#Sweet pea
lost-fool-wandering · 2 years
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Sweet pea
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catfindr · 8 months
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580 notes · View notes
inbarfink · 8 days
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156 notes · View notes
catsofyore · 7 months
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💋 1963. Source.
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squeakowl · 25 days
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Sweetpeas (source)
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fbfh · 1 year
Sweet Pea x soft!reader hcs
wc: 1.3k
genre: mutual pining, tooth rotting fluff
pairing: sweet pea x soft reader
warnings: reader is implied to be smaller than sweet pea but he's like 6'3 and beefy so it's not too out of the question, reader is called clingy needs attention and hates being alone by jughead but sweet pea LOVES that about you, size difference, protective sweet pea, sweet pea is a rottweiler boyfriend, kisses and cuddles, mentions of fighting and gang activity
song recs: fight for me - heathers obc, big boy - sza
a/n: been watching the anime my love story and it's feuling my sweet pea obsession lol. I've also decided that while horribly bad, riverdale is camp. If I convince myself it's camp I can drag myself through it. It's supposed to be bad and make no sense and of course there's a "goblin king" running around town causing problems because it's camp.
tags: @yesv01 @magcon7280
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Okay so like I said in my initial drabble
When Sweet Pea first sees you he deadass thinks you’re an angel
You are so sweet and soft and perfect
The only way to describe you is angelic
He’s so wrapped up in how alluring and enamoring you are that he doesn’t notice you’re just as drawn to him
You immediately see past his gorgeous and intimidating exterior to the soft great big heart inside him
You see all his good traits and you’re not scared off that he’s a little rough around the edges
But Sweet Pea sees that you’re not rough around the edges
And he doesn’t want you to become that way
Especially not because of him
He feels so protective over you from day one
Even though he’s fighting his obvious feelings for you and ignoring your obvious feelings for him, he still tries to look out for you
Keeps an eye on you a little, just to make sure no one’s giving you any trouble
You’re friends with Betty so you’re sort of tied to the serpents already, but he doesn’t want to drag you any deeper into gang life than you already are
So he tries not to fall any harder for you than he already has
Even though Jughead is always bringing you up, telling him that Betty says you’ve been asking after him
He can’t even process that Jughead just said you’ve been asking after him and about him a lot because of how Jughead keeps describing you
He says you’re sort of clingy and need a lot of attention, that you get nervous in crowds and you’re really touchy and hate being alone 
That’s why your last boyfriend broke up with you
But the more Jughead talks about you and your apparent flaws, the more perfect you sound to Sweet Pea
You’re exactly what he’s been dreaming of
Someone he can go all in with, someone who wants him and needs him as much as he wants you and needs you
Which is obviously a lot
And now it’s getting harder and harder to listen to that logical voice that tells him he’s no good for you, that you deserve someone from northside who can take good care of you and not drag you into any more chaos than you’re already surrounded by 
But you’ve been writing his name in your diary over and over for weeks now, and it’s really just a matter of time before you end up together 
All your friends know this
Betty and Jughead and Toni know this
Even Fangs knows this
Everyone knows but you and Sweet Pea
You both still think it’s an unreciprocated pipe dream
Something to imagine scenarios about before you fall asleep
You’re more alike than you realize 
But soon you find your way to each other
You just can’t stay away anymore
And once you’re together, once you’re finally in his arms, neither of you ever want to let go
Sweet Pea is an amazing boyfriend to begin with
But especially when it comes to someone as soft and sweet and precious as you?????
He’s literally the best person you could ever hope for
He’s a classic rottweiler boyfriend 
AND he’s a gang boyfriend
Plus Sweet Pea’s just naturally a very protective person to the people he loves
So you can guarantee you’ll be safe with him
He won’t hesitate to stare down anyone he thinks looks at you too long
But he’s not going to start shit with you around unless he has to
If he does need to fight someone, he’s going to make sure you’re not there to see it
Even if he has to ask Betty or Veronica or Fangs to drag you into the other room and stay with you until it’s over
He doesn’t want you to see him like that
But he knows how to hold his own, and Fangs and Toni both reassure you there’s not a fight he hasn’t been able to walk away from
You’re always there to patch him up afterwards too
You touch him so gently
With more love and care and tenderness than he’s ever gotten from anyone before
It makes it kind of impossible to regret sticking up for you
Even if he did walk away with some nasty scratches and a black eye
You’re still not scared of him
You don’t judge him
Like at all
He always makes you feel so safe around him 
All he’s wanted for a while is someone to go all in with
Someone to protect, someone to take care of
Someone who needs him
And you do 
You spend more and more nights together before finally confessing that you can’t really sleep without him anymore
When I tell you his heart explodes when you say that?????
God as if you couldn’t get him wrapped even tighter around your finger
Surprise! Yes you can
He dips you a lot too
Mostly because he’s so tall and it’s so easy and it makes you so nervous when he pulls you close and leans over you like that
It makes you all dizzy and he talks so close to your face for a few moments before finally kissing you
GOD it makes your head spin
You can’t get enough
And he can’t get enough of the way you look up at him all soft and sweet
Like you’re not scared of him
Which you’re not
It’s still kind of new for him
But it’s something he really hopes he can get used to
He’s touchy too
He pulls you into his lap and rests his head on your shoulder a lot
Or wraps his arms around yours
Don’t even get me started on holding his big old hands with both of yours
It makes his stomach flip every single time
You kiss his neck and jaw a lot too
Mostly because it’s all you can reach half the time
And because you know it drives him completely crazy
If you ever worried about getting unwanted attention from guys, you don’t have to anymore
EVERYBODY knows you’re Sweet Pea’s 
And EVERYBODY knows not to fuck with him
Sweet Pea can be fucking terrifying when he wants to
Which makes things like him pinning you to the couch and tickling you until you tap out and you’re both blushing giggly wrecks even cuter  
You completely and totally have scary boyfriend privileges 
And you take such good care of him too
He really doesn’t think he’s ever been this happy and content and at peace
His friends can easily attest to the fact that they’ve never seen him this happy either
And your friends have never seen you this happy too 
Over all, you’re really just a fantastic match
You become the emotional support couple of riverdale high so fast
People get used to seeing him walk you to classes he doesn’t even have 
Seeing you ride around town on the back of his motorcycle together 
Because you belong together
You really do
Sweet Pea might not know what the future is going to look like
He might not know what’s going to happen tomorrow
But the only thing he does know about his future is that you’re going to be in it
And he’s going to be in yours
You’re starting to make him dream about a soft domestic life away from gangs and murder and conspiracies
He doesn’t know if that’s practical or attainable, but he hopes it is
Until then, he’s more than happy just getting to be around you
Getting to see you all the time and wake up next to each other on the weekends
He loves loving you, he loves keeping you safe and happy
Just like you love him and keep him happier than he’s ever been
Just being with you is more than enough
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hadesrise · 2 months
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beware of the nicest guy.
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summary ➳ even the nicest guy turns violent when provoked. patience isn’t forever.
pairings ➳ sweet pea x male reader
warnings ➳ fluff, violence, reggie being an asshole, foul language, homophobia, homophobic slur, mentions of being ganged up, broken bones, blood, no use of (y/n)
author’s note ➳ i’ve always done this trope, haven’t i? 😔 previously written on closedmadness, edited. that one will be deleted.
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Northsiders refusing to welcome Southsiders isn’t an unfamiliar matter in the northside of Riverdale. Nearly everyone was the same; prejudice littered across the town with judgmental stares and narrow-mindedness that serves as immaturity, their lack of human decency evident with the way they’d rather spread hatred and negativity than actually get to know the Southsiders.
It’s gotten a lot boring, if the Southside Serpents were being honest.
Being constantly picked on by Reggie Mantle and the Bulldogs while the others watched, it was getting too old and unamusing for the gang. There’s nothing new to the way Reggie spits insults after insults that doesn’t even offend them in the slightest, the lack of creativity just making him seem like an unloved child. His mouth continuously moved despite the Serpents displaying a bored look on their faces, his superiority complex getting the best of him and causing him to be blind to his surroundings.
It was supposed to be the same; get picked on, everyone ignores, the Bulldogs get tired and leave, just like that. However, a new unfamiliar presence disrupted the routine that everyone seemingly fell into.
Adorned in an indie outfit of white button down, brown vest and khaki trousers that’s almost out of place in Riverdale High from its simplicity, you hurriedly walked towards the commotion and separated the Bulldogs from the Serpents by shoving Reggie back. The jock stumbled back from the force before glaring at you, who didn’t hesitate to stand tall in front of the Southsiders without much thought.
The Serpents who were in front, Sweet Pea, Toni and Fangs seemed taken aback by your protective stance, how you stood as if you were shielding them from the stupid jocks. They stared at the back of your head as you stared at Reggie, deeply unimpressed.
“Won’t there be a day where I don’t hear you making a fuss?” You asked rhetorically, sighing and adjusting the files you were holding in one arm. “It’s about time you grow up and act like your age, Mantle.”
Reggie sarcastically smiled, ignoring your remarks. “If it isn’t the nicest guy in Riverdale.” He tilted his head, “You would get nothing out of defending these fuckers, Mr. President. It’s only pointless, so get out of my way.”
“Picking on them is also pointless, what are you exactly trying to prove?” You retort, raising one of your eyebrows and shoving your empty hand in the pocket of your trousers. “This childish and immature actions must be definitely coming from being spoiled like a brat by your parents, but I assure you, you look nothing like but a pathetic attention-seeking bitch for going after people that couldn’t even give a single penny to care about you.”
A snicker erupts from behind you, undoubtedly from a couple of the Serpents, as Reggie clenched his jaw and stepped forward with a harsh glare.
“The fuck did you just say?”
“I’m sure you’re not deaf.” You fiercely met his eyes, unbothered by how he looks like he could punch you any moment. “I’m also sure what I said was true, but you’ll only prove me right if you attack me right now.” Your eyes cunningly glinted under the school lights.
Reggie grits his teeth, glares at the Serpents for a few moments before turning around to walk away, his teammates following behind.
A deep sigh escapes your lips as soon as he was out of sight, pinching the bridge of your nose under your round spectacles and turning around in your place to see the Serpents still standing there, observing you. They all plastered a curiosity on their faces since you were a new sight to them, someone who had never caught their eyes before. It’s also intriguing how you seem much more… nonchalant and mature than the other students, your atmosphere holding calmness that’s rare to find in people they’ve encountered.
“I apologize on their behalf. I know you could’ve handled it by yourselves, but settling things down is my job around here.” You formed an apologetic smile, which surprised them, along with the friendliness in your tone. No one had ever talked or looked at them like that. It was strange to interact with someone who had no malice or negativity in the atmosphere.
“Don’t be sorry!” Toni grinned, holding her hand out. “I’m Toni. These are Fangs and Sweet Pea.”
You shook her hand and introduced yourself before looking at the two guys on both of her sides, Sweet Pea’s eyes lingering on you causing you to flash him a shy smile and look back at Toni, gesturing to her pink hair. “I really like your hair, it’s pretty.”
“Thanks,” She happily fluffed her hair with her hands.
“This is probably your first time seeing me here, I’m actually the school president although Cheryl likes to act more like it.” You explained with a chuckle.
Sweet Pea raised his brows, “How come you’re not around?”
“I’ve been doing charity work for my family’s business,” You shrugged. “Teaching kids basic lessons, serving foods and drinks to people in need, visiting nursing homes, taking care of people with disability, something like that. My family’s business provide help to all community that needs a helping hand.”
Your explanation left them impressed as their eyes fell on the files in your arm, some posters and documents sticking out from it. There were also sticky notes and note tabs that shows your effort to the project, which revealed your genuineness to help people. Perhaps, Reggie Mantle was really telling the truth when he said you’re the nicest guy in Riverdale. The way you smiled was genuine and warm, as if it came from the bottom of your heart, looking at them with nothing but kindness and friendliness behind your bright eyes that sparkles in excitement.
Toni found you adorable, your softness coming off as unexpected from your sophisticated attitude. Fangs found you cool, your lack of hesitation in calling out other’s bullshit even when people were just muttering among themselves making him laugh and want to befriend you more.
Sweet Pea, on the other hand, found you endearing. You were like a bright soul that got lost in a jungle full of animals, the only sane and more human person in this town. Your soothing laugh tugs at the strings on his heart as warmth spreads across his chest, an unfamiliar feeling building up in his stomach. He admires the way you push your glasses up with one finger when it slides down, the way you furrow your brows when concentrating, the way your fingers flip the page of the files you’ve made by yourself.
You had enthusiastically joined them in class when you found out they shared the same one as you, choosing to sit near them so you’ll be able to have hushed conversations while the teacher discussed some nonsense.
Everyday, you would spend time with them despite the amount of students wanting to converse with you, becoming some sort of an unofficial member of their little circle as you share them some accomplishments you’ve achieved. Getting taught by you in their studies proved to be so much effective than listening to boring professors when Sweet Pea discovered he actually excelled at mathematics while Toni at history and Fangs at science, with Jughead not being surprised at the outcome. He did expect it since you were one of the most excellent students.
The four of them occupied the seats on the corner of the classroom, Jughead and Toni on the last row with Sweet Pea and Fangs on the front, unbothered by the subtle looks being thrown their way as you sat in front of them concentrated on a paper. You were seemingly working on another project for your family business.
Sweet Pea couldn’t help but stare at you, admiring how your structured features shift each time you come up with ideas. He wanted to ask you on something about the paperwork he was doing, but admiring you first seemed ideal in his head.
Feeling someone drill a hole on the side of your face, you turned to meet Sweet Pea’s eyes and your features softened, a warm smile spreading across your lips. He made sure to engrave it in his eyes.
“What’s up, Pea? You’re staring.” You chuckled, sounding like a soothing melody in Sweet Pea’s ears as his face also softens.
“I kinda need help with this,” He says, voice uncharacteristically quiet and warm, scooting closer to show you his notebook. “You okay with me bothering you for a bit?”
“Sure, I wouldn’t mind.” You shrugged and settled your pen on top of the desk, fully facing him to start explaining where he didn’t understand. Sweet Pea kept nodding each time you explained, his gaze never leaving your face yet still understanding everything you say, a subtle almost peaceful smile across his lips.
Both of you had failed to notice the three of your friends burning holes into the two of you.
“Are they…?” Jughead trailed off, pointing at you.
Both Toni and Fangs shook their heads, “Not yet, unfortunately.” They replied in sync before Fangs adds, “Though I think it’s a matter of time before Sweets make a move.”
“Bet,” Jughead smirks.
They weren’t wrong.
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The Serpents and the Corefour with Kevin and Cheryl gathered in the cafeteria, unbothered by looks shot by Northsiders as they conversed among one another, light meals in front of each of them with the exception of Sweet Pea who was restlessly drumming on the table with his hands. He keeps looking back at the entrance, as if he expects someone to barge in any moment.
Toni and Fangs exchanged a glance with smirks before Jughead nudged Sweet Pea lightly to catch his attention. “Where’s your lunch?”
“Didn’t get any,” The tall serpent shrugged, but failing to hide his excitement despite his attempt.
“Right, ‘cause your boyfriend’s making you one.” Toni snickers, wiggling her eyebrows teasingly. Sweet Pea scoffed and rolled his eyes, but couldn’t resist the smile spreading across his lips.
The cafeteria doors opened as you finally enter with a lunch box and box of cupcakes in both hands, your eyes scanning across the room before falling on your boyfriend. A smile easily crossing Sweet Pea’s face when you waved enthusiastically and started rushing towards their table.
He immediately pulls you to sit on his lap and you peck him on the lips as a greeting, making your friends let out awes. You giggled after pulling away, making him smile. “What’s up, baby?”
“I made a lunch for you,” You showed him the round metallic lunch box with an excited grin. “It’s really not much, but I’m confident with my cooking skills so I promise it’s not poisonous. I also baked cupcakes!” Placing the lunch box in front of Sweet Pea on the table, you set the box of cupcakes down in the middle to ensure it wasn’t just for your lover.
Sweet Pea’s eyes sparkled in joy, his atmosphere radiating happiness that the Serpents had almost never seen him with. His anger issues tend to be the most noticeable trait of him, but ever since he got with you, they feel like it calmed down a bit. He kisses you on the cheek as a sign of gratitude before opening the lunch box and coming across his favourite foods, making his smile widen if that was possible. It made you smile softly, ruffling the back of his hair.
“Aww, aren’t there any for us?” Fangs asked, his arm thrown around Kevin’s shoulders.
“I want some too,” Toni whines beside Cheryl, attempting to reach her hand into the lunch box but being swatted lightly by Sweet Pea with a glare.
“Don’t you fucking dare.”
You laughed at their interaction and gestured to the thick and big box of cupcakes, “I couldn’t make lunch so I over-baked some cupcakes. Sorry pals, maybe next time.”
Everyone letting out cheers and noises of excitement, Cheryl stands up to open the big package and distribute each, the delicious sweet scent of baked goods making them sniff it. Awing at the sight of different flavoured cupcakes, Fangs couldn’t help but take a bite of his chocolate flavoured one, letting out satisfied noises before holding it out for Kevin to have a taste.
You also picked a banana flavoured cupcake for yourself after observing their reactions, pleased at the satisfaction and pleasant surprise coating their faces. Having a mother who opened her own bakery by your house had its perks; you were able to learn how to bake and cook many things through helping her, making it your new hobby. It also helped greatly in terms of charity work — you can share foods to people who aren’t financially capable and give them the opportunity to taste what they’ve never tasted before. Your father became even more proud that you’ve found more ways than one to help the people in need.
“This is so fucking good,” Sweet Pea remarks while munching on the lunch you gave him, oblivious to the loving gaze you had on him.
Everyone watches with soft smiles on their faces, how equally in love with each other you looked despite the obvious differences between your upbringing.
It came as a shock to everyone — except the Serpents — when the news spread that the nicest guy in Riverdale and the rage filled Serpent were dating. Some people placed a bet on how long it will last, some people showed their prejudice and disappointment, some people genuinely didn’t care.
Offhanded commentators were quickly shut off when the two of you displayed affection and love towards each other and ignored them entirely. No one could even tell you in person how much you let them down for associating with the worst one of Serpents because you always acted ignorant with too much happiness. If someone were to tell you that it was a terrible choice to date Sweet Pea, they were met with your passive-aggressive remarks on questionable choices they’ve made in the past that you somehow knew about. It got terrifying, to say the least.
The difference in your upbringing, status, or anything else didn’t matter at all. Neither of you judged each other for what you are.
Sweet Pea never questioned your unconditional kindness despite feeling upset when you let assholes slide, instead choosing to get angry at them for your sake. You never questioned his status as a gang member despite the several unpleasant rumours about Southside Serpents, instead choosing to learn what he does in their daily life and educate yourself.
The two of you fit together perfectly like a puzzle, as if you were each other’s missing piece. Arguments happen sometimes, but it’s quickly finished before the next day.
Really funny how the most healthy and non-toxic relationship in all of Riverdale is between a young Serpent and a young Humanitarian.
Unsurprisingly, the Serpents were quick to treat you as their own even before Sweet Pea had begun dating you. Your lack of judgment made every single one of them comfortable in your presence, often greeting you wherever you go and even helping you out when you need an extra hand, unafraid to be themselves knowing you wouldn’t think low of them. Your boyfriend’s friends were the most happiest at how their gang was being treated by you; all of them had nearly forgotten what it’s like to be seen as normal.
However, one question always remained in the back of their heads.
Could you get violent if pushed hard enough?
You never were.
There’s always an angelic halo floating above your head no matter where you go and no matter how aggressive your mouth gets. Sure, you spit out impressive insults sometimes when you get truly irritated by some idiotic behaviour, but that never really changed anyone’s perspective that you couldn’t hurt a fucking fly.
You were still soft, still kind. It’s impossible to even think about you having violent outbursts, it just seems too uncharacteristic of you.
Sweet Pea was always the one to throw fists when someone insults you knowing you’d never defend yourself. He’s the hot-headed while you were the cool-headed. It’s always been like that, and everyone refused to believe otherwise. After all, how can a Humanitarian go against what they usually do — helping people?
The obnoxious sound of Bulldogs’ laughter causes your smile to vanish in an instant as they approach with Reggie in front, leading them like a pack of filthy dogs as usual. Your friends stopped as well, each displaying a look of annoyance.
“What a bunch of losers sharing lil’ cupcakes,” Reggie mocks, earning snickers from his teammates.
Veronica rolled her eyes at their childishness, “Oh my god, just leave.”
“Shut up, bitch.” Reggie spat and Veronica was quick to hold her boyfriend Archie back, shaking her head to tell him it isn’t worth it. The Bulldogs laughed when the ginger sat back down, cockiness evident on their body language.
You caught Reggie eyeing the remaining cupcakes that were left on the box and quickly pulled it away before he could even reach a hand out, not noticing the way Sweet Pea was quieter than usual despite his nemesis’ arrival. “This isn’t yours, kid. Don’t even try taking one.” You sternly scolded, moving off of Sweet Pea’s lap to sit beside him closer to Reggie.
“Don’t fucking call me kid, I ain’t one.” The jock hissed, sharply glaring at you.
“Then quit acting like one.” You retort without missing a beat.
Letting out a scoff, Reggie’s lips twist up in a sneer. “At least I’m not acting like a pathetic little fag hanging out with other fags.”
“Reginald!” Cheryl shouts with disbelief, standing up abruptly at the same time Sweet Pea slammed his fist on the table while shooting Reggie a death glare. You quickly hold his bicep to calm him down, not wanting him to get in trouble. Everyone held unpleasant looks towards the nasty slur he just uttered, disgusted by his nerve.
“Fucking asshole,” Toni spat distastefully.
The Bulldogs laughed her off to themselves like a bunch of hyenas before Reggie’s gaze fell on Sweet Pea that didn’t seem to let his fist talk this time, a knowing smirk crossing his face. “What’s up, bro? You’re too quiet, we hit you too hard last time or something?”
You scowled and looked back at your boyfriend to see him glaring threateningly at Reggie, as if he was avoiding your gaze. “What is he talking about, Pea?” You question with a stern tone, then repeated it to the jock when he doesn’t answer, “What are you talking about?”
Reggie raised his brows, “You know nothing?”
“What are you talking about, Mantle.” You emphasised through gritted teeth.
Seeming amused by your slight impatience, Reggie tilts his head and mockingly chuckles under his breath. “Your little boyfriend here seems like he doesn’t know his place, so we taught him a lesson is all. You should put a tight leash on your dog if you don’t want dudes to jump him.”
Disbelief and anger morphed on your face, about to stand up from your seat to confront him more, only to feel Sweet Pea’s arm wrap around your torso to keep you in place. “Baby, don’t.” He whispered.
“What the hell, Reggie?” Betty gives him an incredulous look.
“Unfortunate that he didn’t fight back. Would’ve long been kicked out and thrown in jail if he did.” Reggie snickered along with his teammates before walking away, flipping the box of cupcakes in the process.
You glared after them with a clenched jaw and turned to Sweet Pea, your bright eyes piercing right through him that forced him to make eye contact with you despite his urge to avoid it. “Where are you hurt?” Your tone soft yet an edge to it, a suppressed anger only noticeable by Sweet Pea.
“I’m fine,” He tries to reassure you, turning to continue with his lunch.
“No, he said they jumped you.” You shake your head sternly and grabbed his shoulder to forcefully turn his body back, freezing when he yelped in pain and flinched. Sweet Pea swallowed, cursing himself internally for proving you right on accident, and looked up at you slowly. Your face was unreadable, which brought more nervousness on him.
Everyone watched as Sweet Pea sighs defeatedly and pull down his shirt to reveal the large bruises on his collarbone, your eyes widening and getting closer to inspect if it was shattered. Luckily it didn’t seem so, but your guts told you this wasn’t the only injury he got. Glancing up at Sweet Pea, you pulled up his shirt as gently as possible. Your breath hitched; a large, purple and yellow bruises littering his ribs and stomach.
“Motherfucker,” Fangs cursed in anger as rage filled him, Toni, and Jughead— however, before anyone could react, a chair loudly slammed against the floor from the sheer force of someone abruptly standing up.
A figure was sprinting towards Reggie in a flash, forcefully turning him around by the jacket before a strong fist collided with his face and he was tackled down to the floor. Gasps erupted all over the place as everyone in the cafeteria stood up in shock upon realising it was you, fearfulness appearing on their faces when you began punching him repeatedly without remorse.
Trapping Reggie under your body, you pulled him by his jacket only to punch him square on the jaw and slam his head on the concrete floor, pained noises leaving his mouth as he attempted to protect his head and face. Two Bulldogs scrambling closer to help Reggie while one of the others rushed off to call the Principal, you grabbed the arm of the guy who tried pulling you off of their leader and twisted it before kneeing his gut, making him fall to the floor on his knees. You used it as your opportunity to pull his arm to his back and dislocate him, a scream erupting from his mouth. The other guy swings his fist in your direction, which you dodged and kicked him towards a table, quickly grabbing his head to repeatedly slam his face on the hard surface.
Speechless was an understatement to describe what they felt witnessing the horrors of your rage with some trembling, some covering their eyes, and some unable to look away.
All you saw was red.
There’s nothing in your mind but to hurt the people that hurt the love of your life, dark and bloodthirsty eyes glinting dangerously as you look at Reggie’s bloodied state again. Blood pooled beneath his head as he coughed from the pain on his abdomen and head.
No one could recognise you — the gentle and soft atmosphere you usually surrounded yourself with being replaced by cold and lethal one. Rage is supposed to be foreign for someone as nice as you, but seemed fitting in this moment, as if you’ve been building it up within yourself until it exploded. The only ever push you needed was Sweet Pea being hurt to take everything out.
You were about to walk up to Reggie again before the sound of Sweet Pea’s voice calling your name reached you through the blood boiling in your head, and you stopped. Principal Weatherbee hurriedly rushed to the commotion, a look of terror spreading across his face after seeing you standing over Reggie’s beaten up state.
“Stop, stop, stop!” Weatherbee shouts, kneeling beside Reggie, who had passed out from the pain and shock.
Sweet Pea was the only one brave and courageous enough to approach you without hesitation, calling your name first to catch your attention as he gently pulled you by your forearm. “Stop, baby. That’s enough,” He whispered.
You stared Weatherbee down with calm rage and coldness that made fear dance across his face. “You teach your students to fight square and fair if they don’t want any more worse than this,” You muttered loud enough for him to hear, voice emotionless and non-remorseful.
Shifting your glare to the remaining Bulldogs that were frozen in their spot, they flinched when you stepped forward. “Gang up on my boyfriend again and I’ll fucking kill every single one of you,” You threatened with a murderous tone which told the graveness of it, making them nod their heads vigorously and care for their leader.
Weatherbee instructed them to bring Reggie and the two injured Bulldogs to the infirmary, then looked back at you with disbelief still on his expression. “Do you know what you have done? You could get expelled.”
“You think I care?” You challenged him, tilting your head. “They should’ve been expelled for what they did to Sweet Pea, but it wouldn’t matter because he’s a Southside Serpent, right? So I did exactly what they did to make them feel what it’s like, except it was just me alone. It’s a fair fight, Mr. Weatherbee. I don’t think I should be punished for making things equal between us.” You smiled, shrugging your shoulders nonchalantly before rolling your eyes and walking away with Sweet Pea’s hand in yours.
Sweet Pea pulled you down to sit with him and began inspecting your bloody, busted knuckles. You look up to see not only your friends but everyone else staring, causing you to scowl. “What?” You snarled and they all looked away in fear.
Sweet Pea shushes you with a look as you returned your gaze on him, flashing him an innocent smile. Rolling his eyes with a shake of his head, he takes out a midnight blue handkerchief from his jacket pocket to gently wipe off the blood from your knuckles. “You’re lucky you didn’t break any bones on your fist.”
You chuckled, “Babe, I literally learn martial arts. And they were the ones who got their bones broken.”
“Still, shouldn’t have done that.” He replied. “Let’s go to the infirmary, you need this disinfected.”
“If you want me to actually end up killing Reginald Mantle, then I’m down.” You smirked, earning a disapproving look from him.
Sweet Pea takes your glasses that you had removed before the fight with the Bulldogs and gently places it on the bridge of your nose, adjusting it so you’ll be able to see properly. “Babe, I really don’t think you should. I love you for it, I’ll fucking watch you beat the shit out of him over again, but it wouldn’t be good news for your family business if rumours spread you have violent tendencies.” He gave you a pointed look.
You scrunched your nose, “Only when someone messes with my Sweet Pea.”
“Being violent’s my job, baby.” He chuckles.
“Not really,” You pushed up your glasses with the tip of your middle finger before leaning on the table on your elbow. “Being constantly nice isn’t my job, sweetheart. I can’t really show humanity to someone who hurts you, and I promise this wouldn’t be the last time you’ll see me take revenge for you.”
Sweet Pea sighed.
He doesn’t want your reputation to be tainted; being the bad guy is not unfamiliar for him and he was going to keep it that way if it meant nobody thought of you negatively. You’ve worked hard to build trust among the community and proved yourself a kind and helping soul, Sweet Pea didn’t want people’s perspective of you to change. But it’s actually true how people misunderstood you; all you have is basic human decency, something which some people lack, you weren’t the divine only-do-good they perceived you to be.
You’re still human despite being more helpful and nice than average, so you obviously have imperfections — that is, not being able to contain your anger when the one you love is unfairly treated. You were intelligent, but sometimes, your fists speak for yourself when assholes tests your patience too many times. Sweet Pea knew that and always tried his best to prevent you from losing your temper, although it couldn’t be helped in this case.
“You were pretty badass there, dude.” Jughead remarks after seeing you’ve calmed down, getting over the initiate shock.
Fangs agreed, “Yeah, it was dope. We didn’t know you could fight.”
“And break bones.” Kevin added, astonished.
“Fucking lit,” Toni chimes in with a box of emergency kit in her hand that she placed on the table. You raised your brows, wondering when she got out the cafeteria to get it, but smiled nonetheless.
“But wait, you said you learn martial arts.” Archie spoke next with curiosity in his expression. “Where do you learn it? Since when?”
You chuckle at their excitement and eagerness, feeling happy for the lack of judgment. Sweet Pea starts tending to your busted knuckles as you reply to the ginger head, “My father’s a professional. He’s been training me and other kids who wants to learn self defence techniques. It’s part of the business.”
“So, you’ve always known how to beat up people but never did it before?” Fangs asked.
“Yeah,” You shrug. “It’s unnecessary to result to violence all the time. No one tested my patience as far as Mantle did, he really deserved that to shut up for once. It’s absolutely effective to people who can’t mind their own damn business.” Grinning almost childishly, the gang chuckles at your new side while Sweet Pea, unamused, presses the cotton ball a little too hard on your injury causing a hiss to erupt from your mouth.
He had a glare in his eyes. “Don’t fucking do that again, you’ll get hurt. You know those scumbags would get back at you.”
Your face softened at the concerned look in his eyes, how the hands that treats you trembled slightly. “Darling,” You softly called and intertwined your fingers with his. “You know I had to. They can’t gang up on you like that, it’s not right. I couldn’t see you hurt and just let it slide.”
Sweet Pea nibbled on his lower lip nervously, still a little upset.
“I know you’re worried about my reputation and all, but I’m your boyfriend, Sweets. You come first before that.” You ruffled his hair affectionately with your uninjured hand and smiled. “I don’t care about what other people think of me, I’m still going to defend you.”
Sweet Pea stared into your sincere eyes before sighing in defeat, looking down at your injured knuckles. “Fine. But promise me you wouldn’t take any hits, I fucking hate seeing you injured.”
You chuckled at the sternness in his voice and saluted jokingly, “Copy that, boss. That can be arranged.” He rolled his eyes with a smile.
Betty raised her brows, “Okay… Has this ever happened before?” Gesturing to you.
“Uh… kind of?” You grimaced, scratching your head, as everyone gave you a questioning look. “I didn’t really beat up anyone at that time, but I might have… punched a hole through the wall.”
They widened their eyes in surprise as Cheryl drops her jaw, “The science classroom!”
You winced and nodded.
Toni laughs with a shake of her head, somehow finding the situation funny. “Who knew the nicest boy had the beast within him?” She jokes. “I’m glad to see this more human side of you. You were always so nice it was almost unsettling.”
Smiling at her, you nodded in acknowledgement. That’s a comment you always heard from people, that you were unnatural for being too kind. You were taught since childhood how to be a decent human being but to never let anyone take advantage of you, so you were just balancing it out — no one ever saw this side of yours before because they weren’t being unreasonable. You only lose your patience when pushed hard enough.
You looked at Sweet Pea to see him already getting back on treating your wound, dabbing the cotton ball gently on the cuts, making you admire his every features. It was adorable how he cared for your reputation. Made you want to make out with him right then and there, but it wasn’t appropriate for a dining place.
Everyone looks at Toni when your attention focused on Sweet Pea, shaking their heads slightly. Not certain if they were glad or scared to learn new things about you that’s been unknown for a long time.
“You don’t have to worry,” Your boyfriend speaks up without averting his gaze. “He’s not easy to piss off unless you push the wrong buttons all at once.”
“Sweet Pea’s the wrong button,” You immediately added with a grin that resembled a Golden Retriever, except it seems actually threatening. “Couldn’t care less about my haters.”
Of course, none of them disagreed to that.
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The next day, Reggie walks in with his tail tucked between his legs after seeing you leaned back on your locker with Sweet Pea and the entire gang. Your mouth chewing on a bubblegum, that stupid glasses of yours resting on the bridge of your nose as usual with an outfit that reminds everyone of an elite nerd student.
Bruises and cuts littered around Reggie’s face with a prominent black eye, busted lip and swollen cheek. His steps slow to not add pressure on his injured leg and bruised torso. The students stared at him as if he was something else, probably gossiping among themselves about how he’s the one who caused the nicest boy in Riverdale seem like a completely different person.
He scoffs. You’re not the nicest boy at all.
You can’t hold that title anymore after the incident, but Reggie knew he didn’t have the guts to mock you about it when your presence alone made him cower and feel small.
As he carefully walked through the hallway, your eyes finally catches his figure and darkens almost in an instant, bright expression dropping to a blank look. Your friends were quick to become nervous seeing your almost deadly look, although Sweet Pea found it fun and amusing. Reggie looked at you as he stopped, afraid that if he walked past you’re just going to swing at him.
You cocked your head slightly, eyes burning deep into his soul as you stared at him from head to toe and circled around him like a predator watching its prey. Reggie felt uneasiness cloud his chest. He would’ve never done something like that if he knew the consequences to it.
Bumping on his shoulder that made him hiss in slight pain due to the injury on his shoulder, you returned to your place and sneered. “Where did the big bad dog go? He afraid of the faggot now or somethin’?” You laughed mockingly.
Reggie licked his lips nervously, not meeting your gaze.
You leaned your head down to forcefully look at him in the eye, grinning at the fear there. “All of this is merely a warning, Mantle. You go after my boyfriend like that again and I promise it’ll be much worse.”
Gulping, he nods his head vigorously and scrambles away when you finally decided to let him go.
Sweet Pea snickers under his breath after Reggie’s gone, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you close. “Really cool, baby. He was so fucking scared!” Smirking smugly at his laughter, you wrapped an arm back around his waist securely.
“After what happened, you probably can’t hold the nicest guy reputation anymore.” Archie remarked which causes you to laugh in agreement.
“Yeah. Besides, I don’t even know who gave me that nickname.”
“For a quick information, it was Chuck and he actually did it to mock you but it backfired.” Cheryl stated and everyone hums, finding it makes sense.
You feel a little bit glad for lashing out, knowing not everyone will perceive you as this perfectly nice guy who could do no wrong. Having that kind of expectations are truly heavy on your shoulders when you’re not even half of what they expect. Your kindness isn’t infinity nor unconditional; it wears off like any human beings, you didn’t know why people thought otherwise when it came to you. It’s impossible to keep being nice when some assholes just ganged up on your boyfriend who’s never done anything wrong.
Sweet Pea’s always been precious to you. He’s the love of your life that brightens up your day, a ray of sunshine even though he’s got anger issues and you would do anything to prevent that brightness from wearing off. Now they know not to mess with him if they don’t want to get their asses beaten.
“Hey, Sweets?”
He hummed, turning to you. “Yeah?”
You peck his lips and smile, “I love you.”
Sweet Pea smiled back, pecking your cheek. “Love you too, baby.”
Beware of the nicest guy; no one’s ever allowed to hurt your boyfriend without the consequences of getting your fist on their face.
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© ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴅᴇsʀɪsᴇ. sᴛᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ, ᴘʟᴀɢɪᴀʀɪᴢɪɴɢ, ᴏʀ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏɴᴇᴛᴀʀʏ ɢᴀɪɴ ɪs sᴛʀɪᴄᴛʟʏ ᴘʀᴏʜɪʙɪᴛᴇᴅ. ᴀsᴋ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴏʀ ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪɴɢ.
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nora-yoko · 5 months
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darksilvania · 1 year
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Fakemon Challenge #1 - DESPEARADO (Grass/Dark) The Peashooter pokemon
Based on western outlaws and pea plants
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It has the ability "Skill Link" and its signature move is "Pea Shooter", a move similar to bullet seed but each hit has a power of 30
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catfindr · 2 months
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yourjughead · 4 months
Attack Dog
Sweet Pea X Reader enemies to lovers
Synopsis: You return to Riverdale to find your best friend Jughead has joined a gang he said he never would. A certain member of said gang takes an interest in you in return
A/N: This was a draft from years ago. It's set when the Serpents join Riverdale high (a throwback) but also somehow their senior year....
This is very long, apologies.
Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4 Pt. 5
You piled your books into your locker, the Monday dew still cascading the halls. Groggily going about your business but happy to be finally back in Riverdale High. You had moved back on Friday night with your family and had already seen most of your friends that same night. After moving around so much with both your parents in the army it was nice to finally replant your roots.
“Ah yn, how I have missed you standing there" Archie threw himself against the locker smiling.
“I missed you too Archiedoodles, do you think we can go see Jughead today?” Archie had decided to keep you away from Jughead for as long as possible, he didn't quite think you'd want to see who had become. 
“Emm I don't know, he's kinda busy lately” 
“Too busy for me...did you hear that?” It was like a scene from a film. The banging of the hallway doors and entered the Serpents, their new school. You and Archie looked to see the swarm before Archie could see who was leading them.
“Oh hey YN look at this locker door” he turned you against the lockers by the shoulders.
“Archie what the hell” you laughed pushing against him to turn and see Jughead striding past you 
“Yn!?” You ran over to him, interrupting his new hard core image, giving him a giant hug. 
“What the hell are you doing back?” he smiled greatly shock still colouring him.
“Mom's done with the Army so she moved us back, dad still has a few more years but that's okay, I'm back! What are you doing here Arch said you moved schools?”
“School moved us”
“Us?” It was then you noticed the sward behind him and the leather jackets they wore. You took a step back, all of them eyeing you.
“Oh….umm” Archie joined your side, the group glaring at him harshly. 
“I thought you said you'd never jo-”
“-uh yn this isn't the place for this conversation” Jughead interrupted you.
“Well then make it the place Jughead” a chorus of oohs from behind him followed.
“Come on yn let's go, you must meet Veronica” Archie wrapped an arm around you breaking the stare off you and Jughead were having.
The day flowed on and you avoided Jughead as much as possible, until the final bell rang and he cornered you outside your car.
“Yn we need to talk”
“I'd love to talk to Jughead, let me know when you see him will you?” you opened the car door but he closed it again, almost catching your fingers in it. You sighed loudly at his action.
“Yn it is still same the Jughead-”
“Really?! I remember a Jughead who hated the Serpents and what they did to his dad and how they're basically the reason his family is in two! I remember a Jughead who promised he'd never get caught up in that world! Because you sir, are not him!” you jabbed your finger into his chest.
“Hey Jones you coming?” A tall serpent called from across the carpark.
“Just a second! Yn this shouldn't be a big deal, so I have a family now, it doesn't matter!”
“You have a family now?! What am I then?! And Archie and Betty?! We were your family, your friends….” you looked down at the ground and he looked desperately at you, the tall Serpent called him from the background again before beginning to stride over. 
“YN, I don't want to have this conversation in front of the Serpents, I have to keep a strong front for them” you rolled your eyes at him as Sweet Pea reached his side. You couldn't help but glare at him and he gave a small laugh. 
“Jones, who's the attack dog?”
“Listen here Snake Brain-” 
“YN, leave it!” Jughead cut across you earning another laugh from Sweet Pea, you began to seethe at your old best friends defence of his new family member. 
“Just call me when you feel like being yourself again” you breathed out the words until your lungs nearly emptied, moving to open the car again to be stopped by Sweet Peas voice 
“i think the snake skin is him Princess-”
“Don't you have some drugs to deal to children or something -” you cut across him this time.
“And what is that supposed to mean?” Sweet Pea raised an eyebrow, smile now long gone. Jughead looked between the two of you
“I meant what I said, or is the leather jacket cutting off the blood flow to your ears”
“Listen I don't know you Princess but you're not exactly making a good impression-”
“I don't give a fuck what you think about me, you seem to care a lot about what I think about you though” more Serpents seemed to join around, panic began to rise in Jughead, his attempted to stop Sweet Pea but Sweet Peas voice came harsher.
“You're seriously misguided Princess” 
“And you're seriously what's wrong with Riverdale” you said through gritted teeth, receiving scoffs from the gathering Serpents but Sweet Pea stated unreadable eyes fixed on you. 
“Guys just relax, YN I'll call you later” Jughead reached for your arm but you moved took a step back.
“Don't bother”
For the remainder of the week you avoided Jughead and the rest of them, instead spending time with your friends you missed so much. Catching up with all the chaos that had gone down since you left 3 years ago, and there was a lot. It was nice to feel like a senior around your friends, how it should be. You were shocked that for the most part everyone was understanding of Jughead joining the Serpents, you couldn't really understand it. Jughead continued to try to text or call you until you had enough. You needed a break from it, leaving your phone turned off on your dresser before putting on your runners. 
You tried to process how you felt as you jogged through Riverdale, trying to remember your old route. You were zoned out of the world as your legs took you from a jog to run, the burn growing from your thighs down to your shins. You had been out for an hour or so now and by the third wrong turn you landed out of your subconsciousness and back to the world in front of you. Lost. How could you forget the town you grew up in. Suddenly you became very aware of the dark night that had closed around you. You looked around for anywhere still open, only a gruby bar was in your sights. They probably had a phone you thought, walking right past the fading sign of the Whyte Wyrm. 
Upon approach you noticed the large amount of motorbikes outside the door.  Then the amount of Serpents jackets and their owners flowing in and out of the bar. Shit you thought. You turned to leave back through the carpark you just walked through and instead crashed directly into an older Serpent and his pint of larger, sending it all over him. 
“What the fuck?!” He half yelped at the cold hitting his chest. You stuttered apologies as you moved to walk past him. Instead he caught your wrist with bone crushing force. Without realising what you were doing, you sent the heel of your hand straight up and into his nose, contorting it completely. He shouted before releasing you and you moved from his shadow, other Serpents witnessing the incident and gathering quickly. You begged your tired legs to bring you running back to the main road as some began to follow you shouting. 
Sweet Pea walked around the wall of the car park boarder and was immediately confused by the several Serpents beginning to run towards his direction. You didn't even take notice of him as you ran past, your leg then spasming, sending you my into the pavement. He didn't know where to look. You pulled yourself cursing behind the pillar of the entrance, resting your head again the cement of its support, preparing to get mangled by Serpents. 
“Sweet Pea!” An older woman shouted his name bringing his attention from you and your attention to him. 
“Ehh yes Penny?” 
“Did you see a girl, Y/C/H, this tall or so” the woman made a guestimate of your height with her hand. You held your breath as Sweet Pea fought every instinct to not look down at you. 
“Emm I did see someonel go over the hedges towards the back there, maybe thats her?” 
“Great, she just broke one of the Seniors noses, girls dead meat” shock painted Sweet Peas face and he tried not to laugh at the thought. The woman then gave a wave before running off with the others in the direction he sent them. He exhaled loudly, looking at where you once were sat, now empty. Sweet Pea looked quickly to find your shadow hobbling down the road you think you came down. He gave a small laugh, rolled his eyes and began to jog to catch up with you. 
Part 2
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Sweet Pea- We Won't Work
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I sit down next to Fangs, Opposite Toni and Sweet Pea with my food tray in my hands. Since the Serpents moved to Riverdale High they have quickly become my best friends. During this time Sweet Pea has been trying to get me on a date. Not gonna happen. He’s a player and every girl with some sense will stay away from him. I’ve told him many times that we will never happen, but he’s just so determined to make me one of his quests
“Hey good looking” Sweet Pea smirks as I roll my eyes “so YN did you think about what I asked you?”
“Yes. And just like yesterday and the day before that and the day before that. No” Toni giggles at my response
“Come on man you’ve been at this for months. She’s not gonna go on a date with you” Fangs pats Pea on the shoulder
“Fangs is right. You better give up. There’s plenty of other girls who would love to go on a date with you. Josie is one”
“Josie is Peas secret hook up” I comment
“Not so secret since they were all over each other a few weeks ago and Cheryl’s party” Toni takes some fries off Fangs’ tray
“Me and Josie are over. We wanted different things. And anyway you never gave me a reason why you won’t go on a date with me” Sweet Pea folds his arms and I give him a shrug and eat my lunch
“I’ve dated your kind before and it wasn’t pretty”
“What do you mean by my kind?” He asks crossing his arms. I ignore him as Jug and Betty join us
“Hey guys” Betty smiles. I smile back at her as she sits
“What you guys talking about?” Jug asks sitting opposite Betty
“Just the usual. Sweet Pea trying to get a date with YN”
“Still?” Jughead chuckles shaking his head “dude when are you going to give that one up?” I can see Sweet Pea is starting to get annoyed with all the teasing. He gets up from his seat and walking out of the cafeteria.
After lunch Pea and I have history together, unfortunately for me we sit next to one another. Even worse Mr Roman decide to pared us up together for our history project on President George Washington which is why we are now sat on my bed looking in books and typing on my laptop
“You know we would be a good team. We work well together” Pea says. I sigh knowing he’s not going to give up. He’s persistent, I’ll give him that “so why won’t you go on a date with me?”
“Because we wouldn't work” I say not looking away from the laptop
“Because I'll break your heart?”
“Maybe I'll break yours” I then look at Pea smirking and shake my head
“No you won't. Nobody breaks my heart”
“Ah so you one of these girls who have built up a shield”
“Give it up Sweet Pea. I’ll be your friend, but we’re not dating” I groan as Pea pushes down the lid of the laptop “seriously”
“You said earlier you dated guys like me before. Enlighten me, what do you mean?”
“Players. Guys who jump from one girl to the next. Guys that just want one thing”
“They hurt you. That’s why you said it wasn’t pretty”
“I didn’t actually say who it wasn’t pretty for. Now will you stop asking me 20 questions at get on with our work?” I lift up the lid and we both sit in silence for a couple of minutes getting on with our work when Pea suddenly says
“You know, those rumours about me aren’t exactly true” I look up at Pea who looks remorseful “well not exactly. Yeah I’ll be honest I’ve slept with a few girls, not as many as you think, and it’s because I would find a girl I liked. We’d have sex and she’d run off to tell her friends. I was dumb enough to let it happen a few times. Then girls just stared to make shit up”
“I’m sorry Sweet Pea this shouldn’t have happened” I look at pea with a frown
“It’s ok. Well no it’s not, but I’m ok. The reason I’ve been asking you on a date is because you say no. I mean yes of course I want to go on a date with you, but you don’t throw yourself at me. I’m chasing you and it makes a change” something in me changes and I actually feel for Pea now. Maybe I should give him a chance. See what a date would be like with him
“Fine. I have a shift at Pops tomorrow till 7. Pick me up from there”
“What to finish our project” I chuckle at Sweet Pea
“No you idiot to take me on a date”
“Wait really?”
“Yeah. But I can promise you no sex and probably no kiss either”
“Deal” Peas face lights up. I’ve never seen him smile like this before. And that was all down to me agreeing to a date.
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fanfics4all · 6 months
Unexpected Snowstorm
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Request: Yes / No List was made by @alpaca-clouds 
Requests are open only if its CHRISTMAS/HOLIDAY/ WINTER related <3 Have a nice day/night
Sweet Pea x Fem!Jones!Reader 
Word count: 759
Warnings: Nothing! 
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
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If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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It was dark on the cold december night. I was hanging out at Sweet Pea’s place when the snow started coming down hard. Neither of us noticed, until we started getting cold. I felt the shivers and looked over at Pea, who was also slightly shivering. 
“It’s cold in here.” I mentioned and Sweets nodded. He got up and checked the head, which was on. He looked out the window and his eyes widened. 
“Uh, I guess it started snowing.” Sweets said and I got up to look. 
“Oh my God…” I said as I looked at the snow quickly piling up. I heard my phone ring and quickly went to answer it. 
“Hello?” I answered. 
“Y/N? Where are you?” My brother, Jughead asked. 
“I’m at Pea’s place.” I answered. 
“Dad! She’s with Sweet Pea!” I heard him call out. 
“Darlin’? You’re still at Sweet Pea’s place?” Dad asked and I nodded, before realizing he can’t see me. 
“Yeah.” I answered. 
“Stay there tonight, there’s a bad storm outside and it looks like we’re gettin’ snowed in.” He said. 
“Yeah, Sweets and I didn’t realize it even started snowing until we both felt how cold it was getting.” I said and looked over at Sweets. 
“You both are gonna be able to stay warm, right?” He asked. 
“Yeah, I think so.” I answered. 
“Good, alright, try and keep your phone charged. We might lose power.” He said. 
“Okay, Daddy.” I said with a nod. We hung up and I turned to Sweet Pea. 
“Guess we’re stuck here until the storm is over and people can start digging us out.” I said and he nodded. 
“Fine by me.” He said with a small smirk. I rolled my eyes and started to rub my arms. 
“Dad said he thinks we might lose power.” I said and Sweets groaned. 
“We’re gonna freeze to death.” He said and I giggled. 
“I might freeze first, so you can eat my body if you need to.” I joked. Sweets chuckled then noticed me shivering harder and rubbing my arms. He walked off and returned with a warm looking sweater. He tossed it to me and I happily put it on. 
“That looks better on you then it does me.” He said with a wink and I blushed slightly. Sweets and I returned to the couch and started watching another movie. 
Maybe half way through the power cut out. Pea groaned and I sighed. It almost instantly got colder. I checked my phone and saw Jughead had texted me. He was making sure my phone was charged and we were okay. I texted him back and told him that my phone was charged and that Pea and I would be fine. I started shivering again and Sweets looked over at me. 
“Sweets?” I asked. 
“Yeah?” He asked.
“C-Can we move t-to your bed?” I asked. He nodded and we both quickly went to his room. I rushed to his bed and wrapped the blanket around my body and felt a little warmer. Sweets left the room and came back a few moments later with extra blankets. I smiled and moved over to make room for Sweets. He got under the blankets with me and wrapped the extra ones around us. Sweets laid down and pulled me to lay on his chest. I smiled as I felt the warmth of his body. 
“Imagine Jugs face if he saw us frozen like this.” I joked and Sweets laughed. 
“He’d find a way to bring me back just to kill me again.” He said and I giggled. My brother was alway protective of me when it came to guys. When he found out me and Sweet Pea were dating, Dad had to stop him from killing my now boyfriend. Dad wasn’t exactly happy about me dating Pea either, but he could tell how happy I was with him. That’s the only reason he was a bit more lenient with us. 
I could feel myself growing tired, but I didn’t really think I should sleep while being this cold. My eyelids were growing heavier and heavier, I could hardly fight it. 
“Get some sleep, babe, it’s pretty much the only thing we can do right now anyway.” He said and I sighed. 
“I don’t wanna freeze to death.” I mumbled. Pea chuckled and pulled me closer. 
“I’m not gonna let you freeze babe, I’ll keep you warm all night.” He said and my eyes finally closed. I mumbled something in my sleepy state as I finally lost the fight.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @kmc1989 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @emo-godess-loves-you @hiya-imthatgirl @mindsetjupiter @averysinclaire @mittelerde1999 @sweetest-peas @rousewriter @camiconfessions-blog @thecaptainsgingersnap @cenyddtheunicorn @jacksxsouthsideserpents @lover2448 @mamacobie13 @staygoldsquatchling02 @wanderlust-and-poetry @hiighdeex3 @ayeitsjaz @skeletalwolfcat @scarrasco1325 @reblogserpent @darkestbeforethedawn16 @fandom-princess-forevermore @will-noble-owns-my-ass @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e @madebyleftovermuses @liz-owl
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flowerishness · 8 months
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Lathyrus odoratus (sweet pea)
Sweet peas are at their best in mid-summer but it's been so dry this year that many were stunted and produced few flowers. We've just had a week of solid rain and these sweet peas are mounting a significant 'second bloom'. They seem to think this may be their last chance to set seed before the snow flakes arrive. Let's face it, they're probably right.
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quaintobsessions · 9 months
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sensei-venus · 9 months
Serpent-Cide (3/?)
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(Part One|Part Two|Part Three|TBA|)
(Unedited) (Switches POV’s a lot in this chapter, Sweet Pea is a little shit, Sweet Pea is big boy 6’3 and I won't let y'all forget that😈, Reader is having a moment y'all.)
Sweet Pea was a mess.
I mean that in a bad way, not the cute fun way that most people say it when talking about someone.
I mean he was a mess, a walking nightmare and possibly a live train wreck. Being forced to show him around was one of the worst things that could have happened to me. I had way better things to do then stay with him. At this point it was almost like babysitting. If babysitting included walking around school with a MAN, not a boy, a man who was bigger then half the student body.
Not only was he huge but he also had a mouth on him. While most of the time he was quiet, the other half he was not. He chose to quietly pick and mess with anyone and anything he chose. If something caught his eye at just the right time, he was going of his way to mess with it. If it was a person, he was digging at them. Harassing them for a moment before pulling away and walking off.
Laughing and snickering at something. It was very apparent that he knew when to shut his mouth, and sometimes he didn't which dug into my nerves.
Just like his voice, his verbal altercations were deep and quick. His comebacks were sharp and were always on the tip of his tongue. He knew how to get on someone's bad side at the drop of a hat. I felt like I was extremely lucky because he didn't get himself into too much shit.
He loomed over me as we walked the halls. At first I didn't really understand what he was doing. I thought he would walk next to me to try and show some kind of dominance, like he didn't need me to help him around the school. His outburst earlier that day made me feel like he would want to one-up me, in his own way. Maybe he would even jump ahead of me and try to get to his class quicker. That wasn't the case as we walked to our first period.
He decided he was going to try and walk behind me the whole way there.
Almost trying to ride my ass the whole time. I swear he almost stepped on the back of my shoes a few times. I tried my best not to look back at him, feeling like that might piss him off or earn me some other kind of outlash like before. The whole time I could feel his presence behind me. It felt like pin pricks along my back which made me twitch a little in my step. Was he doing it on purpose I had no idea. But it was slowly rubbing me the wrong way. I
didn't know how long I could take it.
“So when's lunch? I'm already starting to get bored of this place.” Sweet Pea's voice echoed from behind me as he kicked at my seat.
I could feel my teeth grind in the back of my mouth.
We were about three periods at this point. I could tell he was already starting to lose what little focus he had. Most people probably couldn't tell if not for his loud complaining. Most people would see it as him complaining, to me he was just whining. That's all he had done all three classes, it didn't help that he kept trying to sit as close to me as possible.
I had no idea why seeing as all he did was whine.
I notice very quickly his little quirks, the ones that showed as he started to fall down the hole of boredom.
The way his foot would tap ever so slightly, the jiggle of his leg. He would pick at his knuckles to the point he had small scratches, barely drawing blood. They were pinkish and red by the end of second period. I honestly wondered if he even noticed it, if he felt his nails dig into his own skin. I was a little surprised when I watched his dig his nails into the set of dog tags he wears around his neck.
At some point I was scared he was going to try and put them in his mouth like a child. Luckily he didn't and only rubbed his nails and fingertips along the old metal plates.
Suddenly I heard a loud sound of popping from behind me. I felt my eyes twitch.
He was popping his knuckles.
I felt my face grow a little flushed. Although I had noticed the marks on his knuckles, I hadn't really taken a moment to look at his hands very well. I wonder what they looked like. I could only imagine they matched his body. Large and stronger to match his towering frame. He wasn't overly bulky but more so tall and thick muscles.
Now I felt even worse, why was I trying to think about his possible muscles under that stupid black t-shirt and serpent jacket.
I almost snapped the poor pencil in my hand.
“Helllloooo??” his voice boomed.
“When the bell rings, God can you shut up for five minutes.” I hissed, not even trying to turn around to look at him. I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my skull at this point. I could almost feel the way his foot slowly came to a stop. The movement dying down in seconds. I felt him before I could hear him. The breathing on my neck, right by my ear.
“So is the food here good or it just as shitty as Southside High-”
The sound of the shrill bell rang through the class. He ever so slightly pulled back. Leaving only warm breath fanning over my ear for a few seconds. Students hurried to grab their things and rush out of the cramped classroom. The teacher tried her best to slow them down but failed. Most of them piled out of the room, talking loudly and pushing each other to leave.
Quickly I packed my stuff away in my bag before turning around to find Sweet Pea already ready to go. His dark eyes lazily watch me as I shove my bag up onto my shoulder. We stare at each other for a good minute, until I realize he's waiting for me to walk in front of him.
Walking out of the room and make our way down to the lunch room. Sweet Pea is hot on my trail the whole time.
The hallway was usually one of the worst parts of my day as I would have to wade through the multiple crowds. Today seems a little better, most likely due to Sweet Pea’s presence. People slowly make way for him as he walks closer to me. For once I don't mind the way he sticks close to my back. It's almost like the whole hallway parts just for him.
“They like this every day or is it just because it's me?” he asks as we move passed the sea of judgmental eyes. The sudden urge to crack a joke came up but soon stopped.
“I wish. Maybe if they always acted like this I wouldn't hate coming down this hallway.” I wanted to tell him the truth. Going down this hallway every day was excruciating most of the time. If you were lucky no one would notice you, meaning you could get around everyone. Most days you were stuck or caught by some of the jocks or maybe one of the cheerleaders.
Sometimes it was just shoves and pushes. Other times it was getting your books or bag thrown in a garbage can on a whim.
Worst even, getting beat on by someone bigger than you for a laugh.
I stopped at that you thought as we made our way into to lunch room. It was packed with both the old and new students trying to get in line to get food. Almost all the tables were completely filled. My eyes were trained on the crowd of students as we both stood in line. Trying to spot the tale tale top of a special beanie. Not seeing it I could only guess that Jughead had made his way outside to grab a table.
The line for food slowly started to go down as the minutes ticked by. Sweet Pea was next to me as we grabbed our lunches. He stuffed his plate full of just about everything the lunch line was offering. I didn't question it with how big the guy was. His height factor reflects how much he needs to keep up with his growth.
We made our way out of the lone with no issue and walked outside towards some of the outdoor tables.
Breathing a sigh of relief I spotted Jughead and his little group. No surprise that none of the original vroho was sitting at the table with him, just Tori and Fang. Sweet Pea passed me, slamming his tray down next to Fang with a loud crash. Fang flinched a little which made Sweet Pea laugh and slap him on the shoulder hard, making him rock a little. Both of them chuckled as Sweet Pea finally sat down. Jughead looked at the two before turning his gaze to me.
I gave a small wave before turning around and heading inside.
The quiet uncrowded library was calling my name.
Sweet Pea didn't really know what to think about Reader at first.
For a split second, he felt just a little bad about yelling at her when they first met. But walking into that school was hard, being surrounded by northsiders who wanted all of them dead. It didn't even matter if they were serpents or not they were still southsiders. They where all still on the northsiders shit list in his mind.
Maybe that's why when she approached Jughead he got defensive.
He had forgotten that Jughead went to school here, not everyone had a issue with him. Maybe the pack of serpents, but not once loved Jughead.
In that moment it didn't matter that she was smaller, chubbier and maybe just a little cute. She was still a northsider deciding to wall up to them. Her stance was lazy as she stood in front of Jughead, moments passed and he just snapped. Getting into her face and calling her out.
When she snapped right back at him he felt his heart jump.
“Shes not coming over here is she?” Sweet Pea remarked as he looked to Jughead.
The girl never made her way over to them, he turned a little to watch her walk away and back into the school. His eyes briefly watched her figure disappear behind the large lunchroom doors. He turned back to the table to find Jugheas still gazing back at the doors, his eyes squinted.
“Reader would rather…..Reader is in her own little world of strange.” he words were bland and almost emotionless. That caused one of the boys eyebrows to raise. He stuffed a fry in his mouth as Fang replied “ Im getting the feeling she doesn't like us that much? It's not like I'm shocked or anything, I'm just stating the obvious here.” he laughs. Toni rolls her eyes at him and sits back a little.
Sweet Pea looked up at him as he chewed his food, with a full mouth he said “So she's a weirdo? Didn't know northsiders had them too, kinda figured you guys would weed them out or something.” he scooped up a fat glob of ketchup with his fries. Toni shrugged “ Dont want to sound like a downer but I agree with Sweets on this.” Fang nodded along side her. Jughead let out a small sigh. His eyes fully coming back into focus with them.
“Listen Reader just has her own thing going on. She's one of the only people I know in this school that genuinely doesn't like being around people, in others business for that matter. She doesn't like messing with people so long as they don't mess with her. She's crafty too, I'll tell you that.
Toni raised a brow and smirked, she poked the boy in his side.
“Does Jug have a little crush??” she almost giggled a little to go along with her sarcastic statement.
Jughead rolled his eyes “On Reader? No way, that would involve her letting me get in her space- shit even taking her time of day. I don't think she's ever let anyone even think about having a crush on her. You would actually have to know her to do all that.” he grimaced a little. Thinking about all the times the chubby girl had ditched him, snuck away from him, or straight up blew him off to go do something else.
Multiple times he asked for her help with paper while in the library together. If he asked to do them with her she refused, the next day she would just bring him a fully edited paper before wandering back off to who knows where. She was hardly ever up front and would rather stay in the shadows. Never to be looked upon, never asked to be anyone life lifeline.
“That's funny seeing as I've been up her ass all day during classes.” Sweet Pea smirked. He knew he was getting on the girl's nerves. He was actually enjoying it a little. Scratching at his neck a little he found Jughead just staring at him. Eyes were slightly wide as if he was in some kind of disbelief. Something inside him felt good to see the uptight guy so silently stunned.
“I thought I told you not to mess with her.”
“I did! Kinda? I couldn't help but mess with her just a little bit okay? Honestly I feel like you overdoing it when talking about her. I have only been around her for like half the day and she hasn't acted like anything you saying. Is she Moody? Oh yeah definitely. But is she so fidgety that she runs away at the slight poke? Nah. She is a pushover.” he rolled his eyes at the newest serpent. The or eyes meet for a short period of time.
Jughead was ever so slightly surprised at the sudden turn of events.
Reader was not a pushover by any means.
“All she did was hiss at me, like a pissed-off cat when I started bugging her. She didn't make any attempt to leave or ditch me. Yeah, she didn't talk to me unless I got her to but still. She wasn't a complete shut-in around me. And fuck man she's sarcastic. She's like you but on steroids.” he chuckled a little after swallowing a big bit of his food.
Jughead scoffed a little as he looked back at the school.
“Well if that's the case, we may have a new advantage at this school.”
The others all looked back at him.
Sweet Pea stopped eating for a moment, his eyes moving from Jug to slowly drifting to the school. His eyes followed the other boy's gaze.
Only time would tell what Jughead meant by that.
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