ineffablebrainrot · 8 months
edit: oops thought i edited out the bit where i scrolled up to restart the vid OH WELL
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cushfuddled · 2 months
I wish I didn't hate Ed and Stede but here we are I guess
I didn't have time to put a section about this in my review (since it would add another ten minutes onto a fifty minute video hhhhh) but I just gotta take a second and vent about how much I dislike Stede and Ed in season two.
When I watched season two for the first time, I assumed I didn't ship Gentlebeard anymore because I'd...I dunno...gotten bored of the ship or whatever. But when I went back to rewatch season one, I was immediately sucked back into the Ed/Stede jet engine. I loved them through the finale, up until around the middle of season two...at which point I became totally disinterested again.
Even going back through season one clips for this review...the chemistry is soooo strong for me. The only time I got that feeling from season two was like, from the mermaid scene and the finger-stacking scene.
And I honestly think my disinterest stems from the fact that I can't stand Ed and Stede as characters anymore. They're dicks in season one, but ANNOYING dicks in season two, and I guess I just...don't ship characters who make me want to tear my hair out.
In season two, Ed behaves like a petulant five year old with a gun. It's so "say sorry to your friend right now!" "I don't wanna! :(" followed by a stint in the time out chair and a mumbled non-apology. For all of season two, Ed behaves like a spoiled brat, and I really can't stand it.
My friend pointed out that Ed is in a position where he needs to reparent himself. His emotional development likely stopped around the time he killed his dad (when he was still a kid). No one modeled healthy behavior and emotional regulation for Ed past the age of...maybe fifteen? So of course he's gonna behave like a kid. It's gonna be a long road for Ed to learn these regulating strategies as an adult, and I guess...hhhhhh.
None of Ed's trauma excuses Ed from torturing and traumatizing his crew. It feels shitty to find a deeply traumatized character's behavior "annoying," but...I mean. I say this as someone who's experienced suicide ideation myself: Ed isn't real, and I'm not Ed's friend, and so I don't really feel obligated to extend patience and understanding to a fictional construct when that construct spends 90% of his screen time behaving like a stuck up, self-obsessed, capricious, whiny, murderous asshole.
Add season-two-Stede to the mix and CHRIST...Stede—like Ed—was always a dick, but the way he encouraged Lucius to divulge his trauma only to react with cartoonish disgust, cower like a cornered animal, and then flee while begging Lucius to be quiet...
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Then Stede decides to veto the crew's decision to ban Ed—their abuser—from the ship ("talk it through as a crew" my ass)...? Oh, and gotta love how Stede-"I've been the cause of death. It changes you"-Bonnet sets a guy on fucking fire and laughs, then kills a bunch of English soldiers with nary a backward glance. Okay. Would've loved some kind of exploration re: that major heel turn, but fine. And then Ed and Stede stand over Izzy's grave—the (mutilated) body of their dear friend and crewmate—and their combined eulogy amounts to "He was tense. Very tense." "Yeah, he was a fucking nightmare. What a guy." How endearing. Season two turned these two bastards (affectionate) into bastards (derogatory) for me and I'm still salty about it. God DAMMIT.
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tparker48 · 13 days
Request for anonymous
Fog scoured over the cul-de-sac as the sun rose from its curtain of mist. In a house at the ed of the street, a tall man named Guro Awakened from his slumber lumbering himself out of bed as he stared groggily at the clock.
“6AM..” he rubbed his chin, “Fuck we overslept, we need to get to airport..” he stuck his toothbrush in his mouth before heading to the bedroom, two lumps bunched beneath a sheet on the windowsill. He prodded at their curvatures with a finger. "Brock, Jerry, up and adam! We're gonna be late for the flight if we’re not gone in a few minutes."
The lumps shift beneath the sheets, growing in size as the cotton balls surrounding them dispersed to the floor. Scrawny arms poked from one side of the cover, a pair of feet extending from the other.
"Oh..shit.." one of the tinies stretched, their curly hair spiraling spreading from the cover like wires. “You just had to pick the morning flight..” Jerry rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He looked to the lump next to him, nasally rumbles lingering beneath them as he nudged a foot into its side. “Brock, stop acting like a brick and get up already.”
The exposed toes curled, cowering beneath the sheets as the tiny groaned groggily. "Why’d you have to go and kick me?” he wiped the slobber from the corner of his mouth, “ I was just having the best dream of my life."
"You say that every night, dear."
"Well it's true."
Guro rolled his eyes, taking to the window as he plucked the two from the platform. He lumbard toward a table, placing them on top as he made his way for his luggage in the chair. Today was the day the three of them went on their trip to Vegas. Since he was a kid he always dreamed of visiting there, his fantasy running wild of the possibilities he’d find. Fame, fortune, hell even the chance to see good actors. His mind thrived on the potential for him to explore, but nothing spiked his interest more, than to find someone who could take on his size.
He dabbled in a few hook ups during his time in the city, managing to fish a few guys here and there looking for a good time. But his tall physique was like kryptonite to potential seekers, each cowering before the colossal ass that spreads before him. He had no luck here, but that didn’t mean he won’t find one out there.
Finishing the rest of his packing, he placed the two love birds into his pocket before heading out of the door and to his car. And with that they were off to the airport, Guro taking the south highway that shortened the 40 minute drive through traffic. By the time they reached the main entrance, the sun rose over the hills, its crimson glow shining over the land.
Guro parked the car as he fetched the two from his pocket. "Alright we got about an hour before the flight boards.”
“Perfect, then that leaves us plenty of time to prepare.” Jerry hopped onto the glove compartment and kicked the loose panel, a bottle of anti-digest jostling to the edge. “I knew these would come in handy someday, it’s the perfect heist for the stomach.”
“About that, why again are you guys going in my stomach?”
“You’re the one that said the cost was too expensive for the three of us, so I thought of an alternative.” Jerry plucked one of the pills. “You get to sit all cozy in your chair, while me and hubby travel in your stomach.”
“It still doesn’t sound appealing when I hear it a second time around.” Guro said. “Having you two inside me sounds way too weird.”
“Relax, it’ll be fine.” Brock chimed in, “Just think of me and Jerry like skittles.”
He shuddered at the thought of swallowing his two friends, looking to his watch as time edged toward seven o’ clock. With a sigh, he grabbed a water bottle from the cup holder, untwisting the cap of the pills as he two. He washed it down his throat, before picking up Jerry and Brock, hovering them in front of his mouth.
“Here goes nothing..” He parted his lips, sprawling his tongue like a carpet as he tilted his head.
His tongue squished as the two tinies hopped into his gaping maw, sliding down the muscular appendage like penguins as they darted into his awaiting gullet. His lips scrunched as his throat worked at their complex forms, working them past the back of his tongue that rose to the ceiling. He squeezed his tongue against their feet, and his throat gave way, the muscular tube expanding as Jerry and Brock were accepted inside. The descent was like a slugs pace as peristalsis took over, guiding them to the entrance of his stomach.
Getting out of the car, he raised his shirt as his belly distended, a softened handprint poking from his torso. "It's darker in here than I expected,” Jerry said. “did you bring the flashlights with you, Brock?"
"Flashlights? I thought you grabbed them from the nightstand?"
"Why would you think I grabbed them? I was literally right next to you."
"Keep it down you two," Guro pounded at his chest. "we're almost inside."
He entered the sliding doors to the main lobby, other travelers swarming through the corridors like a sea of fish. Guro followed the narrow path to the terminals further in the distances,, ushering the shoulder of others to clear a way for his hefty luggage that nipped at his heels. He visited the check in machine, grabbing a ticket for his things as he dropped them with the attendees.
Dropping his luggage off, he spread his arms like wings, popping the cramps on his shoulder for hauling the heavy thing. He approached the line of the terminal, and his sense of his relief dispersed. Security would be up ahead, scanning baggage along with the passengers clothes for any signs of breach in policy. It wasn’t long before one of the officers approached, scanners in hand as they ushered him forward.
He sucked in his gut, and the scanning commenced as the coned device raised up and down his body. "Scanner's seem all clear, proceed." one of the officers said.
Guro nodded, moving through the terminals to the connecting hallway. He looked out of the translucent window to metal fins gliding over parts of the platform, the head of the plane turning the corner like a shark as it docked near the loading bay.
Movement stirred inside of him, his abdomen bucking as limbs twisted over the other. "Ugh, I knew I should’ve woke up earlier.” Jerry muffled, “ my cock’s leaking like a faucet for release.”
"Fear not my dear hubby, for your noble night shall ease your stress." Brock said.
Guro cheeks flushed, pounding a fist at his chest. " You two are not fucking in my stomach, it’s hard enough trying to keep you down already."
"Fine fine, party pooper.” Jerry said, “Then let’s at least get some grub, I’m starving in here!"
"Yeah!" Brock chimed.
“What? I just told-”
"Food! Food! Food!" the couple chanted, bouncing wall to wall as if they were seeds in a popcorn kettle.
"Alright, Alright already. just stop with the bouncing."
It was a good walk as Guro traversed deeper into the airport. Searching for the docking terminal, he followed the bolded signs that hung from the ceiling as they pointed further down the hall, leading him to the corner of the building where travelers waited for the aircraft.
Good, he still had some time to get those two some food. He followed a vertical path to a few shops stationed along the walls, passing by refreshment and accessories before he got to the food court section of the building. Snackbars stationed between the narrow pathways, packets of Doritos stacking their shelves as some spilled from their platform to the Gatorade bottles below.
"Perfect, chips should ease you two until we land." he said.
"Chips? No way! they'd be waterlogged by the time it enters in here." Brock said.
"It'll be soggy regardless once it gets there," he replied. "If that won't work then what do you want?"
"What? no that's too-"
"Ooo burgers, great Idea!" Jerry chimed. "What better way to kick things off than to have a burger!"
"A burger is way too greasy right now lets-"
"burgers! Burgers!" the couple chanted, bulges dancing beneath his tank top.
For fuck sake. He held his stomach extending a sheepish way to passerbys before speed walking around a corner. A burger parlor rested ahead, guarded by a crossroad as passengers passed to and from the bridges connecting it. He ordered his food and made his way to a booth facing the stream of other flight goers, fiddling the ticket number of his order between his fingers.
"Be sure to add extra cheese!"
"Oh! and ketchup, don't forget the ketchup!
Guro pounded his stomach. "Will you two pipe down, if you keep it up someone will-"
"Man all this traffic today," a smooth yet gruff voice said from behind, passengers splitting apart as a short lean man stepped through them. "Who’s bright idea was it to put this place in such a piss poor spot? I’m getting a wedgie down here."
The small man wrestled with his pants as he traversed to the booths. As he looked to the other tables occupied by guests, his gaze met Guro’s who peeked over his arm.
“Hey you, that seat next to yours taken?” the man pointed at the booth.
"Oh, uh no. It's all yours." Guro replied, gesturing a hand to the seat next to him.
The short man let out a sigh, the gears of the seat creaking as he crashed down upon it. “Ah, thank god, I can finally sit and eat.” He sat his tray upon the table.
Guro held a hand to his face as he focused on the passing passengers, the sound of paper unraveling as the lean man unwrapped his burger. Not a moment later, a waiter arrived with his food as they placed it on the tray. He picked up a stray fry, dipping it into ketchup as he nibbled over his shoulder.
The lean man tore into his burger as ketchup splattered the wrapper. "Say, I haven't seen you around these parts.” He garbled over his food, “You knew to this airport?"
Guro froze. "You could say that, I..don't really travel a lot."
I see," the lean man swallowed his chewed food, pounding at his chest. He extended a hand to Guro. "Well let me be the first to welcome you. Name’s Gary, it’s good to see new faces around here."
“Guro," He replied, shaking his hand. “I’m sure you meet a lot of folks out there.”
“Oh sure, I've seen so many passenger’s I’ve lost count. Met a few good ones over the years..” He stirred a fry into his ketchup. “And busted a few too.”
His heart skipped a beat. “Oh..you have? It must be..pretty rough.”
“Ugh tell me about it, they come out of the woodwork and think they run the entire place. Man, they give me gray hairs.” Gary said, “But nothing grinds my gears more than those with tinies.”
Guro’s eyes widened at the statement, fiddling with his straw. “Yeah?..”
“Totally. Smuggling them on board in my presence, it just makes me so..so..” He pounded his fist against his palm. “gah, they're lucky I’m at work. But you know what I mean, right?”
“Yeah yeah, I do, totally.” Guro fanned the air, sipping at his straw. “Those..rotten smugglers, why if they were I would-”
"cold! cold!" a faint mutter escaped his stomach..
His body locked, punching into his own stomach. Gary was caught aback, the lid of his drink popping undone.
"Woah there, drink went down the wrong pipe huh?"
"Y..yeah, guess I must've drank too long." He replied, holding at his stomach.
"Give me the fry!"
"get your own, I saw it first"
Guro froze again, looking to Gary who stood there attentively.
The side of his cheek twitched. "Ahe, you know I think my ears are whack from working on flights, but I could’ve sworn I heard some little voices just now."
"No! No! Not at all, I’m sure it was just uh..the conditioning."
“Nah, it sounded like voices alright. Just like it sounds like smuggling.” Gary leaned closer. “And when there’s smuggling in my presence, I-”
He jumped out of his seat. "Would you look at the time, I really must be getting to my flight.”
Guro scampered into the sea of passengers, rushing back to the narrow hallway he came from. He caught a glimpse of Gary’s stern stare, before it disappeared around the corner. —---------------------------
that was close, he didn't know how long he'd be able to hold that conversation. He lifted his shirt and gazed at his round belly, the lumps of his abs rising and falling as the two tinies danced beneath its layer.
"Can you guys at least try to keep things low? that guy was onto us." he said.
His stomach grumbled, Jerry’s voice resonating. “Wal..we…”
“Hun, don’t try to speak with your mouthful” Brock replied. “It's just a minor hiccup, Guro. it slipped out.”
“Well don’t do it again or we’ll be caught.”
He returned to the main path of the hallway, joining the crowd that lined the entrance to the air bridge. He showed his ticket to the tenders and made his way down the hollow straight way, the hums of the plane's turbines vibrations through the metal floor. A wave of cool conditioning washed over him as he entered the opening of the plane, stray legs in the lane brushing against his own as passengers sat their luggage into the compartments above.
He found a seat in the middle of the plane, taking a seat as he glanced into the Isle. He managed to get on board, thank goodness, that hurtle of their journey was complete. He eyed the other passengers that traveled passed, looking at the metal wig blocking the window frame as its lights blinked. Movement stirred inside his stomach prodding at the muscular wall. He pulled the collar of his shirt over his face, staring at the wobbling lumps i his abdomen.
“Get the energy out while you can you two, it’s gonna be a long trip before we reach vegas.” he said in a lone tone, keeping an eye towards the lane.
“Easier said than done when your cock’s craving release. ” Jerry replied. “Blasted thing’s still leaking.”
“For the last time, you’re not fucking in my stomach.”
Jerry slouched against a fold in the fleshy chamber. “Ah come on, how else are we gonna get through this trip.”
“Because we almost got caught with you two’s bickering.” Guro replied.
“You’re still o about that guy back there, there’s no way he’d follow you in here.” Brock chimed, “Poor bastard’s probably helping the janitor’s than thinking about us.”
"Attention passengers, please listen up for the time being.” a voice called from the cockpit, the heads of passengers splitting as they turned to the front of the plane. Holding a microphone in hand, hidden away by the shoulders of the would be the short man from the burger parlor. "We've got a long flight ahead of us, so if you’d be so kind to keep in your seats we’ll be cruising through to vegas in no time.."
Guro peeked through the curl of the woman in front of him to the front aisle. “Shit..”
“What is it?” Brock asked.
“It’s that Gary guy again, of all the planes to be on it had to be this one.”
The fuzz of Gary’s hair traversed further down the aisle, a pamphlet in hand as he wagged it through the air. "As you all know it's important to ensure your mask is working to full condition," he said, "If you are having issues please let me or our staff.."
He trailed as he came to the middle of the aisle, the corner of Guro’s gaze meeting his own. His eyes were like daggers as they seething their judgments into Guro’s brain, eyebrows furrowing as if to harness their fiery sight.
"…Our staff know at a moment's notice." Gary continued, his steps drawing closer. His curly hair peered from the top of the pamphlet, his eyes locking onto him. "If there aren't any further questions..may you enjoy your flight."
His steps trailed behind, but he could still feel his sharp gaze as he moved to the back of the plane. The tension eased as the aircraft jerked, the docking platform fading from the small window as it faced the runway. The white stripes of the runway zipped through the window frame as the aircraft made its way to its lane. He hoped it would distract him from the sudden predicament, but he couldn’t help but look back to flight attendants buckling their belts, Gary side-eying him from a seat along the wall.
He leaned his head against the chair, and let out a heavy sigh. "This is going to be a long flight.”
Some time passed as the plane left the airport, soaring over the mountains decorating the plains below. Guro’s attention aimed at his body as the wall brushed his shoulder, hugging him into the cool interior as the plane tilted to the west. He looked down to his still stomach, prodding at the faint dimple protruding beneath his pecs.
Those two have been quiet since they took off, he’d best check on them.
He scoped the aisle for a second glance, eyeing the slouched necks of fellow passengers who tilted to the ceiling. He lifted his shirt, tapped at his distended gut. "Hey,you two good?.." he asked, his tone overwhelmed by the turbine outside. "Is everything okay in there?"
"Is what okay in there?" A voice startled him, Gary standing in the aisle with a tray.
"Geez you really need a bell, you can't just sneak up on people like that."
"What did I startle you fraidy cat? Its merely time for the passengers to have their snacks for the evening.” He plucked one of the bags from his tray. “I wanted to give you yours personally."
Guro eyed him cautiously. “Why?”
“Think of it as an apology, I’ve been watching you all this time to see if you’d croak. And yet, you sit there without a trouble in hand. So..” he set a couple of bags upon his tray, “I wanted to ensure you get the best nuts I could offer, as tribute.”
"Ah..how kind of you."
"Yes," Gary said. “I hope they're..to your liking."
He cycled to the next passenger, sharing a glance as he handed them peanuts from the trays below. That guy on his ass for so long, he forgot what it felt like to finally breathe in piece.
his stomach rippled as it sung its gurgly song, taps resonating from his abdomen. "What’s this I hear about snacks?" Jerry asked.
"About time you started to speak," he replied, "I thought I digested you too."
"You thought being in here would get the better of us?” Brock said. “It’ll take a lot more than a few burgers and fries for us to kick the bucket."
“Huh, I suppose you have a point.”
“Yeah.” Jerry chimed in, “on a related note, how about those snacks!”
Quick and to the point, that’s the Jerry experience for ya. But his request did linger in his mind, he thought the food from the restaurant would satisfy him for a little longer, but he can already feel his belly yearn for more to fill in its chamber. He looked to the plastic packets on his tray, fondling at their sealed ends.
"Why not," he picked one of them up, "a few peanuts couldn't hurt."
He tore the flimsy corner of the bag, dumping the miniature contents into his awaiting mouth as he chewed on their salty texture. Their solid form were soon reduced to mush beneath his molars, escorted by his tongue as it slithered down his throat with a simple gulp. Arriving in his stomach, Jerry and Brock became active, swirling inside his belly like pet fish.
"Huh, a little salty but these things actually aren't that bad." Guro opened another packet, tilting the torn opening to feast on the nuts.
He chewed at their crunchy forms once more, lapping at the slaty flakes in torn opening to savor their taste. But his stomach twisted as a bulge pushed in his stomach, Jerry and Brock moving around.
"What are you doing down there?" He said in a low tone, tapping at his stomach.
" These nuts are making me.. feel tingly." Brock muttered, kicking into the side of the stomach. “Hehe..my legs feel like jello
"you feel it too, I thought I was the only one." Jerry added, the bulge in his stomach expanding. "You know.. Did I ever tell you? you're.. kinda hot. Like really..really hot."
"Really? I was gonna say the same to you."
Guro shuddered as he felt his stomach swirl, the two tinies swirling around the wall like propellers as their moans reverberated the surrounding flesh. flustered, Guro leaned into his legs, tapping into his gut.
"Hey I told you not..to fuck in-” His stomach bucked as the two drove into stomach wall, footprints marking his abs before sinking back in. “Guys..stop..fucking.”
His words fell on deaf ears, the tinies pressing horizontally into the side of his belly. It was as if he swallowed a dinner plate, his stomach manipulating its curvatures as it squashed against his folds. He gripped at the armrest of his seat, over biting his lower hip.
steps echoed from the lane, Gary returning with a glass beverage. "Oh man, you look like you’re getting put through the ringer there?"
"What did you put in those nuts?" Guro groaned, holding his stomach.
"Nothing, just regular peanuts compared to us." Gary said, "though for small folk, you could say they become more..energetic. good thing it was just you who only drank it, right?" He shared a glance at Guro.
"r..right, no..tinies here."
"Mhm.” Gary plucked the drink from his tray, setting it up on Guro's. “ If there were tinies who ate them, this stuff does the trick for calming them down. Who knows,maybe it'll work on that stomach ache of yours too."
Guro opened his mouth to speak, but shuddered as legs swiped against his belly like brushes. Gary trailed from his gaze, walking down the path as he gazed upon the sloshing liquid in the plastic cup. Not good, if this keeps up he’ll jizz in his pants before they land.
His stomach turned again, his head brushing against the seat as sweat dripped on his brow. Looking to his pants ran through his body, his shaft pulsating as it bulge climbed to the surface. When the tip of his shaft outline the pouch, a wet spot darkening into the fabric, he caved.
He raised the plastic cup against his lips. swallowing ice and all as its cubes raced down his pipe. It sizzled along his tongue like sprite, its suds raced down his throat as it collected into his stomach. He shook the cup until the last drop met his tongue, slamming it upon his tray. His stomach expanded, the cool liquid spinning inside the chamber as the two couples calmed themselves.
He took a breath, basking in the hums of the plane. But he froze as the lingering figure returned, a golden name tag appearing in his peripheral.
"So it seems your stomach ache has calmed down, and not a single ice cube in the cup." Gary eyed the empty plastic, his arms crossing across his chest. "I'm sure it doesn’t take an Einstein to know what comes next?"
Guro's face grew dull, rolling his eyes to the window. "Fuck.."
Tires squeaked as the plane arrived at the vegas airport, cruising its way to the corner of the building where an empty air bridge awaited it. Guro stared at the front door, hands gripping his shoulders as Gary held him close.
"We have an hour before our next flight," Gary told another flight attendant. "I'm taking this one personally to security."
The flight attendant nodded, informing the captains of the situation. The door's hissed open, and a knee nudged into his legs.
"Is that really necessary-"
a knee struck him again. "Silence troublemaker, you'll be given what you deserve soon enough."
They moved through the long narrow hallway to the entrance, one of the employees opening the door as he stepped outside. Eyes glued onto the display as they moved through passengers, snickers fluttering the crowd as Guro sulked beneath the collar of his shirt. His sense of security was quickly diminished as a nudge yanked the slim fabric from his chin, Gary shoving him into the next corridor. After countless steps, they turned into an empty path, Gary opening a solid door to darkness on the other side.
"After you." Gary escorted him in, tossing him to the middle of the room.
"Look, I get that this wasn't the best idea, but do you know how expensive tickets are nowadays?"
"Oh I know how much they are, but don’t think you’ll get any mercy from it." Gary slammed the door, locking it behind him.
He approached in a slow stride, his form widening in width as he reached Guro’s chest. Even half his size, his demeanor drove his heart to a fast race, his legs backpedaling as the flight attendant gained ground.
Cold steel soon kissed at his back, Gary breath flowing over his chest. "Remember what I said about those with tinies?"
"I..I don't recall."
"I said when I find in my mist, that there will be dire punishment. And when I get my hands on them I-"
Guro shielded his face. "Jail them!"
"Fuck them!"
Guro's shuddering ceased, blinking in confusion. "W..what?"
"You heard me."
"So you did all of this, just to fuck me."
Gary scoffed softly. "Well I gotta get my buzz one way or another. I could’ve called you out at the restaurant, but why spoil it there?"
a foot lunged toward him, stomping the wall above Guro’s shoulder. "Ain't no buts about it, You're still a troublemaker for making me have to stretch to get the answer out of you.” Gary caressed his chin. “But since you’re kinda cute, I’ll cut ya deal."
He unbuckled his belt before taking to his fly, ringing his finger into the pouch of his boxer. With a flick of his finger, drawed the beast sleeping in his pants. Its slender length swelled against his thigh, its veins pulsing as it pointed its fleshy tip like a spear.
"You can accept your punishment and show me a good time, or I can let security deal with you and far worse."
Guro's cheeks flushed at Gary's options, its energy driving its way through his body as it was fed to his own cock. This predicament was peculiar to what he expected, and yet, it seemed to exhilarate him the more he ran it though his mind. The cock wagged closer, drawing at the air like a magic pencil as its baked musk whipped beneath his nose. His own shaft throbbed in his pants, punching into his pouch as if it were begging to be let out.
He watered his lips. “Just show you a good time?”
“Mhm,” Gary replied, bucking his shaft closer, “show me just enough, and I might let you off the hook.”
He reflected on his words, before looking to his waist. The lengthy appendage flicked as it brushed the tip of his nose, a drop of pre soaking his skin as salt whiffed through his nostrils. He clasped both hands along the leaking head, nodding softly as he felt its strength pulse between his palms..
"Splendid," Gary said, a hint of excitement decorating his tone. "Unbuckle those pants of yours."
Guro adjusted himself from the wall before taking to his belt buckle, unfastening its hold on his waist as the fabric slithered to reveal his toned glutes beneath. Their warm sheets were relieved, a pinch resonating on both cheeks as fingers spreading them apart.
"Well, well, Quite the star you have back here." Gary said.
"T..thanks, I try to keep it cared for in my spare time."
"I can tell, let's see just how taken care of it truly is for my monster."
his hole rippled as fingers prodded its center, flattening the folds between the rings before the phallus made contact. He strained as his anus widened, sliding Gary's girth inside him as it climbed the curvature of his anal walls. The flight attendant thrusted his hips, and their waist's clapped together as if there were a puzzle.
the attendant started to rock, sawing through Guro's ass like a saw as the shaft drove in and out of him. Pump after pump, his toes curled as Gary filled more of him inside, its bulge intermittently appearing beneath his lower abdomen. From mere moments he found himself bending towards the toilet, his own body taking to his shaft to channel the energy to his leaking tip.
As time passes, the two grinded in sync, their symphony of grunts and moans reverberating through the walls of the bathroom.
"Not bad, you're holding punishment well."
"That's nothing..I can take more."
"Oh?” Gary mused, clasping the tender mounds between his palms. “Then I hope you can keep your socks on for the finale."
He thrusted his shaft deeper into Guro, his waist clapping with his as a lump appeared intermittently in his torso. Push after push, a dimple began to form as the phallus imprinted along his abdomen. With a firm ease into Guro, the softened features of the tip appeared, two human shaped silhouettes decorating next to it as they grumbled beneath the tender muscle
"Hmph, so these are the tinies giving you trouble." Gary said.
"they're.. friends of mine." Guro replied.
"I see,” Gary chuckled, stirring Guro's inside like a batter barrel as Jerry and Brock wobbled around. “Seems they're having fun of their own. no wonder you were so skittish on the plane."
His skin bulged like a vacuumed compartment, wincing as the two silhouettes bobbed along his belly like mardi gra shadow puppets. The two of them basked in the silence between them, feeling the attendant's shaft thrust his torso from side to side. but soon a chime rang through the air, the flight attendant checking his phone.
"Looks like it's boarding time, I better get back to the plane" he said, grabbing one of Guro's cheeks as he unplugged his shaft from the depth of his hole, folding a bundle of tissue paper over the tip that leaked the floor. "I assume you can stand on your own?"
Guro rose from the toilet seat, his legs floundering as if they were made of jelly. "Well..more or less."
"Good, I wouldn't want there to be another mess than there already is." Gary said with a pat.
The two of them walked out from the bathroom, Guro waddling toward the door as Gary held it open. Getting into the main hall, security turned from the far corner, their walkie talkies going off as they approached the two.
"There you are, we had a report of some misconduct from the place." One of them said, "Is this who we were sent to retrieve?"
Guro opened his mouth to speak, but Gary's palm raised in front of him. "No, it was a false alarm. I thought we had a troublesome situation, but it's been resolved."
the guards grumbled at the flight attendant's response, nodding softly before they returned to the hallway. disappearing, Guro took a breath.
"I'm..not in trouble."
Gary patted at the cylinder like bulge in his pants. "Consider it a courtesy for a good time."
"you're welcome." Gary interrupted, handing him a piece of paper from his pocket. "Take this, a voucher next time you fly with us. and be sure to follow the rules next time, can’t guarantee you’ll be let off easy if it's not me."
Guro blinked at the slim piece of paper, taking it from Gary as he slid it into his pocket. With that, he nodded in understanding, Gary acknowledging as he traversed into the hallway. Soon the sound of passing passengers filled the space, leaving Guro with his own thoughts.
fancy that, he thought, to think a simple fuck with a flight attendant would get him off the hook. Whether it was luck or just pure satisfaction, he was glad that hurdle was over and done with. But something else lingered in his mind, a piece he was forgetting, but what?
"Fuck, my baggage!"
Navigating through the halls to the baggage claim downstairs, he had some time to kill as he waited for his transportation to arrive. Sitting along a bench near the entrance, he reflected on the encounter in the bathroom stall, reminiscing over the long slender shaft that once dwelled inside. He fondled the contents of his bloated belly, his fingers squishing upon his abdomen as if it were a water bed. it was..refreshing in a way, at least now he was able to walk straight.
His taxi arrived as he moved to a hotel further up the road, booking a room as he made his way up the flights of stairs to the second floor. He kicked open the door and dropped his bag, heading over to the bathroom as he ventured to the tub. He turned on the shower faucet, warm water washed over him as he squatted over the drain as seed drooled from his hole like an uncapped bottle. Clench after clench its flow moved like a stream melting into a watery substance before it disappeared into the drain.
But the stream began to spurt as solid objects pushed at his hole, forcing him to heave as his ring flexed and contracted. He adjusted his stance and squeezed at his stomach, a wave of seed spewing from his hole and between his legs as it rinsed beneath the water.
A tangle of arms and legs seeped from a wad,its gunk melting away as the two tinies laid along the drain.
“That's what I call a trip.." Jerry mumbled.
"You can say that again." Brock said, looking to Guro who stood over them. “You certainly made a mess. What were you doing out here?”
He shook his head softly. “Just having some fun.”
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tpwkluv · 11 months
Em! How we feeling about 1. "How could you? That was my mother's!" For sweet Angel boy Steve Harrington? (P.s. - hi. You’re lovely)
Thank you for the request, my dear anon; however, I have to tell you, this prompt broke my brain. I’m sorry it took so long, and I hope this lil thing does your hopes justice! I wrote so many different stories for this before settling on this.
As always, please feel free to leave any comments and critiques or just chat in general!
P.S. thank you, but not as lovely as you for fueling the creativity of little ole me.
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tags/warnings: i do be cursing, small mention of losing a parent, infertility issues, miscarriage, angst, but a happy ending i promise
2.9k prompt: “How could you? That was my mother’s”; almost a decade’s worth of love threatened by a moment of insecurity, in which you have a secret and Steve finds out.
September, 1993
It’s been seven years since Steve asked you to be his girlfriend. Since Hawkins put itself back together with duct tape. A temporary fix, but enough to get by after most of the townsfolk packed their bags and never looked back. Your little group of outcasts had finally come to terms with how fast life can pass by, and Steve couldn’t handle another second without expressing just how much he needs you.
Five years since he asked you to be his wife. A late night stroll around the apartment complex. A routine for when you both couldn’t sleep. Hand in hand, staring up at the sky, and asking which memory had sunk its nasty teeth in this time. Sometimes the harder questions got ignored; instead, you both would gush about your dreams. To leave Hawkins, once the now college age kids got old enough, to get a start on that brood of Harringtons, and to finally get a good night’s sleep without fear of monsters hidden somewhere deeply below the bed.
You had finally let go of his hand to unlock the door and walk in when he called your name from behind. The boy was on one knee, sweatpants digging into the welcome mat and faded Hawkins High tee sticking to his skin (which he later blamed on the intensity of the walk, and never admitted to it being nerves). He thought you had never looked prettier. Backlit from the soft amber glow of the hallway light, hair falling down your shoulders, and that soft dumbstruck look on your face.
Now two years after the wedding, you’re sitting on the floor of your work’s bathroom with those stupid pink lines staring straight back at you.
“Eds,” you sob. “I think I’m going to throw up and I can’t tell Steve because I know it’ll just break his heart again and I didn’t expect it to be posi—”
“Woah, slow down. Are you okay? Why would Steve get mad? What the hell are you talking about?”
You try to reply, but you can’t breathe. Hot tears rolling down your cheeks, chest heaving with grief and guilt.
“Deep breaths, in and out. Breathe with me. There you go. It’s okay.” The air creeps its way back into your lungs just enough for your tears to slow down . “Just head on over and we can talk about whatever is going on, okay?”
So you tell your manager you’ve caught a stomach bug and try your best to stay calm as you drive over to his apartment.
Eddie has been one of your closest friends since he moved into the trailer park across the street back in grade school. He was the first to know when Steve asked you out, huffing out how it was about damn time. And he was the first to know when Steve had proposed, but he claimed he already knew. “How do you think Steve finally got the balls to ask you? I told him he better shoot his shot now before some other gentleman with fantastic hair sweeps in and steals you away,” he had said with a wink and elbow digging into Steve’s side.
And now he was the first to know that you were pregnant—again.
You and Steve had been trying for kids since the night of your honeymoon, so excited to have a clan of your own. Your children would grow up never questioning whether or not their parents loved them. You reveled in the dreams of being there for your kids in a way your parents never were for either of you. Steve’s parents chose not to do so, but your mother had no choice. Her weekly hospital visits turned into staying there, which turned into hospice, and eventually losing her completely.
But the excitement of being ‘#1 Mom and Dad’ turned into heartbreak, rushed trips to the hospital, therapy sessions, and a newfound fear every time you missed a period and those pink lines popped up. So eventually you stopped trying. No use in causing more tears and more tension in the relationship when all the two of you could focus on was the dream you could never have.
This is not to say the sex stopped. You still participated in testing out the ol’ mattress, but you went on birth control and Steve often wore condoms. It was overkill, but it protected you both from adding anymore anguish to the ever climbing piles of trauma.
So how the hell did you end up here?
Shuffling up to Eddie’s door, you let out a ragged breath and knock. The faint sound of feet running across carpet pools out from beneath the door. Then those soft, doe eyes are staring down at you. “Oh, sweets, come on in”, he soothes, hands resting on your shoulders before pulling you into a hug.
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“I thought you guys were using protection?” Eddie questions, setting down a tea mug on the coffee table in front of you, and making his way to sit next to you on the couch.
“We were! I mean—we do… so I don’t know how this happened,” you sigh out, resting your head atop your hands and rubbing your temples.
“Well,” he starts, placing a hand on his chest while the other reaches for the sky, “methinks this doth be a gift. A light shining out to sea on a stormy night!”
“Shut up,” you tease, lightly tapping his shoulder before cradling your head in your hands once more. “I really don’t think I can go through this again, Eds. I can’t tell Steve. I can’t put him through this again.”
“What? You have to tell him. He deserves to—”
“He deserves to be happy, Eddie,” you plead, cutting him off. “Steve was so excited to start a family. The one thing he wants more than anything, and—and I can’t give it to him.” Tears work their way out once again, and wrapping an arm around you, Eddie gently pulls you in to place your head on his shoulder. 
“I know it’s a shit situation, but I promise you’ll get through this. I have a good feeling this time,” he beams, softly laying his head against yours.
“Just promise me you won’t tell Steve? Not until I’m further along.”
“Scouts honor,” he sighs.
“Can you go with me to my first appointment? I’m going to call tomorrow and schedule it.”
“Oh my god! Of course! Do we get to hear the baby’s heartbeat and see it on that little pixelated black and white alien picture thing?”
“No, you dummy, it’s just going to be a blood test to make sure I am actually pregnant and see how high my hCG levels are, and then we’ll know how far along I am.”
“Oh,” he responded dejectedly. “Despite that being infinitely less cool, I’ll still be there. Are you sure you don’t want Steve to go? I feel like I’m entering his territory here, doll.”
“I’m sure, Eddie. I can’t put him through that again. It’s not that I don’t want Steve to know. I just want to save him the heartbreak, but I don’t think I can do it alone.”
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November, 1993
It was unbearable keeping this from Steve. Two months of waiting for the spotting, the cramping, the pain of failing again. Sixty days of not telling the man you love most in this world. Weaving a web of lies for why you had to leave work early, why you couldn’t eat the dinner he made, why you wouldn’t have sex with him anymore, why you were going to see Eddie so much more than usual.
“Mrs. Harrington?” the nurse called. “Dr. Newfield will see you now. Follow me please.”
Deep breaths. In and out. Nothing to worry about. Just a 14 week checkup. Ya know, the one you haven’t made it to before. It’s totally okay. Deep breaths. Steve should be here. Oh my god he needs to be here. I need him here.
Eddie covers your hand with his, “Go on, it’ll be alright. I’ll be right here when you—”
“Oh my gosh! How could I forget? I have a dentist appointment today,” you blurt out, shooting up and walking towards the entrance. “Pregnancy brain! Please tell Dr. Newfield I’ll reschedule as soon as possible. Thank you!”
The bell rings out, announcing your departure, feet flying on the pavement before fumbling with the door handle of the Bronco. Hot tears roll down your cheeks, chest tight and unrelenting. Eddie grabs your hand, pulling it to his chest, “Remember to breathe, okay? Look at me. Don’t look at your feet, look in my eyes.”
Once he’s happy, Eddie drops your hand and places his own on your shoulders, “Alright, you going to tell me what the hell just happened in there?”
“I panicked,” you sigh, pulling your eyebrows together. “I’ve never made it this far along, and I realized I don’t want to go through this without Steve. As much as it terrifies me to know what is going on up in here,” you let out a teary chuckle, gesturing a finger around your stomach, “It scares me more to not have him here with me.”
“Well, I was going to save this until after the appointment, but since that is no longer happening, I think this breakthrough is a cause for celebration, too,” Eddie smiles. Reaching into the pocket of his jean jacket, he pulls out a rectangular velvet box.
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Steve left early from work. Made up some lame excuse to his boss, but in reality he wanted to come home to you. You had called in today for a stomach bug and when he left this morning, you were shut in the bathroom with no signs of coming out soon. He wanted to stop by the store and get your favorites to surprise you, hoping this would make you open up to him. He hated how distant you were lately, and couldn’t help the doubt and jealousy that creeped in from how you were visiting Eddie more often than normal.
As he walked down the main street of town, he saw you and Eddie across the street by your car. Steve couldn’t hear him, but he could see the way he rubbed your arms and shoulders. He could see you beaming from ear to ear when he pulled a jewelry box out of his pocket. Eddie stepped behind you, delicately moving your hair to one side, and gently placing a necklace across your chest. Your hand came up to grab it, smiling down before turning around to hug him tightly.
Steve would like to think he was a level-headed individual, but his suspicions had been confirmed. You were cheating on him with your best friend. His best friend.
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“I never thought I’d get to wear this, Eddie. Thank y—”
“What the hell do you think you’re doing with my girl, Munson?”
You turn around to see Steve barreling at you with a look you’ve never seen. He was furious, but there was something indiscernible in his eyes.
“Woah, Steve. Calm down, okay? What the hell is going on with you?” Eddie demands, cocking an eyebrow.
“Do me a favor and spare me the innocent bullshit”, he fumes before directing his attention to you. “So this is why you won’t talk to me anymore? Feeling guilty for going behind my back and sleeping with our best friend.”
Your mouth fell open. Shocked at just how wrong he had judged the situation. More tears already brimming at your waterline, in utter disbelief that he could ever think you were capable of hurting him like that. “Steve. That’s not what’s going on. How could you even think I coul—”
“Then why the fuck is he touching you like that and what the hell is this?” he asks, his hand reaching up to the golden heart laying on your chest and snatching it away before tossing it out towards the street.
Your eyes follow it and before you could even react, Eddie is already jogging to search for it, but not before shooting daggers at Steve. But he didn’t notice, his eyes were transfixed on yours.
“How could you do that, Steve?” you shout, tears now falling. “That was my mother’s!”
His brows knit in confusion, but the hurt and anger in his eyes didn’t waiver. “Then why have I never seen you wear it? In the almost ten years we’ve been together, I have never once seen you wear that”, he spat.
“Because I just got it from my father!” you sob. “The pendant was damaged, so I took it over to Wayne months ago and asked if he had any tools to fix it. I was finally able to wear it and you’ve ruined it!”
Steve’s brows finally relax and a look of guilt crosses his face as he sees you sobbing into your hands. He comes up to you and wraps his arms around your back, pulling your face into his chest. “Sweetheart, I am so sorry. I had no idea. I just assumed that was why you stopped putting effort into us.”
You pull your head back to look at him. “I would never, ever, do that to you”, you scolded before taking a deep breath, “But I have been lying to you.”
“O-okay?” he says, a look of confusion plastered across his features.
“I’m pregnant”, you state matter-of-factly. 
“You’re pregnant?” he questions, pausing like he hasn’t processed it fully. “You’re pregnant?! When did y—“
“Nope. I talk, you listen,” you plead, shooting a hand up to stop him from talking. He nods, a puzzled look forming and biting back a small smile.
“I took a test two months ago, and I didn’t want to tell you because I couldn’t stand to see that hope and happiness get ripped from you again,” you gesture to the look he has now. “But I also knew there was no way for me to do this on my own, so I asked Eddie to take me to my appointments until I knew this one was safe. That is why it has been so hard for me to speak with you. It’s been hell trying to keep this from you, and I have been dreading the day I wake up and it’s all over.”
You close your eyes and breathe as his hand comes to rest along your jaw. Opening your eyes, you see his own have glazed over and he’s sporting the dopiest smile. “How far along are you? Do you know what it is?”
“Fourteen weeks,” you whisper, afraid that if you say it too loudly it will all come crashing down, but the smile growing on his face brings some solace. “And I have no idea what they are yet. That’s actually what this vis—”
“They? As in plural? Like, more than one?” Steve asks with wide eyes, moving between your belly and your eyes. You can’t help but giggle as you look at him, and then he’s smiling at you. Those brown eyes full of love and adoration, wondering how he got so lucky. He wraps his hands around your waist, pulling you close and swaying you gently. Lost in your own dream, surrounded by your little family.
“I found it!” Eddie calls, holding out the necklace and walking back over. You both look over, smiles beaming as Steve lets go and reaches for your hand. “I take it everything has been resolved?”
“Thank you, Eddie,” Steve says with a small smile, grabbing the jewelry from his hands. “For this, and for taking care of my girl. I’m sorry I freaked out on you,” he murmurs, looking down at the ground and rubbing his hand against the back of his neck.
Eddie clasps a hand on his shoulder, “Water under the bridge, dude. I’m just happy you know now. Felt like I was going to have a heart attack from the stress.”
You nod vehemently in agreement with his last statement, and Steve chuckles at you both before turning to you, “Well, I’m sure these little nuggets will appreciate the relaxation.”
“These? There’s two?!” Eddie practically yells. “How did I not know this! Why didn’t you tell me?”
You let out a bright laugh, “Eddie, you would actually have to go back there with me to see it on the ultrasound.”
“No way. I’m not trying to see your lady bits,” he retorts, hands coming up to make an “X” and Steve joins in on the laughter.
“That’s not how ultrasounds work, Eddie,” you sigh, “and I didn’t tell you because I wanted it to be a surprise for you both.”
“Well, then let’s go back in there and find out what they are!,” Eddie demands, already walking back towards the office.
You turn to follow, but Steve turns you towards him and pulls your hand to his mouth to place a chaste kiss. “I really am sorry, baby. I know this couldn’t have been easy on you. And I promise, I will take this chain to a jeweler as soon as possible and have it fixed. I love you, sweetheart.”
“I love you too, Steve,” you say, placing a hand along his neck and bringing him down for a kiss.
Taglist: @enchantedlandcoffee
*edit: i forgot to do the tag list, so I added it on and please forgive me LOL. If you can’t read due to the topics or no longer want tagged i completely understand, just let me know!
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nivisdreaming · 1 year
Kinks And Cookies
Frustrated by the trials and tribulations of solo BDSM, Y/N comes to their dear friend Eddie Munson for support. Probably shouldn’t have chosen the best friend they’re also in love with for that role, but at least they’ve got cookies as a distraction from the heartache?
Eddie Munson x Sub!Reader
WC: ~800
Tags: Not smut but heavy kink themes, hurt/comfort turned love confession?, self indulgent af, drabble, gender neutral reader, 2nd person POV (you/yours and Y/N use)
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Eddie cocks his eyebrow from where he lounges in a dining room chair, a lit joint hanging from his fingertips as he intently listens to your words. “Wait, so you’ve been doing solo play? As a sub?”
“Yeah, and it’s.. fine. Less than ideal for my style, but I’m a big kid, I can take care of myself. Porn and daydreaming works well enough. It’s good enough. For little while, anyway. But that’s not the issue,” you bite your lip and shuffle in your seat, “The problem is afterwards. Aftercare and that stuff. You know how I am with self care. It’s even worse when I’m…” Your words trail off.
“Fucked dumb?” He finishes for you, a smirk on his face as he clearly tries to suppress laughter.
“Eds! This is serious!” You huff and pull your knees up to your chest, burrowing your warm face and wide eyes away from him. “It’s gotten really bad sometimes, Eds, if I don’t do enough I end up dropping.” You take a shaky breath and try to wipe some of tears collecting on your lash-line on your pants. “That’s really scary alone, Eddie. I hate every second of it, and there’s nothing I can even do but wait it out when all I wanna do is feel good.”
A frown replaces Eddie’s teasing expression. He’s heard about subdrop plenty, helped a few playpartners through it once or twice. He’s even had to deal with topdrop himself after a particularly rough scene. He knows the emotions your trying to articulate. The anxiety that eats away at you, the shame and guilt that overshadows all else, the primal sadness and depression that you just can’t explain because there’s not always a reason beyond the physiological. He’s putting out the joint now, quick to move from his seat to squat next to you. A tentative hand reaches for your knee, and he begins to rub small circles over the soft fabric. “I’m sorry I laughed, Y/N.” He can hear your muffled sniffling from where your face is buried, and it’s really tugging on his heartstrings. “What can I do to help? What’d you want me for?”
“Just, hold me. For a few minutes. Til the bad feelings go away.” You feel Eddies arms move up to wrap around your torso, and you’re carefully shifted into his lap and pressed against his chest, his chin resting atop your head. His hand goes to caress your hair and a sob rips from your throat, stilling his breathing.
“Y/N. Maybe this is a bad time, but could I ask you something?” Eddie’s words come out tentatively. You nod from where you lay, not trusting your voice to hold steady. He mutters close to your ear, “Why don’t you have a dom? If being without one isn’t what you want, why be on your own?”
You feel your breath catch, and he worries you can feel how his heart skips a beat at your reply. “There’s… a guy. Who I want to be my dom, but I’m too scared to ask.” You take a heavy pause. “He barely even knows I exist in that capacity, but being with someone besides him would still feel wrong. I’m waiting to either get over him or work up the courage to ask him out. Both seem impossible.” Your words come out mumbled, but at least the talking is enough over a distraction to get you to stop crying.
Eddie is so glad your head is still buried in his chest. You always had such a way of reading him, like you could see his eyes and how they reflected the light and use it to know exactly how he felt. He didn’t want you seeing that moment the hope turned to jealousy turned to heartbreak. God, this had been a rollercoaster of a conversation, even by the weird standards you two had grown accustomed too.
You both sit in silence for awhile, enjoying each other’s embraces, terrified to be the first to move. It feels like centuries have passed by the time the alarm for the cookies you technically were here to bake in the first place sounds through the trailer, and you have to peel yourself from Eddie’s hold reluctantly. He stays on the floor, but you can feel his gaze on you even as you turn to pull the metal sheet from the oven.
“Whoever he is, tell him. You don’t… you don’t deserve to hurt, Y/N. Not like this.” His sightline doesn’t budge when you turn your head around to look at him. There’s some emotion dripping from everything about him, from the hunched way he sits, to the gruff tone of his voice, to the way he blinks a little too often, like he’s trying to clear something away. For once, you can’t quite determine what it is. It only spurs you on.
“It’s you, Eddie. For fucks sake, it’s always been you.”
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this-witch-writes · 1 year
Show Don't Tell - Part 2
part 1, part 3
Eddie didn’t understand what had happened or how quickly it had happened. So they’d fought. He’d been upset, Steve had been upset, but they had argued before. They were both opinionated, stubborn, a little bitchy, it was what made them click in some ways. How could Steve just… leave? Eddie was supposed to be the one who ran away. He read the note dozens of times trying to find some secret clue to make it make sense.
No matter how many times he went over it though, Steve’s note just didn’t make sense. “I hope you find someone someday that you love as much I love you now” what the fuck? How was Steve still so convinced Eddie didn’t love him? Convinced enough to skip town? He was probably just visiting Robin. He was coming back, right? On the drive home Eddie told himself again and again that he was overreacting. Steve was upset, he skipped town to see Robin and when he got back Eddie could yell at him for a while and then they’d fix things. Even if he still wasn’t sure how. He’d figure that out when Steve got back.
Wayne knew something was wrong the second Eddie stepped foot in the trailer. Eddie didn’t have to say a word and his uncle was giving him that soft concerned look and pulling out two beers.
‘Anything I need to know, son?’ And wasn’t actually being understood such a relief?
He didn’t really want to rehash everything so he just handed Wayne the note and started in on his beer. Wayne’s eyebrows did a lot of work in his face and that he took a long drink too. ‘So you and Steve split?’ He asked cautiously. ‘I thought things were going okay?’
Eddie sat up. ‘What? No! Why?’
Wayne’s eyebrows did some more complicated movements. ‘On account of this Dear John note you just handed me, kid? Is there more to the story?’
‘We just fought, that’s all.’
‘I don’t want to tell you your business, Ed, but this seems like some fight.’
‘He’s been a bit insecure, I guess, since Robin went away to college and the kids are busy at school. I try to cheer him up and most of the time it works great.’
‘I know,’ Wayne smiled, just a little. ‘Boy always looks like you’re the first person to ever cook him a hot meal.’
Eddie winced. ‘I think I am, his folks…’ no more really needed to be said there. Wayne got it. ‘Then yesterday I ask if he’s okay and he actually asks if I even love him? Can you believe that?’
‘You?!’ It was gratifying that Wayne was as surprised as Eddie.
‘That seems a mite more than a bit insecure, Eds, you dote on Steve.’ Wayne frowned. ‘More going on with that boy than he lets on, I suppose. What did you say to that?’
A second wince. ‘Well I blew up a bit. It just hurt, you know? Feeling like nothing I did was good enough.’
‘I’m not saying you’re wrong,’ Wayne handed the note back and tapped a nail on the glass of his beer bottle. ‘But it seems like whatever has Steve so upset, is bigger than what you give him. You can’t buy nobody’s happiness, though I’m sure his daddy tried.’
‘Yeah…’ Eddie slumped against the side of the couch. ‘I know… but it wasn’t like that. I wasn’t just giving him some gas station bouquet and calling it romance, Wayne. I did everything I could to make him happy and…’ he sniffed. ‘I just feel like I don’t have anything left.’
‘If he comes back,’ Wayne waved down Eddie immediate argument that of course he was coming back and kept talking over him. ‘If he comes back and you decide that you want to fix it, you can have that conversation then. If you want him back.’
‘If!!’ Eddie nearly knocked his beer over with his flailing. ‘Of course I want him back. What are you talking about? It’s Steve!’
‘You deserve someone who tells you that your love is good enough, not someone who skips town. I feel for Steve, I do, but you’re my kid and I say you deserve better than that.’ He pointed to the note. ‘It’s not your fault if he didn’t believe you saying you loved him.’
That tripped Eddie up a little and once again words weren’t needed between him and his uncle. Wayne frowned deeper. ‘You did tell him, right Ed?’
‘Of course I did,’ Eddie huffed, trying to remember. ‘We just don’t say it all the time.’ His voice was losing confidence though. He could remember Steve saying it, back in November and a few times before Christmas. He remember kissing him and talking and being happy, but Eddie’s memories were sparkling and slippery with lovesickness. He brushed the doubt away. ‘It’s like you and me. We don’t need to say it like we have something to prove. Show don’t tell.’ Wayne didn’t seem convinced by that explanation, which annoyed Eddie a little. ‘We’re not telling each other we love each other every day, you think I don’t love you? You’ve always let me know in real ways not words.’
‘We don’t say it much, true,’ Wayne nodded. ‘But kid, you never needed me to.’
‘Right!’ Eddie gestured at him in vindication. ‘Exactly!’
Wayne didn’t look convinced again. ‘Did Steve need you to?’
‘He shouldn’t.’
‘That aint always how it works. Folks need different things, Ed. You gotta hear them when they ask.’
Other chapters: Part 1, part 3
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respectthepetty · 7 months
Hello hello
I don't know if you talked about this before but is there a show that got colors so right that it WOW-ed you, as in they nailed it all from a to z?
Anon, I love this question. Do you understand? LOVE IT! I'm actually doing a colors award post in December because these shows are doing an amazing job with color coding this year. I'm always pleased with the colors I get, and last year's were a treat, but something about this year is feeding my soul DAILY, so allow me to take some small detours to highlight a few favorites before I answer your question:
I Cannot Reach You's color-coded bokeh effect is driving me mad with excitement each episode.
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Destiny Seeker had consistent color-coding every episode, from beginning to end, with no missteps. 10/10 color coding. No notes.
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Kiseki: Dear to Me and Never Let Me Go delivered consistent coding through the wardrobe of its couples that has me biting my knuckles simply thinking about them.
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The Eighth Sense delivered on its dark versus light color dynamic during that phenomenal colorful kiss and the subway ride.
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But Dark Blue Kiss will forever remain the best color exchange during a kiss for me.
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Semantic Error could have snatched that top spot because everything was included in the color-coding adventure: lighting, wardrobe, props, TODO!
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But if you know anything about me, the champion should come as no surprise because this show understood the assignment, and I devoured it each week with lengthy write-ups, so the winner was always gonna be . . .
Big Dragon
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Its color-coding game is unbeatable from start to finish.
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The houses, the lighting, the clothing, the phones, the hookups, EVERYTHING WAS COLOR-CODED!
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And I'm a sucker for the color coding starting when the characters are kids.
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Then those sweet sweet color exchanges! Ah, my heart is gonna explode!
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And it wasn't just the colors. Big Dragon was feeding me symbolism every damn episode: Yin/Yang, Tiger/Dragon, Moon/Sun, Dark/Light. AND THE SIDES WERE IN ON IT TOO!
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This show knew what it was doing, visually, thanks to cinematographer Ratchanon Kaeosaart who was also behind I Promised You the Moon, and it never missed! This is one of the reasons it instantly gained a top spot in my heart. This show didn't just wow me. It made me fall in love with it, easily, and I have been obnoxiously obsessed with it since.
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Okay, but real talk for a second... Journey’s End is not a happy ending.
Like... We can talk about Ed realizing he doesn’t need alchemy and all that jazz, but seriously?
Let’s take this step by step, because lawdy but I have been stewing about this since I finished the show two months ago.
Firstly... Everyone else gets their happy ending. Al gets his body back, gets the girl. Winry gets the guy, and gets to keep making at least one automail limb for said guy. Roy gets his eyesight back, and (presumably) becomes Fuhrer. Hohenheim gets to die and abandon his kids again so he can be with his dead wife. Ling gets a philosopher stone, and becomes emperor. May Chang gets her knight in shining armor, and the safety of her clan.
But Ed? He got his brother back... Still has an automail leg. Lost his alchemy. Most likely either had to amputate his arm, or lose a lot of functionality, because Truth is a goddamn asshole, and just shoved that arm back on over top of the STEEL PORT.
And he was a prodigy. Not that I give a shit about how Amestris feels about losing their prodigy, but... Personal story time, when I was a kid, I was a piano ‘prodigy’. One of those kids who could just sit down and play anything. If I heard it, I could play it. And then, through a rather depressing chain of events that are irrelevant to this post, all of the fingers, and many of the smaller bones on my left hand were shattered. Even after months of rehab, I still couldn’t play like I used to. I could barely play for more than five or ten minutes before my hand began to cramp up and stop moving.
And this thing... This thing that I did better than anyone else I knew... It was gone. Just gone. This one thing that made me stand out, that made me special, that made me feel good about myself... and it was just gone. I could still pick apart any music I heard, I still knew exactly how I would play it... If I could. But I couldn’t.
And for Ed... Alchemy was who he was. It was what he did. It was an integral part of both himself, and how he viewed the world. And it’s just... gone. Boop. No more alchemy. All gone now, thanks for playing, kid. You’re no longer unique, you’re no longer special, you now have nothing that sets you apart from everyone else. You dragged yourself to the top of that pillar, and enjoyed the view, until a squiggly outline asshole Sparta kicked you off it, and then ground your face in the mud for good measure.
But, Nightmares, you say! He got his brother back! He still had Al!
Ah, but he didn’t, dear reader! That’s the thing! No Al hate here, because I love Al as much... well, nearly as much as I do Ed, but like... Al got better -and we all know who helped him through the months of recovery -and then bounced right the hell off to Xing. “Haha, yes, Brother! I shall go a thousand miles this way, you go a thousand miles that way, and we shall research this thing that you used to be able to do, that you used to be a prodigy at, that you can no longer do! Don’t forget to write, dear brother!”
Okay. I’m slightly less angry now. But seriously, that ending was just... ugh, utterly heart-breaking. Watching Ed trying to transmute the roof, and then just sigh, and say, “Well, at least the view’s nice.” was just... painful as hell.
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lgg5989 · 1 year
Buy Dirt - A One Beer Universe Fic
This is for @callmemana! Thank you so much for the request dear, I'm so sorry it took so long to get out but I hope you enjoy it none the less. Congrats to 100 followers!!! That's so amazing :D
Thanks to @barbiewritesstuff for betaing this for me, you are the best bestie!
This is based on the song Buy Dirt by Jordan Davis.
(IK IK this is Lew Lew with Rhett Abott vibes but I love his smile)
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Bob let out a deep sigh from the other side of the bed causing a sad smile to come across your face. Today was always hard for him. While most people were enjoying the end of the holidays and the start of the new year, Bob always found himself in mourning on January first. 
You rolled over, taking him in for a moment before pressing yourself close to him, or as close as you could with the protrusion of your belly between the two of you. Bob was laying on his back, one arm bent behind his head, and the other now wrapped up around your back. 
“Sorry darlin’,” he said quietly before pressing a kiss to the top of your head, “Didn’t mean to wake you.” 
You gave him a small smile, “You didn’t.” 
The two of you laid in a comfortable silence for a while before you felt the baby inside you stir. You took your husband's hand from behind his head and pressed it to your stomach, watching the smile that spread across his face at the sharp kicks you were being subjected to. The pressure of his hand increased for a second as he shifted in the bed, his head now closer to your round belly. 
“Hey there little one,” he said, pressing a kiss over your bump, “Be gentle with your momma.”
At his words, the kicking slowed, and you let out a small laugh at the change, “I don’t know how you do that love,” you said, looking down at him in wonder. 
He smiled up at you and you thought that maybe his victory with your next bundle of joy would be enough to pull him from his thoughts, but his eyes didn’t light up like they usually did. 
“You thinkin’ about him?” you asked quietly, one hand caressing the side of his head, stopping to cradle his cheek. 
Bob let out another heavy sigh before answering, “More so than usual this year.” 
You nodded in understanding. This year marked two years since his grandfather, Edward Floyd, had passed away. 
“Why don’t you take a shower and I’ll get the kids up?” you suggested, knowing your eyes were full of concern. 
“You don’t have to do that darlin’, I can-” he started. 
“I want to, I know how much he meant to you, let me take care of you Robby,” you said, rubbing your thumb across his cheek before turning to try and gracefully roll out of bed, not allowing him any more time to argue. 
Bob watched you leave the room after pulling on one of his sweatshirts, the hem hanging well past your hips. A small smile found its way on his face at the sight, but it quickly fell from his lips with the reminder of why he had the day off. 
Letting out another deep sigh, he sat up on the edge of the bed, glancing at the bookshelf in the corner of the room, his eyes landed on one of the only photos of Ed squared together and his mind started to wander back to the day it was taken. 
Bob was on leave, he had requested it as far in advance as he could to ensure he was home in time for his grandpop’s birthday. Ed Floyd was turning eighty in a few days, and the surprise you had helped Bob plan was something he knew would knock the older man’s socks off. 
While Ed was young at heart, the man’s body was run down after almost eighty hard earned years going around the sun. Because of this, he hadn’t been able to travel out to see his namesake, Eddie, since the little boy had been born, almost six months ago. 
The two of you shared a secret smile as Arthur made his way to the front door. 
“Bob said his present would be here soon pop, maybe this is it?” he called out behind him as he opened the door. Bob watched as his dad engulfed you in a tight hug, pressing a fatherly kiss to your forehead. 
“Y/n, how are you dear? Feeling okay since the baby? Little Eddie doing okay?” he asked quietly. 
You nodded, a smile splitting your face, “I’m wonderful, feeling much better now that he’s on a schedule. He’s just perfect, I don’t think we could be any more blessed.” 
Then he turned to Bob, “Bobby,” his dad said quietly, pulling him into a tight hug, “How are you?”
“We’re good dad,” he replied, holding up the baby carrier once he had been released to show off the newest addition to the Floyd family. 
“Well, who is it?” a gruff voice called from inside the house. 
Dad let out a laugh before responding, “It’s your gift!” 
“You better not be snooping through it!” Grandpop called out, “Any contraband that boy sent me is mine!” 
Bob’s face split into a smile as he raised his voice, “Don’t worry, he’s not snooping! Besides, the contraband is still in the car.”
Bob led the way into the house, finding Grandpop sitting in the living room in front of the TV. 
“Bobby!” he exclaimed, attempting to rise from his lazy chair. 
“Grandpop, don’t get up!” Bob said, taking the few long strides required to beat his grandpa up. 
The older man rose to his full height, his eyes squinting towards Bob, “I will get up if I damn well please, thank you very much,” he said, a smile on his face, “I’m old, not dead.” 
Bob watched the moment he realized that Y/n was here, so that meant, “Alright, where’s the little bug at?” he asked, excitement on his face. 
The sound of clattering glass in the kitchen pulled Bob from his reverie. With another sad huff, he stood from the bed and walked into the bathroom. Not following his usual schedule at all, Bob stepped right into the shower. He relished in the numbing sensation of the cold spray for far longer than any decent person would. As he heard the small shrieks and yells of Eddie and Katie through the walls, his mind wandered to the advice his Grandpop had given him years ago. 
While you were putting Eddie down for his nap, Bob joined his grandfather on the back porch of their family home. The hills of Tennessee were rolling out in front of him and he couldn’t help but smile as he handed his grandfather a fresh cup of coffee, “Here you go Pops.” 
“Thanks buckaroo,” the man said. He paused to take a sip of the steaming brew before a smile came over his face as he asked, “Your daddy still fussing over little Ed?”
Bob let out a laugh, “I don’t think there will be a day that he doesn’t fuss over little Ed.” 
“That’s as it should be,” Pops said with a sigh, turning to look at Bob fully, “What you been up to lately?”
Sighing deeply, Bob reflected, since Eddie had been born, it felt like all he was trying to do was make ends meet. With his enrollment in the Naval Academy, he knew he was going to have to pick something to go into soon, but he couldn’t help but look at the ES pay values of each job. All he wanted to do was give his small family a future. 
“Chasing a dollar,” he admitted quietly, finding all he could seem to look at was the hills beyond the house. 
The porch was silent for a moment as they both took sips of coffee, Bob was surprised to hear Pops let out a small laugh, “We all do boy. I’ll give you my two cents on making a dollar count.” 
Bob waited with anticipation as Pops took another sip of his steaming mug, “Buy dirt.”
He paused for a moment, not sure he heard the older man correctly, but before he could question it, his gravelly voice continued, “You’ve got the one you can’t live without, and you’re doing right by her,” he said with admiration in his voice, “Do what you love, but call it work,” he continued, pinning him with a meaningful look. 
Another pause and another sip of coffee, “Throw a little money in the plate at church,” he continued, “Send those prayers up and some roots down deep.”
Pops laughed a little before continuing, “You’ve added a limb to the family tree, enjoy that boy Bobby, he’ll grow faster than that grass always seems to.” 
Bob was pulled from his memory, this time by your voice, “Robby?”
“I’m sorry love, can you repeat that?” he called back, turning the water off and stepping out of the shower, his eyes on you. 
You gave him a sad smile, “I’ve got breakfast ready when you are.” 
“Be right there darlin’,” he replied, pressing a quick kiss to your temple as he stepped back into the bedroom to get dressed. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw you wince, but you brushed it off rather quickly, so he let it go. 
By the time he attempted to pull himself from his mood and make it out to the breakfast table, Eddie and Katie had already dug in, both of them having chocolate smeared across their cheeks from the chocolate chip pancakes you had made. 
“Daddy!” Katie cried, a wide smile on her face, “I saved your seat!” 
“Thank you baby, I don’t know what I would do without you,” Bob said, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of her head as he sat down in the chair across from you. 
After breakfast was eaten and cleaned up, the rest of New Year’s day was spent inside the house. Eddie and Katie playing with the toys they had gotten for Christmas while Bob and you were attempting to do a few chores around the house. 
Feeling fatigued, you laid down on your bed opting for an afternoon nap. After what felt like only seconds of comfort, you felt a sharp pain radiate over your stomach and your eyes flew open, “Bob!” 
As you attempted to sit up, another, stronger, pain caused you to flinch, keeping you on the bed. You heard rushed footsteps coming down the hall, “What’s wrong?” your husband asked as he appeared in the doorway, his eyes wide and concerned. 
“I think I’m going into labor,” you said quickly before the panic started to set in, “But I’m not due for another two weeks!” 
Before you could descend any further into yourself, Bob’s arms wrapped around you, “Hey, it's okay. They just want to meet us early, okay?” 
You felt yourself nod, your head resting above Bob’s heart allowed you to hear the beat of his heart as you calmed yourself down. 
“I’m going to go call Phoenix, can you get the bag ready?” he asked, using a finger to bring your face up to his. 
“I think so,” you said, feeling calmer than just a few minutes before. You turned from his hold to reach for the fresh basket of laundry you had been meaning to put away for a few days, beginning to rifle through it to gather clothes for both you and Bob. 
His voice filtered into the bedroom from the living room and you listened as you packed clothes into Bob’s Navy duffle, “I know, she’s a bit early…yeah, whenever you can get here…don’t rush please, my kids need their Auntie Nix…okay, see you soon.” 
“Okay, Phoenix is on her way,” he said, coming back into the room.
“Auntie Nix is coming?!” Katie exclaimed, crawling up on to the bed, “Where are you goin’ momma?”
You smiled at your baby girl, “Daddy and I are going to meet the new baby,” you said as calmly as possible. 
“Is he coming today?” Eddie asked, eyes wide. 
Bob let out a small laugh, ruffling the your eight year old’s hair, “Yeah buddy, they are coming today, whoever they may be.” 
You heard a grumbled, “I hope it's a boy,” under your son’s breath and it caused you to laugh. At that moment, another contraction took you, causing your laugh to turn into a breathless groan. 
“Alright honey,” Bob started, “Where is the baby stuff?” 
“Just in the nursery, I have some things laid out on the changing table,” you said, pressing one hand to your side, trying to relieve the pain. 
“Alright,” he said, grabbing the bag and moving quickly down the hall. You turned to look at Eddie and Katie, “Let’s go wait by the door for Auntie Nix, okay?” 
“Okay momma!” Katie called, rushing out of the room, Eddie stood there looking at you with scared eyes, “Are you okay momma?” 
Your heart melted at his concern, “I’m alright baby,” you said, pulling him into a side hug as you waddled to the front door and took a seat on the shoe bench. 
There was a knock at the door and before you could even think about rising from the position you had settled in, Bob dropped the duffle at your feet and pulled the door open, “Phoenix, thanks for coming.” 
Natasha stepped into the house, folding her aviators into her shirt, her motorcycle helmet tucked under her arm, “Of course Bobby, gotta make sure your Baby On Board makes it to the hospital in time,” she replied with a wink in your direction. 
You snorted at her quip, having heard the tale of their first day in training with Mav several times over. Another flash of pain radiated out of you, causing you to flinch again. 
Bob wrapped an arm around your shoulders, supporting some of your weight as he guided you to stand, “Okay, you two be good for Auntie Nix, we will see you soon okay?” 
Nat grabbed the duffle and slipped it over Bob’s free shoulder, “Drive safe you two, let me know when you want me to bring them by okay?” 
“Thanks Nat,” you called as Bob ushered you out of the house. 
After two hours of labor and lots of hand squeezing, Hank Edward Floyd was brought screaming into the world. Bob was sitting in the recliner provided in the birthing suite, little Hank settled into his arms as he watched the two of you sleep. His mind started to wander back to the memory he had been visiting this morning, and a smile spread over his face. 
Pops laughed a little before continuing, “You’ve added a limb to the family tree, enjoy that boy Bobby, he’ll grow faster than that grass always seems to.” 
Bob smiled, his mind drifting to the small baby you likely almost had asleep upstairs. Pops’ voice pulled him from the thought, his voice going quieter than Bob had ever heard, “‘Cause the truth about it is, it all goes by real quick. You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy dirt. You gotta find you a few things that matter, that you can put a fence around, and then you need to thank the Good Lord for it, ‘cause he ain’t makin’ any more of it.” 
Phoenix appeared in the doorway, Katie held in her arms and Eddie at her side, “Hey there Bobert, got a baby for us to look at?” she asked, a smile on her face. 
“Is it a boy?” Eddied asked, his eyes wide as he walked over to sit in the recliner next to Bob, and your face broke into a smile. 
Bob nodded, smiling at his oldest son, “It's a boy, Hank Edward Floyd,” he announced proudly, watching for Eddie’s reaction. 
Eddie’s eyes got wide, “He’s named after Pops too?” 
“Yes he is,” Bob affirmed, “Do you want to hold him?” 
Ed nodded, his face nervous as he climbed onto Bob’s lap to look down at his little brother. 
So buy dirt
Find the one you can't live without
Get a ring, let your knee hit the ground
Do what you love but call it work
And throw a little money in the plate at church
Send your prayers up and your roots down deep
Add a few limbs to your family tree
And watch their pencil marks
And the grass in the yard all grow up
'Cause the truth about it is
It all goes by real quick
You can't buy happiness
But you can buy dirt
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niceboyeds · 2 years
pep talk (e.m)
Eddie Munson x reader 
ft. Uncle Wayne
summary: sometimes all you need is to buckle down and work all through the night, fortunately someone else is also around at the early hours of the morning to give you a much needed pep talk.
contains: self-doubt, overworking, fluffy fluff, i genuinely don't know what else to add lol
word count: 1.2K
@ghosttownwherenoonegoes for you, my dear. please take care of yourself, you're doing so well! The Munsons would be so proud of you🤍
“sweets… why don’t you take a break?”
“don’t have time for a break, Eds. I gotta catch up, I’m so behind!”
“you’ve been studying for hours, I’m sure you’re plenty caught up for tonight.”
“Eddie. please, I really need to get this done.” you turn your eyes away from the textbook, seeing his defeated look and it makes your chest pang with guilt.
why didn’t you do it earlier?
why did you take on more than you knew you could handle?
you should be spending time with him.
“okay, just come to bed soon.” he leans down to kiss the top of your head before making his way into the bedroom, leaving you at the dining table with nothing but the quiet murmurs outside the trailer to distract you.
soon doesn’t come though, as you find yourself in a steady groove. powered only by too much coffee and sheer willpower.
you don't even notice the time until you hear a familiar pair of boots making their way up the stairs to the trailer’s front door.
there was no way you stayed up all night?
oh but you had, and it only made you grow even more frustrated with yourself.
“mornin’, kid. didn't expect you to be up yet.” Uncle Wayne trudges through the trailer, eyeing the table you had cluttered with many textbooks and journals.
“didn't exactly go to sleep...” a heavy sigh following your words.
“well, maybe you're just a night owl like me.”
“I don't think I can do it anymore.” you admit with a toss of your pen onto the table. feeling completely overwhelmed by the amount of work you still have yet to do.
“do what?” he pries, sitting beside you in a dining chair. he begins taking off his boots, waiting for you to explain.
“this.” you answer, gesturing your hands to the mound of homework assignments.
“I just feel like I’m in a never-ending cycle of work, school, work, school. when do I get to do things I enjoy? when do I get to spend time with Eddie or you? this is the first time I've seen you in a week because usually before you even get home from work I’m on my way to my job. and then by the time I finally make my way back you've left for your shift. and Eddie is being so patient with me, but I know he's upset that I haven't been spending any time with him.”
you pause to catch your breath, having said it all in one and certainly too fast. he thinks of starting to speak but holds off knowing you're not quite done with your vent.
that’s Wayne’s thing, he’s a listener first and a problem solver second. always more than willing to offer a solution to whatever you need help with but never cutting you off.
“I just don't think I can do it all anymore. it’s too much pressure.” you finish, looking over to see a very empathetic Uncle Wayne locking eyes with you. seeing the tears welling up in your eyes makes his heart ache for you.
“listen kiddo, I know it’s hard right now. shit’s stressful, s’all part of growin’ up. unfortunately there’s not much I can change about that.” his hand comes around to pat you the shoulder, trying to comfort you just as the tears breach your eye-line.
“but I know you’ll regret your decision. hell, I wish I had just half the perseverance you do to finish school. you've already worked so hard to get to this point, don't give up on your dreams.”
“but with work I—”
“I told ya to lessen your hours at your job!” he chuckles lowly, attempting to lighten the mood but quickly speaks up again before you argue.
“you should just worry about school, let me and Eddie help take care of ya. s’what we like to do. family helps family, and that means I’m not gonna let you quit on yourself. even if it means I gotta come home from work and give you a pep talk every mornin’. but I’d much rather you sleep at night, nightshift ages ya.”
you sit with his words for a moment, contemplating. sure, it would be amazing to only have to worry about your studies, but was it logically the best option?
“just sleep on it.” Wayne interrupts your train of thought. “don’t make any big decisions on exhaustion.”
“yeah…  yeah, you’re right. I should get some sleep.” you sigh, slowly standing up from the table and stretching your sore back.
“sleep tight, darlin’.” he hugs you tightly, knowing you needed it. he is proven right once again when he first attempts to release you, but your grip stays tight on him. he doesn’t mind though, he’s always happy to comfort you when you need it.
“thank you.” you whisper before letting him go. he gives a single nod in reply before you turn to walk to the bedroom.
the door creaks open louder than you had hoped, but Eddie didn’t stir at all at the sound. you pad across the bedroom to your side of the bed, slipping under the covers which engulfed you in the scent of your boyfriend.
unfortunately as soon as you relax into the mattress, he immediately notices your presence.
“baby…” his voice quiet and slightly whiney.
“hi Eds.” you whisper back, wiggling into his arms.
“what time is it?”
“um… well, Wayne is home.” you answer honestly, despite his request for you to go to bed with him.
“did you get your work done?”
he doesn’t scold you, and he doesn’t complain that you never showed up last night, something you’ve always appreciated about him. he doesn’t hold anything against you because at the end of the day, or perhaps the beginning in today’s case, he only wants you to do what you love.
he doesn’t want you to give up on your dreams and passions because he knows this is what you want. you’ve worked so hard and he would never want to hold you back, especially since you’ve never once stopped him from following his own dreams.
“I got enough done for now.” you answer with a yawn, cozying into his body even more.
“sounds like you were cryin’, baby. you okay?”
“yeah, I’m okay. Uncle Wayne gave me a pep talk, helped me with something.”
“he’s a good man.” you know he’s smiling, you can hear it in his voice.
His uncle, his dad, is known for giving the best pep talks in the house. it’s no surprise he gave you one when he walked into the trailer this morning, seeing as he’s given you quite a few already and you’ve overheard his chats with Eddie.
“he really is. I don’t deserve him.”
“uh yes you do. we all deserve an Uncle Wayne, you just lucked out like me and got the real deal.”
“yeah, I really did get lucky ending up in a family with the two of you.” you yawn once again as you speak, exhaustion finally sinking in.
and you meant every word you said. The Munsons were your family, and Wayne took you in without a second thought and wide-open arms, because his son loved you. you could never fully find the words to express your gratitude to him. but it was okay, because he already knew, and that alone was more than enough for him.
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leasstories · 3 months
Letter two:
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TW: Depiction of grief, after Eddie’s death, bittersweet
Letter 1 - Letter 3
April 23rd,1986
Dear Eds,
I’m sorry for not writing to you yesterday. It was a really hard day. I wasn’t capable of getting out of bed. I’m missing you so much it hurts. Dinner with Wayne went well. We ate and then he suggested that we watch a movie. We watched one of those movies you ate. It was a rom-com and if you were there you would have screamed at us to turn off the TV.
I’m not gonna lie to you like I did to Wayne but watching it was hard. Watching people stupidly in love when my lover isn’t here anymore hurts so bad. The little sheep were supposed to come play DnD at my place yesterday but I called them, giving the excuse that I was sick. Your little genius didn’t believe me though. I heard him bang at my door and screaming at me to open the door. I feel bad about but I didn’t... I didn’t let him in.
He started acting more like you since you are gone. The kid is even trying to grow his hair to be like “his hero” as he put it. You’d be proud of him, and of his campaigns. You were right, he really is a genius.
Also, I forgot to tell you but a few days ago Judas Priest released a new album. It’s entitled Turbo. As soon as I can get out again, I’ll go buy the tape. I’ll write a review for you as soon as it’s done.
Also, when I got home from Wayne’s, I finally painted your van as I promised I would. No imperfections anymore.
I don’t have a lot to tell you as I stayed home all day yesterday. I really miss you Eds... I feel so empty without you. I selfishly wish you were the one drying my tears. I wish you were here, holding me at night, when the sobs wrack my body. Before I thought that I couldn’t bear to see you hurt, but now I realize that I’d rather see you hurt than not see you at all. When the earthquake happened and you were nowhere to be found, I didn’t imagine one second that I would never see you again. Eddie Munson, you were both the best and worse thing that ever happened to me.
I still have no news from UCLA. The community college accepted me but I declined. How am I supposed to leave town without you? All I’m left with are the memories, the places we both liked. Besides, I feel like leaving Hawkins without you would be a betrayal. I really can’t do it alone Eds. I need you... I really need you right now...
Is it my fault? Should I have been looking for you more? What could have I done not to lose you? I lost the will to live. The song I relate to the most at the moment is Fade to Black in Metallica’s Ride the Lightning album.
Also, I thought you should know that we postponed Corroded Coffin’s concert at the Hideout as I wasn’t feeling well yesterday. It’s going to be on Tuesday, April 28th. I wish you could be here too, strumming Sweetheart by my side.
Sorry, I had to put the pen down, Steve Harrington (Can you believe it?) came to check on me. I lied to him and said I was fine but I don’t think he believed me. He insisted that he’d stop by later tonight but I don’t think I’ll open the door to him. I don’t want to see anyone else than you Eddie. Anyways, I love you endlessly.
Yours, always
- Your lover
Taglist: @abellmunsonmovie
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cherrythepuppet · 3 months
A Dear In Headlights
Boxes. Thats what Jonsey saw in front of Franks house while on his walk to Howdy Place, He also saw Penny there and she wasn't destroying Frank's garden but instead helping move boxes inside "She seems like such a little doll! I bet Dandy will like her" Penny exclaimed
"I hope she'll be able to adjust well… I still have to enroll her into Deirdre's school" Frank sighed "I can probably help ya with that" Penny shrugged
Penny picked up a box then used her head to open the front door and she put a box inside "Say, Where is the little miss?" She asked
"Hm? Oh She wanted to explore the neighborhood" Frank repliedJonsey watched the two interact thinking it seemed a bit… Strange to see them talking and not yelling at each other
After a moment of watching He decided to continue on his way ignoring the two, He opened the door to Howdy´s place but didn't see Howdy at the counter but He saw the tall caterpillar standing in one of the aisles
"Mr Pillar! Im back" Jonsey called out
"One monet Jones!" Howdy said as he grabbed something off the top shelf then bent down "Here ya go" Howdy mumbled "Thank you!" A high-pitched voice told him
Jonsey perked up and looked over but couldn't see much so he moved over to the second Asile and peeked through the shelves, Yet even then he could hardly see anything just a small girl with a mop of orange-red hair
Jonsey frowned then one of the boxes of cereal was taken off the shelf, Jonsey blinked and saw the face of a girl with orange eyes and freckles
The girl froze and stared at him before she slowly put the cereal back and acted like nothing happened
"I think I've got everything, May I check out now?" She asked "Of course. Follow me" Howdy replied while he walked over to the counter and the girl checked out then left
Jonsey looked at the girl and at Howdy
"Jonsey! Howd the delivery go?" Howdy asked "Good" Jonsey paused "Who was that?" He added "Who? The girl?" Howdy muttered as Jonsey nodded
"Oh uh- well i believe that she´s Ed´s neice and she´s gonna live at Franks" Howdy explained "Saw Penn helpin´ with the unpacking over at Frank´s too, Strange sight ta se those two get along" Howdy chuckled
Well That explains the boxes "And im pretty sure the girls name is Bella and that shes around your age" Howdy added
"So now ya dont have to spend all your time with Me but dont forget about me!" He told Jonsey"I wouldnt!" Jonsey squeaked as Howdy patted him on the head…
Happy late birthday @trashcanplant!! Im sorry i was late with the writing (Very late- its been almost two months i feel awful-) And im sorry its short too, It was difficult writing kids
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Focus On Me
Fandom: One Chicago
Characters: Jay Halstead, Will Halstead, Sister Reader
Summary: You are pregnant and giving birth while your husband Mouse is overseas. In steps Jay and Will to make sure you aren't alone.
Warnings: childbirth (not graphic)
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Jay watched as you blinked up at him, sweat pouring down your face and pale white against the harsh lights of the hospital. He couldn’t believe you were both in this position, but he wasn’t about to leave you now.
Pain radiated through your body, and you squeezed his hand tightly, making him furrow his brow. “Again?”
You nodded but couldn’t speak as the pain was too bad.
Jay was sound asleep when he was woken up by his phone. He groaned as he was tired—more tired than he’d been in a while—after the case he’d just worked. He let it go to voicemail, figuring that anything super important would have the person calling back again.
The sound shut off and he had just started drifting back to sleep when the sound of Hailey’s phone ringing woke him up again. That had him confused and he waited as she answered it.
“Y/N? What’s going on?”
The pit in his stomach formed quickly, and he grabbed his phone, now seeing that he had about five missed calls from you and Will.
“Yeah, he’s right here. He just woke up. Hang on.” Hailey said softly and handed the phone to her husband.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?”
You were crying. “I can’t do it. I can’t do it alone.”
“Hey, it’s okay. I know having a baby while your husband is overseas is hard, but you won’t be alone. You have me and Hailey and Will here to help you out.”
He could picture you shaking your head. “No! I can’t give birth alone. I can’t, I just can’t.”
The pit in his stomach grew larger. “Y/N, where are you right now?”
There was silence before you answered in a small voice. “I’m at Med.”
“Oh, honey…” He sighed, already climbing out of bed. “Is Will there?”
“He was, but he got called to the ED because of an accident.” He heard you gasp. “Jay!”
“I’m on my way.”
He was snapped out of his flashback as your breathing picked up, and you squeezed his hand again. “Okay, just breathe slowly.”
You shook your head. “I can’t!”
“Yes, you can.” He said a bit forcefully so you’d listen. “Just listen to my voice and breathe with me, okay? You can do this. You are the strongest person I know.”
He had just helped her down from a contraction when the doctor came in and smiled at them. “How are we doing in here?”
Both of you gave her an exasperated look.
“That good, huh?” She sighed. “Let’s see where you’re at and see if you’re anywhere close to the end; sound good?”
Groaning, you looked up at Jay, who had his focus solely on you. “Just focus on me; it will be over soon.”
You winced as you felt her fingers inside you but relaxed when she spoke. “It looks like you’re ready. You ready to meet your baby, Y/N?”
Agony. That’s all you felt as you pushed with all your energy.
You couldn’t do this, you thought and gripped Jay’s hand for dear life.
“Just a little more, Y/N.” Your doctor told you. “You’re almost there. I can see the baby’s head.”
You’d been pushing for nearly two hours, and you were done. “I can’t do it anymore.”
“Yes, you can. I promise you that you can do this.”
You were about to speak again when a nurse popped her head in. “Dr. Halstead’s out here asking if he can come in.”
“Let him in,” Jay said instantly, knowing you needed all the support you could find.
He was inside the room a second later. “How’s it going in here, kiddo?”
In lieu of a response, you held out your free hand for him, and he grabbed it tightly. Another contraction started, and you squeezed your brothers’ hands with all your strength as you screamed.
“That’s it! One more push, and the head will be out.” Your doctor told you.
You squealed in pain and threw your head back, eyes closed as you felt an overwhelming burning sensation. “Ow!”
“I know, kid, I know,” Will told you, stroking your hair back from your sweaty forehead. “It’s okay. It’s almost over.”
You let out one more shout, and the doctor smiled. “Okay, Y/N, the head is out. Just pant now.”
You shook your head. “I have to push.”
“You need to pant, Y/N,” Will told her quickly. “Let them work, and you can push again soon.”
“He’s right.” Jay jumped in as you whimpered and tried to breathe. “Just relax your muscles and focus on our voices, okay? You’re amazing. You’re about to be a mom. That’s an incredible thing.”
The doctor quickly checked for a cord as your brothers spoke gently to you and then smiled. “Okay, Y/N. One more big push, and the baby will be here.”
You glanced back and forth between your brothers, who nodded.
“We’re right here,” Will told you.
Jay squeezed your hand. “We’re not going anywhere.”
Two minutes later, you were handed a crying, squirming bundle of baby, and couldn’t keep the smile off your face. “Oh my God…I did it.”
Both boys had tears in their eyes as they looked down at the small child in your arms. “Yeah, you did.”
“Congratulations, Y/N. It’s a girl.” Your doctor told you, and you let out a laugh.
“Oh, you guys are never letting her out of your sight, are you?”
Jay shook his head. “Nope. She’s not going anywhere or dating anyone until she’s at least thirty. We’ll reevaluate when she gets to be that age.”
Will sighed as he looked down at the crying baby. “Do you have a name?”
“Elizabeth.” You told them. “After Mom.”
“She’s beautiful, and the name fits perfectly,” Jay told you, kissing your forehead. “Do you want me to try calling Mouse? See if I can’t get through some of the channels and get ahold of him?”
You nodded. “We weren’t supposed to talk again until tomorrow, but yes, if you could. He deserves to know.”
Pulling out his phone, he raised his brows to ask for permission, and you nodded. Then he took a few pictures of you holding your small girl and left the room, knowing you were safe with Will watching over you.
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karmic-vibes · 2 years
Changing Lives
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part 4 of nurse steve series!! ft girl dads steddie art credit: Vickie Wade
cw: brief mentions of suicidal ideation, general health issues (associated with AIDS)
wc: 1.7k
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
Without giving Eddie much of a choice, Steve got him set up with a therapist and psychiatrist to work through his suicidal ideations—to truly get to the bottom of what was causing it all. After about a month of therapy, his providers finally yanked out of him that the pain AIDS was giving him was what made him want to die. He tried hiding the morbidity and anguish his condition gave him from Steve, so he wouldn’t worry, but dear lord was it killing him slowly.
He hid walking pneumonia for several weeks, along with surprise asthma attacks, his joints feeling like they were crumbling beneath him, constant fatigue mixed with chronic migraines, amongst so much more. He didn’t want to burden Steve—but the want to not burden only amplified his pain, bringing him closer and closer to the edge of impending despair.
But, by ‘93, with the help of one Steve Harrington, R.N., Eddie managed to anchor himself back to reality. Between going to rehab for ten weeks, undergoing weekly therapy sessions, and biweekly doctor appointments to stay on top of his illness, he was doing better than ever.
Medications were getting better and better through the years—on top of Eddie’s vast fortune from Corroded Coffin, he was able to really stay on top of his condition, leading a normal life he never thought would be possible again. He was grateful he hung on—he was grateful for Steve. 
His gratitude only grew when he made it to 2006—the year adoption for gay couples became legal in Indiana. As soon as they were approved, they were placed on a waiting list for a child. By the end of the year, they had their first child: a baby girl named June Charlotte Harrington. 
His gratitude only grew when he made it to 2006—the year adoption for gay couples became legal in Indiana. As soon as they were approved, they were placed on a waiting list for a child. By the end of the year, they had their first child: a baby girl named June Charlotte Harrington. 
“She’s beautiful,” Eddie cried as he cradled June against his chest. “Thank you…”
“For what?” Steve chuckled, caressing his newborn’s head. 
“Making me stay… all those years ago. I know I didn’t want to. God, I really wanted to go, but… I don’t know. I’m thankful for you.”
“Oh, Ed, you’re the one who made the changes. You’re the one that stuck with it. You did it.”
“Do you remember what you told me when I asked you why you went into nursing?” Steve smiled to himself and leaned into his partner. 
“Nurses are the ones who make real change.”
“They are, Stevie… I love you, and I love our Junie Bug.” He mumbled a kiss into her head. 
“I love you both… so, so much. Thank you for staying…”
The pair got to bring their bundle of joy home a few days later. They had never been happier and they couldn’t wait to grow their family bigger and bigger. It was almost like they forgot Eddie could go downhill at any moment. 
By 2009, they submitted an application to be placed on a wait list for their second kid and by 2010 they had their second daughter: Lucie Caroline Harrington. 
“June Bug,” Eddie started. He crouched to meet her gaze. “This is your baby sister… her name is Lucie.”
“But papa,” She pouted, “I’m the baby.”
“You’ll always be our baby, Junie,” Steve reassured. “You knew you were going to be a big sister, sweetheart. You were excited just last week.”
“But I want her to go back in her mommy’s tummy…”
“We can’t do that,” Eddie chuckled. “She’s your little sister. Just try and be nice to her, alright?”
“Fine.” She furrowed her brow. 
“Do you wanna hold her?” Steve asked. June shook her head as she grossed her arms in a fit. 
“Okay, I think it’s nap time.” Steve picked her up and hauled her onto his hip. 
“No!” she whined, kicking his side. 
“June, please stop.” She only kicked harder. “Juniper!” 
When Steve whipped out the fake full name, she knew she was in trouble. She cowered and rested her head on his shoulder, clutching to his shirt. He brought her up to her room to take a nap, hopefully to eventually bring back a happier toddler. 
“Holy shit… we have two kids,” Eddie whispered, feeding Lucie her bottle. 
“We have two kids…”
“How many more do you want?” Eddie teased. 
“As many as we can have with you still being healthy.”
“Stevie, I haven’t had anything bad happen in nearly ten years. My last hospitalization was in ‘02, for Christ’s sake.”
“I know, I know, but I worry, honey. I know you’re strong and doing well, but I just want you to be able to watch our girls grow up.”
“And I will or die trying. You and our girls are my world, Stevie. I’m doing everything I can, I swear.”
“I know you are, Eds.”
Time went on and the boys grew closer with their family as each day passed. Neither of them thought they could ever be as happy as they were. 
Steve worked alongside his favorite people (who all switched to day shift after starting families) day-in and day-out at Hawkins Memorial. Eddie started teaching at he local high school and offering private lessons after school, free of charge, while their girls continued to thrive. 
June eventually warmed up to Lucie, being the best big sister someone could have ever hoped for. She was her forever playmate and best friend (even if they still bickered from time to time). 
One afternoon, when Steve got home from work, he found Eddie in the kitchen cooking the girls lunch. Lucie was up on his hip and June was spinning around by his feet. Eddie smiled at the little dancer as he stirred the sauce for their pasta.
“Papa, come on, dance with me!” June whined. 
“Alright, alright.” 
Eddie lowered the temperature on the stove and let the lunch simmer. He walked over to the kitchen speaker, where his phone was sitting, already shuffling through music. He scrolled through his library to a familiar Beatles album. 
Picture yourself in a boat on a river…
Eddie took June’s hand as twirled her around as Lucie rested her head on his shoulder. When it got to the chorus, Eddie let out a playful gasp and looked to his sleepy toddler. 
“Lucy in the sky with diamonds,” he sang. “Lucy in the sky with diamonds.” He started tossing her up and catching her in his arms. Lucie let out little giggles as she soared through the air. 
The three of them had yet to notice Steve. He slowly crept into the kitchen and leaned on the doorframe, watching his adorning partner play with their daughters. It was the little moments like this he was happy Eddie decided to fight. 
During the closing chorus, Eddie went back to tossing and spinning the girls to the beat of the music. On one of the final lines, Eddie caught Lucie and it was like the wind got knocked out of him. 
He choked on a breath, setting the two-year-old down on the countertop. He dug through the kitchen drawers, searching for his inhaler, but couldn’t find it anywhere. 
Steve ran in, panicked that his other half couldn’t breathe. He frantically cleared out the drawers, eventually retrieving Eddie’s medication. He handed it to Eddie and gently rubbed his back as he tried catching his breath. 
Unfortunately, his inhaler wasn’t doing its job. Eddie still couldn’t catch his breath. He didn’t understand—he played with his girls all the time and this never happened. He hadn’t had a flare up in months. 
June and Lucie had tears pooling in their eyes, never before witnessing Eddie in pain. Whenever he felt something coming on, he was always meticulous about hiding it so he wouldn’t scare his daughters. But this… this hit him like a train going a million miles a minute. 
“Hos… hospital,” Eddie wheezed, tugging on Steve’s scrubs. “Plea-plea- pl–”
He went into a coughing fit, unable to collect himself. He was getting paler, sweatier, and dizzier by the second. 
Steve scooped the girls up, one in each arm, and loaded them into the car. Eddie was slowly following, managing to get himself in the car as Steve finished buckling Lucie in. Steve insisted Eddie keep puffing his inhaler every few minutes to try and open up his lungs, but it was no use. 
Steve pulled into the patient parking lot,  collecting the girls in record time. He rushed Eddie up to the front desk, setting June down as he spoke to his coworker. They immediately took Eddie back for an assessment, angering everyone who had already been waiting for god knows how long. 
Eddie was given a bed and was soon put on a number of breathing treatments in hopes of soothing his lungs. When none of them worked, he was shipped off to get an x-ray taken, and sure enough, his left lung collapsed for the first time in ten years. 
He kicked himself for being so stupid early on in his diagnosis. Why didn’t he just tell Steve he had pneumonia? Why didn’t he grow a pair and ask for help? Now, here he was, with chronically failing lungs, scarred beyond belief, and traumatizing his two young daughters. 
Steve sat in Eddie’s hospital room with June and Lucie, desperately trying to explain what was going on. June was sat at the foot of Eddie’s bed as Lucie reclined on Steve’s legs. 
“Is papa gonna be okay?” June asked. 
“I hope so, Junie, I really do,” Steve sighed, bouncing his leg up and down. “How’re you doing, bug?”
“‘m okay.” 
She shrugged and picked the lint off Eddie’s hospital blanket. Eddie smiled fondly at the little one at the end of the bed and gently nudged her with his foot. He wasn’t allowed to talk until further notice, so he just smiled at the girls, trying to reassure them. 
“He’s not gonna die, right daddy?”
“I’ll let the sun explode before I let papa die. He’s gonna be okay.” He looked to Eddie with sad eyes, letting out a sigh. “I promise…”
taglist: @steviesbicrisis @adaed5 @harringtonshairychest @manda-panda-monium
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howl-fantasies · 2 years
Jello~ just had some random gotham thoughts 😙
What if [name] was Thomas Wayne's junior in Gotham academy. The little turd helped Wayne get himself a Mrs.
What if [name] is bff's with Deathstroke. They're not even best frienemies, just bff's. And it makes both Victor, Ed and even Barbara jealous 😆
What if [name] was holding back on her abilities, even when it's only her and Victor? But for what?
What if, Thomas Wayne was the first Batman?? No one knew because he wasn't all "I am the night!" With it.
What if he then handed over the Bat to [name] but she didn't want it cause it felt like a burden?
But... What if meta villains started appearing in Gotham trying to take over? The Bat needed to rise again.
What if [name] was the one of the founders of the justice league and not Bruce?
What if Bruce started out as a Robin? He didn't know it was [name] under that mask, but he didn't care to know because he wanted to protect Gotham. And his mentor was doing just that.
P.s. if [name] was Batman and let go, she'd totally kick everyone's asses.
P.p.s [name] would be a much scarier Batman or woman? Idk- I'm not good with names
Hello dear! Thank you so much for your request, it gave me a lot to think about during my sport, and I absolutely enjoyed every second of this deep-thinking session you instigated. Made me forget the pain 😂
So! Here are the answers to your questions:
Warning: dark themes, Gotham, twisted moral, mention of violence.
Word Count: 4.538
Tags: @immortal-velociraptor @keffirinne
What if [name] was Thomas Wayne's junior in Gotham academy. The little turd helped Wayne get himself a Mrs.
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It's technically possible and and love this idea. But it brings up another question first: how does a child from the Narrows find herself in Gotham Academy?
We know Y/N has a sharp brain. As she grew in The Narrows and had to work for Carmine after her dad borrowed money from one of the king's loan shark, she often found herself thinking about the mob and its working. Clearly, the dirty work she was doing was for men also doing the dirty work themselves for bigger fishes.
She hated every second of her courier job but quickly came to realize that her evolution into the mob, since she was now corrupted by it, was inevitable. Her father's debt would never be paid back and if he or her mother died - which they did, when she was 14 - she would have to carry the whole burden.
If she didn't do something, maybe one day she would be a loan shark herself, still doing the dirty work for Carmine's officers and having some wannabe thugs / hungry or coaxed children to order around. Still, she was pretty sure she wouldn't be able to pay Falcone and his goons back.
Plus, excuse her, but even as a kid, she had some ego. Being ordered around like a dog running blindly where it's told to was out of the question. So, she asked herself what bigger fishes had in common. Obviously, aside from knowing how to use a gun: a proper education. And a good and clean background to show off during public events.
She never participated one but she saw Carmine's officers parading in town and heard about the prestigious schools those fuckers had graduated from. Gotham Academy was one of them.
She took the tests, asking for Wayne's ancestral scholarship, and passed the tests with flying colors. Y/N was lucky she's got a good memory and knew how to break into one of the Narrows' dingy but surprisingly helpful library.
Her years in GA were pretty boring until the day she met THE Thomas Wayne. How? Not during one of his classmates' bullying or her beating the absolute shit out of them - she wasn't an idiot, fighting would mean losing her scholarship, she would pay one of her friends from the Narrows to do that for her later.
No, Thomas simply was interested by her point of view. His father let him read out of curiosity one of the tests she had to pass to be accepted in his world. It was about moral. And the pristine young man was quite curious about how his junior would already possess such nihilistic point of view. So he asked her.
And god did they talk. They were never able to find a common ground. Thomas was an idealist while she was claiming to be realistic, she told him more than once. But he liked her wit and she liked his. So they kind of matched and started a kind of friendship.
And this is because of this friendship that Y/N decided to play matchmaker with Thomas and Marta. Also because she was ready to rip her own head off as Thomas was sighing like a stupid enamored guy just next to her EVERY freaking time Martha was around.
"Dude, I tell you this as a friend. Grow some balls or something and go tell her some fuckeries about love, birds and bees and take her out. Or I swear I'm going to punch you."
He obliged. It was tedious and she had to experiment the famous and insufferable "let's pretend I'm your crush, what do you tell her?" Who do you think Bruce has to thank for his incredible awkwardness uh? You got it.
She wasn't too worried about Thomas being hurt or his family hating his potential lover. Martha was the perfect opportunity for Y/N to test her skills in spying and collecting information all around the school and town. The woman was clean, everything was perfect.
Got one of her more memorable shouting contest with Wayne after he found out about her little investigation, though. "What's wrong with you Y/N?!"
"What's wrong?! What's wrong?! Nothing, you fucking rich kid! I did what any Gothamite would have done before starting something with someone! Get out of your fucking manor and your pretty rich boy clothes and go see by yourself how it is necessary when you don't have an entire task force to wipe your ass, Wayne!"
He was stunned but have to give her some credit. She came from the Narrows and he wouldn't be a douche enough to pretend it may not have a huge influence on how someone sees relationships in Gotham.
Plus he had to recognize later she did a pretty good job. Had to tell Martha at some point, too afraid about what she would do if she ever finds out. She was mad, like he was, but impressed. She made her swear she'd never do it again, though. "Scout Word", was the only answer she got. And we all know what it means in the other woman's mouth. Exactly. Nothing at all.
What if [name] is bff's with Deathstroke. They're not even best frienemies, just bff's. And it makes both Victor, Ed and even Barbara jealous 😆
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Oh boy, the drama here. But we all live for it, right?
I think both of them being best friends is very interesting too. I don't think they would meet during a mission where they had the same target, it wouldn't do. We all know Wilson is literally a beast. Even more after his coma, so it wouldn't make sense to put them in a conflicting position, she wouldn't even have the chance to move and he would eradicate her in a second. I also think they might have a few years difference too. Deathstroke being older.
Y/N met him a bit after his coma and the safari hunting thing. Let me explain. After his coma, Wilson heard he could no longer serve in the army and was depressed. His wife always suspected he wasn't really satisfied with his new hunting and safari thing. She was right.
Wilson found himself in Gotham when the Lady offered him a contract and told him to go to her illegal casino for a meeting. He wasn't the only one present here that night.
Y/N was here too. Even if she was still working for Falcone's family as a courier, she couldn't go to the man and simply tell him she hated it and would give him his money back if he let her start a whole new kind of missions for him.
First, she would never be able to approach him. She was a little woodlouse and he was the freaking king of the city. Second, even if she managed to barge into his house like some grand villain epic queen, what experience or guaranties would she have to offer to convince him to let her climb the crime ladder? None.
At this time, her only weapon was her brain. So she approached the lady instead. She Offered her to collect information around town about this and that to help her assassins. In exchange, she wanted to be paid and trained.
The lady wasn't impressed. But after Martha, Y/N had the time to work on her spying skills, and even discovered she was quite good with any kind of technology put into her hands, especially the first computers.
This is how she was introduced to Wilson. He needed some insights about his target and information. He could have done the job himself but didn't want to stay in town too long and make his wife even more suspicious. He liked young Y/N's way of working. She was clear, concise and damn well organized. Clinical.
His target worked in R&D for one of Wayne's rival company. He had to kill them and bring back to the Lady's client the technology he was working on.
While Y/N was spying, she developed a program able to crack and unlock practically any 'simple door', working with a digital code or imprint. Thanks GA and their super-nice computers bought by the Waynes.
For doors locked with more protections, well, "You're the G.I Joe here dude. Put some C-4 on it or fucking run like a bull on steroids to explode them. Your shit, not mine." He liked her foul mouth, and liked the diskette she had created for him, allowing him to finish his mission quickly.
He also saw the intelligence in it. And in her too cold brown eyes. Yep, he liked her, and didn't tell the Lady to go fuck herself when she explained him the "kid" wanted to be trained as a payment.
Wilson still is far better than her in combat or with weapons, but he did a pretty good job teaching her. Clearly, Jim and everyone in town who had the absolute shit beat out of them know who to insult now.
A few years later, when Y/N started to work and sleep with Victor, she mentioned she had an appointment with her 'sports coach' to Victor. Beings paranoid, he had to follow her and discovered her best friendship with Deathstroke. THE Deathstroke. Why and how did she always managed to know every interesting people in and out Gotham?! And why did they interact like they knew each other for ages? He was livid.
"Do you fuck him?" Woah, Victor being Victor. Always direct and asking the most inappropriate things with a placid voice and blank face. Man never disappoints.
"Dude has kids. Zsasz" She answered with a sigh.
"Oh. Did I ask if you fucked his kids?" He said making her laugh so hard she had to smash her hands a few times on his car dashboard.
"Well for the records, I'm not into kids. And I'm not into real daddies." She replied mischievously.
He wasn't convinced. And, if you ask him, he is still sure they both fucked each other at some point. And it makes him so mad he could shoot and cut the entire city.
He's not stupid enough to attack Wilson, Zsasz doesn't want to die so soon. But he may have sent a picture of his wedding band to him. His annular wasn't extended, though. But his middle finger clearly was.
Wilson found it funny and always find some time to rile Victor up with his true and incredible friendship with his wife.
Ed wouldn't acknowledge Wilson super-intelligence, always referring to him as 'the beast' or 'brawn-man'. Is he petty? Totally. But he refuses Deathstroke and Y/N genuine friendship. Wilson must have threatened her at some point.
Nygma would pout like a 5yo every time Wilson would answer one of his riddles right and accuse him to cheat. He tried once to tell him that he wasn't correct because he was expected one of Y/N's kinky and twisted answer instead and was baffled when Wilson would give him the exact answer she would have given to Riddler.
Nope. Nu-hu, it was only chance or some planets alignment. The beast didn't know her THAT well. He, ThE rIdDlEr, did. Even better than Victor and Barbara, he was sure.
Barbara would be beyond mad. Furious. She would spat like an angry cat at Wilson and threaten him to shoot him, to torture him, she even tried once her super-ninja skills on him and saw her sorry ass being kicked like it never was before. She owes her survival to Y/N, who had to explain Wilson with a loud and bored sigh that she was an "unkillable bitch".
Not because she was so good at what she did, no. But "because God might find her funny and reload her every fucking time, like a final boss or a running joke". Deathstoke snorted and like to remind Barbara what Y/N said anytime she threatens him to attack him.
What if [name] was holding back on her abilities, even when it's only her and Victor? But for what?
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It would be difficult for her to hold back with Zsasz. He might not be as good as Wilson, but he's a pretty skilled and observant assassin himself. He would know because of her posture / reflexes that she's holding back. And it would be really dangerous for her.
Physically, she wouldn't try her chance against her husband, she would only win because she would outsmart him. Which is also quite difficult since Victor possesses a fine street intelligence. But she managed to do it once or twice before they started banging each other. Without this, she would be dead.
Now, what Y/N is holding back from Zsasz is information. She has her own vision and comprehension of the city and likes to know what happens, with who, and for what. Victor knows she's skilled with a computer in her hands, but he doesn't know she works on many digital and R&D projects on her own. Gotham was a little crime oasis now, but it would change, it always changes. And she would have to survive and adapt.
And the city won't be secluded forever. What would happen if some villain from another city decided to annex it or, who knows, what would happen if mutants like Wilson raised and decided to take over the city and plunge it into chaos? Don't get her wrong, she basked in chaos, but in a calculated one.
Her many discussions with Deathstroke led them to speak about his training for Vietnam and how the army tried to incorporate new ways of fighting and thinking.
Even if computers and technologies started to be used in Gotham, they both knew it would play an important role in everybody's life in a few years and could make terrifying weapons. So she decided to experiment, stealing Government's informations about their technological programs or Wayne's rival ones.
She was also very interested by the Wayne's own researches but asked Thomas if she could consult them, she was a criminal but with some manners, and they had history, and she offered to work on a few programs for him with one of his new employee: Lucius Fox.
Both would work very well together and promised Thomas they would never ever talk about their collaboration and act like perfect strangers if fate ever put them face to face outside.
Victor isn't an idiot, he knows about Y/N's restless mind and her capacity to anticipate things. As long as her secrets don't compromise his missions, he is ok with it.
He lives in present and for action, and is gladly letting the plotting and worrying about Gotham's future to his wife. Though, he often wonders what it would be to take a look into Y/N's head to see what keeps her awake so many nights.
Holding back on her abilities with the rest of villains isn't a problem. It's in fact one of her strategies to confuse them. She plays the sassy and insane woman really well, she also is but not as much as she likes to show. Her silly antics tend to lure them into a false sense of security.
Don't get me wrong here too. People in town know not to mess with her, she isn't Gotham No.2 assassin because of her Colgate's smile. She shoots very well and they know it too. But they don't really realize how capable she is in hand to hand combat. Jim experienced it once and realized she let him arrest her.
Oswald and Ed noticed it too when they kidnapped her, tied her up to a chair and couldn't do anything when she still found a way to escape. Same with the GCPD in the OS Bloodbath, they clearly didn't think Y/N would play Trinity or some Matrix character.
Clearly, she wasn't only good with guns. What was her limits? For now only Wilson and Zsasz know about it. If you ask them, be ready for a shit-eating grin making cold sweat break on your back.
What if, Thomas Wayne was the first Batman?? No one knew because he wasn't all "I am the night!" With it.
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Again, totally possible. We saw it when Bruce and Alfred unlocked the soon to be Batcave. Everything was already set and the letter Thomas left to Bruce made me wonder how far he exploited the idea.
If Thomas was the first Batman, I think he would mostly watch and wait. Collecting information all around the city about every family and shady personality to use them later against them if needed, pretty much like Y/N did and still do but for other purposes.
Thomas wouldn't do it to fight people in a flamboyant way like Bruce will, but in a softer way, providing proofs and elements for the GCPD and justice to stop the criminals before they burn the city into the ground because of their greed. I think he wanted to preserve a balance.
The power dynamic when Thomas was working on the cave was already established with Falcone as the King, Maroni as his nemesis, thugs here and there but when it started to change and violence as well as corruption increased, Thomas was ready to start his vigilante's project but was brutally killed before he could concretize it. I think he wasn't as strict as Bruce may have been at first. His debate about morality in a city like Gotham with Y/N never really left him.
Gotham is a very special city, based on crime, deceiving and war for power. When Carmine was its King, it worked because the man had some moral and still thought about the city and the citizen, this is why he was frenemy with Jim's father and probably Thomas himself. Carmine was some kind of necessary evil to rule the evil spirits in this evil town.
What if he then handed over the Bat to [name] but she didn't want it cause it felt like a burden?
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He would have talked to Y/N about his vigilante project at some point and she may have helped with Lucius to build it. Y/N also wants a balance between good and bad in the city, because she likes Gotham and because too much havoc would bring too much attention and inevitably force the Government to take measures and probably eradicate the city since we know it can't function without crime.
Thomas might have asked her to take his role as a vigilante if anything happened to him. She indeed refused. The burden would be too much, and she has some kind of twisted moral. She already was spying on the important figures in town and used the information mostly for her own personal benefits. She wouldn't do, she would be too tempted to focus on her criminal's mind instead of the greater good.
Someone else needed to take the position to counter her selfishness or the balance wouldn't work anymore. "Let's be realistic here, Thomas. We are friends, yes, but you know I am not a good person. This thing you created needs someone selfless, and it's not me. We both know it too."
Though, she agreed to keep an eye on Gotham until someone worthy takes the position. She hated it, but it wasn't forever. That is basically why she cooperates with the GCPD from time to time and tries to keep Jim and Harvey alive. Well, for Harvey, it's more because they have history and she finds him funny.
She thought Jim would be a good candidate for the job. But when she realized the path Bruce was taking, she quickly understood who would be Gotham next vigilante. She would always feel a bit guilty about it.
Thomas wouldn't have approved. But, like she told him, they both knew she wasn't a good person. So she let it happens. The kid had the shoulders to support the burden and would be way better than her for the job.
She made Thomas a silent promise, though: she would never try to kill his son. And she would stick to it.
But... What if meta villains started appearing in Gotham trying to take over? The Bat needed to rise again.
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This is maybe the only scenario where she would be ready to wear a freaking costume and kick some villains' asses for the greatest good. She wouldn't let the city plunge into uncalculated chaos because some stupid super-powered sickos wanted to make everything explode just for the thrill of it. No, chaos needed a good motivation, a clear goal and a clear plan.
So, yeah. She would help Jim and the GCPD do their fucking job until someone takes the place. Jim would notice it's her at some point. And when he would ask her why, she would only say she wanted to eradicate concurrence.
He doubted it but didn't push. He would probably understand years later when Batman would come and he wouldn't see her again playing twisted hero. She was only keeping the vacant seat while waiting for the Batman.
What if [name] was the one of the founders of the justice league and not Bruce?
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Since Y/N likes to worry about the future, she may already have anticipated heroes would at some point work together to stem crime, violence and new kind of villains.
Even if she wasn't very present physically in Bruce's life, I think she would always have some project for Lucius and him opened somewhere and exchange at least weekly with them about it.
She suggested the idea to Bruce, explaining him villains were already teaming up, so maybe it was also time for him to reach other super-heroes to do the same.
He wouldn't be too pleased to hear about his "criminal-consultant", as she liked to call herself, advice but Alfred convinced him to do it.
He would keep her updated about the founding of the league, ask for her skills to help Lucius provide them some tools and useful technologies but would always pay a great attention about what information he was giving her. She was still a villain. And technically one of his enemies. But he would hear her advice and gladly takes what she has to offer.
Nobody apart from Lucius, he, Alfred and she would know about who had the idea of the Justice League.
"You're better than me at playing Leader of the Light Brucie, even as the Dark Knight, which is pretty funny by the way. Nobody would ever suspect your good old evil Auntie was the one who came with this brilliant idea. Maybe Riddler, but he's far too busy to speculate about my precarious position between the good and the bad to give a shit."
"You're not my aunt, Y/N. And don't call me Brucie. What about Victor?"
"He would probably ask at some point. Like he asked me if I was the one who invited some aliens to Metropolis when your dear friend Superman started his brilliant heroic career.
"Like he asked me if I was the one who decided the color of the new GCPD's facade. Victor spent the last 15 years imagining I'm some king of great puppet master, or a god, or that you all are Sims and I'm the player. The idea will come and go, don't worry about it too much dear. Just let me brainfuck my husband." She would say. And he would trust her to do it.
What if Bruce started out as a Robin? He didn't know it was [name] under that mask, but he didn't care to know because he wanted to protect Gotham. And his mentor was doing just that.
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The irony here. I mean, imagine him being trained by Alfred and Y/N but he didn't know it was her until much later, he would be really salty and some drama would probably happen between the two since she's one of the most prolific assassin in town. Bruce would feel betrayed. But it could be a good opportunity for him to understand things aren't only black or white. He already experienced it with Selina and Y/N would confirm it.
When he heard about some vigilante helping Jim and the GCPD to catch and arrest villains, he would tell Alfred he wanted to work with her, that she was doing the right thing, and, as a Wayne he had a duty to watch over Gotham. Alfred would cringe, he knew about Y/N and why she was doing this, and tried to deter his young master, failing brilliantly at it. He would call her and tell her about the teen's plan and she would be furious, demanding Alfred to freaking tie him up or break his kneecap to keep him far away from her. Again: epic fail.
Teen Bruce would force her hand, popping in all her confrontations with villains and putting his precious life at risk at first, getting an earful from Alfred and Y/N after. Both, the butler and the hitwoman would decide to train him after the fifth time he did it.
She would be his least favorite teacher since she can be cruel and ruthless. Hey, she promised Thomas she wouldn't kill the kid. She never said anything about beating the shit out of him, for his own good.
As an adult, he still sees Y/N as some kind of mentor, even if he would never say it aloud. It would be interesting to imagine Deathstroke recognizing some of Y/N's moves in Bruce fighting technique when he would fight him. Moves, Wilson would have been the one to initially teach her. He would confront her about it and she would politely invite him to go cook his ass on a burning hot grill. But he would know.
And his mind would understand why she did it, even if he wouldn't agree with it. He respects and like her too much to try to force her to reveal Batman's identity to him, so he would let it slide. Ignorance is sometimes a bliss and he didn't want to enter a political and moral game he didn't care about. It was her field, and Batman's.
P.s. if [name] was Batman and let go, she'd totally kick everyone's asses.
🤣I imagined her terrifying villains with her own "I AM THE NIGHT" with the same deep and modified voice Bruce will use later, just for the fun of saying it Bwahahaha!
P.p.s [name] would be a much scarier Batman or woman? Idk- I'm not good with names
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She would probably, but not because she would be better than Bruce at fighting or intimidating people. But because she doesn't care to kill her foes. That difference would make her scarier. Villains wouldn't fight to escape jail or Arkham, they would fight for their life if she decided to kill them.
I'll go with my own P.s.: I love the idea of Y/N and Victor still being together many years later when Batman took his vigilante role. Zsasz would still be scary AF and have his own fights with Bruce, never knowing the Bat worked with his wife and personally know her.
As I said earlier, Victor would suspect Y/N's implication in the new order of the city. He knows how she likes to play the game of thrones from afar and monitor who is taking the crown or holding power. In a way, she makes me think of Varys but in a less noble way.
Anyway, as Victor often wonders what she was thinking about and what new secrets she enjoyed keeping from everyone, it would lead him to theorize about the most delirious things (see the points about GCPD new facade and the Sims).
He likes to observe her playing the game, it thrills him and remind him of their glorious days with Carmine. He was there when Falcone told Y/N she understands Gotham better than his own children and shares his vision for the city.
After Sofia's incident, he often thought about this moment and realized that if he had to give his loyalty not only as a lover but as a criminal too to someone, it should be to his wife. She was Carmine's true heir. Not Oswald, not any other mobster or villain. She was. The actual crown wouldn't sit well on her head, but she wears its shadow perfectly.
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A/N - I hope you liked my babbling and it was clear enough for you my dear. Thank you again for your request, don't hesitate to ask again I love your thoughts and enjoy thinking about it! Have a beautiful day/night, take care! 💞
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alx-magazine · 10 days
The sky is cotton candy🍦🍭
I lived by One Republic is playing as Sabrina is biking home for dinner.
It's a late 2012 afternoon, the sun is setting, and mom is about to call for dinner; I oughta get there before she starts to worry.
Peddling and peddling, trying to see how fast I can go down the neighborhood hill; I know, I know, there is a fair chance I might bust my face.
Busting through that door, wafting the aroma of sauteed onions and garlic from dinner, "Mom, I'm home !", I say as I'm going to my mom for a side hug, "It all looks lovely !"
"Well I appreciate it sweetie, come on, we're about to pray."
As a family we fold our arms, I volunteer to say the prayer today, "Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this day-."
Dinner was splendid as usual, rice, feijoada, banana, farofa, barbecue ribs, and a salad on the side.
I ate my plate, and immediately went for another serving. Before running upstairs to go to my room, "Don't forget to do your homework !", my mom exclaims behind me.
I don't do my homework; for the life of me, I can't get myself to, I just want to watch YouTube videos and it's almost bedtime.
Scars to your beautiful by Alessia Cara starts playing as I'm in room picking out what to wear for school tomorrow.
Flipping through my closet, I am looking for what I should wear tomorrow; it's going to be Friday, one of my favorite days ! That means I must put together my best outfit of the week. I decided to go with my black, l love Yoshi shirt, my regular skinny jeans, and some white vans. I straighten my hair a bit more so it doesn't look puffy, I know I won't wake up before school to do it. I wear this outfit quite religiously I'll admit, I feel like I radiate in pretty girl energy when I do so.
My hair is a tangled up, curly mess, I feel like I look so much prettier with it straightened; It's a lot to keep up with but as mom says, "beauty hurts."
Now before bed, I must lastly wash my face so I don't break out, and I'm all good to go !
Lights by Ellie Goulding starts playing as the moon is up, goes down, and the sun comes back up.
It's 7th period science class, the day is almost over and I can't wait for the weekend. Walking down the halls, I see all the various social pools. Popular girls holding hands with delinquent, adolescent boys, then there are my friends and I, nerdy art kids with questionable style, being our loud, annoying selves; the highlight of my school day.
Now I'm on the school bus about to head home, and I know that the moment I drop my backpack off, I'll ask my mom if I can go play outside.
My mom gave me permission and with pure excitement, I hop on my teal Schwinn bicycle with brown leather accents and speed away to my friend April's house.
Castle on the hill by Ed Sheeran starts playing as I am approaching her house.
April is my best friend; we grew up together at church since primary, she's a year younger, we always play outside in her front yard. We loved to draw on the driveway with chalk, pretend we're a part of high school musical, jumping rope, hula hoops, and dancing around.
In the summers past, we'd barely get to play outside together, but some nights we'd have late night talks about silly, sappy things on the swings.
Sometimes her parents don't let her play outside, and I'd throw little pebbles at her window, hoping she'd open it and chat for a little without her parents seeing.
She's so my best friend even if she doesn't go to school with me; but hey, every summer we could always spend girls camp together, much like last summer. This year is going to be my third year and her second year at camp; I'm so looking forward to it !
I just approached her house and it looks like she can't play today, and I feel a bit bummed; sometimes it feels like we can barely hang out outside of church.
Little talks by of monsters and men starts playing as I'm throwing little pebbles at her window.
She opens up her window, looking a bit saddened, I wonder why so.
"Hey ! You okay ?"
She nods her head no and I say "come on out, wanna talk about it ?"
She gives me sorrowful eyes, saying, "I can't.."
"Well hey, we can just talk here then."
That's when she breaks the news to me, "I'm moving this summer, I don't think we'll be going to camp together, but you have my parents number if you ever want to talk, I'll make sure they send your parents our new address, maybe we can send each other letters.."
God this sucks. She's my best friend, I wanted so badly to go to girls camp with her this summer. Summer is so ruined.
I tell her, "Whyyyy ? You're my best friendddd ! Do you know where you're going ?"
She tells me, "I'm not too sure but it might be out of the city or state; you send me letters okay ?
In that moment we locked eyes, you can see that we were about to burst into tears. She starts tearing up some and I give her a hug through the window. Until sunset, we just chat like usual, laughing, and for a moment forgetting about the summer bummer.
Soon after, I hop on my bicycle and bike my way home before dinner starts.
Wake me up by Avicii is playing as I'm speeding down the neighborhood hill on my way to supper.
I felt really bummed all night and all weekend. I feel like there's a massive hole in my heart, and sinking feeling in my stomach, I barely wanted to eat dinner that night.
The weekend has passed and another school week has commenced; you can tell I was a walking bummer with my dreadful demeanor. Dreading class, dreading summer, dreading life...without my best friend.
I still went over to play after school as much as I could until the school year ended. Our parents planned an outing for us before the move in hopes of that cheering us up. Hey, at least I look forward to that.
Shower by Becky G is playing as I'm getting ready, singing in the shower with excitement.
I am wearing my soft blue Old Navy tee with skinny jeans and my white vans, my other best outfit.
We are going to hang out at Menchies to get frozen yogurt.
I see her coming in through that door with her parents, she looks beautiful. I swallow my thoughts, I mustn't look at her that way; she is a white rose , and I, troublesome with my rebellious ways.
Giving her a light hug as she walks in, I welcome her with glee. Our parents leave us be to be young teens, as they go walk around the strip mall, talking amongst themselves.
Us girls, we're just chatting away about our usual discourse, silly shows, silly thoughts, jokes, and feelings. The cotton candy sunset looks so pretty, and our frozen yogurt too sweet, not the best for our teeth, with vibrant flavors and candy toppings.
The table underneath, I felt her hand touch mine for a second, brief, and I felt all air lost; it was a foreign feeling to me. I wonder if she felt something too, I doubt it though , girls are only meant to be friends, nothing more of course.
Girls like girls by Hayley Kiyoko starts playing as I am stunned by these brand new thoughts and feelings.
Underneath the table, I feel her fingers caress mine for a bit. I am shocked, completely. I must be overthinking it all.
Underneath the table once more, her fingers lock mine and stay.
And I feel, I feel something I can't put into words; my breath is lost, yet my pacing heart feels still, when she locks her hand in mine, and her hand stays.
I look at her, still for some reason trying to pretend we're just being friendly, and I ask her, "you think you won't have to write to me for too long ?"...."we'll hang out again, won't we ?"
"For sure, I mean, I'd hope to as soon as possible", she says with her eyes looking at her lap; you can tell, she's deeply saddened by this move, just as I am.
"Sabrina ?" , she says to me, "do you wanna have chat in the girl's room ?"
"-uh, sure !", I say, a bit confuzzled by that random request.
Standing by the soft pink stalls, she grabs my hand, you know I'm feeling it all rush down my body like rain on a car window.
I look at her and feel a bit tense, not knowing what's coming next.
"D-don't hate me okay ?", she says awkwardly before kissing me out of the blue; quite courageous of her.
I looked stunned, with my jaw slightly dropped, and my eyes widened, "A-April...", and before making her feel embarrassed, I grabbed her other hand and kissed her back, I wanted her to know that kissing me was okay. You can see in her face that she felt relieved, "I just wanted to make sure I had the chance to do this before I go.", she told me, trying to downplay as we both did, about how we felt.
I kissed a girl by Katy Perry is playing as we both just had our first kiss ever.
"We ought to get back out there before our parents start to worry.", I tell her as I am nervous about getting caught.
She agrees, we both know that this has to be kept between us; She's already moving far away, I don't want her to also be kept away.
Awkwardly walking out the restroom, we sat back down in hopes that our parents didn't see. I know they should be coming back anytime soon. You can tell just how badly we wanted to hold hands again, maybe even lean on each other's shoulders, and as much as I wanted to... I couldn't risk that.
And as much as we wanted to, I'm glad we didn't.
The store door bell jingles as we see both of our parents walk in not too soon after everything. We both try our best to act like we didn't just kiss each other a few minutes ago.
My mom says, "You girls had fun ?, come on, we have to go soon."
Ughhhh, I'm so not looking forward to being away from her. This has got to be the saddest way to start summer.
Summertime sadness starts by Lana del Rey playing as I am looking out the car window on the way home.
It's officially her last day here, I am outside her driveway, watching all the boxes load up into the truck, she's moving some hours away. "I'm glad we got to chat once more, I'll miss you April, don't forget about me okay ?"
With utmost sorrow, we hug for quite a long time, yet not too long, for we don't want to raise suspicion.
Summer passes, and so does a few years. Years of anguish, rebellion, and unrest within my home. I grew into myself, the shades of the girl I once was, the girl I tried so hard to be, had forfeitted over time.
We wrote to each other for sometime, eventually we started texting; although between my constant grounding and her not being allowed to be on social media, contact had faded, and my curiosity had grew.
Did she forget about me eventually ? Did our friendship just fizzle out from the distance ? Did she just outgrow me over time, had forgotten about that moment we shared at Menchies and grew into a person I no longer recognize ?
Glad you came by The wanted started playing as I am in my cap and gown, taking pictures outside after graduation.
I am taking pictures with family outside, and my high school friends soon after. All day I kept hearing something about this so-called "surprise". I know I am having a graduation party after this but I sure wondered what everyone had been talking about.
And to my surprise, "Sabrina !", I hear a familiar voice. As I am looking around I hear once more, "Sabrina, over here !", and oh my did she blossom.
I see her, I see her, it's her !, "April !", I yell out as we both run towards each other for a long awaited hug.
We both sobbed our eyes out, and to our embarrassment, our families are laughing, smiling as they are taking pictures of us.
"-N-no way !", I am on the floor sobbing, and the sky is cotton candy, just like that day we spent at Menchies.
"Come on, we have a graduation party to attend !", she says with excitement.
She IS the surprise.
Uma Thurman by Fall out boy is playing as we are both throwing down moves at my graduation party.
And underneath the starlit skies, somewhere outside, where only we knew, we kissed, and kissed, like our lips longed for this moment, to coexist.
As we grew older, eventually to branch out and away from our shame, many more late afternoons were spent, and as it was then, it is to this day; The sky is cotton candy 🍦🍭.
Forever stuck in our youth by Set it off is playing as the screen fades to only, soft pink, cotton candy skies.
*for Spotify premium users // you can queue the songs (bolded text) in order to follow along with the soundtrack*
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