doubttruther · 24 days
the strongest evidence for the ‘tyler isn’t clancy / clancy is dead’ argument is that he straight up says it in morph multiple times/ways:
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charliemwrites · 4 months
Character File
Name: Castle “Daddy” Alistair Aliases: Daddy, Captain Daddy, Big Daddy Age: 38 Gender and pronouns: AMAB using he/him/his Marital Status: officially unmarried; unofficially – very taken Surviving family: mother, father, sister
Physical description: Standing at 6’3” (190.5 cm) and weighing 225 lbs. (102 kilos) Captain Alistair is all around built strong and thick. Broad shoulders, slight tapering at the waist, and thick thighs. His hair is dark brown, shaved close at the sides and longer at the top – if he allowed it to grow out it would curl. His eyes are a very deep brown with a strong, square jaw and aquiline nose. Teeth are straight and even, though he has prominent canines. (face claim: John Bernthal)
Identifying/Unusual features:
Two facial scars; one across the bridge of his nose and one high on his left cheek. Both required stitches, though they were acquired separately.
Tattoos: The SpecGru symbol on the left side of his chest An ouroboros snake around his left thigh A rook with daisies on his right bicep (for his little sister) A full back pieces of the Grim Reaper with ravens
Two crooked fingers from a break that didn’t set correctly
While he has several scars, the worst of them is crisscrossing circles around his left calf; a steel cord wrapped around it multiple times and almost took the entire leg
Early Childhood:
Castle was born to Clancy and Helena Alastair in Michigan. Clancy had always wanted a boy, so after a difficult delivery, he and Helena were happy to stop at one and focus all their attention on their son. The first twelve years of his life were spent in a quiet suburb that was developed in the 50s.
Clancy owned fifty percent of a construction company that he built from the ground up with a childhood friend. When Castle was old enough, his father began to bring him to construction sites, teaching him the basics of both business and carpentry. Castle grew up with a strong appreciation for hard work and building things from the ground up, instilled by his father. He greatly admired Clancy’s dedication and hands-on approach as a leader.
Castle also had a deep love and respect for his mother, a music teacher at the local high school. She was both charismatic and eccentric, with a love of silly dresses and jewelry. She embodied kindness and compassion without compromising her own self-respect, the people she loved were her whole world. Family was everything to her and Castle feels that she taught him what love truly is.
In middle school, Castle developed something of a temper. Love, he thought, meant protecting his family. Insults or jokes about either of his parents were met with swift and violent responses. He spent many afternoons in the principal’s office (and many nights without dessert) from brawls in the lunchroom or curses traded across classrooms.
In the spring of sixth grade, Clancy got into an accident that left him with permanent damage to his knee and lower back. He chose to sell his half of the company to his business partner, then bought a small farm that he moved his family to that summer. While Castle initially was angry about the move, and angry that he had no say in the matter, he found that he really enjoyed the wide-open spaces and all the animals they now had to tend to.
Seventh grade brought better friends and a better attitude. Working on the farm gave him a physical outlet for all his growing hormones.
That winter brought a little sister.
Clancy’s younger brother (the well-earned black sheep of the family) had had an affair. When his affair partner died of birth-related illness, he was left with an illegitimate child. Neither his affair partner’s family nor his own wife wanted anything to do with the baby. So he brought her to his eldest brother, Clancy.
Even past their prime and with no particular desire for another child, Clancy and Helena took the baby girl in without hesitation. (Though Clancy did kick his younger brother’s ass quite soundly while Castle sneakily watched from the window.) She didn’t even have a name yet. Helena jokingly suggested naming her “Rook” to go with “Castle,” but then their son latched onto the name, and it stuck.
Rook became Castle’s whole world as he helped his parents care for both a baby and their new farm. He often sat with her when he came home from school – kept an eye on her while he did homework, giving his parents a break to take care of things they hadn’t been able to with the baby. While they weren’t technically siblings, they were blood, and Clancy insisted that the age gap between them meant that Castle needed to act responsibly with her. That she would look up to him since he was so much older already.
In high school, he would often walk (or carry) Rook to and from preschool on his way to his own classes. Clancy wanted him to join the football team, and while Castle enjoyed it to an extent, he preferred to be helping at home.
It was in his junior year that he began to seriously consider joining the military. By senior year, he had decided. When he graduated, he went into an ROTC program at the state college an hour away. Once he graduated, he joined the marine corps.
Military Career:
Alistair rose quickly in reputation and rank during his time in the marine corps. A level-headed and disciplined man, he became known for his leadership prowess early on. While not outgoing, he was well-regarded by his comrades and often a morale-booster, excelling in any unit he was placed in. He excelled in stealth and infiltration but had an impressive record as a sniper as well.
Unfortunately, his career was cut short when information leaked on a high-risk mission. The mission was a failure, with two teammates sacrificing themselves for the sake of the unit. At the safehouse, the remains of the team were ambushed just as exfiltration arrived via helicopter.
While trying to help a comrade up, a steel cord tangled around his leg and nearly dragged him from the aircraft. In the pain and panic, he dropped his teammate to his death. Alistair would have lost his leg if not for the quick response of his sole surviving team member.
Alistair would later discover that very teammate was the one to betray the unit. The man mysteriously disappeared, and Alistair was honorably discharged from service.
A year later, he was recruited for the PMC known as SpecGru.
Keegan Russ is credited with coining Alistair’s callsign, “Daddy,” though his fellow teammate Nila “Nova” Brown quickly adopted it as well. They claim this is due to Alistair’s close observation, concern for health, and deep protectiveness for his squad. His adaptive and lenient leadership style has endeared him to even the most standoffish of his team – Nikto.
The addition of the fifth and final member to his unit has skyrocketed them to one of the highest success rates in SpecGru.
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callofdutylorist · 8 months
heyyy! not sure if yous aware but on yt there are some ppl making stuff up that ghost and soap have girlfriends in some comics and what not, also that ghost was implying in campaign how he sleeps around????? is this true or people are just talking nonsense? im not too familiar with ghost so idk
I have heard... So let's clear things up
Does Ghost have a GF in the comics?
Nope! Ghost is portrayed with no love interests in the comics. However the comics does show Ghost's brother finding a wife, and having a child who would be Ghost's nephew.
It's important to the comic because Ghost helped his brother become clean from drugs, and sees his brother's family as his closer household.
All of them later die
Youtube Misinformation
There were some incidents of a people spreading some Ghost misinformation on youtube, especially in comment sections. Most of this has been about Ghost's relationship status.
For those saying Ghost as of 24/9/2023 has girlfriend, are incorrect. He is single, with no confirmed sexuality. I believe this info is mostly being spread as retaliation of homophobes in the community, being offended by fandom shipping.
Confirmation of Single
Aside from the fact that not once in the campaign does anyone mention that Ghost is taken, and that his backstory contributes to a big reason why a man like him wouldn't have any lovers as of right now....
Ghost is confirmed single by an article uploaded by Activision on valentine's day. Also as a loner type character with trust issues, a preference of no support, and a specialty in solo missions, it's expectant that he's not a lovers boy to someone yet.
Ela Memes?
One thing I did find was that there seems to be a current crossover ship meme shipping Ghost with the character Ela Bosak from Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, and having both take the roles of resident evil characters. The main producer on Youtube for this stuff is Benjamin York Gaming if you're interested in funny crossover ship content.
Cod Mobile
Call of Duty Mobile does exhibit its own version of Ghost. Who is out of character for the multiple Ghost characters we know, showing to be much much closer to other characters he interacts with. But Cod Mobile is non-canon to the main series, and is it's own thing.
I hope this clears everything up
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
Sorry sorry, I know it fiction, but Jesus first Rowling and now this guy.
They doesn’t really understand American culture
Oh Brits we are still PISSED with FDR multiple terms and what I keep looking up. A lot of ww2 are probably beating FDR with his own wheelchair in the afterlife
Also mortar striking civilians on USA soil? I pretty sure a lot for military personnel will be more blind and deaf than Hellen Keller
Just because the pres is the boss, doesn’t mean we listen to every goddamn thing he said
So there this videogame series called the Division
It a post apocalyptic setting that centered around the leak smallpox virus stimulation Dark Winter as this trailer pointed out
And here the opening for the first game(plays the second one because it was for 3$ once)
And yes the community did pandemic jokes, first it was Wuhan…then the scary similarities when covid hit us
Keep in mind the first division game was announce 10 years ago this summer. So how da fuck a online shooter and looter predicted a pandemic we went through so well
Now why I saying that because the division have you fight in a godforsaken nyc and Washington DC…..well..more godforsaken? Well you got hi tech to protect yourself
Also is there a real life MLK library in dc?…I had to shoot it up in a sidequest…sorry king
Yes it got the Tom Clancy logo that Ubisoft love to slap on its military oriented games.
But division ironically feel more realistically because despite being in a post apocalyptic setting. It let you do altruistic acts like help my ally settlements like there one sidequest where I could get some more power to a settlement that allow kids play some video games
Actually there a clip I dm you of Npcs that made me think I doing a damn
Sorry I think because in America we often take a piss out of our founding father or president(Franklin, Jefferson, FDR, JKF, Clinton, Bush, Trump. You ones that list)
I just find it hard that we would be become devoted to a fascist president when we usually just treat the president as a lesser evil that we tolerate for 4-8 years.
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Part of the fight scene at the end of (I think) the first Sam Rami Spiderman film, Spidey is trying to do a rescue and gobby is being gobby and all of a sudden everyone remembers they're a New Yorker and starts chucking rocks at him among other things.
Microcosm of US culture right there that this guy doesn't get, wouldn't just be TX and CA, if there was a genuine threat there wouldn't be one for long.
After we took care of that issue we'd go back to hating each other.
ect. Just because the pres is the boss, doesn’t mean we listen to every goddamn thing he said
Ya plenty of defiance, usually not violent, we take it to the courts.
And yes the community did pandemic jokes, first it was Wuhan…then the scary similarities when covid hit us
There were lots of Resident Evil jokes about that one to, that and Plague Inc.
Keep in mind the first division game was announce 10 years ago this summer. So how da fuck a online shooter and looter predicted a pandemic we went through so well.
We were predicting it on here too, mostly as a joke though. Simpsons too.
One of the first things I said after it started getting traction as a news story is 'I hope no idiot says something stupid that triggers a toilet paper shortage caused by hoarders'
Because it's incredible how predictable these things can be.
Also is there a real life MLK library in dc?…I had to shoot it up in a sidequest…sorry king
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'I have a dream that one day people will need to bust a cap in a fictional version of my library' - the ghost of MLK probably.
But division ironically feel more realistically because despite being in a post apocalyptic setting. It let you do altruistic acts like help my ally settlements like there one sidequest where I could get some more power to a settlement that allow kids play some video games
We're the most charitable people on earth iirc so that makes sense.
Actually there a clip I dm you of Npcs that made me think I doing a damn
if ya like, feel free
Sorry I think because in America we often take a piss out of our founding father or president(Franklin, Jefferson, FDR, JKF, Clinton, Bush, Trump. You ones that list) I just find it hard that we would be become devoted to a fascist president when we usually just treat the president as a lesser evil that we tolerate for 4-8 years.
There's a real failure to learn out there, what with what everyone seems to think the president has the authority to do.
Student loan thing for example, everyone got pissed at the supreme court for upholding the separation of powers as defined in the constitution and they quoted nacy saying he lacked the authority in their ruling.
President doesn't control the money, congress does, president sends a budget to congress and they say yes or no, president can declare war congress can say we're not paying for it, president can say I'm building a wall on the southern border, congress can say we're not paying for that.
Things would work out better for online debate if folks took a elementary civics course and actually committed that stuff to memory
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angrybatart · 2 months
Re: Fun video games that (probably) won't fry your laptop. These are all on Steam.
-Factorio - Strategy/puzzle game about automating an enormous factory while siphoning natural resources from an infinite alien landscape. Highly moddable. Still receives occasional updates. Includes in-game tutorial, and peaceful mode if you don't want to fight the planet's giant cockroaches. Allegedly indirectly teaches you about software engineering.
-Killing Floor - Co-op first-person shooter survival horror. Work alone or with friends (difficulty scales with player count) to fend off waves of increasingly deadly mutants in locations ranging from West London to secret underground labs to Santa's workshop, before squaring off against their mad scientist creator. Already sequeled twice and receives no further updates (don't expect a huge player base), and many weapons (and cosmetic skins) are locked in DLCs.
-DEFCON - Real-time strategy about global thermonuclear war, inspired by the 1980s movie Wargames. Take control of one or more territories and try to eradicate as much of the population of up to fixe enemy territories while minimizing your own losses. Highly moddable, and often goes on sale for really cheap. Includes in-game tutorial. Was once the focus of an actual for real scientific study.
-DUSK - First-person episodic Boomer Shooter. Take on the role of Dusk Dude as he runs and guns his way through more than 30 levels of Pennsylvania backwoods, corrupted cityscapes, and places beyond the understanding of men. Fight your way through legions of cultists and nameless terrors, and finally, the cult's leader, Jakob. Somewhat moddable, and offers an arena-style multiplayer. Features a kickass thrash/industrial metal soundtrack by Andrew Hulshult. HD version also recently released (as a free add-on to the original game).
-Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory - The third (and arguably best) iteration of the classic tactical stealth game, though almost totally separate from the stories of the first two. Play as Sam Fisher, a spy for the NSA as you use gadgets, cunning, and state-sponsored gymnastic skills to unravel the latest plot to push the world toward all-out war. Includes in-game video tutorials. Features co-op and versus modes (though I've never tried them).
-Hotline Miami and Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number - Top-down arcade-style mass murder simulator drenched in blood, neon colors, and '80s aesthetics. Play as a nameless protagonist (fan named "Jacket") receiving orders from mysterious phone calls, and bludgeon, slash, and shoot your way through buildings crawling with Russian Mafia, wearing rubber animal masks that give you different abilities. In the second game, the story expands as you play as several other characters in the aftermath of Jacket's actions, each with their own motivations, yet inexorably bound together. Features many synth-pop tracks from various artists, available on a neon magenta vinyl record. Go for the high score and show off to your friends how amazing and handsome you are at a critically-acclaimed indie game. Second game also comes with a short virtual comic book!
-FAItH: The Unholy Trinity - 8-bit style religious horror game with rotoscoped cutscenes, developed b Airdorf Games. Play as Fr. John Ward in 1987 Connecticut as your quest to right your wrongs and complete an interrupted exorcism spiral into madness and the true depths of the Satanic Panic of the 1980s. Features multiple endings, game modes, an arcade mode, and an in-game tutorial.
-Bloodrayne: Terminal Cut - A PC port of the cult-favorite third-person hack-and-slash. Play as Rayne, a dhampir hired by the mysterious Brimstone Society to handle situations too otherworldly or dangerous for mere humans; Which mostly involves slaughtering thousands of Nazis before they can get their hands on otherworldly artifacts. Includes a bunch of special codes that can be inputted to make the game easier, harder, or to activate "Juggy Mode." Game doesn't have any actual nudity but definitely enjoys its jiggle physics. One sequel (not as good IMO but also on Steam), a spinoff game, and also spawned at least 1 movie and some comic books IRL.
-CARRION - Metroidvania-style reverse horror game. Play as an unfathomable lump of runaway teeth, tentacles, and God-knows-what as you tear your way through Relith Labs, on a mission to escape and consume anyone who gets in your way. Evolve as the game progresses, growing larger and acquiring new abilities. Includes a small Christmas-themed free DLC that is essentially more of the same.
-Gone Home - Short, narrative-driven game about returning from Europe to your parents' new home, and discovering your sister is gone. Explore the house, discovering notes, clues, and secrets as a story of growing up and self-discovery unfolds. I don't want to spoil any of it, just take my word for it that it's a good game, and not violent or anything like other games on this list.
-Omen Exitio: Plague - Visual novel RPG where you take on the role of a doctor during an outbreak of a mysterious, deadly disease. Unravel the mystery bit by bit as you are hounded by madness and mysterious figures with ill intention, and make decisions that may alter the course of history.
-Hacknet - DOS-style programming game apparently inspired by hacking scenes in various movies. Delve into the world of professional hackers, complete jobs for clients, bypass security to break into servers, and discover the fate of your late benefactor, as his/her automated failsafe leads you toward the truth. "Labyrinths" DLC also available, and can be accessed and completed at any time before, during, or after the main game. In-game tutorial provided. Features an amazing techno soundtrack by various artists. Should not be confused with real-world cybersecurity activities - Those are much more difficult.
I have more, but this alone has taken me an hour to write. Let me know your thoughts.
Definitely been meaning to check out FAItH, and I've heard of Gone Home. If I remember what I saw in the trailer correctly, it sorta reminds me of that Edith Finch game.
As for that Plague game....do I get to actually be a plague doctor??????
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walder-138 · 3 days
So, I was thinking about your ocs and I had a few questions!
For Oz:
If he could do one thing differently in his life, what would it be?
Are there any regrets that he has, or is there something people would assume to be a regret but he doubles down that it isn't one?
For Annika:
I know that she ends up being chased by both sides of the war, but if she had to choose a side, which would it be? And what would convince her to rejoin the fight?
Where would she be if she had never been caught by Adler and brainwashed? Would she still be fighting alongside the Perseus faction?
When she was with the faction, who did she tolerate the most? Who did she tolerate the least?
Sorry for the multiple questions - I just had to ask!
Hey pookie bear no worries! I’ve been DYING for someone to ask me these questions 👀
For Oz:
1) Oz wouldn’t have gone into the Army. Simple as that. He had everything going for him; he was the star running back of his college sports team, WHICH HE GOT AN ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP TO BE IN. The reason he went in was because his little brother, Johnny was drafted. Oz was raised with Old Man Clancy’s intent to go into the Army, so he felt extremely guilty that his brother had to go, when Oz was ‘supposed’ to be the one.
He gave up everything for the Army. His long, lustrous hair, his future, his relationships, his autonomy, everything. And you wanna guess what he got? An addiction, c-PTSD, scars covering most of his body, and the privilege of going to 20 people’s funerals across the country in the span of two weeks. Oh yeah, they gave him jack fucking squat.
2) Everyone swears that Oz regrets staying in Jenny’s life, especially because of her disability. Yeah, he was a bastard with a pretty bad addiction and was a fucking Casanova, but he wasn’t just gonna abandon his kid like that.
However, he does regret having fun times with Gloria and therefore bringing Jenny into the world, especially since they’re all living in an armageddon. Oz regrets signing her up for a life of war and incertitude, but will never, EVER regret staying in her life.
For Annika:
1) If she absolutely had to, Annika’d join Adler again. Mean, she wouldn’t be thrilled about it by any means, and she doesn’t miss being a part of the group, but at least they wouldn’t torture her like Perseus would if they found her. Annika’s all about survival, or dying in the least painful way, so at least Adler would make it quick.
2) This one’s a doozy. On one hand, Annika cared about Perseus for a period of time (as they basically took her off the street and gave her a new life), but on the other, her and Arash had beef since she joined, to the point they literally wanted to kill each other.
I think she’d stay in Perseus, but after a few years they’d send her into a suicide mission. She’s a misanthrope with extremely violent tendencies, eventually that’d make her more of a liability.
But, Annika’s like a fucking cockroach. She’d still be alive. And we know how spiteful she can be. Girlie would snitch after they pulled that stunt.
3) Honestly? I think Annika would tolerate your OC, Keith the most. By absolutely no means would she like him (🤢), but he stays the fuck out of her way. Keith picked up on the whole misanthrope thing she got going on relatively quick, and decided “Dawg I am NOT going anywhere near that thing.” As long as he doesn’t talk to her, she doesn’t give two shits right or left about him, which is the most positive relationship somebody could have with Annika.
Fucking ARASH. They pissed each other the fuck off since Annika was 17. When he shot her, she was going on 23. Dude was beefing with a fucking teenager for three years. The only reason she didn’t stick his head in a wood chipper was because she’d get herself killed in turn.
It started when she was still in the process of learning English. Arash was going on and on about god knows what after a meeting. Talking a lot without actually saying anything.
“Stop speaking. You are headache.”
And they haven’t liked each other since.
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sandwichcipher · 16 days
It's Joever
finally decided to get rid of twitter LMFAO
like, they suspended two of my accounts, one for "platform manipulation" which made no sense, all i did was just engage with "meme twitter" most of the time. it was also prior to HIM buying twitter, so it's good I got a reason.
the second account was for NO reason, still haven't gotten an email why, if i had to guess, i was liking tweets a lot and they thought I was a fucking BOT, and haven't gotten anything back. he fucked up the support system HEAVY. today, this account I was using for the time being got suspended... BUT this time i GOT a reason. they gave me four reasons, 3 of them not making ANY SENSE.
"sending multiple unsolicited replies or mentions" - this is the dumbest one because i rarely even responded to tweets ever since my second account got suspended?
"posting multiple unrelated updates to a trending or popular topic". not true as well, if anything, i did post twice to twenty one pilots' clancy but that's about it. I RARELY ever tweeted on this account.
"aggressive and random repost and/or liking posts from other account" - makes sense. i was liking a shit ton of tweets which was the reason why i initially suspended in the first place on my first account before it getting suspended again.
and here's the funniest one of them ALL.
4. "misuse of x product features"
"Follow chum: Following and then unfollowing large numbers of accounts in an effort to inflate one's own follower count"
Lying ass??? I didn't do that shit at ALL??? Yeah, I followed a ton of people but that was in order to get my news shit back to how it was before my other account suspended. Faking shit for what?
"Indiscriminate following: Following and/or unfollowing a large number of unrelated accounts in a short time period, particularly by automated means"
Ah yes, by automated means, you mean the feature that YOU, the man I shall not mention, added right? Most of these stuff were related, it was all to media. I had FNaF, Twenty One Pilots, and Hip Hop Twitter, the interests that I wanted to keep up with.
"And, duplicating another account's followers; particularly using automation."
What the FUCK does this mean? Just making shit up for WHAT?
Oh well, it was a good run of being on Twitter before shit went downhill. I use Instagram anyway, so I guess I'll just reside there... hell, I'll definitely start using tumblr now. Just gotta find the right accounts to follow and peak my interest.
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Book Review #1: Hummingbird Salamander, by Jeff Vandermeer
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Okay, so 60 books and a review for each one, totally reasonable New Years resolution, right? Lets go. First up is the one I got for Christmas.
I’ve been a fan of Vadermeer for a long time, and his work’s always worth reading (though the first one I read was Annihilation and nothing he’s written since has really lived up to it). This was no exception – though it was by far the least genre-ficcy thing of his I’ve ever read. Which, low bar – note the lack of invasive xenoforming processes or building-sized flying bears or alternate universes – but still, I kept expecting it to get weirder than it did?
Not that it didn’t get weird – just, ‘technothriller 20 minutes in the future’ weird, not ‘cosmic horror’ weird. Though the ending did blur the lines a bit, I suppose.
The overall tone of oppressive, apocalyptic dread, of everyone just keeping their heads down and trying to keep going about their days as the natural disasters pile up and things keep falling apart, is really very well done and vivid. Even if the politics are a bit deep green and the portrayal worst-case, it really was a future sliding into dystopia and apocalypse that felt plausible and lived in and real, compared with what a lot of climate fiction goes with.
Beyond that – plot wise, the book kind of reminded me of Strange Bird? Not so much because of any of the beats in particular, but just because it felt to a great degree like a story of failure? Like, Jane’s primarily, but also everyone else’s. There’s a lot of bathos, of missed opportunities and fuck ups and conversations that never happen and relationships ruined and people hurt for basically no gain at all. There are multiple time skips where Jane just gives up for months or years, too. The ending’s a bit redemptive, a bit transcendent, but even that – Silvina died too, and she was as close to a world-shaking heroine as the story can provide. And a lot of the suffering on the way to the ending was less necessary and more just bad luck.
Jane as a protagonist was interesting – so self-deluding, so self-destructive, so totally incapable of having a single open and honest conversation with literally anyone. To the extent the book is a technothriller, ‘security consultant whose also a former semi-pro bodybuilder and built like a brick shithouse’ sure feels like a description of a Tom Clancy knockoff’s hero (and it’s definitely a case where taking a very generic character and gender-flipping them makes them much more interesting), even if all the muscle mass in the world didn’t really end up helping too often against knives and rifles.
Anyway, as usual with Vandermeer the prose was lovely, and the cryptozoology believable and downright hauntingly beautiful to read about. Guy really should just write a birdwatching guide, or something – he’s very clearly in love with nature, in a way that’s halfway uncanny but always lovely when you read it.
Still not better than Annihilation, but not at all unhappy about having read it.
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Skybound 5-6
Jays showing Cliff Gs home to the ninja?? Isnt he afraid theyll think he made a wish to gain all this unexpected new stuff?
Okay but why is Jay LYING
I mean it’s understandable if hes not ready to tell them he’s adopted yet
But saying you saved up for a place like that while just not getting paid for doing your main job, which is being a ninja, is a bit unbelievable
I guess saying your Cliff Gordon the actor of Fritz donnegans biological son is kinda unbelievable too.
Nya: We need to look at that lantern. Jay, Hit the lights!
Jay: Lights! Right! Yes. Light. Uhhhhh lights lights lights… Where are the lights….
Cole: You saved up for this place? Baloney. Every time you get money you waste it on junk food and video games.
They’re best friends your honor
Also they definitely wanted Cole to say Bullshit.
Jay: and it turns out! My dads cliff gordon!
Cole: Who?
GOD jay and cole are literally acting how me and my best friend act when the other drops some gossip or a secret
Theyre that tiktok sound that goes like:
Jay: I wont tell a soul. 🫡
Wait wait
Its CANON that theyre best friends? I thought that was a fanon thing but Jay JUST said Coles his best friend
I love them sm :)
Please tell me Zane still has his falcon in newer seasons
Clancy my beloved
Hes doing his best
The ninja are going to the island for the venom to defeat nadakhan
Ok but how does Jay explain Cliff Gordons boat.
Nadakhan: Take it apart.. until it talks.
Zane: why do I need a canteen?
Lloyd: there may be no fresh water on the island.
Zane: but… Im a nindroid… I repeat, why do i need a canteen? 🤨
Jay. Why are you reading Cliff Gordons wooing woman book OUT LOUD.
Jay, reading: tell woman what they want to hear…
Nya: watcha reading?
Jay: AAAAH. UM! Im reading, uh, discovering the power of your feminine side 😃
Jays acting as their lightning rod on the ship lol
Also its canon he can get electrocuted by storm lightning multiple times and still be fine
Jay really doesnt want anyone else to be taken by djinn :(
Holy shit Zanes smart.
He quite literally predicted that Nadakhan would come for him from Jays reluctance. AND ONLY FROM THAT DOES HE KNOW JAYS SPOKEN TO NADAKHAN BEFORE AND COMPLETED TWO WISHES
I wish they showed this analytical side of Zane more
Hes still as self sacrificial as ever.
Zanes trying to outsmart nadakhan and trap the djinn away. But I know he wont be able to no matter how intelligent he is :(
It would have made so much sense for Zane to be the savior of this season. He made some really good wishes. Its also incredibly out of character for him to “wish for it all to go away” after Nadakhan deleted Pixal. Zane could have simply said for Nadakhan to bring Pixal back and he’d have used up his wishes. He wouldnt have captured nadakhan but Zane would at least be alive.
Aaand they crashed the ship.
Cole cmon man at least give Jay a chance to explain himself.
His anger is valid since Zanes capture could have been prevented if Jay said something
Jay didnt wish for the boat and mansion he wished to not be born in a junkyard and to be able to give Nya anything she wanted
Dude just say your adopted.
Me looking at Nadakhans sky village: I want to go there.
Jay. let go of the lady wooing book. You dont need it. IT GOT YOU INTO THIS MESS.
Please Jay stop complaining 🙃 even though I feel sympathy for you, pleaaase just read the room.
Jays pissing me off rn 💀
Just APOLOGIZE and EXPLAIN Yourself.
theyre all so done with his shit 😭
Cole: 😶
Nadakhan: Delara was filled with fire too...
Nya: Not fire. I'm a tall glass of water.
Cole landed a hit on Nadakhan!!!
Good for him honestly
Love how the ninja just phase through Cole sometimes it's so funny
They didn't even know how big the spider was and then Jay comes running out with a creature bigger than a bear on his trail
Jay: (about to get eaten alive by a spider)
Nadakhan floating with a teacup on his hand: Now would be a perfect moment for that second wiiiish...
Honestly with how many times the spiders grabbed Jay with it's fangs, it's hard to believe he hadn't touched the venom
Ohhhh so THIS is when he kidnaps Jay.
When did they get duck-tape 💀
Damsel in distress trope but it's the girl as the knight and the boy as the damsel
Imagine how Jay must feel though. His friends hate him. he (thinks he) lost the venom. And now he’s kidnapped.
Nadakhan: I can see why she once like ld you… You’re stronger than you appear. But I know it’s all an act.
Nadakhan: Deep down, you’re scared… You know your weak. You make jokes to mask that your afraid…
Usually stuff like that is hinted at but to outright say it is something
Jay: (hanging off the bottom side of the ship like a spider with a ball chain on his leg)
Nadakhan: your not afraid, are you funny man?
Jay (somehow repositioning himself and cleaning the bottom of the ship) I LOVE IT. 😤
Hes such a little shit I love him
Cole (giggling after learning that they cant get off the island with their energy dragons)
Nya: Whats so funny! 😒
Cole: Oh, I was just thinking about what Jay might say…
Cole: haha… Gone one day and I already miss him spazzing out.
Hes literally in love with him
(Platonically, for ppl who dont ship bruise)
Nya, girl, honestly you had every right to be mad at him. Dont feel guilty. Jay didn’t even apologize!!!! He also dialed up his little shittiness to 100 after that!!!! Hes fine 🙄
Its sweet that Lloyd trusts Jay to be strong
Cole and Lloyd: We can build a raft! Whats gonna stop us!
Nya: That was uh, my Jay impression…
Clancy is so nice
Ive never heard Jay ever be this silent on frame
Its surreal.
Jays actually so clever
How is he moving and jumping around like that with a whole ass bowling ball attached to his leg 😭
GO JAY GO!!!!!
Now I remember why he's my favorite character :)
He got the note in the bottle to the ocean!!!!!
Man skybound was actually so cool I hate that it was erased from the timeline
Nadakhan: Eat! Have dinner with me. It's no trick!
Jay: ...
Nadakhan: 😃
Jay: (starts devouring every consumable thing in front of him)
Jay: Sorry man, I don't know who this lost love of yours is. But she's not Nya! Nyas too good for the both of us. She makes up her own mind.
Well at least Jays got her character down
Nadakhan: Everything that is mine... I've had to work for. This food, this ship, this crew.
Jay: That accent :)
Okaaay. So if Nadakhan marries someone, he can have infinite wishes?
That makes no sense.
Lloyd: she'll be ready to sail soon.
Nya: Why are all boats she's?
Cole: uhhh idk! Maybe because it's takes a bucket of paint to make then look good?
Coles in his misogynistic arc
Cole (after Lloyd leaves): you know, I think the real reason sailors name ships after women is because we name them after the most important people in our lives. Mother, wives, sisters.
Ok he's forgiven
It's sweet that Coles standing up for Jay to Nya.
He called himself Jays best friend 🥺
Cole (trying to avoid the sand monsters): don't move... I think they're attracted to noise...
Nya used airjitzu for the first time!!!
I genuinely like nadakhans crew
Clancy: I can keep swabbing the deck if I like it! 😤 It relaxes me and I get to choose how it I wanna spend my free time!
Jaaaaay. You were manipulating so well!!! You just HAD to come off strongly.
Is it manipulation if it's the truth though? I mean Nadakhan ISNT telling his crewmembers everything.
Geez. This is kind of depressing to watch. Jay getting pummeled in a fighting ring by Nadakhans crew.
Nadakhan: You could… wish it all away?
Jay (on the floor absolutely totaled): bring it on.
Jays surprisingly stubborn and resilient
Clancy: you should eat food. you-you fought really well out there… held your own like a real pirate. Heres an eyepatch, so you can look like one!
Clancy so sweet :)
I understand that lego ninjago cant show blood or bruises but the way Jays voice actor is slurring his words gives a really good impression that Jay was beat up real bad :(
Flintlocke: you always talk to yourself?
Jay: Only when I think im by myself 😒
Ronin and the Chief got Nya Cole and Lloyd off the island!!!
I still dont forgive them though.
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thetruearchmagos · 2 years
What inspires your world building? And do you have any tips to make it less overwhelming?
Heyho, my friend, thank you for the Ask!
What inspired me? Well, a lot of things. At first, it started out with a collection of books and movies, sci-fi stuff and "Techno-Thrillers", some of my favourite genres. Tom Clancy's stuff was some of my bread and butter, and that style of multiple perspectives and grand scale power plays writ large inspired a lot of the style and conceptual themes of my World.
These days, I've gotten my World to the point where I could get inspiration from pretty muc any soure, really! Media like books obviously sticks as one, but so does whatever things I notice or come across in real life, or in references to history. Really, you could gain inspiration from pretty much anything you'd come across.
And that leads on to your second question! There are lots of people out there every bit as qualified to give advice as I, and many more so, but I'll give my two cents.
You probably ought to ask yourself what your worldbuilding is meant for, even if only in the vaguest terms. Do you consider it as taking precedence below a story or other "media" you intend to tell, or as the project and plan in and of itself? The question itself shouldn't be taken to intensely, and really it serves more to provide some basic idea as to the "effort" you'd put in.
As for the act of worldbuilding itself, there are a few ways I think help make it less overwhelming. As a start, I approached worldbuilding from the very start as the process and activity to be enjoyed throughout, rather than a chore or a mere necessary evil. Taking the process as an art or place to find interest itself, and not a chore, is an important step to getting the most out of it.
Linked to that, I realise that it's often best to avoid attaching deadlines, quotas, or really too many expectations at all on the process. If, say, you're feeling like you're slogging your way through a specific aspect of the world, it might make sense to take a step back from it all, and think about it idly, or a connected topic, and simply let your mind wander about. Try and "spin it in your head", as if it were somethinh interesting in your hands that you were turning over and around to inspect, rather than throwing yourself against the issue. Eventually, some level of patience and calm thought will probably accomplish more than beating yourself up if you feel something just isn't quite right.
Well, if I was able to come up with more wise words to say, I'd probably try, but I think I've said a tad too much as it is! If you find yourself in need of ay help at all with this creative endeavour, my DMs are always free and open to all comers in need of advice!
Hope my words were even a little useful, and happy worldbuilding!
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chorusfm · 2 days
Twenty One Pilots – Clancy
The seventh studio album from Twenty One Pilots, called Clancy, brings closure to the near decade-long conceptual series that began with Trench. In many ways, Twenty One Pilots are challenging their audience to go on this ride with them as they navigate through the waters of rap, alternative, punk, and indie rock, while still looking for new and innovative ways to express the right emotions in their music. Clancy is the character that the band first introduced in Trench, and this record of the same name pulls out some additional thematic elements to bring rich context to the story. After some hard to hear radio chatter on the beginning of the opener, “Overcompensate,” a voice comes on to set the tone by stating emphatically, “Welcome back to Trench.” By taking a brief detour to where they’ve been, while still trying to advance the music forward in their repertoire, Twenty One Pilots have crafted an album worthy of multiple repeat spins and reward listeners willing to take deep dive into the world of Clancy. After the brilliant opening track/lead single, the subsequent single of “Next Semester” follows with a frenetic drumbeat from Josh Dun, while lead vocalist Tyler Joseph croons over the mix to bring some experimental pop into the fold. The dreamy acoustic guitar outro in the song is a welcome departure from what the band has attempted to date, and yet it still feels authentic to the band. “Backslide” is largely a hip-hop song that is rooted in the nostalgia of what Twenty One Pilots accomplished on Trench, while the production from longtime collaborator, Paul Meany, accelerates the artistic growth from the band. The steady pick-me-up bounce found on “Midwest Indigo” is sure to be a crowd favorite on the Clancy arena tour, while the brooding “Routines in the Night” is clouded in mystery, much like its intentions. Twenty One Pilots have never been strangers to the darkest of thoughts, and this song sounds like the logical progression from their standout single “Heathens.” The bombastic pop of “Vignette” is filled with sweeping orchestral parts that lend itself well to the heavy synth breakdowns in the song, while “The Craving (Jenna’s version)” was a curious choice for a fourth single since it seems a bit out of place in the overall sequencing of Clancy. The largely acoustic ballad features the refrain of, “Say enough, say enough / Did I let her know, let her know? / If I found my body in chains / I’d lay down and wait / And hope she looks for me,” and puts the spotlight on the vulnerability of the Clancy character. It may have made more sense towards the end of the tracklisting, or even as the album closer, if they chose to go out on a somber tone. Things pick back up on “Lavish” as Tyler Joseph softly croons, “Welcome to the new way of livin’ / It’s just the beginning of lavish.” The song plays out a bit like a commercial jingle in its memorable chorus, while the rapping in the verses makes it firmly implanted in Twenty One Pilots lore. The heavy bass line in “Navigating,” mixed with great guitar riffing, makes for one of the heaviest songs that the band have attempted to date, and they largely pull it off with grace and poise. “Snap Back” features a unique blend of dreamscape pop paired with heavy hip-hop elements to make for a really creative listening experience. “Oldies Station” features a clever pre-chorus of, “Fear of the past and (Relative pain) / Future’s comin’ fast, you’ve got (Nothin’ in the tank) / In a season of purging things you used to love / Everything must go,” since a lot of this LP is about looking back, while still embracing the uncertain path ahead of us. The closing one-two punch of the bouncy “At the Risk of Feeling Dumb” has a great, gradual crescendo towards the tail end of the track, plus the sprawling “Paladin Strait” is an excellent way of making a memorable statement. The closing lines sung over an acoustic guitar of, “On the ground are Banditos / Fighting while I find Nico / Even though I’m past the point of no return /… https://chorus.fm/reviews/twenty-one-pilots-clancy/
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ear-worthy · 6 months
No Labels and MoveOn Leaders On "Open To Debate" Podcast
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Listen/watch at opentodebate.org or on all podcast platforms (and find a complete transcript here)
Let me tell you what I love about this podcast, Open To Debate. It's simple. There are no debates about critical political, cultural, and socioeconomic issues anymore. Fox News is a safe space for conservative extremists to scream whatever nonsense comes out of their mouths, and progressives have multiple channels to "tsk,tsk" those intellectually lightweight conservatives. 
The idiotic debate between Govs. DiSantis and Newsom was marred by moronic Sean Hannity, who decided that rather than be the impartial moderator, he'd jump in and help DiSantis any chance he got.
So viewers were treated to debaters endlessly reciting partisan talking points, yelling at one another and attacking one another, rather than digging deep into issues that voters do -- and should -- care about. Want to hear and see a real debate? Watch or listen to Open To Debate. The nonpartisan debate series Open to Debate (formerly known as Intelligence Squared U.S.) has just released a new episode debating the question “How Would A No Labels Presidential Candidate Change the Outcome in 2024?" No Labels chief strategist Ryan Clancy defends his organization, arguing that Americans have rarely been this pessimistic about the future of our country, this frustrated with the state of our politics, and this dissatisfied with the presidential nominees both parties seem likely to offer. A No Labels unity ticket, he argues, stands a real chance of actually winning—and, he says, if it picks up some electoral votes but doesn’t reach 270, No Labels could negotiate with one of the major party nominees to give them their votes. MoveOn executive director Rahna Epting opposes him, arguing that No Labels does not have a path to win the presidency; their only path in 2024 is swaying the election to Trump. She also challenges Clancy directly on No Labels not disclosing their donors and pushes him on whether the organization is having discussions with any current Republican candidates. Alongside Emmy-winning moderator John Donvan, questioners include best-selling author Nina Burleigh, Politico reporter Shia Kapos, and Washington Post opinion editor Alexi McCammond. Hear the full debate here or on any podcast platform under the show name “Open to Debate.” Open to Debate addresses a fundamental problem in America, the extreme polarization of our nation and our politics. "We are the nation's only nonpartisan, debate-driven media organization dedicated to bringing multiple viewpoints together for a constructive, balanced, respectful exchange of ideas. Open to Debate is a platform for intellectually curious and open-minded people to engage with others holding opposing views on complex issues." Plenty of evidence shows that debate works to find common ground. On average, 32% of the Open to Debate audience changes their mind on contentious topics after hearing a debate. That’s the power of debate done right, and at scale, it can change the direction we’re headed in America. Open to Debate is broadcast as a weekly public radio program, carried on NPR stations, including WNYC. Open to Debate is made available as a podcast, video series, and digital platform, and records episodes with live audiences nationwide. Visit opentodebate.org to become a member, access an archive of more than 220 debates, and attend live events. HERE ARE THE PARTICIPANT BIOS:
* Ryan Clancy: Chief Strategist of No Labels Ryan Clancy is the chief strategist of No Labels, a centrist political advocacy group supporting centrism and bipartisanship, and a communications strategist and speechwriter for leaders in business, government, and philanthropy. Prior to his role at No Labels, he served as a speechwriter for Joe Biden during his vice presidency and Former Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke, developed corporate narratives and executive positioning plans for Fortune 500 companies, and advised political reform groups and candidates on their communications strategy. Bylines written under his name and his clients about subjects ranging from healthcare and criminal justice to energy and tax policy have appeared in Fast Company, USA Today, The New York Times, Politico, Chicago Tribune, and more. Clancy has also worked on various book projects such as No Labels’ “Policy Playbook for America’s Next President,” the New Center’s “Idea to Re-Center America,” and Elton John’s memoir “Love Is the Cure: On Life, Loss, and the End of AIDS.” He received his bachelor’s degree from Villanova University.
* Rahna Epting: Executive Director of MoveOn Rahna Epting is the Executive Director of MoveOn, a public policy advocacy group that focuses on grassroots progressive organizing to help the US become a country where everyone can thrive. At MoveOn, she leads MoveOn Civic Action, which focuses on education and advocacy on national issues, and MoveOn Political Action, which works to elect candidates with an inclusive, progressive agenda. Prior to her role, she worked in various capacities, including Chief of Staff, at Every Voice, where she managed state and national campaigns. She also held positions at the Service Employees International Union, the Oregon Bus Project’s PolitiCorps program, and Wellstone Action. With a long history in youth organizing and helping young people get more involved in politics, she has served as the Chair of the Alliance for Youth Organizing (formerly the Bus Federation Civic Fund). 
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nobodywritingao3 · 11 months
my objectively correct, unsolicited opinions about resident evil 7 characters
Ethan: the best. I love him. 10/10. loser man wife guy dad best dad confused and trying his best wet raccoon energy IT department loser who is terrified of everything probably the least competent pov character in the franchise and technically dies like a 1/10 of the way into the game
mia: don't like her. abused Eveline, lied to Ethan a lot. Ethan loves her and we play as Ethan so shes painted in a positive light but the things she does aren't good
Jack: good guy good dad. getting to know him as he used to be highlights the tragedy of his character
marguerite: scary. scary. she's so scary. BUGS. BUGS. amazing character. so good.
Zoe: <3 <3 <3 pathetic, nihilistic wet towel
Lucas: horrible guy. canonically killed someone when he was a kid and didn't feel guilty about it. was no longer under Eveline's control and hadn't been since the beginning but still did all that stuff anyway, for funsies. he did the birthday game to multiple people while in complete control of himself. senselessly violent person. the re7 twist where you find out that Lucas is Just Like That is one of the most interesting things the team did for me
Eveline: severely traumatized and abused kid. product of her upbringing. evil, and can you blame her?
Travis: the details regarding his time at the baker house make me really really really sad. the tragedy adds a layer of horror to the game. I love that about the more recent re games, how the horror of "we're all easily killable meat" is compounded and juxtaposed by "and we're still people, but that doesn't matter in the end"
Clancy: same thing. he did everything right and he seemed like a decent guy. I'm so sad he died :(
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vuzivotnoe · 2 years
Ghost recon 1 windows 7
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Dick in canon: has had multiple jobs (bartender twice, museum curator, male model that one time, a c*p, an acrobat trainer, a personal trainer, etc) and did the Titans finances when he left Bruce's care. He managed his own money and used it to help those in need (buying his apt building so the tenants could stay and Clancy could keep a job, helping the homeless, wondering how he could make a tent city better and safer, etc). He made his own car that could change bodies as opposed to asking Bruce to pay for it. He bought a boardwalk to invest and lost it and was broke and still refused to ask Bruce for help financially.
Dick in fanon: He dOesN't KnoW hOW mUch a BaNAna COstS
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Like I get it is supposed to be fun and silly, but a large basis of Dick's character is that he refuses to be controlled, especially not by Bruce. By making it seem that he is some ignorant rich kid is such a disservice to his character. He has entire plots revolving on how he wants to help and not be attached to Bruce. He has the safety net of Bruce and he knows that of course, but he knows it isn't his because he didn't earn it. Like he doesn't even ever refer to it as his money- it is always Bruce's money or the Wayne fortune.
I don't understand why anyone wants to make Dick into some airhead, ignorant heir. If they want a batboy who is a spoiled rich kid, Tim and Damian are literally right there.
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auroracalisto · 3 years
lotus flower
summary: escaping an abusive relationship was difficult.  rushing to a camp in the middle of nowhere to escape your husband shouldn’t have been as terrifying as it turned out to be.
pairing: xavier plympton x reader x chet clancy, reader x abusive husband named roger
word count: 1.5k words
warnings: abuse, physical abuse and mental abuse, mentions of abuse and physical depictions of what happened, ahs 1984, canon typical situations 
a/n: idk if i’ll actually continue this bc idk if it will do well.  however, i wanted to see the response i would get and i really liked writing this in general soooo.  also, for the title, just look up the meaning of a lotus flower :) you’ll understand if you don’t already.  
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You were running.  From him.  From your past.  From the nakedness that now adorned your ring finger.  And that’s how you ended up at Camp Redwood, as a counselor.  It was a job, far away from Roger.  As much as you had wished you could have stayed and not uproot your entire life, you knew that staying there was dangerous.
The fading bruises on your stomach were proof of that.
You had heard about the position through the newspaper—the only survivor of the 70′s massacre wanted to open it up to try and create some good memories there.
Miles away and deep in the forest was your best bet of avoiding your abusive husband.
So you called and inquired about the job—you weren’t even interviewed hardly.  The woman asked your name and said you were accepted.  All you had to do was show up the day before the kids were supposed to be there.  It would be you and a couple other counselors, but there weren’t that many kids—you wouldn’t be bombarded by everything.
You had hardly been out of your car for five minutes when Margaret led you over to Bertie.
“While we wait for the others to arrive, maybe you can help Bertie,” she said, giving you a smile.  “I’ll be back.”
She didn’t wait long before she rushed off, leaving you alone with the chef.  You gave her an awkward smile.
“Hi, sweetheart,” she said, balancing her cigarette between her teeth as she talked.  “Here,” she moved to grab a crate full of bread.  “Take this inside for me?”
You immediately did as you were asked, taking the crate as soon as she handed it to you.  She took notice of your shakiness, but she didn’t comment on it, much like she didn’t comment on the multiple scars you had lining your bare arms.
Bertie took in a couple more things with you, only taking a break to light another cigarette.
"And this is Chef Bertie," Margaret said, walking up alongside of quite a few other people. You stood by her truck, looking at the people as they all came around. "A Camp Redwood veteran."
"Dibs," a man with blonde hair and a blue shirt quickly spoke. He smiled over at his friends, clearly joking.
"You wouldn't know what to do with it if you got it, handsome," Bertie spoke, smirking over at the man.
You couldn't help but laugh at Bertie, quickly placing a hand over your mouth.
"And who are you?" the blonde quickly asked, raising an eyebrow.
You averted your gaze.
"She's another counselor. She got here earlier in the day. [Your name]'s car was the one you parked beside of," Margaret said.
"Oh, so the one Xavier here almost hit with his door?" a blonde girl grinned, crossed her arms over her chest.
Xavier's eyes widened and he looked back at her. "I did not!"
Bertie rolled her eyes, holding up a crate of eggs. "Put those scrawny arms to work and help a lady fill her pantry. All of you, grab a crate. This heat is a killer," she spoke, sighing softly as she removed her cigarette. "You don't have to carry anymore, [Your name]—"
"—I can," you smiled over at the woman. You moved to take a crate which looked as though it had been filled with bottles of spices, sugars, and flour.
The man beside of Xavier had taken the crate of eggs.
A guy with brown hair came up beside of you, his arm brushing against yours as he grabbed a crate himself. He blushed but couldn't help himself from smiling at you.
"Sorry," he said.
You gave a hesitant smile, moving to walk back into the dining hall when Margaret began to speak again.
"Chef Bertie here worked here when I was a counselor. We are so blessed to have her with us."
Bertie continued to talk while everyone else carried in crates. You stayed inside, putting things where they needed to go—it wasn't that hard to figure out things. Of course, you avoided putting up things like spices. You didn't know if she liked them organized a certain way. As you walked back out, you couldn't help but overhear Bertie.
"I'm sorry that one bad apple ruined it for everyone. Minute I heard Margaret was reopening this place," she said, waving her hand, "I was the first to volunteer."
Margaret looked at everyone and breathed through her nose. "Alright. Let's continue with our tour. [Your name], come along with us. You haven't seen everything yet."
You gave a small nod and hesitantly followed along, looking at the group of people. They all seemed pretty friendly with each other.
The lot of you walked along towards the showers. Margaret was set on showing you all everything.
"Girls shower in the AM, boys in the PM. Same goes for counselors, too."
Eventually, your walk lead you to the cabins.
Margaret eventually left you all alone, and you stayed in the girls cabin.  The boys ended up sticking around, talking with the girls that they clearly knew.  You sat on your claimed bed, looking through your suitcase.  You purse your lips, half-listening to their conversation, half-not even paying attention to what you were looking for.  
“Hey,” the same boy who bumped into you earlier spoke.  “[Your name], right?”
You looked up, seeing him standing right in front of you.  Your eyes widened but you nodded.  
“Uh, yeah.”
“I’m Chet,” he grinned.  “Mind if I?” he pointed to the spot beside of you.  
You nodded in response.  Chet sat down beside of you on your bed, handing you an unopened can of beer.  
“Uh, no thank you,” you said, shaking your head.  “I’ve... seen enough alcohol to last me a lifetime.”
“Seen—“ he stopped himself, nodding slightly as he watched you.  “Alright.  Well, why don’t you come join us?  I promise, we don’t bite,” he chuckled softly.  “We’re gonna turn on the TV.  Don’t be a loner,” he said.  “We’ll be here all summer anyway.  Might as well get to know each other now.”
You nodded, knowing he was right.  “Uh, okay,” you said, nervously biting the inside of your cheek.  
Chet continued to smile in your direction.  He stood up, holding his hand out to you.  “Come on,” he said.  
A feeling in your gut was screaming at you to just stay put.  But you reached out to take his hand, knowing that for the first time in several years, you could do so without someone waiting to ridicule you for it.  
Chet smiled even more once you took his hand and he lead you over to the couch.  
Everyone introduced themselves to you, making sure they knew your name correctly as well.  
The flirtatious blonde looked over at you, his eyes set in a glare.  
“You better not think about stealing Bertie from me.”
Your eyes widened and you felt your cheeks burn.  “I would never—”
“Mhm,” Xavier rolled his eyes.  “I saw how you looked at her.  If I were her, I would have looked at you the same way.”
“Wow, Xavier,” scoffed Ray.  “Give it a rest, will you?”
“What?” Xavier laughed, keeping his eyes on you.  “I mean it, though.  You’re like super fucking hot,” he said.
You averted your gaze, guilt swelling in your chest.  This was wrong.  You were married.  To a piece of shit asshole, after all.  Your marriage to him didn’t matter.  Especially now that you were so far away.  You didn’t have to feel guilty.  You didn’t have to feel like you were going to get in trouble.  No one here knew of your past, and they would never know as long as you never said anything.  
After a moment of thinking of what to say, you looked back up at Xavier with a smile.  
“You’re not too bad, yourself,” you said.  
Xavier let out a triumphant laugh, grinning.  “Sweet,” he breathed out, looking you up and down.  Montana slapped his arm and he leaned back where he sat, rolling his eyes at her.  “Can you not hit me again?  Please?  That kind of hurt.”
Chet cleared his throat as he looked at you.  You quickly turned to face him, hoping that he didn’t think it was wrong of you to say so.
“He’s definitely not lying,” Chet spoke.  “You’re super fucking pretty.  I, uh, don’t want you to settle on him just yet,” he grinned, leaning against his hand as his elbow rested against the couch.  
You couldn’t help from your own laugh escaping you.  “Don’t worry, Chet.  He’s not the only cute guy here,” you said, locking eyes with his.  You noticed his blush right off the bat, but you didn’t say anything about it.  
You were glad you were here.  This was good.  It would be good.  It had to be good.  But what you didn’t know was that your hopeful thoughts were far too good to be true.  
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