down straight away.
He was worried, and after not seeing you for a few days his worry grew, until you showed up to school the following Monday.
“Stop trying to get me moved.” You said.
“How did you know?”
“I know people.”
He sighed a little, looking down at you.
“You shouldn’t be in a home like that.”
“Do you really believe in some silly ghost stories?” You scoffed.
“No, you just shouldn’t live alone is all, not at your age.”
You hummed a little, eyes looking around before you wondered away again.
You left school early, but you came back after it finished, quietly walking down the hallways as you heard the sound of tapping on a locker.
“You’re doing well at fighting it you know.”
The student jumped and looked at you in fear, and you raised your hands.
“I’m not here to hurt you, I’m here to help.”
“Please leave…”
“I can’t do that, you and I both know this schools not empty, that’s why you were drawn back. An easy meal, right?”
The student slowly nodded, and you smiled a little at him.
“I understand, I’ve been there. I can’t fix what happened, but I can help you control it, learn to fit in.”
The student slowly turned around.
“You can…?”
“Of course, but you need to come with me and leave whoever is in this school alone.”
“I.. I can’t…”
“You can, I have what you want back at my home.”
The student seemed to think for a moment, digging his claws into the locker before he pulled away.
He walked over, but the moment you saw his gaze look behind him and the smell of a human at the end of the hallway you knew you were screwed.
The student snared, rushing forward and you grabbed him, spinning him around you threw him out of the window.
You jumped out after him, grabbing his shirt you slammed him into the floor.
“You can’t with a battle of strength again someone hundreds of years older than you, go to the house in the middle of the town.”
“I can’t control it!”
“That’s why you need to go now!” You snapped back.
Your eyes bore into his, and he slowly stopped fighting and nodded his head.
Stepping back, you watched as he got up and calmly walked away, and you turned your red eyes to the window were terrified ones were staring back.
He had his phone in his hands and you ran over, jumping through the window you took it from him.
“They can’t help you.”
Mr Evershed slowly backed away.
“You can’t run away either.”
He dropped to his knees in fear.
“What to do with you… I can’t exactly have you running your mouth…”
“Don’t hurt me…”
You glanced at him, tilting you head back a little.
“There’s no other option, I have to shut you up somehow, and deadmen can’t talk Mr Evershed, it’s a shame though, you were a good man.”
He had tears running down his face.
“You’re insane!”
You shrugged a little.
“Yes living for centuries would do that.”
You walked over, crouching down in front of him, and he froze to the spot.
“You humans are so gullible. I wouldn’t actually hurt you idiot.”
You sat down, resting your hands on your knees.
“Actually, I would make it easier if you knew I suppose, but you already had you suspicions about something off with my family. It wasn’t them, just me.”
“Your.. your parents…”
You sighed.
“I was turned when I was 16 over three hundred years ago, we lived in that home I’m in right now. In a fit of hunger after just being turned I killed them, I couldn’t live with the guilt so I locked myself in that house of over a hundred years. The reports of screaming over the centuries was me.”
He gulped a little.
“Oh my god Mr Evershed if I was going to kill you I would have already done it.”
You stood up, and you stuffed your hands into your pockets.
“I crushed your phone, sorry. I’ll buy you a knew one. If you want answers you know where to find me.”
With that you left.
You weren’t worried about him going to the police, they wouldn’t believe him at all, you knew he would keep quiet.
That and you had seen the notes in his desk, he was doing his research, no doubt he would’ve stumbled across the truth sooner or later
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rose-likesto-write · 2 years
Stray Kids Headcanon
Them as cold boyfriends
Member: Lee Know
Genre: Fluff
AU: Cold BF
Rating: T
Word Count: around 1 k
A/N:- Hey, fam.. so sorry for the delay. My work is purely fictional and doesn't give or suggests that the boys may act out like this. I hope you will all like it! Also it turned into a mini scenario.. 😐 I am sorry that the GIFs don't meet the criteria of the story..
It will be member wise :")
Lee Know
• Percentage of being a cold personality 100000000/100
• Just like Chan gives the similar vibes of being rude and I will break your face but it's like a 100 times fold.
• Living example of 'Stay the fuck away from me' vibes
• Character development inspired from the most cold personality characters you would find from various novels, animes, dramas, movies and anything just name it.
• Looks very intimidating.
•Intimidating enough that you would get scared and will forget why were you walking his direction.
• Seems like a loner, introverted with no like a big no social life
• But has a very handful of friends who know who actually he is and how he acts
• Maybe that's how you noticed him
• He was with his friends and he laughed catching your attention.
• You were new to the school in which he studied.
• Being clueless and in need of urgent help you almost ran towards his group.
• "Excuse me" , the whole group went silent
• "I am so sorry for bothering you all but can you all please help me. I am searching for the staff room in Block C but a few students kinda gave me the wrong directions and I am lost. Please."
• You seemed as if any moment tears will spill, you never expected this. Its really beyond of what is known as 'Expect the unexpected'
• "Come with me but don't talk to me" Lee Know said making everyone surprised and shocked.
•Before any of you could say anything, he took his bag and started walking.
• You thanked everyone before running after him.
• Keeping his condition, you walked along with him. You weren't thinking if this was weird or not but you thought everyone has a comfort zone and plus he is literally saving your life.
• On the way, you thought a few people were or might be coming at your direction but didn't. Who cares though
• Once, you reached he was about to go to his class but you stopped him, "I know you said don't talk to me but thank you so much. I really thought that I will be lost here and maybe worse. Bless you"
• He got surprised for a second and muttered a small welcome but he held you your wrist and whispered, "Just make sure that you speak to a handful of people whom you can trust and the rest are snake."
• You nodded and you two went towards your destinations
•You got a week's off before your classes began as the school had some orientation programme and related events
• On the first day, you reached the school early and saw the same but a few boys who saved you.
• One of them smiled and called you, "Hey, I am Chan and they are Han and Changbin."
•You introduced yourself and they made you feel really comfortable and at home
• As time passed and other students came in,you find the boys restless but before you could say something—
• "Lee Know, where were you? What happ-
• "Nothing much an- What are you doing here?" Lee Know said with a cold voice staring at your soul
• "This is my classroom and C-Chan spoke to me." You said and sheepishly went back to your seat.
• Throughout the class you felt someone's stare but couldn't point out who could be.
•Days, passed like that. You did managed to make a few good aquatainces but you somehow leaned and kinda wish to talk to him.
•While there is a change in Lee's behaviour and none couldn't point out on exact cause as to why but he has become more cold than before but maybe soft.
• Maybe, God did listened to you as now here you were treating Minho's injuries
•"You look smart but I didn't knew you would do such stuff" you softly muttered while applying ointment.
• "Excuse me? Also, I didn't ask you to do this." He coldly replied making you a bit teary but you were strong as you thought; although not at moment.
•"Then, why are you still here. Go" your glossy ones stared into his cold ones.
• His eyes went soft but also panicked as he didn't know what to say
•"I don't know what or why did you helped me that day or even today but let me a bit grateful and thankful to you and say a few things. This place isn't giving me any welcoming vibe but I still felt home because of your friends and you. I know it's weird but still and I really hate when someone gets harmed just because I am naive."
• How did you even know that he fought because you were being objectified and targeted.
•"Y/N, l-listen.. I did because I didn't want to be like me. I am sorry for hurting you" he said and stood up. Before leaving, he said a small thank you which made you smile.
•For the next a week or so, You noticed your favourite things like a small flower or candy being placed on your desk before you come.
• At first you were scared, so you asked the boys' opinions and they said that they would look out for you and the things smelled fresh indicating there wasn't something added.
• Lee Know started to talk to you slowly and maybe he did waited for you after class on the pretext of being going in that direction.
•After some time, he gathered up the courage and confessed. You couldn't be anymore happy and excited. So, you kissed his cheek but then realisation hit you that you didn't take his consent and he might have felt uncomfortable.
•"So-" he pulled you into a soft yet passionate kiss
•"I love you too kitten" he smirked when he saw you being all blushy mess
•Pet names especially "kitten", "baby" are his weapons to make you all shy and blush mess
• Deliberately would make kissing faces or do some sensual touches to make you red and squirm
•That doesn't mean he will make you uncomfortable. No never.
•Everthing has a decorum, place and time but when he is jealous. Hope Lord saves you bub.
•Will fight anyone who would remotely flirt with you or look at your direction.
•Would only kill when someone tries to make you feel uncomfortable in any way
•Glares and clenched fist thrown at anyone who comes anywhere near.
•Hugs and neck kisses have now become his favourite activities especially the latter one when you introduce him as your boyfriend in public
•Loves skin ship but won't let you know
•Always makes sure tht you have eaten and you look after yourself
•Otherwise, it won't be a pleasant sight as he will give an hour's scolding on why should you look after yourself.
•You always come second. Of course, his cats are his top most priority.
• Loves it when you snuggle in his neck or chest. When you sit on his lap and hug while listening to his heartbeats and sometimes fall a sleep when listening to it.
•His another day's highlight is when he lays his head on your lap or thigh and you gently play with his hair and sometimes kiss his forehead especially when he is asleep or you think he is asleep
•Enjoys the intimate time with you and would try to make new dishes with you and experiment 'disasters' just to spend more time with you as in like cleaning the mess and then ordering takeouts.
• Would take you on intimate dates and maybe to some fun sized places like amusement parks or underwater museums
• Visit to cat cafes is a must.
•Always listens to you before his speaking about his own stuff or when to give his opinions.
•His heart swells with happiness and pride when you showoff the little presents he gives you to other people or when you give a sassy reply to someone who was being mean.
•Sometimes, thinks how his life has changed in this amount of time but he isn't complaining
• He is grateful to all good spirits, people and God who have listened to his prayers or the people who have sent him their blessings and good wishes.
• Now, his only aim is to get a good job that would make you have a great life and soon in near future he will marry you and start a family.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐮𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐳𝐞 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female, ambiguous race, and plus-size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
a/n: mentions of fatphobia (in general, not towards reader). I love you, thank you so so much for reading. If you’re plus-size, I feel you, I understand you. This world is cruel and I wish fat people got the same goddamn love and respect as anyone else. 
⭑ Umm... so he doesn’t treat you any differently than someone with a skinnier body. In the sense that he doesn’t see you any differently than another woman. 
⭑ He saw you and thought, ‘damn...she’s gorgeous.’
⭑ Whenever you have insecure thoughts (because lets face it, fatphobia is everywhere.) Minho is the first one to shut them down. 
  “I hate that you feel this way. You’re beautiful, I wish you could see yourself the way I do.” 
⭑ He does understand that your body works differently, and you know what, if you wanted to be more accommodated than he would damn-well do that. Always making sure you aren’t uncomfortable. 
⭑ If anyone even THINKS about hurting you, or saying something remotely rude; you will tear them a new one. 
⭑ And Minho will be right beside you, ready to punch, kick or knock them out
⭑ You have a soft spot for Newt (doesn’t everyone) and Minho gets a bit jealous. 
⭑ It’s not romantic, but you just adore Newt and he adores you. 
⭑ Thomas thinks you’re great, but he’s too busy to think about his friends’ love lives. (Don’t take it personally, Thomas rarely has any spare thoughts for ... anything. Newt still has to remind him to eat and drink.) 
⭑ Minho may not be the most romantic, but he does try his best. He tries to find things that you would like, and you tell him not to worry about it. Focus on surviving, on living another day. 
“But babe, I want to spoil you.”
   “You lived in a maze for two years Minho, please do not spoil me. Just survive. That’s all I want.” 
⭑ His pet names are, ‘babe,’ ‘sweet-cheeks’, ‘baby,’ 
⭑ He loves waking up next to you
      “I love you too Minho-”
⭑ He loves laying his head on your stomach and thighs
⭑  And when you get dressed up, he’s absolutely speechless 
⭑ If you feel yuck, he reminds you of how you make him feel. Recounting memories and funny moments of you relationship 
⭑ You’re intimidating in your own right, and whenever there’s an enemy and you scare them off. Minho is all like, “YES, THAT’S MY GIRL.”
⭑ Relationship Tropes: 
  ✧ Mr. I Don’t Give A F*ck, I’m So Serious x Miss I May Look Sweet, But F*ck Me Over and You’re Dead
  ✧ Dumb but Smart x Smart but Dumb
  ✧ ‘Look at her, look how beautiful she is, okay okay - don’t look that hard. Hey! She’s MY GIRLFRIEND.’
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ryker-writes · 9 months
Hey! Just wanted to say congrats on 1.2k(Such a big number!) And I wanted to do the match thing!
 • My likes: I enjoy a good fantasy book, disney movies, fall/autumn weather, also lately I've been looking into fahsion a bit more, baggy and/or comfortable clothes(was this part necessary? idk🤷‍♀️) , and sweets!
 • My dislikes: Rude people, Peas🤮, the gym, and romance/rom-com movies(I don't have much dislikes tbh)
 • Hobbies: Drawing, writing, I've also been looking into crocheting lately!
 • Physical or personality preferences: I don't have much of a preference on physical things, maybe someone taller than me, but if they're not that's perfectly ok! For personality I'd prefer someone with good humor and is also kind hearted. Someone who would listen to me ramble about my likes and hobbies and/or dislikes. They know how to have a good time and can cheer anyone up.
 • My love languages: DEFINITELY words of affirmation (and physical touch some also, although idek how to react when someone hugs me lol)
I hope you have a splendid day!
Thank you so much! It is a big number and it's kind of intimidating but I'm so grateful for the support!
"Cloudy darling! Welcome in! Sorry it's taken me so long to get to your request. I had a few lined up before you but fear not! I'm here now with your matchup.
Congratulations! You're one of the rare people I feel would do well with Rook!"
I'm gonna be honest, I had a pretty strong feeling of Rook just after reading your likes and it only got stronger as I kept reading. It's hard to fully explain why, but I just think you two fit together well! :3
as someone who loves to find the beauty in all things, Rook absolutely loves you
he loves talking about stories with you and looking at aesthetics and fashion together
whenever he sees a particularly interesting outfit or anything he'll ask you what you think about it
he loves to hear your takes on things
but most of all, he thinks you're so beautiful and his favorite person to look at
Rook is someone who is very observant and will take great care to avoid your dislikes
there will be NO peas on your plate. Ever.
you have such creative hobbies and Rook finds that so beautiful
each of your hobbies create something new, something beautiful, something you and he loves it
the king of listening to you ramble
he will basically memorize everything you tell him and he loves that you can ramble to him, and he will ramble to you too
Rook is actually pretty good at cheering people up! He somehow is able to always find the right words that someone needs in that moment and has no problem telling them...although sometimes in a cryptic way
the king of words of affirmation
Rook could go on for literal days on how amazing you are and how much he loves you
please stop him for everyone else's sake
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pancake-breakfast · 11 months
Well, it's a good thing I tried to get ahead earlier in the week because it took this long for me to get to the last part.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 4, Chapters 6-7 below.
Chapter 6: The Bystanders
Falling ships and giant worms. Looks like we're off to a great start here.
Ok, I really hope we get a worms-eye view of The Fall in Stampede. I'm not gonna hold my breath given that they've kinda already covered it and they just don't have a ton of episodes to work with, but I love love love the idea that we get this backstory from the perspective of the planet's native, sentient, and very inhuman inhabitants.
You know what, Zazie? I dunno what this face is supposed to be, either.
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Ah, the Japanese inclination to apologize for everything.
Oh, gods. Nightow's gonna intersperse this backstory with the boys fighting, isn't he? *SIGH* I wouldn't normally complain, but Nightow's fights are, far more often than not, hard enough to follow to begin with.
For as twisted as his body is, Hoppered's hands look very normal. I don't know what I was expecting.
Ohhh, Hoppered's beef is about July. Shoot, I saw someone make a comment about one of the cops in Stampede during July, and now that makes sense. Like, at the very least, that cop's line was a callback to this scene.
Ah, the innate trouble with translating the two-syllable Japanese "待って" (ma'tay) to the monosyllabic English word "wait." Personally, I would have gone with "W-- Wait!" but I'm not the one doing translations here.
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Vash is denying it because he can't imagine wanting to destroy a city, but Hoppered is right; he just doesn't know.
Is... is Hoppered crying?
Eyyyy, old-school Hoppered! Looks like he was a bit of an odd one even before he joined up with the Gung-Ho Guns.
Ah, there's that term "independent." But the way Zazie's presenting it is making me think about it in whole new ways. Stampede brought it up in a way that made me think of them as having a freedom other Plants don't, but this interpretation has me thinking of the innate alone-ness of both Vash and Knives, what that means to them, how they deal with it and how they make it a part of their being. Knives revels in it and lets it feed his sense of superiority (much to Legato's dismay, I'm sure). Meanwhile, Vash... I wouldn't say he resents it, but he finds it very lonely, and it doesn't make him feel superior so much as it makes him feel very Other.
And here's the first place we have it straight-up said that they're Plants.
Ah, so the Bystanders referred to in this chapter title are Vash and Knives. I thought it might end up being the worms. But hey, no reason the title can't work both ways.
And then ANGEL ARM?!?! Ohhhh, Zazie's story's being interwoven with Hoppered's. This is July. How was I supposed to know that without metagame knowledge??
Ok, this panel is great, 'cause it was only a few pages back that Zazie noted they have the innate ability to sense others' emotions. It just adds a level of intimidation on the whole thing.
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Hahahaha, Midvalley. I guess I shouldn't laugh at his suffering, but he tried to kill Wolfwood, so eh.
There's something innately ridiculous with him being like, "Time to pull out the BIG GUNS!!!" and then immediately being like, "Aw, man! My instrument's busted or something...."
"He's almost too pathetic to kill at this point." Rude.
Black-suited moron? Wolfwood?
Yeah, it's Wolfwood.
Milly to the rescue! Again!
LOL, he's doing better than he looks.
But not as good as he thinks he's doing.
The Adventures of Big Girl and Short Woman by Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Uhhhh, who's the person with the light?
Hahahaha, Zazie looks sooooo unimpressed with Midvalley right now.
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Zazie has a point, but I think he's preaching to the choir here.
Where tf did Midvalley get alcohol from all of a sudden? Also, is the alcohol called "Drifter"? If so, that's kinda cool. Something something meaningful names for alcohol in this series.
Oop, Zazie's worm sense is tingling!
Chapter 7: Hopeless Sinner
CW: Suicidal ideation
Oh, Vash. This look has me really worried for you.
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"Sinner" is generally the word Knives uses for humans in this series. I wonder, though, if it might be being used to apply to Vash here.
Ohhh, babygirl looks soooo troubled. And then looking up and seeing the hole in the moon.... That's not gonna improve his mood.
Ah. He remembers. And... you know... in this shot, he looks amazingly like Knives.
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Heh. Hoppered just... sort of peering over him. Like he's checking on his wellbeing. It's the opposite, but the casualness of it is deceptively calm.
I'm... honestly not quite sure what Hoppered did to silence Vash here. Slap him, I guess?
Ooooof. Vash just straight up embraces the killing urge inside him. He looks it straight in the face and says, "Yeah. This is a part of me." But in the same breath he rejects it, says it's not something he wants because he doesn't want to go down that path. He doesn't want it so bad he'd take his own life to keep it from taking over.
Gods, he's sooooo sad. Even Hoppered feels bad for him.
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Hoppered still wants him dead, and still wants to die, as well. TBH, this feels more like he empathizes with Vash to some degree. Something something double suicide.
Uhhhhh, sudden light??
Yeah, I dunno what happened here, either. Vash got knocked somewhere?
*sigh* Wheeeerrrrre does Wolfwood think he's going???
Did... he just gut-punch Milly????
Yes. Yes, he did.
He deserves booing. But I love how he just... caves. I bet he didn't really want to leave and was only gonna do so to get Milly out of there. But Milly didn't want to go peacefully and so here we are.
I really feel like Midvalley should get a strap for his sax. It seems like that would be useful. And this series can't have too many straps, belts, etc.
If five seconds is all it takes, why isn't Vash dead yet? Hmmmmm???
Uhhhhh, what's with this crazy airship??
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Ohhhhh, shit. I have enough spoilers to know who that is.
This chair, though. It looks like a musical instrument.
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Author Bonus Chapter
I have no idea what Nightow is rambling about here with this Barbarian Bonehead All-Stars nonsense.
Ohhh, so this isn't Kuroneko. This is Nya-Kun. My bad, I got them confused.
"My emotions are overflowing into rambling!!!" Hahahahahaha, I know we all do this from time to time, but it just feels very Nightow.
Ohhhh, something got lost in translation here. I've watched enough Attack on Titan to know that apparently Nightow replaced a word here with the pronunciation for "heart," but there's no corelary on the page.
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I had heard about Nightow's love of action figures.
"They gather at the ocean with pleasant feeling." This sounds like something that was translated too literally from Japan. The phrase doesn't quite work in English.
"The meaning of their name in Japanese is 'omocha buzoku.'" This tells me nothing about the meaning of their name in Japanese. I am very confused.
Ah, he addressed the difference in the planet name from the manga to the anime. Sort of.
Haaaahahahahaha, ok, Story Time. A couple weeks ago I was at Anime Expo with @sweetpotoooooooos, and she went to a panel by Studio Bones (one of the old-timers as studios go) on one of the days when I couldn't attend. She said that during the panel, Bones mentioned that when they first got word of just how popular Fullmetal Alchemist (the original) was in the U.S., they thought they were being lied to. The numbers seemed too high. (As someone who was into anime at that time, I can verify that four of their five titles preceding FMA were talked about in the community, but only Wolf's Rain actually aired on Adult Swim where it could reach a broad audience... and... well, let's just say Wolf's Rain is not as good as FMA. (It does have an excellent Yoko Kanno soundtrack, though.)) FMA was first broadcast on Adult Swim in 2004. Trigun was first broadcast on Adult Swim in '03. The idea that anything anime would be popular enough to warrant action figures in the West would have absolutely been mind-blowing to any mangaka, and much more so one as in love with figures as Nightow.
Mata nee, minna-san!
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10 || Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Volume 1: Covers + 1-2, 2 DT, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6 || Volume 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Volume 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Volume 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5
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suugrbunz · 1 year
Hey!! I hope you’re okay, I’ve just seen your recent post about trauma dumping and just wanted to say I appreciate you so much for speaking out about this topic !!!! If you’re accepting them at the moment please could I request a ship for BoB!! No worries if not!!!
I’m a fake blonde (naturally brunette but addicted to the bleach fml) with blue eyes and I love wearing makeup and having my hair and outfits done- I’d say I’m quite a girly girl, but I do also enjoy adventure in any aspect. I’m fairly short, somewhere around 5”2-5”4 god knows what exactly, and I’d say I’m fairly confidence with the way I look. I can be a little shy and awkward at first, especially around men that I find attractive/ intimidating. But after an hour or so I think I’m super super chatty and can literally find anybody to talk to about anything.
I’m an Aries and I think a hufflepuff?? (Unpopular opinion I don’t like HP that much ahhh) but I love being happy and seeing others around me, I’m hugely empathetic and love to work with people- unless their rude and I won’t hesitate to stand up for myself. I’m quite emotional but most of the time I get the giggles in bad situations, especially if I make eye contact with a friend.
I’m a huge animal lover, especially for dogs, they melt my heart and crave to have a bigish family of my own. I’m super loyal and expect that back, and I love spending my time socialising with my friends (but also love a good night in).
hope that’s enough, again, absolutely no rush to get this ship done, just appreciate you writing these!!!
hey loooovely !! I am doing ships. I have just been deeply depressed for months <333 hope you're doing well though! I have been waiting to ship someone with this man. I'm a sucker for him.
I ship you with Floyd Talbert
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I feel like anyone who dates someone with blue eyes is a bit obsessed with the eye colour... he's. no. different.
So you're a girly girl so I assume you enjoy a lovely pleated skirt? He loves seeing you in a skirt. Immediately the man has heart eyes.
let's say he takes notice that you are a bit shy; Mans going to tease you. As a shy person myself, people tend to purposefully try to fluster me. You are no exception to this. Suffer like I have, bestie.
You two definitely go to the gym together
But you also go to the mall
Not on the same day or maybe on the same day idk you decide that
If you've gotten a case of the giggles during a nerve-wracking moment; Mans covering your mouth. He doesn't want you to think about how you laughed at a sad story at three in the morning.
You two definitely have a schedule of what days you spend in and what days you can go out
Of course this schedule isn't set in stone but it's there
You adopt a dog together.
He is willing to have a big family as well!!
Which I assume you're both pretty good with kids.
Anyway, I hope that you're having a lovely day/night (whenever you see this). <3
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th3s1ll13stb00 · 1 year
Edge x fem!reader
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Edge x Fem!reader
Requests are open again and I will reblog my rules for requests shortly :p
Storytime down there ⬇️
Our new teammate
You and your team approached the sunrise temple, defeating the darkmess puddle laying infront of it. As you followed your friends into the temple you swore you heard a small 'shh' behind you. But you couldn't see anything so you dropped it but kept being on edge. A puzzle and a lot of walking later and you guys found the 'Spark of light'. When it trying to come to us, some stooges jumped down and chased it off. You and your friends rushed after them but two more stooges blocked your path and Rabbid Mario was quick to jump in and turn them to dust. You all continued on quickly after with Rabbid Mario catching up behind. You all got down the small steps in your own different ways and gazed at the spark wimpering surrounded by stooges. Your eyes widened as a stooge jumped at the spark, fearing that the worst would happen. But when they jumped a sword came flying though and sliced the stooge like butter. Your eyes followed the blade back to a rabbid's hand poking out of a waterfall. You could hear some light gasps as the stranger slowly walked through the waterfall. Stooge turn their heads to face her as she sets her sword on her shoulder; wagging her finger as them playfully. They charged their attacks and fired but she reflected one and dodged the others with quickness and ease. She sliced her foes as she jumped around, you couldn't help but stare. Every foe she caught in her blade disintegrated within a second. It was just so amazing but before you knew it she defeated them all. "I'm hers." You heard Rabbid Mario say beside you. "Ima steal her from you you bag of blubber." You whispered, smirking while hitting him with your elbow. "You wish you could, she's mine." He whispered back rubbing his shoulder. You suddenly gasped when the ground started to shake violently. Two glowing eyes appeared in the darkness of the rubble. Then suddenly a giant tiger looking cat with one even larger hand appeared and seemed to challenge us to a fight. You took out your weapon along with your friends. The caring stranger picked up her sword as the spark of light hid behind her.
The fight began, "Alright people! Formation!" Someone yelled across the battlefield. The lady then ran up to you and asked "Hey can you fill me in on your formation?" "Oh yea! So basically Luigi, that human with a green shirt over there and Princess Peach, the girl in the pink gown stay in the back due to their range. Most of us stay in the middle, and Rabbid Mario, that rabbid with the red hat and giant fists likes to be in the front. I'm pretty sure if you communicate well you'll find yourself in a perfect spot. You responded smiling as you grasped your weapon in hand and hiding behind a full block of rock. "Now you can start by getting yourself some cover." You said as you patted the full cover next to you. She did so and crouched down slightly while leaning against the wall. "Name's Edge, thanks for the help." You nodded and peeked out the side of the block, the fight officially began.
(Im not good at fight scenes so you imagine your amazing fighting skills makes Edge interested from how fine you are 🤭)
The fight ended with luckily no casualties, but several injuries happened with nothing serious. Most had bruises and some had some minor cuts but other than that everyone was perfectly okay and able to walk. Everyone stood up on their feet and Beep-O asked who this intimidating stranger was, to which she responded that her name was Edge but you already knew that.
"Who's the spark with you Edge?" Rabbid Luigi asked pointing at them, they were a black spark with three shields spinning around them. "Oh this little guy, this is Exosphere. Sorry if he is a little rude, he doesn't trust you."
Rabbid Mario then suddenly walked up to Edge, flexing his muscles and began flirting with her. She rolled her eyes and walked right past him and toward you. Taking your hand in hers and kissing it lightly, "Sorry Punch Boy, but I like this lovely lady." You blushed and was starstruck. She let go and walked on.
Bonus: (Idk just felt like writing this it's been in my head all day)
*Edge is injured with a broken arm and is sleeping on top of you with you petting her head*
Rabbid Mario: *glares at you from across the ship*
Y/n: *Hand-motions him to come here*
Rabbid Mario: *does as so*
Y/n: *whispering* Don't be mad I took your girl dumbass :)
Rabbid Mario: *walks away angrily*
Toodles :)
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Hii, I hope you are well! I am pretty new/ back to tumblr and just stumbled upon your blog which I really like! I was looking for rules for/ info about matchups and couldn’t find any (unless I’m stupid). So, uh, if you don’t mind and if you feel up to it, may I ask for a ‘Stranger Things’ matchup, please? If not, that’s completely fine 💛 feel free to ignore my ask in that case!
I am a straight female. As for my personality , I’m generally very friendly and caring. If I like/ love someone I will do everything in my power to make them happy and try to make sure they stay happy. My friends aways tell me I’m pretty likeable and extremely loyal and funny - even though my humour is very dry and sarcastic sometimes. Despite me only talking if I feel like I have something worth of saying, I’m usually somehow the one that keeps the conversations flowing in my friend group. My calm and quiet demeanour sometimes makes people think I’m arrogant but I also often heard that people thought of me as very approachable. I feel very confident in my abilities and character but there is one thing that can make me feel insecure in new situations or with strangers: I have a hearing disability which gave me some not so nice experiences with other people. This also tends to make some of my friends feel rather protective of me, especially because I’m generally very forgiving and hate arguments. Although I come across as a nice and patient person some people think they can treat rudely, you better not mess with me. I have often heard that people prefer to not get on my wrong side and that I can be scary. Sometimes I have problems showing affection towards others even though I really do care about them. I can also be pretty stubborn.. In my free time I love to read, learn different languages and take long walks, work out and meet friends. I’m a coffee addict and love cooking as well. What I don’t like is rude and stand-offish people. I really hate when people make mean comments and think it’s funny to joke about other people’s appearances or interests.
Hey! Thank you so much for liking my stuff! I am excited about this matchup for you! I hope you enjoy it!!! Thank you for requesting! <3333
Stranger Things;
Steve Harrington:
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😎 You were in high school with Steve, sharing a few classes with him, and once Steve even asked for your help in Spanish
😎 When Steve first spoke to you, he was a bit intimidated by you, since you were pretty quiet and calm, and hardly spoke, but after speaking to you and asking for your help in class, he realized that you were actually really nice and caring
😎 Ever since then, you and Steve began to grow closer to one another, even though he was a bit of a jerk and was dating Nancy, you thought he was cute
😎 After they broke up, however, you were the first person Steve told, and you tried to reassure him and help him as much as possible; you were thankful for how much Steve changed afterward, (you even took him out to KFC to cheer him up)
😎 He lost his bad boy persona, acted a bit differently, and even started babysitting, which you thought was sweet; you sometimes joined him, meeting the kids
😎 You accidentally got caught up in the Upside Down, literally, you were trapped there for a while, but when you got out, Steve couldn't have been happier; he ran up to you once you were found, wrapping his arms around you as he ranted to you about how worried he was, he was glad that you were safe
😎 After surviving the first wave of the Upside Down, you and Steve hung out almost every day, you were joined by the hip basically, and Steve would even join you and your friends out and about; sometimes when it's just the two of you, you'd go on long walks down the sidewalk at sunset, or Steve would join you while you cook
😎 Back at school, Steve would come over to bring you a coffee, sometimes staying to keep you company if you needed it/wanted it; on one particular day, similar that this one, Steve would confess to you
😎 Steve thought you are wonderful, he loves your love for reading and how loyal and funny you are; Steve couldn't help but fall for you, you are one of a kind
😎 The two are you are the best couple, always patient and understanding with each other, you never had any arguments, always making sure you communicated and talked things out; you both are perfect for each other
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