#Speech patterns
marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
speech is another mode of self-expression. and I will never understand the animosity some people have towards the idea of choosing one’s speech patterns as consciously as one’s outfit
it’s something I’ve noticed a lot with Bernadette Banner, for example. commenters will get so up in arms about her phrasing or enunciation being “pretentious” or “annoying,” but like. she’s not pretending to be anything but what she is: an American woman in the 21st century who spent some formative years in the UK and likes using somewhat archaic language
comments like that kind of hit close to home for me, because, to a lesser extent...same. I can’t speak to her background, but personally I grew up a theatre kid with a neutral American accent and more 19th century novels than friends. talking like a Victorian literary character ate a meme blog is my natural speech pattern
but even if it wasn’t- who cares? 
we have zany makeup looks and technicolor hair and every fashion style imaginable represented in the world today. why is it somehow bad if someone decides they like speaking a certain way and adopts that pattern? why is there so much emphasis on using your “natural” manner of speaking when we’ve- rightly! -decided that nature can be thrown over for aesthetic expression if one so wishes?
(note- this does not apply to people adopting culturally coded speech patterns of oppressed minorities to which they don’t belong, like the infamous “blaccent.” I’m talking about harmless, non-appropriative examples here. that’s a whole other, very serious issue)
I was watching Crimson Peak with a friend and, after some speech or other that the heroine made, she sighed and said, “I wish I talked like that”
I wish I’d said, "then do!”
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soulboundsdailymix · 17 days
5/21/24 tune #3
A hop into another genre as well as the other coast, Speech Patterns is a post-hardcore based in Florida. While they sadly haven't been active since their last single release in 2019, their music still stands fairly strong with melodic notes and a flip between high and mid tempo beats.
Personally, I think this one is the best of their 2017 album, Without a Sound. The instrumental and vocals pair well together and compliment the other, without drowning one or the other out. Makes you wish you could strum along a bit.
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strawberryrain · 6 months
Love how some Tumblr posts just start with transitions that don't transition from anything (e.g. that being said, as I was saying, so anyways, etc). This really is the one place you can do whatever and no one questions it.
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thelemoncoffee · 1 year
so i hc Kokichi has this odd speech pattern where he does third person for everyone but himself (ie: he says i but never you) and i had a silly thought about it;
i thought it'd be kinda funny if everyone thought he does it on purpose to bring attention to himself, while in reality he's just always talked like that and doesn't really register it.
or even better; maybe he use to do it on purpose at one point in his childhood- specifically to aggitate his teachers, but overtime he stopped doing it on purpose and it shifted to being an unironic speech pattern he simply doesn't notice
he thinks he hasn't done it in years until someone eventually points it out in the present, he then has to take a moment to really process it and his brain just kinda goes- [insert buffer loading wheel]
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midnight-love-song · 26 days
About twice a year someone wholeheartedly compliments me “your English is really good!” And that always makes my day because English is my first language and I’ve always lived in Britain.
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
Even when a woman is a forthright, assertive, highly confident and successful performer on the stage of life, she may temper her speech patterns to fit a less challenging mode. Commands and directives that come from her lips will be modified with little grace notes, qualified with an extraneous phrase to take the edge off the expression of power. "Would you like to get that for me?" is a feminine turn of phrase. The underling may have no choice: he will get that memo on her desk first thing in the morning or be fired for incompetence, but the command has been softened, the power relationship disguised, the male ego left intact.
Except when dealing with children, women are rarely comfortable issuing a command—not only because we have had fewer opportunities to be in a managerial role, but because commands and orders are blatantly unfeminine. A command uses a minimum amount of language; it need not be couched in terms of politeness. Politeness is required from underlings but not from rulers. A command may be barked, but a woman must coo. "Would you do me a favor and ... ?" It is not surprising that insincerity is a charge that is leveled at feminine speech.
-Susan Brownmiller, Femininity
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gear-project · 3 months
Annon-Guy: If it's okay to humor me here...
You see in a crossover idea me and my friend do, one of the OC's we have (recently) addresses most of the heroes by Mister or Miss (occasionally Missues depending on the situation).
So, barring I-No and Chaos, how would the cast react to Always being addressed so formally?
Granted, Faust is pretty formal himself, but he is a doctor to be fair.
I'll list the ones that are particularly notable and interesting...
Sol: *Is used to hearing Ky speak formally so he puts up with it* (When Sol speaks Science Jargon, it goes over most peoples' heads and it shocks them when he gives a Lecture, because he almost never talks that much)
Ky: *doesn't realize he speaks formally and it annoys people*
Anji: *knows Ky speaks formally and hates him for it*
Baiken: *ignores anyone who talks formally*
May: *can't understand any formal language whatsoever*
Jack-O': *swaps between formal and informal depending on her personality*
Johnny: *has florid speech, but is not entirely formal surprisingly*
Answer: *very polite language on the phone, very rude language in public around President Chipp*
Chipp: *tries to impress people, but can't seem to speak formally*
Jam: *gets made fun of for her verbal "aru" tics, but ignores them because she's too strong to be messed with*
Zato: *used to speak casually but ever since being revived he can only speak formally like an encyclopedia*
Asuka: *thinks he's speaking casually but it's actually formal speech, not unlike Ky*
Bedman: *is talking but nobody can actually hear him because he's sleeping*
Sin: *has no idea what he's saying half the time anyway*
Ramlethal: *has a verbal tic of using "chigao" (wrong) too much, but otherwise fairly average speech pattern*
Kum Haehyun: *has a verbal tic of using "jonryoku" (effort) too much, but is mostly disrespectful in her speech*
Slayer: *has very casual speech, even in insane situations, which makes him UNFLAPPABLE*
Faust: *casual mostly, until he gets worked up in crazy situations*
Testament: *has very formal speech and doesn't care if people complain about it*
Venom: *has never been casual a day in his life*
Robo-Ky: *has a "Dame" (Useless) verbal tic, but despite being high spec, has very rude language patterns*
Raven: *casual in all situations, not unlike Slayer*
Valentine: *doesn't understand the purpose of human language*
Justice: *extremely formal and extremely rude, doesn't care if humans hear her or not*
Nagoriyuki: *formal, but even more so when he speaks of Onigiri*
A.B.A.: *formal and ornate language, but speaks too fast for most people to comprehend in her emotional outbursts*
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lifesizecorpsekit · 4 months
i lowkey hate my subconcsious ability to immediately pick up speech patterns because they make me sound extremely fake
like- i am sorry for saying "JEEZUM CROW" every single time something happens,,, i picked it up from a play i was once a part of
i am sorry for saying "that is not on" i am not british i am just a good omens fan ;(
i am sorry for saying "akin" very often(((( i am not trying to be a pretentious freak((( i am just a hannibal fan(((
this shit also applies to accents. my mother rewatches peaky blinders on repeat without headphones a lot. after two weeks of that i started having aspects of brummie accent that i cannot get rid of anymore. it has been about five months of that. please.
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fedorahead · 5 months
i realized, besides one video that is me doing a bit (originally just for a friend), i'm totally nonverbal on my tiktok. so i set that video to private.
my barrier every time i want to make a tiktok is "my face isn't the one i want to show here". my voice isn't even a factor.
i've tried to make tiktoks with speaking before, i even have a teleprompter app to help me remember and time words out. but i'm not a fully verbal person and i just don't want my voice there.
i'm coming to accept and embrace having a tiktok, an entire presentation of myself to a corner of the world, without my voice. and it makes me happier?
i love my voice, but it's not for there. my voice is for driving fast alone in my car, when i have too many emotions and for some reason someone is singing
i'll show the silent side of me. i like that side. it's expressive and dynamic. it isn't trapped behind tone and cadence and accent and pronunciation.
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mugrootbeer · 6 months
You’re a good mug person. Keep up the mug work.
I too have a speech impediment where I randomly say "Mug" in the middle of sentences
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d0nutzgg · 1 year
Speechy Research Devlog: Beginning of Day 3
This morning has gotten off to an interesting start. I decided to analyze my wife's voice (she doesn't have a neuro disease but she does have autism), and I thought her voice would be decent as a baseline for starters (she's not monotone in her voice like some people who have autism are).
I was correct that there would be differences (which was pretty awesome)! Plus, I plan to get one friend to also give me a recording of them saying the "Rainbow Passage" as well as anyone else who wants to volunteer.
If anyone wants to volunteer to read the Rainbow Passage for research purposes, please DM / contact me in comments.
Pitch Prosody Analysis
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Taylor's voice stayed pretty stable in the normal range for a female with no neurological diseases. This is quite a difference from what we see with mine:
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You can tell with mine I had a lot of issues with my pitch shooting up which indicated problems with controlling the pitch and tone of my speaking.
Mine has many different "spikes," and hers only has 2 major ones and 2ish mild ones. This is a stark illustration in the difference between someone with Huntington's Disease, and someone who doesn't have it.
RMS Energy Analysis
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This is the energy in Taylor's voice, it stayed pretty consistent / high throughout the whole passage while mine tuckered out after just a short period of time causing a "curvature" almost in peaks of energy which tapered off at the end.
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As you can see, there is a slight downward curve in the peaks, so you can tell I was not able to maintain energy in my voice during the 15 seconds of speaking.
These two comparisons illustrate the stark differences between someone who doesn't have AD and someone who does. I hope this also gives somewhat of a baseline.
As I said, if you want to volunteer to read the Rainbow Passage, I'd love to have you in the research project! Please message / contact me if interested.
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phoenixinthefiles · 9 months
Really wanna be in a situation one day where I can unironically say,
“What in tarnation?!”
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antifatabi · 1 year
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the-literary-nomad · 1 year
speech patterns
Leaves speak. I wonder if people have noticed this. Scientists would probably chalk it down to the way the wind sweeps between them, causing them to rise and fall at varying speeds depending on their mass—but I am a romantic. And to me, it is so much more than that. So as I walk across the gravel pathway away from my apartment block, I contemplate the intricacies of leaf language. The palm shaped leaves on the trees above me speak in whooshes. They rustle softly to each other, whispering of the scandalous secrets they uncover upon balconies and through windows. I walk toward the back of the clubhouse, wanting to hear what the leaves planted in the little manmade forest have to say. The plants with long red leaves talk in flicks, moving like one of those inflatable air dancers stationed outside lulu hypermarket during a sale. They talk over, under and between each other—not waiting for one to stop before another begins. Their banana-leaf neighbors speak with a deeper timbre, a thicker accent. Like a hundred water colour painting sheets flapping simultaneously in the wind.
The leaves speak in different tones and accents. They do not try to emulate their friends—the small plants do not try to speak in whooshes, just as the trees do not flap. They all chatter in harmony, understanding each other and speaking with their own tongue in response. The symphony that they create is a rustling orchestra with the wind at its helm. It makes me think, sometimes. How they fit so seamlessly together despite their obvious differences. How easy it is for some.
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
something really funny to me about this hell site.
people's individual accents and speech patterns are more obvious here then any other social media website I know of.
it's easier to see speech patterns when they're written versus spoken sometimes cause they stick out singed of blending in with the rest of whatever's being said.
that and speech patterns are more likely to show in less formal situations. Tumblr is where rants and shit posts thrive where no one's putting too much thought into their posts.
I just think it's fun to see how people talk in comparison to each other. now I want everyone to be aware of it, so others can enjoy it.
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allnovellas · 1 year
The Power of Dialogue
Dialogue is one of the most important tools a writer has in their arsenal. It allows characters to interact with each other and reveal themselves to the reader in a way that no amount of description can achieve. But writing effective dialogue is not as simple as transcribing a conversation you overheard on the bus. Crafting realistic and compelling dialogue takes practice and skill. Here are some…
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