#There's a parody out there- I think of Naruto?
evilkitten3 · 7 months
i really wish there was more young!sannin content... i just love them....
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cherryblossombombs · 1 month
I have an issue with the "the giga cover is likely fujobait" because I can't help but think:
if it was truly fujobait, why now?
Why try to get their attention if MHA is now in the 100M club? The series now so popular, hori/jump doesn't need queer shippers to increase its popularity.
Why try to get fujos and queer fans, if it's already popular in that group? Wasn't it apparently shown that MHA is more popular with women and LGBTQ+ fans?
Why try to get that audience when hori had the chance to do that back in 2016-2018 when Kr//bk was the popular gay ship? Wasn't there an interview where someone pretty much asked hori if he's for kr//bk, but instead of playing along, hori made it about bkdk (the ship that no one took seriously at the time) and said he saw the hand hold more about bkdk angst. Kr//bk was a popular ship, it had bones making official art of them. The smash parody manga had moments of it. Two heroes was their movie [I believe hori didn't really help in that movie. However, notice how in the second movie, (he was a part of that one), focused on bkdk (again, the ship no one took seriously)]. Hori had the ability to use that ship as bait, but he seemed to be the only one out of everyone else to not go for it. Instead he kept pushing for the ship that was thought to be too toxic to even become a platonic ship.
If horikoshi did not want bkdk to seen as romantic, why isn't he stopping jump for implying it? You really can't say that he has no ability to, the guy went to bones and told them the ending. Now, notice how bones suddenly stopped making iz//ch moments and added a bkdk moment in the recap episodes (something that they would never do 2 seasons prior). The assistant (whom hori is friends with) is a loud speaker of dkbk lol. Hori follows him on twitter, there's no way that hori hasn't seen his dkbk art once. Same for katsuki's JP VA (who is also a friend of Hori).
Why try to bait the audience when the manga is ending?
Idk, maybe there's a chance he is actually queerbaiting and make iz//ch canon, but again, after everything?
After the togachako arc? He had made ochako confess her crush on midoriya, only for seconds later to not only brush it off as unimportant (unimportant in the sense of it was more of way to relate to toga and speak with her, it wasn't really used as a "canon izu//ocha" moment), she tells toga that she could have ochako's blood for the rest of her life (and we know that's toga's love language of returning/accepting her feelings) and she told toga that she had the cutest smile in the whole world. Like, didn't hori say that toga was made for ochako's character? I feel like it wouldn't make sense for hori to do all of this, then have ochako end up with midoriya, it would feel like a middle finger to toga tbh.
After chapters 285, 322, 362, 367, 403, and 404? The apology? The "you're the closest one to midoriya izuku, therefore I need to kill you in order to make him go crazy". The heart shaped black whip after seeing bakugou's dying body? The "their feelings became one" double spread? this bullet point could be spread to about 2-3 document pages, but I'm just going to summarize for this post lol. But overall, these chapters (and a few more), show me (imo) that it the "fujobait" claim isn't really strong to use against bkdk.
Again, maybe this is queerbait, because I know that there are times where other media/anime have done simliar and still had the MC in a heterosexual relationship, and leave everyone dumbfounded lol. Once again, all I say to this is "let's see what happens."
P.S. Isn't this the same author who said that he thought that naruto was going to end at 698 (the implied SNS ending) lol? Idk if it's true, that's just something I've heard.
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metamatar · 10 months
need your thoughts on csm and particularly part 1 now that you're caught up
I think my immediate reaction on finishing part 1 was like
loved the art, loved the characters def feel like the story has a lot further to go thematically, only really picked up for me with the reveal of the gun devil
I now think CSM's strength in the early arcs is the patience of the construction of Denji as an everyman resisting the reality that the promised capitalist horizon he imagines is a lie.
now that you can tell the horrible direction my thoughts are going in I will continue under the cut, this is so long oh god. cw: canon typical violence, sexual assault etc.
Initially the repeated invocation of wanting to kiss a girl and eat a good meal as ultimate dreams and Denji being presented as an idiot for it felt like a cheap way for readers to get to root for him in a very Naruto sort of way yk? Poor orphan boy wants a basic life. This is disrupted right from the start ofc, starting with the Himeno's assault and Makima's whole deal. I think this construction becomes more valuable in part 2 when with Nayuta there is a very intentional attempt to construct a family, where the horizon is a normality that includes saving up for college. Nayuta's resistance to some of it becomes more interesting than just jealousy or protection imo.
I think the complications of the "workplace" as it functions for Denji in part 1, living quite literally under Aki's supervision with Power invokes the very familiar team as family stuff under threat. The explicit knowledge of how he has exchanged one debtor for another is v effective especially when they take care of Power. You have him and the readers being forced to confront that purpotedly transactional relationships do not exclude the sort for the simple honesty of care we idealise. And that the care will be weaponised anyway. Aki's abortive attempt to opt out is chef's kiss.
The reveal of the use of the gun devil by nation states might functionally be the first moment Denji is forced to acknowledge the complicated incentives of the Bureau. You get to link the exploitation of people to the more obvious rot in liberal institutions. Part 2 then ratchets this up with the discourses on propaganda and mass participation.
I thought the "Killing of Makima" involving the use of the Bureau insiders led by the old man leaned a little too much on their heroism, vibes wise but I also get why narratively that needs to be done. Which is why Kobeni is so important to me lol. The art and creativity on display at the end of Part 1 was like gorging yourself on one of those early pictures of Paradise. The apartment scene could get read as Makima's personal cruelty but I think it's just making explicit the cruel seductions of modernity etc etc. As a violation of Denji esp. it is almost complete, structurally taking the form of kink and the parody of care after. Mwah.
With that, the reconciliation of Denji's past and present when his past in debt bondage is also constructed with the societal complicity about domestic violence becomes delicious. Nayuta is reborn out of a cannibalism not really done in the service of personal survival and def not out of a commitment to self sacrificing heroism.
I'm excited for Part 2, Asa esp lets you get at some of the same neuroses Denji has as a teenager but from a gendered perspective. Her relationship with Yuko is some of the strongest bit of writing about bullying and justice I have read in a while. I've enjoyed the lead up to Fami and War's apocalypse so far, but their motivations are still a little inscrutable and fallback on devils, wyd? despite their sisterhood. I think Fujimoto's focus seems to be the public discourses around devils in this arc, so thats probably why it feels like that but I'm personally always interested in all of it.
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bonemoisturizer · 2 years
Newt, on his second tube of exorbitantly priced Extra Strength Results Guaranteed hair gel sometime in the earlier years of Shatterdome cohabitation with Hermann, having failed at his original goal of actually slicking down his hair as the dress code for the funding gala he and Hermann are attending in half an hour would require, but having succeeded magnificently in gelling his hair into incredibly stiff spikes of hair at a 75° angle instead of its usual 90° angle, conceding to the formal dress requirements in any other way by wearing his cleanest white button up and a pair of unripped black jeans: well shit. Also fuck. Yeah I think that sums up the situation.
Hermann, stepping through the door in an incredibly outdated suit cobbled together from thrift store finds, hand me downs, and though he would rather die than admit it to Newton, some pieces from Grandpa Gottlieb’s closet, well aware of how he looks: Newton, I’m ready to go if you are, and if you have anything to say just know that I am more than willing to hit you in the shins with my cane- oh. Oh dear
Newt, turning and seeing Hermann, immediately feeling better: holy SHIT dude you look like a spirit Halloween costume of a stodgy professor
Hermann, not rising to the bait due to his excellent manners and iron self control and certainly not the fact that he’s not sure what a Spirit Halloween is: well at least I don’t look like a low budget Naruto parody anime
Newt, finally getting himself under control after a three minute fit of laughter on the ground fueled by stress and caffeine, by the end of which he was only able to point at Hermann and squeak out ‘NARUto’ between hysterics: oh man. we are getting ZERO funding.
Hermann, shifting his feet into the most stable position he can manage and leaning on his cane as he offers Newt his hand up and then fixing his collar, the act of which happens to elicit an emotion that Newt will firmly refuse to interrogate for at least six months after this: Well. At least we’ll look as precisely in need of it as we are.
Newt, trying very hard to not think about Hermann’s long bony fingers brushing his chest, or why he wants Hermann to do it again: so true breastie
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no-psi-nan · 2 years
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Chatting with a friend about our most "deranged" works (affectionate), and was inspired to create this 4D scale based on what I think are the most common attributes of "deranged" works:
Distance from canon: This can mean the amount of difference in setting, tone, and/or characterization from the original work. The lowest possible score would be canon-compliant work during the timeline, like a missing scene or a scene from another perspective.
Hypothetical examples of high-scoring creations:
Lord of the Rings AU where Sauron is a corporation buying out a small community of locally owned shops to place a cookie cutter mall there
Crack/parody My Little Pony roleplay where hatred is magic
Violence / Horror: The amount of violence, gore, horror, severe angst, etc. that exceeds what is shown in canon.
Hypothetical examples of high-scoring creations:
Comic of a more "realistic" Pokemon battle where Pokemon are sliced apart, lose limbs, and otherwise face graphic injury and death
Yu-Gi-Oh! fic focused on the people who have been "mind-crushed", from both the perspective of the victim experiencing unending torture and their family/friends struggling to cure them
Sex: This refers to not just the amount of sex, but also the level of explicitness, addition of kinks, number of people involved, monsterfucking, etc.
Hypothetical examples of high-scoring creations:
Supernatural fan drawing of Dean and Cas performing a BDSM scene while Cas is in a "biblically accurate" angelic true-form
Naruto AU where the demons can go into heat and often fuck indiscriminately in groups
Time spent creating it: Some works may rank very low in all the other categories and yet reach the status of "deranged" purely based on how long the creator has been working on it / rotating it in their mind! The development of incredible detail/lore tends to fall naturally into this category.
(All examples made up off the top of my head and not meant to call anybody out lol)
Just thought it might be fun for everyone to think about where their most "deranged" creations might fall on this (tongue-in-cheek) scale!
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akanothere · 10 months
About me
Part time fandom artist, full time clown.
20+, she/her.
What to expect or not here:
I can tolerate/will create darker themed content when it comes to Danny Johnson or Tom Riddle, as well as some other slashers or mature fandoms and villains. I would say this is NOT a safe blog (I mean come on those are bad guys what do you expect! Don’t be too delulu to a point you gonna make them a good guy). However I do not tolerate any form of violence, abuse and discrimination in real life. Seriously, get help if you come across to any of these.
All my darker artworks are NOT for you to follow irl (can’t believe I still have to say this in 2020s do people use their brains nowadays)— It is for me to explore darker concepts, trying to figure out how, for example, how people attracted by psycho criminals, WITHOUT using an existing criminal and hurting anyone irl. Bc everyone is FAKE, they don’t exist, it’s FICTIONAL. Also, to explore my own/seen traumas. I turn personal issues into NSFW kinks or simply dark shit etc, and cope with it as a fictional content. Not exactly the best idea I know but this keeps me sane and overthinking about the past irl. I do not tolerate death/abuse threats and insults towards human in real life, it’s stupid. And all of you should also keep every dark shit fictional content in fictional world. We do not need anymore crime irl thank you very much. Think before you act or talk. Fandom is not that serious to a point you wish death and suggesting violence upon someone.
For my Haikyuu or Naruto art those are mostly safe as hell (my opinion) just loving caring and tons of smooch smooch!😭💖 OMFG I MEAN BOKUAKA HOW YOU GONNA LOOK AT THEM AND THINK OF ANYTHING DARK HELLO EXCUSE ME
Generally I’m open-minded to all ships and kinks (even with complicated relationships where abuse are mentioned for plot reasons, or larger age difference), but l0lic0ns and ped0s you can do us a favour go fk yourself🖕😘🖕While I’m in horror movies fandom, I do not support real life criminals. If you do or even a delulu fan of them please stay away from every living beings, also fk you too🫶💓 I don’t engage with inc3st contents, however will bear it for past trauma, but will not read purely inc3st stories. Pseudo/step c3st sometimes okay (depends on context really). Also I draw& read& reblog dead doves, which contains different TW like abuse/non-con/dub-con, you have been warned!!!! If it’s dark content with NSFW, please only recommend me with characters at least over age of consent but much more better if they are of age coz tbh I’m more into adult relationships really ahem. DO NOT SEND ME CREEPY PED0 (UNDER AGE OF CONSENT) SHIT THROUGH “ASK ME”. YOU WILL BE BLOCKED AND REPORTED. Also usual DNIs coz I’m traumatised by how stupid they are considering I am the most stupid people on this planet— c0mmies/ z!onists/ transphobes/ TERF/ homophobes/ biphobes/ typical fujoshis who complains about hetero but do same shit if it’s gay, do not interact.
ABOUT NSFW OR COMMISSION— In all circumstances, I cannot and will not create NSFW art piece regarding minors under the age of consent. PLEASE DO NOT EVEN ASK COME ON DUDE…
Also I DO NOT accept any NSFW commission, even it’s purely about adult characters. Adult characters with a bit of suggestive content, maybe um okay base on context. If it’s a pairing or character(s) that is at the age of consent (not an adult), and is from NSFW story/series, but you wish to make SFW art, please check with me before commissioning. Coz sometimes I read darker content but really do not have the heart to draw it if it’s too much for me…However let me be clear again— ANY NSFW OR SUGGESTIVE ART OF MINOR CHARACTERS UNDER THE AGE OF CONSENT IS NOT OKAY FOR ME. I’M NOT COMFORTABLE DOING IT. DON’T EVEN BOTHER ASKING. PLEASE. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
I don’t post NSFW art directly (artistic nudes, maybe; explicit nudes? Nah). However, I talk nonsense/ adult jokes/ head canon on my socials, so please DNI if you are not comfortable with. I can’t check every single account before I reply, so minors and people who are not pleased with NSFW topics: if you see this post, do not engage with my posts even they are SFW. Sometimes posting slightly NSFW (aka suggestive) art or head canons directly, but will still tag it as NSFW.
I create art for my inner peace and needs. I cannot babysit and accommodate everyone, so, if you don’t like, don’t engage. The definition of “problematic ships” differs from person to person coz fk me people nowadays overuse this too much to a point idk what is & what is not…
Fandoms and ships
Dead by Daylight
Ghostface centric, Ghostface x OC/ x reader, sometimes GhostFrank, GhostMeg and GhostFrankMeg-the-daddy-issue-trio-poly
⚠️IMPORTANT: It’s totally okay to consume my version of Jed Olsen X OC content and imagining in your brain it’s you or whoever his S/O is, but I block people who draw my version of Jed with themselves/self-inserts/OCs, or generally drawing him. It’s a culture here: impolite to draw someone’s design without permission😭💦 So please don’t take it personally, it’s just me not comfortable with sharing my design of Jed with other people’s self insert/OC. Also I have many plans for him so when people draws him (even not a ship art), it might actually interfere with my WIP sketches and ideas which makes me so awkward like “should I continue when someone drew it already???” However I am glad many people like him! Thank you for giving him love he really doesn’t deserve it he belongs in the trash💥
PS. There are some designs out here alike which of course is fine, I do not own the character himself, but I‘ll stay away or block if it’s too alike/ overly referenced. I stay quiet about things I don’t like so unless shoving it in my face, I will just walk away🧍‍♀️💦Need not worry!
BokuAka, sometimes Tsukishima centric and SunaKita
Harry Potter (Wizarding World)
Tom Riddle centric, Tomione. Casual: Tomarry, Drarry/Harco, Voldantonin, Antonmione, GGAD, SebOmi/OmiSeb, Sebastian Sallow x MC, Ominis Gaunt x MC, Seb+Omi+MC trio friendship.
Don’t follow me for ships. See me as a cheap ass £10 all you can eat cushion buffet please. No quality of art here. Just pure delulu and bad drawing skills.
KakaSaku, ObiRin, ObiKaka and InoSaku.
⚠️Note that my main ship in this fandom is KakaSaku, but only when Sakura is of age and usually I ship them in same age AU. And I don’t ship them if they were very close as student and teacher before Sakura of age (it’s really weird). I also love them as platonically best friends, the way their personalities work together if they were born in the same generation, not the teenage-creepy-forbidden-love-in-classroom-gro0ming type of shit, in case you start wondering. If there’s no KakaSaku tag or it is described as “platonic”, it means that art is not a romantic ship art. There might be some head canon etc about teenage SKR having a crush on KKS or both of them feeling butterflies in stomach, but I will always prefer Kakashi not stepping over the boundaries in some close to canon AUs. He is a very nice person and would never take advantage of SKR, I think. It’s true crushing on older people like this happens irl, so I admire the storytelling, but OOC af if KKS lets himself be this low. If you are still concerned or feeling uncomfortable about this ship, please block me. ALSO DON’T RECOMMEND REAL FKED UP CONTENT TO ME that was the reason I stopped drawing coz mentally grossed out I had to stay away from the fandom for at least a while💀 I swear those KKSK doujins from like 15+years ago grossed me a lot if you know which ones you know… hell I don’t wanna spread those out no one should ever read that… would do anything to unsee the cover of those doujins MY FKING BRAIN WAS DAMAGED FK
Other games, films and anime
Who’s Lila?, Cube Escape & Rusty Lake series, Year Walk, Disco Elysiumc, Good Omens, Hotline Miami, Chainsaw Man, Golden Kamuy, Dorohedoro, any Kon Satoshi/ Ito Junji/ Wong Ka Wai’s creations, Horror and thrillers, Sci-fics
Fic recommendation lists
(Most of them are dark, dead doves and NSFW. Some are light and cracks! Read TW and tags. Read at your own risk.)
Danny x You/OC/SO
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GoTron Was Another Summer Best (another Summer yap session)
Let's start with one thing. I felt generous and tried to watch Rickdependence Spray. I turned it off after 10 seconds. In fact, I paused after I saw that horse breeder thing for longer than I watched the intro Tried watching the Thanksgiving episode which was, just fine. Although nothing Summer caught my eye. I did this to finish up Season 5 but it was not worth it
You know WHAT was worth it, though? And what a few of you guys recommended?
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'GoTron Jerrysis Rickvangelion'
I now see why this was recommended to me, and by the way it means a lot that most of you guys want me to write about Summer :3
It's almost Summer's episode, focused on her dynamic with Rick too and how it can clash with Morty
(FYI the wiki doesn't have a gallery for this episode I literally will rely on Google for this shit)
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Right from the start we see that Summer is basically Rick's right-hand man. I know many people have pointed out (and it's outright said) that Summer is enabling Rick's obsession, which is explained IN the episode and something I'll return to later. Part of this episode is not only her relationship with Rick but with herself. Morty sees this as some sort of sabotage when Rick goes with her opinion and sees Morty as sort of an enemy for not going with what he wanted
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She not only LITERALLY becomes a right-hand to the GoTron itself but oversees these Rick meetings instead of just hanging out with the other Summers. I mentioned the fact that Summer holds family in such a high regard. Whether or not they did this because this was also a Goodfellas parody, any good parody utilizes its characters purposefully, so I think it still works. There's also several lines where Summer talks about keeping the family close, and considering the blog I wrote about Rickmancing the Stone that mentions her being the glue that keeps the family together...yeah. When I say she's consistent and has a clear arc, it's because I managed to break her down and see the same attributes pop up here explicitly
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Rick congratulates Summer for being the one reason he's even doing this GoTron shit and calls her a queen (queef first tho). Considering Season 7 where he says Summer reminds him of Diane, every time he cherishes Summer it's very genuine and because of how special and important she is to him
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I know that the plot was hinging on Morty pointing out Summer being a negative influence but I still understood what she was going for. If my points sound hollow, it's because from now on I don't want to sound like a broken record whenever I mention the words 'Family' and 'Summer'
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Like I said I was not a fan of Naruto and the fact that this show says the phrase 'giant incest space baby' more than once, which no show should ever do. But when Summer talks about how lonely she feels, it felt fitting. Sure, it's a...gross incest baby, but Summer felt basic motherly instincts kick on. She also wanted him to escape from there because she knows about the literal feeling of being cooped up. Like...how often does Summer go out?
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With whatever friends she has she usually just stays inside. I am writing this AS I'M COOPED UP INSIDE AS PER USUAL I'D KILL SOMEONE TO GO OUT. The point being that avoiding this is something she actively does. That's why she was surprised her mom didn't originally want to use the GoTron Ferrets and why she kept enabling Rick. It's not an agenda, she just wants to bond more and go out more
However, I want to know - does this contradict 'Big Trouble in Little Sanchez'? I bring this up because it's an episode where they're supposed to be bonding and Summer is rational enough to know Rick is being harmed, yet everyone hates her for it. Why didn't Summer stop enabling Rick if it meant he would've been obsessed further? In that episode, it quite literally was killing Rick. Here, different universe versions of the Smith family come together as if to emphasize the point further. The actual issues were ones that Summer weren't aware of, but I just bring this up because no, this doesn't contradict any earlier episodes. Plus, Summer is obviously changing
Also, Summer's speech was fucking amazing. She mentions how lonely she feels in her OWN FAMILY because she has no one and went with Naruto, which is also temporary. She'll take any chance to bond with anyone
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To wrap this up - Summer's place in this episode IS the crux of the plot. The family is brought together in more ways than one, with the robots and alternate universes coming together. This also makes sense with Rick having Morty and Beth having Jerry 'naturally', so to speak. If these people have each other, who does Summer have?
Her family
And even if she doesn't have ONE person to always fall back on (as she tends to be around Rick AND Morty), she'll be the one that chooses to keep everyone together. What I said in 'Rickmancing the Stone' and the trilogy I analyzed was true, Summer is the glue that keeps the family together
oh also im gonna be making a blog on the voiceovarians and a theory on Night Summer so keep an eye out for that guys
Thanks for reading!! <3
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buf309 · 5 months
8. Akatsuki!Forgers, an "no-one-ask-for Naruto x Spy Fam" AU (character design sheets)"
hiiiiii i ask for 👀
Gotcha! I know for sure I can catch you with this one 😂
Just joking, but I did think about you when the musebunny dropkicked this idea in my head 😄Definitely will send them over when I'm done.
Basically, it started with this Itachi meme
I thought, huh, Yor (or Yoru to sound more weaboo-fied) would be so cool af as Itachi, no? Then, Yuri would be Sasuke?
But the whole Uchiha mess didn't fit them, Yuri would never avenge anybody, he would help Yor kill them in a heart beat, no question ask.
Garden? Tree? Roots? Ok, they were in a Garden version of Roots then? Garden sent Yor to Akatsuki to snoop on them, and kill them if she saw fits?
Yor met Twilight there. Twilight, right, weaboo, Tasogare was a rogue from Mist Village, had a jutsu that shoot water bullets? acclaimed swordman but didn't have a sword, it's a type of high-pressure water gun jutsu instead? In truth he was a spy sent by his village leader Handler (have not searched for her name in Romaji yet) to keep tab on Akatsuki, same as Yor.
I don't know, they kinda protected each other from other members? Open identities?
Anya, or Ania, still had telepathy, and also Rinnegan somehow. Twiyor were assigned the mission to capture her. But when they realized she was just a kid, they ran away with her instead lol
Bond was with Twilight from the start. Was he just a dog, or was he some kind of bijuu? I have no idea.
That's all my delulu have atm. But I don't wanna make a comic out of it, too complicated. So I settle on character design only, and some random scenes, intead.
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revscarecrow · 1 year
Excuse me, "stolen", since AI training is transformative.
This is the other part. I struggle to understand how you think a computer can innovate or meet any of the standards for transformative work. You can't just say things that sound nice. Heres the source i used for the 4 points thing of the transformative process which I'll be talking about. https://case.edu/library/services/copyright/fair-use-exception-copyright
"1.Purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes"
Both AI art and flesh and blood artists have issues with this but it's not a be all end all. Parody or critique are important exceptions here which since AIs can't think they can't do. AI cant think and the US court system has regularly said that only humans are capable of copyrightable work. This was decided in "Naruto v. Slater" via the 9th circuit in 2018 and similar cases have been ruled similarly elsewhere in the world. Anything that looks like either parody or critique is random chance for AI as a result.
"2. Nature of the copyrighted work"
This exception is carved out for fact based things being used as sources ect. Not super applicable here.
"3.Amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole"
For AI art to learn it needs to be fed not just part of the image but whole images (or at least typically the whole image is used in training) which is very clearly running afoul of this part. Flesh and blood artists can do this process without using any of the original or even just part of it. This exception is super easy to understand when you see movie or music reviews that only show a scene or part of the song in order to talk about it as an example in the work. This can be helpful when doing critique or when doing parody.
"4.Effect of the use on the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work"
AI art is already being used as a cheaper alternative to hiring artists. So it is already having a negative effect on the market. Someone who does fan art on patreon is not negatively effecting the original work. It is not an alternative but supplementary.
While putting fan work behind a patreon is a bad idea because you probably aren't winning this case in court you have to see that there is a fundamental difference between fan works and AI art. I would love to see an articulate point that disputes this. In the very least I would like to see an argument of how exactly AI work could even begin to be considered transformative in any practical (legal or otherwise) use of the word.
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asukaskerian · 2 years
you know the fusion dance in dbz and steven universe, except it’s a naruto founders fic
been a while since i barfed out a weird concept oneshot, huh. i think i read a very good BNHA fic with this topic at some point but it was like last year and... handwave handwave it’s written now, deal with it.
3k, gen, tobirama&hashirama&izuna&madara.
... someone give me a tiiiiiiiitle T^T
"And as a mark of new alliance and the forging of bonds of brotherhood, let us now become one in truth."
Tobirama has been braced for this for weeks. Has worked on his feelings and his convictions and his memories, meditating and reframing and just, reminding himself. He is as calm and accepting as he can possibly be in the situation.
Which isn't very, but hopefully, it will suffice.
Nobody can reasonably expect him and Izuna to grin and clasp a hand to their opposite number's wrist and give barely a quick swing around their new anchor point, their new center of gravity, and just like that be a single being. Not like them.
"Ah! This is a fantastic day to be born in." The person his brother and Madara have become has longer hair than Mito and Madara combined, falling in smooth ebony sheets and trailing to the ground; he beams like Hashirama but toothy like Madara, a second pair of arms branches out of his back like wings, and when he turns with all four hands on his hips to stare at Tobirama and Izuna in turn his eyes are narrow and -- very strange.
Not that Tobirama has any time to look at them. 
"Auspicious, my lord, very auspicious," one of the Senju elders says, looking half-displeased and half-resigned. "May we have your name, to record this momentous occasion properly?"
"I," the fusion says self-importantly, "am Buchikotoji."
He chose the kanji of Hashirama's name that didn't have any trace of Senju tradition, of course. Unsurprising.
"Do you think they had secret meetings to name him in the last week, or?" Izuna mutters from the corner of his mouth to one of his clansmen, pretending to smile. "He came up with it so fast."
Tobirama isn't meant to overhear and he knows it, but he can't help but snort and mutter back, "If you think this is the first time they fuse, I have a bridge to sell you." 
He's pretty sure their first time was when they were still kids. There were several years during their early adolescence in which Hashirama didn't fuse with Tobirama at all. Back then he thought it was grief from knowing they would never be Juuhigebanma with Kawarama and Itama again, but it might have become a convenient excuse not to let it slip at some point.
He takes a deeper breath. Alright. After the show their brothers just put on, he can't be seen to balk. "Our turn, then."
He takes a step forward and holds out his hand. Izuna clasps it. Nothing happens. Tobirama pulls him in a little and Izuna's mouth tightens but he steps forward, and nothing keeps happening; and Izuna snorts and sweeps his free hand up to shape a hand seal.
After a very long fraction of a second thinking it's an attack, the expected betrayal, Tobirama recognizes it as the Dog seal -- the start of a water jutsu. Snorting back, he shapes a Tiger seal; then they sweep under their still linked wrists in a knife-handed attack that misses the other man's cheek by an inch at most. With their level of precision it was never a serious attack. A threat shaped like a game, or a game shaped like a threat.
This parody of a dance is actually extremely ridiculous, and therefore funny. He snorts, then chuckles out loud, once. Oh, he's much taller now, but almost spindly. One of his arms splits at the elbow into two forearms, two left hands. He wonders if he could one-hand-seal a water bullet with it while the other two make a katon and then merge them for superheated steam; that could be devastating, especially if he can shape the steam. 
"Brother...?" Buchikotoji is laughing at him. 
He frowns back, lip jutting out in thwarted pique. "What? Oh. My bad, my bad, I was thinking."
Oooh, Buchikotoji is shorter than him. This is amazing. 
"About?" Buchikotoji asks, as if he can't tell from his beloved little brother's conciliatory smile that he's vaguely started planning something.
"Oh, terrifying jutsu. You know how it is."
The same Senju old fart clears her throat. "My lord heir? Have you a name yet?"
... Oh, right. He's two people. Tobiizu sounds stupid and also he knows that Tobirama's kanji don't fall out like that and neither do Izuna's. 
He's not Senju -- he's a little Senju -- he's half-Senju really but what side is the mother, obviously that would be Izuna as he's slenderer and prettier of face which is not a compliment, fuck you, and Tobirama is younger (by nine days!) so traditionally he's the one who should bottom and... he's about to break apart without having given out his name to be recorded and after all the bullshit they went through to get here he is damn well fucking not falling apart until their task is done. He's ambivalent about this peace -- they both are, of course he'll betray him... self? Of course there'll be problems, it's ridiculous to think there won't be, but Tobirama gave it everything he had to iron out this treaty and Izuna wants to rub it in all the Uchiha elders' faces that he can hold on, that they must follow Madara, that... 
Anyway so apparently he's not going to be anything-ma either. 
"Hitsuna," he says decisively. The rope tying a door closed? Hah. He's certainly stubborn enough and spiteful enough to decide on a course and keep at it, refusing all other paths. He supposes it sort of fits.
If you squint. But, hey. 
It's a stupid mismatched name from two mismatched kanji because they belong to two different people, two enemies who can and will hold a truce because nobody thinks they can, but for a brief moment of spite and sadism and way too much imagination they consider staying one until it's time to choose where to go home for the night. Forcing the reluctant elders and their own brothers to deal with him -- to watch them try to pretend they like it that he loves being himself so much he does not wish to separate fills Hitsuna with wistful glee... 
But they have other -- heh -- people to get into. 
With a sigh, they relax out of the fusion.
It comes surprisingly smoothly, only a last little stutter as their hands come apart, like a muscle spasm; then Tobirama takes a step back out of Izuna's space. 
Then they stare at each other like two cats accidentally come face to face past a corner, and give each other a stiff, formal little bow. And it's done. 
It was... not as bad as it could have been. Tobirama doesn't hate the person they make. They're surprisingly similar in a lot of ways, really, and he kind of -- the willingness to tease and poke and play and get funny revenge was oddly compelling, even if he can never indulge in that. He...
"Great job, little brothers!"
He buries his elbow in Buchikotoji's solar plexus, or that's what it would be on Hashirama but Buchikotoji is about two heads taller and his arm bounces uselessly on tight stomach muscles. Growling under his breath, he submits to the side hug. Couldn't Madara have reined that in? Tobirama doesn't see him routinely molesting Izuna in public -- and, it was just a quick squeeze, already done. Huh.
... Alright, not bad either.
"Auspicious, quite auspicious," commends an Uchiha that Tobirama somehow dislikes more personally than other Uchiha elders. Even as Izuna smiles with sharp teeth, Tobirama gives a slow blink and politely nods back. (He wants to needle him.)
"Indeed. I believe Hitsuna would do particularly well on retrieval and assassination missions. Hit-and-runs and short-term infiltration, also. He is both extremely goal-oriented and highly adaptable to changing circumstances. I would not mind creating him again."
Izuna doesn't even blink, even though Tobirama knows he was surprised. "Indeed. His smarts and heightened senses would also be pretty good on a hunt. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to practice."
Tobirama isn't entirely sure what Izuna means by heightened senses. He has his chakra sensing, yes, but his other senses are baseline. His hearing is even a little off in one ear, from being too close to an explosion as a child. Hitsuna's eyes were better, true, but he figured that was the sharingan.
"Right!" Buchikotoji booms in delighted pride. His second pair of hands is raised and turned palms up to the skies like a prayer answered. "Swift and keen, of course. My brother could not be anything else."
He grins. Tobirama sighs. Of course Hashirama and Madara would make each other's ridiculousness worse. 
His eyes are really odd, though. That's not quite a sharingan, but he would have thought Hashirama's brown eyes would make it darker, not lighter. 
"As for me," Buchikotoji declares, "I believe--"
"You're the ultimate one-man-army, a castle wall and a divine battering ram all at once," Izuna says with false gravitas, subtly teasing them. "You could not possibly be anything else. Onii-sama."
Buchikotoji chuckles, like he got the joke on him, but still found it funny. "Cheek," he chides, amused. 
Tobirama wants to shoot something back, but they're still in the middle of something official and really quite serious, and he has let them ramble on unprofessionally for too long. "Buchikotoji-san. It's time for you to separate, so that we may proceed to the last step." 
He gets a quick glare for that, or maybe for not calling them brother. But Hashirama is his brother, not this new person; and this new person might be Hitsuna's brother but Hitsuna is not Tobirama either. He's just... familiar. Close. 
They separate in a slow, glowing wave and not Hitsuna's crackling flash. The look on Hashirama's face is melancholic already; he smiles like an apology. Uchiha Madara stares at him for a too-long second, unreadable, before he breaks eye contact and turns to the elders and the clanspeople arrayed in front of them all to witness the momentous event.
"Our turn then, Izuna-san?" Hashirama offers with an engaging smile. Tobirama somehow doesn't tense at Izuna's measuring look; if he wanted to kill someone who's ready to fuse with him he'd have killed Tobirama. Hashirama is much more dangerous in ability but much less likely to lay waste to their whole clan to take revenge for the murder of his last brother.
It goes... fairly well. Tobirama didn't think their senses of humor would match at all but when it appears the long hair is braided in whimsical patterns and it's wearing both family crests, one on each side of the chest. Tobirama doesn't think Hitsuna was wearing any crest at all; Buchikotoji's were layered on top of each other, much too merged. This fusion -- "Kotojitsuna!" -- is still aware that the Senju and the Uchiha are two different clans; and his allegiance is balanced equally, but separately.
Then said Kotojitsuna turns his speculative, four-eyed look onto Tobirama and he thinks that maybe their senses of humor fuse in the most horrible way. This? It's a sadistic "plotting a good prank" look, he can feel it. Haa.
"Kotojitsuna-san. No."
They unfuse, laughing quietly in amused chagrin. 
"Was it not stable enough, my lords?" the Senju note-taking elder enquires, a touch too hopefully.
"Oh, it was quite stable. But Kotojitsuna-kun might have some, let's say, ah, whimsical tendencies..."
So, Tobirama notes to himself, to be brought out when they need a mindfuck. Snorting quietly, he steps forward, putting a stop to the interrogation. The fusions' personalities don't need to be described in the treaty. They just need to be said to be stable and useful, or not.
"Madara-sama," he greets, eyes on Madara's chin, and he wants to reach out but he's not the higher-ranked one, so he doesn't. He waits.
Madara waits, too, staring at him, until his hand shoots forward and catches Tobirama's kimono at the shoulder to reel him in.
It is not a dance.
It is not even as much of a dance as the mock-spar with Izuna, both of them well-used to the way the other man moves and strikes by now. It's a sudden fistfight -- Tobirama has no idea what the hell that idiotic man was thinking, starting them off so violently, but it's a spinal reflex to counter the grab and strike back, and by the time he realizes, they're already three parries in. His heart is loud in his ears and they've jumped to a wider-open place so they won't trample their brothers and they both grit their teeth and punch and swipe, never stepping out of arm's reach. 
Tobirama wants to step back out of range, but that would defeat the purpose, so he grits his teeth and keeps close.
It's ridiculous, it's not peaceful, not trusting, not a -- if it's a conversation then it's one through gritted teeth on opposite sides of a table. It's the last attempt to find common ground before it all breaks down, restraint keeping it this side of an actual fight instead of a spar but only just, it's wasting all the effort he made to believe in his brother, to hope, and he's -- he's surprised. At himself. It's not a relief that it's probably going to be war again.
It's not what he wanted but if it's what's offered to him, if they have to fight their way out of it then he will lead the charge, but he's so disappointed.
Was there anything he should have done differently? He can't concede more without bending over, or can he? Is it -- 
Is it his fault?
If it is. 
Then he'll take responsibility for it. For the failure and the ruin of hope and the lives of his people that he can still salvage. If he -- 
If there's a hard decision to make, he will make it. He won't let his (elder/too-trusting/younger/I-told-you-so) brother shoulder the weight of his failure. He won't...
He's standing in the middle of the field, thirty paces away from the gathered watchers, his clanspeople staring tense with hands on weapons they aren't supposed to have. None have drawn yet, though some are too close. Threat levels and angles of attack flash through his mind as he takes them in.
The threats to his people are...
All of them.
All of them are threats, both sides, because they fused.
His brothers worst of all, people he loves, but that he still must/shouldn't ever kill.
They almost tear apart over this, over Hashirama's fearless care and Izuna's aggressive wariness (both threats for different reasons), almost -- but.
It can't fail now. 
He can't fail his brothers now.
"Ahh... Fusion-san?"
Elder. So pleased. So hopeful.
Smug, traitorous threat.
... but killing her off would run them right into the trap she laid, the ending she hopes for, and oh, they can do better than that. 
They smile.
They have absolutely no idea why every single elder and about half of their forces take a step or five back. Mm. None at all.
"Ah... This is terrifying," Izuna drawls, a hand resting loose and heavy on the pommel of his sword. "The worst idea anybody's ever had in the entire universe!"
"There's the time Tobirama tried to figure out how to use the corpses of his enemies as self-directing meat puppets," they drawl (Tobirama didn't want it known -- his clan already suspects -- they said tried, didn't they? It'll be fine. It's fine if they fear him more.)
"He was young!" Hashirama protests, laughing, though his eyes are -- wary/worried. "He was young and had read too many ghost stories. So... How are you doing -- brother?"
Not little brother. Not friend. Just -- sibling, twice over. It aches. "Fantastic."
"The start was a little rough, though?" another elder, from the other clan, asks, and --
They smile again, taking long, ambling steps back to the group. It's funny that they have just four limbs, perfectly balanced. "We just had to figure out something to agree on. And there you have it."
Izuna makes a show of sighing, of leaning a casual elbow on Hikaku's shoulder. "Yes, yes, sadism and world domination. Have you got a name yet?"
It's not hard to come up with one. Madara's name only has one kanji and he'll be damned if they use the Bushi reading, name himself with such a cumbersome, ridiculous samurai allusion. What is he, a bumbling rampaging honorable avalanche of a man? Damned Buchikotoji...
"Hiban." Short and to the point.
He catches the meat of Izuna's cheek between index and thumb and starts twisting a little bit.
"--Ow, what the hell! Aniki what the fuck--"
... Aniki. 
It's -- not niisan. It -- good, no, he wants niisan, he was niisan and never again, not with Izuna, even though -- no.
"Living up to the first part of your expectations, dearest brother."
"Ow -- ow, ow, it was a joke, you're the nicest person ever, how is your grip this strong, I'll bruise--"
Oh, so that's how healing jutsu feels. Very odd. Very... Hrrmph. But he doesn't want Izuna's cheek bruised. He -- brother -- elders watching, and he's being too familiar with -- no, to hell with them, the village is happening, it's happening right now, they cannot stop it anymore.
He taps Izuna's healed cheek with smug haughtiness, relishing the glare, the barest hint of a pout, quickly bitten back. 
"Is -- is this fusion -- useful, then -- Hiban-sama?"
Hiban tilts his head, a wild lock of slate-gray hair falling to the side, considering the question. 
Considering the man who asked it, all the others who didn't have the courage to ask, threats and traitor-hopefuls and righteous-but-rightfully-terrified.
The chakra crackling in their coils that he can sense and see with such a depth of color-feel-intention, elements and emotions. The starry-night scattering of tenketsu and the fear--
And his brothers, standing there, watching him with their eyebrows knit in vague, 'what will we do with you' worry. 
"Oh, yes."
He smiles.
"Very useful."
He thinks, but doesn't say, 'Pray you never find out how much.'
He thinks everybody present hears it anyway.
110 notes · View notes
not-souleaterpost · 8 months
Soul Eater iceberg research question
Gotta finally figure out how widespread this take was...
7 notes · View notes
swiftsaltsweet · 14 days
The Hunt for Kyoshi: Chapter 5
Characters: Rangi and Kyoshi (plus whoever appears in Rok)
Pairing: Rangshi
“What are we going to do?” She asked steely, still not looking up from the ground. She was ready to uphold her duty, or at least, what remained of it. “We need you to capture Kyoshi,” Jianzhu instructed. “Capture?” “Yes, we need to set an example of an Avatar murderer,” Jianzhu responded, oh so matter of factly again.
(Canon Divergent AU- “What if Rangi wasn’t there when Kyoshi ran away, and Rangi had to hunt her down?)
Prev chapter
Other Sites: AO3 and Fanfic.net
A/N: I may skip some of interactions with Kyoshi and the FOC…. Partially cause I wanna focus on Rangshi stuff *w* But also because a lot of the dialogue I feel like will be similar regardless if Rangi was there or not (aka dynamic would be different, but the information that needed to be transacted would be similar enough that’d it’d feel a bit repetitive and weird to copy it). 
Also sorry it took a bit longer to post this, I wanted to flesh out ch 6 a biiiiiit more before going onto ch 7. And again I need a bit of a buffer. TT0TT
Note: Picture below is a parody/edit from Naruto Shippuden Episode 3 (because I need a lil, visual,  comedy in here, and I thought that expression fit TT0TT). If y'all don't like it, tell me and I won't do it again. I just couldn't get the expression outta my head tbh jfdksljf
Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.
Kyoshi stared intently at the prison floor through her fingers, hearing the water from the cell drip down in a maddening rhythm. She cradled her head in her hands in an attempt to soothe herself. It was very clear that she had messed up. 
The past few days-no weeks- had been disaster after disaster. First Kelsang thinks she’s the Avatar, then the whole fight with the Fifth Nation, then everyone thinking she could be the Avatar, then there was Jianzhu sneaking her and Yun away to talk to some evil spirit, then that evil spirit confirming she’s the Avatar, then Jianzhu let’s that evil spirit takes Yun, then Jianzhu threatens to control her, and THEN he killed Kelsang. 
Kyoshi leaned her head back, bumping it against the wall. She winced as she hit the tender new formed lump on the back of her head, courtesy of the local police. 
Then Kyoshi ran away with Pengpeng to find her parent’s old daofei gang, only to find out it can barely even be considered a two-bit smuggling operation. She almost got killed starting a fight with them, if not for the old man called Lao Ge stopping them in time, by pointing out her mother’s fans. Then she let slip she had a flying bison, and then the cops came, and now she’s here. Maybe it would’ve gone down smoother if she didn’t misplace her mother’s journal?
I hope Pengpeng is alright. She wouldn’t be able to forgive herself if anything happened to that bison. 
I must be the most pathetic Avatar in existence. She folded her head into her hands once more. Trying to ignore the throbbing pain caused by the lump on her head, as well as the other inmates making mocking jeers at her or each other. 
This wouldn’t have happened if Rangi was here. Kyoshi wished her firebending friend was at the mansion when she ran back to the Avatar mansion to get her stuff. Kyoshi was so out of it, she had hallucinated her pacing back and forth at the entrance, and even went as far to join her on her trip. Only realizing the spirits were playing a cruel joke on her, when she woke up the next morning to see she was the only occupant on Pengpeng’s saddle. I might’ve been able to convince her, if she’d really been there.
Well she was probably going to see Rangi again soon. Kyoshi was in a jailhouse that was owned by Governor Deng, and that stout, red-nosed man was in Jianzhu’s pocket. She’d be in a caravan on its way to Yokoya by next morning. 
I doubt I could convince her now, let alone if I’m sent back. Kyoshi clenched her fists. Jianzhu probably got his hooks in both Rangi and her mother, Hei-Ran. It would’ve been easy, both the sway he wielded, and his history with Hei-Ran as Kuruk’s companion. And the two tag teaming Rangi? Well…. Kyoshi was at every disadvantage possible.
But she couldn’t shake the faith that her Rangi, her beautiful and virtuous friend, would be able to see through the lies and deceit, and help her. Rangi was too righteous to let someone control the Avatar like that….right? Kyoshi bit her lip, unsure of what to do next.
“So what’s the game plan, kid?” a semi-familiar voice asked next to her. 
Kyoshi jumped in surprise, and turned to see one of the Flying Opera Company members, the old grandfather, Lao Ge.
“But-how did you-?” Kyoshi began, trying not to yell. She saw him motion his foot, and the remnants of a hole in the floor started to disappear. “But why?”
Why would anyone break into a jail? Unless….
“To get you out, kid!” the old man said cheerfully. 
Kyoshi still looked at him confused, “Again, why?” She thought she’d made a horrible impression. Even with her parentage and her flying bison, she didn’t think it was enough to make them want to help break her out. Yet,here he was, helping her again. 
“Well, the bison won’t let us ride her if you aren’t there,” he said. “Plus I convinced them to do a favor for Jesa and Hark’s one and only daughter. We owe you that much.”
Something akin to warmth started to fill Kyoshi’s chest. She couldn’t believe it, but in the lowliest places of the earth, with the lowliest sort, they would be the ones to grant her a helping hand. 
“Plus it seemed fun!” 
Or they were perhaps just thrill seekers. Whatever, Kyoshi could work with it. Not that she had much of a choice.
“So what’s the plan?” she asked him in a hushed whisper.
“I’m going to create an opening, Kirima will try to assist from the top as you run, while Wong and Lek try to lure the bison as close to the town's edge as they can. It will be in the same direction as you left her.” 
Kyoshi imagined the scenario playing out. The waterbending woman, Kirima, running along the rooftops and air with her mist-stepping. The two other earthbenders, one an older man named Wong, and the other a younger boy named Lek, coaxing Pengpeng out. It all seemed….
“That seems like a reckless and not well thought out plan!” Was Pengpeng even going to move without her there? She was lucky enough that Pengpeng would listen to her, but someone else? 
“Well it’s not like we have much time to plan and execute,” he shrugged. “You’re going to have to work with what you’ve got.”
“If you’re holding them off, how are you going to get back?”
“I’ll meet you there,” he waved his hand, unconcerned. And then he smiled at her, “I might even beat you to it.”
“Hey! Who are you, how’d you get in here?!” a voice yelled from across the room. A guardsman started making his way over to their cell.
Lao Ge winked at Kyoshi, then he stood up and raised his arms. Earth shot out of all the ground by the iron bars in every cell, entwining with them. The then trusted his arms downward, yanking them out of their sockets and buried them in the ground below.
Then he stomped his foot, and three small boulders levitated out of the ground. He lifted his arms into the air in a triumphant pose and yelled, “PRISON BREAK!”
He hurled one boulder at the guard, knocking him down, and then the other two at the front entrance. The two boulders collided and created a large opening as dust swirled in the air. The other prisoners jeered as they sprinted out of their holdings. 
Kyoshi coughed as the dust messed with her vision and lungs. 
“What are you doing, kid? Get going!” Lao Ge yelled to Kyoshi, as he began to manhandle some oncoming guards. It fascinated Kyoshi how he was so exact with his movements, despite being so elderly. 
Not wasting anymore time, she nodded and ran to the hole. Guards started leaking in from the outside, but they were dispatched with swift blows of rock from the inside jail, or something from outside. One lone guard somehow missed being caught in the crossfire, and stood in Kyoshi’s way of freedom.
She braced her shoulder and slammed past the guard, sending him flying, and dove through the hole, into the dusty fray.
Kyoshi emerged outside the jail, dust blocking her vision. She raised her arm up to protect her eyes, attempting to see where Kirima, or just any of the other Flying Opera Company members, were.
As she turned her head it felt like time started to slow, and Kyoshi forgot where she was at for just a moment. Through the gaps in the dust, a familiar topknot came into view, as black as the starless night.
The dust started to disperse, and she was finally able to see the person she’d been wanting to see most in the world. 
Rangi! She was there, not a figment of her imagination like before, but really there. The last light in Kyoshi’s life. The last remnant of what was once good before it was all taken from her. 
Rangi stood there, her bronze eyes wide and dark circles rested under them, but they were still clear enough to piece Kyoshi directly to her core. She looked exhausted, but she was ok. 
An unstoppable smile broke across Kyoshi’s face as she looked upon her dear friend. Rangi, you’re here! You’re alright! You’re-
Rangi ignited a fireball in her hand, and her face twisted into the fiercest scowl Kyoshi had ever seen.
Kyoshi took a step back, tears welling up in her eyes. No! Not you too! Please, anything but you!
Rangi charged at Kyoshi, and Kyoshi threw her arms up instinctively when the ball of fire came at her. Surprisingly for Kyoshi, a giant earth wall shot up in front of her, blocking the blast.
Ok, there’s a wall, m-maybe I can talk to her! It’s not like she can get through it!
“Rangi-” Kyoshi started to yell, when an explosive noise rattled her ears in front of her, and she nearly caught a barreling firebender tackling her way through the very thick wall.
She can get through! Kyoshi started running away, not even bothering to look for Kirima. She was going to have to figure out a different way to say her piece. 
Kyoshi could hear Rangi behind her, and attempted to slow her down by throwing up more walls. Nothing she did worked, Rangi either gracefully moved out of the way, or she blew right through them. Despite Kyoshi’s terrified state, a part of her couldn’t help but be impressed by Rangi’s bending prowess. 
As Kyoshi turned a corner she almost ran into a group of men fighting, she quickly pulled a maneuver from last night and blasted a Kyoshi-sized hole through a building to avoid them.
“You’re just so good at earthbending all of the sudden!” She heard Rangi yell at her, distain leaking into her voice. She’s mad because I can earthbend?! Wait, no that makes sense, I didn’t exactly disclose my whole issue with her. I haven’t disclosed anything with her. Kyoshi was going to need to stop doing that, if she wanted to keep her friend. 
“Rangi please! I can explain!” Kyoshi yelled back. I’ll explain anything and everything from start to finish! Just give me a cha-oh boy! She ducked a fireball just in time. 
“Silence! You can ‘explain’ all you want back in Yokoya!” This caused Kyoshi to stop her dead in her tracks. Rangi wasn’t just upset with Kyoshi, she really was trying to capture her, she really was working with Jianzhu. She felt a hard ball form in her throat, it felt heavier than the weight of the world. No, I can't lose her too! If I just tell her the truth, if I just explain. She turned around, and attempted to grab Rangi by the shoulders. To shake some sense into her, make her see reason. 
“Where we’ll deal with the likes of y-!” Rangi continued before quickly dodging out of the way of Kyoshi’s grab, and moved to the side. Rangi looked at her with wide eyes, it reminded Kyoshi of a skittish cat. She put her hands up in a surrender-like pose, trying to show Rangi she meant no harm.
“Rangi, I can’t go back to Yokoya!” she begged. Her mind whirled trying to figure out what to say next, but it was hard under all the pressure. And she wasn’t sure exactly what Rangi did and didn’t know. What she was or wasn’t told. Or if it was safe to just yell about her Avatarhood in the midst of all this chaos and witnesses. 
“Then you should’ve thought about that before you did what you did!” Rangi put her fists up in front of her face, and charged at Kyoshi. Kyoshi tried to push her away, but missed, and got a punch straight to her ribs for her effort.
Before Kyoshi fully registered the blow, she doubled over instinctively, her vision darkened and she had a hard time breathing. Her thoughts started converging and blitzed past her at the speed of light.
What does she mean by that?
Why is she so good at being violent?
Please Rangi, just listen to me for one second!
What ‘I did’? What did I do? 
Did she have to punch so hard?
I can’t be stopped here, I need to get my revenge.
What has Jianzhu told her?
Yun, was this about Yun? Is she upset I didn’t protect Yun?
Kyoshi felt something surge through her, triggered by that last thought. Her pain and grief from losing Yuns started to overwhelm her, and she realized this was what Rangi was probably feeling too. Her resolve to avenge Yun, and to set the record straight with Rangi gave her enough energy to stand back up.
She felt a weight latch onto her back, and in an instant was struggling to breathe. She could feel Rangi’s bicep tighten around her windpipe, and her vision started to splotch in unison. Rangi what are you-?!
Kyoshi’s eyes widened, as she felt her vision start to glow, and a new found power started to course through her. NO! If I give in then-! Memories of how she flattened the mountain side when she attacked Jianzhu flashed through her mind. If that kind of power hit Rangi, and at this distance then….
Kyoshi started grabbing at Rangi’s arm as she fought back the glow….and the ever growing voices shouting in her ear. 
“You need to let us take over!”
No! You’ll hurt her!
“If you don’t she’ll knock you out and bring you back to that man, is that what you want?!”
Not if it means hurting-no-killing her!
“She’s clearly chosen a side, you need to fight back!”
I’ll do it my own way!
She felt one calm and cold voice get in close to her ear, “Has it occurred to you that she might be trying to kill you?”
A part inside Kyoshi shook, like the earth was crumbling right beneath her feet, and she was about to fall into the grand crevices. Was Rangi trying to kill her?
Jianzhu wanted to control her, so it wouldn’t make sense for him to order Rangi to do her in. Did his lies backfire? Was Rangi just taking justice into her own hands?
Kyoshi mentally shook her head. No! Rangi wouldn’t do that! Not without reason. Not unless she wanted revenge- Kyoshi’s eyes widened in realization, as the fragmented thought formed and shattered and formed again. Did Rangi want revenge? But why would she-?
Kyoshi felt her brain waver, her train of through completely derailing and crashing under the lack of oxygen. The seconds that had passed felt like an eternity, she wasn’t sure how much longer she could stay conscious. 
Revenge? Then…same…as me…. 
If Rangi saw her the way that Kyoshi saw Jianzhu, as unfair as the cards that fate might’ve dealt Kyoshi, she realized she couldn’t blame Rangi. How could she? She’d be a hypocrite. If Kyoshi’s airways weren’t blocked, she probably would’ve laughed at the situation.
“SHE’S TRYING TO KILL YOU!” the voices all screamed in unison.
I…..don’t……care…. She weakly laughed at them. While she didn’t want to die, and she didn’t want her blood on her friend’s hands. She wasn’t willing to trade her life for Rangi’s. 
Kyoshi would rather welcome Death with a warm embrace than live with her hands forever stained with Rangi’s blood. And if it was Rangi’s hands that took her life, then she would be honored by the act. 
Kyoshi found the strength to push back both the voices and the light, and prepared herself to be consumed by the ever growing darkness. 
You know what’s really funny? She said as the voices grew distant. I think I’m about to beat your record, Kuruk. Heh, by seventeen years I think…..
Kyoshi was just about to let the abyss consume her, when she felt the weight violently ripped from her. Air instinctively tore through her greedy lungs, and the vision started to come back.
“-not! Leave the kid alone!” A garbled voice slowly came into Kyoshi’s earshot. An actual, human voice this time.
Kyoshi looked up and behind her, her hair falling in front of her face. There was Rangi, suspended in air by the waist, cradled in a water whip. The source of the water coming from what seemed to be a nearby rooftop, held by another semi familiar face. The waterbender of the Flying Opera Company, Kirima. It looked like she wasn’t on the rooftop itself, but instead walking on thin air. Just like Kyoshi saw her and the other earthbenders do during their previous chase against the police.
Kyoshi tried to call to them, but was unable to get anything but a rasp out. 
“Why don’t you pick up on someone your own size?” Kirima yelled cooly, before whipping Rangi up into the air, completely out of sight.
Kyoshi found her voice too late, her scream came out like crinkling paper, “nO!” 
Images of when Aoma threw the jar of pickled spicy kelp flashed in her mind, but instead of the jar shattering on the ground she thought of Rangi. 
Kirima looked back at Kyoshi, confused. “No?! What do you mean ‘no’? She was trying to kill you kid!”
“ShE’s mY fRiEnD!” Kyoshid defended.
“If that’s your friend, I’m afraid of what your enemies are like!” 
Kyoshi coughed from the strain, causing her throat to clear up just a bit. “Please, we need to catch her!”
“Cat- Damnit, this is what I get for helping you!”
 Kyoshi and Kirima looked up at the sky, trying to see if they could see the descending firebender. Kirima got a blanket of water spread out, hoping to catch her in the net. “I’ll have you know this isn’t enough! She’s still a goner!”
Kyoshi stood underneath, childishly hoping she might be able to catch her. The voices in her head told her it was a stupid idea, and that she’d just get them both killed instead. Kyoshi ignored them, she’d rather try something than nothing. 
Kyoshi couldn’t help but hate how many past Avatar’s seemed ok with wanting Rangi dead. She’d need to make a point to make sure she went against their wishes in the future. 
It wasn’t long until Rangi came into view. They saw her twisting and turning in the air. Beads of fire spouted from her arms and legs, it caused her to change courses drastically. Kyoshi and Kirima moved to accommodate the landing point. 
Just before Rangi was about to hit the water net, her feet and hands exploded with fire, causing her to stop on her own. She floated there, looking like she could easily slip into the ranks of the Flying Opera Company. She’d invented her own fire version of mist and dust-stepping after only seeing it for a brief second.
She stared down at Kyoshi, her face was cool yet fierce. The flames highlighting and darkening certain features of her face, giving off a powerful look. Kyoshi could only stare back breathlessly in absolute reverence, her heart constricting in new yet familiar ways. Is there anything she can’t do?
Kyoshi barely registered Kirima’s shriek of horror, followed by her lifting the water up and dousing Rangi and her flames out. Kyoshi ran and caught Rangi before she could hit the ground and hurt herself. 
Rangi groaned in her arms, reaching up to wipe the water off her face. Kyoshi couldn’t help but notice her wet hair and how it clung to her friend’s face. She’d never seen Rangi with wet hair, and couldn’t help but think it made her look even more attractive. 
As Rangi opened her eyes, a familiar annoyed look resting on her face, Kyoshi couldn’t help but lose herself for a moment. “That was am-“ Kyoshi started to compliment, but was hit with a crushing reality of what was going on at the moment. As well as a swift headbutt to her jaw, courtesy of Rangi.
The shock rattled both her teeth and brain. Wow, her head is hard. She thought numbly.
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Kyoshi heard a crash, and then someone tugged at her arm. She began following before she even looked to see what was happening. “That’s what you get, you big softie!” Kirima shouted at her. 
As they approached a corner, Kyoshi looked back and saw Rangi chasing after them with the same ferocity as she did in the beginning of their encounter.
“Tui’s gills! She just doesn’t give up does she?!” Kirima yelled, as she yanked Kyoshi around a corner. “Quick this way!”
They popped out on a main drag, where prisoners and lawmen were waging a mini war. Kyoshi could see salvation in the distance, the Flying Opera Company had coaxed Pengpeng out of hiding. She lightly floated in mid air, ready to take off as soon as she could. She thought she could see Lao Ge’s wispy hair peeking out from the saddle too. 
The two started sprinting through the carnage, slamming and flipping bodies out of their way as they barreled through.
Kirima got just ahead of Kyoshi, using her strange mist-stepping to climb onto the saddle. Kyoshi opted to lunge for the tail, “Go! Now Pengpeng! Yip yip!” She yelled, not wanting to waste another second near the ground. 
Pengpeng groaned in affirmation, happy to see her temporary companion back. 
Just as Kyoshi pulled the whole top of her body onto Pengpeng’s tail, she felt a weight lace around one of her legs, pulling her down. Kyoshi looked down and saw Rangi clinging to her leg. Her face was scrunched up as if bracing herself for something. It was the first vulnerability she’d shown their entire encounter.
Panic and fear thrummed through Kyoshi’s veins with each breath and heartbeat, a symphony of terror playing just for her. They were ascending faster and faster, there was no way for them to shake Rangi safely off. What was worse, was that Kyoshi wasn’t exactly in a good position to pull either of them up.
Damnit, why couldn’t I be in more shape? Kyoshi cursed to herself. She tried to anchor one of her arms down, before risking reaching down to grab Rangi. Just hold on, I’ll get us out of this!
Kyoshi felt the hand that was anchoring them both slip, and she caught herself before they could both fall. She looked down to see Rangi looking right back at her, worry crossing Rangi’s face. 
Before Kyoshi could cull her worry, she witnessed a water whip smacking Rangi directly in the face. So hard that Kyoshi could hear an audible crack over the winds, and Rangi’s grip released off of her.
“Rangi! No!” Kyoshi screamed in horror. 
“Will you just GIVE UP?!”she heard Kirima yell. 
Kyoshi watched in horror as her last remnant of humanity that she had left tumbled and hurled to the ground. She almost dove after her, if not for the water wrapping itself around her and pulled her up to the saddle. 
“Quit screaming! You’re up here now!” she distantly heard a deep male voice, probably Wong, yell. Was she screaming? Why couldn’t she hear it? Why was he so muted? What about Rangi?! She tore away from someone’s grasp and almost flung herself over the saddle, only being held back by more arms and hands. 
Relief and horror welled up into her chest, when a familiar voice pierced through the fog in her hearing. 
“Don’t think you can run from me, Kyoshi! I’m going to get you if it’s the last thing I do, I swear!” Something shattered inside Kyoshi as she heard her friend’s declaration.
“Wherever you go, I go!” Was the last thing Kyoshi heard, before they got too far away. And it was a promise that both terrified and comforted Kyoshi. 
“Ok, kid, it’s time you explain yourself!” Kirima yelled over the wind at Kyoshi.
Kyoshi barely heard her, her mind was still on Rangi. “Ok.” Was all she could muster as she sat there with her head in her hands. 
“What in the spirits did you do to piss off your ex?” Kirima asked.
Ex, huh? Kyoshi’s heart panged. She didn’t want to think of Rangi as her ex-friend, or her ex-anything. She couldn’t believe Jianzhu got to her. No. She should’ve expected it, considering she left Rangi behind. It was her fault, she caused the anguish in Rangi’s voice. “I don’t know!” Was all she could strangle out, as she wasn’t sure what Rangi knew, or what Jianzhu told her. 
Kirima rolled her eyes, and threw her hands up in the air. “A jilted lover is angry at their fool, and the fool just doesn’t know why!” Her voice dripped with sarcasm at the end. “Typical!”
Kyoshi blinked, and then lifted her head from her hands to finally look at Kirima. She was beyond confused. “Lover? W-what? Who?” I thought we were talking about Rangi. “I’m sorry, what are we talking about?”
For the short time Kyoshi had known the Flying Opera Company, which wasn’t very long, maybe about thirty or fifty minutes; she didn’t think it was possible for the waterbending woman to get….angry. She acted like she was too cool for anything, and valued amusement over other emotions. But here she stood in front of Kyoshi, red faced and vein bulging. 
The majority of the male members of the team looked like they were cowering in the corner. This must not have been a normal occurrence, but it was definitely a feared one.
“You, and that psychopath that was chasing us!” Kirima threw a finger at the open air, in the direction of Chameleon Bay, implying Rangi. 
Kyoshi stood up, she wasn’t going to let anyone talk about her friend like that! “She’s not a psychopath! She’s….she’s….. She’s just passionate! She’s very driven!” And angry. But everyone got angry, Kirima didn’t need to be mean and single Rangi out.
Kirima rolled her eyes. “Oh yeah, real passionate! La’s fins! Why did we have to get caught up in some lovers’ tiff?” She started massaging her temples.
There it was again, that word. Kyoshi was about to ask again before her eyes widened in realization. She’d finally connected the dots. Her face started to heat up as she spluttered out her next words. “Wa-wait! Lovers?! Y-you don’t mean-Rangi and I- Oh no you’re mistaken! We’re friends! J-just friends!”
Kirima shot her an ‘are you kidding me?’ look that could rival Rangi’s. “Yeah I’m not buying that bull pig of an excuse. I know what a jilted lover looks like, that-” she pointed again for emphasis, “-was a jilted lover.”
If Kyoshi’s face wasn’t the color of a red fire lily, then it was now. She clamped a hand over her chest, afraid that her heart might spill out of it, like a bottle overflowing. She’d done such a good job keeping those feelings she had for Rangi locked away, she couldn’t have that forbidden bottle spilling out now. Not with everything that was going on.
“N-no! That’s not wha- W-we’re not-” Kyoshi tried to find the words, but her eyes were spinning.
Kirima put her hand up. “Ah ah! I don’t want to hear any more lies and excuses. I’m not the type to give you grief over who you love.” She pointed her thumb at the boys behind her. “And these idiots won’t either if I have anything to say about it!”
The guys shook their heads in unison, Kyoshi wasn’t sure if it was because they believed the same as Kirima…. Or they just feared her wrath. 
Kyoshi, tired, sat down and resumed her position from the start of the conversation, with her head in hands. They just aren’t listening! Rangi wouldn’t like someone like me, not like that! If Kyoshi had known that was a possibility, there was a good chance she might’ve made some kind of move in the past. Who am I kidding? No I wouldn't've, I’m too pig chicken-wait that’s not the issue!
Kyoshi took a deep breath, it didn’t seem like they were going to take ‘no’ for an answer. It wasn’t like she was going to be able to face Rangi again, not with what she had planned for Jianzhu. It wasn’t something she wanted to think about at that moment, but there was a very good chance she was going to have to let Rangi go for good.  
And if she did….well…. She might as well support the lie, if it’d get them off her back at the very least.
She let out a long sigh before speaking. “Fine. You got me.” Was all she could admit, she wasn’t about to say words she wanted to speak to the wrong people. Those were meant for Rangi only.
“Finally!” Kirima threw her hands in the air.
“Ugh, why would someone so gorgeous like someone like you?” Lek groaned. Wong promptly smacked him upside the head. 
“Why in the spirits is your ex after you? I thought it was your boss.” Wong questioned. 
Kyoshi bit her lip, great now she needed to weave the lie into the truth. “He is, Rangi is unrelated….in a sense.”
“Let me guess: You left her behind because you didn’t want her to get caught in the crossfire?” Kirima offered.
Well if anyone was going to come up with a convincing lie for Kyoshi for free, she might as well take it. “Yeah, that’s basically it.”
“But that girl is tougher than marble, you sure you don’t want her along? Full offense, you kinda suck.” Lek smirked at her. Kyoshi and the boy had gotten off on the wrong foot, and it looked like it was going to remain that way. But at this moment, she couldn’t help but agree with him. She wished she could’ve brought Rangi along.  
Kyoshi cursed to herself, that’s what she gets for accepting a lie without thinking of a follow up. “She wouldn’t side with me if she knew what was going on.” Kyoshi looked down dejected, the truth was better in this situation, but it still hurt. “He’s a very convincing liar.”
Something in Kyoshi’s tone made the rest of the group go quiet. The heaviness hung thickly in the air, as the older members weighed how to continue the conversation. But all that was cut short by Lek’s holler of excitement. 
“Oh, who cares?” he yelled, as he jumped over the saddle to take up Pengpeng’s reins.
“‘Who cares’? Uh, we do Lek! We need to know what's-” Kirima tried to chide him.
“It’s just some old, rich guy, and an angry ex-girlfriend! Nothing we can’t handle!” 
“Lek, listen, you didn’t see this girl-” Kirima waved her arms a bit frantically. Had the encounter with Rangi really shaken her up that badly? Kyoshi tried to see Rangi from Kirima’s perspective, but failed. To her, it was just normal Rangi. Albeit, a little angrier than usual. 
“Does she have a flying bison?” he countered. Kirima just blinked in response. “Cause she doesn’t look like she has a flying bison!”
Kyoshi realized his thought process, “I don’t think she really needs one-”
“What are you talking about? There’s no way she or anyone else can catch up to us without one!” He had a gleam in his eye that grew shinier each time a bison was mentioned. “So let’s not worry about that and focus on the good!”
Lek clapped his hands together and then threw a fist up in the air. “The Flying Opera Company is back in action!”
Kyoshi slowly stumbled back to where they laid camp a few hours before. It was near a dried up creek in the middle of nowhere. They had flown until they felt like it would’ve taken anyone at least a day via ostrich horse to catch up to them.
Wong had tried to start a fire, but failed and they all gave up entirely. With no fire, and little food, the majority had decided it was best to call it quits for the night and go to bed. Kyoshi, however, had decided to meet the one member of the group that’d yet to go to bed, Lao Ge. 
Or as she confronted him: Tieguai the Immortal and the Assassin. She’d asked for him to become her Sifu, teaching her in the arts of becoming a killer. Just one step closer to bringing her revenge upon Jianzhu. After learning her first lesson from him, she’d decided to head back to camp.
And that’s how she got into this predicament. With no fire, or at least embers, she was having difficulty navigating the forest to the camp. If only she knew how to firebend. Has there ever been an Avatar that sucked at bending all four elements? She wondered to herself.  
Unease was beginning to take rest in her bones. Alone in the woods, with a known assassin running around. Oh, and spirits forbid Rangi or Jianzhu find me. No, that wasn’t a recipe for disaster in the slightest. 
She braced herself with each snapping of twigs she heard, thinking she was going to be tackled or stabbed at a moment's notice. But it appeared Lady Luck was on her side for once, because she stumbled within earshot of a snoring flying bison. 
It wasn’t long until she found the campsite, and everything was as it was when she left. She approached Pengpeng, looking for a spot on her fur she could cuddle up to that wasn’t near another daofei member or Pengpeng’s mouth. 
She found a spot near the tail, but hesitated to sit down and get nestled in. Images of the day flashed through her mind, specifically of when she tried and failed to pull both Rangi and her up.
Gritting her teeth, she walked away from Pengpeng to a nearby clearing, and started doing push-ups. 
Damnit, I need to get stronger! She gritted her teeth harder as she slowly lowered herself down and up, letting herself fall into the mind numbing repetition. She kept going until the moon faded in the sky, a point where night and day met and collided, and exhaustion finally took hold of her. 
A/N: Kyoshi: She’s mad at me! ;w; No! 
Wong/Kirima/Most people: Mad??? MAD??? She looks like murder incarnate tf you mean “mad”? 
Lek: Ok but I’m with the idiot, she do be hot. 
There’s like 3 different perspectives on Rangi going on at once I dunno I think it’s funny.
I’m not sure if I’ll be doing a lot of “a part of a prev chapter but from this person’s perspective” but I felt this one was important. *proceeds to maybe plan the next two chapters in a similar fashion* Hmmmmm mmmhmmmm. Well we’ll see how this plays out fljaskfjla
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cassicaendra · 8 months
Official name: Unexpected
Only here on En here. From author personally.
There are five days left before the start of school..
He could fool around, watch TV, play with your sister.. Yes, all this has already been redone, and Himawari just left to look for a suitable teacher who crossed paths with the Hyuga clan, who will be able to unlock her potential.
And this means that almost the whole family will not be there, and Boruto flatly refused to go.
And, frankly, he regretted that he had quarreled with his father again.
It's important for their family.
"So what should I do now? Sarada, I think, is already busy, so she hasn't answered since morning.. Does Mitsuki use gadgets at all? I hardly found a kettle at their house! And the numbers in any case, no .."
Boruto lazily stretched.. There wasn't much choice left.
-.. "THE MARTIAL ARTS CENTER IS CLOSED FOR REPAIRS"? Until the fifteenth?! Came the second time called..
He wouldn't even have realized who bumped into him at the same second if only one person hadn't called him like that..
..And of course, both of them rumbled right into a nearby grocery cart.
Menma jumped up, offering his hand. He looked like a disheveled, oddly enough, imp.
Boruto got up on his own, dusted himself off, and later noticed the chase.. He did not think anymore, but rushed after the topic.
As it turned out, Uzumaki was not the only one who could jump on roofs.
Uchiha-Uzumaki only grunted contentedly in the jump, catching up.
It looked like they were about to break away from the chase, and Menma was quite stretched in a smile...
...It turned out that he did it early, slipping on the tiles of someone else's very decent house. Someone's curious head popped out..
- What's interesting there?
- It's nothing Mom! - There was a hasty rattling of a spoon.
- Well, stand there, you little weasel!
Hearing a familiar voice after these two, Boruto had no difficulty guessing who Menma's pursuers were.
- Iruka, Kakashi-sensei, I have nothing to do with it!
- Then why are we running? - Hatake didn't seem tired of the chase at all. He just stared menacingly.
And here's Iruka.. Give me from above to catch my breath in this world, and not the other..(No wonder Kakashi called him an old man not so long ago)
- Why did you freeze, you knocked over the cart with me!
They took off again, sometimes overtaking each other, then running together.
- Actually, because of you!
- I didn't ask you to help me! You could have just disappeared! - And stuck out his tongue, turning into the already familiar street. To guess where exactly, it was not difficult ..
A second of delay... They catch both of them.
- I didn't expect your participation, Boruto. - Kakashi remarks with a bit of disappointment.
- Just like his father. And since he's not here, let's figure out the older sister, plowing for the benefit of the family of the second prankster. Aren't you ashamed? She's trying. Iruka continues.
Menma only tries to escape, which also ends unsuccessfully.
Boruto is still trying to prove that he was not involved in this. However, he is unlikely to be believed, he did it himself..
Ninja quickly get to the residence of the first, gallantly knocking.
- Kumiko-san, you're already home, aren't you? Your parodying offspring?
The door was unlocked. Other pairs of shoes appeared... That was the first thing Kakashi noticed. Alerted..
The water was running in the bathroom. Perhaps a polite thief? Although judging by the calmness..
A girl, barely dressed, appeared from the corridor.
- Menma, what have you done again?! And you're in league with him, as soon as you were left unattended? Don't you feel sorry for the heads?!
They were immediately pulled by the ears, scolded, and only then asked..
- What did these guys do? Not a robbery, I hope, or worse?
-K-Kumiko-sama, nothing too serious..
Iruka exchanged glances with Kakashi. They mentally said, "they will be punished even worse if we don't come up with something else," and changed their faces, building benevolent mentors.
- Let them fix what they've done. They painted the Hokage here, and ran away! Do you have a couple of buckets and rags? One for each, and let them drag themselves to wash through the whole block, to the former shine. - Umino came up with it quickly. - And here's what to do with the cart..
- What happened to the cart? Hijacking? Ruin?
- Rather the second. Unfortunately, you will have to deal with this, and we will.. We'll make sure they get there. They are already waiting for you on the square in front of the MAC.
- A...
- Martial Arts Center. You are similar to your brother, they will find out.
- I hear it again, only when I have to pay..
Mikoto wanted to say a few words to the instigator.. But he was already on the street, quickly turning around, but still taking buckets.
Boruto, if possible, began to be rightly indignant..
- Shut up, huh? Just help me not to carry these rags on myself. Otherwise I'll call Mitsuki, he's like a saint with you. He doesn't yell, he doesn't pretend to be stupid, he doesn't want to become a Hokage. - Menma snorted.
- What are these criteria, dobe!? I'm not stupid in any way and I'm not yelling. And in general, say thank you for helping.
- Fuck you. Follow me to the mountain, let's see how you concentrate the chakra! Maybe we can peel off your dad's face.. Or maybe he will come and admire the under-eyes, let him study fatherhood!
Uchiha-Uzumaki turned around. The eyebrow arched, the eyes narrowed..
- Did he leave yours for himself too?
- Yeah. But no one taught him to be a father. And yours is still trying, well, what can you do when you got married out of debt.
- YES, YOU FU....
For such words, Bo got really angry, starting to beat with rags, and Menma ran away.
However, running around with buckets is still a "pleasure".
In the meantime, one person was looking after them. And he was only upset.
- And who was chosen to be a jinchuriki..
..Menma listened. My insides ached - "you're missing, you're missing!", but there was nothing dangerous, except for the gloomy elderly caretaker of the pedestal.
- Why else can't we pass? The copying ninja together with the teacher sent us to wash our faces! Let's skip it, we won't fall down like some kind of youngsters!
- Why wash them?
She looked at them. At first with indifference.. Then her eyebrows arched in surprise, looking in the direction of the monuments..
- If you can walk on vertical surfaces, I will be glad not to look for equipment. You painted it yourself, and wash it yourself. It's not for an old woman to do this.
- We can. Give me the rags, Bo, you're out of breath like a locomotive!
Only when they had already descended (not without difficulty and possible slip) did the black-haired man not give the rag to a fellow in misfortune.
- Get down from here and go. You can say that I kicked you out, they'll take your word for it.
Uzumaki looked at him for a minute.. Then down..
...And flew back to the city. A couple of abrasions, of course, will remain, but..
"Is he really not as biting as he likes to show himself? Ugh, like Uncle Sasuke.. Maybe there is something good in you, little devil.."
He bought chips, mojito on the way.. And he went to Sarada's house. He can't sit alone, can he?
...When he heard the scream, he went to its source.
- Are you guys okay? Do you close the doors at all or do you like the guests so much?
Looked into the house..
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omgkalyppso · 1 year
There's been a viral post about the best anime openings making rounds on the bird site and I wanted to share my favorites. So, here's a top 10 anime openings list except it's obvious I only really watch mainstream anime. After determining ten I liked best, without repeat series, I considered things like how recognizable they were, how catchy I found the song, whether it fit the tone of the series, and how engaging the animations were.
General warnings for flashing images, volume, blood, skeleton (Ainz Ooal Gown from Overlord), body horror (Ryuk from Death Note).
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10. Demon Slayer. It's not old enough to be nostalgic to me, I think that's mostly why I'd rank it so low. I have the song on a playlist and hear it more often than some of the others higher on the list. The colors are fun and the opening was a huge reason I was excited to see where the series would be going after the first episode.
9. A lot of people had different Sailor Moon openings as their favorite. I picked the one I had the most fondness for, and yeah, it was in English. I was five years old when my Sailor Moon interest first started. My cellphone ringtone is the song from her locket. I love the split reflection with playful Sailor Moon and wistful Serena / Usagi.
8. I always found Naruto's fourth opening, Fighting Dreamers Go!!! a lot of fun. Many anime have openings where you spend time staring at still images of the characters, and I felt like the scroll-art-look was a really good way of doing this without long static.
7. Cowboy Bebop's first opening Tank! is one I've seen parodied at least twice, and you know what they say about the highest form of compliments. It's iconic, but isn't of a style that I personally would have stuck on my head.
6. What's up, people?! took me by surprise when the homemade subs of Death Note finally came around years ago. The song was bright and loud and dramatic, and similar in style to my emo / screamo style of the time. Still a favorite, almost made top 5.
5. History Maker was another opening that was really part of the hook of the first episode for me, the first few minutes. I'm a huge fan of how figure skating was animated in Yuri!!! on Ice and I feel like this opening meant a lot to the people who were passionate about it when it came out. Deserved.
4. Indulgent of me to rank Overlord's third opening Voracity so high but it's my list, lol. I have this song on a playlist too, and I love the beat of it a lot. The dysfunctional macabre absurdity is up my alley.
3. The colors, the animation, the heart of BLOODY STREAM (pun intended) are so good. I love it.
2. Everyone knows the Pokemon Theme Song. In my experience, even children who were started on later seasons of pokemon are so familiar with this opening. It's fun, it invites you into the world. It's done everything it's ever needed to do, and done those things well.
Unparalleled. A Cruel Angel's Thesis ("Zankoku na tenshi no tēze) is another song I have on a playlist. A gorgeous piece of music and art; and the opening is maybe just as much a non sequitur for the anime as its many endings are to itself. Lol. NGE is dear to me, and the opening is accessible to new and old audiences. Meme'd even by those who might never want to pick it up.
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fluffyotters · 2 years
My favorite animes list
My favorite animes that i’’ve finished/plan to that don’t include the big ones (Bleach, Naruto, Dragonball, One Piece, etc which haven’t ever really appealed to me)
1. Yugioh Original and all series including Zexal, Vrains, and Sevens.
The true classic anime and I absolutely love all the protaganists, Also everything will be solved by awesome card duels. 
2. Gurren Lagann
My first non yugioh anime that wasn’t a Ghibli movie. Absolutely incredible. Kamina is one of the most inspirational people and so is Simon
3. Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, Saint Seiya the Lost Canvass, Saint Seiya Knights of the Zodiac,
Warrior Astrological saints fighting the gods? Yes please.  Also I love all the spin offs and Omega and the new Kotz are wonderful and unfairly hated on. 
4. Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures
Its in the title. Each different Jojo is wonderful and unique and they’re all amazing and this stuff is just wild. 
5. Tiger and Bunny
I think the first modern superhero anime that lead to My Hero Academy and Such. I absolutely love Kotetsu and Barnaby’s becoming partners and also the being a hero versus hero celebrity and advertisement capitalism. 
6. My Hero Academy
I love superheroes and powered people and them wanting to be a hero. Kirishima and Izuku are absolutely incredible and Kirishima is just one of the greatest inspirational characters ever. 
7. Fire Force
Fire powers, cults, religion, the threat of people spontaneously going infernal and bursting into flames, heroism, it is just one of the best things I’ve ever seen. 
The only thing that really keeps it from being a great on the level of masterpiece (which it is in literally everything else) is the sheer female “fanservice” cringe. A lot of anime tend to do have at least some to appeal to the more perverted folk but Fire force has some of the worst I’ve ever seen which is saying something, Not on the levels of Bastard!! (I’m amazed that was something that was ever printed in a general audience let alone recently animated) or Enemy Combatants will be dispatched but definitely up there which is honestly really disappointing since Fire Force is not that type of story. 
On the other hand the male fanservice is glorious. 
8. Sk8 to Infinity
Skateboarding and Love. Reiki and Langa are Love as are Joe and Cherry. Adam is also one of the coolest most theatrical messed up people.
9. Love After World Domination
Super sentai parody. Just think power rangers except less focused on the battles because Red Gelato and Reaper Princess are on opposing teams and just doing a secret relationship. It is completely ridiculous, awesome, and so adorable I’m just screaming. I wish there was more and even could do complete anime original material I wish for because even the set up is something you can make multiple entire seasons worth . 
10. Tomodachi Game
Yuuichi is something else. It’s all a friend game which is more important friends or money and the twists keep coming. He’s one of the scariest protaginist “hero’s” i’ve ever seen that were actually the (more or less) good guy mains. 
11. Kaguya-Sama: Love is War
Also one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. Both adorable and I want to also friendly choke the life out of them too to get them to admit because they’re all so adorably stupid smart people and just Shirogane and Shinomiya circling around totally in love and trying to make the other admit it. Also the narrator is just  glorious funny as heck and the openings are incredible lol.
12. Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Saiki is God. Utterly amazing one of the funniest greatest animes haha breaks the fourth walls, sheer comedic brilliance, incredible characters, Saiki’s logical going under things, and being complete tsundere in the actual way of how much he loves his friends lol. 
13. One Punch Man
It’s One Punch Man. Utterly hilarious and funny and just awesome characters and how one can still have an awesome story when Saitama can one punch everything except for like the final boss which doesn’t last two and be victorious. His power is so phenomenal he has to be nerfed by his complete oblivious apathy for well obvious reasons. People need to stop ranking power levels that involve Saitama though: there is no scale he either always wins in his universe or would probably get his butt kicked in other universe if he doesn’t have his one punch. It just doesn’t work. 
14. Kuroko no Basketball
The sports anime. Basketball with essentially superpowers in awesome ways but still played realistically. Everyone is incredible!
15. Hinomaru Sumo
I never thought I would be interested in Sumo until this. I’m not into sports in real life anyways but these animes are incredible. And Hinomaru Sumo is just supremely underrated also one of the best things I’ve ever seen. Tradition, Honor, Spirit, as well as differing body types and incredible characters. Gojo Yuma’s genuine repentance arc is also one of the best things i’ve ever seen and probably only just below Zuko the Avatar’s being on a smaller scale but he actually repents and atones and actually apologizes and works on himself which is rare. Lots of life lessons and characters, in addition to wrestling and it was just wow!
16. Kengan Ashura
Martial Arts, incredible bodies, and awesome characters!
17. Baki 
Same though Kengan Ashura is more realistic power based.
18. How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom
A political anime that was a good brevity of realpolitik while also being really enjoyable where its politics but wouldn’t get too stuck on it either. Of course some things would be a lot harder to get done realistically. It turns the normal hero from another world trope on its head and instead brought a leader who isn’t a fighter but a thinker and capable ruler. This is the ideal ruler and wow if only all politicians and leaders could work with such honor and integrity but he’s also not blind to those who don’t and outmanuevers them. It’s just so good!
19. Sword Art Online
Love it or hate it, deeply influential and fantastic. I love Kirito, Klein, Asuna and everyone. 
20. HunterXHunter
One of the greatest series of all time. When you think about it the world is utterly horrifying truly but it’s cool ad wacky and utterly amazing characters. 
21. Vinland Saga
OH my gosh my newest anime and one of the best things i’ve ever seen. Truly a masterpiece in every way, even before Part 2 comes out. It just has freaking everything: deep philosophy, religion, battles, politics, love, vikings, etc. Askeladd is one of the smartest, most ruthless, but most weirdly relatable villains ever, Thorfinn is how you do an angry feral blonde seeking revenge for the death of his father but also then starts to see Askeladd as his father figure etc, the sheer character developement that will go on in Prince Canute etc. 
22. Jujitsu Kaisen
Magic and Martial arts, and demon spirits. Yuji is adorable and I love everyone!
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captainadwen · 9 months
ranking trigun plants by how fucked up I think they are
an ascending order, trigun spoilers ahoy!
Plant Arm Canon Plant
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ok this plant is actually pretty fucked up bc its Knives forcing Vash to transform into plant-canon Vash but honestly i think it looks badass
Hairy Leg Naruto-Looking Plant
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honestly I don't think this is meant to be a plant-plant as much as a parody of a plant, or maybe just someone's really fucked up human centipede nightmare? it gets kudos for the legs being hairy but the crying face with the ribbon kinda makes it fucked up
now onto the real messed up babes
The Knives Birthing Plant
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I fucking hate this plant makes me feel all kinds of absolutely disgusted so I'm actually breaking it into two separate entries. this one is less fucked up due to being just purely body horror like
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tf is this shot supposed to be i HATE IT how did he emerge fully formed from her huge ass stomach also due to this and the canonical tristamp plantpreg plotpoint i conclude the weird orb the plants hug is actually their abdoment/womb
Intro Plant
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can you believe that (Vash aside) this is the first plant we see in Trigun??? this fucked up thing??? why the hell are there rotisserie chicken babies coming out of her neck and connect to a second body??? and you think that shots bad enough but then it EXPANDS
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notably there is no weird abdomen here this plant is not preganante
Wide Shot on the Knives Birthing Plant
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where do i fucking begin. at least the butt organ is just coming from the rotisserie baby neck???? huge ass womb gibes me nightmares why is it an ORB i hate it SO MUCH
thank u for coming to my tedtalk i'll return with trimax whenever im done reading it
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