#TV: One NIght
pers-books · 10 months
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So, Jodie Whittaker is apparently playing a *married* butch lesbian in the Australian thriller One Night.
I predict us queers are gonna die!
(There's a trailer for it over on the Radio Times website.)
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isagrimorie · 9 months
Has anyone seen Jodie Whittaker's new show? Do you know what the mystery/tragedy was in One Night?
I kind of want to go in a little spoiled about what the tragedy is so I can prepare myself.
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
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local gang of dnd players intimidate and viciously bully game show host sam reich, threatening to push his ass down the stairs like he's a 90-year-old grandma in a retirement home. more at 8
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plutoswritingplanet · 1 month
Hand That Feeds (Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Female!Reader) pt. 2
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a/n: this one's a bit shorter, next one will have smut, i am so fcking sleepy writing this i'll have to check tomorrow it this isn't a hallucination
Warnings: Horny Violence, Blood and Guts, Suggestive Themes, we're on a steady route to pound town
Summary: Cooper catches his prize, but an uninvited guest puts a strain on an already rocky relationship. Cross-Posted on AO3
PT. 1
You must be a Vault Dweller. Truly. There is no other way to explain the utter lack of self-preservation skills.
Cooper finds you almost immediately after the sun sets. He can see the flickering light of your small bonfire through the trees, and languidly, he stalks forwards, opting to stay in the shadows to observe you a moment longer. 
You're sitting on the ground, back leaning against a destroyed carcass of a plane. Hair pushed out of your face, Cooper can see the flames illuminating your focused expression with warm light. Once again, he's struck by this seemingly regal air around you. Like you've been raised in a castle, far from this fucked up place, that is now his home. A princess, stuck in harsh reality. Eyebrows furrowed, bottom lip tucked hard between your teeth, you seem to be pondering over something.
With quick motions, you take your messenger bag, opening it and dumping its contents onto the ground in front of you. It's somewhat hard to see, but the sound of small glass bottles knocking into each other is telling enough. 
Taking stock of your inventory, you begin to tuck everything back into the bag. Chems upon chems, RadAway, RadX, quite the little drug library, and Cooper's eyes immediately lock onto his most sought after, amber liquid. Why would a Smoothie like you need any of that stuff is beyond him. He hasn't seen any Ghouls in the small town you hail from. 
Perks of the job, he thinks to himself, as you stack away at least five vials.
At the last bottle, you hesitate, bringing it up towards the light, and looking at it with a worried expression. The liquid swirls inside, and Cooper watches from the shadows, as you press the cold glass against your forehead in a motion eerily reminding him of a prayer. Your shoulders shudder, and Cooper's mangled ears strain, as he sees your mouth move.
- Let me be brave - you whisper to the vial, like some ancient spell, and something new tightens in his chest, something he immediately brushes away.
Then, he sees you lift a very familiar piece of equipment, putting it on your wrist, and begin to tweak something in the controls. A Pip-Boy. Old and battered, but apparently still working. All his confusing feelings are wiped clean in an instant. Now, he's truly intrigued. The clasps seem slightly too big for your hand, and the device slides the length of your arm, as you move. 
You sigh, heavily, then press something, and the Geiger meter clicks to life, picking up on stray radiation. Cooper feels his muscles tense, knowing all too well, why the device has activated so rapidly. As a Ghoul, he leaves a trail of radiation, that follows him wherever he goes. He wasn't particularly aware, that a Pip-Boy could pick up on it, but he wasn't surprised either.
 The sound makes you freeze in your spot. Slowly, you scan the area, your hand extended towards the darkening outline of the surrounding trees. As your hand passes by the place Cooper has chosen as his hiding spot, the meter grows louder. 
Jumping to your feet, you raise the blasted thing in front of you, your other hand tugging at the waistband of your skirt, freeing your trusted kitchen knife. As if to double-check, you put your hand somewhere to the back, listening to the quiet cracking noise. 
You can't fully confirm your suspicions on time, as Cooper springs to action. 
A thick line of rope falls over your shoulders, and before you have the chance to react, the loop around you tightens. Your entire body is tugged with surprising force in the direction of the treeline. Loosing your footing, you collapse onto the damp forest floor, chin scraping in the process. The yelp of shock tearing out of your throat, rings through the surrounding area, before you literally, eat dirt. The force of the impact wrenches the knife from your hand, as it bends at an uncomfortable angle. The weapon lands somewhere in the grass, the blade reflecting the flames.
Wiggling like a worm, trying to free yourself from the bounds, you notice a pair of well-worn shoes entering your vision. They cross the remaining distance, stopping just short of your head. Knees crack as your attacker squats down, before taking your hair into a hard grip and lifting your head from the dirt. 
Your face twists in pain, neck craning uncomfortably, and with an overwhelming feeling of finality, your eyes land onto the face of a ghoul. The Ghoul. He turns his head slightly to the side with the meanes of grins, before letting go of your hair, your head falling back into the dirt. 
- Oh, motherfucker - you groan, pulling your legs up, and attempting to get up.
- Stay down - the Ghoul's voice is rough and biting, and sudden pressure on your back pins you to the ground. - Do you know how fuckin' stupid it is, to light a fire in the wilderness? Any unsightly character could pick you off in seconds. 
Spitting out stray clumps of earth and grass from your mouth, you scoff at his scolding tone.
- Thankfully, there are no unsightly characters here, huh? 
- Oh, I wouldn't say that, sweetheart. - the bounty hunter tugs the toe of his shoe under your side, and kicks up, turning your body.
You roll onto your back, throwing a nasty look at the Ghoul, as he secures the loop of his lasso. His eyes reflect the light in the most haunting of ways, and you squirm under his gaze, which drags itself across your body, stopping briefly at the tips of your breasts, peaking from under your shirt. Swallowing thickly, your muscles relax, in hopes of loosening the rope. It barely gives, but your limbs recover some wiggle room. 
Cooper blinks, his head jerking to the side, and only as he brings his hand up, do you register the gun in his hand. Making sure you can see it, he turns towards your messenger bag, grabbing it from the ground where you left it. 
He sits down, somewhere outside your field of vision, and you risk pulling yourself up into a sitting position. He doesn't seem to mind it now, too busy with rummaging through your belongings. Finally, he pulls out a vial of amber liquid, watching it swirl in the flickering light of the bonfire. 
- Now - Cooper starts, as he grabs the inhaler from his pocket, inserting the vial into it - Why would a backwoods healer have something like this on 'er?
Rolling your shoulders ever so slightly, the rope slides further down your arms, and you regard the Ghoul with a venomous rendition of a "are you fucking dumb?" look. Which he doesn't appreciate. His hands tremble, as he closes his mouth over the inhaler, taking a long hit, draining the entire vial. You try very hard, not to notice the low moan flowing out of him, as the drug enters his system. Or the way his eyes flutter blissfully for just a second. 
- You never know, who might be needing help... - you mutter, wincing at the biting pain in your limbs.
- Well ain't that considerate of you - he coughs into his gloved hand, before sighing deeply, his head reclining back against the plane's exterior, his eyes closed.
From where you're sitting, he looks weirdly handsome. Rugged and very much Ghoul-like, but handsome nonetheless. The skin of his neck is pulled taunt, and in the flickering light of a dying bonfire, you can see a myriad of scars, littering any surface of his skin that's visible. Still, there were other matters at hand, that needed your attention, and you try to shift in your seat as quietly as possible, slowly but surely sliding the rope down your body. 
- Next time you try to run away, I'll shoot you - your efforts are stilled by his warning tone, and by the way he waves his gun at you, you know he'll make good on this promise.
- Thought you needed me in good condition.
To that, he finally throws you a look from under his cowboy hat. 
- Good... - he confirms, his other hand slowly shortening the length of the rope connecting the both of you - Ain't the same as mint. 
The loop suddenly digs further into your flesh, and you grunt at the uncomfortable feeling of the rough rope scratching at your exposed upper arms. 
Unfortunately, he's right. During your time as the local healer, you've done many questionable things to ensure the well-being of the town. One of those things, was dealing with organ harvesters. You've only bought a limb or a finger, every once in a while, as if that was some consolation for your darkened soul. Those moments quickly taught you, that something being good was most certainly not the same as ideal. Or mint, as your captor has supplied. 
- You a Vault-Dweller? - the Ghoul finally asks, breaking the small spell of silence between you.
The question doesn't surprise you, and you lift the Pip-Boy as far up, as the lasso allows you. Which isn't a lot. 
- Nah - the flames dance on your suddenly melancholic expression, and Cooper drinks it all up, curiosity spiking with each new information - My mother was. She ran away from her Vault when she was a teenager and joined the Brotherhood soon after. 
- The Brotherhood doesn't recruit women - Cooper turns his body towards you, fishing for lies like a shark sniffing for blood. 
- Oh, it doesn't? - your lips pull back into a teasing smile, which perhaps isn't the smartest thing to do, but entertainment is scarce in the Wastelands, and you're determined to have some fun - She posed as a man for years, picked up a job as a medic.
Cooper hums to himself, inviting you to elaborate with an inclination of his head. 
- There, she met my father - you continue, looking over at the last glowing embers of the bonfire - They were discovered, court martialed for treason. They escaped together and had me somewhere along the way.
Your Pip-Boy still cracks, the radiation emanating from the Ghoul making the Geiger meter go haywire. With soft eyes, your hand traces the outline of the screen, watching the way green light dances on your fingers. 
- The forbidden love of the Wasteland - you sigh into the silence - Sounds like a title of some romance novel, no?
- Or a bad porno - Cooper grumbles, rolling his eyes.
- What's a porno?
His head snaps towards you in record speed, a myriad of emotions running through his mangled expression. It settles on deep annoyance, when he notices the sly smirk on your lips, and you have to bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from laughing. 
- Gotcha - your attempt at finger guns is pathetic at best.
- Oh, you think you're a fucking comedian, huh? - the bounty hunter asks, a slight amused tint to his words, which you consider to be a small victory.
- That's why they put a bounty on me - you giggle - I'm too damned funny. 
- Shut it.
The sudden change in his tone catches you off guard, and you cock an eyebrow at him, confused. The Ghoul looks much more tense than seconds ago, his hand tightening around his gun. One of his legs kicks up a pile of dirt, smothering the dying embers of the bonfire, as he leans forward, seemingly ready to jump. 
- Had I known you were such a buzz kill...-
You're not allowed to finish, as the Ghoul basically throws himself in your direction. Your yelp is cut short with a piece of flimsy cloth being shoved into your mouth. A series of muffled sounds, vaguely resembling "is this my robe?" escape you, and the Ghoul pushed against your head, until you fall back down onto the ground. 
His body is hot against yours, as he covers you entirely with his weight. It's quite difficult to breathe through the makeshift gag and the overwhelming scent of blood, gunpowder, and the sickly sweet undertone of rot. As well as the unfamiliar feeling of having someone so close. You were a hermit after all. 
- I said, shut the fuck up - he whispers harshly into your ear, and you shiver underneath him, as his chest rises and falls against your back. 
Then, a sound somewhere close to the forest line makes your head whip in its direction. Cracking of twigs and heavy footsteps, coming closer and closer with clear determination. 
- Healer? - your entire body stiffens, as a familiar voice rings out through the trees. - Are you alright, Healer?
Benny. The same Benny, which led this damned bounty hunter right to your doorstep is currently making his merry way towards the both of you. Your eyes follow the way the Ghoul's thumb loads the pistol with a click of finality, and suddenly new energy floods your system.
- Stop fucking moving - Cooper grounds down on his teeth, as you attempt to free yourself from both his grip, and the lasso's.
Images of Benny, bloodied and dead, flash through your mind, and despite your lack of any sympathy towards the man, you don't want to see it. So, you start to move again, violently shaking under the Ghoul, forcing the lasso to slide from your body. Your hips jerk from the ground, bucking into him like a wild animal, and somewhere behind your ear, you can hear him suck in a sharp breath. Which you have no time to dwell upon. Your tongue fights against the fabric of your robe, and after a second you're able to spit it out.
- Don't shoot him - you plead feverishly, hands gripping the Ghoul's forearm - I'll talk to him, he'll leave. Just don't shoot him, please.
Cooper looks down at you, his eyes hard on your face, as he watches out for any signs of deceit. Then, he presses his lips into a thin line.
- Make it quick, or I'll pop his head clean off his shoulders. - southern accent floods every syllable, and were you not fighting to save a life (again), you would've blushed.
- Yes, thank you. I'll be quick. Thank you. - words spill out of you like a broken faucet, whispered into the space between your bodies, as the bounty hunter tugs off the loop of his lasso. 
You take a moment to steady yourself, as he drags you up with him, hand twisted into the front of your shirt. Still a little stunned, you allow him to manoeuvre you, turning your body in his grasp, until your back is pressed flush against his front. 
Strong arm sneaks over your shoulders, hand clasping around the column of your throat, while the other one waits just outside of your vision. The barrel of the gun rests between your shoulder and your neck, and the coolness of the metal causes a myriad of goosebumps to erupt across your skin. 
- I'm here Benny - you call out, praying to anything that would listen, that your plan would work - Come out, slowly. 
To his credit, Benny has always been quite good at following directions. There weren't many attributes about him either way, a bit dim in the head, a bit too heroic. 
And definitely a bit too quick to pull out a gun.
Which is what he does as soon as he sees your peculiar situation. The Ghoul drums his fingers against your pulse point, and Benny approaches, a simple shotgun in front of him.
- What the hell...?
- Benny, I need you to listen to me - your voice sounds way too panicked, and you swallow hard to fake some illusion of control over this situation - I need you to turn around, and leave.
- But, there's a Ghoul with a gun behind you, Healer.
You nearly jump out of your skin, when you feel the hot breath of your unwanted companion on the back of your neck. You can almost imagine his chapped lips, so close to your skin.
- Time's a tickin', sweetheart - he whispers, and your blood runs cold in your veins. 
- He's a - you swallow, mouth going dry in an instant - He's my friend. Who's getting very anxious with the trigger, Benny, so please, just go home. 
Deep down inside you know there is no scenario, where the farmer leaves alive. He signed his death warrant the moment he stepped out of the shadows, yet for some unknown reason, that just makes you fight against the odds harder. Call it dumb optimism, perhaps you're possessed by your mother's spirit. Or perhaps the chems have finally scrambled your brains for good. 
- He's not looking very friendly - Benny's gun sways slightly, as he tries to keep it raised, muscles evidently straining against the weight - He's the guy that shot Pete.
Oh for fucks sake, your whole body starts shaking at this point, heart thrumming in your chest like a moth batting against a lampshade. You can feel the Ghoul smirk against the skin of your shoulder, and tears prick at the corners of your eyes. His thumb presses slightly into your pulse, feeling it run rampant against his finger. 
- Please - somehow you hope the desperation in your voice will be enough - Please, leave. Benny, please.
Benny looks between you and the Ghoul peaking over your trembling form. You can see his brain working overtime, scrunched eyebrows, smacking of the lips. You're only praying it's working in the right direction. Then, some idea flashes across his expression, and you know in the hollow of your stomach, that this is his end.
- If I save you, will you marry me? - he asks, looking at you with the utmost hopeful expression.
- ...what?
Confusion doesn't even fully register in your mind, as the deafening sound of a gun being fired nearly blows up your eardrums. At first you're not sure, what you're looking at. Where there used to be Benny, now there's a carcass, mangled and bloody. It's hard to figure out, where individual parts of his body are, some bones sticking out from the chunky mush. A spray of red falls onto your face like a morning mist, and the scent of iron and gunpowder is stunning your senses. 
You can't move. Eyes glued to what once used to Benny, you don't even notice, as the Ghoul removes himself from you, placing the lasso over your head and around your body. The loop is secured tightly, and the bounty hunter tugs on it a couple of times, just to test its durability. Then, lazily, he picks up your messenger bag, swinging it over his shoulder. 
- The first time he came to me for help, he tried to domesticate a rad roach - you mutter absentmindedly, not caring if your unwanted companion is hearing you - Wanted it to help with the farm work. I had to stitch half his left side. 
- Stupid life deserves a stupid death.
- You're a fucking monster - you spit out, the feeling of Benny's blood on your lips almost making you gag.
Apparently, the Ghoul takes offense to that, because almost instantly, he's in front of you, his hand gripping your throat, and pushing you hard against the metal plating of the destroyed plane. Stars erupt behind your eyelids, as your head knocks hard into the wall, pain barely registering under the confusion.
- I have been more than accommodating to you, little princess - the Ghoul snarls in your direction, but all you can focus on, is his other hand, grabbing your bruised chin - I've entertained your little medical escapade, I let you negotiate with that dimwit over there.
The warmth of his body suffocates you stronger than any hand around your throat. You can't decide on the color of his eyes, as they seem to shift between amber and green, and completely black. Your mouth opens just a smidge, as you try to defend yourself in any way, but before you can speak, the Ghoul shoves two gloved fingers into your mouth, silencing you in an instant. 
- I could be so much worse, darlin', and I don't think you would like that - his voice lowers itself barely above a whisper, and he watches your expression shift under his grip.
You can't help it, really, the way your body reacts to this rough manhandling. It's not like you could predict being pinned to a wall by a stranger would make your thighs press together. Cooper looks down. He smiles like a cat, that's just found the fattest of mice, when his eyes drag back up to your face. 
- Or perhaps you would - his knee presses against the middle of your thighs, just short of forcing them apart, and you gasp around his fingers.
As if nothing has happened, he pulls away, so suddenly, you nearly fall over. His gloved hand glistens with your saliva, and gracefully, he wipes it clean on your shirt. Blushed, panting, and very angry at this turn of events, you stare daggers at him, as he tugs at the lasso, forcing you to start moving.  
- What is your name? - you demand, blood running hot and defiant in your veins. 
Cooper stares for just a moment too long. The way you seem to bristle in rage, even though that farmer truly was stupid, and you know it too. He likes the way your eyes harden, the way your jaw sets, when you realize this is no longer fun and games. When you recognize, how dangerous he can be, how mean and ruthless. He'd be a fool not to admit it,  it makes him feel powerful, revered. 
And the undertone of humiliation running through the length of your spine is just such a delicious addition. Almost better than chems. Almost more addicting.
Lips tugging back into a nasty smirk, he appraises you with his gaze, surprised when your resolve seems to harden even more. 
- You, Healer - your title sounds wrong coming from his thin lips, worse than any other time you've heard it - Can call me "sir".
Something akin to disgust runs through your expression, and you turn away with a grumble. 
- Fat fucking chance.
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theaceofarrows · 5 months
Why Condiment King is the worst villain
Dick: Okay, you go out and didtract him, and I'll come in from the back to get him
Robin Jason: What? No! You distract him
Dick: It'll only be for a little bit.
Robin Jason: No
Dick: I did it when I was Robin
Robin Jason: Then you can do it again
Dick: You'll be fine, he's a D lister at best
Robin Jason: You know that's not the problem! I have school tomorrow, and I don't want to smell like ketchup for the whole day
Dick: [sighs] Alright, fine. Let's just settle this like professionals
Robin Jason: Fine
Dick and Jason: Rock... paper... scissors... shoot!
Robin Jason: [does rock]
Dick: [does paper]
Robin Jason: Ughhh, Fine
Dick: You got this buddy. I believe in you!
Robin Jason: [walking away and grumbling] I hate you
Dick: I love you too!
[Approximately 5 minutes later, with Condiment King tied up]
Dick: And that's what I call a success
Robin Jason: [covered in a disgusting mixture of ranch dressing, mustard, barbecue sauce, and ketchup] For you maybe
Dick: Hey, it could have been worse. He could have shot pickles or something at you
Robin Jason: Asshole
Robin Jason: [suddenly starts smirking] Hey, you know how you're always wanting to give me a hug? Well, I could really use a hug right now
[Dick and Jason lock eyes for a solid 10 seconds]
Dick: [bolts] I'm social distancing from little brothers right now!
Robin Jason: [running after him] Get back here you coward!
Dick: Go hug Batman! I have a date tonight!
Robin Jason: Batman's not! Hope your date likes ranch dressing!
[Dick and Jason continue to chase each other for the rest of patrol]
Condiment King: So am I just supposed to sit here until the cops show up??
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samijey · 5 months
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Monday Night RAW (08/01/2024)
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muclunga · 11 months
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[tap/click for better quality]
pt 4: anD ANOTHA ONE (these are so fun and addictive to draw im sorryyyyyyyy)
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witherbythesword · 1 month
if the theory of sam reich being replaced by .. evil wizard dalton reich (and i cant believe i am partaking in this discurse) is true..
i've seen some people asking the question about what those childhood tapes mean. Well i am one of the ancient ones that owned vhs tapes and you know you could replace whats stored on those tapes with overwriting it with new material but it would slowly degrade the quality as the magnetic tape the information is stored on isn't necessarly made to be re-recorded on indefinetly which would also explain the degrading quality of the gamechanger episode.
So my theory is that dalton reich wants to erase sam from history and to do this he is slowly erasing any proof that could hint on sam and dalton being two different people. One thing he appearantly needed to do is overwrite these old vhs tapes of sams childhood.
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laz-kay · 4 months
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~ Later ~
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Phineas and Ferb, Night of the Living Pharmacists (S4: E44)
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mishaesque · 21 days
supernatural really went from “let’s find the two hottest young guys out there and make cheesy horror flicks” to
“the brothers are the centre of the universe and the books god wrote about them will one day be known as The Winchester Gospel”
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buckttommy · 27 days
i know we've all headcanoned that "baby" is tommy's name for buck but. i do believe buck calls him that occasionally and it makes tommy's heart go stupid every. single. time.
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pers-books · 9 months
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Just 3 stills from Jodie Whittaker in One Night - loving the powder blue suit and that short hairstyle. (Also, a lonely tear...)
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TVs losing most of their buttons while being shipped with increasingly smaller/easier to lose remotes is TERRIBLE design by the way.
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dasloddl · 17 days
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get along girls, you share a birthday now
edit, April 23rd: made this on march 10th and now they changed the release date, the lore implications of the may 17 date made so much sense :/// that won’t stop me from posting this because I thought it was really funny
edit, May 7th: so there's listening events now starting on the 18th? make it make sense boys, you could've just released it on the 17th for everyone
clancy will still have this as an honorary birthday in my heart
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zenxvii · 5 months
Hello!, luv your stories!!!, can u do a jealous kyungjun?
For sure🙏🏻😻
character: kyung-jun x fem!reader
kdrama: Night has come
!!: thoughts are in italics
🫶🏻: jealous boyfriend,
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Fuck this! I just want to go home! I thought as I walked over to my room after having an argument with Kyung-Jun. It wasn’t anything too bad or serious he just got on my nerves this night.
I slammed the door shut and laid on my bed, screaming into my pillow. I sat up again and threw the pillow with anger. “Fuck this!” I shouted annoyed and started to throw all my things. I opened my suitcase as threw everything. Some things breaking and screamed again in anger. I punched everything, the bed, wall, my suitcase, everything that I saw.
I had destroyed the room. Now standing in front of a mirror that I had destroyed in anger. Blood flowing from my knuckles. I sat back down now in the middle of everything. “I just want to go home..” I quietly sobbed as I held my hands. I didn’t want to play anymore. A knock was heard on the door. “Go away.” I said not caring who was there.
Something was said and the door opened revealing Kim Jun-Hee. He looked at the messy room everything thrown on the ground l. Things broken with glass on the floor. “y/n..” He called me as he got closer.
“Go away.” I said again as I looked at his eyes. “Leave me alone.” Now told him as I stood up to go push him out. “Don’t shut me away.” He said now standing in front of me. “Leave me be.!” I said and bit louder and tried to push him to leave, but he wouldn’t budge.
“Go!” I yelled and pushed hard but he didn’t move. “Why.!” I said both understanding what I meant. He did nothing, but then wrapped his arms around me pulling me to a hug. “It’s going to be okay.” Was all he said. I felt tears forming in my eyes but kept quiet.
After like 15 minutes just standing there he held my hand analyzing it. “Let’s go.” He said and tugged me gently along. We walked to the infirmary and he sat me down. We didn’t speak both just quiet as he cleaned my hands from the blood. He wrapped bot of my hands carefully not to hurt me.
He had done the job very well. “Thank you.” I thanked him and watched him clean away the stuff he used. “It’s all fine. Just don’t shut me away, please.” He said and came back to sit and held my hands. I just nodded.
We had left the infirmary and now heading to the cafe. I didn’t want to go but he insisted I got something to eat. We walked quietly nobody speaking.
We arrived at the cafe. “I’ll stay here.” I told him and stopped. He looked at me sadly but then nodded. “I’ll bring you something.” He said and went into the cafe. I sat on the ground waiting for him to come back.
After 10 minutes he came back with two cup noodles and a bottle of water. “Let’s go eat.” He said and I followed him. Arriving at his room I opened the door helping him. “Wait here for a second.” He said and put the food in a table before walking away. I sat in the ground and waited for him bot wanting to eat alone.
I heard footsteps thinking it was Jun-Hee I just sat on the ground. “y/n?” A voice said aggressively and I turned my head to see my boyfriend there. “Kyung-Jun.” I called out to him. “What are you doing here.” He said looking pissed. “Eating with me.” Another voice said and Jun-Hee pushed past him to the room. “Now if you’ll excuse us.” He told him and shut the door.
“Hey!” Was heard multiple times behind the door with some punches. I sighed and shook my head. “Maybe it’s the best if I’ll leave.” I told Jun-Hee but he denied it. “Don’t go, it’s okay.” He said and sat in front of me with a piece of strawberry shortcake.
I felt my mouth watering by just seeing it. “Which one do you want?” He asked and looked at the noodles. “You can decide.” I told him and he nodded taking on of the noodle cups.
We started eating, I never realized how hungry I was, but the way I ate the noodles I guess I was really hungry. We ate and made some small chats here and there.
We had finished the noodles, but then he hit me up with a question I didn’t expect. “Is he always like this when you hang out with a boy.” He said and we both knew who he was talking about. “No, not always. Just sometimes, if he know someone likes me or if the person I’m with really pisses him off.” I told him
He nodded and grabbed the wayer bottle and drank a bit the bottle itself not touching his lips. He closed the bottle and handed it to me. “Drink.” He said and I did. I did it the same way he did the plastic not touching my lips. “Here.” He said again and sled the strawberry shortcake to me.
“Really.!” I said excited and got answer by him nodding. “Thank you Jun-Hee!” I said and took a spoon he also brought and started to dig in.
“You’re the best.” I told as I took another spoon full of the cake. “Here.” I told him and gave him the best piece. Some of the cake with the only strawberry on the cake. “I couldn’t.” He said but I shook my head. “Please.” I said and got up.
He thought it for a moment before opening his mouth and I dropped the cake from the spoon to his mouth.
“Thank you.” He said and nodded. “Don’t mention it.” I said and smiled. We made more small talks and laughed every now and then. “Thank you. For everything.” I thanked him and he let out a small laugh. “It’s all good.” He waved it off.
“I had wonderful time, but I think it’s time I go now.” I said and he nodded. “I’ll se you later?” “Definitely.”
I got up with a smile and opened the door and waved bye and closed the door. My smile dropped as I looked down. I saw Kyung-Jun sitting next to the door. He got up quick as he saw it was me coming out.
“What are you doing here?” I asked him and tugged him away from the door. “Why were you with him.” Was all he said and I sighed. “He made me feel better.” I answered him and turned to look at him again, he was now pissed.
“Better? By what, pleasuring you!” He said angrily both knowing what he meant. “What! Of course not! We ate and talked as friends!” I told him and wanted to slap him so bad. How could he even think like that.
“Yeah sure! You know he likes you, don’t you! It’s so easy to see, but I guess you’re just too blue eyes to see it!” He said and stormed off. I just stood there dumb faulted. Huh..
“Wait! Kyung-Jun!” I called out at him and walked after him. “Kyung-Jun!” I called out again trying to get him to stop, but nothing he just kept walking away. Why was he like this? I knew he didn’t like the class president, but still. Wait.
“Are you jealous!” I shouted and he stopped. He turned around with anger and slightly red eyes. He stormed to me. “Of course!” He said and shook his head. “What do you think! We both know he would be so much better for you! He likes you and you spent just like an hour with him just eating! You never do it with me anymore!” His sudden outburst made me feel like shit.
“I’m sorry.” I said and tried to hug him. “Don’t.” He told me and walked off again leaving me alone in the corridors. I’m sorry Kyung-Jun
I was thinking making a part two for this, what do you guys think? Also if you guys have any thoughts or comments about the fics please do comment them! I love reading comments and talking with you guys!🫶🏻 (Also sorry for the short fic but I got called to work today because of an employee being sick so I didn’t have much time today😞)
🏷️: @istanstraykidss
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You'd think Vox would get caught out for his Alastor fetish by him exclusively fucking deer sinners or whores with red hair but no he's just REALLY into southern accents and it takes forever for anyone to actually connect those dots
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