#Strong Earning
navyugshaktinews · 1 month
एक बीघा से 60 हजार की कमाई...इस फसल ने बदल दी इस महिला की किस्मत, दूर-दूर से देखने आ रहे लोग
सत्यम कटियार/फर्रुखाबाद: बदलते परिवेश के साथ अब जिले की महिलाएं घर की जिम्मेदारियां संभालने के साथ ही पुरुषों के साथ कंधे से कंधा मिलाकर रोजगार और खेती किसानी में भी सफल हो रही है. ऐसे समय पर जिले के याकूतगंज निवासी प्रगतिशील महिला किसान निशा देवी भी इस समय अपने खेतों में नकदी वाली तुरई की फसल लगा कर लाभ कमा रही हैं. फर्रुखाबाद के किसान खेती में नए-नए प्रयोग करने के लिए हमेशा तैयार रहते हैं. अब…
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shitpostingkats · 4 months
Alabasta Ace is so funny.
Like the strawhats keep commenting that Ace is so polite and restrained compared to Luffy but like. This dude drags himself out of the ocean just to thank them for looking after his brother and offer to help wash dishes. Mans asks "Are these guys bothering you?" and proceeds to blow up an entire fleet with his bare hands. He trips over himself to make sure all of Luffy's crew likes him and no, really, you don't mind that he's a weirdo???? That we, I mean he, are feral little insane guys who take up space and emotional labor and are kind hard to handle? Really???? Cool cool cool hey just a reminder I can help out with anything that needs doing. I got lost in the desert but donnut worry in the 0.6 seconds since you last saw me I have somehow acquired water and provisions for several weeks. Don't ask me how!
Peak oldest sibling behavior.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
The obsession with "natural = good" isn't truly rooted in what is "natural" but is rooted in complex politics based on what is deemed "natural" by others - those in power. The whole "natural is pure, is right, is morally just" has not historically applied to the marginalized because of our supposed proximity to the "unnatural." Our bodies, our behaviour, our lives and souls will continuously be defined as "unnatural" so long as "natural" remains seen as pure and godly, so long as "natural" is equal to power.
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wildrosesayshigh3 · 2 months
Anyone ever think about how some people probably miss Shen Jiu in Svvss.
How some Bai Zhan dissolves probably attacked because they were jealous of the Qing Jing disciples who had a teacher for all his sharp tongue and non existent tact was actually there. Where for all his harsh punishments and glares never beat you into the ground in the name of training.
How some of the older Qing Jing peak disciples liked the old one better than the new one without memories because he understood and while he was not nice he was kind in his own weird way.
How some Qiong Ding disciples liked him better when he had his memories because there was a peak lord with eyes like theirs. Someone so unequivocally looks like a wolf and a snake so unafriad to hide how hungry he is for more. But still so loyal.
How someone of the older Xian Shu girls mourned the man who treated them as the hidden blades they were. Who looked at them with a weary sort of respect and never once thought of them as belongings or things to be owned.
How some of the older hall masters and sect cultivators miss the sharp tongue and un forgiving wit of their former martial nephew and shidi. Who for all he never asked for help was never rude when it was offered for all the used to bristle at the implications of him needing help. He never lied to spare their feelings.
How a few peak lords miss their sharped tongued shixiong. He didn’t look down on them for being in the lower peaks. They miss the way their verbal spars would go and even if they rarely won the challenge was fun. As no one wants to challenge the beat of the best and that’s what the peak lords were.
How they all collectively feel like Shen Jiu losing his memory was a slap in the face to the man. Because all through the body of the same, the sharp mind is the same, they aren’t the same. No more sharp eyes or poisonous tongue instead there’s something soft. Something that if pushed slightly would die kneeling and not with a broken or straight back.
They all know that this wasn’t the ending that he would have wanted or even deserved.
As know instead of dying and being known as Shen Qingqiu the master tactician and the Xiu Ya sword he is known as Shen Qingqiu the Qing Jing peak lord, empress of the demon realm, husband of Luo Binghe.
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kazamajun · 4 months
I have been meaning to talk about how accomplished Jun is though. She:
is such a powerful psychic that her clan apparently considered her a 'chosen one'
is literally such a strong fighter that she is able to suppress projecting her aura - something only the most powerful are able to do - which is why animals feel safe to approach her
fought well enough in the second tournament that Kazuya still thinks about her strength 22 years later in the story mode and waxes lyrical about it in his character ending (❓ on if she actually faced him though)
defeated Devil while pregnant ✔️ (only the half, but still counts)
has the survival skills to not only survive but thrive far from civilization
defeated Ogre ✔️
achieved the above via drawing power from sacred ground, something the average person obviously cannot do
is implied to have Yatagarasu guiding her per one of her intros
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amartbee · 1 year
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This is a secret Santa for @spicyveggies the final is the one in red but the original idea was that the Freeza force soldiers were making a line to wrestle Vegeta for the mistletoe. The second one is incomplete since it was a discarded idea.
Nappa is there to make bets of course lol. Enjoy! Happy Holidays.
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onlinewealthcreater · 9 months
You will win the battle by not allowing your fear to overtake you.
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I'mma be a hater, S3 of Bridgerton (so far) is the worst yet.
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pixelatedquarter · 2 months
I am in such awe, and I just had to share it with someone. I remember the hiatus. I remember listening to “what a catch” in the car, especially the end with the reprises of their songs at the time, and feeling such sadness, thinking that fall out boy was over.
and not only did they get back together, but they’re stronger than ever. they make beautiful music and they still love each other, and they put on this incredible tour, and honored all these amazing eras of their career. like, holy shit. it’s just so amazing.
yeah. i- i have nothing more to add you put it so beautifully and you're right it's so amazing to see
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evelynpr · 2 months
No one did "a Father's tough love" like Arlecchino
You KNOW she wants to tell her children how proud she is of them. How she wants to know what they're up to and what they like. How she wants to be a real caring father. How she wants to always ask "are you okay? Do you need help? What can I do for you?"
But she can't care. Caring is a lie, and being cared for makes you vulnerable. She has to be strong, because she must protect her children. She must protect her children, so she cannot feel cared by them. However, the children must care for each other, so they can be strong.
They cannot care for me, because they must be strong without me. They should not care for me, only fear me, for that is how they will survive without me.
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batrachised · 1 year
I fully recognize why people look at Susan and think CS Lewis did her dirty, but I will always unashamedly defend his choice. I'm sympathetic to the pushback because regardless of Lewis' intent, he clearly didn't achieve that intent well, but we do know what his intent is because he explicitly stated it.
Fun fact: after that book was published, many unhappy children wrote in asking why Susan had the ending she did. CS Lewis responded, not only encouraging them to write their own version of the ending (and thus revealing his penchant for fanfic and further confirming my theory he would have written explicit Loki fanfiction, yes, I have the receipts), but saying that he thought Susan deserved a more grownup story. The idea of him disapproving of Susan's sexual awakening is based on a misinterpretation of the books by JK Rowling, not the narrative itself.
What the narrative faults Susan for, repeatedly demonstrated throughout the series, is her tendency to not believe in Narnia. Nothing to do with lipsticks and nylons. Others more articulate than me have expanded on this, but every time I see a long post defending Susan, it seems based in this need to reduce her to basic female action character #47 instead of appreciating her unique strengths and flaws. Sure, it's cool to think of Susan being a spy in WWII and so forth, and I'm not going to begrudge people that take, but her original characterization is well-rounded. Women in fiction don't always have to be wise and do the right thing.
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aquilamage · 1 year
I haven’t been insane about Vi enough lately so time to pour out some random thoughts. free association thinking time:
been thinking about her “It's my savings. I wanna be rich, okay? So I can travel, eat well, buy cool stuff… So no one can say I can't do something!” And none of the following will really be insightful or revelatory because it’s just what she says here but. yeah! that’s vi! the main reason she’s so big on money is because she has to be to get what she wants out of life! it’s what lets her say no to people telling her what to do, and that’s important to her because she has no choice but to be independent and support herself. because no one else will. No one at the Hive had anything positive or supportive to say about her being an explorer until she went out and did it (to a ridiculously successful degree, too. I have to wonder if/how it might’ve differed if she was on a regular accomplishment level team. not the one leading them all to the mission to the Hive). she never had a choice not to be. I could also see that being a little part of why she starts out not really being a teamwork person. past experiences have taught her she can’t rely on anyone else for support. (does make me wonder about what if she’d met Chubee before leaving the Hive. obviously she still would’ve left, but how might even a bit of support have changed other things?)
I feel like we don’t talk about the fact that The Beemerang Is Also Knives enough
ok so at one point there was this post talking about people with money and how it affects their life like. if you can afford to get a nanny then you can only do the fun parts of childcare and when you stop feeling like taking care of the kid you can just hand them to someone else to take them away. and again likely not especially revelatory but I would guess that’s the kind of way queen bianca handled the bees as her daughters (she does care about them. absolutely. but not in the same hands-on attached way as we usually associate with parents) and thinking about how that kind of treatment would then apply to vi....hm
in universes where discussions of Gender and Pronouns etc happen I think she has moments where she gets frustrated with the everything of Being Referred To and Having Complicated Identity She Hasn’t Quite Figured Yet and is like. gender is cancelled how dare you refer to me. but especially anyone else calls me a girl ever i will be stabbing them
also I think a lot about what circumstances she finds out about gayness/Gender being things. and whether she’s thought about it in herself before and whether she’d been dismissed on it/told it wasn’t a thing etc. most circumstances she ends up angry about the finding out times because of (un)consicious internal conflict stuff
underground tavern stuff implies she was definitely doing quests and stuff for money with them precanon. would kill to know what specifically it was. but also the first talk with utter implies that she was doing stuff off that questboard as well which is even more intriguing. utter’s spy also implies you don’t have to be an explorer to do them but otherwise you would think you did I feel. so again very curious what was up there
#inspired by that girl blorbos post and also me trying to think about where in the game they drop facts and such about precanon stuff w her#the urge to try and fic about the stuff between her leaving the hive and showing up at the association....strong again#'the hive didn't do anything' my ass. vi might have also been a jerk but it's just that she was the more obvious#easily labeled incident version of it. she was active while her treatment was the subtle passive neglect type of bad treatment#complex situation and also. yeah#an aquila original#vi bug fables#bug fables#also featuring funky gender lesbian stuff because thats not even headcanon. to me#hopefully the reasoning out stuff doesn't just come out like a load of nonsense#vi's one of those characters where I definitely feel comfortable in writing her on a basic level but some parts I'm super insecure about#and the part with her is in really capturing the complexities of her backstory and family issues#and the thing is it's like. I have to remind myself that some parts of how canon did her on that are actually decent#and I should pay attention to those complexities. but then also canon definitely did some of their 'this hasn't really been earned'#resolution stuff on her. mostly thinking about the postcanon dialogue with Bianca. it's jsut too much of a jump for that for me#and it's not even that I necessarily think bianca's dialogue is out of character. it's that I'm contemplating whether it would've#made more sense for vi to get angry about it. like.#ok so. sometimes i think about what coming out to my family might be like. and I've come to the conclusion that if they were just accepting#despite the fact that it would be best case scenario I'd be angry about it. because they've said some shitty stuff in the past. in general#they've made me feel unsafe about myself. so no actually you don't get to just suddenly be chill about it now fuck you.#it doesn't change the past hurts#and I could see Vi being like that too. even if part of her is happy about getting what she wanted to start with she's pissed about#only getting it now. with a side helping of also wondering if the approval /now/ is only because she's been so successful about it#what if she hadn't been so specially favored by elizant? what if she hadn't been on the team that saved the world? why did she (maybe) have#to earn the approval she should've had from the start?#also not gonna get into this one right now but tweaking her story with jaune to acknowledge that theyre both at fault in different ways#(again). would be nice#but now I'm definitely veering into repeating myself type rambling territory so
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hamartia-grander · 1 year
It's insane to me that there's still people who genuinely believe 'love' exists solely in the romantic form. That 'finding love' means 'finding a partner' or 'being loving' means 'being romantic'. "You can't say we exist for love because you can't tie humanity to one emotion" love ISN'T just one emotion. It's a feeling, yes, but it's also an experience, it's a choice in some ways and not in others it's a lifestyle it's inevitable it's a presence. Love is platonic, love is romantic, it's familial, it's friendly, it's strange. Love is compassion it's complimenting a stranger on the internet because their art is pretty it's making friends in unlikely places it's enjoying the good in the world it's a smile it's laughter it's walking your dog at midnight it's whistling back at the birds. Love exists in so many forms and permeates so many different kinds of relationships, not just with other people, but also with animals, with the sky, with the trees, with space, with the ocean, with ideas, with creations. We do exist for love. Because love does not exist in one form, and neither do we.
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yinyuedijun · 1 month
sorry to the world for writing my summaries with huge font in 2018 I cant believe people were kind enough to reblog that
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lokiiied · 1 year
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monstermoviedean · 5 months
intelligence is a social construct and also, dean is smart
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