#The Demeter Campaign
Entry #012.3v2.(fennion).uncompressed.
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--The Second Company, Part 4 of 9 5 9-- +Header Item: Pict-Capture, Sergeant Harmik Fennion, retrieved from archived sensor-capts, Avaricum Tercius, Demeter Campaign, approx. 963.M41. The Departmento Photartem formally apologises for hue losses and degradation encountered during processing.+
Continuing this entry on, and I quote "names that should be known" (??) within the Iron Fists' Second Company, we come to Harmik Fennion. Chapter readiness records, as delightfully reliable as they are, suggest that Fennion was the sergeant of the seventh squad, second company, from 932.M41 at the latest. This is according to a few cross-referenced accounts of the Emerigo campaign, in which Fennion is described as:
"a proud graduate of the Gygar Octavian School of Unsubtle Grox-Headedness" by one Ensign Ebosan, and
"...adequate..." by the aforementioned Sergeant Gygar Octavian himself.
Despite this...ringing endorsement by his peers, Fennion seems to have enjoyed a fairly successful career as far as space marine sergeants go. His squad attained consistently high kill rates, relatively few casualties, and battle commendations across Demeter, Poros and a number of other campaigns. However, a few noted statements in his log stand out as unusual, and detail explicit rejection of bionics, in apparent confliction with the chapter's general adherence to the teachings of Ferrus Manus. This appears to have even gone so far as to merit him an official warning from Company Command for "deliberately slowing tactical replenishment rates". Odd. What is also odd is that the best-quality pict-capt I could find of Fennion depicts him wielding a power sword of a pattern that is generally not seen outside the armouries of the Ordo Malleus. I;ve asked Yandin about the sword, and he has refused to comment.
+Supplementary Log, Cosrau Yandin, Captain, 7th Company Iron Fists+
"Fennion was...well, you couldn't have asked for a better sergeant, in my books. The line between mechanical obedience and radical initiative is a hard one to walk, especially as a sergeant, but he managed it, and managed it well. He never cut corners, never took shortcuts, but always managed to find little ways of improving things. For example, I remember him wrapping ammunition belts around his wrist rather than using magazines, because 'the burst rate never quire lines up right with the clip capacity.'" "By the time he took me into the seventh squad, his reputation for clean efficiency was known well outside the Second Company. It was a reputation that got him places, no doubt about that. Fennion's reputation put him alongside First Captain Aurastra, when we charged at a Shadowsword on Avaricum Tercius. Fennion's reputation also put him on the plainwards flank of Verchen's rearguard during the siege of Taralus. It put him against two score Kakophoni noise marines of the third legion. It put him in his grave, that day...."
+End log.+ +Addendum. I refuse to comment on Fennion's sword. -Y.+
Throne knows I try, Hester Vinchix Calimorre, Historiographer-Moderatus, Logos Historica Verita.
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rennybu · 1 year
Loam Thursday... Loam Thursday!!
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Loam thursday...... mindfulness and relaxation be upon you
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jalira-is-bae · 1 year
From our first session of the Campaign.
As the sun beat down on Proteus and his horse, the golden fields of wheat seemed to stretch on endlessly before him. The gentle sway of the stalks and the soft rustle of leaves from the grape vines that lined the hills should have been a comforting sound, but they only added to his unease.
He urged his horse forward, his keen eyes scanning the empty fields for any sign of life. The once-thriving farmland now lay barren and deserted. Even the town greeter, who was usually the first to welcome visitors to the city, was nowhere to be seen.
Proteus frowned, his hand instinctively resting on the hilt of his sword. The people of this town were deeply religious and followed the rituals of Demeter with great reverence. But without the priest to lead them, they were lost.
As he rode towards the front gate, a single guard watched him wearily. The man's eyes darted nervously around, the tension in the air palpable.
"Where is everyone?" Proteus asked, dismounting from his horse.
The guard shook his head. "They're still in the city or at their homes on the outskirts. We haven't heard from the priest if the gods have deemed it time to harvest."
Proteus nodded gravely, understanding the gravity of the situation. To harvest without the approval of the gods could bring down curses and bad luck on the entire town. They needed to wait for the will of the gods.
But as he looked out at the empty fields, he knew that they couldn't wait forever. The crops were ripe and ready to be harvested, and the people needed the food to survive the coming winter.
Proteus took a deep breath and made a decision. He would find the priest of Demeter and bring him back to the town. They needed him to call for the harvests and ensure that the people were safe from the wrath of the gods.
With his sword at his side and his horse at his back, Proteus set out on a quest to find the missing priest. The road ahead was uncertain, but he was determined to fulfill his duty for the honor of Demeter and the safety of the people.
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genericpuff · 4 months
Honestly it’s getting tiring seeing the sobbing chronically of the cast ; Hera , Demeter, Persephone and probably more . Like it’s giving big baby cry cry energy instead of idk something proactive. Not sure if It’s just me getting that from the latest chapters???
I have two schools of thought on this.
On the one hand, I can fully understand wanting to show the vulnerability of these characters, to not send a message that emotions are bad and that people should just "toughen up". This is trying to be a "feminist" piece of work after all, and much of feminism preaches vulnerability and empathy and allowing oneself to get back in touch with their own emotions, rather than shutting themselves away from them which is often perpetuated by the societal expectations and norms of toxic masculinity.
Persephone crying as she confronts Apollo - the man who she now understands assaulted her - is understandable and real. A reasonable reaction to an emotional situation that many people can empathize with.
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Hera crying as she reveals the true extent of the damage Kronos caused her is understandable and real. He's quite literally been stalking her in the recesses of her mind and it's reaching a breaking point.
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But on the other hand, there's a difference between wanting to show a character showing their emotions and then learning to overcome the challenges they've presented with - whether they do it independently or learn to trust in others to help them - thus growing in the process and coming out stronger on the other side vs. using a character purely for torture porn. As much as we preach concepts like "normalize crying" in a very simplified way for the sake of being easily understood, such simplifications often result in a lack of nuance.
An entirely other subject to use as a comparison point to explain this nuance - it's like the difference between having a character who's become so jaded and disconnected from the concept of empathy that even murder becomes just a menial task to them vs. murderhobos. Murderhobos are not interesting or complex or empathetic or relatable, they're just written (and in the case of where the term comes from - Dungeons & Dragons - played) for the sole purpose of having an edgy uncaring character who thinks they're free from consequences while they fuck up the lives of everyone around them in a completely irredeemable way (and is often protected from such consequences due to plot armor, unless it's in D&D, in which case you'll likely be politely asked to either change your character for the sake of the campaign or leave.)
There's nothing to gain or learn from murderhobos. They only exist for the satisfaction of an ego complex - "I don't care what you want or how it affects the people around me, I want to kill people without consequences because that's as creative as my imagination can get in my own personal fantasy."
There's nothing to gain or grow from anymore when we get another scene of Hera bleeding mascara as she cries over her situation with Kronos while still refusing to actually tell anyone what's going on with Kronos, despite the fact that we had an entire fucking therapy speak episode where she realized she needed help. So it feels like it's purely there just to play on the trope of "sad woman is saaaad, won't anyone help herrrr?" which is really starting to learn into learned helplessness.
This is especially apparent with Persephone, who, upon causing a massive problem for everyone, has taken it upon herself to shut herself away while her loved ones deal with the problem. If she needs the time to cry and process what's going on, that's fine. But while that's happening, we know mortals are dying and that she's turning the situation into a learned helplessness pity party of "I'm a monsterrr and no one likes meeee :((((" while having zero self-awareness that yeah, she did cause this problem, and her locking herself away in her literal mansion isn't exactly going to help the situation.
I've already used Tamberlane as an example of approaching the subject of learned helplessness and how it's fundamentally different from simply being vulnerable and having emotions, but I'm gonna share it again here because it's really relevant and Persephone needs someone to give her this same wake-up call.
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Considering Demeter was the one to approach her at the end of the last episode, I'm hoping she'll be the one to broach the topic with her, but judging by how Rachel's treated it so far with every character reassuring her with empty platitudes that accomplish nothing but comforting Persephone over something she caused like "Noooo you're not a monster, you're the best queen ever and you're trying her best!!" (and the fact that Rachel has spent so much time turning Demeter into public enemy #1 that her readers still can't fucking give her any shred of empathy even after finding out she lost a child, fucking yikes) I'm not holding my breath that this week's episode is gonna actually have that same level of emotional maturity or growth. This is the second time in the entire comic we've seen Persephone suffer the consequences of her actions out of many that have been harmful, some accidental, others very intentional (which Rachel has even supported her doing in a very unironic sense, it's safe to say Rachel really truly does believe that Persephone is entitled to abuse people). And judging by how things went the first time, it's hard to have the benefit of the doubt and assume Persephone is gonna actually take accountability and learn and grow from this. She didn't the last time and her character has only devolved since.
Sure, feeling like you've fucked up to such a monumental degree that you'll never be able to show your face in public again is something that's real and relatable and worth crying over... but crying is an emotional response, not the actual solution. It is a PART of expressing and processing emotions, but ultimately those emotions are not actions, just REactions. Crying is okay, crying is a normal response to grief and sadness, but if you don't actually take steps forward and continue to wallow in the sadness, blame everyone else around you for it, and simultaneously rely on everyone else to carry the burden of your own actions for you, then that's when it exits the realm of healthy emotional processing and broaches the unhealthy realm of learned helplessness and emotional manipulation.
If anything, her entire monologue in the last FP episode was more about Rachel being upset over criticism of her comic and her self-insert that, like Persephone's deal with Erebus and the "plague" that followed, she earned over not addressing the issues in her work sooner and instead choosing to double down - both through Persephone's abusive behavior within the narrative and Rachel's passive aggressive meta-commentary on that abuse being okay because "she's earned the right to lash out".
The only people in this entire comic who have "earned the right to lash out" are the women that Rachel has villainized along the way in the pursuit of giving her self-insert everything without effort or sacrifice. And even then those people would still have to rightfully answer for their wrongs and grow from them - because there is no right to abuse, there is no right to harming others, especially not if the "others" you're harming are people who were victims in their own right that you turned into imaginary enemies so you could have someone to punch down at in the absence of a spine to stand up for yourself against the real perpetrators. And in doing so, Persephone herself has become a perpetrator, who sheds crocodile tears that no one is buying because the writing is on the fucking wall.
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thetealhummingbird · 2 months
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Here's my lineup of our characters and NPCs from our last dnd campaign! I love them all!!
From left to right: Mal, Val, Tabitha, Luther, Reynard, Malvir, Gabe, Emily, Mordred, Demeter, and Artemis
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re-dracula · 2 years
Our crowdfunding campaign to fund this podcast goes live Oct 1! We’re counting down by sharing teasers of our cast. Here’s a clip of the Captain of the Demeter!
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spicylove4ever · 2 years
Lore Olympus 210. In defense of Hades.
Yes, I'm making comments on Lore Olympus now.
On the recent chapter, what we saw was Demeter's perspective, and her perspective about the matter in the flashback is Hades being a capitalistic jerk. A complete villain to her eyes.
Now let's read this between the lines.
Before this, what were Hades' lines about Demeter?
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Their issues come from a long time. Basically, they didn't like each other ..... ever. He probably thinks she's a tight-ass entitled being.
And now, about her campaign for being the Queen of the Mortal Realm:
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She barely considered him on the whole matter? After these panels, we read she barely sent him gift baskets, as if she was expecting this to be everything she needed to get a vote from someone who she has a tense relationship with.
On her defense, she didn't know there would be any negociations needed, since the other gods don't really care about the mortal realm to begin with so it was fair game as far as she knew. But again, she should have consider checking if everyone was ok. It turned out it wasn't all fair game.
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She tried to trade for the volcanoes whe she found out they were the reason he vote against her having the Mortal Realm.
But Hades wouldn't have it.
In fact, when she tried to bought them, then it was when he got mad.
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What Hades was saying here was that he:
The volcanoes are indeed important to him (for whatever reason). So he can't just trade them.
She actually just gave some gift baskets and some speeches to buy him and the rest of the Six Traitors into crown her the Queen of the Mortal Realm. Most likely, only gift baskets to Hades.
She could have let Hades have the volcanoes if she wanted that much to be queen, but no, she had to have the whole thing.
Hades was indeed pretty much a jerk here, with his too much abrassive words to Demeter and not letting her any opportunity to be queen. He could have said that his price was to leave the volcanoes alone and out of her borders.
But, let's review some facts:
Demeter did really just expect everyone to give her what she wants just like that. Not to mention she didn't even talk to Hades throught the whole process and get him to be on good terms with her could have been crucial to get a vote, and she just overlooked that.
Hades is a King who had to build everything that his kingdom is now, and he had to make sacrifices to be true King of the Underworld. So, someone who just throws some little campaign to crown herself queen could seem to be kind of pathetic and an entitled arrogant being to him.
Hades is literally linked to everything that the Underworld is. And the volcanoes are part of it. Do you guys expect him to just give up those to a goddess who is on bad term with?
Yes, he could have handled this better, but so did her.
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raviliuz · 3 months
Quizzes shitpost
Okay, call me weird but sometimes I like to take silly online quizzes as Slytherin quidditch team. And I wanted to show I'm alive so here we go but with every quiz it gets weirder and more random
Pretty standard, based on the official quiz but with all questions, that's actually how I decided their patronuses
Terence Higgs - Red squirrel
Marcus Flint - Runespore (powerfull)
Cassius Warrington - Dragon (also powerful)
Peregrine Derrick - Tonkinese cat
Lucian Bole - Stoat
Adrian Pucey - Dolphin
Graham Montague - Eagle
Miles Bletchley - Badger
Terence Higgs - ESTP (entrepeneur)
Marcus Flint - INTJ (architect)
Cassius Warrington - ENTP (debater) (that's me btw)
Peregrine Derrick - INFJ (advocate)
Lucian Bole - ESTJ (executive)
Adrian Pucey - ENFP (campaigner)
Graham Montague - ISTP (virtuoso)
Miles Bletchley - ESFJ (consul)
Terence Higgs - Poseidon
Marcus Flint - Zeus
Cassius Warrington - Nemesis (YES)
Peregrine Derrick - Hephastos
Lucian Bole - Nike
Adrian Pucey - Aphrodite (I really like it with Adrian self-esteem issues)
Graham Montague - Ares
Miles Bletchley - Demeter
Terence Higgs - Rock
Marcus Flint - Poison
Cassius Warrington - Fighting (1/2 fighting brothers)
Peregrine Derrick - Bug
Lucian Bole - Rock
Adrian Pucey - Steel
Graham Montague - Fighting (2/2 fighting brothers)
Miles Bletchley - Dragon (powerful)
EMO SONG (yes, that's the level of randomness I was talking about)
(guess what type of music I listen to)
Terence Higgs - Thnks fr th mmrs FOB
Marcus Flint - Welcome to the black parade MCR
Cassius Warrington - Misery business Paramore
Peregrine Derrick - Thnks fr th mmrs FOB
Lucian Bole - Teenagers MCR
Adrian Pucey - Nine in the afternoon P!ATD
Graham Montague - Welcome to the black parade MCR
Miles Bletchley - I don't care FOB (that's such a good fit)
Yeah, that's all. Life update, I'm studying psychology, it's awesome, life's pretty awesome overall. I passed all my exams first try, I got into great relationship. I genuinely want to go back to uni now as I have my winter break
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missdurianne · 9 months
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some middle school au's for the eberron campaign im in...
generic modern fantasy, percy jackson, and digimon. things under the cut that are basically just for me and my space
in generic modern fantasy au marjory, leofwine, and lucky would absolutely have sleepovers for some shitty romance drama
camp halfblood au... marjory (athena), nico (poseidon or ares), leofwine (aphrodite?), deirbhile (hermes), luckypants (demeter), oisin (athena?)
digimon au.... leofwine (dracmon vampire times. they would get along well because I think dracmon could handle leofwines personality well), marjory (gatomon, they both have the same energy also just femme things), nico (betamon. seadramon must i say more), luckypants (palmon, friendly plant that does many gender)
leofwine is @mr-sharpie's nico is @nejinrou's
deirbhile is @a-rt-j's
oisin is @lesbianesques's
luckypants is @oleandy
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prince-jelli-fish · 8 months
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d&d lineup and deaths
the two on the left are the player characters, the rest are my npcs
from left to right
Mallory (belongs to @dr-feline)
Vallorie (belongs to @thetealhummingbird)
this was a horror campaign so the fact that three of the main npcs survived was quite a success
edit: whoops slipped up and mixed up who the player characters belong to my bad
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fun little dnd character idea for systems or people who just wanna play ALL their ocs in one campaign
a puppet body wearing a magic orb necklace with [insert number of people playing the character] trapped inside like the necklace is a demeted dreamcatcher but with souls.
each person stuck in the orb can be a different character, have different backstories, different stories for how they got stuck/sucked into the orb.
the person playing at the current moment (in the session)'s character is the one in control of the puppet body, this can change during the session (swapping to another character taking control of the puppet body)
idk man its been in my head too long and i need to get it out do whatever you want with it go crazy be wild
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rennybu · 1 year
A known trap indeed! Excited for y'all to show up to Demeter so Vences can be all
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Except "precious twink", of course
i have never been more scared or excited for something ever before in my LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you lisa
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thefringespod · 10 months
Happy #AudioDramaSunday! This week was devoted to @TellNoTalesPod because once I started in earnest I couldn't stop. Multiple episodes made me cry at work. And I had to stop episode 10 this morning so I wouldn't cry in front of my family. Its *such* a good show!!!! Tell No Tales also has 2 more days of crowdfunding! They're just over 50%, help them get even closer to their goal before the campaign ends!
We had more logs from the Demeter on @re-dracula this week! Even with how short these entries are, Alasdair Stuart is still finding ways to absolutely wreck me with his delivery
@doyoucopypod episode 3. Yeah. YEAH. I too would flirt with my co-watchtower person but I also wouldn't assume that they were trying to prank me when things start getting scary
@karenonepercent episode 5 fucked me up a little bit and I *do* mean that as a compliment. I am still very worried for Simon. And worried *by* Simon
And of course we had new @ethicstownpod which *also* fucked me up (compliment) I'm going to make a red string board. A digital one. Because this show keeps going to places that make my theory brain buzz
Not a new episode but new exciting news from @chainofbeing ! They're currently dropping the season 2 cast and it looks PHENOMENAL Crowdfunding starts August 13 and it is already in my calendar
@camlannpod was just announced this week coming from the incredible mind of Ella Watts with the incredible talent of @tincanaudio I'm incredibly excited to see what comes from this show and encourage yall to give it a follow!!
In terms of still funding shows, we've got 3 days left for Shelterwood
33 days left for @levianpod
And 18 days left for @innbetween
Next week is promising more Tell No Tales and a return to the Hallowoods once I finish TNT season 1
There are so many amazing shows out there
Physically I can't listen to them all
But you *know* I'm gonna try anyway
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pixoplanet · 10 days
💐 The Fascinating Origin and History of Mother's Day
The Ancient Roots of Honoring Mothers
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Mother’s Day is a holiday we celebrate every year to show our appreciation for the mothers and motherly figures in our lives. But how did Mother’s Day actually come to be? The history of Mother’s Day involves both ancient and modern traditions.
Mother-honoring traditions have deep roots in ancient cultures around the world. Many ancient religions and civilizations revered a mother goddess – a powerful female deity who represented motherhood, fertility, and the life-giving forces of nature.
The Venus of Hohle Fels is the oldest undisputed example of a depiction of a human being and is believed to represent a fertility goddess. The figurine is made of mammoth ivory that was unearthed in 2008 in Hohle Fels, a cave near Schelklingen, Germany, within the Swabian Jura United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site. It’s dated to between 38,000 and 33,000 BCE, which is associated with the earliest presence of Cro-Magnon humans, the first early modern humans, in Europe.
The worship of mother goddesses was still prevalent tens of thousands of years later in Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and other ancient civilizations. Some of the most well-known ancient mother goddess figures include Isis in Egypt, Cybele in Anatolia, Demeter in Greece, and Juno in Rome. 
These mother goddess figures were celebrated through festivals, rituals, and temple worship ceremonies. These events often included pilgrimages and elaborate offerings that honored the sacred role of motherhood in sustaining life and the maternal activities of creation, nourishment, and protection.
Reverence for mother goddesses laid important groundwork for the modern celebrations of Mother's Day and the honoring of mothers in many cultures today. Understanding these ancient origins can provide context and meaning to how we continue to celebrate and appreciate mothers in the present day.
Modern History of the Mother's Day Holiday
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Mother’s Day is unique in that it has a totally feminist history. The idea of Mother’s Day started taking shape in America in 1868 when social activist and leader of a West Virginia women's group Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis created “Mothers’ Friendship Day.”
Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis brought mothers together from both sides of the Civil War to promote peace and reconciliation. She conducted meetings and workshops where mothers discussed health, hygiene, proper care, and welfare of mothers and children.
She also started “Mother's Day Work Clubs” to raise money to buy medicine and provide assistance to poor families who were suffering from high mortality rates due to disease. These clubs were a huge success and soon spread all across the country.
In 1870, Julia Ward Howe wrote the Mother’s Day Proclamation as a mother's response to the American Civil War. Her proclamation called on women to use their positions as mothers to influence society to end all wars. She advocated for women to fight against the unjust violence of war through their roles as mothers and protest the futility of their sons killing other mothers’ sons.
Howe wrote: We will not have great questions decided by irrelevant agencies. Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn all that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy, and patience. We, the women of one country, will be too tender of those of another country to allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs.
In 1905, Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis died. Her daughter, Anna Maria Jarvis held a memorial for her in Grafton, West Virginia which was attended by over 400 people. Anna Maria Jarvis was inspired by her mother's work in organizing women's groups dedicated to social causes to begin working for establishment of an official national day of honor for all mothers.
Anna Maria Jarvis started a letter-writing campaign to prominent political and business figures, urging them to support a national Mother's Day holiday. Her efforts paid off when in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation declaring the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day. This official recognition of Mother's Day made it a US national holiday.
The first official Mother's Day was celebrated in the US on May 9th, 1914. The holiday quickly grew in popularity and has flourished ever since, thanks in no small part to the flower industry. The owners of the Florists Review business journal publicly admitted to their desire to exploit the holiday. Anna Maria Jarvis, on the other hand, vehemently opposed the commercialization of Mother’s Day.
Anna Maria Jarvis’ original intent for Mother’s Day was to honor and appreciate the sacrifices and struggles of mothers and to recognize mothers’ contributions to society and their families.
Anna Maria Jarvis spent the remainder of her life trying to return Mother’s Day to its original, more modest roots. She was arrested for protesting the sale of flowers and even petitioned to prevent the creation of a Mother’s Day postage stamp.
The spirit of Mother’s Day envisioned by Jarvis, although weakened by commercialization, is still definitely alive today in that it remains a symbol of the enduring bond between mothers and their children.
How Mother's Day Became a Global Tradition
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The celebration of Mother’s Day in modern times has spread from the US to other countries, including Canada, Australia, Mexico, and more.
Mother's Day is observed on different dates globally, though the most common date is the second Sunday in May. Italy celebrates Mother’s Day on the first Sunday in May. Other countries like the United Kingdom and Ireland celebrate their version of Mother’s Day, “Mothering Sunday,” on the third Sunday before Easter.
Across the world, Mother's Day traditions often include the giving of cards, flowers, treats. and other gifts. Family gatherings, special meals, and acts of service are also common ways to honor mothers on Mother’s Day. Some countries have unique customs, like Mexico’s Dia de las Madres celebration.
While the specific rituals may differ, the core purpose of Mother's Day in all countries is to recognize and appreciate the vital role that mothers play in our lives and communities.
Honoring Mothers in Modern Times
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While some traditional Mother's Day traditions such as handmade crafts and homemade meals remain popular today, others have evolved to reflect the changing dynamics of family life and societal norms. It’s still celebrated, though, as a day to honor those women who’ve worked so hard and who’ve sacrificed so selflessly to raise us to become decent human beings.
The range of Mother's Day gift ideas is expanding, catering to the diverse interests and needs of modern mothers. From tech-savvy gadgets to personalized jewelry, from self-care products to experiences like cooking classes or travel packages, the number of thoughtful and meaningful gifts is growing exponentially.
Modern Mother's Day celebrations often go beyond traditional gift giving. Many families now plan special outings, such as brunch at a favorite restaurant or a day of pampering at a spa. Other families organize activities like picnics, hikes, game nights, or trips to zoos or museums – all designed to allow mothers to spend quality time with their loved ones.
Animals Have Moms, Too
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It’s undeniable that human moms go above and beyond for their kids, proving that mothers are really one of nature’s most giving and loving creations. But this unconditional love and care is not limited to the human world. We human beings don’t hold the patent on good parenting. The animal kingdom is full of moms who are just amazing! 
While some animal moms neglect their offspring as soon as they lay their eggs, and others may even kill and eat them, there are many animal moms on the other side of the spectrum who go to great lengths to keep their children safe!
Where survival is the biggest challenge right from the start, these animal moms take extraordinary steps to nurture and raise their babies. They feed their young, often at the expense of their own needs, and protect them – with ferocity, if necessary. 
On this Mother's Day, let's explore some of the ways animal mothers nurture and care for their offspring:
1. Protection
One of the most obvious ways that animal moms protect their young is by physically shielding them from harm. This can take many forms, such as huddling together to stay warm in cold weather or by forming a circle around their young to protect them from predators. For instance, herds of elephant moms often form circles around their young to protect them from lions and hyenas. Kangaroo moms carry their vulnerable offspring in their pouches for several months, maintaining uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact. Panda moms constantly cradle their little ones to keep them close, as the cubs are born extremely tiny and fragile.
2. Camouflage
Another way that animal moms protect their young is by using camouflage. Many animals, such as deer and rabbits, have fur coats that blend in with their environment. This helps hide them from predators. In addition to camouflage, some animals, such as birds, squirrels, and apes, build nests high in trees or cliffs, where they’re difficult for predators to reach. 
3. Teaching Them Life Skills
Animal moms teach and train their young to survive in the wild. This includes showing them how to find food and water, how to avoid predators, and how to navigate their environment. For example, lionesses teach their cubs how to hunt by allowing them to play with live captured prey. This helps the cubs develop their hunting skills and also teaches them the importance of teamwork.
4. Scent Markings
Many animals, including big cats like lions and tigers, use scent markings to protect their young. By marking their territory with their scent, they warn other animals to stay away and thus avoid potential conflicts. For example, a female tiger marks her territory with urine. Other tigers can tell by the scent whether she has cubs or not. If she has cubs, the other tigers know to stay away.
5. Relocation
Some animal mothers start to look out for their children even before they arrive. They'll migrate or move to an ideal environment for their children. For instance, salmon and arctic terns often migrate to find the best breeding grounds for their young ones with the fewest predators, cleanest environments, and most abundant food sources. Polar bear moms dig snow dens to protect their cubs from harsh Arctic winds and cold temperatures. 
Here’s a look at five of the world’s many outstanding animal mothers who go the extra mile for their young:
African Elephant
Not only does an African elephant mom give birth to one of the largest babies on earth – about 200 pounds – but she also has to endure a 22-month pregnancy! That deserves an extra special Mother’s Day present from her calves. A new elephant mom gets lots of help in raising her young. Elephants live in matriarchal societies, so other females in her social group help her newborn calf to its feet and show it how to nurse. All of the females join the mother in regularly making affectionate contact with the calf. The older elephants will adjust the pace of the herd so the calf can keep up with them and also help teach the calf where to find edible plants and water. 
Red Fox
A red fox mother dotes on her kits. She cares for them continuously for their first two weeks, relying on her mate to hunt and bring her food. If something happens to him, it makes life hard for her, but she doesn’t abandon them; she takes over the tasks of finding food and raising them alone. Otherwise, both she and her mate raise their young (usually five) together, teaching them hunting and other survival skills. Red foxes are playful parents, taking time to roll around and play with their kits. The father leaves in the fall. The kits leave when they’re six or seven months old, although females sometimes remain with their mother for a year. 
The bond between an orangutan mother and her young is one of the strongest in nature. During the first two years of its life, a young orangutan relies entirely on its mother for both food and transportation. Mom stays with her young for six to seven years, teaching them where to find food, what and how to eat, and how and where to build a sleeping nest. Female orangutans are known to visit their mothers until they reach the age of 15 or 16.
Mother owls go to extraordinary lengths to keep their chicks well-fed. With super vision and super hearing, a mother owl can identify the slightest movement before she swoops down to grab her prey. Able to hear her chicks before they’re even hatched, a mother owl is always listening to her chicks; much like our dear moms.
Polar Bear
Polar bear mothers usually give birth to twin cubs that stick by her for about two years to learn the necessary survival skills in the cold climate. The mothers dig dens into deep snow drifts, creating a space to protect them from the elements. They usually give birth between November and January and keep the cubs warm and healthy using their body heat and milk. The cubs leave the den in March and April to get used to outside temperatures before learning to hunt.
Criticisms of Mother's Day
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While Mother's Day is a widely celebrated holiday honoring mothers and motherhood, it's also faced criticism over the years.
Like many holidays, Mother’s Day isn’t unique in the sense that it suffers from over-commercialization to the point where much of its history has been stripped away.
Over time, the holiday has become increasingly commercialized, with businesses heavily promoting the sale of cards, flowers, gifts, and other products. This commercialization has led to backlash from many people who feel the true meaning of the holiday has been overshadowed by consumerism.
Critics argue that the pressure to buy expensive gifts and participate in elaborate celebrations takes away from the genuine appreciation and recognition of mothers – that we often end up spending more time and effort feeding money into a system that exploits our love for our mothers than actually celebrating them.
Additionally, the holiday has been criticized for excluding or marginalizing certain types of mothers, such as single mothers, adoptive mothers, lesbian and gay mothers, and those who've experienced pregnancy loss. There are also concerns that the holiday reinforces traditional gender roles and expectations involving motherhood.
In Julia Ward Howe’s 1870 Mother’s Day Proclamation, she called on women to use their positions as mothers to influence society to end all wars. She called for mothers to protest the futility of their sons killing other mothers’ sons.
And yet, 150 years on, our planet is still infected with multiple wars that continue to claim the lives of thousands of mothers’ sons and daughters. Are modern-day mothers protesting enough?
On this Mother’s Day, let’s remember that all mothers, all women, and all people have a stake in war and a responsibility to protest the incredible violence that so many victims around the world are suffering through.
Despite all of these criticisms, Mother's Day remains a significant cultural event, with millions of people around the world pausing to take the time to honor and appreciate the mothers in their lives. As the holiday continues to evolve, it will be important to find a balance between commercialization, activism, and the genuine, well-deserved celebration of motherhood.
Conclusion: Celebrating the Spirit of Motherhood
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In conclusion, the history of Mother’s Day is a rich one, tracing back to ancient civilizations and evolving into a modern-day holiday that is celebrated around the world.
From the early efforts of an activist mother and her devoted activist daughter to the later support of political leaders, Mother’s Day has become a day to honor and appreciate mothers and motherly figures for the love and care they provide our families and communities. It’s a day to recognize the sacrifices that mothers make every day and to shower them with the appreciation and gratitude they deserve.
Mothers are the bedrock of our families, offering unwavering love, guidance, and support through every stage of our lives. Their selfless dedication and tireless efforts shape us into the individuals we eventually become. From the earliest moments of our existence to the milestones that define our growth, mothers are there, nurturing our dreams and championing our successes.
Motherhood is a testament to the power of the human spirit, embodying resilience, compassion, and an unbreakable bond that transcends time and distance. As we honor mothers everywhere, let’s celebrate the profound impact they have on our lives and the legacy they leave for our descendants. So, to all you mothers, thank you for always being there. Happy Mother’s Day – this day and every day! ☮️ Peace… Jamiese
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📚 Text Sources:
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📷 Image Sources:
1. https://www.worldhistory.org/image/6346/venus-of-hohle-fels/ by Thilo Parg; License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en. Enhanced by Jamiese Hancy. https://stock.adobe.com/images/bushmen-san-rock-painting-of-antelopes-south-africa/166072665 by EcoView; License: https://stock.adobe.com/license-terms. Enhanced by Jamiese Hancy.
2. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:John_Elliott_-_Julia_Ward_Howe_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg by John Elliott (1858 - 1925); License: source website. Enhanced by Jamiese Hancy.
3. https://placeit.net/c/mockups/stages/long-sleeve-tee-and-t-shirt-mockup-of-mother-and-daughter-making-cookies-37511-r-el2 by Placeit; License: https://placeit.net/. Enhanced by Jamiese Hancy. https://placeit.net/c/design-templates/stages/cute-t-shirt-design-maker-for-mother-s-day-827g by Placeit; License: https://placeit.net/. Enhanced by Jamiese Hancy. https://placeit.net/c/design-templates/stages/cool-t-shirt-design-maker-featuring-a-chameleon-illustration-1152o-6-el by Placeit; License: https://placeit.net/. Enhanced by Jamiese Hancy.
4. https://placeit.net/c/mockups/stages/long-sleeve-tee-mockup-featuring-a-family-of-two-holding-hands-at-the-park-32637 by Placeit; License: https://placeit.net/. Enhanced by Jamiese Hancy. https://placeit.net/c/design-templates/stages/cute-t-shirt-design-maker-for-mother-s-day-827g by Placeit; License: https://placeit.net/. Enhanced by Jamiese Hancy. https://placeit.net/c/design-templates/stages/illustrated-t-shirt-design-template-with-cute-animals-409-el1 by Placeit; License: https://placeit.net/. Enhanced by Jamiese Hancy.
5. https://c1.wallpaperflare.com/preview/43/876/978/meerkats-meerkat-baby-zoo-cute.jpg by ; License: https://www.walpaperflare.com/terms-of-use. Enhanced by Jamiese Hancy.
6. https://mickhall.substack.com/p/hypocrisy-the-playbook-of-the-western by Mick Hall; License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en. Enhanced by Jamiese Hancy.
7. https://placeit.net/c/mockups/stages/hoodie-mockup-of-a-mom-hugging-her-son-32660 by Placeit; License: https://placeit.net/. Enhanced by Jamiese Hancy. https://placeit.net/c/design-templates/stages/cute-t-shirt-design-maker-for-mother-s-day-827g by Placeit; License: https://placeit.net/. Enhanced by Jamiese Hancy. https://www.pickpik.com/meerkat-rodent-animal-wildlife-wild-zoology-155816 by PickPik; License: https://www.pickpik.com/terms-of-service. Enhanced by Jamiese Hancy.
8. https://www.pickpik.com/giraffe-animals-wildlife-africa-baby-mother-9648 by PickPik; License: https://www.pickpik.com/terms-of-service. Enhanced by Jamiese Hancy.
9. https://placeit.net/c/mockups/stages/long-sleeve-tee-mockup-featuring-a-pregnant-woman-listening-to-music-45509-r-el2 by Placeit; License: https://placeit.net/. Enhanced by Jamiese Hancy. https://placeit.net/c/design-templates/stages/cute-t-shirt-design-maker-for-mother-s-day-827g by Placeit; License: https://placeit.net/. Enhanced by Jamiese Hancy.
10. https://pixabay.com/photos/yemen-chameleon-chameleon-3221437/ by aixklusiv; License: https://pixabay.com/service/terms/. Enhanced by Jamiese Hancy. https://stock.adobe.com/images/green-praying-mantis/376761644 by mehmetkrc; License: https://stock.adobe.com/license-terms. Enhanced by Jamiese Hancy.
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genericpuff · 1 year
My least favorite part about Lore Olympus is how they handled be loved characters in the myths like Demeter and Apollo. Both were powerful and highly respected Gods who weren't always the best, but had good intentions.
But Demeter is meant to be this controlling and emotional abusive mother when the most she did in the myths was not trust men? Like it's bit her fault she was just Zeus' side chick and she didn't want her daughter to have the same fate, but with that dude's brother.
Apollo was anything but a rapist. Sure he was not the best with love, but he mostly rolled unlucky with either people who didn't love him or people who died young. And Rachel makes him out to be some villain bad guy who doesn't understand boundaries instead of some god who represents ignorance. Greek mythology was MADE to explain why things happen the way they do and to explain human error, like Zeus having the human error of not keeping his dick in his pants.
honestly I've mentioned it in other discussions, but RS seems to just like... have a huge issue with women wanting to be anything other than a trophy wife.
Minthe doesn't want to "settle down" with Hades even though that was never her intention in the relationship and Hades is the one pushing the boundaries of the relationship? She's a gold digger taking advantage of a King and doesn't deserve to be loved.
Demeter wants to become Queen without the need for a husband and fights for the votes needed to be elected even though not a single other ruler has had to campaign for their position? She's just "jealous" of her daughter for becoming Queen through marriage and "salty" at Zeus and Hades and Poseidon because they're all rulers and she isn't.
As for characters like Apollo, they're always framed as villainous or manipulative (or outright abusive) when it's with the intent of making Hades look better. They never did this with characters like Hermes or Hephaestus because they were never interested in Persephone, but Apollo and Ares are both depicted as idiotic scumbags for the sole purpose of making Hades look like the 'better option' for Persephone. When you remove Apollo and Ares from the narrative though, and purely observe Hades based on his actions, Hades... isn't good for anyone, either. It's just really easy to make Guy A look good when Guy B is a r*pist. It's the lowest possible bar.
Basically so many characters are demonized far from their original versions for the sole purpose of pushing Persephone and Hades together, because RS doesn't know how to write a real story with real character progression. She's too afraid to give Persephone and Hades legitimate, deeply-rooted flaws or traits that would have to be challenged by the narrative in any way, so instead they're these boring self-insert projections that need everyone else to be on their worst behavior to make them look better. It takes effort to write main ship characters with real depth, whereas it takes zero effort to just make every character outside of the main ship an asshole to make the main ship characters look more redeeming by comparison.
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lesbianlinguist · 1 month
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NPC art from my campaign,
Nauteus is a pirate hunter, descendant of Poseidon and lovable himbo
He's currently co-parenting an oceanid with one of the PCs (Thyro, child of Demeter)
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