#Spicy Ficlets
hairmetal666 · 3 months
Eddie thought inviting Steve to the Grammys would be fine, cool, no big deal. And it should be, but Steve is walking out of the suite's bedroom wearing a burgundy tuxedo that fits him like a fucking glove. His shirt is unbuttoned just enough to let chest hair peak out, and Eddie thinks he might faint.
He's always been attracted to Steve, of course, but never let it go further than that. Like, sure, Steve was hot as fuck, and sure he was the best guy Eddie had ever met, and sometimes, yeah, he did have to force away thoughts of Steve when he jerked off, and in other circumstances he'd totally be head over heels. Just, Steve is straight, the straightest, a fucking arrow.
Eddie tears his eyes from Steve's body. "You look great, man." He slaps Steve's back. Keeping it cool; keeping it so cool.
"Psh," Steve says. "Have you looked in a mirror? Oh my god." His eyes are saucer wide as they travel down Eddie's body.
"Is it too much?" Eddie crosses his arms over his bare chest.
"Are you kidding? You're--fuck, man. You look good as hell."
He's wearing a silky burgundy shirt, open to show off the necklaces around his throat, his tattoos, the silver in his nipples. His pants are leather, tight, sitting low on his hips and putting the cut of his pelvic bone on full display. They have a lace-up closure that comes dangerously close to showing pube.
Heat rushes to his face at the compliment. "It's--you know. Hazard of the job."
"Yeah, hazard, sure. Guess it's a hard life having hot dudes literally throwing themselves at you."
Eddie barks out a laugh. "That's a vast exaggeration."
"Is it?"
He blushes harder. "You're my date tonight, Steve."
"My point exactly."
His manager and publicist usher them out the door before he can ask what the hell that meant.
The ride is giddy and playful, Steve popping champagne to celebrate Eddie's nomination for Song of the Year, even though there's no chance in hell he wins.
Steve is happy. His face is bright with joy, eyes shining, laugh loud and infectious. He's gorgeous, knows it, will be an absolute menace on the red carpet. He's been with Eddie to parties and stuff before, doesn't have any anxiety in front of the camera and isn't obsessed with musicians like Eddie is, unafraid to meet them.
Or so Eddie thought.
Because now they're standing at the edge of the red carpet, Steve very nearly trembling next to him.
"That's--That's Madonna." Steve points to her. "We're not even ten feet away from Madonna." He gulps. "Eddie. Madonna."
Steve has met famous people before with Eddie. Ozzy, briefly, Janet Jackson, Dave Grohl, James Hetfield, and he'd always been fine. Barely batted an eye. But get him within reaching distance of Madonna and he falls apart.
Eddie doesn't think about it, grabs Steve's hand, twines their fingers together. "Okay?"
The smile Steve throws him, grateful and a little embarrassed, stabs straight through his heart. He calms as they make it up the carpet, but he doesn't drop Eddie's hand, even when they pause for pictures. In fact, he leans into it, drapes his arm around Eddie's shoulders, or around his waist, seeming to thrive the closer they are. Eddie feels this dangerous pull to indulge in it, to let himself believe it means something, and he doesn't quite have it in him to turn it off.
By the time they reach their seats, Steve is relaxed back to his normal charming and handsome self, doesn't bat an eye as Eddie introduces him around.
The show passes quickly with all the performances and Steve whispering jokes in his ear. It's the best time he's ever had at an award show, like he should have been bringing Steve along this whole time. He's so distracted that he's not really ready when Paula Abdul comes out to announce Song of the Year.
His name is read off as a nominee and Steve grabs his hand, squeezes tight. Eddie's heart flips in his chest. He's not paying attention when Paula opens the envelope, too focused on Steve's strong hand holding his. He hears her say, "And the Grammy goes to--" and everything goes fuzzy.
Steve is saying, "oh my god, oh my god, Eddie. Get up, get up."
And his fucking song is playing and everyone is cheering, a couple people slap his back, and oh shit, oh shit, he fucking won. He stands, Steve with him. He thinks they're going to hug, that's what you do in these situations, but Steve is kissing him. Not on the cheek and not a quick peck, but lip-to-lip, soft and sweet.
Steve just kissed him and he has to get on stage and give a speech. He has no idea what he says because Steve just kissed him. On the lips. On purpose. His ears are ringing and words tumble out of his mouth, thinks he says, "couldn't have done it without you, Stevie," before tripping over his feet to get backstage.
Interviews, photographs, congratulations all help him settle. He's still buzzing with the win, but aware enough now to think the kiss had to be an accident. They've been friends for nearly a decade and Steve never seemed interested in men generally or Eddie specifically.
It takes a while to finish up the backstage business, but when he makes it to his seat, Steve just beams at him. He doesn't mention the kiss, which makes Eddie think he's overreacting. It wasn't a big deal. Sure, he could still feel Steve's lips, warm and soft, against his own, but it didn't mean anything. He's just too in his big gay feelings to be objective.
They don't get a chance to really talk until they're back in the limo and on their way to the after-party.
"You won," Steve says.
"I won." Eddie smiles. "Crazy."
"You deserved it."
He shrugs. "I don't know about that."
"Doesn't matter. You did." Steve fidgets with the cuff of his jacket. "About earlier, um. The kiss. I--"
Eddie feels his face heating, heart kicking up. It was nothing, he knows, and Steve shouldn't have to-- "It was an accident. It's okay. I know you don't--it was the heat of the moment and--I know you're not--you don't--"
Steve blinks a lot, emotions flashing across his face faster than Eddie can categorize.
"What if I do?" Steve asks. His voice is too soft, eyes locked on the cuff link he's fiddling with.
"What if I did mean it?"
"You're straight."
Steve goes pink. "I'm really not."
"Steve?" He shrieks. "Since when?"
"Um. Since you invited me to this?"
"What the fuck?" Eddie shoves him. "What the fuck, man?"
"I know, I know!" Steve pulls his hand through his hair. "You invited me and I freaked out and I didn't know why, and Robin made the saddest little face at me. Said, 'oh, dingus, you didn't know?' How the fuck was I supposed to know!"
"I think you wanting to fuck me should've been a pretty good indication!"
"I thought that happened to everyone!"
"It doesn't!"
"That's what Robin said!"
They're both yelling.
"Jesus christ. Jesus christ," Eddie keeps repeating.
"Look, I get it if you don't want me too, dude. I know that's not how it works, but I've been pretty crazy about you without realizing it for a while now, so--"
He doesn't mean to, he really doesn't, but he laughs. Like, super loud. Like a donkey bray.
"Okay, can the driver let me out? Like, can I go? I can't--"
"Wait, wait, sweetheart." Steve's gotten up, like he's about to knock on the partition, but Eddie grabs his wrist. "Of course I want you back, you idiot, oh my god."
"Oh." Steve's ears are pink. "Oh. Well. That's good."
Eddie huffs. "Just good? I won a Grammy and the guy I've been pining over for years wants me back. I'm having the night of my life."
"Shut-up." Steve's smile is so big, his eyes so bright.
He raises an eyebrow. "Make me," he says in his lowest register, but he's truly not prepared for it when Steve clambers over to him and lowers himself to straddle Eddie's hips.
"Holy shit," Eddie whispers. "Holy shit, Steve."
He give a wry little smile, eyes locked on Eddie's mouth. "Baby, can I kiss you?"
"Yes." Eddie clears his throat. "Yes, please, do that. Yeah."
Only, he doesn't. He's straddling Eddie, they're so close their breath mingles, and Steve's eyes flicker between Eddie's mouth and his eyes, lips so close to touching but not.
"C'mon, asshole," Eddie says.
"I knew you'd be a brat." He whispers. He wraps his hands into Eddie's hair. "Been dying to do this."
And then they're kissing. They're kissing and it steals all of Eddie's breath and his thoughts, and it's new but it's also like they've been kissing forever, like their lips and tongue know each other, like coming home.
He whines, high-pitched and breathy, and Steve laughs, kisses him deeper, moves closer, and Eddie feels how hard Steve is, the persistent pulse of him. And shit Eddie's close, on the brink just from this, from nothing, oh my god.
Steve's hands drift down Eddie's torso, mapping his chest and his stomach, coming to rest at the laces of his pants. "These have been driving me insane," Steve breaks the kiss to say. "Been thinking about undoing them all night."
"Fuck, sweetheart, you can't say shit like that," Eddie groans.
"Why not?"
"Because--because," Eddie sputters but then Steve's lips are on his neck and he's rolling his hips for friction.
Steve's fingers find the laces again, trace against them. Eddie's legs fall open, arching into the touch. "We're going to be so late," he murmurs as Steve's fingers get to work.
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starrystevie · 1 year
"i need a favor."
it's simple enough for steve to hear even over the loud music in the club, and it definitely grabs his attention away from where he was staring blankly into the dancing crowd. he pulls his eyes to the person standing in front of him, gaze trailing over their form before settling on their face. he's cute, steve thinks, with his curly dark hair and big brown eyes that he could see himself getting lost in. he's cute enough for steve to listen to whatever favor he could possibly need.
"umm, hello to you too?" steve says it like a question, his eyebrows quirked up and a smile pulling at one side of his mouth. "what kind of favor might that be?"
the stranger smiles and sits in the seat next to steve, setting his beer on the table beside steve's nearly finished jack and coke. he's closer than he was before and steve can appreciate his face even better this way.
"it's my ex. you see," the stranger slings an arm around the back of steve's chair, pulls himself close so that he isn't having to scream as loudly over the booming club beats. "he's here and i knew it would be stupid to think i wouldn't run into him in the only queer club around, yet here he is. and here i am."
"is there supposed to be a favor in there somewhere?"
the stranger grins and steve suddenly gets the feeling he's a bird who's been cornered by a cat.
"well, i was hoping you might be able to help me. he knows i have a... weakness for pretty boys and you just happen to be the prettiest one here."
steve's heart thumps in his chest, strong and impatient as he watches the neon lights flash off this guy's teeth. he always thought he was the smooth one with all his charm and charisma, but this stranger was sitting next to steve like it was any other day and not like he had the possibility to turn his world upside down.
"help you how?"
the stranger's grin grew wider and his eyes not so subtly flicked down to watch steve's lips. "kissing would be a good start, then letting me drag you to the dance floor so he could see us. and maybe if you're feeling a little crazy, we leave together, make it seem like you're coming home with me. he's watching us right now, you know?"
steve gives him a blank stare as he tries to not let it show just how much fun he thinks it all could be. he's there alone, anyway, trying to drown his loneliness in his friend jack daniels, so what's stopping him from playing a little bit of pretend?
"and what's in it for me?" is what steve finally gets out, his breath stuttering minutely in his chest when he feels a palm cover his leg.
"what do you want?" the fingers squeeze around his knee.
it makes steve stop and think for a moment. he thinks long and hard about material things like at least 3 drinks bought for him or dinner after they escape together or paying his cover so they can get in to the bar down the road that plays shitty music but has a good atmosphere. but there's one thing steve could really use, something he doesn't get the chance for, something that this random guy's money wouldn't have to cover.
"an adventure."
there's no way to tell who moves first, whether it was steve fisting his hand into the guy's hair to close the distance between them or if it was the firm pull on his leg that turns him towards the stranger. it's messy, right off the bat, with a tongue pressing insistently against steve's lips that he's happy to meet with his own. the hand on his leg is a grounding touch that keeps steve from floating away, warm and strong and there.
the man's other hand wraps awkwardly around to rest on steve's waist as to bring him in closer and the force of it has steve stumbling out of chair and settling instead on the guy's lap. two hands wrap around his waist now and his own go back into the guy's hair, threading through the stands and holding on firmly.
"okay yeah, you were definitely the right choice for this, holy shit," the guy breaks away to catch his breath and grin at steve who sends him a grin in return. "you are so..."
he doesn't finish, lets his lips say the words he couldn't as he connects them with steve's once more. it's hot, both in temperature and otherwise. steve can feel a bead of sweat start to roll down his back as they kiss and roll against each other for lord knows how long. one of the stranger's hands comes to rest just above steve's ass and it has him pushing back into the touch before he can tell himself to stop.
"dance. we uhh," steve says breathlessly as he pulls away from the man. his eyes are hooded and his lips are slick and kissed red, the flush on his face visible even under the dark club lights. steve thinks he might already be a little bit in love. "you said we have to dance."
the hand that was trailing down to his ass makes its way to it's destination and presses firmly, so steve follows, lets himself be manhandled until they're sitting chest pressed to heaving chest.
"sorry sweetheart, you aren't moving anywhere just quite yet."
lips connect to his jaw and it feels like it's exactly where he's supposed to be. steve pushes into the man's space, gets them as close as possible to savor the moment. he doesn't get to have fun, not much anymore at least, with his job keeping him so busy he hardly even gets to see his friends. it's nice to push every real life responsibility to the side and be in the moment with a random man from a club.
"so what does he look like, your ex?" steve mummers against his ear, low and sultry. "is he looking at us now?"
he feels the man chuckle against him before kissing his way up his neck. "he's pretty standard looking, don't think i could describe him to you if i tried."
"okay but," he's cut off by lips pressing quickly onto his own before steve pulls away once more. "i need to know who i'm putting a show on for."
the man sighs, rests his forehead against steve's collarbone for a beat before biting at it playfully. "let's just say you're putting on a great show regardless of who it's for."
steve pulls back even further, watching the man roll his eyes as he tries to follow him with his mouth. "and i thank you for that, but really, where is he?"
the man pauses and every bit of confidence that was on his face melts away until he looks younger, looks almost nervous. he sighs again and drops his hands from where they were kneading into steve's sides before running them through his hair with a sad sounding chuckle.
"he's nowhere."
now it's steve's turn to pause. his thighs that were clenched so tightly around the man's legs release and he slumps down with a frown pulling at his mouth and arms crossing over his chest.
"i just," the man winces, face crinkling up before settling back into something more neutral. "you're like insanely hot, which i'm sure you know, and i needed something so i could talk to you so-"
"so you lied? there's no ex?"
"... there's no ex."
steve's done more thinking in the last 30 minutes than he expected to in the entire evening. he didn't come out to a gay bar to think about anything and yet here is, contemplating a fucking pros and cons list about where to go from there. does he yell, punch him for lying, storm out and end up back home all alone in a empty apartment? it would serve the guy right, letting him stew in his guilt for lying so he could make out with someone.
"i'm steve," he says after making up his mind, hand extended out in front of him.
the stranger grabs it shyly, shaking his hand up and down slowly while he stares at steve. "i'm eddie?"
"is that a question?"
"no, i'm just-" he cuts himself off and shakes his head as if to clear it, pinning steve with a confused glare. "you're not mad?"
"mad, no. at least i don't think so. confused as to why you think you couldn't just talk to me, yeah."
the man, eddie, runs a hand down his face and pulls it away with a cheeky grin that makes steve smile at him back. "i'm sure you've looked in a mirror! you know why i couldn't just talk to you!"
it has steve laughing, full belly ache inducing laughing, in eddie's lap in a gay bar on a night that he planned to waste by being drowned in self-pity. he doesn't think he's ever had a weirder night and it's funny. he lifts his leg and stands up, watching the smile disappear from eddie's face to be replaced with a frown. he reaches down and grabs eddie's hand, pulling him to his feet and watching a beautiful smile spread back across the other man's face.
they're the same height, he realizes, as he presses his mouth to eddie's ear.
"i think you owe me a dance. and," he pauses, looks eddie in the eye and lets his hand travel to eddie's ass to pull them as close as possible. "-an adventure."
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divine-misfortune · 3 months
Swiss going up behind Rain, shoving his hands under his shirt and groping his cute tits and pinching his nipples.
Little warning for some gillplay at the end btw
Perky was the first word that came to mind when Rain found his way into the kitchen. The first place his brain went upon laying eyes on him.
Still endearingly disheveled from rolling out of bed, wild curls and all. Swiss tipped his head as he caught a glimpse of the sunflower pattern on the boxers sitting far too low on his hips even with the elastic band folded over itself twice. It seemed it was Mountain's bed he'd stumbled out of. Judging from the plum colored splotches on his collar to the vivid imprint of teeth, Swiss could only assume he'd had a very long and exhausting night with the big guy. Summer brought about a lot of those, earth ghoul heats were really no joke during the hotter months. 
But what truly caught his attention was the tight, and not to mention thin tank top stretched over the little swell of Rain's chest. It had made Swiss set down his morning crossword, abandoning it the second something more interesting crossed his path. Those sweet little buds peeking against the fabric seemed to demand his attention, and Swiss wished he could call himself a better man but he was helpless to absolutely oggle over his tits. If anyone asked he'd blame it on Rain's natural draw, his undeniable siren nature, and definitely not his own weakness to every inch of the water ghoul. 
He tapped the tip of his pencil against paper and sat back in his chair, licking over the back of his teeth as he watched a bleary eyed Rain move around the kitchen without ever moving the hair from his face. For a ghoul who couldn’t help but trip over himself at every opportunity, he somehow managed to move with an odd amount of grace in the most unremarkable of situations. Swiss was almost impressed. 
Chair scraping against the tile Swiss got to his feet, using the excuse of returning an empty mug to the sink to simply exist in Rain's proximity. 
He watched from the doorway as Rain leaned against the countertop, seemingly staring through the toaster as he leaned on his elbows with his tail waving lazily behind him. Swiss bit his lip as he ran his eyes over the back of him, the curve of his spine down to the swell of his ass - somehow still impressively plush despite the oversized boxers. He didn't make it as far as the sink, mug abandoned on an empty section of the counter in order to submit to the magnetic pull he felt towards him. It satiated a part of him to slip his arms around his waist.
Rain chirped curiously, startled slightly from his sleepy trance, but settled into him the second he registered the multi ghoul. Swiss kissed the bare skin of his shoulder with a tuneless hum, nose brushing against a particularly dark bruise. 
He wondered just how long Mountain had spent with his mouth mapping out the well defined planes of Rain's body. He wondered if he'd gotten to taste every inch of him - Mountain was always overzealous with his teeth when he was in a rut, that much was obvious from the few dozen bite marks Swiss could see, he knew there were more hidden beneath the fabric. He wondered if Mountain had bitten for pain or pleasure, or even ownership. 
Swiss took his hips in hand, thumbs wriggling underneath the hem of his shirt to rub against cool skin. He could almost imagine the way Mountain's big hands would have practically enveloped his waist, bet Mountain could've felt his own cock every time he bottomed out. Something knotted in his stomach, nearly groaning out loud at the thought alone. 
He wondered...
The sound that choked itself from the water ghoul was uneven and breathy when he unceremoniously shoved both hands up under his tank top. Gills flaring in surprise as Swiss chuckled, hooking his chin over his shoulder to watch the ribbed fabric stretch over the shape of his fingers kneading into his tits. They were small, mosquito bites in comparison to someone like Cumulus. Not enough fat to even fill his palms but he took them like a proper handful anyways. 
"Pretty thing," he chuffed and thumbed over his pert little nipples. Rain tried not to whimper but a light pinch was enough to draw it out, the noise was more than reward for his bad behavior. "Prettiest fucking water lily." 
"Fuck" Rain squirmed, hands floating awkwardly like he might just grab Swiss to stop him but made no real move to. "Fuck, fuck not so hard - !" 
"They sensitive baby?" His voice lilted and Rain shook his head quickly, dark curls brushing over Swiss' cheek. He tugged lightly at the silver bars threaded through his nipples and felt Rain's knees wobble as he moaned high and feminine. Swiss was grinning. "Oh they are...Mountain was a bit too rough on you huh? Big boy always gets a little heavy handed when he's like this, but we all know you're not as fragile as you pretend to be." 
"Swiss-" he breathed, head hitting his shoulder as it fell back. 
"That's okay sweetheart, just tell me to be gentle." Swiss kissed the hinge of his jaw, still idly fiddling with his piercings. Sighing too close to his gills to have Rain thinking clearly. 
"Please..." his swallow was audible, gulping down his pride. "Please be gentle with me."
“There we go, good boy” he cooed and rucked his tanktop up over his chest. Exposing him to the cool air and anyone who might just happen to waltz into the kitchen, exposing Mountain's handiwork. 
The little pink buds were awfully puffy, the outline of the earth ghoul's maw encircling either one. Swiss traced the divots in his skin and tsked, opting to slowly roll both nipples between his thumb and forefinger as he kissed a line up the side of his neck. 
“Look at them, look how cute they are.” 
Rain's breath hitched, a faint and whispered string of pleas tumbling past his lips when the multi ghoul grazed his gills. 
“See ‘em?” 
“So little in my hands.” 
“Not little…” 
“Oh they're nice and little, perfect.” A little kiss to the delicate membrane on his neck, tongue darting out to tease them open. He was surprised Rain didn't go boneless right there. “Your tits are perfect darling, just like the rest of you.” 
“Fuck - put your tongue in it.” Rain reached back to rest his hand on the back of Swiss’ neck. Less than subtle encouragement. 
Swiss laughed and drew him perfectly flush to his front, molded himself against his back as he latched onto the sensitive slits. He kissed them just as deeply, just as sloppily as he would if he were kissing Rain properly. Warm saliva and a warmer tongue pushed into his gills, likely a white hot sensation if Rain's moan was anything to go off of. 
Another, less harsh tug at his nipples and Rain was really keening, ass pushing back against where Swiss was starting to chub up.  He pulled off of his gills, panting and admiring the sheen of spit left on his neck. 
“Seven hells…You look wrecked already.” 
“Feels good,” Rain’s words were starting to slur. Whether that be from exhaustion or that sweet fuzzy feeling starting to settle into place. 
“Course it does, I always make you feel good.” He nosed into his scent gland, groaning as the smell of moss and salt water flooded over him. He never wanted to leave the comfortable place he found in Rain, his body felt like home. “Satanas below, you're the closest thing to divine to ever waltz its way out of the pits.” 
Rain whined, nearly groaned in embarrassment, flush creeping to the tips of his ears. He always got so shy when Swiss rolled out this particularly cavity inducing brand of praise. 
“Can’t help it…Just love my pretty boy and his pretty tits.”
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
Some sick!Steddie headcanons.
Steve never lets anyone knows he's sick until he's dead on his feet and way sicker than he would've been if he just rested a day.
Steve actually never used to get sick before becoming a pseudo mom to the party but now when one of them gets sick he's on call for soup and tea and always catches what they get.
Eddie actually has a great immune system. Years of running around in the woods behind the trailer park and touching everything within reach means he's exposed himself to plenty of germs. However in the winter he hates wearing heavy coats, claiming they jack his style but really they give him sensory issues, Steve thinks he is allergic to wool.
So Eddie inevitably gets sick and when Eddie gets sick he goes down hard. He's also a big baby about it, playing it up to get extra attention from Steve as if Steve doesn't enjoy being a little nurse doting on Eddie.
Eddie jokes that Steve should go to school for nursing, Steve laughs but later he thinks about it, maybe it would be good for him. He gets into a program at the community college and throws all of his energy into study and work to pay for it.
He's so run down that he eventually gets sick from exhaustion. Eddie doesn't mind though. He thinks Steve is cute even with a sweaty forehead and a red nose. So he calls for help.
Dustin brings soup from his mom.
Max brings her walkman.
Mike and Will bring their comics.
Lucas tells Steve all about the game he missed while he slept.
El brushes his hair softly.
Nancy makes him tea.
Robin brings him his favourite movies.
Joyce cooks him dinner.
Hopper gets him medicine.
Argyle brings some pizza when he's feeling a bit better.
Jonathan takes over driving duties from him.
And Eddie.
Eddie sings him softly to sleep every night until he's better.
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varpusvaras · 3 months
It's a pretty afternoon on Coruscant, for once.
They are standing just at the entrance of the Jedi Temple, waiting for Wolffe to come out, and Fox is enjoying his moment of sunlight without having a barrier over his head, when there is something flying towards his head. In a snap, he has raised his hand and caught whatever it is.
"Nice catch!" Fox looks over to see Wolffe jogging towards them, with a small bag in his hand. He glances down at his own hand and to whatever he had just caught.
It's a fruit of some sort, round and with a very light and soft pink color.
"Souvenirs from General Koon", Wolffe says, opening the bag in his hand. "He called these Hallous and said we had to try them."
He starts to give everybody else a fruit from the bag as well. It's moments like these that Fox kind of wishes he also had a Jedi, who would call them all by their names and give out fruits and other treats. Fox isn't even sure when the last time was that he actually ate fresh food.
Everybody is taking a bite out of their fruits already, not bothering to wait until Fox gets his musings to an end. They all seem to enjoy it with smiles on their faces, so Fox takes a bite as well.
Fox hadn't thought before this that it could be possible for a food to punch him inside his mouth, but now he has to believe it. The fruit is spicy like those hot peppers in the stew that Thorn had bought in one of the first weeks of their posting, and it leaves a rough, tingling afterburn in Fox's mouth. The same afterburn follows the piece of fruit down his throat when he swallows, making him cough.
Cody, who is standing closest to him in their circle, reaches to pat him on his back.
"Don't choke", he says. "Wolffe probably doesn't want to go and tell General Koon that his fruit killed you."
Fox draws in a deep breath. He looks all of them over. Rex and Bly are still munching on on their fruits, with not one twitch in their expressions.
Fox's eyes are burning with gathering tears. He hurries to wipe them away.
Is his spice tolerance this bad? He hadn't thought so before, but...
Fox looks back at the fruit in his hands, then back at the others. They are almost done with theirs.
Fox is not going to give them any more reasons to make fun of him. They've been doing it lately more than enough, about everything they just possibly can. He takes a second bite and keeps his face still.
He's almost out of breath after the last bite, but he doesn't let it show. Thankfully nobody is pointing it out, too busy with heckling Bly at the moment because he just happened to accidentally call his General by her given name.
The burning feeling inside his mouth and throat don't leave him fully until the next day. He really, really needs to work on his spice tolerance.
"Oh, love", Breha is giving him a slightly concerned smile. "I'm sorry."
"It's fine", Fox manages to mumble, before he has to sneeze again. Thank Manda, he already had a tissue in his hands. His eyes and nose are burning.
Breha sighs.
"I should've made sure", she says. "You haven't really lived anywhere with this much...nature, before."
"You couldn't have known", Fox coughs. "And really, the Kaminoan's were supposed to engineer us without these kind of promblems."
"I don't think that's possible, with how many of you there are", Breha says. "Some things like this must've slipped, or happened during the gestation."
Possibly. Fox is not going to pretend that he understands anything about genetics.
Breha leaves for a moment, and Fox hears her move around the kitchenette area their living quarters have. She comes back with a steaming cup in her hands.
"The Hallous are in season in the Northern Hemisphere", she tells him, setting the cup in his hands. "They make a sweet tea blend infused with them, and it's good for your immune system."
Right. Fox guesses that something that spicy might as well burn all the nasty gunk in his airways away, so he takes a sip. He scrunches up his nose a bit from how much it burns, and Breha gives him another tissue, before getting up again.
She comes back a few minutes later with her own cup, and starts on her work while calmly sipping from it.
Fox is honestly impressed. He hadn't thought that Breha had much of a spice tolerance. Bail certainly doesn't have, and much of the traditional food of Alderaan is very mild and puts great emphasis on clean flavours. Oh, well, he learns something new every day. This all just now means that even his wife has a better spice tolerance than him by far.
He finishes his tea. It doesn't make him feel any better, as now his throat is even more scratchy than it was before. All it really does is making him even more tired, but he can't really sleep because of how hard it is to breathe.
He glances longingly out of the window. It's pretty out there, with gentle sunlight and green trees and everything in blossom, and he is allergic to all of it.
Fox grumples and closes his eyes.
Bail comes home the next week with a mild cold, and Fox watches him drink the tea like it's water. Alright, now this is really just embarrassing.
Fox tugs nervously at the collar of his suit. It's dark blue and goes together with what Breha and Bail are wearing, and he suddenly feels like he is out of his depth. Wearing the armor had given them all some sort of anonymity, even to him with his distinct paint job. It's probably going to take a while until Fox gets used to people looking at him, and looking at him without it.
It's also still strange to not be the one who is standing on guard, but to be the one who is guarded. Fox's job tonight is to stand there, look presentable, and not make a scene.
Things are still a bit...tense. There have been deglarations of peace and all that, but in many places, it still feels like one wrong move can light up everything again.
Fox can't help himself but to keep an eye out for everything that happens in the room. This is the first time after the War that Breha has travelled anywhere that is not in the Deep Core, and Fox is not going to stop himself from feeling protective of her. She is his wife, after all, and Fox has all the training necessary to keep her safe, if the situation demands it.
In the meanwhile, he tries to fullfill his primary job. Stand there, look presentable, and do not make a scene. He is still new to his position, so he is not yet expected to make some deep political statements.
Stand there, look presentable, and do not make a scene. He can do this.
Things are going well when they are served the first drinks of the evening.
"Here, Your Majesty", the server gives Breha a glass first, and then turns to Bail and Fox. "Your Highnesses. We do appreciate a lot of the same flavours as you in the Deep Core, and I think you will find this drink familiar. It's made with Hallous concentrate, to bring out the natural flavour powerfully and really make it the star of the drink."
"Thank you", Breha smiles brightly at them. "That sounds lovely."
Fox also thanks the server as he takes his glass, and does not show anything as their host gives out a speech and then a toast, and drinks with the rest of the guests. He manages to keep his face still by breathing deeply through his nose. All those years of training saving him in this moment, even if nothing what he learned while growing up was supposed to prepare him for a situation like this.
The drink is awful. Absolutely disgusting, if you ask Fox. It's so spicy that it stops tasting like anything at first, and then leaves a raw, bitter burn all the way down to his chest. His tongue feels immediately like it doesn't fit into his mouth properly anymore, pressing painfully against his back teeth. Fox really, really does not understand how every single person in the room can drink something like this and not automatically make even the slightlest of faces. Is this really just a thing he doesn't understand about people who were born into Royalty? Is it really just that much of an acquired taste, and him not liking it just shows that he really is just a nobody compared to them all?
Fox is proud of how well he managed to power through it, all of those things concidered. He tries to swallow a bit, to wash the taste out even a little, but he's barely getting his own spit down.
He sucks in a breath between his teeth. It's not reaching his lungs properly, leaving him feel weirdly unsatisfied. He tries again. It's barely getting past his lips, which feel...oddly numb. Huh. Was the spice really hitting him that bad?
Then it hits him that he can't breathe.
Fox tries to swallow again. It gets stuck somewhere at the back of his throat, the same place where all the air is getting stuck as well, and he clears his throat a bit behind his hand. It helps a little, letting him get something down to his lungs, but Fox has been choked out before and he knows when it's not enough.
It's not enough.
Sateen is with them, and he is standing closest to Fox and Bail, with Breha's own bodyguards standing next to her, and Fox, in his rising panic, sees him turn towards him.
"Fox?" Sateen asks, keeping his voice low as he steps closer and carefully grabs Fox by the arm. "Are you alright?"
Fox tries to say no, but then there is white static taking over his eyes and he vaguely feels himself pitching forward-
-and he wakes up with something heavy on his face and a rush of cool air, and he gulps it up desperately. It enters his lungs with a deep, sweet relief, and then makes him cough.
There is a hand on his forehead, large and warm and familiar. Fox has the mind to open his eyes.
The first thing he sees is Bail's extremely concerned face above him, and then somebody else's as they lean closer to him.
"Deep breaths", they say, and Fox obeys. The more air he is getting in, the more aware he is becoming of his surroundings, and that is when he notices that there is a lot of commotion all around him.
He tries to look back up at Bail, to ask what is going on, but the other person telling him to breathe is really insistent of him doing just that and not talking, so Fox relents just for a moment longer.
He does glance around from the corner of his eyes, though. The whole room is in absolute chaos, with people shouting and screaming in a rising cacophony, and with multiple Guards in different uniforms trying to contain it all with seemingly very, very bad results.
The people leaning over him are talking something about oxygen levels and adrenaline and blood pressure and a lot more that Fox doesn't have the capacity to understand right now, so he just breathes.
He does feel a sense of disappointment in himself. His job had literally been just to stand there, look presentable and not cause a scene.
He isn't standing, most likely doesn't look presentable while lying on the floor, and this definitely counts as a scene.
Fox presses his eyes back shut. Just his luck.
Rex: I can't believe that you out of all of us managed to almost cause a full blown conflict because everybody thought you were poisoned, while you were just having an allergy attack
Rex: I thought that was a thing only Skywalker and General Kenobi were able to do
Fox: Shut up
Bly: No, no, really. You really couldn't tell that you were allergic to that stuff? You've seen all of us eat them with no problems!
Fox: You guys are all a bunch of weirdos, how was I supposed to know that you all didn't just enjoy eating shit like that?
Wolffe: Next time you see us eating something without problems while you are actively choking on it because it tastes like molten lava to you, please call us a bunch of weirdos out loud. That could save the Galaxy in the future, apparently
Fox: Cody, Ponds, they are bullying me. I almost died!
Ponds: and almost caused another conflict while doing so
Cody: Stop it, everyone. We're glad that you're okay, Fox'ika
Fox: Thank you. At least somebody here still loves me
Cody: BUT, there is a saying Obi-Wan used to say-
Fox shuts down his commlink at that point. Bail gives him a sympathetic look from the chair next to Fox's bed.
"Are they making fun of you?" He asks.
"Of course they are", Fox huffs, and then resists another urge to just reach to his back and scratch. "I almost died and I'm suffering and they're making fun of me."
Bail takes his hand gently to his.
"I'm not making fun of you", he says, with humour in his voice but enough soft love in his eyes that Fox lets it be for now.
"Thank you", Fox says, squeezing Bail's hand. Partly to show back affection, partly to stop himself from giving into the urge to scratch. "How long do I have left?"
Bail looks at his chrono.
"Another hour", he says. "I'm sorry. We just want to make sure this doesn't happen again."
"It's fine", Fox sighs. "I would rather it doesn't happen again, either, but why does testing for allergens take so long?"
"That, I do not know", Bail says. He then straightens up a bit to take a look at Fox's back.
Fox sees the grimace on his face, even though Bail tries his hardest to wipe it away quickly.
"I'm karked, aren't I?" Fox asks.
"Well, I wouldn't say so", Bail tries to smile placatingly at him. "I'm sure it's completely normal for it to look like that."
He, very wisely, understands to shut up after the next look Fox gives him.
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koushuwu · 17 days
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𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 (𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬): afab!reader, perceived unrequited love, voyeurism, f!masturbation, m!masturbation, sex toys, sexual fantasies about one another, a little bit self indulgent but who cares.
『•• suna rintarou | words: 1,6k | hq masterlist ••』
excerpt: he wasn’t going to look. he really, really wasn’t. until he caught a glimpse.
beta read by: @owoasis
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it’d been a long day. a long fucking day. you’d woken up with a headache. your coworkers had been annoying and loud since the moment you sat down at your desk. your boss had been a real dick and kept piling work on your shoulders, as if you didn’t already have enough on your schedule. not to forget that you’d run out of coffee and of course you just had to forget your purse as well. it was safe to say you felt frustrated. incredibly so. and that kind of frustration needed release, otherwise you might end up taking it out on your flatmate when he woke up.
you’d been quiet when you came home, feet stepping carefully down the hall as you made your way to your room. suna had only been half asleep when the door unlocked, so it wasn’t like you woke him up when you came back. it was just that when you walked past, he stirred, suddenly aware of the insistent pressure of his bladder, urging him to rise. and suna knew that you’d had a long day when he didn’t run into you outside his room. you’d probably gone to take a nap after you’d had a really long day.
it must have been a frustrating day, he realized, when a sound stopped him dead in his tracks on his way back to his room. a sound that made his mouth feel like the sahara desert. that made his skin tingle and his ears buzz. but it wasn’t his ears that buzzed. he knew that. it was something else entirely. nailed to the spot, outside your door he looked towards the sound. blood rushed from his face when he found that the door had creaked open. shit. you couldn’t be that careless, could you? you couldn’t. right?
but apparently you were. you’d pushed the door shut behind you when you entered, but hadn’t bothered to lock it. hadn’t even bothered to check if it closed properly. you were just that fucking drained. and as you pressed the vibrator of your trusty rabbit against your clit, you didn’t spare it another glance. with your hand pressed against your mouth you angled the toy, tip prodding at your entrance and caught the broken sigh as it slipped from your lips and into your palm.
it took all of suna’s will power, and then some, to keep his breathing even. he shouldn’t have heard that. in fact, he should be leaving. right now. but he didn’t. he felt utterly enthralled. captivated. the buzz like a sirens song, pulling him in. he should leave. he should– instead, he inched closer. just– he wasn’t going to look. he wasn’t. it’s just– he hadn’t even noticed when his hand had moved, before another muffled sigh from your room had his cock jump in his palm.
the frustration bled away as you pushed the toy inside. the sigh that escaped this time louder than the last. but it was too late to worry much about. suna was sleeping anyway. he wouldn’t hear if you just kept it moderate. you’d be fine. it’d be fine.
he wasn’t going to look. he really, really wasn’t. until he caught a glimpse. it hadn’t been on purpose, he tried to tell himself. but as soon as it happened there was no going back. even with your duvet covering your body, suna clearly saw your legs bent and spread, the cover rustling and moving with every flick of your wrist. with every time you pulled the toy from your snug walls. with every time you pushed it back inside. with every twist, angling the vibrator to stimulate your clit. he didn’t have to think hard to imagine it, knowing exactly what the toy looked like. he’d been there when you bought it after all. and then there was your face. suna had never thought he’d see you make such a face. but the moment he did, he knew he was fucked, fingers already undoing his pants and reaching inside. it wasn’t like you’d ever know anyway.
your back arched off the bed when you angled the toy just right, legs tensed. your teeth dug into your lower lip as your hand fell to the sheet, twisting up in the white fabric. just a little more. that’s what you needed. just a little more.
awestruck, suna watched as your hips bucked under the covers. he really hadn’t meant to. he would never– but he did. he never thought he would. but seeing you like this. watching you bite back a whimper? he knew he shouldn’t be fisting his cock in the hallway. he shouldn’t be stroking it desperately in front of your door. he shouldn’t. and maybe he was going to regret it later. maybe. but right then and there? he squeezed a little harder as he watched you through the crack of your door. how was he supposed to stop when you were looking like that? would you look the same if it was him, pressing inside? if it was his cock filling you up, stretching you out?
just a little more. just– the sound of the buzzing toy and the wet squelches sent your mind spinning, body tingling. the toy that you’d bought that one time, when you and suna hung out at the mall. he’d picked it out, and said he’d heard good things about them. and for reasons undisclosed, even to yourself at the time, you’d bought it. muscles tensed when you thought of him. you didn’t let yourself do it too often. think of him, that is. but it hadn’t been intentional, and when he’d crossed your mind you found yourself not wanting to push the thought way. so for once, you indulged. how would it feel if it was suna? if it was his cock, plunged deep inside of you? you tightened around the toy. what if it was his fingers against your clit? his tongue even?
would you let him try if he asked? would you let him taste you? would you still hold back your voice like this? he hoped you wouldn’t. with every little sound that carried across the room, his head was swimming and he almost didn’t catch the groan that built in his chest. shit. this wasn’t good. so why did it feel so good?
thinking of him wasn’t right, and you did know that. you shouldn’t be thinking about your friend, when you pleased yourself. but it felt good. what would his lips feel like on yours? what would he taste like? you imagined he’d be a really good kisser. you didn’t know what it was, but there was just an air about him. always had been. would he caress your skin with his fingers as they traveled south to play with your clit? your grasp tightened around the toy. sweat turning your grip slippery. would he plunge them deep inside of you,
even as you pleaded for more? suna could almost hear your breathless voice in his head, telling him to hurry up. you’d never been very patient, and suna always found that endearing about you. he would let you have your way though. eventually. he didn’t wish to hurt you, but self restraint was not going to be an easy practice for him, if it was you. he already knew that he’d be aching to push inside your cunt. honestly, he was aching for it now too.
suna had always been wrapped around your finger, really. he always gave in, in the end. he’d sink inside with a wrecked groan. you could almost hear it.
he could almost hear the whimpers you’d let out when he did.
you wanted him. you didn’t often admit it. but you wanted him. you wanted him so bad, and you wanted him to use you to his heart's content. you wanted him to push you to the edge and beyond it. you wanted him to want you.
he wanted you to want him. he wanted you to want him to bully his cock inside of you until you could only cling to him and take it. he wanted to make you cum, in every possible way he could. with his hands. his tongue. his cock. everything. he wanted to feel your warmth around him. to smell your arousal in the air in sweet symphony with his own. and he wanted you to give him everything that he would give to you.
you wanted him to cum inside of you and keep fucking his seed back into your cunt, until you tipped over the edge with him too.
he wanted to see your face contorted in pleasure as the orgasm ripped through you.
pleasure crashed over you, your own half stifled cry perfectly covering the guttural sound from the other side of the door as suna followed in your wake.
the sound took even himself by surprise as he spilled into his own hand, alarm bells washing the haze of his orgasm away as he rushed back to his room. he couldn’t believe he just did that. but he did. and maybe he should have been ashamed. but when he heard you scramble from your room towards the bathroom, he couldn’t bring himself to feel as bad as he should’ve. and maybe. just maybe. maybe he found himself hoping this wouldn’t be the last time that it’d happen. and since that day, he’d stop by your door every now and then, listening for those sounds. looking for that same creaked door. he knew he shouldn’t, but bad habits die hard.
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natalievoncatte · 11 months
“Careful with that! We have to assume everything here is dangerous.”
Lena would have preferred to be anywhere else. The last thing she wanted to occupy her afternoon was dealing with yet another reminder of her brother’s sprawling insanity. Every one of these weapons caches -he probably would have melodramatically called them “hideouts” or “secret bases”- was like a tombstone marking the grave of the only truly sincere, loving relationship she’d ever had in her life.
He hadn’t always been the slavering maniac with an incoherent obsession with killing a superhero. He’d been a protector and a benefactor, a chess opponent and a confidant, the only person in her life who presented an uncomplicated human connection, without any ulterior motives or conditions.
Everyone else wanted something from her. Money. Power. A competitive advantage. Technological secrets. Or just sex. Lena resented that most of all, the gray old men who saw nothing of her achievements or her intellect and regarded her as just another piece of ass with blue enough blood that they had to ask permission rather than simply grope.
Watching her crew load up the equipment in this sweltering heat made her physically ill, and she was glad she’d skipped breakfast. Kara would be upset if she knew.
She’s had to text Kara and let her know that she’d be out of the office and would have to skip their lunch plans. Kara was…
Kara was becoming a complication, because Kara was doing the one thing Lena wished she wouldn’t: She was giving Lena hope. She’d barreled into Lena’s life with an earnest intensity that had been bewildering at first and intriguing afterwards, with her insistence that they be friends, and constant reminders that they were friends, even as her eyes wandered to Lena’s cleavage or she unconsciously bit her lip and stared that smoldering stare just to look away at the last second.
Lena shook her head, clearing her thoughts of yet another Straight Best Friend taking her down that well-worn path of sapphic suffering. She had bigger fish to fry right now.
It was too bad that her relationship with Supergirl had been so chilly lately. It might have been easier to simply tip off the hero and the government agency she worked with and let them handle the clean up.
Lena was deep in reverie when one of the crates, a bulky reinforced one, dropped a good two feet from a forklift and the wood splintered as the locks burst free.
“Idiot!” Lena shouted at the driver. “This equipment is sensitive and potentially dangerous, and…”
A metallic voice ground out of the crate and it shifted as something vast and bulky moved around inside. Lena stumbled back, glad she’d opted for a sensible set of flats for this, and turned to run.
A metallic claw crashed out of the crate, followed by an arm-mounted rotary cannon. The older model Lexosuit, one of the originals that Lex had planned to illegally smuggle out of the country in a fake theft scheme and sell to the Kasnians, stood up in its shaky, clanking way and took a few steps, shaking off planks and nylon straps the way a baby bird might shake off pieces of shell.
There was nowhere to go. The machine scanned the room, moving jerkily as it zeroed in on her.
Lex’s voice, a recording, boomed from its loudspeakers.
“Ah, dear sister, I see you’ve found another of my hidden fastnesses.”
You melodramatic-
“Oh well. I should thank you for setting off the security system. I won’t have to waste my precious time killing you myself. Au revoir, Lena!”
The suit spun its arm cannon and aimed at her. The barrels assembly made a half turn, the electric motor charging up as it cycled the first 32mm mass-reactive exploding shell into the chamber. Lex had once called it a masterpiece in the art of violating the Geneva Conventions. It was about to blow Lena inside out, and the subsequent shots reduce her to a the chunky consistency of a good bolognése.
But then there was a wind that was not a wind, and SHE was there.
Supergirl seized Lena with precision and grace, hands that could crush diamonds pressed just so over Lena’s ears to protect her from the roar of the guns. Lena wasn’t sure who screamed louder, her or Supergirl, as the revolving barrels ripped out their entire supply of ammunition in a few seconds, pummeling Supergirl’s back with explosions that could have shredded a tank, as the hero cradled Lena, sheltering her with her superhuman body.
When the hellstorm was over, the machine charged at them.
Supergirl did scream now, and fell upon the machine in a berserk rage. Lena had seen her in a fight before and knew she could be terrible to behold, but this was different. The empty suit was struck with such unending fury that she reduced it to shreds of metal and oil-spitting chunks of machinery in moments, spreading it halfway across the floor of warehouse.
When Supergirl rounded on her, Lena’s heart skipped. The hero’s chest was heaving, straining at the crest on her chest even as the bunching muscles on her arms and stomach pulled at the material, her perfect hair swirling around as she turned, that angelic face marred by a streak of oil and a sheen of sweat.
How dare she just look like that. It was incredibly unfair.
Before Lena knew it what was happening, Supergirl was lifting her into a heart-skipping bridal carry, pulling her much too close as she took off. On instinct, Lena pressed her eyes shut and buried her face in the Kryptonian’s neck, to hide from the heights.
Moments later they landed, and Supergirl threw Lena’s balcony door back and deposited her on her feet, leaving her stumbling back against her kitchen island in a daze. Supergirl stared at her, looming over Lena with the height difference increased by her stacked heels and Lena having lost her shoes at some point, so her stocking toes were left curling on the cold floor.
“That thing almost killed you,” Supergirl snapped. “If Is been a millisecond later you’d be dead.”
Her voice was tight with emotion, somewhere between anger, exasperation, and terror, and it felt like a fist closed in Lena’s chest.
“Are you sure you just weren’t there to make sure I wasn’t taking Lex’s old suit for a spin myself?” Lena spat, though her voice trembled. “You don’t seem to trust a thing I say lately. If I tell you the sky is blue you’ll go check.”
Supergirl’s face flushed and Lena braced for another booming, self righteous speech about trust or safety or the meaning of teamwork or some such heroic nonsense, but then her voice shattered into a million pieces and tears welled wet in her eyes.
“All I want is for you to be okay.”
A thousand thoughts danced in Lena’s mind. To ask her why, to defy her, to taunt her, to demand what exactly it was that made Lena so damned important that this woman was so intense about her safety one moment and so angry the next.
In the dance of all those thoughts, the more base instinct won out. Lena grabbed Supergirl by the neck of her suit, just below those delightful collarbones of hers, and used it as a handle to pull herself into a hard, aggressive kiss.
The world hung still for a moment, and Lena felt it all pivot around her. Something big was happening here. Something huge, something…
Something forgotten entirely as Supergirl’s tongue roughly claimed Lena’s mouth and her hands raked over Lena’s ass, dragging her skirt up.
Oh God, she thought, this is actually happening.
Lips pressed to her skin, the words burning hot into her flesh like an invocation.
“Is this okay?” Supergirl whispered.
“Yes,” Lena moaned, without hesitation.
To be continued…
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hairmetal666 · 5 months
Steve has a problem. Not a big problem--not an Upside Down-sized problem--but still. A problem. In the form of Eddie Munson. And not the person Eddie Munson, who is second only to Robin in the hierarchy of Steve's heart, but his feelings in regard to one Eddie Munson. Namely, his enormous, devastating, gay crush on the guy.
And he knows, okay, he knows Eddie is gay, but that doesn't mean he wants Steve. Eddie is probably into other metalheads or dnd nerds. What could Steve, with his sports and his polo shirts, possibly have to offer?
He's coping, though. Or, at least, he thought he was until the Family Video phone rings and Jonathan invites them to the New Year's Eve party he and Argyle are throwing at their new apartment.
"We have to make a no-date pact." He tells Robin as soon as the phone is back in the cradle.
"Or you could just ask Eddie."
"You could just ask Nancy." He raises an eyebrow.
She lets out a slow breath. "Yeah, okay. No-date pact. I'm down."
It's just as easy to get Nancy and Eddie on board. Nancy just laughs and says "yeah, like I'd bring a date to the party my ex-boyfriend is hosting with his new boyfriend. How you do you even start to explain that dynamic?"
And Eddie snorts right in Steve's face (it's not cute, it's not), says, "Right, cause my dating pool in Hawkins, Indiana is just ripe with guys who want to ring in the New Year with me."
Steve wants to say that he would be that guy, happily, giddily, but he can't risk blowing up his second most important friendship like that, not when Eddie's never given a fraction of a hint that he wants Steve too.
But that's his problem solved, right? The four of them aren't bringing dates. Easy-peasy.
Unfortunately, Steve's life hasn't ever worked out like that, and the party turns out to not be only their little end of the world crew and a handful of people Jon knows from his grocery store job, but an actual motherfucking party.
It takes almost ten minutes for him and Robin to navigate through the sea of strangers to find Jon and Argyle handing out solo cups in the kitchen.
"Who are all these people?" He shouts over the pounding music, nothing like Steve's ever heard.
"Argyle got a job at the record store down the street," Jon yells.
"Co-workers." Argyle nods. "And a few of their friends."
"A few, right."
"The more the merrier. Right, my dude?"
"Sure." Steve takes a cup. "You seen Eddie around?"
"Living room, last time I looked." Jonathan answers.
"See you around?" Robin asks.
"At least meet up for the ball drop," Argyle answers.
They push their way into the cramped living room, and Steve searches for that familiar cloud of hair, the ripped black jeans. It takes a minute just for the sheer amount of bodies pressed into the small space, and when he sees him Eddie's--
He's standing against a wall, next to the stereo (of course), but there's someone with him. Someone who is tall and leanly muscled in a way that Steve isn't. Someone with long hair pushed back from his forehead. Someone with facial piercings in places Steve didn't even know you could pierce and tattoos and a chain hanging from his worn blue jeans and a bandana in his back pocket, just like Eddie.
And Eddie he's--he's gazing up at this dude with clear stars in his brown doe eyes, body angling towards the other man like he can't help but push more into his orbit.
Steve turns hard, Robin colliding with his side. "Steve, what the--oh."
"I hate New Year's Eve," Steve sighs, trying to ignore the sick feeling in his stomach. It's always been the kind of holiday that is high on expectation and low on follow-through.
"C'mon, I think I spotted Nance over by the bedroom."
He lets Robin guide him across the room, steadfastly not looking back at where Eddie is very obviously finding himself a date. It's okay, Steve reasons. It's okay because that was obviously the kind of guy Eddie would be into it. He knew he had, like, no chance. He shouldn't be disappointed. He shouldn't.
The evening slips away in the shove of people, in the solo cup that manages to always be full in his hand, and he tries as hard as he can to ignore the way Robin and Nancy start sharing the same space.
So much for the no-date pact. He would laugh if a sort of deep loneliness wasn't seeping into his bones.
There's a girl, though, across the room. She's in a short dress and glances at Steve from under hooded eyelids. He could make a move; could have someone to kiss at midnight; have someone just for the night. But then--his heart makes a pathetic patter--Eddie.
Eddie who is practically in that stranger's lap.
He goes out for a cigarette.
When he comes back inside, it's five minutes til midnight and Nancy and Robin are dancing slow and sweet to a song that is neither.
He's happy for them, almost incandescent with it, but the loneliness sinks deeper, reaches marrow, especially after he fails to find Eddie in the crowd.
Steve thinks it might be time to give the whole failed endeavor up for good, but Jonathan and Argyle, both in tiny 1987 novelty top hats, appear at his side.
"Stevie-boy!" Argyle bellows. He lifts Steve at the waist, twirling him, and Steve laughs despite himself.
"Keeping busy?" He asks.
Jonathan pounds him on the back, just a little too hard.
A guest yells from deep in the apartment, "one minute to midnight!" and the music turns off, the TV tuned to Dick Clark and turned up.
Nancy and Robin find their way over, Robin mouthing "sorry," on her way. He pulls her into a side-hug; he'll never begrudge her any happiness, even on his worst day.
From across the room, there's a crash, a short yelp, and then a familiar head of fuzzy brown curls makes its way to them.
"Sorry, sorry." Eddie apologizes as he shoves through the other guests.
"Hi, guys!" He beams at them, cheeks flushed. Steve looks away so he doesn't have to think about how beautiful Eddie is; about how he's not the one who made him blush so pretty.
The countdown on the screen reaches 30 seconds, and the party goers start chanting.
"What happened to--?" Steve can't help but asking.
"Psh, that dude? He's a punk. Plus, I couldn't imagine ringing in 1987 without you guys by my side."
Steve blushes and rolls his eyes. "Sap." He knocks his hip into Eddie's.
"You love it," Eddie wraps him in a loose hold.
The count is down to 10, the ball almost dropped, Jonathan and Argyle and Nancy and Robin making soft eyes at each other.
"What's going on in that head of yours, sweetheart?" Eddie knocks his head gently against Steve's.
"It's nothing."
"You're pouting." Eddie mimics him with a poked out lip.
The count is down to 5.
"Fuck, I just--I wanted to have someone to kiss at midnight, you know?"
The ball drops, the year changes over, the room cheers. His coupled up friends cling to each other in soft, joyous kisses.
Eddie's eyes flick to their friends, to the guests, all kissing and embracing and celebrating, then back to Steve.
With two careful fingers, Eddie lifts Steve's chin, makes it so he can't look away.
"Fuck it," Eddie says. He leans forward, kisses Steve with soft authority.
And Steve just--he just fucking--crumbles into it. He makes a soft noise, curls his fists into Eddie's t-shirt.
Eddie's hands work their way into his hair, pulling him closer. Steve goes eagerly, crushes their bodies together.
They kiss and they kiss, and it's already so far from a friendly New Year's kiss, but then Eddie's tongue swipes into Steve's mouth, and the kiss breaks.
"Um," Eddie says.
Steve can't respond because all his focus is on not giving into the weakness in his knees and collapsing to the floor.
"I've wanted you to do that all night," Steve says.
"Oh." Eddie's face blossoms into a slow smile. "Me too. A lot longer than that, actually."
It's Steve's turn to smile, and he does, so hard it hurts his cheeks. "Me too."
Eddie presses their foreheads together. "Happy New Year, Stevie."
Someone starts singing Auld Lang Syne loudly and off-key, but they're quickly drowned out by a chorus of accompanying voices.
"Happy New Year, Ed."
Steve pulls him in for another kiss. 1987 is already shaping up to be the best year of his life.
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madaboutmunson · 1 year
I just saw video online of a Husband Calling competition at a state fair, and I can't stop thinking about the some of the pairings from Stranger Things entering:
Everyone thinks Eddie is gonna win, because he can silence Hellfire with two words, but no one has ever actually had to hear Steve call for Eddie, because he only ever has to do this when they are home alone. When Eddie is too quiet, and Steve knows he's up to no good. And Steve's call is shrill to say the least. People cower and put their fingers in their ears. Eddie looks on proudly, no one can see the ear plugs he's already put in his ears.
Argyle's "Broooooooooooo" call for his husband Jonathan both confuses and delights the crowd. Jonathan makes a bird noise with his hands and is immediately flanked by a bunch of guys in hunting gear trying to learn his secrets, and Argyle has to rescue him.
Robin tries to give her loud call for Nancy but because she's been shouting after everyone all day pointing out all the amazing things she spotted (Like the piglet with one ear smaller than the other) her voice is shot. Nancy wasn't going to enter this stupid thing but Robin looking so disappointed and Steve looking certain he's won, she steps up. She shouts Robin's name once so sternly and loudly that Robin jumps in fright, but then so do several other Robins in the crowd, and a small jack Russel of the same name. A few of them dropping their freshly purchased food stuff or local goods, all of them their eyes wide at the stage.
Nancy gets first place, and pins her ribbon on Robin.
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divine-misfortune · 3 months
Lucifer below, finally someone sees that Cirrus just needs to be taken apart every once in a while
Maybe Rain and Swiss pull in others to join- after all, it's not every day you see the ghoulette who commands the stage during Mummy Dust crumble
Oh you don't know how insane I've been about this.
Edit: I should probably provide context for this because it was a few months ago - @iamthecomet enabled me the first time I posted about this and anon you've enabled me to become worse :3
Heavy warning for objectification on this, degradation, a little pain play (and i mean little), and the consent comes off mildly dubious
Swiss and Rain are more than happy to share :)
“Tight, isn't it?” 
“Fuck Rainy…” Phantom hissed through his teeth, chin dropping to his chest as he braced his hands on the table bracketing her hips. “Real tight.” 
Buried to the hilt, Cirrus could feel the intrusion. Less of a stretch and more of a swell. It makes her groan all the same, toes curling where they barely graze the cool tile of the kitchen floor. She bit down on the makeshift gag between her impressively sharp teeth at the first shallow thrust like Phantom was testing the waters - whether that be for his sake or hers she couldn't say. 
“Took a hell of a lot of work getting it in there,” Swiss chuckled and draped himself over the back of Rain's chair, kissing the water ghoul's temple as Rain pet his cheek. “Cunt was a little too sloppy to be much good for anyone else when we finished with her but water lily here had a real good fix.” 
Phantom nodded but was quite obviously wasn't listening too intently, his violet eyes glittered as he stared down at the place their bodies met. Should have met. She struggled to lift her head just in time to watch his fingertips traced the soft flesh toned silicone jutting awkwardly out of her, it looked as strange as it felt. 
“Made good use of that fleshlight Sunny got tired of after a week.” Rain shrugged easily, head tipping to the side as Swiss started to mouth lazily down the side of his neck. 
“Made our toy useful.” The multi ghoul mumbled, seemingly more focused on nibbling Rain's pulsepoint than acknowledging Cirrus as more than an object. She was an object for all intents and purposes, and that was all she'd be as long as she was tied to that table - and only Swiss and Rain knew how long that would be. 
“Don't be shy bug,” Rain encouraged with a deceptively sweet lilt to his voice, “it won't bite.” 
Her head hit the wood with a dull thud when Phantom snapped his hips forward, nudging the silicone that much deeper into her in a way that was borderline uncomfortable. A little encouragement was all Phantom needed apparently. Thrust after thrust till he took to a semi-frantic pace, one that typically would have forced her eyes back into her skull and left her sore for days, and yet she felt none of it. 
Frustrated she twisted against her restraints, rope biting deeper into her wrists. She knew the more she pulled the tighter they'd get. It was the last thing she'd requested before Rain had secured the scrap of fabric between her teeth and behind her head. Cirrus still whined. Envious. Forced to simply watch Phantom blindly chase his selfish pleasure while she remained denied and untouched. 
Swiss had reminded her in a sing-song voice as the silicone was seated inside her that toys have no use for pleasure, toys only have to give but that didn't stop her from wanting. 
There was a particularly wet sound that came each time he bottomed out that just seemed to taunt her with what she couldn't have. 
“Look at how pink his ears get when he's close,” Swiss mused and Rain hummed in agreement. “Sweet thing, feel so good don't you?” 
Phantom, steadily turning an entirely new shade of red, only nodded fervently. He couldn't get the words out despite opening his mouth to try, only managing a strained whine. He often lost his words when embarrassment kicked in, quickly provoked into silence by the two almost predatory sets of eyes focused on him and every little move he made. Swiss cooing over him also didn't help, but that was the point. Swiss liked the little bug flustered more than anything, and Rain just enjoyed seeing them all squirm while he remains calm and collected. It was the power trip he got off more than anything. 
“How much longer do you think he'll last?” Rain asked, coyly swatting Swiss’ hand from the button at the top of his shirt. 
“Few more little humps at most.” 
“Gonna make a mess of it for us?”
“Course he will.”
The lip of the table pressed into the back of her knees, biting slightly with every uncoordinated thrust from the little ghoul. Another louder sound of dissatisfaction tore out of her, craning her neck to look at the two ghoul's clearly enjoying her fruitless writhing. Her eyes widened and narrowed with another useless pull against her restraints. Every inch of her buzzed incessantly, anticipation pinging off of each nerve in a manner that could only be described as torturous. Wired. 
Cirrus felt both the rope and her jaw creak from pressure as Rain's gaze swept over her like one would look at a painting in a hotel lobby. Cold consideration, semi disinterested. She distracted with her struggle in his opinion, took away from the main event. He turned his head away, into Swiss’ neck. The multi ghoul chuckled through a hitch in his breath and peeled away from Rain, carrying the scent of burning tobacco and petrichor towards her. 
He leaned over her, blocking the harsh ceiling lights above. She attempted to growl but he killed the sound before it could grow into something proper. His fingers curled around her throat slowly, one falling into place after the other purposefully before he introduced his grip. 
“I think our toy is broken” Rain tut, chair squeaking as he got to his feet. “Makes far too much noise.” 
Cirrus swallowed harshly, throat clicking under Swiss’ palm. His face spelled out the disappointment echoed in Rain's voice. 
“Looks like we didn't do a thorough job,” he released her and Cirrus sucked in a greedy breath through her nose. His thumb swiped over the corner of her gagged mouth, smearing drool across the flushed skin of her cheek. “I think there's still a few thoughts left up there.” 
“Oh?” Rain had taken to the space against Phantom’s back. “I don't remember giving it permission to think.”
The kid was still too enraptured by the warm wet heat around his cock to pay him, or any of them, much mind. Fixated on how her thighs shook every time he bottomed out. Captivated by her neglected cunt leaking around the silicone, still helplessly turned on despite it all.
Cirrus screwed her eyes shut when Rain flicked her clit, a high wounded sound tearing out of her as she unintentionally bucked off the table - Phantom cursed softly in response. It was an abrupt and sharp feeling that left her reeling, worsened when Swiss tugged at the painfully tight clamps pinching her nipples. A harsh tug at the chain connecting them and she was keening, back curving off of the wooden surface beneath her. He released at the peak of the cruel sensation and let her collapse like a ragdoll back onto the table, tears beginning to blur her vision. 
She could stop it if she wanted to. Snap her fingers twice and both ghouls would drop it all to cut her free and carefully lift her upright. A simple action and they'd feed her the antidote to their venom in an instant, but the poison had already gone to her head. Left her with syrup in her veins and fog in her head. She was too hooked to ever want the cure. 
“Fuck, fuck I'm so -” Phantom gasped as Rain pet over his hip.
“Knew you'd be soon,” he laughed “pull it out. Show me, show me how much you like our toy.” 
Phantom whimpered but obliged. Cock slipping out to lay aching against the silicone, head slapping wet against her clit. Another assault on her nerves. His head fell back against Rain's shoulder as he wrapped those thin fingers around him at the base. It sounded slick as he gave a slow, experimental stroke just to watch pre bead and drip from the near purple tip. 
“Isn't it so pretty?” The water ghoul sighed fondly despite the little pained sounds Phantom made, fighting to not hump into his fist. 
“Cutest little cock” Swiss agreed and also encroached on the little ghoul's space. He lifted his chin and kissed the tip of his nose then the corner of his mouth, somehow Phantom was the one who looked wrecked. “Such a good bug for me…You wanna cum for us?” 
“Nn - yes, oh fuck, so bad Swiss.” 
Another kiss that had him melting, surely his knees were ready to buckle by the time Swiss licked over the seam of his lips. Rain gave him a few more generous strokes before finding her glassy eyes. His smile was dangerous. He lined Phantom back up with the slit of the fleshlight and let him hammer home. 
“Good boy…Go on, give our toy it's reward. Use it like a toy is meant to be used.” 
The tears rolled down her cheeks in time with Phantom's final sob of pleasure, she could only imagine the sensation of him spilling hot and sticky inside of her. 
Her bottom lip quivered and Rain's eyes glittered gleefully. He hummed to himself as he pulled a marker from his pocket, drawing a single black line below her bellybutton, just above that dark little patch of curls.
“First one of the night, doll.” 
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shares-a-vest · 4 months
Prompt: Missing an important phone call (Discord Drabble)
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"Eddie!" Steve grumbles, attempting (and failing) the shrug his boyfriend off him from where he is splayed across his back.
Steve rolls his eyes because he just knows Eddie is feigning sleepiness. Normally, this would be more than fine, the two of them tumbling out of bed and into a hot shower together but...
When Steve looked at his alarm clock and saw that it was already opening time at work well... He just really needs his boyfriend to get the hell off him – stop playfully fondling him in a way that makes his belly swoop so he can get the hell downstairs to the phone.
"I need you to get off – me!" he chokes, reaching for the soap and promptly dropping it as Eddie's hand moves down.
Steve thrusts into his touch and bites back a whine.
"Don't worry," Eddie coos in his ear, nipping at his earlobe.
"Keith could be calling any moment," he breathes letting himself feel Eddie's hand on him.
"Do not talk about Keith while my hand is on your dick!" Eddie chides, his voice reverberating around them.
His partner gives him a squeeze and fuck it – he has no choice. Steve moves to open the glass shower door and steps into the warm, steam-filled room.
They can do this later...
He reaches for his towel and quickly covers himself, willingly away the ahem, rapidly growing situation he has going on.
"Eddie, Keith told me Head Office was calling today!" he explains for the umpteenth time, "Sue me if I'd actually kinda like to be the manager of Family Video."
"Does that mean you'll finally give me free rentals," Eddie quips, his wicked grin coming into view through the haze as he too steps out of the shower.
But he just stands there, hands by his sides – naked and deathly serious as he expects an answer.
"N-no," Steve replies, attempting a frown despite the betraying giggle that bubbles up. He steps forward to close the gap between them, "But management means more money I get to spend on you."
He leans in to press a kiss to the corner of Eddie's mouth, deciding that charm would be the best option here. He pulls back to find Eddie's hooded eyes staring at his lips.
"Phone's ringin', sweetheart," Eddie whispers.
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eros-ghoulette · 13 days
Look at that
Alpha wants to get up before sunrise. Omega is having none of it.(Alpha is a good boy)
Characters: Alpha, Omega Word count: 590
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Alpha wasn’t much of a cuddler, or at least that’s what he told most people. A few knew that it wasn’t true. It just took some time until the tall fire ghoul was comfortable enough to cuddle with someone. And he would never be the one to ask for that type of affection, even though he craved it deep down.
Omega turned around with a growl forming in the depths of his chest, the yawn following immediately; it was too early to wake up. And he would still be asleep if it wasn’t for Alpha, who was wicked enough to leave his bed before sunrise. Their retirements had been months ago, but the guitarist still had a completely messed up sleeping schedule.
“Don’t ya’ dare,” the quint mumbled and scratched his belly, watching Alpha with half-closed eyes. His sleepy brain focused on the small paunch the other had grown over the past months, and it would be a lie to say it didn’t suit him. He looked healthier now, much healthier. And the way his shirts wrapped around the fat of his belly, how it wobbled a bit when he laughed - Omega wanted nothing more than to bite him there, to sink his teeth in it, not enough to break the skin, but to mark that gut.
He earned himself a mocking snort and a raised eyebrow. “What?”
“C’mere,” Omega ordered, holding his arms up. But the other could only chuckle at the weak attempt to get him back to bed.
“Cuddle your pillow, Megs,” he answered with that dumb grin of his.
The expression on Omega’s face could be described as a pout, and it only made Alpha laugh more. That was until Omega used his secret weapon, the one thing that always worked on the tall ghoul.
“Come on… Be a good boy,” he mumbled, not able to get the sleep out of his voice. It still had the reaction he wanted; he could practically hear the other's heartbeat quicken, saw the faint blush on his face. He opened his arms again, and this time Alpha came back and placed himself on Omega.
“Fuck you,” he muttered in Omega’s ear, but his scent betrayed him; pure contentment.
“Love you too, big boy,” Omega answered, eyes closed again. He could feel Alpha heating up, felt him wiggle a bit, and opened his eyes to see the deep colour of his face. It took the quint a minute to process what could have been the reason for that reaction, but when he finally did, a smirk appeared on his lips.
“Look at that,” he said, snapping his tongue, but the fondness in his voice clear. “Seems like I’ve found something new you like, hmm? Big boy?”
The fire ghoul hid his face as best as he could but nodded against Omega’s shoulder; maybe even a tad embarrassed.
“Well, my good boy gained some weight, didn’t he?” the other continued, one hand travelling down Alpha’s side, pinching his fat. The quint giggled as Alpha flinched a bit. “He looks really damn handsome, and he feels really good on me…”
He left one hand at the other's side, sneaking under his shirt, to hold him close there, fingers tracing the soft skin. Holding him there, Alphas weight pressing him in the mattress. 
“Will you cuddle with me now without complaining, hmm? Will you, big boy?”
Alpha’s heart was beating way too fast, his face heating up more and more.
“Yeah,” he mumbled and earned himself another quiet chuckle.
“That’s my good boy." ______________
I hate my writing tbh, but ughhhh... i died every time i wrote good boy. Praise me too, please. I promise i'm a good boy
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varpusvaras · 3 months
...I'm again thinking about Fox's allergy I wrote for him the other day, and because I think it's really funny, I'm gonna keep him being allergic to something stupid in the modern au @t3mpest98 and I have.
Is it bananas?
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koushuwu · 1 year
» watch me — jean kirstein x reader  *:・゚✧
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18+ content | 1,309 words | cw: afab!reader, sex toys, pet names (specifically “baby”), exhibitionism, voyeurism, oral sex f!recieving, dry humping, character cums in pants. | coaxing Jean into watching you wasn’t the hardest feat, but not being able to taste you was like torture to him.
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“When you come home, I want you to watch me.”
Every single cohesive thought escaped his brain like dew in the morning sun. Just completely evaporated as his balls clenched and his cock twitched in his grasp. He almost dropped the phone, but managed to keep it up by his ear.
“What?” he croaked.
“I want you. To watch me,” you repeated. Your own words hazed by your own pleasure. For a moment he had to seize all movement so he wouldn’t cum right then and there. “Like this. But together.” With all gullible responses stolen straight out of his lungs, he frantically searched for some way of expressing himself, as his climax rapidly approached.
“Okay,” he agreed. Pathetic if you asked him later, but at that moment, no other words would form in his throat.
Now, Jean had arrived home from his travels, an early saturday morning, and what he found when he came home, was undeniably the most breathtaking sight he’s ever laid eyes upon. There you were. The love of his life, leaned back on the bed, completely bare and a dark look in your eyes. Time seemed to slow around him as he took you in. Your legs were spread wide, and beside you lay the toys he’d bought for you before he left.
“Jean,” His name on your lips sounded so sweet, but it sounded so far in his trance like observation of the sight unfolding before him. Not only were a variation of toys scattered on the bed. Oh no. One toy, a baby pink rabbit vibrator, was in your hand. Was inside you, pushed deep in between your walls, and teasing your aching clit. “Jean,” you moaned his name, and this time your voice snapped him out of his trance. His bag dropped to the floor and– “Stop.” The one word uttered by you, had him nailed to the spot, just as he’d taken his first step towards you.
“What?” Jean’s voice cracked and he had to swallow hard before he could continue. “What do you mean?” His eyes were glued to your figure, and your hand had stilled on the vibrator. For a moment it was quiet around you, save for the whirring of the toy in your hand. In your pussy. You had wanted to wait for him to come home before starting. You really had meant to, but as you’d laid out the toys and stripped down, teased yourself to make sure you were ready as soon as he’d arrived, you found yourself excited. Of course you’d be excited but you found yourself spurred on by the thought of what was to come, that you’d found yourself unable to stop yourself from going just a little further. And that’s when Jean had arrived home.
“Watch,” you urged, breathlessly. “You said you would,” you reminded. Jean’s jaw slacked as he stared at you, unblinking. It wasn’t that he didn’t fathom your words or remember what you were talking about. But he hadn’t expected you to hold him to it so soon. Or maybe he hadn’t actually thought you’d meant it when you said it, but oh was he wrong.
“What? Now?” he asked, clearly in disbelief. Sucking your lower lip between your teeth and biting down, you nodded in response. The way his gaze followed your every movement as you slowly began to pull out of your cunt as if mesmerized was thrilling. Intoxicating even. 
“Come on, baby, please!”
Jean’s arms hung loosely down his sides as he watched you shake your head at him. You angled the vibrator and pushed back inside and mewled.
“Baby—“ Jean’s hands balled at his sides. His jaw all but hitting the floor and he just wanted to touch you. To taste you. So so bad. “This is torture, look at you. Shit, I just want to taste. Just a little taste. Please.” The vibrator whirred as Jean practically begged and you felt powerful. In control. Your eyes locked and even looking into his eyes, you could make out the strain against his pants out the corner of your eye. 
Watching the toy thrusting into your sloppy cunt really was torture to Jean. He really tried his hardest to keep a level head for you, but his mind was spinning. His mouth watered and the very air around him seemed to be strumming. Quaking. Reverberating along to the sweet tune of the very toy responsible for his agony. He really did try though, despite his aching cock and the continuous pleas falling from his lips as you whined and writhed before his eyes.
He watched you. He ached for you. He craved for you and when you finally nodded in response to his pleas, Jean’s entire body moved entirely on its own accord. His knees dipped into the mattress and his hand curled around yours as he claimed your lips with his own in a hungry, almost starved kiss. Tongues tangled, saliva mixing and hot breaths’ shared before he broke away, hungry for everything that you could give.
Jean stared at you intently and pulled the toy from your drooling pussy. Your body felt like it was already burning, but when his eyes bore into yours as he switched it off and brought the toy to his lips, all that the heat in your body rose erratically. And when his tongue pressed flat against the slick surface you shuddered, pussy clenching around nothing. Aching. Jean groaned low in his throat when the taste of you finally danced on his taste buds. Under his excruciating gaze, you tried closing your legs, but in an instant Jean dropped the toy, taking hold of your knees instead, keeping you from hiding. There was hunger in his eyes and he needed you. He needed you bad, and he needed you now.
It didn’t take Jean long, nor did it take him much effort to move you up the bed until he could lie between your legs. With his fingers digging into the plush of your thighs, he spread you open and dove in with no regret. Another deep guttural sound tore from Jean as his tongue finally met with the source of his deepest pleasures. You knew Jean, and you knew about his desire for the juices he now so eagerly drank from your lap. Yet, it sometimes surprised you just how much he seemed to enjoy it. But he did enjoy it. In fact, Jean relished in finally being allowed to taste you and bring you the pleasure he so desperately wanted you to feel. And you did. Jean was skilled. Eager, excited, but skilled. He instinctively slurped, licked, kissed, flicked and lapped at your pussy in such perfect sync with the song your body sang to him. You couldn’t hear it, but he could and it was a blissful symphony that he joined with his own lewd sounds.
Sounds that grew deeper as his hips bucked, rutting his cock against the mattress underneath him. The mattress, already giving way, ever so slightly under your writhing form. Writhing from the pleasure he gave you. The pleasure you gave him. The friction caused when he bucked into bed was good. Oh so good. Even better with your taste on his tongue and your sounds in his ears. And so he thrust his hips forward again. And again. The pleasure in his mouth and the pleasure pressing and sliding against his cock sent his head spinning. It pushed him steadily towards the edge. Rapidly as he pushed you towards it as well. Pushing. Pushing until you both reached it. Pushing until you both tumbled over it. You cumming on his tongue, just as he’d wanted, and him spilling in the confinement of his pants. Pushing. Even then, Jean could not get enough. He could never get enough of you.
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blackmonitor · 7 months
Pictures - Collab with @guestiguess
My very talented friend, @guestiguess illustrated a little ficlet I wrote the other day. Thank you so much for doing that <3 I'm so happy to see my words as a comic!
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“What are you thinking?” asked Eli.
Thrawn stood in his chamber, holding an empty glass. It had a few drops of amber-colored liquid on the bottom; his throat was still burning from the alcohol as he watched the young man sitting in front of him in the bed. 
“You would be an excellent model for a statue,” Thrawn replied. 
“Oh… really?” Eli was surprised by this answer. Thrawn thought he probably wanted to hear something else, something more sexual in nature. “Like a… naked statue?” He asked.
“Yes,” he said, and he placed the glass down on the table – the sound made Eli blink in the most adorable way before he blushed heavily. Thrawn loosened his belt and opened his tunic before he knelt before the younger man, grabbing his ankles.
Eli gasped softly as Thrawn raised his feet and placed them on the bed, then arranged them in an open and very provocative position. Then the Chiss sat on the bed, pushing the small of his back in a little, making his shoulders lean back, and placed one of his hands next to his crotch, the other on his neck. 
He then took a data pad in hand, and to Eli’s surprise, without asking, he stood into the bed and took a few shots of him.
Thrawn stared at the screen. Eli tilted his head curiously. The Chiss’s face was bright from the light of the screen, and he smiled widely as he stepped down from the bed, placing the data pad next to the empty glass. He was still staring at the screen; when he finally turned back toward the younger man he had a wicked grin on his face and a large bulge in his trousers. He removed his tunic. 
“What is it?” asked Eli.
Thrawn raised his eyebrows. “Nothing. I’m a…” He took a small pause and stared at him with hungry eyes. “I’m a lucky man,” he said simply, before he knelt down in front of Eli and moved to steal a kiss from his lips.
Thank you so much for @owlpartytime for the quick beta!
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itswhatyougive · 9 months
Steddie Nation, please give me your best bottom Steve fic recs! 🙏
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