#Thanks again everyone for all the support on these :)
tomorobo-illust · 3 days
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See hi-res version here: patreon.com/posts/105546541
Updating every Tuesday and Thursday Chapter 7: Epilogue of Lone Emmet and Cub AU !
// Previous Chapters //
Chapter 7: Epilogue  First {{ Prev { Page 15 } END
Thank you everyone so much for following this story all the way through! I mentioned I knew how I wanted the story to end the moment I started and to see it finally completed feels so satisfying.
I will still be making more things involving this AU, so don't worry for those who have been wondering! I still have a mountain of messages to get through and other short ideas I never posted. So even though I will be moving onto my next projects, I still have more to play around with in this AU and it's characters ;D
I want to give a special THANKS especially to @metrobound for not only helping me with the backgrounds I could not handle, but for encouraging me to tackle them as well. Thank you for all your hard work and beautiful workmanship to help bring my pages to life and just being a wonderful being in my life💖!! Please go support them on Patreon [ patreon.com/jugum ], or check out their own amazing art/comics!!
Thank you again for every single one of you who read the story, commented, messaged and showed support in every shape and size! I had so much fun making this and always happy to see when it also made someone else's day <3
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atzaurora · 2 days
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fall asleep while i fall for you
member: San
pairing: fem!idol!reader x idol!san
type: imagine (fluff)
warnings: none just extreme fluff with the little potato he is 😞
summary: after a long day, you're both very exhausted and he lets you fall asleep on his lap, comforting you so you get some rest.
a/n: i enjoyed writing this one! I'm proud of myself for coming up with that title ngl please let me know if you have any requests ^^
here's my masterlist!
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the day had been long, filled with back-to-back schedules, rehearsals, and performances. as an idol, the fast-paced life was something you had grown accustomed to, but today had been especially exhausting. you were grateful, though, for the unwavering support of your group members and, most importantly, your boyfriend, San. although your relationship was a well-kept secret known only to the other members of Ateez, it was a source of immense comfort and joy.
the car ride back from the company to the dorms was quiet, with most of the members either dozing off or lost in their own thoughts. San sat beside you, his hand subtly intertwined with yours, hidden beneath a jacket. his touch was warm, and it grounded you after a hectic day.
"we're almost home," he whispered, his voice soft yet comforting. you nodded, leaning your head on his shoulder. just a few more minutes, and you could finally relax.
as the car pulled into the familiar parking lot of the dorm building, everyone slowly began to stir. you all shuffled out, making your way up to your respective floors.
"goodnight, everyone," you said to the other members as you parted ways in the after going into the dorm. they all went to their own room, most of them heading straight to sleep. you quickly made your way into the kitchen, where San was waiting for you.
"hey, y/n," he greeted you with a tired but genuine smile. "ready to relax?"
"more than ready," you replied, taking his hand as he led you inside.
the Ateez dorm was quiet, only the sounds of soft snoring or rumbling in the bathroom could be heard now, an unusual feeling, since there was always someone being overly hyped and making a lot of noises.
San guided you to the living room, where he had already set up a cozy corner with soft blankets and pillows. "come on, let's get comfortable," he said, pulling you down onto the couch beside him. you sank into the cushions, feeling the day's stress begin to melt away.
San reached for the remote and turned on the TV, tuning into a light-hearted drama that was perfect for unwinding. as the episode played, you couldn't help but feel your eyelids grow heavy. San's presence was soothing, and the rhythmic rise and fall of his breathing was like a lullaby.
"San," you murmured, trying to fight the sleepiness that was overtaking you. "thank you for being here."
He looked down at you, his eyes filled with warmth and affection. "always, y/n. now, just rest. you've had a long day."
you didn't need any more convincing. you shifted slightly, resting your head on his lap. San adjusted the blanket over you, his fingers gently stroking your hair. the sensation was so calming that within moments, you were drifting off to sleep.
San continued to watch the drama, his attention split between the screen and the peaceful sight of you sleeping. he smiled softly, looking at your features. god, how he admired you. if you would be awake right now to see the way he looked at you, there'd be no need to ever doubt what this man felt for you ever again. it's like he fell for you all over again.
time seemed to blur as you slept, the comforting presence of San grounding you in a way nothing else could. occasionally, you would stir slightly, and San would soothe you with gentle whispers and soft touches.
"shh, it's okay, y/n. just sleep," he would murmur, his voice like a balm to your tired soul.
eventually, the drama ended, and San turned off the TV, not wanting to disturb your slumber. he sat quietly, his thoughts filled with gratitude for the bond you shared. he knew how challenging it was to maintain a relationship in your world, but moments like these made it all worthwhile.
as the night wore on, the other members tiptoed around, giving you and San the space you needed. they respected your relationship and often marveled at the strong connection you two shared despite the demands of your careers.
after what felt like hours, you began to stir, slowly waking up to the feeling of San's hand still gently caressing your hair. you blinked, disoriented for a moment before remembering where you were.
"hey," you whispered, looking up at him. "how long was I out?"
"not too long," he replied with a smile. "just enough to recharge a bit. how do you feel?"
"better," you admitted, sitting up and stretching. "I didn't realize how tired I was."
San chuckled, his eyes crinkling with affection. "that's what I'm here for, to help you relax and take care of you."
you leaned in and kissed his cheek, your heart swelling with love. "thank you, San. I don't know what I'd do without you."
he pulled you into a gentle embrace, resting his chin on top of your head. "and I don't know what I'd do without you, y/n. I love you."
you stayed like that for a while, simply enjoying the warmth and comfort of each other's presence.
After a while, San suggested getting ready for bed. "we still have another busy day tomorrow. let's get some proper rest."
you nodded, standing up and stretching again. San led you to the bathroom where you took turns washing up and getting ready for bed. once you were both in your pajamas, you walked into San's bedroom where the bed was already calling your name.
San settled down beside you, pulling the blankets up over both of you. he wrapped his arms around you, and you snuggled into his chest, feeling safe and content.
"goodnight, y/n," he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
"goodnight, San," you replied, closing your eyes and letting the comfort of his embrace lull you back to sleep.
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wineauntie · 2 days
evie making friendship bracelets and giving them to everyone on the canucks 😭❤️ that would be so cute. and they’d all have each players initials and number and every bracelet would be unique for each player :(
FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS — family is family au
au masterlist
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Six year old Evie nervously clutched onto Quinn’s hand as they walked into the Canucks locker room. It was just a normal practice, but Evie had recently taken up a new hobby— bracelet making.
And this new hobby led to her discovery of friendship bracelets.
Both, you and Quinn’s, wrists adorned at least 3-4 bracelets made by Evie at any given time.
She’d grown bored of making them solely for you, Quinn, Jack, Luke, Ellen and Jim, that naturally her next port of call was to make friendship bracelets for the Canucks.
Quinn had been more than happy to support Evie's new endeavor, knowing how much it meant to her. As they entered the locker room, Evie held a small, colorful bag filled with bracelets, each one carefully crafted with different patterns and colors, and each player’s initials and number woven into the design.
"Hey, everyone," Quinn called out, drawing the attention of his teammates. "We have a guest here, who has a present for you.”
All eyes turned to Evie as she squeezed Quinn’s hand tighter.
“Hi,” she nervously waved, her small voice echoing around the room.
A chorus of hellos erupted as Evie giggled at the volume. Majority of the team had known and met the little girl on various occasions and each of them grinned upon seeing her.
“Evie has something for you all,” Quinn continued, glancing down at the girl.
The room fell silent once again as the players looked over, curious smiles spreading across their faces. Evie re-tightened her grip on Quinn's hand, flushing with a mix of excitement and shyness.
Elias Pettersson was the first to speak up as he approached Quinn and Evie. Evie had met Petey multiple times, even calling him uncle Petey every now and again.
"Hey there, Ev,” he grinned, crouching down to face her as his hand briefly reached out to ruffle her hair. “What do you have for us?"
Evie took a deep breath, summoning all of the courage she could.
"I made friendship bracelets for everyone," she spoke quietly, reaching into her bag. She pulled out a bracelet with his initials and number, handing it to him. "This one’s for you."
Petey’s eyes lit up as he took the bracelet, immediately slipping it onto his wrist. "Wow, Ev, this is so good,” He smiled, fist pumping the giggling girl. “Thank you!"
One by one, Evie handed out the bracelets, each player accepting their unique piece with genuine delight. She paused in front of Conor Garland, who examined his bracelet with wide eyes filled with admiration.
"This is so cool,” he praised, sticking out his hand for a high five. “You did an amazing job!"
Evie beamed and high-fived Garland, her confidence growing with each player's praise. She handed one to Boeser, who grinned widely.
"I'm never taking this off," he declared, showing the ‘Boeser 6’ blue and green bracelet off to the rest of the team.
As Evie finished distributing the bracelets, Quinn knelt beside her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
"You did great, Bug," he whispered proudly as the team gathered around Evie, and showered her with more compliments and high-fives.
"Looks like you’re apart of the team now," Petey playful saluted her.
Evie's eyes sparkled with joy, her nerves completely dissipated as she looked up to Quinn with a wide grin, tugging his sleeve to get him to bend.
"Thank you, Dad" she whispered once he’d bent down to listen to her.
Quinn chuckled, ruffling her hair. "You’re welcome, Bug." He whispered back, pressing a quick kiss to her hairline.
The players resumed their preparations for practice, each one proudly wearing their friendship bracelet.
The friendship bracelets remained on for the following few games, causing an uptake of curiosity amongst the press and fans.
Quinn, on his way back to the locker room after a game was stopped by an interviewer to talk.
"We've noticed a trend on the team lately—many of the players have been wearing these colorful bracelets. Can you tell us more about that?"
“Yeah, those bracelets were actually made by my daughter, Evie. She recently got into making friendship bracelets.” Quinn smiled, glancing down at his own wrist, which was adorned with several of Evie's bracelets. “I ran out of wrist room so she decided to make one for each of my teammates."
"That's a sweet gesture. How did the team react when they received them?"
"They loved them. It’s not every day you get a handmade gift from a six-year-old.” Quinn chuckled, recalling the day. “Each bracelet was made with the player’s initials and number. It really lifted the spirits in the locker room.”
"That's wonderful to hear. Why do you think it had such a positive impact on the team?"
"Well, I think it's a reminder of what really matters," Quinn said thoughtfully. "It’s hard to be in a bad mood when you’re wearing a bright, colorful bracele."
"It sounds like Evie has made a big impression on the team. Do you think she’ll keep making bracelets for your teammates?"
"I’m sure she will. She loves making them.” He explained with a faint smile, “She’s even talking about making more for other people too."
"That's fantastic, well, it's great to see the impact such a small gesture can have. Thank you for talking with us, Quinn.”
"Thank you," he nodded and retreated to the locker room.
The interview went viral, with many people commenting that they’d never seen a Hughes brother talk as much as Quinn had in the interview.
Many commenters also acknowledged how his eyes lit up at the chance to talk about Evie.
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shuenkio · 3 days
Honeymoon 🌹
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Paring: Heeseung X male!reader
Genre: Fluff & Smut
Cw: heavy nsfw ;) cum inside, belly bulge, unprotected sex etc
Summary: You want to ride that crazy cow ride, so hee offers you a free ride.
Read at your own risk.
Word: 2.5k
Lack of massive perfect words, pardon me if it overdoes [words]
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Getting married to Heeseung after knowing each other for quite some time was a great experience. He was lovely, is a gentleman, loves to take care of you, and he's also a grandma's boy. You've never seen him cursing or doing dirty stuff like normal adults do; instead, he was soft toward you, as if you were his diamond. Or maybe he never showed up? 
He decided to take you to his home for your Honey Moon together since he wanted to show you where he was growing up. 
You agreed without any second thought; before the next thing you know, you're already standing under the hot sunlight, shining through your hat. The wind, the fresh air, and the summer felt so ascending. 
"This is amazing, hee!" You said as you breathed in the cold breeze to your lungs. This is better than city life 360°. 
"I know you would like it, Bob. Now let's go to my grandparents's house; we're going to stay there for a few days." He uttered as a soft smile spread over his face, signing in relief as you loved his idea of coming here.
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Arriving at the destination, Heeseung's grandparents immediately came out and greeted both of you with a warm welcome. Not only do they support you, but they also love you as if you're their grandchild and treat you like everyone else. 
They help to move your luggage and stuff, even though you insist they should not; however, it won't work for them. They also prepared your shared room with Heeseung with a lot of decorations that fit your personality, which show how much they're dragged into your background. 
Thanking them is not enough; you want to pay back for all their hard work by showing your gratitude. Again, they won't let you, as they said your presence was more than enough for them. You were touched by their words, as you're on the edge of a crying river, but Heeseung was there to comfort you, or else you would look so ugly in front of them. They're so sweet. 
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During the day, after spending a night at Heeseung's grandparent's house, they suggested your husband take you somewhere nice for your honeymoon because Heeseung is an outside person. He knew a lot of places, and he was born here too, so don't question him. 
Your husband thought for a while before making up his mind by taking you to the racetrack, where people love going there for horse riding, competition, bets for money, and many more thrilling events. 
Your eyes filled with sparks when he recommended Racetrack for your date. You immediately said yes in an aggressive, cute manner. He was giggling at your reaction, smiling from ear to ear as he adored you even more. 
"Okay, then let's go!" 
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At the racetrack. 
Heeseung brought two tickets for both of you for the show of horse racing. The horse racing was epic; you've never seen such a thing like this before since you're a city boy. 
Now you've realized that this is better than any sports you've watched, and you prefer watching this instead of football because, why not? This is so addictive; riding at a fast pace, reaching for the goal, definitely gives the rollercoaster feeling. 
The show comes to an end with a winner, the one you're rooting for as You scream in victory and celebrate the moment with other people. Your lover was standing there beside you, a bit jealous that you forgot about him; however, he just shrugged it off and formed a delightful smile. Seeing you're happy makes him happy too, putting jealousy back away. 
Making your way back home, out of the venue, your eyes suddenly lay on a carnival event. It's a crazy cow ride, where many people come to challenge a bull machine that moves at a wild speed. You release your hand from your husband's grip before running to see. I left Heeseung all alone once again as he scoff in upset with your childish behavior. 
"Love! Love, can I ride that?? It's so cool." You said your eyes turned into stars watching the kids ride that crazy machine. Heeseung narrowed his eyebrow and took a closer look as he shook his head as a sign of no. 
"Awwae, why not? I want to ride that, please." You beg, with your puppy eyes, for your husband's permission, but still, he's disagreeing. As he intertwined your hand, taking you home.
"Nope bob! It's getting late now, and that thing looks dangerous. You don't want to end up at the hospital, don't you?" He responds, barely looking at you while he's talking, which upsets you even more. 
"But come on, love, it was once. I swear, I rarely come to a place like this. Give your husband a chance, please." You left no choice but to try all your methods to melt his heart, but nothing seemed to work on him; he was already ignoring you. 
You pout in disappointment; let it be as you let out a heavy sign as a result. 
A few minutes later, he suddenly spoke. 
"There's something you can ride at home; stop sulking or I'll kiss your swollen lips." He finally broke his silence. In return, a joyful frown appears on your face, jumping in happiness.
"Really, but what kind? Like that machine one? There's another place nearby your grandparents house." You started to question him with a lot of questions. He answered with only one word. 
"You'll see yourself, and it's also the real one." Heeseung replies, bending down to your level before whispering to your ear in a low, seductive tone. His hot breath hits your skin, giving you unexpected goosebumps.
"Tsk, I'll look forward to it then, but if you're lying to me, you're dead." 
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Walking into the room, you throw your body on the soft king bed size; you didn't even bother to get changed since you're too tired to do so. You nuzzle your face, dipping to the bed sheet, breathing in no space air, before you feel a warm hug pressed behind your back with his head brushing into the crooked of your neck. 
"Hmm?" You hum in response, asking what he wanted, until something poked hard underneath your tailbone. You immediately open your eyes from your rest, knowing too well what exactly he wants. 
"Sigh* yes, I want to start this with you, love." Heeseung said, his tone almost sounding guilty. You roll your eyes, lost in thought, asking him to leave your body. As you turn around, look at your surroundings. 
"Bu-.. Y'know, are you thinking what I am thinking? This is your grandparents house." You utter, almost whisper, anxious at the idea that someone might catch both of you doing this couple stuff in the house, especially his grandparents. 
Heeseung laughed under his throat, with a mix of excitement and humor. He moved closer to you as he cupped your face, looking at your endearment. 
"Love! Once I closed this room's door, not even a single fly could interrupt us. This room is noisy.  proof even if you're scream nobody gonna hear ya~" Heeseung mutters as his gaze grows darker at the thought of having you under him. You almost jaw-dropped upon hearing the dirty talk from your husband. This is probably just the beginning; what will come more once he gets full control of you?
"Wow, you're something darling, I have never seen you're like this before." You stutter. His eyes are burning, full of lust and desire, like a wolf wanted to breed its mate, dominant them until they're satisfied. 
You move backwards using the strength in your arm until your back hits the headboard. 
"I want to make sure, do you really want to have s- uh se-" 
"Yes, I want to fuck you, mn! Don't be shy; this is our honeymoon after all, didn't it?" He smirked as his hand traced down on your skin in ecstasy. Your breath hitched at his touch; he was so good at this. Not even a day you'd thought one day you would have sex with him, since he's too good at hiding his wild side. 
"Now do I have your permission, my love?" He licks his lip, patting like a puppy, as he feels like his bulge is getting more painful in these clothes. 
You nod slowly and accept your fate. Heeseung is full of surprises. Even though you're now his husband, there are too many things he is hiding from you for real. 
He began to take your clothes off piece by piece until you left with nothing but a naked body, which turned him on even more at your milky smooth skin. The heat in his body is getting out of control, begging to claim you sooner. 
He soon ripped out his t-shirt and unbuckled his belt.Now both of your clothes are all over the floor, and your two naked bodies lie on the bed, ready for the real moment to start. 
"One moment, mn." Heeseung stood up on his feet, went to close the door, and locked it as he found something in his bag. Then he pulled out a labricate.
Your mind went blank. Question yourself about how the hell he had that without your knowing. As you deep down in your mind, you remember the word he said—that he would take you to the crazy cow ride—but look at you and him now—very unholy. 
Unexpectedly, He pulls your hip with both of his hands, making your head fall to the pillow. He positions himself in front of your entrance as he puts liquid on his huge cock and your hole.
"Hee hee, this is my first time!" You state it out of the blue, which makes him tilt his head in return. You expect a shock reaction from him; however, instead of confusion, a big grin spread across his face. He looks really happy right now after hearing that. 
"Even better, love; don't worry, I'll be gentle." 
You gulp down, ready for what is coming for you, with a mix of thrilling and nervous. 
Without further ado, he put a tip inside you, and as a result, the two of you moan in unison. His head was big enough to spread your hole, rolling his hip to warm you up to get used to his massive size. 
"Please put it in Heeseung; I want you." Your words slipped out of your mouth after you adjusted to the warm skin inside your asshole. His crotch was so big that you wanted them pulsing inside you to ruin your beautiful pink hole. 
Heeseung didn't waste his time, pushing his shaft all inside in a swift motion. Once he's fully in, he begins to move slowly, still respecting your first-time experience. 
His cock is not going to lie; feel too good for you to not grip on the bedsheets underneath. He's making your body tremble and shiver as a small belly bulge is visible on your skin, even though he's just pushing at a slow pace. 
"Faster love! I want faster; I don't care anymore." You said this as you were still catching your breath at his slower speed. What will happen if he pounds on you like an animal? 
"Your wish is my command, my little husband," he said, squeezing tight on your leg and throwing both of your legs on his shoulder. The next thing you know, he slams his crazy big cock inside you at rapid speed. Not even warning you. 
Thumps thumps
The wet noise started to occur in the empty room, and with every pound he pushed in, his lower abdomen was always pressed against your butt cheeks, making you squirm in no time. 
His cock spread your wall, almost tearing you into two, but as he continued to fuck you in, the painful feeling faded away, leaving only the arousal inside. Since this is your first time, naturally, your ass is clenching on his cock like a baby grip. 
He cried out in gasps; your hole sent a shockwave to him. As he continues to grind his hip, jerking inside you, chasing for pleasure and climax,. 
He increases his speed with every thrust once he gets full control and access to your body when your entrance gets used to his cock. 
You catch out of your guard, and after he quickly changes his position, he puts you on top of his stomach, still buried inside of you, as he lay on the bed instead. 
"You said you want to ride a crazy cow ride; go on~ ride me as you please, babe!" Your eyes went wide, realizing he's behind this. Your gaze softens, leaning down before you bite his bottom lip, kissing him in passionate tension. You no longer be mad at him because he's making you feel good right now. He returned your kiss, lurking his tongue inside your mouth with his wet saliva, eating you two in one at the same time. 
"Fuck uhh," you quake, feeling a jolt send all over your body as your body signals your about to cum. 
"Hee-ahh, narggg, I will cum on you. You want it?" You become more breathless with every thrust he pushes in, his finger still busy spreading your hole to take him all in. 
"Don't hold back, love~ cum for me; now would you like it if I filled you in?" He's too close to the edges, hitting you in every sweet spot. He asked for your permission once again if he could spill his cum inside your hole. You nod aggressively without even answering him. 
In the very last few final thrusts, his tip crushed on your G-spot, making you go insane for a sec, as your cum splashed out on his toned abs, unable to hold in. 
"HOLY MOTHER FUCKER AHHH," your chest heaving in an error motion as you arch your back, throwing your face above the ceiling, to the sensitive pleasure he's pushing you in. 
"Ah-... Ahhh, mn, I'm comming b-brace yourself." With another one last push, his cock started to twitching as the warm, hot seed filled you in. He let out a heavy moan, like vomit, as he reached his goal. 
You collapse on his body while his cock falls out of your hole, like a river of cum dripping out of your entrance. 
"That was one of the hell rides, mn? How do you feel, Mn? Am I hurting you?" He presses a kiss on your forehead as he holds on to your waist, supporting your weight on his. 
You inhale and exhale, rolling your eyes to the back of your brain, still feeling it. 
"I never know. Fuck feel this good." 
"So you want another round, mn?" 
"No, but I want you in." 
"Like, what love?" He asked your unfinished question. You couldn't explain what your desire was to him, so you snaked your hand before grabbing his cock and pushing inside of you again. 
"I love how you feel inside; please don't pull out." You responded embarrassed, covering your face in his chest. He snorted at your reaction and boldness, as he started to love this side of you. 
"Anything you want, little one~ not to mention that I could be there forever if you insist." 
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🗣️ please mind my English! ><
🗣️Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
🗣️ crd to all pics&dividers
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lionheartedmusings · 2 days
hi everyone! i'm once again showing up on your dash with a life update and a request for help, but this time a much brighter update <3 i know i haven't been very active around here but i've been very busy (in a good way) and do want to return to my previously scheduled shitposting soon.
halfway through may i managed to escape a very toxic and damaging living situation and got my first payment from twitch! the support that i've received has been groundbreaking and i couldn't be more humbled and thankful for everyone who's dropped by a stream. something something dreams coming true in ways we didn't expect.
the unfortunate part is that moving took me scrounging up 200€ and a lot of penny pinching, and thankfully (and thanks to the 76 dollar payout from twitch) i was able to survive and keep working as hard as my mental health allowed me to.
i'm currently in the middle of a subathon and i'm? confused and shocked by how much support i've gotten for it, to the point that when the next payment i receive will be my first proper paycheck in over half a year. for the first time in ages, i'll be able to pay my bills and eat and not be panicked about tomorrow, upgrade some things for stream *and* still have some savings.
the problem becomes the fact that twitch only pays out on the 15th of every month and until that happens, i'm at an absolute zero in my accounts and food has run out as well as shampoo and bodywash and all those necessary things. i was incredibly lucky that a friend was able to help me get feminine hygiene products this month. i'll provide screenshots below.
if anyone is able to help me get past this last hurdle i would be eternally grateful, or if you could reblog that would already be so appreciated <3 but if you read this just as an update on my life, know that i am so at a loss for words from all the kindness and support i've been shown, and that if my life is changing it's because of everyone's support and good vibes. thank you <3
my p*ypal <3
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sayruq · 1 day
hello! sorry to bother you, but would you share Renad's story with your followers and encourage them to donate? Renad is verified by Hussein? (Renad's family is #128 on his vetted fundraiser's list and Renad has a tumblr account @renadmagidnew with additional details and proof).
Renad is a 24 year old midwife who worked both before and during the iof invasion in Al-Quds and Al-Shifa hospital to care for mothers and their newborns. Her mother, father, and brother are all suffering from bad cases of Hepatitis A and need immediate medical attention. Renad wants to be able to evacuate with all her loved ones (7 people including herself) and continue her own education in midwifery.
We are currently at £11,294 raised of £25,000 goal, so close to the halfway point!!! The gofundme has slowed down again though, and i was wondering if you could boost it.
I've been trying to contact Renad these past few days and haven't been able to get a response, but last time I talked to her she said her mother's condition is worsening by the day and their tent collapsed (though they eventually were able to fix it).
Here is the gofundme link, thank you so much again for all the work that you do. I am very grateful: https://gofund(.)me/ebed8779
Show your support for Renad. Share her GFM and donate if you can. Her mother really needs it
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three-croissants · 1 day
Hello everyone,
Every time I text with Mohammed @mohammedayesh something like this happens. This occurred yesterday - bombs were falling near the place he and is family are currently taking shelter. He told me to share this video and these images with you all on his behalf, because his internet is very weak. It is a beyond terrifying experience for him, the way it has been for the past 8 months.
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The night before that, the apartment next to them was bombed. People were martyred. He said they were very lucky to have survived.
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The point is, it is beyond dangerous for them at the moment. He and his family are trying their best to find a better place to take shelter as the occupation forces relentlessly invade and bomb Gaza. I beg you to please help them by donating if you can. They are barely escaping death at all times. The least we could do is help him reach his goal so he can evacuate the moment the Rafah crossing opens again. Thank you to everyone who has supported him so far.
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mxstellatayte · 8 hours
Hii could you write a smut one shot w sub Carlos and dom reader?
(you said one shot and i heard 1.5k words of PURE PORN)
nsfw under the cut <3 minors please do not interact!
warnings: very not beta read! carlos is a whimperer i don't make the rules, friends to fuck buddies to idiots in love, bro meets jesus, legal use of alcohol, making out, sex under the influence, creampie, hickeys, open ending, stupid fluffy vanilla bullshit
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it started out with one too many shots of shitty tequila after mexico 2023 and a chayanne song.
gods damned mexican liquor.
max had, yet again, won, except this time, he had broken yet another record. so of course he invited everyone on the grid and their friends out to drinks.
"come on, lia, a couple of drinks won't hurt! plus, i can probably rope carlos into paying."
you and carlos had grown up together in madrid, and you'd always been his biggest supporter in the garage. it didn't matter who else he could've brought along, because when the two of you have a connection so deep that all you need to do to laugh is make eye contact after anyone says something even remotely sexual.
there was always an air of awkward tension between you since that time you accidentally walked past his bedroom door and heard him moan your name. you just pray that, with all the nights you've spent at each other's houses, he's never heard you moan his name while you fingered yourself across the thin walls.
and so here you find yourself, in the center of the dance floor in a club in the heart of mexico city following the grand prix weekend, your heart pounding, your confidence blooming, and your ass grinding up against carlos' crotch to the rhythm of mi gente by j balvin, his large hands resting on your hips.
you aren't sure how the idea springs into your mind, but you'll blame it on the liquid courage. as the next song comes on, you spin around in carlos' hold, your right leg slotting between his own, and that's when you realize it. he's hard. a smirk tugs at your lips and when you look up at his face, your eyes meet and that's when you know. if you don't get out of this stifling club and back to your hotel in the next ten minutes, you might just have to fuck him in one of the vip rooms. your hands come up to rest on his chest and you hinge forward, your lips directly next to his ear.
"you wanna get out of here?"
"please," he says, and the pure desperation in his voice makes your stomach erupt in butterflies.
"then let's go." you grab his hand off of your hip and immediately book it out of the club. thank god your hotel was less than one block down the street, because if you had to drive anywhere, you might've just sucked him off inside the car. your feet hurt from your heels, but with your level of arousal and in your drunken state, you couldn't care less. all that you care about is that this elevator is moving way too slow and that carlos' lips feel so good on your own. the kiss is hot, wet, and messy, a flurry of lips and tongue and teeth, hands scrambling to hold whatever they can.
the elevator reaches your floor, and you've never run faster in heels. you're holding carlos' hand, the two of you running down the hall like a pair of horny teenagers (which, being entirely honest, is the mental state you've been reduced to at the concept of finally fucking your best friend,) and laughing uncontrollably. you almost fall over laughing when he fumbles through his wallet for his keycard, drunken fingers lacking any sort of dexterity. the sound of the door finally unlocking is your favorite sound at the moment, and you throw the door open, push carlos against the nearest wall, and kiss him harder than you've kissed anyone before.
your right hand holds the side of his neck, the tips of your fingers barely weaving into his hair, while your left goes down to cup his incredibly hard cock through his jeans. palming over his erection pulls some of the greatest sounds you've ever heard from him. forget hearing him moan your name through the wall as you pass- instead, hearing his whimpers at your hand is the greatest thing you've ever heard in your whole life.
"are you okay with this?" you pant, your lips coated in a mixture of both of your salivas, carlos' eyes heavy with lust.
"i've been hoping and praying for this for years, amor. please. i need you." without hesitation, you pull him back to you and kiss him with no mercy. he pushes back, stepping forward and eventually gently laying you down on the bed. "need this off," he says, tugging at your dress as he undoes the clasps on your heels and throwing them across the room.
"zipper. back. fuck." his hands somehow regained the dexteriety he lacked five minutes ago as he expertly undoes the zipper of your crimson dress and helps you shimmy out of it.
"ay, diós, you're beautiful." you're left laying on the bed in just your strapless bra and black panties, carlos way too overdressed, and his eyes admiring your body. his lips continue kissing down your neck as his hands reach beneath you and unclasp your bra, hands immediately cupping your tits.
"mm, carlos, as amazing as this is, i need you inside of me in the next sixty seconds."
"as you wish." carlos strips as fast as he can as you pull your panties off, and when he slides into you slowly, you throw your head back and grasp at his upper arms, your breaths heavy and labored. "oh... oh, fuck." his forehead presses to yours when he finally bottoms out inside of you, your breaths mingling as you hold him as close as you can.
"carlos, please. move. i can take it." you emphasize your point with a clench around his girth, and your body heats up infinitely more when he whimpers.
"'m not gonna last long if you keep doing that," carlos groans, and you tease him once more with another flutter of your walls around him.
"i'm not either, but i need you to fuck me right now, baby." he responds by pulling his hips back, then pushing back into you. he maintains a steady pace, and your moans continue with every punching thrust. "feels so good, baby, just like that."
"keep... keep doing that. please?" from the way his dick twitched inside of you when you praised him, who would you be to deny him such a request when he asked so nicely?
"mmgh, carlos, so good. faster, baby, please, i'm close. i'm so close." his hips snap into you faster, and you moan loudly as your nails scrape at his broad back and shoulders, surely leaving marks that will raise and turn red with time. with the pain, carlos' volume matches your own, and you can't help but grin as he bites at your neck, leaving his own marks for you to admire later. you yell with his left thumb comes to play with your clit, finding the bundle of nerves after a moment of searching, and he rubs tight hard circles that have you cumming hard.
"oh, fuck, carlos, i'm cumming, i'm cumming, oh my god. just like that baby, so good, so so good." you're reduced to a babbling, mindless, moaning mess, and your eyes are held open as they focus on carlos' face, eyebrows creased in pleasure, lips hanging open, and eyes shining with pleasure.
"i'm gonna cum, amor. i'm... where? where do you want it?"
you don't hesitate for an instant before mumbling out an "inside. inside, baby," and carlos' hips stutter and he cums inside of you with a groan. the warmth of his cum inside of you turns you on more than you could ever imagine, but you're too exhausted and fucked out to even consider a second round at the moment. "just like that, baby. just like that. ah~" you moan one last time when he pulls out of you, both of you panting and gasping hard for breath. carlos flops down on his stomach next to you, completely boneless and fucked out, and drapes his right arm over your waist.
"thank you," he mumbles into your neck. "i've wanted to do that for years."
"so have i," you say, the post-orgasmic haze crawling over your body. your eyes are heavy, but they snap open when you hear what carlos says next.
"you aren't that quiet, and your walls are thin."
your head rises from the pillow to look down at him. "cabrón, are you telling me you heard me moan your name and you didn't tell me?!"
"yeah, i guess so. i wanted to tell you after we finished secondary school, but you were with that other guy... what was his name? manuel? mateo?"
"matías," you laugh, bringing your hand that isn't gently playing with his hair up to your face, giggling hysterically. "i only got with him in hopes that you'd get jealous or something!"
"en serio? we were that blind?"
"i guess we were." you both burst out in laughter at your dual idiocy, but as you calm down, sleep takes its grasp on both of you, and you eventually succumb to its hold, safe in each other's embrace.
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ditto — e. williams
!! PLEASE READ BEFORE INTERACTING !! - Its still imperative that you do anything you can to support Palestine. You can help by doing your daily click, or reviewing this masterlist. You can also help by not buying TLOU, and here’s why.
aestras notes: WOOOOO GUESS WHO FINALLY DROPPED??? THIS GUY!!!!!! 😝😝😝 tried something new for the banner this time, i think it looks okay. 🙂‍↕️ anyways!!! everyone thank @softlysunrays for encouraging me yawp yawp!!!!
tags: loser!ellie, theatre kid!dina agenda, modern au sorta?, i suck at tagging a year later, ellie is a nervous wreck, italics indicate internal monologue (most of the time), fluff(?), one small use of y/n, okay that’s it i think
Ellie might’ve had a little thing for you — probably more than just a little thing, because you’d occupy most of the space in her brain 99% of the time. And she was, unceremoniously, an incredibly big loser. She never speaks to you directly, instead stealing glances at you during passing periods or watching you from afar whenever you’d been hanging out with your other friends. 
The hallways always seemed to be cramped and crowded, but not crowded enough that she couldn’t see you. Something about you made her always recognize it was you. 
Standing at her locker, she’d been joined by Dina as she’d been grabbing some things from her backpack. The hallways were bustling with chatter and bodies, but it seemed to only be them right now.
Dina looks at Ellie as her locker shuts with a small smirk. “I saw you staring at her again.” She teases. “You’ve got it bad!” Dina pokes her softly. She sings a cheesy love song, to which Ellie groans and puts a hand on her forehead. “You’re gonna make me die of embarrassment.” She mumbles.
Dina laughs at her, putting an arm over her shoulders. “Look at you, all grown up and having a little crush.” She says theatrically, wiping fake tears. Ellie chuckles to herself as she looks down at her canvas sneakers. 
“Yknow, I could introduce you to her.” Dina mentions without much thought. If Ellie had water in her mouth, she would’ve spit it out dramatically. She stands as stiff as a board as she turns to look at Dina. “Really? I mean — you’re serious? Like 100%?” Ellie seemed excited, but god was she nervous at the thought. 
“Yeah, totally! You can sprinkle your little loser dust on her in hopes that you absolutely woo her.” Dina throws her head back dramatically with the back of her hand on her forehead. The pair chuckle slightly at Dina’s antics.
Ellie still couldn’t believe that Dina knew her. Like, a majorly pretty girl? “Pinch me.” Ellie says, clearly in some state of disbelief. “I think I’m dreaming.” Dina pinches her on the cheek and she smiles. “You’re awake, Ellie! It’s me — Dina in the flesh!” Dina smiles at her.
“Dina, I’ve been like, dreaming of this since school started. I will come to your house later. Just please don’t be lying about this.” Ellie did dream about you a lot, and she always wished she didn’t wake up before the good parts. But she always did, so she woke up sulking all morning.
Even when the passing period had ended, she couldn’t stop creating scenarios about the two of you in her head. Well, the two of you and Dina. Cause she’d be there too. Ellie would feel bad to leave her out.
She knew that this was super cliche but she liked how cliche it was in some odd way. 
She was staring out of a window with her earphone in, tapping her gnawed up pencil against a wooden desk as she listened to songs that reminded her of you.
Which was, obviously, most of the music she’d ever listen to now because she was just that in love with you. She had it bad. Super bad. Actually, no word could describe it.
Once she started dreaming about you, she knew she was doomed. Even more so now that she’ll actually talk to you.
The anxiety of meeting a pretty girl like you sets in. What if she thinks I’m too weird? But she’s friends with Dina.. maybe it’ll be okay. This is so stupid. God, just focus on her! Her internal monologue was a flurry of ‘you got this’ and ‘don’t be a total loser’.
All of that literally goes out the window the second she makes it to Dina’s house.
As usual, Dina’s home was cluttered but homey, and the walls were covered with Dina in various grades performing in school musicals. Ride The Cyclone, Heathers, all that kinda stuff that she has little to no knowledge of.
“She’s waiting in my room — and stand up straight or something. Body language is important.” Dina says, leading her up the creaky stairs. Ellie almost didn’t hear what Dina was saying as they got closer to her room.
She’s in there! Right there! She thought, a smile creeping onto her face. The door of Dina’s room swings open and there you were, sitting on the edge of her bed.
“This is who I was telling you about! Y/N, this is Ellie. Ellie, Y/N.” Dina smiles at both of you brightly. “Hi!” Ellie blurts out, her voice cracking slightly. She instantly feels embarrassed and clears her throat. “Hello. How are you?” She attempts to reapproach the conversation, but when she saw that you’d been already chuckling and smiling, all her affirmations were lost to her.
“I’m fine. And you?” You asked, smiling at her. “I’m.. I’m good. Totally chilling right now, yeah.” Ellie rambles nervously. 
She kinda just stands there awkwardly until she thinks about another question. “How’d you uh, meet Dina?” She asks, rocking back and forth awkwardly on her heels. “We’re in the same theater class. And you,” 
You point at her. “You’ve known her since like, forever, right?” She says to Dina, eliciting a soft hum from the girl. You smile at Dina. “I’ll leave you two alone for a while.” 
Upon hearing that, Ellie snaps her head around to look at Dina. Her eyes scream “don’t leave me here”. Dina smiles remorsefully before leaving the room.
So now it was just Ellie and you. Staring at eachother while birds chirped softly in the distance. Ellie smiles awkwardly. You chuckle at her. “Are you usually this nervous?” You ask, tilting your head to the side slightly.
“..Yes, but not really?” Ellie would never in a million years admit the big fat crush she had on you, not now that you were sitting infront of her. “Well, I’m not gonna like, eat you or anything. You don’t have to be so nervous.”
“That’s easier said than done when you’re that pretty.” Ellie mumbled to herself. “What was that you said? You think I’m pretty?” You ask, smiling brightly. When she realizes you’d heard that part, she becomes incredibly flustered. She smashes her face into the palms of her hands as her cheeks become flushed. 
“I’m truly flattered! It means a lot coming from another pretty girl.” Ellie stood breathing for a moment. She thinks I’m pretty? She thinks I’m pretty?! She truly wants to jump for joy but she doesn’t. Instead she just stares at you.
Once you stand up and start walking towards her, she gets even more nervous because you smell like heaven. “I think we should get to know eachother more.” You suggest as you look at her. “I’ll give you my number.”
“Your number?” She blurts, excitement underlying her tone. “Yeah! It’s no biggie.” You say as you reach for your phone that was previously on the charger.
When you both eventually exchanged numbers, Ellie was staring at your contact in awe. Maybe you were talking to her but she was in her own little world.
She’d finally done it — talked to the girl she’d had a crush on literally all year. And somehow pulled it off enough to get her number.
Has Ellie wooed you? She didn’t know. Were you definitely looking forward to talking to her? Hell yeah you were.
“So I guess I’ll talk to you very soon then?” You raise an eyebrow at her with a smile on your face. Very soon? That could mean tonight! “Yeah, yeah totally. Call me whenever. I’m always free, yknow, never busy.” Ellie said, forming an awkward smile.
I basically just told her I have no hobbies or many friends! How charming is that? Way to go, Ellie. She internally cringes at herself. “Good to know. Bye Ellie.” You wave at her before leaving Dina’s room.
The door shuts and Dina runs up the stairs. “Oh she’s definitely into you.” She exclaims, holding Ellie’s hands. “I’m proud of you for putting your big girl pants on.” Ellie looks at Dina with a stupid smile. “She’s into me.” She mumbled with a starstruck expression. “She’s into me!” She repeats, smiling. I really hope that’s true. She thinks excitedly, squeezing Dina’s hands while looking at her.
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girlrotterr · 6 hours
But I'm a Lesbian! pt.6
ellie x abby x dina x fem!reader a/n: omgg, the final chapter is heree!! thank you to everyone who supported this series!! I love & appreciate you <33
→ Part one! → Part two! → Part three! → Part four! → Part five!
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You and Ellie hurried through the dark hallways, The darkness of the night was cold, the moon casting long shadows on the ground. The only sounds were the distant chirping of crickets and the occasional rustling of leaves. Your footsteps were careful, almost soundless, but your whispers broke the silence.
“You should start the fire,” you said, glancing nervously around to make sure no one was nearby.
“Me? Why me?” Ellie snapped back in a whisper, wincing slightly from the pain in her asscheek.
“Because you’ve got the lighter!” you argued, trying to keep your voice low.
Ellie shook her head, “And you have hands! It’s not rocket science. Just light it up and run.”
"Seriously, I shouldn't be the one starting it," you argued. "If something goes wrong, I don't want to be the one to blame.”
Ellie snapped back, "And you think I do? This is your mess too!"
"Ugh! Why do you have to argue with everything?" you exclaimed in a harsh whisper.
Ellie scoffed, "What are you talking about?"
"You're always disagreeing or instigating something," you shot back. "Shit, it's the reason for most of your fits with Abby! Which, by the way, there's clearly some gay-ass tension between you two..."
Ellie rolled her eyes. "Seriously?! You want to talk about this now? We wouldn't even BE doing this if someone didn't kill the fucking nurse!"
You gasped, feeling a pang of guilt. "I didn't kill her!... At least I don't think I did... fuck! I hope I didn't!!"
Ellie scoffed again, her tone sharp. "If that blow didn't kill her, then a permanent coma is her best bet."
You sighed in relief, "I don't need charges on my record so soon... I still need to commit—wait, wait, wait! Don't fucking change the subject! What's the animosity with Abby?!"
Ellie shot you a look. "What's with the questions all of a sudden?!"
"I need answers to all the crazy shit you've all put me through! Like, how did the nurse and Abby even happen? Why is the director of a conversion camp a closeted lesbian? And why is Dina the only somewhat normal person here—"
Before you could finish, Ellie swiftly covered your mouth with her hand, her eyes burning with intensity. "You're... insufferable," she said, her voice tinged with frustration. "From the moment you stepped foot into our dorm, you've been aggravating."
You blinked, taken aback by her sudden outburst. Ellie's face was close to yours, her gaze unwavering. "I was doing so well," she continued, her voice strained. "I had everything under control, focusing on my tasks, keeping my composure. And yet, you came along and ruined it all."
"You've taken over my mind. Suddenly every thought I have is centered around you. I can’t focus on something without needing to gaze at you." Ellie muttered, her voice softer now, almost pleading. "You've completely thrown me off balance."
You could see the conflict in her eyes, the struggle between wanting to push you away and needing to be close to you. Your eyes widened . Ellie’s words sank in, and you could feel the heat rising in your cheeks. You mumbled something against her hand, and she slowly let it go.
"If you were having gay panic, you should've just said so," you said, half-teasing.
A sudden light illuminated the nearby path, casting long shadows across the courtyard. The director was doing her rounds, her flashlight sweeping from side to side. Ellie reacted instantly, grabbing your arm and pulling you down into the bushes. You both crouched low, trying to steady your breathing as the director's footsteps grew closer.
"Shit," Ellie whispered, her grip on your arm tightening. "We need to stay quiet."
You nodded, your heart pounding in your chest. The director's light passed dangerously close, the beam brushing the edges of the bushes where you hid. You could hear her muttering to herself, something about the nurse not being at her station. Ellie glanced at you, her eyes wide. 
The light paused, and you both held your breath, the world seeming to freeze around you. The director's footsteps resumed, moving away from your hiding spot. You exhaled slowly, feeling a rush of relief.
"That was close," you whispered, glancing at Ellie.
You both stayed hidden for a few more moments, ensuring the director was far enough away. Then, cautiously, Ellie peeked out from the bushes, scanning the area. "Alright, she's gone. Let's move."
You both emerged from your hiding spot, hearts still racing. The courtyard was silent again, the only sound being the faint rustle of leaves in the breeze. Ellie took your hand, leading you toward the designated spot for starting the fire. 
"Okay," Ellie whispered, her eyes darting around  "We need to fucking hurry."
You nodded, your nerves on edge. "I'll keep watch. You start the fire."
Ellie shot you a look. "Alright."
She set to work, gathering some dry leaves and twigs, her movements quick and precise. You kept watch, scanning the courtyard for any signs of movement. The tension was suffocating, every rustle of the wind making you jump.
Ellie fumbled with the lighter, her fingers trembling slightly as she tried to strike a flame. The lighter jammed, and she cursed under her breath, shaking it and trying again. "Come on, damn it!"
You stood next to her, nervously glancing around. "Hurry up, Ellie! The director could come back any second!"
"I'm trying!" Ellie snapped back, shaking the lighter vigorously. "This piece of shit isn't working!"
The two of you exchanged heated words, the stress of the situation making it hard to stay calm. "Why isn't it working?" you hissed, your anxiety spiking.
Ellie pulled it away, her eyes flashing with irritation. "I've got it! Just give me a second!"
Just as you were about to respond, the lighter finally sparked to life. Ellie quickly brought it to the pile of dry leaves and twigs, the tiny flame catching and starting to grow. But before she could fully ignite the pile, the director's flashlight beam swept across the courtyard again, heading straight for you.
"Come on, let's go!" Ellie grabbed your hand, pulling you away from the scene. In her rush, she accidentally kicked a burning stick near the edge of the building. Flames began to lick at the wooden structure, spreading rapidly.
You and Ellie ran toward the forest, hearts pounding, not daring to look back until you were safely hidden among the trees. Breathless, you both turned to see the building catching fire, the flames climbing higher.
"Uh, Ellie," you said, staring at the growing blaze.
Ellie followed your gaze, her expression shifting from shock to disbelief. "Well, shit,"
"Hold her legs up higher!" Abby grunted, struggling with the weight.
"I'm trying!" Dina hissed back, sweat beading on her forehead. 
The two of them wrestled with the nurse's limp form, trying to fit her into the cramped space. Abby pushed, and Dina pulled, both of them gritting their teeth with the effort.
"Okay, almost there," Abby said, maneuvering the nurse's arm inside. "Just a little more."
Dina adjusted the nurse's legs, finally managing to tuck them in. The cabinet door barely closed, the nurse's fingers still visible through the gap.
"Shit, that’s not gonna work," Dina muttered, eyeing the barely shut door.
"We don't have time," Abby said, her tone urgent. "We need to get our stuff and get out of here..”
Dina nodded, moving quickly to the drawer they had been trying to unlock. "The nurse had the keys, right?"
Abby reached into the nurse's pocket, pulling out a small set of keys. "Fuck yeah."
Abby tossed the keys to Dina, but in the rush, Dina fumbled the catch, and the keys fell to the ground with a metallic clink. Dina scrambled to pick them up, her hands shaking . At that exact moment, a loud crash echoed. Abby turned to see the nurse's body come flying out of the cabinet, landing face down on the floor. 
"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," Abby groaned in frustration.
"Sooo, I know this isn't the most perfect time to ask this but.." Dina glanced at Abby who was holding the limp body over her shoulder.
"Just ask," Abby replied, her tone strained with the effort of holding the nurse's body.
Dina took a deep breath. "Do you think after all this, you and Ellie could reconcile?"
Abby's brows furrowed in surprise. "What?"
"Everything that happened with Cat, Ab's," Dina continued.
Abby furrowed her brows, "It wasn't that serious with Cat, alright? We were just having fun. And besides, Cat just wasn't the one for ellie."
Dina let out an exasperated sigh. "Imagine how Ellie felt walking in on you giving her crush mind-blowing backshots with another bitch suffocating on her tits!"
Abby rolled her eyes. "You were that other bitch!"
Dina scoffed, crossing her arms defensively. "Woah, woah, woah! I apologized to Ellie, okay?! I blamed it on the perc and told her that it made me hallucinate!"
Suddenly, the shrill sound of the fire alarm pierced the air.
"Shit, shit, shit," Abby cursed, glancing nervously at the door. "We need to hurry."
Dina's heart raced as she finally managed to open the drawer, revealing their confiscated belongings piled inside. "Got it!" She quickly grabbed their things and stuffed them into her bag, her movements frantic as she tried to gather everything.
"We need to go, now!" Abby urged. 
You and Ellie sprinted through the forest, branches scratching at your arms and legs as you dodged trees and bushes. The glow of the fire behind you illuminated the night.
Finally, you broke through the tree line and spotted Abby and Dina emerging from the building, looking frazzled but unharmed. They hurried toward you, carrying bags filled with your confiscated belongings.
"We need to fucking leave now!" Ellie gasped for air, glancing back at the burning building. "The director's out here—what the fuck?" She stopped mid-sentence, eyes widening at the sight of the nurse still limp and draped over Abby's shoulder.
Abby adjusted her grip on the nurse, "She wouldn't fit, okay!" Abby said defensively, her voice strained. "I didn't know what else to do!"
Dina, her face flushed with adrenaline, glanced nervously at the approaching flames and the chaos behind them. "Her plump fucking ass would take up half the space!"
“Is she still out?" you asked, looking at the nurse's unconscious form.
Abby nodded, "Yeah, she hasn't woken up yet."
"We need to hide her somewhere," Ellie said, her mind racing. "If the director finds her like this, we'll be fucking screwed."
Dina pointed toward a nearby shed, half-hidden in the shadows. "There! We can hide her in there."
With a collective effort, you all hurried toward the shed, Abby struggling to keep the nurse balanced as you navigated through the forest. Ellie pushed open the creaky door, and you quickly cleared a space inside, shoving old tools and supplies out of the way.
Abby gently laid the nurse down on a pile of rags,"Hopefully no bears chew her alive," Dina said, straightening up and wiping sweat from her brow.
 "Yeah, they’d have to chew through the silicone first." abby said.
As you continued through the forest, the distant glow of the fire gradually faded, but the urgency to keep moving pressed on. Finally, after what felt like hours, you stumbled upon a small clearing near the edge of the property. There, partially hidden behind some bushes, was the director's car.
"Fuck yeah," Ellie muttered, running her hand over the hood. "This is our way out."
Abby glanced around nervously. "We need to hurry. The director could be anywhere."
Ellie quickly got to work on the car, she pried open the dashboard and began fumbling with the wires. The silence of the night was broken only by the occasional crackle of leaves and distant shouts from the burning building.
Dina kept watch, her eyes darting around. "Come on, Ellie, faster," she urged, her voice tight with anxiety.
"I'm going as fast as I can," Ellie snapped back, her fingers working frantically. "This isn't exactly fucking easy."
Just then, you heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps rapidly approaching. 
“You fucking clit sucking lesbians!!”  You turned to see the director, flashlight in hand, sprinting toward you, her face a mask of fury. 
"Shit! She's coming!" you yelled, panic setting in.
"Why did we let this fucking loser do this intricate ass shit!" Dina yelled.
"Shut up and let me concentrate!" Ellie snapped, her hands shaking as she twisted the last wire.
You all turned to see the director sprinting towards you, her flashlight beam cutting through the darkness. 
The engine roared to life just as the director reached the car. Without a second thought, Ellie slammed her foot on the gas pedal. The car lurched forward, the tires kicking up dirt and gravel. The director, caught off guard, tried to jump out of the way but wasn't quick enough. The car clipped her, sending her sprawling to the ground.
"Oh my fucking god!" Dina screamed, turning to look back at the director lying motionless on the ground.
The car skidded to a halt down the road, and the four of you rushed out. 
Blood trickled from a gash on the director's forehead, glistening under the dim moonlight. You covered your mouth, a wave of nausea washing over you. "This is why I wanted to escape alone!" you exclaimed, "Whenever I'm with you three, some insane shit happens!"
Dina clutched your arm, "Maybe we can be cellmates!" 
Ellie began pacing back and forth, "I need a cigarette. " she said, running a hand through her hair.
Abby, meanwhile, had knelt beside the director. She rifled through the director's pockets, finally pulling out her wallet. "Well, we need money, right?" she said, flipping it open and inspecting it.
"Are you seriously robbing her right now?" Ellie snapped, her eyes wide with disbelief.
Abby stood up, pocketing the wallet. "We can't afford to get caught. If we have to be on the run, we'll need cash."
You felt a rush of frustration. "This is insane. We’re not criminals!"
"Maybe not, but we are now," Abby replied, her tone cold. "We don’t have a choice."
Dina glanced back at the car, her eyes flicking between the director and the vehicle. "We can’t leave her here. Someone will find her, and then they'll trace us."
Ellie stopped pacing and took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "We need to hide her, at least until we can figure out our next move."
You nodded, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on you. "Alright, let's move her into the woods, somewhere she won't be easily found."
Together, you and the others carefully lifted the director's unconscious body, moving her off the road and deeper into the forest. The underbrush crackled underfoot as you carried her, the darkness swallowing you up. You finally found a secluded spot, laying her gently on the ground.
"Okay," Abby said, looking around, "this should buy us some time."
Dina sighed heavily, wiping her forehead. "Now what?"
"We get back in the car and keep driving," Ellie said, her voice firm. "We find somewhere to lay low and come up with a plan."
As Ellie started the car, the headlights illuminated a figure standing in the middle of the road. It was another nurse, her eyes wide with shock as she took in the scene."Excuse me, ma'am," Dina yelled out the window, “Where’s the nearest gay bar?"
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i-yap · 3 days
Jason todd x Reader- Depressive episode
thanks everyone for the compliments and encouraging words in my inbox....i really appreciate it.
The lights were dimmed, everything scattered and messy, just a small lamp on the otherside of the room and the curtains left open. Jason would have panicked..if not for the lump in the blacket and deep slow breathing from his side of the bed. His heart dropped as he realized.
Slowly approaching your side, his boots heavy as he approached you to make sure you were aware of his presence. Crouching down and pulling the blanket below your face he said softly "Hey sweetheart, I think you're on my side"
You wordlessly try to roll away to "your side" but he stops you. "I was kidding y/n, you know that baby"
"im sorry" you say quietly. Tears already forming in your eyes waiting to join the already present tear stains down your cheeks. "hey hey why are you apologizing? " Jason strokes your hair, noticing how tangled they've gotten. You must have been pulling at them.
"Cuz I smell, and you just came back from a mission and the house is a mess. A-and I'm a m-mess" you hiccup as the tears finally escape your eyes.
"None of that now y/n, you know I don't care about any of that stuff. I old care about you Let me help. "
"Nothing can help right now"
"Not even as bath? ill be in it too"
"i dont want to get up"
"Ill carry you "
You wordlessly nod before burrowing your face in the remanent smell of jason still lingering in his pillows while jason starts a bath, lights a few candles and a bath salt. Carrying you to the bathtub. je undresses while you feel something other than the suffocating sheets and your own misery. Settling himself behind you, he gently presses down on your shoulders. "Can you tell me what happened? or not if you don't want", His kind tone and affection was enough for the tear dam to break again. 'such big tears, cmon no y/n, why such big ones hm? you'll give the gotham rain a run for its money" you giggle out a chocked sob.
Jason understands, while his misery comes out in fits of anger yours was a silent killer. He understands , he understands well. And you know he is there, sitting silently behind you , holding you for as long as you need- for as long as he can.
(Im going through an absolutely horrible depressive episode. And its killing me. Writing this was tough on its own but its the first productive thing I've done in days. this was a small self indulgence. Its so funny- I'm a psychology student and I've dedicated my life helping those with mental health issues. After all the charity and the programs and shifts and the hospitals- who would've thought id be here, needing another version of me to come help me out of this. Ill get through it but I'm rlly grateful for all you who have been supporting me through this. Promise it wont last longer than a week. love ya)
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atzaurora · 2 days
Hello! I wanted to give an idea or request if that's okay with you. Feel free to ignore it tho !
An ot8 of ateez where reader gets injured during a performance or a small accident. Up to you. But that's it thank you
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ᥲ 𝗍ᥕіs𝗍 іᥒ 𝗍һᥱ s⍴᥆𝗍ᥣіgһ𝗍
𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓: ot8
𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: fem!idol!reader x idol!ateez
𝒕𝒚𝒑𝒆: imagine (angst, fluff)
𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑: group members, good friends
.ᐟ.ᐟ𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔.ᐟ.ᐟ: sprained ankle, recovering from injury
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: y/n sprains her ankle during a concert and the members make sure to take care of her after
𝒘/𝒄: not counted
𝒂/𝒏: I hope this is what you had in mind! if you want, leave feedback or requests anytime ^^
here's my 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕!
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The lights were blinding, the fans' cheers thunderous, as you and Ateez gave your all on stage. performing as an idol was a dream come true, and being part of such an energetic and talented group made every moment special. however, tonight, something went wrong.
in the middle of a particularly intense dance break, you felt your ankle twist awkwardly. a sharp pain shot up your leg, but you managed to finish the song before collapsing backstage, clutching your ankle. the cheers of the crowd faded into the background as your world narrowed to the throbbing pain.
"y/n!" San's voice was the first you heard as the members rushed to your side. his face was a mix of concern and panic. "are you okay?"
you shook your head, wincing. "I think I sprained my ankle."
Hongjoong immediately took charge, directing the staff to fetch an ice pack and calling for the on-site medical team. "we need to get this checked out as soon as possible."
the members eventually had to head outside onto the stage again and so the rest of the concert went on without you, but your thoughts were focused on the pain and worry about your injury. the medical team arrived quickly, confirming it was indeed a sprained ankle and suggesting you go to the hospital for a more thorough examination.
San and Wooyoung helped you onto a chair, carefully propping your injured leg up with pillows and placing an ice pack on your ankle. you tried to keep a brave face, but the pain and disappointment were overwhelming.
"hey, don't worry," Seonghwa said softly, kneeling beside you. "we'll take care of you. the fans will understand."
you nodded, grateful for their support but still feeling a pang of guilt for not being able to finish the performance. "I know. I just hate feeling like I'm letting everyone down."
Jongho squeezed your hand reassuringly. "you're not letting anyone down, y/n. injuries happen. what matters is that you take care of yourself and that we take care of you too."
the concert ended, and the members hurried backstage to check on you. they were all sweaty and tired, but their concern for you was palpable.
"how's the ankle?" Yunho asked, crouching down to get a better look.
"it hurts," you admitted, trying not to wince as the ice pack was removed for a moment. "but the medical team said it's just a sprain."
Mingi, also your current roommate for the hotel room, looked particularly worried. "we should get you to a doctor, just to be sure. we'll take care of everything."
you nodded, knowing he was right. with the help of the members, you were carefully escorted out of the venue and into a van. the ride to the hospital was quiet, filled with the tension of worry and exhaustion.
at the hospital, the doctor confirmed the initial diagnosis: a sprained ankle that would need rest, ice, compression, and elevation. you were given a brace and crutches to help you get around.
"thank you," you said to the doctor as you left the examination room.
San wrapped an arm around your shoulders, guiding you back to the van. "let's get you back to the hotel so you can rest."
the drive back to the hotel was more relaxed, the members joking and chatting to keep your spirits up. despite the pain, you felt more eased now at their calming presence.
once you arrived at the hotel, they helped you up to your shared suite with Mingi. he insisted on carrying you, despite your protests.
"Mingi, I'm not that helpless," you laughed, but he shook his head.
"humor," he said, a playful grin on his face. "I don't want you putting any weight on that ankle."
inside the suite, Mingi carefully set you down on the couch, propping your leg up with pillows and handing you the remote. "there. now you just relax, okay?"
"thanks, Mingi," you said, touched by his care. "you guys are the best."
Hongjoong entered the room with a bag of takeout. "we figured you might be hungry, so we got your favorite."
"you're spoiling me," you teased, but your heart swelled with affection.
"only because you deserve it," Yeosang said, sitting beside you. "just focus on getting better."
the evening passed in a haze of laughter and camaraderie. the members took turns sitting with you, chatting about everything and nothing, keeping your spirits high.
San brought over a deck of cards. "how about a game to pass the time?"
you nodded eagerly, and soon, the room was filled with the sound of shuffling cards and friendly banter. the pain in your ankle seemed to fade a bit with each laugh and smile shared.
as the night grew late, Mingi insisted on helping you to bed. "you need to rest," he said firmly, guiding you to your bed.
"thanks, Mingi," you said softly, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over you. "I don't know what I'd do without you."
he smiled, tucking you in gently. "get some sleep. we'll all be here in the morning."
you drifted off to sleep, comforted by the knowledge that you had such wonderful friends by your side. the next few days were gonna be challenging, but with a little help from your friends, that ankle would be good again in no time.
the following morning, you woke up to the smell of breakfast wafting through the suite. you carefully got out of bed, using the crutches to make your way to the living room. there, you found the members bustling around, setting the table with an impressive spread.
"good morning, y/n," Hongjoong greeted you with a smile. "how are you feeling?"
"a little better, thanks," you replied, taking a seat. "you guys didn't have to do all this."
"we wanted to," Wooyoung said, placing a plate of pancakes in front of you. "you need to eat well to recover."
you couldn't help but smile at their thoughtfulness. "you guys are amazing."
as you ate breakfast, the conversation turned to lighter topics. Yunho and Jongho recounted funny moments from their trainee days, making everyone laugh. it was exactly what you needed to forget the pain at least a little.
after breakfast, Mingi helped you back to the couch, setting you up with everything you might need within reach. "if you need anything, just ask," he said, smiling down at you
"thanks, Mingi," you said, touched by his attentiveness.
the rest of the day passed in a comfortable routine. the members took turns keeping you company again, playing games, watching movies, and just chatting. their presence was a constant source of comfort, making the pain in your ankle more bearable.
by the third day, you were starting to feel a bit more mobile, though you still needed the crutches and the occasional assistance from the members. the hotel suite had become a cozy haven, filled with laughter and warmth.
one evening, as you all gathered in the living room, Hongjoong brought up a serious topic. "Y/n, we've been talking, and we think you should take some time off to fully recover. we can handle things in the meantime."
you shook your head, feeling a pang of guilt. "I don't want to let anyone down. I can still perform, just not the intense dance breaks."
San placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "your health comes first. we can adjust the performances and make sure you're not straining your ankle."
Yeosang nodded in agreement. "we'll help you, no matter what."
their words touched you deeply. "thank you, guys. I appreciate it more than you know."
the next few days were filled with preparations for your adjusted performances. the members worked hard to make sure everything ran smoothly, allowing you to focus on your recovery.
on the day of your next concert, you were both nervous and excited. the support from your fans and the members gave you the strength to push through.
as you performed on stage, you were careful with your movements, avoiding any sudden twists or turns. the fans cheered louder than ever, their love and support palpable.
backstage, the members were constantly checking on you, making sure you were okay. their concern and care made you feel truly cherished.
after the concert, you returned to the hotel, exhausted but happy. the members gathered in your suite, celebrating the successful performance.
"you did amazing, y/n," Jongho said, raising a glass of soda in a toast. "to our incredible teammate!"
you smiled, feeling a surge of pride and gratitude. "I couldn't have done it without you guys. thank you for everything."
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daydreaming-nerd · 3 days
Young Love and Old Money (Cassian x Female! Reader) Part 14
Young Love and Old Money Masterlist
AN: Wow guys I just noticed that I hit 1,200 followers?!? That's wild af to me so thank you to all of you that support my writing. I can't believe this series only has a few more parts left! This chapter is where things get interesting...
Summary: She was the most beautiful woman in Prythian, sister to the High Lord of Night, and now she is the soon-to-be wife of Eris Vanserra. Despite her many titles and her aura of unattainability, Cassian can't help but fall deeply in love with the princess of the Night Court. But will it be enough to stop her impending wedding to a man who is sure to destroy her from the inside out?
Warnings: violence, objectification, angst, fighting parents in the beginning, panic attack at the end
Word Count: 4,629
“Who’s afraid of little old me? You should be.”
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“Again Rhys again!” I called out. 
My big brother and I sit knee to knee on my bedroom floor. Both of us were supposed to be in bed hours ago. But Rhys was getting better and better at controlling his powers, especially for a fae so young. Many already started to fear him, but I knew he wasn’t a danger, especially as he sat here doing parlor tricks for me to distract from the sounds of mother and father fighting downstairs. 
Rhys chuckles at my request but holds out his hands and summons an image of the night sky on starfall. It’s small and doesn’t quite do the real event justice, but it’s beautiful, it’s magical. The image fades away like all things do and the room is back to being illuminated by the moonlight drifting through the window alone. 
“I wish I had powers,” I huff looking at my own mundane hands like a spark or a light might emit from them. 
Rhys smiles, “Here hold out your hands,” he instructs me.
I give him both hands and try to ignore how much smaller they are in his. He’s a few years older but I know I’ll never be as big as him. He holds them tightly and when he lets go a swirling sky of stars rests in my hands. A galaxy of sparkles and shooting beams of light. 
“There now you have powers of your own,” Rhys tells me, but I can see him maintaining the magic with his own hands. “Who knows, maybe you’re just a late bloomer,” he says reassuringly. 
I shake my head knowing that if that were the case I’m years and years too late, “Father says I won’t have any,” I say watching the little galaxy fade in my hands, as if it felt my sadness. 
“Maybe he’s wrong,” my brother says, trying to cheer me up as best as possible. 
“He’s Father, he’s never wrong,” I remind him. 
Rhys sighs and looks away, suddenly the snapping of leather echoes throughout the room. I turn to see he’s summoned his wings. He looks at me with an amused glance. 
“I bet mother and father will be arguing for at least another hour, want me to sneak you out and we can go to the candy shop? I have some extra allowance, I’ll buy you those chocolates you like,” he says putting on a big smile. 
“Yes lets go!” I squeal jumping from the floor. 
There wasn’t a problem my big brother couldn’t solve with either spells or sweets.
My eyes flutter open as I feel the Illyrian behind me shifting about. Outside I can hear the birds chirping signaling that it’s morning but all I see is darkness. I sigh, pushing Cassian’s wing out of my way as I move to get out of bed. Before my feet touch the floor I’m yanked back into my mates warm embrace as he litters kisses on my cheek. 
“What are you doing up this early?” he chuckles knowing that he’s typically the earlier riser of the two of us. 
“I had a dream,” I giggle snuggling down into his warmth, who was I kidding? It was too cold outside to get out of bed yet. 
“Bad dream?” he asked me, pressing another kiss to my temple. 
“No it was a good dream,” I sigh remembering the dream I had woken up from, a memory really of a summer night with Rhys when we were just kids. “It was a really good dream,” I say again. 
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“Is everyone ready?” Rhys asks the group as we continue to suit up. 
Now that Feyre and Rhys were mated and we had both halves of the book we had decided to nullify The Cauldron. It was the best course of action to prevent our people from being slaughtered. When Rhys told me about the plan I asked if I could tag along. I had felt guilty about not having armies for us still, and with the training Cassian and I had been doing I knew I could look out for myself. 
Cassian wasn’t happy with the idea. He tried to talk Rhys out of letting me go, but after Azriel vouched for my abilities Rhys said it would be my choice. 
“Ready!” I chirp, strapping the last of my daggers to my thighs. 
“I still don’t feel comfortable with this,” Cassian said, stepping to my side and tilting my chin up so I could see his eyes, the worry in them. 
“Cass I’ll be okay, if Feyre can go so can I,” I say, grasping his wrist and placing a kiss to his palm, I know it won’t soothe his fears but it’s worth a try.
Cassian turns to Rhys, “You should know that she comes first. If anything should happen to her I won’t hesitate to get her out.” he says firmly to my brother. 
“Cassian,” I hiss, not liking how I’m feeling so small.
Rhys nods, “I would expect nothing less from my general and my sister's mate,” he agrees. 
“Then we’re in agreement,” Cassian nods. 
We all walk out onto the terrace, and I climb into Cassian’s arms as we shoot into the sky. The entire flight there Cassian and I are silent, not a word is uttered between us. I wasn’t happy that he was going into this with a chip on his shoulder. The last thing I wanted was for him to be upset with me, despite him telling me time and time again that he wasn’t. I knew he was telling the truth, that he was more terrified than anything, but I was tired of being left behind. Tired of being the weak one.
When we arrive in Hybern and sneak into the castle it all feels too easy. There were very few guards we had to down on the way in. I didn’t even see any action, I only blocked a blow or two. It made me uneasy, made Rhys uneasy as well as we made our way toward the Cauldron. That’s where things went wrong. 
Feyre had joined the two halves of the book and the power that had rippled through the palace brought Jurian, and Hybern upon us. It seemed that Tamlin had struck a deal with the king in exchange for getting Feyre back. All of us were terrified…we couldn’t fly, we couldn’t winnow, we couldn’t even move from the power that had us rooted to the ground. 
 Hybern sat upon his throne Tamlin and Lucien beside him. I could feel his power holding each of us frozen as he surveyed all of us, I was under that mountain once again at his gaze. I tried to reach for Cassian as I could feel his unwavering panic through the bond. A fear, not for himself but for me, and as the king’s soulless eyes found me I knew why. 
“You,” he said cooly, his lip curling up at the edge.
I felt my body being pulled to him by whatever power had previously held me down. I screamed and thrashed as my body drifted further towards him. 
“NO!” Cassian shouted, thrashing against the power that held him. 
My screams were silenced by an icy black power around my throat as I was dropped on my knees before The King of Hybern. 
“I remember you,” Hybern crooned. “You’re The Jewel. The one that should’ve been my wife, but your brother here,” he looked behind me to Rhys. “kept you from me.” 
I feel the power pulling me closer until I’m sitting on the king's lap, the weight of his magic keeping me locked there. 
“Don’t you touch her!” Cassian gritted through his teeth, like there was power circling his throat keeping him from speaking. 
From where I sat perched on the king's leg I could see each member of my family struggling for purchase, Cassian the worst of all of them. As the king laid a hand on my thigh and a tear fell from my eye I couldn’t tell if the fear in my chest was my own or Cassian’s. 
“As I was saying Feyre, it's in your best interest that you come quietly, you see we have something that might interest you,” he says cooly. 
The doors to my right open revealing the human queens and two young human women, both of them sharing similar features to Feyre. Her sisters, I realized. The ones Feyre had talked to me about time and time again. She was so worried for them and here they were, in the worst possible place they could be. What would Feyre sacrifice in order to save them? Would she leave Rhys and go back to the spring court?
“Don’t hurt them,” I breathe out through the phantom grip on my throat.
The king's chest rumbles behind me as he laughs, “And what are you willing to give me in exchange little dove?”  he smirked, inhaling the scent of my hair. 
“Y/n no!” Cassian growled out, more frantic this time. 
A new voice made itself known, “She wouldn’t be much good to you, she’s practically infertile,” a voice croons from my left, my eyes flit to see Lucien taking a step towards us. 
“What a shame,” the king said, brushing a hand against my cheek. 
The fear that clouded my mind and the bond made it so I could hardly hear the things around me. I swear I could only hear the beating of my own heart. Mentions of how Jurian came to be in Hybern were thrown about. Shouts and screams from all around until the king's voice cut through the haze clouding my head. 
“Ladies, eternity awaits . Prove to their majesties the Cauldron is safe for…strong willed individuals,” 
No, no, no, no. He was going to put Feyre’s sisters in the Cauldron. The fog returned to my mind as I watched the first one enter and exit as if she was nothing but a babe being washed for the first time. Lucine was on the ground next to her and I swore I heard him utter the word ‘mate’ as he draped his coat around her shivering shoulders. The elder sister, Nesta, thrashed about, putting up a much harder fight than her younger sister did. When she emerged from the cauldron I could tell that she had been made different, more ruthless than any fae I had ever seen. 
“There you have it, they are immortal,” he motioned to the two new fae lying on the cold floor. 
The shock and horror on everyone's face, even Tamlin's, was a sight I would have haunt me for years to come. I felt the king’s hand drift from my thigh, over my hip and to my neck turning me to face him. 
“I wonder what happens when someone who is already fae goes into the Cauldron,” he croons, brushing the skin of my cheek. 
“NO!” Cassian shouted and for a moment the king’s power faulted, gaining Cassian two steps of freedom before white hot power erupted into him. 
The scream my mate let out was nothing short of bone chilling, my eyes watched as the power that held him began shredding his wings as he fought to get to me. Two sets of arms hauled me off the king’s lap and before I knew it I was being dragged toward the Cauldron.
“NO! NO! CASSIAN!” I screamed for all I was worth, fought with all that I had tears rolling down my face. 
“That’s enough!” Rhys voice cut through my shouts. “If you put her in you’ll kill her!” 
“Seems like a fitting punishment for you keeping her from me under the mountain. Or did you really think I would let that go unpunished, Rhysand?” the king laughed. 
I feel my legs hit the edge of the Cauldron and my eyes look down into icy blackness within, a power so dark it couldn’t hold light.
Cassian’s scream ricocheted off the wall as I turned to find his wings in ribbons around him. The brutal agony in that scream, the mating bond inside of me forced me to feel parts of it.  
“Put her in,” Hybern said cooly, like this was nothing short of routine for him. 
“No! NO!” I cried as I felt my legs submerge inside, the icy bite on my skin. “Cassian! CASSIAN!” I screamed wanting to see his eyes one last time. 
Tear streaked hazel met my gaze and in that moment I knew I was looking at him for the last time. Despite him still trying to break free he seemed to know it too. I felt arms pushing me under but I pushed back needing one more moment of him. 
“Cassian, I love you!” I shouted. 
The hands on my shoulders pushed me down until I was completely submerged in the Cauldron. There was the sound of water around me and then there was nothing at all. 
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Rhys pov:
  The sound of Cassian’s screams as my sister was plunged into the Cauldron were the most haunting sounds I had ever heard. They were so terrifying I was sure I was watching that bond snap and half in real time. It was like I was hearing my sister die as well as watching her die and all I could do was stand there as the king's white hot power suffocated me.  
Cassian’s screams stopped and I glanced over to see him passed out on the floor. Good. I thought, at the very least if he was unconscious then he wasn’t in pain. 
My eyes were riveted to where two guards attempted to rip y/n from the Cauldron. She was different from the other two who had been plunged in. It was as if the Cauldron was fighting to keep her. With a great heave she was pulled from the water and tossed onto the ground, the sound of wet skin slapping the stone floors deafening. 
I felt it before I saw it. A power, so deep, so dark. Even I feared what the Cauldron had awakened. 
Then I saw it, violet flames dancing over her prone body. 
“Marvelous,” the king’s voice breathed as he beheld what he had created. 
The next moments the rest of Feyre and I’s plan took action. She pretended to break free of my influence and run to Tamlin to be my spy. I was left to winnow us all out along with Mor and Azriel. Azriel took Cassian who needed a healer immediately and Mor took Feyre’s sisters, as she had begged me to save them. 
As I approached my sister unease slid into my stomach, she wasn’t conscious and I wasn’t sure if she was even alive. I didn’t have time to check and I didn’t care. I wouldn’t leave her body here anyways. I reacted quickly grabbing her and winnowing to the townhouse, the moment my skin touched hers I felt the heat of the flame, it burnt through my leathers and seared my skin. 
It wasn’t until the shadows parted and I recognized that we were in the townhouse that I all but dropped her on the floor at Amren’s feet. I looked down at my arms, the flesh there marred. The burns would heal over time. 
“What the hell have you brought into this court Rhysand?!” Amren sneered at y/n’s limp body on the ground, the flames dancing over her skin were already burning a hole in the carpet. 
“Hybern put her in the Cauldron,” I explained to her. 
Amren looks my sister up and down, her eyes begin to widen slowly as if she was putting all the pieces together. Then I saw the one thing I thought I would never see…fear crossing Amren’s features.
“What is it? How do we help her?” I ask frantically, breaking Amren from her trance. 
“This power, it is an old bloodline made new. We need to get her somewhere warded now. If she wakes up and panics she could bring down this entire city,” Amren says. 
“The only heavily warded places are the cells in the Hewn City,” I tell her, I couldn’t put my baby sister down there, I wouldn’t. 
“Then grab her and let’s go,” Amren says, not taking her eyes off y/n.
“You can’t be serious?!” I shouted, there was no way I was leaving her down there. 
“Did you not hear me, Rhysand? She will destroy this entire court if there is not something to subdue her power!” Amren shouts at me, for someone so small she was a commanding force.
“I can’t carry her, my arms,” I say looking down at the burnt flesh. 
“Ward yourself, it won’t protect you completely but it’ll help,” Amren says.
I focus my power on a thin ward around my body and scoop y/n into my arms. The flames that radiate off her are searing but he wards are helping just enough so that I can carry her. We winnow into the cells under the Hewn City and just as the shield around my arms are starting to falter I drop y/n into the most heavily warded cell.
The prison is dark and damp, the condensation from above us dripping onto my hair. A chill runs down my spine as a draft blows over us. No wonder Azriel was able to break people so quickly down here, the environment itself was hell. Yet as I closed the cell I could see the violet flames on y/n’s skin dying down, reducing themselves to mere flickers.  
“I’ll head to the archives and see what I can find out,” Amren says, placing a hand on my shoulder as if she can sense my despair. I had watched my mate walk off with my worst enemy and now my sister's life was in danger from a power I knew nothing about. 
“Thank you,” I say quietly watching y/n through the bars. 
“You will need to keep her there until she can learn to control it. She’s a danger to the city, but she is also a danger to herself Rhysand,” Amren explains and all I can offer her is a shallow nod.
Before I left I said a silent prayer to the Mother, begging her not to let me lose my sister, not when I had just gotten her back. 
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Rhys pov:
He is awake…
Azriel’s voice drifted through my mind, uttering the words I had dreaded hearing. Of course I wanted Cassian to be okay, I knew he would be. But how did I tell him that his mate, his wife, his reason for being alive was…different. That when he saw her he wouldn’t be able to touch her, hold her. 
How did I explain why she had to be locked in the cell before me when I didn’t even understand it myself?
I sighed and stood from the rickety wooden stool I had been sitting on for hours. I tried to talk to y/n, but all I got from her were shaky breaths and grumbles. At least she was alive, even if her mind was foggy. 
I winnowed to the townhouse where Azriel was already talking to Cassian. My general’s wings bandaged up and down, but healing, and soon to be whole. 
“Here talk to Rhys,” Azriel said calmly, gesturing to me. I could already tell that he had interrogated Azriel to death, the shadowsinger's eyes weak and weary. 
Cass turned to me with pleading eyes, “Where is she Rhys?” he stalked over to me. 
“Now Cass-” I replied, raising my hands trying to show him I meant no harm, like that would ever calm a mated male.
“Where is my wife?” he growled, those hazel eyes burning with a flame I had only seen on two occasions, on the battlefield and when he thought y/n was dead on the Winter Court border. 
“She’s here, in the Night Court,” I answered, telling at least some form of the truth. 
His eyes flared again not happy with my half answer, “Where in the Night Court?!” his composure was dancing on a tightrope.
I sighed, “You have to know that she’s different Cass. She’s…changed. When she was put in the Cauldron something awakened inside of her. Her power is rising, burning inside of her and we can’t control it or stop it.” 
He grips the dirty collar of my shirt, “Where. Is. She.” 
“We had to put her somewhere warded. Somewhere she wouldn’t be a danger to herself, to others.” I say not wanting to utter where my little sister truly  was, not wanting to feel the shame.
“You didn’t-” 
“I didn’t have a choice,” I pleaded with the male. 
Cassian released me and made for the balcony, it wasn’t until he flung open the doors that he realized that he couldn’t fly to her, his broken wings hindering him from acting on his instincts. His shoulders tense and then roll as he growls and turns his head. 
“Take me to her,” he says with a calm that is almost more terrifying than his rage. 
I sigh once more crossing the floor to envelope us in shadow. I smell the prison before I see it, and Cassian does too, shivering as the darkness parts. Y/n is exactly how I left her, curled into a ball, violet flames dancing over her skin, but breathing. 
Cassian goes to unlock the cell but the lock is warded, only I can open it. He turns to me again, the look on his face sending chills down his body. 
“Get her the fuck out of there!” he growls and I swear I hear y/n let out a whimper.
“I’m sorry Cassain, I can’t do that,” I say, ducking my  head to my shoes, feeling the shame of the predicament. 
“BULLSHIT! LET HER OUT!” Cassian’s scream ricochets off the stone walls hurting my ears. “She’s freezing in there! You’re going to kill her!” he shouted once again. 
Amren came to stand beside me, watching the sad scene before us. Cassian dropped to his knees outside the cell and reached out a trembling hand, but as far as he strained she was just out of reach. 
“Princess? Princess? Can you hear me?” he pleads to a bundle of power that doesn’t do anything more than shift a bit. The breaking in his voice is not a sound I would soon forget.
“She’s not freezing to death Cassian,” Amren spoke with cool calm. “In fact it’s quite the opposite, she’s burning up. Look at Rhysand’s arms if you require proof.” 
Cassian turns around and I lower my arms from where they were crossed over my chest. The burn marks are nearly gone, having been healed, but they are still there nonetheless. 
“What the hell happened to her?” He asked, turning to Amren, his hands not leaving the bars of the cell, like we might rip him away at any moment. 
“The Cauldron awoke a power that was already in her, lying dormant. It’s an old bloodline, tainted with the Night Court’s magic. She’s similar to Rhysand, but different.” Amren explains. 
“Trust me putting my little sister in a cell is the last thing I want to do, but if she looses control she might end us all.” I explain but it doesn’t take the anguish out of Cassain’s face, nor does it take him from her cell. 
Hours pass by and not a murmur, not a movement had come from y/n. She lays just as she was when I dropped her in here. At some point Cassian had taken to laying down on his side and reaching his arm through the cell, just in case she did wake up. I left them both, knowing Cass would tell me when she woke up. 
I thought sleep would take me as I lay in bed, but without Feyre it was hard. Images of her going with Tamlin plagued my mind. The sound of y/n being pulled from the Cauldron made my stomach churn. In my 500 years I had never been afraid of power. But whatever the Cauldron had done with y/n? I shook my  head at the thought. 
An old bloodline… Amren had said, but it was more than that. The faintest hint of violet that tinted that flame was evidence enough. It was enough to make me feel true fear. Whatever the Cauldron had made her was the most powerful thing I had ever seen and I prayed to the Mother it wouldn’t consume her whole. 
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y/n’s pov: 
I woke to a flame so hot it was cold, like ice. 
The faint dripping overhead into a puddle echoed throughout the room. A musty smell of earth and mud filling my nose. But all my senses were overtaken by the sheer power that erupted in my veins and in my head. Like it was singing to me but I couldn't make out the words. 
My eyes flutter open and I’m met with a blurred darkness, a faint light, bars and a lump before me. As my vision focuses I see that Cassian is in a cell before me. No, I’m in the cell. 
I looked at his bandaged wings and recalled his screams from when they were being shredded.  How I shouted one last goodbye thinking at least one of us wouldn’t live to escape that palace. Yet here I was, alive, and there he laid before me. Broken and bruised, but his chest rising and falling. 
His hand was so close to me, reaching through the bars. As if he tried to get as close as he possibly could.  I go to touch him, but my eyes snag on the flames dancing over my hand and I pull back. 
“Cass,” I rasp out, my voice weak and quiet. 
His hazel eyes flutter open and find mine, as he sits up hurried. 
“Princess oh thank the Cauldron you’re awake,” he breathes, reaching his hand through the bars. 
I think to reach out and touch him but a voice echoes through the room. 
“Don’t!” my brother shouts winnowing in. Both Cassain and I turn to Rhys. He looks as if he hadn’t slept in days, hair disheveled, eyes tired. “You’ll burn him.” he warns me and I pull my hand back so quickly you would think I scorched myself. 
The roaring in my head grows louder and louder, my flames around me grow higher and higher as if responding to my emotions. The once dark cell illuminated in violet. 
“Shit,” I hear my brother mutter. 
“I’m scared,” I say, covering my ears as if the sound isn’t internal. “What’s happening to me?” 
The white noise that sings and sings to me grows louder and louder until I can’t hear my own thoughts. Cassian’s voice cleaves through the noise…
“Y/n, listen to me you have to calm down Princess. You have to breathe, you can’t let it win,” he pleads with me. 
But his voice only  reminds me that I’m in here and he is out there. That all I want is for my mate to hold me, to feel him cradle me into his chest and kiss my brow, and I can’t even touch him. I can’t even be in the same room as him. My agony consumes me and through the raging sound inside me, I can faintly hear the sounds of shouting from outside the cell. 
Heat singes my every nerve, panic pulls me deeper into the power I’m trying so hard to fight. 
A creaky iron door opens, two hands brush my temple, the roaring in my head quiets and then I know nothing but peace.
to be continued...
Taglist: @crystalferret202 , @nickishadow139 ,  @graceshifts , @writeroutoftime , @heyyitsnat21,  @stinkinstuffie , @lilah-asteria , @12358 , @fxckmiup @daughterofthemoons-stuff @mybestfriendmademe , @anxious-study , @bxm-1012 , @mal-adaptive-dreams ,  @sh4nn , @talesofadragon , @5onedirection5 , @saltedcoffeescotch , @flourelle , 
Permanent Taglist: @fides25, @dissociated-always @crystalferret202 , @kennedy-brooke , @sunshineangel-reads , @lilah-asteria , @evergreenlark
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losergames · 11 hours
an update! - 6th june '24
oh my god it's june, where does the time go --
i am still active! even though the blog isn't very alive, i'm still around and writing. there's not much to update on as i'm in a pretty slow period at the moment, re-evaluating bits and pieces of the game as i continue to move forward with episode 04. i am 20k in - so about a third of what i'm estimating the total episode word count to be.
i've also recently had a little breakthrough regarding the PC's father in the game! i intentionally left this character vague to give myself room for if i ever wanted to flesh him out or for people to head canon their own ideas about the relationship etc. but, now i actually have a pretty solid idea of where i want to take him! it'll mostly be background plot, something that could be developed later on if i decide to go that way.
this is also crazy late but thank you to everyone that entered my milestone giveaway a few months back! i ended up doing two portraits instead of the one - felt it would be fairer and a nice prize for both people! Maz and Sunny were selected for the two short stories as well. i've got some ideas down and slowly writing them but i do not have a time or date for when they'll be here - sorry!
lastly, i do really appreciate people checking in and seeing if the game is still around; the support means everything, even in these slower periods, and it's really cool to see people still tuning in and finding the game for the first time. thank you all again and have a lovely day ❤️
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Hey everyone! It is that time again where we need more Writer’s Spotlight Nominations!! If you have an author you admire or want to learn more about, please nominate them here. We have enough for a few weeks, but it takes time for the authors to write their answers and compile the information needed for the spotlights!
Thank you all for your support!!
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geotjwrs · 2 days
beside you
Pairings ; Jenna Ortega x Male!Reader
Warning/s ; angsty
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The Beetlejuice set was buzzing with its usual quirky energy. Jenna Ortega was thrilled to be back, especially since she would be working with Y/N again. They had a blast filming Scream 6, and she was looking forward to the same camaraderie on this set. But as the days went by, she noticed Y/N was different.
Instead of his usual lively and humorous self, he seemed withdrawn and tense. He was constantly checking his phone, his shoulders slumped, eyes red from what Jenna could only assume was crying. His transformation was so stark that Jenna couldn't ignore it any longer.
One day, during a lunch break, Jenna decided to confront him. She found Y/N sitting alone in his trailer, staring blankly at his phone. The sight of him looking so defeated was heart-wrenching.
"Hey, Y/N," she said, knocking softly before stepping inside. "Mind if I join you?"
Y/N looked up, startled, quickly wiping his eyes. "Oh, Jenna. Sure, come in," he replied, forcing a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.
Jenna sat down next to him, her concern evident. "I've noticed you've been really down lately. What's going on? You can talk to me."
Y/N sighed, shoulders slumping even further. "It's just... everything's been overwhelming lately."
"Y/N, you can tell me. Maybe I can help," Jenna said, placing a comforting hand on his arm.
He hesitated, looking down at his phone. "It's these comments online. People have been saying such horrible things about me. It's like no matter what I do, I can't escape the negativity. It's gotten to the point where I'm seriously considering quitting the movie."
Jenna's eyes widened in shock. "What? No, Y/N, you can't quit. You're an amazing actor and an even better person. Don't let those comments get to you."
Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes, spilling over despite his efforts to hold them back. "It's hard, Jenna. It feels like I'm constantly being torn down. I don't know if I can keep doing this."
Jenna scooted closer, wrapping her arms around him in a firm hug. "You're not alone in this. You have me and the rest of the cast and crew. We all see how incredible you are."
Y/N leaned into her embrace, finding some solace in her presence. "Thank you, Jenna. It means a lot to hear that from you."
She pulled back slightly, looking into his eyes. "You're stronger than you think, Y/N. And you're not alone. I'm here for you, always."
For a moment, they sat in silence, the weight of Y/N's struggles hanging heavy in the air. Jenna took a deep breath, gathering her courage. "I've wanted to tell you this for a while now. I have feelings for you, Y/N. Real, deep feelings."
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise. "Jenna, I... I feel the same way. I've just been too scared to say anything."
A small, relieved smile spread across Jenna's face. "We don't have to be scared anymore. We can face this together."
Y/N nodded, a faint smile breaking through his sadness. "Together."
With Jenna's support, Y/N slowly began to find his footing again. Her presence on set was a constant source of comfort and strength, helping him to focus on his work rather than the negativity online. They spent their breaks together, sharing laughs and comforting words, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.
One afternoon, during a particularly challenging scene, Y/N found himself struggling. The pressure and the memories of the hateful comments threatened to overwhelm him. Jenna noticed immediately and took his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"You've got this, Y/N," she whispered. "I believe in you."
Y/N looked into her eyes, finding the courage he needed. "Thanks, Jen."
With her support, he pushed through the scene, delivering a performance that left everyone in awe. The director clapped enthusiastically, praising Y/N's dedication and talent.
As the day came to an end, Y/N and Jenna sat together, watching the sunset from the set. The sky was painted with hues of orange and pink, a beautiful end to a challenging day.
"I couldn't have done it without you, Jenna," Y/N said softly, his heart full of gratitude and love.
Jenna smiled, leaning her head on his shoulder. "We make a pretty good pair, don't we?"
Y/N chuckled, wrapping an arm around her. "The best."
One night, after a long day of shooting, Y/N and Jenna found themselves in the quiet of his trailer. Jenna was flipping through a script, while Y/N was trying to relax by playing a game on his phone. Despite his efforts to unwind, the memory of the hurtful comments lingered in his mind.
Jenna glanced over at him, noticing his furrowed brow. "Hey, what's on your mind?"
Y/N sighed, putting his phone down. "Just those stupid comments again. They keep creeping back in."
Jenna set the script aside and moved closer. "You need a distraction. How about a joke?"
Y/N raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Alright, hit me."
"What do you call the security guard of Samsung?" Jenna asked, a mischievous glint in her eye.
Y/N shrugged. "I don't know. What?"
"Guardians of the galaxy!" Jenna delivered the punchline with a dramatic flourish.
Y/N couldn't help but laugh, the tension easing from his shoulders. "Okay, that was pretty good."
Jenna grinned, pleased with herself. "See? Sometimes you just need to lighten up a bit."
They spent the next few minutes trading jokes and funny stories, the laughter helping to lift Y/N's spirits. The bond between them felt stronger than ever, a reminder that they were in this together.
The next morning, the sun streamed through the curtains of the trailer, waking them gently. Jenna opened her eyes to find Y/N already awake, watching her with a tender smile.
"Morning," he whispered, brushing a strand of hair from her face.
"Morning," she replied, snuggling closer. "Ready for another day on set?"
Y/N laughed softly. "Absolutely. Bring it on."
They got up, ready to face the new day, their hearts light and their spirits high. The challenges they had faced together had only made them stronger, and their love was a beacon guiding them through any storm.
As they stepped out onto the bustling set, hand in hand, they knew that no matter what the future held, they would face it together. Their love was unbreakable, a testament to their resilience and strength.
Later that day, they were shooting a particularly complex scene. Y/N's character had to deliver a long monologue, something that had always come naturally to him before. But now, with the weight of recent events hanging over him, he found it difficult to focus.
Jenna noticed his unease and quietly approached him between takes. "Hey, you okay?"
Y/N nodded, though his expression said otherwise. "Just a bit nervous, I guess."
Jenna squeezed his hand, offering a reassuring smile. "You're going to nail this. Just remember, you're an amazing actor. You've got this."
Her words gave him the confidence boost he needed. When the director called for action, Y/N delivered his lines with such passion and intensity that the entire set fell silent. When the scene ended, the crew erupted in applause, and the director couldn't stop praising him.
Y/N felt a sense of accomplishment and relief wash over him. He looked at Jenna, who was beaming with pride. She mouthed, "I told you so," and he couldn't help but laugh.
As the days turned into weeks, Y/N's confidence continued to grow. With Jenna by his side, he felt invincible. They spent their evenings together, often talking late into the night about everything and nothing.
One evening, after a particularly grueling day of filming, they found themselves alone on set. The crew had wrapped up and gone home, leaving the two of them in the quiet, dimly lit space.
Y/N was sitting on a prop bench, looking out at the empty set, lost in thought. Jenna approached him, her footsteps echoing in the stillness.
"Hey," she said softly, sitting down beside him. "Penny for your thoughts?"
Y/N sighed, turning to face her. "I was just thinking about how much things have changed. How much you've helped me."
Jenna smiled, reaching for his hand. "You've come a long way, Y/N. I'm proud of you."
He squeezed her hand, a grateful smile playing on his lips. "I couldn't have done it without you. You've been my rock."
They sat in comfortable silence for a while, the bond between them growing ever stronger. Jenna knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.
As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Jenna took Y/N's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Promise me something, Y/N."
"Anything," he replied, looking into her eyes.
"Promise me you'll never let those comments get to you again. You're so much more than what they say. You're talented, kind, and so loved."
Y/N smiled, his heart swelling with love for the woman beside him. "I promise, Jenna. As long as I have you, I can face anything."
Jenna's eyes sparkled with tears of happiness. "And you always will."
They leaned in, their lips meeting in a tender kiss that spoke of love, support, and a future filled with hope. Together, they were unstoppable, their love a force stronger than any negativity that came their way.
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