#Thanks Yeats
ayaitch · 5 months
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So, while messing around at the Relic Ruins, Runner's Wild, Aloy hinted via dialogue that there might be something else in the area, which I'd never heard her suggest before, or I peaced out before the line cycled in. Either way, I found a water tower to climb and glided over to a ruined house where I fell through the roof, got some sweet loot, then fell through the floor. It was fun.
Before that, I was on the water tower just looking around, and saw a couple of trees on the hilltop above it, and since I'm semi-obsessed at all times with the William Butler Yeats poem, The Two Trees,I instantly became obsessed with these two trees on a hilltop. So I did what any sane person would do and took about a dozen or two pictures of them in varying lighting, styles, locations, etc. Here are a few that (at the time) I liked enough to extract from the PS5.
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noeavoiding · 6 months
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John Lynch || Dead Poets Live: Three Ages of Yeats
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rooolt · 1 year
I’m a Jew so I don’t super care about Easter, but it is my favorite of the Christian holidays thrust upon me bc it heralds jelly bean, peep, and chocolate bunny season. So glad they killed that guy
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kurjakani · 5 months
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markrothkono61 · 7 months
impulsively got a ticket for a play that’s tonight, bless my prof for telling me about it
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
I went out to the city streets, Because a fire was in my head, And saw the people passing by, And wished the youngest of them dead, And twisted by a bitter past, And poisoned by a cold despair, I found at last a resting-place And left my hatred ticking there.
When I was fleeing from the night And sweating in my room again, I heard the old futilities Exploding like a cry of pain; But horror, should it touch the heart, Would freeze my hand upon the fuse, And I must shed no tears for those Who merely have a life to lose.
Though I am sick with murdering, Though killing is my native land, I will find out where death has gone, And kiss his lips and take his hand; And hide among the withered grass, And pluck, till love and life are done, The shrivelled apples of the moon, The cankered apples of the sun.
- Roger Woddis, “The Soldier.” (1975).
[Quoting from analysis and thoughts by Adam Roberts here:
....Woddis’ pastiche of Yeats’s ‘The Song of Wandering Aengus’, published after the Birmingham Pub Bombings in 1975. You know the history, I’m sure: from 1973 onward the IRA decided to embark upon a campaign of bombing and assassination in the UK mainland (as well as continuing hostilities in Northern Ireland). Mostly they attacked what they deemed military and political targets, but not always. For example, on the 21st November 1974 they left bombs in two Birmingham pubs, neither of which was, in the jargon, a ‘legitimate’ target. Warning calls were botched, the bombs exploded, 21 died and 186 were wounded. What Woddis published in reaction is a brilliant poem that is, but is not only, a clever pastiche of Yeats.]
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psychesdisco · 1 year
ion worry, get money thats it!
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skenpiel · 1 year
BIRTHDAY???? HAPPY BIRTHED !!!!!!!!!!!!! wait no . sorry this is tumblr. i mean happy wriggling day.
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birthday grub <333
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lirotation · 1 month
Mortal Astarion X F! Human Tav. Ummm, angst.👀
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For decades, this manor offered him a place to call home in the truest sense. 
The hallway was a sacred gallery, adorned with paintings that were not mere canvases, but tangible echoes of their life together. Each brushstroke, lovingly rendered by her hand, captured the essence of cherished memories.
Whenever he opened the door at the end of the hallway, he was greeted by the radiant smile of his beloved, and the hearth beckoned him to surrender to its comforting embrace. Yet, it was the vast window next to it that held the greatest significance. The tender caress of sunlight danced across his skin as he lost himself in the pages of a book beside her. It was here, bathed in the golden rays, that he could truly revel in the miracle she had bestowed upon him – the cure to his vampiric curse, a gift of life, a reminder of the depths of her love and the power it held to transcend even the most insurmountable of boundaries.
Here at home, he had found everything his heart desired.
But nothing is ever truly perfect. Life simply doesn't work that way.  Even the mightiest of fortresses cannot withstand the relentless march of time.
He thought he was ready for it, but not like this.
Never like this.
The poem cited is "When You Are Old" BY W.B. Yeats. One of my favorites.❤️
Alright, thanks for reading the second installment of my "this did not really happen to my couple". After delving into the mortality of my Tav, Amaara, I found myself confronting a fear more profound than death itself – the fear of morbidity, of life's vibrancy fading before its inevitable end. So I decided to yank my CP around this theme. Self-indulgence at its finest.😊
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unsound-unbody · 1 year
giving william blake another shot and god actually he is very good i'm sorry for being a hater
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archerinventive · 1 year
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"The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper." -W.B. Yeats
A happy Sunday to you all!
Recently, the new spring light has brought with it a little gift.
On sunny mornings, my room is filled with prisms, only for an hour or so, but for a brief moment I get to bathe in rainbows. 🌈
So, while recently waiting for the paint to dry on a few new orders going out next week, I did a small lighting test, and captured this sliver of time.
May your days be filled with rainbows, and your senses ever sharpening.
Thank you all for following me on this magical adventure. ❤️
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neil-gaiman · 4 months
hi mr gaiman -
we are just listening to the audiobook of The Einstein Intersection by Samuel R Delany, a book that we too have loved since our teens - and here's you reading your introduction to the book, and we just wanted to thank you for your insights into it and where it sits/waltzes in the sci-fi genre
in particular we were delighted to learn about his intended title A Fabulous Formless Darkness, and we wondered whether that's a quote or reference from something else? we're also very happy to be reminded of one of the reasons why we as an agender person have always loved this book - its early exploration of genders/sexes beyond the presumed binary (and we appreciate your speculation about Lobee's relations with the other cast members, we too have felt that fizz between Lobee and Kid Death)
and finally we were also delighted to hear you say Lo Lobee - a verbal stim that has carried us along for half a century now and still does - we are kind of sad in a way that it isn't you reading the entire book
It's a quote from a Yeats poem. And I'm glad. It's a wonderful book.
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inhonoredglory · 8 months
Good Omens Season 3: Heaven and Hell dividing humanity; humanity as Leviathan; and Aziraphale locking the doors of Heaven and throwing away the key [A Meta]
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(This meta is long, but I swear there's some good stuff in here. It took me 2 months to get it together for these two longsuffering Anons. Thank you so much for asking me these very important questions.)
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In preparation for answering two Asks above (and to aid my own predictions of Good Omens 3), I read and reviewed the Book of Revelation, W.B. Yeat’s iconic poem “The Second Coming,” Terry Pratchett’s Small Gods, Neil Gaiman’s deleted scene from American Gods (Shadow meeting Jesus in America), and Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies’ 2003 miniseries The Second Coming (starring Christopher Eccleston!). The first two are definitely going to be referenced in season 3, Davies’ show is one of the few stories dealing head-on with the coming of Christ, and Terry and Neil’s bibliographies are probably the biggest resources for how Season 3 will shake out thematically.
🕊 How Aziraphale Will Change Heaven
I think GO s3 is the season we see Aziraphale really come into his own, when we see him implement the moral vision he’s taken this long to coalesce, when all the pieces he and Crowley have put together are finally put on stage in a terrifying, beautiful display (all that righteous anger and conviction, merged with his kindness and empathy is going to be Something Else).
There’s an angel in the Book of Revelation who stands between the Earth and the Sea. This angel wears a rainbow halo and speaks with the voice of seven thunders, and yet John (the writer of Revelation) is told not to write down what this angel speaks. (Sounds like someone has hit on the Ineffable Plan?) If Neil and Terry were going to pick up an image from Revelation for Aziraphale, I really like this one, because it feels like an intermediary role (between two Sides), one that god dare not make public because it speaks an uncomfortable truth. And it’s about speaking and revealing knowledge, instead of fighting or destroying something.
Because even though we know Azi and Crowley will fight to stop the second End Times, fighting itself is not a theme Neil Gaiman or Terry Pratchett really champion. Instead of war, Aziraphale will oppose Heaven in all the little ways he and Crowley opposed it before: By enjoying human comforts (Azi will definitely bring food and trinkets to Heaven and send scrivener angels and seraphim alike to tour earth). By asking questions (Heaven’s new suggestion box). By telling stories about humanity and why it’s important to know who these humans are before anyone kills anybody (Azi was, after all, brought on board because of his human expertise).
Aziraphale will become what Crowley wanted to be before the Fall, but Azi’s got the benefit of thousands of years of knowledge, cunning, and intelligence about how both Heaven and humanity work. He knows Heaven’s weaknesses, he knows humanity’s strengths, he knows his own capabilities, and he knows where Heaven will turn a blind eye. He’s going to be such a bastard the likes of which we’ve never seen. And he’s going to drop truth bombs like there’s no tomorrow.
Season 2 brought back the book banter about “the lower you start, the more opportunities you have.”
Season 3 will bring back Aziraphale’s most badass book moment. This scene takes place after Azi possesses an American televangelist talking about the fire and brimstone of the End Times and the Rapture (the mass teleporting of all worthy believers to Heaven). Says Aziraphale,
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Aziraphale is fed up with Heaven’s hypocrisy and he's scathing in his condemnation of both Heaven and Hell. Everyone will die and become collateral damage, no matter which side is doing the killing.
Sound familiar?
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That's the arc Aziraphale is heading towards: that blazing conviction of Crowley's, spoken out loud and fearless and in spite of his eons of trauma. And Season 3 will see Aziraphale get to that place, where he gets to tell off Heaven, but not just in the privacy of the bookshop or the bandstand, but to their faces in Heaven's hallowed halls.
The demons and angels in Season 2 were much less icky and ethereal (respectively) from their appearances in Season 1. Because it's working towards a further humanization of both sides in Season 3. Because one of the biggest themes in s3 will be Aziraphale humanizing Heaven in all the little quaint ways he loves humanity. All in preparation for the endgame of Heaven and Hell not existing at all.
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(Season 3 deep dive continues under the cut...)
Because angels and demons won’t be fought, but changed. Maybe not by much, but just enough to break the loyalty they have to a Great Plan no one understands. This is how both Neil’s American Gods and Terry’s Small Gods conclude, with the build-up to an incredible battle, and then for the human hero to step in and talk down the gods and armies into seeing sense and reason.
I don’t think Aziraphale himself will be that person. It might be a very human Jesus. Or (more likely) a random human being caught up in this craziness (maybe someone in Tadfield, per the working title of the second GO book: 668: The Neighbor of the Beast). But Aziraphale will be fundamental in changing the atmosphere of Heaven in the little ways Earth changed him.
🗝 Season 3 Themes: Morality and God
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In the Job minisode, Aziraphale casually but boldly assumed that god didn’t want the goats and children to be killed. Because Aziraphale has a firm and dogged idea about what god should be. It’s his own personal morality, but he calls it god’s because he doesn’t want to imagine the symbol of ultimate goodness being anything other than what he Aziraphale himself feels to be true.
And I don’t think that’s a theme that Good Omens will deny for Aziraphale. Because it’s not really about how evil or good god is. It doesn’t matter what god thinks or is. god doesn’t answer questions, doesn’t deliver messages we can understand, doesn’t show up when needed. god is inscrutable, shifty, absent, “a Dealer who won’t tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time.”
What’s important is what humanity has done with god, what humanity has said about god, what they do in god’s name, what they interpret god to be. That’s the real danger.
And Aziraphale, in his profound goodness, will become the person he wants god to be. Because that’s the injunction we all have. To live up to the ideal we have made for ourselves: In many ways, that’s what god is.
Aziraphale is now in a privileged place that allows him to affect basically the entirety of Creation with that driving idealism. He will level the playing field in Heaven. I firmly believe Aziraphale will be the one to close the doors to the pearly gates and throw away the key.
So, like you asked Anon, will Aziraphale try to make Heaven better or stop the Second Coming? I think those are the same goal. Changing Heaven will fundamentally change how the Second Coming happens, because just like the End Times in Season 1, Heaven and Hell’s scheme will be turned on its head because the Chosen One refuses to follow the script.
The Second Coming will end, not with a bang, but a whimper, because everyone decides to turn in their guns and forget the whole thing.
⚔️ Heaven and Hell v. Humanity
But before that ending happens, I think there will be another threat the world has to face: the individuals who are so sure of their own righteousness that no amount of sense could stop them from destroying anyone who thinks differently. This is an important theme in both Neil and Terry’s works (see Vorbis, the Exquisitor in Small Gods, who tortured unbelievers for the Church), and I believe it will show up in the new season.
There's never been a true war that wasn't fought between two sets of people who were certain they were in the right. The really dangerous people believe they are doing whatever they are doing solely and only because it is without question the right thing to do. And that is what makes them dangerous. –Neil Gaiman, American Gods
Because it’s humanity who takes Faith and shapes it into Religion. We are the ones who created the Heaven we see in GO: cold, unfeeling, strict, judgmental. And I think Season 3 is going to address this fundamental belief of both Neil and Terry: that humans are just so damnably human (fundamentally innocent and stupid and wonderful) and yet there’s a few of us who will take things too far and think that Someone wants them to destroy everything in the Name of God. And in these changing contemporary political times (the passage of an old generation, still clinging to their old ways and growing more extreme by the minute *cough*Trump*cough*), the dangerous people become even more vocal and violent, like the frightening, monstrous creature in WB Yeats’ poem “The Second Coming,” a devastating scourge on the world born in the name of God:
Surely some revelation is at hand; Surely the Second Coming is at hand. […] A shape with lion body and the head of a man, A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun, […] And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born? –WB Yeats, "The Second Coming"
That’s who I think the Metatron will team up with in the end, someone like Vorbis. Because we’ve already seen how petty and small Heaven and Hell is, especially in Season 2. Only the Metatron really carries some heft and foreboding. I believe he’ll team up with some extremist faction of humanity who wants to see the End of Days and divide the world into Yours and Mine, with Heaven taking a portion and Hell taking a third and calling it a day. Not a War, but a divvying out of souls. With no consent or permission on the part of humanity.
That’s what I think the zombie reference is all about. Like Gabriel said in 2x03:
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Yes, we’re going to get zombies. And it’s going to be insane and funny and horrifying (and I think we’ll get to know one or two historical figures who pop back up to earth). But the thematic and fundamental metaphor of zombies is how they have no free will. They’re not alive, they have no souls, they have no choices. That’s what Heaven and Hell want humanity to be: To do away with the dance of choice and free will and divide humanity once and for all between both sides. That’s how Heaven and Hell team up against the human race.
🐳 Leviathan (Job 41:19) as Humanity
And that’s how I believe the Leviathan fits in, who is the subject of the quote from Muriel’s matchbox:
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The Leviathan is a magnificent creature, and this passage goes on and on about how fearsome this being is:
Who can penetrate its double coat of armor? Who dares open the doors of its mouth, ringed about with fearsome teeth?… Nothing on earth is its equal—a creature without fear. It looks down on all that are haughty; it is king over all that are proud –Job 41:13b, 33-34
And yet why does god want to explain how amazing the Leviathan is? To show how god has control of it. God says,
Can you pull in Leviathan with a fishhook… Can you make a pet of it like a bird or put it on a leash for the young women in your house?… Can you fill its hide with harpoons… No one is fierce enough to rouse it. Who then is able to stand against me? –Job 41:1, 5, 7, 10
The reasoning is that because god created this dangerous and terrifying being, then god must be even more dangerous and terrifying. And if god can so easily abuse and humiliate this beautiful monster, then god must be worshipped and respected. (Yes, it’s as messed-up as it sounds.)
I can’t help but think of this Leviathan as a metaphor for humanity. A beautiful, ferocious being whose ownership and control is the focus of god’s attention and qualification for worship? Of the Leviathan, Job says: “Will traders barter for it? Will they divide it up among the merchants?” (Job 41:6). That’s how humanity is going to be treated in Season 3.
Because both God and Satan want to control humanity. They want to put their thumb on human souls and claim them for each side. But humanity doesn’t have to be so easily fooled, because we are more powerful than we realize. Our hearts and imaginations can forge a path of purpose and goodness without the entrapment of organized religion and fundamentalism. We, like Leviathan, are ferocious and angry and fed up with being treated like this. We can and will fight back.
🌟 Becoming Gods
Ultimately, we will shuffle off the need for Heaven and Hell (symbolized by the shutting down of both at the end of Season 3). We will lose the need to unquestionably defer to a Being who plays dice with our lives. I’m reminded of the opening passage to Terry’s Small Gods:
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The lowly tortoise will learn to be the eagle; humanity will learn to be like god. Because we are as powerful as god, since we created god. Adam Young pointed out that having a god figure to solve all our problems doesn’t make humanity any more responsible for the evil things we’ve done. We need to learn that we are all we’ve got, and we have to answer for the shit we’ve done to each other and to the world.
I like how Russell T Davies put it in his show The Second Coming, where Jesus comes down again in the body of ordinary human Steven Baxter and tells humanity:
You are becoming gods. There's a new master of creation, and it's you! Unraveled DNA, and at the same time you're cultivating bacteria strong enough to kill every living thing! Do you think you are ready for that much power? You lot? You lot? Cheeky bastards. You're running around science like kids with guns, creating a new world, while the world you've got is stinking…. If you want the position of god then take the responsibility. –Russell T Davies, The Second Coming
I legitimately think that’s how Jesus in Good Omens 3 will come down. In the body of a regular 30-something off-the-streets guy, who thinks the pomp and circumstance made about him is insane. And Aziraphale will be his minder, trying to tell him how the whole scheme is supposed to play out and giving him wise asides on how warped Heaven’s standards are and trying to tell him how to go about changing things for the better. (Jesus will be terribly confused, meanwhile; he just wants to go out for a pint and get on with his human life, none of this god business.)
🐍 Crowley’s Growth
There will be some big things at play in Season 3. I think Aziraphale will change how Heaven operates and close Heaven for good. I think Aziraphale will initially try to get Jesus on board with Azi’s own private mission of Goodness. I actually think Crowley will end up becoming Aziraphale’s “back channels” to Earth, and they’d exchange trite, bantering messages about the state of affairs from secret rendezvous points in America. (There was a whole thing about Jesus getting lost in Times Square, according to Neil Gaiman.)
I think Crowley will learn how to trust Aziraphale and learn that doing the right thing means being brave and selfless. He’ll realize that humanity is worth saving, even if it means dying. In fact, his depression at the start of Season 2 will probably only get worse after the loss of Aziraphale, and his altruism might get colored by the taint of suicidal recklessness, because he might as well go out for what he believes in, if what he wanted most in the world chose being selfless over being with him. (If Crowley’s character takes a suicidal turn like the Tenth Doctor after losing Rose, I’m gonna scream.)
This is how Aziraphale helps Crowley be brave in the finale of the Good Omens book. That’s what I think will happen in Good Omens 3:
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Aziraphale here displays a gentleness and kindness that comes from a place of grounded knowledge and responsibility. He knows how much he and Crowley have in their own ways fucked up humanity too, and he knows that no matter what their own personal feelings, they each need to do something to defend the human species they've come to love so much.
Crowley is scared of risking everything to help save humanity, but with Aziraphale's encouragement and wisdom, he realizes that doing the right thing is the only option he can choose, no matter the risk to his own happiness and safety.
So I believe Crowley will learn to understand why Aziraphale chose to return to Heaven and fight in the trenches. Crowley will see it as a choice made to save, not just each other, but the world they love so much.
Ultimately, I think Crowley on earth will take on Aziraphale’s strongest qualities: being selfless and bold to protect humanity at costs, and connecting to humanity on a personal, individual level.
While Aziraphale in Heaven will become like Crowley: asking questions, sabotaging the System, and condemning Heaven with all the uncomfortable truths they need to hear.
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12-seconds-to-live · 9 months
What If?
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Pairing: F1Grid2021! x reader driver!
This is the story of how neither Max Verstappen or Lewis Hamilton became F1 Champions in 2021. 
A girl did.
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“What does it feel to be the villian of this season?” “This villian is going to be a world champion”
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Abu Dhabi, december 12th - 16:30
"Are you scared?” 
Tik tok, tik tok
I was able to hear the clock tickling on my motorhome. 
A breathe
The eyes of George looking at me
“No, I’m not”
Yes, you are
“You got this and If you don’t...” I sigh
“Please don’t  finish that phrase”
“Sorry, it’s just...”
“I know, there’s a lot on the plate but you know. I don’t have many options right now”
George take my hand “You’re really talented and the best option is winning and you’re making the impossible, like, in a Williams. You’re more clever that all those who want to see you fall. And for next year, did they called you?”
“Not yeat, I guess they’re waiting for the race”
“They’ll look like fools If they don’t call” We share a small laugh
“Thank you for this year, Mercedes is lucky to have you, Lewis will” He smiled
“I’ll still see you from the other side” We stand from the sofa and share a hug “Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow”
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Abu Dhabi, december 12th - 17:50
"Radio check"
"Loud and clear"
"We are all with you... whatever happens at the end, you're our champion, Williams is back thanks to you and George"
"Thank you, I need to hear that"
"Formation lap in one minute"
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LAP 35/58
"Gap at 0.4 behind Lewis. So let’s just…"
"Why is Verstappen pushing me off-track"
"Yeah, yeah copy we aren´t happy with that. They're investigating"
"I'm gotta go menu dash position two. Tell them that he can't have the position back"
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LAP 45/58
"Hamilton 26.8, 26.8. And let us know about the tyres for a Safety Car"
"How many laps left?"
"13 when you cross the line, 13 when you cross the line. Gap to Hamilton at 13.9"
"Copy. I'm ok with a set of hards. Do we have a chance?"
"I know you do. Stay still kid"
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LAP 50/58
"And we’ve seen Norris with a front-left puncture, so just be careful on the kerbs"
"So we think the problem might be just turn 15, turn 16"
"I’m off kerbs"
"Okay, copy"
"Lewis still has free air"
"The gap is seven seconds and there’ll be eight to go when you cross the line"
"Copy. Status of Lando?"
"He's out of the car and well"
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LAP 58/58
I crossed the line and saw all the fireworks over the finish line. I felt different, something like never before, not like winning in Monaco or Monza. I'm a world champion, the first woman of many.
I watched the people in the crowd weaving at me. I heard the screaming over the radio and while I was slowing down I felt tears runing down my face.
"I'm absolutely speechless. YOU DID IT! Thank you, we love you. Our world champion!"
"Oh, my God yes! Yes, yes! Oh, my God! Oh my God!"
"Y/N! I TOLD YOU SO! You are the world champion, the world champion!"
"GEORGE!? This is ours! WE DID IT!
"You absolutely deserve it, kid. Even if you're not going to stay with us next year, we owe you everything! What a year working alongside you"
"They haven't called so..."
"Are you kidding? The news dropped before the race. You're going to be alongside Max next year"
"No freaking way!"
"We are so proud of you. We always will"
"Oh, my God guys. I love you so much. From my teammate, my race engineer and everyone at the factory"
"You have driven like a champion all year. You deserve that. We needed a bit of luck. You got it. You made it happen. And we love you. We absolutely fucking love you" said George and the whole screaming in the garage was getting louder
"It is unbelievable guys. Can we repeat this If you guys want me in the future?"
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After the whole podium celebration with Lewis and Max, one thing was clear. Max didn't win his first championship and Lewis lost his eight. My phone was blowing with messages from social media and my family and friends. But my eyes we're locked with Anthony Hamilton chat.
I knew that Lewis wasn't ok. He hugged his dad and even I can't see his face, he cried. He remains stronger on the podium but I can't look at him in the eyes.
I walked to the Mercedes motorhome. Toto was talking to George and stand up at the moment he saw me.
"I'm sorry"
"You don't have to. You drive so well this season that all of us knew that maybe we could lose"
"Oh. Did you guys talk?"
"Yeah, a few words. We have time"
"I'm gonna see him, it's just... I don't know"
"Go, y/n"
I knock at his door and his dad pat me in the back and let us alone. Lewis was laying down in the sofa with a towel covering his face. When he heard the door closing he remove it.
"Hi" I said
"Hey" He smiled
"I'm not going to make dumb questions, just, I'm happy of how this season went. You're been in the sport longer that I've been alive and even if the feeling of losing it's here, don't let it stay. You're still eveeryone's champion, even mine"
I sit down next to him and he took my hand
"I wanted you to win, you know?"
"You what?" I..." I gasp
"Yeah, you've been so amazing. You have the hunger of a champion and now that you made it, well, you're my idol now"
"Lewis..." I felt that I was going to cry
"Don't cry, baby. Go celebrate. I'm fine, I still more seasons ahead to beat you" I smiled to him and give him a hug
"Let me know when you're in London. To spend a day with you, all right?"
"That's a promise"
He hugged me again and I leave the room. A few people of Mercede's staff were around and congratulate me. As I was walking to my car to go to the hotel, I heard a text.
A thank you from Lewis.
Yeah, he's going to be back.
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And maybe in the end ... We are all superheroes.
Each of us with a tragic back story
Specific sets of attributes
Some of us fly
Some of us read minds
And maybe some of us-
Are stronger than others,
We all have potential.
I believe the only difference
Between us all is ...
Who will stand up and fight?
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cemeterything · 10 months
Hello, do you read poetry? if so, any recommendations? thanks :)
i don't read a lot of poetry but my favorites are ozymandias by percy shelley, wild swans at coole by william butler yeats, stopping by the woods on a snowy evening by robert frost, dive for dreams by e.e. cummings, litany in which certain things are crossed out by richard siken, resurrection by vladimir holan, and the litany against fear by frank herbert (from dune) (it's a poem to me)
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